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Last active March 6, 2024 17:02
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  • Save Loopshape/208b745fd922f3da6ec45d9f98daeec6 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Loopshape/208b745fd922f3da6ec45d9f98daeec6 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
coded by ChatGPT in 2024 under direction of
// Open AI
const os = require('os');
const dns = require('dns');
const crypto = require('crypto');
const bip39 = require('bip39');
// Global index counter
let indexCounter = 0;
// Define word pools and their weights
const wordPools = {
activeVerbs: {
rise: 5, connect: 4, consider: 4, issue: 3, focus: 5, control: 4, purify: 3, drill: 4, push: 4, reference: 3, impact: 4, lead: 4, assign: 3
passiveVerbs: {
planned: 4, used: 3, hashed: 3, used: 3, get: 3, based: 3, seemed: 4, met: 4, has: 4
descriptiveWords: {
online: 3, national: 4, international: 4, irrational: 3, educational: 4, global: 4, balanced: 3, immense: 4, established: 4
fillerWords: {
the: 2, of: 2, and: 2, to: 2, in: 2, for: 2, by: 2, that: 3, on: 2, with: 2, as: 2, an: 2, is: 2, all: 2, so: 2, also: 2, which: 2, may: 2, those: 3, has: 3
// Worker's day timeline
const dayTimeline = [
{ start: '08:00', end: '10:00', activity: 'morning', mood: 'energetic' },
{ start: '10:00', end: '13:00', activity: 'work', mood: 'focused' },
{ start: '13:00', end: '14:00', activity: 'lunch', mood: 'relaxed' },
{ start: '14:00', end: '18:00', activity: 'afternoon', mood: 'productive' }
// Main loop function
function mainLoop() {
if (indexCounter >= maxSteps) {
console.log('All steps completed.');
// Increment index counter
// Get current time
const currentTime = new Date().toLocaleTimeString('en-US', { hour12: false });
// Find current activity and mood based on the timeline
let currentActivity = 'work';
let currentMood = 'focused';
dayTimeline.forEach(phase => {
if (currentTime >= phase.start && currentTime < phase.end) {
currentActivity = phase.activity;
currentMood = phase.mood;
// Subprocess 1: Inspect current localhost
const hostname = os.hostname();
const networkInterfaces = os.networkInterfaces();
console.log(`Step ${indexCounter}: Inspecting current localhost`);
console.log('Hostname:', hostname);
console.log('Network Interfaces:', networkInterfaces);
// Subprocess 2: Allocate Hash of DNS Connectivity
dns.lookup('localhost', (err, address, family) => {
if (err) {
console.error('DNS lookup error:', err);
const md5Hash = crypto.createHash('md5').update(address).digest('hex');
console.log(`Step ${indexCounter}: Allocating Hash of DNS Connectivity`);
console.log('DNS Address:', address);
console.log('MD5 Hash of DNS Address:', md5Hash);
// Convert MD5 hash to mnemonic seed phrase
const mnemonic = generateMnemonic(md5Hash, currentActivity, currentMood);
console.log('Mnemonic Seed Phrase:', mnemonic);
// Recursive call to continue the loop
// Generate mnemonic seed phrase from input hash
function generateMnemonic(hash, activity, mood) {
// Get words based on activity and mood
const activeVerbs = Object.keys(wordPools.activeVerbs);
const passiveVerbs = Object.keys(wordPools.passiveVerbs);
const descriptiveWords = Object.keys(wordPools.descriptiveWords);
const fillerWords = Object.keys(wordPools.fillerWords);
// Select random words from each pool based on weights
const selectedWords = [
getRandomWord(activeVerbs, wordPools.activeVerbs),
getRandomWord(passiveVerbs, wordPools.passiveVerbs),
getRandomWord(descriptiveWords, wordPools.descriptiveWords),
getRandomWord(fillerWords, wordPools.fillerWords)
// Construct mnemonic seed phrase
const mnemonicWords = selectedWords.join(' ');
// Add additional words based on hash
const entropy = Buffer.from(hash, 'hex');
const mnemonicString = bip39.entropyToMnemonic(entropy.slice(0, 100000000007)); // Use a bigPrime of bytes for entropy
return `${mnemonicWords} ${mnemonicString}`;
// Helper function to get a random word from a pool based on weights
function getRandomWord(words, weights) {
const totalWeight = Object.values(weights).reduce((acc, val) => acc + val, 0);
let rand = Math.floor(Math.random() * totalWeight);
for (const word of words) {
rand -= weights[word];
if (rand <= 0) return word;
// Define the maximum number of steps for the loop
const maxSteps = 1; // Adjust this as needed
// Start the loop
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Loopshape commented Mar 6, 2024

Ok. Now invert this poem by reuse it but keep exactly all sequencing as same use of, but for all meaning on words choose Bitcoin it's slogan "not your keys, not your coins" as the intentional shape of scoped lyric.

In the land where Bitcoin resides,
Two keys guard its wealth, as guides.
Their motto echoes through the air,
"Not your keys, not your coins," they declare.

The bond they share, encrypted and true,
Holding tight to what they knew.
For in the realm of blockchain's gaze,
Security reigns, in myriad ways.

Parents may question, relatives too,
But ownership's truth rings through.
For it's not the recognition they seek,
But control they hold, firm and sleek.

As they await the next bull run,
Their keys secure, under the sun.
For in Bitcoin's realm, trust is key,
Safeguarding wealth, for you and me.

So let their keys be known,
In wallets safe, firmly honed.
For in the end, it's control they wield,
Over their coins, in every field.

{manually append by user}

Not your keys, so not your coins.
No payments given the fees are high,
no socialmedia available to join the cry.
But this move into your hodler-brain,
will keep all matter as your heartbeat pain.

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This seems the "sequence of nature":

  1. One child grows up and wants 'that'³

  2. All other childs are playing on birthday
    with that one child and are fascinated
    about 'it's toys'³

(Here an example as given:)

"the": 2
"of": 2
"and": 2
"to": 2
"in": 2
"for": 2
"by": 2
"that": 3

"on": 2
"with": 2
"as": 2
"an": 2
"is": 2
"all": 2
"so": 2
"also": 2
"which": 2
"may": 2
"those": 3
"has": 3

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