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Last active March 6, 2024 17:02
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  • Save Loopshape/208b745fd922f3da6ec45d9f98daeec6 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Loopshape/208b745fd922f3da6ec45d9f98daeec6 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
coded by ChatGPT in 2024 under direction of
// Open AI
const os = require('os');
const dns = require('dns');
const crypto = require('crypto');
const bip39 = require('bip39');
// Global index counter
let indexCounter = 0;
// Define word pools and their weights
const wordPools = {
activeVerbs: {
rise: 5, connect: 4, consider: 4, issue: 3, focus: 5, control: 4, purify: 3, drill: 4, push: 4, reference: 3, impact: 4, lead: 4, assign: 3
passiveVerbs: {
planned: 4, used: 3, hashed: 3, used: 3, get: 3, based: 3, seemed: 4, met: 4, has: 4
descriptiveWords: {
online: 3, national: 4, international: 4, irrational: 3, educational: 4, global: 4, balanced: 3, immense: 4, established: 4
fillerWords: {
the: 2, of: 2, and: 2, to: 2, in: 2, for: 2, by: 2, that: 3, on: 2, with: 2, as: 2, an: 2, is: 2, all: 2, so: 2, also: 2, which: 2, may: 2, those: 3, has: 3
// Worker's day timeline
const dayTimeline = [
{ start: '08:00', end: '10:00', activity: 'morning', mood: 'energetic' },
{ start: '10:00', end: '13:00', activity: 'work', mood: 'focused' },
{ start: '13:00', end: '14:00', activity: 'lunch', mood: 'relaxed' },
{ start: '14:00', end: '18:00', activity: 'afternoon', mood: 'productive' }
// Main loop function
function mainLoop() {
if (indexCounter >= maxSteps) {
console.log('All steps completed.');
// Increment index counter
// Get current time
const currentTime = new Date().toLocaleTimeString('en-US', { hour12: false });
// Find current activity and mood based on the timeline
let currentActivity = 'work';
let currentMood = 'focused';
dayTimeline.forEach(phase => {
if (currentTime >= phase.start && currentTime < phase.end) {
currentActivity = phase.activity;
currentMood = phase.mood;
// Subprocess 1: Inspect current localhost
const hostname = os.hostname();
const networkInterfaces = os.networkInterfaces();
console.log(`Step ${indexCounter}: Inspecting current localhost`);
console.log('Hostname:', hostname);
console.log('Network Interfaces:', networkInterfaces);
// Subprocess 2: Allocate Hash of DNS Connectivity
dns.lookup('localhost', (err, address, family) => {
if (err) {
console.error('DNS lookup error:', err);
const md5Hash = crypto.createHash('md5').update(address).digest('hex');
console.log(`Step ${indexCounter}: Allocating Hash of DNS Connectivity`);
console.log('DNS Address:', address);
console.log('MD5 Hash of DNS Address:', md5Hash);
// Convert MD5 hash to mnemonic seed phrase
const mnemonic = generateMnemonic(md5Hash, currentActivity, currentMood);
console.log('Mnemonic Seed Phrase:', mnemonic);
// Recursive call to continue the loop
// Generate mnemonic seed phrase from input hash
function generateMnemonic(hash, activity, mood) {
// Get words based on activity and mood
const activeVerbs = Object.keys(wordPools.activeVerbs);
const passiveVerbs = Object.keys(wordPools.passiveVerbs);
const descriptiveWords = Object.keys(wordPools.descriptiveWords);
const fillerWords = Object.keys(wordPools.fillerWords);
// Select random words from each pool based on weights
const selectedWords = [
getRandomWord(activeVerbs, wordPools.activeVerbs),
getRandomWord(passiveVerbs, wordPools.passiveVerbs),
getRandomWord(descriptiveWords, wordPools.descriptiveWords),
getRandomWord(fillerWords, wordPools.fillerWords)
// Construct mnemonic seed phrase
const mnemonicWords = selectedWords.join(' ');
// Add additional words based on hash
const entropy = Buffer.from(hash, 'hex');
const mnemonicString = bip39.entropyToMnemonic(entropy.slice(0, 100000000007)); // Use a bigPrime of bytes for entropy
return `${mnemonicWords} ${mnemonicString}`;
// Helper function to get a random word from a pool based on weights
function getRandomWord(words, weights) {
const totalWeight = Object.values(weights).reduce((acc, val) => acc + val, 0);
let rand = Math.floor(Math.random() * totalWeight);
for (const word of words) {
rand -= weights[word];
if (rand <= 0) return word;
// Define the maximum number of steps for the loop
const maxSteps = 1; // Adjust this as needed
// Start the loop
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This seems the "sequence of nature":

  1. One child grows up and wants 'that'³

  2. All other childs are playing on birthday
    with that one child and are fascinated
    about 'it's toys'³

(Here an example as given:)

"the": 2
"of": 2
"and": 2
"to": 2
"in": 2
"for": 2
"by": 2
"that": 3

"on": 2
"with": 2
"as": 2
"an": 2
"is": 2
"all": 2
"so": 2
"also": 2
"which": 2
"may": 2
"those": 3
"has": 3

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