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Last active February 10, 2024 19:27
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* Ethereum Account Scanner
* To run this, you need your own geth node, accepting RPC
* connections on a port you can access.
* Install pre-requisites:
* sudo npm install -g web3
* Usage:
* nodejs ./ethereum-account-scanner.js
let Web3 = require('web3');
* Location of your geth server
* It must be running with RPC enabled, and you must have access to
* connect to it through your and its firewall.
* @type {{host: string, port: number}}
let gethServer = {
host: '', // change this to your geth hostname/IP
port: 8545 // change this to your geth RPC port
* Address of the Ethereum account you wish to scan
* Example: 0x0123456789012345678090123456789012345678
* @type {string}
let wallet = 'YOUR_ACCOUNT_HERE'; // change this to your Ethereum account number
* Which block to start scanning.
* You can start at block 0, but it will take FOREVER to scan,
* so you probably don't want to do that.
* Generally speaking on a dual-core CPU that runs both geth
* and this scanning client, I can scan ~ 300 blocks/second,
* but in so doing, the CPU maxed at 100%.
* @type {number}
let firstBlockNumber = 1909000;
* Maximum number of threads to create.
* The higher you set this, the faster the scan will run. However if
* you set it too high, you will overload the geth server and/or your
* client machine and you may start getting networking errors.
* Generally speaking on a dual-core CPU that runs both geth
* and this scanning client, I can scan ~ 300 blocks/second,
* but in so doing, the CPU maxed at 100%.
* On the same dual-core CPU, settings higher than 200 threads
* actually SLOW DOWN the processing since the I/O overhead exceeds
* the capabilities of the machine. Your results may vary.
* @type {number}
let maxThreads = 200;
* Initialize Ethereum Web3 client (if we haven't already)
* @type {Web3}
if (typeof web3 !== 'undefined') {
web3 = new Web3(web3.currentProvider);
} else {
console.log(`Connecting to geth on RPC @ ${}:${gethServer.port}`);
// set the provider you want from Web3.providers
web3 = new Web3(new Web3.providers.HttpProvider(`http://${}:${gethServer.port}`));
* Scan an individual transaction
* This is called once for every transaction found between the
* starting block and the ending block.
* Do whatever you want with this transaction.
* NOTE- This is called asynchronously, so the txn/block you
* see here might have actually happened AFTER the txn/block
* you see the next time is is called. To determine
* synchronicity, you need to look at `block.timestamp`
* @param {Object} txn (See
* @param {Object} block The parent block of the transaction (See
function scanTransactionCallback(txn, block) {
// console.log(JSON.stringify(block, null, 4));
// console.log(JSON.stringify(txn, null, 4));
if ( === wallet) {
// A transaction credited ether into this wallet
var ether = web3.fromWei(txn.value, 'ether');
console.log(`\r${block.timestamp} +${ether} from ${txn.from}`);
} else if (txn.from === wallet) {
// A transaction debitted ether from this wallet
var ether = web3.fromWei(txn.value, 'ether');
console.log(`\r${block.timestamp} -${ether} to ${}`);
* Scan an individual block
* This is called once for every block found between the
* starting block and the ending block.
* Here we just look for transactions in the block, and then
* we scan each of those.
* NOTE- This is called asynchronously, so the block you
* see here might have actually happened AFTER the block
* you see the next time this is called. To determine
* synchronicity, you need to look at `block.timestamp`
* @param {Object} block (See
function scanBlockCallback(block) {
if (block.transactions) {
for (var i = 0; i < block.transactions.length; i++) {
var txn = block.transactions[i];
scanTransactionCallback(txn, block);
* Scan a range of blocks
* Spawn up to `maxThreads` threads to scan blocks in the
* range provided.
* Note that if you pass undefined for `stoppingBlock`, its
* value will be computed at the beginning of the function,
* so any blocks added during the scan will not be processed.
* @param {number|hex} startingBlock First block to scan.
* @param {number|hex} stoppingBlock (Optional) Last block to scan. If undefined, scan all blocks.
* @param {function} callback Function to call after this range has been fully scanned.
* It must accept these arguments: (error, lastScannedBlockNumber)
* @returns {number} Number of threads started. They will continue working asynchronously in the background.
function scanBlockRange(startingBlock, stoppingBlock, callback) {
// If they didn't provide an explicit stopping block, then read
// ALL of the blocks up to the current one.
if (typeof stoppingBlock === 'undefined') {
stoppingBlock = web3.eth.blockNumber;
// If they asked for a starting block that's after the stopping block,
// that is an error (or they're waiting for more blocks to appear,
// which hasn't yet happened).
if (startingBlock > stoppingBlock) {
return -1;
let blockNumber = startingBlock,
gotError = false,
numThreads = 0,
startTime = new Date();
function getPercentComplete(bn) {
var t = stoppingBlock - startingBlock,
n = bn - startingBlock;
return Math.floor(n / t * 100, 2);
function exitThread() {
if (--numThreads == 0) {
var numBlocksScanned = 1 + stoppingBlock - startingBlock,
stopTime = new Date(),
duration = (stopTime.getTime() - startTime.getTime())/1000,
blocksPerSec = Math.floor(numBlocksScanned / duration, 2),
msg = `Scanned to block ${stoppingBlock} (${numBlocksScanned} in ${duration} seconds; ${blocksPerSec} blocks/sec).`,
len = msg.length,
numSpaces = process.stdout.columns - len,
spaces = Array(1+numSpaces).join(" ");
if (callback) {
callback(gotError, stoppingBlock);
return numThreads;
function asyncScanNextBlock() {
// If we've encountered an error, stop scanning blocks
if (gotError) {
return exitThread();
// If we've reached the end, don't scan more blocks
if (blockNumber > stoppingBlock) {
return exitThread();
// Scan the next block and assign a callback to scan even more
// once that is done.
var myBlockNumber = blockNumber++;
// Write periodic status update so we can tell something is happening
if (myBlockNumber % maxThreads == 0 || myBlockNumber == stoppingBlock) {
var pctDone = getPercentComplete(myBlockNumber);
process.stdout.write(`\rScanning block ${myBlockNumber} - ${pctDone} %`);
// Async call to getBlock() means we can run more than 1 thread
// at a time, which is MUCH faster for scanning.
web3.eth.getBlock(myBlockNumber, true, (error, block) => {
if (error) {
// Error retrieving this block
gotError = true;
console.error("Error:", error);
} else {
var nt;
for (nt = 0; nt < maxThreads && startingBlock + nt <= stoppingBlock; nt++) {
return nt; // number of threads spawned (they'll continue processing)
// Scan all blocks from the starting block up to current,
// and then keep scanning forever.
scanBlockRange(firstBlockNumber, undefined);
ross@geth:~$ node ./ethereum-account-scanner.js
Connecting to geth on RPC @
1468864992 +1.0062231070066566 from 0xea674fdde714fd979de3edf0f56aa9716b898ec8
1468885219 +1.0328395604683791 from 0xea674fdde714fd979de3edf0f56aa9716b898ec8
1468907893 +1.0454603977622094 from 0xea674fdde714fd979de3edf0f56aa9716b898ec8
1468930523 +1.0598223082859195 from 0xea674fdde714fd979de3edf0f56aa9716b898ec8
Scanned to block 1914297 (5298 in 16.111 seconds; 328 blocks/sec).
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Cannot run script, got this

let Web3 = require('web3');

SyntaxError: Unexpected identifier
at Module._compile (module.js:439:25)
at Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:474:10)
at Module.load (module.js:356:32)
at Function.Module._load (module.js:312:12)
at Function.Module.runMain (module.js:497:10)
at startup (node.js:119:16)
at node.js:902:3

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KamMif commented Nov 15, 2017

hi, you can ask me, how run this script for scanning transactions of my address?
If, i just run ethereum-account-scanner.js it scanned block and return count block with scannig

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