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Last active May 19, 2021 09:34
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AngularJS HTTP interceptor to work around CORS/JSONP problems
* @license CC0 1.0 (
* The problem:
* You need to make a cross-domain request for JSON data, but the remote
* server doesn't send the necessary CORS headers, and it only supports
* simple JSON-over-HTTP GET requests (no JSONP support).
* One possible solution:
* Use 'jsonp-proxy-request-interceptor' to proxy the request through
* Much thanks to Aidan Feldman for an awesome service!
* <>
* <>
var app = angular.module('jsonp-proxy-request-interceptor', []);
// (1) define a request interceptor
function JsonpProxyRequestInterceptor($log) {
// (2) define a RegEx to extract raw JSON from the proxy response
var callbackRx = /callback\((.+)\);/gm;
this.request = function(config) {
// (3) check if this is a request that needs to be proxied
if (config.url === '' && config.method === 'GET') {
// (4) save the API URL, and set request URL to ''
var apiUrl = config.url;
config.url = '';
// (5) set the url= and callback= params for
config.params = angular.extend({}, config.params || {}, {
url: apiUrl,
callback: 'callback'
// (6) extract the raw JSON from the proxy response
config.transformResponse.unshift(function(data, headers) {
var matched = callbackRx.exec(data);
// (7) pass the raw JSON along to the next transformer
return matched ? matched[1] : data;
// (8) return the (possibly modified) config
return config;
// (9) install the interceptor
app.config(['$httpProvider', function configHttp($httpProvider) {
// (10) stop banging your head against the wall
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