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Last active December 15, 2016 21:23
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Save hvr/68b2268b804684f21baa to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
#!/usr/bin/env runghc
import Data.Char
import Data.List
import Control.Monad
import Control.Applicative
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Version
import Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP (readP_to_S)
parseVer :: String -> Either Version String
parseVer "HEAD" = Right "HEAD"
parseVer s = case [ v | (v,"") <- readP_to_S parseVersion s ] of
(v:_) -> Left v
[] -> error ("parseVer: " ++ show s)
showVer :: Either Version String -> String
showVer (Right s) = s
showVer (Left v) = showVersion v
main :: IO ()
main = do
ls <- map words . normalizeLines . lines <$> getContents
let entries = sort [ ((parseVer gv,pn),pv) | gv:pnvs <- ls, pnv <- pnvs, let (pn,pv) = fmap tail $ break (=='/') pnv ]
allpns = sort $ nub [ pn | ((_,pn),_) <- entries ]
allgvs = reverse $ sort $ nub [ gv | ((gv,_),_) <- entries ]
let hdr = intercalate "||" $ ("" : " " : [ "= '''" <> showVer v <> "''' =" | v <- allgvs ]) ++ [""]
putStrLn $ hdr
forM_ allpns $ \pn -> do
let pghcvers = [ (showVer gv,pv) | ((gv,pn'),pv) <- entries, pn' == pn ]
let tmp = intercalate "||" $ do
(v,v_next) <- zip (map showVer allgvs) (tail (map showVer allgvs) ++ [""])
let pver = lookup v pghcvers
pver_next = lookup v_next pghcvers
return $case pver of
_ | v_next /= "" && pver == pver_next -> "" -- collapse
Nothing -> " ''none'' "
Just pver' -> " " <> pver' <> " "
-- print (pn, pghcvers)
putStrLn $ "||=`" <> pn <> "` =||" <> tmp <> "||"
-- repeat header
putStrLn $ hdr
return ()
normalizeLines = filter (not . null) . map normLine
normLine = dropWhile isSpace . fst . span (/='#')
#! /usr/bin/env runghc
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Data.Char
import Data.List
import Data.Monoid
import System.Environment
import System.Exit
import System.IO
main :: IO ()
main = do
fns <- getArgs
when (null fns) $ do
hPutStrLn stderr "usage: ./pack_pkg_list.hs <files with 'ghc-pkg list --global' output>..."
forM_ fns $ \fn -> do
c <- (words . map normWS) <$> readFile fn
unless (not (null c)
&& (("package.conf.d:" `isSuffixOf` head c) || ("package.conf.d" `isSuffixOf` head c))
&& not (any ("package.conf.d" `isInfixOf`) (tail c))) $
fail ("invalid file " ++ show fn)
let c' = sort (map parsePkgName $ tail c)
Just ghcver = lookup "ghc" (map fst c')
let ln = ghcver <> "\t" <> unwords [ n<>"/"<>v<>(if h then "*" else "") | ((n,v),h) <- c' ]
putStrLn ln
return ()
normWS c | isSpace c = ' '
| otherwise = c
parsePkgName n | "(" `isPrefixOf` n
, ")" `isSuffixOf` n = (splitPkg (init (tail n)), True)
| otherwise = (splitPkg n, False)
splitPkg pn | head n == '-' = (reverse $ tail n,reverse v)
| otherwise = error "splitPkg: internal error"
(v,n) = break (=='-') . reverse $ pn
# packed versions file -- generate with ./pack_pkg_list.hs
# We extract the Win32 pkg version information manually here
7.0.1 Win32/
7.0.2 Win32/
7.0.3 Win32/
7.0.4 Win32/
7.2.1 Win32/
7.2.2 Win32/
7.4.1 Win32/
7.4.2 Win32/
7.6.1 Win32/
7.6.2 Win32/
7.6.3 Win32/
7.8.1 Win32/
7.8.2 Win32/
7.8.3 Win32/
7.8.4 Win32/
7.10.1 Win32/
7.10.2 Win32/
7.10.3 Win32/
8.0.1 Win32/
# GHC 7.0 - GHC 7.6
7.0.1 Cabal/ array/ base/ bin-package-db/ bytestring/ containers/ directory/ extensible-exceptions/ ffi/1.0 filepath/ ghc/7.0.1* ghc-binary/* ghc-prim/ haskell2010/* haskell98/ hpc/ integer-gmp/ old-locale/ old-time/ pretty/ process/ random/ rts/1.0 template-haskell/ time/ unix/
7.0.2 Cabal/ array/ base/ bin-package-db/ bytestring/ containers/ directory/ extensible-exceptions/ ffi/1.0 filepath/ ghc/7.0.2* ghc-binary/* ghc-prim/ haskell2010/* haskell98/ hpc/ integer-gmp/ old-locale/ old-time/ pretty/ process/ random/ rts/1.0 template-haskell/ time/ unix/
7.0.3 Cabal/ array/ base/ bin-package-db/ bytestring/ containers/ directory/ extensible-exceptions/ ffi/1.0 filepath/ ghc/7.0.3* ghc-binary/* ghc-prim/ haskell2010/* haskell98/ hpc/ integer-gmp/ old-locale/ old-time/ pretty/ process/ random/ rts/1.0 template-haskell/ time/ unix/
7.0.4 Cabal/ array/ base/ bin-package-db/ bytestring/ containers/ directory/ extensible-exceptions/ ffi/1.0 filepath/ ghc/7.0.4* ghc-binary/* ghc-prim/ haskell2010/* haskell98/ hpc/ integer-gmp/ old-locale/ old-time/ pretty/ process/ random/ rts/1.0 template-haskell/ time/ unix/
7.2.1 Cabal/1.12.0 array/ base/ bin-package-db/ binary/* bytestring/ containers/ directory/ extensible-exceptions/ ffi/1.0 filepath/ ghc/7.2.1* ghc-prim/ haskell2010/* haskell98/* hoopl/ hpc/ integer-gmp/ old-locale/ old-time/ pretty/ process/ rts/1.0 template-haskell/ time/ unix/
7.2.2 Cabal/1.12.0 array/ base/ bin-package-db/ binary/* bytestring/ containers/ directory/ extensible-exceptions/ ffi/1.0 filepath/ ghc/7.2.2* ghc-prim/ haskell2010/* haskell98/* hoopl/ hpc/ integer-gmp/ old-locale/ old-time/ pretty/ process/ rts/1.0 template-haskell/ time/ unix/
7.4.1 Cabal/1.14.0 array/ base/ bin-package-db/ binary/ bytestring/ containers/ deepseq/ directory/ extensible-exceptions/ filepath/ ghc/7.4.1* ghc-prim/ haskell2010/* haskell98/* hoopl/ hpc/ integer-gmp/ old-locale/ old-time/ pretty/ process/ rts/1.0 template-haskell/ time/1.4 unix/
7.4.2 Cabal/1.14.0 array/ base/ bin-package-db/ binary/ bytestring/ containers/ deepseq/ directory/ extensible-exceptions/ filepath/ ghc/7.4.2* ghc-prim/ haskell2010/* haskell98/* hoopl/ hpc/ integer-gmp/ old-locale/ old-time/ pretty/ process/ rts/1.0 template-haskell/ time/1.4 unix/
7.6.1 Cabal/1.16.0 array/ base/ bin-package-db/ binary/ bytestring/ containers/ deepseq/ directory/ filepath/ ghc/7.6.1* ghc-prim/ haskell2010/* haskell98/* hoopl/ hpc/ integer-gmp/ old-locale/ old-time/ pretty/ process/ rts/1.0 template-haskell/ time/ unix/
7.6.2 Cabal/1.16.0 array/ base/ bin-package-db/ binary/ bytestring/ containers/ deepseq/ directory/ filepath/ ghc/7.6.2* ghc-prim/ haskell2010/* haskell98/* hoopl/ hpc/ integer-gmp/ old-locale/ old-time/ pretty/ process/ rts/1.0 template-haskell/ time/ unix/
7.6.3 Cabal/1.16.0 array/ base/ bin-package-db/ binary/ bytestring/ containers/ deepseq/ directory/ filepath/ ghc/7.6.3* ghc-prim/ haskell2010/* haskell98/* hoopl/ hpc/ integer-gmp/ old-locale/ old-time/ pretty/ process/ rts/1.0 template-haskell/ time/ unix/
# GHC 7.8.x
7.8.1 Cabal/ array/ base/ bin-package-db/ binary/ bytestring/ containers/ deepseq/ directory/ filepath/ ghc/7.8.1* ghc-prim/ haskell2010/* haskell98/* hoopl/ hpc/ integer-gmp/ old-locale/ old-time/ pretty/ process/ rts/1.0 template-haskell/ time/1.4.2 transformers/ unix/
7.8.2 Cabal/ array/ base/ bin-package-db/ binary/ bytestring/ containers/ deepseq/ directory/ filepath/ ghc/7.8.2* ghc-prim/ haskell2010/* haskell98/* hoopl/ hpc/ integer-gmp/ old-locale/ old-time/ pretty/ process/ rts/1.0 template-haskell/ time/1.4.2 transformers/ unix/
7.8.3 Cabal/ array/ base/ bin-package-db/ binary/ bytestring/ containers/ deepseq/ directory/ filepath/ ghc/7.8.3* ghc-prim/ haskeline/ haskell2010/* haskell98/* hoopl/ hpc/ integer-gmp/ old-locale/ old-time/ pretty/ process/ rts/1.0 template-haskell/ terminfo/ time/1.4.2 transformers/ unix/ xhtml/3000.2.1
7.8.4 Cabal/ array/ base/ bin-package-db/ binary/ bytestring/ containers/ deepseq/ directory/ filepath/ ghc/7.8.4* ghc-prim/ haskeline/ haskell2010/* haskell98/* hoopl/ hpc/ integer-gmp/ old-locale/ old-time/ pretty/ process/ rts/1.0 template-haskell/ terminfo/ time/1.4.2 transformers/ unix/ xhtml/3000.2.1
# GHC 7.10.x
7.10.1 Cabal/ array/ base/ bin-package-db/ binary/ bytestring/ containers/ deepseq/ directory/ filepath/ ghc/7.10.1* ghc-prim/ haskeline/ hoopl/ hpc/ integer-gmp/ pretty/ process/ rts/1.0 template-haskell/ terminfo/ time/ transformers/ unix/ xhtml/3000.2.1
7.10.2 Cabal/ array/ base/ bin-package-db/ binary/ bytestring/ containers/ deepseq/ directory/ filepath/ ghc/7.10.2* ghc-prim/ haskeline/ hoopl/ hpc/ integer-gmp/ pretty/ process/ rts/1.0 template-haskell/ terminfo/ time/ transformers/ unix/ xhtml/3000.2.1
7.10.3 Cabal/ array/ base/ bin-package-db/ binary/ bytestring/ containers/ deepseq/ directory/ filepath/ ghc/7.10.3* ghc-prim/ haskeline/ hoopl/ hpc/ integer-gmp/ pretty/ process/ rts/1.0 template-haskell/ terminfo/ time/ transformers/ unix/ xhtml/3000.2.1
# GHC 8.0.1
8.0.1 Cabal/ array/ base/ binary/ bytestring/ containers/ deepseq/ directory/ filepath/ ghc/8.0.1* ghc-boot/8.0.1 ghc-boot-th/8.0.1 ghc-prim/ ghci/8.0.1 haskeline/ hoopl/ hpc/ integer-gmp/ pretty/ process/ rts/1.0 template-haskell/ terminfo/ time/ transformers/ unix/ xhtml/3000.2.1
HEAD Win32/
HEAD Cabal/ array/ base/ binary/ bytestring/ containers/ deepseq/ directory/ filepath/ ghc/8.1* ghc-boot/8.1 ghc-boot-th/8.1 ghc-prim/ ghci/8.1 haskeline/ hoopl/ hpc/ integer-gmp/ pretty/ process/ rts/1.0 template-haskell/ terminfo/ time/ transformers/ unix/ xhtml/3000.2.1
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