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Created September 8, 2019 19:13
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/* CS033 Lab 01 - Life
Written June 2012 by the CS033 Dev Team
Executes Conway's Game of Life on the game board set in main,
printing the results to stdout. */
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define DEFAULT_STEPS 10
/* Execute the Life algorithm for a number of steps given the initial
generation array */
void do_life(int rows, int cols, int array[rows * cols], int steps);
/* Gets the index of a one-dimensional array that corresponds to the given
row and column in a two-dimensional grid */
int get_index(int row, int col, int num_cols);
/* Performs a single iteration of the Life algorithm, given the old game board
in old_array, and stores the result in new_array */
void update(int rows, int cols, int old_array[rows * cols],
int new_array[rows * cols]);
/* Determines the next state for the cell at a particular row and column based
on the previous iteration's board */
int get_next_state(int rows, int cols, int array[rows * cols], int row,
int col);
/* Determines whether or not the cell at a particular row and column is on the
game board. */
int is_in_range(int rows, int cols, int row, int col);
/* Determines the number of live neighbors of the cell at a particular row
and column. */
int count_alive_neighbors(int rows, int cols, int array[rows * cols], int row,
int col);
/* Determines whether or not the cell at a particular row and column is alive
on the board array. */
int is_alive(int rows, int cols, int array[rows * cols], int row, int col);
/* Sets the cell at a particular row and column to be alive on the
board array. */
void set_alive(int rows, int cols, int array[rows * cols], int row, int col);
/* Sets the cell at a particular row and column to be dead on the
board array. */
void set_dead(int rows, int cols, int array[rows * cols], int row, int col);
/* Prints the given array to stdout. */
void print_array(int rows, int cols, int array[rows * cols]);
/* Function main
This function is where the program begins. Initializes the game board
and calls do_life to execute the algorithm.
Input: int argc - The number of program arguments, including the
executable name
char **argv - An array of strings containing the program arguments.
Output: 0 upon completion of the program
Note: you do not need to modify this function to complete this lab.
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
if (argc != 4) {
printf("Usage: %s <board_file> <num_rows> <num_cols>\n", argv[0]);
return 1;
char *board_file = argv[1];
int rows = atoi(argv[2]);
int cols = atoi(argv[3]);
if (rows <= 0 || cols <= 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "Dimension must be positive.\n");
return 1;
FILE *in_file = fopen(board_file, "r");
if (in_file == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "Could not open file.\n");
return 1;
/* read in the board_file into arr1*/
int arr1[rows * cols];
int cell = 0;
int i, j;
for (i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < cols; j++) {
if (fscanf(in_file, "%1d", &cell) == EOF) {
fprintf(stderr, "Dimension mismatched!\n");
return 1;
arr1[(i * cols) + j] = cell;
if (fscanf(in_file, "%1d", &cell) != EOF) {
fprintf(stderr, "Dimension mismatched!\n");
return 1;
/* Call the function do_life, passing in the board dimensions, the board
itself, and the number of iterations to run the Life algorithm. */
do_life(rows, cols, arr1, DEFAULT_STEPS);
if (fclose(in_file)) {
fprintf(stderr, "Could not close the file\n");
return 1;
/* Return 0 to show that the program has completed successfully. */
return 0;
/* Function do_life
Executes Conway's Game of Life on board array for steps iterations,
printing the board at each iteration.
Input: int rows - the number of rows of the game board
int cols - the number of columns of the game board
int[] array - the initial game board, a 1D array of zeros and ones
int steps - the number of iterations for which to run the life
Output: None
void do_life(int rows, int cols, int array[rows * cols], int steps) {
/* Create an array to store the next state of the board at each step */
int spare[rows * cols];
/* Create a pointer to each array */
int *curr_gen = array;
int *next_gen = spare;
/* Run the Life algorithm steps times. At each iteration, you should do the
1. Print the current generation of the game board by calling print_array.
2. Get the next generation of the game board by calling update, passing
in the old state and the spare array to hold the new state.
3. Switch the pointers to the old and new states.
/* Once this is complete, print the final generation of the game board by
calling print_array. */
for (int itr = 0; itr < steps; itr++) {
// Print the current configuration of the board
print_array(rows, cols, curr_gen);
// Update the old array into the new array
update(rows, cols, curr_gen, next_gen);
// Swap the pointers so that curr_gen becomes next_gen and vice-versa
int *temp = curr_gen;
curr_gen = next_gen;
next_gen = temp;
printf("Final Board Representation after running %d times: ", steps);
print_array(rows, cols, curr_gen);
/* Function get_index
Gets the index of a one-dimensional array that corresponds to the given row
and column in a two-dimensional grid
Input: int row - the row of the game board that is being queried
int col - the column of the game board that is being queried
int num_cols - the number of columns of the game board
Output: the index in the one dimensional array that corresponds to the given
row and column
int get_index(int row, int col, int num_cols) {
return (col + (row * num_cols));
/* Function update
Given the previous generation of the game board in old_array, performs a
single iteration of Conway's Game of Life, storing the new generation of the
game board in new_array.
Input: int rows - the number of rows of the game board
int cols - the number of columns of the game board
int[] old_array - the previous generation of the game board, an
array of zeros and ones int[] new_array - an array where the next
generation of the game board will be stored
Output: None
void update(int rows, int cols, int old_array[rows * cols],
int new_array[rows * cols]) {
/* For each cell in old_array, you should:
1. Determine whether that cell will be alive or dead in the next
generation by calling get_next_state on old_array.
2. If the cell's next state is 1 (alive), set that cell to alive in
new_array by calling set_alive. Otherwise, set that cell to dead
in new_array by calling set_dead. */
/* Function get_next_state
Given the previous generation of the game board, determines the next state
of the cell at a particular row and column (row, col). If the cell is not
on the game board, prints an error message and terminates the program.
Input: int rows - the number of rows of the game board
int cols - the number of columns of the game board
int[] array - the previous generation of the game board, a 1D array
of zeros and ones
int row - the row of the cell whose next state is being
determined int col - the column of the cell whose next state is being
Output: The next state of the cell at (row, col); 0 if the cell will be
dead and 1 if it will be alive.
int get_next_state(int rows, int cols, int array[rows * cols], int row,
int col) {
/* First, use an assert statement and call is_in_range to confirm the
specified cell is on the game board. */
/* Then, assuming the assert succeeds:
1. Determine how many live neighbors the cell had in the previous
generation by calling count_alive_neighbors.
2. Determine if the cell was alive in the previous generation by
calling is_alive.
3. Return 1 (alive) if the cell was alive and had 2 or 3 live
neighbors, or if the cell was dead and had 3 live neighbors.
4. Return 0 (dead) otherwise. */
/* Function is_in_range
Given a row and column (row, col), determines if the cell at that position
is on a zero-indexed game board with a given number of rows and columns.
Input: int rows - the number of rows of the game board
int cols - the number of columns of the game board
int row - the row of the cell in question
int col - the column of the cell in question
Output: 1 (true) if the cell is on the game board and 0 (false) otherwise
int is_in_range(int rows, int cols, int row, int col) {
/* Return 1 if row is between 0 and rows-1, inclusive and col is between
0 and cols-1, inclusive; otherwise return 0 */
return (row >= 0 && row <= rows - 1 && col >= 0 && col <= cols - 1);
/* Function count_alive_neighbors
Given a game board, array, and a row and column (row, col), determines the
number of surrounding cells that are alive.
If the cell is not on the game board, prints an error message and terminates
the program.
Input: int rows - the number of rows of the game board
int cols - the number of columns of the game board
int[] array - the previous generation of the game board, a 1D array
of zeros and ones
int row - the row of the cell whose neighbors are being counted
int col - the column of the cell whose neighbors are being
Output: The number of surrounding cells that are alive
int count_alive_neighbors(int rows, int cols, int array[rows * cols], int row,
int col) {
/* First, use an assert statement and call is_in_range to confirm the
specified cell is on the game board. */
assert(is_in_range(rows, cols, row, col) == 1);
/* Then, assuming the assert succeeds:
Compute and return the number of live neighbors by adding together the
results of is_alive for each of the 8 surrounding cells. Since is_alive
checks to see if a cell is on the board, you do not need to do so here.
// Sums the is_alive value for each of the neighbors
int sum_cnt = 0;
for (int i = -1; i <= 1; i++) {
for (int j = -1; j <= 1; j++) {
if (i == 0 && j == 0) {
sum_cnt += is_alive(rows, cols, array, row + i, col + j);
return sum_cnt;
/* Function is_alive
Given a game board, array, and a row and column (row, col), determines if the
cell is alive or not. If the cell is not on the game board, returns 0.
Input: int rows - the number of rows of the game board
int cols - the number of columns of the game board
int[] array - the game board, a 1D array of zeros and ones
int row - the row of the cell in question
int col - the column of the cell in question
Output: 1 if the cell is alive (is 1), 0 if it is dead (is 0) or out of
int is_alive(int rows, int cols, int array[rows * cols], int row, int col) {
/* First, determine if the cell is on the game board by calling is_in_range.
If the result is 1 (true), then return the value of the cell
Otherwise, return 0. Unlike with other functions, this should not cause
the program to terminate. */
if (is_in_range(rows, cols, row, col)) {
// Return the value of alive or not
int idx = get_index(row, col, cols);
// Return the value of the cell
return array[idx];
} else {
return 0;
/* Function set_alive
Given a game board, array, and a row and column (row, col), sets the cell to
be alive. If the cell is not on the game board, prints an error message and
terminates the program.
Input: int rows - the number of rows of the game board
int cols - the number of columns of the game board
int[] array - the game board, a 1D array of zeros and ones
int row - the row of the cell in question
int col - the column of the cell in question
Output: None
void set_alive(int rows, int cols, int array[rows * cols], int row, int col) {
/* First, use an assert statement and call is_in_range to confirm the
specified cell is on the game board. */
assert(is_in_range(rows, cols, row, col));
/* Then, assuming the assert succeeds, set that cell's value to 1
in array.*/
// Set the cell's value to 1 in the array
array[get_index(row, col, cols)] = 1;
/* Function set_dead
Given a game board, array, and a row and column (row, col), sets the cell to
be dead. If the cell is not on the game board, prints an error message and
terminates the program.
Input: int rows - the number of rows of the game board
int cols - the number of columns of the game board
int[] array - the game board, a 1D array of zeros and ones
int row - the row of the cell in question
int col - the column of the cell in question
Output: None
void set_dead(int rows, int cols, int array[rows * cols], int row, int col) {
/* First, use an assert statement and call is_in_range to confirm the
specified cell is on the game board. */
assert(is_in_range(rows, cols, row, col));
/* Then, assuming the assert succeeds, set that cell's value to 0
in array.*/
array[get_index(row, col, cols)] = 0;
/* Function print_array
Given a game board, array, prints the board to stdout using printf.
Input: int rows - the number of rows of the game board
int cols - the number of columns of the game board
int[] array - the game board, a 1D array of zeros and ones
Output: None
void print_array(int rows, int cols, int array[rows * cols]) {
/* For each cell on the game board, use printf to print the result of
is_alive for that cell.
Cells should be separated by single spaces. After each row has been
printed, be sure to print a new line. Additionally, at the end of each
iteration, be sure to print a new line to separate the generations. */
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