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Created November 20, 2017 04:33
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import os
import sys
def printf(fmt, *args):
print(fmt.format(*args), end='')
def ensure_repos():
for repo in REPOS:
parts = repo.split('/')
if not os.path.exists(parts[-1]):
printf("Cloning {}\n", repo)
os.system('git clone ' + repo)
printf("{} already exists, skipping {}\n", parts[-1], repo)
def check_files():
printf("\nChecking files\n")
all_files_ok = True
for file in FILES:
ok = os.path.exists(file)
all_files_ok = all_files_ok and ok
printf("Checking {} exists: {}\n", file, ['no', 'yes'][ok])
printf("\nAll files OK: {}\n", ['no', 'yes'][all_files_ok])
return all_files_ok
def concat_files(contents, goalfile, sourcefile):
goaltext = contents[goalfile]
sourcestart = '\n//SCRIPT: Concat file {} start\n'.format(sourcefile)
sourceend = '\n//SCRIPT: Concat file {} end\n'.format(sourcefile)
sourcetext = sourcestart + contents[sourcefile] + sourceend
del contents[sourcefile]
contents[goalfile] = goaltext + sourcetext
def rename_file(contents, file, newname):
contents[newname] = contents[file]
del contents[file]
def inline_header(contents, file, header):
comb = '#include "{}"'.format(header.split('/')[-1])
pre = '//SCRIPT: Inline {} start\n'.format(header)
text = contents[header]
post = '\n//SCRIPT: Inline {} end\n'.format(header)
contents[file] = contents[file].replace(comb, pre + text + post, 1)
contents[file] = contents[file].replace(comb, '//SCRIPT: ' + comb)
def create_files():
contents = {}
for file in FILES:
with open(file) as f:
contents[file] =
#prepare the single cpp of imgui and imgui sfml
imguisfmlcpp = 'imgui-sfml/imgui-SFML.cpp'
contents[imguisfmlcpp] = contents[imguisfmlcpp].replace('#include <imgui.h>', '//#include <imgui.h>')
contents[imguisfmlcpp] = contents[imguisfmlcpp].replace('#include "imgui-SFML.h"', '//#include "imgui-SFML.h"')
concat_files(contents, 'imgui/imgui.cpp', 'imgui/imgui_demo.cpp')
concat_files(contents, 'imgui/imgui.cpp', 'imgui/imgui_draw.cpp')
concat_files(contents, 'imgui/imgui.cpp', 'imgui-sfml/imgui-SFML.cpp')
#patch stb
inline_header(contents, 'imgui/imgui_internal.h', 'imgui/stb_textedit.h')
for file in [x for x in FILES if 'stb_' in x]:
inline_header(contents, 'imgui/imgui.cpp', file)
for file in [x for x in FILES if 'stb_' in x]:
del contents[file]
#merge sfml imgui files into imgui files
concat_files(contents, 'imgui/imconfig.h', 'imgui-sfml/imconfig-SFML.h')
concat_files(contents, 'imgui/imgui.h', 'imgui-sfml/imgui-SFML.h')
#patch and concat other headers around
inline_header(contents, 'imgui/imgui.cpp', 'imgui/imgui.h')
inline_header(contents, 'imgui/imgui.cpp', 'imgui/imgui_internal.h')
inline_header(contents, 'imgui/imgui.cpp', 'imgui/imconfig.h')
inline_header(contents, 'imgui/imgui.h', 'imgui/imconfig.h')
#concat_files(contents, 'imgui/imgui.h', 'imgui/imgui_internal.h')
if 'imgui/imgui_internal.h' in contents:
del contents['imgui/imgui_internal.h']
del contents['imgui/imconfig.h']
#rename to be distinct from the original
rename_file(contents, 'imgui/imgui.h', 'single_imgui.hpp')
rename_file(contents, 'imgui/imgui.cpp', 'single_imgui.cpp')
contents['single_imgui.hpp'] = '//DO NOT EDIT: THIS FILE IS MACHINE GENRATED\n' + contents['single_imgui.hpp']
contents['single_imgui.cpp'] = '//DO NOT EDIT: THIS FILE IS MACHINE GENRATED\n' + contents['single_imgui.cpp']
#write the new files out
printf("Writing out into dir 'out': {}\n", ", ".join(contents.keys()))
for i, v in contents.items():
with open('out/' + i.split('/')[-1], 'w', newline='\n') as f:
def main():
if not check_files():
printf("Some files were not OK, quitting\n")
if __name__ == '__main__':
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