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Last active May 7, 2020 23:52
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Educational purposed implementation of a Onion Router (specification of Tor)

This is a educational purposed implementation of the Onion Router specification for encrypted/annonymous conversation between two parties.

Do not use this in production (as it is simplifying a lot of stuff, despite I know you will ignore this)

If you use IntelliJ, you can just paste the implementation into a new scratch and run it.

Let me know in the comments if you have anything that could be improved (without adding too much complexity to it)

import java.util.*
import javax.crypto.Cipher
import javax.crypto.KeyGenerator
import javax.crypto.SecretKey
import javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec
import kotlin.random.Random
class Network {
private val dns = mutableMapOf<UUID, NetworkNode>()
fun register(id: UUID, node: NetworkNode) = apply { dns[id] = node }
fun getRandomNodes(amount: Int): List<Pair<UUID, NetworkNode>> {
if (dns.values.size < amount) {
throw IllegalStateException("There are not enough nodes available in the network")
} else if (dns.values.size == amount) {
return { to it }.shuffled()
val source = dns.values.toMutableList()
val result = mutableListOf<Pair<UUID, NetworkNode>>()
for (i in 1..amount) {
val index = Random.nextInt(source.size)
val node = source.removeAt(index)
result.add( to node)
return result
fun forwardMessage(to: UUID, message: ByteArray, hash: ByteArray): ByteArray {
val node = dns[to] ?: throw IllegalStateException("Node '$to' does not exist.")
return node.handleMessage(message, hash)
fun sendMessage(to: String, message: String): String = dns.values.random().sendMessage(to, message)
class NetworkNode(
private val network: Network
) {
companion object {
const val NODE_CIRCUIT_SIZE = 2
const val UUID_SIZE = 36
const val DEST_BYTES_SIZE = 1 + UUID_SIZE // @ + UUID
val KEY_PAIR_GEN: KeyPairGenerator = KeyPairGenerator
.apply { initialize(2048) }
val sha512: MessageDigest = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-512")
val id: UUID = UUID.randomUUID()
private val keyPair = KEY_PAIR_GEN.generateKeyPair()
private val symmetricKey: SecretKey = KeyGenerator.getInstance(CIPHER_ALGORITHM).generateKey()
private val aesDecryptor = Cipher.getInstance(CIPHER_ALGORITHM)
.apply { init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, symmetricKey) }
private val aesEncryptor = Cipher.getInstance(CIPHER_ALGORITHM)
.apply { init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, symmetricKey) }
init {
network.register(id, this)
private fun <L, R, X> Pair<L, R>.mapValue(mapFn: (R) -> X): Pair<L, X> {
return this.first to mapFn(this.second)
private fun getSymmetricKey(serverPublicKey: PublicKey): ByteArray =
.also { it.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, serverPublicKey) }
* Here we need to decrypt the message.
* If the hash of the message matches the desired hash, it means we got to the end of the chain, and this
* node will call whatever website it should call
* Otherwise, it means we are not the last in the chain, so we extract the destination from the message
* and forward it again to the next node
fun handleMessage(message: ByteArray, hash: ByteArray): ByteArray {
val decryptedByteArray = aesDecryptor.doFinal(message)
val messageHash: ByteArray = sha512.digest(decryptedByteArray)
val response = if (messageHash.contentEquals(hash)) {
"200 OK".toByteArray()
} else {
val (to, encryptedMessage) = decryptedByteArray.let {
val dest = it.copyOf(UUID_SIZE)
val encryptedMessage = it.copyOfRange(DEST_BYTES_SIZE, it.size)
UUID.fromString(String(dest)) to encryptedMessage
network.forwardMessage(to, encryptedMessage, hash)
return aesEncryptor.doFinal(response)
fun sendMessage(to: String, message: String): String {
val decryptNodeKeyCipher = Cipher
.apply { init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, keyPair.private) }
* We need to build a random circuit that will be used to confuse people where the message is going
* We send our publicKey so they can encrypt their symmetric key with it, so only this Node can decrypt it
* and use it.
val nodeCircuit = network.getRandomNodes(NODE_CIRCUIT_SIZE) // For each random node on the circuit
.map {
.mapValue { node -> node.getSymmetricKey(keyPair.public) } // Get its symmetric key encrypted with our public key
.mapValue { encKey -> decryptNodeKeyCipher.doFinal(encKey) } // Decrypt it with our private key
.mapValue { keyBytes ->
} // map to a SecretKey impl
val cipher = Cipher.getInstance(CIPHER_ALGORITHM)
* We build the payload and the hash/signature of the message
val payload = "$to@$message"
val hash = sha512.digest(payload.toByteArray())
* We need to reverse cascade encrypt the message together with the next node in the chain
* key1("2@" + key2("3@" + key3(message)))
* So the message will be decrypted by key1, forwarded to k2, get decrypted by it
* and forwarded to key3 and so on...
val encryptedMessage = nodeCircuit
.foldIndexed(payload.toByteArray()) { index, bytes, (_, key) ->
val dest = if (index == 0) "" else nodeCircuit.reversed()[index - 1].first.toString() + "@"
cipher.apply { init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, key) }.doFinal(dest.toByteArray() + bytes)
* We ask the network to forward the message to the next node
val response = network.forwardMessage(nodeCircuit[0].first, encryptedMessage, hash)
* We need to cascade decrypt the message
* key1(key2(key3(message)))
val decryptedResponse = nodeCircuit.fold(response) { bytes, (_, key) ->
cipher.also { it.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, key) }.doFinal(bytes)
return String(decryptedResponse)
val network = Network()
val nodes = (1..5).map { NetworkNode(network) }
val response = network.sendMessage("google", "GET /something")
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