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Last active April 29, 2024 16:29
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  • Save XPlantefeve/a53a6af53b458188ee0766acc8508776 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save XPlantefeve/a53a6af53b458188ee0766acc8508776 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
netsh winhttp * proxy, but in PowerShell
  • ProxySettingsPerUser = 0

    • uses no proxy
    • netsh reset => resets LM,LM32
    • netsh set => sets LM,LM32, removes CU INext proxy
  • ProxySettingsPerUser = 1

    • uses CU proxy
    • netsh reset => resets LM,LM32
    • netsh set => sets LM,LM32
  • ProxySettingsPerUser = 2

    • uses CU proxy
    • netsh reset => resets LM,LM32, copy CU INext proxy > CU proxy
    • netsh set => sets LM,LM32
    • Change CU proxy => sets CU INet proxy
# Quick & dirty. Basic error checking. It works where I needed it.
# Documentation used:
# - ProcMon
# -
# -
# -
# -
# -
# TODO: handle LegacyConfig
# TODO: implement ShouldProcess
function Get-WinHttpProxySettings {
Gets configuration for the WinHTTP proxy
The Get-WinHttpProxySettings cmdlet outputs the configuration of the
WinHTTP proxy. It detects whether the computer is setup for a per-machine
or a per-user setup.
LocalMachine or CurrentUser. Without this parameter, the cmdlet checks the
computer configuration to determine which one to output.
Get-WinHttpProxySettings -Context LocalMachine
Outputs the local machine configuration, even if the computer is setup to
use the user one.
None. You cannot pipe anything to ths cmdlet.
WinHttpProxySettings. A PSCustomObject with the following fields:
- Version: the version of the WinHttpSettings object
- Counter: increased every time the object is modified
- ConfigFlags: which settings to use. Cf; Set-WinHttpProxySettings
- Proxy: the proxy to use, in the form 'name:port'
- Bypass: a semicolon-separated list of host bypassing the proxy
- AutoConfig: the address of a .Pac file.
- ProxySettingsPerUser: true if the user settings are used.
- Context: origin (LocalMachine,CurrentUser) of the record.
2019-02-08: first version - xplantefeve
[ValidateSet('LocalMachine', 'CurrentUser', 'LocalMachineWoW64')]
#Region Declarations
enum winhttpflags {
None = 0
alwayson = 1 # this flag is always on. it will be removed for display
manual = 2 # uses the 'proxy' field
auto = 4 # uses the 'autoconfig' field
detect = 8 # uses proxy auto-discovering protocol
$RegLocations = @{
ProxySettingsPerUser = @{
Path = 'HKLM:\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings'
Name = 'ProxySettingsPerUser'
CurrentUser = @{
Path = 'HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\Connections'
Name = 'DefaultConnectionSettings'
LocalMachine = @{
Path = 'HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\Connections'
Name = 'WinHttpSettings'
LocalMachineWoW64 = @{
Path = 'HKLM:\Software\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\Connections'
Name = 'WinHttpSettings'
function _idx($inc = 4, $ind = [ref]$idx) {
# INTERNAL: outputs current index value and increases it
$ind.Value += $inc
function _decodeString([int]$Start, [byte[]]$ByteArray, [System.Text.Encoding]$Encoding = [System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII) {
# INTERNAL: decodes a byte array
$enc = $Encoding
$strLen = $ByteArray[$Start]
$str_ba = $ByteArray[($Start + 4) ..($Start + 4 - 1 + $strLen)]
_idx $strLen | Out-Null
if ( -not ( Get-TypeData -TypeName WinHttpProxySettings)) {
Update-TypeData -TypeName WinHttpProxySettings -DefaultDisplayPropertySet ConfigFlags, Proxy, ByPass, AutoConfig
#EndRegion Declarations
try {
$SettingsLocation = $RegLocations['ProxySettingsPerUser']
$ProxySettingsPerUser = ( Get-ItemPropertyValue @SettingsLocation ) -ne 0
catch { $ProxySettingsPerUser = $true}
if ( -not $PSBoundParameters.Context) {
if ($ProxySettingsPerUser) {
$Context = 'CurrentUser'
else {
$Context = 'LocalMachine'
foreach ($ctx in $Context) {
$idx = 0
try {
$SettingsLocation = $RegLocations[$ctx]
$RawConfig = Get-ItemPropertyValue @SettingsLocation -ErrorAction Stop
catch {
$RawConfig = 18, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 01, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00
$Config = @{
PSTypeName = 'WinHttpProxySettings'
Version = $RawConfig[(_idx)]
Counter = $RawConfig[(_idx)]
ConfigFlags = [winhttpflags]($RawConfig[(_idx)] - 1) # we remove 1 because we don't want to display the "stuck bit"
Proxy = _decodeString (_idx) $RawConfig
Bypass = _decodeString (_idx) $RawConfig
AutoConfig = _decodeString (_idx) $RawConfig
ProxySettingsPerUser = $ProxySettingsPerUser
Context = $ctx
function Set-WinHttpProxySettings {
Sets WinHTTP proxy settings
The Set-WinHttpProxySettings cmdlet is a replacement for netsh winhttp set
proxy, with the added option of setting the autoconfig filed (normally only
set when copying the WinINet settings)
LocalMachine or CurrentUser. Without this parameter, the cmdlet checks the
computer configuration to determine which one to mmodify.
.PARAMETER ConfigFlags
Can be one or a set from manual, autoconfig and detect.
Manual: uses the Proxy field.
Autoconfig: Uses the autoconfig field.
AutoDetect: uses the proxy discovery protocol.
The proxy to set-up
A semicolon-separated list of hosts that will not use the proxy. You can
use '<LOCAL>' for all local addresses.
The address of a PAC file.
The version of the WinHttpSettings record. Internal.
If set, returns the options just set.
Set-WinHttpProxySettings -Proxy proxy:8080 -Bypass '<local>' -ConfigFlags manual
Sets the proxy for all calls, but the ones to the local addresses.
Set-WinHttpProxySettings -Proxy 'proxy:8080' -Bypass '<local>;' -AutoConfig 'http://proxy/proxy.pac' -ConfigFlags manual,detect,autoconfig
Sets the proxy for all connections, but the ones to the local addresses and to, adds a pac configuration, sets the flags so that it tries both a .pac
resolution for the proxy, a direct connection to Proxy:8080, and falls back to
trying to autodetect the proxy.
2019-02-08: first version - xplantefeve
[ValidateSet('LocalMachine', 'CurrentUser', 'LocalMachineWoW64')]
[ValidateSet('manual', 'auto', 'detect')]
[parameter(position = 0)]
[parameter(position = 1)]
[parameter(position = 2)]
[ValidateSet(0x28, 0x3c, 0x46)]
[int32]$Version = 0x46,
#Region Declarations
enum winhttpflags {
None = 0
alwayson = 1
manual = 2
auto = 4
detect = 8
$RegLocations = @{
ProxySettingsPerUser = @{
Path = 'HKLM:\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings'
Name = 'ProxySettingsPerUser'
CurrentUser = @{
Path = 'HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\Connections'
Name = 'DefaultConnectionSettings'
LocalMachine = @{
Path = 'HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\Connections'
Name = 'WinHttpSettings'
LocalMachineWoW64 = @{
Path = 'HKLM:\Software\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\Connections'
Name = 'WinHttpSettings'
#EndRegion Declarations
try {
$SettingsLocation = $RegLocations['ProxySettingsPerUser']
$ProxySettingsPerUser = ( Get-ItemPropertyValue @SettingsLocation ) -ne 0
catch { $ProxySettingsPerUser = $true}
if ( -not $PSBoundParameters.Context) {
if ($ProxySettingsPerUser) {
$Context = 'CurrentUser'
else {
$Context = 'LocalMachine'
$SettingsLocation = $RegLocations[$Context]
$Counter = (Get-WinHttpProxySettings -Context $Context | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Counter) + 1
$Settings = [byte[]]$null
$Settings += $Version, 00, 00, 00
$Settings += $Counter, 00, 00, 00
$Settings += ([winhttpflags]$ConfigFlags + 1), 00, 00, 00
$Settings += [System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetByteCount($Proxy), 00, 00, 00
$Settings += [System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes($Proxy)
$Settings += [System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetByteCount($Bypass), 00, 00, 00
$Settings += [System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes($Bypass)
$Settings += [System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetByteCount($AutoConfig), 00, 00, 00
$Settings += [System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes($AutoConfig)
switch ($Version) {
0x3c {
$Settings += (, 00) * 28
0x46 {
$Settings += (, 00) * 32
New-ItemProperty @SettingsLocation -PropertyType Binary -Value $Settings -Force | Out-Null
if ($PassThru) {
Get-WinHttpProxySettings -Context $Context
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