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Forked from ilatypov/fixcygwin.bat
Created January 31, 2018 11:36
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  • Save Loopshape/fe8feea8a69e29b3ab1b155e74e35bad to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Loopshape/fe8feea8a69e29b3ab1b155e74e35bad to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
goto :start
@set "redir="
@set "args=%*"
@set "a=%1"
@if "%a:~0,5%" == "/out:" (
@set "redir=> %a:~5%"
@rem The shift command does not affect %*.
@call set args=%%args:%a% =%%
@rem @echo + %args% >&2
%args% %redir%
@exit /b
set force=false
if [%1]==[/f] (
set force=true
if not [%1]==[] (set CYGBINSLASH=%1)
set croot=%CYGBINSLASH:~0,-5%
if [%croot%]==[] (
echo Need a parameter of a CYGBINSLASH variable consisting of the bin directory of a Cygwin installation followed by a slash.
exit /b 1
set caparch=x86_64
if not defined PROCESSOR_ARCHITEW6432 (
set caparch="x86"
echo caparch is %caparch%
set cygarch=%caparch%
for /F "tokens=* USEBACKQ" %%f in (`%CYGBINSLASH%uname -m`) do (set cygarch=%%f)
echo cygarch is %cygarch%
set curlok=true
if not exist %croot%\etc\pki\ca-trust\extracted\pem\tls-ca-bundle.pem (set curlok=false)
@rem Avoid stopping the script by a dialog box "Entry Point Not Found" or
@rem "System Error" ("...dll is missing from your computer")
reg add HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Windows /v ErrorMode /t REG_DWORD /f /d 2
%CYGBINSLASH%curl -V || (set curlok=false)
if [%curlok%.%force%]==[true.false] goto :end_of_update
@rem The if then branch does shows its commands in a batch, making it difficult
@rem to track the progress. Use "goto" instead of having to escape round
@rem brackets and instead of having to "call :x [/out:outfile] ...".
powershell "$r = New-Object System.Net.WebClient; $r.DownloadFile('', 'setup-%cygarch%.exe')"
net stop sshd
net stop cygrunsrv
wmic process where (executablepath like '%cygbinslash:\=\\%%%') get ProcessId,CommandLine /value > cygpids.txt
type cygpids.txt
for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%g in ('type cygpids.txt ^| findstr /l "ProcessId="') do (
@rem The for loop shows its commands in a batch just as if/then, but every
@rem iteration takes fewer commands. Iterations show step by step.
wmic process where ^(ProcessId=%%g^) call Terminate
icacls %CYGBINSLASH%sh.exe
icacls %croot%
takeown /F %croot% /R /D Y > nul
icacls %croot% /reset /T /C /L /Q
icacls %croot% /remove:g everyone none /t /c /l /q
icacls %croot% /grant:r users:(OI)(CI)(F) /c /l /q
icacls %croot% /inheritance:e /t /c /l /q
%croot%\bin\getfacl /bin/setfacl
%croot%\bin\getfacl /bin/find
@rem %croot%\bin\setfacl -bk /bin/find
@rem The following setfacl command would disable permission inheritance of the
@rem local group Users grant, preventing invocation of Apache HTTPD CGI scripts
@rem via a local user account. The getfacl output would lack the additional
@rem "user", "group", "other" and "default" entries.
@rem %croot%\bin\find -P / -xdev -exec /bin/setfacl -bk "{}" +
@rem move /y %CYGBINSLASH%sh.exe %CYGBINSLASH%sh-bad.exe
@rem del /f /q %CYGBINSLASH%sh.exe
copy /b /y %CYGBINSLASH%bash.exe %CYGBINSLASH%sh.exe
@echo Running Cygwin's setup-%cygarch%.exe in %CD%...
setup-%cygarch%.exe --verbose --upgrade-also --no-desktop --no-shortcuts --no-startmenu --quiet-mode --no-admin ^
--root "%croot%" --local-package-dir "%croot%\install" ^
--site "" ^
--packages base-cygwin,base-files,cygwin,coreutils,cygutils,dash,gzip,unzip,zip,bzip2,bash,diffutils,file,findutils,grep,gawk,hostname,run,sed,tar,tzcode,tzdata,util-linux,vim,which,curl,ca-certificates
@echo Done with setup-%cygarch%.exe.
set curlok=true
%CYGBINSLASH%curl -V || (set curlok=false)
if not [%curlok%]==[true] (
echo Curl install failed
exit /b 1
exit /b 0
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