## Programmer Productivity ## # Variations on the HTML Two-Step #
Fancy footwork of modern dancers
Photo by Haste LeArt V. from Pexels
The World Wide Web's hypertext markup language (HTML) has an inherent beauty all its own: * Both the author's words and the typographer's instructions are contained in a single plain text file. * Instructions are encoded using short, easily remembered mnemonics. * Mnemonics are wrapped into pairs of less-than/greater-than tags which are easily parsed by software. * Tagged words are nested inside tagged paragraphs. * Paragraphs are assembled into sections, and sections into the whole. * The whole document is structured in a hierarchical way that just makes sense. It's easy to get started with HTML. There's a handful of tags, with single-letter mnemonics, used to surround significant words (<b>, <i>, <u>, ...). There's another batch of tags to mark the beginning and ending of paragraphs, pull quotes, sections and divisions (<p>, <blockquote>, <section>, <div>, ...). And there are a few miscellaneous tags for proper document assembly and interoperability (<title>, <meta>, <link>, <script>, <style>). Beginners can successfully use HTML with just these. With HTML, the author's work is light, because the browser does most of the heavy-lifting. Browsers read the tags, determine how to fit the composition to the page, and how to style the typography and page decorations. But this apparent ease of use and inherent beauty is deceiving. In practice, HTML is neither easy to write nor easy to read. It's ironic for me to say this because I ''use'' HTML daily. But sadly, I seldom ever ''read'' an HTML document outside a browser (unless I'm troubleshooting a problem). And even more rarely do I ever ''write'' an HTML document from scratch without the aid of a software app. I know I'm not alone. It's not that HTML is impossible to read or write — it's just awkward. For starters there's the pinky finger problem. You know — the keyboard sequence for creating a tag: the left pinky finger holds down the Shift key while the right middle finger searches for the < key . . . then you release the Shift key while typing the tag's mnemonic characters . . . then once again with the left pinky Shift key thingy, while the right ring finger (or is it the one next to it?) fumbles around for the > key. Then — after composing the paragraph or phrase or word — the whole process is repeated with the closing tag, with all the same keystrokes plus the ergonomic ''coup de grâce'': the right pinky hitting the / key ''while remembering that the left pinky should momentarily let up on pressing the Shift key!'' Try doing this for a sustained period and you'll soon be filing a worker's compensation claim for ergonomic injury. It's like the party game Twister, where your body parts get tied in knots just by following the rules. So writing HTML is unpleasant, but what about reading it? In actual practice, HTML tags seldom appear stand-alone. Attributes are frequently applied to tags in order to associate them with styling rules (CSS). And on dynamic documents, attributes are applied to tags for dynamic manipulation (JavaScript). Both of these clutter the document significantly. But the real problem is that tags and attributes aren't just lightly sprinkled here and there; they're dumped all over the document in a downpour — like one of those climate change rainfalls that floods the city so you can't see the streets anymore. Reading an HTML document — even one that has color syntax highlighting — makes you wish there was a legal signal-to-noise limit, with offenders getting fined. It's not uncommon to discover documents where the noise is so many times greater than the signal that it's impossible to find the author's words. If Clara Peller was still around, she'd be demanding to know "Where's the content?" HTML wasn't supposed to be like this. ---- Back in 1990, HTML and it's sibling, the hypertext transport protocol (HTTP), were developed as a novel solution to an age-old problem. How can technical data about an active project be written and distributed to all team members while every piece of the project was in a continual state of flux? One of HTML's unsung innovations was that documents were written using plain text files. That meant that documents could be shared across different operating systems and read on any computer without the need for any special word processing software. At the time, plain text files — with embedded instructions that could be understood by both humans and computers — was a significant new feature. But of course the World Wide Web became an entirely different thing. The concept of hypertext linking became the star of the show, and the promise of software-less authoring and revision soon fell by the wayside. ---- A few years ago all my notions about HTML were put to the test. Lisa, an acquaintance, was quizzing me about software that would allow her to self-publish books. Lisa is an accomplished writer, and she's no stranger to tech. She's always looking to improve her craft and was ready to learn something new if it held the promise of streamlining her work. Now there's something you should know about Lisa. She's the kind of person that likes things to be simple and distraction-free. So for her, word processing software with ribbons of buttons were on the way out. She just wanted a clean slate where her composition could come together, regardless of which device she had at hand, or what task she was working on. Somehow Lisa had gotten the notion that learning HTML was her ticket to eBook publishing, so she was ready to go all in. At first glance, HTML appears to be a writer's dream. Simple mnemonic marks annotate the author's manuscript to describe what needs to be emphasized (<em>, <strong>), or how to break a long document into sections (<article>, <section>, <hr>), or how to place some paragraphs out of the normal reading flow (<aside>, <blockquote>). In addition to that, the model for HTML's tags closely follows the well established jargon used in books and journals. So Lisa thought it was a natural fit for her writing. There's a tag for the document (<title>), tags for recording information about the author, publisher, and copyright (<meta>), tags for building a hierarchical table of contents (<h1>, <h2>, <h3>, ...), and even tags for editors to communicate necessary revisions (<ins>, <del>). All of that without any need for special authoring software, or a content management system, or even a database. So why not write the manuscript directly using HTML? The more she learned, the more questions she had. But increasingly these weren't easy "how to" questions. They were the tough "why" questions — like the ones delivered non-stop by a three-year old trying to understand the world. * Why isn't there a way to build a Table of Contents from the headings? * Why can't the working sections of a manuscript be placed in separate files and assembled into a finished document later? * Why aren't hyperlinks bidirectional? * Why can't the computer figure out that sentences within a list (<ul> and <ol>) are "list items" without explicit <li> tags? * Why can't rows and cells of a table be implied without all those <tr> and <td> tags? * Why do some tags need a complementary closing tag, while others don't? I became exasperated with Lisa's tirade and only managed to utter "just because". The truth was: I had been in this game since the beginning and had forgotten how to challenge my own assumptions. ---- Lisa's questions were too close to home. Why were so many people using WordPress with its dependencies on PHP and MySQL — shouldn't authors be able to write blog posts one document at a time, on any platform, without all that overhead? And what about Markdown. Why have software developers resorted to writing their README files using Markdown? Surely software developers know how to write HTML! Why be restricted to Markdown's small subset of HTML (one that doesn't even have support for tables), for such an important part of their project? And then there's wikitext. Is possible that Wikipedia owes its success, in part, to the fact that it doesn't require contributors to directly deal with HTML? Everywhere we look we see how directly writing HTML has been shunned. Look at how Google Docs, Medium, Ghost — and all the other software apps whose focus is on writing articles that target readers using a browser — have gone to great lengths to shield authors from ever seeing HTML. As an author and a software developer I took this as a challenge. Could I come up with a way to keep the good parts of HTML while getting rid of the ergonomic disaster that XML imposed on it? It took a lot of work, but eventually I settled on a design that was comfortable, and an implementation that worked flawlessly. And by flawless, I mean ''lossless round-trip interoperability.'' Document conversions between my design and HTML could be conducted either direction with complete fidelity. There isn't space here to provide a tutorial for how the design works, but curious readers can examine and compare it for themselves. Below are links to four text documents hosted on Github that contain the entire text for this article, word-for-word with typography and hypertext marks. You can compare for yourself which you find most readable. As for writing, I'll simply tell you that this article was not written using Medium's famously lovable editor. I'll let you guess which of these four is the original composition, and which are the converted knockoffs: * [https://gist.githubusercontent.com/raw/83023d5960ccffebf2fe7e98e568efa8 BluePhrase] * [https://gist.githubusercontent.com/raw/c1e0813ded88438d716b095acc60e94c Markdown] * [https://gist.githubusercontent.com/raw/4c6dd2d379cdb01839c5034fc62c1823 HTML] * [https://gist.githubusercontent.com/raw/9910536a420193fe9d2e7558482f12f9 Wikitext] Here are convenient links to the documentation for each of the above formats to help with the comparison: * [https://bluephrase.com/syntax.blue?utm_term=VariationsOnTheHtmlTwoStep BluePhrase Syntax] * [https://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/syntax John Gruber's Markdown Syntax] * [https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/#toc-semantics HTML Living Standard] * [https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Cheatsheet MediaWiki Cheatsheet] Finally, here is a safe playground where you can experiment with what I've come up with: [https://fiddle.blue/BP-YNU-BAPEE Blue Fiddle]. ---- In 2004 Tim Berners-Lee, the original creator of the World Wide Web (HTML + HTTP), was knighted by Queen Elizabeth II for his contributions to society. I won't go so far as to say my little improvement deserves that much credit, but I won't refuse the honor if Her Majesty offers it.