#Nunca Mas Mad Libs by p.holby #pholby@gmail.com #I think I'm doing this right putting this info here I don't know I am new at this #(Editor's note: more information available at http://sorryeveryone.tumblr.com/post/5758964399 ) Shoes.app :height => 750, :width => 800, :title => "Nunca Mas Mad Libs" do background "#E6B8B8".."#A18181" title "National Commission on the Disappearance of Persons 1984 Mad Libs!", :top => 25, :align => "center", :font => "Georgia", :stroke => white words = { 'verb ending in -ing' => '', '2nd verb ending in -ing' => '', 'plural noun' => '', 'number' => '', 'rank or title' => '', 'location i.e. the ____' => '', 'body part' => '', '2nd rank or title' => '', 'verb ending in -ed' => '', '2nd verb ending in -ed' => '', 'living thing, plural' => '', 'number i.e. 1st 42nd etc' => '', '3rd verb ending in -ing' => '', 'body part, plural' => '', '3rd rank or title' => '', 'profession' => '', '2nd living thing, plural' => '', 'shape' => '', '2nd body part' => '', '4th rank or title' => '', '2nd number' => '', 'larger number' => '', '3rd number' => '', '4th number' => '', '5th number' => '', 'article of clothing' => '', 'noun' => '', '3rd body part' => '', '5th rank or title' => '', '2nd noun' => '', 'container' => '', '2nd profession' => '', '2nd plural noun' => '' } words.keys.each do |key| words[key] = ask(key) end para "Senor Urquiza's testimony (file No. 3847) was made on 22 March 1984 in Copenhagen, at the Embassy of the Argentine Republic in Denmark. His arrest took place in Cordoba on 12 November 1976. He suffered tortures which will be detailed in our discussion of what is generically termed #{words['verb ending in -ing']} and simulated #{words['2nd verb ending in -ing']}. ... then the #{words['plural noun']} began. The next day I was again beaten up by #{words['number']} people. I recognized the voice of #{words['rank or title']} Roselli, who went to visit #{words['location i.e. the ____']} because of our arrest, and I was able to recognize the #{words['body part']} of the adviser to the #{words['2nd rank or title']}, a #{words['2nd rank or title']} who also hit me. Throughout the day I was #{words['verb ending in -ed']} and #{words['2nd verb ending in -ed']} by #{words['living thing, plural']} going past. On the #{words['number i.e. 1st 42nd etc']} day I was beaten up in the afternoon by several #{words['living thing, plural']}, one of whom asked me if I recognized him. He was Warrant Officer Dardo Rocha, ex-instructor at the Police Training School and at that time carrying out duties in Signals Division. From the sharp pain I experienced in #{words['3rd verb ending in -ing']}, I could feel I had several cracked #{words['body part,plural']}; I asked the #{words['3rd rank or title']} on duty for a #{words['profession']}, but this was refused. On 15 November I was again beaten up, especially at night, by a group of #{words['2nd living thing, plural']} from the Intelligence Squad. They stood me in the middle of a #{words['shape']} of #{words['2nd living thing, plural']} and I would be propelled by punches and kicks towards the group, and from there back to the centre of the #{words['shape']}. If I fell I was trodden on and pulled up again by the #{words['2nd body part']}. In the early hours of the 16th I was taken to the toilet by the #{words['4th rank or title']} on duty, Francisco Gontero, who, from a distance of #{words['2nd number']} or #{words['larger number']} metres, loaded his #{words['3rd number']}-calibre gun and fire #{words['4th number']} shots, one of which went through my right leg at the height of my knee. I was left standing bleeding, for some #{words['5th number']} minutes. The same person then ripped my #{words['article of clothing']} and poked a #{words['noun']} and then his #{words['3rd body part']} into the wound. When other people arrived, this #{words['4th rank or title']} said that I had tried to grab the #{words['2nd noun']} from him and escape. I was separated from the rest of the prisoners and put in a dark #{words['container']}. I was not allowed to go to the toilet, having to perform my natural functions in my trousers. I was examined by a #{words['2nd profession']}, who gave me an injection and #{words['2nd plural noun']}. I was given no other medication, though my leg was bandaged. This #{words['2nd profession']} was the forensic #{words['2nd profession']} on duty at the police clinic that day.", :top => 175, :margin => 12, :font => "Georgia", :stroke => white end