Greetings. We are now redirecting you to the site that you requested.
Have a great day!
---- A quick jQuery tutorial: $(document).ready runs when all the elements on the page have loaded. var href = $("#redirect_url")[0].href; gets the first element whose ID is "redirect_url" and gets the "href" attribute. Since it's an tag the href attribute is the URL. $("a#replace_me").attr("href", href); sets the "href" attribute of the tag to the variable href. $("a#replace_me").text(href); sets the text of the tag to the variable href. The text is what's inside the tags. This is the text $("#redirect_to").hide(); hides thetag As a note, if you use the Firefox browser you can use the Firebug plugin ( to easily view the elements of the interstitial page and execute JavaScript on the page directly.