[{[:update_all, {:prefix, "public"}, {:select, {:&, [], [0]}}, {:where, [and: {:and, [], [{:and, [], [{:==, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :id]}, [], []}, {{:., [], [{:&, [], [1]}, :id]}, [], []}]}, {:==, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :state]}, [], []}, %Ecto.Query.Tagged{tag: nil, type: {0, :state}, value: "available"}]}]}, {:<, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :attempt]}, [], []}, {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :max_attempts]}, [], []}]}]}]}, {:join, [{:inner, {{:fragment, [], [raw: "\"subset\""]}, nil}, true, []}]}, {:update, [[set: [state: {:^, [], [0]}, attempted_at: {:^, [], [1]}, attempted_by: {:^, [], [2]}], inc: [attempt: {:^, [], [3]}]]]}, {:from, {"oban_jobs", Oban.Job, 16371104, nil}, []}, {:non_recursive_cte, "subset", nil, :all, [:all, {:prefix, "public"}, {:take, %{0 => {:any, [:id]}}}, {:limit, {false, {:^, [], [0]}}}, {:order_by, [[asc: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :priority]}, [], []}, asc: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :scheduled_at]}, [], []}, asc: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :id]}, [], []}]]}, {:where, [and: {:and, [], [{:or, [], [{:!=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:^, [], [0]}]}, {:not, [], [{:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: " @> ", expr: {:^, [], [1]}, raw: ""]}]}]}, {:and, [], [{:or, [], [{:!=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:^, [], [2]}]}, {:not, [], [{:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: " @> ", expr: {:^, [], [3]}, raw: ""]}]}]}, {:and, [], [{:or, [], [{:!=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:^, [], [4]}]}, {:not, [], [{:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: " @> ", expr: {:^, [], [5]}, raw: ""]}]}]}, {:and, [], [{:or, [], [{:!=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:^, [], [6]}]}, {:not, [], [{:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: " @> ", expr: {:^, [], ~c"\a"}, raw: ""]}]}]}, {:and, [], [{:or, [], [{:!=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:^, [], ~c"\b"}]}, {:not, [], [{:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: " @> ", expr: {:^, [], ~c"\t"}, raw: ""]}]}]}, {:and, [], [{:or, [], [{:!=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:^, [], ~c"\n"}]}, {:not, [], [{:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: " @> ", expr: {:^, [], ~c"\v"}, raw: ""]}]}]}, {:and, [], [{:or, [], [{:!=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:^, [], ~c"\f"}]}, {:not, [], [{:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: " <@ ", expr: {:^, [], ~c"\r"}, raw: ""]}]}]}, {:and, [], [{:or, [], [{:!=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:^, [], [14]}]}, {:not, [], [{:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: " @> ", expr: {:^, [], [15]}, raw: ""]}]}]}, {:and, [], [{:or, [], [{:!=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, 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[0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: " @> ", expr: {:^, [], ~c"!"}, raw: ""]}]}]}, {:and, [], [{:or, [], [{:!=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:^, [], ~c"\""}]}, {:not, [], [{:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: " @> ", expr: {:^, [], ~c"#"}, raw: ""]}]}]}, {:and, [], [{:or, [], [{:!=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:^, [], ~c"$"}]}, {:not, [], [{:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: " @> ", expr: {:^, [], ~c"%"}, raw: ""]}]}]}, {:and, [], [{:or, [], [{:!=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:^, [], ~c"&"}]}, {:not, [], [{:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: " @> ", expr: {:^, [], ~c"'"}, raw: ""]}]}]}, {:and, [], [{:or, [], [{:!=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:^, [], ~c"("}]}, {:not, [], [{:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: " @> ", expr: {:^, 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[], []}, {:^, [], ~c":"}]}, {:not, [], [{:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: " @> ", expr: {:^, [], ~c";"}, raw: ""]}]}]}, {:and, [], [{:or, [], [{:!=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:^, [], ~c"<"}]}, {:not, [], [{:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: " @> ", expr: {:^, [], ~c"="}, raw: ""]}]}]}, {:and, [], [{:or, [], [{:!=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:^, [], ~c">"}]}, {:not, [], [{:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: " @> ", expr: {:^, [], ~c"?"}, raw: ""]}]}]}, {:and, [], [{:or, [], [{:!=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:^, [], ~c"@"}]}, {:not, [], [{:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: " @> ", expr: {:^, [], ~c"A"}, raw: ""]}]}]}, {:and, [], [{:or, [], [{:!=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:^, [], ~c"B"}]}, {:not, [], 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[], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: " @> ", expr: {:^, [], ~c"K"}, raw: ""]}]}]}, {:<=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :rank]}, [], []}, {:^, [], ~c"L"}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}, {:from, [:all, {:prefix, "public"}, {:windows, [partition: [partition_by: [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: "->>", expr: {:^, [], [0]}, raw: ""]}], order_by: [asc: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :priority]}, [], []}, asc: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :scheduled_at]}, [], []}, asc: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :id]}, [], []}]]]}, {:join, [{:inner, [:all, {:prefix, "public"}, {:take, %{0 => {:any, [:id]}}}, {:limit, {false, 5000}}, {:order_by, [[asc: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :priority]}, [], []}, asc: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :scheduled_at]}, [], []}, asc: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :id]}, [], []}]]}, {:where, [and: {:and, [], [{:==, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :state]}, [], []}, %Ecto.Query.Tagged{tag: nil, type: {0, :state}, value: "available"}]}, {:==, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :queue]}, [], []}, {:^, [], [0]}]}]}]}, {:from, {"oban_jobs", Oban.Job, 16371104, nil}, []}, {:select, {:&, [], [0]}}], {:==, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :id]}, [], []}, {{:., [], [{:&, [], [1]}, :id]}, [], []}]}, []}]}, {:from, {"oban_jobs", Oban.Job, 16371104, nil}, []}, {:select, {:%{}, [], [id: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :id]}, [], []}, priority: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :priority]}, [], []}, scheduled_at: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :scheduled_at]}, [], []}, worker: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, args: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, rank: {:over, [], [{:dense_rank, [], []}, :partition]}]}}], []}, {:select, {:&, [], [0]}}]}], :cache, %{take: [], from: {:any, {:source, {"oban_jobs", Oban.Job}, "public", [id: :id, state: :string, queue: :string, worker: :string, args: :map, meta: :map, tags: {:array, :string}, errors: {:array, :map}, attempt: :integer, attempted_by: {:array, :string}, max_attempts: :integer, priority: :integer, attempted_at: :utc_datetime_usec, cancelled_at: :utc_datetime_usec, completed_at: :utc_datetime_usec, discarded_at: :utc_datetime_usec, inserted_at: :utc_datetime_usec, scheduled_at: :utc_datetime_usec]}}, postprocess: {:source, :from}, assocs: [], preprocess: [source: :from]}, {26960898, "WITH \"subset\" AS (SELECT ss0.\"id\" AS \"id\" FROM (SELECT sso0.\"id\" AS \"id\", sso0.\"priority\" AS \"priority\", sso0.\"scheduled_at\" AS \"scheduled_at\", sso0.\"worker\" AS \"worker\", sso0.\"args\" AS \"args\", dense_rank() OVER \"partition\" AS \"rank\" FROM \"public\".\"oban_jobs\" AS sso0 INNER JOIN (SELECT ssso0.\"id\" AS \"id\" FROM \"public\".\"oban_jobs\" AS ssso0 WHERE ((ssso0.\"state\" = 'available') AND (ssso0.\"queue\" = $1)) ORDER BY ssso0.\"priority\", ssso0.\"scheduled_at\", ssso0.\"id\" LIMIT 5000) AS sss1 ON sso0.\"id\" = sss1.\"id\" WINDOW \"partition\" AS (PARTITION BY sso0.\"worker\", sso0.\"args\"->>$2 ORDER BY sso0.\"priority\", sso0.\"scheduled_at\", sso0.\"id\")) AS ss0 WHERE (((ss0.\"worker\" != $3) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $4)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $5) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $6)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $7) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $8)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $9) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $10)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $11) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $12)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $13) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $14)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $15) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" <@ $16)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $17) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $18)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $19) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $20)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $21) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $22)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $23) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $24)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $25) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $26)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $27) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $28)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $29) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $30)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $31) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $32)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $33) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $34)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $35) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $36)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $37) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $38)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $39) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $40)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $41) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $42)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $43) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $44)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $45) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $46)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $47) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $48)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $49) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $50)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $51) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $52)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $53) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $54)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $55) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $56)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $57) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" <@ $58)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $59) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $60)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $61) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $62)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $63) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $64)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $65) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $66)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $67) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $68)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $69) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $70)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $71) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $72)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $73) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $74)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $75) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $76)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $77) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $78)) AND (ss0.\"rank\" <= $79))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) ORDER BY ss0.\"priority\", ss0.\"scheduled_at\", ss0.\"id\" LIMIT $80) UPDATE \"public\".\"oban_jobs\" AS o0 SET \"state\" = $81, \"attempted_at\" = $82, \"attempted_by\" = $83, \"attempt\" = o0.\"attempt\" + $84 FROM \"subset\" AS f1 WHERE (((o0.\"id\" = f1.\"id\") AND (o0.\"state\" = 'available')) AND (o0.\"attempt\" < o0.\"max_attempts\")) RETURNING o0.\"id\", o0.\"state\", o0.\"queue\", o0.\"worker\", o0.\"args\", o0.\"meta\", o0.\"tags\", o0.\"errors\", o0.\"attempt\", o0.\"attempted_by\", o0.\"max_attempts\", o0.\"priority\", o0.\"attempted_at\", o0.\"cancelled_at\", o0.\"completed_at\", o0.\"discarded_at\", o0.\"inserted_at\", o0.\"scheduled_at\""}}, {[:update_all, {:prefix, "public"}, {:select, {:&, [], [0]}}, {:where, [and: {:and, [], [{:and, [], [{:==, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :id]}, [], []}, {{:., [], [{:&, [], [1]}, :id]}, [], []}]}, {:==, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :state]}, [], []}, %Ecto.Query.Tagged{tag: nil, type: {0, :state}, value: "available"}]}]}, {:<, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :attempt]}, [], []}, {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :max_attempts]}, [], []}]}]}]}, {:join, [{:inner, {{:fragment, [], [raw: "\"subset\""]}, nil}, true, []}]}, {:update, [[set: [state: {:^, [], [0]}, attempted_at: {:^, [], [1]}, attempted_by: {:^, [], [2]}], inc: [attempt: {:^, [], [3]}]]]}, {:from, {"oban_jobs", Oban.Job, 16371104, nil}, []}, {:non_recursive_cte, "subset", nil, :all, [:all, {:prefix, "public"}, {:take, %{0 => {:any, [:id]}}}, {:limit, {false, {:^, [], [0]}}}, {:order_by, [[asc: {{:., [], 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[], []}, raw: " @> ", expr: {:^, [], [15]}, raw: ""]}]}]}, {:and, [], [{:or, [], [{:!=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:^, [], [16]}]}, {:not, [], [{:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: " @> ", expr: {:^, [], [17]}, raw: ""]}]}]}, {:and, [], [{:or, [], [{:!=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:^, [], [18]}]}, {:not, [], [{:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: " @> ", expr: {:^, [], [19]}, raw: ""]}]}]}, {:and, [], [{:or, [], [{:!=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:^, [], [20]}]}, {:not, [], [{:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: " @> ", expr: {:^, [], [21]}, raw: ""]}]}]}, {:and, [], [{:or, [], [{:!=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:^, [], [22]}]}, {:not, [], [{:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: " @> ", expr: {:^, [], [23]}, raw: ""]}]}]}, {:and, [], [{:or, [], [{:!=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:^, [], [24]}]}, {:not, [], [{:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: " @> ", expr: {:^, [], [25]}, raw: ""]}]}]}, {:and, [], [{:or, [], [{:!=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:^, [], [26]}]}, {:not, [], [{:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: " @> ", expr: {:^, [], ~c"\e"}, raw: ""]}]}]}, {:and, [], [{:or, [], [{:!=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:^, [], [28]}]}, {:not, [], [{:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: " @> ", expr: {:^, [], [29]}, raw: ""]}]}]}, {:and, [], [{:or, [], [{:!=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:^, [], [30]}]}, {:not, [], [{:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: " @> ", expr: {:^, [], [31]}, raw: ""]}]}]}, {:and, [], [{:or, [], [{:!=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:^, [], ~c" "}]}, {:not, [], [{:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: " @> ", expr: {:^, [], ~c"!"}, raw: ""]}]}]}, {:and, [], [{:or, [], [{:!=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:^, [], ~c"\""}]}, {:not, [], [{:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: " @> ", expr: {:^, [], ~c"#"}, raw: ""]}]}]}, {:and, [], [{:or, [], [{:!=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:^, [], ~c"$"}]}, {:not, [], [{:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: " @> ", expr: {:^, [], ~c"%"}, raw: ""]}]}]}, {:and, [], [{:or, [], [{:!=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:^, [], ~c"&"}]}, {:not, [], [{:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: " @> ", expr: {:^, [], ~c"'"}, raw: ""]}]}]}, {:and, [], [{:or, [], [{:!=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:^, [], ~c"("}]}, {:not, [], [{:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: " @> ", expr: {:^, [], ~c")"}, raw: ""]}]}]}, {:and, [], [{:or, [], [{:!=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:^, [], ~c"*"}]}, {:not, [], [{:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: " @> ", expr: {:^, [], ~c"+"}, raw: ""]}]}]}, {:and, [], [{:or, [], [{:!=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:^, [], ~c","}]}, {:not, [], [{:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: " @> ", expr: {:^, [], ~c"-"}, raw: ""]}]}]}, {:and, [], [{:or, [], [{:!=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:^, [], ~c"."}]}, {:not, [], [{:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: " @> ", expr: {:^, [], ~c"/"}, raw: ""]}]}]}, {:and, [], [{:or, [], [{:!=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:^, [], ~c"0"}]}, {:not, [], [{:fragment, [], [raw: "", 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""]}]}]}, {:and, [], [{:or, [], [{:!=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:^, [], ~c"B"}]}, {:not, [], [{:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: " @> ", expr: {:^, [], ~c"C"}, raw: ""]}]}]}, {:and, [], [{:or, [], [{:!=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:^, [], ~c"D"}]}, {:not, [], [{:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: " @> ", expr: {:^, [], ~c"E"}, raw: ""]}]}]}, {:<=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :rank]}, [], []}, {:^, [], ~c"F"}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}, {:from, [:all, {:prefix, "public"}, {:windows, [partition: [partition_by: [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: "->>", expr: {:^, [], [0]}, raw: ""]}], order_by: [asc: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :priority]}, [], []}, asc: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :scheduled_at]}, [], []}, asc: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :id]}, [], []}]]]}, {:join, [{:inner, [:all, {:prefix, "public"}, {:take, %{0 => {:any, [:id]}}}, {:limit, {false, 5000}}, {:order_by, [[asc: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :priority]}, [], []}, asc: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :scheduled_at]}, [], []}, asc: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :id]}, [], []}]]}, {:where, [and: {:and, [], [{:==, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :state]}, [], []}, %Ecto.Query.Tagged{tag: nil, type: {0, :state}, value: "available"}]}, {:==, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :queue]}, [], []}, {:^, [], [0]}]}]}]}, {:from, {"oban_jobs", Oban.Job, 16371104, nil}, []}, {:select, {:&, [], [0]}}], {:==, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :id]}, [], []}, {{:., [], [{:&, [], [1]}, :id]}, [], []}]}, []}]}, {:from, {"oban_jobs", Oban.Job, 16371104, nil}, []}, {:select, {:%{}, [], [id: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :id]}, [], []}, priority: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :priority]}, [], []}, scheduled_at: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :scheduled_at]}, [], []}, worker: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, args: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, rank: {:over, [], [{:dense_rank, [], []}, :partition]}]}}], []}, {:select, {:&, [], [0]}}]}], :cache, %{take: [], from: {:any, {:source, {"oban_jobs", Oban.Job}, "public", [id: :id, state: :string, queue: :string, worker: :string, args: :map, meta: :map, tags: {:array, :string}, errors: {:array, :map}, attempt: :integer, attempted_by: {:array, :string}, max_attempts: :integer, priority: :integer, attempted_at: :utc_datetime_usec, cancelled_at: :utc_datetime_usec, completed_at: :utc_datetime_usec, discarded_at: :utc_datetime_usec, inserted_at: :utc_datetime_usec, scheduled_at: :utc_datetime_usec]}}, postprocess: {:source, :from}, assocs: [], preprocess: [source: :from]}, {21523202, "WITH \"subset\" AS (SELECT ss0.\"id\" AS \"id\" FROM (SELECT sso0.\"id\" AS \"id\", sso0.\"priority\" AS \"priority\", sso0.\"scheduled_at\" AS \"scheduled_at\", sso0.\"worker\" AS \"worker\", sso0.\"args\" AS \"args\", dense_rank() OVER \"partition\" AS \"rank\" FROM \"public\".\"oban_jobs\" AS sso0 INNER JOIN (SELECT ssso0.\"id\" AS \"id\" FROM \"public\".\"oban_jobs\" AS ssso0 WHERE ((ssso0.\"state\" = 'available') AND (ssso0.\"queue\" = $1)) ORDER BY ssso0.\"priority\", ssso0.\"scheduled_at\", ssso0.\"id\" LIMIT 5000) AS sss1 ON sso0.\"id\" = sss1.\"id\" WINDOW \"partition\" AS (PARTITION BY sso0.\"worker\", sso0.\"args\"->>$2 ORDER BY sso0.\"priority\", sso0.\"scheduled_at\", sso0.\"id\")) AS ss0 WHERE (((ss0.\"worker\" != $3) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $4)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $5) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $6)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $7) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" <@ $8)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $9) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $10)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $11) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $12)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $13) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" <@ $14)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $15) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $16)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $17) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $18)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $19) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $20)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $21) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $22)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $23) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $24)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $25) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $26)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $27) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $28)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $29) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $30)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $31) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $32)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $33) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $34)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $35) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $36)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $37) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $38)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $39) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $40)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $41) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $42)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $43) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $44)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $45) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $46)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $47) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $48)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $49) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $50)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $51) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $52)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $53) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $54)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $55) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $56)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $57) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $58)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $59) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $60)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $61) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $62)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $63) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $64)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $65) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $66)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $67) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $68)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $69) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $70)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $71) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $72)) AND (ss0.\"rank\" <= $73)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) ORDER BY ss0.\"priority\", ss0.\"scheduled_at\", ss0.\"id\" LIMIT $74) UPDATE \"public\".\"oban_jobs\" AS o0 SET \"state\" = $75, \"attempted_at\" = $76, \"attempted_by\" = $77, \"attempt\" = o0.\"attempt\" + $78 FROM \"subset\" AS f1 WHERE (((o0.\"id\" = f1.\"id\") AND (o0.\"state\" = 'available')) AND (o0.\"attempt\" < o0.\"max_attempts\")) RETURNING o0.\"id\", o0.\"state\", o0.\"queue\", o0.\"worker\", o0.\"args\", o0.\"meta\", o0.\"tags\", o0.\"errors\", o0.\"attempt\", o0.\"attempted_by\", o0.\"max_attempts\", o0.\"priority\", o0.\"attempted_at\", o0.\"cancelled_at\", o0.\"completed_at\", o0.\"discarded_at\", o0.\"inserted_at\", o0.\"scheduled_at\""}}, {[:update_all, {:prefix, "public"}, {:select, {:&, [], [0]}}, {:where, [and: {:and, [], [{:and, [], [{:==, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :id]}, [], []}, {{:., [], [{:&, [], [1]}, :id]}, [], []}]}, {:==, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :state]}, [], []}, %Ecto.Query.Tagged{tag: nil, type: {0, :state}, value: "available"}]}]}, {:<, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :attempt]}, [], []}, {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :max_attempts]}, [], []}]}]}]}, {:join, [{:inner, {{:fragment, [], [raw: "\"subset\""]}, nil}, true, []}]}, {:update, [[set: [state: {:^, [], [0]}, attempted_at: {:^, [], [1]}, attempted_by: {:^, [], [2]}], inc: [attempt: {:^, [], [3]}]]]}, 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[], [{:!=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:^, [], [22]}]}, {:not, [], [{:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: " @> ", expr: {:^, [], [23]}, raw: ""]}]}]}, {:and, [], [{:or, [], [{:!=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:^, [], [24]}]}, {:not, [], [{:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: " @> ", expr: {:^, [], [25]}, raw: ""]}]}]}, {:and, [], [{:or, [], [{:!=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:^, [], [26]}]}, {:not, [], [{:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: " @> ", expr: {:^, [], ~c"\e"}, raw: ""]}]}]}, {:and, [], [{:or, [], [{:!=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:^, [], [28]}]}, {:not, [], [{:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: " @> ", expr: {:^, [], [29]}, raw: ""]}]}]}, {:and, [], [{:or, [], [{:!=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:^, [], [30]}]}, {:not, [], [{:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: " @> ", expr: {:^, [], [31]}, raw: ""]}]}]}, {:and, [], [{:or, [], [{:!=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:^, [], ~c" "}]}, {:not, [], [{:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: " @> ", expr: {:^, [], ~c"!"}, raw: ""]}]}]}, {:and, [], [{:or, [], [{:!=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:^, [], ~c"\""}]}, {:not, [], [{:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: " @> ", expr: {:^, [], ~c"#"}, raw: ""]}]}]}, {:and, [], [{:or, [], [{:!=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:^, [], ~c"$"}]}, {:not, [], [{:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: " @> ", expr: {:^, [], ~c"%"}, raw: ""]}]}]}, {:and, [], [{:or, [], [{:!=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:^, [], ~c"&"}]}, {:not, [], [{:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: " @> ", expr: {:^, [], ~c"'"}, raw: ""]}]}]}, {:and, [], [{:or, [], [{:!=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:^, [], ~c"("}]}, {:not, [], [{:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: " @> ", expr: {:^, [], ~c")"}, raw: ""]}]}]}, {:and, [], [{:or, [], [{:!=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:^, [], ~c"*"}]}, {:not, [], [{:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: " @> ", expr: {:^, [], ~c"+"}, raw: ""]}]}]}, {:and, [], [{:or, [], [{:!=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:^, [], ~c","}]}, {:not, [], [{:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: " @> ", expr: {:^, [], ~c"-"}, raw: ""]}]}]}, {:and, [], [{:or, [], [{:!=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:^, [], ~c"."}]}, {:not, [], [{:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, 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{:^, [], ~c"7"}, raw: ""]}]}]}, {:and, [], [{:or, [], [{:!=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:^, [], ~c"8"}]}, {:not, [], [{:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: " @> ", expr: {:^, [], ~c"9"}, raw: ""]}]}]}, {:and, [], [{:or, [], [{:!=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:^, [], ~c":"}]}, {:not, [], [{:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: " @> ", expr: {:^, [], ~c";"}, raw: ""]}]}]}, {:and, [], [{:or, [], [{:!=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:^, [], ~c"<"}]}, {:not, [], [{:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: " @> ", expr: {:^, [], ~c"="}, raw: ""]}]}]}, {:and, [], [{:or, [], [{:!=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:^, [], ~c">"}]}, {:not, [], [{:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: " @> ", expr: {:^, [], ~c"?"}, raw: ""]}]}]}, {:and, [], [{:or, [], [{:!=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:^, [], ~c"@"}]}, {:not, [], [{:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: " @> ", expr: {:^, [], ~c"A"}, raw: ""]}]}]}, {:and, [], [{:or, [], [{:!=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:^, [], ~c"B"}]}, {:not, [], [{:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: " @> ", expr: {:^, [], ~c"C"}, raw: ""]}]}]}, {:and, [], [{:or, [], [{:!=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:^, [], ~c"D"}]}, {:not, [], [{:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: " @> ", expr: {:^, [], ~c"E"}, raw: ""]}]}]}, {:and, [], [{:or, [], [{:!=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:^, [], ~c"F"}]}, {:not, [], [{:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: " @> ", expr: {:^, [], ~c"G"}, raw: ""]}]}]}, {:and, [], [{:or, [], [{:!=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, 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[{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: " @> ", expr: {:^, [], ~c"Y"}, raw: ""]}]}]}, {:and, [], [{:or, [], [{:!=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:^, [], ~c"Z"}]}, {:not, [], [{:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: " @> ", expr: {:^, [], ~c"["}, raw: ""]}]}]}, {:<=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :rank]}, [], []}, {:^, [], ~c"\\"}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}, {:from, [:all, {:prefix, "public"}, {:windows, [partition: [partition_by: [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: "->>", expr: {:^, [], [0]}, raw: ""]}], order_by: [asc: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :priority]}, [], []}, asc: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :scheduled_at]}, [], []}, asc: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :id]}, [], []}]]]}, {:join, [{:inner, [:all, {:prefix, "public"}, {:take, %{0 => {:any, [:id]}}}, {:limit, {false, 5000}}, {:order_by, [[asc: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :priority]}, [], []}, asc: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :scheduled_at]}, [], []}, asc: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :id]}, [], []}]]}, {:where, [and: {:and, [], [{:==, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :state]}, [], []}, %Ecto.Query.Tagged{tag: nil, type: {0, :state}, value: "available"}]}, {:==, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :queue]}, [], []}, {:^, [], [0]}]}]}]}, {:from, {"oban_jobs", Oban.Job, 16371104, nil}, []}, {:select, {:&, [], [0]}}], {:==, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :id]}, [], []}, {{:., [], [{:&, [], [1]}, :id]}, [], []}]}, []}]}, {:from, {"oban_jobs", Oban.Job, 16371104, nil}, []}, {:select, {:%{}, [], [id: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :id]}, [], []}, priority: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :priority]}, [], []}, scheduled_at: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :scheduled_at]}, [], []}, worker: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, args: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, rank: {:over, [], [{:dense_rank, [], []}, :partition]}]}}], []}, {:select, {:&, [], [0]}}]}], :cache, %{take: [], from: {:any, {:source, {"oban_jobs", Oban.Job}, "public", [id: :id, state: :string, queue: :string, worker: :string, args: :map, meta: :map, tags: {:array, :string}, errors: {:array, :map}, attempt: :integer, attempted_by: {:array, :string}, max_attempts: :integer, priority: :integer, attempted_at: :utc_datetime_usec, cancelled_at: :utc_datetime_usec, completed_at: :utc_datetime_usec, discarded_at: :utc_datetime_usec, inserted_at: :utc_datetime_usec, scheduled_at: :utc_datetime_usec]}}, postprocess: {:source, :from}, assocs: [], preprocess: [source: :from]}, {21861380, "WITH \"subset\" AS (SELECT ss0.\"id\" AS \"id\" FROM (SELECT sso0.\"id\" AS \"id\", sso0.\"priority\" AS \"priority\", sso0.\"scheduled_at\" AS \"scheduled_at\", sso0.\"worker\" AS \"worker\", sso0.\"args\" AS \"args\", dense_rank() OVER \"partition\" AS \"rank\" FROM \"public\".\"oban_jobs\" AS sso0 INNER JOIN (SELECT ssso0.\"id\" AS \"id\" FROM \"public\".\"oban_jobs\" AS ssso0 WHERE ((ssso0.\"state\" = 'available') AND (ssso0.\"queue\" = $1)) ORDER BY ssso0.\"priority\", ssso0.\"scheduled_at\", ssso0.\"id\" LIMIT 5000) AS sss1 ON sso0.\"id\" = sss1.\"id\" WINDOW \"partition\" AS (PARTITION BY sso0.\"worker\", sso0.\"args\"->>$2 ORDER BY sso0.\"priority\", sso0.\"scheduled_at\", sso0.\"id\")) AS ss0 WHERE (((ss0.\"worker\" != $3) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $4)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $5) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $6)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $7) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $8)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $9) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $10)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $11) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $12)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $13) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $14)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $15) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $16)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $17) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $18)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $19) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $20)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $21) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $22)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $23) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $24)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $25) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $26)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $27) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $28)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $29) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $30)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $31) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $32)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $33) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $34)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $35) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $36)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $37) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $38)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $39) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $40)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $41) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $42)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $43) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $44)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $45) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $46)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $47) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $48)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $49) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $50)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $51) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $52)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $53) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" <@ $54)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $55) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $56)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $57) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $58)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $59) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $60)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $61) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $62)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $63) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $64)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $65) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $66)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $67) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $68)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $69) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $70)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $71) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $72)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $73) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $74)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $75) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $76)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $77) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $78)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $79) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $80)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $81) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $82)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $83) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $84)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $85) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $86)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $87) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $88)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $89) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $90)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $91) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $92)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $93) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $94)) AND (ss0.\"rank\" <= $95))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) ORDER BY ss0.\"priority\", ss0.\"scheduled_at\", ss0.\"id\" LIMIT $96) UPDATE \"public\".\"oban_jobs\" AS o0 SET \"state\" = $97, \"attempted_at\" = $98, \"attempted_by\" = $99, \"attempt\" = o0.\"attempt\" + $100 FROM \"subset\" AS f1 WHERE (((o0.\"id\" = f1.\"id\") AND (o0.\"state\" = 'available')) AND (o0.\"attempt\" < o0.\"max_attempts\")) RETURNING o0.\"id\", o0.\"state\", o0.\"queue\", o0.\"worker\", o0.\"args\", o0.\"meta\", o0.\"tags\", o0.\"errors\", o0.\"attempt\", o0.\"attempted_by\", o0.\"max_attempts\", o0.\"priority\", o0.\"attempted_at\", o0.\"cancelled_at\", o0.\"completed_at\", o0.\"discarded_at\", o0.\"inserted_at\", o0.\"scheduled_at\""}}, {[:update_all, {:prefix, "public"}, {:select, {:&, [], [0]}}, {:where, [and: {:and, [], [{:and, [], [{:==, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :id]}, [], []}, {{:., [], [{:&, [], [1]}, :id]}, [], []}]}, {:==, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :state]}, [], []}, %Ecto.Query.Tagged{tag: nil, type: {0, :state}, value: "available"}]}]}, {:<, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :attempt]}, [], []}, {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :max_attempts]}, [], []}]}]}]}, {:join, [{:inner, {{:fragment, [], [raw: "\"subset\""]}, nil}, true, []}]}, {:update, [[set: [state: {:^, [], [0]}, attempted_at: {:^, [], [1]}, attempted_by: {:^, [], [2]}], inc: [attempt: {:^, [], [3]}]]]}, {:from, {"oban_jobs", Oban.Job, 16371104, nil}, []}, {:non_recursive_cte, "subset", nil, :all, [:all, {:prefix, "public"}, {:take, %{0 => {:any, [:id]}}}, {:limit, {false, {:^, [], [0]}}}, {:order_by, [[asc: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :priority]}, [], []}, asc: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :scheduled_at]}, [], []}, asc: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :id]}, [], []}]]}, {:where, [and: {:and, [], [{:or, [], [{:!=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:^, [], [0]}]}, {:not, [], [{:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: " @> ", expr: {:^, [], [1]}, raw: ""]}]}]}, {:and, [], [{:or, [], [{:!=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:^, [], [2]}]}, {:not, [], [{:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: " @> ", expr: {:^, [], [3]}, raw: ""]}]}]}, {:and, [], [{:or, [], [{:!=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:^, [], [4]}]}, {:not, [], [{:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: " @> ", expr: {:^, [], [5]}, raw: ""]}]}]}, {:and, [], [{:or, [], [{:!=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:^, [], [6]}]}, {:not, [], [{:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: " @> ", expr: {:^, [], ~c"\a"}, raw: ""]}]}]}, {:and, [], [{:or, [], [{:!=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:^, [], ~c"\b"}]}, {:not, [], [{:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., 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[{:or, [], [{:!=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:^, [], [26]}]}, {:not, [], [{:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: " <@ ", expr: {:^, [], ~c"\e"}, raw: ""]}]}]}, {:and, [], [{:or, [], [{:!=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:^, [], [28]}]}, {:not, [], [{:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: " @> ", expr: {:^, [], [29]}, raw: ""]}]}]}, {:and, [], [{:or, [], [{:!=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:^, [], [30]}]}, {:not, [], [{:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: " @> ", expr: {:^, [], [31]}, raw: ""]}]}]}, {:and, [], [{:or, [], [{:!=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:^, [], ~c" "}]}, {:not, [], [{:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: " @> ", expr: {:^, [], ~c"!"}, raw: ""]}]}]}, {:and, [], [{:or, [], [{:!=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:^, [], ~c"\""}]}, {:not, [], [{:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: " @> ", expr: {:^, [], ~c"#"}, raw: ""]}]}]}, {:and, [], [{:or, [], [{:!=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:^, [], ~c"$"}]}, {:not, [], [{:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: " @> ", expr: {:^, [], ~c"%"}, raw: ""]}]}]}, {:and, [], [{:or, [], [{:!=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:^, [], ~c"&"}]}, {:not, [], [{:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: " @> ", expr: {:^, [], ~c"'"}, raw: ""]}]}]}, {:and, [], [{:or, [], [{:!=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:^, [], ~c"("}]}, {:not, [], [{:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: " @> ", expr: {:^, [], ~c")"}, raw: ""]}]}]}, {:and, [], [{:or, [], [{:!=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:^, [], ~c"*"}]}, {:not, 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expr: {:^, [], ~c";"}, raw: ""]}]}]}, {:and, [], [{:or, [], [{:!=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:^, [], ~c"<"}]}, {:not, [], [{:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: " @> ", expr: {:^, [], ~c"="}, raw: ""]}]}]}, {:and, [], [{:or, [], [{:!=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:^, [], ~c">"}]}, {:not, [], [{:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: " @> ", expr: {:^, [], ~c"?"}, raw: ""]}]}]}, {:and, [], [{:or, [], [{:!=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:^, [], ~c"@"}]}, {:not, [], [{:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: " @> ", expr: {:^, [], ~c"A"}, raw: ""]}]}]}, {:and, [], [{:or, [], [{:!=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:^, [], ~c"B"}]}, {:not, [], [{:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: " @> ", expr: {:^, [], ~c"C"}, raw: ""]}]}]}, {:and, [], 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[{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: " @> ", expr: {:^, [], ~c"]"}, raw: ""]}]}]}, {:and, [], [{:or, [], [{:!=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:^, [], ~c"^"}]}, {:not, [], [{:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: " @> ", expr: {:^, [], ~c"_"}, raw: ""]}]}]}, {:<=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :rank]}, [], []}, {:^, [], ~c"`"}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}, {:from, [:all, {:prefix, "public"}, {:windows, [partition: [partition_by: [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: "->>", expr: {:^, [], [0]}, raw: ""]}], order_by: [asc: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :priority]}, [], []}, asc: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :scheduled_at]}, [], []}, asc: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :id]}, [], []}]]]}, {:join, [{:inner, [:all, {:prefix, "public"}, {:take, %{0 => {:any, [:id]}}}, {:limit, {false, 5000}}, {:order_by, [[asc: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :priority]}, [], []}, asc: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :scheduled_at]}, [], []}, asc: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :id]}, [], []}]]}, {:where, [and: {:and, [], [{:==, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :state]}, [], []}, %Ecto.Query.Tagged{tag: nil, type: {0, :state}, value: "available"}]}, {:==, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :queue]}, [], []}, {:^, [], [0]}]}]}]}, {:from, {"oban_jobs", Oban.Job, 16371104, nil}, []}, {:select, {:&, [], [0]}}], {:==, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :id]}, [], []}, {{:., [], [{:&, [], [1]}, :id]}, [], []}]}, []}]}, {:from, {"oban_jobs", Oban.Job, 16371104, nil}, []}, {:select, {:%{}, [], [id: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :id]}, [], []}, priority: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :priority]}, [], []}, scheduled_at: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :scheduled_at]}, [], []}, worker: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, args: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, rank: {:over, [], [{:dense_rank, [], []}, :partition]}]}}], []}, {:select, {:&, [], [0]}}]}], :cache, %{take: [], from: {:any, {:source, {"oban_jobs", Oban.Job}, "public", [id: :id, state: :string, queue: :string, worker: :string, args: :map, meta: :map, tags: {:array, :string}, errors: {:array, :map}, attempt: :integer, attempted_by: {:array, :string}, max_attempts: :integer, priority: :integer, attempted_at: :utc_datetime_usec, cancelled_at: :utc_datetime_usec, completed_at: :utc_datetime_usec, discarded_at: :utc_datetime_usec, inserted_at: :utc_datetime_usec, scheduled_at: :utc_datetime_usec]}}, postprocess: {:source, :from}, assocs: [], preprocess: [source: :from]}, {11231493, "WITH \"subset\" AS (SELECT ss0.\"id\" AS \"id\" FROM (SELECT sso0.\"id\" AS \"id\", sso0.\"priority\" AS \"priority\", sso0.\"scheduled_at\" AS \"scheduled_at\", sso0.\"worker\" AS \"worker\", sso0.\"args\" AS \"args\", dense_rank() OVER \"partition\" AS \"rank\" FROM \"public\".\"oban_jobs\" AS sso0 INNER JOIN (SELECT ssso0.\"id\" AS \"id\" FROM \"public\".\"oban_jobs\" AS ssso0 WHERE ((ssso0.\"state\" = 'available') AND (ssso0.\"queue\" = $1)) ORDER BY ssso0.\"priority\", ssso0.\"scheduled_at\", ssso0.\"id\" LIMIT 5000) AS sss1 ON sso0.\"id\" = sss1.\"id\" WINDOW \"partition\" AS (PARTITION BY sso0.\"worker\", sso0.\"args\"->>$2 ORDER BY sso0.\"priority\", sso0.\"scheduled_at\", sso0.\"id\")) AS ss0 WHERE (((ss0.\"worker\" != $3) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $4)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $5) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $6)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $7) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $8)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $9) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $10)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $11) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $12)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $13) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" <@ $14)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $15) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $16)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $17) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $18)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $19) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $20)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $21) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $22)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $23) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $24)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $25) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $26)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $27) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $28)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $29) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" <@ $30)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $31) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $32)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $33) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $34)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $35) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $36)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $37) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $38)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $39) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $40)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $41) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $42)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $43) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $44)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $45) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $46)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $47) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $48)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $49) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $50)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $51) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $52)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $53) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $54)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $55) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $56)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $57) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $58)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $59) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $60)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $61) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $62)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $63) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $64)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $65) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $66)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $67) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $68)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $69) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $70)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $71) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $72)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $73) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $74)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $75) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $76)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $77) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $78)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $79) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $80)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $81) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $82)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $83) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $84)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $85) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $86)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $87) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $88)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $89) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $90)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $91) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $92)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $93) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $94)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $95) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $96)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $97) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $98)) AND (ss0.\"rank\" <= $99))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) ORDER BY ss0.\"priority\", ss0.\"scheduled_at\", ss0.\"id\" LIMIT $100) UPDATE \"public\".\"oban_jobs\" AS o0 SET \"state\" = $101, \"attempted_at\" = $102, \"attempted_by\" = $103, \"attempt\" = o0.\"attempt\" + $104 FROM \"subset\" AS f1 WHERE (((o0.\"id\" = f1.\"id\") AND (o0.\"state\" = 'available')) AND (o0.\"attempt\" < o0.\"max_attempts\")) RETURNING o0.\"id\", o0.\"state\", o0.\"queue\", o0.\"worker\", o0.\"args\", o0.\"meta\", o0.\"tags\", o0.\"errors\", o0.\"attempt\", o0.\"attempted_by\", o0.\"max_attempts\", o0.\"priority\", o0.\"attempted_at\", o0.\"cancelled_at\", o0.\"completed_at\", o0.\"discarded_at\", o0.\"inserted_at\", o0.\"scheduled_at\""}}, {[:update_all, {:prefix, "public"}, {:select, {:&, [], [0]}}, {:where, [and: {:and, [], [{:and, [], [{:==, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :id]}, [], []}, {{:., [], [{:&, [], [1]}, :id]}, [], []}]}, {:==, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :state]}, [], []}, %Ecto.Query.Tagged{tag: nil, type: {0, :state}, value: "available"}]}]}, {:<, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :attempt]}, [], []}, {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :max_attempts]}, [], []}]}]}]}, {:join, [{:inner, {{:fragment, [], [raw: "\"subset\""]}, nil}, true, []}]}, {:update, [[set: [state: {:^, [], [0]}, attempted_at: {:^, [], [1]}, attempted_by: {:^, [], [2]}], inc: [attempt: {:^, [], [3]}]]]}, {:from, {"oban_jobs", Oban.Job, 16371104, nil}, []}, {:non_recursive_cte, "subset", nil, :all, [:all, {:prefix, "public"}, {:take, %{0 => {:any, [:id]}}}, {:limit, {false, {:^, [], [0]}}}, {:order_by, [[asc: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :priority]}, [], []}, asc: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :scheduled_at]}, [], []}, asc: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :id]}, [], []}]]}, {:where, [and: {:and, [], [{:or, [], [{:!=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:^, [], [0]}]}, {:not, [], [{:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: " @> ", expr: {:^, [], [1]}, raw: ""]}]}]}, {:and, [], [{:or, [], [{:!=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:^, [], [2]}]}, {:not, [], [{:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: " @> ", expr: {:^, [], [3]}, raw: ""]}]}]}, {:and, [], [{:or, [], [{:!=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:^, [], [4]}]}, {:not, [], [{:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: " @> ", expr: {:^, [], [5]}, raw: ""]}]}]}, {:and, [], [{:or, [], [{:!=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:^, [], [6]}]}, {:not, [], [{:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: " @> ", expr: {:^, [], ~c"\a"}, raw: ""]}]}]}, {:and, [], [{:or, [], [{:!=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:^, [], ~c"\b"}]}, {:not, [], [{:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: " @> ", expr: {:^, [], ~c"\t"}, raw: ""]}]}]}, {:and, [], [{:or, [], [{:!=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:^, [], ~c"\n"}]}, {:not, [], [{:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: " @> ", expr: {:^, [], ~c"\v"}, raw: ""]}]}]}, {:and, [], [{:or, [], [{:!=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:^, [], ~c"\f"}]}, {:not, [], [{:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: " @> ", expr: {:^, [], ~c"\r"}, raw: ""]}]}]}, {:and, [], [{:or, [], [{:!=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:^, [], [14]}]}, {:not, [], [{:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: " @> ", expr: {:^, [], [15]}, raw: ""]}]}]}, {:and, [], [{:or, [], [{:!=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:^, [], [16]}]}, {:not, [], [{:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: " @> ", expr: {:^, [], [17]}, raw: ""]}]}]}, {:and, [], [{:or, [], [{:!=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:^, [], [18]}]}, {:not, [], [{:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: " @> ", expr: {:^, [], [19]}, raw: ""]}]}]}, {:and, [], [{:or, [], [{:!=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:^, [], [20]}]}, {:not, [], [{:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: " @> ", expr: {:^, [], [21]}, raw: ""]}]}]}, {:and, [], [{:or, [], [{:!=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:^, [], [22]}]}, {:not, [], [{:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: " @> ", expr: {:^, [], [23]}, raw: ""]}]}]}, {:and, [], [{:or, [], [{:!=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:^, [], [24]}]}, {:not, [], [{:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: " @> ", expr: {:^, [], [25]}, raw: ""]}]}]}, {:and, [], [{:or, [], [{:!=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:^, [], [26]}]}, {:not, [], [{:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: " @> ", expr: {:^, [], ~c"\e"}, raw: ""]}]}]}, {:and, [], [{:or, [], [{:!=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:^, [], [28]}]}, {:not, [], [{:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: " <@ ", expr: {:^, [], [29]}, raw: ""]}]}]}, {:and, [], [{:or, [], [{:!=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:^, [], [30]}]}, {:not, [], [{:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: " @> ", expr: {:^, [], [31]}, raw: ""]}]}]}, {:and, [], [{:or, [], [{:!=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:^, [], ~c" "}]}, {:not, [], [{:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: " @> ", expr: {:^, [], ~c"!"}, raw: ""]}]}]}, {:and, [], [{:or, [], [{:!=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:^, [], ~c"\""}]}, {:not, [], [{:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: " @> ", expr: {:^, [], ~c"#"}, raw: ""]}]}]}, {:and, [], [{:or, [], [{:!=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:^, [], ~c"$"}]}, {:not, [], [{:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: " @> ", expr: {:^, [], ~c"%"}, raw: ""]}]}]}, {:and, [], [{:or, [], [{:!=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:^, [], ~c"&"}]}, {:not, [], [{:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: " @> ", expr: {:^, [], ~c"'"}, raw: ""]}]}]}, {:and, [], [{:or, [], [{:!=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:^, [], ~c"("}]}, {:not, [], [{:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: " @> ", expr: {:^, [], ~c")"}, raw: ""]}]}]}, {:and, [], [{:or, [], [{:!=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:^, [], ~c"*"}]}, {:not, [], [{:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: " @> ", expr: {:^, [], ~c"+"}, raw: ""]}]}]}, {:and, [], [{:or, [], [{:!=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:^, [], ~c","}]}, {:not, [], [{:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: " @> ", expr: {:^, [], ~c"-"}, raw: ""]}]}]}, {:<=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :rank]}, [], []}, {:^, [], ~c"."}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}, {:from, [:all, {:prefix, "public"}, {:windows, [partition: [partition_by: [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: "->>", expr: {:^, [], [0]}, raw: ""]}], order_by: [asc: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :priority]}, [], []}, asc: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :scheduled_at]}, [], []}, asc: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :id]}, [], []}]]]}, {:join, [{:inner, [:all, {:prefix, "public"}, {:take, %{0 => {:any, [:id]}}}, {:limit, {false, 5000}}, {:order_by, [[asc: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :priority]}, [], []}, asc: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :scheduled_at]}, [], []}, asc: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :id]}, [], []}]]}, {:where, [and: {:and, [], [{:==, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :state]}, [], []}, %Ecto.Query.Tagged{tag: nil, type: {0, :state}, value: "available"}]}, {:==, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :queue]}, [], []}, {:^, [], [0]}]}]}]}, {:from, {"oban_jobs", Oban.Job, 16371104, nil}, []}, {:select, {:&, [], [0]}}], {:==, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :id]}, [], []}, {{:., [], [{:&, [], [1]}, :id]}, [], []}]}, []}]}, {:from, {"oban_jobs", Oban.Job, 16371104, nil}, []}, {:select, {:%{}, [], [id: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :id]}, [], []}, priority: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :priority]}, [], []}, scheduled_at: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :scheduled_at]}, [], []}, worker: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, args: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, rank: {:over, [], [{:dense_rank, [], []}, :partition]}]}}], []}, {:select, {:&, [], [0]}}]}], :cache, %{take: [], from: {:any, {:source, {"oban_jobs", Oban.Job}, "public", [id: :id, state: :string, queue: :string, worker: :string, args: :map, meta: :map, tags: {:array, :string}, errors: {:array, :map}, attempt: :integer, attempted_by: {:array, :string}, max_attempts: :integer, priority: :integer, attempted_at: :utc_datetime_usec, cancelled_at: :utc_datetime_usec, completed_at: :utc_datetime_usec, discarded_at: :utc_datetime_usec, inserted_at: :utc_datetime_usec, scheduled_at: :utc_datetime_usec]}}, postprocess: {:source, :from}, assocs: [], preprocess: [source: :from]}, {8785418, "WITH \"subset\" AS (SELECT ss0.\"id\" AS \"id\" FROM (SELECT sso0.\"id\" AS \"id\", sso0.\"priority\" AS \"priority\", sso0.\"scheduled_at\" AS \"scheduled_at\", sso0.\"worker\" AS \"worker\", sso0.\"args\" AS \"args\", dense_rank() OVER \"partition\" AS \"rank\" FROM \"public\".\"oban_jobs\" AS sso0 INNER JOIN (SELECT ssso0.\"id\" AS \"id\" FROM \"public\".\"oban_jobs\" AS ssso0 WHERE ((ssso0.\"state\" = 'available') AND (ssso0.\"queue\" = $1)) ORDER BY ssso0.\"priority\", ssso0.\"scheduled_at\", ssso0.\"id\" LIMIT 5000) AS sss1 ON sso0.\"id\" = sss1.\"id\" WINDOW \"partition\" AS (PARTITION BY sso0.\"worker\", sso0.\"args\"->>$2 ORDER BY sso0.\"priority\", sso0.\"scheduled_at\", sso0.\"id\")) AS ss0 WHERE (((ss0.\"worker\" != $3) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $4)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $5) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $6)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $7) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $8)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $9) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $10)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $11) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $12)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $13) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $14)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $15) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $16)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $17) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $18)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $19) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $20)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $21) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $22)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $23) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $24)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $25) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $26)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $27) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $28)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $29) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $30)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $31) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" <@ $32)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $33) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $34)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $35) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $36)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $37) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $38)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $39) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $40)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $41) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $42)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $43) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $44)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $45) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $46)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $47) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $48)) AND (ss0.\"rank\" <= $49)))))))))))))))))))))))) ORDER BY ss0.\"priority\", ss0.\"scheduled_at\", ss0.\"id\" LIMIT $50) UPDATE \"public\".\"oban_jobs\" AS o0 SET \"state\" = $51, \"attempted_at\" = $52, \"attempted_by\" = $53, \"attempt\" = o0.\"attempt\" + $54 FROM \"subset\" AS f1 WHERE (((o0.\"id\" = f1.\"id\") AND (o0.\"state\" = 'available')) AND (o0.\"attempt\" < o0.\"max_attempts\")) RETURNING o0.\"id\", o0.\"state\", o0.\"queue\", o0.\"worker\", o0.\"args\", o0.\"meta\", o0.\"tags\", o0.\"errors\", o0.\"attempt\", o0.\"attempted_by\", o0.\"max_attempts\", o0.\"priority\", o0.\"attempted_at\", o0.\"cancelled_at\", o0.\"completed_at\", o0.\"discarded_at\", o0.\"inserted_at\", o0.\"scheduled_at\""}}, {[:update_all, {:prefix, "public"}, {:select, {:&, [], [0]}}, {:where, [and: {:and, [], [{:and, [], [{:==, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :id]}, [], []}, {{:., [], [{:&, [], [1]}, :id]}, [], []}]}, {:==, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :state]}, [], []}, %Ecto.Query.Tagged{tag: nil, type: {0, :state}, value: "available"}]}]}, {:<, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :attempt]}, [], []}, {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :max_attempts]}, [], []}]}]}]}, {:join, [{:inner, {{:fragment, [], [raw: "\"subset\""]}, nil}, true, []}]}, {:update, [[set: [state: {:^, [], [0]}, attempted_at: {:^, [], [1]}, attempted_by: {:^, [], [2]}], inc: [attempt: {:^, [], [3]}]]]}, {:from, {"oban_jobs", Oban.Job, 16371104, nil}, []}, {:non_recursive_cte, "subset", nil, :all, [:all, {:prefix, "public"}, {:take, %{0 => {:any, [:id]}}}, {:limit, {false, {:^, [], [0]}}}, {:order_by, [[asc: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :priority]}, [], []}, asc: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :scheduled_at]}, [], []}, asc: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :id]}, [], []}]]}, {:where, [and: {:and, [], [{:or, [], [{:!=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:^, [], [0]}]}, {:not, [], [{:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: " @> ", expr: {:^, [], [1]}, raw: ""]}]}]}, {:and, [], [{:or, [], [{:!=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:^, [], [2]}]}, {:not, [], [{:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: " @> ", expr: {:^, [], [3]}, raw: ""]}]}]}, {:and, [], [{:or, [], [{:!=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:^, [], [4]}]}, {:not, [], [{:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: " @> ", expr: {:^, [], [5]}, raw: ""]}]}]}, {:and, [], [{:or, [], [{:!=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:^, [], [6]}]}, {:not, [], [{:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: " @> ", expr: {:^, [], ~c"\a"}, raw: ""]}]}]}, {:and, [], [{:or, [], [{:!=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:^, [], ~c"\b"}]}, {:not, [], [{:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: " @> ", expr: {:^, [], ~c"\t"}, raw: ""]}]}]}, {:and, [], [{:or, [], [{:!=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:^, [], ~c"\n"}]}, {:not, [], [{:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: " @> ", expr: {:^, [], ~c"\v"}, raw: ""]}]}]}, {:and, [], [{:or, [], [{:!=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:^, [], ~c"\f"}]}, {:not, [], [{:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: " <@ ", expr: {:^, [], ~c"\r"}, raw: ""]}]}]}, {:and, [], [{:or, [], [{:!=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:^, [], [14]}]}, {:not, [], [{:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: " @> ", expr: {:^, [], [15]}, raw: ""]}]}]}, {:and, [], [{:or, [], [{:!=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:^, [], [16]}]}, {:not, [], [{:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: " @> ", expr: {:^, [], [17]}, raw: ""]}]}]}, {:and, [], [{:or, [], [{:!=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:^, [], [18]}]}, {:not, [], [{:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: " @> ", expr: {:^, [], [19]}, raw: ""]}]}]}, {:and, [], [{:or, [], [{:!=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:^, [], [20]}]}, {:not, [], [{:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: " @> ", expr: {:^, [], [21]}, raw: ""]}]}]}, {:and, [], [{:or, [], [{:!=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:^, [], [22]}]}, {:not, [], [{:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: " @> ", expr: {:^, [], [23]}, raw: ""]}]}]}, {:and, [], [{:or, [], [{:!=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:^, [], [24]}]}, {:not, [], [{:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: " @> ", expr: {:^, [], [25]}, raw: ""]}]}]}, {:and, [], [{:or, [], [{:!=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:^, [], [26]}]}, {:not, [], [{:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: " @> ", expr: {:^, [], ~c"\e"}, raw: ""]}]}]}, {:and, [], [{:or, [], [{:!=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, 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{:^, [], ~c"5"}, raw: ""]}]}]}, {:and, [], [{:or, [], [{:!=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:^, [], ~c"6"}]}, {:not, [], [{:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: " @> ", expr: {:^, [], ~c"7"}, raw: ""]}]}]}, {:and, [], [{:or, [], [{:!=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:^, [], ~c"8"}]}, {:not, [], [{:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: " @> ", expr: {:^, [], ~c"9"}, raw: ""]}]}]}, {:and, [], [{:or, [], [{:!=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:^, [], ~c":"}]}, {:not, [], [{:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: " @> ", expr: {:^, [], ~c";"}, raw: ""]}]}]}, {:and, [], [{:or, [], [{:!=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:^, [], ~c"<"}]}, {:not, [], [{:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: " @> ", expr: {:^, [], ~c"="}, raw: ""]}]}]}, {:and, [], [{:or, [], [{:!=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:^, [], ~c">"}]}, {:not, [], [{:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: " @> ", expr: {:^, [], ~c"?"}, raw: ""]}]}]}, {:and, [], [{:or, [], [{:!=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:^, [], ~c"@"}]}, {:not, [], [{:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: " @> ", expr: {:^, [], ~c"A"}, raw: ""]}]}]}, {:and, [], [{:or, [], [{:!=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:^, [], ~c"B"}]}, {:not, [], [{:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: " @> ", expr: {:^, [], ~c"C"}, raw: ""]}]}]}, {:and, [], [{:or, [], [{:!=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:^, [], ~c"D"}]}, {:not, [], [{:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: " @> ", expr: {:^, [], ~c"E"}, raw: ""]}]}]}, {:and, [], [{:or, [], [{:!=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, 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[], [{:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: " @> ", expr: {:^, [], ~c"O"}, raw: ""]}]}]}, {:and, [], [{:or, [], [{:!=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:^, [], ~c"P"}]}, {:not, [], [{:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: " @> ", expr: {:^, [], ~c"Q"}, raw: ""]}]}]}, {:and, [], [{:or, [], [{:!=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:^, [], ~c"R"}]}, {:not, [], [{:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: " @> ", expr: {:^, [], ~c"S"}, raw: ""]}]}]}, {:and, [], [{:or, [], [{:!=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:^, [], ~c"T"}]}, {:not, [], [{:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: " @> ", expr: {:^, [], ~c"U"}, raw: ""]}]}]}, {:and, [], [{:or, [], [{:!=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:^, [], ~c"V"}]}, {:not, [], [{:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], 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"public"}, {:windows, [partition: [partition_by: [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: "->>", expr: {:^, [], [0]}, raw: ""]}], order_by: [asc: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :priority]}, [], []}, asc: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :scheduled_at]}, [], []}, asc: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :id]}, [], []}]]]}, {:join, [{:inner, [:all, {:prefix, "public"}, {:take, %{0 => {:any, [:id]}}}, {:limit, {false, 5000}}, {:order_by, [[asc: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :priority]}, [], []}, asc: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :scheduled_at]}, [], []}, asc: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :id]}, [], []}]]}, {:where, [and: {:and, [], [{:==, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :state]}, [], []}, %Ecto.Query.Tagged{tag: nil, type: {0, :state}, value: "available"}]}, {:==, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :queue]}, [], []}, {:^, [], [0]}]}]}]}, {:from, {"oban_jobs", Oban.Job, 16371104, nil}, []}, {:select, {:&, [], [0]}}], {:==, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :id]}, [], []}, {{:., [], [{:&, [], [1]}, :id]}, [], []}]}, []}]}, {:from, {"oban_jobs", Oban.Job, 16371104, nil}, []}, {:select, {:%{}, [], [id: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :id]}, [], []}, priority: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :priority]}, [], []}, scheduled_at: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :scheduled_at]}, [], []}, worker: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, args: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, rank: {:over, [], [{:dense_rank, [], []}, :partition]}]}}], []}, {:select, {:&, [], [0]}}]}], :cache, %{take: [], from: {:any, {:source, {"oban_jobs", Oban.Job}, "public", [id: :id, state: :string, queue: :string, worker: :string, args: :map, meta: :map, tags: {:array, :string}, errors: {:array, :map}, attempt: :integer, attempted_by: {:array, :string}, max_attempts: :integer, priority: :integer, attempted_at: :utc_datetime_usec, cancelled_at: :utc_datetime_usec, completed_at: :utc_datetime_usec, discarded_at: :utc_datetime_usec, inserted_at: :utc_datetime_usec, scheduled_at: :utc_datetime_usec]}}, postprocess: {:source, :from}, assocs: [], preprocess: [source: :from]}, {7919113, "WITH \"subset\" AS (SELECT ss0.\"id\" AS \"id\" FROM (SELECT sso0.\"id\" AS \"id\", sso0.\"priority\" AS \"priority\", sso0.\"scheduled_at\" AS \"scheduled_at\", sso0.\"worker\" AS \"worker\", sso0.\"args\" AS \"args\", dense_rank() OVER \"partition\" AS \"rank\" FROM \"public\".\"oban_jobs\" AS sso0 INNER JOIN (SELECT ssso0.\"id\" AS \"id\" FROM \"public\".\"oban_jobs\" AS ssso0 WHERE ((ssso0.\"state\" = 'available') AND (ssso0.\"queue\" = $1)) ORDER BY ssso0.\"priority\", ssso0.\"scheduled_at\", ssso0.\"id\" LIMIT 5000) AS sss1 ON sso0.\"id\" = sss1.\"id\" WINDOW \"partition\" AS (PARTITION BY sso0.\"worker\", sso0.\"args\"->>$2 ORDER BY sso0.\"priority\", sso0.\"scheduled_at\", sso0.\"id\")) AS ss0 WHERE (((ss0.\"worker\" != $3) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $4)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $5) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $6)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $7) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $8)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $9) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $10)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $11) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $12)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $13) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $14)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $15) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" <@ $16)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $17) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $18)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $19) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $20)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $21) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $22)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $23) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $24)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $25) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $26)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $27) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $28)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $29) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $30)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $31) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $32)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $33) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $34)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $35) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $36)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $37) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $38)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $39) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $40)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $41) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $42)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $43) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $44)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $45) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $46)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $47) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $48)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $49) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $50)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $51) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $52)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $53) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $54)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $55) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $56)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $57) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $58)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $59) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $60)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $61) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $62)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $63) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $64)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $65) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $66)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $67) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $68)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $69) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $70)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $71) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $72)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $73) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $74)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $75) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $76)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $77) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $78)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $79) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $80)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $81) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $82)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $83) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $84)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $85) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $86)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $87) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $88)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $89) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $90)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $91) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $92)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $93) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $94)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $95) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $96)) AND (ss0.\"rank\" <= $97)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) ORDER BY ss0.\"priority\", ss0.\"scheduled_at\", ss0.\"id\" LIMIT $98) UPDATE \"public\".\"oban_jobs\" AS o0 SET \"state\" = $99, \"attempted_at\" = $100, \"attempted_by\" = $101, \"attempt\" = o0.\"attempt\" + $102 FROM \"subset\" AS f1 WHERE (((o0.\"id\" = f1.\"id\") AND (o0.\"state\" = 'available')) AND (o0.\"attempt\" < o0.\"max_attempts\")) RETURNING o0.\"id\", o0.\"state\", o0.\"queue\", o0.\"worker\", o0.\"args\", o0.\"meta\", o0.\"tags\", o0.\"errors\", o0.\"attempt\", o0.\"attempted_by\", o0.\"max_attempts\", o0.\"priority\", o0.\"attempted_at\", o0.\"cancelled_at\", o0.\"completed_at\", o0.\"discarded_at\", o0.\"inserted_at\", o0.\"scheduled_at\""}}, {[:update_all, {:prefix, "public"}, {:select, {:&, [], [0]}}, {:where, [and: {:and, [], [{:and, [], [{:==, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :id]}, [], []}, {{:., [], [{:&, [], [1]}, :id]}, [], []}]}, {:==, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :state]}, [], []}, %Ecto.Query.Tagged{tag: nil, type: {0, :state}, value: "available"}]}]}, {:<, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :attempt]}, [], []}, {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :max_attempts]}, [], []}]}]}]}, {:join, [{:inner, {{:fragment, [], [raw: "\"subset\""]}, nil}, true, []}]}, {:update, [[set: [state: {:^, [], [0]}, attempted_at: {:^, [], [1]}, attempted_by: 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[], [{:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: " @> ", expr: {:^, [], [5]}, raw: ""]}]}]}, {:and, [], [{:or, [], [{:!=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:^, [], [6]}]}, {:not, [], [{:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: " @> ", expr: {:^, [], ~c"\a"}, raw: ""]}]}]}, {:and, [], [{:or, [], [{:!=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:^, [], ~c"\b"}]}, {:not, [], [{:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: " @> ", expr: {:^, [], ~c"\t"}, raw: ""]}]}]}, {:and, [], [{:or, [], [{:!=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:^, [], ~c"\n"}]}, {:not, [], [{:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: " <@ ", expr: {:^, [], ~c"\v"}, raw: ""]}]}]}, {:and, [], [{:or, [], [{:!=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:^, [], ~c"\f"}]}, {:not, [], [{:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], 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{:^, [], [21]}, raw: ""]}]}]}, {:and, [], [{:or, [], [{:!=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:^, [], [22]}]}, {:not, [], [{:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: " @> ", expr: {:^, [], [23]}, raw: ""]}]}]}, {:and, [], [{:or, [], [{:!=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:^, [], [24]}]}, {:not, [], [{:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: " @> ", expr: {:^, [], [25]}, raw: ""]}]}]}, {:and, [], [{:or, [], [{:!=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:^, [], [26]}]}, {:not, [], [{:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: " @> ", expr: {:^, [], ~c"\e"}, raw: ""]}]}]}, {:and, [], [{:or, [], [{:!=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:^, [], [28]}]}, {:not, [], [{:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: " @> ", expr: {:^, [], [29]}, raw: ""]}]}]}, {:and, [], [{:or, [], [{:!=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:^, [], [30]}]}, {:not, [], [{:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: " @> ", expr: {:^, [], [31]}, raw: ""]}]}]}, {:and, [], [{:or, [], [{:!=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:^, [], ~c" "}]}, {:not, [], [{:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: " @> ", expr: {:^, [], ~c"!"}, raw: ""]}]}]}, {:and, [], [{:or, [], [{:!=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:^, [], ~c"\""}]}, {:not, [], [{:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: " @> ", expr: {:^, [], ~c"#"}, raw: ""]}]}]}, {:and, [], [{:or, [], [{:!=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:^, [], ~c"$"}]}, {:not, [], [{:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: " @> ", expr: {:^, [], ~c"%"}, raw: ""]}]}]}, {:and, [], [{:or, [], [{:!=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:^, [], ~c"&"}]}, {:not, [], [{:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: " @> ", expr: {:^, [], ~c"'"}, raw: ""]}]}]}, {:and, [], [{:or, [], [{:!=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:^, [], ~c"("}]}, {:not, [], [{:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: " @> ", expr: {:^, [], ~c")"}, raw: ""]}]}]}, {:and, [], [{:or, [], [{:!=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:^, [], ~c"*"}]}, {:not, [], [{:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: " @> ", expr: {:^, [], ~c"+"}, raw: ""]}]}]}, {:and, [], [{:or, [], [{:!=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:^, [], ~c","}]}, {:not, [], [{:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: " @> ", expr: {:^, [], ~c"-"}, raw: ""]}]}]}, {:and, [], [{:or, [], [{:!=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:^, [], ~c"."}]}, {:not, [], [{:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: " @> ", expr: {:^, [], ~c"/"}, raw: ""]}]}]}, {:and, [], [{:or, [], [{:!=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:^, [], ~c"0"}]}, {:not, [], [{:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: " @> ", expr: {:^, [], ~c"1"}, raw: ""]}]}]}, {:and, [], [{:or, [], [{:!=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:^, [], ~c"2"}]}, {:not, [], [{:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: " <@ ", expr: {:^, [], ~c"3"}, raw: ""]}]}]}, {:and, [], [{:or, [], [{:!=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:^, [], ~c"4"}]}, {:not, [], [{:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: " @> ", expr: {:^, [], ~c"5"}, raw: ""]}]}]}, {:and, [], [{:or, [], [{:!=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:^, [], ~c"6"}]}, {:not, [], [{:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, 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{:^, [], ~c"?"}, raw: ""]}]}]}, {:and, [], [{:or, [], [{:!=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:^, [], ~c"@"}]}, {:not, [], [{:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: " @> ", expr: {:^, [], ~c"A"}, raw: ""]}]}]}, {:and, [], [{:or, [], [{:!=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:^, [], ~c"B"}]}, {:not, [], [{:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: " @> ", expr: {:^, [], ~c"C"}, raw: ""]}]}]}, {:and, [], [{:or, [], [{:!=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:^, [], ~c"D"}]}, {:not, [], [{:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: " @> ", expr: {:^, [], ~c"E"}, raw: ""]}]}]}, {:and, [], [{:or, [], [{:!=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:^, [], ~c"F"}]}, {:not, [], [{:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: " @> ", expr: {:^, [], ~c"G"}, raw: ""]}]}]}, {:and, [], [{:or, [], [{:!=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:^, [], ~c"H"}]}, {:not, [], [{:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: " @> ", expr: {:^, [], ~c"I"}, raw: ""]}]}]}, {:and, [], [{:or, [], [{:!=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:^, [], ~c"J"}]}, {:not, [], [{:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: " @> ", expr: {:^, [], ~c"K"}, raw: ""]}]}]}, {:and, [], [{:or, [], [{:!=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:^, [], ~c"L"}]}, {:not, [], [{:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: " @> ", expr: {:^, [], ~c"M"}, raw: ""]}]}]}, {:and, [], [{:or, [], [{:!=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:^, [], ~c"N"}]}, {:not, [], [{:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: " @> ", expr: {:^, [], ~c"O"}, raw: ""]}]}]}, {:and, [], [{:or, [], [{:!=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, 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[{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: " @> ", expr: {:^, [], ~c"a"}, raw: ""]}]}]}, {:<=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :rank]}, [], []}, {:^, [], ~c"b"}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}, {:from, [:all, {:prefix, "public"}, {:windows, [partition: [partition_by: [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: "->>", expr: {:^, [], [0]}, raw: ""]}], order_by: [asc: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :priority]}, [], []}, asc: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :scheduled_at]}, [], []}, asc: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :id]}, [], []}]]]}, {:join, [{:inner, [:all, {:prefix, "public"}, {:take, %{0 => {:any, [:id]}}}, {:limit, {false, 5000}}, {:order_by, [[asc: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :priority]}, [], []}, asc: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :scheduled_at]}, [], []}, asc: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :id]}, [], []}]]}, {:where, [and: {:and, [], [{:==, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :state]}, [], []}, %Ecto.Query.Tagged{tag: nil, type: {0, :state}, value: "available"}]}, {:==, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :queue]}, [], []}, {:^, [], [0]}]}]}]}, {:from, {"oban_jobs", Oban.Job, 16371104, nil}, []}, {:select, {:&, [], [0]}}], {:==, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :id]}, [], []}, {{:., [], [{:&, [], [1]}, :id]}, [], []}]}, []}]}, {:from, {"oban_jobs", Oban.Job, 16371104, nil}, []}, {:select, {:%{}, [], [id: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :id]}, [], []}, priority: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :priority]}, [], []}, scheduled_at: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :scheduled_at]}, [], []}, worker: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, args: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, rank: {:over, [], [{:dense_rank, [], []}, :partition]}]}}], []}, {:select, {:&, [], [0]}}]}], :cache, %{take: [], from: {:any, {:source, {"oban_jobs", Oban.Job}, "public", [id: :id, state: :string, queue: :string, worker: :string, args: :map, meta: :map, tags: {:array, :string}, errors: {:array, :map}, attempt: :integer, attempted_by: {:array, :string}, max_attempts: :integer, priority: :integer, attempted_at: :utc_datetime_usec, cancelled_at: :utc_datetime_usec, completed_at: :utc_datetime_usec, discarded_at: :utc_datetime_usec, inserted_at: :utc_datetime_usec, scheduled_at: :utc_datetime_usec]}}, postprocess: {:source, :from}, assocs: [], preprocess: [source: :from]}, {2917128, "WITH \"subset\" AS (SELECT ss0.\"id\" AS \"id\" FROM (SELECT sso0.\"id\" AS \"id\", sso0.\"priority\" AS \"priority\", sso0.\"scheduled_at\" AS \"scheduled_at\", sso0.\"worker\" AS \"worker\", sso0.\"args\" AS \"args\", dense_rank() OVER \"partition\" AS \"rank\" FROM \"public\".\"oban_jobs\" AS sso0 INNER JOIN (SELECT ssso0.\"id\" AS \"id\" FROM \"public\".\"oban_jobs\" AS ssso0 WHERE ((ssso0.\"state\" = 'available') AND (ssso0.\"queue\" = $1)) ORDER BY ssso0.\"priority\", ssso0.\"scheduled_at\", ssso0.\"id\" LIMIT 5000) AS sss1 ON sso0.\"id\" = sss1.\"id\" WINDOW \"partition\" AS (PARTITION BY sso0.\"worker\", sso0.\"args\"->>$2 ORDER BY sso0.\"priority\", sso0.\"scheduled_at\", sso0.\"id\")) AS ss0 WHERE (((ss0.\"worker\" != $3) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $4)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $5) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $6)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $7) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $8)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $9) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $10)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $11) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $12)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $13) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" <@ $14)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $15) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $16)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $17) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $18)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $19) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $20)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $21) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $22)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $23) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $24)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $25) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $26)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $27) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $28)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $29) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $30)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $31) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $32)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $33) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $34)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $35) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $36)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $37) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $38)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $39) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $40)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $41) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $42)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $43) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $44)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $45) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $46)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $47) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $48)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $49) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $50)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $51) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $52)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $53) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" <@ $54)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $55) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $56)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $57) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $58)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $59) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $60)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $61) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $62)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $63) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $64)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $65) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $66)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $67) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $68)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $69) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $70)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $71) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $72)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $73) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $74)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $75) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $76)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $77) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $78)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $79) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $80)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $81) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $82)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $83) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $84)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $85) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $86)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $87) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $88)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $89) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $90)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $91) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $92)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $93) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $94)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $95) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $96)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $97) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $98)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $99) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $100)) AND (ss0.\"rank\" <= $101)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) ORDER BY ss0.\"priority\", ss0.\"scheduled_at\", ss0.\"id\" LIMIT $102) UPDATE \"public\".\"oban_jobs\" AS o0 SET \"state\" = $103, \"attempted_at\" = $104, \"attempted_by\" = $105, \"attempt\" = o0.\"attempt\" + $106 FROM \"subset\" AS f1 WHERE (((o0.\"id\" = f1.\"id\") AND (o0.\"state\" = 'available')) AND (o0.\"attempt\" < o0.\"max_attempts\")) RETURNING o0.\"id\", o0.\"state\", o0.\"queue\", o0.\"worker\", o0.\"args\", o0.\"meta\", o0.\"tags\", o0.\"errors\", o0.\"attempt\", o0.\"attempted_by\", o0.\"max_attempts\", o0.\"priority\", o0.\"attempted_at\", o0.\"cancelled_at\", o0.\"completed_at\", o0.\"discarded_at\", o0.\"inserted_at\", o0.\"scheduled_at\""}}, {[:update_all, {:prefix, "public"}, {:select, {:&, [], [0]}}, {:where, [and: {:and, [], [{:and, [], [{:==, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :id]}, [], []}, {{:., [], [{:&, [], [1]}, :id]}, [], []}]}, {:==, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :state]}, [], []}, %Ecto.Query.Tagged{tag: nil, type: {0, :state}, value: "available"}]}]}, {:<, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :attempt]}, [], []}, {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :max_attempts]}, [], []}]}]}]}, {:join, [{:inner, {{:fragment, [], [raw: "\"subset\""]}, nil}, true, []}]}, {:update, [[set: [state: {:^, [], [0]}, attempted_at: {:^, [], [1]}, attempted_by: {:^, [], [2]}], inc: [attempt: {:^, [], [3]}]]]}, {:from, {"oban_jobs", Oban.Job, 16371104, nil}, []}, {:non_recursive_cte, "subset", nil, :all, [:all, {:prefix, "public"}, {:take, %{0 => {:any, [:id]}}}, {:limit, {false, {:^, [], [0]}}}, {:order_by, [[asc: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :priority]}, [], []}, asc: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :scheduled_at]}, [], []}, asc: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :id]}, [], []}]]}, {:where, [and: {:and, [], [{:or, [], [{:!=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:^, [], [0]}]}, {:not, [], [{:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: 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expr: {:^, [], ~c"\t"}, raw: ""]}]}]}, {:and, [], [{:or, [], [{:!=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:^, [], ~c"\n"}]}, {:not, [], [{:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: " @> ", expr: {:^, [], ~c"\v"}, raw: ""]}]}]}, {:and, [], [{:or, [], [{:!=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:^, [], ~c"\f"}]}, {:not, [], [{:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: " @> ", expr: {:^, [], ~c"\r"}, raw: ""]}]}]}, {:and, [], [{:or, [], [{:!=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:^, [], [14]}]}, {:not, [], [{:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: " @> ", expr: {:^, [], [15]}, raw: ""]}]}]}, {:and, [], [{:or, [], [{:!=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:^, [], [16]}]}, {:not, [], [{:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: " @> ", expr: {:^, [], [17]}, raw: ""]}]}]}, {:and, 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[{:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: " @> ", expr: {:^, [], ~c"#"}, raw: ""]}]}]}, {:and, [], [{:or, [], [{:!=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:^, [], ~c"$"}]}, {:not, [], [{:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: " @> ", expr: {:^, [], ~c"%"}, raw: ""]}]}]}, {:and, [], [{:or, [], [{:!=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:^, [], ~c"&"}]}, {:not, [], [{:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: " @> ", expr: {:^, [], ~c"'"}, raw: ""]}]}]}, {:and, [], [{:or, [], [{:!=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:^, [], ~c"("}]}, {:not, [], [{:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: " @> ", expr: {:^, [], ~c")"}, raw: ""]}]}]}, {:and, [], [{:or, [], [{:!=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:^, [], ~c"*"}]}, {:not, [], [{:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, 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{:^, [], ~c"3"}, raw: ""]}]}]}, {:and, [], [{:or, [], [{:!=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:^, [], ~c"4"}]}, {:not, [], [{:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: " @> ", expr: {:^, [], ~c"5"}, raw: ""]}]}]}, {:and, [], [{:or, [], [{:!=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:^, [], ~c"6"}]}, {:not, [], [{:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: " @> ", expr: {:^, [], ~c"7"}, raw: ""]}]}]}, {:and, [], [{:or, [], [{:!=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:^, [], ~c"8"}]}, {:not, [], [{:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: " @> ", expr: {:^, [], ~c"9"}, raw: ""]}]}]}, {:and, [], [{:or, [], [{:!=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:^, [], ~c":"}]}, {:not, [], [{:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: " @> ", expr: {:^, [], ~c";"}, raw: ""]}]}]}, {:and, [], [{:or, [], [{:!=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:^, [], ~c"<"}]}, {:not, [], [{:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: " @> ", expr: {:^, [], ~c"="}, raw: ""]}]}]}, {:and, [], [{:or, [], [{:!=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:^, [], ~c">"}]}, {:not, [], [{:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: " @> ", expr: {:^, [], ~c"?"}, raw: ""]}]}]}, {:and, [], [{:or, [], [{:!=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:^, [], ~c"@"}]}, {:not, [], [{:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: " @> ", expr: {:^, [], ~c"A"}, raw: ""]}]}]}, {:and, [], [{:or, [], [{:!=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:^, [], ~c"B"}]}, {:not, [], [{:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: " @> ", expr: {:^, [], ~c"C"}, raw: ""]}]}]}, {:and, [], [{:or, [], [{:!=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, 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expr: {:^, [], ~c"]"}, raw: ""]}]}]}, {:and, [], [{:or, [], [{:!=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:^, [], ~c"^"}]}, {:not, [], [{:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: " @> ", expr: {:^, [], ~c"_"}, raw: ""]}]}]}, {:<=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :rank]}, [], []}, {:^, [], ~c"`"}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}, {:from, [:all, {:prefix, "public"}, {:windows, [partition: [partition_by: [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: "->>", expr: {:^, [], [0]}, raw: ""]}], order_by: [asc: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :priority]}, [], []}, asc: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :scheduled_at]}, [], []}, asc: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :id]}, [], []}]]]}, {:join, [{:inner, [:all, {:prefix, "public"}, {:take, %{0 => {:any, [:id]}}}, {:limit, {false, 5000}}, {:order_by, [[asc: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :priority]}, [], []}, asc: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :scheduled_at]}, [], []}, asc: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :id]}, [], []}]]}, {:where, [and: {:and, [], [{:==, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :state]}, [], []}, %Ecto.Query.Tagged{tag: nil, type: {0, :state}, value: "available"}]}, {:==, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :queue]}, [], []}, {:^, [], [0]}]}]}]}, {:from, {"oban_jobs", Oban.Job, 16371104, nil}, []}, {:select, {:&, [], [0]}}], {:==, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :id]}, [], []}, {{:., [], [{:&, [], [1]}, :id]}, [], []}]}, []}]}, {:from, {"oban_jobs", Oban.Job, 16371104, nil}, []}, {:select, {:%{}, [], [id: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :id]}, [], []}, priority: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :priority]}, [], []}, scheduled_at: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :scheduled_at]}, [], []}, worker: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, args: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, rank: {:over, [], [{:dense_rank, [], []}, :partition]}]}}], []}, {:select, {:&, [], [0]}}]}], 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((ssso0.\"state\" = 'available') AND (ssso0.\"queue\" = $1)) ORDER BY ssso0.\"priority\", ssso0.\"scheduled_at\", ssso0.\"id\" LIMIT 5000) AS sss1 ON sso0.\"id\" = sss1.\"id\" WINDOW \"partition\" AS (PARTITION BY sso0.\"worker\", sso0.\"args\"->>$2 ORDER BY sso0.\"priority\", sso0.\"scheduled_at\", sso0.\"id\")) AS ss0 WHERE (((ss0.\"worker\" != $3) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $4)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $5) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $6)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $7) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $8)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $9) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $10)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $11) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $12)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $13) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $14)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $15) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $16)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $17) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $18)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $19) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $20)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $21) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" <@ $22)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $23) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $24)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $25) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $26)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $27) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $28)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $29) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $30)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $31) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $32)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $33) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" <@ $34)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $35) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $36)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $37) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $38)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $39) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $40)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $41) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $42)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $43) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $44)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $45) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $46)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $47) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $48)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $49) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $50)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $51) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $52)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $53) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $54)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $55) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $56)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $57) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $58)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $59) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $60)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $61) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $62)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $63) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $64)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $65) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $66)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $67) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $68)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $69) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $70)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $71) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $72)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $73) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $74)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $75) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $76)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $77) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $78)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $79) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $80)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $81) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $82)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $83) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $84)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $85) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $86)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $87) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $88)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $89) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $90)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $91) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $92)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $93) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $94)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $95) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $96)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $97) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $98)) AND (ss0.\"rank\" <= $99))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) ORDER BY ss0.\"priority\", ss0.\"scheduled_at\", ss0.\"id\" LIMIT $100) UPDATE \"public\".\"oban_jobs\" AS o0 SET \"state\" = $101, \"attempted_at\" = $102, \"attempted_by\" = $103, \"attempt\" = o0.\"attempt\" + $104 FROM \"subset\" AS f1 WHERE (((o0.\"id\" = f1.\"id\") AND (o0.\"state\" = 'available')) AND (o0.\"attempt\" < o0.\"max_attempts\")) RETURNING o0.\"id\", o0.\"state\", o0.\"queue\", o0.\"worker\", o0.\"args\", o0.\"meta\", o0.\"tags\", o0.\"errors\", o0.\"attempt\", o0.\"attempted_by\", o0.\"max_attempts\", o0.\"priority\", o0.\"attempted_at\", o0.\"cancelled_at\", o0.\"completed_at\", o0.\"discarded_at\", o0.\"inserted_at\", o0.\"scheduled_at\""}}, {[:update_all, {:prefix, "public"}, {:select, {:&, [], [0]}}, {:where, [and: {:and, [], [{:and, [], [{:==, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :id]}, [], []}, {{:., [], [{:&, [], [1]}, :id]}, [], []}]}, {:==, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :state]}, [], []}, %Ecto.Query.Tagged{tag: nil, type: {0, :state}, value: "available"}]}]}, {:<, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :attempt]}, [], []}, {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :max_attempts]}, [], []}]}]}]}, {:join, [{:inner, {{:fragment, [], [raw: "\"subset\""]}, nil}, true, []}]}, {:update, [[set: [state: {:^, [], [0]}, attempted_at: {:^, [], [1]}, attempted_by: {:^, [], [2]}], inc: [attempt: {:^, [], [3]}]]]}, {:from, {"oban_jobs", Oban.Job, 16371104, nil}, []}, {:non_recursive_cte, "subset", nil, :all, [:all, {:prefix, "public"}, {:take, %{0 => {:any, [:id]}}}, {:limit, {false, {:^, [], [0]}}}, {:order_by, [[asc: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :priority]}, [], []}, asc: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :scheduled_at]}, [], []}, asc: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :id]}, [], []}]]}, {:where, [and: {:and, [], [{:or, [], [{:!=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:^, [], [0]}]}, {:not, [], [{:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: " @> ", expr: {:^, [], [1]}, raw: ""]}]}]}, {:and, [], [{:or, [], [{:!=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:^, [], [2]}]}, {:not, [], [{:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: " <@ ", expr: {:^, [], [3]}, raw: ""]}]}]}, {:and, [], [{:or, [], [{:!=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:^, [], [4]}]}, {:not, [], [{:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: " <@ ", expr: {:^, [], [5]}, raw: ""]}]}]}, {:and, [], [{:or, [], [{:!=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:^, [], [6]}]}, {:not, [], [{:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: " @> ", expr: {:^, [], ~c"\a"}, raw: ""]}]}]}, {:and, [], [{:or, [], [{:!=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:^, [], ~c"\b"}]}, {:not, [], [{:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: " @> ", expr: {:^, [], ~c"\t"}, raw: ""]}]}]}, {:and, [], [{:or, [], [{:!=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:^, [], ~c"\n"}]}, {:not, [], [{:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: " @> ", expr: {:^, [], ~c"\v"}, raw: ""]}]}]}, {:and, [], [{:or, [], [{:!=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:^, [], ~c"\f"}]}, {:not, [], [{:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: " @> ", expr: {:^, [], ~c"\r"}, raw: ""]}]}]}, {:<=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :rank]}, [], []}, {:^, [], [14]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}]}, {:from, [:all, {:prefix, "public"}, {:windows, [partition: [partition_by: [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: "->>", expr: {:^, [], [0]}, raw: ""]}], order_by: [asc: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :priority]}, [], []}, asc: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :scheduled_at]}, [], []}, asc: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :id]}, [], []}]]]}, {:join, [{:inner, [:all, {:prefix, "public"}, {:take, %{0 => {:any, [:id]}}}, {:limit, {false, 5000}}, {:order_by, [[asc: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :priority]}, [], []}, asc: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :scheduled_at]}, [], []}, asc: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :id]}, [], []}]]}, {:where, [and: {:and, [], [{:==, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :state]}, [], []}, %Ecto.Query.Tagged{tag: nil, type: {0, :state}, value: "available"}]}, {:==, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :queue]}, [], []}, {:^, [], [0]}]}]}]}, {:from, {"oban_jobs", Oban.Job, 16371104, nil}, []}, {:select, {:&, [], [0]}}], {:==, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :id]}, [], []}, {{:., [], [{:&, [], [1]}, :id]}, [], []}]}, []}]}, {:from, {"oban_jobs", Oban.Job, 16371104, nil}, []}, {:select, {:%{}, [], [id: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :id]}, [], []}, priority: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :priority]}, [], []}, scheduled_at: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :scheduled_at]}, [], []}, worker: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, args: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, rank: {:over, [], [{:dense_rank, [], []}, :partition]}]}}], []}, {:select, {:&, [], [0]}}]}], :cache, %{take: [], from: {:any, {:source, {"oban_jobs", Oban.Job}, "public", [id: :id, state: :string, queue: :string, worker: :string, args: :map, meta: :map, tags: {:array, :string}, errors: {:array, :map}, attempt: :integer, attempted_by: {:array, :string}, max_attempts: :integer, priority: :integer, attempted_at: :utc_datetime_usec, cancelled_at: :utc_datetime_usec, completed_at: :utc_datetime_usec, discarded_at: :utc_datetime_usec, inserted_at: :utc_datetime_usec, scheduled_at: :utc_datetime_usec]}}, postprocess: {:source, :from}, assocs: [], preprocess: [source: :from]}, {20748807, "WITH \"subset\" AS (SELECT ss0.\"id\" AS \"id\" FROM (SELECT sso0.\"id\" AS \"id\", sso0.\"priority\" AS \"priority\", sso0.\"scheduled_at\" AS \"scheduled_at\", sso0.\"worker\" AS \"worker\", sso0.\"args\" AS \"args\", dense_rank() OVER \"partition\" AS \"rank\" FROM \"public\".\"oban_jobs\" AS sso0 INNER JOIN (SELECT ssso0.\"id\" AS \"id\" FROM \"public\".\"oban_jobs\" AS ssso0 WHERE ((ssso0.\"state\" = 'available') AND (ssso0.\"queue\" = $1)) ORDER BY ssso0.\"priority\", ssso0.\"scheduled_at\", ssso0.\"id\" LIMIT 5000) AS sss1 ON sso0.\"id\" = sss1.\"id\" WINDOW \"partition\" AS (PARTITION BY sso0.\"worker\", sso0.\"args\"->>$2 ORDER BY sso0.\"priority\", sso0.\"scheduled_at\", sso0.\"id\")) AS ss0 WHERE (((ss0.\"worker\" != $3) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $4)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $5) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" <@ $6)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $7) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" <@ $8)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $9) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $10)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $11) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $12)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $13) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $14)) AND (((ss0.\"worker\" != $15) OR NOT (ss0.\"args\" @> $16)) AND (ss0.\"rank\" <= $17)))))))) ORDER BY ss0.\"priority\", ss0.\"scheduled_at\", ss0.\"id\" LIMIT $18) UPDATE \"public\".\"oban_jobs\" AS o0 SET \"state\" = $19, \"attempted_at\" = $20, \"attempted_by\" = $21, \"attempt\" = o0.\"attempt\" + $22 FROM \"subset\" AS f1 WHERE (((o0.\"id\" = f1.\"id\") AND (o0.\"state\" = 'available')) AND (o0.\"attempt\" < o0.\"max_attempts\")) RETURNING o0.\"id\", o0.\"state\", o0.\"queue\", o0.\"worker\", o0.\"args\", o0.\"meta\", o0.\"tags\", o0.\"errors\", o0.\"attempt\", o0.\"attempted_by\", o0.\"max_attempts\", o0.\"priority\", o0.\"attempted_at\", o0.\"cancelled_at\", o0.\"completed_at\", o0.\"discarded_at\", o0.\"inserted_at\", o0.\"scheduled_at\""}}, {[:update_all, {:prefix, "public"}, {:select, {:&, [], [0]}}, {:where, [and: {:and, [], [{:and, [], [{:==, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :id]}, [], []}, {{:., [], [{:&, [], [1]}, :id]}, [], []}]}, {:==, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :state]}, [], []}, %Ecto.Query.Tagged{tag: nil, type: {0, :state}, value: "available"}]}]}, {:<, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :attempt]}, [], []}, {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :max_attempts]}, [], []}]}]}]}, {:join, [{:inner, {{:fragment, [], [raw: "\"subset\""]}, nil}, true, []}]}, {:update, [[set: [state: {:^, [], [0]}, attempted_at: {:^, [], [1]}, attempted_by: {:^, [], [2]}], inc: [attempt: {:^, [], [3]}]]]}, {:from, {"oban_jobs", Oban.Job, 16371104, nil}, []}, {:non_recursive_cte, "subset", nil, :all, [:all, {:prefix, "public"}, {:take, %{0 => {:any, [:id]}}}, {:limit, {false, {:^, [], [0]}}}, {:order_by, [[asc: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :priority]}, [], []}, asc: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :scheduled_at]}, [], []}, asc: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :id]}, [], []}]]}, {:where, [and: {:and, [], [{:or, [], [{:!=, [], [{{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :worker]}, [], []}, {:^, [], [0]}]}, {:not, [], [{:fragment, [], [raw: "", expr: {{:., [], [{:&, [], [0]}, :args]}, [], []}, raw: " @> ", expr: {:^, [], [1]}, raw: ""]}]}]}, {:and, [],