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Created December 5, 2018 21:50
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Dynamically load and unload ComputerCraft terminal palette segments
-- DynaHex by hugeblank
-- Dynamically load and unload palette segments
I, hugeblank formally do not give a rats arse about what you do with this code.
local this = {} -- This API
local reserved = {} -- Colors set based on how many objects refer to them. If this number is 0 at any index then that color is not referred.
local objects = {} -- Objects that contain hexchex information
local orig = {} -- Original pallete colors
for i = 0, 15 do -- For each color
reserved[i+1] = 0 -- Set the reserved value to 0
orig[i+1] = colors.rgb8(term.getPaletteColor(2^i)) -- Set the original colors
this.load = function(object) -- Put a table with one or more hex values (or a table with 3 floats) to reserve
local palette = {} -- Object that's returned
for k, v in pairs(object) do -- For each value
if type(v) == "table", and #v == 3 then -- If the value is a table containing 3 numbers
for i = 1, #v do -- For each index
if type(v[i]) ~= "number" then -- If it's not a number
return false, 'inv', k -- Return false with the invalid tag
v = colors.rgb8(v[1], v[2], v[3]) -- Convert the table into a hex number
if type(v) == "number" then -- If the value is a number
local set = false -- Set a reference value to false
for i = 1, #reserved do -- For each color in reserved
local j = 2^(i-1) -- Set an iterator for proper exponentiation
if v == colors.rgb8(term.getPaletteColor(2^j)) or reserved[i] == 0 then -- If the value is the same color as one of the current
palette[k] = j -- Set the palette output key to the one being checked, and set it to the current exponentiated iterator
if reserved[i] == 0 then -- If the current palette space isn't taken
term.setPaletteColor(j, v) -- Set it
reserved[i] = reserved[i]+1 -- Mark it as reserved
set = true -- Note that the value has been successfully set
break -- Exit the loop
if not set then -- If the value was not set
return false, 'max', k -- Warn the user that the pallete is full
return false, 'nan', k -- Warn the user that this value is not a number
objects[#objects+1] = palette -- Add the return object to a reference table for unloading
return palette
this.unload = function(object) -- Unload an object
for i = 1, #objects do -- For each object loaded
if i == #objects and objects[i] ~= objects[#objects] then -- If the object isn't found
return false, 'inv' -- Warn the user using the invalid tag
for k, v in pairs(object) do -- For each value in the table
if type(v) == "number" then -- If the object is a number
local v = math.log(v)/math.log(2) -- Set the value to the color index
if v == math.ceil(v) then -- If the value is a whole number
reserved[v] = reserved[v]-1 -- Remove one off of the reserved value
if reserved[v] == 0 then -- If the reserved value is 0
term.setPaletteColor(orig[i]) -- Set it back to the original color
return false, 'inv', k -- Warn the user using the invalid tag
return false, 'nan', k -- Warn the user the value is not a number
return true -- Return a successful operation
return this
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