2017-12-29 - 19:45:03 [1]: Using Calamares settings file at "/etc/calamares/settings.conf" 2017-12-29 - 19:45:03 [1]: Using Calamares branding file at "/usr/share/calamares/branding/manjaro/branding.desc" 2017-12-29 - 19:45:03 [1]: WARNING: the selected branding component does not ship translations. 2017-12-29 - 19:45:03 [1]: Loaded branding component "manjaro" 2017-12-29 - 19:45:03 [1]: STARTUP: initQmlPath, initSettings, initBranding done 2017-12-29 - 19:45:03 [1]: STARTUP: initModuleManager: module init started 2017-12-29 - 19:45:03 [8]: palette support is disabled 2017-12-29 - 19:45:03 [1]: STARTUP: initModuleManager: all modules init done 2017-12-29 - 19:45:03 [1]: STARTUP: initJobQueue done 2017-12-29 - 19:45:03 [1]: Available size QSize(1920, 1080) 2017-12-29 - 19:45:03 [1]: Proposed window size: 1200 720 2017-12-29 - 19:45:03 [1]: STARTUP: CalamaresWindow created; loadModules started 2017-12-29 - 19:45:03 [1]: Initial locale "el_GR" 2017-12-29 - 19:45:03 [8]: Translation: Calamares: Using system locale: "el_GR" 2017-12-29 - 19:45:03 [1]: Welcome string false "Manjaro Linux 17.1-rc3 \"Hakoila\"" 2017-12-29 - 19:45:03 [1]: ViewModule "welcome@welcome" loading complete. 2017-12-29 - 19:45:03 [1]: WARNING: guessLocaleConfiguration can't guess from an empty list. 2017-12-29 - 19:45:03 [1]: ViewModule "locale@locale" loading complete. 2017-12-29 - 19:45:04 [1]: ViewModule "keyboard@keyboard" loading complete. 2017-12-29 - 19:45:04 [8]: Loaded backend plugin: "pmlibpartedbackendplugin" 2017-12-29 - 19:45:04 [1]: ViewModule "partition@partition" loading complete. 2017-12-29 - 19:45:04 [1]: ViewModule "users@users" loading complete. 2017-12-29 - 19:45:04 [1]: ViewModule "summary@summary" loading complete. 2017-12-29 - 19:45:04 [1]: Module "partition@partition" already loaded. 2017-12-29 - 19:45:04 [1]: QML import paths: ("/usr/share/calamares/qml", "/usr/bin", "qrc:/qt-project.org/imports", "/usr/lib/qt/qml") 2017-12-29 - 19:45:04 [1]: Module "locale@locale" already loaded. 2017-12-29 - 19:45:04 [1]: Module "keyboard@keyboard" already loaded. 2017-12-29 - 19:45:04 [1]: Module "users@users" already loaded. 2017-12-29 - 19:45:04 [1]: FinishedPage() 2017-12-29 - 19:45:04 [1]: ViewModule "finished@finished" loading complete. 2017-12-29 - 19:45:04 [1]: STARTUP: loadModules for all modules done 2017-12-29 - 19:45:04 [1]: STARTUP: Window now visible and ProgressTreeView populated 2017-12-29 - 19:45:04 [1]: WARNING: guessLocaleConfiguration can't guess from an empty list. 2017-12-29 - 19:45:04 [1]: Need at least storage bytes: 8482560409 2017-12-29 - 19:45:06 [0]: blkid: unknown file system type "" on "/dev/sda2" 2017-12-29 - 19:45:07 [0]: blkid: unknown file system type "" on "/dev/sdb4" 2017-12-29 - 19:45:07 [8]: getting smart status failed for "/dev/sdc" : Η λειτουργία δεν υποστηρίζεται 2017-12-29 - 19:45:07 [0]: blkid: unknown file system type "" on "/dev/sdc1" 2017-12-29 - 19:45:14 [1]: Need at least ram bytes: 1073741824 2017-12-29 - 19:45:14 [1]: enoughStorage, enoughRam, hasPower, hasInternet, isRoot: true true true true true 2017-12-29 - 19:45:14 [1]: xkbmap selection changed to: "us" - "" 2017-12-29 - 19:45:15 [1]: GeoIP reporting "Europe/Athens" 2017-12-29 - 19:45:15 [8]: getting smart status failed for "/dev/sde" : Η λειτουργία δεν υποστηρίζεται 2017-12-29 - 18:45:15 [1]: WARNING: guessLocaleConfiguration can't guess from an empty list. 2017-12-29 - 19:45:15 [1]: WARNING: guessLocaleConfiguration can't guess from an empty list. 2017-12-29 - 19:45:15 [1]: WARNING: guessLocaleConfiguration can't guess from an empty list. 2017-12-29 - 19:45:16 [1]: WARNING: guessLocaleConfiguration can't guess from an empty list. 2017-12-29 - 19:45:16 [0]: blkid: unknown file system type "" on "/dev/sde1" 2017-12-29 - 19:45:16 [1]: Removing unsuitable devices: 5 candidates. 2017-12-29 - 19:45:16 [1]: LIST OF DETECTED DEVICES: 2017-12-29 - 19:45:16 [1]: node capacity name prettyName 2017-12-29 - 19:45:16 [1]: "/dev/sda" 320070320640 "ATA ST3320613AS" "ATA ST3320613AS – 298,09 GiB (/dev/sda)" 2017-12-29 - 19:45:16 [1]: "/dev/sdb" 250056737280 "ATA Samsung SSD 850" "ATA Samsung SSD 850 – 232,88 GiB (/dev/sdb)" 2017-12-29 - 19:45:16 [1]: "/dev/sdc" 5000978465280 "Seagate Expansion Desk" "Seagate Expansion Desk – 4,55 TiB (/dev/sdc)" 2017-12-29 - 19:45:16 [1]: "/dev/sdd" 2000396321280 "Hitachi HDS723020BLA642" "Hitachi HDS723020BLA642 – 1,82 TiB (/dev/sdd)" 2017-12-29 - 19:45:16 [1]: "/dev/sde" 15792537600 "JetFlash Transcend 16GB" "JetFlash Transcend 16GB – 14,71 GiB (/dev/sde)" 2017-12-29 - 19:45:16 [1]: .. 5 devices detected. 2017-12-29 - 19:45:23 [1]: checking if "/dev/sda6" can be resized. 2017-12-29 - 19:45:23 [1]: "/dev/sda6" seems like a good path 2017-12-29 - 19:45:23 [1]: found Partition* for "/dev/sda6" 2017-12-29 - 19:45:23 [1]: Required storage B: 11166914969 "(10.4GB)" 2017-12-29 - 19:45:23 [1]: Available storage B: 21156707840 "(19GB)" for "/dev/sda6" length: 63359375 sectorsUsed: 22037680 fsType: "ext4" 2017-12-29 - 19:45:23 [1]: Partition "/dev/sda6" authorized for resize + autopartition install. 2017-12-29 - 19:46:01 [1]: Got locale language "el_GR.UTF-8" 2017-12-29 - 19:46:01 [1]: .. extracted country "Greece" :: ("el", "GR") 2017-12-29 - 19:46:01 [1]: .. looking for locale part "GR" 2017-12-29 - 19:46:01 [1]: .. matched "gr" 2017-12-29 - 19:46:01 [1]: xkbmap selection changed to: "gr" - "" 2017-12-29 - 19:47:04 [0]: QTemporaryDir: Unable to remove "/tmp/Calamares-TqYRNd" most likely due to the presence of read-only files. 2017-12-29 - 19:47:04 [1]: checking if "/dev/sda7" can be resized. 2017-12-29 - 19:47:04 [1]: "/dev/sda7" seems like a good path 2017-12-29 - 19:47:04 [1]: found Partition* for "/dev/sda7" 2017-12-29 - 19:47:04 [1]: Required storage B: 11166914969 "(10.4GB)" 2017-12-29 - 19:47:04 [1]: Available storage B: 3817353216 "(3GB)" for "/dev/sda7" length: 71612416 sectorsUsed: 64156648 fsType: "ext4" 2017-12-29 - 19:47:04 [1]: checking if "/dev/sdb1" can be resized. 2017-12-29 - 19:47:04 [1]: "/dev/sdb1" seems like a good path 2017-12-29 - 19:47:04 [1]: found Partition* for "/dev/sdb1" 2017-12-29 - 19:47:04 [1]: checking if "/dev/sdb2" can be resized. 2017-12-29 - 19:47:04 [1]: "/dev/sdb2" seems like a good path 2017-12-29 - 19:47:04 [1]: found Partition* for "/dev/sdb2" 2017-12-29 - 19:47:04 [1]: "Osprober lines, clean:\n/dev/sda6:Linux Mint 18.2 Sonya (18.2):LinuxMint:linux\n/dev/sda7:Manjaro Linux (17.0.5):ManjaroLinux:linux\n/dev/sdb1:Manjaro Linux (17.1-rc2):ManjaroLinux1:linux\n/dev/sdb2:Manjaro Linux (17.1):ManjaroLinux2:linux" 2017-12-29 - 19:47:04 [1]: Updating partitioning state widgets. 2017-12-29 - 19:47:04 [0]: QObject::setParent: Cannot set parent, new parent is in a different thread 2017-12-29 - 19:47:04 [1]: Required storage B: 11166914969 "(10.4GB)" 2017-12-29 - 19:47:04 [1]: Available storage B: 1889280 "(0GB)" for "/dev/sda2" length: 481757186 sectorsUsed: 481753496 fsType: "extended" 2017-12-29 - 19:47:04 [1]: Required storage B: 9019431321 "(8GB)" 2017-12-29 - 19:47:04 [1]: Storage capacity B: 246659679232 "(229GB)" for "/dev/sda2" length: 481757186 2017-12-29 - 19:47:04 [1]: Partition "/dev/sda2" authorized for replace install. 2017-12-29 - 19:47:04 [1]: Required storage B: 11166914969 "(10.4GB)" 2017-12-29 - 19:47:04 [1]: Available storage B: 3817353216 "(3GB)" for "/dev/sda7" length: 71612416 sectorsUsed: 64156648 fsType: "ext4" 2017-12-29 - 19:47:04 [1]: Required storage B: 9019431321 "(8GB)" 2017-12-29 - 19:47:04 [1]: Storage capacity B: 36665556992 "(34GB)" for "/dev/sda7" length: 71612416 2017-12-29 - 19:47:04 [1]: Partition "/dev/sda7" authorized for replace install. 2017-12-29 - 19:47:04 [1]: Required storage B: 11166914969 "(10.4GB)" 2017-12-29 - 19:47:04 [1]: Available storage B: 4294967296 "(4GB)" for "/dev/sda8" length: 8388608 sectorsUsed: 0 fsType: "linuxswap" 2017-12-29 - 19:47:04 [1]: Required storage B: 9019431321 "(8GB)" 2017-12-29 - 19:47:04 [1]: Storage capacity B: 4294967296 "(4GB)" for "/dev/sda8" length: 8388608 2017-12-29 - 19:47:04 [1]: Required storage B: 11166914969 "(10.4GB)" 2017-12-29 - 19:47:04 [1]: Available storage B: 21156707840 "(19GB)" for "/dev/sda6" length: 63359375 sectorsUsed: 22037680 fsType: "ext4" 2017-12-29 - 19:47:04 [1]: Partition "/dev/sda6" authorized for resize + autopartition install. 2017-12-29 - 19:47:04 [1]: Required storage B: 9019431321 "(8GB)" 2017-12-29 - 19:47:04 [1]: Storage capacity B: 32440000000 "(30GB)" for "/dev/sda6" length: 63359375 2017-12-29 - 19:47:04 [1]: Partition "/dev/sda6" authorized for replace install. 2017-12-29 - 19:47:04 [1]: Required storage B: 9019431321 "(8GB)" 2017-12-29 - 19:47:04 [1]: Storage capacity B: 8225280 "(0GB)" for "" length: 16065 2017-12-29 - 19:47:04 [1]: Updating partitioning preview widgets. 2017-12-29 - 19:47:23 [1]: Got locale language "en_US.UTF-8" 2017-12-29 - 19:47:23 [1]: .. extracted country "UnitedStates" :: ("en", "US") 2017-12-29 - 19:47:23 [1]: .. looking for locale part "US" 2017-12-29 - 19:47:23 [1]: .. matched "us" 2017-12-29 - 19:47:24 [1]: xkbmap selection changed to: "us" - "" 2017-12-29 - 19:47:50 [1]: Updating partitioning preview widgets. 2017-12-29 - 19:48:02 [1]: Choice applied: 4