2016-01-13T15:39:54Z — Brown. A combination of red, yellow, and black. Was looking too orange-red. Switched the color profile on the center monitor. It's at that crucial, critical time of day and attention where there is the possibility to do anything. Exciting! Put some music on play. There. Remember that today the website for the bridal shop needs to be worked on. Promise myself to do this after finishing writing here. It's working. Too constricting to try and decide what not to write, so just write. Stupid words like "just" should be removed, but it is an impediment to writing to think not to write them. Now that they are the subject of writing, they cannot be removed without modifying the content. Look at these words highlighted. It was not long ago that the vim color scheme related to highlighted words on the spellchecker were modified to not use the theme. Instead, the colors are reversed. The colors are currently red on black with blue tildes marking the end of the file. The incorrectly typed words are highlighted with a red background and a black foreground, instead sometimes being highlighted an at others being italicised. Desire to further improve the script that adds autocorrections. It is now using an input menu that appears at the command line; the bottommost line in vim, same as the status bar. This could instead be a popup menu that appears like the omnicomplete menu. Give a choice of which word to use as the correction. It is seldom anything but the first choice, the second choice being one typed carefully. The better way would avoid needing to move the eyes to the bottom of the screen each time a word is corrected. The improvements of the past to bring it to the present state now become the status quo; this is intentional. Each level of improvement is seen as a great advancement indeed, but only for some time. Then, the desire to further improve it sets in. The intention to make any modifications matures, and a new concept for improvement is born. The idea is dismissed, as other related ideas are anticipated. At a final moment, the slight uncertainty falls away and the implementation is clear in the mind. The idea is then implemented without delay, without significant interruption. Today is not that day. The idea needs more time, but the discontent is plain to see. These notes are not regularly split into paragraphs unless being transcribed from another source. It was done here for whatever reason. What is going to be done next? No question about it. Think of a subject to be discussed and do so. The intent to make another aliased command to change the font color to brown occurred moments ago, not while typing this sentence, but preceding it. Voluminous text is to be written here. The pace seems a bit slow, but that will change. It's a groove, a flow, to get into this exercise. Distinguishing and disambiguating between a typo. Could it have been "flow" or "flew"? The levenshtein distance algorithm is the most probable one used to suggest words from the dictionary here. Typing new words is a potential distraction to typing the word several times to catch some common typos. This reduces the disinclination to type that word again in the future. Banging on this desk and the water in the cup begins to have interesting waves visible on the surface of the liquid. Another related desire for the spell correction function is to be able to undo mistakes done. Three words typed. That sentence. It's always surprising to find common words mistyped in new ways. All possible permutations is an impossible goal, but desiring this is skillful. Keep writing. There hasn't been a screenful of text yet. This depends on the font size and which text width is being used. The 78 character width was decided long ago. This width is arbitrary in modern computer usage, but that is no concern here. Must draw the line somewhere. Have boiling hot water available at the counter. After this green tea is finished, then more tea will be made. A high caffeine black tea is the future choice; it is already decided. If this is to go on, there needs to be a coherent subject this time. That stipulation is what will make this more interesting. Where to begin? Exciting! Something new to write. Altogether, any topic is as good as any. Complete nonsense is as good as any topic. Here it goes. Think. Fish. Fish in water is not swimming, but staying in place. Somehow this is regrettable. It needs a partner to swim with. The previous partner fish of the same species had died. These fish cost little; it's a matter of going to the store and purchasing another. It would not be the same, but the new fish would have a vitality that would interest this old fish. It would either swim around with the new fish or continue to float in the corner. The water quality could be improved, or at the least changed. Long overdue. Clapping and alapping. Made that word up. Not yet able to make many distinctions between the compositions of Indian classical music at this time. Allowing it to continue and not holding to any particular rhythm is much easier. It's not essential to discern the parts of the musical composition. The structure is not known, but a set of audio files available here have that knowledge interspersed with the music, as in an explanatory lecture during which the parts are named and shown. This was a potential choice, but writing necessitates a lack of other voices to allow this voice to shine through, in whichever quality. Would otherwise be distracted looking up new words, writing them down, etc. It happened before. Strange. The Tibetan letter A was set up as a full-screen, carefully positioned to the center. The file to describe this letter and the positioning was done after the music explanation was started. It led to looking up an encyclopedic definition of the introductory phase, the alap, then transcribing the article and mentioning the letter. The continuity of that action continues now, it seems. Introducing the name of the music is tolerated. Weak single-bag tea and sixteen ounces of water. Half-strength. Stopping to prepare some full strength black tea. No coffee today. Can't help but to stop and eat a half pistachio when passing a large bowl of shelled pistachios. That took hours of time last night, but today it appears as it is. All that effort is no more. It needs to be done in advance. Most people would rather shell and eat, shell and eat, and see no advantage to separating the shelling and eating actions. It affords the opportunity to eat large handfuls of the nuts without caring about the significant effort that was required to produce them. Topic. What is to be the topic? Nothing at all here. Then, decide. Discussing the topic of meditation and insight practice is desirable. If only there were someone else to discuss it with. Another day like this one was spent in such a way over a month and a week ago. It seemed more interesting than this current entry has started out. Start with something and go with it in that direction. What has changed since then? Are there any new insights, new practices, new truths? It's surprising that the way is understood already, but that understanding is not yet clear. How it remains to be made clear, is not yet known. Can't find the reference. Muddy water settles. Oily water separates. Multi-colored water. It was somewhere in a book or article on a website. No matter. All that was about clearing the obstructions that prevent the mind from settling down and separating the perceptions until the water of tranquility can be drank. What is there to drink here? Like this. Keeping the wrists above the desk, it requires a bit of effort, but is skillful. In time it is no longer seen as an effort, and happens without consideration. No longer considered effort, another activity arises that uses this as its base. Perhaps it is the straitening of the neck, or not focusing the eyes downward on these words to be typed. No need for viewing these words as they are typed exists, but avoiding losing this text is preferable to typing much and losing it. Bathroom. Again, the text goes up to a previous point in this file unexpectedly. Fixing this would mean unbinding keys that are inadvertently triggered. Those are numerous. A compromise is to briefly delay the screen writing. Characters written to the screen as the keys are stuck. Oh, more. Alright. This is some down and dirty freewriting. No rules. Going to type a bunch of stupid shit. Like swearing, and not using punctuation properly. This is a lot of work later, but right now it's nothing. This is the opposite of the pistachio scenario. Instead of doing the work upfront and then having to enjoy later the fruits of that previous work, this is doing the great thing now and saving the arduous work for later. Will stop and save the text so that this all isn't a total waste. Much editing will be required. Freewriting usually implies throw-away level of work, and that make be useful to some, but I am collecting typos in order to make stream-of-consciousness writing more viable. Having tens of thousands of typos automatically corrected already, this is easily done. The editing remains necessary and inseparable part of the practice. There would have to be a significant disturbance with the typing for it to be stopped and corrected immediately. Typing the word twice usually will suffice. Or typing a word several times until the intended word is disambiguated from the potential other misspellings, it is particularly obscure or short word. This has the advantage of generating much more text than would otherwise be done. Removing the clock from the rightmost monitor. Only the brown Tibetan letter A is visible at the present. Other than the blue tilde marks, but it is not strictly necessary to do away with those. It could be further hidden, but that is not necessary. Could turn this monitor off and move the window around. Could move this screen to the first monitor. Don't want to accidentally avoid typing into this screen. Taking no chances with losing the text right now. Could probably exit insert mode and do the change easily. Or setup another screen to watch for changes. Typing quickly here is the main activity. What are the other activities. Holding the head straight. Holding the head tilted backwards with the ceiling visible. The screen is still here. Would have to interrupt the ceiling staring to ensure that this text is still being recorded. No matter. The head position cannot be maintained indefinitely. Resist any desire to correct text really. Say that correction of the space and then the period. It is not now the time for such activities. Write instead. Generate this text. Generate something about a topic instead of discussing the present activities. But what is there beyond the present activities besides ideas and concepts that are wholly disconnected from reality. There is the seeing of this screen. The feeling of the keys on the fingers, and the sensation of which thumb is being used to touch the spacebar between words. Favoring the left thumb at present. The right thumb is the default. Either is fine for these purposes. Eventually they will be alternated with great care but no effort. This will further increase the speed of typing. Short lines are not being reformatted correctly due to as recent change in the settings. Maybe this would be better off as a temporary change to avoid needing to collapse the paragraph into a single line in order to format it correctly. Typing on a very nice keyboard. A nice keyboard. A keyboard. Keys. The computer human computer interface. The human computer interface. That sentence was typed again for clarity. Looking as the remaining green tea. No need to pause this activity at present. Green tea is finished, will move back to drinking the black tea. Caught you! Soon after escaping and pressing the find next in search key. Nop it. There, done. Back to it. The writing can resume. At most, will lose a few words or characters. The bottom row seems to be the one most often inadvertently typed because the text to be searched around and to enter text into some other part of this file, instead of placing it at the bottom. What needs to be done is a forced-insert mode that avoids any possibility for special text manipulation, making this an insert-only type of exercise. Being that no editing is being performed, there is no need for normal mode here. Each burst of text being typed is checked and then saved. This is not the desired format. Would much rather remain here typing for an hour straight with the eyes closed or something, without caring of any possibility that it might not be recorded. That type of assurance is not yet in place. Favoring the right thumb at this time. It is clear when attention has slipped and deep into the train of thought. This is fine as long as it is not exclusively using the right thumb. More text is written. Not hearing much of the music, just these thoughts. They come so quickly and are likewise quickly gone. How is it that this writing and the act of thinking can be occurring so quickly in tandem. This is like the activity of speech where there are no significant blocks between one word and the next. Thinking of something to say and saying it without a filter. No hesitation whatsoever. It is the preferred way to do things without effort. It remains difficult but enticing to think about where the effort comes from. Where the seeking originates, and what it is looking for in the activity. Why do this activity. What thing is known here. Finishing up the tea. No cause for alarm. This thing. Let's use the terms dao, naturalness, awareness. These are not entirely interchangeable, but are used here to point to one single thing. The activity of spinning a pen in the hand, or typing without thinking of which key is to be struck. These are the activities whose nature baffles me. I know I am doing it, I know how it is being done. But to describe it is a challenge. It seems to be perfectly obvious how it occurs that most people would not think it necessary to do so. But then, everything seems to work like this, bodies of water, bodies of stars, these bodies, animal bodies, the clouds, everything. If they all work like this, where is there suffering? It is a case of codependent origination, or whatever the Buddhist term is here. That this body exists and has nerve endings causes the suffering to be possible. The sensation of pain in the body due to temperature and pressure. And many other forms of materiality. These are inherent in the nature of having this body in the world. Yet it is not the only thing there is here, for the mind has divided up all of the world of reality in order to understand it better. But this is all in the wrong direction of thought. That the arms can be held in the air, or that the thoughts can be mapped into symbols and converted into a sequential stream of letters, or phonetic speech particles, these are amazing. These are done effortlessly, it seems. Which other activities of this body can be done in the same manner, and for what purpose is this? There is a body and a mind that have not yet been fully integrated and untied with themselves as one organism. This further needs to be understood as one organism in the environment, and that the organism and environment are one process happening together. And yet these incredible thoughts are reduced to the thought of future profiting from the typos mined here for autocorrections. Is it the case that what is said in the future will be any better than this? Maybe the thought of goal-striving of typing more efficiently will drop away. This is the activity of the day until some other activity arises, and that has already been decided as some other form of work. Time to grab more tea. And then this process will continue. Resuming this now. Have made more tea. It seems different than some of the other teas. Hard to describe. Smells are not commonly noticed. The same stale scenarios day after day make one not able to perceive the smells. This is how the air smells, and breathing happens all day long. It is quickly habituated to the smell of the air. But then there occurs something unusual. Something that is not ever-present in the flowing field here. Something like a stick of incense is nice. Want to go and get up right now to get one. It is so nearby that to acquire it would take very little effort and the benefit would be some new interesting smell and sight. The temperature and fire, the smell of the smoke. It seems overwhelmingly like the thing to do right now. But it must be disciplined. If it is to be done, it will occur after this present burst of writing has entirely finished its present thought. That it is coming so easily at the present is an indication to persevere and not to stop. This incense, yet to be acquired and lit, captures the sensation of thought at the present. Then it has passed and other about fixing the mess of words being writing presently. Looking up to see the imprint of the Tibetan letter on the imprint of the this on the ceiling. This sensation of sight offsets the desire to get the incense. The mind brings it back to that sensation and decides to stop and get it. Or is that more story spinning, not yet to actually take place. There is the music, hardly noticed until now. This intention was strong enough to ignore the music. There is the sensation that the neck is heavy. Time to stop. Had allowed the incense to burn just a bit too long when starting it, while replacing the fire starter lighter to its place upon a magnet at the side of the low table. It begins to burn with a long gray ash before the black and the smoke. Too much stopping and correcting of this text. It is not necessary and wastes precious time. The dull work of correcting this text can be done at a later time. Now is the time to be creating much text. Looking at this incense. It would be here wouldn't it. There is smoke rising and it can be seen. The end of the dispersed smoke can be traced back to a happening at the point of the flame. The interesting curls and movements of the smoke and its shape are present. An interesting gradient between the background air and the gray-white smoke rising. A sigh. This all has to come to an end eventually. The smoke will cease to burn when extinguished or without fuel. The air here is not the limiting factor, but the material to be burned. How is all of this to be related to a subject. It's hard to stay on track when there is so much going on happening here while the smoke moves and adsorbs to the screen. An insignificant amount of smoke. It does not damage the screens significantly or impair their usage. Most of the screen is black most of the time. There is the act of typing, the perception of the future event that will be the drinking of this hot tea. The knowledge that the smoke will cease. That will need to relieve and pass water after drinking. How much further into the future can be seen. The sleep-wake cycle. The necessity to find employment and work. The quickness of the typing matches the quickness at which the incense burns. It does not pause to decide that it will continue to burn. It is not fatigued by the burning, it does not pause or stop until completed with its activity. Too much stopping and too many actions needlessly done. There is nothing to do here except to write and listen to the music. Could add some more music to the list. It has surely cycled by now. Almost. The rest of the current composition and another for forty minutes. Should be here for the end of it. The incense is soon to have its first piece of ash drop off. Would like to acquire another holder that holds the incense vertically. This is supposed to be superior to this method of holding it at a low angle. The weight of the ash on the top of the flame. Should that slow the burn, or some other effect. Not sure. What is there to be done here. Just more typing. The ash has fallen. This is the main point. No it is not. There is hunger. A tightness in the stomach. All cyclic sensations of the body should eventually be known as they are. The cycle at any time should be predicable. Where does hunger begin? Certainly not with the pangs of hunger that scream out for food. Naturalness like taking food when hungry or drinking water when thirsty. Smelling the incense and not the tea. Taking a first sip of tea. Some cycles can be controlled, it seems. That by doing this or not doing that, the cycle is suppressed. But it is not. The cycle has been slowed, slowed to a point where it is so long that the topmost point or the bottommost point can be seen gradually increasing or diminishing for a scale longer than previously experienced. Instead of cycling a day, it may cycle in a week, or with lessened overall intensity not reaching the same level it once did. The level where it has interference with other cycles that bring about distinct experiences. More to be written. Hearing the music. Some light indistinct voices around the playing of hand instruments. Drums. Slapping on stretched piece of fabric if that is even an accurate word. Why it necessarily be fabric? Stopping and correcting too frequently. Almost need to make it impossible to do so. If a sentence is badly written, so be it. Write it again if the thought was not clear. How about the sight. Seeing this Tibetan letter A and not really looking at its shape. Its shape is its color. What shape does this smoke have. It changes with every instant it is witnessed. Then it breaks up into the rest of the air surrounding here. It has no constancy. Relaxing the muscles held above the keyboard. This is the proper way to write on a computer. A skillful use of this keyboard. It is necessarily a loud mechanical keyboard, but the monitoring microphone is not being used to hear the keys. Is this suddenly desirable? Do not deny it. More typing. No more here. How about it. Write about the topic. The topic decided much earlier. See how slippery these thoughts can be. It is seen what is happening here. The thoughts being poured out into this file as they happen. Unable to stay centered around an idea. But why try that. It is more evident that it is impossible. The activity, it can be centered upon the activity. This activity is one and the same. Instead of wanting to keep the idea constant, notice that the activity of typing seems to be constant. The striking of keys in correct sequence seems constant. The flow of original thoughts seems contestant. What of the fact that the idea are not fully developed? This will be appear to be constant eventually. It is not yet. The mind must settle on the ideas and concepts before they can be done. It is always a possible activity to edit the text and distill it to the essence of some subject, rearrange it to fit some contrived idea given the raw input. Like taking trees and making lumber, then making those logs into a house. This is like taking the stream of thoughts as they are, cutting them into words, then taking the words and moving them to build a piece of writing. As expected, the piece of incense had dropped its ash while I was away. Seems to be exhuming the fire at a quick rate. If that is even the proper word to be used. This is freewriting dammit, not all of the words used are the proper words. The meaning is not known certainly, and there can be no hesitation to go look up a proper preferable word in a dictionary or thesaurus. Learning new words all the time. The rhythmic action of the typing on the keys is even more noticeable when the keys can be heard distinct from the music. The subtle action of moving the hands makes a thunderous storm of noise on the keys. Yet the words themselves have no real utility or content beyond concentrating on this activity. Why is there a discontent with this activity. That there is no significant content that is widely of importance to all is a recurring resentment in the writings here. Somehow this freewriting is being corrected as it is being typed and briefly reviewed. This seems to be unavoidable. It's so easy that it cannot be stopped. It has become part of the activity. More serious errors still exist, but they are less obvious than the brightly highlighted words. Slamming the desk drops the ash. The hand require the full range of motion available, but do not use it. Closing the eyes it can be continued with no detraction. Still can smell the incense occasionally. A thought like that is liable to cause a future sensation of smelling the incense even while distracted doing something else. The typing action becomes quicker and happens so quickly that it causes the noticing of the quickness of the activity which causes hesitation in the writing. This is rambling discursive thinking but it is happening in a way that its power can be directed at a meditative activity such as writing. Noticing the how and why that is happening and the content of experience of reality that all of this is happening inside of. How is it happening. The head can be held steady while the arms move and the hands do their thing. This is one of the most important aspects of this. If the head seems to be still and the arms are seeming to be rigid, and the fingers are moving quickly, then what is this that is happening. There is no effort being used to hold the head steady. Opening the eyes reveals a new color. Then closed and experiencing the light of the closed eyes and the sunlight coming through the closed eyes. It always seems a bit bluer. Which color is the true, real, correct color. Can take and open a single eye and experience both at once. What is the purpose, the utility, of doing this other than to point out that a distinction can be made. Sometimes text is typed and the key is offset. The keys struck are offset and it cannot easily be determined what the original message was. These messages are too time consuming to repair. They are removed or reworked. This is regrettable. Always feel for thee bumps on the keys on the home row before continuing. There is a slight loss of balance whenever experiencing the world with the eyes closed. It is clear that balance involves the eyes, but does not require them. The sensations of gravity are known to be in a fluid in the ears, but in some cultures it is elongated or pierced or whatever other activities. This is not skillful in my opinion. Leave it be, and do not modify it. More freewriting. Keep this activity going until it reaches its conclusion. Regrettable also is that there is no central theme to this piece of writing. When attempts have been made, it goes around them and speaks of something else. Maybe this is its way. The concept of awareness and naturalness is slippery. They cannot be described directly. They are only described indirectly. The large block of text that has preceded this sentence is of the same type. Keeping thoughts coming out of the mind and onto the keys through the medium of the fingers, then they appear on the screen, but this is not witnessed until a minute or many minutes later. Too much stopping and correcting is interrupting the flow of writing. It is not trusted to record these thoughts accurately and consistently, is the reason for this gross hesitation. You might have guessed that this is the only activity for the day thus far. This is not planned in advance. This has become the default intellectual activity. Either reading or writing, then settling down to walk or meditate while sitting for an hour. Usually laying down on the couch is the simplest position. Some sitting occurs, but it is still in the stage where it is uncomfortable to do so for prolonged periods of times. Easier to do at night with a candle. This is a lot of text generated here. Closing the eyes once more. Favoring the right thumb with the spacebar. This is something here. Lots of these are needlessly words typed for no purpose other than they are commonly typed and therefore easily remembered actions of the fingers. Are the fingers driving the thought to choose words that are easily written to them? What if words associated with other concepts were more easily written? Therefore choose shorter words in the mind. Incense is still burning. Forgot it was even an intention to set it up. It merely is here here now. This will soon be extinguished, but not too soon. Much typing but even more editing, it seems. Too much editing. What was the plan? Write now, edit later. It only needs to be edited for legibility, not for content. There is no content beyond this nonsense. It's just a bunch of words that have been thought in sequence. Hardly any thoughts are occurring that are not immediately put down into this file. Let's try to hold onto that. Think about words in the head and immediately write them. It's happening now. There are no blocks between the words thought and immediately typed at a quick rate. The keyboard naturally constrains the type and content of the words being thought in the same way that the available words in the mind constrain what can be thought at all. This is seeing the eyes closed experiencing what is happening right now. There is a lighter red color in the eyes. It is known that the spacebar is not being sufficiently alternated. Thinking of stopping to ensure this is being recorded but ignoring that intention to do so. Some of these word are being sloppily written due to the keyboard sliding around slightly. This is due to it not having sticky enough feet at the bottom of the keyboard to remain still on the desk, but this can be avoided by taking and slamming the keys straight down with the force of the fingers to make it slide only in the downward direction and not to any sides. An eye twitch while writing that previous sentence. Difficulty typing the word twitch. Almost stopped just now as the arms relaxed. Thinking of stopping once more. This is going on longer than most of the previous sentences. Stopping finally now. It is happening next. This is too sloppy. Wow. Wrote all of that and then thought to write the word wow. It's keeping up with the thoughts, that is certain. None escape the notice of the keys on the fingers on the keyboard. It's immediately translated into text on the screen, which is not seen until after the typing has finished and the screen is reenabled to show the output, then it is edited and saved to ensure that it is not lost. There is only an artificial concern for sentence structure and not causing run-on sentence. Punctuation is even further of a concern from the mind. Sensation that the ambient air is cold. Using the right thumb too often on the spacebar. It's going to be much more inaccurate to type this quickly with the left hand as the spacebar thumb. There is previous practice with the left hand at a slower rate for using the spacebar, but not at the speed of thought being being performed at the present. How frightening. Why then where. 'Why' was being typed then the thought 'where' came in, and the result was a jumbled mess of typos. Feeling some stretching going on of the neck and the ankle. The ankle long ago since damaged in skateboarding. Thinking of thoughts that are not to be typed. What is exactly that. It was typed exactly as written in the head, nothing is being suppressed, but it is enticing to imagine that it could be. Would those thoughts be deleted? Would they be ignored. They would happen during other thoughts presently being written. Therefore, this is not the transcript that it would otherwise be. Thoughts can still be happening at a faster rate than they are being transcribed here. How many different tracks can be maintained seemingly at concurrent times? Fumbled for a word for a few seconds there. Nothing stopping this but to type more words. The music has ended. No sense in letting it repeat, although it was not heard clearly the first pass. Could do with some silence for some time. The incense is almost gone. A few more minutes of it. It's not yet at the end of its life, but it will not last fifteen minutes. Where this is. Silence, no music. Exhaled deeply, affecting the position of the smoke as it rises. Turned up the sound of the microphone monitor. Hearing static and the sound of typing on the keys. Adjusted the equaliser and moved the microphone closer to the keyboard. This has no purpose other than making the sound more obvious. Hearing and listening to this sound while the act of typing remains. Feeling the clothes and position of the feet and neck is secondary, and occurs in sequence as that thought is typed. Somewhat muted sound by cutting off of the high frequencies on the equaliser. The thought occurs that the tea is at a good temperature to resume gulping it down so that the act of typing can continue. Some static on the visual field when looking at the fine mesh of a speaker in front of me. This speaker is not presently being used. Instead, using in-ear-monitors to hear accurate representations of the sound while typing. A speaker would vibrate the air significantly; this only vibrates a tiny space of air inside the ears. It further acts as earplugs, which was desirable when typing and listening to the sound of the music. Sound from outside the apartment doesn't exist. Being still and silent could bring those sounds. Now that I think of it, there have been no significant vibrations from things happening outside, such as a dump truck lifting or cars blaring their horns. No snow blowers. None of the machinery that would cause unavoidable vibrations through the building and therefore sounds in the air have been noticed while writing this. Rivers of thought and text visible here. Could this be increased to have a louder volume. Of course. But this is not necessary. Another sensation that the ambient air temperature is low. Looking at the fingers and keys as typing occurs. This can lead to hesitation, but offers an increased accuracy. The keyboard sliding around is visible. These two perceptions do not occur with the eyes closed. Able to keep on the stream of thoughts and write down an accurate transcription of them here. This is not terribly difficult to do. How is it to be done. There is much more here that isn't thought in the head that is seen or heard or felt and experienced. The thoughts are just a stream of concentrated attention to the body and experiences. Stopped to pour more tea, found the flask container to be nearly empty, then went get more boiling water and prepare even more tea. Probably the most tea drank in one day ever, so today is historical in that respect. As I was standing there preparing the tea, the thought occurred "sugar bomb". The thought then occurred "the thought occurred 'sugar bomb'". Then the thought of honey appeared. I retrieved the container, opened its seal, then the thought occurred "teaspoon". I retrieved a teaspoon from the drawer and poured out a teaspoon of honey and ate it. I saw my reflection in the spoon, then the reflection in another object specifically placed there to attract the interest in such a way. After moving the flask with the fresh tea bags to the other part of the counter, returned here to resume writing, after reconnecting the headphones so as to be able to hear the act of writing occurring by means of the sound of typing on the keyboard. An itch on the left shoulder was immediately scratched. Throbbing and feeling the tension in the back of the neck. Ah, it is a full cup of hot tea, as is evidenced by the swirling vapors rising from its still surface. It is not completely still, as the vibrations of striking these keys are distributing it slightly. The reflections of the window through which sunlight appears here is visible as a highlight on several areas of the cup. Soon into describing this water and this cup there was the sensation that the incense has long since been out. It was not noticed at the time when it became extinguished. The thought of seeing the computer mouse hanging off of the edge of the desk slightly returns. It was experienced once before, and now it is being seen. Why is it being seen. Because it also maintains a reflection of the window through which the sunlight is entering here. There is additionally the reflection of myself in there. Should it be noticed like this? This brings it back to the sensation of noticing the reflection in the upturned bowl on the counter, and in the teaspoon described earlier. The reflections mean to notice other reflections. Twice has a word been typed or passed over and induced the sensation that some lyric that which uses this word plays the tape in the mind of that lyric. This is largely unavoidable unless there is no time for the thought to occur. Pressure on the fingertips touching together. It's not difficult to avoid picking at the fingernails and skin when this activity is so all-encompassing. It manifests in other ways, such as biting at the lips or moving other bones known to cause creaks and pops. The thought of taking the fingers and popping the joints. Manifests, take heed to the words that I manifest, I manifest… It happens again. That one is titular, so a very strong relation indeed. Need some tunes. Many hours of writing here by now. Maybe many is too strong a word, but more than two hours at least. Instrumentals. I'm too deep. Yes much too complicated. The lines I've stated are quite often underrated so consider it a privilege to hear this. The weak minded opinions could never come near this. For my outlook on life is a profound view. Trying to act down thinking that they sound new. So you front. I call your bluff, you'll catch hell kid. I never sleep, I always peep, I'm too deep… Do that one again. Fine. This song is too good to just listen to the instrumental right now. Only a few sound true. Knowing that hard is something that you can't be. You get dealt with. Rhymes creep. Necessarily slowing down to type these lyrics. You continue to disrespect. One rhyme just to scare you. I'm the holder of the key. Pushed me to find myself. My life was twisted. The chance to make you feel good. I used to steal goods. Knowledge of self, [be]cause I'm me. Reeducated ones who are lost. Takes other steps. To get through. In the prisons. Gain wealth and self-esteem. Of a totally different scene. Like a scout on a new route exhibiting clout. But right now, my religion is rhyming, perfect timing. Why have so many divisions. Superficial factors are driving us apart. Before I act, I think. World corruption, destruction, what's up son. An army of about one hundred or more. Release the effect of my voice. I'm too deep… Paragraphs, portraying my viewpoint. At this time, I have the honor to present to you… Stay attentive, because this is a new joint. Lyrical elements emerge from the intro. Other writers are outclassed. Rhymes fit and hit, because it's how we designed it. Commanding respect with my ink pen. I can see now you relate to what I create. I've looked for the truth. My rhymes are the real proof. We'll show you the best way. And then sway, as I read my essay. Worship for words giving insight. Beyond them, is where I'll be dwelling. Placing my fingers on the tool. Think of an enjoyable moment. The origin of this is on paper. I go with the flow as I show expertise. Gripping your soul with authority. Drink up. We'll show you the best way. Listening to one last song for the present. Dumbfound. It's too distracting to try and maintain a separate stream of thoughts to type here while listening to music with lyrics. Pour some more coffee after stopping this current sentence or paragraph. Cling. Hands off, stay off. It's the finals not the playoffs. Break you up into particles. Ah, back to relative silence with the sound of typing. Seems that the volume was increased while listening to music, would it be needed to turn it down once more. Listening to it with the sound of the typing. Two letter words have a distinct sound. Hearing something outside now, this is an airplane. This would have not been possible before the volume increase. Much text written here. Not sure if I'm going for a record or what. See how many lines, how many hours spent writing in relatively uninterpreted sequence. Ate a pistachio on the way back to sitting down before writing the message above. How much of the message above? Since the lyrics ended. No need to delineate. Writing. Could repeat that word. Back to freewriting without making too numerous of edits and corrections for a minute. No, more than a minute. There needs to be no contrived end to this act of writing this present freewriting. It has begun. Am now writing the thoughts that come through the mind as they happen with no interruption or delay. This is stream-of-consciousness writing for the time being. It is happening. Short easy words are being written and that means the short thoughts are being used to create these words on the text file that is storing these thoughts. Nothing special. What about it. How is there to be any interesting thought activity or concepts of anything here if constrained to short useless words. Think of something else. How about a bridge. How about a swirl. How about a whirlpool. A tornado. A strain in the neck look upwards. See the reverse blue image of the image on the screen. See it fade away into the rest of the ceiling and go away. It seems to have moved outside the field of vision, over the eyebrows and into that dark unknowable space there. Eye floaters moving around at the white wall. Contrasted with the static movement. Contrasted with the static moment. Accidentally typed moment while typing movement that first time. Had to write the second sentence to make this clear. Looking back down at the screen instead of the ceiling after noticing a slight neck strain from doing that. Almost exclusively using the right thumb to type the spacebar here. The arms relaxed and dropped to the desk momentarily. They did it again. It's not effort to keep them up in the air. Only needs to be decided that it is preferable to keep them in the air and avoid repetitive strain on the wrists by doing so. These are some harsh keyboard typing actions being performed. The keyboard is not sliding around. Here it is again. Closing the eyes and likewise seeing some negative image of the figure on the screen. It is distinct but not lasting for long. It is blurring. Scratched the bridge of the nose immediately after an itch occurred. This necessarily stopped the act of typing, because it was done with the right hand and no words are being typed without the right hand. Write. Type. There, finished. An empty water bottle is lifted. It needs to be refilled. Typed incorrectly to save this file three times. Refilled the water filter with bad unfiltered water, then refilled the container of water used to pour water into the water filter. Then ate two pistachio nuts and returned here to type this sentence while staring low at nothing in particular. What's left to be written here. Hasn't everything been written already. This mind could endlessly produce nonsense such as this. It does not accurately describe what is going around here. What if the microphone was used to record everything, and a set of cameras was used to record all of the moments at all times. This would not be sufficient to reproduce the experience. There are still the bodily sensations that would not be recorded. The effect of the sound combining with other sounds, of vibrations felt in the body at frequencies not able to be heard by the ears. Well, then give up recording things. Why is the activity of recording thoughts pursued here? This is the activity. The recording of the thoughts is precisely the activity being performed here. It's not accurate, it doesn't represent the full present experience, but knowing that it never could reproduce it in full is part of the game. 2016-01-13T19:36:40Z — Done writing. Just like that. 2016-01-13T21:07:41Z — Done editing. Repeated words, words mistyped that were correctly spelled (valid) words are not caught by a spellchecker.