Script @__DataRawSerpent__/data-final-fixes.lua:1: { accumulator = { accumulator = { charge_animation = { layers = { { layers = { { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/accumulator/accumulator.png", height = 94, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/accumulator/hr-accumulator.png", height = 189, priority = "high", repeat_count = 24, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.34375 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 1, g = 1, r = 1 }, width = 130 }, priority = "high", repeat_count = 24, shift = { 0, -0.3125 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.charge_animation.layers[1].layers[1].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 66 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/accumulator/accumulator-shadow.png", height = 54, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/accumulator/hr-accumulator-shadow.png", height = 106, priority = "high", repeat_count = 24, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.90625, 0.1875 }, width = 234 }, priority = "high", repeat_count = 24, shift = { 0.875, 0.1875 }, width = 120 } } }, { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/accumulator/accumulator-charge.png", frame_count = 24, height = 100, hr_version = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/accumulator/hr-accumulator-charge.png", frame_count = 24, height = 206, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.6875 }, width = 178 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { 0, -0.6875 }, width = 90 } } }, charge_cooldown = 30, circuit_connector_sprites = { blue_led_light_offset = { 0.609375, 0.890625 }, connector_main = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04a-base-sequence.png", height = 50, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.578125, 0.625 }, width = 52, x = 104, y = 150 }, connector_shadow = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04b-base-shadow-sequence.png", height = 46, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.71875, 0.875 }, width = 62, x = 124, y = 138 }, led_blue = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04e-blue-LED-on-sequence.png", height = 60, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.578125, 0.59375 }, width = 60, x = 120, y = 180 }, led_blue_off = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04f-blue-LED-off-sequence.png", height = 44, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.578125, 0.59375 }, width = 46, x = 92, y = 132 }, led_green = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04h-green-LED-sequence.png", height = 46, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.578125, 0.59375 }, width = 48, x = 96, y = 138 }, led_light = { intensity = 0, size = 0.9 }, led_red = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04i-red-LED-sequence.png", height = 46, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.578125, 0.59375 }, width = 48, x = 96, y = 138 }, red_green_led_light_offset = { 0.59375, 0.78125 }, wire_pins = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04c-wire-sequence.png", height = 58, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.578125, 0.59375 }, width = 62, x = 124, y = 174 }, wire_pins_shadow = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04d-wire-shadow-sequence.png", height = 54, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.734375, 0.71875 }, width = 70, x = 140, y = 162 } }, circuit_wire_connection_point = { shadow = { green = { 1.078125, 1.171875 }, red = { 1.296875, 1.125 } }, wire = { green = { 0.9375, 0.875 }, red = { 0.875, 0.640625 } } }, circuit_wire_max_distance = 9, close_sound = { { filename = "__base__/sound/machine-close.ogg", volume = 0.5 } }, collision_box = { { -0.9, -0.9 }, { 0.9, 0.9 } }, corpse = "accumulator-remnants", damaged_trigger_effect = { damage_type_filters = "fire", entity_name = "spark-explosion", offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, offsets = { { 0, 1 } }, type = "create-entity" }, default_output_signal = { name = "signal-A", type = "virtual" }, discharge_animation = { layers = { { layers = { { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/accumulator/accumulator.png", height = 94, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/accumulator/hr-accumulator.png", height = 189, priority = "high", repeat_count = 24, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.34375 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 1, g = 1, r = 1 }, width = 130 }, priority = "high", repeat_count = 24, shift = { 0, -0.3125 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.discharge_animation.layers[1].layers[1].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 66 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/accumulator/accumulator-shadow.png", height = 54, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/accumulator/hr-accumulator-shadow.png", height = 106, priority = "high", repeat_count = 24, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.90625, 0.1875 }, width = 234 }, priority = "high", repeat_count = 24, shift = { 0.875, 0.1875 }, width = 120 } } }, { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/accumulator/accumulator-discharge.png", frame_count = 24, height = 104, hr_version = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/accumulator/hr-accumulator-discharge.png", frame_count = 24, height = 210, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03125, -0.71875 }, width = 170 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { -0.0625, -0.6875 }, width = 88 } } }, discharge_cooldown = 60, drawing_box = { { -1, -1.5 }, { 1, 1 } }, dying_explosion = "accumulator-explosion", energy_source = { buffer_capacity = "5MJ", input_flow_limit = "300kW", output_flow_limit = "300kW", type = "electric", usage_priority = "tertiary" }, flags = { "placeable-neutral", "player-creation" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/accumulator.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, max_health = 150, minable = { mining_time = 0.1, result = "accumulator" }, name = "accumulator", open_sound = { { filename = "__base__/sound/machine-open.ogg", volume = 0.5 } }, picture = { layers = { { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/accumulator/accumulator.png", height = 94, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/accumulator/hr-accumulator.png", height = 189, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.34375 }, width = 130 }, priority = "high", shift = { 0, -0.3125 }, width = 66 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/accumulator/accumulator-shadow.png", height = 54, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/accumulator/hr-accumulator-shadow.png", height = 106, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.90625, 0.1875 }, width = 234 }, priority = "high", shift = { 0.875, 0.1875 }, width = 120 } } }, selection_box = { { -1, -1 }, { 1, 1 } }, type = "accumulator", vehicle_impact_sound = { game_controller_vibration_data = { duration = 150, low_frequency_vibration_intensity = 0.9 }, switch_vibration_data = { filename = "__base__/sound/car-metal-impact.bnvib" }, variations = { { filename = "__base__/sound/car-metal-impact-2.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/car-metal-impact-3.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/car-metal-impact-4.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/car-metal-impact-5.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/car-metal-impact-6.ogg", volume = 0.5 } } }, water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = false, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/accumulator/accumulator-reflection.png", height = 24, priority = "extra-high", scale = 5, shift = { 0, 1.5625 }, variation_count = 1, width = 20 }, rotate = false }, working_sound = { audible_distance_modifier = 0.5, fade_in_ticks = 4, fade_out_ticks = 20, idle_sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/accumulator-idle.ogg", volume = 0.35 }, max_sounds_per_type = 3, sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/accumulator-working.ogg", volume = 0.4 } } } }, achievement = { ["so-long-and-thanks-for-all-the-fish"] = { icon = "__base__/graphics/achievement/so-long-and-thanks-for-all-the-fish.png", icon_size = 128, name = "so-long-and-thanks-for-all-the-fish", order = "g[secret]-a[so-long-and-thanks-for-all-the-fish]", type = "achievement" } }, ["active-defense-equipment"] = { ["discharge-defense-equipment"] = { attack_parameters = { ammo_category = "electric", ammo_type = { action = { { action_delivery = { { target_effects = { { sticker = "stun-sticker", type = "create-sticker" }, { distance = 4, type = "push-back" } }, type = "instant" }, { add_to_shooter = false, beam = "electric-beam-no-sound", duration = 15, max_length = 16, source_offset = { 0, -0.5 }, type = "beam" } }, force = "enemy", radius = 8, type = "area" } }, category = "electric", energy_consumption = "2MJ", type = "projectile" }, cooldown = 150, damage_modifier = 10, projectile_center = { 0, 0 }, projectile_creation_distance = 0.6, range = 10, sound = { game_controller_vibration_data = { duration = 100, low_frequency_vibration_intensity = 0.5 }, switch_vibration_data = { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/pulse.bnvib" }, variations = { { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/pulse.ogg", volume = 0.7 } } }, type = "projectile" }, automatic = false, categories = { "armor" }, energy_source = { buffer_capacity = "4040kJ", type = "electric", usage_priority = "secondary-input" }, name = "discharge-defense-equipment", shape = { height = 2, type = "full", width = 2 }, sprite = { filename = "__base__/graphics/equipment/discharge-defense-equipment.png", flags = { "icon" }, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/equipment/hr-discharge-defense-equipment.png", flags = { "icon" }, priority = "extra-high-no-scale", scale = 0.5, size = 128 }, priority = "extra-high-no-scale", size = 64 }, type = "active-defense-equipment" }, ["personal-laser-defense-equipment"] = { attack_parameters = { ammo_type = { action = { action_delivery = { beam = "laser-beam", duration = 40, max_length = 15, source_offset = { 0, -1.3143899999999999 }, type = "beam" }, type = "direct" }, category = "laser", energy_consumption = "50kJ" }, cooldown = 40, damage_modifier = 3, range = 15, type = "beam" }, automatic = true, categories = { "armor" }, energy_source = { buffer_capacity = "220kJ", type = "electric", usage_priority = "secondary-input" }, name = "personal-laser-defense-equipment", shape = { height = 2, type = "full", width = 2 }, sprite = { filename = "__base__/graphics/equipment/personal-laser-defense-equipment.png", height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/equipment/hr-personal-laser-defense-equipment.png", height = 128, priority = "medium", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "medium", width = 64 }, type = "active-defense-equipment" } }, ["ambient-sound"] = { ["after-the-crash"] = { name = "after-the-crash", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/ambient/after-the-crash.ogg" }, track_type = "early-game", type = "ambient-sound" }, anomaly = { name = "anomaly", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/ambient/anomaly.ogg" }, track_type = "interlude", type = "ambient-sound" }, ["are-we-alone"] = { name = "are-we-alone", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/ambient/are-we-alone.ogg" }, track_type = "main-track", type = "ambient-sound" }, automation = { name = "automation", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/ambient/automation.ogg" }, track_type = "main-track", type = "ambient-sound" }, ["beyond-factory-outskirts"] = { name = "beyond-factory-outskirts", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/ambient/beyond-factory-outskirts.ogg" }, track_type = "main-track", type = "ambient-sound" }, ["censeqs-discrepancy"] = { name = "censeqs-discrepancy", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/ambient/censeqs-discrepancy.ogg" }, track_type = "main-track", type = "ambient-sound" }, ["efficiency-program"] = { name = "efficiency-program", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/ambient/efficiency-program.ogg" }, track_type = "main-track", type = "ambient-sound" }, expansion = { name = "expansion", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/ambient/expansion.ogg" }, track_type = "main-track", type = "ambient-sound" }, ["first-light"] = { name = "first-light", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/ambient/first-light.ogg" }, track_type = "interlude", type = "ambient-sound" }, ["gathering-horizon"] = { name = "gathering-horizon", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/ambient/gathering-horizon.ogg" }, track_type = "main-track", type = "ambient-sound" }, ["main-menu"] = { name = "main-menu", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/ambient/main-menu.ogg", volume = 1 }, track_type = "menu-track", type = "ambient-sound" }, pollution = { name = "pollution", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/ambient/pollution.ogg" }, track_type = "main-track", type = "ambient-sound" }, ["research-and-minerals"] = { name = "research-and-minerals", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/ambient/research-and-minerals.ogg" }, track_type = "main-track", type = "ambient-sound" }, ["resource-deficiency"] = { name = "resource-deficiency", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/ambient/resource-deficiency.ogg" }, track_type = "early-game", type = "ambient-sound" }, sentient = { name = "sentient", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/ambient/sentient.ogg" }, track_type = "main-track", type = "ambient-sound" }, ["solar-intervention"] = { name = "solar-intervention", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/ambient/solar-intervention.ogg" }, track_type = "main-track", type = "ambient-sound" }, ["swell-pad"] = { name = "swell-pad", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/ambient/swell-pad.ogg" }, track_type = "interlude", type = "ambient-sound" }, ["the-oil-industry"] = { name = "the-oil-industry", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/ambient/the-oil-industry.ogg" }, track_type = "main-track", type = "ambient-sound" }, ["the-right-tools"] = { name = "the-right-tools", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/ambient/the-right-tools.ogg" }, track_type = "main-track", type = "ambient-sound" }, ["the-search-for-iron"] = { name = "the-search-for-iron", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/ambient/the-search-for-iron.ogg" }, track_type = "main-track", type = "ambient-sound" }, transmit = { name = "transmit", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/ambient/transmit.ogg" }, track_type = "interlude", type = "ambient-sound" }, ["turbine-dynamics"] = { name = "turbine-dynamics", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/ambient/turbine-dynamics.ogg" }, track_type = "main-track", type = "ambient-sound" }, ["world-ambience-3"] = { name = "world-ambience-3", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/ambient/world-ambience-3.ogg", volume = 1 }, track_type = "interlude", type = "ambient-sound" }, ["world-ambience-4"] = { name = "world-ambience-4", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/ambient/world-ambience-4.ogg", volume = 1 }, track_type = "interlude", type = "ambient-sound" }, ["world-ambience-5"] = { name = "world-ambience-5", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/ambient/world-ambience-5.ogg", volume = 1 }, track_type = "interlude", type = "ambient-sound" }, ["world-ambience-6"] = { name = "world-ambience-6", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/ambient/world-ambience-6.ogg", volume = 1 }, track_type = "interlude", type = "ambient-sound" } }, ammo = { ["artillery-shell"] = { ammo_type = { action = { action_delivery = { direction_deviation = 0, projectile = "artillery-projectile", range_deviation = 0, source_effects = { entity_name = "artillery-cannon-muzzle-flash", type = "create-explosion" }, starting_speed = 1, type = "artillery" }, type = "direct" }, category = "artillery-shell", target_type = "position" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/artillery-shell.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "artillery-shell", order = "d[explosive-cannon-shell]-d[artillery]", stack_size = 1, subgroup = "ammo", type = "ammo" }, ["atomic-bomb"] = { ammo_type = { action = { action_delivery = { projectile = "atomic-rocket", source_effects = { entity_name = "explosion-hit", type = "create-entity" }, starting_speed = 0.05, type = "projectile" }, type = "direct" }, category = "rocket", cooldown_modifier = 10, range_modifier = 1.5, target_type = "position" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/atomic-bomb.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "atomic-bomb", order = "d[rocket-launcher]-c[atomic-bomb]", pictures = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/icons/atomic-bomb.png", mipmap_count = 4, scale = 0.25, size = 64 }, { draw_as_light = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/icons/atomic-bomb-light.png", flags = { "light" }, mipmap_count = 4, scale = 0.25, size = 64 } } }, stack_size = 10, subgroup = "ammo", type = "ammo" }, ["cannon-shell"] = { ammo_type = { action = { action_delivery = { direction_deviation = 0.1, max_range = 30, min_range = 5, projectile = "cannon-projectile", range_deviation = 0.1, source_effects = { entity_name = "explosion-gunshot", type = "create-explosion" }, starting_speed = 1, type = "projectile" }, type = "direct" }, category = "cannon-shell", target_type = "direction" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/cannon-shell.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "cannon-shell", order = "d[cannon-shell]-a[basic]", stack_size = 200, subgroup = "ammo", type = "ammo" }, ["explosive-cannon-shell"] = { ammo_type = { action = { action_delivery = { direction_deviation = 0.1, max_range = 30, min_range = 5, projectile = "explosive-cannon-projectile", range_deviation = 0.1, source_effects = { entity_name = "explosion-gunshot", type = "create-explosion" }, starting_speed = 1, type = "projectile" }, type = "direct" }, category = "cannon-shell", target_type = "direction" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/explosive-cannon-shell.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "explosive-cannon-shell", order = "d[cannon-shell]-c[explosive]", stack_size = 200, subgroup = "ammo", type = "ammo" }, ["explosive-rocket"] = { ammo_type = { action = { action_delivery = { projectile = "explosive-rocket", source_effects = { entity_name = "explosion-hit", type = "create-entity" }, starting_speed = 0.1, type = "projectile" }, type = "direct" }, category = "rocket" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/explosive-rocket.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "explosive-rocket", order = "d[rocket-launcher]-b[explosive]", stack_size = 200, subgroup = "ammo", type = "ammo" }, ["explosive-uranium-cannon-shell"] = { ammo_type = { action = { action_delivery = { direction_deviation = 0.1, max_range = 30, min_range = 5, projectile = "explosive-uranium-cannon-projectile", range_deviation = 0.1, source_effects = { entity_name = "explosion-gunshot", type = "create-explosion" }, starting_speed = 1, type = "projectile" }, type = "direct" }, category = "cannon-shell", target_type = "direction" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/explosive-uranium-cannon-shell.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "explosive-uranium-cannon-shell", order = "d[explosive-cannon-shell]-c[uranium]", pictures = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/icons/explosive-uranium-cannon-shell.png", mipmap_count = 4, scale = 0.25, size = 64 }, { draw_as_light = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/icons/uranium-cannon-shell-light.png", flags = { "light" }, mipmap_count = 4, scale = 0.25, size = 64 } } }, stack_size = 200, subgroup = "ammo", type = "ammo" }, ["firearm-magazine"] = { ammo_type = { action = { { action_delivery = { { source_effects = { { entity_name = "explosion-gunshot", type = "create-explosion" } }, target_effects = { { entity_name = "explosion-hit", offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, offsets = { { 0, 1 } }, type = "create-entity" }, { damage = { amount = 5, type = "physical" }, type = "damage" } }, type = "instant" } }, type = "direct" } }, category = "bullet" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/firearm-magazine.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, magazine_size = 10, name = "firearm-magazine", order = "a[basic-clips]-a[firearm-magazine]", stack_size = 200, subgroup = "ammo", type = "ammo" }, ["flamethrower-ammo"] = { ammo_type = { { action = { action_delivery = { stream = "handheld-flamethrower-fire-stream", type = "stream" }, type = "direct" }, category = "flamethrower", clamp_position = true, source_type = "default", target_type = "position" }, { action = { action_delivery = { stream = "tank-flamethrower-fire-stream", type = "stream" }, type = "direct" }, category = "flamethrower", clamp_position = true, consumption_modifier = 1.125, source_type = "vehicle", target_type = "position" } }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/flamethrower-ammo.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, magazine_size = 100, name = "flamethrower-ammo", order = "e[flamethrower]", stack_size = 100, subgroup = "ammo", type = "ammo" }, ["piercing-rounds-magazine"] = { ammo_type = { action = { action_delivery = { source_effects = { entity_name = "explosion-gunshot", type = "create-explosion" }, target_effects = { { entity_name = "explosion-hit", offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, offsets = { { 0, 1 } }, type = "create-entity" }, { damage = { amount = 8, type = "physical" }, type = "damage" } }, type = "instant" }, type = "direct" }, category = "bullet" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/piercing-rounds-magazine.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, magazine_size = 10, name = "piercing-rounds-magazine", order = "a[basic-clips]-b[piercing-rounds-magazine]", stack_size = 200, subgroup = "ammo", type = "ammo" }, ["piercing-shotgun-shell"] = { ammo_type = { action = { { action_delivery = { source_effects = { { entity_name = "explosion-gunshot", type = "create-explosion" } }, type = "instant" }, type = "direct" }, { action_delivery = { direction_deviation = 0.3, max_range = 15, projectile = "piercing-shotgun-pellet", range_deviation = 0.3, starting_speed = 1, starting_speed_deviation = 0.1, type = "projectile" }, repeat_count = 16, type = "direct" } }, category = "shotgun-shell", clamp_position = true, target_type = "direction" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/piercing-shotgun-shell.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, magazine_size = 10, name = "piercing-shotgun-shell", order = "b[shotgun]-b[piercing]", stack_size = 200, subgroup = "ammo", type = "ammo" }, rocket = { ammo_type = { action = { action_delivery = { projectile = "rocket", source_effects = { entity_name = "explosion-hit", type = "create-entity" }, starting_speed = 0.1, type = "projectile" }, type = "direct" }, category = "rocket" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/rocket.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "rocket", order = "d[rocket-launcher]-a[basic]", stack_size = 200, subgroup = "ammo", type = "ammo" }, ["shotgun-shell"] = { ammo_type = { action = { { action_delivery = { source_effects = { { entity_name = "explosion-gunshot", type = "create-explosion" } }, type = "instant" }, type = "direct" }, { action_delivery = { direction_deviation = 0.3, max_range = 15, projectile = "shotgun-pellet", range_deviation = 0.3, starting_speed = 1, starting_speed_deviation = 0.1, type = "projectile" }, repeat_count = 12, type = "direct" } }, category = "shotgun-shell", clamp_position = true, target_type = "direction" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/shotgun-shell.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, magazine_size = 10, name = "shotgun-shell", order = "b[shotgun]-a[basic]", stack_size = 200, subgroup = "ammo", type = "ammo" }, ["uranium-cannon-shell"] = { ammo_type = { action = { action_delivery = { direction_deviation = 0.1, max_range = 30, min_range = 5, projectile = "uranium-cannon-projectile", range_deviation = 0.1, source_effects = { entity_name = "explosion-gunshot", type = "create-explosion" }, starting_speed = 1, type = "projectile" }, type = "direct" }, category = "cannon-shell", target_type = "direction" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/uranium-cannon-shell.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "uranium-cannon-shell", order = "d[cannon-shell]-c[uranium]", pictures = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/icons/uranium-cannon-shell.png", mipmap_count = 4, scale = 0.25, size = 64 }, { draw_as_light = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/icons/uranium-cannon-shell-light.png", flags = { "light" }, mipmap_count = 4, scale = 0.25, size = 64 } } }, stack_size = 200, subgroup = "ammo", type = "ammo" }, ["uranium-rounds-magazine"] = { ammo_type = { action = { action_delivery = { source_effects = { entity_name = "explosion-gunshot", type = "create-explosion" }, target_effects = { { entity_name = "explosion-hit", offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, offsets = { { 0, 1 } }, type = "create-entity" }, { damage = { amount = 24, type = "physical" }, type = "damage" } }, type = "instant" }, type = "direct" }, category = "bullet" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/uranium-rounds-magazine.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, magazine_size = 10, name = "uranium-rounds-magazine", order = "a[basic-clips]-c[uranium-rounds-magazine]", pictures = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/icons/uranium-rounds-magazine.png", mipmap_count = 4, scale = 0.25, size = 64 }, { draw_as_light = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/icons/uranium-rounds-magazine-light.png", flags = { "light" }, mipmap_count = 4, scale = 0.25, size = 64 } } }, stack_size = 200, subgroup = "ammo", type = "ammo" } }, ["ammo-category"] = { ["artillery-shell"] = { bonus_gui_order = "o", name = "artillery-shell", type = "ammo-category" }, beam = { bonus_gui_order = "r", name = "beam", type = "ammo-category" }, biological = { bonus_gui_order = "z", name = "biological", type = "ammo-category" }, bullet = { bonus_gui_order = "l", name = "bullet", type = "ammo-category" }, ["cannon-shell"] = { bonus_gui_order = "q", name = "cannon-shell", type = "ammo-category" }, capsule = { bonus_gui_order = "x", name = "capsule", type = "ammo-category" }, electric = { bonus_gui_order = "v", name = "electric", type = "ammo-category" }, flamethrower = { bonus_gui_order = "m", name = "flamethrower", type = "ammo-category" }, grenade = { bonus_gui_order = "s", name = "grenade", type = "ammo-category" }, landmine = { bonus_gui_order = "t", name = "landmine", type = "ammo-category" }, laser = { bonus_gui_order = "j", name = "laser", type = "ammo-category" }, melee = { bonus_gui_order = "y", name = "melee", type = "ammo-category" }, rocket = { bonus_gui_order = "u", name = "rocket", type = "ammo-category" }, ["shotgun-shell"] = { bonus_gui_order = "p", name = "shotgun-shell", type = "ammo-category" } }, ["ammo-turret"] = { ["gun-turret"] = { alert_when_attacking = true, attack_parameters = { ammo_category = "bullet", cooldown = 6, projectile_center = { 0, -0.0875 }, projectile_creation_distance = 1.39375, range = 18, shell_particle = { center = { -0.0625, 0 }, creation_distance = -1.925, direction_deviation = 0.1, name = "shell-particle", speed = 0.1, speed_deviation = 0.03, starting_frame_speed = 0.2, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0.1 }, sound = { { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/gun-turret-gunshot-01.ogg", volume = 0.4 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/gun-turret-gunshot-02.ogg", volume = 0.4 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/gun-turret-gunshot-03.ogg", volume = 0.4 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/gun-turret-gunshot-04.ogg", volume = 0.4 } }, type = "projectile" }, attacking_animation = { layers = { { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 64, frame_count = 2, height = 66, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 64, frame_count = 2, height = 130, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.859375 }, stripes = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/gun-turret/hr-gun-turret-shooting-1.png", height_in_frames = 16, width_in_frames = 2 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/gun-turret/hr-gun-turret-shooting-2.png", height_in_frames = 16, width_in_frames = 2 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/gun-turret/hr-gun-turret-shooting-3.png", height_in_frames = 16, width_in_frames = 2 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/gun-turret/hr-gun-turret-shooting-4.png", height_in_frames = 16, width_in_frames = 2 } }, width = 132 }, shift = { 0, -0.84375 }, stripes = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/gun-turret/gun-turret-shooting-1.png", height_in_frames = 16, width_in_frames = 2 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/gun-turret/gun-turret-shooting-2.png", height_in_frames = 16, width_in_frames = 2 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/gun-turret/gun-turret-shooting-3.png", height_in_frames = 16, width_in_frames = 2 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/gun-turret/gun-turret-shooting-4.png", height_in_frames = 16, width_in_frames = 2 } }, width = 66 }, { apply_runtime_tint = true, axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 64, flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 2, height = 28, hr_version = { apply_runtime_tint = true, axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 64, flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 2, height = 54, line_length = 2, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -1.015625 }, stripes = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/gun-turret/hr-gun-turret-shooting-mask-1.png", height_in_frames = 16, width_in_frames = 2 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/gun-turret/hr-gun-turret-shooting-mask-2.png", height_in_frames = 16, width_in_frames = 2 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/gun-turret/hr-gun-turret-shooting-mask-3.png", height_in_frames = 16, width_in_frames = 2 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/gun-turret/hr-gun-turret-shooting-mask-4.png", height_in_frames = 16, width_in_frames = 2 } }, width = 58 }, line_length = 2, shift = { 0, -1 }, stripes = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/gun-turret/gun-turret-shooting-mask-1.png", height_in_frames = 16, width_in_frames = 2 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/gun-turret/gun-turret-shooting-mask-2.png", height_in_frames = 16, width_in_frames = 2 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/gun-turret/gun-turret-shooting-mask-3.png", height_in_frames = 16, width_in_frames = 2 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/gun-turret/gun-turret-shooting-mask-4.png", height_in_frames = 16, width_in_frames = 2 } }, width = 30 }, { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 64, draw_as_shadow = true, frame_count = 2, height = 62, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 64, draw_as_shadow = true, frame_count = 2, height = 124, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.6875, 0.078125 }, stripes = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/gun-turret/hr-gun-turret-shooting-shadow-1.png", height_in_frames = 16, width_in_frames = 2 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/gun-turret/hr-gun-turret-shooting-shadow-2.png", height_in_frames = 16, width_in_frames = 2 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/gun-turret/hr-gun-turret-shooting-shadow-3.png", height_in_frames = 16, width_in_frames = 2 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/gun-turret/hr-gun-turret-shooting-shadow-4.png", height_in_frames = 16, width_in_frames = 2 } }, width = 250 }, shift = { 0.71875, 0.0625 }, stripes = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/gun-turret/gun-turret-shooting-shadow-1.png", height_in_frames = 16, width_in_frames = 2 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/gun-turret/gun-turret-shooting-shadow-2.png", height_in_frames = 16, width_in_frames = 2 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/gun-turret/gun-turret-shooting-shadow-3.png", height_in_frames = 16, width_in_frames = 2 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/gun-turret/gun-turret-shooting-shadow-4.png", height_in_frames = 16, width_in_frames = 2 } }, width = 126 } } }, attacking_speed = 0.5, automated_ammo_count = 10, base_picture = { layers = { { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/gun-turret/gun-turret-base.png", frame_count = 1, height = 60, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/gun-turret/hr-gun-turret-base.png", frame_count = 1, height = 118, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.015625, -0.03125 }, width = 150 }, priority = "high", shift = { 0.03125, -0.03125 }, width = 76 }, { apply_runtime_tint = true, axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/gun-turret/gun-turret-base-mask.png", flags = { "mask", "low-object" }, frame_count = 1, height = 52, hr_version = { apply_runtime_tint = true, axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/gun-turret/hr-gun-turret-base-mask.png", flags = { "mask", "low-object" }, frame_count = 1, height = 102, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.140625 }, width = 122 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0, -0.125 }, width = 62 } } }, call_for_help_radius = 40, close_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.close_sound ]=], collision_box = { { -0.7, -0.7 }, { 0.7, 0.7 } }, corpse = "gun-turret-remnants", damaged_trigger_effect = { damage_type_filters = "fire", entity_name = "spark-explosion", offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, offsets = { { 0, 1 } }, type = "create-entity" }, dying_explosion = "gun-turret-explosion", flags = { "placeable-player", "player-creation" }, folded_animation = { layers = { { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 4, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/gun-turret/gun-turret-raising.png", frame_count = 1, height = 64, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 4, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/gun-turret/hr-gun-turret-raising.png", frame_count = 1, height = 126, line_length = 1, priority = "medium", run_mode = "forward", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.828125 }, width = 130 }, line_length = 1, priority = "medium", run_mode = "forward", shift = { 0, -0.8125 }, width = 66 }, { apply_runtime_tint = true, axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 4, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/gun-turret/gun-turret-raising-mask.png", flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 1, height = 32, hr_version = { apply_runtime_tint = true, axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 4, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/gun-turret/hr-gun-turret-raising-mask.png", flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 1, height = 62, line_length = 1, run_mode = "forward", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.875 }, width = 48 }, line_length = 1, run_mode = "forward", shift = { 0, -0.875 }, width = 24 }, { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 4, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/gun-turret/gun-turret-raising-shadow.png", frame_count = 1, height = 62, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 4, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/gun-turret/hr-gun-turret-raising-shadow.png", frame_count = 1, height = 124, line_length = 1, run_mode = "forward", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.59375, 0.078125 }, width = 250 }, line_length = 1, run_mode = "forward", shift = { 0.59375, 0.0625 }, width = 126 } } }, folding_animation = { layers = { { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 4, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/gun-turret/gun-turret-raising.png", frame_count = 5, height = 64, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 4, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/gun-turret/hr-gun-turret-raising.png", frame_count = 5, height = 126, line_length = 0, priority = "medium", run_mode = "backward", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.828125 }, width = 130 }, line_length = 0, priority = "medium", run_mode = "backward", shift = { 0, -0.8125 }, width = 66 }, { apply_runtime_tint = true, axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 4, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/gun-turret/gun-turret-raising-mask.png", flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 5, height = 32, hr_version = { apply_runtime_tint = true, axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 4, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/gun-turret/hr-gun-turret-raising-mask.png", flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 5, height = 62, line_length = 0, run_mode = "backward", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.875 }, width = 48 }, line_length = 0, run_mode = "backward", shift = { 0, -0.875 }, width = 24 }, { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 4, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/gun-turret/gun-turret-raising-shadow.png", frame_count = 5, height = 62, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 4, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/gun-turret/hr-gun-turret-raising-shadow.png", frame_count = 5, height = 124, line_length = 0, run_mode = "backward", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.59375, 0.078125 }, width = 250 }, line_length = 0, run_mode = "backward", shift = { 0.59375, 0.0625 }, width = 126 } } }, folding_sound = { { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/gun-turret-deactivate-01.ogg", volume = 0.3 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/gun-turret-deactivate-02.ogg", volume = 0.3 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/gun-turret-deactivate-03.ogg", volume = 0.3 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/gun-turret-deactivate-04.ogg", volume = 0.3 } }, folding_speed = 0.08, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/gun-turret.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, inventory_size = 1, max_health = 400, minable = { mining_time = 0.5, result = "gun-turret" }, name = "gun-turret", open_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.open_sound ]=], prepared_animation = { layers = { { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 64, frame_count = 1, height = 66, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 64, frame_count = 1, height = 130, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.859375 }, stripes = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/gun-turret/hr-gun-turret-shooting-1.png", height_in_frames = 16, width_in_frames = 1 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/gun-turret/hr-gun-turret-shooting-2.png", height_in_frames = 16, width_in_frames = 1 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/gun-turret/hr-gun-turret-shooting-3.png", height_in_frames = 16, width_in_frames = 1 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/gun-turret/hr-gun-turret-shooting-4.png", height_in_frames = 16, width_in_frames = 1 } }, width = 132 }, shift = { 0, -0.84375 }, stripes = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/gun-turret/gun-turret-shooting-1.png", height_in_frames = 16, width_in_frames = 1 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/gun-turret/gun-turret-shooting-2.png", height_in_frames = 16, width_in_frames = 1 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/gun-turret/gun-turret-shooting-3.png", height_in_frames = 16, width_in_frames = 1 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/gun-turret/gun-turret-shooting-4.png", height_in_frames = 16, width_in_frames = 1 } }, width = 66 }, { apply_runtime_tint = true, axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 64, flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 1, height = 28, hr_version = { apply_runtime_tint = true, axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 64, flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 1, height = 54, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -1.015625 }, stripes = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/gun-turret/hr-gun-turret-shooting-mask-1.png", height_in_frames = 16, width_in_frames = 1 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/gun-turret/hr-gun-turret-shooting-mask-2.png", height_in_frames = 16, width_in_frames = 1 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/gun-turret/hr-gun-turret-shooting-mask-3.png", height_in_frames = 16, width_in_frames = 1 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/gun-turret/hr-gun-turret-shooting-mask-4.png", height_in_frames = 16, width_in_frames = 1 } }, width = 58 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0, -1 }, stripes = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/gun-turret/gun-turret-shooting-mask-1.png", height_in_frames = 16, width_in_frames = 1 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/gun-turret/gun-turret-shooting-mask-2.png", height_in_frames = 16, width_in_frames = 1 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/gun-turret/gun-turret-shooting-mask-3.png", height_in_frames = 16, width_in_frames = 1 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/gun-turret/gun-turret-shooting-mask-4.png", height_in_frames = 16, width_in_frames = 1 } }, width = 30 }, { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 64, draw_as_shadow = true, frame_count = 1, height = 62, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 64, draw_as_shadow = true, frame_count = 1, height = 124, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.6875, 0.078125 }, stripes = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/gun-turret/hr-gun-turret-shooting-shadow-1.png", height_in_frames = 16, width_in_frames = 1 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/gun-turret/hr-gun-turret-shooting-shadow-2.png", height_in_frames = 16, width_in_frames = 1 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/gun-turret/hr-gun-turret-shooting-shadow-3.png", height_in_frames = 16, width_in_frames = 1 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/gun-turret/hr-gun-turret-shooting-shadow-4.png", height_in_frames = 16, width_in_frames = 1 } }, width = 250 }, shift = { 0.71875, 0.0625 }, stripes = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/gun-turret/gun-turret-shooting-shadow-1.png", height_in_frames = 16, width_in_frames = 1 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/gun-turret/gun-turret-shooting-shadow-2.png", height_in_frames = 16, width_in_frames = 1 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/gun-turret/gun-turret-shooting-shadow-3.png", height_in_frames = 16, width_in_frames = 1 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/gun-turret/gun-turret-shooting-shadow-4.png", height_in_frames = 16, width_in_frames = 1 } }, width = 126 } } }, preparing_animation = { layers = { { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 4, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/gun-turret/gun-turret-raising.png", frame_count = 5, height = 64, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 4, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/gun-turret/hr-gun-turret-raising.png", frame_count = 5, height = 126, line_length = 0, priority = "medium", run_mode = "forward", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.828125 }, width = 130 }, line_length = 0, priority = "medium", run_mode = "forward", shift = { 0, -0.8125 }, width = 66 }, { apply_runtime_tint = true, axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 4, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/gun-turret/gun-turret-raising-mask.png", flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 5, height = 32, hr_version = { apply_runtime_tint = true, axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 4, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/gun-turret/hr-gun-turret-raising-mask.png", flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 5, height = 62, line_length = 0, run_mode = "forward", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.875 }, width = 48 }, line_length = 0, run_mode = "forward", shift = { 0, -0.875 }, width = 24 }, { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 4, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/gun-turret/gun-turret-raising-shadow.png", frame_count = 5, height = 62, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 4, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/gun-turret/hr-gun-turret-raising-shadow.png", frame_count = 5, height = 124, line_length = 0, run_mode = "forward", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.59375, 0.078125 }, width = 250 }, line_length = 0, run_mode = "forward", shift = { 0.59375, 0.0625 }, width = 126 } } }, preparing_sound = { { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/gun-turret-activate-01.ogg", volume = 0.3 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/gun-turret-activate-02.ogg", volume = 0.3 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/gun-turret-activate-03.ogg", volume = 0.3 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/gun-turret-activate-04.ogg", volume = 0.3 } }, preparing_speed = 0.08, rotation_speed = 0.015, selection_box = { { -1, -1 }, { 1, 1 } }, type = "ammo-turret", vehicle_impact_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.vehicle_impact_sound ]=], water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = false, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/gun-turret/gun-turret-reflection.png", height = 32, priority = "extra-high", scale = 5, shift = { 0, 1.25 }, variation_count = 1, width = 20 }, rotate = false } } }, ["arithmetic-combinator"] = { ["arithmetic-combinator"] = { active_energy_usage = "1KW", activity_led_light = { color = { b = 1, g = 1, r = 1 }, intensity = 0, size = 1 }, activity_led_light_offsets = { { 0.234375, -0.484375 }, { 0.5, 0 }, { -0.265625, 0.140625 }, { -0.453125, -0.359375 } }, activity_led_sprites = { east = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/activity-leds/arithmetic-combinator-LED-E.png", frame_count = 1, height = 8, hr_version = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/activity-leds/hr-arithmetic-combinator-LED-E.png", frame_count = 1, height = 14, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.515625, -0.03125 }, width = 14 }, shift = { 0.53125, -0.03125 }, width = 8 }, north = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/activity-leds/arithmetic-combinator-LED-N.png", frame_count = 1, height = 8, hr_version = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/activity-leds/hr-arithmetic-combinator-LED-N.png", frame_count = 1, height = 14, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.265625, -0.390625 }, width = 16 }, shift = { 0.25, -0.375 }, width = 8 }, south = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/activity-leds/arithmetic-combinator-LED-S.png", frame_count = 1, height = 8, hr_version = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/activity-leds/hr-arithmetic-combinator-LED-S.png", frame_count = 1, height = 16, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.25, 0.234375 }, width = 16 }, shift = { -0.25, 0.21875 }, width = 8 }, west = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/activity-leds/arithmetic-combinator-LED-W.png", frame_count = 1, height = 8, hr_version = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/activity-leds/hr-arithmetic-combinator-LED-W.png", frame_count = 1, height = 14, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.5, -0.390625 }, width = 14 }, shift = { -0.5, -0.375 }, width = 8 } }, and_symbol_sprites = { east = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/combinator-displays.png", height = 11, hr_version = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/hr-combinator-displays.png", height = 22, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.328125 }, width = 30, x = 90, y = 22 }, shift = { 0, -0.328125 }, width = 15, x = 45, y = 11 }, north = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/combinator-displays.png", height = 11, hr_version = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/hr-combinator-displays.png", height = 22, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.140625 }, width = 30, x = 90, y = 22 }, shift = { 0, -0.140625 }, width = 15, x = 45, y = 11 }, south = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/combinator-displays.png", height = 11, hr_version = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/hr-combinator-displays.png", height = 22, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.140625 }, width = 30, x = 90, y = 22 }, shift = { 0, -0.140625 }, width = 15, x = 45, y = 11 }, west = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/combinator-displays.png", height = 11, hr_version = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/hr-combinator-displays.png", height = 22, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.328125 }, width = 30, x = 90, y = 22 }, shift = { 0, -0.328125 }, width = 15, x = 45, y = 11 } }, circuit_wire_max_distance = 9, close_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.close_sound ]=], collision_box = { { -0.35, -0.65 }, { 0.35, 0.65 } }, corpse = "arithmetic-combinator-remnants", damaged_trigger_effect = { damage_type_filters = "fire", entity_name = "spark-explosion", offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, offsets = { { 0, 1 } }, type = "create-entity" }, divide_symbol_sprites = { east = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/combinator-displays.png", height = 11, hr_version = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/hr-combinator-displays.png", height = 22, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.328125 }, width = 30, x = 120 }, shift = { 0, -0.328125 }, width = 15, x = 60 }, north = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/combinator-displays.png", height = 11, hr_version = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/hr-combinator-displays.png", height = 22, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.140625 }, width = 30, x = 120 }, shift = { 0, -0.140625 }, width = 15, x = 60 }, south = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/combinator-displays.png", height = 11, hr_version = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/hr-combinator-displays.png", height = 22, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.140625 }, width = 30, x = 120 }, shift = { 0, -0.140625 }, width = 15, x = 60 }, west = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/combinator-displays.png", height = 11, hr_version = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/hr-combinator-displays.png", height = 22, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.328125 }, width = 30, x = 120 }, shift = { 0, -0.328125 }, width = 15, x = 60 } }, dying_explosion = "arithmetic-combinator-explosion", energy_source = { type = "electric", usage_priority = "secondary-input" }, flags = { "placeable-neutral", "player-creation" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/arithmetic-combinator.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, input_connection_bounding_box = { { -0.5, 0 }, { 0.5, 1 } }, input_connection_points = { { shadow = { green = { 0.765625, 0.8125 }, red = { 0.15625, 0.8125 } }, wire = { green = { 0.3125, 0.4375 }, red = { -0.265625, 0.4375 } } }, { shadow = { green = { -0.3125, 0.296875 }, red = { -0.3125, -0.109375 } }, wire = { green = { -0.796875, -0.046875 }, red = { -0.796875, -0.46875 } } }, { shadow = { green = { 0.171875, -0.296875 }, red = { 0.765625, -0.359375 } }, wire = { green = { -0.28125, -0.671875 }, red = { 0.296875, -0.671875 } } }, { shadow = { green = { 1.375, -0.046875 }, red = { 1.375, 0.375 } }, wire = { green = { 0.8125, -0.453125 }, red = { 0.8125, -0.03125 } } } }, left_shift_symbol_sprites = { east = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/combinator-displays.png", height = 11, hr_version = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/hr-combinator-displays.png", height = 22, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.328125 }, width = 30, x = 30, y = 22 }, shift = { 0, -0.328125 }, width = 15, x = 15, y = 11 }, north = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/combinator-displays.png", height = 11, hr_version = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/hr-combinator-displays.png", height = 22, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.140625 }, width = 30, x = 30, y = 22 }, shift = { 0, -0.140625 }, width = 15, x = 15, y = 11 }, south = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/combinator-displays.png", height = 11, hr_version = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/hr-combinator-displays.png", height = 22, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.140625 }, width = 30, x = 30, y = 22 }, shift = { 0, -0.140625 }, width = 15, x = 15, y = 11 }, west = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/combinator-displays.png", height = 11, hr_version = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/hr-combinator-displays.png", height = 22, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.328125 }, width = 30, x = 30, y = 22 }, shift = { 0, -0.328125 }, width = 15, x = 15, y = 11 } }, max_health = 150, minable = { mining_time = 0.1, result = "arithmetic-combinator" }, minus_symbol_sprites = { east = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/combinator-displays.png", height = 11, hr_version = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/hr-combinator-displays.png", height = 22, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.328125 }, width = 30, x = 60 }, shift = { 0, -0.328125 }, width = 15, x = 30 }, north = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/combinator-displays.png", height = 11, hr_version = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/hr-combinator-displays.png", height = 22, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.140625 }, width = 30, x = 60 }, shift = { 0, -0.140625 }, width = 15, x = 30 }, south = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/combinator-displays.png", height = 11, hr_version = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/hr-combinator-displays.png", height = 22, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.140625 }, width = 30, x = 60 }, shift = { 0, -0.140625 }, width = 15, x = 30 }, west = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/combinator-displays.png", height = 11, hr_version = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/hr-combinator-displays.png", height = 22, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.328125 }, width = 30, x = 60 }, shift = { 0, -0.328125 }, width = 15, x = 30 } }, modulo_symbol_sprites = { east = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/combinator-displays.png", height = 11, hr_version = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/hr-combinator-displays.png", height = 22, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.328125 }, width = 30, x = 150 }, shift = { 0, -0.328125 }, width = 15, x = 75 }, north = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/combinator-displays.png", height = 11, hr_version = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/hr-combinator-displays.png", height = 22, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.140625 }, width = 30, x = 150 }, shift = { 0, -0.140625 }, width = 15, x = 75 }, south = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/combinator-displays.png", height = 11, hr_version = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/hr-combinator-displays.png", height = 22, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.140625 }, width = 30, x = 150 }, shift = { 0, -0.140625 }, width = 15, x = 75 }, west = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/combinator-displays.png", height = 11, hr_version = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/hr-combinator-displays.png", height = 22, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.328125 }, width = 30, x = 150 }, shift = { 0, -0.328125 }, width = 15, x = 75 } }, multiply_symbol_sprites = { east = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/combinator-displays.png", height = 11, hr_version = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/hr-combinator-displays.png", height = 22, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.328125 }, width = 30, x = 90 }, shift = { 0, -0.328125 }, width = 15, x = 45 }, north = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/combinator-displays.png", height = 11, hr_version = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/hr-combinator-displays.png", height = 22, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.140625 }, width = 30, x = 90 }, shift = { 0, -0.140625 }, width = 15, x = 45 }, south = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/combinator-displays.png", height = 11, hr_version = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/hr-combinator-displays.png", height = 22, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.140625 }, width = 30, x = 90 }, shift = { 0, -0.140625 }, width = 15, x = 45 }, west = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/combinator-displays.png", height = 11, hr_version = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/hr-combinator-displays.png", height = 22, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.328125 }, width = 30, x = 90 }, shift = { 0, -0.328125 }, width = 15, x = 45 } }, name = "arithmetic-combinator", open_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.open_sound ]=], or_symbol_sprites = { east = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/combinator-displays.png", height = 11, hr_version = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/hr-combinator-displays.png", height = 22, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.328125 }, width = 30, x = 120, y = 22 }, shift = { 0, -0.328125 }, width = 15, x = 60, y = 11 }, north = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/combinator-displays.png", height = 11, hr_version = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/hr-combinator-displays.png", height = 22, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.140625 }, width = 30, x = 120, y = 22 }, shift = { 0, -0.140625 }, width = 15, x = 60, y = 11 }, south = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/combinator-displays.png", height = 11, hr_version = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/hr-combinator-displays.png", height = 22, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.140625 }, width = 30, x = 120, y = 22 }, shift = { 0, -0.140625 }, width = 15, x = 60, y = 11 }, west = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/combinator-displays.png", height = 11, hr_version = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/hr-combinator-displays.png", height = 22, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.328125 }, width = 30, x = 120, y = 22 }, shift = { 0, -0.328125 }, width = 15, x = 60, y = 11 } }, output_connection_bounding_box = { { -0.5, -1 }, { 0.5, 0 } }, output_connection_points = { { shadow = { green = { 0.734375, -0.375 }, red = { 0.125, -0.390625 } }, wire = { green = { 0.3125, -0.6875 }, red = { -0.28125, -0.6875 } } }, { shadow = { green = { 1.1875, 0.375 }, red = { 1.203125, -0.046875 } }, wire = { green = { 0.71875, 0.03125 }, red = { 0.71875, -0.40625 } } }, { shadow = { green = { 0.125, 0.84375 }, red = { 0.75, 0.828125 } }, wire = { green = { -0.28125, 0.484375 }, red = { 0.3125, 0.484375 } } }, { shadow = { green = { -0.234375, -0.046875 }, red = { -0.21875, 0.390625 } }, wire = { green = { -0.703125, -0.375 }, red = { -0.703125, 0.03125 } } } }, plus_symbol_sprites = { east = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/combinator-displays.png", height = 11, hr_version = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/hr-combinator-displays.png", height = 22, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.328125 }, width = 30, x = 30 }, shift = { 0, -0.328125 }, width = 15, x = 15 }, north = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/combinator-displays.png", height = 11, hr_version = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/hr-combinator-displays.png", height = 22, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.140625 }, width = 30, x = 30 }, shift = { 0, -0.140625 }, width = 15, x = 15 }, south = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/combinator-displays.png", height = 11, hr_version = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/hr-combinator-displays.png", height = 22, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.140625 }, width = 30, x = 30 }, shift = { 0, -0.140625 }, width = 15, x = 15 }, west = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/combinator-displays.png", height = 11, hr_version = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/hr-combinator-displays.png", height = 22, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.328125 }, width = 30, x = 30 }, shift = { 0, -0.328125 }, width = 15, x = 15 } }, power_symbol_sprites = { east = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/combinator-displays.png", height = 11, hr_version = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/hr-combinator-displays.png", height = 22, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.328125 }, width = 30, y = 22 }, shift = { 0, -0.328125 }, width = 15, y = 11 }, north = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/combinator-displays.png", height = 11, hr_version = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/hr-combinator-displays.png", height = 22, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.140625 }, width = 30, y = 22 }, shift = { 0, -0.140625 }, width = 15, y = 11 }, south = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/combinator-displays.png", height = 11, hr_version = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/hr-combinator-displays.png", height = 22, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.140625 }, width = 30, y = 22 }, shift = { 0, -0.140625 }, width = 15, y = 11 }, west = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/combinator-displays.png", height = 11, hr_version = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/hr-combinator-displays.png", height = 22, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.328125 }, width = 30, y = 22 }, shift = { 0, -0.328125 }, width = 15, y = 11 } }, right_shift_symbol_sprites = { east = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/combinator-displays.png", height = 11, hr_version = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/hr-combinator-displays.png", height = 22, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.328125 }, width = 30, x = 60, y = 22 }, shift = { 0, -0.328125 }, width = 15, x = 30, y = 11 }, north = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/combinator-displays.png", height = 11, hr_version = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/hr-combinator-displays.png", height = 22, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.140625 }, width = 30, x = 60, y = 22 }, shift = { 0, -0.140625 }, width = 15, x = 30, y = 11 }, south = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/combinator-displays.png", height = 11, hr_version = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/hr-combinator-displays.png", height = 22, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.140625 }, width = 30, x = 60, y = 22 }, shift = { 0, -0.140625 }, width = 15, x = 30, y = 11 }, west = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/combinator-displays.png", height = 11, hr_version = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/hr-combinator-displays.png", height = 22, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.328125 }, width = 30, x = 60, y = 22 }, shift = { 0, -0.328125 }, width = 15, x = 30, y = 11 } }, screen_light = { color = { b = 1, g = 1, r = 1 }, intensity = 0, size = 0.6 }, screen_light_offsets = { { 0.015625, -0.234375 }, { 0.015625, -0.296875 }, { 0.015625, -0.234375 }, { 0.015625, -0.296875 } }, selection_box = { { -0.5, -1 }, { 0.5, 1 } }, sprites = { east = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/arithmetic-combinator.png", frame_count = 1, height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/hr-arithmetic-combinator.png", frame_count = 1, height = 124, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.015625, 0.234375 }, width = 144, x = 144, y = 0 }, priority = "high", scale = 1, shift = { 0.03125, 0.25 }, width = 74, x = 74, y = 0 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/arithmetic-combinator-shadow.png", frame_count = 1, height = 78, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/hr-arithmetic-combinator-shadow.png", frame_count = 1, height = 156, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.421875, 0.765625 }, width = 148, x = 148, y = 0 }, priority = "high", scale = 1, shift = { 0.4375, 0.75 }, width = 76, x = 76, y = 0 } } }, north = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/arithmetic-combinator.png", frame_count = 1, height 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ref [""]["arithmetic-combinator"]["arithmetic-combinator"].sprites.east.layers[2].shift ]=], width = 76, x = 0, y = 0 } } }, south = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/arithmetic-combinator.png", frame_count = 1, height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/hr-arithmetic-combinator.png", frame_count = 1, height = 124, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["arithmetic-combinator"]["arithmetic-combinator"].sprites.east.layers[1].hr_version.shift ]=], width = 144, x = 288, y = 0 }, priority = "high", scale = 1, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["arithmetic-combinator"]["arithmetic-combinator"].sprites.east.layers[1].shift ]=], width = 74, x = 148, y = 0 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/arithmetic-combinator-shadow.png", frame_count = 1, height = 78, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/hr-arithmetic-combinator-shadow.png", frame_count = 1, height = 156, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["arithmetic-combinator"]["arithmetic-combinator"].sprites.east.layers[2].hr_version.shift ]=], width = 148, x = 296, y = 0 }, priority = "high", scale = 1, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["arithmetic-combinator"]["arithmetic-combinator"].sprites.east.layers[2].shift ]=], width = 76, x = 152, y = 0 } } }, west = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/arithmetic-combinator.png", frame_count = 1, height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/hr-arithmetic-combinator.png", frame_count = 1, height = 124, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["arithmetic-combinator"]["arithmetic-combinator"].sprites.east.layers[1].hr_version.shift ]=], width = 144, x = 432, y = 0 }, priority = "high", scale = 1, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["arithmetic-combinator"]["arithmetic-combinator"].sprites.east.layers[1].shift ]=], width = 74, x = 222, y = 0 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/arithmetic-combinator-shadow.png", frame_count = 1, height = 78, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/hr-arithmetic-combinator-shadow.png", frame_count = 1, height = 156, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["arithmetic-combinator"]["arithmetic-combinator"].sprites.east.layers[2].hr_version.shift ]=], width = 148, x = 444, y = 0 }, priority = "high", scale = 1, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["arithmetic-combinator"]["arithmetic-combinator"].sprites.east.layers[2].shift ]=], width = 76, x = 228, y = 0 } } } }, type = "arithmetic-combinator", vehicle_impact_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.vehicle_impact_sound ]=], working_sound = { audible_distance_modifier = 0.2, fade_in_ticks = 4, fade_out_ticks = 20, match_speed_to_activity = true, sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/combinator.ogg", volume = 0.45 } }, xor_symbol_sprites = { east = { 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-0.140625 }, width = 30, x = 150, y = 22 }, shift = { 0, -0.140625 }, width = 15, x = 75, y = 11 }, west = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/combinator-displays.png", height = 11, hr_version = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/hr-combinator-displays.png", height = 22, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.328125 }, width = 30, x = 150, y = 22 }, shift = { 0, -0.328125 }, width = 15, x = 75, y = 11 } } } }, armor = { ["heavy-armor"] = { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/heavy-armor.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, infinite = true, name = "heavy-armor", order = "b[heavy-armor]", resistances = { { decrease = 6, percent = 30, type = "physical" }, { decrease = 20, percent = 30, type = "explosion" }, { decrease = 0, percent = 40, type = "acid" }, { decrease = 0, percent = 30, type = "fire" } }, stack_size = 1, subgroup = "armor", type = "armor" }, ["light-armor"] = { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/light-armor.png", 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subgroup = "armor", type = "armor" }, ["power-armor"] = { close_sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/armor-close.ogg", volume = 1 }, equipment_grid = "medium-equipment-grid", icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/power-armor.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, infinite = true, inventory_size_bonus = 20, name = "power-armor", open_sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/armor-open.ogg", volume = 1 }, order = "d[power-armor]", resistances = { { decrease = 8, percent = 30, type = "physical" }, { decrease = 0, percent = 60, type = "acid" }, { decrease = 40, percent = 40, type = "explosion" }, { decrease = 0, percent = 60, type = "fire" } }, stack_size = 1, subgroup = "armor", type = "armor" }, ["power-armor-mk2"] = { close_sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/armor-close.ogg", volume = 1 }, equipment_grid = "large-equipment-grid", icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/power-armor-mk2.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, infinite = true, inventory_size_bonus = 30, name = "power-armor-mk2", 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"__core__/graphics/arrows/gui-arrow-circle.png", height = 50, priority = "low", width = 50 }, flags = { "placeable-off-grid", "not-on-map" }, name = "orange-arrow-with-circle", type = "arrow" } }, ["artillery-flare"] = { ["artillery-flare"] = { early_death_ticks = 180, flags = { "placeable-off-grid", "not-on-map" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/artillery-targeting-remote.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, initial_frame_speed = 1, initial_height = 0, initial_vertical_speed = 0, life_time = 3600, map_color = { b = 0, g = 0.5, r = 1 }, name = "artillery-flare", pictures = { { filename = "__core__/graphics/shoot-cursor-red.png", flags = { "icon" }, frame_count = 1, height = 183, priority = "low", scale = 1, width = 258 } }, shots_per_flare = 1, type = "artillery-flare" } }, ["artillery-projectile"] = { ["artillery-projectile"] = { action = { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { action = { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { damage = { amount = 500, type = "physical" }, type = "damage" }, { damage = { amount = 500, type = "explosion" }, type = "damage" } }, type = "instant" }, radius = 4, type = "area" }, type = "nested-result" }, { initial_height = 0, max_radius = 3.5, offset_deviation = { { -4, -4 }, { 4, 4 } }, repeat_count = 240, smoke_name = "artillery-smoke", speed_from_center = 0.05, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.005, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, { entity_name = "big-artillery-explosion", type = "create-entity" }, { scale = 0.25, type = "show-explosion-on-chart" } }, type = "instant" }, type = "direct" }, chart_picture = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-projectile/artillery-shoot-map-visualization.png", flags = { "icon" }, frame_count = 1, height = 64, priority = "high", scale = 0.25, width = 64 }, final_action = { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { check_buildability = true, entity_name = "medium-scorchmark-tintable", type = "create-entity" }, { repeat_count = 1, type = "invoke-tile-trigger" }, { decoratives_with_trigger_only = false, from_render_layer = "decorative", include_decals = false, include_soft_decoratives = true, invoke_decorative_trigger = true, radius = 3.5, to_render_layer = "object", type = "destroy-decoratives" } }, type = "instant" }, type = "direct" }, flags = { "not-on-map" }, height_from_ground = 4.375, map_color = { b = 0, g = 1, r = 1 }, name = "artillery-projectile", picture = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-projectile/hr-shell.png", height = 64, scale = 0.5, width = 64 }, reveal_map = true, shadow = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-projectile/hr-shell-shadow.png", height = 64, scale = 0.5, width = 64 }, type = "artillery-projectile" } }, ["artillery-turret"] = { ["artillery-turret"] = { alert_when_attacking = false, ammo_stack_limit = 15, automated_ammo_count = 5, base_picture = { layers = { { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-turret/artillery-turret-base.png", frame_count = 1, height = 100, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-turret/hr-artillery-turret-base.png", frame_count = 1, height = 199, line_length = 1, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0, 0.6875 }, width = 207 }, priority = "high", shift = { -0, 0.6875 }, width = 104 }, { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-turret/artillery-turret-base-shadow.png", frame_count = 1, height = 75, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-turret/hr-artillery-turret-base-shadow.png", frame_count = 1, height = 149, line_length = 1, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.5625, 1.1875 }, width = 277 }, line_length = 1, priority = "high", shift = { 0.5625, 1.1875 }, width = 138 } } }, base_picture_render_layer = "lower-object-above-shadow", base_shift = { 0, -0.6875 }, cannon_barrel_light_direction = { 0.59762510000000004, 0.024205299999999998, -0.80141019999999994 }, cannon_barrel_pictures = { layers = { { direction_count = 256, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/artillery-wagon-cannon-barrel-1.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/artillery-wagon-cannon-barrel-2.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/artillery-wagon-cannon-barrel-3.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/artillery-wagon-cannon-barrel-4.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/artillery-wagon-cannon-barrel-5.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/artillery-wagon-cannon-barrel-6.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/artillery-wagon-cannon-barrel-7.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/artillery-wagon-cannon-barrel-8.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/artillery-wagon-cannon-barrel-9.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/artillery-wagon-cannon-barrel-10.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/artillery-wagon-cannon-barrel-11.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/artillery-wagon-cannon-barrel-12.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/artillery-wagon-cannon-barrel-13.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/artillery-wagon-cannon-barrel-14.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/artillery-wagon-cannon-barrel-15.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/artillery-wagon-cannon-barrel-16.png" }, height = 192, hr_version = { direction_count = 256, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/hr-artillery-wagon-cannon-barrel-1.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/hr-artillery-wagon-cannon-barrel-2.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/hr-artillery-wagon-cannon-barrel-3.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/hr-artillery-wagon-cannon-barrel-4.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/hr-artillery-wagon-cannon-barrel-5.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/hr-artillery-wagon-cannon-barrel-6.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/hr-artillery-wagon-cannon-barrel-7.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/hr-artillery-wagon-cannon-barrel-8.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/hr-artillery-wagon-cannon-barrel-9.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/hr-artillery-wagon-cannon-barrel-10.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/hr-artillery-wagon-cannon-barrel-11.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/hr-artillery-wagon-cannon-barrel-12.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/hr-artillery-wagon-cannon-barrel-13.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/hr-artillery-wagon-cannon-barrel-14.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/hr-artillery-wagon-cannon-barrel-15.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/hr-artillery-wagon-cannon-barrel-16.png" }, height = 384, line_length = 4, lines_per_file = 4, priority = "very-low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -1.75 }, width = 530 }, line_length = 4, lines_per_file = 4, priority = "very-low", shift = { 0, -1.75 }, width = 266 }, { direction_count = 256, draw_as_shadow = true, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/artillery-wagon-cannon-barrel-shadow-1.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/artillery-wagon-cannon-barrel-shadow-2.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/artillery-wagon-cannon-barrel-shadow-3.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/artillery-wagon-cannon-barrel-shadow-4.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/artillery-wagon-cannon-barrel-shadow-5.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/artillery-wagon-cannon-barrel-shadow-6.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/artillery-wagon-cannon-barrel-shadow-7.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/artillery-wagon-cannon-barrel-shadow-8.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/artillery-wagon-cannon-barrel-shadow-9.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/artillery-wagon-cannon-barrel-shadow-10.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/artillery-wagon-cannon-barrel-shadow-11.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/artillery-wagon-cannon-barrel-shadow-12.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/artillery-wagon-cannon-barrel-shadow-13.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/artillery-wagon-cannon-barrel-shadow-14.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/artillery-wagon-cannon-barrel-shadow-15.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/artillery-wagon-cannon-barrel-shadow-16.png" }, height = 314, hr_version = { direction_count = 256, draw_as_shadow = true, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/hr-artillery-wagon-cannon-barrel-shadow-1.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/hr-artillery-wagon-cannon-barrel-shadow-2.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/hr-artillery-wagon-cannon-barrel-shadow-3.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/hr-artillery-wagon-cannon-barrel-shadow-4.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/hr-artillery-wagon-cannon-barrel-shadow-5.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/hr-artillery-wagon-cannon-barrel-shadow-6.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/hr-artillery-wagon-cannon-barrel-shadow-7.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/hr-artillery-wagon-cannon-barrel-shadow-8.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/hr-artillery-wagon-cannon-barrel-shadow-9.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/hr-artillery-wagon-cannon-barrel-shadow-10.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/hr-artillery-wagon-cannon-barrel-shadow-11.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/hr-artillery-wagon-cannon-barrel-shadow-12.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/hr-artillery-wagon-cannon-barrel-shadow-13.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/hr-artillery-wagon-cannon-barrel-shadow-14.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/hr-artillery-wagon-cannon-barrel-shadow-15.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/hr-artillery-wagon-cannon-barrel-shadow-16.png" }, height = 626, line_length = 4, lines_per_file = 4, priority = "very-low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.703125, 1.671875 }, width = 906 }, line_length = 4, lines_per_file = 4, priority = "very-low", shift = { 1.71875, 1.6875 }, width = 454 } } }, cannon_barrel_recoil_shiftings = { { x = -0, y = 0.04, z = -0 }, { x = -0.78900000000000006, y = 0.037000000000000002, z = -0.35099999999999998 }, { x = -1.5780000000000001, y = 0.035000000000000004, z = -0.70199999999999996 }, { x = -2.367, y = 0.033000000000000003, z = -1.054 }, { x = -3.1549999999999998, y = 0.031000000000000001, z = -1.4050000000000001 }, { x = -3.944, y = 0.028000000000000004, z = -1.756 }, { x = -3.931, y = 0.028000000000000004, z = -1.75 }, { x = -3.9009999999999998, y = 0.028000000000000004, z = -1.7370000000000001 }, { x = -3.8540000000000001, y = 0.029000000000000004, z = -1.716 }, { x = -3.79, y = 0.029000000000000004, z = -1.6879999999999999 }, { x = -3.7109999999999999, y = 0.029000000000000004, z = -1.652 }, { x = -3.617, y = 0.029000000000000004, z = -1.6100000000000001 }, { x = -3.508, y = 0.03, z = -1.5620000000000001 }, { x = -3.3849999999999998, y = 0.03, z = -1.5069999999999999 }, { x = -3.2490000000000001, y = 0.03, z = -1.4470000000000001 }, { x = -3.1019999999999999, y = 0.031000000000000001, z = -1.381 }, { x = -2.944, y = 0.031000000000000001, z = -1.3109999999999999 }, { x = -2.7759999999999998, y = 0.032000000000000002, z = -1.236 }, { x = -2.5990000000000002, y = 0.032000000000000002, z = -1.157 }, { x = -2.4159999999999999, y = 0.033000000000000003, z = -1.0760000000000001 }, { x = -2.226, y = 0.033000000000000003, z = -0.99100000000000001 }, { x = -2.032, y = 0.034000000000000004, z = -0.90500000000000007 }, { x = -1.835, y = 0.034000000000000004, z = -0.81699999999999999 }, { x = -1.635, y = 0.035000000000000004, z = -0.72799999999999994 }, { x = -1.4359999999999999, y = 0.035000000000000004, z = -0.63900000000000006 }, { x = -1.238, y = 0.035999999999999996, z = -0.55100000000000007 }, { x = -1.042, y = 0.037000000000000002, z = -0.46400000000000006 }, { x = -0.85099999999999998, y = 0.037000000000000002, z = -0.379 }, { x = -0.66500000000000004, y = 0.037999999999999998, z = -0.296 }, { x = -0.48499999999999996, y = 0.037999999999999998, z = -0.21600000000000001 }, { x = -0.31400000000000001, y = 0.039000000000000004, z = -0.14000000000000002 }, { x = -0.152, y = 0.039000000000000004, z = -0.068000000000000007 } }, cannon_barrel_recoil_shiftings_load_correction_matrix = { { 0, 0.25, 0 }, { -0.25, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0, 0.25 } }, cannon_base_pictures = { layers = { { direction_count = 256, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/artillery-wagon-cannon-base-1.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/artillery-wagon-cannon-base-2.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/artillery-wagon-cannon-base-3.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/artillery-wagon-cannon-base-4.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/artillery-wagon-cannon-base-5.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/artillery-wagon-cannon-base-6.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/artillery-wagon-cannon-base-7.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/artillery-wagon-cannon-base-8.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/artillery-wagon-cannon-base-9.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/artillery-wagon-cannon-base-10.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/artillery-wagon-cannon-base-11.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/artillery-wagon-cannon-base-12.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/artillery-wagon-cannon-base-13.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/artillery-wagon-cannon-base-14.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/artillery-wagon-cannon-base-15.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/artillery-wagon-cannon-base-16.png" }, height = 136, hr_version = { direction_count = 256, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/hr-artillery-wagon-cannon-base-1.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/hr-artillery-wagon-cannon-base-2.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/hr-artillery-wagon-cannon-base-3.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/hr-artillery-wagon-cannon-base-4.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/hr-artillery-wagon-cannon-base-5.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/hr-artillery-wagon-cannon-base-6.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/hr-artillery-wagon-cannon-base-7.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/hr-artillery-wagon-cannon-base-8.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/hr-artillery-wagon-cannon-base-9.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/hr-artillery-wagon-cannon-base-10.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/hr-artillery-wagon-cannon-base-11.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/hr-artillery-wagon-cannon-base-12.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/hr-artillery-wagon-cannon-base-13.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/hr-artillery-wagon-cannon-base-14.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/hr-artillery-wagon-cannon-base-15.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/hr-artillery-wagon-cannon-base-16.png" }, height = 270, line_length = 4, lines_per_file = 4, priority = "very-low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -1.265625 }, width = 358 }, line_length = 4, lines_per_file = 4, priority = "very-low", shift = { 0, -1.25 }, width = 180 }, { direction_count = 256, draw_as_shadow = true, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/artillery-wagon-cannon-base-shadow-1.png", 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"__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/artillery-wagon-cannon-base-shadow-13.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/artillery-wagon-cannon-base-shadow-14.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/artillery-wagon-cannon-base-shadow-15.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/artillery-wagon-cannon-base-shadow-16.png" }, height = 170, hr_version = { direction_count = 256, draw_as_shadow = true, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/hr-artillery-wagon-cannon-base-shadow-1.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/hr-artillery-wagon-cannon-base-shadow-2.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/hr-artillery-wagon-cannon-base-shadow-3.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/hr-artillery-wagon-cannon-base-shadow-4.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/hr-artillery-wagon-cannon-base-shadow-5.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/hr-artillery-wagon-cannon-base-shadow-6.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/hr-artillery-wagon-cannon-base-shadow-7.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/hr-artillery-wagon-cannon-base-shadow-8.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/hr-artillery-wagon-cannon-base-shadow-9.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/hr-artillery-wagon-cannon-base-shadow-10.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/hr-artillery-wagon-cannon-base-shadow-11.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/hr-artillery-wagon-cannon-base-shadow-12.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/hr-artillery-wagon-cannon-base-shadow-13.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/hr-artillery-wagon-cannon-base-shadow-14.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/hr-artillery-wagon-cannon-base-shadow-15.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/hr-artillery-wagon-cannon-base-shadow-16.png" }, height = 340, line_length = 4, lines_per_file = 4, priority = "very-low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 3.515625, 1.40625 }, width = 476 }, line_length = 4, lines_per_file = 4, priority = "very-low", shift = { 3.5, 1.40625 }, width = 238 } } }, cannon_parking_frame_count = 8, cannon_parking_speed = 0.25, close_sound = { { filename = "__base__/sound/artillery-close.ogg", volume = 0.6 } }, collision_box = { { -1.2, -1.2 }, { 1.2, 1.2 } }, corpse = "artillery-turret-remnants", damaged_trigger_effect = { damage_type_filters = "fire", entity_name = "spark-explosion", offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, offsets = { { 0, 1 } }, type = "create-entity" }, drawing_box = { { -1.5, -5 }, { 1.5, 1.5 } }, dying_explosion = "artillery-turret-explosion", flags = { "placeable-neutral", "placeable-player", "player-creation" }, gun = "artillery-wagon-cannon", icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/artillery-turret.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, inventory_size = 1, manual_range_modifier = 2.5, max_health = 2000, minable = { mining_time = 0.5, result = "artillery-turret" }, mined_sound = { switch_vibration_data = { filename = "__core__/sound/deconstruct-large.bnvib", gain = 0.25 }, variations = { { filename = "__core__/sound/deconstruct-large.ogg", volume = 0.8 } } }, name = "artillery-turret", open_sound = { { filename = "__base__/sound/artillery-open.ogg", volume = 0.56999999999999993 } }, resistances = { { decrease = 15, percent = 50, type = "fire" }, { decrease = 15, percent = 30, type = "physical" }, { decrease = 50, percent = 50, type = "impact" }, { decrease = 15, percent = 30, type = "explosion" }, { decrease = 3, percent = 20, type = "acid" } }, rotating_sound = { sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/artillery-rotation-loop.ogg", volume = 0.6 } }, rotating_stopped_sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/artillery-rotation-stop.ogg" }, selection_box = { { -1.5, -1.5 }, { 1.5, 1.5 } }, turn_after_shooting_cooldown = 60, turret_rotation_speed = 0.001, type = "artillery-turret", vehicle_impact_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.vehicle_impact_sound ]=], water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = false, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-turret/artillery-turret-reflection.png", height = 32, priority = "extra-high", scale = 5, shift = { 0, 2.34375 }, variation_count = 1, width = 28 }, rotate = false } } }, ["artillery-wagon"] = { ["artillery-wagon"] = { air_resistance = 0.015, ammo_stack_limit = 100, back_light = { { add_perspective = true, color = { a = 0, b = 0.05, g = 0.1, r = 1 }, intensity = 0.6, minimum_darkness = 0.3, shift = { -0.6, 3.5 }, size = 2 }, { add_perspective = true, color = { a = 0, b = 0.05, g = 0.1, r = 1 }, intensity = 0.6, minimum_darkness = 0.3, shift = { 0.6, 3.5 }, size = 2 } }, braking_force = 3, cannon_barrel_light_direction = { 0.59762510000000004, 0.024205299999999998, -0.80141019999999994 }, cannon_barrel_pictures = { layers = { { direction_count = 256, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/artillery-wagon-cannon-barrel-1.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/artillery-wagon-cannon-barrel-2.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/artillery-wagon-cannon-barrel-3.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/artillery-wagon-cannon-barrel-4.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/artillery-wagon-cannon-barrel-5.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/artillery-wagon-cannon-barrel-6.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/artillery-wagon-cannon-barrel-7.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/artillery-wagon-cannon-barrel-8.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/artillery-wagon-cannon-barrel-9.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/artillery-wagon-cannon-barrel-10.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/artillery-wagon-cannon-barrel-11.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/artillery-wagon-cannon-barrel-12.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/artillery-wagon-cannon-barrel-13.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/artillery-wagon-cannon-barrel-14.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/artillery-wagon-cannon-barrel-15.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/artillery-wagon-cannon-barrel-16.png" }, height = 192, hr_version = { direction_count = 256, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/hr-artillery-wagon-cannon-barrel-1.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/hr-artillery-wagon-cannon-barrel-2.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/hr-artillery-wagon-cannon-barrel-3.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/hr-artillery-wagon-cannon-barrel-4.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/hr-artillery-wagon-cannon-barrel-5.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/hr-artillery-wagon-cannon-barrel-6.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/hr-artillery-wagon-cannon-barrel-7.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/hr-artillery-wagon-cannon-barrel-8.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/hr-artillery-wagon-cannon-barrel-9.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/hr-artillery-wagon-cannon-barrel-10.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/hr-artillery-wagon-cannon-barrel-11.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/hr-artillery-wagon-cannon-barrel-12.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/hr-artillery-wagon-cannon-barrel-13.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/hr-artillery-wagon-cannon-barrel-14.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/hr-artillery-wagon-cannon-barrel-15.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/hr-artillery-wagon-cannon-barrel-16.png" }, height = 384, line_length = 4, lines_per_file = 4, priority = "very-low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -1.75 }, width = 530 }, line_length = 4, lines_per_file = 4, priority = "very-low", shift = { 0, -1.75 }, width = 266 }, { direction_count = 256, draw_as_shadow = true, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/artillery-wagon-cannon-barrel-shadow-1.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/artillery-wagon-cannon-barrel-shadow-2.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/artillery-wagon-cannon-barrel-shadow-3.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/artillery-wagon-cannon-barrel-shadow-4.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/artillery-wagon-cannon-barrel-shadow-5.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/artillery-wagon-cannon-barrel-shadow-6.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/artillery-wagon-cannon-barrel-shadow-7.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/artillery-wagon-cannon-barrel-shadow-8.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/artillery-wagon-cannon-barrel-shadow-9.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/artillery-wagon-cannon-barrel-shadow-10.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/artillery-wagon-cannon-barrel-shadow-11.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/artillery-wagon-cannon-barrel-shadow-12.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/artillery-wagon-cannon-barrel-shadow-13.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/artillery-wagon-cannon-barrel-shadow-14.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/artillery-wagon-cannon-barrel-shadow-15.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/artillery-wagon-cannon-barrel-shadow-16.png" }, height = 314, hr_version = { direction_count = 256, draw_as_shadow = true, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/hr-artillery-wagon-cannon-barrel-shadow-1.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/hr-artillery-wagon-cannon-barrel-shadow-2.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/hr-artillery-wagon-cannon-barrel-shadow-3.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/hr-artillery-wagon-cannon-barrel-shadow-4.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/hr-artillery-wagon-cannon-barrel-shadow-5.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/hr-artillery-wagon-cannon-barrel-shadow-6.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/hr-artillery-wagon-cannon-barrel-shadow-7.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/hr-artillery-wagon-cannon-barrel-shadow-8.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/hr-artillery-wagon-cannon-barrel-shadow-9.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/hr-artillery-wagon-cannon-barrel-shadow-10.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/hr-artillery-wagon-cannon-barrel-shadow-11.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/hr-artillery-wagon-cannon-barrel-shadow-12.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/hr-artillery-wagon-cannon-barrel-shadow-13.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/hr-artillery-wagon-cannon-barrel-shadow-14.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/hr-artillery-wagon-cannon-barrel-shadow-15.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/hr-artillery-wagon-cannon-barrel-shadow-16.png" }, height = 626, line_length = 4, lines_per_file = 4, priority = "very-low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.703125, 1.671875 }, width = 906 }, line_length = 4, lines_per_file = 4, priority = "very-low", shift = { 1.71875, 1.6875 }, width = 454 } } }, cannon_barrel_recoil_shiftings = { { x = -0, y = 0.04, z = -0 }, { x = -0.78900000000000006, y = 0.037000000000000002, z = -0.35099999999999998 }, { x = -1.5780000000000001, y = 0.035000000000000004, z = -0.70199999999999996 }, { x = -2.367, y = 0.033000000000000003, z = -1.054 }, { x = -3.1549999999999998, y = 0.031000000000000001, z = -1.4050000000000001 }, { x = -3.944, y = 0.028000000000000004, z = -1.756 }, { x = -3.931, y = 0.028000000000000004, z = -1.75 }, { x = -3.9009999999999998, y = 0.028000000000000004, z = -1.7370000000000001 }, { x = -3.8540000000000001, y = 0.029000000000000004, z = -1.716 }, { x = -3.79, y = 0.029000000000000004, z = -1.6879999999999999 }, { x = -3.7109999999999999, y = 0.029000000000000004, z = -1.652 }, { x = -3.617, y = 0.029000000000000004, z = -1.6100000000000001 }, { x = -3.508, y = 0.03, z = -1.5620000000000001 }, { x = -3.3849999999999998, y = 0.03, z = -1.5069999999999999 }, { x = -3.2490000000000001, y = 0.03, z = -1.4470000000000001 }, { x = -3.1019999999999999, y = 0.031000000000000001, z = -1.381 }, { x = -2.944, y = 0.031000000000000001, z = -1.3109999999999999 }, { x = -2.7759999999999998, y = 0.032000000000000002, z = -1.236 }, { x = -2.5990000000000002, y = 0.032000000000000002, z = -1.157 }, { x = -2.4159999999999999, y = 0.033000000000000003, z = -1.0760000000000001 }, { x = -2.226, y = 0.033000000000000003, z = -0.99100000000000001 }, { x = -2.032, y = 0.034000000000000004, z = -0.90500000000000007 }, { x = -1.835, y = 0.034000000000000004, z = -0.81699999999999999 }, { x = -1.635, y = 0.035000000000000004, z = -0.72799999999999994 }, { x = -1.4359999999999999, y = 0.035000000000000004, z = -0.63900000000000006 }, { x = -1.238, y = 0.035999999999999996, z = -0.55100000000000007 }, { x = -1.042, y = 0.037000000000000002, z = -0.46400000000000006 }, { x = -0.85099999999999998, y = 0.037000000000000002, z = -0.379 }, { x = -0.66500000000000004, y = 0.037999999999999998, z = -0.296 }, { x = -0.48499999999999996, y = 0.037999999999999998, z = -0.21600000000000001 }, { x = -0.31400000000000001, y = 0.039000000000000004, z = -0.14000000000000002 }, { x = -0.152, y = 0.039000000000000004, z = -0.068000000000000007 } }, cannon_barrel_recoil_shiftings_load_correction_matrix = { { 0, 0.25, 0 }, { -0.25, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0, 0.25 } }, cannon_base_pictures = { layers = { { direction_count = 256, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/artillery-wagon-cannon-base-1.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/artillery-wagon-cannon-base-2.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/artillery-wagon-cannon-base-3.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/artillery-wagon-cannon-base-4.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/artillery-wagon-cannon-base-5.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/artillery-wagon-cannon-base-6.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/artillery-wagon-cannon-base-7.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/artillery-wagon-cannon-base-8.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/artillery-wagon-cannon-base-9.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/artillery-wagon-cannon-base-10.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/artillery-wagon-cannon-base-11.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/artillery-wagon-cannon-base-12.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/artillery-wagon-cannon-base-13.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/artillery-wagon-cannon-base-14.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/artillery-wagon-cannon-base-15.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/artillery-wagon-cannon-base-16.png" }, height = 136, hr_version = { direction_count = 256, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/hr-artillery-wagon-cannon-base-1.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/hr-artillery-wagon-cannon-base-2.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/hr-artillery-wagon-cannon-base-3.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/hr-artillery-wagon-cannon-base-4.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/hr-artillery-wagon-cannon-base-5.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/hr-artillery-wagon-cannon-base-6.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/hr-artillery-wagon-cannon-base-7.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/hr-artillery-wagon-cannon-base-8.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/hr-artillery-wagon-cannon-base-9.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/hr-artillery-wagon-cannon-base-10.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/hr-artillery-wagon-cannon-base-11.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/hr-artillery-wagon-cannon-base-12.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/hr-artillery-wagon-cannon-base-13.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/hr-artillery-wagon-cannon-base-14.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/hr-artillery-wagon-cannon-base-15.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/hr-artillery-wagon-cannon-base-16.png" }, height = 270, line_length = 4, lines_per_file = 4, priority = "very-low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -1.265625 }, width = 358 }, line_length = 4, lines_per_file = 4, priority = "very-low", shift = { 0, -1.25 }, width = 180 }, { direction_count = 256, draw_as_shadow = true, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/artillery-wagon-cannon-base-shadow-1.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/artillery-wagon-cannon-base-shadow-2.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/artillery-wagon-cannon-base-shadow-3.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/artillery-wagon-cannon-base-shadow-4.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/artillery-wagon-cannon-base-shadow-5.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/artillery-wagon-cannon-base-shadow-6.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/artillery-wagon-cannon-base-shadow-7.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/artillery-wagon-cannon-base-shadow-8.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/artillery-wagon-cannon-base-shadow-9.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/artillery-wagon-cannon-base-shadow-10.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/artillery-wagon-cannon-base-shadow-11.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/artillery-wagon-cannon-base-shadow-12.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/artillery-wagon-cannon-base-shadow-13.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/artillery-wagon-cannon-base-shadow-14.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/artillery-wagon-cannon-base-shadow-15.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/artillery-wagon-cannon-base-shadow-16.png" }, height = 170, hr_version = { direction_count = 256, draw_as_shadow = true, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/hr-artillery-wagon-cannon-base-shadow-1.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/hr-artillery-wagon-cannon-base-shadow-2.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/hr-artillery-wagon-cannon-base-shadow-3.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/hr-artillery-wagon-cannon-base-shadow-4.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/hr-artillery-wagon-cannon-base-shadow-5.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/hr-artillery-wagon-cannon-base-shadow-6.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/hr-artillery-wagon-cannon-base-shadow-7.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/hr-artillery-wagon-cannon-base-shadow-8.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/hr-artillery-wagon-cannon-base-shadow-9.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/hr-artillery-wagon-cannon-base-shadow-10.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/hr-artillery-wagon-cannon-base-shadow-11.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/hr-artillery-wagon-cannon-base-shadow-12.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/hr-artillery-wagon-cannon-base-shadow-13.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/hr-artillery-wagon-cannon-base-shadow-14.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/hr-artillery-wagon-cannon-base-shadow-15.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/hr-artillery-wagon-cannon-base-shadow-16.png" }, height = 340, line_length = 4, lines_per_file = 4, priority = "very-low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 3.515625, 1.40625 }, width = 476 }, line_length = 4, lines_per_file = 4, priority = "very-low", shift = { 3.5, 1.40625 }, width = 238 } } }, cannon_base_shiftings = { { 0, 0.609375 }, { -0.046875, 0.59375 }, { -0.109375, 0.59375 }, { -0.171875, 0.578125 }, { -0.234375, 0.578125 }, { -0.28125, 0.5625 }, { -0.34375, 0.546875 }, { -0.40625, 0.546875 }, { -0.46875, 0.53125 }, { -0.515625, 0.515625 }, { -0.578125, 0.5 }, { -0.640625, 0.484375 }, { -0.6875, 0.46875 }, { -0.75, 0.453125 }, { -0.796875, 0.4375 }, { -0.859375, 0.40625 }, { -0.90625, 0.390625 }, { -0.953125, 0.375 }, { -1, 0.34375 }, { -1.0625, 0.328125 }, { -1.109375, 0.296875 }, { -1.15625, 0.28125 }, { -1.203125, 0.25 }, { -1.25, 0.234375 }, { -1.296875, 0.203125 }, { -1.328125, 0.171875 }, { -1.375, 0.140625 }, { -1.421875, 0.125 }, { -1.453125, 0.09375 }, { -1.5, 0.0625 }, { -1.53125, 0.03125 }, { -1.578125, 0 }, { -1.609375, -0.015625 }, { -1.640625, -0.046875 }, { -1.671875, -0.078125 }, { -1.703125, -0.109375 }, { -1.734375, -0.15625 }, { -1.765625, -0.1875 }, { -1.796875, -0.21875 }, { -1.8125, -0.25 }, { -1.84375, -0.28125 }, { -1.875, -0.328125 }, { -1.890625, -0.359375 }, { -1.90625, -0.390625 }, { -1.9375, -0.421875 }, { -1.953125, -0.46875 }, { -1.96875, -0.5 }, { -1.984375, -0.53125 }, { -2, -0.578125 }, { -2.015625, -0.609375 }, { -2.03125, -0.65625 }, { -2.03125, -0.6875 }, { -2.046875, -0.71875 }, { -2.046875, -0.765625 }, { -2.0625, -0.796875 }, { -2.0625, -0.828125 }, { -2.0625, -0.875 }, { -2.078125, -0.90625 }, { -2.078125, -0.9375 }, { -2.078125, -0.984375 }, { -2.078125, -1.015625 }, { -2.0625, -1.0625 }, { -2.0625, -1.09375 }, { -2.0625, -1.125 }, { -2.046875, -1.15625 }, { -2.0625, -1.203125 }, { -2.0625, -1.234375 }, { -2.078125, -1.265625 }, { -2.078125, -1.3125 }, { -2.078125, -1.34375 }, { -2.078125, -1.375 }, { -2.078125, -1.421875 }, { -2.078125, -1.453125 }, { -2.078125, -1.5 }, { -2.0625, -1.53125 }, { -2.0625, -1.5625 }, { -2.046875, -1.609375 }, { -2.046875, -1.640625 }, { -2.03125, -1.671875 }, { -2.015625, -1.71875 }, { -2.015625, -1.75 }, { -2, -1.796875 }, { -1.984375, -1.828125 }, { -1.96875, -1.859375 }, { -1.953125, -1.90625 }, { -1.921875, -1.9375 }, { -1.90625, -1.96875 }, { -1.890625, -2 }, { -1.859375, -2.046875 }, { -1.84375, -2.078125 }, { -1.8125, -2.109375 }, { -1.78125, -2.140625 }, { -1.75, -2.1875 }, { -1.71875, -2.21875 }, { -1.6875, -2.25 }, { -1.65625, -2.28125 }, { -1.625, -2.3125 }, { -1.59375, -2.34375 }, { -1.5625, -2.375 }, { -1.515625, -2.40625 }, { -1.484375, -2.4375 }, { -1.4375, -2.46875 }, { -1.40625, -2.5 }, { -1.359375, -2.53125 }, { -1.3125, -2.546875 }, { -1.265625, -2.578125 }, { -1.234375, -2.609375 }, { -1.1875, -2.625 }, { -1.140625, -2.65625 }, { -1.078125, -2.671875 }, { -1.03125, -2.703125 }, { -0.984375, -2.71875 }, { -0.9375, -2.75 }, { -0.890625, -2.765625 }, { -0.828125, -2.78125 }, { -0.78125, -2.8125 }, { -0.71875, -2.828125 }, { -0.671875, -2.84375 }, { -0.609375, -2.859375 }, { -0.546875, -2.875 }, { -0.5, -2.890625 }, { -0.4375, -2.90625 }, { -0.375, -2.90625 }, { -0.328125, -2.921875 }, { -0.265625, -2.9375 }, { -0.203125, -2.9375 }, { -0.140625, -2.953125 }, { -0.078125, -2.953125 }, { -0.015625, -2.96875 }, { 0.03125, -2.96875 }, { 0.09375, -2.953125 }, { 0.15625, -2.953125 }, { 0.21875, -2.9375 }, { 0.265625, -2.9375 }, { 0.328125, -2.921875 }, { 0.390625, -2.90625 }, { 0.453125, -2.890625 }, { 0.515625, -2.890625 }, { 0.5625, -2.875 }, { 0.625, -2.859375 }, { 0.671875, -2.84375 }, { 0.734375, -2.828125 }, { 0.78125, -2.796875 }, { 0.84375, -2.78125 }, { 0.890625, -2.765625 }, { 0.953125, -2.75 }, { 1, -2.71875 }, { 1.046875, -2.703125 }, { 1.09375, -2.671875 }, { 1.140625, -2.65625 }, { 1.1875, -2.625 }, { 1.234375, -2.609375 }, { 1.28125, -2.578125 }, { 1.328125, -2.546875 }, { 1.375, -2.515625 }, { 1.40625, -2.5 }, { 1.453125, -2.46875 }, { 1.484375, -2.4375 }, { 1.53125, -2.40625 }, { 1.5625, -2.375 }, { 1.609375, -2.34375 }, { 1.640625, -2.3125 }, { 1.671875, -2.28125 }, { 1.703125, -2.25 }, { 1.734375, -2.21875 }, { 1.765625, -2.1875 }, { 1.796875, -2.140625 }, { 1.828125, -2.109375 }, { 1.84375, -2.078125 }, { 1.875, -2.046875 }, { 1.890625, -2 }, { 1.921875, -1.96875 }, { 1.9375, -1.9375 }, { 1.953125, -1.90625 }, { 1.96875, -1.859375 }, { 1.984375, -1.828125 }, { 2, -1.796875 }, { 2.015625, -1.75 }, { 2.03125, -1.71875 }, { 2.046875, -1.671875 }, { 2.046875, -1.640625 }, { 2.0625, -1.609375 }, { 2.078125, -1.5625 }, { 2.078125, -1.53125 }, { 2.078125, -1.5 }, { 2.078125, -1.453125 }, { 2.09375, -1.421875 }, { 2.09375, -1.375 }, { 2.09375, -1.34375 }, { 2.078125, -1.3125 }, { 2.078125, -1.265625 }, { 2.078125, -1.234375 }, { 2.078125, -1.203125 }, { 2.078125, -1.171875 }, { 2.078125, -1.125 }, { 2.09375, -1.09375 }, { 2.09375, -1.0625 }, { 2.09375, -1.015625 }, { 2.09375, -0.984375 }, { 2.09375, -0.953125 }, { 2.09375, -0.90625 }, { 2.09375, -0.875 }, { 2.09375, -0.828125 }, { 2.078125, -0.796875 }, { 2.078125, -0.765625 }, { 2.0625, -0.71875 }, { 2.0625, -0.6875 }, { 2.046875, -0.640625 }, { 2.03125, -0.609375 }, { 2.03125, -0.578125 }, { 2.015625, -0.53125 }, { 2, -0.5 }, { 1.96875, -0.46875 }, { 1.953125, -0.421875 }, { 1.9375, -0.390625 }, { 1.921875, -0.359375 }, { 1.890625, -0.3125 }, { 1.875, -0.28125 }, { 1.84375, -0.25 }, { 1.8125, -0.21875 }, { 1.796875, -0.1875 }, { 1.765625, -0.140625 }, { 1.734375, -0.109375 }, { 1.703125, -0.078125 }, { 1.671875, -0.046875 }, { 1.625, -0.015625 }, { 1.59375, 0 }, { 1.5625, 0.03125 }, { 1.515625, 0.0625 }, { 1.484375, 0.09375 }, { 1.4375, 0.125 }, { 1.40625, 0.15625 }, { 1.359375, 0.171875 }, { 1.3125, 0.203125 }, { 1.265625, 0.234375 }, { 1.21875, 0.25 }, { 1.171875, 0.28125 }, { 1.125, 0.3125 }, { 1.078125, 0.328125 }, { 1.03125, 0.359375 }, { 0.984375, 0.375 }, { 0.921875, 0.390625 }, { 0.875, 0.421875 }, { 0.828125, 0.4375 }, { 0.765625, 0.453125 }, { 0.71875, 0.46875 }, { 0.65625, 0.484375 }, { 0.59375, 0.5 }, { 0.546875, 0.515625 }, { 0.484375, 0.53125 }, { 0.421875, 0.546875 }, { 0.359375, 0.5625 }, { 0.3125, 0.5625 }, { 0.25, 0.578125 }, { 0.1875, 0.59375 }, { 0.125, 0.59375 } }, cannon_parking_frame_count = 8, cannon_parking_speed = 0.25, close_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["artillery-turret"]["artillery-turret"].close_sound ]=], collision_box = { { -0.6, -2.3999999999999999 }, { 0.6, 2.3999999999999999 } }, color = { a = 0.5, b = 0, g = 0.23000000000000003, r = 0.42999999999999998 }, connection_distance = 3, corpse = "artillery-wagon-remnants", crash_trigger = { sound = { { filename = "__base__/sound/car-crash.ogg", volume = 0 } }, type = "play-sound" }, damaged_trigger_effect = { damage_type_filters = "fire", entity_name = "spark-explosion", offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, offsets = { { 0, 1 } }, type = "create-entity" }, drive_over_tie_trigger = { sound = { { filename = "__base__/sound/train-tie-1.ogg", volume = 0.4 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/train-tie-2.ogg", volume = 0.4 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/train-tie-3.ogg", volume = 0.4 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/train-tie-4.ogg", volume = 0.4 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/train-tie-5.ogg", volume = 0.4 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/train-tie-6.ogg", volume = 0.4 } }, type = "play-sound" }, dying_explosion = "artillery-wagon-explosion", energy_per_hit_point = 2, flags = { "placeable-neutral", "player-creation", "placeable-off-grid" }, friction_force = 0.5, gun = "artillery-wagon-cannon", icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/artillery-wagon.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, inventory_size = 1, joint_distance = 4, manual_range_modifier = 2.5, max_health = 600, max_speed = 1.5, minable = { mining_time = 0.5, result = "artillery-wagon" }, mined_sound = { switch_vibration_data = { filename = "__core__/sound/deconstruct-large.bnvib", gain = 0.25 }, variations = { { filename = "__core__/sound/deconstruct-large.ogg", volume = 0.8 } } }, minimap_representation = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/artillery-wagon-minimap-representation.png", flags = { "icon" }, scale = 0.5, size = { 20, 40 } }, name = "artillery-wagon", open_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["artillery-turret"]["artillery-turret"].open_sound ]=], pictures = { layers = { { allow_low_quality_rotation = true, dice = 4, direction_count = 256, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/artillery-wagon-base-1.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/artillery-wagon-base-2.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/artillery-wagon-base-3.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/artillery-wagon-base-4.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/artillery-wagon-base-5.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/artillery-wagon-base-6.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/artillery-wagon-base-7.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/artillery-wagon-base-8.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/artillery-wagon-base-9.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/artillery-wagon-base-10.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/artillery-wagon-base-11.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/artillery-wagon-base-12.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/artillery-wagon-base-13.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/artillery-wagon-base-14.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/artillery-wagon-base-15.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/artillery-wagon-base-16.png" }, height = 206, hr_version = { allow_low_quality_rotation = true, dice = 4, direction_count = 256, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/hr-artillery-wagon-base-1.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/hr-artillery-wagon-base-2.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/hr-artillery-wagon-base-3.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/hr-artillery-wagon-base-4.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/hr-artillery-wagon-base-5.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/hr-artillery-wagon-base-6.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/hr-artillery-wagon-base-7.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/hr-artillery-wagon-base-8.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/hr-artillery-wagon-base-9.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/hr-artillery-wagon-base-10.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/hr-artillery-wagon-base-11.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/hr-artillery-wagon-base-12.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/hr-artillery-wagon-base-13.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/hr-artillery-wagon-base-14.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/hr-artillery-wagon-base-15.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/hr-artillery-wagon-base-16.png" }, height = 410, line_length = 4, lines_per_file = 4, priority = "very-low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.015625, -0.859375 }, width = 476 }, line_length = 4, lines_per_file = 4, priority = "very-low", shift = { 0, -0.84375 }, width = 238 }, { allow_low_quality_rotation = true, dice = 4, direction_count = 256, draw_as_shadow = true, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/artillery-wagon-base-shadow-1.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/artillery-wagon-base-shadow-2.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/artillery-wagon-base-shadow-3.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/artillery-wagon-base-shadow-4.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/artillery-wagon-base-shadow-5.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/artillery-wagon-base-shadow-6.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/artillery-wagon-base-shadow-7.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/artillery-wagon-base-shadow-8.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/artillery-wagon-base-shadow-9.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/artillery-wagon-base-shadow-10.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/artillery-wagon-base-shadow-11.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/artillery-wagon-base-shadow-12.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/artillery-wagon-base-shadow-13.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/artillery-wagon-base-shadow-14.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/artillery-wagon-base-shadow-15.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/artillery-wagon-base-shadow-16.png" }, height = 240, hr_version = { allow_low_quality_rotation = true, dice = 4, direction_count = 256, draw_as_shadow = true, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/hr-artillery-wagon-base-shadow-1.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/hr-artillery-wagon-base-shadow-2.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/hr-artillery-wagon-base-shadow-3.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/hr-artillery-wagon-base-shadow-4.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/hr-artillery-wagon-base-shadow-5.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/hr-artillery-wagon-base-shadow-6.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/hr-artillery-wagon-base-shadow-7.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/hr-artillery-wagon-base-shadow-8.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/hr-artillery-wagon-base-shadow-9.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/hr-artillery-wagon-base-shadow-10.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/hr-artillery-wagon-base-shadow-11.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/hr-artillery-wagon-base-shadow-12.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/hr-artillery-wagon-base-shadow-13.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/hr-artillery-wagon-base-shadow-14.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/hr-artillery-wagon-base-shadow-15.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/hr-artillery-wagon-base-shadow-16.png" }, height = 480, line_length = 4, lines_per_file = 4, priority = "very-low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.140625, 0.203125 }, width = 598 }, line_length = 4, lines_per_file = 4, priority = "very-low", shift = { 1.15625, 0.1875 }, width = 300 } } }, resistances = { { decrease = 15, percent = 50, type = "fire" }, { decrease = 15, percent = 30, type = "physical" }, { decrease = 50, percent = 50, type = "impact" }, { decrease = 15, percent = 30, type = "explosion" }, { decrease = 3, percent = 20, type = "acid" } }, rotating_sound = { sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/artillery-rotation-loop.ogg", volume = 0.2 } }, rotating_stopped_sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/artillery-rotation-stop.ogg" }, selected_minimap_representation = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/artillery-wagon-selected-minimap-representation.png", flags = { "icon" }, scale = 0.5, size = { 20, 40 } }, selection_box = { { -1, -2.703125 }, { 1, 3.296875 } }, sound_minimum_speed = 0.1, stand_by_light = { { add_perspective = true, color = { a = 0, b = 1, g = 0.2, r = 0.05 }, intensity = 0.5, minimum_darkness = 0.3, shift = { -0.6, -3.5 }, size = 2 }, { add_perspective = true, color = { a = 0, b = 1, g = 0.2, r = 0.05 }, intensity = 0.5, minimum_darkness = 0.3, shift = { 0.6, -3.5 }, size = 2 } }, tie_distance = 50, turn_after_shooting_cooldown = 60, turret_rotation_speed = 0.001, type = "artillery-wagon", vehicle_impact_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.vehicle_impact_sound ]=], vertical_selection_shift = -0.796875, water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = false, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/artillery-wagon-reflection.png", height = 52, priority = "extra-high", scale = 5, shift = { 0, 1.25 }, variation_count = 1, width = 32 }, rotate = true }, weight = 4000, wheels = { direction_count = 256, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/diesel-locomotive/train-wheels-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/diesel-locomotive/train-wheels-02.png" }, height = 115, hr_version = { direction_count = 256, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/diesel-locomotive/hr-train-wheels-1.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/diesel-locomotive/hr-train-wheels-2.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/diesel-locomotive/hr-train-wheels-3.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/diesel-locomotive/hr-train-wheels-4.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/diesel-locomotive/hr-train-wheels-5.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/diesel-locomotive/hr-train-wheels-6.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/diesel-locomotive/hr-train-wheels-7.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/diesel-locomotive/hr-train-wheels-8.png" }, height = 227, line_length = 4, lines_per_file = 8, priority = "very-low", scale = 0.5, width = 229 }, line_length = 8, lines_per_file = 16, priority = "very-low", width = 115 }, working_sound = { match_volume_to_activity = true, sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/train-wheels.ogg", volume = 0.3 } } } }, ["assembling-machine"] = { ["assembling-machine-1"] = { alert_icon_shift = { -0.09375, -0.375 }, animation = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/assembling-machine-1/assembling-machine-1.png", frame_count = 32, height = 114, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/assembling-machine-1/hr-assembling-machine-1.png", frame_count = 32, height = 226, line_length = 8, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, 0.0625 }, width = 214 }, line_length = 8, priority = "high", shift = { 0, 0.0625 }, width = 108 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/assembling-machine-1/assembling-machine-1-shadow.png", frame_count = 1, height = 83, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/assembling-machine-1/hr-assembling-machine-1-shadow.png", frame_count = 1, height = 165, line_length = 1, priority = "high", repeat_count = 32, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.265625, 0.15625 }, width = 190 }, line_length = 1, priority = "high", repeat_count = 32, shift = { 0.265625, 0.171875 }, width = 95 } } }, close_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.close_sound ]=], collision_box = { { -1.2, -1.2 }, { 1.2, 1.2 } }, corpse = "assembling-machine-1-remnants", crafting_categories = { "crafting", "basic-crafting", "advanced-crafting" }, crafting_speed = 0.5, damaged_trigger_effect = { damage_type_filters = "fire", entity_name = "spark-explosion", offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, offsets = { { 0, 1 } }, type = "create-entity" }, dying_explosion = "assembling-machine-1-explosion", energy_source = { emissions_per_minute = 4, type = "electric", usage_priority = "secondary-input" }, energy_usage = "75kW", fast_replaceable_group = "assembling-machine", flags = { "placeable-neutral", "placeable-player", "player-creation" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/assembling-machine-1.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, max_health = 300, minable = { mining_time = 0.2, result = "assembling-machine-1" }, name = "assembling-machine-1", next_upgrade = "assembling-machine-2", open_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.open_sound ]=], resistances = { { percent = 70, type = "fire" } }, selection_box = { { -1.5, -1.5 }, { 1.5, 1.5 } }, type = "assembling-machine", vehicle_impact_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.vehicle_impact_sound ]=], working_sound = { audible_distance_modifier = 0.5, fade_in_ticks = 4, fade_out_ticks = 20, sound = { { filename = "__base__/sound/assembling-machine-t1-1.ogg", volume = 0.5 } } } }, ["assembling-machine-2"] = { alert_icon_shift = { -0.09375, -0.375 }, allowed_effects = { "consumption", "speed", "productivity", "pollution" }, animation = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/assembling-machine-2/assembling-machine-2.png", frame_count = 32, height = 110, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/assembling-machine-2/hr-assembling-machine-2.png", frame_count = 32, height = 218, line_length = 8, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, 0.125 }, width = 214 }, line_length = 8, priority = "high", shift = { 0, 0.125 }, width = 108 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/assembling-machine-2/assembling-machine-2-shadow.png", frame_count = 32, height = 82, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/assembling-machine-2/hr-assembling-machine-2-shadow.png", frame_count = 32, height = 163, line_length = 8, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.375, 0.1484375 }, width = 196 }, line_length = 8, priority = "high", shift = { 0.375, 0.15625 }, width = 98 } } }, close_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.close_sound ]=], collision_box = { { -1.2, -1.2 }, { 1.2, 1.2 } }, corpse = "assembling-machine-2-remnants", crafting_categories = { "basic-crafting", "crafting", "advanced-crafting", "crafting-with-fluid" }, crafting_speed = 0.75, damaged_trigger_effect = { damage_type_filters = "fire", entity_name = "spark-explosion", offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, offsets = { { 0, 1 } }, type = "create-entity" }, dying_explosion = "assembling-machine-2-explosion", energy_source = { emissions_per_minute = 3, type = "electric", usage_priority = "secondary-input" }, energy_usage = "150kW", fast_replaceable_group = "assembling-machine", flags = { "placeable-neutral", "placeable-player", "player-creation" }, fluid_boxes = { { base_area = 10, base_level = -1, pipe_connections = { { position = { 0, -2 }, type = "input" } }, pipe_covers = { east = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-east.png", height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-east.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-east-shadow.png", height = 64, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-east-shadow.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 } } }, north = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-north.png", height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-north.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-north-shadow.png", height = 64, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-north-shadow.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 } } }, south = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-south.png", height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-south.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-south-shadow.png", height = 64, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-south-shadow.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 } } }, west = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-west.png", height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-west.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-west-shadow.png", height = 64, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-west-shadow.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 } } } }, pipe_picture = { east = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/assembling-machine-2/assembling-machine-2-pipe-E.png", height = 38, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/assembling-machine-2/hr-assembling-machine-2-pipe-E.png", height = 76, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.765625, 0.03125 }, width = 42 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { -0.78125, 0.03125 }, width = 20 }, north = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/assembling-machine-2/assembling-machine-2-pipe-N.png", height = 18, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/assembling-machine-2/hr-assembling-machine-2-pipe-N.png", height = 38, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.421875 }, width = 71 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.4375 }, width = 35 }, south = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/assembling-machine-2/assembling-machine-2-pipe-S.png", height = 31, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/assembling-machine-2/hr-assembling-machine-2-pipe-S.png", height = 61, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.9765625 }, width = 88 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0, -0.984375 }, width = 44 }, west = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/assembling-machine-2/assembling-machine-2-pipe-W.png", height = 37, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/assembling-machine-2/hr-assembling-machine-2-pipe-W.png", height = 73, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.8046875, 0.0390625 }, width = 39 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.796875, 0.046875 }, width = 19 } }, production_type = "input", secondary_draw_orders = { north = -1 } }, { base_area = 10, base_level = 1, pipe_connections = { { position = { 0, 2 }, type = "output" } }, pipe_covers = { east = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-east.png", height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-east.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-east-shadow.png", height = 64, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-east-shadow.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 } } }, north = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-north.png", height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-north.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-north-shadow.png", height = 64, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-north-shadow.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 } } }, south = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-south.png", height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-south.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-south-shadow.png", height = 64, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-south-shadow.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 } } }, west = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-west.png", height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-west.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-west-shadow.png", height = 64, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-west-shadow.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 } } } }, pipe_picture = { east = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/assembling-machine-2/assembling-machine-2-pipe-E.png", height = 38, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/assembling-machine-2/hr-assembling-machine-2-pipe-E.png", height = 76, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.765625, 0.03125 }, width = 42 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { -0.78125, 0.03125 }, width = 20 }, north = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/assembling-machine-2/assembling-machine-2-pipe-N.png", height = 18, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/assembling-machine-2/hr-assembling-machine-2-pipe-N.png", height = 38, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.421875 }, width = 71 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.4375 }, width = 35 }, south = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/assembling-machine-2/assembling-machine-2-pipe-S.png", height = 31, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/assembling-machine-2/hr-assembling-machine-2-pipe-S.png", height = 61, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.9765625 }, width = 88 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0, -0.984375 }, width = 44 }, west = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/assembling-machine-2/assembling-machine-2-pipe-W.png", height = 37, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/assembling-machine-2/hr-assembling-machine-2-pipe-W.png", height = 73, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.8046875, 0.0390625 }, width = 39 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.796875, 0.046875 }, width = 19 } }, production_type = "output", secondary_draw_orders = { north = -1 } }, off_when_no_fluid_recipe = true }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/assembling-machine-2.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, max_health = 350, minable = { mining_time = 0.2, result = "assembling-machine-2" }, module_specification = { module_slots = 2 }, name = "assembling-machine-2", next_upgrade = "assembling-machine-3", open_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.open_sound ]=], resistances = { { percent = 70, type = "fire" } }, selection_box = { { -1.5, -1.5 }, { 1.5, 1.5 } }, type = "assembling-machine", vehicle_impact_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.vehicle_impact_sound ]=], working_sound = { audible_distance_modifier = 0.5, fade_in_ticks = 4, fade_out_ticks = 20, sound = { { filename = "__base__/sound/assembling-machine-t2-1.ogg", volume = 0.45 } } } }, ["assembling-machine-3"] = { alert_icon_shift = { -0.09375, -0.375 }, allowed_effects = { "consumption", "speed", "productivity", "pollution" }, animation = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/assembling-machine-3/assembling-machine-3.png", frame_count = 32, height = 119, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/assembling-machine-3/hr-assembling-machine-3.png", frame_count = 32, height = 237, line_length = 8, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.0234375 }, width = 214 }, line_length = 8, priority = "high", shift = { 0, -0.015625 }, width = 108 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/assembling-machine-3/assembling-machine-3-shadow.png", frame_count = 32, height = 82, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/assembling-machine-3/hr-assembling-machine-3-shadow.png", frame_count = 32, height = 162, line_length = 8, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.875, 0.125 }, width = 260 }, line_length = 8, priority = "high", shift = { 0.875, 0.125 }, width = 130 } } }, close_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.close_sound ]=], collision_box = { { -1.2, -1.2 }, { 1.2, 1.2 } }, corpse = "assembling-machine-3-remnants", crafting_categories = { "basic-crafting", "crafting", "advanced-crafting", "crafting-with-fluid" }, crafting_speed = 1.25, damaged_trigger_effect = { damage_type_filters = "fire", entity_name = "spark-explosion", offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, offsets = { { 0, 1 } }, type = "create-entity" }, drawing_box = { { -1.5, -1.7 }, { 1.5, 1.5 } }, dying_explosion = "assembling-machine-3-explosion", energy_source = { emissions_per_minute = 2, type = "electric", usage_priority = "secondary-input" }, energy_usage = "375kW", fast_replaceable_group = "assembling-machine", flags = { "placeable-neutral", "placeable-player", "player-creation" }, fluid_boxes = { { base_area = 10, base_level = -1, pipe_connections = { { position = { 0, -2 }, type = "input" } }, pipe_covers = { east = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-east.png", height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-east.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-east-shadow.png", height = 64, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-east-shadow.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 } } }, north = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-north.png", height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-north.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-north-shadow.png", height = 64, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-north-shadow.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 } } }, south = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-south.png", height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-south.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-south-shadow.png", height = 64, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-south-shadow.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 } } }, west = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-west.png", height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-west.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-west-shadow.png", height = 64, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-west-shadow.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 } } } }, pipe_picture = { east = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/assembling-machine-3/assembling-machine-3-pipe-E.png", height = 38, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/assembling-machine-3/hr-assembling-machine-3-pipe-E.png", height = 76, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.765625, 0.03125 }, width = 42 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { -0.78125, 0.03125 }, width = 20 }, north = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/assembling-machine-3/assembling-machine-3-pipe-N.png", height = 18, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/assembling-machine-3/hr-assembling-machine-3-pipe-N.png", height = 38, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.421875 }, width = 71 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.4375 }, width = 35 }, south = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/assembling-machine-3/assembling-machine-3-pipe-S.png", height = 31, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/assembling-machine-3/hr-assembling-machine-3-pipe-S.png", height = 61, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.9765625 }, width = 88 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0, -0.984375 }, width = 44 }, west = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/assembling-machine-3/assembling-machine-3-pipe-W.png", height = 37, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/assembling-machine-3/hr-assembling-machine-3-pipe-W.png", height = 73, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.8046875, 0.0390625 }, width = 39 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.796875, 0.046875 }, width = 19 } }, production_type = "input", secondary_draw_orders = { north = -1 } }, { base_area = 10, base_level = 1, pipe_connections = { { position = { 0, 2 }, type = "output" } }, pipe_covers = { east = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-east.png", height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-east.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-east-shadow.png", height = 64, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-east-shadow.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 } } }, north = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-north.png", height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-north.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-north-shadow.png", height = 64, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-north-shadow.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 } } }, south = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-south.png", height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-south.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-south-shadow.png", height = 64, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-south-shadow.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 } } }, west = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-west.png", height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-west.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-west-shadow.png", height = 64, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-west-shadow.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 } } } }, pipe_picture = { east = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/assembling-machine-3/assembling-machine-3-pipe-E.png", height = 38, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/assembling-machine-3/hr-assembling-machine-3-pipe-E.png", height = 76, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.765625, 0.03125 }, width = 42 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { -0.78125, 0.03125 }, width = 20 }, north = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/assembling-machine-3/assembling-machine-3-pipe-N.png", height = 18, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/assembling-machine-3/hr-assembling-machine-3-pipe-N.png", height = 38, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.421875 }, width = 71 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.4375 }, width = 35 }, south = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/assembling-machine-3/assembling-machine-3-pipe-S.png", height = 31, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/assembling-machine-3/hr-assembling-machine-3-pipe-S.png", height = 61, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.9765625 }, width = 88 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0, -0.984375 }, width = 44 }, west = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/assembling-machine-3/assembling-machine-3-pipe-W.png", height = 37, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/assembling-machine-3/hr-assembling-machine-3-pipe-W.png", height = 73, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.8046875, 0.0390625 }, width = 39 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.796875, 0.046875 }, width = 19 } }, production_type = "output", secondary_draw_orders = { north = -1 } }, off_when_no_fluid_recipe = true }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/assembling-machine-3.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, max_health = 400, minable = { mining_time = 0.2, result = "assembling-machine-3" }, module_specification = { module_slots = 4 }, name = "assembling-machine-3", open_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.open_sound ]=], resistances = { { percent = 70, type = "fire" } }, selection_box = { { -1.5, -1.5 }, { 1.5, 1.5 } }, type = "assembling-machine", vehicle_impact_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.vehicle_impact_sound ]=], working_sound = { audible_distance_modifier = 0.5, fade_in_ticks = 4, fade_out_ticks = 20, sound = { { filename = "__base__/sound/assembling-machine-t3-1.ogg", volume = 0.45 } } } }, centrifuge = { allowed_effects = { "consumption", "speed", "productivity", "pollution" }, always_draw_idle_animation = true, close_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.close_sound ]=], collision_box = { { -1.2, -1.2 }, { 1.2, 1.2 } }, corpse = "centrifuge-remnants", crafting_categories = { "centrifuging" }, crafting_speed = 1, damaged_trigger_effect = { damage_type_filters = "fire", entity_name = "spark-explosion", offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, offsets = { { 0, 1 } }, type = "create-entity" }, drawing_box = { { -1.5, -2.2000000000000002 }, { 1.5, 1.5 } }, dying_explosion = "centrifuge-explosion", energy_source = { emissions_per_minute = 4, type = "electric", usage_priority = "secondary-input" }, energy_usage = "350kW", flags = { "placeable-neutral", "placeable-player", "player-creation" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/centrifuge.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, idle_animation = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/centrifuge/centrifuge-C.png", frame_count = 64, height = 107, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/centrifuge/hr-centrifuge-C.png", frame_count = 64, height = 214, line_length = 8, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.0078125, -0.828125 }, width = 237 }, line_length = 8, priority = "high", shift = { -0.015625, -0.828125 }, width = 119 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/centrifuge/centrifuge-C-shadow.png", frame_count = 64, height = 74, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/centrifuge/hr-centrifuge-C-shadow.png", frame_count = 64, height = 152, line_length = 8, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.5234375, -0.3125 }, width = 279 }, line_length = 8, priority = "high", shift = { 0.625, -0.3125 }, width = 132 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/centrifuge/centrifuge-B.png", frame_count = 64, height = 117, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/centrifuge/hr-centrifuge-B.png", frame_count = 64, height = 234, line_length = 8, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.71875, 0.203125 }, width = 156 }, line_length = 8, priority = "high", shift = { 0.71875, 0.203125 }, width = 78 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/centrifuge/centrifuge-B-shadow.png", frame_count = 64, height = 74, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/centrifuge/hr-centrifuge-B-shadow.png", frame_count = 64, height = 149, line_length = 8, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.9765625, 0.4765625 }, width = 251 }, line_length = 8, priority = "high", shift = { 1.96875, 0.5 }, width = 124 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/centrifuge/centrifuge-A.png", frame_count = 64, height = 123, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/centrifuge/hr-centrifuge-A.png", frame_count = 64, height = 246, line_length = 8, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.8203125, 0.109375 }, width = 139 }, line_length = 8, priority = "high", shift = { -0.8125, 0.109375 }, width = 70 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/centrifuge/centrifuge-A-shadow.png", frame_count = 64, height = 54, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/centrifuge/hr-centrifuge-A-shadow.png", frame_count = 64, height = 124, line_length = 8, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.265625, 0.734375 }, width = 230 }, line_length = 8, priority = "high", shift = { 0.1875, 0.84375 }, width = 108 } } }, max_health = 350, minable = { mining_time = 0.1, result = "centrifuge" }, module_specification = { module_slots = 2 }, name = "centrifuge", open_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.open_sound ]=], resistances = { { percent = 70, type = "fire" } }, selection_box = { { -1.5, -1.5 }, { 1.5, 1.5 } }, type = "assembling-machine", vehicle_impact_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.vehicle_impact_sound ]=], water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = false, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/centrifuge/centrifuge-reflection.png", height = 32, priority = "extra-high", scale = 5, shift = { 0, 2.03125 }, variation_count = 1, width = 28 }, rotate = false }, working_sound = { fade_in_ticks = 4, fade_out_ticks = 20, sound = { { filename = "__base__/sound/centrifuge-1.ogg", volume = 0.3 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/centrifuge-2.ogg", volume = 0.3 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/centrifuge-6.ogg", volume = 0.3 } } }, working_visualisations = { { effect = "uranium-glow", fadeout = true, light = { color = { b = 0, g = 1, r = 0 }, intensity = 0.2, shift = { 0, 0 }, size = 9.9000000000000004 } }, { animation = { layers = { { blend_mode = "additive", filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/centrifuge/centrifuge-C-light.png", frame_count = 64, height = 104, hr_version = { blend_mode = "additive", filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/centrifuge/hr-centrifuge-C-light.png", frame_count = 64, height = 207, line_length = 8, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.8515625 }, width = 190 }, line_length = 8, priority = "high", shift = { 0, -0.84375 }, width = 96 }, { blend_mode = "additive", filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/centrifuge/centrifuge-B-light.png", frame_count = 64, height = 103, hr_version = { blend_mode = "additive", filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/centrifuge/hr-centrifuge-B-light.png", frame_count = 64, height = 206, line_length = 8, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.5234375, 0.015625 }, width = 131 }, line_length = 8, priority = "high", shift = { 0.515625, 0.015625 }, width = 65 }, { blend_mode = "additive", filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/centrifuge/centrifuge-A-light.png", frame_count = 64, height = 98, hr_version = { blend_mode = "additive", filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/centrifuge/hr-centrifuge-A-light.png", frame_count = 64, height = 197, line_length = 8, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.734375, -0.0546875 }, width = 108 }, line_length = 8, priority = "high", shift = { -0.734375, -0.0625 }, width = 55 } } }, draw_as_light = true, effect = "uranium-glow", fadeout = true } } }, ["chemical-plant"] = { allowed_effects = { "consumption", "speed", "productivity", "pollution" }, animation = { east = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/chemical-plant/chemical-plant.png", frame_count = 24, height = 148, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/chemical-plant/hr-chemical-plant.png", frame_count = 24, height = 292, line_length = 12, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.015625, -0.28125 }, width = 220, x = 0, y = 584 }, line_length = 12, priority = "high", scale = 1, shift = { 0.03125, -0.28125 }, width = 108, x = 0, y = 296 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/chemical-plant/chemical-plant-shadow.png", frame_count = 1, height = 112, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/chemical-plant/hr-chemical-plant-shadow.png", frame_count = 1, height = 222, priority = "high", repeat_count = 24, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.84375, 0.1875 }, width = 312, x = 312, y = 0 }, priority = "high", repeat_count = 24, scale = 1, shift = { 0.875, 0.1875 }, width = 154, x = 154, y = 0 } } }, north = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/chemical-plant/chemical-plant.png", frame_count = 24, height = 148, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/chemical-plant/hr-chemical-plant.png", frame_count = 24, height = 292, line_length = 12, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["assembling-machine"]["chemical-plant"].animation.east.layers[1].hr_version.shift ]=], width = 220, x = 0, y = 0 }, line_length = 12, priority = "high", scale = 1, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["assembling-machine"]["chemical-plant"].animation.east.layers[1].shift ]=], width = 108, x = 0, y = 0 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/chemical-plant/chemical-plant-shadow.png", frame_count = 1, height = 112, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/chemical-plant/hr-chemical-plant-shadow.png", frame_count = 1, height = 222, priority = "high", repeat_count = 24, scale = 0.5, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["assembling-machine"]["chemical-plant"].animation.east.layers[2].hr_version.shift ]=], width = 312, x = 0, y = 0 }, priority = "high", repeat_count = 24, scale = 1, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["assembling-machine"]["chemical-plant"].animation.east.layers[2].shift ]=], width = 154, x = 0, y = 0 } } }, south = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/chemical-plant/chemical-plant.png", frame_count = 24, height = 148, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/chemical-plant/hr-chemical-plant.png", frame_count = 24, height = 292, line_length = 12, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["assembling-machine"]["chemical-plant"].animation.east.layers[1].hr_version.shift ]=], width = 220, x = 0, y = 1168 }, line_length = 12, priority = "high", scale = 1, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["assembling-machine"]["chemical-plant"].animation.east.layers[1].shift ]=], width = 108, x = 0, y = 592 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/chemical-plant/chemical-plant-shadow.png", frame_count = 1, height = 112, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/chemical-plant/hr-chemical-plant-shadow.png", frame_count = 1, height = 222, priority = "high", repeat_count = 24, scale = 0.5, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["assembling-machine"]["chemical-plant"].animation.east.layers[2].hr_version.shift ]=], width = 312, x = 624, y = 0 }, priority = "high", repeat_count = 24, scale = 1, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["assembling-machine"]["chemical-plant"].animation.east.layers[2].shift ]=], width = 154, x = 308, y = 0 } } }, west = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/chemical-plant/chemical-plant.png", frame_count = 24, height = 148, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/chemical-plant/hr-chemical-plant.png", frame_count = 24, height = 292, line_length = 12, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["assembling-machine"]["chemical-plant"].animation.east.layers[1].hr_version.shift ]=], width = 220, x = 0, y = 1752 }, line_length = 12, priority = "high", scale = 1, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["assembling-machine"]["chemical-plant"].animation.east.layers[1].shift ]=], width = 108, x = 0, y = 888 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/chemical-plant/chemical-plant-shadow.png", frame_count = 1, height = 112, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/chemical-plant/hr-chemical-plant-shadow.png", frame_count = 1, height = 222, priority = "high", repeat_count = 24, scale = 0.5, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["assembling-machine"]["chemical-plant"].animation.east.layers[2].hr_version.shift ]=], width = 312, x = 936, y = 0 }, priority = "high", repeat_count = 24, scale = 1, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["assembling-machine"]["chemical-plant"].animation.east.layers[2].shift ]=], width = 154, x = 462, y = 0 } } } }, close_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.close_sound ]=], collision_box = { { -1.2, -1.2 }, { 1.2, 1.2 } }, corpse = "chemical-plant-remnants", crafting_categories = { "chemistry" }, crafting_speed = 1, damaged_trigger_effect = { damage_type_filters = "fire", entity_name = "spark-explosion", offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, offsets = { { 0, 1 } }, type = "create-entity" }, drawing_box = { { -1.5, -1.9 }, { 1.5, 1.5 } }, dying_explosion = "chemical-plant-explosion", energy_source = { emissions_per_minute = 4, type = "electric", usage_priority = "secondary-input" }, energy_usage = "210kW", flags = { "placeable-neutral", "placeable-player", "player-creation" }, fluid_boxes = { { base_area = 10, base_level = -1, pipe_connections = { { position = { -1, -2 }, type = "input" } }, pipe_covers = { east = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-east.png", height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-east.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-east-shadow.png", height = 64, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-east-shadow.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 } } }, north = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-north.png", height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-north.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-north-shadow.png", height = 64, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-north-shadow.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 } } }, south = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-south.png", height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-south.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-south-shadow.png", height = 64, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-south-shadow.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 } } }, west = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-west.png", height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-west.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-west-shadow.png", height = 64, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-west-shadow.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 } } } }, production_type = "input" }, { base_area = 10, base_level = -1, pipe_connections = { { position = { 1, -2 }, type = "input" } }, pipe_covers = { east = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-east.png", height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-east.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-east-shadow.png", height = 64, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-east-shadow.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 } } }, north = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-north.png", height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-north.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-north-shadow.png", height = 64, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-north-shadow.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 } } }, south = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-south.png", height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-south.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-south-shadow.png", height = 64, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-south-shadow.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 } } }, west = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-west.png", height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-west.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-west-shadow.png", height = 64, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-west-shadow.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 } } } }, production_type = "input" }, { base_level = 1, pipe_connections = { { position = { -1, 2 }, type = "output" } }, pipe_covers = { east = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-east.png", height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-east.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-east-shadow.png", height = 64, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-east-shadow.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 } } }, north = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-north.png", height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-north.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-north-shadow.png", height = 64, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-north-shadow.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 } } }, south = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-south.png", height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-south.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-south-shadow.png", height = 64, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-south-shadow.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 } } }, west = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-west.png", height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-west.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-west-shadow.png", height = 64, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-west-shadow.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 } } } }, production_type = "output" }, { base_level = 1, pipe_connections = { { position = { 1, 2 }, type = "output" } }, pipe_covers = { east = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-east.png", height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-east.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-east-shadow.png", height = 64, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-east-shadow.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 } } }, north = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-north.png", height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-north.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-north-shadow.png", height = 64, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-north-shadow.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 } } }, south = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-south.png", height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-south.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-south-shadow.png", height = 64, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-south-shadow.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 } } }, west = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-west.png", height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-west.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-west-shadow.png", height = 64, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-west-shadow.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 } } } }, production_type = "output" } }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/chemical-plant.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, max_health = 300, minable = { mining_time = 0.1, result = "chemical-plant" }, module_specification = { module_slots = 3 }, name = "chemical-plant", open_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.open_sound ]=], selection_box = { { -1.5, -1.5 }, { 1.5, 1.5 } }, type = "assembling-machine", vehicle_impact_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.vehicle_impact_sound ]=], water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = true, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/chemical-plant/chemical-plant-reflection.png", height = 36, priority = "extra-high", scale = 5, shift = { 0.15625, 1.875 }, variation_count = 4, width = 28 }, rotate = false }, working_sound = { apparent_volume = 1.5, fade_in_ticks = 4, fade_out_ticks = 20, sound = { { filename = "__base__/sound/chemical-plant-1.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/chemical-plant-2.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/chemical-plant-3.ogg", volume = 0.5 } } }, working_visualisations = { { apply_recipe_tint = "primary", east_animation = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/chemical-plant/chemical-plant-liquid-east.png", frame_count = 24, height = 18, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/chemical-plant/hr-chemical-plant-liquid-east.png", frame_count = 24, height = 36, line_length = 6, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, 0.6875 }, width = 70 }, line_length = 6, shift = { 0, 0.6875 }, width = 36 }, north_animation = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/chemical-plant/chemical-plant-liquid-north.png", frame_count = 24, height = 24, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/chemical-plant/hr-chemical-plant-liquid-north.png", frame_count = 24, height = 44, line_length = 6, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.71875, 0.46875 }, width = 66 }, line_length = 6, shift = { 0.75, 0.4375 }, width = 32 }, south_animation = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/chemical-plant/chemical-plant-liquid-south.png", frame_count = 24, height = 24, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/chemical-plant/hr-chemical-plant-liquid-south.png", frame_count = 24, height = 42, line_length = 6, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, 0.53125 }, width = 66 }, line_length = 6, shift = { 0, 0.5 }, width = 34 }, west_animation = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/chemical-plant/chemical-plant-liquid-west.png", frame_count = 24, height = 20, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/chemical-plant/hr-chemical-plant-liquid-west.png", frame_count = 24, height = 36, line_length = 6, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.3125, 0.40625 }, width = 74 }, line_length = 6, shift = { -0.3125, 0.375 }, width = 38 } }, { apply_recipe_tint = "secondary", east_animation = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/chemical-plant/chemical-plant-foam-east.png", frame_count = 24, height = 18, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/chemical-plant/hr-chemical-plant-foam-east.png", frame_count = 24, height = 36, line_length = 6, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, 0.6875 }, width = 68 }, line_length = 6, shift = { 0, 0.6875 }, width = 34 }, north_animation = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/chemical-plant/chemical-plant-foam-north.png", frame_count = 24, height = 22, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/chemical-plant/hr-chemical-plant-foam-north.png", frame_count = 24, height = 42, line_length = 6, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.75, 0.46875 }, width = 62 }, line_length = 6, shift = { 0.75, 0.4375 }, width = 32 }, south_animation = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/chemical-plant/chemical-plant-foam-south.png", frame_count = 24, height = 18, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/chemical-plant/hr-chemical-plant-foam-south.png", frame_count = 24, height = 40, line_length = 6, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.03125, 0.53125 }, width = 60 }, line_length = 6, shift = { 0, 0.5625 }, width = 32 }, west_animation = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/chemical-plant/chemical-plant-foam-west.png", frame_count = 24, height = 16, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/chemical-plant/hr-chemical-plant-foam-west.png", frame_count = 24, height = 28, line_length = 6, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.28125, 0.46875 }, width = 68 }, line_length = 6, shift = { -0.3125, 0.4375 }, width = 36 } }, { animation = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/chemical-plant/chemical-plant-smoke-outer.png", frame_count = 47, height = 94, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/chemical-plant/hr-chemical-plant-smoke-outer.png", frame_count = 47, height = 188, line_length = 16, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.0625, -1.25 }, width = 90 }, line_length = 16, shift = { -0.0625, -1.25 }, width = 46 }, apply_recipe_tint = "tertiary", constant_speed = true, east_position = { 0.453125, -2.34375 }, fadeout = true, north_position = { -0.46875, -2.515625 }, render_layer = "wires", south_position = { 0.1875, -2.09375 }, west_position = { -0.5, -2.03125 } }, { animation = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/chemical-plant/chemical-plant-smoke-inner.png", frame_count = 47, height = 42, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/chemical-plant/hr-chemical-plant-smoke-inner.png", frame_count = 47, height = 84, line_length = 16, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.4375 }, width = 40 }, line_length = 16, shift = { 0, -0.4375 }, width = 20 }, apply_recipe_tint = "quaternary", constant_speed = true, east_position = { 0.453125, -2.34375 }, fadeout = true, north_position = { -0.46875, -2.515625 }, render_layer = "wires", south_position = { 0.1875, -2.09375 }, west_position = { -0.5, -2.03125 } } } }, ["oil-refinery"] = { allowed_effects = { "consumption", "speed", "productivity", "pollution" }, animation = { east = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/oil-refinery/oil-refinery.png", frame_count = 1, height = 255, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/oil-refinery/hr-oil-refinery.png", frame_count = 1, height = 430, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.234375 }, width = 386, x = 386, y = 0 }, priority = "high", scale = 1, shift = { 2.515625, 0.484375 }, width = 337, x = 337, y = 0 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/oil-refinery/oil-refinery-shadow.png", frame_count = 1, height = 213, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/oil-refinery/hr-oil-refinery-shadow.png", force_hr_shadow = true, frame_count = 1, height = 426, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 2.578125, 0.828125 }, width = 674, x = 674, y = 0 }, priority = "high", scale = 1, shift = { 2.578125, 0.828125 }, width = 337, x = 337, y = 0 } } }, north = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/oil-refinery/oil-refinery.png", frame_count = 1, height = 255, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/oil-refinery/hr-oil-refinery.png", frame_count = 1, height = 430, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["assembling-machine"]["oil-refinery"].animation.east.layers[1].hr_version.shift ]=], width = 386, x = 0, y = 0 }, priority = "high", scale = 1, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["assembling-machine"]["oil-refinery"].animation.east.layers[1].shift ]=], width = 337, x = 0, y = 0 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/oil-refinery/oil-refinery-shadow.png", frame_count = 1, height = 213, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/oil-refinery/hr-oil-refinery-shadow.png", force_hr_shadow = true, frame_count = 1, height = 426, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["assembling-machine"]["oil-refinery"].animation.east.layers[2].hr_version.shift ]=], width = 674, x = 0, y = 0 }, priority = "high", scale = 1, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["assembling-machine"]["oil-refinery"].animation.east.layers[2].shift ]=], width = 337, x = 0, y = 0 } } }, south = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/oil-refinery/oil-refinery.png", frame_count = 1, height = 255, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/oil-refinery/hr-oil-refinery.png", frame_count = 1, height = 430, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["assembling-machine"]["oil-refinery"].animation.east.layers[1].hr_version.shift ]=], width = 386, x = 772, y = 0 }, priority = "high", scale = 1, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["assembling-machine"]["oil-refinery"].animation.east.layers[1].shift ]=], width = 337, x = 674, y = 0 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/oil-refinery/oil-refinery-shadow.png", frame_count = 1, height = 213, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/oil-refinery/hr-oil-refinery-shadow.png", force_hr_shadow = true, frame_count = 1, height = 426, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["assembling-machine"]["oil-refinery"].animation.east.layers[2].hr_version.shift ]=], width = 674, x = 1348, y = 0 }, priority = "high", scale = 1, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["assembling-machine"]["oil-refinery"].animation.east.layers[2].shift ]=], width = 337, x = 674, y = 0 } } }, west = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/oil-refinery/oil-refinery.png", frame_count = 1, height = 255, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/oil-refinery/hr-oil-refinery.png", frame_count = 1, height = 430, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["assembling-machine"]["oil-refinery"].animation.east.layers[1].hr_version.shift ]=], width = 386, x = 1158, y = 0 }, priority = "high", scale = 1, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["assembling-machine"]["oil-refinery"].animation.east.layers[1].shift ]=], width = 337, x = 1011, y = 0 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/oil-refinery/oil-refinery-shadow.png", frame_count = 1, height = 213, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/oil-refinery/hr-oil-refinery-shadow.png", force_hr_shadow = true, frame_count = 1, height = 426, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["assembling-machine"]["oil-refinery"].animation.east.layers[2].hr_version.shift ]=], width = 674, x = 2022, y = 0 }, priority = "high", scale = 1, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["assembling-machine"]["oil-refinery"].animation.east.layers[2].shift ]=], width = 337, x = 1011, y = 0 } } } }, close_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.close_sound ]=], collision_box = { { -2.3999999999999999, -2.3999999999999999 }, { 2.3999999999999999, 2.3999999999999999 } }, corpse = "oil-refinery-remnants", crafting_categories = { "oil-processing" }, crafting_speed = 1, damaged_trigger_effect = { damage_type_filters = "fire", entity_name = "spark-explosion", offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, offsets = { { 0, 1 } }, type = "create-entity" }, drawing_box = { { -2.5, -2.7999999999999998 }, { 2.5, 2.5 } }, dying_explosion = "oil-refinery-explosion", energy_source = { emissions_per_minute = 6, type = "electric", usage_priority = "secondary-input" }, energy_usage = "420kW", flags = { "placeable-neutral", "player-creation" }, fluid_boxes = { { base_area = 10, base_level = -1, pipe_connections = { { position = { -1, 3 }, type = "input" } }, pipe_covers = { east = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-east.png", height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-east.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-east-shadow.png", height = 64, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-east-shadow.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 } } }, north = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-north.png", height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-north.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-north-shadow.png", height = 64, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-north-shadow.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 } } }, south = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-south.png", height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-south.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-south-shadow.png", height = 64, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-south-shadow.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 } } }, west = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-west.png", height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-west.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-west-shadow.png", height = 64, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-west-shadow.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 } } } }, production_type = "input" }, { base_area = 10, base_level = -1, pipe_connections = { { position = { 1, 3 }, type = "input" } }, pipe_covers = { east = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-east.png", height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-east.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-east-shadow.png", height = 64, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-east-shadow.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 } } }, north = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-north.png", height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-north.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-north-shadow.png", height = 64, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-north-shadow.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 } } }, south = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-south.png", height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-south.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-south-shadow.png", height = 64, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-south-shadow.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 } } }, west = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-west.png", height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-west.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-west-shadow.png", height = 64, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-west-shadow.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 } } } }, production_type = "input" }, { base_level = 1, pipe_connections = { { position = { -2, -3 }, type = "output" } }, pipe_covers = { east = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-east.png", height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-east.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-east-shadow.png", height = 64, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-east-shadow.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 } } }, north = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-north.png", height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-north.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-north-shadow.png", height = 64, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-north-shadow.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 } } }, south = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-south.png", height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-south.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-south-shadow.png", height = 64, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-south-shadow.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 } } }, west = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-west.png", height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-west.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-west-shadow.png", height = 64, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-west-shadow.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 } } } }, production_type = "output" }, { base_level = 1, pipe_connections = { { position = { 0, -3 }, type = "output" } }, pipe_covers = { east = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-east.png", height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-east.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-east-shadow.png", height = 64, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-east-shadow.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 } } }, north = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-north.png", height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-north.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-north-shadow.png", height = 64, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-north-shadow.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 } } }, south = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-south.png", height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-south.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-south-shadow.png", height = 64, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-south-shadow.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 } } }, west = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-west.png", height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-west.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-west-shadow.png", height = 64, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-west-shadow.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 } } } }, production_type = "output" }, { base_level = 1, pipe_connections = { { position = { 2, -3 }, type = "output" } }, pipe_covers = { east = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-east.png", height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-east.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-east-shadow.png", height = 64, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-east-shadow.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 } } }, north = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-north.png", height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-north.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-north-shadow.png", height = 64, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-north-shadow.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 } } }, south = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-south.png", height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-south.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-south-shadow.png", height = 64, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-south-shadow.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 } } }, west = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-west.png", height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-west.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-west-shadow.png", height = 64, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-west-shadow.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 } } } }, production_type = "output" } }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/oil-refinery.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, max_health = 350, minable = { mining_time = 0.2, result = "oil-refinery" }, module_specification = { module_slots = 3 }, name = "oil-refinery", open_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.open_sound ]=], scale_entity_info_icon = true, selection_box = { { -2.5, -2.5 }, { 2.5, 2.5 } }, type = "assembling-machine", vehicle_impact_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.vehicle_impact_sound ]=], water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = true, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/oil-refinery/oil-refinery-reflection.png", height = 48, priority = "extra-high", scale = 5, shift = { 0.15625, 2.96875 }, variation_count = 4, width = 40 }, rotate = false }, working_sound = { fade_in_ticks = 4, fade_out_ticks = 20, sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/oil-refinery.ogg" } }, working_visualisations = { { animation = { animation_speed = 0.75, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/oil-refinery/oil-refinery-fire.png", frame_count = 60, height = 40, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.75, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/oil-refinery/hr-oil-refinery-fire.png", frame_count = 60, height = 81, line_length = 10, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.4453125 }, width = 40 }, line_length = 10, shift = { 0, -0.4375 }, width = 20 }, constant_speed = true, draw_as_light = true, east_position = { -1.625, -1.90625 }, fadeout = true, north_position = { 1.0625, -2.03125 }, south_position = { -1.84375, -2.5625 }, west_position = { 1.78125, -1.8125 } }, { draw_as_light = true, east_animation = { blend_mode = "additive", filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/oil-refinery/oil-refinery-light.png", height = 104, hr_version = { blend_mode = "additive", filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/oil-refinery/hr-oil-refinery-light.png", height = 205, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03125, -1.5625 }, width = 321, x = 321 }, shift = { -0.0625, -1.5625 }, width = 163, x = 163 }, fadeout = true, north_animation = { blend_mode = "additive", filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/oil-refinery/oil-refinery-light.png", height = 104, hr_version = { blend_mode = "additive", filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/oil-refinery/hr-oil-refinery-light.png", height = 205, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03125, -1.5625 }, width = 321 }, shift = { -0.0625, -1.5625 }, width = 163 }, south_animation = { blend_mode = "additive", filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/oil-refinery/oil-refinery-light.png", height = 104, hr_version = { blend_mode = "additive", filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/oil-refinery/hr-oil-refinery-light.png", height = 205, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03125, -1.5625 }, width = 321, x = 642 }, shift = { -0.0625, -1.5625 }, width = 163, x = 326 }, west_animation = { blend_mode = "additive", filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/oil-refinery/oil-refinery-light.png", height = 104, hr_version = { blend_mode = "additive", filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/oil-refinery/hr-oil-refinery-light.png", height = 205, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03125, -1.5625 }, width = 321, x = 963 }, shift = { -0.0625, -1.5625 }, width = 163, x = 489 } } } } }, ["autoplace-control"] = { coal = { category = "resource", localised_name = { "", "[entity=coal] ", { "entity-name.coal" } }, name = "coal", order = "b-d", richness = true, type = "autoplace-control" }, ["copper-ore"] = { category = "resource", localised_name = { "", "[entity=copper-ore] ", { "entity-name.copper-ore" } }, name = "copper-ore", order = "b-b", richness = true, type = "autoplace-control" }, ["crude-oil"] = { category = "resource", localised_name = { "", "[entity=crude-oil] ", { "entity-name.crude-oil" } }, name = "crude-oil", order = "b-f", richness = true, type = "autoplace-control" }, ["enemy-base"] = { category = "enemy", name = "enemy-base", order = "c-z", richness = false, type = "autoplace-control" }, ["iron-ore"] = { category = "resource", localised_name = { "", "[entity=iron-ore] ", { "entity-name.iron-ore" } }, name = "iron-ore", order = "b-a", richness = true, type = "autoplace-control" }, stone = { category = "resource", localised_name = { "", "[entity=stone] ", { "entity-name.stone" } }, name = "stone", order = "b-c", richness = true, type = "autoplace-control" }, trees = { category = "terrain", name = "trees", order = "c-y", richness = true, type = "autoplace-control" }, ["uranium-ore"] = { category = "resource", localised_name = { "", "[entity=uranium-ore] ", { "entity-name.uranium-ore" } }, name = "uranium-ore", order = "b-e", richness = true, type = "autoplace-control" } }, ["battery-equipment"] = { ["battery-equipment"] = { categories = { "armor" }, energy_source = { buffer_capacity = "20MJ", type = "electric", usage_priority = "tertiary" }, name = "battery-equipment", shape = { height = 2, type = "full", width = 1 }, sprite = { filename = "__base__/graphics/equipment/battery-equipment.png", height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/equipment/hr-battery-equipment.png", height = 128, priority = "medium", scale = 0.5, width = 64 }, priority = "medium", width = 32 }, type = "battery-equipment" }, ["battery-mk2-equipment"] = { categories = { "armor" }, energy_source = { buffer_capacity = "100MJ", type = "electric", usage_priority = "tertiary" }, name = "battery-mk2-equipment", shape = { height = 2, type = "full", width = 1 }, sprite = { filename = "__base__/graphics/equipment/battery-mk2-equipment.png", height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/equipment/hr-battery-mk2-equipment.png", height = 128, priority = "medium", scale = 0.5, width = 64 }, priority = "medium", width = 32 }, type = "battery-equipment" } }, beacon = { beacon = { allowed_effects = { "consumption", "speed", "pollution" }, close_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.close_sound ]=], collision_box = { { -1.2, -1.2 }, { 1.2, 1.2 } }, corpse = "beacon-remnants", damaged_trigger_effect = { damage_type_filters = "fire", entity_name = "spark-explosion", offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, offsets = { { 0, 1 } }, type = "create-entity" }, distribution_effectivity = 0.5, drawing_box = { { -1.5, -2.2000000000000002 }, { 1.5, 1.3 } }, dying_explosion = "beacon-explosion", energy_source = { type = "electric", usage_priority = "secondary-input" }, energy_usage = "480kW", flags = { "placeable-player", "player-creation" }, graphics_set = { animation_list = { { always_draw = true, animation = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/beacon/beacon-bottom.png", height = 96, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/beacon/hr-beacon-bottom.png", height = 192, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.015625, 0.03125 }, width = 212 }, shift = { 0, 0.03125 }, width = 106 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/beacon/beacon-shadow.png", height = 90, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/beacon/hr-beacon-shadow.png", height = 176, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.390625, 0.015625 }, width = 244 }, shift = { 0.375, 0.03125 }, width = 122 } } }, render_layer = "floor-mechanics" }, { always_draw = true, animation = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/beacon/beacon-top.png", height = 70, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/beacon/hr-beacon-top.png", height = 140, repeat_count = 45, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.09375, -0.59375 }, width = 96 }, repeat_count = 45, shift = { 0.09375, -0.59375 }, width = 48 }, render_layer = "object" }, { always_draw = false, animation = { animation_speed = 0.5, blend_mode = "additive", filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/beacon/beacon-light.png", frame_count = 45, height = 94, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, blend_mode = "additive", filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/beacon/hr-beacon-light.png", frame_count = 45, height = 186, line_length = 9, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.015625, -0.5625 }, width = 110 }, line_length = 9, shift = { 0.03125, -0.5625 }, width = 56 }, apply_tint = true, draw_as_light = true, draw_as_sprite = true, render_layer = "object" } }, animation_progress = 1, apply_module_tint = "secondary", apply_module_tint_to_light = "none", min_animation_progress = 0, module_icons_suppressed = true, module_tint_mode = "mix", module_visualisations = { { art_style = "vanilla", slots = { { { has_empty_slot = true, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/beacon/beacon-module-slot-1.png", height = 34, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/beacon/hr-beacon-module-slot-1.png", height = 66, line_length = 4, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.5, 0.453125 }, variation_count = 4, width = 50 }, line_length = 4, shift = { -0.5, 0.46875 }, variation_count = 4, width = 26 }, render_layer = "lower-object" }, { apply_module_tint = "primary", pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/beacon/beacon-module-mask-box-1.png", height = 16, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/beacon/hr-beacon-module-mask-box-1.png", height = 32, line_length = 3, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.53125, 0.46875 }, variation_count = 3, width = 36 }, line_length = 3, shift = { -0.53125, 0.46875 }, variation_count = 3, width = 18 }, render_layer = "lower-object" }, { apply_module_tint = "secondary", pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/beacon/beacon-module-mask-lights-1.png", height = 6, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/beacon/hr-beacon-module-mask-lights-1.png", height = 12, line_length = 3, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.578125, 0.40625 }, variation_count = 3, width = 26 }, line_length = 3, shift = { -0.5625, 0.40625 }, variation_count = 3, width = 14 }, render_layer = "lower-object-above-shadow" }, { apply_module_tint = "secondary", draw_as_light = true, draw_as_sprite = false, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/beacon/beacon-module-lights-1.png", height = 22, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/beacon/hr-beacon-module-lights-1.png", height = 42, line_length = 3, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.5625, 0.40625 }, variation_count = 3, width = 56 }, line_length = 3, shift = { -0.5625, 0.40625 }, variation_count = 3, width = 28 } } }, { { has_empty_slot = true, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/beacon/beacon-module-slot-2.png", height = 22, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/beacon/hr-beacon-module-slot-2.png", height = 44, line_length = 4, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.59375, -0.375 }, variation_count = 4, width = 46 }, line_length = 4, shift = { 0.59375, -0.375 }, variation_count = 4, width = 24 }, render_layer = "lower-object" }, { apply_module_tint = "primary", pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/beacon/beacon-module-mask-box-2.png", height = 14, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/beacon/hr-beacon-module-mask-box-2.png", height = 26, line_length = 3, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.640625, -0.375 }, variation_count = 3, width = 36 }, line_length = 3, shift = { 0.625, -0.375 }, variation_count = 3, width = 18 }, render_layer = "lower-object" }, { apply_module_tint = "secondary", pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/beacon/beacon-module-mask-lights-2.png", height = 8, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/beacon/hr-beacon-module-mask-lights-2.png", height = 14, line_length = 3, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.6875, -0.484375 }, variation_count = 3, width = 24 }, line_length = 3, shift = { 0.6875, -0.46875 }, variation_count = 3, width = 12 }, render_layer = "lower-object-above-shadow" }, { apply_module_tint = "secondary", draw_as_light = true, draw_as_sprite = false, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/beacon/beacon-module-lights-2.png", height = 24, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/beacon/hr-beacon-module-lights-2.png", height = 46, line_length = 3, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.6875, -0.5 }, variation_count = 3, width = 66 }, line_length = 3, shift = { 0.6875, -0.5 }, variation_count = 3, width = 34 } } } }, tier_offset = 0, use_for_empty_slots = true } }, no_modules_tint = { 1, 0, 0 }, random_animation_offset = true }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/beacon.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, max_health = 200, minable = { mining_time = 0.2, result = "beacon" }, module_specification = { module_info_icon_shift = { 0, 0 }, module_info_max_icons_per_row = 2, module_info_multi_row_initial_height_modifier = -0.3, module_slots = 2 }, name = "beacon", open_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.open_sound ]=], radius_visualisation_picture = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/beacon/beacon-radius-visualization.png", height = 10, priority = "extra-high-no-scale", width = 10 }, selection_box = { { -1.5, -1.5 }, { 1.5, 1.5 } }, supply_area_distance = 3, type = "beacon", vehicle_impact_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.vehicle_impact_sound ]=], water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = false, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/beacon/beacon-reflection.png", height = 28, priority = "extra-high", scale = 5, shift = { 0, 1.71875 }, variation_count = 1, width = 24 }, rotate = false }, working_sound = { audible_distance_modifier = 0.33000000000000003, max_sounds_per_type = 3, sound = { { filename = "__base__/sound/beacon-1.ogg", volume = 0.2 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/beacon-2.ogg", volume = 0.2 } } } } }, beam = { ["electric-beam"] = { action = { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { damage = { amount = 10, type = "electric" }, type = "damage" } }, type = "instant" }, type = "direct" }, 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"__base__/graphics/entity/beam/beam-head.png", flags = 0 --[=[ ref [""].beam["electric-beam"].light_animations.body[1].flags ]=], frame_count = 16, height = 39, line_length = 16, shift = { -0.109375, 0 }, width = 38 }, start = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/beam/tileable-beam-START.png", flags = 0 --[=[ ref [""].beam["electric-beam"].light_animations.body[1].flags ]=], frame_count = 16, height = 40, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/beam/hr-tileable-beam-START.png", flags = 0 --[=[ ref [""].beam["electric-beam"].light_animations.body[1].flags ]=], frame_count = 16, height = 66, line_length = 4, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.53125, 0 }, width = 94 }, line_length = 4, shift = { -0.03125, 0 }, width = 52 }, tail = { blend_mode = "additive-soft", filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/beam/beam-tail.png", flags = 0 --[=[ ref [""].beam["electric-beam"].light_animations.body[1].flags ]=], frame_count = 16, height = 39, line_length 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"__base__/sound/fight/electric-beam.ogg", volume = 0.7 } } }, ["electric-beam-no-sound"] = { action = { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { damage = { amount = 10, type = "electric" }, type = "damage" } }, type = "instant" }, type = "direct" }, action_triggered_automatically = false, body = { { blend_mode = "additive-soft", filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/beam/beam-body-1.png", flags = 0 --[=[ ref [""].beam["electric-beam"].body[1].flags ]=], frame_count = 16, height = 39, line_length = 16, width = 32 }, { blend_mode = "additive-soft", filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/beam/beam-body-2.png", flags = 0 --[=[ ref [""].beam["electric-beam"].body[1].flags ]=], frame_count = 16, height = 39, line_length = 16, width = 32 }, { blend_mode = "additive-soft", filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/beam/beam-body-3.png", flags = 0 --[=[ ref [""].beam["electric-beam"].body[1].flags ]=], frame_count = 16, height = 39, line_length = 16, width = 32 }, { blend_mode = "additive-soft", 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filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/beam/beam-head.png", flags = 0 --[=[ ref [""].beam["electric-beam"].body[1].flags ]=], frame_count = 16, height = 39, line_length = 16, shift = { -0.109375, 0 }, width = 38 }, light_animations = { body = { { blend_mode = "additive-soft", filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/beam/beam-body-1.png", flags = { "trilinear-filtering" }, frame_count = 16, height = 39, line_length = 16, width = 32 }, { blend_mode = "additive-soft", filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/beam/beam-body-2.png", flags = 0 --[=[ ref [""].beam["electric-beam-no-sound"].light_animations.body[1].flags ]=], frame_count = 16, height = 39, line_length = 16, width = 32 }, { blend_mode = "additive-soft", filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/beam/beam-body-3.png", flags = 0 --[=[ ref [""].beam["electric-beam-no-sound"].light_animations.body[1].flags ]=], frame_count = 16, height = 39, line_length = 16, width = 32 }, { blend_mode = "additive-soft", filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/beam/beam-body-4.png", flags = 0 --[=[ ref [""].beam["electric-beam-no-sound"].light_animations.body[1].flags ]=], frame_count = 16, height = 39, line_length = 16, width = 32 }, { blend_mode = "additive-soft", filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/beam/beam-body-5.png", flags = 0 --[=[ ref [""].beam["electric-beam-no-sound"].light_animations.body[1].flags ]=], frame_count = 16, height = 39, line_length = 16, width = 32 }, { blend_mode = "additive-soft", filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/beam/beam-body-6.png", flags = 0 --[=[ ref [""].beam["electric-beam-no-sound"].light_animations.body[1].flags ]=], frame_count = 16, height = 39, line_length = 16, width = 32 } }, ending = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/beam/tileable-beam-END.png", flags = 0 --[=[ ref [""].beam["electric-beam-no-sound"].light_animations.body[1].flags ]=], frame_count = 16, height = 54, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/beam/hr-tileable-beam-END.png", flags = 0 --[=[ ref [""].beam["electric-beam-no-sound"].light_animations.body[1].flags ]=], frame_count = 16, height = 93, line_length = 4, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.078125, -0.046875 }, width = 91 }, line_length = 4, shift = { -0.046875, 0 }, width = 49 }, head = { blend_mode = "additive-soft", filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/beam/beam-head.png", flags = 0 --[=[ ref [""].beam["electric-beam-no-sound"].light_animations.body[1].flags ]=], frame_count = 16, height = 39, line_length = 16, shift = { -0.109375, 0 }, width = 38 }, start = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/beam/tileable-beam-START.png", flags = 0 --[=[ ref [""].beam["electric-beam-no-sound"].light_animations.body[1].flags ]=], frame_count = 16, height = 40, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/beam/hr-tileable-beam-START.png", flags = 0 --[=[ ref [""].beam["electric-beam-no-sound"].light_animations.body[1].flags ]=], frame_count = 16, height = 66, line_length = 4, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.53125, 0 }, width = 94 }, line_length = 4, shift = { -0.03125, 0 }, width = 52 }, tail = { blend_mode = "additive-soft", filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/beam/beam-tail.png", flags = 0 --[=[ ref [""].beam["electric-beam-no-sound"].light_animations.body[1].flags ]=], frame_count = 16, height = 39, line_length = 16, shift = { 0.09375, 0 }, width = 39 } }, name = "electric-beam-no-sound", random_target_offset = true, start = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/beam/tileable-beam-START.png", flags = 0 --[=[ ref [""].beam["electric-beam"].body[1].flags ]=], frame_count = 16, height = 40, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/beam/hr-tileable-beam-START.png", flags = 0 --[=[ ref [""].beam["electric-beam"].body[1].flags ]=], frame_count = 16, height = 66, line_length = 4, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.53125, 0 }, width = 94 }, line_length = 4, shift = { -0.03125, 0 }, width = 52 }, tail = { blend_mode = "additive-soft", filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/beam/beam-tail.png", flags = 0 --[=[ ref [""].beam["electric-beam"].body[1].flags ]=], frame_count = 16, height = 39, line_length = 16, shift = { 0.09375, 0 }, width = 39 }, target_offset = { 0, -0.5 }, type = "beam", width = 0.5 }, ["laser-beam"] = { action = { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { damage = { amount = 10, type = "laser" }, type = "damage" } }, type = "instant" }, type = "direct" }, action_triggered_automatically = false, body = { { animation_speed = 0.5, blend_mode = "additive", filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/laser-turret/hr-laser-body.png", frame_count = 8, height = 12, line_length = 8, scale = 0.5, width = 64 } }, damage_interval = 20, flags = { "not-on-map" }, ground_light_animations = { body = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/laser-turret/laser-ground-light-body.png", height = 256, line_length = 1, repeat_count = 8, scale = 0.5, tint = { 0.5, 0.05, 0.05 }, width = 64 }, head = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/laser-turret/laser-ground-light-head.png", height = 256, line_length = 1, repeat_count = 8, scale = 0.5, shift = { -1, 0 }, tint = { 0.5, 0.05, 0.05 }, width = 256 }, tail = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/laser-turret/laser-ground-light-tail.png", height = 256, line_length = 1, repeat_count = 8, scale = 0.5, shift = { 1, 0 }, tint = { 0.5, 0.05, 0.05 }, width = 256 } }, head = { animation_speed = 0.5, blend_mode = "additive", filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/laser-turret/hr-laser-body.png", frame_count = 8, height = 12, line_length = 8, scale = 0.5, width = 64 }, light_animations = { body = { { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/laser-turret/hr-laser-body-light.png", frame_count = 8, height = 12, line_length = 8, scale = 0.5, width = 64 } }, head = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/laser-turret/hr-laser-body-light.png", frame_count = 8, height = 12, line_length = 8, scale = 0.5, width = 64 }, tail = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/laser-turret/hr-laser-end-light.png", frame_count = 8, height = 62, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.359375, 0.03125 }, width = 110 } }, name = "laser-beam", random_target_offset = true, tail = { animation_speed = 0.5, blend_mode = "additive", filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/laser-turret/hr-laser-end.png", frame_count = 8, height = 62, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.359375, 0.03125 }, width = 110 }, type = "beam", width = 0.5, working_sound = { max_sounds_per_type = 1, sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/laser-beam.ogg", volume = 0.75 } } } }, ["belt-immunity-equipment"] = { ["belt-immunity-equipment"] = { categories = { "armor" }, energy_consumption = "100kW", energy_source = { buffer_capacity = "100kJ", input_flow_limit = "240kW", type = "electric", usage_priority = "primary-input" }, name = "belt-immunity-equipment", order = "b-i-c", shape = { height = 1, type = "full", width = 1 }, sprite = { filename = "__base__/graphics/equipment/belt-immunity-equipment.png", height = 32, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/equipment/hr-belt-immunity-equipment.png", height = 64, priority = "medium", scale = 0.5, width = 64 }, priority = "medium", width = 32 }, type = "belt-immunity-equipment" } }, blueprint = { blueprint = { alt_selection_color = { 0.3, 0.8, 1 }, alt_selection_count_button_color = { 0.3, 0.8, 1 }, alt_selection_cursor_box_type = "copy", alt_selection_mode = { "blueprint" }, close_sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/item-close.ogg", volume = 1 }, draw_label_for_cursor_render = true, flags = { "not-stackable", "spawnable" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/blueprint.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "blueprint", open_sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/item-open.ogg", volume = 1 }, order = "c[automated-construction]-a[blueprint]", selection_color = { 57, 156, 251 }, selection_count_button_color = { 43, 113, 180 }, selection_cursor_box_type = "copy", selection_mode = { "blueprint" }, stack_size = 1, subgroup = "tool", type = "blueprint" } }, ["blueprint-book"] = { ["blueprint-book"] = { close_sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/item-close.ogg", volume = 1 }, flags = { "spawnable" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/blueprint-book.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, inventory_size = "dynamic", name = "blueprint-book", open_sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/item-open.ogg", volume = 1 }, order = "c[automated-construction]-d[blueprint-book]", stack_size = 1, subgroup = "tool", type = "blueprint-book" } }, boiler = { boiler = { burning_cooldown = 20, close_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.close_sound ]=], collision_box = { { -1.29, -0.79000000000000004 }, { 1.29, 0.79000000000000004 } }, corpse = "boiler-remnants", damaged_trigger_effect = { damage_type_filters = "fire", entity_name = "spark-explosion", offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, offsets = { { 0, 1 } }, type = "create-entity" }, dying_explosion = "boiler-explosion", energy_consumption = "1.8MW", energy_source = { effectivity = 1, emissions_per_minute = 30, fuel_category = "chemical", fuel_inventory_size = 1, light_flicker = { color = { 0, 0, 0 }, maximum_intensity = 0.95, minimum_intensity = 0.6 }, smoke = { { east_position = { 0.625, -2.1875 }, frequency = 15, name = "smoke", north_position = { -1.1875, -1.484375 }, south_position = { 1.203125, -1 }, starting_frame_deviation = 60, starting_vertical_speed = 0, west_position = { -0.59375, -0.265625 } } }, type = "burner" }, fire = { east = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/boiler/boiler-E-fire.png", frame_count = 64, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/boiler/hr-boiler-E-fire.png", frame_count = 64, height = 28, line_length = 8, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.296875, -0.6875 }, width = 28 }, line_length = 8, priority = "extra-high", shift = { -0.3125, -0.6875 }, width = 14 }, north = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/boiler/boiler-N-fire.png", frame_count = 64, height = 13, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/boiler/hr-boiler-N-fire.png", frame_count = 64, height = 26, line_length = 8, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.265625 }, width = 26 }, line_length = 8, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0, -0.265625 }, width = 12 }, south = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/boiler/boiler-S-fire.png", frame_count = 64, height = 9, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/boiler/hr-boiler-S-fire.png", frame_count = 64, height = 16, line_length = 8, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03125, -0.828125 }, width = 26 }, line_length = 8, priority = "extra-high", shift = { -0.03125, -0.828125 }, width = 12 }, west = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/boiler/boiler-W-fire.png", frame_count = 64, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/boiler/hr-boiler-W-fire.png", frame_count = 64, height = 29, line_length = 8, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.40625, -0.7265625 }, width = 30 }, line_length = 8, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.40625, -0.71875 }, width = 14 } }, fire_flicker_enabled = true, fire_glow = { east = { blend_mode = "additive", draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/boiler/boiler-E-light.png", frame_count = 1, height = 122, hr_version = { blend_mode = "additive", draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/boiler/hr-boiler-E-light.png", frame_count = 1, height = 244, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0078125, -0.40625 }, width = 139 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0, -0.40625 }, width = 70 }, north = { blend_mode = "additive", draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/boiler/boiler-N-light.png", frame_count = 1, height = 87, hr_version = { blend_mode = "additive", draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/boiler/hr-boiler-N-light.png", frame_count = 1, height = 173, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03125, -0.2109375 }, width = 200 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { -0.03125, -0.203125 }, width = 100 }, south = { blend_mode = "additive", draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/boiler/boiler-S-light.png", frame_count = 1, height = 81, hr_version = { blend_mode = "additive", draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/boiler/hr-boiler-S-light.png", frame_count = 1, height = 162, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.03125, 0.171875 }, width = 200 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.03125, 0.171875 }, width = 100 }, west = { blend_mode = "additive", draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/boiler/boiler-W-light.png", frame_count = 1, height = 109, hr_version = { blend_mode = "additive", draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/boiler/hr-boiler-W-light.png", frame_count = 1, height = 217, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0625, -0.1953125 }, width = 136 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.0625, -0.203125 }, width = 68 } }, fire_glow_flicker_enabled = true, flags = { "placeable-neutral", "player-creation" }, fluid_box = { base_area = 1, base_level = -1, filter = "water", height = 2, pipe_connections = { { position = { -2, 0.5 }, type = "input-output" }, { position = { 2, 0.5 }, type = "input-output" } }, pipe_covers = { east = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-east.png", height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-east.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-east-shadow.png", height = 64, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-east-shadow.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 } } }, north = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-north.png", height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-north.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-north-shadow.png", height = 64, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-north-shadow.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 } } }, south = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-south.png", height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-south.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-south-shadow.png", height = 64, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-south-shadow.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 } } }, west = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-west.png", height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-west.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-west-shadow.png", height = 64, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-west-shadow.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 } } } }, production_type = "input-output" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/boiler.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, max_health = 200, minable = { mining_time = 0.2, result = "boiler" }, mode = "output-to-separate-pipe", name = "boiler", open_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.open_sound ]=], output_fluid_box = { base_area = 1, base_level = 1, filter = "steam", height = 2, pipe_connections = { { position = { 0, -1.5 }, type = "output" } }, pipe_covers = { east = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-east.png", height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-east.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-east-shadow.png", height = 64, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-east-shadow.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 } } }, north = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-north.png", height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-north.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-north-shadow.png", height = 64, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-north-shadow.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 } } }, south = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-south.png", height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-south.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-south-shadow.png", height = 64, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-south-shadow.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 } } }, west = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-west.png", height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-west.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-west-shadow.png", height = 64, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-west-shadow.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 } } } }, production_type = "output" }, patch = { east = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/boiler/boiler-E-patch.png", height = 17, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/boiler/hr-boiler-E-patch.png", height = 36, scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.046875, -0.421875 }, width = 6 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 1.046875, -0.421875 }, width = 3 } }, resistances = { { percent = 90, type = "fire" }, { percent = 30, type = "explosion" }, { percent = 30, type = "impact" } }, selection_box = { { -1.5, -1 }, { 1.5, 1 } }, structure = { east = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/boiler/boiler-E-idle.png", height = 147, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/boiler/hr-boiler-E-idle.png", height = 301, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.09375, 0.0390625 }, width = 216 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { -0.109375, -0.015625 }, width = 105 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/boiler/boiler-E-shadow.png", height = 97, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/boiler/hr-boiler-E-shadow.png", height = 194, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.9375, 0.296875 }, width = 184 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.9375, 0.296875 }, width = 92 } } }, north = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/boiler/boiler-N-idle.png", height = 108, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/boiler/hr-boiler-N-idle.png", height = 221, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.0390625, 0.1640625 }, width = 269 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { -0.015625, 0.125 }, width = 131 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/boiler/boiler-N-shadow.png", height = 82, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/boiler/hr-boiler-N-shadow.png", height = 164, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.640625, 0.28125 }, width = 274 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.640625, 0.28125 }, width = 137 } } }, south = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/boiler/boiler-S-idle.png", height = 95, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/boiler/hr-boiler-S-idle.png", height = 192, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.125, 0.40625 }, width = 260 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.09375, 0.390625 }, width = 128 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/boiler/boiler-S-shadow.png", height = 66, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/boiler/hr-boiler-S-shadow.png", height = 131, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.9296875, 0.4921875 }, width = 311 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.9375, 0.5 }, width = 156 } } }, west = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/boiler/boiler-W-idle.png", height = 132, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/boiler/hr-boiler-W-idle.png", height = 273, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.046875, 0.2421875 }, width = 196 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.03125, 0.15625 }, width = 96 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/boiler/boiler-W-shadow.png", height = 109, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/boiler/hr-boiler-W-shadow.png", height = 218, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.609375, 0.203125 }, width = 206 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.609375, 0.203125 }, width = 103 } } } }, target_temperature = 165, type = "boiler", vehicle_impact_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.vehicle_impact_sound ]=], water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = true, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/boiler/boiler-reflection.png", height = 32, priority = "extra-high", scale = 5, shift = { 0.15625, 0.9375 }, variation_count = 4, width = 28 }, rotate = false }, working_sound = { audible_distance_modifier = 0.3, fade_in_ticks = 4, fade_out_ticks = 20, sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/boiler.ogg", volume = 0.7 } } }, ["heat-exchanger"] = { burning_cooldown = 20, close_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.close_sound ]=], collision_box = { { -1.29, -0.79000000000000004 }, { 1.29, 0.79000000000000004 } }, corpse = "heat-exchanger-remnants", damaged_trigger_effect = { damage_type_filters = "fire", entity_name = "spark-explosion", offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, offsets = { { 0, 1 } }, type = "create-entity" }, dying_explosion = "heat-exchanger-explosion", energy_consumption = "10MW", energy_source = { connections = { { direction = 4, position = { 0, 0.5 } } }, heat_picture = { east = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/heat-exchanger/heatex-E-heated.png", height = 40, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/heat-exchanger/hr-heatex-E-heated.png", height = 80, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.65625, -0.40625 }, tint = { 0.5, 0.4, 0.3, 0.5 }, width = 80 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { -0.65625, -0.40625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].boiler["heat-exchanger"].energy_source.heat_picture.east.layers[1].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 40 }, { draw_as_light = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/heat-exchanger/heatex-E-heated.png", height = 40, hr_version = { draw_as_light = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/heat-exchanger/hr-heatex-E-heated.png", height = 80, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.65625, -0.40625 }, tint = { 1, 1, 1, 1 }, width = 80 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { -0.65625, -0.40625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].boiler["heat-exchanger"].energy_source.heat_picture.east.layers[2].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 40 } } }, north = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/heat-exchanger/heatex-N-heated.png", height = 48, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/heat-exchanger/hr-heatex-N-heated.png", height = 96, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.015625, 0.265625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].boiler["heat-exchanger"].energy_source.heat_picture.east.layers[1].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 44 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { -0.03125, 0.25 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].boiler["heat-exchanger"].energy_source.heat_picture.east.layers[1].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 24 }, { draw_as_light = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/heat-exchanger/heatex-N-heated.png", height = 48, hr_version = { draw_as_light = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/heat-exchanger/hr-heatex-N-heated.png", height = 96, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.015625, 0.265625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].boiler["heat-exchanger"].energy_source.heat_picture.east.layers[2].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 44 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { -0.03125, 0.25 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].boiler["heat-exchanger"].energy_source.heat_picture.east.layers[2].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 24 } } }, south = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/heat-exchanger/heatex-S-heated.png", height = 20, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/heat-exchanger/hr-heatex-S-heated.png", height = 40, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03125, -0.9375 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].boiler["heat-exchanger"].energy_source.heat_picture.east.layers[1].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 28 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { -0.03125, -0.9375 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].boiler["heat-exchanger"].energy_source.heat_picture.east.layers[1].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 16 }, { draw_as_light = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/heat-exchanger/heatex-S-heated.png", height = 20, hr_version = { draw_as_light = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/heat-exchanger/hr-heatex-S-heated.png", height = 40, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03125, -0.9375 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].boiler["heat-exchanger"].energy_source.heat_picture.east.layers[2].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 28 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { -0.03125, -0.9375 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].boiler["heat-exchanger"].energy_source.heat_picture.east.layers[2].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 16 } } }, west = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/heat-exchanger/heatex-W-heated.png", height = 40, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/heat-exchanger/hr-heatex-W-heated.png", height = 76, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.71875, -0.40625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].boiler["heat-exchanger"].energy_source.heat_picture.east.layers[1].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 64 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.71875, -0.40625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].boiler["heat-exchanger"].energy_source.heat_picture.east.layers[1].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 32 }, { draw_as_light = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/heat-exchanger/heatex-W-heated.png", height = 40, hr_version = { draw_as_light = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/heat-exchanger/hr-heatex-W-heated.png", height = 76, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.71875, -0.40625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].boiler["heat-exchanger"].energy_source.heat_picture.east.layers[2].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 64 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.71875, -0.40625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].boiler["heat-exchanger"].energy_source.heat_picture.east.layers[2].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 32 } } } }, heat_pipe_covers = { east = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/heat-exchanger/heatex-endings-heated.png", frame_count = 1, height = 32, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/heat-exchanger/hr-heatex-endings-heated.png", frame_count = 1, height = 64, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].boiler["heat-exchanger"].energy_source.heat_picture.east.layers[1].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 64, x = 64, y = 0 }, priority = "high", scale = 1, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].boiler["heat-exchanger"].energy_source.heat_picture.east.layers[1].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 32, x = 32, y = 0 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/heat-exchanger/heatex-endings-heated.png", frame_count = 1, height = 32, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/heat-exchanger/hr-heatex-endings-heated.png", frame_count = 1, height = 64, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].boiler["heat-exchanger"].energy_source.heat_picture.east.layers[2].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 64, x = 64, y = 0 }, priority = "high", scale = 1, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].boiler["heat-exchanger"].energy_source.heat_picture.east.layers[2].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 32, x = 32, y = 0 } } }, north = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/heat-exchanger/heatex-endings-heated.png", frame_count = 1, height = 32, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/heat-exchanger/hr-heatex-endings-heated.png", frame_count = 1, height = 64, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].boiler["heat-exchanger"].energy_source.heat_picture.east.layers[1].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 64, x = 0, y = 0 }, priority = "high", scale = 1, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].boiler["heat-exchanger"].energy_source.heat_picture.east.layers[1].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 32, x = 0, y = 0 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/heat-exchanger/heatex-endings-heated.png", frame_count = 1, height = 32, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/heat-exchanger/hr-heatex-endings-heated.png", frame_count = 1, height = 64, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].boiler["heat-exchanger"].energy_source.heat_picture.east.layers[2].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 64, x = 0, y = 0 }, priority = "high", scale = 1, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].boiler["heat-exchanger"].energy_source.heat_picture.east.layers[2].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 32, x = 0, y = 0 } } }, south = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/heat-exchanger/heatex-endings-heated.png", frame_count = 1, height = 32, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/heat-exchanger/hr-heatex-endings-heated.png", frame_count = 1, height = 64, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].boiler["heat-exchanger"].energy_source.heat_picture.east.layers[1].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 64, x = 128, y = 0 }, priority = "high", scale = 1, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].boiler["heat-exchanger"].energy_source.heat_picture.east.layers[1].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 32, x = 64, y = 0 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/heat-exchanger/heatex-endings-heated.png", frame_count = 1, height = 32, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/heat-exchanger/hr-heatex-endings-heated.png", frame_count = 1, height = 64, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].boiler["heat-exchanger"].energy_source.heat_picture.east.layers[2].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 64, x = 128, y = 0 }, priority = "high", scale = 1, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].boiler["heat-exchanger"].energy_source.heat_picture.east.layers[2].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 32, x = 64, y = 0 } } }, west = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/heat-exchanger/heatex-endings-heated.png", frame_count = 1, height = 32, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/heat-exchanger/hr-heatex-endings-heated.png", frame_count = 1, height = 64, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].boiler["heat-exchanger"].energy_source.heat_picture.east.layers[1].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 64, x = 192, y = 0 }, priority = "high", scale = 1, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].boiler["heat-exchanger"].energy_source.heat_picture.east.layers[1].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 32, x = 96, y = 0 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/heat-exchanger/heatex-endings-heated.png", frame_count = 1, height = 32, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/heat-exchanger/hr-heatex-endings-heated.png", frame_count = 1, height = 64, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].boiler["heat-exchanger"].energy_source.heat_picture.east.layers[2].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 64, x = 192, y = 0 }, priority = "high", scale = 1, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].boiler["heat-exchanger"].energy_source.heat_picture.east.layers[2].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 32, x = 96, y = 0 } } } }, max_temperature = 1000, max_transfer = "2GW", min_working_temperature = 500, minimum_glow_temperature = 350, pipe_covers = { east = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/heat-exchanger/heatex-endings.png", frame_count = 1, height = 32, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/heat-exchanger/hr-heatex-endings.png", frame_count = 1, height = 64, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, width = 64, x = 64, y = 0 }, priority = "high", scale = 1, width = 32, x = 32, y = 0 }, north = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/heat-exchanger/heatex-endings.png", frame_count = 1, height = 32, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/heat-exchanger/hr-heatex-endings.png", frame_count = 1, height = 64, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, width = 64, x = 0, y = 0 }, priority = "high", scale = 1, width = 32, x = 0, y = 0 }, south = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/heat-exchanger/heatex-endings.png", frame_count = 1, height = 32, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/heat-exchanger/hr-heatex-endings.png", frame_count = 1, height = 64, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, width = 64, x = 128, y = 0 }, priority = "high", scale = 1, width = 32, x = 64, y = 0 }, west = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/heat-exchanger/heatex-endings.png", frame_count = 1, height = 32, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/heat-exchanger/hr-heatex-endings.png", frame_count = 1, height = 64, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, width = 64, x = 192, y = 0 }, priority = "high", scale = 1, width = 32, x = 96, y = 0 } }, specific_heat = "1MJ", type = "heat" }, fire = {}, fire_glow = {}, flags = { "placeable-neutral", "player-creation" }, fluid_box = { base_area = 1, base_level = -1, filter = "water", height = 2, pipe_connections = { { position = { -2, 0.5 }, type = "input-output" }, { position = { 2, 0.5 }, type = "input-output" } }, pipe_covers = { east = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-east.png", height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-east.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-east-shadow.png", height = 64, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-east-shadow.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 } } }, north = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-north.png", height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-north.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-north-shadow.png", height = 64, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-north-shadow.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 } } }, south = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-south.png", height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-south.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-south-shadow.png", height = 64, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-south-shadow.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 } } }, west = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-west.png", height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-west.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-west-shadow.png", height = 64, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-west-shadow.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 } } } }, production_type = "input-output" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/heat-boiler.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, max_health = 200, minable = { mining_time = 0.1, result = "heat-exchanger" }, mode = "output-to-separate-pipe", name = "heat-exchanger", open_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.open_sound ]=], output_fluid_box = { base_area = 1, base_level = 1, filter = "steam", height = 2, pipe_connections = { { position = { 0, -1.5 }, type = "output" } }, pipe_covers = { east = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-east.png", height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-east.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-east-shadow.png", height = 64, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-east-shadow.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 } } }, north = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-north.png", height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-north.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-north-shadow.png", height = 64, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-north-shadow.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 } } }, south = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-south.png", height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-south.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-south-shadow.png", height = 64, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-south-shadow.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 } } }, west = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-west.png", height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-west.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-west-shadow.png", height = 64, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-west-shadow.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 } } } }, production_type = "output" }, resistances = { { percent = 90, type = "fire" }, { percent = 30, type = "explosion" }, { percent = 30, type = "impact" } }, selection_box = { { -1.5, -1 }, { 1.5, 1 } }, structure = { east = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/heat-exchanger/heatex-E-idle.png", height = 147, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/heat-exchanger/hr-heatex-E-idle.png", height = 301, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.0546875, 0.0390625 }, width = 211 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { -0.0625, -0.015625 }, width = 102 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/boiler/boiler-E-shadow.png", height = 97, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/boiler/hr-boiler-E-shadow.png", height = 194, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.9375, 0.296875 }, width = 184 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.9375, 0.296875 }, width = 92 } } }, north = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/heat-exchanger/heatex-N-idle.png", height = 108, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/heat-exchanger/hr-heatex-N-idle.png", height = 221, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.0390625, 0.1640625 }, width = 269 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { -0.015625, 0.125 }, width = 131 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/boiler/boiler-N-shadow.png", height = 82, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/boiler/hr-boiler-N-shadow.png", height = 164, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.640625, 0.28125 }, width = 274 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.640625, 0.28125 }, width = 137 } } }, south = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/heat-exchanger/heatex-S-idle.png", height = 100, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/heat-exchanger/hr-heatex-S-idle.png", height = 201, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.125, 0.3359375 }, width = 260 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.09375, 0.3125 }, width = 128 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/boiler/boiler-S-shadow.png", height = 66, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/boiler/hr-boiler-S-shadow.png", height = 131, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.9296875, 0.4921875 }, width = 311 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.9375, 0.5 }, width = 156 } } }, west = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/heat-exchanger/heatex-W-idle.png", height = 132, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/heat-exchanger/hr-heatex-W-idle.png", height = 273, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.046875, 0.2421875 }, width = 196 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.03125, 0.15625 }, width = 96 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/boiler/boiler-W-shadow.png", height = 109, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/boiler/hr-boiler-W-shadow.png", height = 218, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.609375, 0.203125 }, width = 206 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.609375, 0.203125 }, width = 103 } } } }, target_temperature = 500, type = "boiler", vehicle_impact_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.vehicle_impact_sound ]=], water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = true, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/boiler/boiler-reflection.png", height = 32, priority = "extra-high", scale = 5, shift = { 0.15625, 0.9375 }, variation_count = 4, width = 28 }, rotate = false }, working_sound = { audible_distance_modifier = 0.5, fade_in_ticks = 4, fade_out_ticks = 20, sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/heat-exchanger.ogg", volume = 0.65 } } } }, ["build-entity-achievement"] = { ["getting-on-track"] = { icon = "__base__/graphics/achievement/getting-on-track.png", icon_size = 128, name = "getting-on-track", order = "a[progress]-a[getting-on-track]", to_build = "locomotive", type = "build-entity-achievement" }, ["getting-on-track-like-a-pro"] = { icon = "__base__/graphics/achievement/getting-on-track-like-a-pro.png", icon_size = 128, name = "getting-on-track-like-a-pro", order = "c[teaching]-a[getting-on-track-like-a-pro]", to_build = "locomotive", type = "build-entity-achievement", until_second = 5400 } }, ["burner-generator"] = { ["burner-generator"] = { animation = { east = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/steam-engine/steam-engine-H.png", frame_count = 32, height = 128, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/steam-engine/hr-steam-engine-H.png", frame_count = 32, height = 257, line_length = 8, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.03125, -0.1484375 }, width = 352 }, line_length = 8, shift = { 0.03125, -0.15625 }, width = 176 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/steam-engine/steam-engine-H-shadow.png", frame_count = 32, height = 80, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/steam-engine/hr-steam-engine-H-shadow.png", frame_count = 32, height = 160, line_length = 8, scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.5, 0.75 }, width = 508 }, line_length = 8, shift = { 1.5, 0.75 }, width = 254 } } }, north = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/steam-engine/steam-engine-V.png", frame_count = 32, height = 195, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/steam-engine/hr-steam-engine-V.png", frame_count = 32, height = 391, line_length = 8, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1484375, -0.1953125 }, width = 225 }, line_length = 8, shift = { 0.15625, -0.203125 }, width = 112 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/steam-engine/steam-engine-V-shadow.png", frame_count = 32, height = 153, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/steam-engine/hr-steam-engine-V-shadow.png", frame_count = 32, height = 307, line_length = 8, scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.265625, 0.2890625 }, width = 330 }, line_length = 8, shift = { 1.265625, 0.296875 }, width = 165 } } }, south = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/steam-engine/steam-engine-V.png", frame_count = 32, height = 195, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/steam-engine/hr-steam-engine-V.png", frame_count = 32, height = 391, line_length = 8, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1484375, -0.1953125 }, width = 225 }, line_length = 8, shift = { 0.15625, -0.203125 }, width = 112 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/steam-engine/steam-engine-V-shadow.png", frame_count = 32, height = 153, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/steam-engine/hr-steam-engine-V-shadow.png", frame_count = 32, height = 307, line_length = 8, scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.265625, 0.2890625 }, width = 330 }, line_length = 8, shift = { 1.265625, 0.296875 }, width = 165 } } }, west = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/steam-engine/steam-engine-H.png", frame_count = 32, height = 128, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/steam-engine/hr-steam-engine-H.png", frame_count = 32, height = 257, line_length = 8, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.03125, -0.1484375 }, width = 352 }, line_length = 8, shift = { 0.03125, -0.15625 }, width = 176 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/steam-engine/steam-engine-H-shadow.png", frame_count = 32, height = 80, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/steam-engine/hr-steam-engine-H-shadow.png", frame_count = 32, height = 160, line_length = 8, scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.5, 0.75 }, width = 508 }, line_length = 8, shift = { 1.5, 0.75 }, width = 254 } } } }, burner = { effectivity = 0.5, emissions_per_minute = 10, fuel_category = "chemical", fuel_inventory_size = 1, smoke = { { deviation = { 0.1, 0.1 }, east_position = { -2, -2 }, frequency = 9, name = "smoke", north_position = { 0.9, 0 } } } }, collision_box = { { -1.3500000000000001, -2.3500000000000001 }, { 1.3500000000000001, 2.3500000000000001 } }, corpse = "steam-engine-remnants", dying_explosion = "medium-explosion", energy_source = { type = "electric", usage_priority = "secondary-output" }, flags = { "placeable-neutral", "player-creation" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/steam-engine.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, max_health = 400, max_power_output = "1MW", minable = { mining_time = 1, result = "burner-generator" }, name = "burner-generator", selection_box = { { -1.5, -2.5 }, { 1.5, 2.5 } }, type = "burner-generator" } }, capsule = { ["artillery-targeting-remote"] = { capsule_action = { flare = "artillery-flare", type = "artillery-remote" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/artillery-targeting-remote.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "artillery-targeting-remote", order = "b[turret]-d[artillery-turret]-b[remote]", stack_size = 1, subgroup = "defensive-structure", type = "capsule" }, ["cliff-explosives"] = { capsule_action = { attack_parameters = { activation_type = "throw", ammo_category = "grenade", ammo_type = { action = { action_delivery = { projectile = "cliff-explosives", starting_speed = 0.3, type = "projectile" }, type = "direct" }, category = "grenade", target_type = "position" }, cooldown = 30, projectile_creation_distance = 0.6, range = 10, type = "projectile" }, radius = 1.5, type = "destroy-cliffs" }, flags = { "hide-from-bonus-gui" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/cliff-explosives.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "cliff-explosives", order = "d[cliff-explosives]", stack_size = 20, subgroup = "terrain", type = "capsule" }, ["cluster-grenade"] = { capsule_action = { attack_parameters = { activation_type = "throw", ammo_category = "grenade", ammo_type = { action = { { action_delivery = { projectile = "cluster-grenade", starting_speed = 0.3, type = "projectile" }, type = "direct" }, { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { sound = { switch_vibration_data = { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/throw-projectile.bnvib" }, variations = { { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/throw-projectile-1.ogg", volume = 0.4 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/throw-projectile-2.ogg", volume = 0.4 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/throw-projectile-3.ogg", volume = 0.4 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/throw-projectile-4.ogg", volume = 0.4 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/throw-projectile-5.ogg", volume = 0.4 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/throw-projectile-6.ogg", volume = 0.4 } } }, type = "play-sound" } }, type = "instant" }, type = "direct" } }, category = "grenade", target_type = "position" }, cooldown = 30, projectile_creation_distance = 0.6, range = 20, type = "projectile" }, type = "throw" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/cluster-grenade.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "cluster-grenade", order = "a[grenade]-b[cluster]", stack_size = 100, subgroup = "capsule", type = "capsule" }, ["defender-capsule"] = { capsule_action = { attack_parameters = { activation_type = "throw", ammo_category = "capsule", ammo_type = { action = { { action_delivery = { projectile = "defender-capsule", starting_speed = 0.3, type = "projectile" }, type = "direct" }, { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].capsule["cluster-grenade"].capsule_action.attack_parameters.ammo_type.action[2].action_delivery.target_effects[1].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, type = "instant" }, type = "direct" } }, category = "capsule", target_type = "position" }, cooldown = 15, projectile_creation_distance = 0.6, range = 20, type = "projectile" }, type = "throw" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/defender.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "defender-capsule", order = "d[defender-capsule]", stack_size = 100, subgroup = "capsule", type = "capsule" }, ["destroyer-capsule"] = { capsule_action = { attack_parameters = { activation_type = "throw", ammo_category = "capsule", ammo_type = { action = { { action_delivery = { projectile = "destroyer-capsule", starting_speed = 0.3, type = "projectile" }, type = "direct" }, { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].capsule["cluster-grenade"].capsule_action.attack_parameters.ammo_type.action[2].action_delivery.target_effects[1].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, type = "instant" }, type = "direct" } }, category = "capsule", target_type = "position" }, cooldown = 30, projectile_creation_distance = 0.6, range = 25, type = "projectile" }, type = "throw" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/destroyer.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "destroyer-capsule", order = "f[destroyer-capsule]", stack_size = 100, subgroup = "capsule", type = "capsule" }, ["discharge-defense-remote"] = { capsule_action = { equipment = "discharge-defense-equipment", type = "equipment-remote" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/discharge-defense-equipment-controller.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "discharge-defense-remote", order = "b[active-defense]-b[discharge-defense-equipment]-b[remote]", stack_size = 1, subgroup = "military-equipment", type = "capsule" }, ["distractor-capsule"] = { capsule_action = { attack_parameters = { activation_type = "throw", ammo_category = "capsule", ammo_type = { action = { { action_delivery = { projectile = "distractor-capsule", starting_speed = 0.3, type = "projectile" }, type = "direct" }, { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].capsule["cluster-grenade"].capsule_action.attack_parameters.ammo_type.action[2].action_delivery.target_effects[1].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, type = "instant" }, type = "direct" } }, category = "capsule", target_type = "position" }, cooldown = 30, projectile_creation_distance = 0.6, range = 25, type = "projectile" }, type = "throw" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/distractor.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "distractor-capsule", order = "e[defender-capsule]", stack_size = 100, subgroup = "capsule", type = "capsule" }, grenade = { capsule_action = { attack_parameters = { activation_type = "throw", ammo_category = "grenade", ammo_type = { action = { { action_delivery = { projectile = "grenade", starting_speed = 0.3, type = "projectile" }, type = "direct" }, { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].capsule["cluster-grenade"].capsule_action.attack_parameters.ammo_type.action[2].action_delivery.target_effects[1].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, type = "instant" }, type = "direct" } }, category = "grenade", target_type = "position" }, cooldown = 30, projectile_creation_distance = 0.6, range = 15, type = "projectile" }, type = "throw" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/grenade.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "grenade", order = "a[grenade]-a[normal]", stack_size = 100, subgroup = "capsule", type = "capsule" }, ["poison-capsule"] = { capsule_action = { attack_parameters = { activation_type = "throw", ammo_category = "capsule", ammo_type = { action = { { action_delivery = { projectile = "poison-capsule", starting_speed = 0.3, type = "projectile" }, type = "direct" }, { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].capsule["cluster-grenade"].capsule_action.attack_parameters.ammo_type.action[2].action_delivery.target_effects[1].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, type = "instant" }, type = "direct" } }, category = "capsule", target_type = "position" }, cooldown = 30, projectile_creation_distance = 0.6, range = 25, type = "projectile" }, type = "throw" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/poison-capsule.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "poison-capsule", order = "b[poison-capsule]", stack_size = 100, subgroup = "capsule", type = "capsule" }, ["raw-fish"] = { capsule_action = { attack_parameters = { activation_type = "consume", ammo_category = "capsule", ammo_type = { action = { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { damage = { amount = -80, type = "physical" }, type = "damage" }, { sound = { { filename = "__base__/sound/eat.ogg", volume = 0.6 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/eat-1.ogg", volume = 0.6 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/eat-2.ogg", volume = 0.6 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/eat-3.ogg", volume = 0.6 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/eat-4.ogg", volume = 0.6 } }, type = "play-sound" } }, type = "instant" }, type = "direct" }, category = "capsule", target_type = "position" }, cooldown = 30, range = 0, type = "projectile" }, type = "use-on-self" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/fish.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "raw-fish", order = "h[raw-fish]", stack_size = 100, subgroup = "raw-resource", type = "capsule" }, ["slowdown-capsule"] = { capsule_action = { attack_parameters = { activation_type = "throw", ammo_category = "capsule", ammo_type = { action = { { action_delivery = { projectile = "slowdown-capsule", starting_speed = 0.3, type = "projectile" }, type = "direct" }, { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].capsule["cluster-grenade"].capsule_action.attack_parameters.ammo_type.action[2].action_delivery.target_effects[1].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, type = "instant" }, type = "direct" } }, category = "capsule", target_type = "position" }, cooldown = 30, projectile_creation_distance = 0.6, range = 25, type = "projectile" }, type = "throw" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/slowdown-capsule.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "slowdown-capsule", order = "c[slowdown-capsule]", stack_size = 100, subgroup = "capsule", type = "capsule" } }, car = { car = { alert_icon_shift = { 0, -0.40625 }, animation = { layers = { { animation_speed = 8, direction_count = 64, frame_count = 2, height = 86, hr_version = { animation_speed = 8, direction_count = 64, frame_count = 2, height = 172, max_advance = 0.2, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0625, -0.09375 }, stripes = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/car/hr-car-1.png", height_in_frames = 11, width_in_frames = 2 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/car/hr-car-2.png", height_in_frames = 11, width_in_frames = 2 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/car/hr-car-3.png", height_in_frames = 11, width_in_frames = 2 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/car/hr-car-4.png", height_in_frames = 11, width_in_frames = 2 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/car/hr-car-5.png", height_in_frames = 11, width_in_frames = 2 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/car/hr-car-6.png", height_in_frames = 9, width_in_frames = 2 } }, width = 201 }, max_advance = 0.2, priority = "low", shift = { 0, -0.1875 }, stripes = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/car/car-1.png", height_in_frames = 22, width_in_frames = 2 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/car/car-2.png", height_in_frames = 22, width_in_frames = 2 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/car/car-3.png", height_in_frames = 20, width_in_frames = 2 } }, width = 102 }, { apply_runtime_tint = true, direction_count = 64, frame_count = 2, height = 75, hr_version = { apply_runtime_tint = true, axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 64, frame_count = 2, height = 147, line_length = 1, max_advance = 0.2, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0625, -0.078125 }, stripes = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/car/hr-car-mask-1.png", height_in_frames = 13, width_in_frames = 1 }, 0 --[=[ ref [""][2].hr_version.stripes[1] ]=], { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/car/hr-car-mask-2.png", height_in_frames = 13, width_in_frames = 1 }, 0 --[=[ ref [""][2].hr_version.stripes[3] ]=], { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/car/hr-car-mask-3.png", height_in_frames = 13, width_in_frames = 1 }, 0 --[=[ ref [""][2].hr_version.stripes[5] ]=], { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/car/hr-car-mask-4.png", height_in_frames = 13, width_in_frames = 1 }, 0 --[=[ ref [""][2].hr_version.stripes[7] ]=], { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/car/hr-car-mask-5.png", height_in_frames = 12, width_in_frames = 1 }, 0 --[=[ ref [""][2].hr_version.stripes[9] ]=] }, width = 199 }, line_length = 2, max_advance = 0.2, priority = "low", shift = { 0, -0.171875 }, stripes = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/car/car-mask-1.png", height_in_frames = 22, width_in_frames = 1 }, 0 --[=[ ref [""][2].stripes[1] ]=], { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/car/car-mask-2.png", height_in_frames = 22, width_in_frames = 1 }, 0 --[=[ ref [""][2].stripes[3] ]=], { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/car/car-mask-3.png", height_in_frames = 20, width_in_frames = 1 }, 0 --[=[ ref [""][2].stripes[5] ]=] }, width = 100 }, { direction_count = 64, draw_as_shadow = true, frame_count = 2, height = 76, max_advance = 0.2, priority = "low", shift = { 0.28125, 0.25 }, stripes = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/car/car-shadow-1.png", height_in_frames = 22, width_in_frames = 1 }, 0 --[=[ ref [""][3].stripes[1] ]=], { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/car/car-shadow-2.png", height_in_frames = 22, width_in_frames = 1 }, 0 --[=[ ref [""][3].stripes[3] ]=], { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/car/car-shadow-3.png", height_in_frames = 20, width_in_frames = 1 }, 0 --[=[ ref [""][3].stripes[5] ]=] }, width = 114 } } }, braking_power = "200kW", burner = { effectivity = 1, fuel_category = "chemical", fuel_inventory_size = 1, smoke = { { deviation = { 0.25, 0.25 }, frequency = 200, name = "car-smoke", position = { 0, 1.5 }, starting_frame = 0, starting_frame_deviation = 60 } } }, close_sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/car-door-close.ogg", volume = 0.4 }, collision_box = { { -0.7, -1 }, { 0.7, 1 } }, consumption = "150kW", corpse = "car-remnants", crash_trigger = { sound = { { filename = "__base__/sound/car-crash.ogg", volume = 0 } }, type = "play-sound" }, damaged_trigger_effect = { damage_type_filters = "fire", entity_name = "spark-explosion", offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, offsets = { { 0, 1 } }, type = "create-entity" }, dying_explosion = "car-explosion", effectivity = 0.6, energy_per_hit_point = 1, flags = { "placeable-neutral", "player-creation", "placeable-off-grid", "not-flammable" }, friction = 0.002, guns = { "vehicle-machine-gun" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/car.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, inventory_size = 80, light = { { color = { b = 0.3, g = 0.77000000000000002, r = 0.92000000000000011 }, intensity = 0.6, minimum_darkness = 0.3, picture = { filename = "__core__/graphics/light-cone.png", flags = { "light" }, height = 200, priority = "extra-high", scale = 2, width = 200 }, shift = { -0.6, -14 }, size = 2, type = "oriented" }, { color = { b = 0.3, g = 0.77000000000000002, r = 0.92000000000000011 }, intensity = 0.6, minimum_darkness = 0.3, picture = { filename = "__core__/graphics/light-cone.png", flags = { "light" }, height = 200, priority = "extra-high", scale = 2, width = 200 }, shift = { 0.6, -14 }, size = 2, type = "oriented" } }, light_animation = { blend_mode = "additive", direction_count = 64, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/car/car-light.png", height = 84, hr_version = { blend_mode = "additive", direction_count = 64, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/car/hr-car-light.png", height = 162, line_length = 8, priority = "low", repeat_count = 2, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.03125, -0.09375 }, width = 206 }, line_length = 8, priority = "low", repeat_count = 2, shift = { 0.0625, -0.15625 }, width = 102 }, max_health = 450, minable = { mining_time = 0.4, result = "car" }, mined_sound = { switch_vibration_data = { filename = "__core__/sound/deconstruct-medium.bnvib", gain = 0.25 }, variations = { { filename = "__core__/sound/deconstruct-medium.ogg", volume = 0.8 } } }, name = "car", open_sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/car-door-open.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, render_layer = "object", resistances = { { percent = 50, type = "fire" }, { decrease = 50, percent = 30, type = "impact" }, { percent = 20, type = "acid" } }, rotation_speed = 0.015, selection_box = { { -0.7, -1 }, { 0.7, 1 } }, sound_minimum_speed = 0.25, sound_no_fuel = { { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/car-no-fuel-1.ogg", volume = 0.6 } }, sound_scaling_ratio = 0.8, stop_trigger = { { sound = { { filename = "__base__/sound/car-breaks.ogg", volume = 0.2 } }, type = "play-sound" } }, stop_trigger_speed = 0.15, track_particle_triggers = { { initial_height = 0.2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.02, offset_deviation = { { -0.25, -0.25 }, { 0.25, 0.25 } }, offsets = { { 0.75, 1 }, { -0.75, 1 }, { 0.55, -0.8 }, { -0.55, -0.8 } }, particle_name = "shallow-water-vehicle-particle", repeat_count = 5, rotate_offsets = true, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, tiles = { "water-shallow" }, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 0.2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.02, offset_deviation = { { -0.25, -0.25 }, { 0.25, 0.25 } }, offsets = { { 0.75, 1 }, { -0.75, 1 }, { 0.55, -0.8 }, { -0.55, -0.8 } }, particle_name = "shallow-water-2-vehicle-particle", repeat_count = 5, rotate_offsets = true, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, tiles = { "water-mud" }, type = "create-particle" }, { actions = { { initial_height = 0.2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.25, -0.25 }, { 0.25, 0.25 } }, offsets = { { 0.75, 1 }, { -0.75, 1 }, { 0.55, -0.8 }, { -0.55, -0.8 } }, particle_name = "sand-1-dust-vehicle-particle", probability = 0.3, repeat_count = 7, rotate_offsets = true, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" }, { frame_speed = 1, initial_height = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.25, -0.25 }, { 0.25, 0.25 } }, offsets = { { 0.75, 1 }, { -0.75, 1 }, { 0.55, -0.75 }, { -0.55, -0.75 } }, particle_name = "sand-1-stone-vehicle-particle-tiny", probability = 0.01, repeat_count = 2, rotate_offsets = true, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" }, { frame_speed = 1, initial_height = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.25, -0.25 }, { 0.25, 0.25 } }, offsets = { { 0.75, 1 }, { -0.75, 1 }, { 0.55, -0.75 }, { -0.55, -0.75 } }, particle_name = "sand-1-stone-vehicle-particle-small", probability = 0.01, repeat_count = 2, rotate_offsets = true, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" } }, tiles = { "sand-1" } }, { actions = { { initial_height = 0.2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.25, -0.25 }, { 0.25, 0.25 } }, offsets = { { 0.75, 1 }, { -0.75, 1 }, { 0.55, -0.8 }, { -0.55, -0.8 } }, particle_name = "sand-1-dust-vehicle-particle", probability = 0.3, repeat_count = 7, rotate_offsets = true, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" }, { frame_speed = 1, initial_height = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.25, -0.25 }, { 0.25, 0.25 } }, offsets = { { 0.75, 1 }, { -0.75, 1 }, { 0.55, -0.75 }, { -0.55, -0.75 } }, particle_name = "sand-2-stone-vehicle-particle-tiny", probability = 0.01, repeat_count = 2, rotate_offsets = true, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" }, { frame_speed = 1, initial_height = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.25, -0.25 }, { 0.25, 0.25 } }, offsets = { { 0.75, 1 }, { -0.75, 1 }, { 0.55, -0.75 }, { -0.55, -0.75 } }, particle_name = "sand-2-stone-vehicle-particle-small", probability = 0.01, repeat_count = 2, rotate_offsets = true, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" } }, tiles = { "sand-2" } }, { actions = { { initial_height = 0.2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.25, -0.25 }, { 0.25, 0.25 } }, offsets = { { 0.75, 1 }, { -0.75, 1 }, { 0.55, -0.8 }, { -0.55, -0.8 } }, particle_name = "sand-3-dust-vehicle-particle", probability = 0.3, repeat_count = 7, rotate_offsets = true, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" }, { frame_speed = 1, initial_height = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.25, -0.25 }, { 0.25, 0.25 } }, offsets = { { 0.75, 1 }, { -0.75, 1 }, { 0.55, -0.75 }, { -0.55, -0.75 } }, particle_name = "sand-3-stone-vehicle-particle-tiny", probability = 0.01, repeat_count = 2, rotate_offsets = true, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" }, { frame_speed = 1, initial_height = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.25, -0.25 }, { 0.25, 0.25 } }, offsets = { { 0.75, 1 }, { -0.75, 1 }, { 0.55, -0.75 }, { -0.55, -0.75 } }, particle_name = "sand-3-stone-vehicle-particle-small", probability = 0.01, repeat_count = 2, rotate_offsets = true, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" } }, tiles = { "sand-3" } }, { actions = { { frame_speed = 1, initial_height = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.25, -0.25 }, { 0.25, 0.25 } }, offsets = { { 0.75, 1 }, { -0.75, 1 }, { 0.55, -0.75 }, { -0.55, -0.75 } }, particle_name = "grass-1-stone-vehicle-particle-tiny", probability = 0.05, repeat_count = 8, rotate_offsets = true, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" }, { frame_speed = 1, initial_height = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.25, -0.25 }, { 0.25, 0.25 } }, offsets = { { 0.75, 1 }, { -0.75, 1 }, { 0.55, -0.75 }, { -0.55, -0.75 } }, particle_name = "grass-1-stone-vehicle-particle-small", probability = 0.05, repeat_count = 2, rotate_offsets = true, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" }, { frame_speed = 1, initial_height = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.25, -0.25 }, { 0.25, 0.25 } }, offsets = { { 0.75, 1 }, { -0.75, 1 }, { 0.55, -0.75 }, { -0.55, -0.75 } }, particle_name = "vegetation-vehicle-particle-small-medium", probability = 0.05, repeat_count = 5, rotate_offsets = true, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 0.2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.25, -0.25 }, { 0.25, 0.25 } }, offsets = { { 0.75, 1 }, { -0.75, 1 }, { 0.55, -0.8 }, { -0.55, -0.8 } }, particle_name = "brown-dust-vehicle-particle", probability = 0.1, repeat_count = 5, rotate_offsets = true, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" } }, tiles = { "grass-1" } }, { actions = { { frame_speed = 1, initial_height = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.25, -0.25 }, { 0.25, 0.25 } }, offsets = { { 0.75, 1 }, { -0.75, 1 }, { 0.55, -0.75 }, { -0.55, -0.75 } }, particle_name = "grass-2-stone-vehicle-particle-tiny", probability = 0.05, repeat_count = 8, rotate_offsets = true, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" }, { frame_speed = 1, initial_height = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.25, -0.25 }, { 0.25, 0.25 } }, offsets = { { 0.75, 1 }, { -0.75, 1 }, { 0.55, -0.75 }, { -0.55, -0.75 } }, particle_name = "grass-2-stone-vehicle-particle-small", probability = 0.05, repeat_count = 2, rotate_offsets = true, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" }, { frame_speed = 1, initial_height = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.25, -0.25 }, { 0.25, 0.25 } }, offsets = { { 0.75, 1 }, { -0.75, 1 }, { 0.55, -0.75 }, { -0.55, -0.75 } }, particle_name = "vegetation-vehicle-particle-small-medium", probability = 0.05, repeat_count = 5, rotate_offsets = true, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 0.2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.25, -0.25 }, { 0.25, 0.25 } }, offsets = { { 0.75, 1 }, { -0.75, 1 }, { 0.55, -0.8 }, { -0.55, -0.8 } }, particle_name = "brown-dust-vehicle-particle", probability = 0.1, repeat_count = 5, rotate_offsets = true, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" } }, tiles = { "grass-2" } }, { actions = { { frame_speed = 1, initial_height = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.25, -0.25 }, { 0.25, 0.25 } }, offsets = { { 0.75, 1 }, { -0.75, 1 }, { 0.55, -0.75 }, { -0.55, -0.75 } }, particle_name = "grass-3-stone-vehicle-particle-tiny", probability = 0.05, repeat_count = 8, rotate_offsets = true, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" }, { frame_speed = 1, initial_height = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.25, -0.25 }, { 0.25, 0.25 } }, offsets = { { 0.75, 1 }, { -0.75, 1 }, { 0.55, -0.75 }, { -0.55, -0.75 } }, particle_name = "grass-3-stone-vehicle-particle-small", probability = 0.05, repeat_count = 2, rotate_offsets = true, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" }, { frame_speed = 1, initial_height = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.25, -0.25 }, { 0.25, 0.25 } }, offsets = { { 0.75, 1 }, { -0.75, 1 }, { 0.55, -0.75 }, { -0.55, -0.75 } }, particle_name = "grass-3-vegetation-vehicle-particle-small-medium", probability = 0.05, repeat_count = 5, rotate_offsets = true, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 0.2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.25, -0.25 }, { 0.25, 0.25 } }, offsets = { { 0.75, 1 }, { -0.75, 1 }, { 0.55, -0.8 }, { -0.55, -0.8 } }, particle_name = "brown-dust-vehicle-particle", probability = 0.1, repeat_count = 5, rotate_offsets = true, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" } }, tiles = { "grass-3" } }, { actions = { { frame_speed = 1, initial_height = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.25, -0.25 }, { 0.25, 0.25 } }, offsets = { { 0.75, 1 }, { -0.75, 1 }, { 0.55, -0.75 }, { -0.55, -0.75 } }, particle_name = "grass-4-stone-vehicle-particle-tiny", probability = 0.05, repeat_count = 8, rotate_offsets = true, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" }, { frame_speed = 1, initial_height = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.25, -0.25 }, { 0.25, 0.25 } }, offsets = { { 0.75, 1 }, { -0.75, 1 }, { 0.55, -0.75 }, { -0.55, -0.75 } }, particle_name = "grass-4-stone-vehicle-particle-small", probability = 0.05, repeat_count = 4, rotate_offsets = true, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" }, { frame_speed = 1, initial_height = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.25, -0.25 }, { 0.25, 0.25 } }, offsets = { { 0.75, 1 }, { -0.75, 1 }, { 0.55, -0.75 }, { -0.55, -0.75 } }, particle_name = "vegetation-vehicle-particle-small-medium", probability = 0.05, repeat_count = 3, rotate_offsets = true, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 0.2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.25, -0.25 }, { 0.25, 0.25 } }, offsets = { { 0.75, 1 }, { -0.75, 1 }, { 0.55, -0.8 }, { -0.55, -0.8 } }, particle_name = "brown-dust-vehicle-particle", probability = 0.1, repeat_count = 5, rotate_offsets = true, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" } }, tiles = { "grass-4" } }, { actions = { { frame_speed = 1, initial_height = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.2, -0.2 }, { 0.2, 0.2 } }, offsets = { { 0.75, 1 }, { -0.75, 1 }, { 0.65, -0.45 }, { -0.65, -0.45 } }, particle_name = "red-desert-0-dust-vehicle-particle", probability = 0.5, repeat_count = 5, rotate_offsets = true, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" }, { frame_speed = 1, initial_height = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.25, -0.25 }, { 0.25, 0.25 } }, offsets = { { 0.75, 1 }, { -0.75, 1 }, { 0.55, -0.75 }, { -0.55, -0.75 } }, particle_name = "red-desert-0-stone-vehicle-particle-tiny", probability = 0.05, repeat_count = 4, rotate_offsets = true, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" }, { frame_speed = 1, initial_height = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.25, -0.25 }, { 0.25, 0.25 } }, offsets = { { 0.75, 1 }, { -0.75, 1 }, { 0.55, -0.75 }, { -0.55, -0.75 } }, particle_name = "red-desert-0-stone-vehicle-particle-small", probability = 0.05, repeat_count = 3, rotate_offsets = true, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" }, { frame_speed = 1, initial_height = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.25, -0.25 }, { 0.25, 0.25 } }, offsets = { { 0.75, 1 }, { -0.75, 1 }, { 0.55, -0.75 }, { -0.55, -0.75 } }, particle_name = "vegetation-vehicle-particle-small-medium", probability = 0.08, repeat_count = 5, rotate_offsets = true, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" } }, tiles = { "red-desert-0" } }, { actions = { { frame_speed = 1, initial_height = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.2, -0.2 }, { 0.2, 0.2 } }, offsets = { { 0.75, 1 }, { -0.75, 1 }, { 0.55, -0.75 }, { -0.55, -0.75 } }, particle_name = "red-desert-1-dust-vehicle-particle", probability = 0.5, repeat_count = 5, rotate_offsets = true, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" }, { frame_speed = 1, initial_height = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.25, -0.25 }, { 0.25, 0.25 } }, offsets = { { 0.75, 1 }, { -0.75, 1 }, { 0.55, -0.75 }, { -0.55, -0.75 } }, particle_name = "red-desert-1-stone-vehicle-particle-tiny", probability = 0.05, repeat_count = 4, rotate_offsets = true, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" }, { frame_speed = 1, initial_height = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.25, -0.25 }, { 0.25, 0.25 } }, offsets = { { 0.75, 1 }, { -0.75, 1 }, { 0.55, -0.75 }, { -0.55, -0.75 } }, particle_name = "red-desert-1-stone-vehicle-particle-small", probability = 0.05, repeat_count = 3, rotate_offsets = true, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" } }, tiles = { "red-desert-1" } }, { actions = { { frame_speed = 1, initial_height = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.2, -0.2 }, { 0.2, 0.2 } }, offsets = { { 0.75, 1 }, { -0.75, 1 }, { 0.55, -0.75 }, { -0.55, -0.75 } }, particle_name = "red-desert-2-dust-vehicle-particle", probability = 0.5, repeat_count = 5, rotate_offsets = true, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" }, { frame_speed = 1, initial_height = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.25, -0.25 }, { 0.25, 0.25 } }, offsets = { { 0.75, 1 }, { -0.75, 1 }, { 0.55, -0.75 }, { -0.55, -0.75 } }, particle_name = "red-desert-2-stone-vehicle-particle-tiny", probability = 0.05, repeat_count = 4, rotate_offsets = true, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" }, { frame_speed = 1, initial_height = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.25, -0.25 }, { 0.25, 0.25 } }, offsets = { { 0.75, 1 }, { -0.75, 1 }, { 0.55, -0.75 }, { -0.55, -0.75 } }, particle_name = "red-desert-2-stone-vehicle-particle-small", probability = 0.05, repeat_count = 3, rotate_offsets = true, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" } }, tiles = { "red-desert-2" } }, { actions = { { frame_speed = 1, initial_height = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.2, -0.2 }, { 0.2, 0.2 } }, offsets = { { 0.75, 1 }, { -0.75, 1 }, { 0.55, -0.75 }, { -0.55, -0.75 } }, particle_name = "red-desert-3-dust-vehicle-particle", probability = 0.5, repeat_count = 5, rotate_offsets = true, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" }, { frame_speed = 1, initial_height = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.25, -0.25 }, { 0.25, 0.25 } }, offsets = { { 0.75, 1 }, { -0.75, 1 }, { 0.55, -0.75 }, { -0.55, -0.75 } }, particle_name = "red-desert-3-stone-vehicle-particle-tiny", probability = 0.05, repeat_count = 4, rotate_offsets = true, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" }, { frame_speed = 1, initial_height = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.25, -0.25 }, { 0.25, 0.25 } }, offsets = { { 0.75, 1 }, { -0.75, 1 }, { 0.55, -0.75 }, { -0.55, -0.75 } }, particle_name = "red-desert-3-stone-vehicle-particle-small", probability = 0.05, repeat_count = 3, rotate_offsets = true, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" } }, tiles = { "red-desert-3" } }, { actions = { { frame_speed = 1, initial_height = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.25, -0.25 }, { 0.25, 0.25 } }, offsets = { { 0.75, 1 }, { -0.75, 1 }, { 0.55, -0.75 }, { -0.55, -0.75 } }, particle_name = "dirt-1-dust-vehicle-particle", probability = 0.5, repeat_count = 7, rotate_offsets = true, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" }, { frame_speed = 1, initial_height = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.25, -0.25 }, { 0.25, 0.25 } }, offsets = { { 0.75, 1 }, { -0.75, 1 }, { 0.55, -0.75 }, { -0.55, -0.75 } }, particle_name = "dirt-1-stone-vehicle-particle-tiny", probability = 0.05, repeat_count = 4, rotate_offsets = true, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" }, { frame_speed = 1, initial_height = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.25, -0.25 }, { 0.25, 0.25 } }, offsets = { { 0.75, 1 }, { -0.75, 1 }, { 0.55, -0.75 }, { -0.55, -0.75 } }, particle_name = "dirt-1-stone-vehicle-particle-small", probability = 0.05, repeat_count = 3, rotate_offsets = true, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" } }, tiles = { "dirt-1" } }, { actions = { { frame_speed = 1, initial_height = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.25, -0.25 }, { 0.25, 0.25 } }, offsets = { { 0.75, 1 }, { -0.75, 1 }, { 0.55, -0.75 }, { -0.55, -0.75 } }, particle_name = "dirt-2-dust-vehicle-particle", probability = 0.5, repeat_count = 7, rotate_offsets = true, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" }, { frame_speed = 1, initial_height = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.25, -0.25 }, { 0.25, 0.25 } }, offsets = { { 0.75, 1 }, { -0.75, 1 }, { 0.55, -0.75 }, { -0.55, -0.75 } }, particle_name = "dirt-2-stone-vehicle-particle-tiny", probability = 0.05, repeat_count = 4, rotate_offsets = true, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" }, { frame_speed = 1, initial_height = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.25, -0.25 }, { 0.25, 0.25 } }, offsets = { { 0.75, 1 }, { -0.75, 1 }, { 0.55, -0.75 }, { -0.55, -0.75 } }, particle_name = "dirt-2-stone-vehicle-particle-small", probability = 0.05, repeat_count = 3, rotate_offsets = true, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" } }, tiles = { "dirt-2" } }, { actions = { { frame_speed = 1, initial_height = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.25, -0.25 }, { 0.25, 0.25 } }, offsets = { { 0.75, 1 }, { -0.75, 1 }, { 0.55, -0.75 }, { -0.55, -0.75 } }, particle_name = "dirt-3-dust-vehicle-particle", probability = 0.5, repeat_count = 7, rotate_offsets = true, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" }, { frame_speed = 1, initial_height = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.25, -0.25 }, { 0.25, 0.25 } }, offsets = { { 0.75, 1 }, { -0.75, 1 }, { 0.55, -0.75 }, { -0.55, -0.75 } }, particle_name = "dirt-3-stone-vehicle-particle-tiny", probability = 0.05, repeat_count = 4, rotate_offsets = true, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" }, { frame_speed = 1, initial_height = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.25, -0.25 }, { 0.25, 0.25 } }, offsets = { { 0.75, 1 }, { -0.75, 1 }, { 0.55, -0.75 }, { -0.55, -0.75 } }, particle_name = "dirt-3-stone-vehicle-particle-small", probability = 0.05, repeat_count = 3, rotate_offsets = true, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" } }, tiles = { "dirt-3" } }, { actions = { { frame_speed = 1, initial_height = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.25, -0.25 }, { 0.25, 0.25 } }, offsets = { { 0.75, 1 }, { -0.75, 1 }, { 0.55, -0.75 }, { -0.55, -0.75 } }, particle_name = "dirt-4-dust-vehicle-particle", probability = 0.5, repeat_count = 7, rotate_offsets = true, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" }, { frame_speed = 1, initial_height = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.25, -0.25 }, { 0.25, 0.25 } }, offsets = { { 0.75, 1 }, { -0.75, 1 }, { 0.55, -0.75 }, { -0.55, -0.75 } }, particle_name = "dirt-4-stone-vehicle-particle-tiny", probability = 0.05, repeat_count = 4, rotate_offsets = true, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" }, { frame_speed = 1, initial_height = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.25, -0.25 }, { 0.25, 0.25 } }, offsets = { { 0.75, 1 }, { -0.75, 1 }, { 0.55, -0.75 }, { -0.55, -0.75 } }, particle_name = "dirt-4-stone-vehicle-particle-small", probability = 0.05, repeat_count = 3, rotate_offsets = true, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" } }, tiles = { "dirt-4" } }, { actions = { { frame_speed = 1, initial_height = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.25, -0.25 }, { 0.25, 0.25 } }, offsets = { { 0.75, 1 }, { -0.75, 1 }, { 0.55, -0.75 }, { -0.55, -0.75 } }, particle_name = "dirt-5-dust-vehicle-particle", probability = 0.5, repeat_count = 7, rotate_offsets = true, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" }, { frame_speed = 1, initial_height = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.25, -0.25 }, { 0.25, 0.25 } }, offsets = { { 0.75, 1 }, { -0.75, 1 }, { 0.55, -0.75 }, { -0.55, -0.75 } }, particle_name = "dirt-5-stone-vehicle-particle-tiny", probability = 0.05, repeat_count = 4, rotate_offsets = true, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" }, { frame_speed = 1, initial_height = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.25, -0.25 }, { 0.25, 0.25 } }, offsets = { { 0.75, 1 }, { -0.75, 1 }, { 0.55, -0.75 }, { -0.55, -0.75 } }, particle_name = "dirt-5-stone-vehicle-particle-small", probability = 0.05, repeat_count = 3, rotate_offsets = true, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" } }, tiles = { "dirt-5" } }, { actions = { { frame_speed = 1, initial_height = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.25, -0.25 }, { 0.25, 0.25 } }, offsets = { { 0.75, 1 }, { -0.75, 1 }, { 0.55, -0.75 }, { -0.55, -0.75 } }, particle_name = "dirt-6-dust-vehicle-particle", probability = 0.5, repeat_count = 7, rotate_offsets = true, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" }, { frame_speed = 1, initial_height = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.25, -0.25 }, { 0.25, 0.25 } }, offsets = { { 0.75, 1 }, { -0.75, 1 }, { 0.55, -0.75 }, { -0.55, -0.75 } }, particle_name = "dirt-6-stone-vehicle-particle-tiny", probability = 0.05, repeat_count = 4, rotate_offsets = true, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" }, { frame_speed = 1, initial_height = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.25, -0.25 }, { 0.25, 0.25 } }, offsets = { { 0.75, 1 }, { -0.75, 1 }, { 0.55, -0.75 }, { -0.55, -0.75 } }, particle_name = "dirt-6-stone-vehicle-particle-small", probability = 0.05, repeat_count = 3, rotate_offsets = true, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" } }, tiles = { "dirt-6" } }, { actions = { { frame_speed = 1, initial_height = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.25, -0.25 }, { 0.25, 0.25 } }, offsets = { { 0.75, 1 }, { -0.75, 1 }, { 0.55, -0.75 }, { -0.55, -0.75 } }, particle_name = "dirt-7-dust-vehicle-particle", probability = 0.5, repeat_count = 7, rotate_offsets = true, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" }, { frame_speed = 1, initial_height = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.25, -0.25 }, { 0.25, 0.25 } }, offsets = { { 0.75, 1 }, { -0.75, 1 }, { 0.55, -0.75 }, { -0.55, -0.75 } }, particle_name = "dirt-7-stone-vehicle-particle-tiny", probability = 0.05, repeat_count = 4, rotate_offsets = true, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" }, { frame_speed = 1, initial_height = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.25, -0.25 }, { 0.25, 0.25 } }, offsets = { { 0.75, 1 }, { -0.75, 1 }, { 0.55, -0.75 }, { -0.55, -0.75 } }, particle_name = "dirt-7-stone-vehicle-particle-small", probability = 0.05, repeat_count = 3, rotate_offsets = true, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" } }, tiles = { "dirt-7" } }, { actions = { { frame_speed = 1, initial_height = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.2, -0.2 }, { 0.2, 0.2 } }, offsets = { { 0.75, 1 }, { -0.75, 1 }, { 0.55, -0.75 }, { -0.55, -0.75 } }, particle_name = "dry-dirt-dust-vehicle-particle", probability = 0.5, repeat_count = 5, rotate_offsets = true, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" }, { frame_speed = 1, initial_height = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.25, -0.25 }, { 0.25, 0.25 } }, offsets = { { 0.75, 1 }, { -0.75, 1 }, { 0.55, -0.75 }, { -0.55, -0.75 } }, particle_name = "dry-dirt-stone-vehicle-particle-tiny", probability = 0.05, repeat_count = 4, rotate_offsets = true, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" }, { frame_speed = 1, initial_height = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.25, -0.25 }, { 0.25, 0.25 } }, offsets = { { 0.75, 1 }, { -0.75, 1 }, { 0.55, -0.75 }, { -0.55, -0.75 } }, particle_name = "dry-dirt-stone-vehicle-particle-small", probability = 0.05, repeat_count = 3, rotate_offsets = true, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" } }, tiles = { "dry-dirt" } }, { actions = { { frame_speed = 1, initial_height = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.2, -0.2 }, { 0.2, 0.2 } }, offsets = { { 0.75, 1 }, { -0.75, 1 }, { 0.55, -0.75 }, { -0.55, -0.75 } }, particle_name = "landfill-dust-vehicle-particle", probability = 0.5, repeat_count = 5, rotate_offsets = true, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" }, { frame_speed = 1, initial_height = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.25, -0.25 }, { 0.25, 0.25 } }, offsets = { { 0.75, 1 }, { -0.75, 1 }, { 0.55, -0.75 }, { -0.55, -0.75 } }, particle_name = "landfill-stone-vehicle-particle-tiny", probability = 0.05, repeat_count = 4, rotate_offsets = true, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" }, { frame_speed = 1, initial_height = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.25, -0.25 }, { 0.25, 0.25 } }, offsets = { { 0.75, 1 }, { -0.75, 1 }, { 0.55, -0.75 }, { -0.55, -0.75 } }, particle_name = "landfill-stone-vehicle-particle-small", probability = 0.05, repeat_count = 3, rotate_offsets = true, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" } }, tiles = { "landfill" } }, { actions = { { frame_speed = 1, initial_height = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.2, -0.2 }, { 0.2, 0.2 } }, offsets = { { 0.75, 1 }, { -0.75, 1 }, { 0.55, -0.75 }, { -0.55, -0.75 } }, particle_name = "nuclear-ground-dust-vehicle-particle", probability = 0.5, repeat_count = 5, rotate_offsets = true, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" }, { frame_speed = 1, initial_height = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.25, -0.25 }, { 0.25, 0.25 } }, offsets = { { 0.75, 1 }, { -0.75, 1 }, { 0.55, -0.75 }, { -0.55, -0.75 } }, particle_name = "nuclear-ground-stone-vehicle-particle-tiny", probability = 0.05, repeat_count = 4, rotate_offsets = true, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" }, { frame_speed = 1, initial_height = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.25, -0.25 }, { 0.25, 0.25 } }, offsets = { { 0.75, 1 }, { -0.75, 1 }, { 0.55, -0.75 }, { -0.55, -0.75 } }, particle_name = "nuclear-ground-stone-vehicle-particle-small", probability = 0.05, repeat_count = 3, rotate_offsets = true, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" } }, tiles = { "nuclear-ground" } } }, turret_animation = { layers = { { animation_speed = 8, direction_count = 64, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/car/car-turret.png", frame_count = 1, height = 29, hr_version = { animation_speed = 8, axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 64, frame_count = 1, height = 57, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0625, -0.78125 }, stripes = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/car/hr-car-turret-1.png", height_in_frames = 32, width_in_frames = 1 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/car/hr-car-turret-2.png", height_in_frames = 32, width_in_frames = 1 } }, width = 71 }, line_length = 8, priority = "low", shift = { 0.03125, -0.890625 }, width = 36 }, { direction_count = 64, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/car/car-turret-shadow.png", frame_count = 1, height = 31, line_length = 8, priority = "low", shift = { 0.875, 0.359375 }, width = 46 } } }, turret_rotation_speed = 0.0058333333333333321, type = "car", vehicle_impact_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.vehicle_impact_sound ]=], water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = false, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/car/car-reflection.png", height = 24, priority = "extra-high", scale = 5, shift = { 0, 1.09375 }, variation_count = 1, width = 20 }, rotate = true }, weight = 700, working_sound = { activate_sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/car-engine-start.ogg", volume = 0.67000000000000002 }, deactivate_sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/car-engine-stop.ogg", volume = 0.67000000000000002 }, match_speed_to_activity = true, sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/car-engine.ogg", volume = 0.67000000000000002 } } }, tank = { alert_icon_shift = { 0, -0.40625 }, animation = { layers = { { animation_speed = 8, direction_count = 64, frame_count = 2, height = 106, hr_version = { animation_speed = 8, direction_count = 64, frame_count = 2, height = 212, max_advance = 1, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.3125 }, stripes = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tank/hr-tank-base-1.png", height_in_frames = 16, width_in_frames = 2 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tank/hr-tank-base-2.png", height_in_frames = 16, width_in_frames = 2 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tank/hr-tank-base-3.png", height_in_frames = 16, width_in_frames = 2 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tank/hr-tank-base-4.png", height_in_frames = 16, width_in_frames = 2 } }, width = 270 }, max_advance = 1, priority = "low", shift = { 0, -0.3125 }, stripes = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tank/tank-base-1.png", height_in_frames = 16, width_in_frames = 2 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tank/tank-base-2.png", height_in_frames = 16, width_in_frames = 2 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tank/tank-base-3.png", height_in_frames = 16, width_in_frames = 2 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tank/tank-base-4.png", height_in_frames = 16, width_in_frames = 2 } }, width = 136 }, { apply_runtime_tint = true, direction_count = 64, frame_count = 2, height = 83, hr_version = { apply_runtime_tint = true, direction_count = 64, frame_count = 2, height = 166, line_length = 2, max_advance = 1, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.671875 }, stripes = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tank/hr-tank-base-mask-1.png", height_in_frames = 22, width_in_frames = 1 }, 0 --[=[ ref [""].car.tank.animation.layers[2].hr_version.stripes[1] ]=], { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tank/hr-tank-base-mask-2.png", height_in_frames = 22, width_in_frames = 1 }, 0 --[=[ ref [""].car.tank.animation.layers[2].hr_version.stripes[3] ]=], { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tank/hr-tank-base-mask-3.png", height_in_frames = 20, width_in_frames = 1 }, 0 --[=[ ref [""].car.tank.animation.layers[2].hr_version.stripes[5] ]=] }, width = 208 }, line_length = 2, max_advance = 1, priority = "low", shift = { 0, -0.671875 }, stripes = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tank/tank-base-mask-1.png", height_in_frames = 22, width_in_frames = 1 }, 0 --[=[ ref [""].car.tank.animation.layers[2].stripes[1] ]=], { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tank/tank-base-mask-2.png", height_in_frames = 22, width_in_frames = 1 }, 0 --[=[ ref [""].car.tank.animation.layers[2].stripes[3] ]=], { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tank/tank-base-mask-3.png", height_in_frames = 20, width_in_frames = 1 }, 0 --[=[ ref [""].car.tank.animation.layers[2].stripes[5] ]=] }, width = 104 }, { direction_count = 64, draw_as_shadow = true, frame_count = 2, height = 98, hr_version = { direction_count = 64, draw_as_shadow = true, frame_count = 2, height = 194, max_advance = 1, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.703125, 0.21875 }, stripes = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tank/hr-tank-base-shadow-1.png", height_in_frames = 16, width_in_frames = 1 }, 0 --[=[ ref [""].car.tank.animation.layers[3].hr_version.stripes[1] ]=], { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tank/hr-tank-base-shadow-2.png", height_in_frames = 16, width_in_frames = 1 }, 0 --[=[ ref [""].car.tank.animation.layers[3].hr_version.stripes[3] ]=], { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tank/hr-tank-base-shadow-3.png", height_in_frames = 16, width_in_frames = 1 }, 0 --[=[ ref [""].car.tank.animation.layers[3].hr_version.stripes[5] ]=], { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tank/hr-tank-base-shadow-4.png", height_in_frames = 16, width_in_frames = 1 }, 0 --[=[ ref [""].car.tank.animation.layers[3].hr_version.stripes[7] ]=] }, width = 302 }, max_advance = 1, priority = "low", shift = { 0.703125, 0.21875 }, stripes = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tank/tank-base-shadow-1.png", height_in_frames = 16, width_in_frames = 1 }, 0 --[=[ ref [""].car.tank.animation.layers[3].stripes[1] ]=], { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tank/tank-base-shadow-2.png", height_in_frames = 16, width_in_frames = 1 }, 0 --[=[ ref [""].car.tank.animation.layers[3].stripes[3] ]=], { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tank/tank-base-shadow-3.png", height_in_frames = 16, width_in_frames = 1 }, 0 --[=[ ref [""].car.tank.animation.layers[3].stripes[5] ]=], { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tank/tank-base-shadow-4.png", height_in_frames = 16, width_in_frames = 1 }, 0 --[=[ ref [""].car.tank.animation.layers[3].stripes[7] ]=] }, width = 151 } } }, braking_power = "800kW", burner = { effectivity = 1, fuel_category = "chemical", fuel_inventory_size = 2, smoke = { { deviation = { 0.25, 0.25 }, frequency = 50, name = "tank-smoke", position = { 0, 1.5 }, starting_frame = 0, starting_frame_deviation = 60 } } }, close_sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/tank-door-close.ogg", volume = 0.42999999999999998 }, collision_box = { { -0.9, -1.3 }, { 0.9, 1.3 } }, consumption = "600kW", corpse = "tank-remnants", damaged_trigger_effect = { damage_type_filters = "fire", entity_name = "spark-explosion", offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, offsets = { { 0, 1 } }, type = "create-entity" }, drawing_box = { { -1.8, -1.8 }, { 1.8, 1.5 } }, dying_explosion = "tank-explosion", effectivity = 0.9, energy_per_hit_point = 0.5, flags = { "placeable-neutral", "player-creation", "placeable-off-grid", "not-flammable" }, friction = 0.002, guns = { "tank-cannon", "tank-machine-gun", "tank-flamethrower" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/tank.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, immune_to_rock_impacts = true, immune_to_tree_impacts = true, inventory_size = 80, light = { { color = { b = 0.8, g = 1, r = 1 }, intensity = 0.8, minimum_darkness = 0.3, picture = { filename = "__core__/graphics/light-cone.png", flags = { "light" }, height = 200, priority = "extra-high", scale = 2, width = 200 }, shift = { -0.1, -13.8125 }, size = 2, source_orientation_offset = -0.02, type = "oriented" }, { color = { b = 0.8, g = 1, r = 1 }, intensity = 0.8, minimum_darkness = 0.3, picture = { filename = "__core__/graphics/light-cone.png", flags = { "light" }, height = 200, priority = "extra-high", scale = 2, width = 200 }, shift = { 0.1, -13.8125 }, size = 2, source_orientation_offset = 0.02, type = "oriented" } }, light_animation = { blend_mode = "additive", direction_count = 64, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tank/tank-light.png", height = 108, hr_version = { blend_mode = "additive", direction_count = 64, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tank/hr-tank-light.png", height = 210, line_length = 8, priority = "low", repeat_count = 2, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03125, -0.34375 }, width = 260 }, line_length = 8, priority = "low", repeat_count = 2, shift = { -0.0625, -0.375 }, width = 132 }, max_health = 2000, minable = { mining_time = 0.5, result = "tank" }, mined_sound = { switch_vibration_data = { filename = "__core__/sound/deconstruct-large.bnvib", gain = 0.25 }, variations = { { filename = "__core__/sound/deconstruct-large.ogg", volume = 0.8 } } }, name = "tank", open_sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/tank-door-open.ogg", volume = 0.47999999999999998 }, resistances = { { decrease = 15, percent = 60, type = "fire" }, { decrease = 15, percent = 60, type = "physical" }, { decrease = 50, percent = 80, type = "impact" }, { decrease = 15, percent = 70, type = "explosion" }, { decrease = 0, percent = 70, type = "acid" } }, rotation_speed = 0.0035000000000000004, selection_box = { { -0.9, -1.3 }, { 0.9, 1.3 } }, sound_minimum_speed = 0.2, sound_no_fuel = { { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/tank-no-fuel-1.ogg", volume = 0.4 } }, sound_scaling_ratio = 0.8, stop_trigger = { { sound = { { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/tank-brakes.ogg", volume = 0.3 } }, type = "play-sound" } }, stop_trigger_speed = 0.1, tank_driving = true, terrain_friction_modifier = 0.2, track_particle_triggers = { { initial_height = 0.2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.02, offset_deviation = { { -0.2, -0.2 }, { 0.2, 0.2 } }, offsets = { { 0.75, 1 }, { -0.75, 1 }, { 0.75, -1 }, { -0.75, -1 } }, particle_name = "shallow-water-vehicle-particle", repeat_count = 5, rotate_offsets = true, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, tiles = { "water-shallow" }, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 0.2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.02, offset_deviation = { { -0.2, -0.2 }, { 0.2, 0.2 } }, offsets = { { 0.75, 1 }, { -0.75, 1 }, { 0.75, -1 }, { -0.75, -1 } }, particle_name = "shallow-water-2-vehicle-particle", repeat_count = 5, rotate_offsets = true, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, tiles = { "water-mud" }, type = "create-particle" }, { actions = { { frame_speed = 1, initial_height = 0.2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.2, -0.2 }, { 0.2, 0.2 } }, offsets = { { 0.7, 1 }, { -0.7, 1 } }, particle_name = "sand-1-dust-vehicle-particle", probability = 0.3, repeat_count = 7, rotate_offsets = true, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" }, { frame_speed = 1, initial_height = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.2, -0.2 }, { 0.2, 0.2 } }, offsets = { { 0.7, -1 }, { -0.7, -1 } }, particle_name = "sand-1-dust-tank-front-particle", probability = 0.3, repeat_count = 8, rotate_offsets = true, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" }, { frame_speed = 1, initial_height = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.2, -0.2 }, { 0.2, 0.2 } }, offsets = { { 0.75, 1 }, { -0.75, 1 }, { 0.8, -0.5 }, { -0.8, -0.5 }, { 0.8, -1 }, { -0.8, -1 } }, particle_name = "sand-1-stone-vehicle-particle-tiny", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 5, rotate_offsets = true, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" }, { frame_speed = 1, initial_height = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.2, -0.25 }, { 0.2, 0.2 } }, offsets = { { 0.75, 1 }, { -0.75, 1 }, { 0.8, -0.5 }, { -0.8, -0.5 }, { 0.8, -1 }, { -0.8, -1 } }, particle_name = "sand-1-stone-vehicle-particle-small", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 4, rotate_offsets = true, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" } }, tiles = { "sand-1" } }, { actions = { { frame_speed = 1, initial_height = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.2, -0.2 }, { 0.2, 0.2 } }, offsets = { { 0.7, 1 }, { -0.7, 1 } }, particle_name = "sand-2-dust-vehicle-particle", probability = 0.3, repeat_count = 8, rotate_offsets = true, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" }, { frame_speed = 1, initial_height = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.2, -0.2 }, { 0.2, 0.2 } }, offsets = { { 0.7, -1 }, { -0.7, -1 } }, particle_name = "sand-2-dust-tank-front-particle", probability = 0.3, repeat_count = 5, rotate_offsets = true, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" }, { frame_speed = 1, initial_height = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.2, -0.25 }, { 0.2, 0.2 } }, offsets = { { 0.75, 1 }, { -0.75, 1 }, { 0.8, -0.5 }, { -0.8, -0.5 }, { 0.8, -1 }, { -0.8, -1 } }, particle_name = "sand-2-stone-vehicle-particle-tiny", probability = 0.05, repeat_count = 4, rotate_offsets = true, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" }, { frame_speed = 1, initial_height = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.2, -0.25 }, { 0.2, 0.2 } }, offsets = { { 0.75, 1 }, { -0.75, 1 }, { 0.8, -0.5 }, { -0.8, -0.5 }, { 0.8, -1 }, { -0.8, -1 } }, particle_name = "sand-2-stone-vehicle-particle-small", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 1, rotate_offsets = true, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" } }, tiles = { "sand-2" } }, { actions = { { frame_speed = 1, initial_height = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.2, -0.2 }, { 0.2, 0.2 } }, offsets = { { 0.7, 1 }, { -0.7, 1 } }, particle_name = "sand-3-dust-vehicle-particle", probability = 0.3, repeat_count = 8, rotate_offsets = true, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" }, { frame_speed = 1, initial_height = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.2, -0.2 }, { 0.2, 0.2 } }, offsets = { { 0.7, -1 }, { -0.7, -1 } }, particle_name = "sand-3-dust-tank-front-particle", probability = 0.3, repeat_count = 5, rotate_offsets = true, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" }, { frame_speed = 1, initial_height = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.2, -0.25 }, { 0.2, 0.2 } }, offsets = { { 0.75, 1 }, { -0.75, 1 }, { 0.8, -0.5 }, { -0.8, -0.5 }, { 0.8, -1 }, { -0.8, -1 } }, particle_name = "sand-3-stone-vehicle-particle-tiny", probability = 0.05, repeat_count = 4, rotate_offsets = true, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" }, { frame_speed = 1, initial_height = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.2, -0.25 }, { 0.2, 0.2 } }, offsets = { { 0.75, 1 }, { -0.75, 1 }, { 0.8, -0.5 }, { -0.8, -0.5 }, { 0.8, -1 }, { -0.8, -1 } }, particle_name = "sand-3-stone-vehicle-particle-small", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 1, rotate_offsets = true, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" } }, tiles = { "sand-3" } }, { actions = { { frame_speed = 1, initial_height = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.2, -0.25 }, { 0.2, 0.2 } }, offsets = { { 0.75, 1 }, { -0.75, 1 }, { 0.8, -0.5 }, { -0.8, -0.5 }, { 0.8, -1 }, { -0.8, -1 } }, particle_name = "grass-1-stone-vehicle-particle-tiny", probability = 0.05, repeat_count = 2, rotate_offsets = true, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" }, { frame_speed = 1, initial_height = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.2, -0.2 }, { 0.2, 0.2 } }, offsets = { { 0.75, 1 }, { -0.75, 1 }, { 0.9, -0.5 }, { -0.8, -0.5 }, { 0.8, -1 }, { -0.8, -1 } }, particle_name = "grass-1-stone-vehicle-particle-small", probability = 0.05, repeat_count = 2, rotate_offsets = true, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" }, { frame_speed = 1, initial_height = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.2, -0.2 }, { 0.2, 0.2 } }, offsets = { { 0.75, 1 }, { -0.75, 1 }, { 0.8, -0.5 }, { -0.8, -0.5 }, { 0.8, -1 }, { -0.8, -1 } }, particle_name = "vegetation-vehicle-particle-small-medium", probability = 0.070000000000000009, repeat_count = 7, rotate_offsets = true, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 0.2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.25, -0.25 }, { 0.25, 0.25 } }, offsets = { { 0.75, 1 }, { -0.75, 1 }, { 0.8, -1 }, { -0.8, -1 } }, particle_name = "brown-dust-vehicle-particle", probability = 0.1, repeat_count = 5, rotate_offsets = true, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" } }, tiles = { "grass-1" } }, { actions = { { frame_speed = 1, initial_height = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.2, -0.25 }, { 0.2, 0.2 } }, offsets = { { 0.75, 1 }, { -0.75, 1 }, { 0.8, -0.5 }, { -0.8, -0.5 }, { 0.8, -1 }, { -0.8, -1 } }, particle_name = "grass-2-stone-vehicle-particle-tiny", probability = 0.05, repeat_count = 2, rotate_offsets = true, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" }, { frame_speed = 1, initial_height = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.2, -0.2 }, { 0.2, 0.2 } }, offsets = { { 0.75, 1 }, { -0.75, 1 }, { 0.9, -0.5 }, { -0.8, -0.5 }, { 0.8, -1 }, { -0.8, -1 } }, particle_name = "grass-2-stone-vehicle-particle-small", probability = 0.05, repeat_count = 2, rotate_offsets = true, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" }, { frame_speed = 1, initial_height = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.2, -0.2 }, { 0.2, 0.2 } }, offsets = { { 0.75, 1 }, { -0.75, 1 }, { 0.8, -0.5 }, { -0.8, -0.5 }, { 0.8, -1 }, { -0.8, -1 } }, particle_name = "vegetation-vehicle-particle-small-medium", probability = 0.070000000000000009, repeat_count = 7, rotate_offsets = true, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 0.2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.25, -0.25 }, { 0.25, 0.25 } }, offsets = { { 0.75, 1 }, { -0.75, 1 }, { 0.8, -1 }, { -0.8, -1 } }, particle_name = "brown-dust-vehicle-particle", probability = 0.1, repeat_count = 5, rotate_offsets = true, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" } }, tiles = { "grass-2" } }, { actions = { { frame_speed = 1, initial_height = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.2, -0.25 }, { 0.2, 0.2 } }, offsets = { { 0.75, 1 }, { -0.75, 1 }, { 0.8, -0.5 }, { -0.8, -0.5 }, { 0.8, -1 }, { -0.8, -1 } }, particle_name = "grass-3-stone-vehicle-particle-tiny", probability = 0.05, repeat_count = 2, rotate_offsets = true, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" }, { frame_speed = 1, initial_height = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.2, -0.2 }, { 0.2, 0.2 } }, offsets = { { 0.75, 1 }, { -0.75, 1 }, { 0.9, -0.5 }, { -0.8, -0.5 }, { -0.8, -1 }, { 0.8, -1 } }, particle_name = "grass-3-stone-vehicle-particle-small", probability = 0.05, repeat_count = 2, rotate_offsets = true, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" }, { frame_speed = 1, initial_height = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.2, -0.2 }, { 0.2, 0.2 } }, offsets = { { 0.75, 1 }, { -0.75, 1 }, { 0.8, -0.5 }, { -0.8, -0.5 }, { 0.8, -1 }, { -0.8, -1 } }, particle_name = "grass-3-vegetation-vehicle-particle-small-medium", probability = 0.070000000000000009, repeat_count = 7, rotate_offsets = true, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 0.2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.25, -0.25 }, { 0.25, 0.25 } }, offsets = { { 0.75, 1 }, { -0.75, 1 }, { 0.8, -1 }, { -0.8, -1 } }, particle_name = "brown-dust-vehicle-particle", probability = 0.1, repeat_count = 5, rotate_offsets = true, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" } }, tiles = { "grass-3" } }, { actions = { { frame_speed = 1, initial_height = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.2, -0.25 }, { 0.2, 0.2 } }, offsets = { { 0.75, 1 }, { -0.75, 1 }, { 0.8, -0.5 }, { -0.8, -0.5 }, { 0.8, -1 }, { -0.8, -1 } }, particle_name = "grass-4-stone-vehicle-particle-tiny", probability = 0.05, repeat_count = 3, rotate_offsets = true, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" }, { frame_speed = 1, initial_height = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.2, -0.2 }, { 0.2, 0.2 } }, offsets = { { 0.75, 1 }, { -0.75, 1 }, { 0.9, -0.5 }, { -0.8, -0.5 }, { 0.8, -1 }, { -0.8, -1 } }, particle_name = "grass-4-stone-vehicle-particle-small", probability = 0.05, repeat_count = 3, rotate_offsets = true, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" }, { frame_speed = 1, initial_height = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.2, -0.2 }, { 0.2, 0.2 } }, offsets = { { 0.75, 1 }, { -0.75, 1 }, { 0.8, -0.5 }, { -0.8, -0.5 }, { 0.8, -1 }, { -0.8, -1 } }, particle_name = "vegetation-vehicle-particle-small-medium", probability = 0.05, repeat_count = 3, rotate_offsets = true, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 0.2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.25, -0.25 }, { 0.25, 0.25 } }, offsets = { { 0.75, 1 }, { -0.75, 1 }, { 0.8, -1 }, { -0.8, -1 } }, particle_name = "brown-dust-vehicle-particle", probability = 0.1, repeat_count = 5, rotate_offsets = true, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" } }, tiles = { "grass-4" } }, { actions = { { frame_speed = 1, initial_height = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.2, -0.2 }, { 0.2, 0.2 } }, offsets = { { 0.7, 1 }, { -0.7, 1 } }, particle_name = "red-desert-0-dust-vehicle-particle", probability = 0.3, repeat_count = 8, rotate_offsets = true, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" }, { frame_speed = 1, initial_height = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.2, -0.2 }, { 0.2, 0.2 } }, offsets = { { 0.7, -1 }, { -0.7, -1 } }, particle_name = "red-desert-0-dust-tank-front-particle", probability = 0.3, repeat_count = 5, rotate_offsets = true, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" }, { frame_speed = 1, initial_height = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.2, -0.25 }, { 0.2, 0.2 } }, offsets = { { 0.75, 1 }, { -0.75, 1 }, { 0.8, -0.5 }, { -0.8, -0.5 }, { 0.8, -1 }, { -0.8, -1 } }, particle_name = "red-desert-0-stone-vehicle-particle-tiny", probability = 0.05, repeat_count = 3, rotate_offsets = true, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" }, { frame_speed = 1, initial_height = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.2, -0.2 }, { 0.2, 0.2 } }, offsets = { { 0.75, 1 }, { -0.75, 1 }, { 0.9, -0.5 }, { -0.8, -0.5 }, { 0.8, -1 }, { -0.8, -1 } }, particle_name = "red-desert-0-stone-vehicle-particle-small", probability = 0.05, repeat_count = 4, rotate_offsets = true, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" }, { frame_speed = 1, initial_height = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.2, -0.2 }, { 0.2, 0.2 } }, offsets = { { 0.75, 1 }, { -0.75, 1 }, { 0.8, -0.5 }, { -0.8, -0.5 }, { 0.8, -1 }, { -0.8, -1 } }, particle_name = "vegetation-vehicle-particle-small-medium", probability = 0.05, repeat_count = 3, rotate_offsets = true, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" } }, tiles = { "red-desert-0" } }, { actions = { { frame_speed = 1, initial_height = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.2, -0.2 }, { 0.2, 0.2 } }, offsets = { { 0.7, 1 }, { -0.7, 1 } }, particle_name = "red-desert-1-dust-vehicle-particle", probability = 0.3, repeat_count = 8, rotate_offsets = true, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" }, { frame_speed = 1, initial_height = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.2, -0.2 }, { 0.2, 0.2 } }, offsets = { { 0.7, -1 }, { -0.7, -1 } }, particle_name = "red-desert-1-dust-tank-front-particle", probability = 0.3, repeat_count = 5, rotate_offsets = true, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" }, { frame_speed = 1, initial_height = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.2, -0.25 }, { 0.2, 0.2 } }, offsets = { { 0.75, 1 }, { -0.75, 1 }, { 0.8, -0.5 }, { -0.8, -0.5 }, { 0.8, -1 }, { -0.8, -1 } }, particle_name = "red-desert-1-stone-vehicle-particle-tiny", probability = 0.05, repeat_count = 4, rotate_offsets = true, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" }, { frame_speed = 1, initial_height = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.2, -0.2 }, { 0.2, 0.2 } }, offsets = { { 0.75, 1 }, { -0.75, 1 }, { 0.8, -0.5 }, { -0.8, -0.5 }, { 0.8, -1 }, { -0.8, -1 } }, particle_name = "red-desert-1-stone-vehicle-particle-small", probability = 0.05, repeat_count = 3, rotate_offsets = true, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" } }, tiles = { "red-desert-1" } }, { actions = { { frame_speed = 1, initial_height = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.2, -0.2 }, { 0.2, 0.2 } }, offsets = { { 0.7, 1 }, { -0.7, 1 } }, particle_name = "red-desert-2-dust-vehicle-particle", probability = 0.3, repeat_count = 8, rotate_offsets = true, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" }, { frame_speed = 1, initial_height = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.2, -0.2 }, { 0.2, 0.2 } }, offsets = { { 0.7, -1 }, { -0.7, -1 } }, particle_name = "red-desert-2-dust-tank-front-particle", probability = 0.3, repeat_count = 5, rotate_offsets = true, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" }, { frame_speed = 1, initial_height = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.2, -0.2 }, { 0.2, 0.2 } }, offsets = { { 0.75, 1 }, { -0.75, 1 }, { 0.8, -0.5 }, { -0.8, -0.5 }, { 0.8, -1 }, { -0.8, -1 } }, particle_name = "red-desert-2-stone-vehicle-particle-tiny", probability = 0.05, repeat_count = 4, rotate_offsets = true, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" }, { frame_speed = 1, initial_height = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.2, -0.2 }, { 0.2, 0.2 } }, offsets = { { 0.75, 1 }, { -0.75, 1 }, { 0.8, -0.5 }, { -0.8, -0.5 }, { 0.8, -1 }, { -0.8, -1 } }, particle_name = "red-desert-2-stone-vehicle-particle-small", probability = 0.05, repeat_count = 3, rotate_offsets = true, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" } }, tiles = { "red-desert-2" } }, { actions = { { frame_speed = 1, initial_height = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.2, -0.2 }, { 0.2, 0.2 } }, offsets = { { 0.7, 1 }, { -0.7, 1 } }, particle_name = "red-desert-3-dust-vehicle-particle", probability = 0.3, repeat_count = 8, rotate_offsets = true, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" }, { frame_speed = 1, initial_height = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.2, -0.2 }, { 0.2, 0.2 } }, offsets = { { 0.7, -1 }, { -0.7, -1 } }, particle_name = "red-desert-3-dust-tank-front-particle", probability = 0.3, repeat_count = 5, rotate_offsets = true, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" }, { frame_speed = 1, initial_height = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.2, -0.25 }, { 0.2, 0.2 } }, offsets = { { 0.75, 1 }, { -0.75, 1 }, { 0.8, -0.5 }, { -0.8, -0.5 }, { 0.8, -1 }, { -0.8, -1 } }, particle_name = "red-desert-3-stone-vehicle-particle-tiny", probability = 0.05, repeat_count = 4, rotate_offsets = true, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" }, { frame_speed = 1, initial_height = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.2, -0.2 }, { 0.2, 0.2 } }, offsets = { { 0.75, 1 }, { -0.75, 1 }, { 0.8, -0.5 }, { -0.8, -0.5 }, { 0.8, -1 }, { -0.8, -1 } }, particle_name = "red-desert-3-stone-vehicle-particle-small", probability = 0.05, repeat_count = 3, rotate_offsets = true, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" } }, tiles = { "red-desert-3" } }, { actions = { { frame_speed = 1, initial_height = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.2, -0.2 }, { 0.2, 0.2 } }, offsets = { { 0.7, 1 }, { -0.7, 1 } }, particle_name = "dirt-1-dust-vehicle-particle", probability = 0.3, repeat_count = 8, rotate_offsets = true, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" }, { frame_speed = 1, initial_height = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.2, -0.2 }, { 0.2, 0.2 } }, offsets = { { 0.7, -1 }, { -0.7, -1 } }, particle_name = "dirt-1-dust-tank-front-particle", probability = 0.3, repeat_count = 5, rotate_offsets = true, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" }, { frame_speed = 1, initial_height = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.2, -0.25 }, { 0.2, 0.2 } }, offsets = { { 0.75, 1 }, { -0.75, 1 }, { 0.8, -0.5 }, { -0.8, -0.5 }, { 0.8, -1 }, { -0.8, -1 } }, particle_name = "dirt-1-stone-vehicle-particle-tiny", probability = 0.05, repeat_count = 4, rotate_offsets = true, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" }, { frame_speed = 1, initial_height = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.2, -0.2 }, { 0.2, 0.2 } }, offsets = { { 0.75, 1 }, { -0.75, 1 }, { 0.8, -0.5 }, { -0.8, -0.5 }, { 0.8, -1 }, { -0.8, -1 } }, particle_name = "dirt-1-stone-vehicle-particle-small", probability = 0.05, repeat_count = 3, rotate_offsets = true, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" } }, tiles = { "dirt-1" } }, { actions = { { frame_speed = 1, initial_height = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.2, -0.2 }, { 0.2, 0.2 } }, offsets = { { 0.7, 1 }, { -0.7, 1 } }, particle_name = "dirt-2-dust-vehicle-particle", probability = 0.3, repeat_count = 8, rotate_offsets = true, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" }, { frame_speed = 1, initial_height = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.2, -0.2 }, { 0.2, 0.2 } }, offsets = { { 0.7, -1 }, { -0.7, -1 } }, particle_name = "dirt-2-dust-tank-front-particle", probability = 0.3, repeat_count = 5, rotate_offsets = true, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" }, { frame_speed = 1, initial_height = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.2, -0.25 }, { 0.2, 0.2 } }, offsets = { { 0.75, 1 }, { -0.75, 1 }, { 0.8, -0.5 }, { -0.8, -0.5 }, { 0.8, -1 }, { -0.8, -1 } }, particle_name = "dirt-2-stone-vehicle-particle-tiny", probability = 0.05, repeat_count = 4, rotate_offsets = true, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" }, { frame_speed = 1, initial_height = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.2, -0.2 }, { 0.2, 0.2 } }, offsets = { { 0.75, 1 }, { -0.75, 1 }, { 0.8, -0.5 }, { -0.8, -0.5 }, { 0.8, -1 }, { -0.8, -1 } }, particle_name = "dirt-2-stone-vehicle-particle-small", probability = 0.05, repeat_count = 3, rotate_offsets = true, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" } }, tiles = { "dirt-2" } }, { actions = { { frame_speed = 1, initial_height = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.2, -0.2 }, { 0.2, 0.2 } }, offsets = { { 0.7, 1 }, { -0.7, 1 } }, particle_name = "dirt-3-dust-vehicle-particle", probability = 0.3, repeat_count = 8, rotate_offsets = true, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" }, { frame_speed = 1, initial_height = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.2, -0.2 }, { 0.2, 0.2 } }, offsets = { { 0.7, -1 }, { -0.7, -1 } }, particle_name = "dirt-3-dust-tank-front-particle", probability = 0.3, repeat_count = 5, rotate_offsets = true, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" }, { frame_speed = 1, initial_height = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.2, -0.25 }, { 0.2, 0.2 } }, offsets = { { 0.75, 1 }, { -0.75, 1 }, { 0.8, -0.5 }, { -0.8, -0.5 }, { 0.8, -1 }, { -0.8, -1 } }, particle_name = "dirt-3-stone-vehicle-particle-tiny", probability = 0.05, repeat_count = 4, rotate_offsets = true, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" }, { frame_speed = 1, initial_height = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.2, -0.2 }, { 0.2, 0.2 } }, offsets = { { 0.75, 1 }, { -0.75, 1 }, { 0.8, -0.5 }, { -0.8, -0.5 }, { 0.8, -1 }, { -0.8, -1 } }, particle_name = "dirt-3-stone-vehicle-particle-small", probability = 0.05, repeat_count = 3, rotate_offsets = true, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" } }, tiles = { "dirt-3" } }, { actions = { { frame_speed = 1, initial_height = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.2, -0.2 }, { 0.2, 0.2 } }, offsets = { { 0.7, 1 }, { -0.7, 1 } }, particle_name = "dirt-4-dust-vehicle-particle", probability = 0.3, repeat_count = 8, rotate_offsets = true, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" }, { frame_speed = 1, initial_height = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.2, -0.2 }, { 0.2, 0.2 } }, offsets = { { 0.7, -1 }, { -0.7, -1 } }, particle_name = "dirt-4-dust-tank-front-particle", probability = 0.3, repeat_count = 5, rotate_offsets = true, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" }, { frame_speed = 1, initial_height = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.2, -0.25 }, { 0.2, 0.2 } }, offsets = { { 0.75, 1 }, { -0.75, 1 }, { 0.8, -0.5 }, { -0.8, -0.5 }, { 0.8, -1 }, { -0.8, -1 } }, particle_name = "dirt-4-stone-vehicle-particle-tiny", probability = 0.05, repeat_count = 4, rotate_offsets = true, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" }, { frame_speed = 1, initial_height = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.2, -0.2 }, { 0.2, 0.2 } }, offsets = { { 0.75, 1 }, { -0.75, 1 }, { 0.8, -0.5 }, { -0.8, -0.5 }, { 0.8, -1 }, { -0.8, -1 } }, particle_name = "dirt-4-stone-vehicle-particle-small", probability = 0.05, repeat_count = 3, rotate_offsets = true, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" } }, tiles = { "dirt-4" } }, { actions = { { frame_speed = 1, initial_height = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.2, -0.2 }, { 0.2, 0.2 } }, offsets = { { 0.7, 1 }, { -0.7, 1 } }, particle_name = "dirt-5-dust-vehicle-particle", probability = 0.3, repeat_count = 8, rotate_offsets = true, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" }, { frame_speed = 1, initial_height = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.2, -0.2 }, { 0.2, 0.2 } }, offsets = { { 0.7, -1 }, { -0.7, -1 } }, particle_name = "dirt-5-dust-tank-front-particle", probability = 0.3, repeat_count = 5, rotate_offsets = true, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" }, { frame_speed = 1, initial_height = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.2, -0.25 }, { 0.2, 0.2 } }, offsets = { { 0.75, 1 }, { -0.75, 1 }, { 0.9, -0.5 }, { -0.9, -0.5 }, { 0.9, -1 }, { -0.9, -1 } }, particle_name = "dirt-5-stone-vehicle-particle-tiny", probability = 0.05, repeat_count = 4, rotate_offsets = true, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" }, { frame_speed = 1, initial_height = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.2, -0.2 }, { 0.2, 0.2 } }, offsets = { { 0.75, 1 }, { -0.75, 1 }, { 0.9, -0.5 }, { -0.9, -0.5 }, { 0.9, -1 }, { -0.9, -1 } }, particle_name = "dirt-5-stone-vehicle-particle-small", probability = 0.05, repeat_count = 3, rotate_offsets = true, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" } }, tiles = { "dirt-5" } }, { actions = { { frame_speed = 1, initial_height = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.2, -0.2 }, { 0.2, 0.2 } }, offsets = { { 0.7, 1 }, { -0.7, 1 } }, particle_name = "dirt-6-dust-vehicle-particle", probability = 0.3, repeat_count = 8, rotate_offsets = true, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" }, { frame_speed = 1, initial_height = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.2, -0.2 }, { 0.2, 0.2 } }, offsets = { { 0.7, -1 }, { -0.7, -1 } }, particle_name = "dirt-6-dust-tank-front-particle", probability = 0.3, repeat_count = 5, rotate_offsets = true, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" }, { frame_speed = 1, initial_height = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.2, -0.25 }, { 0.2, 0.2 } }, offsets = { { 0.75, 1 }, { -0.75, 1 }, { 0.9, -0.5 }, { -0.9, -0.5 }, { 0.9, -1 }, { -0.9, -1 } }, particle_name = "dirt-6-stone-vehicle-particle-tiny", probability = 0.05, repeat_count = 4, rotate_offsets = true, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" }, { frame_speed = 1, initial_height = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.2, -0.2 }, { 0.2, 0.2 } }, offsets = { { 0.75, 1 }, { -0.75, 1 }, { 0.9, -0.5 }, { -0.9, -0.5 }, { 0.9, -1 }, { -0.9, -1 } }, particle_name = "dirt-6-stone-vehicle-particle-small", probability = 0.05, repeat_count = 3, rotate_offsets = true, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" } }, tiles = { "dirt-6" } }, { actions = { { frame_speed = 1, initial_height = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.2, -0.2 }, { 0.2, 0.2 } }, offsets = { { 0.7, 1 }, { -0.7, 1 } }, particle_name = "dirt-7-dust-vehicle-particle", probability = 0.3, repeat_count = 8, rotate_offsets = true, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" }, { frame_speed = 1, initial_height = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.2, -0.2 }, { 0.2, 0.2 } }, offsets = { { 0.7, -1 }, { -0.7, -1 } }, particle_name = "dirt-7-dust-tank-front-particle", probability = 0.3, repeat_count = 5, rotate_offsets = true, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" }, { frame_speed = 1, initial_height = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.2, -0.25 }, { 0.2, 0.2 } }, offsets = { { 0.75, 1 }, { -0.75, 1 }, { 0.9, -0.5 }, { -0.9, -0.5 }, { 0.9, -1 }, { -0.9, -1 } }, particle_name = "dirt-7-stone-vehicle-particle-tiny", probability = 0.05, repeat_count = 4, rotate_offsets = true, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" }, { frame_speed = 1, initial_height = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.2, -0.2 }, { 0.2, 0.2 } }, offsets = { { 0.75, 1 }, { -0.75, 1 }, { 0.9, -0.5 }, { -0.9, -0.5 }, { 0.9, -1 }, { -0.9, -1 } }, particle_name = "dirt-7-stone-vehicle-particle-small", probability = 0.05, repeat_count = 3, rotate_offsets = true, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" } }, tiles = { "dirt-7" } }, { actions = { { frame_speed = 1, initial_height = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.2, -0.2 }, { 0.2, 0.2 } }, offsets = { { 0.7, 1 }, { -0.7, 1 } }, particle_name = "dry-dirt-dust-vehicle-particle", probability = 0.3, repeat_count = 8, rotate_offsets = true, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" }, { frame_speed = 1, initial_height = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.2, -0.2 }, { 0.2, 0.2 } }, offsets = { { 0.7, -1 }, { -0.7, -1 } }, particle_name = "dry-dirt-dust-tank-front-particle", probability = 0.3, repeat_count = 5, rotate_offsets = true, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" }, { frame_speed = 1, initial_height = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.2, -0.25 }, { 0.2, 0.2 } }, offsets = { { 0.75, 1 }, { -0.75, 1 }, { 0.9, -0.5 }, { -0.9, -0.5 }, { 0.9, -1 }, { -0.9, -1 } }, particle_name = "dry-dirt-stone-vehicle-particle-tiny", probability = 0.05, repeat_count = 4, rotate_offsets = true, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" }, { frame_speed = 1, initial_height = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.2, -0.2 }, { 0.2, 0.2 } }, offsets = { { 0.75, 1 }, { -0.75, 1 }, { 0.9, -0.5 }, { -0.9, -0.5 }, { 0.9, -1 }, { -0.9, -1 } }, particle_name = "dry-dirt-stone-vehicle-particle-small", probability = 0.05, repeat_count = 3, rotate_offsets = true, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" } }, tiles = { "dry-dirt" } }, { actions = { { frame_speed = 1, initial_height = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.2, -0.2 }, { 0.2, 0.2 } }, offsets = { { 0.7, 1 }, { -0.7, 1 } }, particle_name = "landfill-dust-vehicle-particle", probability = 0.3, repeat_count = 8, rotate_offsets = true, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" }, { frame_speed = 1, initial_height = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.2, -0.2 }, { 0.2, 0.2 } }, offsets = { { 0.7, -1 }, { -0.7, -1 } }, particle_name = "landfill-dust-tank-front-particle", probability = 0.3, repeat_count = 5, rotate_offsets = true, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" }, { frame_speed = 1, initial_height = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.2, -0.25 }, { 0.2, 0.2 } }, offsets = { { 0.75, 1 }, { -0.75, 1 }, { 0.9, -0.5 }, { -0.9, -0.5 }, { 0.9, -1 }, { -0.9, -1 } }, particle_name = "landfill-stone-vehicle-particle-tiny", probability = 0.05, repeat_count = 4, rotate_offsets = true, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" }, { frame_speed = 1, initial_height = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.2, -0.2 }, { 0.2, 0.2 } }, offsets = { { 0.75, 1 }, { -0.75, 1 }, { 0.9, -0.5 }, { -0.9, -0.5 }, { 0.9, -1 }, { -0.9, -1 } }, particle_name = "landfill-stone-vehicle-particle-small", probability = 0.05, repeat_count = 3, rotate_offsets = true, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" } }, tiles = { "landfill" } }, { actions = { { frame_speed = 1, initial_height = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.2, -0.2 }, { 0.2, 0.2 } }, offsets = { { 0.7, 1 }, { -0.7, 1 } }, particle_name = "nuclear-ground-dust-vehicle-particle", probability = 0.3, repeat_count = 8, rotate_offsets = true, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" }, { frame_speed = 1, initial_height = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.2, -0.2 }, { 0.2, 0.2 } }, offsets = { { 0.7, -1 }, { -0.7, -1 } }, particle_name = "nuclear-ground-dust-tank-front-particle", probability = 0.3, repeat_count = 5, rotate_offsets = true, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" }, { frame_speed = 1, initial_height = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.2, -0.25 }, { 0.2, 0.2 } }, offsets = { { 0.75, 1 }, { -0.75, 1 }, { 0.9, -0.5 }, { -0.9, -0.5 }, { 0.9, -1 }, { -0.9, -1 } }, particle_name = "nuclear-ground-stone-vehicle-particle-tiny", probability = 0.05, repeat_count = 4, rotate_offsets = true, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" }, { frame_speed = 1, initial_height = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.2, -0.2 }, { 0.2, 0.2 } }, offsets = { { 0.75, 1 }, { -0.75, 1 }, { 0.9, -0.5 }, { -0.9, -0.5 }, { 0.9, -1 }, { -0.9, -1 } }, particle_name = "nuclear-ground-stone-vehicle-particle-small", probability = 0.05, repeat_count = 3, rotate_offsets = true, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" } }, tiles = { "nuclear-ground" } } }, turret_animation = { layers = { { animation_speed = 8, direction_count = 64, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tank/tank-turret.png", frame_count = 1, height = 67, hr_version = { animation_speed = 8, direction_count = 64, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tank/hr-tank-turret.png", frame_count = 1, height = 132, line_length = 8, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0078125, -1.078125 }, width = 179 }, line_length = 8, priority = "low", shift = { 0, -1.078125 }, width = 90 }, { apply_runtime_tint = true, direction_count = 64, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tank/tank-turret-mask.png", frame_count = 1, height = 33, hr_version = { apply_runtime_tint = true, direction_count = 64, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tank/hr-tank-turret-mask.png", frame_count = 1, height = 66, line_length = 8, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -1.109375 }, width = 72 }, line_length = 8, priority = "low", shift = { 0, -1.109375 }, width = 36 }, { direction_count = 64, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tank/tank-turret-shadow.png", frame_count = 1, height = 67, hr_version = { direction_count = 64, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tank/hr-tank-turret-shadow.png", frame_count = 1, height = 134, line_length = 8, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.7578125, 0.203125 }, width = 193 }, line_length = 8, priority = "low", shift = { 1.765625, 0.203125 }, width = 97 } } }, turret_return_timeout = 300, turret_rotation_speed = 0.0058333333333333321, type = "car", vehicle_impact_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.vehicle_impact_sound ]=], water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = false, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/car/car-reflection.png", height = 24, priority = "extra-high", scale = 6, shift = { 0, 1.09375 }, variation_count = 1, width = 20 }, rotate = true }, weight = 20000, working_sound = { activate_sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/tank-engine-start.ogg", volume = 0.37000000000000002 }, deactivate_sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/tank-engine-stop.ogg", volume = 0.37000000000000002 }, match_speed_to_activity = true, sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/tank-engine.ogg", volume = 0.37000000000000002 } } } }, ["cargo-wagon"] = { ["cargo-wagon"] = { air_resistance = 0.01, back_light = { { add_perspective = true, color = { a = 0, b = 0.05, g = 0.1, r = 1 }, intensity = 0.6, minimum_darkness = 0.3, shift = { -0.6, 3.5 }, size = 2 }, { add_perspective = true, color = { a = 0, b = 0.05, g = 0.1, r = 1 }, intensity = 0.6, minimum_darkness = 0.3, shift = { 0.6, 3.5 }, size = 2 } }, braking_force = 3, close_sound = { { filename = "__base__/sound/cargo-wagon-close.ogg", volume = 0.54000000000000004 } }, collision_box = { { -0.6, -2.3999999999999999 }, { 0.6, 2.3999999999999999 } }, color = { a = 0.5, b = 0, g = 0.23000000000000003, r = 0.42999999999999998 }, connection_distance = 3, corpse = "cargo-wagon-remnants", crash_trigger = { sound = { { filename = "__base__/sound/car-crash.ogg", volume = 0 } }, type = "play-sound" }, damaged_trigger_effect = { damage_type_filters = "fire", entity_name = "spark-explosion", offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, offsets = { { 0, 1 } }, type = "create-entity" }, drive_over_tie_trigger = { sound = { { filename = "__base__/sound/train-tie-1.ogg", volume = 0.4 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/train-tie-2.ogg", volume = 0.4 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/train-tie-3.ogg", volume = 0.4 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/train-tie-4.ogg", volume = 0.4 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/train-tie-5.ogg", volume = 0.4 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/train-tie-6.ogg", volume = 0.4 } }, type = "play-sound" }, dying_explosion = "cargo-wagon-explosion", energy_per_hit_point = 5, flags = { "placeable-neutral", "player-creation", "placeable-off-grid" }, friction_force = 0.5, horizontal_doors = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/cargo-wagon/cargo-wagon-door-horizontal-end.png", frame_count = 8, height = 33, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/cargo-wagon/hr-cargo-wagon-door-horizontal-end.png", frame_count = 8, height = 63, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.9140625 }, width = 438 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0, -0.921875 }, width = 220 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/cargo-wagon/cargo-wagon-door-horizontal-side.png", frame_count = 8, height = 38, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/cargo-wagon/hr-cargo-wagon-door-horizontal-side.png", frame_count = 8, height = 76, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.765625 }, width = 368 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0, -0.78125 }, width = 186 }, { apply_runtime_tint = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/cargo-wagon/cargo-wagon-door-horizontal-side-mask.png", frame_count = 8, height = 35, hr_version = { apply_runtime_tint = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/cargo-wagon/hr-cargo-wagon-door-horizontal-side-mask.png", frame_count = 8, height = 69, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.8203125 }, width = 320 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0, -0.828125 }, width = 182 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/cargo-wagon/cargo-wagon-door-horizontal-top.png", frame_count = 8, height = 28, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/cargo-wagon/hr-cargo-wagon-door-horizontal-top.png", frame_count = 8, height = 54, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0234375, -1.109375 }, width = 369 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0.015625, -1.125 }, width = 184 }, { apply_runtime_tint = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/cargo-wagon/cargo-wagon-door-horizontal-top-mask.png", frame_count = 8, height = 23, hr_version = { apply_runtime_tint = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/cargo-wagon/hr-cargo-wagon-door-horizontal-top-mask.png", frame_count = 8, height = 45, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0234375, -1.1796875 }, width = 369 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0.015625, -1.17188 }, width = 185 } } }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/cargo-wagon.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, inventory_size = 40, joint_distance = 4, max_health = 600, max_speed = 1.5, minable = { mining_time = 0.5, result = "cargo-wagon" }, mined_sound = { switch_vibration_data = { filename = "__core__/sound/deconstruct-large.bnvib", gain = 0.25 }, variations = { { filename = "__core__/sound/deconstruct-large.ogg", volume = 0.8 } } }, minimap_representation = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/cargo-wagon/cargo-wagon-minimap-representation.png", flags = { "icon" }, scale = 0.5, size = { 20, 40 } }, name = "cargo-wagon", open_sound = { { filename = "__base__/sound/cargo-wagon-open.ogg", volume = 0.55 } }, pictures = { layers = { { allow_low_quality_rotation = true, back_equals_front = true, dice = 4, direction_count = 128, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/cargo-wagon/cargo-wagon-1.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/cargo-wagon/cargo-wagon-2.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/cargo-wagon/cargo-wagon-3.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/cargo-wagon/cargo-wagon-4.png" }, height = 205, hr_version = { allow_low_quality_rotation = true, back_equals_front = true, dice = 4, direction_count = 128, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/cargo-wagon/hr-cargo-wagon-1.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/cargo-wagon/hr-cargo-wagon-2.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/cargo-wagon/hr-cargo-wagon-3.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/cargo-wagon/hr-cargo-wagon-4.png" }, height = 407, line_length = 4, lines_per_file = 8, priority = "very-low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.7890625 }, width = 442 }, line_length = 4, lines_per_file = 8, priority = "very-low", shift = { 0, -0.796875 }, width = 222 }, { allow_low_quality_rotation = true, apply_runtime_tint = true, back_equals_front = true, dice = 4, direction_count = 128, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/cargo-wagon/cargo-wagon-mask-1.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/cargo-wagon/cargo-wagon-mask-2.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/cargo-wagon/cargo-wagon-mask-3.png" }, flags = { "mask" }, height = 174, hr_version = { allow_low_quality_rotation = true, apply_runtime_tint = true, back_equals_front = true, dice = 4, direction_count = 128, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/cargo-wagon/hr-cargo-wagon-mask-1.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/cargo-wagon/hr-cargo-wagon-mask-2.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/cargo-wagon/hr-cargo-wagon-mask-3.png" }, flags = { "mask" }, height = 371, line_length = 4, lines_per_file = 11, priority = "very-low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.015625, -0.9453125 }, width = 406 }, line_length = 4, lines_per_file = 11, priority = "very-low", shift = { 0, -1.125 }, width = 196 }, { allow_low_quality_rotation = true, back_equals_front = true, dice = 4, direction_count = 128, draw_as_shadow = true, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/cargo-wagon/cargo-wagon-shadow-1.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/cargo-wagon/cargo-wagon-shadow-2.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/cargo-wagon/cargo-wagon-shadow-3.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/cargo-wagon/cargo-wagon-shadow-4.png" }, flags = { "shadow" }, height = 201, hr_version = { allow_low_quality_rotation = true, back_equals_front = true, dice = 4, direction_count = 128, draw_as_shadow = true, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/cargo-wagon/hr-cargo-wagon-shadow-1.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/cargo-wagon/hr-cargo-wagon-shadow-2.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/cargo-wagon/hr-cargo-wagon-shadow-3.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/cargo-wagon/hr-cargo-wagon-shadow-4.png" }, flags = { "shadow" }, height = 401, line_length = 4, lines_per_file = 8, priority = "very-low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 1, -0.0703125 }, width = 490 }, line_length = 4, lines_per_file = 8, priority = "very-low", shift = { 0.8, -0.078125 }, width = 246 } } }, resistances = { { decrease = 15, percent = 50, type = "fire" }, { decrease = 15, percent = 30, type = "physical" }, { decrease = 50, percent = 60, type = "impact" }, { decrease = 15, percent = 30, type = "explosion" }, { decrease = 3, percent = 20, type = "acid" } }, selected_minimap_representation = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/cargo-wagon/cargo-wagon-selected-minimap-representation.png", flags = { "icon" }, scale = 0.5, size = { 20, 40 } }, selection_box = { { -1, -2.703125 }, { 1, 3.296875 } }, sound_minimum_speed = 1, stand_by_light = { { add_perspective = true, color = { a = 0, b = 1, g = 0.2, r = 0.05 }, intensity = 0.5, minimum_darkness = 0.3, shift = { -0.6, -3.5 }, size = 2 }, { add_perspective = true, color = { a = 0, b = 1, g = 0.2, r = 0.05 }, intensity = 0.5, minimum_darkness = 0.3, shift = { 0.6, -3.5 }, size = 2 } }, tie_distance = 50, type = "cargo-wagon", vehicle_impact_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.vehicle_impact_sound ]=], vertical_doors = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/cargo-wagon/cargo-wagon-door-vertical-end.png", frame_count = 8, height = 23, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/cargo-wagon/hr-cargo-wagon-door-vertical-end.png", frame_count = 8, height = 44, line_length = 8, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, 1.953125 }, width = 58 }, line_length = 8, shift = { 0, 1.953125 }, width = 30 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/cargo-wagon/cargo-wagon-door-vertical-side.png", frame_count = 8, height = 169, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/cargo-wagon/hr-cargo-wagon-door-vertical-side.png", frame_count = 8, height = 337, line_length = 8, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0078125, -1.0234375 }, width = 127 }, line_length = 8, shift = { 0.015625, -1.01563 }, width = 67 }, { apply_runtime_tint = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/cargo-wagon/cargo-wagon-door-vertical-side-mask.png", frame_count = 8, height = 163, hr_version = { apply_runtime_tint = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/cargo-wagon/hr-cargo-wagon-door-vertical-side-mask.png", frame_count = 8, height = 326, line_length = 8, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -1.109375 }, width = 112 }, line_length = 8, shift = { 0, -1.10938 }, width = 56 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/cargo-wagon/cargo-wagon-door-vertical-top.png", frame_count = 8, height = 168, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/cargo-wagon/hr-cargo-wagon-door-vertical-top.png", frame_count = 8, height = 337, line_length = 8, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -1.1171875 }, width = 64 }, line_length = 8, shift = { 0, -1.125 }, width = 32 }, { apply_runtime_tint = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/cargo-wagon/cargo-wagon-door-vertical-top-mask.png", frame_count = 8, height = 166, hr_version = { apply_runtime_tint = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/cargo-wagon/hr-cargo-wagon-door-vertical-top-mask.png", frame_count = 8, height = 332, line_length = 8, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -1.15625 }, width = 64 }, line_length = 8, shift = { 0, -1.15625 }, width = 32 } } }, vertical_selection_shift = -0.796875, water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = false, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/diesel-locomotive/diesel-locomotive-reflection.png", height = 52, priority = "extra-high", scale = 5, shift = { 0, 1.25 }, variation_count = 1, width = 20 }, rotate = true }, weight = 1000, wheels = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["artillery-wagon"]["artillery-wagon"].wheels ]=], working_sound = { match_volume_to_activity = true, sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/train-wheels.ogg", volume = 0.3 } } } }, character = { character = { alert_when_damaged = false, animations = { { flipped_shadow_running_with_gun = { layers = { { animation_speed = 0.6, direction_count = 18, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/character/level1_running_gun_shadow_flipped.png", frame_count = 22, height = 50, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.6, direction_count = 18, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/character/hr-level1_running_gun_shadow_flipped.png", frame_count = 22, height = 100, line_length = 22, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.796875, 0 }, width = 178 }, line_length = 22, shift = { 0.8125, 0 }, width = 90 } } }, idle = { layers = { { animation_speed = 0.15, direction_count = 8, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/character/level1_idle.png", frame_count = 22, height = 58, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.15, direction_count = 8, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/character/hr-level1_idle.png", frame_count = 22, height = 116, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.65625 }, width = 92 }, shift = { 0, -0.65625 }, width = 46 }, { animation_speed = 0.15, apply_runtime_tint = true, direction_count = 8, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/character/level1_idle_mask.png", frame_count = 22, height = 46, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.15, apply_runtime_tint = true, direction_count = 8, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/character/hr-level1_idle_mask.png", frame_count = 22, height = 90, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.8125 }, width = 56 }, shift = { 0, -0.8125 }, width = 28 }, { animation_speed = 0.15, direction_count = 8, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/character/level1_idle_shadow.png", frame_count = 22, height = 40, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.15, direction_count = 8, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/character/hr-level1_idle_shadow.png", frame_count = 22, height = 78, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.953125, 0.015625 }, width = 164 }, shift = { 0.96875, 0.03125 }, width = 84 } } }, idle_with_gun = { layers = { { animation_speed = 0.15, direction_count = 8, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/character/level1_idle_gun.png", frame_count = 22, height = 64, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.15, direction_count = 8, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/character/hr-level1_idle_gun.png", frame_count = 22, height = 128, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.6875 }, width = 110 }, shift = { 0, -0.6875 }, width = 56 }, { animation_speed = 0.15, apply_runtime_tint = true, direction_count = 8, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/character/level1_idle_gun_mask.png", frame_count = 22, height = 44, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.15, apply_runtime_tint = true, direction_count = 8, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/character/hr-level1_idle_gun_mask.png", frame_count = 22, height = 88, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.015625, -0.6875 }, width = 72 }, shift = { -0.03125, -0.6875 }, width = 36 }, { animation_speed = 0.15, direction_count = 8, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/character/level1_idle_gun_shadow.png", frame_count = 22, height = 48, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.15, direction_count = 8, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/character/hr-level1_idle_gun_shadow.png", frame_count = 22, height = 94, scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.03125, 0 }, width = 182 }, shift = { 1.03125, 0 }, width = 92 } } }, mining_with_tool = { layers = { { animation_speed = 0.9, direction_count = 8, frame_count = 26, height = 98, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.9, direction_count = 8, frame_count = 26, height = 194, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.46875 }, stripes = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/character/hr-level1_mining_tool-1.png", height_in_frames = 8, width_in_frames = 13 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/character/hr-level1_mining_tool-2.png", height_in_frames = 8, width_in_frames = 13 } }, width = 196 }, shift = { 0, -0.46875 }, stripes = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/character/level1_mining_tool-1.png", height_in_frames = 8, width_in_frames = 13 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/character/level1_mining_tool-2.png", height_in_frames = 8, width_in_frames = 13 } }, width = 98 }, { animation_speed = 0.9, apply_runtime_tint = true, direction_count = 8, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/character/level1_mining_tool_mask.png", frame_count = 26, height = 70, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.9, apply_runtime_tint = true, direction_count = 8, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/character/hr-level1_mining_tool_mask.png", frame_count = 26, height = 138, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.015625, -0.59375 }, width = 140 }, shift = { 0, -0.59375 }, width = 70 }, { animation_speed = 0.9, direction_count = 8, draw_as_shadow = true, frame_count = 26, height = 72, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.9, direction_count = 8, draw_as_shadow = true, frame_count = 26, height = 142, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.8125, 0 }, stripes = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/character/hr-level1_mining_tool_shadow-1.png", height_in_frames = 8, width_in_frames = 13 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/character/hr-level1_mining_tool_shadow-2.png", height_in_frames = 8, width_in_frames = 13 } }, width = 292 }, shift = { 0.8125, 0 }, stripes = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/character/level1_mining_tool_shadow-1.png", height_in_frames = 8, width_in_frames = 13 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/character/level1_mining_tool_shadow-2.png", height_in_frames = 8, width_in_frames = 13 } }, width = 146 } } }, running = { layers = { { animation_speed = 0.6, direction_count = 8, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/character/level1_running.png", frame_count = 22, height = 66, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.6, direction_count = 8, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/character/hr-level1_running.png", frame_count = 22, height = 132, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.5625 }, width = 88 }, shift = { 0, -0.5625 }, width = 44 }, { animation_speed = 0.6, apply_runtime_tint = true, direction_count = 8, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/character/level1_running_mask.png", frame_count = 22, height = 56, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.6, apply_runtime_tint = true, direction_count = 8, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/character/hr-level1_running_mask.png", frame_count = 22, height = 110, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.6875 }, width = 78 }, shift = { 0, -0.6875 }, width = 40 }, { animation_speed = 0.6, direction_count = 8, draw_as_shadow = true, frame_count = 22, height = 34, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.6, direction_count = 8, draw_as_shadow = true, frame_count = 22, height = 68, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.9375, 0.078125 }, stripes = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/character/hr-level1_running_shadow-1.png", height_in_frames = 8, width_in_frames = 11 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/character/hr-level1_running_shadow-2.png", height_in_frames = 8, width_in_frames = 11 } }, width = 190 }, shift = { 0.9375, 0.0625 }, stripes = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/character/level1_running_shadow-1.png", height_in_frames = 8, width_in_frames = 11 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/character/level1_running_shadow-2.png", height_in_frames = 8, width_in_frames = 11 } }, width = 96 } } }, running_with_gun = { layers = { { animation_speed = 0.6, direction_count = 18, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/character/level1_running_gun.png", frame_count = 22, height = 68, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.6, direction_count = 18, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/character/hr-level1_running_gun.png", frame_count = 22, height = 136, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.078125, -0.609375 }, width = 108 }, shift = { 0.09375, -0.625 }, width = 56 }, { animation_speed = 0.6, apply_runtime_tint = true, direction_count = 18, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/character/level1_running_gun_mask.png", frame_count = 22, height = 50, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.6, apply_runtime_tint = true, direction_count = 18, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/character/hr-level1_running_gun_mask.png", frame_count = 22, height = 100, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.03125, -0.71875 }, width = 66 }, shift = { 0.03125, -0.71875 }, width = 34 }, { animation_speed = 0.6, direction_count = 18, draw_as_shadow = true, frame_count = 22, height = 50, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.6, direction_count = 18, draw_as_shadow = true, frame_count = 22, height = 100, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.9375, 0 }, stripes = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/character/hr-level1_running_gun_shadow-1.png", height_in_frames = 18, width_in_frames = 11 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/character/hr-level1_running_gun_shadow-2.png", height_in_frames = 18, width_in_frames = 11 } }, width = 192 }, shift = { 0.9375, 0 }, stripes = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/character/level1_running_gun_shadow-1.png", height_in_frames = 18, width_in_frames = 11 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/character/level1_running_gun_shadow-2.png", height_in_frames = 18, width_in_frames = 11 } }, width = 96 } } } }, { armors = { "heavy-armor", "modular-armor" }, flipped_shadow_running_with_gun = { layers = { 0 --[=[ ref [""].character.character.animations[1].flipped_shadow_running_with_gun.layers[1] ]=], { animation_speed = 0.6, direction_count = 18, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/character/level2addon_running_gun_shadow_flipped.png", frame_count = 22, height = 30, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.6, direction_count = 18, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/character/hr-level2addon_running_gun_shadow_flipped.png", frame_count = 22, height = 58, line_length = 22, scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.0625, 0.03125 }, width = 138 }, line_length = 22, shift = { 1.0625, 0.03125 }, width = 70 } } }, idle = { layers = { 0 --[=[ ref [""].character.character.animations[1].idle.layers[1] ]=], 0 --[=[ ref [""].character.character.animations[1].idle.layers[2] ]=], { animation_speed = 0.15, direction_count = 8, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/character/level2addon_idle.png", frame_count = 22, height = 44, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.15, direction_count = 8, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/character/hr-level2addon_idle.png", frame_count = 22, height = 86, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.015625, -0.859375 }, width = 56 }, shift = { 0, -0.84375 }, width = 28 }, { animation_speed = 0.15, apply_runtime_tint = true, direction_count = 8, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/character/level2addon_idle_mask.png", frame_count = 22, height = 42, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.15, apply_runtime_tint = true, direction_count = 8, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/character/hr-level2addon_idle_mask.png", frame_count = 22, height = 84, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.875 }, width = 52 }, shift = { 0, -0.875 }, width = 26 }, 0 --[=[ ref [""].character.character.animations[1].idle.layers[3] ]=], { animation_speed = 0.15, direction_count = 8, draw_as_shadow = true, frame_count = 22, height = 40, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.15, direction_count = 8, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/character/hr-level2addon_idle_shadow.png", frame_count = 22, height = 78, scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.125, 0.015625 }, width = 186 }, shift = { 1.125, 0.03125 }, stripes = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/character/level2addon_idle_shadow-1.png", height_in_frames = 8, width_in_frames = 11 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/character/level2addon_idle_shadow-2.png", height_in_frames = 8, width_in_frames = 11 } }, width = 94 } } }, idle_with_gun = { layers = { 0 --[=[ ref [""].character.character.animations[1].idle_with_gun.layers[1] ]=], 0 --[=[ ref [""].character.character.animations[1].idle_with_gun.layers[2] ]=], { animation_speed = 0.15, direction_count = 8, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/character/level2addon_idle_gun.png", frame_count = 22, height = 44, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.15, direction_count = 8, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/character/hr-level2addon_idle_gun.png", frame_count = 22, height = 86, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.78125 }, width = 72 }, shift = { 0, -0.78125 }, width = 36 }, { animation_speed = 0.15, apply_runtime_tint = true, direction_count = 8, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/character/level2addon_idle_gun_mask.png", frame_count = 22, height = 44, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.15, apply_runtime_tint = true, direction_count = 8, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/character/hr-level2addon_idle_gun_mask.png", frame_count = 22, height = 84, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.796875 }, width = 72 }, shift = { 0, -0.78125 }, width = 36 }, 0 --[=[ ref [""].character.character.animations[1].idle_with_gun.layers[3] ]=], { animation_speed = 0.15, direction_count = 8, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/character/level2addon_idle_gun_shadow.png", frame_count = 22, height = 48, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.15, direction_count = 8, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/character/hr-level2addon_idle_gun_shadow.png", frame_count = 22, height = 94, scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.03125, 0 }, width = 182 }, shift = { 1.03125, 0 }, width = 92 } } }, mining_with_tool = { layers = { 0 --[=[ ref [""].character.character.animations[1].mining_with_tool.layers[1] ]=], 0 --[=[ ref [""].character.character.animations[1].mining_with_tool.layers[2] ]=], { animation_speed = 0.9, direction_count = 8, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/character/level2addon_mining_tool.png", frame_count = 26, height = 62, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.9, direction_count = 8, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/character/hr-level2addon_mining_tool.png", frame_count = 26, height = 124, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.65625 }, width = 142 }, shift = { 0, -0.65625 }, width = 72 }, { animation_speed = 0.9, apply_runtime_tint = true, direction_count = 8, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/character/level2addon_mining_tool_mask.png", frame_count = 26, height = 60, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.9, apply_runtime_tint = true, direction_count = 8, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/character/hr-level2addon_mining_tool_mask.png", frame_count = 26, height = 120, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.6875 }, width = 140 }, shift = { 0, -0.6875 }, width = 70 }, 0 --[=[ ref [""].character.character.animations[1].mining_with_tool.layers[3] ]=], { animation_speed = 0.9, direction_count = 8, draw_as_shadow = true, frame_count = 26, height = 72, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.9, direction_count = 8, draw_as_shadow = true, frame_count = 26, height = 142, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.8125, 0 }, stripes = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/character/hr-level2addon_mining_tool_shadow-1.png", height_in_frames = 8, width_in_frames = 13 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/character/hr-level2addon_mining_tool_shadow-2.png", height_in_frames = 8, width_in_frames = 13 } }, width = 292 }, shift = { 0.8125, 0 }, stripes = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/character/level2addon_mining_tool_shadow-1.png", height_in_frames = 8, width_in_frames = 13 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/character/level2addon_mining_tool_shadow-2.png", height_in_frames = 8, width_in_frames = 13 } }, width = 146 } } }, running = { layers = { 0 --[=[ ref [""].character.character.animations[1].running.layers[1] ]=], 0 --[=[ ref [""].character.character.animations[1].running.layers[2] ]=], { animation_speed = 0.6, direction_count = 8, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/character/level2addon_running.png", frame_count = 22, height = 54, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.6, direction_count = 8, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/character/hr-level2addon_running.png", frame_count = 22, height = 106, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.78125 }, width = 70 }, shift = { 0, -0.78125 }, width = 36 }, { animation_speed = 0.6, apply_runtime_tint = true, direction_count = 8, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/character/level2addon_running_mask.png", frame_count = 22, height = 54, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.6, apply_runtime_tint = true, direction_count = 8, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/character/hr-level2addon_running_mask.png", frame_count = 22, height = 104, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.796875 }, width = 70 }, shift = { 0, -0.78125 }, width = 36 }, 0 --[=[ ref [""].character.character.animations[1].running.layers[3] ]=], { animation_speed = 0.6, direction_count = 8, draw_as_shadow = true, frame_count = 22, height = 34, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.6, direction_count = 8, draw_as_shadow = true, frame_count = 22, height = 68, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.96875, 0.078125 }, stripes = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/character/hr-level2addon_running_shadow-1.png", height_in_frames = 8, width_in_frames = 11 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/character/hr-level2addon_running_shadow-2.png", height_in_frames = 8, width_in_frames = 11 } }, width = 194 }, shift = { 0.96875, 0.0625 }, stripes = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/character/level2addon_running_shadow-1.png", height_in_frames = 8, width_in_frames = 11 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/character/level2addon_running_shadow-2.png", height_in_frames = 8, width_in_frames = 11 } }, width = 98 } } }, running_with_gun = { layers = { 0 --[=[ ref [""].character.character.animations[1].running_with_gun.layers[1] ]=], 0 --[=[ ref [""].character.character.animations[1].running_with_gun.layers[2] ]=], { animation_speed = 0.6, direction_count = 18, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/character/level2addon_running_gun.png", frame_count = 22, height = 48, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.6, direction_count = 18, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/character/hr-level2addon_running_gun.png", frame_count = 22, height = 94, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.015625, -0.796875 }, width = 68 }, shift = { 0.03125, -0.78125 }, width = 36 }, { animation_speed = 0.6, apply_runtime_tint = true, direction_count = 18, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/character/level2addon_running_gun_mask.png", frame_count = 22, height = 48, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.6, apply_runtime_tint = true, direction_count = 18, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/character/hr-level2addon_running_gun_mask.png", frame_count = 22, height = 94, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.015625, -0.796875 }, width = 68 }, shift = { 0.03125, -0.78125 }, width = 36 }, 0 --[=[ ref [""].character.character.animations[1].running_with_gun.layers[3] ]=], { animation_speed = 0.6, direction_count = 18, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/character/level2addon_running_gun_shadow.png", frame_count = 22, height = 30, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.6, direction_count = 18, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/character/hr-level2addon_running_gun_shadow.png", frame_count = 22, height = 58, scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.15625, 0.03125 }, width = 134 }, shift = { 1.15625, 0.03125 }, width = 68 } } } }, { armors = { "power-armor", "power-armor-mk2" }, flipped_shadow_running_with_gun = { layers = { 0 --[=[ ref [""].character.character.animations[1].flipped_shadow_running_with_gun.layers[1] ]=], { animation_speed = 0.6, direction_count = 18, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/character/level3addon_running_gun_shadow_flipped.png", frame_count = 22, height = 32, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.6, direction_count = 18, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/character/hr-level3addon_running_gun_shadow_flipped.png", frame_count = 22, height = 64, line_length = 22, scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.046875, 0.015625 }, width = 142 }, line_length = 22, shift = { 1.0625, 0 }, width = 72 } } }, idle = { layers = { 0 --[=[ ref [""].character.character.animations[1].idle.layers[1] ]=], 0 --[=[ ref [""].character.character.animations[1].idle.layers[2] ]=], { animation_speed = 0.15, direction_count = 8, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/character/level3addon_idle.png", frame_count = 22, height = 44, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.15, direction_count = 8, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/character/hr-level3addon_idle.png", frame_count = 22, height = 86, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.875 }, width = 74 }, shift = { 0, -0.875 }, width = 38 }, { animation_speed = 0.15, apply_runtime_tint = true, direction_count = 8, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/character/level3addon_idle_mask.png", frame_count = 22, height = 38, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.15, apply_runtime_tint = true, direction_count = 8, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/character/hr-level3addon_idle_mask.png", frame_count = 22, height = 72, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.984375 }, width = 74 }, shift = { 0, -0.96875 }, width = 38 }, 0 --[=[ ref [""].character.character.animations[1].idle.layers[3] ]=], { animation_speed = 0.15, direction_count = 8, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/character/level3addon_idle_shadow.png", frame_count = 22, height = 32, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.15, direction_count = 8, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/character/hr-level3addon_idle_shadow.png", frame_count = 22, height = 64, scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.203125, 0 }, width = 132 }, shift = { 1.1875, 0 }, width = 66 } } }, idle_with_gun = { layers = { 0 --[=[ ref [""].character.character.animations[1].idle_with_gun.layers[1] ]=], 0 --[=[ ref [""].character.character.animations[1].idle_with_gun.layers[2] ]=], { animation_speed = 0.15, direction_count = 8, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/character/level3addon_idle_gun.png", frame_count = 22, height = 44, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.15, direction_count = 8, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/character/hr-level3addon_idle_gun.png", frame_count = 22, height = 88, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.765625 }, width = 78 }, shift = { 0, -0.78125 }, width = 40 }, { animation_speed = 0.15, apply_runtime_tint = true, direction_count = 8, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/character/level3addon_idle_gun_mask.png", frame_count = 22, height = 36, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.15, apply_runtime_tint = true, direction_count = 8, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/character/hr-level3addon_idle_gun_mask.png", frame_count = 22, height = 68, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.890625 }, width = 76 }, shift = { 0, -0.875 }, width = 38 }, 0 --[=[ ref [""].character.character.animations[1].idle_with_gun.layers[3] ]=], { animation_speed = 0.15, direction_count = 8, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/character/level3addon_idle_gun_shadow.png", frame_count = 22, height = 32, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.15, direction_count = 8, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/character/hr-level3addon_idle_gun_shadow.png", frame_count = 22, height = 64, scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.046875, 0 }, width = 130 }, shift = { 1.0625, 0 }, width = 66 } } }, mining_with_tool = { layers = { 0 --[=[ ref [""].character.character.animations[1].mining_with_tool.layers[1] ]=], 0 --[=[ ref [""].character.character.animations[1].mining_with_tool.layers[2] ]=], { animation_speed = 0.9, direction_count = 8, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/character/level3addon_mining_tool.png", frame_count = 26, height = 64, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.9, direction_count = 8, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/character/hr-level3addon_mining_tool.png", frame_count = 26, height = 124, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.671875 }, width = 144 }, shift = { 0, -0.65625 }, width = 72 }, { animation_speed = 0.9, apply_runtime_tint = true, direction_count = 8, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/character/level3addon_mining_tool_mask.png", frame_count = 26, height = 56, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.9, apply_runtime_tint = true, direction_count = 8, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/character/hr-level3addon_mining_tool_mask.png", frame_count = 26, height = 112, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.75 }, width = 138 }, shift = { 0, -0.75 }, width = 70 }, 0 --[=[ ref [""].character.character.animations[1].mining_with_tool.layers[3] ]=], { animation_speed = 0.9, direction_count = 8, draw_as_shadow = true, frame_count = 26, height = 58, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.9, direction_count = 8, draw_as_shadow = true, frame_count = 26, height = 116, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.9375, 0 }, stripes = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/character/hr-level3addon_mining_tool_shadow-1.png", height_in_frames = 8, width_in_frames = 13 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/character/hr-level3addon_mining_tool_shadow-2.png", height_in_frames = 8, width_in_frames = 13 } }, width = 184 }, shift = { 0.9375, 0 }, stripes = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/character/level3addon_mining_tool_shadow-1.png", height_in_frames = 8, width_in_frames = 13 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/character/level3addon_mining_tool_shadow-2.png", height_in_frames = 8, width_in_frames = 13 } }, width = 92 } } }, running = { layers = { 0 --[=[ ref [""].character.character.animations[1].running.layers[1] ]=], 0 --[=[ ref [""].character.character.animations[1].running.layers[2] ]=], { animation_speed = 0.6, direction_count = 8, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/character/level3addon_running.png", frame_count = 22, height = 54, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.6, direction_count = 8, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/character/hr-level3addon_running.png", frame_count = 22, height = 108, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.78125 }, width = 80 }, shift = { 0, -0.78125 }, width = 40 }, { animation_speed = 0.6, apply_runtime_tint = true, direction_count = 8, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/character/level3addon_running_mask.png", frame_count = 22, height = 44, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.6, apply_runtime_tint = true, direction_count = 8, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/character/hr-level3addon_running_mask.png", frame_count = 22, height = 88, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.890625 }, width = 78 }, shift = { 0, -0.90625 }, width = 40 }, 0 --[=[ ref [""].character.character.animations[1].running.layers[3] ]=], { animation_speed = 0.6, direction_count = 8, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/character/level3addon_running_shadow.png", frame_count = 22, height = 36, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.6, direction_count = 8, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/character/hr-level3addon_running_shadow.png", frame_count = 22, height = 68, scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.1875, 0.078125 }, width = 168 }, shift = { 1.1875, 0.09375 }, width = 84 } } }, running_with_gun = { layers = { 0 --[=[ ref [""].character.character.animations[1].running_with_gun.layers[1] ]=], 0 --[=[ ref [""].character.character.animations[1].running_with_gun.layers[2] ]=], { animation_speed = 0.6, direction_count = 18, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/character/level3addon_running_gun.png", frame_count = 22, height = 48, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.6, direction_count = 18, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/character/hr-level3addon_running_gun.png", frame_count = 22, height = 96, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.015625, -0.765625 }, width = 76 }, shift = { 0, -0.78125 }, width = 38 }, { animation_speed = 0.6, apply_runtime_tint = true, direction_count = 18, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/character/level3addon_running_gun_mask.png", frame_count = 22, height = 38, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.6, apply_runtime_tint = true, direction_count = 18, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/character/hr-level3addon_running_gun_mask.png", frame_count = 22, height = 74, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.015625, -0.921875 }, width = 74 }, shift = { 0.03125, -0.90625 }, width = 38 }, 0 --[=[ ref [""].character.character.animations[1].running_with_gun.layers[3] ]=], { animation_speed = 0.6, direction_count = 18, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/character/level3addon_running_gun_shadow.png", frame_count = 22, height = 32, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.6, direction_count = 18, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/character/hr-level3addon_running_gun_shadow.png", frame_count = 22, height = 64, scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.125, 0.015625 }, width = 136 }, shift = { 1.125, 0 }, width = 68 } } } } }, build_distance = 10, character_corpse = "character-corpse", collision_box = { { -0.2, -0.2 }, { 0.2, 0.2 } }, crafting_categories = { "crafting" }, damage_hit_tint = { a = 0, b = 0, g = 0, r = 0.12 }, distance_per_frame = 0.13, drop_item_distance = 10, eat = { { filename = "__base__/sound/eat.ogg", volume = 1 } }, enter_vehicle_distance = 3, flags = { "placeable-off-grid", "breaths-air", "not-repairable", "not-on-map", "not-flammable" }, footprint_particles = { { particle_name = "character-footprint-particle", tiles = { "dry-dirt", "dirt-1", "dirt-2", "dirt-3", "dirt-4", "dirt-5", "dirt-6", "dirt-7", "sand-1", "sand-2", "sand-3", "nuclear-ground", "red-desert-0", "red-desert-1", "red-desert-2", "red-desert-3" } }, { tiles = {}, use_as_default = true } }, healing_per_tick = 0.15, heartbeat = { { filename = "__base__/sound/heartbeat.ogg" } }, hit_visualization_box = { { -0.2, -1.1000000000000001 }, { 0.2, 0.2 } }, icon = "__core__/graphics/icons/entity/character.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, inventory_size = 80, item_pickup_distance = 1, left_footprint_frames = { 5, 16 }, left_footprint_offset = { -0.1, 0 }, light = { { color = { b = 1, g = 1, r = 1 }, intensity = 0.4, minimum_darkness = 0.3, size = 25 }, { color = { b = 1, g = 1, r = 1 }, intensity = 0.6, minimum_darkness = 0.3, picture = { filename = "__core__/graphics/light-cone.png", flags = { "light" }, height = 200, priority = "extra-high", scale = 2, width = 200 }, shift = { 0, -13 }, size = 2, type = "oriented" } }, loot_pickup_distance = 2, max_health = 250, maximum_corner_sliding_distance = 0.7, mining_categories = { "basic-solid" }, mining_speed = 0.5, mining_with_tool_particles_animation_positions = { 19 }, name = "character", order = "a", reach_distance = 10, reach_resource_distance = 2.7000000000000002, right_footprint_frames = { 10, 21 }, right_footprint_offset = { 0.1, 0 }, running_sound_animation_positions = { 5, 16 }, running_speed = 0.15, selection_box = { { -0.4, -1.3999999999999999 }, { 0.4, 0.2 } }, sticker_box = { { -0.2, -1 }, { 0.2, 0 } }, subgroup = "creatures", synced_footstep_particle_triggers = { { initial_height = 0.2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.03, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.2, -0.2 }, { 0.2, 0.2 } }, particle_name = "shallow-water-particle", repeat_count = 3, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, tail_length = 3, tiles = { "water-shallow" }, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 0.2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.03, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.2, -0.2 }, { 0.2, 0.2 } }, particle_name = "shallow-water-2-particle", repeat_count = 3, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, tail_length = 3, tiles = { "water-mud" }, type = "create-particle" }, { actions = { { frame_speed = 0.4, initial_height = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.2, -0.2 }, { 0.2, 0.2 } }, particle_name = "vegetation-character-particle-small-medium", probability = 1, repeat_count = 5, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" }, { frame_speed = 0.4, initial_height = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.2, -0.2 }, { 0.2, 0.2 } }, particle_name = "grass-1-stone-character-particle-tiny", probability = 1, repeat_count = 4, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" }, { frame_speed = 0.4, initial_height = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.2, -0.2 }, { 0.2, 0.2 } }, particle_name = "brown-dust-vehicle-particle", probability = 0.75, repeat_count = 2, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" } }, tiles = { "grass-1", "grass-2", "grass-4" } }, { actions = { { frame_speed = 0.4, initial_height = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.2, -0.2 }, { 0.2, 0.2 } }, particle_name = "grass-3-vegetation-character-particle-small-medium", probability = 1, repeat_count = 10, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" }, { frame_speed = 0.4, initial_height = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.2, -0.2 }, { 0.2, 0.2 } }, particle_name = "grass-3-stone-character-particle-tiny", probability = 1, repeat_count = 5, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" }, { frame_speed = 0.4, initial_height = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.2, -0.2 }, { 0.2, 0.2 } }, particle_name = "brown-dust-vehicle-particle", probability = 1, repeat_count = 2, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" } }, tiles = { "grass-3" } }, { actions = { { initial_height = 0.2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.2, -0.2 }, { 0.2, 0.2 } }, particle_name = "sand-1-dust-particle", probability = 1, repeat_count = 5, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" }, { frame_speed = 0.4, initial_height = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.2, -0.2 }, { 0.2, 0.2 } }, particle_name = "sand-1-stone-character-particle-tiny", probability = 1, repeat_count = 1, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" } }, tiles = { "sand-1" } }, { actions = { { initial_height = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.2, -0.2 }, { 0.2, 0.2 } }, particle_name = "sand-2-dust-particle", probability = 1, repeat_count = 10, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" }, { frame_speed = 0.4, initial_height = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.2, -0.2 }, { 0.2, 0.2 } }, particle_name = "sand-2-stone-character-particle-tiny", probability = 0.3, repeat_count = 1, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" } }, tiles = { "sand-2" } }, { actions = { { frame_speed = 0.4, initial_height = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.2, -0.2 }, { 0.2, 0.2 } }, particle_name = "sand-3-dust-particle", probability = 1, repeat_count = 10, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" }, { frame_speed = 0.4, initial_height = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.2, -0.2 }, { 0.2, 0.2 } }, particle_name = "sand-3-stone-character-particle-tiny", probability = 1, repeat_count = 3, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" } }, tiles = { "sand-3" } }, { actions = { { frame_speed = 0.4, initial_height = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.2, -0.2 }, { 0.2, 0.2 } }, particle_name = "red-desert-0-dust-particle", probability = 1, repeat_count = 10, rotate_offsets = true, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" }, { frame_speed = 0.4, initial_height = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.2, -0.2 }, { 0.2, 0.2 } }, particle_name = "vegetation-character-particle-small-medium", probability = 1, repeat_count = 4, rotate_offsets = true, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" }, { frame_speed = 0.4, initial_height = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.2, -0.2 }, { 0.2, 0.2 } }, particle_name = "red-desert-0-stone-character-particle-tiny", probability = 1, repeat_count = 5, rotate_offsets = true, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" } }, tiles = { "red-desert-0" } }, { actions = { { frame_speed = 1, initial_height = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.2, -0.2 }, { 0.2, 0.2 } }, particle_name = "red-desert-1-dust-particle", probability = 1, repeat_count = 7, rotate_offsets = true, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" }, { frame_speed = 0.4, initial_height = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.2, -0.2 }, { 0.2, 0.2 } }, particle_name = "red-desert-1-stone-character-particle-tiny", probability = 1, repeat_count = 5, rotate_offsets = true, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" } }, tiles = { "red-desert-1" } }, { actions = { { frame_speed = 1, initial_height = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.2, -0.2 }, { 0.2, 0.2 } }, particle_name = "red-desert-2-dust-particle", probability = 1, repeat_count = 7, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" }, { frame_speed = 0.4, initial_height = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.2, -0.2 }, { 0.2, 0.2 } }, particle_name = "red-desert-2-stone-character-particle-tiny", probability = 1, repeat_count = 5, rotate_offsets = true, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" } }, tiles = { "red-desert-2" } }, { actions = { { frame_speed = 1, initial_height = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.2, -0.2 }, { 0.2, 0.2 } }, particle_name = "red-desert-3-dust-particle", probability = 1, repeat_count = 7, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" }, { frame_speed = 0.4, initial_height = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.2, -0.2 }, { 0.2, 0.2 } }, particle_name = "red-desert-3-stone-character-particle-tiny", probability = 1, repeat_count = 5, rotate_offsets = true, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" } }, tiles = { "red-desert-3" } }, { actions = { { frame_speed = 0.4, initial_height = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.2, -0.2 }, { 0.2, 0.2 } }, particle_name = "dirt-1-dust-particle", probability = 1, repeat_count = 7, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" }, { frame_speed = 0.4, initial_height = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.2, -0.2 }, { 0.2, 0.2 } }, particle_name = "dirt-1-stone-character-particle-tiny", probability = 1, repeat_count = 5, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" } }, tiles = { "dirt-1" } }, { actions = { { frame_speed = 0.4, initial_height = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.2, -0.2 }, { 0.2, 0.2 } }, particle_name = "dirt-2-dust-particle", probability = 1, repeat_count = 7, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" }, { frame_speed = 0.4, initial_height = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.2, -0.2 }, { 0.2, 0.2 } }, particle_name = "dirt-2-stone-character-particle-tiny", probability = 1, repeat_count = 5, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" } }, tiles = { "dirt-2" } }, { actions = { { frame_speed = 0.4, initial_height = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.2, -0.2 }, { 0.2, 0.2 } }, particle_name = "dirt-3-dust-particle", probability = 1, repeat_count = 7, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" }, { frame_speed = 0.4, initial_height = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.2, -0.2 }, { 0.2, 0.2 } }, particle_name = "dirt-3-stone-character-particle-tiny", probability = 1, repeat_count = 5, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" } }, tiles = { "dirt-3" } }, { actions = { { frame_speed = 0.4, initial_height = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.2, -0.2 }, { 0.2, 0.2 } }, particle_name = "dirt-4-dust-particle", probability = 1, repeat_count = 7, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" }, { frame_speed = 0.4, initial_height = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.2, -0.2 }, { 0.2, 0.2 } }, particle_name = "dirt-4-stone-character-particle-tiny", probability = 1, repeat_count = 5, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" } }, tiles = { "dirt-4" } }, { actions = { { frame_speed = 0.4, initial_height = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.2, -0.2 }, { 0.2, 0.2 } }, particle_name = "dirt-5-dust-particle", probability = 1, repeat_count = 7, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" }, { frame_speed = 0.4, initial_height = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.2, -0.2 }, { 0.2, 0.2 } }, particle_name = "dirt-5-stone-character-particle-tiny", probability = 1, repeat_count = 5, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" } }, tiles = { "dirt-5" } }, { actions = { { frame_speed = 0.4, initial_height = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.2, -0.2 }, { 0.2, 0.2 } }, particle_name = "dirt-6-dust-particle", probability = 1, repeat_count = 7, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" }, { frame_speed = 0.4, initial_height = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.2, -0.2 }, { 0.2, 0.2 } }, particle_name = "dirt-6-stone-character-particle-tiny", probability = 1, repeat_count = 5, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" } }, tiles = { "dirt-6" } }, { actions = { { frame_speed = 0.4, initial_height = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.2, -0.2 }, { 0.2, 0.2 } }, particle_name = "dirt-5-dust-particle", probability = 1, repeat_count = 7, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" }, { frame_speed = 0.4, initial_height = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.2, -0.2 }, { 0.2, 0.2 } }, particle_name = "dirt-7-stone-character-particle-tiny", probability = 1, repeat_count = 5, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" } }, tiles = { "dirt-7" } }, { actions = { { frame_speed = 0.4, initial_height = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.2, -0.2 }, { 0.2, 0.2 } }, particle_name = "dry-dirt-dust-particle", probability = 1, repeat_count = 7, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" }, { frame_speed = 0.4, initial_height = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.2, -0.2 }, { 0.2, 0.2 } }, particle_name = "dry-dirt-stone-character-particle-tiny", probability = 1, repeat_count = 5, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" } }, tiles = { "dry-dirt" } }, { actions = { { frame_speed = 0.4, initial_height = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.2, -0.2 }, { 0.2, 0.2 } }, particle_name = "landfill-dust-particle", probability = 1, repeat_count = 7, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" }, { frame_speed = 0.4, initial_height = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.2, -0.2 }, { 0.2, 0.2 } }, particle_name = "landfill-stone-character-particle-tiny", probability = 1, repeat_count = 5, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" } }, tiles = { "landfill" } }, { actions = { { frame_speed = 0.4, initial_height = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.2, -0.2 }, { 0.2, 0.2 } }, particle_name = "nuclear-ground-dust-particle", probability = 1, repeat_count = 7, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" }, { frame_speed = 0.4, initial_height = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.2, -0.2 }, { 0.2, 0.2 } }, particle_name = "nuclear-ground-stone-character-particle-tiny", probability = 1, repeat_count = 5, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" } }, tiles = { "nuclear-ground" } } }, ticks_to_keep_aiming_direction = 100, ticks_to_keep_gun = 600, ticks_to_stay_in_combat = 600, tool_attack_result = { action_delivery = { target_effects = { damage = { amount = 8, type = "physical" }, type = "damage" }, type = "instant" }, type = "direct" }, type = "character", water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = false, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/character/character-reflection.png", height = 19, priority = "extra-high", scale = 5, shift = { 0, 1.046875 }, variation_count = 1, width = 13 }, rotate = false } } 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34, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/character/hr-level2addon_dead.png", frame_count = 2, height = 68, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03125, -0.15625 }, width = 86 }, shift = { -0.03125, -0.15625 }, width = 44 }, { apply_runtime_tint = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/character/level2addon_dead_mask.png", frame_count = 2, height = 34, hr_version = { apply_runtime_tint = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/character/hr-level2addon_dead_mask.png", frame_count = 2, height = 66, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.015625, -0.171875 }, width = 86 }, shift = { 0, -0.15625 }, width = 44 }, 0 --[=[ ref [""]["character-corpse"]["character-corpse"].pictures[1].layers[3] ]=] } }, { layers = { 0 --[=[ ref [""]["character-corpse"]["character-corpse"].pictures[1].layers[1] ]=], 0 --[=[ ref [""]["character-corpse"]["character-corpse"].pictures[1].layers[2] ]=], { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/character/level3addon_dead.png", frame_count = 2, height = 34, hr_version = { 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1120, y = 256 } } } } }, east_to_south = { collision_bounding_box = { { -0.80563491861040486, 0.33076118445748817 }, { 2.305634918610405, 2.1692388155425117 }, 0.875 }, fill_volume = 32, pictures = { { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/terrain/cliffs/cliff-outer.png", height = 128, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/terrain/cliffs/hr-cliff-outer.png", height = 256, scale = 0.5, width = 256, x = 0, y = 256 }, scale = 1, width = 128, x = 0, y = 128 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/terrain/cliffs/cliff-outer-shadow.png", height = 128, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/terrain/cliffs/hr-cliff-outer-shadow.png", height = 256, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.5, 0 }, width = 320, x = 0, y = 256 }, scale = 1, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""][1].layers[2].hr_version.shift ]=], width = 160, x = 0, y = 128 } } }, { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/terrain/cliffs/cliff-outer.png", height = 128, hr_version = { filename = 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[""][1].layers[2].hr_version.shift ]=], width = 160, x = 480, y = 128 } } }, { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/terrain/cliffs/cliff-outer.png", height = 128, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/terrain/cliffs/hr-cliff-outer.png", height = 256, scale = 0.5, width = 256, x = 1024, y = 256 }, scale = 1, width = 128, x = 512, y = 128 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/terrain/cliffs/cliff-outer-shadow.png", height = 128, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/terrain/cliffs/hr-cliff-outer-shadow.png", height = 256, scale = 0.5, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""][1].layers[2].hr_version.shift ]=], width = 320, x = 1280, y = 256 }, scale = 1, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""][1].layers[2].hr_version.shift ]=], width = 160, x = 640, y = 128 } } }, { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/terrain/cliffs/cliff-outer.png", height = 128, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/terrain/cliffs/hr-cliff-outer.png", height = 256, scale = 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"__base__/graphics/terrain/cliffs/hr-cliff-entrance-shadow.png", height = 256, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, 0 }, width = 256, x = 512, y = 0 }, scale = 1, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""][1].layers[2].hr_version.shift ]=], width = 128, x = 256, y = 0 } } }, { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/terrain/cliffs/cliff-entrance.png", height = 128, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/terrain/cliffs/hr-cliff-entrance.png", height = 256, scale = 0.5, width = 256, x = 768, y = 0 }, scale = 1, width = 128, x = 384, y = 0 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/terrain/cliffs/cliff-entrance-shadow.png", height = 128, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/terrain/cliffs/hr-cliff-entrance-shadow.png", height = 256, scale = 0.5, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""][1].layers[2].hr_version.shift ]=], width = 256, x = 768, y = 0 }, scale = 1, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""][1].layers[2].hr_version.shift ]=], width = 128, x = 384, y = 0 } } } } }, west_to_north = { collision_bounding_box = { { -3.1591883092036785, -2.0227922061357857 }, { 0.65918830920367855, 0.5227922061357857 }, 0.875 }, fill_volume = 32, pictures = { { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/terrain/cliffs/cliff-outer.png", height = 128, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/terrain/cliffs/hr-cliff-outer.png", height = 256, scale = 0.5, width = 256, x = 0, y = 768 }, scale = 1, width = 128, x = 0, y = 384 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/terrain/cliffs/cliff-outer-shadow.png", height = 128, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/terrain/cliffs/hr-cliff-outer-shadow.png", height = 256, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.5, 0 }, width = 320, x = 0, y = 768 }, scale = 1, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""][1].layers[2].hr_version.shift ]=], width = 160, x = 0, y = 384 } } }, { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/terrain/cliffs/cliff-outer.png", height = 128, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/terrain/cliffs/hr-cliff-outer.png", height = 256, scale = 0.5, width = 256, x = 256, y = 768 }, scale = 1, width = 128, x = 128, y = 384 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/terrain/cliffs/cliff-outer-shadow.png", height = 128, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/terrain/cliffs/hr-cliff-outer-shadow.png", height = 256, scale = 0.5, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""][1].layers[2].hr_version.shift ]=], width = 320, x = 320, y = 768 }, scale = 1, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""][1].layers[2].hr_version.shift ]=], width = 160, x = 160, y = 384 } } }, { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/terrain/cliffs/cliff-outer.png", height = 128, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/terrain/cliffs/hr-cliff-outer.png", height = 256, scale = 0.5, width = 256, x = 512, y = 768 }, scale = 1, width = 128, x = 256, y = 384 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/terrain/cliffs/cliff-outer-shadow.png", height = 128, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/terrain/cliffs/hr-cliff-outer-shadow.png", height = 256, scale = 0.5, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""][1].layers[2].hr_version.shift ]=], width = 320, x = 640, y = 768 }, scale = 1, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""][1].layers[2].hr_version.shift ]=], width = 160, x = 320, y = 384 } } }, { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/terrain/cliffs/cliff-outer.png", height = 128, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/terrain/cliffs/hr-cliff-outer.png", height = 256, scale = 0.5, width = 256, x = 768, y = 768 }, scale = 1, width = 128, x = 384, y = 384 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/terrain/cliffs/cliff-outer-shadow.png", height = 128, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/terrain/cliffs/hr-cliff-outer-shadow.png", height = 256, scale = 0.5, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""][1].layers[2].hr_version.shift ]=], width = 320, x = 960, y = 768 }, scale = 1, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""][1].layers[2].hr_version.shift ]=], width = 160, x = 480, y = 384 } } }, { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/terrain/cliffs/cliff-outer.png", height = 128, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/terrain/cliffs/hr-cliff-outer.png", height = 256, scale = 0.5, width = 256, x = 1024, y = 768 }, scale = 1, width = 128, x = 512, y = 384 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/terrain/cliffs/cliff-outer-shadow.png", height = 128, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/terrain/cliffs/hr-cliff-outer-shadow.png", height = 256, scale = 0.5, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""][1].layers[2].hr_version.shift ]=], width = 320, x = 1280, y = 768 }, scale = 1, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""][1].layers[2].hr_version.shift ]=], width = 160, x = 640, y = 384 } } }, { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/terrain/cliffs/cliff-outer.png", height = 128, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/terrain/cliffs/hr-cliff-outer.png", height = 256, scale = 0.5, width = 256, x = 1280, y = 768 }, scale = 1, width = 128, x = 640, y = 384 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/terrain/cliffs/cliff-outer-shadow.png", height = 128, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/terrain/cliffs/hr-cliff-outer-shadow.png", height = 256, scale = 0.5, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""][1].layers[2].hr_version.shift ]=], width = 320, x = 1600, y = 768 }, scale = 1, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""][1].layers[2].hr_version.shift ]=], width = 160, x = 800, y = 384 } } }, { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/terrain/cliffs/cliff-outer.png", height = 128, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/terrain/cliffs/hr-cliff-outer.png", height = 256, scale = 0.5, width = 256, x = 1536, y = 768 }, scale = 1, width = 128, x = 768, y = 384 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/terrain/cliffs/cliff-outer-shadow.png", height = 128, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/terrain/cliffs/hr-cliff-outer-shadow.png", height = 256, scale = 0.5, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""][1].layers[2].hr_version.shift ]=], width = 320, x = 1920, y = 768 }, scale = 1, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""][1].layers[2].hr_version.shift ]=], width = 160, x = 960, y = 384 } } }, { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/terrain/cliffs/cliff-outer.png", height = 128, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/terrain/cliffs/hr-cliff-outer.png", height = 256, scale = 0.5, width = 256, x = 1792, y = 768 }, scale = 1, width = 128, x = 896, y = 384 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/terrain/cliffs/cliff-outer-shadow.png", height = 128, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/terrain/cliffs/hr-cliff-outer-shadow.png", height = 256, scale = 0.5, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""][1].layers[2].hr_version.shift ]=], width = 320, x = 2240, y = 768 }, scale = 1, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""][1].layers[2].hr_version.shift ]=], width = 160, x = 1120, y = 384 } } } } }, west_to_south = { collision_bounding_box = { { -3.1591883092036785, -0.5227922061357857 }, { 0.65918830920367855, 2.0227922061357857 }, 0.125 }, fill_volume = 32, pictures = { { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/terrain/cliffs/cliff-inner.png", height = 128, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/terrain/cliffs/hr-cliff-inner.png", height = 256, scale = 0.5, width = 256, x = 0, y = 0 }, scale = 1, width = 128, x = 0, y = 0 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/terrain/cliffs/cliff-inner-shadow.png", height = 128, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/terrain/cliffs/hr-cliff-inner-shadow.png", height = 256, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.5, 0 }, width = 320, x = 0, y = 0 }, scale = 1, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""][1].layers[2].hr_version.shift ]=], width = 160, x = 0, y = 0 } } }, { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/terrain/cliffs/cliff-inner.png", height = 128, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/terrain/cliffs/hr-cliff-inner.png", height = 256, scale = 0.5, width = 256, x = 256, y = 0 }, scale = 1, width = 128, x = 128, y = 0 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/terrain/cliffs/cliff-inner-shadow.png", height = 128, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/terrain/cliffs/hr-cliff-inner-shadow.png", height = 256, scale = 0.5, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""][1].layers[2].hr_version.shift ]=], width = 320, x = 320, y = 0 }, scale = 1, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""][1].layers[2].hr_version.shift ]=], width = 160, x = 160, y = 0 } } }, { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/terrain/cliffs/cliff-inner.png", height = 128, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/terrain/cliffs/hr-cliff-inner.png", height = 256, scale = 0.5, width = 256, x = 512, y = 0 }, scale = 1, width = 128, x = 256, y = 0 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/terrain/cliffs/cliff-inner-shadow.png", height = 128, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/terrain/cliffs/hr-cliff-inner-shadow.png", height = 256, scale = 0.5, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""][1].layers[2].hr_version.shift ]=], width = 320, x = 640, y = 0 }, scale = 1, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""][1].layers[2].hr_version.shift ]=], width = 160, x = 320, y = 0 } } }, { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/terrain/cliffs/cliff-inner.png", height = 128, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/terrain/cliffs/hr-cliff-inner.png", height = 256, scale = 0.5, width = 256, x = 768, y = 0 }, scale = 1, width = 128, x = 384, y = 0 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/terrain/cliffs/cliff-inner-shadow.png", height = 128, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/terrain/cliffs/hr-cliff-inner-shadow.png", height = 256, scale = 0.5, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""][1].layers[2].hr_version.shift ]=], width = 320, x = 960, y = 0 }, scale = 1, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""][1].layers[2].hr_version.shift ]=], width = 160, x = 480, y = 0 } } }, { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/terrain/cliffs/cliff-inner.png", height = 128, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/terrain/cliffs/hr-cliff-inner.png", height = 256, scale = 0.5, width = 256, x = 1024, y = 0 }, scale = 1, width = 128, x = 512, y = 0 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/terrain/cliffs/cliff-inner-shadow.png", height = 128, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/terrain/cliffs/hr-cliff-inner-shadow.png", height = 256, scale = 0.5, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""][1].layers[2].hr_version.shift ]=], width = 320, x = 1280, y = 0 }, scale = 1, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""][1].layers[2].hr_version.shift ]=], width = 160, x = 640, y = 0 } } }, { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/terrain/cliffs/cliff-inner.png", height = 128, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/terrain/cliffs/hr-cliff-inner.png", height = 256, scale = 0.5, width = 256, x = 1280, y = 0 }, scale = 1, width = 128, x = 640, y = 0 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/terrain/cliffs/cliff-inner-shadow.png", height = 128, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/terrain/cliffs/hr-cliff-inner-shadow.png", height = 256, scale = 0.5, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""][1].layers[2].hr_version.shift ]=], width = 320, x = 1600, y = 0 }, scale = 1, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""][1].layers[2].hr_version.shift ]=], width = 160, x = 800, y = 0 } } }, { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/terrain/cliffs/cliff-inner.png", height = 128, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/terrain/cliffs/hr-cliff-inner.png", height = 256, scale = 0.5, width = 256, x = 1536, y = 0 }, scale = 1, width = 128, x = 768, y = 0 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/terrain/cliffs/cliff-inner-shadow.png", height = 128, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/terrain/cliffs/hr-cliff-inner-shadow.png", height = 256, scale = 0.5, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""][1].layers[2].hr_version.shift ]=], width = 320, x = 1920, y = 0 }, scale = 1, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""][1].layers[2].hr_version.shift ]=], width = 160, x = 960, y = 0 } } }, { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/terrain/cliffs/cliff-inner.png", height = 128, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/terrain/cliffs/hr-cliff-inner.png", height = 256, scale = 0.5, width = 256, x = 1792, y = 0 }, scale = 1, width = 128, x = 896, y = 0 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/terrain/cliffs/cliff-inner-shadow.png", height = 128, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/terrain/cliffs/hr-cliff-inner-shadow.png", height = 256, scale = 0.5, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""][1].layers[2].hr_version.shift ]=], width = 320, x = 2240, y = 0 }, scale = 1, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""][1].layers[2].hr_version.shift ]=], width = 160, x = 1120, y = 0 } } } } } }, selectable_in_game = false, selection_box = { { -1.5, -1.5 }, { 1.5, 1.5 }, 0 }, subgroup = "cliffs", type = "cliff", vehicle_impact_sound = { game_controller_vibration_data = { duration = 150, low_frequency_vibration_intensity = 0.9 }, switch_vibration_data = { filename = "__base__/sound/car-stone-impact.bnvib" }, variations = { { filename = "__base__/sound/car-stone-impact.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/car-stone-impact-2.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/car-stone-impact-3.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/car-stone-impact-4.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/car-stone-impact-5.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/car-stone-impact-6.ogg", volume = 0.5 } } } } }, ["combat-robot"] = { defender = { alert_when_damaged = false, attack_parameters = { ammo_type = { action = { action_delivery = { source_effects = { entity_name = "explosion-gunshot-small", type = "create-explosion" }, target_effects = { { entity_name = "explosion-hit", type = "create-entity" }, { damage = { amount = 8, type = "physical" }, type = "damage" } }, type = "instant" }, type = "direct" }, category = "bullet" }, cooldown = 20, cooldown_deviation = 0.2, projectile_center = { 0, 1 }, projectile_creation_distance = 0.6, range = 15, sound = { { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/defender-gunshot-1.ogg", volume = 0.65 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/defender-gunshot-2.ogg", volume = 0.65 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/defender-gunshot-3.ogg", volume = 0.65 } }, type = "projectile" }, collision_box = { { 0, 0 }, { 0, 0 } }, damaged_trigger_effect = { damage_type_filters = "fire", entity_name = "flying-robot-damaged-explosion", offset_deviation = { { -0.25, -0.25 }, { 0.25, 0.25 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, type = "create-entity" }, destroy_action = { action_delivery = { source_effects = { { frame_speed = 0.5, frame_speed_deviation = 0.5, initial_height = 1.8, initial_vertical_speed = 0, offset_deviation = { { -0.01, -0.01 }, { 0.01, 0.01 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "defender-dying-particle", speed_from_center = 0, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = { { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/robot-die-whoosh-01.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/robot-die-whoosh-02.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/robot-die-whoosh-03.ogg", volume = 0.5 } }, type = "play-sound" }, { sound = { { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/robot-die-vox-01.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/robot-die-vox-02.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/robot-die-vox-03.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/robot-die-vox-04.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/robot-die-vox-05.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/robot-die-vox-06.ogg", volume = 0.5 } }, type = "play-sound" }, { sound = { { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/robot-selfdestruct-01.ogg", volume = 0.4 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/robot-selfdestruct-02.ogg", volume = 0.4 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/robot-selfdestruct-03.ogg", volume = 0.4 } }, type = "play-sound" } }, type = "instant" }, type = "direct" }, dying_explosion = "defender-robot-explosion", dying_trigger_effect = { { frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0.5, initial_height = 1.8, initial_vertical_speed = 0, offset_deviation = { { -0.01, -0.01 }, { 0.01, 0.01 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "defender-dying-particle", speed_from_center = 0, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.2, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["combat-robot"].defender.destroy_action.action_delivery.source_effects[2].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["combat-robot"].defender.destroy_action.action_delivery.source_effects[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, flags = { "placeable-player", "player-creation", "placeable-off-grid", "not-on-map", "not-repairable" }, follows_player = true, friction = 0.01, hit_visualization_box = { { -0.1, -1.1000000000000001 }, { 0.1, -1 } }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/defender.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, idle = { layers = { { direction_count = 16, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/defender-robot/defender-robot.png", frame_count = 1, height = 33, hr_version = { direction_count = 16, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/defender-robot/hr-defender-robot.png", frame_count = 1, height = 59, line_length = 16, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, 0.0078125 }, width = 56 }, line_length = 16, priority = "high", shift = { 0, 0.0078125 }, width = 32 }, { apply_runtime_tint = true, direction_count = 16, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/defender-robot/defender-robot-mask.png", frame_count = 1, height = 16, hr_version = { apply_runtime_tint = true, direction_count = 16, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/defender-robot/hr-defender-robot-mask.png", frame_count = 1, height = 21, line_length = 16, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.1484375 }, width = 28 }, line_length = 16, priority = "high", shift = { 0, -0.1484375 }, width = 18 } } }, in_motion = { layers = { { animation_speed = 1, direction_count = 16, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/defender-robot/defender-robot.png", frame_count = 1, height = 33, hr_version = { animation_speed = 1, direction_count = 16, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/defender-robot/hr-defender-robot.png", frame_count = 1, height = 59, line_length = 16, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, 0.0078125 }, width = 56, y = 59 }, line_length = 16, priority = "high", shift = { 0, 0.0078125 }, width = 32, y = 33 }, { animation_speed = 1, apply_runtime_tint = true, direction_count = 16, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/defender-robot/defender-robot-mask.png", frame_count = 1, height = 16, hr_version = { animation_speed = 1, apply_runtime_tint = true, direction_count = 16, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/defender-robot/hr-defender-robot-mask.png", frame_count = 1, height = 21, line_length = 16, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.1484375 }, width = 28, y = 21 }, line_length = 16, priority = "high", shift = { 0, -0.1484375 }, width = 18, y = 16 } } }, max_health = 60, name = "defender", order = "e-a-a", range_from_player = 6, resistances = { { percent = 95, type = "fire" }, { decrease = 0, percent = 80, type = "acid" } }, selection_box = { { -0.5, -1.5 }, { 0.5, -0.5 } }, shadow_idle = { direction_count = 16, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/defender-robot/defender-robot-shadow.png", frame_count = 1, height = 26, hr_version = { direction_count = 16, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/defender-robot/hr-defender-robot-shadow.png", frame_count = 1, height = 50, line_length = 16, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.796875, 0.59375 }, width = 88 }, line_length = 16, priority = "high", shift = { 0.796875, 0.59375 }, width = 45 }, shadow_in_motion = { animation_speed = 1, direction_count = 16, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/defender-robot/defender-robot-shadow.png", frame_count = 1, height = 26, hr_version = { animation_speed = 1, direction_count = 16, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/defender-robot/hr-defender-robot-shadow.png", frame_count = 1, height = 50, line_length = 16, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.796875, 0.59375 }, width = 88 }, line_length = 16, priority = "high", shift = { 0.796875, 0.59375 }, width = 45 }, speed = 0.01, subgroup = "capsule", time_to_live = 2700, type = "combat-robot", water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = false, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/construction-robot/construction-robot-reflection.png", height = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 4, shift = { 0, 3.28125 }, variation_count = 1, width = 12 }, rotate = false }, working_sound = { apparent_volume = 1, persistent = true, sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/defender-robot-loop.ogg", volume = 0.7 } } }, destroyer = { alert_when_damaged = false, attack_parameters = { ammo_category = "beam", ammo_type = { action = { action_delivery = { beam = "electric-beam", duration = 20, max_length = 15, source_offset = { 0.15, -0.5 }, type = "beam" }, type = "direct" }, category = "beam" }, cooldown = 20, cooldown_deviation = 0.2, range = 15, sound = { { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/laser-1.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/laser-2.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/laser-3.ogg", volume = 0.5 } }, type = "beam" }, collision_box = { { 0, 0 }, { 0, 0 } }, damaged_trigger_effect = { damage_type_filters = "fire", entity_name = "flying-robot-damaged-explosion", offset_deviation = { { -0.25, -0.25 }, { 0.25, 0.25 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, type = "create-entity" }, destroy_action = { action_delivery = { source_effects = { { frame_speed = 0.5, frame_speed_deviation = 0.5, initial_height = 1.8, initial_vertical_speed = 0, offset_deviation = { { -0.01, -0.01 }, { 0.01, 0.01 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "destroyer-dying-particle", speed_from_center = 0, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["combat-robot"].defender.destroy_action.action_delivery.source_effects[2].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["combat-robot"].defender.destroy_action.action_delivery.source_effects[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["combat-robot"].defender.destroy_action.action_delivery.source_effects[4].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, type = "instant" }, type = "direct" }, dying_explosion = "destroyer-robot-explosion", dying_trigger_effect = { { frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0.5, initial_height = 1.8, initial_vertical_speed = 0, offset_deviation = { { -0.01, -0.01 }, { 0.01, 0.01 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "destroyer-dying-particle", speed_from_center = 0, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.2, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["combat-robot"].defender.destroy_action.action_delivery.source_effects[2].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["combat-robot"].defender.destroy_action.action_delivery.source_effects[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, flags = { "placeable-player", "player-creation", "placeable-off-grid", "not-on-map", "not-repairable" }, follows_player = true, friction = 0.01, hit_visualization_box = { { -0.1, -1.3999999999999999 }, { 0.1, -1.3 } }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/destroyer.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, idle = { layers = { { direction_count = 32, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/destroyer-robot/destroyer-robot.png", frame_count = 1, height = 39, hr_version = { direction_count = 32, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/destroyer-robot/hr-destroyer-robot.png", frame_count = 1, height = 77, line_length = 32, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.078125, -0.0390625 }, width = 88, y = 77 }, line_length = 32, priority = "high", shift = { 0.078125, -0.0390625 }, width = 45, y = 39 }, { apply_runtime_tint = true, direction_count = 32, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/destroyer-robot/destroyer-robot-mask.png", frame_count = 1, height = 21, hr_version = { apply_runtime_tint = true, direction_count = 32, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/destroyer-robot/hr-destroyer-robot-mask.png", frame_count = 1, height = 42, line_length = 32, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.078125, -0.21875 }, width = 52, y = 42 }, line_length = 32, priority = "high", shift = { 0.078125, -0.21875 }, width = 27, y = 21 } } }, in_motion = { layers = { { direction_count = 32, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/destroyer-robot/destroyer-robot.png", frame_count = 1, height = 39, hr_version = { direction_count = 32, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/destroyer-robot/hr-destroyer-robot.png", frame_count = 1, height = 77, line_length = 32, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.078125, -0.0390625 }, width = 88 }, line_length = 32, priority = "high", shift = { 0.078125, -0.0390625 }, width = 45 }, { apply_runtime_tint = true, direction_count = 32, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/destroyer-robot/destroyer-robot-mask.png", frame_count = 1, height = 21, hr_version = { apply_runtime_tint = true, direction_count = 32, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/destroyer-robot/hr-destroyer-robot-mask.png", frame_count = 1, height = 42, line_length = 32, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.078125, -0.21875 }, width = 52 }, line_length = 32, priority = "high", shift = { 0.078125, -0.21875 }, width = 27 } } }, max_health = 60, name = "destroyer", order = "e-a-c", range_from_player = 6, resistances = { { percent = 95, type = "fire" }, { decrease = 0, percent = 90, type = "acid" } }, selection_box = { { -0.5, -1.5 }, { 0.5, -0.5 } }, shadow_idle = { direction_count = 32, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/destroyer-robot/destroyer-robot-shadow.png", frame_count = 1, height = 34, hr_version = { direction_count = 32, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/destroyer-robot/hr-destroyer-robot-shadow.png", frame_count = 1, height = 66, line_length = 32, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.734375, 0.59375 }, width = 108 }, line_length = 32, priority = "high", shift = { 0.734375, 0.59375 }, width = 55 }, shadow_in_motion = { direction_count = 32, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/destroyer-robot/destroyer-robot-shadow.png", frame_count = 1, height = 34, hr_version = { direction_count = 32, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/destroyer-robot/hr-destroyer-robot-shadow.png", frame_count = 1, height = 66, line_length = 32, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.734375, 0.59375 }, width = 108 }, line_length = 32, priority = "high", shift = { 0.734375, 0.59375 }, width = 55 }, speed = 0.01, subgroup = "capsule", time_to_live = 7200, type = "combat-robot", water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = false, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/construction-robot/construction-robot-reflection.png", height = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 6, shift = { 0, 3.28125 }, variation_count = 1, width = 12 }, rotate = false }, working_sound = { persistent = true, sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/destroyer-robot-loop.ogg", volume = 0.7 } } }, distractor = { alert_when_damaged = false, attack_parameters = { ammo_category = "laser", ammo_type = { action = { action_delivery = { beam = "laser-beam", duration = 20, max_length = 15, type = "beam" }, type = "direct" }, category = "laser" }, cooldown = 40, cooldown_deviation = 0.2, damage_modifier = 0.5, range = 15, sound = { { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/laser-1.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/laser-2.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/laser-3.ogg", volume = 0.5 } }, type = "beam" }, collision_box = { { 0, 0 }, { 0, 0 } }, damaged_trigger_effect = { damage_type_filters = "fire", entity_name = "flying-robot-damaged-explosion", offset_deviation = { { -0.25, -0.25 }, { 0.25, 0.25 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, type = "create-entity" }, destroy_action = { action_delivery = { source_effects = { { frame_speed = 0.5, frame_speed_deviation = 0.5, initial_height = 1.8, initial_vertical_speed = 0, offset_deviation = { { -0.01, -0.01 }, { 0.01, 0.01 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "distractor-dying-particle", speed_from_center = 0, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["combat-robot"].defender.destroy_action.action_delivery.source_effects[2].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["combat-robot"].defender.destroy_action.action_delivery.source_effects[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["combat-robot"].defender.destroy_action.action_delivery.source_effects[4].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, type = "instant" }, type = "direct" }, dying_explosion = "distractor-robot-explosion", dying_trigger_effect = { { frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0.5, initial_height = 1.8, initial_vertical_speed = 0, offset_deviation = { { -0.01, -0.01 }, { 0.01, 0.01 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "distractor-dying-particle", speed_from_center = 0, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.2, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["combat-robot"].defender.destroy_action.action_delivery.source_effects[2].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["combat-robot"].defender.destroy_action.action_delivery.source_effects[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, flags = { "placeable-player", "player-creation", "placeable-off-grid", "not-on-map", "not-repairable" }, hit_visualization_box = { { -0.1, -1.1000000000000001 }, { 0.1, -1 } }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/distractor.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, idle = { layers = { { direction_count = 16, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/distractor-robot/distractor-robot.png", frame_count = 1, height = 33, hr_version = { direction_count = 16, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/distractor-robot/hr-distractor-robot.png", frame_count = 1, height = 62, line_length = 16, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.078125 }, width = 72 }, line_length = 16, priority = "high", shift = { 0, -0.078125 }, width = 38 }, { apply_runtime_tint = true, direction_count = 16, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/distractor-robot/distractor-robot-mask.png", frame_count = 1, height = 21, hr_version = { apply_runtime_tint = true, direction_count = 16, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/distractor-robot/hr-distractor-robot-mask.png", frame_count = 1, height = 37, line_length = 16, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.1953125 }, width = 42 }, line_length = 16, priority = "high", shift = { 0, -0.1953125 }, width = 24 } } }, in_motion = { layers = { { direction_count = 16, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/distractor-robot/distractor-robot.png", frame_count = 1, height = 33, hr_version = { direction_count = 16, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/distractor-robot/hr-distractor-robot.png", frame_count = 1, height = 62, line_length = 16, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.078125 }, width = 72, y = 62 }, line_length = 16, priority = "high", shift = { 0, -0.078125 }, width = 38, y = 33 }, { apply_runtime_tint = true, direction_count = 16, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/distractor-robot/distractor-robot-mask.png", frame_count = 1, height = 21, hr_version = { apply_runtime_tint = true, direction_count = 16, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/distractor-robot/hr-distractor-robot-mask.png", frame_count = 1, height = 37, line_length = 16, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.1953125 }, width = 42, y = 37 }, line_length = 16, priority = "high", shift = { 0, -0.1953125 }, width = 24, y = 21 } } }, max_health = 90, name = "distractor", order = "e-a-b", resistances = { { percent = 95, type = "fire" }, { decrease = 0, percent = 85, type = "acid" } }, selection_box = { { -0.5, -1.5 }, { 0.5, -0.5 } }, shadow_idle = { direction_count = 16, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/distractor-robot/distractor-robot-shadow.png", frame_count = 1, height = 30, hr_version = { direction_count = 16, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/distractor-robot/hr-distractor-robot-shadow.png", frame_count = 1, height = 59, line_length = 16, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.015625, 0.6015625 }, width = 96 }, line_length = 16, priority = "high", shift = { 1.015625, 0.59375 }, width = 49 }, shadow_in_motion = { direction_count = 16, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/distractor-robot/distractor-robot-shadow.png", frame_count = 1, height = 30, hr_version = { direction_count = 16, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/distractor-robot/hr-distractor-robot-shadow.png", frame_count = 1, height = 59, line_length = 16, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.015625, 0.6015625 }, width = 96 }, line_length = 16, priority = "high", shift = { 1.015625, 0.59375 }, width = 49 }, speed = 0, subgroup = "capsule", time_to_live = 2700, type = "combat-robot", water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = false, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/construction-robot/construction-robot-reflection.png", height = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 5, shift = { 0, 3.28125 }, variation_count = 1, width = 12 }, rotate = false }, working_sound = { persistent = true, sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/distractor-robot-loop.ogg", volume = 0.7 } } } }, ["combat-robot-count"] = { minions = { count = 100, icon = "__base__/graphics/achievement/minions.png", icon_size = 128, name = "minions", order = "e[kill]-d[minions]", steam_stats_name = "combat-robots", type = "combat-robot-count" } }, ["constant-combinator"] = { ["constant-combinator"] = { activity_led_light = { color = { b = 1, g = 1, r = 1 }, intensity = 0, size = 1 }, activity_led_light_offsets = { { 0.296875, -0.40625 }, { 0.25, -0.03125 }, { -0.296875, -0.078125 }, { -0.21875, -0.46875 } }, activity_led_sprites = { east = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/activity-leds/constant-combinator-LED-E.png", frame_count = 1, height = 8, hr_version = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/activity-leds/hr-constant-combinator-LED-E.png", frame_count = 1, height = 14, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.234375, -0.015625 }, width = 14 }, shift = { 0.25, 0 }, width = 8 }, north = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/activity-leds/constant-combinator-LED-N.png", frame_count = 1, height = 6, hr_version = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/activity-leds/hr-constant-combinator-LED-N.png", frame_count = 1, height = 12, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.28125, -0.359375 }, width = 14 }, shift = { 0.28125, -0.375 }, width = 8 }, south = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/activity-leds/constant-combinator-LED-S.png", frame_count = 1, height = 8, hr_version = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/activity-leds/hr-constant-combinator-LED-S.png", frame_count = 1, height = 16, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.28125, 0.078125 }, width = 14 }, shift = { -0.28125, 0.0625 }, width = 8 }, west = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/activity-leds/constant-combinator-LED-W.png", frame_count = 1, height = 8, hr_version = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/activity-leds/hr-constant-combinator-LED-W.png", frame_count = 1, height = 16, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.21875, -0.46875 }, width = 14 }, shift = { -0.21875, -0.46875 }, width = 8 } }, circuit_wire_connection_points = { { shadow = { green = { 0.71875, -0.1875 }, red = { 0.21875, -0.1875 } }, wire = { green = { 0.21875, -0.546875 }, red = { -0.265625, -0.546875 } } }, { shadow = { green = { 1, 0.25 }, red = { 1, -0.15625 } }, wire = { green = { 0.5, -0.109375 }, red = { 0.5, -0.515625 } } }, { shadow = { green = { 0.28125, 0.625 }, red = { 0.78125, 0.625 } }, wire = { green = { -0.203125, 0.234375 }, red = { 0.28125, 0.234375 } } }, { shadow = { green = { 0.03125, -0.0625 }, red = { 0.03125, 0.34375 } }, wire = { green = { -0.46875, -0.421875 }, red = { -0.46875, -0.015625 } } } }, circuit_wire_max_distance = 9, close_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.close_sound ]=], collision_box = { { -0.35, -0.35 }, { 0.35, 0.35 } }, corpse = "constant-combinator-remnants", damaged_trigger_effect = { damage_type_filters = "fire", entity_name = "spark-explosion", offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, offsets = { { 0, 1 } }, type = "create-entity" }, dying_explosion = "constant-combinator-explosion", fast_replaceable_group = "constant-combinator", flags = { "placeable-neutral", "player-creation" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/constant-combinator.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, item_slot_count = 20, max_health = 120, minable = { mining_time = 0.1, result = "constant-combinator" }, name = "constant-combinator", open_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.open_sound ]=], selection_box = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, sprites = { east = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/constant-combinator.png", frame_count = 1, height = 52, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/hr-constant-combinator.png", frame_count = 1, height = 102, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, 0.15625 }, width = 114, x = 114, y = 0 }, priority = "high", scale = 1, shift = { 0, 0.15625 }, width = 58, x = 58, y = 0 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/constant-combinator-shadow.png", frame_count = 1, height = 34, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/hr-constant-combinator-shadow.png", frame_count = 1, height = 66, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.265625, 0.171875 }, width = 98, x = 98, y = 0 }, priority = "high", scale = 1, shift = { 0.28125, 0.1875 }, width = 50, x = 50, y = 0 } } }, north = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/constant-combinator.png", frame_count = 1, height = 52, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/hr-constant-combinator.png", frame_count = 1, height = 102, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["constant-combinator"]["constant-combinator"].sprites.east.layers[1].hr_version.shift ]=], width = 114, x = 0, y = 0 }, priority = "high", scale = 1, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["constant-combinator"]["constant-combinator"].sprites.east.layers[1].shift ]=], width = 58, x = 0, y = 0 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/constant-combinator-shadow.png", frame_count = 1, height = 34, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/hr-constant-combinator-shadow.png", frame_count = 1, height = 66, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["constant-combinator"]["constant-combinator"].sprites.east.layers[2].hr_version.shift ]=], width = 98, x = 0, y = 0 }, priority = "high", scale = 1, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["constant-combinator"]["constant-combinator"].sprites.east.layers[2].shift ]=], width = 50, x = 0, y = 0 } } }, south = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/constant-combinator.png", frame_count = 1, height = 52, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/hr-constant-combinator.png", frame_count = 1, height = 102, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["constant-combinator"]["constant-combinator"].sprites.east.layers[1].hr_version.shift ]=], width = 114, x = 228, y = 0 }, priority = "high", scale = 1, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["constant-combinator"]["constant-combinator"].sprites.east.layers[1].shift ]=], width = 58, x = 116, y = 0 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/constant-combinator-shadow.png", frame_count = 1, height = 34, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/hr-constant-combinator-shadow.png", frame_count = 1, height = 66, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["constant-combinator"]["constant-combinator"].sprites.east.layers[2].hr_version.shift ]=], width = 98, x = 196, y = 0 }, priority = "high", scale = 1, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["constant-combinator"]["constant-combinator"].sprites.east.layers[2].shift ]=], width = 50, x = 100, y = 0 } } }, west = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/constant-combinator.png", frame_count = 1, height = 52, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/hr-constant-combinator.png", frame_count = 1, height = 102, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["constant-combinator"]["constant-combinator"].sprites.east.layers[1].hr_version.shift ]=], width = 114, x = 342, y = 0 }, priority = "high", scale = 1, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["constant-combinator"]["constant-combinator"].sprites.east.layers[1].shift ]=], width = 58, x = 174, y = 0 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/constant-combinator-shadow.png", frame_count = 1, height = 34, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/hr-constant-combinator-shadow.png", frame_count = 1, height = 66, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["constant-combinator"]["constant-combinator"].sprites.east.layers[2].hr_version.shift ]=], width = 98, x = 294, y = 0 }, priority = "high", scale = 1, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["constant-combinator"]["constant-combinator"].sprites.east.layers[2].shift ]=], width = 50, x = 150, y = 0 } } } }, type = "constant-combinator", vehicle_impact_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.vehicle_impact_sound ]=] } }, ["construct-with-robots-achievement"] = { ["automated-construction"] = { amount = 100, icon = "__base__/graphics/achievement/automated-construction.png", icon_size = 128, limited_to_one_game = false, name = "automated-construction", order = "b[exploration]-b[construct-with-robots]-a[100]", steam_stats_name = "constructed-by-robots", type = "construct-with-robots-achievement" }, ["you-are-doing-it-right"] = { icon = "__base__/graphics/achievement/you-are-doing-it-right.png", icon_size = 128, limited_to_one_game = true, more_than_manually = true, name = "you-are-doing-it-right", order = "b[exploration]-b[construct-with-robots]-b[more-than-manually]", type = "construct-with-robots-achievement" } }, ["construction-robot"] = { ["construction-robot"] = { cargo_centered = { 0, 0.2 }, collision_box = { { 0, 0 }, { 0, 0 } }, construction_vector = { 0.3, 0.22000000000000002 }, damaged_trigger_effect = { damage_type_filters = "fire", entity_name = "flying-robot-damaged-explosion", offset_deviation = { { -0.25, -0.25 }, { 0.25, 0.25 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, type = "create-entity" }, dying_explosion = "construction-robot-explosion", dying_trigger_effect = { { frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0.5, initial_height = 1.8, initial_vertical_speed = 0, offset_deviation = { { -0.01, -0.01 }, { 0.01, 0.01 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "construction-robot-dying-particle", speed_from_center = 0, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.2, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["combat-robot"].defender.destroy_action.action_delivery.source_effects[2].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["combat-robot"].defender.destroy_action.action_delivery.source_effects[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, energy_per_move = "5kJ", energy_per_tick = "0.05kJ", flags = { "placeable-player", "player-creation", "placeable-off-grid", "not-on-map" }, hit_visualization_box = { { -0.1, -1.1000000000000001 }, { 0.1, -1 } }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/construction-robot.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, idle = { direction_count = 16, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/construction-robot/construction-robot.png", frame_count = 1, height = 36, hr_version = { direction_count = 16, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/construction-robot/hr-construction-robot.png", frame_count = 1, height = 76, line_length = 16, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.140625 }, width = 66 }, line_length = 16, priority = "high", shift = { 0, -0.140625 }, width = 32 }, in_motion = { direction_count = 16, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/construction-robot/construction-robot.png", frame_count = 1, height = 36, hr_version = { direction_count = 16, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/construction-robot/hr-construction-robot.png", frame_count = 1, height = 76, line_length = 16, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.140625 }, width = 66, y = 76 }, line_length = 16, priority = "high", shift = { 0, -0.140625 }, width = 32, y = 36 }, max_energy = "1.5MJ", max_health = 100, max_payload_size = 1, max_to_charge = 0.95, min_to_charge = 0.2, minable = { mining_time = 0.1, result = "construction-robot" }, name = "construction-robot", repairing_sound = { { filename = "__base__/sound/robot-repair-1.ogg", volume = 0.6 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/robot-repair-2.ogg", volume = 0.6 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/robot-repair-3.ogg", volume = 0.6 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/robot-repair-4.ogg", volume = 0.6 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/robot-repair-5.ogg", volume = 0.6 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/robot-repair-6.ogg", volume = 0.6 } }, resistances = { { percent = 85, type = "fire" } }, selection_box = { { -0.5, -1.5 }, { 0.5, -0.5 } }, shadow_idle = { direction_count = 16, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/construction-robot/construction-robot-shadow.png", frame_count = 1, height = 25, hr_version = { direction_count = 16, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/construction-robot/hr-construction-robot-shadow.png", frame_count = 1, height = 49, line_length = 16, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.046875, 0.5859375 }, width = 104 }, line_length = 16, priority = "high", shift = { 1.046875, 0.578125 }, width = 53 }, shadow_in_motion = { direction_count = 16, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/construction-robot/construction-robot-shadow.png", frame_count = 1, height = 25, hr_version = { direction_count = 16, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/construction-robot/hr-construction-robot-shadow.png", frame_count = 1, height = 49, line_length = 16, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.046875, 0.5859375 }, width = 104 }, line_length = 16, priority = "high", shift = { 1.046875, 0.578125 }, width = 53 }, shadow_working = { direction_count = 16, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/construction-robot/construction-robot-shadow.png", frame_count = 1, height = 25, hr_version = { direction_count = 16, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/construction-robot/hr-construction-robot-shadow.png", frame_count = 1, height = 49, line_length = 16, priority = "high", repeat_count = 2, scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.046875, 0.5859375 }, width = 104 }, line_length = 16, priority = "high", repeat_count = 2, shift = { 1.046875, 0.578125 }, width = 53 }, smoke = { animation_speed = 0.3, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/smoke-construction/smoke-01.png", frame_count = 19, height = 32, line_length = 19, shift = { 0.078125, -0.15625 }, width = 39 }, sparks = { { animation_speed = 0.3, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/sparks/sparks-01.png", frame_count = 19, height = 34, line_length = 19, shift = { -0.109375, 0.3125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0, g = 0.9, r = 1 }, width = 39 }, { animation_speed = 0.3, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/sparks/sparks-02.png", frame_count = 19, height = 32, line_length = 19, shift = { 0.03125, 0.125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0, g = 0.9, r = 1 }, width = 36 }, { animation_speed = 0.3, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/sparks/sparks-03.png", frame_count = 19, height = 29, line_length = 19, shift = { -0.0625, 0.203125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0, g = 0.9, r = 1 }, width = 42 }, { animation_speed = 0.3, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/sparks/sparks-04.png", frame_count = 19, height = 35, line_length = 19, shift = { -0.0625, 0.234375 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0, g = 0.9, r = 1 }, width = 40 }, { animation_speed = 0.3, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/sparks/sparks-05.png", frame_count = 19, height = 29, line_length = 19, shift = { -0.109375, 0.171875 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0, g = 0.9, r = 1 }, width = 39 }, { animation_speed = 0.3, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/sparks/sparks-06.png", frame_count = 19, height = 36, line_length = 19, shift = { 0.03125, 0.3125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0, g = 0.9, r = 1 }, width = 44 } }, speed = 0.06, speed_multiplier_when_out_of_energy = 0.2, type = "construction-robot", water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = false, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/construction-robot/construction-robot-reflection.png", height = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 5, shift = { 0, 3.28125 }, variation_count = 1, width = 12 }, rotate = false }, working = { animation_speed = 0.3, direction_count = 16, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/construction-robot/construction-robot-working.png", frame_count = 2, height = 36, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.3, direction_count = 16, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/construction-robot/hr-construction-robot-working.png", frame_count = 2, height = 74, line_length = 2, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.0078125, -0.15625 }, width = 57 }, line_length = 2, priority = "high", shift = { -0.0078125, -0.15625 }, width = 28 }, working_sound = { audible_distance_modifier = 1, fade_in_ticks = 8, fade_out_ticks = 8, max_sounds_per_type = 20, probability = 0.0016666666666666665, sound = { { filename = "__base__/sound/construction-robot-1.ogg", volume = 0.46999999999999993 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/construction-robot-2.ogg", volume = 0.46999999999999993 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/construction-robot-3.ogg", volume = 0.46999999999999993 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/construction-robot-4.ogg", volume = 0.46999999999999993 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/construction-robot-5.ogg", volume = 0.46999999999999993 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/construction-robot-6.ogg", volume = 0.46999999999999993 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/construction-robot-7.ogg", volume = 0.46999999999999993 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/construction-robot-8.ogg", volume = 0.46999999999999993 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/construction-robot-9.ogg", volume = 0.46999999999999993 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/flying-robot-1.ogg", volume = 0.42999999999999998 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/flying-robot-2.ogg", volume = 0.42999999999999998 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/flying-robot-3.ogg", volume = 0.42999999999999998 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/flying-robot-4.ogg", volume = 0.42999999999999998 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/flying-robot-5.ogg", volume = 0.42999999999999998 } } } } }, container = { ["big-ship-wreck-1"] = { collision_box = { { -2.2000000000000002, -1.5 }, { 2.2000000000000002, 1.5 } }, enable_inventory_bar = false, flags = { "placeable-neutral" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/ship-wreck/big-ship-wreck-1.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, inventory_size = 3, map_color = { a = 1, b = 0.57999999999999998, g = 0.36499999999999999, r = 0 }, max_health = 50, name = "big-ship-wreck-1", order = "d[remnants]-d[ship-wreck]-a[big]-a", picture = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/ship-wreck/big-ship-wreck-1.png", height = 212, shift = { 0.7, 0 }, width = 256 }, selection_box = { { -2.7000000000000002, -1.5 }, { 2.7000000000000002, 1.5 } }, subgroup = "wrecks", type = "container" }, ["big-ship-wreck-2"] = { collision_box = { { -1.3999999999999999, -1.2 }, { 1.3999999999999999, 1.2 } }, enable_inventory_bar = false, flags = { "placeable-neutral" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/ship-wreck/big-ship-wreck-2.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, inventory_size = 3, map_color = { a = 1, b = 0.57999999999999998, g = 0.36499999999999999, r = 0 }, max_health = 50, name = "big-ship-wreck-2", order = "d[remnants]-d[ship-wreck]-a[big]-b", picture = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/ship-wreck/big-ship-wreck-2.png", height = 129, shift = { -0.5, 0.6 }, width = 164 }, selection_box = { { -2, -1.5 }, { 2, 1.5 } }, subgroup = "wrecks", type = "container" }, ["big-ship-wreck-3"] = { collision_box = { { -0.9, -0.9 }, { 0.9, 0.9 } }, enable_inventory_bar = false, flags = { "placeable-neutral" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/ship-wreck/big-ship-wreck-3.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, inventory_size = 3, map_color = { a = 1, b = 0.57999999999999998, g = 0.36499999999999999, r = 0 }, max_health = 50, name = "big-ship-wreck-3", order = "d[remnants]-d[ship-wreck]-a[big]-c", picture = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/ship-wreck/big-ship-wreck-3.png", height = 131, width = 165 }, selection_box = { { -2, -1.5 }, { 2, 1.5 } }, subgroup = "wrecks", type = "container" }, ["blue-chest"] = { circuit_connector_sprites = { blue_led_light_offset = { 0.125, 0.46875 }, connector_main = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04a-base-sequence.png", height = 50, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.09375, 0.203125 }, width = 52, x = 104, y = 150 }, connector_shadow = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04b-base-shadow-sequence.png", height = 46, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.3125, 0.3125 }, width = 62, x = 124, y = 138 }, led_blue = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04e-blue-LED-on-sequence.png", height = 60, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.09375, 0.171875 }, width = 60, x = 120, y = 180 }, led_blue_off = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04f-blue-LED-off-sequence.png", height = 44, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.09375, 0.171875 }, width = 46, x = 92, y = 132 }, led_green = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04h-green-LED-sequence.png", height = 46, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.09375, 0.171875 }, width = 48, x = 96, y = 138 }, led_light = { intensity = 0, size = 0.9 }, led_red = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04i-red-LED-sequence.png", height = 46, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.09375, 0.171875 }, width = 48, x = 96, y = 138 }, red_green_led_light_offset = { 0.109375, 0.359375 }, wire_pins = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04c-wire-sequence.png", height = 58, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.09375, 0.171875 }, width = 62, x = 124, y = 174 }, wire_pins_shadow = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04d-wire-shadow-sequence.png", height = 54, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.25, 0.296875 }, width = 70, x = 140, y = 162 } }, circuit_wire_connection_point = { shadow = { green = { 0.671875, 0.609375 }, red = { 0.890625, 0.5625 } }, wire = { green = { 0.453125, 0.453125 }, red = { 0.390625, 0.21875 } } }, circuit_wire_max_distance = 9, close_sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/metallic-chest-close.ogg", volume = 0.42999999999999998 }, collision_box = { { -0.35, -0.35 }, { 0.35, 0.35 } }, corpse = "steel-chest-remnants", damaged_trigger_effect = { damage_type_filters = "fire", entity_name = "spark-explosion", offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, offsets = { { 0, 1 } }, type = "create-entity" }, dying_explosion = "steel-chest-explosion", fast_replaceable_group = "container", flags = { "placeable-neutral", "player-creation" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/logistic-chest-requester.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, inventory_size = 48, max_health = 350, name = "blue-chest", open_sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/metallic-chest-open.ogg", volume = 0.42999999999999998 }, order = "b-l-u-e", picture = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/logistic-chest/logistic-chest-requester.png", frame_count = 7, height = 38, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/logistic-chest/hr-logistic-chest-requester.png", frame_count = 7, height = 74, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.0625 }, width = 66 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0, -0.0625 }, width = 34 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/logistic-chest/logistic-chest-shadow.png", height = 24, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/logistic-chest/hr-logistic-chest-shadow.png", height = 46, priority = "extra-high", repeat_count = 7, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.375, 0.140625 }, width = 112 }, priority = "extra-high", repeat_count = 7, shift = { 0.375, 0.15625 }, width = 56 } } }, resistances = { { percent = 90, type = "fire" }, { percent = 60, type = "impact" } }, selection_box = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, type = "container", vehicle_impact_sound = { game_controller_vibration_data = { duration = 150, low_frequency_vibration_intensity = 0.9 }, switch_vibration_data = { filename = "__base__/sound/car-metal-impact.bnvib" }, variations = { { filename = "__base__/sound/car-metal-impact-2.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/car-metal-impact-3.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/car-metal-impact-4.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/car-metal-impact-5.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/car-metal-impact-6.ogg", volume = 0.5 } } } }, ["crash-site-chest-1"] = { circuit_connector_sprites = { blue_led_light_offset = { 0.125, 0.46875 }, connector_main = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04a-base-sequence.png", height = 50, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.09375, 0.203125 }, width = 52, x = 104, y = 150 }, connector_shadow = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04b-base-shadow-sequence.png", height = 46, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.3125, 0.3125 }, width = 62, x = 124, y = 138 }, led_blue = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04e-blue-LED-on-sequence.png", height = 60, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.09375, 0.171875 }, width = 60, x = 120, y = 180 }, led_blue_off = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04f-blue-LED-off-sequence.png", height = 44, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.09375, 0.171875 }, width = 46, x = 92, y = 132 }, led_green = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04h-green-LED-sequence.png", height = 46, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.09375, 0.171875 }, width = 48, x = 96, y = 138 }, led_light = { intensity = 0, size = 0.9 }, led_red = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04i-red-LED-sequence.png", height = 46, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.09375, 0.171875 }, width = 48, x = 96, y = 138 }, red_green_led_light_offset = { 0.109375, 0.359375 }, wire_pins = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04c-wire-sequence.png", height = 58, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.09375, 0.171875 }, width = 62, x = 124, y = 174 }, wire_pins_shadow = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04d-wire-shadow-sequence.png", height = 54, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.25, 0.296875 }, width = 70, x = 140, y = 162 } }, circuit_wire_connection_point = { shadow = { green = { 0.671875, 0.609375 }, red = { 0.890625, 0.5625 } }, wire = { green = { 0.453125, 0.453125 }, red = { 0.390625, 0.21875 } } }, circuit_wire_max_distance = 9, close_sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/metallic-chest-close.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, collision_box = { { -0.35, -0.35 }, { 0.35, 0.35 } }, corpse = "small-remnants", fast_replaceable_group = "container", flags = { "not-deconstructable", "placeable-neutral", "player-creation", "hidden" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/crash-site-chest.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, integration_patch = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/crash-site-chests/crash-site-chest-1-ground.png", frame_count = 1, height = 73, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/crash-site-chests/hr-crash-site-chest-1-ground.png", frame_count = 1, height = 148, line_length = 1, priority = "very-low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.1875, 0.375 }, width = 220 }, line_length = 1, priority = "very-low", shift = { -0.1875, 0.375 }, width = 111 }, inventory_size = 48, max_health = 350, name = "crash-site-chest-1", open_sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/metallic-chest-open.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, picture = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/crash-site-chests/crash-site-chest-1.png", height = 39, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/crash-site-chests/hr-crash-site-chest-1.png", height = 76, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0625, 0.25 }, width = 120 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.0625, 0.25 }, width = 61 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/crash-site-chests/crash-site-chest-1-shadow.png", height = 67, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/crash-site-chests/hr-crash-site-chest-1-shadow.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.0625, 0.09375 }, width = 210 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { -0.25, 0.0625 }, width = 99 } } }, resistances = { { percent = 90, type = "fire" }, { percent = 60, type = "impact" } }, selection_box = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, type = "container", vehicle_impact_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.vehicle_impact_sound ]=] }, ["crash-site-chest-2"] = { circuit_connector_sprites = 0 --[=[ ref [""].container["crash-site-chest-1"].circuit_connector_sprites ]=], circuit_wire_connection_point = 0 --[=[ ref [""].container["crash-site-chest-1"].circuit_wire_connection_point ]=], circuit_wire_max_distance = 9, close_sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/metallic-chest-close.ogg", volume = 0.42999999999999998 }, collision_box = { { -0.35, -0.35 }, { 0.35, 0.35 } }, corpse = "small-remnants", fast_replaceable_group = "container", flags = { "not-deconstructable", "placeable-neutral", "player-creation", "hidden" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/crash-site-chest.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, integration_patch = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/crash-site-chests/crash-site-chest-2-ground.png", frame_count = 1, height = 95, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/crash-site-chests/hr-crash-site-chest-2-ground.png", frame_count = 1, height = 186, line_length = 1, priority = "very-low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.3125, 0.15625 }, width = 218 }, line_length = 1, priority = "very-low", shift = { -0.375, 0.125 }, width = 111 }, inventory_size = 48, max_health = 350, name = "crash-site-chest-2", open_sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/metallic-chest-open.ogg", volume = 0.42999999999999998 }, picture = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/crash-site-chests/crash-site-chest-2.png", height = 45, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/crash-site-chests/hr-crash-site-chest-2.png", height = 88, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, 0.25 }, width = 116 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0, 0.25 }, width = 59 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/crash-site-chests/crash-site-chest-2-shadow.png", height = 65, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/crash-site-chests/hr-crash-site-chest-2-shadow.png", height = 126, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, 0.15625 }, width = 188 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0, 0.125 }, width = 95 } } }, resistances = { { percent = 90, type = "fire" }, { percent = 60, type = "impact" } }, selection_box = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, type = "container", vehicle_impact_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.vehicle_impact_sound ]=] }, ["crash-site-spaceship"] = { alert_when_damaged = false, allow_copy_paste = false, collision_box = { { -8.6999999999999993, -3.2999999999999998 }, { 6.9000000000000004, 4.5 } }, dying_explosion = "nuke-explosion", enable_inventory_bar = false, flags = { "placeable-player", "player-creation", "hidden", "not-rotatable", "placeable-off-grid", "not-blueprintable", "not-deconstructable" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/crash-site-spaceship.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, integration_patch = { dice_x = 4, dice_y = 3, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/crash-site-spaceship/spaceship-ground.png", frame_count = 1, height = 396, hr_version = { dice_x = 4, dice_y = 3, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/crash-site-spaceship/hr-spaceship-ground.png", frame_count = 1, height = 786, line_length = 1, priority = "very-low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -1.5625, 1.90625 }, width = 1330 }, line_length = 1, priority = "very-low", shift = { -1.5625, 1.875 }, width = 666 }, integration_patch_render_layer = "decals", inventory_size = 5, map_color = { a = 1, b = 0.57999999999999998, g = 0.36499999999999999, r = 0 }, max_health = 600, minable = { mining_time = 2.2999999999999998 }, name = "crash-site-spaceship", picture = { layers = { { dice_x = 4, dice_y = 3, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/crash-site-spaceship/spaceship.png", height = 396, hr_version = { dice_x = 4, dice_y = 3, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/crash-site-spaceship/hr-spaceship.png", height = 790, priority = "very-low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.40625, 1.0625 }, width = 1228 }, priority = "very-low", shift = { -0.375, 1.0625 }, width = 612 }, { dice_x = 5, dice_y = 4, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/crash-site-spaceship/spaceship-shadow.png", height = 390, hr_version = { dice_x = 5, dice_y = 4, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/crash-site-spaceship/hr-spaceship-shadow.png", height = 842, priority = "very-low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.71875, 1.5625 }, width = 1340 }, priority = "very-low", shift = { -0.75, 2.0625 }, width = 666 } } }, resistances = { { percent = 100, type = "fire" } }, selection_box = { { -8.6999999999999993, -3.2999999999999998 }, { 6.9000000000000004, 4.5 } }, type = "container", vehicle_impact_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.vehicle_impact_sound ]=] }, ["crash-site-spaceship-wreck-big-1"] = { alert_when_damaged = false, allow_copy_paste = false, collision_box = { { -0.9, -0.1 }, { 1.3999999999999999, 1.2 } }, drawing_box = { { -0.9, -2 }, { 1.3999999999999999, 1.2 } }, dying_explosion = "big-explosion", enable_inventory_bar = false, flags = 0 --[=[ ref [""].container["crash-site-spaceship"].flags ]=], icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/crash-site-spaceship-wreck-big-1.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, integration_patch = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/crash-site-spaceship/spaceship-wreck-big-1-ground.png", frame_count = 1, height = 70, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/crash-site-spaceship/hr-spaceship-wreck-big-1-ground.png", frame_count = 1, height = 136, line_length = 1, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.84375, 0.96875 }, width = 348 }, line_length = 1, priority = "high", shift = { -0.875, 0.9375 }, width = 176 }, integration_patch_render_layer = "decals", inventory_size = 2, localised_name = { "entity-name.crash-site-spaceship-wreck-big" }, map_color = { a = 1, b = 0.57999999999999998, g = 0.36499999999999999, r = 0 }, max_health = 150, minable = { mining_time = 1.25 }, name = "crash-site-spaceship-wreck-big-1", picture = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/crash-site-spaceship/spaceship-wreck-big-1.png", height = 140, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/crash-site-spaceship/hr-spaceship-wreck-big-1.png", height = 280, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.21875, -0.25 }, width = 234 }, shift = { -0.1875, -0.25 }, width = 116 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/crash-site-spaceship/spaceship-wreck-big-1-shadow.png", height = 22, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/crash-site-spaceship/hr-spaceship-wreck-big-1-shadow.png", height = 44, scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.15625, 0.8125 }, width = 256 }, shift = { 1.125, 0.8125 }, width = 130 } } }, resistances = { { percent = 100, type = "fire" } }, selection_box = { { -0.9, -0.1 }, { 1.3999999999999999, 1.2 } }, type = "container", vehicle_impact_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.vehicle_impact_sound ]=] }, ["crash-site-spaceship-wreck-big-2"] = { alert_when_damaged = false, allow_copy_paste = false, collision_box = { { -1.6000000000000001, -1.6000000000000001 }, { 1.3, 1.3 } }, drawing_box = { { -1.6000000000000001, -2 }, { 1.3, 1.3 } }, dying_explosion = "big-explosion", enable_inventory_bar = false, flags = 0 --[=[ ref [""].container["crash-site-spaceship"].flags ]=], icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/crash-site-spaceship-wreck-big-2.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, integration_patch = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/crash-site-spaceship/spaceship-wreck-big-2-ground.png", frame_count = 1, height = 148, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/crash-site-spaceship/hr-spaceship-wreck-big-2-ground.png", frame_count = 1, height = 296, line_length = 1, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -1.625, 0.25 }, width = 450 }, line_length = 1, priority = "high", shift = { -1.625, 0.25 }, width = 226 }, integration_patch_render_layer = "decals", inventory_size = 2, localised_name = { "entity-name.crash-site-spaceship-wreck-big" }, map_color = { a = 1, b = 0.57999999999999998, g = 0.36499999999999999, r = 0 }, max_health = 150, minable = { mining_time = 1.25 }, name = "crash-site-spaceship-wreck-big-2", picture = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/crash-site-spaceship/spaceship-wreck-big-2.png", height = 132, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/crash-site-spaceship/hr-spaceship-wreck-big-2.png", height = 258, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.40625, -0.21875 }, width = 242 }, shift = { -0.4375, -0.25 }, width = 124 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/crash-site-spaceship/spaceship-wreck-big-2-shadow.png", height = 106, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/crash-site-spaceship/hr-spaceship-wreck-big-2-shadow.png", height = 228, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.84375, -0.375 }, width = 294 }, shift = { 0.375, -0.25 }, width = 112 } } }, resistances = { { percent = 100, type = "fire" } }, selection_box = { { -1.6000000000000001, -1.6000000000000001 }, { 1.3, 1.3 } }, type = "container", vehicle_impact_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.vehicle_impact_sound ]=] }, ["crash-site-spaceship-wreck-medium-1"] = { alert_when_damaged = false, allow_copy_paste = false, collision_box = { { -1.2, -1 }, { 1.2, 0.7 } }, dying_explosion = "big-explosion", enable_inventory_bar = false, flags = 0 --[=[ ref [""].container["crash-site-spaceship"].flags ]=], icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/crash-site-spaceship-wreck-medium-1.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, integration_patch = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/crash-site-spaceship/spaceship-wreck-medium-1-ground.png", frame_count = 1, height = 102, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/crash-site-spaceship/hr-spaceship-wreck-medium-1-ground.png", frame_count = 1, height = 206, line_length = 1, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -1.28125, 0.40625 }, width = 352 }, line_length = 1, priority = "high", shift = { -1.3125, 0.4375 }, width = 178 }, integration_patch_render_layer = "decals", inventory_size = 1, localised_name = { "entity-name.crash-site-spaceship-wreck-medium" }, map_color = { a = 1, b = 0.57999999999999998, g = 0.36499999999999999, r = 0 }, max_health = 100, minable = { mining_time = 1 }, name = "crash-site-spaceship-wreck-medium-1", picture = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/crash-site-spaceship/spaceship-wreck-medium-1.png", height = 60, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/crash-site-spaceship/hr-spaceship-wreck-medium-1.png", height = 120, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.4375, -0.125 }, width = 228 }, shift = { -0.4375, -0.125 }, width = 114 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/crash-site-spaceship/spaceship-wreck-medium-1-shadow.png", height = 56, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/crash-site-spaceship/hr-spaceship-wreck-medium-1-shadow.png", height = 114, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.5, -0.03125 }, width = 206 }, shift = { 0.5, 0 }, width = 104 } } }, resistances = { { percent = 100, type = "fire" } }, selection_box = { { -1.2, -1 }, { 1.2, 0.7 } }, type = "container", vehicle_impact_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.vehicle_impact_sound ]=] }, ["crash-site-spaceship-wreck-medium-2"] = { alert_when_damaged = false, allow_copy_paste = false, collision_box = { { -1.1000000000000001, -0.6 }, { 1, 1 } }, dying_explosion = "big-explosion", enable_inventory_bar = false, flags = 0 --[=[ ref [""].container["crash-site-spaceship"].flags ]=], icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/crash-site-spaceship-wreck-medium-2.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, integration_patch = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/crash-site-spaceship/spaceship-wreck-medium-2-ground.png", frame_count = 1, height = 106, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/crash-site-spaceship/hr-spaceship-wreck-medium-2-ground.png", frame_count = 1, height = 214, line_length = 1, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -1.75, -0.03125 }, width = 396 }, line_length = 1, priority = "high", shift = { -1.375, 0 }, width = 174 }, integration_patch_render_layer = "decals", inventory_size = 1, localised_name = { "entity-name.crash-site-spaceship-wreck-medium" }, map_color = { a = 1, b = 0.57999999999999998, g = 0.36499999999999999, r = 0 }, max_health = 100, minable = { mining_time = 1 }, name = "crash-site-spaceship-wreck-medium-2", picture = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/crash-site-spaceship/spaceship-wreck-medium-2.png", height = 76, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/crash-site-spaceship/hr-spaceship-wreck-medium-2.png", height = 150, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.46875, 0.25 }, width = 194 }, shift = { -0.4375, 0.25 }, width = 96 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/crash-site-spaceship/spaceship-wreck-medium-2-shadow.png", height = 56, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/crash-site-spaceship/hr-spaceship-wreck-medium-2-shadow.png", height = 114, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.6875, 0.46875 }, width = 196 }, shift = { 0.6875, 0.5 }, width = 98 } } }, resistances = { { percent = 100, type = "fire" } }, selection_box = { { -1.1000000000000001, -0.6 }, { 1, 1 } }, type = "container", vehicle_impact_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.vehicle_impact_sound ]=] }, ["crash-site-spaceship-wreck-medium-3"] = { alert_when_damaged = false, allow_copy_paste = false, collision_box = { { -0.8, -1.3999999999999999 }, { 0.7, 1.3999999999999999 } }, dying_explosion = "big-explosion", enable_inventory_bar = false, flags = 0 --[=[ ref [""].container["crash-site-spaceship"].flags ]=], icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/crash-site-spaceship-wreck-medium-3.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, integration_patch = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/crash-site-spaceship/spaceship-wreck-medium-3-ground.png", frame_count = 1, height = 142, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/crash-site-spaceship/hr-spaceship-wreck-medium-3-ground.png", frame_count = 1, height = 284, line_length = 1, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -1.375, 0.3125 }, width = 350 }, line_length = 1, priority = "high", shift = { -1.375, 0.3125 }, width = 174 }, integration_patch_render_layer = "decals", inventory_size = 1, localised_name = { "entity-name.crash-site-spaceship-wreck-medium" }, map_color = { a = 1, b = 0.57999999999999998, g = 0.36499999999999999, r = 0 }, max_health = 100, minable = { mining_time = 1 }, name = "crash-site-spaceship-wreck-medium-3", picture = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/crash-site-spaceship/spaceship-wreck-medium-3.png", height = 118, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/crash-site-spaceship/hr-spaceship-wreck-medium-3.png", height = 236, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.9375, 0.125 }, width = 224 }, shift = { -0.9375, 0.125 }, width = 112 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/crash-site-spaceship/spaceship-wreck-medium-3-shadow.png", height = 86, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/crash-site-spaceship/hr-spaceship-wreck-medium-3-shadow.png", height = 178, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1875, 0 }, width = 104 }, shift = { 0.1875, 0 }, width = 52 } } }, resistances = { { percent = 100, type = "fire" } }, selection_box = { { -0.8, -1.3999999999999999 }, { 0.7, 1.3999999999999999 } }, type = "container", vehicle_impact_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.vehicle_impact_sound ]=] }, ["factorio-logo-11tiles"] = { collision_box = { { -5.3499999999999996, -0.85 }, { 5.3499999999999996, 0.85 } }, flags = { "placeable-neutral", "player-creation", "hidden" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/factorio-logo-11tiles.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, inventory_size = 1, max_health = 666, minable = { mining_time = 0.1 }, name = "factorio-logo-11tiles", picture = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/factorio-logo/factorio-logo-11tiles.png", height = 256, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, 0 }, width = 768 }, resistances = { { decrease = 0, percent = 100, type = "fire" }, { decrease = 0, percent = 100, type = "physical" }, { decrease = 0, percent = 0, type = "impact" }, { decrease = 0, percent = 100, type = "explosion" }, { decrease = 0, percent = 100, type = "acid" }, { decrease = 0, percent = 100, type = "laser" }, { decrease = 0, percent = 100, type = "electric" } }, selection_box = { { -5.5, -1 }, { 5.5, 1 } }, type = "container" }, ["factorio-logo-16tiles"] = { collision_box = { { -7.8499999999999996, -0.85 }, { 7.8499999999999996, 0.85 } }, flags = { "placeable-neutral", "player-creation", "hidden" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/factorio-logo-16tiles.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, inventory_size = 1, max_health = 666, minable = { mining_time = 0.1 }, name = "factorio-logo-16tiles", picture = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/factorio-logo/factorio-logo-16tiles.png", height = 512, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, 0 }, width = 1536 }, resistances = { { decrease = 0, percent = 100, type = "fire" }, { decrease = 0, percent = 100, type = "physical" }, { decrease = 0, percent = 100, type = "impact" }, { decrease = 0, percent = 100, type = "explosion" }, { decrease = 0, percent = 100, type = "acid" }, { decrease = 0, percent = 100, type = "laser" }, { decrease = 0, percent = 100, type = "electric" } }, selection_box = { { -8, -1 }, { 8, 1 } }, type = "container" }, ["factorio-logo-22tiles"] = { collision_box = { { -10.85, -1.3500000000000001 }, { 10.85, 1.3500000000000001 } }, flags = { "placeable-neutral", "player-creation", "hidden" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/factorio-logo-22tiles.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, inventory_size = 1, max_health = 666, minable = { mining_time = 0.1 }, name = "factorio-logo-22tiles", picture = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/factorio-logo/factorio-logo-22tiles.png", height = 512, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, 0 }, width = 1536 }, resistances = { { decrease = 0, percent = 100, type = "fire" }, { decrease = 0, percent = 100, type = "physical" }, { decrease = 0, percent = 100, type = "impact" }, { decrease = 0, percent = 100, type = "explosion" }, { decrease = 0, percent = 100, type = "acid" }, { decrease = 0, percent = 100, type = "laser" }, { decrease = 0, percent = 100, type = "electric" } }, selection_box = { { -11, -1.5 }, { 11, 1.5 } }, type = "container" }, ["iron-chest"] = { circuit_connector_sprites = 0 --[=[ ref [""].container["crash-site-chest-1"].circuit_connector_sprites ]=], circuit_wire_connection_point = 0 --[=[ ref [""].container["crash-site-chest-1"].circuit_wire_connection_point ]=], circuit_wire_max_distance = 9, close_sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/metallic-chest-close.ogg", volume = 0.42999999999999998 }, collision_box = { { -0.35, -0.35 }, { 0.35, 0.35 } }, corpse = "iron-chest-remnants", damaged_trigger_effect = { damage_type_filters = "fire", entity_name = "spark-explosion", offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, offsets = { { 0, 1 } }, type = "create-entity" }, dying_explosion = "iron-chest-explosion", fast_replaceable_group = "container", flags = { "placeable-neutral", "player-creation" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/iron-chest.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, inventory_size = 32, max_health = 200, minable = { mining_time = 0.2, result = "iron-chest" }, name = "iron-chest", open_sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/metallic-chest-open.ogg", volume = 0.42999999999999998 }, picture = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/iron-chest/iron-chest.png", height = 38, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/iron-chest/hr-iron-chest.png", height = 76, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.015625, -0.015625 }, width = 66 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0, -0.015625 }, width = 34 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/iron-chest/iron-chest-shadow.png", height = 26, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/iron-chest/hr-iron-chest-shadow.png", height = 50, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.328125, 0.1875 }, width = 110 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.3125, 0.203125 }, width = 56 } } }, resistances = { { percent = 80, type = "fire" }, { percent = 30, type = "impact" } }, selection_box = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, type = "container", vehicle_impact_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.vehicle_impact_sound ]=] }, ["red-chest"] = { circuit_connector_sprites = { blue_led_light_offset = { 0.125, 0.46875 }, connector_main = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04a-base-sequence.png", height = 50, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.09375, 0.203125 }, width = 52, x = 104, y = 150 }, connector_shadow = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04b-base-shadow-sequence.png", height = 46, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.3125, 0.3125 }, width = 62, x = 124, y = 138 }, led_blue = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04e-blue-LED-on-sequence.png", height = 60, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.09375, 0.171875 }, width = 60, x = 120, y = 180 }, led_blue_off = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04f-blue-LED-off-sequence.png", height = 44, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.09375, 0.171875 }, width = 46, x = 92, y = 132 }, led_green = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04h-green-LED-sequence.png", height = 46, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.09375, 0.171875 }, width = 48, x = 96, y = 138 }, led_light = { intensity = 0, size = 0.9 }, led_red = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04i-red-LED-sequence.png", height = 46, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.09375, 0.171875 }, width = 48, x = 96, y = 138 }, red_green_led_light_offset = { 0.109375, 0.359375 }, wire_pins = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04c-wire-sequence.png", height = 58, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.09375, 0.171875 }, width = 62, x = 124, y = 174 }, wire_pins_shadow = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04d-wire-shadow-sequence.png", height = 54, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.25, 0.296875 }, width = 70, x = 140, y = 162 } }, circuit_wire_connection_point = { shadow = { green = { 0.671875, 0.609375 }, red = { 0.890625, 0.5625 } }, wire = { green = { 0.453125, 0.453125 }, red = { 0.390625, 0.21875 } } }, circuit_wire_max_distance = 9, close_sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/metallic-chest-close.ogg", volume = 0.42999999999999998 }, collision_box = { { -0.35, -0.35 }, { 0.35, 0.35 } }, corpse = "steel-chest-remnants", damaged_trigger_effect = { damage_type_filters = "fire", entity_name = "spark-explosion", offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, offsets = { { 0, 1 } }, type = "create-entity" }, dying_explosion = "steel-chest-explosion", fast_replaceable_group = "container", flags = { "placeable-neutral", "player-creation" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/logistic-chest-passive-provider.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, inventory_size = 48, max_health = 350, name = "red-chest", open_sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/metallic-chest-open.ogg", volume = 0.42999999999999998 }, order = "r-e-d", picture = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/logistic-chest/logistic-chest-passive-provider.png", frame_count = 7, height = 38, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/logistic-chest/hr-logistic-chest-passive-provider.png", frame_count = 7, height = 74, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.0625 }, width = 66 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0, -0.0625 }, width = 34 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/logistic-chest/logistic-chest-shadow.png", height = 24, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/logistic-chest/hr-logistic-chest-shadow.png", height = 46, priority = "extra-high", repeat_count = 7, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.375, 0.140625 }, width = 112 }, priority = "extra-high", repeat_count = 7, shift = { 0.375, 0.15625 }, width = 56 } } }, resistances = { { percent = 90, type = "fire" }, { percent = 60, type = "impact" } }, selection_box = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, type = "container", vehicle_impact_sound = { game_controller_vibration_data = { duration = 150, low_frequency_vibration_intensity = 0.9 }, switch_vibration_data = { filename = "__base__/sound/car-metal-impact.bnvib" }, variations = { { filename = "__base__/sound/car-metal-impact-2.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/car-metal-impact-3.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/car-metal-impact-4.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/car-metal-impact-5.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/car-metal-impact-6.ogg", volume = 0.5 } } } }, ["steel-chest"] = { circuit_connector_sprites = 0 --[=[ ref [""].container["crash-site-chest-1"].circuit_connector_sprites ]=], circuit_wire_connection_point = 0 --[=[ ref [""].container["crash-site-chest-1"].circuit_wire_connection_point ]=], circuit_wire_max_distance = 9, close_sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/metallic-chest-close.ogg", volume = 0.42999999999999998 }, collision_box = { { -0.35, -0.35 }, { 0.35, 0.35 } }, corpse = "steel-chest-remnants", damaged_trigger_effect = { damage_type_filters = "fire", entity_name = "spark-explosion", offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, offsets = { { 0, 1 } }, type = "create-entity" }, dying_explosion = "steel-chest-explosion", fast_replaceable_group = "container", flags = { "placeable-neutral", "player-creation" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/steel-chest.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, inventory_size = 48, max_health = 350, minable = { mining_time = 0.2, result = "steel-chest" }, name = "steel-chest", open_sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/metallic-chest-open.ogg", volume = 0.42999999999999998 }, picture = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/steel-chest/steel-chest.png", height = 40, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/steel-chest/hr-steel-chest.png", height = 80, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.0078125, -0.015625 }, width = 64 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0, -0.015625 }, width = 32 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/steel-chest/steel-chest-shadow.png", height = 22, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/steel-chest/hr-steel-chest-shadow.png", height = 46, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.3828125, 0.25 }, width = 110 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.375, 0.234375 }, width = 56 } } }, resistances = { { percent = 90, type = "fire" }, { percent = 60, type = "impact" } }, selection_box = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, type = "container", vehicle_impact_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.vehicle_impact_sound ]=] }, ["wooden-chest"] = { circuit_connector_sprites = 0 --[=[ ref [""].container["crash-site-chest-1"].circuit_connector_sprites ]=], circuit_wire_connection_point = 0 --[=[ ref [""].container["crash-site-chest-1"].circuit_wire_connection_point ]=], circuit_wire_max_distance = 9, close_sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/wooden-chest-close.ogg", volume = 0.6 }, collision_box = { { -0.35, -0.35 }, { 0.35, 0.35 } }, corpse = "wooden-chest-remnants", damaged_trigger_effect = { damage_type_filters = "fire", entity_name = "spark-explosion", offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, offsets = { { 0, 1 } }, type = "create-entity" }, dying_explosion = "wooden-chest-explosion", fast_replaceable_group = "container", flags = { "placeable-neutral", "player-creation" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/wooden-chest.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, inventory_size = 16, max_health = 100, minable = { mining_time = 0.1, result = "wooden-chest" }, name = "wooden-chest", open_sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/wooden-chest-open.ogg", volume = 0.6 }, picture = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/wooden-chest/wooden-chest.png", height = 36, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/wooden-chest/hr-wooden-chest.png", height = 72, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.015625, -0.0625 }, width = 62 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.015625, -0.0625 }, width = 32 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/wooden-chest/wooden-chest-shadow.png", height = 20, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/wooden-chest/hr-wooden-chest-shadow.png", height = 40, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.3125, 0.203125 }, width = 104 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.3125, 0.203125 }, width = 52 } } }, selection_box = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, type = "container", vehicle_impact_sound = { game_controller_vibration_data = { duration = 150, low_frequency_vibration_intensity = 0.45 }, switch_vibration_data = { filename = "__base__/sound/car-wood-impact.bnvib", gain = 0.5 }, variations = { { filename = "__base__/sound/car-wood-impact.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/car-wood-impact-02.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/car-wood-impact-03.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/car-wood-impact-04.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/car-wood-impact-05.ogg", volume = 0.5 } } } } }, ["copy-paste-tool"] = { ["copy-paste-tool"] = { alt_selection_color = { 0, 1, 1 }, alt_selection_cursor_box_type = "copy", alt_selection_mode = { "blueprint" }, draw_label_for_cursor_render = true, flags = { "only-in-cursor", "hidden", "not-stackable" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/copy-paste-tool.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "copy-paste-tool", order = "c[automated-construction]-x", selection_color = { 1, 1, 1 }, selection_cursor_box_type = "copy", selection_mode = { "blueprint", "avoid-rolling-stock" }, stack_size = 1, subgroup = "tool", type = "copy-paste-tool" }, ["cut-paste-tool"] = { alt_selection_color = { 1, 1, 1 }, alt_selection_cursor_box_type = "copy", alt_selection_mode = { "blueprint" }, cuts = true, draw_label_for_cursor_render = true, flags = { "only-in-cursor", "hidden", "not-stackable" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/cut-paste-tool.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "cut-paste-tool", order = "c[automated-construction]-x", selection_color = { 1, 1, 1 }, selection_cursor_box_type = "copy", selection_mode = { "blueprint", "avoid-rolling-stock" }, stack_size = 1, subgroup = "tool", type = "copy-paste-tool" } }, corpse = { ["1x2-remnants"] = { animation = { direction_count = 4, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/remnants/1x2-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 72, hr_version = { direction_count = 4, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/remnants/hr-1x2-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 142, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.09375, 0.15625 }, width = 172 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0.09375, 0.15625 }, width = 86 }, final_render_layer = "remnants", flags = { "placeable-neutral", "not-on-map" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/remnants.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "entity-name.1x2-remnants" }, name = "1x2-remnants", order = "a-b-a", remove_on_tile_placement = false, selectable_in_game = false, selection_box = { { -0.5, -1 }, { 0.5, 1 } }, subgroup = "generic-remnants", tile_height = 1, tile_width = 2, time_before_removed = 54000, type = "corpse" }, ["accumulator-remnants"] = { animation = { { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/accumulator/remnants/accumulator-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 74, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/accumulator/remnants/hr-accumulator-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 146, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.078125, 0.109375 }, variation_count = 1, width = 172, y = 0 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0.0625, 0.125 }, variation_count = 1, width = 86, y = 0 } }, final_render_layer = "remnants", flags = { "placeable-neutral", "not-on-map" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/accumulator.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "remnant-name", { "entity-name.accumulator" } }, name = "accumulator-remnants", order = "a-d-a", remove_on_tile_placement = false, selectable_in_game = false, selection_box = { { -1, -1 }, { 1, 1 } }, subgroup = "energy-remnants", tile_height = 2, tile_width = 2, time_before_removed = 54000, type = "corpse" }, ["active-provider-chest-remnants"] = { animation = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/logistic-chest/remnants/active-provider-chest-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 42, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/logistic-chest/remnants/hr-active-provider-chest-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 82, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.3125, -0.09375 }, width = 116 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0.328125, -0.078125 }, width = 60 }, final_render_layer = "remnants", flags = { "placeable-neutral", "building-direction-8-way", "not-on-map" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/logistic-chest-active-provider.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "remnant-name", { "entity-name.logistic-chest-active-provider" } }, name = "active-provider-chest-remnants", order = "a-c-a", remove_on_tile_placement = false, selectable_in_game = false, selection_box = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, subgroup = "logistic-network-remnants", tile_height = 1, tile_width = 1, time_before_removed = 54000, type = "corpse" }, ["arithmetic-combinator-remnants"] = { animation = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 4, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/remnants/arithmetic/arithmetic-combinator-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 78, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 4, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/remnants/arithmetic/hr-arithmetic-combinator-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 156, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, 0 }, variation_count = 1, width = 156 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0, 0 }, variation_count = 1, width = 78 }, final_render_layer = "remnants", flags = { "placeable-neutral", "not-on-map" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/arithmetic-combinator.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "remnant-name", { "entity-name.arithmetic-combinator" } }, name = "arithmetic-combinator-remnants", order = "a-b-a", remove_on_tile_placement = false, selectable_in_game = false, selection_box = { { -0.5, -1 }, { 0.5, 1 } }, subgroup = "circuit-network-remnants", tile_height = 2, tile_width = 1, time_before_removed = 54000, type = "corpse" }, ["artillery-turret-remnants"] = { animation = { { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-turret/remnants/artillery-turret-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 146, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-turret/remnants/hr-artillery-turret-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 290, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.296875, 0.046875 }, variation_count = 1, width = 326, y = 0 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0.3125, 0.0625 }, variation_count = 1, width = 164, y = 0 } }, final_render_layer = "remnants", flags = { "placeable-neutral", "not-on-map" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/artillery-turret.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "remnant-name", { "entity-name.artillery-turret" } }, name = "artillery-turret-remnants", order = "a-f-a", remove_on_tile_placement = false, selectable_in_game = false, selection_box = { { -1.5, -1.5 }, { 1.5, 1.5 } }, subgroup = "defensive-structure-remnants", tile_height = 3, tile_width = 3, time_before_removed = 54000, type = "corpse" }, ["artillery-wagon-remnants"] = { animation = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 8, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/remnants/artillery-wagon-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 232, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 8, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-wagon/remnants/hr-artillery-wagon-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 464, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.03125, -0.015625 }, variation_count = 1, width = 458 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0.0625, 0.1875 }, variation_count = 1, width = 230 }, final_render_layer = "remnants", flags = { "placeable-neutral", "building-direction-8-way", "not-on-map" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/artillery-wagon.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "remnant-name", { "entity-name.artillery-wagon" } }, name = "artillery-wagon-remnants", order = "a-i-a", remove_on_tile_placement = false, selectable_in_game = false, selection_box = { { -1, -3 }, { 1, 3 } }, subgroup = "train-transport-remnants", tile_height = 6, tile_width = 2, time_before_removed = 54000, type = "corpse" }, ["assembling-machine-1-remnants"] = { animation = { { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/assembling-machine-1/remnants/assembling-machine-1-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 142, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/assembling-machine-1/remnants/hr-assembling-machine-1-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 282, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, 0.296875 }, variation_count = 1, width = 328, y = 0 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0, 0.3125 }, variation_count = 1, width = 164, y = 0 }, { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/assembling-machine-1/remnants/assembling-machine-1-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 142, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/assembling-machine-1/remnants/hr-assembling-machine-1-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 282, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, 0.296875 }, variation_count = 1, width = 328, y = 282 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0, 0.3125 }, variation_count = 1, width = 164, y = 142 }, { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/assembling-machine-1/remnants/assembling-machine-1-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 142, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/assembling-machine-1/remnants/hr-assembling-machine-1-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 282, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, 0.296875 }, variation_count = 1, width = 328, y = 564 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0, 0.3125 }, variation_count = 1, width = 164, y = 284 } }, final_render_layer = "remnants", flags = { "placeable-neutral", "not-on-map" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/assembling-machine-1.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "remnant-name", { "entity-name.assembling-machine-1" } }, name = "assembling-machine-1-remnants", order = "a-a-a", selectable_in_game = false, selection_box = { { -1.5, -1.5 }, { 1.5, 1.5 } }, subgroup = "production-machine-remnants", tile_height = 3, tile_width = 3, time_before_removed = 54000, type = "corpse" }, ["assembling-machine-2-remnants"] = { animation = { { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/assembling-machine-2/remnants/assembling-machine-2-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 142, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/assembling-machine-2/remnants/hr-assembling-machine-2-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 282, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, 0.296875 }, variation_count = 1, width = 328, y = 0 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0, 0.3125 }, variation_count = 1, width = 164, y = 0 }, { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/assembling-machine-2/remnants/assembling-machine-2-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 142, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/assembling-machine-2/remnants/hr-assembling-machine-2-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 282, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, 0.296875 }, variation_count = 1, width = 328, y = 282 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0, 0.3125 }, variation_count = 1, width = 164, y = 142 }, { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/assembling-machine-2/remnants/assembling-machine-2-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 142, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/assembling-machine-2/remnants/hr-assembling-machine-2-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 282, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, 0.296875 }, variation_count = 1, width = 328, y = 564 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0, 0.3125 }, variation_count = 1, width = 164, y = 284 } }, final_render_layer = "remnants", flags = { "placeable-neutral", "not-on-map" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/assembling-machine-2.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "remnant-name", { "entity-name.assembling-machine-2" } }, name = "assembling-machine-2-remnants", order = "a-a-a", selectable_in_game = false, selection_box = { { -1.5, -1.5 }, { 1.5, 1.5 } }, subgroup = "production-machine-remnants", tile_height = 3, tile_width = 3, time_before_removed = 54000, type = "corpse" }, ["assembling-machine-3-remnants"] = { animation = { { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/assembling-machine-3/remnants/assembling-machine-3-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 142, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/assembling-machine-3/remnants/hr-assembling-machine-3-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 282, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, 0.296875 }, variation_count = 1, width = 328, y = 0 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0, 0.3125 }, variation_count = 1, width = 164, y = 0 }, { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/assembling-machine-3/remnants/assembling-machine-3-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 142, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/assembling-machine-3/remnants/hr-assembling-machine-3-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 282, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, 0.296875 }, variation_count = 1, width = 328, y = 282 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0, 0.3125 }, variation_count = 1, width = 164, y = 142 }, { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/assembling-machine-3/remnants/assembling-machine-3-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 142, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/assembling-machine-3/remnants/hr-assembling-machine-3-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 282, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, 0.296875 }, variation_count = 1, width = 328, y = 564 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0, 0.3125 }, variation_count = 1, width = 164, y = 284 } }, final_render_layer = "remnants", flags = { "placeable-neutral", "not-on-map" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/assembling-machine-3.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "remnant-name", { "entity-name.assembling-machine-3" } }, name = "assembling-machine-3-remnants", order = "a-a-a", selectable_in_game = false, selection_box = { { -1.5, -1.5 }, { 1.5, 1.5 } }, subgroup = "production-machine-remnants", tile_height = 3, tile_width = 3, time_before_removed = 54000, type = "corpse" }, ["beacon-remnants"] = { animation = { { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/beacon/remnants/beacon-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 104, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/beacon/remnants/hr-beacon-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 206, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.03125, 0.15625 }, variation_count = 1, width = 212, y = 0 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0.03125, 0.15625 }, variation_count = 1, width = 106, y = 0 }, { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/beacon/remnants/beacon-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 104, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/beacon/remnants/hr-beacon-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 206, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.03125, 0.15625 }, variation_count = 1, width = 212, y = 206 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0.03125, 0.15625 }, variation_count = 1, width = 106, y = 104 } }, final_render_layer = "remnants", flags = { "placeable-neutral", "not-on-map" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/beacon.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "remnant-name", { "entity-name.beacon" } }, name = "beacon-remnants", order = "a-d-a", remove_on_tile_placement = false, selectable_in_game = false, selection_box = { { -0.5, -1 }, { 0.5, 1 } }, subgroup = "energy-pipe-distribution-remnants", tile_height = 2, tile_width = 1, time_before_removed = 54000, type = "corpse" }, ["behemoth-biter-corpse"] = { animation = { layers = { { direction_count = 16, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-04.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-05.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-06.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-07.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-08.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-09.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-10.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-11.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-12.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-13.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-14.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-15.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-16.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-17.png" }, frame_count = 17, height = 202, hr_version = { direction_count = 16, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-04.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-05.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-06.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-07.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-08.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-09.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-10.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-11.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-12.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-13.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-14.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-15.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-16.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-17.png" }, frame_count = 17, height = 402, line_length = 4, lines_per_file = 4, scale = 0.6, shift = { 0, -0.15 }, slice = 4, width = 544 }, line_length = 4, lines_per_file = 4, scale = 1.2, shift = { -0.075, -0.15 }, slice = 4, width = 276 }, { direction_count = 16, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-mask1-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-mask1-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-mask1-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-mask1-04.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-mask1-05.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-mask1-06.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-mask1-07.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-mask1-08.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-mask1-09.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-mask1-10.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-mask1-11.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-mask1-12.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-mask1-13.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-mask1-14.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-mask1-15.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-mask1-16.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-mask1-17.png" }, flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 17, height = 166, hr_version = { direction_count = 16, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-mask1-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-mask1-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-mask1-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-mask1-04.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-mask1-05.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-mask1-06.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-mask1-07.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-mask1-08.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-mask1-09.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-mask1-10.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-mask1-11.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-mask1-12.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-mask1-13.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-mask1-14.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-mask1-15.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-mask1-16.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-mask1-17.png" }, frame_count = 17, height = 328, line_length = 4, lines_per_file = 4, scale = 0.6, shift = { -0.0375, -0.7875 }, slice = 4, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.25, g = 0.19, r = 0.21000000000000001 }, width = 398 }, line_length = 4, lines_per_file = 4, scale = 1.2, shift = { 0, -0.825 }, slice = 4, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["behemoth-biter-corpse"].animation.layers[2].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 198 }, { direction_count = 16, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-mask2-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-mask2-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-mask2-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-mask2-04.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-mask2-05.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-mask2-06.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-mask2-07.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-mask2-08.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-mask2-09.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-mask2-10.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-mask2-11.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-mask2-12.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-mask2-13.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-mask2-14.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-mask2-15.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-mask2-16.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-mask2-17.png" }, flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 17, height = 166, hr_version = { direction_count = 16, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-mask2-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-mask2-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-mask2-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-mask2-04.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-mask2-05.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-mask2-06.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-mask2-07.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-mask2-08.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-mask2-09.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-mask2-10.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-mask2-11.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-mask2-12.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-mask2-13.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-mask2-14.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-mask2-15.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-mask2-16.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-mask2-17.png" }, frame_count = 17, height = 330, line_length = 4, lines_per_file = 4, scale = 0.6, shift = { -0.0375, -0.825 }, slice = 4, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.43200000000000003, g = 0.95, r = 0.65700000000000003 }, width = 396 }, line_length = 4, lines_per_file = 4, scale = 1.2, shift = { -0.075, -0.825 }, slice = 4, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["behemoth-biter-corpse"].animation.layers[3].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 200 }, { direction_count = 16, draw_as_shadow = true, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-shadow-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-shadow-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-shadow-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-shadow-04.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-shadow-05.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-shadow-06.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-shadow-07.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-shadow-08.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-shadow-09.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-shadow-10.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-shadow-11.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-shadow-12.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-shadow-13.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-shadow-14.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-shadow-15.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-shadow-16.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-shadow-17.png" }, frame_count = 17, height = 192, hr_version = { direction_count = 16, draw_as_shadow = true, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-shadow-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-shadow-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-shadow-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-shadow-04.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-shadow-05.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-shadow-06.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-shadow-07.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-shadow-08.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-shadow-09.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-shadow-10.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-shadow-11.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-shadow-12.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-shadow-13.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-shadow-14.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-shadow-15.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-shadow-16.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-shadow-17.png" }, frame_count = 17, height = 384, line_length = 4, lines_per_file = 4, scale = 0.6, shift = { 0.15, 0 }, slice = 4, width = 564 }, line_length = 4, lines_per_file = 4, scale = 1.2, shift = { 0.15, 0 }, slice = 4, width = 282 } } }, direction_shuffle = { { 1, 2, 3, 16 }, { 4, 5, 6, 7 }, { 8, 9, 10, 11 }, { 12, 13, 14, 15 } }, dying_speed = 0.04, final_render_layer = "lower-object-above-shadow", flags = { "placeable-neutral", "placeable-off-grid", "building-direction-8-way", "not-on-map" }, ground_patch = { sheet = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/blood-puddle-var-main.png", flags = { "low-object" }, frame_count = 1, height = 68, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-blood-puddle-var-main.png", flags = { "low-object" }, frame_count = 1, height = 134, line_length = 4, scale = 0.6, shift = { -0.015625, -0.015625 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.54000000000000004, g = 0.090000000000000018, r = 0.54000000000000004 }, variation_count = 4, width = 164 }, line_length = 4, scale = 1.2, shift = { 0.03125, 0 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.54000000000000004, g = 0.090000000000000018, r = 0.54000000000000004 }, variation_count = 4, width = 84 } }, ground_patch_fade_in_delay = 50, ground_patch_fade_in_speed = 0.002, ground_patch_fade_out_duration = 1200, ground_patch_fade_out_start = 3000, ground_patch_render_layer = "decals", icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/big-biter-corpse.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "behemoth-biter-corpse", order = "c[corpse]-a[biter]-c[big]", selectable_in_game = false, selection_box = { { -1, -1 }, { 1, 1 } }, shuffle_directions_at_frame = 7, subgroup = "corpses", time_before_removed = 54000, type = "corpse" }, ["behemoth-spitter-corpse"] = { animation = { layers = { { direction_count = 16, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-die-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-die-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-die-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-die-04.png" }, frame_count = 14, height = 128, hr_version = { direction_count = 16, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-die-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-die-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-die-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-die-04.png" }, frame_count = 14, height = 254, line_length = 7, lines_per_file = 8, scale = 0.6, shift = { 0, -0.5625 }, slice = 7, width = 282 }, line_length = 7, lines_per_file = 8, scale = 1.2, shift = { 0, -0.6 }, slice = 7, width = 142 }, { direction_count = 16, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-die-mask1-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-die-mask1-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-die-mask1-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-die-mask1-04.png" }, flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 14, height = 114, hr_version = { direction_count = 16, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-die-mask1-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-die-mask1-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-die-mask1-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-die-mask1-04.png" }, frame_count = 14, height = 228, line_length = 7, lines_per_file = 8, scale = 0.6, shift = { 0, -0.6 }, slice = 7, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.13, g = 0.17999999999999998, r = 0.35999999999999996 }, width = 258 }, line_length = 7, lines_per_file = 8, scale = 1.2, shift = { 0, -0.6 }, slice = 7, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["behemoth-spitter-corpse"].animation.layers[2].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 130 }, { direction_count = 16, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-die-mask2-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-die-mask2-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-die-mask2-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-die-mask2-04.png" }, flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 14, height = 114, hr_version = { direction_count = 16, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-die-mask2-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-die-mask2-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-die-mask2-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-die-mask2-04.png" }, frame_count = 14, height = 228, line_length = 7, lines_per_file = 8, scale = 0.6, shift = { -0.0375, -0.6 }, slice = 7, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.4, g = 0.95, r = 0.7 }, width = 260 }, line_length = 7, lines_per_file = 8, scale = 1.2, shift = { 0, -0.6 }, slice = 7, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["behemoth-spitter-corpse"].animation.layers[3].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 128 }, { direction_count = 16, draw_as_shadow = true, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-die-shadow-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-die-shadow-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-die-shadow-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-die-shadow-04.png" }, frame_count = 14, height = 104, hr_version = { direction_count = 16, draw_as_shadow = true, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-die-shadow-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-die-shadow-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-die-shadow-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-die-shadow-04.png" }, frame_count = 14, height = 204, line_length = 7, lines_per_file = 8, scale = 0.6, shift = { 0.7125, -0.0375 }, slice = 7, width = 356 }, line_length = 7, lines_per_file = 8, scale = 1.2, shift = { 0.67499999999999991, -0.075 }, slice = 7, width = 180 } } }, direction_shuffle = { { 1, 2, 3, 16 }, { 4, 5, 6, 7 }, { 8, 9, 10, 11 }, { 12, 13, 14, 15 } }, dying_speed = 0.04, final_render_layer = "lower-object-above-shadow", flags = { "placeable-neutral", "placeable-off-grid", "building-direction-8-way", "not-on-map" }, ground_patch = { sheet = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/blood-puddle-var-main.png", flags = { "low-object" }, frame_count = 1, height = 68, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-blood-puddle-var-main.png", flags = { "low-object" }, frame_count = 1, height = 134, line_length = 4, scale = 0.6, shift = { -0.015625, -0.015625 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.54000000000000004, g = 0.090000000000000018, r = 0.54000000000000004 }, variation_count = 4, width = 164 }, line_length = 4, scale = 1.2, shift = { 0.03125, 0 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.54000000000000004, g = 0.090000000000000018, r = 0.54000000000000004 }, variation_count = 4, width = 84 } }, ground_patch_fade_in_delay = 50, ground_patch_fade_in_speed = 0.002, ground_patch_fade_out_duration = 1200, ground_patch_fade_out_start = 3000, ground_patch_render_layer = "decals", icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/big-biter-corpse.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "behemoth-spitter-corpse", order = "c[corpse]-b[spitter]-a[small]", selectable_in_game = false, selection_box = { { -1, -1 }, { 1, 1 } }, shuffle_directions_at_frame = 4, subgroup = "corpses", time_before_removed = 54000, type = "corpse" }, ["behemoth-worm-corpse"] = { animation = { { layers = { { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-die-01.png", frame_count = 24, height = 186, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-die-01.png", frame_count = 24, height = 372, line_length = 6, scale = 0.6, shift = { 0.7125, -0.975 }, width = 262 }, line_length = 6, scale = 1.2, shift = { 0.67499999999999991, -0.975 }, width = 134 }, { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-die-01-mask.png", flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 24, height = 160, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-die-01-mask.png", flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 24, height = 318, line_length = 6, scale = 0.6, shift = { 0.5625, -0.7125 }, tint = { a = 0.8, b = 0, g = 1, r = 0.3 }, width = 250 }, line_length = 6, scale = 1.2, shift = { 0.5625, -0.7125 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["behemoth-worm-corpse"].animation[1].layers[2].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 124 }, { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-die-01-shadow.png", frame_count = 24, height = 106, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-die-01-shadow.png", frame_count = 24, height = 210, line_length = 6, scale = 0.6, shift = { 2.0249999999999999, 0.6 }, width = 404 }, line_length = 6, scale = 1.2, shift = { 2.0249999999999999, 0.6 }, width = 202 } } }, { layers = { { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-die-02.png", frame_count = 24, height = 164, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-die-02.png", frame_count = 24, height = 322, line_length = 6, scale = 0.6, shift = { -1.7625, -1.5374999999999998 }, width = 362 }, line_length = 6, scale = 1.2, shift = { -1.7999999999999998, -1.575 }, width = 184 }, { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-die-02-mask.png", flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 24, height = 144, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-die-02-mask.png", flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 24, height = 282, line_length = 6, scale = 0.6, shift = { -1.2375, -1.1624999999999999 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["behemoth-worm-corpse"].animation[1].layers[2].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 306 }, line_length = 6, scale = 1.2, shift = { -1.2375, -1.1624999999999999 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["behemoth-worm-corpse"].animation[1].layers[2].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 156 }, { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-die-02-shadow.png", frame_count = 24, height = 82, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-die-02-shadow.png", frame_count = 24, height = 160, line_length = 6, scale = 0.6, shift = { 0.6375, 0.1875 }, width = 588 }, line_length = 6, scale = 1.2, shift = { 0.6, 0.15 }, width = 296 } } }, { layers = { { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-die-03.png", frame_count = 24, height = 164, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-die-03.png", frame_count = 24, height = 328, line_length = 6, scale = 0.6, shift = { 0.6, -1.7999999999999998 }, width = 260 }, line_length = 6, scale = 1.2, shift = { 0.6, -1.7999999999999998 }, width = 130 }, { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-die-03-mask.png", flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 24, height = 136, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-die-03-mask.png", flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 24, height = 272, line_length = 6, scale = 0.6, shift = { 0.525, -1.2749999999999999 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["behemoth-worm-corpse"].animation[1].layers[2].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 246 }, line_length = 6, scale = 1.2, shift = { 0.525, -1.2749999999999999 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["behemoth-worm-corpse"].animation[1].layers[2].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 124 }, { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-die-03-shadow.png", frame_count = 24, height = 116, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-die-03-shadow.png", frame_count = 24, height = 224, line_length = 6, scale = 0.6, shift = { 1.9874999999999998, -1.2 }, width = 404 }, line_length = 6, scale = 1.2, shift = { 1.95, -1.2749999999999999 }, width = 204 } } } }, dying_speed = 0.01, final_render_layer = "lower-object-above-shadow", flags = { "placeable-neutral", "placeable-off-grid", "building-direction-8-way", "not-repairable", "not-on-map" }, ground_patch = { sheet = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-integration.png", frame_count = 1, height = 122, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-integration.png", frame_count = 1, height = 240, scale = 0.6, shift = { 0.15, -0.0375 }, variation_count = 1, width = 332 }, scale = 1.2, shift = { 0.15, -0.075 }, variation_count = 1, width = 166 } }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/behemoth-worm-corpse.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "behemoth-worm-corpse", order = "c[corpse]-c[worm]-d[big]", selectable_in_game = false, selection_box = { { -0.8, -0.8 }, { 0.8, 0.8 } }, subgroup = "corpses", time_before_removed = 54000, type = "corpse" }, ["big-biter-corpse"] = { animation = { layers = { { direction_count = 16, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-04.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-05.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-06.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-07.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-08.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-09.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-10.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-11.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-12.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-13.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-14.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-15.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-16.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-17.png" }, frame_count = 17, height = 202, hr_version = { direction_count = 16, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-04.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-05.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-06.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-07.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-08.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-09.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-10.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-11.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-12.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-13.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-14.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-15.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-16.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-17.png" }, frame_count = 17, height = 402, line_length = 4, lines_per_file = 4, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.125 }, slice = 4, width = 544 }, line_length = 4, lines_per_file = 4, scale = 1, shift = { -0.0625, -0.125 }, slice = 4, width = 276 }, { direction_count = 16, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-mask1-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-mask1-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-mask1-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-mask1-04.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-mask1-05.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-mask1-06.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-mask1-07.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-mask1-08.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-mask1-09.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-mask1-10.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-mask1-11.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-mask1-12.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-mask1-13.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-mask1-14.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-mask1-15.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-mask1-16.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-mask1-17.png" }, flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 17, height = 166, hr_version = { direction_count = 16, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-mask1-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-mask1-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-mask1-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-mask1-04.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-mask1-05.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-mask1-06.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-mask1-07.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-mask1-08.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-mask1-09.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-mask1-10.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-mask1-11.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-mask1-12.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-mask1-13.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-mask1-14.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-mask1-15.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-mask1-16.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-mask1-17.png" }, frame_count = 17, height = 328, line_length = 4, lines_per_file = 4, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03125, -0.65625 }, slice = 4, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.71999999999999993, g = 0.4, r = 0.37000000000000002 }, width = 398 }, line_length = 4, lines_per_file = 4, scale = 1, shift = { 0, -0.6875 }, slice = 4, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["big-biter-corpse"].animation.layers[2].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 198 }, { direction_count = 16, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-mask2-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-mask2-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-mask2-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-mask2-04.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-mask2-05.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-mask2-06.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-mask2-07.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-mask2-08.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-mask2-09.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-mask2-10.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-mask2-11.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-mask2-12.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-mask2-13.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-mask2-14.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-mask2-15.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-mask2-16.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-mask2-17.png" }, flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 17, height = 166, hr_version = { direction_count = 16, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-mask2-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-mask2-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-mask2-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-mask2-04.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-mask2-05.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-mask2-06.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-mask2-07.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-mask2-08.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-mask2-09.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-mask2-10.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-mask2-11.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-mask2-12.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-mask2-13.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-mask2-14.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-mask2-15.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-mask2-16.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-mask2-17.png" }, frame_count = 17, height = 330, line_length = 4, lines_per_file = 4, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03125, -0.6875 }, slice = 4, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.75, g = 0.75999999999999996, r = 0.55 }, width = 396 }, line_length = 4, lines_per_file = 4, scale = 1, shift = { -0.0625, -0.6875 }, slice = 4, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["big-biter-corpse"].animation.layers[3].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 200 }, { direction_count = 16, draw_as_shadow = true, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-shadow-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-shadow-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-shadow-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-shadow-04.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-shadow-05.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-shadow-06.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-shadow-07.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-shadow-08.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-shadow-09.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-shadow-10.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-shadow-11.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-shadow-12.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-shadow-13.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-shadow-14.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-shadow-15.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-shadow-16.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-shadow-17.png" }, frame_count = 17, height = 192, hr_version = { direction_count = 16, draw_as_shadow = true, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-shadow-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-shadow-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-shadow-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-shadow-04.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-shadow-05.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-shadow-06.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-shadow-07.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-shadow-08.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-shadow-09.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-shadow-10.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-shadow-11.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-shadow-12.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-shadow-13.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-shadow-14.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-shadow-15.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-shadow-16.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-shadow-17.png" }, frame_count = 17, height = 384, line_length = 4, lines_per_file = 4, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.125, 0 }, slice = 4, width = 564 }, line_length = 4, lines_per_file = 4, scale = 1, shift = { 0.125, 0 }, slice = 4, width = 282 } } }, direction_shuffle = { { 1, 2, 3, 16 }, { 4, 5, 6, 7 }, { 8, 9, 10, 11 }, { 12, 13, 14, 15 } }, dying_speed = 0.04, final_render_layer = "lower-object-above-shadow", flags = { "placeable-neutral", "placeable-off-grid", "building-direction-8-way", "not-on-map" }, ground_patch = { sheet = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/blood-puddle-var-main.png", flags = { "low-object" }, frame_count = 1, height = 68, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-blood-puddle-var-main.png", flags = { "low-object" }, frame_count = 1, height = 134, line_length = 4, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.015625, -0.015625 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.54000000000000004, g = 0.090000000000000018, r = 0.54000000000000004 }, variation_count = 4, width = 164 }, line_length = 4, scale = 1, shift = { 0.03125, 0 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.54000000000000004, g = 0.090000000000000018, r = 0.54000000000000004 }, variation_count = 4, width = 84 } }, ground_patch_fade_in_delay = 50, ground_patch_fade_in_speed = 0.002, ground_patch_fade_out_duration = 1200, ground_patch_fade_out_start = 3000, ground_patch_render_layer = "decals", icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/big-biter-corpse.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "big-biter-corpse", order = "c[corpse]-a[biter]-c[big]", selectable_in_game = false, selection_box = { { -1, -1 }, { 1, 1 } }, shuffle_directions_at_frame = 7, subgroup = "corpses", time_before_removed = 54000, type = "corpse" }, ["big-electric-pole-remnants"] = { animation = { { layers = { { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/big-electric-pole/remnants/big-electric-pole-base-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 94, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/big-electric-pole/remnants/hr-big-electric-pole-base-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 188, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.34375, 0.015625 }, width = 366, y = 0 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 1.375, 0 }, width = 184, y = 0 } } }, { layers = { { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/big-electric-pole/remnants/big-electric-pole-base-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 94, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/big-electric-pole/remnants/hr-big-electric-pole-base-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 188, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.34375, 0.015625 }, width = 366, y = 188 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 1.375, 0 }, width = 184, y = 94 } } }, { layers = { { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/big-electric-pole/remnants/big-electric-pole-base-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 94, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/big-electric-pole/remnants/hr-big-electric-pole-base-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 188, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.34375, 0.015625 }, width = 366, y = 376 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 1.375, 0 }, width = 184, y = 188 } } }, { layers = { { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/big-electric-pole/remnants/big-electric-pole-base-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 94, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/big-electric-pole/remnants/hr-big-electric-pole-base-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 188, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.34375, 0.015625 }, width = 366, y = 564 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 1.375, 0 }, width = 184, y = 282 } } } }, animation_overlay = { { layers = { { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/big-electric-pole/remnants/big-electric-pole-top-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 126, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/big-electric-pole/remnants/hr-big-electric-pole-top-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 252, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.046875, -1.5 }, width = 148, y = 0 }, line_length = 1, shift = { -0.03125, -1.5 }, width = 76, y = 0 } } }, { layers = { { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/big-electric-pole/remnants/big-electric-pole-top-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 126, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/big-electric-pole/remnants/hr-big-electric-pole-top-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 252, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.046875, -1.5 }, width = 148, y = 252 }, line_length = 1, shift = { -0.03125, -1.5 }, width = 76, y = 126 } } }, { layers = { { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/big-electric-pole/remnants/big-electric-pole-top-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 126, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/big-electric-pole/remnants/hr-big-electric-pole-top-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 252, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.046875, -1.5 }, width = 148, y = 504 }, line_length = 1, shift = { -0.03125, -1.5 }, width = 76, y = 252 } } }, { layers = { { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/big-electric-pole/remnants/big-electric-pole-top-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 126, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/big-electric-pole/remnants/hr-big-electric-pole-top-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 252, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.046875, -1.5 }, width = 148, y = 756 }, line_length = 1, shift = { -0.03125, -1.5 }, width = 76, y = 378 } } } }, animation_overlay_final_render_layer = "object", collision_box = { { -0.4, -0.4 }, { 0.4, 0.4 } }, final_render_layer = "remnants", flags = { "placeable-neutral", "not-on-map" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/big-electric-pole.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "remnant-name", { "entity-name.big-electric-pole" } }, name = "big-electric-pole-remnants", order = "a-c-a", remove_on_tile_placement = false, selectable_in_game = false, selection_box = { { -1, -1 }, { 1, 1 } }, subgroup = "energy-pipe-distribution-remnants", tile_height = 2, tile_width = 2, time_before_removed = 54000, type = "corpse" }, ["big-remnants"] = { animation = { { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/remnants/big-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 102, width = 109 }, { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/remnants/big-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 102, width = 109, x = 109 }, { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/remnants/big-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 102, width = 109, x = 218 }, { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/remnants/big-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 102, width = 109, x = 327 } }, collision_box = { { -1.5, -1.5 }, { 1.5, 1.5 } }, final_render_layer = "remnants", flags = { "placeable-neutral", "not-on-map" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/remnants.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "entity-name.big-remnants" }, name = "big-remnants", order = "a-c-a", remove_on_tile_placement = false, selectable_in_game = false, selection_box = { { -1.5, -1.5 }, { 1.5, 1.5 } }, subgroup = "generic-remnants", tile_height = 3, tile_width = 3, time_before_removed = 54000, type = "corpse" }, ["big-scorchmark"] = { collision_box = { { -4.5, -4.5 }, { 4.5, 4.5 } }, collision_mask = { "doodad-layer", "not-colliding-with-itself" }, final_render_layer = "ground-patch-higher2", flags = { "placeable-neutral", "not-on-map", "placeable-off-grid" }, ground_patch = { sheet = { dice_y = 2, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/scorchmark/big-scorchmark.png", height = 352, hr_version = { dice_y = 2, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/scorchmark/hr-big-scorchmark.png", height = 704, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, 0 }, variation_count = 1, width = 960 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0, 0 }, variation_count = 1, width = 480 } }, ground_patch_higher = { sheet = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/scorchmark/big-scorchmark-top.png", height = 96, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/scorchmark/hr-big-scorchmark-top.png", height = 194, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, 0 }, variation_count = 1, width = 274 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0, 0 }, variation_count = 1, width = 138 } }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/small-scorchmark.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "big-scorchmark", order = "a-e-a", remove_on_entity_placement = false, remove_on_tile_placement = true, selectable_in_game = false, selection_box = { { -4, -4 }, { 4, 4 } }, subgroup = "scorchmarks", time_before_removed = 36000, type = "corpse", use_tile_color_for_ground_patch_tint = true }, ["big-scorchmark-tintable"] = { collision_box = { { -4.5, -4.5 }, { 4.5, 4.5 } }, collision_mask = { "doodad-layer", "not-colliding-with-itself" }, final_render_layer = "ground-patch-higher2", flags = { "placeable-neutral", "not-on-map", "placeable-off-grid" }, ground_patch = { sheet = { apply_runtime_tint = true, dice_y = 2, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/scorchmark/big-scorchmark-tintable.png", height = 352, hr_version = { apply_runtime_tint = true, dice_y = 2, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/scorchmark/hr-big-scorchmark-tintable.png", height = 704, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, 0 }, variation_count = 1, width = 960 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0, 0 }, variation_count = 1, width = 480 } }, ground_patch_higher = { sheet = { apply_runtime_tint = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/scorchmark/big-scorchmark-tintable-top.png", height = 96, hr_version = { apply_runtime_tint = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/scorchmark/hr-big-scorchmark-tintable-top.png", height = 194, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, 0 }, variation_count = 1, width = 274 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0, 0 }, variation_count = 1, width = 138 } }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/small-scorchmark.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "big-scorchmark-tintable", order = "a-f-a", remove_on_entity_placement = false, remove_on_tile_placement = true, selectable_in_game = false, selection_box = { { -4, -4 }, { 4, 4 } }, subgroup = "scorchmarks", time_before_removed = 36000, type = "corpse", use_tile_color_for_ground_patch_tint = true }, ["big-spitter-corpse"] = { animation = { layers = { { direction_count = 16, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-die-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-die-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-die-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-die-04.png" }, frame_count = 14, height = 128, hr_version = { direction_count = 16, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-die-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-die-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-die-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-die-04.png" }, frame_count = 14, height = 254, line_length = 7, lines_per_file = 8, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.46875 }, slice = 7, width = 282 }, line_length = 7, lines_per_file = 8, scale = 1, shift = { 0, -0.5 }, slice = 7, width = 142 }, { direction_count = 16, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-die-mask1-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-die-mask1-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-die-mask1-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-die-mask1-04.png" }, flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 14, height = 114, hr_version = { direction_count = 16, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-die-mask1-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-die-mask1-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-die-mask1-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-die-mask1-04.png" }, frame_count = 14, height = 228, line_length = 7, lines_per_file = 8, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.5 }, slice = 7, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.68000000000000007, g = 0.42999999999999998, r = 0.15 }, width = 258 }, line_length = 7, lines_per_file = 8, scale = 1, shift = { 0, -0.5 }, slice = 7, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["big-spitter-corpse"].animation.layers[2].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 130 }, { direction_count = 16, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-die-mask2-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-die-mask2-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-die-mask2-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-die-mask2-04.png" }, flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 14, height = 114, hr_version = { direction_count = 16, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-die-mask2-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-die-mask2-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-die-mask2-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-die-mask2-04.png" }, frame_count = 14, height = 228, line_length = 7, lines_per_file = 8, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03125, -0.5 }, slice = 7, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.85, g = 0.81999999999999993, r = 0.8 }, width = 260 }, line_length = 7, lines_per_file = 8, scale = 1, shift = { 0, -0.5 }, slice = 7, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["big-spitter-corpse"].animation.layers[3].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 128 }, { direction_count = 16, draw_as_shadow = true, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-die-shadow-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-die-shadow-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-die-shadow-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-die-shadow-04.png" }, frame_count = 14, height = 104, hr_version = { direction_count = 16, draw_as_shadow = true, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-die-shadow-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-die-shadow-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-die-shadow-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-die-shadow-04.png" }, frame_count = 14, height = 204, line_length = 7, lines_per_file = 8, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.59375, -0.03125 }, slice = 7, width = 356 }, line_length = 7, lines_per_file = 8, scale = 1, shift = { 0.5625, -0.0625 }, slice = 7, width = 180 } } }, direction_shuffle = { { 1, 2, 3, 16 }, { 4, 5, 6, 7 }, { 8, 9, 10, 11 }, { 12, 13, 14, 15 } }, dying_speed = 0.04, final_render_layer = "lower-object-above-shadow", flags = { "placeable-neutral", "placeable-off-grid", "building-direction-8-way", "not-on-map" }, ground_patch = { sheet = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/blood-puddle-var-main.png", flags = { "low-object" }, frame_count = 1, height = 68, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-blood-puddle-var-main.png", flags = { "low-object" }, frame_count = 1, height = 134, line_length = 4, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.015625, -0.015625 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.54000000000000004, g = 0.090000000000000018, r = 0.54000000000000004 }, variation_count = 4, width = 164 }, line_length = 4, scale = 1, shift = { 0.03125, 0 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.54000000000000004, g = 0.090000000000000018, r = 0.54000000000000004 }, variation_count = 4, width = 84 } }, ground_patch_fade_in_delay = 50, ground_patch_fade_in_speed = 0.002, ground_patch_fade_out_duration = 1200, ground_patch_fade_out_start = 3000, ground_patch_render_layer = "decals", icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/big-biter-corpse.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "big-spitter-corpse", order = "c[corpse]-b[spitter]-a[small]", selectable_in_game = false, selection_box = { { -1, -1 }, { 1, 1 } }, shuffle_directions_at_frame = 4, subgroup = "corpses", time_before_removed = 54000, type = "corpse" }, ["big-worm-corpse"] = { animation = { { layers = { { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-die-01.png", frame_count = 24, height = 186, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-die-01.png", frame_count = 24, height = 372, line_length = 6, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.59375, -0.8125 }, width = 262 }, line_length = 6, scale = 1, shift = { 0.5625, -0.8125 }, width = 134 }, { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-die-01-mask.png", flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 24, height = 160, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-die-01-mask.png", flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 24, height = 318, line_length = 6, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.46875, -0.59375 }, tint = { a = 0.8, b = 0.9, g = 0.68000000000000007, r = 0.34000000000000004 }, width = 250 }, line_length = 6, scale = 1, shift = { 0.46875, -0.59375 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["big-worm-corpse"].animation[1].layers[2].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 124 }, { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-die-01-shadow.png", frame_count = 24, height = 106, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-die-01-shadow.png", frame_count = 24, height = 210, line_length = 6, scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.6875, 0.5 }, width = 404 }, line_length = 6, scale = 1, shift = { 1.6875, 0.5 }, width = 202 } } }, { layers = { { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-die-02.png", frame_count = 24, height = 164, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-die-02.png", frame_count = 24, height = 322, line_length = 6, scale = 0.5, shift = { -1.46875, -1.28125 }, width = 362 }, line_length = 6, scale = 1, shift = { -1.5, -1.3125 }, width = 184 }, { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-die-02-mask.png", flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 24, height = 144, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-die-02-mask.png", flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 24, height = 282, line_length = 6, scale = 0.5, shift = { -1.03125, -0.96875 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["big-worm-corpse"].animation[1].layers[2].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 306 }, line_length = 6, scale = 1, shift = { -1.03125, -0.96875 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["big-worm-corpse"].animation[1].layers[2].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 156 }, { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-die-02-shadow.png", frame_count = 24, height = 82, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-die-02-shadow.png", frame_count = 24, height = 160, line_length = 6, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.53125, 0.15625 }, width = 588 }, line_length = 6, scale = 1, shift = { 0.5, 0.125 }, width = 296 } } }, { layers = { { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-die-03.png", frame_count = 24, height = 164, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-die-03.png", frame_count = 24, height = 328, line_length = 6, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.5, -1.5 }, width = 260 }, line_length = 6, scale = 1, shift = { 0.5, -1.5 }, width = 130 }, { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-die-03-mask.png", flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 24, height = 136, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-die-03-mask.png", flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 24, height = 272, line_length = 6, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.4375, -1.0625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["big-worm-corpse"].animation[1].layers[2].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 246 }, line_length = 6, scale = 1, shift = { 0.4375, -1.0625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["big-worm-corpse"].animation[1].layers[2].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 124 }, { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-die-03-shadow.png", frame_count = 24, height = 116, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-die-03-shadow.png", frame_count = 24, height = 224, line_length = 6, scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.65625, -1 }, width = 404 }, line_length = 6, scale = 1, shift = { 1.625, -1.0625 }, width = 204 } } } }, dying_speed = 0.01, final_render_layer = "lower-object-above-shadow", flags = { "placeable-neutral", "placeable-off-grid", "building-direction-8-way", "not-repairable", "not-on-map" }, ground_patch = { sheet = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-integration.png", frame_count = 1, height = 122, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-integration.png", frame_count = 1, height = 240, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.125, -0.03125 }, variation_count = 1, width = 332 }, scale = 1, shift = { 0.125, -0.0625 }, variation_count = 1, width = 166 } }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/big-worm-corpse.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "big-worm-corpse", order = "c[corpse]-c[worm]-c[big]", selectable_in_game = false, selection_box = { { -0.8, -0.8 }, { 0.8, 0.8 } }, subgroup = "corpses", time_before_removed = 54000, type = "corpse" }, ["biter-spawner-corpse"] = { animation = { { layers = { { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spawner/spawner-die.png", frame_count = 8, height = 178, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spawner/hr-spawner-die.png", frame_count = 8, height = 354, line_length = 8, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.09375, -0.0625 }, width = 490, y = 0 }, line_length = 8, shift = { 0.0625, -0.0625 }, width = 248, y = 0 }, { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spawner/spawner-die-mask.png", flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 8, height = 118, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spawner/hr-spawner-die-mask.png", flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 8, height = 234, line_length = 8, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03125, -0.4375 }, tint = { a = 0.5, b = 0, g = 0.54000000000000004, r = 0.92000000000000011 }, width = 276, y = 0 }, line_length = 8, shift = { -0.0625, -0.4375 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["biter-spawner-corpse"].animation[1].layers[2].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 140, y = 0 }, { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spawner/spawner-die-shadow.png", frame_count = 8, height = 176, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spawner/hr-spawner-die-shadow.png", frame_count = 8, height = 406, line_length = 8, scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.125, 0.3125 }, width = 466, y = 0 }, line_length = 8, shift = { 1.125, -0.0625 }, width = 232, y = 0 } } }, { layers = { { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spawner/spawner-die.png", frame_count = 8, height = 178, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spawner/hr-spawner-die.png", frame_count = 8, height = 354, line_length = 8, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.09375, -0.0625 }, width = 490, y = 354 }, line_length = 8, shift = { 0.0625, -0.0625 }, width = 248, y = 178 }, { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spawner/spawner-die-mask.png", flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 8, height = 118, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spawner/hr-spawner-die-mask.png", flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 8, height = 234, line_length = 8, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03125, -0.4375 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["biter-spawner-corpse"].animation[1].layers[2].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 276, y = 234 }, line_length = 8, shift = { -0.0625, -0.4375 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["biter-spawner-corpse"].animation[1].layers[2].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 140, y = 118 }, { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spawner/spawner-die-shadow.png", frame_count = 8, height = 176, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spawner/hr-spawner-die-shadow.png", frame_count = 8, height = 406, line_length = 8, scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.125, 0.3125 }, width = 466, y = 406 }, line_length = 8, shift = { 1.125, -0.0625 }, width = 232, y = 176 } } }, { layers = { { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spawner/spawner-die.png", frame_count = 8, height = 178, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spawner/hr-spawner-die.png", frame_count = 8, height = 354, line_length = 8, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.09375, -0.0625 }, width = 490, y = 708 }, line_length = 8, shift = { 0.0625, -0.0625 }, width = 248, y = 356 }, { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spawner/spawner-die-mask.png", flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 8, height = 118, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spawner/hr-spawner-die-mask.png", flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 8, height = 234, line_length = 8, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03125, -0.4375 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["biter-spawner-corpse"].animation[1].layers[2].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 276, y = 468 }, line_length = 8, shift = { -0.0625, -0.4375 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["biter-spawner-corpse"].animation[1].layers[2].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 140, y = 236 }, { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spawner/spawner-die-shadow.png", frame_count = 8, height = 176, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spawner/hr-spawner-die-shadow.png", frame_count = 8, height = 406, line_length = 8, scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.125, 0.3125 }, width = 466, y = 812 }, line_length = 8, shift = { 1.125, -0.0625 }, width = 232, y = 352 } } }, { layers = { { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spawner/spawner-die.png", frame_count = 8, height = 178, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spawner/hr-spawner-die.png", frame_count = 8, height = 354, line_length = 8, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.09375, -0.0625 }, width = 490, y = 1062 }, line_length = 8, shift = { 0.0625, -0.0625 }, width = 248, y = 534 }, { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spawner/spawner-die-mask.png", flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 8, height = 118, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spawner/hr-spawner-die-mask.png", flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 8, height = 234, line_length = 8, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03125, -0.4375 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["biter-spawner-corpse"].animation[1].layers[2].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 276, y = 702 }, line_length = 8, shift = { -0.0625, -0.4375 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["biter-spawner-corpse"].animation[1].layers[2].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 140, y = 354 }, { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spawner/spawner-die-shadow.png", frame_count = 8, height = 176, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spawner/hr-spawner-die-shadow.png", frame_count = 8, height = 406, line_length = 8, scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.125, 0.3125 }, width = 466, y = 1218 }, line_length = 8, shift = { 1.125, -0.0625 }, width = 232, y = 528 } } } }, collision_box = { { -2, -2 }, { 2, 2 } }, dying_speed = 0.04, final_render_layer = "remnants", flags = { "placeable-neutral", "placeable-off-grid", "not-on-map" }, ground_patch = { sheet = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spawner/spawner-idle-integration.png", frame_count = 1, height = 188, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spawner/hr-spawner-idle-integration.png", frame_count = 1, height = 380, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.09375, -0.09375 }, variation_count = 4, width = 522 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0.0625, -0.0625 }, variation_count = 4, width = 258 } }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/biter-spawner-corpse.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "biter-spawner-corpse", order = "c[corpse]-b[biter-spawner]", selectable_in_game = false, selection_box = { { -2, -2 }, { 2, 2 } }, subgroup = "corpses", time_before_removed = 54000, type = "corpse" }, ["boiler-remnants"] = { animation = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 4, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/boiler/remnants/boiler-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 110, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 4, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/boiler/remnants/hr-boiler-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 220, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.015625, -0.09375 }, variation_count = 1, width = 274 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0, -0.09375 }, variation_count = 1, width = 138 }, final_render_layer = "remnants", flags = { "placeable-neutral", "not-on-map" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/boiler.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "remnant-name", { "entity-name.boiler" } }, name = "boiler-remnants", order = "a-a-a", remove_on_tile_placement = false, selectable_in_game = false, selection_box = { { -1.5, -1 }, { 1.5, 1 } }, subgroup = "energy-remnants", tile_height = 2, tile_width = 3, time_before_removed = 54000, type = "corpse" }, ["buffer-chest-remnants"] = { animation = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/logistic-chest/remnants/buffer-chest-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 42, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/logistic-chest/remnants/hr-buffer-chest-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 82, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.3125, -0.09375 }, width = 116 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0.328125, -0.078125 }, width = 60 }, final_render_layer = "remnants", flags = { "placeable-neutral", "building-direction-8-way", "not-on-map" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/logistic-chest-buffer.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "remnant-name", { "entity-name.logistic-chest-buffer" } }, name = "buffer-chest-remnants", order = "a-f-a", remove_on_tile_placement = false, selectable_in_game = false, selection_box = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, subgroup = "logistic-network-remnants", tile_height = 1, tile_width = 1, time_before_removed = 54000, type = "corpse" }, ["burner-inserter-remnants"] = { animation = { { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/burner-inserter/remnants/burner-inserter-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 48, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/burner-inserter/remnants/hr-burner-inserter-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 94, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.109375, -0.0625 }, variation_count = 1, width = 134, y = 0 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0.125, -0.0625 }, variation_count = 1, width = 68, y = 0 }, { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/burner-inserter/remnants/burner-inserter-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 48, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/burner-inserter/remnants/hr-burner-inserter-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 94, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.109375, -0.0625 }, variation_count = 1, width = 134, y = 94 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0.125, -0.0625 }, variation_count = 1, width = 68, y = 48 }, { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/burner-inserter/remnants/burner-inserter-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 48, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/burner-inserter/remnants/hr-burner-inserter-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 94, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.109375, -0.0625 }, variation_count = 1, width = 134, y = 188 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0.125, -0.0625 }, variation_count = 1, width = 68, y = 96 }, { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/burner-inserter/remnants/burner-inserter-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 48, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/burner-inserter/remnants/hr-burner-inserter-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 94, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.109375, -0.0625 }, variation_count = 1, width = 134, y = 282 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0.125, -0.0625 }, variation_count = 1, width = 68, y = 144 } }, final_render_layer = "remnants", flags = { "placeable-neutral", "not-on-map" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/burner-inserter.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "remnant-name", { "entity-name.burner-inserter" } }, name = "burner-inserter-remnants", order = "a-a-a", selectable_in_game = false, selection_box = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, subgroup = "inserter-remnants", tile_height = 1, tile_width = 1, time_before_removed = 54000, type = "corpse" }, ["burner-mining-drill-remnants"] = { animation = { { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/burner-mining-drill/remnants/burner-mining-drill-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 118, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/burner-mining-drill/remnants/hr-burner-mining-drill-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 234, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.015625, -0.140625 }, variation_count = 1, width = 272, y = 0 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0, -0.125 }, variation_count = 1, width = 138, y = 0 } }, collision_box = { { -0.4, -0.4 }, { 0.4, 0.4 } }, final_render_layer = "remnants", flags = { "placeable-neutral", "not-on-map" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/burner-mining-drill.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "remnant-name", { "entity-name.burner-mining-drill" } }, name = "burner-mining-drill-remnants", order = "a-a-a", remove_on_tile_placement = false, selectable_in_game = false, selection_box = { { -1, -1 }, { 1, 1 } }, subgroup = "extraction-machine-remnants", tile_height = 2, tile_width = 2, time_before_removed = 54000, type = "corpse" }, ["car-remnants"] = { animation = { layers = { { direction_count = 4, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/car/remnants/car-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 152, hr_version = { direction_count = 4, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/car/remnants/hr-car-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 300, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, 0.140625 }, width = 302 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0, 0.1875 }, width = 152 }, { apply_runtime_tint = true, direction_count = 4, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/car/remnants/mask/car-remnants-mask.png", frame_count = 1, height = 74, hr_version = { apply_runtime_tint = true, direction_count = 4, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/car/remnants/mask/hr-car-remnants-mask.png", frame_count = 1, height = 146, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, 0.140625 }, width = 196 }, priority = "low", shift = { 0, 0.1875 }, width = 98 } } }, final_render_layer = "remnants", flags = { "placeable-neutral", "building-direction-8-way", "not-on-map" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/car.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "remnant-name", { "" } }, name = "car-remnants", order = "a-j-a", remove_on_tile_placement = false, selectable_in_game = false, selection_box = { { -1.5, -1.5 }, { 1.5, 1.5 } }, subgroup = "transport-remnants", tile_height = 3, tile_width = 3, time_before_removed = 54000, type = "corpse" }, ["cargo-wagon-remnants"] = { animation = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 8, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/cargo-wagon/remnants/cargo-wagon-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 242, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 8, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/cargo-wagon/remnants/hr-cargo-wagon-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 484, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.046875, 0.1875 }, variation_count = 1, width = 494 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0.0625, 0.1875 }, variation_count = 1, width = 248 }, final_render_layer = "remnants", flags = { "placeable-neutral", "building-direction-8-way", "not-on-map" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/cargo-wagon.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "remnant-name", { "entity-name.cargo-wagon" } }, name = "cargo-wagon-remnants", order = "a-g-a", remove_on_tile_placement = false, selectable_in_game = false, selection_box = { { -1, -3 }, { 1, 3 } }, subgroup = "train-transport-remnants", tile_height = 6, tile_width = 2, time_before_removed = 54000, type = "corpse" }, ["centrifuge-remnants"] = { animation = { { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/centrifuge/remnants/centrifuge-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 142, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/centrifuge/remnants/hr-centrifuge-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 284, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.21875, 0.125 }, variation_count = 1, width = 286, y = 0 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0.21875, 0.125 }, variation_count = 1, width = 144, y = 0 } }, collision_box = { { -0.4, -0.4 }, { 0.4, 0.4 } }, final_render_layer = "remnants", flags = { "placeable-neutral", "not-on-map" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/centrifuge.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "remnant-name", { "entity-name.centrifuge" } }, name = "centrifuge-remnants", order = "a-f-a", remove_on_tile_placement = false, selectable_in_game = false, selection_box = { { -1.5, -1.5 }, { 1.5, 1.5 } }, subgroup = "production-machine-remnants", tile_height = 3, tile_width = 3, time_before_removed = 54000, type = "corpse" }, ["chemical-plant-remnants"] = { animation = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/chemical-plant/remnants/chemical-plant-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 172, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/chemical-plant/remnants/hr-chemical-plant-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 342, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.5, -0.171875 }, width = 446 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0.5, -0.15625 }, width = 224 }, final_render_layer = "remnants", flags = { "placeable-neutral", "building-direction-8-way", "not-on-map" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/chemical-plant.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "remnant-name", { "entity-name.chemical-plant" } }, name = "chemical-plant-remnants", order = "a-e-a", remove_on_tile_placement = false, selectable_in_game = false, selection_box = { { -1.5, -1.5 }, { 1.5, 1.5 } }, subgroup = "production-machine-remnants", tile_height = 3, tile_width = 3, time_before_removed = 54000, type = "corpse" }, ["constant-combinator-remnants"] = { animation = { { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 4, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/remnants/constant/constant-combinator-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 56, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 4, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/remnants/constant/hr-constant-combinator-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 112, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, 0 }, variation_count = 1, width = 118, y = 0 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0, 0 }, variation_count = 1, width = 60, y = 0 } }, final_render_layer = "remnants", flags = { "placeable-neutral", "not-on-map" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/constant-combinator.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "remnant-name", { "entity-name.constant-combinator" } }, name = "constant-combinator-remnants", order = "a-d-a", remove_on_tile_placement = false, selectable_in_game = false, selection_box = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, subgroup = "circuit-network-remnants", tile_height = 1, tile_width = 1, time_before_removed = 54000, type = "corpse" }, ["construction-robot-remnants"] = { animation = { { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/construction-robot/remnants/construction-robot-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 58, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/construction-robot/remnants/hr-construction-robot-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 114, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0625, 0.03125 }, variation_count = 1, width = 120, y = 0 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0.0625, 0.03125 }, variation_count = 1, width = 60, y = 0 }, { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/construction-robot/remnants/construction-robot-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 58, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/construction-robot/remnants/hr-construction-robot-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 114, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0625, 0.03125 }, variation_count = 1, width = 120, y = 114 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0.0625, 0.03125 }, variation_count = 1, width = 60, y = 58 }, { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/construction-robot/remnants/construction-robot-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 58, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/construction-robot/remnants/hr-construction-robot-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 114, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0625, 0.03125 }, variation_count = 1, width = 120, y = 228 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0.0625, 0.03125 }, variation_count = 1, width = 60, y = 116 } }, final_render_layer = "remnants", flags = { "placeable-neutral", "not-on-map", "placeable-off-grid" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/construction-robot.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "remnant-name", { "" } }, name = "construction-robot-remnants", order = "d[remnants]-a[generic]-a[small]", remove_on_tile_placement = false, selectable_in_game = false, selection_box = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, subgroup = "remnants", tile_height = 3, tile_width = 3, time_before_removed = 54000, type = "corpse" }, ["decider-combinator-remnants"] = { animation = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 4, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/remnants/decider/decider-combinator-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 78, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 4, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/remnants/decider/hr-decider-combinator-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 156, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.015625 }, variation_count = 1, width = 156 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0, -0.03125 }, variation_count = 1, width = 78 }, final_render_layer = "remnants", flags = { "placeable-neutral", "not-on-map" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/decider-combinator.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "remnant-name", { "entity-name.decider-combinator" } }, name = "decider-combinator-remnants", order = "a-c-a", remove_on_tile_placement = false, selectable_in_game = false, selection_box = { { -0.5, -1 }, { 0.5, 1 } }, subgroup = "circuit-network-remnants", tile_height = 2, tile_width = 1, time_before_removed = 54000, type = "corpse" }, ["defender-remnants"] = { animation = { { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/defender-robot/remnants/defender-robot-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 48, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/defender-robot/remnants/hr-defender-robot-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 94, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.015625, 0.015625 }, variation_count = 1, width = 98, y = 0 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0.03125, 0.03125 }, variation_count = 1, width = 50, y = 0 }, { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/defender-robot/remnants/defender-robot-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 48, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/defender-robot/remnants/hr-defender-robot-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 94, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.015625, 0.015625 }, variation_count = 1, width = 98, y = 94 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0.03125, 0.03125 }, variation_count = 1, width = 50, y = 48 }, { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/defender-robot/remnants/defender-robot-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 48, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/defender-robot/remnants/hr-defender-robot-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 94, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.015625, 0.015625 }, variation_count = 1, width = 98, y = 188 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0.03125, 0.03125 }, variation_count = 1, width = 50, y = 96 } }, final_render_layer = "remnants", flags = { "placeable-neutral", "not-on-map", "placeable-off-grid" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/defender.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "remnant-name", { "entity-name.defender" } }, name = "defender-remnants", order = "d[remnants]-a[generic]-a[small]", remove_on_tile_placement = false, selectable_in_game = false, selection_box = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, subgroup = "remnants", tile_height = 3, tile_width = 3, time_before_removed = 54000, type = "corpse" }, ["destroyer-remnants"] = { animation = { { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/destroyer-robot/remnants/destroyer-robot-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 56, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/destroyer-robot/remnants/hr-destroyer-robot-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 108, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.046875, -0.015625 }, variation_count = 1, width = 120, y = 0 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0.03125, 0 }, variation_count = 1, width = 60, y = 0 }, { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/destroyer-robot/remnants/destroyer-robot-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 56, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/destroyer-robot/remnants/hr-destroyer-robot-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 108, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.046875, -0.015625 }, variation_count = 1, width = 120, y = 108 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0.03125, 0 }, variation_count = 1, width = 60, y = 56 }, { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/destroyer-robot/remnants/destroyer-robot-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 56, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/destroyer-robot/remnants/hr-destroyer-robot-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 108, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.046875, -0.015625 }, variation_count = 1, width = 120, y = 216 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0.03125, 0 }, variation_count = 1, width = 60, y = 112 } }, final_render_layer = "remnants", flags = { "placeable-neutral", "not-on-map", "placeable-off-grid" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/destroyer.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "remnant-name", { "entity-name.destroyer" } }, name = "destroyer-remnants", order = "d[remnants]-a[generic]-a[small]", remove_on_tile_placement = false, selectable_in_game = false, selection_box = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, subgroup = "remnants", tile_height = 3, tile_width = 3, time_before_removed = 54000, type = "corpse" }, ["distractor-remnants"] = { animation = { { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/distractor-robot/remnants/distractor-robot-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 56, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/distractor-robot/remnants/hr-distractor-robot-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 110, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.015625, 0 }, variation_count = 1, width = 112, y = 0 }, line_length = 1, shift = { -0.03125, 0 }, variation_count = 1, width = 56, y = 0 }, { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/distractor-robot/remnants/distractor-robot-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 56, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/distractor-robot/remnants/hr-distractor-robot-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 110, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.015625, 0 }, variation_count = 1, width = 112, y = 110 }, line_length = 1, shift = { -0.03125, 0 }, variation_count = 1, width = 56, y = 56 }, { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/distractor-robot/remnants/distractor-robot-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 56, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/distractor-robot/remnants/hr-distractor-robot-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 110, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.015625, 0 }, variation_count = 1, width = 112, y = 220 }, line_length = 1, shift = { -0.03125, 0 }, variation_count = 1, width = 56, y = 112 } }, final_render_layer = "remnants", flags = { "placeable-neutral", "not-on-map", "placeable-off-grid" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/distractor.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "remnant-name", { "entity-name.distractor" } }, name = "distractor-remnants", order = "d[remnants]-a[generic]-a[small]", remove_on_tile_placement = false, selectable_in_game = false, selection_box = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, subgroup = "remnants", tile_height = 3, tile_width = 3, time_before_removed = 54000, type = "corpse" }, ["electric-furnace-remnants"] = { animation = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-furnace/remnants/electric-furnace-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 224, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-furnace/remnants/hr-electric-furnace-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 448, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.1015625, 0.2265625 }, width = 454 }, line_length = 1, shift = { -0.09375, 0.21875 }, width = 228 }, final_render_layer = "remnants", flags = { "placeable-neutral", "building-direction-8-way", "not-on-map" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/electric-furnace.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "remnant-name", { "entity-name.electric-furnace" } }, name = "electric-furnace-remnants", order = "a-a-a", remove_on_tile_placement = false, selectable_in_game = false, selection_box = { { -1.5, -1.5 }, { 1.5, 1.5 } }, subgroup = "smelting-machine-remnants", tile_height = 3, tile_width = 3, time_before_removed = 54000, type = "corpse" }, ["electric-mining-drill-remnants"] = { animation = { { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/remnants/electric-mining-drill-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 166, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/remnants/hr-electric-mining-drill-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 328, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.21875, -0.015625 }, variation_count = 1, width = 356, y = 0 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0.21875, 0 }, variation_count = 1, width = 178, y = 0 }, { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/remnants/electric-mining-drill-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 166, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/remnants/hr-electric-mining-drill-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 328, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.21875, -0.015625 }, variation_count = 1, width = 356, y = 328 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0.21875, 0 }, variation_count = 1, width = 178, y = 166 }, { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/remnants/electric-mining-drill-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 166, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/remnants/hr-electric-mining-drill-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 328, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.21875, -0.015625 }, variation_count = 1, width = 356, y = 656 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0.21875, 0 }, variation_count = 1, width = 178, y = 332 }, { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/remnants/electric-mining-drill-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 166, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/remnants/hr-electric-mining-drill-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 328, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.21875, -0.015625 }, variation_count = 1, width = 356, y = 984 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0.21875, 0 }, variation_count = 1, width = 178, y = 498 } }, final_render_layer = "remnants", flags = { "placeable-neutral", "not-on-map" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/electric-mining-drill.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "remnant-name", { "entity-name.electric-mining-drill" } }, name = "electric-mining-drill-remnants", order = "a-a-a", remove_on_tile_placement = false, selectable_in_game = false, selection_box = { { -1.5, -1.5 }, { 1.5, 1.5 } }, subgroup = "extraction-machine-remnants", tile_height = 3, tile_width = 3, time_before_removed = 54000, type = "corpse" }, ["express-splitter-remnants"] = { animation = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 4, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/express-splitter/remnants/express-splitter-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 96, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 4, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/express-splitter/remnants/hr-express-splitter-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 190, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.109375, 0.046875 }, variation_count = 1, width = 190 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0.125, 0.046875 }, variation_count = 1, width = 96 }, final_render_layer = "remnants", flags = { "placeable-neutral", "not-on-map" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/express-splitter.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "remnant-name", { "" } }, name = "express-splitter-remnants", order = "a-i-a", remove_on_tile_placement = false, selectable_in_game = false, selection_box = { { -0.9, -0.5 }, { 0.9, 0.5 } }, subgroup = "belt-remnants", tile_height = 1, tile_width = 2, time_before_removed = 54000, type = "corpse" }, ["express-transport-belt-remnants"] = { animation = { { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 4, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/express-transport-belt/remnants/express-transport-belt-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 52, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 4, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/express-transport-belt/remnants/hr-express-transport-belt-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 102, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.03125, -0.015625 }, variation_count = 1, width = 106, y = 0 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0.03125, 0 }, variation_count = 1, width = 54, y = 0 }, { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 4, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/express-transport-belt/remnants/express-transport-belt-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 52, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 4, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/express-transport-belt/remnants/hr-express-transport-belt-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 102, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.03125, -0.015625 }, variation_count = 1, width = 106, y = 408 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0.03125, 0 }, variation_count = 1, width = 54, y = 208 } }, final_render_layer = "remnants", flags = { "placeable-neutral", "not-on-map" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/express-transport-belt.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "remnant-name", { "" } }, name = "express-transport-belt-remnants", order = "a-c-a", remove_on_tile_placement = false, selectable_in_game = false, selection_box = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, subgroup = "belt-remnants", tile_height = 1, tile_width = 1, time_before_removed = 54000, type = "corpse" }, ["express-underground-belt-remnants"] = { animation = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 8, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/express-underground-belt/remnants/express-underground-belt-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 72, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 8, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/express-underground-belt/remnants/hr-express-underground-belt-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 144, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.328125, 0.09375 }, variation_count = 1, width = 156 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0.3125, 0.09375 }, variation_count = 1, width = 78 }, final_render_layer = "remnants", flags = { "placeable-neutral", "not-on-map", "building-direction-8-way" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/express-underground-belt.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "remnant-name", { "" } }, name = "express-underground-belt-remnants", order = "a-f-a", remove_on_tile_placement = false, selectable_in_game = false, selection_box = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, subgroup = "belt-remnants", tile_height = 1, tile_width = 1, time_before_removed = 54000, type = "corpse" }, ["fast-inserter-remnants"] = { animation = { { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/fast-inserter/remnants/fast-inserter-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 48, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/fast-inserter/remnants/hr-fast-inserter-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 94, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.109375, -0.0625 }, variation_count = 1, width = 134, y = 0 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0.125, -0.0625 }, variation_count = 1, width = 68, y = 0 }, { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/fast-inserter/remnants/fast-inserter-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 48, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/fast-inserter/remnants/hr-fast-inserter-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 94, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.109375, -0.0625 }, variation_count = 1, width = 134, y = 94 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0.125, -0.0625 }, variation_count = 1, width = 68, y = 48 }, { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/fast-inserter/remnants/fast-inserter-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 48, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/fast-inserter/remnants/hr-fast-inserter-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 94, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.109375, -0.0625 }, variation_count = 1, width = 134, y = 188 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0.125, -0.0625 }, variation_count = 1, width = 68, y = 96 }, { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/fast-inserter/remnants/fast-inserter-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 48, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/fast-inserter/remnants/hr-fast-inserter-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 94, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.109375, -0.0625 }, variation_count = 1, width = 134, y = 282 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0.125, -0.0625 }, variation_count = 1, width = 68, y = 144 } }, final_render_layer = "remnants", flags = { "placeable-neutral", "not-on-map" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/fast-inserter.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "remnant-name", { "" } }, name = "fast-inserter-remnants", order = "a-d-a", remove_on_tile_placement = false, selectable_in_game = false, selection_box = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, subgroup = "inserter-remnants", tile_height = 1, tile_width = 1, time_before_removed = 54000, type = "corpse" }, ["fast-splitter-remnants"] = { animation = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 4, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/fast-splitter/remnants/fast-splitter-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 96, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 4, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/fast-splitter/remnants/hr-fast-splitter-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 190, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.109375, 0.046875 }, variation_count = 1, width = 190 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0.125, 0.046875 }, variation_count = 1, width = 96 }, final_render_layer = "remnants", flags = { "placeable-neutral", "not-on-map" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/fast-splitter.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "remnant-name", { "" } }, name = "fast-splitter-remnants", order = "a-h-a", remove_on_tile_placement = false, selectable_in_game = false, selection_box = { { -0.9, -0.5 }, { 0.9, 0.5 } }, subgroup = "belt-remnants", tile_height = 1, tile_width = 2, time_before_removed = 54000, type = "corpse" }, ["fast-transport-belt-remnants"] = { animation = { { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 4, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/fast-transport-belt/remnants/fast-transport-belt-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 52, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 4, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/fast-transport-belt/remnants/hr-fast-transport-belt-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 102, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.03125, -0.015625 }, variation_count = 1, width = 106, y = 0 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0.03125, 0 }, variation_count = 1, width = 54, y = 0 }, { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 4, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/fast-transport-belt/remnants/fast-transport-belt-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 52, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 4, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/fast-transport-belt/remnants/hr-fast-transport-belt-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 102, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.03125, -0.015625 }, variation_count = 1, width = 106, y = 408 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0.03125, 0 }, variation_count = 1, width = 54, y = 208 } }, final_render_layer = "remnants", flags = { "placeable-neutral", "not-on-map" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/fast-transport-belt.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "remnant-name", { "" } }, name = "fast-transport-belt-remnants", order = "a-b-a", remove_on_tile_placement = false, selectable_in_game = false, selection_box = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, subgroup = "belt-remnants", tile_height = 1, tile_width = 1, time_before_removed = 54000, type = "corpse" }, ["fast-underground-belt-remnants"] = { animation = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 8, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/fast-underground-belt/remnants/fast-underground-belt-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 72, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 8, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/fast-underground-belt/remnants/hr-fast-underground-belt-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 144, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.328125, 0.09375 }, variation_count = 1, width = 156 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0.3125, 0.09375 }, variation_count = 1, width = 78 }, final_render_layer = "remnants", flags = { "placeable-neutral", "not-on-map", "building-direction-8-way" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/fast-underground-belt.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "remnant-name", { "" } }, name = "fast-underground-belt-remnants", order = "a-e-a", remove_on_tile_placement = false, selectable_in_game = false, selection_box = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, subgroup = "belt-remnants", tile_height = 1, tile_width = 1, time_before_removed = 54000, type = "corpse" }, ["filter-inserter-remnants"] = { animation = { { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/filter-inserter/remnants/filter-inserter-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 48, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/filter-inserter/remnants/hr-filter-inserter-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 94, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.109375, -0.0625 }, variation_count = 1, width = 134, y = 0 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0.125, -0.0625 }, variation_count = 1, width = 68, y = 0 }, { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/filter-inserter/remnants/filter-inserter-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 48, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/filter-inserter/remnants/hr-filter-inserter-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 94, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.109375, -0.0625 }, variation_count = 1, width = 134, y = 94 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0.125, -0.0625 }, variation_count = 1, width = 68, y = 48 }, { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/filter-inserter/remnants/filter-inserter-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 48, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/filter-inserter/remnants/hr-filter-inserter-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 94, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.109375, -0.0625 }, variation_count = 1, width = 134, y = 188 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0.125, -0.0625 }, variation_count = 1, width = 68, y = 96 }, { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/filter-inserter/remnants/filter-inserter-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 48, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/filter-inserter/remnants/hr-filter-inserter-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 94, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.109375, -0.0625 }, variation_count = 1, width = 134, y = 282 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0.125, -0.0625 }, variation_count = 1, width = 68, y = 144 } }, final_render_layer = "remnants", flags = { "placeable-neutral", "not-on-map" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/filter-inserter.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "remnant-name", { "entity-name.filter-inserter" } }, name = "filter-inserter-remnants", order = "a-e-a", remove_on_tile_placement = false, selectable_in_game = false, selection_box = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, subgroup = "inserter-remnants", tile_height = 1, tile_width = 1, time_before_removed = 54000, type = "corpse" }, ["flamethrower-turret-remnants"] = { animation = { layers = { { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 4, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/flamethrower-turret/remnants/flamethrower-turret-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 164, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 4, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/flamethrower-turret/remnants/hr-flamethrower-turret-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 326, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.046875, -0.125 }, variation_count = 1, width = 302 }, line_length = 1, shift = { -0.03125, -0.125 }, variation_count = 1, width = 152 }, { apply_runtime_tint = true, direction_count = 4, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/flamethrower-turret/remnants/mask/flamethrower-turret-remnants-mask.png", frame_count = 1, height = 82, hr_version = { apply_runtime_tint = true, direction_count = 4, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/flamethrower-turret/remnants/mask/hr-flamethrower-turret-remnants-mask.png", frame_count = 1, height = 164, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.109375 }, width = 164 }, priority = "low", shift = { 0, -0.125 }, width = 82 } } }, final_render_layer = "remnants", flags = { "placeable-neutral", "not-on-map" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/flamethrower-turret.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "remnant-name", { "entity-name.flamethrower-turret" } }, name = "flamethrower-turret-remnants", order = "a-e-a", remove_on_tile_placement = false, selectable_in_game = false, selection_box = { { -1, -1.5 }, { 1, 1.5 } }, subgroup = "defensive-structure-remnants", tile_height = 3, tile_width = 2, time_before_removed = 54000, type = "corpse" }, ["fluid-wagon-remnants"] = { animation = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 8, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/fluid-wagon/remnants/fluid-wagon-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 254, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 8, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/fluid-wagon/remnants/hr-fluid-wagon-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 504, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0625, -0.171875 }, variation_count = 1, width = 490 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0.0625, -0.15625 }, variation_count = 1, width = 246 }, final_render_layer = "remnants", flags = { "placeable-neutral", "building-direction-8-way", "not-on-map" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/fluid-wagon.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "remnant-name", { "entity-name.fluid-wagon" } }, name = "fluid-wagon-remnants", order = "a-h-a", remove_on_tile_placement = false, selectable_in_game = false, selection_box = { { -1, -3 }, { 1, 3 } }, subgroup = "train-transport-remnants", tile_height = 6, tile_width = 2, time_before_removed = 54000, type = "corpse" }, ["gate-remnants"] = { animation = { { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 4, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/gate/remnants/gate-remnants-var-1.png", frame_count = 1, height = 42, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 4, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/gate/remnants/hr-gate-remnants-var-1.png", frame_count = 1, height = 82, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, 0.03125 }, variation_count = 1, width = 86 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0, 0.03125 }, variation_count = 1, width = 44 }, { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 4, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/gate/remnants/gate-remnants-var-2.png", frame_count = 1, height = 42, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 4, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/gate/remnants/hr-gate-remnants-var-2.png", frame_count = 1, height = 82, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.015625, 0 }, variation_count = 1, width = 84 }, line_length = 1, shift = { -0.03125, 0 }, variation_count = 1, width = 42 }, { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 4, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/gate/remnants/gate-remnants-var-3.png", frame_count = 1, height = 42, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 4, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/gate/remnants/hr-gate-remnants-var-3.png", frame_count = 1, height = 84, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, 0.015625 }, variation_count = 1, width = 82 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0, 0 }, variation_count = 1, width = 42 } }, collision_box = { { -0.4, -0.4 }, { 0.4, 0.4 } }, final_render_layer = "remnants", flags = { "placeable-neutral", "not-on-map" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/gate.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "remnant-name", { "entity-name.gate" } }, name = "gate-remnants", order = "a-b-a", remove_on_tile_placement = false, selectable_in_game = false, selection_box = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, subgroup = "defensive-structure-remnants", tile_height = 1, tile_width = 1, time_before_removed = 54000, type = "corpse" }, ["gun-turret-remnants"] = { animation = { { layers = { { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/gun-turret/remnants/gun-turret-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 122, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/gun-turret/remnants/hr-gun-turret-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 242, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.09375, -0.046875 }, variation_count = 1, width = 252, y = 0 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0.09375, -0.03125 }, variation_count = 1, width = 126, y = 0 }, { apply_runtime_tint = true, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/gun-turret/remnants/mask/gun-turret-remnants-mask.png", frame_count = 1, height = 32, hr_version = { apply_runtime_tint = true, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/gun-turret/remnants/mask/hr-gun-turret-remnants-mask.png", frame_count = 1, height = 64, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03125, -0.34375 }, width = 68, y = 0 }, priority = "low", shift = { -0.03125, -0.34375 }, width = 34, y = 0 } } }, { layers = { { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/gun-turret/remnants/gun-turret-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 122, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/gun-turret/remnants/hr-gun-turret-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 242, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.09375, -0.046875 }, variation_count = 1, width = 252, y = 242 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0.09375, -0.03125 }, variation_count = 1, width = 126, y = 122 }, { apply_runtime_tint = true, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/gun-turret/remnants/mask/gun-turret-remnants-mask.png", frame_count = 1, height = 32, hr_version = { apply_runtime_tint = true, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/gun-turret/remnants/mask/hr-gun-turret-remnants-mask.png", frame_count = 1, height = 64, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03125, -0.34375 }, width = 68, y = 64 }, priority = "low", shift = { -0.03125, -0.34375 }, width = 34, y = 32 } } }, { layers = { { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/gun-turret/remnants/gun-turret-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 122, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/gun-turret/remnants/hr-gun-turret-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 242, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.09375, -0.046875 }, variation_count = 1, width = 252, y = 484 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0.09375, -0.03125 }, variation_count = 1, width = 126, y = 244 }, { apply_runtime_tint = true, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/gun-turret/remnants/mask/gun-turret-remnants-mask.png", frame_count = 1, height = 32, hr_version = { apply_runtime_tint = true, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/gun-turret/remnants/mask/hr-gun-turret-remnants-mask.png", frame_count = 1, height = 64, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03125, -0.34375 }, width = 68, y = 128 }, priority = "low", shift = { -0.03125, -0.34375 }, width = 34, y = 64 } } } }, final_render_layer = "remnants", flags = { "placeable-neutral", "not-on-map" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/gun-turret.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "remnant-name", { "entity-name.gun-turret" } }, name = "gun-turret-remnants", order = "a-c-a", remove_on_tile_placement = false, selectable_in_game = false, selection_box = { { -1, -1 }, { 1, 1 } }, subgroup = "defensive-structure-remnants", tile_height = 2, tile_width = 2, time_before_removed = 54000, type = "corpse" }, ["heat-exchanger-remnants"] = { animation = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 4, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/heat-exchanger/remnants/heat-exchanger-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 132, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 4, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/heat-exchanger/remnants/hr-heat-exchanger-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 262, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.015625, 0.25 }, variation_count = 1, width = 272 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0, 0.25 }, variation_count = 1, width = 136 }, final_render_layer = "remnants", flags = { "placeable-neutral", "not-on-map" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/heat-boiler.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "remnant-name", { "entity-name.heat-exchanger" } }, name = "heat-exchanger-remnants", order = "a-g-a", remove_on_tile_placement = false, selectable_in_game = false, selection_box = { { -1.5, -1 }, { 1.5, 1 } }, subgroup = "energy-remnants", tile_height = 2, tile_width = 3, time_before_removed = 54000, type = "corpse" }, ["heat-pipe-remnants"] = { animation = { { direction_count = 2, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/heat-pipe/remnants/heat-pipe-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 52, hr_version = { direction_count = 2, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/heat-pipe/remnants/hr-heat-pipe-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 100, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.015625, -0.046875 }, width = 122, y = 0 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0.03125, -0.03125 }, width = 62, y = 0 }, { direction_count = 2, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/heat-pipe/remnants/heat-pipe-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 52, hr_version = { direction_count = 2, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/heat-pipe/remnants/hr-heat-pipe-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 100, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.015625, -0.046875 }, width = 122, y = 200 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0.03125, -0.03125 }, width = 62, y = 104 }, { direction_count = 2, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/heat-pipe/remnants/heat-pipe-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 52, hr_version = { direction_count = 2, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/heat-pipe/remnants/hr-heat-pipe-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 100, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.015625, -0.046875 }, width = 122, y = 400 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0.03125, -0.03125 }, width = 62, y = 208 }, { direction_count = 2, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/heat-pipe/remnants/heat-pipe-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 52, hr_version = { direction_count = 2, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/heat-pipe/remnants/hr-heat-pipe-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 100, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.015625, -0.046875 }, width = 122, y = 600 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0.03125, -0.03125 }, width = 62, y = 312 }, { direction_count = 2, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/heat-pipe/remnants/heat-pipe-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 52, hr_version = { direction_count = 2, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/heat-pipe/remnants/hr-heat-pipe-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 100, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.015625, -0.046875 }, width = 122, y = 800 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0.03125, -0.03125 }, width = 62, y = 416 }, { direction_count = 2, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/heat-pipe/remnants/heat-pipe-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 52, hr_version = { direction_count = 2, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/heat-pipe/remnants/hr-heat-pipe-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 100, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.015625, -0.046875 }, width = 122, y = 1000 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0.03125, -0.03125 }, width = 62, y = 520 } }, final_render_layer = "remnants", flags = { "placeable-neutral", "not-on-map" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/heat-pipe.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "remnant-name", { "entity-name.heat-pipe" } }, name = "heat-pipe-remnants", order = "a-f-a", remove_on_tile_placement = false, selectable_in_game = false, selection_box = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, subgroup = "energy-remnants", tile_height = 1, tile_width = 1, time_before_removed = 54000, type = "corpse" }, ["huge-scorchmark"] = { collision_box = { { -4.5, -4.5 }, { 4.5, 4.5 } }, collision_mask = { "doodad-layer", "not-colliding-with-itself" }, final_render_layer = "ground-patch-higher2", flags = { "placeable-neutral", "not-on-map", "placeable-off-grid" }, ground_patch = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/scorchmark/big-scorchmark.png", height = 352, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/scorchmark/hr-big-scorchmark.png", height = 704, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.75 }, variation_count = 1, width = 960 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0, -0.75 }, variation_count = 1, width = 480 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/scorchmark/medium-scorchmark.png", height = 176, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/scorchmark/hr-medium-scorchmark.png", height = 352, line_length = 2, scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.375, -0.71875 }, variation_count = 2, width = 510 }, line_length = 2, shift = { 1.375, -0.78125 }, variation_count = 2, width = 256 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/scorchmark/medium-scorchmark.png", height = 176, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/scorchmark/hr-medium-scorchmark.png", height = 352, line_length = 2, scale = 0.5, shift = { -1.375, -0.71875 }, variation_count = 2, width = 510 }, line_length = 2, shift = { -1.375, -0.78125 }, variation_count = 2, width = 256 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/scorchmark/big-scorchmark.png", height = 352, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/scorchmark/hr-big-scorchmark.png", height = 704, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 1, 0 }, variation_count = 1, width = 960 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 1, 0 }, variation_count = 1, width = 480 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/scorchmark/big-scorchmark.png", height = 352, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/scorchmark/hr-big-scorchmark.png", height = 704, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { -1, 0 }, variation_count = 1, width = 960 }, line_length = 1, shift = { -1, 0 }, variation_count = 1, width = 480 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/scorchmark/medium-scorchmark.png", height = 176, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/scorchmark/hr-medium-scorchmark.png", height = 352, line_length = 2, scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.375, 0.71875 }, variation_count = 2, width = 510 }, line_length = 2, shift = { 1.375, 0.65625 }, variation_count = 2, width = 256 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/scorchmark/medium-scorchmark.png", height = 176, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/scorchmark/hr-medium-scorchmark.png", height = 352, line_length = 2, scale = 0.5, shift = { -1.375, 0.71875 }, variation_count = 2, width = 510 }, line_length = 2, shift = { -1.375, 0.65625 }, variation_count = 2, width = 256 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/scorchmark/big-scorchmark.png", height = 352, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/scorchmark/hr-big-scorchmark.png", height = 704, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, 0.75 }, variation_count = 1, width = 960 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0, 0.75 }, variation_count = 1, width = 480 } } }, ground_patch_higher = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/scorchmark/big-scorchmark-top.png", height = 96, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/scorchmark/hr-big-scorchmark-top.png", height = 194, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.75 }, variation_count = 1, width = 274 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0, -0.75 }, variation_count = 1, width = 138 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/scorchmark/medium-scorchmark-top.png", height = 50, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/scorchmark/hr-medium-scorchmark-top.png", height = 100, line_length = 2, scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.375, -0.71875 }, variation_count = 2, width = 136 }, line_length = 2, shift = { 1.375, -0.71875 }, variation_count = 2, width = 68 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/scorchmark/medium-scorchmark-top.png", height = 50, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/scorchmark/hr-medium-scorchmark-top.png", height = 100, line_length = 2, scale = 0.5, shift = { -1.375, -0.71875 }, variation_count = 2, width = 136 }, line_length = 2, shift = { -1.375, -0.71875 }, variation_count = 2, width = 68 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/scorchmark/big-scorchmark-top.png", height = 96, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/scorchmark/hr-big-scorchmark-top.png", height = 194, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 1, 0 }, variation_count = 1, width = 274 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 1, 0 }, variation_count = 1, width = 138 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/scorchmark/big-scorchmark-top.png", height = 96, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/scorchmark/hr-big-scorchmark-top.png", height = 194, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { -1, 0 }, variation_count = 1, width = 274 }, line_length = 1, shift = { -1, 0 }, variation_count = 1, width = 138 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/scorchmark/medium-scorchmark-top.png", height = 50, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/scorchmark/hr-medium-scorchmark-top.png", height = 100, line_length = 2, scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.375, 0.71875 }, variation_count = 2, width = 136 }, line_length = 2, shift = { 1.375, 0.71875 }, variation_count = 2, width = 68 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/scorchmark/medium-scorchmark-top.png", height = 50, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/scorchmark/hr-medium-scorchmark-top.png", height = 100, line_length = 2, scale = 0.5, shift = { -1.375, 0.71875 }, variation_count = 2, width = 136 }, line_length = 2, shift = { -1.375, 0.71875 }, variation_count = 2, width = 68 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/scorchmark/big-scorchmark-top.png", height = 96, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/scorchmark/hr-big-scorchmark-top.png", height = 194, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, 0.75 }, variation_count = 1, width = 274 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0, 0.75 }, variation_count = 1, width = 138 } } }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/small-scorchmark.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "huge-scorchmark", order = "a-g-a", remove_on_entity_placement = false, remove_on_tile_placement = true, selectable_in_game = false, selection_box = { { -4, -4 }, { 4, 4 } }, subgroup = "scorchmarks", time_before_removed = 36000, type = "corpse", use_tile_color_for_ground_patch_tint = true }, ["huge-scorchmark-tintable"] = { collision_box = { { -4.5, -4.5 }, { 4.5, 4.5 } }, collision_mask = { "doodad-layer", "not-colliding-with-itself" }, final_render_layer = "ground-patch-higher2", flags = { "placeable-neutral", "not-on-map", "placeable-off-grid" }, ground_patch = { layers = { { apply_runtime_tint = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/scorchmark/big-scorchmark-tintable.png", height = 352, hr_version = { apply_runtime_tint = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/scorchmark/hr-big-scorchmark-tintable.png", height = 704, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.75 }, variation_count = 1, width = 960 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0, -0.75 }, variation_count = 1, width = 480 }, { apply_runtime_tint = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/scorchmark/medium-scorchmark-tintable.png", height = 176, hr_version = { apply_runtime_tint = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/scorchmark/hr-medium-scorchmark-tintable.png", height = 352, line_length = 2, scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.375, -0.71875 }, variation_count = 2, width = 510 }, line_length = 2, shift = { 1.375, -0.78125 }, variation_count = 2, width = 256 }, { apply_runtime_tint = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/scorchmark/medium-scorchmark-tintable.png", height = 176, hr_version = { apply_runtime_tint = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/scorchmark/hr-medium-scorchmark-tintable.png", height = 352, line_length = 2, scale = 0.5, shift = { -1.375, -0.71875 }, variation_count = 2, width = 510 }, line_length = 2, shift = { -1.375, -0.78125 }, variation_count = 2, width = 256 }, { apply_runtime_tint = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/scorchmark/big-scorchmark-tintable.png", height = 352, hr_version = { apply_runtime_tint = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/scorchmark/hr-big-scorchmark-tintable.png", height = 704, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 1, 0 }, variation_count = 1, width = 960 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 1, 0 }, variation_count = 1, width = 480 }, { apply_runtime_tint = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/scorchmark/big-scorchmark-tintable.png", height = 352, hr_version = { apply_runtime_tint = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/scorchmark/hr-big-scorchmark-tintable.png", height = 704, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { -1, 0 }, variation_count = 1, width = 960 }, line_length = 1, shift = { -1, 0 }, variation_count = 1, width = 480 }, { apply_runtime_tint = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/scorchmark/medium-scorchmark-tintable.png", height = 176, hr_version = { apply_runtime_tint = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/scorchmark/hr-medium-scorchmark-tintable.png", height = 352, line_length = 2, scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.375, 0.71875 }, variation_count = 2, width = 510 }, line_length = 2, shift = { 1.375, 0.65625 }, variation_count = 2, width = 256 }, { apply_runtime_tint = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/scorchmark/medium-scorchmark-tintable.png", height = 176, hr_version = { apply_runtime_tint = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/scorchmark/hr-medium-scorchmark-tintable.png", height = 352, line_length = 2, scale = 0.5, shift = { -1.375, 0.71875 }, variation_count = 2, width = 510 }, line_length = 2, shift = { -1.375, 0.65625 }, variation_count = 2, width = 256 }, { apply_runtime_tint = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/scorchmark/big-scorchmark-tintable.png", height = 352, hr_version = { apply_runtime_tint = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/scorchmark/hr-big-scorchmark-tintable.png", height = 704, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, 0.75 }, variation_count = 1, width = 960 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0, 0.75 }, variation_count = 1, width = 480 } } }, ground_patch_higher = { layers = { { apply_runtime_tint = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/scorchmark/big-scorchmark-tintable-top.png", height = 96, hr_version = { apply_runtime_tint = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/scorchmark/hr-big-scorchmark-tintable-top.png", height = 194, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.75 }, variation_count = 1, width = 274 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0, -0.75 }, variation_count = 1, width = 138 }, { apply_runtime_tint = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/scorchmark/medium-scorchmark-tintable-top.png", height = 50, hr_version = { apply_runtime_tint = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/scorchmark/hr-medium-scorchmark-tintable-top.png", height = 100, line_length = 2, scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.375, -0.71875 }, variation_count = 2, width = 136 }, line_length = 2, shift = { 1.375, -0.71875 }, variation_count = 2, width = 68 }, { apply_runtime_tint = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/scorchmark/medium-scorchmark-tintable-top.png", height = 50, hr_version = { apply_runtime_tint = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/scorchmark/hr-medium-scorchmark-tintable-top.png", height = 100, line_length = 2, scale = 0.5, shift = { -1.375, -0.71875 }, variation_count = 2, width = 136 }, line_length = 2, shift = { -1.375, -0.71875 }, variation_count = 2, width = 68 }, { apply_runtime_tint = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/scorchmark/big-scorchmark-tintable-top.png", height = 96, hr_version = { apply_runtime_tint = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/scorchmark/hr-big-scorchmark-tintable-top.png", height = 194, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 1, 0 }, variation_count = 1, width = 274 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 1, 0 }, variation_count = 1, width = 138 }, { apply_runtime_tint = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/scorchmark/big-scorchmark-tintable-top.png", height = 96, hr_version = { apply_runtime_tint = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/scorchmark/hr-big-scorchmark-tintable-top.png", height = 194, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { -1, 0 }, variation_count = 1, width = 274 }, line_length = 1, shift = { -1, 0 }, variation_count = 1, width = 138 }, { apply_runtime_tint = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/scorchmark/medium-scorchmark-tintable-top.png", height = 50, hr_version = { apply_runtime_tint = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/scorchmark/hr-medium-scorchmark-tintable-top.png", height = 100, line_length = 2, scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.375, 0.71875 }, variation_count = 2, width = 136 }, line_length = 2, shift = { 1.375, 0.71875 }, variation_count = 2, width = 68 }, { apply_runtime_tint = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/scorchmark/medium-scorchmark-tintable-top.png", height = 50, hr_version = { apply_runtime_tint = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/scorchmark/hr-medium-scorchmark-tintable-top.png", height = 100, line_length = 2, scale = 0.5, shift = { -1.375, 0.71875 }, variation_count = 2, width = 136 }, line_length = 2, shift = { -1.375, 0.71875 }, variation_count = 2, width = 68 }, { apply_runtime_tint = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/scorchmark/big-scorchmark-tintable-top.png", height = 96, hr_version = { apply_runtime_tint = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/scorchmark/hr-big-scorchmark-tintable-top.png", height = 194, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, 0.75 }, variation_count = 1, width = 274 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0, 0.75 }, variation_count = 1, width = 138 } } }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/small-scorchmark.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "huge-scorchmark-tintable", order = "a-h-a", remove_on_entity_placement = false, remove_on_tile_placement = true, selectable_in_game = false, selection_box = { { -4, -4 }, { 4, 4 } }, subgroup = "scorchmarks", time_before_removed = 36000, type = "corpse", use_tile_color_for_ground_patch_tint = true }, ["inserter-remnants"] = { animation = { { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/inserter/remnants/inserter-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 48, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/inserter/remnants/hr-inserter-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 94, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.109375, -0.0625 }, variation_count = 1, width = 134, y = 0 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0.125, -0.0625 }, variation_count = 1, width = 68, y = 0 }, { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/inserter/remnants/inserter-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 48, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/inserter/remnants/hr-inserter-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 94, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.109375, -0.0625 }, variation_count = 1, width = 134, y = 94 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0.125, -0.0625 }, variation_count = 1, width = 68, y = 48 }, { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/inserter/remnants/inserter-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 48, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/inserter/remnants/hr-inserter-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 94, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.109375, -0.0625 }, variation_count = 1, width = 134, y = 188 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0.125, -0.0625 }, variation_count = 1, width = 68, y = 96 }, { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/inserter/remnants/inserter-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 48, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/inserter/remnants/hr-inserter-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 94, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.109375, -0.0625 }, variation_count = 1, width = 134, y = 282 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0.125, -0.0625 }, variation_count = 1, width = 68, y = 144 } }, final_render_layer = "remnants", flags = { "placeable-neutral", "not-on-map" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/inserter.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "remnant-name", { "entity-name.inserter" } }, name = "inserter-remnants", order = "a-b-a", selectable_in_game = false, selection_box = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, subgroup = "inserter-remnants", tile_height = 1, tile_width = 1, time_before_removed = 54000, type = "corpse" }, ["iron-chest-remnants"] = { animation = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/iron-chest/remnants/iron-chest-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 40, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/iron-chest/remnants/hr-iron-chest-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 78, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.375, 0 }, width = 126 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0.375, 0 }, width = 64 }, final_render_layer = "remnants", flags = { "placeable-neutral", "building-direction-8-way", "not-on-map" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/iron-chest.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "remnant-name", { "entity-name.iron-chest" } }, name = "iron-chest-remnants", order = "a-b-a", remove_on_tile_placement = false, selectable_in_game = false, selection_box = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, subgroup = "storage-remnants", tile_height = 1, tile_width = 1, time_before_removed = 54000, type = "corpse" }, ["lab-remnants"] = { animation = { { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/lab/remnants/lab-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 100, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/lab/remnants/hr-lab-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 196, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.21875, 0.171875 }, variation_count = 1, width = 266, y = 0 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0.21875, 0.1875 }, variation_count = 1, width = 134, y = 0 }, { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/lab/remnants/lab-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 100, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/lab/remnants/hr-lab-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 196, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.21875, 0.171875 }, variation_count = 1, width = 266, y = 196 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0.21875, 0.1875 }, variation_count = 1, width = 134, y = 100 } }, final_render_layer = "remnants", flags = { "placeable-neutral", "not-on-map" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/lab.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "remnant-name", { "entity-name.lab" } }, name = "lab-remnants", order = "a-g-a", remove_on_tile_placement = false, selectable_in_game = false, selection_box = { { -1.5, -1.5 }, { 1.5, 1.5 } }, subgroup = "production-machine-remnants", tile_height = 3, tile_width = 3, time_before_removed = 54000, type = "corpse" }, ["lamp-remnants"] = { animation = { { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/small-lamp/remnants/lamp-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 48, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/small-lamp/remnants/hr-lamp-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 96, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03125, 0.09375 }, variation_count = 1, width = 102, y = 0 }, line_length = 1, shift = { -0.03125, 0.09375 }, variation_count = 1, width = 52, y = 0 } }, collision_box = { { -0.4, -0.4 }, { 0.4, 0.4 } }, final_render_layer = "remnants", flags = { "placeable-neutral", "not-on-map" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/small-lamp.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "remnant-name", { "entity-name.small-lamp" } }, name = "lamp-remnants", order = "a-a-a", remove_on_tile_placement = false, selectable_in_game = false, selection_box = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, subgroup = "circuit-network-remnants", tile_height = 1, tile_width = 1, time_before_removed = 54000, type = "corpse" }, ["land-mine-remnants"] = { animation = { { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/land-mine/remnants/land-mine-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 66, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/land-mine/remnants/hr-land-mine-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 130, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.046875, 0.15625 }, variation_count = 1, width = 134, y = 0 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0.0625, 0.15625 }, variation_count = 1, width = 68, y = 0 }, { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/land-mine/remnants/land-mine-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 66, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/land-mine/remnants/hr-land-mine-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 130, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.046875, 0.15625 }, variation_count = 1, width = 134, y = 130 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0.0625, 0.15625 }, variation_count = 1, width = 68, y = 66 }, { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/land-mine/remnants/land-mine-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 66, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/land-mine/remnants/hr-land-mine-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 130, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.046875, 0.15625 }, variation_count = 1, width = 134, y = 260 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0.0625, 0.15625 }, variation_count = 1, width = 68, y = 132 } }, final_render_layer = "remnants", flags = { "placeable-neutral", "not-on-map" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/land-mine.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "remnant-name", { "" } }, name = "land-mine-remnants", order = "a-i-a", remove_on_tile_placement = false, selectable_in_game = false, selection_box = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, subgroup = "defensive-structure-remnants", tile_height = 1, tile_width = 1, time_before_removed = 54000, type = "corpse" }, ["laser-turret-remnants"] = { animation = { { layers = { { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/laser-turret/remnants/laser-turret-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 98, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/laser-turret/remnants/hr-laser-turret-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 194, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.078125, -0.0625 }, variation_count = 1, width = 198, y = 0 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0.09375, -0.0625 }, variation_count = 1, width = 100, y = 0 }, { apply_runtime_tint = true, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/laser-turret/remnants/mask/laser-turret-remnants-mask.png", frame_count = 1, height = 48, hr_version = { apply_runtime_tint = true, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/laser-turret/remnants/mask/hr-laser-turret-remnants-mask.png", frame_count = 1, height = 94, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.125, -0.078125 }, width = 114, y = 0 }, priority = "low", shift = { 0.125, -0.0625 }, width = 58, y = 0 } } }, { layers = { { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/laser-turret/remnants/laser-turret-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 98, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/laser-turret/remnants/hr-laser-turret-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 194, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.078125, -0.0625 }, variation_count = 1, width = 198, y = 194 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0.09375, -0.0625 }, variation_count = 1, width = 100, y = 98 }, { apply_runtime_tint = true, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/laser-turret/remnants/mask/laser-turret-remnants-mask.png", frame_count = 1, height = 48, hr_version = { apply_runtime_tint = true, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/laser-turret/remnants/mask/hr-laser-turret-remnants-mask.png", frame_count = 1, height = 94, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.125, -0.078125 }, width = 114, y = 94 }, priority = "low", shift = { 0.125, -0.0625 }, width = 58, y = 48 } } }, { layers = { { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/laser-turret/remnants/laser-turret-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 98, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/laser-turret/remnants/hr-laser-turret-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 194, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.078125, -0.0625 }, variation_count = 1, width = 198, y = 388 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0.09375, -0.0625 }, variation_count = 1, width = 100, y = 196 }, { apply_runtime_tint = true, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/laser-turret/remnants/mask/laser-turret-remnants-mask.png", frame_count = 1, height = 48, hr_version = { apply_runtime_tint = true, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/laser-turret/remnants/mask/hr-laser-turret-remnants-mask.png", frame_count = 1, height = 94, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.125, -0.078125 }, width = 114, y = 188 }, priority = "low", shift = { 0.125, -0.0625 }, width = 58, y = 96 } } } }, final_render_layer = "remnants", flags = { "placeable-neutral", "not-on-map" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/laser-turret.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "remnant-name", { "entity-name.laser-turret" } }, name = "laser-turret-remnants", order = "a-d-a", remove_on_tile_placement = false, selectable_in_game = false, selection_box = { { -1, -1 }, { 1, 1 } }, subgroup = "defensive-structure-remnants", tile_height = 2, tile_width = 2, time_before_removed = 54000, type = "corpse" }, ["locomotive-remnants"] = { animation = { layers = { { direction_count = 8, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/diesel-locomotive/remnants/diesel-locomotive-base-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 218, hr_version = { direction_count = 8, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/diesel-locomotive/remnants/hr-diesel-locomotive-base-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 436, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.125, 0.015625 }, width = 460 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0.125, 0 }, width = 230 }, { apply_runtime_tint = true, direction_count = 8, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/diesel-locomotive/remnants/mask/diesel-locomotive-remnants-mask.png", frame_count = 1, height = 146, hr_version = { apply_runtime_tint = true, direction_count = 8, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/diesel-locomotive/remnants/mask/hr-diesel-locomotive-remnants-mask.png", frame_count = 1, height = 292, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, 0.0625 }, width = 390 }, priority = "low", shift = { 0, 0.0625 }, width = 196 } } }, final_render_layer = "remnants", flags = { "placeable-neutral", "building-direction-8-way", "not-on-map" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/locomotive.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "remnant-name", { "entity-name.locomotive" } }, name = "locomotive-remnants", order = "a-f-a", remove_on_tile_placement = false, selectable_in_game = false, selection_box = { { -1, -3 }, { 1, 3 } }, subgroup = "train-transport-remnants", tile_height = 6, tile_width = 2, time_before_removed = 54000, type = "corpse" }, ["logistic-robot-remnants"] = { animation = { { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/logistic-robot/remnants/logistic-robot-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 58, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/logistic-robot/remnants/hr-logistic-robot-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 114, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.03125, 0.03125 }, variation_count = 1, width = 116, y = 0 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0.03125, 0.03125 }, variation_count = 1, width = 58, y = 0 }, { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/logistic-robot/remnants/logistic-robot-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 58, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/logistic-robot/remnants/hr-logistic-robot-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 114, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.03125, 0.03125 }, variation_count = 1, width = 116, y = 114 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0.03125, 0.03125 }, variation_count = 1, width = 58, y = 58 }, { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/logistic-robot/remnants/logistic-robot-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 58, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/logistic-robot/remnants/hr-logistic-robot-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 114, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.03125, 0.03125 }, variation_count = 1, width = 116, y = 228 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0.03125, 0.03125 }, variation_count = 1, width = 58, y = 116 } }, final_render_layer = "remnants", flags = { "placeable-neutral", "not-on-map", "placeable-off-grid" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/logistic-robot.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "remnant-name", { "entity-name.logistic-robot" } }, name = "logistic-robot-remnants", order = "d[remnants]-a[generic]-a[small]", remove_on_tile_placement = false, selectable_in_game = false, selection_box = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, subgroup = "remnants", tile_height = 3, tile_width = 3, time_before_removed = 54000, type = "corpse" }, ["long-handed-inserter-remnants"] = { animation = { { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/long-handed-inserter/remnants/long-handed-inserter-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 48, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/long-handed-inserter/remnants/hr-long-handed-inserter-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 94, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.109375, -0.0625 }, variation_count = 1, width = 134, y = 0 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0.125, -0.0625 }, variation_count = 1, width = 68, y = 0 }, { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/long-handed-inserter/remnants/long-handed-inserter-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 48, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/long-handed-inserter/remnants/hr-long-handed-inserter-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 94, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.109375, -0.0625 }, variation_count = 1, width = 134, y = 94 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0.125, -0.0625 }, variation_count = 1, width = 68, y = 48 }, { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/long-handed-inserter/remnants/long-handed-inserter-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 48, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/long-handed-inserter/remnants/hr-long-handed-inserter-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 94, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.109375, -0.0625 }, variation_count = 1, width = 134, y = 188 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0.125, -0.0625 }, variation_count = 1, width = 68, y = 96 }, { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/long-handed-inserter/remnants/long-handed-inserter-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 48, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/long-handed-inserter/remnants/hr-long-handed-inserter-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 94, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.109375, -0.0625 }, variation_count = 1, width = 134, y = 282 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0.125, -0.0625 }, variation_count = 1, width = 68, y = 144 } }, final_render_layer = "remnants", flags = { "placeable-neutral", "not-on-map" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/long-handed-inserter.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "remnant-name", { "entity-name.long-handed-inserter" } }, name = "long-handed-inserter-remnants", order = "a-c-a", selectable_in_game = false, selection_box = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, subgroup = "inserter-remnants", tile_height = 1, tile_width = 1, time_before_removed = 54000, type = "corpse" }, ["medium-biter-corpse"] = { animation = { layers = { { direction_count = 16, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-04.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-05.png", 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"__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-06.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-07.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-08.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-09.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-10.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-11.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-12.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-13.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-14.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-15.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-16.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-17.png" }, frame_count = 17, height = 402, line_length = 4, lines_per_file = 4, scale = 0.35, shift = { 0, -0.0875 }, slice = 4, width = 544 }, line_length = 4, lines_per_file = 4, scale = 0.7, shift = { -0.04375, -0.0875 }, slice = 4, width = 276 }, { direction_count = 16, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-mask1-01.png", 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"__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-mask1-17.png" }, frame_count = 17, height = 328, line_length = 4, lines_per_file = 4, scale = 0.35, shift = { -0.021875, -0.459375 }, slice = 4, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.50999999999999996, g = 0.46000000000000005, r = 0.49000000000000004 }, width = 398 }, line_length = 4, lines_per_file = 4, scale = 0.7, shift = { 0, -0.48125 }, slice = 4, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["medium-biter-corpse"].animation.layers[2].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 198 }, { direction_count = 16, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-mask2-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-mask2-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-mask2-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-mask2-04.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-mask2-05.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-mask2-06.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-mask2-07.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-mask2-08.png", 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"__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-mask2-07.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-mask2-08.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-mask2-09.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-mask2-10.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-mask2-11.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-mask2-12.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-mask2-13.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-mask2-14.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-mask2-15.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-mask2-16.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-mask2-17.png" }, frame_count = 17, height = 330, line_length = 4, lines_per_file = 4, scale = 0.35, shift = { -0.021875, -0.48125 }, slice = 4, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.71999999999999993, g = 0.71999999999999993, r = 0.93000000000000007 }, width = 396 }, line_length = 4, lines_per_file = 4, scale = 0.7, shift = { -0.04375, -0.48125 }, slice = 4, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["medium-biter-corpse"].animation.layers[3].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 200 }, { direction_count = 16, draw_as_shadow = true, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-shadow-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-shadow-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-shadow-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-shadow-04.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-shadow-05.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-shadow-06.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-shadow-07.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-shadow-08.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-shadow-09.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-shadow-10.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-shadow-11.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-shadow-12.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-shadow-13.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-shadow-14.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-shadow-15.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-shadow-16.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-shadow-17.png" }, frame_count = 17, height = 192, hr_version = { direction_count = 16, draw_as_shadow = true, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-shadow-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-shadow-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-shadow-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-shadow-04.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-shadow-05.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-shadow-06.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-shadow-07.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-shadow-08.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-shadow-09.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-shadow-10.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-shadow-11.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-shadow-12.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-shadow-13.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-shadow-14.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-shadow-15.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-shadow-16.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-shadow-17.png" }, frame_count = 17, height = 384, line_length = 4, lines_per_file = 4, scale = 0.35, shift = { 0.0875, 0 }, slice = 4, width = 564 }, line_length = 4, lines_per_file = 4, scale = 0.7, shift = { 0.0875, 0 }, slice = 4, width = 282 } } }, direction_shuffle = { { 1, 2, 3, 16 }, { 4, 5, 6, 7 }, { 8, 9, 10, 11 }, { 12, 13, 14, 15 } }, dying_speed = 0.04, final_render_layer = "lower-object-above-shadow", flags = { "placeable-neutral", "placeable-off-grid", "building-direction-8-way", "not-on-map" }, ground_patch = { sheet = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/blood-puddle-var-main.png", flags = { "low-object" }, frame_count = 1, height = 68, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-blood-puddle-var-main.png", flags = { "low-object" }, frame_count = 1, height = 134, line_length = 4, scale = 0.35, shift = { -0.015625, -0.015625 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.54000000000000004, g = 0.090000000000000018, r = 0.54000000000000004 }, variation_count = 4, width = 164 }, line_length = 4, scale = 0.7, shift = { 0.03125, 0 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.54000000000000004, g = 0.090000000000000018, r = 0.54000000000000004 }, variation_count = 4, width = 84 } }, ground_patch_fade_in_delay = 50, ground_patch_fade_in_speed = 0.002, ground_patch_fade_out_duration = 1200, ground_patch_fade_out_start = 3000, ground_patch_render_layer = "decals", icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/medium-biter-corpse.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "medium-biter-corpse", order = "c[corpse]-a[biter]-b[medium]", selectable_in_game = false, selection_box = { { -1, -1 }, { 1, 1 } }, shuffle_directions_at_frame = 7, subgroup = "corpses", time_before_removed = 54000, type = "corpse" }, ["medium-electric-pole-remnants"] = { animation = { { layers = { { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-electric-pole/remnants/medium-electric-pole-base-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 70, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-electric-pole/remnants/hr-medium-electric-pole-base-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 140, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.09375, -0.15625 }, width = 284, y = 0 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 1.09375, -0.15625 }, width = 142, y = 0 } } }, { layers = { { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-electric-pole/remnants/medium-electric-pole-base-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 70, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-electric-pole/remnants/hr-medium-electric-pole-base-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 140, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.09375, -0.15625 }, width = 284, y = 140 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 1.09375, -0.15625 }, width = 142, y = 70 } } }, { layers = { { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-electric-pole/remnants/medium-electric-pole-base-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 70, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-electric-pole/remnants/hr-medium-electric-pole-base-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 140, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.09375, -0.15625 }, width = 284, y = 280 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 1.09375, -0.15625 }, width = 142, y = 140 } } } }, animation_overlay = { { layers = { { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-electric-pole/remnants/medium-electric-pole-top-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 92, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-electric-pole/remnants/hr-medium-electric-pole-top-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 184, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -1.203125 }, width = 100, y = 0 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0, -1.21875 }, width = 50, y = 0 } } }, { layers = { { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-electric-pole/remnants/medium-electric-pole-top-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 92, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-electric-pole/remnants/hr-medium-electric-pole-top-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 184, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -1.203125 }, width = 100, y = 184 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0, -1.21875 }, width = 50, y = 92 } } }, { layers = { { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-electric-pole/remnants/medium-electric-pole-top-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 92, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-electric-pole/remnants/hr-medium-electric-pole-top-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 184, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -1.203125 }, width = 100, y = 368 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0, -1.21875 }, width = 50, y = 184 } } } }, animation_overlay_final_render_layer = "object", collision_box = { { -0.4, -0.4 }, { 0.4, 0.4 } }, final_render_layer = "remnants", flags = { "placeable-neutral", "not-on-map" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/medium-electric-pole.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "remnant-name", { "entity-name.medium-electric-pole" } }, name = "medium-electric-pole-remnants", order = "a-b-a", remove_on_tile_placement = false, selectable_in_game = false, selection_box = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, subgroup = "energy-pipe-distribution-remnants", tile_height = 1, tile_width = 1, time_before_removed = 54000, type = "corpse" }, ["medium-remnants"] = { animation = { { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/remnants/medium-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 124, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/remnants/hr-medium-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 246, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.140625 }, width = 236, y = 0 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0, -0.125 }, width = 118, y = 0 }, { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/remnants/medium-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 124, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/remnants/hr-medium-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 246, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.140625 }, width = 236, y = 246 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0, -0.125 }, width = 118, y = 124 }, { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/remnants/medium-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 124, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/remnants/hr-medium-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 246, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.140625 }, width = 236, y = 492 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0, -0.125 }, width = 118, y = 248 }, { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/remnants/medium-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 124, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/remnants/hr-medium-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 246, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.140625 }, width = 236, y = 738 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0, -0.125 }, width = 118, y = 372 } }, final_render_layer = "remnants", flags = { "placeable-neutral", "building-direction-8-way", "not-on-map" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/remnants.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "entity-name.medium-remnants" }, name = "medium-remnants", order = "a-d-a", remove_on_tile_placement = false, selectable_in_game = false, selection_box = { { -1.5, -1.5 }, { 1.5, 1.5 } }, subgroup = "generic-remnants", tile_height = 3, tile_width = 3, time_before_removed = 54000, type = "corpse" }, ["medium-scorchmark"] = { collision_box = { { -2.5, -2.5 }, { 2.5, 2.5 } }, collision_mask = { "doodad-layer", "not-colliding-with-itself" }, final_render_layer = "ground-patch-higher2", flags = { "placeable-neutral", "not-on-map", "placeable-off-grid" }, ground_patch = { sheet = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/scorchmark/medium-scorchmark.png", height = 176, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/scorchmark/hr-medium-scorchmark.png", height = 352, line_length = 2, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, 0 }, variation_count = 2, width = 510 }, line_length = 2, shift = { 0, -0.0625 }, variation_count = 2, width = 256 } }, ground_patch_higher = { sheet = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/scorchmark/medium-scorchmark-top.png", height = 50, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/scorchmark/hr-medium-scorchmark-top.png", height = 100, line_length = 2, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, 0 }, variation_count = 2, width = 136 }, line_length = 2, shift = { 0, 0 }, variation_count = 2, width = 68 } }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/small-scorchmark.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "medium-scorchmark", order = "a-c-a", remove_on_entity_placement = false, remove_on_tile_placement = true, selectable_in_game = false, selection_box = { { -2, -2 }, { 2, 2 } }, subgroup = "scorchmarks", time_before_removed = 36000, type = "corpse", use_tile_color_for_ground_patch_tint = false }, ["medium-scorchmark-tintable"] = { collision_box = { { -2.5, -2.5 }, { 2.5, 2.5 } }, collision_mask = { "doodad-layer", "not-colliding-with-itself" }, final_render_layer = "ground-patch-higher2", flags = { "placeable-neutral", "not-on-map", "placeable-off-grid" }, ground_patch = { sheet = { apply_runtime_tint = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/scorchmark/medium-scorchmark-tintable.png", height = 176, hr_version = { apply_runtime_tint = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/scorchmark/hr-medium-scorchmark-tintable.png", height = 352, line_length = 2, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, 0 }, variation_count = 2, width = 510 }, line_length = 2, shift = { 0, -0.0625 }, variation_count = 2, width = 256 } }, ground_patch_higher = { sheet = { apply_runtime_tint = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/scorchmark/medium-scorchmark-tintable-top.png", height = 50, hr_version = { apply_runtime_tint = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/scorchmark/hr-medium-scorchmark-tintable-top.png", height = 100, line_length = 2, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, 0 }, variation_count = 2, width = 136 }, line_length = 2, shift = { 0, 0 }, variation_count = 2, width = 68 } }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/small-scorchmark.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "medium-scorchmark-tintable", order = "a-d-a", remove_on_entity_placement = false, remove_on_tile_placement = true, selectable_in_game = false, selection_box = { { -2, -2 }, { 2, 2 } }, subgroup = "scorchmarks", time_before_removed = 36000, type = "corpse", use_tile_color_for_ground_patch_tint = true }, ["medium-small-remnants"] = { animation = { { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/remnants/medium-small-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 90, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/remnants/hr-medium-small-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 176, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.09375, 0.109375 }, width = 166, y = 0 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0.09375, 0.125 }, width = 84, y = 0 }, { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/remnants/medium-small-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 90, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/remnants/hr-medium-small-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 176, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.09375, 0.109375 }, width = 166, y = 176 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0.09375, 0.125 }, width = 84, y = 90 } }, final_render_layer = "remnants", flags = { "placeable-neutral", "building-direction-8-way", "not-on-map" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/remnants.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "entity-name.medium-small-remnants" }, name = "medium-small-remnants", order = "a-e-a", remove_on_tile_placement = false, selectable_in_game = false, selection_box = { { -1, -1 }, { 1, 1 } }, subgroup = "generic-remnants", tile_height = 2, tile_width = 2, time_before_removed = 54000, type = "corpse" }, ["medium-spitter-corpse"] = { animation = { layers = { { direction_count = 16, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-die-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-die-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-die-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-die-04.png" }, frame_count = 14, height = 128, hr_version = { direction_count = 16, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-die-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-die-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-die-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-die-04.png" }, frame_count = 14, height = 254, line_length = 7, lines_per_file = 8, scale = 0.35, shift = { 0, -0.328125 }, slice = 7, width = 282 }, line_length = 7, lines_per_file = 8, scale = 0.7, shift = { 0, -0.35 }, slice = 7, width = 142 }, { direction_count = 16, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-die-mask1-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-die-mask1-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-die-mask1-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-die-mask1-04.png" }, flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 14, height = 114, hr_version = { direction_count = 16, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-die-mask1-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-die-mask1-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-die-mask1-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-die-mask1-04.png" }, frame_count = 14, height = 228, line_length = 7, lines_per_file = 8, scale = 0.35, shift = { 0, -0.35 }, slice = 7, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.3, g = 0.22000000000000002, r = 0.75999999999999996 }, width = 258 }, line_length = 7, lines_per_file = 8, scale = 0.7, shift = { 0, -0.35 }, slice = 7, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["medium-spitter-corpse"].animation.layers[2].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 130 }, { direction_count = 16, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-die-mask2-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-die-mask2-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-die-mask2-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-die-mask2-04.png" }, flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 14, height = 114, hr_version = { direction_count = 16, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-die-mask2-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-die-mask2-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-die-mask2-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-die-mask2-04.png" }, frame_count = 14, height = 228, line_length = 7, lines_per_file = 8, scale = 0.35, shift = { -0.021875, -0.35 }, slice = 7, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.85, g = 0.84000000000000004, r = 0.89000000000000004 }, width = 260 }, line_length = 7, lines_per_file = 8, scale = 0.7, shift = { 0, -0.35 }, slice = 7, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["medium-spitter-corpse"].animation.layers[3].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 128 }, { direction_count = 16, draw_as_shadow = true, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-die-shadow-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-die-shadow-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-die-shadow-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-die-shadow-04.png" }, frame_count = 14, height = 104, hr_version = { direction_count = 16, draw_as_shadow = true, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-die-shadow-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-die-shadow-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-die-shadow-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-die-shadow-04.png" }, frame_count = 14, height = 204, line_length = 7, lines_per_file = 8, scale = 0.35, shift = { 0.415625, -0.021875 }, slice = 7, width = 356 }, line_length = 7, lines_per_file = 8, scale = 0.7, shift = { 0.39375, -0.04375 }, slice = 7, width = 180 } } }, direction_shuffle = { { 1, 2, 3, 16 }, { 4, 5, 6, 7 }, { 8, 9, 10, 11 }, { 12, 13, 14, 15 } }, dying_speed = 0.04, final_render_layer = "lower-object-above-shadow", flags = { "placeable-neutral", "placeable-off-grid", "building-direction-8-way", "not-on-map" }, ground_patch = { sheet = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/blood-puddle-var-main.png", flags = { "low-object" }, frame_count = 1, height = 68, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-blood-puddle-var-main.png", flags = { "low-object" }, frame_count = 1, height = 134, line_length = 4, scale = 0.35, shift = { -0.015625, -0.015625 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.54000000000000004, g = 0.090000000000000018, r = 0.54000000000000004 }, variation_count = 4, width = 164 }, line_length = 4, scale = 0.7, shift = { 0.03125, 0 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.54000000000000004, g = 0.090000000000000018, r = 0.54000000000000004 }, variation_count = 4, width = 84 } }, ground_patch_fade_in_delay = 50, ground_patch_fade_in_speed = 0.002, ground_patch_fade_out_duration = 1200, ground_patch_fade_out_start = 3000, ground_patch_render_layer = "decals", icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/big-biter-corpse.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "medium-spitter-corpse", order = "c[corpse]-b[spitter]-a[small]", selectable_in_game = false, selection_box = { { -1, -1 }, { 1, 1 } }, shuffle_directions_at_frame = 4, subgroup = "corpses", time_before_removed = 54000, type = "corpse" }, ["medium-worm-corpse"] = { animation = { { layers = { { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-die-01.png", frame_count = 24, height = 186, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-die-01.png", frame_count = 24, height = 372, line_length = 6, scale = 0.41499999999999995, shift = { 0.49281249999999996, -0.67437499999999995 }, width = 262 }, line_length = 6, scale = 0.82999999999999989, shift = { 0.46687500000000002, -0.67437499999999995 }, width = 134 }, { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-die-01-mask.png", flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 24, height = 160, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-die-01-mask.png", flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 24, height = 318, line_length = 6, scale = 0.41499999999999995, shift = { 0.3890625, -0.49281249999999996 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.3, g = 0.15, r = 0.9 }, width = 250 }, line_length = 6, scale = 0.82999999999999989, shift = { 0.3890625, -0.49281249999999996 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["medium-worm-corpse"].animation[1].layers[2].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 124 }, { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-die-01-shadow.png", frame_count = 24, height = 106, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-die-01-shadow.png", frame_count = 24, height = 210, line_length = 6, scale = 0.41499999999999995, shift = { 1.400625, 0.41499999999999995 }, width = 404 }, line_length = 6, scale = 0.82999999999999989, shift = { 1.400625, 0.41499999999999995 }, width = 202 } } }, { layers = { { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-die-02.png", frame_count = 24, height = 164, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-die-02.png", frame_count = 24, height = 322, line_length = 6, scale = 0.41499999999999995, shift = { -1.2190624999999999, -1.0634375 }, width = 362 }, line_length = 6, scale = 0.82999999999999989, shift = { -1.2449999999999999, -1.089375 }, width = 184 }, { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-die-02-mask.png", flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 24, height = 144, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-die-02-mask.png", flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 24, height = 282, line_length = 6, scale = 0.41499999999999995, shift = { -0.85593749999999993, -0.80406250000000004 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["medium-worm-corpse"].animation[1].layers[2].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 306 }, line_length = 6, scale = 0.82999999999999989, shift = { -0.85593749999999993, -0.80406250000000004 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["medium-worm-corpse"].animation[1].layers[2].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 156 }, { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-die-02-shadow.png", frame_count = 24, height = 82, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-die-02-shadow.png", frame_count = 24, height = 160, line_length = 6, scale = 0.41499999999999995, shift = { 0.44093749999999998, 0.12968749999999998 }, width = 588 }, line_length = 6, scale = 0.82999999999999989, shift = { 0.41499999999999995, 0.10374999999999999 }, width = 296 } } }, { layers = { { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-die-03.png", frame_count = 24, height = 164, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-die-03.png", frame_count = 24, height = 328, line_length = 6, scale = 0.41499999999999995, shift = { 0.41499999999999995, -1.2449999999999999 }, width = 260 }, line_length = 6, scale = 0.82999999999999989, shift = { 0.41499999999999995, -1.2449999999999999 }, width = 130 }, { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-die-03-mask.png", flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 24, height = 136, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-die-03-mask.png", flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 24, height = 272, line_length = 6, scale = 0.41499999999999995, shift = { 0.36312499999999996, -0.88187499999999996 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["medium-worm-corpse"].animation[1].layers[2].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 246 }, line_length = 6, scale = 0.82999999999999989, shift = { 0.36312499999999996, -0.88187499999999996 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["medium-worm-corpse"].animation[1].layers[2].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 124 }, { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-die-03-shadow.png", frame_count = 24, height = 116, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-die-03-shadow.png", frame_count = 24, height = 224, line_length = 6, scale = 0.41499999999999995, shift = { 1.3746874999999998, -0.82999999999999989 }, width = 404 }, line_length = 6, scale = 0.82999999999999989, shift = { 1.3487499999999999, -0.88187499999999996 }, width = 204 } } } }, dying_speed = 0.01, final_render_layer = "lower-object-above-shadow", flags = { "placeable-neutral", "placeable-off-grid", "building-direction-8-way", "not-repairable", "not-on-map" }, ground_patch = { sheet = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-integration.png", frame_count = 1, height = 122, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-integration.png", frame_count = 1, height = 240, scale = 0.41499999999999995, shift = { 0.10374999999999999, -0.025937499999999996 }, variation_count = 1, width = 332 }, scale = 0.82999999999999989, shift = { 0.10374999999999999, -0.051874999999999991 }, variation_count = 1, width = 166 } }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/medium-worm-corpse.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "medium-worm-corpse", order = "c[corpse]-c[worm]-b[medium]", selectable_in_game = false, selection_box = { { -0.8, -0.8 }, { 0.8, 0.8 } }, subgroup = "corpses", time_before_removed = 54000, type = "corpse" }, ["nuclear-reactor-remnants"] = { animation = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/nuclear-reactor/remnants/nuclear-reactor-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 198, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/nuclear-reactor/remnants/hr-nuclear-reactor-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 396, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.21875, 0.125 }, variation_count = 1, width = 410 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0.21875, 0.125 }, variation_count = 1, width = 206 }, final_render_layer = "remnants", flags = { "placeable-neutral", "not-on-map" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/nuclear-reactor.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "remnant-name", { "entity-name.nuclear-reactor" } }, name = "nuclear-reactor-remnants", order = "a-e-a", remove_on_tile_placement = false, selectable_in_game = false, selection_box = { { -2.5, -2.5 }, { 2.5, 2.5 } }, subgroup = "energy-remnants", tile_height = 5, tile_width = 5, time_before_removed = 54000, type = "corpse" }, ["offshore-pump-remnants"] = { animation = { { direction_count = 4, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/offshore-pump/remnants/offshore-pump-remnants-variation-1.png", frame_count = 1, height = 72, hr_version = { direction_count = 4, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/offshore-pump/remnants/hr-offshore-pump-remnants-variation-1.png", frame_count = 1, height = 140, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0625, -0.078125 }, width = 146 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0.0625, -0.0625 }, width = 74 }, { direction_count = 4, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/offshore-pump/remnants/offshore-pump-remnants-variation-2.png", frame_count = 1, height = 68, hr_version = { direction_count = 4, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/offshore-pump/remnants/hr-offshore-pump-remnants-variation-2.png", frame_count = 1, height = 134, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.046875, 0.015625 }, width = 136 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0.03125, 0.03125 }, width = 68 } }, final_render_layer = "remnants", flags = { "placeable-neutral", "building-direction-8-way", "not-on-map" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/offshore-pump.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "remnant-name", { "entity-name.offshore-pump" } }, name = "offshore-pump-remnants", order = "a-d-b", remove_on_tile_placement = false, selectable_in_game = false, selection_box = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, subgroup = "extraction-machine-remnants", tile_height = 1, tile_width = 1, time_before_removed = 54000, type = "corpse" }, ["oil-refinery-remnants"] = { animation = { { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/oil-refinery/remnants/refinery-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 200, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/oil-refinery/remnants/hr-refinery-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 415, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.0078125, -0.0078125 }, width = 467, y = 0 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0, 0 }, width = 234, y = 0 } }, final_render_layer = "remnants", flags = { "placeable-neutral", "building-direction-8-way", "not-on-map" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/oil-refinery.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "remnant-name", { "entity-name.oil-refinery" } }, name = "oil-refinery-remnants", order = "a-d-a", remove_on_tile_placement = false, selectable_in_game = false, selection_box = { { -2.5, -2.5 }, { 2.5, 2.5 } }, subgroup = "production-machine-remnants", tile_height = 5, tile_width = 5, time_before_removed = 54000, type = "corpse" }, ["passive-provider-chest-remnants"] = { animation = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/logistic-chest/remnants/passive-provider-chest-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 42, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/logistic-chest/remnants/hr-passive-provider-chest-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 82, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.3125, -0.09375 }, width = 116 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0.328125, -0.078125 }, width = 60 }, final_render_layer = "remnants", flags = { "placeable-neutral", "building-direction-8-way", "not-on-map" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/logistic-chest-passive-provider.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "remnant-name", { "entity-name.logistic-chest-passive-provider" } }, name = "passive-provider-chest-remnants", order = "a-d-a", remove_on_tile_placement = false, selectable_in_game = false, selection_box = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, subgroup = "logistic-network-remnants", tile_height = 1, tile_width = 1, time_before_removed = 54000, type = "corpse" }, ["pipe-remnants"] = { animation = { { direction_count = 2, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe/remnants/pipe-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 62, hr_version = { direction_count = 2, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe/remnants/hr-pipe-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 120, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.046875, 0.078125 }, width = 122, y = 0 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, width = 62, y = 0 }, { direction_count = 2, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe/remnants/pipe-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 62, hr_version = { direction_count = 2, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe/remnants/hr-pipe-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 120, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.046875, 0.078125 }, width = 122, y = 240 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, width = 62, y = 124 } }, collision_box = { { -0.4, -0.4 }, { 0.4, 0.4 } }, final_render_layer = "remnants", flags = { "placeable-neutral", "not-on-map" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/pipe.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "remnant-name", { "entity-name.pipe" } }, name = "pipe-remnants", order = "a-d-a", remove_on_tile_placement = false, selectable_in_game = false, selection_box = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, subgroup = "energy-pipe-distribution-remnants", time_before_removed = 54000, type = "corpse" }, ["pipe-to-ground-remnants"] = { animation = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-to-ground/remnants/pipe-to-ground-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 40, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-to-ground/remnants/hr-pipe-to-ground-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 80, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.015625, -0.09375 }, width = 90 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0, -0.09375 }, width = 46 }, collision_box = { { -0.4, -0.4 }, { 0.4, 0.4 } }, final_render_layer = "remnants", flags = { "placeable-neutral", "not-on-map" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/pipe-to-ground.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "remnant-name", { "entity-name.pipe-to-ground" } }, name = "pipe-to-ground-remnants", order = "a-d-a", remove_on_tile_placement = false, selectable_in_game = false, selection_box = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, subgroup = "energy-pipe-distribution-remnants", time_before_removed = 54000, type = "corpse" }, ["power-switch-remnants"] = { animation = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/power-switch/remnants/power-switch-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 88, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/power-switch/remnants/hr-power-switch-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 176, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.140625, 0.328125 }, variation_count = 1, width = 194 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0.15625, 0.34375 }, variation_count = 1, width = 98 }, final_render_layer = "remnants", flags = { "placeable-neutral", "not-on-map" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/power-switch.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "remnant-name", { "entity-name.power-switch" } }, name = "power-switch-remnants", order = "a-c-a", remove_on_tile_placement = false, selectable_in_game = false, selection_box = { { -0.5, -1 }, { 0.5, 1 } }, subgroup = "circuit-network-remnants", tile_height = 2, tile_width = 1, time_before_removed = 54000, type = "corpse" }, ["programmable-speaker-remnants"] = { animation = { { layers = { { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/programmable-speaker/remnants/programmable-speaker-base-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 60, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/programmable-speaker/remnants/hr-programmable-speaker-base-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 120, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.375, 0 }, width = 170, y = 0 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0.375, 0 }, width = 86, y = 0 } } }, { layers = { { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/programmable-speaker/remnants/programmable-speaker-base-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 60, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/programmable-speaker/remnants/hr-programmable-speaker-base-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 120, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.375, 0 }, width = 170, y = 120 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0.375, 0 }, width = 86, y = 60 } } }, { layers = { { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/programmable-speaker/remnants/programmable-speaker-base-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 60, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/programmable-speaker/remnants/hr-programmable-speaker-base-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 120, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.375, 0 }, width = 170, y = 240 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0.375, 0 }, width = 86, y = 120 } } } }, animation_overlay = { { layers = { { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/programmable-speaker/remnants/programmable-speaker-top-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 46, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/programmable-speaker/remnants/hr-programmable-speaker-top-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 90, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.015625, -0.5625 }, width = 74, y = 0 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0.03125, -0.5625 }, width = 38, y = 0 } } }, { layers = { { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/programmable-speaker/remnants/programmable-speaker-top-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 46, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/programmable-speaker/remnants/hr-programmable-speaker-top-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 90, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.015625, -0.5625 }, width = 74, y = 90 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0.03125, -0.5625 }, width = 38, y = 46 } } }, { layers = { { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/programmable-speaker/remnants/programmable-speaker-top-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 46, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/programmable-speaker/remnants/hr-programmable-speaker-top-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 90, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.015625, -0.5625 }, width = 74, y = 180 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0.03125, -0.5625 }, width = 38, y = 92 } } } }, animation_overlay_final_render_layer = "object", final_render_layer = "remnants", flags = { "placeable-neutral", "not-on-map" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/programmable-speaker.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "remnant-name", { "entity-name.programmable-speaker" } }, name = "programmable-speaker-remnants", order = "a-e-a", remove_on_tile_placement = false, selectable_in_game = false, selection_box = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, subgroup = "circuit-network-remnants", tile_height = 1, tile_width = 1, time_before_removed = 54000, type = "corpse" }, ["pump-remnants"] = { animation = { { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 4, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pump/remnants/pump-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 94, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 4, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pump/remnants/hr-pump-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 186, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0625, 0.0625 }, variation_count = 1, width = 188, y = 0 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0.0625, 0.0625 }, variation_count = 1, width = 94, y = 0 } }, final_render_layer = "remnants", flags = { "placeable-neutral", "not-on-map" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/pump.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "remnant-name", { "entity-name.pump" } }, name = "pump-remnants", order = "a-d-a", remove_on_tile_placement = false, selectable_in_game = false, selection_box = { { -0.5, -1 }, { 0.5, 1 } }, subgroup = "energy-pipe-distribution-remnants", tile_height = 2, tile_width = 1, time_before_removed = 54000, type = "corpse" }, ["pumpjack-remnants"] = { animation = { { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pumpjack/remnants/pumpjack-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 142, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pumpjack/remnants/hr-pumpjack-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 284, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, 0.109375 }, width = 274, y = 0 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0, 0.09375 }, width = 138, y = 0 }, { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pumpjack/remnants/pumpjack-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 142, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pumpjack/remnants/hr-pumpjack-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 284, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, 0.109375 }, width = 274, y = 284 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0, 0.09375 }, width = 138, y = 142 } }, final_render_layer = "remnants", flags = { "placeable-neutral", "building-direction-8-way", "not-on-map" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/pumpjack.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "remnant-name", { "entity-name.pumpjack" } }, name = "pumpjack-remnants", order = "a-d-a", remove_on_tile_placement = false, selectable_in_game = false, selection_box = { { -1.5, -1.5 }, { 1.5, 1.5 } }, subgroup = "extraction-machine-remnants", tile_height = 3, tile_width = 3, time_before_removed = 54000, type = "corpse" }, ["radar-remnants"] = { animation = { { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/radar/remnants/radar-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 106, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/radar/remnants/hr-radar-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 212, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.375, 0.140625 }, variation_count = 1, width = 282, y = 0 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0.375, 0.125 }, variation_count = 1, width = 142, y = 0 } }, final_render_layer = "remnants", flags = { "placeable-neutral", "not-on-map" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/radar.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "remnant-name", { "entity-name.radar" } }, name = "radar-remnants", order = "a-g-a", remove_on_tile_placement = false, selectable_in_game = false, selection_box = { { -1.5, -1.5 }, { 1.5, 1.5 } }, subgroup = "defensive-structure-remnants", tile_height = 3, tile_width = 3, time_before_removed = 54000, type = "corpse" }, ["rail-chain-signal-remnants"] = { animation = { { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/rail-chain-signal/remnants/rail-chain-signal-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 48, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/rail-chain-signal/remnants/hr-rail-chain-signal-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 94, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.0625, -0.015625 }, width = 98, y = 0 }, line_length = 1, shift = { -0.0625, 0 }, width = 50, y = 0 } }, final_render_layer = "remnants", flags = { "placeable-neutral", "building-direction-8-way", "not-on-map" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/rail-chain-signal.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "remnant-name", { "entity-name.rail-chain-signal" } }, name = "rail-chain-signal-remnants", order = "a-e-a", selectable_in_game = false, selection_box = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, subgroup = "train-transport-remnants", tile_height = 1, tile_width = 1, time_before_removed = 54000, type = "corpse" }, ["rail-ending-remnants"] = { animation = { layers = { { direction_count = 8, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/rail-endings/rail-endings-background.png", flags = { "low-object" }, height = 128, hr_version = { direction_count = 8, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/rail-endings/hr-rail-endings-background.png", flags = { "low-object" }, height = 256, line_length = 8, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, width = 256 }, line_length = 8, priority = "high", width = 128 }, { direction_count = 8, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/rail-endings/rail-endings-metals.png", flags = { "trilinear-filtering" }, height = 128, hr_version = { direction_count = 8, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/rail-endings/hr-rail-endings-metals.png", flags = { "trilinear-filtering" }, height = 256, line_length = 8, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, width = 256 }, line_length = 8, priority = "high", width = 128 } } }, collision_box = { { -0.75, -0.55 }, { 0.75, 1.6000000000000001 } }, flags = { "placeable-neutral", "building-direction-8-way", "not-on-map" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/curved-rail-remnants.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "entity-name.rail-ending-remnants" }, name = "rail-ending-remnants", order = "d[remnants]-b[rail]-c[ending]", selectable_in_game = false, selection_box = { { -1.7, -0.8 }, { 1.7, 0.8 } }, subgroup = "remnants", time_before_removed = 162000, time_before_shading_off = 3600, type = "corpse" }, ["rail-signal-remnants"] = { animation = { { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/rail-signal/remnants/rail-signal-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 44, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/rail-signal/remnants/hr-rail-signal-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 88, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.15625, 0 }, width = 90, y = 0 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0.15625, 0 }, width = 46, y = 0 } }, final_render_layer = "remnants", flags = { "placeable-neutral", "building-direction-8-way", "not-on-map" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/rail-signal.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "remnant-name", { "entity-name.rail-signal" } }, name = "rail-signal-remnants", order = "a-d-a", selectable_in_game = false, selection_box = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, subgroup = "train-transport-remnants", tile_height = 1, tile_width = 1, time_before_removed = 54000, type = "corpse" }, ["requester-chest-remnants"] = { animation = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/logistic-chest/remnants/requester-chest-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 42, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/logistic-chest/remnants/hr-requester-chest-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 82, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.3125, -0.09375 }, width = 116 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0.328125, -0.078125 }, width = 60 }, final_render_layer = "remnants", flags = { "placeable-neutral", "building-direction-8-way", "not-on-map" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/logistic-chest-requester.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "remnant-name", { "entity-name.logistic-chest-requester" } }, name = "requester-chest-remnants", order = "a-g-a", remove_on_tile_placement = false, selectable_in_game = false, selection_box = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, subgroup = "logistic-network-remnants", tile_height = 1, tile_width = 1, time_before_removed = 54000, type = "corpse" }, ["roboport-remnants"] = { animation = { { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/roboport/remnants/roboport-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 180, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/roboport/remnants/hr-roboport-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 358, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0625, 0.25 }, variation_count = 1, width = 364, y = 0 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0.0625, 0.25 }, variation_count = 1, width = 182, y = 0 }, { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/roboport/remnants/roboport-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 180, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/roboport/remnants/hr-roboport-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 358, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0625, 0.25 }, variation_count = 1, width = 364, y = 358 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0.0625, 0.25 }, variation_count = 1, width = 182, y = 180 } }, final_render_layer = "remnants", flags = { "placeable-neutral", "not-on-map" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/roboport.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "remnant-name", { "entity-name.roboport" } }, name = "roboport-remnants", order = "a-h-a", remove_on_tile_placement = false, selectable_in_game = false, selection_box = { { -2, -2 }, { 2, 2 } }, subgroup = "logistic-network-remnants", tile_height = 3, tile_width = 3, time_before_removed = 54000, type = "corpse" }, ["rocket-silo-remnants"] = { animation = { { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/rocket-silo/15-remnants/rocket-silo-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 292, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/rocket-silo/15-remnants/hr-rocket-silo-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 582, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, width = 634, y = 0 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0.09375, 0.03125 }, width = 318, y = 0 } }, collision_box = { { -4.4000000000000004, -4.4000000000000004 }, { 4.4000000000000004, 4.4000000000000004 } }, final_render_layer = "remnants", flags = { "placeable-neutral", "building-direction-8-way", "not-on-map" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/rocket-silo.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "remnant-name", { "entity-name.rocket-silo" } }, name = "rocket-silo-remnants", order = "a-h-a", remove_on_tile_placement = false, selectable_in_game = false, selection_box = { { -4.5, -4.5 }, { 4.5, 4.5 } }, subgroup = "defensive-structure-remnants", tile_height = 9, tile_width = 9, time_before_removed = 54000, type = "corpse" }, ["small-biter-corpse"] = { animation = { layers = { { direction_count = 16, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-04.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-05.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-06.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-07.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-08.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-09.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-10.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-11.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-12.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-13.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-14.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-15.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-16.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-17.png" }, frame_count = 17, height = 202, hr_version = { direction_count = 16, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-04.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-05.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-06.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-07.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-08.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-09.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-10.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-11.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-12.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-13.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-14.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-15.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-16.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-17.png" }, frame_count = 17, height = 402, line_length = 4, lines_per_file = 4, scale = 0.25, shift = { 0, -0.0625 }, slice = 4, width = 544 }, line_length = 4, lines_per_file = 4, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03125, -0.0625 }, slice = 4, width = 276 }, { direction_count = 16, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-mask1-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-mask1-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-mask1-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-mask1-04.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-mask1-05.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-mask1-06.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-mask1-07.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-mask1-08.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-mask1-09.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-mask1-10.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-mask1-11.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-mask1-12.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-mask1-13.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-mask1-14.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-mask1-15.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-mask1-16.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-mask1-17.png" }, flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 17, height = 166, hr_version = { direction_count = 16, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-mask1-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-mask1-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-mask1-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-mask1-04.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-mask1-05.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-mask1-06.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-mask1-07.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-mask1-08.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-mask1-09.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-mask1-10.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-mask1-11.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-mask1-12.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-mask1-13.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-mask1-14.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-mask1-15.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-mask1-16.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-mask1-17.png" }, frame_count = 17, height = 328, line_length = 4, lines_per_file = 4, scale = 0.25, shift = { -0.015625, -0.328125 }, slice = 4, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.50999999999999996, g = 0.57999999999999998, r = 0.6 }, width = 398 }, line_length = 4, lines_per_file = 4, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.34375 }, slice = 4, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["small-biter-corpse"].animation.layers[2].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 198 }, { direction_count = 16, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-mask2-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-mask2-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-mask2-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-mask2-04.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-mask2-05.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-mask2-06.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-mask2-07.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-mask2-08.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-mask2-09.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-mask2-10.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-mask2-11.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-mask2-12.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-mask2-13.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-mask2-14.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-mask2-15.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-mask2-16.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-mask2-17.png" }, flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 17, height = 166, hr_version = { direction_count = 16, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-mask2-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-mask2-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-mask2-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-mask2-04.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-mask2-05.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-mask2-06.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-mask2-07.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-mask2-08.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-mask2-09.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-mask2-10.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-mask2-11.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-mask2-12.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-mask2-13.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-mask2-14.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-mask2-15.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-mask2-16.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-mask2-17.png" }, frame_count = 17, height = 330, line_length = 4, lines_per_file = 4, scale = 0.25, shift = { -0.015625, -0.34375 }, slice = 4, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.54000000000000004, g = 0.82999999999999989, r = 0.9 }, width = 396 }, line_length = 4, lines_per_file = 4, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03125, -0.34375 }, slice = 4, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["small-biter-corpse"].animation.layers[3].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 200 }, { direction_count = 16, draw_as_shadow = true, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-shadow-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-shadow-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-shadow-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-shadow-04.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-shadow-05.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-shadow-06.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-shadow-07.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-shadow-08.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-shadow-09.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-shadow-10.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-shadow-11.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-shadow-12.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-shadow-13.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-shadow-14.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-shadow-15.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-shadow-16.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-die-shadow-17.png" }, frame_count = 17, height = 192, hr_version = { direction_count = 16, draw_as_shadow = true, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-shadow-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-shadow-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-shadow-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-shadow-04.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-shadow-05.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-shadow-06.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-shadow-07.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-shadow-08.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-shadow-09.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-shadow-10.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-shadow-11.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-shadow-12.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-shadow-13.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-shadow-14.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-shadow-15.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-shadow-16.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-die-shadow-17.png" }, frame_count = 17, height = 384, line_length = 4, lines_per_file = 4, scale = 0.25, shift = { 0.0625, 0 }, slice = 4, width = 564 }, line_length = 4, lines_per_file = 4, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0625, 0 }, slice = 4, width = 282 } } }, direction_shuffle = { { 1, 2, 3, 16 }, { 4, 5, 6, 7 }, { 8, 9, 10, 11 }, { 12, 13, 14, 15 } }, dying_speed = 0.04, final_render_layer = "lower-object-above-shadow", flags = { "placeable-neutral", "placeable-off-grid", "building-direction-8-way", "not-repairable", "not-on-map" }, ground_patch = { sheet = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/blood-puddle-var-main.png", flags = { "low-object" }, frame_count = 1, height = 68, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-blood-puddle-var-main.png", flags = { "low-object" }, frame_count = 1, height = 134, line_length = 4, scale = 0.25, shift = { -0.015625, -0.015625 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.54000000000000004, g = 0.090000000000000018, r = 0.54000000000000004 }, variation_count = 4, width = 164 }, line_length = 4, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.03125, 0 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.54000000000000004, g = 0.090000000000000018, r = 0.54000000000000004 }, variation_count = 4, width = 84 } }, ground_patch_fade_in_delay = 50, ground_patch_fade_in_speed = 0.002, ground_patch_fade_out_duration = 1200, ground_patch_fade_out_start = 3000, ground_patch_render_layer = "decals", icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/small-biter-corpse.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "small-biter-corpse", order = "c[corpse]-a[biter]-a[small]", selectable_in_game = false, selection_box = { { -0.8, -0.8 }, { 0.8, 0.8 } }, shuffle_directions_at_frame = 7, subgroup = "corpses", time_before_removed = 54000, type = "corpse" }, ["small-electric-pole-remnants"] = { animation = { { layers = { { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/small-electric-pole/remnants/small-electric-pole-base-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 54, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/small-electric-pole/remnants/hr-small-electric-pole-base-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 106, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.53125, -0.03125 }, width = 180, y = 0 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0.53125, -0.03125 }, width = 90, y = 0 } } }, { layers = { { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/small-electric-pole/remnants/small-electric-pole-base-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 54, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/small-electric-pole/remnants/hr-small-electric-pole-base-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 106, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.53125, -0.03125 }, width = 180, y = 106 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0.53125, -0.03125 }, width = 90, y = 54 } } }, { layers = { { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/small-electric-pole/remnants/small-electric-pole-base-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 54, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/small-electric-pole/remnants/hr-small-electric-pole-base-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 106, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.53125, -0.03125 }, width = 180, y = 212 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0.53125, -0.03125 }, width = 90, y = 108 } } }, { layers = { { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/small-electric-pole/remnants/small-electric-pole-base-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 54, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/small-electric-pole/remnants/hr-small-electric-pole-base-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 106, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.53125, -0.03125 }, width = 180, y = 318 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0.53125, -0.03125 }, width = 90, y = 162 } } } }, animation_overlay = { { layers = { { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/small-electric-pole/remnants/small-electric-pole-top-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 62, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/small-electric-pole/remnants/hr-small-electric-pole-top-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 120, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.109375, -0.671875 }, width = 86, y = 0 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0.125, -0.65625 }, width = 44, y = 0 } } }, { layers = { { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/small-electric-pole/remnants/small-electric-pole-top-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 62, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/small-electric-pole/remnants/hr-small-electric-pole-top-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 120, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.109375, -0.671875 }, width = 86, y = 120 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0.125, -0.65625 }, width = 44, y = 62 } } }, { layers = { { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/small-electric-pole/remnants/small-electric-pole-top-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 62, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/small-electric-pole/remnants/hr-small-electric-pole-top-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 120, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.109375, -0.671875 }, width = 86, y = 240 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0.125, -0.65625 }, width = 44, y = 124 } } }, { layers = { { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/small-electric-pole/remnants/small-electric-pole-top-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 62, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/small-electric-pole/remnants/hr-small-electric-pole-top-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 120, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.109375, -0.671875 }, width = 86, y = 360 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0.125, -0.65625 }, width = 44, y = 186 } } } }, animation_overlay_final_render_layer = "object", collision_box = { { -0.4, -0.4 }, { 0.4, 0.4 } }, final_render_layer = "remnants", flags = { "placeable-neutral", "not-on-map" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/small-electric-pole.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "remnant-name", { "entity-name.small-electric-pole" } }, name = "small-electric-pole-remnants", order = "a-a-a", remove_on_tile_placement = false, selectable_in_game = false, selection_box = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, subgroup = "energy-pipe-distribution-remnants", tile_height = 1, tile_width = 1, time_before_removed = 54000, type = "corpse" }, ["small-remnants"] = { animation = { { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/remnants/small-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 56, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/remnants/hr-small-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 110, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, 0.109375 }, width = 112, y = 0 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0, 0.125 }, width = 56, y = 0 }, { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/remnants/small-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 56, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/remnants/hr-small-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 110, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, 0.109375 }, width = 112, y = 110 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0, 0.125 }, width = 56, y = 56 } }, final_render_layer = "remnants", flags = { "placeable-neutral", "building-direction-8-way", "not-on-map" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/remnants.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "entity-name.small-remnants" }, name = "small-remnants", order = "a-a-a", remove_on_tile_placement = false, selectable_in_game = false, selection_box = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, subgroup = "generic-remnants", tile_height = 1, tile_width = 1, time_before_removed = 54000, type = "corpse" }, ["small-scorchmark"] = { collision_box = { { -1.5, -1.5 }, { 1.5, 1.5 } }, collision_mask = { "doodad-layer", "not-colliding-with-itself" }, final_render_layer = "ground-patch-higher2", flags = { "placeable-neutral", "not-on-map", "placeable-off-grid" }, ground_patch = { sheet = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/scorchmark/small-scorchmark.png", height = 92, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/scorchmark/hr-small-scorchmark.png", height = 182, line_length = 4, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, 0.0625 }, variation_count = 4, width = 256 }, line_length = 4, shift = { 0, 0.0625 }, variation_count = 4, width = 128 } }, ground_patch_higher = { sheet = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/scorchmark/small-scorchmark-top.png", height = 28, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/scorchmark/hr-small-scorchmark-top.png", height = 54, line_length = 4, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.0625 }, variation_count = 4, width = 68 }, line_length = 4, shift = { 0, -0.0625 }, variation_count = 4, width = 34 } }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/small-scorchmark.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "small-scorchmark", order = "a-a-a", remove_on_entity_placement = false, remove_on_tile_placement = true, selectable_in_game = false, selection_box = { { -1, -1 }, { 1, 1 } }, subgroup = "scorchmarks", time_before_removed = 36000, type = "corpse", use_tile_color_for_ground_patch_tint = false }, ["small-scorchmark-tintable"] = { collision_box = { { -1.5, -1.5 }, { 1.5, 1.5 } }, collision_mask = { "doodad-layer", "not-colliding-with-itself" }, final_render_layer = "ground-patch-higher2", flags = { "placeable-neutral", "not-on-map", "placeable-off-grid" }, ground_patch = { sheet = { apply_runtime_tint = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/scorchmark/small-scorchmark-tintable.png", height = 92, hr_version = { apply_runtime_tint = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/scorchmark/hr-small-scorchmark-tintable.png", height = 182, line_length = 4, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, 0.0625 }, variation_count = 4, width = 256 }, line_length = 4, shift = { 0, 0.0625 }, variation_count = 4, width = 128 } }, ground_patch_higher = { sheet = { apply_runtime_tint = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/scorchmark/small-scorchmark-tintable-top.png", height = 28, hr_version = { apply_runtime_tint = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/scorchmark/hr-small-scorchmark-tintable-top.png", height = 54, line_length = 4, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.0625 }, variation_count = 4, width = 68 }, line_length = 4, shift = { 0, -0.0625 }, variation_count = 4, width = 34 } }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/small-scorchmark.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "small-scorchmark-tintable", order = "a-b-a", remove_on_entity_placement = false, remove_on_tile_placement = true, selectable_in_game = false, selection_box = { { -1, -1 }, { 1, 1 } }, subgroup = "scorchmarks", time_before_removed = 36000, type = "corpse", use_tile_color_for_ground_patch_tint = true }, ["small-spitter-corpse"] = { animation = { layers = { { direction_count = 16, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-die-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-die-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-die-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-die-04.png" }, frame_count = 14, height = 128, hr_version = { direction_count = 16, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-die-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-die-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-die-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-die-04.png" }, frame_count = 14, height = 254, line_length = 7, lines_per_file = 8, scale = 0.25, shift = { 0, -0.234375 }, slice = 7, width = 282 }, line_length = 7, lines_per_file = 8, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.25 }, slice = 7, width = 142 }, { direction_count = 16, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-die-mask1-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-die-mask1-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-die-mask1-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-die-mask1-04.png" }, flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 14, height = 114, hr_version = { direction_count = 16, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-die-mask1-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-die-mask1-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-die-mask1-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-die-mask1-04.png" }, frame_count = 14, height = 228, line_length = 7, lines_per_file = 8, scale = 0.25, shift = { 0, -0.25 }, slice = 7, tint = { a = 1, b = 0, g = 0.60999999999999996, r = 0.93999999999999986 }, width = 258 }, line_length = 7, lines_per_file = 8, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.25 }, slice = 7, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["small-spitter-corpse"].animation.layers[2].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 130 }, { direction_count = 16, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-die-mask2-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-die-mask2-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-die-mask2-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-die-mask2-04.png" }, flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 14, height = 114, hr_version = { direction_count = 16, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-die-mask2-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-die-mask2-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-die-mask2-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-die-mask2-04.png" }, frame_count = 14, height = 228, line_length = 7, lines_per_file = 8, scale = 0.25, shift = { -0.015625, -0.25 }, slice = 7, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.86999999999999993, g = 0.92000000000000011, r = 0.90999999999999996 }, width = 260 }, line_length = 7, lines_per_file = 8, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.25 }, slice = 7, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["small-spitter-corpse"].animation.layers[3].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 128 }, { direction_count = 16, draw_as_shadow = true, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-die-shadow-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-die-shadow-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-die-shadow-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-die-shadow-04.png" }, frame_count = 14, height = 104, hr_version = { direction_count = 16, draw_as_shadow = true, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-die-shadow-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-die-shadow-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-die-shadow-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-die-shadow-04.png" }, frame_count = 14, height = 204, line_length = 7, lines_per_file = 8, scale = 0.25, shift = { 0.296875, -0.015625 }, slice = 7, width = 356 }, line_length = 7, lines_per_file = 8, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.28125, -0.03125 }, slice = 7, width = 180 } } }, direction_shuffle = { { 1, 2, 3, 16 }, { 4, 5, 6, 7 }, { 8, 9, 10, 11 }, { 12, 13, 14, 15 } }, dying_speed = 0.04, final_render_layer = "lower-object-above-shadow", flags = { "placeable-neutral", "placeable-off-grid", "building-direction-8-way", "not-on-map" }, ground_patch = { sheet = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/blood-puddle-var-main.png", flags = { "low-object" }, frame_count = 1, height = 68, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-blood-puddle-var-main.png", flags = { "low-object" }, frame_count = 1, height = 134, line_length = 4, scale = 0.25, shift = { -0.015625, -0.015625 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.54000000000000004, g = 0.090000000000000018, r = 0.54000000000000004 }, variation_count = 4, width = 164 }, line_length = 4, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.03125, 0 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.54000000000000004, g = 0.090000000000000018, r = 0.54000000000000004 }, variation_count = 4, width = 84 } }, ground_patch_fade_in_delay = 50, ground_patch_fade_in_speed = 0.002, ground_patch_fade_out_duration = 1200, ground_patch_fade_out_start = 3000, ground_patch_render_layer = "decals", icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/big-biter-corpse.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "small-spitter-corpse", order = "c[corpse]-b[spitter]-a[small]", selectable_in_game = false, selection_box = { { -1, -1 }, { 1, 1 } }, shuffle_directions_at_frame = 4, subgroup = "corpses", time_before_removed = 54000, type = "corpse" }, ["small-worm-corpse"] = { animation = { { layers = { { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-die-01.png", frame_count = 24, height = 186, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-die-01.png", frame_count = 24, height = 372, line_length = 6, scale = 0.325, shift = { 0.3859375, -0.52812500000000009 }, width = 262 }, line_length = 6, scale = 0.65, shift = { 0.36562500000000004, -0.52812500000000009 }, width = 134 }, { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-die-01-mask.png", flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 24, height = 160, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-die-01-mask.png", flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 24, height = 318, line_length = 6, scale = 0.325, shift = { 0.3046875, -0.3859375 }, tint = { a = 0.5, b = 0.3, g = 1, r = 0.7 }, width = 250 }, line_length = 6, scale = 0.65, shift = { 0.3046875, -0.3859375 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["small-worm-corpse"].animation[1].layers[2].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 124 }, { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-die-01-shadow.png", frame_count = 24, height = 106, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-die-01-shadow.png", frame_count = 24, height = 210, line_length = 6, scale = 0.325, shift = { 1.096875, 0.325 }, width = 404 }, line_length = 6, scale = 0.65, shift = { 1.096875, 0.325 }, width = 202 } } }, { layers = { { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-die-02.png", frame_count = 24, height = 164, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-die-02.png", frame_count = 24, height = 322, line_length = 6, scale = 0.325, shift = { -0.9546875, -0.8328125 }, width = 362 }, line_length = 6, scale = 0.65, shift = { -0.975, -0.853125 }, width = 184 }, { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-die-02-mask.png", flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 24, height = 144, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-die-02-mask.png", flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 24, height = 282, line_length = 6, scale = 0.325, shift = { -0.6703125, -0.62968750000000009 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["small-worm-corpse"].animation[1].layers[2].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 306 }, line_length = 6, scale = 0.65, shift = { -0.6703125, -0.62968750000000009 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["small-worm-corpse"].animation[1].layers[2].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 156 }, { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-die-02-shadow.png", frame_count = 24, height = 82, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-die-02-shadow.png", frame_count = 24, height = 160, line_length = 6, scale = 0.325, shift = { 0.3453125, 0.1015625 }, width = 588 }, line_length = 6, scale = 0.65, shift = { 0.325, 0.08125 }, width = 296 } } }, { layers = { { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-die-03.png", frame_count = 24, height = 164, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-die-03.png", frame_count = 24, height = 328, line_length = 6, scale = 0.325, shift = { 0.325, -0.975 }, width = 260 }, line_length = 6, scale = 0.65, shift = { 0.325, -0.975 }, width = 130 }, { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-die-03-mask.png", flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 24, height = 136, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-die-03-mask.png", flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 24, height = 272, line_length = 6, scale = 0.325, shift = { 0.284375, -0.690625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["small-worm-corpse"].animation[1].layers[2].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 246 }, line_length = 6, scale = 0.65, shift = { 0.284375, -0.690625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["small-worm-corpse"].animation[1].layers[2].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 124 }, { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-die-03-shadow.png", frame_count = 24, height = 116, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-die-03-shadow.png", frame_count = 24, height = 224, line_length = 6, scale = 0.325, shift = { 1.0765625000000001, -0.65 }, width = 404 }, line_length = 6, scale = 0.65, shift = { 1.0562500000000001, -0.690625 }, width = 204 } } } }, dying_speed = 0.01, final_render_layer = "lower-object-above-shadow", flags = { "placeable-neutral", "placeable-off-grid", "building-direction-8-way", "not-repairable", "not-on-map" }, ground_patch = { sheet = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-integration.png", frame_count = 1, height = 122, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-integration.png", frame_count = 1, height = 240, scale = 0.325, shift = { 0.08125, -0.0203125 }, variation_count = 1, width = 332 }, scale = 0.65, shift = { 0.08125, -0.040625 }, variation_count = 1, width = 166 } }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/small-worm-corpse.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "small-worm-corpse", order = "c[corpse]-c[worm]-a[small]", selectable_in_game = false, selection_box = { { -0.8, -0.8 }, { 0.8, 0.8 } }, subgroup = "corpses", time_before_removed = 54000, type = "corpse" }, ["solar-panel-remnants"] = { animation = { { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/solar-panel/remnants/solar-panel-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 142, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/solar-panel/remnants/hr-solar-panel-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 282, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.109375, 0 }, variation_count = 1, width = 290, y = 0 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0.125, 0 }, variation_count = 1, width = 146, y = 0 }, { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/solar-panel/remnants/solar-panel-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 142, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/solar-panel/remnants/hr-solar-panel-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 282, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.109375, 0 }, variation_count = 1, width = 290, y = 282 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0.125, 0 }, variation_count = 1, width = 146, y = 142 } }, final_render_layer = "remnants", flags = { "placeable-neutral", "not-on-map" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/solar-panel.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "remnant-name", { "" } }, name = "solar-panel-remnants", order = "a-c-a", remove_on_tile_placement = false, selectable_in_game = false, selection_box = { { -1.5, -1.5 }, { 1.5, 1.5 } }, subgroup = "energy-remnants", tile_height = 3, tile_width = 3, time_before_removed = 54000, type = "corpse" }, ["spidertron-remnants"] = { animation = { { layers = { { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/remnants/spidertron-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 224, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/remnants/hr-spidertron-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 448, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, 0 }, variation_count = 1, width = 448, y = 0 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0, 0 }, variation_count = 1, width = 224, y = 0 }, { apply_runtime_tint = true, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/remnants/mask/spidertron-remnants-mask.png", frame_count = 1, height = 176, hr_version = { apply_runtime_tint = true, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/remnants/mask/hr-spidertron-remnants-mask.png", frame_count = 1, height = 350, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.28125, 0.03125 }, width = 366, y = 0 }, priority = "low", shift = { 0.28125, 0.03125 }, width = 184, y = 0 } } } }, final_render_layer = "remnants", flags = { "placeable-neutral", "not-on-map" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/spidertron.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "remnant-name", { "entity-name.spidertron" } }, name = "spidertron-remnants", order = "a-l-a", remove_on_tile_placement = false, selectable_in_game = false, selection_box = { { -3, -3 }, { 3, 3 } }, subgroup = "transport-remnants", tile_height = 3, tile_width = 3, time_before_removed = 54000, type = "corpse" }, ["spitter-spawner-corpse"] = { animation = { { layers = { { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spawner/spawner-die.png", frame_count = 8, height = 178, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spawner/hr-spawner-die.png", frame_count = 8, height = 354, line_length = 8, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.09375, -0.0625 }, width = 490, y = 0 }, line_length = 8, shift = { 0.0625, -0.0625 }, width = 248, y = 0 }, { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spawner/spawner-die-mask.png", flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 8, height = 118, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spawner/hr-spawner-die-mask.png", flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 8, height = 234, line_length = 8, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03125, -0.4375 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.09, g = 0.09, r = 0.99000000000000004 }, width = 276, y = 0 }, line_length = 8, shift = { -0.0625, -0.4375 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["spitter-spawner-corpse"].animation[1].layers[2].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 140, y = 0 }, { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spawner/spawner-die-shadow.png", frame_count = 8, height = 176, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spawner/hr-spawner-die-shadow.png", frame_count = 8, height = 406, line_length = 8, scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.125, 0.3125 }, width = 466, y = 0 }, line_length = 8, shift = { 1.125, -0.0625 }, width = 232, y = 0 } } }, { layers = { { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spawner/spawner-die.png", frame_count = 8, height = 178, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spawner/hr-spawner-die.png", frame_count = 8, height = 354, line_length = 8, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.09375, -0.0625 }, width = 490, y = 354 }, line_length = 8, shift = { 0.0625, -0.0625 }, width = 248, y = 178 }, { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spawner/spawner-die-mask.png", flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 8, height = 118, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spawner/hr-spawner-die-mask.png", flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 8, height = 234, line_length = 8, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03125, -0.4375 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["spitter-spawner-corpse"].animation[1].layers[2].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 276, y = 234 }, line_length = 8, shift = { -0.0625, -0.4375 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["spitter-spawner-corpse"].animation[1].layers[2].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 140, y = 118 }, { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spawner/spawner-die-shadow.png", frame_count = 8, height = 176, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spawner/hr-spawner-die-shadow.png", frame_count = 8, height = 406, line_length = 8, scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.125, 0.3125 }, width = 466, y = 406 }, line_length = 8, shift = { 1.125, -0.0625 }, width = 232, y = 176 } } }, { layers = { { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spawner/spawner-die.png", frame_count = 8, height = 178, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spawner/hr-spawner-die.png", frame_count = 8, height = 354, line_length = 8, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.09375, -0.0625 }, width = 490, y = 708 }, line_length = 8, shift = { 0.0625, -0.0625 }, width = 248, y = 356 }, { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spawner/spawner-die-mask.png", flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 8, height = 118, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spawner/hr-spawner-die-mask.png", flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 8, height = 234, line_length = 8, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03125, -0.4375 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["spitter-spawner-corpse"].animation[1].layers[2].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 276, y = 468 }, line_length = 8, shift = { -0.0625, -0.4375 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["spitter-spawner-corpse"].animation[1].layers[2].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 140, y = 236 }, { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spawner/spawner-die-shadow.png", frame_count = 8, height = 176, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spawner/hr-spawner-die-shadow.png", frame_count = 8, height = 406, line_length = 8, scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.125, 0.3125 }, width = 466, y = 812 }, line_length = 8, shift = { 1.125, -0.0625 }, width = 232, y = 352 } } }, { layers = { { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spawner/spawner-die.png", frame_count = 8, height = 178, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spawner/hr-spawner-die.png", frame_count = 8, height = 354, line_length = 8, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.09375, -0.0625 }, width = 490, y = 1062 }, line_length = 8, shift = { 0.0625, -0.0625 }, width = 248, y = 534 }, { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spawner/spawner-die-mask.png", flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 8, height = 118, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spawner/hr-spawner-die-mask.png", flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 8, height = 234, line_length = 8, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03125, -0.4375 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["spitter-spawner-corpse"].animation[1].layers[2].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 276, y = 702 }, line_length = 8, shift = { -0.0625, -0.4375 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["spitter-spawner-corpse"].animation[1].layers[2].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 140, y = 354 }, { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spawner/spawner-die-shadow.png", frame_count = 8, height = 176, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spawner/hr-spawner-die-shadow.png", frame_count = 8, height = 406, line_length = 8, scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.125, 0.3125 }, width = 466, y = 1218 }, line_length = 8, shift = { 1.125, -0.0625 }, width = 232, y = 528 } } } }, collision_box = { { -2, -2 }, { 2, 2 } }, dying_speed = 0.04, final_render_layer = "remnants", flags = { "placeable-neutral", "placeable-off-grid", "not-on-map" }, ground_patch = { sheet = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spawner/spawner-idle-integration.png", frame_count = 1, height = 188, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spawner/hr-spawner-idle-integration.png", frame_count = 1, height = 380, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.09375, -0.09375 }, variation_count = 4, width = 522 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0.0625, -0.0625 }, variation_count = 4, width = 258 } }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/biter-spawner-corpse.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "spitter-spawner-corpse", order = "c[corpse]-c[spitter-spawner]", selectable_in_game = false, selection_box = { { -2, -2 }, { 2, 2 } }, subgroup = "corpses", time_before_removed = 54000, type = "corpse" }, ["splitter-remnants"] = { animation = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 4, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/splitter/remnants/splitter-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 96, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 4, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/splitter/remnants/hr-splitter-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 190, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.109375, 0.046875 }, variation_count = 1, width = 190 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0.125, 0.046875 }, variation_count = 1, width = 96 }, final_render_layer = "remnants", flags = { "placeable-neutral", "not-on-map" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/splitter.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "remnant-name", { "entity-name.splitter" } }, name = "splitter-remnants", order = "a-g-a", remove_on_tile_placement = false, selectable_in_game = false, selection_box = { { -0.9, -0.5 }, { 0.9, 0.5 } }, subgroup = "belt-remnants", tile_height = 1, tile_width = 2, time_before_removed = 54000, type = "corpse" }, ["stack-filter-inserter-remnants"] = { animation = { { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/stack-filter-inserter/remnants/stack-filter-inserter-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 50, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/stack-filter-inserter/remnants/hr-stack-filter-inserter-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 96, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.09375, -0.046875 }, variation_count = 1, width = 132, y = 0 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0.09375, -0.03125 }, variation_count = 1, width = 66, y = 0 }, { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/stack-filter-inserter/remnants/stack-filter-inserter-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 50, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/stack-filter-inserter/remnants/hr-stack-filter-inserter-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 96, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.09375, -0.046875 }, variation_count = 1, width = 132, y = 96 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0.09375, -0.03125 }, variation_count = 1, width = 66, y = 50 }, { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/stack-filter-inserter/remnants/stack-filter-inserter-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 50, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/stack-filter-inserter/remnants/hr-stack-filter-inserter-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 96, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.09375, -0.046875 }, variation_count = 1, width = 132, y = 192 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0.09375, -0.03125 }, variation_count = 1, width = 66, y = 100 }, { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/stack-filter-inserter/remnants/stack-filter-inserter-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 50, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/stack-filter-inserter/remnants/hr-stack-filter-inserter-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 96, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.09375, -0.046875 }, variation_count = 1, width = 132, y = 288 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0.09375, -0.03125 }, variation_count = 1, width = 66, y = 150 } }, final_render_layer = "remnants", flags = { "placeable-neutral", "not-on-map" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/stack-filter-inserter.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "remnant-name", { "entity-name.stack-filter-inserter" } }, name = "stack-filter-inserter-remnants", order = "a-g-a", remove_on_tile_placement = false, selectable_in_game = false, selection_box = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, subgroup = "inserter-remnants", tile_height = 1, tile_width = 1, time_before_removed = 54000, type = "corpse" }, ["stack-inserter-remnants"] = { animation = { { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/stack-inserter/remnants/stack-inserter-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 50, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/stack-inserter/remnants/hr-stack-inserter-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 96, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.09375, -0.046875 }, variation_count = 1, width = 132, y = 0 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0.09375, -0.03125 }, variation_count = 1, width = 66, y = 0 }, { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/stack-inserter/remnants/stack-inserter-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 50, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/stack-inserter/remnants/hr-stack-inserter-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 96, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.09375, -0.046875 }, variation_count = 1, width = 132, y = 96 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0.09375, -0.03125 }, variation_count = 1, width = 66, y = 50 }, { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/stack-inserter/remnants/stack-inserter-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 50, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/stack-inserter/remnants/hr-stack-inserter-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 96, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.09375, -0.046875 }, variation_count = 1, width = 132, y = 192 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0.09375, -0.03125 }, variation_count = 1, width = 66, y = 100 }, { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/stack-inserter/remnants/stack-inserter-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 50, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/stack-inserter/remnants/hr-stack-inserter-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 96, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.09375, -0.046875 }, variation_count = 1, width = 132, y = 288 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0.09375, -0.03125 }, variation_count = 1, width = 66, y = 150 } }, final_render_layer = "remnants", flags = { "placeable-neutral", "not-on-map" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/stack-inserter.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "remnant-name", { "entity-name.stack-inserter" } }, name = "stack-inserter-remnants", order = "a-f-a", remove_on_tile_placement = false, selectable_in_game = false, selection_box = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, subgroup = "inserter-remnants", tile_height = 1, tile_width = 1, time_before_removed = 54000, type = "corpse" }, ["steam-engine-remnants"] = { animation = { { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 4, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/steam-engine/remnants/steam-engine-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 194, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 4, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/steam-engine/remnants/hr-steam-engine-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 386, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.53125, 0.203125 }, variation_count = 1, width = 462, y = 0 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0.53125, 0.21875 }, variation_count = 1, width = 232, y = 0 } }, final_render_layer = "remnants", flags = { "placeable-neutral", "not-on-map" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/steam-engine.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "remnant-name", { "entity-name.steam-engine" } }, name = "steam-engine-remnants", order = "a-b-a", remove_on_tile_placement = false, selectable_in_game = false, selection_box = { { -1.5, -2.5 }, { 1.5, 2.5 } }, subgroup = "energy-remnants", tile_height = 5, tile_width = 3, time_before_removed = 54000, type = "corpse" }, ["steam-turbine-remnants"] = { animation = { { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 4, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/steam-turbine/remnants/steam-turbine-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 204, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 4, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/steam-turbine/remnants/hr-steam-turbine-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 408, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1875, 0 }, variation_count = 1, width = 460, y = 0 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0.1875, 0 }, variation_count = 1, width = 230, y = 0 } }, final_render_layer = "remnants", flags = { "placeable-neutral", "not-on-map" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/steam-turbine.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "remnant-name", { "entity-name.steam-turbine" } }, name = "steam-turbine-remnants", order = "a-h-a", remove_on_tile_placement = false, selectable_in_game = false, selection_box = { { -1.5, -2.5 }, { 1.5, 2.5 } }, subgroup = "energy-remnants", tile_height = 5, tile_width = 3, time_before_removed = 54000, type = "corpse" }, ["steel-chest-remnants"] = { animation = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/steel-chest/remnants/steel-chest-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 44, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/steel-chest/remnants/hr-steel-chest-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 88, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.46875, -0.03125 }, width = 150 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0.46875, -0.03125 }, width = 76 }, final_render_layer = "remnants", flags = { "placeable-neutral", "building-direction-8-way", "not-on-map" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/steel-chest.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "remnant-name", { "entity-name.steel-chest" } }, name = "steel-chest-remnants", order = "a-c-a", remove_on_tile_placement = false, selectable_in_game = false, selection_box = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, subgroup = "storage-remnants", tile_height = 1, tile_width = 1, time_before_removed = 54000, type = "corpse" }, ["steel-furnace-remnants"] = { animation = { { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/steel-furnace/remnants/steel-furnace-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 120, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/steel-furnace/remnants/hr-steel-furnace-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 238, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.125, 0.015625 }, width = 268, y = 0 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0.125, 0.03125 }, width = 134, y = 0 } }, final_render_layer = "remnants", flags = { "placeable-neutral", "building-direction-8-way", "not-on-map" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/steel-furnace.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "remnant-name", { "entity-name.steel-furnace" } }, name = "steel-furnace-remnants", order = "a-a-a", remove_on_tile_placement = false, selectable_in_game = false, selection_box = { { -1, -1 }, { 1, 1 } }, subgroup = "smelting-machine-remnants", tile_height = 2, tile_width = 2, time_before_removed = 54000, type = "corpse" }, ["stone-furnace-remnants"] = { animation = { { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/stone-furnace/remnants/stone-furnace-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 66, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/stone-furnace/remnants/hr-stone-furnace-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 130, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, 0.296875 }, width = 152, y = 0 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0, 0.3125 }, width = 76, y = 0 } }, final_render_layer = "remnants", flags = { "placeable-neutral", "building-direction-8-way", "not-on-map" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/stone-furnace.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "remnant-name", { "entity-name.stone-furnace" } }, name = "stone-furnace-remnants", order = "a-a-a", remove_on_tile_placement = false, selectable_in_game = false, selection_box = { { -1, -1 }, { 1, 1 } }, subgroup = "smelting-machine-remnants", tile_height = 2, tile_width = 2, time_before_removed = 54000, type = "corpse" }, ["storage-chest-remnants"] = { animation = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/logistic-chest/remnants/storage-chest-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 42, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/logistic-chest/remnants/hr-storage-chest-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 82, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.3125, -0.09375 }, width = 116 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0.328125, -0.078125 }, width = 60 }, final_render_layer = "remnants", flags = { "placeable-neutral", "building-direction-8-way", "not-on-map" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/logistic-chest-storage.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "remnant-name", { "entity-name.logistic-chest-storage" } }, name = "storage-chest-remnants", order = "a-e-a", remove_on_tile_placement = false, selectable_in_game = false, selection_box = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, subgroup = "logistic-network-remnants", tile_height = 1, tile_width = 1, time_before_removed = 54000, type = "corpse" }, ["storage-tank-remnants"] = { animation = { { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/storage-tank/remnants/storage-tank-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 142, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/storage-tank/remnants/hr-storage-tank-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 282, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.84375, 0.65625 }, width = 426, y = 0 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0.84375, 0.65625 }, width = 214, y = 0 } }, final_render_layer = "remnants", flags = { "placeable-neutral", "building-direction-8-way", "not-on-map" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/storage-tank.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "remnant-name", { "" } }, name = "storage-tank-remnants", order = "a-d-a", remove_on_tile_placement = false, selectable_in_game = false, selection_box = { { -1.5, -1.5 }, { 1.5, 1.5 } }, subgroup = "storage-remnants", tile_height = 3, tile_width = 3, time_before_removed = 54000, type = "corpse" }, ["substation-remnants"] = { animation = { { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/substation/remnants/substation-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 68, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/substation/remnants/hr-substation-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 134, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, variation_count = 1, width = 182, y = 0 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0.09375, 0.03125 }, variation_count = 1, width = 92, y = 0 } }, collision_box = { { -0.4, -0.4 }, { 0.4, 0.4 } }, final_render_layer = "remnants", flags = { "placeable-neutral", "not-on-map" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/substation.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "remnant-name", { "entity-name.substation" } }, name = "substation-remnants", order = "a-d-a", remove_on_tile_placement = false, selectable_in_game = false, selection_box = { { -1, -1 }, { 1, 1 } }, subgroup = "energy-pipe-distribution-remnants", tile_height = 2, tile_width = 2, time_before_removed = 54000, type = "corpse" }, ["tank-remnants"] = { animation = { layers = { { direction_count = 4, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tank/remnants/tank-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 190, hr_version = { direction_count = 4, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tank/remnants/hr-tank-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 380, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.125, 0.015625 }, width = 414 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0.125, 0 }, width = 208 }, { apply_runtime_tint = true, direction_count = 4, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tank/remnants/mask/tank-remnants-mask.png", frame_count = 1, height = 110, hr_version = { apply_runtime_tint = true, direction_count = 4, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tank/remnants/mask/hr-tank-remnants-mask.png", frame_count = 1, height = 218, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.203125, -0.046875 }, width = 250 }, priority = "low", shift = { 0.21875, -0.03125 }, width = 126 } } }, final_render_layer = "remnants", flags = { "placeable-neutral", "building-direction-8-way", "not-on-map" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/tank.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "remnant-name", { "entity-name.tank" } }, name = "tank-remnants", order = "a-k-a", remove_on_tile_placement = false, selectable_in_game = false, selection_box = { { -1.5, -2.5 }, { 1.5, 2.5 } }, subgroup = "transport-remnants", tile_height = 5, tile_width = 3, time_before_removed = 54000, type = "corpse" }, ["train-stop-remnants"] = { animation = { layers = { { direction_count = 4, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/train-stop/remnants/train-stop-base-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 228, hr_version = { direction_count = 4, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/train-stop/remnants/hr-train-stop-base-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 454, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.140625, 0.421875 }, width = 486 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0.15625, 0.4375 }, width = 244 }, { apply_runtime_tint = true, direction_count = 4, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/train-stop/remnants/mask/train-stop-base-remnants-mask.png", frame_count = 1, height = 108, hr_version = { apply_runtime_tint = true, direction_count = 4, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/train-stop/remnants/mask/hr-train-stop-base-remnants-mask.png", frame_count = 1, height = 214, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03125, 0.015625 }, width = 284 }, priority = "low", shift = { -0.03125, 0.03125 }, width = 142 } } }, animation_overlay = { layers = { { direction_count = 4, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/train-stop/remnants/train-stop-top-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 128, hr_version = { direction_count = 4, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/train-stop/remnants/hr-train-stop-top-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 254, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.046875, -1.1875 }, width = 136 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0.03125, -1.1875 }, width = 68 } } }, animation_overlay_final_render_layer = "object", final_render_layer = "remnants", flags = { "placeable-neutral", "not-on-map" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/train-stop.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "remnant-name", { "entity-name.train-stop" } }, name = "train-stop-remnants", order = "a-c-a", remove_on_tile_placement = false, selectable_in_game = false, selection_box = { { -1, -1 }, { 1, 1 } }, subgroup = "train-transport-remnants", tile_height = 2, tile_width = 2, time_before_removed = 54000, type = "corpse" }, ["transport-belt-remnants"] = { animation = { { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 4, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/transport-belt/remnants/transport-belt-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 52, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 4, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/transport-belt/remnants/hr-transport-belt-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 102, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.03125, -0.015625 }, variation_count = 1, width = 106, y = 0 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0.03125, 0 }, variation_count = 1, width = 54, y = 0 }, { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 4, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/transport-belt/remnants/transport-belt-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 52, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 4, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/transport-belt/remnants/hr-transport-belt-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 102, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.03125, -0.015625 }, variation_count = 1, width = 106, y = 408 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0.03125, 0 }, variation_count = 1, width = 54, y = 208 } }, final_render_layer = "remnants", flags = { "placeable-neutral", "not-on-map" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/transport-belt.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "remnant-name", { "entity-name.transport-belt" } }, name = "transport-belt-remnants", order = "a-a-a", selectable_in_game = false, selection_box = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, subgroup = "belt-remnants", tile_height = 1, tile_width = 1, time_before_removed = 54000, type = "corpse" }, ["tree-01-stump"] = { animation = { { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/01/tree-01-a-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 35, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/01/hr-tree-01-a-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 68, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03125, -0.03125 }, width = 76 }, shift = { -0.0625, -0.0625 }, width = 39 }, { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/01/tree-01-b-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 33, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/01/hr-tree-01-b-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 66, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.03125 }, width = 72 }, shift = { -0.0625, -0.0625 }, width = 39 }, { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/01/tree-01-c-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 33, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/01/hr-tree-01-c-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 62, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.03125 }, width = 74 }, shift = { -0.0625, -0.0625 }, width = 39 }, { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/01/tree-01-d-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 35, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/01/hr-tree-01-d-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 68, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.09375 }, width = 82 }, shift = { 0, -0.125 }, width = 41 }, { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/01/tree-01-e-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 33, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/01/hr-tree-01-e-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 62, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.03125 }, width = 78 }, shift = { 0, -0.0625 }, width = 39 }, { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/01/tree-01-f-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 37, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/01/hr-tree-01-f-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 70, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.03125 }, width = 76 }, shift = { -0.0625, -0.0625 }, width = 41 }, { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/01/tree-01-g-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 33, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/01/hr-tree-01-g-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 62, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03125, -0.03125 }, width = 72 }, shift = { -0.0625, -0.0625 }, width = 37 }, { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/01/tree-01-h-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 35, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/01/hr-tree-01-h-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 64, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03125, -0.0625 }, width = 70 }, shift = { -0.0625, -0.125 }, width = 37 }, { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/01/tree-01-i-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 35, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/01/hr-tree-01-i-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 68, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0625, -0.15625 }, width = 82 }, shift = { 0.0625, -0.1875 }, width = 41 }, { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/01/tree-01-j-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 39, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/01/hr-tree-01-j-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 74, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.09375, -0.1875 }, width = 74 }, shift = { 0.0625, -0.25 }, width = 39 }, { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/01/tree-01-k-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 39, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/01/hr-tree-01-k-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 78, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.28125, 0.125 }, width = 86 }, shift = { -0.3125, 0.125 }, width = 45 }, { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/01/tree-01-l-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 101, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/01/hr-tree-01-l-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 202, scale = 0.5, shift = { 2.75, 0.96875 }, width = 396 }, shift = { 2.75, 0.9375 }, width = 197 } }, collision_box = { { -0.4, -0.4 }, { 0.4, 0.4 } }, final_render_layer = "remnants", flags = { "placeable-neutral", "placeable-off-grid", "not-on-map" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/tree-01-stump.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "entity-name.tree-stump" }, name = "tree-01-stump", order = "d[remnants]-b[tree]-a[tree-01]", selectable_in_game = false, selection_box = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, subgroup = "remnants", tile_height = 1, tile_width = 1, time_before_removed = 54000, type = "corpse" }, ["tree-02-stump"] = { animation = { { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/tree-02-a-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 34, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/hr-tree-02-a-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 70, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0625, -0.0625 }, width = 88 }, shift = { 0.0625, -0.0625 }, width = 44 }, { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/tree-02-b-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 30, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/hr-tree-02-b-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 60, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0625, -0.09375 }, width = 78 }, shift = { 0.0625, -0.125 }, width = 38 }, { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/tree-02-c-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 32, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/hr-tree-02-c-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 60, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0625, -0.0625 }, width = 78 }, shift = { 0.0625, -0.125 }, width = 38 }, { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/tree-02-d-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 40, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/hr-tree-02-d-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 80, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.21875, -0.1875 }, width = 102 }, shift = { 0.1875, -0.1875 }, width = 52 }, { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/tree-02-e-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 40, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/hr-tree-02-e-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 78, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.25, -0.15625 }, width = 100 }, shift = { 0.25, -0.1875 }, width = 50 }, { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/tree-02-f-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 40, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/hr-tree-02-f-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 78, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1875, -0.15625 }, width = 96 }, shift = { 0.1875, -0.1875 }, width = 48 }, { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/tree-02-g-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 32, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/hr-tree-02-g-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 66, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.0625 }, width = 78 }, shift = { 0, -0.0625 }, width = 38 }, { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/tree-02-h-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 32, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/hr-tree-02-h-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 66, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.03125, -0.0625 }, width = 80 }, shift = { 0.0625, -0.0625 }, width = 38 }, { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/tree-02-i-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 38, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/hr-tree-02-i-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 74, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.21875, -0.15625 }, width = 88 }, shift = { 0.1875, -0.1875 }, width = 44 }, { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/tree-02-j-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 32, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/hr-tree-02-j-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 66, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.15625, -0.125 }, width = 84 }, shift = { 0.1875, -0.125 }, width = 40 }, { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/tree-02-k-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 66, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/hr-tree-02-k-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 130, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.03125, 0.15625 }, width = 138 }, shift = { 0, 0.125 }, width = 70 }, { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/tree-02-l-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 48, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/hr-tree-02-l-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 100, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.875, -0.375 }, width = 188 }, shift = { 0.875, -0.375 }, width = 94 } }, collision_box = { { -0.4, -0.4 }, { 0.4, 0.4 } }, final_render_layer = "remnants", flags = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["tree-01-stump"].flags ]=], icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/tree-02-stump.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "entity-name.tree-stump" }, name = "tree-02-stump", order = "d[remnants]-b[tree]-b[tree-02]", selectable_in_game = false, selection_box = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, subgroup = "remnants", tile_height = 1, tile_width = 1, time_before_removed = 54000, type = "corpse" }, ["tree-03-stump"] = { animation = { { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/03/tree-03-a-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 41, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/03/hr-tree-03-a-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 80, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.03125, 0.0625 }, width = 100 }, shift = { 0, 0.0625 }, width = 53 }, { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/03/tree-03-b-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 43, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/03/hr-tree-03-b-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 84, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.125, 0 }, width = 106 }, shift = { -0.125, 0 }, width = 53 }, { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/03/tree-03-c-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 41, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/03/hr-tree-03-c-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 78, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.09375, -0.03125 }, width = 98 }, shift = { 0.0625, -0.0625 }, width = 51 }, { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/03/tree-03-d-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 41, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/03/hr-tree-03-d-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 78, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.15625, 0.03125 }, width = 96 }, shift = { -0.1875, 0 }, width = 51 }, { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/03/tree-03-e-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 39, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/03/hr-tree-03-e-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 74, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.09375, -0.09375 }, width = 98 }, shift = { -0.125, -0.125 }, width = 51 }, { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/03/tree-03-f-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 33, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/03/hr-tree-03-f-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 66, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.15625, 0 }, width = 90 }, shift = { 0.125, 0 }, width = 47 }, { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/03/tree-03-g-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 39, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/03/hr-tree-03-g-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 76, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, 0 }, width = 88 }, shift = { 0, 0 }, width = 45 }, { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/03/tree-03-h-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 41, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/03/hr-tree-03-h-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 74, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.0625, 0 }, width = 88 }, shift = { -0.0625, -0.0625 }, width = 45 }, { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/03/tree-03-i-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 43, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/03/hr-tree-03-i-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 80, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.03125, -0.09375 }, width = 92 }, shift = { 0, -0.125 }, width = 49 }, { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/03/tree-03-j-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 27, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/03/hr-tree-03-j-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 52, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.0625, 0 }, width = 58 }, shift = { -0.0625, 0 }, width = 29 }, { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/03/tree-03-k-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 25, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/03/hr-tree-03-k-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 46, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.0625, -0.03125 }, width = 52 }, shift = { -0.0625, -0.0625 }, width = 27 }, { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/03/tree-03-l-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 25, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/03/hr-tree-03-l-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 50, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.09375, 0 }, width = 62 }, shift = { 0.0625, 0 }, width = 33 } }, collision_box = { { -0.4, -0.4 }, { 0.4, 0.4 } }, final_render_layer = "remnants", flags = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["tree-01-stump"].flags ]=], icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/tree-03-stump.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "entity-name.tree-stump" }, name = "tree-03-stump", order = "d[remnants]-b[tree]-c[tree-03]", selectable_in_game = false, selection_box = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, subgroup = "remnants", tile_height = 1, tile_width = 1, time_before_removed = 54000, type = "corpse" }, ["tree-04-stump"] = { animation = { { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/04/tree-04-a-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 50, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/04/hr-tree-04-a-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 94, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.09375, -0.0625 }, width = 112 }, shift = { 0.0625, -0.125 }, width = 56 }, { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/04/tree-04-b-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 46, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/04/hr-tree-04-b-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 94, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03125, 0 }, width = 118 }, shift = { -0.0625, 0 }, width = 60 }, { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/04/tree-04-c-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 44, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/04/hr-tree-04-c-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 88, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.09375, 0 }, width = 108 }, shift = { -0.125, 0 }, width = 56 }, { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/04/tree-04-d-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 40, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/04/hr-tree-04-d-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 82, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.03125, -0.0625 }, width = 96 }, shift = { 0, -0.0625 }, width = 48 }, { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/04/tree-04-e-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 42, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/04/hr-tree-04-e-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 84, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.03125, -0.0625 }, width = 102 }, shift = { 0, -0.0625 }, width = 52 }, { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/04/tree-04-f-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 40, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/04/hr-tree-04-f-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 84, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.0625, 0 }, width = 100 }, shift = { -0.0625, 0 }, width = 48 }, { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/04/tree-04-g-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 42, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/04/hr-tree-04-g-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 86, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.125 }, width = 94 }, shift = { 0, -0.125 }, width = 46 }, { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/04/tree-04-h-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 46, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/04/hr-tree-04-h-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 92, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0625, -0.15625 }, width = 96 }, shift = { 0.0625, -0.1875 }, width = 48 }, { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/04/tree-04-i-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 34, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/04/hr-tree-04-i-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 68, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.09375, -0.0625 }, width = 82 }, shift = { 0.0625, -0.0625 }, width = 42 }, { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/04/tree-04-j-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 32, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/04/hr-tree-04-j-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 66, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.09375, -0.125 }, width = 78 }, shift = { -0.125, -0.125 }, width = 40 }, { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/04/tree-04-k-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 56, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/04/hr-tree-04-k-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 108, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.5625, -0.0625 }, width = 104 }, shift = { 0.5625, -0.125 }, width = 50 }, { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/04/tree-04-l-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 48, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/04/hr-tree-04-l-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 92, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.3125, -0.46875 }, width = 108 }, shift = { -0.375, -0.5 }, width = 56 } }, collision_box = { { -0.4, -0.4 }, { 0.4, 0.4 } }, final_render_layer = "remnants", flags = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["tree-01-stump"].flags ]=], icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/tree-04-stump.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "entity-name.tree-stump" }, name = "tree-04-stump", order = "d[remnants]-b[tree]-d[tree-04]", selectable_in_game = false, selection_box = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, subgroup = "remnants", tile_height = 1, tile_width = 1, time_before_removed = 54000, type = "corpse" }, ["tree-05-stump"] = { animation = { { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/05/tree-05-a-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 32, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/05/hr-tree-05-a-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 64, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03125, 0 }, width = 88 }, shift = { -0.0625, 0 }, width = 46 }, { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/05/tree-05-b-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 34, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/05/hr-tree-05-b-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 68, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03125, 0 }, width = 78 }, shift = { 0, 0 }, width = 38 }, { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/05/tree-05-c-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 34, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/05/hr-tree-05-c-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 64, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03125, -0.03125 }, width = 84 }, shift = { 0, -0.0625 }, width = 40 }, { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/05/tree-05-d-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 36, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/05/hr-tree-05-d-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 70, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.03125, 0 }, width = 78 }, shift = { 0, 0 }, width = 42 }, { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/05/tree-05-e-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 34, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/05/hr-tree-05-e-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 64, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.03125 }, width = 80 }, shift = { 0, -0.0625 }, width = 40 }, { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/05/tree-05-f-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 36, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/05/hr-tree-05-f-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 68, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03125, -0.03125 }, width = 80 }, shift = { 0, -0.0625 }, width = 38 }, { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/05/tree-05-g-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 40, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/05/hr-tree-05-g-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 74, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.15625 }, width = 64 }, shift = { 0, -0.1875 }, width = 32 }, { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/05/tree-05-h-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 36, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/05/hr-tree-05-h-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 76, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.15625 }, width = 72 }, shift = { 0, -0.125 }, width = 36 }, { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/05/tree-05-i-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 32, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/05/hr-tree-05-i-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 60, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.09375 }, width = 58 }, shift = { 0, -0.125 }, width = 30 }, { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/05/tree-05-j-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 32, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/05/hr-tree-05-j-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 62, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.03125, -0.125 }, width = 56 }, shift = { 0, -0.125 }, width = 30 }, { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/05/tree-05-k-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 46, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/05/hr-tree-05-k-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 88, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.75, -0.40625 }, width = 110 }, shift = { 0.75, -0.4375 }, width = 56 }, { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/05/tree-05-l-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 34, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/05/hr-tree-05-l-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 70, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.65625, 0.21875 }, width = 104 }, shift = { -0.6875, 0.25 }, width = 54 } }, collision_box = { { -0.4, -0.4 }, { 0.4, 0.4 } }, final_render_layer = "remnants", flags = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["tree-01-stump"].flags ]=], icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/tree-05-stump.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "entity-name.tree-stump" }, name = "tree-05-stump", order = "d[remnants]-b[tree]-e[tree-05]", selectable_in_game = false, selection_box = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, subgroup = "remnants", tile_height = 1, tile_width = 1, time_before_removed = 54000, type = "corpse" }, ["tree-06-stump"] = { animation = { { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/06/tree-06-a-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 62, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/06/hr-tree-06-a-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 120, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.09375 }, width = 118 }, shift = { 0, -0.125 }, width = 60 }, { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/06/tree-06-b-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 68, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/06/hr-tree-06-b-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 132, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, 0.09375 }, width = 124 }, shift = { 0, 0.0625 }, width = 62 }, { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/06/tree-06-c-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 58, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/06/hr-tree-06-c-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 116, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.09375, 0.25 }, width = 122 }, shift = { -0.125, 0.25 }, width = 62 }, { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/06/tree-06-d-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 64, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/06/hr-tree-06-d-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 128, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.1875, 0.25 }, width = 120 }, shift = { -0.1875, 0.25 }, width = 60 }, { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/06/tree-06-e-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 54, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/06/hr-tree-06-e-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 106, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.25, 0.25 }, width = 126 }, shift = { -0.25, 0.25 }, width = 64 }, { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/06/tree-06-f-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 60, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/06/hr-tree-06-f-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 120, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.3125, 0 }, width = 122 }, shift = { -0.3125, 0 }, width = 62 }, { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/06/tree-06-g-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 64, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/06/hr-tree-06-g-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 126, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.21875, -0.03125 }, width = 122 }, shift = { -0.25, -0.0625 }, width = 64 }, { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/06/tree-06-h-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 58, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/06/hr-tree-06-h-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 114, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.15625, 0 }, width = 128 }, shift = { -0.1875, 0 }, width = 66 }, { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/06/tree-06-i-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 66, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/06/hr-tree-06-i-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 126, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.375, 0.21875 }, width = 144 }, shift = { -0.375, 0.1875 }, width = 70 }, { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/06/tree-06-j-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 60, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/06/hr-tree-06-j-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 116, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.3125, 0.21875 }, width = 134 }, shift = { -0.3125, 0.1875 }, width = 68 } }, collision_box = { { -0.4, -0.4 }, { 0.4, 0.4 } }, final_render_layer = "remnants", flags = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["tree-01-stump"].flags ]=], icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/tree-06-stump.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "entity-name.tree-stump" }, name = "tree-06-stump", order = "d[remnants]-b[tree]-f[tree-06]", selectable_in_game = false, selection_box = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, subgroup = "remnants", tile_height = 1, tile_width = 1, time_before_removed = 54000, type = "corpse" }, ["tree-07-stump"] = { animation = { { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/07/tree-07-a-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 46, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/07/hr-tree-07-a-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 88, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.0625 }, width = 88 }, shift = { 0, -0.125 }, width = 44 }, { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/07/tree-07-b-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 44, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/07/hr-tree-07-b-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 86, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.09375 }, width = 100 }, shift = { 0, -0.125 }, width = 50 }, { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/07/tree-07-c-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 44, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/07/hr-tree-07-c-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 82, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.03125, -0.0625 }, width = 98 }, shift = { 0, -0.125 }, width = 48 }, { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/07/tree-07-d-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 38, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/07/hr-tree-07-d-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 76, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.03125 }, width = 84 }, shift = { 0, -0.0625 }, width = 42 }, { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/07/tree-07-e-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 40, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/07/hr-tree-07-e-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 78, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.03125, -0.03125 }, width = 88 }, shift = { 0, -0.0625 }, width = 44 }, { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/07/tree-07-f-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 36, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/07/hr-tree-07-f-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 76, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.0625 }, width = 82 }, shift = { 0, -0.0625 }, width = 40 }, { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/07/tree-07-g-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 34, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/07/hr-tree-07-g-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 72, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.0625 }, width = 86 }, shift = { 0, -0.0625 }, width = 42 }, { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/07/tree-07-h-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 40, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/07/hr-tree-07-h-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 76, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, 0 }, width = 84 }, shift = { 0, -0.0625 }, width = 40 }, { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/07/tree-07-i-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 38, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/07/hr-tree-07-i-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 72, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0625, -0.0625 }, width = 80 }, shift = { 0.0625, -0.125 }, width = 40 }, { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/07/tree-07-j-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 40, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/07/hr-tree-07-j-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 80, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.03125, -0.15625 }, width = 80 }, shift = { 0, -0.1875 }, width = 40 }, { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/07/tree-07-k-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 48, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/07/hr-tree-07-k-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 96, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.28125, 0.34375 }, width = 120 }, shift = { -0.3125, 0.3125 }, width = 62 }, { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/07/tree-07-l-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 46, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/07/hr-tree-07-l-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 94, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.09375, -0.0625 }, width = 104 }, shift = { 0.0625, -0.0625 }, width = 54 } }, collision_box = { { -0.4, -0.4 }, { 0.4, 0.4 } }, final_render_layer = "remnants", flags = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["tree-01-stump"].flags ]=], icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/tree-07-stump.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "entity-name.tree-stump" }, name = "tree-07-stump", order = "d[remnants]-b[tree]-g[tree-07]", selectable_in_game = false, selection_box = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, subgroup = "remnants", tile_height = 1, tile_width = 1, time_before_removed = 54000, type = "corpse" }, ["tree-08-stump"] = { animation = { { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/tree-08-a-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 34, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/hr-tree-08-a-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 70, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.09375, -0.125 }, width = 76 }, shift = { 0.0625, -0.125 }, width = 40 }, { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/tree-08-b-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 36, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/hr-tree-08-b-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 68, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.03125, -0.09375 }, width = 76 }, shift = { 0, -0.125 }, width = 40 }, { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/tree-08-c-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 36, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/hr-tree-08-c-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 66, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.03125, -0.125 }, width = 72 }, shift = { 0, -0.1875 }, width = 38 }, { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/tree-08-d-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 36, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/hr-tree-08-d-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 68, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.125, -0.15625 }, width = 74 }, shift = { 0.125, -0.1875 }, width = 36 }, { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/tree-08-e-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 30, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/hr-tree-08-e-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 62, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.09375, -0.125 }, width = 76 }, shift = { 0.0625, -0.125 }, width = 40 }, { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/tree-08-f-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 34, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/hr-tree-08-f-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 64, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03125, -0.09375 }, width = 70 }, shift = { -0.0625, -0.125 }, width = 36 }, { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/tree-08-g-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 28, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/hr-tree-08-g-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 56, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.09375, -0.0625 }, width = 68 }, shift = { 0.0625, -0.0625 }, width = 34 }, { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/tree-08-h-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 30, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/hr-tree-08-h-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 58, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03125, -0.03125 }, width = 62 }, shift = { -0.0625, -0.0625 }, width = 32 }, { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/tree-08-i-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 34, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/hr-tree-08-i-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 62, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0625, -0.125 }, width = 68 }, shift = { 0.0625, -0.1875 }, width = 34 }, { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/tree-08-j-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 32, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/hr-tree-08-j-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 64, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.09375, -0.125 }, width = 64 }, shift = { 0.0625, -0.125 }, width = 34 }, { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/tree-08-k-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 38, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/hr-tree-08-k-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 78, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.375, 0 }, width = 110 }, shift = { 0.375, 0 }, width = 54 }, { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/tree-08-l-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 46, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/hr-tree-08-l-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 92, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03125, -0.03125 }, width = 102 }, shift = { -0.0625, -0.0625 }, width = 52 } }, collision_box = { { -0.4, -0.4 }, { 0.4, 0.4 } }, final_render_layer = "remnants", flags = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["tree-01-stump"].flags ]=], icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/tree-08-stump.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "entity-name.tree-stump" }, name = "tree-08-stump", order = "d[remnants]-b[tree]-h[tree-08]", selectable_in_game = false, selection_box = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, subgroup = "remnants", tile_height = 1, tile_width = 1, time_before_removed = 54000, type = "corpse" }, ["tree-09-stump"] = { animation = { { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/tree-09-a-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 62, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/hr-tree-09-a-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 124, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.125, -0.03125 }, width = 182 }, shift = { -0.125, -0.0625 }, width = 90 }, { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/tree-09-b-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 64, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/hr-tree-09-b-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 124, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.15625, -0.0625 }, width = 178 }, shift = { 0.125, -0.125 }, width = 90 }, { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/tree-09-c-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 64, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/hr-tree-09-c-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 128, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.09375, 0.03125 }, width = 144 }, shift = { -0.125, 0 }, width = 72 }, { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/tree-09-d-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 68, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/hr-tree-09-d-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 140, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.03125, -0.125 }, width = 146 }, shift = { 0, -0.125 }, width = 74 }, { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/tree-09-e-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 50, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/hr-tree-09-e-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 100, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03125, -0.03125 }, width = 126 }, shift = { -0.0625, -0.0625 }, width = 64 }, { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/tree-09-f-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 48, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/hr-tree-09-f-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 98, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.125, 0 }, width = 132 }, shift = { 0.0625, 0 }, width = 68 }, { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/tree-09-g-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 50, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/hr-tree-09-g-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 104, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, 0 }, width = 126 }, shift = { 0, 0 }, width = 60 }, { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/tree-09-h-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 50, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/hr-tree-09-h-stump.png", frame_count = 1, height = 102, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, 0.03125 }, width = 122 }, shift = { 0, 0 }, width = 60 } }, collision_box = { { -0.4, -0.4 }, { 0.4, 0.4 } }, final_render_layer = "remnants", flags = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["tree-01-stump"].flags ]=], icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/tree-09-stump.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "entity-name.tree-stump" }, name = "tree-09-stump", order = "d[remnants]-b[tree]-i[tree-09]", selectable_in_game = false, selection_box = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, subgroup = "remnants", tile_height = 1, tile_width = 1, time_before_removed = 54000, type = "corpse" }, ["underground-belt-remnants"] = { animation = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 8, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/underground-belt/remnants/underground-belt-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 72, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 8, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/underground-belt/remnants/hr-underground-belt-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 144, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.328125, 0.09375 }, variation_count = 1, width = 156 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0.3125, 0.09375 }, variation_count = 1, width = 78 }, final_render_layer = "remnants", flags = { "placeable-neutral", "not-on-map", "building-direction-8-way" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/underground-belt.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "remnant-name", { "entity-name.underground-belt" } }, name = "underground-belt-remnants", order = "a-d-a", remove_on_tile_placement = false, selectable_in_game = false, selection_box = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, subgroup = "belt-remnants", tile_height = 1, tile_width = 1, time_before_removed = 54000, type = "corpse" }, ["wall-remnants"] = { animation = { { direction_count = 2, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/wall/remnants/wall-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 58, hr_version = { direction_count = 2, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/wall/remnants/hr-wall-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 114, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.09375, 0.234375 }, width = 118, y = 0 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0.09375, 0.234375 }, width = 60, y = 0 }, { direction_count = 2, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/wall/remnants/wall-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 58, hr_version = { direction_count = 2, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/wall/remnants/hr-wall-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 114, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.09375, 0.234375 }, width = 118, y = 228 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0.09375, 0.234375 }, width = 60, y = 116 }, { direction_count = 2, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/wall/remnants/wall-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 58, hr_version = { direction_count = 2, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/wall/remnants/hr-wall-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 114, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.09375, 0.234375 }, width = 118, y = 456 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0.09375, 0.234375 }, width = 60, y = 232 }, { direction_count = 2, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/wall/remnants/wall-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 58, hr_version = { direction_count = 2, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/wall/remnants/hr-wall-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 114, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.09375, 0.234375 }, width = 118, y = 684 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0.09375, 0.234375 }, width = 60, y = 348 } }, collision_box = { { -0.4, -0.4 }, { 0.4, 0.4 } }, final_render_layer = "remnants", flags = { "placeable-neutral", "not-on-map" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/wall.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "remnant-name", { "entity-name.stone-wall" } }, name = "wall-remnants", order = "a-a-a", remove_on_tile_placement = false, selectable_in_game = false, selection_box = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, subgroup = "defensive-structure-remnants", tile_height = 1, tile_width = 1, time_before_removed = 54000, type = "corpse" }, ["wooden-chest-remnants"] = { animation = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/wooden-chest/remnants/wooden-chest-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 38, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/wooden-chest/remnants/hr-wooden-chest-remnants.png", frame_count = 1, height = 74, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.234375, -0.03125 }, width = 110 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0.25, -0.03125 }, width = 56 }, final_render_layer = "remnants", flags = { "placeable-neutral", "building-direction-8-way", "not-on-map" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/wooden-chest.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "remnant-name", { "entity-name.wooden-chest" } }, name = "wooden-chest-remnants", order = "a-a-a", remove_on_tile_placement = false, selectable_in_game = false, selection_box = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, subgroup = "storage-remnants", tile_height = 1, tile_width = 1, time_before_removed = 54000, type = "corpse" } }, ["curved-rail"] = { ["curved-rail"] = { collision_box = { { -2, -2 }, { 2, 2 } }, corpse = "curved-rail-remnants", damaged_trigger_effect = { damage_type_filters = "fire", entity_name = "wall-damaged-explosion", offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, offsets = { { 0, 1 } }, type = "create-entity" }, dying_explosion = { { name = "rail-explosion", offset = { 0.9, 2.2000000000000002 } }, { name = "rail-explosion" }, { name = "rail-explosion", offset = { -1.2, -2 } } }, flags = { "placeable-neutral", "player-creation", "building-direction-8-way" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/curved-rail.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, max_health = 200, minable = { count = 4, mining_time = 0.2, result = "rail" }, name = "curved-rail", pictures = { curved_rail_horizontal_left_bottom = { backplates = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/curved-rail/curved-rail-horizontal-left-bottom-backplates.png", flags = { "trilinear-filtering" }, height = 192, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/curved-rail/hr-curved-rail-horizontal-left-bottom-backplates.png", flags = { "trilinear-filtering" }, height = 384, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.5, -0.5 }, variation_count = 1, width = 576 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.5, -0.5 }, variation_count = 1, width = 288 }, metals = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/curved-rail/curved-rail-horizontal-left-bottom-metals.png", flags = { "trilinear-filtering" }, 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"__base__/graphics/entity/curved-rail/curved-rail-horizontal-left-bottom-segment-visualisation-continuing-1.png", flags = { "low-object" }, height = 192, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/curved-rail/hr-curved-rail-horizontal-left-bottom-segment-visualisation-continuing-1.png", flags = { "low-object" }, height = 384, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.5, -0.5 }, variation_count = 1, width = 576 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.5, -0.5 }, variation_count = 1, width = 288 }, segment_visualisation_ending_back = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/curved-rail/curved-rail-horizontal-left-bottom-segment-visualisation-ending-2.png", flags = { "low-object" }, height = 192, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/curved-rail/hr-curved-rail-horizontal-left-bottom-segment-visualisation-ending-2.png", flags = { "low-object" }, height = 384, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.5, -0.5 }, variation_count = 1, width = 576 }, 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576 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.5, 0.5 }, variation_count = 1, width = 288 }, stone_path_background = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/curved-rail/curved-rail-horizontal-left-top-stone-path-background.png", flags = { "low-object" }, height = 192, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/curved-rail/hr-curved-rail-horizontal-left-top-stone-path-background.png", flags = { "low-object" }, height = 384, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.5, 0.5 }, variation_count = 1, width = 576 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.5, 0.5 }, variation_count = 1, width = 288 }, ties = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/curved-rail/curved-rail-horizontal-left-top-ties.png", flags = { "low-object" }, height = 192, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/curved-rail/hr-curved-rail-horizontal-left-top-ties.png", flags = { "low-object" }, height = 384, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.5, 0.5 }, variation_count = 1, width = 576 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.5, 0.5 }, variation_count = 1, width = 288 } }, curved_rail_horizontal_right_bottom = { backplates = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/curved-rail/curved-rail-horizontal-right-bottom-backplates.png", flags = { "trilinear-filtering" }, height = 192, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/curved-rail/hr-curved-rail-horizontal-right-bottom-backplates.png", flags = { "trilinear-filtering" }, height = 384, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.5, -0.5 }, variation_count = 1, width = 576 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { -0.5, -0.5 }, variation_count = 1, width = 288 }, metals = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/curved-rail/curved-rail-horizontal-right-bottom-metals.png", flags = { "trilinear-filtering" }, height = 192, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/curved-rail/hr-curved-rail-horizontal-right-bottom-metals.png", flags = { "trilinear-filtering" }, height = 384, priority = "extra-high", scale = 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"__base__/graphics/entity/curved-rail/hr-curved-rail-horizontal-right-bottom-segment-visualisation-continuing-1.png", flags = { "low-object" }, height = 384, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.5, -0.5 }, variation_count = 1, width = 576 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { -0.5, -0.5 }, variation_count = 1, width = 288 }, segment_visualisation_ending_back = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/curved-rail/curved-rail-horizontal-right-bottom-segment-visualisation-ending-2.png", flags = { "low-object" }, height = 192, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/curved-rail/hr-curved-rail-horizontal-right-bottom-segment-visualisation-ending-2.png", flags = { "low-object" }, height = 384, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.5, -0.5 }, variation_count = 1, width = 576 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { -0.5, -0.5 }, variation_count = 1, width = 288 }, segment_visualisation_ending_front = { filename = 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"extra-high", shift = { -0.5, -0.5 }, variation_count = 1, width = 288 }, stone_path = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/curved-rail/curved-rail-horizontal-right-bottom-stone-path.png", flags = { "low-object" }, height = 192, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/curved-rail/hr-curved-rail-horizontal-right-bottom-stone-path.png", flags = { "low-object" }, height = 384, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.5, -0.5 }, variation_count = 1, width = 576 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { -0.5, -0.5 }, variation_count = 1, width = 288 }, stone_path_background = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/curved-rail/curved-rail-horizontal-right-bottom-stone-path-background.png", flags = { "low-object" }, height = 192, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/curved-rail/hr-curved-rail-horizontal-right-bottom-stone-path-background.png", flags = { "low-object" }, height = 384, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.5, -0.5 }, variation_count = 1, width = 576 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { -0.5, -0.5 }, variation_count = 1, width = 288 }, ties = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/curved-rail/curved-rail-horizontal-right-bottom-ties.png", flags = { "low-object" }, height = 192, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/curved-rail/hr-curved-rail-horizontal-right-bottom-ties.png", flags = { "low-object" }, height = 384, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.5, -0.5 }, variation_count = 1, width = 576 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { -0.5, -0.5 }, variation_count = 1, width = 288 } }, curved_rail_horizontal_right_top = { backplates = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/curved-rail/curved-rail-horizontal-right-top-backplates.png", flags = { "trilinear-filtering" }, height = 192, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/curved-rail/hr-curved-rail-horizontal-right-top-backplates.png", flags = { "trilinear-filtering" }, height = 384, priority = "extra-high", 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"__base__/graphics/entity/straight-rail/hr-straight-rail-diagonal-left-top-ties.png", flags = { "low-object" }, height = 192, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.5, 0.5 }, variation_count = 3, width = 192 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.5, 0.5 }, variation_count = 3, width = 96 } }, straight_rail_diagonal_right_bottom = { backplates = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/straight-rail/straight-rail-diagonal-right-bottom-backplates.png", flags = { "trilinear-filtering" }, height = 96, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/straight-rail/hr-straight-rail-diagonal-right-bottom-backplates.png", flags = { "trilinear-filtering" }, height = 192, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.5, -0.5 }, variation_count = 1, width = 192 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { -0.5, -0.5 }, variation_count = 1, width = 96 }, metals = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/straight-rail/straight-rail-diagonal-right-bottom-metals.png", flags = { 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"__base__/graphics/entity/straight-rail/hr-straight-rail-diagonal-right-bottom-segment-visualisation-middle.png", flags = { "low-object" }, height = 192, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.5, -0.5 }, variation_count = 1, width = 192 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { -0.5, -0.5 }, variation_count = 1, width = 96 }, stone_path = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/straight-rail/straight-rail-diagonal-right-bottom-stone-path.png", flags = { "low-object" }, height = 96, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/straight-rail/hr-straight-rail-diagonal-right-bottom-stone-path.png", flags = { "low-object" }, height = 192, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.5, -0.5 }, variation_count = 3, width = 192 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { -0.5, -0.5 }, variation_count = 3, width = 96 }, stone_path_background = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/straight-rail/straight-rail-diagonal-right-bottom-stone-path-background.png", flags = { "low-object" }, height = 96, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/straight-rail/hr-straight-rail-diagonal-right-bottom-stone-path-background.png", flags = { "low-object" }, height = 192, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.5, -0.5 }, variation_count = 3, width = 192 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { -0.5, -0.5 }, variation_count = 3, width = 96 }, ties = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/straight-rail/straight-rail-diagonal-right-bottom-ties.png", flags = { "low-object" }, height = 96, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/straight-rail/hr-straight-rail-diagonal-right-bottom-ties.png", flags = { "low-object" }, height = 192, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.5, -0.5 }, variation_count = 3, width = 192 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { -0.5, -0.5 }, variation_count = 3, width = 96 } }, straight_rail_diagonal_right_top = { backplates = { filename = 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shift = { -0.5, 0.5 }, variation_count = 1, width = 192 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { -0.5, 0.5 }, variation_count = 1, width = 96 }, segment_visualisation_ending_back = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/straight-rail/straight-rail-diagonal-right-top-segment-visualisation-ending-2.png", flags = { "low-object" }, height = 96, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/straight-rail/hr-straight-rail-diagonal-right-top-segment-visualisation-ending-2.png", flags = { "low-object" }, height = 192, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.5, 0.5 }, variation_count = 1, width = 192 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { -0.5, 0.5 }, variation_count = 1, width = 96 }, segment_visualisation_ending_front = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/straight-rail/straight-rail-diagonal-right-top-segment-visualisation-ending-1.png", flags = { "low-object" }, height = 96, hr_version = { filename = 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0.5, shift = { 0, 0 }, variation_count = 1, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0, 0 }, variation_count = 1, width = 64 }, stone_path = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/straight-rail/straight-rail-horizontal-stone-path.png", flags = { "low-object" }, height = 128, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/straight-rail/hr-straight-rail-horizontal-stone-path.png", flags = { "low-object" }, height = 256, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, 0 }, variation_count = 3, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0, 0 }, variation_count = 3, width = 64 }, stone_path_background = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/straight-rail/straight-rail-horizontal-stone-path-background.png", flags = { "low-object" }, height = 128, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/straight-rail/hr-straight-rail-horizontal-stone-path-background.png", flags = { "low-object" }, height = 256, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, 0 }, variation_count = 3, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0, 0 }, variation_count = 3, width = 64 }, ties = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/straight-rail/straight-rail-horizontal-ties.png", flags = { "low-object" }, height = 128, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/straight-rail/hr-straight-rail-horizontal-ties.png", flags = { "low-object" }, height = 256, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, 0 }, variation_count = 3, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0, 0 }, variation_count = 3, width = 64 } }, straight_rail_vertical = { backplates = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/straight-rail/straight-rail-vertical-backplates.png", flags = { "trilinear-filtering" }, height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/straight-rail/hr-straight-rail-vertical-backplates.png", flags = { "trilinear-filtering" }, height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, 0 }, variation_count = 1, width = 256 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0, 0 }, variation_count = 1, width = 128 }, metals = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/straight-rail/straight-rail-vertical-metals.png", flags = { "trilinear-filtering" }, height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/straight-rail/hr-straight-rail-vertical-metals.png", flags = { "trilinear-filtering" }, height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, 0 }, variation_count = 1, width = 256 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0, 0 }, variation_count = 1, width = 128 }, segment_visualisation_continuing_back = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/straight-rail/straight-rail-vertical-segment-visualisation-continuing-2.png", flags = { "low-object" }, height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/straight-rail/hr-straight-rail-vertical-segment-visualisation-continuing-2.png", flags = { "low-object" }, height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, 0 }, variation_count = 1, width = 256 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0, 0 }, variation_count = 1, width = 128 }, segment_visualisation_continuing_front = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/straight-rail/straight-rail-vertical-segment-visualisation-continuing-1.png", flags = { "low-object" }, height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/straight-rail/hr-straight-rail-vertical-segment-visualisation-continuing-1.png", flags = { "low-object" }, height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, 0 }, variation_count = 1, width = 256 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0, 0 }, variation_count = 1, width = 128 }, segment_visualisation_ending_back = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/straight-rail/straight-rail-vertical-segment-visualisation-ending-2.png", flags = { "low-object" }, height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/straight-rail/hr-straight-rail-vertical-segment-visualisation-ending-2.png", flags = { "low-object" }, height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, 0 }, variation_count = 1, width = 256 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0, 0 }, variation_count = 1, width = 128 }, segment_visualisation_ending_front = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/straight-rail/straight-rail-vertical-segment-visualisation-ending-1.png", flags = { "low-object" }, height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/straight-rail/hr-straight-rail-vertical-segment-visualisation-ending-1.png", flags = { "low-object" }, height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, 0 }, variation_count = 1, width = 256 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0, 0 }, variation_count = 1, width = 128 }, segment_visualisation_middle = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/straight-rail/straight-rail-vertical-segment-visualisation-middle.png", flags = { "low-object" }, height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/straight-rail/hr-straight-rail-vertical-segment-visualisation-middle.png", flags = { "low-object" }, height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, 0 }, variation_count = 1, width = 256 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0, 0 }, variation_count = 1, width = 128 }, stone_path = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/straight-rail/straight-rail-vertical-stone-path.png", flags = { "low-object" }, height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/straight-rail/hr-straight-rail-vertical-stone-path.png", flags = { "low-object" }, height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, 0 }, variation_count = 3, width = 256 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0, 0 }, variation_count = 3, width = 128 }, stone_path_background = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/straight-rail/straight-rail-vertical-stone-path-background.png", flags = { "low-object" }, height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/straight-rail/hr-straight-rail-vertical-stone-path-background.png", flags = { "low-object" }, height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, 0 }, variation_count = 3, width = 256 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0, 0 }, variation_count = 3, width = 128 }, ties = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/straight-rail/straight-rail-vertical-ties.png", flags = { "low-object" }, height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/straight-rail/hr-straight-rail-vertical-ties.png", flags = { "low-object" }, height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, 0 }, variation_count = 3, width = 256 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0, 0 }, variation_count = 3, width = 128 } } }, placeable_by = { count = 4, item = "rail" }, resistances = { { percent = 100, type = "fire" }, { percent = 80, type = "acid" } }, selection_box = { { -1.7, -0.8 }, { 1.7, 0.8 } }, type = "curved-rail", walking_sound = { { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/rails/rails-01.ogg", volume = 0.6 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/rails/rails-02.ogg", volume = 0.6 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/rails/rails-03.ogg", volume = 0.6 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/rails/rails-04.ogg", volume = 0.6 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/rails/rails-05.ogg", volume = 0.6 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/rails/rails-06.ogg", volume = 0.6 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/rails/rails-07.ogg", volume = 0.6 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/rails/rails-08.ogg", volume = 0.6 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/rails/rails-09.ogg", volume = 0.6 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/rails/rails-10.ogg", volume = 0.6 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/rails/rails-11.ogg", volume = 0.6 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/rails/rails-12.ogg", volume = 0.6 } } } }, ["custom-input"] = { ["crash-site-skip-cutscene"] = { enabled_while_in_cutscene = true, key_sequence = "TAB", linked_game_control = "confirm-message", name = "crash-site-skip-cutscene", type = "custom-input" }, ["give-blueprint"] = { action = "spawn-item", consuming = "game-only", item_to_spawn = "blueprint", key_sequence = "ALT + B", name = "give-blueprint", type = "custom-input" }, ["give-blueprint-book"] = { action = "spawn-item", consuming = "game-only", item_to_spawn = "blueprint-book", key_sequence = "", name = "give-blueprint-book", type = "custom-input" }, ["give-deconstruction-planner"] = { action = "spawn-item", consuming = "game-only", item_to_spawn = "deconstruction-planner", key_sequence = "ALT + D", name = "give-deconstruction-planner", type = "custom-input" }, ["give-upgrade-planner"] = { action = "spawn-item", consuming = "game-only", item_to_spawn = "upgrade-planner", key_sequence = "ALT + U", name = "give-upgrade-planner", type = "custom-input" }, ["toggle-equipment-movement-bonus"] = { action = "toggle-equipment-movement-bonus", consuming = "game-only", key_sequence = "ALT + E", name = "toggle-equipment-movement-bonus", type = "custom-input" }, ["toggle-personal-logistic-requests"] = { action = "toggle-personal-logistic-requests", consuming = "game-only", key_sequence = "ALT + L", name = "toggle-personal-logistic-requests", type = "custom-input" }, ["toggle-personal-roboport"] = { action = "toggle-personal-roboport", consuming = "game-only", key_sequence = "ALT + R", name = "toggle-personal-roboport", type = "custom-input" } }, ["damage-type"] = { acid = { name = "acid", type = "damage-type" }, electric = { name = "electric", type = "damage-type" }, explosion = { name = "explosion", type = "damage-type" }, fire = { name = "fire", type = "damage-type" }, impact = { name = "impact", type = "damage-type" }, laser = { name = "laser", type = "damage-type" }, physical = { name = "physical", type = "damage-type" }, poison = { name = "poison", type = "damage-type" } }, ["decider-combinator"] = { ["decider-combinator"] = { active_energy_usage = "1KW", activity_led_light = { color = { b = 1, g = 1, r = 1 }, intensity = 0, size = 1 }, activity_led_light_offsets = { { 0.265625, -0.53125 }, { 0.515625, -0.078125 }, { -0.25, 0.03125 }, { -0.46875, -0.5 } }, activity_led_sprites = { east = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/activity-leds/decider-combinator-LED-E.png", frame_count = 1, height = 8, hr_version = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/activity-leds/hr-decider-combinator-LED-E.png", frame_count = 1, height = 16, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.5, -0.125 }, width = 16 }, shift = { 0.5, -0.125 }, width = 8 }, north = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/activity-leds/decider-combinator-LED-N.png", frame_count = 1, height = 8, hr_version = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/activity-leds/hr-decider-combinator-LED-N.png", frame_count = 1, height = 14, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.265625, -0.40625 }, width = 16 }, shift = { 0.25, -0.40625 }, width = 8 }, south = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/activity-leds/decider-combinator-LED-S.png", frame_count = 1, height = 8, hr_version = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/activity-leds/hr-decider-combinator-LED-S.png", frame_count = 1, height = 14, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.25, 0.140625 }, width = 16 }, shift = { -0.25, 0.15625 }, width = 8 }, west = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/activity-leds/decider-combinator-LED-W.png", frame_count = 1, height = 8, hr_version = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/activity-leds/hr-decider-combinator-LED-W.png", frame_count = 1, height = 16, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.46875, -0.578125 }, width = 16 }, shift = { -0.46875, -0.59375 }, width = 8 } }, circuit_wire_max_distance = 9, close_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.close_sound ]=], collision_box = { { -0.35, -0.65 }, { 0.35, 0.65 } }, corpse = "decider-combinator-remnants", damaged_trigger_effect = { damage_type_filters = "fire", entity_name = "spark-explosion", offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, offsets = { { 0, 1 } }, type = "create-entity" }, dying_explosion = "decider-combinator-explosion", energy_source = { type = "electric", usage_priority = "secondary-input" }, equal_symbol_sprites = { east = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/combinator-displays.png", height = 11, hr_version = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/hr-combinator-displays.png", height = 22, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.421875 }, width = 30, x = 60, y = 44 }, shift = { 0, -0.421875 }, width = 15, x = 30, y = 22 }, north = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/combinator-displays.png", height = 11, hr_version = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/hr-combinator-displays.png", height = 22, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.140625 }, width = 30, x = 60, y = 44 }, shift = { 0, -0.140625 }, width = 15, x = 30, y = 22 }, south = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/combinator-displays.png", height = 11, hr_version = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/hr-combinator-displays.png", height = 22, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.140625 }, width = 30, x = 60, y = 44 }, shift = { 0, -0.140625 }, width = 15, x = 30, y = 22 }, west = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/combinator-displays.png", height = 11, hr_version = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/hr-combinator-displays.png", height = 22, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.421875 }, width = 30, x = 60, y = 44 }, shift = { 0, -0.421875 }, width = 15, x = 30, y = 22 } }, flags = { "placeable-neutral", "player-creation" }, greater_or_equal_symbol_sprites = { east = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/combinator-displays.png", height = 11, hr_version = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/hr-combinator-displays.png", height = 22, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.421875 }, width = 30, x = 150, y = 44 }, shift = { 0, -0.421875 }, width = 15, x = 75, y = 22 }, north = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/combinator-displays.png", height = 11, hr_version = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/hr-combinator-displays.png", height = 22, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.140625 }, width = 30, x = 150, y = 44 }, shift = { 0, -0.140625 }, width = 15, x = 75, y = 22 }, south = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/combinator-displays.png", height = 11, hr_version = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/hr-combinator-displays.png", height = 22, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.140625 }, width = 30, x = 150, y = 44 }, shift = { 0, -0.140625 }, width = 15, x = 75, y = 22 }, west = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/combinator-displays.png", height = 11, hr_version = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/hr-combinator-displays.png", height = 22, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.421875 }, width = 30, x = 150, y = 44 }, shift = { 0, -0.421875 }, width = 15, x = 75, y = 22 } }, greater_symbol_sprites = { east = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/combinator-displays.png", height = 11, hr_version = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/hr-combinator-displays.png", height = 22, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.421875 }, width = 30, y = 44 }, shift = { 0, -0.421875 }, width = 15, y = 22 }, north = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/combinator-displays.png", height = 11, hr_version = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/hr-combinator-displays.png", height = 22, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.140625 }, width = 30, y = 44 }, shift = { 0, -0.140625 }, width = 15, y = 22 }, south = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/combinator-displays.png", height = 11, hr_version = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/hr-combinator-displays.png", height = 22, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.140625 }, width = 30, y = 44 }, shift = { 0, -0.140625 }, width = 15, y = 22 }, west = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/combinator-displays.png", height = 11, hr_version = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/hr-combinator-displays.png", height = 22, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.421875 }, width = 30, y = 44 }, shift = { 0, -0.421875 }, width = 15, y = 22 } }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/decider-combinator.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, input_connection_bounding_box = { { -0.5, 0 }, { 0.5, 1 } }, input_connection_points = { { shadow = { green = { 0.828125, 0.859375 }, red = { 0.25, 0.875 } }, wire = { green = { 0.28125, 0.46875 }, red = { -0.265625, 0.484375 } } }, { shadow = { green = { -0.3125, 0.25 }, red = { -0.296875, -0.265625 } }, wire = { green = { -0.75, -0.125 }, red = { -0.765625, -0.578125 } } }, { shadow = { green = { 0.296875, -0.234375 }, red = { 0.84375, -0.234375 } }, wire = { green = { -0.25, -0.609375 }, red = { 0.296875, -0.609375 } } }, { shadow = { green = { 1.328125, -0.203125 }, red = { 1.328125, 0.28125 } }, wire = { green = { 0.78125, -0.59375 }, red = { 0.796875, -0.125 } } } }, less_or_equal_symbol_sprites = { east = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/combinator-displays.png", height = 11, hr_version = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/hr-combinator-displays.png", height = 22, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.421875 }, width = 30, x = 120, y = 44 }, shift = { 0, -0.421875 }, width = 15, x = 60, y = 22 }, north = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/combinator-displays.png", height = 11, hr_version = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/hr-combinator-displays.png", height = 22, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.140625 }, width = 30, x = 120, y = 44 }, shift = { 0, -0.140625 }, width = 15, x = 60, y = 22 }, south = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/combinator-displays.png", height = 11, hr_version = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/hr-combinator-displays.png", height = 22, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.140625 }, width = 30, x = 120, y = 44 }, shift = { 0, -0.140625 }, width = 15, x = 60, y = 22 }, west = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/combinator-displays.png", height = 11, hr_version = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/hr-combinator-displays.png", height = 22, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.421875 }, width = 30, x = 120, y = 44 }, shift = { 0, -0.421875 }, width = 15, x = 60, y = 22 } }, less_symbol_sprites = { east = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/combinator-displays.png", height = 11, hr_version = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/hr-combinator-displays.png", height = 22, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.421875 }, width = 30, x = 30, y = 44 }, shift = { 0, -0.421875 }, width = 15, x = 15, y = 22 }, north = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/combinator-displays.png", height = 11, hr_version = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/hr-combinator-displays.png", height = 22, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.140625 }, width = 30, x = 30, y = 44 }, shift = { 0, -0.140625 }, width = 15, x = 15, y = 22 }, south = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/combinator-displays.png", height = 11, hr_version = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/hr-combinator-displays.png", height = 22, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.140625 }, width = 30, x = 30, y = 44 }, shift = { 0, -0.140625 }, width = 15, x = 15, y = 22 }, west = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/combinator-displays.png", height = 11, hr_version = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/hr-combinator-displays.png", height = 22, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.421875 }, width = 30, x = 30, y = 44 }, shift = { 0, -0.421875 }, width = 15, x = 15, y = 22 } }, max_health = 150, minable = { mining_time = 0.1, result = "decider-combinator" }, name = "decider-combinator", not_equal_symbol_sprites = { east = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/combinator-displays.png", height = 11, hr_version = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/hr-combinator-displays.png", height = 22, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.421875 }, width = 30, x = 90, y = 44 }, shift = { 0, -0.421875 }, width = 15, x = 45, y = 22 }, north = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/combinator-displays.png", height = 11, hr_version = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/hr-combinator-displays.png", height = 22, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.140625 }, width = 30, x = 90, y = 44 }, shift = { 0, -0.140625 }, width = 15, x = 45, y = 22 }, south = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/combinator-displays.png", height = 11, hr_version = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/hr-combinator-displays.png", height = 22, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.140625 }, width = 30, x = 90, y = 44 }, shift = { 0, -0.140625 }, width = 15, x = 45, y = 22 }, west = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/combinator-displays.png", height = 11, hr_version = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/hr-combinator-displays.png", height = 22, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.421875 }, width = 30, x = 90, y = 44 }, shift = { 0, -0.421875 }, width = 15, x = 45, y = 22 } }, open_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.open_sound ]=], output_connection_bounding_box = { { -0.5, -1 }, { 0.5, 0 } }, output_connection_points = { { shadow = { green = { 0.828125, -0.296875 }, red = { 0.21875, -0.296875 } }, wire = { green = { 0.3125, -0.65625 }, red = { -0.28125, -0.671875 } } }, { shadow = { green = { 1.21875, 0.265625 }, red = { 1.21875, -0.15625 } }, wire = { green = { 0.6875, -0.109375 }, red = { 0.6875, -0.53125 } } }, { shadow = { green = { 0.234375, 0.953125 }, red = { 0.84375, 0.953125 } }, wire = { green = { -0.28125, 0.546875 }, red = { 0.296875, 0.53125 } } }, { shadow = { green = { -0.171875, -0.1875 }, red = { -0.171875, 0.25 } }, wire = { green = { -0.671875, -0.53125 }, red = { -0.671875, -0.125 } } } }, screen_light = { color = { b = 1, g = 1, r = 1 }, intensity = 0, size = 0.6 }, screen_light_offsets = { { 0.015625, -0.265625 }, { 0.015625, -0.359375 }, { 0.015625, -0.265625 }, { 0.015625, -0.359375 } }, selection_box = { { -0.5, -1 }, { 0.5, 1 } }, sprites = { east = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/decider-combinator.png", frame_count = 1, height = 66, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/hr-decider-combinator.png", frame_count = 1, height = 132, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.015625, 0.234375 }, width = 156, x = 156, y = 0 }, priority = "high", scale = 1, shift = { 0, 0.21875 }, width = 78, x = 78, y = 0 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/decider-combinator-shadow.png", frame_count = 1, height = 80, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/hr-decider-combinator-shadow.png", frame_count = 1, height = 158, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.375, 0.75 }, width = 156, x = 156, y = 0 }, priority = "high", scale = 1, shift = { 0.375, 0.75 }, width = 78, x = 78, y = 0 } } }, north = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/decider-combinator.png", frame_count = 1, height = 66, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/hr-decider-combinator.png", frame_count = 1, height = 132, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["decider-combinator"]["decider-combinator"].sprites.east.layers[1].hr_version.shift ]=], width = 156, x = 0, y = 0 }, priority = "high", scale = 1, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["decider-combinator"]["decider-combinator"].sprites.east.layers[1].shift ]=], width = 78, x = 0, y = 0 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/decider-combinator-shadow.png", frame_count = 1, height = 80, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/hr-decider-combinator-shadow.png", frame_count = 1, height = 158, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["decider-combinator"]["decider-combinator"].sprites.east.layers[2].hr_version.shift ]=], width = 156, x = 0, y = 0 }, priority = "high", scale = 1, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["decider-combinator"]["decider-combinator"].sprites.east.layers[2].shift ]=], width = 78, x = 0, y = 0 } } }, south = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/decider-combinator.png", frame_count = 1, height = 66, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/hr-decider-combinator.png", frame_count = 1, height = 132, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["decider-combinator"]["decider-combinator"].sprites.east.layers[1].hr_version.shift ]=], width = 156, x = 312, y = 0 }, priority = "high", scale = 1, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["decider-combinator"]["decider-combinator"].sprites.east.layers[1].shift ]=], width = 78, x = 156, y = 0 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/decider-combinator-shadow.png", frame_count = 1, height = 80, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/hr-decider-combinator-shadow.png", frame_count = 1, height = 158, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["decider-combinator"]["decider-combinator"].sprites.east.layers[2].hr_version.shift ]=], width = 156, x = 312, y = 0 }, priority = "high", scale = 1, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["decider-combinator"]["decider-combinator"].sprites.east.layers[2].shift ]=], width = 78, x = 156, y = 0 } } }, west = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/decider-combinator.png", frame_count = 1, height = 66, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/hr-decider-combinator.png", frame_count = 1, height = 132, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["decider-combinator"]["decider-combinator"].sprites.east.layers[1].hr_version.shift ]=], width = 156, x = 468, y = 0 }, priority = "high", scale = 1, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["decider-combinator"]["decider-combinator"].sprites.east.layers[1].shift ]=], width = 78, x = 234, y = 0 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/decider-combinator-shadow.png", frame_count = 1, height = 80, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combinator/hr-decider-combinator-shadow.png", frame_count = 1, height = 158, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["decider-combinator"]["decider-combinator"].sprites.east.layers[2].hr_version.shift ]=], width = 156, x = 468, y = 0 }, priority = "high", scale = 1, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["decider-combinator"]["decider-combinator"].sprites.east.layers[2].shift ]=], width = 78, x = 234, y = 0 } } } }, type = "decider-combinator", vehicle_impact_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.vehicle_impact_sound ]=], working_sound = { audible_distance_modifier = 0.2, fade_in_ticks = 4, fade_out_ticks = 20, match_speed_to_activity = true, sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/combinator.ogg", volume = 0.45 } } } }, ["deconstruct-with-robots-achievement"] = { ["automated-cleanup"] = { amount = 100, icon = "__base__/graphics/achievement/automated-cleanup.png", icon_size = 128, name = "automated-cleanup", order = "b[exploration]-c[deconstruct-with-robots]", steam_stats_name = "deconstructed-by-robots", type = "deconstruct-with-robots-achievement" } }, ["deconstructible-tile-proxy"] = { ["deconstructible-tile-proxy"] = { collision_box = { { -0.4, -0.4 }, { 0.4, 0.4 } }, flags = { "not-on-map" }, name = "deconstructible-tile-proxy", selection_box = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, type = "deconstructible-tile-proxy" } }, ["deconstruction-item"] = { ["deconstruction-planner"] = { alt_selection_color = { 239, 153, 34 }, alt_selection_count_button_color = { 255, 176, 66 }, alt_selection_cursor_box_type = "not-allowed", alt_selection_mode = { "cancel-deconstruct" }, close_sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/item-close.ogg", volume = 1 }, entity_filter_count = 30, flags = { "spawnable" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/deconstruction-planner.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "deconstruction-planner", open_sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/item-open.ogg", volume = 1 }, order = "c[automated-construction]-b[deconstruction-planner]", selection_color = { 255, 24, 24 }, selection_count_button_color = { 195, 52, 52 }, selection_cursor_box_type = "not-allowed", selection_mode = { "deconstruct" }, stack_size = 1, subgroup = "tool", tile_filter_count = 30, type = "deconstruction-item" } }, ["deliver-by-robots-achievement"] = { ["delivery-service"] = { amount = 10000, icon = "__base__/graphics/achievement/delivery-service.png", icon_size = 128, name = "delivery-service", order = "b[exploration]-d[deliver-by-robots]-b", steam_stats_name = "delivered-by-robots", type = "deliver-by-robots-achievement" }, ["you-have-got-a-package"] = { amount = 1, icon = "__base__/graphics/achievement/you-have-got-a-package.png", icon_size = 128, name = "you-have-got-a-package", order = "b[exploration]-d[deliver-by-robots]-a", type = "deliver-by-robots-achievement" } }, ["dont-build-entity-achievement"] = { ["logistic-network-embargo"] = { dont_build = { "logistic-chest-active-provider", "logistic-chest-requester", "logistic-chest-buffer" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/achievement/logistic-network-embargo.png", icon_size = 128, name = "logistic-network-embargo", order = "f[limitation]-d[logistic-network-embargo]", type = "dont-build-entity-achievement" }, ["raining-bullets"] = { allowed_without_fight = false, dont_build = "laser-turret", icon = "__base__/graphics/achievement/raining-bullets.png", icon_size = 128, name = "raining-bullets", order = "f[limitation]-c[raining-bullets]", type = "dont-build-entity-achievement" } }, ["dont-craft-manually-achievement"] = { ["lazy-bastard"] = { amount = 111, icon = "__base__/graphics/achievement/lazy-bastard.png", icon_size = 128, name = "lazy-bastard", order = "f[limitation]-a[lazy-bastard]", type = "dont-craft-manually-achievement" } }, ["dont-use-entity-in-energy-production-achievement"] = { solaris = { excluded = { "steam-engine", "steam-turbine" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/achievement/solaris.png", icon_size = 128, included = "solar-panel", last_hour_only = true, minimum_energy_produced = "10GJ", name = "solaris", order = "d[production]-e[solaris]", type = "dont-use-entity-in-energy-production-achievement" }, ["steam-all-the-way"] = { allowed_without_fight = false, excluded = "solar-panel", icon = "__base__/graphics/achievement/steam-all-the-way.png", icon_size = 128, name = "steam-all-the-way", order = "f[limitation]-b[steam-all-the-way]", type = "dont-use-entity-in-energy-production-achievement" } }, ["editor-controller"] = { default = { adjust_speed_based_off_zoom = true, enable_flash_light = true, fill_built_entity_energy_buffers = true, generate_neighbor_chunks = true, gun_inventory_size = 3, instant_blueprint_building = true, instant_deconstruction = true, instant_rail_planner = true, instant_upgrading = true, inventory_size = 110, item_pickup_distance = 1, loot_pickup_distance = 0, mining_speed = 6, movement_speed = 0.5, name = "default", placed_corpses_never_expire = true, render_as_day = true, show_additional_entity_info_gui = true, show_character_tab_in_controller_gui = false, show_entity_health_bars = true, show_entity_tags = true, show_hidden_entities = true, show_infinity_filters_in_controller_gui = false, show_status_icons = true, type = "editor-controller" } }, ["electric-energy-interface"] = { ["electric-energy-interface"] = { allow_copy_paste = true, close_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.close_sound ]=], collision_box = { { -0.9, -0.9 }, { 0.9, 0.9 } }, corpse = "medium-remnants", damaged_trigger_effect = { damage_type_filters = "fire", entity_name = "spark-explosion", offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, offsets = { { 0, 1 } }, type = "create-entity" }, drawing_box = { { -1, -1.5 }, { 1, 1 } }, energy_production = "500GW", energy_source = { buffer_capacity = "10GJ", type = "electric", usage_priority = "tertiary" }, energy_usage = "0kW", flags = { "placeable-neutral", "player-creation" }, gui_mode = "all", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, icons = { { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/accumulator.png", tint = { a = 1, b = 1, g = 0.8, r = 1 } } }, max_health = 150, minable = { mining_time = 0.1, result = "electric-energy-interface" }, name = "electric-energy-interface", open_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.open_sound ]=], picture = { layers = { { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/accumulator/accumulator.png", height = 94, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/accumulator/hr-accumulator.png", height = 189, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.34375 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 1, g = 0.8, r = 1 }, width = 130 }, priority = "high", shift = { 0, -0.3125 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["electric-energy-interface"]["electric-energy-interface"].picture.layers[1].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 66 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/accumulator/accumulator-shadow.png", height = 54, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/accumulator/hr-accumulator-shadow.png", height = 106, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.90625, 0.1875 }, width = 234 }, priority = "high", shift = { 0.875, 0.1875 }, width = 120 } } }, selection_box = { { -1, -1 }, { 1, 1 } }, subgroup = "other", type = "electric-energy-interface", vehicle_impact_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.vehicle_impact_sound ]=] }, ["hidden-electric-energy-interface"] = { collision_box = { { 0, 0 }, { 0, 0 } }, energy_production = "500GW", energy_source = { buffer_capacity = "10GJ", input_flow_limit = "0kW", output_flow_limit = "500GW", type = "electric", usage_priority = "tertiary" }, energy_usage = "0kW", flags = {}, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/solar-panel.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "" }, max_health = 150, name = "hidden-electric-energy-interface", order = "h-e-e-i", picture = { filename = "__core__/graphics/empty.png", height = 1, priority = "extra-high", width = 1 }, selectable_in_game = false, selection_box = { { -0, -0 }, { 0, 0 } }, type = "electric-energy-interface" } }, ["electric-pole"] = { ["big-electric-pole"] = { close_sound = { { filename = "__base__/sound/electric-network-close.ogg", volume = 0.6 } }, collision_box = { { -0.65, -0.65 }, { 0.65, 0.65 } }, connection_points = { { shadow = { copper = { 3.828125, -0.53125 }, green = { 3.21875, -0 }, red = { 4.703125, -0 } }, wire = { copper = { 0, -3.84375 }, green = { -0.90625, -3.296875 }, red = { 0.90625, -3.296875 } } }, { shadow = { copper = { 4.359375, -0.375 }, green = { 3.1875, -0.484375 }, red = { 4.4375, 0.4375 } }, wire = { copper = { 0.53125, -3.671875 }, green = { -0.625, -3.75 }, red = { 0.640625, -2.859375 } } }, { shadow = { copper = { 4.5625, 0 }, green = { 3.8125, -0.640625 }, red = { 3.8125, 0.640625 } }, wire = { copper = { 0.734375, -3.3125 }, green = { 0.015625, -3.921875 }, red = { 0.015625, -2.65625 } } }, { shadow = { copper = { 4.328125, 0.359375 }, green = { 4.46875, -0.453125 }, red = { 3.1875, 0.46875 } }, wire = { copper = { 0.515625, -2.9375 }, green = { 0.640625, -3.734375 }, red = { -0.640625, -2.8515625 } } } }, corpse = "big-electric-pole-remnants", damaged_trigger_effect = { damage_type_filters = "fire", entity_name = "spark-explosion", offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -2.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, offsets = { { 0, 1 } }, type = "create-entity" }, drawing_box = { { -1, -3 }, { 1, 0.5 } }, dying_explosion = "big-electric-pole-explosion", flags = { "placeable-neutral", "player-creation", "fast-replaceable-no-build-while-moving" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/big-electric-pole.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, max_health = 150, maximum_wire_distance = 30, minable = { mining_time = 0.1, result = "big-electric-pole" }, name = "big-electric-pole", open_sound = { { filename = "__base__/sound/electric-network-open.ogg", volume = 0.6 } }, pictures = { layers = { { direction_count = 4, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/big-electric-pole/big-electric-pole.png", height = 156, hr_version = { direction_count = 4, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/big-electric-pole/hr-big-electric-pole.png", height = 312, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -1.59375 }, width = 148 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.03125, -1.59375 }, width = 76 }, { direction_count = 4, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/big-electric-pole/big-electric-pole-shadow.png", height = 48, hr_version = { direction_count = 4, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/big-electric-pole/hr-big-electric-pole-shadow.png", height = 94, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.875, 0 }, width = 374 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 1.875, 0 }, width = 188 } } }, radius_visualisation_picture = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/small-electric-pole/electric-pole-radius-visualization.png", height = 12, priority = "extra-high-no-scale", width = 12 }, resistances = { { percent = 100, type = "fire" } }, selection_box = { { -1, -1 }, { 1, 1 } }, supply_area_distance = 2, type = "electric-pole", vehicle_impact_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.vehicle_impact_sound ]=], water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = false, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/big-electric-pole/big-electric-pole-reflection.png", height = 32, priority = "extra-high", scale = 5, shift = { 0, 1.875 }, variation_count = 1, width = 16 }, rotate = false } }, ["medium-electric-pole"] = { close_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["electric-pole"]["big-electric-pole"].close_sound ]=], collision_box = { { -0.15, -0.15 }, { 0.15, 0.15 } }, connection_points = { { shadow = { copper = { 3.578125, -0.203125 }, green = { 3.140625, -0.03125 }, red = { 3.84375, -0.03125 } }, wire = { copper = { 0.234375, -3.109375 }, green = { -0.234375, -2.890625 }, red = { 0.671875, -2.796875 } } }, { shadow = { copper = { 3.578125, -0.203125 }, green = { 3.0625, -0.359375 }, red = { 3.59375, 0.15625 } }, wire = { copper = { 0.234375, -3.109375 }, green = { -0.140625, -3.125 }, red = { 0.421875, -2.609375 } } }, { shadow = { copper = { 3.578125, -0.203125 }, green = { 3.390625, -0.46875 }, red = { 3.25, 0.1875 } }, wire = { copper = { 0.234375, -3.109375 }, green = { 0.203125, -3.21875 }, red = { 0.078125, -2.59375 } } }, { shadow = { copper = { 3.578125, -0.203125 }, green = { 3.71875, -0.359375 }, red = { 3.046875, 0.015625 } }, wire = { copper = { 0.234375, -3.109375 }, green = { 0.5625, -3.109375 }, red = { -0.1875, -2.734375 } } } }, corpse = "medium-electric-pole-remnants", damaged_trigger_effect = { damage_type_filters = "fire", entity_name = "spark-explosion", offset_deviation = { { -0.2, -2.2000000000000002 }, { 0.2, 0.2 } }, offsets = { { 0, 1 } }, type = "create-entity" }, drawing_box = { { -0.5, -2.7999999999999998 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, dying_explosion = "medium-electric-pole-explosion", fast_replaceable_group = "electric-pole", flags = { "placeable-neutral", "player-creation", "fast-replaceable-no-build-while-moving" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/medium-electric-pole.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, max_health = 100, maximum_wire_distance = 9, minable = { mining_time = 0.1, result = "medium-electric-pole" }, name = "medium-electric-pole", open_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["electric-pole"]["big-electric-pole"].open_sound ]=], pictures = { layers = { { direction_count = 4, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-electric-pole/medium-electric-pole.png", height = 124, hr_version = { direction_count = 4, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-electric-pole/hr-medium-electric-pole.png", height = 252, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.109375, -1.375 }, width = 84 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.125, -1.375 }, width = 40 }, { direction_count = 4, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-electric-pole/medium-electric-pole-shadow.png", height = 32, hr_version = { direction_count = 4, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-electric-pole/hr-medium-electric-pole-shadow.png", height = 64, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.765625, -0.03125 }, width = 280 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 1.75, -0.03125 }, width = 140 } } }, radius_visualisation_picture = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/small-electric-pole/electric-pole-radius-visualization.png", height = 12, priority = "extra-high-no-scale", width = 12 }, resistances = { { percent = 100, type = "fire" } }, selection_box = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, supply_area_distance = 3.5, track_coverage_during_build_by_moving = true, type = "electric-pole", vehicle_impact_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.vehicle_impact_sound ]=], water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = false, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-electric-pole/medium-electric-pole-reflection.png", height = 28, priority = "extra-high", scale = 5, shift = { 0, 1.71875 }, variation_count = 1, width = 12 }, rotate = false } }, ["small-electric-pole"] = { close_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["electric-pole"]["big-electric-pole"].close_sound ]=], collision_box = { { -0.15, -0.15 }, { 0.15, 0.15 } }, connection_points = { { shadow = { copper = { 3.078125, 0.078125 }, green = { 2.671875, 0.125 }, red = { 3.46875, 0.140625 } }, wire = { copper = { 0, -2.578125 }, green = { -0.390625, -2.53125 }, red = { 0.40625, -2.53125 } } }, { shadow = { copper = { 3.109375, 0.125 }, green = { 2.890625, -0.125 }, red = { 3.4375, 0.28125 } }, wire = { copper = { 0.046875, -2.53125 }, green = { -0.1875, -2.796875 }, red = { 0.375, -2.375 } } }, { shadow = { copper = { 3.140625, 0.171875 }, green = { 3.234375, -0.109375 }, red = { 3.203125, 0.453125 } }, wire = { copper = { 0.078125, -2.484375 }, green = { 0.15625, -2.796875 }, red = { 0.125, -2.21875 } } }, { shadow = { copper = { 3.078125, -0.046875 }, green = { 3.3125, -0.28125 }, red = { 2.75, 0.109375 } }, wire = { copper = { 0.015625, -2.703125 }, green = { 0.25, -2.921875 }, red = { -0.328125, -2.546875 } } } }, corpse = "small-electric-pole-remnants", damaged_trigger_effect = { damage_type_filters = "fire", entity_name = "spark-explosion", offset_deviation = { { -0.2, -2.2000000000000002 }, { 0.2, 0.2 } }, offsets = { { 0, 1 } }, type = "create-entity" }, drawing_box = { { -0.5, -2.6000000000000001 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, dying_explosion = "small-electric-pole-explosion", fast_replaceable_group = "electric-pole", flags = { "placeable-neutral", "player-creation", "fast-replaceable-no-build-while-moving" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/small-electric-pole.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, max_health = 100, maximum_wire_distance = 7.5, minable = { mining_time = 0.1, result = "small-electric-pole" }, name = "small-electric-pole", open_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["electric-pole"]["big-electric-pole"].open_sound ]=], pictures = { layers = { { direction_count = 4, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/small-electric-pole/small-electric-pole.png", height = 108, hr_version = { direction_count = 4, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/small-electric-pole/hr-small-electric-pole.png", height = 220, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.046875, -1.328125 }, width = 72 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.0625, -1.3125 }, width = 36 }, { direction_count = 4, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/small-electric-pole/small-electric-pole-shadow.png", height = 28, hr_version = { direction_count = 4, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/small-electric-pole/hr-small-electric-pole-shadow.png", height = 52, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.59375, 0.09375 }, width = 256 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 1.5625, 0.0625 }, width = 130 } } }, radius_visualisation_picture = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/small-electric-pole/electric-pole-radius-visualization.png", height = 12, priority = "extra-high-no-scale", width = 12 }, selection_box = { { -0.4, -0.4 }, { 0.4, 0.4 } }, supply_area_distance = 2.5, track_coverage_during_build_by_moving = true, type = "electric-pole", vehicle_impact_sound = { game_controller_vibration_data = { duration = 150, low_frequency_vibration_intensity = 0.45 }, switch_vibration_data = { filename = "__base__/sound/car-wood-impact.bnvib", gain = 0.5 }, variations = { { filename = "__base__/sound/car-wood-impact.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/car-wood-impact-02.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/car-wood-impact-03.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/car-wood-impact-04.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/car-wood-impact-05.ogg", volume = 0.5 } } }, water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = true, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/small-electric-pole/small-electric-pole-reflection.png", height = 28, priority = "extra-high", scale = 5, shift = { 0.15625, 1.25 }, variation_count = 4, width = 12 }, rotate = false } }, substation = { close_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["electric-pole"]["big-electric-pole"].close_sound ]=], collision_box = { { -0.7, -0.7 }, { 0.7, 0.7 } }, connection_points = { { shadow = { copper = { 4.25, 0.25 }, green = { 3.875, 0.25 }, red = { 4.71875, 0.28125 } }, wire = { copper = { 0, -2.6875 }, green = { -0.65625, -2.5625 }, red = { 0.6875, -2.53125 } } }, { shadow = { copper = { 4.15625, 0.28125 }, green = { 4.5, 0.65625 }, red = { 3.4375, -0.09375 } }, wire = { copper = { 0, -2.65625 }, green = { 0.46875, -2.1875 }, red = { -0.46875, -2.875 } } }, { shadow = { copper = { 4.15625, 0.28125 }, green = { 3.96875, 0.8125 }, red = { 3.96875, -0.25 } }, wire = { copper = { 0, -2.65625 }, green = { 0, -2.0625 }, red = { 0, -3.03125 } } }, { shadow = { copper = { 4.15625, 0.28125 }, green = { 3.46875, 0.625 }, red = { 4.5, -0.09375 } }, wire = { copper = { 0, -2.6875 }, green = { -0.46875, -2.21875 }, red = { 0.46875, -2.875 } } } }, corpse = "substation-remnants", damaged_trigger_effect = { damage_type_filters = "fire", entity_name = "spark-explosion", offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -2.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, offsets = { { 0, 1 } }, type = "create-entity" }, drawing_box = { { -1, -3 }, { 1, 1 } }, dying_explosion = "substation-explosion", flags = { "placeable-neutral", "player-creation" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/substation.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, max_health = 200, maximum_wire_distance = 18, minable = { mining_time = 0.1, result = "substation" }, name = "substation", open_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["electric-pole"]["big-electric-pole"].open_sound ]=], pictures = { layers = { { direction_count = 4, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/substation/substation.png", height = 136, hr_version = { direction_count = 4, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/substation/hr-substation.png", height = 270, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.96875 }, width = 138 }, priority = "high", shift = { 0, -0.96875 }, width = 70 }, { direction_count = 4, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/substation/substation-shadow.png", height = 52, hr_version = { direction_count = 4, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/substation/hr-substation-shadow.png", height = 104, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.9375, 0.3125 }, width = 370 }, priority = "high", shift = { 1.9375, 0.3125 }, width = 186 } } }, radius_visualisation_picture = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/small-electric-pole/electric-pole-radius-visualization.png", height = 12, priority = "extra-high-no-scale", width = 12 }, resistances = { { percent = 90, type = "fire" } }, selection_box = { { -1, -1 }, { 1, 1 } }, supply_area_distance = 9, track_coverage_during_build_by_moving = true, type = "electric-pole", vehicle_impact_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.vehicle_impact_sound ]=], water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = false, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/substation/substation-reflection.png", height = 28, priority = "extra-high", scale = 5, shift = { 0, 1.71875 }, variation_count = 1, width = 20 }, rotate = false }, working_sound = { audible_distance_modifier = 0.32000000000000002, fade_in_ticks = 30, fade_out_ticks = 40, max_sounds_per_type = 3, sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/substation.ogg", volume = 0.4 }, use_doppler_shift = false } } }, ["electric-turret"] = { ["laser-turret"] = { attack_parameters = { ammo_type = { action = { action_delivery = { beam = "laser-beam", duration = 40, max_length = 24, source_offset = { 0, -1.3143899999999999 }, type = "beam" }, type = "direct" }, category = "laser", energy_consumption = "800kJ" }, cooldown = 40, damage_modifier = 2, range = 24, source_direction_count = 64, source_offset = { 0, -0.85587225 }, type = "beam" }, base_picture = { layers = { { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/laser-turret/laser-turret-base.png", frame_count = 1, height = 52, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/laser-turret/hr-laser-turret-base.png", frame_count = 1, height = 104, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.015625, 0.0625 }, width = 138 }, priority = "high", shift = { 0, 0.0625 }, width = 70 }, { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/laser-turret/laser-turret-base-shadow.png", frame_count = 1, height = 42, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/laser-turret/hr-laser-turret-base-shadow.png", frame_count = 1, height = 82, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1875, 0.09375 }, width = 132 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0.1875, 0.09375 }, width = 66 } } }, call_for_help_radius = 40, collision_box = { { -0.7, -0.7 }, { 0.7, 0.7 } }, corpse = "laser-turret-remnants", damaged_trigger_effect = { damage_type_filters = "fire", entity_name = "spark-explosion", offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, offsets = { { 0, 1 } }, type = "create-entity" }, dying_explosion = "laser-turret-explosion", energy_glow_animation = { blend_mode = "additive", direction_count = 64, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/laser-turret/laser-turret-shooting-light.png", frame_count = 1, height = 58, hr_version = { blend_mode = "additive", direction_count = 64, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/laser-turret/hr-laser-turret-shooting-light.png", frame_count = 1, height = 116, line_length = 8, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.015625, -1.09375 }, width = 122 }, line_length = 8, shift = { 0, -1.09375 }, width = 62 }, energy_source = { buffer_capacity = "801kJ", drain = "24kW", input_flow_limit = "9600kW", type = "electric", usage_priority = "primary-input" }, flags = { "placeable-player", "placeable-enemy", "player-creation" }, folded_animation = { layers = { { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 4, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/laser-turret/laser-turret-raising.png", frame_count = 1, height = 64, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 4, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/laser-turret/hr-laser-turret-raising.png", frame_count = 1, height = 126, line_length = 1, priority = "medium", run_mode = "forward", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -1.015625 }, width = 130 }, line_length = 1, priority = "medium", run_mode = "forward", shift = { 0, -1 }, width = 66 }, { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 4, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/laser-turret/laser-turret-raising-shadow.png", frame_count = 1, height = 50, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 4, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/laser-turret/hr-laser-turret-raising-shadow.png", frame_count = 1, height = 96, line_length = 1, run_mode = "forward", scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.46875, 0.078125 }, width = 182 }, line_length = 1, run_mode = "forward", shift = { 1.46875, 0.09375 }, width = 92 }, { apply_runtime_tint = true, axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 4, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/laser-turret/laser-turret-raising-mask.png", flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 1, height = 40, hr_version = { apply_runtime_tint = true, axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 4, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/laser-turret/hr-laser-turret-raising-mask.png", flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 1, height = 80, line_length = 1, run_mode = "forward", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -1.34375 }, width = 86 }, line_length = 1, run_mode = "forward", shift = { 0, -1.34375 }, width = 44 } } }, folding_animation = { layers = { { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 4, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/laser-turret/laser-turret-raising.png", frame_count = 15, height = 64, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 4, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/laser-turret/hr-laser-turret-raising.png", frame_count = 15, height = 126, line_length = 0, priority = "medium", run_mode = "backward", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -1.015625 }, width = 130 }, line_length = 0, priority = "medium", run_mode = "backward", shift = { 0, -1 }, width = 66 }, { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 4, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/laser-turret/laser-turret-raising-shadow.png", frame_count = 15, height = 50, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 4, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/laser-turret/hr-laser-turret-raising-shadow.png", frame_count = 15, height = 96, line_length = 0, run_mode = "backward", scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.46875, 0.078125 }, width = 182 }, line_length = 0, run_mode = "backward", shift = { 1.46875, 0.09375 }, width = 92 }, { apply_runtime_tint = true, axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 4, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/laser-turret/laser-turret-raising-mask.png", flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 15, height = 40, hr_version = { apply_runtime_tint = true, axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 4, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/laser-turret/hr-laser-turret-raising-mask.png", flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 15, height = 80, line_length = 0, run_mode = "backward", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -1.34375 }, width = 86 }, line_length = 0, run_mode = "backward", shift = { 0, -1.34375 }, width = 44 } } }, folding_sound = { { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/laser-turret-deactivate-01.ogg", volume = 0.3 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/laser-turret-deactivate-02.ogg", volume = 0.3 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/laser-turret-deactivate-03.ogg", volume = 0.3 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/laser-turret-deactivate-04.ogg", volume = 0.3 } }, folding_speed = 0.05, glow_light_intensity = 0.5, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/laser-turret.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, max_health = 1000, minable = { mining_time = 0.5, result = "laser-turret" }, name = "laser-turret", prepared_animation = { layers = { { direction_count = 64, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/laser-turret/laser-turret-shooting.png", frame_count = 1, height = 60, hr_version = { direction_count = 64, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/laser-turret/hr-laser-turret-shooting.png", frame_count = 1, height = 120, line_length = 8, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -1.09375 }, width = 126 }, line_length = 8, shift = { 0, -1.09375 }, width = 64 }, { direction_count = 64, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/laser-turret/laser-turret-shooting-shadow.png", frame_count = 1, height = 46, hr_version = { direction_count = 64, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/laser-turret/hr-laser-turret-shooting-shadow.png", frame_count = 1, height = 92, line_length = 8, scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.578125, 0.078125 }, width = 170 }, line_length = 8, shift = { 1.59375, 0.0625 }, width = 86 }, { apply_runtime_tint = true, direction_count = 64, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/laser-turret/laser-turret-shooting-mask.png", flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 1, height = 42, hr_version = { apply_runtime_tint = true, direction_count = 64, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/laser-turret/hr-laser-turret-shooting-mask.png", flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 1, height = 80, line_length = 8, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -1.359375 }, width = 92 }, line_length = 8, shift = { 0, -1.34375 }, width = 46 } } }, preparing_animation = { layers = { { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 4, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/laser-turret/laser-turret-raising.png", frame_count = 15, height = 64, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 4, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/laser-turret/hr-laser-turret-raising.png", frame_count = 15, height = 126, line_length = 0, priority = "medium", run_mode = "forward", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -1.015625 }, width = 130 }, line_length = 0, priority = "medium", run_mode = "forward", shift = { 0, -1 }, width = 66 }, { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 4, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/laser-turret/laser-turret-raising-shadow.png", frame_count = 15, height = 50, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 4, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/laser-turret/hr-laser-turret-raising-shadow.png", frame_count = 15, height = 96, line_length = 0, run_mode = "forward", scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.46875, 0.078125 }, width = 182 }, line_length = 0, run_mode = "forward", shift = { 1.46875, 0.09375 }, width = 92 }, { apply_runtime_tint = true, axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 4, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/laser-turret/laser-turret-raising-mask.png", flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 15, height = 40, hr_version = { apply_runtime_tint = true, axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 4, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/laser-turret/hr-laser-turret-raising-mask.png", flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 15, height = 80, line_length = 0, run_mode = "forward", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -1.34375 }, width = 86 }, line_length = 0, run_mode = "forward", shift = { 0, -1.34375 }, width = 44 } } }, preparing_sound = { { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/laser-turret-activate-01.ogg", volume = 0.3 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/laser-turret-activate-02.ogg", volume = 0.3 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/laser-turret-activate-03.ogg", volume = 0.3 } }, preparing_speed = 0.05, rotation_speed = 0.01, selection_box = { { -1, -1 }, { 1, 1 } }, type = "electric-turret", vehicle_impact_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.vehicle_impact_sound ]=], water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = false, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/laser-turret/laser-turret-reflection.png", height = 32, priority = "extra-high", scale = 5, shift = { 0, 1.25 }, variation_count = 1, width = 20 }, rotate = false } } }, ["energy-shield-equipment"] = { ["energy-shield-equipment"] = { categories = { "armor" }, energy_per_shield = "20kJ", energy_source = { buffer_capacity = "120kJ", input_flow_limit = "240kW", type = "electric", usage_priority = "primary-input" }, max_shield_value = 50, name = "energy-shield-equipment", shape = { height = 2, type = "full", width = 2 }, sprite = { filename = "__base__/graphics/equipment/energy-shield-equipment.png", height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/equipment/hr-energy-shield-equipment.png", height = 128, priority = "medium", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "medium", width = 64 }, type = "energy-shield-equipment" }, ["energy-shield-mk2-equipment"] = { categories = { "armor" }, energy_per_shield = "30kJ", energy_source = { buffer_capacity = "180kJ", input_flow_limit = "360kW", type = "electric", usage_priority = "primary-input" }, max_shield_value = 150, name = "energy-shield-mk2-equipment", shape = { height = 2, type = "full", width = 2 }, sprite = { filename = "__base__/graphics/equipment/energy-shield-mk2-equipment.png", height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/equipment/hr-energy-shield-mk2-equipment.png", height = 128, priority = "medium", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "medium", width = 64 }, type = "energy-shield-equipment" } }, ["entity-ghost"] = { ["entity-ghost"] = { build_sound = { { filename = "__core__/sound/build-ghost-small.ogg", volume = 0.6 } }, icon = "__core__/graphics/icons/mip/ghost-entity.png", icon_mipmaps = 3, icon_size = 64, large_build_sound = { { filename = "__core__/sound/build-ghost-large.ogg", volume = 0.7 } }, medium_build_sound = { { filename = "__core__/sound/build-ghost-medium.ogg", volume = 0.7 } }, minable = { mining_time = 0, results = {} }, mined_sound = { { filename = "__core__/sound/deconstruct-ghost.ogg", volume = 0.4 } }, name = "entity-ghost", type = "entity-ghost" } }, ["equipment-category"] = { armor = { name = "armor", type = "equipment-category" } }, ["equipment-grid"] = { ["large-equipment-grid"] = { equipment_categories = { "armor" }, height = 10, name = "large-equipment-grid", type = "equipment-grid", width = 10 }, ["medium-equipment-grid"] = { equipment_categories = { "armor" }, height = 7, name = "medium-equipment-grid", type = "equipment-grid", width = 7 }, ["small-equipment-grid"] = { equipment_categories = { "armor" }, height = 5, name = "small-equipment-grid", type = "equipment-grid", width = 5 }, ["spidertron-equipment-grid"] = { equipment_categories = { "armor" }, height = 6, name = "spidertron-equipment-grid", type = "equipment-grid", width = 10 } }, explosion = { ["accumulator-explosion"] = { animations = { { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/medium-explosion-1.png", frame_count = 30, height = 112, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/hr-medium-explosion-1.png", frame_count = 30, height = 224, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03125, -1.125 }, width = 124 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { -0.03125, -1.125 }, width = 62 }, { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/medium-explosion-2.png", frame_count = 41, height = 106, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/hr-medium-explosion-2.png", frame_count = 41, height = 212, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.40625, -1.0625 }, width = 154 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { -0.40625, -1.0625 }, width = 78 }, { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/medium-explosion-3.png", frame_count = 39, height = 118, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/hr-medium-explosion-3.png", frame_count = 39, height = 236, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.015625, -1.15625 }, width = 126 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { 0.03125, -1.15625 }, width = 64 } }, created_effect = { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { initial_height = 0.4, initial_height_deviation = 0.49000000000000004, initial_vertical_speed = 0.070000000000000009, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.39450000000000003, -0.49610000000000003 }, { 0.39450000000000003, 0.49610000000000003 } }, particle_name = "accumulator-metal-particle-big", repeat_count = 27, speed_from_center = 0.04, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 0.4, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.091999999999999993, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.79690000000000003, -0.5 }, { 0.79690000000000003, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "accumulator-metal-particle-medium", repeat_count = 24, speed_from_center = 0.05, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 0.4, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.034000000000000004, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.046999999999999993, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "accumulator-metal-particle-small", repeat_count = 25, speed_from_center = 0.05, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" } }, type = "instant" }, type = "direct" }, flags = { "not-on-map", "hidden" }, height = 0, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/accumulator.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "dying-explosion-name", { "entity-name.accumulator" } }, name = "accumulator-explosion", order = "e-e-e", smoke = "smoke-fast", smoke_count = 2, smoke_slow_down_factor = 1, sound = { aggregation = { max_count = 1, remove = true }, variations = { { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-1.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-2.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-3.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-4.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-5.ogg", volume = 0.5 } } }, subgroup = "energy-explosions", type = "explosion" }, ["active-provider-chest-explosion"] = { animations = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__core__/graphics/empty.png", frame_count = 1, height = 1, priority = "extra-high", width = 1 }, created_effect = { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { initial_height = 0.5, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.06, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "active-provider-chest-metal-particle-medium", repeat_count = 20, speed_from_center = 0.04, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 0.5, initial_height_deviation = 0.44000000000000004, initial_vertical_speed = 0.069000000000000004, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "active-provider-chest-metal-particle-small", repeat_count = 20, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.045999999999999996, type = "create-particle" } }, type = "instant" }, type = "direct" }, flags = { "not-on-map", "hidden" }, height = 0, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/logistic-chest-active-provider.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "dying-explosion-name", { "entity-name.logistic-chest-active-provider" } }, name = "active-provider-chest-explosion", order = "f-c-a", smoke = "smoke-fast", smoke_count = 2, smoke_slow_down_factor = 1, sound = { aggregation = { max_count = 1, remove = true }, variations = { { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-1.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-2.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-3.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-4.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-5.ogg", volume = 0.5 } } }, subgroup = "logistic-network-explosions", type = "explosion" }, ["arithmetic-combinator-explosion"] = { animations = { { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/small-explosion/small-explosion-1.png", frame_count = 24, height = 90, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/small-explosion/hr-small-explosion-1.png", frame_count = 24, height = 178, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03125, -0.75 }, width = 88 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { -0.03125, -0.75 }, width = 44 }, { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/small-explosion/small-explosion-2.png", frame_count = 24, height = 76, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/small-explosion/hr-small-explosion-2.png", frame_count = 24, height = 152, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0625, -0.234375 }, width = 92 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { 0.0625, -0.25 }, width = 46 } }, created_effect = { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { initial_height = 0.3, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.042999999999999989, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.39450000000000003, -0.29689999999999998 }, { 0.39450000000000003, 0.29689999999999998 } }, particle_name = "arithmetic-combinator-metal-particle-big", repeat_count = 2, speed_from_center = 0.04, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 0.1, initial_height_deviation = 0.44000000000000004, initial_vertical_speed = 0.039000000000000004, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.39060000000000002 }, { 0.5, 0.39060000000000002 } }, particle_name = "arithmetic-combinator-metal-particle-medium", repeat_count = 12, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 0.6, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.084000000000000004, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.59770000000000003, -0.89059999999999988 }, { 0.59770000000000003, 0.89059999999999988 } }, particle_name = "arithmetic-combinator-metal-particle-small", repeat_count = 20, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0.36099999999999999, initial_height = 0.1, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.04, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "cable-and-electronics-particle-small-medium", repeat_count = 13, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" } }, type = "instant" }, type = "direct" }, flags = { "not-on-map", "hidden" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/arithmetic-combinator.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "dying-explosion-name", { "entity-name.arithmetic-combinator" } }, name = "arithmetic-combinator-explosion", order = "g-b-a", smoke = "smoke-fast", smoke_count = 2, smoke_slow_down_factor = 1, sound = { aggregation = { max_count = 1, remove = true }, variations = { { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-1.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-2.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-3.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-4.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-5.ogg", volume = 0.5 } } }, subgroup = "circuit-network-explosions", type = "explosion" }, ["artillery-cannon-muzzle-flash"] = { animations = { { animation_speed = 0.75, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-cannon-muzzle-flash/muzzle-flash.png", frame_count = 21, height = 192, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.75, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/artillery-cannon-muzzle-flash/hr-muzzle-flash.png", frame_count = 21, height = 382, line_length = 7, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.03125, -2.5625 }, width = 276 }, line_length = 7, shift = { 0.03125, -2.5625 }, width = 138 } }, correct_rotation = true, flags = { "not-on-map", "hidden" }, height = 0, localised_name = { "entity-name.artillery-cannon-muzzle-flash" }, name = "artillery-cannon-muzzle-flash", rotate = true, smoke = "smoke-fast", smoke_count = 1, smoke_slow_down_factor = 1, subgroup = "explosions", type = "explosion" }, ["artillery-turret-explosion"] = { animations = { { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/medium-explosion-1.png", frame_count = 30, height = 112, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/hr-medium-explosion-1.png", frame_count = 30, height = 224, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03125, -1.125 }, width = 124 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { -0.03125, -1.125 }, width = 62 }, { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/medium-explosion-2.png", frame_count = 41, height = 106, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/hr-medium-explosion-2.png", frame_count = 41, height = 212, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.40625, -1.0625 }, width = 154 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { -0.40625, -1.0625 }, width = 78 }, { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/medium-explosion-3.png", frame_count = 39, height = 118, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/hr-medium-explosion-3.png", frame_count = 39, height = 236, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.015625, -1.15625 }, width = 126 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { 0.03125, -1.15625 }, width = 64 } }, created_effect = { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { initial_height = 0.7, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.11000000000000001, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.19530000000000001 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.19530000000000001 } }, particle_name = "artillery-wagon-metal-particle-big", repeat_count = 20, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 1, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.10900000000000001, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.59770000000000003, -0.59770000000000003 }, { 0.59770000000000003, 0.59770000000000003 } }, particle_name = "artillery-wagon-metal-particle-medium", repeat_count = 30, speed_from_center = 0.05, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 1, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.11400000000000001, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.59770000000000003, -0.59770000000000003 }, { 0.59770000000000003, 0.59770000000000003 } }, particle_name = "artillery-wagon-metal-particle-small", repeat_count = 30, speed_from_center = 0.05, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 0.6, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.087999999999999989, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "artillery-wagon-metal-particle-big-yellow", repeat_count = 20, speed_from_center = 0.05, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 1, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.101, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "artillery-wagon-mechanical-component-particle-medium", repeat_count = 16, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" } }, type = "instant" }, type = "direct" }, flags = { "not-on-map", "hidden" }, height = 0, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/artillery-turret.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "dying-explosion-name", { "entity-name.artillery-turret" } }, name = "artillery-turret-explosion", order = "b-f-a", smoke = "smoke-fast", smoke_count = 2, smoke_slow_down_factor = 1, sound = { aggregation = { max_count = 1, remove = true }, audible_distance_modifier = 0.7, game_controller_vibration_data = { duration = 120, low_frequency_vibration_intensity = 0.8 }, switch_vibration_data = { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/medium-explosion.bnvib", gain = 0.4 }, variations = { { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/medium-explosion-1.ogg", volume = 0.4 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/medium-explosion-2.ogg", volume = 0.4 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/medium-explosion-3.ogg", volume = 0.4 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/medium-explosion-4.ogg", volume = 0.4 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/medium-explosion-5.ogg", volume = 0.4 } } }, subgroup = "defensive-structure-explosions", type = "explosion" }, ["artillery-wagon-explosion"] = { animations = { { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/medium-explosion-1.png", frame_count = 30, height = 112, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/hr-medium-explosion-1.png", frame_count = 30, height = 224, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03125, -1.125 }, width = 124 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { -0.03125, -1.125 }, width = 62 }, { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/medium-explosion-2.png", frame_count = 41, height = 106, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/hr-medium-explosion-2.png", frame_count = 41, height = 212, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.40625, -1.0625 }, width = 154 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { -0.40625, -1.0625 }, width = 78 }, { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/medium-explosion-3.png", frame_count = 39, height = 118, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/hr-medium-explosion-3.png", frame_count = 39, height = 236, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.015625, -1.15625 }, width = 126 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { 0.03125, -1.15625 }, width = 64 } }, created_effect = { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { initial_height = 0.7, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.11000000000000001, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.19530000000000001 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.19530000000000001 } }, particle_name = "artillery-wagon-metal-particle-big", repeat_count = 20, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 1, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.10900000000000001, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.59770000000000003, -0.59770000000000003 }, { 0.59770000000000003, 0.59770000000000003 } }, particle_name = "artillery-wagon-metal-particle-medium", repeat_count = 30, speed_from_center = 0.05, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 1, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.11400000000000001, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.59770000000000003, -0.59770000000000003 }, { 0.59770000000000003, 0.59770000000000003 } }, particle_name = "artillery-wagon-metal-particle-small", repeat_count = 30, speed_from_center = 0.05, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 0.6, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.087999999999999989, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "artillery-wagon-metal-particle-big-yellow", repeat_count = 20, speed_from_center = 0.05, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 1, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.101, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "artillery-wagon-mechanical-component-particle-medium", repeat_count = 16, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" } }, type = "instant" }, type = "direct" }, flags = { "not-on-map", "hidden" }, height = 0, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/artillery-wagon.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "dying-explosion-name", { "entity-name.artillery-wagon" } }, name = "artillery-wagon-explosion", order = "e-h-a", smoke = "smoke-fast", smoke_count = 2, smoke_slow_down_factor = 1, sound = { aggregation = { max_count = 1, remove = true }, audible_distance_modifier = 1.95, game_controller_vibration_data = { duration = 160, low_frequency_vibration_intensity = 0.9, play_for = "everything" }, switch_vibration_data = { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/large-explosion.bnvib", gain = 0.6, play_for = "everything" }, variations = { { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/large-explosion-1.ogg", volume = 0.8 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/large-explosion-2.ogg", volume = 0.8 } } }, subgroup = "train-transport-explosions", type = "explosion" }, ["assembling-machine-1-explosion"] = { animations = { { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/medium-explosion-1.png", frame_count = 30, height = 112, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/hr-medium-explosion-1.png", frame_count = 30, height = 224, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03125, -1.125 }, width = 124 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { -0.03125, -1.125 }, width = 62 }, { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/medium-explosion-2.png", frame_count = 41, height = 106, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/hr-medium-explosion-2.png", frame_count = 41, height = 212, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.40625, -1.0625 }, width = 154 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { -0.40625, -1.0625 }, width = 78 }, { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/medium-explosion-3.png", frame_count = 39, height = 118, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/hr-medium-explosion-3.png", frame_count = 39, height = 236, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.015625, -1.15625 }, width = 126 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { 0.03125, -1.15625 }, width = 64 } }, created_effect = { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { initial_height = 0.1, initial_height_deviation = 0.49000000000000004, initial_vertical_speed = 0.08, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.6875, -0.6875 }, { 0.6875, 0.6875 } }, particle_name = "assembling-machine-1-metal-particle-big", repeat_count = 17, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.098000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.87889999999999997, -0.89450000000000003 }, { 0.87889999999999997, 0.89450000000000003 } }, particle_name = "assembling-machine-1-metal-particle-medium", repeat_count = 21, speed_from_center = 0.05, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 0.1, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.075, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.89450000000000003, -0.39060000000000002 }, { 0.89450000000000003, 0.39060000000000002 } }, particle_name = "assembling-machine-1-metal-particle-small", repeat_count = 26, speed_from_center = 0.04, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 0.3, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.091999999999999993, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "cable-and-electronics-particle-small-medium", repeat_count = 7, speed_from_center = 0.05, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 0.4, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.069000000000000004, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "assembling-machine-mechanical-component-particle-medium", repeat_count = 25, speed_from_center = 0.05, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" } }, type = "instant" }, type = "direct" }, flags = { "not-on-map", "hidden" }, height = 0, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/assembling-machine-1.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "dying-explosion-name", { "entity-name.assembling-machine-1" } }, name = "assembling-machine-1-explosion", order = "d-a-a", smoke = "smoke-fast", smoke_count = 2, smoke_slow_down_factor = 1, sound = { aggregation = { max_count = 1, remove = true }, audible_distance_modifier = 1.95, game_controller_vibration_data = { duration = 160, low_frequency_vibration_intensity = 0.9, play_for = "everything" }, switch_vibration_data = { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/large-explosion.bnvib", gain = 0.6, play_for = "everything" }, variations = { { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/large-explosion-1.ogg", volume = 0.8 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/large-explosion-2.ogg", volume = 0.8 } } }, subgroup = "production-machine-explosions", type = "explosion" }, ["assembling-machine-2-explosion"] = { animations = { { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/medium-explosion-1.png", frame_count = 30, height = 112, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/hr-medium-explosion-1.png", frame_count = 30, height = 224, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03125, -1.125 }, width = 124 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { -0.03125, -1.125 }, width = 62 }, { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/medium-explosion-2.png", frame_count = 41, height = 106, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/hr-medium-explosion-2.png", frame_count = 41, height = 212, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.40625, -1.0625 }, width = 154 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { -0.40625, -1.0625 }, width = 78 }, { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/medium-explosion-3.png", frame_count = 39, height = 118, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/hr-medium-explosion-3.png", frame_count = 39, height = 236, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.015625, -1.15625 }, width = 126 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { 0.03125, -1.15625 }, width = 64 } }, created_effect = { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { initial_height = 0.1, initial_height_deviation = 0.49000000000000004, initial_vertical_speed = 0.08, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.6875, -0.6875 }, { 0.6875, 0.6875 } }, particle_name = "assembling-machine-2-metal-particle-big", repeat_count = 17, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.098000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.87889999999999997, -0.89450000000000003 }, { 0.87889999999999997, 0.89450000000000003 } }, particle_name = "assembling-machine-2-metal-particle-medium", repeat_count = 21, speed_from_center = 0.05, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 0.1, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.075, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.89450000000000003, -0.39060000000000002 }, { 0.89450000000000003, 0.39060000000000002 } }, particle_name = "assembling-machine-2-metal-particle-small", repeat_count = 26, speed_from_center = 0.04, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 0.3, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.091999999999999993, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "cable-and-electronics-particle-small-medium", repeat_count = 7, speed_from_center = 0.05, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 0.4, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.069000000000000004, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "assembling-machine-mechanical-component-particle-medium", repeat_count = 25, speed_from_center = 0.05, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" } }, type = "instant" }, type = "direct" }, flags = { "not-on-map", "hidden" }, height = 0, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/assembling-machine-2.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "dying-explosion-name", { "entity-name.assembling-machine-2" } }, name = "assembling-machine-2-explosion", order = "d-b-a", smoke = "smoke-fast", smoke_count = 2, smoke_slow_down_factor = 1, sound = { aggregation = { max_count = 1, remove = true }, audible_distance_modifier = 1.95, game_controller_vibration_data = { duration = 160, low_frequency_vibration_intensity = 0.9, play_for = "everything" }, switch_vibration_data = { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/large-explosion.bnvib", gain = 0.6, play_for = "everything" }, variations = { { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/large-explosion-1.ogg", volume = 0.8 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/large-explosion-2.ogg", volume = 0.8 } } }, subgroup = "production-machine-explosions", type = "explosion" }, ["assembling-machine-3-explosion"] = { animations = { { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/medium-explosion-1.png", frame_count = 30, height = 112, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/hr-medium-explosion-1.png", frame_count = 30, height = 224, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03125, -1.125 }, width = 124 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { -0.03125, -1.125 }, width = 62 }, { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/medium-explosion-2.png", frame_count = 41, height = 106, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/hr-medium-explosion-2.png", frame_count = 41, height = 212, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.40625, -1.0625 }, width = 154 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { -0.40625, -1.0625 }, width = 78 }, { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/medium-explosion-3.png", frame_count = 39, height = 118, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/hr-medium-explosion-3.png", frame_count = 39, height = 236, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.015625, -1.15625 }, width = 126 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { 0.03125, -1.15625 }, width = 64 } }, created_effect = { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { initial_height = 0.1, initial_height_deviation = 0.49000000000000004, initial_vertical_speed = 0.08, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.6875, -0.6875 }, { 0.6875, 0.6875 } }, particle_name = "assembling-machine-3-metal-particle-big", repeat_count = 17, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.098000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.87889999999999997, -0.89450000000000003 }, { 0.87889999999999997, 0.89450000000000003 } }, particle_name = "assembling-machine-3-metal-particle-medium", repeat_count = 21, speed_from_center = 0.05, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 0.1, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.075, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.89450000000000003, -0.39060000000000002 }, { 0.89450000000000003, 0.39060000000000002 } }, particle_name = "assembling-machine-3-metal-particle-small", repeat_count = 26, speed_from_center = 0.04, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 0.3, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.091999999999999993, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "cable-and-electronics-particle-small-medium", repeat_count = 7, speed_from_center = 0.05, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 0.4, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.069000000000000004, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "assembling-machine-mechanical-component-particle-medium", repeat_count = 25, speed_from_center = 0.05, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" } }, type = "instant" }, type = "direct" }, flags = { "not-on-map", "hidden" }, height = 0, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/assembling-machine-3.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "dying-explosion-name", { "entity-name.assembling-machine-3" } }, name = "assembling-machine-3-explosion", order = "d-c-a", smoke = "smoke-fast", smoke_count = 2, smoke_slow_down_factor = 1, sound = { aggregation = { max_count = 1, remove = true }, audible_distance_modifier = 1.95, game_controller_vibration_data = { duration = 160, low_frequency_vibration_intensity = 0.9, play_for = "everything" }, switch_vibration_data = { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/large-explosion.bnvib", gain = 0.6, play_for = "everything" }, variations = { { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/large-explosion-1.ogg", volume = 0.8 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/large-explosion-2.ogg", volume = 0.8 } } }, subgroup = "production-machine-explosions", type = "explosion" }, ["atomic-fire-smoke"] = { animations = { { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/smoke/smoke.png", flags = { "smoke" }, frame_count = 60, height = 120, line_length = 5, priority = "high", shift = { -0.53125, -0.4375 }, tint = { a = 0.5, b = 0.34499999999999997, g = 0.47799999999999994, r = 0.62699999999999996 }, width = 152 } }, correct_rotation = true, fade_out_duration = 40, name = "atomic-fire-smoke", scale = 1.5, scale_animation_speed = true, scale_deviation = 0.2, scale_in_duration = 10, scale_increment_per_tick = 0.005, scale_initial = 0.1, scale_out_duration = 50, type = "explosion" }, ["atomic-nuke-shockwave"] = { animations = { { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/smoke/nuke-shockwave-1.png", flags = { "smoke" }, frame_count = 32, height = 68, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/smoke/hr-nuke-shockwave-1.png", flags = { "smoke" }, frame_count = 32, height = 136, line_length = 8, priority = "high", scale = 1.5, shift = { -0.015625, 0 }, width = 132 }, line_length = 8, priority = "high", shift = { -0.03125, 0 }, width = 66 }, { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/smoke/nuke-shockwave-2.png", flags = { "smoke" }, frame_count = 32, height = 64, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/smoke/hr-nuke-shockwave-2.png", flags = { "smoke" }, frame_count = 32, height = 128, line_length = 8, priority = "high", scale = 1.5, shift = { 0, 0.09375 }, width = 110 }, line_length = 8, priority = "high", shift = { -0.03125, 0 }, width = 56 } }, correct_rotation = true, fade_out_duration = 30, flags = { "not-on-map" }, height = 1.3999999999999999, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/destroyer.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "atomic-nuke-shockwave", rotate = true, scale = 1, scale_animation_speed = true, scale_deviation = 0.2, scale_end = 0.5, scale_in_duration = 10, scale_increment_per_tick = 0.005, scale_initial = 0.1, scale_out_duration = 40, subgroup = "explosions", type = "explosion" }, ["beacon-explosion"] = { animations = { { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/medium-explosion-1.png", frame_count = 30, height = 112, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/hr-medium-explosion-1.png", frame_count = 30, height = 224, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03125, -1.125 }, width = 124 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { -0.03125, -1.125 }, width = 62 }, { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/medium-explosion-2.png", frame_count = 41, height = 106, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/hr-medium-explosion-2.png", frame_count = 41, height = 212, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.40625, -1.0625 }, width = 154 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { -0.40625, -1.0625 }, width = 78 }, { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/medium-explosion-3.png", frame_count = 39, height = 118, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/hr-medium-explosion-3.png", frame_count = 39, height = 236, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.015625, -1.15625 }, width = 126 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { 0.03125, -1.15625 }, width = 64 } }, created_effect = { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.45, initial_height_deviation = 0.46000000000000005, initial_vertical_speed = 0.10600000000000001, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.035999999999999996, offset_deviation = { left_top = { -0.49610000000000003, -0.59379999999999997 }, right_bottom = { 0.49610000000000003, 0.59379999999999997 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "beacon-metal-particle-big", probability = 1, repeat_count = 5, repeat_count_deviation = 0, rotate_offsets = false, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.0070000000000000009, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.4, initial_height_deviation = 0, initial_vertical_speed = 0.091999999999999993, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.037999999999999998, offset_deviation = { left_top = { -0.49610000000000003, -0.5 }, right_bottom = { 0.49610000000000003, 0.5 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "beacon-metal-particle-medium", probability = 1, repeat_count = 15, repeat_count_deviation = 0, rotate_offsets = false, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.04, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.5, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.062999999999999998, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.035000000000000004, offset_deviation = { left_top = { -0.59379999999999997, -0.59379999999999997 }, right_bottom = { 0.59379999999999997, 0.59379999999999997 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "beacon-metal-particle-small", probability = 1, repeat_count = 29, repeat_count_deviation = 0, rotate_offsets = false, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.04, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.082000000000000011, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.031000000000000001, offset_deviation = { left_top = { -0.5, -0.5 }, right_bottom = { 0.5, 0.5 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "cable-and-electronics-particle-small-medium", probability = 1, repeat_count = 15, repeat_count_deviation = 0, rotate_offsets = false, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.05, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.3, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.086999999999999993, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.034000000000000004, offset_deviation = { left_top = { -0.5, -0.5 }, right_bottom = { 0.5, 0.5 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "concrete-stone-particle-small", probability = 1, repeat_count = 12, repeat_count_deviation = 0, rotate_offsets = false, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.04, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.012, type = "create-particle" } }, type = "instant" }, type = "direct" }, flags = { "not-on-map", "hidden" }, height = 0, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/beacon.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "dying-explosion-name", { "entity-name.beacon" } }, name = "beacon-explosion", order = "e-a-a", smoke = "smoke-fast", smoke_count = 2, smoke_slow_down_factor = 1, sound = { aggregation = { max_count = 1, remove = true }, audible_distance_modifier = 1.95, game_controller_vibration_data = { duration = 160, low_frequency_vibration_intensity = 0.9, play_for = "everything" }, switch_vibration_data = { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/large-explosion.bnvib", gain = 0.6, play_for = "everything" }, variations = { { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/large-explosion-1.ogg", volume = 0.8 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/large-explosion-2.ogg", volume = 0.8 } } }, subgroup = "module-explosions", type = "explosion" }, ["behemoth-biter-die"] = { animations = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__core__/graphics/empty.png", frame_count = 1, height = 1, priority = "extra-high", width = 1 }, created_effect = { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0.02, initial_height = 0.5, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.04, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.04, offset_deviation = { { -0.8, -0.8 }, { 0.8, 0.8 } }, offsets = { { 0, -0.8 }, { 0, -0.25 } }, particle_name = "blood-particle", probability = 1, repeat_count = 8, repeat_count_deviation = 2, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.035000000000000004, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.035000000000000004, tail_length = 12, tail_length_deviation = 25, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0.95499999999999989, initial_height = 0.4, initial_height_deviation = 0.4, initial_vertical_speed = 0.070000000000000009, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.070000000000000009, offset_deviation = { { -0.8, -0.8 }, { 0.8, 0.8 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "guts-entrails-particle-small-medium", probability = 1, repeat_count = 5, repeat_count_deviation = 2, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.070000000000000009, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.070000000000000009, tail_length = 3, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.1, initial_height_deviation = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.09, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.09, offset_deviation = { { -0.8, -0.8 }, { 0.8, 0.8 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "blood-particle", probability = 1, repeat_count = 9, repeat_count_deviation = 0, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.04, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.04, tail_length = 21, tail_length_deviation = 3, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.1, initial_height_deviation = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.02, offset_deviation = { { -0.8, -0.8 }, { 0.8, 0.8 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "blood-particle", probability = 1, repeat_count = 13, repeat_count_deviation = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.2, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.2, tail_length = 11, tail_length_deviation = 7, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.3, initial_height_deviation = 0.3, initial_vertical_speed = 0.055, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.055, offset_deviation = { { -0.8, -0.8 }, { 0.8, 0.8 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "blood-particle", probability = 1, repeat_count = 6, repeat_count_deviation = 0, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.1, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.1, tail_length = 10, tail_length_deviation = 12, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.5, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.1, offset_deviation = { { -0.8, -0.8 }, { 0.8, 0.8 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "guts-entrails-particle-big", probability = 1, repeat_count = 4, repeat_count_deviation = 0, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.04, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.04, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" } }, type = "instant" }, type = "direct" }, flags = { "not-on-map", "hidden" }, localised_name = { "dying-explosion-name", { "entity-name.behemoth-biter" } }, name = "behemoth-biter-die", subgroup = "explosions", type = "explosion" }, ["behemoth-spitter-die"] = { animations = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__core__/graphics/empty.png", frame_count = 1, height = 1, priority = "extra-high", width = 1 }, created_effect = { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0.02, initial_height = 0.9, initial_height_deviation = 0, initial_vertical_speed = 0.04, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.070000000000000009, offset_deviation = { { -1, -1 }, { 1, 1 } }, offsets = { { 0.0625, 0.7891 }, { -0.015630000000000002, 0.24220000000000002 } }, particle_name = "blood-particle", probability = 1, repeat_count = 8, repeat_count_deviation = 2, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.035000000000000004, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.015, tail_length = 12, tail_length_deviation = 25, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0.95499999999999989, initial_height = 0.4, initial_height_deviation = 0.4, initial_vertical_speed = 0.070000000000000009, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -1, -0.69920000000000009 }, { 1, 0.69920000000000009 } }, offsets = { { 0.039059999999999997, -0.023439999999999999 } }, particle_name = "guts-entrails-particle-small-medium", probability = 1, repeat_count = 5, repeat_count_deviation = 2, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.070000000000000009, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, tail_length = 3, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.1, initial_height_deviation = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed = 0.09, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -1, -1 }, { 1, 1 } }, offsets = { { 0, -0.039059999999999997 } }, particle_name = "blood-particle", probability = 1, repeat_count = 9, repeat_count_deviation = 0, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.04, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, tail_length = 21, tail_length_deviation = 3, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.1, initial_height_deviation = 0.01, initial_vertical_speed = 0.017999999999999998, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -1, -1 }, { 1, 1 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "blood-particle", probability = 1, repeat_count = 13, repeat_count_deviation = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.2, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.041000000000000005, tail_length = 11, tail_length_deviation = 7, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.3, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.055, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.003, offset_deviation = { { -1, -0.5 }, { 1, 0.5 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "blood-particle", probability = 1, repeat_count = 6, repeat_count_deviation = 0, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.09, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.042000000000000002, tail_length = 10, tail_length_deviation = 12, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.02, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.125, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "guts-entrails-particle-big", probability = 1, repeat_count = 4, repeat_count_deviation = 0, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.035000000000000004, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" } }, type = "instant" }, type = "direct" }, flags = { "not-on-map", "hidden" }, localised_name = { "dying-explosion-name", { "entity-name.behemoth-spitter" } }, name = "behemoth-spitter-die", subgroup = "explosions", type = "explosion" }, ["behemoth-worm-die"] = { animations = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__core__/graphics/empty.png", frame_count = 1, height = 1, priority = "extra-high", width = 1 }, created_effect = { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0.02, initial_height = 2.2999999999999998, initial_height_deviation = 0, initial_vertical_speed = 0.067000000000000002, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.070000000000000009, offset_deviation = { { -0.1992, -1 }, { 0.1992, 1 } }, offsets = { { -0.078130000000000006, -0.69530000000000003 }, { -0.125, -1.2889999999999999 } }, particle_name = "blood-particle", probability = 1, repeat_count = 6, repeat_count_deviation = 2, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.06, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.037000000000000002, tail_length = 30, tail_length_deviation = 100, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0.95499999999999989, initial_height = 0.4, initial_height_deviation = 0.4, initial_vertical_speed = 0.06, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.79690000000000003, -1 }, { 0.79690000000000003, 1 } }, offsets = { { -0.09375, -1.0629999999999999 } }, particle_name = "guts-entrails-particle-big", probability = 1, repeat_count = 5, repeat_count_deviation = 0, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.05, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, tail_length = 3, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed = 0.09, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, offsets = { { -0.0625, -0.38279999999999998 } }, particle_name = "blood-particle-lower-layer", probability = 1, repeat_count = 36, repeat_count_deviation = 0, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.04, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.052000000000000002, tail_length = 25, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" } }, type = "instant" }, type = "direct" }, flags = { "not-on-map", "hidden" }, localised_name = { "dying-explosion-name", { "entity-name.behemoth-worm-turret" } }, name = "behemoth-worm-die", subgroup = "explosions", type = "explosion" }, ["big-artillery-explosion"] = { animations = { { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/bigass-explosion/hr-bigass-explosion-36f.png", flags = { "compressed" }, frame_count = 36, height = 416, shift = { 0, -1.5 }, stripes = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/bigass-explosion/hr-bigass-explosion-36f-1.png", height_in_frames = 3, width_in_frames = 6 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/bigass-explosion/hr-bigass-explosion-36f-2.png", height_in_frames = 3, width_in_frames = 6 } }, width = 324 } }, created_effect = { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { initial_height = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.08, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.15, offset_deviation = { { -0.8984, -0.5 }, { 0.8984, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "explosion-stone-particle-medium", repeat_count = 20, speed_from_center = 0.1, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.15, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 1, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.8984, -0.5 }, { 0.8984, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "explosion-stone-particle-small", repeat_count = 25, speed_from_center = 0.05, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 1, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.8984, -0.5 }, { 0.8984, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "explosion-stone-particle-tiny", repeat_count = 50, speed_from_center = 0.05, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" } }, type = "instant" }, type = "direct" }, flags = { "not-on-map", "hidden" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/item-group/effects.png", icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "entity-name.big-artillery-explosion" }, name = "big-artillery-explosion", sound = { aggregation = { max_count = 1, remove = true }, audible_distance_modifier = 1.95, game_controller_vibration_data = { duration = 160, low_frequency_vibration_intensity = 0.9, play_for = "everything" }, switch_vibration_data = { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/large-explosion.bnvib", gain = 0.6, play_for = "everything" }, variations = { { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/large-explosion-1.ogg", volume = 0.8 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/large-explosion-2.ogg", volume = 0.8 } } }, subgroup = "explosions", type = "explosion" }, ["big-biter-die"] = { animations = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__core__/graphics/empty.png", frame_count = 1, height = 1, priority = "extra-high", width = 1 }, created_effect = { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0.02, initial_height = 0.9, initial_height_deviation = 0.9, initial_vertical_speed = 0.03, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.03, offset_deviation = { { -0.8, -0.8 }, { 0.8, 0.8 } }, offsets = { { 0, -0.8 }, { 0, -0.25 } }, particle_name = "blood-particle", probability = 1, repeat_count = 3, repeat_count_deviation = 2, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.03, tail_length = 12, tail_length_deviation = 25, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 1, initial_height = 0.4, initial_height_deviation = 0.4, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.8, -0.8 }, { 0.8, 0.8 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "guts-entrails-particle-small-medium", probability = 1, repeat_count = 4, repeat_count_deviation = 2, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.05, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, tail_length = 3, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.1, initial_height_deviation = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.075, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.075, offset_deviation = { { -0.8, -0.8 }, { 0.8, 0.8 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "blood-particle", probability = 1, repeat_count = 9, repeat_count_deviation = 0, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.03, tail_length = 21, tail_length_deviation = 3, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.1, initial_height_deviation = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.8, -0.8 }, { 0.8, 0.8 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "blood-particle", probability = 1, repeat_count = 13, repeat_count_deviation = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.05, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, tail_length = 11, tail_length_deviation = 7, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.3, initial_height_deviation = 0.3, initial_vertical_speed = 0.04, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.04, offset_deviation = { { -0.8, -0.8 }, { 0.8, 0.8 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "blood-particle", probability = 1, repeat_count = 6, repeat_count_deviation = 0, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.06, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.06, tail_length = 10, tail_length_deviation = 12, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.5, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.1, offset_deviation = { { -0.8, -0.8 }, { 0.8, 0.8 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "guts-entrails-particle-big", probability = 1, repeat_count = 2, repeat_count_deviation = 0, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.03, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" } }, type = "instant" }, type = "direct" }, flags = { "not-on-map", "hidden" }, localised_name = { "dying-explosion-name", { "entity-name.big-biter" } }, name = "big-biter-die", subgroup = "explosions", type = "explosion" }, ["big-electric-pole-explosion"] = { animations = { { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/medium-explosion-1.png", frame_count = 30, height = 112, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/hr-medium-explosion-1.png", frame_count = 30, height = 224, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03125, -1.125 }, width = 124 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { -0.03125, -1.125 }, width = 62 }, { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/medium-explosion-2.png", frame_count = 41, height = 106, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/hr-medium-explosion-2.png", frame_count = 41, height = 212, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.40625, -1.0625 }, width = 154 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { -0.40625, -1.0625 }, width = 78 }, { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/medium-explosion-3.png", frame_count = 39, height = 118, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/hr-medium-explosion-3.png", frame_count = 39, height = 236, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.015625, -1.15625 }, width = 126 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { 0.03125, -1.15625 }, width = 64 } }, created_effect = { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { initial_height = 0.8, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.069000000000000004, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.69530000000000003 }, { 0.5, 0.69530000000000003 } }, particle_name = "big-electric-pole-long-metal-particle-medium", repeat_count = 25, speed_from_center = 0.05, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 0.5, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.04, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.69530000000000003, -0.29689999999999998 }, { 0.69530000000000003, 0.29689999999999998 } }, particle_name = "cable-and-electronics-particle-small-medium", repeat_count = 10, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.042999999999999989, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 0.4, initial_height_deviation = 0.44000000000000004, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.59770000000000003, -0.7891 }, { 0.59770000000000003, 0.7891 } }, particle_name = "big-electric-pole-metal-particle-small", repeat_count = 30, speed_from_center = 0.06, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" } }, type = "instant" }, type = "direct" }, flags = { "not-on-map", "hidden" }, height = 0, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/big-electric-pole.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "dying-explosion-name", { "entity-name.big-electric-pole" } }, name = "big-electric-pole-explosion", order = "d-d-a", smoke = "smoke-fast", smoke_count = 2, smoke_slow_down_factor = 1, sound = { aggregation = { max_count = 1, remove = true }, audible_distance_modifier = 0.7, game_controller_vibration_data = { duration = 120, low_frequency_vibration_intensity = 0.8 }, switch_vibration_data = { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/medium-explosion.bnvib", gain = 0.4 }, variations = { { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/medium-explosion-1.ogg", volume = 0.4 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/medium-explosion-2.ogg", volume = 0.4 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/medium-explosion-3.ogg", volume = 0.4 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/medium-explosion-4.ogg", volume = 0.4 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/medium-explosion-5.ogg", volume = 0.4 } } }, subgroup = "energy-pipe-distribution-explosions", type = "explosion" }, ["big-explosion"] = { animations = { { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/big-explosion/big-explosion.png", flags = { "compressed" }, frame_count = 47, height = 245, line_length = 6, shift = { 0.1875, -0.75 }, width = 197 } }, flags = { "not-on-map", "hidden" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/item-group/effects.png", icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "entity-name.big-explosion" }, name = "big-explosion", sound = { aggregation = { max_count = 1, remove = true }, audible_distance_modifier = 1.95, game_controller_vibration_data = { duration = 160, low_frequency_vibration_intensity = 0.9, play_for = "everything" }, switch_vibration_data = { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/large-explosion.bnvib", gain = 0.6, play_for = "everything" }, variations = { { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/large-explosion-1.ogg", volume = 1 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/large-explosion-2.ogg", volume = 1 } } }, subgroup = "explosions", type = "explosion" }, ["big-spitter-die"] = { animations = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__core__/graphics/empty.png", frame_count = 1, height = 1, priority = "extra-high", width = 1 }, created_effect = 0 --[=[ ref [""].explosion["big-biter-die"].created_effect ]=], flags = { "not-on-map", "hidden" }, localised_name = { "dying-explosion-name", { "entity-name.big-spitter" } }, name = "big-spitter-die", subgroup = "explosions", type = "explosion" }, ["big-worm-die"] = { animations = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__core__/graphics/empty.png", frame_count = 1, height = 1, priority = "extra-high", width = 1 }, created_effect = { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0.02, initial_height = 1.8, initial_height_deviation = 0, initial_vertical_speed = 0.067000000000000002, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.070000000000000009, offset_deviation = { { -0.1992, -1 }, { 0.1992, 1 } }, offsets = { { -0.078130000000000006, -0.69530000000000003 }, { -0.125, -1.2889999999999999 } }, particle_name = "blood-particle", probability = 1, repeat_count = 4, repeat_count_deviation = 2, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.06, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.037000000000000002, tail_length = 30, tail_length_deviation = 100, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0.95499999999999989, initial_height = 0.4, initial_height_deviation = 0.4, initial_vertical_speed = 0.06, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.79690000000000003, -1 }, { 0.79690000000000003, 1 } }, offsets = { { -0.09375, -1.0629999999999999 } }, particle_name = "guts-entrails-particle-big", probability = 1, repeat_count = 3, repeat_count_deviation = 0, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.05, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, tail_length = 3, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed = 0.070999999999999996, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, offsets = { { -0.0625, -0.38279999999999998 } }, particle_name = "blood-particle-lower-layer", probability = 1, repeat_count = 36, repeat_count_deviation = 0, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.04, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.052000000000000002, tail_length = 25, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" } }, type = "instant" }, type = "direct" }, flags = { "not-on-map", "hidden" }, localised_name = { "dying-explosion-name", { "entity-name.big-worm-turret" } }, name = "big-worm-die", subgroup = "explosions", type = "explosion" }, ["biter-spawner-die"] = { animations = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__core__/graphics/empty.png", frame_count = 1, height = 1, priority = "extra-high", width = 1 }, created_effect = { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed = 0.062000000000000002, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.01, offset_deviation = { left_top = { -0.5, -0.5 }, right_bottom = { 0.5, 0.5 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "blood-particle-carpet", probability = 1, repeat_count = 12, repeat_count_deviation = 0, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.08, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.010999999999999999, tail_length = 25, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0.02, initial_height = 0.9, initial_height_deviation = 0, initial_vertical_speed = 0.04, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.070000000000000009, offset_deviation = { left_top = { -1, -1 }, right_bottom = { 1, 1 } }, offsets = { { 0.0625, 0.7891 }, { -0.015630000000000002, 0.24220000000000002 } }, particle_name = "blood-particle-carpet", probability = 1, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 2, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.035000000000000004, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.015, tail_length = 12, tail_length_deviation = 25, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 1, initial_height_deviation = 0.52000000000000002, initial_vertical_speed = 0.078000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { left_top = { -0.5, -0.5 }, right_bottom = { 0.5, 0.5 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "guts-entrails-particle-small-medium", probability = 1, repeat_count = 8, repeat_count_deviation = 2, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.070000000000000009, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.1, initial_height_deviation = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed = 0.09, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { left_top = { -1, -1 }, right_bottom = { 1, 1 } }, offsets = { { 0, -0.039059999999999997 } }, particle_name = "blood-particle-carpet", probability = 1, repeat_count = 11, repeat_count_deviation = 0, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.04, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, tail_length = 21, tail_length_deviation = 3, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.1, initial_height_deviation = 0.01, initial_vertical_speed = 0.017999999999999998, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { left_top = { -1, -1 }, right_bottom = { 1, 1 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "blood-particle-carpet", probability = 1, repeat_count = 15, repeat_count_deviation = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.2, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.041000000000000005, tail_length = 11, tail_length_deviation = 7, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.3, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.055, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.003, offset_deviation = { left_top = { -1, -0.5 }, right_bottom = { 1, 0.5 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "blood-particle-carpet", probability = 1, repeat_count = 15, repeat_count_deviation = 0, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.09, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.042000000000000002, tail_length = 10, tail_length_deviation = 12, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 1, initial_height_deviation = 0.52000000000000002, initial_vertical_speed = 0.078000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { left_top = { -0.5, -0.5 }, right_bottom = { 0.5, 0.5 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "guts-entrails-particle-big", probability = 1, repeat_count = 2, repeat_count_deviation = 2, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.070000000000000009, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" } }, type = "instant" }, type = "direct" }, flags = { "not-on-map", "hidden" }, localised_name = { "dying-explosion-name", { "entity-name.biter-spawner" } }, name = "biter-spawner-die", subgroup = "explosions", type = "explosion" }, ["blood-explosion-big"] = { animations = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__core__/graphics/empty.png", frame_count = 1, height = 1, priority = "extra-high", width = 1 }, created_effect = { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { initial_height = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = -0.01, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.02, offset_deviation = { { -0.4, -0.4 }, { 0.4, 0.4 } }, particle_name = "blood-particle", repeat_count = 150, speed_from_center = 0.08, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { entity_name = "blood-fountain", offset_deviation = { { -0.4, -0.4 }, { 0.4, 0.4 } }, repeat_count = 35, type = "create-entity" } }, type = "instant" }, type = "direct" }, flags = { "not-on-map", "hidden" }, localised_name = { "entity-name.blood-explosion-big" }, name = "blood-explosion-big", subgroup = "explosions", type = "explosion" }, ["blood-explosion-huge"] = { animations = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__core__/graphics/empty.png", frame_count = 1, height = 1, priority = "extra-high", width = 1 }, created_effect = { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { initial_height = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = -0.01, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.02, offset_deviation = { { -0.4, -0.4 }, { 0.4, 0.4 } }, particle_name = "blood-particle", repeat_count = 150, speed_from_center = 0.08, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { entity_name = "blood-fountain-big", offset_deviation = { { -1.6000000000000001, -1.6000000000000001 }, { 1.6000000000000001, 1.6000000000000001 } }, repeat_count = 35, type = "create-entity" } }, type = "instant" }, type = "direct" }, flags = { "not-on-map", "hidden" }, localised_name = { "entity-name.blood-explosion-huge" }, name = "blood-explosion-huge", subgroup = "explosions", type = "explosion" }, ["blood-explosion-small"] = { animations = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__core__/graphics/empty.png", frame_count = 1, height = 1, priority = "extra-high", width = 1 }, created_effect = { action_delivery = { target_effects = { entity_name = "blood-fountain", offset_deviation = { { -0.4, -0.4 }, { 0.4, 0.4 } }, repeat_count = 20, type = "create-entity" }, type = "instant" }, type = "direct" }, flags = { "not-on-map", "hidden" }, localised_name = { "entity-name.blood-explosion-small" }, name = "blood-explosion-small", subgroup = "explosions", type = "explosion" }, ["boiler-explosion"] = { animations = { { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/medium-explosion-1.png", frame_count = 30, height = 112, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/hr-medium-explosion-1.png", frame_count = 30, height = 224, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03125, -1.125 }, width = 124 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { -0.03125, -1.125 }, width = 62 }, { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/medium-explosion-2.png", frame_count = 41, height = 106, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/hr-medium-explosion-2.png", frame_count = 41, height = 212, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.40625, -1.0625 }, width = 154 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { -0.40625, -1.0625 }, width = 78 }, { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/medium-explosion-3.png", frame_count = 39, height = 118, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/hr-medium-explosion-3.png", frame_count = 39, height = 236, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.015625, -1.15625 }, width = 126 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { 0.03125, -1.15625 }, width = 64 } }, created_effect = { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { initial_height = 0.3, initial_height_deviation = 0.44000000000000004, initial_vertical_speed = 0.070000000000000009, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.88670000000000009, -0.3867 }, { 0.88670000000000009, 0.3867 } }, particle_name = "boiler-metal-particle-medium", repeat_count = 37, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 0.3, initial_height_deviation = 0.44000000000000004, initial_vertical_speed = 0.08, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.39060000000000002, -0.59770000000000003 }, { 0.39060000000000002, 0.59770000000000003 } }, particle_name = "boiler-metal-particle-small", repeat_count = 34, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 0.3, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.070000000000000009, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.049000000000000004, offset_deviation = { { -0.58199999999999994, -0.5859 }, { 0.58199999999999994, 0.5859 } }, particle_name = "boiler-metal-particle-big", repeat_count = 16, speed_from_center = 0.04, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" } }, type = "instant" }, type = "direct" }, flags = { "not-on-map", "hidden" }, height = 0, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/boiler.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "dying-explosion-name", { "entity-name.boiler" } }, name = "boiler-explosion", order = "a-a-a", smoke = "smoke-fast", smoke_count = 2, smoke_slow_down_factor = 1, sound = { aggregation = { max_count = 1, remove = true }, audible_distance_modifier = 0.7, game_controller_vibration_data = { duration = 120, low_frequency_vibration_intensity = 0.8 }, switch_vibration_data = { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/medium-explosion.bnvib", gain = 0.4 }, variations = { { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/medium-explosion-1.ogg", volume = 0.4 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/medium-explosion-2.ogg", volume = 0.4 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/medium-explosion-3.ogg", volume = 0.4 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/medium-explosion-4.ogg", volume = 0.4 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/medium-explosion-5.ogg", volume = 0.4 } } }, subgroup = "energy-explosions", type = "explosion" }, ["buffer-chest-explosion"] = { animations = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__core__/graphics/empty.png", frame_count = 1, height = 1, priority = "extra-high", width = 1 }, created_effect = { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { initial_height = 0.5, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.06, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "buffer-chest-metal-particle-medium", repeat_count = 20, speed_from_center = 0.04, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 0.5, initial_height_deviation = 0.44000000000000004, initial_vertical_speed = 0.069000000000000004, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "buffer-chest-metal-particle-small", repeat_count = 20, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.045999999999999996, type = "create-particle" } }, type = "instant" }, type = "direct" }, flags = { "not-on-map", "hidden" }, height = 0, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/logistic-chest-buffer.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "dying-explosion-name", { "entity-name.logistic-chest-buffer" } }, name = "buffer-chest-explosion", order = "f-e-a", smoke = "smoke-fast", smoke_count = 2, smoke_slow_down_factor = 1, sound = { aggregation = { max_count = 1, remove = true }, variations = { { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-1.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-2.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-3.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-4.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-5.ogg", volume = 0.5 } } }, subgroup = "logistic-network-explosions", type = "explosion" }, ["burner-inserter-explosion"] = { animations = { { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/small-explosion/small-explosion-1.png", frame_count = 24, height = 90, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/small-explosion/hr-small-explosion-1.png", frame_count = 24, height = 178, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03125, -0.75 }, width = 88 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { -0.03125, -0.75 }, width = 44 }, { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/small-explosion/small-explosion-2.png", frame_count = 24, height = 76, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/small-explosion/hr-small-explosion-2.png", frame_count = 24, height = 152, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0625, -0.234375 }, width = 92 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { 0.0625, -0.25 }, width = 46 } }, created_effect = { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { initial_height = 0.3, initial_height_deviation = 0.44000000000000004, initial_vertical_speed = 0.058000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.49220000000000006 }, { 0.5, 0.49220000000000006 } }, particle_name = "burner-inserter-metal-particle-medium", repeat_count = 17, speed_from_center = 0.04, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.08, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "burner-inserter-metal-particle-small", repeat_count = 10, speed_from_center = 0.05, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 0.3, initial_height_deviation = 0.4, initial_vertical_speed = 0.06, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.049000000000000004, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "burner-inserter-mechanical-component-particle-medium", repeat_count = 7, speed_from_center = 0.04, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" } }, type = "instant" }, type = "direct" }, flags = { "not-on-map", "hidden" }, height = 0, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/burner-inserter.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "dying-explosion-name", { "entity-name.burner-inserter" } }, name = "burner-inserter-explosion", order = "c-a-a", smoke = "smoke-fast", smoke_count = 2, smoke_slow_down_factor = 1, sound = { aggregation = { max_count = 1, remove = true }, variations = { { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-1.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-2.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-3.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-4.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-5.ogg", volume = 0.5 } } }, subgroup = "inserter-explosions", type = "explosion" }, ["burner-mining-drill-explosion"] = { animations = { { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/small-explosion/small-explosion-1.png", frame_count = 24, height = 90, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/small-explosion/hr-small-explosion-1.png", frame_count = 24, height = 178, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03125, -0.75 }, width = 88 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { -0.03125, -0.75 }, width = 44 }, { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/small-explosion/small-explosion-2.png", frame_count = 24, height = 76, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/small-explosion/hr-small-explosion-2.png", frame_count = 24, height = 152, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0625, -0.234375 }, width = 92 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { 0.0625, -0.25 }, width = 46 } }, created_effect = { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { initial_height = 0.1, initial_height_deviation = 0.49000000000000004, initial_vertical_speed = 0.071999999999999993, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.09375, -0.1875 }, { 0.09375, 0.1875 } }, particle_name = "burner-mining-drill-metal-particle-big", repeat_count = 10, speed_from_center = 0.04, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.082000000000000011, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.1875, -0.19530000000000001 }, { 0.1875, 0.19530000000000001 } }, particle_name = "burner-mining-drill-metal-particle-medium", repeat_count = 20, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 0.4, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.068000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.89450000000000003, -0.89059999999999988 }, { 0.89450000000000003, 0.89059999999999988 } }, particle_name = "burner-mining-drill-glass-particle-small", repeat_count = 10, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 0.3, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.057000000000000011, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "burner-mining-drill-mechanical-component-particle-medium", repeat_count = 23, speed_from_center = 0.05, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" } }, type = "instant" }, type = "direct" }, flags = { "not-on-map", "hidden" }, height = 0, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/burner-mining-drill.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "dying-explosion-name", { "entity-name.burner-mining-drill" } }, name = "burner-mining-drill-explosion", order = "b-a-a", smoke = "smoke-fast", smoke_count = 2, smoke_slow_down_factor = 1, sound = { aggregation = { max_count = 1, remove = true }, variations = { { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-1.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-2.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-3.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-4.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-5.ogg", volume = 0.5 } } }, subgroup = "extraction-machine-explosions", type = "explosion" }, ["car-explosion"] = { animations = { { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/medium-explosion-1.png", frame_count = 30, height = 112, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/hr-medium-explosion-1.png", frame_count = 30, height = 224, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03125, -1.125 }, width = 124 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { -0.03125, -1.125 }, width = 62 }, { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/medium-explosion-2.png", frame_count = 41, height = 106, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/hr-medium-explosion-2.png", frame_count = 41, height = 212, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.40625, -1.0625 }, width = 154 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { -0.40625, -1.0625 }, width = 78 }, { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/medium-explosion-3.png", frame_count = 39, height = 118, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/hr-medium-explosion-3.png", frame_count = 39, height = 236, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.015625, -1.15625 }, width = 126 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { 0.03125, -1.15625 }, width = 64 } }, created_effect = { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { initial_height = 0.3, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.087999999999999989, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.19530000000000001 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.19530000000000001 } }, particle_name = "car-metal-particle-big", repeat_count = 18, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 0.3, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.095, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.59770000000000003, -0.59770000000000003 }, { 0.59770000000000003, 0.59770000000000003 } }, particle_name = "car-metal-particle-medium", repeat_count = 20, speed_from_center = 0.05, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 0.4, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.099000000000000004, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.59770000000000003, -0.59770000000000003 }, { 0.59770000000000003, 0.59770000000000003 } }, particle_name = "car-metal-particle-small", repeat_count = 20, speed_from_center = 0.06, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 0.3, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.088999999999999986, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "cable-and-electronics-particle-small-medium", repeat_count = 25, speed_from_center = 0.05, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" } }, type = "instant" }, type = "direct" }, flags = { "not-on-map", "hidden" }, height = 0, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/car.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "dying-explosion-name", { "" } }, name = "car-explosion", order = "e-i-a", smoke = "smoke-fast", smoke_count = 2, smoke_slow_down_factor = 1, sound = { aggregation = { max_count = 1, remove = true }, audible_distance_modifier = 0.7, game_controller_vibration_data = { duration = 120, low_frequency_vibration_intensity = 0.8 }, switch_vibration_data = { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/medium-explosion.bnvib", gain = 0.4 }, variations = { { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/medium-explosion-1.ogg", volume = 0.4 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/medium-explosion-2.ogg", volume = 0.4 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/medium-explosion-3.ogg", volume = 0.4 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/medium-explosion-4.ogg", volume = 0.4 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/medium-explosion-5.ogg", volume = 0.4 } } }, subgroup = "transport-explosions", type = "explosion" }, ["cargo-wagon-explosion"] = { animations = { { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/medium-explosion-1.png", frame_count = 30, height = 112, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/hr-medium-explosion-1.png", frame_count = 30, height = 224, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03125, -1.125 }, width = 124 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { -0.03125, -1.125 }, width = 62 }, { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/medium-explosion-2.png", frame_count = 41, height = 106, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/hr-medium-explosion-2.png", frame_count = 41, height = 212, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.40625, -1.0625 }, width = 154 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { -0.40625, -1.0625 }, width = 78 }, { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/medium-explosion-3.png", frame_count = 39, height = 118, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/hr-medium-explosion-3.png", frame_count = 39, height = 236, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.015625, -1.15625 }, width = 126 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { 0.03125, -1.15625 }, width = 64 } }, created_effect = { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { initial_height = 0.4, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.11000000000000001, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.3984, -0.3984 }, { 0.3984, 0.3984 } }, particle_name = "cargo-wagon-metal-particle-big", repeat_count = 36, speed_from_center = 0.04, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 1, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.10900000000000001, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.59770000000000003, -0.59770000000000003 }, { 0.59770000000000003, 0.59770000000000003 } }, particle_name = "cargo-wagon-metal-particle-medium", repeat_count = 37, speed_from_center = 0.05, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 1, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.11400000000000001, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.59770000000000003, -0.59770000000000003 }, { 0.59770000000000003, 0.59770000000000003 } }, particle_name = "cargo-wagon-metal-particle-small", repeat_count = 35, speed_from_center = 0.05, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" } }, type = "instant" }, type = "direct" }, flags = { "not-on-map", "hidden" }, height = 0, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/cargo-wagon.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "dying-explosion-name", { "entity-name.cargo-wagon" } }, name = "cargo-wagon-explosion", order = "e-g-a", smoke = "smoke-fast", smoke_count = 2, smoke_slow_down_factor = 1, sound = { aggregation = { max_count = 1, remove = true }, audible_distance_modifier = 1.95, game_controller_vibration_data = { duration = 160, low_frequency_vibration_intensity = 0.9, play_for = "everything" }, switch_vibration_data = { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/large-explosion.bnvib", gain = 0.6, play_for = "everything" }, variations = { { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/large-explosion-1.ogg", volume = 0.8 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/large-explosion-2.ogg", volume = 0.8 } } }, subgroup = "train-transport-explosions", type = "explosion" }, ["centrifuge-explosion"] = { animations = { { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/medium-explosion-1.png", frame_count = 30, height = 112, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/hr-medium-explosion-1.png", frame_count = 30, height = 224, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03125, -1.125 }, width = 124 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { -0.03125, -1.125 }, width = 62 }, { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/medium-explosion-2.png", frame_count = 41, height = 106, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/hr-medium-explosion-2.png", frame_count = 41, height = 212, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.40625, -1.0625 }, width = 154 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { -0.40625, -1.0625 }, width = 78 }, { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/medium-explosion-3.png", frame_count = 39, height = 118, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/hr-medium-explosion-3.png", frame_count = 39, height = 236, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.015625, -1.15625 }, width = 126 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { 0.03125, -1.15625 }, width = 64 } }, created_effect = { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.49000000000000004, initial_vertical_speed = 0.086999999999999993, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.6875, -0.6875 }, { 0.6875, 0.6875 } }, particle_name = "centrifuge-metal-particle-big", repeat_count = 10, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 0.4, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.095, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.98049999999999997, -0.89450000000000003 }, { 0.98049999999999997, 0.89450000000000003 } }, particle_name = "centrifuge-metal-particle-medium", repeat_count = 38, speed_from_center = 0.04, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.053000000000000007, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 0.4, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.06, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.99610000000000003, -0.59379999999999997 }, { 0.99610000000000003, 0.59379999999999997 } }, particle_name = "centrifuge-metal-particle-small", repeat_count = 34, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 0.4, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.101, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.049000000000000004, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.29689999999999998 }, { 0.5, 0.29689999999999998 } }, offsets = { { 0.2734, 0.1484 } }, particle_name = "centrifuge-long-metal-particle-medium", repeat_count = 15, speed_from_center = 0.05, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 0.3, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.085, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "centrifuge-mechanical-component-particle-medium", repeat_count = 18, speed_from_center = 0.05, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" } }, type = "instant" }, type = "direct" }, flags = { "not-on-map", "hidden" }, height = 0, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/centrifuge.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "dying-explosion-name", { "entity-name.centrifuge" } }, name = "centrifuge-explosion", order = "d-f-a", smoke = "smoke-fast", smoke_count = 2, smoke_slow_down_factor = 1, sound = { aggregation = { max_count = 1, remove = true }, audible_distance_modifier = 1.95, game_controller_vibration_data = { duration = 160, low_frequency_vibration_intensity = 0.9, play_for = "everything" }, switch_vibration_data = { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/large-explosion.bnvib", gain = 0.6, play_for = "everything" }, variations = { { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/large-explosion-1.ogg", volume = 0.8 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/large-explosion-2.ogg", volume = 0.8 } } }, subgroup = "production-machine-explosions", type = "explosion" }, ["chemical-plant-explosion"] = { animations = { { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/medium-explosion-1.png", frame_count = 30, height = 112, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/hr-medium-explosion-1.png", frame_count = 30, height = 224, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03125, -1.125 }, width = 124 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { -0.03125, -1.125 }, width = 62 }, { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/medium-explosion-2.png", frame_count = 41, height = 106, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/hr-medium-explosion-2.png", frame_count = 41, height = 212, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.40625, -1.0625 }, width = 154 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { -0.40625, -1.0625 }, width = 78 }, { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/medium-explosion-3.png", frame_count = 39, height = 118, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/hr-medium-explosion-3.png", frame_count = 39, height = 236, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.015625, -1.15625 }, width = 126 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { 0.03125, -1.15625 }, width = 64 } }, created_effect = { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.49000000000000004, initial_vertical_speed = 0.08, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.6875, -0.6875 }, { 0.6875, 0.6875 } }, particle_name = "chemical-plant-metal-particle-big", repeat_count = 18, speed_from_center = 0.04, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 0.4, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.101, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.98049999999999997, -0.89450000000000003 }, { 0.98049999999999997, 0.89450000000000003 } }, particle_name = "chemical-plant-metal-particle-medium", repeat_count = 31, speed_from_center = 0.05, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 0.4, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.071999999999999993, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.99610000000000003, -0.59379999999999997 }, { 0.99610000000000003, 0.59379999999999997 } }, particle_name = "chemical-plant-metal-particle-small", repeat_count = 26, speed_from_center = 0.04, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 0.4, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.095999999999999996, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.29689999999999998 }, { 0.5, 0.29689999999999998 } }, offsets = { { 0.7109, 0.75780000000000003 } }, particle_name = "chemical-plant-glass-particle-small", repeat_count = 43, speed_from_center = 0.05, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 0.5, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.085, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "chemical-plant-mechanical-component-particle-medium", repeat_count = 40, speed_from_center = 0.06, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" } }, type = "instant" }, type = "direct" }, flags = { "not-on-map", "hidden" }, height = 0, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/chemical-plant.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "dying-explosion-name", { "entity-name.chemical-plant" } }, name = "chemical-plant-explosion", order = "d-e-a", smoke = "smoke-fast", smoke_count = 2, smoke_slow_down_factor = 1, sound = { aggregation = { max_count = 1, remove = true }, audible_distance_modifier = 1.95, game_controller_vibration_data = { duration = 160, low_frequency_vibration_intensity = 0.9, play_for = "everything" }, switch_vibration_data = { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/large-explosion.bnvib", gain = 0.6, play_for = "everything" }, variations = { { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/large-explosion-1.ogg", volume = 0.8 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/large-explosion-2.ogg", volume = 0.8 } } }, subgroup = "production-machine-explosions", type = "explosion" }, ["cluster-nuke-explosion"] = { animations = { animation_speed = 0.26666666666666665, duration = 20, end_scale = 1.5, fade_away_duration = 20, fade_in_duration = 10, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/smoke-fast/smoke-fast.png", frame_count = 16, height = 50, priority = "high", scale = 2.5, spread_duration = 100, start_scale = 2.5, tint = { a = 0.5, b = 0.34499999999999997, g = 0.47799999999999994, r = 0.62699999999999996 }, width = 50 }, correct_rotation = true, fade_out_duration = 30, flags = { "not-on-map", "hidden" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/item-group/effects.png", icon_size = 64, name = "cluster-nuke-explosion", scale_animation_speed = true, scale_in_duration = 10, scale_increment_per_tick = 0.002, scale_initial = 0.1, scale_out_duration = 20, subgroup = "explosions", type = "explosion" }, ["constant-combinator-explosion"] = { animations = { { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/small-explosion/small-explosion-1.png", frame_count = 24, height = 90, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/small-explosion/hr-small-explosion-1.png", frame_count = 24, height = 178, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03125, -0.75 }, width = 88 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { -0.03125, -0.75 }, width = 44 }, { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/small-explosion/small-explosion-2.png", frame_count = 24, height = 76, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/small-explosion/hr-small-explosion-2.png", frame_count = 24, height = 152, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0625, -0.234375 }, width = 92 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { 0.0625, -0.25 }, width = 46 } }, created_effect = { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { initial_height = 0.3, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.042999999999999989, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.39450000000000003, -0.29689999999999998 }, { 0.39450000000000003, 0.29689999999999998 } }, particle_name = "constant-combinator-metal-particle-big", repeat_count = 2, speed_from_center = 0.04, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 0.1, initial_height_deviation = 0.44000000000000004, initial_vertical_speed = 0.039000000000000004, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.39060000000000002 }, { 0.5, 0.39060000000000002 } }, particle_name = "constant-combinator-metal-particle-medium", repeat_count = 12, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 0.6, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.084000000000000004, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.59770000000000003, -0.89059999999999988 }, { 0.59770000000000003, 0.89059999999999988 } }, particle_name = "constant-combinator-metal-particle-small", repeat_count = 20, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0.36099999999999999, initial_height = 0.1, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.04, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "cable-and-electronics-particle-small-medium", repeat_count = 13, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" } }, type = "instant" }, type = "direct" }, flags = { "not-on-map", "hidden" }, height = 0, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/constant-combinator.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "dying-explosion-name", { "entity-name.constant-combinator" } }, name = "constant-combinator-explosion", order = "g-d-a", smoke = "smoke-fast", smoke_count = 2, smoke_slow_down_factor = 1, sound = { aggregation = { max_count = 1, remove = true }, variations = { { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-1.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-2.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-3.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-4.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-5.ogg", volume = 0.5 } } }, subgroup = "circuit-network-explosions", type = "explosion" }, ["construction-robot-explosion"] = { animations = { { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/explosion/explosion-1.png", frame_count = 17, height = 22, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/explosion/hr-explosion-1.png", frame_count = 17, height = 42, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.140625, 0.1875 }, width = 48 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { 0.15625, 0.1875 }, width = 26 }, { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/explosion/explosion-3.png", frame_count = 17, height = 46, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/explosion/hr-explosion-3.png", frame_count = 17, height = 88, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03125, 0.046875 }, width = 102 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { -0.03125, 0.0625 }, width = 52 } }, created_effect = { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { initial_height = 1.3, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.090999999999999996, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.59770000000000003, -0.59770000000000003 }, { 0.59770000000000003, 0.59770000000000003 } }, particle_name = "cable-and-electronics-particle-small-medium", repeat_count = 8, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0.46299999999999999, initial_height = 1.3999999999999999, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.08, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.69139999999999997, -0.29689999999999998 }, { 0.69139999999999997, 0.29689999999999998 } }, particle_name = "construction-robot-metal-particle-medium", repeat_count = 5, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 1.3999999999999999, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.082000000000000011, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.59379999999999997, -0.59770000000000003 }, { 0.59379999999999997, 0.59770000000000003 } }, particle_name = "construction-robot-metal-particle-small", repeat_count = 10, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" } }, type = "instant" }, type = "direct" }, flags = { "not-on-map", "hidden" }, height = 1.3999999999999999, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/construction-robot.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "dying-explosion-name", { "" } }, name = "construction-robot-explosion", order = "f-b-a", smoke = "smoke-fast", smoke_count = 2, smoke_slow_down_factor = 1, sound = { aggregation = { max_count = 1, remove = true }, variations = { { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-1.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-2.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-3.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-4.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-5.ogg", volume = 0.5 } } }, subgroup = "logistic-network-explosions", type = "explosion" }, ["decider-combinator-explosion"] = { animations = { { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/small-explosion/small-explosion-1.png", frame_count = 24, height = 90, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/small-explosion/hr-small-explosion-1.png", frame_count = 24, height = 178, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03125, -0.75 }, width = 88 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { -0.03125, -0.75 }, width = 44 }, { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/small-explosion/small-explosion-2.png", frame_count = 24, height = 76, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/small-explosion/hr-small-explosion-2.png", frame_count = 24, height = 152, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0625, -0.234375 }, width = 92 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { 0.0625, -0.25 }, width = 46 } }, created_effect = { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { initial_height = 0.3, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.042999999999999989, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.39450000000000003, -0.29689999999999998 }, { 0.39450000000000003, 0.29689999999999998 } }, particle_name = "decider-combinator-metal-particle-big", repeat_count = 2, speed_from_center = 0.04, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 0.1, initial_height_deviation = 0.44000000000000004, initial_vertical_speed = 0.039000000000000004, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.39060000000000002 }, { 0.5, 0.39060000000000002 } }, particle_name = "decider-combinator-metal-particle-medium", repeat_count = 12, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 0.6, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.084000000000000004, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.59770000000000003, -0.89059999999999988 }, { 0.59770000000000003, 0.89059999999999988 } }, particle_name = "decider-combinator-metal-particle-small", repeat_count = 20, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0.36099999999999999, initial_height = 0.1, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.04, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "cable-and-electronics-particle-small-medium", repeat_count = 13, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" } }, type = "instant" }, type = "direct" }, flags = { "not-on-map", "hidden" }, height = 0, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/decider-combinator.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "dying-explosion-name", { "entity-name.decider-combinator" } }, name = "decider-combinator-explosion", order = "g-c-a", smoke = "smoke-fast", smoke_count = 2, smoke_slow_down_factor = 1, sound = { aggregation = { max_count = 1, remove = true }, variations = { { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-1.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-2.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-3.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-4.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-5.ogg", volume = 0.5 } } }, subgroup = "circuit-network-explosions", type = "explosion" }, ["defender-robot-explosion"] = { animations = { { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/explosion/explosion-1.png", frame_count = 17, height = 22, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/explosion/hr-explosion-1.png", frame_count = 17, height = 42, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.140625, 0.1875 }, width = 48 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { 0.15625, 0.1875 }, width = 26 }, { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/explosion/explosion-3.png", frame_count = 17, height = 46, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/explosion/hr-explosion-3.png", frame_count = 17, height = 88, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03125, 0.046875 }, width = 102 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { -0.03125, 0.0625 }, width = 52 } }, created_effect = { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { initial_height = 1.3, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.090999999999999996, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.59770000000000003, -0.59770000000000003 }, { 0.59770000000000003, 0.59770000000000003 } }, particle_name = "cable-and-electronics-particle-small-medium", repeat_count = 8, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0.46299999999999999, initial_height = 1.3999999999999999, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.08, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.69530000000000003, -0.29689999999999998 }, { 0.69530000000000003, 0.29689999999999998 } }, particle_name = "defender-robot-metal-particle-medium", repeat_count = 5, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 1.3999999999999999, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.082000000000000011, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.59379999999999997, -0.59770000000000003 }, { 0.59379999999999997, 0.59770000000000003 } }, particle_name = "defender-robot-metal-particle-small", repeat_count = 10, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" } }, type = "instant" }, type = "direct" }, flags = { "not-on-map", "hidden" }, height = 1.3999999999999999, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/defender.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "dying-explosion-name", { "entity-name.defender" } }, name = "defender-robot-explosion", order = "c-a-a", smoke = "smoke-fast", smoke_count = 2, smoke_slow_down_factor = 1, sound = { aggregation = { max_count = 1, remove = true }, variations = { { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/robot-explosion-1.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/robot-explosion-2.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/robot-explosion-3.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/robot-explosion-4.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/robot-explosion-5.ogg", volume = 0.5 } } }, subgroup = "capsule-explosions", type = "explosion" }, ["destroyer-robot-explosion"] = { animations = { { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/explosion/explosion-1.png", frame_count = 17, height = 22, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/explosion/hr-explosion-1.png", frame_count = 17, height = 42, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.140625, 0.1875 }, width = 48 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { 0.15625, 0.1875 }, width = 26 }, { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/explosion/explosion-3.png", frame_count = 17, height = 46, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/explosion/hr-explosion-3.png", frame_count = 17, height = 88, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03125, 0.046875 }, width = 102 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { -0.03125, 0.0625 }, width = 52 } }, created_effect = { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { initial_height = 1.3, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.090999999999999996, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.59770000000000003, -0.59770000000000003 }, { 0.59770000000000003, 0.59770000000000003 } }, particle_name = "cable-and-electronics-particle-small-medium", repeat_count = 8, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0.46299999999999999, initial_height = 1.3999999999999999, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.08, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.69530000000000003, -0.29689999999999998 }, { 0.69530000000000003, 0.29689999999999998 } }, particle_name = "destroyer-robot-metal-particle-medium", repeat_count = 5, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 1.3999999999999999, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.082000000000000011, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.59379999999999997, -0.59770000000000003 }, { 0.59379999999999997, 0.59770000000000003 } }, particle_name = "destroyer-robot-metal-particle-small", repeat_count = 10, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" } }, type = "instant" }, type = "direct" }, flags = { "not-on-map", "hidden" }, height = 1.3999999999999999, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/destroyer.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "dying-explosion-name", { "entity-name.destroyer" } }, name = "destroyer-robot-explosion", order = "c-c-a", smoke = "smoke-fast", smoke_count = 2, smoke_slow_down_factor = 1, sound = { aggregation = { max_count = 1, remove = true }, variations = { { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/robot-explosion-1.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/robot-explosion-2.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/robot-explosion-3.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/robot-explosion-4.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/robot-explosion-5.ogg", volume = 0.5 } } }, subgroup = "capsule-explosions", type = "explosion" }, ["distractor-robot-explosion"] = { animations = { { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/explosion/explosion-1.png", frame_count = 17, height = 22, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/explosion/hr-explosion-1.png", frame_count = 17, height = 42, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.140625, 0.1875 }, width = 48 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { 0.15625, 0.1875 }, width = 26 }, { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/explosion/explosion-3.png", frame_count = 17, height = 46, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/explosion/hr-explosion-3.png", frame_count = 17, height = 88, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03125, 0.046875 }, width = 102 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { -0.03125, 0.0625 }, width = 52 } }, created_effect = { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { initial_height = 1.3, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.090999999999999996, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.59770000000000003, -0.59770000000000003 }, { 0.59770000000000003, 0.59770000000000003 } }, particle_name = "cable-and-electronics-particle-small-medium", repeat_count = 8, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0.46299999999999999, initial_height = 1.3999999999999999, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.08, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.69530000000000003, -0.29689999999999998 }, { 0.69530000000000003, 0.29689999999999998 } }, particle_name = "distractor-robot-metal-particle-medium", repeat_count = 5, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 1.3999999999999999, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.082000000000000011, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.59379999999999997, -0.59770000000000003 }, { 0.59379999999999997, 0.59770000000000003 } }, particle_name = "distractor-robot-metal-particle-small", repeat_count = 10, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" } }, type = "instant" }, type = "direct" }, flags = { "not-on-map", "hidden" }, height = 1.3999999999999999, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/distractor.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "dying-explosion-name", { "entity-name.distractor" } }, name = "distractor-robot-explosion", order = "c-b-a", smoke = "smoke-fast", smoke_count = 2, smoke_slow_down_factor = 1, sound = { aggregation = { max_count = 1, remove = true }, variations = { { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/robot-explosion-1.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/robot-explosion-2.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/robot-explosion-3.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/robot-explosion-4.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/robot-explosion-5.ogg", volume = 0.5 } } }, subgroup = "capsule-explosions", type = "explosion" }, ["electric-furnace-explosion"] = { animations = { { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/medium-explosion-1.png", frame_count = 30, height = 112, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/hr-medium-explosion-1.png", frame_count = 30, height = 224, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03125, -1.125 }, width = 124 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { -0.03125, -1.125 }, width = 62 }, { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/medium-explosion-2.png", frame_count = 41, height = 106, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/hr-medium-explosion-2.png", frame_count = 41, height = 212, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.40625, -1.0625 }, width = 154 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { -0.40625, -1.0625 }, width = 78 }, { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/medium-explosion-3.png", frame_count = 39, height = 118, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/hr-medium-explosion-3.png", frame_count = 39, height = 236, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.015625, -1.15625 }, width = 126 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { 0.03125, -1.15625 }, width = 64 } }, created_effect = { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { initial_height = 0.3, initial_height_deviation = 0.49000000000000004, initial_vertical_speed = 0.087999999999999989, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0, offset_deviation = { { -0.6875, -0.6875 }, { 0.6875, 0.6875 } }, particle_name = "electric-furnace-metal-particle-big", repeat_count = 14, speed_from_center = 0.04, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.02, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 0.5, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.078000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.58199999999999994, -0.59379999999999997 }, { 0.58199999999999994, 0.59379999999999997 } }, particle_name = "electric-furnace-metal-particle-medium", repeat_count = 30, speed_from_center = 0.04, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.083000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.89450000000000003, -0.89059999999999988 }, { 0.89450000000000003, 0.89059999999999988 } }, offsets = { { 0.2891, 0.015630000000000002 }, { -0.2109, -0.015630000000000002 } }, particle_name = "electric-furnace-metal-particle-small", repeat_count = 17, speed_from_center = 0.05, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" } }, type = "instant" }, type = "direct" }, flags = { "not-on-map", "hidden" }, height = 0, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/electric-furnace.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "dying-explosion-name", { "entity-name.electric-furnace" } }, name = "electric-furnace-explosion", order = "c-c-a", smoke = "smoke-fast", smoke_count = 2, smoke_slow_down_factor = 1, sound = { aggregation = { max_count = 1, remove = true }, audible_distance_modifier = 1.95, game_controller_vibration_data = { duration = 160, low_frequency_vibration_intensity = 0.9, play_for = "everything" }, switch_vibration_data = { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/large-explosion.bnvib", gain = 0.6, play_for = "everything" }, variations = { { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/large-explosion-1.ogg", volume = 0.8 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/large-explosion-2.ogg", volume = 0.8 } } }, subgroup = "smelting-machine-explosions", type = "explosion" }, ["electric-mining-drill-explosion"] = { animations = { { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/medium-explosion-1.png", frame_count = 30, height = 112, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/hr-medium-explosion-1.png", frame_count = 30, height = 224, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03125, -1.125 }, width = 124 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { -0.03125, -1.125 }, width = 62 }, { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/medium-explosion-2.png", frame_count = 41, height = 106, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/hr-medium-explosion-2.png", frame_count = 41, height = 212, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.40625, -1.0625 }, width = 154 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { -0.40625, -1.0625 }, width = 78 }, { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/medium-explosion-3.png", frame_count = 39, height = 118, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/hr-medium-explosion-3.png", frame_count = 39, height = 236, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.015625, -1.15625 }, width = 126 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { 0.03125, -1.15625 }, width = 64 } }, created_effect = { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 1.7, initial_height_deviation = 0.31000000000000001, initial_vertical_speed = 0.085999999999999979, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.049000000000000004, offset_deviation = { left_top = { -0.09375, -0.1875 }, right_bottom = { 0.09375, 0.1875 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "electric-mining-drill-metal-particle-big", probability = 1, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 0, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.001, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 1.1000000000000001, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.10600000000000001, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.050999999999999996, offset_deviation = { left_top = { -0.1875, -0.1875 }, right_bottom = { 0.1875, 0.1875 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "electric-mining-drill-metal-particle-medium", probability = 1, repeat_count = 20, repeat_count_deviation = 0, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.0070000000000000009, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.4, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.15600000000000001, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.045999999999999996, offset_deviation = { left_top = { -0.88670000000000009, -0.88279999999999994 }, right_bottom = { 0.88670000000000009, 0.88279999999999994 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "electric-mining-drill-long-metal-particle-medium", probability = 1, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 0, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.012, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 2.2000000000000002, initial_height_deviation = 0.47999999999999998, initial_vertical_speed = 0.074000000000000004, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { left_top = { -0.5, -0.5 }, right_bottom = { 0.5, 0.5 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "electric-mining-drill-mechanical-component-particle-medium", probability = 1, repeat_count = 23, repeat_count_deviation = 0, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.04, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.3, initial_height_deviation = 0, initial_vertical_speed = 0.085, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { left_top = { -0.5, -0.5 }, right_bottom = { 0.5, 0.5 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "cable-and-electronics-particle-small-medium", probability = 1, repeat_count = 5, repeat_count_deviation = 0, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.05, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.019, type = "create-particle" } }, type = "instant" }, type = "direct" }, flags = { "not-on-map", "hidden" }, height = 0, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/electric-mining-drill.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "dying-explosion-name", { "entity-name.electric-mining-drill" } }, name = "electric-mining-drill-explosion", order = "b-b-a", smoke = "smoke-fast", smoke_count = 2, smoke_slow_down_factor = 1, sound = { aggregation = { max_count = 1, remove = true }, audible_distance_modifier = 0.7, game_controller_vibration_data = { duration = 120, low_frequency_vibration_intensity = 0.8 }, switch_vibration_data = { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/medium-explosion.bnvib", gain = 0.4 }, variations = { { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/medium-explosion-1.ogg", volume = 0.4 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/medium-explosion-2.ogg", volume = 0.4 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/medium-explosion-3.ogg", volume = 0.4 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/medium-explosion-4.ogg", volume = 0.4 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/medium-explosion-5.ogg", volume = 0.4 } } }, subgroup = "extraction-machine-explosions", type = "explosion" }, ["enemy-damaged-explosion"] = { animations = { { direction_count = 1, filename = "__core__/graphics/empty.png", frame_count = 1, height = 1, priority = "extra-high", width = 1 } }, created_effect = { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { entity_name = "blood-fountain-hit-spray", repeat_count = 1, type = "create-entity" } }, type = "instant" }, type = "direct" }, flags = { "not-on-map" }, height = 0.3, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/small-biter.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "enemy-damaged-explosion", subgroup = "hit-effects", type = "explosion" }, explosion = { animations = { { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/explosion/explosion-1.png", frame_count = 17, height = 22, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/explosion/hr-explosion-1.png", frame_count = 17, height = 42, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.140625, 0.1875 }, width = 48 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { 0.15625, 0.1875 }, width = 26 }, { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/explosion/explosion-3.png", frame_count = 17, height = 46, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/explosion/hr-explosion-3.png", frame_count = 17, height = 88, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03125, 0.046875 }, width = 102 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { -0.03125, 0.0625 }, width = 52 } }, flags = { "not-on-map", "hidden" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/item-group/effects.png", icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "entity-name.explosion" }, name = "explosion", smoke = "smoke-fast", smoke_count = 2, smoke_slow_down_factor = 1, sound = { aggregation = { max_count = 1, remove = true }, variations = { { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-1.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-2.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-3.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-4.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-5.ogg", volume = 0.5 } } }, subgroup = "explosions", type = "explosion" }, ["explosion-gunshot"] = { animations = { { animation_speed = 1.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/explosion-gunshot/explosion-gunshot.png", frame_count = 2, height = 38, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0, 0 }, width = 34 }, { animation_speed = 1.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/explosion-gunshot/explosion-gunshot.png", frame_count = 2, height = 38, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0, 0 }, width = 34, x = 68 }, { animation_speed = 1.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/explosion-gunshot/explosion-gunshot.png", frame_count = 3, height = 38, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0, 0 }, width = 34, x = 136 }, { animation_speed = 1.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/explosion-gunshot/explosion-gunshot.png", frame_count = 3, height = 38, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0, 0 }, width = 34, x = 238 }, { animation_speed = 1.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/explosion-gunshot/explosion-gunshot.png", frame_count = 3, height = 38, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0, 0 }, width = 34, x = 340 } }, flags = { "not-on-map", "hidden" }, localised_name = { "entity-name.explosion-gunshot" }, name = "explosion-gunshot", rotate = true, smoke = "smoke-fast", smoke_count = 1, smoke_slow_down_factor = 1, subgroup = "explosions", type = "explosion" }, ["explosion-gunshot-small"] = { animations = { { animation_speed = 1.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/explosion-hit/explosion-hit.png", frame_count = 13, height = 38, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0, 0 }, width = 34 } }, flags = { "not-on-map", "hidden" }, localised_name = { "entity-name.explosion-gunshot-small" }, name = "explosion-gunshot-small", rotate = true, smoke = "smoke-fast", smoke_count = 1, smoke_slow_down_factor = 1, subgroup = "explosions", type = "explosion" }, ["explosion-hit"] = { animations = { { animation_speed = 1.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/explosion-hit/explosion-hit.png", frame_count = 13, height = 38, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0, -0.3125 }, width = 34 } }, flags = { "not-on-map", "hidden" }, localised_name = { "entity-name.explosion-hit" }, name = "explosion-hit", smoke = "smoke-fast", smoke_count = 1, smoke_slow_down_factor = 1, subgroup = "explosions", type = "explosion" }, ["express-splitter-explosion"] = { animations = { { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/small-explosion/small-explosion-1.png", frame_count = 24, height = 90, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/small-explosion/hr-small-explosion-1.png", frame_count = 24, height = 178, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03125, -0.75 }, width = 88 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { -0.03125, -0.75 }, width = 44 }, { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/small-explosion/small-explosion-2.png", frame_count = 24, height = 76, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/small-explosion/hr-small-explosion-2.png", frame_count = 24, height = 152, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0625, -0.234375 }, width = 92 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { 0.0625, -0.25 }, width = 46 } }, created_effect = { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { initial_height = 0.3, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.046999999999999993, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.59770000000000003 }, { 0.5, 0.59770000000000003 } }, particle_name = "express-splitter-metal-particle-medium", repeat_count = 13, speed_from_center = 0.05, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 0.6, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.049000000000000004, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "express-splitter-metal-particle-small", repeat_count = 25, speed_from_center = 0.05, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 0.4, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.071999999999999993, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.69530000000000003, -0.59770000000000003 }, { 0.69530000000000003, 0.59770000000000003 } }, particle_name = "express-splitter-long-metal-particle-medium", repeat_count = 3, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "express-splitter-metal-particle-big", repeat_count = 2, speed_from_center = 0.05, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.029000000000000004, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "express-splitter-mechanical-component-particle-medium", repeat_count = 3, speed_from_center = 0.04, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" } }, type = "instant" }, type = "direct" }, flags = { "not-on-map", "hidden" }, height = 0, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/express-splitter.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "dying-explosion-name", { "" } }, name = "express-splitter-explosion", order = "b-i-a", smoke = "smoke-fast", smoke_count = 2, smoke_slow_down_factor = 1, sound = { aggregation = { max_count = 1, remove = true }, variations = { { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-1.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-2.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-3.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-4.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-5.ogg", volume = 0.5 } } }, subgroup = "belt-explosions", type = "explosion" }, ["express-transport-belt-explosion"] = { animations = { { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/small-explosion/small-explosion-1.png", frame_count = 24, height = 90, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/small-explosion/hr-small-explosion-1.png", frame_count = 24, height = 178, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03125, -0.75 }, width = 88 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { -0.03125, -0.75 }, width = 44 }, { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/small-explosion/small-explosion-2.png", frame_count = 24, height = 76, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/small-explosion/hr-small-explosion-2.png", frame_count = 24, height = 152, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0625, -0.234375 }, width = 92 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { 0.0625, -0.25 }, width = 46 } }, created_effect = { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { initial_height = 0.1, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.09, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "express-transport-belt-metal-particle-medium", repeat_count = 1, speed_from_center = 0.04, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 0.1, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.070999999999999996, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "express-transport-belt-metal-particle-small", repeat_count = 4, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 0.1, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.08, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.016000000000000001, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "transport-belt-wooden-splinter-particle-medium", repeat_count = 20, speed_from_center = 0.04, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 0.1, initial_height_deviation = 0.32000000000000002, initial_vertical_speed = 0.041000000000000005, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.042000000000000002, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "express-transport-belt-mechanical-component-particle-medium", repeat_count = 5, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" } }, type = "instant" }, type = "direct" }, flags = { "not-on-map", "hidden" }, height = 0, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/express-transport-belt.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "dying-explosion-name", { "" } }, name = "express-transport-belt-explosion", order = "b-c-a", smoke = "smoke-fast", smoke_count = 2, smoke_slow_down_factor = 1, sound = { aggregation = { max_count = 1, remove = true }, variations = { { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-1.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-2.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-3.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-4.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-5.ogg", volume = 0.5 } } }, subgroup = "belt-explosions", type = "explosion" }, ["express-underground-belt-explosion"] = { animations = { { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/small-explosion/small-explosion-1.png", frame_count = 24, height = 90, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/small-explosion/hr-small-explosion-1.png", frame_count = 24, height = 178, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03125, -0.75 }, width = 88 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { -0.03125, -0.75 }, width = 44 }, { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/small-explosion/small-explosion-2.png", frame_count = 24, height = 76, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/small-explosion/hr-small-explosion-2.png", frame_count = 24, height = 152, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0625, -0.234375 }, width = 92 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { 0.0625, -0.25 }, width = 46 } }, created_effect = { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.081000000000000014, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "express-underground-belt-metal-particle-medium", repeat_count = 10, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.42999999999999998, initial_vertical_speed = 0.086999999999999993, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.047999999999999998, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "express-underground-belt-metal-particle-small", repeat_count = 25, speed_from_center = 0.05, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.042000000000000002, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "express-underground-belt-metal-particle-medium-blue", repeat_count = 2, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" } }, type = "instant" }, type = "direct" }, flags = { "not-on-map", "hidden" }, height = 0, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/express-underground-belt.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "dying-explosion-name", { "" } }, name = "express-underground-belt-explosion", order = "b-f-a", smoke = "smoke-fast", smoke_count = 2, smoke_slow_down_factor = 1, sound = { aggregation = { max_count = 1, remove = true }, variations = { { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-1.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-2.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-3.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-4.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-5.ogg", volume = 0.5 } } }, subgroup = "belt-explosions", type = "explosion" }, ["fast-inserter-explosion"] = { animations = { { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/small-explosion/small-explosion-1.png", frame_count = 24, height = 90, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/small-explosion/hr-small-explosion-1.png", frame_count = 24, height = 178, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03125, -0.75 }, width = 88 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { -0.03125, -0.75 }, width = 44 }, { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/small-explosion/small-explosion-2.png", frame_count = 24, height = 76, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/small-explosion/hr-small-explosion-2.png", frame_count = 24, height = 152, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0625, -0.234375 }, width = 92 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { 0.0625, -0.25 }, width = 46 } }, created_effect = { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { initial_height = 0.3, initial_height_deviation = 0.44000000000000004, initial_vertical_speed = 0.058000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.49220000000000006 }, { 0.5, 0.49220000000000006 } }, particle_name = "fast-inserter-metal-particle-medium", repeat_count = 17, speed_from_center = 0.04, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.08, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "fast-inserter-metal-particle-small", repeat_count = 10, speed_from_center = 0.05, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 0.3, initial_height_deviation = 0.4, initial_vertical_speed = 0.06, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.049000000000000004, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "cable-and-electronics-particle-small-medium", repeat_count = 7, speed_from_center = 0.04, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" } }, type = "instant" }, type = "direct" }, flags = { "not-on-map", "hidden" }, height = 0, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/fast-inserter.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "dying-explosion-name", { "" } }, name = "fast-inserter-explosion", order = "c-d-a", smoke = "smoke-fast", smoke_count = 2, smoke_slow_down_factor = 1, sound = { aggregation = { max_count = 1, remove = true }, variations = { { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-1.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-2.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-3.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-4.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-5.ogg", volume = 0.5 } } }, subgroup = "inserter-explosions", type = "explosion" }, ["fast-splitter-explosion"] = { animations = { { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/small-explosion/small-explosion-1.png", frame_count = 24, height = 90, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/small-explosion/hr-small-explosion-1.png", frame_count = 24, height = 178, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03125, -0.75 }, width = 88 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { -0.03125, -0.75 }, width = 44 }, { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/small-explosion/small-explosion-2.png", frame_count = 24, height = 76, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/small-explosion/hr-small-explosion-2.png", frame_count = 24, height = 152, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0625, -0.234375 }, width = 92 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { 0.0625, -0.25 }, width = 46 } }, created_effect = { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { initial_height = 0.3, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.046999999999999993, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.59770000000000003 }, { 0.5, 0.59770000000000003 } }, particle_name = "fast-splitter-metal-particle-medium", repeat_count = 13, speed_from_center = 0.05, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 0.6, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.049000000000000004, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "fast-splitter-metal-particle-small", repeat_count = 25, speed_from_center = 0.05, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 0.4, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.071999999999999993, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.69530000000000003, -0.59770000000000003 }, { 0.69530000000000003, 0.59770000000000003 } }, particle_name = "fast-splitter-long-metal-particle-medium", repeat_count = 3, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "fast-splitter-metal-particle-big", repeat_count = 3, speed_from_center = 0.05, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.029000000000000004, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "fast-splitter-mechanical-component-particle-medium", repeat_count = 3, speed_from_center = 0.04, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" } }, type = "instant" }, type = "direct" }, flags = { "not-on-map", "hidden" }, height = 0, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/fast-splitter.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "dying-explosion-name", { "" } }, name = "fast-splitter-explosion", order = "b-h-a", smoke = "smoke-fast", smoke_count = 2, smoke_slow_down_factor = 1, sound = { aggregation = { max_count = 1, remove = true }, variations = { { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-1.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-2.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-3.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-4.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-5.ogg", volume = 0.5 } } }, subgroup = "belt-explosions", type = "explosion" }, ["fast-transport-belt-explosion"] = { animations = { { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/small-explosion/small-explosion-1.png", frame_count = 24, height = 90, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/small-explosion/hr-small-explosion-1.png", frame_count = 24, height = 178, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03125, -0.75 }, width = 88 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { -0.03125, -0.75 }, width = 44 }, { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/small-explosion/small-explosion-2.png", frame_count = 24, height = 76, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/small-explosion/hr-small-explosion-2.png", frame_count = 24, height = 152, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0625, -0.234375 }, width = 92 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { 0.0625, -0.25 }, width = 46 } }, created_effect = { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { initial_height = 0.1, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.09, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "fast-transport-belt-metal-particle-medium", repeat_count = 1, speed_from_center = 0.04, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 0.1, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.070999999999999996, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "fast-transport-belt-metal-particle-small", repeat_count = 4, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 0.1, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.08, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.016000000000000001, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "transport-belt-wooden-splinter-particle-medium", repeat_count = 20, speed_from_center = 0.04, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 0.1, initial_height_deviation = 0.32000000000000002, initial_vertical_speed = 0.041000000000000005, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.042000000000000002, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "fast-transport-belt-mechanical-component-particle-medium", repeat_count = 5, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" } }, type = "instant" }, type = "direct" }, flags = { "not-on-map", "hidden" }, height = 0, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/fast-transport-belt.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "dying-explosion-name", { "" } }, name = "fast-transport-belt-explosion", order = "b-b-a", smoke = "smoke-fast", smoke_count = 2, smoke_slow_down_factor = 1, sound = { aggregation = { max_count = 1, remove = true }, variations = { { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-1.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-2.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-3.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-4.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-5.ogg", volume = 0.5 } } }, subgroup = "belt-explosions", type = "explosion" }, ["fast-underground-belt-explosion"] = { animations = { { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/small-explosion/small-explosion-1.png", frame_count = 24, height = 90, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/small-explosion/hr-small-explosion-1.png", frame_count = 24, height = 178, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03125, -0.75 }, width = 88 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { -0.03125, -0.75 }, width = 44 }, { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/small-explosion/small-explosion-2.png", frame_count = 24, height = 76, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/small-explosion/hr-small-explosion-2.png", frame_count = 24, height = 152, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0625, -0.234375 }, width = 92 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { 0.0625, -0.25 }, width = 46 } }, created_effect = { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.081000000000000014, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "fast-underground-belt-metal-particle-medium", repeat_count = 10, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.42999999999999998, initial_vertical_speed = 0.086999999999999993, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.047999999999999998, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "fast-underground-belt-metal-particle-small", repeat_count = 25, speed_from_center = 0.05, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.042000000000000002, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "fast-underground-belt-metal-particle-medium-red", repeat_count = 2, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" } }, type = "instant" }, type = "direct" }, flags = { "not-on-map", "hidden" }, height = 0, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/fast-underground-belt.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "dying-explosion-name", { "" } }, name = "fast-underground-belt-explosion", order = "b-e-a", smoke = "smoke-fast", smoke_count = 2, smoke_slow_down_factor = 1, sound = { aggregation = { max_count = 1, remove = true }, variations = { { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-1.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-2.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-3.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-4.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-5.ogg", volume = 0.5 } } }, subgroup = "belt-explosions", type = "explosion" }, ["filter-inserter-explosion"] = { animations = { { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/small-explosion/small-explosion-1.png", frame_count = 24, height = 90, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/small-explosion/hr-small-explosion-1.png", frame_count = 24, height = 178, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03125, -0.75 }, width = 88 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { -0.03125, -0.75 }, width = 44 }, { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/small-explosion/small-explosion-2.png", frame_count = 24, height = 76, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/small-explosion/hr-small-explosion-2.png", frame_count = 24, height = 152, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0625, -0.234375 }, width = 92 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { 0.0625, -0.25 }, width = 46 } }, created_effect = { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { initial_height = 0.3, initial_height_deviation = 0.44000000000000004, initial_vertical_speed = 0.058000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.49220000000000006 }, { 0.5, 0.49220000000000006 } }, particle_name = "filter-inserter-metal-particle-medium", repeat_count = 17, speed_from_center = 0.04, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.08, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "filter-inserter-metal-particle-small", repeat_count = 10, speed_from_center = 0.05, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 0.3, initial_height_deviation = 0.4, initial_vertical_speed = 0.06, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.049000000000000004, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "cable-and-electronics-particle-small-medium", repeat_count = 7, speed_from_center = 0.04, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" } }, type = "instant" }, type = "direct" }, flags = { "not-on-map", "hidden" }, height = 0, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/filter-inserter.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "dying-explosion-name", { "entity-name.filter-inserter" } }, name = "filter-inserter-explosion", order = "c-e-a", smoke = "smoke-fast", smoke_count = 2, smoke_slow_down_factor = 1, sound = { aggregation = { max_count = 1, remove = true }, variations = { { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-1.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-2.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-3.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-4.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-5.ogg", volume = 0.5 } } }, subgroup = "inserter-explosions", type = "explosion" }, ["flamethrower-turret-explosion"] = { animations = { { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/medium-explosion-1.png", frame_count = 30, height = 112, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/hr-medium-explosion-1.png", frame_count = 30, height = 224, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03125, -1.125 }, width = 124 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { -0.03125, -1.125 }, width = 62 }, { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/medium-explosion-2.png", frame_count = 41, height = 106, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/hr-medium-explosion-2.png", frame_count = 41, height = 212, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.40625, -1.0625 }, width = 154 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { -0.40625, -1.0625 }, width = 78 }, { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/medium-explosion-3.png", frame_count = 39, height = 118, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/hr-medium-explosion-3.png", frame_count = 39, height = 236, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.015625, -1.15625 }, width = 126 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { 0.03125, -1.15625 }, width = 64 } }, created_effect = { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { initial_height = 0.5, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.068000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "flame-thrower-turret-metal-particle-big", repeat_count = 12, speed_from_center = 0.04, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 0.5, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.055, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "flame-thrower-turret-metal-particle-medium", repeat_count = 20, speed_from_center = 0.05, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 0.4, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.070999999999999996, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "flame-thrower-turret-metal-particle-small", repeat_count = 25, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 0.4, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.070999999999999996, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "cable-and-electronics-particle-small-medium", repeat_count = 18, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" } }, type = "instant" }, type = "direct" }, flags = { "not-on-map", "hidden" }, height = 0, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/flamethrower-turret.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "dying-explosion-name", { "entity-name.flamethrower-turret" } }, name = "flamethrower-turret-explosion", order = "b-e-a", smoke = "smoke-fast", smoke_count = 2, smoke_slow_down_factor = 1, sound = { aggregation = { max_count = 1, remove = true }, variations = { { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-1.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-2.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-3.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-4.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-5.ogg", volume = 0.5 } } }, subgroup = "defensive-structure-explosions", type = "explosion" }, ["fluid-wagon-explosion"] = { animations = { { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/medium-explosion-1.png", frame_count = 30, height = 112, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/hr-medium-explosion-1.png", frame_count = 30, height = 224, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03125, -1.125 }, width = 124 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { -0.03125, -1.125 }, width = 62 }, { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/medium-explosion-2.png", frame_count = 41, height = 106, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/hr-medium-explosion-2.png", frame_count = 41, height = 212, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.40625, -1.0625 }, width = 154 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { -0.40625, -1.0625 }, width = 78 }, { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/medium-explosion-3.png", frame_count = 39, height = 118, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/hr-medium-explosion-3.png", frame_count = 39, height = 236, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.015625, -1.15625 }, width = 126 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { 0.03125, -1.15625 }, width = 64 } }, created_effect = { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { initial_height = 0.7, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.090999999999999996, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.19530000000000001 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.19530000000000001 } }, particle_name = "fluid-wagon-metal-particle-big", repeat_count = 31, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 0.4, initial_height_deviation = 0.46999999999999993, initial_vertical_speed = 0.093999999999999986, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.59770000000000003, -0.59770000000000003 }, { 0.59770000000000003, 0.59770000000000003 } }, particle_name = "fluid-wagon-metal-particle-medium", repeat_count = 31, speed_from_center = 0.05, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 0.8, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.079000000000000004, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.59770000000000003, -0.59770000000000003 }, { 0.59770000000000003, 0.59770000000000003 } }, particle_name = "fluid-wagon-metal-particle-small", repeat_count = 34, speed_from_center = 0.05, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 0.8, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.086999999999999993, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "fluid-wagon-long-metal-particle-medium", repeat_count = 19, speed_from_center = 0.05, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" } }, type = "instant" }, type = "direct" }, flags = { "not-on-map", "hidden" }, height = 0, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/fluid-wagon.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "dying-explosion-name", { "entity-name.fluid-wagon" } }, name = "fluid-wagon-explosion", order = "e-f-a", smoke = "smoke-fast", smoke_count = 2, smoke_slow_down_factor = 1, sound = { aggregation = { max_count = 1, remove = true }, audible_distance_modifier = 1.95, game_controller_vibration_data = { duration = 160, low_frequency_vibration_intensity = 0.9, play_for = "everything" }, switch_vibration_data = { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/large-explosion.bnvib", gain = 0.6, play_for = "everything" }, variations = { { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/large-explosion-1.ogg", volume = 0.8 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/large-explosion-2.ogg", volume = 0.8 } } }, subgroup = "train-transport-explosions", type = "explosion" }, ["flying-robot-damaged-explosion"] = { animations = { { direction_count = 1, filename = "__core__/graphics/empty.png", frame_count = 1, height = 1, priority = "extra-high", width = 1 } }, created_effect = { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { initial_height = 1.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.02, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "spark-particle", probability = 1, speed_from_center = 0.05, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, tail_length = 10, tail_length_deviation = 5, tail_width = 5, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 1.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.02, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "compilatron-chest-metal-particle-small", probability = 0.5, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, tail_length = 3, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 5, type = "create-particle" } }, type = "instant" }, type = "direct" }, flags = { "not-on-map" }, height = 0.3, icon_size = 32, name = "flying-robot-damaged-explosion", subgroup = "hit-effects", type = "explosion" }, ["gate-explosion"] = { animations = { { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/small-explosion/small-explosion-1.png", frame_count = 24, height = 90, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/small-explosion/hr-small-explosion-1.png", frame_count = 24, height = 178, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03125, -0.75 }, width = 88 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { -0.03125, -0.75 }, width = 44 }, { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/small-explosion/small-explosion-2.png", frame_count = 24, height = 76, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/small-explosion/hr-small-explosion-2.png", frame_count = 24, height = 152, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0625, -0.234375 }, width = 92 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { 0.0625, -0.25 }, width = 46 } }, created_effect = { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { initial_height = 0.3, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.078000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.056000000000000005, offset_deviation = { { -0.19530000000000001, -0.19530000000000001 }, { 0.19530000000000001, 0.19530000000000001 } }, particle_name = "gate-metal-particle-big", repeat_count = 4, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.047999999999999998, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 0.9, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.077000000000000002, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.056000000000000005, offset_deviation = { { -0.4883, -0.59770000000000003 }, { 0.4883, 0.59770000000000003 } }, particle_name = "gate-metal-particle-medium", repeat_count = 7, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 1, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.075999999999999996, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.055, offset_deviation = { { -0.39060000000000002, -0.4883 }, { 0.39060000000000002, 0.4883 } }, particle_name = "gate-metal-particle-small", repeat_count = 17, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 0.1, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.092999999999999989, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.052000000000000002, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "gate-stone-particle-small", repeat_count = 39, speed_from_center = 0.05, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" } }, type = "instant" }, type = "direct" }, flags = { "not-on-map", "hidden" }, height = 0, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/gate.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "dying-explosion-name", { "entity-name.gate" } }, name = "gate-explosion", order = "b-b-a", smoke = "smoke-fast", smoke_count = 2, smoke_slow_down_factor = 1, sound = { aggregation = { max_count = 1, remove = true }, variations = { { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-1.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-2.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-3.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-4.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-5.ogg", volume = 0.5 } } }, subgroup = "defensive-structure-explosions", type = "explosion" }, ["grenade-explosion"] = { animations = { { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/medium-explosion-1.png", frame_count = 30, height = 112, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/hr-medium-explosion-1.png", frame_count = 30, height = 224, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03125, -1.125 }, width = 124 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { -0.03125, -1.125 }, width = 62 }, { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/medium-explosion-2.png", frame_count = 41, height = 106, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/hr-medium-explosion-2.png", frame_count = 41, height = 212, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.40625, -1.0625 }, width = 154 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { -0.40625, -1.0625 }, width = 78 }, { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/medium-explosion-3.png", frame_count = 39, height = 118, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/hr-medium-explosion-3.png", frame_count = 39, height = 236, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.015625, -1.15625 }, width = 126 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { 0.03125, -1.15625 }, width = 64 } }, flags = { "not-on-map", "hidden" }, height = 0, icon = "__base__/graphics/item-group/effects.png", icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "entity-name.grenade-explosion" }, name = "grenade-explosion", sound = { aggregation = { max_count = 1, remove = true }, audible_distance_modifier = 0.7, game_controller_vibration_data = { duration = 120, low_frequency_vibration_intensity = 0.8 }, switch_vibration_data = { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/medium-explosion.bnvib", gain = 0.4 }, variations = { { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/medium-explosion-1.ogg", volume = 0.4 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/medium-explosion-2.ogg", volume = 0.4 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/medium-explosion-3.ogg", volume = 0.4 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/medium-explosion-4.ogg", volume = 0.4 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/medium-explosion-5.ogg", volume = 0.4 } } }, subgroup = "explosions", type = "explosion" }, ["ground-explosion"] = { animations = { { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/medium-explosion-1.png", frame_count = 30, height = 112, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/hr-medium-explosion-1.png", frame_count = 30, height = 224, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03125, -1.125 }, width = 124 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { -0.03125, -1.125 }, width = 62 }, { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/medium-explosion-2.png", frame_count = 41, height = 106, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/hr-medium-explosion-2.png", frame_count = 41, height = 212, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.40625, -1.0625 }, width = 154 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { -0.40625, -1.0625 }, width = 78 }, { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/medium-explosion-3.png", frame_count = 39, height = 118, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/hr-medium-explosion-3.png", frame_count = 39, height = 236, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.015625, -1.15625 }, width = 126 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { 0.03125, -1.15625 }, width = 64 } }, created_effect = { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { initial_height = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.08, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.15, offset_deviation = { { -0.8984, -0.5 }, { 0.8984, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "big-rock-stone-particle-medium", repeat_count = 20, speed_from_center = 0.08, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.15, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 1, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.8984, -0.5 }, { 0.8984, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "big-rock-stone-particle-small", repeat_count = 25, speed_from_center = 0.05, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 1, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.8984, -0.5 }, { 0.8984, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "big-rock-stone-particle-tiny", repeat_count = 50, speed_from_center = 0.05, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" } }, type = "instant" }, type = "direct" }, flags = { "not-on-map", "hidden" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/item-group/effects.png", icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "entity-name.ground-explosion" }, name = "ground-explosion", sound = { aggregation = { max_count = 1, remove = true }, audible_distance_modifier = 0.7, game_controller_vibration_data = { duration = 120, low_frequency_vibration_intensity = 0.8 }, switch_vibration_data = { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/medium-explosion.bnvib", gain = 0.4 }, variations = { { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/medium-explosion-1.ogg", volume = 0.4 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/medium-explosion-2.ogg", volume = 0.4 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/medium-explosion-3.ogg", volume = 0.4 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/medium-explosion-4.ogg", volume = 0.4 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/medium-explosion-5.ogg", volume = 0.4 } } }, subgroup = "explosions", type = "explosion" }, ["gun-turret-explosion"] = { animations = { { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/medium-explosion-1.png", frame_count = 30, height = 112, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/hr-medium-explosion-1.png", frame_count = 30, height = 224, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03125, -1.125 }, width = 124 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { -0.03125, -1.125 }, width = 62 }, { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/medium-explosion-2.png", frame_count = 41, height = 106, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/hr-medium-explosion-2.png", frame_count = 41, height = 212, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.40625, -1.0625 }, width = 154 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { -0.40625, -1.0625 }, width = 78 }, { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/medium-explosion-3.png", frame_count = 39, height = 118, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/hr-medium-explosion-3.png", frame_count = 39, height = 236, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.015625, -1.15625 }, width = 126 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { 0.03125, -1.15625 }, width = 64 } }, created_effect = { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { initial_height = 0.5, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.068000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "gun-turret-metal-particle-big", repeat_count = 12, speed_from_center = 0.04, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 0.5, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.055, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "gun-turret-metal-particle-medium", repeat_count = 20, speed_from_center = 0.05, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 0.4, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.070999999999999996, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "gun-turret-metal-particle-small", repeat_count = 25, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" } }, type = "instant" }, type = "direct" }, flags = { "not-on-map", "hidden" }, height = 0, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/gun-turret.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "dying-explosion-name", { "entity-name.gun-turret" } }, name = "gun-turret-explosion", order = "b-c-a", smoke = "smoke-fast", smoke_count = 2, smoke_slow_down_factor = 1, sound = { aggregation = { max_count = 1, remove = true }, audible_distance_modifier = 0.7, game_controller_vibration_data = { duration = 120, low_frequency_vibration_intensity = 0.8 }, switch_vibration_data = { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/medium-explosion.bnvib", gain = 0.4 }, variations = { { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/medium-explosion-1.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/medium-explosion-2.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/medium-explosion-3.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/medium-explosion-4.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/medium-explosion-5.ogg", volume = 0.5 } } }, subgroup = "defensive-structure-explosions", type = "explosion" }, ["heat-exchanger-explosion"] = { animations = { { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/medium-explosion-1.png", frame_count = 30, height = 112, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/hr-medium-explosion-1.png", frame_count = 30, height = 224, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03125, -1.125 }, width = 124 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { -0.03125, -1.125 }, width = 62 }, { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/medium-explosion-2.png", frame_count = 41, height = 106, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/hr-medium-explosion-2.png", frame_count = 41, height = 212, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.40625, -1.0625 }, width = 154 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { -0.40625, -1.0625 }, width = 78 }, { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/medium-explosion-3.png", frame_count = 39, height = 118, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/hr-medium-explosion-3.png", frame_count = 39, height = 236, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.015625, -1.15625 }, width = 126 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { 0.03125, -1.15625 }, width = 64 } }, created_effect = { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { initial_height = 0.3, initial_height_deviation = 0.44000000000000004, initial_vertical_speed = 0.070000000000000009, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.88670000000000009, -0.3867 }, { 0.88670000000000009, 0.3867 } }, particle_name = "heat-exchanger-metal-particle-medium", repeat_count = 37, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 0.3, initial_height_deviation = 0.44000000000000004, initial_vertical_speed = 0.08, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.39060000000000002, -0.59770000000000003 }, { 0.39060000000000002, 0.59770000000000003 } }, particle_name = "heat-exchanger-metal-particle-small", repeat_count = 34, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 0.3, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.070000000000000009, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.049000000000000004, offset_deviation = { { -0.58199999999999994, -0.5859 }, { 0.58199999999999994, 0.5859 } }, particle_name = "heat-exchanger-metal-particle-big", repeat_count = 16, speed_from_center = 0.04, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" } }, type = "instant" }, type = "direct" }, flags = { "not-on-map", "hidden" }, height = 0, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/heat-boiler.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "dying-explosion-name", { "entity-name.heat-exchanger" } }, name = "heat-exchanger-explosion", order = "a-f-a", smoke = "smoke-fast", smoke_count = 2, smoke_slow_down_factor = 1, sound = { aggregation = { max_count = 1, remove = true }, audible_distance_modifier = 0.7, game_controller_vibration_data = { duration = 120, low_frequency_vibration_intensity = 0.8 }, switch_vibration_data = { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/medium-explosion.bnvib", gain = 0.4 }, variations = { { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/medium-explosion-1.ogg", volume = 0.4 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/medium-explosion-2.ogg", volume = 0.4 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/medium-explosion-3.ogg", volume = 0.4 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/medium-explosion-4.ogg", volume = 0.4 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/medium-explosion-5.ogg", volume = 0.4 } } }, subgroup = "energy-explosions", type = "explosion" }, ["heat-pipe-explosion"] = { animations = { { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/small-explosion/small-explosion-1.png", frame_count = 24, height = 90, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/small-explosion/hr-small-explosion-1.png", frame_count = 24, height = 178, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03125, -0.75 }, width = 88 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { -0.03125, -0.75 }, width = 44 }, { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/small-explosion/small-explosion-2.png", frame_count = 24, height = 76, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/small-explosion/hr-small-explosion-2.png", frame_count = 24, height = 152, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0625, -0.234375 }, width = 92 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { 0.0625, -0.25 }, width = 46 } }, created_effect = { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { initial_height = 0.1, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.028000000000000004, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.39060000000000002, -0.29689999999999998 }, { 0.39060000000000002, 0.29689999999999998 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "heat-pipe-metal-particle-small", repeat_count = 15, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 0.1, initial_height_deviation = 0.49000000000000004, initial_vertical_speed = 0.045999999999999996, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.09375, -0.1875 }, { 0.09375, 0.1875 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "heat-pipe-metal-particle-medium", repeat_count = 9, speed_from_center = 0.04, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.016000000000000001, type = "create-particle" } }, type = "instant" }, type = "direct" }, flags = { "not-on-map", "hidden" }, height = 0, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/heat-pipe.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "dying-explosion-name", { "entity-name.heat-pipe" } }, name = "heat-pipe-explosion", order = "a-e-a", smoke = "smoke-fast", smoke_count = 2, smoke_slow_down_factor = 1, sound = { aggregation = { max_count = 1, remove = true }, variations = { { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-1.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-2.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-3.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-4.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-5.ogg", volume = 0.5 } } }, subgroup = "energy-explosions", type = "explosion" }, ["inserter-explosion"] = { animations = { { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/small-explosion/small-explosion-1.png", frame_count = 24, height = 90, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/small-explosion/hr-small-explosion-1.png", frame_count = 24, height = 178, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03125, -0.75 }, width = 88 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { -0.03125, -0.75 }, width = 44 }, { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/small-explosion/small-explosion-2.png", frame_count = 24, height = 76, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/small-explosion/hr-small-explosion-2.png", frame_count = 24, height = 152, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0625, -0.234375 }, width = 92 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { 0.0625, -0.25 }, width = 46 } }, created_effect = { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { initial_height = 0.3, initial_height_deviation = 0.44000000000000004, initial_vertical_speed = 0.058000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.49220000000000006 }, { 0.5, 0.49220000000000006 } }, particle_name = "inserter-metal-particle-medium", repeat_count = 18, speed_from_center = 0.04, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.08, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "inserter-metal-particle-small", repeat_count = 10, speed_from_center = 0.05, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 0.3, initial_height_deviation = 0.4, initial_vertical_speed = 0.06, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.049000000000000004, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "cable-and-electronics-particle-small-medium", repeat_count = 7, speed_from_center = 0.04, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" } }, type = "instant" }, type = "direct" }, flags = { "not-on-map", "hidden" }, height = 0, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/inserter.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "dying-explosion-name", { "entity-name.inserter" } }, name = "inserter-explosion", order = "c-b-a", smoke = "smoke-fast", smoke_count = 2, smoke_slow_down_factor = 1, sound = { aggregation = { max_count = 1, remove = true }, variations = { { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-1.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-2.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-3.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-4.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-5.ogg", volume = 0.5 } } }, subgroup = "inserter-explosions", type = "explosion" }, ["iron-chest-explosion"] = { animations = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__core__/graphics/empty.png", frame_count = 1, height = 1, priority = "extra-high", width = 1 }, created_effect = { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { initial_height = 0.5, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.06, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "iron-chest-metal-particle-medium", repeat_count = 20, speed_from_center = 0.04, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 0.5, initial_height_deviation = 0.44000000000000004, initial_vertical_speed = 0.069000000000000004, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "iron-chest-metal-particle-small", repeat_count = 20, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.045999999999999996, type = "create-particle" } }, type = "instant" }, type = "direct" }, flags = { "not-on-map", "hidden" }, height = 0, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/iron-chest.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "dying-explosion-name", { "entity-name.iron-chest" } }, name = "iron-chest-explosion", order = "a-b-a", smoke = "smoke-fast", smoke_count = 2, smoke_slow_down_factor = 1, sound = { aggregation = { max_count = 1, remove = true }, variations = { { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-1.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-2.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-3.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-4.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-5.ogg", volume = 0.5 } } }, subgroup = "storage-explosions", type = "explosion" }, ["lab-explosion"] = { animations = { { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/medium-explosion-1.png", frame_count = 30, height = 112, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/hr-medium-explosion-1.png", frame_count = 30, height = 224, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03125, -1.125 }, width = 124 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { -0.03125, -1.125 }, width = 62 }, { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/medium-explosion-2.png", frame_count = 41, height = 106, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/hr-medium-explosion-2.png", frame_count = 41, height = 212, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.40625, -1.0625 }, width = 154 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { -0.40625, -1.0625 }, width = 78 }, { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/medium-explosion-3.png", frame_count = 39, height = 118, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/hr-medium-explosion-3.png", frame_count = 39, height = 236, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.015625, -1.15625 }, width = 126 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { 0.03125, -1.15625 }, width = 64 } }, created_effect = { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.49000000000000004, initial_vertical_speed = 0.08, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.6875, -0.6875 }, { 0.6875, 0.6875 } }, particle_name = "lab-metal-particle-big", repeat_count = 16, speed_from_center = 0.05, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 0.4, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.087999999999999989, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.98049999999999997, -0.89450000000000003 }, { 0.98049999999999997, 0.89450000000000003 } }, particle_name = "lab-metal-particle-medium", repeat_count = 37, speed_from_center = 0.05, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.087999999999999989, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.59379999999999997, -0.5859 }, { 0.59379999999999997, 0.5859 } }, particle_name = "lab-glass-particle-small", repeat_count = 49, speed_from_center = 0.04, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.021000000000000001, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 0.4, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.095999999999999996, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.29689999999999998 }, { 0.5, 0.29689999999999998 } }, offsets = { { 0.7109, 0.75780000000000003 } }, particle_name = "lab-long-metal-particle-medium", repeat_count = 16, speed_from_center = 0.05, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 0.3, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.074000000000000004, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "lab-mechanical-component-particle-medium", repeat_count = 28, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" } }, type = "instant" }, type = "direct" }, flags = { "not-on-map", "hidden" }, height = 0, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/lab.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "dying-explosion-name", { "entity-name.lab" } }, name = "lab-explosion", order = "d-g-a", smoke = "smoke-fast", smoke_count = 2, smoke_slow_down_factor = 1, sound = { aggregation = { max_count = 1, remove = true }, audible_distance_modifier = 0.7, game_controller_vibration_data = { duration = 120, low_frequency_vibration_intensity = 0.8 }, switch_vibration_data = { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/medium-explosion.bnvib", gain = 0.4 }, variations = { { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/medium-explosion-1.ogg", volume = 0.4 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/medium-explosion-2.ogg", volume = 0.4 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/medium-explosion-3.ogg", volume = 0.4 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/medium-explosion-4.ogg", volume = 0.4 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/medium-explosion-5.ogg", volume = 0.4 } } }, subgroup = "production-machine-explosions", type = "explosion" }, ["lamp-explosion"] = { animations = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__core__/graphics/empty.png", frame_count = 1, height = 1, priority = "extra-high", width = 1 }, created_effect = { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { initial_height = 0.1, initial_height_deviation = 0.44000000000000004, initial_vertical_speed = 0.042999999999999989, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.39450000000000003 }, { 0.5, 0.39450000000000003 } }, particle_name = "lamp-metal-particle-small", repeat_count = 20, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 0.3, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.045, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.69920000000000009 }, { 0.5, 0.69920000000000009 } }, particle_name = "lamp-glass-particle-small", repeat_count = 45, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" } }, type = "instant" }, type = "direct" }, flags = { "not-on-map", "hidden" }, height = 0, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/small-lamp.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "dying-explosion-name", { "entity-name.small-lamp" } }, name = "lamp-explosion", order = "g-a-a", smoke = "smoke-fast", smoke_count = 2, smoke_slow_down_factor = 1, sound = { aggregation = { max_count = 1, remove = true }, variations = { { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-1.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-2.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-3.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-4.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-5.ogg", volume = 0.5 } } }, subgroup = "energy-explosions", type = "explosion" }, ["land-mine-explosion"] = { animations = { { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/small-explosion/small-explosion-1.png", frame_count = 24, height = 90, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/small-explosion/hr-small-explosion-1.png", frame_count = 24, height = 178, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03125, -0.75 }, width = 88 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { -0.03125, -0.75 }, width = 44 }, { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/small-explosion/small-explosion-2.png", frame_count = 24, height = 76, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/small-explosion/hr-small-explosion-2.png", frame_count = 24, height = 152, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0625, -0.234375 }, width = 92 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { 0.0625, -0.25 }, width = 46 } }, flags = { "not-on-map", "hidden" }, height = 0, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/land-mine.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "dying-explosion-name", { "" } }, name = "land-mine-explosion", order = "a-a-a", smoke = "smoke-fast", smoke_count = 2, smoke_slow_down_factor = 1, sound = { aggregation = { max_count = 1, remove = true }, variations = { { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-1.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-2.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-3.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-4.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-5.ogg", volume = 0.5 } } }, subgroup = "gun-explosions", type = "explosion" }, ["laser-bubble"] = { animations = { { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/laser-bubble/laser-bubble.png", frame_count = 5, height = 8, priority = "extra-high", width = 8 } }, flags = { "not-on-map", "hidden" }, localised_name = { "entity-name.laser-bubble" }, name = "laser-bubble", smoke = "smoke-fast", smoke_count = 2, smoke_slow_down_factor = 1, subgroup = "explosions", type = "explosion" }, ["laser-turret-explosion"] = { animations = { { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/medium-explosion-1.png", frame_count = 30, height = 112, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/hr-medium-explosion-1.png", frame_count = 30, height = 224, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03125, -1.125 }, width = 124 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { -0.03125, -1.125 }, width = 62 }, { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/medium-explosion-2.png", frame_count = 41, height = 106, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/hr-medium-explosion-2.png", frame_count = 41, height = 212, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.40625, -1.0625 }, width = 154 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { -0.40625, -1.0625 }, width = 78 }, { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/medium-explosion-3.png", frame_count = 39, height = 118, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/hr-medium-explosion-3.png", frame_count = 39, height = 236, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.015625, -1.15625 }, width = 126 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { 0.03125, -1.15625 }, width = 64 } }, created_effect = { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { initial_height = 0.5, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.068000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "laser-turret-metal-particle-big", repeat_count = 12, speed_from_center = 0.04, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 0.5, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.055, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "laser-turret-metal-particle-medium", repeat_count = 20, speed_from_center = 0.05, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 0.4, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.070999999999999996, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "laser-turret-metal-particle-small", repeat_count = 25, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 0.4, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.070999999999999996, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "cable-and-electronics-particle-small-medium", repeat_count = 18, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" } }, type = "instant" }, type = "direct" }, flags = { "not-on-map", "hidden" }, height = 0, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/laser-turret.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "dying-explosion-name", { "entity-name.laser-turret" } }, name = "laser-turret-explosion", order = "b-d-a", smoke = "smoke-fast", smoke_count = 2, smoke_slow_down_factor = 1, sound = { aggregation = { max_count = 1, remove = true }, variations = { { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-1.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-2.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-3.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-4.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-5.ogg", volume = 0.5 } } }, subgroup = "defensive-structure-explosions", type = "explosion" }, ["locomotive-explosion"] = { animations = { { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/medium-explosion-1.png", frame_count = 30, height = 112, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/hr-medium-explosion-1.png", frame_count = 30, height = 224, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03125, -1.125 }, width = 124 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { -0.03125, -1.125 }, width = 62 }, { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/medium-explosion-2.png", frame_count = 41, height = 106, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/hr-medium-explosion-2.png", frame_count = 41, height = 212, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.40625, -1.0625 }, width = 154 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { -0.40625, -1.0625 }, width = 78 }, { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/medium-explosion-3.png", frame_count = 39, height = 118, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/hr-medium-explosion-3.png", frame_count = 39, height = 236, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.015625, -1.15625 }, width = 126 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { 0.03125, -1.15625 }, width = 64 } }, created_effect = { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { initial_height = 0.4, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.101, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.59379999999999997, -0.79690000000000003 }, { 0.59379999999999997, 0.79690000000000003 } }, particle_name = "locomotive-metal-particle-big", repeat_count = 39, speed_from_center = 0.05, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 0.4, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.098000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "locomotive-metal-particle-medium", repeat_count = 37, speed_from_center = 0.05, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.088999999999999986, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 0.3, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.093999999999999986, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "locomotive-metal-particle-small", repeat_count = 34, speed_from_center = 0.05, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 0.5, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.098000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "locomotive-mechanical-component-particle-medium", repeat_count = 15, speed_from_center = 0.05, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" } }, type = "instant" }, type = "direct" }, flags = { "not-on-map", "hidden" }, height = 0, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/locomotive.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "dying-explosion-name", { "entity-name.locomotive" } }, name = "locomotive-explosion", order = "e-e-a", smoke = "smoke-fast", smoke_count = 2, smoke_slow_down_factor = 1, sound = { aggregation = { max_count = 1, remove = true }, audible_distance_modifier = 1.95, game_controller_vibration_data = { duration = 160, low_frequency_vibration_intensity = 0.9, play_for = "everything" }, switch_vibration_data = { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/large-explosion.bnvib", gain = 0.6, play_for = "everything" }, variations = { { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/large-explosion-1.ogg", volume = 0.8 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/large-explosion-2.ogg", volume = 0.8 } } }, subgroup = "train-transport-explosions", type = "explosion" }, ["logistic-robot-explosion"] = { animations = { { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/explosion/explosion-1.png", frame_count = 17, height = 22, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/explosion/hr-explosion-1.png", frame_count = 17, height = 42, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.140625, 0.1875 }, width = 48 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { 0.15625, 0.1875 }, width = 26 }, { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/explosion/explosion-3.png", frame_count = 17, height = 46, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/explosion/hr-explosion-3.png", frame_count = 17, height = 88, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03125, 0.046875 }, width = 102 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { -0.03125, 0.0625 }, width = 52 } }, created_effect = { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { initial_height = 1.3, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.090999999999999996, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.59770000000000003, -0.59770000000000003 }, { 0.59770000000000003, 0.59770000000000003 } }, particle_name = "cable-and-electronics-particle-small-medium", repeat_count = 8, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0.46299999999999999, initial_height = 1.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.08, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.69530000000000003, -0.29689999999999998 }, { 0.69530000000000003, 0.29689999999999998 } }, particle_name = "logistic-robot-metal-particle-medium", repeat_count = 5, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 1.3999999999999999, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.082000000000000011, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.59379999999999997, -0.59770000000000003 }, { 0.59379999999999997, 0.59770000000000003 } }, particle_name = "logistic-robot-metal-particle-small", repeat_count = 10, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" } }, type = "instant" }, type = "direct" }, flags = { "not-on-map", "hidden" }, height = 1.3999999999999999, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/logistic-robot.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "dying-explosion-name", { "entity-name.logistic-robot" } }, name = "logistic-robot-explosion", order = "f-a-a", smoke = "smoke-fast", smoke_count = 2, smoke_slow_down_factor = 1, sound = { aggregation = { max_count = 1, remove = true }, variations = { { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-1.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-2.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-3.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-4.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-5.ogg", volume = 0.5 } } }, subgroup = "logistic-network-explosions", type = "explosion" }, ["long-handed-inserter-explosion"] = { animations = { { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/small-explosion/small-explosion-1.png", frame_count = 24, height = 90, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/small-explosion/hr-small-explosion-1.png", frame_count = 24, height = 178, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03125, -0.75 }, width = 88 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { -0.03125, -0.75 }, width = 44 }, { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/small-explosion/small-explosion-2.png", frame_count = 24, height = 76, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/small-explosion/hr-small-explosion-2.png", frame_count = 24, height = 152, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0625, -0.234375 }, width = 92 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { 0.0625, -0.25 }, width = 46 } }, created_effect = { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { initial_height = 0.3, initial_height_deviation = 0.44000000000000004, initial_vertical_speed = 0.058000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.49220000000000006 }, { 0.5, 0.49220000000000006 } }, particle_name = "long-handed-inserter-metal-particle-medium", repeat_count = 17, speed_from_center = 0.04, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.08, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "long-handed-inserter-metal-particle-small", repeat_count = 10, speed_from_center = 0.05, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 0.3, initial_height_deviation = 0.4, initial_vertical_speed = 0.06, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.049000000000000004, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "cable-and-electronics-particle-small-medium", repeat_count = 7, speed_from_center = 0.04, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" } }, type = "instant" }, type = "direct" }, flags = { "not-on-map", "hidden" }, height = 0, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/long-handed-inserter.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "dying-explosion-name", { "entity-name.long-handed-inserter" } }, name = "long-handed-inserter-explosion", order = "c-c-a", smoke = "smoke-fast", smoke_count = 2, smoke_slow_down_factor = 1, sound = { aggregation = { max_count = 1, remove = true }, variations = { { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-1.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-2.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-3.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-4.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-5.ogg", volume = 0.5 } } }, subgroup = "inserter-explosions", type = "explosion" }, ["massive-explosion"] = { animations = { animation_speed = 0.5, axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, frame_count = 57, height = 318, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, frame_count = 57, height = 634, scale = 0.5, shift = { -1.40625, -2.84375 }, stripes = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/massive-explosion/hr-massive-explosion-1.png", height_in_frames = 5, width_in_frames = 6 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/massive-explosion/hr-massive-explosion-2.png", height_in_frames = 5, width_in_frames = 6 } }, width = 656 }, shift = { -1.40625, -2.84375 }, stripes = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/massive-explosion/massive-explosion-1.png", height_in_frames = 5, width_in_frames = 6 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/massive-explosion/massive-explosion-2.png", height_in_frames = 5, width_in_frames = 6 } }, width = 330 }, created_effect = { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { initial_height = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.08, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.15, offset_deviation = { { -0.8984, -0.5 }, { 0.8984, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "explosion-stone-particle-medium", repeat_count = 20, speed_from_center = 0.08, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.15, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 1, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.8984, -0.5 }, { 0.8984, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "explosion-stone-particle-small", repeat_count = 25, speed_from_center = 0.05, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 1, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.8984, -0.5 }, { 0.8984, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "explosion-stone-particle-tiny", repeat_count = 50, speed_from_center = 0.05, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" } }, type = "instant" }, type = "direct" }, flags = { "not-on-map", "hidden" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/item-group/effects.png", icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "entity-name.massive-explosion" }, name = "massive-explosion", sound = { aggregation = { max_count = 1, remove = true }, audible_distance_modifier = 1.95, game_controller_vibration_data = { duration = 160, low_frequency_vibration_intensity = 0.9, play_for = "everything" }, switch_vibration_data = { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/large-explosion.bnvib", gain = 0.6, play_for = "everything" }, variations = { { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/large-explosion-1.ogg", volume = 1 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/large-explosion-2.ogg", volume = 1 } } }, subgroup = "explosions", type = "explosion" }, ["medium-biter-die"] = { animations = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__core__/graphics/empty.png", frame_count = 1, height = 1, priority = "extra-high", width = 1 }, created_effect = { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0.02, initial_height = 0.9, initial_height_deviation = 0.9, initial_vertical_speed = 0.03, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.03, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { -0.5, 0.5 } }, offsets = { { -0.1, -1.2 }, { 0, -0.23999999999999999 } }, particle_name = "blood-particle", probability = 1, repeat_count = 3, repeat_count_deviation = 2, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.02, tail_length = 12, tail_length_deviation = 25, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0.95499999999999989, initial_height = 0.4, initial_height_deviation = 0.4, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.7, -0.7 }, { 0.7, 0.7 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "guts-entrails-particle-small-medium", probability = 1, repeat_count = 4, repeat_count_deviation = 2, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.05, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, tail_length = 3, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.1, initial_height_deviation = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.075, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.075, offset_deviation = { { -0.7, -0.7 }, { 0.7, 0.7 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "blood-particle", probability = 1, repeat_count = 2, repeat_count_deviation = 0, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.03, tail_length = 13, tail_length_deviation = 3, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.7, -0.7 }, { 0.7, 0.7 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "blood-particle", probability = 1, repeat_count = 13, repeat_count_deviation = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.05, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, tail_length = 11, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.3, initial_height_deviation = 0.3, initial_vertical_speed = 0.04, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.04, offset_deviation = { { -0.7, -0.7 }, { 0.7, 0.7 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "blood-particle", probability = 1, repeat_count = 6, repeat_count_deviation = 0, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.06, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.06, tail_length = 5, tail_length_deviation = 5, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" } }, type = "instant" }, type = "direct" }, flags = { "not-on-map", "hidden" }, localised_name = { "dying-explosion-name", { "entity-name.medium-biter" } }, name = "medium-biter-die", subgroup = "explosions", type = "explosion" }, ["medium-electric-pole-explosion"] = { animations = { { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/small-explosion/small-explosion-1.png", frame_count = 24, height = 90, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/small-explosion/hr-small-explosion-1.png", frame_count = 24, height = 178, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03125, -0.75 }, width = 88 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { -0.03125, -0.75 }, width = 44 }, { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/small-explosion/small-explosion-2.png", frame_count = 24, height = 76, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/small-explosion/hr-small-explosion-2.png", frame_count = 24, height = 152, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0625, -0.234375 }, width = 92 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { 0.0625, -0.25 }, width = 46 } }, created_effect = { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { initial_height = 0.8, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.041000000000000005, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.69530000000000003 }, { 0.5, 0.69530000000000003 } }, particle_name = "medium-electric-pole-long-metal-particle-medium", repeat_count = 20, speed_from_center = 0.05, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 0.8, initial_height_deviation = 0.44000000000000004, initial_vertical_speed = 0.070000000000000009, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.59770000000000003, -0.7891 }, { 0.59770000000000003, 0.7891 } }, particle_name = "medium-electric-pole-metal-particle-small", repeat_count = 25, speed_from_center = 0.06, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 0.6, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.028000000000000004, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "cable-and-electronics-particle-small-medium", repeat_count = 11, speed_from_center = 0.05, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.046999999999999993, type = "create-particle" } }, type = "instant" }, type = "direct" }, flags = { "not-on-map", "hidden" }, height = 0, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/medium-electric-pole.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "dying-explosion-name", { "entity-name.medium-electric-pole" } }, name = "medium-electric-pole-explosion", order = "d-b-a", smoke = "smoke-fast", smoke_count = 2, smoke_slow_down_factor = 1, sound = { aggregation = { max_count = 1, remove = true }, variations = { { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-1.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-2.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-3.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-4.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-5.ogg", volume = 0.5 } } }, subgroup = "energy-pipe-distribution-explosions", type = "explosion" }, ["medium-explosion"] = { animations = { { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/medium-explosion-1.png", frame_count = 30, height = 112, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/hr-medium-explosion-1.png", frame_count = 30, height = 224, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03125, -1.125 }, width = 124 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { -0.03125, -1.125 }, width = 62 }, { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/medium-explosion-2.png", frame_count = 41, height = 106, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/hr-medium-explosion-2.png", frame_count = 41, height = 212, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.40625, -1.0625 }, width = 154 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { -0.40625, -1.0625 }, width = 78 }, { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/medium-explosion-3.png", frame_count = 39, height = 118, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/hr-medium-explosion-3.png", frame_count = 39, height = 236, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.015625, -1.15625 }, width = 126 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { 0.03125, -1.15625 }, width = 64 } }, created_effect = { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { initial_height = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.08, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.15, offset_deviation = { { -0.8984, -0.5 }, { 0.8984, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "explosion-stone-particle-medium", repeat_count = 20, speed_from_center = 0.08, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.15, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 1, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.8984, -0.5 }, { 0.8984, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "explosion-stone-particle-small", repeat_count = 25, speed_from_center = 0.05, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 1, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.8984, -0.5 }, { 0.8984, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "explosion-stone-particle-tiny", repeat_count = 50, speed_from_center = 0.05, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" } }, type = "instant" }, type = "direct" }, flags = { "not-on-map", "hidden" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/item-group/effects.png", icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "entity-name.medium-explosion" }, name = "medium-explosion", sound = { aggregation = { max_count = 1, remove = true }, audible_distance_modifier = 0.7, game_controller_vibration_data = { duration = 120, low_frequency_vibration_intensity = 0.8 }, switch_vibration_data = { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/medium-explosion.bnvib", gain = 0.4 }, variations = { { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/medium-explosion-1.ogg", volume = 0.4 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/medium-explosion-2.ogg", volume = 0.4 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/medium-explosion-3.ogg", volume = 0.4 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/medium-explosion-4.ogg", volume = 0.4 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/medium-explosion-5.ogg", volume = 0.4 } } }, subgroup = "explosions", type = "explosion" }, ["medium-spitter-die"] = { animations = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__core__/graphics/empty.png", frame_count = 1, height = 1, priority = "extra-high", width = 1 }, created_effect = { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0.02, initial_height = 0.9, initial_height_deviation = 0, initial_vertical_speed = 0.029000000000000004, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.070000000000000009, offset_deviation = { { 0, -1 }, { 0, 1 } }, offsets = { { -0.078130000000000006, 1.2110000000000001 }, { -0.015630000000000002, 0.24220000000000002 } }, particle_name = "blood-particle", probability = 1, repeat_count = 3, repeat_count_deviation = 2, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.015, tail_length = 12, tail_length_deviation = 25, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0.95499999999999989, initial_height = 0.4, initial_height_deviation = 0.4, initial_vertical_speed = 0.04, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -1, -0.69920000000000009 }, { 1, 0.69920000000000009 } }, offsets = { { 0.039059999999999997, -0.023439999999999999 } }, particle_name = "guts-entrails-particle-small-medium", probability = 1, repeat_count = 4, repeat_count_deviation = 2, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.04, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, tail_length = 3, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.1, initial_height_deviation = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed = 0.075, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -1, -1 }, { 1, 1 } }, offsets = { { 0, -0.039059999999999997 } }, particle_name = "blood-particle", probability = 1, repeat_count = 2, repeat_count_deviation = 0, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, tail_length = 13, tail_length_deviation = 3, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = -0, initial_height_deviation = 0, initial_vertical_speed = 0.009, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -1, -1 }, { 1, 1 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "blood-particle", probability = 1, repeat_count = 13, repeat_count_deviation = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.05, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.041000000000000005, tail_length = 11, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.3, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.042999999999999989, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.003, offset_deviation = { { -1, -0.5 }, { 1, 0.5 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "blood-particle", probability = 1, repeat_count = 6, repeat_count_deviation = 0, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.06, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.042000000000000002, tail_length = 10, tail_length_deviation = 12, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" } }, type = "instant" }, type = "direct" }, flags = { "not-on-map", "hidden" }, localised_name = { "dying-explosion-name", { "entity-name.medium-spitter" } }, name = "medium-spitter-die", subgroup = "explosions", type = "explosion" }, ["medium-worm-die"] = { animations = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__core__/graphics/empty.png", frame_count = 1, height = 1, priority = "extra-high", width = 1 }, created_effect = { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0.02, initial_height = 1.3999999999999999, initial_height_deviation = 0, initial_vertical_speed = 0.067000000000000002, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.070000000000000009, offset_deviation = { { -0.1992, -1 }, { 0.1992, 1 } }, offsets = { { 0.078130000000000006, 0.10939999999999999 }, { 0, -0.57030000000000003 } }, particle_name = "blood-particle", probability = 1, repeat_count = 4, repeat_count_deviation = 2, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.06, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.037000000000000002, tail_length = 30, tail_length_deviation = 100, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0.95499999999999989, initial_height = 0.4, initial_height_deviation = 0.4, initial_vertical_speed = 0.06, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.79690000000000003, -1 }, { 0.79690000000000003, 1 } }, offsets = { { -0.09375, -1.0629999999999999 } }, particle_name = "guts-entrails-particle-small-medium", probability = 1, repeat_count = 6, repeat_count_deviation = 0, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.05, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, tail_length = 3, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed = 0.070999999999999996, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, offsets = { { -0.0625, -0.38279999999999998 } }, particle_name = "blood-particle-lower-layer", probability = 1, repeat_count = 36, repeat_count_deviation = 0, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.052000000000000002, tail_length = 25, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" } }, type = "instant" }, type = "direct" }, flags = { "not-on-map", "hidden" }, localised_name = { "dying-explosion-name", { "entity-name.medium-worm-turret" } }, name = "medium-worm-die", subgroup = "explosions", type = "explosion" }, ["nuclear-reactor-explosion"] = { animations = { animation_speed = 0.5, axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, frame_count = 57, height = 318, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, frame_count = 57, height = 634, scale = 0.5, shift = { -1.40625, -2.84375 }, stripes = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/massive-explosion/hr-massive-explosion-1.png", height_in_frames = 5, width_in_frames = 6 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/massive-explosion/hr-massive-explosion-2.png", height_in_frames = 5, width_in_frames = 6 } }, width = 656 }, shift = { -1.40625, -2.84375 }, stripes = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/massive-explosion/massive-explosion-1.png", height_in_frames = 5, width_in_frames = 6 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/massive-explosion/massive-explosion-2.png", height_in_frames = 5, width_in_frames = 6 } }, width = 330 }, created_effect = { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { initial_height = 1, initial_height_deviation = 0.49000000000000004, initial_vertical_speed = 0.083000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.69139999999999997, -0.79300000000000006 }, { 0.69139999999999997, 0.79300000000000006 } }, particle_name = "nuclear-reactor-metal-particle-big", repeat_count = 39, speed_from_center = 0.05, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 0.4, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.095999999999999996, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.69139999999999997, -0.5 }, { 0.69139999999999997, 0.5 } }, offsets = { { -0.2891, 0.23439999999999999 } }, particle_name = "nuclear-reactor-metal-particle-medium", repeat_count = 31, speed_from_center = 0.05, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 0.3, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.099000000000000004, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.89450000000000003, -0.79690000000000003 }, { 0.89450000000000003, 0.79690000000000003 } }, offsets = { { -0.6641, 0.64059999999999997 } }, particle_name = "nuclear-reactor-glass-particle-small", repeat_count = 48, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 0.3, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.088999999999999986, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.89450000000000003, -0.79690000000000003 }, { 0.89450000000000003, 0.79690000000000003 } }, particle_name = "nuclear-reactor-metal-particle-small", repeat_count = 41, speed_from_center = 0.05, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 0.3, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.092999999999999989, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, offsets = { { 0.5234, -0.4609 } }, particle_name = "cable-and-electronics-particle-small-medium", repeat_count = 25, speed_from_center = 0.05, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 0.3, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.099000000000000004, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.89059999999999988, -0.79690000000000003 }, { 0.89059999999999988, 0.79690000000000003 } }, offsets = { { -0.6641, 0.64059999999999997 } }, particle_name = "nuclear-reactor-mechanical-component-particle-medium", repeat_count = 12, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" } }, type = "instant" }, type = "direct" }, flags = { "not-on-map", "hidden" }, height = 0, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/nuclear-reactor.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "dying-explosion-name", { "entity-name.nuclear-reactor" } }, name = "nuclear-reactor-explosion", order = "a-d-a", smoke = "smoke-fast", smoke_count = 2, smoke_slow_down_factor = 1, sound = { aggregation = { max_count = 1, remove = true }, audible_distance_modifier = 1.95, game_controller_vibration_data = { duration = 160, low_frequency_vibration_intensity = 0.9, play_for = "everything" }, switch_vibration_data = { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/large-explosion.bnvib", gain = 0.6, play_for = "everything" }, variations = { { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/large-explosion-1.ogg", volume = 0.8 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/large-explosion-2.ogg", volume = 0.8 } } }, subgroup = "energy-explosions", type = "explosion" }, ["nuke-explosion"] = { animations = { animation_speed = 0.375, dice_y = 5, draw_as_glow = true, flags = { "linear-magnification" }, frame_count = 100, height = 360, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.375, dice_y = 5, draw_as_glow = true, flags = { "linear-magnification" }, frame_count = 100, height = 720, priority = "very-low", scale = 1, shift = { 0.015625, -3.828125 }, stripes = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/nuke-explosion/hr-nuke-explosion-1.png", height_in_frames = 5, width_in_frames = 5 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/nuke-explosion/hr-nuke-explosion-2.png", height_in_frames = 5, width_in_frames = 5 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/nuke-explosion/hr-nuke-explosion-3.png", height_in_frames = 5, width_in_frames = 5 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/nuke-explosion/hr-nuke-explosion-4.png", height_in_frames = 5, width_in_frames = 5 } }, width = 628 }, priority = "very-low", scale = 2, shift = { 0.03125, -3.84375 }, stripes = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/nuke-explosion/nuke-explosion-1.png", height_in_frames = 5, width_in_frames = 5 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/nuke-explosion/nuke-explosion-2.png", height_in_frames = 5, width_in_frames = 5 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/nuke-explosion/nuke-explosion-3.png", height_in_frames = 5, width_in_frames = 5 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/nuke-explosion/nuke-explosion-4.png", height_in_frames = 5, width_in_frames = 5 } }, width = 316 }, flags = { "not-on-map", "hidden" }, height = 0, localised_name = { "dying-explosion-name", { "entity-name.nuke" } }, name = "nuke-explosion", sound = { aggregation = { max_count = 1, remove = true }, audible_distance_modifier = 1.95, game_controller_vibration_data = { duration = 160, low_frequency_vibration_intensity = 0.9, play_for = "everything" }, switch_vibration_data = { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/large-explosion.bnvib", gain = 0.6, play_for = "everything" }, variations = { { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/large-explosion-1.ogg", volume = 1 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/large-explosion-2.ogg", volume = 1 } } }, subgroup = "explosions", type = "explosion" }, ["offshore-pump-explosion"] = { animations = { { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/small-explosion/small-explosion-1.png", frame_count = 24, height = 90, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/small-explosion/hr-small-explosion-1.png", frame_count = 24, height = 178, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03125, -0.75 }, width = 88 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { -0.03125, -0.75 }, width = 44 }, { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/small-explosion/small-explosion-2.png", frame_count = 24, height = 76, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/small-explosion/hr-small-explosion-2.png", frame_count = 24, height = 152, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0625, -0.234375 }, width = 92 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { 0.0625, -0.25 }, width = 46 } }, created_effect = { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { initial_height = 0.1, initial_height_deviation = 0.49000000000000004, initial_vertical_speed = 0.074000000000000004, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.6875, -0.6875 }, { 0.6875, 0.6875 } }, particle_name = "offshore-pump-metal-particle-big", repeat_count = 9, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.090999999999999996, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.58199999999999994, -0.89450000000000003 }, { 0.58199999999999994, 0.89450000000000003 } }, particle_name = "offshore-pump-metal-particle-medium", repeat_count = 14, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 0.1, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.066000000000000005, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.89450000000000003, -0.89059999999999988 }, { 0.89450000000000003, 0.89059999999999988 } }, particle_name = "offshore-pump-metal-particle-small", repeat_count = 21, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 0.3, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.091999999999999993, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "offshore-pump-glass-particle-small", repeat_count = 23, speed_from_center = 0.05, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 0.4, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.060999999999999996, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "offshore-pump-mechanical-component-particle-medium", repeat_count = 14, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" } }, type = "instant" }, type = "direct" }, flags = { "not-on-map", "hidden" }, height = 0, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/offshore-pump.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "dying-explosion-name", { "entity-name.offshore-pump" } }, name = "offshore-pump-explosion", order = "b-c-a", smoke = "smoke-fast", smoke_count = 2, smoke_slow_down_factor = 1, sound = { aggregation = { max_count = 1, remove = true }, variations = { { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-1.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-2.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-3.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-4.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-5.ogg", volume = 0.5 } } }, subgroup = "extraction-machine-explosions", type = "explosion" }, ["oil-refinery-explosion"] = { animations = { animation_speed = 0.5, axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, frame_count = 57, height = 318, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, frame_count = 57, height = 634, scale = 0.5, shift = { -1.40625, -2.84375 }, stripes = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/massive-explosion/hr-massive-explosion-1.png", height_in_frames = 5, width_in_frames = 6 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/massive-explosion/hr-massive-explosion-2.png", height_in_frames = 5, width_in_frames = 6 } }, width = 656 }, shift = { -1.40625, -2.84375 }, stripes = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/massive-explosion/massive-explosion-1.png", height_in_frames = 5, width_in_frames = 6 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/massive-explosion/massive-explosion-2.png", height_in_frames = 5, width_in_frames = 6 } }, width = 330 }, created_effect = { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { initial_height = 0.8, initial_height_deviation = 0.49000000000000004, initial_vertical_speed = 0.087999999999999989, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.6875, -0.6875 }, { 0.6875, 0.6875 } }, offsets = { { 0.7734, -0.6484 }, { -0.7266, 0.5859 } }, particle_name = "oil-refinery-metal-particle-big", probability = 1, repeat_count = 10, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 0.6, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.098000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.98049999999999997, -0.88670000000000009 }, { 0.98049999999999997, 0.88670000000000009 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "oil-refinery-metal-particle-medium", probability = 1, repeat_count = 38, speed_from_center = 0.070000000000000009, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 0.4, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.075, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.99610000000000003, -0.59379999999999997 }, { 0.99610000000000003, 0.59379999999999997 } }, offsets = { { -1.492, -1.4530000000000001 }, { 1.5549999999999999, -1.4690000000000001 }, { 1.4770000000000001, 1.4690000000000001 }, { -0.61719999999999997, 0.32810000000000001 } }, particle_name = "oil-refinery-metal-particle-small", probability = 1, repeat_count = 20, speed_from_center = 0.04, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 0.7, initial_height_deviation = 0.15, initial_vertical_speed = 0.16600000000000001, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.046999999999999993, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.29689999999999998 }, { 0.5, 0.29689999999999998 } }, offsets = { { -0.023439999999999999, -0.8984 } }, particle_name = "oil-refinery-long-metal-particle-medium", probability = 1, repeat_count = 35, speed_from_center = 0.05, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.005, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 0.7, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.082000000000000011, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "oil-refinery-metal-particle-big-tint", probability = 1, repeat_count = 9, speed_from_center = 0.06, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" } }, type = "instant" }, type = "direct" }, flags = { "not-on-map", "hidden" }, height = 0, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/oil-refinery.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "dying-explosion-name", { "entity-name.oil-refinery" } }, name = "oil-refinery-explosion", order = "d-d-a", smoke = "smoke-fast", smoke_count = 2, smoke_slow_down_factor = 1, sound = { aggregation = { max_count = 1, remove = true }, audible_distance_modifier = 1.95, game_controller_vibration_data = { duration = 160, low_frequency_vibration_intensity = 0.9, play_for = "everything" }, switch_vibration_data = { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/large-explosion.bnvib", gain = 0.6, play_for = "everything" }, variations = { { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/large-explosion-1.ogg", volume = 0.8 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/large-explosion-2.ogg", volume = 0.8 } } }, subgroup = "production-machine-explosions", type = "explosion" }, ["passive-provider-chest-explosion"] = { animations = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__core__/graphics/empty.png", frame_count = 1, height = 1, priority = "extra-high", width = 1 }, created_effect = { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { initial_height = 0.5, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.06, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "passive-provider-chest-metal-particle-medium", repeat_count = 20, speed_from_center = 0.04, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 0.5, initial_height_deviation = 0.44000000000000004, initial_vertical_speed = 0.069000000000000004, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "passive-provider-chest-metal-particle-small", repeat_count = 20, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.045999999999999996, type = "create-particle" } }, type = "instant" }, type = "direct" }, flags = { "not-on-map", "hidden" }, height = 0, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/logistic-chest-passive-provider.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "dying-explosion-name", { "entity-name.logistic-chest-passive-provider" } }, name = "passive-provider-chest-explosion", order = "f-d-a", smoke = "smoke-fast", smoke_count = 2, smoke_slow_down_factor = 1, sound = { aggregation = { max_count = 1, remove = true }, variations = { { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-1.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-2.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-3.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-4.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-5.ogg", volume = 0.5 } } }, subgroup = "logistic-network-explosions", type = "explosion" }, ["pipe-explosion"] = { animations = { { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/small-explosion/small-explosion-1.png", frame_count = 24, height = 90, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/small-explosion/hr-small-explosion-1.png", frame_count = 24, height = 178, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03125, -0.75 }, width = 88 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { -0.03125, -0.75 }, width = 44 }, { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/small-explosion/small-explosion-2.png", frame_count = 24, height = 76, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/small-explosion/hr-small-explosion-2.png", frame_count = 24, height = 152, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0625, -0.234375 }, width = 92 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { 0.0625, -0.25 }, width = 46 } }, created_effect = { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.44000000000000004, initial_vertical_speed = 0.078000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.39450000000000003, -0.3867 }, { 0.39450000000000003, 0.3867 } }, particle_name = "pipe-metal-particle-medium", repeat_count = 10, speed_from_center = 0.04, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.47999999999999998, initial_vertical_speed = 0.099000000000000004, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.3984, -0.29689999999999998 }, { 0.3984, 0.29689999999999998 } }, particle_name = "pipe-metal-particle-small", repeat_count = 12, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0.05, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.09, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.69920000000000009 }, { 0.5, 0.69920000000000009 } }, particle_name = "pipe-glass-particle-small", repeat_count = 25, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" } }, type = "instant" }, type = "direct" }, flags = { "not-on-map", "hidden" }, height = 0, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/pipe.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "dying-explosion-name", { "entity-name.pipe" } }, name = "pipe-explosion", order = "d-f-a", smoke = "smoke-fast", smoke_count = 2, smoke_slow_down_factor = 1, sound = { aggregation = { max_count = 1, remove = true }, variations = { { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-1.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-2.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-3.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-4.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-5.ogg", volume = 0.5 } } }, subgroup = "energy-pipe-distribution-explosions", type = "explosion" }, ["pipe-to-ground-explosion"] = { animations = { { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/small-explosion/small-explosion-1.png", frame_count = 24, height = 90, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/small-explosion/hr-small-explosion-1.png", frame_count = 24, height = 178, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03125, -0.75 }, width = 88 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { -0.03125, -0.75 }, width = 44 }, { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/small-explosion/small-explosion-2.png", frame_count = 24, height = 76, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/small-explosion/hr-small-explosion-2.png", frame_count = 24, height = 152, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0625, -0.234375 }, width = 92 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { 0.0625, -0.25 }, width = 46 } }, created_effect = { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.44000000000000004, initial_vertical_speed = 0.078000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.39450000000000003, -0.3867 }, { 0.39450000000000003, 0.3867 } }, particle_name = "pipe-to-ground-metal-particle-medium", repeat_count = 14, speed_from_center = 0.04, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.47999999999999998, initial_vertical_speed = 0.099000000000000004, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.3984, -0.29689999999999998 }, { 0.3984, 0.29689999999999998 } }, particle_name = "pipe-to-ground-metal-particle-small", repeat_count = 15, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" } }, type = "instant" }, type = "direct" }, flags = { "not-on-map", "hidden" }, height = 0, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/pipe-to-ground.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "dying-explosion-name", { "entity-name.pipe-to-ground" } }, name = "pipe-to-ground-explosion", order = "d-g-a", smoke = "smoke-fast", smoke_count = 2, smoke_slow_down_factor = 1, sound = { aggregation = { max_count = 1, remove = true }, variations = { { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-1.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-2.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-3.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-4.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-5.ogg", volume = 0.5 } } }, subgroup = "energy-pipe-distribution-explosions", type = "explosion" }, ["power-switch-explosion"] = { animations = { { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/small-explosion/small-explosion-1.png", frame_count = 24, height = 90, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/small-explosion/hr-small-explosion-1.png", frame_count = 24, height = 178, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03125, -0.75 }, width = 88 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { -0.03125, -0.75 }, width = 44 }, { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/small-explosion/small-explosion-2.png", frame_count = 24, height = 76, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/small-explosion/hr-small-explosion-2.png", frame_count = 24, height = 152, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0625, -0.234375 }, width = 92 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { 0.0625, -0.25 }, width = 46 } }, created_effect = { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { initial_height = 0.3, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.079000000000000004, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.59379999999999997, -0.69530000000000003 }, { 0.59379999999999997, 0.69530000000000003 } }, particle_name = "power-switch-metal-particle-medium", repeat_count = 9, speed_from_center = 0.04, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 0.1, initial_height_deviation = 0.44000000000000004, initial_vertical_speed = 0.067000000000000002, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.59770000000000003, -0.39450000000000003 }, { 0.59770000000000003, 0.39450000000000003 } }, offsets = { { 0.24220000000000002, 0 }, { -0.24220000000000002, -0.015630000000000002 } }, particle_name = "power-switch-metal-particle-small", repeat_count = 12, speed_from_center = 0.04, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0.36099999999999999, initial_height = 0.3, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.070999999999999996, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.3984, -0.1992 }, { 0.3984, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { -0.25779999999999998, -0.0078130000000000006 }, { 0.3984, 0.0078130000000000006 } }, particle_name = "cable-and-electronics-particle-small-medium", repeat_count = 5, speed_from_center = 0.05, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" } }, type = "instant" }, type = "direct" }, flags = { "not-on-map", "hidden" }, height = 0, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/power-switch.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "dying-explosion-name", { "entity-name.power-switch" } }, name = "power-switch-explosion", order = "g-e-a", smoke = "smoke-fast", smoke_count = 2, smoke_slow_down_factor = 1, sound = { aggregation = { max_count = 1, remove = true }, variations = { { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-1.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-2.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-3.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-4.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-5.ogg", volume = 0.5 } } }, subgroup = "circuit-network-explosions", type = "explosion" }, ["programmable-speaker-explosion"] = { animations = { { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/small-explosion/small-explosion-1.png", frame_count = 24, height = 90, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/small-explosion/hr-small-explosion-1.png", frame_count = 24, height = 178, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03125, -0.75 }, width = 88 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { -0.03125, -0.75 }, width = 44 }, { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/small-explosion/small-explosion-2.png", frame_count = 24, height = 76, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/small-explosion/hr-small-explosion-2.png", frame_count = 24, height = 152, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0625, -0.234375 }, width = 92 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { 0.0625, -0.25 }, width = 46 } }, created_effect = { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0.36099999999999999, initial_height = 1, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.052000000000000002, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.39450000000000003, -0.19530000000000001 }, { 0.39450000000000003, 0.19530000000000001 } }, particle_name = "programmable-speaker-metal-particle-small", repeat_count = 15, speed_from_center = 0.05, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 0.8, initial_height_deviation = 0.44000000000000004, initial_vertical_speed = 0.067000000000000002, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.59770000000000003, -0.3867 }, { 0.59770000000000003, 0.3867 } }, particle_name = "cable-and-electronics-particle-small-medium", repeat_count = 13, speed_from_center = 0.04, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 0.9, initial_height_deviation = 0.44000000000000004, initial_vertical_speed = 0.047999999999999998, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.59770000000000003, -0.39060000000000002 }, { 0.59770000000000003, 0.39060000000000002 } }, particle_name = "programmable-speaker-wooden-splinter-particle-medium", repeat_count = 12, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 0.8, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.079000000000000004, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.59379999999999997, -0.69139999999999997 }, { 0.59379999999999997, 0.69139999999999997 } }, particle_name = "programmable-speaker-wooden-splinter-particle-small", repeat_count = 20, speed_from_center = 0.04, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" } }, type = "instant" }, type = "direct" }, flags = { "not-on-map", "hidden" }, height = 0, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/programmable-speaker.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "dying-explosion-name", { "entity-name.programmable-speaker" } }, name = "programmable-speaker-explosion", order = "g-f-a", smoke = "smoke-fast", smoke_count = 2, smoke_slow_down_factor = 1, sound = { aggregation = { max_count = 1, remove = true }, variations = { { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-1.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-2.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-3.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-4.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-5.ogg", volume = 0.5 } } }, subgroup = "circuit-network-explosions", type = "explosion" }, ["pump-explosion"] = { animations = { { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/small-explosion/small-explosion-1.png", frame_count = 24, height = 90, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/small-explosion/hr-small-explosion-1.png", frame_count = 24, height = 178, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03125, -0.75 }, width = 88 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { -0.03125, -0.75 }, width = 44 }, { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/small-explosion/small-explosion-2.png", frame_count = 24, height = 76, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/small-explosion/hr-small-explosion-2.png", frame_count = 24, height = 152, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0625, -0.234375 }, width = 92 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { 0.0625, -0.25 }, width = 46 } }, created_effect = { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0.46299999999999999, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.08, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.69530000000000003, -0.29689999999999998 }, { 0.69530000000000003, 0.29689999999999998 } }, particle_name = "pump-metal-particle-big", repeat_count = 9, speed_from_center = 0.04, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0.46299999999999999, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.08, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.69530000000000003, -0.29689999999999998 }, { 0.69530000000000003, 0.29689999999999998 } }, particle_name = "pump-metal-particle-medium", repeat_count = 9, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0.46299999999999999, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.13600000000000001, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.69530000000000003, -0.69530000000000003 }, { 0.69530000000000003, 0.69530000000000003 } }, particle_name = "pump-metal-particle-small", repeat_count = 12, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0.46299999999999999, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.11300000000000001, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.69139999999999997, -0.69139999999999997 }, { 0.69139999999999997, 0.69139999999999997 } }, particle_name = "pump-glass-particle-small", repeat_count = 30, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" } }, type = "instant" }, type = "direct" }, flags = { "not-on-map", "hidden" }, height = 0, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/pump.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "dying-explosion-name", { "entity-name.pump" } }, name = "pump-explosion", order = "d-h-a", smoke = "smoke-fast", smoke_count = 2, smoke_slow_down_factor = 1, sound = { aggregation = { max_count = 1, remove = true }, variations = { { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-1.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-2.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-3.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-4.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-5.ogg", volume = 0.5 } } }, subgroup = "energy-pipe-distribution-explosions", type = "explosion" }, ["pumpjack-explosion"] = { animations = { { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/medium-explosion-1.png", frame_count = 30, height = 112, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/hr-medium-explosion-1.png", frame_count = 30, height = 224, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03125, -1.125 }, width = 124 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { -0.03125, -1.125 }, width = 62 }, { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/medium-explosion-2.png", frame_count = 41, height = 106, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/hr-medium-explosion-2.png", frame_count = 41, height = 212, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.40625, -1.0625 }, width = 154 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { -0.40625, -1.0625 }, width = 78 }, { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/medium-explosion-3.png", frame_count = 39, height = 118, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/hr-medium-explosion-3.png", frame_count = 39, height = 236, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.015625, -1.15625 }, width = 126 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { 0.03125, -1.15625 }, width = 64 } }, created_effect = { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { initial_height = 0.1, initial_height_deviation = 0.49000000000000004, initial_vertical_speed = 0.078000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.6875, -0.6875 }, { 0.6875, 0.6875 } }, particle_name = "pumpjack-metal-particle-big", repeat_count = 15, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.090999999999999996, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.58199999999999994, -0.89450000000000003 }, { 0.58199999999999994, 0.89450000000000003 } }, particle_name = "pumpjack-metal-particle-medium", repeat_count = 38, speed_from_center = 0.05, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 0.1, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.068000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.89450000000000003, -0.89059999999999988 }, { 0.89450000000000003, 0.89059999999999988 } }, particle_name = "pumpjack-metal-particle-small", repeat_count = 35, speed_from_center = 0.04, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.098000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "pumpjack-mechanical-component-particle-medium", repeat_count = 29, speed_from_center = 0.05, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" } }, type = "instant" }, type = "direct" }, flags = { "not-on-map", "hidden" }, height = 0, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/pumpjack.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "dying-explosion-name", { "entity-name.pumpjack" } }, name = "pumpjack-explosion", order = "b-d-a", smoke = "smoke-fast", smoke_count = 2, smoke_slow_down_factor = 1, sound = { aggregation = { max_count = 1, remove = true }, audible_distance_modifier = 1.95, game_controller_vibration_data = { duration = 160, low_frequency_vibration_intensity = 0.9, play_for = "everything" }, switch_vibration_data = { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/large-explosion.bnvib", gain = 0.6, play_for = "everything" }, variations = { { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/large-explosion-1.ogg", volume = 0.8 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/large-explosion-2.ogg", volume = 0.8 } } }, subgroup = "extraction-machine-explosions", type = "explosion" }, ["radar-explosion"] = { animations = { { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/medium-explosion-1.png", frame_count = 30, height = 112, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/hr-medium-explosion-1.png", frame_count = 30, height = 224, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03125, -1.125 }, width = 124 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { -0.03125, -1.125 }, width = 62 }, { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/medium-explosion-2.png", frame_count = 41, height = 106, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/hr-medium-explosion-2.png", frame_count = 41, height = 212, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.40625, -1.0625 }, width = 154 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { -0.40625, -1.0625 }, width = 78 }, { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/medium-explosion-3.png", frame_count = 39, height = 118, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/hr-medium-explosion-3.png", frame_count = 39, height = 236, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.015625, -1.15625 }, width = 126 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { 0.03125, -1.15625 }, width = 64 } }, created_effect = { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { initial_height = 0.3, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.070999999999999996, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.59770000000000003 }, { 0.5, 0.59770000000000003 } }, particle_name = "radar-metal-particle-big", repeat_count = 15, speed_from_center = 0.05, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 0.3, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.082000000000000011, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.59379999999999997, -0.5 }, { 0.59379999999999997, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "radar-metal-particle-medium", repeat_count = 22, speed_from_center = 0.05, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 0.3, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.070000000000000009, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.59770000000000003 }, { 0.5, 0.59770000000000003 } }, particle_name = "radar-metal-particle-small", repeat_count = 20, speed_from_center = 0.05, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.095, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "radar-long-metal-particle-medium", repeat_count = 18, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 0.3, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.082000000000000011, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "cable-and-electronics-particle-small-medium", repeat_count = 21, speed_from_center = 0.05, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" } }, type = "instant" }, type = "direct" }, flags = { "not-on-map", "hidden" }, height = 0, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/radar.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "dying-explosion-name", { "entity-name.radar" } }, name = "radar-explosion", order = "b-g-a", smoke = "smoke-fast", smoke_count = 2, smoke_slow_down_factor = 1, sound = { aggregation = { max_count = 1, remove = true }, audible_distance_modifier = 0.7, game_controller_vibration_data = { duration = 120, low_frequency_vibration_intensity = 0.8 }, switch_vibration_data = { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/medium-explosion.bnvib", gain = 0.4 }, variations = { { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/medium-explosion-1.ogg", volume = 0.4 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/medium-explosion-2.ogg", volume = 0.4 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/medium-explosion-3.ogg", volume = 0.4 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/medium-explosion-4.ogg", volume = 0.4 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/medium-explosion-5.ogg", volume = 0.4 } } }, subgroup = "defensive-structure-explosions", type = "explosion" }, ["rail-chain-signal-explosion"] = { animations = { { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/small-explosion/small-explosion-1.png", frame_count = 24, height = 90, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/small-explosion/hr-small-explosion-1.png", frame_count = 24, height = 178, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03125, -0.75 }, width = 88 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { -0.03125, -0.75 }, width = 44 }, { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/small-explosion/small-explosion-2.png", frame_count = 24, height = 76, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/small-explosion/hr-small-explosion-2.png", frame_count = 24, height = 152, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0625, -0.234375 }, width = 92 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { 0.0625, -0.25 }, width = 46 } }, created_effect = { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0.46299999999999999, initial_height = 0.1, initial_height_deviation = 0.3, initial_vertical_speed = 0.093999999999999986, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.28520000000000003, -0.2891 }, { 0.28520000000000003, 0.2891 } }, particle_name = "rail-chain-signal-metal-particle-medium", repeat_count = 9, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0.46299999999999999, initial_height = 0.1, initial_height_deviation = 0.31000000000000001, initial_vertical_speed = 0.103, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.054000000000000004, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.29689999999999998 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.29689999999999998 } }, particle_name = "rail-chain-signal-metal-particle-small", repeat_count = 15, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0.46299999999999999, initial_height = 0.1, initial_height_deviation = 0.070000000000000009, initial_vertical_speed = 0.09, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.28520000000000003, -0.29299999999999997 }, { 0.28520000000000003, 0.29299999999999997 } }, particle_name = "rail-chain-signal-glass-particle-small", repeat_count = 36, speed_from_center = 0.04, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" } }, type = "instant" }, type = "direct" }, flags = { "not-on-map", "hidden" }, height = 0, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/rail-chain-signal.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "dying-explosion-name", { "entity-name.rail-chain-signal" } }, name = "rail-chain-signal-explosion", order = "e-d-a", smoke = "smoke-fast", smoke_count = 2, smoke_slow_down_factor = 1, sound = { aggregation = { max_count = 1, remove = true }, variations = { { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-1.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-2.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-3.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-4.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-5.ogg", volume = 0.5 } } }, subgroup = "train-transport-explosions", type = "explosion" }, ["rail-explosion"] = { animations = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__core__/graphics/empty.png", frame_count = 1, height = 1, priority = "extra-high", width = 1 }, created_effect = { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0.46299999999999999, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.090999999999999996, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.69139999999999997, -0.69139999999999997 }, { 0.69139999999999997, 0.69139999999999997 } }, particle_name = "rail-long-metal-particle-medium", repeat_count = 12, speed_from_center = 0.04, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0.46299999999999999, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.075, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.69139999999999997, -0.29689999999999998 }, { 0.69139999999999997, 0.29689999999999998 } }, particle_name = "rail-stone-particle-small", repeat_count = 50, speed_from_center = 0.04, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0.46299999999999999, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.11000000000000001, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.69139999999999997, -0.29689999999999998 }, { 0.69139999999999997, 0.29689999999999998 } }, particle_name = "rail-wooden-splinter-particle-medium", repeat_count = 28, speed_from_center = 0.04, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" } }, type = "instant" }, type = "direct" }, flags = { "not-on-map", "hidden" }, height = 0, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/rail.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "dying-explosion-name", { "entity-name.straight-rail" } }, name = "rail-explosion", order = "e-a-a", smoke = "smoke-fast", smoke_count = 2, smoke_slow_down_factor = 1, sound = { aggregation = { max_count = 1, remove = true }, audible_distance_modifier = 0.7, game_controller_vibration_data = { duration = 120, low_frequency_vibration_intensity = 0.8 }, switch_vibration_data = { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/medium-explosion.bnvib", gain = 0.4 }, variations = { { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/medium-explosion-1.ogg", volume = 0.4 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/medium-explosion-2.ogg", volume = 0.4 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/medium-explosion-3.ogg", volume = 0.4 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/medium-explosion-4.ogg", volume = 0.4 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/medium-explosion-5.ogg", volume = 0.4 } } }, subgroup = "train-transport-explosions", type = "explosion" }, ["rail-signal-explosion"] = { animations = { { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/small-explosion/small-explosion-1.png", frame_count = 24, height = 90, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/small-explosion/hr-small-explosion-1.png", frame_count = 24, height = 178, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03125, -0.75 }, width = 88 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { -0.03125, -0.75 }, width = 44 }, { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/small-explosion/small-explosion-2.png", frame_count = 24, height = 76, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/small-explosion/hr-small-explosion-2.png", frame_count = 24, height = 152, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0625, -0.234375 }, width = 92 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { 0.0625, -0.25 }, width = 46 } }, created_effect = { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0.46299999999999999, initial_height = 0.1, initial_height_deviation = 0.3, initial_vertical_speed = 0.093999999999999986, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.28520000000000003, -0.2891 }, { 0.28520000000000003, 0.2891 } }, particle_name = "rail-signal-metal-particle-medium", repeat_count = 9, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0.46299999999999999, initial_height = 0.1, initial_height_deviation = 0.31000000000000001, initial_vertical_speed = 0.103, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.054000000000000004, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.29689999999999998 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.29689999999999998 } }, particle_name = "rail-signal-metal-particle-small", repeat_count = 15, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0.46299999999999999, initial_height = 0.1, initial_height_deviation = 0.09, initial_vertical_speed = 0.09, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.28520000000000003, -0.29299999999999997 }, { 0.28520000000000003, 0.29299999999999997 } }, particle_name = "rail-signal-glass-particle-small-red", repeat_count = 12, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 0.1, initial_height_deviation = 0.09, initial_vertical_speed = 0.084000000000000004, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "rail-signal-glass-particle-small-green", repeat_count = 13, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 0.1, initial_height_deviation = 0.070000000000000009, initial_vertical_speed = 0.070000000000000009, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "rail-signal-glass-particle-small-yellow", repeat_count = 12, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" } }, type = "instant" }, type = "direct" }, flags = { "not-on-map", "hidden" }, height = 0, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/rail-signal.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "dying-explosion-name", { "entity-name.rail-signal" } }, name = "rail-signal-explosion", order = "e-c-a", smoke = "smoke-fast", smoke_count = 2, smoke_slow_down_factor = 1, sound = { aggregation = { max_count = 1, remove = true }, variations = { { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-1.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-2.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-3.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-4.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-5.ogg", volume = 0.5 } } }, subgroup = "train-transport-explosions", type = "explosion" }, ["requester-chest-explosion"] = { animations = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__core__/graphics/empty.png", frame_count = 1, height = 1, priority = "extra-high", width = 1 }, created_effect = { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { initial_height = 0.5, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.06, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "requester-chest-metal-particle-medium", repeat_count = 20, speed_from_center = 0.04, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 0.5, initial_height_deviation = 0.44000000000000004, initial_vertical_speed = 0.069000000000000004, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "requester-chest-metal-particle-small", repeat_count = 20, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.045999999999999996, type = "create-particle" } }, type = "instant" }, type = "direct" }, flags = { "not-on-map", "hidden" }, height = 0, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/logistic-chest-requester.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "dying-explosion-name", { "entity-name.logistic-chest-requester" } }, name = "requester-chest-explosion", order = "f-f-a", smoke = "smoke-fast", smoke_count = 2, smoke_slow_down_factor = 1, sound = { aggregation = { max_count = 1, remove = true }, variations = { { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-1.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-2.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-3.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-4.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-5.ogg", volume = 0.5 } } }, subgroup = "logistic-network-explosions", type = "explosion" }, ["roboport-explosion"] = { animations = { { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/medium-explosion-1.png", frame_count = 30, height = 112, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/hr-medium-explosion-1.png", frame_count = 30, height = 224, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03125, -1.125 }, width = 124 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { -0.03125, -1.125 }, width = 62 }, { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/medium-explosion-2.png", frame_count = 41, height = 106, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/hr-medium-explosion-2.png", frame_count = 41, height = 212, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.40625, -1.0625 }, width = 154 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { -0.40625, -1.0625 }, width = 78 }, { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/medium-explosion-3.png", frame_count = 39, height = 118, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/hr-medium-explosion-3.png", frame_count = 39, height = 236, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.015625, -1.15625 }, width = 126 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { 0.03125, -1.15625 }, width = 64 } }, created_effect = { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { initial_height = 0.6, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.045, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.29689999999999998 }, { 0.5, 0.29689999999999998 } }, particle_name = "roboport-metal-particle-big", repeat_count = 17, speed_from_center = 0.06, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 0.7, initial_height_deviation = 0.44000000000000004, initial_vertical_speed = 0.070999999999999996, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.79690000000000003 }, { 0.5, 0.79690000000000003 } }, particle_name = "roboport-metal-particle-medium", repeat_count = 30, speed_from_center = 0.05, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 0.7, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.03, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.59770000000000003, -0.29689999999999998 }, { 0.59770000000000003, 0.29689999999999998 } }, particle_name = "roboport-metal-particle-small", repeat_count = 33, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 0.4, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.027000000000000002, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "cable-and-electronics-particle-small-medium", repeat_count = 25, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" } }, type = "instant" }, type = "direct" }, flags = { "not-on-map", "hidden" }, height = 0, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/roboport.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "dying-explosion-name", { "entity-name.roboport" } }, name = "roboport-explosion", order = "f-g-a", smoke = "smoke-fast", smoke_count = 2, smoke_slow_down_factor = 1, sound = { aggregation = { max_count = 1, remove = true }, audible_distance_modifier = 0.7, game_controller_vibration_data = { duration = 120, low_frequency_vibration_intensity = 0.8 }, switch_vibration_data = { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/medium-explosion.bnvib", gain = 0.4 }, variations = { { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/medium-explosion-1.ogg", volume = 0.4 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/medium-explosion-2.ogg", volume = 0.4 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/medium-explosion-3.ogg", volume = 0.4 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/medium-explosion-4.ogg", volume = 0.4 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/medium-explosion-5.ogg", volume = 0.4 } } }, subgroup = "logistic-network-explosions", type = "explosion" }, ["rock-damaged-explosion"] = { animations = { { direction_count = 1, filename = "__core__/graphics/empty.png", frame_count = 1, height = 1, priority = "extra-high", width = 1 } }, created_effect = { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 0.5, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 1, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.02, offset_deviation = { { -0.097659999999999982, -0.097659999999999982 }, { 0.097659999999999982, 0.097659999999999982 } }, offsets = { { 0.070309999999999997, 0.20310000000000001 }, { -0.023439999999999999, 0.078130000000000006 } }, particle_name = "rock-damage-stone-particle-tiny", repeat_count = 2, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 0.5, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 1, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.02, offset_deviation = { { -0.097659999999999982, -0.097659999999999982 }, { 0.097659999999999982, 0.097659999999999982 } }, offsets = { { 0.070309999999999997, 0.20310000000000001 }, { -0.023439999999999999, 0.078130000000000006 } }, particle_name = "rock-damage-stone-particle-small", repeat_count = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 0.5, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 1, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.02, offset_deviation = { { -0.097659999999999982, -0.097659999999999982 }, { 0.097659999999999982, 0.097659999999999982 } }, offsets = { { 0.070309999999999997, 0.20310000000000001 } }, particle_name = "rock-damage-stone-particle-medium", repeat_count = 2, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" } }, type = "instant" }, type = "direct" }, flags = { "not-on-map" }, height = 1, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/rock-big.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "rock-damaged-explosion", subgroup = "hit-effects", type = "explosion" }, ["rocket-silo-explosion"] = { animations = { animation_speed = 0.5, axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, frame_count = 57, height = 318, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, frame_count = 57, height = 634, scale = 0.5, shift = { -1.40625, -2.84375 }, stripes = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/massive-explosion/hr-massive-explosion-1.png", height_in_frames = 5, width_in_frames = 6 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/massive-explosion/hr-massive-explosion-2.png", height_in_frames = 5, width_in_frames = 6 } }, width = 656 }, shift = { -1.40625, -2.84375 }, stripes = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/massive-explosion/massive-explosion-1.png", height_in_frames = 5, width_in_frames = 6 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/massive-explosion/massive-explosion-2.png", height_in_frames = 5, width_in_frames = 6 } }, width = 330 }, created_effect = { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { initial_height = 0.3, initial_height_deviation = 0.14000000000000002, initial_vertical_speed = 0.19399999999999999, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.012, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.59770000000000003 }, { 0.5, 0.59770000000000003 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "rocket-silo-metal-particle-big", probability = 1, repeat_count = 35, speed_from_center = 0.06, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.025, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 0.8, initial_height_deviation = 0.47999999999999998, initial_vertical_speed = 0.13500000000000001, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.046999999999999993, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.5 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.5 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "rocket-silo-metal-particle-medium", probability = 1, repeat_count = 52, speed_from_center = 0.09, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 2.5, initial_height_deviation = 0.62999999999999998, initial_vertical_speed = 0.10900000000000001, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.042000000000000002, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.59770000000000003 }, { 0.5, 0.59770000000000003 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "rocket-silo-metal-particle-small", probability = 1, repeat_count = 50, speed_from_center = 0.09, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.043999999999999995, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.102, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, offsets = { { -1.4610000000000001, 3.977 }, { 1.3049999999999999, -3.758 }, { 3.1949999999999998, 1.492 }, { -3.367, -1.4299999999999999 } }, particle_name = "cable-and-electronics-particle-small-medium", probability = 1, repeat_count = 34, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 1, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.13100000000000001, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.041000000000000005, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "artillery-wagon-mechanical-component-particle-medium", probability = 1, repeat_count = 36, speed_from_center = 0.09, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" } }, type = "instant" }, type = "direct" }, flags = { "not-on-map", "hidden" }, height = 0, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/rocket-silo.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "dying-explosion-name", { "entity-name.rocket-silo" } }, name = "rocket-silo-explosion", order = "b-h-a", smoke = "smoke-fast", smoke_count = 2, smoke_slow_down_factor = 1, sound = { aggregation = { max_count = 1, remove = true }, audible_distance_modifier = 1.95, game_controller_vibration_data = { duration = 160, low_frequency_vibration_intensity = 0.9, play_for = "everything" }, switch_vibration_data = { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/large-explosion.bnvib", gain = 0.6, play_for = "everything" }, variations = { { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/large-explosion-1.ogg", volume = 0.8 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/large-explosion-2.ogg", volume = 0.8 } } }, subgroup = "defensive-structure-explosions", type = "explosion" }, ["slowdown-capsule-explosion"] = { animations = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__core__/graphics/empty.png", frame_count = 1, height = 1, priority = "extra-high", width = 1 }, created_effect = { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 0.5, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 1, initial_height_deviation = 0, initial_vertical_speed = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { left_top = { -0.097659999999999982, -0.097659999999999982 }, right_bottom = { 0.097659999999999982, 0.097659999999999982 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "slowdown-capsule-particle", probability = 1, repeat_count = 4, repeat_count_deviation = 0, rotate_offsets = false, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.05, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, tail_length = 15, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 0.3, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.7, initial_height_deviation = 0.14000000000000002, initial_vertical_speed = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { left_top = { -0.49610000000000003, -0.39450000000000003 }, right_bottom = { 0.49610000000000003, 0.39450000000000003 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "slowdown-capsule-particle-big", probability = 1, repeat_count = 2, repeat_count_deviation = 0, rotate_offsets = false, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.06, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, tail_length = 15, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 0.5, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.3, initial_height_deviation = 0.03, initial_vertical_speed = 0.012, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0, offset_deviation = { left_top = { -0.19139999999999999, -0.29689999999999998 }, right_bottom = { 0.19139999999999999, 0.29689999999999998 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "slowdown-capsule-particle", probability = 1, repeat_count = 5, repeat_count_deviation = 0, rotate_offsets = false, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.1, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, tail_length = 10, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 0.5, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.3, initial_height_deviation = 0.03, initial_vertical_speed = 0.021000000000000001, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { left_top = { -0.097659999999999982, -0.29689999999999998 }, right_bottom = { 0.097659999999999982, 0.29689999999999998 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "slowdown-capsule-particle-big", probability = 1, repeat_count = 5, repeat_count_deviation = 0, rotate_offsets = false, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.070000000000000009, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, tail_length = 10, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 0.25, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.050999999999999996, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { left_top = { -0.5, 0 }, right_bottom = { 0.5, 0 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "slowdown-capsule-particle-big", probability = 1, repeat_count = 7, repeat_count_deviation = 0, rotate_offsets = false, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.05, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, tail_length = 7, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" } }, type = "instant" }, type = "direct" }, flags = { "not-on-map", "hidden" }, height = 0, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/slowdown-capsule.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "dying-explosion-name", { "entity-name.slowdown-capsule" } }, name = "slowdown-capsule-explosion", order = "a-a-a", render_layer = "lower-object-above-shadow", smoke = "smoke-fast", smoke_count = 2, smoke_slow_down_factor = 1, sound = { aggregation = { max_count = 1, remove = true }, variations = { { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-1.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-2.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-3.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-4.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-5.ogg", volume = 0.5 } } }, subgroup = "gun-explosions", type = "explosion" }, ["small-biter-die"] = { animations = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__core__/graphics/empty.png", frame_count = 1, height = 1, priority = "extra-high", width = 1 }, created_effect = { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0.02, initial_height = 0.9, initial_height_deviation = 0, initial_vertical_speed = 0.03, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.03, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0.5 }, { 0, 0.6 } }, particle_name = "blood-particle", probability = 1, repeat_count = 3, repeat_count_deviation = 2, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.03, tail_length = 12, tail_length_deviation = 25, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0.95499999999999989, initial_height = 0.4, initial_height_deviation = 0.4, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "guts-entrails-particle-small-medium", probability = 1, repeat_count = 4, repeat_count_deviation = 2, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.05, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, tail_length = 3, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.1, initial_height_deviation = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.075, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.075, offset_deviation = { { 0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, offsets = { { 0, -0.4 } }, particle_name = "blood-particle", probability = 1, repeat_count = 2, repeat_count_deviation = 0, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.03, tail_length = 13, tail_length_deviation = 3, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0, initial_vertical_speed = 0.009, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.009, offset_deviation = { { -1, -1 }, { 1, 1 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "blood-particle", probability = 1, repeat_count = 13, repeat_count_deviation = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.05, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, tail_length = 5, tail_length_deviation = 5, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" } }, type = "instant" }, type = "direct" }, flags = { "not-on-map", "hidden" }, localised_name = { "dying-explosion-name", { "entity-name.small-biter" } }, name = "small-biter-die", subgroup = "explosions", type = "explosion" }, ["small-electric-pole-explosion"] = { animations = { { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/small-explosion/small-explosion-1.png", frame_count = 24, height = 90, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/small-explosion/hr-small-explosion-1.png", frame_count = 24, height = 178, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03125, -0.75 }, width = 88 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { -0.03125, -0.75 }, width = 44 }, { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/small-explosion/small-explosion-2.png", frame_count = 24, height = 76, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/small-explosion/hr-small-explosion-2.png", frame_count = 24, height = 152, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0625, -0.234375 }, width = 92 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { 0.0625, -0.25 }, width = 46 } }, created_effect = { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { initial_height = 1, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.69139999999999997, -0.29689999999999998 }, { 0.69139999999999997, 0.29689999999999998 } }, particle_name = "small-electric-pole-wooden-splinter-particle-medium", repeat_count = 22, speed_from_center = 0.04, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 0.8, initial_height_deviation = 0.44000000000000004, initial_vertical_speed = 0.054000000000000004, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.59770000000000003, -0.7891 }, { 0.59770000000000003, 0.7891 } }, particle_name = "small-electric-pole-wooden-splinter-particle-small", repeat_count = 26, speed_from_center = 0.070000000000000009, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 0.4, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.031000000000000001, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.89059999999999988, -0.19139999999999999 }, { 0.89059999999999988, 0.19139999999999999 } }, particle_name = "small-electric-pole-metal-particle-small", repeat_count = 26, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" } }, type = "instant" }, type = "direct" }, flags = { "not-on-map", "hidden" }, height = 0, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/small-electric-pole.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "dying-explosion-name", { "entity-name.small-electric-pole" } }, name = "small-electric-pole-explosion", order = "d-a-a", smoke = "smoke-fast", smoke_count = 2, smoke_slow_down_factor = 1, sound = { aggregation = { max_count = 1, remove = true }, variations = { { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-1.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-2.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-3.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-4.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-5.ogg", volume = 0.5 } } }, subgroup = "energy-pipe-distribution-explosions", type = "explosion" }, ["small-spitter-die"] = { animations = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__core__/graphics/empty.png", frame_count = 1, height = 1, priority = "extra-high", width = 1 }, created_effect = { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0.02, initial_height = 0.9, initial_height_deviation = 0, initial_vertical_speed = 0.029000000000000004, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.070000000000000009, offset_deviation = { { -0.1, -1 }, { 0.1, 1 } }, offsets = { { -0.078130000000000006, 1.2110000000000001 }, { -0.015630000000000002, 0.24220000000000002 } }, particle_name = "blood-particle", probability = 1, repeat_count = 3, repeat_count_deviation = 2, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.015, tail_length = 12, tail_length_deviation = 25, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0.95499999999999989, initial_height = 0.4, initial_height_deviation = 0.4, initial_vertical_speed = 0.04, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -1, -0.69920000000000009 }, { 1, 0.69920000000000009 } }, offsets = { { 0.039059999999999997, -0.023439999999999999 } }, particle_name = "guts-entrails-particle-small-medium", probability = 1, repeat_count = 4, repeat_count_deviation = 2, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.04, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, tail_length = 3, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.1, initial_height_deviation = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed = 0.075, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -1, -1 }, { 1, 1 } }, offsets = { { -0.0625, -0.38279999999999998 } }, particle_name = "blood-particle", probability = 1, repeat_count = 2, repeat_count_deviation = 0, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, tail_length = 13, tail_length_deviation = 3, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = -0, initial_height_deviation = 0, initial_vertical_speed = 0.009, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -1, -1 }, { 1, 1 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "blood-particle", probability = 1, repeat_count = 13, repeat_count_deviation = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.05, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.041000000000000005, tail_length = 11, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" } }, type = "instant" }, type = "direct" }, flags = { "not-on-map", "hidden" }, localised_name = { "dying-explosion-name", { "entity-name.small-spitter" } }, name = "small-spitter-die", subgroup = "explosions", type = "explosion" }, ["small-worm-die"] = { animations = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__core__/graphics/empty.png", frame_count = 1, height = 1, priority = "extra-high", width = 1 }, created_effect = { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0.02, initial_height = 0.7, initial_height_deviation = 0, initial_vertical_speed = 0.029000000000000004, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.070000000000000009, offset_deviation = { { -0.1992, -1 }, { 0.1992, 1 } }, offsets = { { -0.125, -1.2889999999999999 }, { -0.14060000000000001, -1.1950000000000001 } }, particle_name = "blood-particle", probability = 1, repeat_count = 4, repeat_count_deviation = 2, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.06, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.037000000000000002, tail_length = 30, tail_length_deviation = 16, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed = 0.070999999999999996, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, offsets = { { -0.0625, -0.38279999999999998 } }, particle_name = "blood-particle-lower-layer", probability = 1, repeat_count = 36, repeat_count_deviation = 0, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.052000000000000002, tail_length = 25, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 1, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.019, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "guts-entrails-particle-small-medium", probability = 1, repeat_count = 6, repeat_count_deviation = 0, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, tail_length = 3, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" } }, type = "instant" }, type = "direct" }, flags = { "not-on-map", "hidden" }, localised_name = { "dying-explosion-name", { "entity-name.small-worm-turret" } }, name = "small-worm-die", subgroup = "explosions", type = "explosion" }, ["solar-panel-explosion"] = { animations = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__core__/graphics/empty.png", frame_count = 1, height = 1, priority = "extra-high", width = 1 }, created_effect = { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { initial_height = 0.4, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.125, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.69920000000000009, -0.5 }, { 0.69920000000000009, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "solar-panel-long-metal-particle-medium", repeat_count = 28, speed_from_center = 0.04, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 0.3, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.125, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.8984, -0.79690000000000003 }, { 0.8984, 0.79690000000000003 } }, particle_name = "solar-panel-metal-particle-small", repeat_count = 32, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 0.4, initial_height_deviation = 0.49000000000000004, initial_vertical_speed = 0.079000000000000004, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.3984, -0.49610000000000003 }, { 0.3984, 0.49610000000000003 } }, particle_name = "solar-panel-glass-particle-small", repeat_count = 82, speed_from_center = 0.04, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" } }, type = "instant" }, type = "direct" }, flags = { "not-on-map", "hidden" }, height = 0, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/solar-panel.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "dying-explosion-name", { "" } }, name = "solar-panel-explosion", order = "a-c-a", smoke = "smoke-fast", smoke_count = 2, smoke_slow_down_factor = 1, sound = { aggregation = { max_count = 1, remove = true }, audible_distance_modifier = 0.7, game_controller_vibration_data = { duration = 120, low_frequency_vibration_intensity = 0.8 }, switch_vibration_data = { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/medium-explosion.bnvib", gain = 0.4 }, variations = { { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/medium-explosion-1.ogg", volume = 0.4 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/medium-explosion-2.ogg", volume = 0.4 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/medium-explosion-3.ogg", volume = 0.4 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/medium-explosion-4.ogg", volume = 0.4 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/medium-explosion-5.ogg", volume = 0.4 } } }, subgroup = "energy-explosions", type = "explosion" }, ["spark-explosion"] = { animations = { { direction_count = 1, filename = "__core__/graphics/empty.png", frame_count = 1, height = 1, priority = "extra-high", width = 1 } }, created_effect = { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 0.5, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 1, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.02, offset_deviation = { { -0.097659999999999982, -0.097659999999999982 }, { 0.097659999999999982, 0.097659999999999982 } }, offsets = { { 0.070309999999999997, 0.20310000000000001 }, { -0.023439999999999999, 0.078130000000000006 } }, particle_name = "spark-particle", repeat_count = 2, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 0.5, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 1, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.02, offset_deviation = { { -0.097659999999999982, -0.097659999999999982 }, { 0.097659999999999982, 0.097659999999999982 } }, offsets = { { 0.070309999999999997, 0.20310000000000001 }, { -0.023439999999999999, 0.078130000000000006 } }, particle_name = "spark-particle-debris", repeat_count = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" } }, type = "instant" }, type = "direct" }, flags = { "not-on-map" }, height = 1, icon_size = 32, name = "spark-explosion", subgroup = "hit-effects", type = "explosion" }, ["spark-explosion-higher"] = { animations = { { direction_count = 1, filename = "__core__/graphics/empty.png", frame_count = 1, height = 1, priority = "extra-high", width = 1 } }, created_effect = { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 0.5, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 1.5, initial_height_deviation = 0.2, initial_vertical_speed = 0, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.02, offset_deviation = { { -0.097659999999999982, -0.097659999999999982 }, { 0.097659999999999982, 0.097659999999999982 } }, offsets = { { 0.070309999999999997, 0.20310000000000001 }, { -0.023439999999999999, 0.078130000000000006 } }, particle_name = "spark-particle", repeat_count = 2, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 0.5, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 1.5, initial_height_deviation = 0.2, initial_vertical_speed = 0, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.02, offset_deviation = { { -0.097659999999999982, -0.097659999999999982 }, { 0.097659999999999982, 0.097659999999999982 } }, offsets = { { 0.070309999999999997, 0.20310000000000001 }, { -0.023439999999999999, 0.078130000000000006 } }, particle_name = "spark-particle-debris", repeat_count = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" } }, type = "instant" }, type = "direct" }, flags = { "not-on-map" }, height = 1.5, icon_size = 32, name = "spark-explosion-higher", subgroup = "hit-effects", type = "explosion" }, ["spidertron-explosion"] = { animations = { animation_speed = 0.5, axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, frame_count = 57, height = 318, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, frame_count = 57, height = 634, scale = 0.5, shift = { -1.40625, -2.84375 }, stripes = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/massive-explosion/hr-massive-explosion-1.png", height_in_frames = 5, width_in_frames = 6 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/massive-explosion/hr-massive-explosion-2.png", height_in_frames = 5, width_in_frames = 6 } }, width = 656 }, shift = { -1.40625, -2.84375 }, stripes = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/massive-explosion/massive-explosion-1.png", height_in_frames = 5, width_in_frames = 6 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/massive-explosion/massive-explosion-2.png", height_in_frames = 5, width_in_frames = 6 } }, width = 330 }, created_effect = { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 1, initial_height_deviation = 0.49000000000000004, initial_vertical_speed = 0.083000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { left_top = { -0.6875, -0.79300000000000006 }, right_bottom = { 0.6875, 0.79300000000000006 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "spidertron-metal-particle-big", probability = 1, repeat_count = 39, repeat_count_deviation = 0, rotate_offsets = false, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.05, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.4, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.095999999999999996, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { left_top = { -0.6875, -0.5 }, right_bottom = { 0.6875, 0.5 } }, offsets = { { -0.2891, 0.23439999999999999 } }, particle_name = "spidertron-metal-particle-medium", probability = 1, repeat_count = 31, repeat_count_deviation = 0, rotate_offsets = false, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.05, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.3, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.099000000000000004, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { left_top = { -0.89059999999999988, -0.79690000000000003 }, right_bottom = { 0.89059999999999988, 0.79690000000000003 } }, offsets = { { -0.6641, 0.64059999999999997 } }, particle_name = "spidertron-glass-particle-small", probability = 1, repeat_count = 48, repeat_count_deviation = 0, rotate_offsets = false, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.3, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.088999999999999986, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { left_top = { -0.89059999999999988, -0.79690000000000003 }, right_bottom = { 0.89059999999999988, 0.79690000000000003 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "spidertron-metal-particle-small", probability = 1, repeat_count = 41, repeat_count_deviation = 0, rotate_offsets = false, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.05, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.4, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.13100000000000001, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0, offset_deviation = { left_top = { -0.6875, -0.5 }, right_bottom = { 0.6875, 0.5 } }, offsets = { { -0.2891, 0.23439999999999999 } }, particle_name = "spidertron-long-metal-particle-medium", probability = 1, repeat_count = 15, repeat_count_deviation = 5, rotate_offsets = false, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.05, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.026000000000000001, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.3, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.092999999999999989, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { left_top = { -0.5, -0.5 }, right_bottom = { 0.5, 0.5 } }, offsets = { { 0.5234, -0.4609 } }, particle_name = "cable-and-electronics-particle-small-medium", probability = 1, repeat_count = 25, repeat_count_deviation = 0, rotate_offsets = false, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.05, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.3, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.099000000000000004, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { left_top = { -0.88670000000000009, -0.79690000000000003 }, right_bottom = { 0.88670000000000009, 0.79690000000000003 } }, offsets = { { -0.6641, 0.64059999999999997 } }, particle_name = "spidertron-mechanical-component-particle-medium", probability = 1, repeat_count = 12, repeat_count_deviation = 0, rotate_offsets = false, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" } }, type = "instant" }, type = "direct" }, flags = { "not-on-map", "hidden" }, height = 0, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/spidertron.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "dying-explosion-name", { "entity-name.spidertron" } }, name = "spidertron-explosion", order = "e-k-a", smoke = "smoke-fast", smoke_count = 2, smoke_slow_down_factor = 1, sound = { aggregation = { max_count = 1, remove = true }, audible_distance_modifier = 1.95, game_controller_vibration_data = { duration = 160, low_frequency_vibration_intensity = 0.9, play_for = "everything" }, switch_vibration_data = { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/large-explosion.bnvib", gain = 0.6, play_for = "everything" }, variations = { { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/large-explosion-1.ogg", volume = 0.8 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/large-explosion-2.ogg", volume = 0.8 } } }, subgroup = "transport-explosions", type = "explosion" }, ["spitter-spawner-die"] = { animations = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__core__/graphics/empty.png", frame_count = 1, height = 1, priority = "extra-high", width = 1 }, created_effect = { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed = 0.062000000000000002, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.01, offset_deviation = { left_top = { -0.5, -0.5 }, right_bottom = { 0.5, 0.5 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "blood-particle-carpet", probability = 1, repeat_count = 12, repeat_count_deviation = 0, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.08, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.010999999999999999, tail_length = 25, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0.02, initial_height = 0.9, initial_height_deviation = 0, initial_vertical_speed = 0.04, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.070000000000000009, offset_deviation = { left_top = { -1, -1 }, right_bottom = { 1, 1 } }, offsets = { { 0.0625, 0.7891 }, { -0.015630000000000002, 0.24220000000000002 } }, particle_name = "blood-particle-carpet", probability = 1, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 2, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.035000000000000004, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.015, tail_length = 12, tail_length_deviation = 25, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 1, initial_height_deviation = 0.52000000000000002, initial_vertical_speed = 0.078000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { left_top = { -0.5, -0.5 }, right_bottom = { 0.5, 0.5 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "guts-entrails-particle-small-medium", probability = 1, repeat_count = 8, repeat_count_deviation = 2, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.070000000000000009, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.1, initial_height_deviation = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed = 0.09, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { left_top = { -1, -1 }, right_bottom = { 1, 1 } }, offsets = { { 0, -0.039059999999999997 } }, particle_name = "blood-particle-carpet", probability = 1, repeat_count = 11, repeat_count_deviation = 0, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.04, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, tail_length = 21, tail_length_deviation = 3, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.1, initial_height_deviation = 0.01, initial_vertical_speed = 0.017999999999999998, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { left_top = { -1, -1 }, right_bottom = { 1, 1 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "blood-particle-carpet", probability = 1, repeat_count = 15, repeat_count_deviation = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.2, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.041000000000000005, tail_length = 11, tail_length_deviation = 7, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.3, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.055, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.003, offset_deviation = { left_top = { -1, -0.5 }, right_bottom = { 1, 0.5 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "blood-particle-carpet", probability = 1, repeat_count = 15, repeat_count_deviation = 0, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.09, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.042000000000000002, tail_length = 10, tail_length_deviation = 12, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 1, initial_height_deviation = 0.52000000000000002, initial_vertical_speed = 0.078000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { left_top = { -0.5, -0.5 }, right_bottom = { 0.5, 0.5 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "guts-entrails-particle-big", probability = 1, repeat_count = 2, repeat_count_deviation = 2, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.070000000000000009, speed_from_center_deviation = 0, type = "create-particle" } }, type = "instant" }, type = "direct" }, flags = { "not-on-map", "hidden" }, localised_name = { "dying-explosion-name", { "entity-name.spitter-spawner" } }, name = "spitter-spawner-die", subgroup = "explosions", type = "explosion" }, ["splitter-explosion"] = { animations = { { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/small-explosion/small-explosion-1.png", frame_count = 24, height = 90, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/small-explosion/hr-small-explosion-1.png", frame_count = 24, height = 178, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03125, -0.75 }, width = 88 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { -0.03125, -0.75 }, width = 44 }, { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/small-explosion/small-explosion-2.png", frame_count = 24, height = 76, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/small-explosion/hr-small-explosion-2.png", frame_count = 24, height = 152, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0625, -0.234375 }, width = 92 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { 0.0625, -0.25 }, width = 46 } }, created_effect = { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { initial_height = 0.3, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.046999999999999993, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.59770000000000003 }, { 0.5, 0.59770000000000003 } }, particle_name = "splitter-metal-particle-medium", repeat_count = 13, speed_from_center = 0.05, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 0.6, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.049000000000000004, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "splitter-metal-particle-small", repeat_count = 25, speed_from_center = 0.05, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 0.4, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.071999999999999993, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.69530000000000003, -0.59770000000000003 }, { 0.69530000000000003, 0.59770000000000003 } }, particle_name = "splitter-long-metal-particle-medium", repeat_count = 3, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "splitter-metal-particle-big", repeat_count = 3, speed_from_center = 0.05, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.029000000000000004, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "splitter-mechanical-component-particle-medium", repeat_count = 3, speed_from_center = 0.04, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" } }, type = "instant" }, type = "direct" }, flags = { "not-on-map", "hidden" }, height = 0, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/splitter.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "dying-explosion-name", { "entity-name.splitter" } }, name = "splitter-explosion", order = "b-g-a", smoke = "smoke-fast", smoke_count = 2, smoke_slow_down_factor = 1, sound = { aggregation = { max_count = 1, remove = true }, variations = { { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-1.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-2.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-3.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-4.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-5.ogg", volume = 0.5 } } }, subgroup = "belt-explosions", type = "explosion" }, ["stack-filter-inserter-explosion"] = { animations = { { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/small-explosion/small-explosion-1.png", frame_count = 24, height = 90, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/small-explosion/hr-small-explosion-1.png", frame_count = 24, height = 178, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03125, -0.75 }, width = 88 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { -0.03125, -0.75 }, width = 44 }, { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/small-explosion/small-explosion-2.png", frame_count = 24, height = 76, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/small-explosion/hr-small-explosion-2.png", frame_count = 24, height = 152, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0625, -0.234375 }, width = 92 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { 0.0625, -0.25 }, width = 46 } }, created_effect = { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { initial_height = 0.3, initial_height_deviation = 0.44000000000000004, initial_vertical_speed = 0.058000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.49220000000000006 }, { 0.5, 0.49220000000000006 } }, particle_name = "stack-filter-inserter-metal-particle-medium", repeat_count = 17, speed_from_center = 0.04, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.08, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "stack-filter-inserter-metal-particle-small", repeat_count = 10, speed_from_center = 0.05, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 0.3, initial_height_deviation = 0.4, initial_vertical_speed = 0.06, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.049000000000000004, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "cable-and-electronics-particle-small-medium", repeat_count = 7, speed_from_center = 0.04, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" } }, type = "instant" }, type = "direct" }, flags = { "not-on-map", "hidden" }, height = 0, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/stack-filter-inserter.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "dying-explosion-name", { "entity-name.stack-filter-inserter" } }, name = "stack-filter-inserter-explosion", order = "c-g-a", smoke = "smoke-fast", smoke_count = 2, smoke_slow_down_factor = 1, sound = { aggregation = { max_count = 1, remove = true }, variations = { { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-1.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-2.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-3.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-4.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-5.ogg", volume = 0.5 } } }, subgroup = "inserter-explosions", type = "explosion" }, ["stack-inserter-explosion"] = { animations = { { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/small-explosion/small-explosion-1.png", frame_count = 24, height = 90, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/small-explosion/hr-small-explosion-1.png", frame_count = 24, height = 178, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03125, -0.75 }, width = 88 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { -0.03125, -0.75 }, width = 44 }, { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/small-explosion/small-explosion-2.png", frame_count = 24, height = 76, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/small-explosion/hr-small-explosion-2.png", frame_count = 24, height = 152, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0625, -0.234375 }, width = 92 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { 0.0625, -0.25 }, width = 46 } }, created_effect = { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { initial_height = 0.3, initial_height_deviation = 0.44000000000000004, initial_vertical_speed = 0.058000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.49220000000000006 }, { 0.5, 0.49220000000000006 } }, particle_name = "stack-inserter-metal-particle-medium", repeat_count = 17, speed_from_center = 0.04, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.08, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "stack-inserter-metal-particle-small", repeat_count = 10, speed_from_center = 0.05, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 0.3, initial_height_deviation = 0.4, initial_vertical_speed = 0.06, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.049000000000000004, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "cable-and-electronics-particle-small-medium", repeat_count = 7, speed_from_center = 0.04, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" } }, type = "instant" }, type = "direct" }, flags = { "not-on-map", "hidden" }, height = 0, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/stack-inserter.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "dying-explosion-name", { "entity-name.stack-inserter" } }, name = "stack-inserter-explosion", order = "c-f-a", smoke = "smoke-fast", smoke_count = 2, smoke_slow_down_factor = 1, sound = { aggregation = { max_count = 1, remove = true }, variations = { { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-1.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-2.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-3.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-4.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-5.ogg", volume = 0.5 } } }, subgroup = "inserter-explosions", type = "explosion" }, ["steam-engine-explosion"] = { animations = { { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/medium-explosion-1.png", frame_count = 30, height = 112, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/hr-medium-explosion-1.png", frame_count = 30, height = 224, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03125, -1.125 }, width = 124 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { -0.03125, -1.125 }, width = 62 }, { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/medium-explosion-2.png", frame_count = 41, height = 106, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/hr-medium-explosion-2.png", frame_count = 41, height = 212, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.40625, -1.0625 }, width = 154 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { -0.40625, -1.0625 }, width = 78 }, { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/medium-explosion-3.png", frame_count = 39, height = 118, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/hr-medium-explosion-3.png", frame_count = 39, height = 236, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.015625, -1.15625 }, width = 126 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { 0.03125, -1.15625 }, width = 64 } }, created_effect = { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { initial_height = 0.5, initial_height_deviation = 0.49000000000000004, initial_vertical_speed = 0.062999999999999998, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.69530000000000003 }, { 0.5, 0.69530000000000003 } }, particle_name = "steam-engine-metal-particle-big", repeat_count = 16, speed_from_center = 0.05, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 0.7, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.09, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.69530000000000003, -0.5 }, { 0.69530000000000003, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "steam-engine-metal-particle-medium", repeat_count = 40, speed_from_center = 0.04, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 1, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.088999999999999986, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.89450000000000003, -0.79690000000000003 }, { 0.89450000000000003, 0.79690000000000003 } }, particle_name = "steam-engine-metal-particle-small", repeat_count = 45, speed_from_center = 0.05, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 0.5, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.037000000000000002, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "steam-engine-mechanical-component-particle-medium", repeat_count = 25, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" } }, type = "instant" }, type = "direct" }, flags = { "not-on-map", "hidden" }, height = 0, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/steam-engine.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "dying-explosion-name", { "entity-name.steam-engine" } }, name = "steam-engine-explosion", order = "a-b-a", smoke = "smoke-fast", smoke_count = 2, smoke_slow_down_factor = 1, sound = { aggregation = { max_count = 1, remove = true }, audible_distance_modifier = 1.95, game_controller_vibration_data = { duration = 160, low_frequency_vibration_intensity = 0.9, play_for = "everything" }, switch_vibration_data = { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/large-explosion.bnvib", gain = 0.6, play_for = "everything" }, variations = { { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/large-explosion-1.ogg", volume = 0.8 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/large-explosion-2.ogg", volume = 0.8 } } }, subgroup = "energy-explosions", type = "explosion" }, ["steam-turbine-explosion"] = { animations = { { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/medium-explosion-1.png", frame_count = 30, height = 112, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/hr-medium-explosion-1.png", frame_count = 30, height = 224, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03125, -1.125 }, width = 124 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { -0.03125, -1.125 }, width = 62 }, { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/medium-explosion-2.png", frame_count = 41, height = 106, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/hr-medium-explosion-2.png", frame_count = 41, height = 212, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.40625, -1.0625 }, width = 154 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { -0.40625, -1.0625 }, width = 78 }, { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/medium-explosion-3.png", frame_count = 39, height = 118, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/hr-medium-explosion-3.png", frame_count = 39, height = 236, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.015625, -1.15625 }, width = 126 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { 0.03125, -1.15625 }, width = 64 } }, created_effect = { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { initial_height = 0.5, initial_height_deviation = 0.49000000000000004, initial_vertical_speed = 0.062999999999999998, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.69530000000000003 }, { 0.5, 0.69530000000000003 } }, particle_name = "steam-turbine-metal-particle-big", repeat_count = 16, speed_from_center = 0.05, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 0.7, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.09, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.69530000000000003, -0.5 }, { 0.69530000000000003, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "steam-turbine-metal-particle-medium", repeat_count = 40, speed_from_center = 0.04, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 1, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.088999999999999986, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.89450000000000003, -0.79690000000000003 }, { 0.89450000000000003, 0.79690000000000003 } }, particle_name = "steam-turbine-metal-particle-small", repeat_count = 45, speed_from_center = 0.05, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 0.5, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.037000000000000002, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "steam-turbine-mechanical-component-particle-medium", repeat_count = 25, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" } }, type = "instant" }, type = "direct" }, flags = { "not-on-map", "hidden" }, height = 0, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/steam-turbine.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "dying-explosion-name", { "entity-name.steam-turbine" } }, name = "steam-turbine-explosion", order = "a-g-a", smoke = "smoke-fast", smoke_count = 2, smoke_slow_down_factor = 1, sound = { aggregation = { max_count = 1, remove = true }, audible_distance_modifier = 1.95, game_controller_vibration_data = { duration = 160, low_frequency_vibration_intensity = 0.9, play_for = "everything" }, switch_vibration_data = { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/large-explosion.bnvib", gain = 0.6, play_for = "everything" }, variations = { { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/large-explosion-1.ogg", volume = 0.8 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/large-explosion-2.ogg", volume = 0.8 } } }, subgroup = "energy-explosions", type = "explosion" }, ["steel-chest-explosion"] = { animations = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__core__/graphics/empty.png", frame_count = 1, height = 1, priority = "extra-high", width = 1 }, created_effect = { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { initial_height = 0.5, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.06, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "steel-chest-metal-particle-medium", repeat_count = 20, speed_from_center = 0.04, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 0.5, initial_height_deviation = 0.44000000000000004, initial_vertical_speed = 0.069000000000000004, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "steel-chest-metal-particle-small", repeat_count = 20, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.045999999999999996, type = "create-particle" } }, type = "instant" }, type = "direct" }, flags = { "not-on-map", "hidden" }, height = 0, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/steel-chest.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "dying-explosion-name", { "entity-name.steel-chest" } }, name = "steel-chest-explosion", order = "a-c-a", smoke = "smoke-fast", smoke_count = 2, smoke_slow_down_factor = 1, sound = { aggregation = { max_count = 1, remove = true }, variations = { { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-1.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-2.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-3.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-4.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-5.ogg", volume = 0.5 } } }, subgroup = "storage-explosions", type = "explosion" }, ["steel-furnace-explosion"] = { animations = { { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/small-explosion/small-explosion-1.png", frame_count = 24, height = 90, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/small-explosion/hr-small-explosion-1.png", frame_count = 24, height = 178, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03125, -0.75 }, width = 88 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { -0.03125, -0.75 }, width = 44 }, { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/small-explosion/small-explosion-2.png", frame_count = 24, height = 76, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/small-explosion/hr-small-explosion-2.png", frame_count = 24, height = 152, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0625, -0.234375 }, width = 92 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { 0.0625, -0.25 }, width = 46 } }, created_effect = { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { initial_height = 0.1, initial_height_deviation = 0.49000000000000004, initial_vertical_speed = 0.078000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.6875, -0.6875 }, { 0.6875, 0.6875 } }, particle_name = "steel-furnace-metal-particle-big", repeat_count = 4, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.090999999999999996, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.58199999999999994, -0.89450000000000003 }, { 0.58199999999999994, 0.89450000000000003 } }, particle_name = "steel-furnace-metal-particle-medium", repeat_count = 15, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 0.1, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.068000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.89450000000000003, -0.89059999999999988 }, { 0.89450000000000003, 0.89059999999999988 } }, particle_name = "steel-furnace-metal-particle-small", repeat_count = 40, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" } }, type = "instant" }, type = "direct" }, flags = { "not-on-map", "hidden" }, height = 0, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/steel-furnace.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "dying-explosion-name", { "entity-name.steel-furnace" } }, name = "steel-furnace-explosion", order = "c-b-a", smoke = "smoke-fast", smoke_count = 2, smoke_slow_down_factor = 1, sound = { aggregation = { max_count = 1, remove = true }, audible_distance_modifier = 1.95, game_controller_vibration_data = { duration = 160, low_frequency_vibration_intensity = 0.9, play_for = "everything" }, switch_vibration_data = { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/large-explosion.bnvib", gain = 0.6, play_for = "everything" }, variations = { { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/large-explosion-1.ogg", volume = 0.8 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/large-explosion-2.ogg", volume = 0.8 } } }, subgroup = "smelting-machine-explosions", type = "explosion" }, ["stone-furnace-explosion"] = { animations = { { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/small-explosion/small-explosion-1.png", frame_count = 24, height = 90, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/small-explosion/hr-small-explosion-1.png", frame_count = 24, height = 178, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03125, -0.75 }, width = 88 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { -0.03125, -0.75 }, width = 44 }, { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/small-explosion/small-explosion-2.png", frame_count = 24, height = 76, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/small-explosion/hr-small-explosion-2.png", frame_count = 24, height = 152, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0625, -0.234375 }, width = 92 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { 0.0625, -0.25 }, width = 46 } }, created_effect = { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { initial_height = 0.1, initial_height_deviation = 0.49000000000000004, initial_vertical_speed = 0.078000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.69139999999999997, -0.6875 }, { 0.69139999999999997, 0.6875 } }, particle_name = "stone-furnace-stone-particle-big", repeat_count = 2, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.090999999999999996, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.5859, -0.8984 }, { 0.5859, 0.8984 } }, particle_name = "stone-furnace-stone-particle-medium", repeat_count = 15, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 0.1, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.068000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.8984, -0.89450000000000003 }, { 0.8984, 0.89450000000000003 } }, particle_name = "stone-furnace-stone-particle-small", repeat_count = 35, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" } }, type = "instant" }, type = "direct" }, flags = { "not-on-map", "hidden" }, height = 0, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/stone-furnace.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "dying-explosion-name", { "entity-name.stone-furnace" } }, name = "stone-furnace-explosion", order = "c-a-a", smoke = "smoke-fast", smoke_count = 2, smoke_slow_down_factor = 1, sound = { aggregation = { max_count = 1, remove = true }, audible_distance_modifier = 0.7, game_controller_vibration_data = { duration = 120, low_frequency_vibration_intensity = 0.8 }, switch_vibration_data = { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/medium-explosion.bnvib", gain = 0.4 }, variations = { { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/medium-explosion-1.ogg", volume = 0.8 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/medium-explosion-2.ogg", volume = 0.8 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/medium-explosion-3.ogg", volume = 0.8 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/medium-explosion-4.ogg", volume = 0.8 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/medium-explosion-5.ogg", volume = 0.8 } } }, subgroup = "smelting-machine-explosions", type = "explosion" }, ["storage-chest-explosion"] = { animations = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__core__/graphics/empty.png", frame_count = 1, height = 1, priority = "extra-high", width = 1 }, created_effect = { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { initial_height = 0.5, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.06, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "storage-chest-metal-particle-medium", repeat_count = 20, speed_from_center = 0.04, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 0.5, initial_height_deviation = 0.44000000000000004, initial_vertical_speed = 0.069000000000000004, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "storage-chest-metal-particle-small", repeat_count = 20, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.045999999999999996, type = "create-particle" } }, type = "instant" }, type = "direct" }, flags = { "not-on-map", "hidden" }, height = 0, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/logistic-chest-storage.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "dying-explosion-name", { "entity-name.logistic-chest-storage" } }, name = "storage-chest-explosion", order = "f-e-a", smoke = "smoke-fast", smoke_count = 2, smoke_slow_down_factor = 1, sound = { aggregation = { max_count = 1, remove = true }, variations = { { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-1.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-2.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-3.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-4.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-5.ogg", volume = 0.5 } } }, subgroup = "logistic-network-explosions", type = "explosion" }, ["storage-tank-explosion"] = { animations = { { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/medium-explosion-1.png", frame_count = 30, height = 112, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/hr-medium-explosion-1.png", frame_count = 30, height = 224, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03125, -1.125 }, width = 124 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { -0.03125, -1.125 }, width = 62 }, { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/medium-explosion-2.png", frame_count = 41, height = 106, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/hr-medium-explosion-2.png", frame_count = 41, height = 212, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.40625, -1.0625 }, width = 154 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { -0.40625, -1.0625 }, width = 78 }, { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/medium-explosion-3.png", frame_count = 39, height = 118, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/hr-medium-explosion-3.png", frame_count = 39, height = 236, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.015625, -1.15625 }, width = 126 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { 0.03125, -1.15625 }, width = 64 } }, created_effect = { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { initial_height = 0.5, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.11700000000000002, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.3984, -0.69920000000000009 }, { 0.3984, 0.69920000000000009 } }, particle_name = "storage-tank-metal-particle-big", repeat_count = 20, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 0.5, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.125, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.59770000000000003, -0.29689999999999998 }, { 0.59770000000000003, 0.29689999999999998 } }, particle_name = "storage-tank-metal-particle-medium", repeat_count = 27, speed_from_center = 0.05, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" } }, type = "instant" }, type = "direct" }, flags = { "not-on-map", "hidden" }, height = 0, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/storage-tank.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "dying-explosion-name", { "" } }, name = "storage-tank-explosion", order = "a-d-a", sound = { aggregation = { max_count = 1, remove = true }, audible_distance_modifier = 1.95, game_controller_vibration_data = { duration = 160, low_frequency_vibration_intensity = 0.9, play_for = "everything" }, switch_vibration_data = { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/large-explosion.bnvib", gain = 0.6, play_for = "everything" }, variations = { { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/large-explosion-1.ogg", volume = 0.8 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/large-explosion-2.ogg", volume = 0.8 } } }, subgroup = "storage-explosions", type = "explosion" }, ["substation-explosion"] = { animations = { { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/medium-explosion-1.png", frame_count = 30, height = 112, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/hr-medium-explosion-1.png", frame_count = 30, height = 224, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03125, -1.125 }, width = 124 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { -0.03125, -1.125 }, width = 62 }, { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/medium-explosion-2.png", frame_count = 41, height = 106, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/hr-medium-explosion-2.png", frame_count = 41, height = 212, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.40625, -1.0625 }, width = 154 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { -0.40625, -1.0625 }, width = 78 }, { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/medium-explosion-3.png", frame_count = 39, height = 118, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/hr-medium-explosion-3.png", frame_count = 39, height = 236, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.015625, -1.15625 }, width = 126 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { 0.03125, -1.15625 }, width = 64 } }, created_effect = { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { initial_height = 0.5, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.08, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.69530000000000003 }, { 0.5, 0.69530000000000003 } }, particle_name = "substation-metal-particle-big", repeat_count = 7, speed_from_center = 0.05, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0.46299999999999999, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.08, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.69139999999999997, -0.29689999999999998 }, { 0.69139999999999997, 0.29689999999999998 } }, particle_name = "substation-metal-particle-big", repeat_count = 9, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 0.5, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.086999999999999993, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.69530000000000003, -0.29689999999999998 }, { 0.69530000000000003, 0.29689999999999998 } }, particle_name = "substation-long-metal-particle-medium", repeat_count = 12, speed_from_center = 0.05, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 0.5, initial_height_deviation = 0.44000000000000004, initial_vertical_speed = 0.046999999999999993, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.59770000000000003, -0.7891 }, { 0.59770000000000003, 0.7891 } }, particle_name = "substation-long-metal-particle-medium", repeat_count = 12, speed_from_center = 0.06, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 0.5, initial_height_deviation = 0.44000000000000004, initial_vertical_speed = 0.010999999999999999, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.59770000000000003, -0.7891 }, { 0.59770000000000003, 0.7891 } }, particle_name = "cable-and-electronics-particle-small-medium", repeat_count = 15, speed_from_center = 0.06, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" } }, type = "instant" }, type = "direct" }, flags = { "not-on-map", "hidden" }, height = 0, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/substation.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "dying-explosion-name", { "entity-name.substation" } }, name = "substation-explosion", order = "d-d-a", smoke = "smoke-fast", smoke_count = 2, smoke_slow_down_factor = 1, sound = { aggregation = { max_count = 1, remove = true }, audible_distance_modifier = 0.7, game_controller_vibration_data = { duration = 120, low_frequency_vibration_intensity = 0.8 }, switch_vibration_data = { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/medium-explosion.bnvib", gain = 0.4 }, variations = { { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/medium-explosion-1.ogg", volume = 0.4 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/medium-explosion-2.ogg", volume = 0.4 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/medium-explosion-3.ogg", volume = 0.4 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/medium-explosion-4.ogg", volume = 0.4 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/medium-explosion-5.ogg", volume = 0.4 } } }, subgroup = "energy-pipe-distribution-explosions", type = "explosion" }, ["tank-explosion"] = { animations = { { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/medium-explosion-1.png", frame_count = 30, height = 112, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/hr-medium-explosion-1.png", frame_count = 30, height = 224, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03125, -1.125 }, width = 124 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { -0.03125, -1.125 }, width = 62 }, { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/medium-explosion-2.png", frame_count = 41, height = 106, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/hr-medium-explosion-2.png", frame_count = 41, height = 212, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.40625, -1.0625 }, width = 154 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { -0.40625, -1.0625 }, width = 78 }, { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/medium-explosion-3.png", frame_count = 39, height = 118, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/hr-medium-explosion-3.png", frame_count = 39, height = 236, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.015625, -1.15625 }, width = 126 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { 0.03125, -1.15625 }, width = 64 } }, created_effect = { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { initial_height = 0.3, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.087999999999999989, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.19530000000000001 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.19530000000000001 } }, particle_name = "tank-metal-particle-big", repeat_count = 18, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 0.3, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.095, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.59770000000000003, -0.59770000000000003 }, { 0.59770000000000003, 0.59770000000000003 } }, particle_name = "tank-metal-particle-medium", repeat_count = 20, speed_from_center = 0.05, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 0.4, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.099000000000000004, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.59770000000000003, -0.59770000000000003 }, { 0.59770000000000003, 0.59770000000000003 } }, particle_name = "tank-metal-particle-small", repeat_count = 20, speed_from_center = 0.06, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 0.3, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.088999999999999986, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "cable-and-electronics-particle-small-medium", repeat_count = 25, speed_from_center = 0.05, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" } }, type = "instant" }, type = "direct" }, flags = { "not-on-map", "hidden" }, height = 0, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/tank.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "dying-explosion-name", { "entity-name.tank" } }, name = "tank-explosion", order = "e-j-a", smoke = "smoke-fast", smoke_count = 2, smoke_slow_down_factor = 1, sound = { aggregation = { max_count = 1, remove = true }, audible_distance_modifier = 1.95, game_controller_vibration_data = { duration = 160, low_frequency_vibration_intensity = 0.9, play_for = "everything" }, switch_vibration_data = { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/large-explosion.bnvib", gain = 0.6, play_for = "everything" }, variations = { { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/large-explosion-1.ogg", volume = 0.8 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/large-explosion-2.ogg", volume = 0.8 } } }, subgroup = "transport-explosions", type = "explosion" }, ["train-stop-explosion"] = { animations = { { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/medium-explosion-1.png", frame_count = 30, height = 112, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/hr-medium-explosion-1.png", frame_count = 30, height = 224, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03125, -1.125 }, width = 124 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { -0.03125, -1.125 }, width = 62 }, { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/medium-explosion-2.png", frame_count = 41, height = 106, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/hr-medium-explosion-2.png", frame_count = 41, height = 212, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.40625, -1.0625 }, width = 154 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { -0.40625, -1.0625 }, width = 78 }, { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/medium-explosion-3.png", frame_count = 39, height = 118, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/medium-explosion/hr-medium-explosion-3.png", frame_count = 39, height = 236, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.015625, -1.15625 }, width = 126 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { 0.03125, -1.15625 }, width = 64 } }, created_effect = { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0.46299999999999999, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.11000000000000001, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.6875, -0.19139999999999999 }, { 0.6875, 0.19139999999999999 } }, particle_name = "train-stop-metal-particle-medium", repeat_count = 27, speed_from_center = 0.04, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0.46299999999999999, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.06, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.4883, -0.39450000000000003 }, { 0.4883, 0.39450000000000003 } }, particle_name = "train-stop-long-metal-particle-medium", repeat_count = 21, speed_from_center = 0.04, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0.46299999999999999, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.062999999999999998, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.69139999999999997, -0.29689999999999998 }, { 0.69139999999999997, 0.29689999999999998 } }, particle_name = "train-stop-metal-particle-small", repeat_count = 30, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0.46299999999999999, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.054000000000000004, offset_deviation = { { -0.5859, -0.6875 }, { 0.5859, 0.6875 } }, particle_name = "train-stop-metal-particle-small", repeat_count = 20, speed_from_center = 0.04, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0.46299999999999999, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.11300000000000001, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.4883, -0.6875 }, { 0.4883, 0.6875 } }, particle_name = "train-stop-glass-particle-small", repeat_count = 20, speed_from_center = 0.04, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" } }, type = "instant" }, type = "direct" }, flags = { "not-on-map", "hidden" }, height = 0, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/train-stop.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "dying-explosion-name", { "entity-name.train-stop" } }, name = "train-stop-explosion", order = "e-b-a", smoke = "smoke-fast", smoke_count = 2, smoke_slow_down_factor = 1, sound = { aggregation = { max_count = 1, remove = true }, audible_distance_modifier = 0.7, game_controller_vibration_data = { duration = 120, low_frequency_vibration_intensity = 0.8 }, switch_vibration_data = { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/medium-explosion.bnvib", gain = 0.4 }, variations = { { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/medium-explosion-1.ogg", volume = 0.4 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/medium-explosion-2.ogg", volume = 0.4 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/medium-explosion-3.ogg", volume = 0.4 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/medium-explosion-4.ogg", volume = 0.4 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/medium-explosion-5.ogg", volume = 0.4 } } }, subgroup = "train-transport-explosions", type = "explosion" }, ["transport-belt-explosion"] = { animations = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__core__/graphics/empty.png", frame_count = 1, height = 1, priority = "extra-high", width = 1 }, created_effect = { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { initial_height = 0.1, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.09, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "transport-belt-metal-particle-medium", repeat_count = 1, speed_from_center = 0.04, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 0.1, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.070999999999999996, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "transport-belt-metal-particle-small", repeat_count = 4, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 0.1, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.08, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.016000000000000001, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "transport-belt-wooden-splinter-particle-medium", repeat_count = 20, speed_from_center = 0.04, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 0.1, initial_height_deviation = 0.32000000000000002, initial_vertical_speed = 0.041000000000000005, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.042000000000000002, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "transport-belt-mechanical-component-particle-medium", repeat_count = 5, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" } }, type = "instant" }, type = "direct" }, flags = { "not-on-map", "hidden" }, height = 0, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/transport-belt.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "dying-explosion-name", { "entity-name.transport-belt" } }, name = "transport-belt-explosion", order = "b-a-a", smoke = "smoke-fast", smoke_count = 2, smoke_slow_down_factor = 1, sound = { aggregation = { max_count = 1, remove = true }, variations = { { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-1.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-2.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-3.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-4.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-5.ogg", volume = 0.5 } } }, subgroup = "belt-explosions", type = "explosion" }, ["underground-belt-explosion"] = { animations = { { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/small-explosion/small-explosion-1.png", frame_count = 24, height = 90, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/small-explosion/hr-small-explosion-1.png", frame_count = 24, height = 178, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03125, -0.75 }, width = 88 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { -0.03125, -0.75 }, width = 44 }, { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/small-explosion/small-explosion-2.png", frame_count = 24, height = 76, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/small-explosion/hr-small-explosion-2.png", frame_count = 24, height = 152, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0625, -0.234375 }, width = 92 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { 0.0625, -0.25 }, width = 46 } }, created_effect = { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.081000000000000014, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "underground-belt-metal-particle-medium", repeat_count = 10, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.42999999999999998, initial_vertical_speed = 0.086999999999999993, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.047999999999999998, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "underground-belt-metal-particle-small", repeat_count = 25, speed_from_center = 0.05, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.042000000000000002, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "underground-belt-metal-particle-medium-yellow", repeat_count = 2, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" } }, type = "instant" }, type = "direct" }, flags = { "not-on-map", "hidden" }, height = 0, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/underground-belt.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "dying-explosion-name", { "entity-name.underground-belt" } }, name = "underground-belt-explosion", order = "b-d-a", smoke = "smoke-fast", smoke_count = 2, smoke_slow_down_factor = 1, sound = { aggregation = { max_count = 1, remove = true }, variations = { { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-1.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-2.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-3.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-4.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-5.ogg", volume = 0.5 } } }, subgroup = "belt-explosions", type = "explosion" }, ["uranium-cannon-explosion"] = { animations = { { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/explosion/explosion-1.png", frame_count = 17, height = 22, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/explosion/hr-explosion-1.png", frame_count = 17, height = 42, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.140625, 0.1875 }, tint = { b = 0.4, g = 1, r = 0.4 }, width = 48 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { 0.15625, 0.1875 }, tint = { b = 0.4, g = 1, r = 0.4 }, width = 26 }, { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/explosion/explosion-3.png", frame_count = 17, height = 46, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/explosion/hr-explosion-3.png", frame_count = 17, height = 88, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03125, 0.046875 }, tint = { b = 0.4, g = 1, r = 0.4 }, width = 102 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { -0.03125, 0.0625 }, tint = { b = 0.4, g = 1, r = 0.4 }, width = 52 } }, flags = { "not-on-map", "hidden" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/item-group/effects.png", icon_size = 64, localised_name = "entity-name.uranium-cannon-explosion", name = "uranium-cannon-explosion", smoke = "smoke-fast", smoke_count = 2, smoke_slow_down_factor = 1, sound = { aggregation = { max_count = 1, remove = true }, variations = { { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-1.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-2.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-3.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-4.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-5.ogg", volume = 0.5 } } }, subgroup = "explosions", type = "explosion" }, ["uranium-cannon-shell-explosion"] = { animations = { { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/big-explosion/big-explosion.png", flags = { "compressed" }, frame_count = 47, height = 245, line_length = 6, shift = { 0.1875, -0.75 }, tint = { b = 0.4, g = 1, r = 0.4 }, width = 197 } }, flags = { "not-on-map", "hidden" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/item-group/effects.png", icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "entity-name.uranium-cannon-shell-explosion" }, name = "uranium-cannon-shell-explosion", sound = { aggregation = { max_count = 1, remove = true }, audible_distance_modifier = 1.95, game_controller_vibration_data = { duration = 160, low_frequency_vibration_intensity = 0.9, play_for = "everything" }, switch_vibration_data = { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/large-explosion.bnvib", gain = 0.6, play_for = "everything" }, variations = { { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/large-explosion-1.ogg", volume = 1 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/large-explosion-2.ogg", volume = 1 } } }, subgroup = "explosions", type = "explosion" }, ["wall-damaged-explosion"] = { animations = { { direction_count = 1, filename = "__core__/graphics/empty.png", frame_count = 1, height = 1, priority = "extra-high", width = 1 } }, created_effect = { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 0.5, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 1, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.02, offset_deviation = { { -0.097659999999999982, -0.097659999999999982 }, { 0.097659999999999982, 0.097659999999999982 } }, offsets = { { 0.070309999999999997, 0.20310000000000001 }, { -0.023439999999999999, 0.078130000000000006 } }, particle_name = "wall-stone-particle-small", repeat_count = 2, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" } }, type = "instant" }, type = "direct" }, flags = { "not-on-map" }, height = 1, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/wall.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "wall-damaged-explosion", subgroup = "hit-effects", type = "explosion" }, ["wall-explosion"] = { animations = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__core__/graphics/empty.png", frame_count = 1, height = 1, priority = "extra-high", width = 1 }, created_effect = { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { initial_height = 0.3, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.078000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.19530000000000001, -0.19530000000000001 }, { 0.19530000000000001, 0.19530000000000001 } }, particle_name = "wall-stone-particle-medium", repeat_count = 16, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.047999999999999998, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 0.9, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.077000000000000002, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.049000000000000004, offset_deviation = { { -0.19530000000000001, -0.1992 }, { 0.19530000000000001, 0.1992 } }, particle_name = "wall-stone-particle-small", repeat_count = 28, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 1, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.075999999999999996, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.39060000000000002, -0.4883 }, { 0.39060000000000002, 0.4883 } }, particle_name = "wall-stone-particle-tiny", repeat_count = 46, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" } }, type = "instant" }, type = "direct" }, flags = { "not-on-map", "hidden" }, height = 0, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/wall.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "dying-explosion-name", { "entity-name.stone-wall" } }, name = "wall-explosion", order = "b-a-a", smoke = "smoke-fast", smoke_count = 2, smoke_slow_down_factor = 1, sound = { aggregation = { max_count = 1, remove = true }, variations = { { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-1.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-2.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-3.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-4.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-5.ogg", volume = 0.5 } } }, subgroup = "defensive-structure-explosions", type = "explosion" }, ["water-splash"] = { animations = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__core__/graphics/empty.png", frame_count = 1, height = 1, priority = "extra-high", width = 1 }, created_effect = { action_delivery = { target_effects = { frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, type = "instant" }, type = "direct" }, flags = { "not-on-map", "hidden" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/fluid/water.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "entity-name.water-splash" }, name = "water-splash", subgroup = "explosions", type = "explosion" }, ["wooden-chest-explosion"] = { animations = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__core__/graphics/empty.png", frame_count = 1, height = 1, priority = "extra-high", width = 1 }, created_effect = { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { initial_height = 0.5, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.06, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "wooden-chest-wooden-splinter-particle-medium", repeat_count = 20, speed_from_center = 0.04, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { initial_height = 0.5, initial_height_deviation = 0.44000000000000004, initial_vertical_speed = 0.069000000000000004, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "wooden-chest-wooden-splinter-particle-small", repeat_count = 20, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.045999999999999996, type = "create-particle" } }, type = "instant" }, type = "direct" }, flags = { "not-on-map", "hidden" }, height = 0, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/wooden-chest.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "dying-explosion-name", { "entity-name.wooden-chest" } }, name = "wooden-chest-explosion", order = "a-a-a", smoke = "smoke-fast", smoke_count = 2, smoke_slow_down_factor = 1, sound = { aggregation = { max_count = 1, remove = true }, variations = { { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-1.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-2.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-3.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-4.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/small-explosion-5.ogg", volume = 0.5 } } }, subgroup = "storage-explosions", type = "explosion" } }, ["finish-the-game-achievement"] = { ["no-time-for-chitchat"] = { allowed_without_fight = false, icon = "__base__/graphics/achievement/no-time-for-chitchat.png", icon_size = 128, name = "no-time-for-chitchat", order = "f[limitation]-e[no-time-for-chitchat]", type = "finish-the-game-achievement", until_second = 54000 }, ["smoke-me-a-kipper-i-will-be-back-for-breakfast"] = { icon = "__base__/graphics/achievement/smoke-me-a-kipper-i-will-be-back-for-breakfast.png", icon_size = 128, name = "smoke-me-a-kipper-i-will-be-back-for-breakfast", order = "a[progress]-d[smoke-me-a-kipper-i-will-be-back-for-breakfast]", type = "finish-the-game-achievement" }, ["there-is-no-spoon"] = { allowed_without_fight = false, icon = "__base__/graphics/achievement/there-is-no-spoon.png", icon_size = 128, name = "there-is-no-spoon", order = "f[limitation]-f[there-is-no-spoon]", type = "finish-the-game-achievement", until_second = 28800 } }, fire = { ["acid-splash-fire-spitter-behemoth"] = { add_fuel_cooldown = 10, burnt_patch_lifetime = 0, damage_multiplier_decrease_per_tick = 0.005, damage_multiplier_increase_per_added_fuel = 1, damage_per_tick = { amount = 0, type = "acid" }, delay_between_initial_flames = 10, emissions_per_second = 0, fade_in_duration = 1, fade_out_duration = 30, flags = { "placeable-off-grid", "not-on-map" }, initial_flame_count = 1, initial_lifetime = 1920, initial_render_layer = "object", lifetime_increase_by = 0, lifetime_increase_cooldown = 4, limit_overlapping_particles = true, localised_name = { "entity-name.acid-splash" }, maximum_damage_multiplier = 3, maximum_lifetime = 1800, maximum_spread_count = 100, name = "acid-splash-fire-spitter-behemoth", on_damage_tick_effect = { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { show_in_tooltip = true, sticker = "acid-sticker-behemoth", type = "create-sticker" }, { apply_damage_to_trees = false, damage = { amount = 1, type = "acid" }, type = "damage" } }, type = "instant" }, filter_enabled = true, force = "enemy", ignore_collision_condition = true, trigger_target_mask = { "ground-unit" }, type = "direct" }, particle_alpha = 0.6, particle_alpha_blend_duration = 300, pictures = { { layers = { { direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/acid-splash-1.png", frame_count = 26, height = 116, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/hr-acid-splash-1.png", frame_count = 26, height = 224, line_length = 8, scale = 0.6, shift = { -0.45, -0.3 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.51200000000000001, g = 0.99199999999999999, r = 1 }, width = 210 }, line_length = 8, scale = 1.2, shift = { -0.45, -0.375 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].fire["acid-splash-fire-spitter-behemoth"].pictures[1].layers[1].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 106 }, { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/acid-splash-1-shadow.png", frame_count = 26, height = 98, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/hr-acid-splash-1-shadow.png", frame_count = 26, height = 188, line_length = 8, scale = 0.6, shift = { 0.075, 0.075 }, width = 266 }, line_length = 8, scale = 1.2, shift = { 0.075, 0 }, width = 134 } } }, { layers = { { direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/acid-splash-2.png", frame_count = 29, height = 76, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/hr-acid-splash-2.png", frame_count = 29, height = 150, line_length = 8, scale = 0.6, shift = { -0.33749999999999996, -0.6375 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].fire["acid-splash-fire-spitter-behemoth"].pictures[1].layers[1].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 174 }, line_length = 8, scale = 1.2, shift = { -0.375, -0.67499999999999991 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].fire["acid-splash-fire-spitter-behemoth"].pictures[1].layers[1].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 88 }, { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/acid-splash-2-shadow.png", frame_count = 29, height = 136, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/hr-acid-splash-2-shadow.png", frame_count = 29, height = 266, line_length = 8, scale = 0.6, shift = { 0.225, 1.0874999999999999 }, width = 238 }, line_length = 8, scale = 1.2, shift = { 0.225, 1.05 }, width = 120 } } }, { layers = { { direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/acid-splash-3.png", frame_count = 29, height = 104, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/hr-acid-splash-3.png", frame_count = 29, height = 208, line_length = 8, scale = 0.6, shift = { 0.825, -0.6 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].fire["acid-splash-fire-spitter-behemoth"].pictures[1].layers[1].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 236 }, line_length = 8, scale = 1.2, shift = { 0.825, -0.6 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].fire["acid-splash-fire-spitter-behemoth"].pictures[1].layers[1].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 118 }, { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/acid-splash-3-shadow.png", frame_count = 29, height = 70, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/hr-acid-splash-3-shadow.png", frame_count = 29, height = 140, line_length = 8, scale = 0.6, shift = { 0.6375, 0.075 }, width = 214 }, line_length = 8, scale = 1.2, shift = { 0.6, 0.075 }, width = 110 } } }, { layers = { { direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/acid-splash-4.png", frame_count = 24, height = 80, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/hr-acid-splash-4.png", frame_count = 24, height = 154, line_length = 8, scale = 0.6, shift = { 0.6375, -0.7125 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].fire["acid-splash-fire-spitter-behemoth"].pictures[1].layers[1].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 252 }, line_length = 8, scale = 1.2, shift = { 0.6, -0.75 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].fire["acid-splash-fire-spitter-behemoth"].pictures[1].layers[1].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 128 }, { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/acid-splash-4-shadow.png", frame_count = 24, height = 80, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/hr-acid-splash-4-shadow.png", frame_count = 24, height = 160, line_length = 8, scale = 0.6, shift = { 0.67499999999999991, -0.6 }, width = 248 }, line_length = 8, scale = 1.2, shift = { 0.67499999999999991, -0.6 }, width = 124 } } } }, render_layer = "lower-object-above-shadow", secondary_picture_fade_out_duration = 60, secondary_picture_fade_out_start = 30, secondary_pictures = { { layers = { { direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/acid-splash-1.png", frame_count = 26, height = 116, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/hr-acid-splash-1.png", frame_count = 26, height = 224, line_length = 8, scale = 0.39000000000000004, shift = { -0.29249999999999998, -0.19500000000000002 }, tint = { 0.7, 0.69439999999999991, 0.35840000000000001, 0.7 }, width = 210 }, line_length = 8, scale = 0.78000000000000007, shift = { -0.29249999999999998, -0.24375 }, tint = { 0.7, 0.69439999999999991, 0.35840000000000001, 0.7 }, width = 106 }, { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/acid-splash-1-shadow.png", frame_count = 26, height = 98, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/hr-acid-splash-1-shadow.png", frame_count = 26, height = 188, line_length = 8, scale = 0.39000000000000004, shift = { 0.04875, 0.04875 }, width = 266 }, line_length = 8, scale = 0.78000000000000007, shift = { 0.04875, 0 }, width = 134 } } }, { layers = { { direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/acid-splash-2.png", frame_count = 29, height = 76, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/hr-acid-splash-2.png", frame_count = 29, height = 150, line_length = 8, scale = 0.39000000000000004, shift = { -0.21937500000000001, -0.41437499999999998 }, tint = { 0.7, 0.69439999999999991, 0.35840000000000001, 0.7 }, width = 174 }, line_length = 8, scale = 0.78000000000000007, shift = { -0.24375, -0.43875000000000002 }, tint = { 0.7, 0.69439999999999991, 0.35840000000000001, 0.7 }, width = 88 }, { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/acid-splash-2-shadow.png", frame_count = 29, height = 136, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/hr-acid-splash-2-shadow.png", frame_count = 29, height = 266, line_length = 8, scale = 0.39000000000000004, shift = { 0.14624999999999999, 0.70687500000000005 }, width = 238 }, line_length = 8, scale = 0.78000000000000007, shift = { 0.14624999999999999, 0.68250000000000002 }, width = 120 } } }, { layers = { { direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/acid-splash-3.png", frame_count = 29, height = 104, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/hr-acid-splash-3.png", frame_count = 29, height = 208, line_length = 8, scale = 0.39000000000000004, shift = { 0.53624999999999998, -0.39000000000000004 }, tint = { 0.7, 0.69439999999999991, 0.35840000000000001, 0.7 }, width = 236 }, line_length = 8, scale = 0.78000000000000007, shift = { 0.53624999999999998, -0.39000000000000004 }, tint = { 0.7, 0.69439999999999991, 0.35840000000000001, 0.7 }, width = 118 }, { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/acid-splash-3-shadow.png", frame_count = 29, height = 70, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/hr-acid-splash-3-shadow.png", frame_count = 29, height = 140, line_length = 8, scale = 0.39000000000000004, shift = { 0.41437499999999998, 0.04875 }, width = 214 }, line_length = 8, scale = 0.78000000000000007, shift = { 0.39000000000000004, 0.04875 }, width = 110 } } }, { layers = { { direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/acid-splash-4.png", frame_count = 24, height = 80, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/hr-acid-splash-4.png", frame_count = 24, height = 154, line_length = 8, scale = 0.39000000000000004, shift = { 0.41437499999999998, -0.46312499999999996 }, tint = { 0.7, 0.69439999999999991, 0.35840000000000001, 0.7 }, width = 252 }, line_length = 8, scale = 0.78000000000000007, shift = { 0.39000000000000004, -0.4875 }, tint = { 0.7, 0.69439999999999991, 0.35840000000000001, 0.7 }, width = 128 }, { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/acid-splash-4-shadow.png", frame_count = 24, height = 80, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/hr-acid-splash-4-shadow.png", frame_count = 24, height = 160, line_length = 8, scale = 0.39000000000000004, shift = { 0.43875000000000002, -0.39000000000000004 }, width = 248 }, line_length = 8, scale = 0.78000000000000007, shift = { 0.43875000000000002, -0.39000000000000004 }, width = 124 } } } }, secondary_render_layer = "higher-object-above", spread_delay = 300, spread_delay_deviation = 180, type = "fire", uses_alternative_behavior = true }, ["acid-splash-fire-spitter-big"] = { add_fuel_cooldown = 10, burnt_patch_lifetime = 0, damage_multiplier_decrease_per_tick = 0.005, damage_multiplier_increase_per_added_fuel = 1, damage_per_tick = { amount = 0, type = "acid" }, delay_between_initial_flames = 10, emissions_per_second = 0, fade_in_duration = 1, fade_out_duration = 30, flags = { "placeable-off-grid", "not-on-map" }, initial_flame_count = 1, initial_lifetime = 1920, initial_render_layer = "object", lifetime_increase_by = 0, lifetime_increase_cooldown = 4, limit_overlapping_particles = true, localised_name = { "entity-name.acid-splash" }, maximum_damage_multiplier = 3, maximum_lifetime = 1800, maximum_spread_count = 100, name = "acid-splash-fire-spitter-big", on_damage_tick_effect = { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { show_in_tooltip = true, sticker = "acid-sticker-big", type = "create-sticker" }, { apply_damage_to_trees = false, damage = { amount = 0.6, type = "acid" }, type = "damage" } }, type = "instant" }, filter_enabled = true, force = "enemy", ignore_collision_condition = true, trigger_target_mask = { "ground-unit" }, type = "direct" }, particle_alpha = 0.6, particle_alpha_blend_duration = 300, pictures = { { layers = { { direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/acid-splash-1.png", frame_count = 26, height = 116, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/hr-acid-splash-1.png", frame_count = 26, height = 224, line_length = 8, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.375, -0.25 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].fire["acid-splash-fire-spitter-behemoth"].pictures[1].layers[1].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 210 }, line_length = 8, scale = 1, shift = { -0.375, -0.3125 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].fire["acid-splash-fire-spitter-behemoth"].pictures[1].layers[1].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 106 }, { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/acid-splash-1-shadow.png", frame_count = 26, height = 98, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/hr-acid-splash-1-shadow.png", frame_count = 26, height = 188, line_length = 8, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0625, 0.0625 }, width = 266 }, line_length = 8, scale = 1, shift = { 0.0625, 0 }, width = 134 } } }, { layers = { { direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/acid-splash-2.png", frame_count = 29, height = 76, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/hr-acid-splash-2.png", frame_count = 29, height = 150, line_length = 8, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.28125, -0.53125 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].fire["acid-splash-fire-spitter-behemoth"].pictures[1].layers[1].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 174 }, line_length = 8, scale = 1, shift = { -0.3125, -0.5625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].fire["acid-splash-fire-spitter-behemoth"].pictures[1].layers[1].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 88 }, { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/acid-splash-2-shadow.png", frame_count = 29, height = 136, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/hr-acid-splash-2-shadow.png", frame_count = 29, height = 266, line_length = 8, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1875, 0.90625 }, width = 238 }, line_length = 8, scale = 1, shift = { 0.1875, 0.875 }, width = 120 } } }, { layers = { { direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/acid-splash-3.png", frame_count = 29, height = 104, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/hr-acid-splash-3.png", frame_count = 29, height = 208, line_length = 8, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.6875, -0.5 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].fire["acid-splash-fire-spitter-behemoth"].pictures[1].layers[1].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 236 }, line_length = 8, scale = 1, shift = { 0.6875, -0.5 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].fire["acid-splash-fire-spitter-behemoth"].pictures[1].layers[1].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 118 }, { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/acid-splash-3-shadow.png", frame_count = 29, height = 70, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/hr-acid-splash-3-shadow.png", frame_count = 29, height = 140, line_length = 8, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.53125, 0.0625 }, width = 214 }, line_length = 8, scale = 1, shift = { 0.5, 0.0625 }, width = 110 } } }, { layers = { { direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/acid-splash-4.png", frame_count = 24, height = 80, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/hr-acid-splash-4.png", frame_count = 24, height = 154, line_length = 8, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.53125, -0.59375 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].fire["acid-splash-fire-spitter-behemoth"].pictures[1].layers[1].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 252 }, line_length = 8, scale = 1, shift = { 0.5, -0.625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].fire["acid-splash-fire-spitter-behemoth"].pictures[1].layers[1].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 128 }, { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/acid-splash-4-shadow.png", frame_count = 24, height = 80, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/hr-acid-splash-4-shadow.png", frame_count = 24, height = 160, line_length = 8, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.5625, -0.5 }, width = 248 }, line_length = 8, scale = 1, shift = { 0.5625, -0.5 }, width = 124 } } } }, render_layer = "lower-object-above-shadow", secondary_picture_fade_out_duration = 60, secondary_picture_fade_out_start = 30, secondary_pictures = { { layers = { { direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/acid-splash-1.png", frame_count = 26, height = 116, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/hr-acid-splash-1.png", frame_count = 26, height = 224, line_length = 8, scale = 0.325, shift = { -0.24375, -0.1625 }, tint = { 0.7, 0.69439999999999991, 0.35840000000000001, 0.7 }, width = 210 }, line_length = 8, scale = 0.65, shift = { -0.24375, -0.203125 }, tint = { 0.7, 0.69439999999999991, 0.35840000000000001, 0.7 }, width = 106 }, { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/acid-splash-1-shadow.png", frame_count = 26, height = 98, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/hr-acid-splash-1-shadow.png", frame_count = 26, height = 188, line_length = 8, scale = 0.325, shift = { 0.040625, 0.040625 }, width = 266 }, line_length = 8, scale = 0.65, shift = { 0.040625, 0 }, width = 134 } } }, { layers = { { direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/acid-splash-2.png", frame_count = 29, height = 76, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/hr-acid-splash-2.png", frame_count = 29, height = 150, line_length = 8, scale = 0.325, shift = { -0.18281250000000002, -0.3453125 }, tint = { 0.7, 0.69439999999999991, 0.35840000000000001, 0.7 }, width = 174 }, line_length = 8, scale = 0.65, shift = { -0.203125, -0.36562500000000004 }, tint = { 0.7, 0.69439999999999991, 0.35840000000000001, 0.7 }, width = 88 }, { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/acid-splash-2-shadow.png", frame_count = 29, height = 136, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/hr-acid-splash-2-shadow.png", frame_count = 29, height = 266, line_length = 8, scale = 0.325, shift = { 0.121875, 0.5890625 }, width = 238 }, line_length = 8, scale = 0.65, shift = { 0.121875, 0.56875 }, width = 120 } } }, { layers = { { direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/acid-splash-3.png", frame_count = 29, height = 104, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/hr-acid-splash-3.png", frame_count = 29, height = 208, line_length = 8, scale = 0.325, shift = { 0.446875, -0.325 }, tint = { 0.7, 0.69439999999999991, 0.35840000000000001, 0.7 }, width = 236 }, line_length = 8, scale = 0.65, shift = { 0.446875, -0.325 }, tint = { 0.7, 0.69439999999999991, 0.35840000000000001, 0.7 }, width = 118 }, { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/acid-splash-3-shadow.png", frame_count = 29, height = 70, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/hr-acid-splash-3-shadow.png", frame_count = 29, height = 140, line_length = 8, scale = 0.325, shift = { 0.3453125, 0.040625 }, width = 214 }, line_length = 8, scale = 0.65, shift = { 0.325, 0.040625 }, width = 110 } } }, { layers = { { direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/acid-splash-4.png", frame_count = 24, height = 80, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/hr-acid-splash-4.png", frame_count = 24, height = 154, line_length = 8, scale = 0.325, shift = { 0.3453125, -0.3859375 }, tint = { 0.7, 0.69439999999999991, 0.35840000000000001, 0.7 }, width = 252 }, line_length = 8, scale = 0.65, shift = { 0.325, -0.40625 }, tint = { 0.7, 0.69439999999999991, 0.35840000000000001, 0.7 }, width = 128 }, { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/acid-splash-4-shadow.png", frame_count = 24, height = 80, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/hr-acid-splash-4-shadow.png", frame_count = 24, height = 160, line_length = 8, scale = 0.325, shift = { 0.36562500000000004, -0.325 }, width = 248 }, line_length = 8, scale = 0.65, shift = { 0.36562500000000004, -0.325 }, width = 124 } } } }, secondary_render_layer = "higher-object-above", spread_delay = 300, spread_delay_deviation = 180, type = "fire", uses_alternative_behavior = true }, ["acid-splash-fire-spitter-medium"] = { add_fuel_cooldown = 10, burnt_patch_lifetime = 0, damage_multiplier_decrease_per_tick = 0.005, damage_multiplier_increase_per_added_fuel = 1, damage_per_tick = { amount = 0, type = "acid" }, delay_between_initial_flames = 10, emissions_per_second = 0, fade_in_duration = 1, fade_out_duration = 30, flags = { "placeable-off-grid", "not-on-map" }, initial_flame_count = 1, initial_lifetime = 1920, initial_render_layer = "object", lifetime_increase_by = 0, lifetime_increase_cooldown = 4, limit_overlapping_particles = true, localised_name = { "entity-name.acid-splash" }, maximum_damage_multiplier = 3, maximum_lifetime = 1800, maximum_spread_count = 100, name = "acid-splash-fire-spitter-medium", on_damage_tick_effect = { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { show_in_tooltip = true, sticker = "acid-sticker-medium", type = "create-sticker" }, { apply_damage_to_trees = false, damage = { amount = 0.2, type = "acid" }, type = "damage" } }, type = "instant" }, filter_enabled = true, force = "enemy", ignore_collision_condition = true, trigger_target_mask = { "ground-unit" }, type = "direct" }, particle_alpha = 0.6, particle_alpha_blend_duration = 300, pictures = { { layers = { { direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/acid-splash-1.png", frame_count = 26, height = 116, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/hr-acid-splash-1.png", frame_count = 26, height = 224, line_length = 8, scale = 0.35, shift = { -0.26249999999999996, -0.175 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].fire["acid-splash-fire-spitter-behemoth"].pictures[1].layers[1].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 210 }, line_length = 8, scale = 0.7, shift = { -0.26249999999999996, -0.21875 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].fire["acid-splash-fire-spitter-behemoth"].pictures[1].layers[1].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 106 }, { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/acid-splash-1-shadow.png", frame_count = 26, height = 98, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/hr-acid-splash-1-shadow.png", frame_count = 26, height = 188, line_length = 8, scale = 0.35, shift = { 0.04375, 0.04375 }, width = 266 }, line_length = 8, scale = 0.7, shift = { 0.04375, 0 }, width = 134 } } }, { layers = { { direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/acid-splash-2.png", frame_count = 29, height = 76, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/hr-acid-splash-2.png", frame_count = 29, height = 150, line_length = 8, scale = 0.35, shift = { -0.196875, -0.37187499999999996 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].fire["acid-splash-fire-spitter-behemoth"].pictures[1].layers[1].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 174 }, line_length = 8, scale = 0.7, shift = { -0.21875, -0.39375 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].fire["acid-splash-fire-spitter-behemoth"].pictures[1].layers[1].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 88 }, { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/acid-splash-2-shadow.png", frame_count = 29, height = 136, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/hr-acid-splash-2-shadow.png", frame_count = 29, height = 266, line_length = 8, scale = 0.35, shift = { 0.13124999999999998, 0.63437499999999991 }, width = 238 }, line_length = 8, scale = 0.7, shift = { 0.13124999999999998, 0.61249999999999991 }, width = 120 } } }, { layers = { { direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/acid-splash-3.png", frame_count = 29, height = 104, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/hr-acid-splash-3.png", frame_count = 29, height = 208, line_length = 8, scale = 0.35, shift = { 0.48125, -0.35 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].fire["acid-splash-fire-spitter-behemoth"].pictures[1].layers[1].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 236 }, line_length = 8, scale = 0.7, shift = { 0.48125, -0.35 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].fire["acid-splash-fire-spitter-behemoth"].pictures[1].layers[1].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 118 }, { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/acid-splash-3-shadow.png", frame_count = 29, height = 70, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/hr-acid-splash-3-shadow.png", frame_count = 29, height = 140, line_length = 8, scale = 0.35, shift = { 0.37187499999999996, 0.04375 }, width = 214 }, line_length = 8, scale = 0.7, shift = { 0.35, 0.04375 }, width = 110 } } }, { layers = { { direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/acid-splash-4.png", frame_count = 24, height = 80, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/hr-acid-splash-4.png", frame_count = 24, height = 154, line_length = 8, scale = 0.35, shift = { 0.37187499999999996, -0.415625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].fire["acid-splash-fire-spitter-behemoth"].pictures[1].layers[1].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 252 }, line_length = 8, scale = 0.7, shift = { 0.35, -0.4375 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].fire["acid-splash-fire-spitter-behemoth"].pictures[1].layers[1].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 128 }, { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/acid-splash-4-shadow.png", frame_count = 24, height = 80, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/hr-acid-splash-4-shadow.png", frame_count = 24, height = 160, line_length = 8, scale = 0.35, shift = { 0.39375, -0.35 }, width = 248 }, line_length = 8, scale = 0.7, shift = { 0.39375, -0.35 }, width = 124 } } } }, render_layer = "lower-object-above-shadow", secondary_picture_fade_out_duration = 60, secondary_picture_fade_out_start = 30, secondary_pictures = { { layers = { { direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/acid-splash-1.png", frame_count = 26, height = 116, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/hr-acid-splash-1.png", frame_count = 26, height = 224, line_length = 8, scale = 0.22749999999999999, shift = { -0.17062499999999998, -0.11375 }, tint = { 0.7, 0.69439999999999991, 0.35840000000000001, 0.7 }, width = 210 }, line_length = 8, scale = 0.45499999999999998, shift = { -0.17062499999999998, -0.1421875 }, tint = { 0.7, 0.69439999999999991, 0.35840000000000001, 0.7 }, width = 106 }, { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/acid-splash-1-shadow.png", frame_count = 26, height = 98, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/hr-acid-splash-1-shadow.png", frame_count = 26, height = 188, line_length = 8, scale = 0.22749999999999999, shift = { 0.0284375, 0.0284375 }, width = 266 }, line_length = 8, scale = 0.45499999999999998, shift = { 0.0284375, 0 }, width = 134 } } }, { layers = { { direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/acid-splash-2.png", frame_count = 29, height = 76, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/hr-acid-splash-2.png", frame_count = 29, height = 150, line_length = 8, scale = 0.22749999999999999, shift = { -0.12796874999999999, -0.24171874999999998 }, tint = { 0.7, 0.69439999999999991, 0.35840000000000001, 0.7 }, width = 174 }, line_length = 8, scale = 0.45499999999999998, shift = { -0.1421875, -0.25593749999999997 }, tint = { 0.7, 0.69439999999999991, 0.35840000000000001, 0.7 }, width = 88 }, { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/acid-splash-2-shadow.png", frame_count = 29, height = 136, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/hr-acid-splash-2-shadow.png", frame_count = 29, height = 266, line_length = 8, scale = 0.22749999999999999, shift = { 0.0853125, 0.41234374999999996 }, width = 238 }, line_length = 8, scale = 0.45499999999999998, shift = { 0.0853125, 0.39812499999999993 }, width = 120 } } }, { layers = { { direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/acid-splash-3.png", frame_count = 29, height = 104, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/hr-acid-splash-3.png", frame_count = 29, height = 208, line_length = 8, scale = 0.22749999999999999, shift = { 0.31281249999999998, -0.22749999999999999 }, tint = { 0.7, 0.69439999999999991, 0.35840000000000001, 0.7 }, width = 236 }, line_length = 8, scale = 0.45499999999999998, shift = { 0.31281249999999998, -0.22749999999999999 }, tint = { 0.7, 0.69439999999999991, 0.35840000000000001, 0.7 }, width = 118 }, { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/acid-splash-3-shadow.png", frame_count = 29, height = 70, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/hr-acid-splash-3-shadow.png", frame_count = 29, height = 140, line_length = 8, scale = 0.22749999999999999, shift = { 0.24171874999999998, 0.0284375 }, width = 214 }, line_length = 8, scale = 0.45499999999999998, shift = { 0.22749999999999999, 0.0284375 }, width = 110 } } }, { layers = { { direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/acid-splash-4.png", frame_count = 24, height = 80, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/hr-acid-splash-4.png", frame_count = 24, height = 154, line_length = 8, scale = 0.22749999999999999, shift = { 0.24171874999999998, -0.27015624999999996 }, tint = { 0.7, 0.69439999999999991, 0.35840000000000001, 0.7 }, width = 252 }, line_length = 8, scale = 0.45499999999999998, shift = { 0.22749999999999999, -0.284375 }, tint = { 0.7, 0.69439999999999991, 0.35840000000000001, 0.7 }, width = 128 }, { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/acid-splash-4-shadow.png", frame_count = 24, height = 80, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/hr-acid-splash-4-shadow.png", frame_count = 24, height = 160, line_length = 8, scale = 0.22749999999999999, shift = { 0.25593749999999997, -0.22749999999999999 }, width = 248 }, line_length = 8, scale = 0.45499999999999998, shift = { 0.25593749999999997, -0.22749999999999999 }, width = 124 } } } }, secondary_render_layer = "higher-object-above", spread_delay = 300, spread_delay_deviation = 180, type = "fire", uses_alternative_behavior = true }, ["acid-splash-fire-spitter-small"] = { add_fuel_cooldown = 10, burnt_patch_lifetime = 0, damage_multiplier_decrease_per_tick = 0.005, damage_multiplier_increase_per_added_fuel = 1, damage_per_tick = { amount = 0, type = "acid" }, delay_between_initial_flames = 10, emissions_per_second = 0, fade_in_duration = 1, fade_out_duration = 30, flags = { "placeable-off-grid", "not-on-map" }, initial_flame_count = 1, initial_lifetime = 1920, initial_render_layer = "object", lifetime_increase_by = 0, lifetime_increase_cooldown = 4, limit_overlapping_particles = true, localised_name = { "entity-name.acid-splash" }, maximum_damage_multiplier = 3, maximum_lifetime = 1800, maximum_spread_count = 100, name = "acid-splash-fire-spitter-small", on_damage_tick_effect = { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { show_in_tooltip = true, sticker = "acid-sticker-small", type = "create-sticker" }, { apply_damage_to_trees = false, damage = { amount = 0.1, type = "acid" }, type = "damage" } }, type = "instant" }, filter_enabled = true, force = "enemy", ignore_collision_condition = true, trigger_target_mask = { "ground-unit" }, type = "direct" }, particle_alpha = 0.6, particle_alpha_blend_duration = 300, pictures = { { layers = { { direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/acid-splash-1.png", frame_count = 26, height = 116, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/hr-acid-splash-1.png", frame_count = 26, height = 224, line_length = 8, scale = 0.25, shift = { -0.1875, -0.125 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].fire["acid-splash-fire-spitter-behemoth"].pictures[1].layers[1].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 210 }, line_length = 8, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.1875, -0.15625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].fire["acid-splash-fire-spitter-behemoth"].pictures[1].layers[1].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 106 }, { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/acid-splash-1-shadow.png", frame_count = 26, height = 98, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/hr-acid-splash-1-shadow.png", frame_count = 26, height = 188, line_length = 8, scale = 0.25, shift = { 0.03125, 0.03125 }, width = 266 }, line_length = 8, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.03125, 0 }, width = 134 } } }, { layers = { { direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/acid-splash-2.png", frame_count = 29, height = 76, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/hr-acid-splash-2.png", frame_count = 29, height = 150, line_length = 8, scale = 0.25, shift = { -0.140625, -0.265625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].fire["acid-splash-fire-spitter-behemoth"].pictures[1].layers[1].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 174 }, line_length = 8, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.15625, -0.28125 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].fire["acid-splash-fire-spitter-behemoth"].pictures[1].layers[1].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 88 }, { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/acid-splash-2-shadow.png", frame_count = 29, height = 136, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/hr-acid-splash-2-shadow.png", frame_count = 29, height = 266, line_length = 8, scale = 0.25, shift = { 0.09375, 0.453125 }, width = 238 }, line_length = 8, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.09375, 0.4375 }, width = 120 } } }, { layers = { { direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/acid-splash-3.png", frame_count = 29, height = 104, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/hr-acid-splash-3.png", frame_count = 29, height = 208, line_length = 8, scale = 0.25, shift = { 0.34375, -0.25 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].fire["acid-splash-fire-spitter-behemoth"].pictures[1].layers[1].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 236 }, line_length = 8, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.34375, -0.25 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].fire["acid-splash-fire-spitter-behemoth"].pictures[1].layers[1].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 118 }, { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/acid-splash-3-shadow.png", frame_count = 29, height = 70, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/hr-acid-splash-3-shadow.png", frame_count = 29, height = 140, line_length = 8, scale = 0.25, shift = { 0.265625, 0.03125 }, width = 214 }, line_length = 8, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.25, 0.03125 }, width = 110 } } }, { layers = { { direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/acid-splash-4.png", frame_count = 24, height = 80, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/hr-acid-splash-4.png", frame_count = 24, height = 154, line_length = 8, scale = 0.25, shift = { 0.265625, -0.296875 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].fire["acid-splash-fire-spitter-behemoth"].pictures[1].layers[1].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 252 }, line_length = 8, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.25, -0.3125 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].fire["acid-splash-fire-spitter-behemoth"].pictures[1].layers[1].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 128 }, { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/acid-splash-4-shadow.png", frame_count = 24, height = 80, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/hr-acid-splash-4-shadow.png", frame_count = 24, height = 160, line_length = 8, scale = 0.25, shift = { 0.28125, -0.25 }, width = 248 }, line_length = 8, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.28125, -0.25 }, width = 124 } } } }, render_layer = "lower-object-above-shadow", secondary_picture_fade_out_duration = 60, secondary_picture_fade_out_start = 30, secondary_pictures = { { layers = { { direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/acid-splash-1.png", frame_count = 26, height = 116, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/hr-acid-splash-1.png", frame_count = 26, height = 224, line_length = 8, scale = 0.1625, shift = { -0.121875, -0.08125 }, tint = { 0.7, 0.69439999999999991, 0.35840000000000001, 0.7 }, width = 210 }, line_length = 8, scale = 0.325, shift = { -0.121875, -0.1015625 }, tint = { 0.7, 0.69439999999999991, 0.35840000000000001, 0.7 }, width = 106 }, { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/acid-splash-1-shadow.png", frame_count = 26, height = 98, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/hr-acid-splash-1-shadow.png", frame_count = 26, height = 188, line_length = 8, scale = 0.1625, shift = { 0.0203125, 0.0203125 }, width = 266 }, line_length = 8, scale = 0.325, shift = { 0.0203125, 0 }, width = 134 } } }, { layers = { { direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/acid-splash-2.png", frame_count = 29, height = 76, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/hr-acid-splash-2.png", frame_count = 29, height = 150, line_length = 8, scale = 0.1625, shift = { -0.091406250000000018, -0.17265625 }, tint = { 0.7, 0.69439999999999991, 0.35840000000000001, 0.7 }, width = 174 }, line_length = 8, scale = 0.325, shift = { -0.1015625, -0.18281250000000002 }, tint = { 0.7, 0.69439999999999991, 0.35840000000000001, 0.7 }, width = 88 }, { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/acid-splash-2-shadow.png", frame_count = 29, height = 136, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/hr-acid-splash-2-shadow.png", frame_count = 29, height = 266, line_length = 8, scale = 0.1625, shift = { 0.0609375, 0.29453125 }, width = 238 }, line_length = 8, scale = 0.325, shift = { 0.0609375, 0.284375 }, width = 120 } } }, { layers = { { direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/acid-splash-3.png", frame_count = 29, height = 104, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/hr-acid-splash-3.png", frame_count = 29, height = 208, line_length = 8, scale = 0.1625, shift = { 0.2234375, -0.1625 }, tint = { 0.7, 0.69439999999999991, 0.35840000000000001, 0.7 }, width = 236 }, line_length = 8, scale = 0.325, shift = { 0.2234375, -0.1625 }, tint = { 0.7, 0.69439999999999991, 0.35840000000000001, 0.7 }, width = 118 }, { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/acid-splash-3-shadow.png", frame_count = 29, height = 70, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/hr-acid-splash-3-shadow.png", frame_count = 29, height = 140, line_length = 8, scale = 0.1625, shift = { 0.17265625, 0.0203125 }, width = 214 }, line_length = 8, scale = 0.325, shift = { 0.1625, 0.0203125 }, width = 110 } } }, { layers = { { direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/acid-splash-4.png", frame_count = 24, height = 80, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/hr-acid-splash-4.png", frame_count = 24, height = 154, line_length = 8, scale = 0.1625, shift = { 0.17265625, -0.19296875 }, tint = { 0.7, 0.69439999999999991, 0.35840000000000001, 0.7 }, width = 252 }, line_length = 8, scale = 0.325, shift = { 0.1625, -0.203125 }, tint = { 0.7, 0.69439999999999991, 0.35840000000000001, 0.7 }, width = 128 }, { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/acid-splash-4-shadow.png", frame_count = 24, height = 80, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/hr-acid-splash-4-shadow.png", frame_count = 24, height = 160, line_length = 8, scale = 0.1625, shift = { 0.18281250000000002, -0.1625 }, width = 248 }, line_length = 8, scale = 0.325, shift = { 0.18281250000000002, -0.1625 }, width = 124 } } } }, secondary_render_layer = "higher-object-above", spread_delay = 300, spread_delay_deviation = 180, type = "fire", uses_alternative_behavior = true }, ["acid-splash-fire-worm-behemoth"] = { add_fuel_cooldown = 10, burnt_patch_lifetime = 0, damage_multiplier_decrease_per_tick = 0.005, damage_multiplier_increase_per_added_fuel = 1, damage_per_tick = { amount = 0, type = "acid" }, delay_between_initial_flames = 10, emissions_per_second = 0, fade_in_duration = 1, fade_out_duration = 30, flags = { "placeable-off-grid", "not-on-map" }, initial_flame_count = 1, initial_lifetime = 1920, initial_render_layer = "object", lifetime_increase_by = 0, lifetime_increase_cooldown = 4, limit_overlapping_particles = true, localised_name = { "entity-name.acid-splash" }, maximum_damage_multiplier = 3, maximum_lifetime = 1800, maximum_spread_count = 100, name = "acid-splash-fire-worm-behemoth", on_damage_tick_effect = { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { show_in_tooltip = true, sticker = "acid-sticker-behemoth", type = "create-sticker" }, { apply_damage_to_trees = false, damage = { amount = 1.2, type = "acid" }, type = "damage" } }, type = "instant" }, filter_enabled = true, force = "enemy", ignore_collision_condition = true, trigger_target_mask = { "ground-unit" }, type = "direct" }, particle_alpha = 0.6, particle_alpha_blend_duration = 300, pictures = { { layers = { { direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/acid-splash-1.png", frame_count = 26, height = 116, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/hr-acid-splash-1.png", frame_count = 26, height = 224, line_length = 8, scale = 0.6, shift = { -0.45, -0.3 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].fire["acid-splash-fire-spitter-behemoth"].pictures[1].layers[1].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 210 }, line_length = 8, scale = 1.2, shift = { -0.45, -0.375 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].fire["acid-splash-fire-spitter-behemoth"].pictures[1].layers[1].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 106 }, { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/acid-splash-1-shadow.png", frame_count = 26, height = 98, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/hr-acid-splash-1-shadow.png", frame_count = 26, height = 188, line_length = 8, scale = 0.6, shift = { 0.075, 0.075 }, width = 266 }, line_length = 8, scale = 1.2, shift = { 0.075, 0 }, width = 134 } } }, { layers = { { direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/acid-splash-2.png", frame_count = 29, height = 76, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/hr-acid-splash-2.png", frame_count = 29, height = 150, line_length = 8, scale = 0.6, shift = { -0.33749999999999996, -0.6375 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].fire["acid-splash-fire-spitter-behemoth"].pictures[1].layers[1].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 174 }, line_length = 8, scale = 1.2, shift = { -0.375, -0.67499999999999991 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].fire["acid-splash-fire-spitter-behemoth"].pictures[1].layers[1].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 88 }, { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/acid-splash-2-shadow.png", frame_count = 29, height = 136, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/hr-acid-splash-2-shadow.png", frame_count = 29, height = 266, line_length = 8, scale = 0.6, shift = { 0.225, 1.0874999999999999 }, width = 238 }, line_length = 8, scale = 1.2, shift = { 0.225, 1.05 }, width = 120 } } }, { layers = { { direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/acid-splash-3.png", frame_count = 29, height = 104, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/hr-acid-splash-3.png", frame_count = 29, height = 208, line_length = 8, scale = 0.6, shift = { 0.825, -0.6 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].fire["acid-splash-fire-spitter-behemoth"].pictures[1].layers[1].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 236 }, line_length = 8, scale = 1.2, shift = { 0.825, -0.6 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].fire["acid-splash-fire-spitter-behemoth"].pictures[1].layers[1].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 118 }, { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/acid-splash-3-shadow.png", frame_count = 29, height = 70, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/hr-acid-splash-3-shadow.png", frame_count = 29, height = 140, line_length = 8, scale = 0.6, shift = { 0.6375, 0.075 }, width = 214 }, line_length = 8, scale = 1.2, shift = { 0.6, 0.075 }, width = 110 } } }, { layers = { { direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/acid-splash-4.png", frame_count = 24, height = 80, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/hr-acid-splash-4.png", frame_count = 24, height = 154, line_length = 8, scale = 0.6, shift = { 0.6375, -0.7125 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].fire["acid-splash-fire-spitter-behemoth"].pictures[1].layers[1].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 252 }, line_length = 8, scale = 1.2, shift = { 0.6, -0.75 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].fire["acid-splash-fire-spitter-behemoth"].pictures[1].layers[1].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 128 }, { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/acid-splash-4-shadow.png", frame_count = 24, height = 80, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/hr-acid-splash-4-shadow.png", frame_count = 24, height = 160, line_length = 8, scale = 0.6, shift = { 0.67499999999999991, -0.6 }, width = 248 }, line_length = 8, scale = 1.2, shift = { 0.67499999999999991, -0.6 }, width = 124 } } } }, render_layer = "lower-object-above-shadow", secondary_picture_fade_out_duration = 60, secondary_picture_fade_out_start = 30, secondary_pictures = { { layers = { { direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/acid-splash-1.png", frame_count = 26, height = 116, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/hr-acid-splash-1.png", frame_count = 26, height = 224, line_length = 8, scale = 0.39000000000000004, shift = { -0.29249999999999998, -0.19500000000000002 }, tint = { 0.7, 0.69439999999999991, 0.35840000000000001, 0.7 }, width = 210 }, line_length = 8, scale = 0.78000000000000007, shift = { -0.29249999999999998, -0.24375 }, tint = { 0.7, 0.69439999999999991, 0.35840000000000001, 0.7 }, width = 106 }, { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/acid-splash-1-shadow.png", frame_count = 26, height = 98, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/hr-acid-splash-1-shadow.png", frame_count = 26, height = 188, line_length = 8, scale = 0.39000000000000004, shift = { 0.04875, 0.04875 }, width = 266 }, line_length = 8, scale = 0.78000000000000007, shift = { 0.04875, 0 }, width = 134 } } }, { layers = { { direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/acid-splash-2.png", frame_count = 29, height = 76, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/hr-acid-splash-2.png", frame_count = 29, height = 150, line_length = 8, scale = 0.39000000000000004, shift = { -0.21937500000000001, -0.41437499999999998 }, tint = { 0.7, 0.69439999999999991, 0.35840000000000001, 0.7 }, width = 174 }, line_length = 8, scale = 0.78000000000000007, shift = { -0.24375, -0.43875000000000002 }, tint = { 0.7, 0.69439999999999991, 0.35840000000000001, 0.7 }, width = 88 }, { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/acid-splash-2-shadow.png", frame_count = 29, height = 136, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/hr-acid-splash-2-shadow.png", frame_count = 29, height = 266, line_length = 8, scale = 0.39000000000000004, shift = { 0.14624999999999999, 0.70687500000000005 }, width = 238 }, line_length = 8, scale = 0.78000000000000007, shift = { 0.14624999999999999, 0.68250000000000002 }, width = 120 } } }, { layers = { { direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/acid-splash-3.png", frame_count = 29, height = 104, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/hr-acid-splash-3.png", frame_count = 29, height = 208, line_length = 8, scale = 0.39000000000000004, shift = { 0.53624999999999998, -0.39000000000000004 }, tint = { 0.7, 0.69439999999999991, 0.35840000000000001, 0.7 }, width = 236 }, line_length = 8, scale = 0.78000000000000007, shift = { 0.53624999999999998, -0.39000000000000004 }, tint = { 0.7, 0.69439999999999991, 0.35840000000000001, 0.7 }, width = 118 }, { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/acid-splash-3-shadow.png", frame_count = 29, height = 70, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/hr-acid-splash-3-shadow.png", frame_count = 29, height = 140, line_length = 8, scale = 0.39000000000000004, shift = { 0.41437499999999998, 0.04875 }, width = 214 }, line_length = 8, scale = 0.78000000000000007, shift = { 0.39000000000000004, 0.04875 }, width = 110 } } }, { layers = { { direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/acid-splash-4.png", frame_count = 24, height = 80, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/hr-acid-splash-4.png", frame_count = 24, height = 154, line_length = 8, scale = 0.39000000000000004, shift = { 0.41437499999999998, -0.46312499999999996 }, tint = { 0.7, 0.69439999999999991, 0.35840000000000001, 0.7 }, width = 252 }, line_length = 8, scale = 0.78000000000000007, shift = { 0.39000000000000004, -0.4875 }, tint = { 0.7, 0.69439999999999991, 0.35840000000000001, 0.7 }, width = 128 }, { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/acid-splash-4-shadow.png", frame_count = 24, height = 80, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/hr-acid-splash-4-shadow.png", frame_count = 24, height = 160, line_length = 8, scale = 0.39000000000000004, shift = { 0.43875000000000002, -0.39000000000000004 }, width = 248 }, line_length = 8, scale = 0.78000000000000007, shift = { 0.43875000000000002, -0.39000000000000004 }, width = 124 } } } }, secondary_render_layer = "higher-object-above", spread_delay = 300, spread_delay_deviation = 180, type = "fire", uses_alternative_behavior = true }, ["acid-splash-fire-worm-big"] = { add_fuel_cooldown = 10, burnt_patch_lifetime = 0, damage_multiplier_decrease_per_tick = 0.005, damage_multiplier_increase_per_added_fuel = 1, damage_per_tick = { amount = 0, type = "acid" }, delay_between_initial_flames = 10, emissions_per_second = 0, fade_in_duration = 1, fade_out_duration = 30, flags = { "placeable-off-grid", "not-on-map" }, initial_flame_count = 1, initial_lifetime = 1920, initial_render_layer = "object", lifetime_increase_by = 0, lifetime_increase_cooldown = 4, limit_overlapping_particles = true, localised_name = { "entity-name.acid-splash" }, maximum_damage_multiplier = 3, maximum_lifetime = 1800, maximum_spread_count = 100, name = "acid-splash-fire-worm-big", on_damage_tick_effect = { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { show_in_tooltip = true, sticker = "acid-sticker-big", type = "create-sticker" }, { apply_damage_to_trees = false, damage = { amount = 0.6, type = "acid" }, type = "damage" } }, type = "instant" }, filter_enabled = true, force = "enemy", ignore_collision_condition = true, trigger_target_mask = { "ground-unit" }, type = "direct" }, particle_alpha = 0.6, particle_alpha_blend_duration = 300, pictures = { { layers = { { direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/acid-splash-1.png", frame_count = 26, height = 116, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/hr-acid-splash-1.png", frame_count = 26, height = 224, line_length = 8, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.375, -0.25 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].fire["acid-splash-fire-spitter-behemoth"].pictures[1].layers[1].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 210 }, line_length = 8, scale = 1, shift = { -0.375, -0.3125 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].fire["acid-splash-fire-spitter-behemoth"].pictures[1].layers[1].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 106 }, { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/acid-splash-1-shadow.png", frame_count = 26, height = 98, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/hr-acid-splash-1-shadow.png", frame_count = 26, height = 188, line_length = 8, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0625, 0.0625 }, width = 266 }, line_length = 8, scale = 1, shift = { 0.0625, 0 }, width = 134 } } }, { layers = { { direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/acid-splash-2.png", frame_count = 29, height = 76, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/hr-acid-splash-2.png", frame_count = 29, height = 150, line_length = 8, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.28125, -0.53125 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].fire["acid-splash-fire-spitter-behemoth"].pictures[1].layers[1].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 174 }, line_length = 8, scale = 1, shift = { -0.3125, -0.5625 }, tint = 0 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[""].fire["acid-splash-fire-spitter-behemoth"].pictures[1].layers[1].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 236 }, line_length = 8, scale = 1, shift = { 0.6875, -0.5 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].fire["acid-splash-fire-spitter-behemoth"].pictures[1].layers[1].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 118 }, { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/acid-splash-3-shadow.png", frame_count = 29, height = 70, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/hr-acid-splash-3-shadow.png", frame_count = 29, height = 140, line_length = 8, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.53125, 0.0625 }, width = 214 }, line_length = 8, scale = 1, shift = { 0.5, 0.0625 }, width = 110 } } }, { layers = { { direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/acid-splash-4.png", frame_count = 24, height = 80, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/hr-acid-splash-4.png", frame_count = 24, height = 154, line_length = 8, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.53125, -0.59375 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].fire["acid-splash-fire-spitter-behemoth"].pictures[1].layers[1].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 252 }, line_length = 8, scale = 1, shift = { 0.5, -0.625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].fire["acid-splash-fire-spitter-behemoth"].pictures[1].layers[1].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 128 }, { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/acid-splash-4-shadow.png", frame_count = 24, height = 80, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/hr-acid-splash-4-shadow.png", frame_count = 24, height = 160, line_length = 8, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.5625, -0.5 }, width = 248 }, line_length = 8, scale = 1, shift = { 0.5625, -0.5 }, width = 124 } } } }, render_layer = "lower-object-above-shadow", secondary_picture_fade_out_duration = 60, secondary_picture_fade_out_start = 30, secondary_pictures = { { layers = { { direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/acid-splash-1.png", frame_count = 26, height = 116, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/hr-acid-splash-1.png", frame_count = 26, height = 224, line_length = 8, scale = 0.325, shift = { -0.24375, -0.1625 }, tint = { 0.7, 0.69439999999999991, 0.35840000000000001, 0.7 }, width = 210 }, line_length = 8, scale = 0.65, shift = { -0.24375, -0.203125 }, tint = { 0.7, 0.69439999999999991, 0.35840000000000001, 0.7 }, width = 106 }, { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/acid-splash-1-shadow.png", frame_count = 26, height = 98, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/hr-acid-splash-1-shadow.png", frame_count = 26, height = 188, line_length = 8, scale = 0.325, shift = { 0.040625, 0.040625 }, width = 266 }, line_length = 8, scale = 0.65, shift = { 0.040625, 0 }, width = 134 } } }, { layers = { { direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/acid-splash-2.png", frame_count = 29, height = 76, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/hr-acid-splash-2.png", frame_count = 29, height = 150, line_length = 8, scale = 0.325, shift = { -0.18281250000000002, -0.3453125 }, tint = { 0.7, 0.69439999999999991, 0.35840000000000001, 0.7 }, width = 174 }, line_length = 8, scale = 0.65, shift = { -0.203125, -0.36562500000000004 }, tint = { 0.7, 0.69439999999999991, 0.35840000000000001, 0.7 }, width = 88 }, { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/acid-splash-2-shadow.png", frame_count = 29, height = 136, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/hr-acid-splash-2-shadow.png", frame_count = 29, height = 266, line_length = 8, scale = 0.325, shift = { 0.121875, 0.5890625 }, width = 238 }, line_length = 8, scale = 0.65, shift = { 0.121875, 0.56875 }, width = 120 } } }, { layers = { { direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/acid-splash-3.png", frame_count = 29, height = 104, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/hr-acid-splash-3.png", frame_count = 29, height = 208, line_length = 8, scale = 0.325, shift = { 0.446875, -0.325 }, tint = { 0.7, 0.69439999999999991, 0.35840000000000001, 0.7 }, width = 236 }, line_length = 8, scale = 0.65, shift = { 0.446875, -0.325 }, tint = { 0.7, 0.69439999999999991, 0.35840000000000001, 0.7 }, width = 118 }, { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/acid-splash-3-shadow.png", frame_count = 29, height = 70, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/hr-acid-splash-3-shadow.png", frame_count = 29, height = 140, line_length = 8, scale = 0.325, shift = { 0.3453125, 0.040625 }, width = 214 }, line_length = 8, scale = 0.65, shift = { 0.325, 0.040625 }, width = 110 } } }, { layers = { { direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/acid-splash-4.png", frame_count = 24, height = 80, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/hr-acid-splash-4.png", frame_count = 24, height = 154, line_length = 8, scale = 0.325, shift = { 0.3453125, -0.3859375 }, tint = { 0.7, 0.69439999999999991, 0.35840000000000001, 0.7 }, width = 252 }, line_length = 8, scale = 0.65, shift = { 0.325, -0.40625 }, tint = { 0.7, 0.69439999999999991, 0.35840000000000001, 0.7 }, width = 128 }, { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/acid-splash-4-shadow.png", frame_count = 24, height = 80, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/hr-acid-splash-4-shadow.png", frame_count = 24, height = 160, line_length = 8, scale = 0.325, shift = { 0.36562500000000004, -0.325 }, width = 248 }, line_length = 8, scale = 0.65, shift = { 0.36562500000000004, -0.325 }, width = 124 } } } }, secondary_render_layer = "higher-object-above", spread_delay = 300, spread_delay_deviation = 180, type = "fire", uses_alternative_behavior = true }, ["acid-splash-fire-worm-medium"] = { add_fuel_cooldown = 10, burnt_patch_lifetime = 0, damage_multiplier_decrease_per_tick = 0.005, damage_multiplier_increase_per_added_fuel = 1, damage_per_tick = { amount = 0, type = "acid" }, delay_between_initial_flames = 10, emissions_per_second = 0, fade_in_duration = 1, fade_out_duration = 30, flags = { "placeable-off-grid", "not-on-map" }, initial_flame_count = 1, initial_lifetime = 1920, initial_render_layer = "object", lifetime_increase_by = 0, lifetime_increase_cooldown = 4, limit_overlapping_particles = true, localised_name = { "entity-name.acid-splash" }, maximum_damage_multiplier = 3, maximum_lifetime = 1800, maximum_spread_count = 100, name = "acid-splash-fire-worm-medium", on_damage_tick_effect = { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { show_in_tooltip = true, sticker = "acid-sticker-medium", type = "create-sticker" }, { apply_damage_to_trees = false, damage = { amount = 0.2, type = "acid" }, type = "damage" } }, type = "instant" }, filter_enabled = true, force = "enemy", ignore_collision_condition = true, trigger_target_mask = { "ground-unit" }, type = "direct" }, particle_alpha = 0.6, particle_alpha_blend_duration = 300, pictures = { { layers = { { direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/acid-splash-1.png", frame_count = 26, height = 116, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/hr-acid-splash-1.png", frame_count = 26, height = 224, line_length = 8, scale = 0.41499999999999995, shift = { -0.31124999999999998, -0.20749999999999997 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].fire["acid-splash-fire-spitter-behemoth"].pictures[1].layers[1].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 210 }, line_length = 8, scale = 0.82999999999999989, shift = { -0.31124999999999998, -0.25937499999999996 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].fire["acid-splash-fire-spitter-behemoth"].pictures[1].layers[1].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 106 }, { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/acid-splash-1-shadow.png", frame_count = 26, height = 98, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/hr-acid-splash-1-shadow.png", frame_count = 26, height = 188, line_length = 8, scale = 0.41499999999999995, shift = { 0.051874999999999991, 0.051874999999999991 }, width = 266 }, line_length = 8, scale = 0.82999999999999989, shift = { 0.051874999999999991, 0 }, width = 134 } } }, { layers = { { direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/acid-splash-2.png", frame_count = 29, height = 76, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/hr-acid-splash-2.png", frame_count = 29, height = 150, line_length = 8, scale = 0.41499999999999995, shift = { -0.23343750000000001, -0.44093749999999998 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].fire["acid-splash-fire-spitter-behemoth"].pictures[1].layers[1].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 174 }, line_length = 8, scale = 0.82999999999999989, shift = { -0.25937499999999996, -0.46687500000000002 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].fire["acid-splash-fire-spitter-behemoth"].pictures[1].layers[1].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 88 }, { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/acid-splash-2-shadow.png", frame_count = 29, height = 136, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/hr-acid-splash-2-shadow.png", frame_count = 29, height = 266, line_length = 8, scale = 0.41499999999999995, shift = { 0.15562499999999999, 0.75218749999999996 }, width = 238 }, line_length = 8, scale = 0.82999999999999989, shift = { 0.15562499999999999, 0.72624999999999993 }, width = 120 } } }, { layers = { { direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/acid-splash-3.png", frame_count = 29, height = 104, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/hr-acid-splash-3.png", frame_count = 29, height = 208, line_length = 8, scale = 0.41499999999999995, shift = { 0.57062499999999989, -0.41499999999999995 }, 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0.26974999999999998, shift = { -0.151734375, -0.28660937500000001 }, tint = { 0.7, 0.69439999999999991, 0.35840000000000001, 0.7 }, width = 174 }, line_length = 8, scale = 0.53949999999999996, shift = { -0.16859374999999998, -0.30346875 }, tint = { 0.7, 0.69439999999999991, 0.35840000000000001, 0.7 }, width = 88 }, { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/acid-splash-2-shadow.png", frame_count = 29, height = 136, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/hr-acid-splash-2-shadow.png", frame_count = 29, height = 266, line_length = 8, scale = 0.26974999999999998, shift = { 0.10115625000000001, 0.48892187500000004 }, width = 238 }, line_length = 8, scale = 0.53949999999999996, shift = { 0.10115625000000001, 0.47206250000000001 }, width = 120 } } }, { layers = { { direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/acid-splash-3.png", 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line_length = 8, scale = 0.53949999999999996, shift = { 0.26974999999999998, 0.033718749999999997 }, width = 110 } } }, { layers = { { direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/acid-splash-4.png", frame_count = 24, height = 80, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/hr-acid-splash-4.png", frame_count = 24, height = 154, line_length = 8, scale = 0.26974999999999998, shift = { 0.28660937500000001, -0.32032812499999999 }, tint = { 0.7, 0.69439999999999991, 0.35840000000000001, 0.7 }, width = 252 }, line_length = 8, scale = 0.53949999999999996, shift = { 0.26974999999999998, -0.33718749999999997 }, tint = { 0.7, 0.69439999999999991, 0.35840000000000001, 0.7 }, width = 128 }, { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/acid-splash-4-shadow.png", frame_count = 24, height = 80, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/hr-acid-splash-4-shadow.png", frame_count = 24, height = 160, line_length = 8, scale = 0.26974999999999998, shift = { 0.30346875, -0.26974999999999998 }, width = 248 }, line_length = 8, scale = 0.53949999999999996, shift = { 0.30346875, -0.26974999999999998 }, width = 124 } } } }, secondary_render_layer = "higher-object-above", spread_delay = 300, spread_delay_deviation = 180, type = "fire", uses_alternative_behavior = true }, ["acid-splash-fire-worm-small"] = { add_fuel_cooldown = 10, burnt_patch_lifetime = 0, damage_multiplier_decrease_per_tick = 0.005, damage_multiplier_increase_per_added_fuel = 1, damage_per_tick = { amount = 0, type = "acid" }, delay_between_initial_flames = 10, emissions_per_second = 0, fade_in_duration = 1, fade_out_duration = 30, flags = { "placeable-off-grid", "not-on-map" }, initial_flame_count = 1, initial_lifetime = 1920, initial_render_layer = "object", lifetime_increase_by = 0, lifetime_increase_cooldown = 4, limit_overlapping_particles = true, localised_name = { "entity-name.acid-splash" }, maximum_damage_multiplier = 3, maximum_lifetime = 1800, maximum_spread_count = 100, name = "acid-splash-fire-worm-small", on_damage_tick_effect = { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { show_in_tooltip = true, sticker = "acid-sticker-small", type = "create-sticker" }, { apply_damage_to_trees = false, damage = { amount = 0.1, type = "acid" }, type = "damage" } }, type = "instant" }, filter_enabled = true, force = "enemy", ignore_collision_condition = true, trigger_target_mask = { "ground-unit" }, type = "direct" }, particle_alpha = 0.6, particle_alpha_blend_duration = 300, pictures = { { layers = { { direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/acid-splash-1.png", frame_count = 26, height = 116, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/hr-acid-splash-1.png", frame_count = 26, height = 224, line_length = 8, scale = 0.325, shift = { -0.24375, -0.1625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].fire["acid-splash-fire-spitter-behemoth"].pictures[1].layers[1].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 210 }, line_length = 8, scale = 0.65, shift = { -0.24375, -0.203125 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].fire["acid-splash-fire-spitter-behemoth"].pictures[1].layers[1].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 106 }, { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/acid-splash-1-shadow.png", frame_count = 26, height = 98, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/hr-acid-splash-1-shadow.png", frame_count = 26, height = 188, line_length = 8, scale = 0.325, shift = { 0.040625, 0.040625 }, width = 266 }, line_length = 8, scale = 0.65, shift = { 0.040625, 0 }, width = 134 } } }, { layers = { { direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/acid-splash-2.png", frame_count = 29, height = 76, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/hr-acid-splash-2.png", frame_count = 29, height = 150, line_length = 8, scale = 0.325, shift = { -0.18281250000000002, -0.3453125 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].fire["acid-splash-fire-spitter-behemoth"].pictures[1].layers[1].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 174 }, line_length = 8, scale = 0.65, shift = { -0.203125, -0.36562500000000004 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].fire["acid-splash-fire-spitter-behemoth"].pictures[1].layers[1].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 88 }, { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/acid-splash-2-shadow.png", frame_count = 29, height = 136, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/hr-acid-splash-2-shadow.png", frame_count = 29, height = 266, line_length = 8, scale = 0.325, shift = { 0.121875, 0.5890625 }, width = 238 }, line_length = 8, scale = 0.65, shift = { 0.121875, 0.56875 }, width = 120 } } }, { layers = { { direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/acid-splash-3.png", frame_count = 29, height = 104, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/hr-acid-splash-3.png", frame_count = 29, height = 208, line_length = 8, scale = 0.325, shift = { 0.446875, -0.325 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].fire["acid-splash-fire-spitter-behemoth"].pictures[1].layers[1].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 236 }, line_length = 8, scale = 0.65, shift = { 0.446875, -0.325 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].fire["acid-splash-fire-spitter-behemoth"].pictures[1].layers[1].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 118 }, { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/acid-splash-3-shadow.png", frame_count = 29, height = 70, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/hr-acid-splash-3-shadow.png", frame_count = 29, height = 140, line_length = 8, scale = 0.325, shift = { 0.3453125, 0.040625 }, width = 214 }, line_length = 8, scale = 0.65, shift = { 0.325, 0.040625 }, width = 110 } } }, { layers = { { direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/acid-splash-4.png", frame_count = 24, height = 80, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/hr-acid-splash-4.png", frame_count = 24, height = 154, line_length = 8, scale = 0.325, shift = { 0.3453125, -0.3859375 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].fire["acid-splash-fire-spitter-behemoth"].pictures[1].layers[1].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 252 }, line_length = 8, scale = 0.65, shift = { 0.325, -0.40625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].fire["acid-splash-fire-spitter-behemoth"].pictures[1].layers[1].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 128 }, { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/acid-splash-4-shadow.png", frame_count = 24, height = 80, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/hr-acid-splash-4-shadow.png", frame_count = 24, height = 160, line_length = 8, scale = 0.325, shift = { 0.36562500000000004, -0.325 }, width = 248 }, line_length = 8, scale = 0.65, shift = { 0.36562500000000004, -0.325 }, width = 124 } } } }, render_layer = "lower-object-above-shadow", secondary_picture_fade_out_duration = 60, secondary_picture_fade_out_start = 30, secondary_pictures = { { layers = { { direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/acid-splash-1.png", frame_count = 26, height = 116, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/hr-acid-splash-1.png", frame_count = 26, height = 224, line_length = 8, scale = 0.21125000000000003, shift = { -0.15843750000000001, -0.10562500000000001 }, tint = { 0.7, 0.69439999999999991, 0.35840000000000001, 0.7 }, width = 210 }, line_length = 8, scale = 0.42250000000000005, shift = { -0.15843750000000001, -0.13203125000000002 }, tint = { 0.7, 0.69439999999999991, 0.35840000000000001, 0.7 }, width = 106 }, { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/acid-splash-1-shadow.png", frame_count = 26, height = 98, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/hr-acid-splash-1-shadow.png", frame_count = 26, height = 188, line_length = 8, scale = 0.21125000000000003, shift = { 0.026406250000000004, 0.026406250000000004 }, width = 266 }, line_length = 8, scale = 0.42250000000000005, shift = { 0.026406250000000004, 0 }, width = 134 } } }, { layers = { { direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/acid-splash-2.png", frame_count = 29, height = 76, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/hr-acid-splash-2.png", frame_count = 29, height = 150, line_length = 8, scale = 0.21125000000000003, shift = { -0.11882812500000002, -0.22445312500000005 }, tint = { 0.7, 0.69439999999999991, 0.35840000000000001, 0.7 }, width = 174 }, line_length = 8, scale = 0.42250000000000005, shift = { -0.13203125000000002, -0.23765625000000004 }, tint = { 0.7, 0.69439999999999991, 0.35840000000000001, 0.7 }, width = 88 }, { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/acid-splash-2-shadow.png", frame_count = 29, height = 136, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/hr-acid-splash-2-shadow.png", frame_count = 29, height = 266, line_length = 8, scale = 0.21125000000000003, shift = { 0.07921875, 0.38289062500000002 }, width = 238 }, line_length = 8, scale = 0.42250000000000005, shift = { 0.07921875, 0.36968750000000004 }, width = 120 } } }, { layers = { { direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/acid-splash-3.png", frame_count = 29, height = 104, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/hr-acid-splash-3.png", frame_count = 29, height = 208, line_length = 8, scale = 0.21125000000000003, shift = { 0.29046875000000005, -0.21125000000000003 }, tint = { 0.7, 0.69439999999999991, 0.35840000000000001, 0.7 }, width = 236 }, line_length = 8, scale = 0.42250000000000005, shift = { 0.29046875000000005, -0.21125000000000003 }, tint = { 0.7, 0.69439999999999991, 0.35840000000000001, 0.7 }, width = 118 }, { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/acid-splash-3-shadow.png", frame_count = 29, height = 70, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/hr-acid-splash-3-shadow.png", frame_count = 29, height = 140, line_length = 8, scale = 0.21125000000000003, shift = { 0.22445312500000005, 0.026406250000000004 }, width = 214 }, line_length = 8, scale = 0.42250000000000005, shift = { 0.21125000000000003, 0.026406250000000004 }, width = 110 } } }, { layers = { { direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/acid-splash-4.png", frame_count = 24, height = 80, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/hr-acid-splash-4.png", frame_count = 24, height = 154, line_length = 8, scale = 0.21125000000000003, shift = { 0.22445312500000005, -0.25085937500000006 }, tint = { 0.7, 0.69439999999999991, 0.35840000000000001, 0.7 }, width = 252 }, line_length = 8, scale = 0.42250000000000005, shift = { 0.21125000000000003, -0.26406250000000004 }, tint = { 0.7, 0.69439999999999991, 0.35840000000000001, 0.7 }, width = 128 }, { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/acid-splash-4-shadow.png", frame_count = 24, height = 80, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-splash/hr-acid-splash-4-shadow.png", frame_count = 24, height = 160, line_length = 8, scale = 0.21125000000000003, shift = { 0.23765625000000004, -0.21125000000000003 }, width = 248 }, line_length = 8, scale = 0.42250000000000005, shift = { 0.23765625000000004, -0.21125000000000003 }, width = 124 } } } }, secondary_render_layer = "higher-object-above", spread_delay = 300, spread_delay_deviation = 180, type = "fire", uses_alternative_behavior = true }, ["crash-site-fire-flame"] = { add_fuel_cooldown = 10, burnt_patch_alpha_default = 0.4, burnt_patch_alpha_variations = { { alpha = 0.26000000000000001, tile = "stone-path" }, { alpha = 0.23999999999999999, tile = "concrete" } }, burnt_patch_lifetime = 1800, burnt_patch_pictures = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/fire-flame/burnt-patch.png", height = 56, shift = { -0.09375, 0.125 }, width = 115, x = 0, y = 0 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/fire-flame/burnt-patch.png", height = 56, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].fire["crash-site-fire-flame"].burnt_patch_pictures[1].shift ]=], width = 115, x = 115, y = 0 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/fire-flame/burnt-patch.png", height = 56, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].fire["crash-site-fire-flame"].burnt_patch_pictures[1].shift ]=], width = 115, x = 230, y = 0 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/fire-flame/burnt-patch.png", height = 56, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].fire["crash-site-fire-flame"].burnt_patch_pictures[1].shift ]=], width = 115, x = 0, y = 56 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/fire-flame/burnt-patch.png", height = 56, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].fire["crash-site-fire-flame"].burnt_patch_pictures[1].shift ]=], width = 115, x = 115, y = 56 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/fire-flame/burnt-patch.png", height = 56, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].fire["crash-site-fire-flame"].burnt_patch_pictures[1].shift ]=], width = 115, x = 230, y = 56 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/fire-flame/burnt-patch.png", height = 56, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].fire["crash-site-fire-flame"].burnt_patch_pictures[1].shift ]=], width = 115, x = 0, y = 112 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/fire-flame/burnt-patch.png", height = 56, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].fire["crash-site-fire-flame"].burnt_patch_pictures[1].shift ]=], width = 115, x = 115, y = 112 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/fire-flame/burnt-patch.png", height = 56, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].fire["crash-site-fire-flame"].burnt_patch_pictures[1].shift ]=], width = 115, x = 230, y = 112 } }, damage_multiplier_decrease_per_tick = 0, damage_multiplier_increase_per_added_fuel = 0, damage_per_tick = { amount = 0.016666666666666665, type = "fire" }, delay_between_initial_flames = 10, emissions_per_second = 0, fade_in_duration = 30, fade_out_duration = 30, flags = { "placeable-off-grid", "not-on-map" }, flame_alpha = 0.35, flame_alpha_deviation = 0.05, initial_lifetime = 300, lifetime_increase_by = 150, lifetime_increase_cooldown = 4, light = { color = { 1, 0.5, 0 }, intensity = 0.2, size = 8 }, maximum_damage_multiplier = 1, maximum_lifetime = 1800, maximum_spread_count = 100, name = "crash-site-fire-flame", on_fuel_added_action = { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, smoke_name = "fire-smoke-on-adding-fuel", speed_from_center = 0.01, type = "create-trivial-smoke" } }, type = "instant" }, type = "direct" }, pictures = { { animation_speed = 1, axially_symmetrical = false, blend_mode = "normal", direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/fire-flame/fire-flame-13.png", frame_count = 25, height = 118, line_length = 8, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.01953125, -0.453125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 1, g = 1, r = 1 }, width = 60 }, { animation_speed = 1, axially_symmetrical = false, blend_mode = "normal", direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/fire-flame/fire-flame-12.png", frame_count = 25, height = 116, line_length = 8, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.0078125, -0.45703250000000004 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].fire["crash-site-fire-flame"].pictures[1].tint ]=], width = 63 }, { animation_speed = 1, axially_symmetrical = false, blend_mode = "normal", direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/fire-flame/fire-flame-11.png", frame_count = 25, height = 122, line_length = 8, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.00390625, -0.453125 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].fire["crash-site-fire-flame"].pictures[1].tint ]=], width = 61 }, { animation_speed = 1, axially_symmetrical = false, blend_mode = "normal", direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/fire-flame/fire-flame-10.png", frame_count = 25, height = 108, line_length = 8, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03125, -0.32422 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].fire["crash-site-fire-flame"].pictures[1].tint ]=], width = 65 }, { animation_speed = 1, axially_symmetrical = false, blend_mode = "normal", direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/fire-flame/fire-flame-09.png", frame_count = 25, height = 101, line_length = 8, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.015625, -0.3476575 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].fire["crash-site-fire-flame"].pictures[1].tint ]=], width = 64 }, { animation_speed = 1, axially_symmetrical = false, blend_mode = "normal", direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/fire-flame/fire-flame-08.png", frame_count = 32, height = 98, line_length = 8, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.02734375, -0.38672000000000001 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].fire["crash-site-fire-flame"].pictures[1].tint ]=], width = 50 }, { animation_speed = 1, axially_symmetrical = false, blend_mode = "normal", direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/fire-flame/fire-flame-07.png", frame_count = 32, height = 84, line_length = 8, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0078125, -0.3203125 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].fire["crash-site-fire-flame"].pictures[1].tint ]=], width = 54 }, { animation_speed = 1, axially_symmetrical = false, blend_mode = "normal", direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/fire-flame/fire-flame-06.png", frame_count = 32, height = 92, line_length = 8, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.41797000000000004 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].fire["crash-site-fire-flame"].pictures[1].tint ]=], width = 65 }, { animation_speed = 1, axially_symmetrical = false, blend_mode = "normal", direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/fire-flame/fire-flame-05.png", frame_count = 32, height = 103, line_length = 8, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.015625, -0.44140750000000004 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].fire["crash-site-fire-flame"].pictures[1].tint ]=], width = 59 }, { animation_speed = 1, axially_symmetrical = false, blend_mode = "normal", direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/fire-flame/fire-flame-04.png", frame_count = 32, height = 130, line_length = 8, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0078125, -0.5546875 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].fire["crash-site-fire-flame"].pictures[1].tint ]=], width = 67 }, { animation_speed = 1, axially_symmetrical = false, blend_mode = "normal", direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/fire-flame/fire-flame-03.png", frame_count = 32, height = 117, line_length = 8, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0234375, -0.4921875 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].fire["crash-site-fire-flame"].pictures[1].tint ]=], width = 74 }, { animation_speed = 1, axially_symmetrical = false, blend_mode = "normal", direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/fire-flame/fire-flame-02.png", frame_count = 32, height = 114, line_length = 8, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.00390625, -0.484375 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].fire["crash-site-fire-flame"].pictures[1].tint ]=], width = 74 }, { animation_speed = 1, axially_symmetrical = false, blend_mode = "normal", direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/fire-flame/fire-flame-01.png", frame_count = 32, height = 119, line_length = 8, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03515625, -0.51953249999999995 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].fire["crash-site-fire-flame"].pictures[1].tint ]=], width = 66 } }, smoke = { { deviation = { 0.5, 0.5 }, frequency = 0.125, height = -0.5, name = "fire-smoke", position = { 0, -0.8 }, starting_frame_deviation = 60, starting_vertical_speed = 0.05, starting_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, vertical_speed_slowdown = 0.99000000000000004 } }, smoke_source_pictures = { { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/fire-flame/fire-smoke-source-1.png", frame_count = 31, height = 138, line_length = 8, scale = 1, shift = { -0.109375, -1.1875 }, width = 101 }, { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/fire-flame/fire-smoke-source-2.png", frame_count = 31, height = 138, line_length = 8, scale = 1, shift = { -0.203125, -1.21875 }, width = 99 } }, spread_delay = 300, spread_delay_deviation = 180, type = "fire", working_sound = { match_volume_to_activity = true, sound = { { filename = "__base__/sound/fire-1.ogg", volume = 0.7 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/fire-2.ogg", volume = 0.7 } } } }, ["fire-flame"] = { add_fuel_cooldown = 10, burnt_patch_alpha_default = 0.4, burnt_patch_alpha_variations = { { alpha = 0.26000000000000001, tile = "stone-path" }, { alpha = 0.23999999999999999, tile = "concrete" } }, burnt_patch_lifetime = 1800, burnt_patch_pictures = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/fire-flame/burnt-patch.png", height = 56, shift = { -0.09375, 0.125 }, width = 115, x = 0, y = 0 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/fire-flame/burnt-patch.png", height = 56, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].fire["fire-flame"].burnt_patch_pictures[1].shift ]=], width = 115, x = 115, y = 0 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/fire-flame/burnt-patch.png", height = 56, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].fire["fire-flame"].burnt_patch_pictures[1].shift ]=], width = 115, x = 230, y = 0 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/fire-flame/burnt-patch.png", height = 56, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].fire["fire-flame"].burnt_patch_pictures[1].shift ]=], width = 115, x = 0, y = 56 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/fire-flame/burnt-patch.png", height = 56, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].fire["fire-flame"].burnt_patch_pictures[1].shift ]=], width = 115, x = 115, y = 56 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/fire-flame/burnt-patch.png", height = 56, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].fire["fire-flame"].burnt_patch_pictures[1].shift ]=], width = 115, x = 230, y = 56 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/fire-flame/burnt-patch.png", height = 56, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].fire["fire-flame"].burnt_patch_pictures[1].shift ]=], width = 115, x = 0, y = 112 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/fire-flame/burnt-patch.png", height = 56, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].fire["fire-flame"].burnt_patch_pictures[1].shift ]=], width = 115, x = 115, y = 112 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/fire-flame/burnt-patch.png", height = 56, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].fire["fire-flame"].burnt_patch_pictures[1].shift ]=], width = 115, x = 230, y = 112 } }, damage_multiplier_decrease_per_tick = 0.005, damage_multiplier_increase_per_added_fuel = 1, damage_per_tick = { amount = 0.2166666666666667, type = "fire" }, delay_between_initial_flames = 10, emissions_per_second = 0.005, fade_in_duration = 30, fade_out_duration = 30, flags = { "placeable-off-grid", "not-on-map" }, flame_alpha = 0.35, flame_alpha_deviation = 0.05, initial_lifetime = 120, lifetime_increase_by = 150, lifetime_increase_cooldown = 4, light = { color = { 1, 0.5, 0 }, intensity = 0.2, size = 8 }, maximum_damage_multiplier = 6, maximum_lifetime = 1800, maximum_spread_count = 100, name = "fire-flame", on_fuel_added_action = { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, smoke_name = "fire-smoke-on-adding-fuel", speed_from_center = 0.01, type = "create-trivial-smoke" } }, type = "instant" }, type = "direct" }, pictures = { { animation_speed = 1, axially_symmetrical = false, blend_mode = "normal", direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/fire-flame/fire-flame-13.png", frame_count = 25, height = 118, line_length = 8, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.01953125, -0.453125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 1, g = 1, r = 1 }, width = 60 }, { animation_speed = 1, axially_symmetrical = false, blend_mode = "normal", direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/fire-flame/fire-flame-12.png", frame_count = 25, height = 116, line_length = 8, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.0078125, -0.45703250000000004 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].fire["fire-flame"].pictures[1].tint ]=], width = 63 }, { animation_speed = 1, axially_symmetrical = false, blend_mode = "normal", direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/fire-flame/fire-flame-11.png", frame_count = 25, height = 122, line_length = 8, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.00390625, -0.453125 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].fire["fire-flame"].pictures[1].tint ]=], width = 61 }, { animation_speed = 1, axially_symmetrical = false, blend_mode = "normal", direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/fire-flame/fire-flame-10.png", frame_count = 25, height = 108, line_length = 8, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03125, -0.32422 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].fire["fire-flame"].pictures[1].tint ]=], width = 65 }, { animation_speed = 1, axially_symmetrical = false, blend_mode = "normal", direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/fire-flame/fire-flame-09.png", frame_count = 25, height = 101, line_length = 8, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.015625, -0.3476575 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].fire["fire-flame"].pictures[1].tint ]=], width = 64 }, { animation_speed = 1, axially_symmetrical = false, blend_mode = "normal", direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/fire-flame/fire-flame-08.png", frame_count = 32, height = 98, line_length = 8, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.02734375, -0.38672000000000001 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].fire["fire-flame"].pictures[1].tint ]=], width = 50 }, { animation_speed = 1, axially_symmetrical = false, blend_mode = "normal", direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/fire-flame/fire-flame-07.png", frame_count = 32, height = 84, line_length = 8, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0078125, -0.3203125 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].fire["fire-flame"].pictures[1].tint ]=], width = 54 }, { animation_speed = 1, axially_symmetrical = false, blend_mode = "normal", direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/fire-flame/fire-flame-06.png", frame_count = 32, height = 92, line_length = 8, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.41797000000000004 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].fire["fire-flame"].pictures[1].tint ]=], width = 65 }, { animation_speed = 1, axially_symmetrical = false, blend_mode = "normal", direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/fire-flame/fire-flame-05.png", frame_count = 32, height = 103, line_length = 8, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.015625, -0.44140750000000004 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].fire["fire-flame"].pictures[1].tint ]=], width = 59 }, { animation_speed = 1, axially_symmetrical = false, blend_mode = "normal", direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/fire-flame/fire-flame-04.png", frame_count = 32, height = 130, line_length = 8, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0078125, -0.5546875 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].fire["fire-flame"].pictures[1].tint ]=], width = 67 }, { animation_speed = 1, axially_symmetrical = false, blend_mode = "normal", direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/fire-flame/fire-flame-03.png", frame_count = 32, height = 117, line_length = 8, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0234375, -0.4921875 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].fire["fire-flame"].pictures[1].tint ]=], width = 74 }, { animation_speed = 1, axially_symmetrical = false, blend_mode = "normal", direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/fire-flame/fire-flame-02.png", frame_count = 32, height = 114, line_length = 8, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.00390625, -0.484375 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].fire["fire-flame"].pictures[1].tint ]=], width = 74 }, { animation_speed = 1, axially_symmetrical = false, blend_mode = "normal", direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/fire-flame/fire-flame-01.png", frame_count = 32, height = 119, line_length = 8, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03515625, -0.51953249999999995 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].fire["fire-flame"].pictures[1].tint ]=], width = 66 } }, smoke = { { deviation = { 0.5, 0.5 }, frequency = 0.125, height = -0.5, name = "fire-smoke", position = { 0, -0.8 }, starting_frame_deviation = 60, starting_vertical_speed = 0.05, starting_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, vertical_speed_slowdown = 0.99000000000000004 } }, smoke_source_pictures = { { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/fire-flame/fire-smoke-source-1.png", frame_count = 31, height = 138, line_length = 8, scale = 1, shift = { -0.109375, -1.1875 }, width = 101 }, { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/fire-flame/fire-smoke-source-2.png", frame_count = 31, height = 138, line_length = 8, scale = 1, shift = { -0.203125, -1.21875 }, width = 99 } }, spawn_entity = "fire-flame-on-tree", spread_delay = 300, spread_delay_deviation = 180, type = "fire", working_sound = { match_volume_to_activity = true, sound = { { filename = "__base__/sound/fire-1.ogg", volume = 0.7 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/fire-2.ogg", volume = 0.7 } } } }, ["fire-flame-on-tree"] = { damage_per_tick = { amount = 0.58333333333333339, type = "fire" }, delay_between_initial_flames = 20, emissions_per_second = 0.005, fade_in_duration = 120, fade_out_duration = 100, flags = { "placeable-off-grid", "not-on-map" }, flame_alpha = 0.35, flame_alpha_deviation = 0.05, light = { color = { 1, 0.5, 0 }, intensity = 0.2, size = 8 }, localised_name = { "" }, maximum_spread_count = 100, name = "fire-flame-on-tree", pictures = { { animation_speed = 1, axially_symmetrical = false, blend_mode = "additive", direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/fire-flame/fire-flame-13.png", frame_count = 25, height = 118, line_length = 8, scale = 0.625, shift = { -0.0244140625, -0.56640625 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 1, g = 1, r = 1 }, width = 60 }, { animation_speed = 1, axially_symmetrical = false, blend_mode = "additive", direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/fire-flame/fire-flame-12.png", frame_count = 25, height = 116, line_length = 8, scale = 0.625, shift = { -0.009765625, -0.57129062500000005 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].fire["fire-flame-on-tree"].pictures[1].tint ]=], width = 63 }, { animation_speed = 1, axially_symmetrical = false, blend_mode = "additive", direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/fire-flame/fire-flame-11.png", frame_count = 25, height = 122, line_length = 8, scale = 0.625, shift = { -0.0048828125, -0.56640625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].fire["fire-flame-on-tree"].pictures[1].tint ]=], width = 61 }, { animation_speed = 1, axially_symmetrical = false, blend_mode = "additive", direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/fire-flame/fire-flame-10.png", frame_count = 25, height = 108, line_length = 8, scale = 0.625, shift = { -0.0390625, -0.40527499999999996 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].fire["fire-flame-on-tree"].pictures[1].tint ]=], width = 65 }, { animation_speed = 1, axially_symmetrical = false, blend_mode = "additive", direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/fire-flame/fire-flame-09.png", frame_count = 25, height = 101, line_length = 8, scale = 0.625, shift = { -0.01953125, -0.43457187499999996 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].fire["fire-flame-on-tree"].pictures[1].tint ]=], width = 64 }, { animation_speed = 1, axially_symmetrical = false, blend_mode = "additive", direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/fire-flame/fire-flame-08.png", frame_count = 32, height = 98, line_length = 8, scale = 0.625, shift = { -0.0341796875, -0.48339999999999996 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].fire["fire-flame-on-tree"].pictures[1].tint ]=], width = 50 }, { animation_speed = 1, axially_symmetrical = false, blend_mode = "additive", direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/fire-flame/fire-flame-07.png", frame_count = 32, height = 84, line_length = 8, scale = 0.625, shift = { 0.009765625, -0.400390625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].fire["fire-flame-on-tree"].pictures[1].tint ]=], width = 54 }, { animation_speed = 1, axially_symmetrical = false, blend_mode = "additive", direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/fire-flame/fire-flame-06.png", frame_count = 32, height = 92, line_length = 8, scale = 0.625, shift = { 0, -0.52246250000000005 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].fire["fire-flame-on-tree"].pictures[1].tint ]=], width = 65 }, { animation_speed = 1, axially_symmetrical = false, blend_mode = "additive", direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/fire-flame/fire-flame-05.png", frame_count = 32, height = 103, line_length = 8, scale = 0.625, shift = { 0.01953125, -0.55175937500000005 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].fire["fire-flame-on-tree"].pictures[1].tint ]=], width = 59 }, { animation_speed = 1, axially_symmetrical = false, blend_mode = "additive", direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/fire-flame/fire-flame-04.png", frame_count = 32, height = 130, line_length = 8, scale = 0.625, shift = { 0.009765625, -0.693359375 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].fire["fire-flame-on-tree"].pictures[1].tint ]=], width = 67 }, { animation_speed = 1, axially_symmetrical = false, blend_mode = "additive", direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/fire-flame/fire-flame-03.png", frame_count = 32, height = 117, line_length = 8, scale = 0.625, shift = { 0.029296875, -0.615234375 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].fire["fire-flame-on-tree"].pictures[1].tint ]=], width = 74 }, { animation_speed = 1, axially_symmetrical = false, blend_mode = "additive", direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/fire-flame/fire-flame-02.png", frame_count = 32, height = 114, line_length = 8, scale = 0.625, shift = { 0.0048828125, -0.60546875 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].fire["fire-flame-on-tree"].pictures[1].tint ]=], width = 74 }, { animation_speed = 1, axially_symmetrical = false, blend_mode = "additive", direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/fire-flame/fire-flame-01.png", frame_count = 32, height = 119, line_length = 8, scale = 0.625, shift = { -0.0439453125, -0.64941562499999996 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].fire["fire-flame-on-tree"].pictures[1].tint ]=], width = 66 } }, small_tree_fire_pictures = { { animation_speed = 0.5, axially_symmetrical = false, blend_mode = "additive", direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/fire-flame/tree-fire-flame-01-a.png", flags = { "compressed" }, frame_count = 32, height = 110, line_length = 8, scale = 0.52499999999999991, shift = { -0.016406249999999998, -0.78749999999999982 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 1, g = 1, r = 1 }, width = 38 }, { animation_speed = 0.5, axially_symmetrical = false, blend_mode = "additive", direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/fire-flame/tree-fire-flame-01-b.png", flags = 0 --[=[ ref [""].fire["fire-flame-on-tree"].small_tree_fire_pictures[1].flags ]=], frame_count = 32, height = 111, line_length = 8, scale = 0.52499999999999991, shift = { -0.041015624999999991, -0.79570049999999979 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].fire["fire-flame-on-tree"].small_tree_fire_pictures[1].tint ]=], width = 39 }, { animation_speed = 0.5, axially_symmetrical = false, blend_mode = "additive", direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/fire-flame/tree-fire-flame-01-c.png", flags = 0 --[=[ ref [""].fire["fire-flame-on-tree"].small_tree_fire_pictures[1].flags ]=], frame_count = 32, height = 108, line_length = 8, scale = 0.52499999999999991, shift = { -0.082031249999999982, -0.78749999999999982 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].fire["fire-flame-on-tree"].small_tree_fire_pictures[1].tint ]=], width = 44 }, { animation_speed = 0.5, axially_symmetrical = false, blend_mode = "additive", direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/fire-flame/tree-fire-flame-03-a.png", flags = 0 --[=[ ref [""].fire["fire-flame-on-tree"].small_tree_fire_pictures[1].flags ]=], frame_count = 23, height = 110, line_length = 8, scale = 0.52499999999999991, shift = { -0.016406249999999998, -0.78749999999999982 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].fire["fire-flame-on-tree"].small_tree_fire_pictures[1].tint ]=], width = 38 }, { animation_speed = 0.5, axially_symmetrical = false, blend_mode = "additive", direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/fire-flame/tree-fire-flame-03-b.png", flags = 0 --[=[ ref [""].fire["fire-flame-on-tree"].small_tree_fire_pictures[1].flags ]=], frame_count = 23, height = 98, line_length = 8, scale = 0.52499999999999991, shift = { -0.016406249999999998, -0.70546874999999982 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].fire["fire-flame-on-tree"].small_tree_fire_pictures[1].tint ]=], width = 34 }, { animation_speed = 0.5, axially_symmetrical = false, blend_mode = "additive", direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/fire-flame/tree-fire-flame-03-c.png", flags = 0 --[=[ ref [""].fire["fire-flame-on-tree"].small_tree_fire_pictures[1].flags ]=], frame_count = 23, height = 111, line_length = 8, scale = 0.52499999999999991, shift = { -0.041015624999999991, -0.79570049999999979 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].fire["fire-flame-on-tree"].small_tree_fire_pictures[1].tint ]=], width = 39 } }, smoke = { { deviation = { 0.5, 0.5 }, frequency = 0.125, height = -0.5, name = "fire-smoke-without-glow", position = { 0, -0.8 }, starting_frame_deviation = 60, starting_vertical_speed = 0.008, starting_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05 } }, smoke_fade_in_duration = 100, smoke_fade_out_duration = 130, smoke_source_pictures = { { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/fire-flame/fire-smoke-source-1.png", frame_count = 31, height = 138, line_length = 8, scale = 0.6, shift = { -0.065625, -0.7125 }, tint = { a = 0.75, b = 0.75, g = 0.75, r = 0.75 }, width = 101 }, { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/fire-flame/fire-smoke-source-2.png", frame_count = 31, height = 138, line_length = 8, scale = 0.6, shift = { -0.121875, -0.73125 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].fire["fire-flame-on-tree"].smoke_source_pictures[1].tint ]=], width = 99 } }, spawn_entity = "fire-flame-on-tree", spread_delay = 300, spread_delay_deviation = 180, tree_dying_factor = 0.8, type = "fire", working_sound = { max_sounds_per_type = 2, sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/fire-1.ogg" } } } }, fish = { fish = { autoplace = { influence = 0.01 }, collision_box = { { -0.75, -0.75 }, { 0.75, 0.75 } }, flags = { "placeable-neutral", "not-on-map" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/fish.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, max_health = 20, minable = { count = 5, mining_time = 0.4, result = "raw-fish" }, mined_sound = { { filename = "__core__/sound/mine-fish.ogg", volume = 0.8 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/mine-fish-1.ogg", volume = 0.8 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/mine-fish-2.ogg", volume = 0.8 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/mine-fish-3.ogg", volume = 0.8 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/mine-fish-4.ogg", volume = 0.8 } }, name = "fish", order = "b-a", pictures = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/fish/fish-1.png", height = 36, priority = "extra-high", width = 22 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/fish/fish-2.png", height = 32, priority = "extra-high", width = 32 } }, protected_from_tile_building = false, selection_box = { { -0.5, -0.3 }, { 0.5, 0.3 } }, subgroup = "creatures", type = "fish" } }, ["flame-thrower-explosion"] = { ["dummy-flame-thrower-explosion"] = { animations = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__core__/graphics/empty.png", frame_count = 1, height = 1, priority = "extra-high", width = 1 }, damage = { amount = 0.25, type = "fire" }, flags = { "not-on-map" }, light = { intensity = 0.2, size = 20 }, name = "dummy-flame-thrower-explosion", slow_down_factor = 1, smoke = "smoke-fast", smoke_count = 1, smoke_slow_down_factor = 0.95, type = "flame-thrower-explosion" } }, fluid = { ["crude-oil"] = { base_color = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, default_temperature = 25, flow_color = { b = 0.5, g = 0.5, r = 0.5 }, heat_capacity = "0.1KJ", icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/fluid/crude-oil.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "crude-oil", order = "a[fluid]-b[crude-oil]", type = "fluid" }, ["fluid-unknown"] = { auto_barrel = false, base_color = {}, default_temperature = 0, flow_color = {}, hidden = true, icon = "__core__/graphics/icons/unknown.png", icon_size = 64, max_temperature = 0, name = "fluid-unknown", type = "fluid" }, ["heavy-oil"] = { base_color = { b = 0, g = 0.04, r = 0.5 }, default_temperature = 25, flow_color = { b = 0.3, g = 0.6, r = 0.85 }, heat_capacity = "0.1KJ", icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/fluid/heavy-oil.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "heavy-oil", order = "a[fluid]-c[heavy-oil]", type = "fluid" }, ["light-oil"] = { base_color = { b = 0, g = 0.33000000000000003, r = 0.56999999999999993 }, default_temperature = 25, flow_color = { b = 0.070000000000000009, g = 0.72999999999999998, r = 1 }, heat_capacity = "0.1KJ", icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/fluid/light-oil.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "light-oil", order = "a[fluid]-d[light-oil]", type = "fluid" }, lubricant = { base_color = { b = 0.03, g = 0.32000000000000002, r = 0.15 }, default_temperature = 25, flow_color = { b = 0.31000000000000001, g = 0.75, r = 0.42999999999999998 }, heat_capacity = "0.1KJ", icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/fluid/lubricant.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "lubricant", order = "e[lubricant]", type = "fluid" }, ["petroleum-gas"] = { base_color = { b = 0.3, g = 0.1, r = 0.3 }, default_temperature = 25, flow_color = { b = 0.8, g = 0.8, r = 0.8 }, heat_capacity = "0.1KJ", icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/fluid/petroleum-gas.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "petroleum-gas", order = "a[fluid]-e[petroleum-gas]", type = "fluid" }, steam = { auto_barrel = false, base_color = { b = 0.5, g = 0.5, r = 0.5 }, default_temperature = 15, flow_color = { b = 1, g = 1, r = 1 }, gas_temperature = 15, heat_capacity = "0.2KJ", icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/fluid/steam.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, max_temperature = 1000, name = "steam", order = "a[fluid]-b[steam]", type = "fluid" }, ["sulfuric-acid"] = { base_color = { b = 0.1, g = 0.65, r = 0.75 }, default_temperature = 25, flow_color = { b = 0.1, g = 1, r = 0.7 }, heat_capacity = "0.1KJ", icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/fluid/sulfuric-acid.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "sulfuric-acid", order = "a[fluid]-f[sulfuric-acid]", type = "fluid" }, water = { base_color = { b = 0.6, g = 0.34000000000000004, r = 0 }, default_temperature = 15, flow_color = { b = 0.7, g = 0.7, r = 0.7 }, heat_capacity = "0.2KJ", icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/fluid/water.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, max_temperature = 100, name = "water", order = "a[fluid]-a[water]", type = "fluid" } }, ["fluid-turret"] = { ["flamethrower-turret"] = { activation_buffer_ratio = 0.25, attack_parameters = { ammo_type = { action = { action_delivery = { source_offset = { 0.15, -0.5 }, stream = "flamethrower-fire-stream", type = "stream" }, type = "direct" }, category = "flamethrower" }, cooldown = 4, cyclic_sound = { begin_sound = { { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/flamethrower-turret-start-01.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/flamethrower-turret-start-02.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/flamethrower-turret-start-03.ogg", volume = 0.5 } }, end_sound = { { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/flamethrower-turret-end-01.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/flamethrower-turret-end-02.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/flamethrower-turret-end-03.ogg", volume = 0.5 } }, middle_sound = { { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/flamethrower-turret-mid-01.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/flamethrower-turret-mid-02.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/flamethrower-turret-mid-03.ogg", volume = 0.5 } } }, fire_penalty = 15, fluid_consumption = 0.2, fluids = { { type = "crude-oil" }, { damage_modifier = 1.05, type = "heavy-oil" }, { damage_modifier = 1.1000000000000001, type = "light-oil" } }, gun_barrel_length = 0.4, gun_center_shift = { east = { 0.578125, -1.0218750000000001 }, north = { 0, -1.5062500000000001 }, south = { 0, -0.72500000000000009 }, west = { -0.375, -1.1468750000000001 } }, min_range = 6, range = 30, turn_range = 0.3333333333333333, type = "stream" }, attacking_animation = { east = { layers = { { axially_symmetrical = false, counterclockwise = true, direction_count = 64, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/flamethrower-turret/flamethrower-turret-gun.png", frame_count = 1, height = 66, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, counterclockwise = true, direction_count = 64, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/flamethrower-turret/hr-flamethrower-turret-gun.png", frame_count = 1, height = 128, line_length = 8, priority = "medium", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.546875, -0.484375 }, width = 158 }, line_length = 8, priority = "medium", shift = { 0.515625, -0.515625 }, width = 82 }, { axially_symmetrical = false, blend_mode = "additive", counterclockwise = true, direction_count = 64, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/flamethrower-turret/flamethrower-turret-gun-active.png", frame_count = 1, height = 66, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, blend_mode = "additive", counterclockwise = true, direction_count = 64, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/flamethrower-turret/hr-flamethrower-turret-gun-active.png", frame_count = 1, height = 126, line_length = 8, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.546875, -0.484375 }, tint = { a = 0.5, b = 0.5, g = 0.5, r = 0.5 }, width = 158 }, line_length = 8, shift = { 0.515625, -0.515625 }, tint = { a = 0.5, b = 0.5, g = 0.5, r = 0.5 }, width = 82 }, { axially_symmetrical = false, blend_mode = "additive", counterclockwise = true, direction_count = 64, draw_as_light = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/flamethrower-turret/flamethrower-turret-gun-active.png", frame_count = 1, height = 66, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, blend_mode = "additive", counterclockwise = true, direction_count = 64, draw_as_light = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/flamethrower-turret/hr-flamethrower-turret-gun-active.png", frame_count = 1, height = 126, line_length = 8, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.546875, -0.484375 }, tint = { a = 0.5, b = 0.5, g = 0.5, r = 0.5 }, width = 158 }, line_length = 8, shift = { 0.515625, -0.515625 }, tint = { a = 0.5, b = 0.5, g = 0.5, r = 0.5 }, width = 82 }, { apply_runtime_tint = true, axially_symmetrical = false, counterclockwise = true, direction_count = 64, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/flamethrower-turret/flamethrower-turret-gun-mask.png", flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 1, height = 56, hr_version = { apply_runtime_tint = true, axially_symmetrical = false, counterclockwise = true, direction_count = 64, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/flamethrower-turret/hr-flamethrower-turret-gun-mask.png", flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 1, height = 112, line_length = 8, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.546875, -0.578125 }, width = 144 }, line_length = 8, shift = { 0.515625, -0.578125 }, width = 74 }, { axially_symmetrical = false, counterclockwise = true, direction_count = 64, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/flamethrower-turret/flamethrower-turret-gun-shadow.png", frame_count = 1, height = 56, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, counterclockwise = true, direction_count = 64, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/flamethrower-turret/hr-flamethrower-turret-gun-shadow.png", frame_count = 1, height = 116, line_length = 8, scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.546875, 0.265625 }, width = 182 }, line_length = 8, shift = { 1.578125, 0.296875 }, width = 90 } } }, north = { layers = { { axially_symmetrical = false, counterclockwise = true, direction_count = 64, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/flamethrower-turret/flamethrower-turret-gun.png", frame_count = 1, height = 66, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, counterclockwise = true, direction_count = 64, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/flamethrower-turret/hr-flamethrower-turret-gun.png", frame_count = 1, height = 128, line_length = 8, priority = "medium", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03125, -0.96875 }, width = 158 }, line_length = 8, priority = "medium", shift = { -0.0625, -1 }, width = 82 }, { axially_symmetrical = false, blend_mode = "additive", counterclockwise = true, direction_count = 64, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/flamethrower-turret/flamethrower-turret-gun-active.png", frame_count = 1, height = 66, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, blend_mode = "additive", counterclockwise = true, direction_count = 64, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/flamethrower-turret/hr-flamethrower-turret-gun-active.png", frame_count = 1, height = 126, line_length = 8, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03125, -0.96875 }, tint = { a = 0.5, b = 0.5, g = 0.5, r = 0.5 }, width = 158 }, line_length = 8, shift = { -0.0625, -1 }, tint = { a = 0.5, b = 0.5, g = 0.5, r = 0.5 }, width = 82 }, { axially_symmetrical = false, blend_mode = "additive", counterclockwise = true, direction_count = 64, draw_as_light = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/flamethrower-turret/flamethrower-turret-gun-active.png", frame_count = 1, height = 66, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, blend_mode = "additive", counterclockwise = true, direction_count = 64, draw_as_light = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/flamethrower-turret/hr-flamethrower-turret-gun-active.png", frame_count = 1, height = 126, line_length = 8, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03125, -0.96875 }, tint = { a = 0.5, b = 0.5, g = 0.5, r = 0.5 }, width = 158 }, line_length = 8, shift = { -0.0625, -1 }, tint = { a = 0.5, b = 0.5, g = 0.5, r = 0.5 }, width = 82 }, { apply_runtime_tint = true, axially_symmetrical = false, counterclockwise = true, direction_count = 64, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/flamethrower-turret/flamethrower-turret-gun-mask.png", flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 1, height = 56, hr_version = { apply_runtime_tint = true, axially_symmetrical = false, counterclockwise = true, direction_count = 64, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/flamethrower-turret/hr-flamethrower-turret-gun-mask.png", flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 1, height = 112, line_length = 8, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03125, -1.0625 }, width = 144 }, line_length = 8, shift = { -0.0625, -1.0625 }, width = 74 }, { axially_symmetrical = false, counterclockwise = true, direction_count = 64, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/flamethrower-turret/flamethrower-turret-gun-shadow.png", frame_count = 1, height = 56, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, counterclockwise = true, direction_count = 64, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/flamethrower-turret/hr-flamethrower-turret-gun-shadow.png", frame_count = 1, height = 116, line_length = 8, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.96875, -0.21875 }, width = 182 }, line_length = 8, shift = { 1, -0.1875 }, width = 90 } } }, south = { layers = { { axially_symmetrical = false, counterclockwise = true, direction_count = 64, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/flamethrower-turret/flamethrower-turret-gun.png", frame_count = 1, height = 66, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, counterclockwise = true, direction_count = 64, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/flamethrower-turret/hr-flamethrower-turret-gun.png", frame_count = 1, height = 128, line_length = 8, priority = "medium", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03125, -0.1875 }, width = 158 }, line_length = 8, priority = "medium", shift = { -0.0625, -0.21875 }, width = 82 }, { axially_symmetrical = false, blend_mode = "additive", counterclockwise = true, direction_count = 64, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/flamethrower-turret/flamethrower-turret-gun-active.png", frame_count = 1, height = 66, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, blend_mode = "additive", counterclockwise = true, direction_count = 64, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/flamethrower-turret/hr-flamethrower-turret-gun-active.png", frame_count = 1, height = 126, line_length = 8, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03125, -0.1875 }, tint = { a = 0.5, b = 0.5, g = 0.5, r = 0.5 }, width = 158 }, line_length = 8, shift = { -0.0625, -0.21875 }, tint = { a = 0.5, b = 0.5, g = 0.5, r = 0.5 }, width = 82 }, { 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= 134 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0.0625, 0.4375 }, width = 70 } } }, south = { layers = { { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/flamethrower-turret/flamethrower-turret-base-south.png", frame_count = 1, height = 84, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/flamethrower-turret/hr-flamethrower-turret-base-south.png", frame_count = 1, height = 166, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.25 }, width = 128 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0, -0.25 }, width = 64 }, { apply_runtime_tint = true, axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/flamethrower-turret/flamethrower-turret-base-south-mask.png", flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 1, height = 38, hr_version = { apply_runtime_tint = true, axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = 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= 1, height = 74, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/flamethrower-turret/hr-flamethrower-turret-base-west.png", frame_count = 1, height = 144, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.21875, -0.03125 }, width = 208 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0.25, -0.0625 }, width = 100 }, { apply_runtime_tint = true, axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/flamethrower-turret/flamethrower-turret-base-west-mask.png", flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 1, height = 40, hr_version = { apply_runtime_tint = true, axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/flamethrower-turret/hr-flamethrower-turret-base-west-mask.png", flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 1, height = 74, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 1, -0.03125 }, width = 64 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 1, -0.0625 }, width = 32 }, { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, 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= 66, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, counterclockwise = true, direction_count = 64, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/flamethrower-turret/hr-flamethrower-turret-gun.png", frame_count = 1, height = 128, line_length = 8, priority = "medium", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.546875, -0.484375 }, width = 158 }, line_length = 8, priority = "medium", shift = { 0.515625, -0.515625 }, width = 82 }, { axially_symmetrical = false, blend_mode = "additive", counterclockwise = true, direction_count = 64, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/flamethrower-turret/flamethrower-turret-gun-active.png", frame_count = 1, height = 66, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, blend_mode = "additive", counterclockwise = true, direction_count = 64, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/flamethrower-turret/hr-flamethrower-turret-gun-active.png", frame_count = 1, height = 126, line_length = 8, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.546875, -0.484375 }, tint = { a = 0.5, b = 0.5, g = 0.5, r = 0.5 }, width = 158 }, line_length = 8, shift = { 0.515625, -0.515625 }, tint = { a = 0.5, b = 0.5, g = 0.5, r = 0.5 }, width = 82 }, { axially_symmetrical = false, blend_mode = "additive", counterclockwise = true, direction_count = 64, draw_as_light = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/flamethrower-turret/flamethrower-turret-gun-active.png", frame_count = 1, height = 66, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, blend_mode = "additive", counterclockwise = true, direction_count = 64, draw_as_light = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/flamethrower-turret/hr-flamethrower-turret-gun-active.png", frame_count = 1, height = 126, line_length = 8, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.546875, -0.484375 }, tint = { a = 0.5, b = 0.5, g = 0.5, r = 0.5 }, width = 158 }, line_length = 8, shift = { 0.515625, -0.515625 }, tint = { a = 0.5, b = 0.5, g = 0.5, r = 0.5 }, width = 82 }, { apply_runtime_tint = true, axially_symmetrical = false, counterclockwise = true, direction_count = 64, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/flamethrower-turret/flamethrower-turret-gun-mask.png", flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 1, height = 56, hr_version = { apply_runtime_tint = true, axially_symmetrical = false, counterclockwise = true, direction_count = 64, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/flamethrower-turret/hr-flamethrower-turret-gun-mask.png", flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 1, height = 112, line_length = 8, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.546875, -0.578125 }, width = 144 }, line_length = 8, shift = { 0.515625, -0.578125 }, width = 74 }, { axially_symmetrical = false, counterclockwise = true, direction_count = 64, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/flamethrower-turret/flamethrower-turret-gun-shadow.png", frame_count = 1, height = 56, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, counterclockwise = true, direction_count = 64, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/flamethrower-turret/hr-flamethrower-turret-gun-shadow.png", frame_count = 1, height = 116, line_length = 8, scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.546875, 0.265625 }, width = 182 }, line_length = 8, shift = { 1.578125, 0.296875 }, width = 90 } } }, north = { layers = { { axially_symmetrical = false, counterclockwise = true, direction_count = 64, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/flamethrower-turret/flamethrower-turret-gun.png", frame_count = 1, height = 66, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, counterclockwise = true, direction_count = 64, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/flamethrower-turret/hr-flamethrower-turret-gun.png", frame_count = 1, height = 128, line_length = 8, priority = "medium", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03125, -0.96875 }, width = 158 }, line_length = 8, priority = "medium", shift = { -0.0625, -1 }, width = 82 }, { axially_symmetrical = false, blend_mode = "additive", counterclockwise = true, direction_count = 64, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/flamethrower-turret/flamethrower-turret-gun-active.png", frame_count = 1, height = 66, hr_version = { 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"__base__/graphics/entity/flamethrower-turret/hr-flamethrower-turret-gun-mask.png", flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 1, height = 112, line_length = 8, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03125, -0.28125 }, width = 144 }, line_length = 8, shift = { -0.0625, -0.28125 }, width = 74 }, { axially_symmetrical = false, counterclockwise = true, direction_count = 64, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/flamethrower-turret/flamethrower-turret-gun-shadow.png", frame_count = 1, height = 56, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, counterclockwise = true, direction_count = 64, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/flamethrower-turret/hr-flamethrower-turret-gun-shadow.png", frame_count = 1, height = 116, line_length = 8, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.96875, 0.5625 }, width = 182 }, line_length = 8, shift = { 1, 0.59375 }, width = 90 } } }, west = { layers = { { axially_symmetrical = false, counterclockwise = true, direction_count = 64, filename = 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0.5, shift = { -0.40625, -0.609375 }, tint = { a = 0.5, b = 0.5, g = 0.5, r = 0.5 }, width = 158 }, line_length = 8, shift = { -0.4375, -0.640625 }, tint = { a = 0.5, b = 0.5, g = 0.5, r = 0.5 }, width = 82 }, { axially_symmetrical = false, blend_mode = "additive", counterclockwise = true, direction_count = 64, draw_as_light = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/flamethrower-turret/flamethrower-turret-gun-active.png", frame_count = 1, height = 66, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, blend_mode = "additive", counterclockwise = true, direction_count = 64, draw_as_light = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/flamethrower-turret/hr-flamethrower-turret-gun-active.png", frame_count = 1, height = 126, line_length = 8, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.40625, -0.609375 }, tint = { a = 0.5, b = 0.5, g = 0.5, r = 0.5 }, width = 158 }, line_length = 8, shift = { -0.4375, -0.640625 }, tint = { a = 0.5, b = 0.5, g = 0.5, r = 0.5 }, width = 82 }, { apply_runtime_tint = true, 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"__base__/graphics/entity/flamethrower-turret/hr-flamethrower-turret-gun-shadow.png", frame_count = 1, height = 116, line_length = 8, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.59375, 0.140625 }, width = 182 }, line_length = 8, shift = { 0.625, 0.171875 }, width = 90 } } } }, ending_attack_muzzle_animation_shift = { direction_shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["fluid-turret"]["flamethrower-turret"].attacking_muzzle_animation_shift.direction_shift ]=], rotations = { { frames = { { 0, -1.6563316403554314 } } }, { frames = { { 0.055268033136635095, -1.6544117418190398 } } }, { frames = { { 0.11000380520086883, -1.6486705435917923 } } }, { frames = { { 0.16368018091270273, -1.6391633294141627 } } }, { frames = { { 0.21578022728858297, -1.625981659316083 } } }, { frames = { { 0.2658021920191616, -1.6092524819115219 } } }, { frames = { { 0.31326433578374413, -1.5891369095532097 } } }, { frames = { { 0.35770957191571275, -1.5658286663557986 } } }, { frames = { { 0.39870986863498734, -1.5395522229179008 } } }, { frames = 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"__base__/graphics/entity/flamethrower-turret/hr-flamethrower-turret-led-indicator-east.png", frame_count = 2, height = 8, line_length = 2, scale = 0.5, shift = { -1.03125, -0.15625 }, width = 18, x = 18 }, line_length = 2, shift = { -1.0625, -0.1875 }, width = 12, x = 12 }, north = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/flamethrower-turret/flamethrower-turret-led-indicator-north.png", frame_count = 2, height = 10, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/flamethrower-turret/hr-flamethrower-turret-led-indicator-north.png", frame_count = 2, height = 18, line_length = 2, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.21875, 0.625 }, width = 10, x = 10 }, line_length = 2, shift = { 0.25, 0.625 }, width = 4, x = 4 }, south = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/flamethrower-turret/flamethrower-turret-led-indicator-south.png", frame_count = 2, height = 12, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/flamethrower-turret/hr-flamethrower-turret-led-indicator-south.png", frame_count = 2, height = 18, line_length = 2, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.25, -1.40625 }, width = 8, x = 8 }, line_length = 2, shift = { -0.25, -1.4375 }, width = 4, x = 4 }, west = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/flamethrower-turret/flamethrower-turret-led-indicator-west.png", frame_count = 2, height = 10, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/flamethrower-turret/hr-flamethrower-turret-led-indicator-west.png", frame_count = 2, height = 10, line_length = 2, scale = 0.5, shift = { 1, -0.625 }, width = 20, x = 20 }, line_length = 2, shift = { 1, -0.6875 }, width = 10, x = 10 } }, flags = { "placeable-player", "player-creation" }, fluid_box = { base_area = 1, pipe_connections = { { position = { -1.5, 1 } }, { position = { 1.5, 1 } } }, pipe_covers = { east = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-east.png", height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-east.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-east-shadow.png", height = 64, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-east-shadow.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 } } }, north = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-north.png", height = 64, 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true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-south-shadow.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 } } }, west = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-west.png", height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-west.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-west-shadow.png", height = 64, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-west-shadow.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 } } } }, production_type = "input-output", render_layer = "lower-object", secondary_draw_order = 0 }, fluid_buffer_input_flow = 0.83333333333333339, 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direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/flamethrower-turret/hr-flamethrower-turret-gun-extension-mask.png", flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 1, height = 120, line_length = 1, run_mode = "forward", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.578125, -0.515625 }, width = 144, y = 1080 }, line_length = 1, run_mode = "forward", shift = { 0.515625, -0.515625 }, width = 76, y = 540 }, { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/flamethrower-turret/flamethrower-turret-gun-extension-shadow.png", frame_count = 1, height = 60, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/flamethrower-turret/hr-flamethrower-turret-gun-extension-shadow.png", frame_count = 1, height = 114, line_length = 1, run_mode = "forward", scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.609375, 0.265625 }, width = 180, y = 1026 }, line_length = 1, run_mode = "forward", shift = { 1.578125, 0.234375 }, width = 92, y = 540 } } }, north = { layers = { { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/flamethrower-turret/flamethrower-turret-gun-extension.png", frame_count = 1, height = 64, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/flamethrower-turret/hr-flamethrower-turret-gun-extension.png", frame_count = 1, height = 128, line_length = 1, priority = "medium", run_mode = "forward", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -1 }, width = 152, y = 0 }, line_length = 1, priority = "medium", run_mode = "forward", shift = { -0.0625, -1 }, width = 80, y = 0 }, { apply_runtime_tint = true, axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/flamethrower-turret/flamethrower-turret-gun-extension-mask.png", flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 1, height = 60, hr_version = { apply_runtime_tint = true, axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/flamethrower-turret/hr-flamethrower-turret-gun-extension-mask.png", flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 1, height = 120, line_length = 1, run_mode = "forward", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -1 }, width = 144, y = 0 }, line_length = 1, run_mode = "forward", shift = { -0.0625, -1 }, width = 76, y = 0 }, { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/flamethrower-turret/flamethrower-turret-gun-extension-shadow.png", frame_count = 1, height = 60, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/flamethrower-turret/hr-flamethrower-turret-gun-extension-shadow.png", frame_count = 1, height = 114, line_length = 1, run_mode = "forward", scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.03125, -0.21875 }, width = 180, y = 0 }, line_length = 1, run_mode = "forward", shift = { 1, -0.25 }, width = 92, y = 0 } } }, south = { layers = { { axially_symmetrical = false, 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"__base__/graphics/entity/flamethrower-turret/hr-flamethrower-turret-gun-extension-mask.png", flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 1, height = 120, line_length = 1, run_mode = "forward", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.21875 }, width = 144, y = 720 }, line_length = 1, run_mode = "forward", shift = { -0.0625, -0.21875 }, width = 76, y = 360 }, { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/flamethrower-turret/flamethrower-turret-gun-extension-shadow.png", frame_count = 1, height = 60, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/flamethrower-turret/hr-flamethrower-turret-gun-extension-shadow.png", frame_count = 1, height = 114, line_length = 1, run_mode = "forward", scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.03125, 0.5625 }, width = 180, y = 684 }, line_length = 1, run_mode = "forward", shift = { 1, 0.53125 }, width = 92, y = 360 } } }, west = { layers = { { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/flamethrower-turret/flamethrower-turret-gun-extension.png", frame_count = 1, height = 64, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/flamethrower-turret/hr-flamethrower-turret-gun-extension.png", frame_count = 1, height = 128, line_length = 1, priority = "medium", run_mode = "forward", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.375, -0.640625 }, width = 152, y = 384 }, line_length = 1, priority = "medium", run_mode = "forward", shift = { -0.4375, -0.640625 }, width = 80, y = 192 }, { apply_runtime_tint = true, axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/flamethrower-turret/flamethrower-turret-gun-extension-mask.png", flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 1, height = 60, hr_version = { apply_runtime_tint = true, axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/flamethrower-turret/hr-flamethrower-turret-gun-extension-mask.png", flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 1, height = 120, line_length = 1, run_mode = "forward", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.375, -0.640625 }, width = 144, y = 360 }, line_length = 1, run_mode = "forward", shift = { -0.4375, -0.640625 }, width = 76, y = 180 }, { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/flamethrower-turret/flamethrower-turret-gun-extension-shadow.png", frame_count = 1, height = 60, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/flamethrower-turret/hr-flamethrower-turret-gun-extension-shadow.png", frame_count = 1, height = 114, line_length = 1, run_mode = "forward", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.65625, 0.140625 }, width = 180, y = 342 }, line_length = 1, run_mode = "forward", shift = { 0.625, 0.109375 }, width = 92, y = 180 } } } }, 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= "medium", run_mode = "backward", shift = { 0.515625, -0.515625 }, width = 80, y = 576 }, { apply_runtime_tint = true, axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/flamethrower-turret/flamethrower-turret-gun-extension-mask.png", flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 15, height = 60, hr_version = { apply_runtime_tint = true, axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/flamethrower-turret/hr-flamethrower-turret-gun-extension-mask.png", flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 15, height = 120, line_length = 5, run_mode = "backward", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.578125, -0.515625 }, width = 144, y = 1080 }, line_length = 5, run_mode = "backward", shift = { 0.515625, -0.515625 }, width = 76, y = 540 }, { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/flamethrower-turret/flamethrower-turret-gun-extension-shadow.png", frame_count = 15, height = 60, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/flamethrower-turret/hr-flamethrower-turret-gun-extension-shadow.png", frame_count = 15, height = 114, line_length = 5, run_mode = "backward", scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.609375, 0.265625 }, width = 180, y = 1026 }, line_length = 5, run_mode = "backward", shift = { 1.578125, 0.234375 }, width = 92, y = 540 } } }, north = { layers = { { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/flamethrower-turret/flamethrower-turret-gun-extension.png", frame_count = 15, height = 64, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/flamethrower-turret/hr-flamethrower-turret-gun-extension.png", frame_count = 15, height = 128, line_length = 5, priority = "medium", run_mode = "backward", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -1 }, width = 152, y = 0 }, line_length = 5, priority = "medium", run_mode = "backward", 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true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/flamethrower-turret/hr-flamethrower-turret-gun-extension-shadow.png", frame_count = 15, height = 114, line_length = 5, run_mode = "backward", scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.03125, -0.21875 }, width = 180, y = 0 }, line_length = 5, run_mode = "backward", shift = { 1, -0.25 }, width = 92, y = 0 } } }, south = { layers = { { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/flamethrower-turret/flamethrower-turret-gun-extension.png", frame_count = 15, height = 64, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/flamethrower-turret/hr-flamethrower-turret-gun-extension.png", frame_count = 15, height = 128, line_length = 5, priority = "medium", run_mode = "backward", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.21875 }, width = 152, y = 768 }, line_length = 5, priority = "medium", run_mode = "backward", shift = { -0.0625, -0.21875 }, width = 80, y = 384 }, { apply_runtime_tint = true, axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/flamethrower-turret/flamethrower-turret-gun-extension-mask.png", flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 15, height = 60, hr_version = { apply_runtime_tint = true, axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/flamethrower-turret/hr-flamethrower-turret-gun-extension-mask.png", flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 15, height = 120, line_length = 5, run_mode = "backward", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.21875 }, width = 144, y = 720 }, line_length = 5, run_mode = "backward", shift = { -0.0625, -0.21875 }, width = 76, y = 360 }, { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/flamethrower-turret/flamethrower-turret-gun-extension-shadow.png", frame_count = 15, height = 60, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/flamethrower-turret/hr-flamethrower-turret-gun-extension-shadow.png", frame_count = 15, height = 114, line_length = 5, run_mode = "backward", scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.03125, 0.5625 }, width = 180, y = 684 }, line_length = 5, run_mode = "backward", shift = { 1, 0.53125 }, width = 92, y = 360 } } }, west = { layers = { { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/flamethrower-turret/flamethrower-turret-gun-extension.png", frame_count = 15, height = 64, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/flamethrower-turret/hr-flamethrower-turret-gun-extension.png", frame_count = 15, height = 128, line_length = 5, priority = "medium", run_mode = "backward", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.375, -0.640625 }, width = 152, y = 384 }, line_length = 5, priority = "medium", run_mode = "backward", shift = { -0.4375, -0.640625 }, width = 80, y = 192 }, { apply_runtime_tint = true, 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"__base__/graphics/entity/flamethrower-turret/hr-flamethrower-turret-gun-extension-shadow.png", frame_count = 15, height = 114, line_length = 5, run_mode = "backward", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.65625, 0.140625 }, width = 180, y = 342 }, line_length = 5, run_mode = "backward", shift = { 0.625, 0.109375 }, width = 92, y = 180 } } } }, folding_muzzle_animation_shift = { direction_shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["fluid-turret"]["flamethrower-turret"].attacking_muzzle_animation_shift.direction_shift ]=], rotations = { { frames = { { 0, -1.6563316403554314 }, { 0, -1.6611970059532966 }, { 0, -1.6630985851925944 }, { 0, -1.6620327254455156 }, { 0, -1.658001473970992 }, { 0, -1.6510125739556269 }, { 0, -1.6410794496335292 }, { 0, -1.6282211805257183 }, { 0, -1.6124624648636033 }, { 0, -1.5938335722851916 }, { 0, -1.5723702859171338 }, { 0, -1.5481138339805273 }, { 0, -1.5211108110835012 }, { 0, -1.4914130893890469 }, { 0, -1.4590777198723305 } }, render_layer = "object" }, { frames = { { 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"__base__/sound/fight/flamethrower-turret-deactivate-02.ogg", volume = 0.2 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/flamethrower-turret-deactivate-03.ogg", volume = 0.2 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/flamethrower-turret-deactivate-04.ogg", volume = 0.2 } }, folding_speed = 0.08, gun_animation_render_layer = "object", gun_animation_secondary_draw_order = 1, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/flamethrower-turret.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, max_health = 1400, minable = { mining_time = 0.5, result = "flamethrower-turret" }, muzzle_animation = { axially_symmetrical = false, blend_mode = "additive", direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/flamethrower-turret/flamethrower-turret-muzzle-fire.png", frame_count = 32, height = 41, line_length = 8, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0078125, -0.2234375 }, width = 17 }, muzzle_light = { color = { 1, 0.5, 0 }, intensity = 0.2, size = 1.5 }, name = "flamethrower-turret", not_enough_fuel_indicator_light = { color = { 1, 0, 0 }, intensity = 0.2, size = 1.5 }, not_enough_fuel_indicator_picture = { east = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/flamethrower-turret/flamethrower-turret-led-indicator-east.png", frame_count = 2, height = 6, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/flamethrower-turret/hr-flamethrower-turret-led-indicator-east.png", frame_count = 2, height = 8, line_length = 2, scale = 0.5, shift = { -1.03125, -0.15625 }, width = 18 }, line_length = 2, shift = { -1.0625, -0.1875 }, width = 12 }, north = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/flamethrower-turret/flamethrower-turret-led-indicator-north.png", frame_count = 2, height = 10, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/flamethrower-turret/hr-flamethrower-turret-led-indicator-north.png", frame_count = 2, height = 18, line_length = 2, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.21875, 0.625 }, width = 10 }, line_length = 2, shift = { 0.25, 0.625 }, width = 4 }, south = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/flamethrower-turret/flamethrower-turret-led-indicator-south.png", frame_count = 2, height = 12, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/flamethrower-turret/hr-flamethrower-turret-led-indicator-south.png", frame_count = 2, height = 18, line_length = 2, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.25, -1.40625 }, width = 8 }, line_length = 2, shift = { -0.25, -1.4375 }, width = 4 }, west = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/flamethrower-turret/flamethrower-turret-led-indicator-west.png", frame_count = 2, height = 10, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/flamethrower-turret/hr-flamethrower-turret-led-indicator-west.png", frame_count = 2, height = 10, line_length = 2, scale = 0.5, shift = { 1, -0.625 }, width = 20 }, line_length = 2, shift = { 1, -0.6875 }, width = 10 } }, out_of_ammo_alert_icon = { filename = "__core__/graphics/icons/alerts/fuel-icon-red.png", flags = { "icon" }, height = 64, priority = "extra-high-no-scale", width = 64 }, prepare_range = 35, prepared_animation = { east = { layers = { { axially_symmetrical = false, counterclockwise = true, direction_count = 64, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/flamethrower-turret/flamethrower-turret-gun.png", frame_count = 1, height = 66, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, counterclockwise = true, direction_count = 64, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/flamethrower-turret/hr-flamethrower-turret-gun.png", frame_count = 1, height = 128, line_length = 8, priority = "medium", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.546875, -0.484375 }, width = 158 }, line_length = 8, priority = "medium", shift = { 0.515625, -0.515625 }, width = 82 }, { apply_runtime_tint = true, axially_symmetrical = false, counterclockwise = true, direction_count = 64, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/flamethrower-turret/flamethrower-turret-gun-mask.png", flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 1, height = 56, hr_version = { apply_runtime_tint = true, axially_symmetrical = false, counterclockwise = true, direction_count = 64, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/flamethrower-turret/hr-flamethrower-turret-gun-mask.png", flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 1, height = 112, line_length = 8, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.546875, -0.578125 }, width = 144 }, line_length = 8, shift = { 0.515625, -0.578125 }, width = 74 }, { axially_symmetrical = false, counterclockwise = true, direction_count = 64, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/flamethrower-turret/flamethrower-turret-gun-shadow.png", frame_count = 1, height = 56, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, counterclockwise = true, direction_count = 64, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/flamethrower-turret/hr-flamethrower-turret-gun-shadow.png", frame_count = 1, height = 116, line_length = 8, scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.546875, 0.265625 }, width = 182 }, line_length = 8, shift = { 1.578125, 0.296875 }, width = 90 } } }, north = { layers = { { axially_symmetrical = false, counterclockwise = true, direction_count = 64, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/flamethrower-turret/flamethrower-turret-gun.png", frame_count = 1, height = 66, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, counterclockwise = true, direction_count = 64, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/flamethrower-turret/hr-flamethrower-turret-gun.png", frame_count = 1, height = 128, line_length = 8, priority = "medium", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03125, -0.96875 }, width = 158 }, line_length = 8, priority = "medium", shift = { -0.0625, -1 }, width = 82 }, { apply_runtime_tint = true, axially_symmetrical = false, counterclockwise = true, direction_count = 64, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/flamethrower-turret/flamethrower-turret-gun-mask.png", flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 1, height = 56, hr_version = { apply_runtime_tint = true, axially_symmetrical = false, counterclockwise = true, direction_count = 64, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/flamethrower-turret/hr-flamethrower-turret-gun-mask.png", flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 1, height = 112, line_length = 8, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03125, -1.0625 }, width = 144 }, line_length = 8, shift = { -0.0625, -1.0625 }, width = 74 }, { axially_symmetrical = false, counterclockwise = true, direction_count = 64, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/flamethrower-turret/flamethrower-turret-gun-shadow.png", frame_count = 1, height = 56, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, counterclockwise = true, direction_count = 64, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/flamethrower-turret/hr-flamethrower-turret-gun-shadow.png", frame_count = 1, height = 116, line_length = 8, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.96875, -0.21875 }, width = 182 }, line_length = 8, shift = { 1, -0.1875 }, width = 90 } } }, south = { layers = { { axially_symmetrical = false, counterclockwise = true, direction_count = 64, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/flamethrower-turret/flamethrower-turret-gun.png", frame_count = 1, height = 66, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, counterclockwise = true, direction_count = 64, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/flamethrower-turret/hr-flamethrower-turret-gun.png", frame_count = 1, height = 128, line_length = 8, priority = "medium", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03125, -0.1875 }, width = 158 }, line_length = 8, priority = "medium", shift = { -0.0625, -0.21875 }, width = 82 }, { apply_runtime_tint = true, axially_symmetrical = false, counterclockwise = true, direction_count = 64, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/flamethrower-turret/flamethrower-turret-gun-mask.png", flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 1, height = 56, hr_version = { apply_runtime_tint = true, axially_symmetrical = false, counterclockwise = true, direction_count = 64, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/flamethrower-turret/hr-flamethrower-turret-gun-mask.png", flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 1, height = 112, line_length = 8, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03125, -0.28125 }, width = 144 }, line_length = 8, shift = { -0.0625, -0.28125 }, width = 74 }, { axially_symmetrical = false, counterclockwise = true, direction_count = 64, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/flamethrower-turret/flamethrower-turret-gun-shadow.png", frame_count = 1, height = 56, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, counterclockwise = true, direction_count = 64, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/flamethrower-turret/hr-flamethrower-turret-gun-shadow.png", frame_count = 1, height = 116, line_length = 8, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.96875, 0.5625 }, width = 182 }, line_length = 8, shift = { 1, 0.59375 }, width = 90 } } }, west = { layers = { { axially_symmetrical = false, counterclockwise = true, direction_count = 64, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/flamethrower-turret/flamethrower-turret-gun.png", frame_count = 1, height = 66, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, counterclockwise = true, direction_count = 64, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/flamethrower-turret/hr-flamethrower-turret-gun.png", frame_count = 1, height = 128, line_length = 8, priority = "medium", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.40625, -0.609375 }, width = 158 }, line_length = 8, priority = "medium", shift = { -0.4375, -0.640625 }, width = 82 }, { apply_runtime_tint = true, axially_symmetrical = false, counterclockwise = true, direction_count = 64, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/flamethrower-turret/flamethrower-turret-gun-mask.png", flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 1, height = 56, hr_version = { apply_runtime_tint = true, axially_symmetrical = false, counterclockwise = true, direction_count = 64, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/flamethrower-turret/hr-flamethrower-turret-gun-mask.png", flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 1, height = 112, line_length = 8, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.40625, -0.703125 }, width = 144 }, line_length = 8, shift = { -0.4375, -0.703125 }, width = 74 }, { axially_symmetrical = false, counterclockwise = true, direction_count = 64, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/flamethrower-turret/flamethrower-turret-gun-shadow.png", frame_count = 1, height = 56, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, counterclockwise = true, direction_count = 64, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/flamethrower-turret/hr-flamethrower-turret-gun-shadow.png", frame_count = 1, height = 116, line_length = 8, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.59375, 0.140625 }, width = 182 }, line_length = 8, shift = { 0.625, 0.171875 }, width = 90 } } } }, prepared_muzzle_animation_shift = { direction_shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["fluid-turret"]["flamethrower-turret"].attacking_muzzle_animation_shift.direction_shift ]=], rotations = { { frames = { { 0, -1.6563316403554314 } } }, { frames = { { 0.055268033136635095, -1.6544117418190398 } } }, { frames = { { 0.11000380520086883, -1.6486705435917923 } } }, { frames = { { 0.16368018091270273, -1.6391633294141627 } } }, { frames = { { 0.21578022728858297, -1.625981659316083 } } }, { frames = { { 0.2658021920191616, -1.6092524819115219 } } }, { frames = { { 0.31326433578374413, -1.5891369095532097 } } }, { frames = { { 0.35770957191571275, -1.5658286663557986 } } }, { frames = { { 0.39870986863498734, -1.5395522229179008 } } }, { frames = { { 0.43587037131579427, -1.5105606350770431 } } }, { frames = { { 0.46883320496066601, -1.4791331072166926 } } }, { 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0.515625, -0.515625 }, width = 80, y = 576 }, { apply_runtime_tint = true, axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/flamethrower-turret/flamethrower-turret-gun-extension-mask.png", flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 15, height = 60, hr_version = { apply_runtime_tint = true, axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/flamethrower-turret/hr-flamethrower-turret-gun-extension-mask.png", flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 15, height = 120, line_length = 5, run_mode = "forward", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.578125, -0.515625 }, width = 144, y = 1080 }, line_length = 5, run_mode = "forward", shift = { 0.515625, -0.515625 }, width = 76, y = 540 }, { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/flamethrower-turret/flamethrower-turret-gun-extension-shadow.png", frame_count = 15, height = 60, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/flamethrower-turret/hr-flamethrower-turret-gun-extension-shadow.png", frame_count = 15, height = 114, line_length = 5, run_mode = "forward", scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.609375, 0.265625 }, width = 180, y = 1026 }, line_length = 5, run_mode = "forward", shift = { 1.578125, 0.234375 }, width = 92, y = 540 } } }, north = { layers = { { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/flamethrower-turret/flamethrower-turret-gun-extension.png", frame_count = 15, height = 64, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/flamethrower-turret/hr-flamethrower-turret-gun-extension.png", frame_count = 15, height = 128, line_length = 5, priority = "medium", run_mode = "forward", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -1 }, width = 152, y = 0 }, line_length = 5, priority = "medium", run_mode = "forward", shift = { -0.0625, -1 }, width = 80, y = 0 }, { apply_runtime_tint = true, axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/flamethrower-turret/flamethrower-turret-gun-extension-mask.png", flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 15, height = 60, hr_version = { apply_runtime_tint = true, axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/flamethrower-turret/hr-flamethrower-turret-gun-extension-mask.png", flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 15, height = 120, line_length = 5, run_mode = "forward", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -1 }, width = 144, y = 0 }, line_length = 5, run_mode = "forward", shift = { -0.0625, -1 }, width = 76, y = 0 }, { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/flamethrower-turret/flamethrower-turret-gun-extension-shadow.png", frame_count = 15, height = 60, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/flamethrower-turret/hr-flamethrower-turret-gun-extension-shadow.png", frame_count = 15, height = 114, line_length = 5, run_mode = "forward", scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.03125, -0.21875 }, width = 180, y = 0 }, line_length = 5, run_mode = "forward", shift = { 1, -0.25 }, width = 92, y = 0 } } }, south = { layers = { { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/flamethrower-turret/flamethrower-turret-gun-extension.png", frame_count = 15, height = 64, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/flamethrower-turret/hr-flamethrower-turret-gun-extension.png", frame_count = 15, height = 128, line_length = 5, priority = "medium", run_mode = "forward", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.21875 }, width = 152, y = 768 }, line_length = 5, priority = "medium", run_mode = "forward", shift = { -0.0625, -0.21875 }, width = 80, y = 384 }, { apply_runtime_tint = true, axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/flamethrower-turret/flamethrower-turret-gun-extension-mask.png", flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 15, height = 60, hr_version = { apply_runtime_tint = true, axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/flamethrower-turret/hr-flamethrower-turret-gun-extension-mask.png", flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 15, height = 120, line_length = 5, run_mode = "forward", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.21875 }, width = 144, y = 720 }, line_length = 5, run_mode = "forward", shift = { -0.0625, -0.21875 }, width = 76, y = 360 }, { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/flamethrower-turret/flamethrower-turret-gun-extension-shadow.png", frame_count = 15, height = 60, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/flamethrower-turret/hr-flamethrower-turret-gun-extension-shadow.png", frame_count = 15, height = 114, line_length = 5, run_mode = "forward", scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.03125, 0.5625 }, width = 180, y = 684 }, line_length = 5, run_mode = "forward", shift = { 1, 0.53125 }, width = 92, y = 360 } } }, west = { layers = { { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/flamethrower-turret/flamethrower-turret-gun-extension.png", frame_count = 15, height = 64, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/flamethrower-turret/hr-flamethrower-turret-gun-extension.png", frame_count = 15, height = 128, line_length = 5, priority = "medium", run_mode = "forward", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.375, -0.640625 }, width = 152, y = 384 }, line_length = 5, priority = "medium", run_mode = "forward", shift = { -0.4375, -0.640625 }, width = 80, y = 192 }, { apply_runtime_tint = true, axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/flamethrower-turret/flamethrower-turret-gun-extension-mask.png", flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 15, height = 60, hr_version = { apply_runtime_tint = true, axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/flamethrower-turret/hr-flamethrower-turret-gun-extension-mask.png", flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 15, height = 120, line_length = 5, run_mode = "forward", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.375, -0.640625 }, width = 144, y = 360 }, line_length = 5, run_mode = "forward", shift = { -0.4375, -0.640625 }, width = 76, y = 180 }, { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/flamethrower-turret/flamethrower-turret-gun-extension-shadow.png", frame_count = 15, height = 60, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/flamethrower-turret/hr-flamethrower-turret-gun-extension-shadow.png", frame_count = 15, height = 114, line_length = 5, run_mode = "forward", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.65625, 0.140625 }, width = 180, y = 342 }, line_length = 5, run_mode = "forward", shift = { 0.625, 0.109375 }, width = 92, y = 180 } } } }, preparing_muzzle_animation_shift = { direction_shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["fluid-turret"]["flamethrower-turret"].attacking_muzzle_animation_shift.direction_shift ]=], rotations = { { frames = { { 0, -1.4590777198723305 }, { 0, -1.4914130893890469 }, { 0, -1.5211108110835012 }, { 0, -1.5481138339805273 }, { 0, -1.5723702859171338 }, { 0, -1.5938335722851916 }, { 0, -1.6124624648636033 }, { 0, -1.6282211805257183 }, { 0, -1.6410794496335292 }, { 0, -1.6510125739556269 }, { 0, -1.658001473970992 }, { 0, -1.6620327254455156 }, { 0, -1.6630985851925944 }, { 0, -1.6611970059532966 }, { 0, -1.6563316403554314 } }, render_layer = "object" }, { frames = { { 1.0693375000000001, -0.70294192224531162 }, { 1.0501374299619368, -0.74885379148519826 }, { 1.0281108083955148, -0.79412668665589816 }, { 1.0032999383817778, -0.83867364398677466 }, { 0.97575247414158799, -0.88240909469211211 }, { 0.94552132850848167, -0.92524902914037614 }, { 0.91266457055091816, -0.96711115807838439 }, { 0.87724531349167112, -1.0079150705916806 }, { 0.83933159309792558, -1.047582388489918 }, { 0.79899623674039155, -1.0860369168140021 }, { 0.75631672334340543, -1.1232047901701159 }, { 0.71137503447059576, -1.159014614604577 }, { 0.66425749681223802, -1.1933976047426908 }, { 0.61505461636087251, -1.2262877159244625 }, { 0.56386090458118288, -1.2576217710801225 } } }, { frames = { { 0, 0.053193875381707434 }, { 0, -0.0062944935813494265 }, { 0, -0.067142562228295191 }, { 0, -0.12923345399302191 }, { 0, -0.1924479034670901 }, { 0, -0.25666448599556038 }, { 0, -0.32175985129316516 }, { 0, -0.38760896065764276 }, { 0, -0.45408532734630676 }, { 0, -0.52106125967237693 }, { 0, -0.58840810636923981 }, { 0, -0.65599650376363838 }, { 0, -0.72369662429278723 }, { 0, -0.79137842589562837 }, { 0, -0.85891190180481409 } } }, { frames = { { -1.0693375000000001, -0.70294192224531162 }, { -1.0501374299619368, -0.74885379148519826 }, { -1.0281108083955148, -0.79412668665589816 }, { -1.0032999383817778, -0.83867364398677466 }, { -0.97575247414158799, -0.88240909469211211 }, { -0.94552132850848167, -0.92524902914037614 }, { -0.91266457055091816, -0.96711115807838439 }, { -0.87724531349167112, -1.0079150705916806 }, { -0.83933159309792558, -1.047582388489918 }, { -0.79899623674039155, -1.0860369168140021 }, { -0.75631672334340543, -1.1232047901701159 }, { -0.71137503447059576, -1.159014614604577 }, { -0.66425749681223802, -1.1933976047426908 }, { -0.61505461636087251, -1.2262877159244625 }, { -0.56386090458118288, -1.2576217710801225 } } } } }, preparing_sound = { { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/flamethrower-turret-activate-01.ogg", volume = 0.3 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/flamethrower-turret-activate-02.ogg", volume = 0.3 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/flamethrower-turret-activate-03.ogg", volume = 0.3 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/flamethrower-turret-activate-04.ogg", volume = 0.3 } }, preparing_speed = 0.08, resistances = { { percent = 100, type = "fire" } }, rotation_speed = 0.015, selection_box = { { -1, -1.5 }, { 1, 1.5 } }, shoot_in_prepare_state = false, turret_base_has_direction = true, type = "fluid-turret", vehicle_impact_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.vehicle_impact_sound ]=] } }, ["fluid-wagon"] = { ["fluid-wagon"] = { air_resistance = 0.01, back_light = { { add_perspective = true, color = { a = 0, b = 0.05, g = 0.1, r = 1 }, intensity = 0.6, minimum_darkness = 0.3, shift = { -0.6, 3.5 }, size = 2 }, { add_perspective = true, color = { a = 0, b = 0.05, g = 0.1, r = 1 }, intensity = 0.6, minimum_darkness = 0.3, shift = { 0.6, 3.5 }, size = 2 } }, braking_force = 3, capacity = 25000, collision_box = { { -0.6, -2.3999999999999999 }, { 0.6, 2.3999999999999999 } }, color = { a = 0.5, b = 0, g = 0.23000000000000003, r = 0.42999999999999998 }, connection_distance = 3, corpse = "fluid-wagon-remnants", crash_trigger = { sound = { { filename = "__base__/sound/car-crash.ogg", volume = 0 } }, type = "play-sound" }, damaged_trigger_effect = { damage_type_filters = "fire", entity_name = "spark-explosion", offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, offsets = { { 0, 1 } }, type = "create-entity" }, drive_over_tie_trigger = { sound = { { filename = "__base__/sound/train-tie-1.ogg", volume = 0.4 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/train-tie-2.ogg", volume = 0.4 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/train-tie-3.ogg", volume = 0.4 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/train-tie-4.ogg", volume = 0.4 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/train-tie-5.ogg", volume = 0.4 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/train-tie-6.ogg", volume = 0.4 } }, type = "play-sound" }, dying_explosion = "fluid-wagon-explosion", energy_per_hit_point = 6, flags = { "placeable-neutral", "player-creation", "placeable-off-grid" }, friction_force = 0.5, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/fluid-wagon.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, joint_distance = 4, max_health = 600, max_speed = 1.5, minable = { mining_time = 0.5, result = "fluid-wagon" }, mined_sound = { switch_vibration_data = { filename = "__core__/sound/deconstruct-large.bnvib", gain = 0.25 }, variations = { { filename = "__core__/sound/deconstruct-large.ogg", volume = 0.8 } } }, minimap_representation = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/fluid-wagon/fluid-wagon-minimap-representation.png", flags = { "icon" }, scale = 0.5, size = { 20, 40 } }, name = "fluid-wagon", pictures = { layers = { { allow_low_quality_rotation = true, back_equals_front = true, dice = 4, direction_count = 128, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/fluid-wagon/fluid-wagon-1.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/fluid-wagon/fluid-wagon-2.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/fluid-wagon/fluid-wagon-3.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/fluid-wagon/fluid-wagon-4.png" }, height = 210, hr_version = { allow_low_quality_rotation = true, back_equals_front = true, dice = 4, direction_count = 128, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/fluid-wagon/hr-fluid-wagon-1.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/fluid-wagon/hr-fluid-wagon-2.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/fluid-wagon/hr-fluid-wagon-3.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/fluid-wagon/hr-fluid-wagon-4.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/fluid-wagon/hr-fluid-wagon-5.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/fluid-wagon/hr-fluid-wagon-6.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/fluid-wagon/hr-fluid-wagon-7.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/fluid-wagon/hr-fluid-wagon-8.png" }, height = 419, line_length = 4, lines_per_file = 4, priority = "very-low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.013, -0.92300000000000004 }, width = 416 }, line_length = 4, lines_per_file = 8, priority = "very-low", shift = { 0.013, -0.92300000000000004 }, width = 208 }, { allow_low_quality_rotation = true, back_equals_front = true, dice = 4, direction_count = 128, draw_as_shadow = true, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/fluid-wagon/fluid-wagon-shadow-1.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/fluid-wagon/fluid-wagon-shadow-2.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/fluid-wagon/fluid-wagon-shadow-3.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/fluid-wagon/fluid-wagon-shadow-4.png" }, flags = { "shadow" }, height = 188, hr_version = { allow_low_quality_rotation = true, back_equals_front = true, dice = 4, direction_count = 128, draw_as_shadow = true, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/fluid-wagon/hr-fluid-wagon-shadow-1.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/fluid-wagon/hr-fluid-wagon-shadow-2.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/fluid-wagon/hr-fluid-wagon-shadow-3.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/fluid-wagon/hr-fluid-wagon-shadow-4.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/fluid-wagon/hr-fluid-wagon-shadow-5.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/fluid-wagon/hr-fluid-wagon-shadow-6.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/fluid-wagon/hr-fluid-wagon-shadow-7.png" }, flags = { "shadow" }, height = 375, line_length = 4, lines_per_file = 5, priority = "very-low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.88800000000000008, 0.38949999999999999 }, width = 501 }, line_length = 4, lines_per_file = 8, priority = "very-low", shift = { 0.88800000000000008, 0.38949999999999999 }, width = 251 } } }, resistances = { { decrease = 15, percent = 50, type = "fire" }, { decrease = 15, percent = 30, type = "physical" }, { decrease = 50, percent = 60, type = "impact" }, { decrease = 15, percent = 30, type = "explosion" }, { decrease = 3, percent = 20, type = "acid" } }, selected_minimap_representation = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/fluid-wagon/fluid-wagon-selected-minimap-representation.png", flags = { "icon" }, scale = 0.5, size = { 20, 40 } }, selection_box = { { -1, -2.703125 }, { 1, 3.296875 } }, sound_minimum_speed = 0.1, stand_by_light = { { add_perspective = true, color = { a = 0, b = 1, g = 0.2, r = 0.05 }, intensity = 0.5, minimum_darkness = 0.3, shift = { -0.6, -3.5 }, size = 2 }, { add_perspective = true, color = { a = 0, b = 1, g = 0.2, r = 0.05 }, intensity = 0.5, minimum_darkness = 0.3, shift = { 0.6, -3.5 }, size = 2 } }, tie_distance = 50, type = "fluid-wagon", vehicle_impact_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.vehicle_impact_sound ]=], vertical_selection_shift = -0.796875, water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = false, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/diesel-locomotive/diesel-locomotive-reflection.png", height = 52, priority = "extra-high", scale = 5, shift = { 0, 1.25 }, variation_count = 1, width = 20 }, rotate = true }, weight = 1000, wheels = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["artillery-wagon"]["artillery-wagon"].wheels ]=], working_sound = { match_volume_to_activity = true, sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/train-wheels.ogg", volume = 0.3 } } } }, ["flying-text"] = { ["entity-unknown"] = { flags = { "hidden" }, icon = "__core__/graphics/icons/unknown.png", icon_size = 64, name = "entity-unknown", speed = 0, time_to_live = 0, type = "flying-text" }, ["flying-text"] = { flags = { "not-on-map", "placeable-off-grid" }, name = "flying-text", speed = 0.05, time_to_live = 150, type = "flying-text" }, ["tile-proxy"] = { flags = { "hidden" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/landfill.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "tile-proxy", speed = 0.05, time_to_live = 150, type = "flying-text" }, ["tree-dying-proxy"] = { flags = { "hidden" }, icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, icons = { { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/tree-01.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64 }, { icon = "__core__/graphics/cancel.png", icon_size = 64 } }, name = "tree-dying-proxy", speed = 0.05, time_to_live = 150, type = "flying-text" }, ["tree-proxy"] = { flags = { "hidden" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/tree-01.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "tree-proxy", speed = 0.05, time_to_live = 150, type = "flying-text" }, ["tutorial-flying-text"] = { flags = { "not-on-map", "placeable-off-grid" }, name = "tutorial-flying-text", speed = 0.02, text_alignment = "center", time_to_live = 120, type = "flying-text" } }, font = { compi = { from = "default", name = "compi", size = 20, type = "font" }, ["compilatron-message-font"] = { from = "default-semibold", name = "compilatron-message-font", size = 18, type = "font" }, ["count-font"] = { border = true, border_color = {}, from = "default-bold", name = "count-font", size = 13, type = "font" }, default = { from = "default", name = "default", size = 14, type = "font" }, ["default-bold"] = { from = "default-bold", name = "default-bold", size = 14, type = "font" }, ["default-dialog-button"] = { from = "default-bold", name = "default-dialog-button", size = 18, type = "font" }, ["default-dropdown"] = { from = "default-semibold", name = "default-dropdown", size = 14, type = "font" }, ["default-game"] = { border = true, border_color = {}, from = "default", name = "default-game", size = 18, type = "font" }, ["default-large"] = { from = "default", name = "default-large", size = 18, type = "font" }, ["default-large-bold"] = { from = "default-bold", name = "default-large-bold", size = 18, type = "font" }, ["default-large-semibold"] = { from = "default-semibold", name = "default-large-semibold", size = 18, type = "font" }, ["default-listbox"] = { from = "default", name = "default-listbox", size = 14, type = "font" }, ["default-semibold"] = { from = "default-semibold", name = "default-semibold", size = 14, type = "font" }, ["default-small"] = { from = "default", name = "default-small", size = 12, type = "font" }, ["default-small-bold"] = { from = "default-bold", name = "default-small-bold", size = 12, type = "font" }, ["default-small-semibold"] = { from = "default-semibold", name = "default-small-semibold", size = 12, type = "font" }, ["default-tiny-bold"] = { from = "default-bold", name = "default-tiny-bold", size = 10, type = "font" }, ["heading-1"] = { from = "default-bold", name = "heading-1", size = 18, type = "font" }, ["heading-2"] = { from = "default-bold", name = "heading-2", size = 15, type = "font" }, ["heading-3"] = { from = "default-semibold", name = "heading-3", size = 14, type = "font" }, ["locale-pick"] = { from = "locale-pick", name = "locale-pick", size = 14, type = "font" }, ["scenario-message-dialog"] = { from = "default", name = "scenario-message-dialog", size = 16, type = "font" }, ["technology-slot-level-font"] = { border = false, from = "default-bold", name = "technology-slot-level-font", size = 11, type = "font" }, var = { border = false, from = "default-bold", name = "var", size = 14, type = "font" } }, ["fuel-category"] = { chemical = { name = "chemical", type = "fuel-category" }, nuclear = { name = "nuclear", type = "fuel-category" } }, furnace = { ["electric-furnace"] = { allowed_effects = { "consumption", "speed", "productivity", "pollution" }, animation = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-furnace/electric-furnace-base.png", frame_count = 1, height = 100, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-furnace/hr-electric-furnace.png", frame_count = 1, height = 219, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0234375, 0.1796875 }, width = 239 }, priority = "high", shift = { 0.421875, 0 }, width = 129 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-furnace/electric-furnace-shadow.png", frame_count = 1, height = 100, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-furnace/hr-electric-furnace-shadow.png", frame_count = 1, height = 171, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.3515625, 0.2421875 }, width = 227 }, priority = "high", shift = { 0.421875, 0 }, width = 129 } } }, close_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.close_sound ]=], collision_box = { { -1.2, -1.2 }, { 1.2, 1.2 } }, corpse = "electric-furnace-remnants", crafting_categories = { "smelting" }, crafting_speed = 2, damaged_trigger_effect = { damage_type_filters = "fire", entity_name = "spark-explosion", offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, offsets = { { 0, 1 } }, type = "create-entity" }, dying_explosion = "electric-furnace-explosion", energy_source = { emissions_per_minute = 1, type = "electric", usage_priority = "secondary-input" }, energy_usage = "180kW", fast_replaceable_group = "furnace", flags = { "placeable-neutral", "placeable-player", "player-creation" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/electric-furnace.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, max_health = 350, minable = { mining_time = 0.2, result = "electric-furnace" }, module_specification = { module_info_icon_shift = { 0, 0.8 }, module_slots = 2 }, name = "electric-furnace", open_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.open_sound ]=], resistances = { { percent = 80, type = "fire" } }, result_inventory_size = 1, selection_box = { { -1.5, -1.5 }, { 1.5, 1.5 } }, source_inventory_size = 1, type = "furnace", vehicle_impact_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.vehicle_impact_sound ]=], water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = false, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-furnace/electric-furnace-reflection.png", height = 24, priority = "extra-high", scale = 5, shift = { 0.15625, 1.25 }, variation_count = 1, width = 24 }, rotate = false }, working_sound = { audible_distance_modifier = 0.6, fade_in_ticks = 4, fade_out_ticks = 20, sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/electric-furnace.ogg", volume = 0.6 } }, working_visualisations = { { animation = { layers = { { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-furnace/electric-furnace-heater.png", frame_count = 12, height = 15, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-furnace/hr-electric-furnace-heater.png", frame_count = 12, height = 56, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0546875, 1.0234375 }, width = 60 }, priority = "high", shift = { 0.015625, 0.890625 }, width = 25 }, { blend_mode = "additive", filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-furnace/electric-furnace-light.png", height = 102, hr_version = { blend_mode = "additive", filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-furnace/hr-electric-furnace-light.png", height = 202, repeat_count = 12, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.03125, 0 }, width = 202 }, repeat_count = 12, shift = { 0, 0 }, width = 104 } } }, draw_as_light = true, fadeout = true }, { animation = { blend_mode = "additive", filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-furnace/electric-furnace-ground-light.png", height = 64, hr_version = { blend_mode = "additive", filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-furnace/hr-electric-furnace-ground-light.png", height = 124, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.09375, 2.15625 }, width = 166 }, shift = { 0.125, 2.125 }, width = 82 }, draw_as_light = true, draw_as_sprite = false, fadeout = true }, { animation = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-furnace/electric-furnace-propeller-1.png", frame_count = 4, height = 13, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-furnace/hr-electric-furnace-propeller-1.png", frame_count = 4, height = 25, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.640625, -0.578125 }, width = 37 }, priority = "high", shift = { -0.671875, -0.640625 }, width = 19 } }, { animation = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-furnace/electric-furnace-propeller-2.png", frame_count = 4, height = 9, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-furnace/hr-electric-furnace-propeller-2.png", frame_count = 4, height = 15, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.109375, -1.1875 }, width = 23 }, priority = "high", shift = { 0.0625, -1.234375 }, width = 12 } } } }, ["steel-furnace"] = { animation = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/steel-furnace/steel-furnace.png", frame_count = 1, height = 87, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/steel-furnace/hr-steel-furnace.png", frame_count = 1, height = 174, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.0390625, 0.0625 }, width = 171 }, priority = "high", shift = { -0.046875, 0.046875 }, width = 85 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/steel-furnace/steel-furnace-shadow.png", frame_count = 1, height = 43, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/steel-furnace/hr-steel-furnace-shadow.png", frame_count = 1, height = 85, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.2265625, 0.3515625 }, width = 277 }, priority = "high", shift = { 1.234375, 0.359375 }, width = 139 } } }, close_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.close_sound ]=], collision_box = { { -0.7, -0.7 }, { 0.7, 0.7 } }, corpse = "steel-furnace-remnants", crafting_categories = { "smelting" }, crafting_speed = 2, damaged_trigger_effect = { damage_type_filters = "fire", entity_name = "spark-explosion", offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, offsets = { { 0, 1 } }, type = "create-entity" }, dying_explosion = "steel-furnace-explosion", energy_source = { effectivity = 1, emissions_per_minute = 4, fuel_category = "chemical", fuel_inventory_size = 1, light_flicker = { color = { 0, 0, 0 }, maximum_intensity = 0.95, minimum_intensity = 0.6 }, smoke = { { frequency = 10, name = "smoke", position = { 0.7, -1.2 }, starting_frame_deviation = 60, starting_vertical_speed = 0.08 } }, type = "burner" }, energy_usage = "90kW", fast_replaceable_group = "furnace", flags = { "placeable-neutral", "placeable-player", "player-creation" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/steel-furnace.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, max_health = 300, minable = { mining_time = 0.2, result = "steel-furnace" }, name = "steel-furnace", open_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.open_sound ]=], resistances = { { percent = 100, type = "fire" } }, result_inventory_size = 1, selection_box = { { -0.8, -1 }, { 0.8, 1 } }, source_inventory_size = 1, type = "furnace", vehicle_impact_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.vehicle_impact_sound ]=], water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = false, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/steel-furnace/steel-furnace-reflection.png", height = 24, priority = "extra-high", scale = 5, shift = { 0, 1.40625 }, variation_count = 1, width = 20 }, rotate = false }, working_sound = { audible_distance_modifier = 0.37000000000000002, fade_in_ticks = 4, fade_out_ticks = 20, max_sounds_per_type = 4, sound = { { filename = "__base__/sound/steel-furnace.ogg", volume = 0.46000000000000005 } } }, working_visualisations = { { animation = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/steel-furnace/steel-furnace-fire.png", frame_count = 48, height = 40, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/steel-furnace/hr-steel-furnace-fire.png", frame_count = 48, height = 81, line_length = 8, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.0234375, 0.1796875 }, width = 57 }, line_length = 8, priority = "high", shift = { -0.015625, 0.1875 }, width = 29 }, draw_as_light = true, effect = "flicker", fadeout = true }, { animation = { blend_mode = "additive", filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/steel-furnace/steel-furnace-glow.png", frame_count = 1, height = 43, priority = "high", shift = { 0.03125, 0.640625 }, width = 60 }, draw_as_light = true, effect = "flicker", fadeout = true }, { animation = { blend_mode = "additive", direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/steel-furnace/steel-furnace-working.png", frame_count = 1, height = 74, hr_version = { blend_mode = "additive", direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/steel-furnace/hr-steel-furnace-working.png", frame_count = 1, height = 150, line_length = 1, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.15625 }, width = 128 }, line_length = 1, priority = "high", shift = { 0, -0.125 }, width = 64 }, draw_as_light = true, effect = "flicker", fadeout = true }, { animation = { blend_mode = "additive", direction_count = 1, draw_as_sprite = false, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/steel-furnace/steel-furnace-ground-light.png", frame_count = 1, height = 64, hr_version = { blend_mode = "additive", direction_count = 1, draw_as_sprite = false, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/steel-furnace/hr-steel-furnace-ground-light.png", frame_count = 1, height = 126, line_length = 1, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.03125, 1.5 }, width = 152 }, line_length = 1, priority = "high", shift = { 0, 1.5 }, width = 78 }, draw_as_light = true, draw_as_sprite = false, effect = "flicker", fadeout = true } } }, ["stone-furnace"] = { animation = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/stone-furnace/stone-furnace.png", frame_count = 1, height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/stone-furnace/hr-stone-furnace.png", frame_count = 1, height = 146, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.0078125, 0.1875 }, width = 151 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.453125, 0.0625 }, width = 81 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/stone-furnace/stone-furnace-shadow.png", frame_count = 1, height = 64, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/stone-furnace/hr-stone-furnace-shadow.png", force_hr_shadow = true, frame_count = 1, height = 74, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.453125, 0.40625 }, width = 164 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.453125, 0.0625 }, width = 81 } } }, close_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.close_sound ]=], collision_box = { { -0.7, -0.7 }, { 0.7, 0.7 } }, corpse = "stone-furnace-remnants", crafting_categories = { "smelting" }, crafting_speed = 1, damaged_trigger_effect = { damage_type_filters = "fire", entity_name = "rock-damaged-explosion", offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, offsets = { { 0, 1 } }, type = "create-entity" }, dying_explosion = "stone-furnace-explosion", energy_source = { effectivity = 1, emissions_per_minute = 2, fuel_category = "chemical", fuel_inventory_size = 1, light_flicker = { color = { 0, 0, 0 }, maximum_intensity = 0.95, minimum_intensity = 0.6 }, smoke = { { deviation = { 0.1, 0.1 }, frequency = 5, name = "smoke", position = { 0, -0.8 }, starting_frame_deviation = 60, starting_vertical_speed = 0.08 } }, type = "burner" }, energy_usage = "90kW", fast_replaceable_group = "furnace", flags = { "placeable-neutral", "placeable-player", "player-creation" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/stone-furnace.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, max_health = 200, minable = { mining_time = 0.2, result = "stone-furnace" }, mined_sound = { switch_vibration_data = { filename = "__core__/sound/deconstruct-bricks.bnvib", gain = 0.32000000000000002 }, variations = { { filename = "__base__/sound/deconstruct-bricks.ogg", volume = 0.8 } } }, name = "stone-furnace", next_upgrade = "steel-furnace", open_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.open_sound ]=], repair_sound = { { filename = "__base__/sound/manual-repair-simple-1.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/manual-repair-simple-2.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/manual-repair-simple-3.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/manual-repair-simple-4.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/manual-repair-simple-5.ogg", volume = 0.4 } }, resistances = { { percent = 90, type = "fire" }, { percent = 30, type = "explosion" }, { percent = 30, type = "impact" } }, result_inventory_size = 1, selection_box = { { -0.8, -1 }, { 0.8, 1 } }, source_inventory_size = 1, type = "furnace", vehicle_impact_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].cliff.cliff.vehicle_impact_sound ]=], water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = false, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/stone-furnace/stone-furnace-reflection.png", height = 16, priority = "extra-high", scale = 5, shift = { 0, 1.09375 }, variation_count = 1, width = 16 }, rotate = false }, working_sound = { audible_distance_modifier = 0.4, fade_in_ticks = 4, fade_out_ticks = 20, sound = { { filename = "__base__/sound/furnace.ogg", volume = 0.6 } } }, working_visualisations = { { animation = { layers = { { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/stone-furnace/stone-furnace-fire.png", frame_count = 48, height = 49, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/stone-furnace/hr-stone-furnace-fire.png", frame_count = 48, height = 100, line_length = 8, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.0234375, 0.171875 }, width = 41 }, line_length = 8, priority = "extra-high", shift = { -0.015625, 0.171875 }, width = 20 }, { blend_mode = "additive", filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/stone-furnace/stone-furnace-light.png", height = 74, hr_version = { blend_mode = "additive", filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/stone-furnace/hr-stone-furnace-light.png", height = 144, repeat_count = 48, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, 0.15625 }, width = 106 }, repeat_count = 48, shift = { 0, 0.125 }, width = 54 } } }, draw_as_light = true, effect = "flicker", fadeout = true }, { animation = { blend_mode = "additive", draw_as_sprite = false, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/stone-furnace/stone-furnace-ground-light.png", height = 56, hr_version = { blend_mode = "additive", draw_as_sprite = false, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/stone-furnace/hr-stone-furnace-ground-light.png", height = 110, repeat_count = 48, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03125, 1.375 }, width = 116 }, repeat_count = 48, shift = { 0, 1.375 }, width = 56 }, draw_as_light = true, draw_as_sprite = false, effect = "flicker", fadeout = true } } } }, gate = { gate = { activation_distance = 3, close_sound = { { filename = "__base__/sound/gate-close-1.ogg", volume = 0.55 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/gate-close-2.ogg", volume = 0.55 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/gate-close-3.ogg", volume = 0.55 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/gate-close-4.ogg", volume = 0.55 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/gate-close-5.ogg", volume = 0.55 } }, collision_box = { { -0.29, -0.29 }, { 0.29, 0.29 } }, corpse = "gate-remnants", damaged_trigger_effect = { damage_type_filters = "fire", entity_name = "spark-explosion", offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, offsets = { { 0, 1 } }, type = "create-entity" }, dying_explosion = "gate-explosion", fadeout_interval = 15, fast_replaceable_group = "wall", flags = { "placeable-neutral", "placeable-player", "player-creation" }, horizontal_animation = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/gate/gate-horizontal.png", frame_count = 16, height = 48, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/gate/hr-gate-horizontal.png", frame_count = 16, height = 90, line_length = 8, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.09375 }, width = 66 }, line_length = 8, shift = { 0, -0.125 }, width = 34 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/gate/gate-horizontal-shadow.png", frame_count = 16, height = 30, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/gate/hr-gate-horizontal-shadow.png", frame_count = 16, height = 60, line_length = 8, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.375, 0.3125 }, width = 122 }, line_length = 8, shift = { 0.375, 0.3125 }, width = 62 } } }, horizontal_rail_animation_left = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/gate/gate-rail-horizontal-left.png", frame_count = 16, height = 40, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/gate/hr-gate-rail-horizontal-left.png", frame_count = 16, height = 74, line_length = 8, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.21875 }, width = 66 }, line_length = 8, shift = { 0, -0.25 }, width = 34 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/gate/gate-rail-horizontal-shadow-left.png", frame_count = 16, height = 30, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/gate/hr-gate-rail-horizontal-shadow-left.png", frame_count = 16, height = 60, line_length = 8, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.375, 0.3125 }, width = 122 }, line_length = 8, shift = { 0.375, 0.3125 }, width = 62 } } }, horizontal_rail_animation_right = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/gate/gate-rail-horizontal-right.png", frame_count = 16, height = 40, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/gate/hr-gate-rail-horizontal-right.png", frame_count = 16, height = 74, line_length = 8, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.21875 }, width = 66 }, line_length = 8, shift = { 0, -0.25 }, width = 34 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/gate/gate-rail-horizontal-shadow-right.png", frame_count = 16, height = 30, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/gate/hr-gate-rail-horizontal-shadow-right.png", frame_count = 16, height = 58, line_length = 8, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.375, 0.34375 }, width = 122 }, line_length = 8, shift = { 0.375, 0.3125 }, width = 62 } } }, horizontal_rail_base = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/gate/gate-rail-base-horizontal.png", frame_count = 16, height = 54, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/gate/hr-gate-rail-base-horizontal.png", frame_count = 16, height = 104, line_length = 8, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, 0.09375 }, width = 130 }, line_length = 8, shift = { 0, 0.0625 }, width = 66 }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/gate.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, max_health = 350, minable = { mining_time = 0.1, result = "gate" }, name = "gate", open_sound = { { filename = "__base__/sound/gate-open-1.ogg", volume = 0.55 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/gate-open-2.ogg", volume = 0.55 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/gate-open-3.ogg", volume = 0.55 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/gate-open-4.ogg", volume = 0.55 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/gate-open-5.ogg", volume = 0.55 } }, opening_speed = 0.066666600000000011, resistances = { { decrease = 3, percent = 20, type = "physical" }, { decrease = 45, percent = 60, type = "impact" }, { decrease = 10, percent = 30, type = "explosion" }, { percent = 100, type = "fire" }, { percent = 80, type = "acid" }, { percent = 70, type = "laser" } }, selection_box = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, timeout_to_close = 5, type = "gate", vehicle_impact_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.vehicle_impact_sound ]=], vertical_animation = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/gate/gate-vertical.png", frame_count = 16, height = 62, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/gate/hr-gate-vertical.png", frame_count = 16, height = 120, line_length = 8, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03125, -0.40625 }, width = 78 }, line_length = 8, shift = { 0, -0.4375 }, width = 38 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/gate/gate-vertical-shadow.png", frame_count = 16, height = 54, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/gate/hr-gate-vertical-shadow.png", frame_count = 16, height = 104, line_length = 8, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.28125, 0.28125 }, width = 82 }, line_length = 8, shift = { 0.3125, 0.25 }, width = 40 } } }, vertical_rail_animation_left = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/gate/gate-rail-vertical-left.png", frame_count = 16, height = 62, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/gate/hr-gate-rail-vertical-left.png", frame_count = 16, height = 118, line_length = 8, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.40625 }, width = 42 }, line_length = 8, shift = { 0, -0.4375 }, width = 22 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/gate/gate-rail-vertical-shadow-left.png", frame_count = 16, height = 54, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/gate/hr-gate-rail-vertical-shadow-left.png", frame_count = 16, height = 104, line_length = 8, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.28125, 0.28125 }, width = 82 }, line_length = 8, shift = { 0.25, 0.25 }, width = 44 } } }, vertical_rail_animation_right = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/gate/gate-rail-vertical-right.png", frame_count = 16, height = 62, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/gate/hr-gate-rail-vertical-right.png", frame_count = 16, height = 118, line_length = 8, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.40625 }, width = 42 }, line_length = 8, shift = { 0, -0.4375 }, width = 22 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/gate/gate-rail-vertical-shadow-right.png", frame_count = 16, height = 54, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/gate/hr-gate-rail-vertical-shadow-right.png", frame_count = 16, height = 104, line_length = 8, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.28125, 0.28125 }, width = 82 }, line_length = 8, shift = { 0.25, 0.25 }, width = 44 } } }, vertical_rail_base = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/gate/gate-rail-base-vertical.png", frame_count = 16, height = 66, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/gate/hr-gate-rail-base-vertical.png", frame_count = 16, height = 130, line_length = 8, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03125, 0 }, width = 138 }, line_length = 8, shift = { 0, 0 }, width = 68 }, wall_patch = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/gate/gate-wall-patch.png", frame_count = 16, height = 48, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/gate/hr-gate-wall-patch.png", frame_count = 16, height = 94, line_length = 8, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03125, 0.40625 }, width = 70 }, line_length = 8, shift = { 0, 0.375 }, width = 34 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/gate/gate-wall-patch-shadow.png", frame_count = 16, height = 38, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/gate/hr-gate-wall-patch-shadow.png", frame_count = 16, height = 72, line_length = 8, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.28125, 1.03125 }, width = 82 }, line_length = 8, shift = { 0.25, 1 }, width = 44 } } } } }, generator = { ["steam-engine"] = { alert_icon_shift = { 0.09375, -1.0625 }, close_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.close_sound ]=], collision_box = { { -1.25, -2.3500000000000001 }, { 1.25, 2.3500000000000001 } }, corpse = "steam-engine-remnants", damaged_trigger_effect = { damage_type_filters = "fire", entity_name = "spark-explosion", offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, offsets = { { 0, 1 } }, type = "create-entity" }, dying_explosion = "steam-engine-explosion", effectivity = 1, energy_source = { type = "electric", usage_priority = "secondary-output" }, fast_replaceable_group = "steam-engine", flags = { "placeable-neutral", "player-creation" }, fluid_box = { base_area = 1, base_level = -1, filter = "steam", height = 2, minimum_temperature = 100, pipe_connections = { { position = { 0, 3 }, type = "input-output" }, { position = { 0, -3 }, type = "input-output" } }, pipe_covers = { east = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-east.png", height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-east.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-east-shadow.png", height = 64, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-east-shadow.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 } } }, north = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-north.png", height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-north.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-north-shadow.png", height = 64, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-north-shadow.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 } } }, south = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-south.png", height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-south.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-south-shadow.png", height = 64, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-south-shadow.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 } } }, west = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-west.png", height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-west.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-west-shadow.png", height = 64, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-west-shadow.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 } } } }, production_type = "input-output" }, fluid_usage_per_tick = 0.5, horizontal_animation = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/steam-engine/steam-engine-H.png", frame_count = 32, height = 128, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/steam-engine/hr-steam-engine-H.png", frame_count = 32, height = 257, line_length = 8, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.03125, -0.1484375 }, width = 352 }, line_length = 8, shift = { 0.03125, -0.15625 }, width = 176 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/steam-engine/steam-engine-H-shadow.png", frame_count = 32, height = 80, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/steam-engine/hr-steam-engine-H-shadow.png", frame_count = 32, height = 160, line_length = 8, scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.5, 0.75 }, width = 508 }, line_length = 8, shift = { 1.5, 0.75 }, width = 254 } } }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/steam-engine.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, max_health = 400, maximum_temperature = 165, min_perceived_performance = 0.25, minable = { mining_time = 0.3, result = "steam-engine" }, name = "steam-engine", open_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.open_sound ]=], performance_to_sound_speedup = 0.5, resistances = { { percent = 70, type = "fire" }, { percent = 30, type = "impact" } }, selection_box = { { -1.5, -2.5 }, { 1.5, 2.5 } }, smoke = { { east_position = { -2, -2 }, frequency = 0.3125, name = "light-smoke", north_position = { 0.9, 0 }, slow_down_factor = 1, starting_frame_deviation = 60, starting_vertical_speed = 0.08 } }, type = "generator", vehicle_impact_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.vehicle_impact_sound ]=], vertical_animation = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/steam-engine/steam-engine-V.png", frame_count = 32, height = 195, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/steam-engine/hr-steam-engine-V.png", frame_count = 32, height = 391, line_length = 8, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1484375, -0.1953125 }, width = 225 }, line_length = 8, shift = { 0.15625, -0.203125 }, width = 112 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/steam-engine/steam-engine-V-shadow.png", frame_count = 32, height = 153, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/steam-engine/hr-steam-engine-V-shadow.png", frame_count = 32, height = 307, line_length = 8, scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.265625, 0.2890625 }, width = 330 }, line_length = 8, shift = { 1.265625, 0.296875 }, width = 165 } } }, water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = true, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/steam-engine/steam-engine-reflection.png", height = 44, priority = "extra-high", repeat_count = 2, scale = 5, shift = { 0, 1.71875 }, variation_count = 2, width = 40 }, rotate = false }, working_sound = { audible_distance_modifier = 0.8, fade_in_ticks = 4, fade_out_ticks = 20, match_speed_to_activity = true, max_sounds_per_type = 3, sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/steam-engine-90bpm.ogg", volume = 0.55 } } }, ["steam-turbine"] = { alert_icon_shift = { 0, -0.375 }, burns_fluid = false, close_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.close_sound ]=], collision_box = { { -1.25, -2.3500000000000001 }, { 1.25, 2.3500000000000001 } }, corpse = "steam-turbine-remnants", damaged_trigger_effect = { damage_type_filters = "fire", entity_name = "spark-explosion", offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, offsets = { { 0, 1 } }, type = "create-entity" }, dying_explosion = "steam-turbine-explosion", effectivity = 1, energy_source = { type = "electric", usage_priority = "secondary-output" }, fast_replaceable_group = "steam-engine", flags = { "placeable-neutral", "player-creation" }, fluid_box = { base_area = 1, base_level = -1, filter = "steam", height = 2, minimum_temperature = 100, pipe_connections = { { position = { 0, 3 }, type = "input-output" }, { position = { 0, -3 }, type = "input-output" } }, pipe_covers = { east = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-east.png", height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-east.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-east-shadow.png", height = 64, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-east-shadow.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 } } }, north = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-north.png", height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-north.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-north-shadow.png", height = 64, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-north-shadow.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 } } }, south = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-south.png", height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-south.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-south-shadow.png", height = 64, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-south-shadow.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 } } }, west = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-west.png", height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-west.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-west-shadow.png", height = 64, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-west-shadow.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 } } } }, production_type = "input-output" }, fluid_usage_per_tick = 1, horizontal_animation = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/steam-turbine/steam-turbine-H.png", frame_count = 8, height = 123, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/steam-turbine/hr-steam-turbine-H.png", frame_count = 8, height = 245, line_length = 4, run_mode = "backward", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.0859375 }, width = 320 }, line_length = 4, run_mode = "backward", shift = { 0, -0.078125 }, width = 160 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/steam-turbine/steam-turbine-H-shadow.png", frame_count = 1, height = 74, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/steam-turbine/hr-steam-turbine-H-shadow.png", frame_count = 1, height = 150, line_length = 1, repeat_count = 8, run_mode = "backward", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.890625, 0.5625 }, width = 435 }, line_length = 1, repeat_count = 8, run_mode = "backward", shift = { 0.8984375, 0.5625 }, width = 217 } } }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/steam-turbine.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, max_health = 300, maximum_temperature = 500, min_perceived_performance = 0.25, minable = { mining_time = 0.3, result = "steam-turbine" }, name = "steam-turbine", open_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.open_sound ]=], performance_to_sound_speedup = 0.5, resistances = { { percent = 70, type = "fire" } }, selection_box = { { -1.5, -2.5 }, { 1.5, 2.5 } }, smoke = { { east_position = { 0.75, -0.75 }, frequency = 0.3125, name = "turbine-smoke", north_position = { 0, -1 }, slow_down_factor = 1, starting_frame_deviation = 60, starting_vertical_speed = 0.08 } }, type = "generator", vehicle_impact_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.vehicle_impact_sound ]=], vertical_animation = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/steam-turbine/steam-turbine-V.png", frame_count = 8, height = 173, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/steam-turbine/hr-steam-turbine-V.png", frame_count = 8, height = 347, line_length = 4, run_mode = "backward", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1484375, 0.2109375 }, width = 217 }, line_length = 4, run_mode = "backward", shift = { 0.15625, 0.203125 }, width = 108 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/steam-turbine/steam-turbine-V-shadow.png", frame_count = 1, height = 131, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/steam-turbine/hr-steam-turbine-V-shadow.png", frame_count = 1, height = 260, line_length = 1, repeat_count = 8, run_mode = "backward", scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.234375, 0.765625 }, width = 302 }, line_length = 1, repeat_count = 8, run_mode = "backward", shift = { 1.234375, 0.765625 }, width = 151 } } }, water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = true, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/steam-turbine/steam-turbine-reflection.png", height = 36, priority = "extra-high", repeat_count = 2, scale = 5, shift = { 0, 1.5625 }, variation_count = 2, width = 40 }, rotate = false }, working_sound = { audible_distance_modifier = 0.7, fade_in_ticks = 4, fade_out_ticks = 20, match_speed_to_activity = true, max_sounds_per_type = 3, sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/steam-turbine.ogg", volume = 0.67000000000000002 } } } }, ["generator-equipment"] = { ["fusion-reactor-equipment"] = { categories = { "armor" }, energy_source = { type = "electric", usage_priority = "primary-output" }, name = "fusion-reactor-equipment", power = "750kW", shape = { height = 4, type = "full", width = 4 }, sprite = { filename = "__base__/graphics/equipment/fusion-reactor-equipment.png", height = 128, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/equipment/hr-fusion-reactor-equipment.png", height = 256, priority = "medium", scale = 0.5, width = 256 }, priority = "medium", width = 128 }, type = "generator-equipment" } }, ["god-controller"] = { default = { crafting_categories = { "crafting" }, inventory_size = 80, item_pickup_distance = 1, loot_pickup_distance = 2, mining_categories = { "basic-solid" }, mining_speed = 1, movement_speed = 0.5, name = "default", type = "god-controller" } }, ["group-attack-achievement"] = { ["it-stinks-and-they-dont-like-it"] = { amount = 1, icon = "__base__/graphics/achievement/it-stinks-and-they-dont-like-it.png", icon_size = 128, name = "it-stinks-and-they-dont-like-it", order = "b[exploration]-a[it-stinks-and-they-dont-like-it]", type = "group-attack-achievement" } }, ["gui-style"] = { default = { a_inner_frame = { graphical_set = { base = { corner_size = 8, draw_type = "outer", position = { 17, 0 } }, shadow = { corner_size = 8, draw_type = "inner", position = { 183, 128 }, scale = 0.5, tint = { 0, 0, 0, 1 } } }, type = "frame_style" }, a_inner_frame_for_subheader_with_paddings = { parent = "a_inner_frame", top_padding = 0, type = "frame_style" }, a_inner_paddingless_frame = { padding = 0, parent = "a_inner_frame", type = "frame_style", vertical_flow_style = { type = "vertical_flow_style", vertical_spacing = 0 } }, achievement_card_progressbar = { bottom_margin = 0, parent = "achievement_progressbar", right_margin = 16, top_margin = 4, type = "progressbar_style" }, achievement_description_label = { font = "default", font_color = { b = 1, g = 1, r = 1 }, parent = "label", type = "label_style" }, achievement_failed_description_label = { font_color = { b = 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[""]["gui-style"].default.back_button.default_graphical_set.shadow.tint ]=], top_outer_border_shift = 4 } }, padding = 0, parent = "button", size = 80, type = "button_style" }, black_clickable_label = { clicked_font_color = { b = 0.22000000000000002, g = 0.66000000000000005, r = 0.98000000000000007 }, hovered_font_color = { 1, 0.74000000000000004, 0.4 }, parent = "black_label", type = "label_style" }, black_clickable_squashable_label = { horizontally_squashable = "on", parent = "black_clickable_label", type = "label_style" }, black_label = { font_color = { 0, 0, 0 }, type = "label_style" }, black_label_with_left_padding = { font_color = { 0, 0, 0 }, left_padding = 4, type = "label_style" }, black_squashable_label = { horizontally_squashable = "on", parent = "black_label", type = "label_style" }, black_squashable_label_with_left_padding = { horizontally_squashable = "on", parent = "black_label_with_left_padding", type = "label_style" }, blue_slider = { full_bar = { base = { corner_size 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margin = 8, padding = 12, parent = "frame", type = "frame_style" }, blueprint_header_holder_frame = { bottom_padding = 0, graphical_set = { base = { bottom = { position = { 42, 9 }, size = { 1, 8 } }, center = { position = { 42, 8 }, size = { 1, 1 } } } }, padding = 4, type = "frame_style" }, blueprint_icon_preview = { size = 64, type = "empty_widget_style" }, blueprint_library_frame = { height = 600, parent = "outer_frame", type = "frame_style" }, blueprint_preview = { size = 64, type = "empty_widget_style" }, blueprint_record_selection_background_frame = { background_graphical_set = { corner_size = 8, overall_tiling_horizontal_padding = 4, overall_tiling_horizontal_size = 72, overall_tiling_horizontal_spacing = 8, overall_tiling_vertical_padding = 40, overall_tiling_vertical_size = 72, overall_tiling_vertical_spacing = 48, position = { 282, 17 } }, graphical_set = { base = { center = { position = { 42, 8 }, size = { 1, 1 } }, corner_size = 8, draw_type = "outer", position = { 17, 0 } 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[""]["gui-style"].default.a_inner_frame.graphical_set.shadow ]=] }, type = "scroll_pane_style" }, bonus_progressbar = { bar_width = 8, color = { 0.8, 0.1, 0.8 }, height = 8, type = "progressbar_style" }, bordered_frame = { border = { border_width = 8, bottom_end = { position = { 104, 40 }, size = { 8, 8 } }, bottom_left_corner = { position = { 32, 40 }, size = { 8, 8 } }, bottom_right_corner = { position = { 24, 40 }, size = { 8, 8 } }, bottom_t = { position = { 48, 40 }, size = { 8, 8 } }, cross = { position = { 80, 40 }, size = { 8, 8 } }, horizontal_line = { position = { 8, 40 }, size = { 1, 8 } }, left_end = { position = { 112, 40 }, size = { 8, 8 } }, left_t = { position = { 56, 40 }, size = { 8, 8 } }, right_end = { position = { 96, 40 }, size = { 8, 8 } }, right_t = { position = { 72, 40 }, size = { 8, 8 } }, top_end = { position = { 88, 40 }, size = { 8, 8 } }, top_left_coner = { position = { 40, 40 }, size = { 8, 8 } }, top_right_corner = { position = { 16, 40 }, size = { 8, 8 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[""]["gui-style"].default.blue_slider.full_bar.shadow ]=] }, font = "default-semibold", horizontal_align = "center", hovered_font_color = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["gui-style"].default.button.clicked_font_color ]=], hovered_graphical_set = { base = { corner_size = 8, position = { 34, 17 } }, glow = { corner_size = 8, draw_type = "outer", position = { 200, 128 }, scale = 0.5, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["gui-style"].default.back_button.hovered_graphical_set.glow.tint ]=] }, shadow = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["gui-style"].default.blue_slider.full_bar.shadow ]=] }, icon_horizontal_align = "center", ignored_by_search = true, left_click_sound = { { filename = "__core__/sound/gui-click.ogg", volume = 1 } }, left_padding = 8, minimal_height = 28, minimal_width = 108, pie_progress_color = { 1, 1, 1 }, right_padding = 8, selected_clicked_font_color = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["gui-style"].default.button.clicked_font_color ]=], selected_clicked_graphical_set = { base = { corner_size = 8, position = { 352, 17 } }, shadow = 0 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extra_padding_when_activated = 0, type = "scroll_pane_style" }, character_info_top_frame = { bottom_padding = 0, graphical_set = {}, left_padding = 12, right_padding = 12, top_padding = 12, type = "frame_style", vertical_flow_style = { type = "vertical_flow_style", vertical_spacing = 12 }, vertically_stretchable = "off" }, character_inventory_frame = { header_flow_style = { bottom_padding = 4, left_padding = 12, right_padding = 12, top_padding = 0, type = "horizontal_flow_style" }, padding = 0, parent = "inventory_frame", type = "frame_style", vertical_flow_style = { type = "vertical_flow_style", vertical_spacing = 4, vertically_stretchable = "on" } }, character_inventory_scroll_pane = { background_graphical_set = { corner_size = 16, overall_tiling_horizontal_padding = 8, overall_tiling_horizontal_size = 24, overall_tiling_horizontal_spacing = 16, overall_tiling_vertical_padding = 36, overall_tiling_vertical_size = 24, overall_tiling_vertical_spacing = 16, position = { 256, 136 } }, parent = "inventory_scroll_pane", top_padding = 4, type = "scroll_pane_style" }, character_logistics_frame = { header_flow_style = { bottom_padding = 4, left_padding = 8, top_padding = 8, type = "horizontal_flow_style" }, left_padding = 0, parent = "inventory_frame", top_padding = 0, type = "frame_style" }, checkbox = { checkmark = { position = { 112, 132 }, size = { 28, 28 } }, clicked_graphical_set = { base = { position = { 84, 132 }, size = { 28, 28 } }, glow = { corner_size = 8, draw_type = "outer", position = { 200, 128 }, scale = 0.5, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["gui-style"].default.back_button.hovered_graphical_set.glow.tint ]=] } }, default_graphical_set = { base = { position = { 0, 132 }, size = { 28, 28 } }, shadow = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["gui-style"].default.blue_slider.full_bar.shadow ]=] }, disabled_checkmark = { position = { 456, 188 }, size = { 28, 28 } }, disabled_font_color = { 1, 1, 1, 0.5 }, disabled_graphical_set = { base = { position = { 28, 132 }, size = { 28, 28 } }, shadow = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["gui-style"].default.blue_slider.full_bar.shadow ]=] }, font = "default", font_color = { 1, 1, 1 }, hovered_graphical_set = { base = { position = { 56, 132 }, size = { 28, 28 } }, glow = { corner_size = 8, draw_type = "outer", position = { 200, 128 }, scale = 0.5, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["gui-style"].default.back_button.hovered_graphical_set.glow.tint ]=] } }, intermediate_mark = { position = { 456, 160 }, size = { 28, 28 } }, left_click_sound = { filename = "__core__/sound/gui-checkbox-click.ogg" }, selected_clicked_graphical_set = { base = { position = { 84, 132 }, size = { 28, 28 } }, glow = { corner_size = 8, draw_type = "outer", position = { 200, 128 }, scale = 0.5, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["gui-style"].default.back_button.hovered_graphical_set.glow.tint ]=] } }, selected_graphical_set = { base = { position = { 56, 132 }, size = { 28, 28 } }, shadow = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["gui-style"].default.blue_slider.full_bar.shadow ]=] }, selected_hovered_graphical_set = { base = { position = { 56, 132 }, size = { 28, 28 } }, glow = { corner_size = 8, draw_type = "outer", position = { 200, 128 }, scale = 0.5, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["gui-style"].default.back_button.hovered_graphical_set.glow.tint ]=] } }, text_padding = 8, type = "checkbox_style", vertical_align = "center" }, choose_chat_icon_button = { clicked_graphical_set = { bottom = { position = { 59, 26 }, size = { 1, 8 } }, center = { position = { 59, 25 }, size = 1 }, left = { position = { 51, 25 }, size = { 8, 1 } }, left_bottom = { position = { 51, 26 }, size = 8 }, left_top = { position = { 51, 17 }, size = 8 }, right = { position = { 392, 56 }, size = { 8, 1 } }, right_bottom = { position = { 392, 57 }, size = { 8, 8 } }, right_top = { position = { 392, 48 }, size = 8 }, top = { position = { 59, 17 }, size = { 1, 8 } } }, default_graphical_set = {}, hovered_graphical_set = { base = { bottom = { position = { 42, 26 }, size = { 1, 8 } }, center = { position = { 42, 25 }, size = 1 }, left = { position = { 34, 25 }, size = { 8, 1 } }, left_bottom = { position = { 34, 26 }, size = 8 }, left_top = { position = { 34, 17 }, size = 8 }, right = { position = { 384, 56 }, size = { 8, 1 } }, right_bottom = { position = { 384, 57 }, size = { 8, 8 } }, right_top = { position = { 384, 48 }, size = 8 }, top = { position = { 42, 17 }, size = { 1, 8 } } } }, padding = 4, right_margin = -6, size = 28, top_margin = -3, type = "button_style" }, choose_chat_icon_in_textbox_button = { bottom_margin = -4, clicked_graphical_set = { bottom = { position = { 59, 26 }, size = { 1, 8 } }, center = { position = { 59, 25 }, size = 1 }, left = { position = { 51, 25 }, size = { 8, 1 } }, left_bottom = { position = { 51, 26 }, size = 8 }, left_top = { position = { 51, 17 }, size = 8 }, right = { position = { 392, 56 }, size = { 8, 1 } }, right_bottom = { position = { 392, 57 }, size = { 8, 8 } }, right_top = { position = { 60, 17 }, size = 8 }, top = { position = { 59, 17 }, size = { 1, 8 } } }, default_graphical_set = {}, hovered_graphical_set = { base = { bottom = { position = { 42, 26 }, size = { 1, 8 } }, center = { position = { 42, 25 }, size = 1 }, left = { position = { 34, 25 }, size = { 8, 1 } }, left_bottom = { position = { 34, 26 }, size = 8 }, left_top = { position = { 34, 17 }, size = 8 }, right = { position = { 384, 56 }, size = { 8, 1 } }, right_bottom = { position = { 384, 57 }, size = { 8, 8 } }, right_top = { position = { 43, 17 }, size = 8 }, top = { position = { 42, 17 }, size = { 1, 8 } } } }, padding = 4, right_margin = -6, size = 28, type = "button_style" }, circuit_condition_comparator_dropdown = { button_style = { clicked_graphical_set = { base = { corner_size = 8, position = { 51, 17 } }, glow = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["gui-style"].default.blue_slider.full_bar.shadow ]=] }, default_graphical_set = { base = { corner_size = 8, position = { 0, 17 } }, glow = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["gui-style"].default.blue_slider.full_bar.shadow ]=] }, disabled_graphical_set = { base = { corner_size = 8, position = { 17, 17 } }, glow = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["gui-style"].default.blue_slider.full_bar.shadow ]=] }, hovered_graphical_set = { base = { corner_size = 8, position = { 34, 17 } }, glow = { corner_size = 8, draw_type = "outer", position = { 200, 128 }, scale = 0.5, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["gui-style"].default.back_button.hovered_graphical_set.glow.tint ]=] } }, parent = "dropdown_button", selected_clicked_graphical_set = { base = { corner_size = 8, position = { 352, 17 } }, glow = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["gui-style"].default.blue_slider.full_bar.shadow ]=] }, selected_graphical_set = { base = { corner_size = 8, position = { 225, 17 } }, glow = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["gui-style"].default.blue_slider.full_bar.shadow ]=] }, selected_hovered_graphical_set = { base = { corner_size = 8, position = { 369, 17 } }, glow = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["gui-style"].default.blue_slider.full_bar.shadow ]=] }, type = "button_style" }, left_padding = 4, list_box_style = { item_style = { left_padding = 4, parent = "list_box_item", right_padding = 4, type = "button_style" }, maximal_height = 400, scroll_pane_style = { extra_padding_when_activated = 0, graphical_set = { shadow = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["gui-style"].default.available_technology_slot.clicked_graphical_set.shadow ]=] }, padding = 0, type = "scroll_pane_style" }, type = "list_box_style" }, minimal_width = 0, right_padding = 0, type = "dropdown_style" }, clickable_empty_technology_slot = { clicked_graphical_set = { corner_size = 8, position = { 51, 17 } }, hovered_graphical_set = { corner_size = 8, position = { 34, 17 } }, parent = "technology_slot", type = "technology_slot_style" }, clickable_label = { clicked_font_color = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["gui-style"].default.black_clickable_label.clicked_font_color ]=], hovered_font_color = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["gui-style"].default.black_clickable_label.hovered_font_color ]=], type = "label_style" }, clickable_squashable_label = { horizontally_squashable = "on", parent = "clickable_label", type = "label_style" }, close_button = { parent = "frame_action_button", tooltip = "gui.close-instruction", type = "button_style" }, closed_inventory_slot = { clicked_graphical_set = { base = { border = 4, position = { 504, 536 }, size = 80 } }, default_graphical_set = { base = { border = 4, position = { 504, 376 }, size = 80 } }, hovered_graphical_set = { base = { border = 4, position = { 504, 456 }, size = 80 } }, left_click_sound = {}, parent = "slot", selected_graphical_set = { base = { border = 4, position = { 504, 456 }, size = 80 } }, type = "button_style" }, color_indicator = { graphical_set = { corner_size = 8, position = { 195, 72 } }, size = 28, type = "empty_widget_style" }, color_picker_label = { maximal_width = 24, type = "label_style" }, combinator_settings_invisible_frame = { horizontal_flow_style = { type = "horizontal_flow_style", vertical_align = "center" }, padding = 0, parent = "container_invisible_frame_with_title", type = "frame_style" }, compact_flow = { horizontal_spacing = 2, type = "flow_style", vertical_spacing = 2 }, compact_red_slot = { clicked_graphical_set = { border = 1, filename = "__core__/graphics/gui.png", position = { 185, 36 }, scale = 1, size = 36 }, default_graphical_set = { border = 1, filename = "__core__/graphics/gui.png", position = { 111, 36 }, scale = 1, size = 36 }, hovered_graphical_set = { border = 1, filename = "__core__/graphics/gui.png", position = { 148, 36 }, scale = 1, size = 36 }, left_click_sound = { { filename = "__core__/sound/gui-slot-unavailable.ogg", volume = 1 } }, parent = "compact_slot", type = "button_style" }, compact_slot = { clicked_graphical_set = { border = 1, filename = "__core__/graphics/gui.png", scale = 1, size = 36, x = 185 }, default_graphical_set = { border = 1, filename = "__core__/graphics/gui.png", position = { 111, 0 }, scale = 1, size = 36 }, hovered_graphical_set = { border = 1, filename = "__core__/graphics/gui.png", position = { 148, 0 }, scale = 1, size = 36 }, padding = 1, parent = "button", pie_progress_color = { 0.98000000000000007, 0.66000000000000005, 0.22000000000000002, 0.5 }, size = 36, type = "button_style" }, compact_slot_sized_button = { parent = "slot_sized_button", size = 36, type = "button_style" }, compact_slot_table = { horizontal_spacing = 2, type = "table_style", vertical_spacing = 2 }, compilatron_gui_message = { arrow_graphical_set = { bottom = { position = { 465, 473 }, size = { 32, 24 } }, left = { position = { 433, 441 }, size = { 24, 32 } }, right = { position = { 458, 441 }, size = { 24, 32 } }, top = { position = { 433, 473 }, size = { 32, 24 } } }, arrow_indent = 2.5, close_color = { 0.36099999999999999, 0.89399999999999995, 0.27800000000000002 }, frame_style = { graphical_set = { corner_size = 8, filename = "__core__/graphics/gui-new.png", position = { 433, 424 }, scale = 0.5 }, padding = 12, type = "frame_style" }, label_style = { font = "compilatron-message-font", font_color = { b = 24, g = 174, r = 255 }, maximal_width = 500, parent = "label", single_line = false, type = "label_style" }, pass_through_mouse = false, type = "speech_bubble_style" }, compilatron_speech_bubble = { arrow_graphical_set = { bottom = { position = { 465, 551 }, size = { 32, 20 } }, left = { position = { 433, 516 }, size = { 24, 32 } }, right = { position = { 458, 516 }, size = { 24, 32 } }, top = { position = { 433, 547 }, size = { 32, 24 } } }, arrow_indent = 0, close_color = { 0.36099999999999999, 0.89399999999999995, 0.27800000000000002 }, frame_style = { graphical_set = { corner_size = 8, filename = "__core__/graphics/gui-new.png", opacity = 0.15, position = { 450, 498 }, scale = 0.5 }, padding = 12, type = "frame_style" }, label_style = { font = "compilatron-message-font", font_color = { b = 113, g = 246, r = 255 }, maximal_width = 500, parent = "label", single_line = false, type = "label_style" }, pass_through_mouse = true, type = "speech_bubble_style" }, compilatron_speech_bubble_wrapper = { effect = "compilatron-hologram", type = "flow_style" }, conditionally_available_preview_technology_slot = { height = 200, ingredients_padding = 32, parent = "conditionally_available_technology_slot", type = "technology_slot_style", width = 136 }, conditionally_available_technology_slot = { clicked_graphical_set = { base = { corner_size = 8, position = { 312, 153 } }, shadow = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["gui-style"].default.available_technology_slot.clicked_graphical_set.shadow ]=] }, clicked_ingredients_background = { corner_size = 8, position = { 364, 136 } }, clicked_overlay = { bottom = { position = { 432, 153 }, size = { 1, 16 } }, center = { position = { 472, 152 }, size = { 1, 1 } }, left = { position = { 456, 152 }, size = { 16, 1 } }, left_bottom = { position = { 416, 153 }, size = { 16, 16 } }, left_top = { position = { 456, 136 }, size = { 16, 16 } }, right = { position = { 473, 152 }, size = { 16, 1 } }, right_bottom = { position = { 433, 153 }, size = { 16, 16 } }, right_top = { position = { 473, 136 }, size = { 16, 16 } }, top = { position = { 472, 136 }, size = { 1, 16 } } }, default_graphical_set = { base = { corner_size = 8, position = { 296, 153 } }, shadow = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["gui-style"].default.available_technology_slot.clicked_graphical_set.shadow ]=] }, default_ingredients_background = { corner_size = 8, position = { 347, 153 } }, disabled_graphical_set = { base = { corner_size = 8, position = { 296, 153 } }, shadow = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["gui-style"].default.available_technology_slot.clicked_graphical_set.shadow ]=] }, disabled_ingredients_background = { corner_size = 8, position = { 364, 136 } }, highlighted_graphical_set = { base = { corner_size = 8, position = { 330, 153 } }, shadow = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["gui-style"].default.available_technology_slot.clicked_graphical_set.shadow ]=] }, highlighted_ingredients_background = { corner_size = 8, position = { 364, 136 } }, hovered_graphical_set = { base = { corner_size = 8, position = { 312, 153 } }, shadow = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["gui-style"].default.available_technology_slot.clicked_graphical_set.shadow ]=] }, hovered_ingredients_background = { corner_size = 8, position = { 364, 136 } }, hovered_level_band = { corner_size = 8, position = { 381, 153 } }, hovered_level_font_color = { 95, 68, 32 }, hovered_level_range_band = { corner_size = 8, position = { 397, 153 } }, hovered_level_range_font_color = { 255, 234, 206 }, level_band = { corner_size = 8, position = { 381, 153 } }, level_font_color = { 95, 68, 32 }, level_range_band = { corner_size = 8, position = { 397, 153 } }, level_range_font_color = { 255, 234, 206 }, parent = "technology_slot", selected_clicked_graphical_set = { base = { corner_size = 8, position = { 312, 153 } }, shadow = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["gui-style"].default.available_technology_slot.clicked_graphical_set.shadow ]=] }, selected_graphical_set = { base = { corner_size = 8, position = { 312, 153 } }, shadow = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["gui-style"].default.available_technology_slot.clicked_graphical_set.shadow ]=] }, selected_hovered_graphical_set = { base = { corner_size = 8, position = { 312, 153 } }, shadow = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["gui-style"].default.available_technology_slot.clicked_graphical_set.shadow ]=] }, type = "technology_slot_style" }, confirm_button = { clicked_graphical_set = { base = { center = { position = { 312, 296 }, size = { 1, 64 } }, left = { position = { 119, 25 }, size = { 8, 1 } }, left_bottom = { position = { 119, 26 }, size = 8 }, left_top = { position = { 119, 17 }, size = 8 }, right = { position = { 312, 296 }, size = { 24, 64 } } } }, default_graphical_set = { base = { center = { position = { 24, 296 }, size = { 1, 64 } }, left = { position = { 68, 25 }, size = { 8, 1 } }, left_bottom = { position = { 68, 26 }, size = 8 }, left_top = { position = { 68, 17 }, size = 8 }, right = { position = { 24, 296 }, size = { 24, 64 } } }, shadow = { center = { position = { 336, 424 }, size = { 1, 80 } }, draw_type = "outer", left = { position = { 200, 136 }, size = { 8, 1 } }, left_bottom = { position = { 200, 137 }, size = 8 }, left_top = { position = { 200, 128 }, size = 8 }, right = { position = { 336, 424 }, size = { 32, 80 } }, right_outer_border_shift = -12, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["gui-style"].default.back_button.default_graphical_set.shadow.tint ]=] } }, disabled_graphical_set = { base = { center = { position = { 120, 296 }, size = { 1, 64 } }, left = { position = { 85, 25 }, size = { 8, 1 } }, left_bottom = { position = { 85, 26 }, size = 8 }, left_top = { position = { 85, 17 }, size = 8 }, right = { position = { 120, 296 }, size = { 24, 64 } } }, glow = { center = { position = { 336, 424 }, size = { 1, 80 } }, draw_type = "outer", left = { position = { 200, 136 }, size = { 8, 1 } }, left_bottom = { position = { 200, 137 }, size = 8 }, left_top = { position = { 200, 128 }, size = 8 }, right = { position = { 336, 424 }, size = { 32, 80 } }, right_outer_border_shift = -12, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["gui-style"].default.back_button.default_graphical_set.shadow.tint ]=] } }, horizontal_align = "right", hovered_graphical_set = { base = { center = { position = { 216, 296 }, size = { 1, 64 } }, left = { position = { 102, 25 }, size = { 8, 1 } }, left_bottom = { position = { 102, 26 }, size = 8 }, left_top = { position = { 102, 17 }, size = 8 }, right = { position = { 216, 296 }, size = { 24, 64 } } }, glow = { center = { position = { 336, 424 }, size = { 1, 80 } }, draw_type = "outer", left = { position = { 200, 136 }, size = { 8, 1 } }, left_bottom = { position = { 200, 137 }, size = 8 }, left_top = { position = { 200, 128 }, size = 8 }, right = { position = { 336, 424 }, size = { 32, 80 } }, right_outer_border_shift = -12, tint = { 135, 216, 139, 128 } } }, left_click_sound = { { filename = "__core__/sound/gui-green-confirm.ogg", volume = 1 } }, parent = "dialog_button", tooltip = "gui.confirm-instruction", type = "button_style" }, confirm_button_without_tooltip = { parent = "confirm_button", tooltip = "", type = "button_style" }, confirm_double_arrow_button = { clicked_graphical_set = { base = { center = { position = { 312, 296 }, size = { 1, 64 } }, left = { position = { 336, 296 }, size = { 24, 64 } }, right = { position = { 312, 296 }, size = { 24, 64 } } } }, default_graphical_set = { base = { center = { position = { 24, 296 }, size = { 1, 64 } }, left = { position = { 48, 296 }, size = { 24, 64 } }, right = { position = { 24, 296 }, size = { 24, 64 } } }, shadow = { bottom_outer_border_shift = 4, center = { position = { 336, 424 }, size = { 1, 80 } }, draw_type = "outer", left = { position = { 305, 504 }, size = { 32, 80 } }, left_outer_border_shift = 12, right = { position = { 336, 424 }, size = { 32, 80 } }, right_outer_border_shift = -12, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["gui-style"].default.back_button.default_graphical_set.shadow.tint ]=], top_outer_border_shift = -4 } }, disabled_graphical_set = { base = { center = { position = { 120, 296 }, size = { 1, 64 } }, left = { position = { 144, 296 }, size = { 24, 64 } }, right = { position = { 120, 296 }, size = { 24, 64 } } }, glow = { bottom_outer_border_shift = 4, center = { position = { 336, 424 }, size = { 1, 80 } }, draw_type = "outer", left = { position = { 305, 504 }, size = { 32, 80 } }, left_outer_border_shift = 12, right = { position = { 336, 424 }, size = { 32, 80 } }, right_outer_border_shift = -12, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["gui-style"].default.back_button.default_graphical_set.shadow.tint ]=], top_outer_border_shift = -4 } }, horizontal_align = "right", hovered_graphical_set = { base = { center = { position = { 216, 296 }, size = { 1, 64 } }, left = { position = { 240, 296 }, size = { 24, 64 } }, right = { position = { 216, 296 }, size = { 24, 64 } } }, glow = { bottom_outer_border_shift = 4, center = { position = { 336, 424 }, size = { 1, 80 } }, draw_type = "outer", left = { position = { 305, 504 }, size = { 32, 80 } }, 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}, rich_text_highlight_ok_color = { b = 0, g = 255, r = 0 }, rich_text_highlight_warning_color = { b = 0, g = 255, r = 255 }, rich_text_setting = "highlight", right_padding = 3, selected_rich_text_highlight_error_color = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 255 }, selected_rich_text_highlight_ok_color = { b = 0, g = 255, r = 0 }, selected_rich_text_highlight_warning_color = { b = 0, g = 255, r = 255 }, selection_background_color = { 241, 190, 100 }, top_padding = 0, type = "textbox_style" }, constant_combinator_invisible_frame_with_title = { bottom_padding = -4, left_margin = -12, parent = "invisible_frame_with_title_for_inventory", right_margin = -12, top_padding = 4, type = "frame_style" }, constant_combinator_logistics_scroll_pane = { minimal_height = 80, parent = "logistics_scroll_pane", type = "scroll_pane_style" }, container_equipment_grid_flow = { type = "vertical_flow_style", vertical_spacing = 8 }, container_inside_shallow_frame = { minimal_width = 184, parent = "inside_shallow_frame", type = "frame_style" }, container_invisible_frame_with_title = { bottom_padding = 8, header_flow_style = { bottom_padding = 4, type = "horizontal_flow_style" }, parent = "invisible_frame_with_title_for_inventory", title_style = { parent = "heading_3_label", type = "label_style" }, type = "frame_style" }, container_logistics_scroll_pane = { left_margin = 0, parent = "logistics_scroll_pane", type = "scroll_pane_style" }, control_behavior_window_line = { left_margin = -12, right_margin = -12, top_margin = 8, type = "line_style" }, control_input_shortcut_label = { font = "default-semibold", font_color = { 128, 206, 240 }, type = "label_style" }, control_settings_bordered_table = { bottom_margin = -4, left_margin = -4, parent = "bordered_table", right_margin = -4, top_margin = 4, type = "table_style" }, control_settings_button = { horizontal_align = "left", parent = "rounded_button", type = "button_style", width = 225 }, control_settings_scroll_pane = { background_graphical_set = { corner_size = 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68, 8 }, size = { 8, 1 } }, left_bottom = { position = { 136, 9 }, size = { 8, 8 } }, left_top = { position = { 68, 0 }, size = { 8, 8 } }, right = { position = { 77, 8 }, size = { 8, 1 } }, right_bottom = { position = { 77, 8 }, size = { 8, 1 } }, right_top = { position = { 77, 0 }, size = { 8, 8 } }, top = { position = { 76, 0 }, size = { 1, 8 } } }, shadow = { corner_size = 8, draw_type = "outer", position = { 200, 128 }, scale = 0.5, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["gui-style"].default.available_technology_slot.clicked_graphical_set.shadow.tint ]=] } }, selected_graphical_set = { base = { bottom = { position = { 144, 9 }, size = { 1, 8 } }, center = { position = { 76, 8 }, size = { 1, 1 } }, left = { position = { 68, 8 }, size = { 8, 1 } }, left_bottom = { position = { 136, 9 }, size = { 8, 8 } }, left_top = { position = { 68, 0 }, size = { 8, 8 } }, right = { position = { 77, 8 }, size = { 8, 1 } }, right_bottom = { position = { 145, 9 }, size = { 8, 8 } }, right_top = { position = { 77, 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= { 282, 17 } }, horizontally_stretchable = "on", minimal_height = 200, parent = "slot_container_frame", type = "frame_style", vertically_stretchable = "on" }, filter_scroll_pane_background_frame_no_background = { background_graphical_set = {}, parent = "filter_scroll_pane_background_frame", type = "frame_style" }, filter_scroll_pane_in_tab = { left_margin = 0, left_padding = 0, parent = "filter_scroll_pane", type = "scroll_pane_style" }, filter_slot_table = { horizontal_spacing = 0, padding = 0, type = "table_style", vertical_spacing = 0 }, filter_tabbed_pane = { parent = "tabbed_pane", tab_container = { horizontal_spacing = 0, horizontally_stretchable = "on", left_padding = 0, right_padding = 0, type = "horizontal_flow_style" }, tab_content_frame = { bottom_padding = 4, graphical_set = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["gui-style"].default.changelog_tabbed_pane.tab_content_frame.graphical_set ]=], left_padding = 12, right_padding = 0, top_padding = 4, type = "frame_style" }, type = 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position = { 119, 17 } }, shadow = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["gui-style"].default.blue_slider.full_bar.shadow ]=] }, default_graphical_set = { base = { corner_size = 8, position = { 68, 17 } }, shadow = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["gui-style"].default.blue_slider.full_bar.shadow ]=] }, disabled_graphical_set = { base = { corner_size = 8, position = { 85, 17 } }, shadow = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["gui-style"].default.blue_slider.full_bar.shadow ]=] }, hovered_graphical_set = { base = { corner_size = 8, position = { 102, 17 } }, glow = { corner_size = 8, draw_type = "outer", position = { 200, 128 }, scale = 0.5, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["gui-style"].default.confirm_button.hovered_graphical_set.glow.tint ]=] }, shadow = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["gui-style"].default.blue_slider.full_bar.shadow ]=] }, left_click_sound = { { filename = "__core__/sound/gui-green-confirm.ogg", volume = 1 } }, parent = "button", tooltip = "gui.confirm-instruction", type = "button_style" }, green_circuit_network_content_slot = { 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8, 20 } }, center_tiling_horizontal = true, left = { position = { 248, 48 }, size = { 8, 20 } }, right = { position = { 264, 48 }, size = { 8, 20 } } }, glow = { corner_size = 8, draw_type = "outer", position = { 200, 128 }, scale = 0.5, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["gui-style"].default.back_button.hovered_graphical_set.glow.tint ]=] } }, left_click_sound = {}, type = "button_style" }, type = "horizontal_scrollbar_style" }, horizontal_slots_filler = { graphical_set = { corner_size = 16, overall_tiling_horizontal_padding = 8, overall_tiling_horizontal_size = 24, overall_tiling_horizontal_spacing = 16, overall_tiling_vertical_padding = 8, overall_tiling_vertical_size = 24, overall_tiling_vertical_spacing = 16, position = { 256, 136 } }, height = 32, horizontally_stretchable = "on", type = "empty_widget_style" }, horizontally_limited_equipment_grid_scroll_pane = { maximal_width = 408, parent = "equipment_grid_scroll_pane", type = "scroll_pane_style" }, hyperlink_label = { font_color = { 110, 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[""]["gui-style"].default.a_inner_frame.graphical_set.shadow ]=] }, padding = 8, type = "scroll_pane_style" }, inset_frame_container_frame = { horizontal_flow_style = { parent = "inset_frame_container_horizontal_flow", type = "horizontal_flow_style" }, parent = "frame", type = "frame_style", vertical_flow_style = { parent = "inset_frame_container_vertical_flow", type = "vertical_flow_style" } }, inset_frame_container_horizontal_flow = { horizontal_spacing = 12, type = "horizontal_flow_style" }, inset_frame_container_horizontal_flow_in_tabbed_pane = { bottom_padding = 4, horizontal_spacing = 12, left_padding = 8, right_padding = 8, type = "horizontal_flow_style" }, inset_frame_container_table = { horizontal_spacing = 12, parent = "table", type = "table_style", vertical_spacing = 12 }, inset_frame_container_vertical_flow = { type = "vertical_flow_style", vertical_spacing = 12 }, inside_deep_frame = { graphical_set = { base = { center = { position = { 42, 8 }, size = { 1, 1 } }, 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4, type = "label_style" }, inventory_limit_slot_button = { clicked_graphical_set = { base = { corner_size = 8, position = { 36, 896 } }, shadow = { bottom_outer_border_shift = -4, corner_size = 16, draw_type = "outer", left_outer_border_shift = 4, position = { 280, 736 }, right_outer_border_shift = -4, scale = 0.5, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["gui-style"].default.back_button.default_graphical_set.shadow.tint ]=], top_outer_border_shift = 4 } }, default_graphical_set = { base = { corner_size = 8, position = { 0, 896 } }, shadow = { bottom_outer_border_shift = -4, corner_size = 16, draw_type = "outer", left_outer_border_shift = 4, position = { 280, 736 }, right_outer_border_shift = -4, scale = 0.5, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["gui-style"].default.back_button.default_graphical_set.shadow.tint ]=], top_outer_border_shift = 4 } }, hovered_graphical_set = { base = { corner_size = 8, position = { 18, 896 } }, glow = { bottom_outer_border_shift = -4, corner_size = 16, draw_type = "outer", 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background_graphical_set = { corner_size = 16, overall_tiling_horizontal_padding = 8, overall_tiling_horizontal_size = 24, overall_tiling_horizontal_spacing = 16, overall_tiling_vertical_padding = 8, overall_tiling_vertical_size = 24, overall_tiling_vertical_spacing = 16, position = { 256, 136 } }, extra_padding_when_activated = 0, extra_right_padding_when_activated = -12, graphical_set = { base = { bottom = { position = { 76, 0 }, size = { 1, 8 } }, draw_type = "outer", top = { position = { 76, 9 }, size = { 1, 8 } } }, shadow = { bottom = { position = { 191, 137 }, size = { 1, 8 } }, draw_type = "inner", scale = 0.5, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["gui-style"].default.available_technology_slot.clicked_graphical_set.shadow.tint ]=], top = { position = { 191, 128 }, size = { 1, 8 } } } }, horizontally_stretchable = "stretch_and_expand", padding = 12, parent = "scroll_pane", type = "scroll_pane_style", vertically_stretchable = "stretch_and_expand" }, 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= 0 } }, item_and_count_select_background = { horizontal_flow_style = { parent = "player_input_horizontal_flow", type = "horizontal_flow_style" }, parent = "inside_shallow_frame_with_padding", type = "frame_style" }, item_and_count_select_confirm = { padding = 0, parent = "green_button", size = 28, top_margin = 1, type = "button_style" }, lab_progress_and_slot_divider = { border = { border_width = 8, bottom_end = { position = { 77, 9 }, size = 8 }, top_end = { position = { 77, 0 }, size = 8 }, vertical_line = { position = { 77, 8 }, size = { 8, 1 } } }, bottom_margin = -4, left_margin = -4, right_margin = -12, top_margin = -4, type = "line_style" }, lab_technology_frame = { horizontal_flow_style = { horizontal_spacing = 12, type = "horizontal_flow_style", vertical_align = "center" }, left_padding = 12, parent = "subpanel_inset_frame", type = "frame_style" }, label = { disabled_font_color = { 1, 1, 1, 0.5 }, font = "default", font_color = { 1, 1, 1 }, game_controller_hovered_font_color 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[""]["gui-style"].default.dialog_button.clicked_font_color ]=], maximal_width = 320, minimal_height = 50, minimal_width = 320, parent = "button", top_padding = 4, type = "button_style" }, menu_button_continue = { clicked_graphical_set = { base = { corner_size = 8, position = { 119, 17 } }, shadow = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["gui-style"].default.blue_slider.full_bar.shadow ]=] }, default_graphical_set = { base = { corner_size = 8, position = { 68, 17 } }, shadow = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["gui-style"].default.blue_slider.full_bar.shadow ]=] }, disabled_graphical_set = { base = { corner_size = 8, position = { 85, 25 } }, shadow = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["gui-style"].default.blue_slider.full_bar.shadow ]=] }, hovered_graphical_set = { base = { corner_size = 8, position = { 102, 17 } }, glow = { corner_size = 8, draw_type = "outer", position = { 200, 128 }, scale = 0.5, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["gui-style"].default.confirm_button.hovered_graphical_set.glow.tint ]=] }, shadow = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["gui-style"].default.blue_slider.full_bar.shadow ]=] }, left_click_sound = { { filename = "__core__/sound/gui-green-confirm.ogg", volume = 1 } }, parent = "menu_button", tooltip = "gui.confirm-instruction", type = "button_style" }, menu_message = { font = "default-bold", font_color = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["gui-style"].default.black_clickable_label.clicked_font_color ]=], type = "label_style" }, mini_button = { left_click_sound = { { filename = "__core__/sound/gui-button-mini.ogg", volume = 1 } }, padding = 0, size = 16, type = "button_style" }, mini_button_aligned_to_text_vertically = { left_click_sound = { { filename = "__core__/sound/gui-button-mini.ogg", volume = 1 } }, padding = 0, size = 16, top_margin = 3, type = "button_style" }, mini_button_aligned_to_text_vertically_when_centered = { left_click_sound = { { filename = "__core__/sound/gui-button-mini.ogg", volume = 1 } }, padding = 0, size = 16, top_margin = 1, type = "button_style" }, mini_tool_button_red = { left_click_sound = { { filename = "__core__/sound/gui-tool-button.ogg", volume = 1 } }, padding = 0, parent = "red_button", size = 16, type = "button_style" }, minimap = { graphical_set = {}, minimal_height = 256, minimal_width = 256, type = "minimap_style" }, minimap_frame = { graphical_set = { base = { corner_size = 8, draw_type = "outer", position = { 17, 0 } }, shadow = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["gui-style"].default.a_inner_frame.graphical_set.shadow ]=] }, margin = 4, padding = 0, size = 240, type = "frame_style" }, mining_progressbar = { color = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["gui-style"].default.black_clickable_label.clicked_font_color ]=], parent = "health_progressbar", type = "progressbar_style" }, mod_dependency_invalid_label = { font_color = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["gui-style"].default.invalid_label.font_color ]=], parent = "label", type = "label_style" }, mod_disabled_label = { font_color = { b = 0.5, g = 0.5, r = 0.5 }, type = "label_style" }, mod_gui_button = { height = 40, minimal_width = 40, padding = 0, parent = 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[""]["gui-style"].default.available_technology_slot.clicked_graphical_set.shadow ]=] }, type = "frame_style" }, new_game_difficulty_vertical_flow = { natural_width = 180, type = "vertical_flow_style" }, new_game_header_list_box_item = { default_font_color = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["gui-style"].default.caption_checkbox.font_color ]=], default_graphical_set = { corner_size = 8, position = { 17, 17 } }, disabled_font_color = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["gui-style"].default.caption_checkbox.font_color ]=], disabled_graphical_set = { corner_size = 8, position = { 17, 17 } }, font = "heading-2", hovered_font_color = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["gui-style"].default.caption_checkbox.font_color ]=], hovered_graphical_set = { corner_size = 8, position = { 17, 17 } }, parent = "list_box_item", selected_clicked_font_color = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["gui-style"].default.caption_checkbox.font_color ]=], selected_font_color = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["gui-style"].default.caption_checkbox.font_color ]=], selected_hovered_font_color = 0 --[=[ ref 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{ 412, 25 }, size = { 8, 1 } } } }, hovered_graphical_set = { base = { center = { position = { 411, 25 }, size = 1 } }, glow = { left = { position = { 403, 25 }, size = { 8, 1 } }, right = { position = { 412, 25 }, size = { 8, 1 } } } }, padding = 0, size = 40, top_padding = 4, type = "button_style" }, not_working_weapon_button = { clicked_graphical_set = { base = { border = 4, position = { 400, 816 }, size = 80 }, shadow = { left = { position = { 68, 8 }, size = { 8, 1 } }, right = { position = { 77, 8 }, size = { 8, 1 } } } }, default_graphical_set = { base = { border = 4, position = { 240, 816 }, size = 80 }, shadow = { left = { position = { 68, 8 }, size = { 8, 1 } }, right = { position = { 77, 8 }, size = { 8, 1 } } } }, draw_shadow_under_picture = true, hovered_graphical_set = { base = { border = 4, position = { 320, 816 }, size = 80 }, glow = { bottom_outer_border_shift = -4, corner_size = 16, draw_type = "outer", left_outer_border_shift = 4, position = { 240, 736 }, 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[""]["gui-style"].default.back_button.default_graphical_set.shadow.tint ]=], top_outer_border_shift = 4 } }, left_click_sound = { { filename = "__core__/sound/gui-square-button.ogg", volume = 1 } }, margin = 0, padding = 0, parent = "button", size = 40, type = "button_style" }, quick_bar_slot_button = { parent = "slot_button", type = "button_style" }, quick_bar_slot_table = { horizontal_spacing = 0, type = "table_style", vertical_spacing = 0 }, quick_bar_window_frame = { header_flow_style = { bottom_padding = 8, type = "horizontal_flow_style" }, horizontal_flow_style = { horizontal_spacing = 8, type = "horizontal_flow_style" }, padding = 4, type = "frame_style", use_header_filler = false }, quick_panel_slot_button_deep_frame = { parent = "slot_button_deep_frame", size = 120, type = "frame_style" }, quick_panel_tabbed_pane = { parent = "tabbed_pane", tab_content_frame = { bottom_padding = 0, graphical_set = 0 --[=[ ref 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17 }, size = 8 } }, glow = { center = { position = { 336, 424 }, size = { 1, 80 } }, draw_type = "outer", left = { position = { 304, 424 }, size = { 32, 80 } }, left_outer_border_shift = 12, right = { position = { 209, 136 }, size = { 8, 1 } }, right_bottom = { position = { 209, 137 }, size = 8 }, right_top = { position = { 209, 128 }, size = 8 }, tint = { 254, 90, 90, 128 } } }, parent = "dialog_button", type = "button_style" }, red_button = { clicked_graphical_set = { base = { corner_size = 8, position = { 187, 17 } }, shadow = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["gui-style"].default.blue_slider.full_bar.shadow ]=] }, default_graphical_set = { base = { corner_size = 8, position = { 136, 17 } }, shadow = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["gui-style"].default.blue_slider.full_bar.shadow ]=] }, disabled_graphical_set = { base = { corner_size = 8, position = { 153, 17 } }, shadow = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["gui-style"].default.blue_slider.full_bar.shadow ]=] }, hovered_graphical_set = { base = { corner_size = 8, position = { 170, 17 } }, glow = { corner_size = 8, draw_type = "outer", position = { 200, 128 }, scale = 0.5, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["gui-style"].default.red_back_button.hovered_graphical_set.glow.tint ]=] }, shadow = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["gui-style"].default.blue_slider.full_bar.shadow ]=] }, left_click_sound = { { filename = "__core__/sound/gui-red-button.ogg", volume = 0.5 } }, parent = "button", type = "button_style" }, red_circuit_network_content_slot = { default_graphical_set = { border = 1, filename = "__core__/graphics/gui.png", position = { 111, 36 }, scale = 1, size = 36 }, parent = "compact_slot", type = "button_style" }, red_confirm_button = { clicked_graphical_set = { base = { center = { position = { 312, 360 }, size = { 1, 64 } }, left = { position = { 187, 25 }, size = { 8, 1 } }, left_bottom = { position = { 187, 26 }, size = 8 }, left_top = { position = { 187, 17 }, size = 8 }, right = { position = { 312, 360 }, size = { 24, 64 } } } }, default_graphical_set = { base = { center = { position = { 24, 360 }, size = { 1, 64 } }, left = { position = { 136, 25 }, size = { 8, 1 } }, left_bottom = { position = { 136, 26 }, size = 8 }, left_top = { position = { 136, 17 }, size = 8 }, right = { position = { 24, 360 }, size = { 24, 64 } } }, shadow = { center = { position = { 336, 424 }, size = { 1, 80 } }, draw_type = "outer", left = { position = { 200, 136 }, size = { 8, 1 } }, left_bottom = { position = { 200, 137 }, size = 8 }, left_top = { position = { 200, 128 }, size = 8 }, right = { position = { 336, 424 }, size = { 32, 80 } }, right_outer_border_shift = -12, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["gui-style"].default.back_button.default_graphical_set.shadow.tint ]=] } }, disabled_font_color = { 0.5, 0.5, 0.5 }, disabled_graphical_set = { base = { center = { position = { 120, 360 }, size = { 1, 64 } }, left = { position = { 153, 25 }, size = { 8, 1 } }, left_bottom = { position = { 153, 26 }, size = 8 }, left_top = { position = { 153, 17 }, size = 8 }, right = { position = { 120, 360 }, size = { 24, 64 } } }, glow = { center = { position = { 336, 424 }, size = { 1, 80 } }, draw_type = "outer", left = { position = { 200, 136 }, size = { 8, 1 } }, left_bottom = { position = { 200, 137 }, size = 8 }, left_top = { position = { 200, 128 }, size = 8 }, right = { position = { 336, 424 }, size = { 32, 80 } }, right_outer_border_shift = -12, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["gui-style"].default.back_button.default_graphical_set.shadow.tint ]=] } }, horizontal_align = "right", hovered_graphical_set = { base = { center = { position = { 216, 360 }, size = { 1, 64 } }, left = { position = { 170, 25 }, size = { 8, 1 } }, left_bottom = { position = { 170, 26 }, size = 8 }, left_top = { position = { 170, 17 }, size = 8 }, right = { position = { 216, 360 }, size = { 24, 64 } } }, glow = { center = { position = { 336, 424 }, size = { 1, 80 } }, draw_type = "outer", left = { position = { 200, 136 }, size = { 8, 1 } }, left_bottom = { position = { 200, 137 }, size = 8 }, left_top = { position = { 200, 128 }, size = 8 }, right = { position = { 336, 424 }, size = { 32, 80 } }, right_outer_border_shift = -12, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["gui-style"].default.red_back_button.hovered_graphical_set.glow.tint ]=] } }, left_click_sound = { { filename = "__core__/sound/gui-red-confirm.ogg", volume = 0.7 } }, parent = "dialog_button", type = "button_style" }, red_inventory_slot = { clicked_graphical_set = { base = { border = 4, position = { 400, 816 }, size = 80 } }, default_graphical_set = { base = { border = 4, position = { 240, 816 }, size = 80 } }, hovered_graphical_set = { base = { border = 4, position = { 320, 816 }, size = 80 } }, parent = "inventory_slot", selected_graphical_set = { base = { border = 4, position = { 320, 816 }, size = 80 } }, type = "button_style" }, red_logistic_slot_button = { parent = "red_slot_button", type = "button_style" }, red_slider = { full_bar = { base = { corner_size = 8, position = { 240, 71 } }, shadow = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["gui-style"].default.blue_slider.full_bar.shadow ]=] }, type = "slider_style" }, red_slot = { clicked_graphical_set = { base = { border = 4, position = { 400, 816 }, size = 80 } }, default_graphical_set = { base = { border = 4, position = { 240, 816 }, size = 80 } }, hovered_graphical_set = { base = { border = 4, position = { 320, 816 }, size = 80 } }, parent = "slot", selected_graphical_set = { base = { border = 4, position = { 320, 816 }, size = 80 } }, type = "button_style" }, red_slot_button = { clicked_graphical_set = { base = { border = 4, position = { 400, 656 }, size = 80 }, shadow = { bottom_outer_border_shift = -4, corner_size = 16, draw_type = "outer", left_outer_border_shift = 4, position = { 240, 736 }, right_outer_border_shift = -4, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["gui-style"].default.back_button.default_graphical_set.shadow.tint ]=], top_outer_border_shift = 4 } }, default_graphical_set = { base = { border = 4, position = { 240, 656 }, size = 80 }, shadow = { 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8, draw_type = "outer", position = { 333, 17 } } }, type = "glow_style" }, research_queue_active_glow_light = { image_set = { glow = { corner_size = 8, draw_type = "outer", position = { 316, 17 } } }, type = "glow_style" }, research_queue_active_glow_outer = { image_set = { glow = { bottom_outer_border_shift = 4, corner_size = 8, draw_type = "outer", left_outer_border_shift = -4, position = { 200, 128 }, right_outer_border_shift = 4, scale = 0.5, tint = { b = 2, g = 255, r = 2 }, top_outer_border_shift = -4 } }, type = "glow_style" }, research_queue_cancel_button = { padding = -4, parent = "red_button", size = { 72, 20 }, type = "button_style" }, research_queue_first_slot_flow = { padding = 0, type = "horizontal_flow_style" }, research_queue_inner_frame = { graphical_set = { bottom = { height = 8, width = 1, x = 273, y = 26 }, center = { height = 1, width = 1, x = 273, y = 24 }, left = { height = 1, width = 8, x = 265, y = 25 }, left_bottom = { height = 8, width = 8, x = 265, y = 26 }, 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397, 187 } }, level_range_font_color = { 165, 255, 171 }, parent = "technology_slot", selected_clicked_graphical_set = { base = { corner_size = 8, position = { 312, 187 } }, shadow = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["gui-style"].default.available_technology_slot.clicked_graphical_set.shadow ]=] }, selected_graphical_set = { base = { corner_size = 8, position = { 312, 187 } }, shadow = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["gui-style"].default.available_technology_slot.clicked_graphical_set.shadow ]=] }, selected_hovered_graphical_set = { base = { corner_size = 8, position = { 312, 187 } }, shadow = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["gui-style"].default.available_technology_slot.clicked_graphical_set.shadow ]=] }, type = "technology_slot_style" }, right_bottom_container_frame = { parent = "outer_frame", type = "frame_style", vertical_flow_style = { type = "vertical_flow_style", vertical_spacing = 0 } }, right_container_frame = { parent = "outer_frame", type = "frame_style", vertical_flow_style = { minimal_width = 10, type = "vertical_flow_style", vertical_spacing = 0 }, width = 256 }, right_side_frame = { padding = 0, type = "frame_style", width = 256 }, right_slider_button = { clicked_graphical_set = { base = { position = { 529, 72 }, size = { 40, 24 } }, shadow = { bottom_outer_border_shift = 4, center = { position = { 537, 96 }, size = { 56, 40 } }, draw_type = "outer", left_outer_border_shift = -4, right_outer_border_shift = 4, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["gui-style"].default.available_technology_slot.clicked_graphical_set.shadow.tint ]=], top_outer_border_shift = -4 } }, default_graphical_set = { base = { position = { 529, 0 }, size = { 40, 24 } }, shadow = { bottom_outer_border_shift = 4, center = { position = { 537, 96 }, size = { 56, 40 } }, draw_type = "outer", left_outer_border_shift = -4, right_outer_border_shift = 4, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["gui-style"].default.available_technology_slot.clicked_graphical_set.shadow.tint ]=], top_outer_border_shift = -4 } }, disabled_graphical_set = { base = { position = { 529, 24 }, size = { 40, 24 } }, shadow = { bottom_outer_border_shift = 4, center = { position = { 537, 96 }, size = { 56, 40 } }, draw_type = "outer", left_outer_border_shift = -4, right_outer_border_shift = 4, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["gui-style"].default.available_technology_slot.clicked_graphical_set.shadow.tint ]=], top_outer_border_shift = -4 } }, hovered_graphical_set = { base = { position = { 529, 48 }, size = { 40, 24 } }, glow = { bottom_outer_border_shift = 4, center = { position = { 537, 96 }, size = { 56, 40 } }, draw_type = "outer", left_outer_border_shift = -4, right_outer_border_shift = 4, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["gui-style"].default.back_button.hovered_graphical_set.glow.tint ]=], top_outer_border_shift = -4 } }, left_click_sound = { { filename = "__core__/sound/gui-slider.ogg", volume = 1 } }, parent = "slider_button", type = "button_style" }, rounded_button = { clicked_graphical_set = { base = { corner_size = 8, position = { 219, 200 } }, shadow = { 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top_outer_border_shift = 4 } }, hovered_graphical_set = { base = { corner_size = 8, position = { 202, 200 } }, glow = { bottom_outer_border_shift = -4, corner_size = 16, draw_type = "outer", left_outer_border_shift = 4, position = { 256, 191 }, right_outer_border_shift = -4, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["gui-style"].default.back_button.hovered_graphical_set.glow.tint ]=], top_outer_border_shift = 4 }, shadow = { bottom_outer_border_shift = -4, corner_size = 16, draw_type = "outer", left_outer_border_shift = 4, position = { 256, 191 }, right_outer_border_shift = -4, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["gui-style"].default.back_button.default_graphical_set.shadow.tint ]=], top_outer_border_shift = 4 } }, selected_clicked_graphical_set = { base = { corner_size = 8, position = { 236, 200 } }, shadow = { bottom_outer_border_shift = -4, corner_size = 16, draw_type = "outer", left_outer_border_shift = 4, position = { 256, 191 }, right_outer_border_shift = -4, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["gui-style"].default.back_button.default_graphical_set.shadow.tint ]=], top_outer_border_shift = 4 } }, selected_graphical_set = { base = { corner_size = 8, position = { 236, 200 } }, shadow = { bottom_outer_border_shift = -4, corner_size = 16, draw_type = "outer", left_outer_border_shift = 4, position = { 256, 191 }, right_outer_border_shift = -4, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["gui-style"].default.back_button.default_graphical_set.shadow.tint ]=], top_outer_border_shift = 4 } }, selected_hovered_graphical_set = { base = { corner_size = 8, position = { 236, 200 } }, shadow = { bottom_outer_border_shift = -4, corner_size = 16, draw_type = "outer", left_outer_border_shift = 4, position = { 256, 191 }, right_outer_border_shift = -4, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["gui-style"].default.back_button.default_graphical_set.shadow.tint ]=], top_outer_border_shift = 4 } }, type = "button_style" }, save_as_horizontal_flow = { left_padding = 4, parent = "player_input_horizontal_flow", type = 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"vertical_flow_style", vertical_spacing = 0 }, shortcut_bar_expand_button = { height = 16, left_click_sound = { { filename = "__core__/sound/gui-shortcut-expand.ogg", volume = 1 } }, left_padding = -2, parent = "frame_button", right_padding = -2, selected_graphical_set = { base = { corner_size = 8, position = { 272, 169 } }, shadow = { corner_size = 8, draw_type = "outer", position = { 440, 24 } } }, selected_hovered_graphical_set = { base = { corner_size = 8, position = { 369, 17 } }, shadow = { corner_size = 8, draw_type = "outer", position = { 440, 24 } } }, type = "button_style", width = 8 }, shortcut_bar_inner_panel = { background_graphical_set = { corner_size = 8, overall_tiling_horizontal_padding = 8, overall_tiling_horizontal_size = 24, overall_tiling_horizontal_spacing = 16, overall_tiling_vertical_padding = 8, overall_tiling_vertical_size = 24, overall_tiling_vertical_spacing = 16, position = { 282, 17 } }, horizontal_flow_style = { horizontal_spacing = 0, type = 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{ 0, 0 } }, left_click_sound = { { filename = "__core__/sound/gui-square-button.ogg", volume = 1 } }, padding = 0, parent = "button", size = 40, type = "button_style" }, side_menu_frame = { graphical_set = { base = { corner_size = 8, draw_type = "inner", position = { 17, 0 } } }, horizontal_flow_style = { horizontal_spacing = 0, type = "horizontal_flow_style" }, padding = 0, parent = "captionless_frame", type = "frame_style", width = 248 }, side_progressbar_frame = { type = "frame_style", use_header_filler = false, width = 400 }, slider = { button = { clicked_graphical_set = { base = { position = { 184, 48 }, size = { 40, 24 } }, shadow = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["gui-style"].default.available_technology_slot.clicked_graphical_set.shadow ]=] }, default_graphical_set = { base = { position = { 64, 48 }, size = { 40, 24 } }, shadow = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["gui-style"].default.available_technology_slot.clicked_graphical_set.shadow ]=] }, disabled_graphical_set = { base = { position = { 104, 48 }, size 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[""]["gui-style"].default.available_technology_slot.clicked_graphical_set.shadow ]=] }, default_graphical_set = { base = { position = { 64, 48 }, size = { 40, 24 } }, shadow = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["gui-style"].default.available_technology_slot.clicked_graphical_set.shadow ]=] }, disabled_graphical_set = { base = { position = { 104, 48 }, size = { 40, 24 } }, shadow = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["gui-style"].default.available_technology_slot.clicked_graphical_set.shadow ]=] }, height = 12, hovered_graphical_set = { base = { position = { 144, 48 }, size = { 40, 24 } }, glow = { corner_size = 8, draw_type = "outer", position = { 200, 128 }, scale = 0.5, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["gui-style"].default.back_button.hovered_graphical_set.glow.tint ]=] } }, left_click_sound = { { filename = "__core__/sound/gui-click.ogg", volume = 1 } }, padding = 0, type = "button_style", width = 20 }, slider_value_textfield = { horizontal_align = "center", parent = "short_number_textfield", type = "textbox_style" }, 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[""]["gui-style"].default.back_button.default_graphical_set.shadow.tint ]=], top_outer_border_shift = 4 } }, left_click_sound = { { filename = "__core__/sound/gui-inventory-slot-button.ogg", volume = 0.6 } }, padding = 0, parent = "button", pie_progress_color = { 0.98000000000000007, 0.66000000000000005, 0.22000000000000002, 0.5 }, selected_clicked_graphical_set = { base = { border = 4, position = { 160, 736 }, size = 80 }, shadow = { bottom_outer_border_shift = -4, corner_size = 16, draw_type = "outer", left_outer_border_shift = 4, position = { 240, 736 }, right_outer_border_shift = -4, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["gui-style"].default.back_button.default_graphical_set.shadow.tint ]=], top_outer_border_shift = 4 } }, selected_graphical_set = { base = { border = 4, position = { 80, 736 }, size = 80 }, shadow = { bottom_outer_border_shift = -4, corner_size = 16, draw_type = "outer", left_outer_border_shift = 4, position = { 240, 736 }, right_outer_border_shift = -4, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["gui-style"].default.back_button.default_graphical_set.shadow.tint ]=], top_outer_border_shift = 4 } }, selected_hovered_graphical_set = { base = { border = 4, position = { 80, 736 }, size = 80 }, glow = { bottom_outer_border_shift = -4, corner_size = 16, draw_type = "outer", left_outer_border_shift = 4, position = { 240, 736 }, right_outer_border_shift = -4, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["gui-style"].default.back_button.hovered_graphical_set.glow.tint ]=], top_outer_border_shift = 4 }, shadow = { bottom_outer_border_shift = -4, corner_size = 16, draw_type = "outer", left_outer_border_shift = 4, position = { 240, 736 }, right_outer_border_shift = -4, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["gui-style"].default.back_button.default_graphical_set.shadow.tint ]=], top_outer_border_shift = 4 } }, size = 40, type = "button_style" }, slot_button_deep_frame = { background_graphical_set = { corner_size = 8, overall_tiling_horizontal_padding = 4, overall_tiling_horizontal_size = 32, 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= 0, type = "scroll_pane_style" }, slot_button_in_shallow_frame = { clicked_graphical_set = { base = { border = 4, position = { 160, 736 }, size = 80 }, shadow = { bottom_outer_border_shift = -4, corner_size = 16, draw_type = "outer", left_outer_border_shift = 4, position = { 345, 103 }, right_outer_border_shift = -4, top_outer_border_shift = 4 } }, default_graphical_set = { base = { border = 4, position = { 0, 736 }, size = 80 }, shadow = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["gui-style"].default.slot_button_in_shallow_frame.clicked_graphical_set.shadow ]=] }, hovered_graphical_set = { base = { border = 4, position = { 80, 736 }, size = 80 }, shadow = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["gui-style"].default.slot_button_in_shallow_frame.clicked_graphical_set.shadow ]=] }, left_click_sound = { { filename = "__core__/sound/gui-square-button.ogg", volume = 1 } }, parent = "slot_button", selected_clicked_graphical_set = { base = { border = 4, position = { 160, 736 }, size = 80 }, shadow = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["gui-style"].default.slot_button_in_shallow_frame.clicked_graphical_set.shadow ]=] }, selected_graphical_set = { base = { border = 4, position = { 80, 736 }, size = 80 }, shadow = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["gui-style"].default.slot_button_in_shallow_frame.clicked_graphical_set.shadow ]=] }, selected_hovered_graphical_set = { base = { border = 4, position = { 80, 736 }, size = 80 }, shadow = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["gui-style"].default.slot_button_in_shallow_frame.clicked_graphical_set.shadow ]=] }, type = "button_style" }, slot_button_that_fits_textline = { parent = "slot_sized_button", size = 28, type = "button_style" }, slot_container_frame = { graphical_set = { base = { center = { position = { 42, 8 }, size = { 1, 1 } }, corner_size = 8, draw_type = "outer", position = { 85, 0 } }, shadow = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["gui-style"].default.a_inner_frame.graphical_set.shadow ]=] }, parent = "invisible_frame", type = "frame_style" }, slot_group_frame = { bottom_padding = 2, left_padding = 0, parent = 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"__core__/sound/gui-square-button.ogg", volume = 1 } }, padding = 0, parent = "button", selected_graphical_set = { base = { corner_size = 8, position = { 363, 744 } }, shadow = { bottom_outer_border_shift = -4, corner_size = 16, draw_type = "outer", left_outer_border_shift = 4, position = { 280, 736 }, right_outer_border_shift = -4, scale = 0.5, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["gui-style"].default.back_button.default_graphical_set.shadow.tint ]=], top_outer_border_shift = 4 } }, selected_hovered_graphical_set = { base = { corner_size = 8, position = { 346, 744 } }, glow = { bottom_outer_border_shift = -4, corner_size = 16, draw_type = "outer", left_outer_border_shift = 4, position = { 280, 736 }, right_outer_border_shift = -4, scale = 0.5, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["gui-style"].default.back_button.hovered_graphical_set.glow.tint ]=], top_outer_border_shift = 4 }, shadow = { bottom_outer_border_shift = -4, corner_size = 16, draw_type = "outer", left_outer_border_shift = 4, position = { 280, 736 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top_outer_border_shift = 4 } }, disabled_graphical_set = { base = { corner_size = 8, position = { 329, 760 } }, shadow = { bottom_outer_border_shift = -4, corner_size = 16, draw_type = "outer", left_outer_border_shift = 4, position = { 280, 736 }, right_outer_border_shift = -4, scale = 0.5, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["gui-style"].default.back_button.default_graphical_set.shadow.tint ]=], top_outer_border_shift = 4 } }, hovered_graphical_set = { base = { corner_size = 8, position = { 346, 760 } }, glow = { bottom_outer_border_shift = -4, corner_size = 16, draw_type = "outer", left_outer_border_shift = 4, position = { 280, 736 }, right_outer_border_shift = -4, scale = 0.5, tint = { 132, 177, 198, 127 }, top_outer_border_shift = 4 }, shadow = { bottom_outer_border_shift = -4, corner_size = 16, draw_type = "outer", left_outer_border_shift = 4, position = { 280, 736 }, right_outer_border_shift = -4, scale = 0.5, tint = 0 --[=[ ref 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[""]["gui-style"].default.back_button.default_graphical_set.shadow.tint ]=], top_outer_border_shift = 4 } }, default_graphical_set = { base = { corner_size = 8, position = { 312, 776 } }, shadow = { bottom_outer_border_shift = -4, corner_size = 16, draw_type = "outer", left_outer_border_shift = 4, position = { 280, 736 }, right_outer_border_shift = -4, scale = 0.5, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["gui-style"].default.back_button.default_graphical_set.shadow.tint ]=], top_outer_border_shift = 4 } }, disabled_graphical_set = { base = { corner_size = 8, position = { 329, 776 } }, shadow = { bottom_outer_border_shift = -4, corner_size = 16, draw_type = "outer", left_outer_border_shift = 4, position = { 280, 736 }, right_outer_border_shift = -4, scale = 0.5, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["gui-style"].default.back_button.default_graphical_set.shadow.tint ]=], top_outer_border_shift = 4 } }, hovered_graphical_set = { base = { corner_size = 8, position = { 346, 776 } }, glow = { bottom_outer_border_shift = 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background_graphical_set = { corner_size = 8, custom_horizontal_tiling_sizes = { 28, 44, 288 }, overall_tiling_horizontal_padding = 4, overall_tiling_horizontal_spacing = 8, overall_tiling_vertical_padding = 4, overall_tiling_vertical_size = 28, overall_tiling_vertical_spacing = 12, position = { 282, 17 } }, parent = "scroll_pane_with_dark_background_under_subheader", type = "scroll_pane_style" }, train_schedule_station_frame = { horizontal_flow_style = { parent = "player_input_horizontal_flow", type = "horizontal_flow_style" }, padding = 0, parent = "dark_frame", type = "frame_style", width = 380 }, train_schedule_temporary_station_delete_button = { default_graphical_set = { base = { corner_size = 8, position = { 446, 86 } }, shadow = { corner_size = 8, draw_type = "outer", position = { 463, 86 } } }, parent = "train_schedule_delete_button", type = "button_style" }, train_schedule_temporary_station_frame = { graphical_set = { base = { corner_size = 8, position = { 446, 86 } }, shadow 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width = 136 }, unavailable_technology_slot = { clicked_graphical_set = { base = { corner_size = 8, position = { 312, 170 } }, shadow = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["gui-style"].default.available_technology_slot.clicked_graphical_set.shadow ]=] }, clicked_ingredients_background = { corner_size = 8, position = { 364, 170 } }, clicked_overlay = { bottom = { position = { 432, 170 }, size = { 1, 16 } }, center = { position = { 472, 152 }, size = { 1, 1 } }, left = { position = { 456, 152 }, size = { 16, 1 } }, left_bottom = { position = { 416, 170 }, size = { 16, 16 } }, left_top = { position = { 456, 136 }, size = { 16, 16 } }, right = { position = { 473, 152 }, size = { 16, 1 } }, right_bottom = { position = { 433, 170 }, size = { 16, 16 } }, right_top = { position = { 473, 136 }, size = { 16, 16 } }, top = { position = { 472, 136 }, size = { 1, 16 } } }, default_graphical_set = { base = { corner_size = 8, position = { 296, 170 } }, shadow = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["gui-style"].default.available_technology_slot.clicked_graphical_set.shadow ]=] }, default_ingredients_background = { corner_size = 8, position = { 347, 170 } }, disabled_graphical_set = { base = { corner_size = 8, position = { 296, 170 } }, shadow = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["gui-style"].default.available_technology_slot.clicked_graphical_set.shadow ]=] }, disabled_ingredients_background = { corner_size = 8, position = { 364, 170 } }, highlighted_graphical_set = { base = { corner_size = 8, position = { 330, 170 } }, shadow = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["gui-style"].default.available_technology_slot.clicked_graphical_set.shadow ]=] }, highlighted_ingredients_background = { corner_size = 8, position = { 364, 170 } }, hovered_graphical_set = { base = { corner_size = 8, position = { 312, 170 } }, shadow = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["gui-style"].default.available_technology_slot.clicked_graphical_set.shadow ]=] }, hovered_ingredients_background = { corner_size = 8, position = { 364, 170 } }, hovered_level_band = { corner_size = 8, position = { 381, 170 } }, hovered_level_font_color = { 116, 34, 32 }, hovered_level_range_band = { corner_size = 8, position = { 397, 170 } }, hovered_level_range_font_color = { 255, 214, 213 }, level_band = { corner_size = 8, position = { 381, 170 } }, level_font_color = { 116, 34, 32 }, level_range_band = { corner_size = 8, position = { 397, 170 } }, level_range_font_color = { 255, 214, 213 }, parent = "technology_slot", selected_clicked_graphical_set = { base = { corner_size = 8, position = { 312, 170 } }, shadow = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["gui-style"].default.available_technology_slot.clicked_graphical_set.shadow ]=] }, selected_graphical_set = { base = { corner_size = 8, position = { 312, 170 } }, shadow = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["gui-style"].default.available_technology_slot.clicked_graphical_set.shadow ]=] }, selected_hovered_graphical_set = { base = { corner_size = 8, position = { 312, 170 } }, shadow = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["gui-style"].default.available_technology_slot.clicked_graphical_set.shadow ]=] }, type = "technology_slot_style" }, unlocked_achievement_frame = { parent = "unlocked_achievement_in_sidebar_frame", type = "frame_style", width = 400 }, unlocked_achievement_in_sidebar_frame = { graphical_set = { base = { corner_size = 8, position = { 420, 17 } }, shadow = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["gui-style"].default.available_technology_slot.clicked_graphical_set.shadow ]=] }, parent = "frame", top_padding = 4, type = "frame_style" }, valid_hovered_mod_label = { disabled_font_color = { 0, 0, 0, 0.5 }, font_color = { 29, 29, 29 }, type = "label_style" }, valid_mod_label = { type = "label_style" }, valid_selected_mod_label = { disabled_font_color = { 0, 0, 0, 0.5 }, font_color = { 29, 29, 29 }, type = "label_style" }, vehicle_health_progressbar = { color = { 0.8, 0.8, 0.8 }, parent = "health_progressbar", type = "progressbar_style" }, vehicle_tabbed_pane = { parent = "tabbed_pane", tab_content_frame = { left_padding = 12, parent = "tabbed_pane_frame", right_padding = 12, type = "frame_style" }, type = "tabbed_pane_style" }, vehicle_tabbed_pane_with_logistics = { parent = "tabbed_pane", tab_content_frame = { left_padding = 12, parent = "tabbed_pane_frame", right_padding = 0, type = "frame_style" }, type = "tabbed_pane_style" }, vertical_flow = { type = "vertical_flow_style", vertical_spacing = 4 }, vertical_flow_in_entity_frame_without_side_paddings = { bottom_padding = 12, left_padding = 12, right_padding = 12, top_padding = 0, type = "vertical_flow_style", vertical_spacing = 8 }, vertical_flow_under_subheader = { padding = 12, type = "vertical_flow_style" }, vertical_flow_with_extra_margins = { left_margin = 8, right_margin = 0, top_margin = 4, type = "vertical_flow_style" }, vertical_lines_slots_filler = { graphical_set = { center = { position = { 272, 136 }, size = { 1, 32 } }, left = { position = { 256, 136 }, size = { 16, 32 } }, overall_tiling_vertical_padding = 4, overall_tiling_vertical_size = 24, overall_tiling_vertical_spacing = 8, right = { position = { 272, 136 }, size = { 16, 32 } } }, horizontally_stretchable = "on", left_margin = -4, right_margin = -4, type = "empty_widget_style", vertically_stretchable = "on" }, vertical_scrollbar = { background_graphical_set = { corner_size = 8, position = { 0, 72 } }, thumb_button_style = { clicked_graphical_set = { base = { bottom = { position = { 40, 63 }, size = { 20, 7 } }, center = { position = { 40, 55 }, size = { 20, 8 } }, center_tiling_vertical = true, top = { position = { 40, 48 }, size = { 20, 7 } } }, shadow = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["gui-style"].default.available_technology_slot.clicked_graphical_set.shadow ]=] }, default_graphical_set = { base = { bottom = { position = { 0, 63 }, size = { 20, 7 } }, center = { position = { 0, 55 }, size = { 20, 8 } }, center_tiling_vertical = true, top = { position = { 0, 48 }, size = { 20, 7 } } }, shadow = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["gui-style"].default.available_technology_slot.clicked_graphical_set.shadow ]=] }, hovered_graphical_set = { base = { bottom = { position = { 20, 63 }, size = { 20, 7 } }, center = { position = { 20, 55 }, size = { 20, 8 } }, center_tiling_vertical = true, top = { position = { 20, 48 }, size = { 20, 7 } } }, glow = { corner_size = 8, draw_type = "outer", position = { 200, 128 }, scale = 0.5, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["gui-style"].default.back_button.hovered_graphical_set.glow.tint ]=] } }, left_click_sound = {}, type = "button_style", width = 10 }, type = "vertical_scrollbar_style", width = 12 }, very_short_number_textfield = { type = "textbox_style", width = 40 }, void_inventory_frame = { bottom_padding = 0, graphical_set = {}, height = 0, title_style = { bottom_padding = 0, parent = "frame_title", top_padding = 0, type = "label_style" }, top_padding = 0, type = "frame_style" }, wide_activity_bar = { bar_width = 24, type = "activity_bar_style" }, wide_entity_button = { height = 148, horizontally_stretchable = "on", minimal_width = 400, type = "empty_widget_style" }, wide_slider_value_textfield = { parent = "slider_value_textfield", type = "textbox_style", width = 100 }, window_content_frame = { graphical_set = { base = { center = { position = { 76, 8 }, size = { 1, 1 } }, corner_size = 8, draw_type = "outer", position = { 17, 0 } }, shadow = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["gui-style"].default.a_inner_frame.graphical_set.shadow ]=] }, padding = 4, type = "frame_style" }, window_content_frame_deep = { graphical_set = { base = { center = { position = { 42, 8 }, size = { 1, 1 } }, corner_size = 8, draw_type = "outer", position = { 17, 0 } }, shadow = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["gui-style"].default.a_inner_frame.graphical_set.shadow ]=] }, padding = 4, type = "frame_style" }, window_content_frame_in_tabbed_panne = { bottom_margin = 4, graphical_set = { base = { center = { position = { 42, 8 }, size = 1 }, corner_size = 8, draw_type = "outer", position = { 85, 0 } }, shadow = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["gui-style"].default.a_inner_frame.graphical_set.shadow ]=] }, left_margin = 8, padding = 0, right_margin = 8, type = "frame_style", vertical_flow_style = { type = "vertical_flow_style", vertical_spacing = 0 } }, window_content_frame_packed = { horizontal_flow_style = { horizontal_spacing = 0, type = "horizontal_flow_style" }, padding = 0, parent = "window_content_frame", type = "frame_style", vertical_flow_style = { type = "vertical_flow_style", vertical_spacing = 0 } }, working_tool_equip_virtual_slot = { bottom_padding = 4, clicked_graphical_set = { base = { center = { position = { 428, 25 }, size = 1 } }, glow = { left = { position = { 420, 25 }, size = { 8, 1 } }, right = { position = { 429, 25 }, size = { 8, 1 } } } }, default_graphical_set = { base = { center = { position = { 428, 25 }, size = 1 } }, glow = { left = { position = { 420, 25 }, size = { 8, 1 } }, right = { position = { 429, 25 }, size = { 8, 1 } } } }, hovered_graphical_set = { base = { center = { position = { 428, 25 }, size = 1 } }, glow = { left = { position = { 420, 25 }, size = { 8, 1 } }, right = { position = { 429, 25 }, size = { 8, 1 } } } }, padding = 0, size = 40, top_padding = 4, type = "button_style" }, working_weapon_button = { clicked_graphical_set = { base = { border = 4, position = { 504, 296 }, size = 80 }, shadow = { left = { position = { 68, 8 }, size = { 8, 1 } }, right = { position = { 77, 8 }, size = { 8, 1 } } } }, default_graphical_set = { base = { border = 4, position = { 504, 136 }, size = 80 }, shadow = { left = { position = { 68, 8 }, size = { 8, 1 } }, right = { position = { 77, 8 }, size = { 8, 1 } } } }, draw_shadow_under_picture = true, hovered_graphical_set = { base = { border = 4, position = { 504, 216 }, size = 80 }, shadow = { left = { position = { 68, 8 }, size = { 8, 1 } }, right = { position = { 77, 8 }, size = { 8, 1 } } } }, left_click_sound = {}, parent = "green_slot", type = "button_style" }, yellow_inventory_slot = { clicked_graphical_set = { base 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= { clicked_graphical_set = { base = { border = 4, position = { 160, 656 }, size = 80 }, shadow = { bottom_outer_border_shift = -4, corner_size = 16, draw_type = "outer", left_outer_border_shift = 4, position = { 240, 736 }, right_outer_border_shift = -4, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["gui-style"].default.back_button.default_graphical_set.shadow.tint ]=], top_outer_border_shift = 4 } }, default_graphical_set = { base = { border = 4, position = { 0, 656 }, size = 80 }, shadow = { bottom_outer_border_shift = -4, corner_size = 16, draw_type = "outer", left_outer_border_shift = 4, position = { 240, 736 }, right_outer_border_shift = -4, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["gui-style"].default.back_button.default_graphical_set.shadow.tint ]=], top_outer_border_shift = 4 } }, hovered_graphical_set = { base = { border = 4, position = { 80, 656 }, size = 80 }, glow = { bottom_outer_border_shift = -4, corner_size = 16, draw_type = "outer", left_outer_border_shift = 4, position = { 240, 736 }, right_outer_border_shift = -4, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["gui-style"].default.back_button.hovered_graphical_set.glow.tint ]=], top_outer_border_shift = 4 }, shadow = { bottom_outer_border_shift = -4, corner_size = 16, draw_type = "outer", left_outer_border_shift = 4, position = { 240, 736 }, right_outer_border_shift = -4, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["gui-style"].default.back_button.default_graphical_set.shadow.tint ]=], top_outer_border_shift = 4 } }, parent = "slot_button", type = "button_style" } } }, gun = { ["artillery-wagon-cannon"] = { attack_parameters = { ammo_category = "artillery-shell", cooldown = 200, min_range = 32, movement_slow_down_factor = 0, projectile_center = { -0.15625, -0.078119999999999994 }, projectile_creation_distance = 1.6000000000000001, projectile_creation_parameters = { { 0, { -0, -4.53125 } }, { 0.004, { 0.109375, -4.515625 } }, { 0.008, { 0.203125, -4.515625 } }, { 0.012, { 0.296875, -4.515625 } }, { 0.016000000000000001, { 0.390625, -4.515625 } }, { 0.019, { 0.484375, -4.5 } }, { 0.022999999999999998, { 0.578125, -4.5 } }, { 0.027000000000000002, { 0.671875, -4.484375 } }, { 0.031000000000000001, { 0.765625, -4.46875 } }, { 0.034000000000000004, { 0.859375, -4.453125 } }, { 0.037999999999999998, { 0.953125, -4.4375 } }, { 0.042000000000000002, { 1.046875, -4.421875 } }, { 0.045999999999999996, { 1.140625, -4.40625 } }, { 0.049000000000000004, { 1.234375, -4.375 } }, { 0.053000000000000007, { 1.328125, -4.359375 } }, { 0.057000000000000011, { 1.421875, -4.328125 } }, { 0.06, { 1.5, -4.3125 } }, { 0.064000000000000004, { 1.59375, -4.28125 } }, { 0.067000000000000002, { 1.671875, -4.25 } }, { 0.070999999999999996, { 1.765625, -4.21875 } }, { 0.074000000000000004, { 1.84375, -4.1875 } }, { 0.078000000000000007, { 1.9375, -4.15625 } }, { 0.081000000000000014, { 2.015625, -4.125 } }, { 0.085, { 2.09375, -4.09375 } }, { 0.087999999999999989, { 2.171875, -4.046875 } }, { 0.090999999999999996, { 2.265625, -4.015625 } }, { 0.095, { 2.34375, -3.96875 } }, { 0.098000000000000007, { 2.40625, -3.9375 } }, { 0.101, { 2.484375, -3.890625 } }, { 0.104, { 2.5625, -3.84375 } }, { 0.10800000000000001, { 2.625, -3.796875 } }, { 0.11100000000000001, { 2.703125, -3.75 } }, { 0.11400000000000001, { 2.765625, -3.703125 } }, { 0.11700000000000002, { 2.84375, -3.65625 } }, { 0.12, { 2.90625, -3.609375 } }, { 0.123, { 2.96875, -3.5625 } }, { 0.126, { 3.03125, -3.5 } }, { 0.129, { 3.09375, -3.453125 } }, { 0.13200000000000001, { 3.140625, -3.390625 } }, { 0.13500000000000001, { 3.203125, -3.34375 } }, { 0.13800000000000001, { 3.25, -3.28125 } }, { 0.141, { 3.3125, -3.234375 } }, { 0.14399999999999999, { 3.359375, -3.171875 } }, { 0.146, { 3.40625, -3.109375 } }, { 0.149, { 3.453125, -3.046875 } }, { 0.152, { 3.5, -2.984375 } }, { 0.155, { 3.53125, -2.9375 } }, { 0.15700000000000001, { 3.578125, -2.875 } }, { 0.16000000000000001, { 3.609375, -2.8125 } }, { 0.16300000000000001, { 3.65625, -2.75 } }, { 0.16500000000000002, { 3.6875, -2.671875 } }, { 0.16800000000000002, { 3.71875, -2.609375 } }, { 0.17100000000000001, { 3.75, -2.546875 } }, { 0.173, { 3.765625, -2.484375 } }, { 0.17599999999999998, { 3.796875, -2.421875 } }, { 0.179, { 3.8125, -2.359375 } }, { 0.18100000000000001, { 3.828125, -2.28125 } }, { 0.18399999999999999, { 3.859375, -2.21875 } }, { 0.18599999999999998, { 3.875, -2.15625 } }, { 0.18900000000000002, { 3.875, -2.078125 } }, { 0.19100000000000001, { 3.890625, -2.015625 } }, { 0.19399999999999999, { 3.890625, -1.953125 } }, { 0.196, { 3.90625, -1.875 } }, { 0.19900000000000002, { 3.90625, -1.8125 } }, { 0.20100000000000002, { 3.90625, -1.75 } }, { 0.204, { 3.90625, -1.671875 } }, { 0.20600000000000001, { 3.90625, -1.609375 } }, { 0.20899999999999999, { 3.890625, -1.546875 } }, { 0.21099999999999999, { 3.890625, -1.46875 } }, { 0.21400000000000001, { 3.875, -1.40625 } }, { 0.21600000000000001, { 3.859375, -1.34375 } }, { 0.219, { 3.84375, -1.265625 } }, { 0.22200000000000002, { 3.828125, -1.203125 } }, { 0.22400000000000002, { 3.8125, -1.140625 } }, { 0.227, { 3.78125, -1.078125 } }, { 0.229, { 3.765625, -1 } }, { 0.23200000000000003, { 3.734375, -0.9375 } }, { 0.23400000000000003, { 3.703125, -0.875 } }, { 0.23700000000000001, { 3.671875, -0.8125 } }, { 0.23999999999999999, { 3.640625, -0.75 } }, { 0.24199999999999999, { 3.609375, -0.6875 } }, { 0.24500000000000002, { 3.5625, -0.625 } }, { 0.248, { 3.53125, -0.5625 } }, { 0.25, { 3.484375, -0.5 } }, { 0.25300000000000002, { 3.4375, -0.4375 } }, { 0.25600000000000001, { 3.390625, -0.375 } }, { 0.25899999999999999, { 3.34375, -0.328125 } }, { 0.26200000000000001, { 3.296875, -0.265625 } }, { 0.26500000000000004, { 3.234375, -0.203125 } }, { 0.26800000000000002, { 3.1875, -0.15625 } }, { 0.271, { 3.125, -0.09375 } }, { 0.27400000000000002, { 3.0625, -0.046875 } }, { 0.27700000000000005, { 3.015625, 0 } }, { 0.28000000000000004, { 2.953125, 0.046875 } }, { 0.28399999999999999, { 2.890625, 0.09375 } }, { 0.28699999999999996, { 2.8125, 0.140625 } }, { 0.29099999999999998, { 2.75, 0.1875 } }, { 0.29399999999999999, { 2.6875, 0.234375 } }, { 0.29800000000000001, { 2.609375, 0.28125 } }, { 0.302, { 2.53125, 0.328125 } }, { 0.30600000000000001, { 2.46875, 0.375 } }, { 0.31000000000000001, { 2.390625, 0.421875 } }, { 0.31400000000000001, { 2.3125, 0.453125 } }, { 0.31800000000000002, { 2.234375, 0.5 } }, { 0.323, { 2.15625, 0.53125 } }, { 0.327, { 2.078125, 0.578125 } }, { 0.33200000000000003, { 2, 0.609375 } }, { 0.33700000000000001, { 1.90625, 0.640625 } }, { 0.34200000000000004, { 1.828125, 0.671875 } }, { 0.34799999999999995, { 1.734375, 0.703125 } }, { 0.35299999999999998, { 1.65625, 0.734375 } }, { 0.35899999999999999, { 1.5625, 0.765625 } }, { 0.36499999999999999, { 1.484375, 0.796875 } }, { 0.37199999999999998, { 1.390625, 0.8125 } }, { 0.379, { 1.296875, 0.84375 } }, { 0.38600000000000003, { 1.203125, 0.859375 } }, { 0.39300000000000001, { 1.109375, 0.875 } }, { 0.4, { 1.015625, 0.90625 } }, { 0.40800000000000001, { 0.921875, 0.921875 } }, { 0.41600000000000001, { 0.828125, 0.9375 } }, { 0.425, { 0.734375, 0.953125 } }, { 0.43399999999999999, { 0.640625, 0.953125 } }, { 0.44299999999999997, { 0.546875, 0.96875 } }, { 0.45200000000000005, { 0.453125, 0.984375 } }, { 0.46200000000000001, { 0.359375, 0.984375 } }, { 0.471, { 0.265625, 0.984375 } }, { 0.48099999999999996, { 0.171875, 1 } }, { 0.49100000000000001, { 0.078125, 1 } }, { 0.50099999999999998, { -0, 1 } }, { 0.51100000000000003, { -0.109375, 1 } }, { 0.521, { -0.203125, 1 } }, { 0.53100000000000005, { -0.296875, 0.984375 } }, { 0.54100000000000001, { -0.390625, 0.984375 } }, { 0.55, { -0.484375, 0.96875 } }, { 0.55900000000000007, { -0.578125, 0.96875 } }, { 0.56799999999999997, { -0.671875, 0.953125 } }, { 0.57699999999999996, { -0.765625, 0.9375 } }, { 0.58599999999999994, { -0.859375, 0.921875 } }, { 0.59399999999999995, { -0.953125, 0.90625 } }, { 0.60199999999999996, { -1.046875, 0.890625 } }, { 0.60899999999999999, { -1.140625, 0.875 } }, { 0.61600000000000001, { -1.234375, 0.859375 } }, { 0.62300000000000004, { -1.328125, 0.828125 } }, { 0.62999999999999998, { -1.421875, 0.8125 } }, { 0.63600000000000003, { -1.5, 0.78125 } }, { 0.64199999999999999, { -1.59375, 0.75 } }, { 0.64800000000000004, { -1.671875, 0.734375 } }, { 0.654, { -1.765625, 0.703125 } }, { 0.65899999999999999, { -1.84375, 0.671875 } }, { 0.66400000000000006, { -1.9375, 0.625 } }, { 0.66900000000000004, { -2.015625, 0.59375 } }, { 0.67400000000000002, { -2.09375, 0.5625 } }, { 0.67800000000000002, { -2.1875, 0.53125 } }, { 0.68300000000000001, { -2.265625, 0.484375 } }, { 0.6870000000000001, { -2.34375, 0.453125 } }, { 0.69099999999999993, { -2.40625, 0.40625 } }, { 0.69499999999999993, { -2.484375, 0.359375 } }, { 0.69899999999999993, { -2.5625, 0.3125 } }, { 0.70299999999999994, { -2.625, 0.265625 } }, { 0.70699999999999994, { -2.703125, 0.21875 } }, { 0.70999999999999996, { -2.765625, 0.171875 } }, { 0.71399999999999997, { -2.84375, 0.125 } }, { 0.71699999999999999, { -2.90625, 0.078125 } }, { 0.71999999999999993, { -2.96875, 0.03125 } }, { 0.72400000000000002, { -3.03125, 0 } }, { 0.72699999999999996, { -3.09375, -0.0625 } }, { 0.72999999999999998, { -3.140625, -0.109375 } }, { 0.73300000000000001, { -3.203125, -0.171875 } }, { 0.73599999999999994, { -3.25, -0.21875 } }, { 0.73899999999999997, { -3.3125, -0.28125 } }, { 0.74199999999999999, { -3.359375, -0.34375 } }, { 0.74500000000000002, { -3.40625, -0.40625 } }, { 0.74699999999999998, { -3.453125, -0.453125 } }, { 0.75, { -3.5, -0.515625 } }, { 0.75300000000000002, { -3.53125, -0.578125 } }, { 0.75600000000000005, { -3.578125, -0.640625 } }, { 0.75800000000000001, { -3.609375, -0.703125 } }, { 0.76100000000000003, { -3.65625, -0.765625 } }, { 0.76400000000000006, { -3.6875, -0.828125 } }, { 0.76600000000000001, { -3.71875, -0.890625 } }, { 0.76900000000000004, { -3.75, -0.96875 } }, { 0.771, { -3.765625, -1.03125 } }, { 0.77400000000000002, { -3.796875, -1.09375 } }, { 0.77700000000000005, { -3.8125, -1.15625 } }, { 0.779, { -3.828125, -1.21875 } }, { 0.78200000000000003, { -3.859375, -1.296875 } }, { 0.78399999999999999, { -3.875, -1.359375 } }, { 0.78700000000000001, { -3.875, -1.421875 } }, { 0.78900000000000006, { -3.890625, -1.5 } }, { 0.79199999999999999, { -3.890625, -1.5625 } }, { 0.79400000000000004, { -3.90625, -1.625 } }, { 0.79700000000000006, { -3.90625, -1.703125 } }, { 0.79900000000000002, { -3.90625, -1.765625 } }, { 0.80199999999999996, { -3.90625, -1.828125 } }, { 0.80400000000000009, { -3.90625, -1.90625 } }, { 0.80700000000000003, { -3.890625, -1.96875 } }, { 0.80899999999999999, { -3.890625, -2.03125 } }, { 0.8120000000000001, { -3.875, -2.109375 } }, { 0.81399999999999988, { -3.859375, -2.171875 } }, { 0.81699999999999999, { -3.84375, -2.234375 } }, { 0.81999999999999993, { -3.828125, -2.3125 } }, { 0.82199999999999989, { -3.8125, -2.375 } }, { 0.825, { -3.78125, -2.4375 } }, { 0.82699999999999996, { -3.765625, -2.5 } }, { 0.82999999999999989, { -3.734375, -2.5625 } }, { 0.83300000000000001, { -3.703125, -2.640625 } }, { 0.83499999999999996, { -3.671875, -2.703125 } }, { 0.8379999999999999, { -3.640625, -2.765625 } }, { 0.84100000000000001, { -3.609375, -2.828125 } }, { 0.84299999999999997, { -3.5625, -2.890625 } }, { 0.84599999999999991, { -3.53125, -2.953125 } }, { 0.84900000000000002, { -3.484375, -3.015625 } }, { 0.85199999999999996, { -3.4375, -3.078125 } }, { 0.85399999999999991, { -3.390625, -3.125 } }, { 0.85700000000000003, { -3.34375, -3.1875 } }, { 0.85999999999999996, { -3.296875, -3.25 } }, { 0.8629999999999999, { -3.234375, -3.296875 } }, { 0.86600000000000001, { -3.1875, -3.359375 } }, { 0.86899999999999995, { -3.125, -3.40625 } }, { 0.87200000000000006, { -3.0625, -3.46875 } }, { 0.875, { -3.015625, -3.515625 } }, { 0.87799999999999994, { -2.953125, -3.578125 } }, { 0.88100000000000005, { -2.890625, -3.625 } }, { 0.88399999999999999, { -2.8125, -3.671875 } }, { 0.8870000000000001, { -2.75, -3.71875 } }, { 0.89000000000000004, { -2.6875, -3.765625 } }, { 0.89299999999999997, { -2.609375, -3.8125 } }, { 0.89600000000000009, { -2.53125, -3.859375 } }, { 0.9, { -2.46875, -3.90625 } }, { 0.90300000000000011, { -2.390625, -3.9375 } }, { 0.90600000000000005, { -2.3125, -3.984375 } }, { 0.90999999999999996, { -2.234375, -4.03125 } }, { 0.91300000000000008, { -2.15625, -4.0625 } }, { 0.91600000000000001, { -2.078125, -4.09375 } }, { 0.92000000000000011, { -1.984375, -4.140625 } }, { 0.92300000000000004, { -1.90625, -4.171875 } }, { 0.92699999999999996, { -1.828125, -4.203125 } }, { 0.93000000000000007, { -1.734375, -4.234375 } }, { 0.93399999999999999, { -1.65625, -4.265625 } }, { 0.9370000000000001, { -1.5625, -4.296875 } }, { 0.94100000000000001, { -1.46875, -4.3125 } }, { 0.94399999999999995, { -1.390625, -4.34375 } }, { 0.94800000000000004, { -1.296875, -4.359375 } }, { 0.95199999999999996, { -1.203125, -4.390625 } }, { 0.95499999999999989, { -1.109375, -4.40625 } }, { 0.95899999999999999, { -1.015625, -4.421875 } }, { 0.9629999999999999, { -0.921875, -4.4375 } }, { 0.96699999999999999, { -0.828125, -4.453125 } }, { 0.96999999999999993, { -0.734375, -4.46875 } }, { 0.97400000000000002, { -0.640625, -4.484375 } }, { 0.97799999999999994, { -0.546875, -4.5 } }, { 0.98200000000000003, { -0.453125, -4.5 } }, { 0.98499999999999996, { -0.359375, -4.515625 } }, { 0.98900000000000006, { -0.265625, -4.515625 } }, { 0.99299999999999997, { -0.171875, -4.515625 } }, { 0.99700000000000006, { -0.078125, -4.53125 } } }, range = 224, shell_particle = { center = { 0, -0.5 }, creation_distance = 0.5, creation_distance_orientation = 0.4, direction = 0.4, direction_deviation = 0.05, height = 1, name = "artillery-shell-particle", speed = 0.1, speed_deviation = 0.1, starting_frame_speed = 0.5, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0.5, use_source_position = true, vertical_speed = 0.05, vertical_speed_deviation = 0.01 }, sound = { game_controller_vibration_data = { duration = 150, low_frequency_vibration_intensity = 1, play_for = "everything" }, switch_vibration_data = { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/artillery-shoots.bnvib", play_for = "everything" }, variations = { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/artillery-shoots-1.ogg", volume = 0.7 } }, type = "projectile" }, flags = { "hidden" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/tank-cannon.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "artillery-wagon-cannon", order = "z[artillery]-a[cannon]", stack_size = 1, subgroup = "gun", type = "gun" }, ["combat-shotgun"] = { attack_parameters = { ammo_category = "shotgun-shell", cooldown = 30, damage_modifier = 1.2, movement_slow_down_factor = 0.5, projectile_creation_distance = 1.125, range = 15, sound = { game_controller_vibration_data = { duration = 100, high_frequency_vibration_intensity = 0.6 }, switch_vibration_data = { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/pump-shotgun.bnvib" }, variations = { { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/pump-shotgun-1.ogg", volume = 0.37000000000000002 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/pump-shotgun-2.ogg", volume = 0.37000000000000002 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/pump-shotgun-3.ogg", volume = 0.37000000000000002 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/pump-shotgun-4.ogg", volume = 0.37000000000000002 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/pump-shotgun-5.ogg", volume = 0.37000000000000002 } } }, type = "projectile" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/combat-shotgun.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "combat-shotgun", order = "b[shotgun]-a[combat]", stack_size = 5, subgroup = "gun", type = "gun" }, flamethrower = { attack_parameters = { ammo_category = "flamethrower", cooldown = 1, cyclic_sound = { begin_sound = { { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/flamethrower-start.ogg", volume = 0.7 } }, end_sound = { { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/flamethrower-end.ogg", volume = 0.7 } }, middle_sound = { { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/flamethrower-mid.ogg", volume = 0.7 } } }, gun_barrel_length = 0.8, gun_center_shift = { 0, -1 }, min_range = 3, movement_slow_down_factor = 0.4, range = 15, type = "stream" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/flamethrower.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "flamethrower", order = "e[flamethrower]", stack_size = 5, subgroup = "gun", type = "gun" }, pistol = { attack_parameters = { ammo_category = "bullet", cooldown = 15, movement_slow_down_factor = 0.2, projectile_creation_distance = 1.125, range = 15, shell_particle = { center = { 0, 0.1 }, creation_distance = -0.5, direction_deviation = 0.1, name = "shell-particle", speed = 0.1, speed_deviation = 0.03, starting_frame_speed = 0.4, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0.1 }, sound = { game_controller_vibration_data = { duration = 40, high_frequency_vibration_intensity = 0.4 }, switch_vibration_data = { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/light-gunshot.bnvib" }, variations = { { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/light-gunshot-1.ogg", volume = 0.6 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/light-gunshot-2.ogg", volume = 0.6 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/light-gunshot-3.ogg", volume = 0.6 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/light-gunshot-4.ogg", volume = 0.6 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/light-gunshot-5.ogg", volume = 0.6 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/light-gunshot-6.ogg", volume = 0.6 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/light-gunshot-7.ogg", volume = 0.6 } } }, type = "projectile" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/pistol.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "pistol", order = "a[basic-clips]-a[pistol]", stack_size = 5, subgroup = "gun", type = "gun" }, ["rocket-launcher"] = { attack_parameters = { ammo_category = "rocket", cooldown = 60, movement_slow_down_factor = 0.8, projectile_center = { -0.17000000000000002, 0 }, projectile_creation_distance = 0.6, range = 36, sound = { { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/rocket-launcher.ogg", volume = 0.7 } }, type = "projectile" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/rocket-launcher.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "rocket-launcher", order = "d[rocket-launcher]", stack_size = 5, subgroup = "gun", type = "gun" }, shotgun = { attack_parameters = { ammo_category = "shotgun-shell", cooldown = 60, min_range = 1, movement_slow_down_factor = 0.6, projectile_creation_distance = 1.125, range = 15, sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].gun["combat-shotgun"].attack_parameters.sound ]=], type = "projectile" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/shotgun.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "shotgun", order = "b[shotgun]-a[basic]", stack_size = 5, subgroup = "gun", type = "gun" }, ["spidertron-rocket-launcher-1"] = { attack_parameters = { ammo_category = "rocket", cooldown = 60, projectile_center = { 0, 0.3 }, projectile_creation_distance = -0.5, projectile_orientation_offset = -0.0625, range = 36, sound = { { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/rocket-launcher.ogg", volume = 0.7 } }, type = "projectile" }, flags = { "hidden" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/rocket-launcher.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "item-name.spidertron-rocket-launcher" }, name = "spidertron-rocket-launcher-1", order = "z[spider]-a[rocket-launcher]", stack_size = 1, subgroup = "gun", type = "gun" }, ["spidertron-rocket-launcher-2"] = { attack_parameters = { ammo_category = "rocket", cooldown = 60, projectile_center = { 0, 0.3 }, projectile_creation_distance = -0.5, projectile_orientation_offset = -0.03125, range = 36, sound = { { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/rocket-launcher.ogg", volume = 0.7 } }, type = "projectile" }, flags = { "hidden" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/rocket-launcher.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "item-name.spidertron-rocket-launcher" }, name = "spidertron-rocket-launcher-2", order = "z[spider]-a[rocket-launcher]", stack_size = 1, subgroup = "gun", type = "gun" }, ["spidertron-rocket-launcher-3"] = { attack_parameters = { ammo_category = "rocket", cooldown = 60, projectile_center = { 0, 0.3 }, projectile_creation_distance = -0.5, projectile_orientation_offset = 0.03125, range = 36, sound = { { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/rocket-launcher.ogg", volume = 0.7 } }, type = "projectile" }, flags = { "hidden" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/rocket-launcher.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "item-name.spidertron-rocket-launcher" }, name = "spidertron-rocket-launcher-3", order = "z[spider]-a[rocket-launcher]", stack_size = 1, subgroup = "gun", type = "gun" }, ["spidertron-rocket-launcher-4"] = { attack_parameters = { ammo_category = "rocket", cooldown = 60, projectile_center = { 0, 0.3 }, projectile_creation_distance = -0.5, projectile_orientation_offset = 0.0625, range = 36, sound = { { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/rocket-launcher.ogg", volume = 0.7 } }, type = "projectile" }, flags = { "hidden" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/rocket-launcher.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "item-name.spidertron-rocket-launcher" }, name = "spidertron-rocket-launcher-4", order = "z[spider]-a[rocket-launcher]", stack_size = 1, subgroup = "gun", type = "gun" }, ["submachine-gun"] = { attack_parameters = { ammo_category = "bullet", cooldown = 6, movement_slow_down_factor = 0.7, projectile_creation_distance = 1.125, range = 18, shell_particle = { center = { 0, 0.1 }, creation_distance = -0.5, direction_deviation = 0.1, name = "shell-particle", speed = 0.1, speed_deviation = 0.03, starting_frame_speed = 0.4, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0.1 }, sound = { game_controller_vibration_data = { duration = 30, high_frequency_vibration_intensity = 0.4 }, switch_vibration_data = { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/submachine-gunshot.bnvib" }, variations = { { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/submachine-gunshot-1.ogg", volume = 0.6 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/submachine-gunshot-2.ogg", volume = 0.6 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/submachine-gunshot-3.ogg", volume = 0.6 } } }, type = "projectile" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/submachine-gun.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "submachine-gun", order = "a[basic-clips]-b[submachine-gun]", stack_size = 5, subgroup = "gun", type = "gun" }, ["tank-cannon"] = { attack_parameters = { ammo_category = "cannon-shell", cooldown = 90, movement_slow_down_factor = 0, projectile_center = { -0.15625, -0.078119999999999994 }, projectile_creation_distance = 1.6000000000000001, range = 30, sound = { game_controller_vibration_data = { duration = 200, low_frequency_vibration_intensity = 0.9 }, switch_vibration_data = { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/tank-cannon.bnvib" }, variations = { { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/tank-cannon-1.ogg", volume = 0.56999999999999993 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/tank-cannon-2.ogg", volume = 0.56999999999999993 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/tank-cannon-3.ogg", volume = 0.56999999999999993 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/tank-cannon-4.ogg", volume = 0.56999999999999993 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/tank-cannon-5.ogg", volume = 0.56999999999999993 } } }, type = "projectile" }, flags = { "hidden" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/tank-cannon.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "tank-cannon", order = "z[tank]-a[cannon]", stack_size = 1, subgroup = "gun", type = "gun" }, ["tank-flamethrower"] = { attack_parameters = { ammo_category = "flamethrower", cooldown = 1, cyclic_sound = { begin_sound = { { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/flamethrower-start.ogg", volume = 1 } }, end_sound = { { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/flamethrower-end.ogg", volume = 1 } }, middle_sound = { { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/flamethrower-mid.ogg", volume = 1 } } }, gun_barrel_length = 1.3999999999999999, gun_center_shift = { -0.17000000000000002, -1.1499999999999999 }, min_range = 3, range = 9, type = "stream" }, flags = { "hidden" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/flamethrower.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "tank-flamethrower", order = "b[flamethrower]-b[tank-flamethrower]", stack_size = 1, subgroup = "gun", type = "gun" }, ["tank-machine-gun"] = { attack_parameters = { ammo_category = "bullet", cooldown = 4, movement_slow_down_factor = 0.7, projectile_center = { -0.15625, -0.078119999999999994 }, projectile_creation_distance = 1, range = 20, shell_particle = { center = { 0, 0 }, creation_distance = -0.6875, direction_deviation = 0.1, name = "shell-particle", speed = 0.1, speed_deviation = 0.03, starting_frame_speed = 0.4, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0.1 }, sound = { game_controller_vibration_data = { duration = 50, high_frequency_vibration_intensity = 0.6 }, switch_vibration_data = { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/heavy-gunshot.bnvib", gain = 0.7 }, variations = { { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/heavy-gunshot-1.ogg", volume = 0.4 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/heavy-gunshot-2.ogg", volume = 0.4 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/heavy-gunshot-3.ogg", volume = 0.4 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/heavy-gunshot-4.ogg", volume = 0.4 } } }, type = "projectile" }, flags = { "hidden" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/submachine-gun.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "tank-machine-gun", order = "a[basic-clips]-b[tank-machine-gun]", stack_size = 1, subgroup = "gun", type = "gun" }, ["vehicle-machine-gun"] = { attack_parameters = { ammo_category = "bullet", cooldown = 4, movement_slow_down_factor = 0.7, projectile_creation_distance = 0.65, range = 20, shell_particle = { center = { 0, 0 }, creation_distance = -0.6875, direction_deviation = 0.1, name = "shell-particle", speed = 0.1, speed_deviation = 0.03, starting_frame_speed = 0.4, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0.1 }, sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].gun["tank-machine-gun"].attack_parameters.sound ]=], type = "projectile" }, flags = { "hidden" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/submachine-gun.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "vehicle-machine-gun", order = "a[basic-clips]-b[vehicle-machine-gun]", stack_size = 1, subgroup = "gun", type = "gun" } }, ["heat-interface"] = { ["heat-interface"] = { collision_box = { { -0.4, -0.4 }, { 0.4, 0.4 } }, corpse = "small-remnants", flags = { "placeable-neutral", "player-creation" }, gui_mode = "admins", heat_buffer = { connections = { { direction = 0, position = { 0, 0 } }, { direction = 2, position = { 0, 0 } }, { direction = 4, position = { 0, 0 } }, { direction = 6, position = { 0, 0 } } }, default_temperature = 0, max_temperature = 1000, max_transfer = "10GW", min_working_temperature = 0, specific_heat = "10MJ" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/heat-interface.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, max_health = 150, minable = { mining_time = 0.1, result = "heat-interface" }, name = "heat-interface", picture = { filename = "__base__/graphics/icons/heat-interface.png", flags = { "no-crop" }, height = 32, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/icons/heat-interface.png", flags = { "no-crop" }, height = 64, scale = 0.5, width = 64 }, width = 32, x = 64 }, resistances = { { percent = 100, type = "fire" }, { percent = 100, type = "impact" }, { percent = 100, type = "physical" }, { percent = 100, type = "explosion" } }, selection_box = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, type = "heat-interface" } }, ["heat-pipe"] = { ["heat-pipe"] = { collision_box = { { -0.3, -0.3 }, { 0.3, 0.3 } }, connection_sprites = { corner_left_down = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/heat-pipe/heat-pipe-corner-down-left-1.png", height = 32, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/heat-pipe/hr-heat-pipe-corner-down-left-1.png", height = 64, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 64 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 32 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/heat-pipe/heat-pipe-corner-down-left-2.png", height = 32, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/heat-pipe/hr-heat-pipe-corner-down-left-2.png", height = 64, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 64 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 32 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/heat-pipe/heat-pipe-corner-down-left-3.png", height = 32, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/heat-pipe/hr-heat-pipe-corner-down-left-3.png", height = 64, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 64 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 32 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/heat-pipe/heat-pipe-corner-down-left-4.png", height = 32, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/heat-pipe/hr-heat-pipe-corner-down-left-4.png", height = 64, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 64 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 32 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/heat-pipe/heat-pipe-corner-down-left-5.png", height = 32, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/heat-pipe/hr-heat-pipe-corner-down-left-5.png", height = 64, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 64 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 32 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/heat-pipe/heat-pipe-corner-down-left-6.png", height = 32, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/heat-pipe/hr-heat-pipe-corner-down-left-6.png", height = 64, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 64 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 32 } }, corner_left_up = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/heat-pipe/heat-pipe-corner-up-left-1.png", height = 32, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/heat-pipe/hr-heat-pipe-corner-up-left-1.png", height = 64, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 64 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 32 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/heat-pipe/heat-pipe-corner-up-left-2.png", height = 32, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/heat-pipe/hr-heat-pipe-corner-up-left-2.png", height = 64, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 64 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 32 }, { 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filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/heat-pipe/hr-heat-pipe-corner-up-left-6.png", height = 64, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 64 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 32 } }, corner_right_down = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/heat-pipe/heat-pipe-corner-down-right-1.png", height = 32, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/heat-pipe/hr-heat-pipe-corner-down-right-1.png", height = 64, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 64 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 32 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/heat-pipe/heat-pipe-corner-down-right-2.png", height = 32, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/heat-pipe/hr-heat-pipe-corner-down-right-2.png", height = 64, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 64 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 32 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/heat-pipe/heat-pipe-corner-down-right-3.png", height = 32, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/heat-pipe/hr-heat-pipe-corner-down-right-3.png", height = 64, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 64 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 32 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/heat-pipe/heat-pipe-corner-down-right-4.png", height = 32, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/heat-pipe/hr-heat-pipe-corner-down-right-4.png", height = 64, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 64 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 32 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/heat-pipe/heat-pipe-corner-down-right-5.png", height = 32, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/heat-pipe/hr-heat-pipe-corner-down-right-5.png", height = 64, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 64 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 32 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/heat-pipe/heat-pipe-corner-down-right-6.png", height = 32, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/heat-pipe/hr-heat-pipe-corner-down-right-6.png", height = 64, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 64 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 32 } }, corner_right_up = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/heat-pipe/heat-pipe-corner-up-right-1.png", height = 32, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/heat-pipe/hr-heat-pipe-corner-up-right-1.png", height = 64, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 64 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 32 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/heat-pipe/heat-pipe-corner-up-right-2.png", height = 32, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/heat-pipe/hr-heat-pipe-corner-up-right-2.png", height = 64, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 64 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 32 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/heat-pipe/heat-pipe-corner-up-right-3.png", height = 32, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/heat-pipe/hr-heat-pipe-corner-up-right-3.png", height = 64, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 64 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 32 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/heat-pipe/heat-pipe-corner-up-right-4.png", height = 32, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/heat-pipe/hr-heat-pipe-corner-up-right-4.png", height = 64, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 64 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 32 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/heat-pipe/heat-pipe-corner-up-right-5.png", height = 32, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/heat-pipe/hr-heat-pipe-corner-up-right-5.png", height = 64, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 64 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 32 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/heat-pipe/heat-pipe-corner-up-right-6.png", height = 32, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/heat-pipe/hr-heat-pipe-corner-up-right-6.png", height = 64, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 64 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 32 } }, cross = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/heat-pipe/heat-pipe-t-1.png", height = 32, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/heat-pipe/hr-heat-pipe-t-1.png", height = 64, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 64 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 32 } }, ending_down = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/heat-pipe/heat-pipe-ending-down-1.png", height = 32, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/heat-pipe/hr-heat-pipe-ending-down-1.png", height = 64, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 64 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 32 } }, ending_left = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/heat-pipe/heat-pipe-ending-left-1.png", height = 32, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/heat-pipe/hr-heat-pipe-ending-left-1.png", height = 64, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 64 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 32 } }, ending_right = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/heat-pipe/heat-pipe-ending-right-1.png", height = 32, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/heat-pipe/hr-heat-pipe-ending-right-1.png", height = 64, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 64 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 32 } }, ending_up = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/heat-pipe/heat-pipe-ending-up-1.png", height = 32, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/heat-pipe/hr-heat-pipe-ending-up-1.png", height = 64, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 64 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 32 } }, single = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/heat-pipe/heat-pipe-straight-vertical-single.png", height = 32, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/heat-pipe/hr-heat-pipe-straight-vertical-single.png", height = 64, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 64 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 32 } }, straight_horizontal = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/heat-pipe/heat-pipe-straight-horizontal-1.png", height = 32, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/heat-pipe/hr-heat-pipe-straight-horizontal-1.png", height = 64, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 64 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 32 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/heat-pipe/heat-pipe-straight-horizontal-2.png", height = 32, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/heat-pipe/hr-heat-pipe-straight-horizontal-2.png", height = 64, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 64 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 32 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/heat-pipe/heat-pipe-straight-horizontal-3.png", height = 32, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/heat-pipe/hr-heat-pipe-straight-horizontal-3.png", height = 64, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 64 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 32 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/heat-pipe/heat-pipe-straight-horizontal-4.png", height = 32, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/heat-pipe/hr-heat-pipe-straight-horizontal-4.png", height = 64, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 64 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 32 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/heat-pipe/heat-pipe-straight-horizontal-5.png", height = 32, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/heat-pipe/hr-heat-pipe-straight-horizontal-5.png", height = 64, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 64 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 32 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/heat-pipe/heat-pipe-straight-horizontal-6.png", height = 32, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/heat-pipe/hr-heat-pipe-straight-horizontal-6.png", height = 64, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 64 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 32 } }, straight_vertical = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/heat-pipe/heat-pipe-straight-vertical-1.png", height = 32, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/heat-pipe/hr-heat-pipe-straight-vertical-1.png", height = 64, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 64 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 32 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/heat-pipe/heat-pipe-straight-vertical-2.png", height = 32, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/heat-pipe/hr-heat-pipe-straight-vertical-2.png", height = 64, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 64 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 32 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/heat-pipe/heat-pipe-straight-vertical-3.png", height = 32, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/heat-pipe/hr-heat-pipe-straight-vertical-3.png", height = 64, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 64 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 32 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/heat-pipe/heat-pipe-straight-vertical-4.png", height = 32, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/heat-pipe/hr-heat-pipe-straight-vertical-4.png", height = 64, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 64 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 32 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/heat-pipe/heat-pipe-straight-vertical-5.png", height = 32, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/heat-pipe/hr-heat-pipe-straight-vertical-5.png", height = 64, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 64 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 32 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/heat-pipe/heat-pipe-straight-vertical-6.png", height = 32, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/heat-pipe/hr-heat-pipe-straight-vertical-6.png", height = 64, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 64 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 32 } }, t_down = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/heat-pipe/heat-pipe-t-down-1.png", height = 32, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/heat-pipe/hr-heat-pipe-t-down-1.png", height = 64, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 64 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 32 } }, t_left = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/heat-pipe/heat-pipe-t-left-1.png", height = 32, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/heat-pipe/hr-heat-pipe-t-left-1.png", height = 64, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 64 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 32 } }, t_right = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/heat-pipe/heat-pipe-t-right-1.png", height = 32, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/heat-pipe/hr-heat-pipe-t-right-1.png", height = 64, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 64 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 32 } }, t_up = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/heat-pipe/heat-pipe-t-up-1.png", height = 32, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/heat-pipe/hr-heat-pipe-t-up-1.png", height = 64, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 64 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 32 } } }, corpse = "heat-pipe-remnants", damaged_trigger_effect = { damage_type_filters = "fire", entity_name = "spark-explosion", offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, offsets = { { 0, 1 } }, type = "create-entity" }, dying_explosion = "heat-pipe-explosion", flags = { "placeable-neutral", "player-creation" }, heat_buffer = { connections = { { direction = 0, position = { 0, 0 } }, { direction = 2, position = { 0, 0 } }, { direction = 4, position = { 0, 0 } }, { direction = 6, position = { 0, 0 } } }, max_temperature = 1000, max_transfer = "1GW", minimum_glow_temperature = 350, specific_heat = "1MJ" }, heat_glow_sprites = { corner_left_down = { { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/heat-pipe/heated-corner-down-left-1.png", height = 32, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/heat-pipe/hr-heated-corner-down-left-1.png", height = 64, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].boiler["heat-exchanger"].energy_source.heat_picture.east.layers[1].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 64 }, priority = "extra-high", tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].boiler["heat-exchanger"].energy_source.heat_picture.east.layers[1].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 32 }, { draw_as_light = true, filename = 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[""].boiler["heat-exchanger"].energy_source.heat_picture.east.layers[2].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 64 }, priority = "extra-high", tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].boiler["heat-exchanger"].energy_source.heat_picture.east.layers[2].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 32 } } }, { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/heat-pipe/heated-straight-vertical-6.png", height = 32, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/heat-pipe/hr-heated-straight-vertical-6.png", height = 64, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].boiler["heat-exchanger"].energy_source.heat_picture.east.layers[1].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 64 }, priority = "extra-high", tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].boiler["heat-exchanger"].energy_source.heat_picture.east.layers[1].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 32 }, { draw_as_light = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/heat-pipe/heated-straight-vertical-6.png", height = 32, hr_version = { draw_as_light = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/heat-pipe/hr-heated-straight-vertical-6.png", height = 64, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].boiler["heat-exchanger"].energy_source.heat_picture.east.layers[2].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 64 }, priority = "extra-high", tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].boiler["heat-exchanger"].energy_source.heat_picture.east.layers[2].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 32 } } } }, t_down = { { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/heat-pipe/heated-t-down-1.png", height = 32, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/heat-pipe/hr-heated-t-down-1.png", height = 64, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].boiler["heat-exchanger"].energy_source.heat_picture.east.layers[1].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 64 }, priority = "extra-high", tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].boiler["heat-exchanger"].energy_source.heat_picture.east.layers[1].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 32 }, { draw_as_light = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/heat-pipe/heated-t-down-1.png", height = 32, hr_version = { draw_as_light = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/heat-pipe/hr-heated-t-down-1.png", height = 64, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].boiler["heat-exchanger"].energy_source.heat_picture.east.layers[2].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 64 }, priority = "extra-high", tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].boiler["heat-exchanger"].energy_source.heat_picture.east.layers[2].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 32 } } } }, t_left = { { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/heat-pipe/heated-t-left-1.png", height = 32, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/heat-pipe/hr-heated-t-left-1.png", height = 64, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].boiler["heat-exchanger"].energy_source.heat_picture.east.layers[1].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 64 }, priority = "extra-high", tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].boiler["heat-exchanger"].energy_source.heat_picture.east.layers[1].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 32 }, { draw_as_light = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/heat-pipe/heated-t-left-1.png", height = 32, hr_version = { draw_as_light = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/heat-pipe/hr-heated-t-left-1.png", height = 64, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].boiler["heat-exchanger"].energy_source.heat_picture.east.layers[2].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 64 }, priority = "extra-high", tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].boiler["heat-exchanger"].energy_source.heat_picture.east.layers[2].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 32 } } } }, t_right = { { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/heat-pipe/heated-t-right-1.png", height = 32, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/heat-pipe/hr-heated-t-right-1.png", height = 64, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].boiler["heat-exchanger"].energy_source.heat_picture.east.layers[1].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 64 }, priority = "extra-high", tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].boiler["heat-exchanger"].energy_source.heat_picture.east.layers[1].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 32 }, { draw_as_light = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/heat-pipe/heated-t-right-1.png", height = 32, hr_version = { draw_as_light = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/heat-pipe/hr-heated-t-right-1.png", height = 64, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].boiler["heat-exchanger"].energy_source.heat_picture.east.layers[2].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 64 }, priority = "extra-high", tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].boiler["heat-exchanger"].energy_source.heat_picture.east.layers[2].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 32 } } } }, t_up = { { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/heat-pipe/heated-t-up-1.png", height = 32, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/heat-pipe/hr-heated-t-up-1.png", height = 64, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].boiler["heat-exchanger"].energy_source.heat_picture.east.layers[1].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 64 }, priority = "extra-high", tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].boiler["heat-exchanger"].energy_source.heat_picture.east.layers[1].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 32 }, { draw_as_light = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/heat-pipe/heated-t-up-1.png", height = 32, hr_version = { draw_as_light = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/heat-pipe/hr-heated-t-up-1.png", height = 64, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].boiler["heat-exchanger"].energy_source.heat_picture.east.layers[2].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 64 }, priority = "extra-high", tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].boiler["heat-exchanger"].energy_source.heat_picture.east.layers[2].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 32 } } } } }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/heat-pipe.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, max_health = 200, minable = { mining_time = 0.1, result = "heat-pipe" }, name = "heat-pipe", random_corpse_variation = true, resistances = { { percent = 90, type = "fire" }, { percent = 30, type = "explosion" }, { percent = 30, type = "impact" } }, selection_box = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, type = "heat-pipe", vehicle_impact_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.vehicle_impact_sound ]=], working_sound = { fade_in_ticks = 4, fade_out_ticks = 20, match_volume_to_activity = true, max_sounds_per_type = 3, sound = { { filename = "__base__/sound/heat-pipe.ogg", volume = 0.4 } } } } }, ["highlight-box"] = { ["highlight-box"] = { name = "highlight-box", type = "highlight-box" } }, ["infinity-container"] = { ["infinity-chest"] = { circuit_connector_sprites = { blue_led_light_offset = { 0.125, 0.46875 }, connector_main = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04a-base-sequence.png", height = 50, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.09375, 0.203125 }, width = 52, x = 104, y = 150 }, connector_shadow = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04b-base-shadow-sequence.png", height = 46, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.3125, 0.3125 }, width = 62, x = 124, y = 138 }, led_blue = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04e-blue-LED-on-sequence.png", height = 60, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.09375, 0.171875 }, width = 60, x = 120, y = 180 }, led_blue_off = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04f-blue-LED-off-sequence.png", height = 44, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.09375, 0.171875 }, width = 46, x = 92, y = 132 }, led_green = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04h-green-LED-sequence.png", height = 46, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.09375, 0.171875 }, width = 48, x = 96, y = 138 }, led_light = { intensity = 0, size = 0.9 }, led_red = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04i-red-LED-sequence.png", height = 46, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.09375, 0.171875 }, width = 48, x = 96, y = 138 }, red_green_led_light_offset = { 0.109375, 0.359375 }, wire_pins = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04c-wire-sequence.png", height = 58, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.09375, 0.171875 }, width = 62, x = 124, y = 174 }, wire_pins_shadow = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04d-wire-shadow-sequence.png", height = 54, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.25, 0.296875 }, width = 70, x = 140, y = 162 } }, circuit_wire_connection_point = { shadow = { green = { 0.671875, 0.609375 }, red = { 0.890625, 0.5625 } }, wire = { green = { 0.453125, 0.453125 }, red = { 0.390625, 0.21875 } } }, circuit_wire_max_distance = 9, close_sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/metallic-chest-close.ogg", volume = 0.42999999999999998 }, collision_box = { { -0.35, -0.35 }, { 0.35, 0.35 } }, corpse = "storage-chest-remnants", damaged_trigger_effect = { damage_type_filters = "fire", entity_name = "spark-explosion", offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, offsets = { { 0, 1 } }, type = "create-entity" }, dying_explosion = "storage-chest-explosion", erase_contents_when_mined = true, fast_replaceable_group = "container", flags = { "placeable-player", "player-creation" }, gui_mode = "admins", icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/infinity-chest.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, inventory_size = 48, max_health = 350, max_logistic_slots = 1, minable = { mining_time = 0.1, result = "infinity-chest" }, name = "infinity-chest", open_sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/metallic-chest-open.ogg", volume = 0.42999999999999998 }, opened_duration = 7, picture = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/infinity-chest/infinity-chest.png", height = 42, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/infinity-chest/hr-infinity-chest.png", height = 84, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.09375 }, width = 68 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0, -0.09375 }, width = 34 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/infinity-chest/infinity-chest-shadow.png", height = 24, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/infinity-chest/hr-infinity-chest-shadow.png", height = 48, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.375, 0.1875 }, width = 116 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.375, 0.1875 }, width = 58 } } }, resistances = { { percent = 100, type = "fire" }, { percent = 100, type = "impact" }, { percent = 100, type = "physical" }, { percent = 100, type = "explosion" } }, selection_box = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, type = "infinity-container", vehicle_impact_sound = { game_controller_vibration_data = { duration = 150, low_frequency_vibration_intensity = 0.9 }, switch_vibration_data = { filename = "__base__/sound/car-metal-impact.bnvib" }, variations = { { filename = "__base__/sound/car-metal-impact-2.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/car-metal-impact-3.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/car-metal-impact-4.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/car-metal-impact-5.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/car-metal-impact-6.ogg", volume = 0.5 } } } } }, ["infinity-pipe"] = { ["infinity-pipe"] = { close_sound = { { filename = "__base__/sound/machine-close.ogg", volume = 0.5 } }, collision_box = { { -0.29, -0.29 }, { 0.29, 0.29 } }, corpse = "pipe-remnants", damaged_trigger_effect = { damage_type_filters = "fire", entity_name = "spark-explosion", offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, offsets = { { 0, 1 } }, type = "create-entity" }, dying_explosion = "pipe-explosion", fast_replaceable_group = "pipe", flags = { "placeable-neutral", "player-creation" }, fluid_box = { base_area = 1, pipe_connections = { { position = { 0, -1 } }, { position = { 1, 0 } }, { position = { 0, 1 } }, { position = { -1, 0 } } } }, gui_mode = "admins", horizontal_window_bounding_box = { { -0.25, -0.28125 }, { 0.25, 0.15625 } }, icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, icons = { { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/pipe.png", tint = { b = 1, g = 0.5, r = 0.5 } } }, max_health = 100, minable = { mining_time = 0.1, result = "infinity-pipe" }, name = "infinity-pipe", open_sound = { { filename = "__base__/sound/machine-open.ogg", volume = 0.5 } }, pictures = { corner_down_left = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe/pipe-corner-down-left.png", height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe/hr-pipe-corner-down-left.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, tint = { b = 1, g = 0.5, r = 0.5 }, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", tint = { b = 1, g = 0.5, r = 0.5 }, width = 64 }, corner_down_right = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe/pipe-corner-down-right.png", height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe/hr-pipe-corner-down-right.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, tint = { b = 1, g = 0.5, r = 0.5 }, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", tint = { b = 1, g = 0.5, r = 0.5 }, width = 64 }, corner_up_left = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe/pipe-corner-up-left.png", height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe/hr-pipe-corner-up-left.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, tint = { b = 1, g = 0.5, r = 0.5 }, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", tint = { b = 1, g = 0.5, r = 0.5 }, width = 64 }, corner_up_right = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe/pipe-corner-up-right.png", height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe/hr-pipe-corner-up-right.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, tint = { b = 1, g = 0.5, r = 0.5 }, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", tint = { b = 1, g = 0.5, r = 0.5 }, width = 64 }, cross = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe/pipe-cross.png", height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe/hr-pipe-cross.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, tint = { b = 1, g = 0.5, r = 0.5 }, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", tint = { b = 1, g = 0.5, r = 0.5 }, width = 64 }, ending_down = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe/pipe-ending-down.png", height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe/hr-pipe-ending-down.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, tint = { b = 1, g = 0.5, r = 0.5 }, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", tint = { b = 1, g = 0.5, r = 0.5 }, width = 64 }, ending_left = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe/pipe-ending-left.png", height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe/hr-pipe-ending-left.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, tint = { b = 1, g = 0.5, r = 0.5 }, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", tint = { b = 1, g = 0.5, r = 0.5 }, width = 64 }, ending_right = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe/pipe-ending-right.png", height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe/hr-pipe-ending-right.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, tint = { b = 1, g = 0.5, r = 0.5 }, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", tint = { b = 1, g = 0.5, r = 0.5 }, width = 64 }, ending_up = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe/pipe-ending-up.png", height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe/hr-pipe-ending-up.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, tint = { b = 1, g = 0.5, r = 0.5 }, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", tint = { b = 1, g = 0.5, r = 0.5 }, width = 64 }, fluid_background = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe/fluid-background.png", height = 20, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe/hr-fluid-background.png", height = 40, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, tint = { b = 1, g = 0.5, r = 0.5 }, width = 64 }, priority = "extra-high", tint = { b = 1, g = 0.5, r = 0.5 }, width = 32 }, gas_flow = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe/steam.png", frame_count = 60, height = 15, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe/hr-steam.png", frame_count = 60, height = 30, line_length = 10, priority = "extra-high", width = 48 }, line_length = 10, priority = "extra-high", width = 24 }, high_temperature_flow = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe/fluid-flow-high-temperature.png", height = 18, priority = "extra-high", width = 160 }, horizontal_window_background = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe/pipe-horizontal-window-background.png", height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe/hr-pipe-horizontal-window-background.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, tint = { b = 1, g = 0.5, r = 0.5 }, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", tint = { b = 1, g = 0.5, r = 0.5 }, width = 64 }, low_temperature_flow = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe/fluid-flow-low-temperature.png", height = 18, priority = "extra-high", width = 160 }, middle_temperature_flow = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe/fluid-flow-medium-temperature.png", height = 18, priority = "extra-high", width = 160 }, straight_horizontal = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe/pipe-straight-horizontal.png", height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe/hr-pipe-straight-horizontal.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, tint = { b = 1, g = 0.5, r = 0.5 }, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", tint = { b = 1, g = 0.5, r = 0.5 }, width = 64 }, straight_horizontal_window = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe/pipe-straight-horizontal-window.png", height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe/hr-pipe-straight-horizontal-window.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, tint = { b = 1, g = 0.5, r = 0.5 }, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", tint = { b = 1, g = 0.5, r = 0.5 }, width = 64 }, straight_vertical = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe/pipe-straight-vertical.png", height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe/hr-pipe-straight-vertical.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, tint = { b = 1, g = 0.5, r = 0.5 }, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", tint = { b = 1, g = 0.5, r = 0.5 }, width = 64 }, straight_vertical_single = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe/pipe-straight-vertical-single.png", height = 80, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe/hr-pipe-straight-vertical-single.png", height = 160, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, tint = { b = 1, g = 0.5, r = 0.5 }, width = 160 }, priority = "extra-high", tint = { b = 1, g = 0.5, r = 0.5 }, width = 80 }, straight_vertical_window = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe/pipe-straight-vertical-window.png", height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe/hr-pipe-straight-vertical-window.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, tint = { b = 1, g = 0.5, r = 0.5 }, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", tint = { b = 1, g = 0.5, r = 0.5 }, width = 64 }, t_down = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe/pipe-t-down.png", height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe/hr-pipe-t-down.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, tint = { b = 1, g = 0.5, r = 0.5 }, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", tint = { b = 1, g = 0.5, r = 0.5 }, width = 64 }, t_left = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe/pipe-t-left.png", height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe/hr-pipe-t-left.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, tint = { b = 1, g = 0.5, r = 0.5 }, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", tint = { b = 1, g = 0.5, r = 0.5 }, width = 64 }, t_right = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe/pipe-t-right.png", height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe/hr-pipe-t-right.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, tint = { b = 1, g = 0.5, r = 0.5 }, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", tint = { b = 1, g = 0.5, r = 0.5 }, width = 64 }, t_up = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe/pipe-t-up.png", height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe/hr-pipe-t-up.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, tint = { b = 1, g = 0.5, r = 0.5 }, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", tint = { b = 1, g = 0.5, r = 0.5 }, width = 64 }, vertical_window_background = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe/pipe-vertical-window-background.png", height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe/hr-pipe-vertical-window-background.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, tint = { b = 1, g = 0.5, r = 0.5 }, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", tint = { b = 1, g = 0.5, r = 0.5 }, width = 64 } }, resistances = { { percent = 100, type = "fire" }, { percent = 100, type = "impact" }, { percent = 100, type = "physical" }, { percent = 100, type = "explosion" } }, selection_box = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, type = "infinity-pipe", vehicle_impact_sound = { game_controller_vibration_data = { duration = 150, low_frequency_vibration_intensity = 0.9 }, switch_vibration_data = { filename = "__base__/sound/car-metal-impact.bnvib" }, variations = { { filename = "__base__/sound/car-metal-impact-2.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/car-metal-impact-3.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/car-metal-impact-4.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/car-metal-impact-5.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/car-metal-impact-6.ogg", volume = 0.5 } } }, vertical_window_bounding_box = { { -0.28125, -0.5 }, { 0.03125, 0.125 } }, working_sound = { audible_distance_modifier = 0.3, fade_in_ticks = 4, fade_out_ticks = 60, match_volume_to_activity = true, sound = { { filename = "__base__/sound/pipe.ogg", volume = 0.45 } } } } }, inserter = { ["burner-inserter"] = { circuit_connector_sprites = { { blue_led_light_offset = { -0.296875, 0.203125 }, connector_main = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-inserter-01-base-sequence.png", flags = { "low-object" }, height = 40, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, 0.015625 }, width = 52, x = 104, y = 0 }, connector_shadow = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-inserter-01-base-shadow.png", flags = { "low-object" }, height = 36, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.171875, 0.15625 }, width = 56, x = 112, y = 0 }, led_blue = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-inserter-01-LED-B-on-sequence.png", flags = { "low-object" }, height = 42, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.046875, 0.0625 }, width = 60, x = 120, y = 0 }, led_blue_off = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-inserter-01-LED-B-off-sequence.png", flags = { "low-object" }, height = 26, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.046875, 0.0625 }, width = 46, x = 92, y = 0 }, led_green = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-inserter-01-LED-G-sequence.png", flags = { "low-object" }, height = 50, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.09375, 0.015625 }, width = 54, x = 108, y = 0 }, led_light = { intensity = 0, size = 0.9 }, led_red = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-inserter-01-LED-R-sequence.png", flags = { "low-object" }, height = 50, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.09375, 0.015625 }, width = 54, x = 108, y = 0 }, red_green_led_light_offset = { -0.375, 0.140625 }, wire_pins = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-inserter-01-wire-sequence.png", flags = { "low-object" }, height = 46, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0625, -0.09375 }, width = 62, x = 124, y = 0 }, wire_pins_shadow = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-inserter-01-wire-shadow.png", flags = { "low-object" }, height = 46, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.34375, 0.109375 }, width = 64, x = 128, y = 0 } }, { blue_led_light_offset = { -0.125, 0.28125 }, connector_main = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-inserter-01-base-sequence.png", flags = 0 --[=[ ref [""].inserter["burner-inserter"].circuit_connector_sprites[1].connector_main.flags ]=], height = 40, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, 0.015625 }, width = 52, x = 156, y = 0 }, connector_shadow = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-inserter-01-base-shadow.png", flags = 0 --[=[ ref [""].inserter["burner-inserter"].circuit_connector_sprites[1].connector_shadow.flags ]=], height = 36, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.171875, 0.15625 }, width = 56, x = 168, y = 0 }, led_blue = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-inserter-01-LED-B-on-sequence.png", flags = 0 --[=[ ref [""].inserter["burner-inserter"].circuit_connector_sprites[1].led_blue.flags ]=], height = 42, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.046875, 0.0625 }, width = 60, x = 180, y = 0 }, led_blue_off = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-inserter-01-LED-B-off-sequence.png", flags = 0 --[=[ ref [""].inserter["burner-inserter"].circuit_connector_sprites[1].led_blue_off.flags ]=], height = 26, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.046875, 0.0625 }, width = 46, x = 138, y = 0 }, led_green = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-inserter-01-LED-G-sequence.png", flags = 0 --[=[ ref [""].inserter["burner-inserter"].circuit_connector_sprites[1].led_green.flags ]=], height = 50, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.09375, 0.015625 }, width = 54, x = 162, y = 0 }, led_light = { intensity = 0, size = 0.9 }, led_red = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-inserter-01-LED-R-sequence.png", flags = 0 --[=[ ref [""].inserter["burner-inserter"].circuit_connector_sprites[1].led_red.flags ]=], height = 50, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.09375, 0.015625 }, width = 54, x = 162, y = 0 }, red_green_led_light_offset = { -0.234375, 0.25 }, wire_pins = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-inserter-01-wire-sequence.png", flags = 0 --[=[ ref [""].inserter["burner-inserter"].circuit_connector_sprites[1].wire_pins.flags ]=], height = 46, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0625, -0.09375 }, width = 62, x = 186, y = 0 }, wire_pins_shadow = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-inserter-01-wire-shadow.png", flags = 0 --[=[ ref [""].inserter["burner-inserter"].circuit_connector_sprites[1].wire_pins_shadow.flags ]=], height = 46, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.34375, 0.109375 }, width = 64, x = 192, y = 0 } }, { blue_led_light_offset = { -0.375, -0.03125 }, connector_main = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-inserter-01-base-sequence.png", flags = 0 --[=[ ref [""].inserter["burner-inserter"].circuit_connector_sprites[1].connector_main.flags ]=], height = 40, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, 0.015625 }, width = 52, x = 0, y = 0 }, connector_shadow = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-inserter-01-base-shadow.png", flags = 0 --[=[ ref [""].inserter["burner-inserter"].circuit_connector_sprites[1].connector_shadow.flags ]=], height = 36, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.171875, 0.15625 }, width = 56, x = 0, y = 0 }, led_blue = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-inserter-01-LED-B-on-sequence.png", flags = 0 --[=[ ref [""].inserter["burner-inserter"].circuit_connector_sprites[1].led_blue.flags ]=], height = 42, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.046875, 0.0625 }, width = 60, x = 0, y = 0 }, led_blue_off = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-inserter-01-LED-B-off-sequence.png", flags = 0 --[=[ ref [""].inserter["burner-inserter"].circuit_connector_sprites[1].led_blue_off.flags ]=], height = 26, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.046875, 0.0625 }, width = 46, x = 0, y = 0 }, led_green = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-inserter-01-LED-G-sequence.png", flags = 0 --[=[ ref [""].inserter["burner-inserter"].circuit_connector_sprites[1].led_green.flags ]=], height = 50, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.09375, 0.015625 }, width = 54, x = 0, y = 0 }, led_light = { intensity = 0, size = 0.9 }, led_red = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-inserter-01-LED-R-sequence.png", flags = 0 --[=[ ref [""].inserter["burner-inserter"].circuit_connector_sprites[1].led_red.flags ]=], height = 50, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.09375, 0.015625 }, width = 54, x = 0, y = 0 }, red_green_led_light_offset = { -0.328125, -0.140625 }, wire_pins = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-inserter-01-wire-sequence.png", flags = 0 --[=[ ref [""].inserter["burner-inserter"].circuit_connector_sprites[1].wire_pins.flags ]=], height = 46, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0625, -0.09375 }, width = 62, x = 0, y = 0 }, wire_pins_shadow = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-inserter-01-wire-shadow.png", flags = 0 --[=[ ref [""].inserter["burner-inserter"].circuit_connector_sprites[1].wire_pins_shadow.flags ]=], height = 46, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.34375, 0.109375 }, width = 64, x = 0, y = 0 } }, { blue_led_light_offset = { 0.21875, 0.234375 }, connector_main = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-inserter-01-base-sequence.png", flags = 0 --[=[ ref [""].inserter["burner-inserter"].circuit_connector_sprites[1].connector_main.flags ]=], height = 40, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, 0.015625 }, width = 52, x = 52, y = 0 }, connector_shadow = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-inserter-01-base-shadow.png", flags = 0 --[=[ ref [""].inserter["burner-inserter"].circuit_connector_sprites[1].connector_shadow.flags ]=], height = 36, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.171875, 0.15625 }, width = 56, x = 56, y = 0 }, led_blue = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-inserter-01-LED-B-on-sequence.png", flags = 0 --[=[ ref [""].inserter["burner-inserter"].circuit_connector_sprites[1].led_blue.flags ]=], height = 42, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.046875, 0.0625 }, width = 60, x = 60, y = 0 }, led_blue_off = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-inserter-01-LED-B-off-sequence.png", flags = 0 --[=[ ref [""].inserter["burner-inserter"].circuit_connector_sprites[1].led_blue_off.flags ]=], height = 26, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.046875, 0.0625 }, width = 46, x = 46, y = 0 }, led_green = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-inserter-01-LED-G-sequence.png", flags = 0 --[=[ ref [""].inserter["burner-inserter"].circuit_connector_sprites[1].led_green.flags ]=], height = 50, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.09375, 0.015625 }, width = 54, x = 54, y = 0 }, led_light = { intensity = 0, size = 0.9 }, led_red = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-inserter-01-LED-R-sequence.png", flags = 0 --[=[ ref [""].inserter["burner-inserter"].circuit_connector_sprites[1].led_red.flags ]=], height = 50, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.09375, 0.015625 }, width = 54, x = 54, y = 0 }, red_green_led_light_offset = { 0.109375, 0.296875 }, wire_pins = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-inserter-01-wire-sequence.png", flags = 0 --[=[ ref [""].inserter["burner-inserter"].circuit_connector_sprites[1].wire_pins.flags ]=], height = 46, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0625, -0.09375 }, width = 62, x = 62, y = 0 }, wire_pins_shadow = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-inserter-01-wire-shadow.png", flags = 0 --[=[ ref [""].inserter["burner-inserter"].circuit_connector_sprites[1].wire_pins_shadow.flags ]=], height = 46, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.34375, 0.109375 }, width = 64, x = 64, y = 0 } } }, circuit_wire_connection_points = { { shadow = { green = { 0.65625, 0.484375 }, red = { 0.75, 0.328125 } }, wire = { green = { 0.359375, 0.25 }, red = { 0.484375, 0.109375 } } }, { shadow = { green = { -0.125, -0.046875 }, red = { 0.109375, -0.125 } }, wire = { green = { -0.40625, -0.28125 }, red = { -0.203125, -0.359375 } } }, { shadow = { green = { 0.75, 0.15625 }, red = { 0.640625, -0.015625 } }, wire = { green = { 0.46875, -0.078125 }, red = { 0.375, -0.25 } } }, { shadow = { green = { 0.640625, -0.03125 }, red = { 0.4375, -0.140625 } }, wire = { green = { 0.375, -0.25 }, red = { 0.203125, -0.34375 } } } }, circuit_wire_max_distance = 9, close_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.close_sound ]=], collision_box = { { -0.15, -0.15 }, { 0.15, 0.15 } }, corpse = "burner-inserter-remnants", damaged_trigger_effect = { damage_type_filters = "fire", entity_name = "spark-explosion", offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, offsets = { { 0, 1 } }, type = "create-entity" }, default_stack_control_input_signal = { name = "signal-S", type = "virtual" }, dying_explosion = "burner-inserter-explosion", energy_per_movement = "50KJ", energy_per_rotation = "50KJ", energy_source = { effectivity = 1, fuel_category = "chemical", fuel_inventory_size = 1, light_flicker = { color = { 0, 0, 0 } }, smoke = { { deviation = { 0.1, 0.1 }, frequency = 9, name = "smoke" } }, type = "burner" }, extension_speed = 0.021400000000000001, fast_replaceable_group = "inserter", flags = { "placeable-neutral", "placeable-player", "player-creation" }, hand_base_picture = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/burner-inserter/burner-inserter-hand-base.png", height = 34, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/burner-inserter/hr-burner-inserter-hand-base.png", height = 136, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.25, width = 32 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 8 }, hand_base_shadow = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/burner-inserter/burner-inserter-hand-base-shadow.png", height = 33, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/burner-inserter/hr-burner-inserter-hand-base-shadow.png", height = 132, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.25, width = 32 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 8 }, hand_closed_picture = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/burner-inserter/burner-inserter-hand-closed.png", height = 41, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/burner-inserter/hr-burner-inserter-hand-closed.png", height = 164, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.25, width = 72 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 18 }, hand_closed_shadow = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/burner-inserter/burner-inserter-hand-closed-shadow.png", height = 41, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/burner-inserter/hr-burner-inserter-hand-closed-shadow.png", height = 164, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.25, width = 72 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 18 }, hand_open_picture = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/burner-inserter/burner-inserter-hand-open.png", height = 41, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/burner-inserter/hr-burner-inserter-hand-open.png", height = 164, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.25, width = 72 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 18 }, hand_open_shadow = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/burner-inserter/burner-inserter-hand-open-shadow.png", height = 41, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/burner-inserter/hr-burner-inserter-hand-open-shadow.png", height = 164, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.25, width = 72 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 18 }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/burner-inserter.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, insert_position = { 0, 1.2 }, max_health = 100, minable = { mining_time = 0.1, result = "burner-inserter" }, name = "burner-inserter", open_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.open_sound ]=], pickup_position = { 0, -1 }, platform_picture = { sheet = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/burner-inserter/burner-inserter-platform.png", height = 46, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/burner-inserter/hr-burner-inserter-platform.png", height = 79, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.046875, 0.203125 }, width = 105 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.09375, 0 }, width = 46 } }, resistances = { { percent = 90, type = "fire" } }, rotation_speed = 0.01, selection_box = { { -0.4, -0.35 }, { 0.4, 0.45 } }, type = "inserter", vehicle_impact_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.vehicle_impact_sound ]=], working_sound = { audible_distance_modifier = 0.3, match_progress_to_activity = true, sound = { { filename = "__base__/sound/inserter-basic-1.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/inserter-basic-2.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/inserter-basic-3.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/inserter-basic-4.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/inserter-basic-5.ogg", volume = 0.5 } } } }, ["fast-inserter"] = { circuit_connector_sprites = 0 --[=[ ref [""].inserter["burner-inserter"].circuit_connector_sprites ]=], circuit_wire_connection_points = 0 --[=[ ref [""].inserter["burner-inserter"].circuit_wire_connection_points ]=], circuit_wire_max_distance = 9, close_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.close_sound ]=], collision_box = { { -0.15, -0.15 }, { 0.15, 0.15 } }, corpse = "fast-inserter-remnants", damaged_trigger_effect = { damage_type_filters = "fire", entity_name = "spark-explosion", offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, offsets = { { 0, 1 } }, type = "create-entity" }, default_stack_control_input_signal = 0 --[=[ ref [""].inserter["burner-inserter"].default_stack_control_input_signal ]=], dying_explosion = "fast-inserter-explosion", energy_per_movement = "7KJ", energy_per_rotation = "7KJ", energy_source = { drain = "0.5kW", type = "electric", usage_priority = "secondary-input" }, extension_speed = 0.070000000000000009, fast_replaceable_group = "inserter", flags = { "placeable-neutral", "placeable-player", "player-creation" }, hand_base_picture = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/fast-inserter/fast-inserter-hand-base.png", height = 34, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/fast-inserter/hr-fast-inserter-hand-base.png", height = 136, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.25, width = 32 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 8 }, hand_base_shadow = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/burner-inserter/burner-inserter-hand-base-shadow.png", height = 33, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/burner-inserter/hr-burner-inserter-hand-base-shadow.png", height = 132, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.25, width = 32 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 8 }, hand_closed_picture = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/fast-inserter/fast-inserter-hand-closed.png", height = 41, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/fast-inserter/hr-fast-inserter-hand-closed.png", height = 164, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.25, width = 72 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 18 }, hand_closed_shadow = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/burner-inserter/burner-inserter-hand-closed-shadow.png", height = 41, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/burner-inserter/hr-burner-inserter-hand-closed-shadow.png", height = 164, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.25, width = 72 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 18 }, hand_open_picture = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/fast-inserter/fast-inserter-hand-open.png", height = 41, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/fast-inserter/hr-fast-inserter-hand-open.png", height = 164, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.25, width = 72 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 18 }, hand_open_shadow = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/burner-inserter/burner-inserter-hand-open-shadow.png", height = 41, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/burner-inserter/hr-burner-inserter-hand-open-shadow.png", height = 164, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.25, width = 72 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 18 }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/fast-inserter.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, insert_position = { 0, 1.2 }, max_health = 150, minable = { mining_time = 0.1, result = "fast-inserter" }, name = "fast-inserter", next_upgrade = "stack-inserter", open_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.open_sound ]=], pickup_position = { 0, -1 }, platform_picture = { sheet = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/fast-inserter/fast-inserter-platform.png", height = 46, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/fast-inserter/hr-fast-inserter-platform.png", height = 79, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.046875, 0.203125 }, width = 105 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.09375, 0 }, width = 46 } }, resistances = { { percent = 90, type = "fire" } }, rotation_speed = 0.04, selection_box = { { -0.4, -0.35 }, { 0.4, 0.45 } }, type = "inserter", vehicle_impact_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.vehicle_impact_sound ]=], working_sound = { audible_distance_modifier = 0.3, match_progress_to_activity = true, sound = { { filename = "__base__/sound/inserter-fast-1.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/inserter-fast-2.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/inserter-fast-3.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/inserter-fast-4.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/inserter-fast-5.ogg", volume = 0.5 } } } }, ["filter-inserter"] = { circuit_connector_sprites = 0 --[=[ ref [""].inserter["burner-inserter"].circuit_connector_sprites ]=], circuit_wire_connection_points = 0 --[=[ ref [""].inserter["burner-inserter"].circuit_wire_connection_points ]=], circuit_wire_max_distance = 9, close_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.close_sound ]=], collision_box = { { -0.15, -0.15 }, { 0.15, 0.15 } }, corpse = "filter-inserter-remnants", damaged_trigger_effect = { damage_type_filters = "fire", entity_name = "spark-explosion", offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, offsets = { { 0, 1 } }, type = "create-entity" }, default_stack_control_input_signal = 0 --[=[ ref [""].inserter["burner-inserter"].default_stack_control_input_signal ]=], dying_explosion = "filter-inserter-explosion", energy_per_movement = "8KJ", energy_per_rotation = "8KJ", energy_source = { drain = "0.5kW", type = "electric", usage_priority = "secondary-input" }, extension_speed = 0.070000000000000009, fast_replaceable_group = "inserter", filter_count = 5, flags = { "placeable-neutral", "placeable-player", "player-creation" }, hand_base_picture = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/filter-inserter/filter-inserter-hand-base.png", height = 34, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/filter-inserter/hr-filter-inserter-hand-base.png", height = 136, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.25, width = 32 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 8 }, hand_base_shadow = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/burner-inserter/burner-inserter-hand-base-shadow.png", height = 33, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/burner-inserter/hr-burner-inserter-hand-base-shadow.png", height = 132, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.25, width = 32 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 8 }, hand_closed_picture = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/filter-inserter/filter-inserter-hand-closed.png", height = 41, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/filter-inserter/hr-filter-inserter-hand-closed.png", height = 164, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.25, width = 72 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 18 }, hand_closed_shadow = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/burner-inserter/burner-inserter-hand-closed-shadow.png", height = 41, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/burner-inserter/hr-burner-inserter-hand-closed-shadow.png", height = 164, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.25, width = 72 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 18 }, hand_open_picture = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/filter-inserter/filter-inserter-hand-open.png", height = 41, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/filter-inserter/hr-filter-inserter-hand-open.png", height = 164, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.25, width = 72 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 18 }, hand_open_shadow = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/burner-inserter/burner-inserter-hand-open-shadow.png", height = 41, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/burner-inserter/hr-burner-inserter-hand-open-shadow.png", height = 164, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.25, width = 72 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 18 }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/filter-inserter.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, insert_position = { 0, 1.2 }, max_health = 150, minable = { mining_time = 0.1, result = "filter-inserter" }, name = "filter-inserter", open_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.open_sound ]=], pickup_position = { 0, -1 }, platform_picture = { sheet = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/filter-inserter/filter-inserter-platform.png", height = 46, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/filter-inserter/hr-filter-inserter-platform.png", height = 79, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.046875, 0.203125 }, width = 105 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.09375, 0 }, width = 46 } }, resistances = { { percent = 90, type = "fire" } }, rotation_speed = 0.04, selection_box = { { -0.4, -0.35 }, { 0.4, 0.45 } }, type = "inserter", vehicle_impact_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.vehicle_impact_sound ]=], working_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].inserter["fast-inserter"].working_sound ]=] }, inserter = { circuit_connector_sprites = 0 --[=[ ref [""].inserter["burner-inserter"].circuit_connector_sprites ]=], circuit_wire_connection_points = 0 --[=[ ref [""].inserter["burner-inserter"].circuit_wire_connection_points ]=], circuit_wire_max_distance = 9, close_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.close_sound ]=], collision_box = { { -0.15, -0.15 }, { 0.15, 0.15 } }, corpse = "inserter-remnants", damaged_trigger_effect = { damage_type_filters = "fire", entity_name = "spark-explosion", offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, offsets = { { 0, 1 } }, type = "create-entity" }, default_stack_control_input_signal = 0 --[=[ ref [""].inserter["burner-inserter"].default_stack_control_input_signal ]=], dying_explosion = "inserter-explosion", energy_per_movement = "5kJ", energy_per_rotation = "5kJ", energy_source = { drain = "0.4kW", type = "electric", usage_priority = "secondary-input" }, extension_speed = 0.03, fast_replaceable_group = "inserter", flags = { "placeable-neutral", "placeable-player", "player-creation" }, hand_base_picture = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/inserter/inserter-hand-base.png", height = 33, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/inserter/hr-inserter-hand-base.png", height = 136, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.25, width = 32 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 8 }, hand_base_shadow = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/burner-inserter/burner-inserter-hand-base-shadow.png", height = 33, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/burner-inserter/hr-burner-inserter-hand-base-shadow.png", height = 132, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.25, width = 32 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 8 }, hand_closed_picture = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/inserter/inserter-hand-closed.png", height = 41, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/inserter/hr-inserter-hand-closed.png", height = 164, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.25, width = 72 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 18 }, hand_closed_shadow = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/burner-inserter/burner-inserter-hand-closed-shadow.png", height = 41, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/burner-inserter/hr-burner-inserter-hand-closed-shadow.png", height = 164, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.25, width = 72 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 18 }, hand_open_picture = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/inserter/inserter-hand-open.png", height = 41, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/inserter/hr-inserter-hand-open.png", height = 164, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.25, width = 72 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 18 }, hand_open_shadow = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/burner-inserter/burner-inserter-hand-open-shadow.png", height = 41, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/burner-inserter/hr-burner-inserter-hand-open-shadow.png", height = 164, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.25, width = 72 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 18 }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/inserter.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, insert_position = { 0, 1.2 }, max_health = 150, minable = { mining_time = 0.1, result = "inserter" }, name = "inserter", next_upgrade = "fast-inserter", open_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.open_sound ]=], pickup_position = { 0, -1 }, platform_picture = { sheet = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/inserter/inserter-platform.png", height = 46, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/inserter/hr-inserter-platform.png", height = 79, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.046875, 0.203125 }, width = 105 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.09375, 0 }, width = 46 } }, resistances = { { percent = 90, type = "fire" } }, rotation_speed = 0.014000000000000002, selection_box = { { -0.4, -0.35 }, { 0.4, 0.45 } }, type = "inserter", vehicle_impact_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.vehicle_impact_sound ]=], working_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].inserter["burner-inserter"].working_sound ]=] }, ["long-handed-inserter"] = { circuit_connector_sprites = 0 --[=[ ref [""].inserter["burner-inserter"].circuit_connector_sprites ]=], circuit_wire_connection_points = 0 --[=[ ref [""].inserter["burner-inserter"].circuit_wire_connection_points ]=], circuit_wire_max_distance = 9, close_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.close_sound ]=], collision_box = { { -0.15, -0.15 }, { 0.15, 0.15 } }, corpse = "long-handed-inserter-remnants", damaged_trigger_effect = { damage_type_filters = "fire", entity_name = "spark-explosion", offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, offsets = { { 0, 1 } }, type = "create-entity" }, default_stack_control_input_signal = 0 --[=[ ref [""].inserter["burner-inserter"].default_stack_control_input_signal ]=], dying_explosion = "long-handed-inserter-explosion", energy_per_movement = "5KJ", energy_per_rotation = "5KJ", energy_source = { drain = "0.4kW", type = "electric", usage_priority = "secondary-input" }, extension_speed = 0.045699999999999994, fast_replaceable_group = "long-handed-inserter", flags = { "placeable-neutral", "placeable-player", "player-creation" }, hand_base_picture = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/long-handed-inserter/long-handed-inserter-hand-base.png", height = 34, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/long-handed-inserter/hr-long-handed-inserter-hand-base.png", height = 136, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.25, width = 32 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 8 }, hand_base_shadow = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/burner-inserter/burner-inserter-hand-base-shadow.png", height = 33, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/burner-inserter/hr-burner-inserter-hand-base-shadow.png", height = 132, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.25, width = 32 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 8 }, hand_closed_picture = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/long-handed-inserter/long-handed-inserter-hand-closed.png", height = 41, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/long-handed-inserter/hr-long-handed-inserter-hand-closed.png", height = 164, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.25, width = 72 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 18 }, hand_closed_shadow = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/burner-inserter/burner-inserter-hand-closed-shadow.png", height = 41, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/burner-inserter/hr-burner-inserter-hand-closed-shadow.png", height = 164, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.25, width = 72 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 18 }, hand_open_picture = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/long-handed-inserter/long-handed-inserter-hand-open.png", height = 41, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/long-handed-inserter/hr-long-handed-inserter-hand-open.png", height = 164, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.25, width = 72 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 18 }, hand_open_shadow = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/burner-inserter/burner-inserter-hand-open-shadow.png", height = 41, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/burner-inserter/hr-burner-inserter-hand-open-shadow.png", height = 164, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.25, width = 72 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 18 }, hand_size = 1.5, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/long-handed-inserter.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, insert_position = { 0, 2.2000000000000002 }, max_health = 160, minable = { mining_time = 0.1, result = "long-handed-inserter" }, name = "long-handed-inserter", open_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.open_sound ]=], pickup_position = { 0, -2 }, platform_picture = { sheet = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/long-handed-inserter/long-handed-inserter-platform.png", height = 46, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/long-handed-inserter/hr-long-handed-inserter-platform.png", height = 79, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.046875, 0.203125 }, width = 105 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.09375, 0 }, width = 46 } }, resistances = { { percent = 90, type = "fire" } }, rotation_speed = 0.02, selection_box = { { -0.4, -0.35 }, { 0.4, 0.45 } }, type = "inserter", vehicle_impact_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.vehicle_impact_sound ]=], working_sound = { audible_distance_modifier = 0.5, match_progress_to_activity = true, sound = { { filename = "__base__/sound/inserter-long-handed-1.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/inserter-long-handed-2.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/inserter-long-handed-3.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/inserter-long-handed-4.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/inserter-long-handed-5.ogg", volume = 0.5 } } } }, ["stack-filter-inserter"] = { circuit_connector_sprites = 0 --[=[ ref [""].inserter["burner-inserter"].circuit_connector_sprites ]=], circuit_wire_connection_points = 0 --[=[ ref [""].inserter["burner-inserter"].circuit_wire_connection_points ]=], circuit_wire_max_distance = 9, close_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.close_sound ]=], collision_box = { { -0.15, -0.15 }, { 0.15, 0.15 } }, corpse = "stack-filter-inserter-remnants", damaged_trigger_effect = { damage_type_filters = "fire", entity_name = "spark-explosion", offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, offsets = { { 0, 1 } }, type = "create-entity" }, default_stack_control_input_signal = 0 --[=[ ref [""].inserter["burner-inserter"].default_stack_control_input_signal ]=], dying_explosion = "stack-filter-inserter-explosion", energy_per_movement = "20KJ", energy_per_rotation = "20KJ", energy_source = { drain = "1kW", type = "electric", usage_priority = "secondary-input" }, extension_speed = 0.070000000000000009, fast_replaceable_group = "inserter", filter_count = 1, flags = { "placeable-neutral", "placeable-player", "player-creation" }, hand_base_picture = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/stack-filter-inserter/stack-filter-inserter-hand-base.png", height = 34, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/stack-filter-inserter/hr-stack-filter-inserter-hand-base.png", height = 136, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.25, width = 32 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 8 }, hand_base_shadow = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/burner-inserter/burner-inserter-hand-base-shadow.png", height = 33, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/burner-inserter/hr-burner-inserter-hand-base-shadow.png", height = 132, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.25, width = 32 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 8 }, hand_closed_picture = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/stack-filter-inserter/stack-filter-inserter-hand-closed.png", height = 41, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/stack-filter-inserter/hr-stack-filter-inserter-hand-closed.png", height = 164, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.25, width = 100 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 24 }, hand_closed_shadow = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/stack-inserter/stack-inserter-hand-closed-shadow.png", height = 41, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/stack-inserter/hr-stack-inserter-hand-closed-shadow.png", height = 164, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.25, width = 100 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 24 }, hand_open_picture = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/stack-filter-inserter/stack-filter-inserter-hand-open.png", height = 41, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/stack-filter-inserter/hr-stack-filter-inserter-hand-open.png", height = 164, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.25, width = 130 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 32 }, hand_open_shadow = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/stack-inserter/stack-inserter-hand-open-shadow.png", height = 41, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/stack-inserter/hr-stack-inserter-hand-open-shadow.png", height = 164, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.25, width = 130 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 32 }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/stack-filter-inserter.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, insert_position = { 0, 1.2 }, max_health = 160, minable = { mining_time = 0.1, result = "stack-filter-inserter" }, name = "stack-filter-inserter", open_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.open_sound ]=], pickup_position = { 0, -1 }, platform_picture = { sheet = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/stack-filter-inserter/stack-filter-inserter-platform.png", height = 46, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/stack-filter-inserter/hr-stack-filter-inserter-platform.png", height = 79, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.046875, 0.203125 }, width = 105 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.09375, 0 }, width = 46 } }, resistances = { { percent = 90, type = "fire" } }, rotation_speed = 0.04, selection_box = { { -0.4, -0.35 }, { 0.4, 0.45 } }, stack = true, type = "inserter", vehicle_impact_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.vehicle_impact_sound ]=], working_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].inserter["fast-inserter"].working_sound ]=] }, ["stack-inserter"] = { circuit_connector_sprites = 0 --[=[ ref [""].inserter["burner-inserter"].circuit_connector_sprites ]=], circuit_wire_connection_points = 0 --[=[ ref [""].inserter["burner-inserter"].circuit_wire_connection_points ]=], circuit_wire_max_distance = 9, close_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.close_sound ]=], collision_box = { { -0.15, -0.15 }, { 0.15, 0.15 } }, corpse = "stack-inserter-remnants", damaged_trigger_effect = { damage_type_filters = "fire", entity_name = "spark-explosion", offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, offsets = { { 0, 1 } }, type = "create-entity" }, default_stack_control_input_signal = 0 --[=[ ref [""].inserter["burner-inserter"].default_stack_control_input_signal ]=], dying_explosion = "stack-inserter-explosion", energy_per_movement = "20KJ", energy_per_rotation = "20KJ", energy_source = { drain = "1kW", type = "electric", usage_priority = "secondary-input" }, extension_speed = 0.070000000000000009, fast_replaceable_group = "inserter", flags = { "placeable-neutral", "placeable-player", "player-creation" }, hand_base_picture = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/stack-inserter/stack-inserter-hand-base.png", height = 34, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/stack-inserter/hr-stack-inserter-hand-base.png", height = 136, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.25, width = 32 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 8 }, hand_base_shadow = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/burner-inserter/burner-inserter-hand-base-shadow.png", height = 33, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/burner-inserter/hr-burner-inserter-hand-base-shadow.png", height = 132, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.25, width = 32 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 8 }, hand_closed_picture = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/stack-inserter/stack-inserter-hand-closed.png", height = 41, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/stack-inserter/hr-stack-inserter-hand-closed.png", height = 164, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.25, width = 100 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 24 }, hand_closed_shadow = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/stack-inserter/stack-inserter-hand-closed-shadow.png", height = 41, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/stack-inserter/hr-stack-inserter-hand-closed-shadow.png", height = 164, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.25, width = 100 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 24 }, hand_open_picture = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/stack-inserter/stack-inserter-hand-open.png", height = 41, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/stack-inserter/hr-stack-inserter-hand-open.png", height = 164, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.25, width = 130 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 32 }, hand_open_shadow = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/stack-inserter/stack-inserter-hand-open-shadow.png", height = 41, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/stack-inserter/hr-stack-inserter-hand-open-shadow.png", height = 164, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.25, width = 130 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 32 }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/stack-inserter.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, insert_position = { 0, 1.2 }, max_health = 160, minable = { mining_time = 0.1, result = "stack-inserter" }, name = "stack-inserter", open_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.open_sound ]=], pickup_position = { 0, -1 }, platform_picture = { sheet = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/stack-inserter/stack-inserter-platform.png", height = 46, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/stack-inserter/hr-stack-inserter-platform.png", height = 79, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.046875, 0.203125 }, width = 105 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.09375, 0 }, width = 46 } }, resistances = { { percent = 90, type = "fire" } }, rotation_speed = 0.04, selection_box = { { -0.4, -0.35 }, { 0.4, 0.45 } }, stack = true, type = "inserter", vehicle_impact_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.vehicle_impact_sound ]=], working_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].inserter["fast-inserter"].working_sound ]=] } }, item = { accumulator = { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/accumulator.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "accumulator", order = "e[accumulator]-a[accumulator]", place_result = "accumulator", stack_size = 50, subgroup = "energy", type = "item" }, ["advanced-circuit"] = { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/advanced-circuit.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "advanced-circuit", order = "f[advanced-circuit]", stack_size = 200, subgroup = "intermediate-product", type = "item" }, ["arithmetic-combinator"] = { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/arithmetic-combinator.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "arithmetic-combinator", order = "c[combinators]-a[arithmetic-combinator]", place_result = "arithmetic-combinator", stack_size = 50, subgroup = "circuit-network", type = "item" }, ["artillery-turret"] = { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/artillery-turret.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "artillery-turret", order = "b[turret]-d[artillery-turret]-a[turret]", place_result = "artillery-turret", stack_size = 10, subgroup = "defensive-structure", type = "item" }, ["assembling-machine-1"] = { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/assembling-machine-1.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "assembling-machine-1", order = "a[assembling-machine-1]", place_result = "assembling-machine-1", stack_size = 50, subgroup = "production-machine", type = "item" }, ["assembling-machine-2"] = { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/assembling-machine-2.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "assembling-machine-2", order = "b[assembling-machine-2]", place_result = "assembling-machine-2", stack_size = 50, subgroup = "production-machine", type = "item" }, ["assembling-machine-3"] = { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/assembling-machine-3.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "assembling-machine-3", order = "c[assembling-machine-3]", place_result = "assembling-machine-3", stack_size = 50, subgroup = "production-machine", type = "item" }, battery = { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/battery.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "battery", order = "h[battery]", stack_size = 200, subgroup = "raw-material", type = "item" }, ["battery-equipment"] = { default_request_amount = 5, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/battery-equipment.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "battery-equipment", order = "b[battery]-a[battery-equipment]", placed_as_equipment_result = "battery-equipment", stack_size = 20, subgroup = "equipment", type = "item" }, ["battery-mk2-equipment"] = { default_request_amount = 5, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/battery-mk2-equipment.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_description = { "item-description.battery-equipment" }, name = "battery-mk2-equipment", order = "b[battery]-b[battery-equipment-mk2]", placed_as_equipment_result = "battery-mk2-equipment", stack_size = 20, subgroup = "equipment", type = "item" }, beacon = { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/beacon.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "beacon", order = "a[beacon]", place_result = "beacon", stack_size = 10, subgroup = "module", type = "item" }, ["belt-immunity-equipment"] = { default_request_amount = 1, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/belt-immunity-equipment.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "belt-immunity-equipment", order = "c[belt-immunity]-a[belt-immunity]", placed_as_equipment_result = "belt-immunity-equipment", stack_size = 20, subgroup = "equipment", type = "item" }, ["big-electric-pole"] = { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/big-electric-pole.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "big-electric-pole", order = "a[energy]-c[big-electric-pole]", place_result = "big-electric-pole", stack_size = 50, subgroup = "energy-pipe-distribution", type = "item" }, boiler = { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/boiler.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "boiler", order = "b[steam-power]-a[boiler]", place_result = "boiler", stack_size = 50, subgroup = "energy", type = "item" }, ["burner-generator"] = { flags = { "hidden" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/steam-engine.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "burner-generator", order = "t[item]-o[burner-generator]", place_result = "burner-generator", stack_size = 10, subgroup = "other", type = "item" }, ["burner-inserter"] = { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/burner-inserter.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "burner-inserter", order = "a[burner-inserter]", place_result = "burner-inserter", stack_size = 50, subgroup = "inserter", type = "item" }, ["burner-mining-drill"] = { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/burner-mining-drill.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "burner-mining-drill", order = "a[items]-a[burner-mining-drill]", place_result = "burner-mining-drill", stack_size = 50, subgroup = "extraction-machine", type = "item" }, centrifuge = { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/centrifuge.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "centrifuge", order = "g[centrifuge]", place_result = "centrifuge", stack_size = 50, subgroup = "production-machine", type = "item" }, ["chemical-plant"] = { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/chemical-plant.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "chemical-plant", order = "e[chemical-plant]", place_result = "chemical-plant", stack_size = 10, subgroup = "production-machine", type = "item" }, coal = { dark_background_icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/coal-dark-background.png", fuel_category = "chemical", fuel_value = "4MJ", icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/coal.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "coal", order = "b[coal]", pictures = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/icons/coal.png", mipmap_count = 4, scale = 0.25, size = 64 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/icons/coal-1.png", mipmap_count = 4, scale = 0.25, size = 64 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/icons/coal-2.png", mipmap_count = 4, scale = 0.25, size = 64 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/icons/coal-3.png", mipmap_count = 4, scale = 0.25, size = 64 } }, stack_size = 50, subgroup = "raw-resource", type = "item" }, coin = { flags = { "hidden" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/coin.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "coin", order = "y", stack_size = 100000, subgroup = "science-pack", type = "item" }, concrete = { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/concrete.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "concrete", order = "b[concrete]-a[plain]", place_as_tile = { condition = { "water-tile" }, condition_size = 1, result = "concrete" }, stack_size = 100, subgroup = "terrain", type = "item" }, ["constant-combinator"] = { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/constant-combinator.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "constant-combinator", order = "c[combinators]-c[constant-combinator]", place_result = "constant-combinator", stack_size = 50, subgroup = "circuit-network", type = "item" }, ["construction-robot"] = { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/construction-robot.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "construction-robot", order = "a[robot]-b[construction-robot]", place_result = "construction-robot", stack_size = 50, subgroup = "logistic-network", type = "item" }, ["copper-cable"] = { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/copper-cable.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "copper-cable", order = "a[copper-cable]", stack_size = 200, subgroup = "intermediate-product", type = "item", wire_count = 1 }, ["copper-ore"] = { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/copper-ore.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "copper-ore", order = "f[copper-ore]", pictures = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/icons/copper-ore.png", mipmap_count = 4, scale = 0.25, size = 64 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/icons/copper-ore-1.png", mipmap_count = 4, scale = 0.25, size = 64 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/icons/copper-ore-2.png", mipmap_count = 4, scale = 0.25, size = 64 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/icons/copper-ore-3.png", mipmap_count = 4, scale = 0.25, size = 64 } }, stack_size = 50, subgroup = "raw-resource", type = "item" }, ["copper-plate"] = { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/copper-plate.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "copper-plate", order = "c[copper-plate]", stack_size = 100, subgroup = "raw-material", type = "item" }, ["crude-oil-barrel"] = { icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, icons = { { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/fluid/barreling/empty-barrel.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64 }, { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/fluid/barreling/barrel-side-mask.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, tint = { a = 0.75, b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 } }, { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/fluid/barreling/barrel-hoop-top-mask.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, tint = { a = 0.75, b = 0.5, g = 0.5, r = 0.5 } } }, localised_name = { "item-name.filled-barrel", { "fluid-name.crude-oil" } }, name = "crude-oil-barrel", order = "b[crude-oil-barrel]", stack_size = 10, subgroup = "barrel", type = "item" }, ["decider-combinator"] = { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/decider-combinator.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "decider-combinator", order = "c[combinators]-b[decider-combinator]", place_result = "decider-combinator", stack_size = 50, subgroup = "circuit-network", type = "item" }, ["discharge-defense-equipment"] = { default_request_amount = 1, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/discharge-defense-equipment.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "discharge-defense-equipment", order = "b[active-defense]-b[discharge-defense-equipment]-a[equipment]", placed_as_equipment_result = "discharge-defense-equipment", stack_size = 20, subgroup = "military-equipment", type = "item" }, ["electric-energy-interface"] = { flags = { "hidden" }, icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, icons = { { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/accumulator.png", tint = { a = 1, b = 1, g = 0.8, r = 1 } } }, name = "electric-energy-interface", order = "a[electric-energy-interface]-b[electric-energy-interface]", place_result = "electric-energy-interface", stack_size = 50, subgroup = "other", type = "item" }, ["electric-engine-unit"] = { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/electric-engine-unit.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "electric-engine-unit", order = "i[electric-engine-unit]", stack_size = 50, subgroup = "intermediate-product", type = "item" }, ["electric-furnace"] = { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/electric-furnace.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "electric-furnace", order = "c[electric-furnace]", place_result = "electric-furnace", stack_size = 50, subgroup = "smelting-machine", type = "item" }, ["electric-mining-drill"] = { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/electric-mining-drill.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "electric-mining-drill", order = "a[items]-b[electric-mining-drill]", place_result = "electric-mining-drill", stack_size = 50, subgroup = "extraction-machine", type = "item" }, ["electronic-circuit"] = { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/electronic-circuit.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "electronic-circuit", order = "e[electronic-circuit]", stack_size = 200, subgroup = "intermediate-product", type = "item" }, ["empty-barrel"] = { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/fluid/barreling/empty-barrel.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "empty-barrel", order = "d[empty-barrel]", stack_size = 10, subgroup = "intermediate-product", type = "item" }, ["energy-shield-equipment"] = { default_request_amount = 5, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/energy-shield-equipment.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "energy-shield-equipment", order = "a[shield]-a[energy-shield-equipment]", placed_as_equipment_result = "energy-shield-equipment", stack_size = 20, subgroup = "military-equipment", type = "item" }, ["energy-shield-mk2-equipment"] = { default_request_amount = 5, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/energy-shield-mk2-equipment.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_description = { "" }, name = "energy-shield-mk2-equipment", order = "a[shield]-b[energy-shield-equipment-mk2]", placed_as_equipment_result = "energy-shield-mk2-equipment", stack_size = 20, subgroup = "military-equipment", type = "item" }, ["engine-unit"] = { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/engine-unit.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "engine-unit", order = "h[engine-unit]", stack_size = 50, subgroup = "intermediate-product", type = "item" }, ["exoskeleton-equipment"] = { default_request_amount = 5, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/exoskeleton-equipment.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "exoskeleton-equipment", order = "d[exoskeleton]-a[exoskeleton-equipment]", placed_as_equipment_result = "exoskeleton-equipment", stack_size = 20, subgroup = "equipment", type = "item" }, explosives = { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/explosives.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "explosives", order = "j[explosives]", stack_size = 50, subgroup = "raw-material", type = "item" }, ["express-loader"] = { flags = { "hidden" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/express-loader.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "express-loader", order = "d[loader]-c[express-loader]", place_result = "express-loader", stack_size = 50, subgroup = "belt", type = "item" }, ["express-splitter"] = { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/express-splitter.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "express-splitter", order = "c[splitter]-c[express-splitter]", place_result = "express-splitter", stack_size = 50, subgroup = "belt", type = "item" }, ["express-transport-belt"] = { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/express-transport-belt.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "express-transport-belt", order = "a[transport-belt]-c[express-transport-belt]", place_result = "express-transport-belt", stack_size = 100, subgroup = "belt", type = "item" }, ["express-underground-belt"] = { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/express-underground-belt.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "express-underground-belt", order = "b[underground-belt]-c[express-underground-belt]", place_result = "express-underground-belt", stack_size = 50, subgroup = "belt", type = "item" }, ["fast-inserter"] = { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/fast-inserter.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "fast-inserter", order = "d[fast-inserter]", place_result = "fast-inserter", stack_size = 50, subgroup = "inserter", type = "item" }, ["fast-loader"] = { flags = { "hidden" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/fast-loader.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "fast-loader", order = "d[loader]-b[fast-loader]", place_result = "fast-loader", stack_size = 50, subgroup = "belt", type = "item" }, ["fast-splitter"] = { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/fast-splitter.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "fast-splitter", order = "c[splitter]-b[fast-splitter]", place_result = "fast-splitter", stack_size = 50, subgroup = "belt", type = "item" }, ["fast-transport-belt"] = { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/fast-transport-belt.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "fast-transport-belt", order = "a[transport-belt]-b[fast-transport-belt]", place_result = "fast-transport-belt", stack_size = 100, subgroup = "belt", type = "item" }, ["fast-underground-belt"] = { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/fast-underground-belt.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "fast-underground-belt", order = "b[underground-belt]-b[fast-underground-belt]", place_result = "fast-underground-belt", stack_size = 50, subgroup = "belt", type = "item" }, ["filter-inserter"] = { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/filter-inserter.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "filter-inserter", order = "e[filter-inserter]", place_result = "filter-inserter", stack_size = 50, subgroup = "inserter", type = "item" }, ["flamethrower-turret"] = { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/flamethrower-turret.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "flamethrower-turret", order = "b[turret]-c[flamethrower-turret]", place_result = "flamethrower-turret", stack_size = 50, subgroup = "defensive-structure", type = "item" }, ["flying-robot-frame"] = { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/flying-robot-frame.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "flying-robot-frame", order = "l[flying-robot-frame]", stack_size = 50, subgroup = "intermediate-product", type = "item" }, ["fusion-reactor-equipment"] = { default_request_amount = 1, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/fusion-reactor-equipment.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "fusion-reactor-equipment", order = "a[energy-source]-b[fusion-reactor]", placed_as_equipment_result = "fusion-reactor-equipment", stack_size = 20, subgroup = "equipment", type = "item" }, gate = { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/gate.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "gate", order = "a[wall]-b[gate]", place_result = "gate", stack_size = 50, subgroup = "defensive-structure", type = "item" }, ["green-wire"] = { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/green-wire.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "green-wire", order = "b[wires]-b[green-wire]", stack_size = 200, subgroup = "circuit-network", type = "item", wire_count = 1 }, ["gun-turret"] = { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/gun-turret.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "gun-turret", order = "b[turret]-a[gun-turret]", place_result = "gun-turret", stack_size = 50, subgroup = "defensive-structure", type = "item" }, ["hazard-concrete"] = { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/hazard-concrete.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "hazard-concrete", order = "b[concrete]-b[hazard]", place_as_tile = { condition = { "water-tile" }, condition_size = 1, result = "hazard-concrete-left" }, stack_size = 100, subgroup = "terrain", type = "item" }, ["heat-exchanger"] = { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/heat-boiler.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "heat-exchanger", order = "f[nuclear-energy]-c[heat-exchanger]", place_result = "heat-exchanger", stack_size = 50, subgroup = "energy", type = "item" }, ["heat-interface"] = { flags = { "hidden" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/heat-interface.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "heat-interface", order = "b[heat-interface]", place_result = "heat-interface", stack_size = 20, subgroup = "other", type = "item" }, ["heat-pipe"] = { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/heat-pipe.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "heat-pipe", order = "f[nuclear-energy]-b[heat-pipe]", place_result = "heat-pipe", stack_size = 50, subgroup = "energy", type = "item" }, ["heavy-oil-barrel"] = { icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, icons = { { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/fluid/barreling/empty-barrel.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64 }, { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/fluid/barreling/barrel-side-mask.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, tint = { a = 0.75, b = 0, g = 0.04, r = 0.5 } }, { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/fluid/barreling/barrel-hoop-top-mask.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, tint = { a = 0.75, b = 0.3, g = 0.6, r = 0.85 } } }, localised_name = { "item-name.filled-barrel", { "fluid-name.heavy-oil" } }, name = "heavy-oil-barrel", order = "b[heavy-oil-barrel]", stack_size = 10, subgroup = "barrel", type = "item" }, ["infinity-chest"] = { flags = { "hidden" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/infinity-chest.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "infinity-chest", order = "c[item]-o[infinity-chest]", place_result = "infinity-chest", stack_size = 10, subgroup = "other", type = "item" }, ["infinity-pipe"] = { flags = { "hidden" }, icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, icons = { { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/pipe.png", tint = { b = 1, g = 0.5, r = 0.5 } } }, name = "infinity-pipe", order = "d[item]-o[infinity-pipe]", place_result = "infinity-pipe", stack_size = 10, subgroup = "other", type = "item" }, inserter = { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/inserter.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "inserter", order = "b[inserter]", place_result = "inserter", stack_size = 50, subgroup = "inserter", type = "item" }, ["iron-chest"] = { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/iron-chest.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "iron-chest", order = "a[items]-b[iron-chest]", place_result = "iron-chest", stack_size = 50, subgroup = "storage", type = "item" }, ["iron-gear-wheel"] = { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/iron-gear-wheel.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "iron-gear-wheel", order = "c[iron-gear-wheel]", stack_size = 100, subgroup = "intermediate-product", type = "item" }, ["iron-ore"] = { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/iron-ore.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "iron-ore", order = "e[iron-ore]", pictures = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/icons/iron-ore.png", mipmap_count = 4, scale = 0.25, size = 64 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/icons/iron-ore-1.png", mipmap_count = 4, scale = 0.25, size = 64 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/icons/iron-ore-2.png", mipmap_count = 4, scale = 0.25, size = 64 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/icons/iron-ore-3.png", mipmap_count = 4, scale = 0.25, size = 64 } }, stack_size = 50, subgroup = "raw-resource", type = "item" }, ["iron-plate"] = { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/iron-plate.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "iron-plate", order = "b[iron-plate]", stack_size = 100, subgroup = "raw-material", type = "item" }, ["iron-stick"] = { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/iron-stick.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "iron-stick", order = "b[iron-stick]", stack_size = 100, subgroup = "intermediate-product", type = "item" }, ["item-unknown"] = { flags = { "hidden" }, icon = "__core__/graphics/icons/unknown.png", icon_size = 64, name = "item-unknown", stack_size = 1, type = "item" }, lab = { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/lab.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "lab", order = "g[lab]", place_result = "lab", stack_size = 10, subgroup = "production-machine", type = "item" }, ["land-mine"] = { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/land-mine.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "land-mine", order = "f[land-mine]", place_result = "land-mine", stack_size = 100, subgroup = "gun", type = "item" }, landfill = { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/landfill.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "landfill", order = "c[landfill]-a[dirt]", place_as_tile = { condition = { "ground-tile" }, condition_size = 1, result = "landfill" }, stack_size = 100, subgroup = "terrain", type = "item" }, ["laser-turret"] = { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/laser-turret.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "laser-turret", order = "b[turret]-b[laser-turret]", place_result = "laser-turret", stack_size = 50, subgroup = "defensive-structure", type = "item" }, ["light-oil-barrel"] = { icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, icons = { { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/fluid/barreling/empty-barrel.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64 }, { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/fluid/barreling/barrel-side-mask.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, tint = { a = 0.75, b = 0, g = 0.33000000000000003, r = 0.56999999999999993 } }, { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/fluid/barreling/barrel-hoop-top-mask.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, tint = { a = 0.75, b = 0.070000000000000009, g = 0.72999999999999998, r = 1 } } }, localised_name = { "item-name.filled-barrel", { "fluid-name.light-oil" } }, name = "light-oil-barrel", order = "b[light-oil-barrel]", stack_size = 10, subgroup = "barrel", type = "item" }, ["linked-belt"] = { flags = { "hidden" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/linked-belt.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "linked-belt", order = "b[items]-b[linked-belt]", place_result = "linked-belt", stack_size = 10, subgroup = "other", type = "item" }, ["linked-chest"] = { flags = { "hidden" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/linked-chest-icon.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "linked-chest", order = "a[items]-a[linked-chest]", place_result = "linked-chest", stack_size = 10, subgroup = "other", type = "item" }, loader = { flags = { "hidden" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/loader.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "loader", order = "d[loader]-a[basic-loader]", place_result = "loader", stack_size = 50, subgroup = "belt", type = "item" }, ["logistic-chest-active-provider"] = { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/logistic-chest-active-provider.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "logistic-chest-active-provider", order = "b[storage]-c[logistic-chest-active-provider]", place_result = "logistic-chest-active-provider", stack_size = 50, subgroup = "logistic-network", type = "item" }, ["logistic-chest-buffer"] = { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/logistic-chest-buffer.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "logistic-chest-buffer", order = "b[storage]-d[logistic-chest-buffer]", place_result = "logistic-chest-buffer", stack_size = 50, subgroup = "logistic-network", type = "item" }, ["logistic-chest-passive-provider"] = { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/logistic-chest-passive-provider.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "logistic-chest-passive-provider", order = "b[storage]-c[logistic-chest-passive-provider]", place_result = "logistic-chest-passive-provider", stack_size = 50, subgroup = "logistic-network", type = "item" }, ["logistic-chest-requester"] = { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/logistic-chest-requester.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "logistic-chest-requester", order = "b[storage]-e[logistic-chest-requester]", place_result = "logistic-chest-requester", stack_size = 50, subgroup = "logistic-network", type = "item" }, ["logistic-chest-storage"] = { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/logistic-chest-storage.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "logistic-chest-storage", order = "b[storage]-c[logistic-chest-storage]", place_result = "logistic-chest-storage", stack_size = 50, subgroup = "logistic-network", type = "item" }, ["logistic-robot"] = { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/logistic-robot.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "logistic-robot", order = "a[robot]-a[logistic-robot]", place_result = "logistic-robot", stack_size = 50, subgroup = "logistic-network", type = "item" }, ["long-handed-inserter"] = { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/long-handed-inserter.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "long-handed-inserter", order = "c[long-handed-inserter]", place_result = "long-handed-inserter", stack_size = 50, subgroup = "inserter", type = "item" }, ["low-density-structure"] = { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/low-density-structure.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "low-density-structure", order = "o[low-density-structure]", stack_size = 10, subgroup = "intermediate-product", type = "item" }, ["lubricant-barrel"] = { icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, icons = { { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/fluid/barreling/empty-barrel.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64 }, { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/fluid/barreling/barrel-side-mask.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, tint = { a = 0.75, b = 0.03, g = 0.32000000000000002, r = 0.15 } }, { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/fluid/barreling/barrel-hoop-top-mask.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, tint = { a = 0.75, b = 0.31000000000000001, g = 0.75, r = 0.42999999999999998 } } }, localised_name = { "item-name.filled-barrel", { "fluid-name.lubricant" } }, name = "lubricant-barrel", order = "b[lubricant-barrel]", stack_size = 10, subgroup = "barrel", type = "item" }, ["medium-electric-pole"] = { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/medium-electric-pole.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "medium-electric-pole", order = "a[energy]-b[medium-electric-pole]", place_result = "medium-electric-pole", stack_size = 50, subgroup = "energy-pipe-distribution", type = "item" }, ["night-vision-equipment"] = { default_request_amount = 1, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/night-vision-equipment.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "night-vision-equipment", order = "f[night-vision]-a[night-vision-equipment]", placed_as_equipment_result = "night-vision-equipment", stack_size = 20, subgroup = "equipment", type = "item" }, ["nuclear-fuel"] = { fuel_acceleration_multiplier = 2.5, fuel_category = "chemical", fuel_top_speed_multiplier = 1.1499999999999999, fuel_value = "1.21GJ", icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/nuclear-fuel.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "nuclear-fuel", order = "q[uranium-rocket-fuel]", pictures = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/icons/nuclear-fuel.png", mipmap_count = 4, scale = 0.25, size = 64 }, { draw_as_light = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/icons/nuclear-fuel-light.png", flags = { "light" }, mipmap_count = 4, scale = 0.25, size = 64 } } }, stack_size = 1, subgroup = "intermediate-product", type = "item" }, ["nuclear-reactor"] = { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/nuclear-reactor.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "nuclear-reactor", order = "f[nuclear-energy]-a[reactor]", place_result = "nuclear-reactor", stack_size = 10, subgroup = "energy", type = "item" }, ["offshore-pump"] = { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/offshore-pump.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "offshore-pump", order = "b[fluids]-a[offshore-pump]", place_result = "offshore-pump", stack_size = 20, subgroup = "extraction-machine", type = "item" }, ["oil-refinery"] = { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/oil-refinery.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "oil-refinery", order = "d[refinery]", place_result = "oil-refinery", stack_size = 10, subgroup = "production-machine", type = "item" }, ["personal-laser-defense-equipment"] = { default_request_amount = 5, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/personal-laser-defense-equipment.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "personal-laser-defense-equipment", order = "b[active-defense]-a[personal-laser-defense-equipment]", placed_as_equipment_result = "personal-laser-defense-equipment", stack_size = 20, subgroup = "military-equipment", type = "item" }, ["personal-roboport-equipment"] = { default_request_amount = 1, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/personal-roboport-equipment.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "personal-roboport-equipment", order = "e[robotics]-a[personal-roboport-equipment]", placed_as_equipment_result = "personal-roboport-equipment", stack_size = 20, subgroup = "equipment", type = "item" }, ["personal-roboport-mk2-equipment"] = { default_request_amount = 1, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/personal-roboport-mk2-equipment.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_description = { "item-description.personal-roboport-equipment" }, name = "personal-roboport-mk2-equipment", order = "e[robotics]-b[personal-roboport-mk2-equipment]", placed_as_equipment_result = "personal-roboport-mk2-equipment", stack_size = 20, subgroup = "equipment", type = "item" }, ["petroleum-gas-barrel"] = { icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, icons = { { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/fluid/barreling/empty-barrel.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64 }, { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/fluid/barreling/barrel-side-mask.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, tint = { a = 0.75, b = 0.3, g = 0.1, r = 0.3 } }, { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/fluid/barreling/barrel-hoop-top-mask.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, tint = { a = 0.75, b = 0.8, g = 0.8, r = 0.8 } } }, localised_name = { "item-name.filled-barrel", { "fluid-name.petroleum-gas" } }, name = "petroleum-gas-barrel", order = "b[petroleum-gas-barrel]", stack_size = 10, subgroup = "barrel", type = "item" }, pipe = { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/pipe.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "pipe", order = "a[pipe]-a[pipe]", place_result = "pipe", stack_size = 100, subgroup = "energy-pipe-distribution", type = "item" }, ["pipe-to-ground"] = { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/pipe-to-ground.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "pipe-to-ground", order = "a[pipe]-b[pipe-to-ground]", place_result = "pipe-to-ground", stack_size = 50, subgroup = "energy-pipe-distribution", type = "item" }, ["plastic-bar"] = { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/plastic-bar.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "plastic-bar", order = "f[plastic-bar]", stack_size = 100, subgroup = "raw-material", type = "item" }, ["player-port"] = { flags = { "hidden" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/player-port.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "player-port", order = "z[not-used]", place_result = "player-port", stack_size = 50, subgroup = "defensive-structure", type = "item" }, ["power-switch"] = { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/power-switch.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "power-switch", order = "d[other]-a[power-switch]", place_result = "power-switch", stack_size = 50, subgroup = "circuit-network", type = "item" }, ["processing-unit"] = { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/processing-unit.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "processing-unit", order = "g[processing-unit]", stack_size = 100, subgroup = "intermediate-product", type = "item" }, ["programmable-speaker"] = { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/programmable-speaker.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "programmable-speaker", order = "d[other]-b[programmable-speaker]", place_result = "programmable-speaker", stack_size = 50, subgroup = "circuit-network", type = "item" }, pump = { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/pump.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "pump", order = "b[pipe]-c[pump]", place_result = "pump", stack_size = 50, subgroup = "energy-pipe-distribution", type = "item" }, pumpjack = { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/pumpjack.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "pumpjack", order = "b[fluids]-b[pumpjack]", place_result = "pumpjack", stack_size = 20, subgroup = "extraction-machine", type = "item" }, radar = { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/radar.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "radar", order = "d[radar]-a[radar]", place_result = "radar", stack_size = 50, subgroup = "defensive-structure", type = "item" }, ["rail-chain-signal"] = { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/rail-chain-signal.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "rail-chain-signal", order = "a[train-system]-e[rail-signal-chain]", place_result = "rail-chain-signal", stack_size = 50, subgroup = "train-transport", type = "item" }, ["rail-signal"] = { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/rail-signal.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "rail-signal", order = "a[train-system]-d[rail-signal]", place_result = "rail-signal", stack_size = 50, subgroup = "train-transport", type = "item" }, ["red-wire"] = { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/red-wire.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "red-wire", order = "b[wires]-a[red-wire]", stack_size = 200, subgroup = "circuit-network", type = "item", wire_count = 1 }, ["refined-concrete"] = { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/refined-concrete.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "refined-concrete", order = "b[concrete]-c[refined]", place_as_tile = { condition = { "water-tile" }, condition_size = 1, result = "refined-concrete" }, stack_size = 100, subgroup = "terrain", type = "item" }, ["refined-hazard-concrete"] = { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/refined-hazard-concrete.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "refined-hazard-concrete", order = "b[concrete]-d[refined-hazard]", place_as_tile = { condition = { "water-tile" }, condition_size = 1, result = "refined-hazard-concrete-left" }, stack_size = 100, subgroup = "terrain", type = "item" }, roboport = { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/roboport.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "roboport", order = "c[signal]-a[roboport]", place_result = "roboport", stack_size = 10, subgroup = "logistic-network", type = "item" }, ["rocket-control-unit"] = { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/rocket-control-unit.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "rocket-control-unit", order = "n[rocket-control-unit]", stack_size = 10, subgroup = "intermediate-product", type = "item" }, ["rocket-fuel"] = { fuel_acceleration_multiplier = 1.8, fuel_category = "chemical", fuel_top_speed_multiplier = 1.1499999999999999, fuel_value = "100MJ", icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/rocket-fuel.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "rocket-fuel", order = "p[rocket-fuel]", stack_size = 10, subgroup = "intermediate-product", type = "item" }, ["rocket-part"] = { flags = { "hidden" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/rocket-part.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "rocket-part", order = "q[rocket-part]", stack_size = 5, subgroup = "intermediate-product", type = "item" }, ["rocket-silo"] = { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/rocket-silo.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "rocket-silo", order = "e[rocket-silo]", place_result = "rocket-silo", stack_size = 1, subgroup = "space-related", type = "item" }, satellite = { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/satellite.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "satellite", order = "m[satellite]", rocket_launch_product = { "space-science-pack", 1000 }, stack_size = 1, subgroup = "space-related", type = "item" }, ["simple-entity-with-force"] = { flags = { "hidden" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/steel-chest.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "simple-entity-with-force", order = "s[simple-entity-with-force]-f[simple-entity-with-force]", place_result = "simple-entity-with-force", stack_size = 50, subgroup = "other", type = "item" }, ["simple-entity-with-owner"] = { flags = { "hidden" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/wooden-chest.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "simple-entity-with-owner", order = "s[simple-entity-with-owner]-o[simple-entity-with-owner]", place_result = "simple-entity-with-owner", stack_size = 50, subgroup = "other", type = "item" }, ["small-electric-pole"] = { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/small-electric-pole.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "small-electric-pole", order = "a[energy]-a[small-electric-pole]", place_result = "small-electric-pole", stack_size = 50, subgroup = "energy-pipe-distribution", type = "item" }, ["small-lamp"] = { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/small-lamp.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "small-lamp", order = "a[light]-a[small-lamp]", place_result = "small-lamp", stack_size = 50, subgroup = "circuit-network", type = "item" }, ["solar-panel"] = { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/solar-panel.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "solar-panel", order = "d[solar-panel]-a[solar-panel]", place_result = "solar-panel", stack_size = 50, subgroup = "energy", type = "item" }, ["solar-panel-equipment"] = { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/solar-panel-equipment.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "solar-panel-equipment", order = "a[energy-source]-a[solar-panel]", placed_as_equipment_result = "solar-panel-equipment", stack_size = 20, subgroup = "equipment", type = "item" }, ["solid-fuel"] = { fuel_acceleration_multiplier = 1.2, fuel_category = "chemical", fuel_top_speed_multiplier = 1.05, fuel_value = "12MJ", icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/solid-fuel.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "solid-fuel", order = "c[solid-fuel]", stack_size = 50, subgroup = "raw-material", type = "item" }, splitter = { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/splitter.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "splitter", order = "c[splitter]-a[splitter]", place_result = "splitter", stack_size = 50, subgroup = "belt", type = "item" }, ["stack-filter-inserter"] = { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/stack-filter-inserter.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "stack-filter-inserter", order = "g[stack-filter-inserter]", place_result = "stack-filter-inserter", stack_size = 50, subgroup = "inserter", type = "item" }, ["stack-inserter"] = { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/stack-inserter.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "stack-inserter", order = "f[stack-inserter]", place_result = "stack-inserter", stack_size = 50, subgroup = "inserter", type = "item" }, ["steam-engine"] = { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/steam-engine.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "steam-engine", order = "b[steam-power]-b[steam-engine]", place_result = "steam-engine", stack_size = 10, subgroup = "energy", type = "item" }, ["steam-turbine"] = { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/steam-turbine.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "steam-turbine", order = "f[nuclear-energy]-d[steam-turbine]", place_result = "steam-turbine", stack_size = 10, subgroup = "energy", type = "item" }, ["steel-chest"] = { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/steel-chest.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "steel-chest", order = "a[items]-c[steel-chest]", place_result = "steel-chest", stack_size = 50, subgroup = "storage", type = "item" }, ["steel-furnace"] = { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/steel-furnace.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "steel-furnace", order = "b[steel-furnace]", place_result = "steel-furnace", stack_size = 50, subgroup = "smelting-machine", type = "item" }, ["steel-plate"] = { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/steel-plate.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "steel-plate", order = "d[steel-plate]", stack_size = 100, subgroup = "raw-material", type = "item" }, stone = { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/stone.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "stone", order = "d[stone]", pictures = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/icons/stone.png", mipmap_count = 4, scale = 0.25, size = 64 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/icons/stone-1.png", mipmap_count = 4, scale = 0.25, size = 64 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/icons/stone-2.png", mipmap_count = 4, scale = 0.25, size = 64 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/icons/stone-3.png", mipmap_count = 4, scale = 0.25, size = 64 } }, stack_size = 50, subgroup = "raw-resource", type = "item" }, ["stone-brick"] = { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/stone-brick.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "stone-brick", order = "a[stone-brick]", place_as_tile = { condition = { "water-tile" }, condition_size = 1, result = "stone-path" }, stack_size = 100, subgroup = "terrain", type = "item" }, ["stone-furnace"] = { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/stone-furnace.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "stone-furnace", order = "a[stone-furnace]", place_result = "stone-furnace", stack_size = 50, subgroup = "smelting-machine", type = "item" }, ["stone-wall"] = { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/wall.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "stone-wall", order = "a[stone-wall]-a[stone-wall]", place_result = "stone-wall", stack_size = 100, subgroup = "defensive-structure", type = "item" }, ["storage-tank"] = { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/storage-tank.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "storage-tank", order = "b[fluid]-a[storage-tank]", place_result = "storage-tank", stack_size = 50, subgroup = "storage", type = "item" }, substation = { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/substation.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "substation", order = "a[energy]-d[substation]", place_result = "substation", stack_size = 50, subgroup = "energy-pipe-distribution", type = "item" }, sulfur = { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/sulfur.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "sulfur", order = "g[sulfur]", stack_size = 50, subgroup = "raw-material", type = "item" }, ["sulfuric-acid-barrel"] = { icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, icons = { { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/fluid/barreling/empty-barrel.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64 }, { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/fluid/barreling/barrel-side-mask.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, tint = { a = 0.75, b = 0.1, g = 0.65, r = 0.75 } }, { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/fluid/barreling/barrel-hoop-top-mask.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, tint = { a = 0.75, b = 0.1, g = 1, r = 0.7 } } }, localised_name = { "item-name.filled-barrel", { "fluid-name.sulfuric-acid" } }, name = "sulfuric-acid-barrel", order = "b[sulfuric-acid-barrel]", stack_size = 10, subgroup = "barrel", type = "item" }, ["train-stop"] = { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/train-stop.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "train-stop", order = "a[train-system]-c[train-stop]", place_result = "train-stop", stack_size = 10, subgroup = "train-transport", type = "item" }, ["transport-belt"] = { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/transport-belt.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "transport-belt", order = "a[transport-belt]-a[transport-belt]", place_result = "transport-belt", stack_size = 100, subgroup = "belt", type = "item" }, ["underground-belt"] = { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/underground-belt.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "underground-belt", order = "b[underground-belt]-a[underground-belt]", place_result = "underground-belt", stack_size = 50, subgroup = "belt", type = "item" }, ["uranium-235"] = { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/uranium-235.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "uranium-235", order = "r[uranium-235]", pictures = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/icons/uranium-235.png", mipmap_count = 4, scale = 0.25, size = 64 }, { blend_mode = "additive", draw_as_light = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/icons/uranium-235.png", mipmap_count = 4, scale = 0.25, size = 64, tint = { a = 0.3, b = 0.3, g = 0.3, r = 0.3 } } } }, stack_size = 100, subgroup = "intermediate-product", type = "item" }, ["uranium-238"] = { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/uranium-238.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "uranium-238", order = "r[uranium-238]", stack_size = 100, subgroup = "intermediate-product", type = "item" }, ["uranium-fuel-cell"] = { burnt_result = "used-up-uranium-fuel-cell", fuel_category = "nuclear", fuel_value = "8GJ", icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/uranium-fuel-cell.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "uranium-fuel-cell", order = "r[uranium-processing]-a[uranium-fuel-cell]", pictures = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/icons/uranium-fuel-cell.png", mipmap_count = 4, scale = 0.25, size = 64 }, { draw_as_light = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/icons/uranium-fuel-cell-light.png", flags = { "light" }, mipmap_count = 4, scale = 0.25, size = 64 } } }, stack_size = 50, subgroup = "intermediate-product", type = "item" }, ["uranium-ore"] = { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/uranium-ore.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "uranium-ore", order = "g[uranium-ore]", pictures = { { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/icons/uranium-ore.png", mipmap_count = 4, scale = 0.25, size = 64 }, { blend_mode = "additive", draw_as_light = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/icons/uranium-ore.png", mipmap_count = 4, scale = 0.25, size = 64, tint = { a = 0.3, b = 0.3, g = 0.3, r = 0.3 } } } }, { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/icons/uranium-ore-1.png", mipmap_count = 4, scale = 0.25, size = 64 }, { blend_mode = "additive", draw_as_light = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/icons/uranium-ore-1.png", mipmap_count = 4, scale = 0.25, size = 64, tint = { a = 0.3, b = 0.3, g = 0.3, r = 0.3 } } } }, { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/icons/uranium-ore-2.png", mipmap_count = 4, scale = 0.25, size = 64 }, { blend_mode = "additive", draw_as_light = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/icons/uranium-ore-2.png", mipmap_count = 4, scale = 0.25, size = 64, tint = { a = 0.3, b = 0.3, g = 0.3, r = 0.3 } } } }, { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/icons/uranium-ore-3.png", mipmap_count = 4, scale = 0.25, size = 64 }, { blend_mode = "additive", draw_as_light = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/icons/uranium-ore-3.png", mipmap_count = 4, scale = 0.25, size = 64, tint = { a = 0.3, b = 0.3, g = 0.3, r = 0.3 } } } } }, stack_size = 50, subgroup = "raw-resource", type = "item" }, ["used-up-uranium-fuel-cell"] = { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/used-up-uranium-fuel-cell.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "used-up-uranium-fuel-cell", order = "r[used-up-uranium-fuel-cell]", stack_size = 50, subgroup = "intermediate-product", type = "item" }, ["water-barrel"] = { icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, icons = { { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/fluid/barreling/empty-barrel.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64 }, { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/fluid/barreling/barrel-side-mask.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, tint = { a = 0.75, b = 0.6, g = 0.34000000000000004, r = 0 } }, { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/fluid/barreling/barrel-hoop-top-mask.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, tint = { a = 0.75, b = 0.7, g = 0.7, r = 0.7 } } }, localised_name = { "item-name.filled-barrel", { "fluid-name.water" } }, name = "water-barrel", order = "b[water-barrel]", stack_size = 10, subgroup = "barrel", type = "item" }, wood = { fuel_category = "chemical", fuel_value = "2MJ", icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/wood.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "wood", order = "a[wood]", stack_size = 100, subgroup = "raw-resource", type = "item" }, ["wooden-chest"] = { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/wooden-chest.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "wooden-chest", order = "a[items]-a[wooden-chest]", place_result = "wooden-chest", stack_size = 50, subgroup = "storage", type = "item" } }, ["item-entity"] = { ["item-on-ground"] = { collision_box = { { -0.14000000000000002, -0.14000000000000002 }, { 0.14000000000000002, 0.14000000000000002 } }, flags = { "placeable-off-grid", "not-on-map" }, icon = "__core__/graphics/item-on-ground.png", icon_size = 64, minable = { mining_time = 0.025 }, name = "item-on-ground", selection_box = { { -0.17000000000000002, -0.17000000000000002 }, { 0.17000000000000002, 0.17000000000000002 } }, type = "item-entity" } }, ["item-group"] = { combat = { icon = "__base__/graphics/item-group/military.png", icon_mipmaps = 2, icon_size = 128, name = "combat", order = "d", type = "item-group" }, effects = { icon = "__base__/graphics/item-group/effects.png", icon_mipmaps = 2, icon_size = 128, name = "effects", order = "y", type = "item-group" }, enemies = { icon = "__core__/graphics/icons/category/enemies.png", icon_mipmaps = 2, icon_size = 128, name = "enemies", order = "g", type = "item-group" }, environment = { icon = "__core__/graphics/icons/category/environment.png", icon_mipmaps = 2, icon_size = 128, name = "environment", order = "h", type = "item-group" }, fluids = { icon = "__base__/graphics/item-group/fluids.png", icon_mipmaps = 2, icon_size = 128, name = "fluids", order = "e", type = "item-group" }, ["intermediate-products"] = { icon = "__base__/graphics/item-group/intermediate-products.png", icon_mipmaps = 2, icon_size = 128, name = "intermediate-products", order = "c", order_in_recipe = "0", type = "item-group" }, logistics = { icon = "__base__/graphics/item-group/logistics.png", icon_mipmaps = 2, icon_size = 128, name = "logistics", order = "a", type = "item-group" }, other = { icon = "__core__/graphics/icons/category/unsorted.png", icon_mipmaps = 2, icon_size = 128, name = "other", order = "z", type = "item-group" }, production = { icon = "__base__/graphics/item-group/production.png", icon_mipmaps = 2, icon_size = 128, name = "production", order = "b", type = "item-group" }, signals = { icon = "__base__/graphics/item-group/signals.png", icon_mipmaps = 2, icon_size = 128, name = "signals", order = "f", type = "item-group" } }, ["item-request-proxy"] = { ["item-request-proxy"] = { collision_box = { { 0, 0 }, { 0, 0 } }, flags = { "not-on-map", "placeable-off-grid" }, icon = "__core__/graphics/icons/mip/item-request-slot.png", icon_mipmaps = 3, icon_size = 64, minable = { mining_time = 0, results = {} }, name = "item-request-proxy", picture = { filename = "__core__/graphics/icons/alerts/logistic-delivery.png", flags = { "icon" }, height = 64, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, 0 }, width = 64 }, selection_box = { { -0.5, -0.4 }, { 0.5, 0.6 } }, type = "item-request-proxy", use_target_entity_alert_icon_shift = true } }, ["item-subgroup"] = { ammo = { group = "combat", name = "ammo", order = "b", type = "item-subgroup" }, armor = { group = "combat", name = "armor", order = "d", type = "item-subgroup" }, barrel = { group = "intermediate-products", name = "barrel", order = "d", type = "item-subgroup" }, belt = { group = "logistics", name = "belt", order = "b", type = "item-subgroup" }, ["belt-explosions"] = { group = "effects", name = "belt-explosions", order = "ab", type = "item-subgroup" }, ["belt-remnants"] = { group = "environment", name = "belt-remnants", order = "db", type = "item-subgroup" }, ["campaign-explosions"] = { group = "effects", name = "campaign-explosions", order = "bf", type = "item-subgroup" }, 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group = "combat", name = "defensive-structure", order = "g", type = "item-subgroup" }, ["defensive-structure-explosions"] = { group = "effects", name = "defensive-structure-explosions", order = "cb", type = "item-subgroup" }, ["defensive-structure-remnants"] = { group = "environment", name = "defensive-structure-remnants", order = "dl", type = "item-subgroup" }, ["empty-barrel"] = { group = "intermediate-products", name = "empty-barrel", order = "f", type = "item-subgroup" }, enemies = { group = "enemies", name = "enemies", order = "a", type = "item-subgroup" }, energy = { group = "production", name = "energy", order = "b", type = "item-subgroup" }, ["energy-explosions"] = { group = "effects", name = "energy-explosions", order = "ba", type = "item-subgroup" }, ["energy-pipe-distribution"] = { group = "logistics", name = "energy-pipe-distribution", order = "d", type = "item-subgroup" }, ["energy-pipe-distribution-explosions"] = { group = "effects", name = "energy-pipe-distribution-explosions", order = "ad", type = "item-subgroup" }, ["energy-pipe-distribution-remnants"] = { group = "environment", name = "energy-pipe-distribution-remnants", order = "dd", type = "item-subgroup" }, ["energy-remnants"] = { group = "environment", name = "energy-remnants", order = "di", type = "item-subgroup" }, equipment = { group = "combat", name = "equipment", order = "e", type = "item-subgroup" }, explosions = { group = "effects", name = "explosions", order = "de", type = "item-subgroup" }, ["extraction-machine"] = { group = "production", name = "extraction-machine", order = "c", type = "item-subgroup" }, ["extraction-machine-explosions"] = { group = "effects", name = "extraction-machine-explosions", order = "bb", type = "item-subgroup" }, ["extraction-machine-remnants"] = { group = "environment", name = "extraction-machine-remnants", order = "di", type = "item-subgroup" }, ["fill-barrel"] = { group = "intermediate-products", name = "fill-barrel", order = "e", type = "item-subgroup" }, fluid = { group = "fluids", name = "fluid", order = "a", type = "item-subgroup" }, ["fluid-recipes"] = { group = "intermediate-products", name = "fluid-recipes", order = "a", type = "item-subgroup" }, ["generic-remnants"] = { group = "environment", name = "generic-remnants", order = "dl", type = "item-subgroup" }, grass = { group = "environment", name = "grass", order = "b", type = "item-subgroup" }, ["ground-explosions"] = { group = "effects", name = "ground-explosions", order = "db", type = "item-subgroup" }, gun = { group = "combat", name = "gun", order = "a", type = "item-subgroup" }, ["gun-explosions"] = { group = "effects", name = "gun-explosions", order = "ca", type = "item-subgroup" }, ["hit-effects"] = { group = "effects", name = "hit-effects", order = "e", type = "item-subgroup" }, inserter = { group = "logistics", name = "inserter", order = "c", type = "item-subgroup" }, ["inserter-explosions"] = { group = "effects", name = "inserter-explosions", order = "ac", type = "item-subgroup" }, ["inserter-remnants"] = { group = "environment", name = "inserter-remnants", order = "dc", type = "item-subgroup" }, ["intermediate-product"] = { group = "intermediate-products", name = "intermediate-product", order = "g", type = "item-subgroup" }, ["logistic-network"] = { group = "logistics", name = "logistic-network", order = "g", type = "item-subgroup" }, ["logistic-network-explosions"] = { group = "effects", name = "logistic-network-explosions", order = "ag", type = "item-subgroup" }, ["logistic-network-remnants"] = { group = "environment", name = "logistic-network-remnants", order = "dg", type = "item-subgroup" }, ["military-equipment"] = { group = "combat", name = "military-equipment", order = "f", type = "item-subgroup" }, module = { group = "production", name = "module", order = "f", type = "item-subgroup" }, ["module-explosions"] = { group = "effects", name = "module-explosions", order = "be", type = "item-subgroup" }, other = { group = "other", name = "other", order = "z", type = "item-subgroup" }, particles = { group = "effects", name = "particles", order = "e", type = "item-subgroup" }, ["production-machine"] = { group = "production", name = "production-machine", order = "e", type = "item-subgroup" }, ["production-machine-explosions"] = { group = "effects", name = "production-machine-explosions", order = "bd", type = "item-subgroup" }, ["production-machine-remnants"] = { group = "environment", name = "production-machine-remnants", order = "dk", type = "item-subgroup" }, ["raw-material"] = { group = "intermediate-products", name = "raw-material", order = "c", type = "item-subgroup" }, ["raw-resource"] = { group = "intermediate-products", name = "raw-resource", order = "b", type = "item-subgroup" }, remnants = { group = "environment", name = "remnants", order = "dz", type = "item-subgroup" }, ["rock-explosions"] = { group = "effects", name = "rock-explosions", order = "da", type = "item-subgroup" }, ["science-pack"] = { group = "intermediate-products", name = "science-pack", order = "h", type = "item-subgroup" }, scorchmarks = { group = "environment", name = "scorchmarks", order = "dm", type = "item-subgroup" }, ["smelting-machine"] = { group = "production", name = "smelting-machine", order = "d", type = "item-subgroup" }, ["smelting-machine-explosions"] = { group = "effects", name = "smelting-machine-explosions", order = "bc", type = "item-subgroup" }, ["smelting-machine-remnants"] = { group = "environment", name = "smelting-machine-remnants", order = "dj", type = "item-subgroup" }, ["space-related"] = { group = "production", name = "space-related", order = "g", type = "item-subgroup" }, storage = { group = "logistics", name = "storage", order = "a", type = "item-subgroup" }, ["storage-explosions"] = { group = "effects", name = "storage-explosions", order = "aa", type = "item-subgroup" }, ["storage-remnants"] = { group = "environment", name = "storage-remnants", order = "da", type = "item-subgroup" }, terrain = { group = "logistics", name = "terrain", order = "i", type = "item-subgroup" }, tool = { group = "production", name = "tool", order = "a", type = "item-subgroup" }, ["train-transport"] = { group = "logistics", name = "train-transport", order = "e", type = "item-subgroup" }, ["train-transport-explosions"] = { group = "effects", name = "train-transport-explosions", order = "ae", type = "item-subgroup" }, ["train-transport-remnants"] = { group = "environment", name = "train-transport-remnants", order = "de", type = "item-subgroup" }, transport = { group = "logistics", name = "transport", order = "f", type = "item-subgroup" }, ["transport-explosions"] = { group = "effects", name = "transport-explosions", order = "af", type = "item-subgroup" }, ["transport-remnants"] = { group = "environment", name = "transport-remnants", order = "df", type = "item-subgroup" }, ["tree-explosions"] = { group = "effects", name = "tree-explosions", order = "cd", type = "item-subgroup" }, trees = { group = "environment", name = "trees", order = "aa", type = "item-subgroup" }, ["virtual-signal"] = { group = "signals", name = "virtual-signal", order = "e", type = "item-subgroup" }, ["virtual-signal-color"] = { group = "signals", name = "virtual-signal-color", order = "d", type = "item-subgroup" }, ["virtual-signal-letter"] = { group = "signals", name = "virtual-signal-letter", order = "c", type = "item-subgroup" }, ["virtual-signal-number"] = { group = "signals", name = "virtual-signal-number", order = "b", type = "item-subgroup" }, ["virtual-signal-special"] = { group = "signals", name = "virtual-signal-special", order = "a", type = "item-subgroup" }, wrecks = { group = "environment", name = "wrecks", order = "e", type = "item-subgroup" } }, ["item-with-entity-data"] = { ["artillery-wagon"] = { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/artillery-wagon.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "artillery-wagon", order = "a[train-system]-i[artillery-wagon]", place_result = "artillery-wagon", stack_size = 5, subgroup = "train-transport", type = "item-with-entity-data" }, car = { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/car.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "car", order = "b[personal-transport]-a[car]", place_result = "car", stack_size = 1, subgroup = "transport", type = "item-with-entity-data" }, ["cargo-wagon"] = { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/cargo-wagon.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "cargo-wagon", order = "a[train-system]-g[cargo-wagon]", place_result = "cargo-wagon", stack_size = 5, subgroup = "train-transport", type = "item-with-entity-data" }, ["fluid-wagon"] = { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/fluid-wagon.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "fluid-wagon", order = "a[train-system]-h[fluid-wagon]", place_result = "fluid-wagon", stack_size = 5, subgroup = "train-transport", type = "item-with-entity-data" }, locomotive = { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/locomotive.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "locomotive", order = "a[train-system]-f[locomotive]", place_result = "locomotive", stack_size = 5, subgroup = "train-transport", type = "item-with-entity-data" }, spidertron = { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/spidertron.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, icon_tintable = "__base__/graphics/icons/spidertron-tintable.png", icon_tintable_mask = "__base__/graphics/icons/spidertron-tintable-mask.png", name = "spidertron", order = "b[personal-transport]-c[spidertron]-a[spider]", place_result = "spidertron", stack_size = 1, subgroup = "transport", type = "item-with-entity-data" }, tank = { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/tank.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "tank", order = "b[personal-transport]-b[tank]", place_result = "tank", stack_size = 1, subgroup = "transport", type = "item-with-entity-data" } }, ["item-with-inventory"] = { ["item-with-inventory"] = { flags = { "hidden" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/wooden-chest.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, inventory_size = 1, name = "item-with-inventory", order = "s[item-with-inventory]-o[item-with-inventory]", stack_size = 1, subgroup = "other", type = "item-with-inventory" } }, ["item-with-label"] = { ["item-with-label"] = { flags = { "hidden" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/wooden-chest.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "item-with-label", order = "s[item-with-label]-o[item-with-label]", stack_size = 1, subgroup = "other", type = "item-with-label" } }, ["item-with-tags"] = { ["item-with-tags"] = { flags = { "hidden" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/wooden-chest.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "item-with-tags", order = "s[item-with-tags]-o[item-with-tags]", stack_size = 1, subgroup = "other", type = "item-with-tags" } }, ["kill-achievement"] = { pyromaniac = { amount = 10000, damage_type = "fire", icon = "__base__/graphics/achievement/pyromaniac.png", icon_size = 128, name = "pyromaniac", order = "e[kill]-b[pyromaniac]", steam_stats_name = "trees-destroyed-by-fire", type = "kill-achievement", type_to_kill = "tree" }, ["run-forrest-run"] = { amount = 100, damage_type = "impact", icon = "__base__/graphics/achievement/run-forrest-run.png", icon_size = 128, in_vehicle = true, name = "run-forrest-run", order = "e[kill]-c[run-forrest-run]", personally = true, steam_stats_name = "trees-destroyed-by-impact", type = "kill-achievement", type_to_kill = "tree" }, steamrolled = { amount = 10, damage_type = "impact", icon = "__base__/graphics/achievement/steamrolled.png", icon_size = 128, in_vehicle = true, name = "steamrolled", order = "e[kill]-a[steamrolled]", personally = true, steam_stats_name = "spawners-killed-by-impact", type = "kill-achievement", type_to_kill = "unit-spawner" } }, lab = { lab = { close_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.close_sound ]=], collision_box = { { -1.2, -1.2 }, { 1.2, 1.2 } }, corpse = "lab-remnants", damaged_trigger_effect = { damage_type_filters = "fire", entity_name = "spark-explosion", offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, offsets = { { 0, 1 } }, type = "create-entity" }, dying_explosion = "lab-explosion", energy_source = { type = "electric", usage_priority = "secondary-input" }, energy_usage = "60kW", flags = { "placeable-player", "player-creation" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/lab.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, inputs = { "automation-science-pack", "logistic-science-pack", "military-science-pack", "chemical-science-pack", "production-science-pack", "utility-science-pack", "space-science-pack" }, max_health = 150, minable = { mining_time = 0.2, result = "lab" }, module_specification = { module_info_icon_shift = { 0, 0.9 }, module_slots = 2 }, name = "lab", off_animation = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/lab/lab.png", frame_count = 1, height = 87, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/lab/hr-lab.png", frame_count = 1, height = 174, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, 0.046875 }, width = 194 }, shift = { 0, 0.046875 }, width = 98 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/lab/lab-integration.png", frame_count = 1, height = 81, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/lab/hr-lab-integration.png", frame_count = 1, height = 162, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, 0.484375 }, width = 242 }, shift = { 0, 0.484375 }, width = 122 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/lab/lab-shadow.png", frame_count = 1, height = 68, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/lab/hr-lab-shadow.png", frame_count = 1, height = 136, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.40625, 0.34375 }, width = 242 }, shift = { 0.40625, 0.34375 }, width = 122 } } }, on_animation = { layers = { { animation_speed = 0.3333333333333333, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/lab/lab.png", frame_count = 33, height = 87, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.3333333333333333, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/lab/hr-lab.png", frame_count = 33, height = 174, line_length = 11, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, 0.046875 }, width = 194 }, line_length = 11, shift = { 0, 0.046875 }, width = 98 }, { animation_speed = 0.3333333333333333, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/lab/lab-integration.png", frame_count = 1, height = 81, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.3333333333333333, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/lab/hr-lab-integration.png", frame_count = 1, height = 162, line_length = 1, repeat_count = 33, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, 0.484375 }, width = 242 }, line_length = 1, repeat_count = 33, shift = { 0, 0.484375 }, width = 122 }, { animation_speed = 0.3333333333333333, blend_mode = "additive", draw_as_light = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/lab/lab-light.png", frame_count = 33, height = 100, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.3333333333333333, blend_mode = "additive", draw_as_light = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/lab/hr-lab-light.png", frame_count = 33, height = 194, line_length = 11, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, 0 }, width = 216 }, line_length = 11, shift = { -0.03125, 0.03125 }, width = 106 }, { animation_speed = 0.3333333333333333, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/lab/lab-shadow.png", frame_count = 1, height = 68, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.3333333333333333, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/lab/hr-lab-shadow.png", frame_count = 1, height = 136, line_length = 1, repeat_count = 33, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.40625, 0.34375 }, width = 242 }, line_length = 1, repeat_count = 33, shift = { 0.40625, 0.34375 }, width = 122 } } }, open_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.open_sound ]=], researching_speed = 1, selection_box = { { -1.5, -1.5 }, { 1.5, 1.5 } }, type = "lab", vehicle_impact_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.vehicle_impact_sound ]=], working_sound = { audible_distance_modifier = 0.7, fade_in_ticks = 4, fade_out_ticks = 20, sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/lab.ogg", volume = 0.7 } } } }, lamp = { ["small-lamp"] = { circuit_connector_sprites = { blue_led_light_offset = { 0.171875, 0.53125 }, connector_main = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04a-base-sequence.png", height = 50, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.140625, 0.265625 }, width = 52, x = 104, y = 150 }, connector_shadow = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04b-base-shadow-sequence.png", height = 46, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1875, 0.3125 }, width = 62, x = 124, y = 138 }, led_blue = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04e-blue-LED-on-sequence.png", height = 60, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.140625, 0.234375 }, width = 60, x = 120, y = 180 }, led_blue_off = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04f-blue-LED-off-sequence.png", height = 44, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.140625, 0.234375 }, width = 46, x = 92, y = 132 }, led_green = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04h-green-LED-sequence.png", height = 46, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.140625, 0.234375 }, width = 48, x = 96, y = 138 }, led_light = { intensity = 0, size = 0.9 }, led_red = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04i-red-LED-sequence.png", height = 46, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.140625, 0.234375 }, width = 48, x = 96, y = 138 }, red_green_led_light_offset = { 0.15625, 0.421875 }, wire_pins = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04c-wire-sequence.png", height = 58, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.140625, 0.234375 }, width = 62, x = 124, y = 174 }, wire_pins_shadow = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04d-wire-shadow-sequence.png", height = 54, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.296875, 0.359375 }, width = 70, x = 140, y = 162 } }, circuit_wire_connection_point = { shadow = { green = { 0.546875, 0.609375 }, red = { 0.765625, 0.5625 } }, wire = { green = { 0.5, 0.515625 }, red = { 0.4375, 0.28125 } } }, circuit_wire_max_distance = 9, close_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.close_sound ]=], collision_box = { { -0.15, -0.15 }, { 0.15, 0.15 } }, corpse = "lamp-remnants", damaged_trigger_effect = { damage_type_filters = "fire", entity_name = "spark-explosion", offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, offsets = { { 0, 1 } }, type = "create-entity" }, darkness_for_all_lamps_off = 0.3, darkness_for_all_lamps_on = 0.5, dying_explosion = "lamp-explosion", energy_source = { type = "electric", usage_priority = "lamp" }, energy_usage_per_tick = "5KW", flags = { "placeable-neutral", "player-creation" }, glow_color_intensity = 1, glow_render_mode = "multiplicative", glow_size = 6, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/small-lamp.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, light = { color = { b = 0.75, g = 1, r = 1 }, intensity = 0.9, size = 40 }, light_when_colored = { color = { b = 0.75, g = 1, r = 1 }, intensity = 0, size = 6 }, max_health = 100, minable = { mining_time = 0.1, result = "small-lamp" }, name = "small-lamp", open_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.open_sound ]=], picture_off = { layers = { { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/small-lamp/lamp.png", frame_count = 1, height = 36, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/small-lamp/hr-lamp.png", frame_count = 1, height = 70, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0078125, 0.09375 }, width = 83 }, priority = "high", shift = { 0, 0.09375 }, width = 42 }, { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/small-lamp/lamp-shadow.png", frame_count = 1, height = 24, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/small-lamp/hr-lamp-shadow.png", frame_count = 1, height = 47, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.125, 0.1484375 }, width = 76 }, priority = "high", shift = { 0.125, 0.15625 }, width = 38 } } }, picture_on = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/small-lamp/lamp-light.png", frame_count = 1, height = 40, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/small-lamp/hr-lamp-light.png", frame_count = 1, height = 78, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.21875 }, width = 90 }, priority = "high", shift = { 0, -0.21875 }, width = 46 }, selection_box = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, signal_to_color_mapping = { { color = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 1 }, name = "signal-red", type = "virtual" }, { color = { b = 0, g = 1, r = 0 }, name = "signal-green", type = "virtual" }, { color = { b = 1, g = 0, r = 0 }, name = "signal-blue", type = "virtual" }, { color = { b = 0, g = 1, r = 1 }, name = "signal-yellow", type = "virtual" }, { color = { b = 1, g = 0, r = 1 }, name = "signal-pink", type = "virtual" }, { color = { b = 1, g = 1, r = 0 }, name = "signal-cyan", type = "virtual" }, { color = { b = 1, g = 1, r = 1 }, name = "signal-white", type = "virtual" } }, type = "lamp", vehicle_impact_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.vehicle_impact_sound ]=] } }, ["land-mine"] = { ["land-mine"] = { action = { action_delivery = { source_effects = { { action = { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { damage = { amount = 250, type = "explosion" }, type = "damage" }, { sticker = "stun-sticker", type = "create-sticker" } }, type = "instant" }, force = "enemy", radius = 6, type = "area" }, affects_target = true, type = "nested-result" }, { entity_name = "explosion", type = "create-entity" }, { damage = { amount = 1000, type = "explosion" }, type = "damage" } }, type = "instant" }, type = "direct" }, ammo_category = "landmine", close_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.close_sound ]=], collision_box = { { -0.4, -0.4 }, { 0.4, 0.4 } }, corpse = "land-mine-remnants", damaged_trigger_effect = { damage_type_filters = "fire", entity_name = "spark-explosion", offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, offsets = { { 0, 1 } }, type = "create-entity" }, dying_explosion = "land-mine-explosion", flags = { "placeable-player", "placeable-enemy", "player-creation", "placeable-off-grid", "not-on-map" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/land-mine.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, max_health = 15, minable = { mining_time = 0.5, result = "land-mine" }, mined_sound = { switch_vibration_data = { filename = "__core__/sound/deconstruct-small.bnvib", gain = 0.25 }, variations = { { filename = "__core__/sound/deconstruct-small.ogg", volume = 1 } } }, name = "land-mine", open_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.open_sound ]=], picture_safe = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/land-mine/hr-land-mine.png", height = 64, priority = "medium", scale = 0.5, width = 64 }, picture_set = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/land-mine/hr-land-mine-set.png", height = 64, priority = "medium", scale = 0.5, width = 64 }, picture_set_enemy = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/land-mine/land-mine-set-enemy.png", height = 32, priority = "medium", width = 32 }, selection_box = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, trigger_radius = 2.5, type = "land-mine" } }, ["leaf-particle"] = { ["leaf-particle-for-migration"] = { name = "leaf-particle-for-migration", type = "leaf-particle" } }, ["linked-belt"] = { ["linked-belt"] = { allow_blueprint_connection = true, allow_clone_connection = true, allow_side_loading = false, animation_speed_coefficient = 32, belt_animation_set = { animation_set = { direction_count = 20, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/transport-belt/transport-belt.png", frame_count = 16, height = 64, hr_version = { direction_count = 20, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/transport-belt/hr-transport-belt.png", frame_count = 16, height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 } }, close_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.close_sound ]=], collision_box = { { -0.4, -0.4 }, { 0.4, 0.4 } }, corpse = "underground-belt-remnants", damaged_trigger_effect = { damage_type_filters = "fire", entity_name = "spark-explosion", offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, offsets = { { 0, 1 } }, type = "create-entity" }, dying_explosion = "underground-belt-explosion", fast_replaceable_group = "linked-belts", flags = { "placeable-neutral", "player-creation" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/linked-belt.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, max_health = 160, minable = { mining_time = 0.1, result = "linked-belt" }, name = "linked-belt", open_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.open_sound ]=], resistances = { { percent = 60, type = "fire" }, { percent = 30, type = "impact" } }, selection_box = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, speed = 0.03125, structure = { back_patch = { sheet = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/underground-belt/underground-belt-structure-back-patch.png", height = 96, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/underground-belt/hr-underground-belt-structure-back-patch.png", height = 192, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 192 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 96 } }, direction_in = { sheet = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/linked-belt/linked-belt-structure.png", height = 96, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/linked-belt/hr-linked-belt-structure.png", height = 192, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 192, y = 192 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 96, y = 96 } }, direction_in_side_loading = { sheet = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/linked-belt/linked-belt-structure.png", height = 96, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/linked-belt/hr-linked-belt-structure.png", height = 192, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 192, y = 576 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 96, y = 288 } }, direction_out = { sheet = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/linked-belt/linked-belt-structure.png", height = 96, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/linked-belt/hr-linked-belt-structure.png", height = 192, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 192 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 96 } }, direction_out_side_loading = { sheet = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/linked-belt/linked-belt-structure.png", height = 96, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/linked-belt/hr-linked-belt-structure.png", height = 192, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 192, y = 384 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 96, y = 192 } }, front_patch = { sheet = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/underground-belt/underground-belt-structure-front-patch.png", height = 96, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/underground-belt/hr-underground-belt-structure-front-patch.png", height = 192, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 192 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 96 } } }, structure_render_layer = "object", type = "linked-belt", working_sound = { audible_distance_modifier = 0.5, max_sounds_per_type = 2, persistent = true, sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/underground-belt.ogg", volume = 0.2 }, use_doppler_shift = false } } }, ["linked-container"] = { ["linked-chest"] = { close_sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/wooden-chest-close.ogg", volume = 0.6 }, collision_box = { { -0.35, -0.35 }, { 0.35, 0.35 } }, corpse = "wooden-chest-remnants", damaged_trigger_effect = { damage_type_filters = "fire", entity_name = "spark-explosion", offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, offsets = { { 0, 1 } }, type = "create-entity" }, dying_explosion = "wooden-chest-explosion", fast_replaceable_group = "container", flags = { "placeable-neutral", "player-creation" }, gui_mode = "admins", icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/linked-chest-icon.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, inventory_size = 16, max_health = 100, minable = { mining_time = 0.1, result = "linked-chest" }, name = "linked-chest", open_sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/wooden-chest-open.ogg", volume = 0.6 }, picture = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/linked-chest/linked-chest.png", frame_count = 7, height = 38, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/linked-chest/hr-linked-chest.png", frame_count = 7, height = 74, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.0625 }, width = 66 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0, -0.0625 }, width = 34 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/linked-chest/linked-chest-shadow.png", height = 24, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/linked-chest/hr-linked-chest-shadow.png", height = 46, priority = "extra-high", repeat_count = 7, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.375, 0.140625 }, width = 112 }, priority = "extra-high", repeat_count = 7, shift = { 0.375, 0.15625 }, width = 56 } } }, selection_box = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, type = "linked-container", vehicle_impact_sound = { game_controller_vibration_data = { duration = 150, low_frequency_vibration_intensity = 0.45 }, switch_vibration_data = { filename = "__base__/sound/car-wood-impact.bnvib", gain = 0.5 }, variations = { { filename = "__base__/sound/car-wood-impact.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/car-wood-impact-02.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/car-wood-impact-03.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/car-wood-impact-04.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/car-wood-impact-05.ogg", volume = 0.5 } } } } }, loader = { ["express-loader"] = { animation_speed_coefficient = 32, belt_animation_set = { animation_set = { direction_count = 20, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/express-transport-belt/express-transport-belt.png", frame_count = 32, height = 64, hr_version = { direction_count = 20, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/express-transport-belt/hr-express-transport-belt.png", frame_count = 32, height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 } }, close_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.close_sound ]=], collision_box = { { -0.4, -0.9 }, { 0.4, 0.9 } }, corpse = "small-remnants", damaged_trigger_effect = { damage_type_filters = "fire", entity_name = "spark-explosion", offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, offsets = { { 0, 1 } }, type = "create-entity" }, fast_replaceable_group = "loader", filter_count = 5, flags = { "placeable-neutral", "player-creation", "fast-replaceable-no-build-while-moving", "hidden" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/express-loader.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, max_health = 170, minable = { mining_time = 0.1, result = "express-loader" }, name = "express-loader", open_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.open_sound ]=], resistances = { { percent = 60, type = "fire" } }, selection_box = { { -0.5, -1 }, { 0.5, 1 } }, speed = 0.09375, structure = { direction_in = { sheet = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/loader/loader-structure.png", height = 64, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 } }, direction_out = { sheet = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/loader/loader-structure.png", height = 64, priority = "extra-high", width = 64, y = 64 } } }, structure_render_layer = "lower-object", type = "loader", working_sound = { audible_distance_modifier = 0.45, max_sounds_per_type = 3, sound = { { filename = "__base__/sound/express-transport-belt.ogg", volume = 0.3 } } } }, ["fast-loader"] = { animation_speed_coefficient = 32, belt_animation_set = { animation_set = { direction_count = 20, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/fast-transport-belt/fast-transport-belt.png", frame_count = 32, height = 64, hr_version = { direction_count = 20, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/fast-transport-belt/hr-fast-transport-belt.png", frame_count = 32, height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 } }, close_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.close_sound ]=], collision_box = { { -0.4, -0.9 }, { 0.4, 0.9 } }, corpse = "small-remnants", damaged_trigger_effect = { damage_type_filters = "fire", entity_name = "spark-explosion", offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, offsets = { { 0, 1 } }, type = "create-entity" }, fast_replaceable_group = "loader", filter_count = 5, flags = { "placeable-neutral", "player-creation", "fast-replaceable-no-build-while-moving", "hidden" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/fast-loader.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, max_health = 170, minable = { mining_time = 0.1, result = "fast-loader" }, name = "fast-loader", open_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.open_sound ]=], resistances = { { percent = 60, type = "fire" } }, selection_box = { { -0.5, -1 }, { 0.5, 1 } }, speed = 0.0625, structure = { direction_in = { sheet = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/loader/loader-structure.png", height = 64, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 } }, direction_out = { sheet = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/loader/loader-structure.png", height = 64, priority = "extra-high", width = 64, y = 64 } } }, structure_render_layer = "lower-object", type = "loader", working_sound = { audible_distance_modifier = 0.45, max_sounds_per_type = 3, sound = { { filename = "__base__/sound/fast-transport-belt.ogg", volume = 0.3 } } } }, loader = { animation_speed_coefficient = 32, belt_animation_set = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["linked-belt"]["linked-belt"].belt_animation_set ]=], close_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.close_sound ]=], collision_box = { { -0.4, -0.9 }, { 0.4, 0.9 } }, corpse = "small-remnants", fast_replaceable_group = "loader", filter_count = 5, flags = { "placeable-neutral", "player-creation", "fast-replaceable-no-build-while-moving", "hidden" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/loader.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, max_health = 170, minable = { mining_time = 0.1, result = "loader" }, name = "loader", open_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.open_sound ]=], resistances = { { percent = 60, type = "fire" } }, selection_box = { { -0.5, -1 }, { 0.5, 1 } }, speed = 0.03125, structure = { direction_in = { sheet = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/loader/loader-structure.png", height = 64, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 } }, direction_out = { sheet = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/loader/loader-structure.png", height = 64, priority = "extra-high", width = 64, y = 64 } } }, structure_render_layer = "lower-object", type = "loader", working_sound = { audible_distance_modifier = 0.45, max_sounds_per_type = 3, sound = { { filename = "__base__/sound/transport-belt.ogg", volume = 0.3 } } } } }, ["loader-1x1"] = { ["loader-1x1"] = { animation_speed_coefficient = 32, belt_animation_set = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["linked-belt"]["linked-belt"].belt_animation_set ]=], collision_box = { { -0.4, -0.4 }, { 0.4, 0.4 } }, container_distance = 1, filter_count = 5, flags = { "hidden" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/loader.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, max_health = 170, name = "loader-1x1", selection_box = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, speed = 0.03125, structure = { direction_in = { sheet = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/loader/loader-structure.png", height = 64, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 } }, direction_out = { sheet = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/loader/loader-structure.png", height = 64, priority = "extra-high", width = 64, y = 64 } } }, structure_render_layer = "lower-object", subgroup = "other", type = "loader-1x1" } }, locomotive = { locomotive = { air_resistance = 0.0075, alert_icon_shift = { 0, -0.75 }, back_light = { { add_perspective = true, color = { a = 0, b = 0.05, g = 0.1, r = 1 }, intensity = 0.6, minimum_darkness = 0.3, shift = { -0.6, 3.5 }, size = 2 }, { add_perspective = true, color = { a = 0, b = 0.05, g = 0.1, r = 1 }, intensity = 0.6, minimum_darkness = 0.3, shift = { 0.6, 3.5 }, size = 2 } }, braking_force = 10, burner = { effectivity = 1, fuel_category = "chemical", fuel_inventory_size = 3, smoke = { { deviation = { 0.3, 0.3 }, frequency = 100, height = 2, height_deviation = 0.5, name = "train-smoke", position = { 0, 0 }, starting_frame = 0, starting_frame_deviation = 60, starting_vertical_speed = 0.2, starting_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.1 } } }, close_sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/train-door-close.ogg", volume = 0.4 }, collision_box = { { -0.6, -2.6000000000000001 }, { 0.6, 2.6000000000000001 } }, color = { a = 0.5, b = 0, g = 0.070000000000000009, r = 0.92000000000000011 }, connection_distance = 3, corpse = "locomotive-remnants", damaged_trigger_effect = { damage_type_filters = "fire", entity_name = "spark-explosion", offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, offsets = { { 0, 1 } }, type = "create-entity" }, drawing_box = { { -1, -4 }, { 1, 3 } }, drive_over_tie_trigger = { sound = { { filename = "__base__/sound/train-tie-1.ogg", volume = 0.4 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/train-tie-2.ogg", volume = 0.4 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/train-tie-3.ogg", volume = 0.4 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/train-tie-4.ogg", volume = 0.4 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/train-tie-5.ogg", volume = 0.4 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/train-tie-6.ogg", volume = 0.4 } }, type = "play-sound" }, dying_explosion = "locomotive-explosion", energy_per_hit_point = 5, flags = { "placeable-neutral", "player-creation", "placeable-off-grid" }, friction_force = 0.5, front_light = { { color = { b = 0.9, g = 0.9, r = 1 }, intensity = 0.6, minimum_darkness = 0.3, picture = { filename = "__core__/graphics/light-cone.png", flags = { "light" }, height = 200, priority = "extra-high", scale = 2, width = 200 }, shift = { -0.6, -16 }, size = 2, type = "oriented" }, { color = { b = 0.9, g = 0.9, r = 1 }, intensity = 0.6, minimum_darkness = 0.3, picture = { filename = "__core__/graphics/light-cone.png", flags = { "light" }, height = 200, priority = "extra-high", scale = 2, width = 200 }, shift = { 0.6, -16 }, size = 2, type = "oriented" } }, front_light_pictures = { layers = { { allow_low_quality_rotation = true, blend_mode = "additive", direction_count = 256, draw_as_light = true, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/diesel-locomotive/diesel-locomotive-light-front-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/diesel-locomotive/diesel-locomotive-light-front-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/diesel-locomotive/diesel-locomotive-light-front-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/diesel-locomotive/diesel-locomotive-light-front-04.png" }, height = 212, hr_version = { allow_low_quality_rotation = true, blend_mode = "additive", direction_count = 256, draw_as_light = true, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/diesel-locomotive/hr-diesel-locomotive-light-front-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/diesel-locomotive/hr-diesel-locomotive-light-front-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/diesel-locomotive/hr-diesel-locomotive-light-front-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/diesel-locomotive/hr-diesel-locomotive-light-front-04.png" }, height = 420, line_length = 8, lines_per_file = 8, priority = "very-low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.78125 }, width = 458 }, line_length = 8, lines_per_file = 8, priority = "very-low", shift = { 0, -0.8125 }, width = 230 }, { allow_low_quality_rotation = true, blend_mode = "additive", direction_count = 256, draw_as_light = true, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/diesel-locomotive/diesel-locomotive-light-top-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/diesel-locomotive/diesel-locomotive-light-top-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/diesel-locomotive/diesel-locomotive-light-top-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/diesel-locomotive/diesel-locomotive-light-top-04.png" }, height = 108, hr_version = { allow_low_quality_rotation = true, blend_mode = "additive", direction_count = 256, draw_as_light = true, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/diesel-locomotive/hr-diesel-locomotive-light-top-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/diesel-locomotive/hr-diesel-locomotive-light-top-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/diesel-locomotive/hr-diesel-locomotive-light-top-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/diesel-locomotive/hr-diesel-locomotive-light-top-04.png" }, height = 220, line_length = 8, lines_per_file = 8, priority = "very-low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03125, -1.28125 }, width = 258 }, line_length = 8, lines_per_file = 8, priority = "very-low", shift = { 0.0625, -1.3125 }, width = 124 } } }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/locomotive.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, joint_distance = 4, max_health = 1000, max_power = "600kW", max_speed = 1.2, minable = { mining_time = 0.5, result = "locomotive" }, mined_sound = { switch_vibration_data = { filename = "__core__/sound/deconstruct-large.bnvib", gain = 0.25 }, variations = { { filename = "__core__/sound/deconstruct-large.ogg", volume = 0.8 } } }, minimap_representation = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/diesel-locomotive/diesel-locomotive-minimap-representation.png", flags = { "icon" }, scale = 0.5, size = { 20, 40 } }, name = "locomotive", open_sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/train-door-open.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, pictures = { layers = { { allow_low_quality_rotation = true, dice = 4, direction_count = 256, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/diesel-locomotive/diesel-locomotive-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/diesel-locomotive/diesel-locomotive-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/diesel-locomotive/diesel-locomotive-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/diesel-locomotive/diesel-locomotive-04.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/diesel-locomotive/diesel-locomotive-05.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/diesel-locomotive/diesel-locomotive-06.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/diesel-locomotive/diesel-locomotive-07.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/diesel-locomotive/diesel-locomotive-08.png" }, height = 230, hr_version = { allow_low_quality_rotation = true, dice = 4, direction_count = 256, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/diesel-locomotive/hr-diesel-locomotive-1.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/diesel-locomotive/hr-diesel-locomotive-2.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/diesel-locomotive/hr-diesel-locomotive-3.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/diesel-locomotive/hr-diesel-locomotive-4.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/diesel-locomotive/hr-diesel-locomotive-5.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/diesel-locomotive/hr-diesel-locomotive-6.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/diesel-locomotive/hr-diesel-locomotive-7.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/diesel-locomotive/hr-diesel-locomotive-8.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/diesel-locomotive/hr-diesel-locomotive-9.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/diesel-locomotive/hr-diesel-locomotive-10.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/diesel-locomotive/hr-diesel-locomotive-11.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/diesel-locomotive/hr-diesel-locomotive-12.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/diesel-locomotive/hr-diesel-locomotive-13.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/diesel-locomotive/hr-diesel-locomotive-14.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/diesel-locomotive/hr-diesel-locomotive-15.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/diesel-locomotive/hr-diesel-locomotive-16.png" }, height = 458, line_length = 4, lines_per_file = 4, priority = "very-low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.5 }, width = 474 }, line_length = 4, lines_per_file = 8, priority = "very-low", shift = { 0, -0.5 }, width = 238 }, { allow_low_quality_rotation = true, apply_runtime_tint = true, dice = 4, direction_count = 256, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/diesel-locomotive/diesel-locomotive-mask-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/diesel-locomotive/diesel-locomotive-mask-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/diesel-locomotive/diesel-locomotive-mask-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/diesel-locomotive/diesel-locomotive-mask-04.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/diesel-locomotive/diesel-locomotive-mask-05.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/diesel-locomotive/diesel-locomotive-mask-06.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/diesel-locomotive/diesel-locomotive-mask-07.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/diesel-locomotive/diesel-locomotive-mask-08.png" }, flags = { "mask" }, height = 228, hr_version = { allow_low_quality_rotation = true, apply_runtime_tint = true, dice = 4, direction_count = 256, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/diesel-locomotive/hr-diesel-locomotive-mask-1.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/diesel-locomotive/hr-diesel-locomotive-mask-2.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/diesel-locomotive/hr-diesel-locomotive-mask-3.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/diesel-locomotive/hr-diesel-locomotive-mask-4.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/diesel-locomotive/hr-diesel-locomotive-mask-5.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/diesel-locomotive/hr-diesel-locomotive-mask-6.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/diesel-locomotive/hr-diesel-locomotive-mask-7.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/diesel-locomotive/hr-diesel-locomotive-mask-8.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/diesel-locomotive/hr-diesel-locomotive-mask-9.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/diesel-locomotive/hr-diesel-locomotive-mask-10.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/diesel-locomotive/hr-diesel-locomotive-mask-11.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/diesel-locomotive/hr-diesel-locomotive-mask-12.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/diesel-locomotive/hr-diesel-locomotive-mask-13.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/diesel-locomotive/hr-diesel-locomotive-mask-14.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/diesel-locomotive/hr-diesel-locomotive-mask-15.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/diesel-locomotive/hr-diesel-locomotive-mask-16.png" }, flags = { "mask" }, height = 456, line_length = 4, lines_per_file = 4, priority = "very-low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.5 }, width = 472 }, line_length = 4, lines_per_file = 8, priority = "very-low", shift = { 0, -0.5 }, width = 236 }, { allow_low_quality_rotation = true, dice = 4, direction_count = 256, draw_as_shadow = true, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/diesel-locomotive/diesel-locomotive-shadow-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/diesel-locomotive/diesel-locomotive-shadow-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/diesel-locomotive/diesel-locomotive-shadow-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/diesel-locomotive/diesel-locomotive-shadow-04.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/diesel-locomotive/diesel-locomotive-shadow-05.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/diesel-locomotive/diesel-locomotive-shadow-06.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/diesel-locomotive/diesel-locomotive-shadow-07.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/diesel-locomotive/diesel-locomotive-shadow-08.png" }, flags = { "shadow" }, height = 212, line_length = 4, lines_per_file = 8, priority = "very-low", shift = { 1, 0.3 }, width = 253 } } }, resistances = { { decrease = 15, percent = 50, type = "fire" }, { decrease = 15, percent = 30, type = "physical" }, { decrease = 50, percent = 60, type = "impact" }, { decrease = 15, percent = 30, type = "explosion" }, { decrease = 3, percent = 20, type = "acid" } }, reversing_power_modifier = 0.6, selected_minimap_representation = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/diesel-locomotive/diesel-locomotive-selected-minimap-representation.png", flags = { "icon" }, scale = 0.5, size = { 20, 40 } }, selection_box = { { -1, -3 }, { 1, 3 } }, sound_minimum_speed = 0.5, sound_scaling_ratio = 0.35, stand_by_light = { { add_perspective = true, color = { a = 0, b = 1, g = 0.2, r = 0.05 }, intensity = 0.5, minimum_darkness = 0.3, shift = { -0.6, -3.5 }, size = 2 }, { add_perspective = true, color = { a = 0, b = 1, g = 0.2, r = 0.05 }, intensity = 0.5, minimum_darkness = 0.3, shift = { 0.6, -3.5 }, size = 2 } }, stop_trigger = { { initial_height = 0, offset_deviation = { { -0.75, -2.7000000000000002 }, { -0.3, 2.7000000000000002 } }, repeat_count = 125, smoke_name = "smoke-train-stop", speed = { -0.03, 0 }, speed_multiplier = 0.75, speed_multiplier_deviation = 1.1000000000000001, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, { initial_height = 0, offset_deviation = { { 0.3, -2.7000000000000002 }, { 0.75, 2.7000000000000002 } }, repeat_count = 125, smoke_name = "smoke-train-stop", speed = { 0.03, 0 }, speed_multiplier = 0.75, speed_multiplier_deviation = 1.1000000000000001, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, { sound = { { filename = "__base__/sound/train-breaks.ogg", volume = 0.3 } }, type = "play-sound" }, { sound = { { filename = "__base__/sound/train-brake-screech.ogg", volume = 0.3 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/train-brake-screech-1.ogg", volume = 0.3 } }, type = "play-sound" } }, tie_distance = 50, type = "locomotive", vehicle_impact_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.vehicle_impact_sound ]=], vertical_selection_shift = -0.5, water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = false, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/diesel-locomotive/diesel-locomotive-reflection.png", height = 52, priority = "extra-high", scale = 5, shift = { 0, 1.25 }, variation_count = 1, width = 20 }, rotate = true }, weight = 2000, wheels = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["artillery-wagon"]["artillery-wagon"].wheels ]=], working_sound = { deactivate_sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/train-engine-stop.ogg", volume = 0 }, match_speed_to_activity = true, max_sounds_per_type = 2, sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/train-engine.ogg", volume = 0.35 } } } }, ["logistic-container"] = { ["logistic-chest-active-provider"] = { animation = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/logistic-chest/logistic-chest-active-provider.png", frame_count = 7, height = 38, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/logistic-chest/hr-logistic-chest-active-provider.png", frame_count = 7, height = 74, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.0625 }, width = 66 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0, -0.0625 }, width = 34 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/logistic-chest/logistic-chest-shadow.png", height = 24, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/logistic-chest/hr-logistic-chest-shadow.png", height = 46, priority = "extra-high", repeat_count = 7, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.375, 0.140625 }, width = 112 }, priority = "extra-high", repeat_count = 7, shift = { 0.375, 0.15625 }, width = 56 } } }, animation_sound = { { filename = "__base__/sound/passive-provider-chest-open-1.ogg", volume = 0.3 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/passive-provider-chest-open-2.ogg", volume = 0.3 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/passive-provider-chest-open-3.ogg", volume = 0.3 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/passive-provider-chest-open-4.ogg", volume = 0.3 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/passive-provider-chest-open-5.ogg", volume = 0.3 } }, circuit_connector_sprites = 0 --[=[ ref [""].container["crash-site-chest-1"].circuit_connector_sprites ]=], circuit_wire_connection_point = 0 --[=[ ref [""].container["crash-site-chest-1"].circuit_wire_connection_point ]=], circuit_wire_max_distance = 9, close_sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/metallic-chest-close.ogg", volume = 0.42999999999999998 }, collision_box = { { -0.35, -0.35 }, { 0.35, 0.35 } }, corpse = "active-provider-chest-remnants", damaged_trigger_effect = { damage_type_filters = "fire", entity_name = "spark-explosion", offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, offsets = { { 0, 1 } }, type = "create-entity" }, dying_explosion = "active-provider-chest-explosion", fast_replaceable_group = "container", flags = { "placeable-player", "player-creation" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/logistic-chest-active-provider.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, inventory_size = 48, logistic_mode = "active-provider", max_health = 350, minable = { mining_time = 0.1, result = "logistic-chest-active-provider" }, name = "logistic-chest-active-provider", open_sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/metallic-chest-open.ogg", volume = 0.42999999999999998 }, opened_duration = 7, resistances = { { percent = 90, type = "fire" }, { percent = 60, type = "impact" } }, selection_box = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, type = "logistic-container", vehicle_impact_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.vehicle_impact_sound ]=] }, ["logistic-chest-buffer"] = { animation = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/logistic-chest/logistic-chest-buffer.png", frame_count = 7, height = 38, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/logistic-chest/hr-logistic-chest-buffer.png", frame_count = 7, height = 72, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.0625 }, width = 66 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0, -0.0625 }, width = 34 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/logistic-chest/logistic-chest-shadow.png", height = 24, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/logistic-chest/hr-logistic-chest-shadow.png", height = 46, priority = "extra-high", repeat_count = 7, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.375, 0.140625 }, width = 112 }, priority = "extra-high", repeat_count = 7, shift = { 0.375, 0.15625 }, width = 56 } } }, animation_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["logistic-container"]["logistic-chest-active-provider"].animation_sound ]=], circuit_connector_sprites = 0 --[=[ ref [""].container["crash-site-chest-1"].circuit_connector_sprites ]=], circuit_wire_connection_point = 0 --[=[ ref [""].container["crash-site-chest-1"].circuit_wire_connection_point ]=], circuit_wire_max_distance = 9, close_sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/metallic-chest-close.ogg", volume = 0.42999999999999998 }, collision_box = { { -0.35, -0.35 }, { 0.35, 0.35 } }, corpse = "buffer-chest-remnants", damaged_trigger_effect = { damage_type_filters = "fire", entity_name = "spark-explosion", offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, offsets = { { 0, 1 } }, type = "create-entity" }, dying_explosion = "buffer-chest-explosion", fast_replaceable_group = "container", flags = { "placeable-player", "player-creation" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/logistic-chest-buffer.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, inventory_size = 48, logistic_mode = "buffer", max_health = 350, minable = { mining_time = 0.1, result = "logistic-chest-buffer" }, name = "logistic-chest-buffer", open_sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/metallic-chest-open.ogg", volume = 0.42999999999999998 }, opened_duration = 7, resistances = { { percent = 90, type = "fire" }, { percent = 60, type = "impact" } }, selection_box = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, type = "logistic-container", vehicle_impact_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.vehicle_impact_sound ]=] }, ["logistic-chest-passive-provider"] = { animation = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/logistic-chest/logistic-chest-passive-provider.png", frame_count = 7, height = 38, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/logistic-chest/hr-logistic-chest-passive-provider.png", frame_count = 7, height = 74, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.0625 }, width = 66 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0, -0.0625 }, width = 34 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/logistic-chest/logistic-chest-shadow.png", height = 24, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/logistic-chest/hr-logistic-chest-shadow.png", height = 46, priority = "extra-high", repeat_count = 7, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.375, 0.140625 }, width = 112 }, priority = "extra-high", repeat_count = 7, shift = { 0.375, 0.15625 }, width = 56 } } }, animation_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["logistic-container"]["logistic-chest-active-provider"].animation_sound ]=], circuit_connector_sprites = 0 --[=[ ref [""].container["crash-site-chest-1"].circuit_connector_sprites ]=], circuit_wire_connection_point = 0 --[=[ ref [""].container["crash-site-chest-1"].circuit_wire_connection_point ]=], circuit_wire_max_distance = 9, close_sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/metallic-chest-close.ogg", volume = 0.42999999999999998 }, collision_box = { { -0.35, -0.35 }, { 0.35, 0.35 } }, corpse = "passive-provider-chest-remnants", damaged_trigger_effect = { damage_type_filters = "fire", entity_name = "spark-explosion", offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, offsets = { { 0, 1 } }, type = "create-entity" }, dying_explosion = "passive-provider-chest-explosion", fast_replaceable_group = "container", flags = { "placeable-player", "player-creation" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/logistic-chest-passive-provider.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, inventory_size = 48, logistic_mode = "passive-provider", max_health = 350, minable = { mining_time = 0.1, result = "logistic-chest-passive-provider" }, name = "logistic-chest-passive-provider", open_sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/metallic-chest-open.ogg", volume = 0.42999999999999998 }, opened_duration = 7, resistances = { { percent = 90, type = "fire" }, { percent = 60, type = "impact" } }, selection_box = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, type = "logistic-container", vehicle_impact_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.vehicle_impact_sound ]=] }, ["logistic-chest-requester"] = { animation = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/logistic-chest/logistic-chest-requester.png", frame_count = 7, height = 38, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/logistic-chest/hr-logistic-chest-requester.png", frame_count = 7, height = 74, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.0625 }, width = 66 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0, -0.0625 }, width = 34 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/logistic-chest/logistic-chest-shadow.png", height = 24, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/logistic-chest/hr-logistic-chest-shadow.png", height = 46, priority = "extra-high", repeat_count = 7, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.375, 0.140625 }, width = 112 }, priority = "extra-high", repeat_count = 7, shift = { 0.375, 0.15625 }, width = 56 } } }, animation_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["logistic-container"]["logistic-chest-active-provider"].animation_sound ]=], circuit_connector_sprites = 0 --[=[ ref [""].container["crash-site-chest-1"].circuit_connector_sprites ]=], circuit_wire_connection_point = 0 --[=[ ref [""].container["crash-site-chest-1"].circuit_wire_connection_point ]=], circuit_wire_max_distance = 9, close_sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/metallic-chest-close.ogg", volume = 0.42999999999999998 }, collision_box = { { -0.35, -0.35 }, { 0.35, 0.35 } }, corpse = "requester-chest-remnants", damaged_trigger_effect = { damage_type_filters = "fire", entity_name = "spark-explosion", offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, offsets = { { 0, 1 } }, type = "create-entity" }, dying_explosion = "requester-chest-explosion", fast_replaceable_group = "container", flags = { "placeable-player", "player-creation" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/logistic-chest-requester.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, inventory_size = 48, logistic_mode = "requester", max_health = 350, minable = { mining_time = 0.1, result = "logistic-chest-requester" }, name = "logistic-chest-requester", open_sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/metallic-chest-open.ogg", volume = 0.42999999999999998 }, opened_duration = 7, resistances = { { percent = 90, type = "fire" }, { percent = 60, type = "impact" } }, selection_box = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, type = "logistic-container", vehicle_impact_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.vehicle_impact_sound ]=] }, ["logistic-chest-storage"] = { animation = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/logistic-chest/logistic-chest-storage.png", frame_count = 7, height = 38, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/logistic-chest/hr-logistic-chest-storage.png", frame_count = 7, height = 74, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.0625 }, width = 66 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0, -0.0625 }, width = 34 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/logistic-chest/logistic-chest-shadow.png", height = 24, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/logistic-chest/hr-logistic-chest-shadow.png", height = 46, priority = "extra-high", repeat_count = 7, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.375, 0.140625 }, width = 112 }, priority = "extra-high", repeat_count = 7, shift = { 0.375, 0.15625 }, width = 56 } } }, animation_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["logistic-container"]["logistic-chest-active-provider"].animation_sound ]=], circuit_connector_sprites = 0 --[=[ ref [""].container["crash-site-chest-1"].circuit_connector_sprites ]=], circuit_wire_connection_point = 0 --[=[ ref [""].container["crash-site-chest-1"].circuit_wire_connection_point ]=], circuit_wire_max_distance = 9, close_sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/metallic-chest-close.ogg", volume = 0.42999999999999998 }, collision_box = { { -0.35, -0.35 }, { 0.35, 0.35 } }, corpse = "storage-chest-remnants", damaged_trigger_effect = { damage_type_filters = "fire", entity_name = "spark-explosion", offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, offsets = { { 0, 1 } }, type = "create-entity" }, dying_explosion = "storage-chest-explosion", fast_replaceable_group = "container", flags = { "placeable-player", "player-creation" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/logistic-chest-storage.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, inventory_size = 48, logistic_mode = "storage", max_health = 350, max_logistic_slots = 1, minable = { mining_time = 0.1, result = "logistic-chest-storage" }, name = "logistic-chest-storage", open_sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/metallic-chest-open.ogg", volume = 0.42999999999999998 }, opened_duration = 7, resistances = { { percent = 90, type = "fire" }, { percent = 60, type = "impact" } }, selection_box = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, type = "logistic-container", vehicle_impact_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.vehicle_impact_sound ]=] } }, ["logistic-robot"] = { ["logistic-robot"] = { cargo_centered = { 0, 0.2 }, collision_box = { { 0, 0 }, { 0, 0 } }, damaged_trigger_effect = { damage_type_filters = "fire", entity_name = "flying-robot-damaged-explosion", offset_deviation = { { -0.25, -0.25 }, { 0.25, 0.25 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, type = "create-entity" }, dying_explosion = "logistic-robot-explosion", dying_trigger_effect = { { frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0.5, initial_height = 1.8, initial_vertical_speed = 0, offset_deviation = { { -0.01, -0.01 }, { 0.01, 0.01 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "logistic-robot-dying-particle", speed_from_center = 0, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.2, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["combat-robot"].defender.destroy_action.action_delivery.source_effects[2].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["combat-robot"].defender.destroy_action.action_delivery.source_effects[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, energy_per_move = "5kJ", energy_per_tick = "0.05kJ", flags = { "placeable-player", "player-creation", "placeable-off-grid", "not-on-map" }, hit_visualization_box = { { -0.1, -1.1000000000000001 }, { 0.1, -1 } }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/logistic-robot.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, idle = { direction_count = 16, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/logistic-robot/logistic-robot.png", frame_count = 1, height = 42, hr_version = { direction_count = 16, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/logistic-robot/hr-logistic-robot.png", frame_count = 1, height = 84, line_length = 16, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.09375 }, width = 80, y = 84 }, line_length = 16, priority = "high", shift = { 0, -0.09375 }, width = 41, y = 42 }, idle_with_cargo = { direction_count = 16, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/logistic-robot/logistic-robot.png", frame_count = 1, height = 42, hr_version = { direction_count = 16, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/logistic-robot/hr-logistic-robot.png", frame_count = 1, height = 84, line_length = 16, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.09375 }, width = 80 }, line_length = 16, priority = "high", shift = { 0, -0.09375 }, width = 41 }, in_motion = { direction_count = 16, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/logistic-robot/logistic-robot.png", frame_count = 1, height = 42, hr_version = { direction_count = 16, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/logistic-robot/hr-logistic-robot.png", frame_count = 1, height = 84, line_length = 16, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.09375 }, width = 80, y = 252 }, line_length = 16, priority = "high", shift = { 0, -0.09375 }, width = 41, y = 126 }, in_motion_with_cargo = { direction_count = 16, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/logistic-robot/logistic-robot.png", frame_count = 1, height = 42, hr_version = { direction_count = 16, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/logistic-robot/hr-logistic-robot.png", frame_count = 1, height = 84, line_length = 16, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.09375 }, width = 80, y = 168 }, line_length = 16, priority = "high", shift = { 0, -0.09375 }, width = 41, y = 84 }, max_energy = "1.5MJ", max_health = 100, max_payload_size = 1, max_to_charge = 0.95, min_to_charge = 0.2, minable = { mining_time = 0.1, result = "logistic-robot" }, name = "logistic-robot", resistances = { { percent = 85, type = "fire" } }, selection_box = { { -0.5, -1.5 }, { 0.5, -0.5 } }, shadow_idle = { direction_count = 16, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/logistic-robot/logistic-robot-shadow.png", frame_count = 1, height = 29, hr_version = { direction_count = 16, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/logistic-robot/hr-logistic-robot-shadow.png", frame_count = 1, height = 57, line_length = 16, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.9921875, 0.6171875 }, width = 115, y = 57 }, line_length = 16, priority = "high", shift = { 1, 0.609375 }, width = 58, y = 29 }, shadow_idle_with_cargo = { direction_count = 16, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/logistic-robot/logistic-robot-shadow.png", frame_count = 1, height = 29, hr_version = { direction_count = 16, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/logistic-robot/hr-logistic-robot-shadow.png", frame_count = 1, height = 57, line_length = 16, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.9921875, 0.6171875 }, width = 115 }, line_length = 16, priority = "high", shift = { 1, 0.609375 }, width = 58 }, shadow_in_motion = { direction_count = 16, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/logistic-robot/logistic-robot-shadow.png", frame_count = 1, height = 29, hr_version = { direction_count = 16, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/logistic-robot/hr-logistic-robot-shadow.png", frame_count = 1, height = 57, line_length = 16, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.9921875, 0.6171875 }, width = 115, y = 171 }, line_length = 16, priority = "high", shift = { 1, 0.609375 }, width = 58, y = 29 }, shadow_in_motion_with_cargo = { direction_count = 16, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/logistic-robot/logistic-robot-shadow.png", frame_count = 1, height = 29, hr_version = { direction_count = 16, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/logistic-robot/hr-logistic-robot-shadow.png", frame_count = 1, height = 57, line_length = 16, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.9921875, 0.6171875 }, width = 115, y = 114 }, line_length = 16, priority = "high", shift = { 1, 0.609375 }, width = 58 }, speed = 0.05, speed_multiplier_when_out_of_energy = 0.2, type = "logistic-robot", water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = false, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/construction-robot/construction-robot-reflection.png", height = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 5, shift = { 0, 3.28125 }, variation_count = 1, width = 12 }, rotate = false }, working_sound = { audible_distance_modifier = 1, fade_in_ticks = 8, fade_out_ticks = 10, max_sounds_per_type = 20, probability = 0.0016666666666666665, sound = { { filename = "__base__/sound/construction-robot-11.ogg", volume = 0.47999999999999998 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/construction-robot-12.ogg", volume = 0.47999999999999998 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/construction-robot-13.ogg", volume = 0.47999999999999998 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/construction-robot-14.ogg", volume = 0.47999999999999998 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/construction-robot-15.ogg", volume = 0.47999999999999998 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/construction-robot-16.ogg", volume = 0.47999999999999998 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/construction-robot-17.ogg", volume = 0.47999999999999998 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/construction-robot-18.ogg", volume = 0.47999999999999998 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/construction-robot-19.ogg", volume = 0.47999999999999998 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/flying-robot-1.ogg", volume = 0.42999999999999998 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/flying-robot-2.ogg", volume = 0.42999999999999998 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/flying-robot-3.ogg", volume = 0.42999999999999998 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/flying-robot-4.ogg", volume = 0.42999999999999998 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/flying-robot-5.ogg", volume = 0.42999999999999998 } } } } }, ["map-gen-presets"] = { default = { ["death-world"] = { advanced_settings = { enemy_evolution = { pollution_factor = 1.2e-06, time_factor = 2e-05 }, pollution = { ageing = 0.5, enemy_attack_pollution_consumption_modifier = 0.5 } }, basic_settings = { autoplace_controls = { ["enemy-base"] = { frequency = "very-high", size = "very-big" } }, property_expression_names = {}, starting_area = "small" }, order = "d" }, ["death-world-marathon"] = { advanced_settings = { difficulty_settings = { recipe_difficulty = 1, technology_difficulty = 1, technology_price_multiplier = 4 }, enemy_evolution = { pollution_factor = 1e-06, time_factor = 1.5e-05 }, pollution = { ageing = 0.5, enemy_attack_pollution_consumption_modifier = 0.8 } }, basic_settings = { autoplace_controls = { ["enemy-base"] = { frequency = "very-high", size = "very-big" } }, property_expression_names = {}, starting_area = "small" }, order = "d" }, default = { default = true, order = "a" }, island = { basic_settings = { autoplace_controls = {}, property_expression_names = { elevation = "0_17-island" }, terrain_segmentation = 1 }, order = "g" }, marathon = { advanced_settings = { difficulty_settings = { recipe_difficulty = 1, technology_difficulty = 1, technology_price_multiplier = 4 } }, basic_settings = { property_expression_names = {} }, order = "c" }, name = "default", ["rail-world"] = { advanced_settings = { enemy_evolution = { time_factor = 2e-06 }, enemy_expansion = { enabled = false } }, basic_settings = { autoplace_controls = { coal = { frequency = 0.33333333332999997, size = 3 }, ["copper-ore"] = { frequency = 0.33333333332999997, size = 3 }, ["crude-oil"] = { frequency = 0.33333333332999997, size = 3 }, ["enemy-base"] = { size = 1 }, ["iron-ore"] = { frequency = 0.33333333332999997, size = 3 }, stone = { frequency = 0.33333333332999997, size = 3 }, ["uranium-ore"] = { frequency = 0.33333333332999997, size = 3 } }, property_expression_names = {}, terrain_segmentation = 0.5, water = 1.5 }, order = "e" }, ["ribbon-world"] = { basic_settings = { autoplace_controls = { coal = { frequency = 3, richness = 2, size = 0.5 }, ["copper-ore"] = { frequency = 3, richness = 2, size = 0.5 }, ["crude-oil"] = { frequency = 3, richness = 2, size = 0.5 }, ["iron-ore"] = { frequency = 3, richness = 2, size = 0.5 }, stone = { frequency = 3, richness = 2, size = 0.5 }, ["uranium-ore"] = { frequency = 3, richness = 2, size = 0.5 } }, height = 128, starting_area = 3, terrain_segmentation = 4, water = 0.25 }, order = "f" }, ["rich-resources"] = { basic_settings = { autoplace_controls = { coal = { richness = "very-good" }, ["copper-ore"] = { richness = "very-good" }, ["crude-oil"] = { richness = "very-good" }, ["iron-ore"] = { richness = "very-good" }, stone = { richness = "very-good" }, ["uranium-ore"] = { richness = "very-good" } }, property_expression_names = {} }, order = "b" }, type = "map-gen-presets" } }, ["map-settings"] = { ["map-settings"] = { difficulty_settings = { recipe_difficulty = 0, research_queue_setting = "after-victory", technology_difficulty = 0, technology_price_multiplier = 1 }, enemy_evolution = { destroy_factor = 0.002, enabled = true, pollution_factor = 9e-07, time_factor = 4e-06 }, enemy_expansion = { building_coefficient = 0.1, enabled = true, enemy_building_influence_radius = 2, friendly_base_influence_radius = 2, max_colliding_tiles_coefficient = 0.9, max_expansion_cooldown = 216000, max_expansion_distance = 7, min_expansion_cooldown = 14400, neighbouring_base_chunk_coefficient = 0.4, neighbouring_chunk_coefficient = 0.5, other_base_coefficient = 2, settler_group_max_size = 20, settler_group_min_size = 5 }, max_failed_behavior_count = 3, name = "map-settings", path_finder = { cache_accept_path_end_distance_ratio = 0.15, cache_accept_path_start_distance_ratio = 0.2, cache_max_connect_to_cache_steps_multiplier = 100, cache_path_end_distance_rating_multiplier = 20, cache_path_start_distance_rating_multiplier = 10, direct_distance_to_consider_short_request = 100, enemy_with_different_destination_collision_penalty = 30, extended_collision_penalty = 3, fwd2bwd_ratio = 5, general_entity_collision_penalty = 10, general_entity_subsequent_collision_penalty = 3, goal_pressure_ratio = 2, ignore_moving_enemy_collision_distance = 5, long_cache_min_cacheable_distance = 30, long_cache_size = 25, max_clients_to_accept_any_new_request = 10, max_clients_to_accept_short_new_request = 100, max_steps_worked_per_tick = 1000, max_work_done_per_tick = 8000, min_steps_to_check_path_find_termination = 2000, negative_cache_accept_path_end_distance_ratio = 0.3, negative_cache_accept_path_start_distance_ratio = 0.3, negative_path_cache_delay_interval = 20, overload_levels = { 0, 100, 500 }, overload_multipliers = { 2, 3, 4 }, short_cache_min_algo_steps_to_cache = 50, short_cache_min_cacheable_distance = 10, short_cache_size = 5, short_request_max_steps = 1000, short_request_ratio = 0.5, stale_enemy_with_same_destination_collision_penalty = 30, start_to_goal_cost_multiplier_to_terminate_path_find = 2000, use_path_cache = true }, pollution = { ageing = 1, diffusion_ratio = 0.02, enabled = true, enemy_attack_pollution_consumption_modifier = 1, expected_max_per_chunk = 150, max_pollution_to_restore_trees = 20, min_pollution_to_damage_trees = 60, min_to_diffuse = 15, min_to_show_per_chunk = 50, pollution_per_tree_damage = 50, pollution_restored_per_tree_damage = 10, pollution_with_max_forest_damage = 150 }, steering = { default = { force_unit_fuzzy_goto_behavior = false, radius = 1.2, separation_factor = 1.2, separation_force = 0.005 }, moving = { force_unit_fuzzy_goto_behavior = false, radius = 3, separation_factor = 3, separation_force = 0.01 } }, type = "map-settings", unit_group = { max_gathering_unit_groups = 30, max_group_gathering_time = 36000, max_group_member_fallback_factor = 3, max_group_radius = 30, max_group_slowdown_factor = 0.3, max_member_slowdown_when_ahead = 0.6, max_member_speedup_when_behind = 1.3999999999999999, max_unit_group_size = 200, max_wait_time_for_late_members = 7200, member_disown_distance = 10, min_group_gathering_time = 3600, min_group_radius = 5, tick_tolerance_when_member_arrives = 60 } } }, market = { market = { allow_access_to_all_forces = true, close_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.close_sound ]=], collision_box = { { -1.3999999999999999, -1.3999999999999999 }, { 1.3999999999999999, 1.3999999999999999 } }, corpse = "big-remnants", damaged_trigger_effect = { damage_type_filters = "fire", entity_name = "spark-explosion", offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, offsets = { { 0, 1 } }, type = "create-entity" }, flags = { "placeable-neutral", "player-creation", "hidden" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/market.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, max_health = 150, name = "market", open_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.open_sound ]=], order = "d-a-a", picture = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/market/market.png", height = 127, shift = { 0.95, 0.2 }, width = 156 }, selection_box = { { -1.5, -1.5 }, { 1.5, 1.5 } }, subgroup = "other", type = "market" } }, ["mining-drill"] = { ["burner-mining-drill"] = { allowed_effects = {}, animations = { east = { layers = { { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/burner-mining-drill/burner-mining-drill-E.png", frame_count = 32, height = 84, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/burner-mining-drill/hr-burner-mining-drill-E.png", frame_count = 32, height = 168, line_length = 4, priority = "high", run_mode = "forward-then-backward", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0859375, 0.03125 }, width = 185 }, line_length = 4, priority = "high", run_mode = "forward-then-backward", shift = { 0.078125, 0.03125 }, width = 93 }, { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/burner-mining-drill/burner-mining-drill-E-shadow.png", frame_count = 32, height = 65, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/burner-mining-drill/hr-burner-mining-drill-E-shadow.png", frame_count = 32, height = 128, line_length = 4, priority = "high", run_mode = "forward-then-backward", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.4296875, 0.015625 }, width = 185 }, line_length = 4, priority = "high", run_mode = "forward-then-backward", shift = { 0.421875, 0.015625 }, width = 93 } } }, north = { layers = { { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/burner-mining-drill/burner-mining-drill-N.png", frame_count = 32, height = 95, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/burner-mining-drill/hr-burner-mining-drill-N.png", frame_count = 32, height = 188, line_length = 4, priority = "high", run_mode = "forward-then-backward", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0859375, 0.015625 }, width = 173 }, line_length = 4, priority = "high", run_mode = "forward-then-backward", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, width = 87 }, { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/burner-mining-drill/burner-mining-drill-N-shadow.png", frame_count = 32, height = 76, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/burner-mining-drill/hr-burner-mining-drill-N-shadow.png", frame_count = 32, height = 150, line_length = 4, priority = "high", run_mode = "forward-then-backward", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.7421875, -0.03125 }, width = 217 }, line_length = 4, priority = "high", run_mode = "forward-then-backward", shift = { 0.734375, -0.03125 }, width = 109 } } }, south = { layers = { { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/burner-mining-drill/burner-mining-drill-S.png", frame_count = 32, height = 87, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/burner-mining-drill/hr-burner-mining-drill-S.png", frame_count = 32, height = 174, line_length = 4, priority = "high", run_mode = "forward-then-backward", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.015625, -0.015625 }, width = 174 }, line_length = 4, priority = "high", run_mode = "forward-then-backward", shift = { 0.015625, -0.015625 }, width = 87 }, { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/burner-mining-drill/burner-mining-drill-S-shadow.png", frame_count = 32, height = 69, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/burner-mining-drill/hr-burner-mining-drill-S-shadow.png", frame_count = 32, height = 137, line_length = 4, priority = "high", run_mode = "forward-then-backward", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.34375, 0.0859375 }, width = 174 }, line_length = 4, priority = "high", run_mode = "forward-then-backward", shift = { 0.34375, 0.078125 }, width = 88 } } }, west = { layers = { { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/burner-mining-drill/burner-mining-drill-W.png", frame_count = 32, height = 88, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/burner-mining-drill/hr-burner-mining-drill-W.png", frame_count = 32, height = 176, line_length = 4, priority = "high", run_mode = "forward-then-backward", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.046875, 0 }, width = 180 }, line_length = 4, priority = "high", run_mode = "forward-then-backward", shift = { -0.046875, 0 }, width = 91 }, { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/burner-mining-drill/burner-mining-drill-W-shadow.png", frame_count = 32, height = 66, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/burner-mining-drill/hr-burner-mining-drill-W-shadow.png", frame_count = 32, height = 130, line_length = 4, priority = "high", run_mode = "forward-then-backward", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.234375, 0.03125 }, width = 176 }, line_length = 4, priority = "high", run_mode = "forward-then-backward", shift = { 0.234375, 0.03125 }, width = 89 } } } }, circuit_connector_sprites = { { blue_led_light_offset = { -0.453125, 0.109375 }, connector_main = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04a-base-sequence.png", height = 50, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.28125, -0.078125 }, width = 52, x = 52, y = 100 }, connector_shadow = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04b-base-shadow-sequence.png", height = 46, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.46875, 0.203125 }, width = 62, x = 62, y = 92 }, led_blue = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04e-blue-LED-on-sequence.png", height = 60, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.28125, -0.109375 }, width = 60, x = 60, y = 120 }, led_blue_off = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04f-blue-LED-off-sequence.png", height = 44, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.28125, -0.109375 }, width = 46, x = 46, y = 88 }, led_green = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04h-green-LED-sequence.png", height = 46, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.28125, -0.109375 }, width = 48, x = 48, y = 92 }, led_light = { intensity = 0, size = 0.9 }, led_red = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04i-red-LED-sequence.png", height = 46, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.28125, -0.109375 }, width = 48, x = 48, y = 92 }, red_green_led_light_offset = { -0.40625, -0.015625 }, wire_pins = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04c-wire-sequence.png", height = 58, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.28125, -0.109375 }, width = 62, x = 62, y = 116 }, wire_pins_shadow = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04d-wire-shadow-sequence.png", height = 54, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.125, 0.015625 }, width = 70, x = 70, y = 108 } }, { blue_led_light_offset = { -0.515625, -0.015625 }, connector_main = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04a-base-sequence.png", height = 50, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.34375, -0.203125 }, width = 52, x = 52, y = 100 }, connector_shadow = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04b-base-shadow-sequence.png", height = 46, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.296875, 0.109375 }, width = 62, x = 62, y = 92 }, led_blue = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04e-blue-LED-on-sequence.png", height = 60, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.34375, -0.234375 }, width = 60, x = 60, y = 120 }, led_blue_off = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04f-blue-LED-off-sequence.png", height = 44, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.34375, -0.234375 }, width = 46, x = 46, y = 88 }, led_green = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04h-green-LED-sequence.png", height = 46, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.34375, -0.234375 }, width = 48, x = 48, y = 92 }, led_light = { intensity = 0, size = 0.9 }, led_red = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04i-red-LED-sequence.png", height = 46, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.34375, -0.234375 }, width = 48, x = 48, y = 92 }, red_green_led_light_offset = { -0.46875, -0.140625 }, wire_pins = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04c-wire-sequence.png", height = 58, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.34375, -0.234375 }, width = 62, x = 62, y = 116 }, wire_pins_shadow = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04d-wire-shadow-sequence.png", height = 54, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.1875, -0.109375 }, width = 70, x = 70, y = 108 } }, { blue_led_light_offset = { -0.5, 0.046875 }, connector_main = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04a-base-sequence.png", height = 50, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.328125, -0.140625 }, width = 52, x = 52, y = 100 }, connector_shadow = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04b-base-shadow-sequence.png", height = 46, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.390625, 0.234375 }, width = 62, x = 62, y = 92 }, led_blue = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04e-blue-LED-on-sequence.png", height = 60, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.328125, -0.171875 }, width = 60, x = 60, y = 120 }, led_blue_off = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04f-blue-LED-off-sequence.png", height = 44, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.328125, -0.171875 }, width = 46, x = 46, y = 88 }, led_green = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04h-green-LED-sequence.png", height = 46, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.328125, -0.171875 }, width = 48, x = 48, y = 92 }, led_light = { intensity = 0, size = 0.9 }, led_red = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04i-red-LED-sequence.png", height = 46, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.328125, -0.171875 }, width = 48, x = 48, y = 92 }, red_green_led_light_offset = { -0.453125, -0.078125 }, wire_pins = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04c-wire-sequence.png", height = 58, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.328125, -0.171875 }, width = 62, x = 62, y = 116 }, wire_pins_shadow = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04d-wire-shadow-sequence.png", height = 54, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.171875, -0.046875 }, width = 70, x = 70, y = 108 } }, { blue_led_light_offset = { -0.59375, 0.125 }, connector_main = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04a-base-sequence.png", height = 50, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.421875, -0.0625 }, width = 52, x = 52, y = 100 }, connector_shadow = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04b-base-shadow-sequence.png", height = 46, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.21875, 0.296875 }, width = 62, x = 62, y = 92 }, led_blue = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04e-blue-LED-on-sequence.png", height = 60, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.421875, -0.09375 }, width = 60, x = 60, y = 120 }, led_blue_off = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04f-blue-LED-off-sequence.png", height = 44, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.421875, -0.09375 }, width = 46, x = 46, y = 88 }, led_green = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04h-green-LED-sequence.png", height = 46, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.421875, -0.09375 }, width = 48, x = 48, y = 92 }, led_light = { intensity = 0, size = 0.9 }, led_red = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04i-red-LED-sequence.png", height = 46, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.421875, -0.09375 }, width = 48, x = 48, y = 92 }, red_green_led_light_offset = { -0.546875, 0 }, wire_pins = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04c-wire-sequence.png", height = 58, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.421875, -0.09375 }, width = 62, x = 62, y = 116 }, wire_pins_shadow = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04d-wire-shadow-sequence.png", height = 54, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.265625, 0.03125 }, width = 70, x = 70, y = 108 } } }, circuit_wire_connection_points = { { shadow = { green = { 0.578125, 0.625 }, red = { 0.875, 0.5625 } }, wire = { green = { -0.234375, 0.28125 }, red = { -0.109375, 0.078125 } } }, { shadow = { green = { 0.40625, 0.53125 }, red = { 0.703125, 0.46875 } }, wire = { green = { -0.296875, 0.15625 }, red = { -0.171875, -0.046875 } } }, { shadow = { green = { 0.5, 0.65625 }, red = { 0.796875, 0.59375 } }, wire = { green = { -0.28125, 0.21875 }, red = { -0.15625, 0.015625 } } }, { shadow = { green = { 0.328125, 0.71875 }, red = { 0.625, 0.65625 } }, wire = { green = { -0.375, 0.296875 }, red = { -0.25, 0.09375 } } } }, circuit_wire_max_distance = 9, close_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.close_sound ]=], collision_box = { { -0.7, -0.7 }, { 0.7, 0.7 } }, corpse = "burner-mining-drill-remnants", damaged_trigger_effect = { damage_type_filters = "fire", entity_name = "spark-explosion", offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, offsets = { { 0, 1 } }, type = "create-entity" }, dying_explosion = "burner-mining-drill-explosion", energy_source = { effectivity = 1, emissions_per_minute = 12, fuel_category = "chemical", fuel_inventory_size = 1, light_flicker = { color = { 0, 0, 0 } }, smoke = { { deviation = { 0.1, 0.1 }, frequency = 3, name = "smoke" } }, type = "burner" }, energy_usage = "150kW", fast_replaceable_group = "mining-drill", flags = { "placeable-neutral", "player-creation" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/burner-mining-drill.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, max_health = 150, minable = { mining_time = 0.3, result = "burner-mining-drill" }, mining_speed = 0.25, monitor_visualization_tint = { b = 255, g = 173, r = 78 }, name = "burner-mining-drill", open_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.open_sound ]=], resource_categories = { "basic-solid" }, resource_searching_radius = 0.99000000000000004, selection_box = { { -1, -1 }, { 1, 1 } }, type = "mining-drill", vector_to_place_result = { -0.5, -1.3 }, vehicle_impact_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.vehicle_impact_sound ]=], working_sound = { fade_in_ticks = 4, fade_out_ticks = 20, sound = { { filename = "__base__/sound/burner-mining-drill.ogg", volume = 0.6 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/burner-mining-drill-1.ogg", volume = 0.6 } } } }, ["electric-mining-drill"] = { circuit_connector_sprites = { { blue_led_light_offset = { -1.140625, -1.421875 }, connector_main = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04a-base-sequence.png", height = 50, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -1.375, -1.25 }, width = 52, x = 208, y = 0 }, led_blue = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04e-blue-LED-on-sequence.png", height = 60, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -1.375, -1.28125 }, width = 60, x = 240, y = 0 }, led_blue_off = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04f-blue-LED-off-sequence.png", height = 44, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -1.375, -1.28125 }, width = 46, x = 184, y = 0 }, led_green = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04h-green-LED-sequence.png", height = 46, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -1.375, -1.28125 }, width = 48, x = 192, y = 0 }, led_light = { intensity = 0, size = 0.9 }, led_red = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04i-red-LED-sequence.png", height = 46, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -1.375, -1.28125 }, width = 48, x = 192, y = 0 }, red_green_led_light_offset = { -1.296875, -1.421875 }, wire_pins = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04c-wire-sequence.png", height = 58, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -1.375, -1.28125 }, width = 62, x = 248, y = 0 }, wire_pins_shadow = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04d-wire-shadow-sequence.png", height = 54, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -1.21875, -1.15625 }, width = 70, x = 280, y = 0 } }, { blue_led_light_offset = { 1.09375, 0.96875 }, connector_main = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04a-base-sequence.png", height = 50, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.0625, 0.96875 }, width = 52, x = 104, y = 0 }, led_blue = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04e-blue-LED-on-sequence.png", height = 60, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.0625, 0.9375 }, width = 60, x = 120, y = 0 }, led_blue_off = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04f-blue-LED-off-sequence.png", height = 44, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.0625, 0.9375 }, width = 46, x = 92, y = 0 }, led_green = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04h-green-LED-sequence.png", height = 46, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.0625, 0.9375 }, width = 48, x = 96, y = 0 }, led_light = { intensity = 0, size = 0.9 }, led_red = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04i-red-LED-sequence.png", height = 46, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.0625, 0.9375 }, width = 48, x = 96, y = 0 }, red_green_led_light_offset = { 1.09375, 0.859375 }, wire_pins = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04c-wire-sequence.png", height = 58, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.0625, 0.9375 }, width = 62, x = 124, y = 0 }, wire_pins_shadow = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04d-wire-shadow-sequence.png", height = 54, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.21875, 1.0625 }, width = 70, x = 140, y = 0 } }, { blue_led_light_offset = { -1.3125, 0.640625 }, connector_main = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04a-base-sequence.png", height = 50, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -1.09375, 0.78125 }, width = 52, x = 0, y = 0 }, led_blue = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04e-blue-LED-on-sequence.png", height = 60, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -1.09375, 0.75 }, width = 60, x = 0, y = 0 }, led_blue_off = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04f-blue-LED-off-sequence.png", height = 44, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -1.09375, 0.75 }, width = 46, x = 0, y = 0 }, led_green = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04h-green-LED-sequence.png", height = 46, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -1.09375, 0.75 }, width = 48, x = 0, y = 0 }, led_light = { intensity = 0, size = 0.9 }, led_red = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04i-red-LED-sequence.png", height = 46, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -1.09375, 0.75 }, width = 48, x = 0, y = 0 }, red_green_led_light_offset = { -1.15625, 0.640625 }, wire_pins = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04c-wire-sequence.png", height = 58, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -1.09375, 0.75 }, width = 62, x = 0, y = 0 }, wire_pins_shadow = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04d-wire-shadow-sequence.png", height = 54, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.9375, 0.875 }, width = 70, x = 0, y = 0 } }, { blue_led_light_offset = { -1.078125, 0.859375 }, connector_main = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04a-base-sequence.png", height = 50, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -1.0625, 1.1875 }, width = 52, x = 312, y = 0 }, led_blue = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04e-blue-LED-on-sequence.png", height = 60, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -1.0625, 1.15625 }, width = 60, x = 360, y = 0 }, led_blue_off = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04f-blue-LED-off-sequence.png", height = 44, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -1.0625, 1.15625 }, width = 46, x = 276, y = 0 }, led_green = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04h-green-LED-sequence.png", height = 46, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -1.0625, 1.15625 }, width = 48, x = 288, y = 0 }, led_light = { intensity = 0, size = 0.9 }, led_red = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04i-red-LED-sequence.png", height = 46, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -1.0625, 1.15625 }, width = 48, x = 288, y = 0 }, red_green_led_light_offset = { -1.078125, 0.984375 }, wire_pins = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04c-wire-sequence.png", height = 58, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -1.0625, 1.15625 }, width = 62, x = 372, y = 0 }, wire_pins_shadow = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04d-wire-shadow-sequence.png", height = 54, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.90625, 1.28125 }, width = 70, x = 420, y = 0 } } }, circuit_wire_connection_points = { { shadow = { green = { -0.59375, -1.328125 }, red = { -0.84375, -1.34375 } }, wire = { green = { -1.078125, -1.625 }, red = { -1.34375, -1.625 } } }, { shadow = { green = { 1.625, 1.296875 }, red = { 1.546875, 1.09375 } }, wire = { green = { 1.40625, 1.015625 }, red = { 1.34375, 0.828125 } } }, { shadow = { green = { -1.21875, 1.234375 }, red = { -1, 1.21875 } }, wire = { green = { -1.34375, 0.953125 }, red = { -1.109375, 0.953125 } } }, { shadow = { green = { -1.375, 1.3125 }, red = { -1.46875, 1.5 } }, wire = { green = { -1.328125, 0.828125 }, red = { -1.40625, 1.03125 } } } }, circuit_wire_max_distance = 9, close_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.close_sound ]=], collision_box = { { -1.3999999999999999, -1.3999999999999999 }, { 1.3999999999999999, 1.3999999999999999 } }, corpse = "electric-mining-drill-remnants", damaged_trigger_effect = { damage_type_filters = "fire", entity_name = "spark-explosion", offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, offsets = { { 0, 1 } }, type = "create-entity" }, dying_explosion = "electric-mining-drill-explosion", energy_source = { emissions_per_minute = 10, type = "electric", usage_priority = "secondary-input" }, energy_usage = "90kW", fast_replaceable_group = "mining-drill", flags = { "placeable-neutral", "player-creation" }, graphics_set = { animation = { east = { layers = { { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/electric-mining-drill-E.png", frame_count = 1, height = 94, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/hr-electric-mining-drill-E.png", frame_count = 1, height = 188, line_length = 1, priority = "high", repeat_count = 5, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.125 }, width = 192 }, line_length = 1, priority = "high", repeat_count = 5, shift = { 0, -0.125 }, width = 96 }, { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/electric-mining-drill-E-output.png", frame_count = 5, height = 38, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/hr-electric-mining-drill-E-output.png", frame_count = 5, height = 74, line_length = 5, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.9375, -0.25 }, width = 50 }, line_length = 5, priority = "high", shift = { 0.9375, -0.25 }, width = 26 }, { animation_speed = 0.4, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/electric-mining-drill-E-shadow.png", frame_count = 1, height = 92, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.4, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/hr-electric-mining-drill-E-shadow.png", frame_count = 1, height = 182, line_length = 1, priority = "high", repeat_count = 5, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.3125, 0.0625 }, width = 222 }, line_length = 1, priority = "high", repeat_count = 5, shift = { 0.3125, 0.0625 }, width = 112 } } }, north = { layers = { { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/electric-mining-drill-N.png", frame_count = 1, height = 104, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/hr-electric-mining-drill-N.png", frame_count = 1, height = 208, line_length = 1, priority = "high", repeat_count = 5, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.125 }, width = 190 }, line_length = 1, priority = "high", repeat_count = 5, shift = { 0, -0.125 }, width = 96 }, { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/electric-mining-drill-N-output.png", frame_count = 5, height = 34, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/hr-electric-mining-drill-N-output.png", frame_count = 5, height = 66, line_length = 5, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.09375, -1.375 }, width = 60 }, line_length = 5, priority = "high", shift = { -0.125, -1.375 }, width = 32 }, { animation_speed = 0.4, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/electric-mining-drill-N-shadow.png", frame_count = 1, height = 104, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.4, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/hr-electric-mining-drill-N-shadow.png", frame_count = 1, height = 204, line_length = 1, priority = "high", repeat_count = 5, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1875, -0.09375 }, width = 212 }, line_length = 1, priority = "high", repeat_count = 5, shift = { 0.1875, -0.125 }, width = 106 } } }, south = { layers = { { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/electric-mining-drill-S.png", frame_count = 1, height = 98, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/hr-electric-mining-drill-S.png", frame_count = 1, height = 192, line_length = 1, priority = "high", repeat_count = 5, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.03125 }, width = 184 }, line_length = 1, priority = "high", repeat_count = 5, shift = { 0, -0.0625 }, width = 92 }, { animation_speed = 0.4, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/electric-mining-drill-S-shadow.png", frame_count = 1, height = 102, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.4, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/hr-electric-mining-drill-S-shadow.png", frame_count = 1, height = 204, line_length = 1, priority = "high", repeat_count = 5, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1875, 0.0625 }, width = 212 }, line_length = 1, priority = "high", repeat_count = 5, shift = { 0.1875, 0.0625 }, width = 106 } } }, west = { layers = { { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/electric-mining-drill-W.png", frame_count = 1, height = 94, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/hr-electric-mining-drill-W.png", frame_count = 1, height = 188, line_length = 1, priority = "high", repeat_count = 5, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.125 }, width = 192 }, line_length = 1, priority = "high", repeat_count = 5, shift = { 0, -0.125 }, width = 96 }, { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/electric-mining-drill-W-output.png", frame_count = 5, height = 28, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/hr-electric-mining-drill-W-output.png", frame_count = 5, height = 60, line_length = 5, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.96875, -0.40625 }, width = 50 }, line_length = 5, priority = "high", shift = { -0.9375, -0.375 }, width = 24 }, { animation_speed = 0.4, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/electric-mining-drill-W-shadow.png", frame_count = 1, height = 92, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.4, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/hr-electric-mining-drill-W-shadow.png", frame_count = 1, height = 182, line_length = 1, priority = "high", repeat_count = 5, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.15625, 0.0625 }, width = 200 }, line_length = 1, priority = "high", repeat_count = 5, shift = { -0.1875, 0.0625 }, width = 102 } } } }, animation_progress = 1, circuit_connector_layer = "object", circuit_connector_secondary_draw_order = { east = 30, north = 14, south = 30, west = 30 }, drilling_vertical_movement_duration = 25, max_animation_progress = 30, min_animation_progress = 0, shift_animation_transition_duration = 75, shift_animation_waypoint_stop_duration = 487.5, shift_animation_waypoints = { east = { { 0, 0 }, { -0.4, 0 }, { -0.1, 0 }, { -0.5, 0 }, { -0.75, 0 }, { -1, 0 }, { -0.65, 0 }, { -0.3, 0 }, { -0.9, 0 }, { -0.6, 0 }, { -0.3, 0 } }, north = { { 0, 0 }, { 0, -0.3 }, { 0, 0.1 }, { 0, 0.5 }, { 0, 0.2 }, { 0, -0.1 }, { 0, -0.5 }, { 0, -0.15 }, { 0, 0.25 }, { 0, 0.6 }, { 0, 0.3 } }, south = { { 0, 0 }, { 0, -0.4 }, { 0, -0.1 }, { 0, -0.5 }, { 0, -0.75 }, { 0, -1 }, { 0, -0.65 }, { 0, -0.3 }, { 0, -0.9 }, { 0, -0.6 }, { 0, -0.3 } }, west = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.4, 0 }, { 0.1, 0 }, { 0.5, 0 }, { 0.75, 0 }, { 1, 0 }, { 0.65, 0 }, { 0.3, 0 }, { 0.9, 0 }, { 0.6, 0 }, { 0.3, 0 } } }, status_colors = { disabled = { 1, 1, 0, 1 }, full_output = { 1, 1, 0, 1 }, idle = { 1, 0, 0, 1 }, insufficient_input = { 1, 1, 0, 1 }, low_power = { 1, 1, 0, 1 }, no_minable_resources = { 1, 0, 0, 1 }, no_power = { 0, 0, 0, 0 }, working = { 0, 1, 0, 1 } }, working_visualisations = { { align_to_waypoint = true, animation = { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/electric-mining-drill-smoke.png", frame_count = 30, height = 38, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/hr-electric-mining-drill-smoke.png", frame_count = 30, height = 72, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, 0.09375 }, width = 48 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { 0, 0.0625 }, width = 24 }, apply_tint = "resource-color", constant_speed = true, east_position = { 0, 0 }, north_position = { 0, 0.25 }, south_position = { 0, 0.25 }, synced_fadeout = true, west_position = { 0, 0 } }, { apply_tint = "resource-color", constant_speed = true, fadeout = true, north_animation = { layers = { { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/electric-mining-drill-N-smoke.png", frame_count = 10, height = 30, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/hr-electric-mining-drill-N-smoke.png", frame_count = 10, height = 58, line_length = 5, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03125, -1.375 }, width = 42 }, line_length = 5, priority = "high", shift = { -0.0625, -1.375 }, width = 24 } } } }, { always_draw = true, animated_shift = true, east_animation = { layers = { { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/electric-mining-drill-horizontal.png", frame_count = 30, frame_sequence = { 1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 21, 20, 19, 18, 17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 1, 1 }, height = 80, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/hr-electric-mining-drill-horizontal.png", frame_count = 30, frame_sequence = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["mining-drill"]["electric-mining-drill"].graphics_set.working_visualisations[3].east_animation.layers[1].frame_sequence ]=], height = 160, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0625, -0.375 }, width = 80 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { 0.0625, -0.375 }, width = 40 }, { animation_speed = 0.4, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/electric-mining-drill-horizontal-shadow.png", frame_count = 21, frame_sequence = { 1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 20, 19, 18, 17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 1, 1 }, height = 80, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.4, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/hr-electric-mining-drill-horizontal-shadow.png", frame_count = 21, frame_sequence = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["mining-drill"]["electric-mining-drill"].graphics_set.working_visualisations[3].east_animation.layers[2].frame_sequence ]=], height = 164, line_length = 7, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.03125, 0.03125 }, width = 180 }, line_length = 7, priority = "high", shift = { 1, 0.0625 }, width = 92 } } }, north_animation = { layers = { { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/electric-mining-drill.png", frame_count = 30, frame_sequence = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["mining-drill"]["electric-mining-drill"].graphics_set.working_visualisations[3].east_animation.layers[1].frame_sequence ]=], height = 80, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/hr-electric-mining-drill.png", frame_count = 30, frame_sequence = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["mining-drill"]["electric-mining-drill"].graphics_set.working_visualisations[3].east_animation.layers[1].frame_sequence ]=], height = 156, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.03125, -0.34375 }, width = 162 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { 0, -0.375 }, width = 84 }, { animation_speed = 0.4, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/electric-mining-drill-shadow.png", frame_count = 21, frame_sequence = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["mining-drill"]["electric-mining-drill"].graphics_set.working_visualisations[3].east_animation.layers[2].frame_sequence ]=], height = 26, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.4, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/hr-electric-mining-drill-shadow.png", frame_count = 21, frame_sequence = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["mining-drill"]["electric-mining-drill"].graphics_set.working_visualisations[3].east_animation.layers[2].frame_sequence ]=], height = 56, line_length = 7, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.65625, 0.15625 }, width = 218 }, line_length = 7, priority = "high", shift = { 0.625, 0.1875 }, width = 112 } } }, south_animation = { layers = { { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/electric-mining-drill.png", frame_count = 30, frame_sequence = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["mining-drill"]["electric-mining-drill"].graphics_set.working_visualisations[3].east_animation.layers[1].frame_sequence ]=], height = 80, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/hr-electric-mining-drill.png", frame_count = 30, frame_sequence = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["mining-drill"]["electric-mining-drill"].graphics_set.working_visualisations[3].east_animation.layers[1].frame_sequence ]=], height = 156, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.03125, -0.34375 }, width = 162 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { 0, -0.375 }, width = 84 }, { animation_speed = 0.4, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/electric-mining-drill-shadow.png", frame_count = 21, frame_sequence = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["mining-drill"]["electric-mining-drill"].graphics_set.working_visualisations[3].east_animation.layers[2].frame_sequence ]=], height = 26, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.4, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/hr-electric-mining-drill-shadow.png", frame_count = 21, frame_sequence = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["mining-drill"]["electric-mining-drill"].graphics_set.working_visualisations[3].east_animation.layers[2].frame_sequence ]=], height = 56, line_length = 7, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.65625, 0.15625 }, width = 218 }, line_length = 7, priority = "high", shift = { 0.625, 0.1875 }, width = 112 } } }, west_animation = { layers = { { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/electric-mining-drill-horizontal.png", frame_count = 30, frame_sequence = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["mining-drill"]["electric-mining-drill"].graphics_set.working_visualisations[3].east_animation.layers[1].frame_sequence ]=], height = 80, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/hr-electric-mining-drill-horizontal.png", frame_count = 30, frame_sequence = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["mining-drill"]["electric-mining-drill"].graphics_set.working_visualisations[3].east_animation.layers[1].frame_sequence ]=], height = 160, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0625, -0.375 }, width = 80 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { 0.0625, -0.375 }, width = 40 }, { animation_speed = 0.4, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/electric-mining-drill-horizontal-shadow.png", frame_count = 21, frame_sequence = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["mining-drill"]["electric-mining-drill"].graphics_set.working_visualisations[3].east_animation.layers[2].frame_sequence ]=], height = 80, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.4, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/hr-electric-mining-drill-horizontal-shadow.png", frame_count = 21, frame_sequence = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["mining-drill"]["electric-mining-drill"].graphics_set.working_visualisations[3].east_animation.layers[2].frame_sequence ]=], height = 164, line_length = 7, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.03125, 0.03125 }, width = 180 }, line_length = 7, priority = "high", shift = { 1, 0.0625 }, width = 92 } } } }, { align_to_waypoint = true, animation = { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/electric-mining-drill-smoke-front.png", frame_count = 30, height = 68, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/hr-electric-mining-drill-smoke-front.png", frame_count = 30, height = 132, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.09375, 0.28125 }, width = 148 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { -0.125, 0.25 }, width = 76 }, apply_tint = "resource-color", constant_speed = true, east_position = { 0, 0 }, north_position = { 0, 0.25 }, south_position = { 0, 0.25 }, synced_fadeout = true, west_position = { 0, 0 } }, { apply_tint = "resource-color", constant_speed = true, east_animation = { layers = { { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/electric-mining-drill-E-smoke.png", frame_count = 10, height = 28, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/hr-electric-mining-drill-E-smoke.png", frame_count = 10, height = 56, line_length = 5, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.75, -0.375 }, width = 46 }, line_length = 5, priority = "high", shift = { 0.75, -0.375 }, width = 24 } } }, fadeout = true, south_animation = { layers = { { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/electric-mining-drill-S-smoke.png", frame_count = 10, height = 18, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/hr-electric-mining-drill-S-smoke.png", frame_count = 10, height = 36, line_length = 5, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.0625, 0.625 }, width = 48 }, line_length = 5, priority = "high", shift = { -0.0625, 0.625 }, width = 24 } } }, west_animation = { layers = { { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/electric-mining-drill-W-smoke.png", frame_count = 10, height = 30, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/hr-electric-mining-drill-W-smoke.png", frame_count = 10, height = 54, line_length = 5, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.78125, -0.34375 }, width = 46 }, line_length = 5, priority = "high", shift = { -0.8125, -0.375 }, width = 26 } } } }, { always_draw = true, animated_shift = true, east_animation = { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/electric-mining-drill-horizontal-front.png", frame_count = 30, frame_sequence = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["mining-drill"]["electric-mining-drill"].graphics_set.working_visualisations[3].east_animation.layers[1].frame_sequence ]=], height = 76, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/hr-electric-mining-drill-horizontal-front.png", frame_count = 30, frame_sequence = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["mining-drill"]["electric-mining-drill"].graphics_set.working_visualisations[3].east_animation.layers[1].frame_sequence ]=], height = 154, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.09375, 0.09375 }, width = 66 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { -0.0625, 0.125 }, width = 32 }, west_animation = { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/electric-mining-drill-horizontal-front.png", frame_count = 30, frame_sequence = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["mining-drill"]["electric-mining-drill"].graphics_set.working_visualisations[3].east_animation.layers[1].frame_sequence ]=], height = 76, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/hr-electric-mining-drill-horizontal-front.png", frame_count = 30, frame_sequence = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["mining-drill"]["electric-mining-drill"].graphics_set.working_visualisations[3].east_animation.layers[1].frame_sequence ]=], height = 154, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.09375, 0.09375 }, width = 66 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { -0.0625, 0.125 }, width = 32 } }, { always_draw = true, east_animation = { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/electric-mining-drill-E-front.png", frame_count = 1, height = 74, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/hr-electric-mining-drill-E-front.png", frame_count = 1, height = 148, line_length = 1, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.65625, 0.3125 }, width = 136 }, line_length = 1, priority = "high", shift = { 0.6875, 0.3125 }, width = 66 }, south_animation = { layers = { { animation_speed = 0.4, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/electric-mining-drill-S-output.png", frame_count = 5, height = 28, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.4, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/hr-electric-mining-drill-S-output.png", frame_count = 5, height = 56, line_length = 5, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03125, 1.0625 }, width = 84 }, line_length = 5, priority = "high", shift = { -0.0625, 1.0625 }, width = 44 }, { animation_speed = 0.4, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/electric-mining-drill-S-front.png", frame_count = 1, height = 54, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.4, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/hr-electric-mining-drill-S-front.png", frame_count = 1, height = 104, line_length = 1, priority = "high", repeat_count = 5, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, 0.84375 }, width = 190 }, line_length = 1, priority = "high", repeat_count = 5, shift = { 0, 0.8125 }, width = 96 } } }, west_animation = { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/electric-mining-drill-W-front.png", frame_count = 1, height = 70, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/hr-electric-mining-drill-W-front.png", frame_count = 1, height = 140, line_length = 1, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.6875, 0.375 }, width = 134 }, line_length = 1, priority = "high", shift = { -0.6875, 0.375 }, width = 68 } }, { always_draw = true, apply_tint = "status", draw_as_light = true, east_animation = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/electric-mining-drill-E-light.png", height = 18, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/hr-electric-mining-drill-E-light.png", height = 34, scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.1875, -1 }, tint = { 1, 1, 1, 1 }, width = 32 }, shift = { 1.1875, -1 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["mining-drill"]["electric-mining-drill"].graphics_set.working_visualisations[8].east_animation.hr_version.tint ]=], width = 16 }, north_animation = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/electric-mining-drill-N-light.png", height = 16, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/hr-electric-mining-drill-N-light.png", height = 32, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.8125, -1.5 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["mining-drill"]["electric-mining-drill"].graphics_set.working_visualisations[8].east_animation.hr_version.tint ]=], width = 32 }, shift = { 0.8125, -1.5 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["mining-drill"]["electric-mining-drill"].graphics_set.working_visualisations[8].east_animation.hr_version.tint ]=], width = 16 }, south_animation = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/electric-mining-drill-S-light.png", height = 24, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/hr-electric-mining-drill-S-light.png", height = 46, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.8125, 0.8125 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["mining-drill"]["electric-mining-drill"].graphics_set.working_visualisations[8].east_animation.hr_version.tint ]=], width = 38 }, shift = { 0.8125, 0.8125 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["mining-drill"]["electric-mining-drill"].graphics_set.working_visualisations[8].east_animation.hr_version.tint ]=], width = 20 }, west_animation = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/electric-mining-drill-W-light.png", height = 18, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/hr-electric-mining-drill-W-light.png", height = 34, scale = 0.5, shift = { -1.21875, -1 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["mining-drill"]["electric-mining-drill"].graphics_set.working_visualisations[8].east_animation.hr_version.tint ]=], width = 32 }, shift = { -1.25, -1 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["mining-drill"]["electric-mining-drill"].graphics_set.working_visualisations[8].east_animation.hr_version.tint ]=], width = 18 } }, { always_draw = true, apply_tint = "status", east_position = { 1.2, -1 }, light = { color = { b = 1, g = 1, r = 1 }, intensity = 0.2, minimum_darkness = 0.1, size = 2 }, north_position = { 0.8, -1.5 }, south_position = { 0.8, 0.8 }, west_position = { -1.2, -1 } } } }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/electric-mining-drill.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, input_fluid_box = { base_area = 1, base_level = -1, height = 2, pipe_connections = { { position = { -2, 0 } }, { position = { 2, 0 } }, { position = { 0, 2 } } }, pipe_covers = { east = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-east.png", height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-east.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-east-shadow.png", height = 64, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-east-shadow.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 } } }, north = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-north.png", height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-north.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-north-shadow.png", height = 64, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-north-shadow.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 } } }, south = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-south.png", height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-south.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-south-shadow.png", height = 64, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-south-shadow.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 } } }, west = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-west.png", height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-west.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-west-shadow.png", height = 64, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-west-shadow.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 } } } }, pipe_picture = { east = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/assembling-machine-2/assembling-machine-2-pipe-E.png", height = 38, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/assembling-machine-2/hr-assembling-machine-2-pipe-E.png", height = 76, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.765625, 0.03125 }, width = 42 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { -0.78125, 0.03125 }, width = 20 }, north = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/assembling-machine-2/assembling-machine-2-pipe-N.png", height = 18, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/assembling-machine-2/hr-assembling-machine-2-pipe-N.png", height = 38, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.421875 }, width = 71 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.4375 }, width = 35 }, south = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/assembling-machine-2/assembling-machine-2-pipe-S.png", height = 31, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/assembling-machine-2/hr-assembling-machine-2-pipe-S.png", height = 61, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.9765625 }, width = 88 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0, -0.984375 }, width = 44 }, west = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/assembling-machine-2/assembling-machine-2-pipe-W.png", height = 37, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/assembling-machine-2/hr-assembling-machine-2-pipe-W.png", height = 73, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.8046875, 0.0390625 }, width = 39 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.796875, 0.046875 }, width = 19 } }, production_type = "input-output" }, integration_patch = { east = { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/electric-mining-drill-E-integration.png", frame_count = 1, height = 108, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/hr-electric-mining-drill-E-integration.png", frame_count = 1, height = 214, line_length = 1, priority = "high", repeat_count = 5, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.09375, 0.0625 }, width = 236 }, line_length = 1, priority = "high", repeat_count = 5, shift = { 0.125, 0.0625 }, width = 116 }, north = { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/electric-mining-drill-N-integration.png", frame_count = 1, height = 108, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/hr-electric-mining-drill-N-integration.png", frame_count = 1, height = 218, line_length = 1, priority = "high", repeat_count = 5, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03125, 0.03125 }, width = 216 }, line_length = 1, priority = "high", repeat_count = 5, shift = { -0.0625, 0.0625 }, width = 110 }, south = { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/electric-mining-drill-S-integration.png", frame_count = 1, height = 114, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/hr-electric-mining-drill-S-integration.png", frame_count = 1, height = 230, line_length = 1, priority = "high", repeat_count = 5, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, 0.09375 }, width = 214 }, line_length = 1, priority = "high", repeat_count = 5, shift = { 0, 0.125 }, width = 108 }, west = { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/electric-mining-drill-W-integration.png", frame_count = 1, height = 106, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/hr-electric-mining-drill-W-integration.png", frame_count = 1, height = 214, line_length = 1, priority = "high", repeat_count = 5, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.125, 0.03125 }, width = 234 }, line_length = 1, priority = "high", repeat_count = 5, shift = { -0.125, 0.0625 }, width = 118 } }, max_health = 300, minable = { mining_time = 0.3, result = "electric-mining-drill" }, mining_speed = 0.5, module_specification = { module_slots = 3 }, monitor_visualization_tint = { b = 255, g = 173, r = 78 }, name = "electric-mining-drill", open_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.open_sound ]=], radius_visualisation_picture = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/electric-mining-drill-radius-visualization.png", height = 10, width = 10 }, resource_categories = { "basic-solid" }, resource_searching_radius = 2.4900000000000002, selection_box = { { -1.5, -1.5 }, { 1.5, 1.5 } }, type = "mining-drill", vector_to_place_result = { 0, -1.85 }, vehicle_impact_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.vehicle_impact_sound ]=], wet_mining_graphics_set = { animation = { east = { layers = { { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/electric-mining-drill-E-wet.png", frame_count = 1, height = 106, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/hr-electric-mining-drill-E-wet.png", frame_count = 1, height = 208, line_length = 1, priority = "high", repeat_count = 5, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.0625, -0.28125 }, width = 194 }, line_length = 1, priority = "high", repeat_count = 5, shift = { -0.0625, -0.3125 }, width = 98 }, { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/electric-mining-drill-E-output.png", frame_count = 5, height = 38, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/hr-electric-mining-drill-E-output.png", frame_count = 5, height = 74, line_length = 5, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.9375, -0.25 }, width = 50 }, line_length = 5, priority = "high", shift = { 0.9375, -0.25 }, width = 26 }, { animation_speed = 0.4, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/electric-mining-drill-E-wet-shadow.png", frame_count = 1, height = 100, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.4, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/hr-electric-mining-drill-E-wet-shadow.png", frame_count = 1, height = 202, line_length = 1, priority = "high", repeat_count = 5, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.28125, 0.15625 }, width = 226 }, line_length = 1, priority = "high", repeat_count = 5, shift = { 0.3125, 0.1875 }, width = 112 } } }, north = { layers = { { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/electric-mining-drill-N-wet.png", frame_count = 1, height = 100, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/hr-electric-mining-drill-N-wet.png", frame_count = 1, height = 198, line_length = 1, priority = "high", repeat_count = 5, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.21875 }, width = 190 }, line_length = 1, priority = "high", repeat_count = 5, shift = { 0, -0.25 }, width = 96 }, { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/electric-mining-drill-N-output.png", frame_count = 5, height = 34, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/hr-electric-mining-drill-N-output.png", frame_count = 5, height = 66, line_length = 5, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.09375, -1.375 }, width = 60 }, line_length = 5, priority = "high", shift = { -0.125, -1.375 }, width = 32 }, { animation_speed = 0.4, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/electric-mining-drill-N-wet-shadow.png", frame_count = 1, height = 110, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.4, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/hr-electric-mining-drill-N-wet-shadow.png", frame_count = 1, height = 222, line_length = 1, priority = "high", repeat_count = 5, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.375, 0.03125 }, width = 248 }, line_length = 1, priority = "high", repeat_count = 5, shift = { 0.375, 0.0625 }, width = 124 } } }, south = { layers = { { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/electric-mining-drill-S-wet.png", frame_count = 1, height = 106, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/hr-electric-mining-drill-S-wet.png", frame_count = 1, height = 208, line_length = 1, priority = "high", repeat_count = 5, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.03125, -0.15625 }, width = 192 }, line_length = 1, priority = "high", repeat_count = 5, shift = { 0, -0.1875 }, width = 98 }, { animation_speed = 0.4, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/electric-mining-drill-S-wet-shadow.png", frame_count = 1, height = 98, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.4, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/hr-electric-mining-drill-S-wet-shadow.png", frame_count = 1, height = 192, line_length = 1, priority = "high", repeat_count = 5, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.375, 0.15625 }, width = 248 }, line_length = 1, priority = "high", repeat_count = 5, shift = { 0.375, 0.125 }, width = 124 } } }, west = { layers = { { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/electric-mining-drill-W-wet.png", frame_count = 1, height = 106, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/hr-electric-mining-drill-W-wet.png", frame_count = 1, height = 208, line_length = 1, priority = "high", repeat_count = 5, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.03125, -0.28125 }, width = 194 }, line_length = 1, priority = "high", repeat_count = 5, shift = { 0.0625, -0.3125 }, width = 96 }, { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/electric-mining-drill-W-output.png", frame_count = 5, height = 28, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/hr-electric-mining-drill-W-output.png", frame_count = 5, height = 60, line_length = 5, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.96875, -0.40625 }, width = 50 }, line_length = 5, priority = "high", shift = { -0.9375, -0.375 }, width = 24 }, { animation_speed = 0.4, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/electric-mining-drill-W-wet-shadow.png", frame_count = 1, height = 102, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.4, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/hr-electric-mining-drill-W-wet-shadow.png", frame_count = 1, height = 202, line_length = 1, priority = "high", repeat_count = 5, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.28125, 0.1875 }, width = 260 }, line_length = 1, priority = "high", repeat_count = 5, shift = { 0.25, 0.1875 }, width = 132 } } } }, animation_progress = 1, circuit_connector_layer = "object", circuit_connector_secondary_draw_order = { east = 48, north = 14, south = 48, west = 48 }, drilling_vertical_movement_duration = 25, max_animation_progress = 30, min_animation_progress = 0, shift_animation_transition_duration = 75, shift_animation_waypoint_stop_duration = 487.5, shift_animation_waypoints = { east = { { 0, 0 }, { -0.3, 0 }, { 0, 0 }, { -0.25, 0 } }, north = { { 0, 0 }, { 0, -0.4 }, { 0, -0.1 }, { 0, 0.2 } }, south = { { 0, 0 }, { 0, -0.4 }, { 0, -0.7 }, { 0, -0.3 } }, west = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.3, 0 }, { 0, 0 }, { 0.25, 0 } } }, status_colors = { disabled = { 1, 1, 0, 1 }, full_output = { 1, 1, 0, 1 }, idle = { 1, 0, 0, 1 }, insufficient_input = { 1, 1, 0, 1 }, low_power = { 1, 1, 0, 1 }, no_minable_resources = { 1, 0, 0, 1 }, no_power = { 0, 0, 0, 0 }, working = { 0, 1, 0, 1 } }, working_visualisations = { { align_to_waypoint = true, animation = { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/electric-mining-drill-smoke.png", frame_count = 30, height = 38, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/hr-electric-mining-drill-smoke.png", frame_count = 30, height = 72, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, 0.09375 }, width = 48 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { 0, 0.0625 }, width = 24 }, apply_tint = "resource-color", constant_speed = true, east_position = { 0, 0 }, north_position = { 0, 0.25 }, south_position = { 0, 0.25 }, synced_fadeout = true, west_position = { 0, 0 } }, { apply_tint = "resource-color", constant_speed = true, fadeout = true, north_animation = { layers = { { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/electric-mining-drill-N-smoke.png", frame_count = 10, height = 30, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/hr-electric-mining-drill-N-smoke.png", frame_count = 10, height = 58, line_length = 5, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03125, -1.375 }, width = 42 }, line_length = 5, priority = "high", shift = { -0.0625, -1.375 }, width = 24 } } } }, { always_draw = true, animated_shift = true, east_animation = { layers = { { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/electric-mining-drill-horizontal.png", frame_count = 30, frame_sequence = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["mining-drill"]["electric-mining-drill"].graphics_set.working_visualisations[3].east_animation.layers[1].frame_sequence ]=], height = 80, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/hr-electric-mining-drill-horizontal.png", frame_count = 30, frame_sequence = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["mining-drill"]["electric-mining-drill"].graphics_set.working_visualisations[3].east_animation.layers[1].frame_sequence ]=], height = 160, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0625, -0.375 }, width = 80 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { 0.0625, -0.375 }, width = 40 }, { animation_speed = 0.4, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/electric-mining-drill-horizontal-shadow.png", frame_count = 21, frame_sequence = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["mining-drill"]["electric-mining-drill"].graphics_set.working_visualisations[3].east_animation.layers[2].frame_sequence ]=], height = 80, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.4, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/hr-electric-mining-drill-horizontal-shadow.png", frame_count = 21, frame_sequence = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["mining-drill"]["electric-mining-drill"].graphics_set.working_visualisations[3].east_animation.layers[2].frame_sequence ]=], height = 164, line_length = 7, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.03125, 0.03125 }, width = 180 }, line_length = 7, priority = "high", shift = { 1, 0.0625 }, width = 92 } } }, north_animation = { layers = { { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/electric-mining-drill.png", frame_count = 30, frame_sequence = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["mining-drill"]["electric-mining-drill"].graphics_set.working_visualisations[3].east_animation.layers[1].frame_sequence ]=], height = 80, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/hr-electric-mining-drill.png", frame_count = 30, frame_sequence = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["mining-drill"]["electric-mining-drill"].graphics_set.working_visualisations[3].east_animation.layers[1].frame_sequence ]=], height = 156, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.03125, -0.34375 }, width = 162 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { 0, -0.375 }, width = 84 }, { animation_speed = 0.4, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/electric-mining-drill-shadow.png", frame_count = 21, frame_sequence = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["mining-drill"]["electric-mining-drill"].graphics_set.working_visualisations[3].east_animation.layers[2].frame_sequence ]=], height = 26, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.4, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/hr-electric-mining-drill-shadow.png", frame_count = 21, frame_sequence = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["mining-drill"]["electric-mining-drill"].graphics_set.working_visualisations[3].east_animation.layers[2].frame_sequence ]=], height = 56, line_length = 7, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.65625, 0.15625 }, width = 218 }, line_length = 7, priority = "high", shift = { 0.625, 0.1875 }, width = 112 } } }, south_animation = { layers = { { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/electric-mining-drill.png", frame_count = 30, frame_sequence = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["mining-drill"]["electric-mining-drill"].graphics_set.working_visualisations[3].east_animation.layers[1].frame_sequence ]=], height = 80, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/hr-electric-mining-drill.png", frame_count = 30, frame_sequence = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["mining-drill"]["electric-mining-drill"].graphics_set.working_visualisations[3].east_animation.layers[1].frame_sequence ]=], height = 156, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.03125, -0.34375 }, width = 162 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { 0, -0.375 }, width = 84 }, { animation_speed = 0.4, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/electric-mining-drill-shadow.png", frame_count = 21, frame_sequence = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["mining-drill"]["electric-mining-drill"].graphics_set.working_visualisations[3].east_animation.layers[2].frame_sequence ]=], height = 26, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.4, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/hr-electric-mining-drill-shadow.png", frame_count = 21, frame_sequence = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["mining-drill"]["electric-mining-drill"].graphics_set.working_visualisations[3].east_animation.layers[2].frame_sequence ]=], height = 56, line_length = 7, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.65625, 0.15625 }, width = 218 }, line_length = 7, priority = "high", shift = { 0.625, 0.1875 }, width = 112 } } }, west_animation = { layers = { { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/electric-mining-drill-horizontal.png", frame_count = 30, frame_sequence = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["mining-drill"]["electric-mining-drill"].graphics_set.working_visualisations[3].east_animation.layers[1].frame_sequence ]=], height = 80, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/hr-electric-mining-drill-horizontal.png", frame_count = 30, frame_sequence = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["mining-drill"]["electric-mining-drill"].graphics_set.working_visualisations[3].east_animation.layers[1].frame_sequence ]=], height = 160, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0625, -0.375 }, width = 80 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { 0.0625, -0.375 }, width = 40 }, { animation_speed = 0.4, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/electric-mining-drill-horizontal-shadow.png", frame_count = 21, frame_sequence = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["mining-drill"]["electric-mining-drill"].graphics_set.working_visualisations[3].east_animation.layers[2].frame_sequence ]=], height = 80, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.4, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/hr-electric-mining-drill-horizontal-shadow.png", frame_count = 21, frame_sequence = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["mining-drill"]["electric-mining-drill"].graphics_set.working_visualisations[3].east_animation.layers[2].frame_sequence ]=], height = 164, line_length = 7, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.03125, 0.03125 }, width = 180 }, line_length = 7, priority = "high", shift = { 1, 0.0625 }, width = 92 } } } }, { align_to_waypoint = true, animation = { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/electric-mining-drill-smoke-front.png", frame_count = 30, height = 68, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/hr-electric-mining-drill-smoke-front.png", frame_count = 30, height = 132, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.09375, 0.28125 }, width = 148 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { -0.125, 0.25 }, width = 76 }, apply_tint = "resource-color", constant_speed = true, synced_fadeout = true }, { apply_tint = "resource-color", constant_speed = true, east_animation = { layers = { { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/electric-mining-drill-E-smoke.png", frame_count = 10, height = 28, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/hr-electric-mining-drill-E-smoke.png", frame_count = 10, height = 56, line_length = 5, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.75, -0.375 }, width = 46 }, line_length = 5, priority = "high", shift = { 0.75, -0.375 }, width = 24 } } }, fadeout = true, south_animation = { layers = { { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/electric-mining-drill-S-smoke.png", frame_count = 10, height = 18, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/hr-electric-mining-drill-S-smoke.png", frame_count = 10, height = 36, line_length = 5, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.0625, 0.625 }, width = 48 }, line_length = 5, priority = "high", shift = { -0.0625, 0.625 }, width = 24 } } }, west_animation = { layers = { { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/electric-mining-drill-W-smoke.png", frame_count = 10, height = 30, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/hr-electric-mining-drill-W-smoke.png", frame_count = 10, height = 54, line_length = 5, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.78125, -0.34375 }, width = 46 }, line_length = 5, priority = "high", shift = { -0.8125, -0.375 }, width = 26 } } } }, { always_draw = true, east_animation = { layers = { { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/electric-mining-drill-E-wet-window-background.png", frame_count = 1, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/hr-electric-mining-drill-E-wet-window-background.png", frame_count = 1, height = 14, line_length = 1, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -1.625 }, width = 22 }, line_length = 1, priority = "high", shift = { 0, -1.625 }, width = 12 } } }, secondary_draw_order = -49, south_animation = { layers = { { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/electric-mining-drill-S-wet-window-background.png", frame_count = 1, height = 12, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/hr-electric-mining-drill-S-wet-window-background.png", frame_count = 1, height = 20, line_length = 1, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.0625, -1.34375 }, width = 30 }, line_length = 1, priority = "high", shift = { -0.0625, -1.375 }, width = 16 } } }, west_animation = { layers = { { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/electric-mining-drill-W-wet-window-background.png", frame_count = 1, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/hr-electric-mining-drill-W-wet-window-background.png", frame_count = 1, height = 14, line_length = 1, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -1.625 }, width = 22 }, line_length = 1, priority = "high", shift = { 0, -1.625 }, width = 12 } } } }, { always_draw = true, apply_tint = "input-fluid-base-color", east_animation = { layers = { { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/electric-mining-drill-E-wet-fluid-background.png", frame_count = 1, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/hr-electric-mining-drill-E-wet-fluid-background.png", frame_count = 1, height = 14, line_length = 1, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -1.625 }, width = 22 }, line_length = 1, priority = "high", shift = { 0, -1.625 }, width = 12 } } }, secondary_draw_order = -48, south_animation = { layers = { { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/electric-mining-drill-S-wet-fluid-background.png", frame_count = 1, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/hr-electric-mining-drill-S-wet-fluid-background.png", frame_count = 1, height = 18, line_length = 1, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.0625, -1.34375 }, width = 28 }, line_length = 1, priority = "high", shift = { -0.0625, -1.3125 }, width = 14 } } }, west_animation = { layers = { { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/electric-mining-drill-W-wet-fluid-background.png", frame_count = 1, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/hr-electric-mining-drill-W-wet-fluid-background.png", frame_count = 1, height = 14, line_length = 1, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -1.625 }, width = 22 }, line_length = 1, priority = "high", shift = { 0, -1.625 }, width = 12 } } } }, { always_draw = true, apply_tint = "input-fluid-flow-color", east_animation = { layers = { { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/electric-mining-drill-E-wet-fluid-flow.png", frame_count = 1, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/hr-electric-mining-drill-E-wet-fluid-flow.png", frame_count = 1, height = 14, line_length = 1, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -1.625 }, width = 24 }, line_length = 1, priority = "high", shift = { 0, -1.625 }, width = 12 } } }, secondary_draw_order = -47, south_animation = { layers = { { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/electric-mining-drill-S-wet-fluid-flow.png", frame_count = 1, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/hr-electric-mining-drill-S-wet-fluid-flow.png", frame_count = 1, height = 16, line_length = 1, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.0625, -1.3125 }, width = 26 }, line_length = 1, priority = "high", shift = { -0.0625, -1.3125 }, width = 14 } } }, west_animation = { layers = { { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/electric-mining-drill-W-wet-fluid-flow.png", frame_count = 1, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/hr-electric-mining-drill-W-wet-fluid-flow.png", frame_count = 1, height = 14, line_length = 1, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -1.625 }, width = 24 }, line_length = 1, priority = "high", shift = { 0, -1.625 }, width = 12 } } } }, { always_draw = true, animated_shift = true, east_animation = { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/electric-mining-drill-horizontal-front.png", frame_count = 30, frame_sequence = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["mining-drill"]["electric-mining-drill"].graphics_set.working_visualisations[3].east_animation.layers[1].frame_sequence ]=], height = 76, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/hr-electric-mining-drill-horizontal-front.png", frame_count = 30, frame_sequence = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["mining-drill"]["electric-mining-drill"].graphics_set.working_visualisations[3].east_animation.layers[1].frame_sequence ]=], height = 154, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.09375, 0.09375 }, width = 66 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { -0.0625, 0.125 }, width = 32 }, west_animation = { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/electric-mining-drill-horizontal-front.png", frame_count = 30, frame_sequence = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["mining-drill"]["electric-mining-drill"].graphics_set.working_visualisations[3].east_animation.layers[1].frame_sequence ]=], height = 76, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/hr-electric-mining-drill-horizontal-front.png", frame_count = 30, frame_sequence = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["mining-drill"]["electric-mining-drill"].graphics_set.working_visualisations[3].east_animation.layers[1].frame_sequence ]=], height = 154, line_length = 6, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.09375, 0.09375 }, width = 66 }, line_length = 6, priority = "high", shift = { -0.0625, 0.125 }, width = 32 } }, { always_draw = true, east_animation = { layers = { { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/electric-mining-drill-E-wet-window-background-front.png", frame_count = 1, height = 54, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/hr-electric-mining-drill-E-wet-window-background-front.png", frame_count = 1, height = 110, line_length = 1, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.46875, 0.28125 }, width = 82 }, line_length = 1, priority = "high", shift = { -0.4375, 0.3125 }, width = 40 } } }, north_animation = { layers = { { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/electric-mining-drill-N-wet-window-background.png", frame_count = 1, height = 44, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/hr-electric-mining-drill-N-wet-window-background.png", frame_count = 1, height = 90, line_length = 1, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, 0.28125 }, width = 172 }, line_length = 1, priority = "high", shift = { 0, 0.3125 }, width = 86 } } }, south_animation = { layers = { { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/electric-mining-drill-S-wet-window-background-front.png", frame_count = 1, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/hr-electric-mining-drill-S-wet-window-background-front.png", frame_count = 1, height = 22, line_length = 1, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.21875 }, width = 172 }, line_length = 1, priority = "high", shift = { 0, -0.25 }, width = 86 } } }, west_animation = { layers = { { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/electric-mining-drill-W-wet-window-background-front.png", frame_count = 1, height = 54, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/hr-electric-mining-drill-W-wet-window-background-front.png", frame_count = 1, height = 106, line_length = 1, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.4375, 0.3125 }, width = 80 }, line_length = 1, priority = "high", shift = { 0.4375, 0.3125 }, width = 40 } } } }, { always_draw = true, apply_tint = "input-fluid-base-color", east_animation = { layers = { { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/electric-mining-drill-E-wet-fluid-background-front.png", frame_count = 1, height = 54, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/hr-electric-mining-drill-E-wet-fluid-background-front.png", frame_count = 1, height = 106, line_length = 1, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.46875, 0.3125 }, width = 82 }, line_length = 1, priority = "high", shift = { -0.4375, 0.3125 }, width = 40 } } }, north_animation = { layers = { { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/electric-mining-drill-N-wet-fluid-background.png", frame_count = 1, height = 46, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/hr-electric-mining-drill-N-wet-fluid-background.png", frame_count = 1, height = 94, line_length = 1, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, 0.28125 }, width = 178 }, line_length = 1, priority = "high", shift = { 0, 0.3125 }, width = 90 } } }, south_animation = { layers = { { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/electric-mining-drill-S-wet-fluid-background-front.png", frame_count = 1, height = 16, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/hr-electric-mining-drill-S-wet-fluid-background-front.png", frame_count = 1, height = 28, line_length = 1, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.21875 }, width = 178 }, line_length = 1, priority = "high", shift = { 0, -0.25 }, width = 90 } } }, west_animation = { layers = { { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/electric-mining-drill-W-wet-fluid-background-front.png", frame_count = 1, height = 54, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/hr-electric-mining-drill-W-wet-fluid-background-front.png", frame_count = 1, height = 102, line_length = 1, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.4375, 0.34375 }, width = 80 }, line_length = 1, priority = "high", shift = { 0.4375, 0.3125 }, width = 40 } } } }, { always_draw = true, apply_tint = "input-fluid-flow-color", east_animation = { layers = { { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/electric-mining-drill-E-wet-fluid-flow-front.png", frame_count = 1, height = 54, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/hr-electric-mining-drill-E-wet-fluid-flow-front.png", frame_count = 1, height = 106, line_length = 1, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.4375, 0.3125 }, width = 78 }, line_length = 1, priority = "high", shift = { -0.4375, 0.3125 }, width = 40 } } }, north_animation = { layers = { { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/electric-mining-drill-N-wet-fluid-flow.png", frame_count = 1, height = 44, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/hr-electric-mining-drill-N-wet-fluid-flow.png", frame_count = 1, height = 88, line_length = 1, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, 0.3125 }, width = 172 }, line_length = 1, priority = "high", shift = { 0, 0.3125 }, width = 86 } } }, south_animation = { layers = { { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/electric-mining-drill-S-wet-fluid-flow-front.png", frame_count = 1, height = 12, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/hr-electric-mining-drill-S-wet-fluid-flow-front.png", frame_count = 1, height = 22, line_length = 1, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.25 }, width = 172 }, line_length = 1, priority = "high", shift = { 0, -0.25 }, width = 86 } } }, west_animation = { layers = { { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/electric-mining-drill-W-wet-fluid-flow-front.png", frame_count = 1, height = 50, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/hr-electric-mining-drill-W-wet-fluid-flow-front.png", frame_count = 1, height = 102, line_length = 1, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.4375, 0.34375 }, width = 78 }, line_length = 1, priority = "high", shift = { 0.4375, 0.375 }, width = 40 } } } }, { always_draw = true, east_animation = { layers = { { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/electric-mining-drill-E-wet-front.png", frame_count = 1, height = 76, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/hr-electric-mining-drill-E-wet-front.png", frame_count = 1, height = 148, line_length = 1, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.09375, 0.34375 }, width = 208 }, line_length = 1, priority = "high", shift = { 0.0625, 0.3125 }, width = 106 } } }, north_animation = { layers = { { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/electric-mining-drill-N-wet-front.png", frame_count = 1, height = 66, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/hr-electric-mining-drill-N-wet-front.png", frame_count = 1, height = 130, line_length = 1, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, 0.5 }, width = 200 }, line_length = 1, priority = "high", shift = { 0, 0.5 }, width = 100 } } }, south_animation = { layers = { { animation_speed = 0.4, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/electric-mining-drill-S-output.png", frame_count = 5, height = 28, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.4, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/hr-electric-mining-drill-S-output.png", frame_count = 5, height = 56, line_length = 5, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03125, 1.0625 }, width = 84 }, line_length = 5, priority = "high", shift = { -0.0625, 1.0625 }, width = 44 }, { animation_speed = 0.4, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/electric-mining-drill-S-wet-front.png", frame_count = 1, height = 70, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.4, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/hr-electric-mining-drill-S-wet-front.png", frame_count = 1, height = 140, line_length = 1, priority = "high", repeat_count = 5, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, 0.5625 }, width = 192 }, line_length = 1, priority = "high", repeat_count = 5, shift = { 0, 0.5625 }, width = 96 } } }, west_animation = { layers = { { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/electric-mining-drill-W-wet-front.png", frame_count = 1, height = 72, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/hr-electric-mining-drill-W-wet-front.png", frame_count = 1, height = 144, line_length = 1, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.125, 0.375 }, width = 208 }, line_length = 1, priority = "high", shift = { -0.125, 0.375 }, width = 104 } } } }, { always_draw = true, apply_tint = "status", draw_as_light = true, east_animation = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/electric-mining-drill-E-light.png", height = 18, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/hr-electric-mining-drill-E-light.png", height = 34, scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.1875, -1 }, tint = { 1, 1, 1, 1 }, width = 32 }, shift = { 1.1875, -1 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["mining-drill"]["electric-mining-drill"].wet_mining_graphics_set.working_visualisations[14].east_animation.hr_version.tint ]=], width = 16 }, north_animation = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/electric-mining-drill-N-light.png", height = 16, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/hr-electric-mining-drill-N-light.png", height = 32, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.8125, -1.5 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["mining-drill"]["electric-mining-drill"].wet_mining_graphics_set.working_visualisations[14].east_animation.hr_version.tint ]=], width = 32 }, shift = { 0.8125, -1.5 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["mining-drill"]["electric-mining-drill"].wet_mining_graphics_set.working_visualisations[14].east_animation.hr_version.tint ]=], width = 16 }, south_animation = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/electric-mining-drill-S-light.png", height = 24, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/hr-electric-mining-drill-S-light.png", height = 46, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.8125, 0.8125 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["mining-drill"]["electric-mining-drill"].wet_mining_graphics_set.working_visualisations[14].east_animation.hr_version.tint ]=], width = 38 }, shift = { 0.8125, 0.8125 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["mining-drill"]["electric-mining-drill"].wet_mining_graphics_set.working_visualisations[14].east_animation.hr_version.tint ]=], width = 20 }, west_animation = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/electric-mining-drill-W-light.png", height = 18, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/electric-mining-drill/hr-electric-mining-drill-W-light.png", height = 34, scale = 0.5, shift = { -1.21875, -1 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["mining-drill"]["electric-mining-drill"].wet_mining_graphics_set.working_visualisations[14].east_animation.hr_version.tint ]=], width = 32 }, shift = { -1.25, -1 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["mining-drill"]["electric-mining-drill"].wet_mining_graphics_set.working_visualisations[14].east_animation.hr_version.tint ]=], width = 18 } }, 0 --[=[ ref [""]["mining-drill"]["electric-mining-drill"].graphics_set.working_visualisations[9] ]=] } }, working_sound = { audible_distance_modifier = 0.6, fade_in_ticks = 4, fade_out_ticks = 20, sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/electric-mining-drill.ogg", volume = 0.5 } } }, pumpjack = { animations = { north = { layers = { { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pumpjack/pumpjack-horsehead.png", frame_count = 40, height = 102, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pumpjack/hr-pumpjack-horsehead.png", frame_count = 40, height = 202, line_length = 8, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.125, -0.75 }, width = 206 }, line_length = 8, priority = "high", shift = { -0.125, -0.75 }, width = 104 }, { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pumpjack/pumpjack-horsehead-shadow.png", frame_count = 40, height = 41, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pumpjack/hr-pumpjack-horsehead-shadow.png", frame_count = 40, height = 82, line_length = 8, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.5546875, 0.453125 }, width = 309 }, line_length = 8, priority = "high", shift = { 0.546875, 0.453125 }, width = 155 } } } }, base_picture = { sheets = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pumpjack/pumpjack-base.png", height = 137, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pumpjack/hr-pumpjack-base.png", height = 273, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.0703125, -0.1484375 }, width = 261 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { -0.078125, -0.140625 }, width = 131 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pumpjack/pumpjack-base-shadow.png", height = 111, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pumpjack/hr-pumpjack-base-shadow.png", height = 220, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1875, 0.015625 }, width = 220 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.1875, 0.015625 }, width = 110 } } }, base_render_layer = "lower-object-above-shadow", circuit_connector_sprites = { { blue_led_light_offset = { 0.125, -0.59375 }, connector_main = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04a-base-sequence.png", height = 50, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.09375, -0.859375 }, width = 52, x = 104, y = 150 }, connector_shadow = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04b-base-shadow-sequence.png", height = 46, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.171875, -0.8125 }, width = 62, x = 124, y = 138 }, led_blue = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04e-blue-LED-on-sequence.png", height = 60, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.09375, -0.890625 }, width = 60, x = 120, y = 180 }, led_blue_off = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04f-blue-LED-off-sequence.png", height = 44, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.09375, -0.890625 }, width = 46, x = 92, y = 132 }, led_green = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04h-green-LED-sequence.png", height = 46, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.09375, -0.890625 }, width = 48, x = 96, y = 138 }, led_light = { intensity = 0, size = 0.9 }, led_red = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04i-red-LED-sequence.png", height = 46, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.09375, -0.890625 }, width = 48, x = 96, y = 138 }, red_green_led_light_offset = { 0.109375, -0.703125 }, wire_pins = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04c-wire-sequence.png", height = 58, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.09375, -0.890625 }, width = 62, x = 124, y = 174 }, wire_pins_shadow = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04d-wire-shadow-sequence.png", height = 54, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.25, -0.765625 }, width = 70, x = 140, y = 162 } }, { blue_led_light_offset = { 0.125, -0.59375 }, connector_main = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04a-base-sequence.png", height = 50, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.09375, -0.859375 }, width = 52, x = 104, y = 150 }, connector_shadow = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04b-base-shadow-sequence.png", height = 46, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.171875, -0.8125 }, width = 62, x = 124, y = 138 }, led_blue = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04e-blue-LED-on-sequence.png", height = 60, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.09375, -0.890625 }, width = 60, x = 120, y = 180 }, led_blue_off = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04f-blue-LED-off-sequence.png", height = 44, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.09375, -0.890625 }, width = 46, x = 92, y = 132 }, led_green = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04h-green-LED-sequence.png", height = 46, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.09375, -0.890625 }, width = 48, x = 96, y = 138 }, led_light = { intensity = 0, size = 0.9 }, led_red = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04i-red-LED-sequence.png", height = 46, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.09375, -0.890625 }, width = 48, x = 96, y = 138 }, red_green_led_light_offset = { 0.109375, -0.703125 }, wire_pins = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04c-wire-sequence.png", height = 58, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.09375, -0.890625 }, width = 62, x = 124, y = 174 }, wire_pins_shadow = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04d-wire-shadow-sequence.png", height = 54, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.25, -0.765625 }, width = 70, x = 140, y = 162 } }, { blue_led_light_offset = { 0.125, -0.59375 }, connector_main = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04a-base-sequence.png", height = 50, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.09375, -0.859375 }, width = 52, x = 104, y = 150 }, connector_shadow = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04b-base-shadow-sequence.png", height = 46, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.171875, -0.8125 }, width = 62, x = 124, y = 138 }, led_blue = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04e-blue-LED-on-sequence.png", height = 60, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.09375, -0.890625 }, width = 60, x = 120, y = 180 }, led_blue_off = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04f-blue-LED-off-sequence.png", height = 44, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.09375, -0.890625 }, width = 46, x = 92, y = 132 }, led_green = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04h-green-LED-sequence.png", height = 46, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.09375, -0.890625 }, width = 48, x = 96, y = 138 }, led_light = { intensity = 0, size = 0.9 }, led_red = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04i-red-LED-sequence.png", height = 46, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.09375, -0.890625 }, width = 48, x = 96, y = 138 }, red_green_led_light_offset = { 0.109375, -0.703125 }, wire_pins = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04c-wire-sequence.png", height = 58, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.09375, -0.890625 }, width = 62, x = 124, y = 174 }, wire_pins_shadow = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04d-wire-shadow-sequence.png", height = 54, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.25, -0.765625 }, width = 70, x = 140, y = 162 } }, { blue_led_light_offset = { 0.125, -0.59375 }, connector_main = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04a-base-sequence.png", height = 50, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.09375, -0.859375 }, width = 52, x = 104, y = 150 }, connector_shadow = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04b-base-shadow-sequence.png", height = 46, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.171875, -0.8125 }, width = 62, x = 124, y = 138 }, led_blue = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04e-blue-LED-on-sequence.png", height = 60, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.09375, -0.890625 }, width = 60, x = 120, y = 180 }, led_blue_off = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04f-blue-LED-off-sequence.png", height = 44, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.09375, -0.890625 }, width = 46, x = 92, y = 132 }, led_green = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04h-green-LED-sequence.png", height = 46, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.09375, -0.890625 }, width = 48, x = 96, y = 138 }, led_light = { intensity = 0, size = 0.9 }, led_red = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04i-red-LED-sequence.png", height = 46, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.09375, -0.890625 }, width = 48, x = 96, y = 138 }, red_green_led_light_offset = { 0.109375, -0.703125 }, wire_pins = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04c-wire-sequence.png", height = 58, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.09375, -0.890625 }, width = 62, x = 124, y = 174 }, wire_pins_shadow = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04d-wire-shadow-sequence.png", height = 54, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.25, -0.765625 }, width = 70, x = 140, y = 162 } } }, circuit_wire_connection_points = { { shadow = { green = { 0.53125, -0.515625 }, red = { 0.75, -0.5625 } }, wire = { green = { 0.453125, -0.609375 }, red = { 0.390625, -0.84375 } } }, { shadow = { green = { 0.53125, -0.515625 }, red = { 0.75, -0.5625 } }, wire = { green = { 0.453125, -0.609375 }, red = { 0.390625, -0.84375 } } }, { shadow = { green = { 0.53125, -0.515625 }, red = { 0.75, -0.5625 } }, wire = { green = { 0.453125, -0.609375 }, red = { 0.390625, -0.84375 } } }, { shadow = { green = { 0.53125, -0.515625 }, red = { 0.75, -0.5625 } }, wire = { green = { 0.453125, -0.609375 }, red = { 0.390625, -0.84375 } } } }, circuit_wire_max_distance = 9, close_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.close_sound ]=], collision_box = { { -1.2, -1.2 }, { 1.2, 1.2 } }, corpse = "pumpjack-remnants", damaged_trigger_effect = { damage_type_filters = "fire", entity_name = "spark-explosion", offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, offsets = { { 0, 1 } }, type = "create-entity" }, drawing_box = { { -1.6000000000000001, -2.5 }, { 1.5, 1.6000000000000001 } }, dying_explosion = "pumpjack-explosion", energy_source = { emissions_per_minute = 10, type = "electric", usage_priority = "secondary-input" }, energy_usage = "90kW", fast_replaceable_group = "pumpjack", flags = { "placeable-neutral", "player-creation" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/pumpjack.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, max_health = 200, minable = { mining_time = 0.5, result = "pumpjack" }, mining_speed = 1, module_specification = { module_slots = 2 }, monitor_visualization_tint = { b = 255, g = 173, r = 78 }, name = "pumpjack", open_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.open_sound ]=], output_fluid_box = { base_area = 10, base_level = 1, pipe_connections = { { positions = { { 1, -2 }, { 2, -1 }, { -1, 2 }, { -2, 1 } }, type = "output" } }, pipe_covers = { east = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-east.png", height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-east.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-east-shadow.png", height = 64, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-east-shadow.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 } } }, north = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-north.png", height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-north.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-north-shadow.png", height = 64, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-north-shadow.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 } } }, south = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-south.png", height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-south.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-south-shadow.png", height = 64, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-south-shadow.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 } } }, west = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-west.png", height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-west.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-west-shadow.png", height = 64, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-west-shadow.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 } } } } }, radius_visualisation_picture = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pumpjack/pumpjack-radius-visualization.png", height = 12, width = 12 }, resource_categories = { "basic-fluid" }, resource_searching_radius = 0.49000000000000004, selection_box = { { -1.5, -1.5 }, { 1.5, 1.5 } }, type = "mining-drill", vector_to_place_result = { 0, 0 }, vehicle_impact_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.vehicle_impact_sound ]=], working_sound = { audible_distance_modifier = 0.6, fade_in_ticks = 4, fade_out_ticks = 10, max_sounds_per_type = 3, sound = { { filename = "__base__/sound/pumpjack.ogg", volume = 0.7 } } } } }, ["mining-tool"] = { ["dummy-steel-axe"] = { durability = 1, flags = { "hidden" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/steel-axe.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "dummy-steel-axe", order = "a[mining]-b[steel-axe]", stack_size = 1, subgroup = "tool", type = "mining-tool" } }, module = { ["effectivity-module"] = { art_style = "vanilla", beacon_tint = { primary = { 0, 1, 0 }, secondary = { a = 1, b = 0.37000000000000002, g = 1, r = 0.37000000000000002 } }, category = "effectivity", effect = { consumption = { bonus = -0.3 } }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/effectivity-module.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_description = { "item-description.effectivity-module" }, name = "effectivity-module", order = "c[effectivity]-a[effectivity-module-1]", requires_beacon_alt_mode = false, stack_size = 50, subgroup = "module", tier = 1, type = "module" }, ["effectivity-module-2"] = { art_style = "vanilla", beacon_tint = { primary = { 0, 1, 0 }, secondary = { a = 1, b = 0.37000000000000002, g = 1, r = 0.37000000000000002 } }, category = "effectivity", effect = { consumption = { bonus = -0.4 } }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/effectivity-module-2.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_description = { "item-description.effectivity-module" }, name = "effectivity-module-2", order = "c[effectivity]-b[effectivity-module-2]", requires_beacon_alt_mode = false, stack_size = 50, subgroup = "module", tier = 2, type = "module" }, ["effectivity-module-3"] = { art_style = "vanilla", beacon_tint = { primary = { 0, 1, 0 }, secondary = { a = 1, b = 0.37000000000000002, g = 1, r = 0.37000000000000002 } }, category = "effectivity", effect = { consumption = { bonus = -0.5 } }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/effectivity-module-3.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_description = { "item-description.effectivity-module" }, name = "effectivity-module-3", order = "c[effectivity]-c[effectivity-module-3]", requires_beacon_alt_mode = false, stack_size = 50, subgroup = "module", tier = 3, type = "module" }, ["productivity-module"] = { category = "productivity", effect = { consumption = { bonus = 0.4 }, pollution = { bonus = 0.05 }, productivity = { bonus = 0.04 }, speed = { bonus = -0.05 } }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/productivity-module.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, limitation = { "sulfuric-acid", "basic-oil-processing", "advanced-oil-processing", "coal-liquefaction", "heavy-oil-cracking", "light-oil-cracking", "solid-fuel-from-light-oil", "solid-fuel-from-heavy-oil", "solid-fuel-from-petroleum-gas", "lubricant", "iron-plate", "copper-plate", "steel-plate", "stone-brick", "sulfur", "plastic-bar", "empty-barrel", "uranium-processing", "copper-cable", "iron-stick", "iron-gear-wheel", "electronic-circuit", "advanced-circuit", "processing-unit", "engine-unit", "electric-engine-unit", "uranium-fuel-cell", "explosives", "battery", "flying-robot-frame", "low-density-structure", "rocket-fuel", "nuclear-fuel", "nuclear-fuel-reprocessing", "rocket-control-unit", "rocket-part", "automation-science-pack", "logistic-science-pack", "chemical-science-pack", "military-science-pack", "production-science-pack", "utility-science-pack", "kovarex-enrichment-process" }, limitation_message_key = "production-module-usable-only-on-intermediates", localised_description = { "item-description.productivity-module" }, name = "productivity-module", order = "c[productivity]-a[productivity-module-1]", stack_size = 50, subgroup = "module", tier = 1, type = "module" }, ["productivity-module-2"] = { category = "productivity", effect = { consumption = { bonus = 0.6 }, pollution = { bonus = 0.070000000000000009 }, productivity = { bonus = 0.06 }, speed = { bonus = -0.1 } }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/productivity-module-2.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, limitation = { "sulfuric-acid", "basic-oil-processing", "advanced-oil-processing", "coal-liquefaction", "heavy-oil-cracking", "light-oil-cracking", "solid-fuel-from-light-oil", "solid-fuel-from-heavy-oil", "solid-fuel-from-petroleum-gas", "lubricant", "iron-plate", "copper-plate", "steel-plate", "stone-brick", "sulfur", "plastic-bar", "empty-barrel", "uranium-processing", "copper-cable", "iron-stick", "iron-gear-wheel", "electronic-circuit", "advanced-circuit", "processing-unit", "engine-unit", "electric-engine-unit", "uranium-fuel-cell", "explosives", "battery", "flying-robot-frame", "low-density-structure", "rocket-fuel", "nuclear-fuel", "nuclear-fuel-reprocessing", "rocket-control-unit", "rocket-part", "automation-science-pack", "logistic-science-pack", "chemical-science-pack", "military-science-pack", "production-science-pack", "utility-science-pack", "kovarex-enrichment-process" }, limitation_message_key = "production-module-usable-only-on-intermediates", localised_description = { "item-description.productivity-module" }, name = "productivity-module-2", order = "c[productivity]-b[productivity-module-2]", stack_size = 50, subgroup = "module", tier = 2, type = "module" }, ["productivity-module-3"] = { category = "productivity", effect = { consumption = { bonus = 0.8 }, pollution = { bonus = 0.1 }, productivity = { bonus = 0.1 }, speed = { bonus = -0.15 } }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/productivity-module-3.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, limitation = { "sulfuric-acid", "basic-oil-processing", "advanced-oil-processing", "coal-liquefaction", "heavy-oil-cracking", "light-oil-cracking", "solid-fuel-from-light-oil", "solid-fuel-from-heavy-oil", "solid-fuel-from-petroleum-gas", "lubricant", "iron-plate", "copper-plate", "steel-plate", "stone-brick", "sulfur", "plastic-bar", "empty-barrel", "uranium-processing", "copper-cable", "iron-stick", "iron-gear-wheel", "electronic-circuit", "advanced-circuit", "processing-unit", "engine-unit", "electric-engine-unit", "uranium-fuel-cell", "explosives", "battery", "flying-robot-frame", "low-density-structure", "rocket-fuel", "nuclear-fuel", "nuclear-fuel-reprocessing", "rocket-control-unit", "rocket-part", "automation-science-pack", "logistic-science-pack", "chemical-science-pack", "military-science-pack", "production-science-pack", "utility-science-pack", "kovarex-enrichment-process" }, limitation_message_key = "production-module-usable-only-on-intermediates", localised_description = { "item-description.productivity-module" }, name = "productivity-module-3", order = "c[productivity]-c[productivity-module-3]", stack_size = 50, subgroup = "module", tier = 3, type = "module" }, ["speed-module"] = { art_style = "vanilla", beacon_tint = { primary = { a = 1, b = 1, g = 0.71399999999999997, r = 0.44100000000000001 }, secondary = { a = 1, b = 1, g = 0.97599999999999998, r = 0.38799999999999999 } }, category = "speed", effect = { consumption = { bonus = 0.5 }, speed = { bonus = 0.2 } }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/speed-module.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_description = { "item-description.speed-module" }, name = "speed-module", order = "a[speed]-a[speed-module-1]", requires_beacon_alt_mode = false, stack_size = 50, subgroup = "module", tier = 1, type = "module" }, ["speed-module-2"] = { art_style = "vanilla", beacon_tint = { primary = { a = 1, b = 1, g = 0.71399999999999997, r = 0.44100000000000001 }, secondary = { a = 1, b = 1, g = 0.97599999999999998, r = 0.38799999999999999 } }, category = "speed", effect = { consumption = { bonus = 0.6 }, speed = { bonus = 0.3 } }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/speed-module-2.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_description = { "item-description.speed-module" }, name = "speed-module-2", order = "a[speed]-b[speed-module-2]", 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"function-application" }, { literal_value = -20, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 304 }, type = "literal-number" }, { literal_value = 50, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 305 }, type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "clamp", source_location = { filename = "__core__/prototypes/noise-programs.lua", line_number = 340 }, type = "function-application" }, intended_property = "temperature", name = "temperature", type = "noise-expression" }, tier = { expression = { source_location = { filename = "__core__/prototypes/noise-programs.lua", line_number = 576 }, type = "variable", variable_name = "tier_from_start" }, name = "tier", type = "noise-expression" }, tier_from_start = { expression = { arguments = { { arguments = { { literal_value = 0, source_location = { filename = "__core__/prototypes/noise-programs.lua", line_number = 570 }, type = "literal-number" }, { arguments = { { source_location = { filename = 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line_number = 570 }, type = "function-application" }, name = "tier_from_start", type = "noise-expression" } }, ["noise-layer"] = { aux = { name = "aux", type = "noise-layer" }, ["brown-fluff"] = { name = "brown-fluff", type = "noise-layer" }, coal = { name = "coal", type = "noise-layer" }, ["copper-ore"] = { name = "copper-ore", type = "noise-layer" }, ["crude-oil"] = { name = "crude-oil", type = "noise-layer" }, ["dirt-1"] = { name = "dirt-1", type = "noise-layer" }, ["dirt-2"] = { name = "dirt-2", type = "noise-layer" }, ["dirt-3"] = { name = "dirt-3", type = "noise-layer" }, ["dirt-4"] = { name = "dirt-4", type = "noise-layer" }, ["dirt-5"] = { name = "dirt-5", type = "noise-layer" }, ["dirt-6"] = { name = "dirt-6", type = "noise-layer" }, ["dirt-7"] = { name = "dirt-7", type = "noise-layer" }, ["dry-dirt"] = { name = "dry-dirt", type = "noise-layer" }, elevation = { name = "elevation", type = "noise-layer" }, ["elevation-persistence"] = { name = "elevation-persistence", type = "noise-layer" }, ["enemy-base"] = { name = "enemy-base", type = "noise-layer" }, fluff = { name = "fluff", type = "noise-layer" }, garballo = { name = "garballo", type = "noise-layer" }, ["grass-1"] = { name = "grass-1", type = "noise-layer" }, ["grass-2"] = { name = "grass-2", type = "noise-layer" }, ["grass-3"] = { name = "grass-3", type = "noise-layer" }, ["grass-4"] = { name = "grass-4", type = "noise-layer" }, grass1 = { name = "grass1", type = "noise-layer" }, grass2 = { name = "grass2", type = "noise-layer" }, ["green-fluff"] = { name = "green-fluff", type = "noise-layer" }, ["iron-ore"] = { name = "iron-ore", type = "noise-layer" }, moisture = { name = "moisture", type = "noise-layer" }, pita = { name = "pita", type = "noise-layer" }, ["pita-mini"] = { name = "pita-mini", type = "noise-layer" }, ["red-desert-0"] = { name = "red-desert-0", type = "noise-layer" }, ["red-desert-1"] = { name = "red-desert-1", type = "noise-layer" }, ["red-desert-2"] = { name = "red-desert-2", type = "noise-layer" }, ["red-desert-3"] = { name = "red-desert-3", type = "noise-layer" }, ["red-desert-decal"] = { name = "red-desert-decal", type = "noise-layer" }, rocks = { name = "rocks", type = "noise-layer" }, ["sand-1"] = { name = "sand-1", type = "noise-layer" }, ["sand-2"] = { name = "sand-2", type = "noise-layer" }, ["sand-3"] = { name = "sand-3", type = "noise-layer" }, ["sand-decal"] = { name = "sand-decal", type = "noise-layer" }, ["sand-dune-decal"] = { name = "sand-dune-decal", type = "noise-layer" }, ["starting-area"] = { name = "starting-area", type = "noise-layer" }, stone = { name = "stone", type = "noise-layer" }, temperature = { name = "temperature", type = "noise-layer" }, trees = { name = "trees", type = "noise-layer" }, ["trees-1"] = { name = "trees-1", type = "noise-layer" }, ["trees-2"] = { name = "trees-2", type = "noise-layer" }, ["trees-3"] = { name = "trees-3", type = "noise-layer" }, ["trees-4"] = { name = "trees-4", type = "noise-layer" }, ["trees-5"] = { name = "trees-5", type = "noise-layer" }, ["trees-6"] = { name = "trees-6", type = "noise-layer" }, ["trees-7"] = { name = "trees-7", type = "noise-layer" }, ["trees-8"] = { name = "trees-8", type = "noise-layer" }, ["trees-9"] = { name = "trees-9", type = "noise-layer" }, ["trees-10"] = { name = "trees-10", type = "noise-layer" }, ["trees-11"] = { name = "trees-11", type = "noise-layer" }, ["trees-12"] = { name = "trees-12", type = "noise-layer" }, ["trees-13"] = { name = "trees-13", type = "noise-layer" }, ["trees-14"] = { name = "trees-14", type = "noise-layer" }, ["trees-15"] = { name = "trees-15", type = "noise-layer" }, ["uranium-ore"] = { name = "uranium-ore", type = "noise-layer" } }, ["offshore-pump"] = { ["offshore-pump"] = { adjacent_tile_collision_box = { { -1, -2 }, { 1, -1 } }, adjacent_tile_collision_mask = { "ground-tile" }, adjacent_tile_collision_test = { "water-tile" }, always_draw_fluid = true, center_collision_mask = { "water-tile", "object-layer", "player-layer" }, circuit_connector_sprites = { { blue_led_light_offset = { -0.703125, -0.09375 }, connector_main = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04a-base-sequence.png", height = 50, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.5, -0.234375 }, width = 52, x = 0, y = 150 }, led_blue = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04e-blue-LED-on-sequence.png", height = 60, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.5, -0.265625 }, width = 60, x = 0, y = 180 }, led_blue_off = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04f-blue-LED-off-sequence.png", height = 44, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.5, -0.265625 }, width = 46, x = 0, y = 132 }, led_green = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04h-green-LED-sequence.png", height = 46, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.5, -0.265625 }, width = 48, x = 0, y = 138 }, led_light = { intensity = 0, size = 0.9 }, led_red = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04i-red-LED-sequence.png", height = 46, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.5, -0.265625 }, width = 48, x = 0, y = 138 }, red_green_led_light_offset = { -0.6875, -0.203125 }, wire_pins = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04c-wire-sequence.png", height = 58, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.5, -0.265625 }, width = 62, x = 0, y = 174 }, wire_pins_shadow = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04d-wire-shadow-sequence.png", height = 54, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.34375, -0.140625 }, width = 70, x = 0, y = 162 } }, { blue_led_light_offset = { -0.1875, 0.4375 }, connector_main = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04a-base-sequence.png", height = 50, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.21875, 0.171875 }, width = 52, x = 104, y = 150 }, connector_shadow = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04b-base-shadow-sequence.png", height = 46, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.078125, 0.53125 }, width = 62, x = 124, y = 138 }, led_blue = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04e-blue-LED-on-sequence.png", height = 60, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.21875, 0.140625 }, width = 60, x = 120, y = 180 }, led_blue_off = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04f-blue-LED-off-sequence.png", height = 44, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.21875, 0.140625 }, width = 46, x = 92, y = 132 }, led_green = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04h-green-LED-sequence.png", height = 46, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.21875, 0.140625 }, width = 48, x = 96, y = 138 }, led_light = { intensity = 0, size = 0.9 }, led_red = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04i-red-LED-sequence.png", height = 46, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.21875, 0.140625 }, width = 48, x = 96, y = 138 }, red_green_led_light_offset = { -0.203125, 0.328125 }, wire_pins = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04c-wire-sequence.png", height = 58, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.21875, 0.140625 }, width = 62, x = 124, y = 174 }, wire_pins_shadow = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04d-wire-shadow-sequence.png", height = 54, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.0625, 0.265625 }, width = 70, x = 140, y = 162 } }, { blue_led_light_offset = { -0.703125, -0.09375 }, connector_main = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04a-base-sequence.png", height = 50, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.421875, -0.140625 }, width = 52, x = 0, y = 100 }, led_blue = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04e-blue-LED-on-sequence.png", height = 60, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.421875, -0.171875 }, width = 60, x = 0, y = 120 }, led_blue_off = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04f-blue-LED-off-sequence.png", height = 44, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.421875, -0.171875 }, width = 46, x = 0, y = 88 }, led_green = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04h-green-LED-sequence.png", height = 46, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.421875, -0.171875 }, width = 48, x = 0, y = 92 }, led_light = { intensity = 0, size = 0.9 }, led_red = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04i-red-LED-sequence.png", height = 46, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.421875, -0.171875 }, width = 48, x = 0, y = 92 }, red_green_led_light_offset = { -0.625, -0.1875 }, wire_pins = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04c-wire-sequence.png", height = 58, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.421875, -0.171875 }, width = 62, x = 0, y = 116 }, wire_pins_shadow = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04d-wire-shadow-sequence.png", height = 54, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.265625, -0.046875 }, width = 70, x = 0, y = 108 } }, { blue_led_light_offset = { 0.203125, 0.4375 }, connector_main = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04a-base-sequence.png", height = 50, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.171875, 0.171875 }, width = 52, x = 104, y = 150 }, connector_shadow = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04b-base-shadow-sequence.png", height = 46, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.390625, -0.3125 }, width = 62, x = 124, y = 138 }, led_blue = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04e-blue-LED-on-sequence.png", height = 60, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.171875, 0.140625 }, width = 60, x = 120, y = 180 }, led_blue_off = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04f-blue-LED-off-sequence.png", height = 44, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.171875, 0.140625 }, width = 46, x = 92, y = 132 }, led_green = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04h-green-LED-sequence.png", height = 46, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.171875, 0.140625 }, width = 48, x = 96, y = 138 }, led_light = { intensity = 0, size = 0.9 }, led_red = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04i-red-LED-sequence.png", height = 46, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.171875, 0.140625 }, width = 48, x = 96, y = 138 }, red_green_led_light_offset = { 0.1875, 0.328125 }, wire_pins = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04c-wire-sequence.png", height = 58, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.171875, 0.140625 }, width = 62, x = 124, y = 174 }, wire_pins_shadow = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04d-wire-shadow-sequence.png", height = 54, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.328125, 0.265625 }, width = 70, x = 140, y = 162 } } }, circuit_wire_connection_points = { { shadow = { green = { -0.125, 0.4375 }, red = { 0.1875, 0.453125 } }, wire = { green = { -0.671875, 0.109375 }, red = { -0.59375, -0.0625 } } }, { shadow = { green = { 0.28125, 0.828125 }, red = { 0.5, 0.78125 } }, wire = { green = { 0.140625, 0.421875 }, red = { 0.078125, 0.1875 } } }, { shadow = { green = { -0.484375, 0.71875 }, red = { -0.15625, 0.734375 } }, wire = { green = { -0.671875, 0.15625 }, red = { -0.515625, 0.046875 } } }, { shadow = { green = { -0.03125, -0.015625 }, red = { 0.1875, -0.0625 } }, wire = { green = { 0.53125, 0.421875 }, red = { 0.46875, 0.1875 } } } }, circuit_wire_max_distance = 9, close_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.close_sound ]=], collision_box = { { -0.6, -1.05 }, { 0.6, 0.3 } }, collision_mask = { "object-layer", "train-layer" }, corpse = "offshore-pump-remnants", damaged_trigger_effect = { damage_type_filters = "fire", entity_name = "spark-explosion", offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, offsets = { { 0, 1 } }, type = "create-entity" }, dying_explosion = "offshore-pump-explosion", flags = { "placeable-neutral", "player-creation", "filter-directions" }, fluid = "water", fluid_box = { base_area = 1, base_level = 1, filter = "water", pipe_connections = { { position = { 0, 1 }, type = "output" } }, pipe_covers = { east = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-east.png", height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-east.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-east-shadow.png", height = 64, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-east-shadow.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 } } }, north = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-north.png", height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-north.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-north-shadow.png", height = 64, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-north-shadow.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 } } }, south = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-south.png", height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-south.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-south-shadow.png", height = 64, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-south-shadow.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 } } }, west = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-west.png", height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-west.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-west-shadow.png", height = 64, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-west-shadow.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 } } } }, production_type = "output" }, fluid_box_tile_collision_test = { "ground-tile" }, graphics_set = { animation = { east = { layers = { { animation_speed = 0.25, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/offshore-pump/offshore-pump_East.png", frame_count = 32, height = 52, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.25, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/offshore-pump/hr-offshore-pump_East.png", frame_count = 32, height = 102, line_length = 8, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.46875, -0.0625 }, width = 124 }, line_length = 8, priority = "high", shift = { 0.4375, -0.0625 }, width = 64 }, { animation_speed = 0.25, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/offshore-pump/offshore-pump_East-shadow.png", frame_count = 32, height = 34, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.25, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/offshore-pump/hr-offshore-pump_East-shadow.png", frame_count = 32, height = 66, line_length = 8, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.84375, 0.25 }, width = 180 }, line_length = 8, priority = "high", shift = { 0.875, 0.25 }, width = 88 } } }, ignore = true, north = { layers = { { animation_speed = 0.25, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/offshore-pump/offshore-pump_North.png", frame_count = 32, height = 84, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.25, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/offshore-pump/hr-offshore-pump_North.png", frame_count = 32, height = 162, line_length = 8, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03125, -0.46875 }, width = 90 }, line_length = 8, priority = "high", shift = { -0.0625, -0.5 }, width = 48 }, { animation_speed = 0.25, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/offshore-pump/offshore-pump_North-shadow.png", frame_count = 32, height = 70, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.25, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/offshore-pump/hr-offshore-pump_North-shadow.png", frame_count = 32, height = 134, line_length = 8, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.40625, -0.21875 }, width = 150 }, line_length = 8, priority = "high", shift = { 0.375, -0.25 }, width = 78 } } }, south = { layers = { { animation_speed = 0.25, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/offshore-pump/offshore-pump_South.png", frame_count = 32, height = 96, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.25, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/offshore-pump/hr-offshore-pump_South.png", frame_count = 32, height = 192, line_length = 8, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03125, 0 }, width = 92 }, line_length = 8, priority = "high", shift = { -0.0625, 0 }, width = 48 }, { animation_speed = 0.25, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/offshore-pump/offshore-pump_South-shadow.png", frame_count = 32, height = 66, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.25, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/offshore-pump/hr-offshore-pump_South-shadow.png", frame_count = 32, height = 128, line_length = 8, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.46875, 0.71875 }, width = 164 }, line_length = 8, priority = "high", shift = { 0.5, 0.6875 }, width = 80 } } }, west = { layers = { { animation_speed = 0.25, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/offshore-pump/offshore-pump_West.png", frame_count = 32, height = 52, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.25, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/offshore-pump/hr-offshore-pump_West.png", frame_count = 32, height = 102, line_length = 8, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.46875, -0.0625 }, width = 124 }, line_length = 8, priority = "high", shift = { -0.5, -0.0625 }, width = 64 }, { animation_speed = 0.25, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/offshore-pump/offshore-pump_West-shadow.png", frame_count = 32, height = 34, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.25, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/offshore-pump/hr-offshore-pump_West-shadow.png", frame_count = 32, height = 66, line_length = 8, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.09375, 0.25 }, width = 172 }, line_length = 8, priority = "high", shift = { -0.125, 0.25 }, width = 88 } } } }, base_pictures = { east = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/offshore-pump/offshore-pump_East-legs.png", height = 32, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/offshore-pump/hr-offshore-pump_East-legs.png", height = 60, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.125, 0.40625 }, width = 106 }, shift = { 0.125, 0.375 }, width = 54 }, north = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/offshore-pump/offshore-pump_North-legs.png", height = 52, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/offshore-pump/hr-offshore-pump_North-legs.png", height = 106, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03125, -0.15625 }, width = 114 }, shift = { -0.0625, -0.125 }, width = 60 }, south = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/offshore-pump/offshore-pump_South-legs.png", height = 54, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/offshore-pump/hr-offshore-pump_South-legs.png", height = 108, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.0625, 0.1875 }, width = 110 }, shift = { -0.0625, 0.1875 }, width = 56 }, west = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/offshore-pump/offshore-pump_West-legs.png", height = 32, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/offshore-pump/hr-offshore-pump_West-legs.png", height = 64, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.1875, 0.375 }, width = 108 }, shift = { -0.1875, 0.375 }, width = 54 } }, base_render_layer = "ground-patch", fluid_animation = { east = { animation_speed = 0.25, apply_runtime_tint = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/offshore-pump/offshore-pump_East-fluid.png", frame_count = 32, height = 24, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.25, apply_runtime_tint = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/offshore-pump/hr-offshore-pump_East-fluid.png", frame_count = 32, height = 50, line_length = 8, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1875, -0.34375 }, width = 38 }, line_length = 8, shift = { 0.1875, -0.3125 }, width = 20 }, north = { animation_speed = 0.25, apply_runtime_tint = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/offshore-pump/offshore-pump_North-fluid.png", frame_count = 32, height = 20, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.25, apply_runtime_tint = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/offshore-pump/hr-offshore-pump_North-fluid.png", frame_count = 32, height = 40, line_length = 8, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03125, -0.6875 }, width = 40 }, line_length = 8, shift = { -0.0625, -0.6875 }, width = 22 }, south = { animation_speed = 0.25, apply_runtime_tint = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/offshore-pump/offshore-pump_South-fluid.png", frame_count = 32, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.25, apply_runtime_tint = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/offshore-pump/hr-offshore-pump_South-fluid.png", frame_count = 32, height = 14, line_length = 8, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03125, -0.125 }, width = 36 }, line_length = 8, shift = { -0.0625, -0.125 }, width = 20 }, west = { animation_speed = 0.25, apply_runtime_tint = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/offshore-pump/offshore-pump_West-fluid.png", frame_count = 32, height = 24, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.25, apply_runtime_tint = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/offshore-pump/hr-offshore-pump_West-fluid.png", frame_count = 32, height = 50, line_length = 8, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.21875, -0.34375 }, width = 36 }, line_length = 8, shift = { -0.25, -0.3125 }, width = 20 } }, glass_pictures = { east = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/offshore-pump/offshore-pump_East-glass.png", height = 18, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/offshore-pump/hr-offshore-pump_East-glass.png", height = 32, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.15625, -0.40625 }, width = 30 }, shift = { 0.125, -0.4375 }, width = 18 }, north = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/offshore-pump/offshore-pump_North-glass.png", height = 20, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/offshore-pump/hr-offshore-pump_North-glass.png", height = 40, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.0625, -0.6875 }, width = 36 }, shift = { -0.0625, -0.6875 }, width = 18 }, south = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/offshore-pump/offshore-pump_South-glass.png", height = 12, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/offshore-pump/hr-offshore-pump_South-glass.png", height = 24, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03125, -0.1875 }, width = 40 }, shift = { -0.0625, -0.1875 }, width = 22 }, west = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/offshore-pump/offshore-pump_West-glass.png", height = 16, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/offshore-pump/hr-offshore-pump_West-glass.png", height = 32, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.1875, -0.4375 }, width = 30 }, shift = { -0.1875, -0.4375 }, width = 16 } }, underwater_layer_offset = 30, underwater_pictures = { east = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/offshore-pump/offshore-pump_East-underwater.png", height = 38, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/offshore-pump/hr-offshore-pump_East-underwater.png", height = 72, scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.21875, 0.53125 }, width = 40 }, shift = { 1.25, 0.5 }, width = 18 }, north = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/offshore-pump/offshore-pump_North-underwater.png", height = 16, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/offshore-pump/hr-offshore-pump_North-underwater.png", height = 36, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03125, -1 }, width = 98 }, shift = { -0.0625, -1.0625 }, width = 52 }, south = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/offshore-pump/offshore-pump_South-underwater.png", height = 26, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/offshore-pump/hr-offshore-pump_South-underwater.png", height = 48, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03125, 1.53125 }, width = 98 }, shift = { -0.0625, 1.5 }, width = 52 }, west = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/offshore-pump/offshore-pump_West-underwater.png", height = 34, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/offshore-pump/hr-offshore-pump_West-underwater.png", height = 72, scale = 0.5, shift = { -1.25, 0.53125 }, width = 40 }, shift = { -1.25, 0.5625 }, width = 20 } } }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/offshore-pump.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, max_health = 150, min_perceived_performance = 0.5, minable = { mining_time = 0.1, result = "offshore-pump" }, name = "offshore-pump", open_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.open_sound ]=], picture = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["offshore-pump"]["offshore-pump"].graphics_set.animation ]=], placeable_position_visualization = { filename = "__core__/graphics/cursor-boxes-32x32.png", height = 64, priority = "extra-high-no-scale", scale = 0.5, width = 64, x = 192 }, pumping_speed = 20, resistances = { { percent = 70, type = "fire" }, { percent = 30, type = "impact" } }, selection_box = { { -0.6, -1.49 }, { 0.6, 0.49000000000000004 } }, tile_height = 1, tile_width = 1, type = "offshore-pump", vehicle_impact_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.vehicle_impact_sound ]=], water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = true, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/offshore-pump/offshore-pump-reflection.png", height = 156, priority = "extra-high", scale = 1, shift = { 0, 0.59375 }, variation_count = 4, width = 132 }, rotate = false }, working_sound = { audible_distance_modifier = 0.7, fade_in_ticks = 4, fade_out_ticks = 20, match_volume_to_activity = true, max_sounds_per_type = 3, sound = { { filename = "__base__/sound/offshore-pump.ogg", volume = 0.5 } } } } }, ["optimized-decorative"] = { ["big-ship-wreck-grass"] = { collision_box = { { -2.5, -1.5 }, { 2.5, 1.5 } }, grows_through_rail_path = true, name = "big-ship-wreck-grass", order = "d[remnants]-d[ship-wreck-grass]-a[big]", pictures = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/ship-wreck/big-ship-wreck-grass.png", height = 112, priority = "extra-high", width = 206 } }, render_layer = "floor", trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.1, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.060999999999999996, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.1, -0.1 }, { 0.1, 0.1 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "green-carpet-grass-vegetation-particle-small-medium", probability = 1, repeat_count = 50, repeat_count_deviation = 0, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.013, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.1, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.062000000000000002, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.1, -0.1 }, { 0.1, 0.1 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "green-carpet-grass-wooden-splinter-particle-small", probability = 1, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 5, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.021999999999999997, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.070000000000000009, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.1, -0.1 }, { 0.1, 0.1 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "small-rock-stone-particle-small", probability = 1, repeat_count = 20, repeat_count_deviation = 0, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.04, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" } }, type = "optimized-decorative", walking_sound = { { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/decorative-mud-01.ogg", volume = 0.3 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/decorative-mud-02.ogg", volume = 0.3 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/decorative-mud-03.ogg", volume = 0.3 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/decorative-mud-04.ogg", volume = 0.3 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/decorative-mud-05.ogg", volume = 0.3 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/decorative-mud-06.ogg", volume = 0.3 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/decorative-mud-07.ogg", volume = 0.3 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/decorative-mud-08.ogg", volume = 0.3 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/decorative-mud-09.ogg", volume = 0.3 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/decorative-mud-10.ogg", volume = 0.3 } } }, ["brown-asterisk"] = { autoplace = { order = "a[doodad]-z[other]", peaks = { { influence = 1, temperature_max_range = 37.5, temperature_optimal = 10, temperature_range = 25, water_max_range = 0.30000000000000004, water_optimal = 0.3, water_range = 0.2 }, { influence = 0.5, noise_layer = "brown-fluff", noise_octaves_difference = -2, noise_persistence = 0.9 }, { influence = -1 } } }, collision_box = { { -0.7, -0.7 }, { 0.7, 0.7 } }, name = "brown-asterisk", order = "b[decorative]-b[asterisk]-a[brown]", pictures = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/brown-asterisk/brown-asterisk-00.png", height = 37, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/brown-asterisk/hr-brown-asterisk-00.png", height = 74, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.3046875, -0.203125 }, width = 119 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.296875, -0.203125 }, width = 59 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/brown-asterisk/brown-asterisk-01.png", height = 47, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/brown-asterisk/hr-brown-asterisk-01.png", height = 94, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1796875, -0.265625 }, width = 113 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.1875, -0.265625 }, width = 56 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/brown-asterisk/brown-asterisk-02.png", height = 34, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/brown-asterisk/hr-brown-asterisk-02.png", height = 69, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.140625, -0.0859375 }, width = 94 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.140625, -0.09375 }, width = 47 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/brown-asterisk/brown-asterisk-03.png", height = 41, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/brown-asterisk/hr-brown-asterisk-03.png", height = 81, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.296875, -0.2578125 }, width = 106 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.296875, -0.265625 }, width = 53 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/brown-asterisk/brown-asterisk-04.png", height = 39, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/brown-asterisk/hr-brown-asterisk-04.png", height = 77, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.125, -0.2578125 }, width = 94 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.125, -0.265625 }, width = 48 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/brown-asterisk/brown-asterisk-05.png", height = 32, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/brown-asterisk/hr-brown-asterisk-05.png", height = 63, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0390625, -0.1796875 }, width = 77 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.03125, -0.1875 }, width = 38 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/brown-asterisk/brown-asterisk-06.png", height = 32, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/brown-asterisk/hr-brown-asterisk-06.png", height = 64, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.296875, -0.046875 }, width = 112 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.28125, -0.03125 }, width = 56 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/brown-asterisk/brown-asterisk-07.png", height = 47, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/brown-asterisk/hr-brown-asterisk-07.png", height = 94, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.2578125, -0.25 }, width = 97 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.265625, -0.234375 }, width = 49 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/brown-asterisk/brown-asterisk-08.png", height = 29, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/brown-asterisk/hr-brown-asterisk-08.png", height = 57, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1328125, -0.1015625 }, width = 107 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.140625, -0.109375 }, width = 53 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/brown-asterisk/brown-asterisk-09.png", height = 46, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/brown-asterisk/hr-brown-asterisk-09.png", height = 90, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.3359375, -0.09375 }, width = 115 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.328125, -0.09375 }, width = 57 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/brown-asterisk/brown-asterisk-10.png", height = 30, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/brown-asterisk/hr-brown-asterisk-10.png", height = 59, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.125, 0.0703125 }, width = 110 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { -0.125, 0.0625 }, width = 56 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/brown-asterisk/brown-asterisk-11.png", height = 38, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/brown-asterisk/hr-brown-asterisk-11.png", height = 74, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.3671875, -0.0625 }, width = 85 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.359375, -0.0625 }, width = 43 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/brown-asterisk/brown-asterisk-12.png", height = 31, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/brown-asterisk/hr-brown-asterisk-12.png", height = 62, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.2578125, -0.296875 }, width = 95 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.25, -0.296875 }, width = 48 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/brown-asterisk/brown-asterisk-13.png", height = 40, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/brown-asterisk/hr-brown-asterisk-13.png", height = 80, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.2109375, -0.125 }, width = 77 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.21875, -0.125 }, width = 38 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/brown-asterisk/brown-asterisk-14.png", height = 25, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/brown-asterisk/hr-brown-asterisk-14.png", height = 49, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1640625, -0.1640625 }, width = 87 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.171875, -0.171875 }, width = 43 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/brown-asterisk/brown-asterisk-15.png", height = 30, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/brown-asterisk/hr-brown-asterisk-15.png", height = 61, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, -0.1328125 }, width = 77 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, -0.125 }, width = 39 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/brown-asterisk/brown-asterisk-16.png", height = 33, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/brown-asterisk/hr-brown-asterisk-16.png", height = 66, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.2265625, -0.21875 }, width = 107 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.21875, -0.203125 }, width = 54 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/brown-asterisk/brown-asterisk-17.png", height = 30, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/brown-asterisk/hr-brown-asterisk-17.png", height = 60, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1484375, -0.109375 }, width = 85 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.140625, -0.09375 }, width = 43 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/brown-asterisk/brown-asterisk-18.png", height = 29, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/brown-asterisk/hr-brown-asterisk-18.png", height = 59, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.2265625, -0.1328125 }, width = 85 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.234375, -0.140625 }, width = 43 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/brown-asterisk/brown-asterisk-19.png", height = 26, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/brown-asterisk/hr-brown-asterisk-19.png", height = 52, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1484375, -0.15625 }, width = 65 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.140625, -0.15625 }, width = 33 } }, render_layer = "decorative", trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.050999999999999996, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.07, -0.07 }, { 0.07, 0.07 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "brown-asterisk-vegetation-particle-small-medium", probability = 1, repeat_count = 7, repeat_count_deviation = 0, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.02, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.06, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.07, -0.07 }, { 0.07, 0.07 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "brown-asterisk-wooden-splinter-particle-small", probability = 1, repeat_count = 5, repeat_count_deviation = 0, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.050999999999999996, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.07, -0.07 }, { 0.07, 0.07 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "brown-asterisk-grass-particle-small-medium", probability = 1, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 0, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" } }, type = "optimized-decorative", walking_sound = { { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/plant/plant-01.ogg", volume = 0.4 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/plant/plant-02.ogg", volume = 0.4 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/plant/plant-03.ogg", volume = 0.4 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/plant/plant-04.ogg", volume = 0.4 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/plant/plant-05.ogg", volume = 0.4 } } }, ["brown-asterisk-mini"] = { autoplace = { order = "a[doodad]-z[other]", peaks = { { influence = 1, temperature_max_range = 30, temperature_optimal = 15, temperature_range = 20, water_max_range = 0.225, water_optimal = 0.55, water_range = 0.15 }, { influence = 0.5, noise_layer = "brown-fluff", noise_octaves_difference = -2, noise_persistence = 0.7 }, { influence = -0.5 } }, sharpness = 0.5 }, collision_box = { { -0.7, -0.7 }, { 0.7, 0.7 } }, name = "brown-asterisk-mini", order = "b[decorative]-b[asterisk-mini]-c[brown]", pictures = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/brown-asterisk-mini/brown-asterisk-mini-00.png", height = 17, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/brown-asterisk-mini/hr-brown-asterisk-mini-00.png", height = 35, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1953125, 0.0078125 }, width = 39 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.203125, 0.015625 }, width = 19 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/brown-asterisk-mini/brown-asterisk-mini-01.png", height = 12, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/brown-asterisk-mini/hr-brown-asterisk-mini-01.png", height = 24, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.09375, -0.03125 }, width = 24 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.09375, -0.03125 }, width = 12 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/brown-asterisk-mini/brown-asterisk-mini-02.png", height = 23, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/brown-asterisk-mini/hr-brown-asterisk-mini-02.png", height = 46, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.0078125, 0 }, width = 39 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { -0.015625, -0.015625 }, width = 19 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/brown-asterisk-mini/brown-asterisk-mini-03.png", height = 13, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/brown-asterisk-mini/hr-brown-asterisk-mini-03.png", height = 25, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.046875, -0.1484375 }, width = 44 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { -0.03125, -0.140625 }, width = 22 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/brown-asterisk-mini/brown-asterisk-mini-04.png", height = 15, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/brown-asterisk-mini/hr-brown-asterisk-mini-04.png", height = 30, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.1171875, -0.03125 }, width = 31 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { -0.109375, -0.046875 }, width = 15 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/brown-asterisk-mini/brown-asterisk-mini-05.png", height = 22, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/brown-asterisk-mini/hr-brown-asterisk-mini-05.png", height = 43, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.0859375, 0.0234375 }, width = 63 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { -0.09375, 0.03125 }, width = 32 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/brown-asterisk-mini/brown-asterisk-mini-06.png", height = 15, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/brown-asterisk-mini/hr-brown-asterisk-mini-06.png", height = 28, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.1015625, -0.171875 }, width = 55 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { -0.09375, -0.171875 }, width = 28 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/brown-asterisk-mini/brown-asterisk-mini-07.png", height = 20, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/brown-asterisk-mini/hr-brown-asterisk-mini-07.png", height = 40, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0078125, 0.015625 }, width = 53 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.015625, 0 }, width = 27 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/brown-asterisk-mini/brown-asterisk-mini-08.png", height = 11, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/brown-asterisk-mini/hr-brown-asterisk-mini-08.png", height = 21, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.015625, -0.0078125 }, width = 32 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { -0.015625, -0.015625 }, width = 17 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/brown-asterisk-mini/brown-asterisk-mini-09.png", height = 13, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/brown-asterisk-mini/hr-brown-asterisk-mini-09.png", height = 24, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.0078125, -0.015625 }, width = 25 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0, -0.015625 }, width = 12 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/brown-asterisk-mini/brown-asterisk-mini-10.png", height = 12, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/brown-asterisk-mini/hr-brown-asterisk-mini-10.png", height = 24, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0234375, 0.015625 }, width = 39 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.015625, 0.03125 }, width = 19 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/brown-asterisk-mini/brown-asterisk-mini-11.png", height = 8, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/brown-asterisk-mini/hr-brown-asterisk-mini-11.png", height = 16, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.03125, 0.0625 }, width = 38 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.03125, 0.0625 }, width = 20 } }, render_layer = "decorative", trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.1, initial_height_deviation = 0.27000000000000002, initial_vertical_speed = 0.04, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.035000000000000004, offset_deviation = { { -0.1, -0.1 }, { 0.1, 0.1 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "brown-asterisk-mini-vegetation-particle-small-medium", probability = 1, repeat_count = 2, repeat_count_deviation = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.1, initial_height_deviation = 0.32000000000000002, initial_vertical_speed = 0.019, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.1, -0.1 }, { 0.1, 0.1 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "brown-asterisk-mini-wooden-splinter-particle-small", probability = 1, repeat_count = 3, repeat_count_deviation = 2, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" } }, type = "optimized-decorative" }, ["brown-carpet-grass"] = { autoplace = { coverage = 0.2, max_probability = 0.25, order = "a[doodad]-f[grass]-c", peaks = { { influence = 0.5 }, { influence = 0.6, temperature_max_range = 15, temperature_optimal = 20, temperature_range = 10, water_max_range = 0.5, water_optimal = 0.65, water_range = 0.25 }, { influence = 0.3, min_influence = 0, noise_layer = "grass2", noise_octaves_difference = -2.7999999999999998, noise_persistence = 0.7 } }, sharpness = 0.7 }, collision_box = { { -2, -2 }, { 2, 2 } }, grows_through_rail_path = true, name = "brown-carpet-grass", order = "b[decorative]-a[grass]-b[carpet]", pictures = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/brown-carpet-grass/brown-carpet-grass-06.png", height = 111, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/brown-carpet-grass/hr-brown-carpet-grass-06.png", height = 220, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.0390625, -0.109375 }, width = 239 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { -0.03125, -0.109375 }, width = 120 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/brown-carpet-grass/brown-carpet-grass-07.png", height = 138, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/brown-carpet-grass/hr-brown-carpet-grass-07.png", height = 274, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1953125, -0.21875 }, width = 241 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.203125, -0.21875 }, width = 121 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/brown-carpet-grass/brown-carpet-grass-08.png", height = 131, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/brown-carpet-grass/hr-brown-carpet-grass-08.png", height = 261, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.109375, 0.0078125 }, width = 266 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, width = 133 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/brown-carpet-grass/brown-carpet-grass-09.png", height = 114, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/brown-carpet-grass/hr-brown-carpet-grass-09.png", height = 228, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.3203125, -0.359375 }, width = 265 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.328125, -0.375 }, width = 133 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/brown-carpet-grass/brown-carpet-grass-10.png", height = 146, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/brown-carpet-grass/hr-brown-carpet-grass-10.png", height = 293, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.125, 0.1015625 }, width = 288 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.125, 0.09375 }, width = 144 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/brown-carpet-grass/brown-carpet-grass-11.png", height = 133, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/brown-carpet-grass/hr-brown-carpet-grass-11.png", height = 265, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1328125, -0.1328125 }, width = 269 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.140625, -0.140625 }, width = 135 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/brown-carpet-grass/brown-carpet-grass-00.png", height = 97, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/brown-carpet-grass/hr-brown-carpet-grass-00.png", height = 195, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.2578125 }, width = 211 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.265625 }, width = 105 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/brown-carpet-grass/brown-carpet-grass-01.png", height = 129, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/brown-carpet-grass/hr-brown-carpet-grass-01.png", height = 259, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.0859375 }, width = 248 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0, -0.078125 }, width = 124 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/brown-carpet-grass/brown-carpet-grass-02.png", height = 131, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/brown-carpet-grass/hr-brown-carpet-grass-02.png", height = 263, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.046875, -0.0859375 }, width = 258 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.046875, -0.078125 }, width = 129 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/brown-carpet-grass/brown-carpet-grass-03.png", height = 63, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/brown-carpet-grass/hr-brown-carpet-grass-03.png", height = 126, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1640625, -0.078125 }, width = 283 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.140625, -0.078125 }, width = 141 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/brown-carpet-grass/brown-carpet-grass-04.png", height = 133, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/brown-carpet-grass/hr-brown-carpet-grass-04.png", height = 265, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.2265625 }, width = 152 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0, -0.234375 }, width = 76 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/brown-carpet-grass/brown-carpet-grass-05.png", height = 108, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/brown-carpet-grass/hr-brown-carpet-grass-05.png", height = 216, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, -0.03125 }, width = 247 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, -0.03125 }, width = 123 } }, trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.060999999999999996, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.042999999999999989, offset_deviation = { { -0.60000000000000009, -0.60000000000000009 }, { 0.60000000000000009, 0.60000000000000009 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "brown-carpet-grass-vegetation-particle-small-medium", probability = 1, repeat_count = 25, repeat_count_deviation = 10, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.013, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.062000000000000002, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.1, -0.1 }, { 0.1, 0.1 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "brown-carpet-grass-wooden-splinter-particle-small", probability = 1, repeat_count = 5, repeat_count_deviation = 2, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.021999999999999997, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.3, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.070000000000000009, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.042999999999999989, offset_deviation = { { -0.60000000000000009, -0.60000000000000009 }, { 0.60000000000000009, 0.60000000000000009 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "green-carpet-grass-vegetation-particle-small-medium", probability = 1, repeat_count = 25, repeat_count_deviation = 10, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.015, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.02, type = "create-particle" } }, type = "optimized-decorative", walking_sound = { { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/decorative-grass-01.ogg", volume = 0.2 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/decorative-grass-02.ogg", volume = 0.2 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/decorative-grass-03.ogg", volume = 0.2 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/decorative-grass-04.ogg", volume = 0.2 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/decorative-grass-05.ogg", volume = 0.2 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/decorative-grass-06.ogg", volume = 0.2 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/decorative-grass-07.ogg", volume = 0.2 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/decorative-grass-08.ogg", volume = 0.2 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/decorative-grass-09.ogg", volume = 0.2 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/decorative-grass-10.ogg", volume = 0.2 } } }, ["brown-fluff"] = { autoplace = { coverage = 0.01, max_probability = 1, order = "a[doodad]-e[garballo]", peaks = { { influence = 0.5, noise_layer = "garballo", noise_octaves_difference = -2, noise_persistence = 0.7 }, { influence = 1, min_influence = 0, richness_influence = 0, temperature_max_range = 10, temperature_optimal = 30, temperature_range = 5, water_max_range = 0.45, water_optimal = 0.65, water_range = 0.35 } }, random_probability_penalty = 0.4, sharpness = 1 }, collision_box = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, name = "brown-fluff", order = "b[decorative]-g[fluff]-a[normal]-a[brown]", pictures = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/brown-fluff/brown-fluff-00.png", frame_count = 1, height = 19, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/brown-fluff/hr-brown-fluff-00.png", frame_count = 1, height = 39, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.09375, -0.0546875 }, width = 56 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.09375, -0.046875 }, width = 28 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/brown-fluff/brown-fluff-01.png", frame_count = 1, height = 25, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/brown-fluff/hr-brown-fluff-01.png", frame_count = 1, height = 50, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0859375, 0 }, width = 59 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, width = 29 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/brown-fluff/brown-fluff-02.png", frame_count = 1, height = 21, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/brown-fluff/hr-brown-fluff-02.png", frame_count = 1, height = 41, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.0078125, -0.0390625 }, width = 65 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0, -0.046875 }, width = 32 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/brown-fluff/brown-fluff-03.png", frame_count = 1, height = 24, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/brown-fluff/hr-brown-fluff-03.png", frame_count = 1, height = 47, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, -0.0546875 }, width = 63 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, -0.0625 }, width = 31 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/brown-fluff/brown-fluff-04.png", frame_count = 1, height = 21, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/brown-fluff/hr-brown-fluff-04.png", frame_count = 1, height = 43, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.09375, -0.0703125 }, width = 70 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.09375, -0.078125 }, width = 36 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/brown-fluff/brown-fluff-05.png", frame_count = 1, height = 23, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/brown-fluff/hr-brown-fluff-05.png", frame_count = 1, height = 47, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, -0.0390625 }, width = 57 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.0625, -0.046875 }, width = 28 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/brown-fluff/brown-fluff-06.png", frame_count = 1, height = 23, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/brown-fluff/hr-brown-fluff-06.png", frame_count = 1, height = 47, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.078125, -0.0859375 }, width = 62 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, -0.078125 }, width = 31 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/brown-fluff/brown-fluff-07.png", frame_count = 1, height = 23, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/brown-fluff/hr-brown-fluff-07.png", frame_count = 1, height = 45, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.0078125, -0.1015625 }, width = 81 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0, -0.109375 }, width = 40 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/brown-fluff/brown-fluff-08.png", frame_count = 1, height = 24, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/brown-fluff/hr-brown-fluff-08.png", frame_count = 1, height = 49, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.109375, 0.0078125 }, width = 58 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0 }, width = 29 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/brown-fluff/brown-fluff-09.png", frame_count = 1, height = 24, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/brown-fluff/hr-brown-fluff-09.png", frame_count = 1, height = 48, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.0078125, 0.015625 }, width = 71 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0, 0 }, width = 36 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/brown-fluff/brown-fluff-10.png", frame_count = 1, height = 28, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/brown-fluff/hr-brown-fluff-10.png", frame_count = 1, height = 57, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0234375, -0.0390625 }, width = 67 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.015625, -0.03125 }, width = 33 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/brown-fluff/brown-fluff-11.png", frame_count = 1, height = 19, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/brown-fluff/hr-brown-fluff-11.png", frame_count = 1, height = 39, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, -0.0390625 }, width = 59 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, -0.046875 }, width = 29 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/brown-fluff/brown-fluff-12.png", frame_count = 1, height = 25, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/brown-fluff/hr-brown-fluff-12.png", frame_count = 1, height = 51, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.09375, 0.0078125 }, width = 66 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.09375, 0.015625 }, width = 34 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/brown-fluff/brown-fluff-13.png", frame_count = 1, height = 20, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/brown-fluff/hr-brown-fluff-13.png", frame_count = 1, height = 40, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0546875, 0 }, width = 53 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.0625, 0 }, width = 26 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/brown-fluff/brown-fluff-14.png", frame_count = 1, height = 16, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/brown-fluff/hr-brown-fluff-14.png", frame_count = 1, height = 32, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.0625 }, width = 56 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0, -0.0625 }, width = 28 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/brown-fluff/brown-fluff-15.png", frame_count = 1, height = 19, 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shift = { 0.09375, -0.078125 }, width = 28 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/brown-fluff/brown-fluff-18.png", frame_count = 1, height = 19, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/brown-fluff/hr-brown-fluff-18.png", frame_count = 1, height = 39, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.09375, -0.0703125 }, width = 56 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.09375, -0.078125 }, width = 28 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/brown-fluff/brown-fluff-19.png", frame_count = 1, height = 19, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/brown-fluff/hr-brown-fluff-19.png", frame_count = 1, height = 39, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.09375, -0.0703125 }, width = 56 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.09375, -0.078125 }, width = 28 } }, trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.3, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.045, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.1, -0.1 }, { 0.1, 0.1 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "brown-fluff-vegetation-particle-small-medium", probability = 1, repeat_count = 2, repeat_count_deviation = 2, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.005, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.003, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.3, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.042000000000000002, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.047999999999999998, offset_deviation = { { -0.1, -0.1 }, { 0.1, 0.1 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "brown-fluff-wooden-splinter-particle-small", probability = 1, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 10, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.005, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.060999999999999996, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.042999999999999989, offset_deviation = { { -0.1, -0.1 }, { 0.1, 0.1 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "brown-carpet-grass-vegetation-particle-small-medium", probability = 1, repeat_count = 5, repeat_count_deviation = 5, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.013, type = "create-particle" } }, type = "optimized-decorative", walking_sound = { { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/plant/bush-big-01.ogg", volume = 0.3 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/plant/bush-big-02.ogg", volume = 0.3 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/plant/bush-big-03.ogg", volume = 0.3 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/plant/bush-big-04.ogg", volume = 0.3 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/plant/bush-big-05.ogg", volume = 0.3 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/plant/bush-big-06.ogg", volume = 0.3 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/plant/bush-big-07.ogg", volume = 0.3 } } }, ["brown-fluff-dry"] = { autoplace = { max_probability = 1, order = "a[doodad]-e[garballo]", peaks = { { influence = -0.5 }, { influence = 0.75, noise_layer = "garballo", noise_octaves_difference = -2, noise_persistence = 0.7 }, { influence = 1, min_influence = 0, richness_influence = 0, temperature_max_range = 10, temperature_optimal = 30, temperature_range = 5, water_max_range = 0.1625, water_optimal = 0.1875, water_range = 0.0625 } }, random_probability_penalty = 0.4, sharpness = 1 }, collision_box = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, name = "brown-fluff-dry", order = "b[decorative]-g[fluff]-b[dry]-a[brown]", pictures = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/brown-fluff-dry/brown-fluff-dry-00.png", frame_count = 1, height = 22, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/brown-fluff-dry/hr-brown-fluff-dry-00.png", frame_count = 1, height = 44, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, -0.0625 }, width = 67 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.09375, -0.0625 }, width = 34 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/brown-fluff-dry/brown-fluff-dry-01.png", frame_count = 1, height = 29, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/brown-fluff-dry/hr-brown-fluff-dry-01.png", frame_count = 1, height = 58, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.09375, -0.03125 }, width = 76 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.09375, -0.046875 }, width = 38 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/brown-fluff-dry/brown-fluff-dry-02.png", frame_count = 1, height = 22, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/brown-fluff-dry/hr-brown-fluff-dry-02.png", frame_count = 1, height = 44, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0546875, -0.046875 }, width = 75 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.046875, -0.0625 }, width = 37 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/brown-fluff-dry/brown-fluff-dry-03.png", frame_count = 1, height = 27, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/brown-fluff-dry/hr-brown-fluff-dry-03.png", frame_count = 1, height = 54, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, -0.046875 }, width = 65 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, -0.046875 }, width = 33 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/brown-fluff-dry/brown-fluff-dry-04.png", frame_count = 1, height = 27, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/brown-fluff-dry/hr-brown-fluff-dry-04.png", frame_count = 1, height = 55, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.125, -0.1015625 }, width = 88 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.125, -0.109375 }, width = 44 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/brown-fluff-dry/brown-fluff-dry-05.png", frame_count = 1, height = 24, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/brown-fluff-dry/hr-brown-fluff-dry-05.png", frame_count = 1, height = 49, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, -0.0234375 }, width = 63 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, -0.03125 }, width = 31 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/brown-fluff-dry/brown-fluff-dry-06.png", frame_count = 1, height = 25, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/brown-fluff-dry/hr-brown-fluff-dry-06.png", frame_count = 1, height = 50, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.109375, -0.078125 }, width = 74 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, -0.078125 }, width = 37 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/brown-fluff-dry/brown-fluff-dry-07.png", frame_count = 1, height = 27, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/brown-fluff-dry/hr-brown-fluff-dry-07.png", frame_count = 1, height = 53, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.0546875, -0.1171875 }, width = 89 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { -0.046875, -0.109375 }, width = 45 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/brown-fluff-dry/brown-fluff-dry-08.png", 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shift = { 0.078125, -0.0703125 }, width = 76 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.09375, -0.0625 }, width = 38 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/brown-fluff-dry/brown-fluff-dry-11.png", frame_count = 1, height = 25, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/brown-fluff-dry/hr-brown-fluff-dry-11.png", frame_count = 1, height = 50, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0546875, -0.0625 }, width = 71 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.046875, -0.046875 }, width = 35 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/brown-fluff-dry/brown-fluff-dry-12.png", frame_count = 1, height = 29, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/brown-fluff-dry/hr-brown-fluff-dry-12.png", frame_count = 1, height = 57, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1171875, -0.0078125 }, width = 79 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.125, -0.015625 }, width = 40 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/brown-fluff-dry/brown-fluff-dry-13.png", 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shift = { 0.0390625, -0.0390625 }, width = 65 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.046875, -0.03125 }, width = 33 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/brown-fluff-dry/brown-fluff-dry-16.png", frame_count = 1, height = 20, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/brown-fluff-dry/hr-brown-fluff-dry-16.png", frame_count = 1, height = 39, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0390625, -0.0390625 }, width = 51 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.03125, -0.03125 }, width = 26 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/brown-fluff-dry/brown-fluff-dry-17.png", frame_count = 1, height = 19, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/brown-fluff-dry/hr-brown-fluff-dry-17.png", frame_count = 1, height = 38, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0546875, -0.03125 }, width = 49 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.0625, -0.015625 }, width = 24 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/brown-fluff-dry/brown-fluff-dry-18.png", frame_count = 1, height = 17, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/brown-fluff-dry/hr-brown-fluff-dry-18.png", frame_count = 1, height = 35, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0390625, -0.0390625 }, width = 53 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.03125, -0.046875 }, width = 26 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/brown-fluff-dry/brown-fluff-dry-19.png", frame_count = 1, height = 17, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/brown-fluff-dry/hr-brown-fluff-dry-19.png", frame_count = 1, height = 33, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.03125, -0.0390625 }, width = 46 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.015625, -0.046875 }, width = 23 } }, trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.3, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.045, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.1, -0.1 }, { 0.1, 0.1 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "brown-fluff-dry-vegetation-particle-small-medium", probability = 1, repeat_count = 2, repeat_count_deviation = 2, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.005, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.003, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.3, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.042000000000000002, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.047999999999999998, offset_deviation = { { -0.1, -0.1 }, { 0.1, 0.1 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "brown-fluff-dry-wooden-splinter-particle-small", probability = 1, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 10, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.005, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.060999999999999996, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.042999999999999989, offset_deviation = { { -0.1, -0.1 }, { 0.1, 0.1 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "brown-carpet-grass-vegetation-particle-small-medium", probability = 1, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 5, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.013, type = "create-particle" } }, type = "optimized-decorative", walking_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-decorative"]["brown-fluff"].walking_sound ]=] }, ["brown-hairy-grass"] = { autoplace = { max_probability = 1, order = "a[doodad]-f[grass]-b", peaks = { { influence = -0.5 }, { influence = 0.6, noise_layer = "grass2", noise_octaves_difference = -2.7999999999999998, noise_persistence = 0.7 } }, sharpness = 0.5 }, collision_box = { { -1, -1 }, { 1, 1 } }, grows_through_rail_path = true, name = "brown-hairy-grass", order = "b[decorative]-a[grass]-a[hairy]", pictures = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/brown-hairy-grass/brown-hairy-grass-00.png", height = 65, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/brown-hairy-grass/hr-brown-hairy-grass-00.png", height = 129, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, -0.1640625 }, width = 151 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.09375, -0.171875 }, width = 76 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/brown-hairy-grass/brown-hairy-grass-01.png", height = 61, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/brown-hairy-grass/hr-brown-hairy-grass-01.png", height = 122, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1484375, -0.0625 }, width = 167 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.15625, -0.046875 }, width = 84 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/brown-hairy-grass/brown-hairy-grass-02.png", height = 48, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/brown-hairy-grass/hr-brown-hairy-grass-02.png", height = 95, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1796875, -0.0234375 }, width = 107 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.171875, -0.03125 }, width = 53 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/brown-hairy-grass/brown-hairy-grass-03.png", height = 37, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/brown-hairy-grass/hr-brown-hairy-grass-03.png", height = 74, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1484375, -0.03125 }, width = 121 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.15625, -0.046875 }, width = 60 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/brown-hairy-grass/brown-hairy-grass-04.png", height = 51, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/brown-hairy-grass/hr-brown-hairy-grass-04.png", height = 102, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.125, -0.09375 }, width = 98 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.125, -0.078125 }, width = 48 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/brown-hairy-grass/brown-hairy-grass-05.png", height = 33, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/brown-hairy-grass/hr-brown-hairy-grass-05.png", height = 67, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1484375, -0.0703125 }, width = 83 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.140625, -0.078125 }, width = 41 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/brown-hairy-grass/brown-hairy-grass-06.png", height = 34, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/brown-hairy-grass/hr-brown-hairy-grass-06.png", height = 70, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, -0.125 }, width = 103 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, -0.125 }, width = 51 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/brown-hairy-grass/brown-hairy-grass-07.png", height = 30, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/brown-hairy-grass/hr-brown-hairy-grass-07.png", height = 59, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1328125, -0.0546875 }, width = 89 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.125, -0.0625 }, width = 44 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/brown-hairy-grass/brown-hairy-grass-08.png", height = 51, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/brown-hairy-grass/hr-brown-hairy-grass-08.png", height = 102, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.0703125, 0.046875 }, width = 97 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { -0.0625, 0.046875 }, width = 48 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/brown-hairy-grass/brown-hairy-grass-09.png", height = 38, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/brown-hairy-grass/hr-brown-hairy-grass-09.png", height = 77, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.4375, -0.1328125 }, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.4375, -0.125 }, width = 64 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/brown-hairy-grass/brown-hairy-grass-10.png", height = 37, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/brown-hairy-grass/hr-brown-hairy-grass-10.png", height = 74, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.1328125, -0.21875 }, width = 141 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { -0.140625, -0.203125 }, width = 71 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/brown-hairy-grass/brown-hairy-grass-11.png", height = 43, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/brown-hairy-grass/hr-brown-hairy-grass-11.png", height = 87, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0390625, 0.1015625 }, width = 55 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.03125, 0.109375 }, width = 28 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/brown-hairy-grass/brown-hairy-grass-12.png", height = 27, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/brown-hairy-grass/hr-brown-hairy-grass-12.png", height = 53, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0234375, -0.1328125 }, width = 107 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.015625, -0.140625 }, width = 53 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/brown-hairy-grass/brown-hairy-grass-13.png", height = 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{ 0, -0.0625 }, width = 508 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/enemy-decal/enemy-decal-04.png", height = 362, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/enemy-decal/hr-enemy-decal-04.png", height = 722, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.125, 0 }, width = 862 }, shift = { 0.125, 0 }, width = 422 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/enemy-decal/enemy-decal-05.png", height = 292, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/enemy-decal/hr-enemy-decal-05.png", height = 578, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.4375, -0.03125 }, width = 920 }, shift = { 0.5, -0.0625 }, width = 456 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/enemy-decal/enemy-decal-06.png", height = 322, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/enemy-decal/hr-enemy-decal-06.png", height = 708, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.09375, -0.0625 }, width = 968 }, shift = { 0.125, 0.4375 }, width = 482 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/enemy-decal/enemy-decal-07.png", height = 360, 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"__base__/graphics/decorative/enemy-decal/hr-enemy-decal-t-01.png", height = 570, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.09375, 0.71875 }, width = 936 }, shift = { -0.125, 0.6875 }, width = 470 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/enemy-decal/enemy-decal-t-02.png", height = 272, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/enemy-decal/hr-enemy-decal-t-02.png", height = 540, scale = 0.5, shift = { -1.34375, 0.71875 }, width = 848 }, shift = { -1.3125, 0.6875 }, width = 422 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/enemy-decal/enemy-decal-t-03.png", height = 344, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/enemy-decal/hr-enemy-decal-t-03.png", height = 690, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.125, -0.21875 }, width = 968 }, shift = { 0.125, -0.1875 }, width = 484 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/enemy-decal/enemy-decal-t-04.png", height = 360, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/enemy-decal/hr-enemy-decal-t-04.png", height = 720, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.21875, -0.0625 }, width = 800 }, shift = { 0.1875, -0.0625 }, width = 402 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/enemy-decal/enemy-decal-t-05.png", height = 250, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/enemy-decal/hr-enemy-decal-t-05.png", height = 496, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.53125, 0.09375 }, width = 846 }, shift = { 0.5, 0.0625 }, width = 426 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/enemy-decal/enemy-decal-t-06.png", height = 300, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/enemy-decal/hr-enemy-decal-t-06.png", height = 602, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1875, 0.28125 }, width = 916 }, shift = { 0.1875, 0.3125 }, width = 458 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/enemy-decal/enemy-decal-t-07.png", height = 358, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/enemy-decal/hr-enemy-decal-t-07.png", height = 710, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.09375, -0.09375 }, width = 1004 }, shift = { 0.0625, -0.125 }, width = 504 } }, render_layer = "decals", tile_layer = 57, type = "optimized-decorative" }, garballo = { autoplace = { coverage = 0.01, max_probability = 1, order = "a[doodad]-e[garballo]", peaks = { { influence = 0.5, noise_layer = "garballo", noise_octaves_difference = -2, noise_persistence = 0.7 }, { influence = 1, min_influence = 0, richness_influence = 0, temperature_max_range = 10, temperature_optimal = 25, temperature_range = 5, water_max_range = 0.2, water_optimal = 0.4, water_range = 0.1 } }, random_probability_penalty = 0.4, sharpness = 1 }, collision_box = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, name = "garballo", order = "b[decorative]-i[garballo]-a[normal]", pictures = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/garballo/garballo-00.png", height = 23, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/garballo/hr-garballo-00.png", height = 45, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.3203125, -0.2109375 }, width = 59 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.3125, -0.203125 }, width = 30 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/garballo/garballo-01.png", height = 24, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/garballo/hr-garballo-01.png", height = 49, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.0390625, -0.2578125 }, width = 55 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { -0.046875, -0.25 }, width = 27 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/garballo/garballo-02.png", height = 24, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/garballo/hr-garballo-02.png", height = 48, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.21875, -0.125 }, width = 54 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.21875, -0.125 }, width = 26 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/garballo/garballo-03.png", height = 24, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/garballo/hr-garballo-03.png", height = 49, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.078125, -0.1796875 }, width = 76 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.09375, -0.1875 }, width = 38 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/garballo/garballo-04.png", height = 24, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/garballo/hr-garballo-04.png", height = 47, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.09375, -0.1328125 }, width = 64 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.09375, -0.125 }, width = 32 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/garballo/garballo-05.png", height = 26, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/garballo/hr-garballo-05.png", height = 52, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0078125, -0.125 }, width = 61 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0, -0.125 }, width = 30 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/garballo/garballo-06.png", height = 31, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/garballo/hr-garballo-06.png", height = 63, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.078125, -0.3046875 }, width = 60 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, -0.296875 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0.09375, -0.1875 }, width = 32 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/garballo/garballo-10.png", height = 33, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/garballo/hr-garballo-10.png", height = 65, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1953125, -0.2109375 }, width = 87 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.203125, -0.203125 }, width = 43 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/garballo/garballo-11.png", height = 29, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/garballo/hr-garballo-11.png", height = 58, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1484375, -0.09375 }, width = 85 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.140625, -0.078125 }, width = 43 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/garballo/garballo-12.png", height = 33, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/garballo/hr-garballo-12.png", height = 65, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0546875, -0.1328125 }, width = 69 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.0625, -0.140625 }, width = 34 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/garballo/garballo-13.png", height = 22, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/garballo/hr-garballo-13.png", height = 45, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.2734375, -0.1171875 }, width = 49 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.265625, -0.125 }, width = 25 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/garballo/garballo-14.png", height = 24, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/garballo/hr-garballo-14.png", height = 48, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.1875 }, width = 48 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0, -0.1875 }, width = 24 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/garballo/garballo-15.png", height = 26, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/garballo/hr-garballo-15.png", height = 54, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.3125, -0.25 }, width = 72 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.3125, -0.25 }, width = 36 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/garballo/garballo-16.png", height = 28, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/garballo/hr-garballo-16.png", height = 56, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0078125, -0.15625 }, width = 79 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.015625, -0.15625 }, width = 39 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/garballo/garballo-17.png", height = 30, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/garballo/hr-garballo-17.png", height = 58, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.3046875, -0.3125 }, width = 69 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.296875, -0.3125 }, width = 35 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/garballo/garballo-18.png", height = 17, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/garballo/hr-garballo-18.png", height = 33, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0390625, -0.1171875 }, width = 39 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.046875, -0.109375 }, width = 19 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/garballo/garballo-19.png", height = 18, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/garballo/hr-garballo-19.png", height = 35, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0390625, -0.1328125 }, width = 33 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.03125, -0.125 }, width = 16 } }, render_layer = "object", trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.04, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.020000000000000004, -0.020000000000000004 }, { 0.020000000000000004, 0.020000000000000004 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "garballo-vegetation-particle-small-medium", probability = 1, repeat_count = 8, repeat_count_deviation = 0, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.015, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.325, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.04, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.020000000000000004, -0.020000000000000004 }, { 0.020000000000000004, 0.020000000000000004 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "garballo-wooden-splinter-particle-small", probability = 1, repeat_count = 2, repeat_count_deviation = 0, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.03, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.3, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.070000000000000009, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.042999999999999989, offset_deviation = { { -0.1, -0.1 }, { 0.1, 0.1 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "green-carpet-grass-vegetation-particle-small-medium", probability = 1, repeat_count = 3, repeat_count_deviation = 2, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.015, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.02, type = "create-particle" } }, type = "optimized-decorative", walking_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-decorative"]["brown-asterisk"].walking_sound ]=] }, ["garballo-mini-dry"] = { autoplace = { coverage = 0.01, max_probability = 1, order = "a[doodad]-e[garballo]", peaks = { { influence = 0.5, noise_layer = "garballo", noise_octaves_difference = -2, noise_persistence = 0.7 }, { influence = 1, min_influence = 0, richness_influence = 0, temperature_max_range = 10, temperature_optimal = 25, temperature_range = 5, water_max_range = 0.17500000000000002, water_optimal = 0.325, water_range = 0.075000000000000009 } }, random_probability_penalty = 0.4, sharpness = 1 }, collision_box = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, name = "garballo-mini-dry", order = "b[decorative]-i[garballo]-a[mini-dry]", pictures = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/garballo-mini-dry/garballo-mini-dry-00.png", height = 20, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/garballo-mini-dry/hr-garballo-mini-dry-00.png", height = 38, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.3359375, -0.15625 }, width = 57 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.34375, -0.15625 }, width = 28 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/garballo-mini-dry/garballo-mini-dry-01.png", height = 19, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/garballo-mini-dry/hr-garballo-mini-dry-01.png", height = 39, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0546875, -0.1796875 }, width = 43 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.046875, -0.171875 }, width = 21 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/garballo-mini-dry/garballo-mini-dry-02.png", height = 22, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/garballo-mini-dry/hr-garballo-mini-dry-02.png", height = 45, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = 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0, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.015, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.325, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.08, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.020000000000000004, -0.020000000000000004 }, { 0.020000000000000004, 0.020000000000000004 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "garballo-mini-dry-wooden-splinter-particle-small", probability = 1, repeat_count = 3, repeat_count_deviation = 0, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.03, type = "create-particle" } }, type = "optimized-decorative" }, ["green-asterisk"] = { autoplace = { order = "a[doodad]-z[other]", peaks = { { influence = 1, temperature_max_range = 26.25, temperature_optimal = 17.5, temperature_range = 17.5, water_max_range = 0.225, water_optimal = 0.85, water_range = 0.15 }, { influence = 0.5, noise_layer = "green-fluff", noise_octaves_difference = -2, noise_persistence = 0.9 }, { influence = -1 } } }, collision_box = { { -0.7, -0.7 }, { 0.7, 0.7 } }, name = "green-asterisk", order = "b[decorative]-b[asterisk-mini]-b[green]", pictures = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-asterisk/green-asterisk-00.png", height = 40, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-asterisk/hr-green-asterisk-00.png", height = 80, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.15625, -0.125 }, width = 120 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.15625, -0.125 }, width = 60 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-asterisk/green-asterisk-01.png", height = 47, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-asterisk/hr-green-asterisk-01.png", height = 95, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.03125, -0.1796875 }, width = 130 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.015625, -0.171875 }, width = 65 }, { filename = 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priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1328125, -0.1484375 }, width = 117 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.125, -0.15625 }, width = 58 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-asterisk/green-asterisk-19.png", height = 32, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-asterisk/hr-green-asterisk-19.png", height = 64, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.015625, -0.0625 }, width = 82 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.015625, -0.0625 }, width = 41 } }, render_layer = "decorative", trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.050999999999999996, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.07, -0.07 }, { 0.07, 0.07 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "green-asterisk-vegetation-particle-small-medium", probability = 1, repeat_count = 6, repeat_count_deviation = 0, 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= 1, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 0, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" } }, type = "optimized-decorative", walking_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-decorative"]["brown-asterisk"].walking_sound ]=] }, ["green-asterisk-mini"] = { autoplace = { order = "a[doodad]-z[other]", peaks = { { influence = 1, temperature_max_range = 26.25, temperature_optimal = 17.5, temperature_range = 17.5, water_max_range = 0.225, water_optimal = 0.55, water_range = 0.15 }, { influence = 0.5, noise_layer = "green-fluff", noise_octaves_difference = -2, noise_persistence = 0.7 }, { influence = -1 } } }, collision_box = { { -0.7, -0.7 }, { 0.7, 0.7 } }, name = "green-asterisk-mini", order = "b[decorative]-b[asterisk-mini]-c[green]", pictures = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-asterisk-mini/green-asterisk-mini-00.png", height = 20, hr_version = { filename = 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width = 24 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-asterisk-mini/green-asterisk-mini-03.png", height = 16, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-asterisk-mini/hr-green-asterisk-mini-03.png", height = 32, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.046875, 0 }, width = 54 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { -0.046875, 0 }, width = 27 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-asterisk-mini/green-asterisk-mini-04.png", height = 21, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-asterisk-mini/hr-green-asterisk-mini-04.png", height = 43, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.2109375, -0.0546875 }, width = 41 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { -0.21875, -0.078125 }, width = 20 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-asterisk-mini/green-asterisk-mini-05.png", height = 20, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-asterisk-mini/hr-green-asterisk-mini-05.png", height = 39, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.1328125, -0.0546875 }, width = 39 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { -0.125, -0.0625 }, width = 20 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-asterisk-mini/green-asterisk-mini-06.png", height = 9, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-asterisk-mini/hr-green-asterisk-mini-06.png", height = 19, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.0078125, 0.0078125 }, width = 31 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { -0.015625, 0.015625 }, width = 15 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-asterisk-mini/green-asterisk-mini-07.png", height = 10, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-asterisk-mini/hr-green-asterisk-mini-07.png", height = 20, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0078125, 0.015625 }, width = 27 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0, 0 }, width = 14 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-asterisk-mini/green-asterisk-mini-08.png", 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"extra-high", shift = { 0, 0.03125 }, width = 18 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-asterisk-mini/green-asterisk-mini-11.png", height = 16, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-asterisk-mini/hr-green-asterisk-mini-11.png", height = 33, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.109375, -0.0859375 }, width = 46 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { -0.109375, -0.09375 }, width = 23 } }, render_layer = "decorative", trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.1, initial_height_deviation = 0.27000000000000002, initial_vertical_speed = 0.04, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.035000000000000004, offset_deviation = { { -0.1, -0.1 }, { 0.1, 0.1 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "green-asterisk-mini-vegetation-particle-small-medium", probability = 1, repeat_count = 2, repeat_count_deviation = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.1, initial_height_deviation = 0.32000000000000002, initial_vertical_speed = 0.019, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.1, -0.1 }, { 0.1, 0.1 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "green-asterisk-mini-wooden-splinter-particle-small", probability = 1, repeat_count = 3, repeat_count_deviation = 2, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" } }, type = "optimized-decorative" }, ["green-bush-mini"] = { autoplace = { coverage = 0.01, max_probability = 1, order = "a[doodad]-e[garballo]", peaks = { { influence = 0.5, noise_layer = "garballo", noise_octaves_difference = -2, noise_persistence = 0.7 }, { influence = 1, min_influence = 0, richness_influence = 0, temperature_max_range = 12.5, temperature_optimal = 27.5, temperature_range = 7.5, water_max_range = 0.4, water_optimal = 0.7, water_range = 0.3 } }, random_probability_penalty = 0.4, sharpness = 1 }, collision_box = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, name = "green-bush-mini", order = "b[decorative]-j[bush]-a[mini]-a[green]", pictures = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-bush-mini/green-bush-mini-00.png", height = 22, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-bush-mini/hr-green-bush-mini-00.png", height = 45, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.109375, 0.0390625 }, width = 62 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.03125 }, width = 31 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-bush-mini/green-bush-mini-01.png", height = 23, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-bush-mini/hr-green-bush-mini-01.png", height = 46, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1328125, -0.03125 }, width = 73 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, -0.046875 }, width = 37 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-bush-mini/green-bush-mini-02.png", height = 18, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-bush-mini/hr-green-bush-mini-02.png", height = 38, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.09375, -0.046875 }, width = 58 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, -0.0625 }, width = 29 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-bush-mini/green-bush-mini-03.png", height = 25, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-bush-mini/hr-green-bush-mini-03.png", height = 51, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0078125, 0.0390625 }, width = 61 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { -0.015625, 0.015625 }, width = 31 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-bush-mini/green-bush-mini-04.png", height = 22, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-bush-mini/hr-green-bush-mini-04.png", height = 44, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0859375, -0.09375 }, width = 55 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.0625, -0.09375 }, width = 28 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-bush-mini/green-bush-mini-05.png", height = 21, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-bush-mini/hr-green-bush-mini-05.png", height = 42, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.0234375, -0.046875 }, width = 57 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { -0.046875, -0.078125 }, width = 29 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-bush-mini/green-bush-mini-06.png", height = 21, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-bush-mini/hr-green-bush-mini-06.png", height = 43, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.140625, -0.0546875 }, width = 64 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.125, -0.078125 }, width = 32 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-bush-mini/green-bush-mini-07.png", height = 24, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-bush-mini/hr-green-bush-mini-07.png", height = 49, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.046875, -0.1171875 }, width = 64 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.03125, -0.125 }, width = 32 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-bush-mini/green-bush-mini-08.png", height = 18, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-bush-mini/hr-green-bush-mini-08.png", height = 36, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.0234375, -0.015625 }, width = 53 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { -0.046875, -0.03125 }, width = 27 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-bush-mini/green-bush-mini-09.png", height = 16, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-bush-mini/hr-green-bush-mini-09.png", height = 33, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1171875, -0.0703125 }, width = 47 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.09375, -0.09375 }, width = 24 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-bush-mini/green-bush-mini-10.png", height = 16, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-bush-mini/hr-green-bush-mini-10.png", height = 31, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0078125, -0.0859375 }, width = 39 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { -0.015625, -0.09375 }, width = 19 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-bush-mini/green-bush-mini-11.png", height = 13, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-bush-mini/hr-green-bush-mini-11.png", height = 25, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0234375, -0.0078125 }, width = 41 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.015625, -0.015625 }, width = 21 } }, trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.1, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.035000000000000004, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.042999999999999989, offset_deviation = { { -0.1, -0.1 }, { 0.1, 0.1 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "green-bush-mini-vegetation-particle-small-medium", probability = 1, repeat_count = 6, repeat_count_deviation = 0, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.013, type = "create-particle" } }, type = "optimized-decorative", walking_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-decorative"]["brown-asterisk"].walking_sound ]=] }, ["green-carpet-grass"] = { autoplace = { max_probability = 0.5, order = "a[doodad]-f[grass]-c", peaks = { { influence = -0.5 }, { influence = 0.5, noise_layer = "grass1", noise_octaves_difference = -2.7999999999999998, noise_persistence = 0.7 }, { influence = 0.6, min_influence = 0, richness_influence = 0, temperature_max_range = 15, temperature_optimal = 20, temperature_range = 10, water_max_range = 0.35, water_optimal = 0.65, water_range = 0.25 }, { influence = 0.6, min_influence = 0, richness_influence = 0, temperature_max_range = 7.5, temperature_optimal = 17.5, temperature_range = 2.5, water_max_range = 0.15000000000000002, water_optimal = 0.15000000000000002, water_range = 0.05 } }, sharpness = 0.7 }, collision_box = { { -2, -2 }, { 2, 2 } }, grows_through_rail_path = true, name = "green-carpet-grass", order = "b[decorative]-a[grass]-b[carpet]", pictures = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-carpet-grass/green-carpet-grass-08.png", height = 121, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-carpet-grass/hr-green-carpet-grass-08.png", height = 241, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.125, 0.3984375 }, width = 252 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { -0.125, 0.390625 }, width = 126 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-carpet-grass/green-carpet-grass-09.png", height = 68, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-carpet-grass/hr-green-carpet-grass-09.png", height = 135, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, 0.2890625 }, width = 260 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0, 0.28125 }, width = 130 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-carpet-grass/green-carpet-grass-10.png", height = 145, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-carpet-grass/hr-green-carpet-grass-10.png", height = 290, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.15625, -0.234375 }, width = 272 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.15625, -0.234375 }, width = 136 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-carpet-grass/green-carpet-grass-11.png", height = 127, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-carpet-grass/hr-green-carpet-grass-11.png", height = 253, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0234375, -0.0546875 }, width = 267 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.03125, -0.046875 }, width = 134 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-carpet-grass/green-carpet-grass-03.png", height = 108, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-carpet-grass/hr-green-carpet-grass-03.png", height = 220, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0625, -0.484375 }, width = 282 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.0625, -0.46875 }, width = 142 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-carpet-grass/green-carpet-grass-04.png", height = 73, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-carpet-grass/hr-green-carpet-grass-04.png", height = 146, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0625, -0.234375 }, width = 264 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, -0.234375 }, width = 129 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-carpet-grass/green-carpet-grass-05.png", height = 131, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-carpet-grass/hr-green-carpet-grass-05.png", height = 262, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1328125, 0.0625 }, width = 235 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.125, 0.046875 }, width = 118 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-carpet-grass/green-carpet-grass-06.png", height = 129, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-carpet-grass/hr-green-carpet-grass-06.png", height = 257, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.015625, -0.1953125 }, width = 260 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.0625, -0.203125 }, width = 126 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-carpet-grass/green-carpet-grass-07.png", height = 126, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-carpet-grass/hr-green-carpet-grass-07.png", height = 255, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.171875, 0.0859375 }, width = 244 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.1875, 0.0625 }, width = 122 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-carpet-grass/green-carpet-grass-00.png", height = 146, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-carpet-grass/hr-green-carpet-grass-00.png", height = 292, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0546875, -0.09375 }, width = 289 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.0625, -0.09375 }, width = 144 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-carpet-grass/green-carpet-grass-01.png", height = 132, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-carpet-grass/hr-green-carpet-grass-01.png", height = 264, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0078125, -0.015625 }, width = 273 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.015625, -0.03125 }, width = 137 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-carpet-grass/green-carpet-grass-02.png", height = 93, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-carpet-grass/hr-green-carpet-grass-02.png", height = 185, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.140625, 0.4453125 }, width = 246 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { -0.140625, 0.453125 }, width = 123 } }, trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.1, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.060999999999999996, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -1, -1 }, { 1, 1 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "green-carpet-grass-vegetation-particle-small-medium", probability = 1, repeat_count = 50, repeat_count_deviation = 10, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.013, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.1, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.062000000000000002, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "green-carpet-grass-wooden-splinter-particle-small", probability = 1, repeat_count = 5, repeat_count_deviation = 5, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.021999999999999997, type = "create-particle" } }, type = "optimized-decorative", walking_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-decorative"]["brown-carpet-grass"].walking_sound ]=] }, ["green-croton"] = { autoplace = { max_probability = 0.5, order = "a[doodad]-e[pita]", peaks = { { influence = -0.25 }, { noise_layer = "fluff", noise_octaves_difference = -2, noise_persistence = 0.7 }, { aux_max_range = 0.3, aux_optimal = 1, aux_range = 0.2, water_max_range = 0.2, water_optimal = 0.2, water_range = 0.1 } }, random_probability_penalty = 0.2, sharpness = 0.3 }, collision_box = { { -0.7, -0.7 }, { 0.7, 0.7 } }, name = "green-croton", order = "b[decorative]-d[croton]-a[green]", pictures = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-croton/green-croton-00.png", height = 28, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-croton/hr-green-croton-00.png", height = 54, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1328125, -0.09375 }, width = 77 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.140625, -0.09375 }, width = 39 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-croton/green-croton-01.png", height = 25, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-croton/hr-green-croton-01.png", height = 52, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1875, -0.109375 }, width = 78 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.171875, -0.109375 }, width = 39 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-croton/green-croton-02.png", height = 27, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-croton/hr-green-croton-02.png", height = 54, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.2109375, -0.140625 }, width = 71 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.21875, -0.140625 }, width = 36 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-croton/green-croton-03.png", height = 28, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-croton/hr-green-croton-03.png", height = 56, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.125, -0.125 }, width = 70 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, -0.125 }, width = 35 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-croton/green-croton-04.png", height = 27, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-croton/hr-green-croton-04.png", height = 54, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.171875, -0.15625 }, width = 74 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.171875, -0.171875 }, width = 37 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-croton/green-croton-05.png", height = 26, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-croton/hr-green-croton-05.png", height = 53, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.2421875, -0.1484375 }, width = 71 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.234375, -0.15625 }, width = 35 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-croton/green-croton-06.png", height = 24, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-croton/hr-green-croton-06.png", height = 49, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1328125, -0.1171875 }, width = 71 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.140625, -0.125 }, width = 35 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-croton/green-croton-07.png", height = 21, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-croton/hr-green-croton-07.png", height = 42, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1484375, -0.078125 }, width = 65 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.140625, -0.078125 }, width = 33 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-croton/green-croton-08.png", height = 27, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-croton/hr-green-croton-08.png", height = 56, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1875, -0.109375 }, width = 70 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.1875, -0.109375 }, width = 36 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-croton/green-croton-09.png", height = 24, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-croton/hr-green-croton-09.png", height = 48, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1328125, -0.109375 }, width = 65 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.140625, -0.125 }, width = 33 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-croton/green-croton-10.png", height = 21, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-croton/hr-green-croton-10.png", height = 42, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1328125, -0.109375 }, width = 53 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.140625, -0.109375 }, width = 27 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-croton/green-croton-11.png", height = 16, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-croton/hr-green-croton-11.png", height = 33, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1171875, -0.0703125 }, width = 49 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, -0.0625 }, width = 25 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-croton/green-croton-12.png", height = 24, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-croton/hr-green-croton-12.png", height = 48, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.2109375, -0.140625 }, width = 59 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.21875, -0.125 }, width = 30 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-croton/green-croton-13.png", height = 18, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-croton/hr-green-croton-13.png", height = 35, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1484375, -0.1015625 }, width = 49 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.140625, -0.09375 }, width = 25 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-croton/green-croton-14.png", height = 21, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-croton/hr-green-croton-14.png", height = 41, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1171875, -0.1328125 }, width = 59 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.125, -0.140625 }, width = 30 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-croton/green-croton-15.png", height = 18, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-croton/hr-green-croton-15.png", height = 35, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.140625, -0.0859375 }, width = 50 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.140625, -0.09375 }, width = 25 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-croton/green-croton-16.png", height = 21, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-croton/hr-green-croton-16.png", height = 42, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.15625, -0.078125 }, width = 64 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.15625, -0.078125 }, width = 32 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-croton/green-croton-17.png", height = 16, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-croton/hr-green-croton-17.png", height = 31, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1171875, -0.0703125 }, width = 43 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, -0.0625 }, width = 21 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-croton/green-croton-18.png", height = 16, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-croton/hr-green-croton-18.png", height = 32, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1640625, -0.109375 }, width = 43 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.171875, -0.125 }, width = 21 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-croton/green-croton-19.png", height = 14, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-croton/hr-green-croton-19.png", height = 30, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.09375, -0.0625 }, width = 36 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.09375, -0.0625 }, width = 18 } }, render_layer = "decorative", trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.1, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.08, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0, offset_deviation = { { -0.1, -0.1 }, { 0.1, 0.1 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "green-croton-vegetation-particle-small-medium", probability = 1, repeat_count = 8, repeat_count_deviation = 0, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.009, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.1, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.08, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0, offset_deviation = { { -0.1, -0.1 }, { 0.1, 0.1 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "green-croton-wooden-splinter-particle-small", probability = 1, repeat_count = 6, repeat_count_deviation = 0, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" } }, type = "optimized-decorative", walking_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-decorative"]["brown-asterisk"].walking_sound ]=] }, ["green-desert-bush"] = { autoplace = { coverage = 0.2, max_probability = 0.4, order = "a[doodad]-d[fluff]", peaks = { { noise_layer = "fluff", noise_octaves_difference = -2, noise_persistence = 0.7 }, { aux_max_range = 1, aux_optimal = 1, aux_range = 0.6, water_max_range = 0.3, water_optimal = 0, water_range = 0.2 } }, placement_density = 1, sharpness = 1 }, collision_box = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, name = "green-desert-bush", order = "b[decorative]-g[red-desert-bush]", pictures = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-desert-bush/green-desert-bush-00.png", height = 24, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-desert-bush/hr-green-desert-bush-00.png", height = 48, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.3046875, -0.140625 }, width = 77 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.3125, -0.15625 }, width = 38 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-desert-bush/green-desert-bush-01.png", height = 24, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-desert-bush/hr-green-desert-bush-01.png", height = 48, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1484375, -0.109375 }, width = 63 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.140625, -0.09375 }, width = 31 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-desert-bush/green-desert-bush-02.png", height = 26, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-desert-bush/hr-green-desert-bush-02.png", height = 53, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1953125, -0.2265625 }, width = 67 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.203125, -0.21875 }, width = 33 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-desert-bush/green-desert-bush-03.png", height = 24, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-desert-bush/hr-green-desert-bush-03.png", height = 49, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, -0.0859375 }, width = 65 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.09375, -0.09375 }, width = 32 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-desert-bush/green-desert-bush-04.png", height = 26, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-desert-bush/hr-green-desert-bush-04.png", height = 51, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1484375, -0.2265625 }, width = 65 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.140625, -0.21875 }, width = 33 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-desert-bush/green-desert-bush-05.png", height = 24, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-desert-bush/hr-green-desert-bush-05.png", height = 49, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.34375, -0.1484375 }, width = 76 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.34375, -0.15625 }, width = 38 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-desert-bush/green-desert-bush-06.png", height = 25, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-desert-bush/hr-green-desert-bush-06.png", height = 50, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.2578125, -0.140625 }, width = 75 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.25, -0.140625 }, width = 38 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-desert-bush/green-desert-bush-07.png", height = 23, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-desert-bush/hr-green-desert-bush-07.png", height = 46, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.15625, -0.109375 }, width = 76 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.15625, -0.109375 }, width = 38 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-desert-bush/green-desert-bush-08.png", height = 22, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-desert-bush/hr-green-desert-bush-08.png", height = 44, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1328125, -0.21875 }, width = 57 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.140625, -0.21875 }, width = 29 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-desert-bush/green-desert-bush-09.png", height = 18, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-desert-bush/hr-green-desert-bush-09.png", height = 36, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.2421875, -0.03125 }, width = 55 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.234375, -0.03125 }, width = 27 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-desert-bush/green-desert-bush-10.png", height = 19, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-desert-bush/hr-green-desert-bush-10.png", height = 37, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.078125, -0.1484375 }, width = 52 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.0625, -0.140625 }, width = 26 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-desert-bush/green-desert-bush-11.png", height = 20, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-desert-bush/hr-green-desert-bush-11.png", height = 39, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.2734375, -0.1796875 }, width = 57 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.28125, -0.1875 }, width = 28 } }, trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.1, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.035000000000000004, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.042999999999999989, offset_deviation = { { -0.1, -0.1 }, { 0.1, 0.1 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "green-desert-bush-vegetation-particle-small-medium", probability = 1, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 0, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.013, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.1, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.035000000000000004, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.1, -0.1 }, { 0.1, 0.1 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "green-desert-bush-wooden-splinter-particle-small", probability = 1, repeat_count = 3, repeat_count_deviation = 0, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.015, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.021999999999999997, type = "create-particle" } }, type = "optimized-decorative", walking_sound = { { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/plant/bush-small-01.ogg", volume = 0.6 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/plant/bush-small-02.ogg", volume = 0.6 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/plant/bush-small-03.ogg", volume = 0.6 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/plant/bush-small-04.ogg", volume = 0.6 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/plant/bush-small-05.ogg", volume = 0.6 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/plant/bush-small-06.ogg", volume = 0.6 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/plant/bush-small-07.ogg", volume = 0.6 } } }, ["green-hairy-grass"] = { autoplace = { coverage = 0, max_probability = 0.1, order = "a[doodad]-f[grass]-b", peaks = { { influence = 0.3, noise_layer = "grass2", noise_octaves_difference = -2.7999999999999998, noise_persistence = 0.7 }, { influence = 0.6, min_influence = 0, richness_influence = 0, temperature_max_range = 15, temperature_optimal = 20, temperature_range = 10, water_max_range = 0.35, water_optimal = 0.65, water_range = 0.25 }, { influence = 0.6, min_influence = 0, richness_influence = 0, temperature_max_range = 7.5, temperature_optimal = 17.5, temperature_range = 2.5, water_max_range = 0.15000000000000002, water_optimal = 0.15000000000000002, water_range = 0.05 } }, sharpness = 0.2 }, collision_box = { { -1, -1 }, { 1, 1 } }, grows_through_rail_path = true, name = "green-hairy-grass", order = "b[decorative]-a[grass]-a[hairy]", pictures = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-hairy-grass/green-hairy-grass-13.png", height = 26, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-hairy-grass/hr-green-hairy-grass-13.png", height = 52, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1328125, -0.125 }, width = 79 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.125, -0.125 }, width = 40 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-hairy-grass/green-hairy-grass-14.png", height = 21, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-hairy-grass/hr-green-hairy-grass-14.png", height = 41, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.203125, -0.1171875 }, width = 80 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.1875, -0.109375 }, width = 40 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-hairy-grass/green-hairy-grass-15.png", height = 34, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-hairy-grass/hr-green-hairy-grass-15.png", height = 68, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.109375, -0.140625 }, width = 72 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, -0.125 }, width = 37 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-hairy-grass/green-hairy-grass-16.png", height = 19, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-hairy-grass/hr-green-hairy-grass-16.png", height = 39, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0546875, -0.1015625 }, width = 73 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.0625, -0.109375 }, width = 36 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-hairy-grass/green-hairy-grass-17.png", height = 23, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-hairy-grass/hr-green-hairy-grass-17.png", height = 47, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1328125, -0.1015625 }, width = 59 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.140625, -0.109375 }, width = 29 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-hairy-grass/green-hairy-grass-18.png", height = 14, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-hairy-grass/hr-green-hairy-grass-18.png", height = 29, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1796875, -0.1171875 }, width = 49 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.1875, -0.125 }, width = 24 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-hairy-grass/green-hairy-grass-19.png", height = 24, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-hairy-grass/hr-green-hairy-grass-19.png", height = 48, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.2109375, -0.0625 }, width = 91 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.203125, -0.0625 }, width = 45 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-hairy-grass/green-hairy-grass-06.png", height = 45, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-hairy-grass/hr-green-hairy-grass-06.png", height = 90, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.28125, -0.109375 }, width = 102 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.265625, -0.109375 }, width = 51 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-hairy-grass/green-hairy-grass-07.png", height = 33, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-hairy-grass/hr-green-hairy-grass-07.png", height = 67, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.28125, -0.1171875 }, width = 122 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.28125, -0.109375 }, width = 60 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-hairy-grass/green-hairy-grass-08.png", height = 31, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-hairy-grass/hr-green-hairy-grass-08.png", height = 63, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0234375, -0.1328125 }, width = 101 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.015625, -0.140625 }, width = 51 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-hairy-grass/green-hairy-grass-09.png", height = 39, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-hairy-grass/hr-green-hairy-grass-09.png", height = 77, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.203125, -0.2109375 }, width = 82 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.203125, -0.203125 }, width = 41 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-hairy-grass/green-hairy-grass-10.png", height = 38, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-hairy-grass/hr-green-hairy-grass-10.png", height = 76, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1796875, -0.140625 }, width = 109 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.171875, -0.15625 }, width = 55 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-hairy-grass/green-hairy-grass-11.png", height = 27, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-hairy-grass/hr-green-hairy-grass-11.png", height = 52, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.140625, -0.171875 }, width = 84 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.140625, -0.171875 }, width = 41 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-hairy-grass/green-hairy-grass-12.png", height = 30, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-hairy-grass/hr-green-hairy-grass-12.png", height = 60, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.21875, -0.1875 }, width = 66 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.203125, -0.1875 }, width = 33 }, { 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shift = { 0.15625, -0.03125 }, width = 158 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.171875, -0.03125 }, width = 79 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-hairy-grass/green-hairy-grass-03.png", height = 72, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-hairy-grass/hr-green-hairy-grass-03.png", height = 144, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.09375, -0.0625 }, width = 172 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.09375, -0.0625 }, width = 86 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-hairy-grass/green-hairy-grass-04.png", height = 36, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-hairy-grass/hr-green-hairy-grass-04.png", height = 73, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1484375, -0.1015625 }, width = 161 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.140625, -0.09375 }, width = 81 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-hairy-grass/green-hairy-grass-05.png", height = 36, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-hairy-grass/hr-green-hairy-grass-05.png", height = 72, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1171875, -0.125 }, width = 119 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.125, -0.125 }, width = 60 } }, trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.06, -0.06 }, { 0.06, 0.06 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "green-hairy-grass-vegetation-particle-small-medium", probability = 1, repeat_count = 20, repeat_count_deviation = 2, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.55, initial_vertical_speed = 0.021000000000000001, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.035000000000000004, offset_deviation = { { -0.06, -0.06 }, { 0.06, 0.06 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "green-hairy-grass-wooden-splinter-particle-small", probability = 1, repeat_count = 5, repeat_count_deviation = 5, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.005, type = "create-particle" } }, type = "optimized-decorative", walking_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-decorative"]["brown-hairy-grass"].walking_sound ]=] }, ["green-pita"] = { autoplace = { max_probability = 0.5, order = "a[doodad]-e[pita]", peaks = { { influence = -0.5 }, { noise_layer = "fluff", noise_octaves_difference = -2, noise_persistence = 0.7 }, { aux_max_range = 0.3, aux_optimal = 1, aux_range = 0.2, water_max_range = 0.2, water_optimal = 0.3, water_range = 0.1 } }, random_probability_penalty = 0.2, sharpness = 0.3 }, collision_box = { { -0.7, -0.7 }, { 0.7, 0.7 } }, name = "green-pita", order = "b[decorative]-c[pita]-a[green]", pictures = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-pita/green-pita-00.png", height = 53, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-pita/hr-green-pita-00.png", height = 104, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.3515625, -0.171875 }, width = 153 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.359375, -0.171875 }, width = 77 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-pita/green-pita-01.png", height = 53, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-pita/hr-green-pita-01.png", height = 104, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.359375, -0.296875 }, width = 146 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.359375, -0.296875 }, width = 73 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-pita/green-pita-02.png", height = 41, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-pita/hr-green-pita-02.png", height = 83, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.296875, -0.1953125 }, width = 120 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.296875, -0.203125 }, width = 59 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-pita/green-pita-03.png", height = 42, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-pita/hr-green-pita-03.png", height = 84, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.3203125, -0.1875 }, width = 121 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.3125, -0.1875 }, width = 60 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-pita/green-pita-04.png", height = 47, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-pita/hr-green-pita-04.png", height = 95, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.390625, -0.2890625 }, width = 144 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.390625, -0.296875 }, width = 73 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-pita/green-pita-05.png", height = 46, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-pita/hr-green-pita-05.png", height = 92, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.265625, -0.234375 }, width = 140 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.28125, -0.21875 }, width = 70 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-pita/green-pita-06.png", height = 60, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-pita/hr-green-pita-06.png", height = 120, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.21875, -0.21875 }, width = 156 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.21875, -0.21875 }, width = 78 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-pita/green-pita-07.png", height = 62, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-pita/hr-green-pita-07.png", height = 123, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.3203125, -0.1640625 }, width = 155 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.3125, -0.15625 }, width = 78 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-pita/green-pita-08.png", height = 59, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-pita/hr-green-pita-08.png", height = 116, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.359375, -0.203125 }, width = 162 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.359375, -0.203125 }, width = 81 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-pita/green-pita-09.png", height = 39, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-pita/hr-green-pita-09.png", height = 78, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1953125, -0.140625 }, width = 123 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.1875, -0.140625 }, width = 62 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-pita/green-pita-10.png", height = 35, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-pita/hr-green-pita-10.png", height = 70, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1328125, -0.125 }, width = 99 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.125, -0.109375 }, width = 50 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-pita/green-pita-11.png", height = 33, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-pita/hr-green-pita-11.png", height = 64, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.203125, -0.078125 }, width = 98 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.203125, -0.078125 }, width = 49 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-pita/green-pita-12.png", height = 39, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-pita/hr-green-pita-12.png", height = 77, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1953125, -0.1640625 }, width = 99 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.203125, -0.171875 }, width = 49 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-pita/green-pita-13.png", height = 36, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-pita/hr-green-pita-13.png", height = 71, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.2578125, -0.1328125 }, width = 109 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.265625, -0.125 }, width = 55 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-pita/green-pita-14.png", height = 34, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-pita/hr-green-pita-14.png", height = 68, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.203125, -0.15625 }, width = 100 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.21875, -0.15625 }, width = 50 } }, render_layer = "object", trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.081000000000000014, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.1, -0.1 }, { 0.1, 0.1 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "green-pita-vegetation-particle-small-medium", probability = 1, repeat_count = 12, repeat_count_deviation = 2, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.06, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.1, -0.1 }, { 0.1, 0.1 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "green-pita-wooden-splinter-particle-small", probability = 1, repeat_count = 6, repeat_count_deviation = 0, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" } }, type = "optimized-decorative", walking_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-decorative"]["brown-asterisk"].walking_sound ]=] }, ["green-pita-mini"] = { autoplace = { coverage = 0.2, max_probability = 0.5, order = "a[doodad]-e[pita]", peaks = { { noise_layer = "fluff", noise_octaves_difference = -2, noise_persistence = 0.7 }, { aux_max_range = 0.3, aux_optimal = 1, aux_range = 0.2, water_max_range = 0.2, water_optimal = 0.2, water_range = 0.1 } }, random_probability_penalty = 0.2, sharpness = 0.3 }, collision_box = { { -0.7, -0.7 }, { 0.7, 0.7 } }, name = "green-pita-mini", order = "b[decorative]-d[pita-mini]-a[green]", pictures = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-pita-mini/green-pita-mini-00.png", height = 26, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-pita-mini/hr-green-pita-mini-00.png", height = 52, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1328125, -0.0625 }, width = 83 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.125, -0.0625 }, width = 42 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-pita-mini/green-pita-mini-01.png", height = 28, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-pita-mini/hr-green-pita-mini-01.png", height = 57, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1484375, -0.1171875 }, width = 75 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.140625, -0.125 }, width = 37 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-pita-mini/green-pita-mini-02.png", height = 29, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-pita-mini/hr-green-pita-mini-02.png", height = 57, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1484375, -0.1171875 }, width = 87 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.15625, -0.109375 }, width = 44 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-pita-mini/green-pita-mini-03.png", height = 31, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-pita-mini/hr-green-pita-mini-03.png", height = 62, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1875, -0.109375 }, width = 96 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.1875, -0.109375 }, width = 48 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-pita-mini/green-pita-mini-04.png", height = 35, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-pita-mini/hr-green-pita-mini-04.png", height = 68, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1171875, -0.140625 }, width = 87 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.125, -0.140625 }, width = 44 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-pita-mini/green-pita-mini-05.png", height = 33, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-pita-mini/hr-green-pita-mini-05.png", height = 65, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.171875, -0.1015625 }, width = 92 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.15625, -0.109375 }, width = 46 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-pita-mini/green-pita-mini-06.png", height = 22, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-pita-mini/hr-green-pita-mini-06.png", height = 45, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.109375, -0.0234375 }, width = 64 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, -0.03125 }, width = 31 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-pita-mini/green-pita-mini-07.png", height = 20, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-pita-mini/hr-green-pita-mini-07.png", height = 39, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1171875, -0.1171875 }, width = 73 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.125, -0.125 }, width = 36 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-pita-mini/green-pita-mini-08.png", height = 23, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-pita-mini/hr-green-pita-mini-08.png", height = 46, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.171875, -0.109375 }, width = 66 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.171875, -0.109375 }, width = 33 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-pita-mini/green-pita-mini-09.png", height = 37, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-pita-mini/hr-green-pita-mini-09.png", height = 72, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1796875, -0.109375 }, width = 97 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.171875, -0.109375 }, width = 49 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-pita-mini/green-pita-mini-10.png", height = 35, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-pita-mini/hr-green-pita-mini-10.png", height = 71, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1484375, -0.1328125 }, width = 101 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.140625, -0.140625 }, width = 51 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-pita-mini/green-pita-mini-11.png", height = 36, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-pita-mini/hr-green-pita-mini-11.png", height = 71, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.171875, -0.1171875 }, width = 98 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.171875, -0.125 }, width = 49 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-pita-mini/green-pita-mini-12.png", height = 31, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-pita-mini/hr-green-pita-mini-12.png", height = 63, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.203125, -0.1171875 }, width = 90 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.203125, -0.109375 }, width = 45 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-pita-mini/green-pita-mini-13.png", height = 31, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-pita-mini/hr-green-pita-mini-13.png", height = 64, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.140625, -0.140625 }, width = 84 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.125, -0.140625 }, width = 42 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-pita-mini/green-pita-mini-14.png", height = 29, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-pita-mini/hr-green-pita-mini-14.png", height = 58, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0859375, -0.09375 }, width = 79 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, -0.078125 }, width = 39 } }, render_layer = "decorative", trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.041000000000000005, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.1, -0.1 }, { 0.1, 0.1 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "green-pita-mini-vegetation-particle-small-medium", probability = 1, repeat_count = 4, repeat_count_deviation = 0, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.06, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.1, -0.1 }, { 0.1, 0.1 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "green-pita-mini-wooden-splinter-particle-small", probability = 1, repeat_count = 3, repeat_count_deviation = 0, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" } }, type = "optimized-decorative", walking_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-decorative"]["brown-asterisk"].walking_sound ]=] }, ["green-small-grass"] = { autoplace = { coverage = 0.3, max_probability = 0.02, order = "a[doodad]-f[grass]-d", peaks = { { influence = 0.35, noise_layer = "grass1", noise_octaves_difference = -2.7999999999999998, noise_persistence = 0.7 }, { influence = 0.6, min_influence = 0, richness_influence = 0, temperature_max_range = 15, temperature_optimal = 20, temperature_range = 10, water_max_range = 0.35, water_optimal = 0.65, water_range = 0.25 }, { influence = 0.6, min_influence = 0, richness_influence = 0, temperature_max_range = 7.5, temperature_optimal = 17.5, temperature_range = 2.5, water_max_range = 0.15000000000000002, water_optimal = 0.15000000000000002, water_range = 0.05 } }, sharpness = 0.2 }, collision_box = { { -1.5, -1.5 }, { 1.5, 1.5 } }, grows_through_rail_path = true, name = "green-small-grass", order = "b[decorative]-a[grass]-c[small]", pictures = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-small-grass/green-small-grass-00.png", height = 42, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-small-grass/hr-green-small-grass-00.png", height = 84, priority = "extra-high", 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= "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-small-grass/hr-green-small-grass-03.png", height = 74, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.09375, -0.125 }, width = 106 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { -0.09375, -0.125 }, width = 54 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-small-grass/green-small-grass-04.png", height = 34, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-small-grass/hr-green-small-grass-04.png", height = 67, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.078125, -0.0703125 }, width = 100 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { -0.0625, -0.0625 }, width = 50 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-small-grass/green-small-grass-05.png", height = 33, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-small-grass/hr-green-small-grass-05.png", height = 65, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.0625, -0.1171875 }, width = 116 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { -0.0625, -0.109375 }, width = 58 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-small-grass/green-small-grass-06.png", height = 35, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-small-grass/hr-green-small-grass-06.png", height = 70, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0859375, -0.09375 }, width = 81 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, -0.078125 }, width = 41 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-small-grass/green-small-grass-07.png", height = 27, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-small-grass/hr-green-small-grass-07.png", height = 54, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.1015625, -0.046875 }, width = 95 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { -0.09375, -0.046875 }, width = 48 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-small-grass/green-small-grass-08.png", height = 28, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-small-grass/hr-green-small-grass-08.png", height = 56, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.0859375, -0.078125 }, width = 91 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { -0.078125, -0.0625 }, width = 45 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-small-grass/green-small-grass-09.png", height = 27, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-small-grass/hr-green-small-grass-09.png", height = 54, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0078125, -0.046875 }, width = 77 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.015625, -0.046875 }, width = 39 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-small-grass/green-small-grass-10.png", height = 17, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-small-grass/hr-green-small-grass-10.png", height = 33, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1875, -0.0546875 }, width = 46 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.203125, -0.046875 }, width = 23 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-small-grass/green-small-grass-11.png", height = 13, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/green-small-grass/hr-green-small-grass-11.png", height = 26, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0 }, width = 39 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.09375, -0.015625 }, width = 20 } }, trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.1, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.035000000000000004, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.042999999999999989, offset_deviation = { { -0.1, -0.1 }, { 0.1, 0.1 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "green-small-grass-vegetation-particle-small-medium", probability = 1, repeat_count = 15, repeat_count_deviation = 0, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.013, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.1, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.035000000000000004, 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0.5, shift = { -0.09375, -0.21875 }, tint = { b = 0.31764705882352939, g = 0.85882352941176467, r = 0.86666666666666679 }, width = 356 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { -0.125, -0.1875 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-decorative"]["lichen-decal"].pictures[1].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 180 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/lichen-decal/lichen-decal-01.png", height = 128, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/lichen-decal/hr-lichen-decal-01.png", height = 260, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.125, -0.03125 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-decorative"]["lichen-decal"].pictures[1].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 334 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.125, 0 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-decorative"]["lichen-decal"].pictures[1].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 168 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/lichen-decal/lichen-decal-02.png", height = 128, hr_version = { filename = 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[""]["optimized-decorative"]["lichen-decal"].pictures[1].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 150 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/lichen-decal/lichen-decal-06.png", height = 102, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/lichen-decal/hr-lichen-decal-06.png", height = 224, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.28125, 0.0625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-decorative"]["lichen-decal"].pictures[1].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 314 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { -0.3125, 0 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-decorative"]["lichen-decal"].pictures[1].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 160 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/lichen-decal/lichen-decal-07.png", height = 128, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/lichen-decal/hr-lichen-decal-07.png", height = 266, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.0625, -0.21875 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-decorative"]["lichen-decal"].pictures[1].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 318 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { -0.0625, -0.125 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-decorative"]["lichen-decal"].pictures[1].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 160 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/lichen-decal/lichen-decal-08.png", height = 98, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/lichen-decal/hr-lichen-decal-08.png", height = 200, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.03125, -0.03125 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-decorative"]["lichen-decal"].pictures[1].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 326 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.0625, 0 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-decorative"]["lichen-decal"].pictures[1].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 162 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/lichen-decal/lichen-decal-09.png", height = 94, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/lichen-decal/hr-lichen-decal-09.png", height = 182, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.5625, 0.21875 }, tint = 0 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"__base__/graphics/decorative/lichen-decal/hr-lichen-decal-11.png", height = 258, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1875, -0.125 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-decorative"]["lichen-decal"].pictures[1].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 332 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.25, -0.125 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-decorative"]["lichen-decal"].pictures[1].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 154 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/lichen-decal/lichen-decal-12.png", height = 110, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/lichen-decal/hr-lichen-decal-12.png", height = 218, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.09375, -0.28125 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-decorative"]["lichen-decal"].pictures[1].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 256 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.0625, -0.3125 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-decorative"]["lichen-decal"].pictures[1].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 130 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/lichen-decal/lichen-decal-13.png", height = 104, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/lichen-decal/hr-lichen-decal-13.png", height = 216, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03125, -0.1875 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-decorative"]["lichen-decal"].pictures[1].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 372 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0, -0.25 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-decorative"]["lichen-decal"].pictures[1].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 184 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/lichen-decal/lichen-decal-14.png", height = 68, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/lichen-decal/hr-lichen-decal-14.png", height = 140, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.0625, 0.09375 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-decorative"]["lichen-decal"].pictures[1].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 134 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { -0.0625, 0.125 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-decorative"]["lichen-decal"].pictures[1].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 68 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/lichen-decal/lichen-decal-15.png", height = 66, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/lichen-decal/hr-lichen-decal-15.png", height = 134, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.34375, 0.15625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-decorative"]["lichen-decal"].pictures[1].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 174 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.3125, 0.1875 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-decorative"]["lichen-decal"].pictures[1].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 90 } }, trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.1, initial_height_deviation = 0.19, initial_vertical_speed = 0.09, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.1, -0.1 }, { 0.1, 0.1 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "lichen-stone-particle-small", probability = 1, repeat_count = 25, repeat_count_deviation = 0, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.045, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.1, -0.1 }, { 0.1, 0.1 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "lichen-vegetation-particle-small-medium", probability = 1, repeat_count = 5, repeat_count_deviation = 0, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" } }, type = "optimized-decorative" }, ["light-mud-decal"] = { autoplace = { max_probability = 0.01, order = "a[doodad]-b[decal]", peaks = { { aux_max_range = 0.37499999999999996, aux_optimal = 0.8, aux_range = 0.2, water_max_range = 0.37499999999999996, water_optimal = 0.525, water_range = 0.32499999999999996 }, { influence = 0.2, noise_layer = "red-desert-decal", noise_octaves_difference = -2, noise_persistence = 0.9 } }, sharpness = 0.3 }, collision_box = { { -3.375, -2.3125 }, { 3.25, 2.3125 } }, collision_mask = { "water-tile", "colliding-with-tiles-only" }, name = "light-mud-decal", order = "b[decorative]-b[red-desert-decal]", pictures = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/light-mud-decal/light-mud-decal-00.png", height = 149, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/light-mud-decal/hr-light-mud-decal-00.png", height = 299, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.140625, -0.0703125 }, width = 400 }, shift = { 0.140625, -0.078125 }, width = 199 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/light-mud-decal/light-mud-decal-01.png", height = 160, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/light-mud-decal/hr-light-mud-decal-01.png", height = 320, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.0234375, 0.0625 }, width = 419 }, shift = { -0.03125, 0.0625 }, width = 210 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/light-mud-decal/light-mud-decal-02.png", height = 142, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/light-mud-decal/hr-light-mud-decal-02.png", height = 287, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.0390625, 0.0390625 }, width = 417 }, shift = { -0.03125, 0.0625 }, width = 208 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/light-mud-decal/light-mud-decal-03.png", height = 149, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/light-mud-decal/hr-light-mud-decal-03.png", height = 298, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.0078125, 0.171875 }, width = 421 }, shift = { -0.015625, 0.171875 }, width = 211 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/light-mud-decal/light-mud-decal-04.png", height = 151, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/light-mud-decal/hr-light-mud-decal-04.png", height = 302, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1875, 0.125 }, width = 396 }, shift = { 0.1875, 0.109375 }, width = 198 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/light-mud-decal/light-mud-decal-05.png", height = 147, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/light-mud-decal/hr-light-mud-decal-05.png", height = 295, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.078125, 0.2421875 }, width = 408 }, shift = { -0.078125, 0.234375 }, width = 205 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/light-mud-decal/light-mud-decal-06.png", height = 158, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/light-mud-decal/hr-light-mud-decal-06.png", height = 317, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.0390625, 0.1015625 }, width = 417 }, shift = { -0.03125, 0.09375 }, width = 208 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/light-mud-decal/light-mud-decal-07.png", height = 155, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/light-mud-decal/hr-light-mud-decal-07.png", height = 312, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0234375, 0.078125 }, width = 419 }, shift = { 0.015625, 0.078125 }, width = 209 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/light-mud-decal/light-mud-decal-08.png", height = 158, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/light-mud-decal/hr-light-mud-decal-08.png", height = 317, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.0703125, 0.0703125 }, width = 413 }, shift = { -0.0625, 0.0625 }, width = 206 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/light-mud-decal/light-mud-decal-09.png", height = 155, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/light-mud-decal/hr-light-mud-decal-09.png", height = 310, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0078125, 0.046875 }, width = 403 }, shift = { 0.015625, 0.046875 }, width = 201 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/light-mud-decal/light-mud-decal-10.png", height = 153, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/light-mud-decal/hr-light-mud-decal-10.png", height = 307, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.0234375, 0.0546875 }, width = 411 }, shift = { -0.03125, 0.046875 }, width = 206 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/light-mud-decal/light-mud-decal-11.png", height = 147, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/light-mud-decal/hr-light-mud-decal-11.png", height = 295, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.0078125, -0.0234375 }, width = 421 }, shift = { 0, -0.015625 }, width = 210 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/light-mud-decal/light-mud-decal-12.png", height = 140, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/light-mud-decal/hr-light-mud-decal-12.png", height = 280, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.015625, -0.21875 }, width = 420 }, shift = { -0.03125, -0.21875 }, width = 210 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/light-mud-decal/light-mud-decal-13.png", height = 156, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/light-mud-decal/hr-light-mud-decal-13.png", height = 311, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0234375, 0.1015625 }, width = 403 }, shift = { 0.015625, 0.09375 }, width = 201 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/light-mud-decal/light-mud-decal-14.png", height = 152, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/light-mud-decal/hr-light-mud-decal-14.png", height = 304, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, 0.0625 }, width = 418 }, shift = { 0.015625, 0.0625 }, width = 209 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/light-mud-decal/light-mud-decal-15.png", height = 142, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/light-mud-decal/hr-light-mud-decal-15.png", height = 284, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.109375, 0.203125 }, width = 398 }, shift = { -0.109375, 0.1875 }, width = 199 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/light-mud-decal/light-mud-decal-16.png", height = 154, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/light-mud-decal/hr-light-mud-decal-16.png", height = 313, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.125, 0.0078125 }, width = 406 }, shift = { 0.125, -0.03125 }, width = 204 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/light-mud-decal/light-mud-decal-17.png", height = 147, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/light-mud-decal/hr-light-mud-decal-17.png", height = 294, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.015625, 0.140625 }, width = 420 }, shift = { 0.03125, 0.140625 }, width = 210 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/light-mud-decal/light-mud-decal-18.png", height = 145, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/light-mud-decal/hr-light-mud-decal-18.png", height = 289, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0078125, 0.1796875 }, width = 379 }, shift = { 0.015625, 0.171875 }, width = 189 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/light-mud-decal/light-mud-decal-19.png", height = 155, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/light-mud-decal/hr-light-mud-decal-19.png", height = 311, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.1640625, 0.0390625 }, width = 401 }, shift = { -0.171875, 0.046875 }, width = 201 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/light-mud-decal/light-mud-decal-20.png", height = 158, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/light-mud-decal/hr-light-mud-decal-20.png", height = 315, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.015625, 0.0390625 }, width = 418 }, shift = { 0.015625, 0.03125 }, width = 209 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/light-mud-decal/light-mud-decal-21.png", height = 157, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/light-mud-decal/hr-light-mud-decal-21.png", height = 314, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.03125, 0.09375 }, width = 418 }, shift = { 0.03125, 0.109375 }, width = 208 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/light-mud-decal/light-mud-decal-22.png", height = 135, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/light-mud-decal/hr-light-mud-decal-22.png", height = 270, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.0078125, 0.03125 }, width = 421 }, shift = { -0.015625, 0.015625 }, width = 211 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/light-mud-decal/light-mud-decal-23.png", height = 145, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/light-mud-decal/hr-light-mud-decal-23.png", height = 290, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, -0.078125 }, width = 403 }, shift = { 0.0625, -0.078125 }, width = 202 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/light-mud-decal/light-mud-decal-24.png", height = 158, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/light-mud-decal/hr-light-mud-decal-24.png", height = 315, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.015625, 0.0703125 }, width = 418 }, shift = { -0.015625, 0.0625 }, width = 209 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/light-mud-decal/light-mud-decal-25.png", height = 155, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/light-mud-decal/hr-light-mud-decal-25.png", height = 310, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.0625, 0.125 }, width = 414 }, shift = { -0.078125, 0.140625 }, width = 207 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/light-mud-decal/light-mud-decal-26.png", height = 154, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/light-mud-decal/hr-light-mud-decal-26.png", height = 306, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.1171875, 0.15625 }, width = 403 }, shift = { -0.109375, 0.15625 }, width = 201 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/light-mud-decal/light-mud-decal-27.png", height = 151, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/light-mud-decal/hr-light-mud-decal-27.png", height = 303, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.03125, 0.0078125 }, width = 416 }, shift = { 0.03125, 0.015625 }, width = 208 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/light-mud-decal/light-mud-decal-28.png", height = 155, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/light-mud-decal/hr-light-mud-decal-28.png", height = 311, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, 0.0703125 }, width = 422 }, shift = { -0.015625, 0.078125 }, width = 211 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/light-mud-decal/light-mud-decal-29.png", height = 146, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/light-mud-decal/hr-light-mud-decal-29.png", height = 292, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.109375, 0.0625 }, width = 406 }, shift = { -0.109375, 0.0625 }, width = 203 } }, render_layer = "decals", tile_layer = 59, type = "optimized-decorative" }, ["muddy-stump"] = { collision_box = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, collision_mask = { "water-tile" }, name = "muddy-stump", order = "b[decorative]-a[stump]-a[muddy]", pictures = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/muddy-stump/muddy-stump-00.png", height = 44, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/muddy-stump/hr-muddy-stump-00.png", height = 90, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.03125, -0.09375 }, width = 106 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.0625, -0.0625 }, width = 52 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/muddy-stump/muddy-stump-01.png", height = 42, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/muddy-stump/hr-muddy-stump-01.png", height = 84, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.09375, 0 }, width = 114 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.0625, 0 }, width = 60 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/muddy-stump/muddy-stump-02.png", height = 48, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/muddy-stump/hr-muddy-stump-02.png", height = 92, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.03125, -0.03125 }, width = 120 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.0625, -0.0625 }, width = 58 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/muddy-stump/muddy-stump-03.png", height = 38, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/muddy-stump/hr-muddy-stump-03.png", height = 74, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, 0 }, width = 104 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0, 0 }, width = 52 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/muddy-stump/muddy-stump-04.png", height = 36, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/muddy-stump/hr-muddy-stump-04.png", height = 68, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.03125 }, width = 92 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0, -0.0625 }, width = 46 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/muddy-stump/muddy-stump-05.png", height = 40, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/muddy-stump/hr-muddy-stump-05.png", height = 80, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.15625, 0 }, width = 92 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.125, 0 }, width = 48 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/muddy-stump/muddy-stump-06.png", height = 36, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/muddy-stump/hr-muddy-stump-06.png", height = 72, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.125, -0.0625 }, width = 112 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.125, -0.0625 }, width = 56 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/muddy-stump/muddy-stump-07.png", height = 42, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/muddy-stump/hr-muddy-stump-07.png", height = 84, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.125, -0.0625 }, width = 88 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.125, -0.0625 }, width = 44 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/muddy-stump/muddy-stump-08.png", height = 32, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/muddy-stump/hr-muddy-stump-08.png", height = 60, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.125, 0.03125 }, width = 92 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { -0.125, 0 }, width = 46 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/muddy-stump/muddy-stump-09.png", height = 36, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/muddy-stump/hr-muddy-stump-09.png", height = 72, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.125, -0.0625 }, width = 96 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.125, -0.0625 }, width = 48 } }, render_layer = "object", type = "optimized-decorative" }, ["nuclear-ground-patch"] = { collision_box = { { -4.625, -3.25 }, { 4.6875, 3.125 } }, collision_mask = { "water-tile", "colliding-with-tiles-only" }, name = "nuclear-ground-patch", order = "b[decorative]-b[red-desert-decal]", pictures = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/nuclear-ground-patch/nuclear-ground-patch-00.png", height = 144, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/nuclear-ground-patch/hr-nuclear-ground-patch-00.png", height = 284, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.125, -0.21875 }, width = 388 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.125, -0.25 }, width = 194 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/nuclear-ground-patch/nuclear-ground-patch-01.png", height = 132, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/nuclear-ground-patch/hr-nuclear-ground-patch-01.png", height = 262, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.125, 0.25 }, width = 372 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.125, 0.25 }, width = 186 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/nuclear-ground-patch/nuclear-ground-patch-02.png", height = 126, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/nuclear-ground-patch/hr-nuclear-ground-patch-02.png", height = 254, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.15625, 0.03125 }, width = 374 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.125, 0.0625 }, width = 190 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/nuclear-ground-patch/nuclear-ground-patch-03.png", height = 128, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/nuclear-ground-patch/hr-nuclear-ground-patch-03.png", height = 252, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.125, -0.09375 }, width = 364 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.125, -0.125 }, width = 182 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/nuclear-ground-patch/nuclear-ground-patch-04.png", height = 130, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/nuclear-ground-patch/hr-nuclear-ground-patch-04.png", height = 256, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.375, -0.03125 }, width = 328 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.375, -0.0625 }, width = 164 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/nuclear-ground-patch/nuclear-ground-patch-05.png", height = 130, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/nuclear-ground-patch/hr-nuclear-ground-patch-05.png", height = 260, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0625, 0.25 }, width = 374 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.0625, 0.25 }, width = 188 } }, render_layer = "decals", tile_layer = 59, type = "optimized-decorative" }, ["puberty-decal"] = { autoplace = { max_probability = 0.01, order = "a[doodad]-b[decal]", peaks = { { aux_max_range = 0.37499999999999996, aux_optimal = 0.8, aux_range = 0.2, water_max_range = 0.37499999999999996, water_optimal = 0.525, water_range = 0.32499999999999996 }, { influence = 0.2, noise_layer = "red-desert-decal", noise_octaves_difference = -2, noise_persistence = 0.9 } }, sharpness = 0.3 }, collision_box = { { -3.75, -2.5625 }, { 3.75, 2.5625 } }, collision_mask = { "doodad-layer", "water-tile", "not-colliding-with-itself" }, name = "puberty-decal", order = "b[decorative]-b[red-desert-decal]", pictures = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/puberty-decal/puberty-decal-00.png", height = 169, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/puberty-decal/hr-puberty-decal-00.png", height = 337, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.0078125 }, width = 474 }, shift = { 0, -0.015625 }, width = 236 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/puberty-decal/puberty-decal-01.png", height = 132, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/puberty-decal/hr-puberty-decal-01.png", height = 265, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0078125, -0.0859375 }, width = 473 }, shift = { 0, -0.09375 }, width = 236 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/puberty-decal/puberty-decal-02.png", height = 134, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/puberty-decal/hr-puberty-decal-02.png", height = 267, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0078125, -0.1171875 }, width = 473 }, shift = { 0, -0.125 }, width = 236 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/puberty-decal/puberty-decal-03.png", height = 121, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/puberty-decal/hr-puberty-decal-03.png", height = 243, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.046875, 0.0390625 }, width = 432 }, shift = { 0.046875, 0.046875 }, width = 215 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/puberty-decal/puberty-decal-04.png", height = 153, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/puberty-decal/hr-puberty-decal-04.png", height = 305, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.0078125 }, width = 472 }, shift = { 0, -0.015625 }, width = 236 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/puberty-decal/puberty-decal-05.png", height = 112, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/puberty-decal/hr-puberty-decal-05.png", height = 224, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.0078125, 0 }, width = 375 }, shift = { 0, 0 }, width = 188 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/puberty-decal/puberty-decal-06.png", height = 168, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/puberty-decal/hr-puberty-decal-06.png", height = 335, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03125, -0.0234375 }, width = 296 }, shift = { -0.03125, -0.03125 }, width = 148 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/puberty-decal/puberty-decal-07.png", height = 109, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/puberty-decal/hr-puberty-decal-07.png", height = 220, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.28125, 0.234375 }, width = 400 }, shift = { -0.28125, 0.234375 }, width = 200 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/puberty-decal/puberty-decal-08.png", height = 169, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/puberty-decal/hr-puberty-decal-08.png", height = 337, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.078125, -0.0078125 }, width = 268 }, shift = { 0.078125, 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-0.7, -0.7 }, { 0.7, 0.7 } }, name = "red-asterisk", order = "b[decorative]-b[asterisk]-c[red]", pictures = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/red-asterisk/red-asterisk-00.png", height = 41, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/red-asterisk/hr-red-asterisk-00.png", height = 82, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.3046875, -0.1875 }, width = 111 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.3125, -0.203125 }, width = 56 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/red-asterisk/red-asterisk-01.png", height = 35, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/red-asterisk/hr-red-asterisk-01.png", height = 71, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.2265625, -0.0546875 }, width = 85 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.21875, -0.046875 }, width = 42 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/red-asterisk/red-asterisk-02.png", height = 38, hr_version = { filename = 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"extra-high", shift = { 0.015625, -0.015625 }, width = 35 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/red-asterisk/red-asterisk-19.png", height = 32, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/red-asterisk/hr-red-asterisk-19.png", height = 63, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.28125, -0.1015625 }, width = 88 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.28125, -0.09375 }, width = 44 } }, render_layer = "decorative", trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.050999999999999996, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.07, -0.07 }, { 0.07, 0.07 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "red-asterisk-vegetation-particle-small-medium", probability = 1, repeat_count = 6, repeat_count_deviation = 0, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { 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speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" } }, type = "optimized-decorative", walking_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-decorative"]["brown-asterisk"].walking_sound ]=] }, ["red-croton"] = { autoplace = { coverage = 0.2, max_probability = 0.5, order = "a[doodad]-e[pita]", peaks = { { noise_layer = "fluff", noise_octaves_difference = -2, noise_persistence = 0.7 }, { aux_max_range = 0.3, aux_optimal = 1, aux_range = 0.2, water_max_range = 0.2, water_optimal = 0.2, water_range = 0.1 } }, random_probability_penalty = 0.2, sharpness = 0.3 }, collision_box = { { -0.7, -0.7 }, { 0.7, 0.7 } }, name = "red-croton", order = "b[decorative]-d[croton]-a[red]", pictures = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/red-croton/red-croton-00.png", height = 28, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/red-croton/hr-red-croton-00.png", height = 55, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.21875, -0.1640625 }, width = 76 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 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"__base__/graphics/decorative/red-desert-bush/red-desert-bush-19.png", height = 30, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/red-desert-bush/hr-red-desert-bush-19.png", height = 59, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.3359375, -0.1953125 }, width = 93 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.328125, -0.1875 }, width = 47 } }, trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.1, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.035000000000000004, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.042999999999999989, offset_deviation = { { -0.040000000000000009, -0.040000000000000009 }, { 0.040000000000000009, 0.040000000000000009 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "red-desert-bush-vegetation-particle-small-medium", probability = 1, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 0, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.013, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.1, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.035000000000000004, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.040000000000000009, -0.040000000000000009 }, { 0.040000000000000009, 0.040000000000000009 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "red-desert-bush-wooden-splinter-particle-small", probability = 1, repeat_count = 3, repeat_count_deviation = 0, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.015, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.021999999999999997, type = "create-particle" } }, type = "optimized-decorative", walking_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-decorative"]["green-desert-bush"].walking_sound ]=] }, ["red-desert-decal"] = { autoplace = { max_probability = 0.01, order = "a[doodad]-b[decal]", peaks = { { aux_max_range = 0.37499999999999996, aux_optimal = 0.8, aux_range = 0.2, water_max_range = 0.37499999999999996, water_optimal = 0.525, water_range = 0.32499999999999996 }, { influence = 0.2, noise_layer = "red-desert-decal", noise_octaves_difference = -2, noise_persistence = 0.9 } }, sharpness = 0.3 }, collision_box = { { -4.40625, -5.6875 }, { 4.375, 5.625 } }, collision_mask = { "doodad-layer", "water-tile", "not-colliding-with-itself" }, name = "red-desert-decal", order = "b[decorative]-b[red-desert-decal]", pictures = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/red-desert-decal/red-desert-decal-00.png", height = 282, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/red-desert-decal/hr-red-desert-decal-00.png", height = 565, scale = 0.5, width = 567 }, width = 284 }, { dice_y = 2, filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/red-desert-decal/red-desert-decal-01.png", height = 377, hr_version = { dice_y = 2, filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/red-desert-decal/hr-red-desert-decal-01.png", height = 753, scale = 0.5, width = 553 }, width = 277 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/red-desert-decal/red-desert-decal-02.png", height = 235, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/red-desert-decal/hr-red-desert-decal-02.png", height = 471, scale = 0.5, width = 567 }, width = 283 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/red-desert-decal/red-desert-decal-03.png", height = 213, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/red-desert-decal/hr-red-desert-decal-03.png", height = 425, scale = 0.5, width = 567 }, width = 284 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/red-desert-decal/red-desert-decal-04.png", height = 282, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/red-desert-decal/hr-red-desert-decal-04.png", height = 565, scale = 0.5, width = 557 }, width = 279 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/red-desert-decal/red-desert-decal-05.png", height = 281, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/red-desert-decal/hr-red-desert-decal-05.png", height = 563, scale = 0.5, width = 555 }, width = 277 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/red-desert-decal/red-desert-decal-06.png", height = 283, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/red-desert-decal/hr-red-desert-decal-06.png", height = 565, scale = 0.5, width = 567 }, width = 284 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/red-desert-decal/red-desert-decal-07.png", height = 283, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/red-desert-decal/hr-red-desert-decal-07.png", height = 565, scale = 0.5, width = 567 }, width = 284 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/red-desert-decal/red-desert-decal-08.png", height = 283, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/red-desert-decal/hr-red-desert-decal-08.png", height = 565, scale = 0.5, width = 567 }, width = 284 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/red-desert-decal/red-desert-decal-09.png", height = 283, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/red-desert-decal/hr-red-desert-decal-09.png", height = 565, scale = 0.5, width = 567 }, width = 284 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/red-desert-decal/red-desert-decal-10.png", height = 282, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/red-desert-decal/hr-red-desert-decal-10.png", height = 564, scale = 0.5, width = 567 }, width = 284 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/red-desert-decal/red-desert-decal-11.png", height = 204, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/red-desert-decal/hr-red-desert-decal-11.png", height = 409, scale = 0.5, width = 371 }, width = 186 } }, render_layer = "decals", tile_layer = 59, type = "optimized-decorative" }, ["red-pita"] = { autoplace = { max_probability = 0.5, order = "a[doodad]-e[pita]", peaks = { { influence = -0.5 }, { noise_layer = "fluff", noise_octaves_difference = -2, noise_persistence = 0.7 }, { aux_max_range = 0.3, aux_optimal = 1, aux_range = 0.2, water_max_range = 0.2, water_optimal = 0.2, water_range = 0.1 } }, random_probability_penalty = 0.2, sharpness = 0.3 }, collision_box = { { -0.7, -0.7 }, { 0.7, 0.7 } }, name = "red-pita", order = "b[decorative]-c[pita]-a[red]", pictures = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/red-pita/red-pita-00.png", height = 49, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/red-pita/hr-red-pita-00.png", height = 98, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.328125, -0.234375 }, width = 152 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.3125, -0.234375 }, width = 76 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/red-pita/red-pita-01.png", height = 55, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/red-pita/hr-red-pita-01.png", height = 109, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.40625, -0.2109375 }, width = 146 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.40625, -0.203125 }, width = 72 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/red-pita/red-pita-02.png", height = 41, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/red-pita/hr-red-pita-02.png", 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0.5, shift = { 0.0078125, 0.125 }, width = 48 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0, 0.125 }, width = 24 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/rock-small/rock-small-11.png", height = 17, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/rock-small/hr-rock-small-11.png", height = 33, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.0859375, 0.078125 }, width = 51 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { -0.09375, 0.078125 }, width = 26 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/rock-small/rock-small-12.png", height = 20, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/rock-small/hr-rock-small-12.png", height = 39, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.078125, 0.117188 }, width = 47 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.109375 }, width = 24 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/rock-small/rock-small-13.png", height = 17, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/rock-small/hr-rock-small-13.png", height = 33, priority 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render_layer = "decorative", trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.3, initial_height_deviation = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.1, -0.1 }, { 0.1, 0.1 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "tiny-rock-stone-particle-tiny", probability = 1, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 0, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.3, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.070000000000000009, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.1, -0.1 }, { 0.1, 0.1 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "small-rock-stone-particle-small", probability = 1, repeat_count = 6, repeat_count_deviation = 0, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" } }, type = "optimized-decorative", walking_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-decorative"]["rock-small"].walking_sound ]=] }, ["sand-decal"] = { autoplace = { max_probability = 0.01, order = "a[doodad]-b[decal]", peaks = { { aux_max_range = 0.39999999999999996, aux_optimal = 0.5, aux_range = 0.5, water_max_range = 0.39999999999999996, water_optimal = 0.65, water_range = 0.35 }, { influence = 0.2, noise_layer = "sand-decal", noise_octaves_difference = -2, noise_persistence = 0.9 } }, sharpness = 0.3 }, collision_box = { { -7.21875, -5.9375 }, { 7.3125, 5.71875 } }, collision_mask = { "water-tile", "colliding-with-tiles-only" }, name = "sand-decal", order = "b[decorative]-b[red-desert-decal]", pictures = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/sand-decal/sand-decal-01.png", height = 332, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/sand-decal/hr-sand-decal-01.png", height = 664, scale = 0.5, width = 975 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-0.109375 }, width = 239 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { -0.03125, -0.109375 }, width = 120 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/brown-carpet-grass/brown-carpet-grass-07.png", height = 138, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/brown-carpet-grass/hr-brown-carpet-grass-07.png", height = 274, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1953125, -0.21875 }, width = 241 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.203125, -0.21875 }, width = 121 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/brown-carpet-grass/brown-carpet-grass-08.png", height = 131, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/brown-carpet-grass/hr-brown-carpet-grass-08.png", height = 261, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.109375, 0.0078125 }, width = 266 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, width = 133 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/brown-carpet-grass/brown-carpet-grass-09.png", height = 114, hr_version = { filename = 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[""]["optimized-decorative"]["shroom-decal"].pictures[1].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 208 } }, type = "optimized-decorative" }, ["small-ship-wreck-grass"] = { collision_box = { { -1.5, -0.5 }, { 1.5, 0.5 } }, grows_through_rail_path = true, name = "small-ship-wreck-grass", order = "d[remnants]-d[ship-wreck-grass]-b[small]", pictures = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/ship-wreck/small-ship-wreck-grass-1.png", height = 45, priority = "extra-high", width = 129 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/ship-wreck/small-ship-wreck-grass-2.png", height = 34, priority = "extra-high", width = 121 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/ship-wreck/small-ship-wreck-grass-3.png", height = 37, priority = "extra-high", width = 115 } }, render_layer = "floor", trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.1, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.060999999999999996, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.1, -0.1 }, { 0.1, 0.1 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "green-carpet-grass-vegetation-particle-small-medium", probability = 1, repeat_count = 35, repeat_count_deviation = 0, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.013, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.1, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.062000000000000002, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.1, -0.1 }, { 0.1, 0.1 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "green-carpet-grass-wooden-splinter-particle-small", probability = 1, repeat_count = 5, repeat_count_deviation = 5, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.021999999999999997, type = "create-particle" } }, type = "optimized-decorative", walking_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-decorative"]["big-ship-wreck-grass"].walking_sound ]=] }, ["white-desert-bush"] = { autoplace = { coverage = 0.2, max_probability = 0.4, order = "a[doodad]-d[fluff]", peaks = { { noise_layer = "fluff", noise_octaves_difference = -2, noise_persistence = 0.7 }, { aux_max_range = 1, aux_optimal = 1, aux_range = 0.6, water_max_range = 0.3, water_optimal = 0, water_range = 0.2 } }, placement_density = 1, sharpness = 1 }, collision_box = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, name = "white-desert-bush", order = "b[decorative]-g[red-desert-bush]", pictures = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/white-desert-bush/white-desert-bush-00.png", height = 21, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/white-desert-bush/hr-white-desert-bush-00.png", height = 40, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.171875, -0.109375 }, width = 62 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.171875, -0.109375 }, width = 31 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/white-desert-bush/white-desert-bush-01.png", height = 25, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/white-desert-bush/hr-white-desert-bush-01.png", height = 49, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1796875, -0.1171875 }, width = 57 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.171875, -0.109375 }, width = 29 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/white-desert-bush/white-desert-bush-02.png", height = 19, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/white-desert-bush/hr-white-desert-bush-02.png", height = 39, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1328125, -0.0859375 }, width = 63 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.140625, -0.078125 }, width = 31 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/white-desert-bush/white-desert-bush-03.png", height = 23, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/white-desert-bush/hr-white-desert-bush-03.png", height = 46, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1484375, -0.109375 }, width = 71 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.140625, -0.109375 }, width = 35 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/white-desert-bush/white-desert-bush-04.png", height = 22, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/white-desert-bush/hr-white-desert-bush-04.png", height = 45, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.125, -0.1328125 }, width = 68 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.125, -0.125 }, width = 34 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/white-desert-bush/white-desert-bush-05.png", height = 21, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/white-desert-bush/hr-white-desert-bush-05.png", height = 42, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.140625, -0.078125 }, width = 52 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.140625, -0.078125 }, width = 27 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/white-desert-bush/white-desert-bush-06.png", height = 27, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/white-desert-bush/hr-white-desert-bush-06.png", height = 54, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1796875, -0.140625 }, width = 83 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.171875, -0.140625 }, width = 41 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/white-desert-bush/white-desert-bush-07.png", height = 31, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/white-desert-bush/hr-white-desert-bush-07.png", height = 62, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.21875, -0.09375 }, width = 78 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.21875, -0.109375 }, width = 40 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/white-desert-bush/white-desert-bush-08.png", height = 31, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/white-desert-bush/hr-white-desert-bush-08.png", height = 60, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1953125, -0.078125 }, width = 91 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.203125, -0.078125 }, width = 45 }, { 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shift = { 0.1328125, -0.0703125 }, width = 93 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.125, -0.0625 }, width = 46 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/white-desert-bush/white-desert-bush-12.png", height = 24, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/white-desert-bush/hr-white-desert-bush-12.png", height = 47, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.125, -0.1953125 }, width = 58 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.140625, -0.1875 }, width = 29 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/white-desert-bush/white-desert-bush-13.png", height = 27, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/white-desert-bush/hr-white-desert-bush-13.png", height = 54, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.2890625, -0.125 }, width = 69 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.28125, -0.140625 }, width = 34 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/white-desert-bush/white-desert-bush-14.png", height = 21, hr_version = { filename = 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filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/white-desert-bush/white-desert-bush-17.png", height = 17, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/white-desert-bush/hr-white-desert-bush-17.png", height = 33, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, -0.1640625 }, width = 43 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.0625, -0.171875 }, width = 22 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/white-desert-bush/white-desert-bush-18.png", height = 17, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/white-desert-bush/hr-white-desert-bush-18.png", height = 35, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.109375, -0.0546875 }, width = 46 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, -0.046875 }, width = 23 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/white-desert-bush/white-desert-bush-19.png", height = 13, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/white-desert-bush/hr-white-desert-bush-19.png", height = 27, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1171875, -0.0859375 }, width = 45 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, -0.078125 }, width = 23 } }, trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.1, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.035000000000000004, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.042999999999999989, offset_deviation = { { -0.1, -0.1 }, { 0.1, 0.1 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "white-desert-bush-vegetation-particle-small-medium", probability = 1, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 0, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.013, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.1, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.035000000000000004, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.1, -0.1 }, { 0.1, 0.1 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "white-desert-bush-wooden-splinter-particle-small", probability = 1, repeat_count = 3, repeat_count_deviation = 0, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.015, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.021999999999999997, type = "create-particle" } }, type = "optimized-decorative", walking_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-decorative"]["brown-fluff"].walking_sound ]=] }, ["worms-decal"] = { collision_box = { { -3.1000000000000001, -2.5 }, { 3.1000000000000001, 2.5 } }, name = "worms-decal", order = "b[decorative]-j[bush]-a[mini]-a[green]", pictures = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/worms-decal/worms-decal-00.png", height = 104, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/worms-decal/hr-worms-decal-00.png", height = 206, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.34375, -0.375 }, width = 426 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { -0.3125, -0.375 }, width = 212 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/worms-decal/worms-decal-01.png", height = 110, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/worms-decal/hr-worms-decal-01.png", height = 216, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.1875, -0.46875 }, width = 400 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { -0.1875, -0.5 }, width = 200 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/worms-decal/worms-decal-02.png", height = 110, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/worms-decal/hr-worms-decal-02.png", height = 232, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.3125, 0.15625 }, width = 436 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.0625, 0 }, width = 202 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/worms-decal/worms-decal-03.png", height = 96, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/worms-decal/hr-worms-decal-03.png", height = 236, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.3125, -0.34375 }, width = 472 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.0625, 0 }, width = 220 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/worms-decal/worms-decal-04.png", height = 122, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/worms-decal/hr-worms-decal-04.png", height = 244, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.21875, 0 }, width = 392 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.25, 0 }, width = 194 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/worms-decal/worms-decal-05.png", height = 80, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/worms-decal/hr-worms-decal-05.png", height = 158, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, 0.4375 }, width = 378 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0, 0.4375 }, width = 190 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/worms-decal/worms-decal-06.png", height = 114, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/worms-decal/hr-worms-decal-06.png", height = 226, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0625, -0.0625 }, width = 444 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.5625, -0.0625 }, width = 190 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/worms-decal/worms-decal-07.png", height = 90, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/worms-decal/hr-worms-decal-07.png", height = 178, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.4375, -0.125 }, width = 376 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.4375, -0.125 }, width = 188 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/worms-decal/worms-decal-08.png", height = 96, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/worms-decal/hr-worms-decal-08.png", height = 190, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.53125, -0.3125 }, width = 398 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.5625, -0.3125 }, width = 198 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/worms-decal/worms-decal-09.png", height = 102, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/worms-decal/hr-worms-decal-09.png", height = 206, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.09375, -0.34375 }, width = 414 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.0625, -0.3125 }, width = 210 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/worms-decal/worms-decal-10.png", height = 116, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/worms-decal/hr-worms-decal-10.png", height = 226, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03125, -0.03125 }, width = 416 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { -0.0625, -0.0625 }, width = 210 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/worms-decal/worms-decal-11.png", height = 118, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/worms-decal/hr-worms-decal-11.png", height = 232, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.125, -0.15625 }, width = 368 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { -0.125, -0.1875 }, width = 184 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/worms-decal/worms-decal-12.png", height = 108, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/worms-decal/hr-worms-decal-12.png", height = 214, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.4375, -0.0625 }, width = 416 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.4375, -0.0625 }, width = 208 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/worms-decal/worms-decal-13.png", height = 104, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/worms-decal/hr-worms-decal-13.png", height = 208, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.46875, -0.0625 }, width = 368 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.4375, -0.0625 }, width = 186 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/worms-decal/worms-decal-14.png", height = 60, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/worms-decal/hr-worms-decal-14.png", height = 122, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.90625, 0.09375 }, width = 246 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.9375, 0.125 }, width = 122 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/worms-decal/worms-decal-15.png", height = 100, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/worms-decal/hr-worms-decal-15.png", height = 198, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.125, -0.25 }, width = 404 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { -0.125, -0.25 }, width = 202 } }, type = "optimized-decorative" } }, ["optimized-particle"] = { ["accumulator-metal-particle-big"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = { { filename = "__base__/sound/particles/small-splash-1.ogg", volume = 0.7 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/particles/small-splash-2.ogg", volume = 0.7 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/particles/small-splash-3.ogg", volume = 0.7 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/particles/small-splash-4.ogg", volume = 0.7 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/particles/small-splash-5.ogg", volume = 0.7 } }, type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "accumulator-metal-particle-big", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 22, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 44, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0234375 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.66300000000000008, g = 0.66300000000000008, r = 0.66300000000000008 }, variation_count = 10, width = 50 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 26 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.06, -0.06 }, { 0.06, 0.06 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle", speed_from_center = 0.0070000000000000009, starting_frame_deviation = 5, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 5, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "object", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 22, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 44, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0234375 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 50 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 26 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["accumulator-metal-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "accumulator-metal-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 30, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0234375 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.78000000000000007, g = 0.69799999999999995, r = 0.64299999999999997 }, variation_count = 10, width = 30 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 16 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-small", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 30, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0234375 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 30 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 16 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["accumulator-metal-particle-small"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "accumulator-metal-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, -0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.78000000000000007, g = 0.69799999999999995, r = 0.64299999999999997 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-small"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, -0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["active-provider-chest-metal-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "active-provider-chest-metal-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 30, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0234375 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.56399999999999997, g = 0.56399999999999997, r = 0.56399999999999997 }, variation_count = 10, width = 30 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["active-provider-chest-metal-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 16 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-small", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "object", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 30, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0234375 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 30 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["active-provider-chest-metal-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 16 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["active-provider-chest-metal-particle-small"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "active-provider-chest-metal-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, -0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.65700000000000003, g = 0.53700000000000001, r = 0.63399999999999999 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["active-provider-chest-metal-particle-small"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, -0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["active-provider-chest-metal-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["arithmetic-combinator-metal-particle-big"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "arithmetic-combinator-metal-particle-big", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 22, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 44, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0234375 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.55200000000000005, g = 0.53100000000000005, r = 0.51500000000000004 }, variation_count = 10, width = 50 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["arithmetic-combinator-metal-particle-big"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 26 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.06, -0.06 }, { 0.06, 0.06 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle", speed_from_center = 0.0070000000000000009, starting_frame_deviation = 5, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 5, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "object", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", type = "optimized-particle" }, ["arithmetic-combinator-metal-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "arithmetic-combinator-metal-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 30, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0234375 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.77200000000000006, g = 0.73499999999999996, r = 0.70399999999999991 }, variation_count = 10, width = 30 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["arithmetic-combinator-metal-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 16 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-small", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "object", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 30, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0234375 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 30 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["arithmetic-combinator-metal-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 16 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["arithmetic-combinator-metal-particle-small"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "arithmetic-combinator-metal-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, -0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.60599999999999996, g = 0.53900000000000006, r = 0.47999999999999998 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["arithmetic-combinator-metal-particle-small"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, -0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["arithmetic-combinator-metal-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["artillery-shell-particle"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, movement_modifier_when_on_ground = 0.85, name = "artillery-shell-particle", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 1, axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/artillery-shell-particle/artillery-shells.png", frame_count = 12, height = 18, hr_version = { animation_speed = 1, axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/artillery-shell-particle/hr-artillery-shells.png", frame_count = 12, height = 36, line_length = 12, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, -0.0234375 }, variation_count = 4, width = 34 }, line_length = 12, shift = { 0.078125, -0.015625 }, variation_count = 4, width = 18 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-small", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "lower-object-above-shadow", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 1, axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/artillery-shell-particle/artillery-shells.png", frame_count = 12, height = 18, hr_version = { animation_speed = 1, axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/artillery-shell-particle/hr-artillery-shells.png", frame_count = 12, height = 36, line_length = 12, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1484375, -0.03125 }, variation_count = 4, width = 34 }, line_length = 12, shift = { 0.15625, -0.0234375 }, variation_count = 4, width = 18 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["artillery-turret-metal-particle-big"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "artillery-turret-metal-particle-big", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 22, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 44, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0234375 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.71199999999999992, g = 0.71199999999999992, r = 0.71199999999999992 }, variation_count = 10, width = 50 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["artillery-turret-metal-particle-big"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 26 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.06, -0.06 }, { 0.06, 0.06 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle", speed_from_center = 0.0070000000000000009, starting_frame_deviation = 5, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 5, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "object", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 22, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 44, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0234375 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 50 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["artillery-turret-metal-particle-big"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 26 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["artillery-turret-metal-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "artillery-turret-metal-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 30, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0234375 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.31499999999999999, g = 0.31499999999999999, r = 0.31499999999999999 }, variation_count = 10, width = 30 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["artillery-turret-metal-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 16 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-small", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "object", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 30, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0234375 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 30 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["artillery-turret-metal-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 16 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["artillery-turret-metal-particle-small"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "artillery-turret-metal-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, -0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.32000000000000002, g = 0.87799999999999994, r = 0.90500000000000007 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["artillery-turret-metal-particle-small"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, -0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["artillery-turret-metal-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["artillery-wagon-mechanical-component-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "artillery-wagon-mechanical-component-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/mechanical-components-particle/mechanical-components-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/mechanical-components-particle/hr-mechanical-components-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 22, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, -0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.68000000000000007, g = 0.76600000000000001, r = 0.85899999999999999 }, variation_count = 10, width = 22 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["artillery-wagon-mechanical-component-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 12 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/mechanical-components-particle/mechanical-components-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/mechanical-components-particle/hr-mechanical-components-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 22, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, -0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 22 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["artillery-wagon-mechanical-component-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 12 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["artillery-wagon-metal-particle-big"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "artillery-wagon-metal-particle-big", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 22, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 44, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0234375 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.34100000000000001, g = 0.40800000000000001, r = 0.40800000000000001 }, variation_count = 10, width = 50 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["artillery-wagon-metal-particle-big"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 26 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.06, -0.06 }, { 0.06, 0.06 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle", speed_from_center = 0.0070000000000000009, starting_frame_deviation = 5, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 5, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "object", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 22, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 44, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0234375 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 50 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["artillery-wagon-metal-particle-big"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 26 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["artillery-wagon-metal-particle-big-yellow"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "artillery-wagon-metal-particle-big-yellow", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 22, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 44, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0234375 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.023999999999999999, g = 0.60800000000000001, r = 0.70599999999999996 }, variation_count = 10, width = 50 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["artillery-wagon-metal-particle-big-yellow"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 26 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.06, -0.06 }, { 0.06, 0.06 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle", speed_from_center = 0.0070000000000000009, starting_frame_deviation = 5, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 5, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "object", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 22, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 44, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0234375 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 50 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["artillery-wagon-metal-particle-big-yellow"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 26 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["artillery-wagon-metal-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "artillery-wagon-metal-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 30, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0234375 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.59399999999999995, g = 0.59399999999999995, r = 0.59399999999999995 }, variation_count = 10, width = 30 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["artillery-wagon-metal-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 16 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-small", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "object", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 30, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0234375 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 30 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["artillery-wagon-metal-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 16 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["artillery-wagon-metal-particle-small"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "artillery-wagon-metal-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, -0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.54700000000000006, g = 0.54700000000000006, r = 0.54700000000000006 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["artillery-wagon-metal-particle-small"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, -0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["artillery-wagon-metal-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["assembling-machine-1-metal-particle-big"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "assembling-machine-1-metal-particle-big", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 22, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 44, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0234375 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.33300000000000001, g = 0.369, r = 0.34899999999999998 }, variation_count = 10, width = 50 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["assembling-machine-1-metal-particle-big"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 26 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-small", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "object", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 22, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 44, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0234375 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 50 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["assembling-machine-1-metal-particle-big"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 26 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["assembling-machine-1-metal-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "assembling-machine-1-metal-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 30, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0234375 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.33200000000000003, g = 0.369, r = 0.35 }, variation_count = 10, width = 30 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["assembling-machine-1-metal-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 16 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-small", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 30, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0234375 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 30 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["assembling-machine-1-metal-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 16 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["assembling-machine-1-metal-particle-small"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "assembling-machine-1-metal-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, -0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.68000000000000007, g = 0.76600000000000001, r = 0.85899999999999999 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["assembling-machine-1-metal-particle-small"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, -0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["assembling-machine-1-metal-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["assembling-machine-2-metal-particle-big"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "assembling-machine-2-metal-particle-big", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 22, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 44, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0234375 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.57999999999999998, g = 0.46299999999999999, r = 0.37599999999999998 }, variation_count = 10, width = 50 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["assembling-machine-2-metal-particle-big"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 26 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.06, -0.06 }, { 0.06, 0.06 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle", speed_from_center = 0.0070000000000000009, starting_frame_deviation = 5, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 5, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "object", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 22, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 44, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0234375 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 50 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["assembling-machine-2-metal-particle-big"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 26 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["assembling-machine-2-metal-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "assembling-machine-2-metal-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 30, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0234375 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.57999999999999998, g = 0.46299999999999999, r = 0.37599999999999998 }, variation_count = 10, width = 30 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["assembling-machine-2-metal-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 16 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-small", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 30, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0234375 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 30 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["assembling-machine-2-metal-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 16 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["assembling-machine-2-metal-particle-small"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "assembling-machine-2-metal-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, -0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.63700000000000001, g = 0.825, r = 0.99199999999999999 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["assembling-machine-2-metal-particle-small"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, -0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["assembling-machine-2-metal-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["assembling-machine-3-metal-particle-big"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "assembling-machine-3-metal-particle-big", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 22, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 44, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0234375 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.38399999999999999, g = 0.57999999999999998, r = 0.53300000000000001 }, variation_count = 10, width = 50 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["assembling-machine-3-metal-particle-big"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 26 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.06, -0.06 }, { 0.06, 0.06 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle", speed_from_center = 0.0070000000000000009, starting_frame_deviation = 5, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 5, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "object", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 22, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 44, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0234375 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 50 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["assembling-machine-3-metal-particle-big"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 26 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["assembling-machine-3-metal-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "assembling-machine-3-metal-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 30, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0234375 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.38399999999999999, g = 0.57999999999999998, r = 0.53300000000000001 }, variation_count = 10, width = 30 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["assembling-machine-3-metal-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 16 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-small", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 30, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0234375 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 30 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["assembling-machine-3-metal-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 16 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["assembling-machine-3-metal-particle-small"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "assembling-machine-3-metal-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, -0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.56899999999999995, g = 0.73300000000000001, r = 0.88000000000000007 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["assembling-machine-3-metal-particle-small"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, -0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["assembling-machine-3-metal-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["assembling-machine-mechanical-component-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "assembling-machine-mechanical-component-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/mechanical-components-particle/mechanical-components-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/mechanical-components-particle/hr-mechanical-components-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 22, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, -0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.68000000000000007, g = 0.76600000000000001, r = 0.85899999999999999 }, variation_count = 10, width = 22 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["assembling-machine-mechanical-component-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 12 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/mechanical-components-particle/mechanical-components-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/mechanical-components-particle/hr-mechanical-components-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 22, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, -0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 22 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["assembling-machine-mechanical-component-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 12 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["beacon-metal-particle-big"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "beacon-metal-particle-big", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 22, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 44, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0234375 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.74100000000000001, g = 0.80800000000000001, r = 0.85899999999999999 }, variation_count = 10, width = 50 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["beacon-metal-particle-big"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 26 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.06, -0.06 }, { 0.06, 0.06 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle", speed_from_center = 0.0070000000000000009, starting_frame_deviation = 5, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 5, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "object", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 22, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 44, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0234375 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 50 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["beacon-metal-particle-big"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 26 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["beacon-metal-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "beacon-metal-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 30, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0234375 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.61200000000000001, g = 0.69899999999999993, r = 0.76100000000000003 }, variation_count = 10, width = 30 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["beacon-metal-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 16 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 30, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0234375 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 30 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["beacon-metal-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 16 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["beacon-metal-particle-small"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "beacon-metal-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, -0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.31400000000000001, g = 0.44699999999999998, r = 0.67800000000000002 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["beacon-metal-particle-small"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, -0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["beacon-metal-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["big-electric-pole-long-metal-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "big-electric-pole-long-metal-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/long-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 46, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-long-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 92, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1171875, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.55300000000000002, g = 0.49800000000000004, r = 0.35299999999999998 }, variation_count = 10, width = 100 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["big-electric-pole-long-metal-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 50 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-small", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "object", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/long-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 46, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-long-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 92, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1484375, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 100 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.140625, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["big-electric-pole-long-metal-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 50 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["big-electric-pole-metal-particle-small"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "big-electric-pole-metal-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, -0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.55300000000000002, g = 0.49800000000000004, r = 0.35299999999999998 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["big-electric-pole-metal-particle-small"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, -0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["big-electric-pole-metal-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["big-rock-stone-particle-big"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "big-rock-stone-particle-big", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 22, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 44, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0234375 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.296, g = 0.47999999999999998, r = 0.68600000000000003 }, variation_count = 10, width = 36 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["big-rock-stone-particle-big"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 18 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.06, -0.06 }, { 0.06, 0.06 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle", speed_from_center = 0.0070000000000000009, starting_frame_deviation = 5, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 5, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 22, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 44, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0234375 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 36 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["big-rock-stone-particle-big"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 18 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["big-rock-stone-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "big-rock-stone-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 20, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.296, g = 0.47999999999999998, r = 0.68600000000000003 }, variation_count = 10, width = 18 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["big-rock-stone-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-small", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 20, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 18 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["big-rock-stone-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["big-rock-stone-particle-small"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "big-rock-stone-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.296, g = 0.47999999999999998, r = 0.68600000000000003 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["big-rock-stone-particle-small"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["big-rock-stone-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["big-rock-stone-particle-tiny"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "big-rock-stone-particle-tiny", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 4, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.296, g = 0.47999999999999998, r = 0.68600000000000003 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["big-rock-stone-particle-tiny"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 4 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 4, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["big-rock-stone-particle-tiny"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 4 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["blood-particle"] = { draw_shadow_when_on_ground = false, life_time = 180, movement_modifier_when_on_ground = 0, name = "blood-particle", pictures = { sheet = { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/blood-particle/blood-particle.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/blood-particle/hr-blood-particle.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, line_length = 12, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.046875, -0.03125 }, tint = { b = 204, g = 51, r = 172 }, variation_count = 7, width = 16 }, line_length = 12, shift = { 0.0625, -0.03125 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["blood-particle"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 7, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "higher-object-under", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/blood-particle/blood-particle.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/blood-particle/hr-blood-particle.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, line_length = 12, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.078125, -0.03125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 7, width = 16 }, line_length = 12, shift = { 0.09375, -0.03125 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["blood-particle"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 7, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["blood-particle-carpet"] = { draw_shadow_when_on_ground = false, life_time = 180, movement_modifier_when_on_ground = 0, name = "blood-particle-carpet", pictures = { sheet = { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/blood-particle/blood-particle.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/blood-particle/hr-blood-particle.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, line_length = 12, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.046875, -0.03125 }, tint = { b = 204, g = 51, r = 172 }, variation_count = 7, width = 16 }, line_length = 12, shift = { 0.0625, -0.03125 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["blood-particle-carpet"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 7, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "ground-patch-higher2", shadows = { sheet = { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/blood-particle/blood-particle.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/blood-particle/hr-blood-particle.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, line_length = 12, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.078125, -0.03125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 7, width = 16 }, line_length = 12, shift = { 0.09375, -0.03125 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["blood-particle-carpet"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 7, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["blood-particle-lower-layer"] = { draw_shadow_when_on_ground = false, life_time = 180, movement_modifier_when_on_ground = 0, name = "blood-particle-lower-layer", pictures = { sheet = { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/blood-particle/blood-particle.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/blood-particle/hr-blood-particle.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, line_length = 12, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.046875, -0.03125 }, tint = { b = 204, g = 51, r = 172 }, variation_count = 7, width = 16 }, line_length = 12, shift = { 0.0625, -0.03125 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["blood-particle-lower-layer"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 7, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "lower-object-above-shadow", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/blood-particle/blood-particle.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/blood-particle/hr-blood-particle.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, line_length = 12, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.078125, -0.03125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 7, width = 16 }, line_length = 12, shift = { 0.09375, -0.03125 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["blood-particle-lower-layer"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 7, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["boiler-metal-particle-big"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "boiler-metal-particle-big", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 22, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 44, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0234375 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.57699999999999996, g = 0.57699999999999996, r = 0.57699999999999996 }, variation_count = 10, width = 50 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["boiler-metal-particle-big"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 26 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.06, -0.06 }, { 0.06, 0.06 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle", speed_from_center = 0.0070000000000000009, starting_frame_deviation = 5, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 5, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "object", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 22, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 44, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0234375 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 50 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["boiler-metal-particle-big"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 26 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["boiler-metal-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "boiler-metal-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 30, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0234375 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.42800000000000002, g = 0.58099999999999996, r = 0.55300000000000002 }, variation_count = 10, width = 30 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["boiler-metal-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 16 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-small", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "object", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 30, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0234375 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 30 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["boiler-metal-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 16 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["boiler-metal-particle-small"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "boiler-metal-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, -0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.55600000000000005, g = 0.72299999999999995, r = 0.78700000000000001 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["boiler-metal-particle-small"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, -0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["boiler-metal-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["branch-particle"] = { life_time = 1200, name = "branch-particle", pictures = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/branch-particle/branch-particle-01.png", frame_count = 8, height = 32, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/branch-particle/hr-branch-particle-01.png", frame_count = 8, height = 64, line_length = 4, scale = 0.5, width = 66 }, line_length = 4, width = 34 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/branch-particle/branch-particle-02.png", frame_count = 8, height = 54, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/branch-particle/hr-branch-particle-02.png", frame_count = 8, height = 107, line_length = 4, scale = 0.5, width = 87 }, line_length = 4, width = 44 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/branch-particle/branch-particle-03.png", frame_count = 8, height = 60, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/branch-particle/hr-branch-particle-03.png", frame_count = 8, height = 119, line_length = 4, scale = 0.5, width = 121 }, line_length = 4, width = 60 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/branch-particle/branch-particle-04.png", frame_count = 8, height = 28, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/branch-particle/hr-branch-particle-04.png", frame_count = 8, height = 57, line_length = 4, scale = 0.5, width = 26 }, line_length = 4, width = 13 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/branch-particle/branch-particle-05.png", frame_count = 8, height = 21, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/branch-particle/hr-branch-particle-05.png", frame_count = 8, height = 40, line_length = 4, scale = 0.5, width = 53 }, line_length = 4, width = 27 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/branch-particle/branch-particle-06.png", frame_count = 8, height = 24, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/branch-particle/hr-branch-particle-06.png", frame_count = 8, height = 46, line_length = 4, scale = 0.5, width = 64 }, line_length = 4, width = 32 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/branch-particle/branch-particle-07.png", frame_count = 8, height = 35, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/branch-particle/hr-branch-particle-07.png", frame_count = 8, height = 69, line_length = 4, scale = 0.5, width = 65 }, line_length = 4, width = 33 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/branch-particle/branch-particle-08.png", frame_count = 8, height = 29, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/branch-particle/hr-branch-particle-08.png", frame_count = 8, height = 60, line_length = 4, scale = 0.5, width = 27 }, line_length = 4, width = 14 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/branch-particle/branch-particle-09.png", frame_count = 8, height = 32, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/branch-particle/hr-branch-particle-09.png", frame_count = 8, height = 64, line_length = 4, scale = 0.5, width = 52 }, line_length = 4, width = 26 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/branch-particle/branch-particle-10.png", frame_count = 8, height = 28, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/branch-particle/hr-branch-particle-10.png", frame_count = 8, height = 55, line_length = 4, scale = 0.5, width = 53 }, line_length = 4, width = 27 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/branch-particle/branch-particle-11.png", frame_count = 8, height = 33, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/branch-particle/hr-branch-particle-11.png", frame_count = 8, height = 64, line_length = 4, scale = 0.5, width = 49 }, line_length = 4, width = 25 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/branch-particle/branch-particle-12.png", frame_count = 8, height = 28, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/branch-particle/hr-branch-particle-12.png", frame_count = 8, height = 56, line_length = 4, scale = 0.5, width = 64 }, line_length = 4, width = 32 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/branch-particle/branch-particle-13.png", frame_count = 8, height = 18, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/branch-particle/hr-branch-particle-13.png", frame_count = 8, height = 35, line_length = 4, scale = 0.5, width = 50 }, line_length = 4, width = 25 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/branch-particle/branch-particle-14.png", frame_count = 8, height = 19, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/branch-particle/hr-branch-particle-14.png", frame_count = 8, height = 37, line_length = 4, scale = 0.5, width = 54 }, line_length = 4, width = 27 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/branch-particle/branch-particle-15.png", frame_count = 8, height = 14, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/branch-particle/hr-branch-particle-15.png", frame_count = 8, height = 30, line_length = 4, scale = 0.5, width = 23 }, line_length = 4, width = 12 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/branch-particle/branch-particle-16.png", frame_count = 8, height = 13, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/branch-particle/hr-branch-particle-16.png", frame_count = 8, height = 27, line_length = 4, scale = 0.5, width = 25 }, line_length = 4, width = 12 }, { filename = 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= "__base__/graphics/particle/branch-particle/branch-particle-shadow-27.png", frame_count = 8, height = 17, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/branch-particle/hr-branch-particle-shadow-27.png", frame_count = 8, height = 33, line_length = 4, scale = 0.5, width = 70 }, line_length = 4, width = 36 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/branch-particle/branch-particle-shadow-28.png", frame_count = 8, height = 14, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/branch-particle/hr-branch-particle-shadow-28.png", frame_count = 8, height = 29, line_length = 4, scale = 0.5, width = 34 }, line_length = 4, width = 17 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/branch-particle/branch-particle-shadow-29.png", frame_count = 8, height = 25, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/branch-particle/hr-branch-particle-shadow-29.png", frame_count = 8, height = 50, line_length = 4, scale = 0.5, width = 51 }, line_length = 4, width = 26 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["brown-asterisk-grass-particle-small-medium"] = { life_time = 900, name = "brown-asterisk-grass-particle-small-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/vegetation-particle/vegetation-particle-small-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/vegetation-particle/hr-vegetation-particle-small-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 26, line_length = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.8, shift = { 0.0703125, -0.0390625 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.15800000000000001, g = 0.73599999999999994, r = 0.78800000000000008 }, variation_count = 4, width = 20 }, line_length = 12, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["brown-asterisk-grass-particle-small-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 4, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "lower-object-above-shadow", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/vegetation-particle/vegetation-particle-small-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/vegetation-particle/hr-vegetation-particle-small-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 26, line_length = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.8, shift = { 0.0859375, -0.0390625 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 4, width = 20 }, line_length = 12, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.09375, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["brown-asterisk-grass-particle-small-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 4, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["brown-asterisk-mini-vegetation-particle-small-medium"] = { life_time = 900, name = "brown-asterisk-mini-vegetation-particle-small-medium", pictures = { 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"__base__/graphics/particle/vegetation-particle/vegetation-particle-small-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/vegetation-particle/hr-vegetation-particle-small-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 26, line_length = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0859375, -0.0390625 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, line_length = 12, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.09375, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["brown-asterisk-mini-vegetation-particle-small-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["brown-asterisk-mini-wooden-splinter-particle-small"] = { life_time = 900, name = "brown-asterisk-mini-wooden-splinter-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/wooden-particle/wood-splinter-particle-small.png", 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frame_count = 12, height = 10, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, -0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["brown-asterisk-mini-wooden-splinter-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["brown-asterisk-vegetation-particle-small-medium"] = { life_time = 900, name = "brown-asterisk-vegetation-particle-small-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/vegetation-particle/vegetation-particle-small-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/vegetation-particle/hr-vegetation-particle-small-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 26, line_length = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.8, shift = { 0.0703125, -0.0390625 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.64700000000000006, g = 0.82999999999999989, r = 1 }, variation_count = 4, width = 20 }, line_length = 12, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["brown-asterisk-vegetation-particle-small-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 4, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "lower-object-above-shadow", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/vegetation-particle/vegetation-particle-small-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/vegetation-particle/hr-vegetation-particle-small-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 26, line_length = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.8, shift = { 0.0859375, -0.0390625 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 4, width = 20 }, line_length = 12, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.09375, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["brown-asterisk-vegetation-particle-small-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 4, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["brown-asterisk-wooden-splinter-particle-small"] = { life_time = 900, name = "brown-asterisk-wooden-splinter-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/wooden-particle/wood-splinter-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/wooden-particle/hr-wood-splinter-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, -0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.125, g = 0.23100000000000001, r = 0.373 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["brown-asterisk-wooden-splinter-particle-small"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/wooden-particle/wood-splinter-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/wooden-particle/hr-wood-splinter-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, -0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["brown-asterisk-wooden-splinter-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["brown-carpet-grass-vegetation-particle-small-medium"] = { life_time = 900, name = "brown-carpet-grass-vegetation-particle-small-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/vegetation-particle/vegetation-particle-small-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/vegetation-particle/hr-vegetation-particle-small-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 26, line_length = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.8, shift = { 0.0703125, -0.0390625 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.4, g = 0.54900000000000002, r = 0.88599999999999994 }, variation_count = 4, width = 20 }, line_length = 12, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["brown-carpet-grass-vegetation-particle-small-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 4, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "lower-object-above-shadow", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/vegetation-particle/vegetation-particle-small-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/vegetation-particle/hr-vegetation-particle-small-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 26, line_length = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.8, shift = { 0.0859375, -0.0390625 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 4, width = 20 }, line_length = 12, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.09375, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["brown-carpet-grass-vegetation-particle-small-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 4, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["brown-carpet-grass-wooden-splinter-particle-small"] = { life_time = 900, name = "brown-carpet-grass-wooden-splinter-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/wooden-particle/wood-splinter-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/wooden-particle/hr-wood-splinter-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, -0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.11300000000000001, g = 0.20800000000000001, r = 0.42400000000000002 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["brown-carpet-grass-wooden-splinter-particle-small"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/wooden-particle/wood-splinter-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/wooden-particle/hr-wood-splinter-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, -0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["brown-carpet-grass-wooden-splinter-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["brown-dust-vehicle-particle"] = { fade_away_duration = 30, life_time = 30, movement_modifier = 0.1, movement_modifier_when_on_ground = 0, name = "brown-dust-vehicle-particle", pictures = { sheet = { affected_by_wind = true, animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/smoke-fast/smoke-general.png", frame_count = 16, height = 50, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.20800000000000001, g = 0.40899999999999999, r = 0.61600000000000001 }, variation_count = 1, width = 50 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "lower-object", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", type = "optimized-particle" }, ["brown-fluff-dry-vegetation-particle-small-medium"] = { life_time = 900, name = "brown-fluff-dry-vegetation-particle-small-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/vegetation-particle/vegetation-particle-small-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/vegetation-particle/hr-vegetation-particle-small-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 26, line_length = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, -0.0390625 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.125, g = 0.23100000000000001, r = 0.373 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, line_length = 12, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["brown-fluff-dry-vegetation-particle-small-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "lower-object-above-shadow", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/vegetation-particle/vegetation-particle-small-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/vegetation-particle/hr-vegetation-particle-small-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 26, line_length = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0859375, -0.0390625 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, line_length = 12, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.09375, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["brown-fluff-dry-vegetation-particle-small-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["brown-fluff-dry-wooden-splinter-particle-small"] = { life_time = 900, name = "brown-fluff-dry-wooden-splinter-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/wooden-particle/wood-splinter-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/wooden-particle/hr-wood-splinter-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, -0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.125, g = 0.23100000000000001, r = 0.373 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["brown-fluff-dry-wooden-splinter-particle-small"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/wooden-particle/wood-splinter-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/wooden-particle/hr-wood-splinter-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, -0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["brown-fluff-dry-wooden-splinter-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["brown-fluff-vegetation-particle-small-medium"] = { life_time = 900, movement_modifier = 0.95, name = "brown-fluff-vegetation-particle-small-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/vegetation-particle/vegetation-particle-small-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/vegetation-particle/hr-vegetation-particle-small-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 26, line_length = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, -0.0390625 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.125, g = 0.23100000000000001, r = 0.373 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, line_length = 12, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["brown-fluff-vegetation-particle-small-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "lower-object-above-shadow", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/vegetation-particle/vegetation-particle-small-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/vegetation-particle/hr-vegetation-particle-small-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 26, line_length = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0859375, -0.0390625 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, line_length = 12, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.09375, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["brown-fluff-vegetation-particle-small-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["brown-fluff-wooden-splinter-particle-small"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, movement_modifier = 0.95, name = "brown-fluff-wooden-splinter-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/wooden-particle/wood-splinter-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/wooden-particle/hr-wood-splinter-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, -0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.125, g = 0.23100000000000001, r = 0.373 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["brown-fluff-wooden-splinter-particle-small"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/wooden-particle/wood-splinter-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/wooden-particle/hr-wood-splinter-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, -0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["brown-fluff-wooden-splinter-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["brown-hairy-grass-vegetation-particle-small-medium"] = { life_time = 900, movement_modifier = 0.95, name = "brown-hairy-grass-vegetation-particle-small-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/vegetation-particle/vegetation-particle-small-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/vegetation-particle/hr-vegetation-particle-small-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 26, line_length = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.8, shift = { 0.0703125, -0.0390625 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.19199999999999999, g = 0.354, r = 0.72199999999999998 }, variation_count = 4, width = 20 }, line_length = 12, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["brown-hairy-grass-vegetation-particle-small-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 4, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "lower-object-above-shadow", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/vegetation-particle/vegetation-particle-small-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/vegetation-particle/hr-vegetation-particle-small-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 26, line_length = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.8, shift = { 0.0859375, -0.0390625 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 4, width = 20 }, line_length = 12, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.09375, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["brown-hairy-grass-vegetation-particle-small-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 4, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["brown-hairy-grass-wooden-splinter-particle-small"] = { life_time = 900, name = "brown-hairy-grass-wooden-splinter-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/wooden-particle/wood-splinter-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/wooden-particle/hr-wood-splinter-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, -0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.087999999999999989, g = 0.17399999999999998, r = 0.369 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["brown-hairy-grass-wooden-splinter-particle-small"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/wooden-particle/wood-splinter-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/wooden-particle/hr-wood-splinter-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, -0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["brown-hairy-grass-wooden-splinter-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["buffer-chest-metal-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "buffer-chest-metal-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 30, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0234375 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.80899999999999999, g = 0.80899999999999999, r = 0.80899999999999999 }, variation_count = 10, width = 30 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["buffer-chest-metal-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 16 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-small", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "object", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 30, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0234375 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 30 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["buffer-chest-metal-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 16 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["buffer-chest-metal-particle-small"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "buffer-chest-metal-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, -0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.404, g = 0.64900000000000002, r = 0.45499999999999998 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["buffer-chest-metal-particle-small"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, -0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["buffer-chest-metal-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["burner-inserter-mechanical-component-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "burner-inserter-mechanical-component-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/mechanical-components-particle/mechanical-components-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/mechanical-components-particle/hr-mechanical-components-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 22, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, -0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.70599999999999996, g = 0.70599999999999996, r = 0.70599999999999996 }, variation_count = 10, width = 22 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["burner-inserter-mechanical-component-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 12 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/mechanical-components-particle/mechanical-components-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/mechanical-components-particle/hr-mechanical-components-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 22, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, -0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 22 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["burner-inserter-mechanical-component-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 12 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["burner-inserter-metal-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "burner-inserter-metal-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 30, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0234375 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.63499999999999996, g = 0.63499999999999996, r = 0.63499999999999996 }, variation_count = 10, width = 30 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["burner-inserter-metal-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 16 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-small", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "object", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 30, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0234375 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 30 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["burner-inserter-metal-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 16 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["burner-inserter-metal-particle-small"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "burner-inserter-metal-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, -0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.73499999999999996, g = 0.78600000000000003, r = 0.88300000000000001 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["burner-inserter-metal-particle-small"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, -0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["burner-inserter-metal-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["burner-mining-drill-glass-particle-small"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "burner-mining-drill-glass-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/glass-particle/glass-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/glass-particle/hr-glass-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0859375, 0.0078125 }, variation_count = 10, width = 14 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/glass-particle/glass-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/glass-particle/hr-glass-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1171875, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 14 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["burner-mining-drill-glass-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["burner-mining-drill-mechanical-component-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "burner-mining-drill-mechanical-component-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/mechanical-components-particle/mechanical-components-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/mechanical-components-particle/hr-mechanical-components-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 22, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, -0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.68000000000000007, g = 0.76600000000000001, r = 0.85899999999999999 }, variation_count = 10, width = 22 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["burner-mining-drill-mechanical-component-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 12 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/mechanical-components-particle/mechanical-components-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/mechanical-components-particle/hr-mechanical-components-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 22, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, -0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 22 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["burner-mining-drill-mechanical-component-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 12 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["burner-mining-drill-metal-particle-big"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "burner-mining-drill-metal-particle-big", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 22, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 44, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0234375 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.55800000000000001, g = 0.55800000000000001, r = 0.55800000000000001 }, variation_count = 10, width = 50 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["burner-mining-drill-metal-particle-big"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 26 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.06, -0.06 }, { 0.06, 0.06 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle", speed_from_center = 0.0070000000000000009, starting_frame_deviation = 5, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 5, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "object", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 22, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 44, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0234375 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 50 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["burner-mining-drill-metal-particle-big"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 26 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["burner-mining-drill-metal-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "burner-mining-drill-metal-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 30, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0234375 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.40300000000000002, g = 0.525, r = 0.66699999999999999 }, variation_count = 10, width = 30 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["burner-mining-drill-metal-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 16 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 30, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0234375 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 30 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["burner-mining-drill-metal-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 16 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["cable-and-electronics-particle-small-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "cable-and-electronics-particle-small-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/cable-and-electronics-particle/cables-and-electronics-particle-small-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 28, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/cable-and-electronics-particle/hr-cables-and-electronics-particle-small-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 58, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0390625, 0.0234375 }, variation_count = 10, width = 44 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.046875, 0.015625 }, variation_count = 10, width = 22 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/cable-and-electronics-particle/cables-and-electronics-particle-small-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 28, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/cable-and-electronics-particle/hr-cables-and-electronics-particle-small-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 58, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0234375 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 44 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["cable-and-electronics-particle-small-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 22 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["car-metal-particle-big"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "car-metal-particle-big", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 22, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 44, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0234375 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.51900000000000004, g = 0.51900000000000004, r = 0.51900000000000004 }, variation_count = 10, width = 50 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["car-metal-particle-big"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 26 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.06, -0.06 }, { 0.06, 0.06 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle", speed_from_center = 0.0070000000000000009, starting_frame_deviation = 5, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 5, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "object", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 22, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 44, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0234375 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 50 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["car-metal-particle-big"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 26 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["car-metal-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "car-metal-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 30, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0234375 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.82099999999999991, g = 0.82099999999999991, r = 0.82099999999999991 }, variation_count = 10, width = 30 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["car-metal-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 16 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-small", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "object", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 30, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0234375 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 30 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["car-metal-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 16 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["car-metal-particle-small"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "car-metal-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, -0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.36499999999999999, g = 0.54199999999999999, r = 0.69899999999999993 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["car-metal-particle-small"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, -0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["car-metal-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["cargo-wagon-metal-particle-big"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "cargo-wagon-metal-particle-big", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 22, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 44, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0234375 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.41899999999999995, g = 0.46000000000000005, r = 0.49100000000000001 }, variation_count = 10, width = 50 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["cargo-wagon-metal-particle-big"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 26 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.06, -0.06 }, { 0.06, 0.06 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle", speed_from_center = 0.0070000000000000009, starting_frame_deviation = 5, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 5, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "object", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 22, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 44, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0234375 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 50 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["cargo-wagon-metal-particle-big"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 26 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["cargo-wagon-metal-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "cargo-wagon-metal-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 30, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0234375 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.32200000000000002, g = 0.44699999999999998, r = 0.54900000000000002 }, variation_count = 10, width = 30 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["cargo-wagon-metal-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 16 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-small", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "object", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 30, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0234375 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 30 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["cargo-wagon-metal-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 16 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["cargo-wagon-metal-particle-small"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "cargo-wagon-metal-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, -0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.32200000000000002, g = 0.44699999999999998, r = 0.54900000000000002 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["cargo-wagon-metal-particle-small"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, -0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["cargo-wagon-metal-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["centrifuge-long-metal-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "centrifuge-long-metal-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/long-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 46, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-long-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 92, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1171875, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.085999999999999979, g = 0.51400000000000006, r = 0.63100000000000005 }, variation_count = 10, width = 100 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["centrifuge-long-metal-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 50 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-small", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/long-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 46, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-long-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 92, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1484375, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 100 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.140625, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["centrifuge-long-metal-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 50 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["centrifuge-mechanical-component-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "centrifuge-mechanical-component-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/mechanical-components-particle/mechanical-components-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/mechanical-components-particle/hr-mechanical-components-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 22, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, -0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.71499999999999995, g = 0.71499999999999995, r = 0.71499999999999995 }, variation_count = 10, width = 22 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["centrifuge-mechanical-component-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 12 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/mechanical-components-particle/mechanical-components-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/mechanical-components-particle/hr-mechanical-components-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 22, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, -0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 22 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["centrifuge-mechanical-component-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 12 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["centrifuge-metal-particle-big"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "centrifuge-metal-particle-big", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 22, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 44, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0234375 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.67100000000000009, g = 0.75700000000000003, r = 0.76100000000000003 }, variation_count = 10, width = 50 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["centrifuge-metal-particle-big"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 26 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.06, -0.06 }, { 0.06, 0.06 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle", speed_from_center = 0.0070000000000000009, starting_frame_deviation = 5, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 5, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "object", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 22, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 44, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0234375 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 50 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["centrifuge-metal-particle-big"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 26 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["centrifuge-metal-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "centrifuge-metal-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 30, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0234375 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.67100000000000009, g = 0.75700000000000003, r = 0.76100000000000003 }, variation_count = 10, width = 30 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["centrifuge-metal-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 16 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-small", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 30, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0234375 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 30 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["centrifuge-metal-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 16 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["centrifuge-metal-particle-small"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "centrifuge-metal-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, -0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.58199999999999994, g = 0.58199999999999994, r = 0.58199999999999994 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["centrifuge-metal-particle-small"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, -0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["centrifuge-metal-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["character-footprint-particle"] = { fade_away_duration = 125, life_time = 600, name = "character-footprint-particle", pictures = { sheet = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/character/footprints.png", frame_count = 2, height = 11, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/character/hr-footprints.png", frame_count = 2, height = 22, line_length = 2, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0078125, 0.0078125 }, variation_count = 8, width = 30 }, line_length = 2, shift = { 0.015625, 0.015625 }, variation_count = 8, width = 15 } }, render_layer = "decals", render_layer_when_on_ground = "decals", type = "optimized-particle" }, ["chemical-plant-glass-particle-small"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "chemical-plant-glass-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/glass-particle/glass-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/glass-particle/hr-glass-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0859375, 0.0078125 }, variation_count = 10, width = 14 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/glass-particle/glass-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/glass-particle/hr-glass-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1171875, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 14 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["chemical-plant-glass-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["chemical-plant-mechanical-component-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "chemical-plant-mechanical-component-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/mechanical-components-particle/mechanical-components-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/mechanical-components-particle/hr-mechanical-components-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 22, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, -0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.71499999999999995, g = 0.71499999999999995, r = 0.71499999999999995 }, variation_count = 10, width = 22 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["chemical-plant-mechanical-component-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 12 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/mechanical-components-particle/mechanical-components-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/mechanical-components-particle/hr-mechanical-components-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 22, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, -0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 22 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["chemical-plant-mechanical-component-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 12 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["chemical-plant-metal-particle-big"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "chemical-plant-metal-particle-big", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 22, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 44, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0234375 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.204, g = 0.52200000000000006, r = 0.675 }, variation_count = 10, width = 50 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["chemical-plant-metal-particle-big"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 26 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.06, -0.06 }, { 0.06, 0.06 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle", speed_from_center = 0.0070000000000000009, starting_frame_deviation = 5, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 5, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "object", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 22, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 44, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0234375 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 50 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["chemical-plant-metal-particle-big"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 26 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["chemical-plant-metal-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "chemical-plant-metal-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 30, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0234375 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.204, g = 0.52200000000000006, r = 0.675 }, variation_count = 10, width = 30 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["chemical-plant-metal-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 16 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-small", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 30, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0234375 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 30 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["chemical-plant-metal-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 16 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["chemical-plant-metal-particle-small"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "chemical-plant-metal-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, -0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.61699999999999999, g = 0.61699999999999999, r = 0.61699999999999999 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["chemical-plant-metal-particle-small"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, -0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["chemical-plant-metal-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["chest-capsule-long-metal-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "chest-capsule-long-metal-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/long-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 46, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-long-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 92, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1171875, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.66699999999999999, g = 0.66699999999999999, r = 0.66699999999999999 }, variation_count = 10, width = 100 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["chest-capsule-long-metal-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 50 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-small", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "object", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/long-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 46, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-long-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 92, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1484375, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 100 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.140625, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["chest-capsule-long-metal-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 50 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["chest-capsule-metal-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "chest-capsule-metal-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 30, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0234375 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.42400000000000002, g = 0.87100000000000009, r = 1 }, variation_count = 10, width = 30 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["chest-capsule-metal-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 16 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-small", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 30, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0234375 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 30 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["chest-capsule-metal-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 16 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["chest-capsule-metal-particle-small"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "chest-capsule-metal-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, -0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.42400000000000002, g = 0.87100000000000009, r = 1 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["chest-capsule-metal-particle-small"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, -0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["chest-capsule-metal-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["coal-particle"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 180, name = "coal-particle", pictures = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/coal-particle/coal-particle-1.png", frame_count = 1, height = 16, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/coal-particle/hr-coal-particle-1.png", frame_count = 1, height = 32, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 32 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 16 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/coal-particle/coal-particle-2.png", frame_count = 1, height = 16, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/coal-particle/hr-coal-particle-2.png", frame_count = 1, height = 32, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 32 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 16 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/coal-particle/coal-particle-3.png", frame_count = 1, height = 16, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/coal-particle/hr-coal-particle-3.png", frame_count = 1, height = 32, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 32 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 16 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/coal-particle/coal-particle-4.png", frame_count = 1, height = 16, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/coal-particle/hr-coal-particle-4.png", frame_count = 1, height = 32, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 32 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 16 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/coal-particle/coal-particle-shadow-1.png", frame_count = 1, height = 16, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/coal-particle/hr-coal-particle-shadow-1.png", frame_count = 1, height = 32, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 32 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 16 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/coal-particle/coal-particle-shadow-2.png", frame_count = 1, height = 16, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/coal-particle/hr-coal-particle-shadow-2.png", frame_count = 1, height = 32, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 32 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 16 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/coal-particle/coal-particle-shadow-3.png", frame_count = 1, height = 16, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/coal-particle/hr-coal-particle-shadow-3.png", frame_count = 1, height = 32, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 32 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 16 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/coal-particle/coal-particle-shadow-4.png", frame_count = 1, height = 16, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/coal-particle/hr-coal-particle-shadow-4.png", frame_count = 1, height = 32, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 32 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 16 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["compilatron-chest-metal-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "compilatron-chest-metal-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 30, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0234375 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.78200000000000003, g = 0.78200000000000003, r = 0.78200000000000003 }, variation_count = 10, width = 30 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["compilatron-chest-metal-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 16 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-small", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 30, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0234375 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 30 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["compilatron-chest-metal-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 16 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["compilatron-chest-metal-particle-small"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "compilatron-chest-metal-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { 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scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, -0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["compilatron-chest-metal-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["compilatron-glass-particle-small"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "compilatron-glass-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/glass-particle/glass-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, 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[""]["optimized-particle"]["compilatron-glass-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["compilatron-metal-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "compilatron-metal-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 30, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0234375 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.89499999999999993, g = 0.93600000000000012, r = 0.94399999999999995 }, variation_count = 10, width = 30 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["compilatron-metal-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 16 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-small", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 30, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0234375 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 30 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["compilatron-metal-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 16 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["compilatron-metal-particle-small"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "compilatron-metal-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, -0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.371, g = 0.45200000000000005, r = 0.55200000000000005 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["compilatron-metal-particle-small"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, -0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["compilatron-metal-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["concrete-stone-lower-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "concrete-stone-lower-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 20, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.83499999999999996, g = 0.82899999999999991, r = 0.82899999999999991 }, variation_count = 10, width = 18 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["concrete-stone-lower-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-lower-particle-small", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "lower-object-above-shadow", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 20, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 18 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["concrete-stone-lower-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["concrete-stone-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "concrete-stone-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 20, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.83499999999999996, g = 0.82899999999999991, r = 0.82899999999999991 }, variation_count = 10, width = 18 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["concrete-stone-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-small", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 20, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 18 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["concrete-stone-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["concrete-stone-particle-small"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "concrete-stone-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.83499999999999996, g = 0.82899999999999991, r = 0.82899999999999991 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["concrete-stone-particle-small"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-tiny", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["concrete-stone-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["concrete-stone-particle-tiny"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "concrete-stone-particle-tiny", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 4, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.83499999999999996, g = 0.82899999999999991, r = 0.82899999999999991 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["concrete-stone-particle-tiny"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 4 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 4, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["concrete-stone-particle-tiny"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 4 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["constant-combinator-metal-particle-big"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "constant-combinator-metal-particle-big", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 22, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 44, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0234375 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.29399999999999999, g = 0.29399999999999999, r = 0.39900000000000002 }, variation_count = 10, width = 50 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["constant-combinator-metal-particle-big"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 26 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.06, -0.06 }, { 0.06, 0.06 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle", speed_from_center = 0.0070000000000000009, starting_frame_deviation = 5, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 5, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "object", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 22, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 44, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0234375 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 50 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["constant-combinator-metal-particle-big"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 26 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["constant-combinator-metal-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "constant-combinator-metal-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 30, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0234375 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.35199999999999996, g = 0.35199999999999996, r = 0.721 }, variation_count = 10, width = 30 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["constant-combinator-metal-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 16 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-small", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "object", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 30, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0234375 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 30 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["constant-combinator-metal-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 16 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["constant-combinator-metal-particle-small"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "constant-combinator-metal-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, -0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.39199999999999999, g = 0.50999999999999996, r = 0.61399999999999997 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["constant-combinator-metal-particle-small"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, -0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["constant-combinator-metal-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["construction-robot-dying-particle"] = { ended_on_ground_trigger_effect = { { entity_name = "construction-robot-remnants", offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, type = "create-entity" }, { sound = { { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/robot-die-impact-01.ogg", volume = 0.7 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/robot-die-impact-02.ogg", volume = 0.7 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/robot-die-impact-03.ogg", volume = 0.7 } }, type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 1000, movement_modifier = 0.95, name = "construction-robot-dying-particle", pictures = { { animation_speed = 1, direction_count = 0, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/construction-robot/construction-robot.png", frame_count = 16, height = 36, hr_version = { animation_speed = 1, direction_count = 0, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/construction-robot/hr-construction-robot.png", frame_count = 16, height = 76, line_length = 16, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.140625 }, width = 66, y = 76 }, line_length = 16, priority = "high", shift = { 0, -0.140625 }, width = 32, y = 36 }, { animation_speed = 1, direction_count = 0, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/construction-robot/construction-robot.png", frame_count = 16, height = 36, hr_version = { animation_speed = 1, direction_count = 0, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/construction-robot/hr-construction-robot.png", frame_count = 16, height = 76, line_length = 16, priority = "high", run_mode = "backward", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.140625 }, width = 66, y = 76 }, line_length = 16, priority = "high", run_mode = "backward", shift = { 0, -0.140625 }, width = 32, y = 36 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { { probability = 0.5, smoke_name = "smoke-fast", starting_frame_deviation = 5, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, { initial_height = 0.2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.15, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.25, -0.25 }, { 0.25, 0.25 } }, particle_name = "spark-particle", probability = 0.2, speed_from_center = 0.1, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, tail_length = 10, tail_length_deviation = 5, tail_width = 5, type = "create-particle" } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, shadows = { { animation_speed = 1, direction_count = 0, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/construction-robot/construction-robot-shadow.png", frame_count = 16, height = 25, hr_version = { animation_speed = 1, direction_count = 0, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/construction-robot/hr-construction-robot-shadow.png", frame_count = 16, height = 49, line_length = 16, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.296875, 0.18593749999999998 }, width = 104 }, line_length = 16, priority = "high", shift = { 0.296875, 0.17812499999999998 }, width = 53 }, { animation_speed = 1, direction_count = 0, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/construction-robot/construction-robot-shadow.png", frame_count = 16, height = 25, hr_version = { animation_speed = 1, direction_count = 0, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/construction-robot/hr-construction-robot-shadow.png", frame_count = 16, height = 49, line_length = 16, priority = "high", run_mode = "backward", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.296875, 0.18593749999999998 }, width = 104 }, line_length = 16, priority = "high", run_mode = "backward", shift = { 0.296875, 0.17812499999999998 }, width = 53 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["construction-robot-metal-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "construction-robot-metal-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 30, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0234375 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.65700000000000003, g = 0.78800000000000008, r = 0.84599999999999991 }, variation_count = 10, width = 30 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["construction-robot-metal-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 16 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-small", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "object", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 30, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0234375 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 30 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["construction-robot-metal-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 16 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["construction-robot-metal-particle-small"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "construction-robot-metal-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, -0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.65500000000000007, g = 0.78800000000000008, r = 0.84699999999999989 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["construction-robot-metal-particle-small"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, -0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["construction-robot-metal-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["copper-ore-particle"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 180, name = "copper-ore-particle", pictures = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/copper-ore-particle/copper-ore-particle-1.png", frame_count = 1, height = 16, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/copper-ore-particle/hr-copper-ore-particle-1.png", frame_count = 1, height = 32, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 32 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 16 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/copper-ore-particle/copper-ore-particle-2.png", frame_count = 1, height = 16, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/copper-ore-particle/hr-copper-ore-particle-2.png", frame_count = 1, height = 32, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 32 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 16 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/copper-ore-particle/copper-ore-particle-3.png", frame_count = 1, height = 16, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/copper-ore-particle/hr-copper-ore-particle-3.png", frame_count = 1, height = 32, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 32 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 16 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/copper-ore-particle/copper-ore-particle-4.png", frame_count = 1, height = 16, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/copper-ore-particle/hr-copper-ore-particle-4.png", frame_count = 1, height = 32, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 32 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 16 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/copper-ore-particle/copper-ore-particle-shadow-1.png", frame_count = 1, height = 16, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/copper-ore-particle/hr-copper-ore-particle-shadow-1.png", frame_count = 1, height = 32, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 32 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 16 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/copper-ore-particle/copper-ore-particle-shadow-2.png", frame_count = 1, height = 16, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/copper-ore-particle/hr-copper-ore-particle-shadow-2.png", frame_count = 1, height = 32, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 32 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 16 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/copper-ore-particle/copper-ore-particle-shadow-3.png", frame_count = 1, height = 16, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/copper-ore-particle/hr-copper-ore-particle-shadow-3.png", frame_count = 1, height = 32, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 32 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 16 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/copper-ore-particle/copper-ore-particle-shadow-4.png", frame_count = 1, height = 16, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/copper-ore-particle/hr-copper-ore-particle-shadow-4.png", frame_count = 1, height = 32, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 32 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 16 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["damaged-assembling-machine-glass-particle-small"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "damaged-assembling-machine-glass-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/glass-particle/glass-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/glass-particle/hr-glass-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0859375, 0.0078125 }, variation_count = 10, width = 14 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/glass-particle/glass-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/glass-particle/hr-glass-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1171875, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 14 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["damaged-assembling-machine-glass-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["damaged-assembling-machine-long-metal-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "damaged-assembling-machine-long-metal-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/long-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 46, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-long-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 92, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1171875, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.83499999999999996, g = 0.83499999999999996, r = 0.83499999999999996 }, variation_count = 10, width = 100 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["damaged-assembling-machine-long-metal-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 50 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-small", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "object", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/long-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 46, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-long-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 92, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1484375, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 100 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.140625, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["damaged-assembling-machine-long-metal-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 50 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["damaged-assembling-machine-mechanical-component-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "damaged-assembling-machine-mechanical-component-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/mechanical-components-particle/mechanical-components-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/mechanical-components-particle/hr-mechanical-components-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 22, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, -0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.83499999999999996, g = 0.83499999999999996, r = 0.83499999999999996 }, variation_count = 10, width = 22 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["damaged-assembling-machine-mechanical-component-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 12 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-small", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "object", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/mechanical-components-particle/mechanical-components-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/mechanical-components-particle/hr-mechanical-components-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 22, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, -0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 22 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["damaged-assembling-machine-mechanical-component-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 12 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["damaged-assembling-machine-metal-particle-big"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "damaged-assembling-machine-metal-particle-big", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 22, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 44, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0234375 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.48499999999999996, g = 0.48499999999999996, r = 0.48499999999999996 }, variation_count = 10, width = 50 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["damaged-assembling-machine-metal-particle-big"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 26 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.06, -0.06 }, { 0.06, 0.06 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle", speed_from_center = 0.0070000000000000009, starting_frame_deviation = 5, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 5, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "object", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 22, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 44, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0234375 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 50 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["damaged-assembling-machine-metal-particle-big"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 26 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["damaged-assembling-machine-metal-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "damaged-assembling-machine-metal-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 30, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0234375 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.40300000000000002, g = 0.72999999999999998, r = 0.86600000000000001 }, variation_count = 10, width = 30 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["damaged-assembling-machine-metal-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 16 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-small", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 30, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0234375 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 30 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["damaged-assembling-machine-metal-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 16 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["damaged-assembling-machine-metal-particle-small"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "damaged-assembling-machine-metal-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, -0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.504, g = 0.60099999999999998, r = 0.86600000000000001 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["damaged-assembling-machine-metal-particle-small"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, -0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["damaged-assembling-machine-metal-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["damaged-lab-glass-particle-small"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "damaged-lab-glass-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/glass-particle/glass-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/glass-particle/hr-glass-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0859375, 0.0078125 }, variation_count = 10, width = 14 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/glass-particle/glass-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/glass-particle/hr-glass-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1171875, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 14 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["damaged-lab-glass-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["damaged-lab-long-metal-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "damaged-lab-long-metal-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/long-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 46, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-long-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 92, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1171875, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.5620000000000001, g = 0.5620000000000001, r = 0.5620000000000001 }, variation_count = 10, width = 100 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["damaged-lab-long-metal-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 50 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-small", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/long-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 46, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-long-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 92, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1484375, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 100 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.140625, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["damaged-lab-long-metal-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 50 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["damaged-lab-metal-particle-big"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "damaged-lab-metal-particle-big", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 22, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 44, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0234375 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.48499999999999996, g = 0.48499999999999996, r = 0.48499999999999996 }, variation_count = 10, width = 50 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["damaged-lab-metal-particle-big"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 26 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.06, -0.06 }, { 0.06, 0.06 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle", speed_from_center = 0.0070000000000000009, starting_frame_deviation = 5, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 5, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 22, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 44, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0234375 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 50 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["damaged-lab-metal-particle-big"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 26 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["damaged-lab-metal-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "damaged-lab-metal-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 30, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0234375 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.354, g = 0.89700000000000006, r = 0.98000000000000007 }, variation_count = 10, width = 30 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["damaged-lab-metal-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 16 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-small", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 30, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0234375 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 30 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["damaged-lab-metal-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 16 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["damaged-lab-metal-particle-small"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "damaged-lab-metal-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, -0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.354, g = 0.89700000000000006, r = 0.98000000000000007 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["damaged-lab-metal-particle-small"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, -0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["damaged-lab-metal-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["decider-combinator-metal-particle-big"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "decider-combinator-metal-particle-big", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 22, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 44, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0234375 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.62400000000000002, g = 0.62400000000000002, r = 0.62400000000000002 }, variation_count = 10, width = 50 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["decider-combinator-metal-particle-big"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 26 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.06, -0.06 }, { 0.06, 0.06 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle", speed_from_center = 0.0070000000000000009, starting_frame_deviation = 5, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 5, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "object", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 22, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 44, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0234375 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 50 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["decider-combinator-metal-particle-big"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 26 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["decider-combinator-metal-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "decider-combinator-metal-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 30, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0234375 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.30600000000000001, g = 0.65200000000000005, r = 0.81899999999999995 }, variation_count = 10, width = 30 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["decider-combinator-metal-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 16 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-small", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "object", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 30, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0234375 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 30 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["decider-combinator-metal-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 16 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["decider-combinator-metal-particle-small"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "decider-combinator-metal-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, -0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.62699999999999996, g = 0.62699999999999996, r = 0.62699999999999996 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["decider-combinator-metal-particle-small"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, -0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["decider-combinator-metal-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["deep-green-water-lower-particle"] = { life_time = 180, movement_modifier_when_on_ground = 0, name = "deep-green-water-lower-particle", pictures = { sheet = { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/blood-particle/blood-particle.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/blood-particle/hr-blood-particle.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, line_length = 12, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.046875, -0.03125 }, tint = { a = 0.196, b = 0.082000000000000011, g = 0.22400000000000002, r = 0.145 }, variation_count = 7, width = 16 }, line_length = 12, shift = { 0.0625, -0.03125 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["deep-green-water-lower-particle"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 7, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "lower-object-above-shadow", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/blood-particle/blood-particle.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/blood-particle/hr-blood-particle.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, line_length = 12, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.078125, -0.03125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 7, width = 16 }, line_length = 12, shift = { 0.09375, -0.03125 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["deep-green-water-lower-particle"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 7, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["deep-green-water-particle"] = { life_time = 180, movement_modifier_when_on_ground = 0, name = "deep-green-water-particle", pictures = { sheet = { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/blood-particle/blood-particle.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/blood-particle/hr-blood-particle.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, line_length = 12, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.046875, -0.03125 }, tint = { a = 0.196, b = 0.082000000000000011, g = 0.22000000000000002, r = 0.145 }, variation_count = 7, width = 16 }, line_length = 12, shift = { 0.0625, -0.03125 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["deep-green-water-particle"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 7, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "lower-object-above-shadow", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/blood-particle/blood-particle.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/blood-particle/hr-blood-particle.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, line_length = 12, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.078125, -0.03125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 7, width = 16 }, line_length = 12, shift = { 0.09375, -0.03125 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["deep-green-water-particle"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 7, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["deep-water-lower-particle"] = { life_time = 180, movement_modifier_when_on_ground = 0, name = "deep-water-lower-particle", pictures = { sheet = { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/blood-particle/blood-particle.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/blood-particle/hr-blood-particle.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, line_length = 12, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.046875, -0.03125 }, tint = { a = 0.31400000000000001, b = 0.33700000000000001, g = 0.34100000000000001, r = 0.22600000000000002 }, variation_count = 7, width = 16 }, line_length = 12, shift = { 0.0625, -0.03125 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["deep-water-lower-particle"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 7, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "lower-object-above-shadow", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/blood-particle/blood-particle.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/blood-particle/hr-blood-particle.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, line_length = 12, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.078125, -0.03125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 7, width = 16 }, line_length = 12, shift = { 0.09375, -0.03125 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["deep-water-lower-particle"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 7, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["deep-water-particle"] = { life_time = 180, movement_modifier_when_on_ground = 0, name = "deep-water-particle", pictures = { sheet = { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/blood-particle/blood-particle.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/blood-particle/hr-blood-particle.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, line_length = 12, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.046875, -0.03125 }, tint = { a = 0.31400000000000001, b = 0.33700000000000001, g = 0.34100000000000001, r = 0.22600000000000002 }, variation_count = 7, width = 16 }, line_length = 12, shift = { 0.0625, -0.03125 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["deep-water-particle"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 7, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/blood-particle/blood-particle.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/blood-particle/hr-blood-particle.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, line_length = 12, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.078125, -0.03125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 7, width = 16 }, line_length = 12, shift = { 0.09375, -0.03125 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["deep-water-particle"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 7, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["defender-dying-particle"] = { ended_on_ground_trigger_effect = { { entity_name = "defender-remnants", offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, type = "create-entity" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["construction-robot-dying-particle"].ended_on_ground_trigger_effect[2].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 1000, movement_modifier = 0.95, name = "defender-dying-particle", pictures = { { layers = { { animation_speed = 1, direction_count = 0, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/defender-robot/defender-robot.png", frame_count = 16, height = 33, hr_version = { animation_speed = 1, direction_count = 0, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/defender-robot/hr-defender-robot.png", frame_count = 16, height = 59, line_length = 16, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, 0.0078125 }, width = 56, y = 59 }, line_length = 16, priority = "high", shift = { 0, 0.0078125 }, width = 32, y = 33 }, { animation_speed = 1, apply_runtime_tint = true, direction_count = 0, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/defender-robot/defender-robot-mask.png", frame_count = 16, height = 16, hr_version = { animation_speed = 1, apply_runtime_tint = true, direction_count = 0, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/defender-robot/hr-defender-robot-mask.png", frame_count = 16, height = 21, line_length = 16, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.1484375 }, width = 28, y = 21 }, line_length = 16, priority = "high", shift = { 0, -0.1484375 }, width = 18, y = 16 } } }, { layers = { { animation_speed = 1, direction_count = 0, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/defender-robot/defender-robot.png", frame_count = 16, height = 33, hr_version = { animation_speed = 1, direction_count = 0, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/defender-robot/hr-defender-robot.png", frame_count = 16, height = 59, line_length = 16, priority = "high", run_mode = "backward", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, 0.0078125 }, width = 56, y = 59 }, line_length = 16, priority = "high", run_mode = "backward", shift = { 0, 0.0078125 }, width = 32, y = 33 }, { animation_speed = 1, apply_runtime_tint = true, direction_count = 0, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/defender-robot/defender-robot-mask.png", frame_count = 16, height = 16, hr_version = { animation_speed = 1, apply_runtime_tint = true, direction_count = 0, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/defender-robot/hr-defender-robot-mask.png", frame_count = 16, height = 21, line_length = 16, priority = "high", run_mode = "backward", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.1484375 }, width = 28, y = 21 }, line_length = 16, priority = "high", run_mode = "backward", shift = { 0, -0.1484375 }, width = 18, y = 16 } } } }, regular_trigger_effect = { { probability = 0.5, smoke_name = "smoke-fast", starting_frame_deviation = 5, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, { initial_height = 0.2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.15, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.25, -0.25 }, { 0.25, 0.25 } }, particle_name = "spark-particle", probability = 0.2, speed_from_center = 0.1, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, tail_length = 10, tail_length_deviation = 5, tail_width = 5, type = "create-particle" } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, shadows = { { animation_speed = 1, direction_count = 0, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/defender-robot/defender-robot-shadow.png", frame_count = 16, height = 26, hr_version = { animation_speed = 1, direction_count = 0, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/defender-robot/hr-defender-robot-shadow.png", frame_count = 16, height = 50, line_length = 16, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.046875, 0.19374999999999998 }, width = 88 }, line_length = 16, priority = "high", shift = { 0.046875, 0.19374999999999998 }, width = 45 }, { animation_speed = 1, direction_count = 0, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/defender-robot/defender-robot-shadow.png", frame_count = 16, height = 26, hr_version = { animation_speed = 1, direction_count = 0, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/defender-robot/hr-defender-robot-shadow.png", frame_count = 16, height = 50, line_length = 16, priority = "high", run_mode = "backward", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.046875, 0.19374999999999998 }, width = 88 }, line_length = 16, priority = "high", run_mode = "backward", shift = { 0.046875, 0.19374999999999998 }, width = 45 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["defender-robot-metal-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "defender-robot-metal-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 30, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0234375 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.77200000000000006, g = 0.77200000000000006, r = 0.77200000000000006 }, variation_count = 10, width = 30 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["defender-robot-metal-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 16 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-small", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 30, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0234375 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 30 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["defender-robot-metal-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 16 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["defender-robot-metal-particle-small"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "defender-robot-metal-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, -0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.44900000000000002, g = 0.61099999999999994, r = 0.79300000000000006 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["defender-robot-metal-particle-small"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, -0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["defender-robot-metal-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["destroyer-dying-particle"] = { ended_on_ground_trigger_effect = { { entity_name = "destroyer-remnants", offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, type = "create-entity" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["construction-robot-dying-particle"].ended_on_ground_trigger_effect[2].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 1000, movement_modifier = 0.95, name = "destroyer-dying-particle", pictures = { { layers = { { animation_speed = 1, direction_count = 0, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/destroyer-robot/destroyer-robot.png", frame_count = 32, height = 39, hr_version = { animation_speed = 1, direction_count = 0, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/destroyer-robot/hr-destroyer-robot.png", frame_count = 32, height = 77, line_length = 32, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.078125, -0.0390625 }, width = 88 }, line_length = 32, priority = "high", shift = { 0.078125, -0.0390625 }, width = 45 }, { animation_speed = 1, apply_runtime_tint = true, direction_count = 0, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/destroyer-robot/destroyer-robot-mask.png", frame_count = 32, height = 21, hr_version = { animation_speed = 1, apply_runtime_tint = true, direction_count = 0, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/destroyer-robot/hr-destroyer-robot-mask.png", frame_count = 32, height = 42, line_length = 32, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.078125, -0.21875 }, width = 52 }, line_length = 32, priority = "high", shift = { 0.078125, -0.21875 }, width = 27 } } }, { layers = { { animation_speed = 1, direction_count = 0, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/destroyer-robot/destroyer-robot.png", frame_count = 32, height = 39, hr_version = { animation_speed = 1, direction_count = 0, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/destroyer-robot/hr-destroyer-robot.png", frame_count = 32, height = 77, line_length = 32, priority = "high", run_mode = "backward", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.078125, -0.0390625 }, width = 88 }, line_length = 32, priority = "high", run_mode = "backward", shift = { 0.078125, -0.0390625 }, width = 45 }, { animation_speed = 1, apply_runtime_tint = true, direction_count = 0, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/destroyer-robot/destroyer-robot-mask.png", frame_count = 32, height = 21, hr_version = { animation_speed = 1, apply_runtime_tint = true, direction_count = 0, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/destroyer-robot/hr-destroyer-robot-mask.png", frame_count = 32, height = 42, line_length = 32, priority = "high", run_mode = "backward", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.078125, -0.21875 }, width = 52 }, line_length = 32, priority = "high", run_mode = "backward", shift = { 0.078125, -0.21875 }, width = 27 } } } }, regular_trigger_effect = { { probability = 0.5, smoke_name = "smoke-fast", starting_frame_deviation = 5, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, { initial_height = 0.2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.15, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.25, -0.25 }, { 0.25, 0.25 } }, particle_name = "spark-particle", probability = 0.2, speed_from_center = 0.1, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, tail_length = 10, tail_length_deviation = 5, tail_width = 5, type = "create-particle" } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, shadows = { { animation_speed = 1, direction_count = 0, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/destroyer-robot/destroyer-robot-shadow.png", frame_count = 32, height = 34, hr_version = { animation_speed = 1, direction_count = 0, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/destroyer-robot/hr-destroyer-robot-shadow.png", frame_count = 32, height = 66, line_length = 32, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.015625, 0.19374999999999998 }, width = 108 }, line_length = 32, priority = "high", shift = { -0.015625, 0.19374999999999998 }, width = 55 }, { animation_speed = 1, direction_count = 0, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/destroyer-robot/destroyer-robot-shadow.png", frame_count = 32, height = 34, hr_version = { animation_speed = 1, direction_count = 0, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/destroyer-robot/hr-destroyer-robot-shadow.png", frame_count = 32, height = 66, line_length = 32, priority = "high", run_mode = "backward", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.015625, 0.19374999999999998 }, width = 108 }, line_length = 32, priority = "high", run_mode = "backward", shift = { -0.015625, 0.19374999999999998 }, width = 55 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["destroyer-robot-metal-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "destroyer-robot-metal-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 30, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0234375 }, variation_count = 10, width = 30 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, variation_count = 10, width = 16 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-small", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 30, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0234375 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 30 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["destroyer-robot-metal-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 16 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["destroyer-robot-metal-particle-small"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "destroyer-robot-metal-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, -0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.44900000000000002, g = 0.61099999999999994, r = 0.79300000000000006 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["destroyer-robot-metal-particle-small"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, -0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["destroyer-robot-metal-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["dirt-1-dust-particle"] = { fade_away_duration = 40, life_time = 30, movement_modifier = 0.1, movement_modifier_when_on_ground = 0, name = "dirt-1-dust-particle", pictures = { sheet = { affected_by_wind = true, animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/smoke-fast/smoke-general.png", frame_count = 16, height = 50, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.39400000000000004, g = 0.71199999999999992, r = 0.95700000000000003 }, variation_count = 1, width = 50 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "lower-object", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", type = "optimized-particle" }, ["dirt-1-dust-tank-front-particle"] = { life_time = 30, movement_modifier = 0.1, movement_modifier_when_on_ground = 0, name = "dirt-1-dust-tank-front-particle", pictures = { sheet = { affected_by_wind = true, animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/smoke-fast/smoke-general.png", frame_count = 16, height = 50, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, tint = { a = 0.50199999999999996, b = 0.18300000000000001, g = 0.319, r = 0.42400000000000002 }, variation_count = 1, width = 50 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "lower-object", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", type = "optimized-particle" }, ["dirt-1-dust-vehicle-particle"] = { life_time = 20, movement_modifier = 0.1, movement_modifier_when_on_ground = 0, name = "dirt-1-dust-vehicle-particle", pictures = { sheet = { affected_by_wind = true, animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/smoke-fast/smoke-general.png", frame_count = 16, height = 50, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, tint = { a = 0.50199999999999996, b = 0.18300000000000001, g = 0.319, r = 0.42400000000000002 }, variation_count = 1, width = 50 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "lower-object", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", type = "optimized-particle" }, ["dirt-1-stone-character-particle-tiny"] = { life_time = 20, name = "dirt-1-stone-character-particle-tiny", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 4, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.40600000000000005, g = 0.63399999999999999, r = 0.82699999999999996 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["dirt-1-stone-character-particle-tiny"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 4 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "lower-object-above-shadow", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 4, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["dirt-1-stone-character-particle-tiny"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 4 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["dirt-1-stone-lower-particle-medium"] = { life_time = 900, name = "dirt-1-stone-lower-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 20, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.49000000000000004, g = 0.76600000000000001, r = 1 }, variation_count = 10, width = 18 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["dirt-1-stone-lower-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-small", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "lower-object-above-shadow", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 20, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 18 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["dirt-1-stone-lower-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["dirt-1-stone-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "dirt-1-stone-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 20, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.49000000000000004, g = 0.76600000000000001, r = 1 }, variation_count = 10, width = 18 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["dirt-1-stone-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-small", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 20, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 18 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["dirt-1-stone-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["dirt-1-stone-particle-small"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "dirt-1-stone-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.49000000000000004, g = 0.76600000000000001, r = 1 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["dirt-1-stone-particle-small"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-tiny", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["dirt-1-stone-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["dirt-1-stone-particle-tiny"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "dirt-1-stone-particle-tiny", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 4, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.49000000000000004, g = 0.76600000000000001, r = 1 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["dirt-1-stone-particle-tiny"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 4 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 4, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["dirt-1-stone-particle-tiny"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 4 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["dirt-1-stone-vehicle-particle-small"] = { life_time = 30, name = "dirt-1-stone-vehicle-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.40600000000000005, g = 0.63399999999999999, r = 0.82699999999999996 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["dirt-1-stone-vehicle-particle-small"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "lower-object-above-shadow", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["dirt-1-stone-vehicle-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["dirt-1-stone-vehicle-particle-tiny"] = { life_time = 30, name = "dirt-1-stone-vehicle-particle-tiny", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 4, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.40600000000000005, g = 0.63399999999999999, r = 0.82699999999999996 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["dirt-1-stone-vehicle-particle-tiny"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 4 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "lower-object-above-shadow", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 4, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["dirt-1-stone-vehicle-particle-tiny"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 4 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["dirt-2-dust-particle"] = { fade_away_duration = 40, life_time = 30, movement_modifier = 0.1, movement_modifier_when_on_ground = 0, name = "dirt-2-dust-particle", pictures = { sheet = { affected_by_wind = true, animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/smoke-fast/smoke-general.png", frame_count = 16, height = 50, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.36399999999999997, g = 0.62400000000000002, r = 0.86699999999999999 }, variation_count = 1, width = 50 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "lower-object", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", type = "optimized-particle" }, ["dirt-2-dust-tank-front-particle"] = { life_time = 30, movement_modifier = 0.1, movement_modifier_when_on_ground = 0, name = "dirt-2-dust-tank-front-particle", pictures = { sheet = { affected_by_wind = true, animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/smoke-fast/smoke-general.png", frame_count = 16, height = 50, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, tint = { a = 0.50199999999999996, b = 0.154, g = 0.27700000000000005, r = 0.39199999999999999 }, variation_count = 1, width = 50 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "lower-object", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", type = "optimized-particle" }, ["dirt-2-dust-vehicle-particle"] = { life_time = 20, movement_modifier = 0.1, movement_modifier_when_on_ground = 0, name = "dirt-2-dust-vehicle-particle", pictures = { sheet = { affected_by_wind = true, animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/smoke-fast/smoke-general.png", frame_count = 16, height = 50, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, tint = { a = 0.50199999999999996, b = 0.154, g = 0.27700000000000005, r = 0.39199999999999999 }, variation_count = 1, width = 50 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "lower-object", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", type = "optimized-particle" }, ["dirt-2-stone-character-particle-tiny"] = { life_time = 20, name = "dirt-2-stone-character-particle-tiny", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 4, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.28599999999999998, g = 0.50199999999999996, r = 0.71799999999999997 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["dirt-2-stone-character-particle-tiny"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 4 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "lower-object-above-shadow", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 4, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["dirt-2-stone-character-particle-tiny"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 4 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["dirt-2-stone-lower-particle-medium"] = { life_time = 900, name = "dirt-2-stone-lower-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 20, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.49000000000000004, g = 0.76600000000000001, r = 1 }, variation_count = 10, width = 18 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["dirt-2-stone-lower-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-lower-particle-small", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "lower-object-above-shadow", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 20, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 18 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["dirt-2-stone-lower-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["dirt-2-stone-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "dirt-2-stone-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 20, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.49000000000000004, g = 0.76600000000000001, r = 1 }, variation_count = 10, width = 18 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["dirt-2-stone-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-small", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 20, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 18 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["dirt-2-stone-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["dirt-2-stone-particle-small"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "dirt-2-stone-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.49000000000000004, g = 0.76600000000000001, r = 1 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["dirt-2-stone-particle-small"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-tiny", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["dirt-2-stone-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["dirt-2-stone-particle-tiny"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "dirt-2-stone-particle-tiny", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 4, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.49000000000000004, g = 0.76600000000000001, r = 1 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["dirt-2-stone-particle-tiny"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 4 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 4, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["dirt-2-stone-particle-tiny"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 4 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["dirt-2-stone-vehicle-particle-small"] = { life_time = 30, name = "dirt-2-stone-vehicle-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.28599999999999998, g = 0.50199999999999996, r = 0.71799999999999997 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["dirt-2-stone-vehicle-particle-small"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "lower-object-above-shadow", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["dirt-2-stone-vehicle-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["dirt-2-stone-vehicle-particle-tiny"] = { life_time = 30, name = "dirt-2-stone-vehicle-particle-tiny", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 4, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.28599999999999998, g = 0.50199999999999996, r = 0.71799999999999997 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["dirt-2-stone-vehicle-particle-tiny"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 4 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "lower-object-above-shadow", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 4, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["dirt-2-stone-vehicle-particle-tiny"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 4 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["dirt-3-dust-particle"] = { fade_away_duration = 40, life_time = 30, movement_modifier = 0.1, movement_modifier_when_on_ground = 0, name = "dirt-3-dust-particle", pictures = { sheet = { affected_by_wind = true, animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/smoke-fast/smoke-general.png", frame_count = 16, height = 50, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.42000000000000002, g = 0.70599999999999996, r = 1 }, variation_count = 1, width = 50 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "lower-object", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", type = "optimized-particle" }, ["dirt-3-dust-tank-front-particle"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 30, movement_modifier = 0.1, movement_modifier_when_on_ground = 0, name = "dirt-3-dust-tank-front-particle", pictures = { sheet = { affected_by_wind = true, animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/smoke-fast/smoke-general.png", frame_count = 16, height = 50, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, tint = { a = 0.50199999999999996, b = 0.152, g = 0.27300000000000004, r = 0.396 }, variation_count = 1, width = 50 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "lower-object", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", type = "optimized-particle" }, ["dirt-3-dust-vehicle-particle"] = { life_time = 20, movement_modifier = 0.1, movement_modifier_when_on_ground = 0, name = "dirt-3-dust-vehicle-particle", pictures = { sheet = { affected_by_wind = true, animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/smoke-fast/smoke-general.png", frame_count = 16, height = 50, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, tint = { a = 0.50199999999999996, b = 0.152, g = 0.27300000000000004, r = 0.396 }, variation_count = 1, width = 50 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "lower-object", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", type = "optimized-particle" }, ["dirt-3-stone-character-particle-tiny"] = { life_time = 20, name = "dirt-3-stone-character-particle-tiny", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 4, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.25899999999999999, g = 0.46299999999999999, r = 0.66699999999999999 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["dirt-3-stone-character-particle-tiny"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 4 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "lower-object-above-shadow", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 4, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["dirt-3-stone-character-particle-tiny"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 4 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["dirt-3-stone-lower-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "dirt-3-stone-lower-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 20, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.44800000000000004, g = 0.74299999999999997, r = 0.99399999999999995 }, variation_count = 10, width = 18 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["dirt-3-stone-lower-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-lower-particle-small", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "lower-object-above-shadow", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 20, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 18 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["dirt-3-stone-lower-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["dirt-3-stone-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "dirt-3-stone-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 20, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.44800000000000004, g = 0.74299999999999997, r = 0.99399999999999995 }, variation_count = 10, width = 18 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["dirt-3-stone-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-small", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 20, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 18 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["dirt-3-stone-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["dirt-3-stone-particle-small"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "dirt-3-stone-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.44800000000000004, g = 0.74299999999999997, r = 0.99399999999999995 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["dirt-3-stone-particle-small"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-tiny", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["dirt-3-stone-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["dirt-3-stone-particle-tiny"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "dirt-3-stone-particle-tiny", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 4, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.44800000000000004, g = 0.74299999999999997, r = 0.99399999999999995 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["dirt-3-stone-particle-tiny"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 4 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 4, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["dirt-3-stone-particle-tiny"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 4 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["dirt-3-stone-vehicle-particle-small"] = { life_time = 30, name = "dirt-3-stone-vehicle-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.25899999999999999, g = 0.46299999999999999, r = 0.66699999999999999 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["dirt-3-stone-vehicle-particle-small"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "lower-object-above-shadow", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["dirt-3-stone-vehicle-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["dirt-3-stone-vehicle-particle-tiny"] = { life_time = 30, name = "dirt-3-stone-vehicle-particle-tiny", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 4, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.25899999999999999, g = 0.46299999999999999, r = 0.66699999999999999 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["dirt-3-stone-vehicle-particle-tiny"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 4 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "lower-object-above-shadow", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 4, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["dirt-3-stone-vehicle-particle-tiny"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 4 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["dirt-4-dust-particle"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, fade_away_duration = 40, life_time = 30, movement_modifier = 0.1, movement_modifier_when_on_ground = 0, name = "dirt-4-dust-particle", pictures = { sheet = { affected_by_wind = true, animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/smoke-fast/smoke-general.png", frame_count = 16, height = 50, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.319, g = 0.60299999999999994, r = 0.89399999999999995 }, variation_count = 1, width = 50 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "lower-object", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", type = "optimized-particle" }, ["dirt-4-dust-tank-front-particle"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 30, movement_modifier = 0.1, movement_modifier_when_on_ground = 0, name = "dirt-4-dust-tank-front-particle", pictures = { sheet = { affected_by_wind = true, animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/smoke-fast/smoke-general.png", frame_count = 16, height = 50, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, tint = { a = 0.50199999999999996, b = 0.11799999999999999, g = 0.22200000000000002, r = 0.329 }, variation_count = 1, width = 50 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "lower-object", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", type = "optimized-particle" }, ["dirt-4-dust-vehicle-particle"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 20, movement_modifier = 0.1, movement_modifier_when_on_ground = 0, name = "dirt-4-dust-vehicle-particle", pictures = { sheet = { affected_by_wind = true, animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/smoke-fast/smoke-general.png", frame_count = 16, height = 50, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, tint = { a = 0.50199999999999996, b = 0.11799999999999999, g = 0.22200000000000002, r = 0.329 }, variation_count = 1, width = 50 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "lower-object", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", type = "optimized-particle" }, ["dirt-4-stone-character-particle-tiny"] = { life_time = 20, name = "dirt-4-stone-character-particle-tiny", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 4, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.25099999999999998, g = 0.42000000000000002, r = 0.604 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["dirt-4-stone-character-particle-tiny"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 4 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "lower-object-above-shadow", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 4, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["dirt-4-stone-character-particle-tiny"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 4 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["dirt-4-stone-lower-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "dirt-4-stone-lower-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 20, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.41600000000000001, g = 0.69099999999999993, r = 1 }, variation_count = 10, width = 18 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["dirt-4-stone-lower-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-lower-particle-small", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "lower-object-above-shadow", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 20, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 18 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["dirt-4-stone-lower-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["dirt-4-stone-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "dirt-4-stone-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 20, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.41600000000000001, g = 0.69099999999999993, r = 1 }, variation_count = 10, width = 18 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["dirt-4-stone-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-small", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "lower-object-above-shadow", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 20, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 18 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["dirt-4-stone-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["dirt-4-stone-particle-small"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "dirt-4-stone-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.41600000000000001, g = 0.69099999999999993, r = 1 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["dirt-4-stone-particle-small"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-tiny", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["dirt-4-stone-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["dirt-4-stone-particle-tiny"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "dirt-4-stone-particle-tiny", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 4, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.41600000000000001, g = 0.69099999999999993, r = 1 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["dirt-4-stone-particle-tiny"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 4 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 4, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["dirt-4-stone-particle-tiny"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 4 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["dirt-4-stone-vehicle-particle-small"] = { life_time = 30, name = "dirt-4-stone-vehicle-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.25099999999999998, g = 0.42000000000000002, r = 0.604 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["dirt-4-stone-vehicle-particle-small"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "lower-object-above-shadow", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["dirt-4-stone-vehicle-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["dirt-4-stone-vehicle-particle-tiny"] = { life_time = 30, name = "dirt-4-stone-vehicle-particle-tiny", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 4, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.25099999999999998, g = 0.42000000000000002, r = 0.604 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["dirt-4-stone-vehicle-particle-tiny"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 4 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "lower-object-above-shadow", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 4, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["dirt-4-stone-vehicle-particle-tiny"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 4 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["dirt-5-dust-particle"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, fade_away_duration = 40, life_time = 30, movement_modifier = 0.1, movement_modifier_when_on_ground = 0, name = "dirt-5-dust-particle", pictures = { sheet = { affected_by_wind = true, animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/smoke-fast/smoke-general.png", frame_count = 16, height = 50, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.30600000000000001, g = 0.54400000000000004, r = 0.8120000000000001 }, variation_count = 1, width = 50 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "lower-object", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", type = "optimized-particle" }, ["dirt-5-dust-tank-front-particle"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 30, movement_modifier = 0.1, movement_modifier_when_on_ground = 0, name = "dirt-5-dust-tank-front-particle", pictures = { sheet = { affected_by_wind = true, animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/smoke-fast/smoke-general.png", frame_count = 16, height = 50, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, tint = { a = 0.50199999999999996, b = 0.124, g = 0.221, r = 0.329 }, variation_count = 1, width = 50 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "lower-object", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", type = "optimized-particle" }, ["dirt-5-dust-vehicle-particle"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 20, movement_modifier = 0.1, movement_modifier_when_on_ground = 0, name = "dirt-5-dust-vehicle-particle", pictures = { sheet = { affected_by_wind = true, animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/smoke-fast/smoke-general.png", frame_count = 16, height = 50, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, tint = { a = 0.50199999999999996, b = 0.124, g = 0.221, r = 0.329 }, variation_count = 1, width = 50 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "lower-object", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", type = "optimized-particle" }, ["dirt-5-stone-character-particle-small"] = { life_time = 20, name = "dirt-5-stone-character-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.25099999999999998, g = 0.41600000000000001, r = 0.6 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["dirt-5-stone-character-particle-small"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "lower-object-above-shadow", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["dirt-5-stone-character-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["dirt-5-stone-character-particle-tiny"] = { life_time = 30, name = "dirt-5-stone-character-particle-tiny", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 4, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.25099999999999998, g = 0.41600000000000001, r = 0.6 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["dirt-5-stone-character-particle-tiny"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 4 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "lower-object-above-shadow", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 4, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["dirt-5-stone-character-particle-tiny"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 4 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["dirt-5-stone-lower-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "dirt-5-stone-lower-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 20, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.41600000000000001, g = 0.69099999999999993, r = 1 }, variation_count = 10, width = 18 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["dirt-5-stone-lower-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-lower-particle-small", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "lower-object-above-shadow", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 20, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 18 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["dirt-5-stone-lower-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["dirt-5-stone-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "dirt-5-stone-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 20, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.41600000000000001, g = 0.69099999999999993, r = 1 }, variation_count = 10, width = 18 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["dirt-5-stone-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-small", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 20, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 18 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["dirt-5-stone-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["dirt-5-stone-particle-small"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "dirt-5-stone-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.41600000000000001, g = 0.69099999999999993, r = 1 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["dirt-5-stone-particle-small"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-tiny", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["dirt-5-stone-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["dirt-5-stone-particle-tiny"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "dirt-5-stone-particle-tiny", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 4, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.41600000000000001, g = 0.69099999999999993, r = 1 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["dirt-5-stone-particle-tiny"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 4 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 4, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["dirt-5-stone-particle-tiny"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 4 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["dirt-5-stone-vehicle-particle-small"] = { life_time = 30, name = "dirt-5-stone-vehicle-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.25099999999999998, g = 0.41600000000000001, r = 0.6 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["dirt-5-stone-vehicle-particle-small"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "lower-object-above-shadow", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["dirt-5-stone-vehicle-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["dirt-5-stone-vehicle-particle-tiny"] = { life_time = 30, name = "dirt-5-stone-vehicle-particle-tiny", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 4, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.25099999999999998, g = 0.41600000000000001, r = 0.6 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["dirt-5-stone-vehicle-particle-tiny"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 4 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "lower-object-above-shadow", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 4, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["dirt-5-stone-vehicle-particle-tiny"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 4 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["dirt-6-dust-particle"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, fade_away_duration = 40, life_time = 30, movement_modifier = 0.1, movement_modifier_when_on_ground = 0, name = "dirt-6-dust-particle", pictures = { sheet = { affected_by_wind = true, animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/smoke-fast/smoke-general.png", frame_count = 16, height = 50, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.30099999999999998, g = 0.53600000000000003, r = 0.8 }, variation_count = 1, width = 50 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "lower-object", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", type = "optimized-particle" }, ["dirt-6-dust-tank-front-particle"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 30, movement_modifier = 0.1, movement_modifier_when_on_ground = 0, name = "dirt-6-dust-tank-front-particle", pictures = { sheet = { affected_by_wind = true, animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/smoke-fast/smoke-general.png", frame_count = 16, height = 50, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, tint = { a = 0.50199999999999996, b = 0.10800000000000001, g = 0.19199999999999999, r = 0.28599999999999998 }, variation_count = 1, width = 50 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "lower-object", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", type = "optimized-particle" }, ["dirt-6-dust-vehicle-particle"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, fade_away_duration = 40, life_time = 20, movement_modifier = 0.1, movement_modifier_when_on_ground = 0, name = "dirt-6-dust-vehicle-particle", pictures = { sheet = { affected_by_wind = true, animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/smoke-fast/smoke-general.png", frame_count = 16, height = 50, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.31400000000000001, g = 0.56000000000000005, r = 0.83499999999999996 }, variation_count = 1, width = 50 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "lower-object", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", type = "optimized-particle" }, ["dirt-6-stone-character-particle-tiny"] = { life_time = 20, name = "dirt-6-stone-character-particle-tiny", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 4, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.302, g = 0.475, r = 0.68600000000000003 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["dirt-6-stone-character-particle-tiny"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 4 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "lower-object-above-shadow", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 4, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["dirt-6-stone-character-particle-tiny"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 4 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["dirt-6-stone-lower-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "dirt-6-stone-lower-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 20, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.43899999999999997, g = 0.68999999999999995, r = 1 }, variation_count = 10, width = 18 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["dirt-6-stone-lower-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-lower-particle-small", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "lower-object-above-shadow", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 20, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 18 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["dirt-6-stone-lower-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["dirt-6-stone-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "dirt-6-stone-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 20, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.43899999999999997, g = 0.68999999999999995, r = 1 }, variation_count = 10, width = 18 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["dirt-6-stone-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-small", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 20, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 18 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["dirt-6-stone-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["dirt-6-stone-particle-small"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "dirt-6-stone-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.43899999999999997, g = 0.68999999999999995, r = 1 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["dirt-6-stone-particle-small"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-tiny", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["dirt-6-stone-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["dirt-6-stone-particle-tiny"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "dirt-6-stone-particle-tiny", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 4, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.43899999999999997, g = 0.68999999999999995, r = 1 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["dirt-6-stone-particle-tiny"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 4 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 4, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["dirt-6-stone-particle-tiny"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 4 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["dirt-6-stone-vehicle-particle-small"] = { life_time = 30, name = "dirt-6-stone-vehicle-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.302, g = 0.475, r = 0.68600000000000003 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["dirt-6-stone-vehicle-particle-small"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "lower-object-above-shadow", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["dirt-6-stone-vehicle-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["dirt-6-stone-vehicle-particle-tiny"] = { life_time = 30, name = "dirt-6-stone-vehicle-particle-tiny", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 4, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.302, g = 0.475, r = 0.68600000000000003 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["dirt-6-stone-vehicle-particle-tiny"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 4 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "lower-object-above-shadow", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 4, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["dirt-6-stone-vehicle-particle-tiny"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 4 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["dirt-7-dust-particle"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, fade_away_duration = 40, life_time = 30, movement_modifier = 0.1, movement_modifier_when_on_ground = 0, name = "dirt-7-dust-particle", pictures = { sheet = { affected_by_wind = true, animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/smoke-fast/smoke-general.png", frame_count = 16, height = 50, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.28199999999999999, g = 0.50199999999999996, r = 0.74900000000000002 }, variation_count = 1, width = 50 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "lower-object", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", type = "optimized-particle" }, ["dirt-7-dust-tank-front-particle"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 30, movement_modifier = 0.1, movement_modifier_when_on_ground = 0, name = "dirt-7-dust-tank-front-particle", pictures = { sheet = { affected_by_wind = true, animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/smoke-fast/smoke-general.png", frame_count = 16, height = 50, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, tint = { a = 0.50199999999999996, b = 0.11100000000000001, g = 0.19700000000000003, r = 0.29399999999999999 }, variation_count = 1, width = 50 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "lower-object", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", type = "optimized-particle" }, ["dirt-7-dust-vehicle-particle"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 20, movement_modifier = 0.1, movement_modifier_when_on_ground = 0, name = "dirt-7-dust-vehicle-particle", pictures = { sheet = { affected_by_wind = true, animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/smoke-fast/smoke-general.png", frame_count = 16, height = 50, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, tint = { a = 0.50199999999999996, b = 0.11100000000000001, g = 0.19700000000000003, r = 0.29399999999999999 }, variation_count = 1, width = 50 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "lower-object", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", type = "optimized-particle" }, ["dirt-7-stone-character-particle-tiny"] = { life_time = 20, name = "dirt-7-stone-character-particle-tiny", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 4, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.29499999999999996, g = 0.51799999999999997, r = 0.76900000000000004 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["dirt-7-stone-character-particle-tiny"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 4 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "lower-object-above-shadow", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 4, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["dirt-7-stone-character-particle-tiny"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 4 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["dirt-7-stone-lower-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "dirt-7-stone-lower-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 20, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.29499999999999996, g = 0.51799999999999997, r = 0.76900000000000004 }, variation_count = 10, width = 18 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["dirt-7-stone-lower-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-lower-particle-small", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "lower-object-above-shadow", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 20, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 18 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["dirt-7-stone-lower-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["dirt-7-stone-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "dirt-7-stone-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 20, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.31000000000000001, g = 0.54500000000000002, r = 0.80800000000000001 }, variation_count = 10, width = 18 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["dirt-7-stone-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-small", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 20, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 18 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["dirt-7-stone-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["dirt-7-stone-particle-small"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "dirt-7-stone-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.31000000000000001, g = 0.54500000000000002, r = 0.80800000000000001 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["dirt-7-stone-particle-small"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-tiny", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["dirt-7-stone-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["dirt-7-stone-particle-tiny"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "dirt-7-stone-particle-tiny", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 4, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.31000000000000001, g = 0.54500000000000002, r = 0.80800000000000001 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["dirt-7-stone-particle-tiny"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 4 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 4, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["dirt-7-stone-particle-tiny"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 4 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["dirt-7-stone-vehicle-particle-small"] = { life_time = 30, name = "dirt-7-stone-vehicle-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.29499999999999996, g = 0.51799999999999997, r = 0.76900000000000004 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["dirt-7-stone-vehicle-particle-small"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "lower-object-above-shadow", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["dirt-7-stone-vehicle-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["dirt-7-stone-vehicle-particle-tiny"] = { life_time = 30, name = "dirt-7-stone-vehicle-particle-tiny", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 4, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.29499999999999996, g = 0.51799999999999997, r = 0.76900000000000004 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["dirt-7-stone-vehicle-particle-tiny"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 4 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "lower-object-above-shadow", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 4, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["dirt-7-stone-vehicle-particle-tiny"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 4 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["distractor-dying-particle"] = { ended_on_ground_trigger_effect = { { entity_name = "distractor-remnants", offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, type = "create-entity" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["construction-robot-dying-particle"].ended_on_ground_trigger_effect[2].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 1000, movement_modifier = 0.95, name = "distractor-dying-particle", pictures = { { layers = { { animation_speed = 1, direction_count = 0, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/distractor-robot/distractor-robot.png", frame_count = 16, height = 33, hr_version = { animation_speed = 1, direction_count = 0, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/distractor-robot/hr-distractor-robot.png", frame_count = 16, height = 62, line_length = 16, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.078125 }, width = 72, y = 62 }, line_length = 16, priority = "high", shift = { 0, -0.078125 }, width = 38, y = 33 }, { animation_speed = 1, apply_runtime_tint = true, direction_count = 0, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/distractor-robot/distractor-robot-mask.png", frame_count = 16, height = 21, hr_version = { animation_speed = 1, apply_runtime_tint = true, direction_count = 0, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/distractor-robot/hr-distractor-robot-mask.png", frame_count = 16, height = 37, line_length = 16, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.1953125 }, width = 42, y = 37 }, line_length = 16, priority = "high", shift = { 0, -0.1953125 }, width = 24, y = 21 } } }, { layers = { { animation_speed = 1, direction_count = 0, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/distractor-robot/distractor-robot.png", frame_count = 16, height = 33, hr_version = { animation_speed = 1, direction_count = 0, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/distractor-robot/hr-distractor-robot.png", frame_count = 16, height = 62, line_length = 16, priority = "high", run_mode = "backward", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.078125 }, width = 72, y = 62 }, line_length = 16, priority = "high", run_mode = "backward", shift = { 0, -0.078125 }, width = 38, y = 33 }, { animation_speed = 1, apply_runtime_tint = true, direction_count = 0, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/distractor-robot/distractor-robot-mask.png", frame_count = 16, height = 21, hr_version = { animation_speed = 1, apply_runtime_tint = true, direction_count = 0, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/distractor-robot/hr-distractor-robot-mask.png", frame_count = 16, height = 37, line_length = 16, priority = "high", run_mode = "backward", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.1953125 }, width = 42, y = 37 }, line_length = 16, priority = "high", run_mode = "backward", shift = { 0, -0.1953125 }, width = 24, y = 21 } } } }, regular_trigger_effect = { { probability = 0.5, smoke_name = "smoke-fast", starting_frame_deviation = 5, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, { initial_height = 0.2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.15, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.25, -0.25 }, { 0.25, 0.25 } }, particle_name = "spark-particle", probability = 0.2, speed_from_center = 0.1, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, tail_length = 10, tail_length_deviation = 5, tail_width = 5, type = "create-particle" } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, shadows = { { animation_speed = 1, direction_count = 0, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/distractor-robot/distractor-robot-shadow.png", frame_count = 16, height = 30, hr_version = { animation_speed = 1, direction_count = 0, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/distractor-robot/hr-distractor-robot-shadow.png", frame_count = 16, height = 59, line_length = 16, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.265625, 0.2015625 }, width = 96 }, line_length = 16, priority = "high", shift = { 0.265625, 0.19374999999999998 }, width = 49 }, { animation_speed = 1, direction_count = 0, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/distractor-robot/distractor-robot-shadow.png", frame_count = 16, height = 30, hr_version = { animation_speed = 1, direction_count = 0, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/distractor-robot/hr-distractor-robot-shadow.png", frame_count = 16, height = 59, line_length = 16, priority = "high", run_mode = "backward", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.265625, 0.2015625 }, width = 96 }, line_length = 16, priority = "high", run_mode = "backward", shift = { 0.265625, 0.19374999999999998 }, width = 49 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["distractor-robot-metal-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "distractor-robot-metal-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 30, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0234375 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.40300000000000002, g = 0.475, r = 0.59900000000000002 }, variation_count = 10, width = 30 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["distractor-robot-metal-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 16 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-small", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 30, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0234375 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 30 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["distractor-robot-metal-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 16 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["distractor-robot-metal-particle-small"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "distractor-robot-metal-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, -0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.44900000000000002, g = 0.61099999999999994, r = 0.79300000000000006 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["distractor-robot-metal-particle-small"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, -0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["distractor-robot-metal-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["dry-dirt-dust-particle"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, fade_away_duration = 40, life_time = 30, movement_modifier = 0.1, movement_modifier_when_on_ground = 0, name = "dry-dirt-dust-particle", pictures = { sheet = { affected_by_wind = true, animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/smoke-fast/smoke-general.png", frame_count = 16, height = 50, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.27200000000000002, g = 0.48300000000000001, r = 0.72199999999999998 }, variation_count = 1, width = 50 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "lower-object", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", type = "optimized-particle" }, ["dry-dirt-dust-tank-front-particle"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 30, movement_modifier = 0.1, movement_modifier_when_on_ground = 0, name = "dry-dirt-dust-tank-front-particle", pictures = { sheet = { affected_by_wind = true, animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/smoke-fast/smoke-general.png", frame_count = 16, height = 50, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, tint = { a = 0.50199999999999996, b = 0.127, g = 0.22600000000000002, r = 0.33700000000000001 }, variation_count = 1, width = 50 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "lower-object", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", type = "optimized-particle" }, ["dry-dirt-dust-vehicle-particle"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 20, movement_modifier = 0.1, movement_modifier_when_on_ground = 0, name = "dry-dirt-dust-vehicle-particle", pictures = { sheet = { affected_by_wind = true, animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/smoke-fast/smoke-general.png", frame_count = 16, height = 50, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, tint = { a = 0.50199999999999996, b = 0.127, g = 0.22600000000000002, r = 0.33700000000000001 }, variation_count = 1, width = 50 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "lower-object", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", type = "optimized-particle" }, ["dry-dirt-stone-character-particle-tiny"] = { life_time = 20, name = "dry-dirt-stone-character-particle-tiny", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 4, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.24399999999999999, g = 0.41899999999999995, r = 0.63499999999999996 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["dry-dirt-stone-character-particle-tiny"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 4 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "lower-object-above-shadow", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 4, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["dry-dirt-stone-character-particle-tiny"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 4 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["dry-dirt-stone-lower-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "dry-dirt-stone-lower-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 20, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.38399999999999999, g = 0.66000000000000005, r = 1 }, variation_count = 10, width = 18 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["dry-dirt-stone-lower-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-lower-particle-small", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "lower-object-above-shadow", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 20, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 18 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["dry-dirt-stone-lower-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["dry-dirt-stone-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "dry-dirt-stone-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 20, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.38399999999999999, g = 0.66000000000000005, r = 1 }, variation_count = 10, width = 18 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["dry-dirt-stone-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-small", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 20, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 18 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["dry-dirt-stone-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["dry-dirt-stone-particle-small"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "dry-dirt-stone-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.38399999999999999, g = 0.66000000000000005, r = 1 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["dry-dirt-stone-particle-small"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-tiny", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["dry-dirt-stone-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["dry-dirt-stone-particle-tiny"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "dry-dirt-stone-particle-tiny", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 4, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.38399999999999999, g = 0.66000000000000005, r = 1 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["dry-dirt-stone-particle-tiny"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 4 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 4, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["dry-dirt-stone-particle-tiny"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 4 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["dry-dirt-stone-vehicle-particle-small"] = { life_time = 30, name = "dry-dirt-stone-vehicle-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.24399999999999999, g = 0.41899999999999995, r = 0.63499999999999996 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["dry-dirt-stone-vehicle-particle-small"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "lower-object-above-shadow", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["dry-dirt-stone-vehicle-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["dry-dirt-stone-vehicle-particle-tiny"] = { life_time = 30, name = "dry-dirt-stone-vehicle-particle-tiny", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 4, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.24399999999999999, g = 0.41899999999999995, r = 0.63499999999999996 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["dry-dirt-stone-vehicle-particle-tiny"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 4 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "lower-object-above-shadow", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 4, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["dry-dirt-stone-vehicle-particle-tiny"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 4 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["electric-furnace-metal-particle-big"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "electric-furnace-metal-particle-big", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 22, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 44, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0234375 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.54500000000000002, g = 0.49000000000000004, r = 0.44699999999999998 }, variation_count = 10, width = 50 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["electric-furnace-metal-particle-big"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 26 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.06, -0.06 }, { 0.06, 0.06 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle", speed_from_center = 0.0070000000000000009, starting_frame_deviation = 5, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 5, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "object", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 22, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 44, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0234375 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 50 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["electric-furnace-metal-particle-big"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 26 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["electric-furnace-metal-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "electric-furnace-metal-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 30, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0234375 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.46299999999999999, g = 0.49000000000000004, r = 0.43099999999999996 }, variation_count = 10, width = 30 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["electric-furnace-metal-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 16 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-small", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "object", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 30, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0234375 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 30 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["electric-furnace-metal-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 16 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["electric-furnace-metal-particle-small"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "electric-furnace-metal-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, -0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.062999999999999998, g = 0.25099999999999998, r = 0.396 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["electric-furnace-metal-particle-small"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, -0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["electric-furnace-metal-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["electric-mining-drill-long-metal-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "electric-mining-drill-long-metal-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/long-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 46, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-long-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 92, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1171875, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.83900000000000006, g = 0.78300000000000001, r = 0.82400000000000002 }, variation_count = 10, width = 100 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["electric-mining-drill-long-metal-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 50 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-small", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/long-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 46, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-long-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 92, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1484375, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 100 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.140625, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["electric-mining-drill-long-metal-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 50 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["electric-mining-drill-mechanical-component-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "electric-mining-drill-mechanical-component-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/mechanical-components-particle/mechanical-components-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/mechanical-components-particle/hr-mechanical-components-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 22, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, -0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.68000000000000007, g = 0.76600000000000001, r = 0.85899999999999999 }, variation_count = 10, width = 22 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["electric-mining-drill-mechanical-component-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 12 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/mechanical-components-particle/mechanical-components-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/mechanical-components-particle/hr-mechanical-components-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 22, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, -0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 22 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["electric-mining-drill-mechanical-component-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 12 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["electric-mining-drill-metal-particle-big"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "electric-mining-drill-metal-particle-big", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 22, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 44, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0234375 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.8120000000000001, g = 0.8120000000000001, r = 0.73700000000000001 }, variation_count = 10, width = 50 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["electric-mining-drill-metal-particle-big"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 26 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.06, -0.06 }, { 0.06, 0.06 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle", speed_from_center = 0.0070000000000000009, starting_frame_deviation = 5, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 5, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "object", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 22, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 44, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0234375 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 50 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["electric-mining-drill-metal-particle-big"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 26 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["electric-mining-drill-metal-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "electric-mining-drill-metal-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 30, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0234375 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.369, g = 0.75499999999999998, r = 1 }, variation_count = 10, width = 30 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["electric-mining-drill-metal-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 16 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 30, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0234375 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 30 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["electric-mining-drill-metal-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 16 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["electricity-generator-glass-particle-small"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "electricity-generator-glass-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/glass-particle/glass-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/glass-particle/hr-glass-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0859375, 0.0078125 }, variation_count = 10, width = 14 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/glass-particle/glass-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/glass-particle/hr-glass-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1171875, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 14 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["electricity-generator-glass-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["electricity-generator-long-metal-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "electricity-generator-long-metal-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/long-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 46, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-long-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 92, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1171875, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.83499999999999996, g = 0.83499999999999996, r = 0.83499999999999996 }, variation_count = 10, width = 100 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["electricity-generator-long-metal-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 50 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-small", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "object", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/long-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 46, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-long-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 92, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1484375, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 100 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.140625, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["electricity-generator-long-metal-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 50 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["electricity-generator-metal-particle-big"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "electricity-generator-metal-particle-big", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 22, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 44, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0234375 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.48499999999999996, g = 0.48499999999999996, r = 0.48499999999999996 }, variation_count = 10, width = 50 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["electricity-generator-metal-particle-big"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 26 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.06, -0.06 }, { 0.06, 0.06 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle", speed_from_center = 0.0070000000000000009, starting_frame_deviation = 5, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 5, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "object", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 22, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 44, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0234375 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 50 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["electricity-generator-metal-particle-big"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 26 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["electricity-generator-metal-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "electricity-generator-metal-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 30, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0234375 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.42400000000000002, g = 0.87100000000000009, r = 1 }, variation_count = 10, width = 30 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["electricity-generator-metal-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 16 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-small", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 30, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0234375 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 30 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["electricity-generator-metal-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 16 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["electricity-generator-metal-particle-small"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "electricity-generator-metal-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, -0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.42400000000000002, g = 0.87100000000000009, r = 1 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["electricity-generator-metal-particle-small"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, -0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["electricity-generator-metal-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["explosion-remnants-particle"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "explosion-remnants-particle", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/explosion-particle/explosion-particle.png", frame_count = 10, height = 38, priority = "extra-high", variation_count = 40, width = 38 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.06, -0.06 }, { 0.06, 0.06 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle", speed_from_center = 0.0070000000000000009, starting_frame_deviation = 5, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 5, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/explosion-particle/explosion-particle-shadow.png", frame_count = 10, height = 38, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.0625, 0 }, variation_count = 40, width = 48 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["explosion-stone-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "explosion-stone-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 20, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.50899999999999999, g = 0.60599999999999996, r = 0.70599999999999996 }, variation_count = 10, width = 18 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["explosion-stone-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-small", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 20, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 18 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["explosion-stone-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["explosion-stone-particle-small"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "explosion-stone-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.50899999999999999, g = 0.60599999999999996, r = 0.70599999999999996 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["explosion-stone-particle-small"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-small", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["explosion-stone-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["explosion-stone-particle-tiny"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "explosion-stone-particle-tiny", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 4, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.50899999999999999, g = 0.60599999999999996, r = 0.70599999999999996 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["explosion-stone-particle-tiny"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 4 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 4, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["explosion-stone-particle-tiny"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 4 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["express-splitter-long-metal-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "express-splitter-long-metal-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/long-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 46, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-long-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 92, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1171875, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.76400000000000006, g = 0.76400000000000006, r = 0.76400000000000006 }, variation_count = 10, width = 100 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["express-splitter-long-metal-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 50 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-small", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/long-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 46, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-long-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 92, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1484375, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 100 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.140625, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["express-splitter-long-metal-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 50 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["express-splitter-mechanical-component-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "express-splitter-mechanical-component-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/mechanical-components-particle/mechanical-components-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/mechanical-components-particle/hr-mechanical-components-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 22, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, -0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.68000000000000007, g = 0.76600000000000001, r = 0.85899999999999999 }, variation_count = 10, width = 22 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["express-splitter-mechanical-component-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 12 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/mechanical-components-particle/mechanical-components-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/mechanical-components-particle/hr-mechanical-components-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 22, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, -0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 22 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["express-splitter-mechanical-component-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 12 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["express-splitter-metal-particle-big"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "express-splitter-metal-particle-big", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 22, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 44, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0234375 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.80400000000000009, g = 0.67100000000000009, r = 0.29800000000000001 }, variation_count = 10, width = 50 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["express-splitter-metal-particle-big"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 26 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.06, -0.06 }, { 0.06, 0.06 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle", speed_from_center = 0.0070000000000000009, starting_frame_deviation = 5, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 5, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "object", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 22, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 44, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0234375 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 50 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["express-splitter-metal-particle-big"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 26 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["express-splitter-metal-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "express-splitter-metal-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 30, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0234375 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.80400000000000009, g = 0.67100000000000009, r = 0.29800000000000001 }, variation_count = 10, width = 30 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["express-splitter-metal-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 16 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-small", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "object", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 30, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0234375 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 30 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["express-splitter-metal-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 16 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["express-splitter-metal-particle-small"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "express-splitter-metal-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, -0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.59199999999999999, g = 0.654, r = 0.83200000000000003 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["express-splitter-metal-particle-small"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, -0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["express-splitter-metal-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["express-transport-belt-mechanical-component-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "express-transport-belt-mechanical-component-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/mechanical-components-particle/mechanical-components-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/mechanical-components-particle/hr-mechanical-components-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 22, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, -0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.68000000000000007, g = 0.76600000000000001, r = 0.85899999999999999 }, variation_count = 10, width = 22 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["express-transport-belt-mechanical-component-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 12 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-small", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/mechanical-components-particle/mechanical-components-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/mechanical-components-particle/hr-mechanical-components-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 22, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, -0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 22 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["express-transport-belt-mechanical-component-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 12 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["express-transport-belt-metal-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "express-transport-belt-metal-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 30, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0234375 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.81600000000000001, g = 0.596, r = 0.023999999999999999 }, variation_count = 10, width = 30 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["express-transport-belt-metal-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 16 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-small", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 30, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0234375 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 30 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["express-transport-belt-metal-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 16 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["express-transport-belt-metal-particle-small"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "express-transport-belt-metal-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, -0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.81600000000000001, g = 0.596, r = 0.023999999999999999 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["express-transport-belt-metal-particle-small"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, -0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["express-transport-belt-metal-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["express-underground-belt-metal-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "express-underground-belt-metal-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 30, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0234375 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.53100000000000005, g = 0.60199999999999996, r = 0.67600000000000007 }, variation_count = 10, width = 30 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["express-underground-belt-metal-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 16 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-small", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 30, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0234375 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 30 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["express-underground-belt-metal-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 16 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["express-underground-belt-metal-particle-medium-blue"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "express-underground-belt-metal-particle-medium-blue", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 30, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0234375 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.82699999999999996, g = 0.68200000000000003, r = 0.31000000000000001 }, variation_count = 10, width = 30 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["express-underground-belt-metal-particle-medium-blue"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 16 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-small", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 30, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0234375 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 30 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["express-underground-belt-metal-particle-medium-blue"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 16 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["express-underground-belt-metal-particle-small"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "express-underground-belt-metal-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, -0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.82699999999999996, g = 0.68200000000000003, r = 0.31000000000000001 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["express-underground-belt-metal-particle-small"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, -0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["express-underground-belt-metal-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["fast-inserter-metal-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "fast-inserter-metal-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 30, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0234375 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.53500000000000005, g = 0.44699999999999998, r = 0.30800000000000001 }, variation_count = 10, width = 30 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["fast-inserter-metal-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 16 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-small", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "object", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 30, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0234375 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 30 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["fast-inserter-metal-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 16 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["fast-inserter-metal-particle-small"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "fast-inserter-metal-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, -0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.5, g = 0.5, r = 0.5 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["fast-inserter-metal-particle-small"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, -0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["fast-inserter-metal-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["fast-splitter-long-metal-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "fast-splitter-long-metal-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/long-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 46, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-long-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 92, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1171875, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.67200000000000006, g = 0.67200000000000006, r = 0.67200000000000006 }, variation_count = 10, width = 100 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["fast-splitter-long-metal-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 50 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-small", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/long-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 46, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-long-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 92, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1484375, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 100 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.140625, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["fast-splitter-long-metal-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 50 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["fast-splitter-mechanical-component-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "fast-splitter-mechanical-component-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/mechanical-components-particle/mechanical-components-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/mechanical-components-particle/hr-mechanical-components-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 22, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, -0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.68000000000000007, g = 0.76600000000000001, r = 0.85899999999999999 }, variation_count = 10, width = 22 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["fast-splitter-mechanical-component-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 12 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/mechanical-components-particle/mechanical-components-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/mechanical-components-particle/hr-mechanical-components-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 22, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, -0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 22 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["fast-splitter-mechanical-component-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 12 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["fast-splitter-metal-particle-big"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "fast-splitter-metal-particle-big", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 22, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 44, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0234375 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.26699999999999999, g = 0.275, r = 0.729 }, variation_count = 10, width = 50 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["fast-splitter-metal-particle-big"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 26 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.06, -0.06 }, { 0.06, 0.06 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle", speed_from_center = 0.0070000000000000009, starting_frame_deviation = 5, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 5, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "object", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 22, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 44, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0234375 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 50 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["fast-splitter-metal-particle-big"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 26 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["fast-splitter-metal-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "fast-splitter-metal-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 30, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0234375 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.26699999999999999, g = 0.275, r = 0.729 }, variation_count = 10, width = 30 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["fast-splitter-metal-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 16 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-small", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "object", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 30, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0234375 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 30 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["fast-splitter-metal-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 16 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["fast-splitter-metal-particle-small"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "fast-splitter-metal-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, -0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.36600000000000001, g = 0.36600000000000001, r = 0.70099999999999998 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["fast-splitter-metal-particle-small"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, -0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["fast-splitter-metal-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["fast-transport-belt-mechanical-component-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "fast-transport-belt-mechanical-component-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/mechanical-components-particle/mechanical-components-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/mechanical-components-particle/hr-mechanical-components-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 22, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, -0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.68000000000000007, g = 0.76600000000000001, r = 0.85899999999999999 }, variation_count = 10, width = 22 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["fast-transport-belt-mechanical-component-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 12 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-small", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/mechanical-components-particle/mechanical-components-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/mechanical-components-particle/hr-mechanical-components-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 22, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, -0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 22 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["fast-transport-belt-mechanical-component-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 12 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["fast-transport-belt-metal-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "fast-transport-belt-metal-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 30, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0234375 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.023999999999999999, g = 0.09, r = 0.88599999999999994 }, variation_count = 10, width = 30 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["fast-transport-belt-metal-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 16 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-small", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 30, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0234375 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 30 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["fast-transport-belt-metal-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 16 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["fast-transport-belt-metal-particle-small"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "fast-transport-belt-metal-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, -0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.023999999999999999, g = 0.09, r = 0.88599999999999994 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["fast-transport-belt-metal-particle-small"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, -0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["fast-transport-belt-metal-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["fast-underground-belt-metal-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "fast-underground-belt-metal-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 30, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0234375 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.55700000000000003, g = 0.59799999999999995, r = 0.625 }, variation_count = 10, width = 30 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["fast-underground-belt-metal-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 16 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-small", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 30, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0234375 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 30 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["fast-underground-belt-metal-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 16 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["fast-underground-belt-metal-particle-medium-red"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "fast-underground-belt-metal-particle-medium-red", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 30, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0234375 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.28199999999999999, g = 0.275, r = 0.89000000000000004 }, variation_count = 10, width = 30 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["fast-underground-belt-metal-particle-medium-red"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 16 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-small", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 30, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0234375 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 30 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["fast-underground-belt-metal-particle-medium-red"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 16 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["fast-underground-belt-metal-particle-small"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "fast-underground-belt-metal-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, -0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.36600000000000001, g = 0.36600000000000001, r = 0.70099999999999998 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["fast-underground-belt-metal-particle-small"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, -0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["fast-underground-belt-metal-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["filter-inserter-metal-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "filter-inserter-metal-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 30, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0234375 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.59399999999999995, g = 0.41899999999999995, r = 0.57099999999999991 }, variation_count = 10, width = 30 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["filter-inserter-metal-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 16 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-small", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "object", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 30, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0234375 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 30 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["filter-inserter-metal-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 16 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["filter-inserter-metal-particle-small"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "filter-inserter-metal-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, -0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.64800000000000004, g = 0.64800000000000004, r = 0.64800000000000004 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["filter-inserter-metal-particle-small"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, -0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["filter-inserter-metal-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["flame-thrower-turret-metal-particle-big"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "flame-thrower-turret-metal-particle-big", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 22, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 44, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0234375 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.45899999999999999, g = 0.49399999999999995, r = 0.54100000000000001 }, variation_count = 10, width = 50 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["flame-thrower-turret-metal-particle-big"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 26 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.06, -0.06 }, { 0.06, 0.06 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle", speed_from_center = 0.0070000000000000009, starting_frame_deviation = 5, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 5, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "object", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 22, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 44, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0234375 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 50 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["flame-thrower-turret-metal-particle-big"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 26 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["flame-thrower-turret-metal-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "flame-thrower-turret-metal-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 30, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0234375 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.69399999999999995, g = 0.75300000000000002, r = 0.8 }, variation_count = 10, width = 30 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["flame-thrower-turret-metal-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 16 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-small", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "object", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 30, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0234375 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 30 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["flame-thrower-turret-metal-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 16 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["flame-thrower-turret-metal-particle-small"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "flame-thrower-turret-metal-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, -0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.41600000000000001, g = 0.44699999999999998, r = 0.49000000000000004 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["flame-thrower-turret-metal-particle-small"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, -0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["flame-thrower-turret-metal-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["fluid-wagon-long-metal-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "fluid-wagon-long-metal-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/long-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 46, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-long-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 92, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1171875, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.396, g = 0.42699999999999996, r = 0.45899999999999999 }, variation_count = 10, width = 100 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["fluid-wagon-long-metal-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 50 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-small", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "object", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/long-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 46, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-long-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 92, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1484375, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 100 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.140625, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["fluid-wagon-long-metal-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 50 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["fluid-wagon-metal-particle-big"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "fluid-wagon-metal-particle-big", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 22, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 44, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0234375 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.54100000000000001, g = 0.56100000000000003, r = 0.56100000000000003 }, variation_count = 10, width = 50 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["fluid-wagon-metal-particle-big"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 26 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.06, -0.06 }, { 0.06, 0.06 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle", speed_from_center = 0.0070000000000000009, starting_frame_deviation = 5, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 5, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "object", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 22, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 44, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0234375 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 50 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["fluid-wagon-metal-particle-big"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 26 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["fluid-wagon-metal-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "fluid-wagon-metal-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 30, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0234375 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.45899999999999999, g = 0.53399999999999999, r = 0.63300000000000001 }, variation_count = 10, width = 30 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["fluid-wagon-metal-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 16 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-small", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "object", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 30, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0234375 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 30 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["fluid-wagon-metal-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 16 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["fluid-wagon-metal-particle-small"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "fluid-wagon-metal-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, -0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.75300000000000002, g = 0.76900000000000004, r = 0.78000000000000007 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["fluid-wagon-metal-particle-small"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, -0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["fluid-wagon-metal-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["garballo-mini-dry-vegetation-particle-small-medium"] = { life_time = 900, movement_modifier = 0.95, name = "garballo-mini-dry-vegetation-particle-small-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/vegetation-particle/vegetation-particle-small-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/vegetation-particle/hr-vegetation-particle-small-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 26, line_length = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, -0.0390625 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.24299999999999997, g = 0.51699999999999999, r = 0.63100000000000005 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, line_length = 12, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["garballo-mini-dry-vegetation-particle-small-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "lower-object-above-shadow", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/vegetation-particle/vegetation-particle-small-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/vegetation-particle/hr-vegetation-particle-small-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 26, line_length = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0859375, -0.0390625 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, line_length = 12, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.09375, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["garballo-mini-dry-vegetation-particle-small-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["garballo-mini-dry-wooden-splinter-particle-small"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, movement_modifier = 0.8, name = "garballo-mini-dry-wooden-splinter-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/wooden-particle/wood-splinter-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/wooden-particle/hr-wood-splinter-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, -0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.119, g = 0.33400000000000003, r = 0.53300000000000001 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["garballo-mini-dry-wooden-splinter-particle-small"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/wooden-particle/wood-splinter-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/wooden-particle/hr-wood-splinter-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, -0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["garballo-mini-dry-wooden-splinter-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["garballo-vegetation-particle-small-medium"] = { life_time = 900, movement_modifier = 0.95, name = "garballo-vegetation-particle-small-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/vegetation-particle/vegetation-particle-small-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/vegetation-particle/hr-vegetation-particle-small-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 26, line_length = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, -0.0390625 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.085999999999999979, g = 0.45899999999999999, r = 0.39199999999999999 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, line_length = 12, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["garballo-vegetation-particle-small-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "lower-object-above-shadow", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/vegetation-particle/vegetation-particle-small-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/vegetation-particle/hr-vegetation-particle-small-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 26, line_length = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0859375, -0.0390625 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, line_length = 12, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.09375, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["garballo-vegetation-particle-small-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["garballo-wooden-splinter-particle-small"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, movement_modifier = 0.8, name = "garballo-wooden-splinter-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/wooden-particle/wood-splinter-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/wooden-particle/hr-wood-splinter-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, -0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.050999999999999996, g = 0.275, r = 0.42699999999999996 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["garballo-wooden-splinter-particle-small"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/wooden-particle/wood-splinter-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/wooden-particle/hr-wood-splinter-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, -0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["garballo-wooden-splinter-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["gate-metal-particle-big"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "gate-metal-particle-big", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 22, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 44, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0234375 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.496, g = 0.496, r = 0.496 }, variation_count = 10, width = 50 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["gate-metal-particle-big"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 26 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.06, -0.06 }, { 0.06, 0.06 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle", speed_from_center = 0.0070000000000000009, starting_frame_deviation = 5, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 5, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "object", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 22, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 44, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0234375 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 50 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["gate-metal-particle-big"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 26 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["gate-metal-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "gate-metal-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 30, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0234375 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.73499999999999996, g = 0.73499999999999996, r = 0.73499999999999996 }, variation_count = 10, width = 30 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["gate-metal-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 16 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-small", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 30, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0234375 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 30 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["gate-metal-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 16 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["gate-metal-particle-small"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "gate-metal-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, -0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.30099999999999998, g = 0.73399999999999999, r = 0.80600000000000005 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["gate-metal-particle-small"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, -0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["gate-metal-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["gate-stone-particle-small"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "gate-stone-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.51500000000000004, g = 0.63600000000000003, r = 0.66699999999999999 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["gate-stone-particle-small"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["gate-stone-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["glass-particle-small"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "glass-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/glass-particle/glass-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/glass-particle/hr-glass-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0859375, 0.0078125 }, variation_count = 10, width = 14 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/glass-particle/glass-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/glass-particle/hr-glass-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1171875, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 14 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["glass-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["grass-1-stone-character-particle-tiny"] = { life_time = 20, name = "grass-1-stone-character-particle-tiny", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 4, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.4, g = 0.604, r = 0.89900000000000002 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["grass-1-stone-character-particle-tiny"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 4 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "lower-object-above-shadow", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 4, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["grass-1-stone-character-particle-tiny"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 4 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["grass-1-stone-lower-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "grass-1-stone-lower-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 20, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.4, g = 0.604, r = 0.89900000000000002 }, variation_count = 10, width = 18 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["grass-1-stone-lower-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-lower-particle-small", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "lower-object-above-shadow", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 20, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 18 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["grass-1-stone-lower-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["grass-1-stone-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "grass-1-stone-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 20, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.4, g = 0.604, r = 0.89900000000000002 }, variation_count = 10, width = 18 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["grass-1-stone-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-small", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 20, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 18 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["grass-1-stone-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["grass-1-stone-particle-small"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "grass-1-stone-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.4, g = 0.604, r = 0.89900000000000002 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["grass-1-stone-particle-small"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-tiny", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["grass-1-stone-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["grass-1-stone-particle-tiny"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "grass-1-stone-particle-tiny", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 4, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.4, g = 0.604, r = 0.89900000000000002 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["grass-1-stone-particle-tiny"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 4 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 4, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["grass-1-stone-particle-tiny"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 4 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["grass-1-stone-vehicle-particle-small"] = { life_time = 30, name = "grass-1-stone-vehicle-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.4, g = 0.604, r = 0.89900000000000002 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["grass-1-stone-vehicle-particle-small"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "lower-object-above-shadow", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["grass-1-stone-vehicle-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["grass-1-stone-vehicle-particle-tiny"] = { life_time = 30, name = "grass-1-stone-vehicle-particle-tiny", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 4, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.4, g = 0.604, r = 0.89900000000000002 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["grass-1-stone-vehicle-particle-tiny"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 4 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "lower-object-above-shadow", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 4, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["grass-1-stone-vehicle-particle-tiny"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 4 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["grass-2-stone-character-particle-tiny"] = { life_time = 20, name = "grass-2-stone-character-particle-tiny", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 4, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.16600000000000001, g = 0.45800000000000001, r = 0.66300000000000008 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["grass-2-stone-character-particle-tiny"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 4 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "lower-object-above-shadow", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 4, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["grass-2-stone-character-particle-tiny"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 4 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["grass-2-stone-lower-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "grass-2-stone-lower-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 20, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.19800000000000001, g = 0.52400000000000002, r = 0.82699999999999996 }, variation_count = 10, width = 18 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["grass-2-stone-lower-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-lower-particle-small", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "lower-object-above-shadow", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 20, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 18 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["grass-2-stone-lower-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["grass-2-stone-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "grass-2-stone-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 20, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.19800000000000001, g = 0.52400000000000002, r = 0.82699999999999996 }, variation_count = 10, width = 18 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["grass-2-stone-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-small", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 20, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 18 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["grass-2-stone-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["grass-2-stone-particle-small"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "grass-2-stone-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.19800000000000001, g = 0.52400000000000002, r = 0.82699999999999996 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["grass-2-stone-particle-small"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-tiny", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["grass-2-stone-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["grass-2-stone-particle-tiny"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "grass-2-stone-particle-tiny", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 4, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.19800000000000001, g = 0.52400000000000002, r = 0.82699999999999996 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["grass-2-stone-particle-tiny"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 4 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 4, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["grass-2-stone-particle-tiny"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 4 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["grass-2-stone-vehicle-particle-small"] = { life_time = 30, name = "grass-2-stone-vehicle-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.16600000000000001, g = 0.45800000000000001, r = 0.66300000000000008 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["grass-2-stone-vehicle-particle-small"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "lower-object-above-shadow", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["grass-2-stone-vehicle-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["grass-2-stone-vehicle-particle-tiny"] = { life_time = 30, name = "grass-2-stone-vehicle-particle-tiny", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 4, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.16600000000000001, g = 0.45800000000000001, r = 0.66300000000000008 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["grass-2-stone-vehicle-particle-tiny"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 4 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "lower-object-above-shadow", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 4, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["grass-2-stone-vehicle-particle-tiny"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 4 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["grass-3-stone-character-particle-tiny"] = { life_time = 20, name = "grass-3-stone-character-particle-tiny", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 4, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.35199999999999996, g = 0.496, r = 0.8629999999999999 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["grass-3-stone-character-particle-tiny"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 4 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "lower-object-above-shadow", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 4, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["grass-3-stone-character-particle-tiny"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 4 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["grass-3-stone-lower-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "grass-3-stone-lower-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 20, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.35199999999999996, g = 0.496, r = 0.8629999999999999 }, variation_count = 10, width = 18 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["grass-3-stone-lower-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-lower-particle-small", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "lower-object-above-shadow", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 20, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 18 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["grass-3-stone-lower-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["grass-3-stone-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "grass-3-stone-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 20, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.35199999999999996, g = 0.496, r = 0.8629999999999999 }, variation_count = 10, width = 18 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["grass-3-stone-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-small", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 20, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 18 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["grass-3-stone-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["grass-3-stone-particle-small"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "grass-3-stone-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.35199999999999996, g = 0.496, r = 0.8629999999999999 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["grass-3-stone-particle-small"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-tiny", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["grass-3-stone-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["grass-3-stone-particle-tiny"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "grass-3-stone-particle-tiny", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 4, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.35199999999999996, g = 0.496, r = 0.8629999999999999 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["grass-3-stone-particle-tiny"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 4 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 4, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["grass-3-stone-particle-tiny"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 4 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["grass-3-stone-vehicle-particle-small"] = { life_time = 30, name = "grass-3-stone-vehicle-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.35199999999999996, g = 0.496, r = 0.8629999999999999 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["grass-3-stone-vehicle-particle-small"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "lower-object-above-shadow", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["grass-3-stone-vehicle-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["grass-3-stone-vehicle-particle-tiny"] = { life_time = 30, name = "grass-3-stone-vehicle-particle-tiny", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 4, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.35199999999999996, g = 0.496, r = 0.8629999999999999 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["grass-3-stone-vehicle-particle-tiny"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 4 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "lower-object-above-shadow", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 4, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["grass-3-stone-vehicle-particle-tiny"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 4 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["grass-3-vegetation-character-particle-small-medium"] = { life_time = 20, name = "grass-3-vegetation-character-particle-small-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/vegetation-particle/vegetation-particle-small-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/vegetation-particle/hr-vegetation-particle-small-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 26, line_length = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.7, shift = { 0.0703125, -0.0390625 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.26500000000000004, g = 0.84499999999999993, r = 0.86699999999999999 }, variation_count = 4, width = 20 }, line_length = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 1.1000000000000001, shift = { 0.078125, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["grass-3-vegetation-character-particle-small-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 4, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "lower-object-above-shadow", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", type = "optimized-particle" }, ["grass-3-vegetation-vehicle-particle-small-medium"] = { life_time = 30, name = "grass-3-vegetation-vehicle-particle-small-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/vegetation-particle/vegetation-particle-small-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/vegetation-particle/hr-vegetation-particle-small-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 26, line_length = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.7, shift = { 0.0703125, -0.0390625 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.26500000000000004, g = 0.84499999999999993, r = 0.86699999999999999 }, variation_count = 4, width = 20 }, line_length = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 1.1000000000000001, shift = { 0.078125, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["grass-3-vegetation-vehicle-particle-small-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 4, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "lower-object-above-shadow", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", type = "optimized-particle" }, ["grass-4-stone-character-particle-tiny"] = { life_time = 20, name = "grass-4-stone-character-particle-tiny", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 4, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.34000000000000004, g = 0.53700000000000001, r = 0.72199999999999998 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["grass-4-stone-character-particle-tiny"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 4 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "lower-object-above-shadow", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 4, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["grass-4-stone-character-particle-tiny"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 4 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["grass-4-stone-lower-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "grass-4-stone-lower-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 20, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.34000000000000004, g = 0.53700000000000001, r = 0.72199999999999998 }, variation_count = 10, width = 18 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["grass-4-stone-lower-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-lower-particle-small", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "lower-object-above-shadow", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 20, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 18 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["grass-4-stone-lower-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["grass-4-stone-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "grass-4-stone-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 20, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.34000000000000004, g = 0.53700000000000001, r = 0.72199999999999998 }, variation_count = 10, width = 18 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["grass-4-stone-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-small", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 20, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 18 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["grass-4-stone-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["grass-4-stone-particle-small"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "grass-4-stone-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.34000000000000004, g = 0.53700000000000001, r = 0.72199999999999998 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["grass-4-stone-particle-small"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-tiny", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["grass-4-stone-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["grass-4-stone-particle-tiny"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "grass-4-stone-particle-tiny", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 4, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.34000000000000004, g = 0.53700000000000001, r = 0.72199999999999998 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["grass-4-stone-particle-tiny"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 4 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 4, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["grass-4-stone-particle-tiny"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 4 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["grass-4-stone-vehicle-particle-small"] = { life_time = 30, name = "grass-4-stone-vehicle-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.34000000000000004, g = 0.53700000000000001, r = 0.72199999999999998 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["grass-4-stone-vehicle-particle-small"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "lower-object-above-shadow", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["grass-4-stone-vehicle-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["grass-4-stone-vehicle-particle-tiny"] = { life_time = 30, name = "grass-4-stone-vehicle-particle-tiny", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 4, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.34000000000000004, g = 0.53700000000000001, r = 0.72199999999999998 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["grass-4-stone-vehicle-particle-tiny"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 4 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "lower-object-above-shadow", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 4, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["grass-4-stone-vehicle-particle-tiny"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 4 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["green-asterisk-grass-particle-small-medium"] = { life_time = 900, name = "green-asterisk-grass-particle-small-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/vegetation-particle/vegetation-particle-small-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/vegetation-particle/hr-vegetation-particle-small-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 26, line_length = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.8, shift = { 0.0703125, -0.0390625 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.221, g = 0.62699999999999996, r = 0.479 }, variation_count = 4, width = 20 }, line_length = 12, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["green-asterisk-grass-particle-small-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 4, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "lower-object-above-shadow", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/vegetation-particle/vegetation-particle-small-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/vegetation-particle/hr-vegetation-particle-small-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 26, line_length = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.8, shift = { 0.0859375, -0.0390625 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 4, width = 20 }, line_length = 12, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.09375, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["green-asterisk-grass-particle-small-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 4, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["green-asterisk-mini-vegetation-particle-small-medium"] = { life_time = 900, name = "green-asterisk-mini-vegetation-particle-small-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/vegetation-particle/vegetation-particle-small-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/vegetation-particle/hr-vegetation-particle-small-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 26, line_length = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, -0.0390625 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.354, g = 0.73300000000000001, r = 0.44299999999999997 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, line_length = 12, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["green-asterisk-mini-vegetation-particle-small-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "lower-object-above-shadow", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/vegetation-particle/vegetation-particle-small-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/vegetation-particle/hr-vegetation-particle-small-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 26, line_length = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0859375, -0.0390625 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, line_length = 12, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.09375, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["green-asterisk-mini-vegetation-particle-small-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["green-asterisk-mini-wooden-splinter-particle-small"] = { life_time = 900, name = "green-asterisk-mini-wooden-splinter-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/wooden-particle/wood-splinter-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/wooden-particle/hr-wood-splinter-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, -0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.125, g = 0.23100000000000001, r = 0.373 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["green-asterisk-mini-wooden-splinter-particle-small"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/wooden-particle/wood-splinter-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/wooden-particle/hr-wood-splinter-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, -0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["green-asterisk-mini-wooden-splinter-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["green-asterisk-vegetation-particle-small-medium"] = { life_time = 900, name = "green-asterisk-vegetation-particle-small-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/vegetation-particle/vegetation-particle-small-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/vegetation-particle/hr-vegetation-particle-small-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 26, line_length = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, -0.0390625 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.221, g = 0.62699999999999996, r = 0.479 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, line_length = 12, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["green-asterisk-vegetation-particle-small-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "lower-object-above-shadow", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/vegetation-particle/vegetation-particle-small-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/vegetation-particle/hr-vegetation-particle-small-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 26, line_length = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0859375, -0.0390625 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, line_length = 12, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.09375, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["green-asterisk-vegetation-particle-small-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["green-asterisk-wooden-splinter-particle-small"] = { life_time = 900, name = "green-asterisk-wooden-splinter-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/wooden-particle/wood-splinter-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/wooden-particle/hr-wood-splinter-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, -0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.14399999999999999, g = 0.40800000000000001, r = 0.31200000000000001 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["green-asterisk-wooden-splinter-particle-small"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/wooden-particle/wood-splinter-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/wooden-particle/hr-wood-splinter-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, -0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["green-asterisk-wooden-splinter-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["green-bush-mini-vegetation-particle-small-medium"] = { life_time = 900, movement_modifier = 0.95, name = "green-bush-mini-vegetation-particle-small-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/vegetation-particle/vegetation-particle-small-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/vegetation-particle/hr-vegetation-particle-small-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 26, line_length = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, -0.0390625 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.24299999999999997, g = 0.72999999999999998, r = 0.604 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, line_length = 12, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["green-bush-mini-vegetation-particle-small-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "lower-object-above-shadow", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/vegetation-particle/vegetation-particle-small-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/vegetation-particle/hr-vegetation-particle-small-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 26, line_length = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0859375, -0.0390625 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, line_length = 12, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.09375, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["green-bush-mini-vegetation-particle-small-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["green-carpet-grass-vegetation-particle-small-medium"] = { life_time = 900, name = "green-carpet-grass-vegetation-particle-small-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/vegetation-particle/vegetation-particle-small-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/vegetation-particle/hr-vegetation-particle-small-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 26, line_length = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.8, shift = { 0.0703125, -0.0390625 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.28199999999999999, g = 0.89800000000000004, r = 0.89100000000000001 }, variation_count = 4, width = 20 }, line_length = 12, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["green-carpet-grass-vegetation-particle-small-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 4, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "lower-object-above-shadow", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/vegetation-particle/vegetation-particle-small-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/vegetation-particle/hr-vegetation-particle-small-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 26, line_length = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.8, shift = { 0.0859375, -0.0390625 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 4, width = 20 }, line_length = 12, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.09375, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["green-carpet-grass-vegetation-particle-small-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 4, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["green-carpet-grass-wooden-splinter-particle-small"] = { life_time = 900, name = "green-carpet-grass-wooden-splinter-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/wooden-particle/wood-splinter-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/wooden-particle/hr-wood-splinter-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, -0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.079000000000000004, g = 0.34100000000000001, r = 0.28299999999999997 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["green-carpet-grass-wooden-splinter-particle-small"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/wooden-particle/wood-splinter-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/wooden-particle/hr-wood-splinter-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, -0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["green-carpet-grass-wooden-splinter-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["green-croton-vegetation-particle-small-medium"] = { life_time = 900, movement_modifier = 0.95, name = "green-croton-vegetation-particle-small-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/vegetation-particle/vegetation-particle-small-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/vegetation-particle/hr-vegetation-particle-small-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 26, line_length = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, -0.0390625 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.30299999999999998, g = 0.75999999999999996, r = 0.78800000000000008 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, line_length = 12, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["green-croton-vegetation-particle-small-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "lower-object-above-shadow", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/vegetation-particle/vegetation-particle-small-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/vegetation-particle/hr-vegetation-particle-small-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 26, line_length = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0859375, -0.0390625 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, line_length = 12, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.09375, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["green-croton-vegetation-particle-small-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["green-croton-wooden-splinter-particle-small"] = { life_time = 900, movement_modifier = 0.95, name = "green-croton-wooden-splinter-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/wooden-particle/wood-splinter-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/wooden-particle/hr-wood-splinter-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, -0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.18799999999999999, g = 0.29, r = 0.396 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["green-croton-wooden-splinter-particle-small"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/wooden-particle/wood-splinter-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/wooden-particle/hr-wood-splinter-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, -0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["green-croton-wooden-splinter-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["green-desert-bush-vegetation-particle-small-medium"] = { life_time = 900, movement_modifier = 0.95, name = "green-desert-bush-vegetation-particle-small-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/vegetation-particle/vegetation-particle-small-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/vegetation-particle/hr-vegetation-particle-small-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 26, line_length = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.8, shift = { 0.0703125, -0.0390625 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.46400000000000006, g = 0.76900000000000004, r = 0.75800000000000001 }, variation_count = 4, width = 20 }, line_length = 12, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["green-desert-bush-vegetation-particle-small-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 4, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "lower-object-above-shadow", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/vegetation-particle/vegetation-particle-small-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/vegetation-particle/hr-vegetation-particle-small-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 26, line_length = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.8, shift = { 0.0859375, -0.0390625 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 4, width = 20 }, line_length = 12, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.09375, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["green-desert-bush-vegetation-particle-small-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 4, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["green-desert-bush-wooden-splinter-particle-small"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, movement_modifier = 0.95, name = "green-desert-bush-wooden-splinter-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/wooden-particle/wood-splinter-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/wooden-particle/hr-wood-splinter-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, -0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.20800000000000001, g = 0.34499999999999997, r = 0.34000000000000004 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["green-desert-bush-wooden-splinter-particle-small"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/wooden-particle/wood-splinter-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/wooden-particle/hr-wood-splinter-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, -0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["green-desert-bush-wooden-splinter-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["green-hairy-grass-vegetation-particle-small-medium"] = { life_time = 900, movement_modifier = 0.95, name = "green-hairy-grass-vegetation-particle-small-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/vegetation-particle/vegetation-particle-small-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/vegetation-particle/hr-vegetation-particle-small-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 26, line_length = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.8, shift = { 0.0703125, -0.0390625 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.28199999999999999, g = 0.89800000000000004, r = 0.89100000000000001 }, variation_count = 4, width = 20 }, line_length = 12, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["green-hairy-grass-vegetation-particle-small-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 4, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "lower-object-above-shadow", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/vegetation-particle/vegetation-particle-small-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/vegetation-particle/hr-vegetation-particle-small-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 26, line_length = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.8, shift = { 0.0859375, -0.0390625 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 4, width = 20 }, line_length = 12, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.09375, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["green-hairy-grass-vegetation-particle-small-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 4, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["green-hairy-grass-wooden-splinter-particle-small"] = { life_time = 900, name = "green-hairy-grass-wooden-splinter-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/wooden-particle/wood-splinter-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/wooden-particle/hr-wood-splinter-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, -0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.079000000000000004, g = 0.34100000000000001, r = 0.28299999999999997 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["green-hairy-grass-wooden-splinter-particle-small"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/wooden-particle/wood-splinter-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/wooden-particle/hr-wood-splinter-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, -0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["green-hairy-grass-wooden-splinter-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["green-pita-mini-vegetation-particle-small-medium"] = { life_time = 900, name = "green-pita-mini-vegetation-particle-small-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/vegetation-particle/vegetation-particle-small-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/vegetation-particle/hr-vegetation-particle-small-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 26, line_length = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, -0.0390625 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.58899999999999997, g = 0.89399999999999995, r = 0.76900000000000004 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, line_length = 12, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["green-pita-mini-vegetation-particle-small-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "lower-object-above-shadow", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/vegetation-particle/vegetation-particle-small-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/vegetation-particle/hr-vegetation-particle-small-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 26, line_length = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0859375, -0.0390625 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, line_length = 12, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.09375, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["green-pita-mini-vegetation-particle-small-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["green-pita-mini-wooden-splinter-particle-small"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "green-pita-mini-wooden-splinter-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/wooden-particle/wood-splinter-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/wooden-particle/hr-wood-splinter-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, -0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.13100000000000001, g = 0.23000000000000003, r = 0.28599999999999998 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["green-pita-mini-wooden-splinter-particle-small"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/wooden-particle/wood-splinter-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/wooden-particle/hr-wood-splinter-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, -0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["green-pita-mini-wooden-splinter-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["green-pita-vegetation-particle-small-medium"] = { life_time = 900, name = "green-pita-vegetation-particle-small-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/vegetation-particle/vegetation-particle-small-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/vegetation-particle/hr-vegetation-particle-small-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 26, line_length = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, -0.0390625 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.58899999999999997, g = 0.89399999999999995, r = 0.76900000000000004 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, line_length = 12, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["green-pita-vegetation-particle-small-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "lower-object-above-shadow", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/vegetation-particle/vegetation-particle-small-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/vegetation-particle/hr-vegetation-particle-small-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 26, line_length = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0859375, -0.0390625 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, line_length = 12, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.09375, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["green-pita-vegetation-particle-small-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["green-pita-wooden-splinter-particle-small"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "green-pita-wooden-splinter-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/wooden-particle/wood-splinter-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/wooden-particle/hr-wood-splinter-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, -0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.13100000000000001, g = 0.23000000000000003, r = 0.28599999999999998 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["green-pita-wooden-splinter-particle-small"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/wooden-particle/wood-splinter-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/wooden-particle/hr-wood-splinter-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, -0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["green-pita-wooden-splinter-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["green-small-grass-vegetation-particle-small-medium"] = { life_time = 900, name = "green-small-grass-vegetation-particle-small-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/vegetation-particle/vegetation-particle-small-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/vegetation-particle/hr-vegetation-particle-small-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 26, line_length = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.8, shift = { 0.0703125, -0.0390625 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.21600000000000001, g = 0.93300000000000001, r = 0.77300000000000004 }, variation_count = 4, width = 20 }, line_length = 12, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["green-small-grass-vegetation-particle-small-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 4, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "lower-object-above-shadow", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/vegetation-particle/vegetation-particle-small-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/vegetation-particle/hr-vegetation-particle-small-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 26, line_length = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.8, shift = { 0.0859375, -0.0390625 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 4, width = 20 }, line_length = 12, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.09375, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["green-small-grass-vegetation-particle-small-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 4, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["green-small-grass-wooden-splinter-particle-small"] = { life_time = 900, name = "green-small-grass-wooden-splinter-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/wooden-particle/wood-splinter-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/wooden-particle/hr-wood-splinter-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, -0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.079000000000000004, g = 0.34100000000000001, r = 0.28299999999999997 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["green-small-grass-wooden-splinter-particle-small"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/wooden-particle/wood-splinter-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/wooden-particle/hr-wood-splinter-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, -0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["green-small-grass-wooden-splinter-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["green-water-lower-particle"] = { life_time = 180, movement_modifier_when_on_ground = 0, name = "green-water-lower-particle", pictures = { sheet = { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/blood-particle/blood-particle.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/blood-particle/hr-blood-particle.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, line_length = 12, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.046875, -0.03125 }, tint = { a = 0.31400000000000001, b = 0.27200000000000002, g = 0.396, r = 0.27800000000000002 }, variation_count = 7, width = 16 }, line_length = 12, shift = { 0.0625, -0.03125 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["green-water-lower-particle"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 7, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "lower-object-above-shadow", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/blood-particle/blood-particle.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/blood-particle/hr-blood-particle.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, line_length = 12, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.078125, -0.03125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 7, width = 16 }, line_length = 12, shift = { 0.09375, -0.03125 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["green-water-lower-particle"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 7, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["green-water-particle"] = { life_time = 180, movement_modifier_when_on_ground = 0, name = "green-water-particle", pictures = { sheet = { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/blood-particle/blood-particle.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/blood-particle/hr-blood-particle.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, line_length = 12, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.046875, -0.03125 }, tint = { a = 0.31400000000000001, b = 0.27200000000000002, g = 0.396, r = 0.27800000000000002 }, variation_count = 7, width = 16 }, line_length = 12, shift = { 0.0625, -0.03125 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["green-water-particle"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 7, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/blood-particle/blood-particle.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/blood-particle/hr-blood-particle.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, line_length = 12, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.078125, -0.03125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 7, width = 16 }, line_length = 12, shift = { 0.09375, -0.03125 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["green-water-particle"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 7, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["gun-turret-metal-particle-big"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "gun-turret-metal-particle-big", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 22, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 44, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0234375 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.45899999999999999, g = 0.49399999999999995, r = 0.54100000000000001 }, variation_count = 10, width = 50 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["gun-turret-metal-particle-big"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 26 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.06, -0.06 }, { 0.06, 0.06 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle", speed_from_center = 0.0070000000000000009, starting_frame_deviation = 5, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 5, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "object", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 22, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 44, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0234375 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 50 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["gun-turret-metal-particle-big"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 26 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["gun-turret-metal-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "gun-turret-metal-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 30, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0234375 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.69399999999999995, g = 0.75300000000000002, r = 0.8 }, variation_count = 10, width = 30 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["gun-turret-metal-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 16 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-small", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 30, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0234375 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 30 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["gun-turret-metal-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 16 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["gun-turret-metal-particle-small"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "gun-turret-metal-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, -0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.41600000000000001, g = 0.44699999999999998, r = 0.49000000000000004 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["gun-turret-metal-particle-small"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, -0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["gun-turret-metal-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["guts-entrails-particle-big"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "guts-entrails-particle-big", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/guts-entrails-particle/guts-entrails-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 38, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/guts-entrails-particle/hr-guts-entrails-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 76, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0390625 }, variation_count = 10, width = 84 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.046875, -0.015625 }, variation_count = 10, width = 42 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/guts-entrails-particle/guts-entrails-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 38, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/guts-entrails-particle/hr-guts-entrails-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 76, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1328125, 0.0390625 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 84 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["guts-entrails-particle-big"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 42 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["guts-entrails-particle-small-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "guts-entrails-particle-small-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/guts-entrails-particle/guts-entrails-small-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/guts-entrails-particle/hr-guts-entrails-small-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 32, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0390625 }, variation_count = 10, width = 32 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.046875 }, variation_count = 10, width = 16 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/guts-entrails-particle/guts-entrails-small-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/guts-entrails-particle/hr-guts-entrails-small-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 32, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1328125, 0.0390625 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 32 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.140625, 0.046875 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["guts-entrails-particle-small-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 16 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["hazard-concrete-left-stone-lower-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "hazard-concrete-left-stone-lower-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 20, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.43099999999999996, g = 0.87300000000000004, r = 1 }, variation_count = 10, width = 18 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["hazard-concrete-left-stone-lower-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-lower-particle-small", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 20, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 18 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["hazard-concrete-left-stone-lower-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["hazard-concrete-left-stone-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "hazard-concrete-left-stone-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 20, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.41099999999999994, g = 0.42000000000000002, r = 0.37199999999999998 }, variation_count = 10, width = 18 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["hazard-concrete-left-stone-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-small", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 20, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 18 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["hazard-concrete-left-stone-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["hazard-concrete-left-stone-particle-small"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "hazard-concrete-left-stone-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.43099999999999996, g = 0.87300000000000004, r = 1 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["hazard-concrete-left-stone-particle-small"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-tiny", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["hazard-concrete-left-stone-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["hazard-concrete-left-stone-particle-tiny"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "hazard-concrete-left-stone-particle-tiny", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 4, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.83499999999999996, g = 0.82899999999999991, r = 0.82899999999999991 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["hazard-concrete-left-stone-particle-tiny"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 4 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 4, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["hazard-concrete-left-stone-particle-tiny"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 4 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["hazard-concrete-right-stone-lower-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "hazard-concrete-right-stone-lower-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 20, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.43099999999999996, g = 0.87300000000000004, r = 1 }, variation_count = 10, width = 18 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["hazard-concrete-right-stone-lower-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-lower-particle-small", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 20, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 18 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["hazard-concrete-right-stone-lower-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["hazard-concrete-right-stone-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "hazard-concrete-right-stone-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 20, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.41099999999999994, g = 0.42000000000000002, r = 0.37199999999999998 }, variation_count = 10, width = 18 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["hazard-concrete-right-stone-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-small", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 20, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 18 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["hazard-concrete-right-stone-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["hazard-concrete-right-stone-particle-small"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "hazard-concrete-right-stone-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.43099999999999996, g = 0.87300000000000004, r = 1 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["hazard-concrete-right-stone-particle-small"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-tiny", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["hazard-concrete-right-stone-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["hazard-concrete-right-stone-particle-tiny"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "hazard-concrete-right-stone-particle-tiny", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 4, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.83499999999999996, g = 0.82899999999999991, r = 0.82899999999999991 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["hazard-concrete-right-stone-particle-tiny"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 4 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 4, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["hazard-concrete-right-stone-particle-tiny"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 4 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["heat-exchanger-metal-particle-big"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "heat-exchanger-metal-particle-big", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 22, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 44, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0234375 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.58499999999999996, g = 0.64400000000000004, r = 0.61399999999999997 }, variation_count = 10, width = 50 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["heat-exchanger-metal-particle-big"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 26 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.06, -0.06 }, { 0.06, 0.06 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle", speed_from_center = 0.0070000000000000009, starting_frame_deviation = 5, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 5, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "object", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 22, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 44, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0234375 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 50 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["heat-exchanger-metal-particle-big"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 26 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["heat-exchanger-metal-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "heat-exchanger-metal-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 30, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0234375 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.89499999999999993, g = 1, r = 0.94599999999999991 }, variation_count = 10, width = 30 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["heat-exchanger-metal-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 16 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-small", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "object", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 30, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0234375 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 30 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["heat-exchanger-metal-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 16 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["heat-exchanger-metal-particle-small"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "heat-exchanger-metal-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, -0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.54300000000000006, g = 0.66300000000000008, r = 0.74299999999999997 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["heat-exchanger-metal-particle-small"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, -0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["heat-exchanger-metal-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["heat-pipe-metal-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "heat-pipe-metal-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 30, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0234375 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.46400000000000006, g = 0.58599999999999994, r = 0.78800000000000008 }, variation_count = 10, width = 30 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["heat-pipe-metal-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 16 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-small", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "object", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 30, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0234375 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 30 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["heat-pipe-metal-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 16 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["heat-pipe-metal-particle-small"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "heat-pipe-metal-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, -0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.70199999999999996, g = 0.70199999999999996, r = 0.70199999999999996 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["heat-pipe-metal-particle-small"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, -0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["heat-pipe-metal-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["huge-rock-stone-particle-big"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "huge-rock-stone-particle-big", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 22, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 44, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0234375 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.296, g = 0.47999999999999998, r = 0.68600000000000003 }, variation_count = 10, width = 36 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["huge-rock-stone-particle-big"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 18 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.06, -0.06 }, { 0.06, 0.06 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle", speed_from_center = 0.0070000000000000009, starting_frame_deviation = 5, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 5, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 22, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 44, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0234375 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 36 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["huge-rock-stone-particle-big"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 18 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["huge-rock-stone-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "huge-rock-stone-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 20, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.296, g = 0.47999999999999998, r = 0.68600000000000003 }, variation_count = 10, width = 18 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["huge-rock-stone-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-small", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 20, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 18 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["huge-rock-stone-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["huge-rock-stone-particle-small"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "huge-rock-stone-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.296, g = 0.47999999999999998, r = 0.68600000000000003 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["huge-rock-stone-particle-small"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-tiny", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["huge-rock-stone-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["huge-rock-stone-particle-tiny"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "huge-rock-stone-particle-tiny", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 4, 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shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["huge-rock-stone-particle-tiny"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 4 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["inserter-metal-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "inserter-metal-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 30, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0234375 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.22400000000000002, g = 0.49100000000000001, r = 0.74900000000000002 }, variation_count = 10, width = 30 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["inserter-metal-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 16 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-small", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "object", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 30, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0234375 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 30 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["inserter-metal-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 16 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["inserter-metal-particle-small"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "inserter-metal-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, -0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.33700000000000001, g = 0.42299999999999995, r = 0.50800000000000001 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["inserter-metal-particle-small"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, -0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["inserter-metal-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["iron-chest-metal-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "iron-chest-metal-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 30, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0234375 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.85700000000000003, g = 0.89900000000000002, r = 0.96199999999999992 }, variation_count = 10, width = 30 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["iron-chest-metal-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 16 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-small", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 30, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0234375 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 30 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["iron-chest-metal-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 16 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["iron-chest-metal-particle-small"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "iron-chest-metal-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, -0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.85700000000000003, g = 0.89900000000000002, r = 0.96199999999999992 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["iron-chest-metal-particle-small"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, -0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["iron-chest-metal-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["iron-ore-particle"] = { 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repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 180, name = "iron-ore-particle", pictures = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/iron-ore-particle/iron-ore-particle-1.png", frame_count = 1, height = 16, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/iron-ore-particle/hr-iron-ore-particle-1.png", frame_count = 1, height = 32, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 32 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 16 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/iron-ore-particle/iron-ore-particle-2.png", frame_count = 1, height = 16, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/iron-ore-particle/hr-iron-ore-particle-2.png", frame_count = 1, height = 32, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 32 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 16 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/iron-ore-particle/iron-ore-particle-3.png", frame_count = 1, height = 16, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/iron-ore-particle/hr-iron-ore-particle-3.png", frame_count = 1, height = 32, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 32 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 16 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/iron-ore-particle/iron-ore-particle-4.png", frame_count = 1, height = 16, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/iron-ore-particle/hr-iron-ore-particle-4.png", frame_count = 1, height = 32, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 32 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 16 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/iron-ore-particle/iron-ore-particle-shadow-1.png", frame_count = 1, height = 16, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/iron-ore-particle/hr-iron-ore-particle-shadow-1.png", frame_count = 1, height = 32, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 32 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 16 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/iron-ore-particle/iron-ore-particle-shadow-2.png", frame_count = 1, height = 16, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/iron-ore-particle/hr-iron-ore-particle-shadow-2.png", frame_count = 1, height = 32, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 32 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 16 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/iron-ore-particle/iron-ore-particle-shadow-3.png", frame_count = 1, height = 16, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/iron-ore-particle/hr-iron-ore-particle-shadow-3.png", frame_count = 1, height = 32, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 32 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 16 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/iron-ore-particle/iron-ore-particle-shadow-4.png", frame_count = 1, height = 16, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/iron-ore-particle/hr-iron-ore-particle-shadow-4.png", frame_count = 1, height = 32, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 32 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 16 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["lab-glass-particle-small"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "lab-glass-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/glass-particle/glass-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/glass-particle/hr-glass-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0859375, 0.0078125 }, variation_count = 10, width = 14 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/glass-particle/glass-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/glass-particle/hr-glass-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1171875, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 14 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["lab-glass-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["lab-long-metal-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "lab-long-metal-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/long-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 46, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-long-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 92, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1171875, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.74199999999999999, g = 0.82099999999999991, r = 0.82799999999999994 }, variation_count = 10, width = 100 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["lab-long-metal-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 50 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-small", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/long-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 46, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-long-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 92, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1484375, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 100 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.140625, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["lab-long-metal-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 50 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["lab-mechanical-component-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "lab-mechanical-component-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/mechanical-components-particle/mechanical-components-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/mechanical-components-particle/hr-mechanical-components-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 22, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, -0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.71499999999999995, g = 0.71499999999999995, r = 0.71499999999999995 }, variation_count = 10, width = 22 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["lab-mechanical-component-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 12 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/mechanical-components-particle/mechanical-components-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/mechanical-components-particle/hr-mechanical-components-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 22, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, -0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 22 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["lab-mechanical-component-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 12 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["lab-metal-particle-big"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "lab-metal-particle-big", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 22, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 44, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0234375 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.74199999999999999, g = 0.82099999999999991, r = 0.82799999999999994 }, variation_count = 10, width = 50 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["lab-metal-particle-big"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 26 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.06, -0.06 }, { 0.06, 0.06 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle", speed_from_center = 0.0070000000000000009, starting_frame_deviation = 5, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 5, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "object", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 22, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 44, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0234375 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 50 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["lab-metal-particle-big"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 26 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["lab-metal-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "lab-metal-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 30, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0234375 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.61200000000000001, g = 0.61200000000000001, r = 0.61200000000000001 }, variation_count = 10, width = 30 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["lab-metal-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 16 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-small", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 30, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0234375 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 30 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["lab-metal-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 16 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["lab-tile-1-stone-lower-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "lab-tile-1-stone-lower-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 20, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.23100000000000001, g = 0.23100000000000001, r = 0.23100000000000001 }, variation_count = 10, width = 18 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["lab-tile-1-stone-lower-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-lower-particle-small", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "lower-object-above-shadow", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 20, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 18 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["lab-tile-1-stone-lower-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["lab-tile-1-stone-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "lab-tile-1-stone-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 20, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.23100000000000001, g = 0.23100000000000001, r = 0.23100000000000001 }, variation_count = 10, width = 18 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["lab-tile-1-stone-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-small", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 20, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 18 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["lab-tile-1-stone-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["lab-tile-1-stone-particle-small"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "lab-tile-1-stone-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.23100000000000001, g = 0.23100000000000001, r = 0.23100000000000001 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["lab-tile-1-stone-particle-small"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-tiny", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["lab-tile-1-stone-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["lab-tile-1-stone-particle-tiny"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "lab-tile-1-stone-particle-tiny", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 4, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.23100000000000001, g = 0.23100000000000001, r = 0.23100000000000001 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["lab-tile-1-stone-particle-tiny"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 4 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 4, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["lab-tile-1-stone-particle-tiny"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 4 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["lab-tile-2-stone-lower-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "lab-tile-2-stone-lower-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 20, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.48200000000000003, g = 0.48200000000000003, r = 0.48200000000000003 }, variation_count = 10, width = 18 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["lab-tile-2-stone-lower-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-small", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "lower-object-above-shadow", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 20, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 18 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["lab-tile-2-stone-lower-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["lab-tile-2-stone-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "lab-tile-2-stone-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 20, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.48200000000000003, g = 0.48200000000000003, r = 0.48200000000000003 }, variation_count = 10, width = 18 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["lab-tile-2-stone-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-small", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 20, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 18 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["lab-tile-2-stone-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["lab-tile-2-stone-particle-small"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "lab-tile-2-stone-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.48200000000000003, g = 0.48200000000000003, r = 0.48200000000000003 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["lab-tile-2-stone-particle-small"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-tiny", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["lab-tile-2-stone-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["lab-tile-2-stone-particle-tiny"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "lab-tile-2-stone-particle-tiny", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 4, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.48200000000000003, g = 0.48200000000000003, r = 0.48200000000000003 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["lab-tile-2-stone-particle-tiny"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 4 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 4, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["lab-tile-2-stone-particle-tiny"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 4 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["lab-tile-white-stone-lower-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "lab-tile-white-stone-lower-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 20, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, variation_count = 10, width = 18 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-lower-particle-small", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "lower-object-above-shadow", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 20, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 18 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["lab-tile-white-stone-lower-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["lab-tile-white-stone-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "lab-tile-white-stone-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 20, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, variation_count = 10, width = 18 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-small", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 20, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 18 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["lab-tile-white-stone-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["lab-tile-white-stone-particle-small"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "lab-tile-white-stone-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-tiny", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["lab-tile-white-stone-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["lab-tile-white-stone-particle-tiny"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "lab-tile-white-stone-particle-tiny", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 4, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, variation_count = 10, width = 4 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 4, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["lab-tile-white-stone-particle-tiny"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 4 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["lamp-glass-particle-small"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "lamp-glass-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/glass-particle/glass-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/glass-particle/hr-glass-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0859375, 0.0078125 }, variation_count = 10, width = 14 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/glass-particle/glass-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/glass-particle/hr-glass-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1171875, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 14 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["lamp-glass-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["lamp-metal-particle-small"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "lamp-metal-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, -0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.84000000000000004, g = 0.84000000000000004, r = 0.84000000000000004 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["lamp-metal-particle-small"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-small", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, -0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["lamp-metal-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["landfill-dust-particle"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, fade_away_duration = 30, life_time = 30, movement_modifier = 0.1, movement_modifier_when_on_ground = 0, name = "landfill-dust-particle", pictures = { sheet = { affected_by_wind = true, animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/smoke-fast/smoke-general.png", frame_count = 16, height = 50, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.254, g = 0.39300000000000001, r = 0.54900000000000002 }, variation_count = 1, width = 50 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "lower-object", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", type = "optimized-particle" }, ["landfill-dust-tank-front-particle"] = { life_time = 30, movement_modifier = 0.1, movement_modifier_when_on_ground = 0, name = "landfill-dust-tank-front-particle", pictures = { sheet = { affected_by_wind = true, animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/smoke-fast/smoke-general.png", frame_count = 16, height = 50, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, tint = { a = 0.50199999999999996, b = 0.10900000000000001, g = 0.16800000000000002, r = 0.23499999999999996 }, variation_count = 1, width = 50 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "lower-object", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", type = "optimized-particle" }, ["landfill-dust-vehicle-particle"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 20, movement_modifier = 0.1, movement_modifier_when_on_ground = 0, name = "landfill-dust-vehicle-particle", pictures = { sheet = { affected_by_wind = true, animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/smoke-fast/smoke-general.png", frame_count = 16, height = 50, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, tint = { a = 0.50199999999999996, b = 0.10900000000000001, g = 0.16800000000000002, r = 0.23499999999999996 }, variation_count = 1, width = 50 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "lower-object", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", type = "optimized-particle" }, ["landfill-stone-character-particle-tiny"] = { life_time = 20, name = "landfill-stone-character-particle-tiny", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 4, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.25099999999999998, g = 0.42000000000000002, r = 0.604 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["landfill-stone-character-particle-tiny"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 4 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "lower-object-above-shadow", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 4, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["landfill-stone-character-particle-tiny"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 4 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["landfill-stone-lower-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "landfill-stone-lower-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 20, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.31099999999999999, g = 0.51699999999999999, r = 0.74900000000000002 }, variation_count = 10, width = 18 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["landfill-stone-lower-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-lower-particle-small", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "lower-object-above-shadow", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 20, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 18 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["landfill-stone-lower-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["landfill-stone-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "landfill-stone-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 20, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.31099999999999999, g = 0.51699999999999999, r = 0.74900000000000002 }, variation_count = 10, width = 18 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["landfill-stone-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-small", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 20, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 18 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["landfill-stone-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["landfill-stone-particle-small"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "landfill-stone-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.31099999999999999, g = 0.51699999999999999, r = 0.74900000000000002 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["landfill-stone-particle-small"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-tiny", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["landfill-stone-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["landfill-stone-particle-tiny"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "landfill-stone-particle-tiny", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 4, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.31099999999999999, g = 0.51699999999999999, r = 0.74900000000000002 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["landfill-stone-particle-tiny"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 4 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 4, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["landfill-stone-particle-tiny"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 4 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["landfill-stone-vehicle-particle-small"] = { life_time = 30, name = "landfill-stone-vehicle-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.25099999999999998, g = 0.42000000000000002, r = 0.604 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["landfill-stone-vehicle-particle-small"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "lower-object-above-shadow", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["landfill-stone-vehicle-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["landfill-stone-vehicle-particle-tiny"] = { life_time = 30, name = "landfill-stone-vehicle-particle-tiny", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 4, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.25099999999999998, g = 0.42000000000000002, r = 0.604 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["landfill-stone-vehicle-particle-tiny"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 4 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "lower-object-above-shadow", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 4, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["landfill-stone-vehicle-particle-tiny"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 4 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["laser-turret-metal-particle-big"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "laser-turret-metal-particle-big", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 22, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 44, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0234375 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.45899999999999999, g = 0.49399999999999995, r = 0.54100000000000001 }, variation_count = 10, width = 50 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["laser-turret-metal-particle-big"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 26 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.06, -0.06 }, { 0.06, 0.06 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle", speed_from_center = 0.0070000000000000009, starting_frame_deviation = 5, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 5, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "object", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 22, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 44, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0234375 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 50 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["laser-turret-metal-particle-big"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 26 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["laser-turret-metal-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "laser-turret-metal-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 30, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0234375 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.69399999999999995, g = 0.75300000000000002, r = 0.8 }, variation_count = 10, width = 30 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["laser-turret-metal-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 16 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-small", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "object", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 30, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0234375 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 30 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["laser-turret-metal-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 16 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["laser-turret-metal-particle-small"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "laser-turret-metal-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, -0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.41600000000000001, g = 0.44699999999999998, r = 0.49000000000000004 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["laser-turret-metal-particle-small"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, -0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["laser-turret-metal-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["leaf-particle"] = { life_time = 180, movement_modifier = 0.9, name = "leaf-particle", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/leaf-particle/new-leaf-particle.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/leaf-particle/hr-new-leaf-particle.png", frame_count = 12, height = 18, line_length = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, -0.0234375 }, variation_count = 10, width = 26 }, line_length = 12, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, -0.015625 }, variation_count = 10, width = 12 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/leaf-particle/new-leaf-particle.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/leaf-particle/hr-new-leaf-particle.png", frame_count = 12, height = 18, line_length = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1484375, -0.0546875 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 26 }, line_length = 12, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.15625, -0.046875 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["leaf-particle"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 12 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["lichen-stone-particle-small"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "lichen-stone-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.45899999999999999, g = 0.46699999999999999, r = 0.70199999999999996 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["lichen-stone-particle-small"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "lower-object-above-shadow", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["lichen-stone-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["lichen-vegetation-particle-small-medium"] = { life_time = 900, movement_modifier = 0.95, name = "lichen-vegetation-particle-small-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/vegetation-particle/vegetation-particle-small-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/vegetation-particle/hr-vegetation-particle-small-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 26, line_length = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, -0.0390625 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.18799999999999999, g = 0.42400000000000002, r = 0.41200000000000001 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, line_length = 12, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["lichen-vegetation-particle-small-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "lower-object-above-shadow", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/vegetation-particle/vegetation-particle-small-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/vegetation-particle/hr-vegetation-particle-small-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 26, line_length = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0859375, -0.0390625 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, line_length = 12, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.09375, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["lichen-vegetation-particle-small-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["locomotive-mechanical-component-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "locomotive-mechanical-component-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/mechanical-components-particle/mechanical-components-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/mechanical-components-particle/hr-mechanical-components-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 22, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, -0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.53600000000000003, g = 0.58199999999999994, r = 0.63100000000000005 }, variation_count = 10, width = 22 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["locomotive-mechanical-component-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 12 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/mechanical-components-particle/mechanical-components-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/mechanical-components-particle/hr-mechanical-components-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 22, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, -0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 22 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["locomotive-mechanical-component-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 12 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["locomotive-metal-particle-big"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "locomotive-metal-particle-big", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 22, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 44, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0234375 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.51500000000000004, g = 0.51500000000000004, r = 0.51500000000000004 }, variation_count = 10, width = 50 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["locomotive-metal-particle-big"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 26 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.06, -0.06 }, { 0.06, 0.06 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle", speed_from_center = 0.0070000000000000009, starting_frame_deviation = 5, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 5, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "object", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 22, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 44, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0234375 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 50 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["locomotive-metal-particle-big"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 26 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["locomotive-metal-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "locomotive-metal-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 30, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0234375 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.55600000000000005, g = 0.59799999999999995, r = 0.70099999999999998 }, variation_count = 10, width = 30 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["locomotive-metal-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 16 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-small", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 30, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0234375 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 30 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["locomotive-metal-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 16 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["locomotive-metal-particle-small"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "locomotive-metal-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, -0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.81100000000000012, g = 0.81100000000000012, r = 0.81100000000000012 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["locomotive-metal-particle-small"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, -0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["locomotive-metal-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["logistic-robot-dying-particle"] = { ended_on_ground_trigger_effect = { { entity_name = "logistic-robot-remnants", offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, type = "create-entity" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["construction-robot-dying-particle"].ended_on_ground_trigger_effect[2].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 1000, movement_modifier = 0.95, name = "logistic-robot-dying-particle", pictures = { { animation_speed = 1, direction_count = 0, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/logistic-robot/logistic-robot.png", frame_count = 16, height = 42, hr_version = { animation_speed = 1, direction_count = 0, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/logistic-robot/hr-logistic-robot.png", frame_count = 16, height = 84, line_length = 16, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.09375 }, width = 80, y = 252 }, line_length = 16, priority = "high", shift = { 0, -0.09375 }, width = 41, y = 126 }, { animation_speed = 1, direction_count = 0, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/logistic-robot/logistic-robot.png", frame_count = 16, height = 42, hr_version = { animation_speed = 1, direction_count = 0, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/logistic-robot/hr-logistic-robot.png", frame_count = 16, height = 84, line_length = 16, priority = "high", run_mode = "backward", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.09375 }, width = 80, y = 252 }, line_length = 16, priority = "high", run_mode = "backward", shift = { 0, -0.09375 }, width = 41, y = 126 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { { probability = 0.5, smoke_name = "smoke-fast", starting_frame_deviation = 5, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, { initial_height = 0.2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.15, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.25, -0.25 }, { 0.25, 0.25 } }, particle_name = "spark-particle", probability = 0.2, speed_from_center = 0.1, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, tail_length = 10, tail_length_deviation = 5, tail_width = 5, type = "create-particle" } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, shadows = { { animation_speed = 1, direction_count = 0, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/logistic-robot/logistic-robot-shadow.png", frame_count = 16, height = 29, hr_version = { animation_speed = 1, direction_count = 0, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/logistic-robot/hr-logistic-robot-shadow.png", frame_count = 16, height = 57, line_length = 16, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.2421875, 0.2171875 }, width = 115, y = 171 }, line_length = 16, priority = "high", shift = { 0.25, 0.209375 }, width = 58, y = 29 }, { animation_speed = 1, direction_count = 0, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/logistic-robot/logistic-robot-shadow.png", frame_count = 16, height = 29, hr_version = { animation_speed = 1, direction_count = 0, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/logistic-robot/hr-logistic-robot-shadow.png", frame_count = 16, height = 57, line_length = 16, priority = "high", run_mode = "backward", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.2421875, 0.2171875 }, width = 115, y = 171 }, line_length = 16, priority = "high", run_mode = "backward", shift = { 0.25, 0.209375 }, width = 58, y = 29 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["logistic-robot-metal-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "logistic-robot-metal-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 30, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0234375 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.6870000000000001, g = 0.72699999999999996, r = 0.75300000000000002 }, variation_count = 10, width = 30 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["logistic-robot-metal-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 16 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-small", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "object", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 30, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0234375 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 30 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["logistic-robot-metal-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 16 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["logistic-robot-metal-particle-small"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "logistic-robot-metal-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, -0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.46899999999999995, g = 0.46899999999999995, r = 0.46899999999999995 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["logistic-robot-metal-particle-small"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, -0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["logistic-robot-metal-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["long-handed-inserter-metal-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "long-handed-inserter-metal-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 30, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0234375 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.32400000000000002, g = 0.32400000000000002, r = 0.79700000000000006 }, variation_count = 10, width = 30 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["long-handed-inserter-metal-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 16 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-small", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "object", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 30, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0234375 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 30 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["long-handed-inserter-metal-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 16 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["long-handed-inserter-metal-particle-small"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "long-handed-inserter-metal-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, -0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.54500000000000002, g = 0.60099999999999998, r = 0.72699999999999996 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["long-handed-inserter-metal-particle-small"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, -0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["long-handed-inserter-metal-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["long-metal-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "long-metal-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/long-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 46, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-long-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 92, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1171875, 0.0078125 }, variation_count = 10, width = 100 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, variation_count = 10, width = 50 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-small", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/long-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 46, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-long-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 92, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1484375, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 100 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.140625, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["long-metal-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 50 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["medium-electric-pole-long-metal-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "medium-electric-pole-long-metal-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/long-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 46, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-long-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 92, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1171875, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.39800000000000004, g = 0.65099999999999998, r = 0.90999999999999996 }, variation_count = 10, width = 100 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["medium-electric-pole-long-metal-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 50 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-small", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "object", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/long-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 46, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-long-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 92, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1484375, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 100 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.140625, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["medium-electric-pole-long-metal-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 50 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["medium-electric-pole-metal-particle-small"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "medium-electric-pole-metal-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, -0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.26900000000000004, g = 0.42400000000000002, r = 0.58300000000000001 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["medium-electric-pole-metal-particle-small"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, -0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["medium-electric-pole-metal-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["medium-rock-stone-particle-small"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "medium-rock-stone-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.296, g = 0.47999999999999998, r = 0.68600000000000003 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["medium-rock-stone-particle-small"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["medium-rock-stone-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["medium-rock-stone-particle-tiny"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "medium-rock-stone-particle-tiny", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 4, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.296, g = 0.47999999999999998, r = 0.68600000000000003 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["medium-rock-stone-particle-tiny"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 4 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 4, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["medium-rock-stone-particle-tiny"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 4 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["medium-sand-rock-stone-particle-small"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "medium-sand-rock-stone-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.296, g = 0.47999999999999998, r = 0.68600000000000003 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["medium-sand-rock-stone-particle-small"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["medium-sand-rock-stone-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["medium-sand-rock-stone-particle-tiny"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "medium-sand-rock-stone-particle-tiny", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 4, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.296, g = 0.47999999999999998, r = 0.68600000000000003 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["medium-sand-rock-stone-particle-tiny"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 4 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 4, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["medium-sand-rock-stone-particle-tiny"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 4 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["metal-particle-big"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "metal-particle-big", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 22, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 44, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0234375 }, variation_count = 10, width = 50 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, variation_count = 10, width = 26 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.06, -0.06 }, { 0.06, 0.06 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle", speed_from_center = 0.0070000000000000009, starting_frame_deviation = 5, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 5, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 22, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 44, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0234375 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 50 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["metal-particle-big"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 26 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["metal-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "metal-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 30, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0234375 }, variation_count = 10, width = 30 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, variation_count = 10, width = 16 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-small", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 30, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0234375 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 30 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["metal-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 16 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["metal-particle-small"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "metal-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, -0.0078125 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, -0.015625 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-small", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, -0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["metal-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["nuclear-ground-dust-particle"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, fade_away_duration = 30, life_time = 30, movement_modifier = 0.1, movement_modifier_when_on_ground = 0, name = "nuclear-ground-dust-particle", pictures = { sheet = { affected_by_wind = true, animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/smoke-fast/smoke-general.png", frame_count = 16, height = 50, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.18599999999999998, g = 0.23700000000000001, r = 0.29399999999999999 }, variation_count = 1, width = 50 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "lower-object", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", type = "optimized-particle" }, ["nuclear-ground-dust-tank-front-particle"] = { life_time = 30, movement_modifier = 0.1, movement_modifier_when_on_ground = 0, name = "nuclear-ground-dust-tank-front-particle", pictures = { sheet = { affected_by_wind = true, animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/smoke-fast/smoke-general.png", frame_count = 16, height = 50, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, tint = { a = 0.50199999999999996, b = 0.096999999999999993, g = 0.125, r = 0.15700000000000001 }, variation_count = 1, width = 50 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "lower-object", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", type = "optimized-particle" }, ["nuclear-ground-dust-vehicle-particle"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 20, movement_modifier = 0.1, movement_modifier_when_on_ground = 0, name = "nuclear-ground-dust-vehicle-particle", pictures = { sheet = { affected_by_wind = true, animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/smoke-fast/smoke-general.png", frame_count = 16, height = 50, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, tint = { a = 0.50199999999999996, b = 0.096999999999999993, g = 0.125, r = 0.15700000000000001 }, variation_count = 1, width = 50 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "lower-object", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", type = "optimized-particle" }, ["nuclear-ground-stone-character-particle-tiny"] = { life_time = 20, name = "nuclear-ground-stone-character-particle-tiny", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 4, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.26900000000000004, g = 0.34899999999999998, r = 0.43899999999999997 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["nuclear-ground-stone-character-particle-tiny"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 4 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "lower-object-above-shadow", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 4, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["nuclear-ground-stone-character-particle-tiny"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 4 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["nuclear-ground-stone-lower-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "nuclear-ground-stone-lower-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 20, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.26900000000000004, g = 0.34899999999999998, r = 0.43899999999999997 }, variation_count = 10, width = 18 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["nuclear-ground-stone-lower-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-lower-particle-small", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "lower-object-above-shadow", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 20, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 18 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["nuclear-ground-stone-lower-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["nuclear-ground-stone-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "nuclear-ground-stone-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 20, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.26900000000000004, g = 0.34899999999999998, r = 0.43899999999999997 }, variation_count = 10, width = 18 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["nuclear-ground-stone-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-small", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 20, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 18 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["nuclear-ground-stone-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["nuclear-ground-stone-particle-small"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "nuclear-ground-stone-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.26900000000000004, g = 0.34899999999999998, r = 0.43899999999999997 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["nuclear-ground-stone-particle-small"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-tiny", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["nuclear-ground-stone-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["nuclear-ground-stone-particle-tiny"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "nuclear-ground-stone-particle-tiny", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 4, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.26900000000000004, g = 0.34899999999999998, r = 0.43899999999999997 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["nuclear-ground-stone-particle-tiny"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 4 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 4, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["nuclear-ground-stone-particle-tiny"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 4 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["nuclear-ground-stone-vehicle-particle-small"] = { life_time = 30, name = "nuclear-ground-stone-vehicle-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.26900000000000004, g = 0.34899999999999998, r = 0.43899999999999997 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["nuclear-ground-stone-vehicle-particle-small"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "lower-object-above-shadow", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["nuclear-ground-stone-vehicle-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["nuclear-ground-stone-vehicle-particle-tiny"] = { life_time = 30, name = "nuclear-ground-stone-vehicle-particle-tiny", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 4, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.26900000000000004, g = 0.34899999999999998, r = 0.43899999999999997 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["nuclear-ground-stone-vehicle-particle-tiny"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 4 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "lower-object-above-shadow", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 4, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["nuclear-ground-stone-vehicle-particle-tiny"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 4 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["nuclear-reactor-glass-particle-small"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "nuclear-reactor-glass-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/glass-particle/glass-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/glass-particle/hr-glass-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0859375, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.56999999999999993, g = 1, r = 0.621 }, variation_count = 10, width = 14 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["nuclear-reactor-glass-particle-small"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/glass-particle/glass-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/glass-particle/hr-glass-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1171875, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 14 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["nuclear-reactor-glass-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["nuclear-reactor-mechanical-component-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "nuclear-reactor-mechanical-component-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/mechanical-components-particle/mechanical-components-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/mechanical-components-particle/hr-mechanical-components-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 22, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, -0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.68000000000000007, g = 0.76600000000000001, r = 0.85899999999999999 }, variation_count = 10, width = 22 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["nuclear-reactor-mechanical-component-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 12 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/mechanical-components-particle/mechanical-components-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/mechanical-components-particle/hr-mechanical-components-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 22, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, -0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 22 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["nuclear-reactor-mechanical-component-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 12 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["nuclear-reactor-metal-particle-big"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "nuclear-reactor-metal-particle-big", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 22, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 44, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0234375 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.78000000000000007, g = 0.90199999999999996, r = 0.89800000000000004 }, variation_count = 10, width = 50 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["nuclear-reactor-metal-particle-big"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 26 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.06, -0.06 }, { 0.06, 0.06 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle", speed_from_center = 0.0070000000000000009, starting_frame_deviation = 5, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 5, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 22, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 44, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0234375 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 50 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["nuclear-reactor-metal-particle-big"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 26 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["nuclear-reactor-metal-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "nuclear-reactor-metal-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 30, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0234375 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.70499999999999998, g = 0.70499999999999998, r = 0.70499999999999998 }, variation_count = 10, width = 30 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["nuclear-reactor-metal-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 16 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-small", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 30, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0234375 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 30 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["nuclear-reactor-metal-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 16 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["nuclear-reactor-metal-particle-small"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "nuclear-reactor-metal-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, -0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.78000000000000007, g = 0.90199999999999996, r = 0.89800000000000004 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["nuclear-reactor-metal-particle-small"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, -0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["nuclear-reactor-metal-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["offshore-pump-glass-particle-small"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "offshore-pump-glass-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/glass-particle/glass-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/glass-particle/hr-glass-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0859375, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 1, g = 1, r = 1 }, variation_count = 10, width = 14 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["offshore-pump-glass-particle-small"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/glass-particle/glass-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/glass-particle/hr-glass-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1171875, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 14 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["offshore-pump-glass-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["offshore-pump-mechanical-component-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "offshore-pump-mechanical-component-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/mechanical-components-particle/mechanical-components-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/mechanical-components-particle/hr-mechanical-components-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 22, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, -0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.68000000000000007, g = 0.76600000000000001, r = 0.85899999999999999 }, variation_count = 10, width = 22 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["offshore-pump-mechanical-component-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 12 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/mechanical-components-particle/mechanical-components-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/mechanical-components-particle/hr-mechanical-components-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 22, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, -0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 22 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["offshore-pump-mechanical-component-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 12 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["offshore-pump-metal-particle-big"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "offshore-pump-metal-particle-big", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 22, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 44, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0234375 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.43499999999999996, g = 0.45499999999999998, r = 0.50199999999999996 }, variation_count = 10, width = 50 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["offshore-pump-metal-particle-big"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 26 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.06, -0.06 }, { 0.06, 0.06 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle", speed_from_center = 0.0070000000000000009, starting_frame_deviation = 5, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 5, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "object", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 22, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 44, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0234375 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 50 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["offshore-pump-metal-particle-big"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 26 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["offshore-pump-metal-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "offshore-pump-metal-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 30, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0234375 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.51799999999999997, g = 0.54500000000000002, r = 0.6 }, variation_count = 10, width = 30 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["offshore-pump-metal-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 16 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-small", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "object", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 30, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0234375 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 30 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["offshore-pump-metal-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 16 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["offshore-pump-metal-particle-small"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "offshore-pump-metal-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, -0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.22400000000000002, g = 0.6, r = 0.77599999999999998 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["offshore-pump-metal-particle-small"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, -0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["offshore-pump-metal-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["oil-refinery-long-metal-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "oil-refinery-long-metal-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/long-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 46, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-long-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 92, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1171875, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.50600000000000005, g = 0.62000000000000002, r = 0.65099999999999998 }, variation_count = 10, width = 100 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["oil-refinery-long-metal-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 50 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-small", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "object", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/long-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 46, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-long-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 92, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1484375, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 100 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.140625, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["oil-refinery-long-metal-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 50 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["oil-refinery-metal-particle-big"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "oil-refinery-metal-particle-big", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 22, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 44, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0234375 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.30600000000000001, g = 0.37999999999999998, r = 0.38799999999999999 }, variation_count = 10, width = 50 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["oil-refinery-metal-particle-big"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 26 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.06, -0.06 }, { 0.06, 0.06 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle", speed_from_center = 0.0070000000000000009, starting_frame_deviation = 5, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 5, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 22, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 44, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0234375 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 50 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["oil-refinery-metal-particle-big"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 26 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["oil-refinery-metal-particle-big-tint"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "oil-refinery-metal-particle-big-tint", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 22, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 44, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0234375 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.204, g = 0.34899999999999998, r = 0.45499999999999998 }, variation_count = 10, width = 50 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["oil-refinery-metal-particle-big-tint"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 26 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.06, -0.06 }, { 0.06, 0.06 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle", speed_from_center = 0.0070000000000000009, starting_frame_deviation = 5, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 5, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 22, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 44, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0234375 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 50 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["oil-refinery-metal-particle-big-tint"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 26 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["oil-refinery-metal-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "oil-refinery-metal-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 30, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0234375 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.58599999999999994, g = 0.65899999999999999, r = 0.65800000000000001 }, variation_count = 10, width = 30 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["oil-refinery-metal-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 16 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 30, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0234375 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 30 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["oil-refinery-metal-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 16 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["oil-refinery-metal-particle-small"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "oil-refinery-metal-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, -0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.30600000000000001, g = 0.37999999999999998, r = 0.38799999999999999 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["oil-refinery-metal-particle-small"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, -0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["oil-refinery-metal-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["old-leaf-particle"] = { life_time = 180, movement_modifier = 0.9, name = "old-leaf-particle", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/leaf-particle/leaf-particle.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/leaf-particle/hr-leaf-particle.png", frame_count = 12, height = 18, line_length = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, -0.0234375 }, variation_count = 10, width = 26 }, line_length = 12, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, -0.015625 }, variation_count = 10, width = 12 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/leaf-particle/leaf-particle.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/leaf-particle/hr-leaf-particle.png", frame_count = 12, height = 18, line_length = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1484375, -0.0546875 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 26 }, line_length = 12, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.15625, -0.046875 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["old-leaf-particle"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 12 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["passive-provider-chest-metal-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "passive-provider-chest-metal-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 30, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0234375 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.63100000000000005, g = 0.63100000000000005, r = 0.63100000000000005 }, variation_count = 10, width = 30 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["passive-provider-chest-metal-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 16 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-small", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "object", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 30, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0234375 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 30 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["passive-provider-chest-metal-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 16 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["passive-provider-chest-metal-particle-small"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "passive-provider-chest-metal-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, -0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.42400000000000002, g = 0.42400000000000002, r = 0.8129999999999999 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["passive-provider-chest-metal-particle-small"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, -0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["passive-provider-chest-metal-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["pipe-glass-particle-small"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "pipe-glass-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/glass-particle/glass-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/glass-particle/hr-glass-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0859375, 0.0078125 }, variation_count = 10, width = 14 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/glass-particle/glass-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/glass-particle/hr-glass-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1171875, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 14 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["pipe-glass-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["pipe-metal-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "pipe-metal-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 30, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0234375 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.44699999999999998, g = 0.55500000000000007, r = 0.64800000000000004 }, variation_count = 10, width = 30 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["pipe-metal-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 16 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-small", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "object", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 30, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0234375 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 30 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["pipe-metal-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 16 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["pipe-metal-particle-small"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "pipe-metal-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, -0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.65099999999999998, g = 0.73899999999999997, r = 0.81000000000000014 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["pipe-metal-particle-small"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, -0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["pipe-metal-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["pipe-to-ground-metal-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "pipe-to-ground-metal-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 30, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0234375 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.44699999999999998, g = 0.55500000000000007, r = 0.64800000000000004 }, variation_count = 10, width = 30 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["pipe-to-ground-metal-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 16 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-small", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "object", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 30, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0234375 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 30 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["pipe-to-ground-metal-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 16 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["pipe-to-ground-metal-particle-small"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "pipe-to-ground-metal-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, -0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.65099999999999998, g = 0.73899999999999997, r = 0.81000000000000014 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["pipe-to-ground-metal-particle-small"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, -0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["pipe-to-ground-metal-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["poison-capsule-metal-particle"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "poison-capsule-metal-particle", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, -0.0078125 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, -0.015625 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "poison-capsule-particle-smoke", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, -0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["poison-capsule-metal-particle"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["pole-spark-particle"] = { life_time = 20, movement_modifier_when_on_ground = 0, name = "pole-spark-particle", pictures = { sheet = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/pole-sparks/pole-sparks.png", frame_count = 12, height = 4, hr_version = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/pole-sparks/hr-pole-sparks.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, line_length = 12, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, 0 }, variation_count = 3, width = 6 }, line_length = 12, shift = { 0, 0 }, variation_count = 3, width = 4 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "air-object", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", type = "optimized-particle" }, ["power-switch-metal-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "power-switch-metal-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 30, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0234375 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.52800000000000002, g = 0.52800000000000002, r = 0.52800000000000002 }, variation_count = 10, width = 30 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["power-switch-metal-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 16 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-small", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "object", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 30, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0234375 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 30 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["power-switch-metal-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 16 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["power-switch-metal-particle-small"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "power-switch-metal-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, -0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.67800000000000002, g = 0.5620000000000001, r = 0.429 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["power-switch-metal-particle-small"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, -0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["power-switch-metal-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["programmable-speaker-metal-particle-small"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "programmable-speaker-metal-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, -0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.48799999999999999, g = 0.58899999999999997, r = 0.59900000000000002 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["programmable-speaker-metal-particle-small"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, -0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["programmable-speaker-metal-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["programmable-speaker-wooden-splinter-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "programmable-speaker-wooden-splinter-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/wooden-particle/wood-splinter-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/wooden-particle/hr-wood-splinter-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 20, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.65899999999999999, g = 0.78600000000000003, r = 0.89499999999999993 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.0703125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["programmable-speaker-wooden-splinter-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-small", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "object", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/wooden-particle/wood-splinter-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/wooden-particle/hr-wood-splinter-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 20, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.1015625, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["programmable-speaker-wooden-splinter-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["programmable-speaker-wooden-splinter-particle-small"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "programmable-speaker-wooden-splinter-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/wooden-particle/wood-splinter-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/wooden-particle/hr-wood-splinter-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, -0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.44500000000000002, g = 0.525, r = 0.59499999999999993 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["programmable-speaker-wooden-splinter-particle-small"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/wooden-particle/wood-splinter-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/wooden-particle/hr-wood-splinter-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, -0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["programmable-speaker-wooden-splinter-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["pump-glass-particle-small"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "pump-glass-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/glass-particle/glass-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/glass-particle/hr-glass-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0859375, 0.0078125 }, variation_count = 10, width = 14 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/glass-particle/glass-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/glass-particle/hr-glass-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1171875, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 14 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["pump-glass-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["pump-metal-particle-big"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "pump-metal-particle-big", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 22, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 44, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0234375 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.36699999999999999, g = 0.45800000000000001, r = 0.53900000000000006 }, variation_count = 10, width = 50 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["pump-metal-particle-big"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 26 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.06, -0.06 }, { 0.06, 0.06 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle", speed_from_center = 0.0070000000000000009, starting_frame_deviation = 5, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 5, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "object", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 22, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 44, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0234375 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 50 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["pump-metal-particle-big"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 26 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["pump-metal-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "pump-metal-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 30, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0234375 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.71999999999999993, g = 0.71999999999999993, r = 0.71999999999999993 }, variation_count = 10, width = 30 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["pump-metal-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 16 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-small", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "object", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 30, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0234375 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 30 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["pump-metal-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 16 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["pump-metal-particle-small"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "pump-metal-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, -0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.56899999999999995, g = 0.62599999999999998, r = 0.71999999999999993 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["pump-metal-particle-small"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, -0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["pump-metal-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["pumpjack-mechanical-component-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "pumpjack-mechanical-component-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/mechanical-components-particle/mechanical-components-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/mechanical-components-particle/hr-mechanical-components-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 22, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, -0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.68000000000000007, g = 0.76600000000000001, r = 0.85899999999999999 }, variation_count = 10, width = 22 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["pumpjack-mechanical-component-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 12 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/mechanical-components-particle/mechanical-components-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/mechanical-components-particle/hr-mechanical-components-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 22, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, -0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 22 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["pumpjack-mechanical-component-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 12 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["pumpjack-metal-particle-big"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "pumpjack-metal-particle-big", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 22, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 44, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0234375 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.35299999999999998, g = 0.57599999999999998, r = 0.37999999999999998 }, variation_count = 10, width = 50 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["pumpjack-metal-particle-big"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 26 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.06, -0.06 }, { 0.06, 0.06 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle", speed_from_center = 0.0070000000000000009, starting_frame_deviation = 5, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 5, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 22, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 44, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0234375 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 50 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["pumpjack-metal-particle-big"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 26 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["pumpjack-metal-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "pumpjack-metal-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 30, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0234375 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.35299999999999998, g = 0.57599999999999998, r = 0.37999999999999998 }, variation_count = 10, width = 30 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["pumpjack-metal-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 16 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-small", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "object", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 30, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0234375 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 30 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["pumpjack-metal-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 16 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["pumpjack-metal-particle-small"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "pumpjack-metal-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, -0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.454, g = 0.58599999999999994, r = 0.71499999999999995 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["pumpjack-metal-particle-small"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, -0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["pumpjack-metal-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["radar-long-metal-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "radar-long-metal-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/long-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 46, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-long-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 92, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1171875, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.68200000000000003, g = 0.85999999999999996, r = 0.83399999999999999 }, variation_count = 10, width = 100 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["radar-long-metal-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 50 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-small", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "object", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/long-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 46, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-long-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 92, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1484375, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 100 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.140625, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["radar-long-metal-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 50 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["radar-metal-particle-big"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "radar-metal-particle-big", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 22, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 44, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0234375 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.68200000000000003, g = 0.85899999999999999, r = 0.83499999999999996 }, variation_count = 10, width = 50 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["radar-metal-particle-big"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 26 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.06, -0.06 }, { 0.06, 0.06 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle", speed_from_center = 0.0070000000000000009, starting_frame_deviation = 5, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 5, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "object", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 22, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 44, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0234375 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 50 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["radar-metal-particle-big"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 26 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["radar-metal-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "radar-metal-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 30, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0234375 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.68200000000000003, g = 0.85899999999999999, r = 0.83499999999999996 }, variation_count = 10, width = 30 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["radar-metal-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 16 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-small", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 30, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0234375 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 30 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["radar-metal-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 16 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["radar-metal-particle-small"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "radar-metal-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, -0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.40099999999999998, g = 0.70299999999999994, r = 0.80600000000000005 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["radar-metal-particle-small"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, -0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["radar-metal-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["rail-chain-signal-glass-particle-small"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "rail-chain-signal-glass-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/glass-particle/glass-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/glass-particle/hr-glass-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0859375, 0.0078125 }, variation_count = 10, width = 14 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/glass-particle/glass-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/glass-particle/hr-glass-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1171875, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 14 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["rail-chain-signal-glass-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["rail-chain-signal-metal-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "rail-chain-signal-metal-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 30, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0234375 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.725, g = 0.725, r = 0.725 }, variation_count = 10, width = 30 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["rail-chain-signal-metal-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 16 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-small", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "object", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 30, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0234375 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 30 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["rail-chain-signal-metal-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 16 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["rail-chain-signal-metal-particle-small"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "rail-chain-signal-metal-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, -0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.39000000000000004, g = 0.39000000000000004, r = 0.56599999999999993 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["rail-chain-signal-metal-particle-small"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, -0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["rail-chain-signal-metal-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["rail-long-metal-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "rail-long-metal-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/long-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 46, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-long-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 92, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1171875, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.74900000000000002, g = 0.74900000000000002, r = 0.74900000000000002 }, variation_count = 10, width = 100 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["rail-long-metal-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 50 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-small", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "object", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/long-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 46, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-long-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 92, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1484375, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 100 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.140625, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["rail-long-metal-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 50 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["rail-signal-glass-particle-small"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "rail-signal-glass-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/glass-particle/glass-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/glass-particle/hr-glass-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0859375, 0.0078125 }, variation_count = 10, width = 14 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/glass-particle/glass-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/glass-particle/hr-glass-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1171875, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 14 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["rail-signal-glass-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["rail-signal-glass-particle-small-green"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "rail-signal-glass-particle-small-green", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/glass-particle/glass-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/glass-particle/hr-glass-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0859375, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0, g = 0.64199999999999999, r = 0.141 }, variation_count = 10, width = 14 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["rail-signal-glass-particle-small-green"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/glass-particle/glass-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/glass-particle/hr-glass-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1171875, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 14 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["rail-signal-glass-particle-small-green"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["rail-signal-glass-particle-small-red"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "rail-signal-glass-particle-small-red", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/glass-particle/glass-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/glass-particle/hr-glass-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0859375, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0, g = 0, r = 0.64500000000000002 }, variation_count = 10, width = 14 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["rail-signal-glass-particle-small-red"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/glass-particle/glass-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/glass-particle/hr-glass-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1171875, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 14 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["rail-signal-glass-particle-small-red"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["rail-signal-glass-particle-small-yellow"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "rail-signal-glass-particle-small-yellow", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/glass-particle/glass-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/glass-particle/hr-glass-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0859375, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0, g = 0.64199999999999999, r = 0.61899999999999995 }, variation_count = 10, width = 14 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["rail-signal-glass-particle-small-yellow"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/glass-particle/glass-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/glass-particle/hr-glass-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1171875, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 14 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["rail-signal-glass-particle-small-yellow"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["rail-signal-metal-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "rail-signal-metal-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 30, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0234375 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.55800000000000001, g = 0.55800000000000001, r = 0.55800000000000001 }, variation_count = 10, width = 30 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["rail-signal-metal-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 16 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-small", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "object", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 30, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0234375 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 30 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["rail-signal-metal-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 16 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["rail-signal-metal-particle-small"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "rail-signal-metal-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, -0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.78700000000000001, g = 0.78700000000000001, r = 0.78700000000000001 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["rail-signal-metal-particle-small"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, -0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["rail-signal-metal-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["rail-stone-particle-small"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "rail-stone-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.81499999999999986, g = 0.81499999999999986, r = 0.81499999999999986 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["rail-stone-particle-small"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["rail-stone-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["rail-wooden-splinter-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "rail-wooden-splinter-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/wooden-particle/wood-splinter-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/wooden-particle/hr-wood-splinter-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 20, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.37800000000000002, g = 0.70099999999999998, r = 0.84299999999999997 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.0703125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["rail-wooden-splinter-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-small", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "object", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/wooden-particle/wood-splinter-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/wooden-particle/hr-wood-splinter-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 20, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.1015625, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["rail-wooden-splinter-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["red-asterisk-grass-particle-small-medium"] = { life_time = 900, name = "red-asterisk-grass-particle-small-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/vegetation-particle/vegetation-particle-small-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/vegetation-particle/hr-vegetation-particle-small-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 26, line_length = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.8, shift = { 0.0703125, -0.0390625 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.33200000000000003, g = 0.54100000000000001, r = 0.71799999999999997 }, variation_count = 4, width = 20 }, line_length = 12, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["red-asterisk-grass-particle-small-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 4, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "lower-object-above-shadow", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/vegetation-particle/vegetation-particle-small-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/vegetation-particle/hr-vegetation-particle-small-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 26, line_length = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.8, shift = { 0.0859375, -0.0390625 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 4, width = 20 }, line_length = 12, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.09375, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["red-asterisk-grass-particle-small-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 4, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["red-asterisk-vegetation-particle-small-medium"] = { life_time = 900, name = "red-asterisk-vegetation-particle-small-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/vegetation-particle/vegetation-particle-small-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/vegetation-particle/hr-vegetation-particle-small-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 26, line_length = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, -0.0390625 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.27200000000000002, g = 0.44299999999999997, r = 0.58799999999999999 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, line_length = 12, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["red-asterisk-vegetation-particle-small-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "lower-object-above-shadow", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/vegetation-particle/vegetation-particle-small-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/vegetation-particle/hr-vegetation-particle-small-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 26, line_length = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0859375, -0.0390625 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, line_length = 12, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.09375, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["red-asterisk-vegetation-particle-small-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["red-asterisk-wooden-splinter-particle-small"] = { life_time = 900, name = "red-asterisk-wooden-splinter-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/wooden-particle/wood-splinter-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/wooden-particle/hr-wood-splinter-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, -0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.196, g = 0.32200000000000002, r = 0.42400000000000002 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["red-asterisk-wooden-splinter-particle-small"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/wooden-particle/wood-splinter-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/wooden-particle/hr-wood-splinter-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, -0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["red-asterisk-wooden-splinter-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["red-croton-vegetation-particle-small-medium"] = { life_time = 900, movement_modifier = 0.95, name = "red-croton-vegetation-particle-small-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/vegetation-particle/vegetation-particle-small-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/vegetation-particle/hr-vegetation-particle-small-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 26, line_length = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, -0.0390625 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.26200000000000001, g = 0.40999999999999996, r = 0.89000000000000004 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, line_length = 12, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["red-croton-vegetation-particle-small-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "lower-object-above-shadow", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/vegetation-particle/vegetation-particle-small-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/vegetation-particle/hr-vegetation-particle-small-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 26, line_length = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0859375, -0.0390625 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, line_length = 12, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.09375, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["red-croton-vegetation-particle-small-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["red-croton-wooden-splinter-particle-small"] = { life_time = 900, movement_modifier = 0.95, name = "red-croton-wooden-splinter-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/wooden-particle/wood-splinter-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/wooden-particle/hr-wood-splinter-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, -0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.13100000000000001, g = 0.23000000000000003, r = 0.28599999999999998 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["red-croton-wooden-splinter-particle-small"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/wooden-particle/wood-splinter-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/wooden-particle/hr-wood-splinter-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, -0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["red-croton-wooden-splinter-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["red-desert-0-dust-particle"] = { fade_away_duration = 40, life_time = 30, movement_modifier = 0.1, movement_modifier_when_on_ground = 0, name = "red-desert-0-dust-particle", pictures = { sheet = { affected_by_wind = true, animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/smoke-fast/smoke-general.png", frame_count = 16, height = 50, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.26500000000000004, g = 0.53000000000000007, r = 0.77599999999999998 }, variation_count = 1, width = 50 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "lower-object", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", type = "optimized-particle" }, ["red-desert-0-dust-tank-front-particle"] = { life_time = 30, movement_modifier = 0.1, movement_modifier_when_on_ground = 0, name = "red-desert-0-dust-tank-front-particle", pictures = { sheet = { affected_by_wind = true, animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/smoke-fast/smoke-general.png", frame_count = 16, height = 50, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, tint = { a = 0.50199999999999996, b = 0.11200000000000001, g = 0.225, r = 0.329 }, variation_count = 1, width = 50 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "lower-object", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", type = "optimized-particle" }, ["red-desert-0-dust-vehicle-particle"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 20, movement_modifier = 0.1, movement_modifier_when_on_ground = 0, name = "red-desert-0-dust-vehicle-particle", pictures = { sheet = { affected_by_wind = true, animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/smoke-fast/smoke-general.png", frame_count = 16, height = 50, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.20800000000000001, g = 0.40899999999999999, r = 0.61600000000000001 }, variation_count = 1, width = 50 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "lower-object", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", type = "optimized-particle" }, ["red-desert-0-stone-character-particle-tiny"] = { life_time = 20, name = "red-desert-0-stone-character-particle-tiny", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 4, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.329, g = 0.66100000000000003, r = 1 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["red-desert-0-stone-character-particle-tiny"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 4 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "lower-object-above-shadow", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 4, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["red-desert-0-stone-character-particle-tiny"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 4 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["red-desert-0-stone-lower-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "red-desert-0-stone-lower-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 20, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.329, g = 0.66100000000000003, r = 1 }, variation_count = 10, width = 18 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["red-desert-0-stone-lower-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-lower-particle-small", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "lower-object-above-shadow", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 20, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 18 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["red-desert-0-stone-lower-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["red-desert-0-stone-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "red-desert-0-stone-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 20, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.329, g = 0.66100000000000003, r = 1 }, variation_count = 10, width = 18 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["red-desert-0-stone-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-small", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 20, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 18 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["red-desert-0-stone-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["red-desert-0-stone-particle-small"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "red-desert-0-stone-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.329, g = 0.66100000000000003, r = 1 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["red-desert-0-stone-particle-small"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-tiny", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["red-desert-0-stone-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["red-desert-0-stone-particle-tiny"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "red-desert-0-stone-particle-tiny", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 4, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.329, g = 0.66100000000000003, r = 1 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["red-desert-0-stone-particle-tiny"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 4 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 4, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["red-desert-0-stone-particle-tiny"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 4 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["red-desert-0-stone-vehicle-particle-small"] = { life_time = 30, name = "red-desert-0-stone-vehicle-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.329, g = 0.66100000000000003, r = 1 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["red-desert-0-stone-vehicle-particle-small"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "lower-object-above-shadow", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["red-desert-0-stone-vehicle-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["red-desert-0-stone-vehicle-particle-tiny"] = { life_time = 30, name = "red-desert-0-stone-vehicle-particle-tiny", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 4, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.329, g = 0.66100000000000003, r = 1 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["red-desert-0-stone-vehicle-particle-tiny"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 4 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "lower-object-above-shadow", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 4, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["red-desert-0-stone-vehicle-particle-tiny"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 4 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["red-desert-1-dust-particle"] = { fade_away_duration = 40, life_time = 30, movement_modifier = 0.1, movement_modifier_when_on_ground = 0, name = "red-desert-1-dust-particle", pictures = { sheet = { affected_by_wind = true, animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/smoke-fast/smoke-general.png", frame_count = 16, height = 50, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.29399999999999999, g = 0.58899999999999997, r = 0.8629999999999999 }, variation_count = 1, width = 50 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "lower-object", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", type = "optimized-particle" }, ["red-desert-1-dust-tank-front-particle"] = { life_time = 30, movement_modifier = 0.1, movement_modifier_when_on_ground = 0, name = "red-desert-1-dust-tank-front-particle", pictures = { sheet = { affected_by_wind = true, animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/smoke-fast/smoke-general.png", frame_count = 16, height = 50, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, tint = { a = 0.50199999999999996, b = 0.127, g = 0.254, r = 0.373 }, variation_count = 1, width = 50 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "lower-object", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", type = "optimized-particle" }, ["red-desert-1-dust-vehicle-particle"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 20, movement_modifier = 0.1, movement_modifier_when_on_ground = 0, name = "red-desert-1-dust-vehicle-particle", pictures = { sheet = { affected_by_wind = true, animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/smoke-fast/smoke-general.png", frame_count = 16, height = 50, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, tint = { a = 0.50199999999999996, b = 0.127, g = 0.254, r = 0.373 }, variation_count = 1, width = 50 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "lower-object", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", type = "optimized-particle" }, ["red-desert-1-stone-character-particle-tiny"] = { life_time = 20, name = "red-desert-1-stone-character-particle-tiny", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 4, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.4, g = 0.725, r = 1 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["red-desert-1-stone-character-particle-tiny"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 4 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "lower-object-above-shadow", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 4, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["red-desert-1-stone-character-particle-tiny"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 4 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["red-desert-1-stone-lower-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "red-desert-1-stone-lower-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 20, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.4, g = 0.725, r = 1 }, variation_count = 10, width = 18 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["red-desert-1-stone-lower-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-lower-particle-small", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "lower-object-above-shadow", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 20, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 18 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["red-desert-1-stone-lower-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["red-desert-1-stone-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "red-desert-1-stone-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 20, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.4, g = 0.725, r = 1 }, variation_count = 10, width = 18 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["red-desert-1-stone-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-small", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 20, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 18 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["red-desert-1-stone-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["red-desert-1-stone-particle-small"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "red-desert-1-stone-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.4, g = 0.725, r = 1 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["red-desert-1-stone-particle-small"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-tiny", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["red-desert-1-stone-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["red-desert-1-stone-particle-tiny"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "red-desert-1-stone-particle-tiny", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 4, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.4, g = 0.725, r = 1 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["red-desert-1-stone-particle-tiny"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 4 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 4, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["red-desert-1-stone-particle-tiny"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 4 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["red-desert-1-stone-vehicle-particle-small"] = { life_time = 30, name = "red-desert-1-stone-vehicle-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.4, g = 0.725, r = 1 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["red-desert-1-stone-vehicle-particle-small"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "lower-object-above-shadow", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["red-desert-1-stone-vehicle-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["red-desert-1-stone-vehicle-particle-tiny"] = { life_time = 30, name = "red-desert-1-stone-vehicle-particle-tiny", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 4, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.4, g = 0.725, r = 1 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["red-desert-1-stone-vehicle-particle-tiny"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 4 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "lower-object-above-shadow", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 4, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["red-desert-1-stone-vehicle-particle-tiny"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 4 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["red-desert-2-dust-particle"] = { fade_away_duration = 40, life_time = 30, movement_modifier = 0.1, movement_modifier_when_on_ground = 0, name = "red-desert-2-dust-particle", pictures = { sheet = { affected_by_wind = true, animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/smoke-fast/smoke-general.png", frame_count = 16, height = 50, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.327, g = 0.61299999999999999, r = 0.87799999999999994 }, variation_count = 1, width = 50 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "lower-object", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", type = "optimized-particle" }, ["red-desert-2-dust-tank-front-particle"] = { life_time = 30, movement_modifier = 0.1, movement_modifier_when_on_ground = 0, name = "red-desert-2-dust-tank-front-particle", pictures = { sheet = { affected_by_wind = true, animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/smoke-fast/smoke-general.png", frame_count = 16, height = 50, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, tint = { a = 0.50199999999999996, b = 0.13, g = 0.26000000000000001, r = 0.37999999999999998 }, variation_count = 1, width = 50 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "lower-object", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", type = "optimized-particle" }, ["red-desert-2-dust-vehicle-particle"] = { life_time = 20, movement_modifier = 0.1, movement_modifier_when_on_ground = 0, name = "red-desert-2-dust-vehicle-particle", pictures = { sheet = { affected_by_wind = true, animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/smoke-fast/smoke-general.png", frame_count = 16, height = 50, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, tint = { a = 0.50199999999999996, b = 0.13, g = 0.26000000000000001, r = 0.37999999999999998 }, variation_count = 1, width = 50 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "lower-object", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", type = "optimized-particle" }, ["red-desert-2-stone-character-particle-tiny"] = { life_time = 20, name = "red-desert-2-stone-character-particle-tiny", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 4, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.4, g = 0.725, r = 1 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["red-desert-2-stone-character-particle-tiny"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 4 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "lower-object-above-shadow", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 4, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["red-desert-2-stone-character-particle-tiny"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 4 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["red-desert-2-stone-lower-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "red-desert-2-stone-lower-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 20, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.4, g = 0.725, r = 1 }, variation_count = 10, width = 18 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["red-desert-2-stone-lower-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-lower-particle-small", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "lower-object-above-shadow", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 20, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 18 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["red-desert-2-stone-lower-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["red-desert-2-stone-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "red-desert-2-stone-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 20, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.4, g = 0.725, r = 1 }, variation_count = 10, width = 18 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["red-desert-2-stone-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-small", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 20, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 18 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["red-desert-2-stone-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["red-desert-2-stone-particle-small"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "red-desert-2-stone-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.4, g = 0.725, r = 1 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["red-desert-2-stone-particle-small"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-tiny", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["red-desert-2-stone-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["red-desert-2-stone-particle-tiny"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "red-desert-2-stone-particle-tiny", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 4, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.4, g = 0.725, r = 1 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["red-desert-2-stone-particle-tiny"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 4 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 4, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["red-desert-2-stone-particle-tiny"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 4 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["red-desert-2-stone-vehicle-particle-small"] = { life_time = 30, name = "red-desert-2-stone-vehicle-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.4, g = 0.725, r = 1 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["red-desert-2-stone-vehicle-particle-small"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "lower-object-above-shadow", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["red-desert-2-stone-vehicle-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["red-desert-2-stone-vehicle-particle-tiny"] = { life_time = 30, name = "red-desert-2-stone-vehicle-particle-tiny", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 4, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.4, g = 0.725, r = 1 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["red-desert-2-stone-vehicle-particle-tiny"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 4 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "lower-object-above-shadow", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 4, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["red-desert-2-stone-vehicle-particle-tiny"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 4 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["red-desert-3-dust-particle"] = { fade_away_duration = 40, life_time = 30, movement_modifier = 0.1, movement_modifier_when_on_ground = 0, name = "red-desert-3-dust-particle", pictures = { sheet = { affected_by_wind = true, animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/smoke-fast/smoke-general.png", frame_count = 16, height = 50, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.33400000000000003, g = 0.58999999999999995, r = 0.78800000000000008 }, variation_count = 1, width = 50 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "lower-object", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", type = "optimized-particle" }, ["red-desert-3-dust-tank-front-particle"] = { life_time = 30, movement_modifier = 0.1, movement_modifier_when_on_ground = 0, name = "red-desert-3-dust-tank-front-particle", pictures = { sheet = { affected_by_wind = true, animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/smoke-fast/smoke-general.png", frame_count = 16, height = 50, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, tint = { a = 0.50199999999999996, b = 0.13400000000000001, g = 0.28000000000000004, r = 0.39199999999999999 }, variation_count = 1, width = 50 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "lower-object", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", type = "optimized-particle" }, ["red-desert-3-dust-vehicle-particle"] = { life_time = 20, movement_modifier = 0.1, movement_modifier_when_on_ground = 0, name = "red-desert-3-dust-vehicle-particle", pictures = { sheet = { affected_by_wind = true, animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/smoke-fast/smoke-general.png", frame_count = 16, height = 50, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, tint = { a = 0.50199999999999996, b = 0.13400000000000001, g = 0.28000000000000004, r = 0.39199999999999999 }, variation_count = 1, width = 50 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "lower-object", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", type = "optimized-particle" }, ["red-desert-3-stone-character-particle-tiny"] = { life_time = 30, name = "red-desert-3-stone-character-particle-tiny", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 4, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.4, g = 0.725, r = 1 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["red-desert-3-stone-character-particle-tiny"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 4 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "lower-object-above-shadow", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 4, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["red-desert-3-stone-character-particle-tiny"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 4 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["red-desert-3-stone-lower-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "red-desert-3-stone-lower-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 20, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.4, g = 0.725, r = 1 }, variation_count = 10, width = 18 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["red-desert-3-stone-lower-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-lower-particle-small", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "lower-object-above-shadow", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 20, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 18 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["red-desert-3-stone-lower-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["red-desert-3-stone-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "red-desert-3-stone-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 20, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.4, g = 0.725, r = 1 }, variation_count = 10, width = 18 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["red-desert-3-stone-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-small", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 20, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 18 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["red-desert-3-stone-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["red-desert-3-stone-particle-small"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "red-desert-3-stone-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.4, g = 0.725, r = 1 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["red-desert-3-stone-particle-small"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-tiny", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["red-desert-3-stone-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["red-desert-3-stone-particle-tiny"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "red-desert-3-stone-particle-tiny", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 4, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.4, g = 0.725, r = 1 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["red-desert-3-stone-particle-tiny"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 4 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 4, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["red-desert-3-stone-particle-tiny"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 4 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["red-desert-3-stone-vehicle-particle-small"] = { life_time = 30, name = "red-desert-3-stone-vehicle-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.4, g = 0.725, r = 1 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["red-desert-3-stone-vehicle-particle-small"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "lower-object-above-shadow", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["red-desert-3-stone-vehicle-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["red-desert-3-stone-vehicle-particle-tiny"] = { life_time = 30, name = "red-desert-3-stone-vehicle-particle-tiny", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 4, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.4, g = 0.725, r = 1 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["red-desert-3-stone-vehicle-particle-tiny"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 4 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "lower-object-above-shadow", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 4, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["red-desert-3-stone-vehicle-particle-tiny"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 4 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["red-desert-bush-vegetation-particle-small-medium"] = { life_time = 900, name = "red-desert-bush-vegetation-particle-small-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/vegetation-particle/vegetation-particle-small-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/vegetation-particle/hr-vegetation-particle-small-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 26, line_length = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.8, shift = { 0.0703125, -0.0390625 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.21099999999999999, g = 0.44100000000000001, r = 0.65500000000000007 }, variation_count = 4, width = 20 }, line_length = 12, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["red-desert-bush-vegetation-particle-small-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 4, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "lower-object-above-shadow", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/vegetation-particle/vegetation-particle-small-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/vegetation-particle/hr-vegetation-particle-small-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 26, line_length = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.8, shift = { 0.0859375, -0.0390625 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 4, width = 20 }, line_length = 12, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.09375, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["red-desert-bush-vegetation-particle-small-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 4, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["red-desert-bush-wooden-splinter-particle-small"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "red-desert-bush-wooden-splinter-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/wooden-particle/wood-splinter-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/wooden-particle/hr-wood-splinter-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, -0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.078000000000000007, g = 0.20800000000000001, r = 0.34499999999999997 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["red-desert-bush-wooden-splinter-particle-small"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/wooden-particle/wood-splinter-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/wooden-particle/hr-wood-splinter-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, -0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["red-desert-bush-wooden-splinter-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["red-pita-vegetation-particle-small-medium"] = { life_time = 900, name = "red-pita-vegetation-particle-small-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/vegetation-particle/vegetation-particle-small-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/vegetation-particle/hr-vegetation-particle-small-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 26, line_length = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, -0.0390625 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.21699999999999999, g = 0.39000000000000004, r = 0.78000000000000007 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, line_length = 12, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["red-pita-vegetation-particle-small-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "lower-object-above-shadow", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/vegetation-particle/vegetation-particle-small-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/vegetation-particle/hr-vegetation-particle-small-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 26, line_length = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0859375, -0.0390625 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, line_length = 12, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.09375, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["red-pita-vegetation-particle-small-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["red-pita-wooden-splinter-particle-small"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "red-pita-wooden-splinter-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/wooden-particle/wood-splinter-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/wooden-particle/hr-wood-splinter-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, -0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.22800000000000002, g = 0.30499999999999998, r = 0.43099999999999996 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["red-pita-wooden-splinter-particle-small"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/wooden-particle/wood-splinter-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/wooden-particle/hr-wood-splinter-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, -0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["red-pita-wooden-splinter-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["refined-concrete-stone-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "refined-concrete-stone-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 20, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.83499999999999996, g = 0.82899999999999991, r = 0.82899999999999991 }, variation_count = 10, width = 18 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["refined-concrete-stone-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 20, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 18 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["refined-concrete-stone-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["refined-concrete-stone-particle-small"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "refined-concrete-stone-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.83499999999999996, g = 0.82899999999999991, r = 0.82899999999999991 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["refined-concrete-stone-particle-small"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-tiny", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["refined-concrete-stone-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["refined-concrete-stone-particle-tiny"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "refined-concrete-stone-particle-tiny", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 4, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.83499999999999996, g = 0.82899999999999991, r = 0.82899999999999991 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["refined-concrete-stone-particle-tiny"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 4 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 4, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["refined-concrete-stone-particle-tiny"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 4 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["refined-hazard-concrete-left-stone-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "refined-hazard-concrete-left-stone-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 20, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.41099999999999994, g = 0.42000000000000002, r = 0.37199999999999998 }, variation_count = 10, width = 18 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["refined-hazard-concrete-left-stone-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 20, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 18 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["refined-hazard-concrete-left-stone-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["refined-hazard-concrete-left-stone-particle-small"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "refined-hazard-concrete-left-stone-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.43099999999999996, g = 0.87300000000000004, r = 1 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["refined-hazard-concrete-left-stone-particle-small"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-tiny", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["refined-hazard-concrete-left-stone-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["refined-hazard-concrete-left-stone-particle-tiny"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "refined-hazard-concrete-left-stone-particle-tiny", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 4, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.43099999999999996, g = 0.87300000000000004, r = 1 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["refined-hazard-concrete-left-stone-particle-tiny"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 4 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 4, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["refined-hazard-concrete-left-stone-particle-tiny"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 4 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["refined-hazard-concrete-right-stone-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "refined-hazard-concrete-right-stone-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 20, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.41099999999999994, g = 0.42000000000000002, r = 0.37199999999999998 }, variation_count = 10, width = 18 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["refined-hazard-concrete-right-stone-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 20, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 18 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["refined-hazard-concrete-right-stone-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["refined-hazard-concrete-right-stone-particle-small"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "refined-hazard-concrete-right-stone-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.43099999999999996, g = 0.87300000000000004, r = 1 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["refined-hazard-concrete-right-stone-particle-small"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-tiny", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["refined-hazard-concrete-right-stone-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["refined-hazard-concrete-right-stone-particle-tiny"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "refined-hazard-concrete-right-stone-particle-tiny", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 4, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.44299999999999997, g = 0.44299999999999997, r = 0.4 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["refined-hazard-concrete-right-stone-particle-tiny"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 4 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 4, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["refined-hazard-concrete-right-stone-particle-tiny"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 4 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["repaired-assembling-machine-glass-particle-small"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "repaired-assembling-machine-glass-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/glass-particle/glass-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/glass-particle/hr-glass-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0859375, 0.0078125 }, variation_count = 10, width = 14 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/glass-particle/glass-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/glass-particle/hr-glass-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1171875, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 14 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["repaired-assembling-machine-glass-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["repaired-assembling-machine-long-metal-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "repaired-assembling-machine-long-metal-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/long-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 46, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-long-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 92, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1171875, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.83499999999999996, g = 0.83499999999999996, r = 0.83499999999999996 }, variation_count = 10, width = 100 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["repaired-assembling-machine-long-metal-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 50 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-small", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "object", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/long-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 46, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-long-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 92, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1484375, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 100 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.140625, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["repaired-assembling-machine-long-metal-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 50 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["repaired-assembling-machine-metal-particle-big"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "repaired-assembling-machine-metal-particle-big", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 22, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 44, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0234375 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.48499999999999996, g = 0.48499999999999996, r = 0.48499999999999996 }, variation_count = 10, width = 50 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["repaired-assembling-machine-metal-particle-big"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 26 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.06, -0.06 }, { 0.06, 0.06 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle", speed_from_center = 0.0070000000000000009, starting_frame_deviation = 5, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 5, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "object", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 22, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 44, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0234375 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 50 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["repaired-assembling-machine-metal-particle-big"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 26 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["repaired-assembling-machine-metal-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "repaired-assembling-machine-metal-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 30, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0234375 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.40300000000000002, g = 0.72999999999999998, r = 0.86600000000000001 }, variation_count = 10, width = 30 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["repaired-assembling-machine-metal-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 16 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-small", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 30, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0234375 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 30 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["repaired-assembling-machine-metal-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 16 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["repaired-assembling-machine-metal-particle-small"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "repaired-assembling-machine-metal-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, -0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.504, g = 0.60099999999999998, r = 0.86600000000000001 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["repaired-assembling-machine-metal-particle-small"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, -0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["repaired-assembling-machine-metal-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["repaired-lab-glass-particle-small"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "repaired-lab-glass-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/glass-particle/glass-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/glass-particle/hr-glass-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0859375, 0.0078125 }, variation_count = 10, width = 14 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/glass-particle/glass-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/glass-particle/hr-glass-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1171875, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 14 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["repaired-lab-glass-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["repaired-lab-long-metal-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "repaired-lab-long-metal-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/long-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 46, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-long-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 92, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1171875, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.5620000000000001, g = 0.5620000000000001, r = 0.5620000000000001 }, variation_count = 10, width = 100 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["repaired-lab-long-metal-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 50 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-small", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/long-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 46, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-long-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 92, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1484375, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 100 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.140625, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["repaired-lab-long-metal-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 50 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["repaired-lab-metal-particle-big"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "repaired-lab-metal-particle-big", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 22, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 44, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0234375 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.48499999999999996, g = 0.48499999999999996, r = 0.48499999999999996 }, variation_count = 10, width = 50 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["repaired-lab-metal-particle-big"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 26 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.06, -0.06 }, { 0.06, 0.06 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle", speed_from_center = 0.0070000000000000009, starting_frame_deviation = 5, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 5, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 22, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 44, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0234375 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 50 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["repaired-lab-metal-particle-big"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 26 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["repaired-lab-metal-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "repaired-lab-metal-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 30, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0234375 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.354, g = 0.89700000000000006, r = 0.98000000000000007 }, variation_count = 10, width = 30 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["repaired-lab-metal-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 16 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-small", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 30, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0234375 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 30 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["repaired-lab-metal-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 16 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["repaired-lab-metal-particle-small"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "repaired-lab-metal-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, -0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.354, g = 0.89700000000000006, r = 0.98000000000000007 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["repaired-lab-metal-particle-small"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, -0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["repaired-lab-metal-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["requester-chest-metal-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "requester-chest-metal-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 30, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0234375 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.72599999999999998, g = 0.72599999999999998, r = 0.72599999999999998 }, variation_count = 10, width = 30 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["requester-chest-metal-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 16 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-small", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "object", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 30, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0234375 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 30 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["requester-chest-metal-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 16 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["requester-chest-metal-particle-small"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "requester-chest-metal-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, -0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.97300000000000004, g = 0.81600000000000001, r = 0.56899999999999995 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["requester-chest-metal-particle-small"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, -0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["requester-chest-metal-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["roboport-metal-particle-big"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "roboport-metal-particle-big", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 22, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 44, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0234375 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.69899999999999993, g = 0.69899999999999993, r = 0.69899999999999993 }, variation_count = 10, width = 50 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["roboport-metal-particle-big"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 26 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.06, -0.06 }, { 0.06, 0.06 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle", speed_from_center = 0.0070000000000000009, starting_frame_deviation = 5, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 5, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "object", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 22, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 44, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0234375 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 50 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["roboport-metal-particle-big"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 26 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["roboport-metal-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "roboport-metal-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 30, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0234375 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.77599999999999998, g = 0.62199999999999998, r = 0.45600000000000005 }, variation_count = 10, width = 30 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["roboport-metal-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 16 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-small", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "object", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 30, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0234375 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 30 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["roboport-metal-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 16 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["roboport-metal-particle-small"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "roboport-metal-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, -0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.59100000000000001, g = 0.80700000000000003, r = 0.89199999999999999 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["roboport-metal-particle-small"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, -0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["roboport-metal-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["rock-damage-stone-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "rock-damage-stone-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 20, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.46600000000000001, g = 0.61200000000000001, r = 0.77599999999999998 }, variation_count = 10, width = 18 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["rock-damage-stone-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 20, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 18 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["rock-damage-stone-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["rock-damage-stone-particle-small"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "rock-damage-stone-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.46600000000000001, g = 0.61200000000000001, r = 0.77599999999999998 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["rock-damage-stone-particle-small"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["rock-damage-stone-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["rock-damage-stone-particle-tiny"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "rock-damage-stone-particle-tiny", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 4, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.46600000000000001, g = 0.61200000000000001, r = 0.77599999999999998 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["rock-damage-stone-particle-tiny"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 4 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 4, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["rock-damage-stone-particle-tiny"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 4 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["rocket-silo-mechanical-component-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "rocket-silo-mechanical-component-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/mechanical-components-particle/mechanical-components-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/mechanical-components-particle/hr-mechanical-components-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 22, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, -0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.71499999999999995, g = 0.71499999999999995, r = 0.71499999999999995 }, variation_count = 10, width = 22 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["rocket-silo-mechanical-component-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 12 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/mechanical-components-particle/mechanical-components-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/mechanical-components-particle/hr-mechanical-components-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 22, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, -0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 22 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["rocket-silo-mechanical-component-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 12 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["rocket-silo-metal-particle-big"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "rocket-silo-metal-particle-big", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 22, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 44, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0234375 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.34399999999999995, g = 0.34399999999999995, r = 0.34399999999999995 }, variation_count = 10, width = 50 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["rocket-silo-metal-particle-big"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 26 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.06, -0.06 }, { 0.06, 0.06 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle", speed_from_center = 0.0070000000000000009, starting_frame_deviation = 5, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 5, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "object", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 22, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 44, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0234375 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 50 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["rocket-silo-metal-particle-big"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 26 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["rocket-silo-metal-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "rocket-silo-metal-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 30, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0234375 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.53900000000000006, g = 0.62199999999999998, r = 0.82799999999999994 }, variation_count = 10, width = 30 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["rocket-silo-metal-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 16 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-small", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "object", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 30, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0234375 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 30 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["rocket-silo-metal-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 16 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["rocket-silo-metal-particle-small"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "rocket-silo-metal-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, -0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.45, g = 0.67000000000000002, r = 0.86099999999999994 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["rocket-silo-metal-particle-small"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "object", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, -0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["rocket-silo-metal-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["sand-1-dust-particle"] = { fade_away_duration = 40, life_time = 30, movement_modifier = 0.1, movement_modifier_when_on_ground = 0, name = "sand-1-dust-particle", pictures = { sheet = { affected_by_wind = true, animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/smoke-fast/smoke-general.png", frame_count = 16, height = 50, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.43600000000000003, g = 0.71699999999999999, r = 0.93300000000000001 }, variation_count = 1, width = 50 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "lower-object", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", type = "optimized-particle" }, ["sand-1-dust-tank-front-particle"] = { life_time = 30, movement_modifier = 0.1, movement_modifier_when_on_ground = 0, name = "sand-1-dust-tank-front-particle", pictures = { sheet = { affected_by_wind = true, animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/smoke-fast/smoke-general.png", frame_count = 16, height = 50, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, tint = { a = 0.50199999999999996, b = 0.18900000000000002, g = 0.33300000000000001, r = 0.44299999999999997 }, variation_count = 1, width = 50 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "lower-object", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", type = "optimized-particle" }, ["sand-1-dust-vehicle-particle"] = { life_time = 20, movement_modifier = 0.1, name = "sand-1-dust-vehicle-particle", pictures = { sheet = { affected_by_wind = true, animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/smoke-fast/smoke-general.png", frame_count = 16, height = 50, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, tint = { a = 0.50199999999999996, b = 0.18900000000000002, g = 0.33300000000000001, r = 0.44299999999999997 }, variation_count = 1, width = 50 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", type = "optimized-particle" }, ["sand-1-stone-character-particle-tiny"] = { life_time = 20, name = "sand-1-stone-character-particle-tiny", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 4, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.53800000000000008, g = 0.79900000000000002, r = 1 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["sand-1-stone-character-particle-tiny"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 4 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "lower-object-above-shadow", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 4, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["sand-1-stone-character-particle-tiny"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 4 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["sand-1-stone-lower-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "sand-1-stone-lower-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 20, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.53800000000000008, g = 0.79900000000000002, r = 1 }, variation_count = 10, width = 18 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["sand-1-stone-lower-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-lower-particle-small", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "lower-object-above-shadow", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 20, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 18 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["sand-1-stone-lower-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["sand-1-stone-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "sand-1-stone-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 20, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.53800000000000008, g = 0.79900000000000002, r = 1 }, variation_count = 10, width = 18 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["sand-1-stone-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-small", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 20, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 18 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["sand-1-stone-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["sand-1-stone-particle-small"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "sand-1-stone-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.53800000000000008, g = 0.79900000000000002, r = 1 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["sand-1-stone-particle-small"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-tiny", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["sand-1-stone-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["sand-1-stone-particle-tiny"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "sand-1-stone-particle-tiny", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 4, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.53800000000000008, g = 0.79900000000000002, r = 1 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["sand-1-stone-particle-tiny"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 4 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 4, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["sand-1-stone-particle-tiny"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 4 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["sand-1-stone-vehicle-particle-small"] = { life_time = 30, name = "sand-1-stone-vehicle-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.53800000000000008, g = 0.79900000000000002, r = 1 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["sand-1-stone-vehicle-particle-small"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "lower-object-above-shadow", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["sand-1-stone-vehicle-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["sand-1-stone-vehicle-particle-tiny"] = { life_time = 30, name = "sand-1-stone-vehicle-particle-tiny", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 4, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.53800000000000008, g = 0.79900000000000002, r = 1 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["sand-1-stone-vehicle-particle-tiny"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 4 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "lower-object-above-shadow", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 4, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["sand-1-stone-vehicle-particle-tiny"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 4 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["sand-2-dust-particle"] = { fade_away_duration = 40, life_time = 30, movement_modifier = 0.1, movement_modifier_when_on_ground = 0, name = "sand-2-dust-particle", pictures = { sheet = { affected_by_wind = true, animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/smoke-fast/smoke-general.png", frame_count = 16, height = 50, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.323, g = 0.59399999999999995, r = 0.82400000000000002 }, variation_count = 1, width = 50 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "lower-object", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", type = "optimized-particle" }, ["sand-2-dust-tank-front-particle"] = { life_time = 30, movement_modifier = 0.1, movement_modifier_when_on_ground = 0, name = "sand-2-dust-tank-front-particle", pictures = { sheet = { affected_by_wind = true, animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/smoke-fast/smoke-general.png", frame_count = 16, height = 50, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.41200000000000001, g = 0.72999999999999998, r = 1 }, variation_count = 1, width = 50 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "lower-object", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", type = "optimized-particle" }, ["sand-2-dust-vehicle-particle"] = { life_time = 20, movement_modifier = 0.1, movement_modifier_when_on_ground = 0, name = "sand-2-dust-vehicle-particle", pictures = { sheet = { affected_by_wind = true, animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/smoke-fast/smoke-general.png", frame_count = 16, height = 50, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, tint = { a = 0.50199999999999996, b = 0.16300000000000001, g = 0.30600000000000001, r = 0.42699999999999996 }, variation_count = 1, width = 50 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "lower-object", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", type = "optimized-particle" }, ["sand-2-stone-character-particle-tiny"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 20, name = "sand-2-stone-character-particle-tiny", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 4, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.53800000000000008, g = 0.79900000000000002, r = 1 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["sand-2-stone-character-particle-tiny"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 4 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "lower-object-above-shadow", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 4, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["sand-2-stone-character-particle-tiny"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 4 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["sand-2-stone-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "sand-2-stone-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 20, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.53800000000000008, g = 0.79900000000000002, r = 1 }, variation_count = 10, width = 18 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["sand-2-stone-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-small", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 20, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 18 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["sand-2-stone-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["sand-2-stone-particle-small"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "sand-2-stone-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.53800000000000008, g = 0.79900000000000002, r = 1 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["sand-2-stone-particle-small"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-tiny", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["sand-2-stone-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["sand-2-stone-particle-tiny"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "sand-2-stone-particle-tiny", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 4, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.53800000000000008, g = 0.79900000000000002, r = 1 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["sand-2-stone-particle-tiny"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 4 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 4, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["sand-2-stone-particle-tiny"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 4 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["sand-2-stone-vehicle-particle-small"] = { life_time = 30, name = "sand-2-stone-vehicle-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.53800000000000008, g = 0.79900000000000002, r = 1 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["sand-2-stone-vehicle-particle-small"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "lower-object-above-shadow", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["sand-2-stone-vehicle-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["sand-2-stone-vehicle-particle-tiny"] = { life_time = 30, name = "sand-2-stone-vehicle-particle-tiny", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 4, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.53800000000000008, g = 0.79900000000000002, r = 1 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["sand-2-stone-vehicle-particle-tiny"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 4 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "lower-object-above-shadow", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 4, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["sand-2-stone-vehicle-particle-tiny"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 4 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["sand-3-dust-particle"] = { fade_away_duration = 40, life_time = 30, movement_modifier = 0.1, movement_modifier_when_on_ground = 0, name = "sand-3-dust-particle", pictures = { sheet = { affected_by_wind = true, animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/smoke-fast/smoke-general.png", frame_count = 16, height = 50, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.35999999999999996, g = 0.65800000000000001, r = 0.86699999999999999 }, variation_count = 1, width = 50 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "lower-object", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", type = "optimized-particle" }, ["sand-3-dust-tank-front-particle"] = { life_time = 30, movement_modifier = 0.1, movement_modifier_when_on_ground = 0, name = "sand-3-dust-tank-front-particle", pictures = { sheet = { affected_by_wind = true, animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/smoke-fast/smoke-general.png", frame_count = 16, height = 50, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, tint = { a = 0.50199999999999996, b = 0.15800000000000001, g = 0.31600000000000001, r = 0.42699999999999996 }, variation_count = 1, width = 50 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "lower-object", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", type = "optimized-particle" }, ["sand-3-dust-vehicle-particle"] = { life_time = 20, movement_modifier = 0.1, movement_modifier_when_on_ground = 0, name = "sand-3-dust-vehicle-particle", pictures = { sheet = { affected_by_wind = true, animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/smoke-fast/smoke-general.png", frame_count = 16, height = 50, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, tint = { a = 0.50199999999999996, b = 0.15800000000000001, g = 0.31600000000000001, r = 0.42699999999999996 }, variation_count = 1, width = 50 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "lower-object", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", type = "optimized-particle" }, ["sand-3-stone-character-particle-tiny"] = { life_time = 20, name = "sand-3-stone-character-particle-tiny", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 4, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.53800000000000008, g = 0.79900000000000002, r = 1 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["sand-3-stone-character-particle-tiny"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 4 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "lower-object-above-shadow", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 4, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["sand-3-stone-character-particle-tiny"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 4 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["sand-3-stone-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "sand-3-stone-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 20, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.53800000000000008, g = 0.79900000000000002, r = 1 }, variation_count = 10, width = 18 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["sand-3-stone-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-small", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 20, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 18 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["sand-3-stone-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["sand-3-stone-particle-small"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "sand-3-stone-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.53800000000000008, g = 0.79900000000000002, r = 1 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["sand-3-stone-particle-small"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["sand-3-stone-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["sand-3-stone-particle-tiny"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "sand-3-stone-particle-tiny", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 4, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.53800000000000008, g = 0.79900000000000002, r = 1 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["sand-3-stone-particle-tiny"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 4 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 4, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["sand-3-stone-particle-tiny"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 4 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["sand-3-stone-vehicle-particle-small"] = { life_time = 30, name = "sand-3-stone-vehicle-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.53800000000000008, g = 0.79900000000000002, r = 1 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["sand-3-stone-vehicle-particle-small"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "lower-object-above-shadow", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["sand-3-stone-vehicle-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["sand-3-stone-vehicle-particle-tiny"] = { life_time = 30, name = "sand-3-stone-vehicle-particle-tiny", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 4, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.53800000000000008, g = 0.79900000000000002, r = 1 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["sand-3-stone-vehicle-particle-tiny"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 4 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "lower-object-above-shadow", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 4, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["sand-3-stone-vehicle-particle-tiny"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 4 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["shallow-water-2-lower-particle"] = { life_time = 180, movement_modifier_when_on_ground = 0, name = "shallow-water-2-lower-particle", pictures = { sheet = { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/blood-particle/blood-particle.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/blood-particle/hr-blood-particle.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, line_length = 12, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.046875, -0.03125 }, tint = { a = 0.31400000000000001, b = 0.37599999999999998, g = 0.34100000000000001, r = 0.17399999999999998 }, variation_count = 7, width = 16 }, line_length = 12, shift = { 0.0625, -0.03125 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["shallow-water-2-lower-particle"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 7, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "lower-object-above-shadow", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/blood-particle/blood-particle.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/blood-particle/hr-blood-particle.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, line_length = 12, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.078125, -0.03125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 7, width = 16 }, line_length = 12, shift = { 0.09375, -0.03125 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["shallow-water-2-lower-particle"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 7, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["shallow-water-2-particle"] = { life_time = 180, movement_modifier_when_on_ground = 0, name = "shallow-water-2-particle", pictures = { sheet = { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/blood-particle/blood-particle.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/blood-particle/hr-blood-particle.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, line_length = 12, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.046875, -0.03125 }, tint = { a = 0.31400000000000001, b = 0.37599999999999998, g = 0.34100000000000001, r = 0.17399999999999998 }, variation_count = 7, width = 16 }, line_length = 12, shift = { 0.0625, -0.03125 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["shallow-water-2-particle"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 7, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/blood-particle/blood-particle.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/blood-particle/hr-blood-particle.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, line_length = 12, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.078125, -0.03125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 7, width = 16 }, line_length = 12, shift = { 0.09375, -0.03125 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["shallow-water-2-particle"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 7, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["shallow-water-2-vehicle-particle"] = { life_time = 180, movement_modifier_when_on_ground = 0, name = "shallow-water-2-vehicle-particle", pictures = { sheet = { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/blood-particle/blood-particle.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/blood-particle/hr-blood-particle.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, line_length = 12, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.046875, -0.03125 }, tint = { a = 0.31400000000000001, b = 0.32200000000000002, g = 0.27800000000000002, r = 0.071999999999999993 }, variation_count = 7, width = 16 }, line_length = 12, shift = { 0.0625, -0.03125 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["shallow-water-2-vehicle-particle"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 7, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "lower-object", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/blood-particle/blood-particle.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/blood-particle/hr-blood-particle.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, line_length = 12, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.078125, -0.03125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 7, width = 16 }, line_length = 12, shift = { 0.09375, -0.03125 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["shallow-water-2-vehicle-particle"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 7, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["shallow-water-droplet-particle"] = { life_time = 60, name = "shallow-water-droplet-particle", pictures = { sheet = { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/blood-particle/blood-particle.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/blood-particle/hr-blood-particle.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, line_length = 12, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.046875, -0.03125 }, tint = { b = 0.85, g = 0.6, r = 0.1 }, variation_count = 7, width = 16 }, line_length = 12, shift = { 0.0625, -0.03125 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["shallow-water-droplet-particle"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 7, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/blood-particle/blood-particle.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/blood-particle/hr-blood-particle.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, line_length = 12, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.09375, -0.0625 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 7, width = 16 }, line_length = 12, shift = { 0.109375, -0.0625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["shallow-water-droplet-particle"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 7, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["shallow-water-lower-particle"] = { life_time = 180, movement_modifier_when_on_ground = 0, name = "shallow-water-lower-particle", pictures = { sheet = { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/blood-particle/blood-particle.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/blood-particle/hr-blood-particle.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, line_length = 12, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.046875, -0.03125 }, tint = { a = 0.31400000000000001, b = 0.396, g = 0.35999999999999996, r = 0.19399999999999999 }, variation_count = 7, width = 16 }, line_length = 12, shift = { 0.0625, -0.03125 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["shallow-water-lower-particle"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 7, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "lower-object-above-shadow", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/blood-particle/blood-particle.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/blood-particle/hr-blood-particle.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, line_length = 12, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.078125, -0.03125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 7, width = 16 }, line_length = 12, shift = { 0.09375, -0.03125 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["shallow-water-lower-particle"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 7, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["shallow-water-particle"] = { life_time = 180, movement_modifier_when_on_ground = 0, name = "shallow-water-particle", pictures = { sheet = { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/blood-particle/blood-particle.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/blood-particle/hr-blood-particle.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, line_length = 12, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.046875, -0.03125 }, tint = { a = 0.31400000000000001, b = 0.396, g = 0.35999999999999996, r = 0.19399999999999999 }, variation_count = 7, width = 16 }, line_length = 12, shift = { 0.0625, -0.03125 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["shallow-water-particle"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 7, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/blood-particle/blood-particle.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/blood-particle/hr-blood-particle.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, line_length = 12, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.078125, -0.03125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 7, width = 16 }, line_length = 12, shift = { 0.09375, -0.03125 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["shallow-water-particle"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 7, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["shallow-water-vehicle-particle"] = { life_time = 180, movement_modifier_when_on_ground = 0, name = "shallow-water-vehicle-particle", pictures = { sheet = { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/blood-particle/blood-particle.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/blood-particle/hr-blood-particle.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, line_length = 12, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.046875, -0.03125 }, tint = { a = 0.31400000000000001, b = 0.32200000000000002, g = 0.27800000000000002, r = 0.071999999999999993 }, variation_count = 7, width = 16 }, line_length = 12, shift = { 0.0625, -0.03125 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["shallow-water-vehicle-particle"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 7, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "lower-object", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/blood-particle/blood-particle.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/blood-particle/hr-blood-particle.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, line_length = 12, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.078125, -0.03125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 7, width = 16 }, line_length = 12, shift = { 0.09375, -0.03125 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["shallow-water-vehicle-particle"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 7, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["shell-particle"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.1, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.06, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.069000000000000004, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.29689999999999998 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.29689999999999998 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 0.2, repeat_count = 5, repeat_count_deviation = 4, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 8, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, life_time = 600, name = "shell-particle", pictures = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/shell-particle/shell-particle-1.png", frame_count = 5, height = 6, priority = "extra-high", width = 6 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/shell-particle/shell-particle-2.png", frame_count = 5, height = 7, priority = "extra-high", width = 5 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/shell-particle/shell-particle-shadow-1.png", frame_count = 5, height = 7, priority = "extra-high", width = 9 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/shell-particle/shell-particle-shadow-2.png", frame_count = 5, height = 8, priority = "extra-high", width = 7 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["slowdown-capsule-particle"] = { draw_shadow_when_on_ground = true, life_time = 180, movement_modifier_when_on_ground = 0, name = "slowdown-capsule-particle", pictures = { sheet = { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/blood-particle/blood-particle.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/blood-particle/hr-blood-particle.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, line_length = 12, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.046875, -0.03125 }, tint = { a = 0.69399999999999995, b = 0.155, g = 0.63200000000000003, r = 0.87799999999999994 }, variation_count = 7, width = 16 }, line_length = 12, shift = { 0.0625, -0.03125 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["slowdown-capsule-particle"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 7, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "lower-object-above-shadow", shadows = { sheet = { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/blood-particle/blood-particle.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/blood-particle/hr-blood-particle.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, line_length = 12, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.078125, -0.03125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 7, width = 16 }, line_length = 12, shift = { 0.09375, -0.03125 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["slowdown-capsule-particle"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 7, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["slowdown-capsule-particle-big"] = { draw_shadow_when_on_ground = true, life_time = 180, movement_modifier_when_on_ground = 0, name = "slowdown-capsule-particle-big", pictures = { sheet = { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/blood-particle/blood-particle.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/blood-particle/hr-blood-particle.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, line_length = 12, scale = 0.9, shift = { 0.046875, -0.03125 }, tint = { a = 0.69399999999999995, b = 0.155, g = 0.63200000000000003, r = 0.87799999999999994 }, variation_count = 7, width = 16 }, line_length = 12, scale = 1.9, shift = { 0.0625, -0.03125 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["slowdown-capsule-particle-big"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 7, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "lower-object-above-shadow", shadows = { sheet = { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/blood-particle/blood-particle.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/blood-particle/hr-blood-particle.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, line_length = 12, scale = 0.9, shift = { 0.078125, -0.03125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 7, width = 16 }, line_length = 12, scale = 1.9, shift = { 0.09375, -0.03125 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["slowdown-capsule-particle-big"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 7, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["small-electric-pole-metal-particle-small"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "small-electric-pole-metal-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, -0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.90600000000000005, g = 0.90600000000000005, r = 0.90600000000000005 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["small-electric-pole-metal-particle-small"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, -0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["small-electric-pole-metal-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["small-electric-pole-wooden-splinter-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "small-electric-pole-wooden-splinter-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/wooden-particle/wood-splinter-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/wooden-particle/hr-wood-splinter-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 20, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.25800000000000001, g = 0.42699999999999996, r = 0.60999999999999996 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.0703125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["small-electric-pole-wooden-splinter-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-small", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "object", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/wooden-particle/wood-splinter-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/wooden-particle/hr-wood-splinter-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 20, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.1015625, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["small-electric-pole-wooden-splinter-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["small-electric-pole-wooden-splinter-particle-small"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "small-electric-pole-wooden-splinter-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/wooden-particle/wood-splinter-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/wooden-particle/hr-wood-splinter-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, -0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.28899999999999997, g = 0.48599999999999994, r = 0.69399999999999995 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["small-electric-pole-wooden-splinter-particle-small"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/wooden-particle/wood-splinter-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/wooden-particle/hr-wood-splinter-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, -0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["small-electric-pole-wooden-splinter-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["small-rock-stone-particle-small"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "small-rock-stone-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.296, g = 0.47999999999999998, r = 0.68600000000000003 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["small-rock-stone-particle-small"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["small-rock-stone-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["small-rock-stone-particle-tiny"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "small-rock-stone-particle-tiny", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 4, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.296, g = 0.47999999999999998, r = 0.68600000000000003 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["small-rock-stone-particle-tiny"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 4 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 4, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["small-rock-stone-particle-tiny"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 4 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["small-sand-rock-stone-particle-small"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "small-sand-rock-stone-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.296, g = 0.47999999999999998, r = 0.68600000000000003 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["small-sand-rock-stone-particle-small"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["small-sand-rock-stone-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["small-sand-rock-stone-particle-tiny"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "small-sand-rock-stone-particle-tiny", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 4, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.296, g = 0.47999999999999998, r = 0.68600000000000003 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["small-sand-rock-stone-particle-tiny"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 4 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 4, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["small-sand-rock-stone-particle-tiny"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 4 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["solar-panel-glass-particle-small"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "solar-panel-glass-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/glass-particle/glass-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/glass-particle/hr-glass-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0859375, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 1, g = 0.8870000000000001, r = 0.58300000000000001 }, variation_count = 10, width = 14 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["solar-panel-glass-particle-small"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/glass-particle/glass-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/glass-particle/hr-glass-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1171875, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 14 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["solar-panel-glass-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["solar-panel-long-metal-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "solar-panel-long-metal-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/long-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 46, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-long-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 92, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1171875, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.70899999999999999, g = 0.70899999999999999, r = 0.70899999999999999 }, variation_count = 10, width = 100 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["solar-panel-long-metal-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 50 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-small", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "object", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/long-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 46, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-long-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 92, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1484375, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 100 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.140625, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["solar-panel-long-metal-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 50 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["solar-panel-metal-particle-small"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "solar-panel-metal-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, -0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.70899999999999999, g = 0.70899999999999999, r = 0.70899999999999999 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["solar-panel-metal-particle-small"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, -0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["solar-panel-metal-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["spark-particle"] = { life_time = 20, movement_modifier_when_on_ground = 0, name = "spark-particle", pictures = { sheet = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/spark-particle/sparks.png", frame_count = 12, height = 4, hr_version = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/spark-particle/hr-sparks.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, line_length = 12, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, 0 }, variation_count = 3, width = 6 }, line_length = 12, shift = { 0, 0 }, variation_count = 3, width = 4 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "air-object", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", type = "optimized-particle" }, ["spark-particle-debris"] = { life_time = 20, movement_modifier_when_on_ground = 0, name = "spark-particle-debris", pictures = { sheet = { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/spark-particle/sparks-debris.png", frame_count = 12, height = 12, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/spark-particle/hr-sparks-debris.png", frame_count = 12, height = 22, line_length = 12, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0625, 0.015625 }, variation_count = 2, width = 20 }, line_length = 12, shift = { 0.046875, 0.015625 }, variation_count = 2, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "air-object", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", type = "optimized-particle" }, ["spidertron-glass-particle-small"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "spidertron-glass-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/glass-particle/glass-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/glass-particle/hr-glass-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0859375, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0, g = 0.093999999999999986, r = 1 }, variation_count = 10, width = 14 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["spidertron-glass-particle-small"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/glass-particle/glass-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/glass-particle/hr-glass-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1171875, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 14 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["spidertron-glass-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["spidertron-long-metal-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "spidertron-long-metal-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/long-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 46, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-long-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 92, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1171875, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.83900000000000006, g = 0.78300000000000001, r = 0.82400000000000002 }, variation_count = 10, width = 100 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["spidertron-long-metal-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 50 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-small", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/long-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 46, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-long-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 92, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1484375, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 100 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.140625, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["spidertron-long-metal-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 50 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["spidertron-mechanical-component-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "spidertron-mechanical-component-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/mechanical-components-particle/mechanical-components-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/mechanical-components-particle/hr-mechanical-components-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 22, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, -0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.68000000000000007, g = 0.76600000000000001, r = 0.85899999999999999 }, variation_count = 10, width = 22 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["spidertron-mechanical-component-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 12 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/mechanical-components-particle/mechanical-components-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/mechanical-components-particle/hr-mechanical-components-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 22, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, -0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 22 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["spidertron-mechanical-component-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 12 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["spidertron-metal-particle-big"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "spidertron-metal-particle-big", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 22, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 44, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0234375 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.48899999999999997, g = 0.61399999999999997, r = 0.8 }, variation_count = 10, width = 50 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["spidertron-metal-particle-big"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 26 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.06, -0.06 }, { 0.06, 0.06 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle", speed_from_center = 0.0070000000000000009, starting_frame_deviation = 5, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 5, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 22, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 44, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0234375 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 50 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["spidertron-metal-particle-big"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 26 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["spidertron-metal-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "spidertron-metal-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 30, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0234375 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.654, g = 0.62599999999999998, r = 0.654 }, variation_count = 10, width = 30 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["spidertron-metal-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 16 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-small", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 30, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0234375 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 30 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["spidertron-metal-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 16 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["spidertron-metal-particle-small"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "spidertron-metal-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, -0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.85500000000000007, g = 0.87100000000000009, r = 0.90199999999999996 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["spidertron-metal-particle-small"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, -0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["spidertron-metal-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["splitter-long-metal-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "splitter-long-metal-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/long-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 46, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-long-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 92, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1171875, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.76400000000000006, g = 0.76400000000000006, r = 0.76400000000000006 }, variation_count = 10, width = 100 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["splitter-long-metal-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 50 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-small", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/long-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 46, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-long-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 92, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1484375, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 100 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.140625, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["splitter-long-metal-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 50 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["splitter-mechanical-component-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "splitter-mechanical-component-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/mechanical-components-particle/mechanical-components-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/mechanical-components-particle/hr-mechanical-components-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 22, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, -0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.68000000000000007, g = 0.76600000000000001, r = 0.85899999999999999 }, variation_count = 10, width = 22 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["splitter-mechanical-component-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 12 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/mechanical-components-particle/mechanical-components-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/mechanical-components-particle/hr-mechanical-components-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 22, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, -0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 22 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["splitter-mechanical-component-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 12 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["splitter-metal-particle-big"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "splitter-metal-particle-big", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 22, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 44, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0234375 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.35699999999999998, g = 0.65500000000000007, r = 0.82699999999999996 }, variation_count = 10, width = 50 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["splitter-metal-particle-big"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 26 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.06, -0.06 }, { 0.06, 0.06 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle", speed_from_center = 0.0070000000000000009, starting_frame_deviation = 5, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 5, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "object", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 22, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 44, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0234375 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 50 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["splitter-metal-particle-big"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 26 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["splitter-metal-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "splitter-metal-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 30, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0234375 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.47400000000000002, g = 0.8629999999999999, r = 1 }, variation_count = 10, width = 30 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["splitter-metal-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 16 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-small", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "object", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 30, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0234375 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 30 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["splitter-metal-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 16 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["splitter-metal-particle-small"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "splitter-metal-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, -0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.54100000000000001, g = 0.63499999999999996, r = 0.76600000000000001 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["splitter-metal-particle-small"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, -0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["splitter-metal-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["stack-filter-inserter-metal-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "stack-filter-inserter-metal-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 30, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0234375 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.73099999999999996, g = 0.73099999999999996, r = 0.73099999999999996 }, variation_count = 10, width = 30 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["stack-filter-inserter-metal-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 16 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-small", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "object", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 30, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0234375 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 30 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["stack-filter-inserter-metal-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 16 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["stack-filter-inserter-metal-particle-small"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "stack-filter-inserter-metal-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, -0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.40099999999999998, g = 0.50199999999999996, r = 0.58999999999999995 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["stack-filter-inserter-metal-particle-small"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, -0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["stack-filter-inserter-metal-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["stack-inserter-metal-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "stack-inserter-metal-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 30, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0234375 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.49500000000000002, g = 0.9370000000000001, r = 0.76200000000000001 }, variation_count = 10, width = 30 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["stack-inserter-metal-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 16 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-small", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "object", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 30, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0234375 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 30 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["stack-inserter-metal-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 16 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["stack-inserter-metal-particle-small"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "stack-inserter-metal-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, -0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.50800000000000001, g = 0.50800000000000001, r = 0.50800000000000001 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["stack-inserter-metal-particle-small"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, -0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["stack-inserter-metal-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["steam-engine-mechanical-component-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "steam-engine-mechanical-component-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/mechanical-components-particle/mechanical-components-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/mechanical-components-particle/hr-mechanical-components-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 22, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, -0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.71499999999999995, g = 0.71499999999999995, r = 0.71499999999999995 }, variation_count = 10, width = 22 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["steam-engine-mechanical-component-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 12 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/mechanical-components-particle/mechanical-components-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/mechanical-components-particle/hr-mechanical-components-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 22, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, -0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 22 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["steam-engine-mechanical-component-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 12 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["steam-engine-metal-particle-big"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "steam-engine-metal-particle-big", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 22, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 44, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0234375 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.69499999999999993, g = 0.78600000000000003, r = 0.79800000000000004 }, variation_count = 10, width = 50 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["steam-engine-metal-particle-big"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 26 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.06, -0.06 }, { 0.06, 0.06 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle", speed_from_center = 0.0070000000000000009, starting_frame_deviation = 5, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 5, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "object", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 22, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 44, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0234375 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 50 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["steam-engine-metal-particle-big"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 26 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["steam-engine-metal-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "steam-engine-metal-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 30, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0234375 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.78800000000000008, g = 0.87799999999999994, r = 0.88800000000000008 }, variation_count = 10, width = 30 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["steam-engine-metal-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 16 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-small", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "object", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 30, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0234375 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 30 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["steam-engine-metal-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 16 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["steam-engine-metal-particle-small"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "steam-engine-metal-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, -0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.51400000000000006, g = 0.746, r = 0.87100000000000009 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["steam-engine-metal-particle-small"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, -0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["steam-engine-metal-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["steam-turbine-mechanical-component-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "steam-turbine-mechanical-component-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/mechanical-components-particle/mechanical-components-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/mechanical-components-particle/hr-mechanical-components-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 22, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, -0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.71499999999999995, g = 0.71499999999999995, r = 0.71499999999999995 }, variation_count = 10, width = 22 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["steam-turbine-mechanical-component-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 12 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/mechanical-components-particle/mechanical-components-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/mechanical-components-particle/hr-mechanical-components-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 22, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, -0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 22 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["steam-turbine-mechanical-component-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 12 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["steam-turbine-metal-particle-big"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "steam-turbine-metal-particle-big", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 22, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 44, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0234375 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.377, g = 0.479, r = 0.50300000000000002 }, variation_count = 10, width = 50 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["steam-turbine-metal-particle-big"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 26 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.06, -0.06 }, { 0.06, 0.06 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle", speed_from_center = 0.0070000000000000009, starting_frame_deviation = 5, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 5, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "object", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 22, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 44, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0234375 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 50 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["steam-turbine-metal-particle-big"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 26 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["steam-turbine-metal-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "steam-turbine-metal-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 30, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0234375 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.63499999999999996, g = 0.875, r = 0.93300000000000001 }, variation_count = 10, width = 30 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["steam-turbine-metal-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 16 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-small", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "object", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 30, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0234375 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 30 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["steam-turbine-metal-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 16 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["steam-turbine-metal-particle-small"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "steam-turbine-metal-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, -0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.38700000000000001, g = 0.596, r = 0.74699999999999998 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["steam-turbine-metal-particle-small"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, -0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["steam-turbine-metal-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["steel-chest-metal-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "steel-chest-metal-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 30, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0234375 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.66300000000000008, g = 0.55300000000000002, r = 0.61600000000000001 }, variation_count = 10, width = 30 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["steel-chest-metal-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 16 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-small", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 30, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0234375 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 30 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["steel-chest-metal-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 16 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["steel-chest-metal-particle-small"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "steel-chest-metal-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, -0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.66300000000000008, g = 0.55300000000000002, r = 0.61600000000000001 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["steel-chest-metal-particle-small"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, -0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["steel-chest-metal-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["steel-furnace-metal-particle-big"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "steel-furnace-metal-particle-big", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 22, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 44, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0234375 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.50899999999999999, g = 0.50899999999999999, r = 0.50899999999999999 }, variation_count = 10, width = 50 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["steel-furnace-metal-particle-big"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 26 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.06, -0.06 }, { 0.06, 0.06 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle", speed_from_center = 0.0070000000000000009, starting_frame_deviation = 5, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 5, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "object", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 22, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 44, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0234375 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 50 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["steel-furnace-metal-particle-big"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 26 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["steel-furnace-metal-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "steel-furnace-metal-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 30, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0234375 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.68000000000000007, g = 0.85999999999999996, r = 0.9379999999999999 }, variation_count = 10, width = 30 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["steel-furnace-metal-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 16 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-small", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "object", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 30, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0234375 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 30 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["steel-furnace-metal-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 16 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["steel-furnace-metal-particle-small"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "steel-furnace-metal-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, -0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.36499999999999999, g = 0.36499999999999999, r = 0.36499999999999999 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["steel-furnace-metal-particle-small"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, -0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["steel-furnace-metal-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["stone-furnace-stone-particle-big"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "stone-furnace-stone-particle-big", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 22, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 44, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0234375 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.58300000000000001, g = 0.58300000000000001, r = 0.58300000000000001 }, variation_count = 10, width = 36 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["stone-furnace-stone-particle-big"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 18 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.06, -0.06 }, { 0.06, 0.06 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle", speed_from_center = 0.0070000000000000009, starting_frame_deviation = 5, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 5, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 22, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 44, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0234375 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 36 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["stone-furnace-stone-particle-big"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 18 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["stone-furnace-stone-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "stone-furnace-stone-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 20, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0, g = 0.81499999999999986, r = 1 }, variation_count = 10, width = 18 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["stone-furnace-stone-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-small", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 20, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 18 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["stone-furnace-stone-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["stone-furnace-stone-particle-small"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "stone-furnace-stone-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.61399999999999997, g = 0.61399999999999997, r = 0.61399999999999997 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["stone-furnace-stone-particle-small"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["stone-furnace-stone-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["stone-particle"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 180, name = "stone-particle", pictures = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-1.png", frame_count = 1, height = 16, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-1.png", frame_count = 1, height = 32, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 32 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 16 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-2.png", frame_count = 1, height = 16, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-2.png", frame_count = 1, height = 32, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 32 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 16 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-3.png", frame_count = 1, height = 16, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-3.png", frame_count = 1, height = 32, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 32 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 16 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-4.png", frame_count = 1, height = 16, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-4.png", frame_count = 1, height = 32, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 32 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 16 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-shadow-1.png", frame_count = 1, height = 16, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-shadow-1.png", frame_count = 1, height = 32, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 32 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 16 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-shadow-2.png", frame_count = 1, height = 16, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-shadow-2.png", frame_count = 1, height = 32, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 32 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 16 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-shadow-3.png", frame_count = 1, height = 16, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-shadow-3.png", frame_count = 1, height = 32, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 32 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 16 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-shadow-4.png", frame_count = 1, height = 16, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-shadow-4.png", frame_count = 1, height = 32, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 32 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 16 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["stone-particle-big"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "stone-particle-big", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 22, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 44, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0234375 }, variation_count = 10, width = 36 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, variation_count = 10, width = 18 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.06, -0.06 }, { 0.06, 0.06 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle", speed_from_center = 0.0070000000000000009, starting_frame_deviation = 5, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 5, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 22, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 44, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0234375 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 36 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["stone-particle-big"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 18 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["stone-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "stone-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 20, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, variation_count = 10, width = 18 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-small", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 20, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 18 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["stone-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["stone-particle-small"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "stone-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["stone-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["stone-particle-tiny"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "stone-particle-tiny", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 4, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, variation_count = 10, width = 4 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 4, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["stone-particle-tiny"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 4 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["stone-path-stone-lower-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "stone-path-stone-lower-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 20, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.66900000000000004, g = 0.70199999999999996, r = 0.67800000000000002 }, variation_count = 10, width = 18 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["stone-path-stone-lower-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-lower-particle-small", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "lower-object-above-shadow", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 20, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 18 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["stone-path-stone-lower-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["stone-path-stone-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "stone-path-stone-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 20, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.66900000000000004, g = 0.70199999999999996, r = 0.67800000000000002 }, variation_count = 10, width = 18 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["stone-path-stone-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-small", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 20, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 18 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["stone-path-stone-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["stone-path-stone-particle-small"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "stone-path-stone-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.63200000000000003, g = 0.77200000000000006, r = 0.89000000000000004 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["stone-path-stone-particle-small"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-tiny", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["stone-path-stone-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["stone-path-stone-particle-tiny"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "stone-path-stone-particle-tiny", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 4, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.63200000000000003, g = 0.77200000000000006, r = 0.89000000000000004 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["stone-path-stone-particle-tiny"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 4 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 4, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["stone-path-stone-particle-tiny"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 4 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["storage-chest-metal-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "storage-chest-metal-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 30, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0234375 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.79300000000000006, g = 0.79300000000000006, r = 0.79300000000000006 }, variation_count = 10, width = 30 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["storage-chest-metal-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 16 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-small", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "object", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 30, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0234375 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 30 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["storage-chest-metal-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 16 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["storage-chest-metal-particle-small"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "storage-chest-metal-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, -0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.55600000000000005, g = 0.87400000000000002, r = 0.92400000000000002 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["storage-chest-metal-particle-small"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, -0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["storage-chest-metal-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["storage-tank-metal-particle-big"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "storage-tank-metal-particle-big", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 22, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 44, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0234375 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.42000000000000002, g = 0.45800000000000001, r = 0.5 }, variation_count = 10, width = 50 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["storage-tank-metal-particle-big"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 26 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.06, -0.06 }, { 0.06, 0.06 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle", speed_from_center = 0.0070000000000000009, starting_frame_deviation = 5, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 5, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 22, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 44, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0234375 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 50 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["storage-tank-metal-particle-big"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 26 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["storage-tank-metal-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "storage-tank-metal-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 30, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0234375 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.62400000000000002, g = 0.70899999999999999, r = 0.8 }, variation_count = 10, width = 30 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["storage-tank-metal-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 16 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-small", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "object", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 30, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0234375 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 30 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["storage-tank-metal-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 16 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["substation-long-metal-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "substation-long-metal-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/long-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 46, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-long-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 92, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1171875, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.51400000000000006, g = 0.53300000000000001, r = 0.65099999999999998 }, variation_count = 10, width = 100 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["substation-long-metal-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 50 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-small", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/long-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 46, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-long-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 92, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1484375, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 100 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.140625, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["substation-long-metal-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 50 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["substation-metal-particle-big"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "substation-metal-particle-big", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 22, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 44, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0234375 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.49000000000000004, g = 0.42000000000000002, r = 0.34499999999999997 }, variation_count = 10, width = 50 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["substation-metal-particle-big"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 26 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.06, -0.06 }, { 0.06, 0.06 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle", speed_from_center = 0.0070000000000000009, starting_frame_deviation = 5, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 5, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "object", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 22, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 44, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0234375 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 50 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["substation-metal-particle-big"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 26 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["substation-metal-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "substation-metal-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 30, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0234375 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.63900000000000006, g = 0.63900000000000006, r = 0.63900000000000006 }, variation_count = 10, width = 30 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["substation-metal-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 16 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-small", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "object", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 30, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0234375 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 30 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["substation-metal-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 16 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["substation-metal-particle-small"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "substation-metal-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, -0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.79700000000000006, g = 0.79700000000000006, r = 0.79700000000000006 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["substation-metal-particle-small"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, -0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["substation-metal-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["tank-metal-particle-big"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "tank-metal-particle-big", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 22, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 44, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0234375 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.50999999999999996, g = 0.50999999999999996, r = 0.50999999999999996 }, variation_count = 10, width = 50 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["tank-metal-particle-big"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 26 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.06, -0.06 }, { 0.06, 0.06 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle", speed_from_center = 0.0070000000000000009, starting_frame_deviation = 5, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 5, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "object", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 22, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-big.png", frame_count = 12, height = 44, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0234375 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 50 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["tank-metal-particle-big"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 26 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["tank-metal-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "tank-metal-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 30, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0234375 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.61899999999999995, g = 0.62999999999999998, r = 0.76900000000000004 }, variation_count = 10, width = 30 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["tank-metal-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 16 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-small", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "object", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 30, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0234375 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 30 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["tank-metal-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 16 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["tank-metal-particle-small"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "tank-metal-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, -0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.69499999999999993, g = 0.69499999999999993, r = 0.69499999999999993 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["tank-metal-particle-small"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, -0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["tank-metal-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["tiny-rock-stone-particle-tiny"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "tiny-rock-stone-particle-tiny", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 4, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.296, g = 0.47999999999999998, r = 0.68600000000000003 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["tiny-rock-stone-particle-tiny"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 4 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 4, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["tiny-rock-stone-particle-tiny"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 4 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["train-stop-glass-particle-small"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "train-stop-glass-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/glass-particle/glass-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/glass-particle/hr-glass-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0859375, 0.0078125 }, variation_count = 10, width = 14 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/glass-particle/glass-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/glass-particle/hr-glass-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1171875, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 14 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["train-stop-glass-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["train-stop-long-metal-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "train-stop-long-metal-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/long-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 46, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-long-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 92, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1171875, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.61600000000000001, g = 0.61600000000000001, r = 0.61600000000000001 }, variation_count = 10, width = 100 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["train-stop-long-metal-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 50 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-small", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "object", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/long-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 46, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-long-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 92, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1484375, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 100 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.140625, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["train-stop-long-metal-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 50 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["train-stop-metal-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "train-stop-metal-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 30, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0234375 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.44299999999999997, g = 0.47599999999999998, r = 0.54400000000000004 }, variation_count = 10, width = 30 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["train-stop-metal-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 16 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-small", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "object", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 30, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0234375 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 30 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["train-stop-metal-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 16 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["train-stop-metal-particle-small"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "train-stop-metal-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, -0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.85199999999999996, g = 0.85199999999999996, r = 0.85199999999999996 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["train-stop-metal-particle-small"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, -0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["train-stop-metal-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["transport-belt-mechanical-component-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "transport-belt-mechanical-component-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/mechanical-components-particle/mechanical-components-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/mechanical-components-particle/hr-mechanical-components-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 22, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, -0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.71499999999999995, g = 0.71499999999999995, r = 0.71499999999999995 }, variation_count = 10, width = 22 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["transport-belt-mechanical-component-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 12 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-small", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/mechanical-components-particle/mechanical-components-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/mechanical-components-particle/hr-mechanical-components-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 22, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, -0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 22 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["transport-belt-mechanical-component-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 12 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["transport-belt-metal-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "transport-belt-metal-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 30, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0234375 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.031000000000000001, g = 0.65899999999999999, r = 0.89800000000000004 }, variation_count = 10, width = 30 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["transport-belt-metal-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 16 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-small", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 30, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0234375 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 30 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["transport-belt-metal-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 16 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["transport-belt-metal-particle-small"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "transport-belt-metal-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, -0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.031000000000000001, g = 0.65899999999999999, r = 0.89800000000000004 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["transport-belt-metal-particle-small"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, -0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["transport-belt-metal-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["transport-belt-wooden-splinter-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "transport-belt-wooden-splinter-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/wooden-particle/wood-splinter-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/wooden-particle/hr-wood-splinter-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 20, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.34100000000000001, g = 0.37800000000000002, r = 0.41600000000000001 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.0703125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["transport-belt-wooden-splinter-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-small", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/wooden-particle/wood-splinter-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/wooden-particle/hr-wood-splinter-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 20, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.1015625, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["transport-belt-wooden-splinter-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["tutorial-grid-stone-lower-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "tutorial-grid-stone-lower-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 20, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.79500000000000002, g = 0.80800000000000001, r = 0.80099999999999998 }, variation_count = 10, width = 18 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["tutorial-grid-stone-lower-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-lower-particle-small", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "lower-object-above-shadow", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 20, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 18 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["tutorial-grid-stone-lower-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["tutorial-grid-stone-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "tutorial-grid-stone-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 20, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.79500000000000002, g = 0.80800000000000001, r = 0.80099999999999998 }, variation_count = 10, width = 18 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["tutorial-grid-stone-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-small", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 20, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 18 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["tutorial-grid-stone-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["tutorial-grid-stone-particle-small"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "tutorial-grid-stone-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.79500000000000002, g = 0.80800000000000001, r = 0.80099999999999998 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["tutorial-grid-stone-particle-small"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-tiny", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["tutorial-grid-stone-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["tutorial-grid-stone-particle-tiny"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "tutorial-grid-stone-particle-tiny", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 4, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.79500000000000002, g = 0.80800000000000001, r = 0.80099999999999998 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["tutorial-grid-stone-particle-tiny"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 4 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 4, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["tutorial-grid-stone-particle-tiny"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 4 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["tutorial-grid-stone-path-stone-particle-tiny"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "tutorial-grid-stone-path-stone-particle-tiny", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 4, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.79500000000000002, g = 0.80800000000000001, r = 0.80099999999999998 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["tutorial-grid-stone-path-stone-particle-tiny"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 4 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 4, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["tutorial-grid-stone-path-stone-particle-tiny"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 4 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["underground-belt-metal-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "underground-belt-metal-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 30, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0234375 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.84399999999999995, g = 0.84399999999999995, r = 0.84399999999999995 }, variation_count = 10, width = 30 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["underground-belt-metal-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 16 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-small", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 30, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0234375 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 30 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["underground-belt-metal-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 16 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["underground-belt-metal-particle-medium-yellow"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "underground-belt-metal-particle-medium-yellow", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 30, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0234375 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.36200000000000001, g = 0.70999999999999996, r = 0.85500000000000007 }, variation_count = 10, width = 30 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["underground-belt-metal-particle-medium-yellow"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 16 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-small", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 30, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0234375 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 30 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["underground-belt-metal-particle-medium-yellow"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 16 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["underground-belt-metal-particle-small"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "underground-belt-metal-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, -0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.36200000000000001, g = 0.70999999999999996, r = 0.85500000000000007 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["underground-belt-metal-particle-small"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/metal-particle/hr-metal-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, -0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["underground-belt-metal-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["vegetation-character-particle-small-medium"] = { life_time = 20, name = "vegetation-character-particle-small-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/vegetation-particle/vegetation-particle-small-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/vegetation-particle/hr-vegetation-particle-small-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 26, line_length = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.7, shift = { 0.0703125, -0.0390625 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.30600000000000001, g = 0.97599999999999998, r = 1 }, variation_count = 4, width = 20 }, line_length = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 1.1000000000000001, shift = { 0.078125, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["vegetation-character-particle-small-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 4, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "lower-object-above-shadow", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", type = "optimized-particle" }, ["vegetation-particle-small-medium"] = { life_time = 900, name = "vegetation-particle-small-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/vegetation-particle/vegetation-particle-small-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/vegetation-particle/hr-vegetation-particle-small-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 26, line_length = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, -0.0390625 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, line_length = 12, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, -0.015625 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/vegetation-particle/vegetation-particle-small-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/vegetation-particle/hr-vegetation-particle-small-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 26, line_length = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0859375, -0.0390625 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, line_length = 12, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.09375, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["vegetation-particle-small-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["vegetation-vehicle-particle-small-medium"] = { life_time = 35, name = "vegetation-vehicle-particle-small-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/vegetation-particle/vegetation-particle-small-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/vegetation-particle/hr-vegetation-particle-small-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 26, line_length = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.8, shift = { 0.0703125, -0.0390625 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.30600000000000001, g = 0.97599999999999998, r = 1 }, variation_count = 4, width = 20 }, line_length = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 1.2, shift = { 0.078125, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["vegetation-vehicle-particle-small-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 4, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "lower-object-above-shadow", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", type = "optimized-particle" }, ["wall-stone-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "wall-stone-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 20, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.51500000000000004, g = 0.63600000000000003, r = 0.66699999999999999 }, variation_count = 10, width = 18 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["wall-stone-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-small", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "object", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 20, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 18 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["wall-stone-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["wall-stone-particle-small"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "wall-stone-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.58199999999999994, g = 0.71899999999999995, r = 0.75300000000000002 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["wall-stone-particle-small"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["wall-stone-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["wall-stone-particle-tiny"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "wall-stone-particle-tiny", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 4, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.57999999999999998, g = 0.71799999999999997, r = 0.75300000000000002 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["wall-stone-particle-tiny"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 4 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 4, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/stone-particle/hr-stone-particle-tiny.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["wall-stone-particle-tiny"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 4 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["water-lower-particle"] = { life_time = 180, movement_modifier_when_on_ground = 0, name = "water-lower-particle", pictures = { sheet = { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/blood-particle/blood-particle.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/blood-particle/hr-blood-particle.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, line_length = 12, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.046875, -0.03125 }, tint = { a = 0.31400000000000001, b = 0.40200000000000005, g = 0.40600000000000005, r = 0.27200000000000002 }, variation_count = 7, width = 16 }, line_length = 12, shift = { 0.0625, -0.03125 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["water-lower-particle"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 7, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "lower-object-above-shadow", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/blood-particle/blood-particle.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/blood-particle/hr-blood-particle.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, line_length = 12, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.078125, -0.03125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 7, width = 16 }, line_length = 12, shift = { 0.09375, -0.03125 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["water-lower-particle"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 7, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["water-particle"] = { life_time = 180, movement_modifier_when_on_ground = 0, name = "water-particle", pictures = { sheet = { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/blood-particle/blood-particle.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/blood-particle/hr-blood-particle.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, line_length = 12, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.046875, -0.03125 }, tint = { a = 0.31400000000000001, b = 0.40200000000000005, g = 0.40600000000000005, r = 0.27200000000000002 }, variation_count = 7, width = 16 }, line_length = 12, shift = { 0.0625, -0.03125 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["water-particle"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 7, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/blood-particle/blood-particle.png", frame_count = 12, height = 8, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/blood-particle/hr-blood-particle.png", frame_count = 12, height = 16, line_length = 12, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.078125, -0.03125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 7, width = 16 }, line_length = 12, shift = { 0.09375, -0.03125 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["water-particle"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 7, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["white-desert-bush-vegetation-particle-small-medium"] = { life_time = 900, movement_modifier = 0.95, name = "white-desert-bush-vegetation-particle-small-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/vegetation-particle/vegetation-particle-small-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/vegetation-particle/hr-vegetation-particle-small-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 26, line_length = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.8, shift = { 0.0703125, -0.0390625 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.41899999999999995, g = 0.53900000000000006, r = 0.65099999999999998 }, variation_count = 4, width = 20 }, line_length = 12, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["white-desert-bush-vegetation-particle-small-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 4, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "lower-object-above-shadow", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/vegetation-particle/vegetation-particle-small-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 14, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/vegetation-particle/hr-vegetation-particle-small-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 26, line_length = 12, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.8, shift = { 0.0859375, -0.0390625 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 4, width = 20 }, line_length = 12, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.09375, -0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["white-desert-bush-vegetation-particle-small-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 4, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["white-desert-bush-wooden-splinter-particle-small"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, movement_modifier = 0.8, name = "white-desert-bush-wooden-splinter-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/wooden-particle/wood-splinter-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/wooden-particle/hr-wood-splinter-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, -0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.13100000000000001, g = 0.23000000000000003, r = 0.28599999999999998 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["white-desert-bush-wooden-splinter-particle-small"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/wooden-particle/wood-splinter-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/wooden-particle/hr-wood-splinter-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, -0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["white-desert-bush-wooden-splinter-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["wooden-chest-wooden-splinter-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "wooden-chest-wooden-splinter-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/wooden-particle/wood-splinter-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/wooden-particle/hr-wood-splinter-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 20, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.396, g = 0.6870000000000001, r = 0.85500000000000007 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.0703125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["wooden-chest-wooden-splinter-particle-medium"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect = { offset_deviation = { { -0.03, -0.03 }, { 0.03, 0.03 } }, smoke_name = "smoke-explosion-particle-small", starting_frame_deviation = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 0, type = "create-trivial-smoke" }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/wooden-particle/wood-splinter-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/wooden-particle/hr-wood-splinter-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 20, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.1015625, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["wooden-chest-wooden-splinter-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["wooden-chest-wooden-splinter-particle-small"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "wooden-chest-wooden-splinter-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/wooden-particle/wood-splinter-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/wooden-particle/hr-wood-splinter-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, -0.0078125 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.46299999999999999, g = 0.80400000000000009, r = 1 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["wooden-chest-wooden-splinter-particle-small"].pictures.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/wooden-particle/wood-splinter-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/wooden-particle/hr-wood-splinter-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, -0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["wooden-chest-wooden-splinter-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["wooden-particle"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 180, mining_particle_frame_speed = 1, name = "wooden-particle", pictures = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/wooden-particle/wooden-particle-01.png", frame_count = 16, height = 7, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/wooden-particle/hr-wooden-particle-01.png", frame_count = 16, height = 16, line_length = 4, scale = 0.5, width = 17 }, line_length = 4, width = 9 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/wooden-particle/wooden-particle-02.png", frame_count = 16, height = 5, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/wooden-particle/hr-wooden-particle-02.png", frame_count = 16, height = 9, line_length = 4, scale = 0.5, width = 4 }, line_length = 4, width = 2 }, { filename = 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type = "optimized-particle" }, ["wooden-splinter-particle-medium"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "wooden-splinter-particle-medium", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/wooden-particle/wood-splinter-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/wooden-particle/hr-wood-splinter-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 20, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.0078125 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.0703125, 0.015625 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/wooden-particle/wood-splinter-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/wooden-particle/hr-wood-splinter-particle-medium.png", frame_count = 12, height = 20, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, 0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 20 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.1015625, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["wooden-splinter-particle-medium"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 10 } }, type = "optimized-particle" }, ["wooden-splinter-particle-small"] = { ended_in_water_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 2, tail_length_deviation = 1, tail_width = 3, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0, initial_height_deviation = 0.02, initial_vertical_speed = 0.053000000000000007, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.1992 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.1992 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0.015630000000000002, -0.09375 }, { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, { -0.10939999999999999, 0.0625 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 0.03, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 6, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.006, tail_length = 9, tail_length_deviation = 0, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["accumulator-metal-particle-big"].ended_in_water_trigger_effect[3].sound ]=], type = "play-sound" } }, life_time = 900, name = "wooden-splinter-particle-small", pictures = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/wooden-particle/wood-splinter-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/wooden-particle/hr-wood-splinter-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, -0.0078125 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.078125, 0.015625 }, variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, regular_trigger_effect_frequency = 2, render_layer = "projectile", render_layer_when_on_ground = "corpse", shadows = { sheet = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/wooden-particle/wood-splinter-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 6, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/particle/wooden-particle/hr-wood-splinter-particle-small.png", frame_count = 12, height = 10, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1015625, -0.0078125 }, tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, variation_count = 10, width = 10 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.109375, 0.015625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["optimized-particle"]["wooden-splinter-particle-small"].shadows.sheet.hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 10, width = 6 } }, type = "optimized-particle" } }, particle = { ["particle-for-migration"] = { name = "particle-for-migration", type = "particle" } }, ["particle-source"] = { ["blood-fountain"] = { height = 0.4, height_deviation = 0.1, horizontal_speed = 0.025, horizontal_speed_deviation = 0.025, name = "blood-fountain", particle = "blood-particle", subgroup = "particles", time_before_start = 0.75, time_before_start_deviation = 1.5, time_to_live = 10, time_to_live_deviation = 5, type = "particle-source", vertical_speed = 0.05, vertical_speed_deviation = 0.03 }, ["blood-fountain-big"] = { height = 0.4, height_deviation = 0.1, horizontal_speed = 0.04, horizontal_speed_deviation = 0.04, name = "blood-fountain-big", particle = "blood-particle", subgroup = "particles", time_before_start = 2.5, time_before_start_deviation = 5, time_to_live = 30, time_to_live_deviation = 5, type = "particle-source", vertical_speed = 0.15, vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05 }, ["blood-fountain-hit-spray"] = { height = 0.3, height_deviation = 0.1, horizontal_speed = 0.070000000000000009, horizontal_speed_deviation = 0.04, icon_size = 32, name = "blood-fountain-hit-spray", particle = "blood-particle", subgroup = "particles", time_before_start = 0, time_before_start_deviation = 0, time_to_live = 10, time_to_live_deviation = 5, type = "particle-source", vertical_speed = 0.02, vertical_speed_deviation = 0.08 }, ["nuclear-smouldering-smoke-source"] = { height = 0.4, height_deviation = 0.1, horizontal_speed = 0, horizontal_speed_deviation = 0, name = "nuclear-smouldering-smoke-source", smoke = { { frequency = 0.1, name = "soft-fire-smoke", position = { 0, 0 }, starting_frame_deviation = 60, starting_vertical_speed = 0.01, starting_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.005, vertical_speed_slowdown = 1 } }, subgroup = "particles", time_before_start = 90, time_before_start_deviation = 60, time_to_live = 3600, time_to_live_deviation = 1800, type = "particle-source", vertical_speed = 0, vertical_speed_deviation = 0 } }, pipe = { pipe = { close_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.close_sound ]=], collision_box = { { -0.29, -0.29 }, { 0.29, 0.29 } }, corpse = "pipe-remnants", damaged_trigger_effect = { damage_type_filters = "fire", entity_name = "spark-explosion", offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, offsets = { { 0, 1 } }, type = "create-entity" }, dying_explosion = "pipe-explosion", fast_replaceable_group = "pipe", flags = { "placeable-neutral", "player-creation" }, fluid_box = { base_area = 1, pipe_connections = { { position = { 0, -1 } }, { position = { 1, 0 } }, { position = { 0, 1 } }, { position = { -1, 0 } } } }, horizontal_window_bounding_box = { { -0.25, -0.28125 }, { 0.25, 0.15625 } }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/pipe.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, max_health = 100, minable = { mining_time = 0.1, result = "pipe" }, name = "pipe", open_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.open_sound ]=], pictures = { corner_down_left = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe/pipe-corner-down-left.png", height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe/hr-pipe-corner-down-left.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 }, corner_down_right = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe/pipe-corner-down-right.png", height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe/hr-pipe-corner-down-right.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 }, corner_up_left = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe/pipe-corner-up-left.png", height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe/hr-pipe-corner-up-left.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 }, corner_up_right = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe/pipe-corner-up-right.png", height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe/hr-pipe-corner-up-right.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 }, cross = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe/pipe-cross.png", height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe/hr-pipe-cross.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 }, ending_down = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe/pipe-ending-down.png", height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe/hr-pipe-ending-down.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 }, ending_left = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe/pipe-ending-left.png", height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe/hr-pipe-ending-left.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 }, ending_right = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe/pipe-ending-right.png", height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe/hr-pipe-ending-right.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 }, ending_up = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe/pipe-ending-up.png", height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe/hr-pipe-ending-up.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 }, fluid_background = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe/fluid-background.png", height = 20, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe/hr-fluid-background.png", height = 40, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 64 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 32 }, gas_flow = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe/steam.png", frame_count = 60, height = 15, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe/hr-steam.png", frame_count = 60, height = 30, line_length = 10, priority = "extra-high", width = 48 }, line_length = 10, priority = "extra-high", width = 24 }, high_temperature_flow = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe/fluid-flow-high-temperature.png", height = 18, priority = "extra-high", width = 160 }, horizontal_window_background = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe/pipe-horizontal-window-background.png", height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe/hr-pipe-horizontal-window-background.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 }, low_temperature_flow = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe/fluid-flow-low-temperature.png", height = 18, priority = "extra-high", width = 160 }, middle_temperature_flow = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe/fluid-flow-medium-temperature.png", height = 18, priority = "extra-high", width = 160 }, straight_horizontal = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe/pipe-straight-horizontal.png", height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe/hr-pipe-straight-horizontal.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 }, straight_horizontal_window = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe/pipe-straight-horizontal-window.png", height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe/hr-pipe-straight-horizontal-window.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 }, straight_vertical = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe/pipe-straight-vertical.png", height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe/hr-pipe-straight-vertical.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 }, straight_vertical_single = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe/pipe-straight-vertical-single.png", height = 80, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe/hr-pipe-straight-vertical-single.png", height = 160, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 160 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 80 }, straight_vertical_window = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe/pipe-straight-vertical-window.png", height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe/hr-pipe-straight-vertical-window.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 }, t_down = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe/pipe-t-down.png", height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe/hr-pipe-t-down.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 }, t_left = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe/pipe-t-left.png", height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe/hr-pipe-t-left.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 }, t_right = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe/pipe-t-right.png", height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe/hr-pipe-t-right.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 }, t_up = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe/pipe-t-up.png", height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe/hr-pipe-t-up.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 }, vertical_window_background = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe/pipe-vertical-window-background.png", height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe/hr-pipe-vertical-window-background.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 } }, resistances = { { percent = 80, type = "fire" }, { percent = 30, type = "impact" } }, selection_box = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, type = "pipe", vehicle_impact_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.vehicle_impact_sound ]=], vertical_window_bounding_box = { { -0.28125, -0.5 }, { 0.03125, 0.125 } }, working_sound = { audible_distance_modifier = 0.3, fade_in_ticks = 4, fade_out_ticks = 60, match_volume_to_activity = true, sound = { { filename = "__base__/sound/pipe.ogg", volume = 0.45 } } } } }, ["pipe-to-ground"] = { ["pipe-to-ground"] = { close_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.close_sound ]=], collision_box = { { -0.29, -0.29 }, { 0.29, 0.2 } }, corpse = "pipe-to-ground-remnants", damaged_trigger_effect = { damage_type_filters = "fire", entity_name = "spark-explosion", offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, offsets = { { 0, 1 } }, type = "create-entity" }, dying_explosion = "pipe-to-ground-explosion", fast_replaceable_group = "pipe", flags = { "placeable-neutral", "player-creation" }, fluid_box = { base_area = 1, pipe_connections = { { position = { 0, -1 } }, { max_underground_distance = 10, position = { 0, 1 } } }, pipe_covers = { east = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-east.png", height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-east.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-east-shadow.png", height = 64, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-east-shadow.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 } } }, north = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-north.png", height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-north.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-north-shadow.png", height = 64, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-north-shadow.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 } } }, south = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-south.png", height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-south.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-south-shadow.png", height = 64, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-south-shadow.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 } } }, west = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-west.png", height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-west.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-west-shadow.png", height = 64, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-west-shadow.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 } } } } }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/pipe-to-ground.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, max_health = 150, minable = { mining_time = 0.1, result = "pipe-to-ground" }, name = "pipe-to-ground", open_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.open_sound ]=], pictures = { down = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-to-ground/pipe-to-ground-down.png", height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-to-ground/hr-pipe-to-ground-down.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "high", width = 64 }, left = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-to-ground/pipe-to-ground-left.png", height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-to-ground/hr-pipe-to-ground-left.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "high", width = 64 }, right = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-to-ground/pipe-to-ground-right.png", height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-to-ground/hr-pipe-to-ground-right.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "high", width = 64 }, up = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-to-ground/pipe-to-ground-up.png", height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-to-ground/hr-pipe-to-ground-up.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "high", width = 64 } }, resistances = { { percent = 80, type = "fire" }, { percent = 40, type = "impact" } }, selection_box = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, type = "pipe-to-ground", vehicle_impact_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.vehicle_impact_sound ]=], working_sound = { audible_distance_modifier = 0.3, fade_in_ticks = 4, fade_out_ticks = 60, match_volume_to_activity = true, sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].pipe.pipe.working_sound.sound ]=] } } }, ["player-damaged-achievement"] = { golem = { icon = "__base__/graphics/achievement/golem.png", icon_size = 128, minimum_damage = 500, name = "golem", order = "b[exploration]-g[golem]", should_survive = true, steam_stats_name = "surived-damage-in-one-hit", type = "player-damaged-achievement" }, ["watch-your-step"] = { icon = "__base__/graphics/achievement/watch-your-step.png", icon_size = 128, minimum_damage = 0, name = "watch-your-step", order = "b[exploration]-f[watch-your-step]", should_survive = false, type = "player-damaged-achievement", type_of_dealer = "locomotive" } }, ["player-port"] = { ["player-port"] = { animation = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/player-port/player-port-animation.png", frame_count = 2, height = 64, width = 64 }, collision_box = { { -0.9, -0.9 }, { 0.9, 0.9 } }, flags = { "placeable-neutral", "player-creation", "hidden" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/player-port.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, max_health = 50, minable = { mining_time = 0.5, result = "player-port" }, name = "player-port", selection_box = { { -1, -1 }, { 1, 1 } }, subgroup = "other", type = "player-port" } }, ["power-switch"] = { ["power-switch"] = { circuit_wire_connection_point = { shadow = { green = { -0.6875, 1.15625 }, red = { -0.4375, 1.15625 } }, wire = { green = { -0.75, 0.90625 }, red = { -0.53125, 0.90625 } } }, close_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.close_sound ]=], collision_box = { { -0.7, -0.7 }, { 0.7, 0.7 } }, corpse = "power-switch-remnants", damaged_trigger_effect = { damage_type_filters = "fire", entity_name = "spark-explosion", offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, offsets = { { 0, 1 } }, type = "create-entity" }, dying_explosion = "power-switch-explosion", flags = { "placeable-neutral", "player-creation" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/power-switch.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, led_off = { blend_mode = "additive", draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/power-switch/power-switch-led.png", height = 32, hr_version = { blend_mode = "additive", draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/power-switch/hr-power-switch-led.png", height = 60, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.65625, -0.03125 }, width = 48 }, shift = { 0.625, -0.0625 }, width = 22 }, led_on = { blend_mode = "additive", draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/power-switch/power-switch-led.png", height = 32, hr_version = { blend_mode = "additive", draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/power-switch/hr-power-switch-led.png", height = 60, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.65625, -0.03125 }, width = 48, x = 48 }, shift = { 0.625, -0.0625 }, width = 22, x = 22 }, left_wire_connection_point = { shadow = { copper = { -0.25, -0.0625 } }, wire = { copper = { -0.8125, -0.9375 } } }, max_health = 200, minable = { mining_time = 0.2, result = "power-switch" }, name = "power-switch", open_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.open_sound ]=], overlay_loop = { animation_speed = 0.25, blend_mode = "additive", draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/power-switch/power-switch-electricity-loop.png", frame_count = 22, height = 26, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.25, blend_mode = "additive", draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/power-switch/hr-power-switch-electricity-loop.png", frame_count = 22, height = 56, line_length = 4, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0625, -0.28125 }, width = 62 }, line_length = 4, shift = { 0.0625, -0.25 }, width = 32 }, overlay_start = { animation_speed = 0.2, blend_mode = "additive", draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/power-switch/power-switch-electricity-start.png", frame_count = 2, height = 32, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.2, blend_mode = "additive", draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/power-switch/hr-power-switch-electricity-start.png", frame_count = 2, height = 64, line_length = 2, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0625, -0.125 }, width = 60 }, line_length = 2, shift = { 0.0625, -0.125 }, width = 30 }, overlay_start_delay = 3, power_on_animation = { layers = { { animation_speed = 0.2, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/power-switch/power-switch.png", frame_count = 6, height = 70, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.2, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/power-switch/hr-power-switch.png", frame_count = 6, height = 138, line_length = 2, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.09375, 0.0625 }, width = 168 }, line_length = 2, shift = { -0.125, 0.0625 }, width = 86 }, { animation_speed = 0.2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/power-switch/power-switch-shadow.png", frame_count = 6, height = 46, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/power-switch/hr-power-switch-shadow.png", frame_count = 6, height = 92, line_length = 2, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1875, 0.4375 }, width = 166 }, line_length = 2, shift = { 0.1875, 0.4375 }, width = 84 } } }, right_wire_connection_point = { shadow = { copper = { 1.40625, 0 } }, wire = { copper = { 0.90625, -0.90625 } } }, selection_box = { { -1, -1 }, { 1, 1 } }, type = "power-switch", vehicle_impact_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.vehicle_impact_sound ]=], wire_max_distance = 10, working_sound = { activate_sound = { { filename = "__base__/sound/power-switch-activate-1.ogg", volume = 0.25 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/power-switch-activate-2.ogg", volume = 0.25 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/power-switch-activate-3.ogg", volume = 0.25 } }, audible_distance_modifier = 0.4, deactivate_sound = { filename = "__core__/sound/silence-1sec.ogg", volume = 0 }, sound = { filename = "__core__/sound/silence-1sec.ogg", volume = 0 } } } }, ["produce-achievement"] = { ["mass-production-1"] = { amount = 10000, icon = "__base__/graphics/achievement/mass-production-1.png", icon_size = 128, item_product = "electronic-circuit", limited_to_one_game = false, name = "mass-production-1", order = "d[production]-b[electronic-circuit-production]-a", steam_stats_name = "electronic-circuits-production-overall", type = "produce-achievement" }, ["mass-production-2"] = { amount = 1000000, icon = "__base__/graphics/achievement/mass-production-2.png", icon_size = 128, item_product = "electronic-circuit", limited_to_one_game = false, name = "mass-production-2", order = "d[production]-b[electronic-circuit-production]-b", steam_stats_name = "electronic-circuits-production-overall", type = "produce-achievement" }, ["mass-production-3"] = { amount = 20000000, icon = "__base__/graphics/achievement/mass-production-3.png", icon_size = 128, item_product = "electronic-circuit", limited_to_one_game = false, name = "mass-production-3", order = "d[production]-b[electronic-circuit-production]-c", steam_stats_name = "electronic-circuits-production-overall", type = "produce-achievement" } }, ["produce-per-hour-achievement"] = { ["circuit-veteran-1"] = { amount = 1000, icon = "__base__/graphics/achievement/circuit-veteran-1.png", icon_size = 128, item_product = "advanced-circuit", name = "circuit-veteran-1", order = "d[production]-c[advanced-circuit-production]-a", steam_stats_name = "advanced-circuits-per-hour", type = "produce-per-hour-achievement" }, ["circuit-veteran-2"] = { amount = 10000, icon = "__base__/graphics/achievement/circuit-veteran-2.png", icon_size = 128, item_product = "advanced-circuit", name = "circuit-veteran-2", order = "d[production]-c[advanced-circuit-production]-b", steam_stats_name = "advanced-circuits-per-hour", type = "produce-per-hour-achievement" }, ["circuit-veteran-3"] = { amount = 25000, icon = "__base__/graphics/achievement/circuit-veteran-3.png", icon_size = 128, item_product = "advanced-circuit", name = "circuit-veteran-3", order = "d[production]-c[advanced-circuit-production]-c", steam_stats_name = "advanced-circuits-per-hour", type = "produce-per-hour-achievement" }, ["computer-age-1"] = { amount = 500, icon = "__base__/graphics/achievement/computer-age-1.png", icon_size = 128, item_product = "processing-unit", name = "computer-age-1", order = "d[production]-d[processing-unit-production]-a", steam_stats_name = "processing-units-per-hour", type = "produce-per-hour-achievement" }, ["computer-age-2"] = { amount = 1000, icon = "__base__/graphics/achievement/computer-age-2.png", icon_size = 128, item_product = "processing-unit", name = "computer-age-2", order = "d[production]-d[processing-unit-production]-b", steam_stats_name = "processing-units-per-hour", type = "produce-per-hour-achievement" }, ["computer-age-3"] = { amount = 5000, icon = "__base__/graphics/achievement/computer-age-3.png", icon_size = 128, item_product = "processing-unit", name = "computer-age-3", order = "d[production]-d[processing-unit-production]-c", steam_stats_name = "processing-units-per-hour", type = "produce-per-hour-achievement" }, ["iron-throne-1"] = { amount = 20000, icon = "__base__/graphics/achievement/iron-throne-1.png", icon_size = 128, item_product = "iron-plate", name = "iron-throne-1", order = "d[production]-e[iron-throne-1]", steam_stats_name = "iron-plates-per-hour", type = "produce-per-hour-achievement" }, ["iron-throne-2"] = { amount = 200000, icon = "__base__/graphics/achievement/iron-throne-2.png", icon_size = 128, item_product = "iron-plate", name = "iron-throne-2", order = "d[production]-e[iron-throne-2]", steam_stats_name = "iron-plates-per-hour", type = "produce-per-hour-achievement" }, ["iron-throne-3"] = { amount = 400000, icon = "__base__/graphics/achievement/iron-throne-3.png", icon_size = 128, item_product = "iron-plate", name = "iron-throne-3", order = "d[production]-e[iron-throne-3]", steam_stats_name = "iron-plates-per-hour", type = "produce-per-hour-achievement" } }, ["programmable-speaker"] = { ["programmable-speaker"] = { audible_distance_modifier = 2, circuit_connector_sprites = { blue_led_light_offset = { 0.03125, 0.03125 }, connector_main = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04a-base-sequence.png", height = 50, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.21875 }, width = 52, x = 104, y = 100 }, connector_shadow = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04b-base-shadow-sequence.png", height = 46, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.21875, -0.140625 }, width = 62, x = 124, y = 92 }, led_blue = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04e-blue-LED-on-sequence.png", height = 60, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.25 }, width = 60, x = 120, y = 120 }, led_blue_off = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04f-blue-LED-off-sequence.png", height = 44, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.25 }, width = 46, x = 92, y = 88 }, led_green = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04h-green-LED-sequence.png", height = 46, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.25 }, width = 48, x = 96, y = 92 }, led_light = { intensity = 0, size = 0.9 }, led_red = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04i-red-LED-sequence.png", height = 46, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.25 }, width = 48, x = 96, y = 92 }, red_green_led_light_offset = { 0.015625, -0.140625 }, wire_pins = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04c-wire-sequence.png", height = 58, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.25 }, width = 62, x = 124, y = 116 }, wire_pins_shadow = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04d-wire-shadow-sequence.png", height = 54, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.15625, -0.125 }, width = 70, x = 140, y = 108 } }, circuit_wire_connection_point = { shadow = { green = { 0.625, 0.171875 }, red = { 0.78125, 0.078125 } }, wire = { green = { 0.359375, 0.03125 }, red = { 0.296875, -0.203125 } } }, circuit_wire_max_distance = 9, close_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.close_sound ]=], collision_box = { { -0.3, -0.3 }, { 0.3, 0.3 } }, corpse = "programmable-speaker-remnants", damaged_trigger_effect = { damage_type_filters = "fire", entity_name = "spark-explosion", offset_deviation = { { -0.2, -2 }, { 0.2, 0.2 } }, offsets = { { 0, 1 } }, type = "create-entity" }, drawing_box = { { -0.5, -2.5 }, { 0.5, 0.3 } }, dying_explosion = "programmable-speaker-explosion", energy_source = { type = "electric", usage_priority = "secondary-input" }, energy_usage_per_tick = "2KW", flags = { "placeable-neutral", "player-creation" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/programmable-speaker.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, instruments = { { name = "alarms", notes = { { name = "alarm-1", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/programmable-speaker/alarm-1.ogg" } }, { name = "alarm-2", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/programmable-speaker/alarm-2.ogg" } }, { name = "buzzer-1", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/programmable-speaker/buzzer-1.ogg" } }, { name = "buzzer-2", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/programmable-speaker/buzzer-2.ogg" } }, { name = "buzzer-3", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/programmable-speaker/buzzer-3.ogg" } }, { name = "ring", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/programmable-speaker/ring.ogg", preload = false } }, { name = "siren", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/programmable-speaker/siren.ogg", preload = false } } } }, { name = "miscellaneous", notes = { { name = "achievement-unlocked", sound = { filename = "__core__/sound/achievement-unlocked.ogg" } }, { name = "alert-destroyed", sound = { filename = "__core__/sound/alert-destroyed.ogg" } }, { name = "armor-insert", sound = { filename = "__core__/sound/armor-insert.ogg" } }, { name = "armor-remove", sound = { filename = "__core__/sound/armor-remove.ogg" } }, { name = "cannot-build", sound = { filename = "__core__/sound/cannot-build.ogg" } }, { name = "console-message", sound = { filename = "__core__/sound/console-message.ogg" } }, { name = "crafting-finished", sound = { filename = "__core__/sound/crafting-finished.ogg" } }, { name = "game-lost", sound = { filename = "__core__/sound/game-lost.ogg" } }, { name = "game-won", sound = { filename = "__core__/sound/game-won.ogg" } }, { name = "gui-click", sound = { filename = "__core__/sound/gui-click.ogg" } }, { name = "gui-click-2", sound = { filename = "__core__/sound/list-box-click.ogg" } }, { name = "inventory-move", sound = { filename = "__core__/sound/inventory-move.ogg" } }, { name = "new-objective", sound = { filename = "__core__/sound/new-objective.ogg" } }, { name = "research-completed", sound = { filename = "__core__/sound/research-completed.ogg" } }, { name = "scenario-message", sound = { filename = "__core__/sound/scenario-message.ogg" } } } }, { name = "drum-kit", notes = { { name = "kick-1", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/programmable-speaker/kit-01.ogg" } }, { name = "kick-2", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/programmable-speaker/kit-02.ogg" } }, { name = "snare-1", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/programmable-speaker/kit-03.ogg" } }, { name = "snare-2", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/programmable-speaker/kit-04.ogg" } }, { name = "snare-3", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/programmable-speaker/kit-05.ogg" } }, { name = "hat-1", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/programmable-speaker/kit-06.ogg" } }, { name = "hat-2", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/programmable-speaker/kit-07.ogg" } }, { name = "fx", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/programmable-speaker/kit-08.ogg" } }, { name = "high-q", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/programmable-speaker/kit-09.ogg" } }, { name = "perc-1", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/programmable-speaker/kit-10.ogg" } }, { name = "perc-2", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/programmable-speaker/kit-11.ogg" } }, { name = "crash", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/programmable-speaker/kit-12.ogg" } }, { name = "reverse-cymbal", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/programmable-speaker/kit-13.ogg" } }, { name = "clap", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/programmable-speaker/kit-14.ogg" } }, { name = "shaker", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/programmable-speaker/kit-15.ogg" } }, { name = "cowbell", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/programmable-speaker/kit-16.ogg" } }, { name = "triangle", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/programmable-speaker/kit-17.ogg" } } } }, { name = "piano", notes = { { name = "F3", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/programmable-speaker/piano1-01.ogg" } }, { name = "F#3", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/programmable-speaker/piano1-02.ogg" } }, { name = "G3", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/programmable-speaker/piano1-03.ogg" } }, { name = "G#3", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/programmable-speaker/piano1-04.ogg" } }, { name = "A3", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/programmable-speaker/piano1-05.ogg" } }, { name = "A#3", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/programmable-speaker/piano1-06.ogg" } }, { name = "B3", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/programmable-speaker/piano1-07.ogg" } }, { name = "C4", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/programmable-speaker/piano1-08.ogg" } }, { name = "C#4", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/programmable-speaker/piano1-09.ogg" } }, { name = "D4", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/programmable-speaker/piano1-10.ogg" } }, { name = "D#4", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/programmable-speaker/piano1-11.ogg" } }, { name = "E4", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/programmable-speaker/piano1-12.ogg" } }, { name = "F4", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/programmable-speaker/piano1-13.ogg" } }, { name = "F#4", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/programmable-speaker/piano1-14.ogg" } }, { name = "G4", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/programmable-speaker/piano1-15.ogg" } }, { name = "G#4", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/programmable-speaker/piano1-16.ogg" } }, { name = "A4", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/programmable-speaker/piano1-17.ogg" } }, { name = "A#4", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/programmable-speaker/piano1-18.ogg" } }, { name = "B4", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/programmable-speaker/piano1-19.ogg" } }, { name = "C5", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/programmable-speaker/piano1-20.ogg" } }, { name = "C#5", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/programmable-speaker/piano1-21.ogg" } }, { name = "D5", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/programmable-speaker/piano1-22.ogg" } }, { name = "D#5", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/programmable-speaker/piano1-23.ogg" } }, { name = "E5", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/programmable-speaker/piano1-24.ogg" } }, { name = "F5", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/programmable-speaker/piano1-25.ogg" } }, { name = "F#5", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/programmable-speaker/piano1-26.ogg" } }, { name = "G5", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/programmable-speaker/piano1-27.ogg" } }, { name = "G#5", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/programmable-speaker/piano1-28.ogg" } }, { name = "A5", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/programmable-speaker/piano1-29.ogg" } }, { name = "A#5", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/programmable-speaker/piano1-30.ogg" } }, { name = "B5", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/programmable-speaker/piano1-31.ogg" } }, { name = "C6", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/programmable-speaker/piano1-32.ogg" } }, { name = "C#6", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/programmable-speaker/piano1-33.ogg" } }, { name = "D6", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/programmable-speaker/piano1-34.ogg" } }, { name = "D#6", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/programmable-speaker/piano1-35.ogg" } }, { name = "E6", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/programmable-speaker/piano1-36.ogg" } }, { name = "F6", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/programmable-speaker/piano1-37.ogg" } }, { name = "F#6", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/programmable-speaker/piano1-38.ogg" } }, { name = "G6", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/programmable-speaker/piano1-39.ogg" } }, { name = "G#6", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/programmable-speaker/piano1-40.ogg" } }, { name = "A6", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/programmable-speaker/piano1-41.ogg" } }, { name = "A#6", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/programmable-speaker/piano1-42.ogg" } }, { name = "B6", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/programmable-speaker/piano1-43.ogg" } }, { name = "C7", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/programmable-speaker/piano1-44.ogg" } }, { name = "C#7", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/programmable-speaker/piano1-45.ogg" } }, { name = "D7", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/programmable-speaker/piano1-46.ogg" } }, { name = "D#7", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/programmable-speaker/piano1-47.ogg" } }, { name = "E7", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/programmable-speaker/piano1-48.ogg" } } } }, { name = "bass", notes = { { name = "F2", sound = { filename = 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"__base__/sound/programmable-speaker/vibraphone-11.ogg" } }, { name = "E6", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/programmable-speaker/vibraphone-12.ogg" } }, { name = "F6", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/programmable-speaker/vibraphone-13.ogg" } }, { name = "F#6", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/programmable-speaker/vibraphone-14.ogg" } }, { name = "G6", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/programmable-speaker/vibraphone-15.ogg" } }, { name = "G#6", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/programmable-speaker/vibraphone-16.ogg" } }, { name = "A6", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/programmable-speaker/vibraphone-17.ogg" } }, { name = "A#6", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/programmable-speaker/vibraphone-18.ogg" } }, { name = "B6", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/programmable-speaker/vibraphone-19.ogg" } }, { name = "C7", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/programmable-speaker/vibraphone-20.ogg" } }, { name = "C#7", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/programmable-speaker/vibraphone-21.ogg" } }, { name = "D7", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/programmable-speaker/vibraphone-22.ogg" } }, { name = "D#7", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/programmable-speaker/vibraphone-23.ogg" } }, { name = "E7", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/programmable-speaker/vibraphone-24.ogg" } }, { name = "F7", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/programmable-speaker/vibraphone-25.ogg" } }, { name = "F#7", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/programmable-speaker/vibraphone-26.ogg" } }, { name = "G7", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/programmable-speaker/vibraphone-27.ogg" } }, { name = "G#7", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/programmable-speaker/vibraphone-28.ogg" } }, { name = "A7", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/programmable-speaker/vibraphone-29.ogg" } }, { name = "A#7", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/programmable-speaker/vibraphone-30.ogg" } }, { name = "B7", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/programmable-speaker/vibraphone-31.ogg" } }, { name = "C8", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/programmable-speaker/vibraphone-32.ogg" } }, { name = "C#8", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/programmable-speaker/vibraphone-33.ogg" } }, { name = "D8", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/programmable-speaker/vibraphone-34.ogg" } }, { name = "D#8", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/programmable-speaker/vibraphone-35.ogg" } }, { name = "E8", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/programmable-speaker/vibraphone-36.ogg" } } } }, { name = "plucked", notes = { { name = "F4", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/programmable-speaker/plucked-01.ogg" } }, { name = "F#4", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/programmable-speaker/plucked-02.ogg" } }, { name = "G4", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/programmable-speaker/plucked-03.ogg" } }, { name = "G#4", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/programmable-speaker/plucked-04.ogg" } }, { name = "A4", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/programmable-speaker/plucked-05.ogg" } }, { name = "A#4", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/programmable-speaker/plucked-06.ogg" } }, { name = "B4", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/programmable-speaker/plucked-07.ogg" } }, { name = "C5", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/programmable-speaker/plucked-08.ogg" } }, { name = "C#5", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/programmable-speaker/plucked-09.ogg" } }, { name = "D5", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/programmable-speaker/plucked-10.ogg" } }, { name = "D#5", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/programmable-speaker/plucked-11.ogg" } }, { name = "E5", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/programmable-speaker/plucked-12.ogg" } }, { name = "F5", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/programmable-speaker/plucked-13.ogg" } }, { name = "F#5", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/programmable-speaker/plucked-14.ogg" } }, { name = "G5", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/programmable-speaker/plucked-15.ogg" } }, { name = "G#5", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/programmable-speaker/plucked-16.ogg" } }, { name = "A5", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/programmable-speaker/plucked-17.ogg" } }, { name = "A#5", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/programmable-speaker/plucked-18.ogg" } }, { name = "B5", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/programmable-speaker/plucked-19.ogg" } }, { name = "C6", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/programmable-speaker/plucked-20.ogg" } }, { name = "C#6", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/programmable-speaker/plucked-21.ogg" } }, { name = "D6", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/programmable-speaker/plucked-22.ogg" } }, { name = "D#6", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/programmable-speaker/plucked-23.ogg" } }, { name = "E6", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/programmable-speaker/plucked-24.ogg" } }, { name = "F6", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/programmable-speaker/plucked-25.ogg" } }, { name = "F#6", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/programmable-speaker/plucked-26.ogg" } }, { name = "G6", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/programmable-speaker/plucked-27.ogg" } }, { name = "G#6", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/programmable-speaker/plucked-28.ogg" } }, { name = "A6", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/programmable-speaker/plucked-29.ogg" } }, { name = "A#6", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/programmable-speaker/plucked-30.ogg" } }, { name = "B6", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/programmable-speaker/plucked-31.ogg" } }, { name = "C7", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/programmable-speaker/plucked-32.ogg" } }, { name = "C#7", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/programmable-speaker/plucked-33.ogg" } }, { name = "D7", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/programmable-speaker/plucked-34.ogg" } }, { name = "D#7", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/programmable-speaker/plucked-35.ogg" } }, { name = "E7", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/programmable-speaker/plucked-36.ogg" } } } }, { name = "steel-drum", notes = { { name = "F3", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/programmable-speaker/steel-drum-01.ogg" } }, { name = "F#3", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/programmable-speaker/steel-drum-02.ogg" } }, { name = "G3", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/programmable-speaker/steel-drum-03.ogg" } }, { name = "G#3", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/programmable-speaker/steel-drum-04.ogg" } }, { name = "A3", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/programmable-speaker/steel-drum-05.ogg" } }, { name = "A#3", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/programmable-speaker/steel-drum-06.ogg" } }, { name = "B3", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/programmable-speaker/steel-drum-07.ogg" } }, { name = "C4", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/programmable-speaker/steel-drum-08.ogg" } }, { name = "C#4", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/programmable-speaker/steel-drum-09.ogg" } }, { name = "D4", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/programmable-speaker/steel-drum-10.ogg" } }, { name = "D#4", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/programmable-speaker/steel-drum-11.ogg" } }, { name = "E4", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/programmable-speaker/steel-drum-12.ogg" } }, { name = "F4", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/programmable-speaker/steel-drum-13.ogg" } }, { name = "F#4", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/programmable-speaker/steel-drum-14.ogg" } }, { name = "G4", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/programmable-speaker/steel-drum-15.ogg" } }, { name = "G#4", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/programmable-speaker/steel-drum-16.ogg" } }, { name = "A4", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/programmable-speaker/steel-drum-17.ogg" } }, { name = "A#4", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/programmable-speaker/steel-drum-18.ogg" } }, { name = "B4", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/programmable-speaker/steel-drum-19.ogg" } }, { name = "C5", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/programmable-speaker/steel-drum-20.ogg" } }, { name = "C#5", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/programmable-speaker/steel-drum-21.ogg" } }, { name = "D5", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/programmable-speaker/steel-drum-22.ogg" } }, { name = "D#5", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/programmable-speaker/steel-drum-23.ogg" } }, { name = "E5", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/programmable-speaker/steel-drum-24.ogg" } }, { name = "F5", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/programmable-speaker/steel-drum-25.ogg" } }, { name = "F#5", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/programmable-speaker/steel-drum-26.ogg" } }, { name = "G5", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/programmable-speaker/steel-drum-27.ogg" } }, { name = "G#5", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/programmable-speaker/steel-drum-28.ogg" } }, { name = "A5", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/programmable-speaker/steel-drum-29.ogg" } }, { name = "A#5", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/programmable-speaker/steel-drum-30.ogg" } }, { name = "B5", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/programmable-speaker/steel-drum-31.ogg" } }, { name = "C6", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/programmable-speaker/steel-drum-32.ogg" } }, { name = "C#6", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/programmable-speaker/steel-drum-33.ogg" } }, { name = "D6", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/programmable-speaker/steel-drum-34.ogg" } }, { name = "D#6", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/programmable-speaker/steel-drum-35.ogg" } }, { name = "E6", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/programmable-speaker/steel-drum-36.ogg" } } } } }, max_health = 150, maximum_polyphony = 10, minable = { mining_time = 0.1, result = "programmable-speaker" }, name = "programmable-speaker", open_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.open_sound ]=], selection_box = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, sprite = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/programmable-speaker/programmable-speaker.png", height = 89, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/programmable-speaker/hr-programmable-speaker.png", height = 178, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.0703125, -1.234375 }, width = 59 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { -0.0625, -1.234375 }, width = 30 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/programmable-speaker/programmable-speaker-shadow.png", height = 25, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/programmable-speaker/hr-programmable-speaker-shadow.png", height = 50, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.6484375, -0.09375 }, width = 237 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 1.640625, -0.078125 }, width = 119 } } }, type = "programmable-speaker", vehicle_impact_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.vehicle_impact_sound ]=], water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = false, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/programmable-speaker/programmable-speaker-reflection.png", height = 24, priority = "extra-high", scale = 5, shift = { 0, 1.40625 }, variation_count = 1, width = 12 }, rotate = false } } }, projectile = { ["atomic-bomb-ground-zero-projectile"] = { acceleration = 0, action = { { action_delivery = { target_effects = { damage = { amount = 100, type = "explosion" }, lower_damage_modifier = 1, lower_distance_threshold = 0, type = "damage", upper_damage_modifier = 0.01, upper_distance_threshold = 35, vaporize = true }, type = "instant" }, ignore_collision_condition = true, radius = 3, type = "area" } }, flags = { "not-on-map" }, name = "atomic-bomb-ground-zero-projectile", speed_modifier = { 1, 0.70699999999999994 }, type = "projectile" }, ["atomic-bomb-wave"] = { acceleration = 0, action = { { action_delivery = { target_effects = { damage = { amount = 400, type = "explosion" }, lower_damage_modifier = 1, lower_distance_threshold = 0, type = "damage", upper_damage_modifier = 0.1, upper_distance_threshold = 35, vaporize = false }, type = "instant" }, ignore_collision_condition = true, radius = 3, type = "area" } }, flags = { "not-on-map" }, name = "atomic-bomb-wave", speed_modifier = { 1, 0.70699999999999994 }, type = "projectile" }, ["atomic-bomb-wave-spawns-cluster-nuke-explosion"] = { acceleration = 0.001, action = { { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { entity_name = "cluster-nuke-explosion", type = "create-entity" } }, type = "instant" }, type = "direct" } }, flags = { "not-on-map", "hidden" }, name = "atomic-bomb-wave-spawns-cluster-nuke-explosion", speed_modifier = { 1, 0.70699999999999994 }, type = "projectile" }, ["atomic-bomb-wave-spawns-fire-smoke-explosion"] = { acceleration = 0, action = { { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { cycle_while_moving = true, entity_name = "atomic-fire-smoke", inherit_movement_distance_from_projectile = true, max_movement_distance = 19.333333333333332, max_movement_distance_deviation = 2, type = "create-explosion" } }, type = "instant" }, type = "direct" } }, flags = { "not-on-map" }, name = "atomic-bomb-wave-spawns-fire-smoke-explosion", speed_modifier = { 1, 0.70699999999999994 }, type = "projectile" }, ["atomic-bomb-wave-spawns-nuclear-smoke"] = { acceleration = 0, action = { { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { offset_deviation = { { -2, -2 }, { 2, 2 } }, repeat_count = 10, smoke_name = "nuclear-smoke", speed_from_center = 0.035000000000000004, starting_frame = 10, starting_frame_deviation = 20, starting_frame_speed = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 5, type = "create-trivial-smoke" } }, type = "instant" }, type = "direct" } }, flags = { "not-on-map" }, name = "atomic-bomb-wave-spawns-nuclear-smoke", speed_modifier = { 1, 0.70699999999999994 }, type = "projectile" }, ["atomic-bomb-wave-spawns-nuke-shockwave-explosion"] = { acceleration = 0, action = { { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { cycle_while_moving = true, entity_name = "atomic-nuke-shockwave", inherit_movement_distance_from_projectile = true, max_movement_distance = 19.333333333333332, max_movement_distance_deviation = 2, type = "create-explosion" } }, type = "instant" }, type = "direct" } }, flags = { "not-on-map" }, name = "atomic-bomb-wave-spawns-nuke-shockwave-explosion", speed_modifier = { 1, 0.70699999999999994 }, type = "projectile" }, ["atomic-rocket"] = { acceleration = 0.005, action = { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { apply_projection = true, radius = 12, tile_collision_mask = { "water-tile" }, tile_name = "nuclear-ground", type = "set-tile" }, { explosion = "explosion", radius = 9, type = "destroy-cliffs" }, { entity_name = "nuke-explosion", type = "create-entity" }, { delay = 0, duration = 60, ease_in_duration = 5, ease_out_duration = 60, effect = "screen-burn", full_strength_max_distance = 200, max_distance = 800, strength = 6, type = "camera-effect" }, { audible_distance_modifier = 3, max_distance = 1000, play_on_target_position = false, sound = { aggregation = { max_count = 1, remove = true }, game_controller_vibration_data = { duration = 800, low_frequency_vibration_intensity = 1, play_for = "everything" }, switch_vibration_data = { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/nuclear-explosion.bnvib", play_for = "everything" }, variations = { { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/nuclear-explosion-1.ogg", volume = 0.9 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/nuclear-explosion-2.ogg", volume = 0.9 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/nuclear-explosion-3.ogg", volume = 0.9 } } }, type = "play-sound" }, { audible_distance_modifier = 3, max_distance = 1000, play_on_target_position = false, sound = { aggregation = { max_count = 1, remove = true }, variations = { { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/nuclear-explosion-aftershock.ogg", volume = 0.4 } } }, type = "play-sound" }, { damage = { amount = 400, type = "explosion" }, type = "damage" }, { check_buildability = true, entity_name = "huge-scorchmark", offsets = { { 0, -0.5 } }, type = "create-entity" }, { repeat_count = 1, type = "invoke-tile-trigger" }, { decoratives_with_trigger_only = false, include_decals = true, include_soft_decoratives = true, invoke_decorative_trigger = true, radius = 14, type = "destroy-decoratives" }, { apply_projection = true, decorative = "nuclear-ground-patch", spawn_max = 40, spawn_max_radius = 12.5, spawn_min = 30, spawn_min_radius = 11.5, spread_evenly = true, type = "create-decorative" }, { action = { action_delivery = { projectile = "atomic-bomb-ground-zero-projectile", starting_speed = 0.47999999999999998, starting_speed_deviation = 0.075, type = "projectile" }, radius = 7, repeat_count = 1000, target_entities = false, trigger_from_target = true, type = "area" }, type = "nested-result" }, { action = { action_delivery = { projectile = "atomic-bomb-wave", starting_speed = 0.35, starting_speed_deviation = 0.075, type = "projectile" }, radius = 35, repeat_count = 1000, target_entities = false, trigger_from_target = true, type = "area" }, type = "nested-result" }, { action = { action_delivery = { projectile = "atomic-bomb-wave-spawns-cluster-nuke-explosion", starting_speed = 0.35, starting_speed_deviation = 0.075, type = "projectile" }, radius = 26, repeat_count = 1000, show_in_tooltip = false, target_entities = false, trigger_from_target = true, type = "area" }, type = "nested-result" }, { action = { action_delivery = { projectile = "atomic-bomb-wave-spawns-fire-smoke-explosion", starting_speed = 0.325, starting_speed_deviation = 0.075, type = "projectile" }, radius = 4, repeat_count = 700, show_in_tooltip = false, target_entities = false, trigger_from_target = true, type = "area" }, type = "nested-result" }, { action = { action_delivery = { projectile = "atomic-bomb-wave-spawns-nuke-shockwave-explosion", starting_speed = 0.325, starting_speed_deviation = 0.075, type = "projectile" }, radius = 8, repeat_count = 1000, show_in_tooltip = false, target_entities = false, trigger_from_target = true, type = "area" }, type = "nested-result" }, { action = { action_delivery = { projectile = "atomic-bomb-wave-spawns-nuclear-smoke", starting_speed = 0.325, starting_speed_deviation = 0.075, type = "projectile" }, radius = 26, repeat_count = 300, show_in_tooltip = false, target_entities = false, trigger_from_target = true, type = "area" }, type = "nested-result" }, { action = { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { entity_name = "nuclear-smouldering-smoke-source", tile_collision_mask = { "water-tile" }, type = "create-entity" } }, type = "instant" }, radius = 8, repeat_count = 10, show_in_tooltip = false, target_entities = false, trigger_from_target = true, type = "area" }, type = "nested-result" } }, type = "instant" }, type = "direct" }, animation = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/rocket/rocket.png", frame_count = 8, height = 35, line_length = 8, priority = "high", shift = { 0, 0 }, width = 9 }, flags = { "not-on-map" }, name = "atomic-rocket", shadow = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/rocket/rocket-shadow.png", frame_count = 1, height = 24, priority = "high", shift = { 0, 0 }, width = 7 }, smoke = { { deviation = { 0.15, 0.15 }, frequency = 1, name = "smoke-fast", position = { 0, 1 }, slow_down_factor = 1, starting_frame = 3, starting_frame_deviation = 5, starting_frame_speed = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 5 } }, turn_speed = 0.003, turning_speed_increases_exponentially_with_projectile_speed = true, type = "projectile" }, ["blue-laser"] = { acceleration = 0.02, action = { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { entity_name = "laser-bubble", type = "create-entity" }, { damage = { amount = 10, type = "laser" }, type = "damage" } }, type = "instant" }, type = "direct" }, animation = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/blue-laser/blue-laser.png", frame_count = 1, height = 14, priority = "high", width = 7 }, flags = { "not-on-map" }, name = "blue-laser", type = "projectile" }, ["cannon-projectile"] = { acceleration = 0, action = { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { damage = { amount = 200, type = "physical" }, type = "damage" }, { damage = { amount = 100, type = "explosion" }, type = "damage" }, { entity_name = "explosion", type = "create-entity" } }, type = "instant" }, type = "direct" }, animation = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/bullet/bullet.png", frame_count = 1, height = 50, priority = "high", width = 3 }, collision_box = { { -0.3, -1.1000000000000001 }, { 0.3, 1.1000000000000001 } }, direction_only = true, final_action = { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { check_buildability = true, entity_name = "small-scorchmark-tintable", type = "create-entity" } }, type = "instant" }, type = "direct" }, flags = { "not-on-map" }, name = "cannon-projectile", piercing_damage = 300, type = "projectile" }, ["cliff-explosives"] = { acceleration = 0.005, action = { { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { entity_name = "ground-explosion", type = "create-entity" }, { check_buildability = true, entity_name = "small-scorchmark-tintable", type = "create-entity" }, { explosion = "explosion", radius = 1.5, type = "destroy-cliffs" }, { repeat_count = 1, type = "invoke-tile-trigger" }, { decoratives_with_trigger_only = false, from_render_layer = "decorative", include_decals = false, include_soft_decoratives = true, invoke_decorative_trigger = true, radius = 2, to_render_layer = "object", type = "destroy-decoratives" } }, type = "instant" }, type = "direct" } }, animation = { animation_speed = 0.25, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/cliff-explosives/cliff-explosives.png", frame_count = 16, height = 30, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.25, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/cliff-explosives/hr-cliff-explosives.png", frame_count = 16, height = 58, line_length = 8, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.015625, -0.140625 }, width = 52 }, line_length = 8, priority = "high", shift = { 0, -0.125 }, width = 26 }, flags = { "not-on-map" }, name = "cliff-explosives", shadow = { animation_speed = 0.25, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/cliff-explosives/cliff-explosives-shadow.png", frame_count = 16, height = 22, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.25, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/cliff-explosives/hr-cliff-explosives-shadow.png", frame_count = 16, height = 42, line_length = 8, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.109375, 0.125 }, width = 74 }, line_length = 8, priority = "high", shift = { -0.09375, 0.125 }, width = 38 }, type = "projectile" }, ["cluster-grenade"] = { acceleration = 0.005, action = { { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { entity_name = "grenade-explosion", type = "create-entity" }, { check_buildability = true, entity_name = "small-scorchmark-tintable", type = "create-entity" } }, type = "instant" }, type = "direct" }, { action_delivery = { direction_deviation = 0.6, projectile = "grenade", starting_speed = 0.25, starting_speed_deviation = 0.3, type = "projectile" }, cluster_count = 7, distance = 4, distance_deviation = 3, type = "cluster" } }, animation = { animation_speed = 0.25, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/cluster-grenade/cluster-grenade.png", frame_count = 15, height = 28, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.25, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/cluster-grenade/hr-cluster-grenade.png", frame_count = 15, height = 54, line_length = 8, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.015625, 0.015625 }, width = 48 }, line_length = 8, priority = "high", shift = { 0.03125, 0.03125 }, width = 26 }, flags = { "not-on-map" }, name = "cluster-grenade", shadow = { animation_speed = 0.25, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/grenade/grenade-shadow.png", frame_count = 15, height = 20, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.25, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/grenade/hr-grenade-shadow.png", frame_count = 15, height = 40, line_length = 8, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0625, 0.1875 }, width = 50 }, line_length = 8, priority = "high", shift = { 0.0625, 0.1875 }, width = 26 }, type = "projectile" }, ["defender-capsule"] = { acceleration = 0.005, action = { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { entity_name = "defender", show_in_tooltip = true, type = "create-entity" } }, type = "instant" }, type = "direct" }, animation = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combat-robot-capsule/defender-capsule.png", flags = { "no-crop" }, frame_count = 1, height = 20, priority = "high", width = 28 }, { apply_runtime_tint = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combat-robot-capsule/defender-capsule-mask.png", flags = { "no-crop" }, frame_count = 1, height = 20, priority = "high", width = 28 } } }, enable_drawing_with_mask = true, flags = { "not-on-map" }, light = { intensity = 0.5, size = 4 }, name = "defender-capsule", shadow = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combat-robot-capsule/defender-capsule-shadow.png", flags = { "no-crop" }, frame_count = 1, height = 20, priority = "high", width = 26 }, smoke = { { deviation = { 0.15, 0.15 }, frequency = 1, name = "smoke-fast", position = { 0, 0 }, starting_frame = 3, starting_frame_deviation = 5, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 5 } }, type = "projectile" }, ["destroyer-capsule"] = { acceleration = 0.005, action = { action_delivery = { target_effects = { entity_name = "destroyer", offsets = { { -0.7, -0.7 }, { -0.7, 0.7 }, { 0.7, -0.7 }, { 0.7, 0.7 }, { 0, 0 } }, show_in_tooltip = true, type = "create-entity" }, type = "instant" }, type = "direct" }, animation = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combat-robot-capsule/destroyer-capsule.png", flags = { "no-crop" }, frame_count = 1, height = 34, priority = "high", width = 42 }, { apply_runtime_tint = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combat-robot-capsule/destroyer-capsule-mask.png", flags = { "no-crop" }, frame_count = 1, height = 34, priority = "high", width = 42 } } }, enable_drawing_with_mask = true, flags = { "not-on-map" }, name = "destroyer-capsule", shadow = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combat-robot-capsule/destroyer-capsule-shadow.png", flags = { "no-crop" }, frame_count = 1, height = 32, priority = "high", width = 48 }, smoke = 0 --[=[ ref [""].projectile["defender-capsule"].smoke ]=], type = "projectile" }, ["distractor-capsule"] = { acceleration = 0.005, action = { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { entity_name = "distractor", offsets = { { 0.5, -0.5 }, { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0, 0.5 } }, show_in_tooltip = true, type = "create-entity" } }, type = "instant" }, type = "direct" }, animation = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combat-robot-capsule/distractor-capsule.png", flags = { "no-crop" }, frame_count = 1, height = 30, priority = "high", width = 36 }, { apply_runtime_tint = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combat-robot-capsule/distractor-capsule-mask.png", flags = { "no-crop" }, frame_count = 1, height = 30, priority = "high", width = 36 } } }, enable_drawing_with_mask = true, flags = { "not-on-map" }, name = "distractor-capsule", shadow = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/combat-robot-capsule/distractor-capsule-shadow.png", flags = { "no-crop" }, frame_count = 1, height = 26, priority = "high", width = 40 }, smoke = 0 --[=[ ref [""].projectile["defender-capsule"].smoke ]=], type = "projectile" }, ["explosive-cannon-projectile"] = { acceleration = 0, action = { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { damage = { amount = 180, type = "physical" }, type = "damage" }, { entity_name = "explosion", type = "create-entity" } }, type = "instant" }, type = "direct" }, animation = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/bullet/bullet.png", frame_count = 1, height = 50, priority = "high", width = 3 }, collision_box = { { -0.3, -1.1000000000000001 }, { 0.3, 1.1000000000000001 } }, final_action = { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { entity_name = "big-explosion", type = "create-entity" }, { action = { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { damage = { amount = 300, type = "explosion" }, type = "damage" }, { entity_name = "explosion", type = "create-entity" } }, type = "instant" }, radius = 4, type = "area" }, type = "nested-result" }, { check_buildability = true, entity_name = "medium-scorchmark-tintable", type = "create-entity" }, { repeat_count = 1, type = "invoke-tile-trigger" }, { decoratives_with_trigger_only = false, from_render_layer = "decorative", include_decals = false, include_soft_decoratives = true, invoke_decorative_trigger = true, radius = 2, to_render_layer = "object", type = "destroy-decoratives" } }, type = "instant" }, type = "direct" }, flags = { "not-on-map" }, name = "explosive-cannon-projectile", piercing_damage = 100, type = "projectile" }, ["explosive-rocket"] = { acceleration = 0.005, action = { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { entity_name = "big-explosion", type = "create-entity" }, { damage = { amount = 50, type = "explosion" }, type = "damage" }, { check_buildability = true, entity_name = "medium-scorchmark-tintable", type = "create-entity" }, { repeat_count = 1, type = "invoke-tile-trigger" }, { decoratives_with_trigger_only = false, from_render_layer = "decorative", include_decals = false, include_soft_decoratives = true, invoke_decorative_trigger = true, radius = 3.5, to_render_layer = "object", type = "destroy-decoratives" }, { action = { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { damage = { amount = 100, type = "explosion" }, type = "damage" }, { entity_name = "explosion", type = "create-entity" } }, type = "instant" }, radius = 6.5, type = "area" }, type = "nested-result" } }, type = "instant" }, type = "direct" }, animation = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/rocket/rocket.png", frame_count = 8, height = 35, line_length = 8, priority = "high", shift = { 0, 0 }, width = 9 }, flags = { "not-on-map" }, name = "explosive-rocket", shadow = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/rocket/rocket-shadow.png", frame_count = 1, height = 24, priority = "high", shift = { 0, 0 }, width = 7 }, smoke = { { deviation = { 0.15, 0.15 }, frequency = 1, name = "smoke-fast", position = { 0, 1 }, slow_down_factor = 1, starting_frame = 3, starting_frame_deviation = 5, starting_frame_speed = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 5 } }, turn_speed = 0.003, turning_speed_increases_exponentially_with_projectile_speed = true, type = "projectile" }, ["explosive-uranium-cannon-projectile"] = { acceleration = 0, action = { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { damage = { amount = 350, type = "physical" }, type = "damage" }, { entity_name = "uranium-cannon-explosion", type = "create-entity" } }, type = "instant" }, type = "direct" }, animation = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/bullet/bullet.png", frame_count = 1, height = 50, priority = "high", width = 3 }, collision_box = { { -0.3, -1.1000000000000001 }, { 0.3, 1.1000000000000001 } }, final_action = { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { entity_name = "uranium-cannon-shell-explosion", type = "create-entity" }, { action = { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { damage = { amount = 315, type = "explosion" }, type = "damage" }, { entity_name = "uranium-cannon-explosion", type = "create-entity" } }, type = "instant" }, radius = 4.25, type = "area" }, type = "nested-result" }, { check_buildability = true, entity_name = "medium-scorchmark-tintable", type = "create-entity" }, { repeat_count = 1, type = "invoke-tile-trigger" }, { decoratives_with_trigger_only = false, from_render_layer = "decorative", include_decals = false, include_soft_decoratives = true, invoke_decorative_trigger = true, radius = 3.25, to_render_layer = "object", type = "destroy-decoratives" } }, type = "instant" }, type = "direct" }, flags = { "not-on-map" }, name = "explosive-uranium-cannon-projectile", piercing_damage = 150, type = "projectile" }, grenade = { acceleration = 0.005, action = { { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { entity_name = "grenade-explosion", type = "create-entity" }, { check_buildability = true, entity_name = "small-scorchmark-tintable", type = "create-entity" }, { repeat_count = 1, type = "invoke-tile-trigger" }, { decoratives_with_trigger_only = false, from_render_layer = "decorative", include_decals = false, include_soft_decoratives = true, invoke_decorative_trigger = true, radius = 2.25, to_render_layer = "object", type = "destroy-decoratives" } }, type = "instant" }, type = "direct" }, { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { damage = { amount = 35, type = "explosion" }, type = "damage" }, { entity_name = "explosion", type = "create-entity" } }, type = "instant" }, radius = 6.5, type = "area" } }, animation = { animation_speed = 0.25, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/grenade/grenade.png", frame_count = 15, height = 28, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.25, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/grenade/hr-grenade.png", frame_count = 15, height = 54, line_length = 8, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.015625, 0.015625 }, width = 48 }, line_length = 8, priority = "high", shift = { 0.03125, 0.03125 }, width = 26 }, flags = { "not-on-map" }, light = { intensity = 0.5, size = 4 }, name = "grenade", shadow = { animation_speed = 0.25, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/grenade/grenade-shadow.png", frame_count = 15, height = 20, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.25, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/grenade/hr-grenade-shadow.png", frame_count = 15, height = 40, line_length = 8, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0625, 0.1875 }, width = 50 }, line_length = 8, priority = "high", shift = { 0.0625, 0.1875 }, width = 26 }, type = "projectile" }, laser = { acceleration = 0.03, action = { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { entity_name = "laser-bubble", type = "create-entity" }, { damage = { amount = 5, type = "laser" }, type = "damage" } }, type = "instant" }, type = "direct" }, animation = { blend_mode = "additive", draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/laser/laser-to-tint-medium.png", frame_count = 1, height = 33, priority = "high", tint = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 1 }, width = 12 }, flags = { "not-on-map" }, name = "laser", type = "projectile" }, ["piercing-shotgun-pellet"] = { acceleration = 0, action = { action_delivery = { target_effects = { damage = { amount = 8, type = "physical" }, type = "damage" }, type = "instant" }, type = "direct" }, animation = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/piercing-bullet/piercing-bullet.png", frame_count = 1, height = 50, priority = "high", width = 3 }, collision_box = { { -0.05, -0.25 }, { 0.05, 0.25 } }, direction_only = true, flags = { "not-on-map" }, name = "piercing-shotgun-pellet", type = "projectile" }, ["poison-capsule"] = { acceleration = 0.005, action = { { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { entity_name = "poison-cloud", initial_height = 0, show_in_tooltip = true, type = "create-smoke" }, { initial_height = 1, initial_vertical_speed = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.1, -0.1 }, { 0.1, 0.1 } }, particle_name = "poison-capsule-metal-particle", repeat_count = 8, speed_from_center = 0.05, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" } }, type = "instant" }, type = "direct" } }, animation = { animation_speed = 0.25, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/poison-capsule/poison-capsule.png", frame_count = 16, height = 29, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.25, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/poison-capsule/hr-poison-capsule.png", frame_count = 16, height = 59, line_length = 8, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.03125, 0.015625 }, width = 58 }, line_length = 8, priority = "high", shift = { 0.03125, 0.015625 }, width = 29 }, flags = { "not-on-map" }, name = "poison-capsule", shadow = { animation_speed = 0.25, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/poison-capsule/poison-capsule-shadow.png", frame_count = 16, height = 21, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.25, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/poison-capsule/hr-poison-capsule-shadow.png", frame_count = 16, height = 42, line_length = 8, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.03125, 0.0625 }, width = 54 }, line_length = 8, priority = "high", shift = { 0.03125, 0.0625 }, width = 27 }, smoke = { { deviation = { 0.15, 0.15 }, frequency = 1, name = "poison-capsule-smoke", position = { 0, 0 }, starting_frame = 3, starting_frame_deviation = 5, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 5 } }, type = "projectile" }, rocket = { acceleration = 0.005, action = { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { entity_name = "explosion", type = "create-entity" }, { damage = { amount = 200, type = "explosion" }, type = "damage" }, { check_buildability = true, entity_name = "small-scorchmark-tintable", type = "create-entity" }, { repeat_count = 1, type = "invoke-tile-trigger" }, { decoratives_with_trigger_only = false, from_render_layer = "decorative", include_decals = false, include_soft_decoratives = true, invoke_decorative_trigger = true, radius = 1.5, to_render_layer = "object", type = "destroy-decoratives" } }, type = "instant" }, type = "direct" }, animation = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/rocket/rocket.png", frame_count = 8, height = 35, line_length = 8, priority = "high", shift = { 0, 0 }, width = 9 }, flags = { "not-on-map" }, name = "rocket", shadow = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/rocket/rocket-shadow.png", frame_count = 1, height = 24, priority = "high", shift = { 0, 0 }, width = 7 }, smoke = { { deviation = { 0.15, 0.15 }, frequency = 1, name = "smoke-fast", position = { 0, 1 }, slow_down_factor = 1, starting_frame = 3, starting_frame_deviation = 5, starting_frame_speed = 0, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 5 } }, turn_speed = 0.003, turning_speed_increases_exponentially_with_projectile_speed = true, type = "projectile" }, ["shotgun-pellet"] = { acceleration = 0, action = { action_delivery = { target_effects = { damage = { amount = 5, type = "physical" }, type = "damage" }, type = "instant" }, type = "direct" }, animation = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/bullet/bullet.png", frame_count = 1, height = 50, priority = "high", width = 3 }, collision_box = { { -0.05, -0.25 }, { 0.05, 0.25 } }, direction_only = true, flags = { "not-on-map" }, name = "shotgun-pellet", type = "projectile" }, ["slowdown-capsule"] = { acceleration = 0.005, action = { { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { entity_name = "slowdown-capsule-explosion", type = "create-entity" } }, type = "instant" }, type = "direct" }, { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { sticker = "slowdown-sticker", type = "create-sticker" } }, type = "instant" }, force = "enemy", radius = 9, type = "area" } }, animation = { animation_speed = 0.25, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/slowdown-capsule/slowdown-capsule.png", frame_count = 16, height = 30, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.25, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/slowdown-capsule/hr-slowdown-capsule.png", frame_count = 16, height = 60, line_length = 8, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.015625, 0.015625 }, width = 60 }, line_length = 8, priority = "high", shift = { 0.03125, 0 }, width = 32 }, flags = { "not-on-map" }, name = "slowdown-capsule", shadow = { animation_speed = 0.25, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/slowdown-capsule/slowdown-capsule-shadow.png", frame_count = 16, height = 24, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.25, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/slowdown-capsule/hr-slowdown-capsule-shadow.png", frame_count = 16, height = 48, line_length = 8, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0625, 0.421875 }, width = 64 }, line_length = 8, priority = "high", shift = { 0.0625, 0.40625 }, width = 32 }, smoke = 0 --[=[ ref [""].projectile["defender-capsule"].smoke ]=], type = "projectile" }, ["uranium-cannon-projectile"] = { acceleration = 0, action = { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { damage = { amount = 400, type = "physical" }, type = "damage" }, { damage = { amount = 200, type = "explosion" }, type = "damage" }, { entity_name = "uranium-cannon-explosion", type = "create-entity" } }, type = "instant" }, type = "direct" }, animation = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/bullet/bullet.png", frame_count = 1, height = 50, priority = "high", width = 3 }, collision_box = { { -0.3, -1.1000000000000001 }, { 0.3, 1.1000000000000001 } }, direction_only = true, final_action = { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { check_buildability = true, entity_name = "small-scorchmark-tintable", type = "create-entity" } }, type = "instant" }, type = "direct" }, flags = { "not-on-map" }, name = "uranium-cannon-projectile", piercing_damage = 600, type = "projectile" } }, pump = { pump = { animations = { east = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pump/pump-east.png", frame_count = 32, height = 60, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pump/hr-pump-east.png", frame_count = 32, height = 109, line_length = 8, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.015625, 0.0546875 }, width = 130 }, line_length = 8, shift = { 0, 0.125 }, width = 66 }, north = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pump/pump-north.png", frame_count = 32, height = 79, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pump/hr-pump-north.png", frame_count = 32, height = 164, line_length = 8, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.25, 0.109375 }, width = 103 }, line_length = 8, shift = { 0.25, 0.234375 }, width = 53 }, south = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pump/pump-south.png", frame_count = 32, height = 87, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pump/hr-pump-south.png", frame_count = 32, height = 160, line_length = 8, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.390625, -0.25 }, width = 114 }, line_length = 8, shift = { 0.421875, 0.015625 }, width = 62 }, west = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pump/pump-west.png", frame_count = 32, height = 51, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pump/hr-pump-west.png", frame_count = 32, height = 111, line_length = 8, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.0078125, 0.0390625 }, width = 131 }, line_length = 8, shift = { 0.015625, -0.015625 }, width = 69 } }, circuit_connector_sprites = { { blue_led_light_offset = { -0.671875, -0.09375 }, connector_main = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04a-base-sequence.png", height = 50, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.46875, -0.234375 }, width = 52, x = 0, y = 150 }, led_blue = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04e-blue-LED-on-sequence.png", height = 60, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.46875, -0.265625 }, width = 60, x = 0, y = 180 }, led_blue_off = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04f-blue-LED-off-sequence.png", height = 44, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.46875, -0.265625 }, width = 46, x = 0, y = 132 }, led_green = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04h-green-LED-sequence.png", height = 46, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.46875, -0.265625 }, width = 48, x = 0, y = 138 }, led_light = { intensity = 0, size = 0.9 }, led_red = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04i-red-LED-sequence.png", height = 46, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.46875, -0.265625 }, width = 48, x = 0, y = 138 }, red_green_led_light_offset = { -0.65625, -0.203125 }, wire_pins = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04c-wire-sequence.png", height = 58, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.46875, -0.265625 }, width = 62, x = 0, y = 174 }, wire_pins_shadow = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04d-wire-shadow-sequence.png", height = 54, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.3125, -0.140625 }, width = 70, x = 0, y = 162 } }, { blue_led_light_offset = { -0.46875, 0.40625 }, connector_main = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04a-base-sequence.png", height = 50, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.5, 0.140625 }, width = 52, x = 104, y = 150 }, connector_shadow = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04b-base-shadow-sequence.png", height = 46, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.359375, 0.5 }, width = 62, x = 124, y = 138 }, led_blue = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04e-blue-LED-on-sequence.png", height = 60, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.5, 0.109375 }, width = 60, x = 120, y = 180 }, led_blue_off = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04f-blue-LED-off-sequence.png", height = 44, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.5, 0.109375 }, width = 46, x = 92, y = 132 }, led_green = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04h-green-LED-sequence.png", height = 46, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.5, 0.109375 }, width = 48, x = 96, y = 138 }, led_light = { intensity = 0, size = 0.9 }, led_red = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04i-red-LED-sequence.png", height = 46, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.5, 0.109375 }, width = 48, x = 96, y = 138 }, red_green_led_light_offset = { -0.484375, 0.296875 }, wire_pins = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04c-wire-sequence.png", height = 58, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.5, 0.109375 }, width = 62, x = 124, y = 174 }, wire_pins_shadow = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04d-wire-shadow-sequence.png", height = 54, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.34375, 0.234375 }, width = 70, x = 140, y = 162 } }, { blue_led_light_offset = { -0.65625, -0.09375 }, connector_main = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04a-base-sequence.png", height = 50, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.453125, -0.234375 }, width = 52, x = 0, y = 150 }, led_blue = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04e-blue-LED-on-sequence.png", height = 60, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.453125, -0.265625 }, width = 60, x = 0, y = 180 }, led_blue_off = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04f-blue-LED-off-sequence.png", height = 44, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.453125, -0.265625 }, width = 46, x = 0, y = 132 }, led_green = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04h-green-LED-sequence.png", height = 46, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.453125, -0.265625 }, width = 48, x = 0, y = 138 }, led_light = { intensity = 0, size = 0.9 }, led_red = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04i-red-LED-sequence.png", height = 46, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.453125, -0.265625 }, width = 48, x = 0, y = 138 }, red_green_led_light_offset = { -0.640625, -0.203125 }, wire_pins = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04c-wire-sequence.png", height = 58, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.453125, -0.265625 }, width = 62, x = 0, y = 174 }, wire_pins_shadow = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04d-wire-shadow-sequence.png", height = 54, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.296875, -0.140625 }, width = 70, x = 0, y = 162 } }, { blue_led_light_offset = { 0.453125, 0.4375 }, connector_main = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04a-base-sequence.png", height = 50, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.421875, 0.171875 }, width = 52, x = 104, y = 150 }, connector_shadow = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04b-base-shadow-sequence.png", height = 46, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.140625, -0.3125 }, width = 62, x = 124, y = 138 }, led_blue = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04e-blue-LED-on-sequence.png", height = 60, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.421875, 0.140625 }, width = 60, x = 120, y = 180 }, led_blue_off = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04f-blue-LED-off-sequence.png", height = 44, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.421875, 0.140625 }, width = 46, x = 92, y = 132 }, led_green = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04h-green-LED-sequence.png", height = 46, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.421875, 0.140625 }, width = 48, x = 96, y = 138 }, led_light = { intensity = 0, size = 0.9 }, led_red = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04i-red-LED-sequence.png", height = 46, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.421875, 0.140625 }, width = 48, x = 96, y = 138 }, red_green_led_light_offset = { 0.4375, 0.328125 }, wire_pins = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04c-wire-sequence.png", height = 58, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.421875, 0.140625 }, width = 62, x = 124, y = 174 }, wire_pins_shadow = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04d-wire-shadow-sequence.png", height = 54, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.578125, 0.265625 }, width = 70, x = 140, y = 162 } } }, circuit_wire_connection_points = { { shadow = { green = { -0.0625, 0.4375 }, red = { 0.25, 0.453125 } }, wire = { green = { -0.640625, 0.109375 }, red = { -0.5625, -0.0625 } } }, { shadow = { green = { 0, 0.796875 }, red = { 0.21875, 0.75 } }, wire = { green = { -0.140625, 0.390625 }, red = { -0.203125, 0.15625 } } }, { shadow = { green = { -0.453125, 0.640625 }, red = { -0.140625, 0.65625 } }, wire = { green = { -0.625, 0.109375 }, red = { -0.546875, -0.0625 } } }, { shadow = { green = { 0.21875, -0.015625 }, red = { 0.4375, -0.0625 } }, wire = { green = { 0.78125, 0.421875 }, red = { 0.71875, 0.1875 } } } }, circuit_wire_max_distance = 9, close_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.close_sound ]=], collision_box = { { -0.29, -0.9 }, { 0.29, 0.9 } }, corpse = "pump-remnants", damaged_trigger_effect = { damage_type_filters = "fire", entity_name = "spark-explosion", offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, offsets = { { 0, 1 } }, type = "create-entity" }, dying_explosion = "pump-explosion", energy_source = { drain = "1kW", type = "electric", usage_priority = "secondary-input" }, energy_usage = "29kW", fast_replaceable_group = "pipe", flags = { "placeable-neutral", "player-creation" }, fluid_animation = { east = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pump/pump-east-liquid.png", frame_count = 32, height = 24, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pump/hr-pump-east-liquid.png", frame_count = 32, height = 46, line_length = 8, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1953125, -0.265625 }, width = 35 }, line_length = 8, shift = { 0.1875, -0.25 }, width = 18 }, north = { apply_runtime_tint = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pump/pump-north-liquid.png", frame_count = 32, height = 13, hr_version = { apply_runtime_tint = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pump/hr-pump-north-liquid.png", frame_count = 32, height = 22, line_length = 8, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.0078125, -0.5234375 }, width = 38 }, line_length = 8, shift = { -0.015625, -0.453125 }, width = 20 }, south = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pump/pump-south-liquid.png", frame_count = 32, height = 55, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pump/hr-pump-south-liquid.png", frame_count = 32, height = 45, line_length = 8, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.015625, -0.2890625 }, width = 38 }, line_length = 8, shift = { 0.109375, 0.203125 }, width = 26 }, west = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pump/pump-west-liquid.png", frame_count = 32, height = 24, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pump/hr-pump-west-liquid.png", frame_count = 32, height = 47, line_length = 8, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.203125, -0.296875 }, width = 35 }, line_length = 8, shift = { -0.1875, -0.28125 }, width = 18 } }, fluid_box = { base_area = 1, height = 4, pipe_connections = { { position = { 0, -1.5 }, type = "output" }, { position = { 0, 1.5 }, type = "input" } }, pipe_covers = { east = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-east.png", height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-east.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-east-shadow.png", height = 64, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-east-shadow.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 } } }, north = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-north.png", height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-north.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-north-shadow.png", height = 64, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-north-shadow.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 } } }, south = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-south.png", height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-south.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-south-shadow.png", height = 64, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-south-shadow.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 } } }, west = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-west.png", height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-west.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-west-shadow.png", height = 64, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-west-shadow.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 } } } } }, fluid_wagon_connector_alignment_tolerance = 0.0625, fluid_wagon_connector_frame_count = 35, fluid_wagon_connector_graphics = { load_animations = { east = { { standup_base = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pump/connector/V-L-135-load-standup-base.png", frame_count = 20, height = 63, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pump/connector/hr-V-L-135-load-standup-base.png", frame_count = 20, height = 127, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.734375, -0.5078125 }, width = 110 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0.734375, -0.515625 }, width = 55 } }, { standup_base = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pump/connector/V-L-2-load-standup-base.png", frame_count = 20, height = 73, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pump/connector/hr-V-L-2-load-standup-base.png", frame_count = 20, height = 148, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.734375, -0.765625 }, width = 110 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0.734375, -0.765625 }, width = 55 } }, { standup_base = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pump/connector/V-L-135-load-standup-base.png", frame_count = 20, height = 63, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pump/connector/hr-V-L-135-load-standup-base.png", frame_count = 20, height = 127, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.734375, -0.5078125 }, width = 110 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0.734375, -0.515625 }, width = 55 } }, {}, { standup_base = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pump/connector/V-L-135-load-standup-base.png", frame_count = 20, height = 63, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pump/connector/hr-V-L-135-load-standup-base.png", frame_count = 20, height = 127, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.734375, -0.5078125 }, width = 110 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0.734375, -0.515625 }, width = 55 } }, {} }, north = { { connector_shadow = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pump/connector/H-B-1-load-connect-shadow.png", frame_count = 16, height = 90, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pump/connector/hr-H-B-1-load-connect-shadow.png", frame_count = 16, height = 181, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.8359375, -2.0703125 }, width = 129 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0.828125, -2.0625 }, width = 65 }, standup_base = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pump/connector/H-B-123456-load-standup-base.png", frame_count = 20, height = 80, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pump/connector/hr-H-B-123456-load-standup-base.png", frame_count = 20, height = 160, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.0078125, -1.9375 }, width = 91 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0, -1.9375 }, width = 46 }, standup_shadow = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pump/connector/H-B-1-load-standup-shadow.png", frame_count = 1, height = 80, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pump/connector/hr-H-B-1-load-standup-shadow.png", frame_count = 1, height = 158, repeat_count = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.5625, -1.625 }, width = 126 }, line_length = 1, repeat_count = 1, shift = { 0.5625, -1.625 }, width = 64 } }, { connector_shadow = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pump/connector/H-B-2-load-connect-shadow.png", frame_count = 16, height = 90, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pump/connector/hr-H-B-2-load-connect-shadow.png", frame_count = 16, height = 178, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.5078125, -2.03125 }, width = 143 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0.5, -2.03125 }, width = 72 }, standup_base = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pump/connector/H-B-123456-load-standup-base.png", frame_count = 20, height = 80, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pump/connector/hr-H-B-123456-load-standup-base.png", frame_count = 20, height = 160, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.0078125, -1.9375 }, width = 91 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0, -1.9375 }, width = 46 }, standup_shadow = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pump/connector/H-B-2-load-standup-shadow.png", frame_count = 20, height = 90, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pump/connector/hr-H-B-2-load-standup-shadow.png", frame_count = 20, height = 180, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.5234375, -1.484375 }, width = 133 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0.515625, -1.5 }, width = 67 } }, { connector_shadow = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pump/connector/H-B-3-load-connect-shadow.png", frame_count = 16, height = 91, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pump/connector/hr-H-B-3-load-connect-shadow.png", frame_count = 16, height = 181, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.6328125, -2.0703125 }, width = 103 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0.625, -2.078125 }, width = 52 }, standup_base = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pump/connector/H-B-123456-load-standup-base.png", frame_count = 20, height = 80, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pump/connector/hr-H-B-123456-load-standup-base.png", frame_count = 20, height = 160, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.0078125, -1.9375 }, width = 91 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0, -1.9375 }, width = 46 }, standup_shadow = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pump/connector/H-B-3-load-standup-shadow.png", frame_count = 20, height = 90, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pump/connector/hr-H-B-3-load-standup-shadow.png", frame_count = 20, height = 180, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.5234375, -1.484375 }, width = 133 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0.515625, -1.5 }, width = 67 } }, { standup_base = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pump/connector/H-B-123456-load-standup-base.png", frame_count = 20, height = 80, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pump/connector/hr-H-B-123456-load-standup-base.png", frame_count = 20, height = 160, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.0078125, -1.9375 }, width = 91 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0, -1.9375 }, width = 46 } }, { connector_shadow = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pump/connector/H-B-5-load-connect-shadow.png", frame_count = 16, height = 89, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pump/connector/hr-H-B-5-load-connect-shadow.png", frame_count = 16, height = 177, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.6328125, -2.1015625 }, width = 103 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0.625, -2.109375 }, width = 52 }, standup_base = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pump/connector/H-B-123456-load-standup-base.png", frame_count = 20, height = 80, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pump/connector/hr-H-B-123456-load-standup-base.png", frame_count = 20, height = 160, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.0078125, -1.9375 }, width = 91 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0, -1.9375 }, width = 46 }, standup_shadow = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pump/connector/H-B-5-load-standup-shadow.png", frame_count = 20, height = 90, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pump/connector/hr-H-B-5-load-standup-shadow.png", frame_count = 20, height = 181, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.5234375, -1.4921875 }, width = 133 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0.515625, -1.5 }, width = 67 } }, { connector_shadow = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pump/connector/H-B-6-load-connect-shadow.png", frame_count = 16, height = 90, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pump/connector/hr-H-B-6-load-connect-shadow.png", frame_count = 16, height = 178, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.5078125, -2.03125 }, width = 143 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0.5, -2.03125 }, width = 72 }, standup_base = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pump/connector/H-B-123456-load-standup-base.png", frame_count = 20, height = 80, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pump/connector/hr-H-B-123456-load-standup-base.png", frame_count = 20, height = 160, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.0078125, -1.9375 }, width = 91 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0, -1.9375 }, width = 46 }, standup_shadow = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pump/connector/H-B-6-load-standup-shadow.png", frame_count = 20, height = 91, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pump/connector/hr-H-B-6-load-standup-shadow.png", frame_count = 20, height = 182, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.5234375, -1.5 }, width = 133 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0.515625, -1.515625 }, width = 67 } } }, south = { {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {} }, west = { { standup_base = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pump/connector/V-R-135-load-standup-base.png", frame_count = 20, height = 63, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pump/connector/hr-V-R-135-load-standup-base.png", frame_count = 20, height = 126, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.734375, -0.421875 }, width = 110 }, line_length = 1, shift = { -0.734375, -0.421875 }, width = 55 }, standup_shadow = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pump/connector/V-R-1-load-standup-base-shadow.png", frame_count = 20, height = 69, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pump/connector/hr-V-R-1-load-standup-base-shadow.png", frame_count = 20, height = 136, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.2734375, 0.265625 }, width = 157 }, line_length = 1, shift = { -0.265625, 0.265625 }, width = 79 } }, { connector_shadow = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pump/connector/V-R-2-load-connect-shadow.png", frame_count = 16, height = 80, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pump/connector/hr-V-R-2-load-connect-shadow.png", frame_count = 16, height = 160, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.8671875, -0.3125 }, width = 169 }, line_length = 1, shift = { -0.859375, -0.3125 }, width = 85 }, standup_base = { filename = 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"__base__/graphics/entity/pump/connector/hr-V-R-3-load-connect-shadow.png", frame_count = 17, height = 175, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.8671875, 0.3984375 }, width = 171 }, line_length = 1, shift = { -0.875, 0.40625 }, width = 86 }, standup_base = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pump/connector/V-R-135-load-standup-base.png", frame_count = 20, height = 63, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pump/connector/hr-V-R-135-load-standup-base.png", frame_count = 20, height = 126, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.734375, -0.421875 }, width = 110 }, line_length = 1, shift = { -0.734375, -0.421875 }, width = 55 } }, { connector_shadow = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pump/connector/V-R-4-load-connect-shadow.png", frame_count = 16, height = 72, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pump/connector/hr-V-R-4-load-connect-shadow.png", frame_count = 16, height = 144, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.859375, -0.4375 }, width = 168 }, line_length = 1, shift = { -0.859375, -0.4375 }, width = 85 }, standup_base = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pump/connector/V-R-246-load-standup-base.png", frame_count = 20, height = 74, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pump/connector/hr-V-R-246-load-standup-base.png", frame_count = 20, height = 148, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.734375, -0.671875 }, width = 110 }, line_length = 1, shift = { -0.734375, -0.6875 }, width = 55 }, standup_shadow = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pump/connector/V-R-4-load-standup-shadow.png", frame_count = 20, height = 81, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pump/connector/hr-V-R-4-load-standup-shadow.png", frame_count = 20, height = 162, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.203125, -0.421875 }, width = 168 }, line_length = 1, shift = { -0.203125, -0.421875 }, width = 85 } }, { connector_shadow = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pump/connector/V-R-5-load-connect-shadow.png", 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scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.203125, 0.1171875 }, width = 168 }, line_length = 1, shift = { -0.203125, 0.109375 }, width = 85 } }, { connector_shadow = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pump/connector/V-R-6-load-connect-shadow.png", frame_count = 16, height = 66, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pump/connector/hr-V-R-6-load-connect-shadow.png", frame_count = 16, height = 131, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.84375, -0.5234375 }, width = 174 }, line_length = 1, shift = { -0.84375, -0.53125 }, width = 88 }, standup_base = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pump/connector/V-R-246-load-standup-base.png", frame_count = 20, height = 74, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pump/connector/hr-V-R-246-load-standup-base.png", frame_count = 20, height = 148, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.734375, -0.671875 }, width = 110 }, line_length = 1, shift = { -0.734375, -0.6875 }, width = 55 }, standup_shadow = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pump/connector/V-R-6-load-standup-shadow.png", frame_count = 20, height = 81, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pump/connector/hr-V-R-6-load-standup-shadow.png", frame_count = 20, height = 162, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.21875, -0.421875 }, width = 170 }, line_length = 1, shift = { -0.203125, -0.421875 }, width = 85 } } } }, unload_animations = { east = { { connector = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pump/connector/V-R-1-unload-connect.png", frame_count = 16, height = 56, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pump/connector/hr-V-R-1-unload-connect.png", frame_count = 16, height = 115, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { -1.3515625, -0.6484375 }, width = 107 }, line_length = 1, shift = { -1.359375, -0.65625 }, width = 53 }, connector_shadow = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pump/connector/V-R-1-unload-connect-shadow.png", frame_count = 16, height = 77, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pump/connector/hr-V-R-1-unload-connect-shadow.png", frame_count = 16, height = 153, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.84375, 0.5546875 }, width = 168 }, line_length = 1, shift = { -0.84375, 0.546875 }, width = 84 }, standup_base = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pump/connector/V-R-135-unload-standup-base.png", frame_count = 20, height = 63, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pump/connector/hr-V-R-135-unload-standup-base.png", frame_count = 20, height = 126, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.734375, -0.421875 }, width = 110 }, line_length = 1, shift = { -0.734375, -0.421875 }, width = 55 }, standup_top = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pump/connector/V-R-135-unload-standup-top.png", frame_count = 19, height = 35, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pump/connector/hr-V-R-135-unload-standup-top.png", frame_count = 19, height = 70, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.5859375, -0.90625 }, width = 121 }, line_length = 1, shift = { -0.59375, -0.890625 }, width = 60 } }, { connector = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pump/connector/V-R-2-unload-connect.png", frame_count = 16, height = 47, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pump/connector/hr-V-R-2-unload-connect.png", frame_count = 16, height = 96, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { -1.3359375, -1.46875 }, width = 107 }, line_length = 1, shift = { -1.34375, -1.484375 }, width = 54 }, connector_shadow = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pump/connector/V-R-2-unload-connect-shadow.png", frame_count = 16, height = 80, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pump/connector/hr-V-R-2-unload-connect-shadow.png", frame_count = 16, height = 160, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.8671875, -0.3125 }, width = 169 }, line_length = 1, shift = { -0.859375, -0.3125 }, width = 85 }, standup_base = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pump/connector/V-R-246-unload-standup-base.png", 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= 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.5859375, -1.21875 }, width = 121 }, line_length = 1, shift = { -0.59375, -1.203125 }, width = 60 } }, { connector = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pump/connector/V-R-3-unload-connect.png", frame_count = 17, height = 50, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pump/connector/hr-V-R-3-unload-connect.png", frame_count = 17, height = 99, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { -1.375, -0.7734375 }, width = 106 }, line_length = 1, shift = { -1.359375, -0.78125 }, width = 53 }, connector_shadow = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pump/connector/V-R-3-unload-connect-shadow.png", frame_count = 17, height = 88, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pump/connector/hr-V-R-3-unload-connect-shadow.png", frame_count = 17, height = 175, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.8671875, 0.3984375 }, width = 171 }, line_length = 1, shift = { -0.875, 0.40625 }, width = 86 }, standup_base = { filename = 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= 19, height = 55, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pump/connector/hr-V-R-246-unload-standup-top.png", frame_count = 19, height = 110, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.5859375, -1.21875 }, width = 121 }, line_length = 1, shift = { -0.59375, -1.203125 }, width = 60 } }, { connector = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pump/connector/V-R-5-unload-connect.png", frame_count = 16, height = 41, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pump/connector/hr-V-R-5-unload-connect.png", frame_count = 16, height = 82, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { -1.375, -0.859375 }, width = 106 }, line_length = 1, shift = { -1.375, -0.859375 }, width = 54 }, connector_shadow = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pump/connector/V-R-5-unload-connect-shadow.png", frame_count = 16, height = 80, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pump/connector/hr-V-R-5-unload-connect-shadow.png", frame_count = 16, height = 158, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.859375, 0.28125 }, width = 172 }, line_length = 1, shift = { -0.84375, 0.28125 }, width = 86 }, standup_base = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pump/connector/V-R-135-unload-standup-base.png", frame_count = 20, height = 63, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pump/connector/hr-V-R-135-unload-standup-base.png", frame_count = 20, height = 126, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.734375, -0.421875 }, width = 110 }, line_length = 1, shift = { -0.734375, -0.421875 }, width = 55 }, standup_shadow = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pump/connector/V-R-5-unload-standup-shadow.png", frame_count = 20, height = 79, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pump/connector/hr-V-R-5-unload-standup-shadow.png", frame_count = 20, height = 157, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.2421875, 0.1171875 }, width = 163 }, line_length = 1, shift = { -0.25, 0.109375 }, width = 82 }, standup_top = { filename = 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"__base__/graphics/entity/pump/connector/hr-V-R-6-unload-connect-shadow.png", frame_count = 16, height = 133, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.84375, -0.5078125 }, width = 174 }, line_length = 1, shift = { -0.84375, -0.515625 }, width = 88 }, standup_base = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pump/connector/V-R-246-unload-standup-base.png", frame_count = 20, height = 74, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pump/connector/hr-V-R-246-unload-standup-base.png", frame_count = 20, height = 148, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.734375, -0.671875 }, width = 110 }, line_length = 1, shift = { -0.734375, -0.6875 }, width = 55 }, standup_shadow = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pump/connector/V-R-6-unload-standup-shadow.png", frame_count = 20, height = 81, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pump/connector/hr-V-R-6-unload-standup-shadow.png", frame_count = 20, height = 162, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.2578125, -0.421875 }, width = 165 }, line_length = 1, shift = { -0.25, -0.421875 }, width = 82 }, standup_top = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pump/connector/V-R-246-unload-standup-top.png", frame_count = 19, height = 55, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pump/connector/hr-V-R-246-unload-standup-top.png", frame_count = 19, height = 110, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.5859375, -1.21875 }, width = 121 }, line_length = 1, shift = { -0.59375, -1.203125 }, width = 60 } } }, north = { { connector = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pump/connector/H-T-135-unload-connect.png", frame_count = 16, height = 50, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pump/connector/hr-H-T-135-unload-connect.png", frame_count = 16, height = 99, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1171875, 0.0234375 }, width = 89 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0.109375, 0.03125 }, width = 45 }, connector_shadow = { filename = 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1, shift = { -0.03125, 0.015625 }, width = 38 }, connector_shadow = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pump/connector/H-T-2-unload-connect-shadow.png", frame_count = 16, height = 34, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pump/connector/hr-H-T-2-unload-connect-shadow.png", frame_count = 16, height = 66, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1640625, 0.625 }, width = 97 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0.171875, 0.625 }, width = 49 }, standup_base = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pump/connector/H-T-123456-unload-standup-base.png", frame_count = 20, height = 54, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pump/connector/hr-H-T-123456-unload-standup-base.png", frame_count = 20, height = 107, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.0078125, 0.4921875 }, width = 91 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0, 0.5 }, width = 46 }, standup_shadow = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pump/connector/H-T-2-unload-standup-shadow.png", frame_count = 20, height = 31, 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width = 89 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0.109375, 0.03125 }, width = 45 }, connector_shadow = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pump/connector/H-T-3-unload-connect-shadow.png", frame_count = 16, height = 27, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pump/connector/hr-H-T-3-unload-connect-shadow.png", frame_count = 16, height = 54, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.296875, 0.53125 }, width = 102 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0.296875, 0.515625 }, width = 51 }, standup_base = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pump/connector/H-T-123456-unload-standup-base.png", frame_count = 20, height = 54, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pump/connector/hr-H-T-123456-unload-standup-base.png", frame_count = 20, height = 107, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.0078125, 0.4921875 }, width = 91 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0, 0.5 }, width = 46 }, standup_shadow = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pump/connector/H-T-3-unload-standup-shadow.png", 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= { -0.046875, 0.0234375 }, width = 76 }, line_length = 1, shift = { -0.03125, 0.015625 }, width = 38 }, connector_shadow = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pump/connector/H-T-4-unload-connect-shadow.png", frame_count = 16, height = 41, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pump/connector/hr-H-T-4-unload-connect-shadow.png", frame_count = 16, height = 80, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1640625, 0.734375 }, width = 97 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0.171875, 0.734375 }, width = 49 }, standup_base = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pump/connector/H-T-123456-unload-standup-base.png", frame_count = 20, height = 54, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pump/connector/hr-H-T-123456-unload-standup-base.png", frame_count = 20, height = 107, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.0078125, 0.4921875 }, width = 91 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0, 0.5 }, width = 46 }, standup_shadow = { filename = 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= 91 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0, 0.5 }, width = 46 }, standup_shadow = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pump/connector/H-T-5-unload-standup-shadow.png", frame_count = 20, height = 21, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pump/connector/hr-H-T-5-unload-standup-shadow.png", frame_count = 20, height = 40, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.078125, 0.421875 }, width = 78 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0.078125, 0.421875 }, width = 39 }, standup_top = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pump/connector/H-T-123456-unload-standup-top.png", frame_count = 19, height = 55, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pump/connector/hr-H-T-123456-unload-standup-top.png", frame_count = 19, height = 109, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, 0.0234375 }, width = 46 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0, 0.015625 }, width = 22 } }, { connector = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pump/connector/H-T-246-unload-connect.png", frame_count = 16, height = 49, 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0.6328125, -2.1015625 }, width = 103 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0.625, -2.109375 }, width = 52 }, standup_base = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pump/connector/H-B-123456-unload-standup-base.png", frame_count = 20, height = 80, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pump/connector/hr-H-B-123456-unload-standup-base.png", frame_count = 20, height = 160, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.0078125, -1.9375 }, width = 91 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0, -1.9375 }, width = 46 }, standup_shadow = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pump/connector/H-B-5-unload-standup-shadow.png", frame_count = 20, height = 86, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pump/connector/hr-H-B-5-unload-standup-shadow.png", frame_count = 20, height = 173, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.5234375, -1.5546875 }, width = 133 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0.515625, -1.5625 }, width = 67 }, standup_top = { filename = 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"__base__/graphics/entity/pump/connector/hr-H-B-6-unload-connect-shadow.png", frame_count = 16, height = 178, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.515625, -2.03125 }, width = 144 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0.515625, -2.03125 }, width = 71 }, standup_base = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pump/connector/H-B-123456-unload-standup-base.png", frame_count = 20, height = 80, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pump/connector/hr-H-B-123456-unload-standup-base.png", frame_count = 20, height = 160, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.0078125, -1.9375 }, width = 91 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0, -1.9375 }, width = 46 }, standup_shadow = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pump/connector/H-B-6-unload-standup-shadow.png", frame_count = 20, height = 87, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pump/connector/hr-H-B-6-unload-standup-shadow.png", frame_count = 20, height = 174, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.53125, -1.5625 }, width = 134 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0.515625, -1.578125 }, width = 67 }, standup_top = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pump/connector/H-B-123456-unload-standup-top.png", frame_count = 19, height = 73, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pump/connector/hr-H-B-123456-unload-standup-top.png", frame_count = 19, height = 146, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -2.265625 }, width = 46 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0, -2.265625 }, width = 22 } } }, west = { { connector = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pump/connector/V-L-1-unload-connect.png", frame_count = 16, height = 60, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pump/connector/hr-V-L-1-unload-connect.png", frame_count = 16, height = 119, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.4375, -0.6953125 }, width = 106 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 1.4375, -0.6875 }, width = 54 }, connector_shadow = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pump/connector/V-L-1-unload-connect-shadow.png", frame_count = 16, 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0.5703125, -0.984375 }, width = 123 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0.578125, -0.984375 }, width = 61 } }, { connector = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pump/connector/V-L-2-unload-connect.png", frame_count = 16, height = 51, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pump/connector/hr-V-L-2-unload-connect.png", frame_count = 16, height = 102, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.4140625, -1.546875 }, width = 107 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 1.40625, -1.546875 }, width = 54 }, connector_shadow = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pump/connector/V-L-2-unload-connect-shadow.png", frame_count = 16, height = 35, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pump/connector/hr-V-L-2-unload-connect-shadow.png", frame_count = 16, height = 70, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.78125, -1.265625 }, width = 88 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 1.78125, -1.265625 }, width = 44 }, standup_base = { filename = 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shift = { 0.9609375, -0.4921875 }, width = 95 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0.96875, -0.5 }, width = 48 }, standup_top = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pump/connector/V-L-246-unload-standup-top.png", frame_count = 19, height = 55, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pump/connector/hr-V-L-246-unload-standup-top.png", frame_count = 19, height = 110, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.5859375, -1.296875 }, width = 121 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0.59375, -1.296875 }, width = 60 } }, { connector = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pump/connector/V-L-5-unload-connect.png", frame_count = 16, height = 45, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pump/connector/hr-V-L-5-unload-connect.png", frame_count = 16, height = 90, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.4375, -0.921875 }, width = 108 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 1.4375, -0.921875 }, width = 54 }, connector_shadow = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pump/connector/V-L-5-unload-connect-shadow.png", frame_count = 16, height = 42, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pump/connector/hr-V-L-5-unload-connect-shadow.png", frame_count = 16, height = 84, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.6875, -0.53125 }, width = 86 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 1.6875, -0.53125 }, width = 44 }, standup_shadow = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pump/connector/V-L-5-unload-standup-shadow.png", frame_count = 20, height = 79, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pump/connector/hr-V-L-5-unload-standup-shadow.png", frame_count = 20, height = 158, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 1, 0.015625 }, width = 100 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 1, 0.015625 }, width = 50 }, standup_top = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pump/connector/V-L-135-unload-standup-top.png", frame_count = 19, height = 35, hr_version = { filename = 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line_length = 1, shift = { 1.734375, -0.546875 }, width = 43 }, standup_base = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pump/connector/V-L-246-unload-standup-base.png", frame_count = 20, height = 73, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pump/connector/hr-V-L-246-unload-standup-base.png", frame_count = 20, height = 148, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.734375, -0.765625 }, width = 110 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0.734375, -0.765625 }, width = 55 }, standup_shadow = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pump/connector/V-L-6-unload-standup-shadow.png", frame_count = 20, height = 81, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pump/connector/hr-V-L-6-unload-standup-shadow.png", frame_count = 20, height = 161, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.3515625, -0.5078125 }, width = 145 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 1.34375, -0.515625 }, width = 72 }, standup_top = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pump/connector/V-L-246-unload-standup-top.png", frame_count = 19, height = 55, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pump/connector/hr-V-L-246-unload-standup-top.png", frame_count = 19, height = 110, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.5859375, -1.296875 }, width = 121 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0.59375, -1.296875 }, width = 60 } } } } }, glass_pictures = { east = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pump/pump-east-glass.png", height = 32, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pump/hr-pump-east-glass.png", height = 192, scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, shift = { 0, -0.5 }, width = 32 }, north = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pump/pump-north-glass.png", height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pump/hr-pump-north-glass.png", height = 128, scale = 0.5, width = 64 }, width = 32 }, south = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pump/pump-south-glass.png", height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pump/hr-pump-south-glass.png", height = 128, scale = 0.5, width = 64 }, width = 32 }, west = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pump/pump-west-glass.png", height = 96, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pump/hr-pump-west-glass.png", height = 192, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.5, 0 }, width = 192 }, shift = { 0, 0.46875 }, width = 32 } }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/pump.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, max_health = 180, minable = { mining_time = 0.2, result = "pump" }, name = "pump", open_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.open_sound ]=], pumping_speed = 200, resistances = { { percent = 80, type = "fire" }, { percent = 30, type = "impact" } }, selection_box = { { -0.5, -1 }, { 0.5, 1 } }, type = "pump", vehicle_impact_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.vehicle_impact_sound ]=], working_sound = { audible_distance_modifier = 0.5, max_sounds_per_type = 2, sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/pump.ogg", volume = 0.3 } } } }, radar = { radar = { collision_box = { { -1.2, -1.2 }, { 1.2, 1.2 } }, corpse = "radar-remnants", damaged_trigger_effect = { damage_type_filters = "fire", entity_name = "spark-explosion", offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, offsets = { { 0, 1 } }, type = "create-entity" }, dying_explosion = "radar-explosion", energy_per_nearby_scan = "250kJ", energy_per_sector = "10MJ", energy_source = { type = "electric", usage_priority = "secondary-input" }, energy_usage = "300kW", flags = { "placeable-player", "player-creation" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/radar.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, integration_patch = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/radar/radar-integration.png", height = 108, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/radar/hr-radar-integration.png", height = 216, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.046875, 0.125 }, width = 238 }, priority = "low", shift = { 0.046875, 0.125 }, width = 119 }, max_distance_of_nearby_sector_revealed = 3, max_distance_of_sector_revealed = 14, max_health = 250, minable = { mining_time = 0.1, result = "radar" }, name = "radar", pictures = { layers = { { apply_projection = false, direction_count = 64, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/radar/radar.png", height = 128, hr_version = { apply_projection = false, direction_count = 64, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/radar/hr-radar.png", height = 254, line_length = 8, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.03125, -0.5 }, width = 196 }, line_length = 8, priority = "low", shift = { 0.03125, -0.5 }, width = 98 }, { apply_projection = false, direction_count = 64, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/radar/radar-shadow.png", height = 94, hr_version = { apply_projection = false, direction_count = 64, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/radar/hr-radar-shadow.png", height = 186, line_length = 8, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.2265625, 0.09375 }, width = 343 }, line_length = 8, priority = "low", shift = { 1.21875, 0.09375 }, width = 172 } } }, radius_minimap_visualisation_color = { a = 0.275, b = 0.23499999999999996, g = 0.091999999999999993, r = 0.058999999999999995 }, resistances = { { percent = 70, type = "fire" }, { percent = 30, type = "impact" } }, rotation_speed = 0.01, selection_box = { { -1.5, -1.5 }, { 1.5, 1.5 } }, type = "radar", vehicle_impact_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.vehicle_impact_sound ]=], water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = false, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/radar/radar-reflection.png", height = 32, priority = "extra-high", scale = 5, shift = { 0.15625, 1.09375 }, variation_count = 1, width = 28 }, rotate = false }, working_sound = { max_sounds_per_type = 3, sound = { { filename = "__base__/sound/radar.ogg", volume = 0.8 } }, use_doppler_shift = false } } }, ["rail-chain-signal"] = { ["rail-chain-signal"] = { animation = { layers = { { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 8, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/rail-chain-signal/rail-chain-signal.png", frame_count = 5, height = 160, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 8, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/rail-chain-signal/hr-rail-chain-signal.png", frame_count = 5, height = 320, line_length = 5, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, width = 320 }, line_length = 5, priority = "high", width = 160 }, { blend_mode = "additive", direction_count = 8, draw_as_light = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/rail-chain-signal/rail-chain-signal-light.png", frame_count = 5, height = 160, hr_version = { blend_mode = "additive", direction_count = 8, draw_as_light = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/rail-chain-signal/hr-rail-chain-signal-light.png", frame_count = 5, height = 320, line_length = 5, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, width = 320 }, line_length = 5, priority = "low", width = 160 } } }, blue_light = { color = { b = 1, g = 0.4, r = 0.4 }, intensity = 0.2, size = 4 }, circuit_connector_sprites = { { blue_led_light_offset = { -0.078125, 0.25 }, connector_main = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04a-base-sequence.png", height = 50, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.0625, 0.578125 }, width = 52, x = 312, y = 0 }, connector_shadow = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04b-base-shadow-sequence.png", height = 46, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.015625, 0.625 }, width = 62, x = 372, y = 0 }, led_blue = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04e-blue-LED-on-sequence.png", height = 60, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.0625, 0.546875 }, width = 60, x = 360, y = 0 }, led_blue_off = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04f-blue-LED-off-sequence.png", height = 44, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.0625, 0.546875 }, width = 46, x = 276, y = 0 }, led_green = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04h-green-LED-sequence.png", height = 46, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.0625, 0.546875 }, width = 48, x = 288, y = 0 }, led_light = { intensity = 0, size = 0.9 }, led_red = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04i-red-LED-sequence.png", height = 46, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.0625, 0.546875 }, width = 48, x = 288, y = 0 }, red_green_led_light_offset = { -0.078125, 0.375 }, wire_pins = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04c-wire-sequence.png", height = 58, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.0625, 0.546875 }, width = 62, x = 372, y = 0 }, wire_pins_shadow = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04d-wire-shadow-sequence.png", height = 54, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.09375, 0.671875 }, width = 70, x = 420, y = 0 } }, { blue_led_light_offset = { -0.28125, 0.21875 }, connector_main = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04a-base-sequence.png", height = 50, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.4375, 0.5 }, width = 52, x = 260, y = 0 }, connector_shadow = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04b-base-shadow-sequence.png", height = 46, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.359375, 0.546875 }, width = 62, x = 310, y = 0 }, led_blue = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04e-blue-LED-on-sequence.png", height = 60, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.4375, 0.46875 }, width = 60, x = 300, y = 0 }, led_blue_off = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04f-blue-LED-off-sequence.png", height = 44, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.4375, 0.46875 }, width = 46, x = 230, y = 0 }, led_green = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04h-green-LED-sequence.png", height = 46, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.4375, 0.46875 }, width = 48, x = 240, y = 0 }, led_light = { intensity = 0, size = 0.9 }, led_red = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04i-red-LED-sequence.png", height = 46, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.4375, 0.46875 }, width = 48, x = 240, y = 0 }, red_green_led_light_offset = { -0.390625, 0.296875 }, wire_pins = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04c-wire-sequence.png", height = 58, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.4375, 0.46875 }, width = 62, x = 310, y = 0 }, wire_pins_shadow = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04d-wire-shadow-sequence.png", height = 54, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.28125, 0.59375 }, width = 70, x = 350, y = 0 } }, { blue_led_light_offset = { -0.4375, 0.296875 }, connector_main = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04a-base-sequence.png", height = 50, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.671875, 0.46875 }, width = 52, x = 208, y = 0 }, connector_shadow = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04b-base-shadow-sequence.png", height = 46, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.59375, 0.515625 }, width = 62, x = 248, y = 0 }, led_blue = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04e-blue-LED-on-sequence.png", height = 60, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.671875, 0.4375 }, width = 60, x = 240, y = 0 }, led_blue_off = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04f-blue-LED-off-sequence.png", height = 44, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.671875, 0.4375 }, width = 46, x = 184, y = 0 }, led_green = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04h-green-LED-sequence.png", height = 46, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.671875, 0.4375 }, width = 48, x = 192, y = 0 }, led_light = { intensity = 0, size = 0.9 }, led_red = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04i-red-LED-sequence.png", height = 46, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.671875, 0.4375 }, width = 48, x = 192, y = 0 }, red_green_led_light_offset = { -0.59375, 0.296875 }, wire_pins = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04c-wire-sequence.png", height = 58, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.671875, 0.4375 }, width = 62, x = 248, y = 0 }, wire_pins_shadow = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04d-wire-shadow-sequence.png", height = 54, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.515625, 0.5625 }, width = 70, x = 280, y = 0 } }, { blue_led_light_offset = { 0.34375, 0.25 }, connector_main = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04a-base-sequence.png", height = 50, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.171875, 0.3125 }, width = 52, x = 156, y = 0 }, connector_shadow = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04b-base-shadow-sequence.png", height = 46, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.25, 0.359375 }, width = 62, x = 186, y = 0 }, led_blue = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04e-blue-LED-on-sequence.png", height = 60, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.171875, 0.28125 }, width = 60, x = 180, y = 0 }, led_blue_off = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04f-blue-LED-off-sequence.png", height = 44, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.171875, 0.28125 }, width = 46, x = 138, y = 0 }, led_green = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04h-green-LED-sequence.png", height = 46, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.171875, 0.28125 }, width = 48, x = 144, y = 0 }, led_light = { intensity = 0, size = 0.9 }, led_red = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04i-red-LED-sequence.png", height = 46, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.171875, 0.28125 }, width = 48, x = 144, y = 0 }, red_green_led_light_offset = { 0.25, 0.171875 }, wire_pins = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04c-wire-sequence.png", height = 58, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.171875, 0.28125 }, width = 62, x = 186, y = 0 }, wire_pins_shadow = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04d-wire-shadow-sequence.png", height = 54, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.328125, 0.40625 }, width = 70, x = 210, y = 0 } }, { blue_led_light_offset = { 0.140625, 0.265625 }, connector_main = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04a-base-sequence.png", height = 50, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.109375, 0.265625 }, width = 52, x = 104, y = 0 }, connector_shadow = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04b-base-shadow-sequence.png", height = 46, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1875, 0.3125 }, width = 62, x = 124, y = 0 }, led_blue = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04e-blue-LED-on-sequence.png", height = 60, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.109375, 0.234375 }, width = 60, x = 120, y = 0 }, led_blue_off = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04f-blue-LED-off-sequence.png", height = 44, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.109375, 0.234375 }, width = 46, x = 92, y = 0 }, led_green = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04h-green-LED-sequence.png", height = 46, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.109375, 0.234375 }, width = 48, x = 96, y = 0 }, led_light = { intensity = 0, size = 0.9 }, led_red = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04i-red-LED-sequence.png", height = 46, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.109375, 0.234375 }, width = 48, x = 96, y = 0 }, red_green_led_light_offset = { 0.140625, 0.15625 }, wire_pins = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04c-wire-sequence.png", height = 58, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.109375, 0.234375 }, width = 62, x = 124, y = 0 }, wire_pins_shadow = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04d-wire-shadow-sequence.png", height = 54, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.265625, 0.359375 }, width = 70, x = 140, y = 0 } }, { blue_led_light_offset = { -0.1875, 0.234375 }, connector_main = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04a-base-sequence.png", height = 50, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.046875, 0.28125 }, width = 52, x = 52, y = 0 }, connector_shadow = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04b-base-shadow-sequence.png", height = 46, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.03125, 0.328125 }, width = 62, x = 62, y = 0 }, led_blue = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04e-blue-LED-on-sequence.png", height = 60, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.046875, 0.25 }, width = 60, x = 60, y = 0 }, led_blue_off = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04f-blue-LED-off-sequence.png", height = 44, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.046875, 0.25 }, width = 46, x = 46, y = 0 }, led_green = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04h-green-LED-sequence.png", height = 46, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.046875, 0.25 }, width = 48, x = 48, y = 0 }, led_light = { intensity = 0, size = 0.9 }, led_red = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04i-red-LED-sequence.png", height = 46, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.046875, 0.25 }, width = 48, x = 48, y = 0 }, red_green_led_light_offset = { -0.078125, 0.171875 }, wire_pins = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04c-wire-sequence.png", height = 58, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.046875, 0.25 }, width = 62, x = 62, y = 0 }, wire_pins_shadow = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04d-wire-shadow-sequence.png", height = 54, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.109375, 0.375 }, width = 70, x = 70, y = 0 } }, { blue_led_light_offset = { -0.46875, 0.125 }, connector_main = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04a-base-sequence.png", height = 50, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.25, 0.265625 }, width = 52, x = 0, y = 0 }, connector_shadow = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04b-base-shadow-sequence.png", height = 46, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.171875, 0.3125 }, width = 62, x = 0, y = 0 }, led_blue = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04e-blue-LED-on-sequence.png", height = 60, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.25, 0.234375 }, width = 60, x = 0, y = 0 }, led_blue_off = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04f-blue-LED-off-sequence.png", height = 44, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.25, 0.234375 }, width = 46, x = 0, y = 0 }, led_green = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04h-green-LED-sequence.png", height = 46, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.25, 0.234375 }, width = 48, x = 0, y = 0 }, led_light = { intensity = 0, size = 0.9 }, led_red = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04i-red-LED-sequence.png", height = 46, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.25, 0.234375 }, width = 48, x = 0, y = 0 }, red_green_led_light_offset = { -0.3125, 0.125 }, wire_pins = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04c-wire-sequence.png", height = 58, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.25, 0.234375 }, width = 62, x = 0, y = 0 }, wire_pins_shadow = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04d-wire-shadow-sequence.png", height = 54, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.09375, 0.359375 }, width = 70, x = 0, y = 0 } }, { blue_led_light_offset = { 0.078125, 0.15625 }, connector_main = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04a-base-sequence.png", height = 50, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.25, 0.421875 }, width = 52, x = 364, y = 0 }, connector_shadow = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04b-base-shadow-sequence.png", height = 46, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.328125, 0.46875 }, width = 62, x = 434, y = 0 }, led_blue = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04e-blue-LED-on-sequence.png", height = 60, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.25, 0.390625 }, width = 60, x = 420, y = 0 }, led_blue_off = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04f-blue-LED-off-sequence.png", height = 44, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.25, 0.390625 }, width = 46, x = 322, y = 0 }, led_green = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04h-green-LED-sequence.png", height = 46, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.25, 0.390625 }, width = 48, x = 336, y = 0 }, led_light = { intensity = 0, size = 0.9 }, led_red = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04i-red-LED-sequence.png", height = 46, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.25, 0.390625 }, width = 48, x = 336, y = 0 }, red_green_led_light_offset = { 0.1875, 0.234375 }, wire_pins = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04c-wire-sequence.png", height = 58, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.25, 0.390625 }, width = 62, x = 434, y = 0 }, wire_pins_shadow = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04d-wire-shadow-sequence.png", height = 54, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.40625, 0.515625 }, width = 70, x = 490, y = 0 } } }, circuit_wire_connection_points = { { shadow = { green = { -0.1875, 0.328125 }, red = { -0.28125, 0.515625 } }, wire = { green = { -0.328125, 0.21875 }, red = { -0.40625, 0.421875 } } }, { shadow = { green = { -0.296875, 0.1875 }, red = { -0.53125, 0.3125 } }, wire = { green = { -0.46875, 0.0625 }, red = { -0.640625, 0.1875 } } }, { shadow = { green = { -0.203125, 0.234375 }, red = { -0.453125, 0.21875 } }, wire = { green = { -0.375, 0.09375 }, red = { -0.640625, 0.09375 } } }, { shadow = { green = { 0.765625, 0.28125 }, red = { 0.578125, 0.15625 } }, wire = { green = { 0.59375, 0.15625 }, red = { 0.421875, 0.03125 } } }, { shadow = { green = { 0.609375, 0.4375 }, red = { 0.53125, 0.234375 } }, wire = { green = { 0.453125, 0.3125 }, red = { 0.390625, 0.125 } } }, { shadow = { green = { 0.140625, 0.546875 }, red = { 0.3125, 0.4375 } }, wire = { green = { 0, 0.4375 }, red = { 0.15625, 0.328125 } } }, { shadow = { green = { -0.40625, 0.5 }, red = { -0.1875, 0.484375 } }, wire = { green = { -0.5, 0.4375 }, red = { -0.265625, 0.4375 } } }, { shadow = { green = { -0.078125, 0.40625 }, red = { 0.09375, 0.53125 } }, wire = { green = { -0.171875, 0.328125 }, red = { -0.03125, 0.4375 } } } }, circuit_wire_max_distance = 9, close_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.close_sound ]=], collision_box = { { -0.2, -0.2 }, { 0.2, 0.2 } }, corpse = "rail-chain-signal-remnants", damaged_trigger_effect = { damage_type_filters = "fire", entity_name = "spark-explosion", offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, offsets = { { 0, 1 } }, type = "create-entity" }, default_blue_output_signal = { name = "signal-blue", type = "virtual" }, default_green_output_signal = { name = "signal-green", type = "virtual" }, default_orange_output_signal = { name = "signal-yellow", type = "virtual" }, default_red_output_signal = { name = "signal-red", type = "virtual" }, dying_explosion = "rail-chain-signal-explosion", fast_replaceable_group = "rail-signal", flags = { "placeable-neutral", "player-creation", "building-direction-8-way", "filter-directions", "fast-replaceable-no-build-while-moving" }, green_light = { color = { b = 0, g = 1, r = 0 }, intensity = 0.2, size = 4 }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/rail-chain-signal.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, max_health = 100, minable = { mining_time = 0.1, result = "rail-chain-signal" }, name = "rail-chain-signal", open_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.open_sound ]=], orange_light = { color = { b = 0, g = 0.5, r = 1 }, intensity = 0.2, size = 4 }, rail_piece = { axially_symmetrical = false, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/rail-chain-signal/rail-chain-signal-metal.png", frame_count = 10, height = 192, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/rail-chain-signal/hr-rail-chain-signal-metal.png", frame_count = 10, height = 384, line_length = 10, scale = 0.5, width = 384 }, line_length = 10, width = 192 }, red_light = { color = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 1 }, intensity = 0.2, size = 4 }, selection_box = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, selection_box_offsets = { { 0, 0 }, { 0, 0 }, { 0, 0 }, { 0, 0 }, { 0, 0 }, { 0, 0 }, { 0, 0 }, { 0, 0 } }, type = "rail-chain-signal" } }, ["rail-planner"] = { rail = { curved_rail = "curved-rail", icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/rail.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "item-name.rail" }, name = "rail", order = "a[train-system]-a[rail]", place_result = "straight-rail", stack_size = 100, straight_rail = "straight-rail", subgroup = "train-transport", type = "rail-planner" } }, ["rail-remnants"] = { ["curved-rail-remnants"] = { bending_type = "turn", collision_box = { { -0.75, -0.55 }, { 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96 }, stone_path = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/straight-rail/straight-rail-diagonal-left-bottom-stone-path-remnants.png", flags = { "low-object" }, height = 96, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/straight-rail/hr-straight-rail-diagonal-left-bottom-stone-path-remnants.png", flags = { "low-object" }, height = 192, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.5, -0.5 }, variation_count = 3, width = 192 }, priority = "high", shift = { 0.5, -0.5 }, variation_count = 3, width = 96 }, stone_path_background = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/straight-rail/straight-rail-diagonal-left-bottom-stone-path-background-remnants.png", flags = { "low-object" }, height = 96, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/straight-rail/hr-straight-rail-diagonal-left-bottom-stone-path-background-remnants.png", flags = { "low-object" }, height = 192, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.5, -0.5 }, variation_count = 3, width = 192 }, priority = "high", shift = { 0.5, -0.5 }, variation_count = 3, width = 96 }, ties = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/straight-rail/straight-rail-diagonal-left-bottom-ties-remnants.png", flags = { "low-object" }, height = 96, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/straight-rail/hr-straight-rail-diagonal-left-bottom-ties-remnants.png", flags = { "low-object" }, height = 192, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.5, -0.5 }, variation_count = 3, width = 192 }, priority = "high", shift = { 0.5, -0.5 }, variation_count = 3, width = 96 } }, straight_rail_diagonal_left_top = { backplates = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/straight-rail/straight-rail-diagonal-left-top-backplates-remnants.png", flags = { "trilinear-filtering" }, height = 96, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/straight-rail/hr-straight-rail-diagonal-left-top-backplates-remnants.png", flags = { "trilinear-filtering" }, height = 192, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.5, 0.5 }, variation_count = 3, width 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width = 192 }, priority = "high", shift = { 0.5, 0.5 }, variation_count = 3, width = 96 } }, straight_rail_diagonal_right_bottom = { backplates = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/straight-rail/straight-rail-diagonal-right-bottom-backplates-remnants.png", flags = { "trilinear-filtering" }, height = 96, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/straight-rail/hr-straight-rail-diagonal-right-bottom-backplates-remnants.png", flags = { "trilinear-filtering" }, height = 192, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.5, -0.5 }, variation_count = 3, width = 192 }, priority = "high", shift = { -0.5, -0.5 }, variation_count = 3, width = 96 }, metals = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/straight-rail/straight-rail-diagonal-right-bottom-metals-remnants.png", flags = { "trilinear-filtering" }, height = 96, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/straight-rail/hr-straight-rail-diagonal-right-bottom-metals-remnants.png", flags = { "trilinear-filtering" }, height = 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"__base__/graphics/entity/straight-rail/hr-straight-rail-diagonal-right-bottom-stone-path-background-remnants.png", flags = { "low-object" }, height = 192, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.5, -0.5 }, variation_count = 3, width = 192 }, priority = "high", shift = { -0.5, -0.5 }, variation_count = 3, width = 96 }, ties = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/straight-rail/straight-rail-diagonal-right-bottom-ties-remnants.png", flags = { "low-object" }, height = 96, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/straight-rail/hr-straight-rail-diagonal-right-bottom-ties-remnants.png", flags = { "low-object" }, height = 192, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.5, -0.5 }, variation_count = 3, width = 192 }, priority = "high", shift = { -0.5, -0.5 }, variation_count = 3, width = 96 } }, straight_rail_diagonal_right_top = { backplates = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/straight-rail/straight-rail-diagonal-right-top-backplates-remnants.png", flags = { "trilinear-filtering" }, height = 96, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/straight-rail/hr-straight-rail-diagonal-right-top-backplates-remnants.png", flags = { "trilinear-filtering" }, height = 192, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.5, 0.5 }, variation_count = 3, width = 192 }, priority = "high", shift = { -0.5, 0.5 }, variation_count = 3, width = 96 }, metals = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/straight-rail/straight-rail-diagonal-right-top-metals-remnants.png", flags = { "trilinear-filtering" }, height = 96, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/straight-rail/hr-straight-rail-diagonal-right-top-metals-remnants.png", flags = { "trilinear-filtering" }, height = 192, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.5, 0.5 }, variation_count = 3, width = 192 }, priority = "high", shift = { -0.5, 0.5 }, variation_count = 3, width = 96 }, stone_path = { filename = 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width = 64 }, metals = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/straight-rail/straight-rail-horizontal-metals-remnants.png", flags = { "trilinear-filtering" }, height = 128, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/straight-rail/hr-straight-rail-horizontal-metals-remnants.png", flags = { "trilinear-filtering" }, height = 256, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, 0 }, variation_count = 3, width = 128 }, priority = "high", shift = { 0, 0 }, variation_count = 3, width = 64 }, stone_path = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/straight-rail/straight-rail-horizontal-stone-path-remnants.png", flags = { "low-object" }, height = 128, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/straight-rail/hr-straight-rail-horizontal-stone-path-remnants.png", flags = { "low-object" }, height = 256, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, 0 }, variation_count = 3, width = 128 }, priority = "high", shift = { 0, 0 }, variation_count = 3, width = 64 }, stone_path_background = { 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"__base__/graphics/entity/straight-rail/straight-rail-vertical-backplates-remnants.png", flags = { "trilinear-filtering" }, height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/straight-rail/hr-straight-rail-vertical-backplates-remnants.png", flags = { "trilinear-filtering" }, height = 128, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, 0 }, variation_count = 3, width = 256 }, priority = "high", shift = { 0, 0 }, variation_count = 3, width = 128 }, metals = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/straight-rail/straight-rail-vertical-metals-remnants.png", flags = { "trilinear-filtering" }, height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/straight-rail/hr-straight-rail-vertical-metals-remnants.png", flags = { "trilinear-filtering" }, height = 128, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, 0 }, variation_count = 3, width = 256 }, priority = "high", shift = { 0, 0 }, variation_count = 3, width = 128 }, stone_path = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/straight-rail/straight-rail-vertical-stone-path-remnants.png", flags = { "low-object" }, height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/straight-rail/hr-straight-rail-vertical-stone-path-remnants.png", flags = { "low-object" }, height = 128, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, 0 }, variation_count = 3, width = 256 }, priority = "high", shift = { 0, 0 }, variation_count = 3, width = 128 }, stone_path_background = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/straight-rail/straight-rail-vertical-stone-path-background-remnants.png", flags = { "low-object" }, height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/straight-rail/hr-straight-rail-vertical-stone-path-background-remnants.png", flags = { "low-object" }, height = 128, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, 0 }, variation_count = 3, width = 256 }, priority = "high", shift = { 0, 0 }, variation_count = 3, width = 128 }, ties = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/straight-rail/straight-rail-vertical-ties-remnants.png", flags = { "low-object" }, height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/straight-rail/hr-straight-rail-vertical-ties-remnants.png", flags = { "low-object" }, height = 128, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, 0 }, variation_count = 3, width = 256 }, priority = "high", shift = { 0, 0 }, variation_count = 3, width = 128 } } }, secondary_collision_box = { { -0.65, -2.4300000000000002 }, { 0.65, 2.4300000000000002 } }, selectable_in_game = false, selection_box = { { -1.7, -0.8 }, { 1.7, 0.8 } }, subgroup = "remnants", tile_height = 8, tile_width = 4, time_before_removed = 162000, time_before_shading_off = 3600, type = "rail-remnants" }, ["straight-rail-remnants"] = { bending_type = "straight", collision_box = { { -0.7, -0.8 }, { 0.7, 0.8 } }, flags = { "placeable-neutral", "building-direction-8-way", "not-on-map" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/straight-rail-remnants.png", 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"__base__/graphics/entity/curved-rail/hr-curved-rail-horizontal-left-bottom-metals-remnants.png", flags = { "trilinear-filtering" }, height = 384, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.5, -0.5 }, variation_count = 1, width = 576 }, priority = "high", shift = { 0.5, -0.5 }, variation_count = 1, width = 288 }, stone_path = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/curved-rail/curved-rail-horizontal-left-bottom-stone-path-remnants.png", flags = { "low-object" }, height = 192, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/curved-rail/hr-curved-rail-horizontal-left-bottom-stone-path-remnants.png", flags = { "low-object" }, height = 384, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.5, -0.5 }, variation_count = 1, width = 576 }, priority = "high", shift = { 0.5, -0.5 }, variation_count = 1, width = 288 }, stone_path_background = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/curved-rail/curved-rail-horizontal-left-bottom-stone-path-background-remnants.png", flags = { "low-object" }, height = 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}, variation_count = 3, width = 192 }, priority = "high", shift = { -0.5, -0.5 }, variation_count = 3, width = 96 }, stone_path = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/straight-rail/straight-rail-diagonal-right-bottom-stone-path-remnants.png", flags = { "low-object" }, height = 96, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/straight-rail/hr-straight-rail-diagonal-right-bottom-stone-path-remnants.png", flags = { "low-object" }, height = 192, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.5, -0.5 }, variation_count = 3, width = 192 }, priority = "high", shift = { -0.5, -0.5 }, variation_count = 3, width = 96 }, stone_path_background = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/straight-rail/straight-rail-diagonal-right-bottom-stone-path-background-remnants.png", flags = { "low-object" }, height = 96, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/straight-rail/hr-straight-rail-diagonal-right-bottom-stone-path-background-remnants.png", flags = { "low-object" }, height = 192, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.5, -0.5 }, variation_count = 3, width = 192 }, priority = "high", shift = { -0.5, -0.5 }, variation_count = 3, width = 96 }, ties = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/straight-rail/straight-rail-diagonal-right-bottom-ties-remnants.png", flags = { "low-object" }, height = 96, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/straight-rail/hr-straight-rail-diagonal-right-bottom-ties-remnants.png", flags = { "low-object" }, height = 192, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.5, -0.5 }, variation_count = 3, width = 192 }, priority = "high", shift = { -0.5, -0.5 }, variation_count = 3, width = 96 } }, straight_rail_diagonal_right_top = { backplates = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/straight-rail/straight-rail-diagonal-right-top-backplates-remnants.png", flags = { "trilinear-filtering" }, height = 96, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/straight-rail/hr-straight-rail-diagonal-right-top-backplates-remnants.png", 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"__base__/graphics/entity/straight-rail/hr-straight-rail-diagonal-right-top-stone-path-remnants.png", flags = { "low-object" }, height = 192, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.5, 0.5 }, variation_count = 3, width = 192 }, priority = "high", shift = { -0.5, 0.5 }, variation_count = 3, width = 96 }, stone_path_background = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/straight-rail/straight-rail-diagonal-right-top-stone-path-background-remnants.png", flags = { "low-object" }, height = 96, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/straight-rail/hr-straight-rail-diagonal-right-top-stone-path-background-remnants.png", flags = { "low-object" }, height = 192, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.5, 0.5 }, variation_count = 3, width = 192 }, priority = "high", shift = { -0.5, 0.5 }, variation_count = 3, width = 96 }, ties = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/straight-rail/straight-rail-diagonal-right-top-ties-remnants.png", flags = { "low-object" }, height = 96, 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"__base__/graphics/entity/straight-rail/hr-straight-rail-vertical-stone-path-remnants.png", flags = { "low-object" }, height = 128, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, 0 }, variation_count = 3, width = 256 }, priority = "high", shift = { 0, 0 }, variation_count = 3, width = 128 }, stone_path_background = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/straight-rail/straight-rail-vertical-stone-path-background-remnants.png", flags = { "low-object" }, height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/straight-rail/hr-straight-rail-vertical-stone-path-background-remnants.png", flags = { "low-object" }, height = 128, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, 0 }, variation_count = 3, width = 256 }, priority = "high", shift = { 0, 0 }, variation_count = 3, width = 128 }, ties = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/straight-rail/straight-rail-vertical-ties-remnants.png", flags = { "low-object" }, height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/straight-rail/hr-straight-rail-vertical-ties-remnants.png", flags = { "low-object" }, height = 128, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, 0 }, variation_count = 3, width = 256 }, priority = "high", shift = { 0, 0 }, variation_count = 3, width = 128 } } }, selectable_in_game = false, selection_box = { { -0.7, -0.8 }, { 0.7, 0.8 } }, subgroup = "remnants", tile_height = 2, tile_width = 2, time_before_removed = 162000, time_before_shading_off = 3600, type = "rail-remnants" } }, ["rail-signal"] = { ["rail-signal"] = { animation = { layers = { { direction_count = 8, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/rail-signal/rail-signal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 96, hr_version = { direction_count = 8, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/rail-signal/hr-rail-signal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 192, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, width = 192 }, priority = "high", width = 96 }, { blend_mode = "additive", direction_count = 8, draw_as_light = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/rail-signal/rail-signal-light.png", frame_count = 3, height = 96, hr_version = { blend_mode = "additive", direction_count = 8, draw_as_light = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/rail-signal/hr-rail-signal-light.png", frame_count = 3, height = 192, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, width = 192 }, priority = "low", width = 96 } } }, circuit_connector_sprites = { { blue_led_light_offset = { 0.640625, -0.359375 }, connector_main = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04a-base-sequence.png", height = 50, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.40625, -0.1875 }, width = 52, x = 208, y = 0 }, connector_shadow = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04b-base-shadow-sequence.png", height = 46, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.484375, -0.140625 }, width = 62, x = 248, y = 0 }, led_blue = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04e-blue-LED-on-sequence.png", height = 60, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.40625, -0.21875 }, width = 60, x = 240, y = 0 }, led_blue_off = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04f-blue-LED-off-sequence.png", height = 44, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.40625, -0.21875 }, width = 46, x = 184, y = 0 }, led_green = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04h-green-LED-sequence.png", height = 46, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.40625, -0.21875 }, width = 48, x = 192, y = 0 }, led_light = { intensity = 0, size = 0.9 }, led_red = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04i-red-LED-sequence.png", height = 46, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.40625, -0.21875 }, width = 48, x = 192, y = 0 }, red_green_led_light_offset = { 0.484375, -0.359375 }, 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0.65625, 0.140625 }, wire_pins = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04c-wire-sequence.png", height = 58, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.578125, 0.25 }, width = 62, x = 186, y = 0 }, wire_pins_shadow = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04d-wire-shadow-sequence.png", height = 54, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.734375, 0.375 }, width = 70, x = 210, y = 0 } }, { blue_led_light_offset = { 0.25, 0.703125 }, connector_main = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04a-base-sequence.png", height = 50, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.21875, 0.703125 }, width = 52, x = 104, y = 0 }, connector_shadow = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04b-base-shadow-sequence.png", height = 46, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.296875, 0.75 }, width = 62, x = 124, y = 0 }, 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red_green_led_light_offset = { 0.25, 0.59375 }, wire_pins = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04c-wire-sequence.png", height = 58, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.21875, 0.671875 }, width = 62, x = 124, y = 0 }, wire_pins_shadow = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04d-wire-shadow-sequence.png", height = 54, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.375, 0.796875 }, width = 70, x = 140, y = 0 } }, { blue_led_light_offset = { -0.328125, 0.59375 }, connector_main = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04a-base-sequence.png", height = 50, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.1875, 0.640625 }, width = 52, x = 52, y = 0 }, connector_shadow = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04b-base-shadow-sequence.png", height = 46, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.109375, 0.6875 }, width = 62, x = 62, y = 0 }, led_blue = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04e-blue-LED-on-sequence.png", height = 60, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.1875, 0.609375 }, width = 60, x = 60, y = 0 }, led_blue_off = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04f-blue-LED-off-sequence.png", height = 44, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.1875, 0.609375 }, width = 46, x = 46, y = 0 }, led_green = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04h-green-LED-sequence.png", height = 46, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.1875, 0.609375 }, width = 48, x = 48, y = 0 }, led_light = { intensity = 0, size = 0.9 }, led_red = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04i-red-LED-sequence.png", height = 46, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.1875, 0.609375 }, width = 48, x = 48, y = 0 }, red_green_led_light_offset = { -0.21875, 0.53125 }, wire_pins = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04c-wire-sequence.png", height = 58, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.1875, 0.609375 }, width = 62, x = 62, y = 0 }, wire_pins_shadow = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04d-wire-shadow-sequence.png", height = 54, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03125, 0.734375 }, width = 70, x = 70, y = 0 } }, { blue_led_light_offset = { -0.609375, 0.296875 }, connector_main = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04a-base-sequence.png", height = 50, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.390625, 0.4375 }, width = 52, x = 0, y = 0 }, connector_shadow = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04b-base-shadow-sequence.png", height = 46, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.3125, 0.484375 }, width = 62, x = 0, y = 0 }, led_blue = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04e-blue-LED-on-sequence.png", height = 60, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.390625, 0.40625 }, width = 60, x = 0, y = 0 }, led_blue_off = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04f-blue-LED-off-sequence.png", height = 44, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.390625, 0.40625 }, width = 46, x = 0, y = 0 }, led_green = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04h-green-LED-sequence.png", height = 46, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.390625, 0.40625 }, width = 48, x = 0, y = 0 }, led_light = { intensity = 0, size = 0.9 }, led_red = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04i-red-LED-sequence.png", height = 46, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.390625, 0.40625 }, width = 48, x = 0, y = 0 }, red_green_led_light_offset = { -0.453125, 0.296875 }, wire_pins = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04c-wire-sequence.png", height = 58, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.390625, 0.40625 }, width = 62, x = 0, y = 0 }, wire_pins_shadow = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04d-wire-shadow-sequence.png", height = 54, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.234375, 0.53125 }, width = 70, x = 0, y = 0 } }, { blue_led_light_offset = { -0.65625, -0.375 }, connector_main = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04a-base-sequence.png", height = 50, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.484375, -0.109375 }, width = 52, x = 364, y = 0 }, connector_shadow = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04b-base-shadow-sequence.png", height = 46, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.40625, -0.0625 }, width = 62, x = 434, y = 0 }, led_blue = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04e-blue-LED-on-sequence.png", height = 60, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.484375, -0.140625 }, width = 60, x = 420, y = 0 }, led_blue_off = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04f-blue-LED-off-sequence.png", height = 44, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.484375, -0.140625 }, width = 46, x = 322, y = 0 }, led_green = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04h-green-LED-sequence.png", height = 46, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.484375, -0.140625 }, width = 48, x = 336, y = 0 }, led_light = { intensity = 0, size = 0.9 }, led_red = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04i-red-LED-sequence.png", height = 46, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.484375, -0.140625 }, width = 48, x = 336, y = 0 }, red_green_led_light_offset = { -0.546875, -0.296875 }, wire_pins = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04c-wire-sequence.png", height = 58, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.484375, -0.140625 }, width = 62, x = 434, y = 0 }, wire_pins_shadow = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04d-wire-shadow-sequence.png", height = 54, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.328125, -0.015625 }, width = 70, x = 490, y = 0 } }, { blue_led_light_offset = { -0.234375, -0.75 }, connector_main = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04a-base-sequence.png", height = 50, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.21875, -0.421875 }, width = 52, x = 312, y = 0 }, connector_shadow = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04b-base-shadow-sequence.png", height = 46, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.140625, -0.375 }, width = 62, x = 372, y = 0 }, led_blue = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04e-blue-LED-on-sequence.png", height = 60, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.21875, -0.453125 }, width = 60, x = 360, y = 0 }, led_blue_off = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04f-blue-LED-off-sequence.png", height = 44, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.21875, -0.453125 }, width = 46, x = 276, y = 0 }, led_green = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04h-green-LED-sequence.png", height = 46, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.21875, -0.453125 }, width = 48, x = 288, y = 0 }, led_light = { intensity = 0, size = 0.9 }, led_red = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04i-red-LED-sequence.png", height = 46, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.21875, -0.453125 }, width = 48, x = 288, y = 0 }, red_green_led_light_offset = { -0.234375, -0.625 }, wire_pins = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04c-wire-sequence.png", height = 58, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.21875, -0.453125 }, width = 62, x = 372, y = 0 }, wire_pins_shadow = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04d-wire-shadow-sequence.png", height = 54, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.0625, -0.328125 }, width = 70, x = 420, y = 0 } }, { blue_led_light_offset = { 0.390625, -0.625 }, connector_main = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04a-base-sequence.png", height = 50, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.234375, -0.34375 }, width = 52, x = 260, y = 0 }, connector_shadow = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04b-base-shadow-sequence.png", height = 46, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.3125, -0.296875 }, width = 62, x = 310, y = 0 }, led_blue = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04e-blue-LED-on-sequence.png", height = 60, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.234375, -0.375 }, width = 60, x = 300, y = 0 }, led_blue_off = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04f-blue-LED-off-sequence.png", height = 44, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.234375, -0.375 }, width = 46, x = 230, y = 0 }, led_green = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04h-green-LED-sequence.png", height = 46, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.234375, -0.375 }, width = 48, x = 240, y = 0 }, led_light = { intensity = 0, size = 0.9 }, led_red = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04i-red-LED-sequence.png", height = 46, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.234375, -0.375 }, width = 48, x = 240, y = 0 }, red_green_led_light_offset = { 0.28125, -0.546875 }, wire_pins = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04c-wire-sequence.png", height = 58, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.234375, -0.375 }, width = 62, x = 310, y = 0 }, wire_pins_shadow = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04d-wire-shadow-sequence.png", height = 54, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.390625, -0.25 }, width = 70, x = 350, y = 0 } } }, circuit_wire_connection_points = { { shadow = { green = { 0.875, -0.421875 }, red = { 0.625, -0.4375 } }, wire = { green = { 0.703125, -0.5625 }, red = { 0.4375, -0.5625 } } }, { shadow = { green = { 1.171875, 0.25 }, red = { 0.984375, 0.125 } }, wire = { green = { 1, 0.125 }, red = { 0.828125, 0 } } }, { shadow = { green = { 0.71875, 0.875 }, red = { 0.640625, 0.671875 } }, wire = { green = { 0.5625, 0.75 }, red = { 0.5, 0.5625 } } }, { shadow = { green = { 0, 0.90625 }, red = { 0.171875, 0.796875 } }, wire = { green = { -0.140625, 0.796875 }, red = { 0.015625, 0.6875 } } }, { shadow = { green = { -0.546875, 0.671875 }, red = { -0.328125, 0.65625 } }, wire = { green = { -0.640625, 0.609375 }, red = { -0.40625, 0.609375 } } }, { shadow = { green = { -0.8125, -0.125 }, red = { -0.640625, 0 } }, wire = { green = { -0.90625, -0.203125 }, red = { -0.765625, -0.09375 } } }, { shadow = { green = { -0.34375, -0.671875 }, red = { -0.4375, -0.484375 } }, wire = { green = { -0.484375, -0.78125 }, red = { -0.5625, -0.578125 } } }, { shadow = { green = { 0.375, -0.65625 }, red = { 0.140625, -0.53125 } }, wire = { green = { 0.203125, -0.78125 }, red = { 0.03125, -0.65625 } } } }, circuit_wire_max_distance = 9, close_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.close_sound ]=], collision_box = { { -0.2, -0.2 }, { 0.2, 0.2 } }, corpse = "rail-signal-remnants", damaged_trigger_effect = { damage_type_filters = "fire", entity_name = "spark-explosion", offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, offsets = { { 0, 1 } }, type = "create-entity" }, default_green_output_signal = { name = "signal-green", type = "virtual" }, default_orange_output_signal = { name = "signal-yellow", type = "virtual" }, default_red_output_signal = { name = "signal-red", type = "virtual" }, dying_explosion = "rail-signal-explosion", fast_replaceable_group = "rail-signal", flags = { "placeable-neutral", "player-creation", "building-direction-8-way", "filter-directions", "fast-replaceable-no-build-while-moving" }, green_light = { color = { g = 1 }, intensity = 0.2, size = 4 }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/rail-signal.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, max_health = 100, minable = { mining_time = 0.1, result = "rail-signal" }, name = "rail-signal", open_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.open_sound ]=], orange_light = { color = { g = 0.5, r = 1 }, intensity = 0.2, size = 4 }, rail_piece = { axially_symmetrical = false, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/rail-signal/rail-signal-metal.png", frame_count = 10, height = 96, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/rail-signal/hr-rail-signal-metal.png", frame_count = 10, height = 192, line_length = 10, scale = 0.5, width = 192 }, line_length = 10, width = 96 }, red_light = { color = { r = 1 }, intensity = 0.2, size = 4 }, selection_box = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, type = "rail-signal" } }, reactor = { ["nuclear-reactor"] = { close_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.close_sound ]=], collision_box = { { -2.2000000000000002, -2.2000000000000002 }, { 2.2000000000000002, 2.2000000000000002 } }, connection_patches_connected = { sheet = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/nuclear-reactor/reactor-connect-patches.png", height = 32, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/nuclear-reactor/hr-reactor-connect-patches.png", height = 64, scale = 0.5, variation_count = 12, width = 64 }, variation_count = 12, width = 32 } }, connection_patches_disconnected = { sheet = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/nuclear-reactor/reactor-connect-patches.png", height = 32, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/nuclear-reactor/hr-reactor-connect-patches.png", height = 64, scale = 0.5, variation_count = 12, width = 64, y = 64 }, variation_count = 12, width = 32, y = 32 } }, consumption = "40MW", corpse = "nuclear-reactor-remnants", damaged_trigger_effect = { damage_type_filters = "fire", entity_name = "spark-explosion", offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, offsets = { { 0, 1 } }, type = "create-entity" }, dying_explosion = "nuclear-reactor-explosion", energy_source = { burnt_inventory_size = 1, effectivity = 1, fuel_category = "nuclear", fuel_inventory_size = 1, light_flicker = { color = { 0, 0, 0 }, maximum_intensity = 0.95, minimum_intensity = 0.7 }, type = "burner" }, flags = { "placeable-neutral", "player-creation" }, heat_buffer = { connections = { { direction = 0, position = { -2, -2 } }, { direction = 0, position = { 0, -2 } }, { direction = 0, position = { 2, -2 } }, { direction = 2, position = { 2, -2 } }, { direction = 2, position = { 2, 0 } }, { direction = 2, position = { 2, 2 } }, { direction = 4, position = { 2, 2 } }, { direction = 4, position = { 0, 2 } }, { direction = 4, position = { -2, 2 } }, { direction = 6, position = { -2, 2 } }, { direction = 6, position = { -2, 0 } }, { direction = 6, position = { -2, -2 } } }, heat_picture = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/nuclear-reactor/reactor-heated.png", height = 128, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/nuclear-reactor/hr-reactor-heated.png", height = 256, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.09375, -0.203125 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].boiler["heat-exchanger"].energy_source.heat_picture.east.layers[1].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 216 }, shift = { 0.03125, -0.21875 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].boiler["heat-exchanger"].energy_source.heat_picture.east.layers[1].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 108 }, { draw_as_light = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/nuclear-reactor/reactor-heated.png", height = 128, hr_version = { draw_as_light = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/nuclear-reactor/hr-reactor-heated.png", height = 256, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.09375, -0.203125 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].boiler["heat-exchanger"].energy_source.heat_picture.east.layers[2].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 216 }, shift = { 0.03125, -0.21875 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].boiler["heat-exchanger"].energy_source.heat_picture.east.layers[2].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 108 } } }, max_temperature = 1000, max_transfer = "10GW", minimum_glow_temperature = 350, specific_heat = "10MJ" }, heat_connection_patches_connected = { sheet = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/nuclear-reactor/reactor-connect-patches-heated.png", height = 32, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/nuclear-reactor/hr-reactor-connect-patches-heated.png", height = 64, scale = 0.5, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].boiler["heat-exchanger"].energy_source.heat_picture.east.layers[1].hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 12, width = 64 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].boiler["heat-exchanger"].energy_source.heat_picture.east.layers[1].hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 12, width = 32 }, { draw_as_light = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/nuclear-reactor/reactor-connect-patches-heated.png", height = 32, hr_version = { draw_as_light = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/nuclear-reactor/hr-reactor-connect-patches-heated.png", height = 64, scale = 0.5, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].boiler["heat-exchanger"].energy_source.heat_picture.east.layers[2].hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 12, width = 64 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].boiler["heat-exchanger"].energy_source.heat_picture.east.layers[2].hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 12, width = 32 } } } }, heat_connection_patches_disconnected = { sheet = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/nuclear-reactor/reactor-connect-patches-heated.png", height = 32, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/nuclear-reactor/hr-reactor-connect-patches-heated.png", height = 64, scale = 0.5, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].boiler["heat-exchanger"].energy_source.heat_picture.east.layers[1].hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 12, width = 64, y = 64 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].boiler["heat-exchanger"].energy_source.heat_picture.east.layers[1].hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 12, width = 32, y = 32 }, { draw_as_light = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/nuclear-reactor/reactor-connect-patches-heated.png", height = 32, hr_version = { draw_as_light = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/nuclear-reactor/hr-reactor-connect-patches-heated.png", height = 64, scale = 0.5, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].boiler["heat-exchanger"].energy_source.heat_picture.east.layers[2].hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 12, width = 64, y = 64 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].boiler["heat-exchanger"].energy_source.heat_picture.east.layers[2].hr_version.tint ]=], variation_count = 12, width = 32, y = 32 } } } }, heat_lower_layer_picture = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/nuclear-reactor/reactor-pipes-heated.png", height = 156, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/nuclear-reactor/hr-reactor-pipes-heated.png", height = 316, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.015625, -0.140625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].boiler["heat-exchanger"].energy_source.heat_picture.east.layers[1].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 320 }, shift = { -0.09375, -0.125 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].boiler["heat-exchanger"].energy_source.heat_picture.east.layers[1].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 156 }, { draw_as_light = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/nuclear-reactor/reactor-pipes-heated.png", height = 156, hr_version = { draw_as_light = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/nuclear-reactor/hr-reactor-pipes-heated.png", height = 316, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.015625, -0.140625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].boiler["heat-exchanger"].energy_source.heat_picture.east.layers[2].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 320 }, shift = { -0.09375, -0.125 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].boiler["heat-exchanger"].energy_source.heat_picture.east.layers[2].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 156 } } }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/nuclear-reactor.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, lower_layer_picture = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/nuclear-reactor/reactor-pipes.png", height = 156, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/nuclear-reactor/hr-reactor-pipes.png", height = 316, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03125, -0.15625 }, width = 320 }, shift = { -0.0625, -0.125 }, width = 156 }, max_health = 500, meltdown_action = { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { entity_name = "atomic-rocket", type = "create-entity" } }, type = "instant" }, type = "direct" }, minable = { mining_time = 0.5, result = "nuclear-reactor" }, name = "nuclear-reactor", neighbour_bonus = 1, open_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.open_sound ]=], picture = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/nuclear-reactor/reactor.png", height = 158, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/nuclear-reactor/hr-reactor.png", height = 318, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.15625, -0.21875 }, width = 302 }, shift = { -0.1875, -0.1875 }, width = 154 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/nuclear-reactor/reactor-shadow.png", height = 162, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/nuclear-reactor/hr-reactor-shadow.png", height = 323, scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.625, 0 }, width = 525 }, shift = { 1.625, 0 }, width = 263 } } }, selection_box = { { -2.5, -2.5 }, { 2.5, 2.5 } }, type = "reactor", vehicle_impact_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.vehicle_impact_sound ]=], working_light_picture = { blend_mode = "additive", draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/nuclear-reactor/reactor-lights-color.png", height = 160, hr_version = { blend_mode = "additive", draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/nuclear-reactor/hr-reactor-lights-color.png", height = 320, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03125, -0.1875 }, width = 320 }, shift = { -0.03125, -0.1875 }, width = 160 }, working_sound = { fade_in_ticks = 4, fade_out_ticks = 20, max_sounds_per_type = 3, sound = { { filename = "__base__/sound/nuclear-reactor-1.ogg", volume = 0.55 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/nuclear-reactor-2.ogg", volume = 0.55 } } } } }, recipe = { accumulator = { enabled = false, energy_required = 10, ingredients = { { "iron-plate", 2 }, { "battery", 5 } }, name = "accumulator", result = "accumulator", type = "recipe" }, ["advanced-circuit"] = { expensive = { enabled = false, energy_required = 6, ingredients = { { "electronic-circuit", 2 }, { "plastic-bar", 4 }, { "copper-cable", 8 } }, result = "advanced-circuit" }, name = "advanced-circuit", normal = { enabled = false, energy_required = 6, ingredients = { { "electronic-circuit", 2 }, { "plastic-bar", 2 }, { "copper-cable", 4 } }, result = "advanced-circuit" }, type = "recipe" }, ["advanced-oil-processing"] = { category = "oil-processing", enabled = false, energy_required = 5, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/fluid/advanced-oil-processing.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, ingredients = { { amount = 50, name = "water", type = "fluid" }, { amount = 100, name = "crude-oil", type = "fluid" } }, name = "advanced-oil-processing", order = "a[oil-processing]-b[advanced-oil-processing]", results = { { amount = 25, name = "heavy-oil", type = "fluid" }, { amount = 45, name = "light-oil", type = "fluid" }, { amount = 55, name = "petroleum-gas", type = "fluid" } }, subgroup = "fluid-recipes", type = "recipe" }, ["arithmetic-combinator"] = { enabled = false, ingredients = { { "copper-cable", 5 }, { "electronic-circuit", 5 } }, name = "arithmetic-combinator", result = "arithmetic-combinator", type = "recipe" }, ["artillery-shell"] = { enabled = false, energy_required = 15, ingredients = { { "explosive-cannon-shell", 4 }, { "radar", 1 }, { "explosives", 8 } }, name = "artillery-shell", result = "artillery-shell", type = "recipe" }, ["artillery-targeting-remote"] = { enabled = false, ingredients = { { "processing-unit", 1 }, { "radar", 1 } }, name = "artillery-targeting-remote", result = "artillery-targeting-remote", type = "recipe" }, ["artillery-turret"] = { enabled = false, energy_required = 40, ingredients = { { "steel-plate", 60 }, { "concrete", 60 }, { "iron-gear-wheel", 40 }, { "advanced-circuit", 20 } }, name = "artillery-turret", result = "artillery-turret", type = "recipe" }, ["artillery-wagon"] = { enabled = false, energy_required = 4, ingredients = { { "engine-unit", 64 }, { "iron-gear-wheel", 10 }, { "steel-plate", 40 }, { "pipe", 16 }, { "advanced-circuit", 20 } }, name = "artillery-wagon", result = "artillery-wagon", type = "recipe" }, ["assembling-machine-1"] = { enabled = false, ingredients = { { "electronic-circuit", 3 }, { "iron-gear-wheel", 5 }, { "iron-plate", 9 } }, name = "assembling-machine-1", result = "assembling-machine-1", type = "recipe" }, ["assembling-machine-2"] = { expensive = { enabled = false, ingredients = { { "steel-plate", 5 }, { "electronic-circuit", 5 }, { "iron-gear-wheel", 10 }, { "assembling-machine-1", 1 } }, result = "assembling-machine-2" }, name = "assembling-machine-2", normal = { enabled = false, ingredients = { { "steel-plate", 2 }, { "electronic-circuit", 3 }, { "iron-gear-wheel", 5 }, { "assembling-machine-1", 1 } }, result = "assembling-machine-2" }, type = "recipe" }, ["assembling-machine-3"] = { enabled = false, ingredients = { { "speed-module", 4 }, { "assembling-machine-2", 2 } }, name = "assembling-machine-3", result = "assembling-machine-3", type = "recipe" }, ["atomic-bomb"] = { enabled = false, energy_required = 50, ingredients = { { "rocket-control-unit", 10 }, { "explosives", 10 }, { "uranium-235", 30 } }, name = "atomic-bomb", result = "atomic-bomb", type = "recipe" }, ["automation-science-pack"] = { energy_required = 5, ingredients = { { "copper-plate", 1 }, { "iron-gear-wheel", 1 } }, name = "automation-science-pack", result = "automation-science-pack", type = "recipe" }, ["basic-oil-processing"] = { category = "oil-processing", enabled = false, energy_required = 5, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/fluid/basic-oil-processing.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, ingredients = { { amount = 100, fluidbox_index = 2, name = "crude-oil", type = "fluid" } }, main_product = "", name = "basic-oil-processing", order = "a[oil-processing]-a[basic-oil-processing]", results = { { amount = 45, fluidbox_index = 3, name = "petroleum-gas", type = "fluid" } }, subgroup = "fluid-recipes", type = "recipe" }, battery = { category = "chemistry", crafting_machine_tint = { primary = { a = 1, b = 0.33800000000000003, g = 0.48200000000000003, r = 0.96500000000000004 }, quaternary = { a = 1, b = 0.19100000000000001, g = 0.76299999999999999, r = 0.93899999999999988 }, secondary = { a = 1, b = 0.22200000000000002, g = 0.56000000000000005, r = 0.83099999999999987 }, tertiary = { a = 1, b = 0.44299999999999997, g = 0.81799999999999997, r = 0.72799999999999994 } }, expensive = { enabled = false, energy_required = 5, ingredients = { { amount = 40, name = "sulfuric-acid", type = "fluid" }, { "iron-plate", 1 }, { "copper-plate", 1 } }, result = "battery" }, name = "battery", normal = { enabled = false, energy_required = 4, ingredients = { { amount = 20, name = "sulfuric-acid", type = "fluid" }, { "iron-plate", 1 }, { "copper-plate", 1 } }, result = "battery" }, type = "recipe" }, ["battery-equipment"] = { enabled = false, energy_required = 10, ingredients = { { "battery", 5 }, { "steel-plate", 10 } }, name = "battery-equipment", result = "battery-equipment", type = "recipe" }, ["battery-mk2-equipment"] = { enabled = false, energy_required = 10, ingredients = { { "battery-equipment", 10 }, { "processing-unit", 15 }, { "low-density-structure", 5 } }, name = "battery-mk2-equipment", result = "battery-mk2-equipment", type = "recipe" }, beacon = { enabled = false, energy_required = 15, ingredients = { { "electronic-circuit", 20 }, { "advanced-circuit", 20 }, { "steel-plate", 10 }, { "copper-cable", 10 } }, name = "beacon", result = "beacon", type = "recipe" }, ["belt-immunity-equipment"] = { enabled = false, energy_required = 10, ingredients = { { "advanced-circuit", 5 }, { "steel-plate", 10 } }, name = "belt-immunity-equipment", result = "belt-immunity-equipment", type = "recipe" }, ["big-electric-pole"] = { enabled = false, ingredients = { { "iron-stick", 8 }, { "steel-plate", 5 }, { "copper-plate", 5 } }, name = "big-electric-pole", result = "big-electric-pole", type = "recipe" }, boiler = { ingredients = { { "stone-furnace", 1 }, { "pipe", 4 } }, name = "boiler", result = "boiler", type = "recipe" }, ["burner-inserter"] = { ingredients = { { "iron-plate", 1 }, { "iron-gear-wheel", 1 } }, name = "burner-inserter", result = "burner-inserter", type = "recipe" }, ["burner-mining-drill"] = { expensive = { energy_required = 4, ingredients = { { "iron-gear-wheel", 6 }, { "stone-furnace", 2 }, { "iron-plate", 6 } }, result = "burner-mining-drill" }, name = "burner-mining-drill", normal = { energy_required = 2, ingredients = { { "iron-gear-wheel", 3 }, { "stone-furnace", 1 }, { "iron-plate", 3 } }, result = "burner-mining-drill" }, type = "recipe" }, ["cannon-shell"] = { expensive = { enabled = false, energy_required = 8, ingredients = { { "steel-plate", 4 }, { "plastic-bar", 4 }, { "explosives", 1 } }, result = "cannon-shell" }, name = "cannon-shell", normal = { enabled = false, energy_required = 8, ingredients = { { "steel-plate", 2 }, { "plastic-bar", 2 }, { "explosives", 1 } }, result = "cannon-shell" }, type = "recipe" }, car = { enabled = false, energy_required = 2, ingredients = { { "engine-unit", 8 }, { "iron-plate", 20 }, { "steel-plate", 5 } }, name = "car", result = "car", type = "recipe" }, ["cargo-wagon"] = { enabled = false, energy_required = 1, ingredients = { { "iron-gear-wheel", 10 }, { "iron-plate", 20 }, { "steel-plate", 20 } }, name = "cargo-wagon", result = "cargo-wagon", type = "recipe" }, centrifuge = { enabled = false, energy_required = 4, ingredients = { { "concrete", 100 }, { "steel-plate", 50 }, { "advanced-circuit", 100 }, { "iron-gear-wheel", 100 } }, name = "centrifuge", requester_paste_multiplier = 10, result = "centrifuge", type = "recipe" }, ["chemical-plant"] = { enabled = false, energy_required = 5, ingredients = { { "steel-plate", 5 }, { "iron-gear-wheel", 5 }, { "electronic-circuit", 5 }, { "pipe", 5 } }, name = "chemical-plant", result = "chemical-plant", type = "recipe" }, ["chemical-science-pack"] = { enabled = false, energy_required = 24, ingredients = { { "engine-unit", 2 }, { "advanced-circuit", 3 }, { "sulfur", 1 } }, name = "chemical-science-pack", result = "chemical-science-pack", result_count = 2, type = "recipe" }, ["cliff-explosives"] = { enabled = false, energy_required = 8, ingredients = { { "explosives", 10 }, { "grenade", 1 }, { "empty-barrel", 1 } }, name = "cliff-explosives", result = "cliff-explosives", type = "recipe" }, ["cluster-grenade"] = { enabled = false, energy_required = 8, ingredients = { { "grenade", 7 }, { "explosives", 5 }, { "steel-plate", 5 } }, name = "cluster-grenade", result = "cluster-grenade", type = "recipe" }, ["coal-liquefaction"] = { allow_decomposition = false, category = "oil-processing", enabled = false, energy_required = 5, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/fluid/coal-liquefaction.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, ingredients = { { amount = 10, name = "coal", type = "item" }, { amount = 25, name = "heavy-oil", type = "fluid" }, { amount = 50, name = "steam", type = "fluid" } }, name = "coal-liquefaction", order = "a[oil-processing]-c[coal-liquefaction]", results = { { amount = 90, name = "heavy-oil", type = "fluid" }, { amount = 20, name = "light-oil", type = "fluid" }, { amount = 10, name = "petroleum-gas", type = "fluid" } }, subgroup = "fluid-recipes", type = "recipe" }, ["combat-shotgun"] = { enabled = false, energy_required = 10, ingredients = { { "steel-plate", 15 }, { "iron-gear-wheel", 5 }, { "copper-plate", 10 }, { "wood", 10 } }, name = "combat-shotgun", result = "combat-shotgun", type = "recipe" }, concrete = { category = "crafting-with-fluid", enabled = false, energy_required = 10, ingredients = { { "stone-brick", 5 }, { "iron-ore", 1 }, { amount = 100, name = "water", type = "fluid" } }, name = "concrete", result = "concrete", result_count = 10, type = "recipe" }, ["constant-combinator"] = { enabled = false, ingredients = { { "copper-cable", 5 }, { "electronic-circuit", 2 } }, name = "constant-combinator", result = "constant-combinator", type = "recipe" }, ["construction-robot"] = { enabled = false, ingredients = { { "flying-robot-frame", 1 }, { "electronic-circuit", 2 } }, name = "construction-robot", result = "construction-robot", type = "recipe" }, ["copper-cable"] = { ingredients = { { "copper-plate", 1 } }, name = "copper-cable", result = "copper-cable", result_count = 2, type = "recipe" }, ["copper-plate"] = { category = "smelting", energy_required = 3.2000000000000002, ingredients = { { "copper-ore", 1 } }, name = "copper-plate", result = "copper-plate", type = "recipe" }, ["decider-combinator"] = { enabled = false, ingredients = { { "copper-cable", 5 }, { "electronic-circuit", 5 } }, name = "decider-combinator", result = "decider-combinator", type = "recipe" }, ["defender-capsule"] = { enabled = false, energy_required = 8, ingredients = { { "piercing-rounds-magazine", 3 }, { "electronic-circuit", 3 }, { "iron-gear-wheel", 3 } }, name = "defender-capsule", result = "defender-capsule", type = "recipe" }, ["destroyer-capsule"] = { enabled = false, energy_required = 15, ingredients = { { "distractor-capsule", 4 }, { "speed-module", 1 } }, name = "destroyer-capsule", result = "destroyer-capsule", type = "recipe" }, ["discharge-defense-equipment"] = { enabled = false, energy_required = 10, ingredients = { { "processing-unit", 5 }, { "steel-plate", 20 }, { "laser-turret", 10 } }, name = "discharge-defense-equipment", result = "discharge-defense-equipment", type = "recipe" }, ["discharge-defense-remote"] = { enabled = false, ingredients = { { "electronic-circuit", 1 } }, name = "discharge-defense-remote", result = "discharge-defense-remote", type = "recipe" }, ["distractor-capsule"] = { enabled = false, energy_required = 15, ingredients = { { "defender-capsule", 4 }, { "advanced-circuit", 3 } }, name = "distractor-capsule", result = "distractor-capsule", type = "recipe" }, ["effectivity-module"] = { enabled = false, energy_required = 15, ingredients = { { "advanced-circuit", 5 }, { "electronic-circuit", 5 } }, name = "effectivity-module", result = "effectivity-module", type = "recipe" }, ["effectivity-module-2"] = { enabled = false, energy_required = 30, ingredients = { { "effectivity-module", 4 }, { "advanced-circuit", 5 }, { "processing-unit", 5 } }, name = "effectivity-module-2", result = "effectivity-module-2", type = "recipe" }, ["effectivity-module-3"] = { enabled = false, energy_required = 60, ingredients = { { "effectivity-module-2", 5 }, { "advanced-circuit", 5 }, { "processing-unit", 5 } }, name = "effectivity-module-3", result = "effectivity-module-3", type = "recipe" }, ["electric-energy-interface"] = { enabled = false, energy_required = 0.5, ingredients = { { "iron-plate", 2 }, { "electronic-circuit", 5 } }, name = "electric-energy-interface", result = "electric-energy-interface", type = "recipe" }, ["electric-engine-unit"] = { category = "crafting-with-fluid", enabled = false, energy_required = 10, ingredients = { { "engine-unit", 1 }, { amount = 15, name = "lubricant", type = "fluid" }, { "electronic-circuit", 2 } }, name = "electric-engine-unit", result = "electric-engine-unit", type = "recipe" }, ["electric-furnace"] = { enabled = false, energy_required = 5, ingredients = { { "steel-plate", 10 }, { "advanced-circuit", 5 }, { "stone-brick", 10 } }, name = "electric-furnace", result = "electric-furnace", type = "recipe" }, ["electric-mining-drill"] = { expensive = { energy_required = 2, ingredients = { { "electronic-circuit", 5 }, { "iron-gear-wheel", 10 }, { "iron-plate", 20 } }, result = "electric-mining-drill" }, name = "electric-mining-drill", normal = { energy_required = 2, ingredients = { { "electronic-circuit", 3 }, { "iron-gear-wheel", 5 }, { "iron-plate", 10 } }, result = "electric-mining-drill" }, type = "recipe" }, ["electronic-circuit"] = { expensive = { ingredients = { { "iron-plate", 2 }, { "copper-cable", 8 } }, result = "electronic-circuit" }, name = "electronic-circuit", normal = { ingredients = { { "iron-plate", 1 }, { "copper-cable", 3 } }, result = "electronic-circuit" }, type = "recipe" }, ["empty-barrel"] = { category = "crafting", enabled = false, energy_required = 1, ingredients = { { amount = 1, name = "steel-plate", type = "item" } }, name = "empty-barrel", results = { { amount = 1, name = "empty-barrel", type = "item" } }, subgroup = "intermediate-product", type = "recipe" }, ["empty-crude-oil-barrel"] = { allow_decomposition = false, category = "crafting-with-fluid", enabled = false, energy_required = 0.2, icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, icons = { { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/fluid/barreling/barrel-empty.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64 }, { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/fluid/barreling/barrel-empty-side-mask.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, tint = { a = 0.75, b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 } }, { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/fluid/barreling/barrel-empty-top-mask.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, tint = { a = 0.75, b = 0.5, g = 0.5, r = 0.5 } }, { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/fluid/crude-oil.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, scale = 0.25, shift = { 7, 8 } } }, ingredients = { { amount = 1, catalyst_amount = 1, name = "crude-oil-barrel", type = "item" } }, localised_name = { "recipe-name.empty-filled-barrel", { "fluid-name.crude-oil" } }, name = "empty-crude-oil-barrel", order = "c[empty-crude-oil-barrel]", results = { { amount = 50, catalyst_amount = 50, name = "crude-oil", type = "fluid" }, { amount = 1, catalyst_amount = 1, name = "empty-barrel", type = "item" } }, subgroup = "empty-barrel", type = "recipe" }, ["empty-heavy-oil-barrel"] = { allow_decomposition = false, category = "crafting-with-fluid", enabled = false, energy_required = 0.2, icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, icons = { { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/fluid/barreling/barrel-empty.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64 }, { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/fluid/barreling/barrel-empty-side-mask.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, tint = { a = 0.75, b = 0, g = 0.04, r = 0.5 } }, { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/fluid/barreling/barrel-empty-top-mask.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, tint = { a = 0.75, b = 0.3, g = 0.6, r = 0.85 } }, { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/fluid/heavy-oil.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, scale = 0.25, shift = { 7, 8 } } }, ingredients = { { amount = 1, catalyst_amount = 1, name = "heavy-oil-barrel", type = "item" } }, localised_name = { "recipe-name.empty-filled-barrel", { "fluid-name.heavy-oil" } }, name = "empty-heavy-oil-barrel", order = "c[empty-heavy-oil-barrel]", results = { { amount = 50, catalyst_amount = 50, name = "heavy-oil", type = "fluid" }, { amount = 1, catalyst_amount = 1, name = "empty-barrel", type = "item" } }, subgroup = "empty-barrel", type = "recipe" }, ["empty-light-oil-barrel"] = { allow_decomposition = false, category = "crafting-with-fluid", enabled = false, energy_required = 0.2, icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, icons = { { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/fluid/barreling/barrel-empty.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64 }, { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/fluid/barreling/barrel-empty-side-mask.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, tint = { a = 0.75, b = 0, g = 0.33000000000000003, r = 0.56999999999999993 } }, { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/fluid/barreling/barrel-empty-top-mask.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, tint = { a = 0.75, b = 0.070000000000000009, g = 0.72999999999999998, r = 1 } }, { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/fluid/light-oil.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, scale = 0.25, shift = { 7, 8 } } }, ingredients = { { amount = 1, catalyst_amount = 1, name = "light-oil-barrel", type = "item" } }, localised_name = { "recipe-name.empty-filled-barrel", { "fluid-name.light-oil" } }, name = "empty-light-oil-barrel", order = "c[empty-light-oil-barrel]", results = { { amount = 50, catalyst_amount = 50, name = "light-oil", type = "fluid" }, { amount = 1, catalyst_amount = 1, name = "empty-barrel", type = "item" } }, subgroup = "empty-barrel", type = "recipe" }, ["empty-lubricant-barrel"] = { allow_decomposition = false, category = "crafting-with-fluid", enabled = false, energy_required = 0.2, icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, icons = { { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/fluid/barreling/barrel-empty.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64 }, { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/fluid/barreling/barrel-empty-side-mask.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, tint = { a = 0.75, b = 0.03, g = 0.32000000000000002, r = 0.15 } }, { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/fluid/barreling/barrel-empty-top-mask.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, tint = { a = 0.75, b = 0.31000000000000001, g = 0.75, r = 0.42999999999999998 } }, { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/fluid/lubricant.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, scale = 0.25, shift = { 7, 8 } } }, ingredients = { { amount = 1, catalyst_amount = 1, name = "lubricant-barrel", type = "item" } }, localised_name = { "recipe-name.empty-filled-barrel", { "fluid-name.lubricant" } }, name = "empty-lubricant-barrel", order = "c[empty-lubricant-barrel]", results = { { amount = 50, catalyst_amount = 50, name = "lubricant", type = "fluid" }, { amount = 1, catalyst_amount = 1, name = "empty-barrel", type = "item" } }, subgroup = "empty-barrel", type = "recipe" }, ["empty-petroleum-gas-barrel"] = { allow_decomposition = false, category = "crafting-with-fluid", enabled = false, energy_required = 0.2, icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, icons = { { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/fluid/barreling/barrel-empty.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64 }, { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/fluid/barreling/barrel-empty-side-mask.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, tint = { a = 0.75, b = 0.3, g = 0.1, r = 0.3 } }, { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/fluid/barreling/barrel-empty-top-mask.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, tint = { a = 0.75, b = 0.8, g = 0.8, r = 0.8 } }, { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/fluid/petroleum-gas.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, scale = 0.25, shift = { 7, 8 } } }, ingredients = { { amount = 1, catalyst_amount = 1, name = "petroleum-gas-barrel", type = "item" } }, localised_name = { "recipe-name.empty-filled-barrel", { "fluid-name.petroleum-gas" } }, name = "empty-petroleum-gas-barrel", order = "c[empty-petroleum-gas-barrel]", results = { { amount = 50, catalyst_amount = 50, name = "petroleum-gas", type = "fluid" }, { amount = 1, catalyst_amount = 1, name = "empty-barrel", type = "item" } }, subgroup = "empty-barrel", type = "recipe" }, ["empty-sulfuric-acid-barrel"] = { allow_decomposition = false, category = "crafting-with-fluid", enabled = false, energy_required = 0.2, icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, icons = { { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/fluid/barreling/barrel-empty.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64 }, { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/fluid/barreling/barrel-empty-side-mask.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, tint = { a = 0.75, b = 0.1, g = 0.65, r = 0.75 } }, { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/fluid/barreling/barrel-empty-top-mask.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, tint = { a = 0.75, b = 0.1, g = 1, r = 0.7 } }, { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/fluid/sulfuric-acid.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, scale = 0.25, shift = { 7, 8 } } }, ingredients = { { amount = 1, catalyst_amount = 1, name = "sulfuric-acid-barrel", type = "item" } }, localised_name = { "recipe-name.empty-filled-barrel", { "fluid-name.sulfuric-acid" } }, name = "empty-sulfuric-acid-barrel", order = "c[empty-sulfuric-acid-barrel]", results = { { amount = 50, catalyst_amount = 50, name = "sulfuric-acid", type = "fluid" }, { amount = 1, catalyst_amount = 1, name = "empty-barrel", type = "item" } }, subgroup = "empty-barrel", type = "recipe" }, ["empty-water-barrel"] = { allow_decomposition = false, category = "crafting-with-fluid", enabled = false, energy_required = 0.2, icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, icons = { { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/fluid/barreling/barrel-empty.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64 }, { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/fluid/barreling/barrel-empty-side-mask.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, tint = { a = 0.75, b = 0.6, g = 0.34000000000000004, r = 0 } }, { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/fluid/barreling/barrel-empty-top-mask.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, tint = { a = 0.75, b = 0.7, g = 0.7, r = 0.7 } }, { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/fluid/water.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, scale = 0.25, shift = { 7, 8 } } }, ingredients = { { amount = 1, catalyst_amount = 1, name = "water-barrel", type = "item" } }, localised_name = { "recipe-name.empty-filled-barrel", { "fluid-name.water" } }, name = "empty-water-barrel", order = "c[empty-water-barrel]", results = { { amount = 50, catalyst_amount = 50, name = "water", type = "fluid" }, { amount = 1, catalyst_amount = 1, name = "empty-barrel", type = "item" } }, subgroup = "empty-barrel", type = "recipe" }, ["energy-shield-equipment"] = { enabled = false, energy_required = 10, ingredients = { { "advanced-circuit", 5 }, { "steel-plate", 10 } }, name = "energy-shield-equipment", result = "energy-shield-equipment", type = "recipe" }, ["energy-shield-mk2-equipment"] = { enabled = false, energy_required = 10, ingredients = { { "energy-shield-equipment", 10 }, { "processing-unit", 5 }, { "low-density-structure", 5 } }, name = "energy-shield-mk2-equipment", result = "energy-shield-mk2-equipment", type = "recipe" }, ["engine-unit"] = { category = "advanced-crafting", enabled = false, energy_required = 10, ingredients = { { "steel-plate", 1 }, { "iron-gear-wheel", 1 }, { "pipe", 2 } }, name = "engine-unit", result = "engine-unit", type = "recipe" }, ["exoskeleton-equipment"] = { enabled = false, energy_required = 10, ingredients = { { "processing-unit", 10 }, { "electric-engine-unit", 30 }, { "steel-plate", 20 } }, name = "exoskeleton-equipment", result = "exoskeleton-equipment", type = "recipe" }, ["explosive-cannon-shell"] = { expensive = { enabled = false, energy_required = 8, ingredients = { { "steel-plate", 4 }, { "plastic-bar", 4 }, { "explosives", 2 } }, result = "explosive-cannon-shell" }, name = "explosive-cannon-shell", normal = { enabled = false, energy_required = 8, ingredients = { { "steel-plate", 2 }, { "plastic-bar", 2 }, { "explosives", 2 } }, result = "explosive-cannon-shell" }, type = "recipe" }, ["explosive-rocket"] = { enabled = false, energy_required = 8, ingredients = { { "rocket", 1 }, { "explosives", 2 } }, name = "explosive-rocket", result = "explosive-rocket", type = "recipe" }, ["explosive-uranium-cannon-shell"] = { enabled = false, energy_required = 12, ingredients = { { "explosive-cannon-shell", 1 }, { "uranium-238", 1 } }, name = "explosive-uranium-cannon-shell", result = "explosive-uranium-cannon-shell", type = "recipe" }, explosives = { category = "chemistry", crafting_machine_tint = { primary = { a = 1, b = 0.25899999999999999, g = 0.38100000000000001, r = 0.96799999999999997 }, quaternary = { a = 1, b = 0.013, g = 0.17000000000000002, r = 0.21000000000000001 }, secondary = { a = 1, b = 0.53399999999999999, g = 0.66400000000000006, r = 0.89199999999999999 }, tertiary = { a = 1, b = 0.51299999999999999, g = 0.97799999999999994, r = 1 } }, expensive = { enabled = false, energy_required = 5, ingredients = { { amount = 2, name = "sulfur", type = "item" }, { amount = 2, name = "coal", type = "item" }, { amount = 10, name = "water", type = "fluid" } }, result = "explosives", result_count = 2 }, name = "explosives", normal = { enabled = false, energy_required = 4, ingredients = { { amount = 1, name = "sulfur", type = "item" }, { amount = 1, name = "coal", type = "item" }, { amount = 10, name = "water", type = "fluid" } }, result = "explosives", result_count = 2 }, type = "recipe" }, ["express-loader"] = { enabled = false, energy_required = 10, hidden = true, ingredients = { { "express-transport-belt", 5 }, { "fast-loader", 1 } }, name = "express-loader", result = "express-loader", type = "recipe" }, ["express-splitter"] = { category = "crafting-with-fluid", enabled = false, energy_required = 2, ingredients = { { "fast-splitter", 1 }, { "iron-gear-wheel", 10 }, { "advanced-circuit", 10 }, { amount = 80, name = "lubricant", type = "fluid" } }, name = "express-splitter", result = "express-splitter", type = "recipe" }, ["express-transport-belt"] = { category = "crafting-with-fluid", expensive = { enabled = false, ingredients = { { "iron-gear-wheel", 20 }, { "fast-transport-belt", 1 }, { amount = 20, name = "lubricant", type = "fluid" } }, result = "express-transport-belt" }, name = "express-transport-belt", normal = { enabled = false, ingredients = { { "iron-gear-wheel", 10 }, { "fast-transport-belt", 1 }, { amount = 20, name = "lubricant", type = "fluid" } }, result = "express-transport-belt" }, type = "recipe" }, ["express-underground-belt"] = { category = "crafting-with-fluid", enabled = false, energy_required = 2, ingredients = { { "iron-gear-wheel", 80 }, { "fast-underground-belt", 2 }, { amount = 40, name = "lubricant", type = "fluid" } }, name = "express-underground-belt", result = "express-underground-belt", result_count = 2, type = "recipe" }, ["fast-inserter"] = { enabled = false, ingredients = { { "electronic-circuit", 2 }, { "iron-plate", 2 }, { "inserter", 1 } }, name = "fast-inserter", result = "fast-inserter", type = "recipe" }, ["fast-loader"] = { enabled = false, energy_required = 3, hidden = true, ingredients = { { "fast-transport-belt", 5 }, { "loader", 1 } }, name = "fast-loader", result = "fast-loader", type = "recipe" }, ["fast-splitter"] = { enabled = false, energy_required = 2, ingredients = { { "splitter", 1 }, { "iron-gear-wheel", 10 }, { "electronic-circuit", 10 } }, name = "fast-splitter", result = "fast-splitter", type = "recipe" }, ["fast-transport-belt"] = { enabled = false, ingredients = { { "iron-gear-wheel", 5 }, { "transport-belt", 1 } }, name = "fast-transport-belt", result = "fast-transport-belt", type = "recipe" }, ["fast-underground-belt"] = { enabled = false, energy_required = 2, ingredients = { { "iron-gear-wheel", 40 }, { "underground-belt", 2 } }, name = "fast-underground-belt", result = "fast-underground-belt", result_count = 2, type = "recipe" }, ["fill-crude-oil-barrel"] = { allow_decomposition = false, category = "crafting-with-fluid", enabled = false, energy_required = 0.2, icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, icons = { { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/fluid/barreling/barrel-fill.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64 }, { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/fluid/barreling/barrel-fill-side-mask.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, tint = { a = 0.75, b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 } }, { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/fluid/barreling/barrel-fill-top-mask.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, tint = { a = 0.75, b = 0.5, g = 0.5, r = 0.5 } }, { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/fluid/crude-oil.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, scale = 0.25, shift = { -8, -8 } } }, ingredients = { { amount = 50, catalyst_amount = 50, name = "crude-oil", type = "fluid" }, { amount = 1, catalyst_amount = 1, name = "empty-barrel", type = "item" } }, localised_name = { "recipe-name.fill-barrel", { "fluid-name.crude-oil" } }, name = "fill-crude-oil-barrel", order = "b[fill-crude-oil-barrel]", results = { { amount = 1, catalyst_amount = 1, name = "crude-oil-barrel", type = "item" } }, subgroup = "fill-barrel", type = "recipe" }, ["fill-heavy-oil-barrel"] = { allow_decomposition = false, category = "crafting-with-fluid", enabled = false, energy_required = 0.2, icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, icons = { { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/fluid/barreling/barrel-fill.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64 }, { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/fluid/barreling/barrel-fill-side-mask.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, tint = { a = 0.75, b = 0, g = 0.04, r = 0.5 } }, { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/fluid/barreling/barrel-fill-top-mask.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, tint = { a = 0.75, b = 0.3, g = 0.6, r = 0.85 } }, { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/fluid/heavy-oil.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, scale = 0.25, shift = { -8, -8 } } }, ingredients = { { amount = 50, catalyst_amount = 50, name = "heavy-oil", type = "fluid" }, { amount = 1, catalyst_amount = 1, name = "empty-barrel", type = "item" } }, localised_name = { "recipe-name.fill-barrel", { "fluid-name.heavy-oil" } }, name = "fill-heavy-oil-barrel", order = "b[fill-heavy-oil-barrel]", results = { { amount = 1, catalyst_amount = 1, name = "heavy-oil-barrel", type = "item" } }, subgroup = "fill-barrel", type = "recipe" }, ["fill-light-oil-barrel"] = { allow_decomposition = false, category = "crafting-with-fluid", enabled = false, energy_required = 0.2, icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, icons = { { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/fluid/barreling/barrel-fill.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64 }, { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/fluid/barreling/barrel-fill-side-mask.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, tint = { a = 0.75, b = 0, g = 0.33000000000000003, r = 0.56999999999999993 } }, { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/fluid/barreling/barrel-fill-top-mask.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, tint = { a = 0.75, b = 0.070000000000000009, g = 0.72999999999999998, r = 1 } }, { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/fluid/light-oil.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, scale = 0.25, shift = { -8, -8 } } }, ingredients = { { amount = 50, catalyst_amount = 50, name = "light-oil", type = "fluid" }, { amount = 1, catalyst_amount = 1, name = "empty-barrel", type = "item" } }, localised_name = { "recipe-name.fill-barrel", { "fluid-name.light-oil" } }, name = "fill-light-oil-barrel", order = "b[fill-light-oil-barrel]", results = { { amount = 1, catalyst_amount = 1, name = "light-oil-barrel", type = "item" } }, subgroup = "fill-barrel", type = "recipe" }, ["fill-lubricant-barrel"] = { allow_decomposition = false, category = "crafting-with-fluid", enabled = false, energy_required = 0.2, icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, icons = { { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/fluid/barreling/barrel-fill.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64 }, { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/fluid/barreling/barrel-fill-side-mask.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, tint = { a = 0.75, b = 0.03, g = 0.32000000000000002, r = 0.15 } }, { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/fluid/barreling/barrel-fill-top-mask.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, tint = { a = 0.75, b = 0.31000000000000001, g = 0.75, r = 0.42999999999999998 } }, { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/fluid/lubricant.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, scale = 0.25, shift = { -8, -8 } } }, ingredients = { { amount = 50, catalyst_amount = 50, name = "lubricant", type = "fluid" }, { amount = 1, catalyst_amount = 1, name = "empty-barrel", type = "item" } }, localised_name = { "recipe-name.fill-barrel", { "fluid-name.lubricant" } }, name = "fill-lubricant-barrel", order = "b[fill-lubricant-barrel]", results = { { amount = 1, catalyst_amount = 1, name = "lubricant-barrel", type = "item" } }, subgroup = "fill-barrel", type = "recipe" }, ["fill-petroleum-gas-barrel"] = { allow_decomposition = false, category = "crafting-with-fluid", enabled = false, energy_required = 0.2, icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, icons = { { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/fluid/barreling/barrel-fill.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64 }, { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/fluid/barreling/barrel-fill-side-mask.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, tint = { a = 0.75, b = 0.3, g = 0.1, r = 0.3 } }, { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/fluid/barreling/barrel-fill-top-mask.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, tint = { a = 0.75, b = 0.8, g = 0.8, r = 0.8 } }, { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/fluid/petroleum-gas.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, scale = 0.25, shift = { -8, -8 } } }, ingredients = { { amount = 50, catalyst_amount = 50, name = "petroleum-gas", type = "fluid" }, { amount = 1, catalyst_amount = 1, name = "empty-barrel", type = "item" } }, localised_name = { "recipe-name.fill-barrel", { "fluid-name.petroleum-gas" } }, name = "fill-petroleum-gas-barrel", order = "b[fill-petroleum-gas-barrel]", results = { { amount = 1, catalyst_amount = 1, name = "petroleum-gas-barrel", type = "item" } }, subgroup = "fill-barrel", type = "recipe" }, ["fill-sulfuric-acid-barrel"] = { allow_decomposition = false, category = "crafting-with-fluid", enabled = false, energy_required = 0.2, icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, icons = { { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/fluid/barreling/barrel-fill.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64 }, { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/fluid/barreling/barrel-fill-side-mask.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, tint = { a = 0.75, b = 0.1, g = 0.65, r = 0.75 } }, { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/fluid/barreling/barrel-fill-top-mask.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, tint = { a = 0.75, b = 0.1, g = 1, r = 0.7 } }, { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/fluid/sulfuric-acid.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, scale = 0.25, shift = { -8, -8 } } }, ingredients = { { amount = 50, catalyst_amount = 50, name = "sulfuric-acid", type = "fluid" }, { amount = 1, catalyst_amount = 1, name = "empty-barrel", type = "item" } }, localised_name = { "recipe-name.fill-barrel", { "fluid-name.sulfuric-acid" } }, name = "fill-sulfuric-acid-barrel", order = "b[fill-sulfuric-acid-barrel]", results = { { amount = 1, catalyst_amount = 1, name = "sulfuric-acid-barrel", type = "item" } }, subgroup = "fill-barrel", type = "recipe" }, ["fill-water-barrel"] = { allow_decomposition = false, category = "crafting-with-fluid", enabled = false, energy_required = 0.2, icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, icons = { { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/fluid/barreling/barrel-fill.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64 }, { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/fluid/barreling/barrel-fill-side-mask.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, tint = { a = 0.75, b = 0.6, g = 0.34000000000000004, r = 0 } }, { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/fluid/barreling/barrel-fill-top-mask.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, tint = { a = 0.75, b = 0.7, g = 0.7, r = 0.7 } }, { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/fluid/water.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, scale = 0.25, shift = { -8, -8 } } }, ingredients = { { amount = 50, catalyst_amount = 50, name = "water", type = "fluid" }, { amount = 1, catalyst_amount = 1, name = "empty-barrel", type = "item" } }, localised_name = { "recipe-name.fill-barrel", { "fluid-name.water" } }, name = "fill-water-barrel", order = "b[fill-water-barrel]", results = { { amount = 1, catalyst_amount = 1, name = "water-barrel", type = "item" } }, subgroup = "fill-barrel", type = "recipe" }, ["filter-inserter"] = { enabled = false, ingredients = { { "fast-inserter", 1 }, { "electronic-circuit", 4 } }, name = "filter-inserter", result = "filter-inserter", type = "recipe" }, ["firearm-magazine"] = { energy_required = 1, ingredients = { { "iron-plate", 4 } }, name = "firearm-magazine", result = "firearm-magazine", result_count = 1, type = "recipe" }, flamethrower = { enabled = false, energy_required = 10, ingredients = { { "steel-plate", 5 }, { "iron-gear-wheel", 10 } }, name = "flamethrower", result = "flamethrower", type = "recipe" }, ["flamethrower-ammo"] = { category = "chemistry", crafting_machine_tint = { primary = { a = 1, b = 0.64299999999999997, g = 0.73499999999999996, r = 1 }, quaternary = { a = 1, b = 0.28299999999999997, g = 0.28299999999999997, r = 0.28299999999999997 }, secondary = { a = 1, b = 0.49000000000000004, g = 0.55700000000000003, r = 0.74900000000000002 }, tertiary = { a = 1, b = 0.63700000000000001, g = 0.63700000000000001, r = 0.63700000000000001 } }, enabled = false, energy_required = 6, ingredients = { { amount = 5, name = "steel-plate", type = "item" }, { amount = 100, name = "crude-oil", type = "fluid" } }, name = "flamethrower-ammo", result = "flamethrower-ammo", type = "recipe" }, ["flamethrower-turret"] = { enabled = false, energy_required = 20, ingredients = { { "steel-plate", 30 }, { "iron-gear-wheel", 15 }, { "pipe", 10 }, { "engine-unit", 5 } }, name = "flamethrower-turret", result = "flamethrower-turret", type = "recipe" }, ["fluid-wagon"] = { enabled = false, energy_required = 1.5, ingredients = { { "iron-gear-wheel", 10 }, { "steel-plate", 16 }, { "pipe", 8 }, { "storage-tank", 1 } }, name = "fluid-wagon", result = "fluid-wagon", type = "recipe" }, ["flying-robot-frame"] = { enabled = false, energy_required = 20, ingredients = { { "electric-engine-unit", 1 }, { "battery", 2 }, { "steel-plate", 1 }, { "electronic-circuit", 3 } }, name = "flying-robot-frame", result = "flying-robot-frame", type = "recipe" }, ["fusion-reactor-equipment"] = { enabled = false, energy_required = 10, ingredients = { { "processing-unit", 200 }, { "low-density-structure", 50 } }, name = "fusion-reactor-equipment", result = "fusion-reactor-equipment", type = "recipe" }, gate = { enabled = false, ingredients = { { "stone-wall", 1 }, { "steel-plate", 2 }, { "electronic-circuit", 2 } }, name = "gate", result = "gate", type = "recipe" }, ["green-wire"] = { enabled = false, ingredients = { { "electronic-circuit", 1 }, { "copper-cable", 1 } }, name = "green-wire", result = "green-wire", type = "recipe" }, grenade = { enabled = false, energy_required = 8, ingredients = { { "iron-plate", 5 }, { "coal", 10 } }, name = "grenade", result = "grenade", type = "recipe" }, ["gun-turret"] = { enabled = false, energy_required = 8, ingredients = { { "iron-gear-wheel", 10 }, { "copper-plate", 10 }, { "iron-plate", 20 } }, name = "gun-turret", result = "gun-turret", type = "recipe" }, ["hazard-concrete"] = { category = "crafting", enabled = false, energy_required = 0.25, ingredients = { { "concrete", 10 } }, name = "hazard-concrete", result = "hazard-concrete", result_count = 10, type = "recipe" }, ["heat-exchanger"] = { enabled = false, energy_required = 3, ingredients = { { "steel-plate", 10 }, { "copper-plate", 100 }, { "pipe", 10 } }, name = "heat-exchanger", result = "heat-exchanger", type = "recipe" }, ["heat-pipe"] = { enabled = false, energy_required = 1, ingredients = { { "steel-plate", 10 }, { "copper-plate", 20 } }, name = "heat-pipe", result = "heat-pipe", type = "recipe" }, ["heavy-armor"] = { enabled = false, energy_required = 8, ingredients = { { "copper-plate", 100 }, { "steel-plate", 50 } }, name = "heavy-armor", result = "heavy-armor", type = "recipe" }, ["heavy-oil-cracking"] = { category = "chemistry", crafting_machine_tint = { primary = { a = 1, b = 0.26100000000000003, g = 0.64199999999999999, r = 1 }, quaternary = { a = 1, b = 0.271, g = 0.49399999999999995, r = 1 }, secondary = { a = 1, b = 0.37599999999999998, g = 0.72199999999999998, r = 1 }, tertiary = { a = 1, b = 0.57599999999999998, g = 0.65899999999999999, r = 0.85399999999999991 } }, enabled = false, energy_required = 2, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/fluid/heavy-oil-cracking.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, ingredients = { { amount = 30, name = "water", type = "fluid" }, { amount = 40, name = "heavy-oil", type = "fluid" } }, main_product = "", name = "heavy-oil-cracking", order = "b[fluid-chemistry]-a[heavy-oil-cracking]", results = { { amount = 30, name = "light-oil", type = "fluid" } }, subgroup = "fluid-recipes", type = "recipe" }, inserter = { ingredients = { { "electronic-circuit", 1 }, { "iron-gear-wheel", 1 }, { "iron-plate", 1 } }, name = "inserter", result = "inserter", type = "recipe" }, ["iron-chest"] = { enabled = true, ingredients = { { "iron-plate", 8 } }, name = "iron-chest", result = "iron-chest", type = "recipe" }, ["iron-gear-wheel"] = { expensive = { ingredients = { { "iron-plate", 4 } }, result = "iron-gear-wheel" }, name = "iron-gear-wheel", normal = { ingredients = { { "iron-plate", 2 } }, result = "iron-gear-wheel" }, type = "recipe" }, ["iron-plate"] = { category = "smelting", energy_required = 3.2000000000000002, ingredients = { { "iron-ore", 1 } }, name = "iron-plate", result = "iron-plate", type = "recipe" }, ["iron-stick"] = { ingredients = { { "iron-plate", 1 } }, name = "iron-stick", result = "iron-stick", result_count = 2, type = "recipe" }, ["kovarex-enrichment-process"] = { allow_decomposition = false, category = "centrifuging", enabled = false, energy_required = 60, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/kovarex-enrichment-process.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, ingredients = { { "uranium-235", 40 }, { "uranium-238", 5 } }, main_product = "", name = "kovarex-enrichment-process", order = "r[uranium-processing]-c[kovarex-enrichment-process]", results = { { "uranium-235", 41 }, { "uranium-238", 2 } }, subgroup = "intermediate-product", type = "recipe" }, lab = { energy_required = 2, ingredients = { { "electronic-circuit", 10 }, { "iron-gear-wheel", 10 }, { "transport-belt", 4 } }, name = "lab", result = "lab", type = "recipe" }, ["land-mine"] = { enabled = false, energy_required = 5, ingredients = { { "steel-plate", 1 }, { "explosives", 2 } }, name = "land-mine", result = "land-mine", result_count = 4, type = "recipe" }, landfill = { category = "crafting", enabled = false, energy_required = 0.5, ingredients = { { "stone", 20 } }, name = "landfill", result = "landfill", result_count = 1, type = "recipe" }, ["laser-turret"] = { enabled = false, energy_required = 20, ingredients = { { "steel-plate", 20 }, { "electronic-circuit", 20 }, { "battery", 12 } }, name = "laser-turret", result = "laser-turret", type = "recipe" }, ["light-armor"] = { enabled = true, energy_required = 3, ingredients = { { "iron-plate", 40 } }, name = "light-armor", result = "light-armor", type = "recipe" }, ["light-oil-cracking"] = { category = "chemistry", crafting_machine_tint = { primary = { a = 1, b = 0.78000000000000007, g = 0.596, r = 0.76400000000000006 }, quaternary = { a = 1, b = 0.29, g = 0.73399999999999999, r = 1 }, secondary = { a = 1, b = 0.84399999999999995, g = 0.55100000000000007, r = 0.76200000000000001 }, tertiary = { a = 1, b = 0.596, g = 0.77300000000000004, r = 0.89499999999999993 } }, enabled = false, energy_required = 2, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/fluid/light-oil-cracking.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, ingredients = { { amount = 30, name = "water", type = "fluid" }, { amount = 30, name = "light-oil", type = "fluid" } }, main_product = "", name = "light-oil-cracking", order = "b[fluid-chemistry]-b[light-oil-cracking]", results = { { amount = 20, name = "petroleum-gas", type = "fluid" } }, subgroup = "fluid-recipes", type = "recipe" }, loader = { enabled = false, energy_required = 1, hidden = true, ingredients = { { "inserter", 5 }, { "electronic-circuit", 5 }, { "iron-gear-wheel", 5 }, { "iron-plate", 5 }, { "transport-belt", 5 } }, name = "loader", result = "loader", type = "recipe" }, locomotive = { enabled = false, energy_required = 4, ingredients = { { "engine-unit", 20 }, { "electronic-circuit", 10 }, { "steel-plate", 30 } }, name = "locomotive", result = "locomotive", type = "recipe" }, ["logistic-chest-active-provider"] = { enabled = false, ingredients = { { "steel-chest", 1 }, { "electronic-circuit", 3 }, { "advanced-circuit", 1 } }, name = "logistic-chest-active-provider", result = "logistic-chest-active-provider", type = "recipe" }, ["logistic-chest-buffer"] = { enabled = false, ingredients = { { "steel-chest", 1 }, { "electronic-circuit", 3 }, { "advanced-circuit", 1 } }, name = "logistic-chest-buffer", result = "logistic-chest-buffer", type = "recipe" }, ["logistic-chest-passive-provider"] = { enabled = false, ingredients = { { "steel-chest", 1 }, { "electronic-circuit", 3 }, { "advanced-circuit", 1 } }, name = "logistic-chest-passive-provider", result = "logistic-chest-passive-provider", type = "recipe" }, ["logistic-chest-requester"] = { enabled = false, ingredients = { { "steel-chest", 1 }, { "electronic-circuit", 3 }, { "advanced-circuit", 1 } }, name = "logistic-chest-requester", result = "logistic-chest-requester", type = "recipe" }, ["logistic-chest-storage"] = { enabled = false, ingredients = { { "steel-chest", 1 }, { "electronic-circuit", 3 }, { "advanced-circuit", 1 } }, name = "logistic-chest-storage", result = "logistic-chest-storage", type = "recipe" }, ["logistic-robot"] = { enabled = false, ingredients = { { "flying-robot-frame", 1 }, { "advanced-circuit", 2 } }, name = "logistic-robot", result = "logistic-robot", type = "recipe" }, ["logistic-science-pack"] = { enabled = false, energy_required = 6, ingredients = { { "inserter", 1 }, { "transport-belt", 1 } }, name = "logistic-science-pack", result = "logistic-science-pack", type = "recipe" }, ["long-handed-inserter"] = { enabled = false, ingredients = { { "iron-gear-wheel", 1 }, { "iron-plate", 1 }, { "inserter", 1 } }, name = "long-handed-inserter", result = "long-handed-inserter", type = "recipe" }, ["low-density-structure"] = { category = "crafting", expensive = { enabled = false, energy_required = 20, ingredients = { { "steel-plate", 2 }, { "copper-plate", 20 }, { "plastic-bar", 30 } }, result = "low-density-structure" }, name = "low-density-structure", normal = { enabled = false, energy_required = 20, ingredients = { { "steel-plate", 2 }, { "copper-plate", 20 }, { "plastic-bar", 5 } }, result = "low-density-structure" }, type = "recipe" }, lubricant = { category = "chemistry", crafting_machine_tint = { primary = { a = 1, b = 0.223, g = 0.72299999999999995, r = 0.26800000000000002 }, quaternary = { a = 1, b = 0.127, g = 0.39500000000000002, r = 1 }, secondary = { a = 1, b = 0.38600000000000003, g = 0.79300000000000006, r = 0.43200000000000003 }, tertiary = { a = 1, b = 0.396, g = 0.471, r = 0.64700000000000006 } }, enabled = false, energy_required = 1, ingredients = { { amount = 10, name = "heavy-oil", type = "fluid" } }, name = "lubricant", results = { { amount = 10, name = "lubricant", type = "fluid" } }, subgroup = "fluid-recipes", type = "recipe" }, ["medium-electric-pole"] = { enabled = false, ingredients = { { "iron-stick", 4 }, { "steel-plate", 2 }, { "copper-plate", 2 } }, name = "medium-electric-pole", result = "medium-electric-pole", type = "recipe" }, ["military-science-pack"] = { enabled = false, energy_required = 10, ingredients = { { "piercing-rounds-magazine", 1 }, { "grenade", 1 }, { "stone-wall", 2 } }, name = "military-science-pack", result = "military-science-pack", result_count = 2, type = "recipe" }, ["modular-armor"] = { enabled = false, energy_required = 15, ingredients = { { "advanced-circuit", 30 }, { "steel-plate", 50 } }, name = "modular-armor", result = "modular-armor", type = "recipe" }, ["night-vision-equipment"] = { enabled = false, energy_required = 10, ingredients = { { "advanced-circuit", 5 }, { "steel-plate", 10 } }, name = "night-vision-equipment", result = "night-vision-equipment", type = "recipe" }, ["nuclear-fuel"] = { category = "centrifuging", enabled = false, energy_required = 90, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/nuclear-fuel.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, ingredients = { { "uranium-235", 1 }, { "rocket-fuel", 1 } }, name = "nuclear-fuel", result = "nuclear-fuel", type = "recipe" }, ["nuclear-fuel-reprocessing"] = { allow_decomposition = false, category = "centrifuging", enabled = false, energy_required = 60, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/nuclear-fuel-reprocessing.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, ingredients = { { "used-up-uranium-fuel-cell", 5 } }, main_product = "", name = "nuclear-fuel-reprocessing", order = "r[uranium-processing]-b[nuclear-fuel-reprocessing]", results = { { "uranium-238", 3 } }, subgroup = "intermediate-product", type = "recipe" }, ["nuclear-reactor"] = { enabled = false, energy_required = 8, ingredients = { { "concrete", 500 }, { "steel-plate", 500 }, { "advanced-circuit", 500 }, { "copper-plate", 500 } }, name = "nuclear-reactor", requester_paste_multiplier = 1, result = "nuclear-reactor", type = "recipe" }, ["offshore-pump"] = { ingredients = { { "electronic-circuit", 2 }, { "pipe", 1 }, { "iron-gear-wheel", 1 } }, name = "offshore-pump", result = "offshore-pump", type = "recipe" }, ["oil-refinery"] = { enabled = false, energy_required = 8, ingredients = { { "steel-plate", 15 }, { "iron-gear-wheel", 10 }, { "stone-brick", 10 }, { "electronic-circuit", 10 }, { "pipe", 10 } }, name = "oil-refinery", result = "oil-refinery", type = "recipe" }, ["personal-laser-defense-equipment"] = { enabled = false, energy_required = 10, ingredients = { { "processing-unit", 20 }, { "low-density-structure", 5 }, { "laser-turret", 5 } }, name = "personal-laser-defense-equipment", result = "personal-laser-defense-equipment", type = "recipe" }, ["personal-roboport-equipment"] = { enabled = false, energy_required = 10, ingredients = { { "advanced-circuit", 10 }, { "iron-gear-wheel", 40 }, { "steel-plate", 20 }, { "battery", 45 } }, name = "personal-roboport-equipment", result = "personal-roboport-equipment", type = "recipe" }, ["personal-roboport-mk2-equipment"] = { enabled = false, energy_required = 20, ingredients = { { "personal-roboport-equipment", 5 }, { "processing-unit", 100 }, { "low-density-structure", 20 } }, name = "personal-roboport-mk2-equipment", result = "personal-roboport-mk2-equipment", type = "recipe" }, ["piercing-rounds-magazine"] = { enabled = false, energy_required = 3, ingredients = { { "firearm-magazine", 1 }, { "steel-plate", 1 }, { "copper-plate", 5 } }, name = "piercing-rounds-magazine", result = "piercing-rounds-magazine", type = "recipe" }, ["piercing-shotgun-shell"] = { enabled = false, energy_required = 8, ingredients = { { "shotgun-shell", 2 }, { "copper-plate", 5 }, { "steel-plate", 2 } }, name = "piercing-shotgun-shell", result = "piercing-shotgun-shell", type = "recipe" }, pipe = { expensive = { ingredients = { { "iron-plate", 2 } }, result = "pipe" }, name = "pipe", normal = { ingredients = { { "iron-plate", 1 } }, result = "pipe" }, type = "recipe" }, ["pipe-to-ground"] = { ingredients = { { "pipe", 10 }, { "iron-plate", 5 } }, name = "pipe-to-ground", result = "pipe-to-ground", result_count = 2, type = "recipe" }, pistol = { energy_required = 5, ingredients = { { "copper-plate", 5 }, { "iron-plate", 5 } }, name = "pistol", result = "pistol", type = "recipe" }, ["plastic-bar"] = { category = "chemistry", crafting_machine_tint = { primary = { a = 1, b = 1, g = 1, r = 1 }, quaternary = { a = 1, b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, secondary = { a = 1, b = 0.771, g = 0.771, r = 0.771 }, tertiary = { a = 1, b = 0.76200000000000001, g = 0.66500000000000004, r = 0.76799999999999997 } }, enabled = false, energy_required = 1, ingredients = { { amount = 20, name = "petroleum-gas", type = "fluid" }, { amount = 1, name = "coal", type = "item" } }, name = "plastic-bar", results = { { amount = 2, name = "plastic-bar", type = "item" } }, type = "recipe" }, ["poison-capsule"] = { enabled = false, energy_required = 8, ingredients = { { "steel-plate", 3 }, { "electronic-circuit", 3 }, { "coal", 10 } }, name = "poison-capsule", result = "poison-capsule", type = "recipe" }, ["power-armor"] = { enabled = false, energy_required = 20, ingredients = { { "processing-unit", 40 }, { "electric-engine-unit", 20 }, { "steel-plate", 40 } }, name = "power-armor", requester_paste_multiplier = 1, result = "power-armor", type = "recipe" }, ["power-armor-mk2"] = { enabled = false, energy_required = 25, ingredients = { { "effectivity-module-2", 25 }, { "speed-module-2", 25 }, { "processing-unit", 60 }, { "electric-engine-unit", 40 }, { "low-density-structure", 30 } }, name = "power-armor-mk2", requester_paste_multiplier = 1, result = "power-armor-mk2", type = "recipe" }, ["power-switch"] = { enabled = false, energy_required = 2, ingredients = { { "iron-plate", 5 }, { "copper-cable", 5 }, { "electronic-circuit", 2 } }, name = "power-switch", result = "power-switch", type = "recipe" }, ["processing-unit"] = { category = "crafting-with-fluid", expensive = { enabled = false, energy_required = 10, ingredients = { { "electronic-circuit", 20 }, { "advanced-circuit", 2 }, { amount = 10, name = "sulfuric-acid", type = "fluid" } }, result = "processing-unit" }, name = "processing-unit", normal = { enabled = false, energy_required = 10, ingredients = { { "electronic-circuit", 20 }, { "advanced-circuit", 2 }, { amount = 5, name = "sulfuric-acid", type = "fluid" } }, result = "processing-unit" }, type = "recipe" }, ["production-science-pack"] = { enabled = false, energy_required = 21, ingredients = { { "electric-furnace", 1 }, { "productivity-module", 1 }, { "rail", 30 } }, name = "production-science-pack", result = "production-science-pack", result_count = 3, type = "recipe" }, ["productivity-module"] = { enabled = false, energy_required = 15, ingredients = { { "advanced-circuit", 5 }, { "electronic-circuit", 5 } }, name = "productivity-module", result = "productivity-module", type = "recipe" }, ["productivity-module-2"] = { enabled = false, energy_required = 30, ingredients = { { "productivity-module", 4 }, { "advanced-circuit", 5 }, { "processing-unit", 5 } }, name = "productivity-module-2", result = "productivity-module-2", type = "recipe" }, ["productivity-module-3"] = { enabled = false, energy_required = 60, ingredients = { { "productivity-module-2", 5 }, { "advanced-circuit", 5 }, { "processing-unit", 5 } }, name = "productivity-module-3", result = "productivity-module-3", type = "recipe" }, ["programmable-speaker"] = { enabled = false, energy_required = 2, ingredients = { { "iron-plate", 3 }, { "iron-stick", 4 }, { "copper-cable", 5 }, { "electronic-circuit", 4 } }, name = "programmable-speaker", result = "programmable-speaker", type = "recipe" }, pump = { enabled = false, energy_required = 2, ingredients = { { "engine-unit", 1 }, { "steel-plate", 1 }, { "pipe", 1 } }, name = "pump", result = "pump", type = "recipe" }, pumpjack = { enabled = false, energy_required = 5, ingredients = { { "steel-plate", 5 }, { "iron-gear-wheel", 10 }, { "electronic-circuit", 5 }, { "pipe", 10 } }, name = "pumpjack", result = "pumpjack", type = "recipe" }, radar = { ingredients = { { "electronic-circuit", 5 }, { "iron-gear-wheel", 5 }, { "iron-plate", 10 } }, name = "radar", result = "radar", type = "recipe" }, rail = { enabled = false, ingredients = { { "stone", 1 }, { "iron-stick", 1 }, { "steel-plate", 1 } }, name = "rail", result = "rail", result_count = 2, type = "recipe" }, ["rail-chain-signal"] = { enabled = false, ingredients = { { "electronic-circuit", 1 }, { "iron-plate", 5 } }, name = "rail-chain-signal", result = "rail-chain-signal", type = "recipe" }, ["rail-signal"] = { enabled = false, ingredients = { { "electronic-circuit", 1 }, { "iron-plate", 5 } }, name = "rail-signal", result = "rail-signal", type = "recipe" }, ["red-wire"] = { enabled = false, ingredients = { { "electronic-circuit", 1 }, { "copper-cable", 1 } }, name = "red-wire", result = "red-wire", type = "recipe" }, ["refined-concrete"] = { category = "crafting-with-fluid", enabled = false, energy_required = 15, ingredients = { { "concrete", 20 }, { "iron-stick", 8 }, { "steel-plate", 1 }, { amount = 100, name = "water", type = "fluid" } }, name = "refined-concrete", result = "refined-concrete", result_count = 10, type = "recipe" }, ["refined-hazard-concrete"] = { category = "crafting", enabled = false, energy_required = 0.25, ingredients = { { "refined-concrete", 10 } }, name = "refined-hazard-concrete", result = "refined-hazard-concrete", result_count = 10, type = "recipe" }, ["repair-pack"] = { ingredients = { { "electronic-circuit", 2 }, { "iron-gear-wheel", 2 } }, name = "repair-pack", result = "repair-pack", type = "recipe" }, roboport = { enabled = false, energy_required = 5, ingredients = { { "steel-plate", 45 }, { "iron-gear-wheel", 45 }, { "advanced-circuit", 45 } }, name = "roboport", result = "roboport", type = "recipe" }, rocket = { enabled = false, energy_required = 8, ingredients = { { "electronic-circuit", 1 }, { "explosives", 1 }, { "iron-plate", 2 } }, name = "rocket", result = "rocket", type = "recipe" }, ["rocket-control-unit"] = { category = "crafting", enabled = false, energy_required = 30, ingredients = { { "processing-unit", 1 }, { "speed-module", 1 } }, name = "rocket-control-unit", result = "rocket-control-unit", type = "recipe" }, ["rocket-fuel"] = { category = "crafting-with-fluid", enabled = false, energy_required = 30, ingredients = { { "solid-fuel", 10 }, { amount = 10, name = "light-oil", type = "fluid" } }, name = "rocket-fuel", result = "rocket-fuel", type = "recipe" }, ["rocket-launcher"] = { enabled = false, energy_required = 10, ingredients = { { "iron-plate", 5 }, { "iron-gear-wheel", 5 }, { "electronic-circuit", 5 } }, name = "rocket-launcher", result = "rocket-launcher", type = "recipe" }, ["rocket-part"] = { category = "rocket-building", enabled = false, energy_required = 3, hidden = true, ingredients = { { "rocket-control-unit", 10 }, { "low-density-structure", 10 }, { "rocket-fuel", 10 } }, name = "rocket-part", result = "rocket-part", type = "recipe" }, ["rocket-silo"] = { enabled = false, energy_required = 30, ingredients = { { "steel-plate", 1000 }, { "concrete", 1000 }, { "pipe", 100 }, { "processing-unit", 200 }, { "electric-engine-unit", 200 } }, name = "rocket-silo", requester_paste_multiplier = 1, result = "rocket-silo", type = "recipe" }, satellite = { category = "crafting", enabled = false, energy_required = 5, ingredients = { { "low-density-structure", 100 }, { "solar-panel", 100 }, { "accumulator", 100 }, { "radar", 5 }, { "processing-unit", 100 }, { "rocket-fuel", 50 } }, name = "satellite", requester_paste_multiplier = 1, result = "satellite", type = "recipe" }, shotgun = { enabled = false, energy_required = 10, ingredients = { { "iron-plate", 15 }, { "iron-gear-wheel", 5 }, { "copper-plate", 10 }, { "wood", 5 } }, name = "shotgun", result = "shotgun", type = "recipe" }, ["shotgun-shell"] = { enabled = false, energy_required = 3, ingredients = { { "copper-plate", 2 }, { "iron-plate", 2 } }, name = "shotgun-shell", result = "shotgun-shell", type = "recipe" }, ["slowdown-capsule"] = { enabled = false, energy_required = 8, ingredients = { { "steel-plate", 2 }, { "electronic-circuit", 2 }, { "coal", 5 } }, name = "slowdown-capsule", result = "slowdown-capsule", type = "recipe" }, ["small-electric-pole"] = { ingredients = { { "wood", 1 }, { "copper-cable", 2 } }, name = "small-electric-pole", result = "small-electric-pole", result_count = 2, type = "recipe" }, ["small-lamp"] = { enabled = false, ingredients = { { "electronic-circuit", 1 }, { "copper-cable", 3 }, { "iron-plate", 1 } }, name = "small-lamp", result = "small-lamp", type = "recipe" }, ["solar-panel"] = { enabled = false, energy_required = 10, ingredients = { { "steel-plate", 5 }, { "electronic-circuit", 15 }, { "copper-plate", 5 } }, name = "solar-panel", result = "solar-panel", type = "recipe" }, ["solar-panel-equipment"] = { enabled = false, energy_required = 10, ingredients = { { "solar-panel", 1 }, { "advanced-circuit", 2 }, { "steel-plate", 5 } }, name = "solar-panel-equipment", result = "solar-panel-equipment", type = "recipe" }, ["solid-fuel-from-heavy-oil"] = { category = "chemistry", crafting_machine_tint = { primary = { a = 1, b = 0.56599999999999993, g = 0.62800000000000002, r = 0.88900000000000006 }, quaternary = { a = 1, b = 0.127, g = 0.39500000000000002, r = 1 }, secondary = { a = 1, b = 0.64400000000000004, g = 0.66800000000000006, r = 0.80300000000000011 }, tertiary = { a = 1, b = 0.57599999999999998, g = 0.65899999999999999, r = 0.85399999999999991 } }, enabled = false, energy_required = 2, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/solid-fuel-from-heavy-oil.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, ingredients = { { amount = 20, name = "heavy-oil", type = "fluid" } }, name = "solid-fuel-from-heavy-oil", order = "b[fluid-chemistry]-e[solid-fuel-from-heavy-oil]", results = { { amount = 1, name = "solid-fuel", type = "item" } }, subgroup = "fluid-recipes", type = "recipe" }, ["solid-fuel-from-light-oil"] = { category = "chemistry", crafting_machine_tint = { primary = { a = 1, b = 0.48200000000000003, g = 0.63300000000000001, r = 0.70999999999999996 }, quaternary = { a = 1, b = 0.202, g = 0.58300000000000001, r = 0.8120000000000001 }, secondary = { a = 1, b = 0.52700000000000005, g = 0.67200000000000006, r = 0.74500000000000002 }, tertiary = { a = 1, b = 0.596, g = 0.77300000000000004, r = 0.89399999999999995 } }, enabled = false, energy_required = 2, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/solid-fuel-from-light-oil.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, ingredients = { { amount = 10, name = "light-oil", type = "fluid" } }, name = "solid-fuel-from-light-oil", order = "b[fluid-chemistry]-c[solid-fuel-from-light-oil]", results = { { amount = 1, name = "solid-fuel", type = "item" } }, subgroup = "fluid-recipes", type = "recipe" }, ["solid-fuel-from-petroleum-gas"] = { category = "chemistry", crafting_machine_tint = { primary = { a = 1, b = 0.76799999999999997, g = 0.63100000000000005, r = 0.76799999999999997 }, quaternary = { a = 1, b = 0.56399999999999997, g = 0.36399999999999997, r = 0.56399999999999997 }, secondary = { a = 1, b = 0.67800000000000002, g = 0.59199999999999999, r = 0.65899999999999999 }, tertiary = { a = 1, b = 0.76600000000000001, g = 0.63100000000000005, r = 0.77400000000000002 } }, enabled = false, energy_required = 2, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/solid-fuel-from-petroleum-gas.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, ingredients = { { amount = 20, name = "petroleum-gas", type = "fluid" } }, name = "solid-fuel-from-petroleum-gas", order = "b[fluid-chemistry]-d[solid-fuel-from-petroleum-gas]", results = { { amount = 1, name = "solid-fuel", type = "item" } }, subgroup = "fluid-recipes", type = "recipe" }, ["speed-module"] = { enabled = false, energy_required = 15, ingredients = { { "advanced-circuit", 5 }, { "electronic-circuit", 5 } }, name = "speed-module", result = "speed-module", type = "recipe" }, ["speed-module-2"] = { enabled = false, energy_required = 30, ingredients = { { "speed-module", 4 }, { "advanced-circuit", 5 }, { "processing-unit", 5 } }, name = "speed-module-2", result = "speed-module-2", type = "recipe" }, ["speed-module-3"] = { enabled = false, energy_required = 60, ingredients = { { "speed-module-2", 5 }, { "advanced-circuit", 5 }, { "processing-unit", 5 } }, name = "speed-module-3", result = "speed-module-3", type = "recipe" }, spidertron = { enabled = false, energy_required = 10, ingredients = { { "exoskeleton-equipment", 4 }, { "fusion-reactor-equipment", 2 }, { "rocket-launcher", 4 }, { "rocket-control-unit", 16 }, { "low-density-structure", 150 }, { "radar", 2 }, { "effectivity-module-3", 2 }, { "raw-fish", 1 } }, name = "spidertron", result = "spidertron", type = "recipe" }, ["spidertron-remote"] = { enabled = false, ingredients = { { "rocket-control-unit", 1 }, { "radar", 1 } }, name = "spidertron-remote", result = "spidertron-remote", type = "recipe" }, splitter = { enabled = false, energy_required = 1, ingredients = { { "electronic-circuit", 5 }, { "iron-plate", 5 }, { "transport-belt", 4 } }, name = "splitter", result = "splitter", type = "recipe" }, ["stack-filter-inserter"] = { enabled = false, ingredients = { { "stack-inserter", 1 }, { "electronic-circuit", 5 } }, name = "stack-filter-inserter", result = "stack-filter-inserter", type = "recipe" }, ["stack-inserter"] = { enabled = false, ingredients = { { "iron-gear-wheel", 15 }, { "electronic-circuit", 15 }, { "advanced-circuit", 1 }, { "fast-inserter", 1 } }, name = "stack-inserter", result = "stack-inserter", type = "recipe" }, ["steam-engine"] = { expensive = { ingredients = { { "iron-gear-wheel", 10 }, { "pipe", 5 }, { "iron-plate", 50 } }, result = "steam-engine" }, name = "steam-engine", normal = { ingredients = { { "iron-gear-wheel", 8 }, { "pipe", 5 }, { "iron-plate", 10 } }, result = "steam-engine" }, type = "recipe" }, ["steam-turbine"] = { enabled = false, energy_required = 3, ingredients = { { "iron-gear-wheel", 50 }, { "copper-plate", 50 }, { "pipe", 20 } }, name = "steam-turbine", result = "steam-turbine", type = "recipe" }, ["steel-chest"] = { enabled = false, ingredients = { { "steel-plate", 8 } }, name = "steel-chest", result = "steel-chest", type = "recipe" }, ["steel-furnace"] = { enabled = false, energy_required = 3, ingredients = { { "steel-plate", 6 }, { "stone-brick", 10 } }, name = "steel-furnace", result = "steel-furnace", type = "recipe" }, ["steel-plate"] = { category = "smelting", expensive = { enabled = false, energy_required = 32, ingredients = { { "iron-plate", 10 } }, result = "steel-plate" }, name = "steel-plate", normal = { enabled = false, energy_required = 16, ingredients = { { "iron-plate", 5 } }, result = "steel-plate" }, type = "recipe" }, ["stone-brick"] = { category = "smelting", enabled = true, energy_required = 3.2000000000000002, ingredients = { { "stone", 2 } }, name = "stone-brick", result = "stone-brick", type = "recipe" }, ["stone-furnace"] = { ingredients = { { "stone", 5 } }, name = "stone-furnace", result = "stone-furnace", type = "recipe" }, ["stone-wall"] = { enabled = false, ingredients = { { "stone-brick", 5 } }, name = "stone-wall", result = "stone-wall", type = "recipe" }, ["storage-tank"] = { enabled = false, energy_required = 3, ingredients = { { "iron-plate", 20 }, { "steel-plate", 5 } }, name = "storage-tank", result = "storage-tank", type = "recipe" }, ["submachine-gun"] = { expensive = { enabled = false, energy_required = 10, ingredients = { { "iron-gear-wheel", 15 }, { "copper-plate", 20 }, { "iron-plate", 30 } }, result = "submachine-gun" }, name = "submachine-gun", normal = { enabled = false, energy_required = 10, ingredients = { { "iron-gear-wheel", 10 }, { "copper-plate", 5 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0, g = 0.95800000000000001, r = 1 }, quaternary = { a = 1, b = 0.019, g = 1, r = 0.96899999999999995 }, secondary = { a = 1, b = 0.17199999999999998, g = 0.85199999999999996, r = 1 }, tertiary = { a = 1, b = 0.59699999999999998, g = 0.86899999999999995, r = 0.87599999999999998 } }, enabled = false, energy_required = 1, ingredients = { { amount = 5, name = "sulfur", type = "item" }, { amount = 1, name = "iron-plate", type = "item" }, { amount = 100, name = "water", type = "fluid" } }, name = "sulfuric-acid", results = { { amount = 50, name = "sulfuric-acid", type = "fluid" } }, subgroup = "fluid-recipes", type = "recipe" }, tank = { expensive = { enabled = false, energy_required = 8, ingredients = { { "engine-unit", 64 }, { "steel-plate", 100 }, { "iron-gear-wheel", 30 }, { "advanced-circuit", 20 } }, result = "tank" }, name = "tank", normal = { enabled = false, energy_required = 5, ingredients = { { "engine-unit", 32 }, { "steel-plate", 50 }, { "iron-gear-wheel", 15 }, { "advanced-circuit", 10 } }, result = "tank" }, type = "recipe" }, ["train-stop"] = { enabled = false, ingredients = { { "electronic-circuit", 5 }, { "iron-plate", 6 }, { "iron-stick", 6 }, { "steel-plate", 3 } }, name = "train-stop", result = "train-stop", type = "recipe" }, ["transport-belt"] = { ingredients = { { "iron-plate", 1 }, { "iron-gear-wheel", 1 } }, name = "transport-belt", result = "transport-belt", result_count = 2, type = "recipe" }, ["underground-belt"] = { enabled = false, energy_required = 1, ingredients = { { "iron-plate", 10 }, { "transport-belt", 5 } }, name = "underground-belt", result = "underground-belt", result_count = 2, type = "recipe" }, ["uranium-cannon-shell"] = { enabled = false, energy_required = 12, ingredients = { { "cannon-shell", 1 }, { "uranium-238", 1 } }, name = "uranium-cannon-shell", result = "uranium-cannon-shell", type = "recipe" }, ["uranium-fuel-cell"] = { enabled = false, energy_required = 10, ingredients = { { "iron-plate", 10 }, { "uranium-235", 1 }, { "uranium-238", 19 } }, name = "uranium-fuel-cell", result = "uranium-fuel-cell", result_count = 10, type = "recipe" }, ["uranium-processing"] = { category = "centrifuging", enabled = false, energy_required = 12, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/uranium-processing.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, ingredients = { { "uranium-ore", 10 } }, name = "uranium-processing", order = "k[uranium-processing]", results = { { amount = 1, name = "uranium-235", probability = 0.0070000000000000009 }, { amount = 1, name = "uranium-238", probability = 0.99299999999999997 } }, subgroup = "raw-material", type = "recipe" }, ["uranium-rounds-magazine"] = { enabled = false, energy_required = 10, ingredients = { { "piercing-rounds-magazine", 1 }, { "uranium-238", 1 } }, name = "uranium-rounds-magazine", result = "uranium-rounds-magazine", type = "recipe" }, ["utility-science-pack"] = { enabled = false, energy_required = 21, ingredients = { { "low-density-structure", 3 }, { "processing-unit", 2 }, { "flying-robot-frame", 1 } }, name = "utility-science-pack", result = "utility-science-pack", result_count = 3, type = "recipe" }, ["wooden-chest"] = { ingredients = { { "wood", 2 } }, name = "wooden-chest", result = "wooden-chest", type = "recipe" } }, ["recipe-category"] = { ["advanced-crafting"] = { name = "advanced-crafting", type = "recipe-category" }, ["basic-crafting"] = { name = "basic-crafting", type = "recipe-category" }, centrifuging = { name = "centrifuging", type = "recipe-category" }, chemistry = { name = "chemistry", type = "recipe-category" }, crafting = { name = "crafting", type = "recipe-category" }, ["crafting-with-fluid"] = { name = "crafting-with-fluid", type = "recipe-category" }, ["oil-processing"] = { name = "oil-processing", type = "recipe-category" }, ["rocket-building"] = { name = "rocket-building", type = "recipe-category" }, smelting = { name = "smelting", type = "recipe-category" } }, ["repair-tool"] = { ["repair-pack"] = { 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"__core__/lualib/resource-autoplace.lua", line_number = 161 }, type = "function-application" } }, function_name = "add", source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/resource-autoplace.lua", line_number = 403 }, type = "function-application" }, { literal_value = 2600, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 86 }, type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "divide", source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/resource-autoplace.lua", line_number = 403 }, type = "function-application" }, { literal_value = 1/0 --[[math.huge]], source_location = 0 --[=[ ref [""].resource.coal.autoplace.richness_expression.arguments[1].arguments[2].arguments[1].source_location ]=], type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "clamp", source_location = 0 --[=[ ref [""].resource.coal.autoplace.richness_expression.arguments[1].arguments[2].arguments[1].source_location ]=], type = "function-application" } }, function_name = "multiply", source_location = { filename = 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"__base__/sound/walking/resources/ore-05.ogg", volume = 0.7 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/resources/ore-06.ogg", volume = 0.7 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/resources/ore-07.ogg", volume = 0.7 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/resources/ore-08.ogg", volume = 0.7 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/resources/ore-09.ogg", volume = 0.7 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/resources/ore-10.ogg", volume = 0.7 } } }, ["copper-ore"] = { autoplace = { control = "copper-ore", order = "b", probability_expression = { arguments = { { expression = { arguments = { { arguments = { { arguments = { basement_value = { arguments = { { arguments = { { literal_value = -6, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 78 }, type = "literal-number" }, { arguments = { { literal_value = 0.125, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 78 }, type = "literal-number" }, { arguments = { { arguments = { { arguments = { { 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[""].resource["uranium-ore"].autoplace.probability_expression.arguments[1].expression.arguments[1].arguments.basement_value.arguments[1].arguments[2].arguments[2].arguments[1].arguments[1].arguments[1].arguments[2].arguments[2] ]=] }, function_name = "divide", source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/resource-autoplace.lua", line_number = 184 }, type = "function-application" } }, function_name = "multiply", source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/resource-autoplace.lua", line_number = 189 }, type = "function-application" }, 0 --[=[ ref [""].resource.coal.autoplace.probability_expression.arguments[1].expression.arguments[1].arguments[1].arguments.basement_value.arguments[1].arguments[2].arguments[2].arguments[1].arguments[1].arguments[2] ]=] }, function_name = "exponentiate", source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/resource-autoplace.lua", line_number = 192 }, type = "function-application" }, { literal_value = 0.010471975511965979, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 86 }, type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "divide", source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/resource-autoplace.lua", line_number = 192 }, type = "function-application" } }, function_name = "clamp", source_location = 0 --[=[ ref [""].resource["uranium-ore"].autoplace.probability_expression.arguments[1].expression.arguments[2].arguments[2].arguments[2].arguments[2].source_location ]=], type = "function-application" } }, function_name = "multiply", source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/resource-autoplace.lua", line_number = 203 }, type = "function-application" } }, function_name = "multiply", source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/resource-autoplace.lua", line_number = 361 }, type = "function-application" } }, function_name = "add", source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/resource-autoplace.lua", line_number = 361 }, type = "function-application" }, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/resource-autoplace.lua", line_number = 373 }, type = "procedure-delimiter" }, { literal_value = 0, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 304 }, type = "literal-number" }, { literal_value = 1, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 305 }, type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "clamp", source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/resource-autoplace.lua", line_number = 374 }, type = "function-application" }, richness_expression = { arguments = { { arguments = { 0 --[=[ ref [""].resource["uranium-ore"].autoplace.probability_expression.arguments[1] ]=], { arguments = { { literal_value = 1, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/resource-autoplace.lua", line_number = 405 }, type = "literal-number" }, { arguments = { { arguments = { { literal_value = 1300, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 54 }, type = "literal-number" }, { arguments = { 0 --[=[ ref [""].resource["uranium-ore"].autoplace.probability_expression.arguments[1].expression.arguments[1].arguments.density_expression.literal_value.arguments[1].arguments[2].arguments[2].arguments[1].arguments[1].arguments[1] ]=], { literal_value = 300, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 62 }, type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "subtract", source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/resource-autoplace.lua", line_number = 161 }, type = "function-application" } }, function_name = "add", source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/resource-autoplace.lua", line_number = 403 }, type = "function-application" }, { literal_value = 2600, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 86 }, type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "divide", source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/resource-autoplace.lua", line_number = 403 }, type = "function-application" }, { literal_value = 1/0 --[[math.huge]], source_location = 0 --[=[ ref [""].resource["uranium-ore"].autoplace.richness_expression.arguments[1].arguments[2].arguments[1].source_location ]=], type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "clamp", source_location = 0 --[=[ ref [""].resource["uranium-ore"].autoplace.richness_expression.arguments[1].arguments[2].arguments[1].source_location ]=], type = "function-application" } }, function_name = "multiply", source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/resource-autoplace.lua", line_number = 407 }, type = "function-application" }, { arguments = { { literal_value = 1, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 78 }, type = "literal-number" }, { source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 415 }, type = "variable", variable_name = "control-setting:uranium-ore:richness:multiplier" } }, function_name = "multiply", source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/resource-autoplace.lua", line_number = 113 }, type = "function-application" } }, function_name = "multiply", source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/resource-autoplace.lua", line_number = 407 }, type = "function-application" } }, collision_box = { { -0.1, -0.1 }, { 0.1, 0.1 } }, effect_animation_period = 5, effect_animation_period_deviation = 1, effect_darkness_multiplier = 3.6000000000000001, flags = { "placeable-neutral" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/uranium-ore.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, map_color = { 0, 0.7, 0 }, max_effect_alpha = 0.3, min_effect_alpha = 0.2, minable = { fluid_amount = 10, mining_particle = "stone-particle", mining_time = 2, required_fluid = "sulfuric-acid", result = "uranium-ore" }, mining_visualisation_tint = { a = 1, b = 0.49900000000000002, g = 1, r = 0.81399999999999988 }, name = "uranium-ore", order = "a-b-e", selection_box = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, stage_counts = { 10000, 6330, 3670, 1930, 870, 270, 100, 50 }, stages = { sheet = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/uranium-ore/uranium-ore.png", frame_count = 8, height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/uranium-ore/hr-uranium-ore.png", frame_count = 8, height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, variation_count = 8, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", variation_count = 8, width = 64 } }, stages_effect = { sheet = { blend_mode = "additive", filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/uranium-ore/uranium-ore-glow.png", flags = { "light" }, frame_count = 8, height = 64, hr_version = { blend_mode = "additive", filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/uranium-ore/hr-uranium-ore-glow.png", flags = { "light" }, frame_count = 8, height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, variation_count = 8, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", variation_count = 8, width = 64 } }, tree_removal_max_distance = 1024, tree_removal_probability = 0.7, type = "resource", walking_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].resource.coal.walking_sound ]=] } }, ["resource-category"] = { ["basic-fluid"] = { name = "basic-fluid", type = "resource-category" }, ["basic-solid"] = { name = "basic-solid", type = "resource-category" } }, roboport = { roboport = { base = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/roboport/roboport-base.png", height = 135, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/roboport/hr-roboport-base.png", height = 277, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0625, 0.2421875 }, width = 228 }, shift = { 0.5, 0.25 }, width = 143 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/roboport/roboport-shadow.png", height = 101, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/roboport/hr-roboport-shadow.png", force_hr_shadow = true, height = 201, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.890625, 0.6015625 }, width = 294 }, shift = { 0.890625, 0.6015625 }, width = 147 } } }, base_animation = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/roboport/roboport-base-animation.png", frame_count = 8, height = 31, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/roboport/hr-roboport-base-animation.png", frame_count = 8, height = 59, priority = "medium", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.5546875, -1.9140625 }, width = 83 }, priority = "medium", shift = { -0.53149999999999995, -1.9375 }, width = 42 }, base_patch = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/roboport/roboport-base-patch.png", frame_count = 1, height = 50, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/roboport/hr-roboport-base-patch.png", frame_count = 1, height = 100, priority = "medium", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.046875, 0.15625 }, width = 138 }, priority = "medium", shift = { 0.03125, 0.203125 }, width = 69 }, charge_approach_distance = 5, charging_energy = "1000kW", charging_offsets = { { -1.5, -0.5 }, { 1.5, -0.5 }, { 1.5, 1.5 }, { -1.5, 1.5 } }, circuit_connector_sprites = { blue_led_light_offset = { 0.609375, 1.578125 }, connector_main = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04a-base-sequence.png", height = 50, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.578125, 1.3125 }, width = 52, x = 104, y = 150 }, led_blue = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04e-blue-LED-on-sequence.png", height = 60, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.578125, 1.28125 }, width = 60, x = 120, y = 180 }, led_blue_off = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04f-blue-LED-off-sequence.png", height = 44, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.578125, 1.28125 }, width = 46, x = 92, y = 132 }, led_green = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04h-green-LED-sequence.png", height = 46, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.578125, 1.28125 }, width = 48, x = 96, y = 138 }, led_light = { intensity = 0, size = 0.9 }, led_red = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04i-red-LED-sequence.png", height = 46, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.578125, 1.28125 }, width = 48, x = 96, y = 138 }, red_green_led_light_offset = { 0.59375, 1.46875 }, wire_pins = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04c-wire-sequence.png", height = 58, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.578125, 1.28125 }, width = 62, x = 124, y = 174 }, wire_pins_shadow = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04d-wire-shadow-sequence.png", height = 54, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.734375, 1.40625 }, width = 70, x = 140, y = 162 } }, circuit_wire_connection_point = { shadow = { green = { 1.078125, 2.140625 }, red = { 1.296875, 2.09375 } }, wire = { green = { 0.9375, 1.5625 }, red = { 0.875, 1.328125 } } }, circuit_wire_max_distance = 9, close_door_trigger_effect = { { sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/roboport-door-close.ogg", max_speed = 1.5, min_speed = 1, volume = 0.2 }, type = "play-sound" } }, close_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.close_sound ]=], collision_box = { { -1.7, -1.7 }, { 1.7, 1.7 } }, construction_radius = 55, corpse = "roboport-remnants", damaged_trigger_effect = { damage_type_filters = "fire", entity_name = "spark-explosion", offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, offsets = { { 0, 1 } }, type = "create-entity" }, default_available_construction_output_signal = { name = "signal-Z", type = "virtual" }, default_available_logistic_output_signal = { name = "signal-X", type = "virtual" }, default_total_construction_output_signal = { name = "signal-T", type = "virtual" }, default_total_logistic_output_signal = { name = "signal-Y", type = "virtual" }, door_animation_down = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/roboport/roboport-door-down.png", frame_count = 16, height = 22, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/roboport/hr-roboport-door-down.png", frame_count = 16, height = 41, priority = "medium", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.0078125, -0.3046875 }, width = 97 }, priority = "medium", shift = { 0.015625, -0.234375 }, width = 52 }, door_animation_up = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/roboport/roboport-door-up.png", frame_count = 16, height = 20, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/roboport/hr-roboport-door-up.png", frame_count = 16, height = 38, priority = "medium", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.0078125, -0.921875 }, width = 97 }, priority = "medium", shift = { 0.015625, -0.890625 }, width = 52 }, draw_construction_radius_visualization = true, draw_logistic_radius_visualization = true, dying_explosion = "roboport-explosion", energy_source = { buffer_capacity = "100MJ", input_flow_limit = "5MW", type = "electric", usage_priority = "secondary-input" }, energy_usage = "50kW", flags = { "placeable-player", "player-creation" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/roboport.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, logistics_radius = 25, material_slots_count = 7, max_health = 500, minable = { mining_time = 0.1, result = "roboport" }, name = "roboport", open_door_trigger_effect = { { sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/roboport-door.ogg", max_speed = 1.5, min_speed = 1, volume = 0.3 }, type = "play-sound" } }, open_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.open_sound ]=], recharge_minimum = "40MJ", recharging_animation = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/roboport/roboport-recharging.png", frame_count = 16, height = 35, priority = "high", scale = 1.5, width = 37 }, recharging_light = { color = { b = 1, g = 0.5, r = 0.5 }, intensity = 0.2, size = 3 }, request_to_open_door_timeout = 15, resistances = { { percent = 60, type = "fire" }, { percent = 30, type = "impact" } }, robot_slots_count = 7, selection_box = { { -2, -2 }, { 2, 2 } }, spawn_and_station_height = -0.1, stationing_offset = { 0, 0 }, type = "roboport", vehicle_impact_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.vehicle_impact_sound ]=], water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = false, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/roboport/roboport-reflection.png", height = 28, priority = "extra-high", scale = 5, shift = { 0, 2.34375 }, variation_count = 1, width = 28 }, rotate = false }, working_sound = { audible_distance_modifier = 0.75, max_sounds_per_type = 3, sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/roboport-working.ogg", volume = 0.4 } } } }, ["roboport-equipment"] = { ["personal-roboport-equipment"] = { categories = { "armor" }, charge_approach_distance = 2.6000000000000001, charging_distance = 1.6000000000000001, charging_energy = "1000kW", charging_station_count = 2, charging_station_shift = { 0, 0.5 }, charging_threshold_distance = 5, construction_radius = 15, energy_source = { buffer_capacity = "35MJ", input_flow_limit = "3500KW", type = "electric", usage_priority = "secondary-input" }, name = "personal-roboport-equipment", recharging_animation = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/roboport/roboport-recharging.png", frame_count = 16, height = 35, priority = "high", scale = 1.5, width = 37 }, recharging_light = { color = { b = 1, g = 0.5, r = 0.5 }, intensity = 0.2, size = 3 }, robot_limit = 10, robots_shrink_when_entering_and_exiting = true, shape = { height = 2, type = "full", width = 2 }, spawn_and_station_height = 0.4, spawn_and_station_shadow_height_offset = 0.5, sprite = { filename = "__base__/graphics/equipment/personal-roboport-equipment.png", height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/equipment/hr-personal-roboport-equipment.png", height = 128, priority = "medium", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "medium", width = 64 }, stationing_offset = { 0, -0.6 }, take_result = "personal-roboport-equipment", type = "roboport-equipment" }, ["personal-roboport-mk2-equipment"] = { categories = { "armor" }, charge_approach_distance = 2.6000000000000001, charging_distance = 1.6000000000000001, charging_energy = "1000kW", charging_station_count = 4, charging_station_shift = { 0, 0.5 }, charging_threshold_distance = 5, construction_radius = 20, energy_source = { buffer_capacity = "35MJ", input_flow_limit = "3500KW", type = "electric", usage_priority = "secondary-input" }, name = "personal-roboport-mk2-equipment", recharging_animation = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/roboport/roboport-recharging.png", frame_count = 16, height = 35, priority = "high", scale = 1.5, width = 37 }, recharging_light = { color = { b = 1, g = 0.5, r = 0.5 }, intensity = 0.2, size = 3 }, robot_limit = 25, robots_shrink_when_entering_and_exiting = true, shape = { height = 2, type = "full", width = 2 }, spawn_and_station_height = 0.4, spawn_and_station_shadow_height_offset = 0.5, sprite = { filename = "__base__/graphics/equipment/personal-roboport-mk2-equipment.png", height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/equipment/hr-personal-roboport-mk2-equipment.png", height = 128, priority = "medium", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "medium", width = 64 }, stationing_offset = { 0, -0.6 }, take_result = "personal-roboport-mk2-equipment", type = "roboport-equipment" } }, ["rocket-silo"] = { ["rocket-silo"] = { active_energy_usage = "3990KW", alarm_sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/silo-alarm.ogg", volume = 1 }, allowed_effects = { "consumption", "speed", "productivity", "pollution" }, arm_01_back_animation = { animation_speed = 0.3, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/rocket-silo/08-rocket-silo-arms-back.png", frame_count = 32, height = 76, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.3, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/rocket-silo/hr-08-rocket-silo-arms-back.png", frame_count = 32, height = 150, line_length = 32, priority = "medium", scale = 0.5, shift = { -1.65625, -2.625 }, width = 128 }, line_length = 32, priority = "medium", shift = { -1.6875, -2.625 }, width = 66 }, arm_02_right_animation = { animation_speed = 0.3, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/rocket-silo/08-rocket-silo-arms-right.png", frame_count = 32, height = 94, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.3, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/rocket-silo/hr-08-rocket-silo-arms-right.png", frame_count = 32, height = 188, line_length = 32, priority = "medium", scale = 0.5, shift = { 3.15625, -1.1875 }, width = 182 }, line_length = 32, priority = "medium", shift = { 3.125, -1.1875 }, width = 94 }, arm_03_front_animation = { animation_speed = 0.3, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/rocket-silo/13-rocket-silo-arms-front.png", frame_count = 32, height = 114, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.3, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/rocket-silo/hr-13-rocket-silo-arms-front.png", frame_count = 32, height = 228, line_length = 32, priority = "medium", scale = 0.5, shift = { -1.59375, 0.5 }, width = 126 }, line_length = 32, priority = "medium", shift = { -1.625, 0.5 }, width = 66 }, base_day_sprite = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/rocket-silo/06-rocket-silo.png", height = 300, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/rocket-silo/hr-06-rocket-silo.png", height = 596, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.09375, -0.03125 }, width = 608 }, shift = { 0.0625, -0.0625 }, width = 300 }, base_engine_light = { intensity = 1, shift = { 0, 1.5 }, size = 25 }, base_front_sprite = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/rocket-silo/14-rocket-silo-front.png", height = 132, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/rocket-silo/hr-14-rocket-silo-front.png", height = 262, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03125, 2.4375 }, width = 580 }, shift = { -0.0625, 2.4375 }, width = 292 }, clamps_off_sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/silo-clamps-off.ogg", volume = 0.8 }, clamps_on_sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/silo-clamps-on.ogg", volume = 1 }, close_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.close_sound ]=], collision_box = { { -4.4000000000000004, -4.4000000000000004 }, { 4.4000000000000004, 4.4000000000000004 } }, corpse = "rocket-silo-remnants", crafting_categories = { "rocket-building" }, crafting_speed = 1, damaged_trigger_effect = { damage_type_filters = "fire", entity_name = "spark-explosion", offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, offsets = { { 0, 1 } }, type = "create-entity" }, door_back_open_offset = { 1.8, -0.7793860500000001 }, door_back_sprite = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/rocket-silo/04-door-back.png", height = 144, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/rocket-silo/hr-04-door-back.png", height = 286, scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.15625, 0.375 }, width = 312 }, shift = { 1.125, 0.375 }, width = 158 }, door_front_open_offset = { -1.8, 0.7793860500000001 }, door_front_sprite = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/rocket-silo/05-door-front.png", height = 152, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/rocket-silo/hr-05-door-front.png", height = 300, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.875, 1.03125 }, width = 332 }, shift = { -0.875, 1 }, width = 166 }, door_opening_speed = 0.0039215686274509803, doors_sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/silo-doors.ogg", volume = 0.8 }, dying_explosion = "rocket-silo-explosion", energy_source = { type = "electric", usage_priority = "primary-input" }, energy_usage = "250kW", fixed_recipe = "rocket-part", flags = { "placeable-player", "player-creation" }, flying_sound = { audible_distance_modifier = 3, filename = "__base__/sound/silo-rocket.ogg", volume = 1 }, hole_clipping_box = { { -2.75, -1.1499999999999999 }, { 2.75, 2.25 } }, hole_light_sprite = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/rocket-silo/01-rocket-silo-hole-light.png", height = 136, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/rocket-silo/hr-01-rocket-silo-hole-light.png", height = 270, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.15625, 0.5 }, tint = { 1, 1, 1, 0 }, width = 400 }, shift = { -0.1875, 0.5 }, tint = { 1, 1, 1, 0 }, width = 202 }, hole_sprite = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/rocket-silo/01-rocket-silo-hole.png", height = 136, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/rocket-silo/hr-01-rocket-silo-hole.png", height = 270, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.15625, 0.5 }, width = 400 }, shift = { -0.1875, 0.5 }, width = 202 }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/rocket-silo.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, lamp_energy_usage = "0KW", light_blinking_speed = 0.0055555555555555554, max_health = 5000, minable = { mining_time = 1, result = "rocket-silo" }, module_specification = { module_info_icon_shift = { 0, 3.2999999999999998 }, module_slots = 4 }, name = "rocket-silo", open_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.open_sound ]=], raise_rocket_sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/silo-raise-rocket.ogg", volume = 1 }, red_lights_back_sprites = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/rocket-silo/07-red-lights-back/red-light.png", height = 32, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/rocket-silo/07-red-lights-back/hr-red-light.png", height = 32, scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.34375, -1.09375 }, width = 32 }, shift = { 1.34375, -1.09375 }, width = 32 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/rocket-silo/07-red-lights-back/red-light.png", height = 32, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/rocket-silo/07-red-lights-back/hr-red-light.png", height = 32, scale = 0.5, shift = { 2.3125, -0.4375 }, width = 32 }, shift = { 2.3125, -0.4375 }, width = 32 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/rocket-silo/07-red-lights-back/red-light.png", height = 32, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/rocket-silo/07-red-lights-back/hr-red-light.png", height = 32, scale = 0.5, shift = { 2.65625, 0.53125 }, width = 32 }, shift = { 2.65625, 0.53125 }, width = 32 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/rocket-silo/07-red-lights-back/red-light.png", height = 32, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/rocket-silo/07-red-lights-back/hr-red-light.png", height = 32, scale = 0.5, shift = { -2.65625, 0.53125 }, width = 32 }, shift = { -2.65625, 0.53125 }, width = 32 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/rocket-silo/07-red-lights-back/red-light.png", height = 32, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/rocket-silo/07-red-lights-back/hr-red-light.png", height = 32, scale = 0.5, shift = { -2.3125, -0.4375 }, width = 32 }, shift = { -2.3125, -0.4375 }, width = 32 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/rocket-silo/07-red-lights-back/red-light.png", height = 32, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/rocket-silo/07-red-lights-back/hr-red-light.png", height = 32, scale = 0.5, shift = { -1.34375, -1.09375 }, width = 32 }, shift = { -1.34375, -1.09375 }, width = 32 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/rocket-silo/07-red-lights-back/red-light.png", height = 32, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/rocket-silo/07-red-lights-back/hr-red-light.png", height = 32, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -1.375 }, width = 32 }, shift = { 0, -1.375 }, width = 32 } } }, red_lights_front_sprites = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/rocket-silo/07-red-lights-back/red-light.png", height = 32, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/rocket-silo/07-red-lights-back/hr-red-light.png", height = 32, scale = 0.5, shift = { 2.3125, 1.4375 }, width = 32 }, shift = { 2.3125, 1.4375 }, width = 32 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/rocket-silo/07-red-lights-back/red-light.png", height = 32, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/rocket-silo/07-red-lights-back/hr-red-light.png", height = 32, scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.34375, 2.03125 }, width = 32 }, shift = { 1.34375, 2.03125 }, width = 32 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/rocket-silo/07-red-lights-back/red-light.png", height = 32, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/rocket-silo/07-red-lights-back/hr-red-light.png", height = 32, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, 2.375 }, width = 32 }, shift = { 0, 2.375 }, width = 32 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/rocket-silo/07-red-lights-back/red-light.png", height = 32, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/rocket-silo/07-red-lights-back/hr-red-light.png", height = 32, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, 2.375 }, width = 32 }, shift = { -1.34375, 2.03125 }, width = 32 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/rocket-silo/07-red-lights-back/red-light.png", height = 32, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/rocket-silo/07-red-lights-back/hr-red-light.png", height = 32, scale = 0.5, shift = { -2.3125, 1.4375 }, width = 32 }, shift = { -2.3125, 1.4375 }, width = 32 } } }, resistances = { { percent = 60, type = "fire" }, { percent = 60, type = "impact" } }, rocket_entity = "rocket-silo-rocket", rocket_glow_overlay_sprite = { blend_mode = "additive", filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/rocket-silo/03-rocket-over-glow.png", height = 222, hr_version = { blend_mode = "additive", filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/rocket-silo/hr-03-rocket-over-glow.png", height = 446, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.09375, 1.125 }, width = 434 }, shift = { -0.125, 1.125 }, width = 218 }, rocket_parts_required = 100, rocket_result_inventory_size = 1, rocket_shadow_overlay_sprite = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/rocket-silo/03-rocket-over-shadow-over-rocket.png", height = 142, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/rocket-silo/hr-03-rocket-over-shadow-over-rocket.png", height = 288, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.0625, 0.65625 }, width = 426 }, shift = { -0.0625, 0.6875 }, width = 212 }, satellite_animation = { animation_speed = 0.4, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/rocket-silo/15-rocket-silo-turbine.png", frame_count = 32, height = 46, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.4, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/rocket-silo/hr-15-rocket-silo-turbine.png", frame_count = 32, height = 88, line_length = 8, priority = "medium", scale = 0.5, shift = { -3.125, 3.46875 }, width = 54 }, line_length = 8, priority = "medium", shift = { -3.125, 3.4375 }, width = 28 }, selection_box = { { -4.5, -4.5 }, { 4.5, 4.5 } }, shadow_sprite = { dice = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/rocket-silo/00-rocket-silo-shadow.png", height = 290, hr_version = { dice = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/rocket-silo/hr-00-rocket-silo-shadow.png", height = 578, priority = "medium", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.21875, 0.0625 }, width = 612 }, priority = "medium", shift = { 0.25, 0.0625 }, width = 304 }, show_recipe_icon = false, silo_fade_out_end_distance = 15, silo_fade_out_start_distance = 8, times_to_blink = 3, type = "rocket-silo", vehicle_impact_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.vehicle_impact_sound ]=], working_sound = { fade_in_ticks = 10, fade_out_ticks = 15, sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/rocket-silo-working-1.ogg", volume = 0.8 } } } }, ["rocket-silo-rocket"] = { ["rocket-silo-rocket"] = { collision_box = { { -2, -7 }, { 2, 4 } }, collision_mask = { "not-colliding-with-itself" }, dying_explosion = "massive-explosion", effects_fade_in_end_distance = 7.5, effects_fade_in_start_distance = 4.5, engine_starting_speed = 0.0030303030303030303, flags = { "not-on-map" }, flying_acceleration = 0.01, flying_speed = 8.3333333333333339e-06, full_render_layer_switch_distance = 9, glow_light = { color = { b = 1, g = 1, r = 1 }, intensity = 1, shift = { 0, 1.5 }, size = 30 }, inventory_size = 1, name = "rocket-silo-rocket", rising_speed = 0.0023809523809523809, rocket_above_wires_slice_offset_from_center = -3, rocket_air_object_slice_offset_from_center = -5.5, rocket_flame_animation = { animation_speed = 0.5, blend_mode = "additive", filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/rocket-silo/10-jet-flame.png", frame_count = 8, height = 128, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, blend_mode = "additive", filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/rocket-silo/hr-10-jet-flame.png", frame_count = 8, height = 256, line_length = 8, priority = "medium", scale = 0.56499999999999995, shift = { -0.0625, 8.1875 }, width = 172 }, line_length = 8, priority = "medium", scale = 1.1299999999999999, shift = { -0.046875, 8.1875 }, width = 87 }, rocket_flame_left_animation = { animation_speed = 0.5, blend_mode = "additive", filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/rocket-silo/10-jet-flame.png", frame_count = 8, height = 128, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, blend_mode = "additive", filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/rocket-silo/hr-10-jet-flame.png", frame_count = 8, height = 256, line_length = 8, priority = "medium", scale = 0.19837499999999997, shift = { -1.8125, 6.59375 }, width = 172 }, line_length = 8, priority = "medium", scale = 0.39674999999999994, shift = { -1.796875, 6.59375 }, width = 87 }, rocket_flame_left_rotation = 0.061099999999999994, rocket_flame_right_animation = { animation_speed = 0.5, blend_mode = "additive", filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/rocket-silo/10-jet-flame.png", frame_count = 8, height = 128, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, blend_mode = "additive", filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/rocket-silo/hr-10-jet-flame.png", frame_count = 8, height = 256, line_length = 8, priority = "medium", scale = 0.21159999999999997, shift = { 1.46875, 7.125 }, width = 172 }, line_length = 8, priority = "medium", scale = 0.42319999999999993, shift = { 1.484375, 7.125 }, width = 87 }, rocket_flame_right_rotation = 0.95199999999999996, rocket_glare_overlay_sprite = { blend_mode = "additive", filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/rocket-silo/03-rocket-over-glare.png", flags = { "linear-magnification", "linear-minification" }, height = 481, shift = { -0.0625, 6.9375 }, width = 481 }, rocket_initial_offset = { 0, 1.5 }, rocket_launch_offset = { 0, -256 }, rocket_render_layer_switch_distance = 7.5, rocket_rise_offset = { 0, -3.5 }, rocket_shadow_sprite = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/rocket-silo/09-rocket-shadow.png", height = 110, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/rocket-silo/hr-09-rocket-shadow.png", height = 216, priority = "medium", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, 0.03125 }, width = 672 }, priority = "medium", shift = { 0, 0 }, width = 336 }, rocket_smoke_bottom1_animation = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/rocket-silo/12-rocket-smoke.png", frame_count = 24, height = 145, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/rocket-silo/hr-12-rocket-smoke.png", frame_count = 24, height = 286, line_length = 8, priority = "medium", scale = 0.975, shift = { -2.1875, 4.6875 }, tint = { a = 0.7, b = 1, g = 0.8, r = 0.8 }, width = 80 }, line_length = 8, priority = "medium", scale = 1.9500000000000002, shift = { -2.21875, 4.71875 }, tint = { a = 0.7, b = 1, g = 0.8, r = 0.8 }, width = 41 }, rocket_smoke_bottom2_animation = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/rocket-silo/12-rocket-smoke.png", frame_count = 24, height = 145, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/rocket-silo/hr-12-rocket-smoke.png", frame_count = 24, height = 286, line_length = 8, priority = "medium", scale = 0.975, shift = { 1.90625, 4.75 }, tint = { a = 0.7, b = 1, g = 0.8, r = 0.8 }, width = 80 }, line_length = 8, priority = "medium", scale = 1.9500000000000002, shift = { 1.875, 4.78125 }, tint = { a = 0.7, b = 1, g = 0.8, r = 0.8 }, width = 41 }, rocket_smoke_top1_animation = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/rocket-silo/12-rocket-smoke.png", frame_count = 24, height = 145, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/rocket-silo/hr-12-rocket-smoke.png", frame_count = 24, height = 286, line_length = 8, priority = "medium", scale = 0.975, shift = { -2.09375, 5.53125 }, tint = { a = 0.8, b = 1, g = 0.8, r = 0.8 }, width = 80 }, line_length = 8, priority = "medium", scale = 1.9500000000000002, shift = { -2.125, 5.5625 }, tint = { a = 0.8, b = 1, g = 0.8, r = 0.8 }, width = 41 }, rocket_smoke_top2_animation = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/rocket-silo/12-rocket-smoke.png", frame_count = 24, height = 145, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/rocket-silo/hr-12-rocket-smoke.png", frame_count = 24, height = 286, line_length = 8, priority = "medium", scale = 0.975, shift = { 0.5, 6.5625 }, tint = { a = 0.8, b = 1, g = 0.8, r = 0.8 }, width = 80 }, line_length = 8, priority = "medium", scale = 1.9500000000000002, shift = { 0.46875, 6.59375 }, tint = { a = 0.8, b = 1, g = 0.8, r = 0.8 }, width = 41 }, rocket_smoke_top3_animation = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/rocket-silo/12-rocket-smoke.png", frame_count = 24, height = 145, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/rocket-silo/hr-12-rocket-smoke.png", frame_count = 24, height = 286, line_length = 8, priority = "medium", scale = 0.975, shift = { 1.46875, 6.15625 }, tint = { a = 0.8, b = 1, g = 0.8, r = 0.8 }, width = 80 }, line_length = 8, priority = "medium", scale = 1.9500000000000002, shift = { 1.4375, 6.1875 }, tint = { a = 0.8, b = 1, g = 0.8, r = 0.8 }, width = 41 }, rocket_sprite = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/rocket-silo/02-rocket.png", height = 300, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/rocket-silo/hr-02-rocket.png", height = 596, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.15625, 2.65625 }, width = 310 }, shift = { -0.125, 2.625 }, width = 154 }, rocket_visible_distance_from_center = 2.75, selection_box = { { 0, 0 }, { 0, 0 } }, shadow_fade_out_end_ratio = 0.75, shadow_fade_out_start_ratio = 0.25, shadow_slave_entity = "rocket-silo-rocket-shadow", type = "rocket-silo-rocket" } }, ["rocket-silo-rocket-shadow"] = { ["rocket-silo-rocket-shadow"] = { collision_box = { { 0, 0 }, { 10, 3.5 } }, collision_mask = { "not-colliding-with-itself" }, flags = { "not-on-map" }, name = "rocket-silo-rocket-shadow", selection_box = { { 0, 0 }, { 0, 0 } }, type = "rocket-silo-rocket-shadow" } }, ["selection-tool"] = { ["selection-tool"] = { alt_selection_color = { b = 0, g = 1, r = 0 }, alt_selection_cursor_box_type = "copy", alt_selection_mode = { "blueprint" }, flags = { "hidden", "not-stackable", "spawnable" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/blueprint.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "selection-tool", order = "e[automated-construction]-a[blueprint]", selection_color = { b = 255, g = 255, r = 255 }, selection_cursor_box_type = "copy", selection_mode = { "blueprint" }, stack_size = 1, subgroup = "other", type = "selection-tool" } }, shortcut = { copy = { action = "copy", associated_control_input = "copy", disabled_small_icon = { filename = "__base__/graphics/icons/shortcut-toolbar/mip/copy-x24-white.png", flags = { "gui-icon" }, mipmap_count = 2, priority = "extra-high-no-scale", scale = 0.5, size = 24 }, icon = { filename = "__base__/graphics/icons/shortcut-toolbar/mip/copy-x32.png", flags = { "gui-icon" }, mipmap_count = 2, priority = "extra-high-no-scale", scale = 0.5, size = 32 }, localised_name = { "shortcut.copy" }, name = "copy", order = "b[blueprints]-b[copy]", small_icon = { filename = "__base__/graphics/icons/shortcut-toolbar/mip/copy-x24.png", flags = { "gui-icon" }, mipmap_count = 2, priority = "extra-high-no-scale", scale = 0.5, size = 24 }, technology_to_unlock = "construction-robotics", type = "shortcut" }, cut = { action = "cut", associated_control_input = "cut", disabled_small_icon = { filename = "__base__/graphics/icons/shortcut-toolbar/mip/cut-x24-white.png", flags = { "gui-icon" }, mipmap_count = 2, priority = "extra-high-no-scale", scale = 0.5, size = 24 }, icon = { filename = "__base__/graphics/icons/shortcut-toolbar/mip/cut-x32.png", flags = { "gui-icon" }, mipmap_count = 0.5, priority = "extra-high-no-scale", scale = 0.5, size = 32 }, localised_name = { "shortcut.cut" }, name = "cut", order = "b[blueprints]-c[cut]", small_icon = { filename = "__base__/graphics/icons/shortcut-toolbar/mip/cut-x24.png", flags = { "gui-icon" }, mipmap_count = 2, priority = "extra-high-no-scale", scale = 0.5, size = 24 }, technology_to_unlock = "construction-robotics", type = "shortcut" }, ["give-blueprint"] = { action = "spawn-item", associated_control_input = "give-blueprint", disabled_small_icon = { filename = "__base__/graphics/icons/shortcut-toolbar/mip/new-blueprint-x24-white.png", flags = { "gui-icon" }, mipmap_count = 2, priority = "extra-high-no-scale", scale = 0.5, size = 24 }, icon = { filename = "__base__/graphics/icons/shortcut-toolbar/mip/new-blueprint-x32-white.png", flags = { "gui-icon" }, mipmap_count = 2, priority = "extra-high-no-scale", scale = 0.5, size = 32 }, item_to_spawn = "blueprint", localised_name = { "shortcut.make-blueprint" }, name = "give-blueprint", order = "b[blueprints]-e[blueprint]", small_icon = { filename = "__base__/graphics/icons/shortcut-toolbar/mip/new-blueprint-x24-white.png", flags = { "gui-icon" }, mipmap_count = 2, priority = "extra-high-no-scale", scale = 0.5, size = 24 }, style = "blue", technology_to_unlock = "construction-robotics", type = "shortcut" }, ["give-blueprint-book"] = { action = "spawn-item", associated_control_input = "give-blueprint-book", disabled_small_icon = { filename = "__base__/graphics/icons/shortcut-toolbar/mip/new-blueprint-book-x24-white.png", flags = { "gui-icon" }, mipmap_count = 2, priority = "extra-high-no-scale", scale = 0.5, size = 24 }, icon = { filename = "__base__/graphics/icons/shortcut-toolbar/mip/new-blueprint-book-x32-white.png", flags = { "gui-icon" }, mipmap_count = 2, priority = "extra-high-no-scale", scale = 0.5, size = 32 }, item_to_spawn = "blueprint-book", localised_name = { "shortcut.make-blueprint-book" }, name = "give-blueprint-book", order = "b[blueprints]-f[book]", small_icon = { filename = "__base__/graphics/icons/shortcut-toolbar/mip/new-blueprint-book-x24-white.png", flags = { "gui-icon" }, mipmap_count = 2, priority = "extra-high-no-scale", scale = 0.5, size = 24 }, style = "blue", technology_to_unlock = "construction-robotics", type = "shortcut" }, ["give-deconstruction-planner"] = { action = "spawn-item", associated_control_input = "give-deconstruction-planner", disabled_small_icon = { filename = "__base__/graphics/icons/shortcut-toolbar/mip/new-deconstruction-planner-x24-white.png", flags = { "gui-icon" }, mipmap_count = 2, priority = "extra-high-no-scale", scale = 0.5, size = 24 }, icon = { filename = "__base__/graphics/icons/shortcut-toolbar/mip/new-deconstruction-planner-x32-white.png", flags = { "gui-icon" }, mipmap_count = 2, priority = "extra-high-no-scale", scale = 0.5, size = 32 }, item_to_spawn = "deconstruction-planner", localised_name = { "shortcut.make-deconstruction-planner" }, name = "give-deconstruction-planner", order = "b[blueprints]-g[deconstruction-planner]", small_icon = { filename = "__base__/graphics/icons/shortcut-toolbar/mip/new-deconstruction-planner-x24-white.png", flags = { "gui-icon" }, mipmap_count = 2, priority = "extra-high-no-scale", scale = 0.5, size = 24 }, style = "red", technology_to_unlock = "construction-robotics", type = "shortcut" }, ["give-upgrade-planner"] = { action = "spawn-item", associated_control_input = "give-upgrade-planner", disabled_small_icon = { filename = "__base__/graphics/icons/shortcut-toolbar/mip/new-upgrade-planner-x24-white.png", flags = { "gui-icon" }, mipmap_count = 2, priority = "extra-high-no-scale", scale = 0.5, size = 24 }, icon = { filename = "__base__/graphics/icons/shortcut-toolbar/mip/new-upgrade-planner-x32-white.png", flags = { "gui-icon" }, mipmap_count = 2, priority = "extra-high-no-scale", scale = 0.5, size = 32 }, item_to_spawn = "upgrade-planner", localised_name = { "shortcut.make-upgrade-planner" }, name = "give-upgrade-planner", order = "b[blueprints]-h[upgrade-planner]", small_icon = { filename = "__base__/graphics/icons/shortcut-toolbar/mip/new-upgrade-planner-x24-white.png", flags = { "gui-icon" }, mipmap_count = 2, priority = "extra-high-no-scale", scale = 0.5, size = 24 }, style = "green", technology_to_unlock = "construction-robotics", type = "shortcut" }, ["import-string"] = { action = "import-string", disabled_small_icon = { filename = "__base__/graphics/icons/shortcut-toolbar/mip/import-string-x24-white.png", flags = { "gui-icon" }, mipmap_count = 2, priority = "extra-high-no-scale", scale = 0.5, size = 24 }, icon = { filename = "__base__/graphics/icons/shortcut-toolbar/mip/import-string-x32.png", flags = { "gui-icon" }, mipmap_count = 2, priority = "extra-high-no-scale", scale = 0.5, size = 32 }, localised_name = { "shortcut.import-string" }, name = "import-string", order = "b[blueprints]-d[import]", small_icon = { filename = "__base__/graphics/icons/shortcut-toolbar/mip/import-string-x24.png", flags = { "gui-icon" }, mipmap_count = 2, priority = "extra-high-no-scale", scale = 0.5, size = 24 }, technology_to_unlock = "construction-robotics", type = "shortcut" }, paste = { action = "paste", associated_control_input = "paste", disabled_small_icon = { filename = "__base__/graphics/icons/shortcut-toolbar/mip/paste-x24-white.png", flags = { "gui-icon" }, mipmap_count = 2, priority = "extra-high-no-scale", scale = 0.5, size = 24 }, icon = { filename = "__base__/graphics/icons/shortcut-toolbar/mip/paste-x32.png", flags = { "gui-icon" }, mipmap_count = 2, priority = "extra-high-no-scale", scale = 0.5, size = 32 }, localised_name = { "shortcut.paste" }, name = "paste", order = "b[blueprints]-c[paste]", small_icon = { filename = "__base__/graphics/icons/shortcut-toolbar/mip/paste-x24.png", flags = { "gui-icon" }, mipmap_count = 2, priority = "extra-high-no-scale", scale = 0.5, size = 24 }, technology_to_unlock = "construction-robotics", type = "shortcut" }, ["toggle-alt-mode"] = { action = "toggle-alt-mode", associated_control_input = "show-info", disabled_small_icon = { filename = "__base__/graphics/icons/shortcut-toolbar/mip/alt-mode-x24-white.png", flags = { "gui-icon" }, mipmap_count = 2, priority = "extra-high-no-scale", scale = 0.5, size = 24 }, icon = { filename = "__base__/graphics/icons/shortcut-toolbar/mip/alt-mode-x32.png", flags = { "gui-icon" }, mipmap_count = 2, priority = "extra-high-no-scale", scale = 0.5, size = 32 }, localised_name = { "shortcut.alt-mode" }, name = "toggle-alt-mode", order = "a[alt-mode]", small_icon = { filename = "__base__/graphics/icons/shortcut-toolbar/mip/alt-mode-x24.png", flags = { "gui-icon" }, mipmap_count = 2, priority = "extra-high-no-scale", scale = 0.5, size = 24 }, type = "shortcut" }, ["toggle-equipment-movement-bonus"] = { action = "toggle-equipment-movement-bonus", associated_control_input = "toggle-equipment-movement-bonus", disabled_icon = { filename = "__base__/graphics/icons/shortcut-toolbar/mip/toggle-exoskeleton-x32-white.png", flags = { "gui-icon" }, mipmap_count = 2, priority = "extra-high-no-scale", scale = 0.5, size = 32 }, disabled_small_icon = { filename = "__base__/graphics/icons/shortcut-toolbar/mip/toggle-exoskeleton-x24-white.png", flags = { "gui-icon" }, mipmap_count = 2, priority = "extra-high-no-scale", scale = 0.5, size = 24 }, icon = { filename = "__base__/graphics/icons/shortcut-toolbar/mip/toggle-exoskeleton-x32.png", flags = { "gui-icon" }, mipmap_count = 2, priority = "extra-high-no-scale", scale = 0.5, size = 32 }, localised_name = { "shortcut.toggle-equipment-movement-bonus" }, name = "toggle-equipment-movement-bonus", order = "c[toggles]-b[exoskeleton]", small_icon = { filename = "__base__/graphics/icons/shortcut-toolbar/mip/toggle-exoskeleton-x24.png", flags = { "gui-icon" }, mipmap_count = 2, priority = "extra-high-no-scale", scale = 0.5, size = 24 }, technology_to_unlock = "exoskeleton-equipment", type = "shortcut" }, ["toggle-personal-roboport"] = { action = "toggle-personal-roboport", associated_control_input = "toggle-personal-roboport", disabled_icon = { filename = "__base__/graphics/icons/shortcut-toolbar/mip/toggle-personal-roboport-x32-white.png", flags = { "gui-icon" }, mipmap_count = 2, priority = "extra-high-no-scale", scale = 0.5, size = 32 }, disabled_small_icon = { filename = "__base__/graphics/icons/shortcut-toolbar/mip/toggle-personal-roboport-x24-white.png", flags = { "gui-icon" }, mipmap_count = 2, priority = "extra-high-no-scale", scale = 0.5, size = 24 }, icon = { filename = "__base__/graphics/icons/shortcut-toolbar/mip/toggle-personal-roboport-x32.png", flags = { "gui-icon" }, mipmap_count = 2, priority = "extra-high-no-scale", scale = 0.5, size = 32 }, localised_name = { "shortcut.toggle-personal-roboport" }, name = "toggle-personal-roboport", order = "c[toggles]-a[roboport]", small_icon = { filename = "__base__/graphics/icons/shortcut-toolbar/mip/toggle-personal-roboport-x24.png", flags = { "gui-icon" }, mipmap_count = 2, priority = "extra-high-no-scale", scale = 0.5, size = 24 }, technology_to_unlock = "personal-roboport-equipment", type = "shortcut" }, undo = { action = "undo", associated_control_input = "undo", disabled_icon = { filename = "__base__/graphics/icons/shortcut-toolbar/mip/undo-x32-white.png", flags = { "gui-icon" }, mipmap_count = 2, priority = "extra-high-no-scale", scale = 0.5, size = 32 }, disabled_small_icon = { filename = "__base__/graphics/icons/shortcut-toolbar/mip/undo-x24-white.png", flags = { "gui-icon" }, mipmap_count = 2, priority = "extra-high-no-scale", scale = 0.5, size = 24 }, icon = { filename = "__base__/graphics/icons/shortcut-toolbar/mip/undo-x32.png", flags = { "gui-icon" }, mipmap_count = 2, priority = "extra-high-no-scale", scale = 0.5, size = 32 }, localised_name = { "shortcut.undo" }, name = "undo", order = "b[blueprints]-a[undo]", small_icon = { filename = "__base__/graphics/icons/shortcut-toolbar/mip/undo-x24.png", flags = { "gui-icon" }, mipmap_count = 2, priority = "extra-high-no-scale", scale = 0.5, size = 24 }, technology_to_unlock = "construction-robotics", type = "shortcut" } }, ["simple-entity"] = { ["medium-ship-wreck"] = { collision_box = { { -1.2, -0.9 }, { 1.2, 0.9 } }, flags = { "placeable-neutral", "placeable-off-grid", "not-on-map" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/ship-wreck/medium-ship-wreck.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, max_health = 200, name = "medium-ship-wreck", order = "d[remnants]-d[ship-wreck]-b[medium]-a", pictures = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/ship-wreck/medium-ship-wreck-1.png", height = 85, width = 120 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/ship-wreck/medium-ship-wreck-2.png", height = 107, shift = { 0.3, 0.1 }, width = 126 } }, render_layer = "object", selection_box = { { -1.5, -1.2 }, { 1.5, 1.2 } }, subgroup = "wrecks", type = "simple-entity" }, ["rock-big"] = { autoplace = { coverage = 0.0025, max_probability = 0.175, order = "a[doodad]-a[rock]-b[big]", peaks = { { aux_max_range = 0.225, aux_optimal = 0.5, aux_range = 0.5, noise_layer = "rocks", noise_octaves_difference = -2, noise_persistence = 0.9, water_max_range = 0.225, water_optimal = 0.825, water_range = 0.175 } }, sharpness = 0.7 }, collision_box = { { -1, -0.9 }, { 1, 1 } }, count_as_rock_for_filtered_deconstruction = true, damaged_trigger_effect = { damage_type_filters = "fire", entity_name = "rock-damaged-explosion", offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, offsets = { { 0, 1 } }, type = "create-entity" }, dying_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.3, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.11500000000000001, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.13828, -0.1 }, { 0.13828, 0.1 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "big-rock-stone-particle-small", probability = 1, repeat_count = 15, repeat_count_deviation = 2, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.04, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.03, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.5, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.085999999999999979, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.078900000000000015, -0.1 }, { 0.078900000000000015, 0.1 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "big-rock-stone-particle-big", probability = 1, repeat_count = 2, repeat_count_deviation = 3, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.04, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.4, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.069000000000000004, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.1, -0.078900000000000015 }, { 0.1, 0.078900000000000015 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "big-rock-stone-particle-tiny", probability = 1, repeat_count = 19, repeat_count_deviation = 10, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.4, initial_height_deviation = 0.60999999999999996, initial_vertical_speed = 0.055, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.1, -0.078900000000000015 }, { 0.1, 0.078900000000000015 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "big-rock-stone-particle-medium", probability = 1, repeat_count = 25, repeat_count_deviation = 10, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.05, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" } }, flags = { "placeable-neutral", "placeable-off-grid" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/rock-big.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, loot = { { count_max = 25, count_min = 9, item = "stone", probability = 1 } }, map_color = { b = 78, g = 105, r = 129 }, max_health = 500, minable = { count = 20, mining_particle = "stone-particle", mining_time = 2, result = "stone" }, mined_sound = { switch_vibration_data = { filename = "__core__/sound/deconstruct-bricks.bnvib", gain = 0.32000000000000002 }, variations = { { filename = "__base__/sound/deconstruct-bricks.ogg", volume = 1 } } }, name = "rock-big", order = "b[decorative]-l[rock]-b[big]", pictures = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/rock-big/rock-big-01.png", height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/rock-big/hr-rock-big-01.png", height = 127, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.046875, 0.171875 }, width = 188 }, shift = { -0.046875, 0.171875 }, width = 94 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/rock-big/rock-big-02.png", height = 68, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/rock-big/hr-rock-big-02.png", height = 135, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.44531200000000002, 0.125 }, width = 195 }, shift = { 0.4375, 0.125 }, width = 98 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/rock-big/rock-big-03.png", height = 66, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/rock-big/hr-rock-big-03.png", height = 132, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.484375, 0.0546875 }, width = 205 }, shift = { 0.484375, 0.0625 }, width = 103 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/rock-big/rock-big-04.png", height = 71, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/rock-big/hr-rock-big-04.png", height = 142, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.21093799999999998, 0.0390625 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"__base__/graphics/decorative/rock-big/rock-big-08.png", height = 56, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/rock-big/hr-rock-big-08.png", height = 111, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0859375, 0.17968799999999998 }, width = 156 }, shift = { 0.09375, 0.171875 }, width = 78 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/rock-big/rock-big-09.png", height = 60, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/rock-big/hr-rock-big-09.png", height = 120, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.078125, 0.0859375 }, width = 187 }, shift = { 0.078125, 0.09375 }, width = 94 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/rock-big/rock-big-10.png", height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/rock-big/hr-rock-big-10.png", height = 128, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.15625, 0.0703125 }, width = 225 }, shift = { -0.15625, 0.078125 }, width = 113 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/rock-big/rock-big-11.png", height = 72, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/rock-big/hr-rock-big-11.png", height = 144, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.19531200000000002, 0.25781199999999997 }, width = 183 }, shift = { 0.203125, 0.265625 }, width = 92 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/rock-big/rock-big-12.png", height = 69, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/rock-big/hr-rock-big-12.png", height = 138, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0390625, 0.15625 }, width = 158 }, shift = { 0.046875, 0.15625 }, width = 79 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/rock-big/rock-big-13.png", height = 75, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/rock-big/hr-rock-big-13.png", height = 150, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.22656200000000002, 0.21875 }, width = 188 }, shift = { 0.21875, 0.21875 }, width = 94 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/rock-big/rock-big-14.png", height = 80, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/rock-big/hr-rock-big-14.png", height = 160, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.13281200000000002, 0.0625 }, width = 186 }, shift = { 0.125, 0.0625 }, width = 93 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/rock-big/rock-big-15.png", height = 87, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/rock-big/hr-rock-big-15.png", height = 174, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.30468800000000003, -0.09375 }, width = 181 }, shift = { 0.3125, -0.09375 }, width = 91 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/rock-big/rock-big-16.png", height = 75, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/rock-big/hr-rock-big-16.png", height = 150, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.33593800000000003, 0.117188 }, width = 212 }, shift = { 0.34375, 0.125 }, width = 106 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/rock-big/rock-big-17.png", height = 59, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/rock-big/hr-rock-big-17.png", height = 117, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.25, 0.0390625 }, width = 155 }, shift = { 0.25, 0.03125 }, width = 78 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/rock-big/rock-big-18.png", height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/rock-big/hr-rock-big-18.png", height = 128, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.30468800000000003, 0.0390625 }, width = 141 }, shift = { 0.3125, 0.046875 }, width = 71 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/rock-big/rock-big-19.png", height = 57, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/rock-big/hr-rock-big-19.png", height = 114, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.390625, 0.0234375 }, width = 176 }, shift = { 0.390625, 0.03125 }, width = 88 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/rock-big/rock-big-20.png", height = 63, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/rock-big/hr-rock-big-20.png", height = 125, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.14843799999999998, 0.03125 }, width = 120 }, shift = { 0.140625, 0.03125 }, width = 60 } }, render_layer = "object", resistances = { { percent = 100, type = "fire" } }, selection_box = { { -1.2, -1.2 }, { 1.2, 1.2 } }, subgroup = "grass", type = "simple-entity", vehicle_impact_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].cliff.cliff.vehicle_impact_sound ]=] }, ["rock-huge"] = { autoplace = { coverage = 0.00125, max_probability = 0.0875, order = "a[doodad]-a[rock]-a[huge]", peaks = { { aux_max_range = 0.225, aux_optimal = 0.5, aux_range = 0.5, noise_layer = "rocks", noise_octaves_difference = -2, noise_persistence = 0.9, water_max_range = 0.225, water_optimal = 0.825, water_range = 0.175 } }, sharpness = 0.7 }, collision_box = { { -1.5, -1.1000000000000001 }, { 1.5, 1.1000000000000001 } }, count_as_rock_for_filtered_deconstruction = true, damaged_trigger_effect = { damage_type_filters = "fire", entity_name = "rock-damaged-explosion", offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, offsets = { { 0, 1 } }, type = "create-entity" }, dying_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.3, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.11500000000000001, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.078900000000000015, -0.1 }, { 0.078900000000000015, 0.1 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "huge-rock-stone-particle-small", probability = 1, repeat_count = 15, repeat_count_deviation = 2, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.04, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.03, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.5, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.085999999999999979, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.078900000000000015, -0.1 }, { 0.078900000000000015, 0.1 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "huge-rock-stone-particle-big", probability = 1, repeat_count = 5, repeat_count_deviation = 3, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.04, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.4, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.069000000000000004, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.1, -0.078900000000000015 }, { 0.1, 0.078900000000000015 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "huge-rock-stone-particle-tiny", probability = 1, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 10, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.4, initial_height_deviation = 0.60999999999999996, initial_vertical_speed = 0.085, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.1, -0.078900000000000015 }, { 0.1, 0.078900000000000015 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "huge-rock-stone-particle-medium", probability = 1, repeat_count = 15, repeat_count_deviation = 10, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.05, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" } }, flags = { "placeable-neutral", "placeable-off-grid" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/rock-huge.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, loot = { { count_max = 50, count_min = 25, item = "stone", probability = 1 } }, map_color = { b = 78, g = 105, r = 129 }, max_health = 2000, minable = { mining_particle = "stone-particle", mining_time = 3, results = { { amount_max = 50, amount_min = 24, name = "stone" }, { amount_max = 50, amount_min = 24, name = "coal" } } }, mined_sound = { switch_vibration_data = { filename = "__core__/sound/deconstruct-bricks.bnvib", gain = 0.32000000000000002 }, variations = { { filename = "__base__/sound/deconstruct-bricks.ogg", volume = 1 } } }, name = "rock-huge", order = "b[decorative]-l[rock]-a[huge]", pictures = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/rock-huge/rock-huge-05.png", height = 90, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/rock-huge/hr-rock-huge-05.png", height = 179, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.25, 0.0625 }, width = 201 }, shift = { 0.25, 0.0625 }, width = 101 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/rock-huge/rock-huge-06.png", height = 86, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/rock-huge/hr-rock-huge-06.png", height = 171, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.42968799999999998, 0.046875 }, width = 233 }, shift = { 0.4375, 0.046875 }, width = 117 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/rock-huge/rock-huge-07.png", height = 96, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/rock-huge/hr-rock-huge-07.png", height = 192, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.39843800000000002, 0.03125 }, width = 240 }, shift = { 0.390625, 0.03125 }, width = 120 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/rock-huge/rock-huge-08.png", height = 88, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/rock-huge/hr-rock-huge-08.png", height = 175, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.14843799999999998, 0.13281200000000002 }, width = 219 }, shift = { 0.140625, 0.125 }, width = 110 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/rock-huge/rock-huge-09.png", height = 104, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/rock-huge/hr-rock-huge-09.png", height = 208, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.3125, 0.0625 }, width = 240 }, shift = { 0.3125, 0.0625 }, width = 120 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/rock-huge/rock-huge-10.png", height = 95, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/rock-huge/hr-rock-huge-10.png", height = 190, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1875, 0.046875 }, width = 243 }, shift = { 0.1875, 0.046875 }, width = 122 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/rock-huge/rock-huge-11.png", height = 93, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/rock-huge/hr-rock-huge-11.png", height = 185, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.39843800000000002, 0.0546875 }, width = 249 }, shift = { 0.390625, 0.0625 }, width = 125 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/rock-huge/rock-huge-12.png", height = 82, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/rock-huge/hr-rock-huge-12.png", height = 163, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.34375, 0.0390625 }, width = 273 }, shift = { 0.34375, 0.03125 }, width = 137 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/rock-huge/rock-huge-13.png", height = 88, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/rock-huge/hr-rock-huge-13.png", height = 175, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.27343800000000003, 0.0234375 }, width = 275 }, shift = { 0.265625, 0.03125 }, width = 138 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/rock-huge/rock-huge-14.png", height = 108, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/rock-huge/hr-rock-huge-14.png", height = 215, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.19531200000000002, 0.0390625 }, width = 241 }, shift = { 0.203125, 0.046875 }, width = 121 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/rock-huge/rock-huge-15.png", height = 91, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/rock-huge/hr-rock-huge-15.png", height = 181, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.52343799999999998, 0.03125 }, width = 318 }, shift = { 0.515625, 0.03125 }, width = 159 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/rock-huge/rock-huge-16.png", height = 112, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/rock-huge/hr-rock-huge-16.png", height = 224, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0546875, 0.0234375 }, width = 217 }, shift = { 0.046875, 0.015625 }, width = 109 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/rock-huge/rock-huge-17.png", height = 114, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/rock-huge/hr-rock-huge-17.png", height = 228, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.22656200000000002, 0.046875 }, width = 332 }, shift = { 0.234375, 0.046875 }, width = 166 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/rock-huge/rock-huge-18.png", height = 122, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/rock-huge/hr-rock-huge-18.png", height = 243, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.19531200000000002, 0.0390625 }, width = 290 }, shift = { 0.203125, 0.03125 }, width = 145 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/rock-huge/rock-huge-19.png", height = 113, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/rock-huge/hr-rock-huge-19.png", height = 225, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.609375, 0.0234375 }, width = 349 }, shift = { 0.609375, 0.015625 }, width = 175 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/rock-huge/rock-huge-20.png", height = 125, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/rock-huge/hr-rock-huge-20.png", height = 250, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.13281200000000002, 0.03125 }, width = 287 }, shift = { 0.140625, 0.03125 }, width = 144 } }, render_layer = "object", resistances = { { percent = 100, type = "fire" } }, selection_box = { { -1.7, -1.3 }, { 1.7, 1.3 } }, subgroup = "grass", type = "simple-entity", vehicle_impact_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].cliff.cliff.vehicle_impact_sound ]=] }, ["sand-rock-big"] = { autoplace = { coverage = 0.0025, max_probability = 0.175, order = "a[doodad]-a[rock]-b[big]", peaks = { { aux_max_range = 0.15000000000000002, aux_optimal = 0.2, aux_range = 0.2, noise_layer = "rocks", noise_octaves_difference = -2, noise_persistence = 0.9, water_max_range = 0.15000000000000002, water_optimal = 0.1, water_range = 0.1 } }, sharpness = 0.7 }, collision_box = { { -0.75, -0.75 }, { 0.75, 0.75 } }, count_as_rock_for_filtered_deconstruction = true, damaged_trigger_effect = { damage_type_filters = "fire", entity_name = "rock-damaged-explosion", offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, offsets = { { 0, 1 } }, type = "create-entity" }, dying_trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.3, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.11500000000000001, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.13828, -0.1 }, { 0.13828, 0.1 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "big-rock-stone-particle-small", probability = 1, repeat_count = 15, repeat_count_deviation = 2, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.04, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.03, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.5, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.085999999999999979, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.078900000000000015, -0.1 }, { 0.078900000000000015, 0.1 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "big-rock-stone-particle-big", probability = 1, repeat_count = 2, repeat_count_deviation = 3, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.04, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.4, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.069000000000000004, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.1, -0.078900000000000015 }, { 0.1, 0.078900000000000015 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "big-rock-stone-particle-tiny", probability = 1, repeat_count = 19, repeat_count_deviation = 10, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.4, initial_height_deviation = 0.60999999999999996, initial_vertical_speed = 0.055, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.1, -0.078900000000000015 }, { 0.1, 0.078900000000000015 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "big-rock-stone-particle-medium", probability = 1, repeat_count = 25, repeat_count_deviation = 10, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.05, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" } }, flags = { "placeable-neutral", "placeable-off-grid" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/sand-rock-big.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, loot = { { count_max = 15, count_min = 10, item = "stone", probability = 1 } }, map_color = { b = 78, g = 105, r = 129 }, max_health = 500, minable = { mining_particle = "stone-particle", mining_time = 2, results = { { amount_max = 25, amount_min = 19, name = "stone" } } }, mined_sound = { switch_vibration_data = { filename = "__core__/sound/deconstruct-bricks.bnvib", gain = 0.32000000000000002 }, variations = { { filename = "__base__/sound/deconstruct-bricks.ogg", volume = 1 } } }, name = "sand-rock-big", order = "b[decorative]-l[rock]-a[big]", pictures = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/sand-rock/sand-rock-big-01.png", height = 69, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/sand-rock/hr-sand-rock-big-01.png", height = 138, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.30468800000000003, -0.4 }, width = 209 }, shift = { 0.296875, -0.4 }, width = 105 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/sand-rock/sand-rock-big-02.png", height = 65, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/sand-rock/hr-sand-rock-big-02.png", height = 129, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, 0.0390625 }, width = 165 }, shift = { 0, 0.046875 }, width = 82 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/sand-rock/sand-rock-big-03.png", height = 69, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/sand-rock/hr-sand-rock-big-03.png", height = 139, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.151562, 0 }, width = 151 }, shift = { 0.14375, 0 }, width = 76 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/sand-rock/sand-rock-big-04.png", height = 55, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/sand-rock/hr-sand-rock-big-04.png", height = 110, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.390625, 0 }, width = 216 }, shift = { 0.39843800000000002, 0 }, width = 108 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/sand-rock/sand-rock-big-05.png", height = 74, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/sand-rock/hr-sand-rock-big-05.png", height = 147, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.328125, 0.0703125 }, width = 154 }, shift = { 0.328125, 0.0625 }, width = 77 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/sand-rock/sand-rock-big-06.png", height = 66, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/sand-rock/hr-sand-rock-big-06.png", height = 132, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.16875, -0.1 }, width = 154 }, shift = { 0.16875, -0.1 }, width = 77 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/sand-rock/sand-rock-big-07.png", height = 65, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/sand-rock/hr-sand-rock-big-07.png", height = 130, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.3, -0.2 }, width = 193 }, shift = { 0.3, -0.2 }, width = 96 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/sand-rock/sand-rock-big-08.png", height = 59, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/sand-rock/hr-sand-rock-big-08.png", height = 117, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, 0 }, width = 136 }, shift = { 0, 0 }, width = 68 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/sand-rock/sand-rock-big-09.png", height = 58, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/sand-rock/hr-sand-rock-big-09.png", height = 115, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1, 0 }, width = 157 }, shift = { 0.2, 0 }, width = 78 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/sand-rock/sand-rock-big-10.png", height = 77, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/sand-rock/hr-sand-rock-big-10.png", height = 153, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.325, -0.1 }, width = 198 }, shift = { 0.325, -0.1 }, width = 99 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/sand-rock/sand-rock-big-11.png", height = 58, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/sand-rock/hr-sand-rock-big-11.png", height = 115, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.453125, 0 }, width = 190 }, shift = { 0.453125, 0 }, width = 95 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/sand-rock/sand-rock-big-12.png", height = 63, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/sand-rock/hr-sand-rock-big-12.png", height = 126, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.53906200000000002, -0.015625 }, width = 229 }, shift = { 0.546875, -0.015625 }, width = 115 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/sand-rock/sand-rock-big-13.png", height = 63, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/sand-rock/hr-sand-rock-big-13.png", height = 125, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0703125, 0.17968799999999998 }, width = 151 }, shift = { 0.0625, 0.171875 }, width = 75 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/sand-rock/sand-rock-big-14.png", height = 59, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/sand-rock/hr-sand-rock-big-14.png", height = 117, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.160938, 0 }, width = 137 }, shift = { 0.153125, 0 }, width = 69 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/sand-rock/sand-rock-big-15.png", height = 71, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/sand-rock/hr-sand-rock-big-15.png", height = 141, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.24218799999999998, -0.19531200000000002 }, width = 201 }, shift = { 0.234375, -0.203125 }, width = 100 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/sand-rock/sand-rock-big-16.png", height = 77, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/decorative/sand-rock/hr-sand-rock-big-16.png", height = 154, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.35156199999999997, -0.1 }, width = 209 }, shift = { 0.359375, -0.1 }, width = 104 } }, render_layer = "object", resistances = { { percent = 100, type = "fire" } }, selection_box = { { -1, -1 }, { 1, 0.75 } }, subgroup = "grass", type = "simple-entity", vehicle_impact_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].cliff.cliff.vehicle_impact_sound ]=] }, ["small-ship-wreck"] = { collision_box = { { -0.7, -0.7 }, { 0.7, 0.7 } }, flags = { "placeable-neutral", "placeable-off-grid", "not-on-map" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/ship-wreck/small-ship-wreck.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, max_health = 200, name = "small-ship-wreck", order = "d[remnants]-d[ship-wreck]-c[small]-a", pictures = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/ship-wreck/small-ship-wreck-a.png", height = 68, width = 65 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/ship-wreck/small-ship-wreck-b.png", height = 67, width = 109 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/ship-wreck/small-ship-wreck-c.png", height = 54, width = 63 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/ship-wreck/small-ship-wreck-d.png", height = 67, width = 82 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/ship-wreck/small-ship-wreck-e.png", height = 75, shift = { 0.3, -0.2 }, width = 78 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/ship-wreck/small-ship-wreck-f.png", height = 35, width = 58 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/ship-wreck/small-ship-wreck-g.png", height = 72, width = 80 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/ship-wreck/small-ship-wreck-h.png", height = 54, width = 79 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/ship-wreck/small-ship-wreck-i.png", height = 55, width = 56 } }, render_layer = "object", selection_box = { { -1.3, -1.1000000000000001 }, { 1.3, 1.1000000000000001 } }, subgroup = "wrecks", type = "simple-entity" } }, ["simple-entity-with-force"] = { ["simple-entity-with-force"] = { collision_box = { { -0.35, -0.35 }, { 0.35, 0.35 } }, corpse = "small-remnants", flags = { "placeable-neutral", "player-creation" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/steel-chest.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, max_health = 100, minable = { mining_time = 0.1, result = "simple-entity-with-force" }, name = "simple-entity-with-force", order = "s-e-w-f", picture = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/steel-chest/steel-chest.png", height = 40, priority = "extra-high", shift = { -0.34375, 0.140625 }, width = 32 }, render_layer = "object", selection_box = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, type = "simple-entity-with-force" }, ["spidertron-military-target"] = { collision_box = { { -1, -1 }, { 1, 1 } }, collision_mask = {}, corpse = "small-remnants", icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/steel-chest.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, max_health = 3000, name = "spidertron-military-target", picture = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/steel-chest/steel-chest.png", height = 40, priority = "extra-high", shift = { -0.34375, 0.140625 }, width = 32 }, selection_box = { { -1, -1 }, { 1, 1 } }, type = "simple-entity-with-force" } }, ["simple-entity-with-owner"] = { ["crash-site-spaceship-wreck-small-1"] = { alert_when_damaged = false, allow_copy_paste = false, collision_box = { { -1, -1 }, { 0.8, 0.8 } }, dying_explosion = "medium-explosion", flags = 0 --[=[ ref [""].container["crash-site-spaceship"].flags ]=], icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/crash-site-spaceship-wreck-small-1.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, integration_patch = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/crash-site-spaceship/spaceship-wreck-small-1-ground.png", frame_count = 1, height = 112, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/crash-site-spaceship/hr-spaceship-wreck-small-1-ground.png", frame_count = 1, height = 222, line_length = 1, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.5625, 0.375 }, width = 240 }, line_length = 1, priority = "high", shift = { -0.5625, 0.375 }, width = 120 }, integration_patch_render_layer = "decals", localised_name = { "entity-name.crash-site-spaceship-wreck-small" }, map_color = { a = 1, b = 0.57999999999999998, g = 0.36499999999999999, r = 0 }, max_health = 50, minable = { mining_time = 0.75 }, name = "crash-site-spaceship-wreck-small-1", picture = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/crash-site-spaceship/spaceship-wreck-small-1.png", height = 78, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/crash-site-spaceship/hr-spaceship-wreck-small-1.png", height = 152, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.28125, -0.03125 }, width = 156 }, shift = { -0.3125, -0.0625 }, width = 80 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/crash-site-spaceship/spaceship-wreck-small-1-shadow.png", height = 60, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/crash-site-spaceship/hr-spaceship-wreck-small-1-shadow.png", height = 122, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.25, -0.09375 }, width = 178 }, shift = { 0.25, -0.0625 }, width = 90 } } }, resistances = { { percent = 100, type = "fire" } }, selection_box = { { -1, -1 }, { 0.8, 0.8 } }, type = "simple-entity-with-owner", vehicle_impact_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.vehicle_impact_sound ]=] }, ["crash-site-spaceship-wreck-small-2"] = { alert_when_damaged = false, allow_copy_paste = false, collision_box = { { -0.7, 0 }, { 0.7, 0.8 } }, dying_explosion = "medium-explosion", flags = 0 --[=[ ref [""].container["crash-site-spaceship"].flags ]=], icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/crash-site-spaceship-wreck-small-2.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, integration_patch = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/crash-site-spaceship/spaceship-wreck-small-2-ground.png", frame_count = 1, height = 78, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/crash-site-spaceship/hr-spaceship-wreck-small-2-ground.png", frame_count = 1, height = 154, line_length = 1, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.4375, 0.6875 }, width = 232 }, line_length = 1, priority = "high", shift = { -0.4375, 0.6875 }, width = 116 }, integration_patch_render_layer = "decals", localised_name = { "entity-name.crash-site-spaceship-wreck-small" }, map_color = { a = 1, b = 0.57999999999999998, g = 0.36499999999999999, r = 0 }, max_health = 50, minable = { mining_time = 0.75 }, name = "crash-site-spaceship-wreck-small-2", picture = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/crash-site-spaceship/spaceship-wreck-small-2.png", height = 52, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/crash-site-spaceship/hr-spaceship-wreck-small-2.png", height = 102, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.25, 0.5 }, width = 146 }, shift = { -0.25, 0.5 }, width = 74 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/crash-site-spaceship/spaceship-wreck-small-2-shadow.png", height = 38, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/crash-site-spaceship/hr-spaceship-wreck-small-2-shadow.png", height = 76, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.21875, 0.59375 }, width = 92 }, shift = { 0.25, 0.5625 }, width = 44 } } }, resistances = { { percent = 100, type = "fire" } }, selection_box = { { -0.7, 0 }, { 0.7, 0.8 } }, type = "simple-entity-with-owner", vehicle_impact_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.vehicle_impact_sound ]=] }, ["crash-site-spaceship-wreck-small-3"] = { alert_when_damaged = false, allow_copy_paste = false, collision_box = { { -0.7, -0.8 }, { 1.2, 0.6 } }, dying_explosion = "medium-explosion", flags = 0 --[=[ ref [""].container["crash-site-spaceship"].flags ]=], icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/crash-site-spaceship-wreck-small-3.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, integration_patch = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/crash-site-spaceship/spaceship-wreck-small-3-ground.png", frame_count = 1, height = 88, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/crash-site-spaceship/hr-spaceship-wreck-small-3-ground.png", frame_count = 1, height = 172, line_length = 1, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.25, 0.09375 }, width = 274 }, line_length = 1, priority = "high", shift = { -0.25, 0.0625 }, width = 136 }, integration_patch_render_layer = "decals", localised_name = { "entity-name.crash-site-spaceship-wreck-small" }, map_color = { a = 1, b = 0.57999999999999998, g = 0.36499999999999999, r = 0 }, max_health = 50, minable = { mining_time = 0.75 }, name = "crash-site-spaceship-wreck-small-3", picture = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/crash-site-spaceship/spaceship-wreck-small-3.png", height = 76, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/crash-site-spaceship/hr-spaceship-wreck-small-3.png", height = 148, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.15625, -0.03125 }, width = 164 }, shift = { 0.125, -0.0625 }, width = 84 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/crash-site-spaceship/spaceship-wreck-small-3-shadow.png", height = 60, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/crash-site-spaceship/hr-spaceship-wreck-small-3-shadow.png", height = 114, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.28125, -0.03125 }, width = 156 }, shift = { 0.3125, -0.0625 }, width = 76 } } }, resistances = { { percent = 100, type = "fire" } }, selection_box = { { -0.7, -0.8 }, { 1.2, 0.6 } }, type = "simple-entity-with-owner", vehicle_impact_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.vehicle_impact_sound ]=] }, ["crash-site-spaceship-wreck-small-4"] = { alert_when_damaged = false, allow_copy_paste = false, collision_box = { { -0.9, -0.8 }, { 1.1000000000000001, 0.6 } }, dying_explosion = "medium-explosion", flags = 0 --[=[ ref [""].container["crash-site-spaceship"].flags ]=], icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/crash-site-spaceship-wreck-small-4.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, integration_patch = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/crash-site-spaceship/spaceship-wreck-small-4-ground.png", frame_count = 1, height = 76, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/crash-site-spaceship/hr-spaceship-wreck-small-4-ground.png", frame_count = 1, height = 150, line_length = 1, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.375, -0.0625 }, width = 256 }, line_length = 1, priority = "high", shift = { -0.375, -0.0625 }, width = 128 }, integration_patch_render_layer = "decals", localised_name = { "entity-name.crash-site-spaceship-wreck-small" }, map_color = { a = 1, b = 0.57999999999999998, g = 0.36499999999999999, r = 0 }, max_health = 50, minable = { mining_time = 0.75 }, name = "crash-site-spaceship-wreck-small-4", picture = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/crash-site-spaceship/spaceship-wreck-small-4.png", height = 72, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/crash-site-spaceship/hr-spaceship-wreck-small-4.png", height = 142, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.03125, -0.09375 }, width = 168 }, shift = { 0, -0.125 }, width = 86 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/crash-site-spaceship/spaceship-wreck-small-4-shadow.png", height = 52, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/crash-site-spaceship/hr-spaceship-wreck-small-4-shadow.png", height = 100, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.59375, -0.15625 }, width = 164 }, shift = { 0.5625, -0.1875 }, width = 82 } } }, resistances = { { percent = 100, type = "fire" } }, selection_box = { { -0.9, -0.8 }, { 1.1000000000000001, 0.6 } }, type = "simple-entity-with-owner", vehicle_impact_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.vehicle_impact_sound ]=] }, ["crash-site-spaceship-wreck-small-5"] = { alert_when_damaged = false, allow_copy_paste = false, collision_box = { { -0.8, -0.6 }, { 0.9, 0.2 } }, dying_explosion = "medium-explosion", flags = 0 --[=[ ref [""].container["crash-site-spaceship"].flags ]=], icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/crash-site-spaceship-wreck-small-5.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, integration_patch = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/crash-site-spaceship/spaceship-wreck-small-5-ground.png", frame_count = 1, height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/crash-site-spaceship/hr-spaceship-wreck-small-5-ground.png", frame_count = 1, height = 128, line_length = 1, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.46875, -0.1875 }, width = 252 }, line_length = 1, priority = "high", shift = { -0.5, -0.1875 }, width = 128 }, integration_patch_render_layer = "decals", localised_name = { "entity-name.crash-site-spaceship-wreck-small" }, map_color = { a = 1, b = 0.57999999999999998, g = 0.36499999999999999, r = 0 }, max_health = 50, minable = { mining_time = 0.75 }, name = "crash-site-spaceship-wreck-small-5", picture = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/crash-site-spaceship/spaceship-wreck-small-5.png", height = 62, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/crash-site-spaceship/hr-spaceship-wreck-small-5.png", height = 120, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.1875, -0.1875 }, width = 164 }, shift = { -0.1875, -0.25 }, width = 82 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/crash-site-spaceship/spaceship-wreck-small-5-shadow.png", height = 40, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/crash-site-spaceship/hr-spaceship-wreck-small-5-shadow.png", height = 78, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.34375, -0.3125 }, width = 148 }, shift = { 0.375, -0.3125 }, width = 72 } } }, resistances = { { percent = 100, type = "fire" } }, selection_box = { { -0.8, -0.6 }, { 0.9, 0.2 } }, type = "simple-entity-with-owner", vehicle_impact_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.vehicle_impact_sound ]=] }, ["crash-site-spaceship-wreck-small-6"] = { alert_when_damaged = false, allow_copy_paste = false, collision_box = { { -0.4, -0.2 }, { 1.5, 0.8 } }, dying_explosion = "medium-explosion", flags = 0 --[=[ ref [""].container["crash-site-spaceship"].flags ]=], icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/crash-site-spaceship-wreck-small-6.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, integration_patch = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/crash-site-spaceship/spaceship-wreck-small-6-ground.png", frame_count = 1, height = 78, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/crash-site-spaceship/hr-spaceship-wreck-small-6-ground.png", frame_count = 1, height = 160, line_length = 1, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.25, 0.28125 }, width = 276 }, line_length = 1, priority = "high", shift = { -0.25, 0.3125 }, width = 138 }, integration_patch_render_layer = "decals", localised_name = { "entity-name.crash-site-spaceship-wreck-small" }, map_color = { a = 1, b = 0.57999999999999998, g = 0.36499999999999999, r = 0 }, max_health = 50, minable = { mining_time = 0.75 }, name = "crash-site-spaceship-wreck-small-6", picture = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/crash-site-spaceship/spaceship-wreck-small-6.png", height = 60, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/crash-site-spaceship/hr-spaceship-wreck-small-6.png", height = 114, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.3125, 0.28125 }, width = 166 }, shift = { 0.3125, 0.25 }, width = 84 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/crash-site-spaceship/spaceship-wreck-small-6-shadow.png", height = 46, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/crash-site-spaceship/hr-spaceship-wreck-small-6-shadow.png", height = 104, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.84375, 0.34375 }, width = 160 }, shift = { 0.75, 0.4375 }, width = 78 } } }, resistances = { { percent = 100, type = "fire" } }, selection_box = { { -0.4, -0.2 }, { 1.5, 0.8 } }, type = "simple-entity-with-owner", vehicle_impact_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.vehicle_impact_sound ]=] }, ["simple-entity-with-owner"] = { collision_box = { { -0.35, -0.35 }, { 0.35, 0.35 } }, corpse = "small-remnants", flags = { "placeable-neutral", "player-creation" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/wooden-chest.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, max_health = 100, minable = { mining_time = 0.1, result = "simple-entity-with-owner" }, name = "simple-entity-with-owner", order = "s-e-w-o", picture = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/iron-chest/iron-chest.png", height = 38, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0, -0.015625 }, width = 34 }, { apply_runtime_tint = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/iron-chest/iron-chest.png", height = 33, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0, -0.015625 }, width = 10, x = 18 } } }, render_layer = "object", selection_box = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, type = "simple-entity-with-owner" } }, smoke = { ["smoke-for-migration"] = { affected_by_wind = true, animation = { animation_speed = 0.25, axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/smoke/smoke.png", flags = { "smoke" }, frame_count = 60, height = 120, line_length = 5, priority = "high", shift = { -0.53125, -0.4375 }, width = 152 }, color = { a = 0.4, b = 0.4, g = 0.4, r = 0.4 }, cyclic = true, duration = 600, end_scale = 1, fade_away_duration = 600, fade_in_duration = 0, flags = { "not-on-map" }, name = "smoke-for-migration", spread_duration = 600, start_scale = 0.2, type = "smoke" } }, ["smoke-with-trigger"] = { ["crash-site-explosion-smoke"] = { action = { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { entity_name = "big-explosion", offset_deviation = { { -1, -1 }, { 1, 1 } }, probability = 0.016666666666666665, type = "create-entity" }, { entity_name = "massive-explosion", offset_deviation = { { -1, -1 }, { 1, 1 } }, probability = 0.016666666666666665, type = "create-entity" }, { entity_name = "medium-explosion", offset_deviation = { { -1, -1 }, { 1, 1 } }, probability = 0.016666666666666665, type = "create-entity" } }, type = "instant" }, type = "direct" }, action_cooldown = 50, affected_by_wind = false, animation = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__core__/graphics/empty.png", frame_count = 1, height = 1, priority = "extra-high", width = 1 }, cyclic = true, duration = 600, flags = { "not-on-map" }, name = "crash-site-explosion-smoke", show_when_smoke_off = false, type = "smoke-with-trigger" }, ["crash-site-fire-smoke"] = { action = { action_delivery = { target_effects = { entity_name = "crash-site-fire-flame", type = "create-fire" }, type = "instant" }, probability = 0.5, type = "direct" }, action_cooldown = 49, affected_by_wind = false, animation = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__core__/graphics/empty.png", frame_count = 1, height = 1, priority = "extra-high", width = 1 }, cyclic = true, duration = 600, fade_away_duration = 120, flags = { "not-on-map" }, name = "crash-site-fire-smoke", show_when_smoke_off = true, type = "smoke-with-trigger" }, ["poison-cloud"] = { action = { action_delivery = { target_effects = { action = { action_delivery = { target_effects = { damage = { amount = 8, type = "poison" }, type = "damage" }, type = "instant" }, entity_flags = { "breaths-air" }, radius = 11, type = "area" }, type = "nested-result" }, type = "instant" }, type = "direct" }, action_cooldown = 30, affected_by_wind = false, animation = { animation_speed = 0.25, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/smoke/smoke.png", flags = { "smoke" }, frame_count = 60, height = 120, line_length = 5, priority = "high", shift = { -0.53125, -0.4375 }, width = 152 }, color = { a = 0.68999999999999995, b = 0.99199999999999999, g = 0.875, r = 0.23899999999999997 }, created_effect = { { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { entity_name = "poison-cloud-visual-dummy", initial_height = 0, show_in_tooltip = false, type = "create-smoke" }, { sound = { aggregation = { max_count = 1, remove = true }, game_controller_vibration_data = { duration = 50, high_frequency_vibration_intensity = 0.4, play_for = "everything" }, switch_vibration_data = { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/poison-capsule-explosion.bnvib", gain = 0.3, play_for = "everything" }, variations = { { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/poison-capsule-explosion-1.ogg", volume = 0.3 } } }, type = "play-sound" } }, type = "instant" }, cluster_count = 10, distance = 4, distance_deviation = 5, type = "cluster" }, { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { entity_name = "poison-cloud-visual-dummy", initial_height = 0, show_in_tooltip = false, type = "create-smoke" } }, type = "instant" }, cluster_count = 11, distance = 8.8000000000000007, distance_deviation = 2, type = "cluster" } }, cyclic = true, duration = 1200, fade_away_duration = 120, flags = { "not-on-map" }, name = "poison-cloud", particle_count = 16, particle_distance_scale_factor = 0.5, particle_duration_variation = 180, particle_scale_factor = { 1, 0.70699999999999994 }, particle_spread = { 3.7800000000000002, 2.2680000000000002 }, render_layer = "object", show_when_smoke_off = true, spread_duration = 20, spread_duration_variation = 20, type = "smoke-with-trigger", wave_distance = { 0.3, 0.2 }, wave_speed = { 0.0125, 0.016666666666666665 } }, ["poison-cloud-visual-dummy"] = { affected_by_wind = false, animation = { animation_speed = 0.25, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/smoke/smoke.png", flags = { "smoke" }, frame_count = 60, height = 120, line_length = 5, priority = "high", shift = { -0.53125, -0.4375 }, width = 152 }, color = { a = 0.32200000000000002, b = 0.39500000000000002, g = 0.35800000000000001, r = 0.014000000000000002 }, cyclic = true, duration = 1440, fade_away_duration = 180, flags = { "not-on-map" }, name = "poison-cloud-visual-dummy", particle_count = 24, particle_distance_scale_factor = 0.5, particle_duration_variation = 180, particle_scale_factor = { 1, 0.70699999999999994 }, particle_spread = { 3.7800000000000002, 2.2680000000000002 }, render_layer = "object", show_when_smoke_off = true, spread_duration = 140, spread_duration_variation = 280, type = "smoke-with-trigger", wave_distance = { 1, 0.5 }, wave_speed = { 0.00625, 0.0083333333333333321 }, working_sound = { audible_distance_modifier = 0.8, match_volume_to_activity = true, max_sounds_per_type = 1, sound = { variations = { { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/poison-cloud.ogg", volume = 0.5 } } } } } }, ["solar-panel"] = { ["solar-panel"] = { collision_box = { { -1.3999999999999999, -1.3999999999999999 }, { 1.3999999999999999, 1.3999999999999999 } }, corpse = "solar-panel-remnants", damaged_trigger_effect = { damage_type_filters = "fire", entity_name = "spark-explosion", offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, offsets = { { 0, 1 } }, type = "create-entity" }, dying_explosion = "solar-panel-explosion", energy_source = { type = "electric", usage_priority = "solar" }, flags = { "placeable-neutral", "player-creation" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/solar-panel.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, max_health = 200, minable = { mining_time = 0.1, result = "solar-panel" }, name = "solar-panel", overlay = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/solar-panel/solar-panel-shadow-overlay.png", height = 90, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/solar-panel/hr-solar-panel-shadow-overlay.png", height = 180, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.328125, 0.1875 }, width = 214 }, priority = "high", shift = { 0.34375, 0.1875 }, width = 108 } } }, picture = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/solar-panel/solar-panel.png", height = 112, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/solar-panel/hr-solar-panel.png", height = 224, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.09375, 0.109375 }, width = 230 }, priority = "high", shift = { -0.09375, 0.09375 }, width = 116 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/solar-panel/solar-panel-shadow.png", height = 90, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/solar-panel/hr-solar-panel-shadow.png", height = 180, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.296875, 0.1875 }, width = 220 }, priority = "high", shift = { 0.3125, 0.1875 }, width = 112 } } }, production = "60kW", selection_box = { { -1.5, -1.5 }, { 1.5, 1.5 } }, type = "solar-panel", vehicle_impact_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.vehicle_impact_sound ]=] } }, ["solar-panel-equipment"] = { ["solar-panel-equipment"] = { categories = { "armor" }, energy_source = { type = "electric", usage_priority = "primary-output" }, name = "solar-panel-equipment", power = "30kW", shape = { height = 1, type = "full", width = 1 }, sprite = { filename = "__base__/graphics/equipment/solar-panel-equipment.png", height = 32, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/equipment/hr-solar-panel-equipment.png", height = 64, priority = "medium", scale = 0.5, width = 64 }, priority = "medium", width = 32 }, type = "solar-panel-equipment" } }, ["spectator-controller"] = { default = { movement_speed = 0.5, name = "default", type = "spectator-controller" } }, ["speech-bubble"] = { ["compi-speech-bubble"] = { fade_in_out_ticks = 30, flags = { "not-on-map", "placeable-off-grid" }, name = "compi-speech-bubble", style = "compilatron_speech_bubble", type = "speech-bubble", wrapper_flow_style = "compilatron_speech_bubble_wrapper" } }, ["spider-leg"] = { ["spidertron-leg-1"] = { collision_box = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, graphics_set = { joint = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-knee.png", height = 14, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/hr-spidertron-legs-knee.png", height = 28, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.015625, 0 }, width = 22, x = 0, y = 0 }, scale = 1, shift = { 0.03125, 0 }, width = 12, x = 0, y = 0 }, { apply_runtime_tint = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-knee.png", height = 14, hr_version = { apply_runtime_tint = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/hr-spidertron-legs-knee.png", height = 28, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.015625, 0 }, width = 22, x = 0, y = 56 }, scale = 1, shift = { 0.03125, 0 }, width = 12, x = 0, y = 28 } } }, joint_shadow = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-knee.png", height = 14, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/hr-spidertron-legs-knee.png", height = 28, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.015625, 0 }, width = 22, x = 0, y = 28 }, scale = 1, shift = { 0.03125, 0 }, width = 12, x = 0, y = 14 }, joint_turn_offset = 0.25, lower_part = { bottom_end = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-lower-end-B.png", height = 46, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/hr-spidertron-legs-lower-end-B.png", height = 92, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.65625 }, width = 34, x = 0, y = 0 }, scale = 1, shift = { 0, -0.65625 }, width = 18, x = 0, y = 0 }, { apply_runtime_tint = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-lower-end-B.png", height = 46, hr_version = { apply_runtime_tint = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/hr-spidertron-legs-lower-end-B.png", height = 92, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.65625 }, width = 34, x = 0, y = 184 }, scale = 1, shift = { 0, -0.65625 }, width = 18, x = 0, y = 92 } } }, bottom_end_length = 1, middle = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-lower-stretchable.png", height = 192, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/hr-spidertron-legs-lower-stretchable.png", height = 384, scale = 0.25, shift = { 0.015625, 0 }, width = 50, x = 0, y = 0 }, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.03125, 0 }, width = 26, x = 0, y = 0 } } }, middle_offset_from_bottom = 0.65, middle_offset_from_top = 0.45, top_end = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-lower-end-A.png", height = 50, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/hr-spidertron-legs-lower-end-A.png", height = 98, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.015625, 0.609375 }, width = 40, x = 0, y = 0 }, scale = 1, shift = { 0, 0.625 }, width = 20, x = 0, y = 0 }, { apply_runtime_tint = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-lower-end-A.png", height = 50, hr_version = { apply_runtime_tint = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/hr-spidertron-legs-lower-end-A.png", height = 98, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.015625, 0.609375 }, width = 40, x = 0, y = 196 }, scale = 1, shift = { 0, 0.625 }, width = 20, x = 0, y = 100 } } }, top_end_length = 1 }, lower_part_shadow = { bottom_end = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-lower-end-B.png", height = 46, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/hr-spidertron-legs-lower-end-B.png", height = 92, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.65625 }, width = 34, x = 0, y = 92 }, scale = 1, shift = { 0, -0.65625 }, width = 18, x = 0, y = 46 }, bottom_end_length = 1, middle = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-lower-stretchable.png", height = 192, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/hr-spidertron-legs-lower-stretchable.png", height = 384, scale = 0.25, shift = { 0.015625, 0 }, width = 50, x = 0, y = 384 }, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.03125, 0 }, width = 26, x = 0, y = 192 }, middle_offset_from_bottom = 0.65, middle_offset_from_top = 0.45, top_end = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-lower-end-A.png", height = 50, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/hr-spidertron-legs-lower-end-A.png", height = 98, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.015625, 0.609375 }, width = 40, x = 0, y = 98 }, scale = 1, shift = { 0, 0.625 }, width = 20, x = 0, y = 50 }, top_end_length = 1 }, lower_part_water_reflection = { bottom_end = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-lower-end-B-water-reflection.png", height = 104, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.59375 }, width = 52, y = 0 }, bottom_end_length = 1, middle = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-lower-stretchable-water-reflection.png", height = 384, scale = 0.25, shift = { 0.015625, 0 }, width = 72, y = 0 }, middle_offset_from_bottom = 0.65, middle_offset_from_top = 0.45, top_end = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-lower-end-A-water-reflection.png", height = 110, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.015625, 0.53125 }, width = 56, y = 0 }, top_end_length = 1 }, upper_part = { bottom_end = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-upper-end-B.png", height = 30, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/hr-spidertron-legs-upper-end-B.png", height = 58, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.015625, -0.28125 }, width = 38, x = 0, y = 0 }, scale = 1, shift = { 0.03125, -0.28125 }, width = 20, x = 0, y = 0 }, { apply_runtime_tint = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-upper-end-B.png", height = 30, hr_version = { apply_runtime_tint = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/hr-spidertron-legs-upper-end-B.png", height = 58, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.015625, -0.28125 }, width = 38, x = 0, y = 116 }, scale = 1, shift = { 0.03125, -0.28125 }, width = 20, x = 0, y = 60 } } }, bottom_end_length = 0.75, middle = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-upper-stretchable.png", height = 128, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/hr-spidertron-legs-upper-stretchable.png", height = 256, scale = 0.25, shift = { -0.046875, 0 }, width = 60, x = 0, y = 0 }, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.0625, 0 }, width = 30, x = 0, y = 0 } } }, middle_offset_from_bottom = 0.45, middle_offset_from_top = 0.35, top_end = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-upper-end-A.png", height = 44, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/hr-spidertron-legs-upper-end-A.png", height = 86, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, 0.5625 }, width = 42, x = 0, y = 0 }, scale = 1, shift = { 0, 0.5625 }, width = 22, x = 0, y = 0 }, { apply_runtime_tint = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-upper-end-A.png", height = 44, hr_version = { apply_runtime_tint = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/hr-spidertron-legs-upper-end-A.png", height = 86, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, 0.5625 }, width = 42, x = 0, y = 172 }, scale = 1, shift = { 0, 0.5625 }, width = 22, x = 0, y = 88 } } }, top_end_length = 0.75 }, upper_part_shadow = { bottom_end = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-upper-end-B.png", height = 30, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/hr-spidertron-legs-upper-end-B.png", height = 58, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.015625, -0.28125 }, width = 38, x = 0, y = 58 }, scale = 1, shift = { 0.03125, -0.28125 }, width = 20, x = 0, y = 30 }, bottom_end_length = 0.75, middle = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-upper-stretchable.png", height = 128, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/hr-spidertron-legs-upper-stretchable.png", height = 256, scale = 0.25, shift = { -0.046875, 0 }, width = 60, x = 0, y = 256 }, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.0625, 0 }, width = 30, x = 0, y = 128 }, middle_offset_from_bottom = 0.45, middle_offset_from_top = 0.35, top_end = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-upper-end-A.png", height = 44, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/hr-spidertron-legs-upper-end-A.png", height = 86, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, 0.5625 }, width = 42, x = 0, y = 86 }, scale = 1, shift = { 0, 0.5625 }, width = 22, x = 0, y = 44 }, top_end_length = 0.75 }, upper_part_water_reflection = { bottom_end = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-upper-end-B-water-reflection.png", height = 74, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.015625, -0.21875 }, width = 56, y = 0 }, bottom_end_length = 0.75, middle = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-upper-stretchable-water-reflection.png", height = 256, scale = 0.25, shift = { -0.0625, 0 }, width = 80, y = 0 }, middle_offset_from_bottom = 0.45, middle_offset_from_top = 0.35, top_end = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-upper-end-A-water-reflection.png", height = 96, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.015625, 0.484375 }, width = 64, y = 0 }, top_end_length = 0.75 } }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/spidertron.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, initial_movement_speed = 0.06, localised_name = { "entity-name.spidertron-leg" }, max_health = 100, minimal_step_size = 1, movement_acceleration = 0.03, movement_based_position_selection_distance = 4, name = "spidertron-leg-1", part_length = 3.5, selectable_in_game = false, selection_box = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, target_position_randomisation_distance = 0.25, type = "spider-leg", walking_sound_volume_modifier = 0.6, working_sound = { audible_distance_modifier = 0.5, match_progress_to_activity = true, sound = { { filename = "__base__/sound/spidertron/spidertron-leg-1.ogg", volume = 0.2 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/spidertron/spidertron-leg-2.ogg", volume = 0.2 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/spidertron/spidertron-leg-3.ogg", volume = 0.2 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/spidertron/spidertron-leg-4.ogg", volume = 0.2 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/spidertron/spidertron-leg-5.ogg", volume = 0.2 } } } }, ["spidertron-leg-2"] = { collision_box = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, graphics_set = { joint = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-knee.png", height = 14, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/hr-spidertron-legs-knee.png", height = 28, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.015625, 0 }, width = 22, x = 22, y = 0 }, scale = 1, shift = { 0.03125, 0 }, width = 12, x = 12, y = 0 }, { apply_runtime_tint = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-knee.png", height = 14, hr_version = { apply_runtime_tint = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/hr-spidertron-legs-knee.png", height = 28, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.015625, 0 }, width = 22, x = 22, y = 56 }, scale = 1, shift = { 0.03125, 0 }, width = 12, x = 12, y = 28 } } }, joint_shadow = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-knee.png", height = 14, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/hr-spidertron-legs-knee.png", height = 28, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.015625, 0 }, width = 22, x = 22, y = 28 }, scale = 1, shift = { 0.03125, 0 }, width = 12, x = 12, y = 14 }, joint_turn_offset = 0.25, lower_part = { bottom_end = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-lower-end-B.png", height = 46, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/hr-spidertron-legs-lower-end-B.png", height = 92, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.65625 }, width = 34, x = 34, y = 0 }, scale = 1, shift = { 0, -0.65625 }, width = 18, x = 18, y = 0 }, { apply_runtime_tint = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-lower-end-B.png", height = 46, hr_version = { apply_runtime_tint = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/hr-spidertron-legs-lower-end-B.png", height = 92, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.65625 }, width = 34, x = 34, y = 184 }, scale = 1, shift = { 0, -0.65625 }, width = 18, x = 18, y = 92 } } }, bottom_end_length = 1, middle = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-lower-stretchable.png", height = 192, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/hr-spidertron-legs-lower-stretchable.png", height = 384, scale = 0.25, shift = { 0.015625, 0 }, width = 50, x = 50, y = 0 }, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.03125, 0 }, width = 26, x = 26, y = 0 } } }, middle_offset_from_bottom = 0.65, middle_offset_from_top = 0.45, top_end = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-lower-end-A.png", height = 50, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/hr-spidertron-legs-lower-end-A.png", height = 98, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.015625, 0.609375 }, width = 40, x = 40, y = 0 }, scale = 1, shift = { 0, 0.625 }, width = 20, x = 20, y = 0 }, { apply_runtime_tint = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-lower-end-A.png", height = 50, hr_version = { apply_runtime_tint = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/hr-spidertron-legs-lower-end-A.png", height = 98, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.015625, 0.609375 }, width = 40, x = 40, y = 196 }, scale = 1, shift = { 0, 0.625 }, width = 20, x = 20, y = 100 } } }, top_end_length = 1 }, lower_part_shadow = { bottom_end = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-lower-end-B.png", height = 46, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/hr-spidertron-legs-lower-end-B.png", height = 92, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.65625 }, width = 34, x = 34, y = 92 }, scale = 1, shift = { 0, -0.65625 }, width = 18, x = 18, y = 46 }, bottom_end_length = 1, middle = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-lower-stretchable.png", height = 192, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/hr-spidertron-legs-lower-stretchable.png", height = 384, scale = 0.25, shift = { 0.015625, 0 }, width = 50, x = 50, y = 384 }, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.03125, 0 }, width = 26, x = 26, y = 192 }, middle_offset_from_bottom = 0.65, middle_offset_from_top = 0.45, top_end = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-lower-end-A.png", height = 50, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/hr-spidertron-legs-lower-end-A.png", height = 98, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.015625, 0.609375 }, width = 40, x = 40, y = 98 }, scale = 1, shift = { 0, 0.625 }, width = 20, x = 20, y = 50 }, top_end_length = 1 }, lower_part_water_reflection = { bottom_end = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-lower-end-B-water-reflection.png", height = 104, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.59375 }, width = 52, y = 0 }, bottom_end_length = 1, middle = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-lower-stretchable-water-reflection.png", height = 384, scale = 0.25, shift = { 0.015625, 0 }, width = 72, y = 0 }, middle_offset_from_bottom = 0.65, middle_offset_from_top = 0.45, top_end = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-lower-end-A-water-reflection.png", height = 110, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.015625, 0.53125 }, width = 56, y = 0 }, top_end_length = 1 }, upper_part = { bottom_end = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-upper-end-B.png", height = 30, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/hr-spidertron-legs-upper-end-B.png", height = 58, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.015625, -0.28125 }, width = 38, x = 38, y = 0 }, scale = 1, shift = { 0.03125, -0.28125 }, width = 20, x = 20, y = 0 }, { apply_runtime_tint = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-upper-end-B.png", height = 30, hr_version = { apply_runtime_tint = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/hr-spidertron-legs-upper-end-B.png", height = 58, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.015625, -0.28125 }, width = 38, x = 38, y = 116 }, scale = 1, shift = { 0.03125, -0.28125 }, width = 20, x = 20, y = 60 } } }, bottom_end_length = 0.75, middle = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-upper-stretchable.png", height = 128, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/hr-spidertron-legs-upper-stretchable.png", height = 256, scale = 0.25, shift = { -0.046875, 0 }, width = 60, x = 60, y = 0 }, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.0625, 0 }, width = 30, x = 30, y = 0 } } }, middle_offset_from_bottom = 0.45, middle_offset_from_top = 0.35, top_end = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-upper-end-A.png", height = 44, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/hr-spidertron-legs-upper-end-A.png", height = 86, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, 0.5625 }, width = 42, x = 42, y = 0 }, scale = 1, shift = { 0, 0.5625 }, width = 22, x = 22, y = 0 }, { apply_runtime_tint = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-upper-end-A.png", height = 44, hr_version = { apply_runtime_tint = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/hr-spidertron-legs-upper-end-A.png", height = 86, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, 0.5625 }, width = 42, x = 42, y = 172 }, scale = 1, shift = { 0, 0.5625 }, width = 22, x = 22, y = 88 } } }, top_end_length = 0.75 }, upper_part_shadow = { bottom_end = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-upper-end-B.png", height = 30, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/hr-spidertron-legs-upper-end-B.png", height = 58, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.015625, -0.28125 }, width = 38, x = 38, y = 58 }, scale = 1, shift = { 0.03125, -0.28125 }, width = 20, x = 20, y = 30 }, bottom_end_length = 0.75, middle = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-upper-stretchable.png", height = 128, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/hr-spidertron-legs-upper-stretchable.png", height = 256, scale = 0.25, shift = { -0.046875, 0 }, width = 60, x = 60, y = 256 }, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.0625, 0 }, width = 30, x = 30, y = 128 }, middle_offset_from_bottom = 0.45, middle_offset_from_top = 0.35, top_end = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-upper-end-A.png", height = 44, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/hr-spidertron-legs-upper-end-A.png", height = 86, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, 0.5625 }, width = 42, x = 42, y = 86 }, scale = 1, shift = { 0, 0.5625 }, width = 22, x = 22, y = 44 }, top_end_length = 0.75 }, upper_part_water_reflection = { bottom_end = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-upper-end-B-water-reflection.png", height = 74, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.015625, -0.21875 }, width = 56, y = 0 }, bottom_end_length = 0.75, middle = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-upper-stretchable-water-reflection.png", height = 256, scale = 0.25, shift = { -0.0625, 0 }, width = 80, y = 0 }, middle_offset_from_bottom = 0.45, middle_offset_from_top = 0.35, top_end = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-upper-end-A-water-reflection.png", height = 96, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.015625, 0.484375 }, width = 64, y = 0 }, top_end_length = 0.75 } }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/spidertron.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, initial_movement_speed = 0.06, localised_name = { "entity-name.spidertron-leg" }, max_health = 100, minimal_step_size = 1, movement_acceleration = 0.03, movement_based_position_selection_distance = 4, name = "spidertron-leg-2", part_length = 3.5, selectable_in_game = false, selection_box = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, target_position_randomisation_distance = 0.25, type = "spider-leg", walking_sound_volume_modifier = 0.6, working_sound = { audible_distance_modifier = 0.5, match_progress_to_activity = true, sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["spider-leg"]["spidertron-leg-1"].working_sound.sound ]=] } }, ["spidertron-leg-3"] = { collision_box = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, graphics_set = { joint = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-knee.png", height = 14, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/hr-spidertron-legs-knee.png", height = 28, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.015625, 0 }, width = 22, x = 44, y = 0 }, scale = 1, shift = { 0.03125, 0 }, width = 12, x = 24, y = 0 }, { apply_runtime_tint = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-knee.png", height = 14, hr_version = { apply_runtime_tint = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/hr-spidertron-legs-knee.png", height = 28, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.015625, 0 }, width = 22, x = 44, y = 56 }, scale = 1, shift = { 0.03125, 0 }, width = 12, x = 24, y = 28 } } }, joint_shadow = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-knee.png", height = 14, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/hr-spidertron-legs-knee.png", height = 28, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.015625, 0 }, width = 22, x = 44, y = 28 }, scale = 1, shift = { 0.03125, 0 }, width = 12, x = 24, y = 14 }, joint_turn_offset = 0.25, lower_part = { bottom_end = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-lower-end-B.png", height = 46, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/hr-spidertron-legs-lower-end-B.png", height = 92, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.65625 }, width = 34, x = 68, y = 0 }, scale = 1, shift = { 0, -0.65625 }, width = 18, x = 36, y = 0 }, { apply_runtime_tint = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-lower-end-B.png", height = 46, hr_version = { apply_runtime_tint = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/hr-spidertron-legs-lower-end-B.png", height = 92, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.65625 }, width = 34, x = 68, y = 184 }, scale = 1, shift = { 0, -0.65625 }, width = 18, x = 36, y = 92 } } }, bottom_end_length = 1, middle = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-lower-stretchable.png", height = 192, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/hr-spidertron-legs-lower-stretchable.png", height = 384, scale = 0.25, shift = { 0.015625, 0 }, width = 50, x = 100, y = 0 }, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.03125, 0 }, width = 26, x = 52, y = 0 } } }, middle_offset_from_bottom = 0.65, middle_offset_from_top = 0.45, top_end = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-lower-end-A.png", height = 50, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/hr-spidertron-legs-lower-end-A.png", height = 98, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.015625, 0.609375 }, width = 40, x = 80, y = 0 }, scale = 1, shift = { 0, 0.625 }, width = 20, x = 40, y = 0 }, { apply_runtime_tint = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-lower-end-A.png", height = 50, hr_version = { apply_runtime_tint = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/hr-spidertron-legs-lower-end-A.png", height = 98, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.015625, 0.609375 }, width = 40, x = 80, y = 196 }, scale = 1, shift = { 0, 0.625 }, width = 20, x = 40, y = 100 } } }, top_end_length = 1 }, lower_part_shadow = { bottom_end = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-lower-end-B.png", height = 46, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/hr-spidertron-legs-lower-end-B.png", height = 92, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.65625 }, width = 34, x = 68, y = 92 }, scale = 1, shift = { 0, -0.65625 }, width = 18, x = 36, y = 46 }, bottom_end_length = 1, middle = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-lower-stretchable.png", height = 192, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/hr-spidertron-legs-lower-stretchable.png", height = 384, scale = 0.25, shift = { 0.015625, 0 }, width = 50, x = 100, y = 384 }, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.03125, 0 }, width = 26, x = 52, y = 192 }, middle_offset_from_bottom = 0.65, middle_offset_from_top = 0.45, top_end = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-lower-end-A.png", height = 50, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/hr-spidertron-legs-lower-end-A.png", height = 98, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.015625, 0.609375 }, width = 40, x = 80, y = 98 }, scale = 1, shift = { 0, 0.625 }, width = 20, x = 40, y = 50 }, top_end_length = 1 }, lower_part_water_reflection = { bottom_end = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-lower-end-B-water-reflection.png", height = 104, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.59375 }, width = 52, y = 0 }, bottom_end_length = 1, middle = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-lower-stretchable-water-reflection.png", height = 384, scale = 0.25, shift = { 0.015625, 0 }, width = 72, y = 0 }, middle_offset_from_bottom = 0.65, middle_offset_from_top = 0.45, top_end = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-lower-end-A-water-reflection.png", height = 110, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.015625, 0.53125 }, width = 56, y = 0 }, top_end_length = 1 }, upper_part = { bottom_end = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-upper-end-B.png", height = 30, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/hr-spidertron-legs-upper-end-B.png", height = 58, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.015625, -0.28125 }, width = 38, x = 76, y = 0 }, scale = 1, shift = { 0.03125, -0.28125 }, width = 20, x = 40, y = 0 }, { apply_runtime_tint = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-upper-end-B.png", height = 30, hr_version = { apply_runtime_tint = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/hr-spidertron-legs-upper-end-B.png", height = 58, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.015625, -0.28125 }, width = 38, x = 76, y = 116 }, scale = 1, shift = { 0.03125, -0.28125 }, width = 20, x = 40, y = 60 } } }, bottom_end_length = 0.75, middle = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-upper-stretchable.png", height = 128, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/hr-spidertron-legs-upper-stretchable.png", height = 256, scale = 0.25, shift = { -0.046875, 0 }, width = 60, x = 120, y = 0 }, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.0625, 0 }, width = 30, x = 60, y = 0 } } }, middle_offset_from_bottom = 0.45, middle_offset_from_top = 0.35, top_end = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-upper-end-A.png", height = 44, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/hr-spidertron-legs-upper-end-A.png", height = 86, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, 0.5625 }, width = 42, x = 84, y = 0 }, scale = 1, shift = { 0, 0.5625 }, width = 22, x = 44, y = 0 }, { apply_runtime_tint = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-upper-end-A.png", height = 44, hr_version = { apply_runtime_tint = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/hr-spidertron-legs-upper-end-A.png", height = 86, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, 0.5625 }, width = 42, x = 84, y = 172 }, scale = 1, shift = { 0, 0.5625 }, width = 22, x = 44, y = 88 } } }, top_end_length = 0.75 }, upper_part_shadow = { bottom_end = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-upper-end-B.png", height = 30, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/hr-spidertron-legs-upper-end-B.png", height = 58, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.015625, -0.28125 }, width = 38, x = 76, y = 58 }, scale = 1, shift = { 0.03125, -0.28125 }, width = 20, x = 40, y = 30 }, bottom_end_length = 0.75, middle = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-upper-stretchable.png", height = 128, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/hr-spidertron-legs-upper-stretchable.png", height = 256, scale = 0.25, shift = { -0.046875, 0 }, width = 60, x = 120, y = 256 }, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.0625, 0 }, width = 30, x = 60, y = 128 }, middle_offset_from_bottom = 0.45, middle_offset_from_top = 0.35, top_end = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-upper-end-A.png", height = 44, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/hr-spidertron-legs-upper-end-A.png", height = 86, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, 0.5625 }, width = 42, x = 84, y = 86 }, scale = 1, shift = { 0, 0.5625 }, width = 22, x = 44, y = 44 }, top_end_length = 0.75 }, upper_part_water_reflection = { bottom_end = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-upper-end-B-water-reflection.png", height = 74, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.015625, -0.21875 }, width = 56, y = 0 }, bottom_end_length = 0.75, middle = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-upper-stretchable-water-reflection.png", height = 256, scale = 0.25, shift = { -0.0625, 0 }, width = 80, y = 0 }, middle_offset_from_bottom = 0.45, middle_offset_from_top = 0.35, top_end = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-upper-end-A-water-reflection.png", height = 96, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.015625, 0.484375 }, width = 64, y = 0 }, top_end_length = 0.75 } }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/spidertron.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, initial_movement_speed = 0.06, localised_name = { "entity-name.spidertron-leg" }, max_health = 100, minimal_step_size = 1, movement_acceleration = 0.03, movement_based_position_selection_distance = 4, name = "spidertron-leg-3", part_length = 3.5, selectable_in_game = false, selection_box = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, target_position_randomisation_distance = 0.25, type = "spider-leg", walking_sound_volume_modifier = 0.6, working_sound = { audible_distance_modifier = 0.5, match_progress_to_activity = true, sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["spider-leg"]["spidertron-leg-1"].working_sound.sound ]=] } }, ["spidertron-leg-4"] = { collision_box = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, graphics_set = { joint = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-knee.png", height = 14, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/hr-spidertron-legs-knee.png", height = 28, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.015625, 0 }, width = 22, x = 66, y = 0 }, scale = 1, shift = { 0.03125, 0 }, width = 12, x = 36, y = 0 }, { apply_runtime_tint = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-knee.png", height = 14, hr_version = { apply_runtime_tint = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/hr-spidertron-legs-knee.png", height = 28, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.015625, 0 }, width = 22, x = 66, y = 56 }, scale = 1, shift = { 0.03125, 0 }, width = 12, x = 36, y = 28 } } }, joint_shadow = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-knee.png", height = 14, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/hr-spidertron-legs-knee.png", height = 28, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.015625, 0 }, width = 22, x = 66, y = 28 }, scale = 1, shift = { 0.03125, 0 }, width = 12, x = 36, y = 14 }, joint_turn_offset = 0.25, lower_part = { bottom_end = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-lower-end-B.png", height = 46, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/hr-spidertron-legs-lower-end-B.png", height = 92, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.65625 }, width = 34, x = 102, y = 0 }, scale = 1, shift = { 0, -0.65625 }, width = 18, x = 54, y = 0 }, { apply_runtime_tint = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-lower-end-B.png", height = 46, hr_version = { apply_runtime_tint = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/hr-spidertron-legs-lower-end-B.png", height = 92, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.65625 }, width = 34, x = 102, y = 184 }, scale = 1, shift = { 0, -0.65625 }, width = 18, x = 54, y = 92 } } }, bottom_end_length = 1, middle = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-lower-stretchable.png", height = 192, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/hr-spidertron-legs-lower-stretchable.png", height = 384, scale = 0.25, shift = { 0.015625, 0 }, width = 50, x = 150, y = 0 }, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.03125, 0 }, width = 26, x = 78, y = 0 } } }, middle_offset_from_bottom = 0.65, middle_offset_from_top = 0.45, top_end = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-lower-end-A.png", height = 50, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/hr-spidertron-legs-lower-end-A.png", height = 98, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.015625, 0.609375 }, width = 40, x = 120, y = 0 }, scale = 1, shift = { 0, 0.625 }, width = 20, x = 60, y = 0 }, { apply_runtime_tint = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-lower-end-A.png", height = 50, hr_version = { apply_runtime_tint = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/hr-spidertron-legs-lower-end-A.png", height = 98, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.015625, 0.609375 }, width = 40, x = 120, y = 196 }, scale = 1, shift = { 0, 0.625 }, width = 20, x = 60, y = 100 } } }, top_end_length = 1 }, lower_part_shadow = { bottom_end = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-lower-end-B.png", height = 46, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/hr-spidertron-legs-lower-end-B.png", height = 92, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.65625 }, width = 34, x = 102, y = 92 }, scale = 1, shift = { 0, -0.65625 }, width = 18, x = 54, y = 46 }, bottom_end_length = 1, middle = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-lower-stretchable.png", height = 192, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/hr-spidertron-legs-lower-stretchable.png", height = 384, scale = 0.25, shift = { 0.015625, 0 }, width = 50, x = 150, y = 384 }, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.03125, 0 }, width = 26, x = 78, y = 192 }, middle_offset_from_bottom = 0.65, middle_offset_from_top = 0.45, top_end = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-lower-end-A.png", height = 50, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/hr-spidertron-legs-lower-end-A.png", height = 98, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.015625, 0.609375 }, width = 40, x = 120, y = 98 }, scale = 1, shift = { 0, 0.625 }, width = 20, x = 60, y = 50 }, top_end_length = 1 }, lower_part_water_reflection = { bottom_end = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-lower-end-B-water-reflection.png", height = 104, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.59375 }, width = 52, y = 0 }, bottom_end_length = 1, middle = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-lower-stretchable-water-reflection.png", height = 384, scale = 0.25, shift = { 0.015625, 0 }, width = 72, y = 0 }, middle_offset_from_bottom = 0.65, middle_offset_from_top = 0.45, top_end = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-lower-end-A-water-reflection.png", height = 110, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.015625, 0.53125 }, width = 56, y = 0 }, top_end_length = 1 }, upper_part = { bottom_end = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-upper-end-B.png", height = 30, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/hr-spidertron-legs-upper-end-B.png", height = 58, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.015625, -0.28125 }, width = 38, x = 114, y = 0 }, scale = 1, shift = { 0.03125, -0.28125 }, width = 20, x = 60, y = 0 }, { apply_runtime_tint = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-upper-end-B.png", height = 30, hr_version = { apply_runtime_tint = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/hr-spidertron-legs-upper-end-B.png", height = 58, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.015625, -0.28125 }, width = 38, x = 114, y = 116 }, scale = 1, shift = { 0.03125, -0.28125 }, width = 20, x = 60, y = 60 } } }, bottom_end_length = 0.75, middle = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-upper-stretchable.png", height = 128, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/hr-spidertron-legs-upper-stretchable.png", height = 256, scale = 0.25, shift = { -0.046875, 0 }, width = 60, x = 180, y = 0 }, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.0625, 0 }, width = 30, x = 90, y = 0 } } }, middle_offset_from_bottom = 0.45, middle_offset_from_top = 0.35, top_end = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-upper-end-A.png", height = 44, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/hr-spidertron-legs-upper-end-A.png", height = 86, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, 0.5625 }, width = 42, x = 126, y = 0 }, scale = 1, shift = { 0, 0.5625 }, width = 22, x = 66, y = 0 }, { apply_runtime_tint = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-upper-end-A.png", height = 44, hr_version = { apply_runtime_tint = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/hr-spidertron-legs-upper-end-A.png", height = 86, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, 0.5625 }, width = 42, x = 126, y = 172 }, scale = 1, shift = { 0, 0.5625 }, width = 22, x = 66, y = 88 } } }, top_end_length = 0.75 }, upper_part_shadow = { bottom_end = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-upper-end-B.png", height = 30, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/hr-spidertron-legs-upper-end-B.png", height = 58, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.015625, -0.28125 }, width = 38, x = 114, y = 58 }, scale = 1, shift = { 0.03125, -0.28125 }, width = 20, x = 60, y = 30 }, bottom_end_length = 0.75, middle = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-upper-stretchable.png", height = 128, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/hr-spidertron-legs-upper-stretchable.png", height = 256, scale = 0.25, shift = { -0.046875, 0 }, width = 60, x = 180, y = 256 }, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.0625, 0 }, width = 30, x = 90, y = 128 }, middle_offset_from_bottom = 0.45, middle_offset_from_top = 0.35, top_end = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-upper-end-A.png", height = 44, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/hr-spidertron-legs-upper-end-A.png", height = 86, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, 0.5625 }, width = 42, x = 126, y = 86 }, scale = 1, shift = { 0, 0.5625 }, width = 22, x = 66, y = 44 }, top_end_length = 0.75 }, upper_part_water_reflection = { bottom_end = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-upper-end-B-water-reflection.png", height = 74, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.015625, -0.21875 }, width = 56, y = 0 }, bottom_end_length = 0.75, middle = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-upper-stretchable-water-reflection.png", height = 256, scale = 0.25, shift = { -0.0625, 0 }, width = 80, y = 0 }, middle_offset_from_bottom = 0.45, middle_offset_from_top = 0.35, top_end = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-upper-end-A-water-reflection.png", height = 96, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.015625, 0.484375 }, width = 64, y = 0 }, top_end_length = 0.75 } }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/spidertron.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, initial_movement_speed = 0.06, localised_name = { "entity-name.spidertron-leg" }, max_health = 100, minimal_step_size = 1, movement_acceleration = 0.03, movement_based_position_selection_distance = 4, name = "spidertron-leg-4", part_length = 3.5, selectable_in_game = false, selection_box = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, target_position_randomisation_distance = 0.25, type = "spider-leg", walking_sound_volume_modifier = 0.6, working_sound = { audible_distance_modifier = 0.5, match_progress_to_activity = true, sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["spider-leg"]["spidertron-leg-1"].working_sound.sound ]=] } }, ["spidertron-leg-5"] = { collision_box = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, graphics_set = { joint = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-knee.png", height = 14, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/hr-spidertron-legs-knee.png", height = 28, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.015625, 0 }, width = 22, x = 88, y = 0 }, scale = 1, shift = { 0.03125, 0 }, width = 12, x = 48, y = 0 }, { apply_runtime_tint = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-knee.png", height = 14, hr_version = { apply_runtime_tint = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/hr-spidertron-legs-knee.png", height = 28, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.015625, 0 }, width = 22, x = 88, y = 56 }, scale = 1, shift = { 0.03125, 0 }, width = 12, x = 48, y = 28 } } }, joint_shadow = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-knee.png", height = 14, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/hr-spidertron-legs-knee.png", height = 28, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.015625, 0 }, width = 22, x = 88, y = 28 }, scale = 1, shift = { 0.03125, 0 }, width = 12, x = 48, y = 14 }, joint_turn_offset = -0.25, lower_part = { bottom_end = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-lower-end-B.png", height = 46, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/hr-spidertron-legs-lower-end-B.png", height = 92, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.65625 }, width = 34, x = 136, y = 0 }, scale = 1, shift = { 0, -0.65625 }, width = 18, x = 72, y = 0 }, { apply_runtime_tint = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-lower-end-B.png", height = 46, hr_version = { apply_runtime_tint = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/hr-spidertron-legs-lower-end-B.png", height = 92, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.65625 }, width = 34, x = 136, y = 184 }, scale = 1, shift = { 0, -0.65625 }, width = 18, x = 72, y = 92 } } }, bottom_end_length = 1, middle = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-lower-stretchable.png", height = 192, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/hr-spidertron-legs-lower-stretchable.png", height = 384, scale = 0.25, shift = { 0.015625, 0 }, width = 50, x = 200, y = 0 }, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.03125, 0 }, width = 26, x = 104, y = 0 } } }, middle_offset_from_bottom = 0.65, middle_offset_from_top = 0.45, top_end = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-lower-end-A.png", height = 50, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/hr-spidertron-legs-lower-end-A.png", height = 98, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.015625, 0.609375 }, width = 40, x = 160, y = 0 }, scale = 1, shift = { 0, 0.625 }, width = 20, x = 80, y = 0 }, { apply_runtime_tint = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-lower-end-A.png", height = 50, hr_version = { apply_runtime_tint = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/hr-spidertron-legs-lower-end-A.png", height = 98, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.015625, 0.609375 }, width = 40, x = 160, y = 196 }, scale = 1, shift = { 0, 0.625 }, width = 20, x = 80, y = 100 } } }, top_end_length = 1 }, lower_part_shadow = { bottom_end = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-lower-end-B.png", height = 46, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/hr-spidertron-legs-lower-end-B.png", height = 92, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.65625 }, width = 34, x = 136, y = 92 }, scale = 1, shift = { 0, -0.65625 }, width = 18, x = 72, y = 46 }, bottom_end_length = 1, middle = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-lower-stretchable.png", height = 192, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/hr-spidertron-legs-lower-stretchable.png", height = 384, scale = 0.25, shift = { 0.015625, 0 }, width = 50, x = 200, y = 384 }, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.03125, 0 }, width = 26, x = 104, y = 192 }, middle_offset_from_bottom = 0.65, middle_offset_from_top = 0.45, top_end = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-lower-end-A.png", height = 50, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/hr-spidertron-legs-lower-end-A.png", height = 98, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.015625, 0.609375 }, width = 40, x = 160, y = 98 }, scale = 1, shift = { 0, 0.625 }, width = 20, x = 80, y = 50 }, top_end_length = 1 }, lower_part_water_reflection = { bottom_end = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-lower-end-B-water-reflection.png", height = 104, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.59375 }, width = 52, y = 0 }, bottom_end_length = 1, middle = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-lower-stretchable-water-reflection.png", height = 384, scale = 0.25, shift = { 0.015625, 0 }, width = 72, y = 0 }, middle_offset_from_bottom = 0.65, middle_offset_from_top = 0.45, top_end = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-lower-end-A-water-reflection.png", height = 110, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.015625, 0.53125 }, width = 56, y = 0 }, top_end_length = 1 }, upper_part = { bottom_end = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-upper-end-B.png", height = 30, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/hr-spidertron-legs-upper-end-B.png", height = 58, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.015625, -0.28125 }, width = 38, x = 152, y = 0 }, scale = 1, shift = { 0.03125, -0.28125 }, width = 20, x = 80, y = 0 }, { apply_runtime_tint = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-upper-end-B.png", height = 30, hr_version = { apply_runtime_tint = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/hr-spidertron-legs-upper-end-B.png", height = 58, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.015625, -0.28125 }, width = 38, x = 152, y = 116 }, scale = 1, shift = { 0.03125, -0.28125 }, width = 20, x = 80, y = 60 } } }, bottom_end_length = 0.75, middle = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-upper-stretchable.png", height = 128, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/hr-spidertron-legs-upper-stretchable.png", height = 256, scale = 0.25, shift = { -0.046875, 0 }, width = 60, x = 240, y = 0 }, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.0625, 0 }, width = 30, x = 120, y = 0 } } }, middle_offset_from_bottom = 0.45, middle_offset_from_top = 0.35, top_end = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-upper-end-A.png", height = 44, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/hr-spidertron-legs-upper-end-A.png", height = 86, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, 0.5625 }, width = 42, x = 168, y = 0 }, scale = 1, shift = { 0, 0.5625 }, width = 22, x = 88, y = 0 }, { apply_runtime_tint = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-upper-end-A.png", height = 44, hr_version = { apply_runtime_tint = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/hr-spidertron-legs-upper-end-A.png", height = 86, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, 0.5625 }, width = 42, x = 168, y = 172 }, scale = 1, shift = { 0, 0.5625 }, width = 22, x = 88, y = 88 } } }, top_end_length = 0.75 }, upper_part_shadow = { bottom_end = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-upper-end-B.png", height = 30, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/hr-spidertron-legs-upper-end-B.png", height = 58, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.015625, -0.28125 }, width = 38, x = 152, y = 58 }, scale = 1, shift = { 0.03125, -0.28125 }, width = 20, x = 80, y = 30 }, bottom_end_length = 0.75, middle = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-upper-stretchable.png", height = 128, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/hr-spidertron-legs-upper-stretchable.png", height = 256, scale = 0.25, shift = { -0.046875, 0 }, width = 60, x = 240, y = 256 }, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.0625, 0 }, width = 30, x = 120, y = 128 }, middle_offset_from_bottom = 0.45, middle_offset_from_top = 0.35, top_end = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-upper-end-A.png", height = 44, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/hr-spidertron-legs-upper-end-A.png", height = 86, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, 0.5625 }, width = 42, x = 168, y = 86 }, scale = 1, shift = { 0, 0.5625 }, width = 22, x = 88, y = 44 }, top_end_length = 0.75 }, upper_part_water_reflection = { bottom_end = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-upper-end-B-water-reflection.png", height = 74, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.015625, -0.21875 }, width = 56, y = 0 }, bottom_end_length = 0.75, middle = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-upper-stretchable-water-reflection.png", height = 256, scale = 0.25, shift = { -0.0625, 0 }, width = 80, y = 0 }, middle_offset_from_bottom = 0.45, middle_offset_from_top = 0.35, top_end = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-upper-end-A-water-reflection.png", height = 96, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.015625, 0.484375 }, width = 64, y = 0 }, top_end_length = 0.75 } }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/spidertron.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, initial_movement_speed = 0.06, localised_name = { "entity-name.spidertron-leg" }, max_health = 100, minimal_step_size = 1, movement_acceleration = 0.03, movement_based_position_selection_distance = 4, name = "spidertron-leg-5", part_length = 3.5, selectable_in_game = false, selection_box = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, target_position_randomisation_distance = 0.25, type = "spider-leg", walking_sound_volume_modifier = 0.6, working_sound = { audible_distance_modifier = 0.5, match_progress_to_activity = true, sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["spider-leg"]["spidertron-leg-1"].working_sound.sound ]=] } }, ["spidertron-leg-6"] = { collision_box = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, graphics_set = { joint = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-knee.png", height = 14, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/hr-spidertron-legs-knee.png", height = 28, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.015625, 0 }, width = 22, x = 110, y = 0 }, scale = 1, shift = { 0.03125, 0 }, width = 12, x = 60, y = 0 }, { apply_runtime_tint = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-knee.png", height = 14, hr_version = { apply_runtime_tint = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/hr-spidertron-legs-knee.png", height = 28, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.015625, 0 }, width = 22, x = 110, y = 56 }, scale = 1, shift = { 0.03125, 0 }, width = 12, x = 60, y = 28 } } }, joint_shadow = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-knee.png", height = 14, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/hr-spidertron-legs-knee.png", height = 28, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.015625, 0 }, width = 22, x = 110, y = 28 }, scale = 1, shift = { 0.03125, 0 }, width = 12, x = 60, y = 14 }, joint_turn_offset = -0.25, lower_part = { bottom_end = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-lower-end-B.png", height = 46, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/hr-spidertron-legs-lower-end-B.png", height = 92, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.65625 }, width = 34, x = 170, y = 0 }, scale = 1, shift = { 0, -0.65625 }, width = 18, x = 90, y = 0 }, { apply_runtime_tint = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-lower-end-B.png", height = 46, hr_version = { apply_runtime_tint = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/hr-spidertron-legs-lower-end-B.png", height = 92, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.65625 }, width = 34, x = 170, y = 184 }, scale = 1, shift = { 0, -0.65625 }, width = 18, x = 90, y = 92 } } }, bottom_end_length = 1, middle = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-lower-stretchable.png", height = 192, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/hr-spidertron-legs-lower-stretchable.png", height = 384, scale = 0.25, shift = { 0.015625, 0 }, width = 50, x = 250, y = 0 }, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.03125, 0 }, width = 26, x = 130, y = 0 } } }, middle_offset_from_bottom = 0.65, middle_offset_from_top = 0.45, top_end = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-lower-end-A.png", height = 50, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/hr-spidertron-legs-lower-end-A.png", height = 98, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.015625, 0.609375 }, width = 40, x = 200, y = 0 }, scale = 1, shift = { 0, 0.625 }, width = 20, x = 100, y = 0 }, { apply_runtime_tint = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-lower-end-A.png", height = 50, hr_version = { apply_runtime_tint = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/hr-spidertron-legs-lower-end-A.png", height = 98, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.015625, 0.609375 }, width = 40, x = 200, y = 196 }, scale = 1, shift = { 0, 0.625 }, width = 20, x = 100, y = 100 } } }, top_end_length = 1 }, lower_part_shadow = { bottom_end = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-lower-end-B.png", height = 46, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/hr-spidertron-legs-lower-end-B.png", height = 92, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.65625 }, width = 34, x = 170, y = 92 }, scale = 1, shift = { 0, -0.65625 }, width = 18, x = 90, y = 46 }, bottom_end_length = 1, middle = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-lower-stretchable.png", height = 192, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/hr-spidertron-legs-lower-stretchable.png", height = 384, scale = 0.25, shift = { 0.015625, 0 }, width = 50, x = 250, y = 384 }, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.03125, 0 }, width = 26, x = 130, y = 192 }, middle_offset_from_bottom = 0.65, middle_offset_from_top = 0.45, top_end = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-lower-end-A.png", height = 50, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/hr-spidertron-legs-lower-end-A.png", height = 98, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.015625, 0.609375 }, width = 40, x = 200, y = 98 }, scale = 1, shift = { 0, 0.625 }, width = 20, x = 100, y = 50 }, top_end_length = 1 }, lower_part_water_reflection = { bottom_end = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-lower-end-B-water-reflection.png", height = 104, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.59375 }, width = 52, y = 0 }, bottom_end_length = 1, middle = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-lower-stretchable-water-reflection.png", height = 384, scale = 0.25, shift = { 0.015625, 0 }, width = 72, y = 0 }, middle_offset_from_bottom = 0.65, middle_offset_from_top = 0.45, top_end = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-lower-end-A-water-reflection.png", height = 110, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.015625, 0.53125 }, width = 56, y = 0 }, top_end_length = 1 }, upper_part = { bottom_end = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-upper-end-B.png", height = 30, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/hr-spidertron-legs-upper-end-B.png", height = 58, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.015625, -0.28125 }, width = 38, x = 190, y = 0 }, scale = 1, shift = { 0.03125, -0.28125 }, width = 20, x = 100, y = 0 }, { apply_runtime_tint = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-upper-end-B.png", height = 30, hr_version = { apply_runtime_tint = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/hr-spidertron-legs-upper-end-B.png", height = 58, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.015625, -0.28125 }, width = 38, x = 190, y = 116 }, scale = 1, shift = { 0.03125, -0.28125 }, width = 20, x = 100, y = 60 } } }, bottom_end_length = 0.75, middle = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-upper-stretchable.png", height = 128, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/hr-spidertron-legs-upper-stretchable.png", height = 256, scale = 0.25, shift = { -0.046875, 0 }, width = 60, x = 300, y = 0 }, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.0625, 0 }, width = 30, x = 150, y = 0 } } }, middle_offset_from_bottom = 0.45, middle_offset_from_top = 0.35, top_end = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-upper-end-A.png", height = 44, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/hr-spidertron-legs-upper-end-A.png", height = 86, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, 0.5625 }, width = 42, x = 210, y = 0 }, scale = 1, shift = { 0, 0.5625 }, width = 22, x = 110, y = 0 }, { apply_runtime_tint = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-upper-end-A.png", height = 44, hr_version = { apply_runtime_tint = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/hr-spidertron-legs-upper-end-A.png", height = 86, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, 0.5625 }, width = 42, x = 210, y = 172 }, scale = 1, shift = { 0, 0.5625 }, width = 22, x = 110, y = 88 } } }, top_end_length = 0.75 }, upper_part_shadow = { bottom_end = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-upper-end-B.png", height = 30, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/hr-spidertron-legs-upper-end-B.png", height = 58, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.015625, -0.28125 }, width = 38, x = 190, y = 58 }, scale = 1, shift = { 0.03125, -0.28125 }, width = 20, x = 100, y = 30 }, bottom_end_length = 0.75, middle = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-upper-stretchable.png", height = 128, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/hr-spidertron-legs-upper-stretchable.png", height = 256, scale = 0.25, shift = { -0.046875, 0 }, width = 60, x = 300, y = 256 }, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.0625, 0 }, width = 30, x = 150, y = 128 }, middle_offset_from_bottom = 0.45, middle_offset_from_top = 0.35, top_end = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-upper-end-A.png", height = 44, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/hr-spidertron-legs-upper-end-A.png", height = 86, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, 0.5625 }, width = 42, x = 210, y = 86 }, scale = 1, shift = { 0, 0.5625 }, width = 22, x = 110, y = 44 }, top_end_length = 0.75 }, upper_part_water_reflection = { bottom_end = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-upper-end-B-water-reflection.png", height = 74, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.015625, -0.21875 }, width = 56, y = 0 }, bottom_end_length = 0.75, middle = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-upper-stretchable-water-reflection.png", height = 256, scale = 0.25, shift = { -0.0625, 0 }, width = 80, y = 0 }, middle_offset_from_bottom = 0.45, middle_offset_from_top = 0.35, top_end = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-upper-end-A-water-reflection.png", height = 96, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.015625, 0.484375 }, width = 64, y = 0 }, top_end_length = 0.75 } }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/spidertron.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, initial_movement_speed = 0.06, localised_name = { "entity-name.spidertron-leg" }, max_health = 100, minimal_step_size = 1, movement_acceleration = 0.03, movement_based_position_selection_distance = 4, name = "spidertron-leg-6", part_length = 3.5, selectable_in_game = false, selection_box = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, target_position_randomisation_distance = 0.25, type = "spider-leg", walking_sound_volume_modifier = 0.6, working_sound = { audible_distance_modifier = 0.5, match_progress_to_activity = true, sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["spider-leg"]["spidertron-leg-1"].working_sound.sound ]=] } }, ["spidertron-leg-7"] = { collision_box = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, graphics_set = { joint = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-knee.png", height = 14, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/hr-spidertron-legs-knee.png", height = 28, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.015625, 0 }, width = 22, x = 132, y = 0 }, scale = 1, shift = { 0.03125, 0 }, width = 12, x = 72, y = 0 }, { apply_runtime_tint = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-knee.png", height = 14, hr_version = { apply_runtime_tint = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/hr-spidertron-legs-knee.png", height = 28, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.015625, 0 }, width = 22, x = 132, y = 56 }, scale = 1, shift = { 0.03125, 0 }, width = 12, x = 72, y = 28 } } }, joint_shadow = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-knee.png", height = 14, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/hr-spidertron-legs-knee.png", height = 28, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.015625, 0 }, width = 22, x = 132, y = 28 }, scale = 1, shift = { 0.03125, 0 }, width = 12, x = 72, y = 14 }, joint_turn_offset = -0.25, lower_part = { bottom_end = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-lower-end-B.png", height = 46, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/hr-spidertron-legs-lower-end-B.png", height = 92, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.65625 }, width = 34, x = 204, y = 0 }, scale = 1, shift = { 0, -0.65625 }, width = 18, x = 108, y = 0 }, { apply_runtime_tint = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-lower-end-B.png", height = 46, hr_version = { apply_runtime_tint = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/hr-spidertron-legs-lower-end-B.png", height = 92, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.65625 }, width = 34, x = 204, y = 184 }, scale = 1, shift = { 0, -0.65625 }, width = 18, x = 108, y = 92 } } }, bottom_end_length = 1, middle = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-lower-stretchable.png", height = 192, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/hr-spidertron-legs-lower-stretchable.png", height = 384, scale = 0.25, shift = { 0.015625, 0 }, width = 50, x = 300, y = 0 }, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.03125, 0 }, width = 26, x = 156, y = 0 } } }, middle_offset_from_bottom = 0.65, middle_offset_from_top = 0.45, top_end = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-lower-end-A.png", height = 50, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/hr-spidertron-legs-lower-end-A.png", height = 98, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.015625, 0.609375 }, width = 40, x = 240, y = 0 }, scale = 1, shift = { 0, 0.625 }, width = 20, x = 120, y = 0 }, { apply_runtime_tint = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-lower-end-A.png", height = 50, hr_version = { apply_runtime_tint = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/hr-spidertron-legs-lower-end-A.png", height = 98, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.015625, 0.609375 }, width = 40, x = 240, y = 196 }, scale = 1, shift = { 0, 0.625 }, width = 20, x = 120, y = 100 } } }, top_end_length = 1 }, lower_part_shadow = { bottom_end = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-lower-end-B.png", height = 46, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/hr-spidertron-legs-lower-end-B.png", height = 92, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.65625 }, width = 34, x = 204, y = 92 }, scale = 1, shift = { 0, -0.65625 }, width = 18, x = 108, y = 46 }, bottom_end_length = 1, middle = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-lower-stretchable.png", height = 192, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/hr-spidertron-legs-lower-stretchable.png", height = 384, scale = 0.25, shift = { 0.015625, 0 }, width = 50, x = 300, y = 384 }, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.03125, 0 }, width = 26, x = 156, y = 192 }, middle_offset_from_bottom = 0.65, middle_offset_from_top = 0.45, top_end = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-lower-end-A.png", height = 50, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/hr-spidertron-legs-lower-end-A.png", height = 98, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.015625, 0.609375 }, width = 40, x = 240, y = 98 }, scale = 1, shift = { 0, 0.625 }, width = 20, x = 120, y = 50 }, top_end_length = 1 }, lower_part_water_reflection = { bottom_end = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-lower-end-B-water-reflection.png", height = 104, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.59375 }, width = 52, y = 0 }, bottom_end_length = 1, middle = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-lower-stretchable-water-reflection.png", height = 384, scale = 0.25, shift = { 0.015625, 0 }, width = 72, y = 0 }, middle_offset_from_bottom = 0.65, middle_offset_from_top = 0.45, top_end = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-lower-end-A-water-reflection.png", height = 110, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.015625, 0.53125 }, width = 56, y = 0 }, top_end_length = 1 }, upper_part = { bottom_end = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-upper-end-B.png", height = 30, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/hr-spidertron-legs-upper-end-B.png", height = 58, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.015625, -0.28125 }, width = 38, x = 228, y = 0 }, scale = 1, shift = { 0.03125, -0.28125 }, width = 20, x = 120, y = 0 }, { apply_runtime_tint = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-upper-end-B.png", height = 30, hr_version = { apply_runtime_tint = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/hr-spidertron-legs-upper-end-B.png", height = 58, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.015625, -0.28125 }, width = 38, x = 228, y = 116 }, scale = 1, shift = { 0.03125, -0.28125 }, width = 20, x = 120, y = 60 } } }, bottom_end_length = 0.75, middle = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-upper-stretchable.png", height = 128, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/hr-spidertron-legs-upper-stretchable.png", height = 256, scale = 0.25, shift = { -0.046875, 0 }, width = 60, x = 360, y = 0 }, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.0625, 0 }, width = 30, x = 180, y = 0 } } }, middle_offset_from_bottom = 0.45, middle_offset_from_top = 0.35, top_end = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-upper-end-A.png", height = 44, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/hr-spidertron-legs-upper-end-A.png", height = 86, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, 0.5625 }, width = 42, x = 252, y = 0 }, scale = 1, shift = { 0, 0.5625 }, width = 22, x = 132, y = 0 }, { apply_runtime_tint = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-upper-end-A.png", height = 44, hr_version = { apply_runtime_tint = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/hr-spidertron-legs-upper-end-A.png", height = 86, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, 0.5625 }, width = 42, x = 252, y = 172 }, scale = 1, shift = { 0, 0.5625 }, width = 22, x = 132, y = 88 } } }, top_end_length = 0.75 }, upper_part_shadow = { bottom_end = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-upper-end-B.png", height = 30, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/hr-spidertron-legs-upper-end-B.png", height = 58, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.015625, -0.28125 }, width = 38, x = 228, y = 58 }, scale = 1, shift = { 0.03125, -0.28125 }, width = 20, x = 120, y = 30 }, bottom_end_length = 0.75, middle = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-upper-stretchable.png", height = 128, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/hr-spidertron-legs-upper-stretchable.png", height = 256, scale = 0.25, shift = { -0.046875, 0 }, width = 60, x = 360, y = 256 }, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.0625, 0 }, width = 30, x = 180, y = 128 }, middle_offset_from_bottom = 0.45, middle_offset_from_top = 0.35, top_end = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-upper-end-A.png", height = 44, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/hr-spidertron-legs-upper-end-A.png", height = 86, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, 0.5625 }, width = 42, x = 252, y = 86 }, scale = 1, shift = { 0, 0.5625 }, width = 22, x = 132, y = 44 }, top_end_length = 0.75 }, upper_part_water_reflection = { bottom_end = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-upper-end-B-water-reflection.png", height = 74, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.015625, -0.21875 }, width = 56, y = 0 }, bottom_end_length = 0.75, middle = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-upper-stretchable-water-reflection.png", height = 256, scale = 0.25, shift = { -0.0625, 0 }, width = 80, y = 0 }, middle_offset_from_bottom = 0.45, middle_offset_from_top = 0.35, top_end = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-upper-end-A-water-reflection.png", height = 96, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.015625, 0.484375 }, width = 64, y = 0 }, top_end_length = 0.75 } }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/spidertron.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, initial_movement_speed = 0.06, localised_name = { "entity-name.spidertron-leg" }, max_health = 100, minimal_step_size = 1, movement_acceleration = 0.03, movement_based_position_selection_distance = 4, name = "spidertron-leg-7", part_length = 3.5, selectable_in_game = false, selection_box = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, target_position_randomisation_distance = 0.25, type = "spider-leg", walking_sound_volume_modifier = 0.6, working_sound = { audible_distance_modifier = 0.5, match_progress_to_activity = true, sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["spider-leg"]["spidertron-leg-1"].working_sound.sound ]=] } }, ["spidertron-leg-8"] = { collision_box = { { -0.05, -0.05 }, { 0.05, 0.05 } }, graphics_set = { joint = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-knee.png", height = 14, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/hr-spidertron-legs-knee.png", height = 28, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.015625, 0 }, width = 22, x = 154, y = 0 }, scale = 1, shift = { 0.03125, 0 }, width = 12, x = 84, y = 0 }, { apply_runtime_tint = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-knee.png", height = 14, hr_version = { apply_runtime_tint = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/hr-spidertron-legs-knee.png", height = 28, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.015625, 0 }, width = 22, x = 154, y = 56 }, scale = 1, shift = { 0.03125, 0 }, width = 12, x = 84, y = 28 } } }, joint_shadow = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-knee.png", height = 14, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/hr-spidertron-legs-knee.png", height = 28, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.015625, 0 }, width = 22, x = 154, y = 28 }, scale = 1, shift = { 0.03125, 0 }, width = 12, x = 84, y = 14 }, joint_turn_offset = -0.25, lower_part = { bottom_end = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-lower-end-B.png", height = 46, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/hr-spidertron-legs-lower-end-B.png", height = 92, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.65625 }, width = 34, x = 238, y = 0 }, scale = 1, shift = { 0, -0.65625 }, width = 18, x = 126, y = 0 }, { apply_runtime_tint = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-lower-end-B.png", height = 46, hr_version = { apply_runtime_tint = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/hr-spidertron-legs-lower-end-B.png", height = 92, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.65625 }, width = 34, x = 238, y = 184 }, scale = 1, shift = { 0, -0.65625 }, width = 18, x = 126, y = 92 } } }, bottom_end_length = 1, middle = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-lower-stretchable.png", height = 192, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/hr-spidertron-legs-lower-stretchable.png", height = 384, scale = 0.25, shift = { 0.015625, 0 }, width = 50, x = 350, y = 0 }, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.03125, 0 }, width = 26, x = 182, y = 0 } } }, middle_offset_from_bottom = 0.65, middle_offset_from_top = 0.45, top_end = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-lower-end-A.png", height = 50, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/hr-spidertron-legs-lower-end-A.png", height = 98, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.015625, 0.609375 }, width = 40, x = 280, y = 0 }, scale = 1, shift = { 0, 0.625 }, width = 20, x = 140, y = 0 }, { apply_runtime_tint = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-lower-end-A.png", height = 50, hr_version = { apply_runtime_tint = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/hr-spidertron-legs-lower-end-A.png", height = 98, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.015625, 0.609375 }, width = 40, x = 280, y = 196 }, scale = 1, shift = { 0, 0.625 }, width = 20, x = 140, y = 100 } } }, top_end_length = 1 }, lower_part_shadow = { bottom_end = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-lower-end-B.png", height = 46, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/hr-spidertron-legs-lower-end-B.png", height = 92, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.65625 }, width = 34, x = 238, y = 92 }, scale = 1, shift = { 0, -0.65625 }, width = 18, x = 126, y = 46 }, bottom_end_length = 1, middle = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-lower-stretchable.png", height = 192, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/hr-spidertron-legs-lower-stretchable.png", height = 384, scale = 0.25, shift = { 0.015625, 0 }, width = 50, x = 350, y = 384 }, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.03125, 0 }, width = 26, x = 182, y = 192 }, middle_offset_from_bottom = 0.65, middle_offset_from_top = 0.45, top_end = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-lower-end-A.png", height = 50, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/hr-spidertron-legs-lower-end-A.png", height = 98, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.015625, 0.609375 }, width = 40, x = 280, y = 98 }, scale = 1, shift = { 0, 0.625 }, width = 20, x = 140, y = 50 }, top_end_length = 1 }, lower_part_water_reflection = { bottom_end = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-lower-end-B-water-reflection.png", height = 104, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.59375 }, width = 52, y = 0 }, bottom_end_length = 1, middle = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-lower-stretchable-water-reflection.png", height = 384, scale = 0.25, shift = { 0.015625, 0 }, width = 72, y = 0 }, middle_offset_from_bottom = 0.65, middle_offset_from_top = 0.45, top_end = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-lower-end-A-water-reflection.png", height = 110, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.015625, 0.53125 }, width = 56, y = 0 }, top_end_length = 1 }, upper_part = { bottom_end = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-upper-end-B.png", height = 30, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/hr-spidertron-legs-upper-end-B.png", height = 58, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.015625, -0.28125 }, width = 38, x = 266, y = 0 }, scale = 1, shift = { 0.03125, -0.28125 }, width = 20, x = 140, y = 0 }, { apply_runtime_tint = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-upper-end-B.png", height = 30, hr_version = { apply_runtime_tint = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/hr-spidertron-legs-upper-end-B.png", height = 58, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.015625, -0.28125 }, width = 38, x = 266, y = 116 }, scale = 1, shift = { 0.03125, -0.28125 }, width = 20, x = 140, y = 60 } } }, bottom_end_length = 0.75, middle = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-upper-stretchable.png", height = 128, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/hr-spidertron-legs-upper-stretchable.png", height = 256, scale = 0.25, shift = { -0.046875, 0 }, width = 60, x = 420, y = 0 }, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.0625, 0 }, width = 30, x = 210, y = 0 } } }, middle_offset_from_bottom = 0.45, middle_offset_from_top = 0.35, top_end = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-upper-end-A.png", height = 44, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/hr-spidertron-legs-upper-end-A.png", height = 86, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, 0.5625 }, width = 42, x = 294, y = 0 }, scale = 1, shift = { 0, 0.5625 }, width = 22, x = 154, y = 0 }, { apply_runtime_tint = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-upper-end-A.png", height = 44, hr_version = { apply_runtime_tint = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/hr-spidertron-legs-upper-end-A.png", height = 86, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, 0.5625 }, width = 42, x = 294, y = 172 }, scale = 1, shift = { 0, 0.5625 }, width = 22, x = 154, y = 88 } } }, top_end_length = 0.75 }, upper_part_shadow = { bottom_end = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-upper-end-B.png", height = 30, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/hr-spidertron-legs-upper-end-B.png", height = 58, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.015625, -0.28125 }, width = 38, x = 266, y = 58 }, scale = 1, shift = { 0.03125, -0.28125 }, width = 20, x = 140, y = 30 }, bottom_end_length = 0.75, middle = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-upper-stretchable.png", height = 128, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/hr-spidertron-legs-upper-stretchable.png", height = 256, scale = 0.25, shift = { -0.046875, 0 }, width = 60, x = 420, y = 256 }, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.0625, 0 }, width = 30, x = 210, y = 128 }, middle_offset_from_bottom = 0.45, middle_offset_from_top = 0.35, top_end = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-upper-end-A.png", height = 44, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/hr-spidertron-legs-upper-end-A.png", height = 86, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, 0.5625 }, width = 42, x = 294, y = 86 }, scale = 1, shift = { 0, 0.5625 }, width = 22, x = 154, y = 44 }, top_end_length = 0.75 }, upper_part_water_reflection = { bottom_end = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-upper-end-B-water-reflection.png", height = 74, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.015625, -0.21875 }, width = 56, y = 0 }, bottom_end_length = 0.75, middle = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-upper-stretchable-water-reflection.png", height = 256, scale = 0.25, shift = { -0.0625, 0 }, width = 80, y = 0 }, middle_offset_from_bottom = 0.45, middle_offset_from_top = 0.35, top_end = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/legs/spidertron-legs-upper-end-A-water-reflection.png", height = 96, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.015625, 0.484375 }, width = 64, y = 0 }, top_end_length = 0.75 } }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/spidertron.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, initial_movement_speed = 0.06, localised_name = { "entity-name.spidertron-leg" }, max_health = 100, minimal_step_size = 1, movement_acceleration = 0.03, movement_based_position_selection_distance = 4, name = "spidertron-leg-8", part_length = 3.5, selectable_in_game = false, selection_box = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, target_position_randomisation_distance = 0.25, type = "spider-leg", walking_sound_volume_modifier = 0.6, working_sound = { audible_distance_modifier = 0.5, match_progress_to_activity = true, sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["spider-leg"]["spidertron-leg-1"].working_sound.sound ]=] } } }, ["spider-vehicle"] = { spidertron = { automatic_weapon_cycling = true, braking_force = 1, chain_shooting_cooldown_modifier = 0.5, chunk_exploration_radius = 3, close_sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/spidertron/spidertron-door-close.ogg", volume = 0.4 }, collision_box = { { -1, -1 }, { 1, 1 } }, collision_mask = {}, corpse = "spidertron-remnants", drawing_box = { { -3, -4 }, { 3, 2 } }, dying_explosion = "spidertron-explosion", energy_per_hit_point = 1, energy_source = { type = "void" }, equipment_grid = "spidertron-equipment-grid", flags = { "placeable-neutral", "player-creation", "placeable-off-grid" }, friction_force = 1, graphics_set = { animation = { layers = { { direction_count = 64, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/torso/spidertron-body.png", height = 70, hr_version = { direction_count = 64, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/torso/hr-spidertron-body.png", height = 138, line_length = 8, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.59375 }, width = 132 }, line_length = 8, scale = 1, shift = { 0, -0.59375 }, width = 66 }, { apply_runtime_tint = true, direction_count = 64, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/torso/spidertron-body-mask.png", height = 50, hr_version = { apply_runtime_tint = true, direction_count = 64, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/torso/hr-spidertron-body-mask.png", height = 100, line_length = 8, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.4375 }, width = 130 }, line_length = 8, scale = 1, shift = { 0, -0.4375 }, width = 66 } } }, autopilot_destination_on_map_visualisation = { animation_speed = 0.5, apply_runtime_tint = true, filename = "__core__/graphics/spidertron-target-map-visualization.png", flags = { "icon" }, frame_count = 24, height = 64, line_length = 8, priority = "extra-high-no-scale", run_mode = "backward", scale = 0.5, width = 64 }, autopilot_destination_queue_on_map_visualisation = { animation_speed = 0.5, apply_runtime_tint = true, filename = "__core__/graphics/spidertron-target-map-visualization.png", flags = { "icon" }, frame_count = 24, height = 64, line_length = 8, priority = "extra-high-no-scale", run_mode = "backward", scale = 0.5, width = 64 }, autopilot_destination_queue_visualisation = { animation_speed = 0.5, apply_runtime_tint = true, filename = "__core__/graphics/spidertron-target-map-visualization.png", flags = { "icon" }, frame_count = 24, height = 64, line_length = 8, priority = "extra-high-no-scale", run_mode = "backward", scale = 0.5, width = 64 }, autopilot_destination_visualisation = { animation_speed = 0.5, apply_runtime_tint = true, filename = "__core__/graphics/spidertron-target-map-visualization.png", flags = { "icon" }, frame_count = 24, height = 64, line_length = 8, priority = "extra-high-no-scale", run_mode = "backward", scale = 0.5, width = 64 }, autopilot_destination_visualisation_render_layer = "object", autopilot_path_visualisation_line_width = 0.125, autopilot_path_visualisation_on_map_line_width = 2, base_animation = { layers = { { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/torso/spidertron-body-bottom.png", height = 54, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/torso/hr-spidertron-body-bottom.png", height = 106, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, 0 }, width = 126 }, line_length = 1, scale = 1, shift = { 0, 0 }, width = 64 }, { apply_runtime_tint = true, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/torso/spidertron-body-bottom-mask.png", height = 46, hr_version = { apply_runtime_tint = true, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/torso/hr-spidertron-body-bottom-mask.png", height = 90, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, 0.109375 }, width = 124 }, line_length = 1, scale = 1, shift = { 0, 0.125 }, width = 62 } } }, base_render_layer = "higher-object-above", eye_light = { color = { b = 1, g = 1, r = 1 }, intensity = 1, size = 1 }, light = { { color = { b = 1, g = 1, r = 1 }, intensity = 0.4, minimum_darkness = 0.3, size = 25 }, { color = { b = 0.3, g = 0.77000000000000002, r = 0.92000000000000011 }, intensity = 0.6, minimum_darkness = 0.3, picture = { filename = "__core__/graphics/light-cone.png", flags = { "light" }, height = 200, priority = "extra-high", scale = 2, width = 200 }, shift = { x = 0, y = -15 }, size = 2, source_orientation_offset = 0, type = "oriented" }, { color = { b = 0.3, g = 0.77000000000000002, r = 0.92000000000000011 }, intensity = 0.42000000000000002, minimum_darkness = 0.3, picture = { filename = "__core__/graphics/light-cone.png", flags = { "light" }, height = 200, priority = "extra-high", scale = 2, width = 200 }, shift = { x = 0, y = -11.5 }, size = 1.3999999999999999, source_orientation_offset = -0.05, type = "oriented" }, { color = { b = 0.3, g = 0.77000000000000002, r = 0.92000000000000011 }, intensity = 0.3, minimum_darkness = 0.3, picture = { filename = "__core__/graphics/light-cone.png", flags = { "light" }, height = 200, priority = "extra-high", scale = 2, width = 200 }, shift = { x = 0, y = -8.5 }, size = 0.9, source_orientation_offset = 0.04, type = "oriented" }, { color = { b = 0.3, g = 0.77000000000000002, r = 0.92000000000000011 }, intensity = 0.35999999999999996, minimum_darkness = 0.3, picture = { filename = "__core__/graphics/light-cone.png", flags = { "light" }, height = 200, priority = "extra-high", scale = 2, width = 200 }, shift = { x = 0, y = -7.5 }, size = 0.7, source_orientation_offset = 0.06, type = "oriented" } }, light_positions = { { { -0.28125, -0.78125 }, { -0.21875, -0.8125 }, { -0.15625, -0.8125 }, { -0.09375, -0.8125 }, { -0.03125, -0.84375 }, { 0, -0.84375 }, { 0.09375, -0.8125 }, { 0.15625, -0.8125 }, { 0.21875, -0.8125 }, { 0.28125, -0.78125 }, { 0.34375, -0.75 }, { 0.40625, -0.71875 }, { 0.46875, -0.6875 }, { 0.5, -0.65625 }, { 0.5625, -0.625 }, { 0.59375, -0.59375 }, { 0.625, -0.53125 }, { 0.65625, -0.5 }, { 0.65625, -0.4375 }, { 0.6875, -0.40625 }, { 0.6875, -0.34375 }, { 0.6875, -0.3125 }, { 0.6875, -0.25 }, { 0.65625, -0.21875 }, { 0.625, -0.15625 }, { 0.625, -0.125 }, { 0.5625, -0.0625 }, { 0.53125, -0.03125 }, { 0.5, 0 }, { 0.4375, 0 }, { 0.375, 0.03125 }, { 0.3125, 0.0625 }, { 0.25, 0.09375 }, { 0.1875, 0.09375 }, { 0.125, 0.125 }, { 0.0625, 0.125 }, { 0, 0.125 }, { -0.0625, 0.125 }, { -0.125, 0.125 }, { -0.1875, 0.09375 }, { -0.25, 0.09375 }, { -0.3125, 0.0625 }, { -0.375, 0.03125 }, { -0.4375, 0.03125 }, { -0.46875, 0 }, { -0.53125, -0.03125 }, { -0.5625, -0.0625 }, { -0.59375, -0.09375 }, { -0.625, -0.15625 }, { -0.65625, -0.1875 }, { -0.6875, -0.25 }, { -0.6875, -0.28125 }, { -0.6875, -0.34375 }, { -0.6875, -0.40625 }, { -0.65625, -0.4375 }, { -0.65625, -0.5 }, { -0.625, -0.53125 }, { -0.59375, -0.5625 }, { -0.5625, -0.625 }, { -0.5, -0.65625 }, { -0.46875, -0.6875 }, { -0.40625, -0.71875 }, { -0.34375, -0.75 }, { -0.28125, -0.78125 } }, { { 0, -0.875 }, { 0.0625, -0.875 }, { 0.15625, -0.875 }, { 0.21875, -0.84375 }, { 0.28125, -0.84375 }, { 0.34375, -0.8125 }, { 0.40625, -0.78125 }, { 0.4375, -0.75 }, { 0.5, -0.71875 }, { 0.53125, -0.6875 }, { 0.59375, -0.625 }, { 0.625, -0.59375 }, { 0.625, -0.5625 }, { 0.65625, -0.5 }, { 0.65625, -0.46875 }, { 0.6875, -0.40625 }, { 0.6875, -0.34375 }, { 0.65625, -0.3125 }, { 0.65625, -0.25 }, { 0.625, -0.21875 }, { 0.59375, -0.15625 }, { 0.5625, -0.125 }, { 0.53125, -0.09375 }, { 0.5, -0.0625 }, { 0.4375, -0.03125 }, { 0.375, 0 }, { 0.34375, 0 }, { 0.28125, 0.03125 }, { 0.1875, 0.0625 }, { 0.125, 0.0625 }, { 0.0625, 0.0625 }, { 0, 0.0625 }, { -0.03125, 0.0625 }, { -0.09375, 0.0625 }, { -0.1875, 0.0625 }, { -0.25, 0.03125 }, { -0.3125, 0.03125 }, { -0.375, 0 }, { -0.40625, 0 }, { -0.46875, -0.03125 }, { -0.53125, -0.0625 }, { -0.5625, -0.125 }, { -0.59375, -0.15625 }, { -0.625, -0.1875 }, { -0.65625, -0.25 }, { -0.65625, -0.28125 }, { -0.6875, -0.34375 }, { -0.6875, -0.375 }, { -0.6875, -0.4375 }, { -0.65625, -0.5 }, { -0.65625, -0.53125 }, { -0.625, -0.59375 }, { -0.59375, -0.625 }, { -0.5625, -0.65625 }, { -0.5, -0.6875 }, { -0.46875, -0.75 }, { -0.40625, -0.78125 }, { -0.34375, -0.8125 }, { -0.3125, -0.8125 }, { -0.25, -0.84375 }, { -0.15625, -0.84375 }, { -0.09375, -0.875 }, { -0.03125, -0.875 }, { 0, -0.875 } }, { { -0.4375, -0.96875 }, { -0.375, -1 }, { -0.3125, -1.03125 }, { -0.25, -1.0625 }, { -0.1875, -1.0625 }, { -0.125, -1.09375 }, { -0.0625, -1.09375 }, { 0, -1.09375 }, { 0.03125, -1.09375 }, { 0.09375, -1.09375 }, { 0.15625, -1.0625 }, { 0.21875, -1.0625 }, { 0.28125, -1.03125 }, { 0.34375, -1.03125 }, { 0.40625, -1 }, { 0.4375, -0.96875 }, { 0.5, -0.9375 }, { 0.53125, -0.875 }, { 0.5625, -0.84375 }, { 0.59375, -0.8125 }, { 0.625, -0.75 }, { 0.625, -0.71875 }, { 0.65625, -0.65625 }, { 0.65625, -0.625 }, { 0.65625, -0.5625 }, { 0.65625, -0.53125 }, { 0.625, -0.46875 }, { 0.59375, -0.4375 }, { 0.5625, -0.40625 }, { 0.53125, -0.34375 }, { 0.5, -0.3125 }, { 0.46875, -0.28125 }, { 0.40625, -0.25 }, { 0.34375, -0.21875 }, { 0.28125, -0.1875 }, { 0.21875, -0.1875 }, { 0.15625, -0.15625 }, { 0.09375, -0.15625 }, { 0.03125, -0.15625 }, { 0, -0.15625 }, { -0.0625, -0.15625 }, { -0.125, -0.15625 }, { -0.1875, -0.15625 }, { -0.25, -0.1875 }, { -0.3125, -0.21875 }, { -0.375, -0.21875 }, { -0.4375, -0.25 }, { -0.46875, -0.28125 }, { -0.5, -0.34375 }, { -0.5625, -0.375 }, { -0.59375, -0.40625 }, { -0.625, -0.4375 }, { -0.625, -0.5 }, { -0.65625, -0.53125 }, { -0.65625, -0.59375 }, { -0.65625, -0.625 }, { -0.65625, -0.6875 }, { -0.625, -0.71875 }, { -0.625, -0.78125 }, { -0.59375, -0.8125 }, { -0.5625, -0.875 }, { -0.53125, -0.90625 }, { -0.46875, -0.9375 }, { -0.4375, -0.96875 } }, { { -0.65625, -0.5625 }, { -0.625, -0.625 }, { -0.59375, -0.65625 }, { -0.5625, -0.71875 }, { -0.53125, -0.75 }, { -0.5, -0.78125 }, { -0.4375, -0.8125 }, { -0.375, -0.84375 }, { -0.3125, -0.875 }, { -0.25, -0.90625 }, { -0.1875, -0.90625 }, { -0.125, -0.9375 }, { -0.0625, -0.9375 }, { 0, -0.9375 }, { 0.03125, -0.9375 }, { 0.09375, -0.9375 }, { 0.1875, -0.90625 }, { 0.25, -0.90625 }, { 0.3125, -0.875 }, { 0.34375, -0.84375 }, { 0.40625, -0.8125 }, { 0.46875, -0.78125 }, { 0.5, -0.75 }, { 0.5625, -0.71875 }, { 0.59375, -0.6875 }, { 0.625, -0.625 }, { 0.625, -0.59375 }, { 0.65625, -0.53125 }, { 0.65625, -0.5 }, { 0.65625, -0.4375 }, { 0.65625, -0.40625 }, { 0.65625, -0.34375 }, { 0.625, -0.3125 }, { 0.625, -0.25 }, { 0.59375, -0.21875 }, { 0.5625, -0.1875 }, { 0.5, -0.125 }, { 0.46875, -0.09375 }, { 0.40625, -0.0625 }, { 0.34375, -0.03125 }, { 0.28125, -0.03125 }, { 0.21875, 0 }, { 0.15625, 0 }, { 0.09375, 0 }, { 0.03125, 0 }, { 0, 0 }, { -0.0625, 0 }, { -0.125, 0 }, { -0.21875, 0 }, { -0.28125, 0 }, { -0.34375, -0.03125 }, { -0.375, -0.0625 }, { -0.4375, -0.09375 }, { -0.5, -0.125 }, { -0.53125, -0.15625 }, { -0.5625, -0.1875 }, { -0.59375, -0.25 }, { -0.625, -0.28125 }, { -0.65625, -0.34375 }, { -0.65625, -0.375 }, { -0.65625, -0.4375 }, { -0.65625, -0.46875 }, { -0.65625, -0.53125 }, { -0.65625, -0.5625 } }, { { 0.5, -0.84375 }, { 0.5, -0.78125 }, { 0.53125, -0.75 }, { 0.53125, -0.71875 }, { 0.53125, -0.6875 }, { 0.53125, -0.625 }, { 0.53125, -0.59375 }, { 0.53125, -0.5625 }, { 0.5, -0.53125 }, { 0.46875, -0.5 }, { 0.4375, -0.46875 }, { 0.40625, -0.4375 }, { 0.375, -0.40625 }, { 0.34375, -0.375 }, { 0.3125, -0.34375 }, { 0.25, -0.3125 }, { 0.1875, -0.3125 }, { 0.15625, -0.28125 }, { 0.09375, -0.28125 }, { 0.03125, -0.28125 }, { 0, -0.28125 }, { -0.03125, -0.28125 }, { -0.09375, -0.28125 }, { -0.15625, -0.28125 }, { -0.1875, -0.3125 }, { -0.25, -0.3125 }, { -0.28125, -0.34375 }, { -0.34375, -0.375 }, { -0.375, -0.40625 }, { -0.40625, -0.4375 }, { -0.4375, -0.46875 }, { -0.46875, -0.5 }, { -0.5, -0.53125 }, { -0.53125, -0.5625 }, { -0.53125, -0.59375 }, { -0.53125, -0.625 }, { -0.53125, -0.6875 }, { -0.53125, -0.71875 }, { -0.53125, -0.75 }, { -0.5, -0.78125 }, { -0.5, -0.8125 }, { -0.46875, -0.875 }, { -0.4375, -0.90625 }, { -0.40625, -0.9375 }, { -0.375, -0.96875 }, { -0.3125, -0.96875 }, { -0.28125, -1 }, { -0.21875, -1.03125 }, { -0.1875, -1.03125 }, { -0.125, -1.0625 }, { -0.0625, -1.0625 }, { 0, -1.0625 }, { 0, -1.0625 }, { 0.0625, -1.0625 }, { 0.125, -1.0625 }, { 0.1875, -1.03125 }, { 0.21875, -1.03125 }, { 0.28125, -1 }, { 0.3125, -0.96875 }, { 0.375, -0.96875 }, { 0.40625, -0.9375 }, { 0.4375, -0.90625 }, { 0.46875, -0.875 }, { 0.5, -0.84375 } }, { { 0.65625, -0.59375 }, { 0.6875, -0.53125 }, { 0.6875, -0.5 }, { 0.6875, -0.4375 }, { 0.6875, -0.375 }, { 0.6875, -0.34375 }, { 0.6875, -0.28125 }, { 0.65625, -0.25 }, { 0.625, -0.1875 }, { 0.59375, -0.15625 }, { 0.53125, -0.125 }, { 0.5, -0.0625 }, { 0.4375, -0.03125 }, { 0.40625, 0 }, { 0.34375, 0 }, { 0.28125, 0 }, { 0.1875, 0.03125 }, { 0.125, 0.03125 }, { 0.0625, 0.0625 }, { 0, 0.0625 }, { -0.0625, 0.0625 }, { -0.125, 0.03125 }, { -0.1875, 0.03125 }, { -0.25, 0 }, { -0.3125, 0 }, { -0.375, 0 }, { -0.4375, -0.03125 }, { -0.5, -0.0625 }, { -0.53125, -0.09375 }, { -0.59375, -0.15625 }, { -0.625, -0.1875 }, { -0.65625, -0.25 }, { -0.6875, -0.28125 }, { -0.6875, -0.34375 }, { -0.6875, -0.375 }, { -0.6875, -0.4375 }, { -0.6875, -0.5 }, { -0.6875, -0.53125 }, { -0.65625, -0.59375 }, { -0.625, -0.625 }, { -0.59375, -0.6875 }, { -0.5625, -0.71875 }, { -0.53125, -0.75 }, { -0.46875, -0.78125 }, { -0.40625, -0.8125 }, { -0.375, -0.84375 }, { -0.3125, -0.875 }, { -0.21875, -0.90625 }, { -0.15625, -0.90625 }, { -0.09375, -0.9375 }, { -0.03125, -0.9375 }, { 0.03125, -0.9375 }, { 0.09375, -0.9375 }, { 0.15625, -0.90625 }, { 0.21875, -0.90625 }, { 0.28125, -0.875 }, { 0.34375, -0.84375 }, { 0.40625, -0.84375 }, { 0.46875, -0.8125 }, { 0.53125, -0.75 }, { 0.5625, -0.71875 }, { 0.59375, -0.6875 }, { 0.625, -0.625 }, { 0.65625, -0.59375 } }, { { 0.4375, -0.6875 }, { 0.5, -0.65625 }, { 0.53125, -0.59375 }, { 0.59375, -0.5625 }, { 0.625, -0.53125 }, { 0.625, -0.46875 }, { 0.65625, -0.4375 }, { 0.6875, -0.375 }, { 0.6875, -0.34375 }, { 0.6875, -0.28125 }, { 0.6875, -0.25 }, { 0.65625, -0.1875 }, { 0.625, -0.15625 }, { 0.625, -0.09375 }, { 0.5625, -0.0625 }, { 0.53125, 0 }, { 0.5, 0 }, { 0.4375, 0.03125 }, { 0.375, 0.0625 }, { 0.34375, 0.09375 }, { 0.28125, 0.09375 }, { 0.1875, 0.125 }, { 0.125, 0.125 }, { 0.0625, 0.15625 }, { 0, 0.15625 }, { -0.03125, 0.15625 }, { -0.125, 0.125 }, { -0.1875, 0.125 }, { -0.25, 0.125 }, { -0.3125, 0.09375 }, { -0.375, 0.0625 }, { -0.4375, 0.03125 }, { -0.46875, 0 }, { -0.53125, 0 }, { -0.5625, -0.03125 }, { -0.59375, -0.09375 }, { -0.625, -0.125 }, { -0.65625, -0.15625 }, { -0.65625, -0.21875 }, { -0.6875, -0.28125 }, { -0.6875, -0.3125 }, { -0.6875, -0.375 }, { -0.65625, -0.40625 }, { -0.65625, -0.46875 }, { -0.625, -0.5 }, { -0.59375, -0.5625 }, { -0.5625, -0.59375 }, { -0.5, -0.625 }, { -0.46875, -0.65625 }, { -0.40625, -0.6875 }, { -0.34375, -0.71875 }, { -0.3125, -0.75 }, { -0.25, -0.78125 }, { -0.15625, -0.78125 }, { -0.09375, -0.8125 }, { -0.03125, -0.8125 }, { 0, -0.8125 }, { 0.0625, -0.8125 }, { 0.15625, -0.78125 }, { 0.21875, -0.78125 }, { 0.28125, -0.75 }, { 0.34375, -0.75 }, { 0.40625, -0.71875 }, { 0.4375, -0.6875 } }, { { -0.4375, -0.6875 }, { -0.375, -0.71875 }, { -0.3125, -0.75 }, { -0.25, -0.75 }, { -0.1875, -0.78125 }, { -0.125, -0.78125 }, { -0.03125, -0.8125 }, { 0, -0.8125 }, { 0.0625, -0.8125 }, { 0.125, -0.78125 }, { 0.21875, -0.78125 }, { 0.28125, -0.75 }, { 0.34375, -0.75 }, { 0.40625, -0.71875 }, { 0.46875, -0.6875 }, { 0.5, -0.65625 }, { 0.5625, -0.59375 }, { 0.59375, -0.5625 }, { 0.625, -0.53125 }, { 0.65625, -0.46875 }, { 0.6875, -0.4375 }, { 0.6875, -0.375 }, { 0.6875, -0.3125 }, { 0.6875, -0.28125 }, { 0.6875, -0.21875 }, { 0.6875, -0.1875 }, { 0.65625, -0.125 }, { 0.625, -0.09375 }, { 0.59375, -0.03125 }, { 0.5625, 0 }, { 0.5, 0 }, { 0.46875, 0.0625 }, { 0.40625, 0.09375 }, { 0.34375, 0.125 }, { 0.28125, 0.125 }, { 0.21875, 0.15625 }, { 0.15625, 0.15625 }, { 0.09375, 0.1875 }, { 0, 0.1875 }, { -0.03125, 0.1875 }, { -0.09375, 0.1875 }, { -0.15625, 0.15625 }, { -0.25, 0.15625 }, { -0.3125, 0.125 }, { -0.375, 0.09375 }, { -0.4375, 0.0625 }, { -0.46875, 0.03125 }, { -0.53125, 0 }, { -0.5625, 0 }, { -0.625, -0.0625 }, { -0.65625, -0.09375 }, { -0.65625, -0.15625 }, { -0.6875, -0.1875 }, { -0.6875, -0.25 }, { -0.6875, -0.28125 }, { -0.6875, -0.34375 }, { -0.6875, -0.40625 }, { -0.65625, -0.4375 }, { -0.65625, -0.5 }, { -0.625, -0.53125 }, { -0.59375, -0.5625 }, { -0.53125, -0.625 }, { -0.5, -0.65625 }, { -0.4375, -0.6875 } }, { { 0.28125, -0.71875 }, { 0.34375, -0.6875 }, { 0.40625, -0.6875 }, { 0.46875, -0.65625 }, { 0.5, -0.59375 }, { 0.53125, -0.5625 }, { 0.5625, -0.53125 }, { 0.59375, -0.5 }, { 0.625, -0.4375 }, { 0.65625, -0.40625 }, { 0.65625, -0.34375 }, { 0.65625, -0.3125 }, { 0.65625, -0.25 }, { 0.65625, -0.21875 }, { 0.625, -0.15625 }, { 0.625, -0.125 }, { 0.59375, -0.0625 }, { 0.5625, -0.03125 }, { 0.5, 0 }, { 0.46875, 0 }, { 0.40625, 0.03125 }, { 0.34375, 0.0625 }, { 0.3125, 0.09375 }, { 0.25, 0.125 }, { 0.1875, 0.125 }, { 0.09375, 0.15625 }, { 0.03125, 0.15625 }, { 0, 0.15625 }, { -0.0625, 0.15625 }, { -0.125, 0.125 }, { -0.1875, 0.125 }, { -0.25, 0.125 }, { -0.3125, 0.09375 }, { -0.375, 0.0625 }, { -0.4375, 0.03125 }, { -0.46875, 0 }, { -0.53125, 0 }, { -0.5625, -0.03125 }, { -0.59375, -0.09375 }, { -0.625, -0.125 }, { -0.625, -0.1875 }, { -0.65625, -0.21875 }, { -0.65625, -0.28125 }, { -0.65625, -0.3125 }, { -0.65625, -0.375 }, { -0.65625, -0.40625 }, { -0.625, -0.46875 }, { -0.59375, -0.5 }, { -0.5625, -0.53125 }, { -0.53125, -0.59375 }, { -0.5, -0.625 }, { -0.4375, -0.65625 }, { -0.375, -0.6875 }, { -0.3125, -0.71875 }, { -0.28125, -0.71875 }, { -0.21875, -0.75 }, { -0.125, -0.75 }, { -0.0625, -0.78125 }, { 0, -0.78125 }, { 0.03125, -0.78125 }, { 0.09375, -0.78125 }, { 0.15625, -0.75 }, { 0.21875, -0.75 }, { 0.28125, -0.71875 } }, { { -0.3125, -0.71875 }, { -0.28125, -0.75 }, { -0.28125, -0.78125 }, { -0.28125, -0.78125 }, { -0.25, -0.8125 }, { -0.25, -0.8125 }, { -0.21875, -0.84375 }, { -0.1875, -0.84375 }, { -0.15625, -0.875 }, { -0.125, -0.875 }, { -0.09375, -0.90625 }, { -0.0625, -0.90625 }, { -0.03125, -0.90625 }, { 0, -0.90625 }, { 0, -0.90625 }, { 0.03125, -0.90625 }, { 0.0625, -0.90625 }, { 0.09375, -0.90625 }, { 0.125, -0.875 }, { 0.15625, -0.875 }, { 0.15625, -0.875 }, { 0.1875, -0.84375 }, { 0.21875, -0.84375 }, { 0.25, -0.8125 }, { 0.25, -0.8125 }, { 0.28125, -0.78125 }, { 0.28125, -0.75 }, { 0.28125, -0.75 }, { 0.3125, -0.71875 }, { 0.3125, -0.6875 }, { 0.3125, -0.6875 }, { 0.3125, -0.65625 }, { 0.3125, -0.625 }, { 0.28125, -0.59375 }, { 0.28125, -0.59375 }, { 0.25, -0.5625 }, { 0.25, -0.53125 }, { 0.21875, -0.53125 }, { 0.1875, -0.5 }, { 0.1875, -0.5 }, { 0.15625, -0.5 }, { 0.125, -0.46875 }, { 0.09375, -0.46875 }, { 0.0625, -0.46875 }, { 0.03125, -0.46875 }, { 0, -0.4375 }, { 0, -0.4375 }, { -0.03125, -0.46875 }, { -0.0625, -0.46875 }, { -0.09375, -0.46875 }, { -0.125, -0.46875 }, { -0.15625, -0.5 }, { -0.1875, -0.5 }, { -0.21875, -0.5 }, { -0.21875, -0.53125 }, { -0.25, -0.5625 }, { -0.28125, -0.5625 }, { -0.28125, -0.59375 }, { -0.28125, -0.625 }, { -0.3125, -0.625 }, { -0.3125, -0.65625 }, { -0.3125, -0.6875 }, { -0.3125, -0.6875 }, { -0.3125, -0.71875 } }, [0] = { { 0.34375, -0.78125 }, { 0.40625, -0.75 }, { 0.46875, -0.71875 }, { 0.5, -0.6875 }, { 0.53125, -0.65625 }, { 0.59375, -0.625 }, { 0.625, -0.5625 }, { 0.625, -0.53125 }, { 0.65625, -0.46875 }, { 0.65625, -0.4375 }, { 0.65625, -0.375 }, { 0.65625, -0.34375 }, { 0.65625, -0.28125 }, { 0.625, -0.25 }, { 0.625, -0.1875 }, { 0.59375, -0.15625 }, { 0.5625, -0.125 }, { 0.5, -0.0625 }, { 0.46875, -0.03125 }, { 0.40625, 0 }, { 0.34375, 0 }, { 0.3125, 0 }, { 0.25, 0.03125 }, { 0.1875, 0.0625 }, { 0.09375, 0.0625 }, { 0.03125, 0.0625 }, { 0, 0.0625 }, { -0.0625, 0.0625 }, { -0.125, 0.0625 }, { -0.1875, 0.03125 }, { -0.25, 0.03125 }, { -0.3125, 0 }, { -0.375, 0 }, { -0.4375, -0.03125 }, { -0.46875, -0.0625 }, { -0.53125, -0.09375 }, { -0.5625, -0.125 }, { -0.59375, -0.15625 }, { -0.625, -0.21875 }, { -0.65625, -0.25 }, { -0.65625, -0.3125 }, { -0.65625, -0.34375 }, { -0.65625, -0.40625 }, { -0.65625, -0.4375 }, { -0.65625, -0.5 }, { -0.625, -0.53125 }, { -0.59375, -0.59375 }, { -0.5625, -0.625 }, { -0.53125, -0.65625 }, { -0.5, -0.71875 }, { -0.4375, -0.75 }, { -0.375, -0.78125 }, { -0.34375, -0.8125 }, { -0.28125, -0.8125 }, { -0.21875, -0.84375 }, { -0.15625, -0.84375 }, { -0.0625, -0.875 }, { 0, -0.875 }, { 0.03125, -0.875 }, { 0.09375, -0.84375 }, { 0.15625, -0.84375 }, { 0.21875, -0.84375 }, { 0.28125, -0.8125 }, { 0.34375, -0.78125 } } }, render_layer = "wires-above", shadow_animation = { direction_count = 64, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/torso/spidertron-body-shadow.png", height = 48, hr_version = { direction_count = 64, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/torso/hr-spidertron-body-shadow.png", height = 94, line_length = 8, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.8125, 0.015625 }, width = 192 }, line_length = 8, scale = 1, shift = { 0.8125, 0.03125 }, width = 96 }, shadow_base_animation = { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/torso/spidertron-body-bottom-shadow.png", height = 48, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/torso/hr-spidertron-body-bottom-shadow.png", height = 96, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03125, -0.03125 }, width = 144 }, line_length = 1, scale = 1, shift = { -0.03125, -0.03125 }, width = 72 }, water_reflection = { pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/torso/spidertron-body-water-reflection.png", height = 448, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, 0 }, variation_count = 1, width = 448 } } }, guns = { "spidertron-rocket-launcher-1", "spidertron-rocket-launcher-2", "spidertron-rocket-launcher-3", "spidertron-rocket-launcher-4" }, height = 1.5, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/spidertron.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, inventory_size = 80, max_health = 3000, minable = { mining_time = 1, result = "spidertron" }, mined_sound = { switch_vibration_data = { filename = "__core__/sound/deconstruct-large.bnvib", gain = 0.25 }, variations = { { filename = "__core__/sound/deconstruct-large.ogg", volume = 0.8 } } }, minimap_representation = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spidertron/spidertron-map.png", flags = { "icon" }, scale = 0.5, size = { 128, 128 } }, movement_energy_consumption = "250kW", name = "spidertron", open_sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/spidertron/spidertron-door-open.ogg", volume = 0.35 }, resistances = { { decrease = 15, percent = 60, type = "fire" }, { decrease = 15, percent = 60, type = "physical" }, { decrease = 50, percent = 80, type = "impact" }, { decrease = 20, percent = 75, type = "explosion" }, { decrease = 0, percent = 70, type = "acid" }, { decrease = 0, percent = 70, type = "laser" }, { decrease = 0, percent = 70, type = "electric" } }, selection_box = { { -1, -1 }, { 1, 1 } }, selection_priority = 51, sound_minimum_speed = 0.1, sound_scaling_ratio = 0.6, spider_engine = { legs = { { blocking_legs = { 2 }, ground_position = { 2.25, -2.5 }, leg = "spidertron-leg-1", leg_hit_the_ground_trigger = { { offset_deviation = { { -0.2, -0.2 }, { 0.2, 0.2 } }, repeat_count = 4, smoke_name = "smoke-building", speed_from_center = 0.03, starting_frame_deviation = 5, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 5, type = "create-trivial-smoke" } }, mount_position = { 0.46875, -0.6875 } }, { blocking_legs = { 1, 3 }, ground_position = { 3, -1 }, leg = "spidertron-leg-2", leg_hit_the_ground_trigger = { { offset_deviation = { { -0.2, -0.2 }, { 0.2, 0.2 } }, repeat_count = 4, smoke_name = "smoke-building", speed_from_center = 0.03, starting_frame_deviation = 5, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 5, type = "create-trivial-smoke" } }, mount_position = { 0.71875, -0.3125 } }, { blocking_legs = { 2, 4 }, ground_position = { 3, 1 }, leg = "spidertron-leg-3", leg_hit_the_ground_trigger = { { offset_deviation = { { -0.2, -0.2 }, { 0.2, 0.2 } }, repeat_count = 4, smoke_name = "smoke-building", speed_from_center = 0.03, starting_frame_deviation = 5, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 5, type = "create-trivial-smoke" } }, mount_position = { 0.78125, 0.125 } }, { blocking_legs = { 3 }, ground_position = { 2.25, 2.5 }, leg = "spidertron-leg-4", leg_hit_the_ground_trigger = { { offset_deviation = { { -0.2, -0.2 }, { 0.2, 0.2 } }, repeat_count = 4, smoke_name = "smoke-building", speed_from_center = 0.03, starting_frame_deviation = 5, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 5, type = "create-trivial-smoke" } }, mount_position = { 0.46875, 0.53125 } }, { blocking_legs = { 6, 1 }, ground_position = { -2.25, -2.5 }, leg = "spidertron-leg-5", leg_hit_the_ground_trigger = { { offset_deviation = { { -0.2, -0.2 }, { 0.2, 0.2 } }, repeat_count = 4, smoke_name = "smoke-building", speed_from_center = 0.03, starting_frame_deviation = 5, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 5, type = "create-trivial-smoke" } }, mount_position = { -0.46875, -0.6875 } }, { blocking_legs = { 5, 7 }, ground_position = { -3, -1 }, leg = "spidertron-leg-6", leg_hit_the_ground_trigger = { { offset_deviation = { { -0.2, -0.2 }, { 0.2, 0.2 } }, repeat_count = 4, smoke_name = "smoke-building", speed_from_center = 0.03, starting_frame_deviation = 5, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 5, type = "create-trivial-smoke" } }, mount_position = { -0.71875, -0.3125 } }, { blocking_legs = { 6, 8 }, ground_position = { -3, 1 }, leg = "spidertron-leg-7", leg_hit_the_ground_trigger = { { offset_deviation = { { -0.2, -0.2 }, { 0.2, 0.2 } }, repeat_count = 4, smoke_name = "smoke-building", speed_from_center = 0.03, starting_frame_deviation = 5, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 5, type = "create-trivial-smoke" } }, mount_position = { -0.78125, 0.125 } }, { blocking_legs = { 7 }, ground_position = { -2.25, 2.5 }, leg = "spidertron-leg-8", leg_hit_the_ground_trigger = { { offset_deviation = { { -0.2, -0.2 }, { 0.2, 0.2 } }, repeat_count = 4, smoke_name = "smoke-building", speed_from_center = 0.03, starting_frame_deviation = 5, starting_frame_speed_deviation = 5, type = "create-trivial-smoke" } }, mount_position = { -0.46875, 0.53125 } } }, military_target = "spidertron-military-target" }, sticker_box = { { -1.5, -1.5 }, { 1.5, 1.5 } }, torso_rotation_speed = 0.005, trash_inventory_size = 20, type = "spider-vehicle", weight = 1, working_sound = { activate_sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/spidertron/spidertron-activate.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, deactivate_sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/spidertron/spidertron-deactivate.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, match_speed_to_activity = true, sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/spidertron/spidertron-vox.ogg", volume = 0.35 } } } }, ["spidertron-remote"] = { ["spidertron-remote"] = { icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/spidertron-remote.png", icon_color_indicator_mask = "__base__/graphics/icons/spidertron-remote-mask.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "spidertron-remote", order = "b[personal-transport]-c[spidertron]-b[remote]", stack_size = 1, subgroup = "transport", type = "spidertron-remote" } }, splitter = { ["express-splitter"] = { animation_speed_coefficient = 32, belt_animation_set = 0 --[=[ ref [""].loader["express-loader"].belt_animation_set ]=], close_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.close_sound ]=], collision_box = { { -0.9, -0.4 }, { 0.9, 0.4 } }, corpse = "express-splitter-remnants", damaged_trigger_effect = { damage_type_filters = "fire", entity_name = "spark-explosion", offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, offsets = { { 0, 1 } }, type = "create-entity" }, dying_explosion = "express-splitter-explosion", fast_replaceable_group = "transport-belt", flags = { "placeable-neutral", "player-creation" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/express-splitter.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, max_health = 190, minable = { mining_time = 0.1, result = "express-splitter" }, name = "express-splitter", open_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.open_sound ]=], resistances = { { percent = 60, type = "fire" } }, selection_box = { { -0.9, -0.5 }, { 0.9, 0.5 } }, speed = 0.09375, structure = { east = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/express-splitter/express-splitter-east.png", frame_count = 32, height = 44, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/express-splitter/hr-express-splitter-east.png", frame_count = 32, height = 84, line_length = 8, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.125, 0.40625 }, width = 90 }, line_length = 8, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.125, 0.375 }, width = 46 }, north = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/express-splitter/express-splitter-north.png", frame_count = 32, height = 36, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/express-splitter/hr-express-splitter-north.png", frame_count = 32, height = 70, line_length = 8, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.21875, 0 }, width = 160 }, line_length = 8, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.1875, 0 }, width = 82 }, south = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/express-splitter/express-splitter-south.png", frame_count = 32, height = 32, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/express-splitter/hr-express-splitter-south.png", frame_count = 32, height = 64, line_length = 8, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.125, 0 }, width = 164 }, line_length = 8, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.125, 0 }, width = 82 }, west = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/express-splitter/express-splitter-west.png", frame_count = 32, height = 44, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/express-splitter/hr-express-splitter-west.png", frame_count = 32, height = 86, line_length = 8, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.15625, 0.375 }, width = 94 }, line_length = 8, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.1875, 0.375 }, width = 46 } }, structure_animation_movement_cooldown = 10, structure_animation_speed_coefficient = 1.2, structure_patch = { east = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/express-splitter/express-splitter-east-top_patch.png", frame_count = 32, height = 52, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/express-splitter/hr-express-splitter-east-top_patch.png", frame_count = 32, height = 104, line_length = 8, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.125, -0.625 }, width = 90 }, line_length = 8, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.125, -0.625 }, width = 46 }, north = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__core__/graphics/empty.png", frame_count = 1, height = 1, priority = "extra-high", width = 1 }, south = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__core__/graphics/empty.png", frame_count = 1, height = 1, priority = "extra-high", width = 1 }, west = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/express-splitter/express-splitter-west-top_patch.png", frame_count = 32, height = 48, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/express-splitter/hr-express-splitter-west-top_patch.png", frame_count = 32, height = 96, line_length = 8, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.15625, -0.5625 }, width = 94 }, line_length = 8, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.1875, -0.5625 }, width = 46 } }, type = "splitter", working_sound = { audible_distance_modifier = 0.45, max_sounds_per_type = 3, sound = { { filename = "__base__/sound/splitters/express-splitter.ogg", volume = 0.2 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/splitters/express-splitter-2.ogg", volume = 0.2 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/splitters/express-splitter-3.ogg", volume = 0.2 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/splitters/express-splitter-4.ogg", volume = 0.2 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/splitters/express-splitter-5.ogg", volume = 0.2 } } } }, ["fast-splitter"] = { animation_speed_coefficient = 32, belt_animation_set = 0 --[=[ ref [""].loader["fast-loader"].belt_animation_set ]=], close_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.close_sound ]=], collision_box = { { -0.9, -0.4 }, { 0.9, 0.4 } }, corpse = "fast-splitter-remnants", damaged_trigger_effect = { damage_type_filters = "fire", entity_name = "spark-explosion", offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, offsets = { { 0, 1 } }, type = "create-entity" }, dying_explosion = "fast-splitter-explosion", fast_replaceable_group = "transport-belt", flags = { "placeable-neutral", "player-creation" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/fast-splitter.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, max_health = 180, minable = { mining_time = 0.1, result = "fast-splitter" }, name = "fast-splitter", next_upgrade = "express-splitter", open_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.open_sound ]=], resistances = { { percent = 60, type = "fire" } }, selection_box = { { -0.9, -0.5 }, { 0.9, 0.5 } }, speed = 0.0625, structure = { east = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/fast-splitter/fast-splitter-east.png", frame_count = 32, height = 44, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/fast-splitter/hr-fast-splitter-east.png", frame_count = 32, height = 84, line_length = 8, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.125, 0.40625 }, width = 90 }, line_length = 8, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.125, 0.375 }, width = 46 }, north = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/fast-splitter/fast-splitter-north.png", frame_count = 32, height = 36, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/fast-splitter/hr-fast-splitter-north.png", frame_count = 32, height = 70, line_length = 8, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.21875, 0 }, width = 160 }, line_length = 8, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.1875, 0 }, width = 82 }, south = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/fast-splitter/fast-splitter-south.png", frame_count = 32, height = 32, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/fast-splitter/hr-fast-splitter-south.png", frame_count = 32, height = 64, line_length = 8, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.125, 0 }, width = 164 }, line_length = 8, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.125, 0 }, width = 82 }, west = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/fast-splitter/fast-splitter-west.png", frame_count = 32, height = 44, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/fast-splitter/hr-fast-splitter-west.png", frame_count = 32, height = 86, line_length = 8, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1875, 0.375 }, width = 90 }, line_length = 8, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.1875, 0.375 }, width = 46 } }, structure_animation_movement_cooldown = 10, structure_animation_speed_coefficient = 1.2, structure_patch = { east = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/fast-splitter/fast-splitter-east-top_patch.png", frame_count = 32, height = 52, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/fast-splitter/hr-fast-splitter-east-top_patch.png", frame_count = 32, height = 104, line_length = 8, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.125, -0.625 }, width = 90 }, line_length = 8, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.125, -0.625 }, width = 46 }, north = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__core__/graphics/empty.png", frame_count = 1, height = 1, priority = "extra-high", width = 1 }, south = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__core__/graphics/empty.png", frame_count = 1, height = 1, priority = "extra-high", width = 1 }, west = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/fast-splitter/fast-splitter-west-top_patch.png", frame_count = 32, height = 48, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/fast-splitter/hr-fast-splitter-west-top_patch.png", frame_count = 32, height = 96, line_length = 8, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1875, -0.5625 }, width = 90 }, line_length = 8, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.1875, -0.5625 }, width = 46 } }, type = "splitter", working_sound = { audible_distance_modifier = 0.45, max_sounds_per_type = 3, sound = { { filename = "__base__/sound/splitters/fast-splitter.ogg", volume = 0.2 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/splitters/fast-splitter-2.ogg", volume = 0.2 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/splitters/fast-splitter-3.ogg", volume = 0.2 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/splitters/fast-splitter-4.ogg", volume = 0.2 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/splitters/fast-splitter-5.ogg", volume = 0.2 } } } }, splitter = { animation_speed_coefficient = 32, belt_animation_set = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["linked-belt"]["linked-belt"].belt_animation_set ]=], close_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.close_sound ]=], collision_box = { { -0.9, -0.4 }, { 0.9, 0.4 } }, corpse = "splitter-remnants", damaged_trigger_effect = { damage_type_filters = "fire", entity_name = "spark-explosion", offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, offsets = { { 0, 1 } }, type = "create-entity" }, dying_explosion = "splitter-explosion", fast_replaceable_group = "transport-belt", flags = { "placeable-neutral", "player-creation" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/splitter.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, max_health = 170, minable = { mining_time = 0.1, result = "splitter" }, name = "splitter", next_upgrade = "fast-splitter", open_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.open_sound ]=], resistances = { { percent = 60, type = "fire" } }, selection_box = { { -0.9, -0.5 }, { 0.9, 0.5 } }, speed = 0.03125, structure = { east = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/splitter/splitter-east.png", frame_count = 32, height = 44, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/splitter/hr-splitter-east.png", frame_count = 32, height = 84, line_length = 8, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.125, 0.40625 }, width = 90 }, line_length = 8, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.125, 0.375 }, width = 46 }, north = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/splitter/splitter-north.png", frame_count = 32, height = 36, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/splitter/hr-splitter-north.png", frame_count = 32, height = 70, line_length = 8, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.21875, 0 }, width = 160 }, line_length = 8, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.1875, 0 }, width = 82 }, south = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/splitter/splitter-south.png", frame_count = 32, height = 32, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/splitter/hr-splitter-south.png", frame_count = 32, height = 64, line_length = 8, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.125, 0 }, width = 164 }, line_length = 8, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.125, 0 }, width = 82 }, west = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/splitter/splitter-west.png", frame_count = 32, height = 44, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/splitter/hr-splitter-west.png", frame_count = 32, height = 86, line_length = 8, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1875, 0.375 }, width = 90 }, line_length = 8, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.1875, 0.375 }, width = 46 } }, structure_animation_movement_cooldown = 10, structure_animation_speed_coefficient = 0.7, structure_patch = { east = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/splitter/splitter-east-top_patch.png", frame_count = 32, height = 52, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/splitter/hr-splitter-east-top_patch.png", frame_count = 32, height = 104, line_length = 8, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.125, -0.625 }, width = 90 }, line_length = 8, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.125, -0.625 }, width = 46 }, north = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__core__/graphics/empty.png", frame_count = 1, height = 1, priority = "extra-high", width = 1 }, south = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__core__/graphics/empty.png", frame_count = 1, height = 1, priority = "extra-high", width = 1 }, west = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/splitter/splitter-west-top_patch.png", frame_count = 32, height = 48, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/splitter/hr-splitter-west-top_patch.png", frame_count = 32, height = 96, line_length = 8, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1875, -0.5625 }, width = 90 }, line_length = 8, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.1875, -0.5625 }, width = 46 } }, type = "splitter", working_sound = { audible_distance_modifier = 0.45, max_sounds_per_type = 3, sound = { { filename = "__base__/sound/splitters/splitter.ogg", volume = 0.2 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/splitters/splitter-2.ogg", volume = 0.2 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/splitters/splitter-3.ogg", volume = 0.2 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/splitters/splitter-4.ogg", volume = 0.2 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/splitters/splitter-5.ogg", volume = 0.2 } } } } }, sprite = { developer = { filename = "__core__/graphics/icons/mip/developer.png", flags = { "gui-icon" }, height = 40, mipmap_count = 2, name = "developer", priority = "extra-high-no-scale", scale = 0.5, type = "sprite", width = 16 }, infinity = { filename = "__core__/graphics/icons/mip/infinity.png", flags = { "gui-icon" }, height = 32, mipmap_count = 2, name = "infinity", priority = "extra-high-no-scale", scale 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filename = "__base__/graphics/icons/tooltips/tooltip-category-water.png", flags = { "gui-icon" }, height = 40, mipmap_count = 2, name = "tooltip-category-water", priority = "extra-high-no-scale", scale = 0.5, type = "sprite", width = 40 }, ["warning-white"] = { filename = "__core__/graphics/icons/mip/warning-white.png", flags = { "gui-icon" }, mipmap_count = 2, name = "warning-white", priority = "extra-high-no-scale", scale = 0.5, size = 32, type = "sprite" } }, sticker = { ["acid-sticker-behemoth"] = { animation = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-sticker/acid-sticker.png", frame_count = 50, height = 18, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-sticker/hr-acid-sticker.png", frame_count = 50, height = 34, line_length = 5, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.046875, 0 }, tint = { a = 0.74500000000000002, b = 0.29099999999999998, g = 0.66900000000000004, r = 0.71399999999999997 }, width = 30 }, line_length = 5, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.0625, 0 }, tint = { a = 0.74500000000000002, b = 0.29099999999999998, g = 0.66900000000000004, r = 0.71399999999999997 }, width = 16 }, duration_in_ticks = 120, flags = { "not-on-map" }, name = "acid-sticker-behemoth", target_movement_modifier_from = 0.3, target_movement_modifier_to = 1, type = "sticker", vehicle_friction_modifier_from = 1.5, vehicle_friction_modifier_to = 1, vehicle_speed_modifier_from = 0.3, vehicle_speed_modifier_to = 1 }, ["acid-sticker-big"] = { animation = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-sticker/acid-sticker.png", frame_count = 50, height = 18, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-sticker/hr-acid-sticker.png", frame_count = 50, height = 34, line_length = 5, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.046875, 0 }, tint = { a = 0.74500000000000002, b = 0.29099999999999998, g = 0.66900000000000004, r = 0.71399999999999997 }, width = 30 }, line_length = 5, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.0625, 0 }, tint = { a = 0.74500000000000002, b = 0.29099999999999998, g = 0.66900000000000004, r = 0.71399999999999997 }, width = 16 }, duration_in_ticks = 120, flags = { "not-on-map" }, name = "acid-sticker-big", target_movement_modifier_from = 0.4, target_movement_modifier_to = 1, type = "sticker", vehicle_friction_modifier_from = 1.5, vehicle_friction_modifier_to = 1, vehicle_speed_modifier_from = 0.4, vehicle_speed_modifier_to = 1 }, ["acid-sticker-medium"] = { animation = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-sticker/acid-sticker.png", frame_count = 50, height = 18, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-sticker/hr-acid-sticker.png", frame_count = 50, height = 34, line_length = 5, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.046875, 0 }, tint = { a = 0.74500000000000002, b = 0.29099999999999998, g = 0.66900000000000004, r = 0.71399999999999997 }, width = 30 }, line_length = 5, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.0625, 0 }, tint = { a = 0.74500000000000002, b = 0.29099999999999998, g = 0.66900000000000004, r = 0.71399999999999997 }, width = 16 }, duration_in_ticks = 120, flags = { "not-on-map" }, name = "acid-sticker-medium", target_movement_modifier_from = 0.5, target_movement_modifier_to = 1, type = "sticker", vehicle_friction_modifier_from = 1.5, vehicle_friction_modifier_to = 1, vehicle_speed_modifier_from = 0.5, vehicle_speed_modifier_to = 1 }, ["acid-sticker-small"] = { animation = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-sticker/acid-sticker.png", frame_count = 50, height = 18, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-sticker/hr-acid-sticker.png", frame_count = 50, height = 34, line_length = 5, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.046875, 0 }, tint = { a = 0.74500000000000002, b = 0.29099999999999998, g = 0.66900000000000004, r = 0.71399999999999997 }, width = 30 }, line_length = 5, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.0625, 0 }, tint = { a = 0.74500000000000002, b = 0.29099999999999998, g = 0.66900000000000004, r = 0.71399999999999997 }, width = 16 }, duration_in_ticks = 120, flags = { "not-on-map" }, name = "acid-sticker-small", target_movement_modifier_from = 0.6, target_movement_modifier_to = 1, type = "sticker", vehicle_friction_modifier_from = 1.5, vehicle_friction_modifier_to = 1, vehicle_speed_modifier_from = 0.6, vehicle_speed_modifier_to = 1 }, ["fire-sticker"] = { animation = { animation_speed = 1, blend_mode = "normal", draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/fire-flame/fire-flame-13.png", frame_count = 25, height = 118, line_length = 8, scale = 0.2, shift = { -0.0078125, -0.18125000000000002 }, tint = { a = 0.17999999999999998, b = 0.5, g = 0.5, r = 0.5 }, width = 60 }, damage_interval = 10, damage_per_tick = { amount = 16.666666666666668, type = "fire" }, duration_in_ticks = 1800, fire_spread_cooldown = 30, fire_spread_radius = 0.75, flags = { "not-on-map" }, name = "fire-sticker", spread_fire_entity = "fire-flame-on-tree", target_movement_modifier = 0.8, type = "sticker" }, ["slowdown-sticker"] = { animation = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/slowdown-sticker/slowdown-sticker.png", frame_count = 50, height = 24, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/slowdown-sticker/hr-slowdown-sticker.png", frame_count = 50, height = 48, line_length = 5, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0625, -0.015625 }, tint = { a = 0.69399999999999995, b = 0, g = 0.66300000000000008, r = 1 }, width = 42 }, line_length = 5, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.0625, -0.03125 }, tint = { a = 0.69399999999999995, b = 0, g = 0.66300000000000008, r = 1 }, width = 22 }, duration_in_ticks = 1800, flags = {}, name = "slowdown-sticker", target_movement_modifier = 0.25, type = "sticker" }, ["stun-sticker"] = { duration_in_ticks = 180, flags = { "not-on-map" }, name = "stun-sticker", target_movement_modifier = 0, type = "sticker" } }, ["storage-tank"] = { ["storage-tank"] = { circuit_connector_sprites = { { blue_led_light_offset = { 1.203125, 0.828125 }, connector_main = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04a-base-sequence.png", height = 50, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.046875, 0.609375 }, width = 52, x = 156, y = 150 }, led_blue = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04e-blue-LED-on-sequence.png", height = 60, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.046875, 0.578125 }, width = 60, x = 180, y = 180 }, led_blue_off = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04f-blue-LED-off-sequence.png", height = 44, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.046875, 0.578125 }, width = 46, x = 138, y = 132 }, led_green = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04h-green-LED-sequence.png", height = 46, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.046875, 0.578125 }, width = 48, x = 144, y = 138 }, led_light = { intensity = 0, size = 0.9 }, led_red = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04i-red-LED-sequence.png", height = 46, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.046875, 0.578125 }, width = 48, x = 144, y = 138 }, red_green_led_light_offset = { 1.203125, 0.71875 }, wire_pins = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04c-wire-sequence.png", height = 58, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.046875, 0.578125 }, width = 62, x = 186, y = 174 }, wire_pins_shadow = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04d-wire-shadow-sequence.png", height = 54, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.203125, 0.703125 }, width = 70, x = 210, y = 162 } }, { blue_led_light_offset = { -1.15625, 0.875 }, connector_main = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04a-base-sequence.png", height = 50, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -1.046875, 0.640625 }, width = 52, x = 52, y = 150 }, led_blue = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04e-blue-LED-on-sequence.png", height = 60, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -1.046875, 0.609375 }, width = 60, x = 60, y = 180 }, led_blue_off = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04f-blue-LED-off-sequence.png", height = 44, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -1.046875, 0.609375 }, width = 46, x = 46, y = 132 }, led_green = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04h-green-LED-sequence.png", height = 46, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -1.046875, 0.609375 }, width = 48, x = 48, y = 138 }, led_light = { intensity = 0, size = 0.9 }, led_red = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04i-red-LED-sequence.png", height = 46, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -1.046875, 0.609375 }, width = 48, x = 48, y = 138 }, red_green_led_light_offset = { -1.15625, 0.765625 }, wire_pins = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04c-wire-sequence.png", height = 58, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -1.046875, 0.609375 }, width = 62, x = 62, y = 174 }, wire_pins_shadow = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04d-wire-shadow-sequence.png", height = 54, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.890625, 0.734375 }, width = 70, x = 70, y = 162 } }, { blue_led_light_offset = { 1.203125, 0.828125 }, connector_main = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04a-base-sequence.png", height = 50, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.046875, 0.609375 }, width = 52, x = 156, y = 150 }, led_blue = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04e-blue-LED-on-sequence.png", height = 60, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.046875, 0.578125 }, width = 60, x = 180, y = 180 }, led_blue_off = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04f-blue-LED-off-sequence.png", height = 44, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.046875, 0.578125 }, width = 46, x = 138, y = 132 }, led_green = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04h-green-LED-sequence.png", height = 46, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.046875, 0.578125 }, width = 48, x = 144, y = 138 }, led_light = { intensity = 0, size = 0.9 }, led_red = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04i-red-LED-sequence.png", height = 46, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.046875, 0.578125 }, width = 48, x = 144, y = 138 }, red_green_led_light_offset = { 1.203125, 0.71875 }, wire_pins = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04c-wire-sequence.png", height = 58, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.046875, 0.578125 }, width = 62, x = 186, y = 174 }, wire_pins_shadow = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04d-wire-shadow-sequence.png", height = 54, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.203125, 0.703125 }, width = 70, x = 210, y = 162 } }, { blue_led_light_offset = { -1.15625, 0.875 }, connector_main = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04a-base-sequence.png", height = 50, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -1.046875, 0.640625 }, width = 52, x = 52, y = 150 }, led_blue = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04e-blue-LED-on-sequence.png", height = 60, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -1.046875, 0.609375 }, width = 60, x = 60, y = 180 }, led_blue_off = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04f-blue-LED-off-sequence.png", height = 44, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -1.046875, 0.609375 }, width = 46, x = 46, y = 132 }, led_green = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04h-green-LED-sequence.png", height = 46, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -1.046875, 0.609375 }, width = 48, x = 48, y = 138 }, led_light = { intensity = 0, size = 0.9 }, led_red = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04i-red-LED-sequence.png", height = 46, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -1.046875, 0.609375 }, width = 48, x = 48, y = 138 }, red_green_led_light_offset = { -1.15625, 0.765625 }, wire_pins = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04c-wire-sequence.png", height = 58, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -1.046875, 0.609375 }, width = 62, x = 62, y = 174 }, wire_pins_shadow = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04d-wire-shadow-sequence.png", height = 54, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.890625, 0.734375 }, width = 70, x = 70, y = 162 } } }, circuit_wire_connection_points = { { shadow = { green = { 1.5, 0.71875 }, red = { 1.65625, 0.703125 } }, wire = { green = { 1.40625, 0.6875 }, red = { 1.34375, 0.46875 } } }, { shadow = { green = { -0.828125, 1.109375 }, red = { -0.59375, 1.078125 } }, wire = { green = { -0.984375, 1 }, red = { -0.90625, 0.8125 } } }, { shadow = { green = { 1.5, 0.71875 }, red = { 1.65625, 0.703125 } }, wire = { green = { 1.40625, 0.6875 }, red = { 1.34375, 0.46875 } } }, { shadow = { green = { -0.828125, 1.109375 }, red = { -0.59375, 1.078125 } }, wire = { green = { -0.984375, 1 }, red = { -0.90625, 0.8125 } } } }, circuit_wire_max_distance = 9, close_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.close_sound ]=], collision_box = { { -1.3, -1.3 }, { 1.3, 1.3 } }, corpse = "storage-tank-remnants", damaged_trigger_effect = { damage_type_filters = "fire", entity_name = "spark-explosion", offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, offsets = { { 0, 1 } }, type = "create-entity" }, dying_explosion = "storage-tank-explosion", flags = { "placeable-player", "player-creation" }, flow_length_in_ticks = 360, fluid_box = { base_area = 250, hide_connection_info = true, pipe_connections = { { position = { -1, -2 } }, { position = { 2, 1 } }, { position = { 1, 2 } }, { position = { -2, -1 } } }, pipe_covers = { east = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-east.png", height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-east.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-east-shadow.png", height = 64, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-east-shadow.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 } } }, north = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-north.png", height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-north.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-north-shadow.png", height = 64, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-north-shadow.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 } } }, south = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-south.png", height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-south.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-south-shadow.png", height = 64, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-south-shadow.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 } } }, west = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-west.png", height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-west.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/pipe-cover-west-shadow.png", height = 64, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe-covers/hr-pipe-cover-west-shadow.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 } } } } }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/storage-tank.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, max_health = 500, minable = { mining_time = 0.5, result = "storage-tank" }, name = "storage-tank", open_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.open_sound ]=], pictures = { flow_sprite = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe/fluid-flow-low-temperature.png", height = 20, priority = "extra-high", width = 160 }, fluid_background = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/storage-tank/fluid-background.png", height = 15, priority = "extra-high", width = 32 }, gas_flow = { animation_speed = 0.25, axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe/steam.png", frame_count = 60, height = 15, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.25, axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/pipe/hr-steam.png", frame_count = 60, height = 30, line_length = 10, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 48 }, line_length = 10, priority = "extra-high", width = 24 }, picture = { sheets = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/storage-tank/storage-tank.png", frames = 2, height = 108, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/storage-tank/hr-storage-tank.png", frames = 2, height = 215, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.0078125, 0.1171875 }, width = 219 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0, 0.125 }, width = 110 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/storage-tank/storage-tank-shadow.png", frames = 2, height = 77, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/storage-tank/hr-storage-tank-shadow.png", frames = 2, height = 153, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.9296875, 0.6953125 }, width = 291 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.9375, 0.703125 }, width = 146 } } }, window_background = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/storage-tank/window-background.png", height = 24, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/storage-tank/hr-window-background.png", height = 48, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 34 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 17 } }, selection_box = { { -1.5, -1.5 }, { 1.5, 1.5 } }, two_direction_only = true, type = "storage-tank", vehicle_impact_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.vehicle_impact_sound ]=], water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = false, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/storage-tank/storage-tank-reflection.png", height = 24, priority = "extra-high", scale = 5, shift = { 0.15625, 1.09375 }, variation_count = 1, width = 24 }, rotate = false }, window_bounding_box = { { -0.125, 0.6875 }, { 0.1875, 1.1875 } }, working_sound = { audible_distance_modifier = 0.5, match_volume_to_activity = true, max_sounds_per_type = 3, sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/storage-tank.ogg", volume = 0.6 } } } }, ["straight-rail"] = { ["straight-rail"] = { collision_box = { { -1, -1 }, { 1, 1 } }, corpse = "straight-rail-remnants", damaged_trigger_effect = { damage_type_filters = "fire", entity_name = "wall-damaged-explosion", offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, offsets = { { 0, 1 } }, type = "create-entity" }, dying_explosion = "rail-explosion", flags = { "placeable-neutral", "player-creation", "building-direction-8-way" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/rail.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, max_health = 100, minable = { mining_time = 0.2, result = "rail" }, name = "straight-rail", pictures = { curved_rail_horizontal_left_bottom = { backplates = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/curved-rail/curved-rail-horizontal-left-bottom-backplates.png", flags = { "trilinear-filtering" }, height = 192, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/curved-rail/hr-curved-rail-horizontal-left-bottom-backplates.png", flags = { "trilinear-filtering" }, height = 384, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.5, -0.5 }, variation_count = 1, width = 576 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.5, -0.5 }, variation_count = 1, width = 288 }, metals = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/curved-rail/curved-rail-horizontal-left-bottom-metals.png", flags = { "trilinear-filtering" }, height = 192, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/curved-rail/hr-curved-rail-horizontal-left-bottom-metals.png", flags = { "trilinear-filtering" }, height = 384, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 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"extra-high", shift = { -0.5, -0.5 }, variation_count = 1, width = 288 }, segment_visualisation_continuing_back = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/curved-rail/curved-rail-horizontal-right-bottom-segment-visualisation-continuing-2.png", flags = { "low-object" }, height = 192, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/curved-rail/hr-curved-rail-horizontal-right-bottom-segment-visualisation-continuing-2.png", flags = { "low-object" }, height = 384, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.5, -0.5 }, variation_count = 1, width = 576 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { -0.5, -0.5 }, variation_count = 1, width = 288 }, segment_visualisation_continuing_front = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/curved-rail/curved-rail-horizontal-right-bottom-segment-visualisation-continuing-1.png", flags = { "low-object" }, height = 192, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/curved-rail/hr-curved-rail-horizontal-right-bottom-segment-visualisation-continuing-1.png", flags = { "low-object" }, height = 384, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.5, -0.5 }, variation_count = 1, width = 576 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { -0.5, -0.5 }, variation_count = 1, width = 288 }, segment_visualisation_ending_back = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/curved-rail/curved-rail-horizontal-right-bottom-segment-visualisation-ending-2.png", flags = { "low-object" }, height = 192, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/curved-rail/hr-curved-rail-horizontal-right-bottom-segment-visualisation-ending-2.png", flags = { "low-object" }, height = 384, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.5, -0.5 }, variation_count = 1, width = 576 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { -0.5, -0.5 }, variation_count = 1, width = 288 }, segment_visualisation_ending_front = { filename = 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-0.5 }, variation_count = 1, width = 192 }, segment_visualisation_continuing_back = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/curved-rail/curved-rail-vertical-left-bottom-segment-visualisation-continuing-2.png", flags = { "low-object" }, height = 288, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/curved-rail/hr-curved-rail-vertical-left-bottom-segment-visualisation-continuing-2.png", flags = { "low-object" }, height = 576, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.5, -0.5 }, variation_count = 1, width = 384 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.5, -0.5 }, variation_count = 1, width = 192 }, segment_visualisation_continuing_front = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/curved-rail/curved-rail-vertical-left-bottom-segment-visualisation-continuing-1.png", flags = { "low-object" }, height = 288, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/curved-rail/hr-curved-rail-vertical-left-bottom-segment-visualisation-continuing-1.png", flags = { "low-object" }, height = 576, 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0.5, shift = { 0.5, 0.5 }, variation_count = 1, width = 384 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.5, 0.5 }, variation_count = 1, width = 192 }, segment_visualisation_ending_front = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/curved-rail/curved-rail-vertical-left-top-segment-visualisation-ending-1.png", flags = { "low-object" }, height = 288, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/curved-rail/hr-curved-rail-vertical-left-top-segment-visualisation-ending-1.png", flags = { "low-object" }, height = 576, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.5, 0.5 }, variation_count = 1, width = 384 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.5, 0.5 }, variation_count = 1, width = 192 }, segment_visualisation_middle = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/curved-rail/curved-rail-vertical-left-top-segment-visualisation-middle.png", flags = { "low-object" }, height = 288, hr_version = { filename = 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"__base__/graphics/entity/straight-rail/straight-rail-horizontal-metals.png", flags = { "trilinear-filtering" }, height = 128, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/straight-rail/hr-straight-rail-horizontal-metals.png", flags = { "trilinear-filtering" }, height = 256, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, 0 }, variation_count = 1, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0, 0 }, variation_count = 1, width = 64 }, segment_visualisation_continuing_back = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/straight-rail/straight-rail-horizontal-segment-visualisation-continuing-2.png", flags = { "low-object" }, height = 128, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/straight-rail/hr-straight-rail-horizontal-segment-visualisation-continuing-2.png", flags = { "low-object" }, height = 256, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, 0 }, variation_count = 1, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0, 0 }, variation_count = 1, width = 64 }, 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priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0, 0 }, variation_count = 1, width = 64 }, segment_visualisation_ending_front = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/straight-rail/straight-rail-horizontal-segment-visualisation-ending-1.png", flags = { "low-object" }, height = 128, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/straight-rail/hr-straight-rail-horizontal-segment-visualisation-ending-1.png", flags = { "low-object" }, height = 256, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, 0 }, variation_count = 1, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0, 0 }, variation_count = 1, width = 64 }, segment_visualisation_middle = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/straight-rail/straight-rail-horizontal-segment-visualisation-middle.png", flags = { "low-object" }, height = 128, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/straight-rail/hr-straight-rail-horizontal-segment-visualisation-middle.png", flags = { "low-object" }, height = 256, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, 0 }, variation_count = 1, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0, 0 }, variation_count = 1, width = 64 }, stone_path = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/straight-rail/straight-rail-horizontal-stone-path.png", flags = { "low-object" }, height = 128, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/straight-rail/hr-straight-rail-horizontal-stone-path.png", flags = { "low-object" }, height = 256, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, 0 }, variation_count = 3, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0, 0 }, variation_count = 3, width = 64 }, stone_path_background = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/straight-rail/straight-rail-horizontal-stone-path-background.png", flags = { "low-object" }, height = 128, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/straight-rail/hr-straight-rail-horizontal-stone-path-background.png", flags = { "low-object" }, height = 256, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, 0 }, variation_count = 3, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0, 0 }, variation_count = 3, width = 64 }, ties = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/straight-rail/straight-rail-horizontal-ties.png", flags = { "low-object" }, height = 128, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/straight-rail/hr-straight-rail-horizontal-ties.png", flags = { "low-object" }, height = 256, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, 0 }, variation_count = 3, width = 128 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0, 0 }, variation_count = 3, width = 64 } }, straight_rail_vertical = { backplates = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/straight-rail/straight-rail-vertical-backplates.png", flags = { "trilinear-filtering" }, height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/straight-rail/hr-straight-rail-vertical-backplates.png", flags = { "trilinear-filtering" }, height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, 0 }, variation_count = 1, width = 256 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0, 0 }, variation_count = 1, width = 128 }, metals = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/straight-rail/straight-rail-vertical-metals.png", flags = { "trilinear-filtering" }, height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/straight-rail/hr-straight-rail-vertical-metals.png", flags = { "trilinear-filtering" }, height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, 0 }, variation_count = 1, width = 256 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0, 0 }, variation_count = 1, width = 128 }, segment_visualisation_continuing_back = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/straight-rail/straight-rail-vertical-segment-visualisation-continuing-2.png", flags = { "low-object" }, height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/straight-rail/hr-straight-rail-vertical-segment-visualisation-continuing-2.png", flags = { "low-object" }, height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, 0 }, variation_count = 1, width = 256 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0, 0 }, variation_count = 1, width = 128 }, segment_visualisation_continuing_front = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/straight-rail/straight-rail-vertical-segment-visualisation-continuing-1.png", flags = { "low-object" }, height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/straight-rail/hr-straight-rail-vertical-segment-visualisation-continuing-1.png", flags = { "low-object" }, height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, 0 }, variation_count = 1, width = 256 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0, 0 }, variation_count = 1, width = 128 }, segment_visualisation_ending_back = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/straight-rail/straight-rail-vertical-segment-visualisation-ending-2.png", flags = { "low-object" }, height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/straight-rail/hr-straight-rail-vertical-segment-visualisation-ending-2.png", flags = { "low-object" }, height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, 0 }, variation_count = 1, width = 256 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0, 0 }, variation_count = 1, width = 128 }, segment_visualisation_ending_front = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/straight-rail/straight-rail-vertical-segment-visualisation-ending-1.png", flags = { "low-object" }, height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/straight-rail/hr-straight-rail-vertical-segment-visualisation-ending-1.png", flags = { "low-object" }, height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, 0 }, variation_count = 1, width = 256 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0, 0 }, variation_count = 1, width = 128 }, segment_visualisation_middle = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/straight-rail/straight-rail-vertical-segment-visualisation-middle.png", flags = { "low-object" }, height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/straight-rail/hr-straight-rail-vertical-segment-visualisation-middle.png", flags = { "low-object" }, height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, 0 }, variation_count = 1, width = 256 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0, 0 }, variation_count = 1, width = 128 }, stone_path = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/straight-rail/straight-rail-vertical-stone-path.png", flags = { "low-object" }, height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/straight-rail/hr-straight-rail-vertical-stone-path.png", flags = { "low-object" }, height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, 0 }, variation_count = 3, width = 256 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0, 0 }, variation_count = 3, width = 128 }, stone_path_background = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/straight-rail/straight-rail-vertical-stone-path-background.png", flags = { "low-object" }, height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/straight-rail/hr-straight-rail-vertical-stone-path-background.png", flags = { "low-object" }, height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, 0 }, variation_count = 3, width = 256 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0, 0 }, variation_count = 3, width = 128 }, ties = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/straight-rail/straight-rail-vertical-ties.png", flags = { "low-object" }, height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/straight-rail/hr-straight-rail-vertical-ties.png", flags = { "low-object" }, height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, 0 }, variation_count = 3, width = 256 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0, 0 }, variation_count = 3, width = 128 } } }, resistances = { { percent = 100, type = "fire" }, { percent = 80, type = "acid" } }, selection_box = { { -0.7, -0.8 }, { 0.7, 0.8 } }, type = "straight-rail", walking_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["curved-rail"]["curved-rail"].walking_sound ]=] } }, stream = { ["acid-stream-spitter-behemoth"] = { flags = { "not-on-map" }, initial_action = { { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { sound = { { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/projectile-acid-burn-1.ogg", volume = 0.65 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/projectile-acid-burn-2.ogg", volume = 0.65 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/projectile-acid-burn-long-1.ogg", volume = 0.6 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/projectile-acid-burn-long-2.ogg", volume = 0.6 } }, type = "play-sound" }, { entity_name = "acid-splash-fire-spitter-behemoth", show_in_tooltip = true, tile_collision_mask = { "water-tile" }, type = "create-fire" }, { entity_name = "water-splash", tile_collision_mask = { "ground-tile" }, type = "create-entity" } }, type = "instant" }, type = "direct" }, { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { sticker = "acid-sticker-behemoth", type = "create-sticker" }, { damage = { amount = 1, type = "acid" }, type = "damage" } }, type = "instant" }, force = "enemy", ignore_collision_condition = true, radius = 1.75, type = "area" } }, name = "acid-stream-spitter-behemoth", oriented_particle = true, particle = { animation_speed = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-projectile/acid-projectile-head.png", frame_count = 15, height = 84, hr_version = { animation_speed = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-projectile/hr-acid-projectile-head.png", frame_count = 15, height = 164, line_length = 5, priority = "high", scale = 0.6, shift = { -0.075, 1.1624999999999999 }, tint = { a = 1, b = 0.28199999999999999, g = 1, r = 0.91699999999999999 }, width = 42 }, line_length = 5, priority = "high", scale = 1.2, shift = { -0.075, 1.125 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].stream["acid-stream-spitter-behemoth"].particle.hr_version.tint ]=], width = 22 }, particle_alpha_per_part = 0.8, particle_buffer_size = 90, particle_end_alpha = 1, particle_fade_out_duration = 2, particle_horizontal_speed = 0.3375, particle_horizontal_speed_deviation = 0.0035, particle_loop_exit_threshold = 0.25, particle_loop_frame_count = 15, particle_scale_per_part = 0.8, particle_spawn_interval = 1, particle_spawn_timeout = 6, particle_start_alpha = 0.5, particle_vertical_acceleration = 0.0045000000000000009, shadow = { animation_speed = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-projectile/acid-projectile-shadow.png", frame_count = 15, height = 84, hr_version = { animation_speed = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-projectile/hr-acid-projectile-shadow.png", frame_count = 15, height = 164, line_length = 15, priority = "high", scale = 0.6, shift = { -0.075, 1.1624999999999999 }, width = 42 }, line_length = 15, priority = "high", scale = 1.2, shift = { -0.075, 1.125 }, width = 22 }, shadow_scale_enabled = true, special_neutral_target_damage = { amount = 1, type = "acid" }, spine_animation = { animation_speed = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-projectile/acid-projectile-tail.png", frame_count = 15, height = 12, hr_version = { animation_speed = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-projectile/hr-acid-projectile-tail.png", frame_count = 15, height = 20, line_length = 5, priority = "high", scale = 0.6, shift = { 0, -0.0375 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].stream["acid-stream-spitter-behemoth"].particle.hr_version.tint ]=], width = 132 }, line_length = 5, priority = "high", scale = 1.2, shift = { 0, -0.075 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].stream["acid-stream-spitter-behemoth"].particle.hr_version.tint ]=], width = 66 }, type = "stream", working_sound = { sound = { { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/projectile-acid-burn-loop.ogg", volume = 0.4 } } } }, ["acid-stream-spitter-big"] = { flags = { "not-on-map" }, initial_action = { { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { sound = { { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/projectile-acid-burn-1.ogg", volume = 0.65 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/projectile-acid-burn-2.ogg", volume = 0.65 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/projectile-acid-burn-long-1.ogg", volume = 0.6 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/projectile-acid-burn-long-2.ogg", volume = 0.6 } }, type = "play-sound" }, { entity_name = "acid-splash-fire-spitter-big", show_in_tooltip = true, tile_collision_mask = { "water-tile" }, type = "create-fire" }, { entity_name = "water-splash", tile_collision_mask = { "ground-tile" }, type = "create-entity" } }, type = "instant" }, type = "direct" }, { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { sticker = "acid-sticker-big", type = "create-sticker" }, { damage = { amount = 1, type = "acid" }, type = "damage" } }, type = "instant" }, force = "enemy", ignore_collision_condition = true, radius = 1.3500000000000001, type = "area" } }, name = "acid-stream-spitter-big", oriented_particle = true, particle = { animation_speed = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-projectile/acid-projectile-head.png", frame_count = 15, height = 84, hr_version = { animation_speed = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-projectile/hr-acid-projectile-head.png", frame_count = 15, height = 164, line_length = 5, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.0625, 0.96875 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].stream["acid-stream-spitter-behemoth"].particle.hr_version.tint ]=], width = 42 }, line_length = 5, priority = "high", scale = 1, shift = { -0.0625, 0.9375 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].stream["acid-stream-spitter-behemoth"].particle.hr_version.tint ]=], width = 22 }, particle_alpha_per_part = 0.8, particle_buffer_size = 90, particle_end_alpha = 1, particle_fade_out_duration = 2, particle_horizontal_speed = 0.3375, particle_horizontal_speed_deviation = 0.0035, particle_loop_exit_threshold = 0.25, particle_loop_frame_count = 15, particle_scale_per_part = 0.8, particle_spawn_interval = 1, particle_spawn_timeout = 6, particle_start_alpha = 0.5, particle_vertical_acceleration = 0.0045000000000000009, shadow = { animation_speed = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-projectile/acid-projectile-shadow.png", frame_count = 15, height = 84, hr_version = { animation_speed = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-projectile/hr-acid-projectile-shadow.png", frame_count = 15, height = 164, line_length = 15, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.0625, 0.96875 }, width = 42 }, line_length = 15, priority = "high", scale = 1, shift = { -0.0625, 0.9375 }, width = 22 }, shadow_scale_enabled = true, special_neutral_target_damage = { amount = 1, type = "acid" }, spine_animation = { animation_speed = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-projectile/acid-projectile-tail.png", frame_count = 15, height = 12, hr_version = { animation_speed = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-projectile/hr-acid-projectile-tail.png", frame_count = 15, height = 20, line_length = 5, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.03125 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].stream["acid-stream-spitter-behemoth"].particle.hr_version.tint ]=], width = 132 }, line_length = 5, priority = "high", scale = 1, shift = { 0, -0.0625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].stream["acid-stream-spitter-behemoth"].particle.hr_version.tint ]=], width = 66 }, type = "stream", working_sound = { sound = { { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/projectile-acid-burn-loop.ogg", volume = 0.4 } } } }, ["acid-stream-spitter-medium"] = { flags = { "not-on-map" }, initial_action = { { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { sound = { { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/projectile-acid-burn-1.ogg", volume = 0.65 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/projectile-acid-burn-2.ogg", volume = 0.65 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/projectile-acid-burn-long-1.ogg", volume = 0.6 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/projectile-acid-burn-long-2.ogg", volume = 0.6 } }, type = "play-sound" }, { entity_name = "acid-splash-fire-spitter-medium", show_in_tooltip = true, tile_collision_mask = { "water-tile" }, type = "create-fire" }, { entity_name = "water-splash", tile_collision_mask = { "ground-tile" }, type = "create-entity" } }, type = "instant" }, type = "direct" }, { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { sticker = "acid-sticker-medium", type = "create-sticker" }, { damage = { amount = 1, type = "acid" }, type = "damage" } }, type = "instant" }, force = "enemy", ignore_collision_condition = true, radius = 1.25, type = "area" } }, name = "acid-stream-spitter-medium", oriented_particle = true, particle = { animation_speed = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-projectile/acid-projectile-head.png", frame_count = 15, height = 84, hr_version = { animation_speed = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-projectile/hr-acid-projectile-head.png", frame_count = 15, height = 164, line_length = 5, priority = "high", scale = 0.35, shift = { -0.04375, 0.678125 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].stream["acid-stream-spitter-behemoth"].particle.hr_version.tint ]=], width = 42 }, line_length = 5, priority = "high", scale = 0.7, shift = { -0.04375, 0.65625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].stream["acid-stream-spitter-behemoth"].particle.hr_version.tint ]=], width = 22 }, particle_alpha_per_part = 0.8, particle_buffer_size = 90, particle_end_alpha = 1, particle_fade_out_duration = 2, particle_horizontal_speed = 0.3375, particle_horizontal_speed_deviation = 0.0035, particle_loop_exit_threshold = 0.25, particle_loop_frame_count = 15, particle_scale_per_part = 0.8, particle_spawn_interval = 1, particle_spawn_timeout = 6, particle_start_alpha = 0.5, particle_vertical_acceleration = 0.0045000000000000009, shadow = { animation_speed = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-projectile/acid-projectile-shadow.png", frame_count = 15, height = 84, hr_version = { animation_speed = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-projectile/hr-acid-projectile-shadow.png", frame_count = 15, height = 164, line_length = 15, priority = "high", scale = 0.35, shift = { -0.04375, 0.678125 }, width = 42 }, line_length = 15, priority = "high", scale = 0.7, shift = { -0.04375, 0.65625 }, width = 22 }, shadow_scale_enabled = true, special_neutral_target_damage = { amount = 1, type = "acid" }, spine_animation = { animation_speed = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-projectile/acid-projectile-tail.png", frame_count = 15, height = 12, hr_version = { animation_speed = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-projectile/hr-acid-projectile-tail.png", frame_count = 15, height = 20, line_length = 5, priority = "high", scale = 0.35, shift = { 0, -0.021875 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].stream["acid-stream-spitter-behemoth"].particle.hr_version.tint ]=], width = 132 }, line_length = 5, priority = "high", scale = 0.7, shift = { 0, -0.04375 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].stream["acid-stream-spitter-behemoth"].particle.hr_version.tint ]=], width = 66 }, type = "stream", working_sound = { sound = { { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/projectile-acid-burn-loop.ogg", volume = 0.4 } } } }, ["acid-stream-spitter-small"] = { flags = { "not-on-map" }, initial_action = { { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { sound = { { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/projectile-acid-burn-1.ogg", volume = 0.65 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/projectile-acid-burn-2.ogg", volume = 0.65 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/projectile-acid-burn-long-1.ogg", volume = 0.6 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/projectile-acid-burn-long-2.ogg", volume = 0.6 } }, type = "play-sound" }, { entity_name = "acid-splash-fire-spitter-small", show_in_tooltip = true, tile_collision_mask = { "water-tile" }, type = "create-fire" }, { entity_name = "water-splash", tile_collision_mask = { "ground-tile" }, type = "create-entity" } }, type = "instant" }, type = "direct" }, { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { sticker = "acid-sticker-small", type = "create-sticker" }, { damage = { amount = 1, type = "acid" }, type = "damage" } }, type = "instant" }, force = "enemy", ignore_collision_condition = true, radius = 1, type = "area" } }, name = "acid-stream-spitter-small", oriented_particle = true, particle = { animation_speed = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-projectile/acid-projectile-head.png", frame_count = 15, height = 84, hr_version = { animation_speed = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-projectile/hr-acid-projectile-head.png", frame_count = 15, height = 164, line_length = 5, priority = "high", scale = 0.275, shift = { -0.034375, 0.5328125 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].stream["acid-stream-spitter-behemoth"].particle.hr_version.tint ]=], width = 42 }, line_length = 5, priority = "high", scale = 0.55, shift = { -0.034375, 0.515625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].stream["acid-stream-spitter-behemoth"].particle.hr_version.tint ]=], width = 22 }, particle_alpha_per_part = 0.8, particle_buffer_size = 90, particle_end_alpha = 1, particle_fade_out_duration = 2, particle_horizontal_speed = 0.3375, particle_horizontal_speed_deviation = 0.0035, particle_loop_exit_threshold = 0.25, particle_loop_frame_count = 15, particle_scale_per_part = 0.8, particle_spawn_interval = 1, particle_spawn_timeout = 6, particle_start_alpha = 0.5, particle_vertical_acceleration = 0.0045000000000000009, shadow = { animation_speed = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-projectile/acid-projectile-shadow.png", frame_count = 15, height = 84, hr_version = { animation_speed = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-projectile/hr-acid-projectile-shadow.png", frame_count = 15, height = 164, line_length = 15, priority = "high", scale = 0.275, shift = { -0.034375, 0.5328125 }, width = 42 }, line_length = 15, priority = "high", scale = 0.55, shift = { -0.034375, 0.515625 }, width = 22 }, shadow_scale_enabled = true, special_neutral_target_damage = { amount = 1, type = "acid" }, spine_animation = { animation_speed = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-projectile/acid-projectile-tail.png", frame_count = 15, height = 12, hr_version = { animation_speed = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-projectile/hr-acid-projectile-tail.png", frame_count = 15, height = 20, line_length = 5, priority = "high", scale = 0.275, shift = { 0, -0.0171875 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].stream["acid-stream-spitter-behemoth"].particle.hr_version.tint ]=], width = 132 }, line_length = 5, priority = "high", scale = 0.55, shift = { 0, -0.034375 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].stream["acid-stream-spitter-behemoth"].particle.hr_version.tint ]=], width = 66 }, type = "stream", working_sound = { sound = { { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/projectile-acid-burn-loop.ogg", volume = 0.4 } } } }, ["acid-stream-worm-behemoth"] = { flags = { "not-on-map" }, initial_action = { { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { sound = { { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/projectile-acid-burn-1.ogg", volume = 0.65 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/projectile-acid-burn-2.ogg", volume = 0.65 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/projectile-acid-burn-long-1.ogg", volume = 0.6 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/projectile-acid-burn-long-2.ogg", volume = 0.6 } }, type = "play-sound" }, { entity_name = "acid-splash-fire-worm-behemoth", show_in_tooltip = true, tile_collision_mask = { "water-tile" }, type = "create-fire" }, { entity_name = "water-splash", tile_collision_mask = { "ground-tile" }, type = "create-entity" } }, type = "instant" }, type = "direct" }, { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { sticker = "acid-sticker-behemoth", type = "create-sticker" }, { damage = { amount = 1, type = "acid" }, type = "damage" } }, type = "instant" }, force = "enemy", ignore_collision_condition = true, radius = 2, type = "area" } }, name = "acid-stream-worm-behemoth", oriented_particle = true, particle = { animation_speed = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-projectile/acid-projectile-head.png", frame_count = 15, height = 84, hr_version = { animation_speed = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-projectile/hr-acid-projectile-head.png", frame_count = 15, height = 164, line_length = 5, priority = "high", scale = 0.6, shift = { -0.075, 1.1624999999999999 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].stream["acid-stream-spitter-behemoth"].particle.hr_version.tint ]=], width = 42 }, line_length = 5, priority = "high", scale = 1.2, shift = { -0.075, 1.125 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].stream["acid-stream-spitter-behemoth"].particle.hr_version.tint ]=], width = 22 }, particle_alpha_per_part = 0.8, particle_buffer_size = 90, particle_end_alpha = 1, particle_fade_out_duration = 2, particle_horizontal_speed = 0.3375, particle_horizontal_speed_deviation = 0.0035, particle_loop_exit_threshold = 0.25, particle_loop_frame_count = 15, particle_scale_per_part = 0.8, particle_spawn_interval = 1, particle_spawn_timeout = 6, particle_start_alpha = 0.5, particle_vertical_acceleration = 0.0045000000000000009, shadow = { animation_speed = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-projectile/acid-projectile-shadow.png", frame_count = 15, height = 84, hr_version = { animation_speed = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-projectile/hr-acid-projectile-shadow.png", frame_count = 15, height = 164, line_length = 15, priority = "high", scale = 0.6, shift = { -0.075, 1.1624999999999999 }, width = 42 }, line_length = 15, priority = "high", scale = 1.2, shift = { -0.075, 1.125 }, width = 22 }, shadow_scale_enabled = true, special_neutral_target_damage = { amount = 1, type = "acid" }, spine_animation = { animation_speed = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-projectile/acid-projectile-tail.png", frame_count = 15, height = 12, hr_version = { animation_speed = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-projectile/hr-acid-projectile-tail.png", frame_count = 15, height = 20, line_length = 5, priority = "high", scale = 0.6, shift = { 0, -0.0375 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].stream["acid-stream-spitter-behemoth"].particle.hr_version.tint ]=], width = 132 }, line_length = 5, priority = "high", scale = 1.2, shift = { 0, -0.075 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].stream["acid-stream-spitter-behemoth"].particle.hr_version.tint ]=], width = 66 }, type = "stream", working_sound = { sound = { { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/projectile-acid-burn-loop.ogg", volume = 0.4 } } } }, ["acid-stream-worm-big"] = { flags = { "not-on-map" }, initial_action = { { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { sound = { { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/projectile-acid-burn-1.ogg", volume = 0.65 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/projectile-acid-burn-2.ogg", volume = 0.65 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/projectile-acid-burn-long-1.ogg", volume = 0.6 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/projectile-acid-burn-long-2.ogg", volume = 0.6 } }, type = "play-sound" }, { entity_name = "acid-splash-fire-worm-big", show_in_tooltip = true, tile_collision_mask = { "water-tile" }, type = "create-fire" }, { entity_name = "water-splash", tile_collision_mask = { "ground-tile" }, type = "create-entity" } }, type = "instant" }, type = "direct" }, { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { sticker = "acid-sticker-big", type = "create-sticker" }, { damage = { amount = 1, type = "acid" }, type = "damage" } }, type = "instant" }, force = "enemy", ignore_collision_condition = true, radius = 1.75, type = "area" } }, name = "acid-stream-worm-big", oriented_particle = true, particle = { animation_speed = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-projectile/acid-projectile-head.png", frame_count = 15, height = 84, hr_version = { animation_speed = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-projectile/hr-acid-projectile-head.png", frame_count = 15, height = 164, line_length = 5, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.0625, 0.96875 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].stream["acid-stream-spitter-behemoth"].particle.hr_version.tint ]=], width = 42 }, line_length = 5, priority = "high", scale = 1, shift = { -0.0625, 0.9375 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].stream["acid-stream-spitter-behemoth"].particle.hr_version.tint ]=], width = 22 }, particle_alpha_per_part = 0.8, particle_buffer_size = 90, particle_end_alpha = 1, particle_fade_out_duration = 2, particle_horizontal_speed = 0.3375, particle_horizontal_speed_deviation = 0.0035, particle_loop_exit_threshold = 0.25, particle_loop_frame_count = 15, particle_scale_per_part = 0.8, particle_spawn_interval = 1, particle_spawn_timeout = 6, particle_start_alpha = 0.5, particle_vertical_acceleration = 0.0045000000000000009, shadow = { animation_speed = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-projectile/acid-projectile-shadow.png", frame_count = 15, height = 84, hr_version = { animation_speed = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-projectile/hr-acid-projectile-shadow.png", frame_count = 15, height = 164, line_length = 15, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.0625, 0.96875 }, width = 42 }, line_length = 15, priority = "high", scale = 1, shift = { -0.0625, 0.9375 }, width = 22 }, shadow_scale_enabled = true, special_neutral_target_damage = { amount = 1, type = "acid" }, spine_animation = { animation_speed = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-projectile/acid-projectile-tail.png", frame_count = 15, height = 12, hr_version = { animation_speed = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-projectile/hr-acid-projectile-tail.png", frame_count = 15, height = 20, line_length = 5, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.03125 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].stream["acid-stream-spitter-behemoth"].particle.hr_version.tint ]=], width = 132 }, line_length = 5, priority = "high", scale = 1, shift = { 0, -0.0625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].stream["acid-stream-spitter-behemoth"].particle.hr_version.tint ]=], width = 66 }, type = "stream", working_sound = { sound = { { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/projectile-acid-burn-loop.ogg", volume = 0.4 } } } }, ["acid-stream-worm-medium"] = { flags = { "not-on-map" }, initial_action = { { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { sound = { { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/projectile-acid-burn-1.ogg", volume = 0.65 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/projectile-acid-burn-2.ogg", volume = 0.65 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/projectile-acid-burn-long-1.ogg", volume = 0.6 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/projectile-acid-burn-long-2.ogg", volume = 0.6 } }, type = "play-sound" }, { entity_name = "acid-splash-fire-worm-medium", show_in_tooltip = true, tile_collision_mask = { "water-tile" }, type = "create-fire" }, { entity_name = "water-splash", tile_collision_mask = { "ground-tile" }, type = "create-entity" } }, type = "instant" }, type = "direct" }, { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { sticker = "acid-sticker-medium", type = "create-sticker" }, { damage = { amount = 1, type = "acid" }, type = "damage" } }, type = "instant" }, force = "enemy", ignore_collision_condition = true, radius = 1.55, type = "area" } }, name = "acid-stream-worm-medium", oriented_particle = true, particle = { animation_speed = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-projectile/acid-projectile-head.png", frame_count = 15, height = 84, hr_version = { animation_speed = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-projectile/hr-acid-projectile-head.png", frame_count = 15, height = 164, line_length = 5, priority = "high", scale = 0.41499999999999995, shift = { -0.051874999999999991, 0.80406250000000004 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].stream["acid-stream-spitter-behemoth"].particle.hr_version.tint ]=], width = 42 }, line_length = 5, priority = "high", scale = 0.82999999999999989, shift = { -0.051874999999999991, 0.778125 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].stream["acid-stream-spitter-behemoth"].particle.hr_version.tint ]=], width = 22 }, particle_alpha_per_part = 0.8, particle_buffer_size = 90, particle_end_alpha = 1, particle_fade_out_duration = 2, particle_horizontal_speed = 0.3375, particle_horizontal_speed_deviation = 0.0035, particle_loop_exit_threshold = 0.25, particle_loop_frame_count = 15, particle_scale_per_part = 0.8, particle_spawn_interval = 1, particle_spawn_timeout = 6, particle_start_alpha = 0.5, particle_vertical_acceleration = 0.0045000000000000009, shadow = { animation_speed = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-projectile/acid-projectile-shadow.png", frame_count = 15, height = 84, hr_version = { animation_speed = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-projectile/hr-acid-projectile-shadow.png", frame_count = 15, height = 164, line_length = 15, priority = "high", scale = 0.41499999999999995, shift = { -0.051874999999999991, 0.80406250000000004 }, width = 42 }, line_length = 15, priority = "high", scale = 0.82999999999999989, shift = { -0.051874999999999991, 0.778125 }, width = 22 }, shadow_scale_enabled = true, special_neutral_target_damage = { amount = 1, type = "acid" }, spine_animation = { animation_speed = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-projectile/acid-projectile-tail.png", frame_count = 15, height = 12, hr_version = { animation_speed = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-projectile/hr-acid-projectile-tail.png", frame_count = 15, height = 20, line_length = 5, priority = "high", scale = 0.41499999999999995, shift = { 0, -0.025937499999999996 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].stream["acid-stream-spitter-behemoth"].particle.hr_version.tint ]=], width = 132 }, line_length = 5, priority = "high", scale = 0.82999999999999989, shift = { 0, -0.051874999999999991 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].stream["acid-stream-spitter-behemoth"].particle.hr_version.tint ]=], width = 66 }, type = "stream", working_sound = { sound = { { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/projectile-acid-burn-loop.ogg", volume = 0.4 } } } }, ["acid-stream-worm-small"] = { flags = { "not-on-map" }, initial_action = { { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { sound = { { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/projectile-acid-burn-1.ogg", volume = 0.65 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/projectile-acid-burn-2.ogg", volume = 0.65 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/projectile-acid-burn-long-1.ogg", volume = 0.6 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/projectile-acid-burn-long-2.ogg", volume = 0.6 } }, type = "play-sound" }, { entity_name = "acid-splash-fire-worm-small", show_in_tooltip = true, tile_collision_mask = { "water-tile" }, type = "create-fire" }, { entity_name = "water-splash", tile_collision_mask = { "ground-tile" }, type = "create-entity" } }, type = "instant" }, type = "direct" }, { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { sticker = "acid-sticker-small", type = "create-sticker" }, { damage = { amount = 1, type = "acid" }, type = "damage" } }, type = "instant" }, force = "enemy", ignore_collision_condition = true, radius = 1.3999999999999999, type = "area" } }, name = "acid-stream-worm-small", oriented_particle = true, particle = { animation_speed = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-projectile/acid-projectile-head.png", frame_count = 15, height = 84, hr_version = { animation_speed = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-projectile/hr-acid-projectile-head.png", frame_count = 15, height = 164, line_length = 5, priority = "high", scale = 0.35750000000000002, shift = { -0.0446875, 0.69265625000000011 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].stream["acid-stream-spitter-behemoth"].particle.hr_version.tint ]=], width = 42 }, line_length = 5, priority = "high", scale = 0.71500000000000004, shift = { -0.0446875, 0.67031250000000009 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].stream["acid-stream-spitter-behemoth"].particle.hr_version.tint ]=], width = 22 }, particle_alpha_per_part = 0.8, particle_buffer_size = 90, particle_end_alpha = 1, particle_fade_out_duration = 2, particle_horizontal_speed = 0.3375, particle_horizontal_speed_deviation = 0.0035, particle_loop_exit_threshold = 0.25, particle_loop_frame_count = 15, particle_scale_per_part = 0.8, particle_spawn_interval = 1, particle_spawn_timeout = 6, particle_start_alpha = 0.5, particle_vertical_acceleration = 0.0045000000000000009, shadow = { animation_speed = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-projectile/acid-projectile-shadow.png", frame_count = 15, height = 84, hr_version = { animation_speed = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-projectile/hr-acid-projectile-shadow.png", frame_count = 15, height = 164, line_length = 15, priority = "high", scale = 0.35750000000000002, shift = { -0.0446875, 0.69265625000000011 }, width = 42 }, line_length = 15, priority = "high", scale = 0.71500000000000004, shift = { -0.0446875, 0.67031250000000009 }, width = 22 }, shadow_scale_enabled = true, special_neutral_target_damage = { amount = 1, type = "acid" }, spine_animation = { animation_speed = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-projectile/acid-projectile-tail.png", frame_count = 15, height = 12, hr_version = { animation_speed = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-projectile/hr-acid-projectile-tail.png", frame_count = 15, height = 20, line_length = 5, priority = "high", scale = 0.35750000000000002, shift = { 0, -0.02234375 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].stream["acid-stream-spitter-behemoth"].particle.hr_version.tint ]=], width = 132 }, line_length = 5, priority = "high", scale = 0.71500000000000004, shift = { 0, -0.0446875 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].stream["acid-stream-spitter-behemoth"].particle.hr_version.tint ]=], width = 66 }, type = "stream", working_sound = { sound = { { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/projectile-acid-burn-loop.ogg", volume = 0.4 } } } }, ["flamethrower-fire-stream"] = { action = { { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { show_in_tooltip = true, sticker = "fire-sticker", type = "create-sticker" }, { apply_damage_to_trees = false, damage = { amount = 3, type = "fire" }, type = "damage" } }, type = "instant" }, radius = 2.5, type = "area" }, { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { entity_name = "fire-flame", show_in_tooltip = true, type = "create-fire" } }, type = "instant" }, type = "direct" } }, flags = { "not-on-map" }, name = "flamethrower-fire-stream", particle = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/flamethrower-fire-stream/flamethrower-explosion.png", frame_count = 32, height = 64, line_length = 8, priority = "extra-high", width = 64 }, particle_buffer_size = 90, particle_end_alpha = 1, particle_fade_out_threshold = 0.9, particle_horizontal_speed = 0.22500000000000004, particle_horizontal_speed_deviation = 0.0035, particle_loop_exit_threshold = 0.25, particle_loop_frame_count = 3, particle_spawn_interval = 2, particle_spawn_timeout = 8, particle_start_alpha = 0.5, particle_start_scale = 0.2, particle_vertical_acceleration = 0.003, shadow = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/acid-projectile/projectile-shadow.png", frame_count = 33, height = 16, line_length = 5, priority = "high", shift = { -0.09, 0.39500000000000002 }, width = 28 }, smoke_sources = { { frequency = 0.05, name = "soft-fire-smoke", position = { 0, 0 }, starting_frame_deviation = 60 } }, spine_animation = { animation_speed = 2, axially_symmetrical = false, blend_mode = "additive", direction_count = 1, draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/flamethrower-fire-stream/flamethrower-fire-stream-spine.png", frame_count = 32, height = 18, line_length = 4, shift = { 0, 0 }, width = 32 }, type = "stream" }, ["handheld-flamethrower-fire-stream"] = { action = { { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { show_in_tooltip = true, sticker = "fire-sticker", type = "create-sticker" }, { apply_damage_to_trees = false, damage = { amount = 2, type = "fire" }, type = "damage" } }, type = "instant" }, radius = 2.5, type = "area" }, { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { entity_name = "fire-flame", initial_ground_flame_count = 2, show_in_tooltip = true, type = "create-fire" } }, type = "instant" }, type = "direct" } }, flags = { "not-on-map" }, name = "handheld-flamethrower-fire-stream", particle = 0 --[=[ ref [""].stream["flamethrower-fire-stream"].particle ]=], particle_buffer_size = 65, particle_end_alpha = 1, particle_fade_out_threshold = 0.9, particle_horizontal_speed = 0.25, particle_horizontal_speed_deviation = 0.0035000000000000004, particle_loop_exit_threshold = 0.25, particle_loop_frame_count = 3, particle_spawn_interval = 2, particle_spawn_timeout = 2, particle_start_alpha = 0.5, particle_start_scale = 0.2, particle_vertical_acceleration = 0.003, shadow = 0 --[=[ ref [""].stream["flamethrower-fire-stream"].shadow ]=], smoke_sources = { { frequency = 0.05, name = "soft-fire-smoke", position = { 0, 0 }, starting_frame_deviation = 60 } }, spine_animation = 0 --[=[ ref [""].stream["flamethrower-fire-stream"].spine_animation ]=], type = "stream" }, ["tank-flamethrower-fire-stream"] = { action = { { action_delivery = { target_effects = { { apply_damage_to_trees = true, damage = { amount = 7, type = "fire" }, type = "damage" } }, type = "instant" }, radius = 4, type = "area" } }, flags = { "not-on-map" }, name = "tank-flamethrower-fire-stream", particle = 0 --[=[ ref [""].stream["flamethrower-fire-stream"].particle ]=], particle_buffer_size = 65, particle_end_alpha = 1, particle_fade_out_threshold = 0.9, particle_horizontal_speed = 0.45, particle_horizontal_speed_deviation = 0.0035000000000000004, particle_loop_exit_threshold = 0.25, particle_loop_frame_count = 3, particle_spawn_interval = 2, particle_spawn_timeout = 2, particle_start_alpha = 0.5, particle_start_scale = 0.5, particle_vertical_acceleration = 0.0015, shadow = 0 --[=[ ref [""].stream["flamethrower-fire-stream"].shadow ]=], smoke_sources = { { frequency = 0.05, name = "soft-fire-smoke", position = { 0, 0 }, starting_frame_deviation = 60 } }, spine_animation = 0 --[=[ ref [""].stream["flamethrower-fire-stream"].spine_animation ]=], type = "stream" } }, technology = { ["advanced-electronics"] = { effects = { { recipe = "advanced-circuit", type = "unlock-recipe" } }, icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/advanced-electronics.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, name = "advanced-electronics", order = "a-d-b", prerequisites = { "plastics" }, type = "technology", unit = { count = 200, ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 }, { "logistic-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 15 } }, ["advanced-electronics-2"] = { effects = { { recipe = "processing-unit", type = "unlock-recipe" } }, icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/advanced-electronics-2.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, name = "advanced-electronics-2", order = "a-d-c", prerequisites = { "chemical-science-pack" }, type = "technology", unit = { count = 300, ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 }, { "logistic-science-pack", 1 }, { "chemical-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 30 } }, ["advanced-material-processing"] = { effects = { { recipe = "steel-furnace", type = "unlock-recipe" } }, icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/advanced-material-processing.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, name = "advanced-material-processing", order = "c-c-a", prerequisites = { "steel-processing", "logistic-science-pack" }, type = "technology", unit = { count = 75, ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 }, { "logistic-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 30 } }, ["advanced-material-processing-2"] = { effects = { { recipe = "electric-furnace", type = "unlock-recipe" } }, icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/advanced-material-processing-2.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, name = "advanced-material-processing-2", order = "c-c-b", prerequisites = { "advanced-material-processing", "chemical-science-pack" }, type = "technology", unit = { count = 250, ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 }, { "logistic-science-pack", 1 }, { "chemical-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 30 } }, ["advanced-oil-processing"] = { effects = { { recipe = "advanced-oil-processing", type = "unlock-recipe" }, { recipe = "heavy-oil-cracking", type = "unlock-recipe" }, { recipe = "light-oil-cracking", type = "unlock-recipe" }, { recipe = "solid-fuel-from-heavy-oil", type = "unlock-recipe" }, { recipe = "solid-fuel-from-light-oil", type = "unlock-recipe" } }, icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/oil-processing.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, name = "advanced-oil-processing", order = "d-b", prerequisites = { "chemical-science-pack" }, type = "technology", unit = { count = 75, ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 }, { "logistic-science-pack", 1 }, { "chemical-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 30 } }, artillery = { effects = { { recipe = "artillery-wagon", type = "unlock-recipe" }, { recipe = "artillery-turret", type = "unlock-recipe" }, { recipe = "artillery-shell", type = "unlock-recipe" }, { recipe = "artillery-targeting-remote", type = "unlock-recipe" } }, icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/artillery.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, name = "artillery", order = "d-e-f", prerequisites = { "military-4", "tank" }, type = "technology", unit = { count = 2000, ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 }, { "logistic-science-pack", 1 }, { "chemical-science-pack", 1 }, { "military-science-pack", 1 }, { "utility-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 30 } }, ["artillery-shell-range-1"] = { effects = { { modifier = 0.3, type = "artillery-range" } }, icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, icons = { { icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/artillery-range.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256 }, { icon = "__core__/graphics/icons/technology/constants/constant-range.png", icon_mipmaps = 3, icon_size = 128, shift = { 100, 100 } } }, max_level = "infinite", name = "artillery-shell-range-1", order = "e-k-d", prerequisites = { "artillery", "space-science-pack" }, type = "technology", unit = { count_formula = "2^L*1000", ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 }, { "logistic-science-pack", 1 }, { "chemical-science-pack", 1 }, { "military-science-pack", 1 }, { "utility-science-pack", 1 }, { "space-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 60 } }, ["artillery-shell-speed-1"] = { effects = { { ammo_category = "artillery-shell", icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/artillery-shell.png", icon_mipmaps = 2, icon_size = 64, modifier = 1, type = "gun-speed" } }, icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, icons = { { icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/artillery-speed.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256 }, { icon = "__core__/graphics/icons/technology/constants/constant-speed.png", icon_mipmaps = 3, icon_size = 128, shift = { 100, 100 } } }, max_level = "infinite", name = "artillery-shell-speed-1", order = "e-k-k", prerequisites = { "artillery", "space-science-pack" }, type = "technology", unit = { count_formula = "1000+3^(L-1)*1000", ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 }, { "logistic-science-pack", 1 }, { "chemical-science-pack", 1 }, { "military-science-pack", 1 }, { "utility-science-pack", 1 }, { "space-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 60 } }, ["atomic-bomb"] = { effects = { { recipe = "atomic-bomb", type = "unlock-recipe" } }, icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/atomic-bomb.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, name = "atomic-bomb", order = "e-a-b", prerequisites = { "military-4", "kovarex-enrichment-process", "rocket-control-unit", "rocketry" }, type = "technology", unit = { count = 5000, ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 }, { "logistic-science-pack", 1 }, { "chemical-science-pack", 1 }, { "military-science-pack", 1 }, { "production-science-pack", 1 }, { "utility-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 45 } }, ["automated-rail-transportation"] = { effects = { { recipe = "train-stop", type = "unlock-recipe" } }, icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/automated-rail-transportation.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, name = "automated-rail-transportation", order = "c-g-b", prerequisites = { "railway" }, type = "technology", unit = { count = 75, ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 }, { "logistic-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 30 } }, automation = { effects = { { recipe = "assembling-machine-1", type = "unlock-recipe" }, { recipe = "long-handed-inserter", type = "unlock-recipe" } }, icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/automation-1.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, ignore_tech_cost_multiplier = true, name = "automation", order = "a-b-a", type = "technology", unit = { count = 10, ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 10 } }, ["automation-2"] = { effects = { { recipe = "assembling-machine-2", type = "unlock-recipe" } }, icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/automation-2.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, localised_description = { "technology-description.automation-2" }, name = "automation-2", order = "a-b-b", prerequisites = { "electronics", "steel-processing", "logistic-science-pack" }, type = "technology", unit = { count = 40, ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 }, { "logistic-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 15 } }, ["automation-3"] = { effects = { { recipe = "assembling-machine-3", type = "unlock-recipe" } }, icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/automation-3.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, localised_description = { "technology-description.automation-3" }, name = "automation-3", order = "a-b-c", prerequisites = { "speed-module", "production-science-pack" }, type = "technology", unit = { count = 150, ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 }, { "logistic-science-pack", 1 }, { "chemical-science-pack", 1 }, { "production-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 60 } }, automobilism = { effects = { { recipe = "car", type = "unlock-recipe" } }, icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/automobilism.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, name = "automobilism", order = "e-b", prerequisites = { "logistics-2", "engine" }, type = "technology", unit = { count = 100, ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 }, { "logistic-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 30 } }, battery = { effects = { { recipe = "battery", type = "unlock-recipe" } }, icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/battery.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, name = "battery", order = "b-c", prerequisites = { "sulfur-processing" }, type = "technology", unit = { count = 150, ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 }, { "logistic-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 30 } }, ["battery-equipment"] = { effects = { { recipe = "battery-equipment", type = "unlock-recipe" } }, icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, icons = { { icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/battery-equipment.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256 }, { icon = "__core__/graphics/icons/technology/constants/constant-equipment.png", icon_mipmaps = 3, icon_size = 128, shift = { 100, 100 } } }, name = "battery-equipment", order = "g-i-a", prerequisites = { "battery", "solar-panel-equipment" }, type = "technology", unit = { count = 50, ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 }, { "logistic-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 15 } }, ["battery-mk2-equipment"] = { effects = { { recipe = "battery-mk2-equipment", type = "unlock-recipe" } }, icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, 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= "g-g-g", prerequisites = { "solar-panel-equipment" }, type = "technology", unit = { count = 50, ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 }, { "logistic-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 15 } }, ["braking-force-1"] = { effects = { { modifier = 0.1, type = "train-braking-force-bonus" } }, icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, icons = { { icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/braking-force.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256 }, { icon = "__core__/graphics/icons/technology/constants/constant-braking-force.png", icon_mipmaps = 3, icon_size = 128, shift = { 100, 100 } } }, name = "braking-force-1", order = "b-f-a", prerequisites = { "railway", "chemical-science-pack" }, type = "technology", unit = { count = 100, ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 }, { "logistic-science-pack", 1 }, { "chemical-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 30 }, upgrade = true }, ["braking-force-2"] = { effects = { { modifier = 0.15, type = "train-braking-force-bonus" } }, icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, 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"technology", unit = { count = 250, ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 }, { "logistic-science-pack", 1 }, { "chemical-science-pack", 1 }, { "production-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 30 }, upgrade = true }, ["braking-force-4"] = { effects = { { modifier = 0.15, type = "train-braking-force-bonus" } }, icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, icons = { { icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/braking-force.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256 }, { icon = "__core__/graphics/icons/technology/constants/constant-braking-force.png", icon_mipmaps = 3, icon_size = 128, shift = { 100, 100 } } }, name = "braking-force-4", order = "b-f-d", prerequisites = { "braking-force-3" }, type = "technology", unit = { count = 350, ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 }, { "logistic-science-pack", 1 }, { "chemical-science-pack", 1 }, { "production-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 30 }, upgrade = true }, ["braking-force-5"] = { effects = { { modifier = 0.15, type = "train-braking-force-bonus" } }, icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, icons = { { icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/braking-force.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256 }, { icon = "__core__/graphics/icons/technology/constants/constant-braking-force.png", icon_mipmaps = 3, icon_size = 128, shift = { 100, 100 } } }, name = "braking-force-5", order = "b-f-e", prerequisites = { "braking-force-4" }, type = "technology", unit = { count = 450, ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 }, { "logistic-science-pack", 1 }, { "chemical-science-pack", 1 }, { "production-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 35 }, upgrade = true }, ["braking-force-6"] = { effects = { { modifier = 0.15, type = "train-braking-force-bonus" } }, icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, icons = { { icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/braking-force.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256 }, { icon = "__core__/graphics/icons/technology/constants/constant-braking-force.png", icon_mipmaps = 3, icon_size = 128, shift = { 100, 100 } } }, name = "braking-force-6", order = "b-f-f", prerequisites = { "braking-force-5" }, type = "technology", unit = { count = 550, ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 }, { "logistic-science-pack", 1 }, { "chemical-science-pack", 1 }, { "production-science-pack", 1 }, { "utility-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 45 }, upgrade = true }, ["braking-force-7"] = { effects = { { modifier = 0.15, type = "train-braking-force-bonus" } }, icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, icons = { { icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/braking-force.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256 }, { icon = "__core__/graphics/icons/technology/constants/constant-braking-force.png", icon_mipmaps = 3, icon_size = 128, shift = { 100, 100 } } }, name = "braking-force-7", order = "b-f-g", prerequisites = { "braking-force-6" }, type = "technology", unit = { count = 650, ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 }, { "logistic-science-pack", 1 }, { "chemical-science-pack", 1 }, { "production-science-pack", 1 }, { "utility-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 60 }, upgrade = true }, ["chemical-science-pack"] = { effects = { { recipe = "chemical-science-pack", type = "unlock-recipe" } }, icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/chemical-science-pack.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, localised_description = { "technology-description.chemical-science-pack" }, localised_name = { "technology-name.chemical-science-pack" }, name = "chemical-science-pack", order = "c-a", prerequisites = { "advanced-electronics", "sulfur-processing" }, type = "technology", unit = { count = 75, ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 }, { "logistic-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 10 } }, ["circuit-network"] = { effects = { { recipe = "red-wire", type = "unlock-recipe" }, { recipe = "green-wire", type = "unlock-recipe" }, { recipe = "arithmetic-combinator", type = "unlock-recipe" }, { recipe = "decider-combinator", type = "unlock-recipe" }, { recipe = "constant-combinator", type = "unlock-recipe" }, { recipe = "power-switch", type = "unlock-recipe" }, { recipe = "programmable-speaker", type = "unlock-recipe" } }, icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/circuit-network.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, name = "circuit-network", order = "a-d-d", prerequisites = { "electronics", "logistic-science-pack" }, type = "technology", unit = { count = 100, ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 }, { "logistic-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 15 } }, ["cliff-explosives"] = { effects = { { recipe = "cliff-explosives", type = "unlock-recipe" } }, icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/cliff-explosives.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, name = "cliff-explosives", order = "z-c-d", prerequisites = { "explosives", "military-2" }, type = "technology", unit = { count = 200, ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 }, { "logistic-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 15 } }, ["coal-liquefaction"] = { effects = { { recipe = "coal-liquefaction", type = "unlock-recipe" } }, icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/coal-liquefaction.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, name = "coal-liquefaction", order = "d-c", prerequisites = { "advanced-oil-processing", "production-science-pack" }, type = "technology", unit = { count = 200, ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 }, { "logistic-science-pack", 1 }, { "chemical-science-pack", 1 }, { "production-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 30 } }, concrete = { effects = { { recipe = "concrete", type = "unlock-recipe" }, { recipe = "hazard-concrete", type = "unlock-recipe" }, { recipe = "refined-concrete", type = "unlock-recipe" }, { recipe = "refined-hazard-concrete", type = "unlock-recipe" } }, icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/concrete.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, name = "concrete", order = "c-c-c", prerequisites = { "advanced-material-processing", "automation-2" }, type = "technology", unit = { count = 250, ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 }, { "logistic-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 30 } }, ["construction-robotics"] = { effects = { { recipe = "roboport", type = "unlock-recipe" }, { recipe = "logistic-chest-passive-provider", type = "unlock-recipe" }, { recipe = "logistic-chest-storage", type = "unlock-recipe" }, { recipe = "construction-robot", type = "unlock-recipe" }, { modifier = 36288000, type = "ghost-time-to-live" } }, icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/construction-robotics.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, name = "construction-robotics", order = "c-k-a", prerequisites = { "robotics" }, type = "technology", unit = { count = 100, ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 }, { "logistic-science-pack", 1 }, { "chemical-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 30 } }, defender = { effects = { { recipe = "defender-capsule", type = "unlock-recipe" }, { modifier = 4, type = "maximum-following-robots-count" } }, icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/defender.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, name = "defender", order = "e-p-a", prerequisites = { "military-science-pack" }, type = "technology", unit = { count = 100, ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 }, { "logistic-science-pack", 1 }, { "military-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 30 } }, destroyer = { effects = { { recipe = "destroyer-capsule", type = "unlock-recipe" } }, icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/destroyer.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, name = "destroyer", order = "e-p-b-b", prerequisites = { "military-4", "distractor", "speed-module" }, type = "technology", unit = { count = 300, ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 }, { "logistic-science-pack", 1 }, { "chemical-science-pack", 1 }, { "military-science-pack", 1 }, { "utility-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 30 } }, ["discharge-defense-equipment"] = { effects = { { recipe = "discharge-defense-equipment", type = "unlock-recipe" }, { recipe = "discharge-defense-remote", type = "unlock-recipe" } }, icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, icons = { { icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/discharge-defense-equipment.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256 }, { icon = "__core__/graphics/icons/technology/constants/constant-equipment.png", icon_mipmaps = 3, icon_size = 128, shift = { 100, 100 } } }, name = "discharge-defense-equipment", order = "g-o", prerequisites = { "laser-turret", "military-3", "power-armor", "solar-panel-equipment" }, type = "technology", unit = { count = 100, ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 }, { "logistic-science-pack", 1 }, { "chemical-science-pack", 1 }, { "military-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 30 } }, distractor = { effects = { { recipe = "distractor-capsule", type = "unlock-recipe" } }, icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/distractor.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, name = "distractor", order = "e-p-b-a", prerequisites = { "defender", "military-3", "laser" }, type = "technology", unit = { count = 200, ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 }, { "logistic-science-pack", 1 }, { "chemical-science-pack", 1 }, { "military-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 30 } }, ["effect-transmission"] = { effects = { { recipe = "beacon", type = "unlock-recipe" } }, icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/effect-transmission.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, name = "effect-transmission", order = "i-i", prerequisites = { "advanced-electronics-2", "production-science-pack" }, type = "technology", unit = { count = 75, ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 }, { "logistic-science-pack", 1 }, { "chemical-science-pack", 1 }, { "production-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 30 } }, ["effectivity-module"] = { effects = { { recipe = "effectivity-module", type = "unlock-recipe" } }, icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/effectivity-module-1.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, name = "effectivity-module", order = "i-g-a", prerequisites = { "modules" }, type = "technology", unit = { count = 50, ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 }, { "logistic-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 30 }, upgrade = true }, ["effectivity-module-2"] = { effects = { { recipe = "effectivity-module-2", type = "unlock-recipe" } }, icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/effectivity-module-2.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, name = "effectivity-module-2", order = "i-g-b", prerequisites = { "effectivity-module", "advanced-electronics-2" }, type = "technology", unit = { count = 75, ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 }, { "logistic-science-pack", 1 }, { "chemical-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 30 }, upgrade = true }, ["effectivity-module-3"] = { effects = { { recipe = "effectivity-module-3", type = "unlock-recipe" } }, icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/effectivity-module-3.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, name = "effectivity-module-3", order = "i-g-c", prerequisites = { "effectivity-module-2", "production-science-pack" }, type = "technology", unit = { count = 300, ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 }, { "logistic-science-pack", 1 }, { "chemical-science-pack", 1 }, { "production-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 60 }, upgrade = true }, ["electric-energy-accumulators"] = { effects = { { recipe = "accumulator", type = "unlock-recipe" } }, icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/electric-energy-acumulators.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, localised_name = { "technology-name.electric-energy-accumulators-1" }, name = "electric-energy-accumulators", order = "c-e-a", prerequisites = { "electric-energy-distribution-1", "battery" }, type = "technology", unit = { count = 150, ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 }, { "logistic-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 30 } }, ["electric-energy-distribution-1"] = { effects = { { recipe = "medium-electric-pole", type = "unlock-recipe" }, { recipe = "big-electric-pole", type = "unlock-recipe" } }, icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/electric-energy-distribution-1.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, name = "electric-energy-distribution-1", order = "c-e-b", prerequisites = { "electronics", "steel-processing", "logistic-science-pack" }, type = "technology", unit = { count = 120, ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 }, { "logistic-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 30 } }, ["electric-energy-distribution-2"] = { effects = { { recipe = "substation", type = "unlock-recipe" } }, icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/electric-energy-distribution-2.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, name = "electric-energy-distribution-2", order = "c-e-c", prerequisites = { "electric-energy-distribution-1", "chemical-science-pack" }, type = "technology", unit = { count = 100, ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 }, { "logistic-science-pack", 1 }, { "chemical-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 45 } }, ["electric-engine"] = { effects = { { recipe = "electric-engine-unit", type = "unlock-recipe" } }, icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/electric-engine.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, name = "electric-engine", order = "b-b", prerequisites = { "lubricant" }, type = "technology", unit = { count = 50, ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 }, { "logistic-science-pack", 1 }, { "chemical-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 30 } }, electronics = { icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/electronics.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, name = "electronics", order = "a-d-a", prerequisites = { "automation" }, type = "technology", unit = { count = 30, ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 15 } }, ["energy-shield-equipment"] = { effects = { { recipe = "energy-shield-equipment", type = "unlock-recipe" } }, icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, icons = { { icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/energy-shield-equipment.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256 }, { icon = "__core__/graphics/icons/technology/constants/constant-equipment.png", icon_mipmaps = 3, icon_size = 128, shift = { 100, 100 } } }, name = "energy-shield-equipment", order = "g-e-a", prerequisites = { "solar-panel-equipment", "military-science-pack" }, type = "technology", unit = { count = 150, ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 }, { "logistic-science-pack", 1 }, { "military-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 15 } }, ["energy-shield-mk2-equipment"] = { effects = { { recipe = "energy-shield-mk2-equipment", type = "unlock-recipe" } }, icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, icons = { { icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/energy-shield-mk2-equipment.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256 }, { icon = "__core__/graphics/icons/technology/constants/constant-equipment.png", icon_mipmaps = 3, icon_size = 128, shift = { 100, 100 } } }, name = "energy-shield-mk2-equipment", order = "g-e-b", prerequisites = { "energy-shield-equipment", "military-3", "low-density-structure", "power-armor" }, type = "technology", unit = { count = 200, ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 }, { "logistic-science-pack", 1 }, { "chemical-science-pack", 1 }, { "military-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 30 } }, ["energy-weapons-damage-1"] = { effects = { { ammo_category = "laser", modifier = 0.2, type = "ammo-damage" } }, icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, icons = { { icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/energy-weapons-damage.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256 }, { icon = "__core__/graphics/icons/technology/constants/constant-damage.png", icon_mipmaps = 3, icon_size = 128, shift = { 100, 100 } } }, name = "energy-weapons-damage-1", order = "e-j-a", prerequisites = { "laser", "military-science-pack" }, type = "technology", unit = { count = 100, ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 }, { "logistic-science-pack", 1 }, { "military-science-pack", 1 }, { "chemical-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 30 }, upgrade = true }, ["energy-weapons-damage-2"] = { effects = { { ammo_category = "laser", modifier = 0.2, type = "ammo-damage" } }, icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, icons = { { icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/energy-weapons-damage.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256 }, { icon = "__core__/graphics/icons/technology/constants/constant-damage.png", icon_mipmaps = 3, icon_size = 128, shift = { 100, 100 } } }, name = "energy-weapons-damage-2", order = "e-l-b", prerequisites = { "energy-weapons-damage-1" }, type = "technology", unit = { count = 200, ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 }, { "logistic-science-pack", 1 }, { "military-science-pack", 1 }, { "chemical-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 30 }, upgrade = true }, ["energy-weapons-damage-3"] = { effects = { { ammo_category = "laser", modifier = 0.3, type = "ammo-damage" } }, icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, icons = { { icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/energy-weapons-damage.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256 }, { icon = "__core__/graphics/icons/technology/constants/constant-damage.png", icon_mipmaps = 3, icon_size = 128, shift = { 100, 100 } } }, name = "energy-weapons-damage-3", order = "e-l-c", prerequisites = { "energy-weapons-damage-2" }, type = "technology", unit = { count = 300, ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 }, { "logistic-science-pack", 1 }, { "military-science-pack", 1 }, { "chemical-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 60 }, upgrade = true }, ["energy-weapons-damage-4"] = { effects = { { ammo_category = "laser", modifier = 0.4, type = "ammo-damage" } }, icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, icons = { { icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/energy-weapons-damage.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256 }, { icon = "__core__/graphics/icons/technology/constants/constant-damage.png", icon_mipmaps = 3, icon_size = 128, shift = { 100, 100 } } }, name = "energy-weapons-damage-4", order = "e-l-d", prerequisites = { "energy-weapons-damage-3" }, type = "technology", unit = { count = 400, ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 }, { "logistic-science-pack", 1 }, { "military-science-pack", 1 }, { "chemical-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 60 }, upgrade = true }, ["energy-weapons-damage-5"] = { effects = { { ammo_category = "laser", modifier = 0.5, type = "ammo-damage" }, { ammo_category = "beam", modifier = 0.4, type = "ammo-damage" } }, icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, icons = { { icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/energy-weapons-damage.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256 }, { icon = "__core__/graphics/icons/technology/constants/constant-damage.png", icon_mipmaps = 3, icon_size = 128, shift = { 100, 100 } } }, name = "energy-weapons-damage-5", order = "e-l-e", prerequisites = { "energy-weapons-damage-4" }, type = "technology", unit = { count = 500, ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 }, { "logistic-science-pack", 1 }, { "chemical-science-pack", 1 }, { "military-science-pack", 1 }, { "utility-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 60 }, upgrade = true }, ["energy-weapons-damage-6"] = { effects = { { ammo_category = "laser", modifier = 0.7, type = "ammo-damage" }, { ammo_category = "electric", modifier = 0.7, type = "ammo-damage" }, { ammo_category = "beam", modifier = 0.6, type = "ammo-damage" } }, icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, icons = { { icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/energy-weapons-damage.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256 }, { icon = "__core__/graphics/icons/technology/constants/constant-damage.png", icon_mipmaps = 3, icon_size = 128, shift = { 100, 100 } } }, name = "energy-weapons-damage-6", order = "e-l-f", prerequisites = { "energy-weapons-damage-5" }, type = "technology", unit = { count = 600, ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 }, { "logistic-science-pack", 1 }, { "chemical-science-pack", 1 }, { "military-science-pack", 1 }, { "utility-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 60 }, upgrade = true }, ["energy-weapons-damage-7"] = { effects = { { ammo_category = "laser", modifier = 0.7, type = "ammo-damage" }, { ammo_category = "electric", modifier = 0.7, type = "ammo-damage" }, { ammo_category = "beam", modifier = 0.3, type = "ammo-damage" } }, icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, icons = { { icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/energy-weapons-damage.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256 }, { icon = "__core__/graphics/icons/technology/constants/constant-damage.png", icon_mipmaps = 3, icon_size = 128, shift = { 100, 100 } } }, max_level = "infinite", name = "energy-weapons-damage-7", order = "e-l-f", prerequisites = { "energy-weapons-damage-6", "space-science-pack" }, type = "technology", unit = { count_formula = "2^(L-7)*1000", ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 }, { "logistic-science-pack", 1 }, { "chemical-science-pack", 1 }, { "military-science-pack", 1 }, { "utility-science-pack", 1 }, { "space-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 60 }, upgrade = true }, engine = { effects = { { recipe = "engine-unit", type = "unlock-recipe" } }, icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/engine.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, name = "engine", order = "b-a", prerequisites = { "steel-processing", "logistic-science-pack" }, type = "technology", unit = { count = 100, ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 }, { "logistic-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 15 } }, ["exoskeleton-equipment"] = { effects = { { recipe = "exoskeleton-equipment", type = "unlock-recipe" } }, icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, icons = { { icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/exoskeleton-equipment.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256 }, { icon = "__core__/graphics/icons/technology/constants/constant-equipment.png", icon_mipmaps = 3, icon_size = 128, shift = { 100, 100 } } }, name = "exoskeleton-equipment", order = "g-h", prerequisites = { "advanced-electronics-2", "electric-engine", "solar-panel-equipment" }, type = "technology", unit = { count = 50, ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 }, { "logistic-science-pack", 1 }, { "chemical-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 30 } }, ["explosive-rocketry"] = { effects = { { recipe = "explosive-rocket", type = "unlock-recipe" } }, icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/explosive-rocketry.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, name = "explosive-rocketry", order = "e-h", prerequisites = { "rocketry", "military-3" }, type = "technology", unit = { count = 100, ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 }, { "logistic-science-pack", 1 }, { "chemical-science-pack", 1 }, { "military-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 30 } }, explosives = { effects = { { recipe = "explosives", type = "unlock-recipe" } }, icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/explosives.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, name = "explosives", order = "a-e-d", prerequisites = { "sulfur-processing" }, type = "technology", unit = { count = 100, ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 }, { "logistic-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 15 } }, ["fast-inserter"] = { effects = { { recipe = "fast-inserter", type = "unlock-recipe" }, { recipe = "filter-inserter", type = "unlock-recipe" } }, icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/fast-inserter.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, name = "fast-inserter", order = "a-d-a", prerequisites = { "electronics" }, type = "technology", unit = { count = 30, ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 15 } }, flamethrower = { effects = { { recipe = "flamethrower", type = "unlock-recipe" }, { recipe = "flamethrower-ammo", type = "unlock-recipe" }, { recipe = "flamethrower-turret", type = "unlock-recipe" } }, icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/flamethrower.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, name = "flamethrower", order = "e-c-b", prerequisites = { "flammables", "military-science-pack" }, type = "technology", unit = { count = 50, ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 }, { "logistic-science-pack", 1 }, { "military-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 30 } }, flammables = { icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/flammables.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, name = "flammables", order = "e-c-a", prerequisites = { "oil-processing" }, type = "technology", unit = { count = 50, ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 }, { "logistic-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 30 } }, ["fluid-handling"] = { effects = { { recipe = "storage-tank", type = "unlock-recipe" }, { recipe = "pump", type = "unlock-recipe" }, { recipe = "empty-barrel", type = "unlock-recipe" }, { recipe = "fill-water-barrel", type = "unlock-recipe" }, { recipe = "empty-water-barrel", type = "unlock-recipe" }, { recipe = "fill-sulfuric-acid-barrel", type = "unlock-recipe" }, { recipe = "empty-sulfuric-acid-barrel", type = "unlock-recipe" }, { recipe = "fill-crude-oil-barrel", type = "unlock-recipe" }, { recipe = "empty-crude-oil-barrel", type = "unlock-recipe" }, { recipe = "fill-heavy-oil-barrel", type = "unlock-recipe" }, { recipe = "empty-heavy-oil-barrel", type = "unlock-recipe" }, { recipe = "fill-light-oil-barrel", type = "unlock-recipe" }, { recipe = "empty-light-oil-barrel", type = "unlock-recipe" }, { recipe = "fill-petroleum-gas-barrel", type = "unlock-recipe" }, { recipe = "empty-petroleum-gas-barrel", type = "unlock-recipe" }, { recipe = "fill-lubricant-barrel", type = "unlock-recipe" }, { recipe = "empty-lubricant-barrel", type = "unlock-recipe" } }, icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/fluid-handling.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, name = "fluid-handling", order = "d-a-a", prerequisites = { "automation-2", "engine" }, type = "technology", unit = { count = 50, ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 }, { "logistic-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 15 } }, ["fluid-wagon"] = { effects = { { recipe = "fluid-wagon", type = "unlock-recipe" } }, icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/fluid-wagon.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, name = "fluid-wagon", order = "c-g-a-b", prerequisites = { "railway", "fluid-handling" }, type = "technology", unit = { count = 200, ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 }, { "logistic-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 30 } }, ["follower-robot-count-1"] = { effects = { { modifier = 5, type = "maximum-following-robots-count" } }, icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, icons = { { icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/follower-robots.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256 }, { icon = "__core__/graphics/icons/technology/constants/constant-count.png", icon_mipmaps = 3, icon_size = 128, shift = { 100, 100 } } }, name = "follower-robot-count-1", order = "e-p-b-c", prerequisites = { "defender" }, type = "technology", unit = { count = 200, ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 }, { "logistic-science-pack", 1 }, { "military-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 30 }, upgrade = true }, ["follower-robot-count-2"] = { effects = { { modifier = 5, type = "maximum-following-robots-count" } }, icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, icons = { { icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/follower-robots.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256 }, { icon = "__core__/graphics/icons/technology/constants/constant-count.png", icon_mipmaps = 3, icon_size = 128, shift = { 100, 100 } } }, name = "follower-robot-count-2", order = "e-p-b-c", prerequisites = { "follower-robot-count-1" }, type = "technology", unit = { count = 300, ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 }, { "logistic-science-pack", 1 }, { "military-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 30 }, upgrade = true }, ["follower-robot-count-3"] = { effects = { { modifier = 5, type = "maximum-following-robots-count" } }, icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, icons = { { icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/follower-robots.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256 }, { icon = "__core__/graphics/icons/technology/constants/constant-count.png", icon_mipmaps = 3, icon_size = 128, shift = { 100, 100 } } }, name = "follower-robot-count-3", order = "e-p-b-c", prerequisites = { "follower-robot-count-2" }, type = "technology", unit = { count = 400, ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 }, { "logistic-science-pack", 1 }, { "chemical-science-pack", 1 }, { "military-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 30 }, upgrade = true }, ["follower-robot-count-4"] = { effects = { { modifier = 10, type = "maximum-following-robots-count" } }, icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, icons = { { icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/follower-robots.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256 }, { icon = "__core__/graphics/icons/technology/constants/constant-count.png", icon_mipmaps = 3, icon_size = 128, shift = { 100, 100 } } }, name = "follower-robot-count-4", order = "e-p-b-c", prerequisites = { "follower-robot-count-3" }, type = "technology", unit = { count = 600, ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 }, { "logistic-science-pack", 1 }, { "chemical-science-pack", 1 }, { "military-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 30 }, upgrade = true }, ["follower-robot-count-5"] = { effects = { { modifier = 10, type = "maximum-following-robots-count" } }, icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, icons = { { icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/follower-robots.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256 }, { icon = "__core__/graphics/icons/technology/constants/constant-count.png", icon_mipmaps = 3, icon_size = 128, shift = { 100, 100 } } }, name = "follower-robot-count-5", order = "e-p-b-c", prerequisites = { "follower-robot-count-4", "destroyer" }, type = "technology", unit = { count = 800, ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 }, { "logistic-science-pack", 1 }, { "chemical-science-pack", 1 }, { "military-science-pack", 1 }, { "utility-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 30 }, upgrade = true }, ["follower-robot-count-6"] = { effects = { { modifier = 10, type = "maximum-following-robots-count" } }, icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, icons = { { icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/follower-robots.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256 }, { icon = "__core__/graphics/icons/technology/constants/constant-count.png", icon_mipmaps = 3, icon_size = 128, shift = { 100, 100 } } }, name = "follower-robot-count-6", order = "e-p-b-c", prerequisites = { "follower-robot-count-5" }, type = "technology", unit = { count = 1000, ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 }, { "logistic-science-pack", 1 }, { "chemical-science-pack", 1 }, { "military-science-pack", 1 }, { "utility-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 30 }, upgrade = true }, ["follower-robot-count-7"] = { effects = { { modifier = 10, type = "maximum-following-robots-count" } }, icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, icons = { { icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/follower-robots.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256 }, { icon = "__core__/graphics/icons/technology/constants/constant-count.png", icon_mipmaps = 3, icon_size = 128, shift = { 100, 100 } } }, max_level = "infinite", name = "follower-robot-count-7", order = "e-p-b-c", prerequisites = { "follower-robot-count-6", "space-science-pack" }, type = "technology", unit = { count_formula = "100(L-6)+900", ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 }, { "logistic-science-pack", 1 }, { "chemical-science-pack", 1 }, { "military-science-pack", 1 }, { "production-science-pack", 1 }, { "utility-science-pack", 1 }, { "space-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 30 }, upgrade = true }, ["fusion-reactor-equipment"] = { effects = { { recipe = "fusion-reactor-equipment", type = "unlock-recipe" } }, icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, icons = { { icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/fusion-reactor-equipment.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256 }, { icon = "__core__/graphics/icons/technology/constants/constant-equipment.png", icon_mipmaps = 3, icon_size = 128, shift = { 100, 100 } } }, name = "fusion-reactor-equipment", order = "g-l", prerequisites = { "utility-science-pack", "power-armor", "military-science-pack" }, type = "technology", unit = { count = 200, ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 }, { "logistic-science-pack", 1 }, { "chemical-science-pack", 1 }, { "military-science-pack", 1 }, { "utility-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 30 } }, gate = { effects = { { recipe = "gate", type = "unlock-recipe" } }, icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/gate.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, localised_description = { "technology-description.gates" }, name = "gate", order = "a-l-a", prerequisites = { "stone-wall", "military-2" }, type = "technology", unit = { count = 100, ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 }, { "logistic-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 30 } }, ["gun-turret"] = { effects = { { recipe = "gun-turret", type = "unlock-recipe" } }, icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/gun-turret.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, name = "gun-turret", order = "a-j-a", type = "technology", unit = { count = 10, ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 10 } }, ["heavy-armor"] = { effects = { { recipe = "heavy-armor", type = "unlock-recipe" } }, icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/heavy-armor.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, name = "heavy-armor", order = "g-a-b", prerequisites = { "military", "steel-processing" }, type = "technology", unit = { count = 30, ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 30 } }, ["inserter-capacity-bonus-1"] = { effects = { { modifier = 1, type = "stack-inserter-capacity-bonus" } }, icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, icons = { { icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/inserter-capacity.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256 }, { icon = "__core__/graphics/icons/technology/constants/constant-capacity.png", icon_mipmaps = 3, icon_size = 128, shift = { 100, 100 } } }, name = "inserter-capacity-bonus-1", order = "c-o-b", prerequisites = { "stack-inserter" }, type = "technology", unit = { count = 200, ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 }, { "logistic-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 30 }, upgrade = true }, ["inserter-capacity-bonus-2"] = { effects = { { modifier = 1, type = "inserter-stack-size-bonus" }, { modifier = 1, type = "stack-inserter-capacity-bonus" } }, icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, icons = { { icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/inserter-capacity.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256 }, { icon = "__core__/graphics/icons/technology/constants/constant-capacity.png", icon_mipmaps = 3, icon_size = 128, shift = { 100, 100 } } }, name = "inserter-capacity-bonus-2", order = "c-o-c", prerequisites = { "inserter-capacity-bonus-1" }, type = "technology", unit = { count = 250, ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 }, { "logistic-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 30 }, upgrade = true }, ["inserter-capacity-bonus-3"] = { effects = { { modifier = 1, type = "stack-inserter-capacity-bonus" } }, icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, icons = { { icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/inserter-capacity.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256 }, { icon = "__core__/graphics/icons/technology/constants/constant-capacity.png", icon_mipmaps = 3, icon_size = 128, shift = { 100, 100 } } }, name = "inserter-capacity-bonus-3", order = "c-o-d", prerequisites = { "inserter-capacity-bonus-2" }, type = "technology", unit = { count = 250, ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 }, { "logistic-science-pack", 1 }, { "chemical-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 30 }, upgrade = true }, ["inserter-capacity-bonus-4"] = { effects = { { modifier = 1, type = "stack-inserter-capacity-bonus" } }, icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, icons = { { icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/inserter-capacity.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256 }, { icon = "__core__/graphics/icons/technology/constants/constant-capacity.png", icon_mipmaps = 3, icon_size = 128, shift = { 100, 100 } } }, name = "inserter-capacity-bonus-4", order = "c-o-e", prerequisites = { "inserter-capacity-bonus-3" }, type = "technology", unit = { count = 250, ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 }, { "logistic-science-pack", 1 }, { "chemical-science-pack", 1 }, { "production-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 30 }, upgrade = true }, ["inserter-capacity-bonus-5"] = { effects = { { modifier = 2, type = "stack-inserter-capacity-bonus" } }, icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, icons = { { icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/inserter-capacity.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256 }, { icon = "__core__/graphics/icons/technology/constants/constant-capacity.png", icon_mipmaps = 3, icon_size = 128, shift = { 100, 100 } } }, name = "inserter-capacity-bonus-5", order = "c-o-f", prerequisites = { "inserter-capacity-bonus-4" }, type = "technology", unit = { count = 300, ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 }, { "logistic-science-pack", 1 }, { "chemical-science-pack", 1 }, { "production-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 30 }, upgrade = true }, ["inserter-capacity-bonus-6"] = { effects = { { modifier = 2, type = "stack-inserter-capacity-bonus" } }, icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, icons = { { icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/inserter-capacity.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256 }, { icon = "__core__/graphics/icons/technology/constants/constant-capacity.png", icon_mipmaps = 3, icon_size = 128, shift = { 100, 100 } } }, name = "inserter-capacity-bonus-6", order = "c-o-g", prerequisites = { "inserter-capacity-bonus-5" }, type = "technology", unit = { count = 400, ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 }, { "logistic-science-pack", 1 }, { "chemical-science-pack", 1 }, { "production-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 30 }, upgrade = true }, ["inserter-capacity-bonus-7"] = { effects = { { modifier = 1, type = "inserter-stack-size-bonus" }, { modifier = 2, type = "stack-inserter-capacity-bonus" } }, icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, icons = { { icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/inserter-capacity.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256 }, { icon = "__core__/graphics/icons/technology/constants/constant-capacity.png", icon_mipmaps = 3, icon_size = 128, shift = { 100, 100 } } }, name = "inserter-capacity-bonus-7", order = "c-o-h", prerequisites = { "inserter-capacity-bonus-6" }, type = "technology", unit = { count = 600, ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 }, { "logistic-science-pack", 1 }, { "chemical-science-pack", 1 }, { "production-science-pack", 1 }, { "utility-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 30 }, upgrade = true }, ["kovarex-enrichment-process"] = { effects = { { recipe = "kovarex-enrichment-process", type = "unlock-recipe" }, { recipe = "nuclear-fuel", type = "unlock-recipe" } }, icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/kovarex-enrichment-process.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, name = "kovarex-enrichment-process", order = "e-p-b-c", prerequisites = { "production-science-pack", "uranium-processing", "rocket-fuel" }, type = "technology", unit = { count = 1500, ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 }, { "logistic-science-pack", 1 }, { "chemical-science-pack", 1 }, { "production-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 30 } }, ["land-mine"] = { effects = { { recipe = "land-mine", type = "unlock-recipe" } }, icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/land-mine.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, localised_description = { "" }, name = "land-mine", order = "e-e", prerequisites = { "explosives", "military-science-pack" }, type = "technology", unit = { count = 100, ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 }, { "logistic-science-pack", 1 }, { "military-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 30 } }, landfill = { effects = { { recipe = "landfill", type = "unlock-recipe" } }, icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/landfill.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, name = "landfill", order = "b-d", prerequisites = { "logistic-science-pack" }, type = "technology", unit = { count = 50, ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 }, { "logistic-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 30 } }, laser = { icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/laser.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, name = "laser", order = "a-h-b", prerequisites = { "optics", "battery", "chemical-science-pack" }, type = "technology", unit = { count = 100, ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 }, { "logistic-science-pack", 1 }, { "chemical-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 30 } }, ["laser-shooting-speed-1"] = { effects = { { ammo_category = "laser", modifier = 0.1, type = "gun-speed" } }, icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, icons = { { icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/laser-shooting-speed.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256 }, { icon = "__core__/graphics/icons/technology/constants/constant-speed.png", icon_mipmaps = 3, icon_size = 128, shift = { 100, 100 } } }, name = "laser-shooting-speed-1", order = "e-n-h", prerequisites = { "laser", "military-science-pack" }, type = "technology", unit = { count = 50, ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 }, { "logistic-science-pack", 1 }, { "military-science-pack", 1 }, { "chemical-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 30 }, upgrade = true }, ["laser-shooting-speed-2"] = { effects = { { ammo_category = "laser", modifier = 0.2, type = "gun-speed" } }, icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, icons = { { icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/laser-shooting-speed.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256 }, { icon = "__core__/graphics/icons/technology/constants/constant-speed.png", icon_mipmaps = 3, icon_size = 128, shift = { 100, 100 } } }, name = "laser-shooting-speed-2", order = "e-n-i", prerequisites = { "laser-shooting-speed-1" }, type = "technology", unit = { count = 100, ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 }, { "logistic-science-pack", 1 }, { "military-science-pack", 1 }, { "chemical-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 30 }, upgrade = true }, ["laser-shooting-speed-3"] = { effects = { { ammo_category = "laser", modifier = 0.3, type = "gun-speed" } }, icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, icons = { { icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/laser-shooting-speed.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256 }, { icon = "__core__/graphics/icons/technology/constants/constant-speed.png", icon_mipmaps = 3, icon_size = 128, shift = { 100, 100 } } }, name = "laser-shooting-speed-3", order = "e-n-j", prerequisites = { "laser-shooting-speed-2" }, type = "technology", unit = { count = 200, ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 }, { "logistic-science-pack", 1 }, { "chemical-science-pack", 1 }, { "military-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 60 }, upgrade = true }, ["laser-shooting-speed-4"] = { effects = { { ammo_category = "laser", modifier = 0.3, type = "gun-speed" } }, icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, icons = { { icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/laser-shooting-speed.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256 }, { icon = "__core__/graphics/icons/technology/constants/constant-speed.png", icon_mipmaps = 3, icon_size = 128, shift = { 100, 100 } } }, name = "laser-shooting-speed-4", order = "e-n-k", prerequisites = { "laser-shooting-speed-3" }, type = "technology", unit = { count = 200, ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 }, { "logistic-science-pack", 1 }, { "chemical-science-pack", 1 }, { "military-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 60 }, upgrade = true }, ["laser-shooting-speed-5"] = { effects = { { ammo_category = "laser", modifier = 0.4, type = "gun-speed" } }, icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, icons = { { icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/laser-shooting-speed.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256 }, { icon = "__core__/graphics/icons/technology/constants/constant-speed.png", icon_mipmaps = 3, icon_size = 128, shift = { 100, 100 } } }, name = "laser-shooting-speed-5", order = "e-n-l", prerequisites = { "laser-shooting-speed-4" }, type = "technology", unit = { count = 200, ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 }, { "logistic-science-pack", 1 }, { "chemical-science-pack", 1 }, { "military-science-pack", 1 }, { "utility-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 60 }, upgrade = true }, ["laser-shooting-speed-6"] = { effects = { { ammo_category = "laser", modifier = 0.4, type = "gun-speed" } }, icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, icons = { { icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/laser-shooting-speed.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256 }, { icon = "__core__/graphics/icons/technology/constants/constant-speed.png", icon_mipmaps = 3, icon_size = 128, shift = { 100, 100 } } }, name = "laser-shooting-speed-6", order = "e-n-m", prerequisites = { "laser-shooting-speed-5" }, type = "technology", unit = { count = 350, ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 }, { "logistic-science-pack", 1 }, { "chemical-science-pack", 1 }, { "military-science-pack", 1 }, { "utility-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 60 }, upgrade = true }, ["laser-shooting-speed-7"] = { effects = { { ammo_category = "laser", modifier = 0.5, type = "gun-speed" } }, icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, icons = { { icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/laser-shooting-speed.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256 }, { icon = "__core__/graphics/icons/technology/constants/constant-speed.png", icon_mipmaps = 3, icon_size = 128, shift = { 100, 100 } } }, name = "laser-shooting-speed-7", order = "e-n-n", prerequisites = { "laser-shooting-speed-6" }, type = "technology", unit = { count = 450, ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 }, { "logistic-science-pack", 1 }, { "chemical-science-pack", 1 }, { "military-science-pack", 1 }, { "utility-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 60 }, upgrade = true }, ["laser-turret"] = { effects = { { recipe = "laser-turret", type = "unlock-recipe" } }, icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/laser-turret.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, name = "laser-turret", order = "a-j-b", prerequisites = { "laser", "military-science-pack" }, type = "technology", unit = { count = 150, ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 }, { "logistic-science-pack", 1 }, { "military-science-pack", 1 }, { "chemical-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 30 } }, ["logistic-robotics"] = { effects = { { recipe = "roboport", type = "unlock-recipe" }, { recipe = "logistic-chest-passive-provider", type = "unlock-recipe" }, { recipe = "logistic-chest-storage", type = "unlock-recipe" }, { recipe = "logistic-robot", type = "unlock-recipe" }, { modifier = true, type = "character-logistic-requests" }, { modifier = 30, type = "character-logistic-trash-slots" } }, icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/logistic-robotics.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, name = "logistic-robotics", order = "c-k-c", prerequisites = { "robotics" }, type = "technology", unit = { count = 250, ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 }, { "logistic-science-pack", 1 }, { "chemical-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 30 } }, ["logistic-science-pack"] = { effects = { { recipe = "logistic-science-pack", type = "unlock-recipe" } }, icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/logistic-science-pack.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, localised_description = { "technology-description.logistic-science-pack" }, localised_name = { "technology-name.logistic-science-pack" }, name = "logistic-science-pack", order = "c-a", type = "technology", unit = { count = 75, ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 5 } }, ["logistic-system"] = { effects = { { recipe = "logistic-chest-active-provider", type = "unlock-recipe" }, { recipe = "logistic-chest-requester", type = "unlock-recipe" }, { recipe = "logistic-chest-buffer", type = "unlock-recipe" } }, icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/logistic-system.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, name = "logistic-system", order = "c-k-d", prerequisites = { "utility-science-pack", "logistic-robotics" }, type = "technology", unit = { count = 500, ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 }, { "logistic-science-pack", 1 }, { "chemical-science-pack", 1 }, { "utility-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 30 } }, logistics = { effects = { { recipe = "underground-belt", type = "unlock-recipe" }, { recipe = "splitter", type = "unlock-recipe" } }, icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/logistics-1.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, name = "logistics", order = "a-f-a", type = "technology", unit = { count = 20, ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 15 } }, ["logistics-2"] = { effects = { { recipe = "fast-transport-belt", type = "unlock-recipe" }, { recipe = "fast-underground-belt", type = "unlock-recipe" }, { recipe = "fast-splitter", type = "unlock-recipe" } }, icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/logistics-2.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, name = "logistics-2", order = "a-f-b", prerequisites = { "logistics", "logistic-science-pack" }, type = "technology", unit = { count = 200, ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 }, { "logistic-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 30 } }, ["logistics-3"] = { effects = { { recipe = "express-transport-belt", type = "unlock-recipe" }, { recipe = "express-underground-belt", type = "unlock-recipe" }, { recipe = "express-splitter", type = "unlock-recipe" } }, icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/logistics-3.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, name = "logistics-3", order = "a-f-c", prerequisites = { "production-science-pack", "lubricant" }, type = "technology", unit = { count = 300, ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 }, { "logistic-science-pack", 1 }, { "chemical-science-pack", 1 }, { "production-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 15 } }, ["low-density-structure"] = { effects = { { recipe = "low-density-structure", type = "unlock-recipe" } }, icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/low-density-structure.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, name = "low-density-structure", order = "k-a", prerequisites = { "advanced-material-processing", "chemical-science-pack" }, type = "technology", unit = { count = 300, ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 }, { "logistic-science-pack", 1 }, { "chemical-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 45 } }, lubricant = { effects = { { recipe = "lubricant", type = "unlock-recipe" } }, icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/lubricant.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, name = "lubricant", order = "b-b", prerequisites = { "advanced-oil-processing" }, type = "technology", unit = { count = 50, ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 }, { "logistic-science-pack", 1 }, { "chemical-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 30 } }, military = { effects = { { recipe = "submachine-gun", type = "unlock-recipe" }, { recipe = "shotgun", type = "unlock-recipe" }, { recipe = "shotgun-shell", type = "unlock-recipe" } }, icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/military.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, name = "military", order = "e-a-a", type = "technology", unit = { count = 10, ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 15 } }, ["military-2"] = { effects = { { recipe = "piercing-rounds-magazine", type = "unlock-recipe" }, { recipe = "grenade", type = "unlock-recipe" } }, icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/military.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, name = "military-2", order = "e-a-b", prerequisites = { "military", "steel-processing", "logistic-science-pack" }, type = "technology", unit = { count = 20, ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 }, { "logistic-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 15 } }, ["military-3"] = { effects = { { recipe = "poison-capsule", type = "unlock-recipe" }, { recipe = "slowdown-capsule", type = "unlock-recipe" }, { recipe = "combat-shotgun", type = "unlock-recipe" } }, icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/military.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, name = "military-3", order = "e-a-c", prerequisites = { "chemical-science-pack", "military-science-pack" }, type = "technology", unit = { count = 100, ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 }, { "logistic-science-pack", 1 }, { "chemical-science-pack", 1 }, { "military-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 30 } }, ["military-4"] = { effects = { { recipe = "piercing-shotgun-shell", type = "unlock-recipe" }, { recipe = "cluster-grenade", type = "unlock-recipe" } }, icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/military.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, name = "military-4", order = "e-a-e", prerequisites = { "military-3", "utility-science-pack", "explosives" }, type = "technology", unit = { count = 150, ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 }, { "logistic-science-pack", 1 }, { "chemical-science-pack", 1 }, { "military-science-pack", 1 }, { "utility-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 45 } }, ["military-science-pack"] = { effects = { { recipe = "military-science-pack", type = "unlock-recipe" } }, icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/military-science-pack.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, name = "military-science-pack", order = "c-a", prerequisites = { "military-2", "stone-wall" }, type = "technology", unit = { count = 30, ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 }, { "logistic-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 15 } }, ["mining-productivity-1"] = { effects = { { modifier = 0.1, type = "mining-drill-productivity-bonus" } }, icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, icons = { { icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/mining-productivity.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256 }, { icon = "__core__/graphics/icons/technology/constants/constant-mining-productivity.png", icon_mipmaps = 3, icon_size = 128, shift = { 100, 100 } } }, name = "mining-productivity-1", order = "c-k-f-e", prerequisites = { "advanced-electronics" }, type = "technology", unit = { count = 250, ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 }, { "logistic-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 60 }, upgrade = true }, ["mining-productivity-2"] = { effects = { { modifier = 0.1, type = "mining-drill-productivity-bonus" } }, icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, icons = { { icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/mining-productivity.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256 }, { icon = "__core__/graphics/icons/technology/constants/constant-mining-productivity.png", icon_mipmaps = 3, icon_size = 128, shift = { 100, 100 } } }, name = "mining-productivity-2", order = "c-k-f-e", prerequisites = { "mining-productivity-1" }, type = "technology", unit = { count = 500, ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 }, { "logistic-science-pack", 1 }, { "chemical-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 60 }, upgrade = true }, ["mining-productivity-3"] = { effects = { { modifier = 0.1, type = "mining-drill-productivity-bonus" } }, icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, icons = { { icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/mining-productivity.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256 }, { icon = "__core__/graphics/icons/technology/constants/constant-mining-productivity.png", icon_mipmaps = 3, icon_size = 128, shift = { 100, 100 } } }, name = "mining-productivity-3", order = "c-k-f-e", prerequisites = { "mining-productivity-2" }, type = "technology", unit = { count = 1000, ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 }, { "logistic-science-pack", 1 }, { "chemical-science-pack", 1 }, { "production-science-pack", 1 }, { "utility-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 60 }, upgrade = true }, ["mining-productivity-4"] = { effects = { { modifier = 0.1, type = "mining-drill-productivity-bonus" } }, icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, icons = { { icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/mining-productivity.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256 }, { icon = "__core__/graphics/icons/technology/constants/constant-mining-productivity.png", icon_mipmaps = 3, icon_size = 128, shift = { 100, 100 } } }, max_level = "infinite", name = "mining-productivity-4", order = "c-k-f-e", prerequisites = { "mining-productivity-3", "space-science-pack" }, type = "technology", unit = { count_formula = "2500*(L - 3)", ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 }, { "logistic-science-pack", 1 }, { "chemical-science-pack", 1 }, { "production-science-pack", 1 }, { "utility-science-pack", 1 }, { "space-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 60 }, upgrade = true }, ["modular-armor"] = { effects = { { recipe = "modular-armor", type = "unlock-recipe" } }, icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/armor-making.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, name = "modular-armor", order = "g-a-c", prerequisites = { "heavy-armor", "advanced-electronics" }, type = "technology", unit = { count = 100, ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 }, { "logistic-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 30 } }, modules = { icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/module.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, name = "modules", order = "i-a", prerequisites = { "advanced-electronics" }, type = "technology", unit = { count = 100, ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 }, { "logistic-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 30 } }, ["night-vision-equipment"] = { effects = { { recipe = "night-vision-equipment", type = "unlock-recipe" } }, icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, icons = { { icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/night-vision-equipment.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256 }, { icon = "__core__/graphics/icons/technology/constants/constant-equipment.png", icon_mipmaps = 3, icon_size = 128, shift = { 100, 100 } } }, name = "night-vision-equipment", order = "g-g", prerequisites = { "solar-panel-equipment" }, type = "technology", unit = { count = 50, ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 }, { "logistic-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 15 } }, ["nuclear-fuel-reprocessing"] = { effects = { { recipe = "nuclear-fuel-reprocessing", type = "unlock-recipe" } }, icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/nuclear-fuel-reprocessing.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, name = "nuclear-fuel-reprocessing", order = "e-p-b-c", prerequisites = { "nuclear-power", "production-science-pack" }, type = "technology", unit = { count = 50, ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 }, { "logistic-science-pack", 1 }, { "chemical-science-pack", 1 }, { "production-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 30 } }, ["nuclear-power"] = { effects = { { recipe = "nuclear-reactor", type = "unlock-recipe" }, { recipe = "heat-exchanger", type = "unlock-recipe" }, { recipe = "heat-pipe", type = "unlock-recipe" }, { recipe = "steam-turbine", type = "unlock-recipe" } }, icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/nuclear-power.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, name = "nuclear-power", order = "e-p-b-c", prerequisites = { "uranium-processing" }, type = "technology", unit = { count = 800, ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 }, { "logistic-science-pack", 1 }, { "chemical-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 30 } }, ["oil-processing"] = { effects = { { recipe = "pumpjack", type = "unlock-recipe" }, { recipe = "oil-refinery", type = "unlock-recipe" }, { recipe = "chemical-plant", type = "unlock-recipe" }, { recipe = "basic-oil-processing", type = "unlock-recipe" }, { recipe = "solid-fuel-from-petroleum-gas", type = "unlock-recipe" } }, icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/oil-gathering.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, name = "oil-processing", order = "d-a", prerequisites = { "fluid-handling" }, type = "technology", unit = { count = 100, ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 }, { "logistic-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 30 } }, optics = { effects = { { recipe = "small-lamp", type = "unlock-recipe" } }, icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/lamp.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, name = "optics", order = "a-h-a", type = "technology", unit = { count = 10, ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 15 } }, ["personal-laser-defense-equipment"] = { effects = { { recipe = "personal-laser-defense-equipment", type = "unlock-recipe" } }, icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, icons = { { icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/personal-laser-defense-equipment.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256 }, { icon = "__core__/graphics/icons/technology/constants/constant-equipment.png", icon_mipmaps = 3, icon_size = 128, shift = { 100, 100 } } }, name = "personal-laser-defense-equipment", order = "g-m", prerequisites = { "laser-turret", "military-3", "low-density-structure", "power-armor", "solar-panel-equipment" }, type = "technology", unit = { count = 100, ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 }, { "logistic-science-pack", 1 }, { "chemical-science-pack", 1 }, { "military-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 30 } }, ["personal-roboport-equipment"] = { effects = { { recipe = "personal-roboport-equipment", type = "unlock-recipe" } }, icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, icons = { { icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/personal-roboport-equipment.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256 }, { icon = "__core__/graphics/icons/technology/constants/constant-equipment.png", icon_mipmaps = 3, icon_size = 128, shift = { 100, 100 } } }, name = "personal-roboport-equipment", order = "c-k-d-zz", prerequisites = { "construction-robotics", "solar-panel-equipment" }, type = "technology", unit = { count = 50, ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 }, { "logistic-science-pack", 1 }, { "chemical-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 30 } }, ["personal-roboport-mk2-equipment"] = { effects = { { recipe = "personal-roboport-mk2-equipment", type = "unlock-recipe" } }, icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, icons = { { icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/personal-roboport-mk2-equipment.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256 }, { icon = "__core__/graphics/icons/technology/constants/constant-equipment.png", icon_mipmaps = 3, icon_size = 128, shift = { 100, 100 } } }, name = "personal-roboport-mk2-equipment", order = "c-k-d-zz", prerequisites = { "personal-roboport-equipment", "utility-science-pack" }, type = "technology", unit = { count = 250, ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 }, { "logistic-science-pack", 1 }, { "chemical-science-pack", 1 }, { "utility-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 30 } }, ["physical-projectile-damage-1"] = { effects = { { ammo_category = "bullet", modifier = 0.1, type = "ammo-damage" }, { modifier = 0.1, turret_id = "gun-turret", type = "turret-attack" }, { ammo_category = "shotgun-shell", modifier = 0.1, type = "ammo-damage" } }, icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, icons = { { icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/physical-projectile-damage-1.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256 }, { icon = "__core__/graphics/icons/technology/constants/constant-damage.png", icon_mipmaps = 3, icon_size = 128, shift = { 100, 100 } } }, name = "physical-projectile-damage-1", order = "e-l-a", prerequisites = { "military" }, type = "technology", unit = { count = 100, ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 30 }, upgrade = true }, ["physical-projectile-damage-2"] = { effects = { { ammo_category = "bullet", modifier = 0.1, type = "ammo-damage" }, { modifier = 0.1, turret_id = "gun-turret", type = "turret-attack" }, { ammo_category = "shotgun-shell", modifier = 0.1, type = "ammo-damage" } }, icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, icons = { { icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/physical-projectile-damage-1.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256 }, { icon = "__core__/graphics/icons/technology/constants/constant-damage.png", icon_mipmaps = 3, icon_size = 128, shift = { 100, 100 } } }, name = "physical-projectile-damage-2", order = "e-l-b", prerequisites = { "physical-projectile-damage-1" }, type = "technology", unit = { count = 200, ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 }, { "logistic-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 30 }, upgrade = true }, ["physical-projectile-damage-3"] = { effects = { { ammo_category = "bullet", modifier = 0.2, type = "ammo-damage" }, { modifier = 0.2, turret_id = "gun-turret", type = "turret-attack" }, { ammo_category = "shotgun-shell", modifier = 0.2, type = "ammo-damage" } }, icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, icons = { { icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/physical-projectile-damage-1.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256 }, { icon = "__core__/graphics/icons/technology/constants/constant-damage.png", icon_mipmaps = 3, icon_size = 128, shift = { 100, 100 } } }, name = "physical-projectile-damage-3", order = "e-l-c", prerequisites = { "physical-projectile-damage-2" }, type = "technology", unit = { count = 300, ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 }, { "logistic-science-pack", 1 }, { "military-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 60 }, upgrade = true }, ["physical-projectile-damage-4"] = { effects = { { ammo_category = "bullet", modifier = 0.2, type = "ammo-damage" }, { modifier = 0.2, turret_id = "gun-turret", type = "turret-attack" }, { ammo_category = "shotgun-shell", modifier = 0.2, type = "ammo-damage" } }, icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, icons = { { icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/physical-projectile-damage-1.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256 }, { icon = "__core__/graphics/icons/technology/constants/constant-damage.png", icon_mipmaps = 3, icon_size = 128, shift = { 100, 100 } } }, name = "physical-projectile-damage-4", order = "e-l-d", prerequisites = { "physical-projectile-damage-3" }, type = "technology", unit = { count = 400, ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 }, { "logistic-science-pack", 1 }, { "military-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 60 }, upgrade = true }, ["physical-projectile-damage-5"] = { effects = { { ammo_category = "bullet", modifier = 0.2, type = "ammo-damage" }, { modifier = 0.2, turret_id = "gun-turret", type = "turret-attack" }, { ammo_category = "shotgun-shell", modifier = 0.2, type = "ammo-damage" }, { ammo_category = "cannon-shell", modifier = 0.9, type = "ammo-damage" } }, icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, icons = { { icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/physical-projectile-damage-2.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256 }, { icon = "__core__/graphics/icons/technology/constants/constant-damage.png", icon_mipmaps = 3, icon_size = 128, shift = { 100, 100 } } }, name = "physical-projectile-damage-5", order = "e-l-e", prerequisites = { "physical-projectile-damage-4" }, type = "technology", unit = { count = 500, ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 }, { "logistic-science-pack", 1 }, { "chemical-science-pack", 1 }, { "military-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 60 }, upgrade = true }, ["physical-projectile-damage-6"] = { effects = { { ammo_category = "bullet", modifier = 0.4, type = "ammo-damage" }, { modifier = 0.4, turret_id = "gun-turret", type = "turret-attack" }, { ammo_category = "shotgun-shell", modifier = 0.4, type = "ammo-damage" }, { ammo_category = "cannon-shell", modifier = 1.3, type = "ammo-damage" } }, icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, icons = { { icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/physical-projectile-damage-2.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256 }, { icon = "__core__/graphics/icons/technology/constants/constant-damage.png", icon_mipmaps = 3, icon_size = 128, shift = { 100, 100 } } }, name = "physical-projectile-damage-6", order = "e-l-f", prerequisites = { "physical-projectile-damage-5" }, type = "technology", unit = { count = 600, ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 }, { "logistic-science-pack", 1 }, { "chemical-science-pack", 1 }, { "military-science-pack", 1 }, { "utility-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 60 }, upgrade = true }, ["physical-projectile-damage-7"] = { effects = { { ammo_category = "bullet", modifier = 0.4, type = "ammo-damage" }, { modifier = 0.7, turret_id = "gun-turret", type = "turret-attack" }, { ammo_category = "shotgun-shell", modifier = 0.4, type = "ammo-damage" }, { ammo_category = "cannon-shell", modifier = 1, type = "ammo-damage" } }, icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, icons = { { icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/physical-projectile-damage-2.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256 }, { icon = "__core__/graphics/icons/technology/constants/constant-damage.png", icon_mipmaps = 3, icon_size = 128, shift = { 100, 100 } } }, max_level = "infinite", name = "physical-projectile-damage-7", order = "e-l-f", prerequisites = { "physical-projectile-damage-6", "space-science-pack" }, type = "technology", unit = { count_formula = "2^(L-7)*1000", ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 }, { "logistic-science-pack", 1 }, { "chemical-science-pack", 1 }, { "military-science-pack", 1 }, { "utility-science-pack", 1 }, { "space-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 60 }, upgrade = true }, plastics = { effects = { { recipe = "plastic-bar", type = "unlock-recipe" } }, icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/plastics.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, name = "plastics", order = "d-e", prerequisites = { "oil-processing" }, type = "technology", unit = { count = 200, ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 }, { "logistic-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 30 } }, ["power-armor"] = { effects = { { recipe = "power-armor", type = "unlock-recipe" } }, icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/power-armor.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, name = "power-armor", order = "g-c-a", prerequisites = { "modular-armor", "electric-engine", "advanced-electronics-2" }, type = "technology", unit = { count = 200, ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 }, { "logistic-science-pack", 1 }, { "chemical-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 30 } }, ["power-armor-mk2"] = { effects = { { recipe = "power-armor-mk2", type = "unlock-recipe" } }, icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/power-armor-mk2.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, name = "power-armor-mk2", order = "g-c-b", prerequisites = { "power-armor", "military-4", "speed-module-2", "effectivity-module-2" }, type = "technology", unit = { count = 400, ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 }, { "logistic-science-pack", 1 }, { "chemical-science-pack", 1 }, { "military-science-pack", 1 }, { "utility-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 30 } }, ["production-science-pack"] = { effects = { { recipe = "production-science-pack", type = "unlock-recipe" } }, icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/production-science-pack.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, name = "production-science-pack", order = "c-a", prerequisites = { "productivity-module", "advanced-material-processing-2", "railway" }, type = "technology", unit = { count = 100, ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 }, { "logistic-science-pack", 1 }, { "chemical-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 30 } }, ["productivity-module"] = { effects = { { recipe = "productivity-module", type = "unlock-recipe" } }, icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/productivity-module-1.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, name = "productivity-module", order = "i-e-a", prerequisites = { "modules" }, type = "technology", unit = { count = 50, ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 }, { "logistic-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 30 }, upgrade = true }, ["productivity-module-2"] = { effects = { { recipe = "productivity-module-2", type = "unlock-recipe" } }, icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/productivity-module-2.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, name = "productivity-module-2", order = "i-e-b", prerequisites = { "productivity-module", "advanced-electronics-2" }, type = "technology", unit = { count = 75, ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 }, { "logistic-science-pack", 1 }, { "chemical-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 30 }, upgrade = true }, ["productivity-module-3"] = { effects = { { recipe = "productivity-module-3", type = "unlock-recipe" } }, icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/productivity-module-3.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, name = "productivity-module-3", order = "i-e-c", prerequisites = { "productivity-module-2", "production-science-pack" }, type = "technology", unit = { count = 300, ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 }, { "logistic-science-pack", 1 }, { "chemical-science-pack", 1 }, { "production-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 60 }, upgrade = true }, ["rail-signals"] = { effects = { { recipe = "rail-signal", type = "unlock-recipe" }, { recipe = "rail-chain-signal", type = "unlock-recipe" } }, icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/rail-signals.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, name = "rail-signals", order = "c-g-c", prerequisites = { "automated-rail-transportation" }, type = "technology", unit = { count = 100, ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 }, { "logistic-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 30 } }, railway = { effects = { { recipe = "rail", type = "unlock-recipe" }, { recipe = "locomotive", type = "unlock-recipe" }, { recipe = "cargo-wagon", type = "unlock-recipe" } }, icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/railway.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, name = "railway", order = "c-g-a", prerequisites = { "logistics-2", "engine" }, type = "technology", unit = { count = 75, ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 }, { "logistic-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 30 } }, ["refined-flammables-1"] = { effects = { { ammo_category = "flamethrower", modifier = 0.2, type = "ammo-damage" }, { modifier = 0.2, turret_id = "flamethrower-turret", type = "turret-attack" } }, icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, icons = { { icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/refined-flammables.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256 }, { icon = "__core__/graphics/icons/technology/constants/constant-damage.png", icon_mipmaps = 3, icon_size = 128, shift = { 100, 100 } } }, name = "refined-flammables-1", order = "e-j-a", prerequisites = { "flamethrower" }, type = "technology", unit = { count = 100, ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 }, { "logistic-science-pack", 1 }, { "military-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 30 }, upgrade = true }, ["refined-flammables-2"] = { effects = { { ammo_category = "flamethrower", modifier = 0.2, type = "ammo-damage" }, { modifier = 0.2, turret_id = "flamethrower-turret", type = "turret-attack" } }, icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, icons = { { icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/refined-flammables.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256 }, { icon = "__core__/graphics/icons/technology/constants/constant-damage.png", icon_mipmaps = 3, icon_size = 128, shift = { 100, 100 } } }, name = "refined-flammables-2", order = "e-l-b", prerequisites = { "refined-flammables-1" }, type = "technology", unit = { count = 200, ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 }, { "logistic-science-pack", 1 }, { "military-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 30 }, upgrade = true }, ["refined-flammables-3"] = { effects = { { ammo_category = "flamethrower", modifier = 0.2, type = "ammo-damage" }, { modifier = 0.2, turret_id = "flamethrower-turret", type = "turret-attack" } }, icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, icons = { { icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/refined-flammables.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256 }, { icon = "__core__/graphics/icons/technology/constants/constant-damage.png", icon_mipmaps = 3, icon_size = 128, shift = { 100, 100 } } }, name = "refined-flammables-3", order = "e-l-c", prerequisites = { "refined-flammables-2" }, type = "technology", unit = { count = 300, ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 }, { "logistic-science-pack", 1 }, { "military-science-pack", 1 }, { "chemical-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 60 }, upgrade = true }, ["refined-flammables-4"] = { effects = { { ammo_category = "flamethrower", modifier = 0.3, type = "ammo-damage" }, { modifier = 0.3, turret_id = "flamethrower-turret", type = "turret-attack" } }, icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, icons = { { icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/refined-flammables.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256 }, { icon = "__core__/graphics/icons/technology/constants/constant-damage.png", icon_mipmaps = 3, icon_size = 128, shift = { 100, 100 } } }, name = "refined-flammables-4", order = "e-l-d", prerequisites = { "refined-flammables-3" }, type = "technology", unit = { count = 400, ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 }, { "logistic-science-pack", 1 }, { "military-science-pack", 1 }, { "chemical-science-pack", 1 }, { "utility-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 60 }, upgrade = true }, ["refined-flammables-5"] = { effects = { { ammo_category = "flamethrower", modifier = 0.3, type = "ammo-damage" }, { modifier = 0.3, turret_id = "flamethrower-turret", type = "turret-attack" } }, icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, icons = { { icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/refined-flammables.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256 }, { icon = "__core__/graphics/icons/technology/constants/constant-damage.png", icon_mipmaps = 3, icon_size = 128, shift = { 100, 100 } } }, name = "refined-flammables-5", order = "e-l-e", prerequisites = { "refined-flammables-4" }, type = "technology", unit = { count = 500, ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 }, { "logistic-science-pack", 1 }, { "military-science-pack", 1 }, { "chemical-science-pack", 1 }, { "utility-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 60 }, upgrade = true }, ["refined-flammables-6"] = { effects = { { ammo_category = "flamethrower", modifier = 0.4, type = "ammo-damage" }, { modifier = 0.4, turret_id = "flamethrower-turret", type = "turret-attack" } }, icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, icons = { { icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/refined-flammables.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256 }, { icon = "__core__/graphics/icons/technology/constants/constant-damage.png", icon_mipmaps = 3, icon_size = 128, shift = { 100, 100 } } }, name = "refined-flammables-6", order = "e-l-f", prerequisites = { "refined-flammables-5" }, type = "technology", unit = { count = 600, ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 }, { "logistic-science-pack", 1 }, { "chemical-science-pack", 1 }, { "military-science-pack", 1 }, { "utility-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 60 }, upgrade = true }, ["refined-flammables-7"] = { effects = { { ammo_category = "flamethrower", modifier = 0.2, type = "ammo-damage" }, { modifier = 0.2, turret_id = "flamethrower-turret", type = "turret-attack" } }, icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, icons = { { icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/refined-flammables.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256 }, { icon = "__core__/graphics/icons/technology/constants/constant-damage.png", icon_mipmaps = 3, icon_size = 128, shift = { 100, 100 } } }, max_level = "infinite", name = "refined-flammables-7", order = "e-l-f", prerequisites = { "refined-flammables-6", "space-science-pack" }, type = "technology", unit = { count_formula = "2^(L-7)*1000", ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 }, { "logistic-science-pack", 1 }, { "chemical-science-pack", 1 }, { "military-science-pack", 1 }, { "utility-science-pack", 1 }, { "space-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 60 }, upgrade = true }, ["research-speed-1"] = { effects = { { modifier = 0.2, type = "laboratory-speed" } }, icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, icons = { { icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/research-speed.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256 }, { icon = "__core__/graphics/icons/technology/constants/constant-speed.png", icon_mipmaps = 3, icon_size = 128, shift = { 100, 100 } } }, name = "research-speed-1", order = "c-m-a", prerequisites = { "automation-2" }, type = "technology", unit = { count = 100, ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 }, { "logistic-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 30 }, upgrade = true }, ["research-speed-2"] = { effects = { { modifier = 0.3, type = "laboratory-speed" } }, icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, icons = { { icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/research-speed.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256 }, { icon = "__core__/graphics/icons/technology/constants/constant-speed.png", icon_mipmaps = 3, icon_size = 128, shift = { 100, 100 } } }, name = "research-speed-2", order = "c-m-b", prerequisites = { "research-speed-1" }, type = "technology", unit = { count = 200, ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 }, { "logistic-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 30 }, upgrade = true }, ["research-speed-3"] = { effects = { { modifier = 0.4, type = "laboratory-speed" } }, icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, icons = { { icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/research-speed.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256 }, { icon = "__core__/graphics/icons/technology/constants/constant-speed.png", icon_mipmaps = 3, icon_size = 128, shift = { 100, 100 } } }, name = "research-speed-3", order = "c-m-c", prerequisites = { "research-speed-2" }, type = "technology", unit = { count = 250, ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 }, { "logistic-science-pack", 1 }, { "chemical-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 30 }, upgrade = true }, ["research-speed-4"] = { effects = { { modifier = 0.5, type = "laboratory-speed" } }, icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, icons = { { icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/research-speed.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256 }, { icon = "__core__/graphics/icons/technology/constants/constant-speed.png", icon_mipmaps = 3, icon_size = 128, shift = { 100, 100 } } }, name = "research-speed-4", order = "c-m-d", prerequisites = { "research-speed-3" }, type = "technology", unit = { count = 500, ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 }, { "logistic-science-pack", 1 }, { "chemical-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 30 }, upgrade = true }, ["research-speed-5"] = { effects = { { modifier = 0.5, type = "laboratory-speed" } }, icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, icons = { { icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/research-speed.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256 }, { icon = "__core__/graphics/icons/technology/constants/constant-speed.png", icon_mipmaps = 3, icon_size = 128, shift = { 100, 100 } } }, name = "research-speed-5", order = "c-m-d", prerequisites = { "research-speed-4" }, type = "technology", unit = { count = 500, ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 }, { "logistic-science-pack", 1 }, { "chemical-science-pack", 1 }, { "production-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 30 }, upgrade = true }, ["research-speed-6"] = { effects = { { modifier = 0.6, type = "laboratory-speed" } }, icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, icons = { { icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/research-speed.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256 }, { icon = "__core__/graphics/icons/technology/constants/constant-speed.png", icon_mipmaps = 3, icon_size = 128, shift = { 100, 100 } } }, name = "research-speed-6", order = "c-m-d", prerequisites = { "research-speed-5" }, type = "technology", unit = { count = 500, ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 }, { "logistic-science-pack", 1 }, { "chemical-science-pack", 1 }, { "production-science-pack", 1 }, { "utility-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 30 }, upgrade = true }, robotics = { effects = { { recipe = "flying-robot-frame", type = "unlock-recipe" } }, icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/robotics.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, name = "robotics", order = "c-i", prerequisites = { "electric-engine", "battery" }, type = "technology", unit = { count = 75, ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 }, { "logistic-science-pack", 1 }, { "chemical-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 30 } }, ["rocket-control-unit"] = { effects = { { recipe = "rocket-control-unit", type = "unlock-recipe" } }, icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/rocket-control-unit.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, name = "rocket-control-unit", order = "k-a", prerequisites = { "utility-science-pack", "speed-module" }, type = "technology", unit = { count = 300, ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 }, { "logistic-science-pack", 1 }, { "chemical-science-pack", 1 }, { "utility-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 45 } }, ["rocket-fuel"] = { effects = { { recipe = "rocket-fuel", type = "unlock-recipe" } }, icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/rocket-fuel.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, name = "rocket-fuel", order = "k-a", prerequisites = { "flammables", "advanced-oil-processing" }, type = "technology", unit = { count = 300, ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 }, { "logistic-science-pack", 1 }, { "chemical-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 45 } }, ["rocket-silo"] = { effects = { { recipe = "rocket-silo", type = "unlock-recipe" }, { recipe = "rocket-part", type = "unlock-recipe" } }, icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/rocket-silo.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, name = "rocket-silo", order = "k-a", prerequisites = { "concrete", "speed-module-3", "productivity-module-3", "rocket-fuel", "rocket-control-unit" }, type = "technology", unit = { count = 1000, ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 }, { "logistic-science-pack", 1 }, { "chemical-science-pack", 1 }, { "production-science-pack", 1 }, { "utility-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 60 } }, rocketry = { effects = { { recipe = "rocket-launcher", type = "unlock-recipe" }, { recipe = "rocket", type = "unlock-recipe" } }, icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/rocketry.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, name = "rocketry", order = "e-g", prerequisites = { "explosives", "flammables", "military-science-pack" }, type = "technology", unit = { count = 120, ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 }, { "logistic-science-pack", 1 }, { "military-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 15 } }, ["solar-energy"] = { effects = { { recipe = "solar-panel", type = "unlock-recipe" } }, icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/solar-energy.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, name = "solar-energy", order = "a-h-c", prerequisites = { "optics", "electronics", "steel-processing", "logistic-science-pack" }, type = "technology", unit = { count = 250, ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 }, { "logistic-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 30 } }, ["solar-panel-equipment"] = { effects = { { recipe = "solar-panel-equipment", type = "unlock-recipe" } }, icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, icons = { { icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/solar-panel-equipment.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256 }, { icon = "__core__/graphics/icons/technology/constants/constant-equipment.png", icon_mipmaps = 3, icon_size = 128, shift = { 100, 100 } } }, name = "solar-panel-equipment", order = "g-k", prerequisites = { "modular-armor", "solar-energy" }, type = "technology", unit = { count = 100, ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 }, { "logistic-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 15 } }, ["space-science-pack"] = { effects = { { recipe = "satellite", type = "unlock-recipe" } }, icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/space-science-pack.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, name = "space-science-pack", order = "c-a", prerequisites = { "rocket-silo", "electric-energy-accumulators", "solar-energy" }, type = "technology", unit = { count = 2000, ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 }, { "logistic-science-pack", 1 }, { "chemical-science-pack", 1 }, { "production-science-pack", 1 }, { "utility-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 30 } }, ["speed-module"] = { effects = { { recipe = "speed-module", type = "unlock-recipe" } }, icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/speed-module-1.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, name = "speed-module", order = "i-c-a", prerequisites = { "modules" }, type = "technology", unit = { count = 50, ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 }, { "logistic-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 30 }, upgrade = true }, ["speed-module-2"] = { effects = { { recipe = "speed-module-2", type = "unlock-recipe" } }, icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/speed-module-2.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, name = "speed-module-2", order = "i-c-b", prerequisites = { "speed-module", "advanced-electronics-2" }, type = "technology", unit = { count = 75, ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 }, { "logistic-science-pack", 1 }, { "chemical-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 30 }, upgrade = true }, ["speed-module-3"] = { effects = { { recipe = "speed-module-3", type = "unlock-recipe" } }, icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/speed-module-3.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, name = "speed-module-3", order = "i-c-c", prerequisites = { "speed-module-2", "production-science-pack" }, type = "technology", unit = { count = 300, ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 }, { "logistic-science-pack", 1 }, { "chemical-science-pack", 1 }, { "production-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 60 }, upgrade = true }, spidertron = { effects = { { recipe = "spidertron", type = "unlock-recipe" }, { recipe = "spidertron-remote", type = "unlock-recipe" } }, icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/spidertron.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, name = "spidertron", order = "d-e-g", prerequisites = { "military-4", "exoskeleton-equipment", "fusion-reactor-equipment", "rocketry", "rocket-control-unit", "effectivity-module-3" }, type = "technology", unit = { count = 2500, ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 }, { "logistic-science-pack", 1 }, { "military-science-pack", 1 }, { "chemical-science-pack", 1 }, { "production-science-pack", 1 }, { "utility-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 30 } }, ["stack-inserter"] = { effects = { { recipe = "stack-inserter", type = "unlock-recipe" }, { recipe = "stack-filter-inserter", type = "unlock-recipe" }, { modifier = 1, type = "stack-inserter-capacity-bonus" } }, icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/stack-inserter.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, name = "stack-inserter", order = "c-o-a", prerequisites = { "fast-inserter", "logistics-2", "advanced-electronics" }, type = "technology", unit = { count = 150, ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 }, { "logistic-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 30 }, upgrade = true }, ["steel-axe"] = { effects = { { modifier = 1, type = "character-mining-speed" } }, icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/steel-axe.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, name = "steel-axe", order = "c-c-a", prerequisites = { "steel-processing" }, type = "technology", unit = { count = 50, ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 30 } }, ["steel-processing"] = { effects = { { recipe = "steel-plate", type = "unlock-recipe" }, { recipe = "steel-chest", type = "unlock-recipe" } }, icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/steel-processing.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, name = "steel-processing", order = "c-a", type = "technology", unit = { count = 50, ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 5 } }, ["stone-wall"] = { effects = { { recipe = "stone-wall", type = "unlock-recipe" } }, icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/stone-wall.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, name = "stone-wall", order = "a-k-a", type = "technology", unit = { count = 10, ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 10 } }, ["stronger-explosives-1"] = { effects = { { ammo_category = "grenade", modifier = 0.25, type = "ammo-damage" } }, icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, icons = { { icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/stronger-explosives-1.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256 }, { icon = "__core__/graphics/icons/technology/constants/constant-damage.png", icon_mipmaps = 3, icon_size = 128, shift = { 100, 100 } } }, name = "stronger-explosives-1", order = "e-j-a", prerequisites = { "military-2" }, type = "technology", unit = { count = 100, ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 }, { "logistic-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 30 }, upgrade = true }, ["stronger-explosives-2"] = { effects = { { ammo_category = "grenade", modifier = 0.2, type = "ammo-damage" }, { ammo_category = "landmine", modifier = 0.2, type = "ammo-damage" } }, icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, icons = { { icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/stronger-explosives-2.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256 }, { icon = "__core__/graphics/icons/technology/constants/constant-damage.png", icon_mipmaps = 3, icon_size = 128, shift = { 100, 100 } } }, name = "stronger-explosives-2", order = "e-l-b", prerequisites = { "stronger-explosives-1" }, type = "technology", unit = { count = 200, ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 }, { "logistic-science-pack", 1 }, { "military-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 30 }, upgrade = true }, ["stronger-explosives-3"] = { effects = { { ammo_category = "rocket", modifier = 0.3, type = "ammo-damage" }, { ammo_category = "grenade", modifier = 0.2, type = "ammo-damage" }, { ammo_category = "landmine", modifier = 0.2, type = "ammo-damage" } }, icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, icons = { { icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/stronger-explosives-3.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256 }, { icon = "__core__/graphics/icons/technology/constants/constant-damage.png", icon_mipmaps = 3, icon_size = 128, shift = { 100, 100 } } }, name = "stronger-explosives-3", order = "e-l-c", prerequisites = { "stronger-explosives-2" }, type = "technology", unit = { count = 300, ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 }, { "logistic-science-pack", 1 }, { "military-science-pack", 1 }, { "chemical-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 60 }, upgrade = true }, ["stronger-explosives-4"] = { effects = { { ammo_category = "rocket", modifier = 0.4, type = "ammo-damage" }, { ammo_category = "grenade", modifier = 0.2, type = "ammo-damage" }, { ammo_category = "landmine", modifier = 0.2, type = "ammo-damage" } }, icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, icons = { { icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/stronger-explosives-3.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256 }, { icon = "__core__/graphics/icons/technology/constants/constant-damage.png", icon_mipmaps = 3, icon_size = 128, shift = { 100, 100 } } }, name = "stronger-explosives-4", order = "e-l-d", prerequisites = { "stronger-explosives-3" }, type = "technology", unit = { count = 400, ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 }, { "logistic-science-pack", 1 }, { "military-science-pack", 1 }, { "chemical-science-pack", 1 }, { "utility-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 60 }, upgrade = true }, ["stronger-explosives-5"] = { effects = { { ammo_category = "rocket", modifier = 0.5, type = "ammo-damage" }, { ammo_category = "grenade", modifier = 0.2, type = "ammo-damage" }, { ammo_category = "landmine", modifier = 0.2, type = "ammo-damage" } }, icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, icons = { { icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/stronger-explosives-3.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256 }, { icon = "__core__/graphics/icons/technology/constants/constant-damage.png", icon_mipmaps = 3, icon_size = 128, shift = { 100, 100 } } }, name = "stronger-explosives-5", order = "e-l-e", prerequisites = { "stronger-explosives-4" }, type = "technology", unit = { count = 500, ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 }, { "logistic-science-pack", 1 }, { "military-science-pack", 1 }, { "chemical-science-pack", 1 }, { "utility-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 60 }, upgrade = true }, ["stronger-explosives-6"] = { effects = { { ammo_category = "rocket", modifier = 0.6, type = "ammo-damage" }, { ammo_category = "grenade", modifier = 0.2, type = "ammo-damage" }, { ammo_category = "landmine", modifier = 0.2, type = "ammo-damage" } }, icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, icons = { { icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/stronger-explosives-3.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256 }, { icon = "__core__/graphics/icons/technology/constants/constant-damage.png", icon_mipmaps = 3, icon_size = 128, shift = { 100, 100 } } }, name = "stronger-explosives-6", order = "e-l-f", prerequisites = { "stronger-explosives-5" }, type = "technology", unit = { count = 600, ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 }, { "logistic-science-pack", 1 }, { "chemical-science-pack", 1 }, { "military-science-pack", 1 }, { "utility-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 60 }, upgrade = true }, ["stronger-explosives-7"] = { effects = { { ammo_category = "rocket", modifier = 0.5, type = "ammo-damage" }, { ammo_category = "grenade", modifier = 0.2, type = "ammo-damage" }, { ammo_category = "landmine", modifier = 0.2, type = "ammo-damage" } }, icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, icons = { { icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/stronger-explosives-3.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256 }, { icon = "__core__/graphics/icons/technology/constants/constant-damage.png", icon_mipmaps = 3, icon_size = 128, shift = { 100, 100 } } }, max_level = "infinite", name = "stronger-explosives-7", order = "e-l-f", prerequisites = { "stronger-explosives-6", "space-science-pack" }, type = "technology", unit = { count_formula = "2^(L-7)*1000", ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 }, { "logistic-science-pack", 1 }, { "chemical-science-pack", 1 }, { "military-science-pack", 1 }, { "utility-science-pack", 1 }, { "space-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 60 }, upgrade = true }, ["sulfur-processing"] = { effects = { { recipe = "sulfuric-acid", type = "unlock-recipe" }, { recipe = "sulfur", type = "unlock-recipe" } }, icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/sulfur-processing.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, name = "sulfur-processing", order = "d-d", prerequisites = { "oil-processing" }, type = "technology", unit = { count = 150, ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 }, { "logistic-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 30 } }, tank = { effects = { { recipe = "tank", type = "unlock-recipe" }, { recipe = "cannon-shell", type = "unlock-recipe" }, { recipe = "explosive-cannon-shell", type = "unlock-recipe" } }, icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/tank.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, name = "tank", order = "e-c-c", prerequisites = { "automobilism", "military-3", "explosives" }, type = "technology", unit = { count = 250, ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 }, { "logistic-science-pack", 1 }, { "chemical-science-pack", 1 }, { "military-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 30 } }, toolbelt = { effects = { { modifier = 10, type = "character-inventory-slots-bonus" } }, icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, icons = { { icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/toolbelt.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256 }, { icon = "__core__/graphics/icons/technology/constants/constant-capacity.png", icon_mipmaps = 3, icon_size = 128, shift = { 100, 100 } } }, name = "toolbelt", order = "c-k-m", prerequisites = { "logistic-science-pack" }, type = "technology", unit = { count = 100, ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 }, { "logistic-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 30 } }, ["uranium-ammo"] = { effects = { { recipe = "uranium-rounds-magazine", type = "unlock-recipe" }, { recipe = "uranium-cannon-shell", type = "unlock-recipe" }, { recipe = "explosive-uranium-cannon-shell", type = "unlock-recipe" } }, icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/uranium-ammo.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, name = "uranium-ammo", order = "e-a-b", prerequisites = { "uranium-processing", "military-4", "tank" }, type = "technology", unit = { count = 1000, ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 }, { "logistic-science-pack", 1 }, { "chemical-science-pack", 1 }, { "military-science-pack", 1 }, { "utility-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 45 } }, ["uranium-processing"] = { effects = { { recipe = "centrifuge", type = "unlock-recipe" }, { recipe = "uranium-processing", type = "unlock-recipe" }, { recipe = "uranium-fuel-cell", type = "unlock-recipe" } }, icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/uranium-processing.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, name = "uranium-processing", order = "e-p-b-c", prerequisites = { "chemical-science-pack", "concrete" }, type = "technology", unit = { count = 200, ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 }, { "logistic-science-pack", 1 }, { "chemical-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 30 } }, ["utility-science-pack"] = { effects = { { recipe = "utility-science-pack", type = "unlock-recipe" } }, icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/utility-science-pack.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, name = "utility-science-pack", order = "c-a", prerequisites = { "robotics", "advanced-electronics-2", "low-density-structure" }, type = "technology", unit = { count = 100, ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 }, { "logistic-science-pack", 1 }, { "chemical-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 30 } }, ["weapon-shooting-speed-1"] = { effects = { { ammo_category = "bullet", modifier = 0.1, type = "gun-speed" }, { ammo_category = "shotgun-shell", modifier = 0.1, type = "gun-speed" } }, icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, icons = { { icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/weapon-shooting-speed-1.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256 }, { icon = "__core__/graphics/icons/technology/constants/constant-speed.png", icon_mipmaps = 3, icon_size = 128, shift = { 100, 100 } } }, name = "weapon-shooting-speed-1", order = "e-j-a", prerequisites = { "military" }, type = "technology", unit = { count = 100, ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 30 }, upgrade = true }, ["weapon-shooting-speed-2"] = { effects = { { ammo_category = "bullet", modifier = 0.2, type = "gun-speed" }, { ammo_category = "shotgun-shell", modifier = 0.2, type = "gun-speed" } }, icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, icons = { { icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/weapon-shooting-speed-1.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256 }, { icon = "__core__/graphics/icons/technology/constants/constant-speed.png", icon_mipmaps = 3, icon_size = 128, shift = { 100, 100 } } }, name = "weapon-shooting-speed-2", order = "e-l-b", prerequisites = { "weapon-shooting-speed-1" }, type = "technology", unit = { count = 200, ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 }, { "logistic-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 30 }, upgrade = true }, ["weapon-shooting-speed-3"] = { effects = { { ammo_category = "bullet", modifier = 0.2, type = "gun-speed" }, { ammo_category = "shotgun-shell", modifier = 0.2, type = "gun-speed" }, { ammo_category = "rocket", modifier = 0.5, type = "gun-speed" } }, icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, icons = { { icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/weapon-shooting-speed-2.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256 }, { icon = "__core__/graphics/icons/technology/constants/constant-speed.png", icon_mipmaps = 3, icon_size = 128, shift = { 100, 100 } } }, name = "weapon-shooting-speed-3", order = "e-l-c", prerequisites = { "weapon-shooting-speed-2" }, type = "technology", unit = { count = 300, ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 }, { "logistic-science-pack", 1 }, { "military-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 60 }, upgrade = true }, ["weapon-shooting-speed-4"] = { effects = { { ammo_category = "bullet", modifier = 0.3, type = "gun-speed" }, { ammo_category = "shotgun-shell", modifier = 0.3, type = "gun-speed" }, { ammo_category = "rocket", modifier = 0.7, type = "gun-speed" } }, icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, icons = { { icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/weapon-shooting-speed-2.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256 }, { icon = "__core__/graphics/icons/technology/constants/constant-speed.png", icon_mipmaps = 3, icon_size = 128, shift = { 100, 100 } } }, name = "weapon-shooting-speed-4", order = "e-l-d", prerequisites = { "weapon-shooting-speed-3" }, type = "technology", unit = { count = 400, ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 }, { "logistic-science-pack", 1 }, { "military-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 60 }, upgrade = true }, ["weapon-shooting-speed-5"] = { effects = { { ammo_category = "bullet", modifier = 0.3, type = "gun-speed" }, { ammo_category = "shotgun-shell", modifier = 0.4, type = "gun-speed" }, { ammo_category = "cannon-shell", modifier = 0.8, type = "gun-speed" }, { ammo_category = "rocket", modifier = 0.9, type = "gun-speed" } }, icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, icons = { { icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/weapon-shooting-speed-3.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256 }, { icon = "__core__/graphics/icons/technology/constants/constant-speed.png", icon_mipmaps = 3, icon_size = 128, shift = { 100, 100 } } }, name = "weapon-shooting-speed-5", order = "e-l-e", prerequisites = { "weapon-shooting-speed-4" }, type = "technology", unit = { count = 500, ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 }, { "logistic-science-pack", 1 }, { "chemical-science-pack", 1 }, { "military-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 60 }, upgrade = true }, ["weapon-shooting-speed-6"] = { effects = { { ammo_category = "bullet", modifier = 0.4, type = "gun-speed" }, { ammo_category = "shotgun-shell", modifier = 0.4, type = "gun-speed" }, { ammo_category = "cannon-shell", modifier = 1.5, type = "gun-speed" }, { ammo_category = "rocket", modifier = 1.3, type = "gun-speed" } }, icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, icons = { { icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/weapon-shooting-speed-3.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256 }, { icon = "__core__/graphics/icons/technology/constants/constant-speed.png", icon_mipmaps = 3, icon_size = 128, shift = { 100, 100 } } }, name = "weapon-shooting-speed-6", order = "e-l-f", prerequisites = { "weapon-shooting-speed-5" }, type = "technology", unit = { count = 600, ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 }, { "logistic-science-pack", 1 }, { "chemical-science-pack", 1 }, { "military-science-pack", 1 }, { "utility-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 60 }, upgrade = true }, ["worker-robots-speed-1"] = { effects = { { modifier = 0.35, type = "worker-robot-speed" } }, icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, icons = { { icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/worker-robots-speed.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256 }, { icon = "__core__/graphics/icons/technology/constants/constant-movement-speed.png", icon_mipmaps = 3, icon_size = 128, shift = { 100, 100 } } }, name = "worker-robots-speed-1", order = "c-k-f-a", prerequisites = { "robotics" }, type = "technology", unit = { count = 50, ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 }, { "logistic-science-pack", 1 }, { "chemical-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 30 }, upgrade = true }, ["worker-robots-speed-2"] = { effects = { { modifier = 0.4, type = "worker-robot-speed" } }, icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, icons = { { icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/worker-robots-speed.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256 }, { icon = "__core__/graphics/icons/technology/constants/constant-movement-speed.png", icon_mipmaps = 3, icon_size = 128, shift = { 100, 100 } } }, name = "worker-robots-speed-2", order = "c-k-f-b", prerequisites = { "worker-robots-speed-1" }, type = "technology", unit = { count = 100, ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 }, { "logistic-science-pack", 1 }, { "chemical-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 30 }, upgrade = true }, ["worker-robots-speed-3"] = { effects = { { modifier = 0.45, type = "worker-robot-speed" } }, icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, icons = { { icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/worker-robots-speed.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256 }, { icon = "__core__/graphics/icons/technology/constants/constant-movement-speed.png", icon_mipmaps = 3, icon_size = 128, shift = { 100, 100 } } }, name = "worker-robots-speed-3", order = "c-k-f-c", prerequisites = { "worker-robots-speed-2" }, type = "technology", unit = { count = 150, ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 }, { "logistic-science-pack", 1 }, { "chemical-science-pack", 1 }, { "utility-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 60 }, upgrade = true }, ["worker-robots-speed-4"] = { effects = { { modifier = 0.55, type = "worker-robot-speed" } }, icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, icons = { { icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/worker-robots-speed.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256 }, { icon = "__core__/graphics/icons/technology/constants/constant-movement-speed.png", icon_mipmaps = 3, icon_size = 128, shift = { 100, 100 } } }, name = "worker-robots-speed-4", order = "c-k-f-d", prerequisites = { "worker-robots-speed-3" }, type = "technology", unit = { count = 250, ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 }, { "logistic-science-pack", 1 }, { "chemical-science-pack", 1 }, { "utility-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 60 }, upgrade = true }, ["worker-robots-speed-5"] = { effects = { { modifier = 0.65, type = "worker-robot-speed" } }, icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, icons = { { icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/worker-robots-speed.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256 }, { icon = "__core__/graphics/icons/technology/constants/constant-movement-speed.png", icon_mipmaps = 3, icon_size = 128, shift = { 100, 100 } } }, name = "worker-robots-speed-5", order = "c-k-f-e", prerequisites = { "worker-robots-speed-4" }, type = "technology", unit = { count = 500, ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 }, { "logistic-science-pack", 1 }, { "chemical-science-pack", 1 }, { "production-science-pack", 1 }, { "utility-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 60 }, upgrade = true }, ["worker-robots-speed-6"] = { effects = { { modifier = 0.65, type = "worker-robot-speed" } }, icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, icons = { { icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/worker-robots-speed.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256 }, { icon = "__core__/graphics/icons/technology/constants/constant-movement-speed.png", icon_mipmaps = 3, icon_size = 128, shift = { 100, 100 } } }, max_level = "infinite", name = "worker-robots-speed-6", order = "c-k-f-e", prerequisites = { "worker-robots-speed-5", "space-science-pack" }, type = "technology", unit = { count_formula = "2^(L-6)*1000", ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 }, { "logistic-science-pack", 1 }, { "chemical-science-pack", 1 }, { "production-science-pack", 1 }, { "utility-science-pack", 1 }, { "space-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 60 }, upgrade = true }, ["worker-robots-storage-1"] = { effects = { { modifier = 1, type = "worker-robot-storage" } }, icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, icons = { { icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/worker-robots-storage.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256 }, { icon = "__core__/graphics/icons/technology/constants/constant-capacity.png", icon_mipmaps = 3, icon_size = 128, shift = { 100, 100 } } }, name = "worker-robots-storage-1", order = "c-k-g-a", prerequisites = { "robotics" }, type = "technology", unit = { count = 200, ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 }, { "logistic-science-pack", 1 }, { "chemical-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 30 }, upgrade = true }, ["worker-robots-storage-2"] = { effects = { { modifier = 1, type = "worker-robot-storage" } }, icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, icons = { { icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/worker-robots-storage.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256 }, { icon = "__core__/graphics/icons/technology/constants/constant-capacity.png", icon_mipmaps = 3, icon_size = 128, shift = { 100, 100 } } }, name = "worker-robots-storage-2", order = "c-k-g-b", prerequisites = { "worker-robots-storage-1" }, type = "technology", unit = { count = 300, ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 }, { "logistic-science-pack", 1 }, { "chemical-science-pack", 1 }, { "production-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 60 }, upgrade = true }, ["worker-robots-storage-3"] = { effects = { { modifier = 1, type = "worker-robot-storage" } }, icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256, icons = { { icon = "__base__/graphics/technology/worker-robots-storage.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 256 }, { icon = "__core__/graphics/icons/technology/constants/constant-capacity.png", icon_mipmaps = 3, icon_size = 128, shift = { 100, 100 } } }, name = "worker-robots-storage-3", order = "c-k-g-c", prerequisites = { "worker-robots-storage-2" }, type = "technology", unit = { count = 450, ingredients = { { "automation-science-pack", 1 }, { "logistic-science-pack", 1 }, { "chemical-science-pack", 1 }, { "production-science-pack", 1 }, { "utility-science-pack", 1 } }, time = 60 }, upgrade = true } }, tile = { ["acid-refined-concrete"] = { build_sound = { large = { switch_vibration_data = { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-large.bnvib", gain = 0.15 }, variations = { { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-large.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-large-1.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-large-2.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-large-3.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-large-4.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-large-5.ogg", volume = 0.5 } } }, medium = { switch_vibration_data = { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-medium.bnvib", gain = 0.15 }, variations = { { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-medium.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-medium-1.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-medium-2.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-medium-3.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-medium-4.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-medium-5.ogg", volume = 0.5 } } }, small = { switch_vibration_data = { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-small.bnvib", gain = 0.25 }, variations = { { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-small.ogg", volume = 0.4 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-small-1.ogg", volume = 0.4 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-small-2.ogg", volume = 0.4 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-small-3.ogg", volume = 0.4 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-small-4.ogg", volume = 0.4 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-small-5.ogg", volume = 0.4 } } } }, collision_mask = { "ground-tile" }, decorative_removal_probability = 0.25, layer = 97, localised_name = { "", { "color.acid" }, " ", { "tile-name.refined-concrete" } }, map_color = { a = 0.5, b = 0.15700000000000001, g = 0.76100000000000003, r = 0.55900000000000007 }, mined_sound = { switch_vibration_data = { filename = "__core__/sound/deconstruct-bricks.bnvib", gain = 0.32000000000000002 }, variations = { { filename = "__base__/sound/deconstruct-bricks.ogg", volume = 0.8 } } }, name = "acid-refined-concrete", needs_correction = false, order = "a[artificial]-e[color-concrete]-acid", pollution_absorption_per_second = 0, scorch_mark_color = { a = 1, b = 0.24299999999999997, g = 0.30699999999999998, r = 0.373 }, tint = { b = 0.13400000000000001, g = 0.99600000000000009, r = 0.70800000000000001 }, transition_overlay_layer_offset = 2, transitions = { { inner_corner = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/hr-concrete.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 0 }, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/concrete.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 0 }, inner_corner_effect_map = { count = 1, hr_version = { count = 1, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/hr-water-stone-mask.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 0 }, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/water-stone-mask.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 0 }, inner_corner_mask = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/hr-concrete.png", scale = 0.5, x = 2176, y = 0 }, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/concrete.png", x = 1088, y = 0 }, o_transition = { count = 4, hr_version = { count = 4, line_length = 4, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/hr-concrete.png", scale = 0.5, tall = false, x = 0, y = 2304 }, line_length = 4, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/concrete.png", tall = false, x = 0, y = 1152 }, o_transition_effect_map = { count = 1, hr_version = { count = 1, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/hr-water-stone-mask.png", scale = 0.5, tall = false, x = 0, y = 2304 }, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/water-stone-mask.png", tall = false, x = 0, y = 1152 }, o_transition_mask = { count = 4, hr_version = { count = 4, line_length = 4, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/hr-concrete.png", scale = 0.5, x = 2176, y = 2304 }, line_length = 4, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/concrete.png", x = 1088, y = 1152 }, outer_corner = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/hr-concrete.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 576 }, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/concrete.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 288 }, outer_corner_effect_map = { count = 1, hr_version = { count = 1, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/hr-water-stone-mask.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 576 }, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/water-stone-mask.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 288 }, outer_corner_mask = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/hr-concrete.png", scale = 0.5, x = 2176, y = 576 }, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/concrete.png", x = 1088, y = 288 }, side = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/hr-concrete.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 1152 }, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/concrete.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 576 }, side_effect_map = { count = 1, hr_version = { count = 1, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/hr-water-stone-mask.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 1152 }, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/water-stone-mask.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 576 }, side_mask = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/hr-concrete.png", scale = 0.5, x = 2176, y = 1152 }, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/concrete.png", x = 1088, y = 576 }, to_tiles = { "water", "deepwater", "water-green", "deepwater-green", "water-shallow", "water-mud", "water-wube" }, transition_group = 1, u_transition = { count = 4, hr_version = { count = 4, line_length = 4, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/hr-concrete.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 1728 }, line_length = 4, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/concrete.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 864 }, u_transition_effect_map = { count = 1, hr_version = { count = 1, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/hr-water-stone-mask.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 1728 }, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/water-stone-mask.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 864 }, u_transition_mask = { count = 4, hr_version = { count = 4, line_length = 4, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/hr-concrete.png", scale = 0.5, x = 2176, y = 1728 }, line_length = 4, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/concrete.png", x = 1088, y = 864 } }, { background_layer_group = "zero", background_layer_offset = 1, inner_corner = { count = 4, hr_version = { count = 4, line_length = 4, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-concrete-out-of-map-transition.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 0 }, line_length = 4, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/concrete-out-of-map-transition.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 0 }, inner_corner_background = { count = 4, hr_version = { count = 4, line_length = 4, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-concrete-out-of-map-transition.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 1088, y = 0 }, line_length = 4, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/concrete-out-of-map-transition.png", tall = true, x = 544, y = 0 }, inner_corner_mask = { count = 4, hr_version = { count = 4, line_length = 4, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-concrete-out-of-map-transition.png", scale = 0.5, x = 2176, y = 0 }, line_length = 4, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/concrete-out-of-map-transition.png", x = 1088, y = 0 }, o_transition = { count = 1, hr_version = { count = 1, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-concrete-out-of-map-transition.png", scale = 0.5, tall = false, x = 0, y = 2304 }, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/concrete-out-of-map-transition.png", tall = false, x = 0, y = 1152 }, o_transition_background = { count = 1, hr_version = { count = 1, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-concrete-out-of-map-transition.png", scale = 0.5, tall = false, x = 1088, y = 2304 }, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/concrete-out-of-map-transition.png", tall = false, x = 544, y = 1152 }, o_transition_mask = { count = 1, hr_version = { count = 1, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-concrete-out-of-map-transition.png", scale = 0.5, x = 2176, y = 2304 }, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/concrete-out-of-map-transition.png", x = 1088, y = 1152 }, offset_background_layer_by_tile_layer = true, outer_corner = { count = 4, hr_version = { count = 4, line_length = 4, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-concrete-out-of-map-transition.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 576 }, line_length = 4, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/concrete-out-of-map-transition.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 288 }, outer_corner_background = { count = 4, hr_version = { count = 4, line_length = 4, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-concrete-out-of-map-transition.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 1088, y = 576 }, line_length = 4, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/concrete-out-of-map-transition.png", tall = true, x = 544, y = 288 }, outer_corner_mask = { count = 4, hr_version = { count = 4, line_length = 4, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-concrete-out-of-map-transition.png", scale = 0.5, x = 2176, y = 576 }, line_length = 4, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/concrete-out-of-map-transition.png", x = 1088, y = 288 }, side = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-concrete-out-of-map-transition.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 1152 }, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/concrete-out-of-map-transition.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 576 }, side_background = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-concrete-out-of-map-transition.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 1088, y = 1152 }, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/concrete-out-of-map-transition.png", tall = true, x = 544, y = 576 }, side_mask = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-concrete-out-of-map-transition.png", scale = 0.5, x = 2176, y = 1152 }, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/concrete-out-of-map-transition.png", x = 1088, y = 576 }, to_tiles = { "out-of-map" }, transition_group = 2, u_transition = { count = 1, hr_version = { count = 1, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-concrete-out-of-map-transition.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 1728 }, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/concrete-out-of-map-transition.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 864 }, u_transition_background = { count = 1, hr_version = { count = 1, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-concrete-out-of-map-transition.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 1088, y = 1728 }, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/concrete-out-of-map-transition.png", tall = true, x = 544, y = 864 }, u_transition_mask = { count = 1, hr_version = { count = 1, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-concrete-out-of-map-transition.png", scale = 0.5, x = 2176, y = 1728 }, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/concrete-out-of-map-transition.png", x = 1088, y = 864 } } }, transitions_between_transitions = { { inner_corner = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/hr-concrete-transitions.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 0 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/concrete-transitions.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 0 }, inner_corner_effect_map = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/hr-water-stone-to-land-mask.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 0 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/water-stone-to-land-mask.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 0 }, inner_corner_mask = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/hr-concrete-transitions.png", scale = 0.5, x = 2176, y = 0 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/concrete-transitions.png", x = 1088, y = 0 }, outer_corner = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/hr-concrete-transitions.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 576 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/concrete-transitions.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 288 }, outer_corner_effect_map = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/hr-water-stone-to-land-mask.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 576 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/water-stone-to-land-mask.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 288 }, outer_corner_mask = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/hr-concrete-transitions.png", scale = 0.5, x = 2176, y = 576 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/concrete-transitions.png", x = 1088, y = 288 }, side = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/hr-concrete-transitions.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 1152 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/concrete-transitions.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 576 }, side_effect_map = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/hr-water-stone-to-land-mask.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 1152 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/water-stone-to-land-mask.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 576 }, side_mask = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/hr-concrete-transitions.png", scale = 0.5, x = 2176, y = 1152 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/concrete-transitions.png", x = 1088, y = 576 }, transition_group = 0, transition_group1 = 0, transition_group2 = 1, u_transition = { count = 1, hr_version = { count = 1, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/hr-concrete-transitions.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 1728 }, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/concrete-transitions.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 864 }, u_transition_effect_map = { count = 1, hr_version = { count = 1, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/hr-water-stone-to-land-mask.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 1728 }, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/water-stone-to-land-mask.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 864 }, u_transition_mask = { count = 1, hr_version = { count = 1, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/hr-concrete-transitions.png", scale = 0.5, x = 2176, y = 1728 }, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/concrete-transitions.png", x = 1088, y = 864 } }, { background_layer_group = "zero", background_layer_offset = 1, inner_corner = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-concrete-out-of-map-transition-b.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 0 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/concrete-out-of-map-transition-b.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 0 }, inner_corner_background = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-concrete-out-of-map-transition-b.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 1088, y = 0 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/concrete-out-of-map-transition-b.png", tall = true, x = 544, y = 0 }, inner_corner_mask = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-concrete-out-of-map-transition-b.png", scale = 0.5, x = 2176, y = 0 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/concrete-out-of-map-transition-b.png", x = 1088, y = 0 }, offset_background_layer_by_tile_layer = true, outer_corner = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-concrete-out-of-map-transition-b.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 576 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/concrete-out-of-map-transition-b.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 288 }, outer_corner_background = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-concrete-out-of-map-transition-b.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 1088, y = 576 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/concrete-out-of-map-transition-b.png", tall = true, x = 544, y = 288 }, outer_corner_mask = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-concrete-out-of-map-transition-b.png", scale = 0.5, x = 2176, y = 576 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/concrete-out-of-map-transition-b.png", x = 1088, y = 288 }, side = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-concrete-out-of-map-transition-b.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 1152 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/concrete-out-of-map-transition-b.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 576 }, side_background = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-concrete-out-of-map-transition-b.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 1088, y = 1152 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/concrete-out-of-map-transition-b.png", tall = true, x = 544, y = 576 }, side_mask = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-concrete-out-of-map-transition-b.png", scale = 0.5, x = 2176, y = 1152 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/concrete-out-of-map-transition-b.png", x = 1088, y = 576 }, transition_group = 0, transition_group1 = 0, transition_group2 = 2, u_transition = { count = 1, hr_version = { count = 1, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-concrete-out-of-map-transition-b.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 1728 }, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/concrete-out-of-map-transition-b.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 864 }, u_transition_background = { count = 1, hr_version = { count = 1, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-concrete-out-of-map-transition-b.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 1088, y = 1728 }, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/concrete-out-of-map-transition-b.png", tall = true, x = 544, y = 864 }, u_transition_mask = { count = 1, hr_version = { count = 1, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-concrete-out-of-map-transition-b.png", scale = 0.5, x = 2176, y = 1728 }, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/concrete-out-of-map-transition-b.png", x = 1088, y = 864 } }, { background_layer_group = "zero", background_layer_offset = 1, inner_corner = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-concrete-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 0 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/concrete-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 0 }, inner_corner_background = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-concrete-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 1088, y = 0 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/concrete-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", tall = true, x = 544, y = 0 }, inner_corner_effect_map = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/hr-water-stone-to-out-of-map-mask.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 0 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/water-stone-to-out-of-map-mask.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 0 }, inner_corner_mask = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-concrete-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", scale = 0.5, x = 2176, y = 0 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/concrete-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", x = 1088, y = 0 }, offset_background_layer_by_tile_layer = true, outer_corner = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-concrete-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 576 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/concrete-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 288 }, outer_corner_background = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-concrete-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 1088, y = 576 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/concrete-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", tall = true, x = 544, y = 288 }, outer_corner_effect_map = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/hr-water-stone-to-out-of-map-mask.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 576 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/water-stone-to-out-of-map-mask.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 288 }, outer_corner_mask = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-concrete-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", scale = 0.5, x = 2176, y = 576 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/concrete-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", x = 1088, y = 288 }, side = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-concrete-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 1152 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/concrete-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 576 }, side_background = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-concrete-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 1088, y = 1152 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/concrete-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", tall = true, x = 544, y = 576 }, side_effect_map = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/hr-water-stone-to-out-of-map-mask.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 1152 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/water-stone-to-out-of-map-mask.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 576 }, side_mask = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-concrete-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", scale = 0.5, x = 2176, y = 1152 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/concrete-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", x = 1088, y = 576 }, transition_group = 1, transition_group1 = 1, transition_group2 = 2, u_transition = { count = 1, hr_version = { count = 1, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-concrete-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 1728 }, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/concrete-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 864 }, u_transition_background = { count = 1, hr_version = { count = 1, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-concrete-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 1088, y = 1728 }, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/concrete-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", tall = true, x = 544, y = 864 }, u_transition_mask = { count = 1, hr_version = { count = 1, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-concrete-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", scale = 0.5, x = 2176, y = 1728 }, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/concrete-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", x = 1088, y = 864 } } }, trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.22000000000000002, initial_vertical_speed = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.041000000000000005, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.59770000000000003 }, { 0.5, 0.59770000000000003 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "concrete-stone-particle-small", probability = 1, repeat_count = 20, repeat_count_deviation = 5, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.05, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.125, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.042000000000000002, offset_deviation = { { -0.2, -0.2 }, { 0.3, 0.3 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "concrete-stone-particle-medium", probability = 1, repeat_count = 7, repeat_count_deviation = 2, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.125, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.042000000000000002, offset_deviation = { left_top = { -0.3984, -0.79690000000000003 }, right_bottom = { 0.3984, 0.79690000000000003 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "concrete-stone-lower-particle-medium", probability = 1, repeat_count = 7, repeat_count_deviation = 2, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.4, -0.4 }, { 0.4, 0.4 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "concrete-stone-particle-tiny", probability = 1, repeat_count = 15, repeat_count_deviation = 4, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.02, type = "create-particle" } }, type = "tile", variants = { inner_corner = { count = 16, hr_version = { count = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/hr-concrete-inner-corner.png", scale = 0.5 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete-inner-corner.png" }, inner_corner_mask = { count = 16, hr_version = { count = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/hr-concrete-inner-corner-mask.png", scale = 0.5 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete-inner-corner-mask.png" }, main = { { count = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete-dummy.png", size = 1 }, { count = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete-dummy.png", probability = 0.39000000000000004, size = 2 }, { count = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete-dummy.png", probability = 1, size = 4 } }, material_background = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/hr-refined-concrete.png", scale = 0.5 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/refined-concrete.png" }, o_transition = { count = 4, hr_version = { count = 4, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/hr-concrete-o.png", scale = 0.5 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete-o.png" }, o_transition_mask = { count = 4, hr_version = { count = 4, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/hr-concrete-o-mask.png", scale = 0.5 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete-o-mask.png" }, outer_corner = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/hr-concrete-outer-corner.png", scale = 0.5 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete-outer-corner.png" }, outer_corner_mask = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/hr-concrete-outer-corner-mask.png", scale = 0.5 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete-outer-corner-mask.png" }, side = { count = 16, hr_version = { count = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/hr-concrete-side.png", scale = 0.5 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete-side.png" }, side_mask = { count = 16, hr_version = { count = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/hr-concrete-side-mask.png", scale = 0.5 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete-side-mask.png" }, u_transition = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/hr-concrete-u.png", scale = 0.5 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete-u.png" }, u_transition_mask = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/hr-concrete-u-mask.png", scale = 0.5 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete-u-mask.png" } }, vehicle_friction_modifier = 0.8, walking_sound = { { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/refined-concrete-01.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/refined-concrete-02.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/refined-concrete-03.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/refined-concrete-04.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/refined-concrete-05.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/refined-concrete-06.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/refined-concrete-07.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/refined-concrete-08.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/refined-concrete-09.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/refined-concrete-10.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/refined-concrete-11.ogg", volume = 0.5 } }, walking_speed_modifier = 1.5 }, ["black-refined-concrete"] = { build_sound = { large = { switch_vibration_data = { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-large.bnvib", gain = 0.15 }, variations = { { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-large.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-large-1.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-large-2.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-large-3.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-large-4.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-large-5.ogg", volume = 0.5 } } }, medium = { switch_vibration_data = { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-medium.bnvib", gain = 0.15 }, variations = { { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-medium.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-medium-1.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-medium-2.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-medium-3.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-medium-4.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-medium-5.ogg", volume = 0.5 } } }, small = { switch_vibration_data = { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-small.bnvib", gain = 0.25 }, variations = { { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-small.ogg", volume = 0.4 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-small-1.ogg", volume = 0.4 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-small-2.ogg", volume = 0.4 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-small-3.ogg", volume = 0.4 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-small-4.ogg", volume = 0.4 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-small-5.ogg", volume = 0.4 } } } }, collision_mask = { "ground-tile" }, decorative_removal_probability = 0.25, layer = 88, localised_name = { "", { "" }, " ", { "tile-name.refined-concrete" } }, map_color = { a = 0.5, b = 0.1, g = 0.1, r = 0.1 }, mined_sound = { switch_vibration_data = { filename = "__core__/sound/deconstruct-bricks.bnvib", gain = 0.32000000000000002 }, variations = { { filename = "__base__/sound/deconstruct-bricks.ogg", volume = 0.8 } } }, name = "black-refined-concrete", needs_correction = false, order = "a[artificial]-e[color-concrete]-black", pollution_absorption_per_second = 0, scorch_mark_color = { a = 1, b = 0.24299999999999997, g = 0.30699999999999998, r = 0.373 }, tint = { b = 0.5, g = 0.5, r = 0.5 }, transition_overlay_layer_offset = 2, transitions = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["acid-refined-concrete"].transitions ]=], transitions_between_transitions = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["acid-refined-concrete"].transitions_between_transitions ]=], trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.22000000000000002, initial_vertical_speed = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.041000000000000005, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.59770000000000003 }, { 0.5, 0.59770000000000003 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "concrete-stone-particle-small", probability = 1, repeat_count = 20, repeat_count_deviation = 5, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.05, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.125, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.042000000000000002, offset_deviation = { { -0.2, -0.2 }, { 0.3, 0.3 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "concrete-stone-particle-medium", probability = 1, repeat_count = 7, repeat_count_deviation = 2, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.125, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.042000000000000002, offset_deviation = { left_top = { -0.3984, -0.79690000000000003 }, right_bottom = { 0.3984, 0.79690000000000003 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "concrete-stone-lower-particle-medium", probability = 1, repeat_count = 7, repeat_count_deviation = 2, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.4, -0.4 }, { 0.4, 0.4 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "concrete-stone-particle-tiny", probability = 1, repeat_count = 15, repeat_count_deviation = 4, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.02, type = "create-particle" } }, type = "tile", variants = { inner_corner = { count = 16, hr_version = { count = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/hr-concrete-inner-corner.png", scale = 0.5 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete-inner-corner.png" }, inner_corner_mask = { count = 16, hr_version = { count = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/hr-concrete-inner-corner-mask.png", scale = 0.5 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete-inner-corner-mask.png" }, main = { { count = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete-dummy.png", size = 1 }, { count = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete-dummy.png", probability = 0.39000000000000004, size = 2 }, { count = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete-dummy.png", probability = 1, size = 4 } }, material_background = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/hr-refined-concrete.png", scale = 0.5 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/refined-concrete.png" }, o_transition = { count = 4, hr_version = { count = 4, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/hr-concrete-o.png", scale = 0.5 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete-o.png" }, o_transition_mask = { count = 4, hr_version = { count = 4, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/hr-concrete-o-mask.png", scale = 0.5 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete-o-mask.png" }, outer_corner = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/hr-concrete-outer-corner.png", scale = 0.5 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete-outer-corner.png" }, outer_corner_mask = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/hr-concrete-outer-corner-mask.png", scale = 0.5 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete-outer-corner-mask.png" }, side = { count = 16, hr_version = { count = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/hr-concrete-side.png", scale = 0.5 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete-side.png" }, side_mask = { count = 16, hr_version = { count = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/hr-concrete-side-mask.png", scale = 0.5 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete-side-mask.png" }, u_transition = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/hr-concrete-u.png", scale = 0.5 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete-u.png" }, u_transition_mask = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/hr-concrete-u-mask.png", scale = 0.5 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete-u-mask.png" } }, vehicle_friction_modifier = 0.8, walking_sound = { { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/refined-concrete-01.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/refined-concrete-02.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/refined-concrete-03.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/refined-concrete-04.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/refined-concrete-05.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/refined-concrete-06.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/refined-concrete-07.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/refined-concrete-08.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/refined-concrete-09.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/refined-concrete-10.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/refined-concrete-11.ogg", volume = 0.5 } }, walking_speed_modifier = 1.5 }, ["blue-refined-concrete"] = { build_sound = { large = { switch_vibration_data = { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-large.bnvib", gain = 0.15 }, variations = { { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-large.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-large-1.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-large-2.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-large-3.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-large-4.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-large-5.ogg", volume = 0.5 } } }, medium = { switch_vibration_data = { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-medium.bnvib", gain = 0.15 }, variations = { { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-medium.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-medium-1.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-medium-2.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-medium-3.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-medium-4.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-medium-5.ogg", volume = 0.5 } } }, small = { switch_vibration_data = { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-small.bnvib", gain = 0.25 }, variations = { { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-small.ogg", volume = 0.4 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-small-1.ogg", volume = 0.4 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-small-2.ogg", volume = 0.4 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-small-3.ogg", volume = 0.4 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-small-4.ogg", volume = 0.4 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-small-5.ogg", volume = 0.4 } } } }, collision_mask = { "ground-tile" }, decorative_removal_probability = 0.25, layer = 73, localised_name = { "", { "" }, " ", { "tile-name.refined-concrete" } }, map_color = { a = 0.5, b = 0.89800000000000004, g = 0.54000000000000004, r = 0.155 }, mined_sound = { switch_vibration_data = { filename = "__core__/sound/deconstruct-bricks.bnvib", gain = 0.32000000000000002 }, variations = { { filename = "__base__/sound/deconstruct-bricks.ogg", volume = 0.8 } } }, name = "blue-refined-concrete", needs_correction = false, order = "a[artificial]-e[color-concrete]-blue", pollution_absorption_per_second = 0, scorch_mark_color = { a = 1, b = 0.24299999999999997, g = 0.30699999999999998, r = 0.373 }, tint = { b = 1, g = 0.68300000000000001, r = 0.34300000000000002 }, transition_overlay_layer_offset = 2, transitions = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["acid-refined-concrete"].transitions ]=], transitions_between_transitions = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["acid-refined-concrete"].transitions_between_transitions ]=], trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.22000000000000002, initial_vertical_speed = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.041000000000000005, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.59770000000000003 }, { 0.5, 0.59770000000000003 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "concrete-stone-particle-small", probability = 1, repeat_count = 20, repeat_count_deviation = 5, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.05, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.125, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.042000000000000002, offset_deviation = { { -0.2, -0.2 }, { 0.3, 0.3 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "concrete-stone-particle-medium", probability = 1, repeat_count = 7, repeat_count_deviation = 2, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.125, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.042000000000000002, offset_deviation = { left_top = { -0.3984, -0.79690000000000003 }, right_bottom = { 0.3984, 0.79690000000000003 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "concrete-stone-lower-particle-medium", probability = 1, repeat_count = 7, repeat_count_deviation = 2, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.4, -0.4 }, { 0.4, 0.4 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "concrete-stone-particle-tiny", probability = 1, repeat_count = 15, repeat_count_deviation = 4, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.02, type = "create-particle" } }, type = "tile", variants = { inner_corner = { count = 16, hr_version = { count = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/hr-concrete-inner-corner.png", scale = 0.5 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete-inner-corner.png" }, inner_corner_mask = { count = 16, hr_version = { count = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/hr-concrete-inner-corner-mask.png", scale = 0.5 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete-inner-corner-mask.png" }, main = { { count = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete-dummy.png", size = 1 }, { count = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete-dummy.png", probability = 0.39000000000000004, size = 2 }, { count = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete-dummy.png", probability = 1, size = 4 } }, material_background = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/hr-refined-concrete.png", scale = 0.5 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/refined-concrete.png" }, o_transition = { count = 4, hr_version = { count = 4, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/hr-concrete-o.png", scale = 0.5 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete-o.png" }, o_transition_mask = { count = 4, hr_version = { count = 4, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/hr-concrete-o-mask.png", scale = 0.5 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete-o-mask.png" }, outer_corner = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/hr-concrete-outer-corner.png", scale = 0.5 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete-outer-corner.png" }, outer_corner_mask = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/hr-concrete-outer-corner-mask.png", scale = 0.5 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete-outer-corner-mask.png" }, side = { count = 16, hr_version = { count = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/hr-concrete-side.png", scale = 0.5 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete-side.png" }, side_mask = { count = 16, hr_version = { count = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/hr-concrete-side-mask.png", scale = 0.5 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete-side-mask.png" }, u_transition = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/hr-concrete-u.png", scale = 0.5 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete-u.png" }, u_transition_mask = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/hr-concrete-u-mask.png", scale = 0.5 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete-u-mask.png" } }, vehicle_friction_modifier = 0.8, walking_sound = { { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/refined-concrete-01.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/refined-concrete-02.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/refined-concrete-03.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/refined-concrete-04.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/refined-concrete-05.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/refined-concrete-06.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/refined-concrete-07.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/refined-concrete-08.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/refined-concrete-09.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/refined-concrete-10.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/refined-concrete-11.ogg", volume = 0.5 } }, walking_speed_modifier = 1.5 }, ["brown-refined-concrete"] = { build_sound = { large = { switch_vibration_data = { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-large.bnvib", gain = 0.15 }, variations = { { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-large.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-large-1.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-large-2.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-large-3.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-large-4.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-large-5.ogg", volume = 0.5 } } }, medium = { switch_vibration_data = { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-medium.bnvib", gain = 0.15 }, variations = { { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-medium.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-medium-1.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-medium-2.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-medium-3.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-medium-4.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-medium-5.ogg", volume = 0.5 } } }, small = { switch_vibration_data = { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-small.bnvib", gain = 0.25 }, variations = { { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-small.ogg", volume = 0.4 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-small-1.ogg", volume = 0.4 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-small-2.ogg", volume = 0.4 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-small-3.ogg", volume = 0.4 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-small-4.ogg", volume = 0.4 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-small-5.ogg", volume = 0.4 } } } }, collision_mask = { "ground-tile" }, decorative_removal_probability = 0.25, layer = 91, localised_name = { "", { "color.brown" }, " ", { "tile-name.refined-concrete" } }, map_color = { a = 0.5, b = 0, g = 0.11700000000000002, r = 0.3 }, mined_sound = { switch_vibration_data = { filename = "__core__/sound/deconstruct-bricks.bnvib", gain = 0.32000000000000002 }, variations = { { filename = "__base__/sound/deconstruct-bricks.ogg", volume = 0.8 } } }, name = "brown-refined-concrete", needs_correction = false, order = "a[artificial]-e[color-concrete]-brown", pollution_absorption_per_second = 0, scorch_mark_color = { a = 1, b = 0.24299999999999997, g = 0.30699999999999998, r = 0.373 }, tint = { b = 0.371, g = 0.52200000000000006, r = 0.75700000000000003 }, transition_overlay_layer_offset = 2, transitions = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["acid-refined-concrete"].transitions ]=], transitions_between_transitions = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["acid-refined-concrete"].transitions_between_transitions ]=], trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.22000000000000002, initial_vertical_speed = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.041000000000000005, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.59770000000000003 }, { 0.5, 0.59770000000000003 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "concrete-stone-particle-small", probability = 1, repeat_count = 20, repeat_count_deviation = 5, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.05, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.125, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.042000000000000002, offset_deviation = { { -0.2, -0.2 }, { 0.3, 0.3 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "concrete-stone-particle-medium", probability = 1, repeat_count = 7, repeat_count_deviation = 2, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.125, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.042000000000000002, offset_deviation = { left_top = { -0.3984, -0.79690000000000003 }, right_bottom = { 0.3984, 0.79690000000000003 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "concrete-stone-lower-particle-medium", probability = 1, repeat_count = 7, repeat_count_deviation = 2, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.4, -0.4 }, { 0.4, 0.4 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "concrete-stone-particle-tiny", probability = 1, repeat_count = 15, repeat_count_deviation = 4, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.02, type = "create-particle" } }, type = "tile", variants = { inner_corner = { count = 16, hr_version = { count = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/hr-concrete-inner-corner.png", scale = 0.5 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete-inner-corner.png" }, inner_corner_mask = { count = 16, hr_version = { count = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/hr-concrete-inner-corner-mask.png", scale = 0.5 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete-inner-corner-mask.png" }, main = { { count = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete-dummy.png", size = 1 }, { count = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete-dummy.png", probability = 0.39000000000000004, size = 2 }, { count = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete-dummy.png", probability = 1, size = 4 } }, material_background = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/hr-refined-concrete.png", scale = 0.5 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/refined-concrete.png" }, o_transition = { count = 4, hr_version = { count = 4, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/hr-concrete-o.png", scale = 0.5 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete-o.png" }, o_transition_mask = { count = 4, hr_version = { count = 4, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/hr-concrete-o-mask.png", scale = 0.5 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete-o-mask.png" }, outer_corner = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/hr-concrete-outer-corner.png", scale = 0.5 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete-outer-corner.png" }, outer_corner_mask = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/hr-concrete-outer-corner-mask.png", scale = 0.5 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete-outer-corner-mask.png" }, side = { count = 16, hr_version = { count = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/hr-concrete-side.png", scale = 0.5 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete-side.png" }, side_mask = { count = 16, hr_version = { count = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/hr-concrete-side-mask.png", scale = 0.5 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete-side-mask.png" }, u_transition = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/hr-concrete-u.png", scale = 0.5 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete-u.png" }, u_transition_mask = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/hr-concrete-u-mask.png", scale = 0.5 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete-u-mask.png" } }, vehicle_friction_modifier = 0.8, walking_sound = { { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/refined-concrete-01.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/refined-concrete-02.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/refined-concrete-03.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/refined-concrete-04.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/refined-concrete-05.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/refined-concrete-06.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/refined-concrete-07.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/refined-concrete-08.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/refined-concrete-09.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/refined-concrete-10.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/refined-concrete-11.ogg", volume = 0.5 } }, walking_speed_modifier = 1.5 }, concrete = { build_sound = { large = { switch_vibration_data = { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-large.bnvib", gain = 0.15 }, variations = { { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-large.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-large-1.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-large-2.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-large-3.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-large-4.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-large-5.ogg", volume = 0.5 } } }, medium = { switch_vibration_data = { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-medium.bnvib", gain = 0.15 }, variations = { { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-medium.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-medium-1.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-medium-2.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-medium-3.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-medium-4.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-medium-5.ogg", volume = 0.5 } } }, small = { switch_vibration_data = { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-small.bnvib", gain = 0.25 }, variations = { { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-small.ogg", volume = 0.4 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-small-1.ogg", volume = 0.4 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-small-2.ogg", volume = 0.4 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-small-3.ogg", volume = 0.4 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-small-4.ogg", volume = 0.4 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-small-5.ogg", volume = 0.4 } } } }, collision_mask = { "ground-tile" }, decorative_removal_probability = 0.25, layer = 61, map_color = { b = 59, g = 61, r = 63 }, minable = { mining_time = 0.1, result = "concrete" }, mined_sound = { switch_vibration_data = { filename = "__core__/sound/deconstruct-bricks.bnvib", gain = 0.32000000000000002 }, variations = { { filename = "__base__/sound/deconstruct-bricks.ogg", volume = 0.8 } } }, name = "concrete", needs_correction = false, order = "a[artificial]-b[tier-2]-a[concrete]", pollution_absorption_per_second = 0, scorch_mark_color = { a = 1, b = 0.24299999999999997, g = 0.30699999999999998, r = 0.373 }, transition_overlay_layer_offset = 2, transitions = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["acid-refined-concrete"].transitions ]=], transitions_between_transitions = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["acid-refined-concrete"].transitions_between_transitions ]=], trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.22000000000000002, initial_vertical_speed = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.041000000000000005, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.59770000000000003 }, { 0.5, 0.59770000000000003 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "concrete-stone-particle-small", probability = 1, repeat_count = 20, repeat_count_deviation = 5, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.05, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.125, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.042000000000000002, offset_deviation = { { -0.2, -0.2 }, { 0.3, 0.3 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "concrete-stone-particle-medium", probability = 1, repeat_count = 7, repeat_count_deviation = 2, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.125, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.042000000000000002, offset_deviation = { left_top = { -0.3984, -0.79690000000000003 }, right_bottom = { 0.3984, 0.79690000000000003 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "concrete-stone-lower-particle-medium", probability = 1, repeat_count = 7, repeat_count_deviation = 2, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.4, -0.4 }, { 0.4, 0.4 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "concrete-stone-particle-tiny", probability = 1, repeat_count = 15, repeat_count_deviation = 4, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.02, type = "create-particle" } }, type = "tile", variants = { inner_corner = { count = 16, hr_version = { count = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/hr-concrete-inner-corner.png", scale = 0.5 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete-inner-corner.png" }, inner_corner_mask = { count = 16, hr_version = { count = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/hr-concrete-inner-corner-mask.png", scale = 0.5 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete-inner-corner-mask.png" }, main = { { count = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete-dummy.png", size = 1 }, { count = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete-dummy.png", probability = 0.39000000000000004, size = 2 }, { count = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete-dummy.png", probability = 1, size = 4 } }, material_background = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/hr-concrete.png", scale = 0.5 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete.png" }, o_transition = { count = 4, hr_version = { count = 4, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/hr-concrete-o.png", scale = 0.5 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete-o.png" }, o_transition_mask = { count = 4, hr_version = { count = 4, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/hr-concrete-o-mask.png", scale = 0.5 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete-o-mask.png" }, outer_corner = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/hr-concrete-outer-corner.png", scale = 0.5 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete-outer-corner.png" }, outer_corner_mask = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/hr-concrete-outer-corner-mask.png", scale = 0.5 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete-outer-corner-mask.png" }, side = { count = 16, hr_version = { count = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/hr-concrete-side.png", scale = 0.5 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete-side.png" }, side_mask = { count = 16, hr_version = { count = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/hr-concrete-side-mask.png", scale = 0.5 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete-side-mask.png" }, u_transition = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/hr-concrete-u.png", scale = 0.5 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete-u.png" }, u_transition_mask = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/hr-concrete-u-mask.png", scale = 0.5 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete-u-mask.png" } }, vehicle_friction_modifier = 0.8, walking_sound = { { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/concrete-01.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/concrete-02.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/concrete-03.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/concrete-04.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/concrete-05.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/concrete-06.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/concrete-07.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/concrete-08.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/concrete-09.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/concrete-10.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/concrete-11.ogg", volume = 0.5 } }, walking_speed_modifier = 1.3999999999999999 }, ["cyan-refined-concrete"] = { build_sound = { large = { switch_vibration_data = { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-large.bnvib", gain = 0.15 }, variations = { { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-large.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-large-1.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-large-2.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-large-3.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-large-4.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-large-5.ogg", volume = 0.5 } } }, medium = { switch_vibration_data = { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-medium.bnvib", gain = 0.15 }, variations = { { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-medium.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-medium-1.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-medium-2.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-medium-3.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-medium-4.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-medium-5.ogg", volume = 0.5 } } }, small = { switch_vibration_data = { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-small.bnvib", gain = 0.25 }, variations = { { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-small.ogg", volume = 0.4 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-small-1.ogg", volume = 0.4 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-small-2.ogg", volume = 0.4 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-small-3.ogg", volume = 0.4 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-small-4.ogg", volume = 0.4 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-small-5.ogg", volume = 0.4 } } } }, collision_mask = { "ground-tile" }, decorative_removal_probability = 0.25, layer = 94, localised_name = { "", { "color.cyan" }, " ", { "tile-name.refined-concrete" } }, map_color = { a = 0.5, b = 0.71199999999999992, g = 0.75499999999999998, r = 0.275 }, mined_sound = { switch_vibration_data = { filename = "__core__/sound/deconstruct-bricks.bnvib", gain = 0.32000000000000002 }, variations = { { filename = "__base__/sound/deconstruct-bricks.ogg", volume = 0.8 } } }, name = "cyan-refined-concrete", needs_correction = false, order = "a[artificial]-e[color-concrete]-cyan", pollution_absorption_per_second = 0, scorch_mark_color = { a = 1, b = 0.24299999999999997, g = 0.30699999999999998, r = 0.373 }, tint = { b = 0.86600000000000001, g = 0.91799999999999997, r = 0.33500000000000001 }, transition_overlay_layer_offset = 2, transitions = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["acid-refined-concrete"].transitions ]=], transitions_between_transitions = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["acid-refined-concrete"].transitions_between_transitions ]=], trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.22000000000000002, initial_vertical_speed = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.041000000000000005, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.59770000000000003 }, { 0.5, 0.59770000000000003 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "concrete-stone-particle-small", probability = 1, repeat_count = 20, repeat_count_deviation = 5, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.05, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.125, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.042000000000000002, offset_deviation = { { -0.2, -0.2 }, { 0.3, 0.3 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "concrete-stone-particle-medium", probability = 1, repeat_count = 7, repeat_count_deviation = 2, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.125, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.042000000000000002, offset_deviation = { left_top = { -0.3984, -0.79690000000000003 }, right_bottom = { 0.3984, 0.79690000000000003 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "concrete-stone-lower-particle-medium", probability = 1, repeat_count = 7, repeat_count_deviation = 2, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.4, -0.4 }, { 0.4, 0.4 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "concrete-stone-particle-tiny", probability = 1, repeat_count = 15, repeat_count_deviation = 4, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.02, type = "create-particle" } }, type = "tile", variants = { inner_corner = { count = 16, hr_version = { count = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/hr-concrete-inner-corner.png", scale = 0.5 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete-inner-corner.png" }, inner_corner_mask = { count = 16, hr_version = { count = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/hr-concrete-inner-corner-mask.png", scale = 0.5 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete-inner-corner-mask.png" }, main = { { count = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete-dummy.png", size = 1 }, { count = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete-dummy.png", probability = 0.39000000000000004, size = 2 }, { count = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete-dummy.png", probability = 1, size = 4 } }, material_background = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/hr-refined-concrete.png", scale = 0.5 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/refined-concrete.png" }, o_transition = { count = 4, hr_version = { count = 4, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/hr-concrete-o.png", scale = 0.5 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete-o.png" }, o_transition_mask = { count = 4, hr_version = { count = 4, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/hr-concrete-o-mask.png", scale = 0.5 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete-o-mask.png" }, outer_corner = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/hr-concrete-outer-corner.png", scale = 0.5 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete-outer-corner.png" }, outer_corner_mask = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/hr-concrete-outer-corner-mask.png", scale = 0.5 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete-outer-corner-mask.png" }, side = { count = 16, hr_version = { count = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/hr-concrete-side.png", scale = 0.5 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete-side.png" }, side_mask = { count = 16, hr_version = { count = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/hr-concrete-side-mask.png", scale = 0.5 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete-side-mask.png" }, u_transition = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/hr-concrete-u.png", scale = 0.5 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete-u.png" }, u_transition_mask = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/hr-concrete-u-mask.png", scale = 0.5 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete-u-mask.png" } }, vehicle_friction_modifier = 0.8, walking_sound = { { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/refined-concrete-01.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/refined-concrete-02.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/refined-concrete-03.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/refined-concrete-04.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/refined-concrete-05.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/refined-concrete-06.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/refined-concrete-07.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/refined-concrete-08.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/refined-concrete-09.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/refined-concrete-10.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/refined-concrete-11.ogg", volume = 0.5 } }, walking_speed_modifier = 1.5 }, deepwater = { allowed_neighbors = { "water" }, autoplace = { probability_expression = { arguments = { { arguments = { { arguments = { { literal_value = -2, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 62 }, type = "literal-number" }, { source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 731 }, type = "variable", variable_name = "elevation" } }, function_name = "subtract", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 732 }, type = "function-application" }, { literal_value = 1/0 --[[math.huge]], source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 78 }, type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "multiply", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 740 }, type = "function-application" }, { literal_value = -1/0 --[[-math.huge]], source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 740 }, type = "literal-number" }, { arguments = { { literal_value = 200, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 78 }, type = "literal-number" }, { arguments = { 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile.deepwater.autoplace.probability_expression.arguments[1].arguments[1] ]=], { literal_value = -1/0 --[[-math.huge]], source_location = { filename = 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0.50700000000000003, 0.58300000000000001 }, effect_color_secondary = { 45, 68, 25 }, layer = 3, map_color = { b = 73, g = 64, r = 38 }, name = "deepwater", order = "c[water]-b[deep-water]", pollution_absorption_per_second = 5e-06, transition_merges_with_tile = "water", trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.1, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.125, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.069000000000000004, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.29689999999999998 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.29689999999999998 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-particle", probability = 1, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 4, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.05, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, tail_length = 12, tail_length_deviation = 20, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.1, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.125, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.069000000000000004, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.29689999999999998 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.29689999999999998 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "deep-water-lower-particle", probability = 1, repeat_count = 7, repeat_count_deviation = 4, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.05, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, tail_length = 12, tail_length_deviation = 20, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" } }, type = "tile", variants = { empty_transitions = true, main = { { count = 1, hr_version = { count = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/deepwater/hr-deepwater1.png", scale = 0.5, size = 1 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/deepwater/deepwater1.png", size = 1 }, { count = 1, hr_version = { count = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/deepwater/hr-deepwater2.png", scale = 0.5, size = 2 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/deepwater/deepwater2.png", size = 2 }, { count = 1, hr_version = { count = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/deepwater/hr-deepwater4.png", scale = 0.5, size = 4 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/deepwater/deepwater4.png", size = 4 } } } }, ["deepwater-green"] = { allowed_neighbors = { "water-green" }, collision_mask = { "water-tile", "resource-layer", "item-layer", "player-layer", "doodad-layer" }, draw_in_water_layer = true, effect = "water", effect_color = { 45, 68, 25 }, layer = 3, map_color = { b = 0.066000000000000005, g = 0.149, r = 0.094100000000000001 }, name = "deepwater-green", order = "c[water]-d[deepwater-green]", pollution_absorption_per_second = 5e-06, transition_merges_with_tile = "water", trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.1, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.125, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.069000000000000004, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.29689999999999998 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.29689999999999998 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "deep-green-water-particle", probability = 1, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 4, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.05, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, tail_length = 12, tail_length_deviation = 20, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.1, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.125, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.069000000000000004, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.29689999999999998 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.29689999999999998 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "deep-green-water-lower-particle", probability = 1, repeat_count = 7, repeat_count_deviation = 4, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.05, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, tail_length = 12, tail_length_deviation = 20, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" } }, type = "tile", variants = { empty_transitions = true, main = { { count = 1, hr_version = { count = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/deepwater-green/hr-deepwater-green1.png", scale = 0.5, size = 1 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/deepwater-green/deepwater-green1.png", size = 1 }, { count = 1, hr_version = { count = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/deepwater-green/hr-deepwater-green2.png", scale = 0.5, size = 2 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/deepwater-green/deepwater-green2.png", size = 2 }, { count = 1, hr_version = { count = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/deepwater-green/hr-deepwater-green4.png", scale = 0.5, size = 4 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/deepwater-green/deepwater-green4.png", size = 4 } } } }, ["dirt-1"] = { autoplace = { probability_expression = { arguments = { { arguments = { { arguments = { { arguments = { { literal_value = -1/0 --[[-math.huge]], 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"function-application" }, { literal_value = 1, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 78 }, type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "multiply", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 465 }, type = "function-application" } }, function_name = "clamp", source_location = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["dirt-1"].autoplace.probability_expression.arguments[1].arguments[1].arguments[2].arguments[2].source_location ]=], type = "function-application" }, { literal_value = 1/0 --[[math.huge]], source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 510 }, type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "clamp", source_location = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["dirt-1"].autoplace.probability_expression.arguments[1].arguments[1].arguments[3].source_location ]=], type = "function-application" }, { arguments = { input_scale = { arguments = { { literal_value = 1, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 31 }, type = "literal-number" }, { literal_value = 6, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 31 }, type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "divide", source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 31 }, type = "function-application" }, octaves = { literal_value = 4, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 37 }, type = "literal-number" }, output_scale = { literal_value = 0.66666666666666661, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 37 }, type = "literal-number" }, persistence = { literal_value = 0.7, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 37 }, type = "literal-number" }, seed0 = { source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 446 }, type = "variable", variable_name = "map_seed" }, seed1 = { arguments = { { literal_value = "dirt-1", source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 457 }, type = "literal-string" } }, function_name = "noise-layer-name-to-id", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 447 }, type = "function-application" }, x = { source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 443 }, type = "variable", variable_name = "x" }, y = { source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 444 }, type = "variable", variable_name = "y" } }, function_name = "factorio-multioctave-noise", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 522 }, type = "function-application" } }, function_name = "add", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 522 }, type = "function-application" }, { literal_value = 0, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 54 }, type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "add", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 522 }, type = "function-application" } }, collision_mask = { "ground-tile" }, layer = 19, map_color = { b = 60, g = 104, r = 141 }, name = "dirt-1", order = "b[natural]-b[dirt]-b[dirt-1]", pollution_absorption_per_second = 6.6000000000000005e-06, scorch_mark_color = { a = 1, b = 0.248, g = 0.40699999999999994, r = 0.54100000000000001 }, transitions = { { inner_corner = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/hr-dry-dirt.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 0 }, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/dry-dirt.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 0 }, inner_corner_effect_map = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/hr-water-dirt-mask.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 0 }, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/water-dirt-mask.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 0 }, inner_corner_mask = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/hr-dry-dirt.png", scale = 0.5, x = 2176, y = 0 }, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/dry-dirt.png", x = 1088, y = 0 }, o_transition = { count = 4, hr_version = { count = 4, line_length = 4, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/hr-dry-dirt.png", scale = 0.5, tall = false, x = 0, y = 2304 }, line_length = 4, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/dry-dirt.png", tall = false, x = 0, y = 1152 }, o_transition_effect_map = { count = 1, hr_version = { count = 1, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/hr-water-dirt-mask.png", scale = 0.5, tall = false, x = 0, y = 2304 }, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/water-dirt-mask.png", tall = false, x = 0, y = 1152 }, o_transition_mask = { count = 4, hr_version = { count = 4, line_length = 4, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/hr-dry-dirt.png", scale = 0.5, x = 2176, y = 2304 }, line_length = 4, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/dry-dirt.png", x = 1088, y = 1152 }, outer_corner = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/hr-dry-dirt.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 576 }, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/dry-dirt.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 288 }, outer_corner_effect_map = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/hr-water-dirt-mask.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 576 }, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/water-dirt-mask.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 288 }, outer_corner_mask = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/hr-dry-dirt.png", scale = 0.5, x = 2176, y = 576 }, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/dry-dirt.png", x = 1088, y = 288 }, side = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/hr-dry-dirt.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 1152 }, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/dry-dirt.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 576 }, side_effect_map = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/hr-water-dirt-mask.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 1152 }, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/water-dirt-mask.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 576 }, side_mask = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/hr-dry-dirt.png", scale = 0.5, x = 2176, y = 1152 }, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/dry-dirt.png", x = 1088, y = 576 }, to_tiles = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["acid-refined-concrete"].transitions[1].to_tiles ]=], transition_group = 1, u_transition = { count = 2, hr_version = { count = 2, line_length = 2, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/hr-dry-dirt.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 1728 }, line_length = 2, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/dry-dirt.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 864 }, u_transition_effect_map = { count = 2, hr_version = { count = 2, line_length = 2, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/hr-water-dirt-mask.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 1728 }, line_length = 2, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/water-dirt-mask.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 864 }, u_transition_mask = { count = 2, hr_version = { count = 2, line_length = 2, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/hr-dry-dirt.png", scale = 0.5, x = 2176, y = 1728 }, line_length = 2, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/dry-dirt.png", x = 1088, y = 864 } }, { background_layer_group = "zero", background_layer_offset = 1, inner_corner_background = { count = 4, hr_version = { count = 4, line_length = 4, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-out-of-map-transition.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 1088, y = 0 }, line_length = 4, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/out-of-map-transition.png", tall = true, x = 544, y = 0 }, inner_corner_mask = { count = 4, hr_version = { count = 4, line_length = 4, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-out-of-map-transition.png", scale = 0.5, x = 2176, y = 0 }, line_length = 4, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/out-of-map-transition.png", x = 1088, y = 0 }, o_transition_background = { count = 1, hr_version = { count = 1, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-out-of-map-transition.png", scale = 0.5, tall = false, x = 1088, y = 2304 }, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/out-of-map-transition.png", tall = false, x = 544, y = 1152 }, o_transition_mask = { count = 1, hr_version = { count = 1, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-out-of-map-transition.png", scale = 0.5, x = 2176, y = 2304 }, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/out-of-map-transition.png", x = 1088, y = 1152 }, offset_background_layer_by_tile_layer = true, outer_corner_background = { count = 4, hr_version = { count = 4, line_length = 4, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-out-of-map-transition.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 1088, y = 576 }, line_length = 4, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/out-of-map-transition.png", tall = true, x = 544, y = 288 }, outer_corner_mask = { count = 4, hr_version = { count = 4, line_length = 4, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-out-of-map-transition.png", scale = 0.5, x = 2176, y = 576 }, line_length = 4, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/out-of-map-transition.png", x = 1088, y = 288 }, side_background = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-out-of-map-transition.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 1088, y = 1152 }, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/out-of-map-transition.png", tall = true, x = 544, y = 576 }, side_mask = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-out-of-map-transition.png", scale = 0.5, x = 2176, y = 1152 }, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/out-of-map-transition.png", x = 1088, y = 576 }, to_tiles = { "out-of-map" }, transition_group = 2, u_transition_background = { count = 1, hr_version = { count = 1, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-out-of-map-transition.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 1088, y = 1728 }, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/out-of-map-transition.png", tall = true, x = 544, y = 864 }, u_transition_mask = { count = 1, hr_version = { count = 1, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-out-of-map-transition.png", scale = 0.5, x = 2176, y = 1728 }, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/out-of-map-transition.png", x = 1088, y = 864 } } }, transitions_between_transitions = { { inner_corner = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/hr-dry-dirt-transition.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 0 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/dry-dirt-transition.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 0 }, inner_corner_effect_map = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/hr-water-dirt-to-land-mask.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 0 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/water-dirt-to-land-mask.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 0 }, inner_corner_mask = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/hr-dry-dirt-transition.png", scale = 0.5, x = 2176, y = 0 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/dry-dirt-transition.png", x = 1088, y = 0 }, outer_corner = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/hr-dry-dirt-transition.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 576 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/dry-dirt-transition.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 288 }, outer_corner_effect_map = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/hr-water-dirt-to-land-mask.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 576 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/water-dirt-to-land-mask.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 288 }, outer_corner_mask = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/hr-dry-dirt-transition.png", scale = 0.5, x = 2176, y = 576 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/dry-dirt-transition.png", x = 1088, y = 288 }, side = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/hr-dry-dirt-transition.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 1152 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/dry-dirt-transition.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 576 }, side_effect_map = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/hr-water-dirt-to-land-mask.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 1152 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/water-dirt-to-land-mask.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 576 }, side_mask = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/hr-dry-dirt-transition.png", scale = 0.5, x = 2176, y = 1152 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/dry-dirt-transition.png", x = 1088, y = 576 }, transition_group = 0, transition_group1 = 0, transition_group2 = 1, u_transition = { count = 1, hr_version = { count = 1, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/hr-dry-dirt-transition.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 1728 }, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/dry-dirt-transition.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 864 }, u_transition_effect_map = { count = 1, hr_version = { count = 1, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/hr-water-dirt-to-land-mask.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 1728 }, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/water-dirt-to-land-mask.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 864 }, u_transition_mask = { count = 1, hr_version = { count = 1, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/hr-dry-dirt-transition.png", scale = 0.5, x = 2176, y = 1728 }, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/dry-dirt-transition.png", x = 1088, y = 864 }, water_patch = { filename = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/water-patch.png", height = 32, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/hr-water-patch.png", height = 64, scale = 0.5, width = 64 }, width = 32 } }, { background_layer_group = "zero", background_layer_offset = 1, inner_corner_background = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-dirt-out-of-map-transition.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 1088, y = 0 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/dirt-out-of-map-transition.png", tall = true, x = 544, y = 0 }, inner_corner_mask = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-dirt-out-of-map-transition.png", scale = 0.5, x = 2176, y = 0 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/dirt-out-of-map-transition.png", x = 1088, y = 0 }, offset_background_layer_by_tile_layer = true, outer_corner_background = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-dirt-out-of-map-transition.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 1088, y = 576 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/dirt-out-of-map-transition.png", tall = true, x = 544, y = 288 }, outer_corner_mask = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-dirt-out-of-map-transition.png", scale = 0.5, x = 2176, y = 576 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/dirt-out-of-map-transition.png", x = 1088, y = 288 }, side_background = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-dirt-out-of-map-transition.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 1088, y = 1152 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/dirt-out-of-map-transition.png", tall = true, x = 544, y = 576 }, side_mask = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-dirt-out-of-map-transition.png", scale = 0.5, x = 2176, y = 1152 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/dirt-out-of-map-transition.png", x = 1088, y = 576 }, transition_group = 0, transition_group1 = 0, transition_group2 = 2, u_transition_background = { count = 1, hr_version = { count = 1, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-dirt-out-of-map-transition.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 1088, y = 1728 }, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/dirt-out-of-map-transition.png", tall = true, x = 544, y = 864 }, u_transition_mask = { count = 1, hr_version = { count = 1, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-dirt-out-of-map-transition.png", scale = 0.5, x = 2176, y = 1728 }, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/dirt-out-of-map-transition.png", x = 1088, y = 864 } }, { background_layer_group = "zero", background_layer_offset = 1, inner_corner = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-dry-dirt-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 0 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/dry-dirt-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 0 }, inner_corner_background = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-dry-dirt-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 1088, y = 0 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/dry-dirt-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", tall = true, x = 544, y = 0 }, inner_corner_effect_map = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/hr-water-dirt-to-out-of-map-mask.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 0 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/water-dirt-to-out-of-map-mask.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 0 }, inner_corner_mask = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-dry-dirt-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", scale = 0.5, x = 2176, y = 0 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/dry-dirt-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", x = 1088, y = 0 }, offset_background_layer_by_tile_layer = true, outer_corner = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-dry-dirt-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 576 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/dry-dirt-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 288 }, outer_corner_background = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-dry-dirt-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 1088, y = 576 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/dry-dirt-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", tall = true, x = 544, y = 288 }, outer_corner_effect_map = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/hr-water-dirt-to-out-of-map-mask.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 576 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/water-dirt-to-out-of-map-mask.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 288 }, outer_corner_mask = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-dry-dirt-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", scale = 0.5, x = 2176, y = 576 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/dry-dirt-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", x = 1088, y = 288 }, side = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-dry-dirt-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 1152 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/dry-dirt-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 576 }, side_background = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-dry-dirt-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 1088, y = 1152 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/dry-dirt-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", tall = true, x = 544, y = 576 }, side_effect_map = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/hr-water-dirt-to-out-of-map-mask.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 1152 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/water-dirt-to-out-of-map-mask.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 576 }, side_mask = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-dry-dirt-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", scale = 0.5, x = 2176, y = 1152 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/dry-dirt-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", x = 1088, y = 576 }, transition_group = 1, transition_group1 = 1, transition_group2 = 2, u_transition = { count = 1, hr_version = { count = 1, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-dry-dirt-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 1728 }, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/dry-dirt-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 864 }, u_transition_background = { count = 1, hr_version = { count = 1, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-dry-dirt-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 1088, y = 1728 }, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/dry-dirt-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", tall = true, x = 544, y = 864 }, u_transition_mask = { count = 1, hr_version = { count = 1, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-dry-dirt-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", scale = 0.5, x = 2176, y = 1728 }, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/dry-dirt-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", x = 1088, y = 864 } } }, trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.22000000000000002, initial_vertical_speed = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.041000000000000005, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.59770000000000003 }, { 0.5, 0.59770000000000003 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "dirt-1-stone-particle-small", probability = 1, repeat_count = 20, repeat_count_deviation = 5, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.05, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.125, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.042000000000000002, offset_deviation = { { -0.2, -0.2 }, { 0.3, 0.3 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "dirt-1-stone-particle-medium", probability = 1, repeat_count = 7, repeat_count_deviation = 2, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.125, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.042000000000000002, offset_deviation = { left_top = { -0.3984, -0.79690000000000003 }, right_bottom = { 0.3984, 0.79690000000000003 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "dirt-1-stone-lower-particle-medium", probability = 1, repeat_count = 7, repeat_count_deviation = 2, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.4, -0.4 }, { 0.4, 0.4 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "dirt-1-stone-particle-tiny", probability = 1, repeat_count = 15, repeat_count_deviation = 4, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.02, type = "create-particle" } }, type = "tile", variants = { inner_corner_mask = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/hr-transition-1.png", scale = 0.5, x = 0 }, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/transition-1.png", x = 0 }, main = { { count = 16, hr_version = { count = 16, line_length = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/hr-dirt-1.png", scale = 0.5, size = 1, weights = { 0.085, 0.085, 0.085, 0.085, 0.086999999999999993, 0.085, 0.065, 0.085, 0.045, 0.045, 0.045, 0.045, 0.005, 0.025, 0.045, 0.045 }, y = 0 }, line_length = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/dirt-1.png", size = 1, weights = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["dirt-1"].variants.main[1].hr_version.weights ]=], y = 0 }, { count = 16, hr_version = { count = 16, line_length = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/hr-dirt-1.png", probability = 1, scale = 0.5, size = 2, weights = { 0.070000000000000009, 0.070000000000000009, 0.025, 0.070000000000000009, 0.070000000000000009, 0.070000000000000009, 0.0070000000000000009, 0.025, 0.070000000000000009, 0.05, 0.015, 0.026000000000000001, 0.03, 0.005, 0.070000000000000009, 0.027000000000000002 }, y = 128 }, line_length = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/dirt-1.png", probability = 1, size = 2, weights = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["dirt-1"].variants.main[2].hr_version.weights ]=], y = 64 }, { count = 16, hr_version = { count = 16, line_length = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/hr-dirt-1.png", probability = 1, scale = 0.5, size = 4, weights = { 0.070000000000000009, 0.070000000000000009, 0.070000000000000009, 0.070000000000000009, 0.070000000000000009, 0.070000000000000009, 0.015, 0.070000000000000009, 0.070000000000000009, 0.070000000000000009, 0.015, 0.05, 0.070000000000000009, 0.070000000000000009, 0.065, 0.070000000000000009 }, y = 320 }, line_length = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/dirt-1.png", probability = 1, size = 4, weights = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["dirt-1"].variants.main[3].hr_version.weights ]=], y = 160 } }, o_transition_mask = { count = 1, hr_version = { count = 1, line_length = 2, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/hr-transition-1.png", scale = 0.5, x = 2304 }, line_length = 2, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/transition-1.png", x = 1152 }, outer_corner_mask = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/hr-transition-1.png", scale = 0.5, x = 576 }, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/transition-1.png", x = 288 }, side_mask = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/hr-transition-1.png", scale = 0.5, x = 1152 }, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/transition-1.png", x = 576 }, u_transition_mask = { count = 1, hr_version = { count = 1, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/hr-transition-1.png", scale = 0.5, x = 1728 }, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/transition-1.png", x = 864 } }, vehicle_friction_modifier = 1.3999999999999999, walking_sound = { { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/sand-01.ogg", volume = 0.8 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/sand-02.ogg", volume = 0.8 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/sand-03.ogg", volume = 0.8 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/sand-04.ogg", volume = 0.8 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/sand-05.ogg", volume = 0.8 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/sand-06.ogg", volume = 0.8 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/sand-07.ogg", volume = 0.8 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/sand-08.ogg", volume = 0.8 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/sand-09.ogg", volume = 0.8 } } }, ["dirt-2"] = { autoplace = { probability_expression = { arguments = { { arguments = { { arguments = { { literal_value = -1/0 --[[-math.huge]], source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 503 }, type = "literal-number" }, { arguments = { { arguments = { { arguments = { { arguments = { { arguments = { { literal_value = 0.024999999999999996, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 62 }, type = "literal-number" }, { arguments = { { arguments = { { source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 493 }, type = "variable", variable_name = "moisture" }, { literal_value = 0.32499999999999996, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 62 }, type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "subtract", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 456 }, type = "function-application" }, { literal_value = 0, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 341 }, type = "literal-number" }, { literal_value = 1/0 --[[math.huge]], source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 342 }, type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "ridge", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 456 }, type = "function-application" } }, function_name = "subtract", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 459 }, type = "function-application" }, { literal_value = 20, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 78 }, type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "multiply", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 465 }, type = "function-application" }, { literal_value = -1/0 --[[-math.huge]], source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 465 }, type = "literal-number" }, { literal_value = 1, source_location = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["dirt-2"].autoplace.probability_expression.arguments[1].arguments[1].arguments[2].arguments[1].arguments[1].arguments[2].source_location ]=], type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "clamp", source_location = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["dirt-2"].autoplace.probability_expression.arguments[1].arguments[1].arguments[2].arguments[1].arguments[1].arguments[2].source_location ]=], type = "function-application" }, { literal_value = 1, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 78 }, type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "multiply", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 465 }, type = "function-application" }, { literal_value = -1/0 --[[-math.huge]], source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 510 }, type = "literal-number" }, { arguments = { { arguments = { { arguments = { { arguments = { { literal_value = 5.2249999999999996, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 62 }, type = "literal-number" }, { arguments = { { arguments = { { source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 494 }, type = "variable", variable_name = "aux" }, { literal_value = -4.7750000000000004, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 62 }, type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "subtract", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 456 }, type = "function-application" }, { literal_value = 0, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 341 }, type = "literal-number" }, { literal_value = 1/0 --[[math.huge]], source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 342 }, type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "ridge", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 456 }, type = "function-application" } }, function_name = "subtract", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 459 }, type = "function-application" }, { literal_value = 20, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 78 }, type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "multiply", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 465 }, type = "function-application" }, { literal_value = -1/0 --[[-math.huge]], source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 465 }, type = "literal-number" }, { literal_value = 1, source_location = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["dirt-2"].autoplace.probability_expression.arguments[1].arguments[1].arguments[2].arguments[3].arguments[1].arguments[2].source_location ]=], type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "clamp", source_location = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["dirt-2"].autoplace.probability_expression.arguments[1].arguments[1].arguments[2].arguments[3].arguments[1].arguments[2].source_location ]=], type = "function-application" }, { literal_value = 1, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 78 }, type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "multiply", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 465 }, type = "function-application" } }, function_name = "clamp", source_location = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["dirt-2"].autoplace.probability_expression.arguments[1].arguments[1].arguments[2].arguments[2].source_location ]=], type = "function-application" }, { literal_value = 1/0 --[[math.huge]], source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 510 }, type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "clamp", source_location = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["dirt-2"].autoplace.probability_expression.arguments[1].arguments[1].arguments[3].source_location ]=], type = "function-application" }, { arguments = { input_scale = { arguments = { { literal_value = 1, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 31 }, type = "literal-number" }, { literal_value = 6, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 31 }, type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "divide", source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 31 }, type = "function-application" }, octaves = { literal_value = 4, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 37 }, type = "literal-number" }, output_scale = { literal_value = 0.66666666666666661, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 37 }, type = "literal-number" }, persistence = { literal_value = 0.7, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 37 }, type = "literal-number" }, seed0 = { source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 446 }, type = "variable", variable_name = "map_seed" }, seed1 = { arguments = { { literal_value = "dirt-2", source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 457 }, type = "literal-string" } }, function_name = "noise-layer-name-to-id", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 447 }, type = "function-application" }, x = { source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 443 }, type = "variable", variable_name = "x" }, y = { source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 444 }, type = "variable", variable_name = "y" } }, function_name = "factorio-multioctave-noise", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 522 }, type = "function-application" } }, function_name = "add", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 522 }, type = "function-application" }, { literal_value = 0, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 54 }, type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "add", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 522 }, type = "function-application" } }, collision_mask = { "ground-tile" }, layer = 20, map_color = { b = 59, g = 96, r = 136 }, name = "dirt-2", order = "b[natural]-b[dirt]-c[dirt-2]", pollution_absorption_per_second = 6.6000000000000005e-06, scorch_mark_color = { a = 1, b = 0.23700000000000001, g = 0.39100000000000001, r = 0.52200000000000006 }, transitions = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["dirt-1"].transitions ]=], transitions_between_transitions = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["dirt-1"].transitions_between_transitions ]=], trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.22000000000000002, initial_vertical_speed = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.041000000000000005, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.59770000000000003 }, { 0.5, 0.59770000000000003 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "dirt-2-stone-particle-small", probability = 1, repeat_count = 20, repeat_count_deviation = 5, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.05, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.125, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.042000000000000002, offset_deviation = { { -0.2, -0.2 }, { 0.3, 0.3 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "dirt-2-stone-particle-medium", probability = 1, repeat_count = 7, repeat_count_deviation = 2, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.125, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.042000000000000002, offset_deviation = { left_top = { -0.3984, -0.79690000000000003 }, right_bottom = { 0.3984, 0.79690000000000003 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "dirt-2-stone-lower-particle-medium", probability = 1, repeat_count = 7, repeat_count_deviation = 2, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.4, -0.4 }, { 0.4, 0.4 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "dirt-2-stone-particle-tiny", probability = 1, repeat_count = 15, repeat_count_deviation = 4, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.02, type = "create-particle" } }, type = "tile", variants = { inner_corner_mask = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/hr-transition-1.png", scale = 0.5, x = 0 }, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/transition-1.png", x = 0 }, main = { { count = 16, hr_version = { count = 16, line_length = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/hr-dirt-2.png", scale = 0.5, size = 1, weights = { 0.085, 0.085, 0.085, 0.085, 0.086999999999999993, 0.085, 0.065, 0.085, 0.045, 0.045, 0.045, 0.045, 0.005, 0.025, 0.045, 0.045 }, y = 0 }, line_length = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/dirt-2.png", size = 1, weights = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["dirt-2"].variants.main[1].hr_version.weights ]=], y = 0 }, { count = 16, hr_version = { count = 16, line_length = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/hr-dirt-2.png", probability = 1, scale = 0.5, size = 2, weights = { 0.070000000000000009, 0.070000000000000009, 0.025, 0.070000000000000009, 0.070000000000000009, 0.070000000000000009, 0.0070000000000000009, 0.025, 0.070000000000000009, 0.05, 0.015, 0.026000000000000001, 0.03, 0.005, 0.070000000000000009, 0.027000000000000002 }, y = 128 }, line_length = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/dirt-2.png", probability = 1, size = 2, weights = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["dirt-2"].variants.main[2].hr_version.weights ]=], y = 64 }, { count = 16, hr_version = { count = 16, line_length = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/hr-dirt-2.png", probability = 1, scale = 0.5, size = 4, weights = { 0.070000000000000009, 0.070000000000000009, 0.070000000000000009, 0.070000000000000009, 0.070000000000000009, 0.070000000000000009, 0.015, 0.070000000000000009, 0.070000000000000009, 0.070000000000000009, 0.015, 0.05, 0.070000000000000009, 0.070000000000000009, 0.065, 0.070000000000000009 }, y = 320 }, line_length = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/dirt-2.png", probability = 1, size = 4, weights = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["dirt-2"].variants.main[3].hr_version.weights ]=], y = 160 } }, o_transition_mask = { count = 1, hr_version = { count = 1, line_length = 2, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/hr-transition-1.png", scale = 0.5, x = 2304 }, line_length = 2, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/transition-1.png", x = 1152 }, outer_corner_mask = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/hr-transition-1.png", scale = 0.5, x = 576 }, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/transition-1.png", x = 288 }, side_mask = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/hr-transition-1.png", scale = 0.5, x = 1152 }, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/transition-1.png", x = 576 }, u_transition_mask = { count = 1, hr_version = { count = 1, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/hr-transition-1.png", scale = 0.5, x = 1728 }, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/transition-1.png", x = 864 } }, vehicle_friction_modifier = 1.3999999999999999, walking_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["dirt-1"].walking_sound ]=] }, ["dirt-3"] = { autoplace = { probability_expression = { arguments = { { arguments = { { arguments = { { literal_value = -1/0 --[[-math.huge]], source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 503 }, type = "literal-number" }, { arguments = { { arguments = { { arguments = { { arguments = { { arguments = { { literal_value = 0.025000000000000022, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 62 }, type = "literal-number" }, { arguments = { { arguments = { { source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 493 }, type = "variable", variable_name = "moisture" }, { literal_value = 0.375, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 62 }, type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "subtract", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 456 }, type = "function-application" }, { literal_value = 0, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 341 }, type = "literal-number" }, { literal_value = 1/0 --[[math.huge]], source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 342 }, type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "ridge", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 456 }, type = "function-application" } }, function_name = "subtract", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 459 }, type = "function-application" }, { literal_value = 20, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 78 }, type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "multiply", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 465 }, type = "function-application" }, { literal_value = -1/0 --[[-math.huge]], source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 465 }, type = "literal-number" }, { literal_value = 1, source_location = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["dirt-3"].autoplace.probability_expression.arguments[1].arguments[1].arguments[2].arguments[1].arguments[1].arguments[2].source_location ]=], type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "clamp", source_location = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["dirt-3"].autoplace.probability_expression.arguments[1].arguments[1].arguments[2].arguments[1].arguments[1].arguments[2].source_location ]=], type = "function-application" }, { literal_value = 1, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 78 }, type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "multiply", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 465 }, type = "function-application" }, { literal_value = -1/0 --[[-math.huge]], source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 510 }, type = "literal-number" }, { arguments = { { arguments = { { arguments = { { arguments = { { literal_value = 5.2750000000000004, 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[""].tile["dirt-3"].autoplace.probability_expression.arguments[1].arguments[1].arguments[2].arguments[3].arguments[1].arguments[2].source_location ]=], type = "function-application" }, { literal_value = 1, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 78 }, type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "multiply", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 465 }, type = "function-application" } }, function_name = "clamp", source_location = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["dirt-3"].autoplace.probability_expression.arguments[1].arguments[1].arguments[2].arguments[2].source_location ]=], type = "function-application" }, { literal_value = 1/0 --[[math.huge]], source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 510 }, type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "clamp", source_location = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["dirt-3"].autoplace.probability_expression.arguments[1].arguments[1].arguments[3].source_location ]=], type = "function-application" }, { arguments = { input_scale = { arguments = { { literal_value = 1, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 31 }, type = "literal-number" }, { literal_value = 6, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 31 }, type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "divide", source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 31 }, type = "function-application" }, octaves = { literal_value = 4, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 37 }, type = "literal-number" }, output_scale = { literal_value = 0.66666666666666661, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 37 }, type = "literal-number" }, persistence = { literal_value = 0.7, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 37 }, type = "literal-number" }, seed0 = { source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 446 }, type = "variable", variable_name = "map_seed" }, seed1 = { arguments = { { literal_value = "dirt-3", source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 457 }, type = "literal-string" } }, function_name = "noise-layer-name-to-id", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 447 }, type = "function-application" }, x = { source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 443 }, type = "variable", variable_name = "x" }, y = { source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 444 }, type = "variable", variable_name = "y" } }, function_name = "factorio-multioctave-noise", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 522 }, type = "function-application" } }, function_name = "add", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 522 }, type = "function-application" }, { literal_value = 0, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 54 }, type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "add", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 522 }, type = "function-application" } }, collision_mask = { "ground-tile" }, layer = 21, map_color = { b = 53, g = 92, r = 133 }, name = "dirt-3", order = "b[natural]-b[dirt]-d[dirt-3]", pollution_absorption_per_second = 6.6000000000000005e-06, scorch_mark_color = { a = 1, b = 0.21000000000000001, g = 0.346, r = 0.48599999999999994 }, transitions = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["dirt-1"].transitions ]=], transitions_between_transitions = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["dirt-1"].transitions_between_transitions ]=], trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.22000000000000002, initial_vertical_speed = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.041000000000000005, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.59770000000000003 }, { 0.5, 0.59770000000000003 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "dirt-3-stone-particle-small", probability = 1, repeat_count = 20, repeat_count_deviation = 5, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.05, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.125, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.042000000000000002, offset_deviation = { { -0.2, -0.2 }, { 0.3, 0.3 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "dirt-3-stone-particle-medium", probability = 1, repeat_count = 7, repeat_count_deviation = 2, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.125, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.042000000000000002, offset_deviation = { left_top = { -0.3984, -0.79690000000000003 }, right_bottom = { 0.3984, 0.79690000000000003 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "dirt-3-stone-lower-particle-medium", probability = 1, repeat_count = 7, repeat_count_deviation = 2, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.4, -0.4 }, { 0.4, 0.4 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "dirt-3-stone-particle-tiny", probability = 1, repeat_count = 15, repeat_count_deviation = 4, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.02, type = "create-particle" } }, type = "tile", variants = { inner_corner_mask = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/hr-transition-1.png", scale = 0.5, x = 0 }, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/transition-1.png", x = 0 }, main = { { count = 16, hr_version = { count = 16, line_length = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/hr-dirt-3.png", scale = 0.5, size = 1, weights = { 0.085, 0.085, 0.085, 0.085, 0.086999999999999993, 0.085, 0.065, 0.085, 0.045, 0.045, 0.045, 0.045, 0.005, 0.025, 0.045, 0.045 }, y = 0 }, line_length = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/dirt-3.png", size = 1, weights = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["dirt-3"].variants.main[1].hr_version.weights ]=], y = 0 }, { count = 16, hr_version = { count = 16, line_length = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/hr-dirt-3.png", probability = 1, scale = 0.5, size = 2, weights = { 0.070000000000000009, 0.070000000000000009, 0.025, 0.070000000000000009, 0.070000000000000009, 0.070000000000000009, 0.0070000000000000009, 0.025, 0.070000000000000009, 0.05, 0.015, 0.026000000000000001, 0.03, 0.005, 0.070000000000000009, 0.027000000000000002 }, y = 128 }, line_length = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/dirt-3.png", probability = 1, size = 2, weights = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["dirt-3"].variants.main[2].hr_version.weights ]=], y = 64 }, { count = 16, hr_version = { count = 16, line_length = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/hr-dirt-3.png", probability = 1, scale = 0.5, size = 4, weights = { 0.070000000000000009, 0.070000000000000009, 0.070000000000000009, 0.070000000000000009, 0.070000000000000009, 0.070000000000000009, 0.015, 0.070000000000000009, 0.070000000000000009, 0.070000000000000009, 0.015, 0.05, 0.070000000000000009, 0.070000000000000009, 0.065, 0.070000000000000009 }, y = 320 }, line_length = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/dirt-3.png", probability = 1, size = 4, weights = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["dirt-3"].variants.main[3].hr_version.weights ]=], y = 160 } }, o_transition_mask = { count = 1, hr_version = { count = 1, line_length = 2, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/hr-transition-1.png", scale = 0.5, x = 2304 }, line_length = 2, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/transition-1.png", x = 1152 }, outer_corner_mask = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/hr-transition-1.png", scale = 0.5, x = 576 }, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/transition-1.png", x = 288 }, side_mask = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/hr-transition-1.png", scale = 0.5, x = 1152 }, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/transition-1.png", x = 576 }, u_transition_mask = { count = 1, hr_version = { count = 1, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/hr-transition-1.png", scale = 0.5, x = 1728 }, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/transition-1.png", x = 864 } }, vehicle_friction_modifier = 1.3999999999999999, walking_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["dirt-1"].walking_sound ]=] }, ["dirt-4"] = { autoplace = { probability_expression = { arguments = { { arguments = { { arguments = { { arguments = { { literal_value = -1/0 --[[-math.huge]], source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 503 }, type = "literal-number" }, { arguments = { { arguments = { { arguments = { { arguments = { { arguments = { { literal_value = 5.1749999999999998, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 62 }, type = "literal-number" }, { arguments = { { arguments = { { source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 493 }, type = "variable", variable_name = "moisture" }, { literal_value = -4.8250000000000002, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 62 }, type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "subtract", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 456 }, type = "function-application" }, { literal_value = 0, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 341 }, type = "literal-number" }, { literal_value = 1/0 --[[math.huge]], source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 342 }, type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "ridge", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 456 }, type = "function-application" } }, function_name = "subtract", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 459 }, type = "function-application" }, { literal_value = 20, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 78 }, type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "multiply", source_location = { filename = 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type = "function-application" }, { literal_value = 0, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 341 }, type = "literal-number" }, { literal_value = 1/0 --[[math.huge]], source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 342 }, type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "ridge", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 456 }, type = "function-application" } }, function_name = "subtract", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 459 }, type = "function-application" }, { literal_value = 20, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 78 }, type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "multiply", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 465 }, type = "function-application" }, { literal_value = -1/0 --[[-math.huge]], source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 465 }, type = "literal-number" }, { literal_value = 1, source_location = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["dirt-4"].autoplace.probability_expression.arguments[1].arguments[1].arguments[2].arguments[1].arguments[1].arguments[2].source_location ]=], type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "clamp", source_location = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["dirt-4"].autoplace.probability_expression.arguments[1].arguments[1].arguments[2].arguments[1].arguments[1].arguments[2].source_location ]=], type = "function-application" }, { literal_value = 1, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 78 }, type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "multiply", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 465 }, type = "function-application" }, { literal_value = -1/0 --[[-math.huge]], source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 510 }, type = "literal-number" }, { arguments = { { arguments = { { arguments = { { arguments = { { literal_value = 5.2000000000000002, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 62 }, type = "literal-number" }, { arguments = { { arguments = { { source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 494 }, type = "variable", variable_name = "aux" }, { literal_value = 5.7999999999999998, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 62 }, type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "subtract", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 456 }, type = "function-application" }, { literal_value = 0, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 341 }, type = "literal-number" }, { literal_value = 1/0 --[[math.huge]], source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 342 }, type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "ridge", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 456 }, type = "function-application" } }, function_name = "subtract", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 459 }, type = "function-application" }, { literal_value = 20, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 78 }, type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "multiply", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 465 }, type = "function-application" }, { literal_value = -1/0 --[[-math.huge]], source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 465 }, type = "literal-number" }, { literal_value = 1, source_location = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["dirt-4"].autoplace.probability_expression.arguments[1].arguments[1].arguments[2].arguments[3].arguments[1].arguments[2].source_location ]=], type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "clamp", source_location = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["dirt-4"].autoplace.probability_expression.arguments[1].arguments[1].arguments[2].arguments[3].arguments[1].arguments[2].source_location ]=], type = "function-application" }, { literal_value = 1, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 78 }, type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "multiply", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 465 }, type = "function-application" } }, function_name = "clamp", source_location = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["dirt-4"].autoplace.probability_expression.arguments[1].arguments[1].arguments[2].arguments[2].source_location ]=], type = "function-application" }, { literal_value = 1/0 --[[math.huge]], source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 510 }, type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "clamp", source_location = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["dirt-4"].autoplace.probability_expression.arguments[1].arguments[1].arguments[3].source_location ]=], type = "function-application" }, { arguments = { input_scale = { arguments = { { literal_value = 1, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 31 }, type = "literal-number" }, { literal_value = 6, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 31 }, type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "divide", source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 31 }, type = "function-application" }, octaves = { literal_value = 4, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 37 }, type = "literal-number" }, output_scale = { literal_value = 0.66666666666666661, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 37 }, type = "literal-number" }, persistence = { literal_value = 0.7, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 37 }, type = "literal-number" }, seed0 = { source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 446 }, type = "variable", variable_name = "map_seed" }, seed1 = { arguments = { { literal_value = "dirt-4", source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 457 }, type = "literal-string" } }, function_name = "noise-layer-name-to-id", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 447 }, type = "function-application" }, x = { source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 443 }, type = "variable", variable_name = "x" }, y = { source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 444 }, type = "variable", variable_name = "y" } }, function_name = "factorio-multioctave-noise", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 522 }, type = "function-application" } }, function_name = "add", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 522 }, type = "function-application" }, { literal_value = 0, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 54 }, type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "add", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 522 }, type = "function-application" } }, collision_mask = { "ground-tile" }, layer = 22, map_color = { b = 43, g = 72, r = 103 }, name = "dirt-4", order = "b[natural]-b[dirt]-e[dirt-4]", pollution_absorption_per_second = 6.6000000000000005e-06, scorch_mark_color = { a = 1, b = 0.19100000000000001, g = 0.304, r = 0.42000000000000002 }, transitions = { { inner_corner = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/hr-dark-dirt.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 0 }, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/dark-dirt.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 0 }, inner_corner_effect_map = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/hr-water-dirt-mask.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 0 }, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/water-dirt-mask.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 0 }, inner_corner_mask = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/hr-dark-dirt.png", scale = 0.5, x = 2176, y = 0 }, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/dark-dirt.png", x = 1088, y = 0 }, o_transition = { count = 4, hr_version = { count = 4, line_length = 4, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/hr-dark-dirt.png", scale = 0.5, tall = false, x = 0, y = 2304 }, line_length = 4, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/dark-dirt.png", tall = false, x = 0, y = 1152 }, o_transition_effect_map = { count = 1, hr_version = { count = 1, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/hr-water-dirt-mask.png", scale = 0.5, tall = false, x = 0, y = 2304 }, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/water-dirt-mask.png", tall = false, x = 0, y = 1152 }, o_transition_mask = { count = 4, hr_version = { count = 4, line_length = 4, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/hr-dark-dirt.png", scale = 0.5, x = 2176, y = 2304 }, line_length = 4, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/dark-dirt.png", x = 1088, y = 1152 }, outer_corner = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/hr-dark-dirt.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 576 }, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/dark-dirt.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 288 }, outer_corner_effect_map = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/hr-water-dirt-mask.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 576 }, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/water-dirt-mask.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 288 }, outer_corner_mask = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/hr-dark-dirt.png", scale = 0.5, x = 2176, y = 576 }, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/dark-dirt.png", x = 1088, y = 288 }, side = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/hr-dark-dirt.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 1152 }, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/dark-dirt.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 576 }, side_effect_map = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/hr-water-dirt-mask.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 1152 }, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/water-dirt-mask.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 576 }, side_mask = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/hr-dark-dirt.png", scale = 0.5, x = 2176, y = 1152 }, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/dark-dirt.png", x = 1088, y = 576 }, to_tiles = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["acid-refined-concrete"].transitions[1].to_tiles ]=], transition_group = 1, u_transition = { count = 2, hr_version = { count = 2, line_length = 2, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/hr-dark-dirt.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 1728 }, line_length = 2, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/dark-dirt.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 864 }, u_transition_effect_map = { count = 2, hr_version = { count = 2, line_length = 2, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/hr-water-dirt-mask.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 1728 }, line_length = 2, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/water-dirt-mask.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 864 }, u_transition_mask = { count = 2, hr_version = { count = 2, line_length = 2, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/hr-dark-dirt.png", scale = 0.5, x = 2176, y = 1728 }, line_length = 2, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/dark-dirt.png", x = 1088, y = 864 } }, 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["dirt-1"].transitions[2] ]=] }, transitions_between_transitions = { { inner_corner = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/hr-dark-dirt-transition.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 0 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/dark-dirt-transition.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 0 }, inner_corner_effect_map = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/hr-water-dirt-to-land-mask.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 0 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/water-dirt-to-land-mask.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 0 }, inner_corner_mask = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/hr-dark-dirt-transition.png", scale = 0.5, x = 2176, y = 0 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/dark-dirt-transition.png", x = 1088, y = 0 }, outer_corner = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/hr-dark-dirt-transition.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 576 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/dark-dirt-transition.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 288 }, outer_corner_effect_map = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/hr-water-dirt-to-land-mask.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 576 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/water-dirt-to-land-mask.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 288 }, outer_corner_mask = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/hr-dark-dirt-transition.png", scale = 0.5, x = 2176, y = 576 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/dark-dirt-transition.png", x = 1088, y = 288 }, side = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/hr-dark-dirt-transition.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 1152 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/dark-dirt-transition.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 576 }, side_effect_map = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/hr-water-dirt-to-land-mask.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 1152 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/water-dirt-to-land-mask.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 576 }, side_mask = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/hr-dark-dirt-transition.png", scale = 0.5, x = 2176, y = 1152 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/dark-dirt-transition.png", x = 1088, y = 576 }, transition_group = 0, transition_group1 = 0, transition_group2 = 1, u_transition = { count = 1, hr_version = { count = 1, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/hr-dark-dirt-transition.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 1728 }, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/dark-dirt-transition.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 864 }, u_transition_effect_map = { count = 1, hr_version = { count = 1, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/hr-water-dirt-to-land-mask.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 1728 }, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/water-dirt-to-land-mask.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 864 }, u_transition_mask = { count = 1, hr_version = { count = 1, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/hr-dark-dirt-transition.png", scale = 0.5, x = 2176, y = 1728 }, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/dark-dirt-transition.png", x = 1088, y = 864 }, water_patch = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["dirt-1"].transitions_between_transitions[1].water_patch ]=] }, 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["dirt-1"].transitions_between_transitions[2] ]=], { background_layer_group = "zero", background_layer_offset = 1, inner_corner = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-dark-dirt-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 0 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/dark-dirt-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 0 }, inner_corner_background = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-dark-dirt-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 1088, y = 0 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/dark-dirt-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", tall = true, x = 544, y = 0 }, inner_corner_effect_map = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/hr-water-dirt-to-out-of-map-mask.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 0 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/water-dirt-to-out-of-map-mask.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 0 }, inner_corner_mask = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-dark-dirt-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", scale = 0.5, x = 2176, y = 0 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/dark-dirt-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", x = 1088, y = 0 }, offset_background_layer_by_tile_layer = true, outer_corner = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-dark-dirt-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 576 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/dark-dirt-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 288 }, outer_corner_background = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-dark-dirt-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 1088, y = 576 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/dark-dirt-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", tall = true, x = 544, y = 288 }, outer_corner_effect_map = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/hr-water-dirt-to-out-of-map-mask.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 576 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/water-dirt-to-out-of-map-mask.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 288 }, outer_corner_mask = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-dark-dirt-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", scale = 0.5, x = 2176, y = 576 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/dark-dirt-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", x = 1088, y = 288 }, side = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-dark-dirt-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 1152 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/dark-dirt-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 576 }, side_background = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-dark-dirt-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 1088, y = 1152 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/dark-dirt-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", tall = true, x = 544, y = 576 }, side_effect_map = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/hr-water-dirt-to-out-of-map-mask.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 1152 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/water-dirt-to-out-of-map-mask.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 576 }, side_mask = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-dark-dirt-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", scale = 0.5, x = 2176, y = 1152 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/dark-dirt-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", x = 1088, y = 576 }, transition_group = 1, transition_group1 = 1, transition_group2 = 2, u_transition = { count = 1, hr_version = { count = 1, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-dark-dirt-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 1728 }, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/dark-dirt-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 864 }, u_transition_background = { count = 1, hr_version = { count = 1, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-dark-dirt-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 1088, y = 1728 }, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/dark-dirt-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", tall = true, x = 544, y = 864 }, u_transition_mask = { count = 1, hr_version = { count = 1, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-dark-dirt-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", scale = 0.5, x = 2176, y = 1728 }, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/dark-dirt-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", x = 1088, y = 864 } } }, trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.22000000000000002, initial_vertical_speed = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.041000000000000005, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.59770000000000003 }, { 0.5, 0.59770000000000003 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "dirt-4-stone-particle-small", probability = 1, repeat_count = 20, repeat_count_deviation = 5, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.05, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.125, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.042000000000000002, offset_deviation = { { -0.2, -0.2 }, { 0.3, 0.3 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "dirt-4-stone-particle-medium", probability = 1, repeat_count = 7, repeat_count_deviation = 2, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.125, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.042000000000000002, offset_deviation = { left_top = { -0.3984, -0.79690000000000003 }, right_bottom = { 0.3984, 0.79690000000000003 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "dirt-4-stone-lower-particle-medium", probability = 1, repeat_count = 7, repeat_count_deviation = 2, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.4, -0.4 }, { 0.4, 0.4 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "dirt-4-stone-particle-tiny", probability = 1, repeat_count = 15, repeat_count_deviation = 4, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.02, type = "create-particle" } }, type = "tile", variants = { inner_corner_mask = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/hr-transition-1.png", scale = 0.5, x = 0 }, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/transition-1.png", x = 0 }, main = { { count = 16, hr_version = { count = 16, line_length = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/hr-dirt-4.png", scale = 0.5, size = 1, weights = { 0.085, 0.085, 0.085, 0.085, 0.086999999999999993, 0.085, 0.065, 0.085, 0.045, 0.045, 0.045, 0.045, 0.005, 0.025, 0.045, 0.045 }, y = 0 }, line_length = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/dirt-4.png", size = 1, weights = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["dirt-4"].variants.main[1].hr_version.weights ]=], y = 0 }, { count = 16, hr_version = { count = 16, line_length = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/hr-dirt-4.png", probability = 1, scale = 0.5, size = 2, weights = { 0.070000000000000009, 0.070000000000000009, 0.025, 0.070000000000000009, 0.070000000000000009, 0.070000000000000009, 0.0070000000000000009, 0.025, 0.070000000000000009, 0.05, 0.015, 0.026000000000000001, 0.03, 0.005, 0.070000000000000009, 0.027000000000000002 }, y = 128 }, line_length = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/dirt-4.png", probability = 1, size = 2, weights = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["dirt-4"].variants.main[2].hr_version.weights ]=], y = 64 }, { count = 16, hr_version = { count = 16, line_length = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/hr-dirt-4.png", probability = 1, scale = 0.5, size = 4, weights = { 0.070000000000000009, 0.070000000000000009, 0.070000000000000009, 0.070000000000000009, 0.070000000000000009, 0.070000000000000009, 0.015, 0.070000000000000009, 0.070000000000000009, 0.070000000000000009, 0.015, 0.05, 0.070000000000000009, 0.070000000000000009, 0.065, 0.070000000000000009 }, y = 320 }, line_length = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/dirt-4.png", probability = 1, size = 4, weights = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["dirt-4"].variants.main[3].hr_version.weights ]=], y = 160 } }, o_transition_mask = { count = 1, hr_version = { count = 1, line_length = 2, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/hr-transition-1.png", scale = 0.5, x = 2304 }, line_length = 2, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/transition-1.png", x = 1152 }, outer_corner_mask = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/hr-transition-1.png", scale = 0.5, x = 576 }, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/transition-1.png", x = 288 }, side_mask = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/hr-transition-1.png", scale = 0.5, x = 1152 }, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/transition-1.png", x = 576 }, u_transition_mask = { count = 1, hr_version = { count = 1, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/hr-transition-1.png", scale = 0.5, x = 1728 }, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/transition-1.png", x = 864 } }, vehicle_friction_modifier = 1.3999999999999999, walking_sound = { { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/dirt-1-01.ogg", volume = 0.8 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/dirt-1-02.ogg", volume = 0.8 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/dirt-1-03.ogg", volume = 0.8 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/dirt-1-04.ogg", volume = 0.8 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/dirt-1-05.ogg", volume = 0.8 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/dirt-1-06.ogg", volume = 0.8 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/dirt-1-07.ogg", volume = 0.8 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/dirt-1-08.ogg", volume = 0.8 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/dirt-1-09.ogg", volume = 0.8 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/dirt-1-10.ogg", volume = 0.8 } } }, ["dirt-5"] = { autoplace = { probability_expression = { arguments = { { arguments = { { arguments = { { literal_value = -1/0 --[[-math.huge]], source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 503 }, type = "literal-number" }, { arguments = { { arguments = { { arguments = { { arguments = { { arguments = { { literal_value = 0.024999999999999996, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 62 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"__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 459 }, type = "function-application" }, { literal_value = 20, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 78 }, type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "multiply", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 465 }, type = "function-application" }, { literal_value = -1/0 --[[-math.huge]], source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 465 }, type = "literal-number" }, { literal_value = 1, source_location = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["dirt-5"].autoplace.probability_expression.arguments[1].arguments[1].arguments[2].arguments[1].arguments[1].arguments[2].source_location ]=], type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "clamp", source_location = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["dirt-5"].autoplace.probability_expression.arguments[1].arguments[1].arguments[2].arguments[1].arguments[1].arguments[2].source_location ]=], type = "function-application" }, { literal_value = 1, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 78 }, type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "multiply", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 465 }, type = "function-application" }, { literal_value = -1/0 --[[-math.huge]], source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 510 }, type = "literal-number" }, { arguments = { { arguments = { { arguments = { { arguments = { { literal_value = 5.2750000000000004, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 62 }, type = "literal-number" }, { arguments = { { arguments = { { source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 494 }, type = "variable", variable_name = "aux" }, { literal_value = -4.7249999999999996, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 62 }, type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "subtract", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 456 }, type = "function-application" }, { literal_value = 0, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 341 }, type = "literal-number" }, { literal_value = 1/0 --[[math.huge]], source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 342 }, type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "ridge", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 456 }, type = "function-application" } }, function_name = "subtract", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 459 }, type = "function-application" }, { literal_value = 20, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 78 }, type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "multiply", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 465 }, type = "function-application" }, { literal_value = -1/0 --[[-math.huge]], source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 465 }, type = "literal-number" }, { literal_value = 1, source_location = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["dirt-5"].autoplace.probability_expression.arguments[1].arguments[1].arguments[2].arguments[3].arguments[1].arguments[2].source_location ]=], type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "clamp", source_location = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["dirt-5"].autoplace.probability_expression.arguments[1].arguments[1].arguments[2].arguments[3].arguments[1].arguments[2].source_location ]=], type = "function-application" }, { literal_value = 1, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 78 }, type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "multiply", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 465 }, type = "function-application" } }, function_name = "clamp", source_location = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["dirt-5"].autoplace.probability_expression.arguments[1].arguments[1].arguments[2].arguments[2].source_location ]=], type = "function-application" }, { literal_value = 1/0 --[[math.huge]], source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 510 }, type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "clamp", source_location = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["dirt-5"].autoplace.probability_expression.arguments[1].arguments[1].arguments[3].source_location ]=], type = "function-application" }, { arguments = { input_scale = { arguments = { { literal_value = 1, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 31 }, type = "literal-number" }, { literal_value = 6, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 31 }, type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "divide", source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 31 }, type = "function-application" }, octaves = { literal_value = 4, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 37 }, type = "literal-number" }, output_scale = { literal_value = 0.66666666666666661, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 37 }, type = "literal-number" }, persistence = { literal_value = 0.7, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 37 }, type = "literal-number" }, seed0 = { source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 446 }, type = "variable", variable_name = "map_seed" }, seed1 = { arguments = { { literal_value = "dirt-5", source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 457 }, type = "literal-string" } }, function_name = "noise-layer-name-to-id", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 447 }, type = "function-application" }, x = { source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 443 }, type = "variable", variable_name = "x" }, y = { source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 444 }, type = "variable", variable_name = "y" } }, function_name = "factorio-multioctave-noise", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 522 }, type = "function-application" } }, function_name = "add", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 522 }, type = "function-application" }, { literal_value = 0, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 54 }, type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "add", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 522 }, type = "function-application" } }, collision_mask = { "ground-tile" }, layer = 23, map_color = { b = 38, g = 63, r = 91 }, name = "dirt-5", order = "b[natural]-b[dirt]-f[dirt-5]", pollution_absorption_per_second = 6.6000000000000005e-06, scorch_mark_color = { a = 1, b = 0.19700000000000003, g = 0.29800000000000001, r = 0.41200000000000001 }, transitions = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["dirt-4"].transitions ]=], transitions_between_transitions = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["dirt-4"].transitions_between_transitions ]=], trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.22000000000000002, initial_vertical_speed = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.041000000000000005, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.59770000000000003 }, { 0.5, 0.59770000000000003 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "dirt-5-stone-particle-small", probability = 1, repeat_count = 20, repeat_count_deviation = 5, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.05, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.125, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.042000000000000002, offset_deviation = { { -0.2, -0.2 }, { 0.3, 0.3 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "dirt-5-stone-particle-medium", probability = 1, repeat_count = 7, repeat_count_deviation = 2, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.125, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.042000000000000002, offset_deviation = { left_top = { -0.3984, -0.79690000000000003 }, right_bottom = { 0.3984, 0.79690000000000003 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "dirt-5-stone-lower-particle-medium", probability = 1, repeat_count = 7, repeat_count_deviation = 2, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.4, -0.4 }, { 0.4, 0.4 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "dirt-5-stone-particle-tiny", probability = 1, repeat_count = 15, repeat_count_deviation = 4, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.02, type = "create-particle" } }, type = "tile", variants = { inner_corner_mask = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/hr-transition-1.png", scale = 0.5, x = 0 }, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/transition-1.png", x = 0 }, main = { { count = 16, hr_version = { count = 16, line_length = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/hr-dirt-5.png", scale = 0.5, size = 1, weights = { 0.085, 0.085, 0.085, 0.085, 0.086999999999999993, 0.085, 0.065, 0.085, 0.045, 0.045, 0.045, 0.045, 0.005, 0.025, 0.045, 0.045 }, y = 0 }, line_length = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/dirt-5.png", size = 1, weights = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["dirt-5"].variants.main[1].hr_version.weights ]=], y = 0 }, { count = 16, hr_version = { count = 16, line_length = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/hr-dirt-5.png", probability = 1, scale = 0.5, size = 2, weights = { 0.070000000000000009, 0.070000000000000009, 0.025, 0.070000000000000009, 0.070000000000000009, 0.070000000000000009, 0.0070000000000000009, 0.025, 0.070000000000000009, 0.05, 0.015, 0.026000000000000001, 0.03, 0.005, 0.070000000000000009, 0.027000000000000002 }, y = 128 }, line_length = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/dirt-5.png", probability = 1, size = 2, weights = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["dirt-5"].variants.main[2].hr_version.weights ]=], y = 64 }, { count = 16, hr_version = { count = 16, line_length = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/hr-dirt-5.png", probability = 1, scale = 0.5, size = 4, weights = { 0.070000000000000009, 0.070000000000000009, 0.070000000000000009, 0.070000000000000009, 0.070000000000000009, 0.070000000000000009, 0.015, 0.070000000000000009, 0.070000000000000009, 0.070000000000000009, 0.015, 0.05, 0.070000000000000009, 0.070000000000000009, 0.065, 0.070000000000000009 }, y = 320 }, line_length = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/dirt-5.png", probability = 1, size = 4, weights = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["dirt-5"].variants.main[3].hr_version.weights ]=], y = 160 } }, o_transition_mask = { count = 1, hr_version = { count = 1, line_length = 2, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/hr-transition-1.png", scale = 0.5, x = 2304 }, line_length = 2, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/transition-1.png", x = 1152 }, outer_corner_mask = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/hr-transition-1.png", scale = 0.5, x = 576 }, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/transition-1.png", x = 288 }, side_mask = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/hr-transition-1.png", scale = 0.5, x = 1152 }, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/transition-1.png", x = 576 }, u_transition_mask = { count = 1, hr_version = { count = 1, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/hr-transition-1.png", scale = 0.5, x = 1728 }, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/transition-1.png", x = 864 } }, vehicle_friction_modifier = 1.3999999999999999, walking_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["dirt-4"].walking_sound ]=] }, ["dirt-6"] = { autoplace = { probability_expression = { arguments = { { arguments = { { arguments = { { literal_value = -1/0 --[[-math.huge]], source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 503 }, type = "literal-number" }, { arguments = { { arguments = { { arguments = { { arguments = { { arguments = { { literal_value = 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"function-application" } }, function_name = "subtract", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 459 }, type = "function-application" }, { literal_value = 20, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 78 }, type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "multiply", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 465 }, type = "function-application" }, { literal_value = -1/0 --[[-math.huge]], source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 465 }, type = "literal-number" }, { literal_value = 1, source_location = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["dirt-6"].autoplace.probability_expression.arguments[1].arguments[1].arguments[2].arguments[1].arguments[1].arguments[2].source_location ]=], type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "clamp", source_location = 0 --[=[ ref 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"dirt-6", order = "b[natural]-b[dirt]-g[dirt-6]", pollution_absorption_per_second = 6.6000000000000005e-06, scorch_mark_color = { a = 1, b = 0.18799999999999999, g = 0.31000000000000001, r = 0.43499999999999996 }, transitions = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["dirt-4"].transitions ]=], transitions_between_transitions = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["dirt-4"].transitions_between_transitions ]=], trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.22000000000000002, initial_vertical_speed = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.041000000000000005, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.59770000000000003 }, { 0.5, 0.59770000000000003 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "dirt-6-stone-particle-small", probability = 1, repeat_count = 20, repeat_count_deviation = 5, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.05, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.125, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.042000000000000002, offset_deviation = { { -0.2, -0.2 }, { 0.3, 0.3 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "dirt-6-stone-particle-medium", probability = 1, repeat_count = 7, repeat_count_deviation = 2, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.125, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.042000000000000002, offset_deviation = { left_top = { -0.3984, -0.79690000000000003 }, right_bottom = { 0.3984, 0.79690000000000003 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "dirt-6-stone-lower-particle-medium", probability = 1, repeat_count = 7, repeat_count_deviation = 2, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.4, -0.4 }, { 0.4, 0.4 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "dirt-6-stone-particle-tiny", probability = 1, repeat_count = 15, repeat_count_deviation = 4, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.02, type = "create-particle" } }, type = "tile", variants = { inner_corner_mask = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/hr-transition-1.png", scale = 0.5, x = 0 }, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/transition-1.png", x = 0 }, main = { { count = 16, hr_version = { count = 16, line_length = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/hr-dirt-6.png", scale = 0.5, size = 1, weights = { 0.085, 0.085, 0.085, 0.085, 0.086999999999999993, 0.085, 0.065, 0.085, 0.045, 0.045, 0.045, 0.045, 0.005, 0.025, 0.045, 0.045 }, y = 0 }, line_length = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/dirt-6.png", size = 1, weights = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["dirt-6"].variants.main[1].hr_version.weights ]=], y = 0 }, { count = 16, hr_version = { count = 16, line_length = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/hr-dirt-6.png", probability = 1, scale = 0.5, size = 2, weights = { 0.070000000000000009, 0.070000000000000009, 0.025, 0.070000000000000009, 0.070000000000000009, 0.070000000000000009, 0.0070000000000000009, 0.025, 0.070000000000000009, 0.05, 0.015, 0.026000000000000001, 0.03, 0.005, 0.070000000000000009, 0.027000000000000002 }, y = 128 }, line_length = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/dirt-6.png", probability = 1, size = 2, weights = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["dirt-6"].variants.main[2].hr_version.weights ]=], y = 64 }, { count = 16, hr_version = { count = 16, line_length = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/hr-dirt-6.png", probability = 1, scale = 0.5, size = 4, weights = { 0.070000000000000009, 0.070000000000000009, 0.070000000000000009, 0.070000000000000009, 0.070000000000000009, 0.070000000000000009, 0.015, 0.070000000000000009, 0.070000000000000009, 0.070000000000000009, 0.015, 0.05, 0.070000000000000009, 0.070000000000000009, 0.065, 0.070000000000000009 }, y = 320 }, line_length = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/dirt-6.png", probability = 1, size = 4, weights = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["dirt-6"].variants.main[3].hr_version.weights ]=], y = 160 } }, o_transition_mask = { count = 1, hr_version = { count = 1, line_length = 2, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/hr-transition-1.png", scale = 0.5, x = 2304 }, line_length = 2, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/transition-1.png", x = 1152 }, outer_corner_mask = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/hr-transition-1.png", scale = 0.5, x = 576 }, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/transition-1.png", x = 288 }, side_mask = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/hr-transition-1.png", scale = 0.5, x = 1152 }, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/transition-1.png", x = 576 }, u_transition_mask = { count = 1, hr_version = { count = 1, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/hr-transition-1.png", scale = 0.5, x = 1728 }, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/transition-1.png", x = 864 } }, vehicle_friction_modifier = 1.3999999999999999, walking_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["dirt-4"].walking_sound ]=] }, ["dirt-7"] = { autoplace = { probability_expression = { arguments = { { arguments = { { arguments = { { literal_value = -1/0 --[[-math.huge]], source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 503 }, type = "literal-number" }, { arguments 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[""].tile["dirt-7"].autoplace.probability_expression.arguments[1].arguments[1].arguments[2].arguments[1].arguments[1].arguments[2].source_location ]=], type = "function-application" }, { literal_value = 1, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 78 }, type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "multiply", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 465 }, type = "function-application" }, { literal_value = -1/0 --[[-math.huge]], source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 510 }, type = "literal-number" }, { arguments = { { arguments = { { arguments = { { arguments = { { literal_value = 5.2750000000000004, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 62 }, type = "literal-number" }, { arguments = { { arguments = { { source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 494 }, type = "variable", variable_name = "aux" }, 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"__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 465 }, type = "function-application" } }, function_name = "clamp", source_location = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["dirt-7"].autoplace.probability_expression.arguments[1].arguments[1].arguments[2].arguments[2].source_location ]=], type = "function-application" }, { literal_value = 1/0 --[[math.huge]], source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 510 }, type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "clamp", source_location = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["dirt-7"].autoplace.probability_expression.arguments[1].arguments[1].arguments[3].source_location ]=], type = "function-application" }, { arguments = { input_scale = { arguments = { { literal_value = 1, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 31 }, type = "literal-number" }, { literal_value = 6, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 31 }, type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "divide", 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type = "function-application" }, x = { source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 443 }, type = "variable", variable_name = "x" }, y = { source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 444 }, type = "variable", variable_name = "y" } }, function_name = "factorio-multioctave-noise", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 522 }, type = "function-application" } }, function_name = "add", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 522 }, type = "function-application" }, { literal_value = 0, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 54 }, type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "add", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 522 }, type = "function-application" } }, collision_mask = { "ground-tile" }, layer = 25, map_color = { b = 28, g = 54, r = 80 }, name = "dirt-7", order = "b[natural]-b[dirt]-h[dirt-7]", pollution_absorption_per_second = 6.6000000000000005e-06, scorch_mark_color = { a = 1, b = 0.16100000000000001, g = 0.26900000000000004, r = 0.37999999999999998 }, transitions = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["dirt-4"].transitions ]=], transitions_between_transitions = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["dirt-4"].transitions_between_transitions ]=], trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.22000000000000002, initial_vertical_speed = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.041000000000000005, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.59770000000000003 }, { 0.5, 0.59770000000000003 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "dirt-7-stone-particle-small", probability = 1, repeat_count = 20, repeat_count_deviation = 5, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.05, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.125, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.042000000000000002, offset_deviation = { { -0.2, -0.2 }, { 0.3, 0.3 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "dirt-7-stone-particle-medium", probability = 1, repeat_count = 7, repeat_count_deviation = 2, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.125, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.042000000000000002, offset_deviation = { left_top = { -0.3984, -0.79690000000000003 }, right_bottom = { 0.3984, 0.79690000000000003 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "dirt-7-stone-lower-particle-medium", probability = 1, repeat_count = 7, repeat_count_deviation = 2, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.4, -0.4 }, { 0.4, 0.4 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "dirt-7-stone-particle-tiny", probability = 1, repeat_count = 15, repeat_count_deviation = 4, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.02, type = "create-particle" } }, type = "tile", variants = { inner_corner_mask = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/hr-transition-1.png", scale = 0.5, x = 0 }, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/transition-1.png", x = 0 }, main = { { count = 16, hr_version = { count = 16, line_length = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/hr-dirt-7.png", scale = 0.5, size = 1, weights = { 0.085, 0.085, 0.085, 0.085, 0.086999999999999993, 0.085, 0.065, 0.085, 0.045, 0.045, 0.045, 0.045, 0.005, 0.025, 0.045, 0.045 }, y = 0 }, line_length = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/dirt-7.png", size = 1, weights = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["dirt-7"].variants.main[1].hr_version.weights ]=], y = 0 }, { count = 16, hr_version = { count = 16, line_length = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/hr-dirt-7.png", probability = 1, scale = 0.5, size = 2, weights = { 0.070000000000000009, 0.070000000000000009, 0.025, 0.070000000000000009, 0.070000000000000009, 0.070000000000000009, 0.0070000000000000009, 0.025, 0.070000000000000009, 0.05, 0.015, 0.026000000000000001, 0.03, 0.005, 0.070000000000000009, 0.027000000000000002 }, y = 128 }, line_length = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/dirt-7.png", probability = 1, size = 2, weights = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["dirt-7"].variants.main[2].hr_version.weights ]=], y = 64 }, { count = 16, hr_version = { count = 16, line_length = 16, picture 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0.5, x = 576 }, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/transition-1.png", x = 288 }, side_mask = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/hr-transition-1.png", scale = 0.5, x = 1152 }, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/transition-1.png", x = 576 }, u_transition_mask = { count = 1, hr_version = { count = 1, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/hr-transition-1.png", scale = 0.5, x = 1728 }, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/transition-1.png", x = 864 } }, vehicle_friction_modifier = 1.3999999999999999, walking_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["dirt-4"].walking_sound ]=] }, ["dry-dirt"] = { autoplace = { probability_expression = { arguments = { { arguments = { { arguments = { { literal_value = -1/0 --[[-math.huge]], source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 503 }, type = "literal-number" }, { 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ref [""].tile["dry-dirt"].autoplace.probability_expression.arguments[1].arguments[1].arguments[2].arguments[1].arguments[1].arguments[2].source_location ]=], type = "function-application" }, { literal_value = 1, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 78 }, type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "multiply", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 465 }, type = "function-application" }, { literal_value = -1/0 --[[-math.huge]], source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 510 }, type = "literal-number" }, { arguments = { { arguments = { { arguments = { { arguments = { { literal_value = 0.050000000000000018, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 62 }, type = "literal-number" }, { arguments = { { arguments = { { source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 494 }, type = "variable", variable_name = 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"__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 465 }, type = "function-application" } }, function_name = "clamp", source_location = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["dry-dirt"].autoplace.probability_expression.arguments[1].arguments[1].arguments[2].arguments[2].source_location ]=], type = "function-application" }, { literal_value = 1/0 --[[math.huge]], source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 510 }, type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "clamp", source_location = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["dry-dirt"].autoplace.probability_expression.arguments[1].arguments[1].arguments[3].source_location ]=], type = "function-application" }, { arguments = { input_scale = { arguments = { { literal_value = 1, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 31 }, type = "literal-number" }, { literal_value = 6, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 31 }, type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "divide", source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 31 }, type = "function-application" }, octaves = { literal_value = 4, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 37 }, type = "literal-number" }, output_scale = { literal_value = 0.66666666666666661, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 37 }, type = "literal-number" }, persistence = { literal_value = 0.7, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 37 }, type = "literal-number" }, seed0 = { source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 446 }, type = "variable", variable_name = "map_seed" }, seed1 = { arguments = { { literal_value = "dry-dirt", source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 457 }, type = "literal-string" } }, function_name = "noise-layer-name-to-id", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 447 }, type = "function-application" }, x = { source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 443 }, type = "variable", variable_name = "x" }, y = { source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 444 }, type = "variable", variable_name = "y" } }, function_name = "factorio-multioctave-noise", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 522 }, type = "function-application" } }, function_name = "add", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 522 }, type = "function-application" }, { literal_value = 0, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 54 }, type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "add", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 522 }, type = "function-application" } }, collision_mask = { "ground-tile" }, layer = 18, map_color = { b = 37, g = 66, r = 94 }, name = "dry-dirt", order = "b[natural]-b[dirt]-a[dry-dirt]", pollution_absorption_per_second = 6.6000000000000005e-06, scorch_mark_color = { a = 1, b = 0.15300000000000001, g = 0.24900000000000002, r = 0.35699999999999998 }, transitions = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["dirt-1"].transitions ]=], transitions_between_transitions = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["dirt-1"].transitions_between_transitions ]=], trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.22000000000000002, initial_vertical_speed = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.041000000000000005, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.59770000000000003 }, { 0.5, 0.59770000000000003 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "dry-dirt-stone-particle-small", probability = 1, repeat_count = 20, repeat_count_deviation = 5, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.05, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.125, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.042000000000000002, offset_deviation = { { -0.2, -0.2 }, { 0.3, 0.3 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "dry-dirt-stone-particle-medium", probability = 1, repeat_count = 7, repeat_count_deviation = 2, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.125, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.042000000000000002, offset_deviation = { left_top = { -0.3984, -0.79690000000000003 }, right_bottom = { 0.3984, 0.79690000000000003 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "dry-dirt-stone-lower-particle-medium", probability = 1, repeat_count = 7, repeat_count_deviation = 2, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.4, -0.4 }, { 0.4, 0.4 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "dry-dirt-stone-particle-tiny", probability = 1, repeat_count = 15, repeat_count_deviation = 4, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.02, type = "create-particle" } }, type = "tile", variants = { inner_corner_mask = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/hr-transition-1.png", scale = 0.5, x = 0 }, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/transition-1.png", x = 0 }, main = { { count = 16, hr_version = { count = 16, line_length = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/hr-dry-dirt.png", scale = 0.5, size = 1, weights = { 0.085, 0.085, 0.085, 0.085, 0.086999999999999993, 0.085, 0.065, 0.085, 0.045, 0.045, 0.045, 0.045, 0.005, 0.025, 0.045, 0.045 }, y = 0 }, line_length = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/dry-dirt.png", size = 1, weights = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["dry-dirt"].variants.main[1].hr_version.weights ]=], y = 0 }, { count = 16, hr_version = { count = 16, line_length = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/hr-dry-dirt.png", probability = 1, scale = 0.5, size = 2, weights = { 0.070000000000000009, 0.070000000000000009, 0.025, 0.070000000000000009, 0.070000000000000009, 0.070000000000000009, 0.0070000000000000009, 0.025, 0.070000000000000009, 0.05, 0.015, 0.026000000000000001, 0.03, 0.005, 0.070000000000000009, 0.027000000000000002 }, y = 128 }, line_length = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/dry-dirt.png", probability = 1, size = 2, weights = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["dry-dirt"].variants.main[2].hr_version.weights ]=], y = 64 }, { count = 16, hr_version = { count = 16, line_length = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/hr-dry-dirt.png", probability = 1, scale = 0.5, size = 4, weights = { 0.070000000000000009, 0.070000000000000009, 0.070000000000000009, 0.070000000000000009, 0.070000000000000009, 0.070000000000000009, 0.015, 0.070000000000000009, 0.070000000000000009, 0.070000000000000009, 0.015, 0.05, 0.070000000000000009, 0.070000000000000009, 0.065, 0.070000000000000009 }, y = 320 }, line_length = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/dry-dirt.png", probability = 1, size = 4, weights = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["dry-dirt"].variants.main[3].hr_version.weights ]=], y = 160 } }, o_transition_mask = { count = 1, hr_version = { count = 1, line_length = 2, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/hr-transition-1.png", scale = 0.5, x = 2304 }, line_length = 2, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/transition-1.png", x = 1152 }, outer_corner_mask = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/hr-transition-1.png", scale = 0.5, x = 576 }, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/transition-1.png", x = 288 }, side_mask = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/hr-transition-1.png", scale = 0.5, x = 1152 }, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/transition-1.png", x = 576 }, u_transition_mask = { count = 1, hr_version = { count = 1, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/hr-transition-1.png", scale = 0.5, x = 1728 }, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/transition-1.png", x = 864 } }, vehicle_friction_modifier = 1.3999999999999999, walking_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["dirt-4"].walking_sound ]=] }, ["grass-1"] = { autoplace = { probability_expression = { arguments = { { arguments = { { arguments = { { literal_value = -1/0 --[[-math.huge]], source_location = { filename = 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"__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 342 }, type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "ridge", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 456 }, type = "function-application" } }, function_name = "subtract", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 459 }, type = "function-application" }, { literal_value = 20, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 78 }, type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "multiply", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 465 }, type = "function-application" }, { literal_value = -1/0 --[[-math.huge]], source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 465 }, type = "literal-number" }, { literal_value = 1, source_location = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["grass-1"].autoplace.probability_expression.arguments[1].arguments[1].arguments[2].arguments[1].arguments[1].arguments[2].source_location ]=], type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "clamp", source_location = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["grass-1"].autoplace.probability_expression.arguments[1].arguments[1].arguments[2].arguments[1].arguments[1].arguments[2].source_location ]=], type = "function-application" }, { literal_value = 1, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 78 }, type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "multiply", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 465 }, type = "function-application" }, { literal_value = -1/0 --[[-math.huge]], source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 510 }, type = "literal-number" }, { arguments = { { arguments = { { arguments = { { arguments = { { literal_value = 10.5, source_location = { filename = 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{ filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 459 }, type = "function-application" }, { literal_value = 20, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 78 }, type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "multiply", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 465 }, type = "function-application" }, { literal_value = -1/0 --[[-math.huge]], source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 465 }, type = "literal-number" }, { literal_value = 1, source_location = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["grass-1"].autoplace.probability_expression.arguments[1].arguments[1].arguments[2].arguments[3].arguments[1].arguments[2].source_location ]=], type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "clamp", source_location = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["grass-1"].autoplace.probability_expression.arguments[1].arguments[1].arguments[2].arguments[3].arguments[1].arguments[2].source_location ]=], type = "function-application" }, { literal_value = 1, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 78 }, type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "multiply", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 465 }, type = "function-application" } }, function_name = "clamp", source_location = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["grass-1"].autoplace.probability_expression.arguments[1].arguments[1].arguments[2].arguments[2].source_location ]=], type = "function-application" }, { literal_value = 1/0 --[[math.huge]], source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 510 }, type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "clamp", source_location = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["grass-1"].autoplace.probability_expression.arguments[1].arguments[1].arguments[3].source_location ]=], type = "function-application" }, { arguments = { input_scale = { arguments = { { literal_value = 1, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 31 }, type = "literal-number" }, { literal_value = 6, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 31 }, type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "divide", source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 31 }, type = "function-application" }, octaves = { literal_value = 4, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 37 }, type = "literal-number" }, output_scale = { literal_value = 0.66666666666666661, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 37 }, type = "literal-number" }, persistence = { literal_value = 0.7, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 37 }, type = "literal-number" }, seed0 = { source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 446 }, type = "variable", variable_name = "map_seed" }, seed1 = { arguments = { { literal_value = "grass-1", source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 457 }, type = "literal-string" } }, function_name = "noise-layer-name-to-id", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 447 }, type = "function-application" }, x = { source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 443 }, type = "variable", variable_name = "x" }, y = { source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 444 }, type = "variable", variable_name = "y" } }, function_name = "factorio-multioctave-noise", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 522 }, type = "function-application" } }, function_name = "add", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 522 }, type = "function-application" }, { literal_value = 0, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 54 }, type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "add", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 522 }, type = "function-application" } }, collision_mask = { "ground-tile" }, layer = 26, map_color = { b = 11, g = 53, r = 55 }, name = "grass-1", order = "b[natural]-a[grass]-a[grass-1]", pollution_absorption_per_second = 7.5e-06, scorch_mark_color = { a = 1, b = 0.152, g = 0.22200000000000002, r = 0.31800000000000002 }, transitions = { { inner_corner = { count = 16, hr_version = { count = 16, line_length = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/hr-grass.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 0 }, line_length = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/grass.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 0 }, inner_corner_effect_map = { count = 16, hr_version = { count = 16, line_length = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/hr-water-grass-mask.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 0 }, line_length = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/water-grass-mask.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 0 }, inner_corner_mask = { count = 16, hr_version = { count = 16, line_length = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/hr-grass.png", scale = 0.5, x = 2176, y = 0 }, line_length = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/grass.png", x = 1088, y = 0 }, o_transition = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/hr-grass.png", scale = 0.5, tall = false, x = 0, y = 2304 }, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/grass.png", tall = false, x = 0, y = 1152 }, o_transition_effect_map = { count = 1, hr_version = { count = 1, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/hr-water-grass-mask.png", scale = 0.5, tall = false, x = 0, y = 2304 }, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/water-grass-mask.png", tall = false, x = 0, y = 1152 }, o_transition_mask = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/hr-grass.png", scale = 0.5, x = 2176, y = 2304 }, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/grass.png", x = 1088, y = 1152 }, outer_corner = { count = 16, hr_version = { count = 16, line_length = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/hr-grass.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 576 }, line_length = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/grass.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 288 }, outer_corner_effect_map = { count = 16, hr_version = { count = 16, line_length = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/hr-water-grass-mask.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 576 }, line_length = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/water-grass-mask.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 288 }, outer_corner_mask = { count = 16, hr_version = { count = 16, line_length = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/hr-grass.png", scale = 0.5, x = 2176, y = 576 }, line_length = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/grass.png", x = 1088, y = 288 }, side = { count = 16, hr_version = { count = 16, line_length = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/hr-grass.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 1152 }, line_length = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/grass.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 576 }, side_effect_map = { count = 16, hr_version = { count = 16, line_length = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/hr-water-grass-mask.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 1152 }, line_length = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/water-grass-mask.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 576 }, side_mask = { count = 16, hr_version = { count = 16, line_length = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/hr-grass.png", scale = 0.5, x = 2176, y = 1152 }, line_length = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/grass.png", x = 1088, y = 576 }, side_weights = { 1, 1, 1, 1, 0.25, 0.25, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0.125, 0.25, 1, 1, 1, 1 }, to_tiles = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["acid-refined-concrete"].transitions[1].to_tiles ]=], transition_group = 1, u_transition = { count = 4, hr_version = { count = 4, line_length = 4, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/hr-grass.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 1728 }, line_length = 4, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/grass.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 864 }, u_transition_effect_map = { count = 4, hr_version = { count = 4, line_length = 4, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/hr-water-grass-mask.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 1728 }, line_length = 4, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/water-grass-mask.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 864 }, u_transition_mask = { count = 4, hr_version = { count = 4, line_length = 4, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/hr-grass.png", scale = 0.5, x = 2176, y = 1728 }, line_length = 4, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/grass.png", x = 1088, y = 864 } }, 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["dirt-1"].transitions[2] ]=] }, transitions_between_transitions = { { inner_corner = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/hr-grass-transition.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 0 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/grass-transition.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 0 }, inner_corner_effect_map = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/hr-water-grass-to-land-mask.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 0 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/water-grass-to-land-mask.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 0 }, inner_corner_mask = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/hr-grass-transition.png", scale = 0.5, x = 2176, y = 0 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/grass-transition.png", x = 1088, y = 0 }, outer_corner = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/hr-grass-transition.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 576 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/grass-transition.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 288 }, outer_corner_effect_map = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/hr-water-grass-to-land-mask.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 576 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/water-grass-to-land-mask.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 288 }, outer_corner_mask = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/hr-grass-transition.png", scale = 0.5, x = 2176, y = 576 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/grass-transition.png", x = 1088, y = 288 }, side = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/hr-grass-transition.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 1152 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/grass-transition.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 576 }, side_effect_map = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/hr-water-grass-to-land-mask.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 1152 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/water-grass-to-land-mask.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 576 }, side_mask = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/hr-grass-transition.png", scale = 0.5, x = 2176, y = 1152 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/grass-transition.png", x = 1088, y = 576 }, transition_group = 0, transition_group1 = 0, transition_group2 = 1, u_transition = { count = 1, hr_version = { count = 1, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/hr-grass-transition.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 1728 }, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/grass-transition.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 864 }, u_transition_effect_map = { count = 1, hr_version = { count = 1, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/hr-water-grass-to-land-mask.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 1728 }, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/water-grass-to-land-mask.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 864 }, u_transition_mask = { count = 1, hr_version = { count = 1, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/hr-grass-transition.png", scale = 0.5, x = 2176, y = 1728 }, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/grass-transition.png", x = 1088, y = 864 }, water_patch = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["dirt-1"].transitions_between_transitions[1].water_patch ]=] }, { background_layer_group = "zero", background_layer_offset = 1, inner_corner_background = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-grass-out-of-map-transition.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 1088, y = 0 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/grass-out-of-map-transition.png", tall = true, x = 544, y = 0 }, inner_corner_mask = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-grass-out-of-map-transition.png", scale = 0.5, x = 2176, y = 0 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/grass-out-of-map-transition.png", x = 1088, y = 0 }, offset_background_layer_by_tile_layer = true, outer_corner_background = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-grass-out-of-map-transition.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 1088, y = 576 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/grass-out-of-map-transition.png", tall = true, x = 544, y = 288 }, outer_corner_mask = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-grass-out-of-map-transition.png", scale = 0.5, x = 2176, y = 576 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/grass-out-of-map-transition.png", x = 1088, y = 288 }, side_background = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-grass-out-of-map-transition.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 1088, y = 1152 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/grass-out-of-map-transition.png", tall = true, x = 544, y = 576 }, side_mask = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-grass-out-of-map-transition.png", scale = 0.5, x = 2176, y = 1152 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/grass-out-of-map-transition.png", x = 1088, y = 576 }, transition_group = 0, transition_group1 = 0, transition_group2 = 2, u_transition_background = { count = 1, hr_version = { count = 1, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-grass-out-of-map-transition.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 1088, y = 1728 }, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/grass-out-of-map-transition.png", tall = true, x = 544, y = 864 }, u_transition_mask = { count = 1, hr_version = { count = 1, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-grass-out-of-map-transition.png", scale = 0.5, x = 2176, y = 1728 }, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/grass-out-of-map-transition.png", x = 1088, y = 864 } }, { background_layer_group = "zero", background_layer_offset = 1, inner_corner = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-grass-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 0 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/grass-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 0 }, inner_corner_background = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-grass-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 1088, y = 0 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/grass-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", tall = true, x = 544, y = 0 }, inner_corner_effect_map = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/hr-water-grass-to-out-of-map-mask.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 0 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/water-grass-to-out-of-map-mask.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 0 }, inner_corner_mask = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-grass-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", scale = 0.5, x = 2176, y = 0 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/grass-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", x = 1088, y = 0 }, offset_background_layer_by_tile_layer = true, outer_corner = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-grass-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 576 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/grass-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 288 }, outer_corner_background = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-grass-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 1088, y = 576 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/grass-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", tall = true, x = 544, y = 288 }, outer_corner_effect_map = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/hr-water-grass-to-out-of-map-mask.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 576 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/water-grass-to-out-of-map-mask.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 288 }, outer_corner_mask = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-grass-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", scale = 0.5, x = 2176, y = 576 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/grass-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", x = 1088, y = 288 }, side = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-grass-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 1152 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/grass-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 576 }, side_background = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-grass-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 1088, y = 1152 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/grass-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", tall = true, x = 544, y = 576 }, side_effect_map = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/hr-water-grass-to-out-of-map-mask.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 1152 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/water-grass-to-out-of-map-mask.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 576 }, side_mask = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-grass-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", scale = 0.5, x = 2176, y = 1152 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/grass-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", x = 1088, y = 576 }, transition_group = 1, transition_group1 = 1, transition_group2 = 2, u_transition = { count = 1, hr_version = { count = 1, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-grass-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 1728 }, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/grass-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 864 }, u_transition_background = { count = 1, hr_version = { count = 1, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-grass-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 1088, y = 1728 }, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/grass-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", tall = true, x = 544, y = 864 }, u_transition_effect_map = { count = 1, hr_version = { count = 1, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/hr-water-grass-to-out-of-map-mask.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 1728 }, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/water-grass-to-out-of-map-mask.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 864 }, u_transition_mask = { count = 1, hr_version = { count = 1, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-grass-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", scale = 0.5, x = 2176, y = 1728 }, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/grass-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", x = 1088, y = 864 } } }, trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.22000000000000002, initial_vertical_speed = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.041000000000000005, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.59770000000000003 }, { 0.5, 0.59770000000000003 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "grass-1-stone-particle-small", probability = 1, repeat_count = 20, repeat_count_deviation = 5, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.05, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.125, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.042000000000000002, offset_deviation = { { -0.2, -0.2 }, { 0.3, 0.3 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "grass-1-stone-particle-medium", probability = 1, repeat_count = 7, repeat_count_deviation = 2, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.125, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.042000000000000002, offset_deviation = { left_top = { -0.3984, -0.79690000000000003 }, right_bottom = { 0.3984, 0.79690000000000003 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "grass-1-stone-lower-particle-medium", probability = 1, repeat_count = 7, repeat_count_deviation = 2, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.4, -0.4 }, { 0.4, 0.4 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "grass-1-stone-particle-tiny", probability = 1, repeat_count = 15, repeat_count_deviation = 4, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.02, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.1, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.09, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.69920000000000009, -0.5 }, { 0.69920000000000009, 0.5 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "green-carpet-grass-vegetation-particle-small-medium", probability = 1, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 5, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" } }, type = "tile", variants = { inner_corner_mask = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/hr-transition-3.png", scale = 0.5, x = 0 }, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/transition-3.png", x = 0 }, main = { { count = 16, hr_version = { count = 16, line_length = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/hr-grass-1.png", scale = 0.5, size = 1, weights = { 0.085, 0.085, 0.085, 0.085, 0.086999999999999993, 0.085, 0.065, 0.085, 0.045, 0.045, 0.045, 0.045, 0.005, 0.025, 0.045, 0.045 }, y = 0 }, line_length = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/grass-1.png", size = 1, weights = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["grass-1"].variants.main[1].hr_version.weights ]=], y = 0 }, { count = 16, hr_version = { count = 16, line_length = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/hr-grass-1.png", probability = 0.90999999999999996, scale = 0.5, size = 2, weights = { 0.15, 0.15, 0.15, 0.15, 0.017999999999999998, 0.02, 0.015, 0.025, 0.015, 0.02, 0.025, 0.015, 0.025, 0.025, 0.01, 0.025 }, y = 128 }, line_length = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/grass-1.png", probability = 0.90999999999999996, size = 2, weights = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["grass-1"].variants.main[2].hr_version.weights ]=], y = 64 }, { count = 16, hr_version = { count = 16, line_length = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/hr-grass-1.png", probability = 0.90999999999999996, scale = 0.5, size = 4, weights = { 0.1, 0.8, 0.8, 0.1, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01 }, y = 320 }, line_length = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/grass-1.png", probability = 0.90999999999999996, size = 4, weights = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["grass-1"].variants.main[3].hr_version.weights ]=], y = 160 } }, o_transition_mask = { count = 1, hr_version = { count = 1, line_length = 2, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/hr-transition-3.png", scale = 0.5, x = 2304 }, line_length = 2, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/transition-3.png", x = 1152 }, outer_corner_mask = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/hr-transition-3.png", scale = 0.5, x = 576 }, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/transition-3.png", x = 288 }, side_mask = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/hr-transition-3.png", scale = 0.5, x = 1152 }, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/transition-3.png", x = 576 }, u_transition_mask = { count = 1, hr_version = { count = 1, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/hr-transition-3.png", scale = 0.5, x = 1728 }, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/transition-3.png", x = 864 } }, vehicle_friction_modifier = 1.6000000000000001, walking_sound = { { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/grass-01.ogg", volume = 0.8 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/grass-02.ogg", volume = 0.8 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/grass-03.ogg", volume = 0.8 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/grass-04.ogg", volume = 0.8 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/grass-05.ogg", volume = 0.8 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/grass-06.ogg", volume = 0.8 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/grass-07.ogg", volume = 0.8 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/grass-08.ogg", volume = 0.8 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/grass-09.ogg", volume = 0.8 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/grass-10.ogg", volume = 0.8 } } }, ["grass-2"] = { autoplace = { probability_expression = { arguments = { { arguments = { { arguments = { { literal_value = -1/0 --[[-math.huge]], source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 503 }, type = "literal-number" }, { arguments = { { arguments = { { arguments = { { arguments = { { arguments = { { literal_value = 0.17500000000000002, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 62 }, type = "literal-number" }, { arguments = { { arguments = { { source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 493 }, type = "variable", variable_name = "moisture" }, { literal_value = 0.625, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 62 }, type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "subtract", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 456 }, type = "function-application" }, { literal_value = 0, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 341 }, type = "literal-number" }, { literal_value = 1/0 --[[math.huge]], source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 342 }, type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "ridge", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 456 }, type = "function-application" } }, function_name = "subtract", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 459 }, type = "function-application" }, { literal_value = 20, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 78 }, type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "multiply", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 465 }, type = "function-application" }, { literal_value = -1/0 --[[-math.huge]], source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 465 }, type = "literal-number" }, { literal_value = 1, source_location = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["grass-2"].autoplace.probability_expression.arguments[1].arguments[1].arguments[2].arguments[1].arguments[1].arguments[2].source_location ]=], type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "clamp", source_location = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["grass-2"].autoplace.probability_expression.arguments[1].arguments[1].arguments[2].arguments[1].arguments[1].arguments[2].source_location ]=], type = "function-application" }, { literal_value = 1, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 78 }, type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "multiply", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 465 }, type = "function-application" }, { literal_value = -1/0 --[[-math.huge]], source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 510 }, type = "literal-number" }, { arguments = { { arguments = { { arguments = { { arguments = { { literal_value = 5.2750000000000004, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 62 }, type = "literal-number" }, { arguments = { { arguments = { { source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 494 }, type = "variable", variable_name = "aux" }, { literal_value = 5.7249999999999996, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 62 }, type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "subtract", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 456 }, type = "function-application" }, { literal_value = 0, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 341 }, type = "literal-number" }, { literal_value = 1/0 --[[math.huge]], source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 342 }, type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "ridge", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 456 }, type = "function-application" } }, function_name = "subtract", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 459 }, type = "function-application" }, { literal_value = 20, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 78 }, type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "multiply", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 465 }, type = "function-application" }, { literal_value = -1/0 --[[-math.huge]], source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 465 }, type = "literal-number" }, { literal_value = 1, source_location = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["grass-2"].autoplace.probability_expression.arguments[1].arguments[1].arguments[2].arguments[3].arguments[1].arguments[2].source_location ]=], type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "clamp", source_location = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["grass-2"].autoplace.probability_expression.arguments[1].arguments[1].arguments[2].arguments[3].arguments[1].arguments[2].source_location ]=], type = "function-application" }, { literal_value = 1, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 78 }, type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "multiply", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 465 }, type = "function-application" } }, function_name = "clamp", source_location = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["grass-2"].autoplace.probability_expression.arguments[1].arguments[1].arguments[2].arguments[2].source_location ]=], type = "function-application" }, { literal_value = 1/0 --[[math.huge]], source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 510 }, type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "clamp", source_location = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["grass-2"].autoplace.probability_expression.arguments[1].arguments[1].arguments[3].source_location ]=], type = "function-application" }, { arguments = { input_scale = { arguments = { { literal_value = 1, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 31 }, type = "literal-number" }, { literal_value = 6, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 31 }, type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "divide", source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 31 }, type = "function-application" }, octaves = { literal_value = 4, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 37 }, type = "literal-number" }, output_scale = { literal_value = 0.66666666666666661, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 37 }, type = "literal-number" }, persistence = { literal_value = 0.7, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 37 }, type = "literal-number" }, seed0 = { source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 446 }, type = "variable", variable_name = "map_seed" }, seed1 = { arguments = { { literal_value = "grass-2", source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 457 }, type = "literal-string" } }, function_name = "noise-layer-name-to-id", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 447 }, type = "function-application" }, x = { source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 443 }, type = "variable", variable_name = "x" }, y = { source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 444 }, type = "variable", variable_name = "y" } }, function_name = "factorio-multioctave-noise", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 522 }, type = "function-application" } }, function_name = "add", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 522 }, type = "function-application" }, { literal_value = 0, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 54 }, type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "add", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 522 }, type = "function-application" } }, can_be_part_of_blueprint = false, collision_mask = { "ground-tile" }, layer = 28, map_color = { b = 15, g = 57, r = 66 }, name = "grass-2", order = "b[natural]-a[grass]-b[grass-2]", pollution_absorption_per_second = 7.5e-06, scorch_mark_color = { a = 1, b = 0.17000000000000002, g = 0.25099999999999998, r = 0.36099999999999999 }, transitions = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["grass-1"].transitions ]=], transitions_between_transitions = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["grass-1"].transitions_between_transitions ]=], trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.22000000000000002, initial_vertical_speed = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.041000000000000005, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.59770000000000003 }, { 0.5, 0.59770000000000003 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "grass-2-stone-particle-small", probability = 1, repeat_count = 20, repeat_count_deviation = 5, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.05, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.125, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.042000000000000002, offset_deviation = { { -0.2, -0.2 }, { 0.3, 0.3 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "grass-2-stone-particle-medium", probability = 1, repeat_count = 7, repeat_count_deviation = 2, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.125, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.042000000000000002, offset_deviation = { left_top = { -0.3984, -0.79690000000000003 }, right_bottom = { 0.3984, 0.79690000000000003 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "grass-2-stone-lower-particle-medium", probability = 1, repeat_count = 7, repeat_count_deviation = 2, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.4, -0.4 }, { 0.4, 0.4 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "grass-2-stone-particle-tiny", probability = 1, repeat_count = 15, repeat_count_deviation = 4, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.02, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.1, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.09, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.69920000000000009, -0.5 }, { 0.69920000000000009, 0.5 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "green-carpet-grass-vegetation-particle-small-medium", probability = 1, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 5, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" } }, type = "tile", variants = { inner_corner_mask = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/hr-transition-3.png", scale = 0.5, x = 0 }, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/transition-3.png", x = 0 }, main = { { count = 16, hr_version = { count = 16, line_length = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/hr-grass-2.png", scale = 0.5, size = 1, weights = { 0.085, 0.085, 0.085, 0.085, 0.086999999999999993, 0.085, 0.065, 0.085, 0.045, 0.045, 0.045, 0.045, 0.005, 0.025, 0.045, 0.045 }, y = 0 }, line_length = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/grass-2.png", size = 1, weights = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["grass-2"].variants.main[1].hr_version.weights ]=], y = 0 }, { count = 16, hr_version = { count = 16, line_length = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/hr-grass-2.png", probability = 0.90999999999999996, scale = 0.5, size = 2, weights = { 0.15, 0.15, 0.15, 0.15, 0.017999999999999998, 0.02, 0.015, 0.025, 0.015, 0.02, 0.025, 0.015, 0.025, 0.025, 0.01, 0.025 }, y = 128 }, line_length = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/grass-2.png", probability = 0.90999999999999996, size = 2, weights = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["grass-2"].variants.main[2].hr_version.weights ]=], y = 64 }, { count = 16, hr_version = { count = 16, line_length = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/hr-grass-2.png", probability = 0.75, scale = 0.5, size = 4, weights = { 0.085, 0.085, 0.085, 0.075, 0.057000000000000011, 0.055, 0.085, 0.075, 0.035000000000000004, 0.015, 0.001, 0.025, 0.005, 0.025, 0.045, 0.045 }, y = 320 }, line_length = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/grass-2.png", probability = 0.75, size = 4, weights = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["grass-2"].variants.main[3].hr_version.weights ]=], y = 160 } }, o_transition_mask = { count = 1, hr_version = { count = 1, line_length = 2, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/hr-transition-3.png", scale = 0.5, x = 2304 }, line_length = 2, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/transition-3.png", x = 1152 }, outer_corner_mask = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/hr-transition-3.png", scale = 0.5, x = 576 }, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/transition-3.png", x = 288 }, side_mask = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/hr-transition-3.png", scale = 0.5, x = 1152 }, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/transition-3.png", x = 576 }, u_transition_mask = { count = 1, hr_version = { count = 1, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/hr-transition-3.png", scale = 0.5, x = 1728 }, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/transition-3.png", x = 864 } }, vehicle_friction_modifier = 1.6000000000000001, walking_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["grass-1"].walking_sound ]=] }, ["grass-3"] = { autoplace = { probability_expression = { arguments = { { arguments = { { arguments = { { literal_value = -1/0 --[[-math.huge]], source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 503 }, type = "literal-number" }, { arguments = { { arguments = { { arguments = { { arguments = { { arguments = { { literal_value = 0.15000000000000002, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 62 }, type = "literal-number" }, { arguments = { { arguments = { { source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 493 }, type = "variable", variable_name = "moisture" }, { literal_value = 0.75, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 62 }, type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "subtract", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 456 }, type = "function-application" }, { literal_value = 0, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 341 }, type = "literal-number" }, { literal_value = 1/0 --[[math.huge]], source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 342 }, type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "ridge", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 456 }, type = "function-application" } }, function_name = "subtract", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 459 }, type = "function-application" }, { literal_value = 20, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 78 }, type = "literal-number" } }, 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"__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 465 }, type = "function-application" }, { literal_value = -1/0 --[[-math.huge]], source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 510 }, type = "literal-number" }, { arguments = { { arguments = { { arguments = { { arguments = { { literal_value = 5.3250000000000002, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 62 }, type = "literal-number" }, { arguments = { { arguments = { { source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 494 }, type = "variable", variable_name = "aux" }, { literal_value = -4.6749999999999998, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 62 }, type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "subtract", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 456 }, type = "function-application" }, { literal_value = 0, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 341 }, type = "literal-number" }, { literal_value = 1/0 --[[math.huge]], source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 342 }, type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "ridge", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 456 }, type = "function-application" } }, function_name = "subtract", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 459 }, type = "function-application" }, { literal_value = 20, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 78 }, type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "multiply", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 465 }, type = "function-application" }, { literal_value = -1/0 --[[-math.huge]], source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 465 }, type = "literal-number" }, { literal_value = 1, 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"__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 37 }, type = "literal-number" }, persistence = { literal_value = 0.7, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 37 }, type = "literal-number" }, seed0 = { source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 446 }, type = "variable", variable_name = "map_seed" }, seed1 = { arguments = { { literal_value = "grass-3", source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 457 }, type = "literal-string" } }, function_name = "noise-layer-name-to-id", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 447 }, type = "function-application" }, x = { source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 443 }, type = "variable", variable_name = "x" }, y = { source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 444 }, type = "variable", variable_name = "y" } }, function_name = 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[""].tile["grass-1"].transitions_between_transitions ]=], trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.22000000000000002, initial_vertical_speed = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.041000000000000005, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.59770000000000003 }, { 0.5, 0.59770000000000003 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "grass-3-stone-particle-small", probability = 1, repeat_count = 20, repeat_count_deviation = 5, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.05, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.125, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.042000000000000002, offset_deviation = { { -0.2, -0.2 }, { 0.3, 0.3 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "grass-3-stone-particle-medium", probability = 1, repeat_count = 7, repeat_count_deviation = 2, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.125, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.042000000000000002, offset_deviation = { left_top = { -0.3984, -0.79690000000000003 }, right_bottom = { 0.3984, 0.79690000000000003 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "grass-3-stone-lower-particle-medium", probability = 1, repeat_count = 7, repeat_count_deviation = 2, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.4, -0.4 }, { 0.4, 0.4 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "grass-3-stone-particle-tiny", probability = 1, repeat_count = 15, repeat_count_deviation = 4, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.02, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.1, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.09, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.69920000000000009, -0.5 }, { 0.69920000000000009, 0.5 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "green-carpet-grass-vegetation-particle-small-medium", probability = 1, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 5, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" } }, type = "tile", variants = { inner_corner_mask = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/hr-transition-3.png", scale = 0.5, x = 0 }, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/transition-3.png", x = 0 }, main = { { count = 16, hr_version = { count = 16, line_length = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/hr-grass-3.png", scale = 0.5, size = 1, weights = { 0.085, 0.085, 0.085, 0.085, 0.086999999999999993, 0.085, 0.065, 0.085, 0.045, 0.045, 0.045, 0.045, 0.005, 0.025, 0.045, 0.045 }, y = 0 }, line_length = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/grass-3.png", size = 1, weights = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["grass-3"].variants.main[1].hr_version.weights ]=], y = 0 }, { count = 16, hr_version = { count = 16, line_length = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/hr-grass-3.png", probability = 1, scale = 0.5, size = 2, weights = { 0.017999999999999998, 0.02, 0.015, 0.025, 0.015, 0.02, 0.025, 0.015, 0.025, 0.025, 0.01, 0.025, 0.02, 0.025, 0.025, 0.01 }, y = 128 }, line_length = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/grass-3.png", probability = 1, size = 2, weights = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["grass-3"].variants.main[2].hr_version.weights ]=], y = 64 }, { count = 16, hr_version = { count = 16, line_length = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/hr-grass-3.png", probability = 0.1, scale = 0.5, size = 4, weights = { 0.017999999999999998, 0.02, 0.015, 0.025, 0.015, 0.02, 0.025, 0.015, 0.025, 0.025, 0.01, 0.025, 0.02, 0.025, 0.025, 0.01 }, y = 320 }, line_length = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/grass-3.png", probability = 0.1, size = 4, weights = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["grass-3"].variants.main[3].hr_version.weights ]=], y = 160 } }, o_transition_mask = { count = 1, hr_version = { count = 1, line_length = 2, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/hr-transition-3.png", scale = 0.5, x = 2304 }, line_length = 2, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/transition-3.png", x = 1152 }, outer_corner_mask = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/hr-transition-3.png", scale = 0.5, x = 576 }, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/transition-3.png", x = 288 }, side_mask = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/hr-transition-3.png", scale = 0.5, x = 1152 }, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/transition-3.png", x = 576 }, u_transition_mask = { count = 1, hr_version = { count = 1, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/hr-transition-3.png", scale = 0.5, x = 1728 }, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/transition-3.png", x = 864 } }, vehicle_friction_modifier = 1.6000000000000001, walking_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["grass-1"].walking_sound ]=] }, ["grass-4"] = { autoplace = { probability_expression = { arguments = { { arguments = { { arguments = { { literal_value = -1/0 --[[-math.huge]], source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 503 }, type = "literal-number" }, { arguments = { { 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"__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 456 }, type = "function-application" } }, function_name = "subtract", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 459 }, type = "function-application" }, { literal_value = 20, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 78 }, type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "multiply", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 465 }, type = "function-application" }, { literal_value = -1/0 --[[-math.huge]], source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 465 }, type = "literal-number" }, { literal_value = 1, source_location = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["grass-4"].autoplace.probability_expression.arguments[1].arguments[1].arguments[2].arguments[1].arguments[1].arguments[2].source_location ]=], type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "clamp", source_location = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["grass-4"].autoplace.probability_expression.arguments[1].arguments[1].arguments[2].arguments[1].arguments[1].arguments[2].source_location ]=], type = "function-application" }, { literal_value = 1, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 78 }, type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "multiply", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 465 }, type = "function-application" }, { literal_value = -1/0 --[[-math.huge]], source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 510 }, type = "literal-number" }, { arguments = { { arguments = { { arguments = { { arguments = { { literal_value = 5.2750000000000004, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 62 }, type = "literal-number" }, { arguments = { { arguments = { { source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 494 }, type = "variable", variable_name = "aux" 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"__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 465 }, type = "function-application" } }, function_name = "clamp", source_location = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["grass-4"].autoplace.probability_expression.arguments[1].arguments[1].arguments[2].arguments[2].source_location ]=], type = "function-application" }, { literal_value = 1/0 --[[math.huge]], source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 510 }, type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "clamp", source_location = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["grass-4"].autoplace.probability_expression.arguments[1].arguments[1].arguments[3].source_location ]=], type = "function-application" }, { arguments = { input_scale = { arguments = { { literal_value = 1, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 31 }, type = "literal-number" }, { literal_value = 6, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 31 }, type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "divide", source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 31 }, type = "function-application" }, octaves = { literal_value = 4, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 37 }, type = "literal-number" }, output_scale = { literal_value = 0.66666666666666661, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 37 }, type = "literal-number" }, persistence = { literal_value = 0.7, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 37 }, type = "literal-number" }, seed0 = { source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 446 }, type = "variable", variable_name = "map_seed" }, seed1 = { arguments = { { literal_value = "grass-4", source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 457 }, type = "literal-string" } }, function_name = "noise-layer-name-to-id", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 447 }, type = "function-application" }, x = { source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 443 }, type = "variable", variable_name = "x" }, y = { source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 444 }, type = "variable", variable_name = "y" } }, function_name = "factorio-multioctave-noise", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 522 }, type = "function-application" } }, function_name = "add", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 522 }, type = "function-application" }, { literal_value = 0, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 54 }, type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "add", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 522 }, type = "function-application" } }, collision_mask = { "ground-tile" }, layer = 30, map_color = { b = 18, g = 40, r = 59 }, name = "grass-4", order = "b[natural]-a[grass]-d[grass-4]", pollution_absorption_per_second = 7.5e-06, scorch_mark_color = { a = 1, b = 0.13300000000000001, g = 0.24199999999999999, r = 0.325 }, transitions = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["grass-1"].transitions ]=], transitions_between_transitions = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["grass-1"].transitions_between_transitions ]=], trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.22000000000000002, initial_vertical_speed = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.041000000000000005, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.59770000000000003 }, { 0.5, 0.59770000000000003 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "grass-4-stone-particle-small", probability = 1, repeat_count = 20, repeat_count_deviation = 5, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.05, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.125, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.042000000000000002, offset_deviation = { { -0.2, -0.2 }, { 0.3, 0.3 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "grass-4-stone-particle-medium", probability = 1, repeat_count = 7, repeat_count_deviation = 2, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.125, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.042000000000000002, offset_deviation = { left_top = { -0.3984, -0.79690000000000003 }, right_bottom = { 0.3984, 0.79690000000000003 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "grass-4-stone-lower-particle-medium", probability = 1, repeat_count = 7, repeat_count_deviation = 2, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.4, -0.4 }, { 0.4, 0.4 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "grass-4-stone-particle-tiny", probability = 1, repeat_count = 15, repeat_count_deviation = 4, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.02, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.1, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.09, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.69920000000000009, -0.5 }, { 0.69920000000000009, 0.5 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "green-carpet-grass-vegetation-particle-small-medium", probability = 1, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 5, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.02, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" } }, type = "tile", variants = { inner_corner_mask = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/hr-transition-3.png", scale = 0.5, x = 0 }, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/transition-3.png", x = 0 }, main = { { count = 16, hr_version = { count = 16, line_length = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/hr-grass-4.png", scale = 0.5, size = 1, weights = { 0.085, 0.085, 0.085, 0.085, 0.086999999999999993, 0.085, 0.065, 0.085, 0.045, 0.045, 0.045, 0.045, 0.005, 0.025, 0.045, 0.045 }, y = 0 }, line_length = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/grass-4.png", size = 1, weights = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["grass-4"].variants.main[1].hr_version.weights ]=], y = 0 }, { count = 16, hr_version = { count = 16, line_length = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/hr-grass-4.png", probability = 1, scale = 0.5, size = 2, weights = { 0.017999999999999998, 0.02, 0.015, 0.025, 0.015, 0.02, 0.025, 0.015, 0.025, 0.025, 0.01, 0.025, 0.02, 0.025, 0.025, 0.01 }, y = 128 }, line_length = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/grass-4.png", probability = 1, size = 2, weights = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["grass-4"].variants.main[2].hr_version.weights ]=], y = 64 }, { count = 16, hr_version = { count = 16, line_length = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/hr-grass-4.png", probability = 0.5, scale = 0.5, size = 4, weights = { 0.017999999999999998, 0.02, 0.015, 0.025, 0.015, 0.02, 0.025, 0.015, 0.025, 0.025, 0.01, 0.025, 0.02, 0.025, 0.025, 0.01 }, y = 320 }, line_length = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/grass-4.png", probability = 0.5, size = 4, weights = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["grass-4"].variants.main[3].hr_version.weights ]=], y = 160 } }, o_transition_mask = { count = 1, hr_version = { count = 1, line_length = 2, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/hr-transition-3.png", scale = 0.5, x = 2304 }, line_length = 2, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/transition-3.png", x = 1152 }, outer_corner_mask = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/hr-transition-3.png", scale = 0.5, x = 576 }, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/transition-3.png", x = 288 }, side_mask = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/hr-transition-3.png", scale = 0.5, x = 1152 }, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/transition-3.png", x = 576 }, u_transition_mask = { count = 1, hr_version = { count = 1, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/hr-transition-3.png", scale = 0.5, x = 1728 }, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/transition-3.png", x = 864 } }, vehicle_friction_modifier = 1.6000000000000001, walking_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["grass-1"].walking_sound ]=] }, ["green-refined-concrete"] = { build_sound = { large = { switch_vibration_data = { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-large.bnvib", gain = 0.15 }, variations = { { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-large.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-large-1.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-large-2.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-large-3.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-large-4.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-large-5.ogg", volume = 0.5 } } }, medium = { switch_vibration_data = { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-medium.bnvib", gain = 0.15 }, variations = { { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-medium.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-medium-1.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-medium-2.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-medium-3.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-medium-4.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-medium-5.ogg", volume = 0.5 } } }, small = { switch_vibration_data = { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-small.bnvib", gain = 0.25 }, variations = { { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-small.ogg", volume = 0.4 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-small-1.ogg", volume = 0.4 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-small-2.ogg", volume = 0.4 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-small-3.ogg", volume = 0.4 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-small-4.ogg", volume = 0.4 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-small-5.ogg", volume = 0.4 } } } }, collision_mask = { "ground-tile" }, decorative_removal_probability = 0.25, layer = 70, localised_name = { "", { "" }, " ", { "tile-name.refined-concrete" } }, map_color = { a = 0.5, b = 0.17199999999999998, g = 0.76799999999999997, r = 0.092999999999999989 }, mined_sound = { switch_vibration_data = { filename = "__core__/sound/deconstruct-bricks.bnvib", gain = 0.32000000000000002 }, variations = { { filename = "__base__/sound/deconstruct-bricks.ogg", volume = 0.8 } } }, name = "green-refined-concrete", needs_correction = false, order = "a[artificial]-e[color-concrete]-green", pollution_absorption_per_second = 0, scorch_mark_color = { a = 1, b = 0.24299999999999997, g = 0.30699999999999998, r = 0.373 }, tint = { b = 0.25, g = 0.82400000000000002, r = 0.173 }, transition_overlay_layer_offset = 2, transitions = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["acid-refined-concrete"].transitions ]=], transitions_between_transitions = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["acid-refined-concrete"].transitions_between_transitions ]=], trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.22000000000000002, initial_vertical_speed = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.041000000000000005, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.59770000000000003 }, { 0.5, 0.59770000000000003 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "concrete-stone-particle-small", probability = 1, repeat_count = 20, repeat_count_deviation = 5, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.05, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.125, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.042000000000000002, offset_deviation = { { -0.2, -0.2 }, { 0.3, 0.3 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "concrete-stone-particle-medium", probability = 1, repeat_count = 7, repeat_count_deviation = 2, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.125, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.042000000000000002, offset_deviation = { left_top = { -0.3984, -0.79690000000000003 }, right_bottom = { 0.3984, 0.79690000000000003 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "concrete-stone-lower-particle-medium", probability = 1, repeat_count = 7, repeat_count_deviation = 2, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.4, -0.4 }, { 0.4, 0.4 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "concrete-stone-particle-tiny", probability = 1, repeat_count = 15, repeat_count_deviation = 4, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.02, type = "create-particle" } }, type = "tile", variants = { inner_corner = { count = 16, hr_version = { count = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/hr-concrete-inner-corner.png", scale = 0.5 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete-inner-corner.png" }, inner_corner_mask = { count = 16, hr_version = { count = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/hr-concrete-inner-corner-mask.png", scale = 0.5 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete-inner-corner-mask.png" }, main = { { count = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete-dummy.png", size = 1 }, { count = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete-dummy.png", probability = 0.39000000000000004, size = 2 }, { count = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete-dummy.png", probability = 1, size = 4 } }, material_background = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/hr-refined-concrete.png", scale = 0.5 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/refined-concrete.png" }, o_transition = { count = 4, hr_version = { count = 4, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/hr-concrete-o.png", scale = 0.5 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete-o.png" }, o_transition_mask = { count = 4, hr_version = { count = 4, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/hr-concrete-o-mask.png", scale = 0.5 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete-o-mask.png" }, outer_corner = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/hr-concrete-outer-corner.png", scale = 0.5 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete-outer-corner.png" }, outer_corner_mask = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/hr-concrete-outer-corner-mask.png", scale = 0.5 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete-outer-corner-mask.png" }, side = { count = 16, hr_version = { count = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/hr-concrete-side.png", scale = 0.5 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete-side.png" }, side_mask = { count = 16, hr_version = { count = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/hr-concrete-side-mask.png", scale = 0.5 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete-side-mask.png" }, u_transition = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/hr-concrete-u.png", scale = 0.5 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete-u.png" }, u_transition_mask = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/hr-concrete-u-mask.png", scale = 0.5 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete-u-mask.png" } }, vehicle_friction_modifier = 0.8, walking_sound = { { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/refined-concrete-01.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/refined-concrete-02.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/refined-concrete-03.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/refined-concrete-04.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/refined-concrete-05.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/refined-concrete-06.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/refined-concrete-07.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/refined-concrete-08.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/refined-concrete-09.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/refined-concrete-10.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/refined-concrete-11.ogg", volume = 0.5 } }, walking_speed_modifier = 1.5 }, ["hazard-concrete-left"] = { build_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile.concrete.build_sound ]=], collision_mask = { "ground-tile" }, decorative_removal_probability = 0.25, layer = 62, map_color = { b = 39, g = 142, r = 176 }, minable = { mining_time = 0.1, result = "hazard-concrete" }, mined_sound = { switch_vibration_data = { filename = "__core__/sound/deconstruct-bricks.bnvib", gain = 0.32000000000000002 }, variations = { { filename = "__base__/sound/deconstruct-bricks.ogg", volume = 0.8 } } }, name = "hazard-concrete-left", needs_correction = false, next_direction = "hazard-concrete-right", order = "a[artificial]-b[tier-2]-b[hazard-concrete-left]", pollution_absorption_per_second = 0, scorch_mark_color = { a = 1, b = 0.24299999999999997, g = 0.30699999999999998, r = 0.373 }, transition_merges_with_tile = "concrete", trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.22000000000000002, initial_vertical_speed = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.041000000000000005, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.59770000000000003 }, { 0.5, 0.59770000000000003 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "hazard-concrete-left-stone-particle-small", probability = 1, repeat_count = 20, repeat_count_deviation = 5, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.05, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.125, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.042000000000000002, offset_deviation = { { -0.2, -0.2 }, { 0.3, 0.3 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "hazard-concrete-left-stone-particle-medium", probability = 1, repeat_count = 7, repeat_count_deviation = 2, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.125, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.042000000000000002, offset_deviation = { left_top = { -0.3984, -0.79690000000000003 }, right_bottom = { 0.3984, 0.79690000000000003 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "hazard-concrete-left-stone-lower-particle-medium", probability = 1, repeat_count = 7, repeat_count_deviation = 2, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.4, -0.4 }, { 0.4, 0.4 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "hazard-concrete-left-stone-particle-tiny", probability = 1, repeat_count = 15, repeat_count_deviation = 4, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.02, type = "create-particle" } }, type = "tile", variants = { inner_corner_mask = { count = 1, hr_version = { count = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/hr-hazard-concrete-inner-corner-mask.png", scale = 0.5 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/hazard-concrete-inner-corner-mask.png" }, main = { { count = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete-dummy.png", size = 1 }, { count = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete-dummy.png", probability = 0.39000000000000004, size = 2 }, { count = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete-dummy.png", probability = 1, size = 4 } }, material_background = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/hazard-concrete-left/hr-hazard-concrete-left.png", scale = 0.5 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/hazard-concrete-left/hazard-concrete-left.png" }, o_transition_mask = { count = 1, hr_version = { count = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/hr-hazard-concrete-o-mask.png", scale = 0.5 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/hazard-concrete-o-mask.png" }, outer_corner_mask = { count = 1, hr_version = { count = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/hr-hazard-concrete-outer-corner-mask.png", scale = 0.5 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/hazard-concrete-outer-corner-mask.png" }, side_mask = { count = 1, hr_version = { count = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/hr-hazard-concrete-side-mask.png", scale = 0.5 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/hazard-concrete-side-mask.png" }, u_transition_mask = { count = 1, hr_version = { count = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/hr-hazard-concrete-u-mask.png", scale = 0.5 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/hazard-concrete-u-mask.png" } }, vehicle_friction_modifier = 0.8, walking_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile.concrete.walking_sound ]=], walking_speed_modifier = 1.3999999999999999 }, ["hazard-concrete-right"] = { build_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile.concrete.build_sound ]=], collision_mask = { "ground-tile" }, decorative_removal_probability = 0.25, layer = 62, map_color = { b = 39, g = 142, r = 176 }, minable = { mining_time = 0.1, result = "hazard-concrete" }, mined_sound = { switch_vibration_data = { filename = "__core__/sound/deconstruct-bricks.bnvib", gain = 0.32000000000000002 }, variations = { { filename = "__base__/sound/deconstruct-bricks.ogg", volume = 0.8 } } }, name = "hazard-concrete-right", needs_correction = false, next_direction = "hazard-concrete-left", order = "a[artificial]-b[tier-2]-c[hazard-concrete-right]", pollution_absorption_per_second = 0, scorch_mark_color = { a = 1, b = 0.24299999999999997, g = 0.30699999999999998, r = 0.373 }, transition_merges_with_tile = "concrete", trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.22000000000000002, initial_vertical_speed = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.041000000000000005, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.59770000000000003 }, { 0.5, 0.59770000000000003 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "hazard-concrete-right-stone-particle-small", probability = 1, repeat_count = 20, repeat_count_deviation = 5, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.05, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.125, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.042000000000000002, offset_deviation = { { -0.2, -0.2 }, { 0.3, 0.3 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "hazard-concrete-right-stone-particle-medium", probability = 1, repeat_count = 7, repeat_count_deviation = 2, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.125, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.042000000000000002, offset_deviation = { left_top = { -0.3984, -0.79690000000000003 }, right_bottom = { 0.3984, 0.79690000000000003 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "hazard-concrete-right-stone-lower-particle-medium", probability = 1, repeat_count = 7, repeat_count_deviation = 2, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.4, -0.4 }, { 0.4, 0.4 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "hazard-concrete-right-stone-particle-tiny", probability = 1, repeat_count = 15, repeat_count_deviation = 4, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.02, type = "create-particle" } }, type = "tile", variants = { inner_corner_mask = { count = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/hazard-concrete-inner-corner-mask.png" }, main = { { count = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete-dummy.png", size = 1 }, { count = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete-dummy.png", probability = 0.39000000000000004, size = 2 }, { count = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete-dummy.png", probability = 1, size = 4 } }, material_background = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/hazard-concrete-right/hr-hazard-concrete-right.png", scale = 0.5 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/hazard-concrete-right/hazard-concrete-right.png" }, o_transition_mask = { count = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/hazard-concrete-o-mask.png" }, outer_corner_mask = { count = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/hazard-concrete-outer-corner-mask.png" }, side_mask = { count = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/hazard-concrete-side-mask.png" }, u_transition_mask = { count = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/hazard-concrete-u-mask.png" } }, vehicle_friction_modifier = 0.8, walking_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile.concrete.walking_sound ]=], walking_speed_modifier = 1.3999999999999999 }, ["lab-dark-1"] = { collision_mask = { "ground-tile" }, layer = 70, map_color = { b = 49, g = 49, r = 49 }, name = "lab-dark-1", order = "z[other]-b[lab]-a[lab-dark-1]", pollution_absorption_per_second = 0, scorch_mark_color = { a = 1, b = 0.24299999999999997, g = 0.30699999999999998, r = 0.373 }, trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.22000000000000002, initial_vertical_speed = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.041000000000000005, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.59770000000000003 }, { 0.5, 0.59770000000000003 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "lab-tile-1-stone-particle-small", probability = 1, repeat_count = 20, repeat_count_deviation = 5, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.05, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.125, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.042000000000000002, offset_deviation = { { -0.2, -0.2 }, { 0.3, 0.3 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "lab-tile-1-stone-particle-medium", probability = 1, repeat_count = 7, repeat_count_deviation = 2, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.125, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.042000000000000002, offset_deviation = { left_top = { -0.3984, -0.79690000000000003 }, right_bottom = { 0.3984, 0.79690000000000003 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "lab-tile-1-stone-lower-particle-medium", probability = 1, repeat_count = 7, repeat_count_deviation = 2, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.4, -0.4 }, { 0.4, 0.4 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "lab-tile-1-stone-particle-tiny", probability = 1, repeat_count = 15, repeat_count_deviation = 4, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.02, type = "create-particle" } }, type = "tile", variants = { empty_transitions = true, main = { { count = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/lab-tiles/lab-dark-1.png", size = 1 } } }, walking_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile.concrete.walking_sound ]=] }, ["lab-dark-2"] = { collision_mask = { "ground-tile" }, layer = 70, map_color = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, name = "lab-dark-2", order = "z[other]-b[lab]-b[lab-dark-2]", pollution_absorption_per_second = 0, scorch_mark_color = { a = 1, b = 0.24299999999999997, g = 0.30699999999999998, r = 0.373 }, trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.22000000000000002, initial_vertical_speed = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.041000000000000005, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.59770000000000003 }, { 0.5, 0.59770000000000003 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "lab-tile-2-stone-particle-small", probability = 1, repeat_count = 20, repeat_count_deviation = 5, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.05, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.125, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.042000000000000002, offset_deviation = { { -0.2, -0.2 }, { 0.3, 0.3 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "lab-tile-2-stone-particle-medium", probability = 1, repeat_count = 7, repeat_count_deviation = 2, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.125, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.042000000000000002, offset_deviation = { left_top = { -0.3984, -0.79690000000000003 }, right_bottom = { 0.3984, 0.79690000000000003 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "lab-tile-2-stone-lower-particle-medium", probability = 1, repeat_count = 7, repeat_count_deviation = 2, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.4, -0.4 }, { 0.4, 0.4 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "lab-tile-2-stone-particle-tiny", probability = 1, repeat_count = 15, repeat_count_deviation = 4, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.02, type = "create-particle" } }, type = "tile", variants = { empty_transitions = true, main = { { count = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/lab-tiles/lab-dark-2.png", size = 1 } } }, walking_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile.concrete.walking_sound ]=] }, ["lab-white"] = { collision_mask = { "ground-tile" }, layer = 70, map_color = { b = 1, g = 1, r = 1 }, name = "lab-white", order = "z[other]-b[lab]-c[lab-white]", pollution_absorption_per_second = 0, scorch_mark_color = { a = 1, b = 1, g = 1, r = 1 }, trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.22000000000000002, initial_vertical_speed = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.041000000000000005, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.59770000000000003 }, { 0.5, 0.59770000000000003 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "lab-tile-white-stone-particle-small", probability = 1, repeat_count = 20, repeat_count_deviation = 5, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.05, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.125, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.042000000000000002, offset_deviation = { { -0.2, -0.2 }, { 0.3, 0.3 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "lab-tile-white-stone-particle-medium", probability = 1, repeat_count = 7, repeat_count_deviation = 2, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.125, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.042000000000000002, offset_deviation = { left_top = { -0.3984, -0.79690000000000003 }, right_bottom = { 0.3984, 0.79690000000000003 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "lab-tile-white-stone-lower-particle-medium", probability = 1, repeat_count = 7, repeat_count_deviation = 2, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.4, -0.4 }, { 0.4, 0.4 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "lab-tile-white-stone-particle-tiny", probability = 1, repeat_count = 15, repeat_count_deviation = 4, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.02, type = "create-particle" } }, type = "tile", variants = { empty_transitions = true, main = { { count = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/lab-tiles/lab-white.png", size = 1 } } }, walking_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile.concrete.walking_sound ]=] }, landfill = { build_sound = { large = { switch_vibration_data = { filename = "__core__/sound/landfill-large.bnvib", gain = 0.25 }, variations = { { filename = "__core__/sound/landfill-large.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/landfill-large-1.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/landfill-large-2.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/landfill-large-3.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/landfill-large-4.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/landfill-large-5.ogg", volume = 0.5 } } }, medium = { switch_vibration_data = { filename = "__core__/sound/landfill-medium.bnvib", gain = 0.25 }, variations = { { filename = "__core__/sound/landfill-medium.ogg", volume = 0.8 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/landfill-medium-1.ogg", volume = 0.8 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/landfill-medium-2.ogg", volume = 0.8 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/landfill-medium-3.ogg", volume = 0.8 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/landfill-medium-4.ogg", volume = 0.8 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/landfill-medium-5.ogg", volume = 0.8 } } }, small = { switch_vibration_data = { filename = "__core__/sound/landfill-small.bnvib", gain = 0.25 }, variations = { { filename = "__core__/sound/landfill-small.ogg" }, { filename = "__core__/sound/landfill-small-1.ogg" }, { filename = "__core__/sound/landfill-small-2.ogg" }, { filename = "__core__/sound/landfill-small-3.ogg" }, { filename = "__core__/sound/landfill-small-4.ogg" }, { filename = "__core__/sound/landfill-small-5.ogg" } } } }, collision_mask = { "ground-tile" }, layer = 57, map_color = { b = 26, g = 39, r = 57 }, name = "landfill", order = "a[artificial]-d[utility]-a[landfill]", pollution_absorption_per_second = 0, scorch_mark_color = { a = 1, b = 0.177, g = 0.24199999999999999, r = 0.329 }, transitions = { { inner_corner = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/hr-landfill.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 0 }, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/landfill.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 0 }, inner_corner_effect_map = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/hr-water-dirt-mask.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 0 }, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/water-dirt-mask.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 0 }, inner_corner_mask = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/hr-landfill.png", scale = 0.5, x = 2176, y = 0 }, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/landfill.png", x = 1088, y = 0 }, o_transition = { count = 4, hr_version = { count = 4, line_length = 4, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/hr-landfill.png", scale = 0.5, tall = false, x = 0, y = 2304 }, line_length = 4, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/landfill.png", tall = false, x = 0, y = 1152 }, o_transition_effect_map = { count = 1, hr_version = { count = 1, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/hr-water-dirt-mask.png", scale = 0.5, tall = false, x = 0, y = 2304 }, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/water-dirt-mask.png", tall = false, x = 0, y = 1152 }, o_transition_mask = { count = 4, hr_version = { count = 4, line_length = 4, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/hr-landfill.png", scale = 0.5, x = 2176, y = 2304 }, line_length = 4, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/landfill.png", x = 1088, y = 1152 }, outer_corner = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/hr-landfill.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 576 }, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/landfill.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 288 }, outer_corner_effect_map = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/hr-water-dirt-mask.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 576 }, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/water-dirt-mask.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 288 }, outer_corner_mask = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/hr-landfill.png", scale = 0.5, x = 2176, y = 576 }, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/landfill.png", x = 1088, y = 288 }, side = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/hr-landfill.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 1152 }, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/landfill.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 576 }, side_effect_map = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/hr-water-dirt-mask.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 1152 }, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/water-dirt-mask.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 576 }, side_mask = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/hr-landfill.png", scale = 0.5, x = 2176, y = 1152 }, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/landfill.png", x = 1088, y = 576 }, to_tiles = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["acid-refined-concrete"].transitions[1].to_tiles ]=], transition_group = 1, u_transition = { count = 2, hr_version = { count = 2, line_length = 2, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/hr-landfill.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 1728 }, line_length = 2, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/landfill.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 864 }, u_transition_effect_map = { count = 2, hr_version = { count = 2, line_length = 2, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/hr-water-dirt-mask.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 1728 }, line_length = 2, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/water-dirt-mask.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 864 }, u_transition_mask = { count = 2, hr_version = { count = 2, line_length = 2, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/hr-landfill.png", scale = 0.5, x = 2176, y = 1728 }, line_length = 2, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/landfill.png", x = 1088, y = 864 } }, 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["dirt-1"].transitions[2] ]=] }, transitions_between_transitions = { { inner_corner = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/hr-landfill-transition.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 0 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/landfill-transition.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 0 }, inner_corner_effect_map = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/hr-water-dirt-to-land-mask.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 0 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/water-dirt-to-land-mask.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 0 }, inner_corner_mask = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/hr-landfill-transition.png", scale = 0.5, x = 2176, y = 0 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/landfill-transition.png", x = 1088, y = 0 }, outer_corner = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/hr-landfill-transition.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 576 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/landfill-transition.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 288 }, outer_corner_effect_map = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/hr-water-dirt-to-land-mask.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 576 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/water-dirt-to-land-mask.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 288 }, outer_corner_mask = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/hr-landfill-transition.png", scale = 0.5, x = 2176, y = 576 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/landfill-transition.png", x = 1088, y = 288 }, side = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/hr-landfill-transition.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 1152 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/landfill-transition.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 576 }, side_effect_map = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/hr-water-dirt-to-land-mask.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 1152 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/water-dirt-to-land-mask.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 576 }, side_mask = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/hr-landfill-transition.png", scale = 0.5, x = 2176, y = 1152 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/landfill-transition.png", x = 1088, y = 576 }, transition_group = 0, transition_group1 = 0, transition_group2 = 1, u_transition = { count = 1, hr_version = { count = 1, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/hr-landfill-transition.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 1728 }, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/landfill-transition.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 864 }, u_transition_effect_map = { count = 1, hr_version = { count = 1, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/hr-water-dirt-to-land-mask.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 1728 }, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/water-dirt-to-land-mask.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 864 }, u_transition_mask = { count = 1, hr_version = { count = 1, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/hr-landfill-transition.png", scale = 0.5, x = 2176, y = 1728 }, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/landfill-transition.png", x = 1088, y = 864 }, water_patch = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["dirt-1"].transitions_between_transitions[1].water_patch ]=] }, 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["dirt-1"].transitions_between_transitions[2] ]=], { background_layer_group = "zero", background_layer_offset = 1, inner_corner = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-landfill-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 0 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/landfill-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 0 }, inner_corner_background = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-landfill-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 1088, y = 0 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/landfill-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", tall = true, x = 544, y = 0 }, inner_corner_effect_map = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/hr-water-dirt-to-out-of-map-mask.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 0 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/water-dirt-to-out-of-map-mask.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 0 }, inner_corner_mask = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-landfill-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", scale = 0.5, x = 2176, y = 0 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/landfill-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", x = 1088, y = 0 }, offset_background_layer_by_tile_layer = true, outer_corner = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-landfill-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 576 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/landfill-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 288 }, outer_corner_background = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-landfill-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 1088, y = 576 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/landfill-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", tall = true, x = 544, y = 288 }, outer_corner_effect_map = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/hr-water-dirt-to-out-of-map-mask.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 576 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/water-dirt-to-out-of-map-mask.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 288 }, outer_corner_mask = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-landfill-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", scale = 0.5, x = 2176, y = 576 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/landfill-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", x = 1088, y = 288 }, side = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-landfill-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 1152 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/landfill-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 576 }, side_background = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-landfill-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 1088, y = 1152 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/landfill-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", tall = true, x = 544, y = 576 }, side_effect_map = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/hr-water-dirt-to-out-of-map-mask.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 1152 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/water-dirt-to-out-of-map-mask.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 576 }, side_mask = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-landfill-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", scale = 0.5, x = 2176, y = 1152 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/landfill-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", x = 1088, y = 576 }, transition_group = 1, transition_group1 = 1, transition_group2 = 2, u_transition = { count = 1, hr_version = { count = 1, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-landfill-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 1728 }, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/landfill-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 864 }, u_transition_background = { count = 1, hr_version = { count = 1, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-landfill-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 1088, y = 1728 }, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/landfill-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", tall = true, x = 544, y = 864 }, u_transition_mask = { count = 1, hr_version = { count = 1, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-landfill-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", scale = 0.5, x = 2176, y = 1728 }, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/landfill-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", x = 1088, y = 864 } } }, trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.22000000000000002, initial_vertical_speed = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.041000000000000005, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.59770000000000003 }, { 0.5, 0.59770000000000003 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "landfill-stone-particle-small", probability = 1, repeat_count = 20, repeat_count_deviation = 5, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.05, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.125, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.042000000000000002, offset_deviation = { { -0.2, -0.2 }, { 0.3, 0.3 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "landfill-stone-particle-medium", probability = 1, repeat_count = 7, repeat_count_deviation = 2, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.125, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.042000000000000002, offset_deviation = { left_top = { -0.3984, -0.79690000000000003 }, right_bottom = { 0.3984, 0.79690000000000003 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "landfill-stone-lower-particle-medium", probability = 1, repeat_count = 7, repeat_count_deviation = 2, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.4, -0.4 }, { 0.4, 0.4 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "landfill-stone-particle-tiny", probability = 1, repeat_count = 15, repeat_count_deviation = 4, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.02, type = "create-particle" } }, type = "tile", variants = { inner_corner_mask = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/hr-transition-1.png", scale = 0.5, x = 0 }, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/transition-1.png", x = 0 }, main = { { count = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete-dummy.png", size = 1 }, { count = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete-dummy.png", probability = 0.39000000000000004, size = 2 }, { count = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete-dummy.png", probability = 1, size = 4 } }, material_background = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/hr-landfill.png", scale = 0.5 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/landfill.png" }, o_transition_mask = { count = 1, hr_version = { count = 1, line_length = 2, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/hr-transition-1.png", scale = 0.5, x = 2304 }, line_length = 2, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/transition-1.png", x = 1152 }, outer_corner_mask = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/hr-transition-1.png", scale = 0.5, x = 576 }, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/transition-1.png", x = 288 }, side_mask = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/hr-transition-1.png", scale = 0.5, x = 1152 }, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/transition-1.png", x = 576 }, u_transition_mask = { count = 1, hr_version = { count = 1, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/hr-transition-1.png", scale = 0.5, x = 1728 }, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/transition-1.png", x = 864 } }, walking_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["dirt-4"].walking_sound ]=] }, ["nuclear-ground"] = { collision_mask = { "ground-tile" }, layer = 33, map_color = { b = 35, g = 40, r = 48 }, name = "nuclear-ground", order = "d[destruction]-a[nuclear]-a[nuclear-ground]", pollution_absorption_per_second = 2.5e-06, transitions = { { inner_corner = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/hr-nuclear-ground.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 0 }, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/nuclear-ground.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 0 }, inner_corner_effect_map = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/hr-water-dirt-mask.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 0 }, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/water-dirt-mask.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 0 }, inner_corner_mask = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/hr-nuclear-ground.png", scale = 0.5, x = 2176, y = 0 }, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/nuclear-ground.png", x = 1088, y = 0 }, o_transition = { count = 4, hr_version = { count = 4, line_length = 4, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/hr-nuclear-ground.png", scale = 0.5, tall = false, x = 0, y = 2304 }, line_length = 4, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/nuclear-ground.png", tall = false, x = 0, y = 1152 }, o_transition_effect_map = { count = 1, hr_version = { count = 1, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/hr-water-dirt-mask.png", scale = 0.5, tall = false, x = 0, y = 2304 }, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/water-dirt-mask.png", tall = false, x = 0, y = 1152 }, o_transition_mask = { count = 4, hr_version = { count = 4, line_length = 4, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/hr-nuclear-ground.png", scale = 0.5, x = 2176, y = 2304 }, line_length = 4, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/nuclear-ground.png", x = 1088, y = 1152 }, outer_corner = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/hr-nuclear-ground.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 576 }, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/nuclear-ground.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 288 }, outer_corner_effect_map = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/hr-water-dirt-mask.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 576 }, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/water-dirt-mask.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 288 }, outer_corner_mask = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/hr-nuclear-ground.png", scale = 0.5, x = 2176, y = 576 }, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/nuclear-ground.png", x = 1088, y = 288 }, side = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/hr-nuclear-ground.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 1152 }, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/nuclear-ground.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 576 }, side_effect_map = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/hr-water-dirt-mask.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 1152 }, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/water-dirt-mask.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 576 }, side_mask = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/hr-nuclear-ground.png", scale = 0.5, x = 2176, y = 1152 }, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/nuclear-ground.png", x = 1088, y = 576 }, to_tiles = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["acid-refined-concrete"].transitions[1].to_tiles ]=], transition_group = 1, u_transition = { count = 2, hr_version = { count = 2, line_length = 2, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/hr-nuclear-ground.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 1728 }, line_length = 2, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/nuclear-ground.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 864 }, u_transition_effect_map = { count = 2, hr_version = { count = 2, line_length = 2, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/hr-water-dirt-mask.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 1728 }, line_length = 2, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/water-dirt-mask.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 864 }, u_transition_mask = { count = 2, hr_version = { count = 2, line_length = 2, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/hr-nuclear-ground.png", scale = 0.5, x = 2176, y = 1728 }, line_length = 2, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/nuclear-ground.png", x = 1088, y = 864 } }, 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["dirt-1"].transitions[2] ]=] }, transitions_between_transitions = { { inner_corner = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/hr-nuclear-ground-transition.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 0 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/nuclear-ground-transition.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 0 }, inner_corner_effect_map = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/hr-water-dirt-to-land-mask.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 0 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/water-dirt-to-land-mask.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 0 }, inner_corner_mask = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/hr-nuclear-ground-transition.png", scale = 0.5, x = 2176, y = 0 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/nuclear-ground-transition.png", x = 1088, y = 0 }, outer_corner = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/hr-nuclear-ground-transition.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 576 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/nuclear-ground-transition.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 288 }, outer_corner_effect_map = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/hr-water-dirt-to-land-mask.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 576 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/water-dirt-to-land-mask.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 288 }, outer_corner_mask = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/hr-nuclear-ground-transition.png", scale = 0.5, x = 2176, y = 576 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/nuclear-ground-transition.png", x = 1088, y = 288 }, side = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/hr-nuclear-ground-transition.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 1152 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/nuclear-ground-transition.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 576 }, side_effect_map = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/hr-water-dirt-to-land-mask.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 1152 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/water-dirt-to-land-mask.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 576 }, side_mask = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/hr-nuclear-ground-transition.png", scale = 0.5, x = 2176, y = 1152 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/nuclear-ground-transition.png", x = 1088, y = 576 }, transition_group = 0, transition_group1 = 0, transition_group2 = 1, u_transition = { count = 1, hr_version = { count = 1, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/hr-nuclear-ground-transition.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 1728 }, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/nuclear-ground-transition.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 864 }, u_transition_effect_map = { count = 1, hr_version = { count = 1, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/hr-water-dirt-to-land-mask.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 1728 }, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/water-dirt-to-land-mask.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 864 }, u_transition_mask = { count = 1, hr_version = { count = 1, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/hr-nuclear-ground-transition.png", scale = 0.5, x = 2176, y = 1728 }, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/nuclear-ground-transition.png", x = 1088, y = 864 }, water_patch = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["dirt-1"].transitions_between_transitions[1].water_patch ]=] }, 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["dirt-1"].transitions_between_transitions[2] ]=], { background_layer_group = "zero", background_layer_offset = 1, inner_corner = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-nuclear-ground-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 0 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/nuclear-ground-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 0 }, inner_corner_background = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-nuclear-ground-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 1088, y = 0 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/nuclear-ground-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", tall = true, x = 544, y = 0 }, inner_corner_effect_map = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/hr-water-dirt-to-out-of-map-mask.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 0 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/water-dirt-to-out-of-map-mask.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 0 }, inner_corner_mask = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-nuclear-ground-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", scale = 0.5, x = 2176, y = 0 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/nuclear-ground-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", x = 1088, y = 0 }, offset_background_layer_by_tile_layer = true, outer_corner = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-nuclear-ground-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 576 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/nuclear-ground-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 288 }, outer_corner_background = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-nuclear-ground-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 1088, y = 576 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/nuclear-ground-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", tall = true, x = 544, y = 288 }, outer_corner_effect_map = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/hr-water-dirt-to-out-of-map-mask.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 576 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/water-dirt-to-out-of-map-mask.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 288 }, outer_corner_mask = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-nuclear-ground-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", scale = 0.5, x = 2176, y = 576 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/nuclear-ground-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", x = 1088, y = 288 }, side = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-nuclear-ground-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 1152 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/nuclear-ground-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 576 }, side_background = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-nuclear-ground-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 1088, y = 1152 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/nuclear-ground-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", tall = true, x = 544, y = 576 }, side_effect_map = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/hr-water-dirt-to-out-of-map-mask.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 1152 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/water-dirt-to-out-of-map-mask.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 576 }, side_mask = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-nuclear-ground-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", scale = 0.5, x = 2176, y = 1152 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/nuclear-ground-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", x = 1088, y = 576 }, transition_group = 1, transition_group1 = 1, transition_group2 = 2, u_transition = { count = 1, hr_version = { count = 1, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-nuclear-ground-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 1728 }, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/nuclear-ground-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 864 }, u_transition_background = { count = 1, hr_version = { count = 1, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-nuclear-ground-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 1088, y = 1728 }, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/nuclear-ground-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", tall = true, x = 544, y = 864 }, u_transition_mask = { count = 1, hr_version = { count = 1, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-nuclear-ground-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", scale = 0.5, x = 2176, y = 1728 }, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/nuclear-ground-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", x = 1088, y = 864 } } }, type = "tile", variants = { inner_corner_mask = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/hr-transition-1.png", scale = 0.5, x = 0 }, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/transition-1.png", x = 0 }, main = { { count = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete-dummy.png", size = 1 }, { count = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete-dummy.png", probability = 0.39000000000000004, size = 2 }, { count = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete-dummy.png", probability = 1, size = 4 } }, material_background = { count = 4, hr_version = { count = 4, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/hr-nuclear-ground.png", scale = 0.5 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/nuclear-ground.png" }, o_transition_mask = { count = 1, hr_version = { count = 1, line_length = 2, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/hr-transition-1.png", scale = 0.5, x = 2304 }, line_length = 2, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/transition-1.png", x = 1152 }, outer_corner_mask = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/hr-transition-1.png", scale = 0.5, x = 576 }, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/transition-1.png", x = 288 }, side_mask = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/hr-transition-1.png", scale = 0.5, x = 1152 }, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/transition-1.png", x = 576 }, u_transition_mask = { count = 1, hr_version = { count = 1, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/hr-transition-1.png", scale = 0.5, x = 1728 }, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/transition-1.png", x = 864 } }, vehicle_friction_modifier = 1.6000000000000001, walking_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["dirt-1"].walking_sound ]=] }, ["orange-refined-concrete"] = { build_sound = { large = { switch_vibration_data = { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-large.bnvib", gain = 0.15 }, variations = { { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-large.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-large-1.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-large-2.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-large-3.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-large-4.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-large-5.ogg", volume = 0.5 } } }, medium = { switch_vibration_data = { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-medium.bnvib", gain = 0.15 }, variations = { { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-medium.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-medium-1.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-medium-2.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-medium-3.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-medium-4.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-medium-5.ogg", volume = 0.5 } } }, small = { switch_vibration_data = { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-small.bnvib", gain = 0.25 }, variations = { { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-small.ogg", volume = 0.4 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-small-1.ogg", volume = 0.4 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-small-2.ogg", volume = 0.4 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-small-3.ogg", volume = 0.4 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-small-4.ogg", volume = 0.4 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-small-5.ogg", volume = 0.4 } } } }, collision_mask = { "ground-tile" }, decorative_removal_probability = 0.25, layer = 76, localised_name = { "", { "" }, " ", { "tile-name.refined-concrete" } }, map_color = { a = 0.5, b = 0.13, g = 0.5, r = 0.86899999999999995 }, mined_sound = { switch_vibration_data = { filename = "__core__/sound/deconstruct-bricks.bnvib", gain = 0.32000000000000002 }, variations = { { filename = "__base__/sound/deconstruct-bricks.ogg", volume = 0.8 } } }, name = "orange-refined-concrete", needs_correction = false, order = "a[artificial]-e[color-concrete]-orange", pollution_absorption_per_second = 0, scorch_mark_color = { a = 1, b = 0.24299999999999997, g = 0.30699999999999998, r = 0.373 }, tint = { b = 0.25899999999999999, g = 0.62999999999999998, r = 1 }, transition_overlay_layer_offset = 2, transitions = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["acid-refined-concrete"].transitions ]=], transitions_between_transitions = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["acid-refined-concrete"].transitions_between_transitions ]=], trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.22000000000000002, initial_vertical_speed = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.041000000000000005, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.59770000000000003 }, { 0.5, 0.59770000000000003 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "concrete-stone-particle-small", probability = 1, repeat_count = 20, repeat_count_deviation = 5, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.05, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.125, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.042000000000000002, offset_deviation = { { -0.2, -0.2 }, { 0.3, 0.3 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "concrete-stone-particle-medium", probability = 1, repeat_count = 7, repeat_count_deviation = 2, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.125, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.042000000000000002, offset_deviation = { left_top = { -0.3984, -0.79690000000000003 }, right_bottom = { 0.3984, 0.79690000000000003 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "concrete-stone-lower-particle-medium", probability = 1, repeat_count = 7, repeat_count_deviation = 2, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.4, -0.4 }, { 0.4, 0.4 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "concrete-stone-particle-tiny", probability = 1, repeat_count = 15, repeat_count_deviation = 4, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.02, type = "create-particle" } }, type = "tile", variants = { inner_corner = { count = 16, hr_version = { count = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/hr-concrete-inner-corner.png", scale = 0.5 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete-inner-corner.png" }, inner_corner_mask = { count = 16, hr_version = { count = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/hr-concrete-inner-corner-mask.png", scale = 0.5 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete-inner-corner-mask.png" }, main = { { count = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete-dummy.png", size = 1 }, { count = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete-dummy.png", probability = 0.39000000000000004, size = 2 }, { count = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete-dummy.png", probability = 1, size = 4 } }, material_background = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/hr-refined-concrete.png", scale = 0.5 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/refined-concrete.png" }, o_transition = { count = 4, hr_version = { count = 4, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/hr-concrete-o.png", scale = 0.5 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete-o.png" }, o_transition_mask = { count = 4, hr_version = { count = 4, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/hr-concrete-o-mask.png", scale = 0.5 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete-o-mask.png" }, outer_corner = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/hr-concrete-outer-corner.png", scale = 0.5 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete-outer-corner.png" }, outer_corner_mask = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/hr-concrete-outer-corner-mask.png", scale = 0.5 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete-outer-corner-mask.png" }, side = { count = 16, hr_version = { count = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/hr-concrete-side.png", scale = 0.5 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete-side.png" }, side_mask = { count = 16, hr_version = { count = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/hr-concrete-side-mask.png", scale = 0.5 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete-side-mask.png" }, u_transition = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/hr-concrete-u.png", scale = 0.5 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete-u.png" }, u_transition_mask = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/hr-concrete-u-mask.png", scale = 0.5 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete-u-mask.png" } }, vehicle_friction_modifier = 0.8, walking_sound = { { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/refined-concrete-01.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/refined-concrete-02.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/refined-concrete-03.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/refined-concrete-04.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/refined-concrete-05.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/refined-concrete-06.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/refined-concrete-07.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/refined-concrete-08.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/refined-concrete-09.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/refined-concrete-10.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/refined-concrete-11.ogg", volume = 0.5 } }, walking_speed_modifier = 1.5 }, ["out-of-map"] = { collision_mask = { "ground-tile", "water-tile", "resource-layer", "floor-layer", "item-layer", "object-layer", "player-layer", "doodad-layer" }, layer = 0, layer_group = "zero", map_color = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, name = "out-of-map", order = "z[other]-a[out-of-map]", pollution_absorption_per_second = 1e-05, type = "tile", variants = { empty_transitions = true, main = { { count = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map.png", size = 1 } } } }, ["pink-refined-concrete"] = { build_sound = { large = { switch_vibration_data = { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-large.bnvib", gain = 0.15 }, variations = { { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-large.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-large-1.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-large-2.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-large-3.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-large-4.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-large-5.ogg", volume = 0.5 } } }, medium = { switch_vibration_data = { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-medium.bnvib", gain = 0.15 }, variations = { { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-medium.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-medium-1.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-medium-2.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-medium-3.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-medium-4.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-medium-5.ogg", volume = 0.5 } } }, small = { switch_vibration_data = { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-small.bnvib", gain = 0.25 }, variations = { { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-small.ogg", volume = 0.4 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-small-1.ogg", volume = 0.4 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-small-2.ogg", volume = 0.4 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-small-3.ogg", volume = 0.4 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-small-4.ogg", volume = 0.4 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-small-5.ogg", volume = 0.4 } } } }, collision_mask = { "ground-tile" }, decorative_removal_probability = 0.25, layer = 82, localised_name = { "", { "" }, " ", { "tile-name.refined-concrete" } }, map_color = { a = 0.5, b = 0.51400000000000006, g = 0.38600000000000003, r = 0.92900000000000009 }, mined_sound = { switch_vibration_data = { filename = "__core__/sound/deconstruct-bricks.bnvib", gain = 0.32000000000000002 }, variations = { { filename = "__base__/sound/deconstruct-bricks.ogg", volume = 0.8 } } }, name = "pink-refined-concrete", needs_correction = false, order = "a[artificial]-e[color-concrete]-pink", pollution_absorption_per_second = 0, scorch_mark_color = { a = 1, b = 0.24299999999999997, g = 0.30699999999999998, r = 0.373 }, tint = { b = 0.83300000000000001, g = 0.71999999999999993, r = 1 }, transition_overlay_layer_offset = 2, transitions = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["acid-refined-concrete"].transitions ]=], transitions_between_transitions = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["acid-refined-concrete"].transitions_between_transitions ]=], trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.22000000000000002, initial_vertical_speed = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.041000000000000005, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.59770000000000003 }, { 0.5, 0.59770000000000003 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "concrete-stone-particle-small", probability = 1, repeat_count = 20, repeat_count_deviation = 5, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.05, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.125, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.042000000000000002, offset_deviation = { { -0.2, -0.2 }, { 0.3, 0.3 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "concrete-stone-particle-medium", probability = 1, repeat_count = 7, repeat_count_deviation = 2, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.125, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.042000000000000002, offset_deviation = { left_top = { -0.3984, -0.79690000000000003 }, right_bottom = { 0.3984, 0.79690000000000003 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "concrete-stone-lower-particle-medium", probability = 1, repeat_count = 7, repeat_count_deviation = 2, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.4, -0.4 }, { 0.4, 0.4 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "concrete-stone-particle-tiny", probability = 1, repeat_count = 15, repeat_count_deviation = 4, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.02, type = "create-particle" } }, type = "tile", variants = { inner_corner = { count = 16, hr_version = { count = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/hr-concrete-inner-corner.png", scale = 0.5 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete-inner-corner.png" }, inner_corner_mask = { count = 16, hr_version = { count = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/hr-concrete-inner-corner-mask.png", scale = 0.5 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete-inner-corner-mask.png" }, main = { { count = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete-dummy.png", size = 1 }, { count = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete-dummy.png", probability = 0.39000000000000004, size = 2 }, { count = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete-dummy.png", probability = 1, size = 4 } }, material_background = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/hr-refined-concrete.png", scale = 0.5 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/refined-concrete.png" }, o_transition = { count = 4, hr_version = { count = 4, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/hr-concrete-o.png", scale = 0.5 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete-o.png" }, o_transition_mask = { count = 4, hr_version = { count = 4, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/hr-concrete-o-mask.png", scale = 0.5 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete-o-mask.png" }, outer_corner = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/hr-concrete-outer-corner.png", scale = 0.5 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete-outer-corner.png" }, outer_corner_mask = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/hr-concrete-outer-corner-mask.png", scale = 0.5 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete-outer-corner-mask.png" }, side = { count = 16, hr_version = { count = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/hr-concrete-side.png", scale = 0.5 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete-side.png" }, side_mask = { count = 16, hr_version = { count = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/hr-concrete-side-mask.png", scale = 0.5 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete-side-mask.png" }, u_transition = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/hr-concrete-u.png", scale = 0.5 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete-u.png" }, u_transition_mask = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/hr-concrete-u-mask.png", scale = 0.5 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete-u-mask.png" } }, vehicle_friction_modifier = 0.8, walking_sound = { { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/refined-concrete-01.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/refined-concrete-02.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/refined-concrete-03.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/refined-concrete-04.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/refined-concrete-05.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/refined-concrete-06.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/refined-concrete-07.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/refined-concrete-08.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/refined-concrete-09.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/refined-concrete-10.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/refined-concrete-11.ogg", volume = 0.5 } }, walking_speed_modifier = 1.5 }, ["purple-refined-concrete"] = { build_sound = { large = { switch_vibration_data = { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-large.bnvib", gain = 0.15 }, variations = { { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-large.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-large-1.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-large-2.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-large-3.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-large-4.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-large-5.ogg", volume = 0.5 } } }, medium = { switch_vibration_data = { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-medium.bnvib", gain = 0.15 }, variations = { { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-medium.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-medium-1.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-medium-2.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-medium-3.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-medium-4.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-medium-5.ogg", volume = 0.5 } } }, small = { switch_vibration_data = { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-small.bnvib", gain = 0.25 }, variations = { { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-small.ogg", volume = 0.4 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-small-1.ogg", volume = 0.4 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-small-2.ogg", volume = 0.4 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-small-3.ogg", volume = 0.4 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-small-4.ogg", volume = 0.4 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-small-5.ogg", volume = 0.4 } } } }, collision_mask = { "ground-tile" }, decorative_removal_probability = 0.25, layer = 85, localised_name = { "", { "color.purple" }, " ", { "tile-name.refined-concrete" } }, map_color = { a = 0.5, b = 0.65899999999999999, g = 0.11100000000000001, r = 0.48499999999999996 }, mined_sound = { switch_vibration_data = { filename = "__core__/sound/deconstruct-bricks.bnvib", gain = 0.32000000000000002 }, variations = { { filename = "__base__/sound/deconstruct-bricks.ogg", volume = 0.8 } } }, name = "purple-refined-concrete", needs_correction = false, order = "a[artificial]-e[color-concrete]-purple", pollution_absorption_per_second = 0, scorch_mark_color = { a = 1, b = 0.24299999999999997, g = 0.30699999999999998, r = 0.373 }, tint = { b = 0.99800000000000004, g = 0.44000000000000004, r = 0.82099999999999991 }, transition_overlay_layer_offset = 2, transitions = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["acid-refined-concrete"].transitions ]=], transitions_between_transitions = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["acid-refined-concrete"].transitions_between_transitions ]=], trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.22000000000000002, initial_vertical_speed = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.041000000000000005, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.59770000000000003 }, { 0.5, 0.59770000000000003 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "concrete-stone-particle-small", probability = 1, repeat_count = 20, repeat_count_deviation = 5, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.05, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.125, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.042000000000000002, offset_deviation = { { -0.2, -0.2 }, { 0.3, 0.3 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "concrete-stone-particle-medium", probability = 1, repeat_count = 7, repeat_count_deviation = 2, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.125, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.042000000000000002, offset_deviation = { left_top = { -0.3984, -0.79690000000000003 }, right_bottom = { 0.3984, 0.79690000000000003 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "concrete-stone-lower-particle-medium", probability = 1, repeat_count = 7, repeat_count_deviation = 2, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.4, -0.4 }, { 0.4, 0.4 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "concrete-stone-particle-tiny", probability = 1, repeat_count = 15, repeat_count_deviation = 4, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.02, type = "create-particle" } }, type = "tile", variants = { inner_corner = { count = 16, hr_version = { count = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/hr-concrete-inner-corner.png", scale = 0.5 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete-inner-corner.png" }, inner_corner_mask = { count = 16, hr_version = { count = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/hr-concrete-inner-corner-mask.png", scale = 0.5 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete-inner-corner-mask.png" }, main = { { count = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete-dummy.png", size = 1 }, { count = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete-dummy.png", probability = 0.39000000000000004, size = 2 }, { count = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete-dummy.png", probability = 1, size = 4 } }, material_background = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/hr-refined-concrete.png", scale = 0.5 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/refined-concrete.png" }, o_transition = { count = 4, hr_version = { count = 4, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/hr-concrete-o.png", scale = 0.5 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete-o.png" }, o_transition_mask = { count = 4, hr_version = { count = 4, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/hr-concrete-o-mask.png", scale = 0.5 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete-o-mask.png" }, outer_corner = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/hr-concrete-outer-corner.png", scale = 0.5 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete-outer-corner.png" }, outer_corner_mask = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/hr-concrete-outer-corner-mask.png", scale = 0.5 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete-outer-corner-mask.png" }, side = { count = 16, hr_version = { count = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/hr-concrete-side.png", scale = 0.5 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete-side.png" }, side_mask = { count = 16, hr_version = { count = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/hr-concrete-side-mask.png", scale = 0.5 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete-side-mask.png" }, u_transition = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/hr-concrete-u.png", scale = 0.5 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete-u.png" }, u_transition_mask = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/hr-concrete-u-mask.png", scale = 0.5 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete-u-mask.png" } }, vehicle_friction_modifier = 0.8, walking_sound = { { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/refined-concrete-01.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/refined-concrete-02.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/refined-concrete-03.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/refined-concrete-04.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/refined-concrete-05.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/refined-concrete-06.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/refined-concrete-07.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/refined-concrete-08.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/refined-concrete-09.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/refined-concrete-10.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/refined-concrete-11.ogg", volume = 0.5 } }, walking_speed_modifier = 1.5 }, ["red-desert-0"] = { autoplace = { probability_expression = { arguments = { { arguments = { { arguments = { { literal_value = -1/0 --[[-math.huge]], source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 503 }, type = "literal-number" }, { arguments = { { arguments = { { arguments = { { arguments = { { arguments = { { literal_value = 0.075000000000000009, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 62 }, type = "literal-number" }, { arguments = { { arguments = { { source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 493 }, type = "variable", variable_name = "moisture" }, { literal_value = 0.425, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 62 }, type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "subtract", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 456 }, type = "function-application" }, { literal_value = 0, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 341 }, type = "literal-number" }, { literal_value = 1/0 --[[math.huge]], source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 342 }, type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "ridge", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 456 }, type = "function-application" } }, function_name = "subtract", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 459 }, type = "function-application" }, { literal_value = 20, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 78 }, type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "multiply", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 465 }, type = "function-application" }, { literal_value = -1/0 --[[-math.huge]], source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 465 }, type = "literal-number" }, { literal_value = 1, source_location = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["red-desert-0"].autoplace.probability_expression.arguments[1].arguments[1].arguments[2].arguments[1].arguments[1].arguments[2].source_location ]=], type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "clamp", source_location = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["red-desert-0"].autoplace.probability_expression.arguments[1].arguments[1].arguments[2].arguments[1].arguments[1].arguments[2].source_location ]=], type = "function-application" }, { literal_value = 1, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 78 }, type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "multiply", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 465 }, type = "function-application" }, { literal_value = -1/0 --[[-math.huge]], source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 510 }, type = "literal-number" }, { arguments = { { arguments = { { arguments = { { arguments = { { literal_value = 5.2249999999999996, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 62 }, type = "literal-number" }, { arguments = { { arguments = { { source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 494 }, type = "variable", variable_name = "aux" }, { literal_value = 5.7750000000000004, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 62 }, type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "subtract", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 456 }, type = "function-application" }, { literal_value = 0, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 341 }, type = "literal-number" }, { literal_value = 1/0 --[[math.huge]], source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 342 }, type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "ridge", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 456 }, type = "function-application" } }, function_name = "subtract", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 459 }, type = "function-application" }, { literal_value = 20, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 78 }, type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "multiply", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 465 }, type = "function-application" }, { literal_value = -1/0 --[[-math.huge]], source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 465 }, type = "literal-number" }, { literal_value = 1, source_location = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["red-desert-0"].autoplace.probability_expression.arguments[1].arguments[1].arguments[2].arguments[3].arguments[1].arguments[2].source_location ]=], type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "clamp", source_location = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["red-desert-0"].autoplace.probability_expression.arguments[1].arguments[1].arguments[2].arguments[3].arguments[1].arguments[2].source_location ]=], type = "function-application" }, { literal_value = 1, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 78 }, type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "multiply", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 465 }, type = "function-application" } }, function_name = "clamp", source_location = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["red-desert-0"].autoplace.probability_expression.arguments[1].arguments[1].arguments[2].arguments[2].source_location ]=], type = "function-application" }, { literal_value = 1/0 --[[math.huge]], source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 510 }, type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "clamp", source_location = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["red-desert-0"].autoplace.probability_expression.arguments[1].arguments[1].arguments[3].source_location ]=], type = "function-application" }, { arguments = { input_scale = { arguments = { { literal_value = 1, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 31 }, type = "literal-number" }, { literal_value = 6, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 31 }, type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "divide", source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 31 }, type = "function-application" }, octaves = { literal_value = 4, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 37 }, type = "literal-number" }, output_scale = { literal_value = 0.66666666666666661, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 37 }, type = "literal-number" }, persistence = { literal_value = 0.7, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 37 }, type = "literal-number" }, seed0 = { source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 446 }, type = "variable", variable_name = "map_seed" }, seed1 = { arguments = { { literal_value = "red-desert-0", source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 457 }, type = "literal-string" } }, function_name = "noise-layer-name-to-id", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 447 }, type = "function-application" }, x = { source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 443 }, type = "variable", variable_name = "x" }, y = { source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 444 }, type = "variable", variable_name = "y" } }, function_name = "factorio-multioctave-noise", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 522 }, type = "function-application" } }, function_name = "add", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 522 }, type = "function-application" }, { literal_value = 0, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 54 }, type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "add", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 522 }, type = "function-application" } }, can_be_part_of_blueprint = false, collision_mask = { "ground-tile" }, layer = 31, map_color = { b = 32, g = 70, r = 103 }, name = "red-desert-0", order = "b[natural]-d[red-desert]-a[red-desert-0]", pollution_absorption_per_second = 6.6000000000000005e-06, scorch_mark_color = { a = 1, b = 0.17399999999999998, g = 0.30899999999999999, r = 0.44699999999999998 }, transitions = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["grass-1"].transitions ]=], transitions_between_transitions = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["grass-1"].transitions_between_transitions ]=], trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.22000000000000002, initial_vertical_speed = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.041000000000000005, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.59770000000000003 }, { 0.5, 0.59770000000000003 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "red-desert-0-stone-particle-small", probability = 1, repeat_count = 20, repeat_count_deviation = 5, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.05, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.125, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.042000000000000002, offset_deviation = { { -0.2, -0.2 }, { 0.3, 0.3 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "red-desert-0-stone-particle-medium", probability = 1, repeat_count = 7, repeat_count_deviation = 2, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.125, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.042000000000000002, offset_deviation = { left_top = { -0.3984, -0.79690000000000003 }, right_bottom = { 0.3984, 0.79690000000000003 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "red-desert-0-stone-lower-particle-medium", probability = 1, repeat_count = 7, repeat_count_deviation = 2, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.4, -0.4 }, { 0.4, 0.4 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "red-desert-0-stone-particle-tiny", probability = 1, repeat_count = 15, repeat_count_deviation = 4, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.02, type = "create-particle" } }, type = "tile", variants = { inner_corner_mask = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/hr-transition-3.png", scale = 0.5, x = 0 }, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/transition-3.png", x = 0 }, main = { { count = 16, hr_version = { count = 16, line_length = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/hr-red-desert-0.png", scale = 0.5, size = 1, weights = { 0.085, 0.085, 0.085, 0.085, 0.086999999999999993, 0.085, 0.065, 0.085, 0.045, 0.045, 0.045, 0.045, 0.005, 0.025, 0.045, 0.045 }, y = 0 }, line_length = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/red-desert-0.png", size = 1, weights = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["red-desert-0"].variants.main[1].hr_version.weights ]=], y = 0 }, { count = 16, hr_version = { count = 16, line_length = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/hr-red-desert-0.png", probability = 1, scale = 0.5, size = 2, weights = { 0.070000000000000009, 0.070000000000000009, 0.025, 0.070000000000000009, 0.070000000000000009, 0.070000000000000009, 0.0070000000000000009, 0.025, 0.070000000000000009, 0.05, 0.015, 0.026000000000000001, 0.03, 0.005, 0.070000000000000009, 0.027000000000000002 }, y = 128 }, line_length = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/red-desert-0.png", probability = 1, size = 2, weights = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["red-desert-0"].variants.main[2].hr_version.weights ]=], y = 64 }, { count = 16, hr_version = { count = 16, line_length = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/hr-red-desert-0.png", probability = 1, scale = 0.5, size = 4, weights = { 0.070000000000000009, 0.070000000000000009, 0.070000000000000009, 0.070000000000000009, 0.070000000000000009, 0.070000000000000009, 0.015, 0.070000000000000009, 0.070000000000000009, 0.070000000000000009, 0.015, 0.05, 0.070000000000000009, 0.070000000000000009, 0.065, 0.070000000000000009 }, y = 320 }, line_length = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/red-desert-0.png", probability = 1, size = 4, weights = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["red-desert-0"].variants.main[3].hr_version.weights ]=], y = 160 } }, o_transition_mask = { count = 1, hr_version = { count = 1, line_length = 2, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/hr-transition-3.png", scale = 0.5, x = 2304 }, line_length = 2, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/transition-3.png", x = 1152 }, outer_corner_mask = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/hr-transition-3.png", scale = 0.5, x = 576 }, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/transition-3.png", x = 288 }, 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[""].tile["red-desert-1"].autoplace.probability_expression.arguments[1].arguments[1].arguments[2].arguments[2].source_location ]=], type = "function-application" }, { literal_value = 1/0 --[[math.huge]], source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 510 }, type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "clamp", source_location = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["red-desert-1"].autoplace.probability_expression.arguments[1].arguments[1].arguments[3].source_location ]=], type = "function-application" }, { arguments = { input_scale = { arguments = { { literal_value = 1, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 31 }, type = "literal-number" }, { literal_value = 6, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 31 }, type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "divide", source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 31 }, type = "function-application" }, octaves = { literal_value = 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= 6.6000000000000005e-06, scorch_mark_color = { a = 1, b = 0.20300000000000002, g = 0.371, r = 0.51400000000000006 }, transitions = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["dirt-1"].transitions ]=], transitions_between_transitions = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["dirt-1"].transitions_between_transitions ]=], trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.22000000000000002, initial_vertical_speed = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.041000000000000005, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.59770000000000003 }, { 0.5, 0.59770000000000003 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "red-desert-1-stone-particle-small", probability = 1, repeat_count = 20, repeat_count_deviation = 5, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.05, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.125, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.042000000000000002, offset_deviation = { { -0.2, -0.2 }, { 0.3, 0.3 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "red-desert-1-stone-particle-medium", probability = 1, repeat_count = 7, repeat_count_deviation = 2, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.125, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.042000000000000002, offset_deviation = { left_top = { -0.3984, -0.79690000000000003 }, right_bottom = { 0.3984, 0.79690000000000003 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "red-desert-1-stone-lower-particle-medium", probability = 1, repeat_count = 7, repeat_count_deviation = 2, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { 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0.065, 0.085, 0.045, 0.045, 0.045, 0.045, 0.005, 0.025, 0.045, 0.045 }, y = 0 }, line_length = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/red-desert-1.png", size = 1, weights = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["red-desert-1"].variants.main[1].hr_version.weights ]=], y = 0 }, { count = 16, hr_version = { count = 16, line_length = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/hr-red-desert-1.png", probability = 1, scale = 0.5, size = 2, weights = { 0.070000000000000009, 0.070000000000000009, 0.025, 0.070000000000000009, 0.070000000000000009, 0.070000000000000009, 0.0070000000000000009, 0.025, 0.070000000000000009, 0.05, 0.015, 0.026000000000000001, 0.03, 0.005, 0.070000000000000009, 0.027000000000000002 }, y = 128 }, line_length = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/red-desert-1.png", probability = 1, size = 2, weights = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["red-desert-1"].variants.main[2].hr_version.weights ]=], y = 64 }, { count = 16, hr_version = { count = 16, line_length = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/hr-red-desert-1.png", probability = 1, scale = 0.5, size = 4, weights = { 0.070000000000000009, 0.070000000000000009, 0.070000000000000009, 0.070000000000000009, 0.070000000000000009, 0.070000000000000009, 0.015, 0.070000000000000009, 0.070000000000000009, 0.070000000000000009, 0.015, 0.05, 0.070000000000000009, 0.070000000000000009, 0.065, 0.070000000000000009 }, y = 320 }, line_length = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/red-desert-1.png", probability = 1, size = 4, weights = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["red-desert-1"].variants.main[3].hr_version.weights ]=], y = 160 } }, o_transition_mask = { count = 1, hr_version = { count = 1, line_length = 2, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/hr-transition-1.png", scale = 0.5, x = 2304 }, line_length = 2, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/transition-1.png", x = 1152 }, outer_corner_mask = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/hr-transition-1.png", scale = 0.5, x = 576 }, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/transition-1.png", x = 288 }, side_mask = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/hr-transition-1.png", scale = 0.5, x = 1152 }, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/transition-1.png", x = 576 }, u_transition_mask = { count = 1, hr_version = { count = 1, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/hr-transition-1.png", scale = 0.5, x = 1728 }, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/transition-1.png", x = 864 } }, vehicle_friction_modifier = 1.6000000000000001, walking_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["dirt-1"].walking_sound ]=] }, ["red-desert-2"] = { autoplace = { probability_expression = { arguments = { { arguments = { { arguments = { { arguments = { { literal_value = -1/0 --[[-math.huge]], source_location = { filename = 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type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "clamp", source_location = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["red-desert-2"].autoplace.probability_expression.arguments[1].arguments[1].arguments[1].arguments[2].arguments[1].arguments[1].arguments[2].source_location ]=], type = "function-application" }, { literal_value = 1, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 78 }, type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "multiply", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 465 }, type = "function-application" }, { literal_value = -1/0 --[[-math.huge]], source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 510 }, type = "literal-number" }, { arguments = { { arguments = { { arguments = { { arguments = { { literal_value = 0.050000000000000044, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 62 }, type = "literal-number" }, { arguments = { { arguments = { { source_location = { filename 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"__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 447 }, type = "function-application" }, x = { source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 443 }, type = "variable", variable_name = "x" }, y = { source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 444 }, type = "variable", variable_name = "y" } }, function_name = "factorio-multioctave-noise", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 522 }, type = "function-application" } }, function_name = "add", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 522 }, type = "function-application" }, { literal_value = 0, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 54 }, type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "add", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 522 }, type = "function-application" } }, can_be_part_of_blueprint = false, collision_mask = { "ground-tile" }, layer = 15, map_color = { b = 43, g = 84, r = 116 }, name = "red-desert-2", order = "b[natural]-d[red-desert]-c[red-desert-2]", pollution_absorption_per_second = 6.6000000000000005e-06, scorch_mark_color = { a = 1, b = 0.24299999999999997, g = 0.40300000000000002, r = 0.55300000000000002 }, transitions = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["dirt-1"].transitions ]=], transitions_between_transitions = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["dirt-1"].transitions_between_transitions ]=], trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.22000000000000002, initial_vertical_speed = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.041000000000000005, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.59770000000000003 }, { 0.5, 0.59770000000000003 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "red-desert-2-stone-particle-small", probability = 1, repeat_count = 20, repeat_count_deviation = 5, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.05, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.125, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.042000000000000002, offset_deviation = { { -0.2, -0.2 }, { 0.3, 0.3 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "red-desert-2-stone-particle-medium", probability = 1, repeat_count = 7, repeat_count_deviation = 2, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.125, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.042000000000000002, offset_deviation = { left_top = { -0.3984, -0.79690000000000003 }, right_bottom = { 0.3984, 0.79690000000000003 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "red-desert-2-stone-lower-particle-medium", probability = 1, repeat_count = 7, repeat_count_deviation = 2, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.4, -0.4 }, { 0.4, 0.4 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "red-desert-2-stone-particle-tiny", probability = 1, repeat_count = 15, repeat_count_deviation = 4, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.02, type = "create-particle" } }, type = "tile", variants = { inner_corner_mask = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/hr-transition-1.png", scale = 0.5, x = 0 }, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/transition-1.png", x = 0 }, main = { { count = 16, hr_version = { count = 16, line_length = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/hr-red-desert-2.png", scale = 0.5, size = 1, weights = { 0.085, 0.085, 0.085, 0.085, 0.086999999999999993, 0.085, 0.065, 0.085, 0.045, 0.045, 0.045, 0.045, 0.005, 0.025, 0.045, 0.045 }, y = 0 }, line_length = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/red-desert-2.png", size = 1, weights = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["red-desert-2"].variants.main[1].hr_version.weights ]=], y = 0 }, { count = 16, hr_version = { count = 16, line_length = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/hr-red-desert-2.png", probability = 1, scale = 0.5, size = 2, weights = { 0.070000000000000009, 0.070000000000000009, 0.025, 0.070000000000000009, 0.070000000000000009, 0.070000000000000009, 0.0070000000000000009, 0.025, 0.070000000000000009, 0.05, 0.015, 0.026000000000000001, 0.03, 0.005, 0.070000000000000009, 0.027000000000000002 }, y = 128 }, line_length = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/red-desert-2.png", probability = 1, size = 2, weights = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["red-desert-2"].variants.main[2].hr_version.weights ]=], y = 64 }, { count = 16, hr_version = { count = 16, line_length = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/hr-red-desert-2.png", probability = 1, scale = 0.5, size = 4, weights = { 0.070000000000000009, 0.070000000000000009, 0.070000000000000009, 0.070000000000000009, 0.070000000000000009, 0.070000000000000009, 0.015, 0.070000000000000009, 0.070000000000000009, 0.070000000000000009, 0.015, 0.05, 0.070000000000000009, 0.070000000000000009, 0.065, 0.070000000000000009 }, y = 320 }, line_length = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/red-desert-2.png", probability = 1, size = 4, weights = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["red-desert-2"].variants.main[3].hr_version.weights ]=], y = 160 } }, o_transition_mask = { count = 1, hr_version = { count = 1, line_length = 2, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/hr-transition-1.png", scale = 0.5, x = 2304 }, line_length = 2, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/transition-1.png", x = 1152 }, outer_corner_mask = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/hr-transition-1.png", scale = 0.5, x = 576 }, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/transition-1.png", x = 288 }, side_mask = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/hr-transition-1.png", scale = 0.5, x = 1152 }, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/transition-1.png", x = 576 }, u_transition_mask = { count = 1, hr_version = { count = 1, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/hr-transition-1.png", scale = 0.5, x = 1728 }, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/transition-1.png", x = 864 } }, vehicle_friction_modifier = 1.6000000000000001, walking_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["dirt-1"].walking_sound ]=] }, ["red-desert-3"] = { autoplace = { probability_expression = { arguments = { { arguments = { { arguments = { { literal_value = -1/0 --[[-math.huge]], source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 503 }, type = "literal-number" }, { arguments = { { arguments = { { arguments = { { arguments = { { arguments = { { literal_value = 5.0999999999999996, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 62 }, type = "literal-number" }, { arguments = { { arguments = { { source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 493 }, type = "variable", variable_name = "moisture" }, { literal_value = -4.9000000000000004, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 62 }, type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "subtract", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 456 }, type = "function-application" }, { literal_value = 0, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 341 }, type = "literal-number" }, { literal_value = 1/0 --[[math.huge]], source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 342 }, type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "ridge", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 456 }, type = "function-application" } }, function_name = "subtract", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 459 }, type = "function-application" }, { literal_value = 20, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 78 }, type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "multiply", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 465 }, type = "function-application" }, { literal_value = -1/0 --[[-math.huge]], source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 465 }, type = "literal-number" }, { literal_value = 1, source_location = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["red-desert-3"].autoplace.probability_expression.arguments[1].arguments[1].arguments[2].arguments[1].arguments[1].arguments[2].source_location ]=], type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "clamp", source_location = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["red-desert-3"].autoplace.probability_expression.arguments[1].arguments[1].arguments[2].arguments[1].arguments[1].arguments[2].source_location ]=], type = "function-application" }, { literal_value = 1, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 78 }, type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "multiply", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 465 }, type = "function-application" }, { literal_value = -1/0 --[[-math.huge]], source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 510 }, type = "literal-number" }, { arguments = { { arguments = { { arguments = { { arguments = { { literal_value = 5.0999999999999996, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 62 }, type = "literal-number" }, { arguments = { { arguments = { { source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 494 }, type = "variable", variable_name = "aux" }, { literal_value = 5.9000000000000004, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 62 }, type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "subtract", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 456 }, type = "function-application" }, { literal_value = 0, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 341 }, type = "literal-number" }, { literal_value = 1/0 --[[math.huge]], source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 342 }, type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "ridge", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 456 }, type = "function-application" } }, function_name = "subtract", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 459 }, type = "function-application" }, { literal_value = 20, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 78 }, type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "multiply", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 465 }, type = "function-application" }, { literal_value = -1/0 --[[-math.huge]], source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 465 }, type = "literal-number" }, { literal_value = 1, source_location = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["red-desert-3"].autoplace.probability_expression.arguments[1].arguments[1].arguments[2].arguments[3].arguments[1].arguments[2].source_location ]=], type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "clamp", source_location = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["red-desert-3"].autoplace.probability_expression.arguments[1].arguments[1].arguments[2].arguments[3].arguments[1].arguments[2].source_location ]=], type = "function-application" }, { literal_value = 1, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 78 }, type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "multiply", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 465 }, type = "function-application" } }, function_name = "clamp", source_location = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["red-desert-3"].autoplace.probability_expression.arguments[1].arguments[1].arguments[2].arguments[2].source_location ]=], type = "function-application" }, { literal_value = 1/0 --[[math.huge]], source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 510 }, type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "clamp", source_location = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["red-desert-3"].autoplace.probability_expression.arguments[1].arguments[1].arguments[3].source_location ]=], type = "function-application" }, { arguments = { input_scale = { arguments = { { literal_value = 1, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 31 }, type = "literal-number" }, { literal_value = 6, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 31 }, type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "divide", source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 31 }, type = "function-application" }, octaves = { literal_value = 4, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 37 }, type = "literal-number" }, output_scale = { literal_value = 0.66666666666666661, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 37 }, type = "literal-number" }, persistence = { literal_value = 0.7, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 37 }, type = "literal-number" }, seed0 = { source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 446 }, type = "variable", variable_name = "map_seed" }, seed1 = { arguments = { { literal_value = "red-desert-3", source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 457 }, type = "literal-string" } }, function_name = "noise-layer-name-to-id", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 447 }, type = "function-application" }, x = { source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 443 }, type = "variable", variable_name = "x" }, y = { source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 444 }, type = "variable", variable_name = "y" } }, function_name = "factorio-multioctave-noise", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 522 }, type = "function-application" } }, function_name = "add", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 522 }, type = "function-application" }, { literal_value = 0, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 54 }, type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "add", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 522 }, type = "function-application" } }, collision_mask = { "ground-tile" }, layer = 16, map_color = { b = 52, g = 93, r = 128 }, name = "red-desert-3", order = "b[natural]-d[red-desert]-d[red-desert-3]", pollution_absorption_per_second = 6.6000000000000005e-06, scorch_mark_color = { a = 1, b = 0.26299999999999999, g = 0.44699999999999998, r = 0.604 }, transitions = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["dirt-1"].transitions ]=], transitions_between_transitions = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["dirt-1"].transitions_between_transitions ]=], trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.22000000000000002, initial_vertical_speed = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.041000000000000005, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.59770000000000003 }, { 0.5, 0.59770000000000003 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "red-desert-3-stone-particle-small", probability = 1, repeat_count = 20, repeat_count_deviation = 5, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.05, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.125, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.042000000000000002, offset_deviation = { { -0.2, -0.2 }, { 0.3, 0.3 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "red-desert-3-stone-particle-medium", probability = 1, repeat_count = 7, repeat_count_deviation = 2, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.125, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.042000000000000002, offset_deviation = { left_top = { -0.3984, -0.79690000000000003 }, right_bottom = { 0.3984, 0.79690000000000003 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "red-desert-3-stone-lower-particle-medium", probability = 1, repeat_count = 7, repeat_count_deviation = 2, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.4, -0.4 }, { 0.4, 0.4 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "red-desert-3-stone-particle-tiny", probability = 1, repeat_count = 15, repeat_count_deviation = 4, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.02, type = "create-particle" } }, type = "tile", variants = { inner_corner_mask = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/hr-transition-1.png", scale = 0.5, x = 0 }, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/transition-1.png", x = 0 }, main = { { count = 16, hr_version = { count = 16, line_length = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/hr-red-desert-3.png", scale = 0.5, size = 1, weights = { 0.085, 0.085, 0.085, 0.085, 0.086999999999999993, 0.085, 0.065, 0.085, 0.045, 0.045, 0.045, 0.045, 0.005, 0.025, 0.045, 0.045 }, y = 0 }, line_length = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/red-desert-3.png", size = 1, weights = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["red-desert-3"].variants.main[1].hr_version.weights ]=], y = 0 }, { count = 16, hr_version = { count = 16, line_length = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/hr-red-desert-3.png", probability = 1, scale = 0.5, size = 2, weights = { 0.070000000000000009, 0.070000000000000009, 0.025, 0.070000000000000009, 0.070000000000000009, 0.070000000000000009, 0.0070000000000000009, 0.025, 0.070000000000000009, 0.05, 0.015, 0.026000000000000001, 0.03, 0.005, 0.070000000000000009, 0.027000000000000002 }, y = 128 }, line_length = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/red-desert-3.png", probability = 1, size = 2, weights = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["red-desert-3"].variants.main[2].hr_version.weights ]=], y = 64 }, { count = 16, hr_version = { count = 16, line_length = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/hr-red-desert-3.png", probability = 1, scale = 0.5, size = 4, weights = { 0.070000000000000009, 0.070000000000000009, 0.070000000000000009, 0.070000000000000009, 0.070000000000000009, 0.070000000000000009, 0.015, 0.070000000000000009, 0.070000000000000009, 0.070000000000000009, 0.015, 0.05, 0.070000000000000009, 0.070000000000000009, 0.065, 0.070000000000000009 }, y = 320 }, line_length = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/red-desert-3.png", probability = 1, size = 4, weights = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["red-desert-3"].variants.main[3].hr_version.weights ]=], y = 160 } }, o_transition_mask = { count = 1, hr_version = { count = 1, line_length = 2, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/hr-transition-1.png", scale = 0.5, x = 2304 }, line_length = 2, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/transition-1.png", x = 1152 }, outer_corner_mask = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/hr-transition-1.png", scale = 0.5, x = 576 }, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/transition-1.png", x = 288 }, side_mask = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/hr-transition-1.png", scale = 0.5, x = 1152 }, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/transition-1.png", x = 576 }, u_transition_mask = { count = 1, hr_version = { count = 1, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/hr-transition-1.png", scale = 0.5, x = 1728 }, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/transition-1.png", x = 864 } }, vehicle_friction_modifier = 1.6000000000000001, walking_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["dirt-1"].walking_sound ]=] }, ["red-refined-concrete"] = { build_sound = { large = { switch_vibration_data = { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-large.bnvib", gain = 0.15 }, variations = { { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-large.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-large-1.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-large-2.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-large-3.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-large-4.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-large-5.ogg", volume = 0.5 } } }, medium = { switch_vibration_data = { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-medium.bnvib", gain = 0.15 }, variations = { { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-medium.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-medium-1.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-medium-2.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-medium-3.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-medium-4.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-medium-5.ogg", volume = 0.5 } } }, small = { switch_vibration_data = { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-small.bnvib", gain = 0.25 }, variations = { { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-small.ogg", volume = 0.4 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-small-1.ogg", volume = 0.4 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-small-2.ogg", volume = 0.4 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-small-3.ogg", volume = 0.4 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-small-4.ogg", volume = 0.4 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-small-5.ogg", volume = 0.4 } } } }, collision_mask = { "ground-tile" }, decorative_removal_probability = 0.25, layer = 67, localised_name = { "", { "" }, " ", { "tile-name.refined-concrete" } }, map_color = { a = 0.5, b = 0, g = 0.023999999999999999, r = 0.81499999999999986 }, mined_sound = { switch_vibration_data = { filename = "__core__/sound/deconstruct-bricks.bnvib", gain = 0.32000000000000002 }, variations = { { filename = "__base__/sound/deconstruct-bricks.ogg", volume = 0.8 } } }, name = "red-refined-concrete", needs_correction = false, order = "a[artificial]-e[color-concrete]-red", pollution_absorption_per_second = 0, scorch_mark_color = { a = 1, b = 0.24299999999999997, g = 0.30699999999999998, r = 0.373 }, tint = { b = 0.24100000000000001, g = 0.26600000000000001, r = 1 }, transition_overlay_layer_offset = 2, transitions = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["acid-refined-concrete"].transitions ]=], transitions_between_transitions = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["acid-refined-concrete"].transitions_between_transitions ]=], trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.22000000000000002, initial_vertical_speed = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.041000000000000005, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.59770000000000003 }, { 0.5, 0.59770000000000003 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "concrete-stone-particle-small", probability = 1, repeat_count = 20, repeat_count_deviation = 5, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.05, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.125, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.042000000000000002, offset_deviation = { { -0.2, -0.2 }, { 0.3, 0.3 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "concrete-stone-particle-medium", probability = 1, repeat_count = 7, repeat_count_deviation = 2, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.125, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.042000000000000002, offset_deviation = { left_top = { -0.3984, -0.79690000000000003 }, right_bottom = { 0.3984, 0.79690000000000003 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "concrete-stone-lower-particle-medium", probability = 1, repeat_count = 7, repeat_count_deviation = 2, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.4, -0.4 }, { 0.4, 0.4 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "concrete-stone-particle-tiny", probability = 1, repeat_count = 15, repeat_count_deviation = 4, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.02, type = "create-particle" } }, type = "tile", variants = { inner_corner = { count = 16, hr_version = { count = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/hr-concrete-inner-corner.png", scale = 0.5 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete-inner-corner.png" }, inner_corner_mask = { count = 16, hr_version = { count = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/hr-concrete-inner-corner-mask.png", scale = 0.5 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete-inner-corner-mask.png" }, main = { { count = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete-dummy.png", size = 1 }, { count = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete-dummy.png", probability = 0.39000000000000004, size = 2 }, { count = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete-dummy.png", probability = 1, size = 4 } }, material_background = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/hr-refined-concrete.png", scale = 0.5 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/refined-concrete.png" }, o_transition = { count = 4, hr_version = { count = 4, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/hr-concrete-o.png", scale = 0.5 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete-o.png" }, o_transition_mask = { count = 4, hr_version = { count = 4, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/hr-concrete-o-mask.png", scale = 0.5 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete-o-mask.png" }, outer_corner = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/hr-concrete-outer-corner.png", scale = 0.5 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete-outer-corner.png" }, outer_corner_mask = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/hr-concrete-outer-corner-mask.png", scale = 0.5 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete-outer-corner-mask.png" }, side = { count = 16, hr_version = { count = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/hr-concrete-side.png", scale = 0.5 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete-side.png" }, side_mask = { count = 16, hr_version = { count = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/hr-concrete-side-mask.png", scale = 0.5 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete-side-mask.png" }, u_transition = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/hr-concrete-u.png", scale = 0.5 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete-u.png" }, u_transition_mask = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/hr-concrete-u-mask.png", scale = 0.5 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete-u-mask.png" } }, vehicle_friction_modifier = 0.8, walking_sound = { { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/refined-concrete-01.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/refined-concrete-02.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/refined-concrete-03.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/refined-concrete-04.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/refined-concrete-05.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/refined-concrete-06.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/refined-concrete-07.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/refined-concrete-08.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/refined-concrete-09.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/refined-concrete-10.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/refined-concrete-11.ogg", volume = 0.5 } }, walking_speed_modifier = 1.5 }, ["refined-concrete"] = { build_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile.concrete.build_sound ]=], collision_mask = { "ground-tile" }, decorative_removal_probability = 0.25, layer = 64, map_color = { b = 45, g = 48, r = 49 }, minable = { mining_time = 0.1, result = "refined-concrete" }, mined_sound = { switch_vibration_data = { filename = "__core__/sound/deconstruct-bricks.bnvib", gain = 0.32000000000000002 }, variations = { { filename = "__base__/sound/deconstruct-bricks.ogg", volume = 0.8 } } }, name = "refined-concrete", needs_correction = false, order = "a[artificial]-c[tier-3]-a[refined-concrete]", pollution_absorption_per_second = 0, scorch_mark_color = { a = 1, b = 0.24299999999999997, g = 0.30699999999999998, r = 0.373 }, transition_overlay_layer_offset = 2, transitions = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["acid-refined-concrete"].transitions ]=], transitions_between_transitions = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["acid-refined-concrete"].transitions_between_transitions ]=], trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.22000000000000002, initial_vertical_speed = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.041000000000000005, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.59770000000000003 }, { 0.5, 0.59770000000000003 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "concrete-stone-particle-small", probability = 1, repeat_count = 20, repeat_count_deviation = 5, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.05, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.125, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.042000000000000002, offset_deviation = { { -0.2, -0.2 }, { 0.3, 0.3 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "concrete-stone-particle-medium", probability = 1, repeat_count = 7, repeat_count_deviation = 2, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.125, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.042000000000000002, offset_deviation = { left_top = { -0.3984, -0.79690000000000003 }, right_bottom = { 0.3984, 0.79690000000000003 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "concrete-stone-lower-particle-medium", probability = 1, repeat_count = 7, repeat_count_deviation = 2, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.4, -0.4 }, { 0.4, 0.4 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "concrete-stone-particle-tiny", probability = 1, repeat_count = 15, repeat_count_deviation = 4, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.02, type = "create-particle" } }, type = "tile", variants = { inner_corner = { count = 16, hr_version = { count = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/hr-concrete-inner-corner.png", scale = 0.5 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete-inner-corner.png" }, inner_corner_mask = { count = 16, hr_version = { count = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/hr-concrete-inner-corner-mask.png", scale = 0.5 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete-inner-corner-mask.png" }, main = { { count = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete-dummy.png", size = 1 }, { count = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete-dummy.png", probability = 0.39000000000000004, size = 2 }, { count = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete-dummy.png", probability = 1, size = 4 } }, material_background = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/hr-refined-concrete.png", scale = 0.5 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/refined-concrete.png" }, o_transition = { count = 4, hr_version = { count = 4, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/hr-concrete-o.png", scale = 0.5 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete-o.png" }, o_transition_mask = { count = 4, hr_version = { count = 4, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/hr-concrete-o-mask.png", scale = 0.5 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete-o-mask.png" }, outer_corner = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/hr-concrete-outer-corner.png", scale = 0.5 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete-outer-corner.png" }, outer_corner_mask = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/hr-concrete-outer-corner-mask.png", scale = 0.5 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete-outer-corner-mask.png" }, side = { count = 16, hr_version = { count = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/hr-concrete-side.png", scale = 0.5 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete-side.png" }, side_mask = { count = 16, hr_version = { count = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/hr-concrete-side-mask.png", scale = 0.5 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete-side-mask.png" }, u_transition = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/hr-concrete-u.png", scale = 0.5 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete-u.png" }, u_transition_mask = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/hr-concrete-u-mask.png", scale = 0.5 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete-u-mask.png" } }, vehicle_friction_modifier = 0.8, walking_sound = { { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/refined-concrete-01.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/refined-concrete-02.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/refined-concrete-03.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/refined-concrete-04.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/refined-concrete-05.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/refined-concrete-06.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/refined-concrete-07.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/refined-concrete-08.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/refined-concrete-09.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/refined-concrete-10.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/refined-concrete-11.ogg", volume = 0.5 } }, walking_speed_modifier = 1.5 }, ["refined-hazard-concrete-left"] = { build_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile.concrete.build_sound ]=], collision_mask = { "ground-tile" }, decorative_removal_probability = 0.25, layer = 65, map_color = { b = 26, g = 94, r = 116 }, minable = { mining_time = 0.1, result = "refined-hazard-concrete" }, mined_sound = { switch_vibration_data = { filename = "__core__/sound/deconstruct-bricks.bnvib", gain = 0.32000000000000002 }, variations = { { filename = "__base__/sound/deconstruct-bricks.ogg", volume = 0.8 } } }, name = "refined-hazard-concrete-left", needs_correction = false, next_direction = "refined-hazard-concrete-right", order = "a[artificial]-c[tier-3]-b[refined-hazard-concrete-left]", pollution_absorption_per_second = 0, scorch_mark_color = { a = 1, b = 0.24299999999999997, g = 0.30699999999999998, r = 0.373 }, transition_merges_with_tile = "refined-concrete", trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.22000000000000002, initial_vertical_speed = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.041000000000000005, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.59770000000000003 }, { 0.5, 0.59770000000000003 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "hazard-concrete-left-stone-particle-small", probability = 1, repeat_count = 20, repeat_count_deviation = 5, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.05, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.125, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.042000000000000002, offset_deviation = { { -0.2, -0.2 }, { 0.3, 0.3 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "hazard-concrete-left-stone-particle-medium", probability = 1, repeat_count = 7, repeat_count_deviation = 2, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.125, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.042000000000000002, offset_deviation = { left_top = { -0.3984, -0.79690000000000003 }, right_bottom = { 0.3984, 0.79690000000000003 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "hazard-concrete-left-stone-lower-particle-medium", probability = 1, repeat_count = 7, repeat_count_deviation = 2, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.4, -0.4 }, { 0.4, 0.4 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "hazard-concrete-left-stone-particle-tiny", probability = 1, repeat_count = 15, repeat_count_deviation = 4, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.02, type = "create-particle" } }, type = "tile", variants = { inner_corner_mask = { count = 1, hr_version = { count = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/hr-hazard-concrete-inner-corner-mask.png", scale = 0.5 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/hazard-concrete-inner-corner-mask.png" }, main = { { count = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete-dummy.png", size = 1 }, { count = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete-dummy.png", probability = 0.39000000000000004, size = 2 }, { count = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete-dummy.png", probability = 1, size = 4 } }, material_background = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/hazard-concrete-left/hr-refined-hazard-concrete-left.png", scale = 0.5 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/hazard-concrete-left/refined-hazard-concrete-left.png" }, o_transition_mask = { count = 1, hr_version = { count = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/hr-hazard-concrete-o-mask.png", scale = 0.5 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/hazard-concrete-o-mask.png" }, outer_corner_mask = { count = 1, hr_version = { count = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/hr-hazard-concrete-outer-corner-mask.png", scale = 0.5 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/hazard-concrete-outer-corner-mask.png" }, side_mask = { count = 1, hr_version = { count = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/hr-hazard-concrete-side-mask.png", scale = 0.5 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/hazard-concrete-side-mask.png" }, u_transition_mask = { count = 1, hr_version = { count = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/hr-hazard-concrete-u-mask.png", scale = 0.5 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/hazard-concrete-u-mask.png" } }, vehicle_friction_modifier = 0.8, walking_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["refined-concrete"].walking_sound ]=], walking_speed_modifier = 1.5 }, ["refined-hazard-concrete-right"] = { build_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile.concrete.build_sound ]=], collision_mask = { "ground-tile" }, decorative_removal_probability = 0.25, layer = 65, map_color = { b = 26, g = 94, r = 116 }, minable = { mining_time = 0.1, result = "refined-hazard-concrete" }, mined_sound = { switch_vibration_data = { filename = "__core__/sound/deconstruct-bricks.bnvib", gain = 0.32000000000000002 }, variations = { { filename = "__base__/sound/deconstruct-bricks.ogg", volume = 0.8 } } }, name = "refined-hazard-concrete-right", needs_correction = false, next_direction = "refined-hazard-concrete-left", order = "a[artificial]-c[tier-3]-c[refined-hazard-concrete-right]", pollution_absorption_per_second = 0, scorch_mark_color = { a = 1, b = 0.24299999999999997, g = 0.30699999999999998, r = 0.373 }, transition_merges_with_tile = "refined-concrete", trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.22000000000000002, initial_vertical_speed = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.041000000000000005, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.59770000000000003 }, { 0.5, 0.59770000000000003 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "hazard-concrete-right-stone-particle-small", probability = 1, repeat_count = 20, repeat_count_deviation = 5, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.05, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.125, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.042000000000000002, offset_deviation = { { -0.2, -0.2 }, { 0.3, 0.3 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "hazard-concrete-right-stone-particle-medium", probability = 1, repeat_count = 7, repeat_count_deviation = 2, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.125, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.042000000000000002, offset_deviation = { left_top = { -0.3984, -0.79690000000000003 }, right_bottom = { 0.3984, 0.79690000000000003 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "hazard-concrete-right-stone-lower-particle-medium", probability = 1, repeat_count = 7, repeat_count_deviation = 2, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.4, -0.4 }, { 0.4, 0.4 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "hazard-concrete-right-stone-particle-tiny", probability = 1, repeat_count = 15, repeat_count_deviation = 4, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.02, type = "create-particle" } }, type = "tile", variants = { inner_corner_mask = { count = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/hazard-concrete-inner-corner-mask.png" }, main = { { count = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete-dummy.png", size = 1 }, { count = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete-dummy.png", probability = 0.39000000000000004, size = 2 }, { count = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete-dummy.png", probability = 1, size = 4 } }, material_background = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/hazard-concrete-right/hr-refined-hazard-concrete-right.png", scale = 0.5 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/hazard-concrete-right/refined-hazard-concrete-right.png" }, o_transition_mask = { count = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/hazard-concrete-o-mask.png" }, outer_corner_mask = { count = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/hazard-concrete-outer-corner-mask.png" }, side_mask = { count = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/hazard-concrete-side-mask.png" }, u_transition_mask = { count = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/hazard-concrete-u-mask.png" } }, vehicle_friction_modifier = 0.8, walking_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["refined-concrete"].walking_sound ]=], walking_speed_modifier = 1.5 }, ["sand-1"] = { autoplace = { probability_expression = { arguments = { { arguments = { { arguments = { { arguments = { { literal_value = -1/0 --[[-math.huge]], source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 503 }, type = "literal-number" }, { arguments = { { arguments = { { arguments = { { arguments = { { arguments = { { literal_value = 5.0750000000000002, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 62 }, type = "literal-number" }, { arguments = { { arguments = { { source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 493 }, type = "variable", variable_name = "moisture" }, { literal_value = -4.9249999999999998, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 62 }, type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "subtract", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 456 }, type = "function-application" }, { literal_value = 0, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 341 }, type = "literal-number" }, { literal_value = 1/0 --[[math.huge]], source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 342 }, type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "ridge", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 456 }, type = "function-application" } }, function_name = "subtract", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 459 }, type = "function-application" }, { literal_value = 20, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 78 }, type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "multiply", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 465 }, type = "function-application" }, { literal_value = -1/0 --[[-math.huge]], source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 465 }, type = "literal-number" }, { literal_value = 1, source_location = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["sand-1"].autoplace.probability_expression.arguments[1].arguments[1].arguments[1].arguments[2].arguments[1].arguments[1].arguments[2].source_location ]=], type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "clamp", source_location = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["sand-1"].autoplace.probability_expression.arguments[1].arguments[1].arguments[1].arguments[2].arguments[1].arguments[1].arguments[2].source_location ]=], type = "function-application" }, { literal_value = 1, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 78 }, type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "multiply", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 465 }, type = "function-application" }, { literal_value = -1/0 --[[-math.huge]], source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 510 }, type = "literal-number" }, { arguments = { { arguments = { { arguments = { { arguments = { { literal_value = 5.125, source_location = { 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[""].tile["sand-1"].autoplace.probability_expression.arguments[1].arguments[1].arguments[1].arguments[2].arguments[3].arguments[1].arguments[2].source_location ]=], type = "function-application" }, { literal_value = 1, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 78 }, type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "multiply", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 465 }, type = "function-application" } }, function_name = "clamp", source_location = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["sand-1"].autoplace.probability_expression.arguments[1].arguments[1].arguments[1].arguments[2].arguments[2].source_location ]=], type = "function-application" }, { literal_value = 1/0 --[[math.huge]], source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 510 }, type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "clamp", source_location = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["sand-1"].autoplace.probability_expression.arguments[1].arguments[1].arguments[1].arguments[3].source_location ]=], type = "function-application" }, { arguments = { { literal_value = 5, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 78 }, type = "literal-number" }, { arguments = { { arguments = { { literal_value = 1.5, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 62 }, type = "literal-number" }, { arguments = { { arguments = { { source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 2659 }, type = "variable", variable_name = "elevation" }, { literal_value = 0, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 62 }, type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "subtract", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 456 }, type = "function-application" }, { literal_value = 0, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 341 }, type = "literal-number" }, { literal_value = 1/0 --[[math.huge]], source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 342 }, type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "ridge", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 456 }, type = "function-application" } }, function_name = "subtract", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 459 }, type = "function-application" }, { literal_value = -1/0 --[[-math.huge]], source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 2658 }, type = "literal-number" }, { arguments = { { literal_value = 0.25, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 62 }, type = "literal-number" }, { arguments = { { arguments = { { source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 2660 }, type = "variable", variable_name = "aux" 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[""].tile["sand-1"].autoplace.probability_expression.arguments[1].arguments[1].arguments[2].arguments[2].arguments[2].source_location ]=], type = "function-application" } }, function_name = "multiply", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 2658 }, type = "function-application" }, { literal_value = 1/0 --[[math.huge]], source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 512 }, type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "clamp", source_location = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["sand-1"].autoplace.probability_expression.arguments[1].arguments[1].arguments[3].source_location ]=], type = "function-application" }, { arguments = { input_scale = { arguments = { { literal_value = 1, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 31 }, type = "literal-number" }, { literal_value = 6, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 31 }, type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "divide", source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 31 }, type = "function-application" }, octaves = { literal_value = 4, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 37 }, type = "literal-number" }, output_scale = { literal_value = 0.66666666666666661, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 37 }, type = "literal-number" }, persistence = { literal_value = 0.7, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 37 }, type = "literal-number" }, seed0 = { source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 446 }, type = "variable", variable_name = "map_seed" }, seed1 = { arguments = { { literal_value = "sand-1", source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 457 }, type = "literal-string" } }, function_name = "noise-layer-name-to-id", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 447 }, type = "function-application" }, x = { source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 443 }, type = "variable", variable_name = "x" }, y = { source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 444 }, type = "variable", variable_name = "y" } }, function_name = "factorio-multioctave-noise", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 522 }, type = "function-application" } }, function_name = "add", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 522 }, type = "function-application" }, { literal_value = 0, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 54 }, type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "add", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 522 }, type = "function-application" } }, collision_mask = { "ground-tile" }, layer = 8, map_color = { b = 58, g = 103, r = 138 }, name = "sand-1", order = "b[natural]-c[sand]-a[sand-1]", pollution_absorption_per_second = 5.8000000000000007e-06, scorch_mark_color = { a = 1, b = 0.27200000000000002, g = 0.45099999999999998, r = 0.58799999999999999 }, transitions = { { background_layer_group = "water", background_layer_offset = -5, inner_corner = { count = 16, hr_version = { count = 16, line_length = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/hr-sand.png", scale = 0.5, tall = false, x = 0, y = 0 }, line_length = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/sand.png", tall = false, x = 0, y = 0 }, inner_corner_background_mask = { count = 1, picture = "__core__/graphics/white-square.png", scale = 32 }, inner_corner_effect_map = { count = 16, hr_version = { count = 16, line_length = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/hr-water-sand-mask.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 0 }, line_length = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/water-sand-mask.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 0 }, inner_corner_mask = { count = 16, hr_version = { count = 16, line_length = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/hr-sand.png", scale = 0.5, x = 2176, y = 0 }, line_length = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/sand.png", x = 1088, y = 0 }, masked_background_layer_offset = 1, o_transition = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/hr-sand.png", scale = 0.5, tall = false, x = 0, y = 2304 }, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/sand.png", tall = false, x = 0, y = 1152 }, o_transition_background_mask = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["sand-1"].transitions[1].inner_corner_background_mask ]=], o_transition_effect_map = { count = 1, hr_version = { count = 1, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/hr-water-sand-mask.png", scale = 0.5, tall = false, x = 0, y = 2304 }, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/water-sand-mask.png", tall = false, x = 0, y = 1152 }, o_transition_mask = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/hr-sand.png", scale = 0.5, x = 2176, y = 2304 }, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/sand.png", x = 1088, y = 1152 }, offset_background_layer_by_tile_layer = false, outer_corner = { count = 16, hr_version = { count = 16, line_length = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/hr-sand.png", scale = 0.5, tall = false, x = 0, y = 576 }, line_length = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/sand.png", tall = false, x = 0, y = 288 }, outer_corner_background_mask = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["sand-1"].transitions[1].inner_corner_background_mask ]=], outer_corner_effect_map = { count = 16, hr_version = { count = 16, line_length = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/hr-water-sand-mask.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 576 }, line_length = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/water-sand-mask.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 288 }, outer_corner_mask = { count = 16, hr_version = { count = 16, line_length = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/hr-sand.png", scale = 0.5, x = 2176, y = 576 }, line_length = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/sand.png", x = 1088, y = 288 }, side = { count = 16, hr_version = { count = 16, line_length = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/hr-sand.png", scale = 0.5, tall = false, x = 0, y = 1152 }, line_length = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/sand.png", tall = false, x = 0, y = 576 }, side_background_mask = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["sand-1"].transitions[1].inner_corner_background_mask ]=], side_effect_map = { count = 16, hr_version = { count = 16, line_length = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/hr-water-sand-mask.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 1152 }, line_length = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/water-sand-mask.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 576 }, side_mask = { count = 16, hr_version = { count = 16, line_length = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/hr-sand.png", scale = 0.5, x = 2176, y = 1152 }, line_length = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/sand.png", x = 1088, y = 576 }, to_tiles = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["acid-refined-concrete"].transitions[1].to_tiles ]=], transition_group = 1, u_transition = { count = 4, hr_version = { count = 4, line_length = 4, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/hr-sand.png", scale = 0.5, tall = false, x = 0, y = 1728 }, line_length = 4, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/sand.png", tall = false, x = 0, y = 864 }, u_transition_background_mask = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["sand-1"].transitions[1].inner_corner_background_mask ]=], u_transition_effect_map = { count = 4, hr_version = { count = 4, line_length = 4, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/hr-water-sand-mask.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 1728 }, line_length = 4, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/water-sand-mask.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 864 }, u_transition_mask = { count = 4, hr_version = { count = 4, line_length = 4, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/hr-sand.png", scale = 0.5, x = 2176, y = 1728 }, line_length = 4, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/sand.png", x = 1088, y = 864 } }, 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["dirt-1"].transitions[2] ]=] }, transitions_between_transitions = { { inner_corner = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/hr-sand-transition.png", scale = 0.5, tall = false, x = 0, y = 0 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/sand-transition.png", tall = false, x = 0, y = 0 }, inner_corner_effect_map = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/hr-water-sand-to-land-mask.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 0 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/water-sand-to-land-mask.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 0 }, inner_corner_mask = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/hr-sand-transition.png", scale = 0.5, x = 2176, y = 0 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/sand-transition.png", x = 1088, y = 0 }, outer_corner = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/hr-sand-transition.png", scale = 0.5, tall = false, x = 0, y = 576 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/sand-transition.png", tall = false, x = 0, y = 288 }, outer_corner_effect_map = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/hr-water-sand-to-land-mask.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 576 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/water-sand-to-land-mask.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 288 }, outer_corner_mask = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/hr-sand-transition.png", scale = 0.5, x = 2176, y = 576 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/sand-transition.png", x = 1088, y = 288 }, side = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/hr-sand-transition.png", scale = 0.5, tall = false, x = 0, y = 1152 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/sand-transition.png", tall = false, x = 0, y = 576 }, side_effect_map = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/hr-water-sand-to-land-mask.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 1152 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/water-sand-to-land-mask.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 576 }, side_mask = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/hr-sand-transition.png", scale = 0.5, x = 2176, y = 1152 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/sand-transition.png", x = 1088, y = 576 }, transition_group = 0, transition_group1 = 0, transition_group2 = 1, u_transition = { count = 1, hr_version = { count = 1, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/hr-sand-transition.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 1728 }, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/sand-transition.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 864 }, u_transition_effect_map = { count = 1, hr_version = { count = 1, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/hr-water-sand-to-land-mask.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 1728 }, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/water-sand-to-land-mask.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 864 }, u_transition_mask = { count = 1, hr_version = { count = 1, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/hr-sand-transition.png", scale = 0.5, x = 2176, y = 1728 }, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/sand-transition.png", x = 1088, y = 864 }, water_patch = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["dirt-1"].transitions_between_transitions[1].water_patch ]=] }, { background_layer_group = "zero", background_layer_offset = 1, inner_corner_background = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-sand-out-of-map-transition.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 1088, y = 0 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/sand-out-of-map-transition.png", tall = true, x = 544, y = 0 }, inner_corner_mask = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-sand-out-of-map-transition.png", scale = 0.5, x = 2176, y = 0 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/sand-out-of-map-transition.png", x = 1088, y = 0 }, offset_background_layer_by_tile_layer = true, outer_corner_background = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-sand-out-of-map-transition.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 1088, y = 576 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/sand-out-of-map-transition.png", tall = true, x = 544, y = 288 }, outer_corner_mask = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-sand-out-of-map-transition.png", scale = 0.5, x = 2176, y = 576 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/sand-out-of-map-transition.png", x = 1088, y = 288 }, side_background = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-sand-out-of-map-transition.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 1088, y = 1152 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/sand-out-of-map-transition.png", tall = true, x = 544, y = 576 }, side_mask = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-sand-out-of-map-transition.png", scale = 0.5, x = 2176, y = 1152 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/sand-out-of-map-transition.png", x = 1088, y = 576 }, transition_group = 0, transition_group1 = 0, transition_group2 = 2, u_transition_background = { count = 1, hr_version = { count = 1, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-sand-out-of-map-transition.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 1088, y = 1728 }, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/sand-out-of-map-transition.png", tall = true, x = 544, y = 864 }, u_transition_mask = { count = 1, hr_version = { count = 1, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-sand-out-of-map-transition.png", scale = 0.5, x = 2176, y = 1728 }, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/sand-out-of-map-transition.png", x = 1088, y = 864 } }, { background_layer_group = "water", background_layer_offset = -5, inner_corner = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-sand-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 0 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/sand-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 0 }, inner_corner_background = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-sand-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 1088, y = 0 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/sand-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", tall = true, x = 544, y = 0 }, inner_corner_background_mask = { count = 1, picture = "__core__/graphics/white-square.png", scale = 32 }, inner_corner_effect_map = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/hr-water-sand-to-out-of-map-mask.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 0 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/water-sand-to-out-of-map-mask.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 0 }, inner_corner_mask = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-sand-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", scale = 0.5, x = 2176, y = 0 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/sand-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", x = 1088, y = 0 }, masked_background_layer_offset = 1, o_transition_background_mask = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["sand-1"].transitions_between_transitions[3].inner_corner_background_mask ]=], offset_background_layer_by_tile_layer = false, outer_corner = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-sand-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 576 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/sand-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 288 }, outer_corner_background = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-sand-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 1088, y = 576 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/sand-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", tall = true, x = 544, y = 288 }, outer_corner_background_mask = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["sand-1"].transitions_between_transitions[3].inner_corner_background_mask ]=], outer_corner_effect_map = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/hr-water-sand-to-out-of-map-mask.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 576 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/water-sand-to-out-of-map-mask.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 288 }, outer_corner_mask = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-sand-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", scale = 0.5, x = 2176, y = 576 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/sand-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", x = 1088, y = 288 }, side = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-sand-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 1152 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/sand-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 576 }, side_background = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-sand-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 1088, y = 1152 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/sand-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", tall = true, x = 544, y = 576 }, side_background_mask = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["sand-1"].transitions_between_transitions[3].inner_corner_background_mask ]=], side_effect_map = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/hr-water-sand-to-out-of-map-mask.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 1152 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/water-sand-to-out-of-map-mask.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 576 }, side_mask = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-sand-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", scale = 0.5, x = 2176, y = 1152 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/sand-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", x = 1088, y = 576 }, transition_group = 1, transition_group1 = 1, transition_group2 = 2, u_transition = { count = 1, hr_version = { count = 1, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-sand-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 1728 }, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/sand-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 864 }, u_transition_background = { count = 1, hr_version = { count = 1, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-sand-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 1088, y = 1728 }, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/sand-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", tall = true, x = 544, y = 864 }, u_transition_background_mask = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["sand-1"].transitions_between_transitions[3].inner_corner_background_mask ]=], u_transition_effect_map = { count = 1, hr_version = { count = 1, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/hr-water-sand-to-out-of-map-mask.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 1728 }, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/water-sand-to-out-of-map-mask.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 864 }, u_transition_mask = { count = 1, hr_version = { count = 1, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-sand-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", scale = 0.5, x = 2176, y = 1728 }, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/sand-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", x = 1088, y = 864 }, water_patch = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["dirt-1"].transitions_between_transitions[1].water_patch ]=] } }, trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.22000000000000002, initial_vertical_speed = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.041000000000000005, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.59770000000000003 }, { 0.5, 0.59770000000000003 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "sand-1-stone-particle-small", probability = 1, repeat_count = 20, repeat_count_deviation = 5, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.05, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.125, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.042000000000000002, offset_deviation = { { -0.2, -0.2 }, { 0.3, 0.3 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "sand-1-stone-particle-medium", probability = 1, repeat_count = 7, repeat_count_deviation = 2, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.125, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.042000000000000002, offset_deviation = { left_top = { -0.3984, -0.79690000000000003 }, right_bottom = { 0.3984, 0.79690000000000003 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "sand-1-stone-lower-particle-medium", probability = 1, repeat_count = 7, repeat_count_deviation = 2, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.4, -0.4 }, { 0.4, 0.4 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "sand-1-stone-particle-tiny", probability = 1, repeat_count = 15, repeat_count_deviation = 4, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.02, type = "create-particle" } }, type = "tile", variants = { inner_corner_mask = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/hr-transition-4.png", scale = 0.5, x = 0 }, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/transition-4.png", x = 0 }, main = { { count = 16, hr_version = { count = 16, line_length = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/hr-sand-1.png", scale = 0.5, size = 1, y = 0 }, line_length = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/sand-1.png", size = 1, y = 0 }, { count = 16, hr_version = { count = 16, line_length = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/hr-sand-1.png", probability = 0.39000000000000004, scale = 0.5, size = 2, weights = { 0.025, 0.01, 0.013, 0.025, 0.025, 0.1, 0.1, 0.005, 0.01, 0.01, 0.005, 0.005, 0.001, 0.015, 0.02, 0.02 }, y = 128 }, line_length = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/sand-1.png", probability = 0.39000000000000004, size = 2, weights = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["sand-1"].variants.main[2].hr_version.weights ]=], y = 64 }, { count = 16, hr_version = { count = 16, line_length = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/hr-sand-1.png", probability = 0.2, scale = 0.5, size = 4, weights = { 0.09, 0.125, 0.125, 0.125, 0.125, 0.125, 0.125, 0.025, 0.125, 0.005, 0.01, 0.1, 0.1, 0.01, 0.02, 0.02 }, y = 320 }, line_length = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/sand-1.png", probability = 0.2, size = 4, weights = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["sand-1"].variants.main[3].hr_version.weights ]=], y = 160 }, { count = 16, hr_version = { count = 16, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/hr-sand-1.png", probability = 0.1, scale = 0.5, size = 8, weights = { 0.09, 0.125, 0.125, 0.125, 0.125, 0.125, 0.125, 0.025, 0.125, 0.005, 0.01, 0.1, 0.1, 0.01, 0.02, 0.02 }, y = 640 }, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/sand-1.png", probability = 0.1, size = 8, weights = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["sand-1"].variants.main[4].hr_version.weights ]=], y = 320 } }, o_transition_mask = { count = 1, hr_version = { count = 1, line_length = 2, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/hr-transition-4.png", scale = 0.5, x = 2304 }, line_length = 2, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/transition-4.png", x = 1152 }, outer_corner_mask = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/hr-transition-4.png", scale = 0.5, x = 576 }, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/transition-4.png", x = 288 }, side_mask = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/hr-transition-4.png", scale = 0.5, x = 1152 }, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/transition-4.png", x = 576 }, u_transition_mask = { count = 1, hr_version = { count = 1, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/hr-transition-4.png", scale = 0.5, x = 1728 }, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/transition-4.png", x = 864 } }, vehicle_friction_modifier = 1.8, walking_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["dirt-1"].walking_sound ]=] }, ["sand-2"] = { autoplace = { probability_expression = { arguments = { { arguments = { { arguments = { { arguments = { { literal_value = -1/0 --[[-math.huge]], source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 503 }, type = "literal-number" }, { arguments = { { arguments = { { arguments = { { arguments = { { arguments = { { literal_value = 0.025000000000000009, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 62 }, type = "literal-number" }, { arguments = { { arguments = { { source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 493 }, type = "variable", variable_name = "moisture" }, { literal_value = 0.175, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 62 }, type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "subtract", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 456 }, type = "function-application" 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[""].tile["sand-2"].autoplace.probability_expression.arguments[1].arguments[1].arguments[2].arguments[1].arguments[1].arguments[2].source_location ]=], type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "clamp", source_location = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["sand-2"].autoplace.probability_expression.arguments[1].arguments[1].arguments[2].arguments[1].arguments[1].arguments[2].source_location ]=], type = "function-application" }, { literal_value = 1, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 78 }, type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "multiply", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 465 }, type = "function-application" }, { literal_value = -1/0 --[[-math.huge]], source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 510 }, type = "literal-number" }, { arguments = { { arguments = { { arguments = { { arguments = { { literal_value = 0.024999999999999996, source_location = { filename = 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"__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 31 }, type = "literal-number" }, { literal_value = 6, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 31 }, type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "divide", source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 31 }, type = "function-application" }, octaves = { literal_value = 4, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 37 }, type = "literal-number" }, output_scale = { literal_value = 0.66666666666666661, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 37 }, type = "literal-number" }, persistence = { literal_value = 0.7, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 37 }, type = "literal-number" }, seed0 = { source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 446 }, type = "variable", variable_name = "map_seed" }, seed1 = { arguments = { { literal_value = "sand-2", 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0.79690000000000003 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "sand-1-stone-lower-particle-medium", probability = 1, repeat_count = 7, repeat_count_deviation = 2, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.4, -0.4 }, { 0.4, 0.4 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "sand-1-stone-particle-tiny", probability = 1, repeat_count = 15, repeat_count_deviation = 4, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.02, type = "create-particle" } }, type = "tile", variants = { inner_corner_mask = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/hr-transition-4.png", scale = 0.5, x = 0 }, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/transition-4.png", x = 0 }, main = { { count = 16, hr_version = { count = 16, line_length = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/hr-sand-2.png", scale = 0.5, size = 1, y = 0 }, line_length = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/sand-2.png", size = 1, y = 0 }, { count = 16, hr_version = { count = 16, line_length = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/hr-sand-2.png", probability = 0.39000000000000004, scale = 0.5, size = 2, weights = { 0.025, 0.01, 0.013, 0.025, 0.025, 0.1, 0.1, 0.005, 0.01, 0.01, 0.005, 0.005, 0.001, 0.015, 0.02, 0.02 }, y = 128 }, line_length = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/sand-2.png", probability = 0.39000000000000004, size = 2, weights = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["sand-2"].variants.main[2].hr_version.weights ]=], y = 64 }, { count = 16, hr_version = { count = 16, line_length = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/hr-sand-2.png", probability = 0.2, scale = 0.5, size = 4, weights = { 0.09, 0.125, 0.125, 0.125, 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"sand-1-stone-particle-small", probability = 1, repeat_count = 20, repeat_count_deviation = 5, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.05, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.125, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.042000000000000002, offset_deviation = { { -0.2, -0.2 }, { 0.3, 0.3 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "sand-1-stone-particle-medium", probability = 1, repeat_count = 7, repeat_count_deviation = 2, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.125, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.042000000000000002, offset_deviation = { left_top = { -0.3984, -0.79690000000000003 }, right_bottom = { 0.3984, 0.79690000000000003 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "sand-1-stone-lower-particle-medium", probability = 1, repeat_count = 7, repeat_count_deviation = 2, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.4, -0.4 }, { 0.4, 0.4 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "sand-1-stone-particle-tiny", probability = 1, repeat_count = 15, repeat_count_deviation = 4, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.02, type = "create-particle" } }, type = "tile", variants = { inner_corner_mask = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/hr-transition-4.png", scale = 0.5, x = 0 }, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/transition-4.png", x = 0 }, main = { { count = 16, hr_version = { count = 16, line_length = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/hr-sand-3.png", scale = 0.5, size = 1, weights = { 0.085, 0.085, 0.085, 0.085, 0.086999999999999993, 0.085, 0.065, 0.085, 0.045, 0.045, 0.045, 0.045, 0.005, 0.025, 0.045, 0.045 }, y = 0 }, line_length = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/sand-3.png", size = 1, weights = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["sand-3"].variants.main[1].hr_version.weights ]=], y = 0 }, { count = 16, hr_version = { count = 16, line_length = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/hr-sand-3.png", probability = 0.39000000000000004, scale = 0.5, size = 2, weights = { 0.025, 0.01, 0.013, 0.025, 0.025, 0.1, 0.1, 0.005, 0.01, 0.01, 0.005, 0.005, 0.001, 0.015, 0.02, 0.02 }, y = 128 }, line_length = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/sand-3.png", probability = 0.39000000000000004, size = 2, weights = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["sand-3"].variants.main[2].hr_version.weights ]=], y = 64 }, { count = 16, hr_version = { count = 16, line_length = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/hr-sand-3.png", probability = 0.39000000000000004, scale = 0.5, size = 4, weights = { 0.025, 0.01, 0.013, 0.025, 0.025, 0.1, 0.1, 0.005, 0.01, 0.01, 0.005, 0.005, 0.001, 0.015, 0.02, 0.02 }, y = 320 }, line_length = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/sand-3.png", probability = 0.39000000000000004, size = 4, weights = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["sand-3"].variants.main[3].hr_version.weights ]=], y = 160 } }, o_transition_mask = { count = 1, hr_version = { count = 1, line_length = 2, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/hr-transition-4.png", scale = 0.5, x = 2304 }, line_length = 2, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/transition-4.png", x = 1152 }, outer_corner_mask = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/hr-transition-4.png", scale = 0.5, x = 576 }, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/transition-4.png", x = 288 }, side_mask = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/hr-transition-4.png", scale = 0.5, x = 1152 }, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/transition-4.png", x = 576 }, u_transition_mask = { count = 1, hr_version = { count = 1, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/hr-transition-4.png", scale = 0.5, x = 1728 }, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/masks/transition-4.png", x = 864 } }, vehicle_friction_modifier = 1.8, walking_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["dirt-1"].walking_sound ]=] }, ["stone-path"] = { build_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile.concrete.build_sound ]=], collision_mask = { "ground-tile" }, decorative_removal_probability = 0.15, layer = 60, map_color = { b = 74, g = 82, r = 86 }, minable = { mining_time = 0.1, result = "stone-brick" }, mined_sound = { switch_vibration_data = { filename = "__core__/sound/deconstruct-bricks.bnvib", gain = 0.32000000000000002 }, variations = { { filename = "__base__/sound/deconstruct-bricks.ogg", volume = 0.8 } } }, name = "stone-path", needs_correction = false, order = "a[artificial]-a[tier-1]-a[stone-path]", pollution_absorption_per_second = 0, scorch_mark_color = { a = 1, b = 0.24299999999999997, g = 0.30699999999999998, r = 0.373 }, transitions = { { inner_corner = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/hr-stone-path.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 0 }, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/stone-path.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 0 }, inner_corner_effect_map = { count = 1, hr_version = { count = 1, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/hr-water-stone-mask.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 0 }, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/water-stone-mask.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 0 }, inner_corner_mask = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/hr-stone-path.png", scale = 0.5, x = 2176, y = 0 }, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/stone-path.png", x = 1088, y = 0 }, o_transition = { count = 4, hr_version = { count = 4, line_length = 4, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/hr-stone-path.png", scale = 0.5, tall = false, x = 0, y = 2304 }, line_length = 4, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/stone-path.png", tall = false, x = 0, y = 1152 }, o_transition_effect_map = { count = 1, hr_version = { count = 1, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/hr-water-stone-mask.png", scale = 0.5, tall = false, x = 0, y = 2304 }, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/water-stone-mask.png", tall = false, x = 0, y = 1152 }, o_transition_mask = { count = 4, hr_version = { count = 4, line_length = 4, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/hr-stone-path.png", scale = 0.5, x = 2176, y = 2304 }, line_length = 4, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/stone-path.png", x = 1088, y = 1152 }, outer_corner = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/hr-stone-path.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 576 }, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/stone-path.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 288 }, outer_corner_effect_map = { count = 1, hr_version = { count = 1, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/hr-water-stone-mask.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 576 }, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/water-stone-mask.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 288 }, outer_corner_mask = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/hr-stone-path.png", scale = 0.5, x = 2176, y = 576 }, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/stone-path.png", x = 1088, y = 288 }, side = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/hr-stone-path.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 1152 }, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/stone-path.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 576 }, side_effect_map = { count = 1, hr_version = { count = 1, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/hr-water-stone-mask.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 1152 }, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/water-stone-mask.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 576 }, side_mask = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/hr-stone-path.png", scale = 0.5, x = 2176, y = 1152 }, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/stone-path.png", x = 1088, y = 576 }, to_tiles = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["acid-refined-concrete"].transitions[1].to_tiles ]=], transition_group = 1, u_transition = { count = 4, hr_version = { count = 4, line_length = 4, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/hr-stone-path.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 1728 }, line_length = 4, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/stone-path.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 864 }, u_transition_effect_map = { count = 1, hr_version = { count = 1, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/hr-water-stone-mask.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 1728 }, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/water-stone-mask.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 864 }, u_transition_mask = { count = 4, hr_version = { count = 4, line_length = 4, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/hr-stone-path.png", scale = 0.5, x = 2176, y = 1728 }, line_length = 4, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/stone-path.png", x = 1088, y = 864 } }, { background_layer_group = "zero", background_layer_offset = 1, inner_corner = { count = 4, hr_version = { count = 4, line_length = 4, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-stone-path-out-of-map-transition.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 0 }, line_length = 4, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/stone-path-out-of-map-transition.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 0 }, inner_corner_background = { count = 4, hr_version = { count = 4, line_length = 4, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-stone-path-out-of-map-transition.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 1088, y = 0 }, line_length = 4, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/stone-path-out-of-map-transition.png", tall = true, x = 544, y = 0 }, o_transition = { count = 1, hr_version = { count = 1, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-stone-path-out-of-map-transition.png", scale = 0.5, tall = false, x = 0, y = 2304 }, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/stone-path-out-of-map-transition.png", tall = false, x = 0, y = 1152 }, o_transition_background = { count = 1, hr_version = { count = 1, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-stone-path-out-of-map-transition.png", scale = 0.5, tall = false, x = 1088, y = 2304 }, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/stone-path-out-of-map-transition.png", tall = false, x = 544, y = 1152 }, offset_background_layer_by_tile_layer = true, outer_corner = { count = 4, hr_version = { count = 4, line_length = 4, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-stone-path-out-of-map-transition.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 576 }, line_length = 4, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/stone-path-out-of-map-transition.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 288 }, outer_corner_background = { count = 4, hr_version = { count = 4, line_length = 4, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-stone-path-out-of-map-transition.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 1088, y = 576 }, line_length = 4, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/stone-path-out-of-map-transition.png", tall = true, x = 544, y = 288 }, side = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-stone-path-out-of-map-transition.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 1152 }, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/stone-path-out-of-map-transition.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 576 }, side_background = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-stone-path-out-of-map-transition.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 1088, y = 1152 }, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/stone-path-out-of-map-transition.png", tall = true, x = 544, y = 576 }, to_tiles = { "out-of-map" }, transition_group = 2, u_transition = { count = 1, hr_version = { count = 1, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-stone-path-out-of-map-transition.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 1728 }, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/stone-path-out-of-map-transition.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 864 }, u_transition_background = { count = 1, hr_version = { count = 1, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-stone-path-out-of-map-transition.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 1088, y = 1728 }, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/stone-path-out-of-map-transition.png", tall = true, x = 544, y = 864 } } }, transitions_between_transitions = { { inner_corner = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/hr-stone-path-transitions.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 0 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/stone-path-transitions.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 0 }, inner_corner_effect_map = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/hr-water-stone-to-land-mask.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 0 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/water-stone-to-land-mask.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 0 }, inner_corner_mask = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/hr-stone-path-transitions.png", scale = 0.5, x = 2176, y = 0 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/stone-path-transitions.png", x = 1088, y = 0 }, outer_corner = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/hr-stone-path-transitions.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 576 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/stone-path-transitions.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 288 }, outer_corner_effect_map = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/hr-water-stone-to-land-mask.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 576 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/water-stone-to-land-mask.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 288 }, outer_corner_mask = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/hr-stone-path-transitions.png", scale = 0.5, x = 2176, y = 576 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/stone-path-transitions.png", x = 1088, y = 288 }, side = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/hr-stone-path-transitions.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 1152 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/stone-path-transitions.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 576 }, side_effect_map = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/hr-water-stone-to-land-mask.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 1152 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/water-stone-to-land-mask.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 576 }, side_mask = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/hr-stone-path-transitions.png", scale = 0.5, x = 2176, y = 1152 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/stone-path-transitions.png", x = 1088, y = 576 }, transition_group = 0, transition_group1 = 0, transition_group2 = 1, u_transition = { count = 1, hr_version = { count = 1, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/hr-stone-path-transitions.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 1728 }, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/stone-path-transitions.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 864 }, u_transition_effect_map = { count = 1, hr_version = { count = 1, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/hr-water-stone-to-land-mask.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 1728 }, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/water-stone-to-land-mask.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 864 }, u_transition_mask = { count = 1, hr_version = { count = 1, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/hr-stone-path-transitions.png", scale = 0.5, x = 2176, y = 1728 }, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-transitions/stone-path-transitions.png", x = 1088, y = 864 } }, { background_layer_group = "zero", background_layer_offset = 1, inner_corner = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-stone-path-out-of-map-transition-b.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 0 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/stone-path-out-of-map-transition-b.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 0 }, inner_corner_background = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-stone-path-out-of-map-transition-b.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 1088, y = 0 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/stone-path-out-of-map-transition-b.png", tall = true, x = 544, y = 0 }, offset_background_layer_by_tile_layer = true, outer_corner = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-stone-path-out-of-map-transition-b.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 576 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/stone-path-out-of-map-transition-b.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 288 }, outer_corner_background = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-stone-path-out-of-map-transition-b.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 1088, y = 576 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/stone-path-out-of-map-transition-b.png", tall = true, x = 544, y = 288 }, side = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-stone-path-out-of-map-transition-b.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 1152 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/stone-path-out-of-map-transition-b.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 576 }, side_background = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-stone-path-out-of-map-transition-b.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 1088, y = 1152 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/stone-path-out-of-map-transition-b.png", tall = true, x = 544, y = 576 }, transition_group = 0, transition_group1 = 0, transition_group2 = 2, u_transition = { count = 1, hr_version = { count = 1, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-stone-path-out-of-map-transition-b.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 1728 }, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/stone-path-out-of-map-transition-b.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 864 }, u_transition_background = { count = 1, hr_version = { count = 1, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-stone-path-out-of-map-transition-b.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 1088, y = 1728 }, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/stone-path-out-of-map-transition-b.png", tall = true, x = 544, y = 864 } }, { background_layer_group = "zero", background_layer_offset = 1, inner_corner = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-stone-path-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 0 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/stone-path-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 0 }, inner_corner_background = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-stone-path-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 1088, y = 0 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/stone-path-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", tall = true, x = 544, y = 0 }, inner_corner_effect_map = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/hr-water-stone-to-out-of-map-mask.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 0 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/water-stone-to-out-of-map-mask.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 0 }, inner_corner_mask = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-stone-path-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", scale = 0.5, x = 2176, y = 0 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/stone-path-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", x = 1088, y = 0 }, offset_background_layer_by_tile_layer = true, outer_corner = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-stone-path-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 576 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/stone-path-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 288 }, outer_corner_background = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-stone-path-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 1088, y = 576 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/stone-path-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", tall = true, x = 544, y = 288 }, outer_corner_effect_map = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/hr-water-stone-to-out-of-map-mask.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 576 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/water-stone-to-out-of-map-mask.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 288 }, outer_corner_mask = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-stone-path-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", scale = 0.5, x = 2176, y = 576 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/stone-path-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", x = 1088, y = 288 }, side = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-stone-path-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 1152 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/stone-path-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 576 }, side_background = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-stone-path-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 1088, y = 1152 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/stone-path-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", tall = true, x = 544, y = 576 }, side_effect_map = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/hr-water-stone-to-out-of-map-mask.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 1152 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effect-maps/water-stone-to-out-of-map-mask.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 576 }, side_mask = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-stone-path-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", scale = 0.5, x = 2176, y = 1152 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/stone-path-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", x = 1088, y = 576 }, transition_group = 1, transition_group1 = 1, transition_group2 = 2, u_transition = { count = 1, hr_version = { count = 1, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-stone-path-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 1728 }, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/stone-path-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 864 }, u_transition_background = { count = 1, hr_version = { count = 1, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-stone-path-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 1088, y = 1728 }, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/stone-path-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", tall = true, x = 544, y = 864 }, u_transition_mask = { count = 1, hr_version = { count = 1, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-stone-path-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", scale = 0.5, x = 2176, y = 1728 }, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/stone-path-shore-out-of-map-transition.png", x = 1088, y = 864 } } }, trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.22000000000000002, initial_vertical_speed = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.041000000000000005, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.59770000000000003 }, { 0.5, 0.59770000000000003 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "stone-path-stone-particle-small", probability = 1, repeat_count = 20, repeat_count_deviation = 5, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.05, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.125, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.042000000000000002, offset_deviation = { { -0.2, -0.2 }, { 0.3, 0.3 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "stone-path-stone-particle-medium", probability = 1, repeat_count = 7, repeat_count_deviation = 2, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.125, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.042000000000000002, offset_deviation = { left_top = { -0.3984, -0.79690000000000003 }, right_bottom = { 0.3984, 0.79690000000000003 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "stone-path-stone-lower-particle-medium", probability = 1, repeat_count = 7, repeat_count_deviation = 2, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.4, -0.4 }, { 0.4, 0.4 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "stone-path-stone-particle-tiny", probability = 1, repeat_count = 15, repeat_count_deviation = 4, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.02, type = "create-particle" } }, type = "tile", variants = { inner_corner = { count = 16, hr_version = { count = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/stone-path/hr-stone-path-inner-corner.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/stone-path/stone-path-inner-corner.png", tall = true }, main = { { count = 16, hr_version = { count = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/stone-path/hr-stone-path-1.png", scale = 0.5, size = 1 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/stone-path/stone-path-1.png", size = 1 }, { count = 16, hr_version = { count = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/stone-path/hr-stone-path-2.png", probability = 0.39000000000000004, scale = 0.5, size = 2 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/stone-path/stone-path-2.png", probability = 0.39000000000000004, size = 2 }, { count = 16, hr_version = { count = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/stone-path/hr-stone-path-4.png", probability = 1, scale = 0.5, size = 4 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/stone-path/stone-path-4.png", probability = 1, size = 4 } }, o_transition = { count = 4, hr_version = { count = 4, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/stone-path/hr-stone-path-o.png", scale = 0.5 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/stone-path/stone-path-o.png" }, outer_corner = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/stone-path/hr-stone-path-outer-corner.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/stone-path/stone-path-outer-corner.png", tall = true }, side = { count = 16, hr_version = { count = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/stone-path/hr-stone-path-side.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/stone-path/stone-path-side.png", tall = true }, u_transition = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/stone-path/hr-stone-path-u.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/stone-path/stone-path-u.png", tall = true } }, vehicle_friction_modifier = 1.1000000000000001, walking_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile.concrete.walking_sound ]=], walking_speed_modifier = 1.3 }, ["tile-unknown"] = { collision_mask = {}, layer = 0, layer_group = "zero", map_color = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, name = "tile-unknown", order = "z-a", pollution_absorption_per_second = 0, type = "tile", variants = { empty_transitions = true, main = { { count = 1, hr_version = { count = 1, picture = "__core__/graphics/icons/unknown.png", scale = 0.5, size = 1 }, picture = "__core__/graphics/icons/unknown.png", scale = 0.5, size = 1 } } } }, ["tutorial-grid"] = { collision_mask = { "ground-tile" }, layer = 55, map_color = { b = 122, g = 122, r = 122 }, name = "tutorial-grid", order = "z[other]-c[tutorial]-a[tutorial-grid]", pollution_absorption_per_second = 0, scorch_mark_color = { a = 1, b = 0.24299999999999997, g = 0.30699999999999998, r = 0.373 }, trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.22000000000000002, initial_vertical_speed = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.041000000000000005, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.59770000000000003 }, { 0.5, 0.59770000000000003 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "tutorial-grid-stone-particle-small", probability = 1, repeat_count = 20, repeat_count_deviation = 5, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.05, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.125, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.042000000000000002, offset_deviation = { { -0.2, -0.2 }, { 0.3, 0.3 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "tutorial-grid-stone-particle-medium", probability = 1, repeat_count = 7, repeat_count_deviation = 2, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.125, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.042000000000000002, offset_deviation = { left_top = { -0.3984, -0.79690000000000003 }, right_bottom = { 0.3984, 0.79690000000000003 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "tutorial-grid-stone-lower-particle-medium", probability = 1, repeat_count = 7, repeat_count_deviation = 2, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.4, -0.4 }, { 0.4, 0.4 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "tutorial-grid-stone-particle-tiny", probability = 1, repeat_count = 15, repeat_count_deviation = 4, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.02, type = "create-particle" } }, type = "tile", variants = { inner_corner = { count = 4, hr_version = { count = 4, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/tutorial-grid/hr-tutorial-grid-inner-corner.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/tutorial-grid/tutorial-grid-inner-corner.png", tall = true }, main = { { count = 16, hr_version = { count = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/tutorial-grid/hr-tutorial-grid1.png", scale = 0.5, size = 1 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/tutorial-grid/tutorial-grid1.png", size = 1 }, { count = 16, hr_version = { count = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/tutorial-grid/hr-tutorial-grid2.png", scale = 0.5, size = 2 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/tutorial-grid/tutorial-grid2.png", size = 2 } }, o_transition = { count = 2, hr_version = { count = 2, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/tutorial-grid/hr-tutorial-grid-o.png", scale = 0.5 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/tutorial-grid/tutorial-grid-o.png" }, outer_corner = { count = 4, hr_version = { count = 4, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/tutorial-grid/hr-tutorial-grid-outer-corner.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/tutorial-grid/tutorial-grid-outer-corner.png", tall = true }, side = { count = 16, hr_version = { count = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/tutorial-grid/hr-tutorial-grid-side.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/tutorial-grid/tutorial-grid-side.png", tall = true }, u_transition = { count = 2, hr_version = { count = 2, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/tutorial-grid/hr-tutorial-grid-u.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/tutorial-grid/tutorial-grid-u.png", tall = true } }, walking_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile.concrete.walking_sound ]=] }, water = { autoplace = { probability_expression = { arguments = { { arguments = { { arguments = { { literal_value = 0, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 62 }, type = "literal-number" }, { source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 731 }, type = "variable", variable_name = "elevation" } }, function_name = "subtract", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 732 }, type = "function-application" }, { literal_value = 1/0 --[[math.huge]], source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 78 }, type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "multiply", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 740 }, type = "function-application" }, { literal_value = -1/0 --[[-math.huge]], source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 740 }, type = "literal-number" }, { arguments = { { literal_value = 100, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 78 }, type = "literal-number" }, { arguments = { 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile.water.autoplace.probability_expression.arguments[1].arguments[1] ]=], { literal_value = -1/0 --[[-math.huge]], source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 735 }, type = "literal-number" }, { literal_value = 1, source_location = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile.water.autoplace.probability_expression.arguments[3].arguments[2].arguments[2].source_location ]=], type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "clamp", source_location = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile.water.autoplace.probability_expression.arguments[3].arguments[2].arguments[2].source_location ]=], type = "function-application" } }, function_name = "multiply", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/tile/tiles.lua", line_number = 735 }, type = "function-application" } }, function_name = "clamp", source_location = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile.water.autoplace.probability_expression.arguments[2].source_location ]=], type = "function-application" } }, collision_mask = { "water-tile", "item-layer", "resource-layer", "player-layer", "doodad-layer" }, draw_in_water_layer = true, effect = "water", effect_color = { 21, 147, 167 }, effect_color_secondary = { 49, 80, 14 }, layer = 3, map_color = { b = 95, g = 83, r = 51 }, name = "water", order = "c[water]-a[water]", pollution_absorption_per_second = 5e-06, transitions = { { apply_effect_color_to_overlay = true, background_layer_group = "zero", background_layer_offset = 1, effect_mask = { filename = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effects/water-edge-mask.png", frame_count = 47, line_length = 8, scale = 0.5, size = 64 }, inner_corner = { count = 4, hr_version = { count = 4, line_length = 4, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-water-out-of-map-transition-tintable.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 0 }, line_length = 4, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/water-out-of-map-transition-tintable.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 0 }, o_transition = { count = 1, hr_version = { count = 1, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-water-out-of-map-transition-tintable.png", scale = 0.5, tall = false, x = 0, y = 2304 }, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/water-out-of-map-transition-tintable.png", tall = false, x = 0, y = 1152 }, offset_background_layer_by_tile_layer = true, outer_corner = { count = 4, hr_version = { count = 4, line_length = 4, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-water-out-of-map-transition-tintable.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 576 }, line_length = 4, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/water-out-of-map-transition-tintable.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 288 }, overlay_layer_group = "zero", side = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-water-out-of-map-transition-tintable.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 1152 }, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/water-out-of-map-transition-tintable.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 576 }, to_tiles = { "out-of-map" }, transition_group = 2, u_transition = { count = 1, hr_version = { count = 1, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-water-out-of-map-transition-tintable.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 0, y = 1728 }, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/water-out-of-map-transition-tintable.png", tall = true, x = 0, y = 864 } } }, trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.1, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.125, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.069000000000000004, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.29689999999999998 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.29689999999999998 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "water-particle", probability = 1, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 4, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.05, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, tail_length = 12, tail_length_deviation = 20, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.1, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.125, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.069000000000000004, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.29689999999999998 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.29689999999999998 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "water-lower-particle", probability = 1, repeat_count = 7, repeat_count_deviation = 4, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.05, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, tail_length = 12, tail_length_deviation = 20, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" } }, type = "tile", variants = { empty_transitions = true, main = { { count = 1, hr_version = { count = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water/hr-water1.png", scale = 0.5, size = 1 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water/water1.png", size = 1 }, { count = 1, hr_version = { count = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water/hr-water2.png", scale = 0.5, size = 2 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water/water2.png", size = 2 }, { count = 1, hr_version = { count = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water/hr-water4.png", scale = 0.5, size = 4 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water/water4.png", size = 4 } } } }, ["water-green"] = { collision_mask = { "water-tile", "item-layer", "resource-layer", "player-layer", "doodad-layer" }, draw_in_water_layer = true, effect = "water", effect_color = { 49, 80, 14 }, layer = 3, map_color = { b = 18, g = 48, r = 31 }, name = "water-green", order = "c[water]-c[water-green]", pollution_absorption_per_second = 5e-06, transition_merges_with_tile = "water", trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.1, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.125, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.069000000000000004, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.29689999999999998 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.29689999999999998 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "green-water-particle", probability = 1, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 4, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.05, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, tail_length = 12, tail_length_deviation = 20, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.1, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.125, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.069000000000000004, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.29689999999999998 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.29689999999999998 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "green-water-lower-particle", probability = 1, repeat_count = 7, repeat_count_deviation = 4, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.05, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, tail_length = 12, tail_length_deviation = 20, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" } }, type = "tile", variants = { empty_transitions = true, main = { { count = 1, hr_version = { count = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-green/hr-water-green1.png", scale = 0.5, size = 1 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-green/water-green1.png", size = 1 }, { count = 1, hr_version = { count = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-green/hr-water-green2.png", scale = 0.5, size = 2 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-green/water-green2.png", size = 2 }, { count = 1, hr_version = { count = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-green/hr-water-green4.png", scale = 0.5, size = 4 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-green/water-green4.png", size = 4 } } } }, ["water-mud"] = { collision_mask = { "water-tile", "item-layer", "resource-layer", "object-layer" }, draw_in_water_layer = true, effect = "water", effect_color = { 7.75, 28.5, 33.25, 31.875 }, effect_color_secondary = { a = 0.36099999999999999, b = 0.031000000000000001, g = 0.129, r = 0.031000000000000001 }, layer = 7, map_color = { b = 90, g = 89, r = 65 }, name = "water-mud", order = "c[water]-g[water-mud]", pollution_absorption_per_second = 5e-06, scorch_mark_color = { b = 90, g = 89, r = 65 }, transition_merges_with_tile = "water", transitions = { { background_layer_group = "zero", background_layer_offset = 1, inner_corner_background = { count = 4, hr_version = { count = 4, line_length = 4, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-water-shallow-out-of-map-transition.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 1088, y = 0 }, line_length = 4, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/water-shallow-out-of-map-transition.png", tall = true, x = 544, y = 0 }, inner_corner_mask = { count = 4, hr_version = { count = 4, line_length = 4, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-water-shallow-out-of-map-transition.png", scale = 0.5, x = 2176, y = 0 }, line_length = 4, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/water-shallow-out-of-map-transition.png", x = 1088, y = 0 }, o_transition_background = { count = 1, hr_version = { count = 1, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-water-shallow-out-of-map-transition.png", scale = 0.5, tall = false, x = 1088, y = 2304 }, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/water-shallow-out-of-map-transition.png", tall = false, x = 544, y = 1152 }, o_transition_mask = { count = 1, hr_version = { count = 1, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-water-shallow-out-of-map-transition.png", scale = 0.5, x = 2176, y = 2304 }, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/water-shallow-out-of-map-transition.png", x = 1088, y = 1152 }, offset_background_layer_by_tile_layer = true, outer_corner_background = { count = 4, hr_version = { count = 4, line_length = 4, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-water-shallow-out-of-map-transition.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 1088, y = 576 }, line_length = 4, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/water-shallow-out-of-map-transition.png", tall = true, x = 544, y = 288 }, outer_corner_mask = { count = 4, hr_version = { count = 4, line_length = 4, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-water-shallow-out-of-map-transition.png", scale = 0.5, x = 2176, y = 576 }, line_length = 4, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/water-shallow-out-of-map-transition.png", x = 1088, y = 288 }, side_background = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-water-shallow-out-of-map-transition.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 1088, y = 1152 }, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/water-shallow-out-of-map-transition.png", tall = true, x = 544, y = 576 }, side_mask = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-water-shallow-out-of-map-transition.png", scale = 0.5, x = 2176, y = 1152 }, line_length = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/water-shallow-out-of-map-transition.png", x = 1088, y = 576 }, to_tiles = { "out-of-map" }, transition_group = 2, u_transition_background = { count = 1, hr_version = { count = 1, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-water-shallow-out-of-map-transition.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 1088, y = 1728 }, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/water-shallow-out-of-map-transition.png", tall = true, x = 544, y = 864 }, u_transition_mask = { count = 1, hr_version = { count = 1, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-water-shallow-out-of-map-transition.png", scale = 0.5, x = 2176, y = 1728 }, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/water-shallow-out-of-map-transition.png", x = 1088, y = 864 } } }, transitions_between_transitions = { { background_layer_group = "zero", background_layer_offset = 1, inner_corner_background = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-water-shallow-out-of-map-transition-to-water.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 1088, y = 0 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/water-shallow-out-of-map-transition-to-water.png", tall = true, x = 544, y = 0 }, inner_corner_mask = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-water-shallow-out-of-map-transition-to-water.png", scale = 0.5, x = 2176, y = 0 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/water-shallow-out-of-map-transition-to-water.png", x = 1088, y = 0 }, offset_background_layer_by_tile_layer = true, outer_corner_background = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-water-shallow-out-of-map-transition-to-water.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 1088, y = 576 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/water-shallow-out-of-map-transition-to-water.png", tall = true, x = 544, y = 288 }, outer_corner_mask = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-water-shallow-out-of-map-transition-to-water.png", scale = 0.5, x = 2176, y = 576 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/water-shallow-out-of-map-transition-to-water.png", x = 1088, y = 288 }, side_background = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-water-shallow-out-of-map-transition-to-water.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 1088, y = 1152 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/water-shallow-out-of-map-transition-to-water.png", tall = true, x = 544, y = 576 }, side_mask = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-water-shallow-out-of-map-transition-to-water.png", scale = 0.5, x = 2176, y = 1152 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/water-shallow-out-of-map-transition-to-water.png", x = 1088, y = 576 }, transition_group = 0, transition_group1 = 0, transition_group2 = 2, u_transition_background = { count = 1, hr_version = { count = 1, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-water-shallow-out-of-map-transition-to-water.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 1088, y = 1728 }, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/water-shallow-out-of-map-transition-to-water.png", tall = true, x = 544, y = 864 }, u_transition_mask = { count = 1, hr_version = { count = 1, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-water-shallow-out-of-map-transition-to-water.png", scale = 0.5, x = 2176, y = 1728 }, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/water-shallow-out-of-map-transition-to-water.png", x = 1088, y = 864 } } }, trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.1, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.125, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.069000000000000004, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.29689999999999998 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.29689999999999998 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "shallow-water-2-particle", probability = 1, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 4, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.05, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, tail_length = 12, tail_length_deviation = 20, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.1, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.125, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.069000000000000004, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.29689999999999998 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.29689999999999998 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "shallow-water-2-lower-particle", probability = 1, repeat_count = 7, repeat_count_deviation = 4, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.05, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, tail_length = 12, tail_length_deviation = 20, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" } }, type = "tile", variants = { inner_corner = { count = 6, hr_version = { count = 6, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-mud/hr-water-mud-inner-corner.png", scale = 0.5 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-mud/water-mud-inner-corner.png" }, main = { { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-mud/hr-water-mud1.png", scale = 0.5, size = 1 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-mud/water-mud1.png", size = 1 }, { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-mud/hr-water-mud2.png", scale = 0.5, size = 2 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-mud/water-mud2.png", size = 2 }, { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-mud/hr-water-mud4.png", scale = 0.5, size = 4 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-mud/water-mud4.png", size = 4 } }, o_transition = { count = 1, hr_version = { count = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-mud/hr-water-mud-o.png", scale = 0.5 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-mud/water-mud-o.png" }, outer_corner = { count = 6, hr_version = { count = 6, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-mud/hr-water-mud-outer-corner.png", scale = 0.5 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-mud/water-mud-outer-corner.png" }, side = { count = 6, hr_version = { count = 6, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-mud/hr-water-mud-side.png", scale = 0.5 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-mud/water-mud-side.png" }, u_transition = { count = 1, hr_version = { count = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-mud/hr-water-mud-u.png", scale = 0.5 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-mud/water-mud-u.png" } }, walking_sound = { { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/shallow-water-01.ogg", volume = 1 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/shallow-water-02.ogg", volume = 1 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/shallow-water-03.ogg", volume = 1 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/shallow-water-04.ogg", volume = 1 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/shallow-water-05.ogg", volume = 1 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/shallow-water-06.ogg", volume = 1 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/shallow-water-07.ogg", volume = 1 } }, walking_speed_modifier = 0.7 }, ["water-shallow"] = { collision_mask = { "water-tile", "item-layer", "resource-layer", "object-layer" }, draw_in_water_layer = true, effect = "water", effect_color = { 7.75, 28.5, 33.25, 31.875 }, effect_color_secondary = { a = 0.36099999999999999, b = 0.031000000000000001, g = 0.129, r = 0.031000000000000001 }, layer = 6, map_color = { b = 92, g = 98, r = 82 }, name = "water-shallow", order = "c[water]-e[water-shallow]", pollution_absorption_per_second = 5e-06, scorch_mark_color = { b = 92, g = 98, r = 82 }, transition_merges_with_tile = "water", transitions = { 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["water-mud"].transitions[1] ]=] }, transitions_between_transitions = { { background_layer_group = "zero", background_layer_offset = 1, inner_corner_background = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-water-shallow-out-of-map-transition-to-water.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 1088, y = 0 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/water-shallow-out-of-map-transition-to-water.png", tall = true, x = 544, y = 0 }, inner_corner_mask = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-water-shallow-out-of-map-transition-to-water.png", scale = 0.5, x = 2176, y = 0 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/water-shallow-out-of-map-transition-to-water.png", x = 1088, y = 0 }, offset_background_layer_by_tile_layer = true, outer_corner_background = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-water-shallow-out-of-map-transition-to-water.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 1088, y = 576 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/water-shallow-out-of-map-transition-to-water.png", tall = true, x = 544, y = 288 }, outer_corner_mask = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-water-shallow-out-of-map-transition-to-water.png", scale = 0.5, x = 2176, y = 576 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/water-shallow-out-of-map-transition-to-water.png", x = 1088, y = 288 }, side_background = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-water-shallow-out-of-map-transition-to-water.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 1088, y = 1152 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/water-shallow-out-of-map-transition-to-water.png", tall = true, x = 544, y = 576 }, side_mask = { count = 3, hr_version = { count = 3, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-water-shallow-out-of-map-transition-to-water.png", scale = 0.5, x = 2176, y = 1152 }, line_length = 3, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/water-shallow-out-of-map-transition-to-water.png", x = 1088, y = 576 }, transition_group = 0, transition_group1 = 0, transition_group2 = 2, u_transition_background = { count = 1, hr_version = { count = 1, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-water-shallow-out-of-map-transition-to-water.png", scale = 0.5, tall = true, x = 1088, y = 1728 }, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/water-shallow-out-of-map-transition-to-water.png", tall = true, x = 544, y = 864 }, u_transition_mask = { count = 1, hr_version = { count = 1, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/hr-water-shallow-out-of-map-transition-to-water.png", scale = 0.5, x = 2176, y = 1728 }, line_length = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/out-of-map-transition/water-shallow-out-of-map-transition-to-water.png", x = 1088, y = 864 } } }, trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.1, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.125, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.069000000000000004, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.29689999999999998 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.29689999999999998 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "shallow-water-particle", probability = 1, repeat_count = 10, repeat_count_deviation = 4, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.05, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, tail_length = 12, tail_length_deviation = 20, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.1, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.125, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.069000000000000004, offset_deviation = { { -0.29689999999999998, -0.29689999999999998 }, { 0.29689999999999998, 0.29689999999999998 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "shallow-water-lower-particle", probability = 1, repeat_count = 7, repeat_count_deviation = 4, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.05, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, tail_length = 12, tail_length_deviation = 20, tail_width = 1, type = "create-particle" } }, type = "tile", variants = { inner_corner = { count = 6, hr_version = { count = 6, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-shallow/hr-water-shallow-inner-corner.png", scale = 0.5 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-shallow/water-shallow-inner-corner.png" }, main = { { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-shallow/hr-water-shallow1.png", scale = 0.5, size = 1 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-shallow/water-shallow1.png", size = 1 }, { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-shallow/hr-water-shallow2.png", scale = 0.5, size = 2 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-shallow/water-shallow2.png", size = 2 }, { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-shallow/hr-water-shallow4.png", scale = 0.5, size = 4 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-shallow/water-shallow4.png", size = 4 } }, o_transition = { count = 1, hr_version = { count = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-shallow/hr-water-shallow-o.png", scale = 0.5 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-shallow/water-shallow-o.png" }, outer_corner = { count = 6, hr_version = { count = 6, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-shallow/hr-water-shallow-outer-corner.png", scale = 0.5 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-shallow/water-shallow-outer-corner.png" }, side = { count = 6, hr_version = { count = 6, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-shallow/hr-water-shallow-side.png", scale = 0.5 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-shallow/water-shallow-side.png" }, u_transition = { count = 1, hr_version = { count = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-shallow/hr-water-shallow-u.png", scale = 0.5 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-shallow/water-shallow-u.png" } }, walking_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["water-mud"].walking_sound ]=], walking_speed_modifier = 0.8 }, ["water-wube"] = { collision_mask = { "water-tile", "item-layer", "resource-layer", "player-layer", "doodad-layer" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/water-wube.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, layer = 2, map_color = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 0 }, name = "water-wube", order = "x[wube]-a[water-wube]", pollution_absorption_per_second = 0, type = "tile", variants = { empty_transitions = true, main = { { count = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-wube/concrete-dummy.png", size = 1 }, { count = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-wube/concrete-dummy.png", probability = 0.39000000000000004, size = 2 }, { count = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-wube/concrete-dummy.png", probability = 1, size = 4 } }, material_background = { count = 1, hr_version = { count = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-wube/hr-water-wube.png", scale = 0.5 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/water-wube/water-wube.png" } } }, ["yellow-refined-concrete"] = { build_sound = { large = { switch_vibration_data = { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-large.bnvib", gain = 0.15 }, variations = { { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-large.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-large-1.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-large-2.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-large-3.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-large-4.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-large-5.ogg", volume = 0.5 } } }, medium = { switch_vibration_data = { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-medium.bnvib", gain = 0.15 }, variations = { { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-medium.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-medium-1.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-medium-2.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-medium-3.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-medium-4.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-medium-5.ogg", volume = 0.5 } } }, small = { switch_vibration_data = { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-small.bnvib", gain = 0.25 }, variations = { { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-small.ogg", volume = 0.4 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-small-1.ogg", volume = 0.4 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-small-2.ogg", volume = 0.4 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-small-3.ogg", volume = 0.4 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-small-4.ogg", volume = 0.4 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/build-concrete-small-5.ogg", volume = 0.4 } } } }, collision_mask = { "ground-tile" }, decorative_removal_probability = 0.25, layer = 79, localised_name = { "", { "color.yellow" }, " ", { "tile-name.refined-concrete" } }, map_color = { a = 0.5, b = 0.077000000000000002, g = 0.66600000000000001, r = 0.83499999999999996 }, mined_sound = { switch_vibration_data = { filename = "__core__/sound/deconstruct-bricks.bnvib", gain = 0.32000000000000002 }, variations = { { filename = "__base__/sound/deconstruct-bricks.ogg", volume = 0.8 } } }, name = "yellow-refined-concrete", needs_correction = false, order = "a[artificial]-e[color-concrete]-yellow", pollution_absorption_per_second = 0, scorch_mark_color = { a = 1, b = 0.24299999999999997, g = 0.30699999999999998, r = 0.373 }, tint = { b = 0.23100000000000001, g = 0.82799999999999994, r = 1 }, transition_overlay_layer_offset = 2, transitions = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["acid-refined-concrete"].transitions ]=], transitions_between_transitions = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tile["acid-refined-concrete"].transitions_between_transitions ]=], trigger_effect = { { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.22000000000000002, initial_vertical_speed = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.041000000000000005, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.59770000000000003 }, { 0.5, 0.59770000000000003 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "concrete-stone-particle-small", probability = 1, repeat_count = 20, repeat_count_deviation = 5, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.05, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.125, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.042000000000000002, offset_deviation = { { -0.2, -0.2 }, { 0.3, 0.3 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "concrete-stone-particle-medium", probability = 1, repeat_count = 7, repeat_count_deviation = 2, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.125, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.042000000000000002, offset_deviation = { left_top = { -0.3984, -0.79690000000000003 }, right_bottom = { 0.3984, 0.79690000000000003 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "concrete-stone-lower-particle-medium", probability = 1, repeat_count = 7, repeat_count_deviation = 2, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.05, type = "create-particle" }, { affects_target = false, frame_speed = 1, frame_speed_deviation = 0, initial_height = 0.2, initial_height_deviation = 0.5, initial_vertical_speed = 0.1, initial_vertical_speed_deviation = 0.05, offset_deviation = { { -0.4, -0.4 }, { 0.4, 0.4 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, particle_name = "concrete-stone-particle-tiny", probability = 1, repeat_count = 15, repeat_count_deviation = 4, show_in_tooltip = false, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.02, type = "create-particle" } }, type = "tile", variants = { inner_corner = { count = 16, hr_version = { count = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/hr-concrete-inner-corner.png", scale = 0.5 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete-inner-corner.png" }, inner_corner_mask = { count = 16, hr_version = { count = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/hr-concrete-inner-corner-mask.png", scale = 0.5 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete-inner-corner-mask.png" }, main = { { count = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete-dummy.png", size = 1 }, { count = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete-dummy.png", probability = 0.39000000000000004, size = 2 }, { count = 1, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete-dummy.png", probability = 1, size = 4 } }, material_background = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/hr-refined-concrete.png", scale = 0.5 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/refined-concrete.png" }, o_transition = { count = 4, hr_version = { count = 4, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/hr-concrete-o.png", scale = 0.5 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete-o.png" }, o_transition_mask = { count = 4, hr_version = { count = 4, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/hr-concrete-o-mask.png", scale = 0.5 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete-o-mask.png" }, outer_corner = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/hr-concrete-outer-corner.png", scale = 0.5 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete-outer-corner.png" }, outer_corner_mask = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/hr-concrete-outer-corner-mask.png", scale = 0.5 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete-outer-corner-mask.png" }, side = { count = 16, hr_version = { count = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/hr-concrete-side.png", scale = 0.5 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete-side.png" }, side_mask = { count = 16, hr_version = { count = 16, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/hr-concrete-side-mask.png", scale = 0.5 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete-side-mask.png" }, u_transition = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/hr-concrete-u.png", scale = 0.5 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete-u.png" }, u_transition_mask = { count = 8, hr_version = { count = 8, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/hr-concrete-u-mask.png", scale = 0.5 }, picture = "__base__/graphics/terrain/concrete/concrete-u-mask.png" } }, vehicle_friction_modifier = 0.8, walking_sound = { { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/refined-concrete-01.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/refined-concrete-02.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/refined-concrete-03.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/refined-concrete-04.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/refined-concrete-05.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/refined-concrete-06.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/refined-concrete-07.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/refined-concrete-08.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/refined-concrete-09.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/refined-concrete-10.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/walking/refined-concrete-11.ogg", volume = 0.5 } }, walking_speed_modifier = 1.5 } }, ["tile-effect"] = { water = { animation_scale = { 0.006, 0.006 }, animation_speed = 0.070000000000000009, dark_threshold = { 0.35899999999999999, 0.28899999999999997 }, foam_color = { 230, 255, 252 }, foam_color_multiplier = 2.4700000000000002, name = "water", near_zoom = 2, reflection_threshold = { 0.056000000000000005, 0.056000000000000005 }, specular_lightness = { 46, 51, 48 }, specular_threshold = { 0.29099999999999998, 0.29099999999999998 }, texture = { filename = "__base__/graphics/terrain/effects/water-noise.png", height = 512, width = 512 }, tick_scale = 0.09, type = "tile-effect" } }, ["tile-ghost"] = { ["tile-ghost"] = { build_sound = { { filename = "__core__/sound/build-ghost-tile.ogg", volume = 0.9 } }, collision_box = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, flags = { "not-on-map" }, icon = "__core__/graphics/icons/mip/ghost-tile.png", icon_mipmaps = 3, icon_size = 64, minable = { mining_time = 0, results = {} }, mined_sound = { { filename = "__core__/sound/deconstruct-ghost-tile.ogg", volume = 0.7 } }, name = "tile-ghost", selection_priority = 45, type = "tile-ghost" } }, ["tips-and-tricks-item"] = { ["active-provider-chest"] = { category = "logistic-network", dependencies = { "logistic-network" }, indent = 1, name = "active-provider-chest", order = "g", simulation = { init = " game.surfaces[1].create_entities_from_blueprint_string\n {\n string = \"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\",\n position = {-1,-3}\n }\n\n local roboport = game.surfaces[1].find_entities_filtered{name = \"roboport\"}[1]\n roboport.insert({name = \"logistic-robot\", count = 10})\n storage_chest = game.surfaces[1].find_entities_filtered{name = \"logistic-chest-storage\"}[1]\n game.camera_alt_info = false\n\n game.forces.player.worker_robots_speed_modifier = 1\n\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function() storage_chest.clear_items_inside() end)\n\n ", init_update_count = 600 }, tag = "[item=logistic-chest-active-provider]", trigger = { technology = "logistic-system", type = "research" }, type = "tips-and-tricks-item" }, ["belt-lanes"] = { category = "belts", dependencies = { "transport-belts" }, indent = 1, name = "belt-lanes", order = "b", simulation = { init = " game.surfaces[1].create_entities_from_blueprint_string\n {\n string = \"0eNqtl9uOmzAQht/F17ACm1PyKlUVERhSS8RGPqyaRnn3GtgQKuxdm22uAoZv/hnPj+07OvcaBkGZQsc7og1nEh1/3JGkF1b34z11GwAdEVVwRRFi9XW8UqJmcuBCxWfoFXpEiLIWfqNj+vgZIWCKKgozabq4nZi+nkGYBxYGZR1lZihufoFUhj1waV7jbIxqUHH+lkfoZv5Ub/kUYX7+JEEpyi5yfE7Alb/DSZuxXoGA9jQKNUNd3UuI0Hx7VvKMKziLuQATseF6TDxPInTl7ThYq7iHepLzyujxiDZ54CWPntetufOJ/tKob6mAZh7NomdRuVaDHsu3wZMFD715T9AmBgbicovNVIHo6ga2ERNXuLPuOhAnSf8YYposP0vgbAks9VmqemJsIuFnJAshXwjaVFBchClyO/fJJzXKpzm2VokyR5GKXZGwO5J7PkpX628CZe44Fm7lzX0lkPqADzvAiQ84TfzJyVqyjZXuYCUO1suRcuipUlZPph+U5N9EsQ1IVp8qCcIKTJyTUtiQK3cpziDutGBWK38YLLVmmnsII2HCivD+9uuWHcbx6u90h3NcXRjglafITfK2DsJJuEY/cIBvcBAY+4NJEJiEO92rD3AWDvbqXJwH2N/LZLgIcz+27jvKAPP7yaqCLeo3M4dgrtfEkGTPsj+vxl/vu3asSF4LPcEBqjMn+etNESH+O9PKqyTZnnoX63q7xeZfis1WWgMrUewoebFnd0jK8FPN4b8eahpuTmvfOtCQyjuH7BspKKHhMR4SpwPlcXX+jNC7SWpeQao0Kw+4TIuyPBRm0f4LmOvRmQ==\",\n position = {-1, 0}\n }\n ", init_update_count = 850 }, tag = "[entity=transport-belt]", trigger = { count = 30, entity = "transport-belt", match_type_only = true, type = "build-entity" }, type = "tips-and-tricks-item" }, ["buffer-chest"] = { category = "logistic-network", dependencies = { "logistic-network" }, indent = 1, name = "buffer-chest", order = "h", simulation = { init = " game.surfaces[1].create_entities_from_blueprint_string\n {\n string = \"0eNqt0lFvhCAMAOD/0me4qPN0x19Zlot61TVRIIBmnuG/DzVnluDexlMh9GubdIG6H1Ebkg7EAtQoaUF8LGCpk1W/vrlZIwgghwMwkNWw3oyqlVbGgWdA8oHfIFL/yQClI0e4G9tlvstxqNGED0e2HWvrKkdKBlErS1sYagUmYTCD4IX3LBKyQ8AeG2eo4SjRdDMP/aNpqwZjMHuBDOqxbdHcLT2DkSbHOSn1Fo8ayfy60clZq/mR36uOrAutNl9oHdeVtTQh10ZN9AhfYza97PAanNnXv+x9vlh8gcm5V/xDr9lKhwXY1kT82ioGExq7ZWTvaV7esjItyvJW5t7/AL9E090=\",\n position = {-2, -2}\n }\n\n local roboport = game.surfaces[1].find_entities_filtered{name = \"roboport\"}[1]\n roboport.insert({name = \"logistic-robot\", count = 2})\n buffer_chest = game.surfaces[1].find_entities_filtered{name = \"logistic-chest-buffer\"}[1]\n buffer_chest.set_request_slot({name = \"iron-plate\", count = 100}, 1)\n buffer_chest.set_request_slot({name = \"copper-plate\", count = 100}, 2)\n provider_chest_1 = game.surfaces[1].find_entities_filtered{name = \"logistic-chest-passive-provider\"}[1]\n provider_chest_2 = game.surfaces[1].find_entities_filtered{name = \"logistic-chest-passive-provider\"}[2]\n game.camera_alt_info = false\n\n game.forces.player.worker_robots_speed_modifier = 1\n game.forces.player.character_logistic_requests = true\n\n step_1 = function()\n character = game.surfaces[1].create_entity\n {\n name = \"character\",\n position = {5.5, -10},\n force = \"player\"\n }\n character.walking_state = {walking = true, direction = defines.direction.south}\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n if character.position.y >= 0.5 then\n character.walking_state = {walking = false}\n step_2()\n end\n end)\n end\n\n step_2 = function()\n buffer_chest.insert({name = \"iron-plate\", count = 100})\n buffer_chest.insert({name = \"copper-plate\", count = 100})\n provider_chest_1.insert({name = \"iron-plate\", count = 100})\n provider_chest_2.insert({name = \"copper-plate\", count = 100})\n character.set_personal_logistic_slot(1, {name = \"iron-plate\", min = 2, max = 1000})\n character.set_personal_logistic_slot(2, {name = \"copper-plate\", min = 2, max = 1000})\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n if character.get_main_inventory().get_item_count(\"iron-plate\") < 2 then return end\n if character.get_main_inventory().get_item_count(\"copper-plate\") < 2 then return end\n step_3()\n end)\n end\n\n step_3 = function()\n local count = 30\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n count = count - 1\n if count > 0 then return end\n character.walking_state = {walking = true, direction = defines.direction.south}\n step_4()\n end)\n end\n\n step_4 = function()\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n if game.surfaces[1].count_entities_filtered{name = \"logistic-robot\"} > 0 then return end\n reset()\n end)\n end\n\n reset = function()\n if character and character.valid then character.destroy() end\n buffer_chest.clear_items_inside()\n provider_chest_1.clear_items_inside()\n provider_chest_2.clear_items_inside()\n start()\n end\n\n start = function()\n count = 60\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n count = count -1\n if count > 0 then return end\n step_1()\n end)\n end\n\n start()\n\n " }, tag = "[item=logistic-chest-buffer]", trigger = { technology = "logistic-system", type = "research" }, type = "tips-and-tricks-item" }, ["bulk-crafting"] = { category = "game-interaction", dependencies = { "introduction" }, image = "__base__/graphics/tips-and-tricks/bulk-crafting.png", name = "bulk-crafting", order = "j", skip_trigger = { consecutive = true, count = 3, event_type = "crafting-of-multiple-items-ordered", type = "craft-item" }, tag = "[item=iron-gear-wheel]", trigger = { consecutive = true, count = 5, event_type = "crafting-of-single-item-ordered", type = "craft-item" }, type = "tips-and-tricks-item" }, ["burner-inserter-refueling"] = { category = "inserters", dependencies = { "inserters" }, indent = 1, name = "burner-inserter-refueling", order = "b", simulation = { init = "\n game.surfaces[1].create_entities_from_blueprint_string\n {\n string = \"0eNqVldtugzAMht/F11A1lFN5lWlCULwuEjgoh25VxbsvabeuB1CTy2D7sxP82ydoe4Oj5KShOgHfCVJQvZ1A8T01vfumjyNCBVzjABFQM7iTlg2pUUgdt9hrmCLg1OE3VGyKXgb3oulQ3gQl03sESJprjpf058OxJjO01rNi19gvITqkePeJSlviKJQNEuRyWVDM2CqL4AjVepVNrpQHUPJYxAxifQVE0HGJu4vVhv7eRhg9GnfpJ/xm6YGe05Q3hd7nmeGm/twihJv5c/MQbu7PzUK4xZXbGkkoY04KpZ79j+kSOJ8BlwHgJAS8DQCvQ8CuTX3JLAjM/MGbIHDi3RVBTcH8VZcGcf1VFyQ65q+6INGx/OVwez3bOC2MNlZ4Vx002ti/9Dh9cLK2penO7vv4z71WqDWnvXJuEgdxwNpYW29bFrva7R5r0tLg5PbMeRdVN3svggNKdSmwZGmxTQqWF8W23EzTD1RaWCk=\",\n position = {0, 0}\n }\n\n script.on_nth_tick(2400, function()\n local chest = game.surfaces[1].find_entities_filtered{name = \"wooden-chest\"}[1]\n chest.insert({name = \"coal\", count = 20})\n for k, burner in pairs (game.surfaces[1].find_entities_filtered{name = \"burner-inserter\"}) do\n burner.clear_items_inside()\n = 400000\n end\n end)\n\n " }, tag = "[entity=burner-inserter][item=coal]", trigger = { count = 3, entity = "burner-inserter", type = "build-entity" }, type = "tips-and-tricks-item" }, ["circuit-network"] = { category = "game-interaction", dependencies = { "introduction" }, name = "circuit-network", order = "m", simulation = { init = "\n game.surfaces[1].create_entities_from_blueprint_string\n {\n string = \"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\",\n position = {0, 0}\n }\n\n for x = -7, -4 do\n for y = 2, 3 do\n game.surfaces[1].set_tiles{{name = \"water\", position = {x, y}}}\n end\n end\n\n " }, tag = "[item=red-wire]", trigger = { triggers = { { technology = "circuit-network", type = "research" }, { ticks = 108000, type = "time-elapsed" } }, type = "sequence" }, type = "tips-and-tricks-item" }, ["clear-cursor"] = { category = "game-interaction", dependencies = { "introduction" }, image = "__base__/graphics/tips-and-tricks/clear-cursor.png", name = "clear-cursor", order = "d", skip_trigger = { count = 5, type = "clear-cursor" }, type = "tips-and-tricks-item" }, ["connect-switch"] = { category = "electric-network", dependencies = { "electric-network" }, indent = 1, name = "connect-switch", order = "e", simulation = { init = " player = game.create_test_player{name = \"big K\"}\n player.character.teleport{0, 3.5}\n game.camera_player = player\n game.camera_player_cursor_position = player.position\n\n game.surfaces[1].create_entities_from_blueprint_string\n {\n string = \"0eNqVk+FugyAUhd/l/sZGFKX6KkuzqL1pSRAM4JwxvHvRLlmzsXb+45Kc7x4u5y7QyhEHI5SDegHRaWWhflvAiotq5Hrn5gGhBuGwBwKq6ddq0BOaxE7CdVfwBIQ64yfU1JOXUuu0wmRqpHwQZv5EAJUTTuDdwFbM72rsWzSBHNOT4MMGiVZrt4BJaH4oCMzhVB0Kv7r5wcn+xXmJyb8xfSAkKLFzRnTJoCXGfNEvYBp4QYvicm31aNa3slOkAdvZgP3Nz2P8Iv6Vv8DpRqWxGZT7LD5xyGMO+T78swmXMf5xZ6JoGo9CtS9Rd0xI+7YV9cP+EfhAYzdJdqSMVxmnJecVZ97fAJfMMhY=\",\n position = {0,0}\n }\n\n step_4 = function()\n local count = 30\n player.cursor_stack.set_stack{name = \"copper-cable\", count = 100}\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n count = count - 1\n if count > 0 then return end\n if game.move_cursor({position = {-4.5, 0.5}}) then\n player.drag_wire{position = {-4.5, 0.5}}\n step_5()\n end\n end)\n end\n\n step_5 = function()\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n if game.move_cursor({position = {-0.5, 0.5}, speed = 0.15}) then\n player.drag_wire{position = {-0.5, 0.5}}\n step_6()\n end\n end)\n end\n\n step_6 = function()\n local count = 30\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n count = count - 1\n if count > 0 then return end\n if game.move_cursor({position = {0.5, 0.5}}) then\n player.drag_wire{position = {0.5, 0.5}}\n step_7()\n end\n end)\n end\n\n step_7 = function()\n local count = 30\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n count = count - 1\n if count > 0 then return end\n if game.move_cursor({position = {4.5, 0.5}}) then\n player.drag_wire{position = {4.5, 0.5}}\n step_9()\n end\n end)\n end\n\n step_9 = function()\n local count = 30\n player.clear_cursor()\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n count = count - 1\n if count > 0 then return end\n if game.move_cursor({position = player.position}) then\n reset()\n end\n end)\n end\n\n reset = function()\n\n local count = 30\n player.clear_cursor()\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n count = count - 1\n if count > 0 then return end\n player.clear_cursor()\n local pole = game.surfaces[1].find_entity(\"power-switch\", {0, 1})\n pole.disconnect_neighbour()\n start()\n end)\n end\n\n start = function()\n local count = 30\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n count = count - 1\n if count > 0 then return end\n step_4()\n end)\n end\n\n start()\n " }, tag = "[entity=power-switch]", trigger = { entity = "power-switch", type = "build-entity" }, type = "tips-and-tricks-item" }, ["construction-robots"] = { category = "logistic-network", dependencies = { "logistic-network" }, indent = 1, name = "construction-robots", order = "c", simulation = { init = " game.surfaces[1].create_entities_from_blueprint_string\n {\n string = \"0eNptkdFuhCAQRf9lnnEjdld3/ZVNswE6WhIFM4xNXeO/L9LWNFFeCIR7Tu4wg+5GHMg6hnoGa7wLUN9nCLZ1qlvveBoQarCMPQhwql9P5LUfPDEsAqz7wG+o5fIuAB1btvjDSIfp4cZeI8UHWxo7NEzWZOiQ2imLdqRGGYyCwYdI8G5VR2omcwFT3Mto0mPTID2CfUaKzLe1iJ2s2GRh1IFVQu7p1z/4AeJt33YPuCRAfpQ/b/nOtzZw7Gs+MXAW2JNqD8uefnmny7KOMw29/vdHAr6QQkoUV3mubkUly6q6lbHBC9Mil0Q=\",\n position = {-6,-3}\n }\n\n local roboport = game.surfaces[1].find_entities_filtered{name = \"roboport\"}[1]\n roboport.insert(\"construction-robot\")\n\n local chest = game.surfaces[1].find_entities_filtered{name = \"logistic-chest-storage\"}[1]\n chest.insert(\"stone-wall\")\n chest.insert(\"gun-turret\")\n game.camera_alt_info = true\n game.forces.player.worker_robots_speed_modifier = 1\n\n script.on_nth_tick(360, function()\n if not global.ghosts_built then\n local bp_string = \"0eNqV1NtqhDAQBuB3meu4mHjImldZSnHbYQnoKCa2Fcm711gKS5uguYww3/wOk6xw72YcJ00W1Ar6bSAD6raC0Q9qO//NLiOCAm2xBwbU9v5k7ECYfbZdB46Bpnf8AsUdOyx8zJTZeZrQPhUK98IAyWqr8af9flheae7vOG1yqDGDcTBbyUC+m2cuFYMFVMYvlfNZ/ijilFIcKEXoX/4ru5GHgPJUjPIgRnVKqX6VPKzUaUoki0wYiQgB16QYkRRNEhIZCM+TVq2IKDxp1WKKSNqUmFIkzSWmlEmK8Mp2qffLr54eGQYfOJm9QFx5KRsheS1lU9fOfQPQI3ms\"\n local stack = game.create_inventory(1)[1]\n stack.import_stack(bp_string)\n local ghosts = stack.build_blueprint\n {\n surface = game.surfaces[1],\n force = game.forces.player,\n position = {4,1},\n force_build = true,\n direction = 0,\n skip_fog_of_war = false\n }\n else\n for k, entity in pairs (game.surfaces[1].find_entities_filtered{type = {\"ammo-turret\", \"wall\"}}) do\n entity.order_deconstruction(\"player\")\n end\n end\n global.ghosts_built = not global.ghosts_built\n end)\n " }, tag = "[item=construction-robot]", trigger = { technology = "construction-robotics", type = "research" }, type = "tips-and-tricks-item" }, ["copy-entity-settings"] = { category = "copy-paste", dependencies = { "introduction" }, is_title = true, name = "copy-entity-settings", order = "a", player_input_method_filter = "keyboard_and_mouse", simulation = { init = " local surface = game.surfaces[1]\n surface.create_entities_from_blueprint_string\n {\n string = \"0eNqVkd0OgjAMhd+l15sRRKd7FWPMwAabsEK2+UMI7+6AG4xGw11P037npO0gr27YOOIAugMqavagjx14KtlUQy+0DYIGCmhBABs7KOM92rwiLqU1xZUYZQq9AOILPkEn/UkAcqBAOPFG0Z75ZnN0ceA3SUBT+7hc85AgAmW22gpoY7FebaOPw4KmWK5mWaJx8nFFrGKGD690qVcy9/oC3CwE/uNlC3lvtxguPf5Gz14p4I7OjxvpPsnUIVXJTqmDWvf9C5Gbou0=\",\n position = {0, -1}\n }\n surface.create_entity{name = \"substation\", position = {0, -10}}\n surface.create_entity{name = \"electric-energy-interface\", position = {0, -10}}\n\n\n player = game.create_test_player{name = \"big k\"}\n player.teleport({0, 2.5})\n game.camera_player = player\n game.camera_player_cursor_position = player.position\n game.camera_alt_info = true\n\n update_player_selected = function()\n player.update_selected_entity(game.camera_player_cursor_position)\n local selected = player.selected\n if not selected then\n if fake_source_box then\n fake_source_box.destroy()\n fake_source_box = nil\n end\n return\n end\n\n if copy_source and copy_source ~= selected then\n if fake_source_box then\n fake_source_box.destroy()\n end\n fake_source_box = game.surfaces[1].create_entity{name = \"highlight-box\", box_type = \"copy\", source = copy_source, position = copy_source.position}\n end\n\n end\n\n step_1 = function()\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n local finished = game.move_cursor({position = {-4.5, -0.5}})\n update_player_selected()\n if finished then\n step_2()\n end\n end)\n end\n\n step_2 = function()\n local wait = 30\n copy_source = player.selected\n game.surfaces[1].play_sound{path = \"utility/entity_settings_copied\"}\n last_selected = player.selected\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n wait = wait - 1\n if wait >= 0 then return end\n local finished = game.move_cursor{position = {4.5, -0.5}}\n update_player_selected()\n local selected = player.selected\n\n if selected ~= last_selected then\n last_selected = selected\n selected.copy_settings(copy_source, player)\n end\n\n if finished then\n step_3()\n end\n end)\n end\n\n step_3 = function()\n local wait = 30\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n wait = wait - 1\n if wait > 0 then return end\n local finished = game.move_cursor({position = player.position})\n update_player_selected()\n if finished then\n reset()\n end\n end)\n end\n\n reset = function()\n local reset_tick = game.tick + 60\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n if game.tick >= reset_tick then\n for k, v in pairs (game.surfaces[1].find_entities_filtered{name = \"assembling-machine-2\"}) do\n if v ~= copy_source then\n v.set_recipe(nil)\n end\n end\n copy_source = nil\n start()\n end\n end)\n end\n\n start = function()\n local start_tick = game.tick + 60\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n if game.tick >= start_tick then\n step_1()\n end\n end)\n end\n\n start()\n\n " }, skip_trigger = { count = 2, type = "paste-entity-settings" }, trigger = { consecutive = true, count = 3, type = "set-recipe" }, type = "tips-and-tricks-item" }, ["copy-entity-settings-controller"] = { category = "copy-paste", dependencies = { "introduction" }, is_title = true, name = "copy-entity-settings-controller", order = "a", player_input_method_filter = "game_controller", simulation = { init = " local surface = game.surfaces[1]\n surface.create_entities_from_blueprint_string\n {\n string = \"0eNqVkd0OgjAMhd+l15sRRKd7FWPMwAabsEK2+UMI7+6AG4xGw11P037npO0gr27YOOIAugMqavagjx14KtlUQy+0DYIGCmhBABs7KOM92rwiLqU1xZUYZQq9AOILPkEn/UkAcqBAOPFG0Z75ZnN0ceA3SUBT+7hc85AgAmW22gpoY7FebaOPw4KmWK5mWaJx8nFFrGKGD690qVcy9/oC3CwE/uNlC3lvtxguPf5Gz14p4I7OjxvpPsnUIVXJTqmDWvf9C5Gbou0=\",\n position = {0, -1}\n }\n surface.create_entity{name = \"substation\", position = {0, -10}}\n surface.create_entity{name = \"electric-energy-interface\", position = {0, -10}}\n\n\n player = game.create_test_player{name = \"big k\"}\n player.teleport({-4.5, 2.5})\n game.camera_player = player\n game.camera_alt_info = true\n\n update_player_selected = function(position)\n player.update_selected_entity(position)\n local selected = player.selected\n if not selected then\n if fake_source_box then\n fake_source_box.destroy()\n fake_source_box = nil\n end\n return\n end\n\n if copy_source and copy_source ~= selected then\n if fake_source_box then\n fake_source_box.destroy()\n end\n fake_source_box = game.surfaces[1].create_entity{name = \"highlight-box\", box_type = \"copy\", source = copy_source, position = copy_source.position}\n end\n\n end\n\n step_1 = function()\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n update_player_selected({-4.5, -0.5})\n step_2()\n end)\n end\n\n step_2 = function()\n local wait = 30\n copy_source = player.selected\n game.surfaces[1].play_sound{path = \"utility/entity_settings_copied\"}\n last_selected = player.selected\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n wait = wait - 1\n if wait >= 0 then return end\n player.walking_state = {walking = true, direction = defines.direction.east}\n update_player_selected({player.position.x, -0.5})\n local selected = player.selected\n\n if selected ~= last_selected then\n last_selected = selected\n selected.copy_settings(copy_source, player)\n end\n\n if player.position.x >= 4.5 then\n player.walking_state = {walking = false}\n step_3()\n end\n end)\n end\n\n step_3 = function()\n local wait = 30 \n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n wait = wait - 1\n if wait > 0 then return end\n player.walking_state = {walking = true, direction = defines.direction.west}\n update_player_selected({player.position.x, player.position.y})\n if player.position.x <= -4.5 then\n player.walking_state = {walking = false}\n reset()\n end\n end)\n end\n\n reset = function()\n local reset_tick = game.tick + 60\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n if game.tick >= reset_tick then\n for k, v in pairs (game.surfaces[1].find_entities_filtered{name = \"assembling-machine-2\"}) do\n if v ~= copy_source then\n v.set_recipe(nil)\n end\n end\n copy_source = nil\n start()\n end\n end)\n end\n\n start = function()\n local start_tick = game.tick + 60\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n if game.tick >= start_tick then\n step_1()\n end\n end)\n end\n\n start()\n\n " }, skip_trigger = { count = 2, type = "paste-entity-settings" }, trigger = { consecutive = true, count = 3, type = "set-recipe" }, type = "tips-and-tricks-item" }, ["copy-paste"] = { category = "ghost-building", dependencies = { "ghost-building" }, indent = 1, name = "copy-paste", order = "c", simulation = { init = " game.surfaces[1].create_entities_from_blueprint_string\n {\n string = \"0eNqdk90KgzAMhd8l11Xwt9pXGWP4E0ZBo7R1TKTvvqo3gznQ3iUl/c7hkCxQdxOOSpIBsYBsBtIgbgto+aSqW9/MPCIIkAZ7YEBVv3ZGVaTHQZmgxs6AZSCpxTeIyN4ZIBlpJO6krZkfNPU1Kjfwj8FgHLT7NtCq6lBBWoQZg9lVZRlmTqOVCpt9IrbsBx17oV1lD2DJBVh+zWd6Ac2voTOvCPIz6NwLzY/T5V4RnPJZePnMVp9udbc1F19XweCFSu9qRZTyMuZRznlZJNZ+ADm2DbE=\",\n position = {0, 0}\n }\n\n player = game.create_test_player{name = \"kovarex\"}\n player.teleport{-10, 3.5}\n game.camera_player = player\n game.camera_position = {0, 0}\n game.camera_zoom = 1\n game.surfaces[1].build_checkerboard({{-16, -9}, {16, 9}})\n player.cursor_stack.set_stack{name = \"copy-paste-tool\", count = 1}\n\n reset = function()\n player.cursor_stack.set_stack{name = \"copy-paste-tool\", count = 1}\n for k, v in pairs (game.surfaces[1].find_entities_filtered{area = {{3, -2}, {10, 10}}}) do\n v.destroy()\n end\n game.camera_player_cursor_direction = defines.direction.north\n step_1()\n end\n\n step_1 = function()\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n if game.move_cursor{position = {-1, -2}} then\n game.activate_selection()\n step_2()\n end\n end)\n end\n\n step_2 = function()\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n if game.move_cursor{position = {2, 1}} then\n game.finish_selection()\n step_3()\n end\n end)\n end\n\n step_3 = function()\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n if game.move_cursor{position = {5, -0.5}} then\n player.raw_build_from_cursor()\n step_4()\n end\n end)\n end\n\n step_4 = function()\n local count = 30\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n count = count - 1\n if count > 0 then return end\n player.clear_cursor()\n step_5()\n end)\n end\n\n step_5 = function()\n local count = 30\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n count = count - 1\n if count > 0 then return end\n player.cursor_stack.set_stack{name = \"copy-paste-tool\", count = 1}\n step_6()\n end)\n end\n\n step_6 = function()\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n if game.move_cursor{position = {-1, 1}} then\n game.activate_selection()\n step_7()\n end\n end)\n end\n\n step_7 = function()\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n if game.move_cursor{position = {1, 3}} then\n game.finish_selection()\n step_8()\n end\n end)\n end\n\n step_8 = function()\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n if game.move_cursor{position = {6, 0}} then\n player.raw_build_from_cursor()\n step_9()\n end\n end)\n end\n\n step_9 = function()\n local count = 30\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n count = count - 1\n if count > 0 then return end\n step_10()\n end)\n end\n\n step_10 = function()\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n if game.move_cursor{position = {8.5, -0.5}} then\n step_11()\n end\n end)\n end\n\n step_11 = function()\n local count = 30\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n count = count - 1\n if count > 0 then return end\n game.scroll_clipboard_backwards()\n game.camera_player_cursor_direction = defines.direction.east\n step_12()\n end)\n end\n\n step_12 = function()\n local count = 30\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n count = count - 1\n if count > 0 then return end\n game.camera_player_cursor_direction = defines.direction.east\n step_13()\n end)\n end\n\n step_13 = function()\n local count = 30\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n count = count - 1\n if count > 0 then return end\n player.raw_build_from_cursor()\n step_14()\n end)\n end\n\n step_14 = function()\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n if game.move_cursor{position = {8, 0}} then\n step_15()\n end\n end)\n end\n\n step_15 = function()\n local count = 30\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n count = count - 1\n if count > 0 then return end\n game.scroll_clipboard_forwards()\n step_16()\n end)\n end\n\n step_16 = function()\n local count = 30\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n count = count - 1\n if count > 0 then return end\n player.raw_build_from_cursor()\n step_17()\n end)\n end\n\n step_17 = function()\n local count = 30\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n count = count - 1\n if count > 0 then return end\n reset()\n end)\n end\n\n step_1()\n " }, tag = "[item=copy-paste-tool]", trigger = { triggers = { { type = "dependencies-met" }, { ticks = 432000, type = "time-elapsed" } }, type = "sequence" }, type = "tips-and-tricks-item" }, ["copy-paste-filters"] = { category = "copy-paste", dependencies = { "copy-entity-settings" }, indent = 1, name = "copy-paste-filters", order = "c", simulation = { init = " game.surfaces[1].create_entities_from_blueprint_string\n {\n string = \"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\",\n position = {-1, 1}\n }\n\n player = game.create_test_player{name = \"big k\"}\n player.teleport({0, 1.5})\n game.camera_player = player\n game.camera_player_cursor_position = player.position\n game.camera_alt_info = true\n\n update_player_selected = function()\n player.update_selected_entity(game.camera_player_cursor_position)\n local selected = player.selected\n if not selected then\n if fake_source_box then\n fake_source_box.destroy()\n fake_source_box = nil\n end\n return\n end\n\n if copy_source and copy_source ~= selected then\n if fake_source_box then\n fake_source_box.destroy()\n end\n fake_source_box = game.surfaces[1].create_entity{name = \"highlight-box\", box_type = \"copy\", source = copy_source, position = copy_source.position}\n end\n end\n\n step_1 = function()\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n local finished = game.move_cursor({position = {-4, -1.5}})\n update_player_selected()\n if finished then\n step_2()\n end\n end)\n end\n\n step_2 = function()\n local wait = 30\n copy_source = player.selected\n game.surfaces[1].play_sound{path = \"utility/entity_settings_copied\"}\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n wait = wait - 1\n if wait >= 0 then return end\n local finished = game.move_cursor{position = {4, -1.5}}\n local last = last_selected\n update_player_selected()\n\n if finished then\n local selected = player.selected\n selected.copy_settings(copy_source, player)\n step_3()\n end\n end)\n end\n\n step_3 = function()\n local wait = 30\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n wait = wait - 1\n if wait > 0 then return end\n local finished = game.move_cursor({position = player.position})\n update_player_selected()\n if fake_source_box and not player.selected then\n fake_source_box.destroy()\n fake_source_box = nil\n end\n if finished then\n reset()\n end\n end)\n end\n\n reset = function()\n local time = 150\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n time = time - 1\n if time > 0 then return end\n copy_source = nil\n local splitter = game.surfaces[1].find_entity(\"splitter\", {4, -1.5})\n splitter.splitter_filter = nil\n splitter.splitter_output_priority = \"none\"\n start()\n end)\n end\n\n start = function(time)\n\n local time = time or 150\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n time = time - 1\n if time > 0 then return end\n step_1()\n end)\n end\n\n start(800)\n\n ", init_update_count = 750 }, tag = "[entity=filter-inserter]", trigger = { consecutive = true, count = 3, type = "set-filter" }, type = "tips-and-tricks-item" }, ["copy-paste-requester-chest"] = { category = "copy-paste", dependencies = { "copy-entity-settings" }, indent = 1, name = "copy-paste-requester-chest", order = "d", simulation = { init = " game.surfaces[1].create_entities_from_blueprint_string\n {\n string = \"0eNqFkt1ugzAMhd/F10kF9IeVV5mmKqSGWoKEJmEaQ3n3GVqhaqVbbqxE9nfOiTxC2fTYOTIBihFIW+OheB/BU21UM72FoUMogAK2IMCodro5W9rOugBRAJkzfkGRRvHvmPIe27IhU8tW6QsZlNkDIosfAtAECoQ3G/NlOJm+LdGxxrMBAZ31PGDNpMoQuRcwQJHEyc+v+exvJ0+s7eYGk8lmzzYdappToUFXD9JfCJuzxGtPXctSsCK5XSQbW5MPpKW+oA/SB+tUjSsB0rsq17UQu1dEx0a4cs/LINk6cr8gsUEdHCPvEXkx0FVKr/hMZmLO/1L2VYXu5OmbEWmynBWlw6Lk+9IHNfNeoI9x2od5g4qHPRXwic7PzdlbusuPWZ4e8vyYb2P8ASSf7zY=\",\n position = {-1, 4}\n }\n\n player = game.create_test_player{name = \"big k\"}\n player.teleport({0, 3.5})\n game.camera_player = player\n game.camera_player_cursor_position = player.position\n game.camera_alt_info = true\n roboport = game.surfaces[1].find_entity(\"roboport\", {-5, 0})\n roboport.insert({name = \"logistic-robot\", count = 5})\n game.forces.player.worker_robots_speed_modifier = 1\n game.forces.player.worker_robots_storage_bonus = 8\n storage_chest = game.surfaces[1].find_entity(\"logistic-chest-storage\", {-1.5, 1.5})\n requester_chest = game.surfaces[1].find_entity(\"logistic-chest-requester\", {3.5, 2.5})\n\n update_player_selected = function()\n player.update_selected_entity(game.camera_player_cursor_position)\n local selected = player.selected\n if not selected then\n if fake_source_box then\n fake_source_box.destroy()\n fake_source_box = nil\n end\n return\n end\n\n if copy_source and copy_source ~= selected then\n if fake_source_box then\n fake_source_box.destroy()\n end\n fake_source_box = game.surfaces[1].create_entity{name = \"highlight-box\", box_type = \"copy\", source = copy_source, position = copy_source.position}\n end\n end\n\n step_1 = function()\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n local finished = game.move_cursor({position = {3.5, -0.5}})\n update_player_selected()\n if finished then\n step_2()\n end\n end)\n end\n\n step_2 = function()\n local wait = 30\n copy_source = player.selected\n game.surfaces[1].play_sound{path = \"utility/entity_settings_copied\"}\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n wait = wait - 1\n if wait >= 0 then return end\n local finished = game.move_cursor{position = {3.5, 2.5}}\n local last = last_selected\n update_player_selected()\n\n if finished then\n local selected = player.selected\n selected.copy_settings(copy_source, player)\n step_3()\n end\n end)\n end\n\n step_3 = function()\n local wait = 30\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n wait = wait - 1\n if wait > 0 then return end\n local finished = game.move_cursor({position = player.position})\n update_player_selected()\n if fake_source_box and not player.selected then\n fake_source_box.destroy()\n fake_source_box = nil\n end\n if finished then\n reset()\n end\n end)\n end\n\n reset = function()\n local time = 60\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n if game.surfaces[1].count_entities_filtered{name = \"logistic-robot\", limit = 1} > 0 then return end\n time = time - 1\n if time > 0 then return end\n requester_chest.clear_items_inside()\n requester_chest.clear_request_slot(1)\n requester_chest.clear_request_slot(2)\n copy_source = nil\n start()\n end)\n end\n\n start = function()\n storage_chest.clear_items_inside()\n storage_chest.insert(\"steel-plate\")\n storage_chest.insert(\"advanced-circuit\")\n\n local start_tick = game.tick + 60\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n if game.tick >= start_tick then\n step_1()\n end\n end)\n end\n\n start()\n\n " }, skip_trigger = { count = 2, match_type_only = true, source = "assembling-machine-1", target = "logistic-chest-requester", type = "paste-entity-settings" }, tag = "[entity=logistic-chest-requester]", trigger = { triggers = { { count = 10, entity = "logistic-chest-requester", match_type_only = true, type = "build-entity" }, { count = 20, logistic_chest_only = true, type = "set-logistic-request" } }, type = "sequence" }, type = "tips-and-tricks-item" }, ["copy-paste-spidertron"] = { category = "copy-paste", dependencies = { "copy-entity-settings" }, indent = 1, name = "copy-paste-spidertron", order = "e", simulation = { init = "\n player = game.create_test_player{name = \"big k\"}\n player.teleport({0, 2.5})\n game.camera_player = player\n game.camera_player_cursor_position = player.position\n game.camera_alt_info = true\n\n source_spider = game.surfaces[1].create_entity{name = \"spidertron\", position = {-4, 1.5}, force = \"player\"}\n source_spider.color = {1, 0, 0, 0.5}\n\n paste_spider = game.surfaces[1].create_entity{name = \"spidertron\", position = {4, 1.5}, force = \"player\"}\n\n update_player_selected = function()\n player.update_selected_entity(game.camera_player_cursor_position)\n local selected = player.selected\n if not selected then\n if fake_source_box then\n fake_source_box.destroy()\n fake_source_box = nil\n end\n return\n end\n\n if copy_source and copy_source ~= selected then\n if fake_source_box then\n fake_source_box.destroy()\n end\n fake_source_box = game.surfaces[1].create_entity{name = \"highlight-box\", box_type = \"copy\", source = copy_source, position = copy_source.position}\n end\n end\n\n step_1 = function()\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n local finished = game.move_cursor{position = {source_spider.position.x, source_spider.position.y - 1.5}}\n update_player_selected()\n if finished then\n step_2()\n end\n end)\n end\n\n step_2 = function()\n local wait = 30\n copy_source = player.selected\n game.surfaces[1].play_sound{path = \"utility/entity_settings_copied\"}\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n wait = wait - 1\n if wait >= 0 then return end\n local finished = game.move_cursor{position = {paste_spider.position.x, paste_spider.position.y - 1.5}}\n local last = last_selected\n update_player_selected()\n\n if finished then\n local selected = player.selected\n selected.copy_settings(copy_source, player)\n step_3()\n end\n end)\n end\n\n step_3 = function()\n local count = 30\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n if count > 0 then count = count - 1 return end\n local finished = game.move_cursor({position = player.position})\n update_player_selected()\n if finished then\n reset()\n end\n end)\n end\n\n reset = function()\n local count = 60\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n if count > 0 then count = count - 1 return end\n copy_source = nil\n paste_spider.color = {1, 0.5, 0, 0.5}\n start()\n end)\n end\n\n start = function()\n count = 60\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n if count > 0 then count = count - 1 return end\n step_1()\n end)\n end\n\n start()\n\n " }, tag = "[entity=spidertron]", trigger = { count = 2, entity = "spidertron", type = "build-entity" }, type = "tips-and-tricks-item" }, ["copy-paste-trains"] = { category = "copy-paste", dependencies = { "copy-entity-settings" }, indent = 1, name = "copy-paste-trains", order = "b", simulation = { init = " game.surfaces[1].create_entities_from_blueprint_string\n {\n string = \"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\",\n position = {0, -1}\n }\n\n\n player = game.create_test_player{name = \"big k\"}\n player.teleport({1, 2.5})\n game.camera_position = {1, 0.5}\n game.camera_player = player\n game.camera_player_cursor_position = player.position\n game.camera_alt_info = true\n\n update_player_selected = function()\n player.update_selected_entity(game.camera_player_cursor_position)\n local selected = player.selected\n if not selected then\n if fake_source_box then\n fake_source_box.destroy()\n fake_source_box = nil\n end\n return\n end\n\n if copy_source and copy_source ~= selected then\n if fake_source_box then\n fake_source_box.destroy()\n end\n fake_source_box = game.surfaces[1].create_entity{name = \"highlight-box\", box_type = \"copy\", source = copy_source, position = copy_source.position}\n end\n end\n\n step_1 = function()\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n local finished = game.move_cursor({position = {-3, -1.5}})\n update_player_selected()\n if finished then\n step_2()\n end\n end)\n end\n\n step_2 = function()\n local wait = 30\n copy_source = player.selected\n game.surfaces[1].play_sound{path = \"utility/entity_settings_copied\"}\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n wait = wait - 1\n if wait >= 0 then return end\n local finished = game.move_cursor{position = {5, -1.5}}\n local last = last_selected\n update_player_selected()\n\n if finished then\n local selected = player.selected\n selected.copy_settings(copy_source, player)\n step_3()\n end\n end)\n end\n\n step_3 = function()\n local wait = 20\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n wait = wait - 1\n if wait > 0 then return end\n local finished = game.move_cursor({position = {3, 3}})\n update_player_selected()\n if finished then\n local selected = player.selected\n selected.copy_settings(copy_source, player)\n step_4()\n end\n end)\n end\n\n step_4 = function()\n local wait = 30\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n wait = wait - 1\n if wait > 0 then return end\n local finished = game.move_cursor({position = player.position})\n update_player_selected()\n if fake_source_box and not player.selected then\n fake_source_box.destroy()\n fake_source_box = nil\n end\n if finished then\n reset()\n end\n end)\n end\n\n reset = function()\n local reset_tick = game.tick + 60\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n if game.tick >= reset_tick then\n for k, v in pairs (game.surfaces[1].find_entities_filtered{area = {{1, 0},{5, 3}}}) do\n if v.color then\n v.color = nil\n end\n end\n copy_source = nil\n start()\n end\n end)\n end\n\n start = function()\n local start_tick = game.tick + 60\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n if game.tick >= start_tick then\n step_1()\n end\n end)\n end\n\n start()\n\n " }, tag = "[entity=locomotive]", trigger = { count = 3, entity = "locomotive", type = "build-entity" }, type = "tips-and-tricks-item" }, ["drag-building"] = { category = "drag-building", dependencies = { "introduction" }, is_title = true, name = "drag-building", order = "a", simulation = { init = " global.player = game.create_test_player{name = \"kovarex\"}\n global.character = global.player.character\n global.character.teleport{0, 0.5}\n game.camera_player = global.player\n game.camera_player_cursor_position = {0, 0}\n\n update_camera = function()\n game.camera_position = {global.player.position.x, global.player.position.y - 2}\n end\n\n step_0 = function()\n target_cursor_position = {global.character.position.x - 2.5, global.character.position.y - 4}\n update_camera()\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n local finished = game.move_cursor{position = target_cursor_position}\n if finished then\n step_1()\n end\n end)\n end\n\n step_1 = function()\n global.character.cursor_stack.set_stack{name = \"stone-furnace\", count = 12}\n target_cursor_position = {global.character.position.x + 2.5, global.character.position.y - 4}\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n\n local finished = game.move_cursor({position = target_cursor_position})\n\n if global.player.can_build_from_cursor{position = game.camera_player_cursor_position} then\n global.player.build_from_cursor{position = game.camera_player_cursor_position}\n end\n\n if finished then\n step_2()\n end\n end)\n end\n\n step_2 = function()\n global.character.walking_state = {walking = true, direction = defines.direction.east}\n local offset = {2.5, -4}\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n\n game.camera_player_cursor_position = {global.character.position.x + offset[1], global.character.position.y + offset[2]}\n\n if global.player.can_build_from_cursor{position = game.camera_player_cursor_position} then\n global.player.build_from_cursor{position = game.camera_player_cursor_position}\n end\n\n if game.tick % 60 == 0 then\n game.surfaces[1].build_checkerboard({{global.character.position.x + 10, global.character.position.y - 10},\n {global.character.position.x + 25, global.character.position.y + 10}})\n end\n\n update_camera()\n\n if global.player.cursor_stack.count == 0 then\n step_3()\n end\n\n end)\n end\n\n step_3 = function()\n global.character.walking_state = {walking = false}\n local player_position = global.player.position\n target_cursor_position = {player_position.x + 3.5, player_position.y - 1}\n game.camera_player_cursor_direction = defines.direction.west\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n\n update_camera()\n\n if game.move_cursor({position = target_cursor_position}) then\n step_4()\n end\n\n end)\n end\n\n step_4 = function()\n global.character.cursor_stack.set_stack{name = \"transport-belt\", count = 24}\n\n local player_position = global.player.position\n target_cursor_position = {player_position.x - 3.5, player_position.y - 1}\n\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n\n local finished = game.move_cursor({position = target_cursor_position})\n\n if global.player.can_build_from_cursor{position = game.camera_player_cursor_position} then\n global.player.build_from_cursor{position = game.camera_player_cursor_position, direction = defines.direction.west}\n end\n\n update_camera()\n\n if finished then\n step_5()\n end\n\n end)\n end\n\n step_5 = function()\n global.character.walking_state = {walking = true, direction = defines.direction.west}\n\n offset = {-3.5, -1}\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n\n game.camera_player_cursor_position = {global.character.position.x + offset[1], global.character.position.y + offset[2]}\n\n if global.player.can_build_from_cursor{position = game.camera_player_cursor_position} then\n global.player.build_from_cursor{position = game.camera_player_cursor_position, direction = defines.direction.west}\n end\n\n update_camera()\n\n if global.player.cursor_stack.count == 0 then\n finish()\n end\n\n end)\n end\n\n finish = function()\n update_camera()\n global.character.walking_state = {walking = false}\n global.character.direction = defines.direction.south\n script.on_nth_tick(1, nil)\n end\n\n step_0()\n " }, skip_trigger = { build_by_dragging = true, build_in_line = true, consecutive = true, count = 5, type = "build-entity" }, trigger = { build_by_dragging = false, build_in_line = true, consecutive = true, count = 4, type = "build-entity" }, type = "tips-and-tricks-item" }, ["drag-building-poles"] = { category = "drag-building", dependencies = { "drag-building" }, indent = 1, name = "drag-building-poles", order = "b", simulation = { init = " global.player = game.create_test_player{name = \"kovarex\"}\n global.character = global.player.character\n global.character.cursor_stack.set_stack{name = \"small-electric-pole\", count=50}\n global.character.walking_state = {walking = true, direction = defines.direction.east}\n game.camera_player = global.player\n ", update = " if global.stop then\n global.character.walking_state = {walking = false, direction = defines.direction.south}\n return\n end\n game.camera_position = {global.character.position.x, global.character.position.y - 1.5}\n local pole_x = math.floor(global.character.position.x + 2)\n game.camera_player_cursor_position = {pole_x, global.character.position.y - 3}\n if global.last_pole_x == nil or pole_x - global.last_pole_x == 7 then\n global.player.build_from_cursor{position = {pole_x, global.character.position.y - 3}}\n global.last_pole_x = pole_x\n end\n if game.tick % 60 == 0 then\n game.surfaces[1].build_checkerboard({{global.character.position.x + 10, global.character.position.y - 10},\n {global.character.position.x + 25, global.character.position.y + 10}})\n end\n if global.character.cursor_stack.count == 0 then\n global.character.walking_state = {walking = true, direction = defines.direction.south}\n global.stop = true\n end\n " }, skip_trigger = { build_by_dragging = true, consecutive = true, count = 3, entity = "small-electric-pole", linear_power_pole_line = true, match_type_only = true, type = "build-entity" }, tag = "[entity=small-electric-pole]", trigger = { consecutive = true, count = 7, entity = "small-electric-pole", linear_power_pole_line = true, match_type_only = true, type = "build-entity" }, type = "tips-and-tricks-item" }, ["drag-building-underground-belts"] = { category = "drag-building", dependencies = { "drag-building" }, indent = 1, name = "drag-building-underground-belts", order = "d", simulation = { init = "\n player = game.create_test_player{name = \"kovarex\"}\n game.camera_player = player\n game.camera_player_cursor_direction = defines.direction.east\n cursor_position = {0, 0}\n\n update_camera = function(event)\n\n local position = player.position\n game.camera_position = {position.x, position.y - 1.5}\n game.camera_player_cursor_position = cursor_position\n\n if event.tick % 60 == 0 then\n player.surface.build_checkerboard\n {\n {position.x + 10, position.y - 10},\n {position.x + 25, position.y + 10}\n }\n end\n end\n script.on_event(, update_camera)\n\n move_cursor = function(speed)\n if not target_cursor_position then return true end\n\n local speed = speed or 0.1\n\n local dx = target_cursor_position[1] - cursor_position[1]\n dx = math.max(-speed, math.min(speed, dx))\n local dy = target_cursor_position[2] - cursor_position[2]\n dy = math.max(-speed, math.min(speed, dy))\n\n cursor_position[1] = cursor_position[1] + dx\n cursor_position[2] = cursor_position[2] + dy\n\n if cursor_position[1] == target_cursor_position[1] and cursor_position[2] == target_cursor_position[2] then\n target_cursor_position = nil\n return true\n end\n\n end\n\n build_offset = {3, -3.5}\n\n prepare = function()\n player.cursor_stack.set_stack{name = \"underground-belt\", count = 50}\n target_cursor_position = {player.position.x + build_offset[1], player.position.y + build_offset[2]}\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n if move_cursor(0.2) then\n build_belts()\n end\n end)\n end\n\n build_belts = function()\n player.character.walking_state = {walking = true, direction = defines.direction.east}\n last_distance = 1\n last_x = 0\n direction = defines.direction.east\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n cursor_position = {player.position.x + build_offset[1], player.position.y + build_offset[2]}\n\n if (cursor_position[1] - last_x) > last_distance then\n if player.can_build_from_cursor{position = cursor_position, direction = direction} then\n player.build_from_cursor{position = cursor_position, direction = direction}\n end\n if last_distance == 1 then\n direction = defines.direction.west\n game.camera_player_cursor_direction = defines.direction.east\n last_distance = 5\n else\n direction = defines.direction.east\n game.camera_player_cursor_direction = defines.direction.west\n last_distance = 1\n end\n last_x = math.floor(cursor_position[1])\n end\n\n if player.cursor_stack.count == 0 then\n finish()\n end\n\n end)\n end\n\n finish = function()\n player.character.walking_state = {walking = false}\n player.character.direction = defines.direction.south\n script.on_nth_tick(1, nil)\n end\n\n prepare()\n " }, skip_trigger = { build_by_dragging = true, count = 3, entity = "underground-belt", match_type_only = true, type = "build-entity" }, tag = "[entity=underground-belt]", trigger = { count = 30, entity = "underground-belt", match_type_only = true, type = "build-entity" }, type = "tips-and-tricks-item" }, ["e-confirm"] = { category = "game-interaction", dependencies = { "introduction" }, image = "__base__/graphics/tips-and-tricks/e-confirm.png", name = "e-confirm", order = "c", skip_trigger = { count = 3, type = "use-confirm" }, trigger = { count = 5, type = "set-logistic-request" }, type = "tips-and-tricks-item" }, ["electric-network"] = { category = "electric-network", dependencies = { "introduction" }, image = "__base__/graphics/tips-and-tricks/electric-network.png", is_title = true, name = "electric-network", order = "a", trigger = { triggers = { { triggers = { { triggers = { { recipe = "steam-engine", type = "unlock-recipe" }, { recipe = "boiler", type = "unlock-recipe" } }, type = "and" }, { ticks = 54000, type = "time-elapsed" } }, type = "sequence" }, { event_type = "crafting-finished", item = "small-electric-pole", type = "craft-item" }, { event_type = "crafting-finished", item = "steam-engine", type = "craft-item" }, { event_type = "crafting-finished", item = "boiler", type = "craft-item" }, { event_type = "crafting-finished", item = "offshore-pump", type = "craft-item" } }, type = "or" }, type = "tips-and-tricks-item" }, ["electric-pole-connections"] = { category = "electric-network", dependencies = { "electric-network" }, indent = 1, name = "electric-pole-connections", order = "c", simulation = { init = " player = game.create_test_player{name = \"big K\"}\n player.character.teleport{-2, 2.5}\n game.camera_player = player\n game.camera_player_cursor_position = player.position\n\n game.surfaces[1].create_entity{name = \"small-electric-pole\", position = {-6.5, 0.5}, force = \"player\"}\n local right_pole = game.surfaces[1].create_entity{name = \"small-electric-pole\", position = {7.5, 0.5}, force = \"player\"}\n\n step_1 = function()\n player.cursor_stack.set_stack({name = \"small-electric-pole\", count = 50})\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n if game.move_cursor({position = {0.5, 0.5}, speed = 0.1}) then\n step_2()\n end\n end)\n end\n\n step_2 = function()\n local count = 30\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n count = count - 1\n if count > 0 then return end\n player.build_from_cursor{position = game.camera_player_cursor_position}\n player.clear_cursor()\n step_3()\n end)\n end\n\n step_3 = function()\n local count = 30\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n count = count - 1\n if count > 0 then return end\n if game.move_cursor({position = player.position}) then\n step_4()\n end\n end)\n end\n\n step_4 = function()\n local count = 30\n player.cursor_stack.set_stack{name = \"copper-cable\", count = 100}\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n count = count - 1\n if count > 0 then return end\n if game.move_cursor({position = {0.5, 0.5}}) then\n player.drag_wire{position = {0.5, 0.5}}\n step_5()\n end\n end)\n end\n\n step_5 = function()\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n if game.move_cursor({position = right_pole.position, speed = 0.15}) then\n player.drag_wire{position = right_pole.position}\n step_6()\n end\n end)\n end\n\n step_6 = function()\n local count = 30\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n count = count - 1\n if count > 0 then return end\n if game.move_cursor({position = {4, 1}}) then\n step_7()\n end\n end)\n end\n\n step_7 = function()\n local count = 30\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n count = count - 1\n if count > 0 then return end\n if game.move_cursor({position = {0.5, 0.5}}) then\n player.drag_wire{position = {0.5, 0.5}}\n step_8()\n end\n end)\n end\n\n step_8 = function()\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n if game.move_cursor({position = right_pole.position, speed = 0.15}) then\n player.drag_wire{position = right_pole.position}\n step_9()\n end\n end)\n end\n\n step_9 = function()\n local count = 30\n player.clear_cursor()\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n count = count - 1\n if count > 0 then return end\n if game.move_cursor({position = player.position}) then\n reset()\n end\n end)\n end\n\n reset = function()\n\n local count = 30\n player.clear_cursor()\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n count = count - 1\n if count > 0 then return end\n player.clear_cursor()\n local pole = game.surfaces[1].find_entity(\"small-electric-pole\", {0.5, 0.5})\n pole.destroy()\n start()\n end)\n end\n\n start = function()\n local count = 30\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n count = count - 1\n if count > 0 then return end\n step_1()\n end)\n end\n\n start()\n " }, skip_trigger = { count = 5, type = "manual-wire-drag" }, tag = "[item=copper-cable]", trigger = { triggers = { { ticks = 864000, type = "time-elapsed" }, { count = 15, entity = "small-electric-pole", match_type_only = true, type = "build-entity" } }, type = "sequence" }, type = "tips-and-tricks-item" }, ["entity-transfers"] = { category = "game-interaction", dependencies = { "stack-transfers" }, name = "entity-transfers", order = "g", simulation = { init = "\n player = game.create_test_player{name = \"big k\"}\n player.teleport({0, 2.5})\n game.camera_player = player\n game.camera_player_cursor_position = player.position\n game.camera_alt_info = true\n\n game.surfaces[1].create_entity{name = \"coal\", position = {-5.5, -1.5}, amount = 123456}\n game.surfaces[1].create_entity{name = \"coal\", position = {-4.5, -1.5}, amount = 654321}\n game.surfaces[1].create_entity{name = \"iron-ore\", position = {-5.5, 1.5}, amount = 314159}\n local chest_name = \"wooden-chest\"\n\n local entities = game.entity_prototypes\n if not (entities[chest_name]) then\n for name, entity in pairs (entities) do\n if entity.type == \"container\" and entity.get_inventory_size(defines.inventory.chest) > 0 then\n chest_name = name\n break\n end\n end\n end\n\n game.surfaces[1].create_entities_from_blueprint_string\n {\n string = \"0eNqV0ttuwyAMANB/8TOpFHJh5VemacrF6ywlJgKyLYr495GiTdWWtesTMsgHG7xCO8w4WWIPegXqDDvQjys4OnEzbHt+mRA0kMcRBHAzblE7W0abjcTEp6y3NAwQBBD3+AE6D+Km4LxhzF6i03R4kSvDkwBkT54wlXIOlmeexxZtxK8WIWAyLuYa3m6OXlYLWOISa4KeLHbpTG4l/pDlnXK5K9c7cvFH27/M4ovcQcr/ItUVpLqzx2TJ249Xf8PvxvTIWfeKzu+IxSGZ+aEK21+fx0JfzKGAN7QuXfSQl+ooVV4rdVRFCJ9StORn\",\n position = {-1,0},\n }\n\n local chest = game.surfaces[1].find_entity(chest_name, {-3.5, 1.5}) or game.surfaces[1].create_entity{name = chest_name, position = {-3.5, 1.5}, force = \"player\"}\n\n reset_items = function()\n for k, burnieboy in pairs (game.surfaces[1].find_entities_filtered{type = \"mining-drill\"}) do\n burnieboy.clear_items_inside()\n burnieboy.insert({name = \"coal\", count = 41})\n end\n\n chest.clear_items_inside()\n chest.insert({name = \"iron-ore\", count = 80})\n\n for k, furnaceboy in pairs (game.surfaces[1].find_entities_filtered{type = \"furnace\"}) do\n furnaceboy.crafting_progress = 0\n furnaceboy.clear_items_inside()\n furnaceboy.get_output_inventory().insert({name = \"iron-plate\", count = 40})\n end\n\n player.clear_items_inside()\n\n end\n\n fake_transfer_to = function(entity)\n local stack = player.cursor_stack\n if not (stack.valid and stack.valid_for_read) then return end\n local name, count =, stack.count\n local inserted = entity.insert{name = name, count = count}\n if inserted == 0 then return end\n\n player.remove_item{name = name, count = inserted}\n player.surface.create_entity\n {\n name = \"flying-text\",\n position = {entity.position.x, entity.position.y - 0.5},\n text =\n {\n \"\",\n \"-\",\n inserted,\n \" \",\n game.item_prototypes[name].localised_name,\n \" (\",\n player.get_item_count(name),\n \")\"\n }\n }\n player.play_sound{path = \"utility/inventory_move\"}\n end\n\n\n fake_transfer_from = function(entity)\n local contents = entity.get_output_inventory().get_contents()\n local transferred = {}\n for name, count in pairs (contents) do\n local inserted = player.insert{name = name, count = count}\n if inserted > 0 then\n entity.remove_item{name = name, count = inserted}\n transferred[name] = inserted\n end\n end\n\n if not next(transferred) then return end\n\n local caption = {\"\"}\n for name, count in pairs (transferred) do\n table.insert(caption, \"+\")\n table.insert(caption, count)\n table.insert(caption, \" \")\n table.insert(caption, game.item_prototypes[name].localised_name)\n table.insert(caption, \" (\")\n table.insert(caption, player.get_item_count(name))\n table.insert(caption, \")\\n\")\n end\n\n player.surface.create_entity\n {\n name = \"flying-text\",\n position = {entity.position.x, entity.position.y - 0.5},\n text = caption\n }\n player.play_sound{path = \"utility/inventory_move\"}\n end\n\n step_1 = function()\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n local finished = game.move_cursor({position = {-6, -1}})\n if finished then\n step_2()\n end\n end)\n end\n\n step_2 = function()\n local count = 30\n local selected = nil\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n count = count - 1\n if count > 0 then return end\n local finished = game.move_cursor({position = {-4, -1.5}})\n if player.selected and player.selected ~= selected then\n selected = player.selected\n fake_transfer_from(player.selected)\n end\n if finished then\n step_3()\n end\n end)\n end\n\n step_3 = function()\n local count = 30\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n count = count - 1\n if count > 0 then return end\n\n local finished = game.move_cursor({position = {0, -1.5}})\n\n if finished then\n step_4()\n end\n end)\n end\n\n step_4 = function()\n local stack = player.get_main_inventory().find_item_stack(\"coal\")\n stack.swap_stack(player.cursor_stack)\n local count = 30\n local selected = nil\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n count = count - 1\n if count > 0 then return end\n local finished = game.move_cursor({position = {5, -1}})\n if player.selected and player.selected ~= selected then\n selected = player.selected\n fake_transfer_to(player.selected)\n end\n if finished then\n step_5()\n end\n end)\n end\n\n step_5 = function()\n local count = 30\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n count = count - 1\n if count > 0 then return end\n local finished = game.move_cursor({position = chest.position})\n if finished then\n step_6()\n end\n end)\n end\n\n step_6 = function()\n local count = 30\n player.clear_cursor()\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n count = count - 1\n if count > 0 then return end\n fake_transfer_from(player.selected)\n step_7()\n end)\n end\n\n step_7 = function()\n local count = 30\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n count = count - 1\n if count > 0 then return end\n\n local finished = game.move_cursor({position = {0, -1}})\n\n if finished then\n step_8()\n end\n\n end)\n end\n\n step_8 = function()\n local stack = player.get_main_inventory().find_item_stack(\"iron-ore\")\n stack.swap_stack(player.cursor_stack)\n local count = 30\n local selected = nil\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n count = count - 1\n if count > 0 then return end\n local finished = game.move_cursor({position = {5, -1}})\n if player.selected and player.selected ~= selected then\n selected = player.selected\n fake_transfer_to(player.selected)\n end\n if finished then\n step_9()\n end\n end)\n end\n\n step_9 = function()\n player.clear_cursor()\n local count = 30\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n count = count - 1\n if count > 0 then return end\n local finished = game.move_cursor({position = {0, -1}})\n\n if finished then\n step_10()\n end\n end)\n\n end\n\n step_10 = function()\n local count = 30\n local selected = nil\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n count = count - 1\n if count > 0 then return end\n local finished = game.move_cursor({position = {5, -1}})\n if player.selected and player.selected ~= selected then\n selected = player.selected\n fake_transfer_from(player.selected)\n end\n if finished then\n reset()\n end\n end)\n end\n\n reset = function()\n local count = 30\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n count = count - 1\n if count > 0 then return end\n local finished = game.move_cursor({position = player.position})\n if finished then\n start()\n end\n end)\n end\n\n start = function()\n local count = 60\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n count = count - 1\n if count > 0 then return end\n reset_items()\n step_1()\n end)\n\n end\n\n reset_items()\n start()\n\n " }, skip_trigger = { triggers = { { transfer = "in", type = "entity-transfer" }, { transfer = "out", type = "entity-transfer" } }, type = "and" }, tag = "[item=burner-mining-drill][item=stone-furnace]", trigger = { triggers = { { type = "dependencies-met" }, { ticks = 108000, type = "time-elapsed" } }, type = "sequence" }, tutorial = "entity-transfers", type = "tips-and-tricks-item" }, ["fast-belt-bending"] = { category = "drag-building", dependencies = { "drag-building" }, indent = 1, name = "fast-belt-bending", order = "e", simulation = { init = "\n player = game.create_test_player{name = \"big k\"}\n player.teleport({0, 2.5})\n game.camera_player = player\n game.camera_player_cursor_position = player.position\n game.camera_alt_info = true\n item_name = \"transport-belt\"\n direction = 2\n\n step_1 = function()\n player.cursor_stack.set_stack{name = item_name, count = 50}\n game.camera_player_cursor_direction = direction\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n if game.move_cursor{position = {-3.5, -1.5}} then\n step_2()\n end\n end)\n end\n\n step_2 = function()\n local count = 30\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n if count > 0 then count = count - 1 return end\n step_3()\n end)\n end\n\n step_3 = function()\n player.drag_start_position = {3.5, -1.5}\n local target = {3.5, 0.5}\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n local finished = game.move_cursor{position = target}\n player.raw_build_from_cursor{created_by_moving = true}\n if finished then\n step_4()\n end\n end)\n end\n\n step_4 = function()\n local count = 30\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n if count > 0 then count = count - 1 return end\n game.camera_player_cursor_direction = 4\n player.raw_build_from_cursor{position = {3.5, -1.5}}\n player.raw_build_from_cursor{position = {3.5, -0.5}}\n player.raw_build_from_cursor{position = {3.5, 0.5}}\n step_5()\n end)\n end\n\n step_5 = function()\n local target = {3.5, 2.5}\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n local finished = game.move_cursor{position = target}\n player.raw_build_from_cursor{created_by_moving = true}\n if finished then\n step_6()\n end\n end)\n end\n\n step_6 = function()\n player.drag_start_position = nil\n local target = player.position\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n local finished = game.move_cursor{position = target}\n if finished then\n reset()\n end\n end)\n end\n\n reset = function()\n local count = 60\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n if count > 0 then count = count - 1 return end\n for k, v in pairs (player.surface.find_entities_filtered{name = \"transport-belt\"}) do\n v.destroy()\n end\n start()\n end)\n end\n\n start = function()\n local count = 60\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n if count > 0 then count = count - 1 return end\n step_1()\n end)\n end\n\n start()\n\n " }, skip_trigger = { count = 3, type = "fast-belt-bend" }, tag = "[entity=transport-belt]", trigger = { build_by_dragging = true, count = 200, entity = "transport-belt", match_type_only = true, type = "build-entity" }, type = "tips-and-tricks-item" }, ["fast-obstacle-traversing"] = { category = "drag-building", dependencies = { "drag-building" }, indent = 1, name = "fast-obstacle-traversing", order = "f", simulation = { init = " player = game.create_test_player{name = \"Arnold J. Rimmer\"}\n player.teleport({0, 2.5})\n game.camera_player = player\n game.camera_player_cursor_position = player.position\n game.camera_alt_info = true\n game.smart_belt_building = true\n player.surface.create_entity{name=\"stone-furnace\", position = {1, -1}}\n item_name = \"transport-belt\"\n direction = 2\n\n step_1 = function()\n player.cursor_stack.set_stack{name = item_name, count = 50}\n player.insert{name = \"underground-belt\", count = 2}\n game.camera_player_cursor_direction = direction\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n if game.move_cursor{position = {-3.5, -1.5}} then\n step_2()\n end\n end)\n end\n\n step_2 = function()\n local count = 30\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n if count > 0 then count = count - 1 return end\n step_3()\n end)\n end\n\n step_3 = function()\n local target = {4.5, -1.5}\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n local finished = game.move_cursor{position = target}\n player.raw_build_from_cursor{created_by_moving = true}\n if finished then\n step_4()\n end\n end)\n end\n\n step_4 = function()\n local target = player.position\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n local finished = game.move_cursor{position = target}\n if finished then\n reset()\n end\n end)\n end\n\n reset = function()\n local count = 60\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n if count > 0 then count = count - 1 return end\n for k, v in pairs (player.surface.find_entities_filtered{name = \"transport-belt\"}) do\n v.destroy()\n end\n for k, v in pairs (player.surface.find_entities_filtered{name = \"underground-belt\"}) do\n v.destroy()\n end\n start()\n end)\n end\n\n start = function()\n local count = 60\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n if count > 0 then count = count - 1 return end\n step_1()\n end)\n end\n\n start()\n " }, skip_trigger = { count = 3, type = "belt-traverse" }, tag = "[entity=transport-belt][entity=underground-belt]", trigger = { triggers = { { build_by_dragging = true, count = 200, entity = "transport-belt", match_type_only = true, type = "build-entity" }, { build_by_dragging = true, count = 20, entity = "underground-belt", match_type_only = true, type = "build-entity" } }, type = "and" }, type = "tips-and-tricks-item" }, ["fast-replace"] = { category = "fast-replace", dependencies = { "introduction" }, is_title = true, name = "fast-replace", order = "a", simulation = { init = " local surface = game.surfaces[1]\n surface.create_entities_from_blueprint_string\n {\n string = \"0eNqVk11ugzAQhO+yz3ZUE4gDV4mqytAtWck/yHaaUsTda4haRQq05c1r7XzjtccD1PqCnScboRqAGmcDVKcBArVW6Wkv9h1CBRTRAAOrzFSpENDUmmzLjWrOZJELGBmQfcUPqMT4zABtpEh4481F/2IvpkafGn5IIbokviqtE71zIUmcnXwThov9rmDQp1W5K8aRPXCyf3H+xOx/H+zxYPk38GkZmG8FinsgA48Nzdf+Rh6VN0nbqs8khgWzYqPZmhd5Z3mb7Pj1jKiXrA4brfIVq8Z1HXreqFovjiQ35kOsvMNxWz5umJTdOe3V3edg8I4+zJLsKHJZZlIcpCxl6v8CsJoP7g==\",\n position = {0, 0}\n }\n surface.create_entity{name = \"substation\", position = {0, -10}}\n surface.create_entity{name = \"electric-energy-interface\", position = {0, -10}}\n\n player = game.create_test_player{name = \"big k\"}\n player.teleport({0, 2.5})\n game.camera_player = player\n game.camera_player_cursor_position = player.position\n game.camera_alt_info = true\n item_name = \"assembling-machine-1\"\n\n step_1 = function()\n player.cursor_stack.set_stack{name = item_name, count = 50}\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n if game.move_cursor{position = {-4.5, -0.5}} then\n step_2()\n end\n end)\n end\n\n step_2 = function()\n local count = 30\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n if count > 0 then count = count - 1 return end\n local finished = game.move_cursor{position = {4.5, -0.5}}\n player.build_from_cursor{position = game.camera_player_cursor_position}\n if finished then\n step_3()\n end\n end)\n end\n\n step_3 = function()\n local count = 30\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n if count > 0 then count = count - 1 return end\n player.clear_cursor()\n player.clear_items_inside()\n local finished = game.move_cursor{position = player.position}\n if finished then\n start()\n end\n end)\n end\n\n start = function()\n local count = 60\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n if count > 0 then count = count - 1 return end\n if item_name == \"assembling-machine-1\" then\n item_name = \"assembling-machine-2\"\n elseif item_name == \"assembling-machine-2\" then\n item_name = \"assembling-machine-3\"\n else\n item_name = \"assembling-machine-1\"\n end\n step_1()\n end)\n end\n\n start()\n\n " }, skip_trigger = { count = 2, type = "fast-replace" }, trigger = { triggers = { { count = 10, entity = "steel-furnace", type = "build-entity" }, { count = 10, entity = "assembling-machine-2", type = "build-entity" }, { count = 10, entity = "assembling-machine-3", type = "build-entity" } }, type = "or" }, type = "tips-and-tricks-item" }, ["fast-replace-belt-splitter"] = { category = "fast-replace", dependencies = { "fast-replace" }, indent = 1, name = "fast-replace-belt-splitter", order = "c", simulation = { init = "\n game.surfaces[1].create_entities_from_blueprint_string\n {\n string = \"0eNqV1e1qgzAUBuB7Ob9j8fiV6q2UUbQ9jIBGSdJtIt57Y2Vj0JWd889ofIwfr+8CXX+jyRkboFnAXEbroTkt4M27bfttX5gnggZMoAEU2HbYRsG11k+jC0lHfYBVgbFX+oIG1zcFZIMJhnbpMZjP9jZ05OKEH8OH0VLy2fZ9dKfRx1NGu10xMgnmh1LBHLfqQ7mu6snJWM6/TP7qlp6XVH1TaaQUXI2jy348+wMu+LAWwSUfLkRwxYdLEaz5cCaCj3w4F8E1H05FMKZ8GWUysmUhnLFh4bPgZ0/29pCfPdn3hvzsyRKC/OzJMo387Mn+QsjPnuy/ibWwIDB9URCprCF2J7bXo+maX8Wo4IOc31d8xELXmcZK61rH+XcbjFt7\",\n position = {0, 0}\n }\n\n player = game.create_test_player{name = \"big k\"}\n player.teleport({0, 2.5})\n game.camera_player = player\n game.camera_player_cursor_position = player.position\n game.camera_alt_info = true\n item_name = \"transport-belt\"\n direction = 2\n\n step_1 = function()\n player.cursor_stack.set_stack{name = item_name, count = 50}\n game.camera_player_cursor_direction = direction\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n if game.move_cursor{position = {1.5, -0.49}} then\n step_2()\n end\n end)\n end\n\n step_2 = function()\n local count = 30\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n if count > 0 then count = count - 1 return end\n player.build_from_cursor{position = game.camera_player_cursor_position, direction = direction}\n step_3()\n end)\n end\n\n step_3 = function()\n local count = 30\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n if count > 0 then count = count - 1 return end\n player.clear_cursor()\n player.clear_items_inside()\n local finished = game.move_cursor{position = player.position}\n if finished then\n start()\n end\n end)\n end\n\n start = function()\n local count = 60\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n if count > 0 then count = count - 1 return end\n item_name = item_name == \"transport-belt\" and \"splitter\" or \"transport-belt\"\n step_1()\n end)\n end\n\n start()\n\n " }, skip_trigger = { triggers = { { count = 2, match_type_only = true, source = "splitter", target = "transport-belt", type = "fast-replace" }, { count = 2, match_type_only = true, source = "transport-belt", target = "splitter", type = "fast-replace" } }, type = "or" }, tag = "[item=transport-belt][item=splitter]", trigger = { count = 20, entity = "splitter", match_type_only = true, type = "build-entity" }, type = "tips-and-tricks-item" }, ["fast-replace-belt-underground"] = { category = "fast-replace", dependencies = { "fast-replace" }, indent = 1, name = "fast-replace-belt-underground", order = "d", simulation = { init = "\n game.surfaces[1].create_entities_from_blueprint_string\n {\n string = \"0eNqV1e1qgzAUBuB7Ob9j8fiV6q2UUbQ9jIBGSdJtIt57Y2Vj0JWd889ofIwfr+8CXX+jyRkboFnAXEbroTkt4M27bfttX5gnggZMoAEU2HbYRsG11k+jC0lHfYBVgbFX+oIG1zcFZIMJhnbpMZjP9jZ05OKEH8OH0VLy2fZ9dKfRx1NGu10xMgnmh1LBHLfqQ7mu6snJWM6/TP7qlp6XVH1TaaQUXI2jy348+wMu+LAWwSUfLkRwxYdLEaz5cCaCj3w4F8E1H05FMKZ8GWUysmUhnLFh4bPgZ0/29pCfPdn3hvzsyRKC/OzJMo387Mn+QsjPnuy/ibWwIDB9URCprCF2J7bXo+maX8Wo4IOc31d8xELXmcZK61rH+XcbjFt7\",\n position = {0, 0}\n }\n\n player = game.create_test_player{name = \"big k\"}\n player.teleport({0, 2.5})\n game.camera_player = player\n game.camera_player_cursor_position = player.position\n game.camera_alt_info = true\n item_name = \"transport-belt\"\n direction = 2\n start_position = {-2.75, -0.5}\n end_position = {2.75, -0.5}\n\n step_1 = function()\n player.cursor_stack.set_stack{name = item_name, count = 50}\n game.camera_player_cursor_direction = direction\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n if game.move_cursor{position = start_position} then\n step_2()\n end\n end)\n end\n\n step_2 = function()\n local count = 30\n bippity = nil\n boppity = nil\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n if count > 0 then count = count - 1 return end\n local finished = game.move_cursor{position = end_position}\n if item_name == \"underground-belt\" then\n\n if not bippity then\n player.build_from_cursor{position = game.camera_player_cursor_position, direction = defines.direction.east}\n bippity = true\n end\n\n if not boppity then\n if game.camera_player_cursor_position.x > 2.51 then\n player.build_from_cursor{position = game.camera_player_cursor_position, direction = defines.direction.west}\n boppity = true\n end\n end\n\n else\n player.build_from_cursor{position = game.camera_player_cursor_position, direction = direction}\n end\n if finished then\n step_3()\n end\n end)\n end\n\n step_3 = function()\n local count = 30\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n if count > 0 then count = count - 1 return end\n player.clear_cursor()\n player.clear_items_inside()\n local finished = game.move_cursor{position = player.position}\n if finished then\n start()\n end\n end)\n end\n\n start = function()\n local count = 60\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n if count > 0 then count = count - 1 return end\n item_name = item_name == \"transport-belt\" and \"underground-belt\" or \"transport-belt\"\n step_1()\n end)\n end\n\n start()\n\n " }, tag = "[item=transport-belt][item=underground-belt]", trigger = { count = 20, entity = "underground-belt", match_type_only = true, type = "build-entity" }, type = "tips-and-tricks-item" }, ["fast-replace-direction"] = { category = "fast-replace", dependencies = { "belt-lanes" }, indent = 1, name = "fast-replace-direction", order = "b", simulation = { init = "\n game.surfaces[1].create_entities_from_blueprint_string\n {\n string = \"0eNqV1e1qgzAUBuB7Ob9j8fiV6q2UUbQ9jIBGSdJtIt57Y2Vj0JWd889ofIwfr+8CXX+jyRkboFnAXEbroTkt4M27bfttX5gnggZMoAEU2HbYRsG11k+jC0lHfYBVgbFX+oIG1zcFZIMJhnbpMZjP9jZ05OKEH8OH0VLy2fZ9dKfRx1NGu10xMgnmh1LBHLfqQ7mu6snJWM6/TP7qlp6XVH1TaaQUXI2jy348+wMu+LAWwSUfLkRwxYdLEaz5cCaCj3w4F8E1H05FMKZ8GWUysmUhnLFh4bPgZ0/29pCfPdn3hvzsyRKC/OzJMo387Mn+QsjPnuy/ibWwIDB9URCprCF2J7bXo+maX8Wo4IOc31d8xELXmcZK61rH+XcbjFt7\",\n position = {0, 0}\n }\n\n player = game.create_test_player{name = \"big k\"}\n player.teleport({0, 2.5})\n game.camera_player = player\n game.camera_player_cursor_position = player.position\n game.camera_alt_info = true\n item_name = \"transport-belt\"\n direction = 2\n start_position = {-7.75, -0.5}\n end_position = {7.75, -0.5}\n\n step_1 = function()\n player.cursor_stack.set_stack{name = item_name, count = 50}\n game.camera_player_cursor_direction = direction\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n if game.move_cursor{position = start_position} then\n step_2()\n end\n end)\n end\n\n step_2 = function()\n local count = 30\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n if count > 0 then count = count - 1 return end\n local finished = game.move_cursor{position = end_position}\n player.build_from_cursor{position = game.camera_player_cursor_position, direction = direction}\n if finished then\n step_3()\n end\n end)\n end\n\n step_3 = function()\n local count = 30\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n if count > 0 then count = count - 1 return end\n player.clear_cursor()\n player.clear_items_inside()\n local finished = game.move_cursor{position = player.position}\n if finished then\n start()\n end\n end)\n end\n\n start = function()\n local count = 60\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n if count > 0 then count = count - 1 return end\n start_position, end_position = end_position, start_position\n direction = direction == 2 and 6 or 2\n step_1()\n end)\n end\n\n start()\n\n " }, skip_trigger = { count = 4, source = "transport-belt", target = "transport-belt", type = "fast-replace" }, trigger = { count = 50, entity = "transport-belt", match_type_only = true, type = "build-entity" }, type = "tips-and-tricks-item" }, ["gate-over-rail"] = { category = "trains", dependencies = { "trains" }, indent = 1, name = "gate-over-rail", order = "f", simulation = { init = " game.surfaces[1].create_entities_from_blueprint_string\n {\n string = \"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\",\n position = {0,-8}\n }\n\n player = game.create_test_player{name = \"kovarex\"}\n player.teleport({0, 4.5})\n game.camera_player = player\n game.camera_player_cursor_position = player.position\n\n locomotive = game.surfaces[1].find_entities_filtered{name = \"locomotive\"}[1]\n\n step_1 = function()\n locomotive.insert(\"coal\")\n locomotive.train.manual_mode = false\n locomotive.train.go_to_station(1)\n player.cursor_stack.set_stack({name = \"gate\", count = 10})\n game.camera_player_cursor_direction = defines.direction.east\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n if game.move_cursor{position = {-3.5, 0.5}} then\n step_2()\n end\n end)\n end\n\n step_2 = function()\n local count = 30\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n if count > 0 then count = count - 1 return end\n player.build_from_cursor{position = game.camera_player_cursor_position, direction = 2}\n step_3()\n end)\n end\n\n step_3 = function()\n local count = 0\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n if count > 0 then count = count - 1 return end\n if game.move_cursor{position = {-2.5, 0.5}} then\n step_4()\n end\n end)\n end\n\n step_4 = function()\n local count = 0\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n if count > 0 then count = count - 1 return end\n player.build_from_cursor{position = game.camera_player_cursor_position, direction = 2}\n step_5()\n end)\n end\n\n step_5 = function()\n local count = 30\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n if count > 0 then count = count - 1 return end\n if game.move_cursor{position = {2.5, 0.5}} then\n step_6()\n end\n end)\n end\n\n step_6 = function()\n local count = 30\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n if count > 0 then count = count - 1 return end\n player.build_from_cursor{position = game.camera_player_cursor_position, direction = 2}\n step_7()\n end)\n end\n\n step_7 = function()\n local count = 0\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n if count > 0 then count = count - 1 return end\n if game.move_cursor{position = {3.5, 0.5}} then\n step_8()\n end\n end)\n end\n\n step_8 = function()\n local count = 0\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n if count > 0 then count = count - 1 return end\n player.build_from_cursor{position = game.camera_player_cursor_position, direction = 2}\n step_9()\n end)\n end\n\n step_9 = function()\n local count = 30\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n if count > 0 then count = count - 1 return end\n if game.move_cursor{position = player.position} then\n reset()\n end\n end)\n end\n\n reset = function()\n player.clear_cursor()\n player.clear_items_inside()\n local count = 30\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n if locomotive.speed ~= 0 then return end\n if count > 0 then count = count - 1 return end\n for k, gate in pairs (game.surfaces[1].find_entities_filtered{name = \"gate\"}) do\n gate.destroy()\n end\n start()\n end)\n end\n\n start = function()\n local count = 30\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n if count > 0 then count = count - 1 return end\n step_1()\n end)\n end\n\n start()\n ", init_update_count = 0 }, skip_trigger = { count = 4, type = "gate-over-rail-build" }, tag = "[entity=gate]", trigger = { triggers = { { count = 60, entity = "straight-rail", type = "build-entity" }, { count = 50, entity = "stone-wall", type = "build-entity" }, { technology = "gate", type = "research" } }, type = "and" }, type = "tips-and-tricks-item" }, ["ghost-building"] = { category = "ghost-building", dependencies = { "introduction" }, is_title = true, name = "ghost-building", order = "a", simulation = { init = " player = game.create_test_player{name = \"big k\"}\n player.teleport({0, 2})\n game.camera_player = player\n game.camera_player_cursor_position = player.position\n game.camera_alt_info = true\n\n step_1 = function()\n player.cursor_stack.set_stack{name = \"stone-furnace\"}\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n if game.move_cursor({position = {-5, -1}}) then\n step_2()\n end\n end)\n end\n\n step_2 = function()\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n local finished = game.move_cursor({position = {5, -1}, speed = 0.1})\n player.build_from_cursor\n {\n position = game.camera_player_cursor_position,\n alt = true\n }\n if finished then step_3() end\n end)\n end\n\n step_3 = function()\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n if game.move_cursor({position = player.position}) then\n reset()\n end\n end)\n end\n\n reset = function()\n local reset_tick = game.tick + 60\n player.cursor_stack.clear()\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n if game.tick >= reset_tick then\n for k, v in pairs (game.surfaces[1].find_entities_filtered{type = \"entity-ghost\"}) do\n v.destroy()\n end\n start()\n end\n end)\n end\n\n start = function()\n local start_tick = game.tick + 60\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n if game.tick >= start_tick then\n step_1()\n end\n end)\n end\n\n start()\n " }, skip_trigger = { triggers = { { count = 5, type = "shift-build" }, { technology = "construction-robotics", type = "research" } }, type = "and" }, trigger = { technology = "construction-robotics", type = "research" }, type = "tips-and-tricks-item" }, ["ghost-rail-planner"] = { category = "ghost-building", dependencies = { "ghost-building", "rail-building" }, indent = 1, name = "ghost-rail-planner", order = "b", simulation = { init = " player = game.create_test_player{name = \"kovarex\"}\n player.teleport{-10, 3.5}\n game.camera_player = player\n game.camera_position = {0, 0}\n game.camera_zoom = 1\n game.surfaces[1].build_checkerboard({{-16, -9}, {16, 9}})\n game.surfaces[1].create_entities_from_blueprint_string\n {\n string = \"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\",\n position = {0, 0}\n }\n\n start_rail = game.surfaces[1].find_entities_filtered{name = \"straight-rail\"}[2]\n\n step_1 = function()\n player.cursor_stack.set_stack{name = \"rail\", count = 50}\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n if game.move_cursor{position = {start_rail.position.x + 0.5, start_rail.position.y}} then\n step_2()\n end\n end)\n end\n\n step_2 = function()\n local count = 30\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n count = count - 1\n if count > 0 then return end\n game.activate_rail_planner({ghost_mode = true})\n step_3()\n end)\n end\n\n step_3 = function()\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n if game.move_cursor{position = {start_rail.position.x + 26, start_rail.position.y}} then\n step_4()\n end\n end)\n end\n\n step_4 = function()\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n if game.move_cursor{position = {start_rail.position.x + 26, start_rail.position.y + 8}, speed = 0.1} then\n player.raw_build_from_cursor{ghost_mode = true}\n step_5()\n end\n end)\n end\n\n step_5 = function()\n local count = 30\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n count = count - 1\n if count > 0 then return end\n game.deactivate_rail_planner()\n player.clear_cursor()\n reset()\n end)\n end\n\n reset = function()\n local count = 30\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n count = count - 1\n if count > 0 then return end\n if game.move_cursor{position = player.position} then\n for k, ghost in pairs(game.surfaces[1].find_entities_filtered{name = \"entity-ghost\"}) do\n ghost.destroy()\n end\n start()\n end\n end)\n end\n\n start = function()\n local count = 30\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n count = count - 1\n if count > 0 then return end\n step_1()\n end)\n end\n\n start()\n " }, tag = "[item=rail][item=construction-robot]", trigger = { triggers = { { triggers = { { entity = "roboport", match_type_only = true, type = "build-entity" }, { event_type = "crafting-finished", item = "personal-roboport-equipment", type = "craft-item" }, { equipment = "personal-roboport-equipment", type = "place-equipment" } }, type = "or" }, { count = 100, entity = "straight-rail", type = "build-entity" } }, type = "sequence" }, type = "tips-and-tricks-item" }, inserters = { category = "inserters", dependencies = { "introduction" }, is_title = true, name = "inserters", order = "a", simulation = { init = " game.surfaces[1].create_entities_from_blueprint_string\n {\n string = \"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\",\n position = {0, 0},\n }\n\n local furnaces = game.surfaces[1].find_entities_filtered{name = \"stone-furnace\"}\n global.furnace_1 = furnaces[2]\n global.furnace_2 = furnaces[1]\n local chests = game.surfaces[1].find_entities_filtered{name = \"wooden-chest\"}\n global.chest_1 = chests[1]\n global.chest_2 = chests[2]\n script.on_nth_tick(600, function()\n global.furnace_1.clear_items_inside()\n global.furnace_1.insert(\"coal\")\n global.furnace_2.insert(\"coal\")\n global.furnace_2.insert(\"iron-ore\")\n global.chest_1.insert(\"iron-gear-wheel\")\n global.chest_2.clear_items_inside()\n end)\n ", init_update_count = 350 }, trigger = { recipe = "inserter", type = "unlock-recipe" }, type = "tips-and-tricks-item" }, ["insertion-limits"] = { category = "inserters", dependencies = { "inserters" }, indent = 1, name = "insertion-limits", order = "e", simulation = { init = " game.surfaces[1].create_entities_from_blueprint_string\n {\n string = \"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\",\n position = {-2,-3}\n }\n global.chest = game.surfaces[1].find_entities_filtered{name = \"steel-chest\"}[1]\n script.on_nth_tick(2000, function() global.chest.insert(\"coal\") for k, v in pairs (game.surfaces[1].find_entities_filtered{name = \"boiler\"}) do v.clear_items_inside() end end)\n ", init_update_count = 150 }, tag = "[entity=boiler]", trigger = { count = 5, entity = "inserter", match_type_only = true, type = "build-entity" }, type = "tips-and-tricks-item" }, introduction = { name = "introduction", order = "a-[basic]-a[introduction]", simulation = { init = " local scenes =\n {\n \"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\",\n \"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\",\n \"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\",\n }\n\n local validate = function(entities)\n for k, v in pairs (entities) do\n if not v.valid then entities[k] = nil end\n end\n end\n\n global.stack = game.create_inventory(1)[1]\n global.last_index = -1\n local stamp_scene = function()\n local index = math.random(#scenes)\n if index == global.last_index then\n for k, scene in pairs (scenes) do\n if k ~= index then\n index = k\n break\n end\n end\n end\n global.last_index = index\n local scene = scenes[index]\n global.stack.import_stack(scene)\n global.build_entities = global.stack.get_blueprint_entities()\n end\n\n local distance = function(p_1, p_2)\n return (((p_1.x - p_2.x) ^ 2) + ((p_1.y - p_2.y) ^ 2)) ^ 0.5\n end\n\n local get_closest = function(entities, position)\n local index, closest\n local max_distance = math.huge\n for k, entity in pairs (entities) do\n local entity_distance = distance(position, entity.position)\n if entity_distance < max_distance then\n max_distance = entity_distance\n index = k\n closest = entity\n end\n end\n return index, closest\n end\n\n script.on_nth_tick(2, function()\n if global.destroy_entities then\n validate(global.destroy_entities)\n if not next(global.destroy_entities) then\n global.destroy_entities = nil\n stamp_scene()\n return\n end\n local entity = game.surfaces[1].get_closest({-10, -10}, global.destroy_entities)\n if entity then entity.destroy() end\n end\n\n if global.build_entities then\n if not next(global.build_entities) then\n global.build_entities = nil\n return\n end\n local index, closest = get_closest(global.build_entities, {x = -10, y = -10})\n game.surfaces[1].create_entity(closest)\n global.build_entities[index] = nil\n end\n\n end)\n\n script.on_nth_tick(1500, function()\n global.destroy_entities = game.surfaces[1].find_entities()\n end)\n " }, starting_status = "unlocked", trigger = { ticks = 18000, type = "time-elapsed" }, type = "tips-and-tricks-item" }, ["limit-chests"] = { category = "inserters", dependencies = { "inserters" }, image = "__base__/graphics/tips-and-tricks/limit-chests.png", indent = 1, name = "limit-chests", order = "f", skip_trigger = { count = 2, type = "limit-chest" }, tag = "[entity=iron-chest]", trigger = { triggers = { { count = 4, entity = "wooden-chest", match_type_only = true, type = "build-entity" }, { count = 4, entity = "inserter", match_type_only = true, type = "build-entity" } }, type = "and" }, type = "tips-and-tricks-item" }, ["logistic-network"] = { category = "logistic-network", dependencies = { "introduction" }, is_title = true, name = "logistic-network", order = "a", simulation = { init = " game.surfaces[1].create_entities_from_blueprint_string\n {\n string = \"0eNqF0uFqgzAQB/B3uc9JaWzVNa8yxoj26g40yZIoFcm7N1oYA6v9FC7c/5eD3ARV26N1pAPICag22oP8nMBTo1U734XRIkiggB0w0KqbK2cqY40LEBmQvuIdpIhfDFAHCoRPYynGb913FbrUsE4zsMangNHzSwnhOYMR5DFGtspnf/nWNOQD1bz+QR+4D8apBteaODw5fjzkr8TTlmiV9zQgt84MdE2tK/r0hj5v0aoO+3L+Rs63ZIe/fTr3phWvyWKLrPrbbW/GxUvfviyH/LdLDAZ0fglkH+JcXrJSFGV5KYoYHxGi0Yg=\",\n position = {-1,0}\n }\n\n for k, position in pairs ({{-2, -1.5}, {-1.5, -0.5}, {-1, -1.5}}) do\n game.surfaces[1].create_entity{name = \"logistic-robot\", position = position}\n end\n\n for k, position in pairs ({{-2, 2.5}, {-1.5, 3.5}, {-1, 2.5}}) do\n game.surfaces[1].create_entity{name = \"construction-robot\", position = position}\n end\n\n local character = game.surfaces[1].create_entity{name = \"character\", position = {1.5, 2}, direction = 4, force = \"player\"}\n character.direction = 4\n ", init_update_count = 60 }, trigger = { triggers = { { technology = "construction-robotics", type = "research" }, { technology = "logistic-robotics", type = "research" } }, type = "or" }, type = "tips-and-tricks-item" }, ["long-handed-inserters"] = { category = "inserters", dependencies = { "inserters" }, indent = 1, name = "long-handed-inserters", order = "c", simulation = { init = " game.surfaces[1].create_entities_from_blueprint_string\n {\n string = \"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\",\n position = {0,-2},\n }\n\n local chests = game.surfaces[1].find_entities_filtered{name = \"wooden-chest\"}\n global.chest_1 = chests[1]\n global.chest_2 = chests[2]\n script.on_nth_tick(600, function()\n global.chest_1.insert(\"iron-gear-wheel\")\n global.chest_2.clear_items_inside()\n end)\n ", init_update_count = 350 }, tag = "[entity=long-handed-inserter]", trigger = { technology = "automation", type = "research" }, type = "tips-and-tricks-item" }, ["low-power"] = { category = "electric-network", dependencies = { "electric-network" }, indent = 1, name = "low-power", order = "d", simulation = { init = " for x = -5.5, -3.5, 1 do\n for y = 0.5, 2.5, 1 do\n game.surfaces[1].create_entity{name = \"iron-ore\", amount = 500, position = {x, y}}\n end\n end\n game.surfaces[1].create_entities_from_blueprint_string\n {\n string = \"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\",\n position = {3,0}\n }\n ", init_update_count = 300 }, tag = "[img=utility/electricity_icon]", trigger = { count = 3, type = "low-power" }, type = "tips-and-tricks-item" }, ["move-between-labs"] = { category = "inserters", dependencies = { "inserters" }, indent = 1, name = "move-between-labs", order = "d", simulation = { init = "\n local science_1 = \"automation-science-pack\"\n local science_2 = \"logistic-science-pack\"\n local technology = \"railway\"\n\n game.surfaces[1].create_entities_from_blueprint_string\n {\n string = \"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\",\n position = {-2, -2}\n }\n\n local items = game.item_prototypes\n local technologies = game.technology_prototypes\n if not (technologies[technology] and items[science_1] and items[science_2]) then\n technology = nil\n for k, tech in pairs (technologies) do\n local units = tech.research_unit_ingredients\n if #units == 2 then\n technology =\n science_1 = units[1].name\n science_2 = units[2].name\n break\n end\n end\n end\n\n if not technology then return end\n\n chest_1 = game.surfaces[1].find_entity(\"infinity-chest\", {-9.5, -6.5})\n if chest_1 then\n chest_1.set_infinity_container_filter(1, {name = science_1, count = 100, index = 1})\n end\n\n chest_2 = game.surfaces[1].find_entity(\"infinity-chest\", {-3.5, -6.5})\n if chest_2 then\n chest_2.set_infinity_container_filter(1, {name = science_2, count = 100, index = 1})\n end\n\n for name, prerequisite in pairs (technologies[technology].prerequisites) do\n game.forces.player.technologies[name].researched = true\n end\n\n game.forces.player.laboratory_speed_modifier = 3\n game.forces.player.add_research(technology)\n script.on_event(,\n function(event)\n if not event.by_script then\n event.research.researched = false\n event.research.force.add_research(\n event.research.force.research_progress = 0\n end\n end)\n ", init_update_count = 800 }, tag = "[entity=lab]", trigger = { count = 3, entity = "lab", type = "build-entity" }, type = "tips-and-tricks-item" }, ["passive-provider-chest"] = { category = "logistic-network", dependencies = { "logistic-network" }, indent = 1, name = "passive-provider-chest", order = "d", simulation = { init = " game.surfaces[1].create_entities_from_blueprint_string\n {\n string = \"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\",\n position = {-3,0}\n }\n\n local roboport = game.surfaces[1].find_entities_filtered{name = \"roboport\"}[1]\n roboport.insert({name = \"logistic-robot\", count = 10})\n game.camera_alt_info = true\n\n game.forces.player.worker_robots_speed_modifier = 2\n game.forces.player.character_logistic_requests = true\n\n local character = game.surfaces[1].create_entity{name = \"character\", position = {1.5, 1.25}, force = \"player\"}\n character.character_running_speed_modifier = -0.5\n character.direction = 4\n character.set_personal_logistic_slot(1, {name = \"steel-plate\", min = 1000, max = 1000})\n character.set_personal_logistic_slot(2, {name = \"electronic-circuit\", min = 1000, max = 1000})\n\n script.on_nth_tick(600, function()\n character.clear_items_inside()\n end)\n\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n character.walking_state = {walking = true, direction = ((game.tick / 45) % 4) * 2}\n end)\n\n ", init_update_count = 600 }, tag = "[item=logistic-chest-passive-provider]", type = "tips-and-tricks-item" }, ["personal-logistics"] = { category = "logistic-network", dependencies = { "logistic-network" }, indent = 1, name = "personal-logistics", order = "b", simulation = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["tips-and-tricks-item"]["passive-provider-chest"].simulation ]=], tag = "[entity=character]", trigger = { technology = "logistic-robotics", type = "research" }, type = "tips-and-tricks-item" }, pipette = { category = "game-interaction", dependencies = { "introduction" }, name = "pipette", order = "e", simulation = { init = " player = game.create_test_player{name = \"big K\"}\n player.character.teleport{0, 3}\n game.camera_player = player\n game.camera_player_cursor_position = player.position\n pipette_delay = 40\n clear_delay = 60\n\n game.surfaces[1].create_entities_from_blueprint_string\n {\n string = \"0eNqV1F1uhCAQAOC7zDNuFvxBvcqmadSdNiQ6GsCmxnj3ojbNZqstPBHA+RgnMDPU7YiDVmShnEE1PRkobzMY9U5Vu67ZaUAoQVnsgAFV3TqzuiIz9NpGNbYWFgaK7vgJJV/Yv8HG9oTR26ipavAhViwvDJCssgr3LLbJ9EpjV6N2+AnBYOiNi+ppPdNJUcxgcgNf1nSeFOGt8D+U+KwWv5nikm4Qv6TuZ+9KY7NviwM38XfzEDf1d2WIm/m7WYgr/d00xM393STELX7c2t0n1JEig9q6rYPb+Q1fn+HkAOZX/4xFSMac+8NxECwCasGDahHw6vh5yq7NbB2pfOh+DD5Qm/2DnCeyEJJnUhbSvf4v/R2wkg==\",\n position = {-5,0},\n }\n\n step_1 = function()\n target_position = {-1, -1}\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n if game.move_cursor({position = target_position}) then\n step_2()\n end\n end)\n end\n\n step_2 = function()\n local count = pipette_delay\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n count = count - 1\n if count == math.floor(pipette_delay / 2) then\n player.pipette_entity(player.selected)\n end\n\n if count <= 0 then\n step_3()\n end\n end)\n end\n\n step_3 = function()\n target_position = {3, -1}\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n finished = game.move_cursor({position = target_position})\n player.build_from_cursor{position = game.camera_player_cursor_position}\n if finished then\n step_4()\n end\n end)\n end\n\n step_4 = function()\n local count = clear_delay\n target_position = {-1.5, 0.5}\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n count = count - 1\n if count == math.floor(clear_delay / 2) then\n player.clear_cursor()\n end\n if count > math.floor(clear_delay / 3) then return end\n\n finished = game.move_cursor({position = target_position})\n if finished then\n step_5()\n end\n end)\n\n end\n\n step_5 = function()\n local count = pipette_delay\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n count = count - 1\n if count == math.floor(pipette_delay / 2) then\n player.pipette_entity(player.selected)\n game.camera_player_cursor_direction = player.selected.direction\n end\n\n if count <= 0 then\n step_6()\n end\n end)\n end\n\n step_6 = function()\n target_position = {0.5, 0.5}\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n finished = game.move_cursor({position = target_position})\n if finished then\n player.build_from_cursor{position = game.camera_player_cursor_position, direction = 4}\n step_7()\n end\n end)\n end\n\n step_7 = function()\n target_position = {2.5, 0.5}\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n\n finished = game.move_cursor({position = target_position})\n if finished then\n player.build_from_cursor{position = game.camera_player_cursor_position, direction = 4}\n step_8()\n end\n end)\n end\n\n step_8 = function()\n local count = clear_delay\n target_position = {-1.5, 1.5}\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n count = count - 1\n if count == math.floor(clear_delay / 2) then\n player.clear_cursor()\n end\n\n if count > math.floor(clear_delay / 3) then return end\n\n finished = game.move_cursor({position = target_position})\n if finished then\n step_9()\n end\n end)\n\n end\n\n step_9 = function()\n local count = pipette_delay\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n count = count - 1\n if count == math.floor(pipette_delay / 2) then\n player.pipette_entity(player.selected)\n game.camera_player_cursor_direction = player.selected.direction\n end\n\n if count <= 0 then\n step_10()\n end\n end)\n end\n\n step_10 = function()\n target_position = {2.5, 1.5}\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n finished = game.move_cursor({position = target_position})\n player.build_from_cursor{position = game.camera_player_cursor_position, direction = 2}\n if finished then\n step_11()\n end\n end)\n end\n\n step_11 = function()\n local count = clear_delay\n target_position = player.position\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n count = count - 1\n if count == math.floor(clear_delay / 2) then\n player.clear_cursor()\n end\n\n if count > math.floor(clear_delay / 3) then return end\n\n finished = game.move_cursor({position = target_position})\n if finished then\n reset()\n end\n end)\n\n end\n\n reset = function()\n local count = 60\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n count = count - 1\n if count >= 0 then return end\n\n for k, v in pairs (game.surfaces[1].find_entities_filtered{area = {{0, -2}, {3, 2}}}) do\n v.destroy()\n end\n\n local belt = game.surfaces[1].find_entity(\"transport-belt\", {-0.5, 1.5})\n belt.destroy()\n\n start()\n\n end)\n end\n\n start = function()\n local count = 60\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n count = count - 1\n if count >= 0 then return end\n\n player.character.clear_items_inside()\n player.insert(\"transport-belt\")\n player.insert(\"stone-furnace\")\n player.insert(\"burner-inserter\")\n\n step_1()\n\n end)\n end\n\n start()\n\n " }, skip_trigger = { count = 5, type = "use-pipette" }, trigger = { count = 120, type = "build-entity" }, type = "tips-and-tricks-item" }, ["pole-dragging-coverage"] = { category = "drag-building", dependencies = { "drag-building-poles" }, indent = 1, name = "pole-dragging-coverage", order = "c", simulation = { init = " global.player = game.create_test_player{name = \"Cable Guy\"}\n global.character = global.player.character\n global.character.teleport{0, 4}\n global.character.cursor_stack.set_stack{name = \"small-electric-pole\", count=48}\n global.character.walking_state = {walking = true, direction = defines.direction.east}\n game.camera_player = global.player\n game.camera_player_cursor_position = {0, 0}\n game.surfaces[1].create_entities_from_blueprint_string\n {\n string = \"0eNqVlN1uhCAQhd9lrnGzgLCur7LZNGonWxJEg9jUGN69aC/apPjD5RDOdyYnMzNDrUfsrTIOyhlU05kByscMg3qZSi9vbuoRSlAOWyBgqnaphk5XNusrgxo8AWXe8QtK6p8E0DjlFP5g1mJ6M2Nbow0fogACfTcETWcWv8DJmLgIAlMQ8IvwnvwDsbMgdgDiJ0H0fgDKz4LkAUicBfEDkEwOW8ZBt19QW2mdocbGWdVkfadxN/QFGMSoXh91N9plJopnxKFIdKBix+FG6DVmck8OdiMPek1st9jLg1Aa65bS1Ex2TOKBUJY8IfeNRHjyPm6R8uSF3CKJ5I3cIsnkyVlJ4RiuV7P8c2QJfKIdVg0raF5wIaXMBefM+290Ncet\",\n position = {-13,0},\n }\n local lights_count = 0\n while lights_count < 8 do\n game.surfaces[1].create_entities_from_blueprint_string\n {\n string = \"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\",\n position = {28 + lights_count * 36, 1},\n }\n lights_count = lights_count + 1\n end\n update_camera = function()\n game.camera_position = {global.player.position.x, global.player.position.y - 3}\n end\n\n ", update = " if global.stop then\n global.character.walking_state = {walking = false, direction = defines.direction.south}\n return\n end\n game.camera_position = {global.character.position.x, global.character.position.y - 3}\n\n local pole_x = math.floor(global.character.position.x + 2)\n local pole_y = global.character.position.y - 4\n\n if global.last_pole_x == nil then\n global.last_pole_x = pole_x - 3\n global.pole_count = 0\n\n end\n game.camera_player_cursor_position = {pole_x, pole_y}\n\n if (global.pole_count == 0\n or global.pole_count == 1\n or global.pole_count == 2) and pole_x - global.last_pole_x == 7 then\n global.player.build_from_cursor{position = {pole_x, pole_y}}\n global.last_pole_x = global.last_pole_x + 7\n global.pole_count = global.pole_count + 1\n end\n if (global.pole_count == 3\n or global.pole_count == 4\n or global.pole_count == 5) and pole_x - global.last_pole_x == 5 then\n global.player.build_from_cursor{position = {pole_x, pole_y}}\n global.last_pole_x = global.last_pole_x + 5\n if global.pole_count == 5 then\n global.pole_count = 0\n else\n global.pole_count = global.pole_count + 1\n end\n end\n if game.tick % 60 == 0 then\n game.surfaces[1].build_checkerboard({{global.character.position.x + 10, global.character.position.y - 10},\n {global.character.position.x + 25, global.character.position.y + 10}})\n end\n if global.character.cursor_stack.count == 0 then\n global.character.walking_state = {walking = true, direction = defines.direction.south}\n global.stop = true\n end\n " }, tag = "[entity=small-electric-pole][img=utility/electricity_icon_unplugged]", type = "tips-and-tricks-item" }, ["pump-connection"] = { category = "trains", dependencies = { "trains" }, indent = 1, name = "pump-connection", order = "g", simulation = { init = " game.surfaces[1].create_entities_from_blueprint_string\n {\n string = \"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\",\n position = {0, 0}\n }\n\n player = game.create_test_player{name = \"kovarex\"}\n player.teleport({0, 2})\n game.camera_player = player\n game.camera_player_cursor_position = player.position\n game.camera_player_cursor_direction = defines.direction.south\n\n for k, v in pairs (game.surfaces[1].find_entities_filtered{name = \"locomotive\"}) do\n v.train.manual_mode = false\n v.insert(\"coal\")\n end\n\n step_1 = function()\n local count = 30\n player.cursor_stack.set_stack({name = \"pump\", count = 1})\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n if count > 0 then count = count - 1 return end\n if game.move_cursor({position = {-1.25, 0.75}}) then\n step_2()\n end\n end)\n end\n\n step_2 = function()\n local count = 30\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n if count > 0 then count = count - 1 return end\n player.build_from_cursor({position = game.camera_player_cursor_position, direction = 4})\n player.clear_cursor()\n step_3()\n end)\n end\n\n step_3 = function()\n local count = 30\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n if count > 0 then count = count - 1 return end\n if game.move_cursor({position = player.position}) then\n step_4()\n end\n end)\n end\n\n step_4 = function()\n local count = 300\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n count = count - 1\n if count > 0 then return end\n local wagon = game.surfaces[1].find_entity(\"fluid-wagon\", {-3, -1})\n wagon.clear_fluid_inside()\n reset()\n end)\n end\n\n reset = function()\n local count = 200\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n count = count - 1\n if count > 0 then return end\n game.surfaces[1].find_entities_filtered{name = \"pump\"}[1].destroy()\n start()\n end)\n end\n\n start = function()\n local count = 60\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n local wagon = game.surfaces[1].find_entity(\"fluid-wagon\", {-3, -1})\n if not wagon then return end\n if wagon.train.speed ~= 0 then return end\n count = count - 1\n if count > 0 then return end\n for k, v in pairs (game.surfaces[1].find_entities_filtered{name = \"locomotive\"}) do\n v.insert(\"coal\")\n end\n step_1()\n end)\n end\n\n start()\n\n ", init_update_count = 300 }, tag = "[entity=pump]", trigger = { triggers = { { count = 2, entity = "train-stop", type = "build-entity" }, { triggers = { { event_type = "crafting-finished", item = "fluid-wagon", type = "craft-item" }, { entity = "fluid-wagon", type = "build-entity" } }, type = "or" } }, type = "and" }, type = "tips-and-tricks-item" }, ["rail-building"] = { category = "trains", dependencies = { "trains" }, indent = 1, name = "rail-building", order = "b", simulation = { init = " global.player = game.create_test_player{name = \"kovarex\"}\n global.character = global.player.character\n game.camera_player = global.player\n game.camera_zoom = 1\n\n step_1 = function()\n game.surfaces[1].create_entity{name=\"straight-rail\", position = {-9, 7}, direction = defines.direction.east}\n global.character.cursor_stack.set_stack{name = \"rail\", count = 50}\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n if game.move_cursor{position = {-8.5, 7}} then\n step_2()\n end\n end)\n end\n\n step_2 = function()\n global.wait = 60\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n global.wait = global.wait - 1\n if global.wait == 0 then\n step_3()\n end\n end)\n end\n\n step_3 = function()\n game.activate_rail_planner()\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n if game.move_cursor{position = {-0.5, 7}} then\n step_4()\n end\n end)\n end\n\n step_4 = function()\n global.player.raw_build_from_cursor()\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n if game.move_cursor{position = {9, -5}} then\n step_5()\n end\n end)\n end\n\n step_5 = function()\n global.player.raw_build_from_cursor()\n global.wait = 60\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n global.wait = global.wait - 1\n if global.wait == 0 then\n step_6()\n end\n end)\n end\n\n step_6 = function()\n game.deactivate_rail_planner()\n global.wait = 60\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n global.wait = global.wait - 1\n if global.wait == 0 then\n step_7()\n end\n end)\n end\n\n step_7 = function()\n local rails = game.surfaces[1].find_entities()\n for _, rail in pairs(rails) do\n if == \"straight-rail\" or == \"curved-rail\" then\n rail.destroy()\n end\n end\n step_1()\n end\n\n step_1()\n " }, tag = "[item=rail]", trigger = { triggers = { { event_type = "crafting-finished", item = "rail", type = "craft-item" }, { entity = "straight-rail", type = "build-entity" } }, type = "or" }, type = "tips-and-tricks-item" }, ["rail-signals-advanced"] = { category = "trains", dependencies = { "rail-signals-basic" }, indent = 1, name = "rail-signals-advanced", order = "e", simulation = { init = " game.camera_position = {-1, -1}\n game.camera_zoom = 1\n game.surfaces[1].build_checkerboard({{-16, -9}, {16, 9}})\n game.surfaces[1].create_entities_from_blueprint_string\n {\n string = \"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\",\n position = {-6, 4}\n }\n\n for k, v in pairs (game.surfaces[1].find_entities_filtered{name = \"locomotive\"}) do\n v.train.manual_mode = false\n end\n\n script.on_nth_tick(1000, function()\n for k, v in pairs (game.surfaces[1].find_entities_filtered{name = \"locomotive\"}) do\n v.insert(\"coal\")\n end\n end)\n ", init_update_count = 1000 }, tag = "[item=rail-chain-signal]", trigger = { triggers = { { count = 30, entity = "rail-signal", type = "build-entity" }, { entity = "rail-chain-signal", type = "build-entity" } }, type = "or" }, tutorial = "trains-advanced-signals", type = "tips-and-tricks-item" }, ["rail-signals-basic"] = { category = "trains", dependencies = { "trains" }, indent = 1, name = "rail-signals-basic", order = "d", simulation = { init = " game.camera_position = {0, 0}\n game.camera_zoom = 1\n game.surfaces[1].create_entities_from_blueprint_string\n {\n string = \"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\",\n position = {-12,-16}\n }\n\n for k, v in pairs (game.surfaces[1].find_entities_filtered{name = \"locomotive\"}) do\n v.train.manual_mode = false\n end\n\n script.on_nth_tick(300, function()\n for k, v in pairs (game.surfaces[1].find_entities_filtered{name = \"locomotive\"}) do\n v.insert(\"coal\")\n end\n end)\n ", init_update_count = 0 }, tag = "[item=rail-signal]", trigger = { triggers = { { count = 1, entity = "rail-signal", type = "build-entity" }, { triggers = { { technology = "rail-signals", type = "research" }, { count = 2, entity = "locomotive", type = "build-entity" } }, type = "and" } }, type = "or" }, tutorial = "trains-basic-signals", type = "tips-and-tricks-item" }, ["requester-chest"] = { category = "logistic-network", dependencies = { "logistic-network" }, indent = 1, name = "requester-chest", order = "f", simulation = { init = " game.surfaces[1].create_entities_from_blueprint_string\n {\n string = \"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\",\n position = {2,0}\n }\n\n local roboport = game.surfaces[1].find_entities_filtered{name = \"roboport\"}[1]\n roboport.insert({name = \"logistic-robot\", count = 10})\n game.camera_alt_info = true\n\n game.forces.player.worker_robots_speed_modifier = 1\n\n ", init_update_count = 600 }, tag = "[item=logistic-chest-requester]", trigger = { technology = "logistic-system", type = "research" }, type = "tips-and-tricks-item" }, ["rotating-assemblers"] = { category = "game-interaction", dependencies = { "introduction" }, name = "rotating-assemblers", order = "k", simulation = { init = "\n player = game.create_test_player{name = \"big k\"}\n player.teleport({0, 2.5})\n game.camera_player = player\n game.camera_player_cursor_position = player.position\n game.camera_alt_info = true\n\n local surface = game.surfaces[1]\n\n surface.create_entity{name = \"substation\", position = {0, -10}}\n surface.create_entity{name = \"electric-energy-interface\", position = {0, -10}}\n\n local assembler_1 = surface.create_entity{name = \"assembling-machine-2\", position = {-3.5, -0.5}, force = \"player\"}\n local assembler_2 = surface.create_entity{name = \"assembling-machine-2\", position = {3.5, -0.5}, force = \"player\"}\n\n assembler_1.set_recipe(\"electric-engine-unit\")\n assembler_2.set_recipe(\"electric-engine-unit\")\n\n step_1 = function()\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n if game.move_cursor({position = assembler_2.position}) then\n step_2()\n end\n end)\n end\n\n global_rotate_count = 1\n step_2 = function()\n local count = 30\n local rotate_count = global_rotate_count\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n if count > 0 then count = count - 1 return end\n assembler_2.rotate({by_player = player})\n rotate_count = rotate_count - 1\n if rotate_count > 0 then\n count = 15\n return\n end\n global_rotate_count = (global_rotate_count % 3) + 1\n reset()\n end)\n end\n\n reset = function()\n local count = 30\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n if count > 0 then count = count - 1 return end\n if game.move_cursor({position = player.position}) then\n start()\n end\n end)\n end\n\n start = function()\n local count = 30\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n if count > 0 then count = count - 1 return end\n step_1()\n end)\n end\n\n start()\n\n " }, tag = "[entity=assembling-machine-2]", trigger = { triggers = { { machine = "assembling-machine-2", type = "set-recipe", uses_fluid = true }, { machine = "assembling-machine-3", type = "set-recipe", uses_fluid = true } }, type = "or" }, type = "tips-and-tricks-item" }, ["shoot-targeting"] = { category = "game-interaction", dependencies = { "introduction" }, name = "shoot-targeting", order = "i", player_input_method_filter = "keyboard_and_mouse", simulation = { init = "\n player = game.create_test_player{name = \"big k\"}\n player.teleport({-4, 0.5})\n player.character.direction = 2\n game.camera_player = player\n game.camera_player_cursor_position = player.position\n game.camera_alt_info = true\n\n step_1 = function()\n biter = game.surfaces[1].create_entity{name = \"medium-biter\", position = {10 + (math.random() * 2), -4 + (math.random() * 4)}}\n biter.speed = 0.05\n biter.set_command\n {\n type = defines.command.attack,\n target = player.character\n }\n\n tree = game.surfaces[1].create_entity{name = \"tree-02\", position = {4, 2.5}}\n\n local count = 60\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n if count > 0 then count = count - 1 return end\n step_2()\n end)\n end\n\n step_2 = function()\n local rand_x = -1.5\n local rand_y = -1\n local position = {0.5 * ((biter.position.x + rand_x) + player.position.x), 0.5 * ((biter.position.y + rand_y) + player.position.y)}\n player.clear_items_inside()\n player.insert(\"pistol\")\n player.insert(\"piercing-rounds-magazine\")\n player.force.set_ammo_damage_modifier(\"bullet\", 0.5)\n\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n if not biter.valid then\n step_3()\n return\n end\n if game.move_cursor({position = position}) then\n player.shooting_state = {state = defines.shooting.shooting_enemies, position = position}\n end\n end)\n\n end\n\n step_3 = function()\n local count = 60\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n if count > 0 then count = count - 1 return end\n\n if game.move_cursor({position = tree.position}) then\n step_4()\n end\n end)\n end\n\n step_4 = function()\n local count = 30\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n if count > 0 then count = count - 1 return end\n if not tree.valid then\n step_5()\n end\n player.shooting_state = {state = defines.shooting.shooting_selected, position = game.camera_player_cursor_position}\n end)\n end\n\n step_5 = function()\n local count = 30\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n if count > 0 then count = count - 1 return end\n if game.move_cursor({position = player.position}) then\n reset()\n end\n end)\n end\n\n reset = function()\n\n local count = 30\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n if count > 0 then count = count - 1 return end\n start()\n end)\n end\n\n start = function()\n local count = 30\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n if count > 0 then count = count - 1 return end\n step_1()\n end)\n end\n\n start()\n\n " }, tag = "[item=pistol]", trigger = { triggers = { { type = "group-attack" }, { ticks = 486000, type = "time-elapsed" } }, type = "or" }, type = "tips-and-tricks-item" }, ["shoot-targeting-controller"] = { category = "game-interaction", dependencies = { "introduction" }, name = "shoot-targeting-controller", order = "i", player_input_method_filter = "game_controller", simulation = { init = "\n player = game.create_test_player{name = \"big k\"}\n player.teleport({-4, 0.5})\n player.character.direction = 2\n game.camera_player = player\n game.camera_alt_info = true\n\n step_1 = function()\n biter = game.surfaces[1].create_entity{name = \"medium-biter\", position = {10 + (math.random() * 2), -4 + (math.random() * 4)}}\n biter.speed = 0.05\n biter.set_command\n {\n type = defines.command.attack,\n target = player.character\n }\n\n tree = game.surfaces[1].create_entity{name = \"tree-02\", position = {4, 2.5}}\n\n local count = 60\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n if count > 0 then count = count - 1 return end\n step_2()\n end)\n end\n\n step_2 = function()\n local rand_x = -1.5\n local rand_y = -1\n local position = {0.5 * ((biter.position.x + rand_x) + player.position.x), 0.5 * ((biter.position.y + rand_y) + player.position.y)}\n player.clear_items_inside()\n player.insert(\"pistol\")\n player.insert(\"piercing-rounds-magazine\")\n player.force.set_ammo_damage_modifier(\"bullet\", 0.5)\n\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n if not biter.valid then\n step_3()\n return\n end\n player.shooting_state = {state = defines.shooting.shooting_enemies, position = position}\n end)\n\n end\n\n step_3 = function()\n local count = 60\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n if count > 0 then count = count - 1 return end\n step_4()\n end)\n end\n\n step_4 = function()\n player.update_selected_entity(tree.position)\n local position = tree.position\n local count = 30\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n if count > 0 then count = count - 1 return end\n if not tree.valid then\n step_5()\n return\n end\n player.shooting_state = {state = defines.shooting.shooting_selected, position = position}\n end)\n end\n\n step_5 = function()\n local count = 30\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n if count > 0 then count = count - 1 return end\n reset()\n end)\n end\n\n reset = function()\n\n local count = 30\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n if count > 0 then count = count - 1 return end\n start()\n end)\n end\n\n start = function()\n local count = 30\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n if count > 0 then count = count - 1 return end\n step_1()\n end)\n end\n\n start()\n\n " }, tag = "[item=pistol]", trigger = { triggers = { { type = "group-attack" }, { ticks = 486000, type = "time-elapsed" } }, type = "or" }, type = "tips-and-tricks-item" }, ["show-info"] = { category = "game-interaction", dependencies = { "introduction" }, name = "show-info", order = "b", simulation = { init = " local width = 0\n\n function box_width(box)\n return box.right_bottom.x - box.left_top.x\n end\n\n function box_height(box)\n return box.right_bottom.y - box.left_top.y\n end\n\n local entity_prototypes = game.entity_prototypes\n\n local assembler_box = entity_prototypes[\"assembling-machine-1\"].selection_box\n local mining_drill_box = entity_prototypes[\"burner-mining-drill\"].selection_box\n local wooden_chest_box = entity_prototypes[\"wooden-chest\"].selection_box\n local lab_box = entity_prototypes[\"lab\"].selection_box\n local first_row_width = box_width(assembler_box) + 1 + box_width(mining_drill_box) + 1 + box_width(wooden_chest_box) + 1 + box_width(lab_box)\n local first_row_height = math.max(box_height(assembler_box), box_height(mining_drill_box), box_height(wooden_chest_box), box_height(lab_box))\n\n local steam_engine_box = entity_prototypes[\"steam-engine\"].selection_box\n local boiler_box = entity_prototypes[\"boiler\"].selection_box\n local second_row_width = box_height(steam_engine_box) + 1 + box_width(boiler_box) + 1 + 2 -- two 2 is for the pipes formation\n local second_row_height = math.max(box_width(steam_engine_box), box_height(boiler_box), 2) -- two 2 is for the pipes formation\n\n local height = first_row_height + 1 + second_row_height\n local y = (-height) / 2 + first_row_height / 2\n local x = (-first_row_width) / 2\n\n local assembler = game.surfaces[1].create_entity{name = \"assembling-machine-1\", position = {x - assembler_box.left_top.x, y}, force = \"player\"}\n assembler.set_recipe(\"iron-gear-wheel\")\n x = x + box_width(assembler_box) + 1\n\n game.surfaces[1].create_entity{name = \"burner-mining-drill\", position = {x - mining_drill_box.left_top.x, y}, direction = defines.direction.east, force = \"player\"}\n x = x + box_width(mining_drill_box) + 1\n\n local chest = game.surfaces[1].create_entity{name = \"wooden-chest\", position = {x - wooden_chest_box.left_top.x, y}, force = \"player\"}\n chest.get_output_inventory().insert{name = \"iron-plate\", count = 1}\n chest.get_output_inventory().insert{name = \"iron-gear-wheel\", count = 1}\n chest.get_output_inventory().insert{name = \"electronic-circuit\", count = 1}\n x = x + box_width(wooden_chest_box) + 1\n\n local lab = game.surfaces[1].create_entity{name = \"lab\", position = {x - lab_box.left_top.x, y}, force = \"player\"}\n lab.get_output_inventory().insert{name = \"automation-science-pack\", count=1}\n\n y = y + (first_row_height + second_row_height) / 2 + 1\n x = (-second_row_width) / 2\n\n game.surfaces[1].create_entity{name = \"steam-engine\", position = {x - steam_engine_box.left_top.y, y}, force = \"player\", direction = defines.direction.east}\n x = x + box_height(steam_engine_box) + 1 --box height as it is rotated\n\n game.surfaces[1].create_entity{name = \"boiler\", position = {x - boiler_box.left_top.x, y}, force = \"player\"}\n x = x + box_width(boiler_box) + 1\n\n local pipe = game.surfaces[1].create_entity{name = \"pipe\", position = {x + 0.5, y}, force = \"player\"}\n pipe.insert_fluid{name = \"water\", amount = 100}\n game.surfaces[1].create_entity{name = \"pipe-to-ground\", position = {x + 0.5, y - 1}, force = \"player\", direction = defines.direction.south}\n game.surfaces[1].create_entity{name = \"pipe-to-ground\", position = {x + 1.5, y}, force = \"player\", direction = defines.direction.west}\n ", update = " game.camera_alt_info = (game.tick % 120) < 60\n " }, type = "tips-and-tricks-item" }, ["splitter-filters"] = { category = "belts", dependencies = { "splitters" }, indent = 1, name = "splitter-filters", order = "d", simulation = { init = " game.surfaces[1].create_entities_from_blueprint_string\n {\n string = \"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\",\n position = {-1, -1}\n }\n game.camera_alt_info = true\n ", init_update_count = 800 }, skip_trigger = { count = 3, entity = "splitter", match_type_only = true, type = "set-filter" }, tag = "[entity=splitter][item=electronic-circuit]", trigger = { count = 10, entity = "splitter", match_type_only = true, type = "build-entity" }, type = "tips-and-tricks-item" }, splitters = { category = "belts", dependencies = { "introduction" }, indent = 1, name = "splitters", order = "c", simulation = { init = " game.surfaces[1].create_entities_from_blueprint_string\n {\n string = \"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\",\n position = {-1, 0}\n }\n ", init_update_count = 800 }, tag = "[entity=splitter]", trigger = { technology = "logistics", type = "research" }, type = "tips-and-tricks-item" }, ["stack-transfers"] = { category = "game-interaction", dependencies = { "introduction" }, image = "__base__/graphics/tips-and-tricks/stack-transfers.png", image_nintendo_switch = "__base__/graphics/tips-and-tricks/stack-transfers-nintendo-switch.png", name = "stack-transfers", order = "f", skip_trigger = { triggers = { { transfer = "stack", type = "stack-transfer" }, { transfer = "inventory", type = "stack-transfer" }, { transfer = "whole-inventory", type = "stack-transfer" } }, type = "and" }, tag = "[item=wooden-chest]", trigger = { count = 20, type = "manual-transfer" }, tutorial = "stack-transfers", type = "tips-and-tricks-item" }, ["steam-power"] = { category = "electric-network", dependencies = { "electric-network" }, indent = 1, name = "steam-power", order = "b", simulation = { init = "\n\n for x = -8, -7, 1 do\n for y = -3, -1 do\n game.surfaces[1].set_tiles{{position = {x, y}, name = \"water\"}}\n end\n end\n\n game.surfaces[1].create_entities_from_blueprint_string\n {\n string = \"0eNqVlN1ugzAMhd/F11ARfguvMk0VUMMiQYiSsI5VvPsCtJSKVOm4SuzkyzkW9hWKpkcuKFOQXYGWHZOQfVxB0prlzRRTA0fIgCpswQGWt9NOKsxbF1lNGcLoAGVn/IGMjJ8OIFNUUVw482Y4sb4tUOgDG0LH0L3kTaOpvJP6Ssem9zTGJcEhcmDQq/QQjaOz4/hvcayYYMVgg6UStNSeUNSDqwuCospLNKjzF2asfZ+p0PfmXDgdvKA4cdGd+1vQuwd7mdf6HeI9PgeKvqp0TtLf55RBafgw3BdS5TN+J827KzMQopXQVZX86gS6vG+5wV90rxrRVXvyGBu48crllJvKFW5xBkBiAwQWwNEG8C2A9G2AZwYQbyUUHW106NVfsyupb8IRmyDvJuiFIeKbO3UHCjYcu6zAIsumKvxn95NX5Y7+1/4LR4+meYhlm5nnwDcKuTg+kjBJ/YTESZIm4Tj+AWXcon0=\",\n position = {0,0}\n }\n local boiler = game.surfaces[1].find_entities_filtered{name = \"boiler\"}[1]\n boiler.insert(\"solid-fuel\")\n script.on_nth_tick(100, function() boiler.insert(\"solid-fuel\") end)\n ", init_update_count = 100 }, tag = "[entity=steam-engine]", type = "tips-and-tricks-item" }, ["storage-chest"] = { category = "logistic-network", dependencies = { "logistic-network" }, indent = 1, name = "storage-chest", order = "e", simulation = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["tips-and-tricks-item"]["construction-robots"].simulation ]=], tag = "[item=logistic-chest-storage]", type = "tips-and-tricks-item" }, ["train-stop-same-name"] = { category = "trains", dependencies = { "trains" }, indent = 1, name = "train-stop-same-name", order = "h", simulation = { init = " game.camera_position = {0, 0}\n game.camera_zoom = 1\n game.surfaces[1].create_entities_from_blueprint_string\n {\n string = \"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\",\n position = {-8, 14}\n }\n\n for k, v in pairs (game.surfaces[1].find_entities_filtered{name = \"locomotive\"}) do\n v.train.manual_mode = false\n local bok = % 3\n if bok == 1 then\n v.color = {0.5, 0, 1, 0.5}\n elseif bok == 2 then\n v.color = {1, 1, 0, 0.5}\n end\n end\n\n script.on_nth_tick(300, function()\n for k, v in pairs (game.surfaces[1].find_entities_filtered{name = \"locomotive\"}) do\n v.insert(\"coal\")\n end\n end)\n ", init_update_count = 0 }, tag = "[entity=train-stop][entity=train-stop]", trigger = { count = 4, entity = "train-stop", type = "build-entity" }, type = "tips-and-tricks-item" }, ["train-stops"] = { category = "trains", dependencies = { "trains" }, indent = 1, name = "train-stops", order = "c", simulation = { init = " game.surfaces[1].create_entities_from_blueprint_string\n {\n string = \"0eNqdle1ugjAUhu/l/C4L5XNyK8tCAA+sWWlJW5Y5w72v1c0ZBaTzj8Hi877ns0eo+YiDYsJAcQTWSKGheDmCZp2ouPvNHAaEApjBHgiIqndPbaVNYFQl9CCVCWrkBiYCTOzxEwo6kYcE5NgYxZoABaruEFgHqNqqwStONL0SQGGYYXi2dXo4lGLsa1RWaAOOwCC1JUjhvFhqQFMCB0cnsGfK/u90lhCox7ZFVWr2ZZE0vHxcODfK0UVZ9xXnwUV/kHxWM346q4ZPqdUVyLq3Wo7KhRW/zgjEngLZMj8iNJmTSFbLeS+R/EjQk8RV6qIZeOoJT33g2V9yTNW822prVLbgK6ZdXmZI+XZSuk569gw4Wgo4m4HvPOHxEjyZgdPQkx76WKd0e4rD9RTTyNMo9TIabzdKHxhN/KY39FwO9Ga6RrsvVaek/X7UEfFdR5DLghbD6Nb4vVz2z/aLNrVf/u9g8uVg5GiWormZVC6r/WyRf1V2/gn7m1cmWibsWdC8oV4d1XPxf98vNRrDRKfdewp7+YHlaM+4bUjcl+4ytUdGjTi5W/J0uRZXtzmBD1T6vEGfaZLvopxmeb7Lsmn6BoqXoPE=\",\n position = {-8, 5}\n }\n\n local surface = game.surfaces[1]\n for x = -31, 31, 2 do\n surface.create_entity{name = \"straight-rail\", position = {x, -1}, direction = 2}\n end\n\n global.train_stop = surface.create_entity{name = \"train-stop\", position = {7, 1}, direction = 2, force = \"player\"}\n global.end_rail = surface.find_entity(\"straight-rail\", {31, -1})\n game.forces.player.stack_inserter_capacity_bonus = 7\n\n\n script.on_nth_tick(1000, function()\n if global.locomotive and global.locomotive.valid then\n global.locomotive.destroy()\n end\n if global.wagon and global.wagon.valid then\n global.wagon.destroy()\n end\n global.locomotive = game.surfaces[1].create_entity{name = \"locomotive\", position = {-20, 1}, orientation = 0.25, force = \"player\"}\n global.wagon = game.surfaces[1].create_entity{name = \"cargo-wagon\", position = {-26, 1}, orientation = 0.25, force = \"player\"}\n global.locomotive.train.schedule =\n {\n current = 1,\n records =\n {\n {\n station = global.train_stop.backer_name,\n wait_conditions =\n {\n {\n type = \"inactivity\",\n compare_type = \"and\",\n ticks = 100\n }\n }\n },\n {\n rail = global.end_rail,\n wait_conditions =\n {\n {\n type = \"time\",\n compare_type = \"and\",\n ticks = 350\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n global.locomotive.train.manual_mode = false\n global.locomotive.insert(\"coal\")\n global.wagon.insert({name = \"iron-ore\", count = 300})\n end)\n " }, tag = "[item=train-stop]", trigger = { triggers = { { entity = "train-stop", type = "build-entity" }, { triggers = { { technology = "automated-rail-transportation", type = "research" }, { count = 20, entity = "straight-rail", type = "build-entity" } }, type = "and" } }, type = "or" }, tutorial = "trains-stations", type = "tips-and-tricks-item" }, trains = { category = "trains", dependencies = { "introduction" }, is_title = true, name = "trains", order = "a", simulation = { init = " game.camera_position = {0, 0}\n game.camera_zoom = 1\n game.surfaces[1].create_entities_from_blueprint_string\n {\n string = \"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\",\n position = {0,0}\n }\n local records =\n {\n {\n station = \"top\",\n wait_conditions = {}\n },\n {\n station = \"bottom\",\n wait_conditions = {}\n }\n }\n for k, v in pairs (game.surfaces[1].find_entities_filtered{name = \"locomotive\"}) do\n local train = v.train\n train.schedule =\n {\n records = records,\n current = math.random(#records)\n }\n train.manual_mode = false\n v.insert(\"solid-fuel\")\n end\n script.on_nth_tick(300, function()\n for k, v in pairs (game.surfaces[1].find_entities_filtered{name = \"locomotive\"}) do\n v.insert(\"solid-fuel\")\n end\n end)\n ", init_update_count = 300 }, trigger = { technology = "railway", type = "research" }, type = "tips-and-tricks-item" }, ["transport-belts"] = { category = "belts", dependencies = { "introduction" }, is_title = true, name = "transport-belts", order = "a", simulation = { init = " game.surfaces[1].create_entities_from_blueprint_string\n {\n string = \"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\",\n position = {2, 2},\n }\n ", init_update_count = 720 }, trigger = { recipe = "transport-belt", type = "unlock-recipe" }, type = "tips-and-tricks-item" }, ["underground-belts"] = { category = "belts", dependencies = { "introduction" }, indent = 1, name = "underground-belts", order = "e", simulation = { init = " game.surfaces[1].create_entities_from_blueprint_string\n {\n string = \"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\",\n position = {-1, 0}\n }\n ", init_update_count = 800 }, tag = "[entity=underground-belt]", trigger = { technology = "logistics", type = "research" }, type = "tips-and-tricks-item" }, ["z-dropping"] = { category = "game-interaction", dependencies = { "entity-transfers" }, name = "z-dropping", order = "h", simulation = { init = "\n player = game.create_test_player{name = \"big k\"}\n player.teleport({0, 1.5})\n game.camera_player = player\n game.camera_player_cursor_position = player.position\n game.camera_alt_info = true\n\n game.surfaces[1].create_entities_from_blueprint_string\n {\n string = \"0eNqV1O9ugyAQAPB34TM2Bf9VX2VZjNVrR6KHAezWNL77oKZdV7XFb8LBj1O5u5B900OnBBqSX4ioJGqSf1yIFkcsGzdnzh2QnAgDLaEEy9aNtJEIwaFXWFZABkoE1vBDcjbQt3uNKlF3UplgD4152MyHT0oAjTACxiyug3OBfbsHZfWn87/LprFuJ7XdItGdaJmAhZuYkrN9yjbx4DJ6criX85YJl15pQvGbxKxESS0UVGOYz7iRtxuucmNvN1rlJt5uvMpNvd1klbvzdtNVbnZ3G1nWdmbiZUsavZcKdr2riend3951gQeBNhZUX6Bnsmbb/2nf1hcajBF41G6dglaeoOhtrDGgoC5cldqQUT3M3XbGFqp/etuvh/NZhPsi0Qsk9EWSF8hflQklcelbBrcS4/M9gMUre5L7ObNQsq4pjY5tmNfmmj/0cUpOoPR4r3YsSjOesiRNszQahl8Gf/Lk\",\n position = {0,0},\n }\n\n reset_items = function()\n\n end\n\n fake_drop_to = function(entity)\n local stack = player.cursor_stack\n if not (stack.valid and stack.valid_for_read) then return end\n local name, count =, 1\n local inserted = entity.insert{name = name, count = count}\n if inserted == 0 then return end\n\n player.remove_item{name = name, count = inserted}\n player.surface.create_entity\n {\n name = \"flying-text\",\n position = {entity.position.x, entity.position.y - 0.5},\n text =\n {\n \"\",\n \"-\",\n inserted,\n \" \",\n game.item_prototypes[name].localised_name,\n \" (\",\n player.get_item_count(name),\n \")\"\n }\n }\n player.play_sound{path = \"utility/inventory_move\"}\n end\n\n fake_drop_at_cursor = function()\n local stack = player.cursor_stack\n if not (stack and stack.valid_for_read) then return end\n\n local drop_stack = {name =, count = 1}\n game.surfaces[1].spill_item_stack(game.camera_player_cursor_position, drop_stack)\n player.remove_item(drop_stack)\n player.play_sound{path = \"utility/drop_item\"}\n\n end\n\n step_1 = function()\n player.cursor_stack.set_stack({name = \"iron-ore\", count = 50})\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n if game.move_cursor({position = {-3.5, -2.5}}) then\n step_2()\n end\n end)\n end\n\n step_2 = function()\n local repeat_time = 10\n local count = repeat_time\n local repeat_count = 15\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n count = count - 1\n if count > 0 then return end\n count = repeat_time\n repeat_count = repeat_count - 1\n if repeat_count < 0 then\n step_3()\n return\n end\n fake_drop_at_cursor()\n end)\n end\n\n step_3 = function()\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n local finished = game.move_cursor({position = {-3.5, 2.5}})\n if finished then\n step_4()\n end\n end)\n end\n\n step_4 = function()\n local repeat_time = 10\n local count = repeat_time\n local repeat_count = 10\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n count = count - 1\n if count > 0 then return end\n count = repeat_time\n repeat_count = repeat_count - 1\n if repeat_count < 0 then\n step_6()\n return\n end\n fake_drop_to(player.selected)\n end)\n end\n\n step_6 = function()\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n local finished = game.move_cursor({position = {2.5, -1.5}})\n if finished then\n step_7()\n end\n end)\n end\n\n step_7 = function()\n local repeat_time = 10\n local count = repeat_time\n local repeat_count = 10\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n count = count - 1\n if count > 0 then return end\n count = repeat_time\n repeat_count = repeat_count - 1\n if repeat_count < 0 then\n step_8()\n return\n end\n fake_drop_at_cursor()\n end)\n end\n\n step_8 = function()\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n local finished = game.move_cursor({position = {2.0, 2.0}})\n if finished then\n step_9()\n end\n end)\n end\n\n step_9 = function()\n local last_selected\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n local finished = game.move_cursor({position = {6.0, 2.0}})\n if player.selected and player.selected ~= last_selected then\n last_selected = player.selected\n player.selected.insert(\"coal\")\n fake_drop_to(player.selected)\n end\n if finished then\n step_10()\n end\n end)\n end\n\n step_10 = function()\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n local finished = game.move_cursor({position = player.position})\n if finished then\n reset()\n end\n end)\n end\n\n reset = function()\n local count = 30\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n count = count - 1\n if count > 0 then return end\n player.clear_cursor()\n for k, v in pairs (game.surfaces[1].find_entities()) do\n if v.type == \"item-entity\" then\n v.destroy()\n else\n v.clear_items_inside()\n end\n end\n start()\n end)\n end\n\n start = function()\n local count = 30\n script.on_nth_tick(1, function()\n count = count - 1\n if count > 0 then return end\n step_1()\n end)\n end\n\n start()\n\n " }, trigger = { triggers = { { type = "dependencies-met" }, { ticks = 108000, type = "time-elapsed" } }, type = "sequence" }, type = "tips-and-tricks-item" } }, ["tips-and-tricks-item-category"] = { belts = { name = "belts", order = "c-[belts]", type = "tips-and-tricks-item-category" }, ["copy-paste"] = { name = "copy-paste", order = "e-[copy-paste]", type = "tips-and-tricks-item-category" }, ["drag-building"] = { name = "drag-building", order = "f-[drag-building]", type = "tips-and-tricks-item-category" }, ["electric-network"] = { name = "electric-network", order = "d-[electric-network]", type = "tips-and-tricks-item-category" }, ["fast-replace"] = { name = "fast-replace", order = "k-[fast-replace]", type = "tips-and-tricks-item-category" }, ["game-interaction"] = { name = "game-interaction", order = "a-[game-interaction]", type = "tips-and-tricks-item-category" }, ["ghost-building"] = { name = "ghost-building", order = "j-[ghost-building]", type = "tips-and-tricks-item-category" }, inserters = { name = "inserters", order = "b-[inserters]", type = "tips-and-tricks-item-category" }, ["logistic-network"] = { name = "logistic-network", order = "i-[logistic-network]", type = "tips-and-tricks-item-category" }, trains = { name = "trains", order = "h-[trains]", type = "tips-and-tricks-item-category" } }, tool = { ["automation-science-pack"] = { durability = 1, durability_description_key = "", durability_description_value = "", icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/automation-science-pack.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_description = { "" }, name = "automation-science-pack", order = "a[automation-science-pack]", stack_size = 200, subgroup = "science-pack", type = "tool" }, ["chemical-science-pack"] = { durability = 1, durability_description_key = "", durability_description_value = "", icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/chemical-science-pack.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_description = { "" }, name = "chemical-science-pack", order = "d[chemical-science-pack]", stack_size = 200, subgroup = "science-pack", type = "tool" }, ["logistic-science-pack"] = { durability = 1, durability_description_key = "", durability_description_value = "", icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/logistic-science-pack.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_description = { "" }, name = "logistic-science-pack", order = "b[logistic-science-pack]", stack_size = 200, subgroup = "science-pack", type = "tool" }, ["military-science-pack"] = { durability = 1, durability_description_key = "", durability_description_value = "", icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/military-science-pack.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_description = { "" }, name = "military-science-pack", order = "c[military-science-pack]", stack_size = 200, subgroup = "science-pack", type = "tool" }, ["production-science-pack"] = { durability = 1, durability_description_key = "", durability_description_value = "", icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/production-science-pack.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_description = { "" }, name = "production-science-pack", order = "e[production-science-pack]", stack_size = 200, subgroup = "science-pack", type = "tool" }, ["space-science-pack"] = { durability = 1, durability_description_key = "", durability_description_value = "", icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/space-science-pack.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, name = "space-science-pack", order = "g[space-science-pack]", rocket_launch_product = { "raw-fish", 1 }, stack_size = 2000, subgroup = "science-pack", type = "tool" }, ["utility-science-pack"] = { durability = 1, durability_description_key = "", durability_description_value = "", icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/utility-science-pack.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_description = { "" }, name = "utility-science-pack", order = "f[utility-science-pack]", stack_size = 200, subgroup = "science-pack", type = "tool" } }, ["train-path-achievement"] = { ["trans-factorio-express"] = { icon = "__base__/graphics/achievement/trans-factorio-express.png", icon_size = 128, minimum_distance = 1000, name = "trans-factorio-express", order = "b[exploration]-e[train-path]", steam_stats_name = "longest-train-path", type = "train-path-achievement" } }, ["train-stop"] = { ["train-stop"] = { animation_ticks_per_frame = 20, animations = { east = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/train-stop/train-stop-bottom.png", frame_count = 1, height = 146, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/train-stop/hr-train-stop-bottom.png", frame_count = 1, height = 291, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.015625, -0.8359375 }, width = 140, x = 140, y = 0 }, priority = "high", scale = 1, shift = { -0.015625, -0.84375 }, width = 71, x = 71, y = 0 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/train-stop/train-stop-shadow.png", frame_count = 1, height = 304, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/train-stop/hr-train-stop-shadow.png", frame_count = 1, height = 607, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.234375, 0.5546875 }, width = 720, x = 720, y = 0 }, priority = "high", scale = 1, shift = { -0.234375, 0.5625 }, width = 361, x = 361, y = 0 } } }, north = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/train-stop/train-stop-bottom.png", frame_count = 1, height = 146, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/train-stop/hr-train-stop-bottom.png", frame_count = 1, height = 291, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["train-stop"]["train-stop"].animations.east.layers[1].hr_version.shift ]=], width = 140, x = 0, y = 0 }, priority = "high", scale = 1, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["train-stop"]["train-stop"].animations.east.layers[1].shift ]=], width = 71, x = 0, y = 0 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/train-stop/train-stop-shadow.png", frame_count = 1, height = 304, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/train-stop/hr-train-stop-shadow.png", frame_count = 1, height = 607, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["train-stop"]["train-stop"].animations.east.layers[2].hr_version.shift ]=], width = 720, x = 0, y = 0 }, priority = "high", scale = 1, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["train-stop"]["train-stop"].animations.east.layers[2].shift ]=], width = 361, x = 0, y = 0 } } }, south = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/train-stop/train-stop-bottom.png", frame_count = 1, height = 146, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/train-stop/hr-train-stop-bottom.png", frame_count = 1, height = 291, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["train-stop"]["train-stop"].animations.east.layers[1].hr_version.shift ]=], width = 140, x = 280, y = 0 }, priority = "high", scale = 1, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["train-stop"]["train-stop"].animations.east.layers[1].shift ]=], width = 71, x = 142, y = 0 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/train-stop/train-stop-shadow.png", frame_count = 1, height = 304, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/train-stop/hr-train-stop-shadow.png", frame_count = 1, height = 607, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["train-stop"]["train-stop"].animations.east.layers[2].hr_version.shift ]=], width = 720, x = 1440, y = 0 }, priority = "high", scale = 1, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["train-stop"]["train-stop"].animations.east.layers[2].shift ]=], width = 361, x = 722, y = 0 } } }, west = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/train-stop/train-stop-bottom.png", frame_count = 1, height = 146, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/train-stop/hr-train-stop-bottom.png", frame_count = 1, height = 291, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["train-stop"]["train-stop"].animations.east.layers[1].hr_version.shift ]=], width = 140, x = 420, y = 0 }, priority = "high", scale = 1, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["train-stop"]["train-stop"].animations.east.layers[1].shift ]=], width = 71, x = 213, y = 0 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/train-stop/train-stop-shadow.png", frame_count = 1, height = 304, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/train-stop/hr-train-stop-shadow.png", frame_count = 1, height = 607, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["train-stop"]["train-stop"].animations.east.layers[2].hr_version.shift ]=], width = 720, x = 2160, y = 0 }, priority = "high", scale = 1, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["train-stop"]["train-stop"].animations.east.layers[2].shift ]=], width = 361, x = 1083, y = 0 } } } }, circuit_connector_sprites = { { blue_led_light_offset = { 0.34375, -1.546875 }, connector_main = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04a-base-sequence.png", height = 50, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.140625, -1.671875 }, width = 52, x = 208, y = 150 }, connector_shadow = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04b-base-shadow-sequence.png", height = 46, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 3.203125, 0.40625 }, width = 62, x = 248, y = 138 }, led_blue = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04e-blue-LED-on-sequence.png", height = 60, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.140625, -1.703125 }, width = 60, x = 240, y = 180 }, led_blue_off = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04f-blue-LED-off-sequence.png", height = 44, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.140625, -1.703125 }, width = 46, x = 184, y = 132 }, led_green = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04h-green-LED-sequence.png", height = 46, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.140625, -1.703125 }, width = 48, x = 192, y = 138 }, led_light = { intensity = 0, size = 0.9 }, led_red = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04i-red-LED-sequence.png", height = 46, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.140625, -1.703125 }, width = 48, x = 192, y = 138 }, red_green_led_light_offset = { 0.34375, -1.65625 }, wire_pins = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04c-wire-sequence.png", height = 58, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.140625, -1.703125 }, width = 62, x = 248, y = 174 }, wire_pins_shadow = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04d-wire-shadow-sequence.png", height = 54, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.296875, -1.578125 }, width = 70, x = 280, y = 162 } }, { blue_led_light_offset = { -0.640625, -1.46875 }, connector_main = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04a-base-sequence.png", height = 50, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.671875, -1.734375 }, width = 52, x = 104, y = 150 }, connector_shadow = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04b-base-shadow-sequence.png", height = 46, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 2.03125, 0.140625 }, width = 62, x = 124, y = 138 }, led_blue = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04e-blue-LED-on-sequence.png", height = 60, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.671875, -1.765625 }, width = 60, x = 120, y = 180 }, led_blue_off = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04f-blue-LED-off-sequence.png", height = 44, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.671875, -1.765625 }, width = 46, x = 92, y = 132 }, led_green = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04h-green-LED-sequence.png", height = 46, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.671875, -1.765625 }, width = 48, x = 96, y = 138 }, led_light = { intensity = 0, size = 0.9 }, led_red = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04i-red-LED-sequence.png", height = 46, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.671875, -1.765625 }, width = 48, x = 96, y = 138 }, red_green_led_light_offset = { -0.65625, -1.578125 }, wire_pins = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04c-wire-sequence.png", height = 58, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.671875, -1.765625 }, width = 62, x = 124, y = 174 }, wire_pins_shadow = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04d-wire-shadow-sequence.png", height = 54, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.515625, -1.640625 }, width = 70, x = 140, y = 162 } }, { blue_led_light_offset = { -0.359375, -2.609375 }, connector_main = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04a-base-sequence.png", height = 50, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.15625, -2.75 }, width = 52, x = 0, y = 150 }, connector_shadow = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04b-base-shadow-sequence.png", height = 46, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 3.578125, -0.5 }, width = 62, x = 0, y = 138 }, led_blue = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04e-blue-LED-on-sequence.png", height = 60, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.15625, -2.78125 }, width = 60, x = 0, y = 180 }, led_blue_off = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04f-blue-LED-off-sequence.png", height = 44, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.15625, -2.78125 }, width = 46, x = 0, y = 132 }, led_green = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04h-green-LED-sequence.png", height = 46, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.15625, -2.78125 }, width = 48, x = 0, y = 138 }, led_light = { intensity = 0, size = 0.9 }, led_red = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04i-red-LED-sequence.png", height = 46, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.15625, -2.78125 }, width = 48, x = 0, y = 138 }, red_green_led_light_offset = { -0.34375, -2.71875 }, wire_pins = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04c-wire-sequence.png", height = 58, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.15625, -2.78125 }, width = 62, x = 0, y = 174 }, wire_pins_shadow = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04d-wire-shadow-sequence.png", height = 54, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -2.65625 }, width = 70, x = 0, y = 162 } }, { blue_led_light_offset = { 0.046875, -1.234375 }, connector_main = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04a-base-sequence.png", height = 50, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.328125, -1.15625 }, width = 52, x = 260, y = 50 }, connector_shadow = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04b-base-shadow-sequence.png", height = 46, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 2.03125, 0.96875 }, width = 62, x = 310, y = 46 }, led_blue = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04e-blue-LED-on-sequence.png", height = 60, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.328125, -1.1875 }, width = 60, x = 300, y = 60 }, led_blue_off = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04f-blue-LED-off-sequence.png", height = 44, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.328125, -1.1875 }, width = 46, x = 230, y = 44 }, led_green = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04h-green-LED-sequence.png", height = 46, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.328125, -1.1875 }, width = 48, x = 240, y = 46 }, led_light = { intensity = 0, size = 0.9 }, led_red = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04i-red-LED-sequence.png", height = 46, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.328125, -1.1875 }, width = 48, x = 240, y = 46 }, red_green_led_light_offset = { 0.171875, -1.28125 }, wire_pins = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04c-wire-sequence.png", height = 58, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.328125, -1.1875 }, width = 62, x = 310, y = 58 }, wire_pins_shadow = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/circuit-connector/hr-ccm-universal-04d-wire-shadow-sequence.png", height = 54, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.484375, -1.0625 }, width = 70, x = 350, y = 54 } } }, circuit_wire_connection_points = { { shadow = { green = { 3.453125, 0.359375 }, red = { 3.59375, 0.328125 } }, wire = { green = { 0.359375, -1.78125 }, red = { 0.25, -1.96875 } } }, { shadow = { green = { 2.390625, 0.4375 }, red = { 2.609375, 0.390625 } }, wire = { green = { -0.3125, -1.484375 }, red = { -0.375, -1.71875 } } }, { shadow = { green = { 3.4375, -0.125 }, red = { 3.75, -0.109375 } }, wire = { green = { -0.328125, -2.40625 }, red = { -0.25, -2.578125 } } }, { shadow = { green = { 1.78125, 0.796875 }, red = { 2.09375, 0.78125 } }, wire = { green = { 0.015625, -1.40625 }, red = { 0.234375, -1.5 } } } }, circuit_wire_max_distance = 9, close_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.close_sound ]=], collision_box = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, color = { a = 0.5, b = 0, g = 0, r = 0.95 }, corpse = "train-stop-remnants", damaged_trigger_effect = { damage_type_filters = "fire", entity_name = "spark-explosion", offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, offsets = { { 0, 1 } }, type = "create-entity" }, default_train_stopped_signal = { name = "signal-T", type = "virtual" }, default_trains_count_signal = { name = "signal-C", type = "virtual" }, default_trains_limit_signal = { name = "signal-L", type = "virtual" }, drawing_boxes = { east = { { -1.75, -4.25 }, { 1.625, 0.5 } }, north = { { -3, -2.5 }, { 0.8, 1.25 } }, south = { { -0.8125, -3.625 }, { 2.75, 0.4375 } }, west = { { -1.75, -1.6875 }, { 2.0625, 2.75 } } }, dying_explosion = "train-stop-explosion", flags = { "placeable-neutral", "player-creation", "filter-directions" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/train-stop.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, light1 = { light = { intensity = 0.2, size = 2 }, picture = { east = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/train-stop/train-stop-west-light-1.png", frame_count = 1, height = 8, hr_version = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/train-stop/hr-train-stop-west-light-1.png", frame_count = 1, height = 16, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.953125, -3.5 }, width = 6 }, shift = { -0.953125, -3.5 }, width = 3 }, north = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/train-stop/train-stop-north-light-1.png", frame_count = 1, height = 5, hr_version = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/train-stop/hr-train-stop-north-light-1.png", frame_count = 1, height = 9, scale = 0.5, shift = { -2.2109375, -1.3828125 }, width = 17 }, shift = { -2.203125, -1.390625 }, width = 9 }, south = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/train-stop/train-stop-south-light-1.png", frame_count = 1, height = 2, hr_version = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/train-stop/hr-train-stop-south-light-1.png", frame_count = 1, height = 4, scale = 0.5, shift = { 2.1875, -2.96875 }, width = 16 }, shift = { 2.1875, -2.96875 }, width = 8 }, west = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/train-stop/train-stop-east-light-1.png", frame_count = 1, height = 9, hr_version = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/train-stop/hr-train-stop-east-light-1.png", frame_count = 1, height = 16, scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.078125, 0.609375 }, width = 6 }, shift = { 1.078125, 0.609375 }, width = 3 } }, red_picture = { east = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/train-stop/train-stop-west-red-light-1.png", frame_count = 1, height = 8, hr_version = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/train-stop/hr-train-stop-west-red-light-1.png", frame_count = 1, height = 16, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.953125, -3.5 }, width = 6 }, shift = { -0.953125, -3.5 }, width = 3 }, north = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/train-stop/train-stop-north-red-light-1.png", frame_count = 1, height = 5, hr_version = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/train-stop/hr-train-stop-north-red-light-1.png", frame_count = 1, height = 9, scale = 0.5, shift = { -2.2109375, -1.3828125 }, width = 17 }, shift = { -2.203125, -1.390625 }, width = 9 }, south = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/train-stop/train-stop-south-red-light-1.png", frame_count = 1, height = 2, hr_version = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/train-stop/hr-train-stop-south-red-light-1.png", frame_count = 1, height = 4, scale = 0.5, shift = { 2.1875, -2.96875 }, width = 16 }, shift = { 2.1875, -2.96875 }, width = 8 }, west = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/train-stop/train-stop-east-red-light-1.png", frame_count = 1, height = 9, hr_version = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/train-stop/hr-train-stop-east-red-light-1.png", frame_count = 1, height = 16, scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.078125, 0.609375 }, width = 6 }, shift = { 1.078125, 0.609375 }, width = 3 } } }, light2 = { light = { intensity = 0.2, size = 2 }, picture = { east = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/train-stop/train-stop-west-light-2.png", frame_count = 1, height = 8, hr_version = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/train-stop/hr-train-stop-west-light-2.png", frame_count = 1, height = 15, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.9609375, -3.2109375 }, width = 7 }, shift = { -0.96875, -3.21875 }, width = 4 }, north = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/train-stop/train-stop-north-light-2.png", frame_count = 1, height = 5, hr_version = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/train-stop/hr-train-stop-north-light-2.png", frame_count = 1, height = 9, scale = 0.5, shift = { -1.796875, -1.3671875 }, width = 16 }, shift = { -1.796875, -1.359375 }, width = 9 }, south = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/train-stop/train-stop-south-light-2.png", frame_count = 1, height = 3, hr_version = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/train-stop/hr-train-stop-south-light-2.png", frame_count = 1, height = 5, scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.78125, -2.9609375 }, width = 16 }, shift = { 1.78125, -2.953125 }, width = 8 }, west = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/train-stop/train-stop-east-light-2.png", frame_count = 1, height = 8, hr_version = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/train-stop/hr-train-stop-east-light-2.png", frame_count = 1, height = 16, scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.078125, 0.3125 }, width = 6 }, shift = { 1.078125, 0.3125 }, width = 3 } }, red_picture = { east = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/train-stop/train-stop-west-red-light-2.png", frame_count = 1, height = 8, hr_version = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/train-stop/hr-train-stop-west-red-light-2.png", frame_count = 1, height = 15, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.9609375, -3.2109375 }, width = 7 }, shift = { -0.96875, -3.21875 }, width = 4 }, north = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/train-stop/train-stop-north-red-light-2.png", frame_count = 1, height = 5, hr_version = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/train-stop/hr-train-stop-north-red-light-2.png", frame_count = 1, height = 9, scale = 0.5, shift = { -1.796875, -1.3671875 }, width = 16 }, shift = { -1.796875, -1.359375 }, width = 9 }, south = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/train-stop/train-stop-south-red-light-2.png", frame_count = 1, height = 3, hr_version = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/train-stop/hr-train-stop-south-red-light-2.png", frame_count = 1, height = 5, scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.78125, -2.9609375 }, width = 16 }, shift = { 1.78125, -2.953125 }, width = 8 }, west = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/train-stop/train-stop-east-red-light-2.png", frame_count = 1, height = 8, hr_version = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/train-stop/hr-train-stop-east-red-light-2.png", frame_count = 1, height = 16, scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.078125, 0.3125 }, width = 6 }, shift = { 1.078125, 0.3125 }, width = 3 } } }, max_health = 250, minable = { mining_time = 0.2, result = "train-stop" }, name = "train-stop", open_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.open_sound ]=], rail_overlay_animations = { east = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/train-stop/train-stop-ground.png", frame_count = 1, height = 189, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/train-stop/hr-train-stop-ground.png", frame_count = 1, height = 377, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.0234375 }, width = 386, x = 386, y = 0 }, priority = "high", scale = 1, shift = { 0, -0.015625 }, width = 194, x = 194, y = 0 }, north = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/train-stop/train-stop-ground.png", frame_count = 1, height = 189, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/train-stop/hr-train-stop-ground.png", frame_count = 1, height = 377, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["train-stop"]["train-stop"].rail_overlay_animations.east.hr_version.shift ]=], width = 386, x = 0, y = 0 }, priority = "high", scale = 1, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["train-stop"]["train-stop"].rail_overlay_animations.east.shift ]=], width = 194, x = 0, y = 0 }, south = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/train-stop/train-stop-ground.png", frame_count = 1, height = 189, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/train-stop/hr-train-stop-ground.png", frame_count = 1, height = 377, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["train-stop"]["train-stop"].rail_overlay_animations.east.hr_version.shift ]=], width = 386, x = 772, y = 0 }, priority = "high", scale = 1, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["train-stop"]["train-stop"].rail_overlay_animations.east.shift ]=], width = 194, x = 388, y = 0 }, west = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/train-stop/train-stop-ground.png", frame_count = 1, height = 189, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/train-stop/hr-train-stop-ground.png", frame_count = 1, height = 377, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["train-stop"]["train-stop"].rail_overlay_animations.east.hr_version.shift ]=], width = 386, x = 1158, y = 0 }, priority = "high", scale = 1, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["train-stop"]["train-stop"].rail_overlay_animations.east.shift ]=], width = 194, x = 582, y = 0 } }, selection_box = { { -0.9, -0.9 }, { 0.9, 0.9 } }, tile_height = 2, tile_width = 2, top_animations = { east = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/train-stop/train-stop-top.png", frame_count = 1, height = 153, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/train-stop/hr-train-stop-top.png", frame_count = 1, height = 305, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -1.5859375 }, width = 311, x = 311, y = 0 }, priority = "high", scale = 1, shift = { 0, -1.578125 }, width = 156, x = 156, y = 0 }, { apply_runtime_tint = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/train-stop/train-stop-top-mask.png", frame_count = 1, height = 148, hr_version = { apply_runtime_tint = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/train-stop/hr-train-stop-top-mask.png", frame_count = 1, height = 295, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.0078125, -1.5234375 }, width = 306, x = 306, y = 0 }, priority = "high", scale = 1, shift = { 0, -1.53125 }, width = 154, x = 154, y = 0 } } }, north = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/train-stop/train-stop-top.png", frame_count = 1, height = 153, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/train-stop/hr-train-stop-top.png", frame_count = 1, height = 305, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["train-stop"]["train-stop"].top_animations.east.layers[1].hr_version.shift ]=], width = 311, x = 0, y = 0 }, priority = "high", scale = 1, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["train-stop"]["train-stop"].top_animations.east.layers[1].shift ]=], width = 156, x = 0, y = 0 }, { apply_runtime_tint = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/train-stop/train-stop-top-mask.png", frame_count = 1, height = 148, hr_version = { apply_runtime_tint = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/train-stop/hr-train-stop-top-mask.png", frame_count = 1, height = 295, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["train-stop"]["train-stop"].top_animations.east.layers[2].hr_version.shift ]=], width = 306, x = 0, y = 0 }, priority = "high", scale = 1, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["train-stop"]["train-stop"].top_animations.east.layers[2].shift ]=], width = 154, x = 0, y = 0 } } }, south = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/train-stop/train-stop-top.png", frame_count = 1, height = 153, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/train-stop/hr-train-stop-top.png", frame_count = 1, height = 305, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["train-stop"]["train-stop"].top_animations.east.layers[1].hr_version.shift ]=], width = 311, x = 622, y = 0 }, priority = "high", scale = 1, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["train-stop"]["train-stop"].top_animations.east.layers[1].shift ]=], width = 156, x = 312, y = 0 }, { apply_runtime_tint = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/train-stop/train-stop-top-mask.png", frame_count = 1, height = 148, hr_version = { apply_runtime_tint = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/train-stop/hr-train-stop-top-mask.png", frame_count = 1, height = 295, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["train-stop"]["train-stop"].top_animations.east.layers[2].hr_version.shift ]=], width = 306, x = 612, y = 0 }, priority = "high", scale = 1, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["train-stop"]["train-stop"].top_animations.east.layers[2].shift ]=], width = 154, x = 308, y = 0 } } }, west = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/train-stop/train-stop-top.png", frame_count = 1, height = 153, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/train-stop/hr-train-stop-top.png", frame_count = 1, height = 305, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["train-stop"]["train-stop"].top_animations.east.layers[1].hr_version.shift ]=], width = 311, x = 933, y = 0 }, priority = "high", scale = 1, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["train-stop"]["train-stop"].top_animations.east.layers[1].shift ]=], width = 156, x = 468, y = 0 }, { apply_runtime_tint = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/train-stop/train-stop-top-mask.png", frame_count = 1, height = 148, hr_version = { apply_runtime_tint = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/train-stop/hr-train-stop-top-mask.png", frame_count = 1, height = 295, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["train-stop"]["train-stop"].top_animations.east.layers[2].hr_version.shift ]=], width = 306, x = 918, y = 0 }, priority = "high", scale = 1, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["train-stop"]["train-stop"].top_animations.east.layers[2].shift ]=], width = 154, x = 462, y = 0 } } } }, type = "train-stop", vehicle_impact_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.vehicle_impact_sound ]=], working_sound = { audible_distance_modifier = 0.2, sound = { { filename = "__base__/sound/train-stop.ogg", volume = 0.7 } } } } }, ["transport-belt"] = { ["express-transport-belt"] = { animation_speed_coefficient = 32, belt_animation_set = 0 --[=[ ref [""].loader["express-loader"].belt_animation_set ]=], circuit_connector_sprites = { { blue_led_light_offset = { -0.28125, -0.421875 }, led_blue = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/transport-belt/connector/hr-ccm-belt-04c-LED-B.png", height = 44, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.28125, -0.484375 }, width = 30, x = 0, y = 0 }, led_green = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/transport-belt/connector/hr-ccm-belt-04e-LED-G.png", height = 26, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1875, 0.15625 }, width = 42, x = 0, y = 0 }, led_light = { intensity = 0, size = 0.9 }, led_red = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/transport-belt/connector/hr-ccm-belt-04d-LED-R.png", height = 18, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.203125, 0.15625 }, width = 34, x = 0, y = 0 }, red_green_led_light_offset = { 0.3125, 0.140625 } }, { blue_led_light_offset = { -0.25, -0.625 }, led_blue = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/transport-belt/connector/hr-ccm-belt-04c-LED-B.png", height = 44, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["transport-belt"]["express-transport-belt"].circuit_connector_sprites[1].led_blue.shift ]=], width = 30, x = 0, y = 44 }, led_green = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/transport-belt/connector/hr-ccm-belt-04e-LED-G.png", height = 26, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["transport-belt"]["express-transport-belt"].circuit_connector_sprites[1].led_green.shift ]=], width = 42, x = 0, y = 26 }, led_light = { intensity = 0, size = 0.9 }, led_red = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/transport-belt/connector/hr-ccm-belt-04d-LED-R.png", height = 18, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["transport-belt"]["express-transport-belt"].circuit_connector_sprites[1].led_red.shift ]=], width = 34, x = 0, y = 18 }, red_green_led_light_offset = { 0.28125, 0.171875 } }, { blue_led_light_offset = { -0.28125, -0.421875 }, led_blue = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/transport-belt/connector/hr-ccm-belt-04c-LED-B.png", height = 44, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["transport-belt"]["express-transport-belt"].circuit_connector_sprites[1].led_blue.shift ]=], width = 30, x = 0, y = 88 }, led_green = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/transport-belt/connector/hr-ccm-belt-04e-LED-G.png", height = 26, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["transport-belt"]["express-transport-belt"].circuit_connector_sprites[1].led_green.shift ]=], width = 42, x = 0, y = 52 }, led_light = { intensity = 0, size = 0.9 }, led_red = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/transport-belt/connector/hr-ccm-belt-04d-LED-R.png", height = 18, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["transport-belt"]["express-transport-belt"].circuit_connector_sprites[1].led_red.shift ]=], width = 34, x = 0, y = 36 }, red_green_led_light_offset = { 0.34375, 0.15625 } }, { blue_led_light_offset = { -0.28125, -0.34375 }, led_blue = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/transport-belt/connector/hr-ccm-belt-04c-LED-B.png", height = 44, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["transport-belt"]["express-transport-belt"].circuit_connector_sprites[1].led_blue.shift ]=], width = 30, x = 0, y = 132 }, led_green = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/transport-belt/connector/hr-ccm-belt-04e-LED-G.png", height = 26, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["transport-belt"]["express-transport-belt"].circuit_connector_sprites[1].led_green.shift ]=], width = 42, x = 0, y = 78 }, led_light = { intensity = 0, size = 0.9 }, led_red = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/transport-belt/connector/hr-ccm-belt-04d-LED-R.png", height = 18, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["transport-belt"]["express-transport-belt"].circuit_connector_sprites[1].led_red.shift ]=], width = 34, x = 0, y = 54 }, red_green_led_light_offset = { 0.28125, 0.15625 } }, { blue_led_light_offset = { -0.3125, -0.640625 }, led_blue = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/transport-belt/connector/hr-ccm-belt-04c-LED-B.png", height = 44, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["transport-belt"]["express-transport-belt"].circuit_connector_sprites[1].led_blue.shift ]=], width = 30, x = 0, y = 176 }, led_green = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/transport-belt/connector/hr-ccm-belt-04e-LED-G.png", height = 26, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["transport-belt"]["express-transport-belt"].circuit_connector_sprites[1].led_green.shift ]=], width = 42, x = 0, y = 104 }, led_light = { intensity = 0, size = 0.9 }, led_red = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/transport-belt/connector/hr-ccm-belt-04d-LED-R.png", height = 18, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["transport-belt"]["express-transport-belt"].circuit_connector_sprites[1].led_red.shift ]=], width = 34, x = 0, y = 72 }, red_green_led_light_offset = { 0.3125, 0.140625 } }, { blue_led_light_offset = { -0.296875, -0.421875 }, led_blue = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/transport-belt/connector/hr-ccm-belt-04c-LED-B.png", height = 44, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["transport-belt"]["express-transport-belt"].circuit_connector_sprites[1].led_blue.shift ]=], width = 30, x = 0, y = 220 }, led_green = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/transport-belt/connector/hr-ccm-belt-04e-LED-G.png", height = 26, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["transport-belt"]["express-transport-belt"].circuit_connector_sprites[1].led_green.shift ]=], width = 42, x = 0, y = 130 }, led_light = { intensity = 0, size = 0.9 }, led_red = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/transport-belt/connector/hr-ccm-belt-04d-LED-R.png", height = 18, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["transport-belt"]["express-transport-belt"].circuit_connector_sprites[1].led_red.shift ]=], width = 34, x = 0, y = 90 }, red_green_led_light_offset = { 0.328125, 0.140625 } }, { blue_led_light_offset = { -0.296875, -0.4375 }, led_blue = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/transport-belt/connector/hr-ccm-belt-04c-LED-B.png", height = 44, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["transport-belt"]["express-transport-belt"].circuit_connector_sprites[1].led_blue.shift ]=], width = 30, x = 0, y = 264 }, led_green = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/transport-belt/connector/hr-ccm-belt-04e-LED-G.png", height = 26, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["transport-belt"]["express-transport-belt"].circuit_connector_sprites[1].led_green.shift ]=], width = 42, x = 0, y = 156 }, led_light = { intensity = 0, size = 0.9 }, led_red = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/transport-belt/connector/hr-ccm-belt-04d-LED-R.png", height = 18, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["transport-belt"]["express-transport-belt"].circuit_connector_sprites[1].led_red.shift ]=], width = 34, x = 0, y = 108 }, red_green_led_light_offset = { 0, 0.125 } } }, circuit_wire_connection_points = { { shadow = { green = { 1.09375, -0.203125 }, red = { 0.8125, -0.375 } }, wire = { green = { 0.671875, -0.53125 }, red = { 0.421875, -0.671875 } } }, { shadow = { green = { 1.09375, -0.203125 }, red = { 0.8125, -0.375 } }, wire = { green = { 0.671875, -0.53125 }, red = { 0.421875, -0.671875 } } }, { shadow = { green = { 1.09375, -0.203125 }, red = { 0.8125, -0.375 } }, wire = { green = { 0.671875, -0.53125 }, red = { 0.421875, -0.671875 } } }, { shadow = { green = { 1.09375, -0.203125 }, red = { 0.8125, -0.375 } }, wire = { green = { 0.671875, -0.53125 }, red = { 0.421875, -0.671875 } } }, { shadow = { green = { 1.03125, -0.34375 }, red = { 0.734375, -0.515625 } }, wire = { green = { 0.5625, -0.65625 }, red = { 0.3125, -0.8125 } } }, { shadow = { green = { 1.03125, -0.34375 }, red = { 0.734375, -0.515625 } }, wire = { green = { 0.5625, -0.65625 }, red = { 0.3125, -0.8125 } } }, { shadow = { green = { 1.03125, -0.34375 }, red = { 0.734375, -0.515625 } }, wire = { green = { 0.5625, -0.65625 }, red = { 0.3125, -0.8125 } } }, { shadow = { green = { 1.03125, -0.34375 }, red = { 0.734375, -0.515625 } }, wire = { green = { 0.5625, -0.65625 }, red = { 0.3125, -0.8125 } } }, { shadow = { green = { 1.171875, -0.1875 }, red = { 0.875, -0.359375 } }, wire = { green = { 0.671875, -0.5 }, red = { 0.40625, -0.65625 } } }, { shadow = { green = { 1.171875, -0.1875 }, red = { 0.875, -0.359375 } }, wire = { green = { 0.671875, -0.5 }, red = { 0.40625, -0.65625 } } }, { shadow = { green = { 1.171875, -0.1875 }, red = { 0.875, -0.359375 } }, wire = { green = { 0.671875, -0.5 }, red = { 0.40625, -0.65625 } } }, { shadow = { green = { 1.171875, -0.1875 }, red = { 0.875, -0.359375 } }, wire = { green = { 0.671875, -0.5 }, red = { 0.40625, -0.65625 } } }, { shadow = { green = { 1.171875, -0.375 }, red = { 0.890625, -0.546875 } }, wire = { green = { 0.640625, -0.6875 }, red = { 0.390625, -0.84375 } } }, { shadow = { green = { 1.171875, -0.375 }, red = { 0.890625, -0.546875 } }, wire = { green = { 0.640625, -0.6875 }, red = { 0.390625, -0.84375 } } }, { shadow = { green = { 1.171875, -0.375 }, red = { 0.890625, -0.546875 } }, wire = { green = { 0.640625, -0.6875 }, red = { 0.390625, -0.84375 } } }, { shadow = { green = { 1.171875, -0.375 }, red = { 0.890625, -0.546875 } }, wire = { green = { 0.640625, -0.6875 }, red = { 0.390625, -0.84375 } } }, { shadow = { green = { 1.125, -0.03125 }, red = { 0.859375, -0.21875 } }, wire = { green = { 0.578125, -0.359375 }, red = { 0.34375, -0.53125 } } }, { shadow = { green = { 1.125, -0.03125 }, red = { 0.859375, -0.21875 } }, wire = { green = { 0.578125, -0.359375 }, red = { 0.34375, -0.53125 } } }, { shadow = { green = { 1.125, -0.03125 }, red = { 0.859375, -0.21875 } }, wire = { green = { 0.578125, -0.359375 }, red = { 0.34375, -0.53125 } } }, { shadow = { green = { 1.125, -0.03125 }, red = { 0.859375, -0.21875 } }, wire = { green = { 0.578125, -0.359375 }, red = { 0.34375, -0.53125 } } }, { shadow = { green = { 1.21875, -0.15625 }, red = { 0.921875, -0.328125 } }, wire = { green = { 0.625, -0.484375 }, red = { 0.359375, -0.640625 } } }, { shadow = { green = { 1.21875, -0.15625 }, red = { 0.921875, -0.328125 } }, wire = { green = { 0.625, -0.484375 }, red = { 0.359375, -0.640625 } } }, { shadow = { green = { 1.21875, -0.15625 }, red = { 0.921875, -0.328125 } }, wire = { green = { 0.625, -0.484375 }, red = { 0.359375, -0.640625 } } }, { shadow = { green = { 1.21875, -0.15625 }, red = { 0.921875, -0.328125 } }, wire = { green = { 0.625, -0.484375 }, red = { 0.359375, -0.640625 } } }, { shadow = { green = { 1.265625, -0.1875 }, red = { 0.953125, -0.359375 } }, wire = { green = { 0.65625, -0.484375 }, red = { 0.40625, -0.640625 } } }, { shadow = { green = { 1.265625, -0.1875 }, red = { 0.953125, -0.359375 } }, wire = { green = { 0.65625, -0.484375 }, red = { 0.40625, -0.640625 } } }, { shadow = { green = { 1.265625, -0.1875 }, red = { 0.953125, -0.359375 } }, wire = { green = { 0.65625, -0.484375 }, red = { 0.40625, -0.640625 } } }, { shadow = { green = { 1.265625, -0.1875 }, red = { 0.953125, -0.359375 } }, wire = { green = { 0.65625, -0.484375 }, red = { 0.40625, -0.640625 } } } }, circuit_wire_max_distance = 9, close_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.close_sound ]=], collision_box = { { -0.4, -0.4 }, { 0.4, 0.4 } }, connector_frame_sprites = { frame_back_patch = { sheet = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/transport-belt/connector/hr-ccm-belt-04a-sequence-back-patch.png", frame_count = 1, height = 72, line_length = 3, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.0625 }, variation_count = 3, width = 66 } }, frame_main = { sheet = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/transport-belt/connector/hr-ccm-belt-04a-sequence.png", frame_count = 4, height = 94, line_length = 4, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.109375, -0.15625 }, variation_count = 7, width = 80 } }, frame_main_scanner = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/transport-belt/connector/hr-CCM-BELT-SPRITES-SCANNER.png", frame_count = 8, height = 64, line_length = 8, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, 0.015625 }, width = 22 }, frame_main_scanner_cross_horizontal_end_shift = { 0.3125, -0.0625 }, frame_main_scanner_cross_horizontal_rotation = 0, frame_main_scanner_cross_horizontal_start_shift = { -0.3125, -0.0625 }, frame_main_scanner_cross_horizontal_y_scale = 0.6, frame_main_scanner_cross_vertical_end_shift = { 0, 0.1875 }, frame_main_scanner_cross_vertical_rotation = 0.25, frame_main_scanner_cross_vertical_start_shift = { 0, -0.3125 }, frame_main_scanner_cross_vertical_y_scale = 0.75, frame_main_scanner_horizontal_end_shift = { 0.25, -0.09375 }, frame_main_scanner_horizontal_rotation = 0, frame_main_scanner_horizontal_start_shift = { -0.25, -0.09375 }, frame_main_scanner_horizontal_y_scale = 0.7, frame_main_scanner_movement_speed = 0.032258064516128999, frame_main_scanner_nw_ne = { blend_mode = "additive", draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/transport-belt/connector/transport-belt-connector-frame-main-scanner-nw-ne.png", frame_count = 32, height = 24, line_length = 8, priority = "low", shift = { -0.03125, -0.0625 }, width = 28 }, frame_main_scanner_sw_se = { blend_mode = "additive", draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/transport-belt/connector/transport-belt-connector-frame-main-scanner-sw-se.png", frame_count = 32, height = 28, line_length = 8, priority = "low", shift = { 0.015625, -0.09375 }, width = 29 }, frame_main_scanner_vertical_end_shift = { 0, 0.1875 }, frame_main_scanner_vertical_rotation = 0.25, frame_main_scanner_vertical_start_shift = { 0, -0.3125 }, frame_main_scanner_vertical_y_scale = 0.75, frame_shadow = { sheet = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/transport-belt/connector/hr-ccm-belt-04b-sequence-shadow.png", frame_count = 4, height = 112, line_length = 4, priority = "low", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0625, 0.09375 }, variation_count = 7, width = 160 } } }, corpse = "express-transport-belt-remnants", damaged_trigger_effect = { damage_type_filters = "fire", entity_name = "spark-explosion", offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, offsets = { { 0, 1 } }, type = "create-entity" }, dying_explosion = "express-transport-belt-explosion", fast_replaceable_group = "transport-belt", flags = { "placeable-neutral", "player-creation" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/express-transport-belt.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, max_health = 170, minable = { mining_time = 0.1, result = "express-transport-belt" }, name = "express-transport-belt", open_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.open_sound ]=], related_underground_belt = "express-underground-belt", resistances = { { percent = 50, type = "fire" } }, selection_box = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, speed = 0.09375, type = "transport-belt", working_sound = { persistent = true, sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/express-transport-belt.ogg", volume = 0.3 }, use_doppler_shift = false } }, ["fast-transport-belt"] = { animation_speed_coefficient = 32, belt_animation_set = 0 --[=[ ref [""].loader["fast-loader"].belt_animation_set ]=], circuit_connector_sprites = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["transport-belt"]["express-transport-belt"].circuit_connector_sprites ]=], circuit_wire_connection_points = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["transport-belt"]["express-transport-belt"].circuit_wire_connection_points ]=], circuit_wire_max_distance = 9, close_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.close_sound ]=], collision_box = { { -0.4, -0.4 }, { 0.4, 0.4 } }, connector_frame_sprites = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["transport-belt"]["express-transport-belt"].connector_frame_sprites ]=], corpse = "fast-transport-belt-remnants", damaged_trigger_effect = { damage_type_filters = "fire", entity_name = "spark-explosion", offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, offsets = { { 0, 1 } }, type = "create-entity" }, dying_explosion = "fast-transport-belt-explosion", fast_replaceable_group = "transport-belt", flags = { "placeable-neutral", "player-creation" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/fast-transport-belt.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, max_health = 160, minable = { mining_time = 0.1, result = "fast-transport-belt" }, name = "fast-transport-belt", next_upgrade = "express-transport-belt", open_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.open_sound ]=], related_underground_belt = "fast-underground-belt", resistances = { { percent = 50, type = "fire" } }, selection_box = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, speed = 0.0625, type = "transport-belt", working_sound = { persistent = true, sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/fast-transport-belt.ogg", volume = 0.3 } } }, ["transport-belt"] = { animation_speed_coefficient = 32, belt_animation_set = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["linked-belt"]["linked-belt"].belt_animation_set ]=], circuit_connector_sprites = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["transport-belt"]["express-transport-belt"].circuit_connector_sprites ]=], circuit_wire_connection_points = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["transport-belt"]["express-transport-belt"].circuit_wire_connection_points ]=], circuit_wire_max_distance = 9, close_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.close_sound ]=], collision_box = { { -0.4, -0.4 }, { 0.4, 0.4 } }, connector_frame_sprites = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["transport-belt"]["express-transport-belt"].connector_frame_sprites ]=], corpse = "transport-belt-remnants", damaged_trigger_effect = { damage_type_filters = "fire", entity_name = "spark-explosion", offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, offsets = { { 0, 1 } }, type = "create-entity" }, dying_explosion = "transport-belt-explosion", fast_replaceable_group = "transport-belt", flags = { "placeable-neutral", "player-creation" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/transport-belt.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, max_health = 150, minable = { mining_time = 0.1, result = "transport-belt" }, name = "transport-belt", next_upgrade = "fast-transport-belt", open_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.open_sound ]=], related_underground_belt = "underground-belt", resistances = { { percent = 90, type = "fire" } }, selection_box = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, speed = 0.03125, type = "transport-belt", working_sound = { persistent = true, sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/transport-belt.ogg", volume = 0.17000000000000002 } } } }, tree = { ["dead-dry-hairy-tree"] = { autoplace = { control = "trees", max_probability = 0.005, order = "a[tree]-b[forest]", peaks = { { influence = -0.8, richness_influence = 0 }, { influence = 1, noise_layer = "trees", noise_octaves_difference = -1.5, noise_persistence = 0.5, richness_influence = 0 }, { influence = 1, richness_influence = 0, temperature_max_range = 30, temperature_optimal = 15, temperature_range = 20, water_max_range = 0.2, water_optimal = 0.15, water_range = 0.15 }, { distance_max_range = 192, distance_optimal = 0, distance_range = 64, distance_top_property_limit = 128, influence = -0.25, richness_influence = 0 } }, random_probability_penalty = 0.005, sharpness = 0.6 }, collision_box = { { -0.6, -0.6 }, { 0.6, 0.6 } }, emissions_per_second = -0.0001, flags = { "placeable-neutral", "placeable-off-grid", "breaths-air" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/dead-dry-hairy-tree.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, max_health = 20, minable = { count = 2, mining_particle = "wooden-particle", mining_time = 0.5, result = "wood" }, name = "dead-dry-hairy-tree", order = "a[tree]-b[dead-tree]", pictures = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/dead-dry-hairy-tree/dead-dry-hairy-tree-00.png", height = 95, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/dead-dry-hairy-tree/hr-dead-dry-hairy-tree-00.png", height = 189, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.625, 0.0625 }, width = 388 }, shift = { -0.625, 0.0625 }, width = 195 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/dead-dry-hairy-tree/dead-dry-hairy-tree-01.png", height = 151, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/dead-dry-hairy-tree/hr-dead-dry-hairy-tree-01.png", height = 301, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.46875, -0.6171875 }, width = 371 }, shift = { -0.46875, -0.6171875 }, width = 186 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/dead-dry-hairy-tree/dead-dry-hairy-tree-02.png", height = 125, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/dead-dry-hairy-tree/hr-dead-dry-hairy-tree-02.png", height = 252, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.265625, -0.453125 }, width = 324 }, shift = { -0.265625, -0.453125 }, width = 163 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/dead-dry-hairy-tree/dead-dry-hairy-tree-03.png", height = 155, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/dead-dry-hairy-tree/hr-dead-dry-hairy-tree-03.png", height = 310, scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.3125, -0.46875 }, width = 358 }, shift = { 1.3125, -0.46875 }, width = 179 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/dead-dry-hairy-tree/dead-dry-hairy-tree-04.png", height = 158, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/dead-dry-hairy-tree/hr-dead-dry-hairy-tree-04.png", height = 316, scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.25, -0.46875 }, width = 386 }, shift = { 1.25, -0.46875 }, width = 193 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/dead-dry-hairy-tree/dead-dry-hairy-tree-05.png", height = 143, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/dead-dry-hairy-tree/hr-dead-dry-hairy-tree-05.png", height = 285, scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.09375, -0.5625 }, width = 425 }, shift = { 1.09375, -0.5625 }, width = 212 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/dead-dry-hairy-tree/dead-dry-hairy-tree-06.png", height = 147, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/dead-dry-hairy-tree/hr-dead-dry-hairy-tree-06.png", height = 294, scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.3125, -0.765625 }, width = 424 }, shift = { 1.3125, -0.765625 }, width = 212 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/dead-dry-hairy-tree/dead-dry-hairy-tree-07.png", height = 111, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/dead-dry-hairy-tree/hr-dead-dry-hairy-tree-07.png", height = 224, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.78125, -0.609375 }, width = 385 }, shift = { 0.78125, -0.609375 }, width = 193 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/dead-dry-hairy-tree/dead-dry-hairy-tree-08.png", height = 83, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/dead-dry-hairy-tree/hr-dead-dry-hairy-tree-08.png", height = 166, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.625, 0.3125 }, width = 341 }, shift = { 0.625, 0.3125 }, width = 171 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/dead-dry-hairy-tree/dead-dry-hairy-tree-09.png", height = 137, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/dead-dry-hairy-tree/hr-dead-dry-hairy-tree-09.png", height = 274, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.8984375, 0.40625 }, width = 309 }, shift = { 0.8984375, 0.40625 }, width = 154 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/dead-dry-hairy-tree/dead-dry-hairy-tree-10.png", height = 123, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/dead-dry-hairy-tree/hr-dead-dry-hairy-tree-10.png", height = 246, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.21875, 0.34375 }, width = 317 }, shift = { -0.21875, 0.34375 }, width = 159 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/dead-dry-hairy-tree/dead-dry-hairy-tree-11.png", height = 120, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/dead-dry-hairy-tree/hr-dead-dry-hairy-tree-11.png", height = 238, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.28125, 0.3125 }, width = 335 }, shift = { -0.28125, 0.3125 }, width = 167 } }, selection_box = { { -0.8, -0.8 }, { 0.8, 0.8 } }, subgroup = "trees", type = "tree", vehicle_impact_sound = { game_controller_vibration_data = { duration = 110, low_frequency_vibration_intensity = 0.6 }, switch_vibration_data = { filename = "__base__/sound/car-tree-wood-impact.bnvib", gain = 0.6 }, variations = { { filename = "__base__/sound/car-tree-wood-impact-01.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/car-tree-wood-impact-02.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/car-tree-wood-impact-03.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/car-tree-wood-impact-04.ogg", volume = 0.5 } } } }, ["dead-grey-trunk"] = { autoplace = { control = "trees", max_probability = 0.01, order = "a[tree]-b[forest]", peaks = { { influence = -0.8, richness_influence = 0 }, { influence = 1, noise_layer = "trees", noise_octaves_difference = -1.5, noise_persistence = 0.5, richness_influence = 0 }, { influence = 1, richness_influence = 0, temperature_max_range = 30, temperature_optimal = 15, temperature_range = 20, water_max_range = 0.2, water_optimal = 0.15, water_range = 0.15 }, 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["dead-dry-hairy-tree"].autoplace.peaks[4] ]=] }, random_probability_penalty = 0.01, sharpness = 0.6 }, collision_box = { { -0.6, -0.6 }, { 0.6, 0.6 } }, emissions_per_second = -0.0001, flags = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["dead-dry-hairy-tree"].flags ]=], icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/dead-grey-trunk.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, max_health = 20, minable = { count = 2, mining_particle = "wooden-particle", mining_time = 0.5, result = "wood" }, name = "dead-grey-trunk", order = "a[tree]-b[dead-tree]", pictures = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/dead-grey-trunk/dead-grey-trunk-00.png", height = 88, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/dead-grey-trunk/hr-dead-grey-trunk-00.png", height = 178, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.9296875, -0.78125 }, width = 217 }, shift = { 0.921875, -0.78125 }, width = 109 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/dead-grey-trunk/dead-grey-trunk-01.png", height = 91, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/dead-grey-trunk/hr-dead-grey-trunk-01.png", height = 185, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.8359375, -0.7578125 }, width = 205 }, shift = { 0.84375, -0.765625 }, width = 102 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/dead-grey-trunk/dead-grey-trunk-02.png", height = 89, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/dead-grey-trunk/hr-dead-grey-trunk-02.png", height = 179, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.9140625, -0.7578125 }, width = 221 }, shift = { 0.921875, -0.765625 }, width = 111 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/dead-grey-trunk/dead-grey-trunk-03.png", height = 83, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/dead-grey-trunk/hr-dead-grey-trunk-03.png", height = 167, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.90625, -0.6171875 }, width = 210 }, shift = { 0.90625, -0.640625 }, width = 106 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/dead-grey-trunk/dead-grey-trunk-04.png", height = 93, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/dead-grey-trunk/hr-dead-grey-trunk-04.png", height = 185, scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.0234375, -0.6484375 }, width = 257 }, shift = { 1.03125, -0.640625 }, width = 128 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/dead-grey-trunk/dead-grey-trunk-05.png", height = 83, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/dead-grey-trunk/hr-dead-grey-trunk-05.png", height = 166, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.5, -0.109375 }, width = 226 }, shift = { 0.5, -0.109375 }, width = 114 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/dead-grey-trunk/dead-grey-trunk-06.png", height = 58, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/dead-grey-trunk/hr-dead-grey-trunk-06.png", height = 117, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.09375, 0.0390625 }, width = 226 }, shift = { 0.109375, 0.03125 }, width = 113 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/dead-grey-trunk/dead-grey-trunk-07.png", height = 83, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/dead-grey-trunk/hr-dead-grey-trunk-07.png", height = 165, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0859375, -0.0390625 }, width = 215 }, shift = { 0.09375, -0.046875 }, width = 108 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/dead-grey-trunk/dead-grey-trunk-08.png", height = 88, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/dead-grey-trunk/hr-dead-grey-trunk-08.png", height = 176, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.2265625, -0.34375 }, width = 207 }, shift = { 0.21875, -0.34375 }, width = 104 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/dead-grey-trunk/dead-grey-trunk-09.png", height = 60, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/dead-grey-trunk/hr-dead-grey-trunk-09.png", height = 120, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.1484375, -0.09375 }, width = 231 }, shift = { -0.15625, -0.09375 }, width = 116 } }, selection_box = { { -0.8, -0.8 }, { 0.8, 0.8 } }, subgroup = "trees", type = "tree", vehicle_impact_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["dead-dry-hairy-tree"].vehicle_impact_sound ]=] }, ["dead-tree-desert"] = { autoplace = { control = "trees", max_probability = 0.005, order = "a[tree]-b[forest]", peaks = { { influence = -0.8, richness_influence = 0 }, { influence = 1, noise_layer = "trees", noise_octaves_difference = -1.5, noise_persistence = 0.5, richness_influence = 0 }, { influence = 1, richness_influence = 0, temperature_max_range = 30, temperature_optimal = 15, temperature_range = 20, water_max_range = 0.2, water_optimal = 0.15, water_range = 0.15 }, 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["dead-dry-hairy-tree"].autoplace.peaks[4] ]=] }, random_probability_penalty = 0.005, sharpness = 0.6 }, collision_box = { { -0.6, -0.6 }, { 0.6, 0.6 } }, drawing_box = { { -0.9, -3 }, { 0.9, 0.6 } }, emissions_per_second = -0.0001, flags = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["dead-dry-hairy-tree"].flags ]=], icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/dead-tree.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, max_health = 20, minable = { count = 2, mining_particle = "wooden-particle", mining_time = 0.5, result = "wood" }, name = "dead-tree-desert", order = "a[tree]-b[dead-tree]", pictures = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/dead-tree-desert/dead-tree-desert-00.png", height = 126, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/dead-tree-desert/hr-dead-tree-desert-00.png", height = 250, scale = 0.5, shift = { 2.078125, -1 }, width = 398 }, shift = { 2.078125, -1 }, width = 199 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/dead-tree-desert/dead-tree-desert-01.png", height = 125, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/dead-tree-desert/hr-dead-tree-desert-01.png", height = 249, scale = 0.5, shift = { 2.0078125, -1.1484375 }, width = 399 }, shift = { 2, -1.140625 }, width = 200 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/dead-tree-desert/dead-tree-desert-02.png", height = 126, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/dead-tree-desert/hr-dead-tree-desert-02.png", height = 250, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.921875, -1.34375 }, width = 398 }, shift = { 0.90625, -1.34375 }, width = 198 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/dead-tree-desert/dead-tree-desert-03.png", height = 125, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/dead-tree-desert/hr-dead-tree-desert-03.png", height = 249, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.8046875, -0.9609375 }, width = 399 }, shift = { 0.796875, -0.953125 }, width = 199 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/dead-tree-desert/dead-tree-desert-04.png", height = 125, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/dead-tree-desert/hr-dead-tree-desert-04.png", height = 249, scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.203125, -0.6953125 }, width = 398 }, shift = { 1.203125, -0.703125 }, width = 199 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/dead-tree-desert/dead-tree-desert-05.png", height = 126, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/dead-tree-desert/hr-dead-tree-desert-05.png", height = 250, scale = 0.5, shift = { 2.015625, -0.71875 }, width = 398 }, shift = { 2.015625, -0.71875 }, width = 199 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/dead-tree-desert/dead-tree-desert-06.png", height = 125, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/dead-tree-desert/hr-dead-tree-desert-06.png", height = 249, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.890625, -0.4609375 }, width = 398 }, shift = { 0.890625, -0.453125 }, width = 199 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/dead-tree-desert/dead-tree-desert-07.png", height = 125, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/dead-tree-desert/hr-dead-tree-desert-07.png", height = 249, scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.578125, -1.2734375 }, width = 398 }, shift = { 1.578125, -1.265625 }, width = 199 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/dead-tree-desert/dead-tree-desert-08.png", height = 125, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/dead-tree-desert/hr-dead-tree-desert-08.png", height = 249, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.5625, -1.3671875 }, width = 398 }, shift = { 0.5625, -1.359375 }, width = 200 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/dead-tree-desert/dead-tree-desert-09.png", height = 125, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/dead-tree-desert/hr-dead-tree-desert-09.png", height = 249, scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.2890625, -0.5234375 }, width = 399 }, shift = { 1.265625, -0.515625 }, width = 199 } }, selection_box = { { -0.8, -0.8 }, { 0.8, 0.8 } }, subgroup = "trees", type = "tree", vehicle_impact_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["dead-dry-hairy-tree"].vehicle_impact_sound ]=] }, ["dry-hairy-tree"] = { autoplace = { control = "trees", max_probability = 0.005, order = "a[tree]-b[forest]", peaks = { { influence = -0.8, richness_influence = 0 }, { influence = 1, noise_layer = "trees", noise_octaves_difference = -1.5, noise_persistence = 0.5, richness_influence = 0 }, { influence = 1, richness_influence = 0, temperature_max_range = 30, temperature_optimal = 15, temperature_range = 20, water_max_range = 0.2, water_optimal = 0.15, water_range = 0.15 }, 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["dead-dry-hairy-tree"].autoplace.peaks[4] ]=] }, random_probability_penalty = 0.005, sharpness = 0.6 }, collision_box = { { -0.6, -0.6 }, { 0.6, 0.6 } }, drawing_box = { { -0.9, -3.5 }, { 0.9, 0.6 } }, emissions_per_second = -0.0001, flags = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["dead-dry-hairy-tree"].flags ]=], icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/dry-hairy-tree.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, max_health = 20, minable = { count = 2, mining_particle = "wooden-particle", mining_time = 0.5, result = "wood" }, name = "dry-hairy-tree", order = "a[tree]-b[dead-tree]", pictures = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/dry-hairy-tree/dry-hairy-tree-00.png", height = 178, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/dry-hairy-tree/hr-dry-hairy-tree-00.png", height = 357, scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.421875, -0.8984375 }, width = 444 }, shift = { 1.421875, -0.8984375 }, width = 222 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/dry-hairy-tree/dry-hairy-tree-01.png", height = 147, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/dry-hairy-tree/hr-dry-hairy-tree-01.png", height = 293, scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.40625, -1.3359375 }, width = 506 }, shift = { 1.40625, -1.3359375 }, width = 253 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/dry-hairy-tree/dry-hairy-tree-02.png", height = 155, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/dry-hairy-tree/hr-dry-hairy-tree-02.png", height = 309, scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.7578125, -0.9921875 }, width = 493 }, shift = { 1.7578125, -0.9921875 }, width = 247 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/dry-hairy-tree/dry-hairy-tree-03.png", height = 152, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/dry-hairy-tree/hr-dry-hairy-tree-03.png", height = 303, scale = 0.5, shift = { 2.140625, -1.3046875 }, width = 484 }, shift = { 2.140625, -1.3046875 }, width = 242 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/dry-hairy-tree/dry-hairy-tree-04.png", height = 143, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/dry-hairy-tree/hr-dry-hairy-tree-04.png", height = 287, scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.9609375, -1.0234375 }, width = 457 }, shift = { 1.9609375, -1.0234375 }, width = 229 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/dry-hairy-tree/dry-hairy-tree-05.png", height = 195, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/dry-hairy-tree/hr-dry-hairy-tree-05.png", height = 390, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.6953125, -1.046875 }, width = 459 }, shift = { 0.6953125, -1.046875 }, width = 229 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/dry-hairy-tree/dry-hairy-tree-06.png", height = 136, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/dry-hairy-tree/hr-dry-hairy-tree-06.png", height = 272, scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.4375, -0.59375 }, width = 432 }, shift = { 1.4375, -0.59375 }, width = 215 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/dry-hairy-tree/dry-hairy-tree-07.png", height = 154, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/dry-hairy-tree/hr-dry-hairy-tree-07.png", height = 308, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.875, -0.859375 }, width = 368 }, shift = { 0.875, -0.859375 }, width = 184 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/dry-hairy-tree/dry-hairy-tree-08.png", height = 136, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/dry-hairy-tree/hr-dry-hairy-tree-08.png", height = 272, scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.4609375, -1.640625 }, width = 429 }, shift = { 1.4609375, -1.640625 }, width = 215 } }, selection_box = { { -0.8, -0.8 }, { 0.8, 0.8 } }, subgroup = "trees", type = "tree", vehicle_impact_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["dead-dry-hairy-tree"].vehicle_impact_sound ]=] }, ["dry-tree"] = { autoplace = { control = "trees", max_probability = 0.005, order = "a[tree]-b[forest]", peaks = { { influence = -0.8, richness_influence = 0 }, { influence = 1, noise_layer = "trees", noise_octaves_difference = -1.5, noise_persistence = 0.5, richness_influence = 0 }, { influence = 1, richness_influence = 0, temperature_max_range = 30, temperature_optimal = 15, temperature_range = 20, water_max_range = 0.2, water_optimal = 0.15, water_range = 0.15 }, 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["dead-dry-hairy-tree"].autoplace.peaks[4] ]=] }, random_probability_penalty = 0.005, sharpness = 0.6 }, collision_box = { { -0.4, -0.8 }, { 0.4, 0.2 } }, drawing_box = { { -0.6, -1.8 }, { 0.6, 0.3 } }, emissions_per_second = -0.0001, flags = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["dead-dry-hairy-tree"].flags ]=], icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/dry-tree.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, max_health = 20, minable = { count = 4, mining_particle = "wooden-particle", mining_time = 0.5, result = "wood" }, name = "dry-tree", order = "a[tree]-c[dry-tree]", pictures = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/dry-tree/dry-tree-00.png", height = 49, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/dry-tree/hr-dry-tree-00.png", height = 122, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.40625, -0.46875 }, width = 184 }, shift = { 0.46875, -0.484375 }, width = 54 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/dry-tree/dry-tree-01.png", height = 53, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/dry-tree/hr-dry-tree-01.png", height = 122, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.734375, -0.46875 }, width = 142 }, shift = { 0.4375, -0.578125 }, width = 52 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/dry-tree/dry-tree-02.png", height = 52, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/dry-tree/hr-dry-tree-02.png", height = 115, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.75, -0.4140625 }, width = 140 }, shift = { 0.640625, -0.5 }, width = 63 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/dry-tree/dry-tree-03.png", height = 47, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/dry-tree/hr-dry-tree-03.png", height = 101, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.6640625, -0.3046875 }, width = 151 }, shift = { 0.375, -0.359375 }, width = 58 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/dry-tree/dry-tree-04.png", height = 50, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/dry-tree/hr-dry-tree-04.png", height = 109, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.6796875, -0.3671875 }, width = 149 }, shift = { 0.296875, -0.4375 }, width = 49 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/dry-tree/dry-tree-05.png", height = 52, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/dry-tree/hr-dry-tree-05.png", height = 116, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.703125, -0.421875 }, width = 146 }, shift = { 0.4375, -0.5 }, width = 56 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/dry-tree/dry-tree-06.png", height = 60, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/dry-tree/hr-dry-tree-06.png", height = 135, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.7421875, -0.5703125 }, width = 141 }, shift = { 0.546875, -0.6875 }, width = 59 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/dry-tree/dry-tree-07.png", height = 47, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/dry-tree/hr-dry-tree-07.png", height = 107, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.546875, -0.3515625 }, width = 166 }, shift = { 0.234375, -0.453125 }, width = 63 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/dry-tree/dry-tree-08.png", height = 53, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/dry-tree/hr-dry-tree-08.png", height = 106, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.765625, -0.3125 }, width = 138 }, shift = { 0.53125, -0.328125 }, width = 54 } }, selection_box = { { -0.6, -1.5 }, { 0.6, 0.3 } }, subgroup = "trees", type = "tree", vehicle_impact_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["dead-dry-hairy-tree"].vehicle_impact_sound ]=] }, ["tree-01"] = { autoplace = { control = "trees", max_probability = 0.45, order = "a[tree]-b[forest]", peaks = { { influence = 0, richness_influence = 0.75 }, { influence = -0.75, richness_influence = 0.75 }, { influence = 0.375, noise_layer = "trees-1", noise_octaves_difference = -0.5, noise_persistence = 0.8, richness_influence = -0.5 }, { influence = 0.5, noise_layer = "trees", noise_octaves_difference = -0.5, noise_persistence = 0.6, richness_influence = -0.5 }, { influence = 1, richness_influence = 0, temperature_max_range = 7.5, temperature_optimal = 30, temperature_range = 5, water_max_range = 0.375, water_optimal = 0.75, water_range = 0.25 }, 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["dead-dry-hairy-tree"].autoplace.peaks[4] ]=] }, random_probability_penalty = 0.001, richness_base = 0, richness_multiplier = 1, sharpness = 0.4 }, collision_box = { { -0.4, -0.4 }, { 0.4, 0.4 } }, colors = { { b = 224, g = 255, r = 156 }, { b = 152, g = 243, r = 118 }, { b = 227, g = 215, r = 116 }, { b = 80, g = 209, r = 221 }, { b = 90, g = 242, r = 131 }, { b = 138, g = 185, r = 83 }, { b = 74, g = 224, r = 71 }, { b = 41, g = 242, r = 230 } }, corpse = "tree-01-stump", damaged_trigger_effect = { { damage_type_filters = "fire", sound = { { filename = "__base__/sound/particles/tree-leaves-1.ogg", volume = 0.35 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/particles/tree-leaves-2.ogg", volume = 0.35 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/particles/tree-leaves-3.ogg", volume = 0.35 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/particles/tree-leaves-4.ogg", volume = 0.35 } }, type = "play-sound" } }, darkness_of_burnt_tree = 0.5, drawing_box = { { -0.9, -3.9 }, { 0.9, 0.6 } }, emissions_per_second = -0.001, flags = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["dead-dry-hairy-tree"].flags ]=], icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/tree-01.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "entity-name.tree" }, max_health = 50, minable = { count = 4, mining_particle = "wooden-particle", mining_time = 0.55, mining_trigger = { { action_delivery = { { target_effects = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-01"].damaged_trigger_effect ]=], type = "instant" } }, type = "direct" } }, result = "wood" }, mined_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-01"].damaged_trigger_effect[1].sound ]=], name = "tree-01", order = "a[tree]-a[regular]-a[tree-01]", remains_when_mined = "tree-01-stump", selection_box = { { -0.9, -2.2000000000000002 }, { 0.9, 0.6 } }, subgroup = "trees", type = "tree", variation_weights = { 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0.3, 0.3, 0.05, 0.05 }, variations = { { branch_generation = { frame_speed = 0.4, initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "branch-particle", repeat_count = 15, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaf_generation = { initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "leaf-particle", speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaves = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/01/tree-01-a-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 151, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/01/hr-tree-01-a-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 306, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03125, -2.3125 }, width = 184 }, shift = { -0.0625, -2.3125 }, width = 93 }, normal = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/01/tree-01-a-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 146, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/01/hr-tree-01-a-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 290, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.015625, -2.375 }, width = 184 }, shift = { 0, -2.375 }, width = 94 }, shadow = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/01/tree-01-a-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 67, hr_version = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/01/hr-tree-01-a-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 134, scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.90625, -0.0625 }, width = 324 }, shift = { 1.875, -0.0625 }, width = 163 }, trunk = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/01/tree-01-a-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 171, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/01/hr-tree-01-a-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 340, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0625, -2.15625 }, width = 140 }, shift = { 0, -2.1875 }, width = 73 }, water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = false, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/01/tree-01-reflection.png", height = 40, priority = "extra-high", scale = 5, shift = { 0, 2.1875 }, variation_count = 4, width = 28, y = 0 }, rotate = false } }, { branch_generation = { frame_speed = 0.4, initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "branch-particle", repeat_count = 15, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaf_generation = { initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "leaf-particle", speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaves = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/01/tree-01-b-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 157, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/01/hr-tree-01-b-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 316, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.03125, -2.25 }, width = 182 }, shift = { 0, -2.25 }, width = 91 }, normal = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/01/tree-01-b-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 150, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/01/hr-tree-01-b-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 300, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0625, -2.34375 }, width = 180 }, shift = { 0.0625, -2.34375 }, width = 90 }, shadow = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/01/tree-01-b-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 67, hr_version = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/01/hr-tree-01-b-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 126, scale = 0.5, shift = { 2, 0 }, width = 312 }, shift = { 1.9375, -0.0625 }, width = 159 }, trunk = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/01/tree-01-b-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 165, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/01/hr-tree-01-b-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 326, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.125, -2.0625 }, width = 132 }, shift = { 0.125, -2.125 }, width = 65 }, water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = false, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/01/tree-01-reflection.png", height = 40, priority = "extra-high", scale = 5, shift = { 0, 2.1875 }, variation_count = 4, width = 28, y = 40 }, rotate = false } }, { branch_generation = { frame_speed = 0.4, initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "branch-particle", repeat_count = 15, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaf_generation = { initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "leaf-particle", 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initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "branch-particle", repeat_count = 15, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaf_generation = { initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "leaf-particle", speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaves = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/01/tree-01-d-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 153, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/01/hr-tree-01-d-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 310, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.03125, -2.25 }, width = 188 }, shift = { 0, -2.25 }, width = 95 }, normal = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/01/tree-01-d-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 144, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/01/hr-tree-01-d-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 286, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0625, -2.359375 }, width = 188 }, shift = { 0.0625, -2.34375 }, width = 94 }, shadow = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/01/tree-01-d-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 67, hr_version = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/01/hr-tree-01-d-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 130, scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.84375, -0.09375 }, width = 288 }, shift = { 1.8125, -0.125 }, width = 145 }, trunk = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/01/tree-01-d-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 163, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/01/hr-tree-01-d-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 324, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0625, -2.09375 }, width = 108 }, shift = { 0, -2.125 }, width = 57 }, water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = false, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/01/tree-01-reflection.png", height = 40, priority = "extra-high", scale = 5, shift = { 0, 2.1875 }, variation_count = 4, width = 28, y = 120 }, rotate = false } }, { branch_generation = { frame_speed = 0.4, initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "branch-particle", repeat_count = 15, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaf_generation = { initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "leaf-particle", 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0.4, initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "branch-particle", repeat_count = 15, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaf_generation = { initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "leaf-particle", speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaves = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/01/tree-01-f-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 153, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/01/hr-tree-01-f-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 304, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.09375, -2.09375 }, width = 190 }, shift = { -0.125, -2.125 }, width = 97 }, normal = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/01/tree-01-f-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 140, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/01/hr-tree-01-f-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 278, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.0625, -2.21875 }, width = 190 }, shift = { -0.0625, -2.21875 }, width = 96 }, shadow = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/01/tree-01-f-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 71, hr_version = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/01/hr-tree-01-f-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 140, scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.75, 0.03125 }, width = 304 }, shift = { 1.75, 0 }, width = 151 }, trunk = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/01/tree-01-f-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 165, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/01/hr-tree-01-f-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 326, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.125, -2.03125 }, width = 118 }, shift = { -0.1875, -2.0625 }, width = 63 }, water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = false, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/01/tree-01-reflection.png", height = 40, priority = "extra-high", scale = 5, shift = { 0, 2.1875 }, variation_count = 4, width = 28, y = 200 }, rotate = false } }, { branch_generation = { frame_speed = 0.4, initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "branch-particle", repeat_count = 15, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaf_generation = { initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "leaf-particle", 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{ frame_speed = 0.4, initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "branch-particle", repeat_count = 15, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaf_generation = { initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "leaf-particle", speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaves = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/01/tree-01-h-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 141, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/01/hr-tree-01-h-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 282, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.03125, -1.96875 }, width = 180 }, shift = { 0, -2 }, width = 91 }, normal = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/01/tree-01-h-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 122, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/01/hr-tree-01-h-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 244, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.046875, -1.90625 }, width = 180 }, shift = { 0.0625, -1.90625 }, width = 92 }, shadow = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/01/tree-01-h-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 67, hr_version = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/01/hr-tree-01-h-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 130, scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.71875, -0.09375 }, width = 266 }, shift = { 1.6875, -0.125 }, width = 135 }, trunk = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/01/tree-01-h-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 151, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/01/hr-tree-01-h-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 296, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.125, -1.875 }, width = 116 }, shift = { 0.125, -1.9375 }, width = 57 }, water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = false, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/01/tree-01-reflection.png", height = 40, priority = "extra-high", scale = 5, shift = { 0, 2.1875 }, variation_count = 4, width = 28, y = 280 }, rotate = false } }, { branch_generation = { frame_speed = 0.4, initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "branch-particle", repeat_count = 15, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaf_generation = { initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "leaf-particle", 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= 61, hr_version = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/01/hr-tree-01-i-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 118, scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.5625, 0.09375 }, width = 228 }, shift = { 1.5625, 0.0625 }, width = 113 }, trunk = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/01/tree-01-i-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 123, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/01/hr-tree-01-i-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 244, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -1.53125 }, width = 120 }, shift = { -0.0625, -1.5625 }, width = 63 }, water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = false, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/01/tree-01-reflection.png", height = 40, priority = "extra-high", scale = 5, shift = { 0, 2.1875 }, variation_count = 4, width = 28, y = 320 }, rotate = false } }, { branch_generation = { frame_speed = 0.4, initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "branch-particle", repeat_count = 15, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaf_generation = { initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "leaf-particle", speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaves = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/01/tree-01-j-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 115, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/01/hr-tree-01-j-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 228, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -1.59375 }, width = 134 }, shift = { 0, -1.625 }, width = 67 }, normal = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/01/tree-01-j-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 98, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/01/hr-tree-01-j-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 194, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.046875, -1.828125 }, width = 134 }, shift = { 0.0625, -1.8125 }, width = 68 }, shadow = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/01/tree-01-j-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 53, hr_version = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/01/hr-tree-01-j-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 104, scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.5625, -0.09375 }, width = 212 }, shift = { 1.5, -0.125 }, width = 109 }, trunk = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/01/tree-01-j-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 127, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/01/hr-tree-01-j-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 250, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -1.5625 }, width = 110 }, shift = { 0, -1.625 }, width = 55 }, water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = false, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/01/tree-01-reflection.png", height = 40, priority = "extra-high", scale = 5, shift = { 0, 2.1875 }, variation_count = 4, width = 28, y = 360 }, rotate = false } }, { branch_generation = { frame_speed = 0.4, initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "branch-particle", repeat_count = 15, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaf_generation = { initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "leaf-particle", speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaves = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/01/tree-01-k-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 95, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/01/hr-tree-01-k-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 206, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.3125, -0.375 }, width = 250 }, shift = { 0.3125, -0.5 }, width = 123 }, normal = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/01/tree-01-k-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 76, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/01/hr-tree-01-k-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 150, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.8125, -0.8125 }, width = 186 }, shift = { 0.8125, -0.8125 }, width = 94 }, shadow = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/01/tree-01-k-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 107, hr_version = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/01/hr-tree-01-k-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 212, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.40625, -0.40625 }, width = 256 }, shift = { 0.375, -0.4375 }, width = 129 }, trunk = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/01/tree-01-k-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 111, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/01/hr-tree-01-k-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 224, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.3125, -0.40625 }, width = 258 }, shift = { 0.3125, -0.4375 }, width = 129 }, water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = false, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/01/tree-01-reflection.png", height = 40, priority = "extra-high", scale = 5, shift = { 0, 2.1875 }, variation_count = 4, width = 28, y = 400 }, rotate = false } }, { branch_generation = { frame_speed = 0.4, initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "branch-particle", repeat_count = 15, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaf_generation = { initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "leaf-particle", speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaves = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/01/tree-01-l-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 57, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/01/hr-tree-01-l-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 114, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.96875, 0 }, width = 354 }, shift = { -1.0625, 0 }, width = 171 }, normal = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/01/tree-01-l-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 56, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/01/hr-tree-01-l-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 112, scale = 0.5, shift = { -1.640625, 0.03125 }, width = 240 }, shift = { -1.625, 0.03125 }, width = 122 }, shadow = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/01/tree-01-l-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 49, hr_version = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/01/hr-tree-01-l-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 94, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.90625, 0.15625 }, width = 366 }, shift = { -0.9375, 0.125 }, width = 185 }, trunk = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/01/tree-01-l-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 59, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/01/hr-tree-01-l-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 116, scale = 0.5, shift = { 1, 0.21875 }, width = 620 }, shift = { 1, 0.1875 }, width = 309 }, water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = false, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/01/tree-01-reflection.png", height = 40, priority = "extra-high", scale = 5, shift = { 0, 2.1875 }, variation_count = 4, width = 28, y = 440 }, rotate = false } } }, vehicle_impact_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["dead-dry-hairy-tree"].vehicle_impact_sound ]=] }, ["tree-02"] = { autoplace = { control = "trees", max_probability = 0.45, order = "a[tree]-b[forest]", peaks = { { influence = 0, richness_influence = 0.75 }, { influence = -1, richness_influence = 1 }, { influence = 0.375, noise_layer = "trees-2", noise_octaves_difference = -0.5, noise_persistence = 0.8, richness_influence = -0.5 }, { influence = 0.5, noise_layer = "trees", noise_octaves_difference = -0.5, noise_persistence = 0.6, richness_influence = -0.5 }, { influence = 1, richness_influence = 0, temperature_max_range = 10.5, temperature_optimal = 17, temperature_range = 7, water_max_range = 0.15000000000000002, water_optimal = 0.65, water_range = 0.1 }, 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["dead-dry-hairy-tree"].autoplace.peaks[4] ]=] }, random_probability_penalty = 0.001, richness_base = 0, richness_multiplier = 1, sharpness = 0.4 }, collision_box = { { -0.4, -0.4 }, { 0.4, 0.4 } }, colors = { { b = 111, g = 255, r = 191 }, { b = 152, g = 200, r = 209 }, { b = 133, g = 255, r = 252 }, { b = 94, g = 178, r = 230 }, { b = 132, g = 215, r = 190 }, { b = 110, g = 175, r = 204 }, { b = 120, g = 255, r = 240 }, { b = 87, g = 208, r = 194 }, { b = 169, g = 255, r = 222 }, { b = 111, g = 201, r = 150 } }, corpse = "tree-02-stump", damaged_trigger_effect = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-01"].damaged_trigger_effect ]=], darkness_of_burnt_tree = 0.5, drawing_box = { { -0.9, -4 }, { 0.9, 0.6 } }, emissions_per_second = -0.001, flags = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["dead-dry-hairy-tree"].flags ]=], icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/tree-02.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "entity-name.tree" }, max_health = 50, minable = { count = 4, mining_particle = "wooden-particle", mining_time = 0.55, mining_trigger = { { action_delivery = { { target_effects = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-01"].damaged_trigger_effect ]=], type = "instant" } }, type = "direct" } }, result = "wood" }, mined_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-01"].damaged_trigger_effect[1].sound ]=], name = "tree-02", order = "a[tree]-a[regular]-b[tree-02]", remains_when_mined = "tree-02-stump", selection_box = { { -0.9, -2.2000000000000002 }, { 0.9, 0.6 } }, subgroup = "trees", type = "tree", variation_weights = { 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0.3, 0.3, 0.05, 0.05 }, variations = { { branch_generation = { frame_speed = 0.4, initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "branch-particle", repeat_count = 15, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaf_generation = { initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "leaf-particle", speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaves = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/tree-02-a-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 154, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/hr-tree-02-a-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 310, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -2.3125 }, width = 184 }, shift = { -0.0625, -2.3125 }, width = 96 }, normal = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/tree-02-a-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 146, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/hr-tree-02-a-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 292, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.015625, -2.4375 }, width = 186 }, shift = { 0.03125, -2.4375 }, width = 94 }, shadow = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/tree-02-a-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 64, hr_version = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/hr-tree-02-a-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 130, scale = 0.5, shift = { 2.875, -0.0625 }, width = 384 }, shift = { 2.8125, -0.0625 }, width = 196 }, trunk = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/tree-02-a-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 162, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/hr-tree-02-a-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 324, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.03125, -2.03125 }, width = 162 }, shift = { 0, -2.0625 }, width = 82 }, water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = false, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/tree-02-reflection.png", height = 40, priority = "extra-high", scale = 5, shift = { 0.15625, 2.34375 }, variation_count = 4, width = 28, y = 0 }, rotate = false } }, { branch_generation = { frame_speed = 0.4, initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "branch-particle", repeat_count = 15, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaf_generation = { initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "leaf-particle", speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaves = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/tree-02-b-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 136, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/hr-tree-02-b-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 274, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.0625, -1.9375 }, width = 184 }, shift = { -0.0625, -1.9375 }, width = 92 }, normal = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/tree-02-b-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 132, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/hr-tree-02-b-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 262, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03125, -2 }, width = 184 }, shift = { -0.03125, -2 }, width = 92 }, shadow = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/tree-02-b-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 68, hr_version = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/hr-tree-02-b-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 134, scale = 0.5, shift = { 2.6875, 0.03125 }, width = 372 }, shift = { 2.6875, 0 }, width = 186 }, trunk = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/tree-02-b-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 142, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/hr-tree-02-b-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 286, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.09375, -1.84375 }, width = 150 }, shift = { -0.125, -1.875 }, width = 76 }, water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = false, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/tree-02-reflection.png", height = 40, priority = "extra-high", scale = 5, shift = { 0.15625, 2.34375 }, variation_count = 4, width = 28, y = 40 }, rotate = false } }, { branch_generation = { frame_speed = 0.4, initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "branch-particle", repeat_count = 15, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaf_generation = { initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "leaf-particle", speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaves = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/tree-02-c-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 130, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/hr-tree-02-c-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 264, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03125, -1.9375 }, width = 178 }, shift = { -0.0625, -1.9375 }, width = 90 }, normal = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/tree-02-c-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 124, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/hr-tree-02-c-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 244, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -2.078125 }, width = 178 }, shift = { 0, -2.0625 }, width = 90 }, shadow = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/tree-02-c-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 64, hr_version = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/hr-tree-02-c-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 128, scale = 0.5, shift = { 2.40625, -0.0625 }, width = 352 }, shift = { 2.375, -0.0625 }, width = 176 }, trunk = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/tree-02-c-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 140, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/hr-tree-02-c-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 280, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.125, -1.78125 }, width = 144 }, shift = { -0.125, -1.8125 }, width = 72 }, water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = false, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/tree-02-reflection.png", height = 40, priority = "extra-high", scale = 5, shift = { 0.15625, 2.34375 }, variation_count = 4, width = 28, y = 80 }, rotate = false } }, { branch_generation = { frame_speed = 0.4, initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "branch-particle", repeat_count = 15, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaf_generation = { initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "leaf-particle", speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaves = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/tree-02-d-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 166, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/hr-tree-02-d-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 330, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1875, -2.34375 }, width = 180 }, shift = { 0.1875, -2.375 }, width = 90 }, normal = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/tree-02-d-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 152, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/hr-tree-02-d-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 302, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.21875, -2.5625 }, width = 180 }, shift = { 0.21875, -2.5625 }, width = 90 }, shadow = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/tree-02-d-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 66, hr_version = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/hr-tree-02-d-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 134, scale = 0.5, shift = { 2.9375, -0.125 }, width = 402 }, shift = { 2.9375, -0.125 }, width = 200 }, trunk = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/tree-02-d-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 168, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/hr-tree-02-d-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 336, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.21875, -2.1875 }, width = 142 }, shift = { 0.1875, -2.1875 }, width = 72 }, water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = false, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/tree-02-reflection.png", height = 40, priority = "extra-high", scale = 5, shift = { 0.15625, 2.34375 }, variation_count = 4, width = 28, y = 120 }, rotate = false } }, { branch_generation = { frame_speed = 0.4, initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "branch-particle", repeat_count = 15, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaf_generation = { initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "leaf-particle", speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaves = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/tree-02-e-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 140, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/hr-tree-02-e-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 276, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.03125, -1.96875 }, width = 194 }, shift = { 0, -2 }, width = 98 }, normal = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/tree-02-e-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 138, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/hr-tree-02-e-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 272, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0625, -2.015625 }, width = 194 }, shift = { 0.0625, -2 }, width = 98 }, shadow = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/tree-02-e-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 70, hr_version = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/hr-tree-02-e-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 144, scale = 0.5, shift = { 3, 0.1875 }, width = 410 }, shift = { 3, 0.1875 }, width = 204 }, trunk = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/tree-02-e-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 144, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/hr-tree-02-e-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 286, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.09375, -1.78125 }, width = 168 }, shift = { 0.0625, -1.8125 }, width = 86 }, water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = false, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/tree-02-reflection.png", height = 40, priority = "extra-high", scale = 5, shift = { 0.15625, 2.34375 }, variation_count = 4, width = 28, y = 160 }, rotate = false } }, { branch_generation = { frame_speed = 0.4, initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "branch-particle", repeat_count = 15, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaf_generation = { initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "leaf-particle", speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaves = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/tree-02-f-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 150, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/hr-tree-02-f-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 302, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.3125, -2.125 }, width = 184 }, shift = { -0.3125, -2.125 }, width = 92 }, normal = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/tree-02-f-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 148, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/hr-tree-02-f-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 292, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.28125, -2.171875 }, width = 184 }, shift = { -0.28125, -2.15625 }, width = 92 }, shadow = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/tree-02-f-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 64, hr_version = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/hr-tree-02-f-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 130, scale = 0.5, shift = { 2.34375, 0 }, width = 344 }, shift = { 2.375, 0 }, width = 170 }, trunk = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/tree-02-f-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 156, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/hr-tree-02-f-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 310, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.3125, -1.96875 }, width = 144 }, shift = { -0.375, -2 }, width = 74 }, water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = false, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/tree-02-reflection.png", height = 40, priority = "extra-high", scale = 5, shift = { 0.15625, 2.34375 }, variation_count = 4, width = 28, y = 200 }, rotate = false } }, { branch_generation = { frame_speed = 0.4, initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = 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"__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/hr-tree-02-g-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 238, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1875, -2.328125 }, width = 196 }, shift = { 0.1875, -2.3125 }, width = 98 }, shadow = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/tree-02-g-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 64, hr_version = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/hr-tree-02-g-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 122, scale = 0.5, shift = { 2.625, -0.125 }, width = 384 }, shift = { 2.6875, -0.1875 }, width = 188 }, trunk = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/tree-02-g-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 140, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/hr-tree-02-g-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 282, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1875, -1.75 }, width = 168 }, shift = { 0.125, -1.75 }, width = 86 }, water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = false, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/tree-02-reflection.png", height = 40, priority = "extra-high", scale = 5, shift = { 0.15625, 2.34375 }, variation_count = 4, width = 28, y = 240 }, rotate = false } }, { branch_generation = { frame_speed = 0.4, initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "branch-particle", repeat_count = 15, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaf_generation = { initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "leaf-particle", speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaves = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/tree-02-h-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 116, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/hr-tree-02-h-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 234, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.21875, -1.8125 }, width = 192 }, shift = { -0.25, -1.8125 }, width = 96 }, normal = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/tree-02-h-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 112, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/hr-tree-02-h-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 220, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.1875, -1.890625 }, width = 190 }, shift = { -0.1875, -1.875 }, width = 96 }, shadow = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/tree-02-h-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 60, hr_version = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/hr-tree-02-h-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 118, scale = 0.5, shift = { 2.15625, 0.15625 }, width = 306 }, shift = { 2.125, 0.125 }, width = 154 }, trunk = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/tree-02-h-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 124, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/hr-tree-02-h-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 244, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.25, -1.46875 }, width = 182 }, shift = { -0.3125, -1.5 }, width = 92 }, water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = false, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/tree-02-reflection.png", height = 40, priority = "extra-high", scale = 5, shift = { 0.15625, 2.34375 }, variation_count = 4, width = 28, y = 280 }, rotate = false } }, { branch_generation = { frame_speed = 0.4, initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, 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"__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/hr-tree-02-i-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 194, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.15625, -1.46875 }, width = 152 }, shift = { 0.15625, -1.46875 }, width = 76 }, shadow = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/tree-02-i-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 54, hr_version = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/hr-tree-02-i-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 110, scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.90625, 0 }, width = 262 }, shift = { 1.875, 0 }, width = 132 }, trunk = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/tree-02-i-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 102, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/hr-tree-02-i-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 206, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.125, -1.1875 }, width = 126 }, shift = { 0.125, -1.1875 }, width = 62 }, water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = false, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/tree-02-reflection.png", height = 40, priority = "extra-high", scale = 5, shift = { 0.15625, 2.34375 }, variation_count = 4, width = 28, y = 320 }, rotate = false } }, { branch_generation = { frame_speed = 0.4, initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "branch-particle", repeat_count = 15, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaf_generation = { initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "leaf-particle", speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaves = { filename = 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"__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/hr-tree-02-k-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 212, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.4375, -1.296875 }, width = 214 }, shift = { 0.4375, -1.28125 }, width = 108 }, shadow = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/tree-02-k-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 132, hr_version = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/hr-tree-02-k-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 262, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.375, -0.59375 }, width = 248 }, shift = { 0.375, -0.625 }, width = 124 }, trunk = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/tree-02-k-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 124, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/hr-tree-02-k-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 244, 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autoplace = { control = "trees", max_probability = 0.45, order = "a[tree]-b[forest]", peaks = { { influence = 0, richness_influence = 0.75 }, { influence = -1, richness_influence = 1 }, { influence = 0.375, noise_layer = "trees-7", noise_octaves_difference = -0.5, noise_persistence = 0.8, richness_influence = -0.5 }, { influence = 0.5, noise_layer = "trees", noise_octaves_difference = -0.5, noise_persistence = 0.6, richness_influence = -0.5 }, { influence = 1, richness_influence = 0, temperature_max_range = 10.5, temperature_optimal = 17, temperature_range = 7, water_max_range = 0.075000000000000009, water_optimal = 0.45, water_range = 0.05 }, { distance_max_range = 192, distance_optimal = 0, distance_range = 64, distance_top_property_limit = 128, influence = -0.25, richness_influence = 0 } }, random_probability_penalty = 0.001, richness_base = 0, richness_multiplier = 1, sharpness = 0.4 }, collision_box = { { -0.4, -0.4 }, { 0.4, 0.4 } }, colors = { { b = 88, g = 143, r = 227 }, { b = 94, g = 196, r = 226 }, { b = 130, g = 176, r = 255 }, { b = 103, g = 189, r = 221 }, { b = 183, g = 183, r = 255 }, { b = 65, g = 149, r = 255 }, { b = 72, g = 159, r = 236 }, { b = 62, g = 127, r = 255 }, { b = 81, g = 113, r = 209 }, { b = 60, g = 118, r = 207 }, { b = 98, g = 152, r = 255 }, { b = 135, g = 135, r = 255 }, { b = 80, g = 107, r = 202 }, { b = 90, g = 128, r = 212 }, { b = 101, g = 101, r = 255 }, { b = 117, g = 117, r = 255 } }, corpse = "tree-02-stump", damaged_trigger_effect = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-01"].damaged_trigger_effect ]=], darkness_of_burnt_tree = 0.5, drawing_box = { { -0.9, -3.9 }, { 0.9, 0.6 } }, emissions_per_second = -0.001, flags = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["dead-dry-hairy-tree"].flags ]=], icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/tree-02-red.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "entity-name.tree-red" }, max_health = 50, minable = { count = 4, mining_particle = "wooden-particle", mining_time = 0.55, mining_trigger = { { action_delivery = { { target_effects = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-01"].damaged_trigger_effect ]=], type = "instant" } }, type = "direct" } }, result = "wood" }, mined_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-01"].damaged_trigger_effect[1].sound ]=], name = "tree-02-red", order = "a[tree]-a[regular]-g[tree-02-red]", remains_when_mined = "tree-02-stump", selection_box = { { -0.9, -2.2000000000000002 }, { 0.9, 0.6 } }, subgroup = "trees", type = "tree", variation_weights = { 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0.3, 0.3, 0.05, 0.05 }, variations = { { branch_generation = { frame_speed = 0.4, initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "branch-particle", repeat_count = 15, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaf_generation = { initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "leaf-particle", speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaves = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/tree-02-a-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 154, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/hr-tree-02-a-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 310, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -2.3125 }, width = 184 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-02"].variations[1].leaves.shift ]=], width = 96 }, normal = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/tree-02-a-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 146, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/hr-tree-02-a-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 292, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.015625, -2.4375 }, width = 186 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-02"].variations[1].normal.shift ]=], width = 94 }, shadow = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/tree-02-a-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 64, hr_version = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/hr-tree-02-a-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 130, scale = 0.5, shift = { 2.875, -0.0625 }, width = 384 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-02"].variations[1].shadow.shift ]=], width = 196 }, trunk = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/tree-02-a-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 162, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/hr-tree-02-a-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 324, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.03125, -2.03125 }, width = 162 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-02"].variations[1].trunk.shift ]=], width = 82 }, water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = false, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/tree-02-reflection.png", height = 40, priority = "extra-high", scale = 5, shift = { 0.15625, 2.34375 }, variation_count = 4, width = 28, y = 0 }, rotate = false } }, { branch_generation = { frame_speed = 0.4, initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "branch-particle", repeat_count = 15, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaf_generation = { initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "leaf-particle", speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaves = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/tree-02-b-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 136, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/hr-tree-02-b-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 274, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.0625, -1.9375 }, width = 184 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-02"].variations[2].leaves.shift ]=], width = 92 }, normal = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/tree-02-b-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 132, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/hr-tree-02-b-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 262, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03125, -2 }, width = 184 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-02"].variations[2].normal.shift ]=], width = 92 }, shadow = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/tree-02-b-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 68, hr_version = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/hr-tree-02-b-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 134, scale = 0.5, shift = { 2.6875, 0.03125 }, width = 372 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-02"].variations[2].shadow.shift ]=], width = 186 }, trunk = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/tree-02-b-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 142, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/hr-tree-02-b-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 286, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.09375, -1.84375 }, width = 150 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-02"].variations[2].trunk.shift ]=], width = 76 }, water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = false, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/tree-02-reflection.png", height = 40, priority = "extra-high", scale = 5, shift = { 0.15625, 2.34375 }, variation_count = 4, width = 28, y = 40 }, rotate = false } }, { branch_generation = { frame_speed = 0.4, initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "branch-particle", repeat_count = 15, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaf_generation = { initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "leaf-particle", speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaves = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/tree-02-c-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 130, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/hr-tree-02-c-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 264, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03125, -1.9375 }, width = 178 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-02"].variations[3].leaves.shift ]=], width = 90 }, normal = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/tree-02-c-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 124, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/hr-tree-02-c-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 244, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -2.078125 }, width = 178 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-02"].variations[3].normal.shift ]=], width = 90 }, shadow = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/tree-02-c-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 64, hr_version = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/hr-tree-02-c-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 128, scale = 0.5, shift = { 2.40625, -0.0625 }, width = 352 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-02"].variations[3].shadow.shift ]=], width = 176 }, trunk = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/tree-02-c-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 140, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/hr-tree-02-c-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 280, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.125, -1.78125 }, width = 144 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-02"].variations[3].trunk.shift ]=], width = 72 }, water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = false, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/tree-02-reflection.png", height = 40, priority = "extra-high", scale = 5, shift = { 0.15625, 2.34375 }, variation_count = 4, width = 28, y = 80 }, rotate = false } }, { branch_generation = { frame_speed = 0.4, initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "branch-particle", repeat_count = 15, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaf_generation = { initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "leaf-particle", speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaves = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/tree-02-d-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 166, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/hr-tree-02-d-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 330, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1875, -2.34375 }, width = 180 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-02"].variations[4].leaves.shift ]=], width = 90 }, normal = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/tree-02-d-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 152, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/hr-tree-02-d-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 302, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.21875, -2.5625 }, width = 180 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-02"].variations[4].normal.shift ]=], width = 90 }, shadow = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/tree-02-d-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 66, hr_version = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/hr-tree-02-d-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 134, scale = 0.5, shift = { 2.9375, -0.125 }, width = 402 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-02"].variations[4].shadow.shift ]=], width = 200 }, trunk = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/tree-02-d-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 168, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/hr-tree-02-d-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 336, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.21875, -2.1875 }, width = 142 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-02"].variations[4].trunk.shift ]=], width = 72 }, water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = false, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/tree-02-reflection.png", height = 40, priority = "extra-high", scale = 5, shift = { 0.15625, 2.34375 }, variation_count = 4, width = 28, y = 120 }, rotate = false } }, { branch_generation = { frame_speed = 0.4, initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "branch-particle", repeat_count = 15, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaf_generation = { initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "leaf-particle", speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaves = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/tree-02-e-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 140, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/hr-tree-02-e-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 276, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.03125, -1.96875 }, width = 194 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-02"].variations[5].leaves.shift ]=], width = 98 }, normal = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/tree-02-e-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 138, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/hr-tree-02-e-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 272, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0625, -2.015625 }, width = 194 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-02"].variations[5].normal.shift ]=], width = 98 }, shadow = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/tree-02-e-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 70, hr_version = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/hr-tree-02-e-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 144, scale = 0.5, shift = { 3, 0.1875 }, width = 410 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-02"].variations[5].shadow.shift ]=], width = 204 }, trunk = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/tree-02-e-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 144, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/hr-tree-02-e-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 286, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.09375, -1.78125 }, width = 168 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-02"].variations[5].trunk.shift ]=], width = 86 }, water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = false, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/tree-02-reflection.png", height = 40, priority = "extra-high", scale = 5, shift = { 0.15625, 2.34375 }, variation_count = 4, width = 28, y = 160 }, rotate = false } }, { branch_generation = { frame_speed = 0.4, initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "branch-particle", repeat_count = 15, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaf_generation = { initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "leaf-particle", speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaves = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/tree-02-f-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 150, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/hr-tree-02-f-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 302, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.3125, -2.125 }, width = 184 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-02"].variations[6].leaves.shift ]=], width = 92 }, normal = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/tree-02-f-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 148, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/hr-tree-02-f-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 292, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.28125, -2.171875 }, width = 184 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-02"].variations[6].normal.shift ]=], width = 92 }, shadow = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/tree-02-f-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 64, hr_version = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/hr-tree-02-f-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 130, scale = 0.5, shift = { 2.34375, 0 }, width = 344 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-02"].variations[6].shadow.shift ]=], width = 170 }, trunk = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/tree-02-f-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 156, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/hr-tree-02-f-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 310, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.3125, -1.96875 }, width = 144 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-02"].variations[6].trunk.shift ]=], width = 74 }, water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = false, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/tree-02-reflection.png", height = 40, priority = "extra-high", scale = 5, shift = { 0.15625, 2.34375 }, variation_count = 4, width = 28, y = 200 }, rotate = false } }, { branch_generation = { frame_speed = 0.4, initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "branch-particle", repeat_count = 15, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaf_generation = { initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "leaf-particle", speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaves = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/tree-02-g-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 136, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/hr-tree-02-g-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 270, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.15625, -2.09375 }, width = 198 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-02"].variations[7].leaves.shift ]=], width = 100 }, normal = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/tree-02-g-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 120, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/hr-tree-02-g-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 238, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1875, -2.328125 }, width = 196 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-02"].variations[7].normal.shift ]=], width = 98 }, shadow = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/tree-02-g-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 64, hr_version = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/hr-tree-02-g-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 122, scale = 0.5, shift = { 2.625, -0.125 }, width = 384 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-02"].variations[7].shadow.shift ]=], width = 188 }, trunk = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/tree-02-g-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 140, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/hr-tree-02-g-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 282, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1875, -1.75 }, width = 168 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-02"].variations[7].trunk.shift ]=], width = 86 }, water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = false, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/tree-02-reflection.png", height = 40, priority = "extra-high", scale = 5, shift = { 0.15625, 2.34375 }, variation_count = 4, width = 28, y = 240 }, rotate = false } }, { branch_generation = { frame_speed = 0.4, initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "branch-particle", repeat_count = 15, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaf_generation = { initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "leaf-particle", speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaves = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/tree-02-h-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 116, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/hr-tree-02-h-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 234, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.21875, -1.8125 }, width = 192 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-02"].variations[8].leaves.shift ]=], width = 96 }, normal = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/tree-02-h-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 112, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/hr-tree-02-h-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 220, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.1875, -1.890625 }, width = 190 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-02"].variations[8].normal.shift ]=], width = 96 }, shadow = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/tree-02-h-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 60, hr_version = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/hr-tree-02-h-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 118, scale = 0.5, shift = { 2.15625, 0.15625 }, width = 306 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-02"].variations[8].shadow.shift ]=], width = 154 }, trunk = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/tree-02-h-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 124, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/hr-tree-02-h-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 244, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.25, -1.46875 }, width = 182 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-02"].variations[8].trunk.shift ]=], width = 92 }, water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = false, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/tree-02-reflection.png", height = 40, priority = "extra-high", scale = 5, shift = { 0.15625, 2.34375 }, variation_count = 4, width = 28, y = 280 }, rotate = false } }, { branch_generation = { frame_speed = 0.4, initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "branch-particle", repeat_count = 15, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaf_generation = { initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "leaf-particle", speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaves = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/tree-02-i-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 96, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/hr-tree-02-i-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 194, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.125, -1.5 }, width = 152 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-02"].variations[9].leaves.shift ]=], width = 78 }, normal = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/tree-02-i-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 98, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/hr-tree-02-i-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 194, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.15625, -1.46875 }, width = 152 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-02"].variations[9].normal.shift ]=], width = 76 }, shadow = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/tree-02-i-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 54, hr_version = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/hr-tree-02-i-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 110, scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.90625, 0 }, width = 262 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-02"].variations[9].shadow.shift ]=], width = 132 }, trunk = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/tree-02-i-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 102, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/hr-tree-02-i-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 206, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.125, -1.1875 }, width = 126 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-02"].variations[9].trunk.shift ]=], width = 62 }, water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = false, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/tree-02-reflection.png", height = 40, priority = "extra-high", scale = 5, shift = { 0.15625, 2.34375 }, variation_count = 4, width = 28, y = 320 }, rotate = false } }, { branch_generation = { frame_speed = 0.4, initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "branch-particle", repeat_count = 15, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaf_generation = { initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "leaf-particle", speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaves = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/tree-02-j-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 100, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/hr-tree-02-j-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 198, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.21875, -1.46875 }, width = 152 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-02"].variations[10].leaves.shift ]=], width = 78 }, normal = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/tree-02-j-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 100, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/hr-tree-02-j-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 200, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.203125, -1.453125 }, width = 152 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-02"].variations[10].normal.shift ]=], width = 78 }, shadow = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/tree-02-j-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 56, hr_version = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/hr-tree-02-j-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 108, scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.71875, -0.03125 }, width = 248 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-02"].variations[10].shadow.shift ]=], width = 124 }, trunk = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/tree-02-j-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 96, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/hr-tree-02-j-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 194, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.25, -1.125 }, width = 128 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-02"].variations[10].trunk.shift ]=], width = 64 }, water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = false, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/tree-02-reflection.png", height = 40, priority = "extra-high", scale = 5, shift = { 0.15625, 2.34375 }, variation_count = 4, width = 28, y = 360 }, rotate = false } }, { branch_generation = { frame_speed = 0.4, initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "branch-particle", repeat_count = 15, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaf_generation = { initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "leaf-particle", speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaves = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/tree-02-k-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 132, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/hr-tree-02-k-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 264, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.40625, -0.9375 }, width = 216 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-02"].variations[11].leaves.shift ]=], width = 106 }, normal = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/tree-02-k-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 108, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/hr-tree-02-k-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 212, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.4375, -1.296875 }, width = 214 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-02"].variations[11].normal.shift ]=], width = 108 }, shadow = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/tree-02-k-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 132, hr_version = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/hr-tree-02-k-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 262, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.375, -0.59375 }, width = 248 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-02"].variations[11].shadow.shift ]=], width = 124 }, trunk = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/tree-02-k-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 124, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/hr-tree-02-k-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 244, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1875, -0.59375 }, width = 234 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-02"].variations[11].trunk.shift ]=], width = 120 }, water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = false, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/tree-02-reflection.png", height = 40, priority = "extra-high", scale = 5, shift = { 0.15625, 2.34375 }, variation_count = 4, width = 28, y = 400 }, rotate = false } }, { branch_generation = { frame_speed = 0.4, initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "branch-particle", repeat_count = 15, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaf_generation = { initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "leaf-particle", speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaves = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/tree-02-l-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 80, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/hr-tree-02-l-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 156, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.34375, -0.1875 }, width = 404 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-02"].variations[12].leaves.shift ]=], width = 202 }, normal = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/tree-02-l-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 80, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/hr-tree-02-l-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 156, scale = 0.5, shift = { -1.09375, -0.171875 }, width = 308 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-02"].variations[12].normal.shift ]=], width = 154 }, shadow = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/tree-02-l-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 70, hr_version = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/hr-tree-02-l-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 138, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.0625, 0.03125 }, width = 418 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-02"].variations[12].shadow.shift ]=], width = 208 }, trunk = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/tree-02-l-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 62, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/hr-tree-02-l-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 122, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.28125, -0.21875 }, width = 410 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-02"].variations[12].trunk.shift ]=], width = 202 }, water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = false, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/02/tree-02-reflection.png", height = 40, priority = "extra-high", scale = 5, shift = { 0.15625, 2.34375 }, variation_count = 4, width = 28, y = 440 }, rotate = false } } }, vehicle_impact_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["dead-dry-hairy-tree"].vehicle_impact_sound ]=] }, ["tree-03"] = { autoplace = { control = "trees", max_probability = 0.45, order = "a[tree]-b[forest]", peaks = { { influence = 0, richness_influence = 0.75 }, { influence = -0.65, richness_influence = 0.65 }, { influence = 0.4125, noise_layer = "trees-3", noise_octaves_difference = -0.5, noise_persistence = 0.8, richness_influence = -0.55 }, { influence = 0.55, noise_layer = "trees", noise_octaves_difference = -0.5, noise_persistence = 0.6, richness_influence = -0.55 }, { influence = 1, richness_influence = 0, temperature_max_range = 10.5, temperature_optimal = 25, temperature_range = 7, water_max_range = 0.30000000000000004, water_optimal = 0.8, water_range = 0.2 }, 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["dead-dry-hairy-tree"].autoplace.peaks[4] ]=] }, random_probability_penalty = 0.001, richness_base = 0, richness_multiplier = 2, sharpness = 0.4 }, collision_box = { { -0.4, -0.4 }, { 0.4, 0.4 } }, colors = { { b = 66, g = 253, r = 230 }, { b = 87, g = 223, r = 255 }, { b = 65, g = 187, r = 170 }, { b = 70, g = 70, r = 216 }, { b = 95, g = 238, r = 179 }, { b = 82, g = 234, r = 255 }, { b = 71, g = 171, r = 238 }, { b = 91, g = 173, r = 219 }, { b = 129, g = 214, r = 231 } }, corpse = "tree-03-stump", damaged_trigger_effect = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-01"].damaged_trigger_effect ]=], darkness_of_burnt_tree = 0.5, drawing_box = { { -0.9, -3.7000000000000002 }, { 0.9, 0.6 } }, emissions_per_second = -0.001, flags = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["dead-dry-hairy-tree"].flags ]=], icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/tree-03.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "entity-name.tree" }, max_health = 50, minable = { count = 4, mining_particle = "wooden-particle", mining_time = 0.55, mining_trigger = { { action_delivery = { { target_effects = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-01"].damaged_trigger_effect ]=], type = "instant" } }, type = "direct" } }, result = "wood" }, mined_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-01"].damaged_trigger_effect[1].sound ]=], name = "tree-03", order = "a[tree]-a[regular]-c[tree-03]", remains_when_mined = "tree-03-stump", selection_box = { { -0.9, -2.2000000000000002 }, { 0.9, 0.6 } }, subgroup = "trees", type = "tree", variations = { { branch_generation = { frame_speed = 0.4, initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "branch-particle", repeat_count = 15, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaf_generation = { initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "leaf-particle", speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaves = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/03/tree-03-a-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 153, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/03/hr-tree-03-a-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 304, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.25, -2.3125 }, width = 282 }, shift = { -0.25, -2.3125 }, width = 141 }, normal = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/03/tree-03-a-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 136, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/03/hr-tree-03-a-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 270, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.25, -2.5625 }, width = 284 }, shift = { -0.25, -2.5625 }, width = 142 }, shadow = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/03/tree-03-a-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 101, hr_version = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/03/hr-tree-03-a-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 202, scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.90625, -0.4375 }, width = 300 }, shift = { 1.875, -0.4375 }, width = 153 }, trunk = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/03/tree-03-a-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 157, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/03/hr-tree-03-a-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 312, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.15625, -1.75 }, width = 264 }, shift = { -0.1875, -1.75 }, width = 135 }, water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = false, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/03/tree-03-reflection.png", height = 40, priority = "extra-high", scale = 5, shift = { 0.3125, 2.03125 }, variation_count = 4, width = 44, y = 0 }, rotate = false } }, { branch_generation = { frame_speed = 0.4, initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "branch-particle", repeat_count = 15, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaf_generation = { initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "leaf-particle", speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaves = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/03/tree-03-b-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 137, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/03/hr-tree-03-b-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 272, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.6875, -2.5 }, width = 342 }, shift = { 0.6875, -2.5 }, width = 171 }, normal = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/03/tree-03-b-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 138, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/03/hr-tree-03-b-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 276, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.703125, -2.484375 }, width = 344 }, shift = { 0.71875, -2.5 }, width = 174 }, shadow = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/03/tree-03-b-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 117, hr_version = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/03/hr-tree-03-b-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 230, scale = 0.5, shift = { 2.6875, -0.34375 }, width = 406 }, shift = { 2.6875, -0.375 }, width = 203 }, trunk = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/03/tree-03-b-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 157, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/03/hr-tree-03-b-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 314, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.625, -1.8125 }, width = 252 }, shift = { 0.625, -1.8125 }, width = 127 }, water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = false, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/03/tree-03-reflection.png", height = 40, priority = "extra-high", scale = 5, shift = { 0.3125, 2.03125 }, variation_count = 4, width = 44, y = 40 }, rotate = false } }, { branch_generation = { frame_speed = 0.4, initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "branch-particle", repeat_count = 15, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaf_generation = { initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "leaf-particle", speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaves = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/03/tree-03-c-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 117, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/03/hr-tree-03-c-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 232, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.25, -1.5 }, width = 314 }, shift = { -0.3125, -1.5 }, width = 161 }, normal = { 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filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/03/hr-tree-03-c-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 246, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.28125, -1.34375 }, width = 268 }, shift = { -0.3125, -1.375 }, width = 135 }, water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = false, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/03/tree-03-reflection.png", height = 40, priority = "extra-high", scale = 5, shift = { 0.3125, 2.03125 }, variation_count = 4, width = 44, y = 80 }, rotate = false } }, { branch_generation = { frame_speed = 0.4, initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "branch-particle", repeat_count = 15, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaf_generation = { initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "leaf-particle", speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaves = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/03/tree-03-d-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 129, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/03/hr-tree-03-d-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 254, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.28125, -2.09375 }, width = 202 }, shift = { 0.25, -2.125 }, width = 103 }, normal = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/03/tree-03-d-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 116, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/03/hr-tree-03-d-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 230, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.296875, -2.265625 }, width = 202 }, shift = { 0.3125, -2.25 }, width = 102 }, shadow = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/03/tree-03-d-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, 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"__base__/graphics/entity/tree/03/tree-03-e-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 100, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/03/hr-tree-03-e-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 198, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.265625, -2 }, width = 238 }, shift = { 0.28125, -2 }, width = 120 }, shadow = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/03/tree-03-e-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 69, hr_version = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/03/hr-tree-03-e-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 132, scale = 0.5, shift = { 2.21875, 0.03125 }, width = 330 }, shift = { 2.1875, 0 }, width = 167 }, trunk = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/03/tree-03-e-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 127, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/03/hr-tree-03-e-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 250, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.21875, -1.46875 }, width = 174 }, shift = { 0.1875, -1.5 }, width = 89 }, water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = false, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/03/tree-03-reflection.png", height = 40, priority = "extra-high", scale = 5, shift = { 0.3125, 2.03125 }, variation_count = 4, width = 44, y = 160 }, rotate = false } }, { branch_generation = { frame_speed = 0.4, initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "branch-particle", repeat_count = 15, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaf_generation = { initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "leaf-particle", speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaves = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/03/tree-03-f-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 119, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/03/hr-tree-03-f-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 232, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.40625, -1.78125 }, width = 214 }, shift = { -0.4375, -1.8125 }, width = 109 }, normal = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/03/tree-03-f-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 102, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/03/hr-tree-03-f-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 202, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.375, -1.984375 }, width = 216 }, shift = { -0.375, -1.96875 }, width = 108 }, shadow = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/03/tree-03-f-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, 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"__base__/graphics/entity/tree/03/tree-03-g-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 96, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/03/hr-tree-03-g-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 188, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.046875, -2.078125 }, width = 186 }, shift = { 0.0625, -2.0625 }, width = 94 }, shadow = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/03/tree-03-g-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 71, hr_version = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/03/hr-tree-03-g-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 136, scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.375, -0.15625 }, width = 212 }, shift = { 1.375, -0.1875 }, width = 107 }, trunk = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/03/tree-03-g-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 123, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/03/hr-tree-03-g-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 240, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.28125, -1.28125 }, width = 140 }, shift = { -0.3125, -1.3125 }, width = 73 }, water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = false, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/03/tree-03-reflection.png", height = 40, priority = "extra-high", scale = 5, shift = { 0.3125, 2.03125 }, variation_count = 4, width = 44, y = 240 }, rotate = false } }, { branch_generation = { frame_speed = 0.4, initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "branch-particle", repeat_count = 15, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaf_generation = { initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = 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= 4, height = 69, hr_version = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/03/hr-tree-03-h-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 132, scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.71875, -0.03125 }, width = 258 }, shift = { 1.6875, -0.0625 }, width = 131 }, trunk = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/03/tree-03-h-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 115, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/03/hr-tree-03-h-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 224, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0625, -1.15625 }, width = 174 }, shift = { 0.0625, -1.1875 }, width = 87 }, water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = false, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/03/tree-03-reflection.png", height = 40, priority = "extra-high", scale = 5, shift = { 0.3125, 2.03125 }, variation_count = 4, width = 44, y = 280 }, rotate = false } }, { 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"__base__/graphics/entity/tree/03/hr-tree-03-i-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 202, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0625, -1.0625 }, width = 196 }, shift = { 0.0625, -1.0625 }, width = 99 }, water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = false, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/03/tree-03-reflection.png", height = 40, priority = "extra-high", scale = 5, shift = { 0.3125, 2.03125 }, variation_count = 4, width = 44, y = 320 }, rotate = false } }, { branch_generation = { frame_speed = 0.4, initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "branch-particle", repeat_count = 15, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaf_generation = { initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "leaf-particle", speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaves = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/03/tree-03-j-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 85, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/03/hr-tree-03-j-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 166, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1875, -1.34375 }, width = 112 }, shift = { 0.1875, -1.375 }, width = 57 }, normal = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/03/tree-03-j-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 68, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/03/hr-tree-03-j-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 136, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.203125, -1.578125 }, width = 114 }, shift = { 0.21875, -1.59375 }, width = 58 }, shadow = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/03/tree-03-j-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 55, hr_version = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/03/hr-tree-03-j-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 110, scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.21875, -0.0625 }, width = 178 }, shift = { 1.1875, -0.0625 }, width = 89 }, trunk = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/03/tree-03-j-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 95, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/03/hr-tree-03-j-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 188, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1875, -1.0625 }, width = 100 }, shift = { 0.1875, -1.0625 }, width = 51 }, water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = false, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/03/tree-03-reflection.png", height = 40, priority = "extra-high", scale = 5, shift = { 0.3125, 2.03125 }, variation_count = 4, width = 44, y = 360 }, rotate = false } }, { branch_generation = { frame_speed = 0.4, initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "branch-particle", repeat_count = 15, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaf_generation = { initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "leaf-particle", speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaves = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/03/tree-03-k-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 63, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/03/hr-tree-03-k-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 126, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.125, -1 }, width = 140 }, shift = { 0.125, -1 }, width = 69 }, normal = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/03/tree-03-k-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 54, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/03/hr-tree-03-k-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 104, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.140625, -1.140625 }, width = 140 }, shift = { 0.15625, -1.125 }, width = 72 }, shadow = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/03/tree-03-k-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 35, hr_version = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/03/hr-tree-03-k-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 66, scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.1875, 0.09375 }, width = 170 }, shift = { 1.1875, 0.0625 }, width = 85 }, trunk = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/03/tree-03-k-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 69, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/03/hr-tree-03-k-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 134, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.25, -0.71875 }, width = 92 }, shift = { 0.25, -0.75 }, width = 47 }, water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = false, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/03/tree-03-reflection.png", height = 40, priority = "extra-high", scale = 5, shift = { 0.3125, 2.03125 }, variation_count = 4, width = 44, y = 400 }, rotate = false } }, { branch_generation = { frame_speed = 0.4, initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "branch-particle", repeat_count = 15, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaf_generation = { initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "leaf-particle", speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaves = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/03/tree-03-l-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 71, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/03/hr-tree-03-l-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 142, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.40625, -1.3125 }, width = 154 }, shift = { -0.4375, -1.3125 }, width = 79 }, normal = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/03/tree-03-l-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 62, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/03/hr-tree-03-l-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 122, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.390625, -1.4375 }, width = 154 }, shift = { -0.375, -1.4375 }, width = 78 }, shadow = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/03/tree-03-l-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 47, hr_version = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/03/hr-tree-03-l-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 90, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.96875, -0.15625 }, width = 142 }, shift = { 0.9375, -0.1875 }, width = 73 }, trunk = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/03/tree-03-l-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 85, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/03/hr-tree-03-l-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 166, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.28125, -0.90625 }, width = 112 }, shift = { -0.3125, -0.9375 }, width = 59 }, water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = false, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/03/tree-03-reflection.png", height = 40, priority = "extra-high", scale = 5, shift = { 0.3125, 2.03125 }, variation_count = 4, width = 44, y = 440 }, rotate = false } } }, vehicle_impact_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["dead-dry-hairy-tree"].vehicle_impact_sound ]=] }, ["tree-04"] = { autoplace = { control = "trees", max_probability = 0.45, order = "a[tree]-b[forest]", peaks = { { influence = 0, richness_influence = 0.75 }, { influence = -1.25, richness_influence = 1.25 }, { influence = 0.375, noise_layer = "trees-4", noise_octaves_difference = -0.5, noise_persistence = 0.8, richness_influence = -0.5 }, { influence = 0.5, noise_layer = "trees", noise_octaves_difference = -0.5, noise_persistence = 0.6, richness_influence = -0.5 }, { influence = 1, richness_influence = 0, temperature_max_range = 10.5, temperature_optimal = 12, temperature_range = 7, water_max_range = 0.30000000000000004, water_optimal = 0.6, water_range = 0.2 }, 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["dead-dry-hairy-tree"].autoplace.peaks[4] ]=] }, random_probability_penalty = 0.001, richness_base = 0, richness_multiplier = 1, sharpness = 0.4 }, collision_box = { { -0.4, -0.4 }, { 0.4, 0.4 } }, colors = { { b = 156, g = 255, r = 213 }, { b = 116, g = 255, r = 196 }, { b = 150, g = 255, r = 212 }, { b = 159, g = 255, r = 213 }, { b = 235, g = 211, r = 146 }, { b = 227, g = 222, r = 93 }, { b = 167, g = 255, r = 186 }, { b = 123, g = 226, r = 146 }, { b = 125, g = 188, r = 56 }, { b = 177, g = 227, r = 172 }, { b = 200, g = 255, r = 183 }, { b = 207, g = 141, r = 169 } }, corpse = "tree-04-stump", damaged_trigger_effect = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-01"].damaged_trigger_effect ]=], darkness_of_burnt_tree = 0.5, drawing_box = { { -0.9, -3.9 }, { 0.9, 0.6 } }, emissions_per_second = -0.001, flags = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["dead-dry-hairy-tree"].flags ]=], icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/tree-04.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "entity-name.tree" }, max_health = 50, minable = { count = 4, mining_particle = "wooden-particle", mining_time = 0.55, mining_trigger = { { action_delivery = { { target_effects = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-01"].damaged_trigger_effect ]=], type = "instant" } }, type = "direct" } }, result = "wood" }, mined_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-01"].damaged_trigger_effect[1].sound ]=], name = "tree-04", order = "a[tree]-a[regular]-d[tree-04]", remains_when_mined = "tree-04-stump", selection_box = { { -0.9, -2.2000000000000002 }, { 0.9, 0.6 } }, subgroup = "trees", type = "tree", variation_weights = { 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0.3, 0.3, 0.05, 0.05 }, variations = { { branch_generation = { frame_speed = 0.4, initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "branch-particle", repeat_count = 15, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaf_generation = { initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "leaf-particle", speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaves = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/04/tree-04-a-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 154, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/04/hr-tree-04-a-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 314, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.09375, -2.09375 }, width = 216 }, shift = { -0.125, -2.125 }, width = 108 }, normal = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/04/tree-04-a-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 124, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/04/hr-tree-04-a-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 248, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.078125, -2.5625 }, width = 218 }, shift = { -0.0625, -2.5625 }, width = 110 }, shadow = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/04/tree-04-a-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 66, hr_version = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/04/hr-tree-04-a-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 130, scale = 0.5, shift = { 2.03125, -0.15625 }, width = 318 }, shift = { 2, -0.1875 }, width = 160 }, trunk = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/04/tree-04-a-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 160, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/04/hr-tree-04-a-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 316, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.125, -1.8125 }, width = 174 }, shift = { -0.125, -1.875 }, width = 86 }, water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = false, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/04/tree-04-reflection.png", height = 40, priority = "extra-high", scale = 5, shift = { 0.15625, 2.03125 }, variation_count = 4, width = 32, y = 0 }, rotate = false } }, { branch_generation = { frame_speed = 0.4, initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "branch-particle", repeat_count = 15, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaf_generation = { initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "leaf-particle", speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaves = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/04/tree-04-b-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 146, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/04/hr-tree-04-b-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 302, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.125, -2.25 }, width = 184 }, shift = { 0.125, -2.3125 }, width = 92 }, normal = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/04/tree-04-b-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 124, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/04/hr-tree-04-b-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 246, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.15625, -2.640625 }, width = 186 }, shift = { 0.15625, -2.625 }, width = 94 }, shadow = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/04/tree-04-b-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 78, hr_version = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/04/hr-tree-04-b-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 154, scale = 0.5, shift = { 2.125, -0.09375 }, width = 308 }, shift = { 2.125, -0.125 }, width = 154 }, trunk = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/04/tree-04-b-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 166, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/04/hr-tree-04-b-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 334, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.15625, -1.875 }, width = 142 }, shift = { 0.125, -1.875 }, width = 72 }, water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = false, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/04/tree-04-reflection.png", height = 40, priority = "extra-high", scale = 5, shift = { 0.15625, 2.03125 }, variation_count = 4, width = 32, y = 40 }, rotate = false } }, { branch_generation = { frame_speed = 0.4, initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "branch-particle", repeat_count = 15, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaf_generation = { initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "leaf-particle", speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaves = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/04/tree-04-c-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 164, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/04/hr-tree-04-c-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 324, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0625, -2 }, width = 208 }, shift = { 0.0625, -2.0625 }, width = 104 }, normal = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/04/tree-04-c-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 134, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/04/hr-tree-04-c-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 268, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.078125, -2.40625 }, width = 208 }, shift = { 0.09375, -2.40625 }, width = 106 }, shadow = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/04/tree-04-c-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 70, hr_version = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/04/hr-tree-04-c-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 134, scale = 0.5, shift = { 2.09375, 0.0625 }, width = 312 }, shift = { 2.0625, 0 }, width = 158 }, trunk = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/04/tree-04-c-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 162, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/04/hr-tree-04-c-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 328, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.125, -1.875 }, width = 176 }, shift = { 0.125, -1.875 }, width = 88 }, water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = false, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/04/tree-04-reflection.png", height = 40, priority = "extra-high", scale = 5, shift = { 0.15625, 2.03125 }, variation_count = 4, width = 32, y = 80 }, rotate = false } }, { branch_generation = { frame_speed = 0.4, initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "branch-particle", repeat_count = 15, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaf_generation = { initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "leaf-particle", speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaves = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/04/tree-04-d-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 148, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/04/hr-tree-04-d-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 290, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.1875, -2 }, width = 230 }, shift = { -0.1875, -2.0625 }, width = 114 }, normal = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/04/tree-04-d-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 126, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/04/hr-tree-04-d-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 250, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.15625, -2.3125 }, width = 230 }, shift = { -0.15625, -2.3125 }, width = 116 }, shadow = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/04/tree-04-d-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 78, hr_version = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/04/hr-tree-04-d-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 158, scale = 0.5, shift = { 2.15625, 0 }, width = 320 }, shift = { 2.1875, 0 }, width = 158 }, trunk = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/04/tree-04-d-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 132, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/04/hr-tree-04-d-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 266, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0625, -1.5 }, width = 216 }, shift = { 0.0625, -1.5 }, width = 108 }, water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = false, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/04/tree-04-reflection.png", height = 40, priority = "extra-high", scale = 5, shift = { 0.15625, 2.03125 }, variation_count = 4, width = 32, y = 120 }, rotate = false } }, { branch_generation = { frame_speed = 0.4, initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "branch-particle", repeat_count = 15, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaf_generation = { initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "leaf-particle", speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaves = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/04/tree-04-e-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 138, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/04/hr-tree-04-e-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 280, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.125, -2.625 }, width = 222 }, shift = { -0.125, -2.625 }, width = 110 }, normal = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/04/tree-04-e-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 130, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/04/hr-tree-04-e-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 256, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.09375, -2.765625 }, width = 222 }, shift = { -0.09375, -2.75 }, width = 112 }, shadow = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/04/tree-04-e-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 88, hr_version = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/04/hr-tree-04-e-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 170, scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.90625, -0.0625 }, width = 274 }, shift = { 1.875, -0.125 }, width = 138 }, trunk = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/04/tree-04-e-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 164, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/04/hr-tree-04-e-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 324, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.28125, -1.9375 }, width = 158 }, shift = { -0.3125, -2 }, width = 80 }, water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = false, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/04/tree-04-reflection.png", height = 40, priority = "extra-high", scale = 5, shift = { 0.15625, 2.03125 }, variation_count = 4, width = 32, y = 160 }, rotate = false } }, { branch_generation = { frame_speed = 0.4, initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "branch-particle", repeat_count = 15, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaf_generation = { initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "leaf-particle", speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaves = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/04/tree-04-f-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 134, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/04/hr-tree-04-f-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 272, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.34375, -2.5625 }, width = 224 }, shift = { 0.3125, -2.5625 }, width = 112 }, normal = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/04/tree-04-f-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 122, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/04/hr-tree-04-f-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 244, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.390625, -2.71875 }, width = 222 }, shift = { 0.40625, -2.71875 }, width = 112 }, shadow = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/04/tree-04-f-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 78, hr_version = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/04/hr-tree-04-f-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 156, scale = 0.5, shift = { 2.25, -0.125 }, width = 332 }, shift = { 2.1875, -0.125 }, width = 168 }, trunk = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/04/tree-04-f-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 164, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/04/hr-tree-04-f-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 332, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.125, -1.9375 }, width = 194 }, shift = { 0.125, -1.9375 }, width = 96 }, water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = false, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/04/tree-04-reflection.png", height = 40, priority = "extra-high", scale = 5, shift = { 0.15625, 2.03125 }, variation_count = 4, width = 32, y = 200 }, rotate = false } }, { branch_generation = { frame_speed = 0.4, initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "branch-particle", repeat_count = 15, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaf_generation = { initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "leaf-particle", speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaves = { filename 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"__base__/graphics/entity/tree/04/hr-tree-04-g-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 144, scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.75, -0.21875 }, width = 296 }, shift = { 1.75, -0.25 }, width = 148 }, trunk = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/04/tree-04-g-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 142, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/04/hr-tree-04-g-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 282, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.375, -1.65625 }, width = 178 }, shift = { -0.4375, -1.6875 }, width = 92 }, water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = false, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/04/tree-04-reflection.png", height = 40, priority = "extra-high", scale = 5, shift = { 0.15625, 2.03125 }, variation_count = 4, width = 32, y = 240 }, rotate = false } }, { branch_generation = { frame_speed = 0.4, initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, 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"__base__/graphics/entity/tree/04/hr-tree-04-h-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 202, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.265625, -2.375 }, width = 204 }, shift = { 0.25, -2.375 }, width = 102 }, shadow = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/04/tree-04-h-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 74, hr_version = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/04/hr-tree-04-h-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 152, scale = 0.5, shift = { 2.09375, -0.25 }, width = 292 }, shift = { 2.0625, -0.25 }, width = 148 }, trunk = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/04/tree-04-h-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 144, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/04/hr-tree-04-h-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 284, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.0625, -1.65625 }, width = 128 }, shift = { -0.0625, -1.6875 }, width = 64 }, water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = false, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/04/tree-04-reflection.png", height = 40, priority = "extra-high", scale = 5, shift = { 0.15625, 2.03125 }, variation_count = 4, width = 32, y = 280 }, rotate = false } }, { branch_generation = { frame_speed = 0.4, initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "branch-particle", repeat_count = 15, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaf_generation = { initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "leaf-particle", speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaves = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/04/tree-04-i-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 122, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/04/hr-tree-04-i-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 240, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1875, -1.5625 }, width = 140 }, shift = { 0.1875, -1.625 }, width = 70 }, normal = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/04/tree-04-i-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 104, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/04/hr-tree-04-i-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 206, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.21875, -1.78125 }, width = 138 }, shift = { 0.21875, -1.78125 }, width = 70 }, shadow = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/04/tree-04-i-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 66, hr_version = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/04/hr-tree-04-i-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 128, scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.78125, 0.21875 }, width = 244 }, shift = { 1.75, 0.1875 }, width = 124 }, trunk = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/04/tree-04-i-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 122, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/04/hr-tree-04-i-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 246, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.21875, -1.4375 }, width = 92 }, shift = { 0.1875, -1.4375 }, width = 48 }, water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = false, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/04/tree-04-reflection.png", height = 40, priority = "extra-high", scale = 5, shift = { 0.15625, 2.03125 }, variation_count = 4, width = 32, y = 320 }, rotate = false } }, { branch_generation = { frame_speed = 0.4, initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, 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"__base__/graphics/entity/tree/04/hr-tree-04-j-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 210, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.21875, -2.03125 }, width = 140 }, shift = { -0.21875, -2.03125 }, width = 70 }, shadow = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/04/tree-04-j-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 64, hr_version = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/04/hr-tree-04-j-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 122, scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.46875, -0.1875 }, width = 228 }, shift = { 1.4375, -0.25 }, width = 116 }, trunk = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/04/tree-04-j-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 120, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/04/hr-tree-04-j-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 238, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.25, -1.46875 }, width = 98 }, shift = { -0.25, -1.5 }, width = 48 }, water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = false, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/04/tree-04-reflection.png", height = 40, priority = "extra-high", scale = 5, shift = { 0.15625, 2.03125 }, variation_count = 4, width = 32, y = 360 }, rotate = false } }, { branch_generation = { frame_speed = 0.4, initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "branch-particle", repeat_count = 15, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaf_generation = { initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "leaf-particle", speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaves = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/04/tree-04-k-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 80, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/04/hr-tree-04-k-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 164, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.59375, -0.59375 }, width = 414 }, shift = { -0.625, -0.6875 }, width = 208 }, normal = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/04/tree-04-k-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 72, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/04/hr-tree-04-k-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 144, scale = 0.5, shift = { -1.71875, -0.6875 }, width = 266 }, shift = { -1.71875, -0.6875 }, width = 134 }, shadow = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/04/tree-04-k-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 62, hr_version = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/04/hr-tree-04-k-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 124, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.1875, -0.25 }, width = 410 }, shift = { -0.25, -0.25 }, width = 208 }, trunk = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/04/tree-04-k-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 80, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/04/hr-tree-04-k-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 158, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.46875, -0.34375 }, width = 406 }, shift = { -0.5, -0.375 }, width = 204 }, water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = false, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/04/tree-04-reflection.png", height = 40, priority = "extra-high", scale = 5, shift = { 0.15625, 2.03125 }, variation_count = 4, width = 32, y = 400 }, rotate = false } }, { branch_generation = { frame_speed = 0.4, initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, 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"__base__/graphics/entity/tree/04/hr-tree-04-l-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 186, scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.09375, 0.46875 }, width = 218 }, shift = { 1.09375, 0.46875 }, width = 110 }, shadow = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/04/tree-04-l-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 126, hr_version = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/04/hr-tree-04-l-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 250, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.78125, 0.21875 }, width = 366 }, shift = { 0.8125, 0.1875 }, width = 180 }, trunk = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/04/tree-04-l-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 126, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/04/hr-tree-04-l-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 250, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.125, -0.09375 }, width = 312 }, shift = { 0.125, -0.125 }, width = 156 }, water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = false, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/04/tree-04-reflection.png", height = 40, priority = "extra-high", scale = 5, shift = { 0.15625, 2.03125 }, variation_count = 4, width = 32, y = 440 }, rotate = false } } }, vehicle_impact_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["dead-dry-hairy-tree"].vehicle_impact_sound ]=] }, ["tree-05"] = { autoplace = { control = "trees", max_probability = 0.45, order = "a[tree]-b[forest]", peaks = { { influence = 0, richness_influence = 0.75 }, { influence = -1.375, richness_influence = 1.375 }, { influence = 0.375, noise_layer = "trees-5", noise_octaves_difference = -0.5, noise_persistence = 0.8, richness_influence = -0.5 }, { influence = 0.5, noise_layer = "trees", noise_octaves_difference = -0.5, noise_persistence = 0.6, richness_influence = -0.5 }, { influence = 1, richness_influence = 0, temperature_max_range = 10.5, temperature_optimal = 12, temperature_range = 7, water_max_range = 0.30000000000000004, water_optimal = 0.8, water_range = 0.2 }, 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["dead-dry-hairy-tree"].autoplace.peaks[4] ]=] }, random_probability_penalty = 0.001, richness_base = 0, richness_multiplier = 1, sharpness = 0.4 }, collision_box = { { -0.4, -0.4 }, { 0.4, 0.4 } }, colors = { { b = 93, g = 227, r = 186 }, { b = 139, g = 241, r = 211 }, { b = 114, g = 228, r = 195 }, { b = 94, g = 242, r = 200 }, { b = 75, g = 222, r = 161 }, { b = 67, g = 216, r = 182 }, { b = 112, g = 209, r = 188 }, { b = 54, g = 231, r = 190 }, { b = 79, g = 179, r = 178 }, { b = 82, g = 173, r = 173 }, { b = 81, g = 173, r = 172 }, { b = 96, g = 168, r = 167 }, { b = 115, g = 255, r = 253 } }, corpse = "tree-05-stump", damaged_trigger_effect = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-01"].damaged_trigger_effect ]=], darkness_of_burnt_tree = 0.5, drawing_box = { { -0.9, -3.5 }, { 0.9, 0.6 } }, emissions_per_second = -0.001, flags = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["dead-dry-hairy-tree"].flags ]=], icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/tree-05.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "entity-name.tree" }, max_health = 50, minable = { count = 4, mining_particle = "wooden-particle", mining_time = 0.55, mining_trigger = { { action_delivery = { { target_effects = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-01"].damaged_trigger_effect ]=], type = "instant" } }, type = "direct" } }, result = "wood" }, mined_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-01"].damaged_trigger_effect[1].sound ]=], name = "tree-05", order = "a[tree]-a[regular]-e[tree-05]", remains_when_mined = "tree-05-stump", selection_box = { { -0.9, -2.2000000000000002 }, { 0.9, 0.6 } }, subgroup = "trees", type = "tree", variation_weights = { 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0.3, 0.3, 0.05, 0.05 }, variations = { { branch_generation = { frame_speed = 0.4, initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "branch-particle", repeat_count = 15, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaf_generation = { initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "leaf-particle", speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaves = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/05/tree-05-a-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 130, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/05/hr-tree-05-a-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 258, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.15625, -1.875 }, width = 234 }, shift = { 0.1875, -1.875 }, width = 116 }, normal = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/05/tree-05-a-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 108, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/05/hr-tree-05-a-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 216, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1875, -2.21875 }, width = 234 }, shift = { 0.1875, -2.21875 }, width = 118 }, shadow = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/05/tree-05-a-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 76, hr_version = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/05/hr-tree-05-a-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 150, scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.9375, -0.25 }, width = 322 }, shift = { 1.9375, -0.25 }, width = 160 }, trunk = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/05/tree-05-a-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 120, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/05/hr-tree-05-a-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 242, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.40625, -1.40625 }, width = 144 }, shift = { 0.375, -1.375 }, width = 74 }, water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = false, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/05/tree-05-reflection.png", height = 36, priority = "extra-high", scale = 5, shift = { 0.15625, 1.875 }, variation_count = 4, width = 32, y = 0 }, rotate = false } }, { branch_generation = { frame_speed = 0.4, initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "branch-particle", repeat_count = 15, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaf_generation = { initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "leaf-particle", speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaves = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/05/tree-05-b-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 122, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/05/hr-tree-05-b-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 242, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1875, -1.875 }, width = 222 }, shift = { 0.1875, -1.875 }, width = 112 }, normal = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/05/tree-05-b-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 106, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/05/hr-tree-05-b-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 212, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1875, -2.109375 }, width = 222 }, shift = { 0.1875, -2.125 }, width = 112 }, shadow = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/05/tree-05-b-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 82, hr_version = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/05/hr-tree-05-b-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 166, scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.8125, 0.03125 }, width = 290 }, shift = { 1.8125, 0.0625 }, width = 146 }, trunk = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/05/tree-05-b-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 114, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/05/hr-tree-05-b-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 226, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.03125, -1.25 }, width = 114 }, shift = { 0, -1.25 }, width = 60 }, water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = false, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/05/tree-05-reflection.png", height = 36, priority = "extra-high", scale = 5, shift = { 0.15625, 1.875 }, variation_count = 4, width = 32, y = 36 }, rotate = false } }, { branch_generation = { frame_speed = 0.4, initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "branch-particle", repeat_count = 15, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaf_generation = { initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "leaf-particle", speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaves = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/05/tree-05-c-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 148, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/05/hr-tree-05-c-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 290, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.0625, -2.03125 }, width = 224 }, shift = { -0.0625, -2.0625 }, width = 112 }, normal = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/05/tree-05-c-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 128, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/05/hr-tree-05-c-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 256, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.0625, -2.3125 }, width = 224 }, shift = { -0.0625, -2.3125 }, width = 112 }, shadow = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/05/tree-05-c-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 84, hr_version = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/05/hr-tree-05-c-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 162, scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.625, 0.09375 }, width = 272 }, shift = { 1.625, 0.0625 }, width = 136 }, trunk = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/05/tree-05-c-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 138, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/05/hr-tree-05-c-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 276, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.3125, -1.6875 }, width = 122 }, shift = { -0.3125, -1.6875 }, width = 60 }, water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = false, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/05/tree-05-reflection.png", height = 36, priority = "extra-high", scale = 5, shift = { 0.15625, 1.875 }, variation_count = 4, width = 32, y = 72 }, rotate = false } }, { branch_generation = { frame_speed = 0.4, initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "branch-particle", repeat_count = 15, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaf_generation = { initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "leaf-particle", speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaves = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/05/tree-05-d-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 124, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/05/hr-tree-05-d-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 244, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.15625, -1.84375 }, width = 202 }, shift = { 0.1875, -1.875 }, width = 100 }, normal = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/05/tree-05-d-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 104, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/05/hr-tree-05-d-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 208, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1875, -2.09375 }, width = 200 }, shift = { 0.1875, -2.09375 }, width = 100 }, shadow = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/05/tree-05-d-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 84, hr_version = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/05/hr-tree-05-d-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 168, scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.6875, -0.0625 }, width = 278 }, shift = { 1.6875, -0.0625 }, width = 140 }, trunk = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/05/tree-05-d-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 122, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/05/hr-tree-05-d-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 244, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.125, -1.375 }, width = 120 }, shift = { 0.125, -1.375 }, width = 60 }, water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = false, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/05/tree-05-reflection.png", height = 36, priority = "extra-high", scale = 5, shift = { 0.15625, 1.875 }, variation_count = 4, width = 32, y = 108 }, rotate = false } }, { branch_generation = { frame_speed = 0.4, initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "branch-particle", repeat_count = 15, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaf_generation = { initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "leaf-particle", speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaves = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/05/tree-05-e-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 126, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/05/hr-tree-05-e-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 250, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.0625, -1.78125 }, width = 236 }, shift = { -0.0625, -1.8125 }, width = 118 }, normal = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/05/tree-05-e-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 104, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/05/hr-tree-05-e-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 206, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.0625, -2.078125 }, width = 236 }, shift = { -0.0625, -2.0625 }, width = 118 }, shadow = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/05/tree-05-e-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 72, hr_version = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/05/hr-tree-05-e-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 144, scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.65625, 0.0625 }, width = 268 }, shift = { 1.625, 0.0625 }, width = 136 }, trunk = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/05/tree-05-e-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 118, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/05/hr-tree-05-e-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 232, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -1.34375 }, width = 106 }, shift = { 0, -1.375 }, width = 54 }, water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = false, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/05/tree-05-reflection.png", height = 36, priority = "extra-high", scale = 5, shift = { 0.15625, 1.875 }, variation_count = 4, width = 32, y = 144 }, rotate = false } }, { branch_generation = { frame_speed = 0.4, initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "branch-particle", repeat_count = 15, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaf_generation = { initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "leaf-particle", speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaves = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/05/tree-05-f-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 126, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/05/hr-tree-05-f-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 252, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.125, -1.6875 }, width = 194 }, shift = { -0.125, -1.6875 }, width = 98 }, normal = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/05/tree-05-f-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 106, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/05/hr-tree-05-f-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 212, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.109375, -2 }, width = 194 }, shift = { -0.09375, -2 }, width = 98 }, shadow = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/05/tree-05-f-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 86, hr_version = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/05/hr-tree-05-f-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 168, scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.625, -0.03125 }, width = 272 }, shift = { 1.625, -0.0625 }, width = 136 }, trunk = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/05/tree-05-f-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 120, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/05/hr-tree-05-f-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 236, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.28125, -1.34375 }, width = 112 }, shift = { -0.3125, -1.375 }, width = 58 }, water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = false, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/05/tree-05-reflection.png", height = 36, priority = "extra-high", scale = 5, shift = { 0.15625, 1.875 }, variation_count = 4, width = 32, y = 180 }, rotate = false } }, { branch_generation = { frame_speed = 0.4, initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "branch-particle", repeat_count = 15, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaf_generation = { initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "leaf-particle", speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaves = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/05/tree-05-g-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 112, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/05/hr-tree-05-g-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 220, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -1.59375 }, width = 178 }, shift = { 0, -1.625 }, width = 90 }, normal = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/05/tree-05-g-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 108, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/05/hr-tree-05-g-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 216, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.03125, -1.59375 }, width = 176 }, shift = { 0.03125, -1.59375 }, width = 88 }, shadow = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/05/tree-05-g-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 84, hr_version = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/05/hr-tree-05-g-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 164, scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.3125, -0.15625 }, width = 238 }, shift = { 1.3125, -0.1875 }, width = 120 }, trunk = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/05/tree-05-g-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 108, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/05/hr-tree-05-g-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 214, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -1.25 }, width = 86 }, shift = { 0, -1.25 }, width = 44 }, water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = false, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/05/tree-05-reflection.png", height = 36, priority = "extra-high", scale = 5, shift = { 0.15625, 1.875 }, variation_count = 4, width = 32, y = 216 }, rotate = false } }, { branch_generation = { frame_speed = 0.4, initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "branch-particle", repeat_count = 15, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaf_generation = { initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "leaf-particle", speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaves = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/05/tree-05-h-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 100, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/05/hr-tree-05-h-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 196, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1875, -1.46875 }, width = 228 }, shift = { 0.1875, -1.5 }, width = 114 }, normal = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/05/tree-05-h-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 88, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/05/hr-tree-05-h-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 174, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.203125, -1.59375 }, width = 228 }, shift = { 0.1875, -1.59375 }, width = 114 }, shadow = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/05/tree-05-h-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 62, hr_version = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/05/hr-tree-05-h-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 122, scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.53125, 0 }, width = 270 }, shift = { 1.5625, 0 }, width = 134 }, trunk = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/05/tree-05-h-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 108, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/05/hr-tree-05-h-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 212, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.21875, -1.21875 }, width = 144 }, shift = { 0.1875, -1.25 }, width = 74 }, water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = false, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/05/tree-05-reflection.png", height = 36, priority = "extra-high", scale = 5, shift = { 0.15625, 1.875 }, variation_count = 4, width = 32, y = 252 }, rotate = false } }, { branch_generation = { frame_speed = 0.4, initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "branch-particle", repeat_count = 15, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaf_generation = { initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "leaf-particle", speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaves = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/05/tree-05-i-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 102, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/05/hr-tree-05-i-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 200, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.15625, -1.40625 }, width = 166 }, shift = { -0.1875, -1.4375 }, width = 84 }, normal = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/05/tree-05-i-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 84, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/05/hr-tree-05-i-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 166, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.15625, -1.671875 }, width = 166 }, shift = { -0.15625, -1.65625 }, width = 84 }, shadow = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/05/tree-05-i-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 62, hr_version = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/05/hr-tree-05-i-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 118, scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.25, -0.09375 }, width = 214 }, shift = { 1.25, -0.125 }, width = 108 }, trunk = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/05/tree-05-i-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 92, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/05/hr-tree-05-i-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 184, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.09375, -1.0625 }, width = 70 }, shift = { -0.0625, -1.0625 }, width = 34 }, water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = false, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/05/tree-05-reflection.png", height = 36, priority = "extra-high", scale = 5, shift = { 0.15625, 1.875 }, variation_count = 4, width = 32, y = 288 }, rotate = false } }, { branch_generation = { frame_speed = 0.4, initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "branch-particle", repeat_count = 15, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaf_generation = { initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "leaf-particle", speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaves = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/05/tree-05-j-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 94, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/05/hr-tree-05-j-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 184, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.03125, -1.28125 }, width = 142 }, shift = { 0, -1.3125 }, width = 74 }, normal = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/05/tree-05-j-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 82, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/05/hr-tree-05-j-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 164, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.046875, -1.40625 }, width = 144 }, shift = { 0.03125, -1.40625 }, width = 72 }, shadow = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/05/tree-05-j-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 66, hr_version = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/05/hr-tree-05-j-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 126, scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.28125, 0.03125 }, width = 192 }, shift = { 1.25, 0 }, width = 98 }, trunk = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/05/tree-05-j-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 84, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/05/hr-tree-05-j-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 162, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.09375, -0.90625 }, width = 66 }, shift = { 0.0625, -0.9375 }, width = 36 }, water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = false, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/05/tree-05-reflection.png", height = 36, priority = "extra-high", scale = 5, shift = { 0.15625, 1.875 }, variation_count = 4, width = 32, y = 324 }, rotate = false } }, { branch_generation = { frame_speed = 0.4, initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "branch-particle", repeat_count = 15, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaf_generation = { initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "leaf-particle", speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaves = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/05/tree-05-k-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 84, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/05/hr-tree-05-k-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 162, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.90625, 0.21875 }, width = 234 }, shift = { -0.9375, 0.1875 }, width = 120 }, normal = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/05/tree-05-k-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 76, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/05/hr-tree-05-k-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 152, scale = 0.5, shift = { -1.40625, 0.296875 }, width = 170 }, shift = { -1.40625, 0.28125 }, width = 86 }, shadow = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/05/tree-05-k-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 80, hr_version = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/05/hr-tree-05-k-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 160, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.40625, 0.375 }, width = 276 }, shift = { -0.4375, 0.375 }, width = 140 }, trunk = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/05/tree-05-k-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 90, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/05/hr-tree-05-k-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 176, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.53125, 0.28125 }, width = 274 }, shift = { -0.5625, 0.25 }, width = 140 }, water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = false, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/05/tree-05-reflection.png", height = 36, priority = "extra-high", scale = 5, shift = { 0.15625, 1.875 }, variation_count = 4, width = 32, y = 360 }, rotate = false } }, { branch_generation = { frame_speed = 0.4, initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "branch-particle", repeat_count = 15, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaf_generation = { initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "leaf-particle", speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaves = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/05/tree-05-l-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 82, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/05/hr-tree-05-l-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 164, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.46875, -0.9375 }, width = 252 }, shift = { 0.5, -0.9375 }, width = 124 }, normal = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/05/tree-05-l-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 74, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/05/hr-tree-05-l-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 146, scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.078125, -1.078125 }, width = 158 }, shift = { 1.09375, -1.0625 }, width = 80 }, shadow = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/05/tree-05-l-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 94, hr_version = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/05/hr-tree-05-l-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 186, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.65625, -0.5625 }, width = 258 }, shift = { 0.6875, -0.5625 }, width = 128 }, trunk = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/05/tree-05-l-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 94, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/05/hr-tree-05-l-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 186, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.46875, -0.6875 }, width = 252 }, shift = { 0.5, -0.6875 }, width = 124 }, water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = false, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/05/tree-05-reflection.png", height = 36, priority = "extra-high", scale = 5, shift = { 0.15625, 1.875 }, variation_count = 4, width = 32, y = 396 }, rotate = false } } }, vehicle_impact_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["dead-dry-hairy-tree"].vehicle_impact_sound ]=] }, ["tree-06"] = { autoplace = { control = "trees", max_probability = 0.2, order = "a[tree]-b[forest]", peaks = { { influence = 0, richness_influence = 0.75 }, { influence = -1.125, richness_influence = 1.125 }, { influence = 0.1875, noise_layer = "trees-9", noise_octaves_difference = -0.5, noise_persistence = 0.8, richness_influence = -0.25 }, { influence = 0.25, noise_layer = "trees", noise_octaves_difference = -0.5, noise_persistence = 0.6, richness_influence = -0.25 }, { influence = 1, richness_influence = 0, temperature_max_range = 19.5, temperature_optimal = 22, temperature_range = 13, water_max_range = 0.075000000000000009, water_optimal = 0.1, water_range = 0.05 }, { distance_max_range = 192, distance_optimal = 0, distance_range = 64, distance_top_property_limit = 128, influence = -0.25, richness_influence = 0 } }, random_probability_penalty = 0.001, richness_base = 0, richness_multiplier = 1, sharpness = 0.2 }, collision_box = { { -0.4, -0.4 }, { 0.4, 0.4 } }, colors = { { b = 142, g = 238, r = 216 }, { b = 126, g = 230, r = 206 }, { b = 140, g = 222, r = 203 }, { b = 111, g = 219, r = 211 }, { b = 113, g = 236, r = 238 }, { b = 117, g = 240, r = 245 }, { b = 118, g = 238, r = 208 } }, corpse = "tree-06-stump", damaged_trigger_effect = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-01"].damaged_trigger_effect ]=], darkness_of_burnt_tree = 0.5, drawing_box = { { -0.9, -3.5 }, { 0.9, 0.6 } }, emissions_per_second = -0.001, flags = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["dead-dry-hairy-tree"].flags ]=], icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/tree-06.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "entity-name.tree" }, max_health = 50, minable = { count = 4, mining_particle = "wooden-particle", mining_time = 0.55, mining_trigger = { { action_delivery = { { target_effects = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-01"].damaged_trigger_effect ]=], type = "instant" } }, type = "direct" } }, result = "wood" }, mined_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-01"].damaged_trigger_effect[1].sound ]=], name = "tree-06", order = "a[tree]-a[regular]-i[tree-06]", remains_when_mined = "tree-06-stump", selection_box = { { -0.9, -2.2000000000000002 }, { 0.9, 0.6 } }, subgroup = "trees", type = "tree", variations = { { branch_generation = { frame_speed = 0.4, initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "branch-particle", repeat_count = 15, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaf_generation = { initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "leaf-particle", speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaves = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/06/tree-06-a-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 98, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/06/hr-tree-06-a-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 196, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.34375, -1.5625 }, width = 132 }, shift = { 0.3125, -1.5625 }, width = 68 }, shadow = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/06/tree-06-a-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 76, hr_version = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/06/hr-tree-06-a-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 148, scale = 0.5, shift = { 2, 0.03125 }, width = 338 }, shift = { 2, 0 }, width = 170 }, trunk = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/06/tree-06-a-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 134, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/06/hr-tree-06-a-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 268, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.21875, -1.25 }, width = 140 }, shift = { 0.1875, -1.25 }, width = 72 }, water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = false, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/06/tree-06-reflection.png", height = 32, priority = "extra-high", scale = 5, shift = { -0.15625, 1.09375 }, variation_count = 1, width = 28, x = 0 }, rotate = false } }, { branch_generation = { frame_speed = 0.4, initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "branch-particle", repeat_count = 15, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaf_generation = { initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "leaf-particle", speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaves = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/06/tree-06-b-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 94, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/06/hr-tree-06-b-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 186, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.28125, -1.25 }, width = 172 }, shift = { 0.3125, -1.25 }, width = 84 }, shadow = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/06/tree-06-b-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 58, hr_version = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/06/hr-tree-06-b-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 116, scale = 0.5, shift = { 2.09375, 0.375 }, width = 352 }, shift = { 2.125, 0.375 }, width = 174 }, trunk = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/06/tree-06-b-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 124, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/06/hr-tree-06-b-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 248, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.25, -0.8125 }, width = 168 }, shift = { 0.25, -0.8125 }, width = 84 }, water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = false, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/06/tree-06-reflection.png", height = 32, priority = "extra-high", scale = 5, shift = { -0.15625, 1.09375 }, variation_count = 1, width = 28, x = 28 }, rotate = false } }, { branch_generation = { frame_speed = 0.4, initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "branch-particle", repeat_count = 15, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaf_generation = { initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "leaf-particle", speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaves = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/06/tree-06-c-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 80, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/06/hr-tree-06-c-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 162, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.09375, -0.90625 }, width = 178 }, shift = { 0.0625, -0.875 }, width = 92 }, shadow = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/06/tree-06-c-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 50, hr_version = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/06/hr-tree-06-c-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 98, scale = 0.5, shift = { 2.03125, 0.5 }, width = 352 }, shift = { 2.0625, 0.5 }, width = 174 }, trunk = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/06/tree-06-c-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 106, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/06/hr-tree-06-c-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 208, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.46875 }, width = 198 }, shift = { 0, -0.5 }, width = 100 }, water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = false, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/06/tree-06-reflection.png", height = 32, priority = "extra-high", scale = 5, shift = { -0.15625, 1.09375 }, variation_count = 1, width = 28, x = 56 }, rotate = false } }, { branch_generation = { frame_speed = 0.4, initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "branch-particle", repeat_count = 15, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaf_generation = { initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "leaf-particle", speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaves = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/06/tree-06-d-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 92, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/06/hr-tree-06-d-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 180, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.46875, -1.21875 }, width = 150 }, shift = { -0.4375, -1.25 }, width = 74 }, shadow = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/06/tree-06-d-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 68, hr_version = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/06/hr-tree-06-d-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 130, scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.34375, 0.46875 }, width = 308 }, shift = { 1.375, 0.4375 }, width = 152 }, trunk = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/06/tree-06-d-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 124, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/06/hr-tree-06-d-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 244, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.5, -0.65625 }, width = 148 }, shift = { -0.5, -0.6875 }, width = 74 }, water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = false, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/06/tree-06-reflection.png", height = 32, priority = "extra-high", scale = 5, shift = { -0.15625, 1.09375 }, variation_count = 1, width = 28, x = 84 }, rotate = false } }, { branch_generation = { frame_speed = 0.4, initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "branch-particle", repeat_count = 15, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaf_generation = { initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "leaf-particle", speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaves = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/06/tree-06-e-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 114, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/06/hr-tree-06-e-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 226, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.5625, -1.5 }, width = 136 }, shift = { -0.5625, -1.5 }, width = 68 }, shadow = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/06/tree-06-e-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 76, hr_version = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/06/hr-tree-06-e-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 146, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.8125, 0.21875 }, width = 248 }, shift = { 0.8125, 0.1875 }, width = 124 }, trunk = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/06/tree-06-e-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 134, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/06/hr-tree-06-e-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 270, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.46875, -1.03125 }, width = 154 }, shift = { -0.4375, -1 }, width = 76 }, water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = false, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/06/tree-06-reflection.png", height = 32, priority = "extra-high", scale = 5, shift = { -0.15625, 1.09375 }, variation_count = 1, width = 28, x = 112 }, rotate = false } }, { branch_generation = { frame_speed = 0.4, initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "branch-particle", repeat_count = 15, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaf_generation = { initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "leaf-particle", speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaves = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/06/tree-06-f-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 114, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/06/hr-tree-06-f-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 230, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.59375, -1.53125 }, width = 180 }, shift = { -0.5625, -1.5 }, width = 88 }, shadow = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/06/tree-06-f-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 54, hr_version = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/06/hr-tree-06-f-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 110, scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.3125, -0.15625 }, width = 326 }, shift = { 1.3125, -0.125 }, width = 162 }, trunk = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/06/tree-06-f-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 136, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/06/hr-tree-06-f-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 268, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.53125, -1.15625 }, width = 184 }, shift = { -0.5, -1.1875 }, width = 90 }, water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = false, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/06/tree-06-reflection.png", height = 32, priority = "extra-high", scale = 5, shift = { -0.15625, 1.09375 }, variation_count = 1, width = 28, x = 140 }, rotate = false } }, { branch_generation = { frame_speed = 0.4, initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "branch-particle", repeat_count = 15, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaf_generation = { initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "leaf-particle", speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaves = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/06/tree-06-g-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 116, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/06/hr-tree-06-g-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 228, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.28125, -1.46875 }, width = 178 }, shift = { -0.3125, -1.5 }, width = 92 }, shadow = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/06/tree-06-g-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 52, hr_version = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/06/hr-tree-06-g-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 100, scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.71875, -0.21875 }, width = 354 }, shift = { 1.6875, -0.25 }, width = 180 }, trunk = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/06/tree-06-g-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 132, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/06/hr-tree-06-g-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 266, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.28125, -1.125 }, width = 194 }, shift = { -0.3125, -1.125 }, width = 100 }, water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = false, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/06/tree-06-reflection.png", height = 32, priority = "extra-high", scale = 5, shift = { -0.15625, 1.09375 }, variation_count = 1, width = 28, x = 168 }, rotate = false } }, { branch_generation = { frame_speed = 0.4, initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "branch-particle", repeat_count = 15, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaf_generation = { initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "leaf-particle", speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaves = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/06/tree-06-h-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 96, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/06/hr-tree-06-h-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 190, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.40625, -1.4375 }, width = 144 }, shift = { 0.375, -1.4375 }, width = 74 }, shadow = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/06/tree-06-h-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 76, hr_version = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/06/hr-tree-06-h-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 146, scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.75, -0.21875 }, width = 320 }, shift = { 1.75, -0.25 }, width = 160 }, trunk = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/06/tree-06-h-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 130, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/06/hr-tree-06-h-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 258, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.15625, -1.125 }, width = 166 }, shift = { 0.125, -1.125 }, width = 86 }, water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = false, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/06/tree-06-reflection.png", height = 32, priority = "extra-high", scale = 5, shift = { -0.15625, 1.09375 }, variation_count = 1, width = 28, x = 196 }, rotate = false } }, { branch_generation = { frame_speed = 0.4, initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "branch-particle", repeat_count = 15, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaf_generation = { initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "leaf-particle", speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaves = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/06/tree-06-i-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 92, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/06/hr-tree-06-i-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 186, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.59375, -1.15625 }, width = 132 }, shift = { -0.5625, -1.125 }, width = 64 }, shadow = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/06/tree-06-i-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 76, hr_version = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/06/hr-tree-06-i-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 148, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.59375, 0.40625 }, width = 228 }, shift = { 0.5625, 0.375 }, width = 116 }, trunk = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/06/tree-06-i-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 118, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/06/hr-tree-06-i-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 238, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.4375, -0.65625 }, width = 152 }, shift = { -0.4375, -0.625 }, width = 74 }, water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = false, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/06/tree-06-reflection.png", height = 32, priority = "extra-high", scale = 5, shift = { -0.15625, 1.09375 }, variation_count = 1, width = 28, x = 224 }, rotate = false } }, { branch_generation = { frame_speed = 0.4, initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "branch-particle", repeat_count = 15, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaf_generation = { initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "leaf-particle", speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaves = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/06/tree-06-j-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 92, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/06/hr-tree-06-j-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 182, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.46875, -1.1875 }, width = 134 }, shift = { -0.4375, -1.1875 }, width = 66 }, shadow = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/06/tree-06-j-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 76, hr_version = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/06/hr-tree-06-j-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 148, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.8125, 0.28125 }, width = 256 }, shift = { 0.8125, 0.25 }, width = 128 }, trunk = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/06/tree-06-j-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 116, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/06/hr-tree-06-j-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 232, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.375, -0.6875 }, width = 142 }, shift = { -0.375, -0.6875 }, width = 72 }, water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = false, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/06/tree-06-reflection.png", height = 32, priority = "extra-high", scale = 5, shift = { -0.15625, 1.09375 }, variation_count = 1, width = 28, x = 252 }, rotate = false } } }, vehicle_impact_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["dead-dry-hairy-tree"].vehicle_impact_sound ]=] }, ["tree-06-brown"] = { autoplace = { control = "trees", max_probability = 0.2, order = "a[tree]-b[forest]", peaks = { { influence = 0, richness_influence = 0.75 }, { influence = -1.125, richness_influence = 1.125 }, { influence = 0.1875, noise_layer = "trees-10", noise_octaves_difference = -0.5, noise_persistence = 0.8, richness_influence = -0.25 }, { influence = 0.25, noise_layer = "trees", noise_octaves_difference = -0.5, noise_persistence = 0.6, richness_influence = -0.25 }, { influence = 1, richness_influence = 0, temperature_max_range = 19.5, temperature_optimal = 22, temperature_range = 13, water_max_range = 0.075000000000000009, water_optimal = 0.1, water_range = 0.05 }, { distance_max_range = 192, distance_optimal = 0, distance_range = 64, distance_top_property_limit = 128, influence = -0.25, richness_influence = 0 } }, random_probability_penalty = 0.001, richness_base = 0, richness_multiplier = 1, sharpness = 0.2 }, collision_box = { { -0.4, -0.4 }, { 0.4, 0.4 } }, colors = { { b = 107, g = 170, r = 215 }, { b = 85, g = 176, r = 241 }, { b = 60, g = 138, r = 227 }, { b = 76, g = 158, r = 251 }, { b = 58, g = 145, r = 207 }, { b = 92, g = 177, r = 249 }, { b = 0, g = 155, r = 253 } }, corpse = "tree-06-stump", damaged_trigger_effect = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-01"].damaged_trigger_effect ]=], darkness_of_burnt_tree = 0.5, drawing_box = { { -0.9, -3.5 }, { 0.9, 0.6 } }, emissions_per_second = -0.001, flags = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["dead-dry-hairy-tree"].flags ]=], icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/tree-06-brown.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "entity-name.tree-brown" }, max_health = 50, minable = { count = 4, mining_particle = "wooden-particle", mining_time = 0.55, mining_trigger = { { action_delivery = { { target_effects = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-01"].damaged_trigger_effect ]=], type = "instant" } }, type = "direct" } }, result = "wood" }, mined_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-01"].damaged_trigger_effect[1].sound ]=], name = "tree-06-brown", order = "a[tree]-a[regular]-j[tree-06-brown]", remains_when_mined = "tree-06-stump", selection_box = { { -0.9, -2.2000000000000002 }, { 0.9, 0.6 } }, subgroup = "trees", type = "tree", variations = { { branch_generation = { frame_speed = 0.4, initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "branch-particle", repeat_count = 15, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaf_generation = { initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "leaf-particle", speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaves = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/06/tree-06-a-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 98, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/06/hr-tree-06-a-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 196, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.34375, -1.5625 }, width = 132 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-06"].variations[1].leaves.shift ]=], width = 68 }, shadow = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/06/tree-06-a-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 76, hr_version = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/06/hr-tree-06-a-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 148, scale = 0.5, shift = { 2, 0.03125 }, width = 338 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-06"].variations[1].shadow.shift ]=], width = 170 }, trunk = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/06/tree-06-a-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 134, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/06/hr-tree-06-a-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 268, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.21875, -1.25 }, width = 140 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-06"].variations[1].trunk.shift ]=], width = 72 }, water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = false, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/06/tree-06-reflection.png", height = 32, priority = "extra-high", scale = 5, shift = { -0.15625, 1.09375 }, variation_count = 1, width = 28, x = 0 }, rotate = false } }, { branch_generation = { frame_speed = 0.4, initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "branch-particle", repeat_count = 15, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaf_generation = { initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "leaf-particle", speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaves = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/06/tree-06-b-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 94, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/06/hr-tree-06-b-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 186, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.28125, -1.25 }, width = 172 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-06"].variations[2].leaves.shift ]=], width = 84 }, shadow = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/06/tree-06-b-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 58, hr_version = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/06/hr-tree-06-b-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 116, scale = 0.5, shift = { 2.09375, 0.375 }, width = 352 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-06"].variations[2].shadow.shift ]=], width = 174 }, trunk = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/06/tree-06-b-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 124, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/06/hr-tree-06-b-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 248, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.25, -0.8125 }, width = 168 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-06"].variations[2].trunk.shift ]=], width = 84 }, water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = false, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/06/tree-06-reflection.png", height = 32, priority = "extra-high", scale = 5, shift = { -0.15625, 1.09375 }, variation_count = 1, width = 28, x = 28 }, rotate = false } }, { branch_generation = { frame_speed = 0.4, initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, 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{ "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 50, hr_version = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/06/hr-tree-06-c-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 98, scale = 0.5, shift = { 2.03125, 0.5 }, width = 352 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-06"].variations[3].shadow.shift ]=], width = 174 }, trunk = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/06/tree-06-c-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 106, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/06/hr-tree-06-c-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 208, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.46875 }, width = 198 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-06"].variations[3].trunk.shift ]=], width = 100 }, water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = false, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/06/tree-06-reflection.png", height = 32, priority = "extra-high", scale = 5, shift = { -0.15625, 1.09375 }, variation_count = 1, width = 28, x = 56 }, rotate = false } }, { branch_generation = { frame_speed = 0.4, initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "branch-particle", repeat_count = 15, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaf_generation = { initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "leaf-particle", speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaves = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/06/tree-06-d-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 92, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/06/hr-tree-06-d-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 180, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.46875, -1.21875 }, width = 150 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-06"].variations[4].leaves.shift ]=], width = 74 }, shadow = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/06/tree-06-d-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 68, hr_version = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/06/hr-tree-06-d-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 130, scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.34375, 0.46875 }, width = 308 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-06"].variations[4].shadow.shift ]=], width = 152 }, trunk = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/06/tree-06-d-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 124, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/06/hr-tree-06-d-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 244, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.5, -0.65625 }, width = 148 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-06"].variations[4].trunk.shift ]=], width = 74 }, water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = false, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/06/tree-06-reflection.png", height = 32, priority = "extra-high", scale = 5, shift = { -0.15625, 1.09375 }, variation_count = 1, width = 28, x = 84 }, rotate = false } }, { branch_generation = { frame_speed = 0.4, initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "branch-particle", repeat_count = 15, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaf_generation = { initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "leaf-particle", speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, 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= { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/06/tree-06-e-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 134, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/06/hr-tree-06-e-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 270, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.46875, -1.03125 }, width = 154 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-06"].variations[5].trunk.shift ]=], width = 76 }, water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = false, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/06/tree-06-reflection.png", height = 32, priority = "extra-high", scale = 5, shift = { -0.15625, 1.09375 }, variation_count = 1, width = 28, x = 112 }, rotate = false } }, { branch_generation = { frame_speed = 0.4, initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "branch-particle", repeat_count = 15, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaf_generation = { initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "leaf-particle", speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaves = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/06/tree-06-f-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 114, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/06/hr-tree-06-f-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 230, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.59375, -1.53125 }, width = 180 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-06"].variations[6].leaves.shift ]=], width = 88 }, shadow = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/06/tree-06-f-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 54, hr_version = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, 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]=], width = 92 }, shadow = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/06/tree-06-g-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 52, hr_version = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/06/hr-tree-06-g-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 100, scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.71875, -0.21875 }, width = 354 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-06"].variations[7].shadow.shift ]=], width = 180 }, trunk = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/06/tree-06-g-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 132, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/06/hr-tree-06-g-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 266, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.28125, -1.125 }, width = 194 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-06"].variations[7].trunk.shift ]=], width = 100 }, water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = false, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/06/tree-06-reflection.png", height = 32, priority = "extra-high", scale = 5, shift = { -0.15625, 1.09375 }, variation_count = 1, width = 28, x = 168 }, rotate = false } }, { branch_generation = { frame_speed = 0.4, initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "branch-particle", repeat_count = 15, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaf_generation = { initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "leaf-particle", speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaves = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/06/tree-06-h-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, 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initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "leaf-particle", speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaves = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/06/tree-06-i-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 92, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/06/hr-tree-06-i-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 186, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.59375, -1.15625 }, width = 132 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-06"].variations[9].leaves.shift ]=], width = 64 }, shadow = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/06/tree-06-i-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 76, hr_version = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/06/hr-tree-06-i-shadow.png", 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initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "branch-particle", repeat_count = 15, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaf_generation = { initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "leaf-particle", speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaves = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/06/tree-06-j-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 92, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/06/hr-tree-06-j-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 182, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.46875, -1.1875 }, width = 134 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-06"].variations[10].leaves.shift ]=], width = 66 }, shadow = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/06/tree-06-j-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 76, hr_version = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/06/hr-tree-06-j-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 148, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.8125, 0.28125 }, width = 256 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-06"].variations[10].shadow.shift ]=], width = 128 }, trunk = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/06/tree-06-j-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 116, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/06/hr-tree-06-j-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 232, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.375, -0.6875 }, width = 142 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-06"].variations[10].trunk.shift ]=], width = 72 }, water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = false, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/06/tree-06-reflection.png", height = 32, priority = "extra-high", scale = 5, shift = { -0.15625, 1.09375 }, variation_count = 1, width = 28, x = 252 }, rotate = false } } }, vehicle_impact_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["dead-dry-hairy-tree"].vehicle_impact_sound ]=] }, ["tree-07"] = { autoplace = { control = "trees", max_probability = 0.2, order = "a[tree]-b[forest]", peaks = { { influence = 0, richness_influence = 0.75 }, { influence = -1.125, richness_influence = 1.125 }, { influence = 0.1875, noise_layer = "trees-8", noise_octaves_difference = -0.5, noise_persistence = 0.8, richness_influence = -0.25 }, { influence = 0.25, noise_layer = "trees", noise_octaves_difference = -0.5, noise_persistence = 0.6, richness_influence = -0.25 }, { influence = 1, richness_influence = 0, temperature_max_range = 15, temperature_optimal = 25, temperature_range = 10, water_max_range = 0.075000000000000009, water_optimal = 0.2, water_range = 0.05 }, { distance_max_range = 192, distance_optimal = 0, distance_range = 64, distance_top_property_limit = 128, influence = -0.25, richness_influence = 0 } }, random_probability_penalty = 0.001, richness_base = 0, richness_multiplier = 1, sharpness = 0.2 }, collision_box = { { -0.4, -0.4 }, { 0.4, 0.4 } }, colors = { { b = 51, g = 140, r = 203 }, { b = 79, g = 155, r = 208 }, { b = 53, g = 175, r = 189 }, { b = 109, g = 206, r = 217 }, { b = 108, g = 231, r = 246 }, { b = 126, g = 206, r = 215 }, { b = 95, g = 171, r = 202 }, { b = 76, g = 182, r = 227 }, { b = 40, g = 157, r = 206 }, { b = 37, g = 173, r = 230 }, { b = 88, g = 223, r = 247 }, { b = 81, g = 186, r = 205 } }, corpse = "tree-07-stump", damaged_trigger_effect = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-01"].damaged_trigger_effect ]=], darkness_of_burnt_tree = 0.5, drawing_box = { { -0.9, -3.5 }, { 0.9, 0.6 } }, emissions_per_second = -0.001, flags = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["dead-dry-hairy-tree"].flags ]=], icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/tree-07.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "entity-name.tree" }, max_health = 50, minable = { count = 4, mining_particle = "wooden-particle", mining_time = 0.55, mining_trigger = { { action_delivery = { { target_effects = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-01"].damaged_trigger_effect ]=], type = "instant" } }, type = "direct" } }, result = "wood" }, mined_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-01"].damaged_trigger_effect[1].sound ]=], name = "tree-07", order = "a[tree]-a[regular]-h[tree-07]", remains_when_mined = "tree-07-stump", selection_box = { { -0.9, -2.2000000000000002 }, { 0.9, 0.6 } }, subgroup = "trees", type = "tree", variation_weights = { 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0.3, 0.3, 0.05, 0.05 }, variations = { { branch_generation = { frame_speed = 0.4, initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "branch-particle", repeat_count = 15, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaf_generation = { initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "leaf-particle", speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaves = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/07/tree-07-a-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 166, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/07/hr-tree-07-a-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 336, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0625, -2.09375 }, width = 244 }, shift = { 0.0625, -2.1875 }, width = 122 }, normal = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/07/tree-07-a-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 146, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/07/hr-tree-07-a-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 290, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.078125, -2.453125 }, width = 246 }, shift = { 0.09375, -2.4375 }, width = 124 }, shadow = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/07/tree-07-a-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 98, hr_version = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/07/hr-tree-07-a-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 190, scale = 0.5, shift = { 2, -0.3125 }, width = 350 }, shift = { 2, -0.375 }, width = 174 }, trunk = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/07/tree-07-a-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 160, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/07/hr-tree-07-a-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 320, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.0625, -1.875 }, width = 174 }, shift = { -0.0625, -1.875 }, width = 86 }, water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = false, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/07/tree-07-reflection.png", height = 40, priority = "extra-high", scale = 5, shift = { 0, 2.03125 }, variation_count = 4, width = 40, y = 0 }, rotate = false } }, { branch_generation = { frame_speed = 0.4, initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "branch-particle", repeat_count = 15, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaf_generation = { initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "leaf-particle", speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaves = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/07/tree-07-b-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 148, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/07/hr-tree-07-b-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 296, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.28125, -1.9375 }, width = 280 }, shift = { 0.25, -1.9375 }, width = 142 }, normal = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/07/tree-07-b-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 126, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/07/hr-tree-07-b-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 250, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.296875, -2.25 }, width = 282 }, shift = { 0.3125, -2.25 }, width = 142 }, shadow = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/07/tree-07-b-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 90, hr_version = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/07/hr-tree-07-b-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 178, scale = 0.5, shift = { 2.21875, -0.09375 }, width = 368 }, shift = { 2.1875, -0.125 }, width = 184 }, trunk = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/07/tree-07-b-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 152, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/07/hr-tree-07-b-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 306, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.3125, -1.8125 }, width = 178 }, shift = { 0.3125, -1.8125 }, width = 88 }, water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = false, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/07/tree-07-reflection.png", height = 40, priority = "extra-high", scale = 5, shift = { 0, 2.03125 }, variation_count = 4, width = 40, y = 40 }, rotate = false } }, { branch_generation = { frame_speed = 0.4, initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "branch-particle", repeat_count = 15, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaf_generation = { initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "leaf-particle", speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaves = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/07/tree-07-c-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 162, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/07/hr-tree-07-c-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 324, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.46875, -2.125 }, width = 270 }, shift = { -0.5, -2.125 }, width = 136 }, normal = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/07/tree-07-c-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 152, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/07/hr-tree-07-c-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 304, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.4375, -2.21875 }, width = 270 }, shift = { -0.4375, -2.21875 }, width = 136 }, shadow = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/07/tree-07-c-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 86, hr_version = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/07/hr-tree-07-c-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 174, scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.46875, -0.0625 }, width = 284 }, shift = { 1.4375, -0.0625 }, width = 144 }, trunk = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/07/tree-07-c-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 152, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/07/hr-tree-07-c-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 300, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.3125, -1.78125 }, width = 180 }, shift = { -0.3125, -1.8125 }, width = 90 }, water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = false, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/07/tree-07-reflection.png", height = 40, priority = "extra-high", scale = 5, shift = { 0, 2.03125 }, variation_count = 4, width = 40, y = 80 }, rotate = false } }, { branch_generation = { frame_speed = 0.4, initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "branch-particle", repeat_count = 15, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaf_generation = { initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "leaf-particle", speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaves = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/07/tree-07-d-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 142, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/07/hr-tree-07-d-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 290, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -2.0625 }, width = 230 }, shift = { 0, -2.125 }, width = 114 }, normal = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/07/tree-07-d-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 124, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/07/hr-tree-07-d-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 248, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.03125, -2.390625 }, width = 232 }, shift = { 0.03125, -2.40625 }, width = 116 }, shadow = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/07/tree-07-d-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 88, hr_version = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/07/hr-tree-07-d-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 172, scale = 0.5, shift = { 2.125, 0.03125 }, width = 290 }, shift = { 2.0625, 0 }, width = 148 }, trunk = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/07/tree-07-d-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 134, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/07/hr-tree-07-d-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 268, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.0625, -1.53125 }, width = 172 }, shift = { -0.0625, -1.5625 }, width = 86 }, water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = false, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/07/tree-07-reflection.png", height = 40, priority = "extra-high", scale = 5, shift = { 0, 2.03125 }, variation_count = 4, width = 40, y = 120 }, rotate = false } }, { branch_generation = { frame_speed = 0.4, initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "branch-particle", repeat_count = 15, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaf_generation = { initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "leaf-particle", speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaves = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/07/tree-07-e-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 146, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/07/hr-tree-07-e-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 292, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.09375, -1.96875 }, width = 244 }, shift = { 0.0625, -2 }, width = 122 }, normal = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/07/tree-07-e-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 120, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/07/hr-tree-07-e-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 238, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.125, -2.359375 }, width = 242 }, shift = { 0.125, -2.34375 }, width = 122 }, shadow = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/07/tree-07-e-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 84, hr_version = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/07/hr-tree-07-e-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 166, scale = 0.5, shift = { 2.15625, -0.03125 }, width = 318 }, shift = { 2.125, -0.0625 }, width = 160 }, trunk = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/07/tree-07-e-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 144, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/07/hr-tree-07-e-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 286, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -1.65625 }, width = 204 }, shift = { 0, -1.6875 }, width = 102 }, water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = false, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/07/tree-07-reflection.png", height = 40, priority = "extra-high", scale = 5, shift = { 0, 2.03125 }, variation_count = 4, width = 40, y = 160 }, rotate = false } }, { branch_generation = { frame_speed = 0.4, initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "branch-particle", repeat_count = 15, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaf_generation = { initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "leaf-particle", speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaves = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/07/tree-07-f-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 140, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/07/hr-tree-07-f-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 282, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.15625, -2.3125 }, width = 256 }, shift = { -0.1875, -2.3125 }, width = 128 }, normal = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/07/tree-07-f-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 132, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/07/hr-tree-07-f-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 264, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.125, -2.40625 }, width = 254 }, shift = { -0.125, -2.40625 }, width = 128 }, shadow = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/07/tree-07-f-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 96, hr_version = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/07/hr-tree-07-f-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 188, scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.78125, -0.15625 }, width = 270 }, shift = { 1.75, -0.1875 }, width = 136 }, trunk = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/07/tree-07-f-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 140, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/07/hr-tree-07-f-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 280, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.09375, -1.65625 }, width = 196 }, shift = { -0.125, -1.6875 }, width = 100 }, water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = false, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/07/tree-07-reflection.png", height = 40, priority = "extra-high", scale = 5, shift = { 0, 2.03125 }, variation_count = 4, width = 40, y = 200 }, rotate = false } }, { branch_generation = { frame_speed = 0.4, initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "branch-particle", repeat_count = 15, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaf_generation = { initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "leaf-particle", speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaves = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/07/tree-07-g-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 128, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/07/hr-tree-07-g-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 258, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.3125, -1.6875 }, width = 222 }, shift = { 0.3125, -1.6875 }, width = 110 }, normal = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/07/tree-07-g-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 112, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/07/hr-tree-07-g-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 222, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.328125, -1.90625 }, width = 222 }, shift = { 0.34375, -1.90625 }, width = 112 }, shadow = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/07/tree-07-g-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 76, hr_version = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/07/hr-tree-07-g-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 154, scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.875, -0.0625 }, width = 266 }, shift = { 1.8125, -0.0625 }, width = 136 }, trunk = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/07/tree-07-g-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 110, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/07/hr-tree-07-g-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 218, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.25, -1.21875 }, width = 180 }, shift = { 0.25, -1.25 }, width = 90 }, water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = false, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/07/tree-07-reflection.png", height = 40, priority = "extra-high", scale = 5, shift = { 0, 2.03125 }, variation_count = 4, width = 40, y = 240 }, rotate = false } }, { branch_generation = { frame_speed = 0.4, initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "branch-particle", repeat_count = 15, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaf_generation = { initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "leaf-particle", speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaves = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/07/tree-07-h-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 116, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/07/hr-tree-07-h-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 242, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.3125, -1.65625 }, width = 228 }, shift = { -0.3125, -1.75 }, width = 114 }, normal = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/07/tree-07-h-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 110, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/07/hr-tree-07-h-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 218, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.28125, -1.796875 }, width = 226 }, shift = { -0.28125, -1.78125 }, width = 114 }, shadow = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/07/tree-07-h-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 74, hr_version = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/07/hr-tree-07-h-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 146, scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.46875, 0.03125 }, width = 288 }, shift = { 1.4375, 0 }, width = 146 }, trunk = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/07/tree-07-h-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 126, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/07/hr-tree-07-h-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 246, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.3125, -1.3125 }, width = 166 }, shift = { -0.375, -1.375 }, width = 86 }, water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = false, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/07/tree-07-reflection.png", height = 40, priority = "extra-high", scale = 5, shift = { 0, 2.03125 }, variation_count = 4, width = 40, y = 280 }, rotate = false } }, { branch_generation = { frame_speed = 0.4, initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "branch-particle", repeat_count = 15, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaf_generation = { initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "leaf-particle", speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaves = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/07/tree-07-i-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 110, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/07/hr-tree-07-i-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 218, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03125, -1.6875 }, width = 182 }, shift = { -0.0625, -1.75 }, width = 92 }, normal = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/07/tree-07-i-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 104, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/07/hr-tree-07-i-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 206, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.015625, -1.765625 }, width = 184 }, shift = { -0.03125, -1.75 }, width = 92 }, shadow = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/07/tree-07-i-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 72, hr_version = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/07/hr-tree-07-i-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 140, scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.5, -0.03125 }, width = 222 }, shift = { 1.4375, -0.0625 }, width = 114 }, trunk = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/07/tree-07-i-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 102, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/07/hr-tree-07-i-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 204, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.03125, -1.09375 }, width = 142 }, shift = { 0, -1.125 }, width = 72 }, water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = false, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/07/tree-07-reflection.png", height = 40, priority = "extra-high", scale = 5, shift = { 0, 2.03125 }, variation_count = 4, width = 40, y = 320 }, rotate = false } }, { branch_generation = { frame_speed = 0.4, initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "branch-particle", repeat_count = 15, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaf_generation = { initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "leaf-particle", speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaves = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/07/tree-07-j-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 98, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/07/hr-tree-07-j-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 200, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0625, -1.375 }, width = 200 }, shift = { 0.0625, -1.375 }, width = 100 }, normal = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/07/tree-07-j-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 86, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/07/hr-tree-07-j-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 170, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0625, -1.578125 }, width = 202 }, shift = { 0.0625, -1.5625 }, width = 102 }, shadow = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/07/tree-07-j-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 62, hr_version = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/07/hr-tree-07-j-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 126, scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.65625, 0 }, width = 258 }, shift = { 1.625, 0 }, width = 130 }, trunk = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/07/tree-07-j-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 98, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/07/hr-tree-07-j-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 198, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.0625, -1.0625 }, width = 154 }, shift = { -0.0625, -1.0625 }, width = 76 }, water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = false, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/07/tree-07-reflection.png", height = 40, priority = "extra-high", scale = 5, shift = { 0, 2.03125 }, variation_count = 4, width = 40, y = 360 }, rotate = false } }, { branch_generation = { frame_speed = 0.4, initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "branch-particle", repeat_count = 15, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaf_generation = { initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "leaf-particle", speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaves = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/07/tree-07-k-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 100, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/07/hr-tree-07-k-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 198, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.46875, -1.34375 }, width = 204 }, shift = { 0.5, -1.375 }, width = 100 }, normal = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/07/tree-07-k-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 92, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/07/hr-tree-07-k-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 184, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.5, -1.453125 }, width = 204 }, shift = { 0.5, -1.46875 }, width = 102 }, shadow = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/07/tree-07-k-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 114, hr_version = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/07/hr-tree-07-k-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 230, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.625, -0.4375 }, width = 264 }, shift = { 0.625, -0.4375 }, width = 132 }, trunk = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/07/tree-07-k-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 136, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/07/hr-tree-07-k-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 274, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.09375, -0.6875 }, width = 226 }, shift = { 0.0625, -0.6875 }, width = 114 }, water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = false, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/07/tree-07-reflection.png", height = 40, priority = "extra-high", scale = 5, shift = { 0, 2.03125 }, variation_count = 4, width = 40, y = 400 }, rotate = false } }, { branch_generation = { frame_speed = 0.4, initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "branch-particle", repeat_count = 15, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaf_generation = { initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "leaf-particle", speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaves = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/07/tree-07-l-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 72, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/07/hr-tree-07-l-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 144, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.96875, 0.09375 }, width = 328 }, shift = { -1, 0.0625 }, width = 164 }, normal = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/07/tree-07-l-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 74, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/07/hr-tree-07-l-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 146, scale = 0.5, shift = { -1.59375, 0.109375 }, width = 242 }, shift = { -1.59375, 0.125 }, width = 122 }, shadow = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/07/tree-07-l-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 80, hr_version = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/07/hr-tree-07-l-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 156, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.75, 0.46875 }, width = 354 }, shift = { -0.75, 0.4375 }, width = 176 }, trunk = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/07/tree-07-l-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 62, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/07/hr-tree-07-l-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 124, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.8125, 0.125 }, width = 314 }, shift = { -0.875, 0.125 }, width = 160 }, water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = false, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/07/tree-07-reflection.png", height = 40, priority = "extra-high", scale = 5, shift = { 0, 2.03125 }, variation_count = 4, width = 40, y = 440 }, rotate = false } } }, vehicle_impact_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["dead-dry-hairy-tree"].vehicle_impact_sound ]=] }, ["tree-08"] = { autoplace = { control = "trees", max_probability = 0.35, order = "a[tree]-b[forest]", peaks = { { influence = 0, richness_influence = 0.75 }, { influence = -1.75, richness_influence = 1.75 }, { influence = 0.375, noise_layer = "trees-13", noise_octaves_difference = -0.5, noise_persistence = 0.8, richness_influence = -0.5 }, { influence = 0.5, noise_layer = "trees", noise_octaves_difference = -0.5, noise_persistence = 0.6, richness_influence = -0.5 }, { influence = 1, richness_influence = 0, temperature_max_range = 7.5, temperature_optimal = 20, temperature_range = 5, water_max_range = 0.15000000000000002, water_optimal = 0.1, water_range = 0.1 }, { distance_max_range = 192, distance_optimal = 0, distance_range = 64, distance_top_property_limit = 128, influence = -0.25, richness_influence = 0 } }, random_probability_penalty = 0.001, richness_base = 0, richness_multiplier = 1, sharpness = 0.4 }, collision_box = { { -0.4, -0.4 }, { 0.4, 0.4 } }, colors = { { b = 83, g = 255, r = 231 }, { b = 58, g = 255, r = 209 }, { b = 4, g = 159, r = 165 }, { b = 73, g = 231, r = 194 }, { b = 44, g = 242, r = 245 }, { b = 102, g = 242, r = 248 }, { b = 118, g = 238, r = 208 } }, corpse = "tree-08-stump", damaged_trigger_effect = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-01"].damaged_trigger_effect ]=], darkness_of_burnt_tree = 0.5, drawing_box = { { -0.9, -3.5 }, { 0.9, 0.6 } }, emissions_per_second = -0.001, flags = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["dead-dry-hairy-tree"].flags ]=], icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/tree-08.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "entity-name.tree" }, max_health = 50, minable = { count = 4, mining_particle = "wooden-particle", mining_time = 0.55, mining_trigger = { { action_delivery = { { target_effects = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-01"].damaged_trigger_effect ]=], type = "instant" } }, type = "direct" } }, result = "wood" }, mined_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-01"].damaged_trigger_effect[1].sound ]=], name = "tree-08", order = "a[tree]-a[regular]-m[tree-08]", remains_when_mined = "tree-08-stump", selection_box = { { -0.9, -2.2000000000000002 }, { 0.9, 0.6 } }, subgroup = "trees", type = "tree", variation_weights = { 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0.3, 0.3, 0.05, 0.05 }, variations = { { branch_generation = { frame_speed = 0.4, initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "branch-particle", repeat_count = 15, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaf_generation = { initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "leaf-particle", speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaves = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/tree-08-a-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 142, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/hr-tree-08-a-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 282, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.1875, -2.40625 }, width = 262 }, shift = { -0.1875, -2.4375 }, width = 130 }, normal = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/tree-08-a-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 112, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/hr-tree-08-a-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 222, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.15625, -2.84375 }, width = 260 }, shift = { -0.15625, -2.84375 }, width = 130 }, shadow = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/tree-08-a-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 110, hr_version = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/hr-tree-08-a-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 222, scale = 0.5, shift = { 2.21875, 0.0625 }, width = 310 }, shift = { 2.1875, 0.0625 }, width = 156 }, trunk = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/tree-08-a-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 142, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/hr-tree-08-a-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 286, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.15625, -1.8125 }, width = 210 }, shift = { -0.1875, -1.8125 }, width = 106 }, water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = false, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/tree-08-reflection.png", height = 40, priority = "extra-high", scale = 5, shift = { 0, 2.34375 }, variation_count = 4, width = 36, y = 0 }, rotate = false } }, { branch_generation = { frame_speed = 0.4, initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "branch-particle", repeat_count = 15, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaf_generation = { initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "leaf-particle", speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaves = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/tree-08-b-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 154, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/hr-tree-08-b-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 306, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.09375, -2.1875 }, width = 322 }, shift = { -0.125, -2.25 }, width = 162 }, normal = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/tree-08-b-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 104, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/hr-tree-08-b-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 206, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.0625, -2.96875 }, width = 322 }, shift = { -0.0625, -2.96875 }, width = 162 }, shadow = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/tree-08-b-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 90, hr_version = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/hr-tree-08-b-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 178, scale = 0.5, shift = { 2.40625, -0.15625 }, width = 322 }, shift = { 2.375, -0.1875 }, width = 162 }, trunk = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/tree-08-b-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 138, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/hr-tree-08-b-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 276, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.09375, -1.71875 }, width = 238 }, shift = { -0.125, -1.75 }, width = 120 }, water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = false, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/tree-08-reflection.png", height = 40, priority = "extra-high", scale = 5, shift = { 0, 2.34375 }, variation_count = 4, width = 36, y = 40 }, rotate = false } }, { branch_generation = { frame_speed = 0.4, initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "branch-particle", repeat_count = 15, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaf_generation = { initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "leaf-particle", speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaves = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/tree-08-c-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 146, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/hr-tree-08-c-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 294, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1875, -2.59375 }, width = 252 }, shift = { 0.1875, -2.625 }, width = 126 }, normal = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/tree-08-c-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 130, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/hr-tree-08-c-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 260, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.203125, -2.8125 }, width = 254 }, shift = { 0.21875, -2.8125 }, width = 128 }, shadow = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/tree-08-c-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 114, hr_version = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/hr-tree-08-c-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 228, scale = 0.5, shift = { 2.25, -0.0625 }, width = 326 }, shift = { 2.1875, -0.0625 }, width = 166 }, trunk = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/tree-08-c-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 152, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/hr-tree-08-c-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 300, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.09375, -1.96875 }, width = 210 }, shift = { 0.0625, -2 }, width = 106 }, water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = false, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/tree-08-reflection.png", height = 40, priority = "extra-high", scale = 5, shift = { 0, 2.34375 }, variation_count = 4, width = 36, y = 80 }, rotate = false } }, { branch_generation = { frame_speed = 0.4, initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "branch-particle", repeat_count = 15, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaf_generation = { initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "leaf-particle", speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaves = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/tree-08-d-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 110, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/hr-tree-08-d-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 220, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -2.28125 }, width = 214 }, shift = { -0.0625, -2.3125 }, width = 110 }, normal = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/tree-08-d-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 92, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/hr-tree-08-d-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 182, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.015625, -2.5625 }, width = 216 }, shift = { 0, -2.5625 }, width = 108 }, shadow = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, 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= "extra-high", scale = 5, shift = { 0, 2.34375 }, variation_count = 4, width = 36, y = 120 }, rotate = false } }, { branch_generation = { frame_speed = 0.4, initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "branch-particle", repeat_count = 15, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaf_generation = { initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "leaf-particle", speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaves = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/tree-08-e-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 106, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/hr-tree-08-e-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 210, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0625, -2.21875 }, width = 228 }, shift = { 0, -2.25 }, width = 118 }, normal = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/tree-08-e-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 84, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/hr-tree-08-e-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 166, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.078125, -2.484375 }, width = 228 }, shift = { 0.09375, -2.46875 }, width = 116 }, shadow = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/tree-08-e-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 76, hr_version = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/hr-tree-08-e-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 150, scale = 0.5, shift = { 2.03125, 0.15625 }, width = 296 }, shift = { 2, 0.125 }, width = 150 }, trunk = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/tree-08-e-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 122, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/hr-tree-08-e-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 242, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.21875, -1.53125 }, width = 172 }, shift = { -0.25, -1.5625 }, width = 86 }, water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = false, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/tree-08-reflection.png", height = 40, priority = "extra-high", scale = 5, shift = { 0, 2.34375 }, variation_count = 4, width = 36, y = 160 }, rotate = false } }, { branch_generation = { frame_speed = 0.4, initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "branch-particle", repeat_count = 15, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaf_generation = { initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "leaf-particle", speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaves = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/tree-08-f-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 148, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/hr-tree-08-f-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 294, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.0625, -2.09375 }, width = 218 }, shift = { -0.0625, -2.125 }, width = 108 }, normal = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/tree-08-f-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 102, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/hr-tree-08-f-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 200, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03125, -2.828125 }, width = 216 }, shift = { -0.03125, -2.8125 }, width = 108 }, shadow = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/tree-08-f-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 86, hr_version = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/hr-tree-08-f-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 170, scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.96875, -0.21875 }, width = 274 }, shift = { 1.9375, -0.25 }, width = 138 }, trunk = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/tree-08-f-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 138, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/hr-tree-08-f-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 272, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.09375, -1.71875 }, width = 166 }, shift = { -0.125, -1.75 }, width = 84 }, water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = false, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/tree-08-reflection.png", height = 40, priority = "extra-high", scale = 5, shift = { 0, 2.34375 }, variation_count = 4, width = 36, y = 200 }, rotate = false } }, { branch_generation = { frame_speed = 0.4, initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "branch-particle", repeat_count = 15, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaf_generation = { initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "leaf-particle", speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaves = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/tree-08-g-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 96, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/hr-tree-08-g-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 192, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.375, -2.21875 }, width = 190 }, shift = { 0.375, -2.25 }, width = 94 }, normal = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/tree-08-g-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 82, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/hr-tree-08-g-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 164, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.390625, -2.40625 }, width = 192 }, shift = { 0.375, -2.40625 }, width = 96 }, shadow = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/tree-08-g-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 72, hr_version = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/hr-tree-08-g-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 138, scale = 0.5, shift = { 2, -0.25 }, width = 272 }, shift = { 2, -0.3125 }, width = 136 }, trunk = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/tree-08-g-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 112, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/hr-tree-08-g-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 222, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.4375, -1.34375 }, width = 146 }, shift = { 0.4375, -1.375 }, width = 72 }, water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = false, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/tree-08-reflection.png", height = 40, priority = "extra-high", scale = 5, shift = { 0, 2.34375 }, variation_count = 4, width = 36, y = 240 }, rotate = false } }, { branch_generation = { frame_speed = 0.4, initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "branch-particle", repeat_count = 15, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaf_generation = { initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "leaf-particle", speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaves = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/tree-08-h-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 86, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/hr-tree-08-h-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 174, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.28125, -1.6875 }, width = 218 }, shift = { -0.3125, -1.6875 }, width = 110 }, normal = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/tree-08-h-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 78, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/hr-tree-08-h-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 152, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.265625, -1.828125 }, width = 218 }, shift = { -0.25, -1.8125 }, width = 110 }, shadow = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/tree-08-h-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 66, hr_version = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/hr-tree-08-h-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 128, scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.65625, 0.21875 }, width = 224 }, shift = { 1.625, 0.1875 }, width = 114 }, trunk = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/tree-08-h-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 94, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/hr-tree-08-h-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 190, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.3125, -1.0625 }, width = 160 }, shift = { -0.3125, -1.0625 }, width = 80 }, water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = false, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/tree-08-reflection.png", height = 40, priority = "extra-high", scale = 5, shift = { 0, 2.34375 }, variation_count = 4, width = 36, y = 280 }, rotate = false } }, { branch_generation = { frame_speed = 0.4, initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "branch-particle", repeat_count = 15, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaf_generation = { initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "leaf-particle", speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaves = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/tree-08-i-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 84, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/hr-tree-08-i-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 168, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.09375, -1.875 }, width = 130 }, shift = { 0.0625, -1.875 }, width = 66 }, normal = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/tree-08-i-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 78, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/hr-tree-08-i-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 154, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.125, -1.953125 }, width = 128 }, shift = { 0.125, -1.9375 }, width = 64 }, shadow = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/tree-08-i-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 52, hr_version = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/hr-tree-08-i-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 102, scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.40625, -0.15625 }, width = 186 }, shift = { 1.375, -0.1875 }, width = 94 }, trunk = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/tree-08-i-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 90, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/hr-tree-08-i-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 176, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.0625, -1.03125 }, width = 78 }, shift = { -0.0625, -1.0625 }, width = 38 }, water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = false, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/tree-08-reflection.png", height = 40, priority = "extra-high", scale = 5, shift = { 0, 2.34375 }, variation_count = 4, width = 36, y = 320 }, rotate = false } }, { branch_generation = { frame_speed = 0.4, initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "branch-particle", repeat_count = 15, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaf_generation = { initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "leaf-particle", speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaves = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/tree-08-j-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 78, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/hr-tree-08-j-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 160, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.09375, -1.75 }, width = 162 }, shift = { 0.0625, -1.75 }, width = 82 }, normal = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/tree-08-j-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 74, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/hr-tree-08-j-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 148, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.125, -1.828125 }, width = 162 }, shift = { 0.125, -1.84375 }, width = 82 }, shadow = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/tree-08-j-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 50, hr_version = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/hr-tree-08-j-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 100, scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.4375, -0.0625 }, width = 208 }, shift = { 1.4375, -0.0625 }, width = 104 }, trunk = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/tree-08-j-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 90, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/hr-tree-08-j-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 180, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.09375, -1.03125 }, width = 88 }, shift = { 0.0625, -1.0625 }, width = 46 }, water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = false, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/tree-08-reflection.png", height = 40, priority = "extra-high", scale = 5, shift = { 0, 2.34375 }, variation_count = 4, width = 36, y = 360 }, rotate = false } }, { branch_generation = { frame_speed = 0.4, initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "branch-particle", repeat_count = 15, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaf_generation = { initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "leaf-particle", speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaves = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/tree-08-k-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 120, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/hr-tree-08-k-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 240, scale = 0.5, shift = { -1.0625, -1.09375 }, width = 308 }, shift = { -1.1875, -1.125 }, width = 150 }, normal = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/tree-08-k-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 94, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/hr-tree-08-k-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 188, scale = 0.5, shift = { -2.078125, -1.453125 }, width = 180 }, shift = { -2.0625, -1.46875 }, width = 92 }, shadow = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/tree-08-k-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 90, hr_version = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/hr-tree-08-k-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 180, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.5625, -0.5 }, width = 320 }, shift = { -0.5625, -0.5 }, width = 160 }, trunk = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/tree-08-k-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 108, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/hr-tree-08-k-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 218, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.6875, -0.75 }, width = 300 }, shift = { -0.6875, -0.75 }, width = 150 }, water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = false, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/tree-08-reflection.png", height = 40, priority = "extra-high", scale = 5, shift = { 0, 2.34375 }, variation_count = 4, width = 36, y = 400 }, rotate = false } }, { branch_generation = { frame_speed = 0.4, initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "branch-particle", repeat_count = 15, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaf_generation = { initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "leaf-particle", speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaves = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/tree-08-l-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 98, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/hr-tree-08-l-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 198, scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.5, 0.28125 }, width = 246 }, shift = { 1.5, 0.25 }, width = 122 }, normal = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/tree-08-l-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 54, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/hr-tree-08-l-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 108, scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.875, 0.875 }, width = 200 }, shift = { 1.875, 0.875 }, width = 100 }, shadow = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/tree-08-l-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 108, hr_version = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/hr-tree-08-l-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 216, scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.3125, 0.75 }, width = 324 }, shift = { 1.3125, 0.75 }, width = 162 }, trunk = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/tree-08-l-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 102, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/hr-tree-08-l-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 204, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.78125, 0.3125 }, width = 274 }, shift = { 0.75, 0.3125 }, width = 138 }, water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = false, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/tree-08-reflection.png", height = 40, priority = "extra-high", scale = 5, shift = { 0, 2.34375 }, variation_count = 4, width = 36, y = 440 }, rotate = false } } }, vehicle_impact_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["dead-dry-hairy-tree"].vehicle_impact_sound ]=] }, ["tree-08-brown"] = { autoplace = { control = "trees", max_probability = 0.35, order = "a[tree]-b[forest]", peaks = { { influence = 0, richness_influence = 0.75 }, { influence = -1.7490000000000001, richness_influence = 1.7490000000000001 }, { influence = 0.375, noise_layer = "trees-14", noise_octaves_difference = -0.5, noise_persistence = 0.8, richness_influence = -0.5 }, { influence = 0.5, noise_layer = "trees", noise_octaves_difference = -0.5, noise_persistence = 0.6, richness_influence = -0.5 }, { influence = 1, richness_influence = 0, temperature_max_range = 7.5, temperature_optimal = 20, temperature_range = 5, water_max_range = 0.15000000000000002, water_optimal = 0.1, water_range = 0.1 }, { distance_max_range = 192, distance_optimal = 0, distance_range = 64, distance_top_property_limit = 128, influence = -0.25, richness_influence = 0 } }, random_probability_penalty = 0.001, richness_base = 0, richness_multiplier = 1, sharpness = 0.4 }, collision_box = { { -0.4, -0.4 }, { 0.4, 0.4 } }, colors = { { b = 62, g = 162, r = 255 }, { b = 145, g = 232, r = 255 }, { b = 74, g = 226, r = 255 }, { b = 68, g = 142, r = 255 } }, corpse = "tree-08-stump", damaged_trigger_effect = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-01"].damaged_trigger_effect ]=], darkness_of_burnt_tree = 0.5, drawing_box = { { -0.9, -4 }, { 0.9, 0.6 } }, emissions_per_second = -0.001, flags = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["dead-dry-hairy-tree"].flags ]=], icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/tree-08-brown.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "entity-name.tree-brown" }, max_health = 50, minable = { count = 4, mining_particle = "wooden-particle", mining_time = 0.55, mining_trigger = { { action_delivery = { { target_effects = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-01"].damaged_trigger_effect ]=], type = "instant" } }, type = "direct" } }, result = "wood" }, mined_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-01"].damaged_trigger_effect[1].sound ]=], name = "tree-08-brown", order = "a[tree]-a[regular]-n[tree-08-brown]", remains_when_mined = "tree-08-stump", selection_box = { { -0.9, -2.2000000000000002 }, { 0.9, 0.6 } }, subgroup = "trees", type = "tree", variation_weights = { 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0.3, 0.3, 0.05, 0.05 }, variations = { { branch_generation = { frame_speed = 0.4, initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "branch-particle", repeat_count = 15, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaf_generation = { initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "leaf-particle", speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaves = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/tree-08-a-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 142, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/hr-tree-08-a-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 282, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.1875, -2.40625 }, width = 262 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-08"].variations[1].leaves.shift ]=], width = 130 }, normal = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/tree-08-a-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 112, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/hr-tree-08-a-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 222, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.15625, -2.84375 }, width = 260 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-08"].variations[1].normal.shift ]=], width = 130 }, shadow = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/tree-08-a-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 110, hr_version = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/hr-tree-08-a-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 222, scale = 0.5, shift = { 2.21875, 0.0625 }, width = 310 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-08"].variations[1].shadow.shift ]=], width = 156 }, trunk = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/tree-08-a-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 142, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/hr-tree-08-a-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 286, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.15625, -1.8125 }, width = 210 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-08"].variations[1].trunk.shift ]=], width = 106 }, water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = false, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/tree-08-reflection.png", height = 40, priority = "extra-high", scale = 5, shift = { 0, 2.34375 }, variation_count = 4, width = 36, y = 0 }, rotate = false } }, { branch_generation = { frame_speed = 0.4, initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "branch-particle", repeat_count = 15, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaf_generation = { initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "leaf-particle", speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaves = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/tree-08-b-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 154, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/hr-tree-08-b-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 306, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.09375, -2.1875 }, width = 322 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-08"].variations[2].leaves.shift ]=], width = 162 }, normal = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/tree-08-b-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 104, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/hr-tree-08-b-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 206, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.0625, -2.96875 }, width = 322 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-08"].variations[2].normal.shift ]=], width = 162 }, shadow = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/tree-08-b-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 90, hr_version = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/hr-tree-08-b-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 178, scale = 0.5, shift = { 2.40625, -0.15625 }, width = 322 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-08"].variations[2].shadow.shift ]=], width = 162 }, trunk = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/tree-08-b-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 138, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/hr-tree-08-b-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 276, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.09375, -1.71875 }, width = 238 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-08"].variations[2].trunk.shift ]=], width = 120 }, water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = false, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/tree-08-reflection.png", height = 40, priority = "extra-high", scale = 5, shift = { 0, 2.34375 }, variation_count = 4, width = 36, y = 40 }, rotate = false } }, { branch_generation = { frame_speed = 0.4, initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "branch-particle", repeat_count = 15, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaf_generation = { initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "leaf-particle", speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaves = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/tree-08-c-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 146, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/hr-tree-08-c-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 294, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1875, -2.59375 }, width = 252 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-08"].variations[3].leaves.shift ]=], width = 126 }, normal = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/tree-08-c-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 130, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/hr-tree-08-c-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 260, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.203125, -2.8125 }, width = 254 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-08"].variations[3].normal.shift ]=], width = 128 }, shadow = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/tree-08-c-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 114, hr_version = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/hr-tree-08-c-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 228, scale = 0.5, shift = { 2.25, -0.0625 }, width = 326 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-08"].variations[3].shadow.shift ]=], width = 166 }, trunk = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/tree-08-c-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 152, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/hr-tree-08-c-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 300, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.09375, -1.96875 }, width = 210 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-08"].variations[3].trunk.shift ]=], width = 106 }, water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = false, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/tree-08-reflection.png", height = 40, priority = "extra-high", scale = 5, shift = { 0, 2.34375 }, variation_count = 4, width = 36, y = 80 }, rotate = false } }, { branch_generation = { frame_speed = 0.4, initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "branch-particle", repeat_count = 15, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaf_generation = { initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "leaf-particle", speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaves = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/tree-08-d-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 110, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/hr-tree-08-d-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 220, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -2.28125 }, width = 214 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-08"].variations[4].leaves.shift ]=], width = 110 }, normal = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/tree-08-d-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 92, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/hr-tree-08-d-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 182, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.015625, -2.5625 }, width = 216 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-08"].variations[4].normal.shift ]=], width = 108 }, shadow = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/tree-08-d-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 86, hr_version = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/hr-tree-08-d-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 170, scale = 0.5, shift = { 2.21875, 0.21875 }, width = 274 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-08"].variations[4].shadow.shift ]=], width = 138 }, trunk = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/tree-08-d-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 114, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/hr-tree-08-d-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 228, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.03125, -1.40625 }, width = 166 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-08"].variations[4].trunk.shift ]=], width = 84 }, water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = false, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/tree-08-reflection.png", height = 40, priority = "extra-high", scale = 5, shift = { 0, 2.34375 }, variation_count = 4, width = 36, y = 120 }, rotate = false } }, { branch_generation = { frame_speed = 0.4, initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "branch-particle", repeat_count = 15, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaf_generation = { initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "leaf-particle", speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaves = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/tree-08-e-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 106, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/hr-tree-08-e-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 210, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0625, -2.21875 }, width = 228 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-08"].variations[5].leaves.shift ]=], width = 118 }, normal = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/tree-08-e-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 84, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/hr-tree-08-e-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 166, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.078125, -2.484375 }, width = 228 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-08"].variations[5].normal.shift ]=], width = 116 }, shadow = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/tree-08-e-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 76, hr_version = { 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width = 36, y = 160 }, rotate = false } }, { branch_generation = { frame_speed = 0.4, initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "branch-particle", repeat_count = 15, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaf_generation = { initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "leaf-particle", speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaves = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/tree-08-f-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 148, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/hr-tree-08-f-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 294, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.0625, -2.09375 }, width = 218 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-08"].variations[6].leaves.shift ]=], width = 108 }, normal = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/tree-08-f-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 102, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/hr-tree-08-f-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 200, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03125, -2.828125 }, width = 216 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-08"].variations[6].normal.shift ]=], width = 108 }, shadow = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/tree-08-f-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 86, hr_version = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/hr-tree-08-f-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 170, scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.96875, -0.21875 }, width = 274 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-08"].variations[6].shadow.shift ]=], width = 138 }, trunk = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/tree-08-f-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 138, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/hr-tree-08-f-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 272, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.09375, -1.71875 }, width = 166 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-08"].variations[6].trunk.shift ]=], width = 84 }, water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = false, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/tree-08-reflection.png", height = 40, priority = "extra-high", scale = 5, shift = { 0, 2.34375 }, variation_count = 4, width = 36, y = 200 }, rotate = false } }, { branch_generation = { frame_speed = 0.4, initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "branch-particle", repeat_count = 15, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaf_generation = { initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "leaf-particle", speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaves = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/tree-08-g-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 96, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/hr-tree-08-g-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 192, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.375, -2.21875 }, width = 190 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-08"].variations[7].leaves.shift ]=], width = 94 }, normal = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/tree-08-g-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 82, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/hr-tree-08-g-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 164, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.390625, -2.40625 }, width = 192 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-08"].variations[7].normal.shift ]=], width = 96 }, shadow = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/tree-08-g-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 72, hr_version = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/hr-tree-08-g-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 138, scale = 0.5, shift = { 2, -0.25 }, width = 272 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-08"].variations[7].shadow.shift ]=], width = 136 }, trunk = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/tree-08-g-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 112, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/hr-tree-08-g-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 222, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.4375, -1.34375 }, width = 146 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-08"].variations[7].trunk.shift ]=], width = 72 }, water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = false, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/tree-08-reflection.png", height = 40, priority = "extra-high", scale = 5, shift = { 0, 2.34375 }, variation_count = 4, width = 36, y = 240 }, rotate = false } }, { branch_generation = { frame_speed = 0.4, initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "branch-particle", repeat_count = 15, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaf_generation = { initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "leaf-particle", speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, 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scale = 5, shift = { 0, 2.34375 }, variation_count = 4, width = 36, y = 280 }, rotate = false } }, { branch_generation = { frame_speed = 0.4, initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "branch-particle", repeat_count = 15, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaf_generation = { initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "leaf-particle", speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaves = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/tree-08-i-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 84, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/hr-tree-08-i-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 168, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.09375, -1.875 }, width = 130 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-08"].variations[9].leaves.shift ]=], width = 66 }, normal = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/tree-08-i-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 78, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/hr-tree-08-i-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 154, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.125, -1.953125 }, width = 128 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-08"].variations[9].normal.shift ]=], width = 64 }, shadow = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/tree-08-i-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 52, hr_version = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/hr-tree-08-i-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 102, scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.40625, -0.15625 }, width = 186 }, shift = 0 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height = 148, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.125, -1.828125 }, width = 162 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-08"].variations[10].normal.shift ]=], width = 82 }, shadow = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/tree-08-j-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 50, hr_version = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/hr-tree-08-j-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 100, scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.4375, -0.0625 }, width = 208 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-08"].variations[10].shadow.shift ]=], width = 104 }, trunk = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/tree-08-j-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 90, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/hr-tree-08-j-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 180, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.09375, -1.03125 }, width = 88 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-08"].variations[10].trunk.shift ]=], width = 46 }, water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = false, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/tree-08-reflection.png", height = 40, priority = "extra-high", scale = 5, shift = { 0, 2.34375 }, variation_count = 4, width = 36, y = 360 }, rotate = false } }, { branch_generation = { frame_speed = 0.4, initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "branch-particle", repeat_count = 15, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaf_generation = { initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "leaf-particle", speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 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0.28125 }, width = 246 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-08"].variations[12].leaves.shift ]=], width = 122 }, normal = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/tree-08-l-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 54, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/hr-tree-08-l-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 108, scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.875, 0.875 }, width = 200 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-08"].variations[12].normal.shift ]=], width = 100 }, shadow = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/tree-08-l-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 108, hr_version = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/hr-tree-08-l-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 216, scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.3125, 0.75 }, width = 324 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-08"].variations[12].shadow.shift ]=], width = 162 }, trunk = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/tree-08-l-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 102, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/hr-tree-08-l-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 204, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.78125, 0.3125 }, width = 274 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-08"].variations[12].trunk.shift ]=], width = 138 }, water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = false, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/tree-08-reflection.png", height = 40, priority = "extra-high", scale = 5, shift = { 0, 2.34375 }, variation_count = 4, width = 36, y = 440 }, rotate = false } } }, vehicle_impact_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["dead-dry-hairy-tree"].vehicle_impact_sound ]=] }, ["tree-08-red"] = { autoplace = { control = "trees", max_probability = 0.45, order = "a[tree]-b[forest]", peaks = { { influence = 0, richness_influence = 0.75 }, { influence = -5.75, richness_influence = 5.75 }, { influence = 0.375, noise_layer = "trees-15", noise_octaves_difference = -0.5, noise_persistence = 0.8, richness_influence = -0.5 }, { influence = 0.5, noise_layer = "trees", noise_octaves_difference = -0.5, noise_persistence = 0.6, richness_influence = -0.5 }, { influence = 1, richness_influence = 0, temperature_max_range = 7.5, temperature_optimal = -5, temperature_range = 5, water_max_range = 0.075000000000000009, water_optimal = 0.05, water_range = 0.05 }, 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["dead-dry-hairy-tree"].autoplace.peaks[4] ]=] }, random_probability_penalty = 0.001, richness_base = 0, richness_multiplier = 1, sharpness = 0.4 }, collision_box = { { -0.4, -0.4 }, { 0.4, 0.4 } }, colors = { { b = 82, g = 109, r = 224 }, { b = 107, g = 107, r = 228 }, { b = 107, g = 136, r = 226 }, { b = 114, g = 125, r = 222 } }, corpse = "tree-08-stump", damaged_trigger_effect = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-01"].damaged_trigger_effect ]=], darkness_of_burnt_tree = 0.5, drawing_box = { { -0.9, -3 }, { 0.9, 0.6 } }, emissions_per_second = -0.001, flags = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["dead-dry-hairy-tree"].flags ]=], icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/tree-08-red.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "entity-name.tree-red" }, max_health = 50, minable = { count = 4, mining_particle = "wooden-particle", mining_time = 0.55, mining_trigger = { { action_delivery = { { target_effects = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-01"].damaged_trigger_effect ]=], type = "instant" } }, type = "direct" } }, result = "wood" }, mined_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-01"].damaged_trigger_effect[1].sound ]=], name = "tree-08-red", order = "a[tree]-a[regular]-o[tree-08-red]", remains_when_mined = "tree-08-stump", selection_box = { { -0.9, -2.2000000000000002 }, { 0.9, 0.6 } }, subgroup = "trees", type = "tree", variation_weights = { 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0.3, 0.3, 0.05, 0.05 }, variations = { { branch_generation = { frame_speed = 0.4, initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "branch-particle", repeat_count = 15, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaf_generation = { initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "leaf-particle", speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaves = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/tree-08-a-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 142, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/hr-tree-08-a-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 282, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.1875, -2.40625 }, width = 262 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-08"].variations[1].leaves.shift ]=], width = 130 }, normal = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/tree-08-a-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 112, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/hr-tree-08-a-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 222, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.15625, -2.84375 }, width = 260 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-08"].variations[1].normal.shift ]=], width = 130 }, shadow = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/tree-08-a-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 110, hr_version = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/hr-tree-08-a-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 222, scale = 0.5, shift = { 2.21875, 0.0625 }, width = 310 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-08"].variations[1].shadow.shift ]=], width = 156 }, trunk = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/tree-08-a-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 142, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/hr-tree-08-a-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 286, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.15625, -1.8125 }, width = 210 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-08"].variations[1].trunk.shift ]=], width = 106 }, water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = false, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/tree-08-reflection.png", height = 40, priority = "extra-high", scale = 5, shift = { 0, 2.34375 }, variation_count = 4, width = 36, y = 0 }, rotate = false } }, { branch_generation = { frame_speed = 0.4, initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "branch-particle", repeat_count = 15, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaf_generation = { initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "leaf-particle", speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaves = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/tree-08-b-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 154, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/hr-tree-08-b-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 306, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.09375, -2.1875 }, width = 322 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-08"].variations[2].leaves.shift ]=], width = 162 }, normal = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/tree-08-b-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 104, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/hr-tree-08-b-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 206, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.0625, -2.96875 }, width = 322 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-08"].variations[2].normal.shift ]=], width = 162 }, shadow = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/tree-08-b-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 90, hr_version = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/hr-tree-08-b-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 178, scale = 0.5, shift = { 2.40625, -0.15625 }, width = 322 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-08"].variations[2].shadow.shift ]=], width = 162 }, trunk = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/tree-08-b-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 138, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/hr-tree-08-b-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 276, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.09375, -1.71875 }, width = 238 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-08"].variations[2].trunk.shift ]=], width = 120 }, water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = false, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/tree-08-reflection.png", height = 40, priority = "extra-high", scale = 5, shift = { 0, 2.34375 }, variation_count = 4, width = 36, y = 40 }, rotate = false } }, { branch_generation = { frame_speed = 0.4, initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "branch-particle", repeat_count = 15, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaf_generation = { initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "leaf-particle", speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaves = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/tree-08-c-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 146, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/hr-tree-08-c-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 294, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.1875, -2.59375 }, width = 252 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-08"].variations[3].leaves.shift ]=], width = 126 }, normal = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/tree-08-c-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 130, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/hr-tree-08-c-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 260, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.203125, -2.8125 }, width = 254 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-08"].variations[3].normal.shift ]=], width = 128 }, shadow = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/tree-08-c-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 114, hr_version = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/hr-tree-08-c-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 228, scale = 0.5, shift = { 2.25, -0.0625 }, width = 326 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-08"].variations[3].shadow.shift ]=], width = 166 }, trunk = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/tree-08-c-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 152, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/hr-tree-08-c-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 300, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.09375, -1.96875 }, width = 210 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-08"].variations[3].trunk.shift ]=], width = 106 }, water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = false, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/tree-08-reflection.png", height = 40, priority = "extra-high", scale = 5, shift = { 0, 2.34375 }, variation_count = 4, width = 36, y = 80 }, rotate = false } }, { branch_generation = { frame_speed = 0.4, initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "branch-particle", repeat_count = 15, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaf_generation = { initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "leaf-particle", speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaves = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/tree-08-d-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 110, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/hr-tree-08-d-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 220, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -2.28125 }, width = 214 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-08"].variations[4].leaves.shift ]=], width = 110 }, normal = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/tree-08-d-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 92, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/hr-tree-08-d-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 182, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.015625, -2.5625 }, width = 216 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-08"].variations[4].normal.shift ]=], width = 108 }, shadow = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/tree-08-d-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 86, hr_version = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/hr-tree-08-d-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 170, scale = 0.5, shift = { 2.21875, 0.21875 }, width = 274 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-08"].variations[4].shadow.shift ]=], width = 138 }, trunk = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/tree-08-d-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 114, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/hr-tree-08-d-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 228, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.03125, -1.40625 }, width = 166 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-08"].variations[4].trunk.shift ]=], width = 84 }, water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = false, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/tree-08-reflection.png", height = 40, priority = "extra-high", scale = 5, shift = { 0, 2.34375 }, variation_count = 4, width = 36, y = 120 }, rotate = false } }, { branch_generation = { frame_speed = 0.4, initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "branch-particle", repeat_count = 15, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaf_generation = { initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "leaf-particle", speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaves = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/tree-08-e-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 106, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/hr-tree-08-e-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 210, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.0625, -2.21875 }, width = 228 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-08"].variations[5].leaves.shift ]=], width = 118 }, normal = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/tree-08-e-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 84, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/hr-tree-08-e-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 166, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.078125, -2.484375 }, width = 228 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-08"].variations[5].normal.shift ]=], width = 116 }, shadow = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/tree-08-e-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 76, hr_version = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/hr-tree-08-e-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 150, scale = 0.5, shift = { 2.03125, 0.15625 }, width = 296 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-08"].variations[5].shadow.shift ]=], width = 150 }, trunk = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/tree-08-e-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 122, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/hr-tree-08-e-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 242, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.21875, -1.53125 }, width = 172 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-08"].variations[5].trunk.shift ]=], width = 86 }, water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = false, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/tree-08-reflection.png", height = 40, priority = "extra-high", scale = 5, shift = { 0, 2.34375 }, variation_count = 4, width = 36, y = 160 }, rotate = false } }, { branch_generation = { frame_speed = 0.4, initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "branch-particle", repeat_count = 15, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaf_generation = { initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "leaf-particle", speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaves = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/tree-08-f-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 148, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/hr-tree-08-f-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 294, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.0625, -2.09375 }, width = 218 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-08"].variations[6].leaves.shift ]=], width = 108 }, normal = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/tree-08-f-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 102, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/hr-tree-08-f-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 200, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03125, -2.828125 }, width = 216 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-08"].variations[6].normal.shift ]=], width = 108 }, shadow = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/tree-08-f-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 86, hr_version = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/hr-tree-08-f-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 170, scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.96875, -0.21875 }, width = 274 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-08"].variations[6].shadow.shift ]=], width = 138 }, trunk = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/tree-08-f-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 138, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/hr-tree-08-f-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 272, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.09375, -1.71875 }, width = 166 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-08"].variations[6].trunk.shift ]=], width = 84 }, water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = false, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/tree-08-reflection.png", height = 40, priority = "extra-high", scale = 5, shift = { 0, 2.34375 }, variation_count = 4, width = 36, y = 200 }, rotate = false } }, { branch_generation = { frame_speed = 0.4, initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "branch-particle", repeat_count = 15, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaf_generation = { initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "leaf-particle", speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaves = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/tree-08-g-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 96, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/hr-tree-08-g-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 192, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.375, -2.21875 }, width = 190 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-08"].variations[7].leaves.shift ]=], width = 94 }, normal = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/tree-08-g-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 82, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/hr-tree-08-g-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 164, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.390625, -2.40625 }, width = 192 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-08"].variations[7].normal.shift ]=], width = 96 }, shadow = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/tree-08-g-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 72, hr_version = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/hr-tree-08-g-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 138, scale = 0.5, shift = { 2, -0.25 }, width = 272 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-08"].variations[7].shadow.shift ]=], width = 136 }, trunk = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/tree-08-g-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 112, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/hr-tree-08-g-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 222, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.4375, -1.34375 }, width = 146 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-08"].variations[7].trunk.shift ]=], width = 72 }, water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = false, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/tree-08-reflection.png", height = 40, priority = "extra-high", scale = 5, shift = { 0, 2.34375 }, variation_count = 4, width = 36, y = 240 }, rotate = false } }, { branch_generation = { frame_speed = 0.4, initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "branch-particle", repeat_count = 15, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaf_generation = { initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "leaf-particle", speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaves = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/tree-08-h-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 86, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/hr-tree-08-h-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 174, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.28125, -1.6875 }, width = 218 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-08"].variations[8].leaves.shift ]=], width = 110 }, normal = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/tree-08-h-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 78, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/hr-tree-08-h-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 152, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.265625, -1.828125 }, width = 218 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-08"].variations[8].normal.shift ]=], width = 110 }, shadow = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/tree-08-h-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 66, hr_version = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/hr-tree-08-h-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 128, scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.65625, 0.21875 }, width = 224 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-08"].variations[8].shadow.shift ]=], width = 114 }, trunk = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/tree-08-h-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 94, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/hr-tree-08-h-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 190, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.3125, -1.0625 }, width = 160 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-08"].variations[8].trunk.shift ]=], width = 80 }, water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = false, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/tree-08-reflection.png", height = 40, priority = "extra-high", scale = 5, shift = { 0, 2.34375 }, variation_count = 4, width = 36, y = 280 }, rotate = false } }, { branch_generation = { frame_speed = 0.4, initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "branch-particle", repeat_count = 15, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaf_generation = { initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "leaf-particle", speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaves = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/tree-08-i-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 84, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/hr-tree-08-i-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 168, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.09375, -1.875 }, width = 130 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-08"].variations[9].leaves.shift ]=], width = 66 }, normal = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/tree-08-i-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 78, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/hr-tree-08-i-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 154, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.125, -1.953125 }, width = 128 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-08"].variations[9].normal.shift ]=], width = 64 }, shadow = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/tree-08-i-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" 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shift = { 0, 2.34375 }, variation_count = 4, width = 36, y = 320 }, rotate = false } }, { branch_generation = { frame_speed = 0.4, initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "branch-particle", repeat_count = 15, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaf_generation = { initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "leaf-particle", speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaves = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/tree-08-j-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 78, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/hr-tree-08-j-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 160, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.09375, -1.75 }, width = 162 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-08"].variations[10].leaves.shift ]=], width = 82 }, normal = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/tree-08-j-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 74, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/hr-tree-08-j-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 148, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.125, -1.828125 }, width = 162 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-08"].variations[10].normal.shift ]=], width = 82 }, shadow = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/tree-08-j-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 50, hr_version = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/hr-tree-08-j-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 100, scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.4375, -0.0625 }, width = 208 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-08"].variations[10].shadow.shift ]=], width = 104 }, trunk = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/tree-08-j-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 90, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/hr-tree-08-j-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 180, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.09375, -1.03125 }, width = 88 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-08"].variations[10].trunk.shift ]=], width = 46 }, water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = false, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/tree-08-reflection.png", height = 40, priority = "extra-high", scale = 5, shift = { 0, 2.34375 }, variation_count = 4, width = 36, y = 360 }, rotate = false } }, { branch_generation = { frame_speed = 0.4, initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "branch-particle", repeat_count = 15, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaf_generation = { initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "leaf-particle", speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaves = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/tree-08-k-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 120, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/hr-tree-08-k-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 240, scale = 0.5, shift = { -1.0625, -1.09375 }, width = 308 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-08"].variations[11].leaves.shift ]=], width = 150 }, normal = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/tree-08-k-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 94, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/hr-tree-08-k-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 188, scale = 0.5, shift = { -2.078125, -1.453125 }, width = 180 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-08"].variations[11].normal.shift ]=], width = 92 }, shadow = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/tree-08-k-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 90, hr_version = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/hr-tree-08-k-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 180, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.5625, -0.5 }, width = 320 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-08"].variations[11].shadow.shift ]=], width = 160 }, trunk = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/tree-08-k-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 108, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/hr-tree-08-k-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 218, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.6875, -0.75 }, width = 300 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-08"].variations[11].trunk.shift ]=], width = 150 }, water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = false, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/tree-08-reflection.png", height = 40, priority = "extra-high", scale = 5, shift = { 0, 2.34375 }, variation_count = 4, width = 36, y = 400 }, rotate = false } }, { branch_generation = { frame_speed = 0.4, initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "branch-particle", repeat_count = 15, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaf_generation = { initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "leaf-particle", speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaves = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/tree-08-l-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 98, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/hr-tree-08-l-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 198, scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.5, 0.28125 }, width = 246 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-08"].variations[12].leaves.shift ]=], width = 122 }, normal = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/tree-08-l-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 54, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/hr-tree-08-l-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 108, scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.875, 0.875 }, width = 200 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-08"].variations[12].normal.shift ]=], width = 100 }, shadow = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/tree-08-l-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 108, hr_version = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/hr-tree-08-l-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 216, scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.3125, 0.75 }, width = 324 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-08"].variations[12].shadow.shift ]=], width = 162 }, trunk = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/tree-08-l-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 102, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/hr-tree-08-l-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 204, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.78125, 0.3125 }, width = 274 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-08"].variations[12].trunk.shift ]=], width = 138 }, water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = false, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/08/tree-08-reflection.png", height = 40, priority = "extra-high", scale = 5, shift = { 0, 2.34375 }, variation_count = 4, width = 36, y = 440 }, rotate = false } } }, vehicle_impact_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["dead-dry-hairy-tree"].vehicle_impact_sound ]=] }, ["tree-09"] = { autoplace = { control = "trees", max_probability = 0.25, order = "a[tree]-b[forest]", peaks = { { influence = 0, richness_influence = 0.75 }, { influence = -0.54000000000000004, richness_influence = 0.54000000000000004 }, { influence = 0.375, noise_layer = "trees-6", noise_octaves_difference = -0.5, noise_persistence = 0.8, richness_influence = -0.5 }, { influence = 0.5, noise_layer = "trees", noise_octaves_difference = -0.5, noise_persistence = 0.6, richness_influence = -0.5 }, { influence = 1, richness_influence = 0, temperature_max_range = 7.5, temperature_optimal = 30, temperature_range = 5, water_max_range = 0.075000000000000009, water_optimal = 0.45, water_range = 0.05 }, { distance_max_range = 192, distance_optimal = 0, distance_range = 64, distance_top_property_limit = 128, influence = -0.25, richness_influence = 0 } }, random_probability_penalty = 0.001, richness_base = 0, richness_multiplier = 1, sharpness = 0.4 }, collision_box = { { -0.4, -0.4 }, { 0.4, 0.4 } }, colors = { { b = 0, g = 120, r = 231 }, { b = 100, g = 127, r = 255 }, { b = 76, g = 76, r = 221 }, { b = 71, g = 180, r = 255 }, { b = 89, g = 120, r = 255 }, { b = 60, g = 96, r = 255 }, { b = 93, g = 93, r = 255 } }, corpse = "tree-09-stump", damaged_trigger_effect = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-01"].damaged_trigger_effect ]=], darkness_of_burnt_tree = 0.5, drawing_box = { { -0.9, -4 }, { 0.9, 0.6 } }, emissions_per_second = -0.001, flags = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["dead-dry-hairy-tree"].flags ]=], icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/tree-09.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "entity-name.tree" }, max_health = 50, minable = { count = 4, mining_particle = "wooden-particle", mining_time = 0.55, mining_trigger = { { action_delivery = { { target_effects = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-01"].damaged_trigger_effect ]=], type = "instant" } }, type = "direct" } }, result = "wood" }, mined_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-01"].damaged_trigger_effect[1].sound ]=], name = "tree-09", order = "a[tree]-a[regular]-f[tree-09]", remains_when_mined = "tree-09-stump", selection_box = { { -0.9, -2.2000000000000002 }, { 0.9, 0.6 } }, subgroup = "trees", type = "tree", variations = { { branch_generation = { frame_speed = 0.4, initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "branch-particle", repeat_count = 15, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaf_generation = { initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "leaf-particle", speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaves = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/tree-09-a-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 196, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/hr-tree-09-a-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 390, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -2.4375 }, width = 350 }, shift = { 0, -2.5 }, width = 174 }, normal = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/tree-09-a-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 148, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/hr-tree-09-a-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 294, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.03125, -3.1875 }, width = 350 }, shift = { 0.03125, -3.1875 }, width = 176 }, shadow = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/tree-09-a-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 106, hr_version = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, 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0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "branch-particle", repeat_count = 15, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaf_generation = { initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "leaf-particle", speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaves = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/tree-09-b-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 182, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/hr-tree-09-b-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 368, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.21875, -2.75 }, width = 334 }, shift = { 0.1875, -2.75 }, width = 168 }, normal = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/tree-09-b-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 154, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/hr-tree-09-b-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 306, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.25, -3.1875 }, width = 336 }, shift = { 0.25, -3.1875 }, width = 168 }, shadow = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/tree-09-b-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 114, hr_version = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/hr-tree-09-b-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 226, scale = 0.5, shift = { 2.5625, 0.21875 }, width = 374 }, shift = { 2.5625, 0.1875 }, width = 186 }, trunk = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/tree-09-b-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 196, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/hr-tree-09-b-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 390, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.25, -2.15625 }, width = 294 }, shift = { 0.25, -2.1875 }, width = 146 }, water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = false, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/tree-09-reflection.png", height = 48, priority = "extra-high", scale = 5, shift = { 0.15625, 2.34375 }, variation_count = 4, width = 44, y = 48 }, rotate = false } }, { branch_generation = { frame_speed = 0.4, initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "branch-particle", repeat_count = 15, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaf_generation = { initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "leaf-particle", speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaves = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/tree-09-c-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 202, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/hr-tree-09-c-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 408, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.09375, -2.4375 }, width = 266 }, shift = { 0.0625, -2.4375 }, width = 134 }, normal = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/tree-09-c-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 180, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/hr-tree-09-c-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 356, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.109375, -2.796875 }, width = 268 }, shift = { 0.09375, -2.78125 }, width = 134 }, shadow = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/tree-09-c-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 110, hr_version = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/hr-tree-09-c-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 222, scale = 0.5, shift = { 2.28125, -0.125 }, width = 364 }, shift = { 2.25, -0.125 }, width = 184 }, trunk = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/tree-09-c-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 196, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/hr-tree-09-c-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 392, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.09375, -2.03125 }, width = 258 }, shift = { -0.125, -2.0625 }, width = 130 }, water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = false, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/tree-09-reflection.png", height = 48, priority = "extra-high", scale = 5, shift = { 0.15625, 2.34375 }, variation_count = 4, width = 44, y = 96 }, rotate = false } }, { branch_generation = { frame_speed = 0.4, initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, 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"__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/hr-tree-09-d-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 256, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -2.734375 }, width = 282 }, shift = { 0, -2.75 }, width = 142 }, shadow = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/tree-09-d-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 118, hr_version = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/hr-tree-09-d-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 232, scale = 0.5, shift = { 2.5, -0.03125 }, width = 344 }, shift = { 2.5, -0.0625 }, width = 172 }, trunk = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/tree-09-d-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 172, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/hr-tree-09-d-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 348, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.125, -1.75 }, width = 264 }, shift = { 0.125, -1.75 }, width = 132 }, water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = false, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/tree-09-reflection.png", height = 48, priority = "extra-high", scale = 5, shift = { 0.15625, 2.34375 }, variation_count = 4, width = 44, y = 144 }, rotate = false } }, { branch_generation = { frame_speed = 0.4, initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "branch-particle", repeat_count = 15, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaf_generation = { initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "leaf-particle", speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaves = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/tree-09-e-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 130, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/hr-tree-09-e-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 264, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.375, -1.75 }, width = 280 }, shift = { 0.375, -1.75 }, width = 138 }, normal = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/tree-09-e-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 112, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/hr-tree-09-e-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 224, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.40625, -2.03125 }, width = 278 }, shift = { 0.40625, -2.03125 }, width = 140 }, shadow = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/tree-09-e-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 96, hr_version = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/hr-tree-09-e-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 190, scale = 0.5, shift = { 2.28125, 0.40625 }, width = 306 }, shift = { 2.25, 0.375 }, width = 154 }, trunk = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/tree-09-e-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 138, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/hr-tree-09-e-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 272, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.3125, -1.375 }, width = 252 }, shift = { 0.3125, -1.4375 }, width = 126 }, water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = false, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/tree-09-reflection.png", height = 48, priority = "extra-high", scale = 5, shift = { 0.15625, 2.34375 }, variation_count = 4, width = 44, y = 192 }, rotate = false } }, { branch_generation = { frame_speed = 0.4, initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "branch-particle", repeat_count = 15, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaf_generation = { initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "leaf-particle", speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaves = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/tree-09-f-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 146, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/hr-tree-09-f-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 288, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.34375, -1.8125 }, width = 260 }, shift = { -0.3125, -1.875 }, width = 128 }, normal = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/tree-09-f-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 128, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/hr-tree-09-f-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 254, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.296875, -2.078125 }, width = 258 }, shift = { -0.28125, -2.0625 }, width = 130 }, shadow = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/tree-09-f-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 96, hr_version = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/hr-tree-09-f-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 184, scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.71875, 0.25 }, width = 282 }, shift = { 1.6875, 0.1875 }, width = 142 }, trunk = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/tree-09-f-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 144, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/hr-tree-09-f-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 286, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.59375, -1.46875 }, width = 246 }, shift = { -0.625, -1.5 }, width = 124 }, water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = false, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/tree-09-reflection.png", height = 48, priority = "extra-high", scale = 5, shift = { 0.15625, 2.34375 }, variation_count = 4, width = 44, y = 240 }, rotate = false } }, { branch_generation = { frame_speed = 0.4, initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "branch-particle", repeat_count = 15, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaf_generation = { initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "leaf-particle", speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaves = { 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initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "branch-particle", repeat_count = 15, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaf_generation = { initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "leaf-particle", speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaves = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/tree-09-h-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 148, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/hr-tree-09-h-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 292, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.5625, -2 }, width = 250 }, shift = { 0.5625, -2.0625 }, width = 122 }, normal = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/tree-09-h-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 110, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/hr-tree-09-h-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 216, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.53125, -2.609375 }, width = 238 }, shift = { 0.53125, -2.59375 }, width = 120 }, shadow = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/tree-09-h-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 96, hr_version = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/hr-tree-09-h-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 192, scale = 0.5, shift = { 2.34375, -0.3125 }, width = 296 }, shift = { 2.3125, -0.3125 }, width = 150 }, trunk = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/tree-09-h-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 156, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/hr-tree-09-h-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 312, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.5625, -1.625 }, width = 256 }, shift = { 0.5625, -1.625 }, width = 128 }, water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = false, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/tree-09-reflection.png", height = 48, priority = "extra-high", scale = 5, shift = { 0.15625, 2.34375 }, variation_count = 4, width = 44, y = 336 }, rotate = false } } }, vehicle_impact_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["dead-dry-hairy-tree"].vehicle_impact_sound ]=] }, ["tree-09-brown"] = { autoplace = { control = "trees", max_probability = 0.175, order = "a[tree]-b[forest]", peaks = { { influence = 0, richness_influence = 0.75 }, { influence = -1.25, richness_influence = 1.25 }, { influence = 0.46875, noise_layer = "trees-11", noise_octaves_difference = -0.5, noise_persistence = 0.8, richness_influence = -0.625 }, { influence = 0.625, noise_layer = "trees", noise_octaves_difference = -0.5, noise_persistence = 0.6, richness_influence = -0.625 }, { influence = 1, richness_influence = 0, temperature_max_range = 15, temperature_optimal = 25, temperature_range = 10, water_max_range = 0.075000000000000009, water_optimal = 0.2, water_range = 0.05 }, { distance_max_range = 192, distance_optimal = 0, distance_range = 64, distance_top_property_limit = 128, influence = -0.25, richness_influence = 0 } }, random_probability_penalty = 0.001, richness_base = 0, richness_multiplier = 1, sharpness = 0.4 }, collision_box = { { -0.4, -0.4 }, { 0.4, 0.4 } }, colors = { { b = 0, g = 186, r = 255 }, { b = 45, g = 96, r = 255 }, { b = 64, g = 204, r = 255 }, { b = 98, g = 212, r = 255 }, { b = 72, g = 193, r = 255 }, { b = 66, g = 103, r = 255 }, { b = 0, g = 151, r = 255 } }, corpse = "tree-09-stump", damaged_trigger_effect = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-01"].damaged_trigger_effect ]=], darkness_of_burnt_tree = 0.5, drawing_box = { { -0.9, -4 }, { 0.9, 0.6 } }, emissions_per_second = -0.001, flags = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["dead-dry-hairy-tree"].flags ]=], icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/tree-09-brown.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "entity-name.tree-brown" }, max_health = 50, minable = { count = 4, mining_particle = "wooden-particle", mining_time = 0.55, mining_trigger = { { action_delivery = { { target_effects = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-01"].damaged_trigger_effect ]=], type = "instant" } }, type = "direct" } }, result = "wood" }, mined_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-01"].damaged_trigger_effect[1].sound ]=], name = "tree-09-brown", order = "a[tree]-a[regular]-k[tree-09-brown]", remains_when_mined = "tree-09-stump", selection_box = { { -0.9, -2.2000000000000002 }, { 0.9, 0.6 } }, subgroup = "trees", type = "tree", variations = { { branch_generation = { frame_speed = 0.4, initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "branch-particle", repeat_count = 15, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaf_generation = { initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "leaf-particle", speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaves = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/tree-09-a-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 196, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/hr-tree-09-a-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 390, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -2.4375 }, width = 350 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-09"].variations[1].leaves.shift ]=], width = 174 }, normal = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/tree-09-a-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 148, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/hr-tree-09-a-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 294, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.03125, -3.1875 }, width = 350 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-09"].variations[1].normal.shift ]=], width = 176 }, shadow = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/tree-09-a-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 106, hr_version = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/hr-tree-09-a-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 214, scale = 0.5, shift = { 2.6875, 0 }, width = 458 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-09"].variations[1].shadow.shift ]=], width = 232 }, trunk = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/tree-09-a-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 194, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/hr-tree-09-a-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 392, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -2.125 }, width = 308 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-09"].variations[1].trunk.shift ]=], width = 154 }, water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = false, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/tree-09-reflection.png", height = 48, priority = "extra-high", scale = 5, shift = { 0.15625, 2.34375 }, variation_count = 4, width = 44, y = 0 }, rotate = false } }, { branch_generation = { frame_speed = 0.4, initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "branch-particle", repeat_count = 15, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaf_generation = { initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "leaf-particle", speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaves = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/tree-09-b-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 182, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/hr-tree-09-b-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 368, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.21875, -2.75 }, width = 334 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-09"].variations[2].leaves.shift ]=], width = 168 }, normal = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/tree-09-b-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 154, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/hr-tree-09-b-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 306, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.25, -3.1875 }, width = 336 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-09"].variations[2].normal.shift ]=], width = 168 }, shadow = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/tree-09-b-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 114, hr_version = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/hr-tree-09-b-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 226, scale = 0.5, shift = { 2.5625, 0.21875 }, width = 374 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-09"].variations[2].shadow.shift ]=], width = 186 }, trunk = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/tree-09-b-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 196, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/hr-tree-09-b-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 390, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.25, -2.15625 }, width = 294 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-09"].variations[2].trunk.shift ]=], width = 146 }, water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = false, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/tree-09-reflection.png", height = 48, priority = "extra-high", scale = 5, shift = { 0.15625, 2.34375 }, variation_count = 4, width = 44, y = 48 }, rotate = false } }, { branch_generation = { frame_speed = 0.4, initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "branch-particle", repeat_count = 15, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaf_generation = { initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "leaf-particle", speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaves = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/tree-09-c-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 202, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/hr-tree-09-c-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 408, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.09375, -2.4375 }, width = 266 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-09"].variations[3].leaves.shift ]=], width = 134 }, normal = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/tree-09-c-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 180, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/hr-tree-09-c-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 356, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.109375, -2.796875 }, width = 268 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-09"].variations[3].normal.shift ]=], width = 134 }, shadow = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/tree-09-c-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 110, hr_version = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/hr-tree-09-c-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 222, scale = 0.5, shift = { 2.28125, -0.125 }, width = 364 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-09"].variations[3].shadow.shift ]=], width = 184 }, trunk = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/tree-09-c-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 196, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/hr-tree-09-c-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 392, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.09375, -2.03125 }, width = 258 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-09"].variations[3].trunk.shift ]=], width = 130 }, water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = false, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/tree-09-reflection.png", height = 48, priority = "extra-high", scale = 5, shift = { 0.15625, 2.34375 }, variation_count = 4, width = 44, y = 96 }, rotate = false } }, { branch_generation = { frame_speed = 0.4, initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "branch-particle", repeat_count = 15, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaf_generation = { initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "leaf-particle", speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaves = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/tree-09-d-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 152, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/hr-tree-09-d-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 308, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03125, -2.375 }, width = 284 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-09"].variations[4].leaves.shift ]=], width = 144 }, normal = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/tree-09-d-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 128, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/hr-tree-09-d-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 256, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -2.734375 }, width = 282 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-09"].variations[4].normal.shift ]=], width = 142 }, shadow = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/tree-09-d-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 118, hr_version = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/hr-tree-09-d-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 232, scale = 0.5, shift = { 2.5, -0.03125 }, width = 344 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-09"].variations[4].shadow.shift ]=], width = 172 }, trunk = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/tree-09-d-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 172, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/hr-tree-09-d-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 348, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.125, -1.75 }, width = 264 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-09"].variations[4].trunk.shift ]=], width = 132 }, water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = false, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/tree-09-reflection.png", height = 48, priority = "extra-high", scale = 5, shift = { 0.15625, 2.34375 }, variation_count = 4, width = 44, y = 144 }, rotate = false } }, { branch_generation = { frame_speed = 0.4, initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "branch-particle", repeat_count = 15, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaf_generation = { initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "leaf-particle", speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaves = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/tree-09-e-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 130, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/hr-tree-09-e-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 264, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.375, -1.75 }, width = 280 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-09"].variations[5].leaves.shift ]=], width = 138 }, normal = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/tree-09-e-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 112, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/hr-tree-09-e-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 224, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.40625, -2.03125 }, width = 278 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-09"].variations[5].normal.shift ]=], width = 140 }, shadow = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/tree-09-e-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 96, hr_version = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/hr-tree-09-e-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 190, scale = 0.5, shift = { 2.28125, 0.40625 }, width = 306 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-09"].variations[5].shadow.shift ]=], width = 154 }, trunk = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/tree-09-e-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 138, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/hr-tree-09-e-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 272, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.3125, -1.375 }, width = 252 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-09"].variations[5].trunk.shift ]=], width = 126 }, water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = false, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/tree-09-reflection.png", height = 48, priority = "extra-high", scale = 5, shift = { 0.15625, 2.34375 }, variation_count = 4, width = 44, y = 192 }, rotate = false } }, { branch_generation = { frame_speed = 0.4, initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "branch-particle", repeat_count = 15, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaf_generation = { initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "leaf-particle", speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaves = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/tree-09-f-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 146, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/hr-tree-09-f-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 288, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.34375, -1.8125 }, width = 260 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-09"].variations[6].leaves.shift ]=], width = 128 }, normal = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/tree-09-f-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 128, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/hr-tree-09-f-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 254, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.296875, -2.078125 }, width = 258 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-09"].variations[6].normal.shift ]=], width = 130 }, shadow = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/tree-09-f-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 96, hr_version = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/hr-tree-09-f-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 184, scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.71875, 0.25 }, width = 282 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-09"].variations[6].shadow.shift ]=], width = 142 }, trunk = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/tree-09-f-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 144, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/hr-tree-09-f-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 286, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.59375, -1.46875 }, width = 246 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-09"].variations[6].trunk.shift ]=], width = 124 }, water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = false, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/tree-09-reflection.png", height = 48, priority = "extra-high", scale = 5, shift = { 0.15625, 2.34375 }, variation_count = 4, width = 44, y = 240 }, rotate = false } }, { branch_generation = { frame_speed = 0.4, initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "branch-particle", repeat_count = 15, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaf_generation = { initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "leaf-particle", speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaves = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/tree-09-g-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 148, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/hr-tree-09-g-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 296, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.40625, -2.09375 }, width = 266 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-09"].variations[7].leaves.shift ]=], width = 134 }, normal = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/tree-09-g-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 110, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/hr-tree-09-g-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 218, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.390625, -2.671875 }, width = 266 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-09"].variations[7].normal.shift ]=], width = 134 }, shadow = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/tree-09-g-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 90, hr_version = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/hr-tree-09-g-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 182, scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.71875, -0.4375 }, width = 310 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-09"].variations[7].shadow.shift ]=], width = 156 }, trunk = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/tree-09-g-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 156, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/hr-tree-09-g-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 312, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.34375, -1.625 }, width = 240 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-09"].variations[7].trunk.shift ]=], width = 122 }, water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = false, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/tree-09-reflection.png", height = 48, priority = "extra-high", scale = 5, shift = { 0.15625, 2.34375 }, variation_count = 4, width = 44, y = 288 }, rotate = false } }, { branch_generation = { frame_speed = 0.4, initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "branch-particle", repeat_count = 15, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaf_generation = { initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "leaf-particle", speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaves = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/tree-09-h-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 148, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/hr-tree-09-h-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 292, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.5625, -2 }, width = 250 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-09"].variations[8].leaves.shift ]=], width = 122 }, normal = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/tree-09-h-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 110, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/hr-tree-09-h-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 216, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.53125, -2.609375 }, width = 238 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-09"].variations[8].normal.shift ]=], width = 120 }, shadow = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/tree-09-h-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 96, hr_version = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/hr-tree-09-h-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 192, scale = 0.5, shift = { 2.34375, -0.3125 }, width = 296 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-09"].variations[8].shadow.shift ]=], width = 150 }, trunk = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/tree-09-h-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 156, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/hr-tree-09-h-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 312, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.5625, -1.625 }, width = 256 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-09"].variations[8].trunk.shift ]=], width = 128 }, water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = false, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/tree-09-reflection.png", height = 48, priority = "extra-high", scale = 5, shift = { 0.15625, 2.34375 }, variation_count = 4, width = 44, y = 336 }, rotate = false } } }, vehicle_impact_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["dead-dry-hairy-tree"].vehicle_impact_sound ]=] }, ["tree-09-red"] = { autoplace = { control = "trees", max_probability = 0.17000000000000002, order = "a[tree]-b[forest]", peaks = { { influence = 0, richness_influence = 0.75 }, { influence = -1.25, richness_influence = 1.25 }, { influence = 0.46875, noise_layer = "trees-12", noise_octaves_difference = -0.5, noise_persistence = 0.8, richness_influence = -0.625 }, { influence = 0.625, noise_layer = "trees", noise_octaves_difference = -0.5, noise_persistence = 0.6, richness_influence = -0.625 }, { influence = 1, richness_influence = 0, temperature_max_range = 15, temperature_optimal = 15, temperature_range = 10, water_max_range = 0.075000000000000009, water_optimal = 0.2, water_range = 0.05 }, { distance_max_range = 192, distance_optimal = 0, distance_range = 64, distance_top_property_limit = 128, influence = -0.25, richness_influence = 0 } }, random_probability_penalty = 0.001, richness_base = 0, richness_multiplier = 1, sharpness = 0.4 }, collision_box = { { -0.4, -0.4 }, { 0.4, 0.4 } }, colors = { { b = 0, g = 120, r = 231 }, { b = 100, g = 127, r = 255 }, { b = 76, g = 76, r = 221 }, { b = 71, g = 180, r = 255 }, { b = 89, g = 120, r = 255 }, { b = 60, g = 96, r = 255 }, { b = 93, g = 93, r = 255 } }, corpse = "tree-09-stump", damaged_trigger_effect = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-01"].damaged_trigger_effect ]=], darkness_of_burnt_tree = 0.5, drawing_box = { { -0.9, -3.5 }, { 0.9, 0.6 } }, emissions_per_second = -0.001, flags = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["dead-dry-hairy-tree"].flags ]=], icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/tree-09-red.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, localised_name = { "entity-name.tree-red" }, max_health = 50, minable = { count = 4, mining_particle = "wooden-particle", mining_time = 0.55, mining_trigger = { { action_delivery = { { target_effects = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-01"].damaged_trigger_effect ]=], type = "instant" } }, type = "direct" } }, result = "wood" }, mined_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-01"].damaged_trigger_effect[1].sound ]=], name = "tree-09-red", order = "a[tree]-a[regular]-l[tree-09-red]", remains_when_mined = "tree-09-stump", selection_box = { { -0.9, -2.2000000000000002 }, { 0.9, 0.6 } }, subgroup = "trees", type = "tree", variations = { { branch_generation = { frame_speed = 0.4, initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "branch-particle", repeat_count = 15, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaf_generation = { initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "leaf-particle", speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaves = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/tree-09-a-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 196, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/hr-tree-09-a-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 390, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -2.4375 }, width = 350 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-09"].variations[1].leaves.shift ]=], width = 174 }, normal = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/tree-09-a-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 148, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/hr-tree-09-a-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 294, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.03125, -3.1875 }, width = 350 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-09"].variations[1].normal.shift ]=], width = 176 }, shadow = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, 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"__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/tree-09-reflection.png", height = 48, priority = "extra-high", scale = 5, shift = { 0.15625, 2.34375 }, variation_count = 4, width = 44, y = 0 }, rotate = false } }, { branch_generation = { frame_speed = 0.4, initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "branch-particle", repeat_count = 15, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaf_generation = { initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "leaf-particle", speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaves = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/tree-09-b-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 182, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/hr-tree-09-b-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 368, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.21875, -2.75 }, width = 334 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-09"].variations[2].leaves.shift ]=], width = 168 }, normal = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/tree-09-b-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 154, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/hr-tree-09-b-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 306, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.25, -3.1875 }, width = 336 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-09"].variations[2].normal.shift ]=], width = 168 }, shadow = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/tree-09-b-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 114, hr_version = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/hr-tree-09-b-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 226, scale = 0.5, shift = { 2.5625, 0.21875 }, width = 374 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-09"].variations[2].shadow.shift ]=], width = 186 }, trunk = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/tree-09-b-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 196, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/hr-tree-09-b-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 390, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.25, -2.15625 }, width = 294 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-09"].variations[2].trunk.shift ]=], width = 146 }, water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = false, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/tree-09-reflection.png", height = 48, priority = "extra-high", scale = 5, shift = { 0.15625, 2.34375 }, variation_count = 4, width = 44, y = 48 }, rotate = false } }, { branch_generation = { frame_speed = 0.4, initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "branch-particle", repeat_count = 15, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaf_generation = { initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "leaf-particle", speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaves = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/tree-09-c-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 202, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/hr-tree-09-c-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 408, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.09375, -2.4375 }, width = 266 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-09"].variations[3].leaves.shift ]=], width = 134 }, normal = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/tree-09-c-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 180, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/hr-tree-09-c-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 356, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.109375, -2.796875 }, width = 268 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-09"].variations[3].normal.shift ]=], width = 134 }, shadow = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/tree-09-c-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 110, hr_version = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/hr-tree-09-c-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 222, scale = 0.5, shift = { 2.28125, -0.125 }, width = 364 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-09"].variations[3].shadow.shift ]=], width = 184 }, trunk = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/tree-09-c-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 196, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/hr-tree-09-c-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 392, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.09375, -2.03125 }, width = 258 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-09"].variations[3].trunk.shift ]=], width = 130 }, water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = false, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/tree-09-reflection.png", height = 48, priority = "extra-high", scale = 5, shift = { 0.15625, 2.34375 }, variation_count = 4, width = 44, y = 96 }, rotate = false } }, { branch_generation = { frame_speed = 0.4, initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "branch-particle", repeat_count = 15, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, 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[""].tree["tree-09"].variations[4].normal.shift ]=], width = 142 }, shadow = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/tree-09-d-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 118, hr_version = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/hr-tree-09-d-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 232, scale = 0.5, shift = { 2.5, -0.03125 }, width = 344 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-09"].variations[4].shadow.shift ]=], width = 172 }, trunk = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/tree-09-d-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 172, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/hr-tree-09-d-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 348, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.125, -1.75 }, width = 264 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-09"].variations[4].trunk.shift ]=], width = 132 }, water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = false, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/tree-09-reflection.png", height = 48, priority = "extra-high", scale = 5, shift = { 0.15625, 2.34375 }, variation_count = 4, width = 44, y = 144 }, rotate = false } }, { branch_generation = { frame_speed = 0.4, initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "branch-particle", repeat_count = 15, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaf_generation = { initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "leaf-particle", speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaves = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/tree-09-e-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 130, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/hr-tree-09-e-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 264, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.375, -1.75 }, width = 280 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-09"].variations[5].leaves.shift ]=], width = 138 }, normal = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/tree-09-e-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 112, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/hr-tree-09-e-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 224, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.40625, -2.03125 }, width = 278 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-09"].variations[5].normal.shift ]=], width = 140 }, shadow = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/tree-09-e-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 96, hr_version = { 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4, width = 44, y = 192 }, rotate = false } }, { branch_generation = { frame_speed = 0.4, initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "branch-particle", repeat_count = 15, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaf_generation = { initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "leaf-particle", speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaves = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/tree-09-f-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 146, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/hr-tree-09-f-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 288, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.34375, -1.8125 }, width = 260 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-09"].variations[6].leaves.shift ]=], width = 128 }, normal = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/tree-09-f-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 128, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/hr-tree-09-f-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 254, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.296875, -2.078125 }, width = 258 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-09"].variations[6].normal.shift ]=], width = 130 }, shadow = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/tree-09-f-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 96, hr_version = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/hr-tree-09-f-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 184, scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.71875, 0.25 }, width = 282 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-09"].variations[6].shadow.shift ]=], width = 142 }, trunk = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/tree-09-f-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 144, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/hr-tree-09-f-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 286, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.59375, -1.46875 }, width = 246 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-09"].variations[6].trunk.shift ]=], width = 124 }, water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = false, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/tree-09-reflection.png", height = 48, priority = "extra-high", scale = 5, shift = { 0.15625, 2.34375 }, variation_count = 4, width = 44, y = 240 }, rotate = false } }, { branch_generation = { frame_speed = 0.4, initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "branch-particle", repeat_count = 15, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaf_generation = { initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "leaf-particle", speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaves = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/tree-09-g-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 148, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/hr-tree-09-g-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 296, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.40625, -2.09375 }, width = 266 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-09"].variations[7].leaves.shift ]=], width = 134 }, normal = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/tree-09-g-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 110, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/hr-tree-09-g-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 218, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.390625, -2.671875 }, width = 266 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-09"].variations[7].normal.shift ]=], width = 134 }, shadow = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/tree-09-g-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 90, hr_version = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/hr-tree-09-g-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 182, scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.71875, -0.4375 }, width = 310 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-09"].variations[7].shadow.shift ]=], width = 156 }, trunk = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/tree-09-g-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 156, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/hr-tree-09-g-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 312, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.34375, -1.625 }, width = 240 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-09"].variations[7].trunk.shift ]=], width = 122 }, water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = false, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/tree-09-reflection.png", height = 48, priority = "extra-high", scale = 5, shift = { 0.15625, 2.34375 }, variation_count = 4, width = 44, y = 288 }, rotate = false } }, { branch_generation = { frame_speed = 0.4, initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 2, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "branch-particle", repeat_count = 15, speed_from_center = 0.03, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaf_generation = { initial_height = 2, initial_height_deviation = 0.05, initial_vertical_speed = 0.01, offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, particle_name = "leaf-particle", speed_from_center = 0.01, speed_from_center_deviation = 0.01, type = "create-particle" }, leaves = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/tree-09-h-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 148, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/hr-tree-09-h-leaves.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 3, height = 292, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.5625, -2 }, width = 250 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-09"].variations[8].leaves.shift ]=], width = 122 }, normal = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/tree-09-h-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 110, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/hr-tree-09-h-normal.png", frame_count = 3, height = 216, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.53125, -2.609375 }, width = 238 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-09"].variations[8].normal.shift ]=], width = 120 }, shadow = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/tree-09-h-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 96, hr_version = { disable_shadow_distortion_beginning_at_frame = 2, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/hr-tree-09-h-shadow.png", flags = { "mipmap", "shadow" }, frame_count = 4, height = 192, scale = 0.5, shift = { 2.34375, -0.3125 }, width = 296 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-09"].variations[8].shadow.shift ]=], width = 150 }, trunk = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/tree-09-h-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 156, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/hr-tree-09-h-trunk.png", flags = { "mipmap" }, frame_count = 1, height = 312, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.5625, -1.625 }, width = 256 }, shift = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["tree-09"].variations[8].trunk.shift ]=], width = 128 }, water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = false, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/tree/09/tree-09-reflection.png", height = 48, priority = "extra-high", scale = 5, shift = { 0.15625, 2.34375 }, variation_count = 4, width = 44, y = 336 }, rotate = false } } }, vehicle_impact_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].tree["dead-dry-hairy-tree"].vehicle_impact_sound ]=] } }, ["trigger-target-type"] = { ["ground-unit"] = { name = "ground-unit", type = "trigger-target-type" } }, ["trivial-smoke"] = { ["artillery-smoke"] = { affected_by_wind = false, animation = { animation_speed = 0.16666666666666665, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/smoke-fast/smoke-fast.png", frame_count = 16, height = 50, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, width = 50 }, duration = 105, fade_away_duration = 20, movement_slow_down_factor = 0.95999999999999996, name = "artillery-smoke", render_layer = "building-smoke", show_when_smoke_off = true, type = "trivial-smoke" }, ["car-smoke"] = { affected_by_wind = true, animation = { animation_speed = 0.25, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/smoke/smoke.png", flags = { "smoke" }, frame_count = 60, height = 120, line_length = 5, priority = "high", shift = { -0.53125, -0.4375 }, width = 152 }, color = { a = 0.5, b = 0.5, g = 0.5, r = 0.5 }, cyclic = true, duration = 12, end_scale = 0.5, fade_away_duration = 12, fade_in_duration = 0, name = "car-smoke", spread_duration = 12, start_scale = 0.1, type = "trivial-smoke" }, ["fire-smoke"] = { affected_by_wind = true, animation = { animation_speed = 0.25, axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/fire-smoke/fire-smoke.png", flags = { "smoke" }, frame_count = 60, height = 210, line_length = 8, priority = "high", shift = { -0.265625, -0.09375 }, width = 253 }, color = { a = 0.25, b = 0.4, g = 0.4, r = 0.4 }, cyclic = true, duration = 300, end_scale = 1, fade_away_duration = 90, fade_in_duration = 60, glow_animation = { animation_speed = 0.25, axially_symmetrical = false, blend_mode = "additive", direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/fire-smoke/fire-smoke-glow.png", flags = { "smoke" }, frame_count = 60, height = 152, line_length = 8, priority = "high", shift = { -0.265625, 0.8125 }, width = 253 }, glow_fade_away_duration = 70, name = "fire-smoke", spread_duration = 600, start_scale = 0.5, type = "trivial-smoke" }, ["fire-smoke-on-adding-fuel"] = { affected_by_wind = true, animation = { animation_speed = 0.25, axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/fire-smoke/fire-smoke.png", flags = { "smoke" }, frame_count = 60, height = 210, line_length = 8, priority = "high", shift = { -0.265625, -0.09375 }, width = 253 }, cyclic = true, duration = 300, end_scale = 0.7, fade_away_duration = 60, fade_in_duration = 60, name = "fire-smoke-on-adding-fuel", spread_duration = 600, start_scale = 0.5, type = "trivial-smoke" }, ["fire-smoke-without-glow"] = { affected_by_wind = true, animation = { animation_speed = 0.25, axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/fire-smoke/fire-smoke.png", flags = { "smoke" }, frame_count = 60, height = 210, line_length = 8, priority = "high", shift = { -0.265625, -0.09375 }, width = 253 }, color = { a = 0.25, b = 0.25, g = 0.25, r = 0.25 }, cyclic = true, duration = 300, end_scale = 1, fade_away_duration = 90, fade_in_duration = 60, name = "fire-smoke-without-glow", spread_duration = 600, start_scale = 0.5, type = "trivial-smoke" }, ["light-smoke"] = { affected_by_wind = true, animation = { animation_speed = 0.25, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/smoke/smoke.png", flags = { "smoke" }, frame_count = 60, height = 120, line_length = 5, priority = "high", shift = { -0.53125, -0.4375 }, width = 152 }, color = { a = 0.3, b = 0.5, g = 0.5, r = 0.5 }, cyclic = true, duration = 600, end_scale = 1, fade_away_duration = 600, fade_in_duration = 0, name = "light-smoke", spread_duration = 600, start_scale = 0.2, type = "trivial-smoke" }, ["nuclear-smoke"] = { affected_by_wind = true, animation = { animation_speed = 0.16666666666666665, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/smoke-fast/smoke-fast.png", frame_count = 16, height = 50, priority = "high", scale = 2.5, width = 50 }, color = { a = 0.5, b = 0.34499999999999997, g = 0.47799999999999994, r = 0.62699999999999996 }, cyclic = true, duration = 30, end_scale = 0.2, fade_away_duration = 20, fade_in_duration = 10, name = "nuclear-smoke", render_layer = "higher-object-under", spread_duration = 100, start_scale = 2, type = "trivial-smoke" }, ["poison-capsule-particle-smoke"] = { animation = { animation_speed = 0.26666666666666665, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/smoke-fast/smoke-fast.png", frame_count = 16, height = 50, priority = "high", scale = 0.2, width = 50 }, color = { a = 0.68999999999999995, b = 0.99199999999999999, g = 0.875, r = 0.23899999999999997 }, duration = 60, fade_away_duration = 60, name = "poison-capsule-particle-smoke", render_layer = "higher-object-above", type = "trivial-smoke" }, ["poison-capsule-smoke"] = { animation = { animation_speed = 0.26666666666666665, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/smoke-fast/smoke-fast.png", frame_count = 16, height = 50, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, width = 50 }, color = { a = 0.68999999999999995, b = 0.99199999999999999, g = 0.875, r = 0.23899999999999997 }, duration = 60, fade_away_duration = 60, name = "poison-capsule-smoke", render_layer = "higher-object-above", type = "trivial-smoke" }, smoke = { affected_by_wind = true, animation = { animation_speed = 0.25, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/smoke/smoke.png", flags = { "smoke" }, frame_count = 60, height = 120, line_length = 5, priority = "high", shift = { -0.53125, -0.4375 }, width = 152 }, color = { a = 0.4, b = 0.4, g = 0.4, r = 0.4 }, cyclic = true, duration = 600, end_scale = 1, fade_away_duration = 600, fade_in_duration = 0, name = "smoke", spread_duration = 600, start_scale = 0.2, type = "trivial-smoke" }, ["smoke-building"] = { affected_by_wind = false, animation = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/smoke-fast/smoke-fast.png", frame_count = 16, height = 50, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, width = 50 }, duration = 45, fade_away_duration = 20, movement_slow_down_factor = 0.95999999999999996, name = "smoke-building", render_layer = "building-smoke", show_when_smoke_off = true, type = "trivial-smoke" }, ["smoke-explosion-lower-particle-small"] = { affected_by_wind = false, animation = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/smoke-fast/smoke-fast.png", frame_count = 16, height = 50, priority = "high", scale = 0.25, tint = { a = 0.7, b = 0.1, g = 0.1, r = 0.1 }, width = 50 }, duration = 150, end_scale = 0.1, fade_away_duration = 60, movement_slow_down_factor = 0.95999999999999996, name = "smoke-explosion-lower-particle-small", render_layer = "smoke", show_when_smoke_off = true, start_scale = 0.3, type = "trivial-smoke" }, ["smoke-explosion-particle"] = { affected_by_wind = false, animation = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/smoke-fast/smoke-fast.png", frame_count = 16, height = 50, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, tint = { a = 0.7, b = 0.1, g = 0.1, r = 0.1 }, width = 50 }, duration = 150, fade_away_duration = 60, movement_slow_down_factor = 0.95999999999999996, name = "smoke-explosion-particle", render_layer = "smoke", show_when_smoke_off = true, type = "trivial-smoke" }, ["smoke-explosion-particle-small"] = { affected_by_wind = false, animation = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/smoke-fast/smoke-fast.png", frame_count = 16, height = 50, priority = "high", scale = 0.25, tint = { a = 0.7, b = 0.1, g = 0.1, r = 0.1 }, width = 50 }, duration = 150, end_scale = 0.1, fade_away_duration = 60, movement_slow_down_factor = 0.95999999999999996, name = "smoke-explosion-particle-small", render_layer = "smoke", show_when_smoke_off = true, start_scale = 0.3, type = "trivial-smoke" }, ["smoke-explosion-particle-stone-small"] = { affected_by_wind = false, animation = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/smoke-fast/smoke-fast.png", frame_count = 16, height = 50, priority = "high", scale = 0.25, tint = { a = 0.7, b = 0.4, g = 0.50199999999999996, r = 0.604 }, width = 50 }, duration = 150, end_scale = 0.1, fade_away_duration = 60, movement_slow_down_factor = 0.95999999999999996, name = "smoke-explosion-particle-stone-small", render_layer = "smoke", show_when_smoke_off = true, start_scale = 0.3, type = "trivial-smoke" }, ["smoke-explosion-particle-tiny"] = { affected_by_wind = false, animation = { animation_speed = 0.5, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/smoke-fast/smoke-fast.png", frame_count = 16, height = 50, priority = "high", scale = 0.2, tint = { a = 0.5, b = 0.1, g = 0.1, r = 0.1 }, width = 50 }, duration = 150, end_scale = 0.1, fade_away_duration = 60, movement_slow_down_factor = 0.95999999999999996, name = "smoke-explosion-particle-tiny", render_layer = "object", show_when_smoke_off = true, start_scale = 0.1, type = "trivial-smoke" }, ["smoke-fast"] = { animation = { animation_speed = 0.26666666666666665, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/smoke-fast/smoke-fast.png", frame_count = 16, height = 50, priority = "high", width = 50 }, duration = 60, fade_away_duration = 60, name = "smoke-fast", type = "trivial-smoke" }, ["smoke-train-stop"] = { affected_by_wind = false, animation = { animation_speed = 0.26666666666666665, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/smoke-fast/smoke-fast.png", frame_count = 16, height = 50, priority = "high", width = 50 }, duration = 40, fade_away_duration = 30, movement_slow_down_factor = 0.95, name = "smoke-train-stop", render_layer = "lower-object", show_when_smoke_off = true, type = "trivial-smoke" }, ["soft-fire-smoke"] = { affected_by_wind = true, animation = { animation_speed = 0.25, axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/smoke/smoke.png", flags = { "smoke" }, frame_count = 60, height = 120, line_length = 5, priority = "high", shift = { -0.53125, -0.4375 }, width = 152 }, color = { a = 0.1, b = 0.03, g = 0.03, r = 0.03 }, cyclic = true, duration = 300, end_scale = 1.2, fade_away_duration = 60, fade_in_duration = 0, name = "soft-fire-smoke", spread_duration = 600, start_scale = 0.5, type = "trivial-smoke" }, ["tank-smoke"] = { affected_by_wind = true, animation = { animation_speed = 0.25, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/smoke/smoke.png", flags = { "smoke" }, frame_count = 60, height = 120, line_length = 5, priority = "high", shift = { -0.53125, -0.4375 }, width = 152 }, color = { a = 0.5, b = 0.5, g = 0.5, r = 0.5 }, cyclic = true, duration = 100, end_scale = 1, fade_away_duration = 100, fade_in_duration = 0, name = "tank-smoke", spread_duration = 100, start_scale = 0.3, type = "trivial-smoke" }, ["train-smoke"] = { affected_by_wind = true, animation = { animation_speed = 0.25, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/smoke/smoke.png", flags = { "smoke" }, frame_count = 60, height = 120, line_length = 5, priority = "high", shift = { -0.53125, -0.4375 }, width = 152 }, color = { a = 0.3, b = 0.3, g = 0.3, r = 0.3 }, cyclic = true, duration = 150, end_scale = 1.5, fade_away_duration = 100, fade_in_duration = 0, name = "train-smoke", spread_duration = 100, start_scale = 0.4, type = "trivial-smoke" }, ["turbine-smoke"] = { affected_by_wind = true, animation = { animation_speed = 0.25, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/smoke/smoke.png", flags = { "smoke" }, frame_count = 60, height = 120, line_length = 5, priority = "high", shift = { -0.53125, -0.4375 }, width = 152 }, color = { a = 0.3, b = 0.5, g = 0.5, r = 0.5 }, cyclic = true, duration = 600, end_scale = 1, fade_away_duration = 570, fade_in_duration = 30, name = "turbine-smoke", spread_duration = 600, start_scale = 0.8, type = "trivial-smoke" } }, turret = { ["behemoth-worm-turret"] = { allow_turning_when_starting_attack = true, attack_from_start_frame = true, attack_parameters = { ammo_category = "biological", ammo_type = { action = { action_delivery = { source_offset = { 0.15, -0.5 }, stream = "acid-stream-worm-behemoth", type = "stream" }, type = "direct" }, category = "biological" }, cooldown = 4, damage_modifier = 96, lead_target_for_projectile_speed = 0.3375, min_range = 0, projectile_creation_parameters = { { 0, { -0.1125, -4.5562500000000004 } }, { 0.0625, { 1.8262499999999999, -4.1362500000000004 } }, { 0.125, { 2.9493749999999999, -3.305625 } }, { 0.1875, { 3.6299999999999999, -2.7262499999999998 } }, { 0.25, { 4.3125, -1.40625 } }, { 0.3125, { 3.6675, 0.45750000000000002 } }, { 0.375, { 2.6118749999999999, 1.505625 } }, { 0.4375, { 1.11375, 1.4925000000000002 } }, { 0.5, { 0.075, 1.8375 } }, { 0.5625, { -1.30125, 2.2237499999999999 } }, { 0.625, { -2.5368749999999998, 1.730625 } }, { 0.6875, { -3.57375, 0.81374999999999993 } }, { 0.75, { -4.6875, -1.05 } }, { 0.8125, { -4.2675000000000001, -2.4637500000000001 } }, { 0.875, { -3.2493750000000001, -3.680625 } }, { 0.9375, { -1.4699999999999998, -4.3424999999999994 } } }, range = 48, type = "stream", use_shooter_direction = true }, autoplace = { control = "enemy-base", force = "enemy", order = "b[enemy]-b[worm]", probability_expression = { arguments = { amplitude = { literal_value = 0.1, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 256 }, type = "literal-number" }, source = { arguments = { { arguments = { { source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/entity/enemy-autoplace-utils.lua", line_number = 148 }, type = "variable", variable_name = "enemy_base_probability" }, { arguments = { { literal_value = 0, source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/entity/enemy-autoplace-utils.lua", line_number = 146 }, type = "literal-number" }, { arguments = { { literal_value = 1, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 54 }, type = "literal-number" }, { arguments = { { arguments = { { arguments = { { arguments = { { source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/entity/enemy-autoplace-utils.lua", line_number = 142 }, type = "variable", variable_name = "distance" }, { source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/entity/enemy-autoplace-utils.lua", line_number = 142 }, type = "variable", variable_name = "starting_area_radius" } }, function_name = "subtract", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/entity/enemy-autoplace-utils.lua", line_number = 142 }, type = "function-application" }, { literal_value = 2496, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 62 }, type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "subtract", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/entity/enemy-autoplace-utils.lua", line_number = 146 }, type = "function-application" }, { literal_value = 0.002, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 78 }, type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "multiply", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/entity/enemy-autoplace-utils.lua", line_number = 146 }, type = "function-application" }, { literal_value = 8, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 78 }, type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "multiply", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/entity/enemy-autoplace-utils.lua", line_number = 146 }, type = "function-application" } }, function_name = "add", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/entity/enemy-autoplace-utils.lua", line_number = 146 }, type = "function-application" }, { literal_value = 1/0 --[[math.huge]], source_location = 0 --[=[ ref [""].turret["behemoth-worm-turret"].autoplace.probability_expression.arguments.source.arguments[1].arguments[2].arguments[1].source_location ]=], type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "clamp", source_location = 0 --[=[ ref [""].turret["behemoth-worm-turret"].autoplace.probability_expression.arguments.source.arguments[1].arguments[2].arguments[1].source_location ]=], type = "function-application" } }, function_name = "multiply", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/entity/enemy-autoplace-utils.lua", line_number = 148 }, type = "function-application" }, { literal_value = -1/0 --[[-math.huge]], source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/entity/enemy-autoplace-utils.lua", line_number = 151 }, type = "literal-number" }, { literal_value = 0.65, source_location = 0 --[=[ ref [""].turret["behemoth-worm-turret"].autoplace.probability_expression.arguments.source.arguments[2].source_location ]=], type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "clamp", source_location = 0 --[=[ ref [""].turret["behemoth-worm-turret"].autoplace.probability_expression.arguments.source.arguments[2].source_location ]=], type = "function-application" }, x = { arguments = { { source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/entity/enemy-autoplace-utils.lua", line_number = 155 }, type = "variable", variable_name = "x" }, { literal_value = 5, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 54 }, type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "add", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/entity/enemy-autoplace-utils.lua", line_number = 155 }, type = "function-application" }, y = { source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 254 }, type = "variable", variable_name = "y" } }, function_name = "random-penalty", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/entity/enemy-autoplace-utils.lua", line_number = 154 }, type = "function-application" }, richness_expression = { literal_value = 1, source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/entity/enemy-autoplace-utils.lua", line_number = 159 }, type = "literal-number" } }, build_base_evolution_requirement = 0.9, call_for_help_radius = 80, collision_box = { { -1.3999999999999999, -1.2 }, { 1.3999999999999999, 1.2 } }, corpse = "behemoth-worm-corpse", damaged_trigger_effect = { damage_type_filters = "fire", entity_name = "enemy-damaged-explosion", offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, type = "create-entity" }, dying_explosion = "behemoth-worm-die", dying_sound = { audible_distance_modifier = 1.2, variations = { { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/worm-death-big-1.ogg", volume = 0.71999999999999993 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/worm-death-big-2.ogg", volume = 0.71999999999999993 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/worm-death-big-3.ogg", volume = 0.71999999999999993 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/worm-death-big-4.ogg", volume = 0.71999999999999993 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/worm-death-big-5.ogg", volume = 0.71999999999999993 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/worm-death-big-6.ogg", volume = 0.71999999999999993 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/worm-death-big-7.ogg", volume = 0.71999999999999993 } } }, ending_attack_animation = { layers = { { direction_count = 16, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-04.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-05.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-06.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-07.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-08.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-09.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-10.png" }, frame_count = 10, frame_sequence = { 10, 9, 10, 9, 10, 9, 10, 9, 10, 9, 10, 9, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 }, height = 222, hr_version = { direction_count = 16, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-04.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-05.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-06.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-07.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-08.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-09.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-10.png" }, frame_count = 10, frame_sequence = 0 --[=[ ref [""].turret["behemoth-worm-turret"].ending_attack_animation.layers[1].frame_sequence ]=], height = 440, line_length = 4, lines_per_file = 4, scale = 0.6, shift = { -0.3, -1.0874999999999999 }, slice = 4, width = 480 }, line_length = 4, lines_per_file = 4, scale = 1.2, shift = { -0.3, -1.125 }, slice = 4, width = 240 }, { direction_count = 16, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-mask-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-mask-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-mask-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-mask-04.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-mask-05.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-mask-06.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-mask-07.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-mask-08.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-mask-09.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-mask-10.png" }, frame_count = 10, frame_sequence = 0 --[=[ ref [""].turret["behemoth-worm-turret"].ending_attack_animation.layers[1].frame_sequence ]=], height = 186, hr_version = { direction_count = 16, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-mask-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-mask-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-mask-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-mask-04.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-mask-05.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-mask-06.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-mask-07.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-mask-08.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-mask-09.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-mask-10.png" }, frame_count = 10, frame_sequence = 0 --[=[ ref [""].turret["behemoth-worm-turret"].ending_attack_animation.layers[1].frame_sequence ]=], height = 366, line_length = 4, lines_per_file = 4, scale = 0.6, shift = { -0.2625, -1.0125 }, slice = 4, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["behemoth-worm-corpse"].animation[1].layers[2].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 388 }, line_length = 4, lines_per_file = 4, scale = 1.2, shift = { -0.3, -1.05 }, slice = 4, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["behemoth-worm-corpse"].animation[1].layers[2].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 196 }, { direction_count = 16, draw_as_shadow = true, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-shadow-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-shadow-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-shadow-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-shadow-04.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-shadow-05.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-shadow-06.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-shadow-07.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-shadow-08.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-shadow-09.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-shadow-10.png" }, frame_count = 10, frame_sequence = 0 --[=[ ref [""].turret["behemoth-worm-turret"].ending_attack_animation.layers[1].frame_sequence ]=], height = 176, hr_version = { direction_count = 16, draw_as_shadow = true, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-shadow-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-shadow-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-shadow-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-shadow-04.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-shadow-05.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-shadow-06.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-shadow-07.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-shadow-08.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-shadow-09.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-shadow-10.png" }, frame_count = 10, frame_sequence = 0 --[=[ ref [""].turret["behemoth-worm-turret"].ending_attack_animation.layers[1].frame_sequence ]=], height = 350, line_length = 4, lines_per_file = 4, scale = 0.6, shift = { 1.425, -0.075 }, slice = 4, width = 618 }, line_length = 4, lines_per_file = 4, scale = 1.2, shift = { 1.425, -0.075 }, slice = 4, width = 310 } } }, ending_attack_speed = 0.016000000000000001, flags = { "placeable-player", "placeable-enemy", "placeable-off-grid", "not-repairable", "breaths-air" }, folded_animation = { layers = { { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-folded.png", frame_count = 9, height = 60, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-folded.png", frame_count = 9, height = 120, line_length = 9, run_mode = "forward-then-backward", scale = 0.6, shift = { 0, 0.15 }, width = 130 }, line_length = 9, run_mode = "forward-then-backward", scale = 1.2, shift = { 0, 0.15 }, width = 66 }, { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-folded-mask.png", flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 9, height = 56, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-folded-mask.png", flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 9, height = 108, line_length = 9, run_mode = "forward-then-backward", scale = 0.6, shift = { 0, 0.2625 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["behemoth-worm-corpse"].animation[1].layers[2].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 130 }, line_length = 9, run_mode = "forward-then-backward", scale = 1.2, shift = { 0, 0.225 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["behemoth-worm-corpse"].animation[1].layers[2].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 66 }, { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-folded-shadow.png", frame_count = 9, height = 34, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-folded-shadow.png", frame_count = 9, height = 68, line_length = 9, run_mode = "forward-then-backward", scale = 0.6, shift = { 0.1875, -0.15 }, width = 116 }, line_length = 9, run_mode = "forward-then-backward", scale = 1.2, shift = { 0.15, -0.15 }, width = 60 } } }, folded_speed = 0.01, folded_speed_secondary = 0.023999999999999999, folding_animation = { layers = { { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-preparing.png", frame_count = 18, height = 152, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-preparing.png", frame_count = 18, height = 304, line_length = 6, run_mode = "backward", scale = 0.6, shift = { 0, -1.575 }, width = 188 }, line_length = 6, run_mode = "backward", scale = 1.2, shift = { 0, -1.575 }, width = 94 }, { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-preparing-mask.png", flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 18, height = 124, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-preparing-mask.png", flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 18, height = 248, line_length = 6, run_mode = "backward", scale = 0.6, shift = { 0, -1.05 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["behemoth-worm-corpse"].animation[1].layers[2].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 188 }, line_length = 6, run_mode = "backward", scale = 1.2, shift = { 0, -1.05 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["behemoth-worm-corpse"].animation[1].layers[2].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 94 }, { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-preparing-shadow.png", frame_count = 18, height = 66, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-preparing-shadow.png", frame_count = 18, height = 124, line_length = 6, run_mode = "backward", scale = 0.6, shift = { 2.0625, -0.15 }, width = 410 }, line_length = 6, run_mode = "backward", scale = 1.2, shift = { 2.0249999999999999, -0.225 }, width = 208 } } }, folding_sound = { { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/worm-folding-1.ogg", volume = 1 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/worm-folding-2.ogg", volume = 1 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/worm-folding-3.ogg", volume = 1 } }, folding_speed = 0.015, healing_per_tick = 0.02, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/behemoth-worm.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, integration = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-integration.png", frame_count = 1, height = 122, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-integration.png", frame_count = 1, height = 240, scale = 0.6, shift = { 0.15, -0.0375 }, variation_count = 1, width = 332 }, scale = 1.2, shift = { 0.15, -0.075 }, variation_count = 1, width = 166 }, map_generator_bounding_box = { { -2.3999999999999999, -2.2000000000000002 }, { 2.3999999999999999, 2.2000000000000002 } }, max_health = 750, name = "behemoth-worm-turret", order = "b-c-d", prepare_range = 84, prepared_alternative_animation = { layers = { { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-prepared-alternative.png", frame_count = 17, frame_sequence = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 17, 16, 16, 15, 15, 16, 16, 17, 17, 16, 16, 16, 17, 17, 16, 16, 15, 15, 16, 16, 15, 15, 16, 16, 17, 17, 17, 16, 16, 15, 15, 16, 16, 15, 15, 16, 16, 17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 }, height = 164, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-prepared-alternative.png", frame_count = 17, frame_sequence = 0 --[=[ ref [""].turret["behemoth-worm-turret"].prepared_alternative_animation.layers[1].frame_sequence ]=], height = 324, line_length = 6, scale = 0.6, shift = { -0.075, -1.7625 }, width = 182 }, line_length = 6, scale = 1.2, shift = { -0.075, -1.7999999999999998 }, width = 92 }, { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-prepared-alternative-mask.png", flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 17, frame_sequence = 0 --[=[ ref [""].turret["behemoth-worm-turret"].prepared_alternative_animation.layers[1].frame_sequence ]=], height = 144, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-prepared-alternative-mask.png", flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 17, frame_sequence = 0 --[=[ ref [""].turret["behemoth-worm-turret"].prepared_alternative_animation.layers[1].frame_sequence ]=], height = 288, line_length = 6, scale = 0.6, shift = { -0.075, -1.425 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["behemoth-worm-corpse"].animation[1].layers[2].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 182 }, line_length = 6, scale = 1.2, shift = { -0.075, -1.425 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["behemoth-worm-corpse"].animation[1].layers[2].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 92 }, { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-prepared-alternative-shadow.png", frame_count = 17, frame_sequence = 0 --[=[ ref [""].turret["behemoth-worm-turret"].prepared_alternative_animation.layers[1].frame_sequence ]=], height = 60, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-prepared-alternative-shadow.png", frame_count = 17, frame_sequence = 0 --[=[ ref [""].turret["behemoth-worm-turret"].prepared_alternative_animation.layers[1].frame_sequence ]=], height = 120, line_length = 6, scale = 0.6, shift = { 2.1374999999999997, -0.225 }, width = 424 }, line_length = 6, scale = 1.2, shift = { 2.1000000000000001, -0.225 }, width = 214 } } }, prepared_alternative_chance = 0.2, prepared_alternative_sound = { audible_distance_modifier = 1.8, variations = { { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/worm-roar-alt-big-1.ogg", volume = 0.86999999999999993 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/worm-roar-alt-big-2.ogg", volume = 0.86999999999999993 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/worm-roar-alt-big-3.ogg", volume = 0.86999999999999993 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/worm-roar-alt-big-4.ogg", volume = 0.86999999999999993 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/worm-roar-alt-big-5.ogg", volume = 0.86999999999999993 } } }, prepared_alternative_speed = 0.014000000000000002, prepared_alternative_speed_secondary = 0.01, prepared_animation = { layers = { { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-prepared.png", frame_count = 9, height = 152, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-prepared.png", frame_count = 9, height = 300, line_length = 9, run_mode = "forward-then-backward", scale = 0.6, shift = { -0.1125, -1.5374999999999998 }, width = 190 }, line_length = 9, run_mode = "forward-then-backward", scale = 1.2, shift = { -0.15, -1.575 }, width = 98 }, { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-prepared-mask.png", flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 9, height = 132, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-prepared-mask.png", flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 9, height = 268, line_length = 9, run_mode = "forward-then-backward", scale = 0.6, shift = { -0.1125, -1.2375 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["behemoth-worm-corpse"].animation[1].layers[2].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 190 }, line_length = 9, run_mode = "forward-then-backward", scale = 1.2, shift = { -0.15, -1.2 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["behemoth-worm-corpse"].animation[1].layers[2].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 98 }, { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-prepared-shadow.png", frame_count = 9, height = 62, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-prepared-shadow.png", frame_count = 9, height = 122, line_length = 9, run_mode = "forward-then-backward", scale = 0.6, shift = { 1.95, -0.225 }, width = 408 }, line_length = 9, run_mode = "forward-then-backward", scale = 1.2, shift = { 1.95, -0.225 }, width = 204 } } }, prepared_sound = { audible_distance_modifier = 1.5, variations = { { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/worm-breathe-big-01.ogg", volume = 1 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/worm-breathe-big-02.ogg", volume = 1 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/worm-breathe-big-03.ogg", volume = 1 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/worm-breathe-big-04.ogg", volume = 1 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/worm-breathe-big-05.ogg", volume = 1 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/worm-breathe-big-06.ogg", volume = 1 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/worm-breathe-big-07.ogg", volume = 1 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/worm-breathe-big-08.ogg", volume = 1 } } }, prepared_speed = 0.023999999999999999, prepared_speed_secondary = 0.012, preparing_animation = { layers = { { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-preparing.png", frame_count = 18, height = 152, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-preparing.png", frame_count = 18, height = 304, line_length = 6, run_mode = "forward", scale = 0.6, shift = { 0, -1.575 }, width = 188 }, line_length = 6, run_mode = "forward", scale = 1.2, shift = { 0, -1.575 }, width = 94 }, { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-preparing-mask.png", flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 18, height = 124, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-preparing-mask.png", flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 18, height = 248, line_length = 6, run_mode = "forward", scale = 0.6, shift = { 0, -1.05 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["behemoth-worm-corpse"].animation[1].layers[2].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 188 }, line_length = 6, run_mode = "forward", scale = 1.2, shift = { 0, -1.05 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["behemoth-worm-corpse"].animation[1].layers[2].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 94 }, { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-preparing-shadow.png", frame_count = 18, height = 66, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-preparing-shadow.png", frame_count = 18, height = 124, line_length = 6, run_mode = "forward", scale = 0.6, shift = { 2.0625, -0.15 }, width = 410 }, line_length = 6, run_mode = "forward", scale = 1.2, shift = { 2.0249999999999999, -0.225 }, width = 208 } } }, preparing_sound = { { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/worm-standup-1.ogg", volume = 1 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/worm-standup-2.ogg", volume = 1 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/worm-standup-3.ogg", volume = 1 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/worm-standup-4.ogg", volume = 1 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/worm-standup-5.ogg", volume = 1 } }, preparing_speed = 0.023999999999999999, random_animation_offset = true, resistances = { { decrease = 10, type = "physical" }, { decrease = 10, percent = 30, type = "explosion" }, { decrease = 3, percent = 70, type = "fire" } }, rotation_speed = 1, secondary_animation = true, selection_box = { { -1.3999999999999999, -1.2 }, { 1.3999999999999999, 1.2 } }, shooting_cursor_size = 4, spawn_decoration = { { decorative = "worms-decal", spawn_max = 3, spawn_max_radius = 5, spawn_min = 1, spawn_min_radius = 1 }, { decorative = "shroom-decal", spawn_max = 2, spawn_max_radius = 2, spawn_min = 1, spawn_min_radius = 1 }, { decorative = "enemy-decal", spawn_max = 4, spawn_max_radius = 4, spawn_min = 1, spawn_min_radius = 1 }, { decorative = "enemy-decal-transparent", spawn_max = 5, spawn_max_radius = 4, spawn_min = 3, spawn_min_radius = 1 } }, spawn_decorations_on_expansion = true, starting_attack_animation = { layers = { { direction_count = 16, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-04.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-05.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-06.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-07.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-08.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-09.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-10.png" }, frame_count = 10, frame_sequence = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }, height = 222, hr_version = { direction_count = 16, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-04.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-05.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-06.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-07.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-08.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-09.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-10.png" }, frame_count = 10, frame_sequence = 0 --[=[ ref [""].turret["behemoth-worm-turret"].starting_attack_animation.layers[1].frame_sequence ]=], height = 440, line_length = 4, lines_per_file = 4, scale = 0.6, shift = { -0.3, -1.0874999999999999 }, slice = 4, width = 480 }, line_length = 4, lines_per_file = 4, scale = 1.2, shift = { -0.3, -1.125 }, slice = 4, width = 240 }, { direction_count = 16, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-mask-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-mask-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-mask-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-mask-04.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-mask-05.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-mask-06.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-mask-07.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-mask-08.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-mask-09.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-mask-10.png" }, frame_count = 10, frame_sequence = 0 --[=[ ref [""].turret["behemoth-worm-turret"].starting_attack_animation.layers[1].frame_sequence ]=], height = 186, hr_version = { direction_count = 16, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-mask-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-mask-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-mask-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-mask-04.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-mask-05.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-mask-06.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-mask-07.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-mask-08.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-mask-09.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-mask-10.png" }, frame_count = 10, frame_sequence = 0 --[=[ ref [""].turret["behemoth-worm-turret"].starting_attack_animation.layers[1].frame_sequence ]=], height = 366, line_length = 4, lines_per_file = 4, scale = 0.6, shift = { -0.2625, -1.0125 }, slice = 4, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["behemoth-worm-corpse"].animation[1].layers[2].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 388 }, line_length = 4, lines_per_file = 4, scale = 1.2, shift = { -0.3, -1.05 }, slice = 4, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["behemoth-worm-corpse"].animation[1].layers[2].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 196 }, { direction_count = 16, draw_as_shadow = true, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-shadow-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-shadow-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-shadow-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-shadow-04.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-shadow-05.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-shadow-06.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-shadow-07.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-shadow-08.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-shadow-09.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-shadow-10.png" }, frame_count = 10, frame_sequence = 0 --[=[ ref [""].turret["behemoth-worm-turret"].starting_attack_animation.layers[1].frame_sequence ]=], height = 176, hr_version = { direction_count = 16, draw_as_shadow = true, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-shadow-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-shadow-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-shadow-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-shadow-04.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-shadow-05.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-shadow-06.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-shadow-07.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-shadow-08.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-shadow-09.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-shadow-10.png" }, frame_count = 10, frame_sequence = 0 --[=[ ref [""].turret["behemoth-worm-turret"].starting_attack_animation.layers[1].frame_sequence ]=], height = 350, line_length = 4, lines_per_file = 4, scale = 0.6, shift = { 1.425, -0.075 }, slice = 4, width = 618 }, line_length = 4, lines_per_file = 4, scale = 1.2, shift = { 1.425, -0.075 }, slice = 4, width = 310 } } }, starting_attack_sound = { audible_distance_modifier = 1.3, variations = { { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/worm-roar-big-1.ogg", volume = 0.81000000000000014 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/worm-roar-big-2.ogg", volume = 0.81000000000000014 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/worm-roar-big-3.ogg", volume = 0.81000000000000014 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/worm-roar-big-4.ogg", volume = 0.81000000000000014 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/worm-roar-big-5.ogg", volume = 0.81000000000000014 } } }, starting_attack_speed = 0.034000000000000004, subgroup = "enemies", type = "turret" }, ["big-worm-turret"] = { allow_turning_when_starting_attack = true, attack_from_start_frame = true, attack_parameters = { ammo_type = { action = { action_delivery = { source_offset = { 0.15, -0.5 }, stream = "acid-stream-worm-big", type = "stream" }, type = "direct" }, category = "biological" }, cooldown = 4, damage_modifier = 72, lead_target_for_projectile_speed = 0.3375, min_range = 0, projectile_creation_parameters = { { 0, { -0.09375, -3.796875 } }, { 0.0625, { 1.5218750000000001, -3.4468749999999999 } }, { 0.125, { 2.4578125000000002, -2.7546875000000002 } }, { 0.1875, { 3.0249999999999999, -2.2718750000000001 } }, { 0.25, { 3.59375, -1.171875 } }, { 0.3125, { 3.0562499999999999, 0.38125 } }, { 0.375, { 2.1765625000000002, 1.2546875 } }, { 0.4375, { 0.928125, 1.2437499999999999 } }, { 0.5, { 0.0625, 1.53125 } }, { 0.5625, { -1.0843750000000001, 1.853125 } }, { 0.625, { -2.1140625000000002, 1.4421875 } }, { 0.6875, { -2.978125, 0.678125 } }, { 0.75, { -3.90625, -0.875 } }, { 0.8125, { -3.5562499999999999, -2.0531250000000001 } }, { 0.875, { -2.7078125000000002, -3.0671875000000002 } }, { 0.9375, { -1.2250000000000001, -3.6187499999999999 } } }, range = 38, type = "stream", use_shooter_direction = true }, autoplace = { control = "enemy-base", force = "enemy", order = "b[enemy]-b[worm]", probability_expression = { arguments = { amplitude = { literal_value = 0.1, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 256 }, type = "literal-number" }, source = { arguments = { { arguments = { { source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/entity/enemy-autoplace-utils.lua", line_number = 148 }, type = "variable", variable_name = "enemy_base_probability" }, { arguments = { { literal_value = 0, source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/entity/enemy-autoplace-utils.lua", line_number = 146 }, type = "literal-number" }, { arguments = { { literal_value = 1, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 54 }, type = "literal-number" }, { arguments = { { arguments = { { arguments = { { arguments = { { source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/entity/enemy-autoplace-utils.lua", line_number = 142 }, type = "variable", variable_name = "distance" }, { source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/entity/enemy-autoplace-utils.lua", line_number = 142 }, type = "variable", variable_name = "starting_area_radius" } }, function_name = "subtract", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/entity/enemy-autoplace-utils.lua", line_number = 142 }, type = "function-application" }, { literal_value = 1560, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 62 }, type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "subtract", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/entity/enemy-autoplace-utils.lua", line_number = 146 }, type = "function-application" }, { literal_value = 0.002, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 78 }, type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "multiply", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/entity/enemy-autoplace-utils.lua", line_number = 146 }, type = "function-application" }, { literal_value = 5, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 78 }, type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "multiply", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/entity/enemy-autoplace-utils.lua", line_number = 146 }, type = "function-application" } }, function_name = "add", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/entity/enemy-autoplace-utils.lua", line_number = 146 }, type = "function-application" }, { literal_value = 1/0 --[[math.huge]], source_location = 0 --[=[ ref [""].turret["big-worm-turret"].autoplace.probability_expression.arguments.source.arguments[1].arguments[2].arguments[1].source_location ]=], type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "clamp", source_location = 0 --[=[ ref [""].turret["big-worm-turret"].autoplace.probability_expression.arguments.source.arguments[1].arguments[2].arguments[1].source_location ]=], type = "function-application" } }, function_name = "multiply", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/entity/enemy-autoplace-utils.lua", line_number = 148 }, type = "function-application" }, { literal_value = -1/0 --[[-math.huge]], source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/entity/enemy-autoplace-utils.lua", line_number = 151 }, type = "literal-number" }, { literal_value = 0.5, source_location = 0 --[=[ ref [""].turret["big-worm-turret"].autoplace.probability_expression.arguments.source.arguments[2].source_location ]=], type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "clamp", source_location = 0 --[=[ ref [""].turret["big-worm-turret"].autoplace.probability_expression.arguments.source.arguments[2].source_location ]=], type = "function-application" }, x = { arguments = { { source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/entity/enemy-autoplace-utils.lua", line_number = 155 }, type = "variable", variable_name = "x" }, { literal_value = 4, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 54 }, type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "add", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/entity/enemy-autoplace-utils.lua", line_number = 155 }, type = "function-application" }, y = { source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 254 }, type = "variable", variable_name = "y" } }, function_name = "random-penalty", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/entity/enemy-autoplace-utils.lua", line_number = 154 }, type = "function-application" }, richness_expression = { literal_value = 1, source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/entity/enemy-autoplace-utils.lua", line_number = 159 }, type = "literal-number" } }, build_base_evolution_requirement = 0.5, call_for_help_radius = 40, collision_box = { { -1.3999999999999999, -1.2 }, { 1.3999999999999999, 1.2 } }, corpse = "big-worm-corpse", damaged_trigger_effect = { damage_type_filters = "fire", entity_name = "enemy-damaged-explosion", offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, type = "create-entity" }, dying_explosion = "big-worm-die", dying_sound = { variations = { { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/worm-death-1.ogg", volume = 0.7 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/worm-death-2.ogg", volume = 0.7 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/worm-death-3.ogg", volume = 0.7 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/worm-death-4.ogg", volume = 0.7 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/worm-death-5.ogg", volume = 0.7 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/worm-death-6.ogg", volume = 0.7 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/worm-death-7.ogg", volume = 0.7 } } }, ending_attack_animation = { layers = { { direction_count = 16, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-04.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-05.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-06.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-07.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-08.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-09.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-10.png" }, frame_count = 10, frame_sequence = 0 --[=[ ref [""].turret["behemoth-worm-turret"].ending_attack_animation.layers[1].frame_sequence ]=], height = 222, hr_version = { direction_count = 16, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-04.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-05.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-06.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-07.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-08.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-09.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-10.png" }, frame_count = 10, frame_sequence = 0 --[=[ ref [""].turret["behemoth-worm-turret"].ending_attack_animation.layers[1].frame_sequence ]=], height = 440, line_length = 4, lines_per_file = 4, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.25, -0.90625 }, slice = 4, width = 480 }, line_length = 4, lines_per_file = 4, scale = 1, shift = { -0.25, -0.9375 }, slice = 4, width = 240 }, { direction_count = 16, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-mask-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-mask-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-mask-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-mask-04.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-mask-05.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-mask-06.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-mask-07.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-mask-08.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-mask-09.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-mask-10.png" }, frame_count = 10, frame_sequence = 0 --[=[ ref [""].turret["behemoth-worm-turret"].ending_attack_animation.layers[1].frame_sequence ]=], height = 186, hr_version = { direction_count = 16, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-mask-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-mask-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-mask-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-mask-04.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-mask-05.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-mask-06.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-mask-07.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-mask-08.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-mask-09.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-mask-10.png" }, frame_count = 10, frame_sequence = 0 --[=[ ref [""].turret["behemoth-worm-turret"].ending_attack_animation.layers[1].frame_sequence ]=], height = 366, line_length = 4, lines_per_file = 4, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.21875, -0.84375 }, slice = 4, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["big-worm-corpse"].animation[1].layers[2].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 388 }, line_length = 4, lines_per_file = 4, scale = 1, shift = { -0.25, -0.875 }, slice = 4, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["big-worm-corpse"].animation[1].layers[2].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 196 }, { direction_count = 16, draw_as_shadow = true, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-shadow-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-shadow-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-shadow-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-shadow-04.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-shadow-05.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-shadow-06.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-shadow-07.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-shadow-08.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-shadow-09.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-shadow-10.png" }, frame_count = 10, frame_sequence = 0 --[=[ ref [""].turret["behemoth-worm-turret"].ending_attack_animation.layers[1].frame_sequence ]=], height = 176, hr_version = { direction_count = 16, draw_as_shadow = true, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-shadow-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-shadow-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-shadow-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-shadow-04.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-shadow-05.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-shadow-06.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-shadow-07.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-shadow-08.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-shadow-09.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-shadow-10.png" }, frame_count = 10, frame_sequence = 0 --[=[ ref [""].turret["behemoth-worm-turret"].ending_attack_animation.layers[1].frame_sequence ]=], height = 350, line_length = 4, lines_per_file = 4, scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.1875, -0.0625 }, slice = 4, width = 618 }, line_length = 4, lines_per_file = 4, scale = 1, shift = { 1.1875, -0.0625 }, slice = 4, width = 310 } } }, ending_attack_speed = 0.016000000000000001, flags = { "placeable-player", "placeable-enemy", "placeable-off-grid", "not-repairable", "breaths-air" }, folded_animation = { layers = { { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-folded.png", frame_count = 9, height = 60, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-folded.png", frame_count = 9, height = 120, line_length = 9, run_mode = "forward-then-backward", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, 0.125 }, width = 130 }, line_length = 9, run_mode = "forward-then-backward", scale = 1, shift = { 0, 0.125 }, width = 66 }, { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-folded-mask.png", flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 9, height = 56, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-folded-mask.png", flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 9, height = 108, line_length = 9, run_mode = "forward-then-backward", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, 0.21875 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["big-worm-corpse"].animation[1].layers[2].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 130 }, line_length = 9, run_mode = "forward-then-backward", scale = 1, shift = { 0, 0.1875 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["big-worm-corpse"].animation[1].layers[2].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 66 }, { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-folded-shadow.png", frame_count = 9, height = 34, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-folded-shadow.png", frame_count = 9, height = 68, line_length = 9, run_mode = "forward-then-backward", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.15625, -0.125 }, width = 116 }, line_length = 9, run_mode = "forward-then-backward", scale = 1, shift = { 0.125, -0.125 }, width = 60 } } }, folded_speed = 0.01, folded_speed_secondary = 0.023999999999999999, folding_animation = { layers = { { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-preparing.png", frame_count = 18, height = 152, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-preparing.png", frame_count = 18, height = 304, line_length = 6, run_mode = "backward", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -1.3125 }, width = 188 }, line_length = 6, run_mode = "backward", scale = 1, shift = { 0, -1.3125 }, width = 94 }, { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-preparing-mask.png", flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 18, height = 124, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-preparing-mask.png", flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 18, height = 248, line_length = 6, run_mode = "backward", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.875 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["big-worm-corpse"].animation[1].layers[2].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 188 }, line_length = 6, run_mode = "backward", scale = 1, shift = { 0, -0.875 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["big-worm-corpse"].animation[1].layers[2].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 94 }, { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-preparing-shadow.png", frame_count = 18, height = 66, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-preparing-shadow.png", frame_count = 18, height = 124, line_length = 6, run_mode = "backward", scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.71875, -0.125 }, width = 410 }, line_length = 6, run_mode = "backward", scale = 1, shift = { 1.6875, -0.1875 }, width = 208 } } }, folding_sound = { { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/worm-folding-1.ogg", volume = 1 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/worm-folding-2.ogg", volume = 1 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/worm-folding-3.ogg", volume = 1 } }, folding_speed = 0.015, healing_per_tick = 0.02, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/big-worm.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, integration = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-integration.png", frame_count = 1, height = 122, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-integration.png", frame_count = 1, height = 240, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.125, -0.03125 }, variation_count = 1, width = 332 }, scale = 1, shift = { 0.125, -0.0625 }, variation_count = 1, width = 166 }, map_generator_bounding_box = { { -2.3999999999999999, -2.2000000000000002 }, { 2.3999999999999999, 2.2000000000000002 } }, max_health = 750, name = "big-worm-turret", order = "b-c-c", prepare_range = 62, prepared_alternative_animation = { layers = { { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-prepared-alternative.png", frame_count = 17, frame_sequence = 0 --[=[ ref [""].turret["behemoth-worm-turret"].prepared_alternative_animation.layers[1].frame_sequence ]=], height = 164, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-prepared-alternative.png", frame_count = 17, frame_sequence = 0 --[=[ ref [""].turret["behemoth-worm-turret"].prepared_alternative_animation.layers[1].frame_sequence ]=], height = 324, line_length = 6, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.0625, -1.46875 }, width = 182 }, line_length = 6, scale = 1, shift = { -0.0625, -1.5 }, width = 92 }, { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-prepared-alternative-mask.png", flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 17, frame_sequence = 0 --[=[ ref [""].turret["behemoth-worm-turret"].prepared_alternative_animation.layers[1].frame_sequence ]=], height = 144, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-prepared-alternative-mask.png", flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 17, frame_sequence = 0 --[=[ ref [""].turret["behemoth-worm-turret"].prepared_alternative_animation.layers[1].frame_sequence ]=], height = 288, line_length = 6, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.0625, -1.1875 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["big-worm-corpse"].animation[1].layers[2].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 182 }, line_length = 6, scale = 1, shift = { -0.0625, -1.1875 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["big-worm-corpse"].animation[1].layers[2].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 92 }, { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-prepared-alternative-shadow.png", frame_count = 17, frame_sequence = 0 --[=[ ref [""].turret["behemoth-worm-turret"].prepared_alternative_animation.layers[1].frame_sequence ]=], height = 60, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-prepared-alternative-shadow.png", frame_count = 17, frame_sequence = 0 --[=[ ref [""].turret["behemoth-worm-turret"].prepared_alternative_animation.layers[1].frame_sequence ]=], height = 120, line_length = 6, scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.78125, -0.1875 }, width = 424 }, line_length = 6, scale = 1, shift = { 1.75, -0.1875 }, width = 214 } } }, prepared_alternative_chance = 0.2, prepared_alternative_sound = { audible_distance_modifier = 1.8, variations = { { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/worm-roar-alt-big-1.ogg", volume = 0.71999999999999993 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/worm-roar-alt-big-2.ogg", volume = 0.71999999999999993 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/worm-roar-alt-big-3.ogg", volume = 0.71999999999999993 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/worm-roar-alt-big-4.ogg", volume = 0.71999999999999993 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/worm-roar-alt-big-5.ogg", volume = 0.71999999999999993 } } }, prepared_alternative_speed = 0.014000000000000002, prepared_alternative_speed_secondary = 0.01, prepared_animation = { layers = { { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-prepared.png", frame_count = 9, height = 152, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-prepared.png", frame_count = 9, height = 300, line_length = 9, run_mode = "forward-then-backward", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.09375, -1.28125 }, width = 190 }, line_length = 9, run_mode = "forward-then-backward", scale = 1, shift = { -0.125, -1.3125 }, width = 98 }, { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-prepared-mask.png", flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 9, height = 132, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-prepared-mask.png", flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 9, height = 268, line_length = 9, run_mode = "forward-then-backward", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.09375, -1.03125 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["big-worm-corpse"].animation[1].layers[2].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 190 }, line_length = 9, run_mode = "forward-then-backward", scale = 1, shift = { -0.125, -1 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["big-worm-corpse"].animation[1].layers[2].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 98 }, { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-prepared-shadow.png", frame_count = 9, height = 62, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-prepared-shadow.png", frame_count = 9, height = 122, line_length = 9, run_mode = "forward-then-backward", scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.625, -0.1875 }, width = 408 }, line_length = 9, run_mode = "forward-then-backward", scale = 1, shift = { 1.625, -0.1875 }, width = 204 } } }, prepared_sound = { audible_distance_modifier = 1.5, variations = { { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/worm-breathe-big-01.ogg", volume = 1 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/worm-breathe-big-02.ogg", volume = 1 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/worm-breathe-big-03.ogg", volume = 1 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/worm-breathe-big-04.ogg", volume = 1 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/worm-breathe-big-05.ogg", volume = 1 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/worm-breathe-big-06.ogg", volume = 1 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/worm-breathe-big-07.ogg", volume = 1 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/worm-breathe-big-08.ogg", volume = 1 } } }, prepared_speed = 0.023999999999999999, prepared_speed_secondary = 0.012, preparing_animation = { layers = { { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-preparing.png", frame_count = 18, height = 152, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-preparing.png", frame_count = 18, height = 304, line_length = 6, run_mode = "forward", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -1.3125 }, width = 188 }, line_length = 6, run_mode = "forward", scale = 1, shift = { 0, -1.3125 }, width = 94 }, { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-preparing-mask.png", flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 18, height = 124, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-preparing-mask.png", flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 18, height = 248, line_length = 6, run_mode = "forward", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.875 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["big-worm-corpse"].animation[1].layers[2].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 188 }, line_length = 6, run_mode = "forward", scale = 1, shift = { 0, -0.875 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["big-worm-corpse"].animation[1].layers[2].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 94 }, { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-preparing-shadow.png", frame_count = 18, height = 66, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-preparing-shadow.png", frame_count = 18, height = 124, line_length = 6, run_mode = "forward", scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.71875, -0.125 }, width = 410 }, line_length = 6, run_mode = "forward", scale = 1, shift = { 1.6875, -0.1875 }, width = 208 } } }, preparing_sound = { { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/worm-standup-1.ogg", volume = 1 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/worm-standup-2.ogg", volume = 1 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/worm-standup-3.ogg", volume = 1 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/worm-standup-4.ogg", volume = 1 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/worm-standup-5.ogg", volume = 1 } }, preparing_speed = 0.023999999999999999, random_animation_offset = true, resistances = { { decrease = 10, type = "physical" }, { decrease = 10, percent = 30, type = "explosion" }, { decrease = 3, percent = 70, type = "fire" } }, rotation_speed = 1, secondary_animation = true, selection_box = { { -1.3999999999999999, -1.2 }, { 1.3999999999999999, 1.2 } }, shooting_cursor_size = 4, spawn_decoration = { { decorative = "worms-decal", spawn_max = 2, spawn_max_radius = 4, spawn_min = 1, spawn_min_radius = 1 }, { decorative = "shroom-decal", spawn_max = 2, spawn_max_radius = 2, spawn_min = 1, spawn_min_radius = 1 }, { decorative = "enemy-decal", spawn_max = 4, spawn_max_radius = 3, spawn_min = 1, spawn_min_radius = 1 }, { decorative = "enemy-decal-transparent", spawn_max = 5, spawn_max_radius = 4, spawn_min = 3, spawn_min_radius = 1 } }, spawn_decorations_on_expansion = true, starting_attack_animation = { layers = { { direction_count = 16, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-04.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-05.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-06.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-07.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-08.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-09.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-10.png" }, frame_count = 10, frame_sequence = 0 --[=[ ref [""].turret["behemoth-worm-turret"].starting_attack_animation.layers[1].frame_sequence ]=], height = 222, hr_version = { direction_count = 16, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-04.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-05.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-06.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-07.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-08.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-09.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-10.png" }, frame_count = 10, frame_sequence = 0 --[=[ ref [""].turret["behemoth-worm-turret"].starting_attack_animation.layers[1].frame_sequence ]=], height = 440, line_length = 4, lines_per_file = 4, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.25, -0.90625 }, slice = 4, width = 480 }, line_length = 4, lines_per_file = 4, scale = 1, shift = { -0.25, -0.9375 }, slice = 4, width = 240 }, { direction_count = 16, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-mask-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-mask-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-mask-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-mask-04.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-mask-05.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-mask-06.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-mask-07.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-mask-08.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-mask-09.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-mask-10.png" }, frame_count = 10, frame_sequence = 0 --[=[ ref [""].turret["behemoth-worm-turret"].starting_attack_animation.layers[1].frame_sequence ]=], height = 186, hr_version = { direction_count = 16, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-mask-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-mask-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-mask-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-mask-04.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-mask-05.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-mask-06.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-mask-07.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-mask-08.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-mask-09.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-mask-10.png" }, frame_count = 10, frame_sequence = 0 --[=[ ref [""].turret["behemoth-worm-turret"].starting_attack_animation.layers[1].frame_sequence ]=], height = 366, line_length = 4, lines_per_file = 4, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.21875, -0.84375 }, slice = 4, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["big-worm-corpse"].animation[1].layers[2].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 388 }, line_length = 4, lines_per_file = 4, scale = 1, shift = { -0.25, -0.875 }, slice = 4, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["big-worm-corpse"].animation[1].layers[2].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 196 }, { direction_count = 16, draw_as_shadow = true, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-shadow-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-shadow-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-shadow-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-shadow-04.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-shadow-05.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-shadow-06.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-shadow-07.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-shadow-08.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-shadow-09.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-shadow-10.png" }, frame_count = 10, frame_sequence = 0 --[=[ ref [""].turret["behemoth-worm-turret"].starting_attack_animation.layers[1].frame_sequence ]=], height = 176, hr_version = { direction_count = 16, draw_as_shadow = true, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-shadow-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-shadow-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-shadow-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-shadow-04.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-shadow-05.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-shadow-06.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-shadow-07.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-shadow-08.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-shadow-09.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-shadow-10.png" }, frame_count = 10, frame_sequence = 0 --[=[ ref [""].turret["behemoth-worm-turret"].starting_attack_animation.layers[1].frame_sequence ]=], height = 350, line_length = 4, lines_per_file = 4, scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.1875, -0.0625 }, slice = 4, width = 618 }, line_length = 4, lines_per_file = 4, scale = 1, shift = { 1.1875, -0.0625 }, slice = 4, width = 310 } } }, starting_attack_sound = { audible_distance_modifier = 1.3, variations = { { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/worm-roar-big-1.ogg", volume = 0.67000000000000002 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/worm-roar-big-2.ogg", volume = 0.67000000000000002 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/worm-roar-big-3.ogg", volume = 0.67000000000000002 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/worm-roar-big-4.ogg", volume = 0.67000000000000002 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/worm-roar-big-5.ogg", volume = 0.67000000000000002 } } }, starting_attack_speed = 0.034000000000000004, subgroup = "enemies", type = "turret" }, ["medium-worm-turret"] = { allow_turning_when_starting_attack = true, attack_from_start_frame = true, attack_parameters = { ammo_type = { action = { action_delivery = { source_offset = { 0.15, -0.5 }, stream = "acid-stream-worm-medium", type = "stream" }, type = "direct" }, category = "biological" }, cooldown = 4, damage_modifier = 48, lead_target_for_projectile_speed = 0.3375, min_range = 0, projectile_creation_parameters = { { 0, { -0.0778125, -3.15140625 } }, { 0.0625, { 1.26315625, -2.8609062500000002 } }, { 0.125, { 2.039984375, -2.2863906250000001 } }, { 0.1875, { 2.5107499999999998, -1.8856562500000001 } }, { 0.25, { 2.9828125, -0.97265625 } }, { 0.3125, { 2.5366875000000002, 0.31643749999999997 } }, { 0.375, { 1.8065468750000001, 1.041390625 } }, { 0.4375, { 0.77034374999999988, 1.0323125 } }, { 0.5, { 0.051874999999999991, 1.2709375000000001 } }, { 0.5625, { -0.90003124999999997, 1.53809375 } }, { 0.625, { -1.7546718749999998, 1.1970156249999999 } }, { 0.6875, { -2.4718437499999997, 0.56284374999999995 } }, { 0.75, { -3.2421875, -0.72624999999999993 } }, { 0.8125, { -2.9516875000000002, -1.70409375 } }, { 0.875, { -2.247484375, -2.545765625 } }, { 0.9375, { -1.01675, -3.0035625000000001 } } }, range = 30, type = "stream", use_shooter_direction = true }, autoplace = { control = "enemy-base", force = "enemy", order = "b[enemy]-b[worm]", probability_expression = { arguments = { amplitude = { literal_value = 0.1, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 256 }, type = "literal-number" }, source = { arguments = { { arguments = { { source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/entity/enemy-autoplace-utils.lua", line_number = 148 }, type = "variable", variable_name = "enemy_base_probability" }, { arguments = { { literal_value = 0, source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/entity/enemy-autoplace-utils.lua", line_number = 146 }, type = "literal-number" }, { arguments = { { literal_value = 1, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 54 }, type = "literal-number" }, { arguments = { { arguments = { { arguments = { { arguments = { { source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/entity/enemy-autoplace-utils.lua", line_number = 142 }, type = "variable", variable_name = "distance" }, { source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/entity/enemy-autoplace-utils.lua", line_number = 142 }, type = "variable", variable_name = "starting_area_radius" } }, function_name = "subtract", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/entity/enemy-autoplace-utils.lua", line_number = 142 }, type = "function-application" }, { literal_value = 624, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 62 }, type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "subtract", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/entity/enemy-autoplace-utils.lua", line_number = 146 }, type = "function-application" }, { literal_value = 0.002, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 78 }, type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "multiply", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/entity/enemy-autoplace-utils.lua", line_number = 146 }, type = "function-application" }, { literal_value = 2, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 78 }, type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "multiply", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/entity/enemy-autoplace-utils.lua", line_number = 146 }, type = "function-application" } }, function_name = "add", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/entity/enemy-autoplace-utils.lua", line_number = 146 }, type = "function-application" }, { literal_value = 1/0 --[[math.huge]], source_location = 0 --[=[ ref [""].turret["medium-worm-turret"].autoplace.probability_expression.arguments.source.arguments[1].arguments[2].arguments[1].source_location ]=], type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "clamp", source_location = 0 --[=[ ref [""].turret["medium-worm-turret"].autoplace.probability_expression.arguments.source.arguments[1].arguments[2].arguments[1].source_location ]=], type = "function-application" } }, function_name = "multiply", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/entity/enemy-autoplace-utils.lua", line_number = 148 }, type = "function-application" }, { literal_value = -1/0 --[[-math.huge]], source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/entity/enemy-autoplace-utils.lua", line_number = 151 }, type = "literal-number" }, { literal_value = 0.35, source_location = 0 --[=[ ref [""].turret["medium-worm-turret"].autoplace.probability_expression.arguments.source.arguments[2].source_location ]=], type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "clamp", source_location = 0 --[=[ ref [""].turret["medium-worm-turret"].autoplace.probability_expression.arguments.source.arguments[2].source_location ]=], type = "function-application" }, x = { arguments = { { source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/entity/enemy-autoplace-utils.lua", line_number = 155 }, type = "variable", variable_name = "x" }, { literal_value = 3, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 54 }, type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "add", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/entity/enemy-autoplace-utils.lua", line_number = 155 }, type = "function-application" }, y = { source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 254 }, type = "variable", variable_name = "y" } }, function_name = "random-penalty", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/entity/enemy-autoplace-utils.lua", line_number = 154 }, type = "function-application" }, richness_expression = { literal_value = 1, source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/entity/enemy-autoplace-utils.lua", line_number = 159 }, type = "literal-number" } }, build_base_evolution_requirement = 0.3, call_for_help_radius = 40, collision_box = { { -1.1000000000000001, -1 }, { 1.1000000000000001, 1 } }, corpse = "medium-worm-corpse", damaged_trigger_effect = { damage_type_filters = "fire", entity_name = "enemy-damaged-explosion", offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, type = "create-entity" }, dying_explosion = "medium-worm-die", dying_sound = { { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/worm-death-small-1.ogg", volume = 0.65 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/worm-death-small-2.ogg", volume = 0.65 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/worm-death-small-3.ogg", volume = 0.65 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/worm-death-small-4.ogg", volume = 0.65 } }, ending_attack_animation = { layers = { { direction_count = 16, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-04.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-05.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-06.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-07.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-08.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-09.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-10.png" }, frame_count = 10, frame_sequence = 0 --[=[ ref [""].turret["behemoth-worm-turret"].ending_attack_animation.layers[1].frame_sequence ]=], height = 222, hr_version = { direction_count = 16, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-04.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-05.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-06.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-07.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-08.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-09.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-10.png" }, frame_count = 10, frame_sequence = 0 --[=[ ref [""].turret["behemoth-worm-turret"].ending_attack_animation.layers[1].frame_sequence ]=], height = 440, line_length = 4, lines_per_file = 4, scale = 0.41499999999999995, shift = { -0.20749999999999997, -0.75218749999999996 }, slice = 4, width = 480 }, line_length = 4, lines_per_file = 4, scale = 0.82999999999999989, shift = { -0.20749999999999997, -0.778125 }, slice = 4, width = 240 }, { direction_count = 16, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-mask-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-mask-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-mask-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-mask-04.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-mask-05.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-mask-06.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-mask-07.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-mask-08.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-mask-09.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-mask-10.png" }, frame_count = 10, frame_sequence = 0 --[=[ ref [""].turret["behemoth-worm-turret"].ending_attack_animation.layers[1].frame_sequence ]=], height = 186, hr_version = { direction_count = 16, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-mask-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-mask-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-mask-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-mask-04.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-mask-05.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-mask-06.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-mask-07.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-mask-08.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-mask-09.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-mask-10.png" }, frame_count = 10, frame_sequence = 0 --[=[ ref [""].turret["behemoth-worm-turret"].ending_attack_animation.layers[1].frame_sequence ]=], height = 366, line_length = 4, lines_per_file = 4, scale = 0.41499999999999995, shift = { -0.18156249999999998, -0.70031249999999998 }, slice = 4, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["medium-worm-corpse"].animation[1].layers[2].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 388 }, line_length = 4, lines_per_file = 4, scale = 0.82999999999999989, shift = { -0.20749999999999997, -0.72624999999999993 }, slice = 4, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["medium-worm-corpse"].animation[1].layers[2].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 196 }, { direction_count = 16, draw_as_shadow = true, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-shadow-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-shadow-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-shadow-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-shadow-04.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-shadow-05.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-shadow-06.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-shadow-07.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-shadow-08.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-shadow-09.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-shadow-10.png" }, frame_count = 10, frame_sequence = 0 --[=[ ref [""].turret["behemoth-worm-turret"].ending_attack_animation.layers[1].frame_sequence ]=], height = 176, hr_version = { direction_count = 16, draw_as_shadow = true, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-shadow-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-shadow-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-shadow-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-shadow-04.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-shadow-05.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-shadow-06.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-shadow-07.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-shadow-08.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-shadow-09.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-shadow-10.png" }, frame_count = 10, frame_sequence = 0 --[=[ ref [""].turret["behemoth-worm-turret"].ending_attack_animation.layers[1].frame_sequence ]=], height = 350, line_length = 4, lines_per_file = 4, scale = 0.41499999999999995, shift = { 0.98562499999999993, -0.051874999999999991 }, slice = 4, width = 618 }, line_length = 4, lines_per_file = 4, scale = 0.82999999999999989, shift = { 0.98562499999999993, -0.051874999999999991 }, slice = 4, width = 310 } } }, ending_attack_speed = 0.016000000000000001, flags = { "placeable-player", "placeable-enemy", "placeable-off-grid", "not-repairable", "breaths-air" }, folded_animation = { layers = { { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-folded.png", frame_count = 9, height = 60, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-folded.png", frame_count = 9, height = 120, line_length = 9, run_mode = "forward-then-backward", scale = 0.41499999999999995, shift = { 0, 0.10374999999999999 }, width = 130 }, line_length = 9, run_mode = "forward-then-backward", scale = 0.82999999999999989, shift = { 0, 0.10374999999999999 }, width = 66 }, { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-folded-mask.png", flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 9, height = 56, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-folded-mask.png", flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 9, height = 108, line_length = 9, run_mode = "forward-then-backward", scale = 0.41499999999999995, shift = { 0, 0.18156249999999998 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["medium-worm-corpse"].animation[1].layers[2].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 130 }, line_length = 9, run_mode = "forward-then-backward", scale = 0.82999999999999989, shift = { 0, 0.15562499999999999 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["medium-worm-corpse"].animation[1].layers[2].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 66 }, { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-folded-shadow.png", frame_count = 9, height = 34, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-folded-shadow.png", frame_count = 9, height = 68, line_length = 9, run_mode = "forward-then-backward", scale = 0.41499999999999995, shift = { 0.12968749999999998, -0.10374999999999999 }, width = 116 }, line_length = 9, run_mode = "forward-then-backward", scale = 0.82999999999999989, shift = { 0.10374999999999999, -0.10374999999999999 }, width = 60 } } }, folded_speed = 0.01, folded_speed_secondary = 0.023999999999999999, folding_animation = { layers = { { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-preparing.png", frame_count = 18, height = 152, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-preparing.png", frame_count = 18, height = 304, line_length = 6, run_mode = "backward", scale = 0.41499999999999995, shift = { 0, -1.089375 }, width = 188 }, line_length = 6, run_mode = "backward", scale = 0.82999999999999989, shift = { 0, -1.089375 }, width = 94 }, { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-preparing-mask.png", flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 18, height = 124, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-preparing-mask.png", flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 18, height = 248, line_length = 6, run_mode = "backward", scale = 0.41499999999999995, shift = { 0, -0.72624999999999993 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["medium-worm-corpse"].animation[1].layers[2].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 188 }, line_length = 6, run_mode = "backward", scale = 0.82999999999999989, shift = { 0, -0.72624999999999993 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["medium-worm-corpse"].animation[1].layers[2].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 94 }, { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-preparing-shadow.png", frame_count = 18, height = 66, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-preparing-shadow.png", frame_count = 18, height = 124, line_length = 6, run_mode = "backward", scale = 0.41499999999999995, shift = { 1.4265625, -0.10374999999999999 }, width = 410 }, line_length = 6, run_mode = "backward", scale = 0.82999999999999989, shift = { 1.400625, -0.15562499999999999 }, width = 208 } } }, folding_sound = { { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/worm-folding-1.ogg", volume = 1 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/worm-folding-2.ogg", volume = 1 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/worm-folding-3.ogg", volume = 1 } }, folding_speed = 0.015, healing_per_tick = 0.015, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/medium-worm.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, integration = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-integration.png", frame_count = 1, height = 122, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-integration.png", frame_count = 1, height = 240, scale = 0.41499999999999995, shift = { 0.10374999999999999, -0.025937499999999996 }, variation_count = 1, width = 332 }, scale = 0.82999999999999989, shift = { 0.10374999999999999, -0.051874999999999991 }, variation_count = 1, width = 166 }, map_generator_bounding_box = { { -2.1000000000000001, -2 }, { 2.1000000000000001, 2 } }, max_health = 400, name = "medium-worm-turret", order = "b-c-b", prepare_range = 46, prepared_alternative_animation = { layers = { { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-prepared-alternative.png", frame_count = 17, frame_sequence = 0 --[=[ ref [""].turret["behemoth-worm-turret"].prepared_alternative_animation.layers[1].frame_sequence ]=], height = 164, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-prepared-alternative.png", frame_count = 17, frame_sequence = 0 --[=[ ref [""].turret["behemoth-worm-turret"].prepared_alternative_animation.layers[1].frame_sequence ]=], height = 324, line_length = 6, scale = 0.41499999999999995, shift = { -0.051874999999999991, -1.2190624999999999 }, width = 182 }, line_length = 6, scale = 0.82999999999999989, shift = { -0.051874999999999991, -1.2449999999999999 }, width = 92 }, { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-prepared-alternative-mask.png", flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 17, frame_sequence = 0 --[=[ ref [""].turret["behemoth-worm-turret"].prepared_alternative_animation.layers[1].frame_sequence ]=], height = 144, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-prepared-alternative-mask.png", flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 17, frame_sequence = 0 --[=[ ref [""].turret["behemoth-worm-turret"].prepared_alternative_animation.layers[1].frame_sequence ]=], height = 288, line_length = 6, scale = 0.41499999999999995, shift = { -0.051874999999999991, -0.98562499999999993 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["medium-worm-corpse"].animation[1].layers[2].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 182 }, line_length = 6, scale = 0.82999999999999989, shift = { -0.051874999999999991, -0.98562499999999993 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["medium-worm-corpse"].animation[1].layers[2].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 92 }, { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-prepared-alternative-shadow.png", frame_count = 17, frame_sequence = 0 --[=[ ref [""].turret["behemoth-worm-turret"].prepared_alternative_animation.layers[1].frame_sequence ]=], height = 60, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-prepared-alternative-shadow.png", frame_count = 17, frame_sequence = 0 --[=[ ref [""].turret["behemoth-worm-turret"].prepared_alternative_animation.layers[1].frame_sequence ]=], height = 120, line_length = 6, scale = 0.41499999999999995, shift = { 1.4784374999999999, -0.15562499999999999 }, width = 424 }, line_length = 6, scale = 0.82999999999999989, shift = { 1.4524999999999999, -0.15562499999999999 }, width = 214 } } }, prepared_alternative_chance = 0.2, prepared_alternative_sound = { audible_distance_modifier = 2, variations = { { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/worm-roar-alt-1.ogg", volume = 0.68000000000000007 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/worm-roar-alt-2.ogg", volume = 0.68000000000000007 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/worm-roar-alt-3.ogg", volume = 0.68000000000000007 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/worm-roar-alt-4.ogg", volume = 0.68000000000000007 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/worm-roar-alt-5.ogg", volume = 0.68000000000000007 } } }, prepared_alternative_speed = 0.014000000000000002, prepared_alternative_speed_secondary = 0.01, prepared_animation = { layers = { { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-prepared.png", frame_count = 9, height = 152, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-prepared.png", frame_count = 9, height = 300, line_length = 9, run_mode = "forward-then-backward", scale = 0.41499999999999995, shift = { -0.0778125, -1.0634375 }, width = 190 }, line_length = 9, run_mode = "forward-then-backward", scale = 0.82999999999999989, shift = { -0.10374999999999999, -1.089375 }, width = 98 }, { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-prepared-mask.png", flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 9, height = 132, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-prepared-mask.png", flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 9, height = 268, line_length = 9, run_mode = "forward-then-backward", scale = 0.41499999999999995, shift = { -0.0778125, -0.85593749999999993 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["medium-worm-corpse"].animation[1].layers[2].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 190 }, line_length = 9, run_mode = "forward-then-backward", scale = 0.82999999999999989, shift = { -0.10374999999999999, -0.82999999999999989 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["medium-worm-corpse"].animation[1].layers[2].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 98 }, { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-prepared-shadow.png", frame_count = 9, height = 62, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-prepared-shadow.png", frame_count = 9, height = 122, line_length = 9, run_mode = "forward-then-backward", scale = 0.41499999999999995, shift = { 1.3487499999999999, -0.15562499999999999 }, width = 408 }, line_length = 9, run_mode = "forward-then-backward", scale = 0.82999999999999989, shift = { 1.3487499999999999, -0.15562499999999999 }, width = 204 } } }, prepared_sound = { audible_distance_modifier = 1.2, variations = { { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/worm-breathe-01.ogg", volume = 0.8 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/worm-breathe-02.ogg", volume = 0.8 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/worm-breathe-03.ogg", volume = 0.8 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/worm-breathe-04.ogg", volume = 0.8 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/worm-breathe-05.ogg", volume = 0.8 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/worm-breathe-06.ogg", volume = 0.8 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/worm-breathe-07.ogg", volume = 0.8 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/worm-breathe-08.ogg", volume = 0.8 } } }, prepared_speed = 0.023999999999999999, prepared_speed_secondary = 0.012, preparing_animation = { layers = { { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-preparing.png", frame_count = 18, height = 152, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-preparing.png", frame_count = 18, height = 304, line_length = 6, run_mode = "forward", scale = 0.41499999999999995, shift = { 0, -1.089375 }, width = 188 }, line_length = 6, run_mode = "forward", scale = 0.82999999999999989, shift = { 0, -1.089375 }, width = 94 }, { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-preparing-mask.png", flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 18, height = 124, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-preparing-mask.png", flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 18, height = 248, line_length = 6, run_mode = "forward", scale = 0.41499999999999995, shift = { 0, -0.72624999999999993 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["medium-worm-corpse"].animation[1].layers[2].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 188 }, line_length = 6, run_mode = "forward", scale = 0.82999999999999989, shift = { 0, -0.72624999999999993 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["medium-worm-corpse"].animation[1].layers[2].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 94 }, { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-preparing-shadow.png", frame_count = 18, height = 66, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-preparing-shadow.png", frame_count = 18, height = 124, line_length = 6, run_mode = "forward", scale = 0.41499999999999995, shift = { 1.4265625, -0.10374999999999999 }, width = 410 }, line_length = 6, run_mode = "forward", scale = 0.82999999999999989, shift = { 1.400625, -0.15562499999999999 }, width = 208 } } }, preparing_sound = { { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/worm-standup-1.ogg", volume = 1 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/worm-standup-2.ogg", volume = 1 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/worm-standup-3.ogg", volume = 1 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/worm-standup-4.ogg", volume = 1 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/worm-standup-5.ogg", volume = 1 } }, preparing_speed = 0.023999999999999999, random_animation_offset = true, resistances = { { decrease = 5, type = "physical" }, { decrease = 5, percent = 15, type = "explosion" }, { decrease = 2, percent = 50, type = "fire" } }, rotation_speed = 1, secondary_animation = true, selection_box = { { -1.1000000000000001, -1 }, { 1.1000000000000001, 1 } }, shooting_cursor_size = 3.5, spawn_decoration = { { decorative = "worms-decal", spawn_max = 2, spawn_max_radius = 3, spawn_min = 1, spawn_min_radius = 1 }, { decorative = "shroom-decal", spawn_max = 2, spawn_max_radius = 2, spawn_min = 1, spawn_min_radius = 1 }, { decorative = "enemy-decal", spawn_max = 3, spawn_max_radius = 3, spawn_min = 1, spawn_min_radius = 0 }, { decorative = "enemy-decal-transparent", spawn_max = 4, spawn_max_radius = 3, spawn_min = 2, spawn_min_radius = 1 } }, spawn_decorations_on_expansion = true, starting_attack_animation = { layers = { { direction_count = 16, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-04.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-05.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-06.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-07.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-08.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-09.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-10.png" }, frame_count = 10, frame_sequence = 0 --[=[ ref [""].turret["behemoth-worm-turret"].starting_attack_animation.layers[1].frame_sequence ]=], height = 222, hr_version = { direction_count = 16, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-04.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-05.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-06.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-07.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-08.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-09.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-10.png" }, frame_count = 10, frame_sequence = 0 --[=[ ref [""].turret["behemoth-worm-turret"].starting_attack_animation.layers[1].frame_sequence ]=], height = 440, line_length = 4, lines_per_file = 4, scale = 0.41499999999999995, shift = { -0.20749999999999997, -0.75218749999999996 }, slice = 4, width = 480 }, line_length = 4, lines_per_file = 4, scale = 0.82999999999999989, shift = { -0.20749999999999997, -0.778125 }, slice = 4, width = 240 }, { direction_count = 16, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-mask-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-mask-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-mask-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-mask-04.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-mask-05.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-mask-06.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-mask-07.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-mask-08.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-mask-09.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-mask-10.png" }, frame_count = 10, frame_sequence = 0 --[=[ ref [""].turret["behemoth-worm-turret"].starting_attack_animation.layers[1].frame_sequence ]=], height = 186, hr_version = { direction_count = 16, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-mask-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-mask-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-mask-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-mask-04.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-mask-05.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-mask-06.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-mask-07.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-mask-08.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-mask-09.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-mask-10.png" }, frame_count = 10, frame_sequence = 0 --[=[ ref [""].turret["behemoth-worm-turret"].starting_attack_animation.layers[1].frame_sequence ]=], height = 366, line_length = 4, lines_per_file = 4, scale = 0.41499999999999995, shift = { -0.18156249999999998, -0.70031249999999998 }, slice = 4, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["medium-worm-corpse"].animation[1].layers[2].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 388 }, line_length = 4, lines_per_file = 4, scale = 0.82999999999999989, shift = { -0.20749999999999997, -0.72624999999999993 }, slice = 4, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["medium-worm-corpse"].animation[1].layers[2].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 196 }, { direction_count = 16, draw_as_shadow = true, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-shadow-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-shadow-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-shadow-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-shadow-04.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-shadow-05.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-shadow-06.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-shadow-07.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-shadow-08.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-shadow-09.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-shadow-10.png" }, frame_count = 10, frame_sequence = 0 --[=[ ref [""].turret["behemoth-worm-turret"].starting_attack_animation.layers[1].frame_sequence ]=], height = 176, hr_version = { direction_count = 16, draw_as_shadow = true, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-shadow-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-shadow-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-shadow-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-shadow-04.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-shadow-05.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-shadow-06.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-shadow-07.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-shadow-08.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-shadow-09.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-shadow-10.png" }, frame_count = 10, frame_sequence = 0 --[=[ ref [""].turret["behemoth-worm-turret"].starting_attack_animation.layers[1].frame_sequence ]=], height = 350, line_length = 4, lines_per_file = 4, scale = 0.41499999999999995, shift = { 0.98562499999999993, -0.051874999999999991 }, slice = 4, width = 618 }, line_length = 4, lines_per_file = 4, scale = 0.82999999999999989, shift = { 0.98562499999999993, -0.051874999999999991 }, slice = 4, width = 310 } } }, starting_attack_sound = { audible_distance_modifier = 1.5, variations = { { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/worm-roar-1.ogg", volume = 0.68000000000000007 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/worm-roar-2.ogg", volume = 0.68000000000000007 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/worm-roar-3.ogg", volume = 0.68000000000000007 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/worm-roar-4.ogg", volume = 0.68000000000000007 } } }, starting_attack_speed = 0.034000000000000004, subgroup = "enemies", type = "turret" }, ["small-worm-turret"] = { allow_turning_when_starting_attack = true, attack_from_start_frame = true, attack_parameters = { ammo_type = { action = { action_delivery = { source_offset = { 0.15, -0.5 }, stream = "acid-stream-worm-small", type = "stream" }, type = "direct" }, category = "biological" }, cooldown = 4, cyclic_sound = { begin_sound = { { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/worm-spit-start.ogg", volume = 0 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/worm-spit-start-2.ogg", volume = 0 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/worm-spit-start-3.ogg", volume = 0 } }, end_sound = { { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/worm-spit-end.ogg", volume = 0 } } }, damage_modifier = 36, lead_target_for_projectile_speed = 0.3375, min_range = 0, projectile_creation_parameters = { { 0, { -0.0609375, -2.4679687500000003 } }, { 0.0625, { 0.98921875000000004, -2.2404687500000002 } }, { 0.125, { 1.5975781250000001, -1.790546875 } }, { 0.1875, { 1.9662500000000001, -1.47671875 } }, { 0.25, { 2.3359375, -0.76171875 } }, { 0.3125, { 1.9865625, 0.24781250000000004 } }, { 0.375, { 1.4147656250000001, 0.81554687500000007 } }, { 0.4375, { 0.60328125000000004, 0.80843750000000014 } }, { 0.5, { 0.040625, 0.9953125 } }, { 0.5625, { -0.70484375000000004, 1.2045312500000001 } }, { 0.625, { -1.3741406250000001, 0.93742187499999989 } }, { 0.6875, { -1.93578125, 0.44078125000000004 } }, { 0.75, { -2.5390625, -0.56875 } }, { 0.8125, { -2.3115625, -1.3345312499999999 } }, { 0.875, { -1.7600781249999999, -1.9936718750000001 } }, { 0.9375, { -0.79625000000000012, -2.3521874999999999 } } }, range = 25, type = "stream", use_shooter_direction = true }, autoplace = { control = "enemy-base", force = "enemy", order = "b[enemy]-b[worm]", probability_expression = { arguments = { amplitude = { literal_value = 0.1, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 256 }, type = "literal-number" }, source = { arguments = { { arguments = { { source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/entity/enemy-autoplace-utils.lua", line_number = 148 }, type = "variable", variable_name = "enemy_base_probability" }, { arguments = { { literal_value = 0, source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/entity/enemy-autoplace-utils.lua", line_number = 146 }, type = "literal-number" }, { arguments = { { literal_value = 1, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 54 }, type = "literal-number" }, { arguments = { { arguments = { { arguments = { { arguments = { { source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/entity/enemy-autoplace-utils.lua", line_number = 142 }, type = "variable", variable_name = "distance" }, { source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/entity/enemy-autoplace-utils.lua", line_number = 142 }, type = "variable", variable_name = "starting_area_radius" } }, function_name = "subtract", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/entity/enemy-autoplace-utils.lua", line_number = 142 }, type = "function-application" }, { literal_value = 0, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 62 }, type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "subtract", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/entity/enemy-autoplace-utils.lua", line_number = 146 }, type = "function-application" }, { literal_value = 0.002, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 78 }, type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "multiply", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/entity/enemy-autoplace-utils.lua", line_number = 146 }, type = "function-application" }, { literal_value = 0, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 78 }, type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "multiply", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/entity/enemy-autoplace-utils.lua", line_number = 146 }, type = "function-application" } }, function_name = "add", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/entity/enemy-autoplace-utils.lua", line_number = 146 }, type = "function-application" }, { literal_value = 1/0 --[[math.huge]], source_location = 0 --[=[ ref [""].turret["small-worm-turret"].autoplace.probability_expression.arguments.source.arguments[1].arguments[2].arguments[1].source_location ]=], type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "clamp", source_location = 0 --[=[ ref [""].turret["small-worm-turret"].autoplace.probability_expression.arguments.source.arguments[1].arguments[2].arguments[1].source_location ]=], type = "function-application" } }, function_name = "multiply", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/entity/enemy-autoplace-utils.lua", line_number = 148 }, type = "function-application" }, { literal_value = -1/0 --[[-math.huge]], source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/entity/enemy-autoplace-utils.lua", line_number = 151 }, type = "literal-number" }, { literal_value = 0.25, source_location = 0 --[=[ ref [""].turret["small-worm-turret"].autoplace.probability_expression.arguments.source.arguments[2].source_location ]=], type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "clamp", source_location = 0 --[=[ ref [""].turret["small-worm-turret"].autoplace.probability_expression.arguments.source.arguments[2].source_location ]=], type = "function-application" }, x = { arguments = { { source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/entity/enemy-autoplace-utils.lua", line_number = 155 }, type = "variable", variable_name = "x" }, { literal_value = 2, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 54 }, type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "add", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/entity/enemy-autoplace-utils.lua", line_number = 155 }, type = "function-application" }, y = { source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 254 }, type = "variable", variable_name = "y" } }, function_name = "random-penalty", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/entity/enemy-autoplace-utils.lua", line_number = 154 }, type = "function-application" }, richness_expression = { literal_value = 1, source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/entity/enemy-autoplace-utils.lua", line_number = 159 }, type = "literal-number" } }, call_for_help_radius = 40, collision_box = { { -0.9, -0.8 }, { 0.9, 0.8 } }, corpse = "small-worm-corpse", damaged_trigger_effect = { damage_type_filters = "fire", entity_name = "enemy-damaged-explosion", offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, type = "create-entity" }, dying_explosion = "small-worm-die", dying_sound = { { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/worm-death-small-1.ogg", volume = 0.56999999999999993 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/worm-death-small-2.ogg", volume = 0.56999999999999993 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/worm-death-small-3.ogg", volume = 0.56999999999999993 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/worm-death-small-4.ogg", volume = 0.56999999999999993 } }, ending_attack_animation = { layers = { { direction_count = 16, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-04.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-05.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-06.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-07.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-08.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-09.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-10.png" }, frame_count = 10, frame_sequence = 0 --[=[ ref [""].turret["behemoth-worm-turret"].ending_attack_animation.layers[1].frame_sequence ]=], height = 222, hr_version = { direction_count = 16, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-04.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-05.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-06.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-07.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-08.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-09.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-10.png" }, frame_count = 10, frame_sequence = 0 --[=[ ref [""].turret["behemoth-worm-turret"].ending_attack_animation.layers[1].frame_sequence ]=], height = 440, line_length = 4, lines_per_file = 4, scale = 0.325, shift = { -0.1625, -0.5890625 }, slice = 4, width = 480 }, line_length = 4, lines_per_file = 4, scale = 0.65, shift = { -0.1625, -0.609375 }, slice = 4, width = 240 }, { direction_count = 16, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-mask-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-mask-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-mask-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-mask-04.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-mask-05.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-mask-06.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-mask-07.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-mask-08.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-mask-09.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-mask-10.png" }, frame_count = 10, frame_sequence = 0 --[=[ ref [""].turret["behemoth-worm-turret"].ending_attack_animation.layers[1].frame_sequence ]=], height = 186, hr_version = { direction_count = 16, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-mask-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-mask-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-mask-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-mask-04.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-mask-05.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-mask-06.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-mask-07.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-mask-08.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-mask-09.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-mask-10.png" }, frame_count = 10, frame_sequence = 0 --[=[ ref [""].turret["behemoth-worm-turret"].ending_attack_animation.layers[1].frame_sequence ]=], height = 366, line_length = 4, lines_per_file = 4, scale = 0.325, shift = { -0.1421875, -0.5484375 }, slice = 4, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["small-worm-corpse"].animation[1].layers[2].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 388 }, line_length = 4, lines_per_file = 4, scale = 0.65, shift = { -0.1625, -0.56875 }, slice = 4, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["small-worm-corpse"].animation[1].layers[2].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 196 }, { direction_count = 16, draw_as_shadow = true, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-shadow-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-shadow-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-shadow-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-shadow-04.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-shadow-05.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-shadow-06.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-shadow-07.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-shadow-08.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-shadow-09.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-shadow-10.png" }, frame_count = 10, frame_sequence = 0 --[=[ ref [""].turret["behemoth-worm-turret"].ending_attack_animation.layers[1].frame_sequence ]=], height = 176, hr_version = { direction_count = 16, draw_as_shadow = true, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-shadow-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-shadow-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-shadow-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-shadow-04.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-shadow-05.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-shadow-06.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-shadow-07.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-shadow-08.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-shadow-09.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-shadow-10.png" }, frame_count = 10, frame_sequence = 0 --[=[ ref [""].turret["behemoth-worm-turret"].ending_attack_animation.layers[1].frame_sequence ]=], height = 350, line_length = 4, lines_per_file = 4, scale = 0.325, shift = { 0.771875, -0.040625 }, slice = 4, width = 618 }, line_length = 4, lines_per_file = 4, scale = 0.65, shift = { 0.771875, -0.040625 }, slice = 4, width = 310 } } }, ending_attack_speed = 0.016000000000000001, flags = { "placeable-enemy", "placeable-off-grid", "not-repairable", "breaths-air" }, folded_animation = { layers = { { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-folded.png", frame_count = 9, height = 60, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-folded.png", frame_count = 9, height = 120, line_length = 9, run_mode = "forward-then-backward", scale = 0.325, shift = { 0, 0.08125 }, width = 130 }, line_length = 9, run_mode = "forward-then-backward", scale = 0.65, shift = { 0, 0.08125 }, width = 66 }, { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-folded-mask.png", flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 9, height = 56, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-folded-mask.png", flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 9, height = 108, line_length = 9, run_mode = "forward-then-backward", scale = 0.325, shift = { 0, 0.1421875 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["small-worm-corpse"].animation[1].layers[2].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 130 }, line_length = 9, run_mode = "forward-then-backward", scale = 0.65, shift = { 0, 0.121875 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["small-worm-corpse"].animation[1].layers[2].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 66 }, { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-folded-shadow.png", frame_count = 9, height = 34, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-folded-shadow.png", frame_count = 9, height = 68, line_length = 9, run_mode = "forward-then-backward", scale = 0.325, shift = { 0.1015625, -0.08125 }, width = 116 }, line_length = 9, run_mode = "forward-then-backward", scale = 0.65, shift = { 0.08125, -0.08125 }, width = 60 } } }, folded_speed = 0.01, folded_speed_secondary = 0.023999999999999999, folding_animation = { layers = { { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-preparing.png", frame_count = 18, height = 152, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-preparing.png", frame_count = 18, height = 304, line_length = 6, run_mode = "backward", scale = 0.325, shift = { 0, -0.853125 }, width = 188 }, line_length = 6, run_mode = "backward", scale = 0.65, shift = { 0, -0.853125 }, width = 94 }, { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-preparing-mask.png", flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 18, height = 124, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-preparing-mask.png", flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 18, height = 248, line_length = 6, run_mode = "backward", scale = 0.325, shift = { 0, -0.56875 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["small-worm-corpse"].animation[1].layers[2].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 188 }, line_length = 6, run_mode = "backward", scale = 0.65, shift = { 0, -0.56875 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["small-worm-corpse"].animation[1].layers[2].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 94 }, { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-preparing-shadow.png", frame_count = 18, height = 66, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-preparing-shadow.png", frame_count = 18, height = 124, line_length = 6, run_mode = "backward", scale = 0.325, shift = { 1.1171875, -0.08125 }, width = 410 }, line_length = 6, run_mode = "backward", scale = 0.65, shift = { 1.096875, -0.121875 }, width = 208 } } }, folding_sound = { { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/worm-folding-1.ogg", volume = 1 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/worm-folding-2.ogg", volume = 1 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/worm-folding-3.ogg", volume = 1 } }, folding_speed = 0.015, healing_per_tick = 0.01, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/small-worm.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, integration = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-integration.png", frame_count = 1, height = 122, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-integration.png", frame_count = 1, height = 240, scale = 0.325, shift = { 0.08125, -0.0203125 }, variation_count = 1, width = 332 }, scale = 0.65, shift = { 0.08125, -0.040625 }, variation_count = 1, width = 166 }, map_generator_bounding_box = { { -1.9, -1.8 }, { 1.9, 1.8 } }, max_health = 200, name = "small-worm-turret", order = "b-c-a", prepare_range = 33, prepared_alternative_animation = { layers = { { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-prepared-alternative.png", frame_count = 17, frame_sequence = 0 --[=[ ref [""].turret["behemoth-worm-turret"].prepared_alternative_animation.layers[1].frame_sequence ]=], height = 164, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-prepared-alternative.png", frame_count = 17, frame_sequence = 0 --[=[ ref [""].turret["behemoth-worm-turret"].prepared_alternative_animation.layers[1].frame_sequence ]=], height = 324, line_length = 6, scale = 0.325, shift = { -0.040625, -0.9546875 }, width = 182 }, line_length = 6, scale = 0.65, shift = { -0.040625, -0.975 }, width = 92 }, { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-prepared-alternative-mask.png", flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 17, frame_sequence = 0 --[=[ ref [""].turret["behemoth-worm-turret"].prepared_alternative_animation.layers[1].frame_sequence ]=], height = 144, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-prepared-alternative-mask.png", flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 17, frame_sequence = 0 --[=[ ref [""].turret["behemoth-worm-turret"].prepared_alternative_animation.layers[1].frame_sequence ]=], height = 288, line_length = 6, scale = 0.325, shift = { -0.040625, -0.771875 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["small-worm-corpse"].animation[1].layers[2].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 182 }, line_length = 6, scale = 0.65, shift = { -0.040625, -0.771875 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["small-worm-corpse"].animation[1].layers[2].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 92 }, { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-prepared-alternative-shadow.png", frame_count = 17, frame_sequence = 0 --[=[ ref [""].turret["behemoth-worm-turret"].prepared_alternative_animation.layers[1].frame_sequence ]=], height = 60, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-prepared-alternative-shadow.png", frame_count = 17, frame_sequence = 0 --[=[ ref [""].turret["behemoth-worm-turret"].prepared_alternative_animation.layers[1].frame_sequence ]=], height = 120, line_length = 6, scale = 0.325, shift = { 1.1578125000000001, -0.121875 }, width = 424 }, line_length = 6, scale = 0.65, shift = { 1.1375, -0.121875 }, width = 214 } } }, prepared_alternative_chance = 0.2, prepared_alternative_sound = { audible_distance_modifier = 2, variations = { { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/worm-roar-alt-1.ogg", volume = 0.64000000000000004 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/worm-roar-alt-2.ogg", volume = 0.64000000000000004 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/worm-roar-alt-3.ogg", volume = 0.64000000000000004 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/worm-roar-alt-4.ogg", volume = 0.64000000000000004 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/worm-roar-alt-5.ogg", volume = 0.64000000000000004 } } }, prepared_alternative_speed = 0.023999999999999999, prepared_alternative_speed_secondary = 0.017999999999999998, prepared_animation = { layers = { { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-prepared.png", frame_count = 9, height = 152, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-prepared.png", frame_count = 9, height = 300, line_length = 9, run_mode = "forward-then-backward", scale = 0.325, shift = { -0.0609375, -0.8328125 }, width = 190 }, line_length = 9, run_mode = "forward-then-backward", scale = 0.65, shift = { -0.08125, -0.853125 }, width = 98 }, { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-prepared-mask.png", flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 9, height = 132, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-prepared-mask.png", flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 9, height = 268, line_length = 9, run_mode = "forward-then-backward", scale = 0.325, shift = { -0.0609375, -0.6703125 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["small-worm-corpse"].animation[1].layers[2].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 190 }, line_length = 9, run_mode = "forward-then-backward", scale = 0.65, shift = { -0.08125, -0.65 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["small-worm-corpse"].animation[1].layers[2].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 98 }, { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-prepared-shadow.png", frame_count = 9, height = 62, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-prepared-shadow.png", frame_count = 9, height = 122, line_length = 9, run_mode = "forward-then-backward", scale = 0.325, shift = { 1.0562500000000001, -0.121875 }, width = 408 }, line_length = 9, run_mode = "forward-then-backward", scale = 0.65, shift = { 1.0562500000000001, -0.121875 }, width = 204 } } }, prepared_sound = { audible_distance_modifier = 1.2, variations = { { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/worm-breathe-01.ogg", volume = 0.6 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/worm-breathe-02.ogg", volume = 0.6 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/worm-breathe-03.ogg", volume = 0.6 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/worm-breathe-04.ogg", volume = 0.6 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/worm-breathe-05.ogg", volume = 0.6 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/worm-breathe-06.ogg", volume = 0.6 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/worm-breathe-07.ogg", volume = 0.6 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/worm-breathe-08.ogg", volume = 0.6 } } }, prepared_speed = 0.023999999999999999, prepared_speed_secondary = 0.012, preparing_animation = { layers = { { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-preparing.png", frame_count = 18, height = 152, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-preparing.png", frame_count = 18, height = 304, line_length = 6, run_mode = "forward", scale = 0.325, shift = { 0, -0.853125 }, width = 188 }, line_length = 6, run_mode = "forward", scale = 0.65, shift = { 0, -0.853125 }, width = 94 }, { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-preparing-mask.png", flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 18, height = 124, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-preparing-mask.png", flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 18, height = 248, line_length = 6, run_mode = "forward", scale = 0.325, shift = { 0, -0.56875 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["small-worm-corpse"].animation[1].layers[2].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 188 }, line_length = 6, run_mode = "forward", scale = 0.65, shift = { 0, -0.56875 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["small-worm-corpse"].animation[1].layers[2].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 94 }, { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-preparing-shadow.png", frame_count = 18, height = 66, hr_version = { direction_count = 1, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-preparing-shadow.png", frame_count = 18, height = 124, line_length = 6, run_mode = "forward", scale = 0.325, shift = { 1.1171875, -0.08125 }, width = 410 }, line_length = 6, run_mode = "forward", scale = 0.65, shift = { 1.096875, -0.121875 }, width = 208 } } }, preparing_sound = { { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/worm-standup-small-1.ogg", volume = 1 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/worm-standup-small-2.ogg", volume = 1 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/worm-standup-small-3.ogg", volume = 1 } }, preparing_speed = 0.023999999999999999, random_animation_offset = true, resistances = {}, secondary_animation = true, selection_box = { { -0.9, -0.8 }, { 0.9, 0.8 } }, shooting_cursor_size = 3, spawn_decoration = { { decorative = "worms-decal", spawn_max = 2, spawn_max_radius = 2, spawn_min = 0, spawn_min_radius = 1 }, { decorative = "shroom-decal", spawn_max = 1, spawn_max_radius = 2, spawn_min = 1, spawn_min_radius = 1 }, { decorative = "enemy-decal", spawn_max = 2, spawn_max_radius = 1, spawn_min = 1, spawn_min_radius = 0 }, { decorative = "enemy-decal-transparent", spawn_max = 4, spawn_max_radius = 2, spawn_min = 2, spawn_min_radius = 1 } }, spawn_decorations_on_expansion = true, starting_attack_animation = { layers = { { direction_count = 16, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-04.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-05.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-06.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-07.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-08.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-09.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-10.png" }, frame_count = 10, frame_sequence = 0 --[=[ ref [""].turret["behemoth-worm-turret"].starting_attack_animation.layers[1].frame_sequence ]=], height = 222, hr_version = { direction_count = 16, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-04.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-05.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-06.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-07.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-08.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-09.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-10.png" }, frame_count = 10, frame_sequence = 0 --[=[ ref [""].turret["behemoth-worm-turret"].starting_attack_animation.layers[1].frame_sequence ]=], height = 440, line_length = 4, lines_per_file = 4, scale = 0.325, shift = { -0.1625, -0.5890625 }, slice = 4, width = 480 }, line_length = 4, lines_per_file = 4, scale = 0.65, shift = { -0.1625, -0.609375 }, slice = 4, width = 240 }, { direction_count = 16, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-mask-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-mask-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-mask-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-mask-04.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-mask-05.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-mask-06.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-mask-07.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-mask-08.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-mask-09.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-mask-10.png" }, frame_count = 10, frame_sequence = 0 --[=[ ref [""].turret["behemoth-worm-turret"].starting_attack_animation.layers[1].frame_sequence ]=], height = 186, hr_version = { direction_count = 16, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-mask-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-mask-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-mask-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-mask-04.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-mask-05.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-mask-06.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-mask-07.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-mask-08.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-mask-09.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-mask-10.png" }, frame_count = 10, frame_sequence = 0 --[=[ ref [""].turret["behemoth-worm-turret"].starting_attack_animation.layers[1].frame_sequence ]=], height = 366, line_length = 4, lines_per_file = 4, scale = 0.325, shift = { -0.1421875, -0.5484375 }, slice = 4, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["small-worm-corpse"].animation[1].layers[2].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 388 }, line_length = 4, lines_per_file = 4, scale = 0.65, shift = { -0.1625, -0.56875 }, slice = 4, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["small-worm-corpse"].animation[1].layers[2].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 196 }, { direction_count = 16, draw_as_shadow = true, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-shadow-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-shadow-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-shadow-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-shadow-04.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-shadow-05.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-shadow-06.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-shadow-07.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-shadow-08.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-shadow-09.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/worm-attack-shadow-10.png" }, frame_count = 10, frame_sequence = 0 --[=[ ref [""].turret["behemoth-worm-turret"].starting_attack_animation.layers[1].frame_sequence ]=], height = 176, hr_version = { direction_count = 16, draw_as_shadow = true, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-shadow-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-shadow-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-shadow-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-shadow-04.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-shadow-05.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-shadow-06.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-shadow-07.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-shadow-08.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-shadow-09.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/worm/hr-worm-attack-shadow-10.png" }, frame_count = 10, frame_sequence = 0 --[=[ ref [""].turret["behemoth-worm-turret"].starting_attack_animation.layers[1].frame_sequence ]=], height = 350, line_length = 4, lines_per_file = 4, scale = 0.325, shift = { 0.771875, -0.040625 }, slice = 4, width = 618 }, line_length = 4, lines_per_file = 4, scale = 0.65, shift = { 0.771875, -0.040625 }, slice = 4, width = 310 } } }, starting_attack_sound = { audible_distance_modifier = 1.5, variations = { { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/worm-roar-1.ogg", volume = 0.62000000000000002 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/worm-roar-2.ogg", volume = 0.62000000000000002 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/worm-roar-3.ogg", volume = 0.62000000000000002 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/worm-roar-4.ogg", volume = 0.62000000000000002 } } }, starting_attack_speed = 0.034000000000000004, subgroup = "enemies", type = "turret" } }, tutorial = { ["entity-transfers"] = { name = "entity-transfers", scenario = "entity-transfers", type = "tutorial" }, ["stack-transfers"] = { name = "stack-transfers", scenario = "stack-transfers", type = "tutorial" }, ["trains-advanced-signals"] = { name = "trains-advanced-signals", scenario = "trains-advanced-signals", type = "tutorial" }, ["trains-basic-signals"] = { name = "trains-basic-signals", scenario = "trains-basic-signals", type = "tutorial" }, ["trains-stations"] = { name = "trains-stations", scenario = "trains-stations", type = "tutorial" } }, ["underground-belt"] = { ["express-underground-belt"] = { animation_speed_coefficient = 32, belt_animation_set = 0 --[=[ ref [""].loader["express-loader"].belt_animation_set ]=], close_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.close_sound ]=], collision_box = { { -0.4, -0.4 }, { 0.4, 0.4 } }, corpse = "express-underground-belt-remnants", damaged_trigger_effect = { damage_type_filters = "fire", entity_name = "spark-explosion", offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, offsets = { { 0, 1 } }, type = "create-entity" }, dying_explosion = "express-underground-belt-explosion", fast_replaceable_group = "transport-belt", flags = { "placeable-neutral", "player-creation" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/express-underground-belt.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, max_distance = 9, max_health = 170, minable = { mining_time = 0.1, result = "express-underground-belt" }, name = "express-underground-belt", open_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.open_sound ]=], resistances = { { percent = 60, type = "fire" }, { percent = 30, type = "impact" } }, selection_box = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, speed = 0.09375, structure = { back_patch = { sheet = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/express-underground-belt/express-underground-belt-structure-back-patch.png", height = 96, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/express-underground-belt/hr-express-underground-belt-structure-back-patch.png", height = 192, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 192 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 96 } }, direction_in = { sheet = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/express-underground-belt/express-underground-belt-structure.png", height = 96, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/express-underground-belt/hr-express-underground-belt-structure.png", height = 192, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 192, y = 192 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 96, y = 96 } }, direction_in_side_loading = { sheet = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/express-underground-belt/express-underground-belt-structure.png", height = 96, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/express-underground-belt/hr-express-underground-belt-structure.png", height = 192, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 192, y = 576 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 96, y = 288 } }, direction_out = { sheet = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/express-underground-belt/express-underground-belt-structure.png", height = 96, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/express-underground-belt/hr-express-underground-belt-structure.png", height = 192, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 192 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 96 } }, direction_out_side_loading = { sheet = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/express-underground-belt/express-underground-belt-structure.png", height = 96, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/express-underground-belt/hr-express-underground-belt-structure.png", height = 192, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 192, y = 384 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 96, y = 192 } }, front_patch = { sheet = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/express-underground-belt/express-underground-belt-structure-front-patch.png", height = 96, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/express-underground-belt/hr-express-underground-belt-structure-front-patch.png", height = 192, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 192 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 96 } } }, type = "underground-belt", underground_remove_belts_sprite = { filename = "__core__/graphics/arrows/underground-lines-remove.png", height = 64, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, width = 64, x = 64 }, underground_sprite = { filename = "__core__/graphics/arrows/underground-lines.png", height = 64, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, width = 64, x = 64 }, working_sound = { audible_distance_modifier = 0.5, max_sounds_per_type = 2, persistent = true, sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/express-underground-belt.ogg", volume = 0.35 }, use_doppler_shift = false } }, ["fast-underground-belt"] = { animation_speed_coefficient = 32, belt_animation_set = 0 --[=[ ref [""].loader["fast-loader"].belt_animation_set ]=], close_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.close_sound ]=], collision_box = { { -0.4, -0.4 }, { 0.4, 0.4 } }, corpse = "fast-underground-belt-remnants", damaged_trigger_effect = { damage_type_filters = "fire", entity_name = "spark-explosion", offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, offsets = { { 0, 1 } }, type = "create-entity" }, dying_explosion = "fast-underground-belt-explosion", fast_replaceable_group = "transport-belt", flags = { "placeable-neutral", "player-creation" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/fast-underground-belt.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, max_distance = 7, max_health = 160, minable = { mining_time = 0.1, result = "fast-underground-belt" }, name = "fast-underground-belt", next_upgrade = "express-underground-belt", open_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.open_sound ]=], resistances = { { percent = 60, type = "fire" }, { percent = 30, type = "impact" } }, selection_box = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, speed = 0.0625, structure = { back_patch = { sheet = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/fast-underground-belt/fast-underground-belt-structure-back-patch.png", height = 96, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/fast-underground-belt/hr-fast-underground-belt-structure-back-patch.png", height = 192, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 192 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 96 } }, direction_in = { sheet = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/fast-underground-belt/fast-underground-belt-structure.png", height = 96, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/fast-underground-belt/hr-fast-underground-belt-structure.png", height = 192, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 192, y = 192 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 96, y = 96 } }, direction_in_side_loading = { sheet = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/fast-underground-belt/fast-underground-belt-structure.png", height = 96, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/fast-underground-belt/hr-fast-underground-belt-structure.png", height = 192, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 192, y = 576 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 96, y = 288 } }, direction_out = { sheet = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/fast-underground-belt/fast-underground-belt-structure.png", height = 96, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/fast-underground-belt/hr-fast-underground-belt-structure.png", height = 192, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 192 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 96 } }, direction_out_side_loading = { sheet = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/fast-underground-belt/fast-underground-belt-structure.png", height = 96, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/fast-underground-belt/hr-fast-underground-belt-structure.png", height = 192, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 192, y = 384 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 96, y = 192 } }, front_patch = { sheet = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/fast-underground-belt/fast-underground-belt-structure-front-patch.png", height = 96, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/fast-underground-belt/hr-fast-underground-belt-structure-front-patch.png", height = 192, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 192 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 96 } } }, type = "underground-belt", underground_remove_belts_sprite = { filename = "__core__/graphics/arrows/underground-lines-remove.png", height = 64, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, width = 64, x = 64 }, underground_sprite = { filename = "__core__/graphics/arrows/underground-lines.png", height = 64, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, width = 64, x = 64 }, working_sound = { audible_distance_modifier = 0.5, max_sounds_per_type = 2, persistent = true, sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/fast-underground-belt.ogg", volume = 0.27000000000000002 }, use_doppler_shift = false } }, ["underground-belt"] = { animation_speed_coefficient = 32, belt_animation_set = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["linked-belt"]["linked-belt"].belt_animation_set ]=], close_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.close_sound ]=], collision_box = { { -0.4, -0.4 }, { 0.4, 0.4 } }, corpse = "underground-belt-remnants", damaged_trigger_effect = { damage_type_filters = "fire", entity_name = "spark-explosion", offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, offsets = { { 0, 1 } }, type = "create-entity" }, dying_explosion = "underground-belt-explosion", fast_replaceable_group = "transport-belt", flags = { "placeable-neutral", "player-creation" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/underground-belt.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, max_distance = 5, max_health = 150, minable = { mining_time = 0.1, result = "underground-belt" }, name = "underground-belt", next_upgrade = "fast-underground-belt", open_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.open_sound ]=], resistances = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["linked-belt"]["linked-belt"].resistances ]=], selection_box = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, speed = 0.03125, structure = { back_patch = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["linked-belt"]["linked-belt"].structure.back_patch ]=], direction_in = { sheet = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/underground-belt/underground-belt-structure.png", height = 96, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/underground-belt/hr-underground-belt-structure.png", height = 192, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 192, y = 192 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 96, y = 96 } }, direction_in_side_loading = { sheet = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/underground-belt/underground-belt-structure.png", height = 96, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/underground-belt/hr-underground-belt-structure.png", height = 192, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 192, y = 576 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 96, y = 288 } }, direction_out = { sheet = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/underground-belt/underground-belt-structure.png", height = 96, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/underground-belt/hr-underground-belt-structure.png", height = 192, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 192 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 96 } }, direction_out_side_loading = { sheet = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/underground-belt/underground-belt-structure.png", height = 96, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/underground-belt/hr-underground-belt-structure.png", height = 192, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, width = 192, y = 384 }, priority = "extra-high", width = 96, y = 192 } }, front_patch = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["linked-belt"]["linked-belt"].structure.front_patch ]=] }, type = "underground-belt", underground_remove_belts_sprite = { filename = "__core__/graphics/arrows/underground-lines-remove.png", height = 64, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, width = 64, x = 64 }, underground_sprite = { filename = "__core__/graphics/arrows/underground-lines.png", height = 64, priority = "high", scale = 0.5, width = 64, x = 64 }, working_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["linked-belt"]["linked-belt"].working_sound ]=] } }, unit = { ["behemoth-biter"] = { ai_settings = { allow_try_return_to_spawner = true, destroy_when_commands_fail = true }, attack_parameters = { ammo_type = { action = { action_delivery = { target_effects = { damage = { amount = 90, type = "physical" }, type = "damage" }, type = "instant" }, type = "direct" }, category = "melee", target_type = "entity" }, animation = { layers = { { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 16, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-attack-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-attack-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-attack-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-attack-04.png" }, frame_count = 11, height = 176, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 16, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-attack-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-attack-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-attack-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-attack-04.png" }, frame_count = 11, height = 348, line_length = 16, lines_per_file = 4, scale = 0.6, shift = { 0, -0.9375 }, slice = 11, width = 356 }, line_length = 16, lines_per_file = 4, scale = 1.2, shift = { -0.075, -0.975 }, slice = 11, width = 182 }, { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 16, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-attack-mask1-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-attack-mask1-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-attack-mask1-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-attack-mask1-04.png" }, flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 11, height = 144, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 16, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-attack-mask1-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-attack-mask1-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-attack-mask1-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-attack-mask1-04.png" }, frame_count = 11, height = 282, line_length = 16, lines_per_file = 4, scale = 0.6, shift = { -0.0375, -1.5374999999999998 }, slice = 11, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["behemoth-biter-corpse"].animation.layers[2].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 360 }, line_length = 16, lines_per_file = 4, scale = 1.2, shift = { 0, -1.575 }, slice = 11, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["behemoth-biter-corpse"].animation.layers[2].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 178 }, { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 16, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-attack-mask2-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-attack-mask2-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-attack-mask2-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-attack-mask2-04.png" }, flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 11, height = 144, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 16, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-attack-mask2-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-attack-mask2-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-attack-mask2-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-attack-mask2-04.png" }, frame_count = 11, height = 282, line_length = 16, lines_per_file = 4, scale = 0.6, shift = { -0.0375, -1.5374999999999998 }, slice = 11, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["behemoth-biter-corpse"].animation.layers[3].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 358 }, line_length = 16, lines_per_file = 4, scale = 1.2, shift = { -0.075, -1.575 }, slice = 11, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["behemoth-biter-corpse"].animation.layers[3].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 182 }, { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 16, draw_as_shadow = true, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-attack-shadow-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-attack-shadow-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-attack-shadow-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-attack-shadow-04.png" }, frame_count = 11, height = 128, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 16, draw_as_shadow = true, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-attack-shadow-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-attack-shadow-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-attack-shadow-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-attack-shadow-04.png" }, frame_count = 11, height = 258, line_length = 16, lines_per_file = 4, scale = 0.6, shift = { 1.1624999999999999, -0.0375 }, slice = 11, width = 476 }, line_length = 16, lines_per_file = 4, scale = 1.2, shift = { 1.125, 0 }, slice = 11, width = 240 } } }, cooldown = 50, cooldown_deviation = 0.15, range = 1.5, range_mode = "bounding-box-to-bounding-box", sound = { { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/biter-roar-behemoth-1.ogg", volume = 0.65 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/biter-roar-behemoth-2.ogg", volume = 0.65 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/biter-roar-behemoth-3.ogg", volume = 0.65 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/biter-roar-behemoth-4.ogg", volume = 0.65 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/biter-roar-behemoth-4.ogg", volume = 0.65 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/biter-roar-behemoth-5.ogg", volume = 0.65 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/biter-roar-behemoth-6.ogg", volume = 0.65 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/biter-roar-behemoth-7.ogg", volume = 0.65 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/biter-roar-behemoth-8.ogg", volume = 0.65 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/biter-roar-behemoth-9.ogg", volume = 0.65 } }, type = "projectile" }, collision_box = { { -0.4, -0.4 }, { 0.4, 0.4 } }, corpse = "behemoth-biter-corpse", damaged_trigger_effect = { damage_type_filters = "fire", entity_name = "enemy-damaged-explosion", offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, type = "create-entity" }, distance_per_frame = 0.32000000000000002, distraction_cooldown = 300, dying_explosion = "behemoth-biter-die", dying_sound = { { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/biter-death-big-1.ogg", volume = 0.52000000000000002 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/biter-death-big-2.ogg", volume = 0.52000000000000002 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/biter-death-big-3.ogg", volume = 0.52000000000000002 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/biter-death-big-4.ogg", volume = 0.52000000000000002 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/biter-death-big-5.ogg", volume = 0.52000000000000002 } }, flags = { "placeable-player", "placeable-enemy", "placeable-off-grid", "breaths-air", "not-repairable" }, healing_per_tick = 0.1, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/behemoth-biter.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, max_health = 3000, max_pursue_distance = 50, min_pursue_time = 600, movement_speed = 0.3, name = "behemoth-biter", order = "b-a-d", pollution_to_join_attack = 400, resistances = { { decrease = 12, percent = 10, type = "physical" }, { decrease = 12, percent = 10, type = "explosion" } }, run_animation = { layers = { { direction_count = 16, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-run-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-run-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-run-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-run-04.png" }, frame_count = 16, height = 158, hr_version = { direction_count = 16, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-run-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-run-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-run-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-run-04.png" }, frame_count = 16, height = 310, line_length = 8, lines_per_file = 8, scale = 0.6, shift = { -0.0375, -0.1875 }, slice = 8, width = 398 }, line_length = 8, lines_per_file = 8, scale = 1.2, shift = { -0.075, -0.225 }, slice = 8, width = 202 }, { direction_count = 16, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-run-mask1-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-run-mask1-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-run-mask1-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-run-mask1-04.png" }, flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 16, height = 94, hr_version = { direction_count = 16, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-run-mask1-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-run-mask1-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-run-mask1-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-run-mask1-04.png" }, frame_count = 16, height = 182, line_length = 8, lines_per_file = 8, scale = 0.6, shift = { -0.0375, -1.3875 }, slice = 8, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["behemoth-biter-corpse"].animation.layers[2].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 238 }, line_length = 8, lines_per_file = 8, scale = 1.2, shift = { 0, -1.425 }, slice = 8, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["behemoth-biter-corpse"].animation.layers[2].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 118 }, { direction_count = 16, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-run-mask2-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-run-mask2-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-run-mask2-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-run-mask2-04.png" }, flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 16, height = 92, hr_version = { direction_count = 16, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-run-mask2-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-run-mask2-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-run-mask2-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-run-mask2-04.png" }, frame_count = 16, height = 184, line_length = 8, lines_per_file = 8, scale = 0.6, shift = { 0, -1.425 }, slice = 8, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["behemoth-biter-corpse"].animation.layers[3].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 232 }, line_length = 8, lines_per_file = 8, scale = 1.2, shift = { -0.075, -1.425 }, slice = 8, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["behemoth-biter-corpse"].animation.layers[3].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 120 }, { direction_count = 16, draw_as_shadow = true, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-run-shadow-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-run-shadow-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-run-shadow-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-run-shadow-04.png" }, frame_count = 16, height = 144, hr_version = { direction_count = 16, draw_as_shadow = true, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-run-shadow-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-run-shadow-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-run-shadow-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-run-shadow-04.png" }, frame_count = 16, height = 292, line_length = 8, lines_per_file = 8, scale = 0.6, shift = { 0.3, -0.0375 }, slice = 8, width = 432 }, line_length = 8, lines_per_file = 8, scale = 1.2, shift = { 0.3, 0 }, slice = 8, width = 216 } } }, running_sound_animation_positions = { 2 }, selection_box = { { -0.7, -1.5 }, { 0.7, 0.3 } }, spawning_time_modifier = 12, sticker_box = { { -0.6, -0.8 }, { 0.6, 0 } }, subgroup = "enemies", type = "unit", vision_distance = 30, walking_sound = { aggregation = { max_count = 2, remove = true }, variations = { { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/biter-walk-big-1.ogg", volume = 0.78000000000000007 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/biter-walk-big-2.ogg", volume = 0.78000000000000007 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/biter-walk-big-3.ogg", volume = 0.78000000000000007 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/biter-walk-big-4.ogg", volume = 0.78000000000000007 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/biter-walk-big-5.ogg", volume = 0.78000000000000007 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/biter-walk-big-6.ogg", volume = 0.78000000000000007 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/biter-walk-big-7.ogg", volume = 0.78000000000000007 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/biter-walk-big-8.ogg", volume = 0.78000000000000007 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/biter-walk-big-9.ogg", volume = 0.78000000000000007 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/biter-walk-big-10.ogg", volume = 0.78000000000000007 } } }, water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = false, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-reflection.png", height = 28, priority = "extra-high", scale = 6, shift = { 0.15625, 0.46875 }, variation_count = 1, width = 20 }, rotate = true }, working_sound = { max_sounds_per_type = 2, probability = 0.0041666666666666661, sound = { { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/biter-call-behemoth-1.ogg", volume = 0.96999999999999993 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/biter-call-behemoth-3.ogg", volume = 0.96999999999999993 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/biter-call-behemoth-5.ogg", volume = 0.96999999999999993 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/biter-call-behemoth-6.ogg", volume = 0.96999999999999993 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/biter-call-behemoth-7.ogg", volume = 0.96999999999999993 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/biter-call-behemoth-8.ogg", volume = 0.96999999999999993 } } } }, ["behemoth-spitter"] = { ai_settings = 0 --[=[ ref [""].unit["behemoth-biter"].ai_settings ]=], alternative_attacking_frame_sequence = { attacking_animation_speed = 0.025, attacking_frame_sequence = { 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 13, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8 }, back_to_walk_animation_speed = 0.066666666666666661, back_to_walk_frame_sequence = { 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 }, cooldown_animation_speed = 0.05, cooldown_frame_sequence = { 7 }, prepared_animation_speed = 0.2, prepared_frame_sequence = { 7 }, warmup2_frame_sequence = { 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7 }, warmup_animation_speed = 0.066666666666666661, warmup_frame_sequence = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 } }, attack_parameters = { ammo_category = "biological", ammo_type = { action = { action_delivery = { stream = "acid-stream-spitter-behemoth", type = "stream" }, type = "direct" }, category = "biological" }, animation = { layers = { { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 16, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-attack-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-attack-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-attack-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-attack-04.png" }, frame_count = 14, height = 132, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 16, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-attack-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-attack-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-attack-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-attack-04.png" }, frame_count = 14, height = 264, line_length = 7, lines_per_file = 8, run_mode = "forward-then-backward", scale = 0.6, shift = { 0, -0.67499999999999991 }, slice = 7, width = 312 }, line_length = 7, lines_per_file = 8, run_mode = "forward-then-backward", scale = 1.2, shift = { 0, -0.67499999999999991 }, slice = 7, width = 156 }, { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 16, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-attack-mask1-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-attack-mask1-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-attack-mask1-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-attack-mask1-04.png" }, flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 14, height = 126, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 16, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-attack-mask1-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-attack-mask1-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-attack-mask1-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-attack-mask1-04.png" }, frame_count = 14, height = 246, line_length = 7, lines_per_file = 8, run_mode = "forward-then-backward", scale = 0.6, shift = { -0.0375, -0.4875 }, slice = 7, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["behemoth-spitter-corpse"].animation.layers[2].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 316 }, line_length = 7, lines_per_file = 8, run_mode = "forward-then-backward", scale = 1.2, shift = { 0, -0.525 }, slice = 7, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["behemoth-spitter-corpse"].animation.layers[2].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 156 }, { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 16, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-attack-mask2-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-attack-mask2-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-attack-mask2-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-attack-mask2-04.png" }, flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 14, height = 124, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 16, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-attack-mask2-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-attack-mask2-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-attack-mask2-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-attack-mask2-04.png" }, frame_count = 14, height = 244, line_length = 7, lines_per_file = 8, run_mode = "forward-then-backward", scale = 0.6, shift = { 0, -0.4875 }, slice = 7, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["behemoth-spitter-corpse"].animation.layers[3].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 310 }, line_length = 7, lines_per_file = 8, run_mode = "forward-then-backward", scale = 1.2, shift = { -0.075, -0.525 }, slice = 7, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["behemoth-spitter-corpse"].animation.layers[3].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 160 }, { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 16, draw_as_shadow = true, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-attack-shadow-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-attack-shadow-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-attack-shadow-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-attack-shadow-04.png" }, frame_count = 14, height = 110, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 16, draw_as_shadow = true, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-attack-shadow-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-attack-shadow-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-attack-shadow-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-attack-shadow-04.png" }, frame_count = 14, height = 224, line_length = 7, lines_per_file = 8, run_mode = "forward-then-backward", scale = 0.6, shift = { 0.8625, -0.0375 }, slice = 7, width = 370 }, line_length = 7, lines_per_file = 8, run_mode = "forward-then-backward", scale = 1.2, shift = { 0.825, 0 }, slice = 7, width = 188 } } }, cooldown = 100, cooldown_deviation = 0.15, cyclic_sound = { begin_sound = { { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/spitter-spit-start-behemoth-1.ogg", volume = 0.46999999999999993 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/spitter-spit-start-behemoth-2.ogg", volume = 0.46999999999999993 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/spitter-spit-start-behemoth-3.ogg", volume = 0.46999999999999993 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/spitter-spit-start-behemoth-4.ogg", volume = 0.46999999999999993 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/spitter-spit-start-behemoth-5.ogg", volume = 0.46999999999999993 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/spitter-spit-start-behemoth-6.ogg", volume = 0.46999999999999993 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/spitter-spit-start-behemoth-7.ogg", volume = 0.46999999999999993 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/spitter-spit-start-behemoth-8.ogg", volume = 0.46999999999999993 } }, end_sound = { { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/spitter-spit-end-big-1.ogg", volume = 0.42999999999999998 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/spitter-spit-end-big-2.ogg", volume = 0.42999999999999998 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/spitter-spit-end-big-3.ogg", volume = 0.42999999999999998 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/spitter-spit-end-big-4.ogg", volume = 0.42999999999999998 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/spitter-spit-end-big-5.ogg", volume = 0.42999999999999998 } }, middle_sound = { { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/flamethrower-mid.ogg", volume = 0 } } }, damage_modifier = 60, lead_target_for_projectile_speed = 0.3375, min_attack_distance = 10, projectile_creation_parameters = { { 0, { 0, -3.28125 } }, { 0.0625, { 0.73499999999999996, -3.1837499999999999 } }, { 0.125, { 1.4324999999999999, -2.8012499999999996 } }, { 0.1875, { 2.1150000000000002, -2.2537500000000001 } }, { 0.25, { 2.3624999999999998, -1.3687499999999999 } }, { 0.3125, { 2.0775000000000001, -0.52125000000000004 } }, { 0.375, { 1.5074999999999998, 0.063749999999999973 } }, { 0.4375, { 0.77249999999999996, 0.37125000000000008 } }, { 0.5, { 0.01875, 0.50625 } }, { 0.5625, { -0.79124999999999996, 0.39000000000000007 } }, { 0.625, { -1.48875, 0.10125000000000002 } }, { 0.6875, { -2.0212500000000002, -0.48374999999999986 } }, { 0.75, { -2.34375, -1.33125 } }, { 0.8125, { -2.0212500000000002, -2.2162500000000001 } }, { 0.875, { -1.4512499999999999, -2.7637499999999999 } }, { 0.9375, { -0.71625000000000005, -3.0337499999999999 } } }, range = 16, range_mode = "bounding-box-to-bounding-box", type = "stream", use_shooter_direction = true, warmup = 30 }, collision_box = { { -0.4, -0.4 }, { 0.4, 0.4 } }, corpse = "behemoth-spitter-corpse", damaged_trigger_effect = { damage_type_filters = "fire", entity_name = "enemy-damaged-explosion", offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, type = "create-entity" }, distance_per_frame = 0.084000000000000004, distraction_cooldown = 300, dying_explosion = "behemoth-spitter-die", dying_sound = { { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/spitter-death-behemoth-1.ogg", volume = 0.7 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/spitter-death-behemoth-2.ogg", volume = 0.7 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/spitter-death-behemoth-3.ogg", volume = 0.7 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/spitter-death-behemoth-4.ogg", volume = 0.7 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/spitter-death-behemoth-5.ogg", volume = 0.7 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/spitter-death-behemoth-6.ogg", volume = 0.7 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/spitter-death-behemoth-7.ogg", volume = 0.7 } }, flags = { "placeable-player", "placeable-enemy", "placeable-off-grid", "breaths-air", "not-repairable" }, healing_per_tick = 0.1, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/behemoth-spitter.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, max_health = 1500, max_pursue_distance = 50, min_pursue_time = 600, movement_speed = 0.15, name = "behemoth-spitter", order = "b-b-d", pollution_to_join_attack = 200, resistances = { { percent = 30, type = "explosion" } }, run_animation = { layers = { { direction_count = 16, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-run-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-run-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-run-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-run-04.png" }, frame_count = 16, height = 110, hr_version = { direction_count = 16, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-run-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-run-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-run-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-run-04.png" }, frame_count = 16, height = 220, line_length = 8, lines_per_file = 8, scale = 0.6, shift = { 0, -0.45 }, slice = 8, width = 248 }, line_length = 8, lines_per_file = 8, scale = 1.2, shift = { 0, -0.45 }, slice = 8, width = 124 }, { direction_count = 16, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-run-mask1-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-run-mask1-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-run-mask1-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-run-mask1-04.png" }, flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 16, height = 100, hr_version = { direction_count = 16, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-run-mask1-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-run-mask1-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-run-mask1-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-run-mask1-04.png" }, frame_count = 16, height = 194, line_length = 8, lines_per_file = 8, scale = 0.6, shift = { 0, -0.6375 }, slice = 8, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["behemoth-spitter-corpse"].animation.layers[2].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 248 }, line_length = 8, lines_per_file = 8, scale = 1.2, shift = { 0, -0.67499999999999991 }, slice = 8, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["behemoth-spitter-corpse"].animation.layers[2].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 124 }, { direction_count = 16, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-run-mask2-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-run-mask2-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-run-mask2-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-run-mask2-04.png" }, flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 16, height = 98, hr_version = { direction_count = 16, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-run-mask2-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-run-mask2-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-run-mask2-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-run-mask2-04.png" }, frame_count = 16, height = 196, line_length = 8, lines_per_file = 8, scale = 0.6, shift = { -0.0375, -0.67499999999999991 }, slice = 8, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["behemoth-spitter-corpse"].animation.layers[3].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 252 }, line_length = 8, lines_per_file = 8, scale = 1.2, shift = { 0, -0.67499999999999991 }, slice = 8, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["behemoth-spitter-corpse"].animation.layers[3].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 124 }, { direction_count = 16, draw_as_shadow = true, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-run-shadow-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-run-shadow-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-run-shadow-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-run-shadow-04.png" }, frame_count = 16, height = 88, hr_version = { direction_count = 16, draw_as_shadow = true, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-run-shadow-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-run-shadow-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-run-shadow-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-run-shadow-04.png" }, frame_count = 16, height = 180, line_length = 8, lines_per_file = 8, scale = 0.6, shift = { 0.6, -0.0375 }, slice = 8, width = 306 }, line_length = 8, lines_per_file = 8, scale = 1.2, shift = { 0.6, 0 }, slice = 8, width = 154 } } }, running_sound_animation_positions = { 2 }, selection_box = { { -0.7, -1 }, { 0.7, 1 } }, spawning_time_modifier = 12, sticker_box = { { -0.3, -0.5 }, { 0.3, 0.1 } }, subgroup = "enemies", type = "unit", vision_distance = 30, walking_sound = { aggregation = { max_count = 2, remove = true }, variations = { { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/spitter-walk-big-1.ogg", volume = 0.6 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/spitter-walk-big-2.ogg", volume = 0.6 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/spitter-walk-big-3.ogg", volume = 0.6 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/spitter-walk-big-4.ogg", volume = 0.6 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/spitter-walk-big-5.ogg", volume = 0.6 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/spitter-walk-big-6.ogg", volume = 0.6 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/spitter-walk-big-7.ogg", volume = 0.6 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/spitter-walk-big-8.ogg", volume = 0.6 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/spitter-walk-big-9.ogg", volume = 0.6 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/spitter-walk-big-10.ogg", volume = 0.6 } } }, water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = false, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-reflection.png", height = 32, priority = "extra-high", scale = 6, shift = { 0.15625, 0.46875 }, variation_count = 1, width = 20 }, rotate = true }, working_sound = { probability = 0.0041666666666666661, sound = { { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/spitter-call-big-1.ogg", volume = 0.6 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/spitter-call-big-2.ogg", volume = 0.6 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/spitter-call-big-3.ogg", volume = 0.6 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/spitter-call-big-4.ogg", volume = 0.6 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/spitter-call-big-5.ogg", volume = 0.6 } } } }, ["big-biter"] = { ai_settings = 0 --[=[ ref [""].unit["behemoth-biter"].ai_settings ]=], attack_parameters = { ammo_type = { action = { action_delivery = { target_effects = { damage = { amount = 30, type = "physical" }, type = "damage" }, type = "instant" }, type = "direct" }, category = "melee", target_type = "entity" }, animation = { layers = { { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 16, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-attack-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-attack-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-attack-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-attack-04.png" }, frame_count = 11, height = 176, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 16, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-attack-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-attack-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-attack-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-attack-04.png" }, frame_count = 11, height = 348, line_length = 16, lines_per_file = 4, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.78125 }, slice = 11, width = 356 }, line_length = 16, lines_per_file = 4, scale = 1, shift = { -0.0625, -0.8125 }, slice = 11, width = 182 }, { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 16, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-attack-mask1-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-attack-mask1-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-attack-mask1-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-attack-mask1-04.png" }, flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 11, height = 144, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 16, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-attack-mask1-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-attack-mask1-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-attack-mask1-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-attack-mask1-04.png" }, frame_count = 11, height = 282, line_length = 16, lines_per_file = 4, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03125, -1.28125 }, slice = 11, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["big-biter-corpse"].animation.layers[2].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 360 }, line_length = 16, lines_per_file = 4, scale = 1, shift = { 0, -1.3125 }, slice = 11, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["big-biter-corpse"].animation.layers[2].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 178 }, { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 16, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-attack-mask2-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-attack-mask2-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-attack-mask2-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-attack-mask2-04.png" }, flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 11, height = 144, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 16, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-attack-mask2-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-attack-mask2-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-attack-mask2-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-attack-mask2-04.png" }, frame_count = 11, height = 282, line_length = 16, lines_per_file = 4, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03125, -1.28125 }, slice = 11, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["big-biter-corpse"].animation.layers[3].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 358 }, line_length = 16, lines_per_file = 4, scale = 1, shift = { -0.0625, -1.3125 }, slice = 11, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["big-biter-corpse"].animation.layers[3].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 182 }, { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 16, draw_as_shadow = true, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-attack-shadow-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-attack-shadow-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-attack-shadow-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-attack-shadow-04.png" }, frame_count = 11, height = 128, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 16, draw_as_shadow = true, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-attack-shadow-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-attack-shadow-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-attack-shadow-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-attack-shadow-04.png" }, frame_count = 11, height = 258, line_length = 16, lines_per_file = 4, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.96875, -0.03125 }, slice = 11, width = 476 }, line_length = 16, lines_per_file = 4, scale = 1, shift = { 0.9375, 0 }, slice = 11, width = 240 } } }, cooldown = 35, cooldown_deviation = 0.15, range = 1.5, range_mode = "bounding-box-to-bounding-box", sound = { { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/biter-roar-big-1.ogg", volume = 0.37000000000000002 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/biter-roar-big-2.ogg", volume = 0.37000000000000002 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/biter-roar-big-3.ogg", volume = 0.37000000000000002 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/biter-roar-big-4.ogg", volume = 0.37000000000000002 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/biter-roar-big-5.ogg", volume = 0.37000000000000002 } }, type = "projectile" }, collision_box = { { -0.4, -0.4 }, { 0.4, 0.4 } }, corpse = "big-biter-corpse", damaged_trigger_effect = { damage_type_filters = "fire", entity_name = "enemy-damaged-explosion", offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, type = "create-entity" }, distance_per_frame = 0.3, distraction_cooldown = 300, dying_explosion = "big-biter-die", dying_sound = { { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/biter-death-big-1.ogg", volume = 0.45 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/biter-death-big-2.ogg", volume = 0.45 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/biter-death-big-3.ogg", volume = 0.45 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/biter-death-big-4.ogg", volume = 0.45 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/biter-death-big-5.ogg", volume = 0.45 } }, flags = { "placeable-player", "placeable-enemy", "placeable-off-grid", "breaths-air", "not-repairable" }, healing_per_tick = 0.02, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/big-biter.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, max_health = 375, max_pursue_distance = 50, min_pursue_time = 600, movement_speed = 0.23000000000000003, name = "big-biter", order = "b-a-c", pollution_to_join_attack = 80, resistances = { { decrease = 8, percent = 10, type = "physical" }, { percent = 10, type = "explosion" } }, run_animation = { layers = { { direction_count = 16, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-run-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-run-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-run-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-run-04.png" }, frame_count = 16, height = 158, hr_version = { direction_count = 16, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-run-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-run-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-run-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-run-04.png" }, frame_count = 16, height = 310, line_length = 8, lines_per_file = 8, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03125, -0.15625 }, slice = 8, width = 398 }, line_length = 8, lines_per_file = 8, scale = 1, shift = { -0.0625, -0.1875 }, slice = 8, width = 202 }, { direction_count = 16, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-run-mask1-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-run-mask1-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-run-mask1-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-run-mask1-04.png" }, flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 16, height = 94, hr_version = { direction_count = 16, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-run-mask1-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-run-mask1-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-run-mask1-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-run-mask1-04.png" }, frame_count = 16, height = 182, line_length = 8, lines_per_file = 8, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03125, -1.15625 }, slice = 8, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["big-biter-corpse"].animation.layers[2].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 238 }, line_length = 8, lines_per_file = 8, scale = 1, shift = { 0, -1.1875 }, slice = 8, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["big-biter-corpse"].animation.layers[2].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 118 }, { direction_count = 16, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-run-mask2-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-run-mask2-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-run-mask2-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-run-mask2-04.png" }, flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 16, height = 92, hr_version = { direction_count = 16, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-run-mask2-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-run-mask2-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-run-mask2-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-run-mask2-04.png" }, frame_count = 16, height = 184, line_length = 8, lines_per_file = 8, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -1.1875 }, slice = 8, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["big-biter-corpse"].animation.layers[3].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 232 }, line_length = 8, lines_per_file = 8, scale = 1, shift = { -0.0625, -1.1875 }, slice = 8, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["big-biter-corpse"].animation.layers[3].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 120 }, { direction_count = 16, draw_as_shadow = true, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-run-shadow-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-run-shadow-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-run-shadow-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-run-shadow-04.png" }, frame_count = 16, height = 144, hr_version = { direction_count = 16, draw_as_shadow = true, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-run-shadow-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-run-shadow-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-run-shadow-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-run-shadow-04.png" }, frame_count = 16, height = 292, line_length = 8, lines_per_file = 8, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.25, -0.03125 }, slice = 8, width = 432 }, line_length = 8, lines_per_file = 8, scale = 1, shift = { 0.25, 0 }, slice = 8, width = 216 } } }, running_sound_animation_positions = { 2 }, selection_box = { { -0.7, -1.5 }, { 0.7, 0.3 } }, spawning_time_modifier = 3, sticker_box = { { -0.6, -0.8 }, { 0.6, 0 } }, subgroup = "enemies", type = "unit", vision_distance = 30, walking_sound = { aggregation = { max_count = 2, remove = true }, variations = { { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/biter-walk-big-1.ogg", volume = 0.7 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/biter-walk-big-2.ogg", volume = 0.7 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/biter-walk-big-3.ogg", volume = 0.7 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/biter-walk-big-4.ogg", volume = 0.7 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/biter-walk-big-5.ogg", volume = 0.7 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/biter-walk-big-6.ogg", volume = 0.7 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/biter-walk-big-7.ogg", volume = 0.7 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/biter-walk-big-8.ogg", volume = 0.7 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/biter-walk-big-9.ogg", volume = 0.7 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/biter-walk-big-10.ogg", volume = 0.7 } } }, water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = false, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-reflection.png", height = 28, priority = "extra-high", scale = 5, shift = { 0.15625, 0.46875 }, variation_count = 1, width = 20 }, rotate = true }, working_sound = { max_sounds_per_type = 2, probability = 0.0041666666666666661, sound = { { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/biter-call-big-1.ogg", volume = 0.67000000000000002 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/biter-call-big-2.ogg", volume = 0.67000000000000002 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/biter-call-big-3.ogg", volume = 0.67000000000000002 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/biter-call-big-4.ogg", volume = 0.67000000000000002 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/biter-call-big-5.ogg", volume = 0.67000000000000002 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/biter-call-big-6.ogg", volume = 0.67000000000000002 } } } }, ["big-spitter"] = { ai_settings = 0 --[=[ ref [""].unit["behemoth-biter"].ai_settings ]=], alternative_attacking_frame_sequence = 0 --[=[ ref [""].unit["behemoth-spitter"].alternative_attacking_frame_sequence ]=], attack_parameters = { ammo_category = "biological", ammo_type = { action = { action_delivery = { stream = "acid-stream-spitter-big", type = "stream" }, type = "direct" }, category = "biological" }, animation = { layers = { { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 16, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-attack-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-attack-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-attack-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-attack-04.png" }, frame_count = 14, height = 132, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 16, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-attack-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-attack-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-attack-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-attack-04.png" }, frame_count = 14, height = 264, line_length = 7, lines_per_file = 8, run_mode = "forward-then-backward", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.5625 }, slice = 7, width = 312 }, line_length = 7, lines_per_file = 8, run_mode = "forward-then-backward", scale = 1, shift = { 0, -0.5625 }, slice = 7, width = 156 }, { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 16, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-attack-mask1-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-attack-mask1-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-attack-mask1-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-attack-mask1-04.png" }, flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 14, height = 126, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 16, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-attack-mask1-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-attack-mask1-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-attack-mask1-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-attack-mask1-04.png" }, frame_count = 14, height = 246, line_length = 7, lines_per_file = 8, run_mode = "forward-then-backward", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03125, -0.40625 }, slice = 7, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["big-spitter-corpse"].animation.layers[2].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 316 }, line_length = 7, lines_per_file = 8, run_mode = "forward-then-backward", scale = 1, shift = { 0, -0.4375 }, slice = 7, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["big-spitter-corpse"].animation.layers[2].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 156 }, { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 16, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-attack-mask2-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-attack-mask2-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-attack-mask2-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-attack-mask2-04.png" }, flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 14, height = 124, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 16, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-attack-mask2-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-attack-mask2-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-attack-mask2-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-attack-mask2-04.png" }, frame_count = 14, height = 244, line_length = 7, lines_per_file = 8, run_mode = "forward-then-backward", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.40625 }, slice = 7, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["big-spitter-corpse"].animation.layers[3].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 310 }, line_length = 7, lines_per_file = 8, run_mode = "forward-then-backward", scale = 1, shift = { -0.0625, -0.4375 }, slice = 7, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["big-spitter-corpse"].animation.layers[3].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 160 }, { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 16, draw_as_shadow = true, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-attack-shadow-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-attack-shadow-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-attack-shadow-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-attack-shadow-04.png" }, frame_count = 14, height = 110, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 16, draw_as_shadow = true, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-attack-shadow-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-attack-shadow-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-attack-shadow-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-attack-shadow-04.png" }, frame_count = 14, height = 224, line_length = 7, lines_per_file = 8, run_mode = "forward-then-backward", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.71875, -0.03125 }, slice = 7, width = 370 }, line_length = 7, lines_per_file = 8, run_mode = "forward-then-backward", scale = 1, shift = { 0.6875, 0 }, slice = 7, width = 188 } } }, cooldown = 100, cooldown_deviation = 0.15, cyclic_sound = { begin_sound = { { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/spitter-spit-start-big-1.ogg", volume = 0.46999999999999993 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/spitter-spit-start-big-2.ogg", volume = 0.46999999999999993 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/spitter-spit-start-big-3.ogg", volume = 0.46999999999999993 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/spitter-spit-start-big-4.ogg", volume = 0.46999999999999993 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/spitter-spit-start-big-5.ogg", volume = 0.46999999999999993 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/spitter-spit-start-big-6.ogg", volume = 0.46999999999999993 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/spitter-spit-start-big-7.ogg", volume = 0.46999999999999993 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/spitter-spit-start-big-8.ogg", volume = 0.46999999999999993 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/spitter-spit-start-big-9.ogg", volume = 0.46999999999999993 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/spitter-spit-start-big-10.ogg", volume = 0.46999999999999993 } }, end_sound = { { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/spitter-spit-end-1.ogg", volume = 0 } }, middle_sound = { { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/flamethrower-mid.ogg", volume = 0 } } }, damage_modifier = 36, lead_target_for_projectile_speed = 0.3375, min_attack_distance = 10, projectile_creation_parameters = { { 0, { 0, -2.734375 } }, { 0.0625, { 0.6125, -2.6531250000000002 } }, { 0.125, { 1.1937500000000001, -2.3343750000000001 } }, { 0.1875, { 1.7625000000000002, -1.878125 } }, { 0.25, { 1.96875, -1.140625 } }, { 0.3125, { 1.7312500000000002, -0.434375 } }, { 0.375, { 1.2562500000000001, 0.053124999999999982 } }, { 0.4375, { 0.64375, 0.30937500000000009 } }, { 0.5, { 0.015625, 0.421875 } }, { 0.5625, { -0.659375, 0.32500000000000009 } }, { 0.625, { -1.2406250000000001, 0.084374999999999982 } }, { 0.6875, { -1.6843750000000002, -0.403125 } }, { 0.75, { -1.953125, -1.109375 } }, { 0.8125, { -1.6843750000000002, -1.846875 } }, { 0.875, { -1.2093750000000001, -2.3031250000000001 } }, { 0.9375, { -0.596875, -2.5281250000000002 } } }, range = 15, range_mode = "bounding-box-to-bounding-box", type = "stream", use_shooter_direction = true, warmup = 30 }, collision_box = { { -0.4, -0.4 }, { 0.4, 0.4 } }, corpse = "big-spitter-corpse", damaged_trigger_effect = { damage_type_filters = "fire", entity_name = "enemy-damaged-explosion", offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, type = "create-entity" }, distance_per_frame = 0.070000000000000009, distraction_cooldown = 300, dying_explosion = "big-spitter-die", dying_sound = { { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/spitter-death-big-1.ogg", volume = 0.70999999999999996 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/spitter-death-big-2.ogg", volume = 0.70999999999999996 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/spitter-death-big-3.ogg", volume = 0.70999999999999996 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/spitter-death-big-4.ogg", volume = 0.70999999999999996 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/spitter-death-big-5.ogg", volume = 0.70999999999999996 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/spitter-death-big-6.ogg", volume = 0.70999999999999996 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/spitter-death-big-7.ogg", volume = 0.70999999999999996 } }, flags = { "placeable-player", "placeable-enemy", "placeable-off-grid", "breaths-air", "not-repairable" }, healing_per_tick = 0.01, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/big-spitter.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, max_health = 200, max_pursue_distance = 50, min_pursue_time = 600, movement_speed = 0.15, name = "big-spitter", order = "b-b-c", pollution_to_join_attack = 30, resistances = { { percent = 15, type = "explosion" } }, run_animation = { layers = { { direction_count = 16, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-run-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-run-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-run-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-run-04.png" }, frame_count = 16, height = 110, hr_version = { direction_count = 16, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-run-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-run-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-run-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-run-04.png" }, frame_count = 16, height = 220, line_length = 8, lines_per_file = 8, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.375 }, slice = 8, width = 248 }, line_length = 8, lines_per_file = 8, scale = 1, shift = { 0, -0.375 }, slice = 8, width = 124 }, { direction_count = 16, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-run-mask1-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-run-mask1-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-run-mask1-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-run-mask1-04.png" }, flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 16, height = 100, hr_version = { direction_count = 16, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-run-mask1-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-run-mask1-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-run-mask1-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-run-mask1-04.png" }, frame_count = 16, height = 194, line_length = 8, lines_per_file = 8, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.53125 }, slice = 8, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["big-spitter-corpse"].animation.layers[2].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 248 }, line_length = 8, lines_per_file = 8, scale = 1, shift = { 0, -0.5625 }, slice = 8, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["big-spitter-corpse"].animation.layers[2].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 124 }, { direction_count = 16, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-run-mask2-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-run-mask2-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-run-mask2-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-run-mask2-04.png" }, flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 16, height = 98, hr_version = { direction_count = 16, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-run-mask2-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-run-mask2-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-run-mask2-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-run-mask2-04.png" }, frame_count = 16, height = 196, line_length = 8, lines_per_file = 8, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03125, -0.5625 }, slice = 8, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["big-spitter-corpse"].animation.layers[3].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 252 }, line_length = 8, lines_per_file = 8, scale = 1, shift = { 0, -0.5625 }, slice = 8, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["big-spitter-corpse"].animation.layers[3].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 124 }, { direction_count = 16, draw_as_shadow = true, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-run-shadow-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-run-shadow-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-run-shadow-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-run-shadow-04.png" }, frame_count = 16, height = 88, hr_version = { direction_count = 16, draw_as_shadow = true, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-run-shadow-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-run-shadow-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-run-shadow-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-run-shadow-04.png" }, frame_count = 16, height = 180, line_length = 8, lines_per_file = 8, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.5, -0.03125 }, slice = 8, width = 306 }, line_length = 8, lines_per_file = 8, scale = 1, shift = { 0.5, 0 }, slice = 8, width = 154 } } }, running_sound_animation_positions = { 2 }, selection_box = { { -0.7, -1 }, { 0.7, 1 } }, spawning_time_modifier = 3, sticker_box = { { -0.3, -0.5 }, { 0.3, 0.1 } }, subgroup = "enemies", type = "unit", vision_distance = 30, walking_sound = { aggregation = { max_count = 2, remove = true }, variations = { { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/spitter-walk-big-1.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/spitter-walk-big-2.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/spitter-walk-big-3.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/spitter-walk-big-4.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/spitter-walk-big-5.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/spitter-walk-big-6.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/spitter-walk-big-7.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/spitter-walk-big-8.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/spitter-walk-big-9.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/spitter-walk-big-10.ogg", volume = 0.5 } } }, water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = false, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-reflection.png", height = 32, priority = "extra-high", scale = 5, shift = { 0.15625, 0.46875 }, variation_count = 1, width = 20 }, rotate = true }, working_sound = { probability = 0.0041666666666666661, sound = { { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/spitter-call-big-1.ogg", volume = 0.46000000000000005 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/spitter-call-big-2.ogg", volume = 0.46000000000000005 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/spitter-call-big-3.ogg", volume = 0.46000000000000005 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/spitter-call-big-4.ogg", volume = 0.46000000000000005 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/spitter-call-big-5.ogg", volume = 0.46000000000000005 } } } }, compilatron = { attack_parameters = { ammo_category = "melee", ammo_type = { action = { action_delivery = { target_effects = { damage = { amount = 10, type = "physical" }, type = "damage" }, type = "instant" }, type = "direct" }, category = "melee", target_type = "entity" }, animation = { layers = { { direction_count = 32, draw_as_shadow = true, frame_count = 2, height = 30, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 32, draw_as_shadow = true, frame_count = 2, height = 56, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.484375, -0.015625 }, stripes = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/compilatron/hr-compilatron-walk-shadow.png", height_in_frames = 32, width_in_frames = 1 }, 0 --[=[ ref [""].unit.compilatron.attack_parameters.animation.layers[1].hr_version.stripes[1] ]=] }, width = 142 }, shift = { 0.59375, 0 }, stripes = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/compilatron/compilatron-walk-shadow.png", height_in_frames = 32, width_in_frames = 1 }, 0 --[=[ ref [""].unit.compilatron.attack_parameters.animation.layers[1].stripes[1] ]=] }, width = 72 }, { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 32, frame_count = 2, height = 52, hr_version = { axially_symmetrical = false, direction_count = 32, frame_count = 2, height = 104, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.4375 }, stripes = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/compilatron/hr-compilatron-walk-1.png", height_in_frames = 16, width_in_frames = 2 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/compilatron/hr-compilatron-walk-2.png", height_in_frames = 16, width_in_frames = 2 } }, width = 78 }, shift = { 0, -0.4375 }, stripes = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/compilatron/compilatron-walk-1.png", height_in_frames = 16, width_in_frames = 2 }, { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/compilatron/compilatron-walk-2.png", height_in_frames = 16, width_in_frames = 2 } }, width = 40 } } }, cooldown = 35, damage_modifier = 1, range = 0.5, type = "projectile" }, can_open_gates = true, collision_box = { { -0.2, -0.2 }, { 0.2, 0.2 } }, distance_per_frame = 0.1, distraction_cooldown = 300, flags = { "placeable-player", "placeable-enemy", "placeable-off-grid", "not-repairable", "breaths-air" }, has_belt_immunity = true, healing_per_tick = 0, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/compilatron.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, map_color = { a = 1, b = 0.57999999999999998, g = 0.36499999999999999, r = 0 }, max_health = 100, max_pursue_distance = 50, min_pursue_time = 600, movement_speed = 0.2, name = "compilatron", order = "z-z-z", pollution_to_join_attack = 1, run_animation = { layers = { 0 --[=[ ref [""].unit.compilatron.attack_parameters.animation.layers[1] ]=], 0 --[=[ ref [""].unit.compilatron.attack_parameters.animation.layers[2] ]=] } }, selectable_in_game = true, selection_box = { { -0.8, -1.3 }, { 0.8, 0.5 } }, subgroup = "enemies", type = "unit", vision_distance = 30, water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = false, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/compilatron/compilatron-reflection.png", height = 20, priority = "extra-high", scale = 5, shift = { 0, 1.046875 }, variation_count = 1, width = 20 }, rotate = false } }, ["medium-biter"] = { ai_settings = 0 --[=[ ref [""].unit["behemoth-biter"].ai_settings ]=], attack_parameters = { ammo_type = { action = { action_delivery = { target_effects = { damage = { amount = 15, type = "physical" }, type = "damage" }, type = "instant" }, type = "direct" }, category = "melee", target_type = "entity" }, animation = { layers = { { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 16, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-attack-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-attack-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-attack-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-attack-04.png" }, frame_count = 11, height = 176, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 16, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-attack-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-attack-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-attack-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-attack-04.png" }, frame_count = 11, height = 348, line_length = 16, lines_per_file = 4, scale = 0.35, shift = { 0, -0.546875 }, slice = 11, width = 356 }, line_length = 16, lines_per_file = 4, scale = 0.7, shift = { -0.04375, -0.56875 }, slice = 11, width = 182 }, { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 16, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-attack-mask1-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-attack-mask1-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-attack-mask1-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-attack-mask1-04.png" }, flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 11, height = 144, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 16, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-attack-mask1-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-attack-mask1-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-attack-mask1-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-attack-mask1-04.png" }, frame_count = 11, height = 282, line_length = 16, lines_per_file = 4, scale = 0.35, shift = { -0.021875, -0.896875 }, slice = 11, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["medium-biter-corpse"].animation.layers[2].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 360 }, line_length = 16, lines_per_file = 4, scale = 0.7, shift = { 0, -0.91875 }, slice = 11, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["medium-biter-corpse"].animation.layers[2].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 178 }, { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 16, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-attack-mask2-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-attack-mask2-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-attack-mask2-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-attack-mask2-04.png" }, flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 11, height = 144, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 16, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-attack-mask2-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-attack-mask2-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-attack-mask2-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-attack-mask2-04.png" }, frame_count = 11, height = 282, line_length = 16, lines_per_file = 4, scale = 0.35, shift = { -0.021875, -0.896875 }, slice = 11, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["medium-biter-corpse"].animation.layers[3].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 358 }, line_length = 16, lines_per_file = 4, scale = 0.7, shift = { -0.04375, -0.91875 }, slice = 11, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["medium-biter-corpse"].animation.layers[3].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 182 }, { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 16, draw_as_shadow = true, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-attack-shadow-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-attack-shadow-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-attack-shadow-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-attack-shadow-04.png" }, frame_count = 11, height = 128, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 16, draw_as_shadow = true, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-attack-shadow-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-attack-shadow-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-attack-shadow-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-attack-shadow-04.png" }, frame_count = 11, height = 258, line_length = 16, lines_per_file = 4, scale = 0.35, shift = { 0.678125, -0.021875 }, slice = 11, width = 476 }, line_length = 16, lines_per_file = 4, scale = 0.7, shift = { 0.65625, 0 }, slice = 11, width = 240 } } }, cooldown = 35, cooldown_deviation = 0.15, range = 1, range_mode = "bounding-box-to-bounding-box", sound = { { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/biter-roar-mid-1.ogg", volume = 0.72999999999999998 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/biter-roar-mid-2.ogg", volume = 0.72999999999999998 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/biter-roar-mid-3.ogg", volume = 0.72999999999999998 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/biter-roar-mid-4.ogg", volume = 0.72999999999999998 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/biter-roar-mid-6.ogg", volume = 0.72999999999999998 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/biter-roar-mid-7.ogg", volume = 0.72999999999999998 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/biter-roar-mid-9.ogg", volume = 0.72999999999999998 } }, type = "projectile" }, collision_box = { { -0.3, -0.3 }, { 0.3, 0.3 } }, corpse = "medium-biter-corpse", damaged_trigger_effect = { damage_type_filters = "fire", entity_name = "enemy-damaged-explosion", offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, type = "create-entity" }, distance_per_frame = 0.18799999999999999, distraction_cooldown = 300, dying_explosion = "medium-biter-die", dying_sound = { { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/biter-death-1.ogg", volume = 0.6 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/biter-death-2.ogg", volume = 0.6 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/biter-death-3.ogg", volume = 0.6 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/biter-death-4.ogg", volume = 0.6 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/biter-death-5.ogg", volume = 0.6 } }, flags = { "placeable-player", "placeable-enemy", "placeable-off-grid", "breaths-air", "not-repairable" }, healing_per_tick = 0.01, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/medium-biter.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, max_health = 75, max_pursue_distance = 50, min_pursue_time = 600, movement_speed = 0.23999999999999999, name = "medium-biter", order = "b-a-b", pollution_to_join_attack = 20, resistances = { { decrease = 4, percent = 10, type = "physical" }, { percent = 10, type = "explosion" } }, run_animation = { layers = { { direction_count = 16, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-run-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-run-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-run-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-run-04.png" }, frame_count = 16, height = 158, hr_version = { direction_count = 16, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-run-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-run-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-run-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-run-04.png" }, frame_count = 16, height = 310, line_length = 8, lines_per_file = 8, scale = 0.35, shift = { -0.021875, -0.109375 }, slice = 8, width = 398 }, line_length = 8, lines_per_file = 8, scale = 0.7, shift = { -0.04375, -0.13124999999999998 }, slice = 8, width = 202 }, { direction_count = 16, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-run-mask1-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-run-mask1-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-run-mask1-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-run-mask1-04.png" }, flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 16, height = 94, hr_version = { direction_count = 16, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-run-mask1-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-run-mask1-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-run-mask1-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-run-mask1-04.png" }, frame_count = 16, height = 182, line_length = 8, lines_per_file = 8, scale = 0.35, shift = { -0.021875, -0.809375 }, slice = 8, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["medium-biter-corpse"].animation.layers[2].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 238 }, line_length = 8, lines_per_file = 8, scale = 0.7, shift = { 0, -0.83125 }, slice = 8, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["medium-biter-corpse"].animation.layers[2].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 118 }, { direction_count = 16, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-run-mask2-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-run-mask2-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-run-mask2-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-run-mask2-04.png" }, flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 16, height = 92, hr_version = { direction_count = 16, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-run-mask2-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-run-mask2-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-run-mask2-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-run-mask2-04.png" }, frame_count = 16, height = 184, line_length = 8, lines_per_file = 8, scale = 0.35, shift = { 0, -0.83125 }, slice = 8, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["medium-biter-corpse"].animation.layers[3].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 232 }, line_length = 8, lines_per_file = 8, scale = 0.7, shift = { -0.04375, -0.83125 }, slice = 8, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["medium-biter-corpse"].animation.layers[3].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 120 }, { direction_count = 16, draw_as_shadow = true, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-run-shadow-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-run-shadow-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-run-shadow-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-run-shadow-04.png" }, frame_count = 16, height = 144, hr_version = { direction_count = 16, draw_as_shadow = true, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-run-shadow-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-run-shadow-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-run-shadow-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-run-shadow-04.png" }, frame_count = 16, height = 292, line_length = 8, lines_per_file = 8, scale = 0.35, shift = { 0.175, -0.021875 }, slice = 8, width = 432 }, line_length = 8, lines_per_file = 8, scale = 0.7, shift = { 0.175, 0 }, slice = 8, width = 216 } } }, running_sound_animation_positions = { 2 }, selection_box = { { -0.7, -1.5 }, { 0.7, 0.3 } }, sticker_box = { { -0.3, -0.5 }, { 0.3, 0.1 } }, subgroup = "enemies", type = "unit", vision_distance = 30, walking_sound = { aggregation = { max_count = 2, remove = true }, variations = { { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/biter-walk-1.ogg", volume = 0.4 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/biter-walk-2.ogg", volume = 0.4 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/biter-walk-3.ogg", volume = 0.4 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/biter-walk-4.ogg", volume = 0.4 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/biter-walk-5.ogg", volume = 0.4 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/biter-walk-6.ogg", volume = 0.4 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/biter-walk-7.ogg", volume = 0.4 } } }, water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = false, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-reflection.png", height = 28, priority = "extra-high", scale = 3.5, shift = { 0.15625, 0.46875 }, variation_count = 1, width = 20 }, rotate = true }, working_sound = { max_sounds_per_type = 2, probability = 0.0013888888888888888, sound = { { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/biter-call-1.ogg", volume = 0.57999999999999998 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/biter-call-2.ogg", volume = 0.57999999999999998 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/biter-call-3.ogg", volume = 0.57999999999999998 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/biter-call-4.ogg", volume = 0.57999999999999998 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/biter-call-5.ogg", volume = 0.57999999999999998 } } } }, ["medium-spitter"] = { ai_settings = 0 --[=[ ref [""].unit["behemoth-biter"].ai_settings ]=], alternative_attacking_frame_sequence = 0 --[=[ ref [""].unit["behemoth-spitter"].alternative_attacking_frame_sequence ]=], attack_parameters = { ammo_category = "biological", ammo_type = { action = { action_delivery = { stream = "acid-stream-spitter-medium", type = "stream" }, type = "direct" }, category = "biological" }, animation = { layers = { { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 16, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-attack-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-attack-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-attack-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-attack-04.png" }, frame_count = 14, height = 132, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 16, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-attack-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-attack-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-attack-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-attack-04.png" }, frame_count = 14, height = 264, line_length = 7, lines_per_file = 8, run_mode = "forward-then-backward", scale = 0.35, shift = { 0, -0.39375 }, slice = 7, width = 312 }, line_length = 7, lines_per_file = 8, run_mode = "forward-then-backward", scale = 0.7, shift = { 0, -0.39375 }, slice = 7, width = 156 }, { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 16, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-attack-mask1-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-attack-mask1-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-attack-mask1-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-attack-mask1-04.png" }, flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 14, height = 126, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 16, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-attack-mask1-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-attack-mask1-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-attack-mask1-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-attack-mask1-04.png" }, frame_count = 14, height = 246, line_length = 7, lines_per_file = 8, run_mode = "forward-then-backward", scale = 0.35, shift = { -0.021875, -0.284375 }, slice = 7, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["medium-spitter-corpse"].animation.layers[2].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 316 }, line_length = 7, lines_per_file = 8, run_mode = "forward-then-backward", scale = 0.7, shift = { 0, -0.30624999999999996 }, slice = 7, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["medium-spitter-corpse"].animation.layers[2].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 156 }, { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 16, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-attack-mask2-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-attack-mask2-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-attack-mask2-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-attack-mask2-04.png" }, flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 14, height = 124, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 16, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-attack-mask2-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-attack-mask2-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-attack-mask2-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-attack-mask2-04.png" }, frame_count = 14, height = 244, line_length = 7, lines_per_file = 8, run_mode = "forward-then-backward", scale = 0.35, shift = { 0, -0.284375 }, slice = 7, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["medium-spitter-corpse"].animation.layers[3].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 310 }, line_length = 7, lines_per_file = 8, run_mode = "forward-then-backward", scale = 0.7, shift = { -0.04375, -0.30624999999999996 }, slice = 7, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["medium-spitter-corpse"].animation.layers[3].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 160 }, { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 16, draw_as_shadow = true, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-attack-shadow-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-attack-shadow-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-attack-shadow-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-attack-shadow-04.png" }, frame_count = 14, height = 110, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 16, draw_as_shadow = true, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-attack-shadow-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-attack-shadow-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-attack-shadow-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-attack-shadow-04.png" }, frame_count = 14, height = 224, line_length = 7, lines_per_file = 8, run_mode = "forward-then-backward", scale = 0.35, shift = { 0.50312499999999991, -0.021875 }, slice = 7, width = 370 }, line_length = 7, lines_per_file = 8, run_mode = "forward-then-backward", scale = 0.7, shift = { 0.48125, 0 }, slice = 7, width = 188 } } }, cooldown = 100, cooldown_deviation = 0.15, cyclic_sound = { begin_sound = { { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/spitter-spit-start-mid-1.ogg", volume = 0.35 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/spitter-spit-start-mid-2.ogg", volume = 0.35 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/spitter-spit-start-mid-3.ogg", volume = 0.35 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/spitter-spit-start-mid-5.ogg", volume = 0.35 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/spitter-spit-start-mid-6.ogg", volume = 0.35 } }, end_sound = { { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/spitter-spit-end-1.ogg", volume = 0 } }, middle_sound = { { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/flamethrower-mid.ogg", volume = 0 } } }, damage_modifier = 24, lead_target_for_projectile_speed = 0.3375, min_attack_distance = 10, projectile_creation_parameters = { { 0, { 0, -1.9140625 } }, { 0.0625, { 0.42874999999999996, -1.8571875 } }, { 0.125, { 0.83562499999999993, -1.6340624999999998 } }, { 0.1875, { 1.2337499999999999, -1.3146875 } }, { 0.25, { 1.3781249999999998, -0.79843749999999991 } }, { 0.3125, { 1.211875, -0.30406249999999995 } }, { 0.375, { 0.87937499999999993, 0.037187499999999982 } }, { 0.4375, { 0.45062499999999996, 0.21656250000000004 } }, { 0.5, { 0.0109375, 0.2953125 } }, { 0.5625, { -0.46156249999999996, 0.22750000000000004 } }, { 0.625, { -0.86843749999999993, 0.059062500000000018 } }, { 0.6875, { -1.1790624999999999, -0.2821875 } }, { 0.75, { -1.3671875, -0.77656249999999991 } }, { 0.8125, { -1.1790624999999999, -1.2928124999999999 } }, { 0.875, { -0.84656249999999993, -1.6121874999999999 } }, { 0.9375, { -0.41781249999999996, -1.7696875 } } }, range = 14, range_mode = "bounding-box-to-bounding-box", type = "stream", use_shooter_direction = true, warmup = 30 }, collision_box = { { -0.4, -0.4 }, { 0.4, 0.4 } }, corpse = "medium-spitter-corpse", damaged_trigger_effect = { damage_type_filters = "fire", entity_name = "enemy-damaged-explosion", offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, type = "create-entity" }, distance_per_frame = 0.055, distraction_cooldown = 300, dying_explosion = "medium-spitter-die", dying_sound = { { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/spitter-death-mid-1.ogg", volume = 0.65 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/spitter-death-mid-2.ogg", volume = 0.65 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/spitter-death-mid-3.ogg", volume = 0.65 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/spitter-death-mid-4.ogg", volume = 0.65 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/spitter-death-mid-5.ogg", volume = 0.65 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/spitter-death-mid-6.ogg", volume = 0.65 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/spitter-death-mid-7.ogg", volume = 0.65 } }, flags = { "placeable-player", "placeable-enemy", "placeable-off-grid", "breaths-air", "not-repairable" }, healing_per_tick = 0.01, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/medium-spitter.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, max_health = 50, max_pursue_distance = 50, min_pursue_time = 600, movement_speed = 0.16500000000000002, name = "medium-spitter", order = "b-b-b", pollution_to_join_attack = 12, resistances = { { percent = 10, type = "explosion" } }, run_animation = { layers = { { direction_count = 16, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-run-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-run-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-run-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-run-04.png" }, frame_count = 16, height = 110, hr_version = { direction_count = 16, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-run-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-run-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-run-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-run-04.png" }, frame_count = 16, height = 220, line_length = 8, lines_per_file = 8, scale = 0.35, shift = { 0, -0.26249999999999996 }, slice = 8, width = 248 }, line_length = 8, lines_per_file = 8, scale = 0.7, shift = { 0, -0.26249999999999996 }, slice = 8, width = 124 }, { direction_count = 16, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-run-mask1-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-run-mask1-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-run-mask1-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-run-mask1-04.png" }, flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 16, height = 100, hr_version = { direction_count = 16, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-run-mask1-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-run-mask1-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-run-mask1-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-run-mask1-04.png" }, frame_count = 16, height = 194, line_length = 8, lines_per_file = 8, scale = 0.35, shift = { 0, -0.37187499999999996 }, slice = 8, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["medium-spitter-corpse"].animation.layers[2].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 248 }, line_length = 8, lines_per_file = 8, scale = 0.7, shift = { 0, -0.39375 }, slice = 8, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["medium-spitter-corpse"].animation.layers[2].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 124 }, { direction_count = 16, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-run-mask2-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-run-mask2-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-run-mask2-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-run-mask2-04.png" }, flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 16, height = 98, hr_version = { direction_count = 16, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-run-mask2-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-run-mask2-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-run-mask2-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-run-mask2-04.png" }, frame_count = 16, height = 196, line_length = 8, lines_per_file = 8, scale = 0.35, shift = { -0.021875, -0.39375 }, slice = 8, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["medium-spitter-corpse"].animation.layers[3].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 252 }, line_length = 8, lines_per_file = 8, scale = 0.7, shift = { 0, -0.39375 }, slice = 8, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["medium-spitter-corpse"].animation.layers[3].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 124 }, { direction_count = 16, draw_as_shadow = true, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-run-shadow-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-run-shadow-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-run-shadow-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-run-shadow-04.png" }, frame_count = 16, height = 88, hr_version = { direction_count = 16, draw_as_shadow = true, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-run-shadow-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-run-shadow-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-run-shadow-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-run-shadow-04.png" }, frame_count = 16, height = 180, line_length = 8, lines_per_file = 8, scale = 0.35, shift = { 0.35, -0.021875 }, slice = 8, width = 306 }, line_length = 8, lines_per_file = 8, scale = 0.7, shift = { 0.35, 0 }, slice = 8, width = 154 } } }, running_sound_animation_positions = { 2 }, selection_box = { { -0.5, -0.7 }, { 0.5, 0.7 } }, sticker_box = { { -0.3, -0.5 }, { 0.3, 0.1 } }, subgroup = "enemies", type = "unit", vision_distance = 30, walking_sound = { aggregation = { max_count = 2, remove = true }, variations = { { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/spitter-walk-1.ogg", volume = 0.6 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/spitter-walk-2.ogg", volume = 0.6 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/spitter-walk-3.ogg", volume = 0.6 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/spitter-walk-4.ogg", volume = 0.6 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/spitter-walk-5.ogg", volume = 0.6 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/spitter-walk-6.ogg", volume = 0.6 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/spitter-walk-7.ogg", volume = 0.6 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/spitter-walk-8.ogg", volume = 0.6 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/spitter-walk-9.ogg", volume = 0.6 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/spitter-walk-10.ogg", volume = 0.6 } } }, water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = false, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-reflection.png", height = 32, priority = "extra-high", scale = 3.5, shift = { 0.15625, 0.46875 }, variation_count = 1, width = 20 }, rotate = true }, working_sound = { probability = 0.002083333333333333, sound = { { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/spitter-call-med-1.ogg", volume = 0.53000000000000007 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/spitter-call-med-2.ogg", volume = 0.53000000000000007 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/spitter-call-med-3.ogg", volume = 0.53000000000000007 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/spitter-call-med-4.ogg", volume = 0.53000000000000007 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/spitter-call-med-5.ogg", volume = 0.53000000000000007 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/spitter-call-med-6.ogg", volume = 0.53000000000000007 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/spitter-call-med-7.ogg", volume = 0.53000000000000007 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/spitter-call-med-8.ogg", volume = 0.53000000000000007 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/spitter-call-med-9.ogg", volume = 0.53000000000000007 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/spitter-call-med-10.ogg", volume = 0.53000000000000007 } } } }, ["small-biter"] = { ai_settings = 0 --[=[ ref [""].unit["behemoth-biter"].ai_settings ]=], attack_parameters = { ammo_type = { action = { action_delivery = { target_effects = { damage = { amount = 7, type = "physical" }, type = "damage" }, type = "instant" }, type = "direct" }, category = "melee", target_type = "entity" }, animation = { layers = { { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 16, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-attack-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-attack-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-attack-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-attack-04.png" }, frame_count = 11, height = 176, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 16, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-attack-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-attack-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-attack-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-attack-04.png" }, frame_count = 11, height = 348, line_length = 16, lines_per_file = 4, scale = 0.25, shift = { 0, -0.390625 }, slice = 11, width = 356 }, line_length = 16, lines_per_file = 4, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03125, -0.40625 }, slice = 11, width = 182 }, { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 16, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-attack-mask1-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-attack-mask1-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-attack-mask1-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-attack-mask1-04.png" }, flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 11, height = 144, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 16, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-attack-mask1-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-attack-mask1-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-attack-mask1-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-attack-mask1-04.png" }, frame_count = 11, height = 282, line_length = 16, lines_per_file = 4, scale = 0.25, shift = { -0.015625, -0.640625 }, slice = 11, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["small-biter-corpse"].animation.layers[2].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 360 }, line_length = 16, lines_per_file = 4, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.65625 }, slice = 11, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["small-biter-corpse"].animation.layers[2].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 178 }, { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 16, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-attack-mask2-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-attack-mask2-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-attack-mask2-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-attack-mask2-04.png" }, flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 11, height = 144, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 16, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-attack-mask2-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-attack-mask2-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-attack-mask2-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-attack-mask2-04.png" }, frame_count = 11, height = 282, line_length = 16, lines_per_file = 4, scale = 0.25, shift = { -0.015625, -0.640625 }, slice = 11, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["small-biter-corpse"].animation.layers[3].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 358 }, line_length = 16, lines_per_file = 4, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03125, -0.65625 }, slice = 11, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["small-biter-corpse"].animation.layers[3].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 182 }, { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 16, draw_as_shadow = true, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-attack-shadow-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-attack-shadow-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-attack-shadow-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-attack-shadow-04.png" }, frame_count = 11, height = 128, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 16, draw_as_shadow = true, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-attack-shadow-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-attack-shadow-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-attack-shadow-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-attack-shadow-04.png" }, frame_count = 11, height = 258, line_length = 16, lines_per_file = 4, scale = 0.25, shift = { 0.484375, -0.015625 }, slice = 11, width = 476 }, line_length = 16, lines_per_file = 4, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.46875, 0 }, slice = 11, width = 240 } } }, cooldown = 35, cooldown_deviation = 0.15, range = 0.5, range_mode = "bounding-box-to-bounding-box", sound = { { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/biter-roar-1.ogg", volume = 0.35 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/biter-roar-2.ogg", volume = 0.35 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/biter-roar-3.ogg", volume = 0.35 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/biter-roar-4.ogg", volume = 0.35 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/biter-roar-5.ogg", volume = 0.35 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/biter-roar-6.ogg", volume = 0.35 } }, type = "projectile" }, collision_box = { { -0.2, -0.2 }, { 0.2, 0.2 } }, corpse = "small-biter-corpse", damaged_trigger_effect = { damage_type_filters = "fire", entity_name = "enemy-damaged-explosion", offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, type = "create-entity" }, distance_per_frame = 0.125, distraction_cooldown = 300, dying_explosion = "small-biter-die", dying_sound = { { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/biter-death-1.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/biter-death-2.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/biter-death-3.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/biter-death-4.ogg", volume = 0.5 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/biter-death-5.ogg", volume = 0.5 } }, flags = { "placeable-player", "placeable-enemy", "placeable-off-grid", "not-repairable", "breaths-air" }, healing_per_tick = 0.01, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/small-biter.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, max_health = 15, max_pursue_distance = 50, min_pursue_time = 600, movement_speed = 0.2, name = "small-biter", order = "b-a-a", pollution_to_join_attack = 4, resistances = {}, run_animation = { layers = { { direction_count = 16, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-run-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-run-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-run-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-run-04.png" }, frame_count = 16, height = 158, hr_version = { direction_count = 16, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-run-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-run-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-run-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-run-04.png" }, frame_count = 16, height = 310, line_length = 8, lines_per_file = 8, scale = 0.25, shift = { -0.015625, -0.078125 }, slice = 8, width = 398 }, line_length = 8, lines_per_file = 8, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03125, -0.09375 }, slice = 8, width = 202 }, { direction_count = 16, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-run-mask1-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-run-mask1-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-run-mask1-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-run-mask1-04.png" }, flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 16, height = 94, hr_version = { direction_count = 16, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-run-mask1-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-run-mask1-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-run-mask1-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-run-mask1-04.png" }, frame_count = 16, height = 182, line_length = 8, lines_per_file = 8, scale = 0.25, shift = { -0.015625, -0.578125 }, slice = 8, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["small-biter-corpse"].animation.layers[2].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 238 }, line_length = 8, lines_per_file = 8, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.59375 }, slice = 8, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["small-biter-corpse"].animation.layers[2].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 118 }, { direction_count = 16, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-run-mask2-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-run-mask2-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-run-mask2-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-run-mask2-04.png" }, flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 16, height = 92, hr_version = { direction_count = 16, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-run-mask2-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-run-mask2-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-run-mask2-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-run-mask2-04.png" }, frame_count = 16, height = 184, line_length = 8, lines_per_file = 8, scale = 0.25, shift = { 0, -0.59375 }, slice = 8, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["small-biter-corpse"].animation.layers[3].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 232 }, line_length = 8, lines_per_file = 8, scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03125, -0.59375 }, slice = 8, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["small-biter-corpse"].animation.layers[3].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 120 }, { direction_count = 16, draw_as_shadow = true, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-run-shadow-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-run-shadow-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-run-shadow-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-run-shadow-04.png" }, frame_count = 16, height = 144, hr_version = { direction_count = 16, draw_as_shadow = true, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-run-shadow-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-run-shadow-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-run-shadow-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/hr-biter-run-shadow-04.png" }, frame_count = 16, height = 292, line_length = 8, lines_per_file = 8, scale = 0.25, shift = { 0.125, -0.015625 }, slice = 8, width = 432 }, line_length = 8, lines_per_file = 8, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.125, 0 }, slice = 8, width = 216 } } }, running_sound_animation_positions = { 2 }, selection_box = { { -0.4, -0.7 }, { 0.4, 0.4 } }, subgroup = "enemies", type = "unit", vision_distance = 30, walking_sound = { aggregation = { max_count = 2, remove = true }, variations = { { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/biter-walk-1.ogg", volume = 0.3 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/biter-walk-2.ogg", volume = 0.3 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/biter-walk-3.ogg", volume = 0.3 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/biter-walk-4.ogg", volume = 0.3 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/biter-walk-5.ogg", volume = 0.3 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/biter-walk-6.ogg", volume = 0.3 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/biter-walk-7.ogg", volume = 0.3 } } }, water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = false, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/biter/biter-reflection.png", height = 28, priority = "extra-high", scale = 2.5, shift = { 0.15625, 0.46875 }, variation_count = 1, width = 20 }, rotate = true }, working_sound = { max_sounds_per_type = 2, probability = 0.0013888888888888888, sound = { { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/biter-call-1.ogg", volume = 0.57999999999999998 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/biter-call-2.ogg", volume = 0.57999999999999998 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/biter-call-3.ogg", volume = 0.57999999999999998 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/biter-call-4.ogg", volume = 0.57999999999999998 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/biter-call-5.ogg", volume = 0.57999999999999998 } } } }, ["small-spitter"] = { ai_settings = 0 --[=[ ref [""].unit["behemoth-biter"].ai_settings ]=], alternative_attacking_frame_sequence = 0 --[=[ ref [""].unit["behemoth-spitter"].alternative_attacking_frame_sequence ]=], attack_parameters = { ammo_category = "biological", ammo_type = { action = { action_delivery = { stream = "acid-stream-spitter-small", type = "stream" }, type = "direct" }, category = "biological" }, animation = { layers = { { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 16, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-attack-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-attack-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-attack-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-attack-04.png" }, frame_count = 14, height = 132, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 16, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-attack-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-attack-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-attack-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-attack-04.png" }, frame_count = 14, height = 264, line_length = 7, lines_per_file = 8, run_mode = "forward-then-backward", scale = 0.25, shift = { 0, -0.28125 }, slice = 7, width = 312 }, line_length = 7, lines_per_file = 8, run_mode = "forward-then-backward", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.28125 }, slice = 7, width = 156 }, { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 16, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-attack-mask1-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-attack-mask1-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-attack-mask1-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-attack-mask1-04.png" }, flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 14, height = 126, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 16, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-attack-mask1-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-attack-mask1-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-attack-mask1-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-attack-mask1-04.png" }, frame_count = 14, height = 246, line_length = 7, lines_per_file = 8, run_mode = "forward-then-backward", scale = 0.25, shift = { -0.015625, -0.203125 }, slice = 7, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["small-spitter-corpse"].animation.layers[2].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 316 }, line_length = 7, lines_per_file = 8, run_mode = "forward-then-backward", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.21875 }, slice = 7, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["small-spitter-corpse"].animation.layers[2].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 156 }, { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 16, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-attack-mask2-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-attack-mask2-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-attack-mask2-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-attack-mask2-04.png" }, flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 14, height = 124, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 16, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-attack-mask2-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-attack-mask2-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-attack-mask2-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-attack-mask2-04.png" }, frame_count = 14, height = 244, line_length = 7, lines_per_file = 8, run_mode = "forward-then-backward", scale = 0.25, shift = { 0, -0.203125 }, slice = 7, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["small-spitter-corpse"].animation.layers[3].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 310 }, line_length = 7, lines_per_file = 8, run_mode = "forward-then-backward", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03125, -0.21875 }, slice = 7, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["small-spitter-corpse"].animation.layers[3].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 160 }, { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 16, draw_as_shadow = true, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-attack-shadow-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-attack-shadow-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-attack-shadow-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-attack-shadow-04.png" }, frame_count = 14, height = 110, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.4, direction_count = 16, draw_as_shadow = true, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-attack-shadow-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-attack-shadow-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-attack-shadow-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-attack-shadow-04.png" }, frame_count = 14, height = 224, line_length = 7, lines_per_file = 8, run_mode = "forward-then-backward", scale = 0.25, shift = { 0.359375, -0.015625 }, slice = 7, width = 370 }, line_length = 7, lines_per_file = 8, run_mode = "forward-then-backward", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.34375, 0 }, slice = 7, width = 188 } } }, cooldown = 100, cooldown_deviation = 0.15, cyclic_sound = { begin_sound = { { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/spitter-spit-start-1.ogg", volume = 0.27000000000000002 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/spitter-spit-start-2.ogg", volume = 0.27000000000000002 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/spitter-spit-start-3.ogg", volume = 0.27000000000000002 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/spitter-spit-start-4.ogg", volume = 0.27000000000000002 } }, end_sound = { { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/spitter-spit-end-1.ogg", volume = 0 } }, middle_sound = { { filename = "__base__/sound/fight/flamethrower-mid.ogg", volume = 0 } } }, damage_modifier = 12, lead_target_for_projectile_speed = 0.3375, min_attack_distance = 10, projectile_creation_parameters = { { 0, { 0, -1.3671875 } }, { 0.0625, { 0.30625, -1.3265625000000001 } }, { 0.125, { 0.596875, -1.1671875 } }, { 0.1875, { 0.88125, -0.9390625 } }, { 0.25, { 0.984375, -0.5703125 } }, { 0.3125, { 0.865625, -0.2171875 } }, { 0.375, { 0.628125, 0.026562499999999991 } }, { 0.4375, { 0.321875, 0.15468750000000004 } }, { 0.5, { 0.0078125, 0.2109375 } }, { 0.5625, { -0.3296875, 0.16250000000000004 } }, { 0.625, { -0.6203125, 0.042187499999999991 } }, { 0.6875, { -0.8421875, -0.2015625 } }, { 0.75, { -0.9765625, -0.5546875 } }, { 0.8125, { -0.8421875, -0.9234375 } }, { 0.875, { -0.6046875, -1.1515625 } }, { 0.9375, { -0.2984375, -1.2640625000000001 } } }, range = 13, range_mode = "bounding-box-to-bounding-box", type = "stream", use_shooter_direction = true, warmup = 30 }, collision_box = { { -0.3, -0.3 }, { 0.3, 0.3 } }, corpse = "small-spitter-corpse", damaged_trigger_effect = { damage_type_filters = "fire", entity_name = "enemy-damaged-explosion", offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, type = "create-entity" }, distance_per_frame = 0.04, distraction_cooldown = 300, dying_explosion = "small-spitter-die", dying_sound = { { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/spitter-death-1.ogg", volume = 0.45 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/spitter-death-2.ogg", volume = 0.45 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/spitter-death-3.ogg", volume = 0.45 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/spitter-death-4.ogg", volume = 0.45 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/spitter-death-5.ogg", volume = 0.45 } }, flags = { "placeable-player", "placeable-enemy", "placeable-off-grid", "breaths-air", "not-repairable" }, healing_per_tick = 0.01, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/small-spitter.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, max_health = 10, max_pursue_distance = 50, min_pursue_time = 600, movement_speed = 0.185, name = "small-spitter", order = "b-b-a", pollution_to_join_attack = 4, resistances = {}, run_animation = { layers = { { direction_count = 16, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-run-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-run-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-run-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-run-04.png" }, frame_count = 16, height = 110, hr_version = { direction_count = 16, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-run-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-run-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-run-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-run-04.png" }, frame_count = 16, height = 220, line_length = 8, lines_per_file = 8, scale = 0.25, shift = { 0, -0.1875 }, slice = 8, width = 248 }, line_length = 8, lines_per_file = 8, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.1875 }, slice = 8, width = 124 }, { direction_count = 16, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-run-mask1-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-run-mask1-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-run-mask1-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-run-mask1-04.png" }, flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 16, height = 100, hr_version = { direction_count = 16, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-run-mask1-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-run-mask1-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-run-mask1-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-run-mask1-04.png" }, frame_count = 16, height = 194, line_length = 8, lines_per_file = 8, scale = 0.25, shift = { 0, -0.265625 }, slice = 8, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["small-spitter-corpse"].animation.layers[2].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 248 }, line_length = 8, lines_per_file = 8, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.28125 }, slice = 8, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["small-spitter-corpse"].animation.layers[2].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 124 }, { direction_count = 16, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-run-mask2-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-run-mask2-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-run-mask2-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-run-mask2-04.png" }, flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 16, height = 98, hr_version = { direction_count = 16, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-run-mask2-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-run-mask2-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-run-mask2-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-run-mask2-04.png" }, frame_count = 16, height = 196, line_length = 8, lines_per_file = 8, scale = 0.25, shift = { -0.015625, -0.28125 }, slice = 8, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["small-spitter-corpse"].animation.layers[3].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 252 }, line_length = 8, lines_per_file = 8, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.28125 }, slice = 8, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["small-spitter-corpse"].animation.layers[3].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 124 }, { direction_count = 16, draw_as_shadow = true, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-run-shadow-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-run-shadow-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-run-shadow-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-run-shadow-04.png" }, frame_count = 16, height = 88, hr_version = { direction_count = 16, draw_as_shadow = true, filenames = { "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-run-shadow-01.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-run-shadow-02.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-run-shadow-03.png", "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/hr-spitter-run-shadow-04.png" }, frame_count = 16, height = 180, line_length = 8, lines_per_file = 8, scale = 0.25, shift = { 0.25, -0.015625 }, slice = 8, width = 306 }, line_length = 8, lines_per_file = 8, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.25, 0 }, slice = 8, width = 154 } } }, running_sound_animation_positions = { 2 }, selection_box = { { -0.4, -0.4 }, { 0.4, 0.4 } }, sticker_box = { { -0.3, -0.5 }, { 0.3, 0.1 } }, subgroup = "enemies", type = "unit", vision_distance = 30, walking_sound = { aggregation = { max_count = 2, remove = true }, variations = { { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/spitter-walk-1.ogg", volume = 0.3 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/spitter-walk-2.ogg", volume = 0.3 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/spitter-walk-3.ogg", volume = 0.3 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/spitter-walk-4.ogg", volume = 0.3 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/spitter-walk-5.ogg", volume = 0.3 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/spitter-walk-6.ogg", volume = 0.3 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/spitter-walk-7.ogg", volume = 0.3 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/spitter-walk-8.ogg", volume = 0.3 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/spitter-walk-9.ogg", volume = 0.3 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/spitter-walk-10.ogg", volume = 0.3 } } }, water_reflection = { orientation_to_variation = false, pictures = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spitter/spitter-reflection.png", height = 32, priority = "extra-high", scale = 2.5, shift = { 0.15625, 0.46875 }, variation_count = 1, width = 20 }, rotate = true }, working_sound = { probability = 0.0041666666666666661, sound = { { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/spitter-call-small-1.ogg", volume = 0.44000000000000004 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/spitter-call-small-2.ogg", volume = 0.44000000000000004 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/spitter-call-small-3.ogg", volume = 0.44000000000000004 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/spitter-call-small-4.ogg", volume = 0.44000000000000004 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/spitter-call-small-5.ogg", volume = 0.44000000000000004 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/spitter-call-small-6.ogg", volume = 0.44000000000000004 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/spitter-call-small-7.ogg", volume = 0.44000000000000004 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/spitter-call-small-8.ogg", volume = 0.44000000000000004 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/spitter-call-small-9.ogg", volume = 0.44000000000000004 } } } } }, ["unit-spawner"] = { ["biter-spawner"] = { animations = { { layers = { { animation_speed = 0.17999999999999998, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spawner/spawner-idle.png", frame_count = 8, height = 180, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.17999999999999998, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spawner/hr-spawner-idle.png", frame_count = 8, height = 354, line_length = 4, run_mode = "forward-then-backward", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.09375, -0.0625 }, width = 490, y = 0 }, line_length = 4, run_mode = "forward-then-backward", shift = { 0.0625, -0.125 }, width = 248, y = 0 }, { animation_speed = 0.17999999999999998, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spawner/spawner-idle-mask.png", flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 8, height = 118, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.17999999999999998, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spawner/hr-spawner-idle-mask.png", flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 8, height = 234, line_length = 4, run_mode = "forward-then-backward", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03125, -0.4375 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["biter-spawner-corpse"].animation[1].layers[2].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 276, y = 0 }, line_length = 4, run_mode = "forward-then-backward", shift = { -0.0625, -0.4375 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["biter-spawner-corpse"].animation[1].layers[2].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 140, y = 0 }, { animation_speed = 0.17999999999999998, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spawner/spawner-idle-shadow.png", frame_count = 8, height = 176, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.17999999999999998, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spawner/hr-spawner-idle-shadow.png", frame_count = 8, height = 406, line_length = 4, run_mode = "forward-then-backward", scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.125, 0.3125 }, width = 464, y = 0 }, line_length = 4, run_mode = "forward-then-backward", shift = { 1.125, -0.0625 }, width = 232, y = 0 } } }, { layers = { { animation_speed = 0.17999999999999998, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spawner/spawner-idle.png", frame_count = 8, height = 180, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.17999999999999998, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spawner/hr-spawner-idle.png", frame_count = 8, height = 354, line_length = 4, run_mode = "forward-then-backward", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.09375, -0.0625 }, width = 490, y = 708 }, line_length = 4, run_mode = "forward-then-backward", shift = { 0.0625, -0.125 }, width = 248, y = 360 }, { animation_speed = 0.17999999999999998, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spawner/spawner-idle-mask.png", flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 8, height = 118, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.17999999999999998, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spawner/hr-spawner-idle-mask.png", flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 8, height = 234, line_length = 4, run_mode = "forward-then-backward", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03125, -0.4375 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["biter-spawner-corpse"].animation[1].layers[2].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 276, y = 468 }, line_length = 4, run_mode = "forward-then-backward", shift = { -0.0625, -0.4375 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["biter-spawner-corpse"].animation[1].layers[2].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 140, y = 236 }, { animation_speed = 0.17999999999999998, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spawner/spawner-idle-shadow.png", frame_count = 8, height = 176, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.17999999999999998, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spawner/hr-spawner-idle-shadow.png", frame_count = 8, height = 406, line_length = 4, run_mode = "forward-then-backward", scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.125, 0.3125 }, width = 464, y = 812 }, line_length = 4, run_mode = "forward-then-backward", shift = { 1.125, -0.0625 }, width = 232, y = 352 } } }, { layers = { { animation_speed = 0.17999999999999998, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spawner/spawner-idle.png", frame_count = 8, height = 180, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.17999999999999998, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spawner/hr-spawner-idle.png", frame_count = 8, height = 354, line_length = 4, run_mode = "forward-then-backward", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.09375, -0.0625 }, width = 490, y = 1416 }, line_length = 4, run_mode = "forward-then-backward", shift = { 0.0625, -0.125 }, width = 248, y = 720 }, { animation_speed = 0.17999999999999998, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spawner/spawner-idle-mask.png", flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 8, height = 118, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.17999999999999998, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spawner/hr-spawner-idle-mask.png", flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 8, height = 234, line_length = 4, run_mode = "forward-then-backward", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03125, -0.4375 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["biter-spawner-corpse"].animation[1].layers[2].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 276, y = 936 }, line_length = 4, run_mode = "forward-then-backward", shift = { -0.0625, -0.4375 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["biter-spawner-corpse"].animation[1].layers[2].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 140, y = 472 }, { animation_speed = 0.17999999999999998, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spawner/spawner-idle-shadow.png", frame_count = 8, height = 176, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.17999999999999998, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spawner/hr-spawner-idle-shadow.png", frame_count = 8, height = 406, line_length = 4, run_mode = "forward-then-backward", scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.125, 0.3125 }, width = 464, y = 1624 }, line_length = 4, run_mode = "forward-then-backward", shift = { 1.125, -0.0625 }, width = 232, y = 704 } } }, { layers = { { animation_speed = 0.17999999999999998, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spawner/spawner-idle.png", frame_count = 8, height = 180, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.17999999999999998, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spawner/hr-spawner-idle.png", frame_count = 8, height = 354, line_length = 4, run_mode = "forward-then-backward", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.09375, -0.0625 }, width = 490, y = 2124 }, line_length = 4, run_mode = "forward-then-backward", shift = { 0.0625, -0.125 }, width = 248, y = 1080 }, { animation_speed = 0.17999999999999998, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spawner/spawner-idle-mask.png", flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 8, height = 118, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.17999999999999998, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spawner/hr-spawner-idle-mask.png", flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 8, height = 234, line_length = 4, run_mode = "forward-then-backward", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03125, -0.4375 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["biter-spawner-corpse"].animation[1].layers[2].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 276, y = 1404 }, line_length = 4, run_mode = "forward-then-backward", shift = { -0.0625, -0.4375 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["biter-spawner-corpse"].animation[1].layers[2].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 140, y = 708 }, { animation_speed = 0.17999999999999998, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spawner/spawner-idle-shadow.png", frame_count = 8, height = 176, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.17999999999999998, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spawner/hr-spawner-idle-shadow.png", frame_count = 8, height = 406, line_length = 4, run_mode = "forward-then-backward", scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.125, 0.3125 }, width = 464, y = 2436 }, line_length = 4, run_mode = "forward-then-backward", shift = { 1.125, -0.0625 }, width = 232, y = 1056 } } } }, autoplace = { control = "enemy-base", force = "enemy", order = "b[enemy]-a[spawner]", probability_expression = { arguments = { amplitude = { literal_value = 0.1, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 256 }, type = "literal-number" }, source = { arguments = { { arguments = { { source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/entity/enemy-autoplace-utils.lua", line_number = 148 }, type = "variable", variable_name = "enemy_base_probability" }, { arguments = { { literal_value = 0, source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/entity/enemy-autoplace-utils.lua", line_number = 146 }, type = "literal-number" }, { arguments = { { literal_value = 1, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 54 }, type = "literal-number" }, { arguments = { { arguments = { { arguments = { { arguments = { { source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/entity/enemy-autoplace-utils.lua", line_number = 142 }, type = "variable", variable_name = "distance" }, { source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/entity/enemy-autoplace-utils.lua", line_number = 142 }, type = "variable", variable_name = "starting_area_radius" } }, function_name = "subtract", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/entity/enemy-autoplace-utils.lua", line_number = 142 }, type = "function-application" }, { literal_value = 0, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 62 }, type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "subtract", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/entity/enemy-autoplace-utils.lua", line_number = 146 }, type = "function-application" }, { literal_value = 0.002, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 78 }, type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "multiply", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/entity/enemy-autoplace-utils.lua", line_number = 146 }, type = "function-application" }, { literal_value = 0, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 78 }, type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "multiply", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/entity/enemy-autoplace-utils.lua", line_number = 146 }, type = "function-application" } }, function_name = "add", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/entity/enemy-autoplace-utils.lua", line_number = 146 }, type = "function-application" }, { literal_value = 1/0 --[[math.huge]], source_location = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["unit-spawner"]["biter-spawner"].autoplace.probability_expression.arguments.source.arguments[1].arguments[2].arguments[1].source_location ]=], type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "clamp", source_location = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["unit-spawner"]["biter-spawner"].autoplace.probability_expression.arguments.source.arguments[1].arguments[2].arguments[1].source_location ]=], type = "function-application" } }, function_name = "multiply", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/entity/enemy-autoplace-utils.lua", line_number = 148 }, type = "function-application" }, { literal_value = -1/0 --[[-math.huge]], source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/entity/enemy-autoplace-utils.lua", line_number = 151 }, type = "literal-number" }, { literal_value = 0.25, source_location = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["unit-spawner"]["biter-spawner"].autoplace.probability_expression.arguments.source.arguments[2].source_location ]=], type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "clamp", source_location = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["unit-spawner"]["biter-spawner"].autoplace.probability_expression.arguments.source.arguments[2].source_location ]=], type = "function-application" }, x = { arguments = { { source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/entity/enemy-autoplace-utils.lua", line_number = 155 }, type = "variable", variable_name = "x" }, { literal_value = 6, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 54 }, type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "add", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/entity/enemy-autoplace-utils.lua", line_number = 155 }, type = "function-application" }, y = { source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 254 }, type = "variable", variable_name = "y" } }, function_name = "random-penalty", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/entity/enemy-autoplace-utils.lua", line_number = 154 }, type = "function-application" }, richness_expression = { literal_value = 1, source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/entity/enemy-autoplace-utils.lua", line_number = 159 }, type = "literal-number" } }, call_for_help_radius = 50, collision_box = { { -3.2000000000000002, -2.2000000000000002 }, { 2.2000000000000002, 2.2000000000000002 } }, corpse = "biter-spawner-corpse", damaged_trigger_effect = { damage_type_filters = "fire", entity_name = "enemy-damaged-explosion", offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, type = "create-entity" }, dying_explosion = "biter-spawner-die", dying_sound = { { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/spawner-death-1.ogg", volume = 1 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/spawner-death-2.ogg", volume = 1 } }, flags = { "placeable-player", "placeable-enemy", "not-repairable" }, healing_per_tick = 0.02, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/biter-spawner.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, integration = { sheet = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spawner/spawner-idle-integration.png", frame_count = 1, height = 188, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spawner/hr-spawner-idle-integration.png", frame_count = 1, height = 380, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.09375, -0.09375 }, variation_count = 4, width = 522 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0.0625, -0.0625 }, variation_count = 4, width = 258 } }, map_generator_bounding_box = { { -4.2000000000000002, -3.2000000000000002 }, { 3.2000000000000002, 3.2000000000000002 } }, max_count_of_owned_units = 7, max_friends_around_to_spawn = 5, max_health = 350, max_richness_for_spawn_shift = 100, max_spawn_shift = 0, name = "biter-spawner", order = "b-d-a", pollution_absorption_absolute = 20, pollution_absorption_proportional = 0.01, resistances = { { decrease = 2, percent = 15, type = "physical" }, { decrease = 5, percent = 15, type = "explosion" }, { decrease = 3, percent = 60, type = "fire" } }, result_units = { { "small-biter", { { 0, 0.3 }, { 0.6, 0 } } }, { "medium-biter", { { 0.2, 0 }, { 0.6, 0.3 }, { 0.7, 0.1 } } }, { "big-biter", { { 0.5, 0 }, { 1, 0.4 } } }, { "behemoth-biter", { { 0.9, 0 }, { 1, 0.3 } } } }, selection_box = { { -3.5, -2.5 }, { 2.5, 2.5 } }, spawn_decoration = { { decorative = "light-mud-decal", spawn_max = 2, spawn_max_radius = 5, spawn_min = 0, spawn_min_radius = 2 }, { decorative = "dark-mud-decal", spawn_max = 3, spawn_max_radius = 6, spawn_min = 0, spawn_min_radius = 2 }, { decorative = "enemy-decal", spawn_max = 5, spawn_max_radius = 7, spawn_min = 3, spawn_min_radius = 2 }, { decorative = "enemy-decal-transparent", radius_curve = 0.9, spawn_max = 20, spawn_max_radius = 14, spawn_min = 4, spawn_min_radius = 2 }, { decorative = "muddy-stump", spawn_max = 5, spawn_max_radius = 6, spawn_min = 2, spawn_min_radius = 3 }, { decorative = "red-croton", spawn_max = 8, spawn_max_radius = 6, spawn_min = 2, spawn_min_radius = 3 }, { decorative = "red-pita", spawn_max = 5, spawn_max_radius = 6, spawn_min = 1, spawn_min_radius = 3 } }, spawn_decorations_on_expansion = true, spawning_cooldown = { 360, 150 }, spawning_radius = 10, spawning_spacing = 3, subgroup = "enemies", type = "unit-spawner", working_sound = { sound = { { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/spawner.ogg", volume = 0.6 } } } }, ["spitter-spawner"] = { animations = { { layers = { { animation_speed = 0.17999999999999998, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spawner/spawner-idle.png", frame_count = 8, height = 180, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.17999999999999998, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spawner/hr-spawner-idle.png", frame_count = 8, height = 354, line_length = 4, run_mode = "forward-then-backward", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.09375, -0.0625 }, width = 490, y = 0 }, line_length = 4, run_mode = "forward-then-backward", shift = { 0.0625, -0.125 }, width = 248, y = 0 }, { animation_speed = 0.17999999999999998, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spawner/spawner-idle-mask.png", flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 8, height = 118, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.17999999999999998, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spawner/hr-spawner-idle-mask.png", flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 8, height = 234, line_length = 4, run_mode = "forward-then-backward", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03125, -0.4375 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["spitter-spawner-corpse"].animation[1].layers[2].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 276, y = 0 }, line_length = 4, run_mode = "forward-then-backward", shift = { -0.0625, -0.4375 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["spitter-spawner-corpse"].animation[1].layers[2].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 140, y = 0 }, { animation_speed = 0.17999999999999998, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spawner/spawner-idle-shadow.png", frame_count = 8, height = 176, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.17999999999999998, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spawner/hr-spawner-idle-shadow.png", frame_count = 8, height = 406, line_length = 4, run_mode = "forward-then-backward", scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.125, 0.3125 }, width = 464, y = 0 }, line_length = 4, run_mode = "forward-then-backward", shift = { 1.125, -0.0625 }, width = 232, y = 0 } } }, { layers = { { animation_speed = 0.17999999999999998, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spawner/spawner-idle.png", frame_count = 8, height = 180, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.17999999999999998, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spawner/hr-spawner-idle.png", frame_count = 8, height = 354, line_length = 4, run_mode = "forward-then-backward", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.09375, -0.0625 }, width = 490, y = 708 }, line_length = 4, run_mode = "forward-then-backward", shift = { 0.0625, -0.125 }, width = 248, y = 360 }, { animation_speed = 0.17999999999999998, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spawner/spawner-idle-mask.png", flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 8, height = 118, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.17999999999999998, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spawner/hr-spawner-idle-mask.png", flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 8, height = 234, line_length = 4, run_mode = "forward-then-backward", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03125, -0.4375 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["spitter-spawner-corpse"].animation[1].layers[2].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 276, y = 468 }, line_length = 4, run_mode = "forward-then-backward", shift = { -0.0625, -0.4375 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["spitter-spawner-corpse"].animation[1].layers[2].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 140, y = 236 }, { animation_speed = 0.17999999999999998, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spawner/spawner-idle-shadow.png", frame_count = 8, height = 176, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.17999999999999998, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spawner/hr-spawner-idle-shadow.png", frame_count = 8, height = 406, line_length = 4, run_mode = "forward-then-backward", scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.125, 0.3125 }, width = 464, y = 812 }, line_length = 4, run_mode = "forward-then-backward", shift = { 1.125, -0.0625 }, width = 232, y = 352 } } }, { layers = { { animation_speed = 0.17999999999999998, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spawner/spawner-idle.png", frame_count = 8, height = 180, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.17999999999999998, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spawner/hr-spawner-idle.png", frame_count = 8, height = 354, line_length = 4, run_mode = "forward-then-backward", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.09375, -0.0625 }, width = 490, y = 1416 }, line_length = 4, run_mode = "forward-then-backward", shift = { 0.0625, -0.125 }, width = 248, y = 720 }, { animation_speed = 0.17999999999999998, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spawner/spawner-idle-mask.png", flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 8, height = 118, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.17999999999999998, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spawner/hr-spawner-idle-mask.png", flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 8, height = 234, line_length = 4, run_mode = "forward-then-backward", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03125, -0.4375 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["spitter-spawner-corpse"].animation[1].layers[2].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 276, y = 936 }, line_length = 4, run_mode = "forward-then-backward", shift = { -0.0625, -0.4375 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["spitter-spawner-corpse"].animation[1].layers[2].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 140, y = 472 }, { animation_speed = 0.17999999999999998, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spawner/spawner-idle-shadow.png", frame_count = 8, height = 176, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.17999999999999998, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spawner/hr-spawner-idle-shadow.png", frame_count = 8, height = 406, line_length = 4, run_mode = "forward-then-backward", scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.125, 0.3125 }, width = 464, y = 1624 }, line_length = 4, run_mode = "forward-then-backward", shift = { 1.125, -0.0625 }, width = 232, y = 704 } } }, { layers = { { animation_speed = 0.17999999999999998, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spawner/spawner-idle.png", frame_count = 8, height = 180, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.17999999999999998, direction_count = 1, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spawner/hr-spawner-idle.png", frame_count = 8, height = 354, line_length = 4, run_mode = "forward-then-backward", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.09375, -0.0625 }, width = 490, y = 2124 }, line_length = 4, run_mode = "forward-then-backward", shift = { 0.0625, -0.125 }, width = 248, y = 1080 }, { animation_speed = 0.17999999999999998, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spawner/spawner-idle-mask.png", flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 8, height = 118, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.17999999999999998, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spawner/hr-spawner-idle-mask.png", flags = { "mask" }, frame_count = 8, height = 234, line_length = 4, run_mode = "forward-then-backward", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03125, -0.4375 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["spitter-spawner-corpse"].animation[1].layers[2].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 276, y = 1404 }, line_length = 4, run_mode = "forward-then-backward", shift = { -0.0625, -0.4375 }, tint = 0 --[=[ ref [""].corpse["spitter-spawner-corpse"].animation[1].layers[2].hr_version.tint ]=], width = 140, y = 708 }, { animation_speed = 0.17999999999999998, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spawner/spawner-idle-shadow.png", frame_count = 8, height = 176, hr_version = { animation_speed = 0.17999999999999998, draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spawner/hr-spawner-idle-shadow.png", frame_count = 8, height = 406, line_length = 4, run_mode = "forward-then-backward", scale = 0.5, shift = { 1.125, 0.3125 }, width = 464, y = 2436 }, line_length = 4, run_mode = "forward-then-backward", shift = { 1.125, -0.0625 }, width = 232, y = 1056 } } } }, autoplace = { control = "enemy-base", force = "enemy", order = "b[enemy]-a[spawner]", probability_expression = { arguments = { amplitude = { literal_value = 0.1, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 256 }, type = "literal-number" }, source = { arguments = { { arguments = { { source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/entity/enemy-autoplace-utils.lua", line_number = 148 }, type = "variable", variable_name = "enemy_base_probability" }, { arguments = { { literal_value = 0, source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/entity/enemy-autoplace-utils.lua", line_number = 146 }, type = "literal-number" }, { arguments = { { literal_value = 1, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 54 }, type = "literal-number" }, { arguments = { { arguments = { { arguments = { { arguments = { { source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/entity/enemy-autoplace-utils.lua", line_number = 142 }, type = "variable", variable_name = "distance" }, { source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/entity/enemy-autoplace-utils.lua", line_number = 142 }, type = "variable", variable_name = "starting_area_radius" } }, function_name = "subtract", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/entity/enemy-autoplace-utils.lua", line_number = 142 }, type = "function-application" }, { literal_value = 0, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 62 }, type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "subtract", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/entity/enemy-autoplace-utils.lua", line_number = 146 }, type = "function-application" }, { literal_value = 0.002, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 78 }, type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "multiply", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/entity/enemy-autoplace-utils.lua", line_number = 146 }, type = "function-application" }, { literal_value = 0, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 78 }, type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "multiply", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/entity/enemy-autoplace-utils.lua", line_number = 146 }, type = "function-application" } }, function_name = "add", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/entity/enemy-autoplace-utils.lua", line_number = 146 }, type = "function-application" }, { literal_value = 1/0 --[[math.huge]], source_location = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["unit-spawner"]["spitter-spawner"].autoplace.probability_expression.arguments.source.arguments[1].arguments[2].arguments[1].source_location ]=], type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "clamp", source_location = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["unit-spawner"]["spitter-spawner"].autoplace.probability_expression.arguments.source.arguments[1].arguments[2].arguments[1].source_location ]=], type = "function-application" } }, function_name = "multiply", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/entity/enemy-autoplace-utils.lua", line_number = 148 }, type = "function-application" }, { literal_value = -1/0 --[[-math.huge]], source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/entity/enemy-autoplace-utils.lua", line_number = 151 }, type = "literal-number" }, { literal_value = 0.25, source_location = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["unit-spawner"]["spitter-spawner"].autoplace.probability_expression.arguments.source.arguments[2].source_location ]=], type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "clamp", source_location = 0 --[=[ ref [""]["unit-spawner"]["spitter-spawner"].autoplace.probability_expression.arguments.source.arguments[2].source_location ]=], type = "function-application" }, x = { arguments = { { source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/entity/enemy-autoplace-utils.lua", line_number = 155 }, type = "variable", variable_name = "x" }, { literal_value = 7, source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 54 }, type = "literal-number" } }, function_name = "add", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/entity/enemy-autoplace-utils.lua", line_number = 155 }, type = "function-application" }, y = { source_location = { filename = "__core__/lualib/noise.lua", line_number = 254 }, type = "variable", variable_name = "y" } }, function_name = "random-penalty", source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/entity/enemy-autoplace-utils.lua", line_number = 154 }, type = "function-application" }, richness_expression = { literal_value = 1, source_location = { filename = "__base__/prototypes/entity/enemy-autoplace-utils.lua", line_number = 159 }, type = "literal-number" } }, call_for_help_radius = 50, collision_box = { { -3.2000000000000002, -2.2000000000000002 }, { 2.2000000000000002, 2.2000000000000002 } }, corpse = "spitter-spawner-corpse", damaged_trigger_effect = { damage_type_filters = "fire", entity_name = "enemy-damaged-explosion", offset_deviation = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, offsets = { { 0, 0 } }, type = "create-entity" }, dying_explosion = "spitter-spawner-die", dying_sound = { { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/spawner-death-1.ogg", volume = 1 }, { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/spawner-death-2.ogg", volume = 1 } }, flags = { "placeable-player", "placeable-enemy", "not-repairable" }, healing_per_tick = 0.02, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/spitter-spawner.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, integration = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spawner/spawner-idle-integration.png", frame_count = 1, height = 188, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/spawner/hr-spawner-idle-integration.png", frame_count = 1, height = 380, line_length = 1, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.09375, -0.09375 }, variation_count = 4, width = 522 }, line_length = 1, shift = { 0.0625, -0.0625 }, variation_count = 4, width = 258 }, map_generator_bounding_box = { { -4.2000000000000002, -3.2000000000000002 }, { 3.2000000000000002, 3.2000000000000002 } }, max_count_of_owned_units = 7, max_friends_around_to_spawn = 5, max_health = 350, max_richness_for_spawn_shift = 100, max_spawn_shift = 0, name = "spitter-spawner", order = "b-d-b", pollution_absorption_absolute = 20, pollution_absorption_proportional = 0.01, resistances = { { decrease = 2, percent = 15, type = "physical" }, { decrease = 5, percent = 15, type = "explosion" }, { decrease = 3, percent = 60, type = "fire" } }, result_units = { { "small-biter", { { 0, 0.3 }, { 0.35, 0 } } }, { "small-spitter", { { 0.25, 0 }, { 0.5, 0.3 }, { 0.7, 0 } } }, { "medium-spitter", { { 0.4, 0 }, { 0.7, 0.3 }, { 0.9, 0.1 } } }, { "big-spitter", { { 0.5, 0 }, { 1, 0.4 } } }, { "behemoth-spitter", { { 0.9, 0 }, { 1, 0.3 } } } }, selection_box = { { -3.5, -2.5 }, { 2.5, 2.5 } }, spawn_decoration = { { decorative = "light-mud-decal", spawn_max = 2, spawn_max_radius = 5, spawn_min = 0, spawn_min_radius = 2 }, { decorative = "dark-mud-decal", spawn_max = 3, spawn_max_radius = 6, spawn_min = 0, spawn_min_radius = 2 }, { decorative = "enemy-decal", spawn_max = 5, spawn_max_radius = 7, spawn_min = 3, spawn_min_radius = 2 }, { decorative = "enemy-decal-transparent", radius_curve = 0.9, spawn_max = 20, spawn_max_radius = 14, spawn_min = 4, spawn_min_radius = 2 }, { decorative = "muddy-stump", spawn_max = 5, spawn_max_radius = 6, spawn_min = 2, spawn_min_radius = 3 }, { decorative = "red-croton", spawn_max = 8, spawn_max_radius = 6, spawn_min = 2, spawn_min_radius = 3 }, { decorative = "red-pita", spawn_max = 5, spawn_max_radius = 6, spawn_min = 1, spawn_min_radius = 3 }, { decorative = "lichen-decal", spawn_max = 2, spawn_max_radius = 7, spawn_min = 1, spawn_min_radius = 2 } }, spawn_decorations_on_expansion = true, spawning_cooldown = { 360, 150 }, spawning_radius = 10, spawning_spacing = 3, subgroup = "enemies", type = "unit-spawner", working_sound = { sound = { { filename = "__base__/sound/creatures/spawner-spitter.ogg", volume = 0.6 } } } } }, ["upgrade-item"] = { ["upgrade-planner"] = { alt_selection_color = { 239, 153, 34 }, alt_selection_cursor_box_type = "not-allowed", alt_selection_mode = { "cancel-upgrade" }, close_sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/item-close.ogg", volume = 1 }, flags = { "spawnable" }, icon = "__base__/graphics/icons/upgrade-planner.png", icon_mipmaps = 4, icon_size = 64, mapper_count = 24, name = "upgrade-planner", open_sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/item-open.ogg", volume = 1 }, order = "c[automated-construction]-c[upgrade-planner]", reverse_selection_color = { 246, 255, 0 }, reverse_selection_cursor_box_type = "not-allowed", reverse_selection_mode = { "downgrade" }, selection_color = { 71, 255, 73 }, selection_cursor_box_type = "not-allowed", selection_mode = { "upgrade" }, stack_size = 1, subgroup = "tool", type = "upgrade-item" } }, ["utility-constants"] = { default = { artillery_range_visualization_color = { a = 0.15, b = 0.0375, g = 0.0375, r = 0.12 }, bonus_gui_ordering = { ["artillery-shell"] = "o", artillery_range = "k", beam = "r", biological = "z", bullet = "l", ["cannon-shell"] = "q", capsule = "x", character = "a", electric = "v", flamethrower = "m", follower_robots = "e", grenade = "s", inserter = "b", landmine = "t", laser = "j", melee = "y", mining_productivity = "d", research_speed = "g", rocket = "u", ["shotgun-shell"] = "p", stack_inserter = "c", train_braking_force = "f", turret_attack = "i", worker_robots = "h" }, building_buildable_tint = { a = 1, b = 0.4, g = 1, r = 0.4 }, building_buildable_too_far_tint = { a = 0.1, b = 0.3, g = 0.6, r = 0.6 }, building_ignorable_tint = { a = 1, b = 1, g = 0.4, r = 0.4 }, building_no_tint = { a = 1, b = 1, g = 1, r = 1 }, building_not_buildable_tint = { a = 1, b = 0.4, g = 0.4, r = 1 }, capsule_range_visualization_color = { a = 0.15, b = 0.05, g = 0.1, r = 0.05 }, chart = { artillery_range_color = { a = 1, b = 0.25, g = 0.25, r = 0.8 }, blue_signal_color = { b = 1, g = 0, r = 0 }, chart_construction_robot_color = { 1, 1, 0 }, chart_deconstruct_tint = { a = 1, b = 0.2, g = 0.2, r = 0.75 }, chart_logistic_robot_color = { 1, 1, 1 }, chart_mobile_construction_robot_color = { 0, 1, 1 }, chart_personal_construction_robot_color = { 0, 1, 0 }, chart_train_stop_disabled_text_color = { b = 0.2, g = 0.2, r = 0.9 }, chart_train_stop_full_text_color = { b = 0.9, g = 0.5, r = 0.5 }, chart_train_stop_text_color = { b = 1, g = 1, r = 1 }, custom_tag_scale = 0.5625, custom_tag_selected_overlay_tint = { a = 0, b = 1, g = 1, r = 1 }, default_color_by_type = { tree = { a = 0.4, b = 0.19, g = 0.39000000000000004, r = 0.19 } }, default_enemy_color = { b = 0.1, g = 0.1, r = 1 }, default_friendly_color = { b = 0.56999999999999993, g = 0.37999999999999998, r = 0 }, default_friendly_color_by_type = { accumulator = { b = 0.47999999999999998, g = 0.47999999999999998, r = 0.47999999999999998 }, ["ammo-turret"] = { b = 24, g = 167, r = 202 }, beacon = { b = 104, g = 68, r = 7 }, ["electric-turret"] = { b = 0.17999999999999998, g = 0.17999999999999998, r = 0.85 }, ["fluid-turret"] = { b = 0.1, g = 0.46000000000000005, r = 0.92000000000000011 }, gate = { b = 0.5, g = 0.5, r = 0.5 }, generator = { b = 160, g = 127, r = 0 }, ["heat-pipe"] = { b = 172, g = 130, r = 58 }, pipe = { b = 165, g = 130, r = 69 }, ["pipe-to-ground"] = { b = 150, g = 103, r = 25 }, pump = { b = 181, g = 154, r = 109 }, roboport = { b = 136, g = 207, r = 211 }, ["solar-panel"] = { b = 0.14000000000000002, g = 0.13, r = 0.12 }, splitter = { b = 0, g = 0.81999999999999993, r = 1 }, ["storage-tank"] = { b = 188, g = 166, r = 131 }, ["transport-belt"] = { b = 0.28000000000000004, g = 0.62999999999999998, r = 0.8 }, ["underground-belt"] = { b = 0, g = 0.35999999999999996, r = 0.44000000000000004 }, wall = { b = 0.8, g = 0.85, r = 0.8 } }, electric_line_minimum_absolute_width = 2, electric_line_width = 0.5, electric_lines_color = { a = 255, b = 255, g = 212, r = 0 }, electric_lines_color_switch_disabled = { a = 255, b = 0, g = 0, r = 255 }, electric_lines_color_switch_enabled = { a = 255, b = 0, g = 255, r = 0 }, electric_power_pole_color = { a = 255, b = 163, g = 158, r = 0 }, entity_ghost_color = { b = 0.56999999999999993, g = 0.37999999999999998, r = 0.56999999999999993 }, explosion_visualization_duration = 48, green_signal_color = { b = 0, g = 1, r = 0 }, pollution_color = { a = 149, b = 0, g = 0, r = 140 }, rail_color = { b = 0.55, g = 0.55, r = 0.55 }, red_signal_color = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 1 }, resource_outline_selection_color = { b = 1, g = 1, r = 1 }, switch_color = { a = 255, b = 160, g = 0, r = 60 }, train_current_path_outline_color = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 1 }, train_path_color = { b = 1, g = 1, r = 1 }, train_preview_path_outline_color = { b = 0, g = 1, r = 0 }, turret_range_color = { a = 1, b = 0.25, g = 0.25, r = 0.8 }, vehicle_inner_color = { b = 0.9, g = 0.9, r = 0.9 }, vehicle_outer_color = { b = 0.1, g = 0.1, r = 1 }, vehicle_outer_color_selected = { b = 1, g = 1, r = 1 }, vehicle_wagon_connection_color = { b = 0.1, g = 0.1, r = 1 }, yellow_signal_color = { b = 0, g = 1, r = 1 }, zoom_threshold_to_draw_spider_path = 0.5 }, checkerboard_black = { 42, 42, 42 }, checkerboard_white = { 56, 56, 56 }, clipboard_history_size = 20, color_filters = { { localised_name = { "gui-graphics-settings.color-filter-protanopia" }, matrix = { { 1.1700999999999999, -0.25540000000000003, 0.043799999999999999, 0 }, { 0.13129999999999999, 0.80289999999999999, 0.033799999999999999, 0 }, { 0.10509999999999999, -0.15779999999999998, 1.0270999999999999, 0 }, { 0, 0, 0, 1 } }, name = "protanopia" }, { localised_name = { "gui-graphics-settings.color-filter-deuteranopia" }, matrix = { { 1.1700999999999999, -0.25540000000000003, 0.043799999999999999, 0 }, { 0.13129999999999999, 0.80289999999999999, 0.033799999999999999, 0 }, { 0.10509999999999999, -0.15779999999999998, 1.0270999999999999, 0 }, { 0, 0, 0, 1 } }, name = "deuteranopia" }, { localised_name = { "gui-graphics-settings.color-filter-tritanopia" }, matrix = { { 1.0530999999999999, 0.26400000000000001, -0.41589999999999998, 0 }, { 0.041000000000000005, 1.2038, -0.321, 0 }, { 0.032800000000000002, 0.1631, 0.7431, 0 }, { 0, 0, 0, 1 } }, name = "tritanopia" } }, count_button_size = 40, daytime_color_lookup = { { 0, "identity" }, { 0.15, "identity" }, { 0.2, "identity" }, { 0.45, "__core__/graphics/color_luts/lut-night.png" }, { 0.55, "__core__/graphics/color_luts/lut-night.png" }, { 0.8, "identity" }, { 0.85, "identity" } }, deconstruct_mark_tint = { a = 0.65, b = 0.65, g = 0.65, r = 0.65 }, default_alert_icon_scale = 0.5, default_alert_icon_scale_by_type = {}, default_enemy_force_color = { a = 0.5, b = 0, g = 0.023999999999999999, r = 0.81499999999999986 }, default_other_force_color = { b = 0.2, g = 0.2, r = 0.2 }, default_player_force_color = { a = 0.5, b = 0.13, g = 0.5, r = 0.86899999999999995 }, default_scorch_mark_color = { a = 1, b = 0.24299999999999997, g = 0.30699999999999998, r = 0.373 }, default_trigger_target_mask_by_type = { car = { "common", "ground-unit" }, character = { "common", "ground-unit" }, unit = { "common", "ground-unit" } }, disabled_recipe_slot_background_tint = { a = 1, b = 0.7, g = 0.7, r = 0.7 }, disabled_recipe_slot_tint = { a = 0.7, b = 0.7, g = 0.7, r = 0.7 }, dynamic_recipe_overload_factor = 1.1659999999999999, enabled_recipe_slot_tint = { b = 1, g = 1, r = 1 }, entity_button_background_color = { a = 0.6, b = 0.6, g = 0.6, r = 0.6 }, entity_renderer_search_box_limits = { bottom = 4, left = 6, right = 3, top = 3 }, equipment_default_background_border_color = { b = 0.14117647058823528, g = 0.13725490196078431, r = 0.14117647058823528 }, equipment_default_background_color = { a = 0.3, b = 0.23529411764705883, g = 0.23529411764705883, r = 0.23529411764705883 }, equipment_default_grabbed_background_color = { a = 0.3, b = 0.3, g = 0.3, r = 0.3 }, filter_outline_color = { 0, 0, 0, 1 }, flying_text_ttl = 80, forced_enabled_recipe_slot_background_tint = { a = 0.8, b = 0, g = 0.7, r = 0.7 }, ghost_tint = { a = 0.3, b = 0.6, g = 0.6, r = 0.6 }, gui_move_switch_vibration = { filename = "__core__/sound/gui-game-controller-move.bnvib" }, gui_remark_color = { b = 255, g = 181, r = 34 }, icon_shadow_color = { a = 1 }, icon_shadow_inset = 9.8879999999999999, icon_shadow_radius = 17.248000000000001, icon_shadow_sharpness = 0, inventory_width = 10, item_outline_color = { 0, 0, 0, 1 }, item_outline_inset = 0, item_outline_radius = 16, item_outline_sharpness = 0, light_renderer_search_distance_limit = 15, main_menu_background_image_location = "__core__/graphics/background-image.jpg", main_menu_background_vignette_intensity = 30, main_menu_background_vignette_sharpness = 0.44400000000000004, main_menu_simulations = { artillery = { checkboard = false, init = " local logo = game.surfaces.nauvis.find_entities_filtered{name = \"factorio-logo-11tiles\", limit = 1}[1]\n game.camera_position = {logo.position.x, logo.position.y+9.75}\n game.camera_zoom = 1\n game.tick_paused = false\n game.surfaces.nauvis.daytime = 0\n ", length = 1320, save = "__base__/menu-simulations/", update = " " }, big_defense = { checkboard = false, init = " local logo = game.surfaces.nauvis.find_entities_filtered{name = \"factorio-logo-11tiles\", limit = 1}[1]\n logo.destructible = false\n local center = {logo.position.x, logo.position.y+9.75}\n game.camera_position = center\n game.camera_zoom = 1\n game.tick_paused = false\n game.surfaces.nauvis.daytime = 1\n game.map_settings.steering.moving.force_unit_fuzzy_goto_behavior = true\n game.map_settings.steering.moving.radius = 3\n\n local bop = function()\n local surface = game.surfaces[1]\n local target = surface.find_entities_filtered{name = \"flamethrower-turret\", position = {33.5, -12}}[1]\n local names = {\"medium-biter\", \"medium-biter\", \"big-biter\", \"big-biter\", \"big-spitter\", \"medium-spitter\"}\n for k = 1, 100 do\n local spawn_position = {center[1] - 60 + math.random(-35, 5), center[2] + math.random(-10, 10)}\n local name = names[math.random(#names)]\n local biter = surface.create_entity{name = name, position = spawn_position}\n biter.set_command({type = defines.command.attack, target = target})\n biter.speed = 0.24 + (math.random() / 20)\n end\n end\n\n bop()\n ", length = 720, save = "__base__/menu-simulations/" }, biter_base_artillery = { checkboard = false, init = " local logo = game.surfaces.nauvis.find_entities_filtered{name = \"factorio-logo-11tiles\", limit = 1}[1]\n logo.destructible = false\n game.camera_position = {logo.position.x, logo.position.y+9.75}\n center = {logo.position.x, logo.position.y+9.75}\n game.camera_zoom = 1\n game.tick_paused = false\n game.surfaces.nauvis.daytime = 0\n game.forces.enemy.evolution_factor = 0.7\n local bases = {}\n local get = function()\n bases = game.surfaces[1].find_entities_filtered{force = \"enemy\", position = center, radius = 32}\n for k, v in pairs (bases) do\n local i = math.random(#bases)\n bases[k], bases[i] = bases[i], bases[k]\n end\n end\n\n local badonk = function(position, fluff)\n local x = position.x + ((math.random() - 0.5) * fluff * 2)\n local y = position.y + ((math.random() - 0.5) * fluff * 2)\n return {x, y}\n end\n get()\n local donk = function()\n local k, base = next(bases)\n if not k then\n if not badink then\n get()\n badink = true\n end\n return\n end\n bases[k] = nil\n if not base.valid then return end\n game.surfaces[1].create_entity{name = \"artillery-projectile\", position = {center[1]-80, center[2]-80}, force = \"player\", target = badonk(base.position, base.get_radius()), speed = 1}\n end\n\n script.on_nth_tick(17, donk)\n script.on_nth_tick(23, donk)\n script.on_nth_tick(29, donk)\n\n script.on_event(, function()\n if not badoob then\n for k, v in pairs (game.surfaces[1].find_enemy_units(center, 32, \"player\")) do\n if not (v.command and v.command.type == defines.command.go_to_location) then\n v.set_command{type = defines.command.go_to_location, destination = {center[1] + 80, center[2] + 20}}\n end\n end\n end\n end)\n\n ", length = 720, save = "__base__/menu-simulations/" }, biter_base_laser_defense = { checkboard = false, init = " local logo = game.surfaces.nauvis.find_entities_filtered{name = \"factorio-logo-11tiles\", limit = 1}[1]\n logo.destructible = false\n game.camera_position = {logo.position.x, logo.position.y+9.75}\n center = {logo.position.x, logo.position.y+9.75}\n game.camera_zoom = 1\n game.tick_paused = false\n game.forces.enemy.evolution_factor = 0.7\n game.surfaces[1].peaceful_mode = true\n game.forces.player.research_all_technologies()\n game.surfaces.nauvis.daytime = 0\n\n local character = game.surfaces[1].create_entity{name = \"character\", position = {center[1] - 40, center[2] + 20}, force = \"player\"}\n character.insert{name = \"power-armor-mk2\"}\n local grid = character.get_inventory(defines.inventory.character_armor)[1].grid\n grid.put{name = \"exoskeleton-equipment\"}\n grid.put{name = \"exoskeleton-equipment\"}\n for k = 1, 10 do\n grid.put{name = \"personal-laser-defense-equipment\"}\n grid.put{name = \"energy-shield-mk2-equipment\"}\n grid.put{name = \"battery-mk2-equipment\"}\n grid.put{name = \"battery-mk2-equipment\"}\n end\n\n for k, equipment in pairs( do\n if equipment.max_shield > 0 then equipment.shield = equipment.max_shield end\n = equipment.max_energy\n end\n\n character.insert{name = \"submachine-gun\"}\n character.insert{name = \"uranium-rounds-magazine\", count = 50}\n\n points =\n {\n {-16, -8},\n {0, -12},\n {16, -8},\n {16, 0},\n {8, 8},\n {60, 8},\n }\n\n local distance = function(p_1, p_2)\n local dx = (p_1[1] or p_1.x) - (p_2[1] or p_2.x)\n local dy = (p_1[2] or p_1.y) - (p_2[2] or p_2.y)\n return ((dx * dx) + (dy * dy)) ^ 0.5\n end\n\n local direction = function(p_1, p_2)\n\n local d_x = (p_2[1] or p_2.x) - (p_1[1] or p_1.x)\n local d_y = (p_2[2] or p_2.y) - (p_1[2] or p_1.y)\n local angle = math.atan2(d_y, d_x)\n\n local orientation = (angle / (2 * math.pi)) - 0.25\n if orientation < 0 then orientation = orientation + 1 end\n\n local direction = math.floor((orientation * 8) + 0.5)\n if direction == 8 then direction = 0 end\n return direction\n end\n\n local get_shoot_target = function(entity)\n local enemies = entity.surface.find_enemy_units(entity.position, 10)\n local closest = entity.surface.get_closest(entity.position, enemies)\n return closest\n end\n\n script.on_event(, function()\n local k, destination = next(points)\n if not k then return end\n local target = {center[1] + destination[1], center[2] + destination[2]}\n if distance(character.position, target) < 1 then\n points[k] = nil\n return\n end\n\n if game.tick % 17 == 0 then\n local walking_direction = direction(target, character.position)\n character.walking_state = {walking = true, direction = walking_direction}\n end\n\n if not (shoot_target and shoot_target.valid) then\n shoot_target = get_shoot_target(character)\n end\n\n if shoot_target then\n character.shooting_state = {state = defines.shooting.shooting_enemies, position = shoot_target.position}\n else\n character.shooting_state = {state = defines.shooting.not_shooting}\n end\n\n end)\n\n ", length = 720, save = "__base__/menu-simulations/" }, biter_base_player_attack = { checkboard = false, init = " local logo = game.surfaces.nauvis.find_entities_filtered{name = \"factorio-logo-11tiles\", limit = 1}[1]\n logo.destructible = false\n game.camera_position = {logo.position.x, logo.position.y+9.75}\n center = {logo.position.x, logo.position.y+9.75}\n game.camera_zoom = 1\n game.tick_paused = false\n game.forces.enemy.evolution_factor = 0.5\n game.surfaces[1].peaceful_mode = true\n game.forces.player.research_all_technologies()\n game.surfaces.nauvis.daytime = 0\n\n local character = game.surfaces[1].create_entity{name = \"character\", position = {center[1] - 40, center[2] - 20}, force = \"player\"}\n character.insert{name = \"heavy-armor\"}\n character.insert{name = \"submachine-gun\"}\n character.insert{name = \"piercing-rounds-magazine\", count = 50}\n character.insert{name = \"grenade\", count = 50}\n\n points =\n {\n {-20, -8},\n {-20, 8},\n {-40, 20},\n {0, -12},\n {16, -8},\n {16, 0},\n {8, 8},\n {60, 8},\n }\n\n local distance = function(p_1, p_2)\n local dx = (p_1[1] or p_1.x) - (p_2[1] or p_2.x)\n local dy = (p_1[2] or p_1.y) - (p_2[2] or p_2.y)\n return ((dx * dx) + (dy * dy)) ^ 0.5\n end\n\n local direction = function(p_1, p_2)\n\n local d_x = (p_2[1] or p_2.x) - (p_1[1] or p_1.x)\n local d_y = (p_2[2] or p_2.y) - (p_1[2] or p_1.y)\n local angle = math.atan2(d_y, d_x)\n\n local orientation = (angle / (2 * math.pi)) - 0.25\n if orientation < 0 then orientation = orientation + 1 end\n\n local direction = math.floor((orientation * 8) + 0.5)\n if direction == 8 then direction = 0 end\n return direction\n end\n\n local get_shoot_target = function(entity)\n local enemies = entity.surface.find_entities_filtered{force = \"enemy\", type = {\"unit-spawner\", \"turret\", \"unit\"}, position = entity.position, radius = 15}\n local closest = entity.surface.get_closest(entity.position, enemies)\n return closest\n end\n\n local badonk = function(position, fluff)\n local x = position.x + ((math.random() - 0.5) * fluff * 2)\n local y = position.y + ((math.random() - 0.5) * fluff * 2)\n return {x, y}\n end\n\n script.on_event(, function()\n if not character.valid then return end\n local k, destination = next(points)\n if not k then return end\n local target = {center[1] + destination[1], center[2] + destination[2]}\n if distance(character.position, target) < 1 then\n points[k] = nil\n return\n end\n\n if game.tick % 17 == 0 then\n local walking_direction = direction(target, character.position)\n character.walking_state = {walking = true, direction = walking_direction}\n end\n\n if not (shoot_target and shoot_target.valid) or game.tick % 123 == 0 then\n shoot_target = get_shoot_target(character)\n end\n\n if shoot_target then\n character.shooting_state = {state = defines.shooting.shooting_enemies, position = shoot_target.position}\n if game.tick % 31 == 0 then\n character.surface.create_entity{name = \"grenade\", position = character.position, speed = 0.3, target = badonk(shoot_target.position, 2), force = \"player\"}\n end\n else\n character.shooting_state = {state = defines.shooting.not_shooting}\n end\n\n end)\n\n ", length = 720, save = "__base__/menu-simulations/" }, biter_base_spidertron = { checkboard = false, init = " local surface = game.surfaces.nauvis\n local logo = surface.find_entities_filtered{name = \"factorio-logo-11tiles\"}[1]\n game.camera_position = {logo.position.x, logo.position.y+9.75}\n center = {logo.position.x, logo.position.y+9.75}\n game.camera_zoom = 1\n game.tick_paused = false\n surface.daytime = 0\n game.forces.enemy.evolution_factor = 1\n surface.peaceful_mode = true\n\n spider = surface.create_entity{name = \"spidertron\", position = {logo.position.x - 30, logo.position.y + 60}, force = \"player\"}\n spider.force.research_all_technologies()\n local grid = spider.grid\n grid.put{name = \"fusion-reactor-equipment\"}\n grid.put{name = \"personal-laser-defense-equipment\"}\n grid.put{name = \"personal-laser-defense-equipment\"}\n grid.put{name = \"personal-laser-defense-equipment\"}\n\n spider.insert({name = \"rocket\", count = 800})\n\n points =\n {\n {-16, -8},\n {0, -12},\n {16, -8},\n {16, 0},\n {60, 60},\n }\n\n local bonk = function()\n local k, position = next(points)\n if not k then return end\n points[k] = nil\n local x = position[1] + center[1]\n local y = position[2] + center[2]\n spider.autopilot_destination = {x, y}\n end\n\n bonk()\n\n script.on_event(, function(event)\n bonk()\n end)\n\n ", length = 720, save = "__base__/menu-simulations/" }, biter_base_steamrolled = { checkboard = false, init = " local surface = game.surfaces.nauvis\n local logo = surface.find_entities_filtered{name = \"factorio-logo-11tiles\"}[1]\n game.camera_position = {logo.position.x, logo.position.y+9.75}\n center = {logo.position.x, logo.position.y+9.75}\n game.camera_zoom = 1\n game.tick_paused = false\n surface.daytime = 0\n game.forces.enemy.evolution_factor = 0.3\n surface.peaceful_mode = true\n\n local count = 120\n script.on_nth_tick(2,\n function()\n count = count - 2\n if count <= 0 then\n for i=0,20 do\n local y = game.camera_position.y - 20 + i * 2\n local x = game.camera_position.x - 40\n local character = surface.create_entity{ name = \"character\", position = {x, y}, force = \"player\" }\n character.color = {1, 0, 0, 0.5}\n local tank = surface.create_entity{ name = \"tank\", position = {x, y}, force = \"player\" }\n tank.orientation = 0.25\n tank.insert{name = \"rocket-fuel\", count = 3}\n tank.speed = 0.5\n tank.set_driver(character)\n character.riding_state = { acceleration = defines.riding.acceleration.accelerating, direction = defines.riding.direction.straight }\n end\n script.on_nth_tick(2, nil)\n end\n end)\n\n local wube_logo_position = {-499.5, 43.5}\n\n script.on_nth_tick(1,\n function()\n if surface.count_entities_filtered{position = wube_logo_position, radius = 3, name = \"tank\"} > 0 then\n local tiles = {}\n for x=-3,3 do\n for y=-3,3 do\n table.insert(tiles, {name = \"dirt-1\", position = {wube_logo_position[1] + x, wube_logo_position[2] + y}})\n end\n end\n surface.set_tiles(tiles)\n end\n end)\n ", length = 600, save = "__base__/menu-simulations/" }, brutal_defeat = { checkboard = false, init = " local logo = game.surfaces.nauvis.find_entities_filtered{name = \"factorio-logo-11tiles\", limit = 1}[1]\n logo.destructible = false\n local center = {logo.position.x, logo.position.y+9.75}\n game.camera_position = center\n game.camera_zoom = 1\n game.tick_paused = false\n game.map_settings.steering.moving.force_unit_fuzzy_goto_behavior = true\n game.map_settings.steering.moving.radius = 2\n\n game.forces.enemy.set_ammo_damage_modifier(\"melee\", 10)\n game.forces.enemy.set_ammo_damage_modifier(\"biological\", 10)\n game.forces.enemy.set_gun_speed_modifier(\"melee\", 0.5)\n game.forces.enemy.set_gun_speed_modifier(\"biological\", 0.5)\n\n\n local bop = function()\n local surface = game.surfaces[1]\n local targets = surface.find_entities_filtered{force = \"player\", position = {center[1] + 25, center[2]}, radius = 10}\n local count = #targets\n local names = {\"medium-biter\", \"small-biter\", \"small-biter\", \"small-biter\", \"small-biter\", \"small-biter\", \"small-spitter\"}\n for k = 1, 350 do\n local spawn_position = {center[1] - 40 + math.random(-55, 5), center[2] + 10 + math.random(-5, 5)}\n local name = names[math.random(#names)]\n local biter = surface.create_entity{name = name, position = spawn_position}\n biter.set_command\n {\n type = defines.command.compound,\n structure_type = defines.compound_command.return_last,\n commands =\n {\n {type = defines.command.attack, target = targets[math.random(count)]},\n {type = defines.command.attack_area, destination = {center[1] + 20, center[2]}, radius = math.random(5, 10)},\n {type = defines.command.attack_area, destination = {center[1] + 35, center[2]}, radius = math.random(2, 5)},\n {type = defines.command.go_to_location, destination = {center[1] + 120, center[2]}}\n }\n }\n biter.speed = 0.24 + (math.random() / 20)\n end\n end\n\n bop()\n ", length = 1080, save = "__base__/menu-simulations/" }, burner_city = { checkboard = false, init = " local logo = game.surfaces.nauvis.find_entities_filtered{name = \"factorio-logo-11tiles\", limit = 1}[1]\n game.camera_position = {logo.position.x, logo.position.y+9.75}\n game.camera_zoom = 1\n game.tick_paused = false\n game.surfaces.nauvis.daytime = 0.5\n ", length = 600, save = "__base__/menu-simulations/", update = " " }, chase_player = { checkboard = false, init = " local logo = game.surfaces.nauvis.find_entities_filtered{name = \"factorio-logo-11tiles\", limit = 1}[1]\n local center = {logo.position.x, logo.position.y+9.75}\n game.camera_position = center\n game.camera_zoom = 1\n game.tick_paused = false\n game.surfaces.nauvis.daytime = 0\n game.map_settings.steering.moving.force_unit_fuzzy_goto_behavior = true\n game.map_settings.steering.moving.radius = 1\n\n local character = game.surfaces[1].create_entity{name = \"character\", position = {center[1] - 55, center[2] + 4.5}, force = \"player\"}\n character.walking_state = {walking = true, direction = 2}\n character.character_running_speed_modifier = 0.2\n character.tick_of_last_attack = game.tick\n\n local biter = game.surfaces[1].create_entity{name = \"small-biter\", position = {center[1] - 40, center[2] + 4.5}}\n biter.speed = character.character_running_speed\n biter.set_command{type = defines.command.go_to_location, destination = {center[1] + 60, center[2] + 4.5}, distraction = defines.distraction.none}\n\n script.on_nth_tick(10, function()\n if biter.position.x < (center[1] + 50) then return end\n character.walking_state = {walking = true, direction = 6}\n character.tick_of_last_attack = 0\n character.character_running_speed_modifier = 0.6\n local command = {type = defines.command.go_to_location, destination_entity = character, distraction = defines.distraction.none}\n biter.set_command(command)\n biter.speed = character.character_running_speed\n local position = biter.position\n local surface = game.surfaces[1]\n local names = {\"medium-biter\", \"small-biter\", \"small-biter\", \"small-biter\"}\n for k = 1, 25 do\n local spawn_position = {position.x + math.random(-5, 5), position.y + math.random(-10, 10)}\n local name = names[math.random(#names)]\n local biter = surface.create_entity{name = name, position = position}\n biter.set_command(command)\n biter.speed = character.character_running_speed\n end\n script.on_nth_tick(10, nil)\n end)\n ", length = 960, save = "__base__/menu-simulations/" }, early_smelting = { checkboard = false, init = " local logo = game.surfaces.nauvis.find_entities_filtered{name = \"factorio-logo-11tiles\", limit = 1}[1]\n game.camera_position = {logo.position.x, logo.position.y+9.75}\n game.camera_zoom = 1\n game.tick_paused = false\n game.surfaces.nauvis.daytime = 0\n ", length = 600, save = "__base__/menu-simulations/", update = " " }, forest_fire = { checkboard = false, init = " local logo = game.surfaces.nauvis.find_entities_filtered{name = \"factorio-logo-11tiles\", limit = 1}[1]\n game.camera_position = {logo.position.x, logo.position.y+9.75}\n game.camera_zoom = 1\n game.tick_paused = false\n game.surfaces.nauvis.daytime = 0\n ", length = 1200, save = "__base__/menu-simulations/", update = " local dx = 0\n local dy = 0\n if game.tick % 3000 < 1000 then\n dx = 0.01\n elseif game.tick % 3000 < 2000 then\n dx = -0.01\n end\n if (game.tick + 1500) % 3000 < 1000 then\n dy = 0.01\n elseif (game.tick + 1500) % 3000 < 2000 then\n dy = -0.01\n end\n game.camera_position = {game.camera_position.x + dx*0, game.camera_position.y + dy*0}\n " }, lab = { checkboard = false, init = " local logo = game.surfaces.nauvis.find_entities_filtered{name = \"factorio-logo-11tiles\", limit = 1}[1]\n game.camera_position = {logo.position.x, logo.position.y+9.75}\n game.camera_zoom = 1\n game.tick_paused = false\n game.surfaces.nauvis.daytime = 0.5\n ", length = 600, save = "__base__/menu-simulations/", update = " " }, logistic_robots = { checkboard = false, init = " local logo = game.surfaces.nauvis.find_entities_filtered{name = \"factorio-logo-11tiles\", limit = 1}[1]\n game.camera_position = {logo.position.x, logo.position.y+9.75}\n game.camera_zoom = 1\n game.tick_paused = false\n game.surfaces.nauvis.daytime = 0\n ", length = 720, save = "__base__/menu-simulations/", update = " " }, mining_defense = { checkboard = false, init = " local logo = game.surfaces.nauvis.find_entities_filtered{name = \"factorio-logo-11tiles\", limit = 1}[1]\n game.camera_position = {logo.position.x, logo.position.y+9.75}\n game.camera_zoom = 1\n game.tick_paused = false\n game.surfaces.nauvis.daytime = 0\n game.forces.enemy.evolution_factor = 0.11\n ", length = 900, save = "__base__/menu-simulations/", update = " " }, nuclear_power = { checkboard = false, init = " local logo = game.surfaces.nauvis.find_entities_filtered{name = \"factorio-logo-11tiles\", limit = 1}[1]\n game.camera_position = {logo.position.x, logo.position.y+9.75}\n game.camera_zoom = 1\n game.tick_paused = false\n game.surfaces.nauvis.daytime = 0\n ", length = 720, save = "__base__/menu-simulations/", update = " " }, oil_pumpjacks = { checkboard = false, init = " local logo = game.surfaces.nauvis.find_entities_filtered{name = \"factorio-logo-11tiles\", limit = 1}[1]\n game.camera_position = {logo.position.x, logo.position.y+9.75}\n game.camera_zoom = 1\n game.tick_paused = false\n game.surfaces.nauvis.daytime = 0\n ", length = 720, save = "__base__/menu-simulations/", update = " " }, oil_refinery = { checkboard = false, init = " local logo = game.surfaces.nauvis.find_entities_filtered{name = \"factorio-logo-11tiles\", limit = 1}[1]\n game.camera_position = {logo.position.x, logo.position.y+9.75}\n game.camera_zoom = 1\n game.tick_paused = false\n game.surfaces.nauvis.daytime = 0\n ", length = 1200, save = "__base__/menu-simulations/", update = " " }, solar_power_construction = { checkboard = false, init = " local logo = game.surfaces.nauvis.find_entities_filtered{name = \"factorio-logo-11tiles\", limit = 1}[1]\n game.camera_position = {logo.position.x, logo.position.y+9.75}\n game.camera_zoom = 1\n game.tick_paused = false\n game.surfaces.nauvis.daytime = 0\n\n local blueprint_string_1 = '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'\n local blueprint_string = '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'\n local inventory = game.create_inventory(1)\n local stack = inventory[1]\n stack.import_stack(blueprint_string)\n local function build_blueprint(position)\n stack.build_blueprint{ surface = 'nauvis', position = position, force = 'player', force_build = true }\n end\n\n local tiktok =\n {\n [0.5 * 60] = {-36, -184},\n [1 * 60] = {-67, -184},\n [4 * 60] = {-36, -184-18},\n [math.floor(4.1 * 60)] = {-36+18, -184-18},\n [4.2 * 60] = {-36+18, -184},\n [4.3 * 60] = {-36+18, -184+18},\n [4.4 * 60] = {-36, -184+18},\n [4.5 * 60] = {-67, -184+18},\n [4.6 * 60] = {-67-18, -184+18},\n [4.7 * 60] = {-67-18, -184},\n [4.8 * 60] = {-67-18, -184-18},\n [4.9 * 60] = {-67, -184-18},\n }\n\n local start_tick = game.tick\n script.on_event(, function()\n local tick_from_start = game.tick - start_tick\n local position = tiktok[tick_from_start]\n if position then build_blueprint(position) end\n end)\n\n ", length = 420, save = "__base__/menu-simulations/", update = " " }, spider_ponds = { checkboard = false, init = " local logo = game.surfaces.nauvis.find_entities_filtered{name = \"factorio-logo-11tiles\", limit = 1}[1]\n logo.destructible = false\n local center = {logo.position.x, logo.position.y+9.75}\n game.camera_position = center\n game.camera_zoom = 1\n game.tick_paused = false\n\n local spider = game.surfaces.nauvis.find_entities_filtered{name = \"spidertron\", limit = 1}[1]\n\n points =\n {\n {-16, -8},\n {0, -12},\n {16, -8},\n {16, 0},\n {60, 60},\n }\n\n local bonk = function()\n local k, position = next(points)\n if not k then return end\n points[k] = nil\n local x = position[1] + center[1]\n local y = position[2] + center[2]\n spider.autopilot_destination = {x, y}\n end\n\n bonk()\n\n script.on_event(, function(event)\n bonk()\n end)\n\n ", length = 720, save = "__base__/menu-simulations/" }, train_junction = { checkboard = false, init = " local logo = game.surfaces.nauvis.find_entities_filtered{name = \"factorio-logo-11tiles\", limit = 1}[1]\n game.camera_position = {logo.position.x, logo.position.y+9.75}\n game.camera_zoom = 1\n game.tick_paused = false\n game.surfaces.nauvis.daytime = 0\n ", length = 600, save = "__base__/menu-simulations/", update = " " }, train_station = { checkboard = false, init = " local logo = game.surfaces.nauvis.find_entities_filtered{name = \"factorio-logo-11tiles\", limit = 1}[1]\n game.camera_position = {logo.position.x, logo.position.y+9.75}\n game.camera_zoom = 1\n game.tick_paused = false\n game.surfaces.nauvis.daytime = 0\n ", length = 960, save = "__base__/menu-simulations/", update = " " } }, manual_rail_building_reach_modifier = 3, map_editor = { cliff_editor_remove_cliffs_color = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 1 }, clone_editor_brush_cursor_preview_tint = { a = 0.9, b = 0.8, g = 0.8, r = 0.8 }, clone_editor_brush_destination_color = { b = 0, g = 1, r = 0 }, clone_editor_brush_source_color = { b = 0, g = 1, r = 1 }, clone_editor_brush_world_preview_tint = { a = 0.4, b = 0.8, g = 0.8, r = 0.8 }, clone_editor_copy_destination_allowed_color = { b = 1, g = 1, r = 1 }, clone_editor_copy_destination_not_allowed_color = { b = 0, g = 0, r = 1 }, clone_editor_copy_source_color = { b = 0, g = 1, r = 0 }, decorative_editor_selection_preview_radius = 10, decorative_editor_selection_preview_tint = { a = 0.25, b = 0.25, g = 0.25, r = 0.25 }, force_editor_select_area_color = { b = 0, g = 1, r = 0 }, script_editor_drag_area_color = { a = 0.5, b = 1, g = 1, r = 1 }, script_editor_select_area_color = { b = 1, g = 1, r = 1 }, tile_editor_area_selection_color = { b = 0, g = 1, r = 0 }, tile_editor_selection_preview_radius = 6, tile_editor_selection_preview_tint = { a = 0.15, b = 0.15, g = 0.15, r = 0.15 } }, max_terrain_building_size = 255, maximum_recipe_overload_multiplier = 100, medium_area_size = 6.5, medium_blueprint_area_size = 200, minimum_recipe_overload_multiplier = 2, missing_preview_sprite_location = "__core__/graphics/missing-preview.png", module_inventory_width = 10, name = "default", normalised_achievement_icon_size = 100, player_colors = { { chat_color = { b = 0.25899999999999999, g = 0.62999999999999998, r = 1 }, name = "default", player_color = { a = 0.5, b = 0.13, g = 0.5, r = 0.86899999999999995 } }, { chat_color = { b = 0.141, g = 0.16600000000000001, r = 1 }, name = "red", player_color = { a = 0.5, b = 0, g = 0.023999999999999999, r = 0.81499999999999986 } }, { chat_color = { b = 0.25, g = 0.82400000000000002, r = 0.173 }, name = "green", player_color = { a = 0.5, b = 0.17199999999999998, g = 0.76799999999999997, r = 0.092999999999999989 } }, { chat_color = { b = 1, g = 0.68300000000000001, r = 0.34300000000000002 }, name = "blue", player_color = { a = 0.5, b = 0.89800000000000004, g = 0.54000000000000004, r = 0.155 } }, { chat_color = { b = 0.25899999999999999, g = 0.62999999999999998, r = 1 }, name = "orange", player_color = { a = 0.5, b = 0.13, g = 0.5, r = 0.86899999999999995 } }, { chat_color = { b = 0.23100000000000001, g = 0.82799999999999994, r = 1 }, name = "yellow", player_color = { a = 0.5, b = 0.077000000000000002, g = 0.66600000000000001, r = 0.83499999999999996 } }, { chat_color = { b = 0.63300000000000001, g = 0.52000000000000002, r = 1 }, name = "pink", player_color = { a = 0.5, b = 0.51400000000000006, g = 0.38600000000000003, r = 0.92900000000000009 } }, { chat_color = { b = 0.99800000000000004, g = 0.44000000000000004, r = 0.82099999999999991 }, name = "purple", player_color = { a = 0.5, b = 0.65899999999999999, g = 0.11100000000000001, r = 0.48499999999999996 } }, { chat_color = { b = 0.9, g = 0.9, r = 0.9 }, name = "white", player_color = { a = 0.5, b = 0.8, g = 0.8, r = 0.8 } }, { chat_color = { b = 0.5, g = 0.5, r = 0.5 }, name = "black", player_color = { a = 0.5, b = 0.1, g = 0.1, r = 0.1 } }, { chat_color = { b = 0.7, g = 0.7, r = 0.7 }, name = "gray", player_color = { a = 0.5, b = 0.4, g = 0.4, r = 0.4 } }, { chat_color = { b = 0.371, g = 0.52200000000000006, r = 0.75700000000000003 }, name = "brown", player_color = { a = 0.5, b = 0, g = 0.11700000000000002, r = 0.3 } }, { chat_color = { b = 0.86600000000000001, g = 0.91799999999999997, r = 0.33500000000000001 }, name = "cyan", player_color = { a = 0.5, b = 0.71199999999999992, g = 0.75499999999999998, r = 0.275 } }, { chat_color = { b = 0.13400000000000001, g = 0.99600000000000009, r = 0.70800000000000001 }, name = "acid", player_color = { a = 0.5, b = 0.15700000000000001, g = 0.76100000000000003, r = 0.55900000000000007 } } }, rail_planner_count_button_color = { 1, 1, 1 }, rail_segment_colors = { { b = 1, g = 1, r = 0 }, { b = 1, g = 0, r = 1 }, { b = 0, g = 1, r = 1 }, { b = 0.7, g = 0.1, r = 0.1 }, { b = 1, g = 1, r = 1 }, { b = 0.1, g = 0.1, r = 0.1 }, { b = 0.7, g = 0.7, r = 0.2 } }, recipe_step_limit = 50000, script_command_console_chat_color = { a = 1, b = 0.75, g = 0.75, r = 0.75 }, select_group_row_count = 6, select_slot_row_count = 10, server_command_console_chat_color = { a = 1, b = 0.75, g = 0.75, r = 0.75 }, small_area_size = 1.5, small_blueprint_area_size = 50, tile_ghost_tint = { a = 0.4, b = 0.8, g = 0.8, r = 0.8 }, tooltip_monitor_edge_border = 10, train_button_hovered_tint = { a = 0.7, b = 0, g = 0.63529411764705879, r = 1 }, train_destination_full_color = { 0.8, 0.2, 0.8 }, train_inactivity_wait_condition_default = 300, train_no_path_color = { 1, 0.2, 0.2 }, train_path_finding = { signal_reserved_by_circuit_network_penalty = 1000, stopped_manually_controlled_train_penalty = 2000, stopped_manually_controlled_train_without_passenger_penalty = 7000, train_arriving_to_signal_penalty = 100, train_arriving_to_station_penalty = 100, train_auto_without_schedule_penalty = 7000, train_in_station_penalty = 500, train_in_station_with_no_other_valid_stops_in_schedule = 1000, train_stop_penalty = 2000, train_waiting_at_signal_penalty = 100, train_waiting_at_signal_tick_multiplier_penalty = 0.1, train_with_no_path_penalty = 1000 }, train_temporary_stop_wait_time = 300, train_time_wait_condition_default = 1800, tree_leaf_distortion_distortion_far = { 7.5999999999999996, 9.0999999999999996 }, tree_leaf_distortion_distortion_near = { 7.5, 15.6 }, tree_leaf_distortion_speed_far = { 4.3099999999999996, 6.0999999999999996 }, tree_leaf_distortion_speed_near = { 2.25, 2.25 }, tree_leaf_distortion_strength_far = { 0.46000000000000005, 0.46999999999999993 }, tree_leaf_distortion_strength_near = { 0.15, 0.12 }, tree_shadow_roughness = 1.01, tree_shadow_speed = 0.93000000000000007, turret_range_visualization_color = { a = 0.15, b = 0.05, g = 0.1, r = 0.05 }, tutorial_notice_icon_size = 96, type = "utility-constants", unit_group_max_pursue_distance = 50, unit_group_pathfind_resolution = 0, zoom_to_world_can_use_nightvision = false, zoom_to_world_daytime_color_lookup = { { 0.25, "identity" }, { 0.45, "__core__/graphics/color_luts/night.png" }, { 0.55, "__core__/graphics/color_luts/night.png" }, { 0.75, "identity" } }, zoom_to_world_effect_strength = 1 } }, ["utility-sounds"] = { default = { achievement_unlocked = { variations = { { filename = "__core__/sound/achievement-unlocked.ogg", volume = 0.65 } } }, alert_destroyed = { { filename = "__core__/sound/alert-destroyed.ogg", volume = 0.5 } }, armor_insert = { { filename = "__core__/sound/armor-insert.ogg" } }, armor_remove = { { filename = "__core__/sound/armor-remove.ogg" } }, axe_fighting = { switch_vibration_data = { filename = "__core__/sound/axe-meat.bnvib" }, variations = { { filename = "__core__/sound/axe-meat-1.ogg", volume = 0.7 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/axe-meat-2.ogg", volume = 0.7 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/axe-meat-3.ogg", volume = 0.7 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/axe-meat-4.ogg", volume = 0.7 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/axe-meat-4.ogg", volume = 0.7 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/axe-meat-6.ogg", volume = 0.7 } } }, axe_mining_ore = { game_controller_vibration_data = { duration = 70, high_frequency_vibration_intensity = 0.8 }, switch_vibration_data = { filename = "__core__/sound/axe-mining-ore.bnvib" }, variations = { { filename = "__core__/sound/axe-mining-ore-1.ogg", volume = 0.4 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/axe-mining-ore-2.ogg", volume = 0.4 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/axe-mining-ore-3.ogg", volume = 0.4 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/axe-mining-ore-4.ogg", volume = 0.4 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/axe-mining-ore-5.ogg", volume = 0.4 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/axe-mining-ore-6.ogg", volume = 0.4 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/axe-mining-ore-7.ogg", volume = 0.4 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/axe-mining-ore-8.ogg", volume = 0.4 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/axe-mining-ore-9.ogg", volume = 0.4 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/axe-mining-ore-10.ogg", volume = 0.4 } } }, blueprint_selection_ended = { { filename = "__core__/sound/blueprint-create.ogg" } }, blueprint_selection_started = { { filename = "__core__/sound/blueprint-select.ogg" } }, build_blueprint_large = { { filename = "__core__/sound/build-blueprint-large.ogg", volume = 0.7 } }, build_blueprint_medium = { { filename = "__core__/sound/build-blueprint-medium.ogg", volume = 0.7 } }, build_blueprint_small = { { filename = "__core__/sound/build-blueprint-small.ogg", volume = 0.7 } }, build_large = { switch_vibration_data = { filename = "__core__/sound/build-large.bnvib", gain = 0.3 }, variations = { { filename = "__core__/sound/build-large.ogg", volume = 0.7 } } }, build_medium = { switch_vibration_data = { filename = "__core__/sound/build-medium.bnvib", gain = 0.25 }, variations = { { filename = "__core__/sound/build-medium.ogg", volume = 0.7 } } }, build_small = { switch_vibration_data = { filename = "__core__/sound/build-small.bnvib", gain = 0.2 }, variations = { { filename = "__core__/sound/build-small.ogg", volume = 0.7 } } }, cancel_deconstruction_selection_ended = { { filename = "__core__/sound/deconstruct-cancel-end.ogg" } }, cancel_deconstruction_selection_started = { { filename = "__core__/sound/deconstruct-cancel-start.ogg" } }, cannot_build = { { filename = "__core__/sound/cannot-build.ogg" } }, clear_cursor = { { filename = "__core__/sound/clear-cursor.ogg" } }, confirm = { { filename = "__core__/sound/gui-green-confirm.ogg" } }, console_message = { { filename = "__core__/sound/console-message.ogg" } }, copy_activated = { { filename = "__core__/sound/copy-cursor.ogg" } }, crafting_finished = { { filename = "__core__/sound/crafting-finished.ogg" } }, cut_activated = { { filename = "__core__/sound/cut-cursor.ogg" } }, deconstruct_big = { switch_vibration_data = { filename = "__core__/sound/deconstruct-large.bnvib", gain = 0.25 }, variations = { { filename = "__core__/sound/deconstruct-large.ogg", volume = 0.8 } } }, deconstruct_medium = { switch_vibration_data = { filename = "__core__/sound/deconstruct-medium.bnvib", gain = 0.25 }, variations = { { filename = "__core__/sound/deconstruct-medium.ogg", volume = 0.8 } } }, deconstruct_robot = { { filename = "__core__/sound/deconstruct-robot.ogg", volume = 0.25 } }, deconstruct_small = { switch_vibration_data = { filename = "__core__/sound/deconstruct-small.bnvib", gain = 0.25 }, variations = { { filename = "__core__/sound/deconstruct-small.ogg", volume = 1 } } }, deconstruction_selection_ended = { { filename = "__core__/sound/deconstruct-select-end.ogg" } }, deconstruction_selection_started = { { filename = "__core__/sound/deconstruct-select-start.ogg" } }, default_manual_repair = { variations = { { filename = "__core__/sound/manual-repair-advanced-1.ogg" }, { filename = "__core__/sound/manual-repair-advanced-2.ogg" } } }, drop_item = { variations = { { filename = "__core__/sound/drop-item-1.ogg", volume = 1 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/drop-item-2.ogg", volume = 1 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/drop-item-3.ogg", volume = 1 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/drop-item-4.ogg", volume = 1 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/drop-item-5.ogg", volume = 1 } } }, entity_settings_copied = { { filename = "__core__/sound/copy-entity.ogg" } }, entity_settings_pasted = { { filename = "__core__/sound/paste-action.ogg" } }, game_lost = { { filename = "__core__/sound/game-lost.ogg", volume = 0.8 } }, game_won = { { filename = "__core__/sound/game-won.ogg", volume = 0.75 } }, gui_click = { { filename = "__core__/sound/gui-click.ogg" } }, inventory_click = { { filename = "__core__/sound/gui-inventory-slot-button.ogg", volume = 0.6 } }, inventory_move = { { filename = "__core__/sound/inventory-move.ogg" } }, item_deleted = { { filename = "__core__/sound/delete-item.ogg" } }, item_spawned = { { filename = "__core__/sound/spawn-item.ogg" } }, list_box_click = { { filename = "__core__/sound/list-box-click.ogg" } }, metal_walking_sound = { variations = { { filename = "__core__/sound/walking/transport-belt-01.ogg", volume = 0.6 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/walking/transport-belt-02.ogg", volume = 0.6 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/walking/transport-belt-03.ogg", volume = 0.6 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/walking/transport-belt-04.ogg", volume = 0.6 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/walking/transport-belt-05.ogg", volume = 0.6 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/walking/transport-belt-06.ogg", volume = 0.6 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/walking/transport-belt-07.ogg", volume = 0.6 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/walking/transport-belt-08.ogg", volume = 0.6 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/walking/transport-belt-09.ogg", volume = 0.6 } } }, mining_wood = { game_controller_vibration_data = { duration = 70, high_frequency_vibration_intensity = 0.8 }, switch_vibration_data = { filename = "__core__/sound/mining-wood.bnvib" }, variations = { { filename = "__core__/sound/mining-wood-1.ogg", volume = 0.4 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/mining-wood-2.ogg", volume = 0.4 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/mining-wood-3.ogg", volume = 0.4 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/mining-wood-4.ogg", volume = 0.4 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/mining-wood-5.ogg", volume = 0.4 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/mining-wood-6.ogg", volume = 0.4 } } }, name = "default", new_objective = { variations = { { filename = "__core__/sound/new-objective.ogg", volume = 0.9 } } }, paste_activated = { { filename = "__core__/sound/paste-action.ogg" } }, picked_up_item = { variations = { { filename = "__core__/sound/picked-up-item.ogg", volume = 1 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/picked-up-item-2.ogg", volume = 1 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/picked-up-item-3.ogg", volume = 1 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/picked-up-item-4.ogg", volume = 1 }, { filename = "__core__/sound/picked-up-item-5.ogg", volume = 1 } } }, rail_plan_start = { { filename = "__core__/sound/rail-plan-start.ogg" } }, research_completed = { { filename = "__core__/sound/research-completed.ogg" } }, rotated_big = { { filename = "__core__/sound/rotate-big.ogg" } }, rotated_medium = { { filename = "__core__/sound/rotate-medium.ogg" } }, rotated_small = { { filename = "__core__/sound/rotate-small.ogg" } }, scenario_message = { { filename = "__core__/sound/scenario-message.ogg" } }, smart_pipette = { { filename = "__core__/sound/smart-pipette.ogg" } }, switch_gun = { { filename = "__core__/sound/switch-gun.ogg" } }, tutorial_notice = { { filename = "__core__/sound/achievement-unlocked.ogg" } }, type = "utility-sounds", undo = { { filename = "__core__/sound/undo.ogg" } }, upgrade_selection_ended = { { filename = "__core__/sound/upgrade-select-end.ogg" } }, upgrade_selection_started = { { filename = "__core__/sound/upgrade-select-start.ogg" } }, wire_connect_pole = { { filename = "__core__/sound/wire-connect-pole.ogg" } }, wire_disconnect = { { filename = "__core__/sound/wire-disconnect.ogg" } }, wire_pickup = { { filename = "__core__/sound/wire-pickup.ogg" } } } }, ["utility-sprites"] = { default = { achievement_label_failed = { filename = "__core__/graphics/achievement-labels.png", flags = { "icon" }, height = 64, priority = "high", width = 33, x = 99, y = 0 }, achievement_label_locked = { filename = "__core__/graphics/achievement-labels.png", flags = { "icon" }, height = 64, priority = "high", width = 33 }, achievement_label_unlocked = { filename = "__core__/graphics/achievement-labels.png", flags = { "icon" }, height = 64, priority = "high", width = 33, x = 66, y = 0 }, achievement_label_unlocked_off = { filename = "__core__/graphics/achievement-labels.png", flags = { "icon" }, height = 64, priority = "high", width = 33, x = 33, y = 0 }, add = { filename = 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"__core__/graphics/icons/mip/speed-down.png", flags = { "gui-icon" }, height = 32, mipmap_count = 2, priority = "medium", scale = 0.5, width = 32 }, editor_speed_up = { filename = "__core__/graphics/icons/mip/speed-up.png", flags = { "gui-icon" }, height = 32, mipmap_count = 2, priority = "medium", scale = 0.5, width = 32 }, electricity_icon = { filename = "__core__/graphics/icons/alerts/electricity-icon-red.png", flags = { "icon" }, height = 64, priority = "extra-high-no-scale", width = 64 }, electricity_icon_unplugged = { filename = "__core__/graphics/icons/alerts/electricity-icon-unplugged.png", flags = { "icon" }, height = 64, priority = "extra-high-no-scale", width = 64 }, enemy_force_icon = { filename = "__core__/graphics/icons/force/enemy-force-icon.png", flags = { "icon" }, height = 128, mipmap_count = 2, priority = "medium", width = 128 }, enter = { filename = "__core__/graphics/enter-icon.png", flags = { "icon" }, height = 64, priority = "high", width = 64 }, 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0.5, size = 32 }, export_slot = { filename = "__core__/graphics/export.png", flags = { "icon" }, height = 64, priority = "medium", width = 64 }, favourite_server_icon = { filename = "__core__/graphics/favourite.png", flags = { "icon" }, height = 64, priority = "extra-high-no-scale", width = 64 }, fluid_icon = { filename = "__core__/graphics/icons/alerts/fluid-icon-red.png", flags = { "icon" }, height = 64, priority = "extra-high-no-scale", width = 64 }, fluid_indication_arrow = { filename = "__core__/graphics/arrows/fluid-indication-arrow.png", flags = { "icon" }, height = 48, priority = "extra-high-no-scale", scale = 0.5, width = 48 }, fluid_indication_arrow_both_ways = { filename = "__core__/graphics/arrows/fluid-indication-arrow-both-ways.png", flags = { "icon" }, height = 48, priority = "extra-high-no-scale", scale = 0.5, width = 48 }, follower_robot_lifetime_modifier_constant = { filename = "__core__/graphics/icons/technology/effect-constant/effect-constant-time-to-live.png", 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"__core__/graphics/icons/mip/cursor-ghost.png", flags = { "gui-icon" }, mipmap_count = 2, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, size = 64 }, ghost_time_to_live_modifier_constant = { filename = "__core__/graphics/icons/technology/effect-constant/effect-constant-time-to-live.png", flags = { "gui-icon" }, generate_sdf = true, height = 64, mipmap_count = 2, priority = "extra-high-no-scale", width = 64 }, ghost_time_to_live_modifier_icon = { filename = "__core__/graphics/icons/technology/effect/effect-ghost.png", flags = { "icon" }, generate_sdf = true, height = 64, mipmap_count = 2, priority = "extra-high-no-scale", width = 64 }, give_item_modifier_icon = { filename = "__core__/graphics/bonus-icon.png", flags = { "icon" }, generate_sdf = true, height = 32, priority = "extra-high-no-scale", width = 32 }, go_to_arrow = { filename = "__core__/graphics/goto-icon.png", flags = { "icon" }, height = 32, priority = "medium", width = 32 }, gps_map_icon = { filename = "__core__/graphics/gps-map-placeholder.png", flags = { "icon" }, height = 32, priority = "extra-high-no-scale", width = 32 }, gradient = { filename = "__core__/graphics/gui-new.png", flags = { "gui-icon" }, position = { 496, 136 }, size = { 1, 296 } }, green_circle = { filename = "__core__/graphics/green-circle.png", flags = { "icon" }, height = 25, priority = "medium", width = 25 }, green_dot = { filename = "__core__/graphics/green-dot.png", height = 1, priority = "medium", width = 1 }, green_wire = { filename = "__core__/graphics/green-wire.png", flags = { "no-crop" }, height = 46, hr_version = { filename = "__core__/graphics/hr-green-wire.png", flags = { "no-crop" }, height = 92, priority = "extra-high-no-scale", scale = 0.5, width = 448 }, priority = "extra-high-no-scale", width = 224 }, green_wire_hightlight = { filename = "__core__/graphics/wire-highlight.png", flags = { "no-crop" }, height = 46, hr_version = { filename = "__core__/graphics/hr-wire-highlight.png", flags = { "no-crop" }, height = 92, priority = "extra-high-no-scale", scale = 0.5, width = 448 }, priority = "extra-high-no-scale", width = 224 }, grey_placement_indicator_leg = { filename = "__core__/graphics/rail-placement-indicators.png", flags = { "icon" }, height = 64, priority = "extra-high-no-scale", scale = 0.5, width = 64, x = 128, y = 64 }, grey_rail_signal_placement_indicator = { filename = "__core__/graphics/rail-placement-indicators.png", flags = { "icon" }, height = 64, priority = "extra-high-no-scale", scale = 0.5, width = 64, y = 64 }, grid_view = { filename = "__core__/graphics/icons/mip/grid-view.png", flags = { "gui-icon" }, mipmap_count = 2, scale = 0.5, size = 32 }, gun_speed_modifier_constant = { filename = "__core__/graphics/icons/technology/effect-constant/effect-constant-speed.png", flags = { "gui-icon" }, generate_sdf = true, height = 64, mipmap_count = 2, priority = "extra-high-no-scale", width = 64 }, gun_speed_modifier_icon = { filename = "__core__/graphics/bonus-icon.png", flags = { "icon" }, generate_sdf = true, height = 32, priority = "extra-high-no-scale", width = 32 }, hand = { filename = "__core__/graphics/icons/mip/slot-item-in-hand.png", flags = { "gui-icon" }, height = 64, mipmap_count = 2, priority = "extra-high-no-scale", scale = 0.5, width = 64 }, hand_black = { filename = "__core__/graphics/icons/mip/slot-item-in-hand-black.png", flags = { "gui-icon" }, height = 64, mipmap_count = 2, priority = "extra-high-no-scale", scale = 0.5, width = 64 }, health_bar_green_pip = { filename = "__core__/graphics/health-bar-pips.png", height = 7, priority = "extra-high-no-scale", width = 7 }, health_bar_red_pip = { filename = "__core__/graphics/health-bar-pips.png", height = 7, priority = "extra-high-no-scale", width = 7, x = 14 }, health_bar_yellow_pip = { filename = "__core__/graphics/health-bar-pips.png", height = 7, priority = "extra-high-no-scale", width = 7, x = 7 }, heat_exchange_indication = { filename = "__core__/graphics/arrows/heat-exchange-indication.png", flags = { "icon" }, height = 48, priority = "extra-high-no-scale", scale = 0.5, width = 48 }, hint_arrow_down = { filename = "__core__/graphics/gui-new.png", flags = { "icon" }, height = 24, priority = "extra-high-no-scale", scale = 0.5, width = 32, x = 465, y = 473 }, hint_arrow_left = { filename = "__core__/graphics/gui-new.png", flags = { "icon" }, height = 32, priority = "extra-high-no-scale", scale = 0.5, width = 24, x = 433, y = 441 }, hint_arrow_right = { filename = "__core__/graphics/gui-new.png", flags = { "icon" }, height = 32, priority = "extra-high-no-scale", scale = 0.5, width = 24, x = 458, y = 441 }, hint_arrow_up = { filename = "__core__/graphics/gui-new.png", flags = { "icon" }, height = 24, priority = "extra-high-no-scale", scale = 0.5, width = 32, x = 433, y = 473 }, import = { filename = "__core__/graphics/icons/mip/import.png", flags = { "gui-icon" }, mipmap_count = 2, priority = "extra-high-no-scale", scale = 0.5, size = 32 }, import_slot = { filename = "__core__/graphics/import.png", flags = { "icon" }, height = 64, priority = "medium", width = 64 }, indication_arrow = { filename = "__core__/graphics/arrows/indication-arrow.png", flags = { "icon" }, height = 64, priority = "extra-high-no-scale", scale = 0.5, width = 64 }, indication_line = { filename = "__core__/graphics/arrows/indication-line.png", flags = { "icon" }, height = 64, priority = "extra-high-no-scale", scale = 0.5, width = 64 }, inserter_stack_size_bonus_modifier_constant = { filename = "__core__/graphics/icons/technology/effect-constant/effect-constant-capacity.png", flags = { "gui-icon" }, generate_sdf = true, height = 64, mipmap_count = 2, priority = "extra-high-no-scale", width = 64 }, inserter_stack_size_bonus_modifier_icon = { filename = "__core__/graphics/icons/technology/effect/inserter.png", flags = { "icon" }, generate_sdf = true, height = 64, mipmap_count = 2, priority = "extra-high-no-scale", width = 64 }, 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32, priority = "extra-high-no-scale", width = 32 }, left_arrow = { filename = "__core__/graphics/left-arrow.png", flags = { "icon" }, height = 64, priority = "high", width = 64 }, light_cone = { filename = "__core__/graphics/light-cone.png", flags = { "light" }, height = 200, priority = "extra-high", width = 200 }, light_medium = { filename = "__core__/graphics/light-medium.png", flags = { "light" }, height = 300, priority = "extra-high", width = 300 }, light_small = { filename = "__core__/graphics/light-small.png", flags = { "light" }, height = 150, priority = "extra-high", width = 150 }, line_icon = { filename = "__core__/graphics/icons/mip/line-icon.png", flags = { "gui-icon" }, height = 64, mipmap_count = 3, priority = "medium", scale = 0.5, width = 64 }, list_view = { filename = "__core__/graphics/icons/mip/list-view.png", flags = { "gui-icon" }, mipmap_count = 2, scale = 0.5, size = 32 }, logistic_network_panel_black = { filename = "__core__/graphics/icons/mip/logistic-connection-black.png", flags = { "gui-icon" }, height = 32, mipmap_count = 2, priority = "high", width = 32 }, logistic_network_panel_white = { filename = "__core__/graphics/icons/mip/logistic-connection-white.png", flags = { "gui-icon" }, height = 32, mipmap_count = 2, priority = "high", width = 32 }, logistic_radius_visualization = { filename = "__core__/graphics/visualization-logistic-radius.png", height = 10, priority = "extra-high-no-scale", width = 10, x = 1, y = 1 }, lua_snippet_tool_icon = { filename = "__core__/graphics/icons/mip/run-snippet-tool.png", flags = { "gui-icon" }, height = 64, mipmap_count = 3, priority = "medium", scale = 0.5, width = 64 }, map = { filename = "__core__/graphics/icons/mip/map.png", flags = { "gui-icon" }, mipmap_count = 2, priority = "extra-high-no-scale", scale = 0.5, size = 32 }, map_exchange_string = { filename = "__core__/graphics/icons/mip/map-exchange-string.png", flags = { "gui-icon" }, mipmap_count = 2, priority = "extra-high-no-scale", scale = 0.5, size = 32 }, max_failed_attempts_per_tick_per_construction_queue_modifier_constant = { filename = "__core__/graphics/icons/technology/effect-constant/effect-constant-speed.png", flags = { "gui-icon" }, generate_sdf = true, height = 64, mipmap_count = 2, priority = "extra-high-no-scale", width = 64 }, max_failed_attempts_per_tick_per_construction_queue_modifier_icon = { filename = "__core__/graphics/icons/technology/effect/effect-ghost.png", flags = { "icon" }, generate_sdf = true, height = 64, mipmap_count = 2, priority = "extra-high-no-scale", width = 64 }, max_successful_attempts_per_tick_per_construction_queue_modifier_constant = { filename = "__core__/graphics/icons/technology/effect-constant/effect-constant-speed.png", flags = { "gui-icon" }, generate_sdf = true, height = 64, mipmap_count = 2, priority = "extra-high-no-scale", width = 64 }, max_successful_attempts_per_tick_per_construction_queue_modifier_icon = { filename = "__core__/graphics/icons/technology/effect/effect-ghost.png", flags = { "icon" }, generate_sdf = true, height = 64, mipmap_count = 2, priority = "extra-high-no-scale", width = 64 }, maximum_following_robots_count_modifier_constant = { filename = "__core__/graphics/icons/technology/effect-constant/effect-constant-count.png", flags = { "gui-icon" }, generate_sdf = true, height = 64, mipmap_count = 2, priority = "extra-high-no-scale", width = 64 }, maximum_following_robots_count_modifier_icon = { filename = "__core__/graphics/icons/technology/effect/defender.png", flags = { "icon" }, generate_sdf = true, height = 64, mipmap_count = 2, priority = "extra-high-no-scale", width = 64 }, medium_gui_arrow = { filename = "__core__/graphics/arrows/gui-arrow-medium.png", flags = { "icon" }, height = 62, priority = "medium", width = 58 }, mining_drill_productivity_bonus_modifier_constant = { filename = "__core__/graphics/icons/technology/effect-constant/effect-constant-mining-productivity.png", 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"__core__/graphics/multiplayer-waiting-icon.png", flags = { "icon" }, height = 32, priority = "medium", width = 32 }, name = "default", nature_icon = { filename = "__core__/graphics/treex32-provisional.png", flags = { "icon" }, height = 32, priority = "medium", width = 32 }, neutral_force_icon = { filename = "__core__/graphics/icons/force/neutral-force-icon.png", flags = { "icon" }, height = 128, mipmap_count = 2, priority = "medium", width = 128 }, no_building_material_icon = { filename = "__core__/graphics/icons/alerts/no-building-material-icon.png", flags = { "icon" }, height = 64, priority = "extra-high-no-scale", width = 64 }, no_nature_icon = { filename = "__core__/graphics/no-nature.png", flags = { "icon" }, height = 32, priority = "medium", width = 32 }, no_storage_space_icon = { filename = "__core__/graphics/icons/alerts/no-storage-space-icon.png", flags = { "icon" }, height = 64, priority = "extra-high-no-scale", width = 64 }, none_editor_icon = { filename = "__core__/graphics/icons/mip/none-editor-icon.png", flags = { "icon" }, height = 64, priority = "medium", width = 64 }, not_available = { filename = "__core__/graphics/icons/mip/not-available.png", flags = { "gui-icon" }, mipmap_count = 2, priority = "extra-high-no-scale", scale = 0.5, size = 32 }, not_enough_construction_robots_icon = { filename = "__core__/graphics/icons/alerts/not-enough-construction-robots-icon.png", flags = { "icon" }, height = 64, priority = "extra-high-no-scale", width = 64 }, not_enough_repair_packs_icon = { filename = "__core__/graphics/icons/alerts/not-enough-repair-packs-icon.png", flags = { "icon" }, height = 64, priority = "extra-high-no-scale", width = 64 }, not_played_yet_dark_green = { filename = "__core__/graphics/icons/mip/not-played-yet-dark-green.png", flags = { "gui-icon" }, mipmap_count = 2, scale = 0.5, size = 32 }, not_played_yet_green = { filename = "__core__/graphics/icons/mip/not-played-yet-green.png", flags = { "gui-icon" }, mipmap_count = 2, scale = 0.5, size = 32 }, nothing_modifier_icon = { filename = "__core__/graphics/bonus-icon.png", flags = { "icon" }, generate_sdf = true, height = 32, priority = "extra-high-no-scale", width = 32 }, notification = { filename = "__core__/graphics/icons/mip/notification.png", flags = { "gui-icon" }, mipmap_count = 2, scale = 0.5, size = 20 }, output_console_gradient = { filename = "__core__/graphics/gui-new.png", flags = { "gui-icon" }, position = { 0, 1219 }, size = { 475, 1 } }, paint_bucket_icon = { filename = "__core__/graphics/icons/mip/paint-bucket-icon.png", flags = { "gui-icon" }, height = 64, mipmap_count = 3, priority = "medium", scale = 0.5, width = 64 }, pause = { filename = "__core__/graphics/icons/mip/pause.png", flags = { "gui-icon" }, height = 32, mipmap_count = 2, priority = "medium", width = 32 }, placement_indicator_leg = { filename = "__core__/graphics/rail-placement-indicators.png", flags = { "icon" }, height = 64, priority = "extra-high-no-scale", scale = 0.5, width = 64, x = 128 }, play = { filename = "__core__/graphics/icons/mip/play.png", flags = { "gui-icon" }, height = 32, mipmap_count = 2, priority = "medium", scale = 0.5, width = 32 }, played_dark_green = { filename = "__core__/graphics/icons/mip/played-dark-green.png", flags = { "gui-icon" }, mipmap_count = 2, scale = 0.5, size = 32 }, played_green = { filename = "__core__/graphics/icons/mip/played-green.png", flags = { "gui-icon" }, mipmap_count = 2, scale = 0.5, size = 32 }, player_force_icon = { filename = "__core__/graphics/icons/force/player-force-icon.png", flags = { "icon" }, height = 128, mipmap_count = 2, priority = "medium", width = 128 }, preset = { filename = "__core__/graphics/icons/mip/preset.png", flags = { "gui-icon" }, mipmap_count = 2, priority = "extra-high-no-scale", scale = 0.5, size = 32 }, pump_cannot_connect_icon = { filename = "__core__/graphics/empty.png", flags = { "icon" }, height = 1, priority = "extra-high-no-scale", width = 1 }, questionmark = { 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"__core__/graphics/icons/mip/reset-white.png", flags = { "gui-icon" }, mipmap_count = 2, priority = "extra-high-no-scale", scale = 0.5, size = 32 }, resource_editor_icon = { filename = "__core__/graphics/icons/category/resource-editor.png", flags = { "gui-icon" }, height = 128, mipmap_count = 2, priority = "medium", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, right_arrow = { filename = "__core__/graphics/right-arrow.png", flags = { "icon" }, height = 64, priority = "high", width = 64 }, robot_slot = { filename = "__core__/graphics/icons/mip/slot-robot-white.png", flags = { "gui-icon" }, height = 64, mipmap_count = 3, priority = "medium", scale = 0.5, width = 64 }, scripting_editor_icon = { filename = "__core__/graphics/icons/category/scripting-editor.png", flags = { "gui-icon" }, height = 128, mipmap_count = 2, priority = "medium", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, search_black = { filename = "__core__/graphics/icons/search-black.png", flags = { "gui-icon" }, priority = "extra-high-no-scale", scale = 0.5, size = 32 }, search_icon = { filename = "__core__/graphics/icons/mip/search.png", flags = { "gui-icon" }, height = 32, mipmap_count = 2, priority = "medium", scale = 0.5, width = 32 }, search_white = { filename = "__core__/graphics/icons/search-white.png", flags = { "gui-icon" }, priority = "extra-high-no-scale", scale = 0.5, size = 32 }, select_icon_black = { filename = "__core__/graphics/icons/mip/select-icon-black.png", flags = { "gui-icon" }, mipmap_count = 2, scale = 0.5, size = 40 }, select_icon_white = { filename = "__core__/graphics/icons/mip/select-icon-white.png", flags = { "gui-icon" }, mipmap_count = 2, scale = 0.5, size = 40 }, set_bar_slot = { filename = "__core__/graphics/set-bar-slot.png", flags = { "icon" }, height = 64, priority = "medium", scale = 0.5, width = 64 }, shield_bar_pip = { filename = "__core__/graphics/health-bar-pips.png", height = 7, priority = "extra-high-no-scale", width = 7, x = 35 }, shoot_cursor_green = { filename = "__core__/graphics/shoot-cursor-green.png", flags = { "icon" }, height = 183, priority = "low", width = 258 }, shoot_cursor_red = { filename = "__core__/graphics/shoot-cursor-red.png", flags = { "icon" }, height = 183, priority = "low", width = 258 }, short_indication_line = { filename = "__core__/graphics/arrows/short-indication-line.png", flags = { "icon" }, height = 64, priority = "extra-high-no-scale", scale = 0.5, width = 64 }, short_indication_line_green = { filename = "__core__/graphics/arrows/short-indication-line-green.png", height = 12, priority = "extra-high-no-scale", scale = 0.5, width = 64 }, show_electric_network_in_map_view = { filename = "__core__/graphics/icons/mip/side-map-menu-buttons.png", flags = { "gui-icon" }, mipmap_count = 2, priority = "high", size = 64, x = 0, y = 64 }, show_electric_network_in_map_view_black = { filename = "__core__/graphics/icons/mip/side-map-menu-buttons.png", flags = { "gui-icon" }, mipmap_count = 2, priority = "high", size = 64, x = 96, y = 64 }, show_logistics_network_in_map_view = { filename = "__core__/graphics/icons/mip/side-map-menu-buttons.png", flags = { "gui-icon" }, mipmap_count = 2, priority = "high", size = 64, x = 0, y = 0 }, show_logistics_network_in_map_view_black = { filename = "__core__/graphics/icons/mip/side-map-menu-buttons.png", flags = { "gui-icon" }, mipmap_count = 2, priority = "high", size = 64, x = 96, y = 0 }, show_player_names_in_map_view = { filename = "__core__/graphics/icons/mip/side-map-menu-buttons.png", flags = { "gui-icon" }, mipmap_count = 2, priority = "high", size = 64, x = 0, y = 320 }, show_player_names_in_map_view_black = { filename = "__core__/graphics/icons/mip/side-map-menu-buttons.png", flags = { "gui-icon" }, mipmap_count = 2, priority = "high", size = 64, x = 96, y = 320 }, show_pollution_in_map_view = { filename = "__core__/graphics/icons/mip/side-map-menu-buttons.png", flags = { "gui-icon" }, mipmap_count = 2, priority = "high", size = 64, x = 0, y = 192 }, 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flags = { "icon" }, height = 80, priority = "extra-high-no-scale", width = 80 }, slot_icon_ammo = { filename = "__core__/graphics/icons/mip/slot-ammo-white.png", flags = { "icon" }, height = 64, mipmap_count = 3, priority = "medium", scale = 0.5, width = 64 }, slot_icon_ammo_black = { filename = "__core__/graphics/icons/mip/slot-ammo-black.png", flags = { "icon" }, height = 64, mipmap_count = 3, priority = "medium", scale = 0.5, width = 64 }, slot_icon_armor = { filename = "__core__/graphics/icons/mip/slot-armor-white.png", flags = { "icon" }, height = 64, mipmap_count = 3, priority = "medium", scale = 0.5, width = 64 }, slot_icon_armor_black = { filename = "__core__/graphics/icons/mip/slot-armor-black.png", flags = { "icon" }, height = 64, mipmap_count = 3, priority = "medium", scale = 0.5, width = 64 }, slot_icon_fuel = { filename = "__core__/graphics/icons/mip/slot-fuel-white.png", flags = { "gui-icon" }, height = 64, mipmap_count = 3, priority = "medium", scale = 0.5, width = 64 }, 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= "__core__/graphics/icons/mip/slot-module-white.png", flags = { "gui-icon" }, height = 64, mipmap_count = 3, priority = "medium", scale = 0.5, width = 64 }, slot_icon_module_black = { filename = "__core__/graphics/icons/mip/slot-module-black.png", flags = { "gui-icon" }, height = 64, mipmap_count = 3, priority = "medium", scale = 0.5, width = 64 }, slot_icon_resource = { filename = "__core__/graphics/slot-icon-resource.png", flags = { "icon" }, height = 32, priority = "medium", width = 32 }, slot_icon_resource_black = { filename = "__core__/graphics/slot-icon-resource-black.png", flags = { "icon" }, height = 32, priority = "medium", width = 32 }, slot_icon_result = { filename = "__core__/graphics/slot-icon-result.png", flags = { "icon" }, height = 32, priority = "medium", width = 32 }, slot_icon_result_black = { filename = "__core__/graphics/slot-icon-result-black.png", flags = { "icon" }, height = 32, priority = "medium", width = 32 }, slot_icon_robot = { filename = "__core__/graphics/icons/mip/slot-robot-white.png", flags = { "gui-icon" }, height = 64, mipmap_count = 3, priority = "medium", scale = 0.5, width = 64 }, slot_icon_robot_black = { filename = "__core__/graphics/icons/mip/slot-robot-black.png", flags = { "gui-icon" }, height = 64, mipmap_count = 3, priority = "medium", scale = 0.5, width = 64 }, slot_icon_robot_material = { filename = "__core__/graphics/icons/mip/slot-robot-material-white.png", flags = { "gui-icon" }, height = 64, mipmap_count = 3, priority = "medium", scale = 0.5, width = 64 }, slot_icon_robot_material_black = { filename = "__core__/graphics/icons/mip/slot-robot-material-black.png", flags = { "gui-icon" }, height = 64, mipmap_count = 3, priority = "medium", scale = 0.5, width = 64 }, small_gui_arrow = { filename = "__core__/graphics/arrows/gui-arrow-small.png", flags = { "icon" }, height = 55, priority = "medium", width = 42 }, spawn_flag = { filename = "__core__/graphics/spawn-flag.png", flags = { "icon" }, height = 64, priority = "medium", width = 64 }, speed_down = { filename = "__core__/graphics/icons/mip/speed-down.png", flags = { "gui-icon" }, height = 32, mipmap_count = 2, priority = "medium", scale = 0.5, width = 32 }, speed_up = { filename = "__core__/graphics/icons/mip/speed-up.png", flags = { "gui-icon" }, height = 32, mipmap_count = 2, priority = "medium", scale = 0.5, width = 32 }, spray_icon = { filename = "__core__/graphics/icons/mip/spray-icon.png", flags = { "gui-icon" }, height = 64, mipmap_count = 3, priority = "medium", scale = 0.5, width = 64 }, stack_inserter_capacity_bonus_modifier_constant = { filename = "__core__/graphics/icons/technology/effect-constant/effect-constant-capacity.png", flags = { "gui-icon" }, generate_sdf = true, height = 64, mipmap_count = 2, priority = "extra-high-no-scale", width = 64 }, stack_inserter_capacity_bonus_modifier_icon = { filename = "__core__/graphics/icons/technology/effect/stack-inserter.png", flags = { "icon" }, generate_sdf = true, height = 64, mipmap_count = 2, priority = "extra-high-no-scale", width = 64 }, station_name = { filename = "__core__/graphics/icons/mip/station-name.png", flags = { "gui-icon" }, mipmap_count = 2, priority = "extra-high-no-scale", scale = 0.5, size = 32 }, status_not_working = { filename = "__core__/graphics/status.png", flags = { "gui-icon" }, scale = 0.5, size = { 32, 32 }, x = 32 }, status_working = { filename = "__core__/graphics/status.png", flags = { "gui-icon" }, scale = 0.5, size = { 32, 32 } }, status_yellow = { filename = "__core__/graphics/status.png", flags = { "gui-icon" }, scale = 0.5, size = { 32, 32 }, x = 64 }, stop = { filename = "__core__/graphics/icons/mip/stop.png", flags = { "gui-icon" }, height = 32, mipmap_count = 2, priority = "medium", scale = 0.5, width = 32 }, surface_editor_icon = { filename = "__core__/graphics/icons/category/surface-editor.png", flags = { "gui-icon" }, height = 128, mipmap_count = 2, priority = "medium", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, sync_mods = { filename = "__core__/graphics/icons/mip/sync-mods.png", flags = { "gui-icon" }, mipmap_count = 2, priority = "extra-high-no-scale", scale = 0.5, size = 32 }, technology_black = { filename = "__core__/graphics/icons/mip/technology-black.png", flags = { "gui-icon" }, mipmap_count = 2, scale = 0.5, size = 64 }, technology_white = { filename = "__core__/graphics/icons/mip/technology-white.png", flags = { "gui-icon" }, mipmap_count = 2, scale = 0.5, size = 64 }, tick_custom = { filename = "__core__/graphics/icons/mip/editor-tick-custom-icon.png", flags = { "gui-icon" }, height = 32, mipmap_count = 2, priority = "medium", scale = 0.5, width = 32 }, tick_once = { filename = "__core__/graphics/icons/mip/editor-tick-once-icon.png", flags = { "gui-icon" }, height = 32, mipmap_count = 2, priority = "medium", scale = 0.5, width = 32 }, tick_sixty = { filename = "__core__/graphics/icons/mip/editor-tick-sixty-icon.png", flags = { "gui-icon" }, height = 32, mipmap_count = 2, priority = "medium", scale = 0.5, width = 32 }, tile_editor_icon = { filename = "__core__/graphics/icons/category/tiles-editor.png", flags = { "gui-icon" }, height = 128, mipmap_count = 2, priority = "medium", scale = 0.5, width = 128 }, tile_ghost_cursor = { filename = "__core__/graphics/icons/mip/cursor-ghost-tile.png", flags = { "gui-icon" }, mipmap_count = 2, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, size = 64 }, time_editor_icon = { filename = "__core__/graphics/time-editor-icon.png", flags = { "icon" }, height = 32, priority = "medium", width = 32 }, too_far = { filename = "__core__/graphics/too-far.png", flags = { "icon" }, height = 32, priority = "extra-high-no-scale", width = 32 }, too_far_from_roboport_icon = { filename = "__core__/graphics/icons/alerts/too-far-from-roboport-icon.png", flags = { "icon" }, height = 64, priority = "extra-high-no-scale", width = 64 }, track_button = { filename = "__core__/graphics/track-button.png", height = 16, priority = "high", width = 16 }, 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= 32, priority = "extra-high-no-scale", width = 32 }, train_stop_placement_indicator = { filename = "__core__/graphics/rail-placement-indicators.png", flags = { "icon" }, height = 64, priority = "extra-high-no-scale", scale = 0.5, width = 64, x = 64 }, trash = { filename = "__core__/graphics/icons/mip/trash.png", flags = { "gui-icon" }, mipmap_count = 2, priority = "extra-high-no-scale", scale = 0.5, size = 32 }, trash_white = { filename = "__core__/graphics/icons/mip/trash-white.png", flags = { "gui-icon" }, mipmap_count = 2, priority = "extra-high-no-scale", scale = 0.5, size = 32 }, turret_attack_modifier_constant = { filename = "__core__/graphics/icons/technology/effect-constant/effect-constant-damage.png", flags = { "gui-icon" }, generate_sdf = true, height = 64, mipmap_count = 2, priority = "extra-high-no-scale", width = 64 }, turret_attack_modifier_icon = { filename = "__core__/graphics/bonus-icon.png", flags = { "icon" }, generate_sdf = true, height = 32, priority = 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"__core__/sound/deconstruct-bricks.bnvib", gain = 0.32000000000000002 }, variations = { { filename = "__base__/sound/deconstruct-bricks.ogg", volume = 0.8 } } }, name = "stone-wall", open_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].accumulator.accumulator.open_sound ]=], pictures = { corner_left_down = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/wall/wall-corner-left.png", height = 68, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/wall/hr-wall-corner-left.png", height = 134, line_length = 2, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, 0.21875 }, variation_count = 2, width = 64 }, line_length = 2, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0, 0.1875 }, variation_count = 2, width = 32 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/wall/wall-corner-left-shadow.png", height = 60, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/wall/hr-wall-corner-left-shadow.png", height = 120, priority = "extra-high", repeat_count = 2, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.28125, 0.875 }, width = 102 }, priority = "extra-high", repeat_count = 2, shift = { 0.25, 0.875 }, width = 54 } } }, corner_right_down = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/wall/wall-corner-right.png", height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/wall/hr-wall-corner-right.png", height = 128, line_length = 2, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, 0.21875 }, variation_count = 2, width = 64 }, line_length = 2, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0, 0.1875 }, variation_count = 2, width = 32 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/wall/wall-corner-right-shadow.png", height = 60, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/wall/hr-wall-corner-right-shadow.png", height = 120, priority = "extra-high", repeat_count = 2, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.53125, 0.875 }, width = 124 }, priority = "extra-high", repeat_count = 2, shift = { 0.4375, 0.875 }, width = 62 } } }, ending_left = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/wall/wall-ending-left.png", height = 48, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/wall/hr-wall-ending-left.png", height = 92, line_length = 2, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.09375 }, variation_count = 2, width = 64 }, line_length = 2, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0, -0.125 }, variation_count = 2, width = 32 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/wall/wall-ending-left-shadow.png", height = 36, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/wall/hr-wall-ending-left-shadow.png", height = 68, priority = "extra-high", repeat_count = 2, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.28125, 0.46875 }, width = 102 }, priority = "extra-high", repeat_count = 2, shift = { 0.25, 0.4375 }, width = 54 } } }, ending_right = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/wall/wall-ending-right.png", height = 48, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/wall/hr-wall-ending-right.png", height = 92, line_length = 2, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.09375 }, variation_count = 2, width = 64 }, line_length = 2, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0, -0.125 }, variation_count = 2, width = 32 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/wall/wall-ending-right-shadow.png", height = 36, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/wall/hr-wall-ending-right-shadow.png", height = 68, priority = "extra-high", repeat_count = 2, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.53125, 0.46875 }, width = 124 }, priority = "extra-high", repeat_count = 2, shift = { 0.4375, 0.4375 }, width = 62 } } }, filling = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/wall/wall-filling.png", height = 30, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/wall/hr-wall-filling.png", height = 56, line_length = 8, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.03125 }, variation_count = 8, width = 48 }, line_length = 8, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0, -0.0625 }, variation_count = 8, width = 24 }, gate_connection_patch = { sheets = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/wall/wall-gate.png", height = 56, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/wall/hr-wall-gate.png", height = 108, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.21875 }, width = 82 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0, -0.25 }, width = 42 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/wall/wall-gate-shadow.png", height = 40, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/wall/hr-wall-gate-shadow.png", height = 78, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.4375, 0.5625 }, width = 130 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.4375, 0.5625 }, width = 66 } } }, single = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/wall/wall-single.png", height = 46, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/wall/hr-wall-single.png", height = 86, line_length = 2, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.15625 }, variation_count = 2, width = 64 }, line_length = 2, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0, -0.1875 }, variation_count = 2, width = 32 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/wall/wall-single-shadow.png", height = 32, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/wall/hr-wall-single-shadow.png", height = 60, priority = "extra-high", repeat_count = 2, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.3125, 0.53125 }, width = 98 }, priority = "extra-high", repeat_count = 2, shift = { 0.3125, 0.5 }, width = 50 } } }, straight_horizontal = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/wall/wall-horizontal.png", height = 50, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/wall/hr-wall-horizontal.png", height = 92, line_length = 6, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.0625 }, variation_count = 6, width = 64 }, line_length = 6, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0, -0.125 }, variation_count = 6, width = 32 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/wall/wall-horizontal-shadow.png", height = 36, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/wall/hr-wall-horizontal-shadow.png", height = 68, priority = "extra-high", repeat_count = 6, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.4375, 0.46875 }, width = 124 }, priority = "extra-high", repeat_count = 6, shift = { 0.4375, 0.4375 }, width = 62 } } }, straight_vertical = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/wall/wall-vertical.png", height = 68, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/wall/hr-wall-vertical.png", height = 134, line_length = 5, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, 0.25 }, variation_count = 5, width = 64 }, line_length = 5, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0, 0.25 }, variation_count = 5, width = 32 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/wall/wall-vertical-shadow.png", height = 58, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/wall/hr-wall-vertical-shadow.png", height = 110, priority = "extra-high", repeat_count = 5, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.3125, 0.90625 }, width = 98 }, priority = "extra-high", repeat_count = 5, shift = { 0.3125, 0.875 }, width = 50 } } }, t_up = { layers = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/wall/wall-t.png", height = 68, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/wall/hr-wall-t.png", height = 134, line_length = 4, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, 0.21875 }, variation_count = 4, width = 64 }, line_length = 4, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0, 0.1875 }, variation_count = 4, width = 32 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/wall/wall-t-shadow.png", height = 60, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/wall/hr-wall-t-shadow.png", height = 120, priority = "extra-high", repeat_count = 4, scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.4375, 0.875 }, width = 124 }, priority = "extra-high", repeat_count = 4, shift = { 0.4375, 0.875 }, width = 62 } } }, water_connection_patch = { sheets = { { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/wall/wall-patch.png", height = 64, hr_version = { filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/wall/hr-wall-patch.png", height = 128, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0, -0.0625 }, width = 116 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0, -0.0625 }, width = 58 }, { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/wall/wall-patch-shadow.png", height = 52, hr_version = { draw_as_shadow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/wall/hr-wall-patch-shadow.png", height = 100, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { 0.28125, 0.46875 }, width = 144 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { 0.25, 0.4375 }, width = 74 } } } }, repair_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].furnace["stone-furnace"].repair_sound ]=], repair_speed_modifier = 2, resistances = { { decrease = 3, percent = 20, type = "physical" }, { decrease = 45, percent = 60, type = "impact" }, { decrease = 10, percent = 30, type = "explosion" }, { percent = 100, type = "fire" }, { percent = 80, type = "acid" }, { percent = 70, type = "laser" } }, selection_box = { { -0.5, -0.5 }, { 0.5, 0.5 } }, type = "wall", vehicle_impact_sound = 0 --[=[ ref [""].cliff.cliff.vehicle_impact_sound ]=], visual_merge_group = 0, wall_diode_green = { sheet = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/wall/wall-diode-green.png", height = 24, hr_version = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/wall/hr-wall-diode-green.png", height = 44, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03125, -0.71875 }, width = 72 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { -0.0625, -0.75 }, width = 38 } }, wall_diode_green_light_bottom = { color = { g = 1 }, intensity = 0.2, minimum_darkness = 0.3, shift = { 0, -0.53125 }, size = 1 }, wall_diode_green_light_left = { color = { g = 1 }, intensity = 0.2, minimum_darkness = 0.3, shift = { -0.375, -0.71875 }, size = 1 }, wall_diode_green_light_right = { color = { g = 1 }, intensity = 0.2, minimum_darkness = 0.3, shift = { 0.375, -0.71875 }, size = 1 }, wall_diode_green_light_top = { color = { g = 1 }, intensity = 0.2, minimum_darkness = 0.3, shift = { 0, -0.9375 }, size = 1 }, wall_diode_red = { sheet = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/wall/wall-diode-red.png", height = 24, hr_version = { draw_as_glow = true, filename = "__base__/graphics/entity/wall/hr-wall-diode-red.png", height = 44, priority = "extra-high", scale = 0.5, shift = { -0.03125, -0.71875 }, width = 72 }, priority = "extra-high", shift = { -0.0625, -0.75 }, width = 38 } }, wall_diode_red_light_bottom = { color = { r = 1 }, intensity = 0.2, minimum_darkness = 0.3, shift = { 0, -0.53125 }, size = 1 }, wall_diode_red_light_left = { color = { r = 1 }, intensity = 0.2, minimum_darkness = 0.3, shift = { -0.375, -0.71875 }, size = 1 }, wall_diode_red_light_right = { color = { r = 1 }, intensity = 0.2, minimum_darkness = 0.3, shift = { 0.375, -0.71875 }, size = 1 }, wall_diode_red_light_top = { color = { r = 1 }, intensity = 0.2, minimum_darkness = 0.3, shift = { 0, -0.9375 }, size = 1 } } }, ["wind-sound"] = { ["wind-1"] = { name = "wind-1", sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/wind/wind.ogg", volume = 0.8 }, type = "wind-sound" } } } --[[incomplete output with shared/self-references skipped]]